smart living
smart living
SMART LIVING SUURPELTO NEW INNOVATIONS IN EVERYDAY LIFE Suurpelto is being built on the principle of sustainable development to form an architectonically sound entity where nature is valued. New innovations play a central role. Construction will apply different building alternatives and research. The first regional automated waste collection system in Finland has been Suurpelto Garden City has a implemented in Suurpelto. unique location in the middle of Street lighting uses white light, which Espoo. is beneficial in terms of energy use and Everything essential is already comfort. available. In the future, shops, NATURE AND CITY UNITE culture and leisure services will also be readily available. Suurpelto Association encourages residents to take an active role and to strengthen the communal feeling of the residential area. The area will continue to be built, Conceptual rendering of Suurpelto town-plan area V. Town-plan area IV on the cover. TENGBOM ERIKSSON ARCHITECTS LTD and added to, until 2020. At the heart of Suurpelto lies Lukutori Square –a market place dedicated to encounters and events together with the Info Pavilion. In its immediate vicinity is also the highly popular Angry Birds Park. One side of the Lillhemt Park hosts platforms dedicated to residents’ cultivation activities. GOOD EVERYDAY SERVICES A small local-food shop will open in Suurpelto in winter 2013. A centre for commercial and other ser- vices will rise in the vicinity of Lukutori Square in the most central place of the growing Suurpelto, forming the heart and meeting place of the area. The new, modern shopping centre will bring ex- tensive local services for the residents of Nature is nearby. Of the 325 hectares of the growing area. planned as parks and for recreational good parking facilities to be used by The 880-hectare Espoo Central Park Commercial services will further improve residents’ doorstep. the introduction of more future shops. the area, approx. 90 hectares have been The shopping centre will also feature purposes. shoppers and residents of the same block. with its illuminated paths is just on in the second phase of the centre with HOUSING Right from the start, housing has been planned to form a harmonious entity. The goal is to offer everybody a home that best suits their current situation in life. Besides the traditional owner- occupied flats, high-quality rented flats and right-of-occupancy flats will be constructed in the area. Sustainable development has been observed in many ways in the construction. In the area, low-energy and passive solutions can be found. Some of the housing companies use PUBLIC TRANSPORT The public transport connections of Suurpelto are improving as the construction work progresses. The goal is to enable the easy transport of people without having to use cars. Bus number 16 transports Suurpelto residents to Tapiola and 107 connects Kamppi and Suurpelto every 15 minutes at the busiest times of day. New bus lines will start operating through Suurpelto when the Ring II intersec- geothermal energy and the area is tion opens in summer 2013. When the work. Some of the housing companies connections to the metro stations will Parking facilities of blocks of flats are sharing service. connected to the district heating net- West metro is completed in 2015, bus also use solar panels to generate energy. be established. The area has also a car mainly located underground so that courtyards can be used for the residents’ DAY CARE CENTRES E-lobbies are provided in the blocks of The Maakirja municipal day care cen- products difficult to transport can be tween 10 months and 5 years of age. recreational purposes. flats where daily consumer goods and delivered. Optical fibre cable enables fast online activities in every home. combine high-quality architecture and sustainable construction principles. The day care centre will have 102 places for children between 1 and 6 years of age. In the future, the Learning Hill Campus will also provide day care services in different languages. LEARNING HILL CAMPUS Learning Hill is an international Finnish campus where learners and experts of all ages meet. The campus hosts the Espoo International School, Adult Education Centre, diverse sports facilities and different events and culture. Learning Hill offers the joy of learning and leisure time activities nearly every day of the year. tre offers 33 places for children beThe day care centre is located at Klariksentie 2. The Suurpelto day care centre under construction will VISION Housing and New, innovative construction service concepts follow facilitate sustainable everyday life development Family-orientation Life-long learning is fun shows in housing Internationality and services is ordinary CONTACT INFORMATION CITY OF ESPOO VVO-yhtymä Oyj Asuntosäätiö Suurpelto Development Project Mannerheimintie 168a Tuulikuja 2 Postal address: P.O. Box 40 Peab Oy Tel. +358 205 083 300 Tel. +358 9 816 21 Sentnerikuja 5 00440 Helsinki Tel. +358 207 606 200 TA-Yhtymä Oy Sinikalliontie 14 02630 Espoo Tel. +358 (9) 549 1911 [email protected] Asokodit Leankatu 3 00240 Helsinki Tel. +358 201 612 280 [email protected] 00300 Helsinki 00301 Helsinki [email protected] 02100 Espoo Tel. +358 9 809 3210 [email protected] SRV Rakennus Oy NCC-yhtiöt 02600 Espoo Mannerheimintie 103 00280 Helsinki Tel. +358 10 507 51 [email protected] Tarvonsalmenkatu 15 Tel. +358 201 455 390 [email protected] sato oyj Mikonkatu 7 00100 Helsinki Tel. +358 201 344 344 [email protected] Suurpelto marketing ltd Info Pavilion Suurpellon puistokatu 18 02200 Espoo [email protected] albert team 8/2013
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