Swiss Cookies - Bergli Books


Swiss Cookies - Bergli Books
Bergli Books
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publishing books that focus
on life in Switzerland
We love diversity, digging into social and intercultural issues, history and
culture, and exploring ways to expand our viewpoints and experiences.
For over twenty years, the small team at Bergli has sought out the best
writers and themes to help international people understand and enjoy this
small country and the magnitude of Switzerland’s diversity. The talented
writers we support share their skills in discovering and observing Swiss attitudes and values that are meaningful to you.
You’ll discover here and on our website that many of the Bergli titles are
now also available as Ebooks.
Dianne Dicks and Monica Vischer Richter
e at
Visit us online at for more detailed information on our books,
authors, contents and reviews. You can order books directly from our website.
Contact us for information about bulk order reductions.
Our books are availalbe from many bookshops in Switzerland – we encourage you
to support your local bookshop!
catalogue design by Heidi Scherz
Going Local is an authoritative guide for parents
who wish to gain a better understanding of the Swiss
school system. It maps out all the stages of schooling from kindergarten to university in all 26 cantons,
providing key facts and useful terminology in German, French, and Italian.
Going Local unravels how children advance
through the school system and lists the different selection criteria around the country for the academic
path. It also clearly explains the range of options and
alternative paths that lead to tertiary education. It
highlights issues parents may need to address in order to help their children reach their full educational
potential. Tips are given to help parents manage
their relationship with the school, drawing on the
expertise of professionals and the experiences and insights of other
parents, both from Switzerland and abroad.
Price: ca. CHF 29.90
ISBN: 978-3-905252-25-5
Format: Softcover, 320 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
At what age should you move your child to a Swiss public school? What kind of integration
programmes and extra language lessons are usually available? What about homework and extra
tuition? What is HarmoS all about? You’ll find answers to all these questions and a lot more.
Every English-speaking parent here should read this book. There is so
much useful information and invaluable advice in it that you cannot find
anywhere else. It gave me a much better sense of the wide range of educational
opportunities available to my children.
– Rebecca N.
n E
as a
y zerland
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as a
n Eb
A fascinating compilation of the quirky and curious from bestselling author Diccon Bewes.
Fact lovers will enjoy this treasure-trove of serious and not-so-serious facts and figures about
Switzerland – a collection of lists that will amuse and enlighten you with things you never dreamed
you’d enjoy knowing. You can learn how to play Hornussen, be able to sing along to the Swiss
National Anthem and understand what the Geneva Conventions stand for.
You’ll discover the special significance of number eleven in Solothurn, why a clock in Lucerne
always chimes one minute before the others or where to find all the UNESCO Heritage sites in
Switzerland. This lovely book is charmingly illustrated by Mischa Kammermann.
also by Diccon Bewes
Swiss Watching
inside the land of milk and money
Price: CHF 25.00
ISBN: 978-1-85788-587-3
Format: Soft cover, 324 pages
Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Price: CHF 19.90
ISBN: 978-3-905252-24-8
Format: about 240 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Beyond Chocolate
understanding Swiss culture
b y M a rga re t O e r t i g - D av i d s o n
i l l u st ra t i o n s b y Pa u l B i l to n
Immerse yourself in the cultural attitudes of
Switzerland’s fascinating, multifaceted society.
Let yourself be guided, enlightened and intriged
by these valuable observations to undersand your
Swiss neighbours, friends and international business
If this book could be a person, it would
be every newcomer‘s best friend. It would
be someone special to steer you gently, but
firmly through the intricacies of life in this
lovely and complicated country, a guide who
does not seek to judge or criticise, and allows
you to gain an insight into the Swiss and their
– Hilary Frazer, Basel
Also n Ebook
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-21-7
Format: Soft cover, 280 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Schokolade ist nicht alles
Ein Leitfaden zur Schweizer Kultur
vo n M a rga re t O e r t i g - D av i d s o n
Ü b e r s e t z u n g v o n A n g e l i k a Ro s e H ü l l
Die deutsche Ausgabe des Bestsellers Beyond Chocolate
erläutert die Schweizer Lebensart für Neuankömmlinge und
alle, die sich bereits als Insider fühlen. Dieses Buch hilft, sich
gegenseitig besser zu verstehen. Auch Schweizer, die internationale
Beziehungen pflegen, erhalten wertvolle Tipps.
Adaptierte, deutschsprachige Ausgabe.
s Eb
Auch ltlich
Price: CHF 38.00
ISBN: 978-3-905252-10-1
Format: Soft cover, 264 Seiten
Publisher: Bergli Books
S zäm
Baseldütsch survival guide
Fröit mi dii kenne z leere.
Wotsch öppis go dringge?
Kasch das bitte nomoll wiiderhoole?
Weeles Drämmli goot zum Barfi?
Du bisch schampaar nätt.
Uff wiiderhööre.
For Swiss German speakers, language is much more than
a way of communication – it is an integral part of their
national, regional and even personal identity.
If you live in the region of Basel, you‘ll find in Sali
zämme all the handy phrases you need for small talk,
eating out, making telephone calls, getting and giving
help and other day-to-day language needs. It is full of
encouragement for you to understand the expressions
you need to make the most of living in Basel.
Now, you too can enjoy communicating in Baseldütsch. With Sali zämme, it‘s not just easy but downright fun. You‘ll be able to express yourself, shop and meet people – all in Baseldütsch. This new book in
the popular Hoi series helps newcomers get to grips with day-to-day communication in Swiss German.
Chock-full of cartoons and illustrations it makes the perfect gift for every newcomer.
Baseldütsch translation by Walter Loeliger
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-26-2
Format: Hardcover, 176 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
n Eb
as a
your Swiss German survival guide
b y S e rg i o J . L i e va n o & N i c o l e E g g e r
You can enjoy speaking Swiss German. Hoi makes learning to shop, meet
people and express your feelings and opinions in Swiss German easy and fun
with 200 cartoons and illustrations. It includes over 2000 words and phrases,
derived mainly from the dialect spoken in the Zürich region. Hoi is your
essential survival guide to living in and enjoying your stay in Switzerland.
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-13-2
Format: Soft cover, 168 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
as an
Hoi Zäme
Schweizerdeutsch leicht gemacht
b y S e rg i o J . L i e va n o & N i c o l e E g g e r
Geniessen Sie die Besonderheiten des Schweizerdeutschen. Hoi Zäme
macht mit seinen über 200 witzigen und frabenfrohen Cartoons das Erlernen
der Sprache zu einem vergnüglichen Erlebnis. Die vielen nützlichen Redewendungen lassen Sie bald das Sozialleben geniessen und alltägliche Situationen
Adaptierte, deutschsprachige Ausgabe
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-22-4
Format: Soft cover, 176 Seiten
Publisher: Bergli Books
as an
Hoi! Et après...
manuel de survie en suisse allemand
b y S e rg i o J . L i e va n o & N i c o l e E g g e r
Vous êtes francophone parachuté en Suisse allemande? Ce véritable
manuel de survie vous fera découvrir les particularités du suisse allemand
d‘une manière simple et ludique. Il est basé sur le dialecte parlé dans la
région de Zurich, compris dans toute la Suisse allemande. Vous y trouverez
tous les éléments indispensibles pour communiquer avec les suisses
Edition adaptée en français par Laurent Droz
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-16-3
Format: Soft cover, 176 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
as an
Cheese – slices of Swiss culture
by Sue Style
p h o t o g ra p h s b y N i ko s K a p e l i s
A tasty reading experience for all cheese lovers.
Join Sue Style on her quest through Switzerland to meet some of the country‘s prizewinning and most talented artisan cheese makers. You‘ll discover ancient cheese trails,
visit lively cheese markets and learn to create the finest cheese dishes with twenty new,
delicious recipes from Sue Style, one of Europe‘s most respected food writers.
Including hundreds of photographs
by Nikos Kapelis and historical
documents and works of art from
the Roth Foundation in Burgdorf, this
Edelweiss textile-bound book makes
a perfect gift for all your friends and
associates who love fine food.
Price: CHF 49.90
ISBN: 978-3-905252-20-0
Format: Hardback, 256 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
A Taste of Switzerland
by Sue Style
p h o t o g ra p h s b y J o h n M i l l e r
Swiss food, folklore, traditions and many recipes
give you a tempting taste of the richness of this
country’s diverse gastronomic cultures.
Sue Style, the award-winning international food
writer, takes you to daires, vineyards, butchers and
bakers as well a to some of the great restuarants and
The book includes the finest recipes from all
regions including: Züri-Gschnätzlets (diced veal with
cream and mushrooms), Zibelewaie (onion tart), Risotto Ticinese
Carnevale, Züpfe (plaited bread), Fondue, Rösti, Birchermüesli,
Älpler Magrone, Bündner Gerstensuppe, and, of course, chocolate
Price: CHF 48.50
ISBN: 978-3-9520002-7-4
Format: Hardback, 160 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Swiss Cookies
biscuits for Christmas and all year round
by Andrew Rushton and Katalin Fekete
with recipes and photographs from Betty Bossi
Discover the delicious secrets of the most famous and traditional
Swiss cookies and baked goods and surprise your family and friends
with your homemade treats. Make your own Mailänderli, Zimtsterne,
Brunsli, Spitzbuben, Birnbrot, Grittibänz, Sablés, Torta di Pane and
many more popular Swiss cookies.
Swiss Cookies includes background information, photographs, a guide
to ingredients and their translations, measurement conversions, tips
for storing and gift-wrapping ideas.
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-17-0
Format: Soft cover, 112 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Swiss History in a Nutshell
tex t b y G ré g o i re N a p p e y
cartoons by Mix & Remix
Whether you‘ve just arrived in Switzerland or lived here
many years, knowing about Swiss history helps you feel at
home. An easy read, Swiss History in a Nutshell gives you
an insight into:
• Switzerland‘s surprising past as a leading military
power in Europe
• how Swiss democracy matured through several revolutions
• the origins of Swiss cultural differences and how
they were overcome to create a stable federal
• how Switzerland‘s direct democracy, consensus
politics and legendary good industrial relations
were achieved.
Cartoons (naughty and nice) by Mix & Remix illustrate this kaleidoscope of key events that have
created Switzerland as it is today.
Als n Eboo
Price: CHF 19.90
ISBN: 978-3-905252-19-4
Format: Soft cover, 96 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Swiss Political Institutions
tex t b y V i n c e n t G o l ay
cartoons by Mix & Remix
Swiss Political Institutions gives a brief, yet thorough and accessible panorama
of Switzerland‘s political institutions. You‘ll learn the basics of its constitution,
political rights, democracy, federalism, separation of powers and the role of the
government. These easy-to-grasp concepts are enhanced by the insightful and
often witty illustrations of Mix & Remix.
Price: CHF 14.00
ISBN: 978-2-606-01295-3
Format: Soft cover, 96 pages
Publisher: Editions LEP, Lausanne
Ticking Along with Swiss Kids
b y D i a n n e D i c ks & Ka ta l i n Fe ke te
i l l u s t ra t i o n s b y M a r c L o c a t e l l i
p h o t o g ra p h s b y E m a n u e l A m m o n /A U R A
Have fun learning all you need to enjoy making
friends and feeling at home in Switzerland. Families and
children from ages six to twelve can explore together
what Switzerland is all about; its languages, food,
festivities, customs and fun places to visit.
Parents can help their children learn what to expect
in the neighbourhood and at school, what kids read,
sing, play and how they get along, some dos and don‘ts,
and what they can discover as a family on adventures
throughout the country.
Includes hundreds of illustrations and photographs,
songs and their musical scores, a play, maps, lists of
places to visit and a fun language game.
Als n Eboo
Swiss Me
b y Ro g e r B o n n e r
i l l u s t ra t i o n s b y E d i B a r t h
Price: CHF 34.00
ISBN: 978-3-905252-15-6
Format: Hardback, 128 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Als n Eboo
Ever tried socializing at the bottle bank? Or finding the Röstigraben? Want
to improve your Swiss German in 30 minutes? Ever run into Mr. Tell looking
for his son? Need to check if you are becoming too Swiss?
These playful stories by Swiss humorist Roger Bonner will give new perspectives and pleasures to your life with the Swiss.
Price: CHF 24.90
ISBN: 978-3-905252-11-8
Format: Harcback,120 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Lifting the Mask
your guide to Basel Fasnacht
by Peter Habicht
i l l u s t ra t i o n s b y F r e d y P ra c k
Whether you‘re a first-time visitor or a life-long enthusiast,
here‘s all you need to know (and more) about Schnitzelbängg and
Schyssdräggziigli and all the other fascinating aspects of Basel‘s
famous carnival. It‘s the next best thing to spending these three
special days in Basel and will delight all Fasnacht fans.
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-04-0
Format: Hardbound, 120 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
It is written by Peter Habicht, author of Basel – a center at the
fringe. He is a historian and one of Basel’s most beloved tour guides
of the city.
Als n Eboo
Pfyffe Ruesse Schränze
eine Einführung in die Basler Fasnacht
vo n Pe te r H a b i c h t
i l l u s t ra t i o n e n v o n F r e d y P ra c k
Ob erstmaliger Besucher oder begeisterter Stammgast – hier finden
Sie alles, was Sie über die Basler Fasnacht wissen müssen. Ein kompakter
und doch umfassender Führer, der Ihnen dieses einzigartige Voksfest auf
unterhaltsame Art näher bringt und nicht zuletzt selbst Fasnächtlern eine
Fülle an Informationen bietet.
Inhalt: Das Besondere der Basler Fasnacht, Baseldytsch, Morgestraich,
Geschichte, Spielregeln für Zuschauer, Essen und Trinken (mit Rezepten),
Ladäärne-Uusstellig, Gugge, Schyssdräggziigli, Gässle.
Als n Eboo
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-09-5
Format: Gebunden, 128 Seiten
Publisher: Bergli Books
At Home
a selection of stories
by Franz Hohler
Franz Hohler is one of Switzerland‘s most popular and
respected writers and performers and has received several
of the most significant literary prizes in German-speaking
Europe. This selection of endearing tales delights readers
of all ages.
Social criticism lingers with the profound. This is
storytelling at its best – with wit, compassion and integrity.
Among the thirty-seven of his most famous stories are:
The End of the World (Der Weltuntergang)
The Cross-Country Skier (Der Langläufer)
In Another Country (In einem anderen Land)
The Deception (Der Betrug)
The Recapture (Der Rückeroberung)
The Mailbox (Der Briefkasten)
Conditions for Taking Nourishment (Bedingungen
für die Nahrungsaufnahme)
Also available
as an
Climbing the Riffelberg
b y M a r k Twa i n
Mark Twain visited Switzerland for the first time in the year 1878. His
journey took him from Lucerne into the Valais. As he relates in his diary,
he found mountaineer adventures passionately interesting and wrote this
humorous account of his climbing of the Riffelberg.
In English and German with a pull-out Matterhorn panorama.
Price: CHF 23.50
ISBN: 978-3-905480-02-3
Format: Hardbound, 75 pages
Publisher: Dorfpresse
Price: CHF 29.80
ISBN: 978-3-905252-18-7
Format: Soft cover, 176 pages
Publisher: Bergli Books
Culture Smart! Switzerland
a quick guide to customs & etiquette
by Kendall Maycock
This guide to business culture and society will help you turn your visit
– whether on business or for pleasure – into a memorable and enriching
experience. From a short, historical overview, information about the
government and foreign policy, to Swiss attitudes and values and negociating
styles, it will help you feel confident in unfamiliar situations and develop
trust, friendships and successful business relationships.
Ticking Along Too
e d i te d b y D i a n n e D i c ks
Here‘s an entertaining
collection of 50 personal
experiences written by
authors of nine nationalities and various professions. It includes teachers‘
tips for intercultural
workshops and English
Price: CHF 27.80
ISBN: 978-3-9520002-1-2
Inside Outlandish
b y S u s a n Tu tt l e
illustrated by ANNA
A collection of 25
amusing and thoughtprovoking essays that
take you to the heart
of feeling at home in
new places as a mother,
friend and member of a
new community.
Price: CHF 24.90
ISBN: 978-3-9520002-8-1
Price: CHF 19.00
ISBN: 978-3-905252-12-5
Ticking Along Free
e d i te d b y D i a n n e D i c ks
More ‘Ticking Along...‘
stories from residents of
various nationalities who
enjoy figuring out how
Swiss German or the
laundry room key work.
Includes also stories
from Swiss writers: Franz
Hohler, Hugo Loetscher,
minu, Gisela Widmer
Price: CHF 29.80
and others.
ISBN: 978-3-905252-02-6
Cupid’s Wild Arrows
e d i te d b y D i a n n e D i c ks
Intercultural romance and
its consequences
Personal experiences
by 55 authors of many
different nationalities
who write about living
with two worlds in one
partnership. Inspiring
gift for newlyweds of any
Price: CHF 14.90
ISBN: 978-3-9520002-2-9
Take this order form to your favourite bookstore or mail or fax it to:
Bergli Books, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 61 373 27 77, Fax: +41 61 373 27 78, Email: [email protected]
You can also place your order online via our secure server at
Order for: (Prices incl. VAT, excl. postage & packaging)
At Home
CHF 29.80
Beyond Chocolate –
understanding Swiss culture
Pfyffe ruesse schränze – Eine Einführung in die Basler Fasnacht
Sali zämme – your Baseldütsch
survival guide
CHF 29.80
CHF 38.00
Cheese – slices of Swiss culture
CHF 49.90
Schokolade ist nicht alles – Ein
Leitfaden zur Schweizer Kultur
CHF 19.90
Climbing the Riffelberg
CHF 23.50
Swiss Cookies
CHF 29.80
Culture Smart! Switzerland
CHF 19.00
Swiss History in a Nutshell
CHF 19.90
Swiss Political Institutions
CHF 14.00
Swiss Me
CHF 24.90
Swiss Watching
CHF 21.90
Taste of Switzerland
CHF 48.50
Ticking Along Free
CHF 29.80
Ticking Along Too
CHF 27.80
Ticking Along with Swiss Kids
CHF 34.00
Cupid’s Wild Arrows
CHF 14.90
Going Local
CHF 29.80
Hoi – your Swiss German
survival guide
CHF 29.80
Hoi Zäme – Schweizerdeutsch
leicht gemacht
CHF 29.80
Hoi! Et après… Manuel de survie
en suisse allemand
CHF 29.80
Inside Outlandish
CHF 24.90
Lifting the Mask – your guide to
Basel Fasnacht
CHF 29.80
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Feel at home
publishing books about life
in Switzerland, available
at Swiss bookshops or
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Bergli Books
Falknerstrasse 13
CH-4001 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 373 27 77
Fax.: +41 61 373 27 78
Email: [email protected]