working in SwitzerlAnd Equivalence of diplomas and training in the building sector In order to be able to carry out certain professions in the building sector, you will be required by the Swiss authorities to have a recognised diploma from a Swiss training establishment or a foreign equivalent. There is a difference between regimented and non-regimented professions. Should your chosen profession be regimented, you will require an equivalence of your foreign diploma or vocational qualification. Please note: A foreign diploma or foreign permit has to have been delivered or recognised by the state in the country of origin for a Swiss equivalence of your foreign vocational qualification to be possible. You can find more information on the equivalence of foreign diplomas here: www.sbfi.admin.ch Should anything be unclear or if employees have any questions during a temporary working arrangement, they can generally count on the support of the private employment agency. • Fixed-term or permanent work contracts in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations (or public law) – working hours as set out in the individual working contract or with the collective agreement. • Accident insurance covered by employer. • Income tax at source: deducted directly from salary by the employer. The tax rate is between 8–10% and varies from canton to canton. • At least four weeks paid leave per year. • Salaries in line with the region and sector in accordance with the collective agreement. Information on minimum wages in the main construction industry: www.baumeister.ch/gesamtarbeitsvertraege/loehne/ Working conditions in the building sector Further information Please note: A special collective agreement is used in the case of fixed-term contracts made through employment agencies. Fixed-term working relationships end automatically without notice periods. How to submit the right kind of application: www.treffpunkt-arbeit.ch/dateien/Broschuere/ wie_bewerbe_ich_mich_richtig_de.pdf. Should a fixed-term working relationship continue past the agreed end-date, it becomes a permanent working relationship and entails other duties and rights for employer and employee. Facts and figures about Switzerland • Job description • Beginning and ending of working relationship • Salary • Working hours and free time • Sickness, compensatory pay and social insurance • Vacation • General and formal provisions Government: Federal parliamentary republic, 26 cantons Surface area: 41,285 km2 Distances: 220 km from north to south, 350 km from east to west Population: 8 million (22% of foreign origin) Official languages: German, French, Italian and Romansch + the building Sector + Where can I find a job? Construction companies in Switzerland offer a variety of interesting open positions for motivated, competent and qualified employees. A job in Switzerland gives you the opportunity to work in a professional environment, gain new experiences and broaden your expert knowledge. Specialist employees from a whole host of different nations work in the Swiss building sector. The construction season generally lasts from March/April until November. Important addresses Basle economic area Zurich economic area Berne and surrounding area Eastern Switzerland Central Switzerland Graubünden Waadt Ticino Valais Admission to the labour market – permits For most EU/EFTA countries there is absolute freedom of movement. Check www.bfm.admin.ch for any possible admission restrictions for access to the Swiss labour market. Restrictions for Bulgaria and Romania until 31 May 2016. Priority occupations in the building sector More than 80 000 people are employed in the Swiss building sector. There are bottlenecks primarily for management employees but also for qualified specialists. Foremen Machine operators Plasterers Masons Sanitary fitters Joiners Road builders Overseers Electricians Painters Tilers Hull-makers Carpenters How can I find a job? Most available jobs in the building sector appear on the Internet via private employment agencies. Internet Addresses: • Public employment services: www.job-room.ch • Swiss Builders‘ Association: www.baumeister.ch • Swiss Association of private employment agencies: www.swissstaffing.ch • Directory of private recruitment agencies: www.avg-seco.admin.ch/WebVerzeichnis/ServletWebVerzeichnis General requirements • Identity card. •C urriculum vitae (including passport photo) written in the same language as the job advertisment and letter of motivition. • Good language skills in German for the German-speaking part of Switzerland. • Good language skills in French for the French-speaking part of Switzerland. • Vocational qualifications in the building sector and work experience. • References from former employers (where available). • Driver‘s licence. nomic Affairs (SECO ) State Secretariat for Eco RES Direktion für Arbeit/EU 36 eg nw Holzikofe 3003 Bern/Schweiz [email protected] ww w.eures.ch h ww w.tref fpunk t-arbeit.c 25 25 3 46 58 (0) 1 +4 e Hotlin gration SEM State Secretariat for Mi EURES Quellenweg 6 itzerland 3003 Berne-Wabern/Sw h euresinfo @sem.admin.c h n.c mi .ad em ww w.s 2142979 01.2015 General information
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either awarded or accredited by your country of origin to enable recognition by Swiss authorities.
Further information can be found by visiting
www.sbfi.admin.ch > Recognition of foreign qualificat...