The ZFOURGE Survey
The ZFOURGE Survey
Highlights from ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium Michael Cowley, 22nd May 2015 ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey What: ~50 nights on Magellan/ FourStar near-IR camera 5 medium-band filters Ks broadband Primary goal: Accurate photo-z of ~30,000 galaxies at z > 1 Galaxy formation and evolution at z > 1 3 legacy fields: COSMOS, GOODS-S, UDS 11x11 arcmin^2 each CANDELS Fields GOODS-S COSMOS UDS ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey Medium Band Filters 5-sigma: J1 J2 J3 to 26 AB, Hl Hs to 25 AB, Ks to 25 AB 1-2% redshift uncertainties, σ/(z+1), at 1.5 < z < 3.5 AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 NEWFIRM 1.2” K 12 hours NMBS Four-Star 0.4” K 30 minutes ZFOURGE ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey Old Galaxy Model ZFOURGE Filters AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Traditional Filters Animation: A.Tomczak ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey Rebecca Allen Casey Papovich Michael Cowley Eric Persson Ben Forrest Ryan Quadri Karl Glazebrook Glen Rees Glenn Kacprzak Lee Spitler Nancy Kawinwanichakij Caroline Straatman Ivo Labbé (PI) Vithal Tilvi Nicola Mehrtens Adam Tomczak Andy Monson Kim-Vy Tran Themiya Nanayakkara Pieter van Dokkum A substantial population of massive quiescent galaxies at z~4 from ZFOURGE Straatman et al. 2014 AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Restframe U-V colour [AB mag] UVJ Diagram - a HR diagram for galaxies Quiescent Dusty Star-Forming Unobscured Star-Forming Restframe V-J colour [AB mag] AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Straatman et al. 2014 Massive Quiescent Galaxies at z = 4 AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Sizes of Massive (∼0.8 × 1011M⊙) z=4 galaxies Size Star-Forming Quiescent Redshift AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Count Straatman et al. in prep Exploring the z=3-4 massive galaxy population with ZFOURGE: the prevalence of dusty and quiescent galaxies Spitler et al. 2014 AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 A mass-limited census at z=3-4 Unobscured Star-Forming Dusty Star-Forming flux (ergs s 1 cm 2 Å 1 ) Quiescent 1 10 1 10 wavelength (micron) AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 1 10 Spitler et al. 2014 A mass-limited sample at z=3-4 log stellar mass Traditional Limit Total R-band AB magnitude Total K-band AB magnitude Traditional Galaxy Selection ZFOURGE Galaxy Selection AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Spitler et al. 2014 Restframe U-V colour [AB mag] UVJ Diagram: Galaxy Classification Quiescent Unobscured Star-Forming Dusty Star-Forming Restframe V-J colour [AB mag] AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Spitler et al. 2014 A mass-limited census at z=3-4 Unobscured Star-Forming Dusty Star-Forming flux (ergs s 1 cm 2 Å 1 ) Quiescent Diverse population 45% are quiescent 40% are dusty star-forming 15% resemble luminous blue starforming Lyman breaks 1 10 1 10 wavelength (micron) AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 1 10 Spitler et al. 2014 ZFOURGE Catalogue of AGN Candidates: A Comparison of StarFormation Activity in Active and Non-active Galaxies Cowley et al. in prep AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 UVJ colours of AGN hosts Restframe U-V colour [AB mag] Restframe U-V [Mag] Infrared AGN Infrared AGN X-ray AGN X-ray AGN Radio AGN Radio AGN 0.2 < z < 0.8 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Restframe V-J [Mag] 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Restframe V-J [Mag] 2.0 Restframe V-J colour [AB mag] 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Restframe V-J [Mag] 2.0 INFRARED AGN: Dusty, young, late-type galaxies RADIO AGN: Old, early-type galaxies X-RAY AGN: Straddle between the two AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Cowley et al. in prep Infrared AGN X-ray AGN Radio AGN Younger Galaxies Middle-Aged Galaxies Old Galaxies AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 SF activity of AGN hosts Control sample of mass-matched, non-active galaxies Star-formation activity (sSFR) INFRARED AGN: Star-forming RADIO AGN: Quenched X-RAY AGN: Straddle the two Star-Forming z = 0.2 - 0.8 Quiescent Infrared AGN X-ray AGN Radio AGN SFRs derived from FIR (Spitzer+Herschel) AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Cowley et al. in prep Star-formation Activity in AGN Hosts All AGN hosts exhibit an elevated level of starformation activity when compared to a control sample of mass-matched non-active galaxies -1 log (sSFR/yr ) Star-formation activity (sSFR) −8 AGN Hosts Control Sample 0.2<z<0.8 0.8<z<1.8 1.8<z<3.2 AGN HOSTS −9 −10 −11 9.5 SF R SF = SF = NON-ACTIVE 1M yr GALAXIES 1M y r -1 R R 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 log (M*/M ) Stellar Mass 1M y r -1 -1 10.0 10.5 11.0 log (M*Mass /M ) Stellar = 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 log (M*/M ) Stellar Mass 11.5 SFRs derived from FIR (Spitzer+Herschel) AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Cowley et al. in prep The SFR−M∗ Relation and Star-Formation Rate Empirical Star-Formation Histories from ZFOURGE Tomczak et al. in prep ZFOURGE + Spitzer + Herschel 0 z= .1 lim a S et 7 00 2 l. a Stellar Mass AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 SFRs are roughly proportional to stellar mass at low masses, but this trend flattens at higher masses at z<1 Tomczak et al. in prep DEC (degrees) The Differential Size Growth of Field and Cluster Galaxies at z = 2.1 in ZFOURGE Allen et al. in press Projected density map RA (degrees) AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Investigate the differences in star-forming and quiescent galaxy properties as a function of environment SF cluster galaxies 12% larger and 20% redder than SF field galaxies Little difference between quiescent cluster and field galaxies Allen et al. in press Radio SFR / (IR+UV SFR) Radio galaxies in ZFOURGE/ NMBS: no difference between radio-AGN and non-radio-AGN hosts to z=2.25 Rees et al. submitted Radio AGN Radio SFG Redshift AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Investigate the host galaxy properties of a highluminosity (L1.4 > 1024 W Hz-1) sample of radio-loud AGN to z = 2.25 The stellar populations of radio-AGN are found to evolve with redshift in a manner that is consistent with the non-AGN masssimilar galaxy population Rees et al. submitted ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey Lots of interesting results, more to come in 2015 ! - Sizes : quiescent galaxies at z~4 (Straatman, submitted) Star formation histories since z~3 (Tomczak, in prep) Radio Galaxies (Rees, submitted) Multi-wavelength AGN (Cowley, in prep) Enviro of cluster and field galaxies at z~2 (Allen, in press) Satellite galaxies at 1<z<3 (Kawinwanichakij, in prep) Composite SEDs for 1<z<3 (Forrest, in prep) ZFOURGE survey paper (Straatman, in prep) AAO Gemini, Magellan, and Keck Science Symposium, 22nd May 2015 Thanks Magellan! …and other observatories Hubble Spitzer Magellan VLA Chandra ZFOURGE FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey Herschel