Ei dian otsikkoa
Ei dian otsikkoa
Social and Behavioural Aspects of Housing and Market Response – a case of suburbs or housing estates Mari Vaattovaara Professor of Urban Geography Helsinki, Finland Contents Role and importance of the suburbs – a major issue in terms of urban future or sustainability Historical context How to approach Social and Behavioural Aspects of Housing and Market Response - A case from the edge of the Helsinki metropolitan area The challenge Role and importance of suburbs – a major issue in terms of urban future or urban sustainability 1/3 of the apartment buildings locate in the suburbs 1/5 of the population lives in suburbs The process of urbanisation was late in Finland 350 Total 2,6 million apartments 1 000 300 250 200 150 100 50 -1920 1921-1939 1940-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 Erilliset pientalot Detached houses Asuinkerrostalot Block of flats 2000- Rivi- ja ketjutalot Attached houses Lähde:Tilastokeskus Source: Statistics Finland; Hannu Rossilahti/ Ara However, there has been a rapid economic restructuring through industrialisation and urbanisation towards the new economy … as almost any index would show “Finland in particular appears to be well-positioned to compete in the Creative Age with a high level of overall creative competitiveness and rapid growth in its creative capabilities” (Florida and Tinagli, 2004) Employment in the new economy Vaattovaara & al. 2009 ACRE Employment in creative Housing Market and knowledge intensive industries (%) Amsterdam 26 tight market Barcelona 22 tight market Birmingham 25 tight market ACRE – Acommodating Dublin 21 tight market creative knowledge Helsinki 30 tight market FP 6 research led by Sako Milan 31 tight market Musterd - Amsterdam Munich 29 tight market Toulouse 22 tight market ”…whereas cities such as Stockholm, Helsinki and Stuttgart have growing populations, and are known for high skills and goog access…” Parkinson, 2005 A case from the edge of fast growing metropolis– how to approach Social and Behavioural Aspects of Housing and Market Response ? Traditional – and as such - more and more advanced way is to start from the technical details and possibilities (Jyri Nieminen VTT) Heating VTT Jyri Nieminen Air-conditioning Exteriors Doors and windows etc… Or from architectural or urban planning premises Potential of the renewal /TKK dept. of architecture Suunnitelma ja visualisointi: TKK Arkkitehtuurin laitos, Puurakentaminen 2009. Helsinki University of Technology, Dept. of architecture/ VTT Urban planning pespective radan ylittävä kalteva viherkansi (alla pysäköintiä) radan ylittävät siltamaiset talot porttitalo radan ylittävä kalteva viherkansi (alla pysäköintiä) Uudet talot It might, however result in a unexpected situation In our case we stated by trying to understand the historical context – why were they built Peltosaari was born as part of the industrialisation of Finland All the future predictions and best calculations expected the industrialisation and construction to continue Peltosaari was built according to these predictions – best available knowledge Planning and building represents the style, standard and efficiency of the time . Over half of the population was predicted to work in the traditional industries during 1990’s Now the suburb is a part of knowldge intensive, pocket sized metropolitan region And the success or failiour depends on the municipality’s and suburbs ability to attract highly educated middle class Municipality of Riihimäki has not succeeded too well according to any index that we used As part of this national restructuring process – several suburbs have lost their position Male employment rate 2007 Miesten työllisyysaste, % PKS Helsinki Espoo Vantaa Kaun. Ikävakioitu 85,7 - 94,7 83,4 - 85,6 79,4 - 83,3 75,0 - 79,3 63,0 - 74,9 81,8 79,4 85,7 83,4 87,1 Vantaa Vantaa Espoo Espoo Helsinki Helsinki © Helsingin kaupunki, Kaupunkimittausosasto 056/2008 Opiskelijat mukana työllisissä. Ikävakioitu, vakioväestönä vuoden 2007 miehet Peltosaari is in its own category Housing market position in the Helsinki metropolitan area Peltosaari Havukoski Asukasluku (31.12.2006) 2292 5439 0-17-vuotiaat 16,9 16,2 18–64-vuotiaat 69,9 71,1 65-vuotiaat ja sitä vanhemmat 13,3 12,7 lapsiperheiden osuus asuntokunnista pienituloisten kuluttajatalouksien (- 25 999€/v) suhteellinen osuus kaikista kuluttajatalouksista 17,4 18,8 67 48,4 pienituloisten (-13 999€/v)osuus kuluttajista 53,1 33,6 vain perusasteen suorittaneet yli 18-vuotiaista 44,8 39,5 9 7,3 22,5 17,2 27 12,1 omistusasuntojen osuus asuntokannasta 30,7 50,9 vuokra-asuntojen osuus asuntokannasta 64,3 46,2 opiskelijat (v. 2004) eläkeläiset (v. 2004) työttömät (v. 2004) Spatial differences are huge A survey was sent to all of the residents feelings of insecurity were high (25%) Fear of violence was on its own level (10% / 24%) Interviews of the local actors and residents Even if many of the local acticivists were highly committed to the site and were defending it, by stating how nice it is to live there The survey revieled that the willingness to move among the residents is high Especially high among the knowledge workers with high education 10 % out of all residents 55 % out of residents with academic degree Thus Central challenge is to overcome the rethoric regeneration “Part of the literature concerning regeneration comes dangerously close to painting a romantic picture of large public housing estates as products of working class political action” (Alan Murie 2009) The aim should be to develop an area that would (i) support the strategy of the municipality (positioning in the metroarea) (ii) fulfill the requirements of modern construction (ecology, architecture) (iii) take care of the current residents How? By at least including aside to the technical and architectural thinking the historic context, position in the region (housing market), socio-economic situation and the social life of the neighborhood. Which requires Different approaches, questions, methods
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