Descendants of Sam Oscar Heiman


Descendants of Sam Oscar Heiman
Descendants of Sam Oscar Heiman
Generation 1
Notes for Mottel:
Mottel was known as Myrtle. When Solomon brought her to America she lived with him and Sima
and their children. She did not want to go to her daughters.
Sam Oscar Heiman and Mottel had the following children:
CHIA HEIMAN. She married MAX SCHAUFELD. He was born on 26 Jul 1883. He died
in Jun 1965 in New York.
ESTHER ROCHEL HEIMAN was born in Brody, Austria. She died in Atlanta, GA. She
SOLOMON HEIMAN was born in 1863 in Austria. He died in 1926 in New Orleans, LA.
He married SIMA VOLFORWICH. She was born in 1866 in Russia. She died on 09 Aug
1956 in New Orleans, LA.
PERL HEIMAN was born in 1868 in Brody, Austria. She died on 09 Aug 1938 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married ISAAC HYMAN . He was born on 10 Aug 1866 in
Pinsk, Russia. He died on 19 May 1937 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Generation 2
He married CLARA .
Notes for Abraham Heiman:
Abraham was Perl Hyman's brother.
Abraham Heiman and Clara had the following children:
ZENA HEIMAN was born on 15 Sep. She died on 07 Jun 1977 in Birmingham, AL.
She married Mayer Heiman, son of Solomon Heiman and Sima Volforwich in Aug
1919. He was born on 14 Nov 1892. He died on 18 Apr 1932.
CHIA2 HEIMAN (Sam Oscar1). She married MAX SCHAUFELD . He was born on 26 Jul 1883. He died
in Jun 1965 in New York.
Notes for Chia Heiman:
Chia, (Clara) married Max Schaufeld and lived in Brooklyn. She was Perl Hyman's sister. Clara
brought Morris Hyman on the boat to this country.
Max Schaufeld and Chia Heiman had the following child:
ESTHER ROCHEL2 HEIMAN (Sam Oscar1) was born in Brody, Austria. She died in Atlanta, GA. She
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Descendants of Sam Oscar Heiman
Generation 2 (con't)
Notes for Esther Rochel Heiman:
Ruckle (Rose) had flaming red hair. All of her children were brunettes. I thought her daughter
Myrtle Wish told me in 1998 that her mother was born in Brody, Galicia. 2003.....Myrtle said she
did not know where her mother was born. Ruckle and Shopsi are buried in Atlanta.
Notes for Shopsi Teles:
Shopsi was a Shoykit------ he killed chickens for a living. Frieda Hyman remembered how he
would come out with a white apron on and say he was dressed to kill. She said he was a very
smart man.
Shopsi Teles and Esther Rochel Heiman had the following children:
SAM3 TELLIS was born in New Orleans, LA. He married REBECCA.
LEON TELLIS was born on 05 May 1909 in New Orleans, LA. He married SYLVIA
GRISHMAN. She was born on 04 Apr 1906 in Russia. She died on 04 Aug 1987 in
New Orleans, LA.
HANNAH TELLIS was born in News Orleans, LA. She married HARRY ROBKIN.
Notes for Morris Tellis:
They lived in Michigan.
TILLIE TELES was born in 1911. She died on 15 Oct 2005 in Atlanta, GA. She
married ABE SIEGEL. He was born in 1914. He died on 21 Jul 2004 in Atlanta, GA.
MYRTLE TELLIS was born on 09 Nov 1915 in New Orleans, LA. She married JACK
SOPHIE TELLIS was born in New Orleans, LA. She married CHARLES MUNCH.
viii. HARRY TELLIS was born in New Orleans, LA. He married ETHEL PRIMA.
Notes for Harry Tellis:
Harry's nickname was Butsi.
SOLOMON2 HEIMAN (Sam Oscar1) was born in 1863 in Austria. He died in 1926 in New Orleans, LA.
He married SIMA VOLFORWICH . She was born in 1866 in Russia. She died on 09 Aug 1956 in New
Orleans, LA.
Notes for Solomon Heiman:
Solomon, or Zalmon, Perl's brother, sent the money for Issac and Dave to come to America. They
worked and sent money for Perl to come with Morris, Jake, Clara and Earl. Dora stayed behind to
study at the gymnasium. Morris had a cinder in his eye and had to stay behind for several months.
Zalmon gave Morris his first job when he got to America.
On Mayer Heiman's birth certificate, the name is spelled Hyman so I think they all changed their
name to Hyman when they came to America and then some of the family later changed the
spelling to Heiman. Guess we will never know for certain.
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Descendants of Sam Oscar Heiman
Generation 2 (con't)
1910 Census ....Name spelled Heyman
Solomon 45
Samuel 10
Notes for Sima Volforwich:
Sima was called Simmy.
In the 1910 Census, Simmy's name is Sarah.
Solomon Heiman and Sima Volforwich had the following children:
DAVE3 HEIMAN. He married SYLVIA GOLDBERG. She was born in Denver, CO.
ROSE HEIMAN. She married Gus Kahn on 07 Jun 1925 in New Orleans, LA.
SARAH HEIMAN. She married BORRIS BURK. He was born on 11 Mar 1901. He died
in Sep 1967.
HARRY HEIMAN was born on 24 Jan 1890. He died in Mar 1970 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He married Dora Hyman, daughter of Isaac Hyman and Perl Heiman in
1916 in Beaumont, Texas. She was born on 30 Mar 1890 in Odessa, Russia. She
died on 31 Jan 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
MAYER HEIMAN was born on 14 Nov 1892. He died on 18 Apr 1932. He married
Zena Heiman, daughter of Abraham Heiman and Clara in Aug 1919. She was born
on 15 Sep. She died on 07 Jun 1977 in Birmingham, AL.
Notes for Samuel Heiman:
The youngest brother, Samuel, was born with a bad heart. His fingers and toes
were blue. He died when he was nearly four years old.
PERL2 HEIMAN (Sam Oscar1) was born in 1868 in Brody, Austria. She died on 09 Aug 1938 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married ISAAC HYMAN . He was born on 10 Aug 1866 in Pinsk, Russia. He
died on 19 May 1937 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Perl Heiman:
Perl Hyman had brown eyes, dark hair and was short with small shoulders and big hips. She had
gone to Odessa because it was a large cultural city and she went to a Jewish Girl's school where
she could get a proper Jewish Education. She met Isaac while in Odessa. Perl spoke German. She
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Generation 2 (con't)
was very sociable but not a very good housekeeper. Was sick a lot. She died of stomach cancer.
Albert Hyman said Perl was born in Ganz, Austria.
2003.....Sol Hyman said Perl was very serious.
2003.......Albert Hyman told Ethel that in 1896 the Russian Japanese War took place and the
Japanese army beat the Russian Army. The President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt,
stepped in to negotiate peace and won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Tzar had to come to terms with
losing the war and put the cossacks out who blamed the Jews for all of the problems. Thus started
the Pogroms.
Jay & Dorothy,
Please see the attached record of the S. S. Cassel which transported your grandmother and her
children to Baltimore from Bremen, Germany in November 1906.
Millie & Norman
Millie - Here are the two images of the Baltimore Passenger lists (see file attachments). I think if
you forward these JPEG images to a Kinkos or some similar print shop, they can make you a
higher quality large print of each.
Hope this works!
Best wishes and Happy Passover,
Eric Goldstein
SS Cassel. Built in 1901 by Tecklenborg for Norddeutscher Lloyd. 7,543 tons; 428 feet long x 54
feet broad; 1 funnel, 2 masts; twin screw propulsion, service speed 13 knots. Interchangeable
between the various Norddeutscher Lloyd service routes, but mostly in the Bremen- Baltimore
service. 1919 handed over to France as war reparations, and renamed "Marechal Gallieni" [Noel
Reginald Pixell Bonsor, North Atlantic Seaway; An Illustrated History of the Passenger Services
Linking the Old World with the New (Prescott, Lancashire: T. Stephenson & Sons., 1955), p.
188]..[Posted to the Emigration-Ships Mailing List by Michael Palmer - 11 June 1997]
The "Cassel" was built for North German Lloyd in 1901 by J.C.Tecklenborg, Geestemunde. She
was a 7,543gross ton ship, length 428.9ft x beam 54.3ft, one funnel, two masts, twin screw and a
speed of 13 knots. There was accommodation for 140-2nd and 1,938-3rd class passengers.
Launched on 31/7/1901, she sailed from Bremen on her maiden voyage to New York on
26/10/1901. On 26/6/1902 she commenced her first Bremen - Baltimore voyage and on
17/11/1910 started her first Bremen - Philadelphia - Galveston voyage. She commenced the first of
3 voyages from Bremen to Capetown and Australia on 7/10/1911 and her first Bremen - Boston
voyage on 8/10/1913. On 14/5/1914 she started her first voyage from Bremen to New York,
Philadelphia and Galveston and in August of that year was laid up in Germany. In 1919 she went to
the French company, Messageries Maritimes and was renamed "Marechal Gallieni" and in 1926
was scrapped at La Seyne. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.2,p.565] [Posted to The
ShipsList by Ted Finch - 4 January 1998]
Perl's last name on the passenger list was spelled Switatsch. It was also spelled Switach. Daddy's
was Motie Switatz.
2014 I believe it was spelled Pearl on one of the certificates she had (Grandma Dora) hanging in a
frame in her bedroom. Plus, I have it spelled by her in my orange notebook. I just went looking for
that notebook and I can't find it. I have my mother's "stuff" all over the place. In it, whenever I
"DO" find it, I have it spelled out correctly because SHE was the one who spelled it out for me. I'll
let you know when I find it. Kerry
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Descendants of Sam Oscar Heiman
Generation 2 (con't)
Notes for Isaac Hyman:
Switatz or Switatsch or Switach (pronounced Sweetosh) was the original name. Perl's maiden
name was Heiman so they chose the same name with different spelling. According to the birth
certificate of Solomon's son, Mayer, the name was spelled Hyman and it was that part of the family
that changed the spelling. Isaac was of the Layvie Tribe.
2012..Email from Brenda Hyman Goldstein
I saw my dad tonight (he took me out for my birthday), and he said that Switosh or Switatz was
changed to Hyman when the oldest of the siblings (Dave?) fought in WWI, and was called "sweet
ass."Heiman was Pearl's maiden name.
Issac had light eyes and rosy cheeks. He was five feet and three and a half inches tall. He had a
scar on the back of his left hand. He was a strict disciplinarian. He was a handyman. In Russia he
was a cabinet maker and in America he was a peddler. He was a Hebrew scholar and tried to
teach the grandchildren Hebrew. Mary Newstadt would sit with him to learn Hebrew because
Albert and Eddie would hide from him. Morris called him The Govenor and retired him at age 50.
Issac had a way with the women and Perl was a little jealous. Perl and Issac kept kosher. He was
one of the founders of Beth Israel in New Orleans and was the Gabbi. Issac died from a stoke.
At one time Isaac had gone to Rabbinical School. He prayed three times a day. Prayer was more
important than earning a living. He was friendly with Chaim Nachman Bialek.
Issac had a brother who worked for Credit Le Oynnaise (a French Banking House). He taught
Dave Hyman to speak French.
Isaac came to America in 1905 and was naturalized 17 December 1914, Petition Volume 8,
Number1171. In 1914, Perl was 47, Morris was 20, Clara was 18,Earl was 13, Julius was 10 and
they resided at 1103 Carondelet St. in New Orleans.
2003....Sol Hyman said Isaac was a jolly person..
2003...Notes from Shirley Heiman Eason.....I loved my grandfather Isaac and thought that God
must look like him. When I was three years old I had an emergency appendectomy at Hotel Dieu
Hospital. I cried for my grandfather and didn't want him to leave me. He would take a streetcar to
our house to come teach us Hebrew. My mother would have cream cheese and rye bread for him.
Then we would come to his house on Brainard Street near Baronne and Jackson Ave. He would
peel big apples and cut them up for us with a little knife. He would fall asleep when we read, but as
soon as we made a mistake he would wake up. He would read the Torah in the synagogue and I
was proud of him. Once after we went home, my father told my mother, "Your father looks like he is
about to have a stroke". Sure enough, the next day he did and he soon died. Then I would
occasionally go to my grandmother's house to keep her company. She was good to me and would
give me a soft pink candy I have never tasted since. She had a rather slow death from stomach
Translation of Hebrew on Isaac's grave:
a dear and honorable and active man that was honest and faithful, loved the book of the "Tora"
and kept its ways.
rabbi Isaac bar Arye Levy Hayman
"both in life and death they shall not part"
1910 Census...The name was Heyman and Perl's name was spelled Pearl. Dora is not listed.
Isaac 42
Pearl 40
David 18
Morris 17
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Generation 2 (con't)
Clara 13
Earl 10
Julius 8
2013...Erica Howton found Isaac's Naturalization Papers from 1909 written in Isaac's handwriting.
He said he was born in Pinsk, Russia. Alll the cousins are excited to hear this and a lot of computer
comments have gone back and forth.
2013...Erica wrote...I've been asking around about this question. Brody (which is no more) was
clearly Galicia, southwest province of Poland. It was a city "owned" by fairly benevolent polish
nobles until it became part of the Austro Hungarian empire; I would think that's why Pearl was a
German speaker. Pinsk is in what is now Belarus - it was part of Lithuania, then Poland, then
Russian Empire. Odessa was Ukraine, multi cultural & multi ethnic, then Russian Empire, now
Ukraine again. It's a long way from Pinsk! But Odessa is not the classic "pale of settlement" the
way Pinsk is. I am totally wondering if isaac's unnamed brother who worked for Credit Lyonnaise is
somehow the reason for Isaac going to Odessa ...
Isaac emigrated to the US from Bremen Gernaby on or about the 15th of May, 1906 and arrived at
the port New York, New York May 27, 1906. The ship was the Trave.
2013 Geni...U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989
Name: Isaac Hyman
Residence Year: 1926
Street Address: 2227 Brainard
Residence Place: New Orleans, Louisiana
Occupation: Manager
Publication Title: New Orleans, Louisiana, City Directory, 1926
Source Information: U.S. City Directories, [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations,
Inc., 2011.
Original data: Original sources vary according to directory. The title of the specific directory being
viewed is listed at the top of the image viewer page. Check the directory title page image for full
title and publication information.
Isaac Hyman and Perl Heiman had the following children:
DORA3 HYMAN was born on 30 Mar 1890 in Odessa, Russia. She died on 31 Jan
1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married Harry Heiman, son of Solomon
Heiman and Sima Volforwich in 1916 in Beaumont, Texas. He was born on 24 Jan
1890. He died in Mar 1970 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
DAVID HYMAN was born on 16 Sep 1892. He died on 04 Aug 1972 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He married MARY NEWSTADT. She was born on 31 May 1902. She died
on 14 Jan 1982 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
MORRIS HYMAN was born on 21 Mar 1894 in Odessa, Russia. He died on 09 Jul
1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married Frieda Kamil, daughter of Abraham
Kamil and Anna Labowitz on 17 Apr 1932 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was born
on 30 May 1905 in St. Louis, Missouri. She died on 17 Sep 1998 in New Orleans,
CLARA HYMAN was born on 26 Dec 1897 in Odessa, Russia. She died in Nov 1985
in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married LOUIS GOTTESMAN. He was born on 28 Sep
1897. He died in Jul 1963 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
EARL HYMAN was born on 28 Mar 1901 in Odessa, Russia. He died on 16 Dec 1989
in California. He married Josephine Meyer date Unknown. She was born in 1909 in
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2 (con't)
New Orleans, LA. She died on 05 Mar 2009 in Houston, Texas.
JULIUS HYMAN was born on 30 Jun 1904 in Odessa, Russia. He died on 25 Oct
1985 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married BEA GERSON. She died in Feb 1995 in
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Generation 3
SONJA ESTHER3 HEIMAN (Abraham2, Sam Oscar1). She married LEO N.ELSON.
Notes for Leo N.Elson:
Leo was a physician.
Leo N.Elson and Sonja Esther Heiman had the following children:
EILEEN ELSON was born in 1922. She died on 01 Nov 2003 in Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Eileen Elson:
2006---Eileen was a doctor and lived in Atlanta, Georgia.
ANNETTE ELSON was born in 1924. She died on 17 Oct 2006 in Atlanta, GA. She
married MORTON HAROLD SROCHI. He died in Nov 2003 in Atlanta, GA.
SHIA ELSON was born on 24 Feb 1933 in New Orleans, LA. He married LYNN
ZENA3 HEIMAN (Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 15 Sep. She died on 07 Jun 1977 in
Birmingham, AL. She married Mayer Heiman, son of Solomon Heiman and Sima Volforwich in Aug
1919. He was born on 14 Nov 1892. He died on 18 Apr 1932.
Notes for Zena Heiman:
Zena was a most beautiful woman. She was short. Morris Hyman considered her very special.
Notes for Mayer Heiman:
Mayer and Zena were first cousins. Their father's, Zalmon and Abraham were Perl Hyman's
brothers. On Mayer's birth certificate his name is spelled Hyman. Mayer and Zena lived in New
Orleans and their children were born there.
Mayer Heiman and Zena Heiman had the following children:
FRIEDA MARCIA4 HEIMAN was born on 12 Sep 1920. She died on 15 Jun 2001 in
Birmingham, AL. She married Gerson Finklestein on 27 Oct 1940.
HANNAH MYRTLE HEIMAN was born on 19 Jul 1922. She married Nace Cohen on 27
Feb 1944. He was born on 28 Dec 1913. He died on 24 Dec 1988.
HAROLD ISADORE HEIMAN was born on 02 Mar 1924. He died on 26 Nov 2000 in St.
Francisville, LA. He married Clara Hyde on 01 Sep 1945. She was born on 12 Sep
HERTZLE BENJAMIN HEIMAN was born on 19 Apr 1926. He died in 2013. He married
Virginia McAfee on 21 Feb 1953. She was born on 19 Feb 1933.
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Descendants of Sam Oscar Heiman
Generation 3 (con't)
SALOME HEIMAN was born on 25 May 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died in
13 April 2011. She married Hyman Jacob Gardsbane on 12 Sep 1951 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 18 Feb 1924 in Shreveport, LA. He died on 19
Nov 2003 in Shreveport, LA.
SOPHIE3 SCHAUFELD (Chia2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman, Max). She married HENRY GOLD.
Notes for Sophie Schaufeld:
Sophie, or Sue, married Henry Gold and lives in California, near LA
Henry Gold and Sophie Schaufeld had the following child:
Notes for Gail Gold:
Gail lives in California.
SAM 3 TELLIS (Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in New Orleans, LA. He
married REBECCA.
Notes for Sam Tellis:
Sam is dead.
Sam Tellis and Rebecca had the following children:
Notes for Paula Tellis:
August 7, 2013....Email from Carole Goldstein...
Debbie sent me your updated family history. You have added a lot! It took me an
hour reading & I didn't get very far. No wonder you work on it a little at a time.
I think Paula Teles is the daughter of Sam and Rebecca. I notice that you spell it
both ways in your history. she was 1st cousin of Joey Wish who was also in our
class. Paula had an older brother named Henry who seemed much older than we
were. I can't remember Paula's married name but she was Director of the JCC
nursery school for many years. I saw her at Ruthie's funeral.
LEON3 TELLIS (Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 05 May 1909 in New
Orleans, LA. He married SYLVIA GRISHMAN . She was born on 04 Apr 1906 in Russia. She died on
04 Aug 1987 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Leon Tellis:
Leon is dead.
Leon Tellis and Sylvia Grishman had the following children:
HOPE4 TELLIS was born on 13 Sep 1935 in Atlanta, GA. She married IRWIN
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Generation 3 (con't)
SARAH TELLIS was born on 07 Jan 1938 in New Orleans, LA. She married RONALD
LUBRITZ. He was born in New Orleans, LA. She married JOE PASTERNACK.
MAYER JOSEPH TELLIS was born on 01 Jan 1942 in New Orleans, LA. He married
JEROME TELLIS was born in Nov 1944. He married ELIZABETH JOHNSON.
Notes for Jerome Tellis:
2003...Jerome and Elizabeth live in Alexandria, Virginia.
HANNAH 3 TELLIS (Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in News Orleans, LA.
She married HARRY ROBKIN.
Notes for Hannah Tellis:
Hannah lived in Atlanta but is now dead.
Harry Robkin and Hannah Tellis had the following child:
TILLIE3 TELES (Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in 1911. She died on 15
Oct 2005 in Atlanta, GA. She married ABE SIEGEL . He was born in 1914. He died on 21 Jul 2004 in
Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Tillie Teles:
2003...Tilly and Abe live in Atlanta, GA.
Tillie Siegel
Family-Placed Death Notice
Tillie Teles Siegel, age 94, of Atlanta, died October 15, 2005. Mrs. Siegel was a member of
Congregation Beth Jacob. She was preceded in death by her husband, Abe Siegel. She is survived
by her sons and daughters-in-law, Murray and Iris Siegel, Paul and Elaine Siegel and Harvey and
Vicki Siegel; daughter and son-in-law, Sally Siegel and Bob Cichon; sister, Myrtle Teles Wish,
Cleveland, OH; grandchildren, Staci, Elliot and Randi Siegel, Cary and Kristi Siegel, Longwood, FL,
Brian and Maria Siegel, Mark and Cara Siegel and Clay and Shelly Nelson; five great
grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Graveside services will be held today, October 16
at 3:00 PM at Crest Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the William
Breman Jewish Home or the charity of one's choice. Dressler's Jewish Funeral Care is in charge of
arrangements. 770-451-4999.
Published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on 10/16/2005.
Abe Siegel and Tillie Teles had the following children:
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Generation 3 (con't)
MYRTLE 3 TELLIS (Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 09 Nov 1915 in New
Orleans, LA. She married JACK WISH.
Notes for Myrtle Tellis:
2003....Moved from New Orleans to Cleveland, Ohio in 1991 to be with her daughter, Betty.
Jack Wish and Myrtle Tellis had the following children:
BETTY4 WISH was born on 27 Jun 1936 in New Orleans, LA. She married Meyer
Hoffer on 21 Jun 1959 in Cleveland, Ohio. He was born on 10 Oct 1931 in
Cleveland, Ohio.
MYRON WISH was born on 23 Mar 1940 in New Orleans, LA. He married NAOMI
BAILIN. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio.
MOLLIE 3 HEIMAN (Solomon2, Sam Oscar1). She married CHARLES LEPOW.
Charles Lepow and Mollie Heiman had the following children:
MORRIS4 LEPOW was born in 1924 in New Orleans, LA. He married ESTHER.
ROSALYN LEPOW was born in 1926 in New Orleans, LA. She died in 2014 in
California. She married DONALD LORD.
SOLOMON LEPOW was born on 27 Jan 1928 in New Orleans, LA. He died in Dec
2010 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married KATHLEEN. She was born on 15 Feb
NORMAN LEPOW was born on 01 Feb 1932 in New Orleans, LA. He married SOPHIA
GREENBERG. She was born on 29 Feb 1936 in Shreveport, LA.
MORRIS3 HEIMAN (Solomon2, Sam Oscar1). He married GOLDYE FELLMAN .
Notes for Morris Heiman:
Morris died young from influenza during the flu epidemic in 1918 in Bogolusa.
Morris Heiman and Goldye Fellman had the following child:
MYRTLE 4 HEIMAN. She died in Oct 2003 in Alexandria, LA. She married BOB
ROSE3 HEIMAN (Solomon2, Sam Oscar1). She married Gus Kahn on 07 Jun 1925 in New Orleans,
Gus Kahn and Rose Heiman had the following child:
SAUL4 KAHN. He married PATSY.
SARAH 3 HEIMAN (Solomon2, Sam Oscar1). She married BORRIS BURK. He was born on 11 Mar
1901. He died in Sep 1967.
Notes for Sarah Heiman:
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Generation 3 (con't)
Family Memoirs by Sarah Burk
Dedicated to all my children, nieces and nephews who were at the Heiman Family reunion March
10, 1984. (listed under Book Burk)
Notes for Borris Burk:
A very nice man and handsome.
Borris Burk and Sarah Heiman had the following children:
KOPEL4 BURK was born in New Orleans, LA. He married RENEE.
MAURICE BURK was born in 1931 in New Orleans, LA. He died on 10 Jun 2013. He
married JEANNINE. He married BETTY BREEN.
BERNARD BURK was born on 16 Apr 1937 in New Orleans, LA. He married BARBARA.
HARRY 3 HEIMAN (Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 24 Jan 1890. He died in Mar 1970 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. He married Dora Hyman, daughter of Isaac Hyman and Perl Heiman in 1916 in
Beaumont, Texas. She was born on 30 Mar 1890 in Odessa, Russia. She died on 31 Jan 1986 in
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Dora Hyman:
Dora and Harry were 1st cousins. She was raised by Grandfather Switosh and his second wife.
She loved the Grandmother and did not come to America until the Grandmother died. She
elected to stay behind to look after them. Dora went to the gymnasium in Odessa, Russia. She
came to America when she was 17. She attended Newcomb College when she came to New
Orleans. She was a very short but beautiful woman. She loved to tell me I was her namesake.
On Nov 3, 2014, at 7:04 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
This is from my Uncle Sol, your cousin Sol Heiman. Kerry
Kopel's address is: [email protected] I don't know if Grandma knew any English in Russia
but she always told me she was an excellent student and was attending "Gymnosia" (I don't know if
I spelled it right) before coming to the U.S. Gymnosia is equivalent to Junior> College. She was an
"A" student in Russia. She attended Newcomb but I don't know how long. She used to tell me the
story that one time she made a "B" on a test and the teacher yelled at her because she was
always making "A's."
Written by Dorothy Hyman Lobel 2014
I remember when I was in high school going to visit Aunt Dora in the hospital. She was in a coma
and all the doctors thought it best to let her die ans they said she would be a vegetable if they
operated. My dad (Morros Hyman) insisted that they operate and when they did they discovered
she had a blood clot on the brain. They dissolved it and she lived many more years. She
recuperated at her daughter Shirley's and shared a room with Kerry. Kerry adored her grandmother
and they were very close.
2014..Kerry Ermon...Oh, thank God. I just found my orange notebook. Years and years and years
of research and interviews went into that notebook. O.K. Grandma helped me with her side of the
family tree and spelled Pearl's name with the "a" and Switash although she would pronounce it like
it was Svitash. Her step-grandmother was Clata Switash and her grandfather, Aria Switash. She
said that her name was changed from Switash to Hyman when they came to America. Her
brother, Dave, changed the spelling from Heiman to Hyman but my grandfather's (Harry Heiman)
family went by the spelling Heiman. One of her certificates or I guess it was her marriage license
had her name as Dora Hyman Heiman. I remember that. I used to stare at all those certificates on
her wall...I was so intrigued. She was 18 when she came to America alone; her family came
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Generation 3 (con't)
before her. Oh, I am so glad I found this notebook. It means the world to me. Kerry
Harry Heiman and Dora Hyman had the following children:
JEANNETTE4 HEIMAN was born in 1918 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died in New
Orleans, LA. She married Steabman in New Orleans, Louisiana.
HELEN HEIMAN was born on 04 Jul 1921 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Abraham Jacob Brook in New Orleans, Louisiana.
SHIRLEY HEIMAN was born on 15 Mar 1926 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died on
13 Sep 2014 in New Orleans, LA. She married (1) BILL ERMON in New Orleans,
Louisiana. She married ANGUS EASON. He died in 1984 in New Orleans, LA. She
married (3) CECIL M. ADLER in 1946.
SOL HEIMAN was born on 14 Jun 1929 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married LOIS
MISHLOVE. She was born in Chicago, IL.
MEYER CHESTER HEIMAN was born on 13 Jan 1933 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He
died on 05 May 1943 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Meyer Chester Heiman:
Meyer died of kidney failure when he was 10 years old. There was no penicillin
then which would have save his life. He had degeneration of the kidney tubes.
MAYER 3 HEIMAN (Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 14 Nov 1892. He died on 18 Apr 1932. He
married Zena Heiman, daughter of Abraham Heiman and Clara in Aug 1919. She was born on 15
Sep. She died on 07 Jun 1977 in Birmingham, AL.
Notes for Mayer Heiman:
Mayer and Zena were first cousins. Their father's, Zalmon and Abraham were Perl Hyman's
brothers. On Mayer's birth certificate his name is spelled Hyman. Mayer and Zena lived in New
Orleans and their children were born there.
Notes for Zena Heiman:
Zena was a most beautiful woman. She was short. Morris Hyman considered her very special.
Mayer Heiman and Zena Heiman had the following children:
FRIEDA MARCIA4 HEIMAN was born on 12 Sep 1920. She died on 15 Jun 2001 in
Birmingham, AL. She married Gerson Finklestein on 27 Oct 1940.
HANNAH MYRTLE HEIMAN was born on 19 Jul 1922. She married Nace Cohen on 27
Feb 1944. He was born on 28 Dec 1913. He died on 24 Dec 1988.
HAROLD ISADORE HEIMAN was born on 02 Mar 1924. He died on 26 Nov 2000 in St.
Francisville, LA. He married Clara Hyde on 01 Sep 1945. She was born on 12 Sep
HERTZLE BENJAMIN HEIMAN was born on 19 Apr 1926. He died in 2013. He married
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Virginia McAfee on 21 Feb 1953. She was born on 19 Feb 1933.
SALOME HEIMAN was born on 25 May 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died in
13 April 2011. She married Hyman Jacob Gardsbane on 12 Sep 1951 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 18 Feb 1924 in Shreveport, LA. He died on 19
Nov 2003 in Shreveport, LA.
DORA3 HYMAN (Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 30 Mar 1890 in Odessa, Russia.
She died on 31 Jan 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married Harry Heiman, son of Solomon
Heiman and Sima Volforwich in 1916 in Beaumont, Texas. He was born on 24 Jan 1890. He died
in Mar 1970 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Dora Hyman:
Dora and Harry were 1st cousins. She was raised by Grandfather Switosh and his second wife.
She loved the Grandmother and did not come to America until the Grandmother died. She
elected to stay behind to look after them. Dora went to the gymnasium in Odessa, Russia. She
came to America when she was 17. She attended Newcomb College when she came to New
Orleans. She was a very short but beautiful woman. She loved to tell me I was her namesake.
On Nov 3, 2014, at 7:04 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
This is from my Uncle Sol, your cousin Sol Heiman. Kerry
Kopel's address is: [email protected] I don't know if Grandma knew any English in Russia
but she always told me she was an excellent student and was attending "Gymnosia" (I don't know if
I spelled it right) before coming to the U.S. Gymnosia is equivalent to Junior> College. She was an
"A" student in Russia. She attended Newcomb but I don't know how long. She used to tell me the
story that one time she made a "B" on a test and the teacher yelled at her because she was
always making "A's."
Written by Dorothy Hyman Lobel 2014
I remember when I was in high school going to visit Aunt Dora in the hospital. She was in a coma
and all the doctors thought it best to let her die ans they said she would be a vegetable if they
operated. My dad (Morros Hyman) insisted that they operate and when they did they discovered
she had a blood clot on the brain. They dissolved it and she lived many more years. She
recuperated at her daughter Shirley's and shared a room with Kerry. Kerry adored her grandmother
and they were very close.
2014..Kerry Ermon...Oh, thank God. I just found my orange notebook. Years and years and years
of research and interviews went into that notebook. O.K. Grandma helped me with her side of the
family tree and spelled Pearl's name with the "a" and Switash although she would pronounce it like
it was Svitash. Her step-grandmother was Clata Switash and her grandfather, Aria Switash. She
said that her name was changed from Switash to Hyman when they came to America. Her
brother, Dave, changed the spelling from Heiman to Hyman but my grandfather's (Harry Heiman)
family went by the spelling Heiman. One of her certificates or I guess it was her marriage license
had her name as Dora Hyman Heiman. I remember that. I used to stare at all those certificates on
her wall...I was so intrigued. She was 18 when she came to America alone; her family came
before her. Oh, I am so glad I found this notebook. It means the world to me. Kerry
Harry Heiman and Dora Hyman had the following children:
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HEIMAN was born in 1918 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died in New
Orleans, LA. She married Steabman in New Orleans, Louisiana.
HELEN HEIMAN was born on 04 Jul 1921 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Abraham Jacob Brook in New Orleans, Louisiana.
SHIRLEY HEIMAN was born on 15 Mar 1926 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died on
13 Sep 2014 in New Orleans, LA. She married (1) BILL ERMON in New Orleans,
Louisiana. She married ANGUS EASON. He died in 1984 in New Orleans, LA. She
married (3) CECIL M. ADLER in 1946.
SOL HEIMAN was born on 14 Jun 1929 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married LOIS
MISHLOVE. She was born in Chicago, IL.
MEYER CHESTER HEIMAN was born on 13 Jan 1933 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He
died on 05 May 1943 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Meyer Chester Heiman:
Meyer died of kidney failure when he was 10 years old. There was no penicillin
then which would have save his life. He had degeneration of the kidney tubes.
DAVID 3 HYMAN (Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 16 Sep 1892. He died on 04 Aug
1972 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married MARY NEWSTADT . She was born on 31 May 1902.
She died on 14 Jan 1982 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for David Hyman:
1998---Uncle Dave was a physician. When Dorothy Hyman Lobel was little he nicknamed her
honky ponky. He had light eyes. He died from Parkinson just before his 80th birthday. He came to
America with his father in 1905.
February 16, 1932 (Uncle Dave was 40 years old when this was written.)
My Last Will And Testament:
Realizing the uncertainty of life, I am writing this, my only Will and Testament. To my dear wife I
leave the love and affection of a loving husband. She was always a true and devoted wife and a
good mother to our children. To my dear children, I leave my deep love and a sincere hope that
they grow up to be good Citizens and good Jews and a source of pride and honor to their mother.
To my parents, I leave my true love and devotion, with my everlasting gratitude for their love and
tribulations in helping me succeed in life. To my brothers and sisters, I leave the true love of a
devoted brother. I have always strived to do all I could for humanity, my race and my family. Had
my means been greater, I would have done more. I leave this world believing in the great principles
of the Jewish Faith. I command my children never to leave the Jewish Faith, nor ever intermarry
with persons of other Faiths. Should they ever leave our Faith, or intermarry with persons of other
Faiths, they shall ipso facto be completely disowned and disinherited by me. Should my wife
remarry at any time after my death, then all she inherits from me shall be taken away from her and
turned over to my children.
My earthly possessions are not great. However, they represent years of hard work and on my part.
It is my hope that the beneficiaries of my will consider more the good will and love that goes my
request, rather than the money itself.
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My Father and Mother--I wish that my wife pays off the mortgage on their home. Should said mortgage be paid off, then
give them the sum of Twenty-Five dollars a month for the rest of their lives. Should only one
survive me, she shall give the surviving parent the same amount i.e.---Twenty-Five dollars a month
as that parent lives.
To my most beloved sister Dora-One Thousand Dollars.
To my dear sister Clara-One Thousand Dollars.
To my beloved brothers Earl, Morris and Julius----- each one---One Thousand Dollars.
Other Bequests:
To the Congregation Beth Israel of New Orleans, the sum of One Thousand Dollars for the
establishment of a Memorial Window in the Synagogue.
To the Jewish National Fund, the sum of Five Hundred dollars to help our down trodden brethren in
My Wife and Children
The balance of my Estate, consisting of all real estate owned, and all life insurance policies, I leave
to my dearly beloved wife, Mary Newstadt Hyman. I request her not to speculate with that money.
Instead, I would prefer that she invest all the money in U.S. and Municipal Bonds. I know that she
will see that our beloved children are all well educated and reared into good and useful citizens
and Jews. I would want my sons, Albert Lewis and Edward Sidney, to study Medicine, and my
daughters, May and Lillian, to go through college also.
I appoint my wife administratrix of my estate without any bound.
Above was written and signed with my own hand this 16th day of February 1932.
(signed) Dr. David Hyman
The original of this Will is written with my own hand and is deposited in my safe.
Dr. David Hyman
Notes for Mary Newstadt:
David Hyman and Mary Newstadt had the following children:
ALBERT LEWIS4 HYMAN was born in Nov 1923 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He
married Neal Steiner, daughter of Arthur Steiner and Elizabeth Alaynick in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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EDWARD SIDNEY HYMAN was born in 1924 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died on 09
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Mar 2004 in New Orleans, LA. He married Jean Simons in Georgia. She was born
in Georgia.
MAY HYMAN was born in 1927 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died on 24 Jul 2001
in New Orleans, LA. She married LEONARD I. LESSER. He was born in Feb 1916. He
died in 1999 in New Orleans, LA.
LILLIAN HYMAN was born on 03 Apr 1930 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Kenneth Goldsmith on 21 Mar 1953 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 12
Oct 1924 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
MORRIS3 HYMAN (Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 21 Mar 1894 in Odessa,
Russia. He died on 09 Jul 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married Frieda Kamil, daughter of
Abraham Kamil and Anna Labowitz on 17 Apr 1932 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was born on
30 May 1905 in St. Louis, Missouri. She died on 17 Sep 1998 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Morris Hyman:
Soc. Sec. # 438-01-6571
Written by Dorothy Hyman Lobel in 1990 at the age of 53--- More in Book Hyman.
Morris Hyman always had a smile on his face. His rosy cheeks seemed to match his sunny
disposition. He was about five feet 7, had brown coarse ( Daddy called it bushy) hair, which he lost
at an early age, and had green eyes. He was color blind to blues and purples. He had small
shoulders and big hips (Hyman hips). Daddy loved working--it was his hobby.
Daddy was of the Layvie Tribe.
Written by Dorothy Lobel in 2000 at the age of 63
It was Daddy that always got up with us at night if we wet the bed or if we were sick or frightened.
We always knew he would take care of us and get us well if we were sick. When we were little we
would all wait on the street corner of our yard at 5:30 to wait for Daddy's car to come around the
corner. We would all jump in the car and start kissing him. Once we got into the house he would
change clothes and we would eat dinner. Daddy would spend the rest of the evening in his chair in
his room reading the paper and taking naps until it was time to go to bed. He loved reading the
funnies to us and made a big production out of it. He would take a sharp knife and cut the funny out
that he was going to read and we would hold onto that little piece of paper while he read.
Written by Mark Lobel and submitted in Nov.2000 at age 40
Morris Hyman
I will never forget Grandpa and have vivid memories of the times that we shared. Grandpa and I
became close in his late years. He knew that I was confused and did his best to let me know that
all things eventually work out.
He taught me to be optimistic and laugh at life, something that took me thirty years to understand.
I now appreciate Grandpas ability to view life --------I try to be like him.
As a child, it was always a very special time for me when my Grandparents came to Shreveport.
Life changed for that short time. We got to have cold shrimp and Budweiser. To this day I look at
a Budweiser beer and it reminds me of those visits.
It still makes me laugh when I remember on one of those special visits, Grandpa took me on a
walk. It was cold, he had on his hat and wool overcoat and smelled like lilac vegetal (his after
shave). We shared a lot of chuckles and good humor on that walk.
After Grandpa left, that beer stayed in the box untouched for a long time. Years later Grandpa
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stayedGeneration 3 (con't)
would tell me how much he disliked Shreveport.
In 1985 I went to London for a year of Architectural study. Before I said good bye to Grandpa I
said, You better be here when I get home, he said he would, but I knew he was lying. He called
me several times that year and a few weeks before I came home, he died. For many years after
his death, I couldn't say his name or talk about him because it would give me a deep pain in my
heart. I can now talk about him and realize that I was lucky to have known him. I sometimes laugh
at things that we talked about and feel like he is always with me, looking over my shoulder.
Written by Dorothy Hyman Lobel at 53 years old (1990)
Daddy had a dry goods store in Bogolusa called The Leader when he was only in his 20's. On a
buying trip to New York the man he bought the clothes from for his store said he had no idea he
was dealing with someone so young. Later he went into the Real Estate business with his brother
Jake until Jake retired at 50 years of age. Daddy started building subdivisions and enjoyed naming
the streets after his grandchildren.
Daddy loved Beth Israel and was President for 12 years. We thought his job was more important
than the President of the United States. He adored his children and 18 grandchildren and they
adored him in return. He was a most unusual man. A real Mensch. The Monday after he and
Mother celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a party at Sylvia Senter's house, he had a
mild stroke which left him paralyzed on one side. He suffered for 4 years before he died at the
Touro Hospital. He made each child feel that they were his favorite but his face always lit up when I
entered a room. When he was dying he still said Dolly was his favorite.
Written by Dorothy Hyman Lobel at age 60 (1997)
When Grandpa Morris lived in Russia his name was Mutah Switosh. His parents were Perl and
Issac, his sisters and brothers were Dora, Clara, David, Earl and Julius. They lived in Odessa,
Russia and were very poor. Grandpa always joked that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday they
had tea and bread, but on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday they had tea but no bread. Issac spent
more time praying than making a living. He was a peddler and didn't go to work until everyone else
was coming home. Issac was very religious which was typical of that generation.
Once, when the family was hiding in a cellar during one of the pogroms, Baby Jake started crying
and the other people wanted to kill him before he gave away their hiding place.
The family gradually started leaving Russia for America. Grandpa got a cinder in his eye on the
train and was turned back and had to stay with Perl's parents in Austria for several months. He
finally came on the boat in 1905 with one of Perl's sisters (Clara) and his baby brother Jake. They
came to America on a cattle boat and there was a lot of throwing up on the journey over and it was
especially unpleasant for those unfortunates who were in the lower bunks. The journey over was so
unpleasant that Grandpa never had any desire to return to Russia.
Motie Switatz
On the train to Baltimore they were hungry and motioned to the conductor that they wanted
something to eat. They spoke no English. They ate whatever the conductor brought (ham
sandwiches) and that ended his keeping kosher. He always imitated the conductor calling out
"Baltimore, next stop"----"Baltimore Opstogen".
When the Switatz family decided to change their name they chose Perl's maiden name, which was
Heiman, and changed the spelling to Hyman. It is possible that Hyman was the original name and
that Perl's siblings changed the spelling.
Grandpa's Uncle Solomon, (one of Perl's brothers) gave him a job doing manual labor and when it
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was time for his Bar Mitzvah he gave him half a day off. After the Bar Mitzvah he got caught in the
rain and his suit shrunk. He definitely did not have an elaborate Bar Mitzvah like the children do
today but he still became a man on that day.
Grandpa also fixed umbrellas for extra money. One day some boys came to beat him up so he
jumped on a streetcar to get away. That ended the umbrella repair career. He always said he went
to the school of hard knocks.
Some of Morris Hyman's favorite expression were:
No money, no honey
You get more with sugar than with lemon
Don't spit in the well, you might have to drink out of it.
When it rains, the bank takes away your umbrella.
Interest is a bad word.
Interest goes on while you sleep.
Steal the horse, lock the stable.
It gives me a head----ache.
Here's your hat, what's your hurry?
You're right, you're right, and you're right. (from the Talmud)
He would also sing---"Steamboat Bill, coming down the Mississippi".
Another favorite was pulling the chain to signify full of bull.
You have to know how to live---but you also have to know how to die.
Don't step on the hose (referring to oxygen).
Don't buy a cow unless she gives milk.
Morris Hyman lived for his children and grandchildren. People of all ages came to Gramps for
advice. He always had a pencil in his pocket and was never out of lifesavers or a hard candy.
When he was in the hospital dying, people would still come to his room to visit him and ask his
Daddy was eating lunch downtown and noticed the waitress was wearing a Jewish Star. He gave
her his card and told her to come to his office and he would find her a better job, which he did. He
was upset that a Jewish girl would be a waitress.
Another time he was caught in the rain downtown and went down into where the trolley
maintenance worked in order to get out of the rain. He kept asking the man how he was able to
know what all the keys went to and telling him how smart he must be. Daddy always tried to make
the other person feel important.
Daddy was a Levi and his Hebrew name was Mordecai.
2008.....I forgot to mention that a day or so before Daddy died he took my hand and started crying
and said, "Dolly, they killed my teacher. They bashed his head in...just because he was Jewish".
1910 Census
Age in 1910
Isaac Heyman 42
Pearl Heyman 40
David Heyman 18
Morris Heyman 17
Clara Heyman 13
Earl Heyman 10
Julius Heyman 8
James O Neil 40 (I don't know who that is).
Under the name Heyman for each person it is listed as Hyman.
The dates are not the same on Isaac's Naturalization Papers so it is anyone's guess as to which is
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correct. On Isaac's grave the name is spelled Hayman. Isaac put down March 6 for Daddy's
birthday on his Naturalization Paper. Daddy always said they did not know the actual day he was
born but that he was born in the Spring so they picked the first day of spring to celebrate. Also,
they may have gone by the Hebrew Calendar.
2012... Millie said she remembers Daddy saying he heard Caruso sing and that the chandelier
Notes for Frieda Kamil:
Written by Dorothy Lobel at age 60.
Blue eyes and dark curly hair. Tall and slender when she was young. About five feet 5 and
weighed 125 pounds when she got married. Gained a lot of weight after she got married and had
six children but in later years slimmed down again. Walked several miles a day throughout all her
pregnancies and consistently enjoyed long walks almost to the end of her life.
She was an accomplished classical pianist and played until she was about 90 years old. She
would memorize her music by playing one line over and over again. She memorized all of Chopin's
Polonaises. When her hearing became so bad at 90 she lost interest in playing.
Frieda was a very beautiful woman. She was very unpretentious and was devoted to raising her
six children. She loved her sisters but was especially devoted to Claire. They remained close until
Claire's death.
Mother remained active until she had a stroke six months before she died when she was 93 years
old. She had sitters for the last 8 years of her life for companionship and for driving her around.
She was especially fond of Emelda. She outlived all of her sisters. In later years she loved going
to Shul on Saturday mornings at Beth Israel on Canal Blvd.
2003...When Milly sent off for my mother's birth certificate we were surprised to learn that my
mother was actually born in 1905 as she always said she was born in 1908 until she turned 90. At
that point we were not sure if it was true or not. Also, on the birth certificate, my mother's name is
spelled Freda. My grandmother was afraid my mother would be an old maid so she had her say
she was three years younger than she really was.
Mother had breast cancer when she was in her late 50's and had her bosom removed. I am not
positive but I think it was her left bosom.The cancer was confined to the lump and had not spread
so she needed no further treatment. She later had a hysterectomy because she had suspicious
Mother and Daddy always spoke Yiddish to each other if they did not want us to know what they
were saying. Mother thought it would be nice if we all learned Yiddish but Daddy felt like since we
were Americans it was not necessary.
005336 Hyman - Frieda Kamil Hyman, A Homemaker, Died Thursday At Touro Infirmary. She Was
90. Mrs. Hyman Was Born In St. Louis And Lived In New Orleans. Survivors Include Five
Daughters, Marian H.
Jacobson, Ethel H. Schnitt, Dorothy H. Lobel, Mildred H. Asher And Sylvia H. Senter; 18
And 26 Great-Grandchildren. A Graveside Service Was Held Friday At Gates Of Prayer Cemetery.
TharpSontheimer-Tharp Funeral Home Handled Arrangements. 09-20-1998 Times Picayune
Written by Dorothy Hyman Lobel at age 75
When I was 9 years old my mother took Alfred, Ethel, Marian, me, Alvin Merlin and Betty Sherman
to New York for a few days to see plays before we went to Camp Delanore and Camp Delawaxen
in Lackawaxen Pennsylvania. It took two days and nights on a train to get to New York from New
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Orleans. When we arrived at the train station my mother told us all to get in a taxi and not get matter what. She convinced us we would never see her again if we went to the Edison
Hotel in separate taxis. The taxi driver was furious because it was against the law to have more
than four passengers so my mother told him to kish en tuckus. He said "Lady, I am Jewish and I
know what that means". The luggage went in another taxi.
We were only in the hotel room for a few minutes when the manager banged on the door to tell
Mother that her children were throwing rocks out the window. My mother said "not my children".
Alvin and Ethel said oh yes, they had thrown them out the window. They had found them under the
rug and wanted to get rid of them.
That night I locked the door to take a bath and got locked in the bathroom. My mother had to call
the manager again to come take the door off the hinges to let me out. Mother could not understand
why I would have locked the door.
When my mother was in her 80's she was in Windsor Court, a downtown hotel in New Orleans, and
sat down at the piano in the lobby and played for two hours. Quite an audience gathered and the
manager asked her if she would come every day to play and he would pay her. My father would
not allow it.
2011...Written by Dorothy Lobel at age 75
I was not going to put this story in but my friend, Gayle Godon, thinks it is the funniest story she
ever heard. When I was about four or five years old I tried to imitate my sisters by climbing higher
in the big tree in our yard than I had ever done before. Going up was not bad but then I realized I
could not get down. I cried for hours for my mother to help me and she said when I got tired of
being in the tree I would find a way to get down. She offered to bring me a blanket in case it got
cold. I finally slid down and suffered terrible brush burns down my thighs. I never climbed in that
tree again.
My mother called the man that delivered eggs to our house every week "Mr. Eggman" and the milk
man was "Mr. Milkman". We thought that was their real names. One time when we were having a
problem with our vacuum cleaner a service man came to our house to see about it and asked
where the salesman was that had sold it to her. She said "Son, he is dead. Would you like for me
to dig him up???"
Aunt Claire told me that when they were children, my mother 's only toy was a tiny doll that she
played with and used a sardine can for the bed. One day Aunt Claire broke the doll and was afraid
to tell my mother, but when she did, my mother hugged and kissed her and told her she loved her
more than any doll and not to worry about it. Mother and Aunt Claire remained close until Claire
died at Willow Wood Nursing Home for Jewish people. My mother went to see her every Saturday
and even though Claire's memory was failing her face always lit up when she saw my mother.
There was a man in a wheel chair that waited for my mother every week at Willow Wood as he only
spoke Russian and Yiddish and she was the one person he could converse with. When I was with
her one Saturday the man greeted her in Yiddish and my mother answered and started laughing. I
asked her to tell me what was so funny. He told her " drove on the Shabbas?" She
answered him...."So....I should walk??"
2011... One more important memory comes to mind. When World War 2 was over and the
Holocaust survivors were coming to the Jewish Community Center in New Orleans a request was
sent out for anyone who spoke Yiddish to please come. I was about ten years old and my mother
took me with her. I will never forget how my mother put her arms around the women and listened to
their stories with such compassion. It made me forgive her for not helping me out of the tree when I
was five.
During the years of the Holocaust my mother would cry that they were killing the Jews. I was so
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young that I could not imagine that real people could be killed just because they were Jews. I was
living when the Holocaust took place so it upsets me that some Arabs say it did not happen.
When we were children still living at 7040 Canal Blvd we had swing sets, a merry go round, sliding
boards and see saws in our yard and with the six of us plus some neighborhood children it was not
unusual for people to mistake our house for a Nursery School. One time the door bell rang and
there was a man there with a child he wanted to drop off at our house thinking it was an
Orphanage. My mother said "son do you think I am crazy???Do you think I would keep these
children if they were not mine???
The last funny story that I remember was when there was a snake in our yard wrapped around one
of the bushes. My mother took a shovel and let the snake wrap itself around it and then laid that
shovel on the ground and took another shovel and cut the snake to pieces. We were all screaming
for my mother not to do that as we were afraid the snake would bite her. When we told this story to
our friends the next day at school they said we were lying. They did not know my mother.
Morris Hyman and Frieda Kamil had the following children:
ALFRED4 HYMAN was born on 01 Aug 1933 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died on
10 Jun 1979 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Alfred Hyman:
Written by Dorothy Lobel at age 61 in 1998 ----- - - -Alfred had blue eyes and dark
hair. He was born with a deviated septum and always breathed through his mouth.
He suffered with asthma all his life. He was a very kindhearted and sweet person
but had a learning disability. He died at the age of 45 after being in intensive care
for eight weeks with peritonitis from a perforated colon. He loved sweets and did not
eat properly. He was very close with Aunt Sophie and Helene. Alfred was
obsessive compulsive.
Alfred had his Bar Mitzvah at Beth Israel. Philip Miller was his Hebrew teacher.
Alfred had a hard time learning his part but our yardman/ chauffeur learned it from
hearing him practice.
ETHEL HYMAN was born on 04 Dec 1934 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Albert Jay Schnitt, son of Abe Schnitt and Jean on 11 Jul 1954 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He was born on 06 Jan 1923 in Shreveport, Louisiana. He died on 24 Jul
2011 in Hallandale Beach, FL..
MARIAN HYMAN was born on 30 Nov 1935 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Percy Jacobson, son of Abe Jacobson and Belle Freidman in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He was born on 11 Jul 1931 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died on 04
Apr 1991 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
DOROTHY HYMAN was born on 30 Nov 1936 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Bernard Bennett Lobel, son of Louis Lobel and Esther Kuperman on 14 Apr 1957 in
New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 10 Feb 1931 in Shreveport, Louisiana.
MILDRED HYMAN was born on 18 Oct 1938 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died on
27 Jan 2014 in Atlanta, GA. She married (1) KURT GITTER, son of Morris Gitter and
Maria in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born in Vienna, Austria. She married (2)
NORMAN ASHER in 1997 in Atlanta, GA.
SYLVIA HYMAN was born on 22 Feb 1940 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Jacob Senter, son of Samuel Senter and Ethel Kushner on 28 Aug 1960. He was
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born on 30 Dec 1936 in Montgomery, Alabama. He died on 26 Apr 1994 in
Houston, Texas.
CLARA 3 HYMAN (Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 26 Dec 1897 in Odessa, Russia.
She died in Nov 1985 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married LOUIS GOTTESMAN . He was born on
28 Sep 1897. He died in Jul 1963 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Clara Hyman:
Notes by Dorothy Lobel....Clara had dark hair and dark eyes. She was a very sociable and
charming person. She and Dora were extremely close and adored each other. I will always
remember how much we loved the Sunday afternoons that Aunt Clara came over to visit us with
her beautiful white dog, Fluffy.
Louis Gottesman and Clara Hyman had the following children:
EVELYN 4 GOTTESMAN was born on 27 Oct 1921 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died
on 29 Jul 2007 in Reston, Virginia. She married David Goldstein, son of Jacob
Goldstein and Carrie Klotz in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born in Jul 1921. He
died in May 2004 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
FREDERICK ARTHUR GOTTESMAN was born on 12 Sep 1923 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He died in Sep 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married Charlotte
Steinberg, daughter of Morris Steinberg and Aline C. Rouff in 1949 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. She was born on 26 Apr 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
RUTH GOTTESMAN was born on 09 Dec 1924 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died
on 07 Dec 2009 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married ALVIN Z. COHEN. He was
born on 27 Oct 1921. He died on 07 May 2009 in New Orleans, LA.
LOUISE GOTTESMAN was born on 28 Jul 1927 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She
married (1) FRANK WILLIAM HOWTON in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married SIDNEY
EARL 3 HYMAN (Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 28 Mar 1901 in Odessa, Russia.
He died on 16 Dec 1989 in California. He married Josephine Meyer date Unknown. She was born
in 1909 in New Orleans, LA. She died on 05 Mar 2009 in Houston, Texas.
Notes for Earl Hyman:
Earl was a very dashing and charming man. He had five wives. He had dark eyes. He always
lived in California. He loved and adored Melanie. Earl was very close to his brother Jake. He
played golf the week before he died at 88 years old. He did not like vegetables and said if you ate
them you would not live longer but would think you did.
Notes for Josephine Meyer:
2003....Earl and Josephine divorced and she remarried and lives in Houston, Texas. Felicie
Josephine Meyer Taber...Great Grandmother
New Orleans, Louisiana
2003..... Josephine wrote this for her great grandchild for a class at school.
1.) My great, great uncle, Ferdinand Gumbel, was paid great deference at the time of his death.
He was the first cotton broker to have a thriving business in New Orleans. His tenant farmers
raised cotton on his land and drove their mules pulling wooden wagons filled with cotton up St.
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Generation 3
Charles Avenue in front of his home. There must have been twenty five wagons lined up in the
street. It was a sight that I shall never forget.
He willed the land to the Negro farmers, which was a very generous gift. His wife was willed
his estate, which was estimated at three million dollars. In those years, this was a very
considerable sum.
My cousin, Hilda Hirsch, married a man who had a large farm in Fayette, Mississippi.
Another cousin, Virginia Lazarus and I went to visit her and her husband when we were thirteen
years old. For the first time in my life, I experienced rural living and an agricultural way of life. We
rode horseback and went swimming in a creek. When we climbed out of the water, we encountered
a water moccasin which sent us running and screaming. This was another first experience.
On my first visit to New York that same year, we took a boat trip up the Hudson River and
visited the Statue of Liberty. I remember walking up many steps. My cousin, Virginia Lazarus, was
a first cousin to the poet, Emma Lazarus, who wrote the famous inscription, "Give us your tired and
poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free" which is found at the base of the statue.
I went to my first Broadway show named "Sally" which was the rage of New York at that time.
We also went to Atlantic City and swam in the Atlantic Ocean, which was quite a thrill.
3.) I remember when another first cousin, Louis Adler, who fought in the European campaign as a
soldier, came home from World War 1. He came to stay at our home and unfortunately, brought
the great Spanish influenza with him. I was the first one to contract it and can remember being
seriously ill for two to three weeks. I was a young child at the time and recovered after almost
dying. My mother subsequently got it from me and was also deathly ill. The doctors came out to the
house daily trying to keep us alive.
After graduating from high school at sixteen, I worked at my father's candy factory during the
summer. My father imported chocolate beans from South America and was the first person to roast
the beans and make chocolate. The machinery needed to process the bean into liquid chocolate
was imported from Germany.
I then took music lessons in piano from Professor Ferrato at Newcomb College until he died of
tuberculosis three years later.
5.) The value that I hold in the highest esteem is virtue. If one is virtuous, one has moral goodness
and conforms to a standard of righteousness. Without virtue, we could not have a nation of
freedom and democracy.
I lived through the depression but was fortunate in that I was not in a state of financial distress.
When I lived in Los Angeles, the people came from Oklahoma in droves. They left their farms and
homes in order to get away from the dust bowl.
My other experience was during World War 11. Our government interned anyone of Japanese
origin in prison camps in Arizona. They allowed Japanese to be brought from their prison camps if
a United States citizen would give them a home and a salary. At that time, I had a large home with
a bedroom and bath for servants. I hired a mother and daughter to come live in my home. They
helped with the housework and took care of my two year old son. My husband was a medical
doctor and was stationed on Midway Island at the time.
My paternal grandfather, Jacob Meyer, lived in New Orleans before the Civil War. He fought in
the Confederacy and was severely wounded at the battle of Shiloh. He married at the end of the
war to a woman who was born in Jamaica. Her parents immigrated to New Orleans via England
and then Jamaica. Jacob Meyer lived to eighty four years of age.
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March 5, 2009
Josephine died Thursday night. She lived to see her 100th birthday.She died peacefully, in her
sleep. Her son was with her, holding her hand until the end. She is at peace. We will miss her.
Sylvia Senter
Earl Hyman and Josephine Meyer had the following children:
MELANIE4 HYMAN was born on 16 May 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died on
04 Sep 2010 in Berkely, California. She married Robert Bellah, son of Luther Hutton
Bellah Jr. in 1949. He was born on 27 Feb 1927 in Altus, Oklahoma. He died on 30
Jul 2013 in Berkely, California.
EARL MENDEZ HYMAN was born in Dec 1944 in California. He married LEAH.
Notes for Earl Mendez Hyman:
1998 ..... Earl and Leah reside at 9439 Sawyer Street, Los Angeles, California
90035 Phone---310 839 6577
JULIUS3 HYMAN (Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 30 Jun 1904 in Odessa, Russia.
He died on 25 Oct 1985 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married BEA GERSON. She died in Feb
1995 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Julius Hyman:
Julius was a short but very handsome man with dark hair and eyes and dimples. He worked in the
Real Estate business with his brother Morris. Jake retired at 50 and enjoyed life until Parkinson
partially robbed him of his speech. He was very close to his granddaughter Cynthia Burstein
(Carole's daughter). Jake was a great athlete and also loved cards. He loved telling the story about
Jay holding up a wooden hand in class one day and how funny he (Jake) thought it was. He
donated blood to me when I was a baby.
When Millie and I were just learning to swim we were in the pool at the Edgewater Hotel in Biloxi,
Mississippi when Millie screamed to me that I should catch her. She swam to me and grabbed my
neck and pulled us both under the water. Every time I managed to come up for air I screamed for
help. Everyone thought we were playing when Uncle Jake realized we were going under for the last
time. He jumped in and saved us and I was hysterical that the other idiots could not realize we
were drowning in front of their eyes in five feet of water.
Julius Hyman
Place of Burial: New Orleans, LA, USA
Birth: June 30, 1904
Odessa, Russia
Death: September 1985 (81)
New Orleans, LA, USA (Heart Failure)
Immediate Family: Son of Issac Hyman and Pearl Hyman
Husband of Beatrice Hyman
Father of Carole Hyman and Julius Hyman, Jr.
Brother of Dora Heiman; David Hyman; Morris Hyman; Clara Gottesman and Earl Hyman
Added by: Erica Howton, (c) on July 12, 2010
Managed by: Julius Hyman, Jr.
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Notes for Bea Gerson:
Julius Hyman and Bea Gerson had the following children:
CAROLE4 HYMAN was born on 27 Jul 1933 in New Orleans, LA. She married (1)
HERB BURSTEIN in New Orleans, Jefferson, Louisiana, USA. He was born on 18 Mar
1932 in Everett, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 30 Mar 2008 in
Metairie, Jefferson, Louisiana, USA. She married LEON F. CAMBON. He died in Jan
2000 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
JULIUS HYMAN JR. was born on 20 Jul 1935 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married
(1) JANICE SHURE-HURWITZ on 02 Sep 1962 in Chicago, IL. She was born on 22 Jul
1940 in Chicago, IL. He married (2) ROBERTA FAY HAMLIN, daughter of Jack Hamlin
and Martha Landau on 03 Sep 1994 in Los Angeles, California. She was born on 04
Nov 1939 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Generation 4
LIBBY4 ELSON (Sonja Esther3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman, Leo N.). She
Notes for Libby Elson:
2006....Libby lived in Birmingham.
Melvin Weiman and Libby Elson had the following children:
ANNETTE4 ELSON (Sonja Esther3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in
1924. She died on 17 Oct 2006 in Atlanta, GA. She married MORTON HAROLD SROCHI. He died in
Nov 2003 in Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Annette Elson:
Annette is short, pretty and has dimples. She lives in Atlanta. 2003...Annette had a mild stroke.
She has a child married to a Meyerhoff.
Annette Elson Srochi, 82, of Atlanta, passed away October 17, 2006.Mrs Srochi was the beloved
wife of the late Morton H. Srochi; loving mother of Lane Srochi, Lenel Srochi-Meyerhoff, and Daniel
Gerson; loving grandmother of Jack Meyerhoff, Ashley Gerson, and Seth Gerson; cherished
daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Leo N. Elson; and the devoted sister of Dr. Shia Elson, the late
Dr. Eileen Elson, and the late Libby Weinman. Funeral services will be Friday, October 20, 2006 at
Noon at the Ellman Chapel of Ahavath Synagogue. The family will be sitting Sunday, October 22,
and Monday, October 23 Noon until 6:00 PM both days at her home.
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Morton Harold Srochi and Annette Elson had the following children:
SHIA4 ELSON (Sonja Esther3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 24
Feb 1933 in New Orleans, LA. He married LYNN KARSMAN .
Notes for Shia Elson:
Shia became a Cardiologist and lives in Atlanta, Georgia. His sister's child is married to a
2003...Shia was born in New Orleans at Baptist Hospital and his circumcision was the first
performed there.
Shia Elson and Lynn Karsman had the following children:
MARK5 ELSON was born on 09 Mar 1960 in Atlanta, GA. He married LORRIE BARON.
Notes for Mark Elson:
2004.... Mark and Lorrie live in Atlanta.
LAUREN ELSON was born on 05 Oct 1965. She married JOEL SHAPIRO.
Notes for Lauren Elson:
2004...... Lauren and Joel live in Atlanta.
SHAWN ELSON was born on 19 Dec 1970 in Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Shawn Elson:
2004... Shawn lives in San Francisco.
FRIEDA MARCIA 4 HEIMAN (Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 12 Sep 1920. She died on
15 Jun 2001 in Birmingham, AL. She married Gerson Finklestein on 27 Oct 1940.
Notes for Frieda Marcia Heiman:
Marcia and Gerson were divorced in 1961 . Marcia lives in Birmingham. She was always called
2001....Marcia died from ovarian cancer. Marcia called me not long before she died and sent me
her father's birth cert. which was Mayer Hyman. Hyman was changed to Heiman for that side of
the family because they didn't like the sound of Hyman.
Gerson Finklestein and Frieda Marcia Heiman had the following children:
MAYER5 FINKLESTEIN was born on 18 Oct 1942. He married CAROL SUSSMAN. She
was born on 11 Feb 1944.
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LINDA CAROL FINKLESTEIN was born on 02 Jul 1945.
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Generation 4 (con't)
Notes for Linda Carol Finklestein:
2003....Lives in Atlanta, GA. Very pretty.
HANNAH MYRTLE 4 HEIMAN (Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 19 Jul 1922. She married
Nace Cohen on 27 Feb 1944. He was born on 28 Dec 1913. He died on 24 Dec 1988.
Notes for Hannah Myrtle Heiman:
Myrtle lives in Birmingham. She was always called Myrtle.
Myrtle "Hannah" Heiman. She married Nissim "Nace" Cohen, son of Raffael "Ralph" Cohen and
Sadie "Senoru" Taranto.
More About Myrtle "Hannah" Heiman and Nissim "Nace" Cohen:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Myrtle "Hannah" Heiman and Nissim "Nace" Cohen are:
+Rafael "Ralph" Alan Cohen.
+Linn Cohen.
+Leslie Zena Cohen.
Nace Cohen and Hannah Myrtle Heiman had the following children:
RAFFAEL "RALPH" ALAN5 COHEN was born on 07 Sep 1945. He married Judy Kohn on
18 Jun 1967. She was born on 12 Jul 1945.
LINN ELLEN COHEN was born on 23 Oct 1947. She married STEVEN ARNOLD COLE.
He was born on 02 Jul 1947.
LESLIE ZENA COHEN was born on 03 Sep 1950. She married David Slaney on 09 Jun
HAROLD ISADORE 4 HEIMAN (Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 02 Mar 1924. He died on
26 Nov 2000 in St. Francisville, LA. He married Clara Hyde on 01 Sep 1945. She was born on 12
Sep 1925.
Notes for Harold Isadore Heiman:
Harold lives in St. Francisville, LA. His nickname is Brother. He died from lung cancer.
Harold Isadore Heiman and Clara Hyde had the following children:
BETH5 HEIMAN was born on 04 Sep 1946. She married JOHN EDWARD MEREDITH. He
was born on 10 Dec 1928.
MEYER HEIMAN was born on 04 Dec 1947. He married Judy on 18 Dec 1971. She
was born on 02 Dec 1949.
HERTZLE BENJAMIN 4 HEIMAN (Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 19 Apr 1926. He died in
2013. He married Virginia McAfee on 21 Feb 1953. She was born on 19 Feb 1933.
Notes for Hertzle Benjamin Heiman:
Hertzle lives in Birmingham. He was an optometrist.
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May, 2013
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:03 AM
Subject: Hertzie
My dear cousins,
I know you all loved my dad. He passed away sometime last night/early morning. About 5:30 PM, I
received a call from Terri telling me that they had not been able to wake Dad. His oxygen was low,
as was his heart rate. Seems he may have had a stroke and then slipped into a coma, before his
spirit was carried beyond. He was in no pain and died peacefully. Unfortunately, Cindy and I were
not there to surround him with our physical love, but he knew our hearts were with him near or far.
When I got the call, I was visiting Mark. I don't usually answer my phone when visiting but for some
reason I did. Terri told me about Dad's condition. At that point, they weren't quite sure what was
going on. Since Mark was falling asleep and I could no longer be present with Mark, I left early. I
entered the nursing home under beautiful blue skies and while I was visiting the rain hit, but eased
up to a drizzle as I started my car. As I made my way home, all of a sudden the dark skies opened
up and there was a beautiful clearing of blue sky and white fluffy clouds. As I looked at this
beautiful opening in the sky, a rainbow appeared. It was then that I knew Daddy would be leaving
us. I know he was carried peacefully and with love onward. I thank all of you who have loved him
so much and always thought of him. I cry with sorrow at our loss but am grateful for the years he
was with us. In that we were blessed.
With love, Marsha
I do not have any details on the funeral. I will be arriving today (Thursday) at 10:30am.The funeral
will be either Friday or Sunday. I will let you know when I know. Also if I can figure out how to get
the picture off my phone and onto email, I will send you the rainbow carrying dad's spirit.
Hertzle Benjamin Heiman and Virginia McAfee had the following children:
MARSHA5 HEIMAN was born on 15 Dec 1953. She married Mark Ettin on 15 Oct
1989. He was born on 23 Apr 1948.
DAVID HEIMAN was born on 05 Apr 1955. He married (1) CAROL ROBINSON on 27
May 1984. She was born on 18 Oct 1958. He married (2) KAREN SHADNER on 13
Jan 1993.
TERRI ANN HEIMAN was born on 21 Jul 1957. She married David Solomita on 22 Mar
1986. He was born on 10 May 1952.
CYNTHIA HEIMAN was born on 27 Feb 1959. She married (1) HUGH MANLEY on 12
Apr 1981. He was born on 24 Sep 1956. She married (2) DAVID FLETCHER on 05
Apr 1987. He was born on 24 Apr 1951. He died on 03 Aug 1999.
SALOME 4 HEIMAN (Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 25 May 1928 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. She died in 13 April 2011. She married Hyman Jacob Gardsbane on 12 Sep 1951 in
New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 18 Feb 1924 in Shreveport, LA. He died on 19 Nov 2003
in Shreveport, LA.
Notes for Salome Heiman:
Small and petite. Was a medical technologist. Very devoted mother.
2009...Salome had a stroke that left her unable to speak other than one or two words. She loves
having company and uses pencil and paper to communicate. Her children have been wonderful
and are very devoted.
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Arlene Gardsbane...Sat. April 16, 2011
My mom passed away on Wed. She died at home where she wanted to be. The past few years,
after her stroke have been difficult for her. She was a role model for me, my sisters, her
grandchildren and all the people she touched.
Salome Heiman Gardsbane
SHREVEPORT, LA - Salome Heiman Gardsbane died on April 13, 2011, at the age of 82 at her
home, where she proudly and defiantly continued to live alone. Born in New Orleans, she grew up
in Covington, LA, where her mother moved after the untimely death of her husband when Salome
was only three years old. She was the youngest sibling of five, and loved to tell the tales of
swimming in the lake with her brothers and sisters. As one of only two Jewish families in
Covington, she had fond memories of going with her mother to pray at the beach of the lake, and
even in her late years her favorite place to pray was the banks of the nearby Shreveport bayou.
Salome was a role model for her three daughters with an early career as a medical technologist,
working in the now closed P&S Hospital laboratory, where her children fondly remember calling
every day when arriving home from school. With few models for a life of "having it all," Salome
managed to work outside the home while remaining an engaged community volunteer, devoted
mother and wonderful cook. She was an active member of the B'nai Zion Temple Sisterhood,
including serving as Sisterhood President for several years; a life member of Hadassah, a Jewish
women's organization; and a fundraiser for the Shreveport Jewish Federation.
Salome was devoted to her family and known for her generous hospitality. She spent many years
as a Girl Scout Leader for each of her three daughter's troops, teaching dozens of young girls
independence while camping in the woods. She believed in civil rights and she was known for
speaking her mind to both children and adults who used slanderous language in her presence.
Through her leadership she taught her children not to be bystanders to prejudice. Her entertaining
was renown with attention to details and her special garnishes. For her older grandchildren, "Lome"
was a second mother who nurtured them and their friends. For her youngest grandchild, Miriam,
age 8, she has modeled the ability to hold on to independence in the face of limitations. She was a
member of Agudath Achim and B'nai Zion Synagogues.
She was inspired in her life by many who preceded her in death including her mother, Zena
Heiman, and siblings, Marcia Finkelstein, Myrtle Cohen, and Harold Heiman, and her husband of
52 years, Hyman Jacob Gardsbane, who died in 2003. She is survived by one brother, Hertzl
Heiman of Birmingham, AL; three daughters and their families, Karen G. Gordon married to Robert
Gordon, and daughter, Zena Gordon; Diane Gardsbane, married to Paul Sully, and daughters,
Alicia and Naomi Sully; and Arlene Gardsbane and daughter, Miriam Gardsbane; and many
nephews and nieces. She was looking forward to attending the wedding of her second
granddaughter, Naomi, to Peter Rasmussen in May. Salome's/Lome's memory will live on through
all of her children, grandchildren, and the many others she touched.
The family thanks Sharon Taylor who was devoted to helping Salome since her stroke two years
ago, and her neighbors, Joe and Kathy Scarpinatto, and Andrew and Jane McCarter.
Funeral services will be at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, April 17, 2011, at Rose-Neath Marshall Street
Chapel. Officiating will be Rabbi Foster Kawaler and Rabbi Jana De Benedetti. Interment will follow
in Hebrew Rest Cemetery, Shreveport, LA.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Right to Play, Inc., P.O. Box 4692, Shreveport, LA
71134, the Shreveport Jewish Federation, 245-A Southfield Road, Shreveport, LA 71105 or to any
Sunday, May 13, 2012....The headstone for Salome was dedicated this afternoon and her three
daughters did the service themselves. A beautiful and touching service. Reception afterwards at
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Salome's house.
Notes for Hyman Jacob Gardsbane:
2003...Email from Sol Heiman..
I was very sorry to hear of the passing of Hyman Gardsbane. I did not know him very well but in
his prime he was a well recognized Optometrist and was on one of the President's committees for
treating children with learning disabilities. (I think the President was Lyndon
Johnson as he had a daughter with that problem). But when I did see him occasionally I found him
to be a very nice and humble person.
Hyman Jacob Gardsbane
Posted on November 21, 2003
Shreveport Times:
SHREVEPORT, LA - Hyman Jacob Gardsbane, a life-long resident of Shreveport, died November
19 at the age of 79. He was buried on November 20 at Agudath Achim Synagogue Cemetery. He
was a loving husband of over 52 years, a devoted and outstanding father and grandfather, and
exceedingly proud of all of his family, each of whom, in his estimation, is remarkable in her and his
unique way. Dedicated to community service, much of his work was inspired by his family,
including his wife, Salome Heiman Gardsbane, his daughters and sons-in-laws, Karen G. Gordon,
DVM married to Robert Gordon, Diane Gardsbane, married to Paul Sully, and Arlene Gardsbane,
DVM. His granddaughters, Alicia and Naomi Sully, Zena Gordon, and Miriam Gardsbane were the
light of his life.
Over his lifetime Hyman Gardsbane, a retired optometrist, has served on the boards or advisory
boards of numerous not-for-profit organizations, with his most passionate work focused on children
with disabilities.
His most significant impact was, upon the field of learning disabilities. Hyman Gardsbane's entry
into the field in 1965 was before learning disabilities (LD) was widely recognized as a disability. He
organized and strengthened advocacy and support groups in many states and assisted in the
development of the National Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, now renamed the
Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA). He played a large role in obtaining recognition
for learning disabilities as a federally and state defined disability with the passage of the Learning
Disabilities Act of 1969.
He served on the Board of Directors of the Multiple Sclerosis Association, Easter Seals Society,
Community Council, ACCESS, Community Child Care Council, Caddo-Bossier Day Care
Association, the Louisiana State Association of Optometrists, and B'Nai Zion Congregation. He
served on the advisory boards of the Louisiana State and Caddo Parish Special Education
Departments, Louisiana Department of Hospitals, Youth Enrichment Program, Launch, Inc.
(providing college opportunities to students with learning disabilities), and the National Cleft Palate
Association. Hyman Gardsbane was a 1970 Nixon presidential appointee to the National Reading
Council. He was one of the founders of the Heritage Center for Neurologically Handicapped
Honors Hyman Gardsbane received from the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA)
include the LDA Award, the highest honor given by the Learning Disabilities Association of America
in recognition and appreciation of outstanding leadership in the field of learning disabilities, the
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Pioneer Award (March 2002), and the President's Award, for outstanding service as a national
president, the Key Award, for outstanding service in membership and chapter development
throughout the country.
He was presented the Leadership Award from the Cleft Palate Foundation, a division of the
American Cleft Palate Association, for establishing the National Cleft Palate Association.
State and local awards include the Brotherhood and Humanitarian Award from the local chapter of
the National Conference of Community and Justice, Certificate of Special Recognition from the
Louisiana Speech /Language/Hearing Association, the Book of Golden Deeds award from the
Exchange Club, Louisiana Optometrist of the Year from the Louisiana State Association of
At the time of his death, Hyman Gardsbane served on the Board of Directors of Agudath Achim
Congregation and the North Louisiana Jewish Federation. He was one of the founders of the
Shreveport Metropolitan Concert Band at LSU-Shreveport and proudly played in the band until his
His volunteer work served as an influence for many members of the family to engage in community
service, both professionally and as volunteers.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Right to Play, Inc. P. O. Box 4692, Shreveport, LA,
71134 or Learning Disabilities Association of America, 4154 Library Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15234.
Tribute to Hyman Gardsbane by Aubrey A. Lurie MD....President of Agudath Achim.... in Agudat
Achim Bulletin
I would like to say a few words about Hyman Gardsbane. Hyman has proven that even
Shakespeare may be wrong. Recall the speech of Marc Anthony in the play "Julius Ceaser" when
he proclaimed at the eulogy to the slain Julius Ceaser that "the evil that men do lives after them,
the good is oft interred with their bones." With Hyman Gardsbane, we have just the reverse. The
good that Hyman did will live long after him-------- in the loving legacy he has left with his
remarkable family and in their
many achievements and accomplishments; and the many, many activities to which Hyman
directed his considerable energy and talent. His obituary in the Shreveport Times this morning, and
outstanding eulogies directed to him yesterday give a glimpse of the measure of the man.
Yet it is not the achievements that are most meaningful. above all, Hyman was a MENCH to the full
untranslatable meaning of that word. Here was a man, locally bred and nurtured, who was one of
the most decent, generous and likable persons that it was my privilege to meet. He was the perfect
diplomat who build bridges and was never confrontational. I am proud to say that I considered him
a friend and confidant, and a person that I shall always remember, no matter where I live or travel.
The family's loss is mine as well.
Hyman Jacob Gardsbane and Salome Heiman had the following children:
KAREN JEAN5 GARDSBANE was born on 12 Oct 1952 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She
married Bob James Gordon in Shreveport, Louisiana. He was born on 02 Mar 1952
in Shreveport, LA.
DIANE RUTH GARDSBANE was born on 28 Jul 1954 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She
married Paul Markham Sully on 24 May 1981 in Shreveport, Louisiana.
ARLENE FAY GARDSBANE was born on 30 Apr 1957.
HOPE4 TELLIS (Leon3, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 13 Sep 1935 in
Atlanta, GA. She married IRWIN SOLOMON.
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Notes for Hope Tellis:
2003...Hope and Irwin live in San Jose, California.
Irwin Solomon and Hope Tellis had the following children:
Notes for Debra Solomon:
2003..Debra and Jacob live in Silver Springs, Maryland.
Notes for Elaine Solomon:
2003...Martin and Elaine live in California, near Yosemite.
SARAH 4 TELLIS (Leon3, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 07 Jan 1938 in
New Orleans, LA. She married RONALD LUBRITZ. He was born in New Orleans, LA. She married
Notes for Sarah Tellis:
2007..... Sarah lives in New Orleans and her phone number is 504-833-3679.
Sarah and Ronald divorced and Sarah married Joe Pasternack.
Ronald Lubritz and Sarah Tellis had the following children:
LESLIE5 LUBRITZ was born on 12 Oct 1960 in New Orleans, LA.
PAIGE ANN LUBRITZ was born on 12 Jan 1963 in New Orleans, LA.
JODY LUBRITZ was born on 15 Jul 1965 in New Orleans, LA. She married ISAAC
Notes for Jody Lubritz:
2003....Jody and Isaac live in baton Rouge.
Joe Pasternack and Sarah Tellis had the following child:
JOE PASTERNACK5 3RD was born on 15 Apr 1977 in New Orleans, LA.
MAYER JOSEPH4 TELLIS (Leon3, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 01 Jan
1942 in New Orleans, LA. He married ARLENE LEVINE.
Notes for Mayer Joseph Tellis:
2003...Mayer and Arlene live in Baltimore, Maryland.
Mayer Joseph Tellis and Arlene Levine had the following children:
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MARCIA 4 ROBKIN (Hannah3 Tellis, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman, Harry). She
Notes for Marcia Robkin:
2003... Marcia lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She was in Ethel Hyman's class at school. She is Shopsi
Telles and Ruckle Heiman's grandchild.
April 27, 2004 Email from Marcia
Dorothy, I remember my Zedi Shopsai Teles' father, Mayer Teles. I always called him "Zedi with
the one foot" because he had lost part of his leg and was in a wheelchair. I don't think they came
in from Ellis Island. I'm sure my cousin Mayer
[e-mail]. who lives in Baltimore, will be able to answer more. I seem to
remember they came in from Texas. The original family name was Arashovsky but when Zedi
Mayer Teles came over through customs, they asked his name, and since he didn't understand
them, he said "Tillie's Mayer", ergo, Meyer Teles. He had a brother, Abe married to Rose. They
owned a children's dress shop in New Orleans. They had Gloria, Fanny and Bluma and, I think,
Solly. Don't know if there are more.
I was married and divorced twice. My first husband, Edward Stuart Rhodes, is the father of Susan
[called SuAnn] and Lee [called Figgy because his middle name is Newton].
My daughter, Susan Anna Rhodes, and her husband, Rabbi Isser Pliner, now live in Toronto. They
have 8 children, one of whom is married to Ari Elbaz and they have a daughter, Chava Miriam, who
is 2 years old. They live in Lakewood, NJ
My son, Lee Newton Rhodes and his wife Barbara [nee Mallin] have 7 children [one died about 3
years ago from meningococol meningitis - he was 10 years old].
I also have 3 adopted children from a second marriage.
My mother, Hannah Teles Robkin, was born and grew up in New Orleans on Erato Street. There
were 10 children but 2 died very young. Babi, Esther Rochel Heiman, had long strawberry hair and
I remember her always drinking hot tea from a glass and eating a lemon drop. Zedi had a full
beard. He was a shochet. Brothers: Samuel Teles, Jr., Morris Teles, Leon Teles, Harry Teles;
sisters: Tillie [Siegel], Myrtle [Wish], Sophie [Munch]. Zedi & Babi Teles are buried in Atlanta;
Harry & Leon in New Orleans, Sophie in New Orleans. Uncle Mirsch [as Morris was called] I'm not
sure. He lived in Michigan. You might want to contact his daughter Avis [she uses the name Avi]
at You can tell her I suggested it. Esther Rochel was born in Austria, Zedi in
SuAnn has all the records of births and deaths because she was going to do a family tree but still
hasn't gotten around to it. My mother, Hannah, was born Sept 9, 1911, my father, Harry was born
TuB'shvat 1899 in Russia. Mother died May 17, 1981, Daddy May 23, 1977.
You can also contact Elana Teles Ginz, daughter of Samuel Teles, Jr. and Rebecca Mendelson at She also lives in Toronto.
This is a start.
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January 2007..Email from Marcia
Dorothy, Betty Mae & Mike forwarded the geneology to me. What a job!
When I get a chance, I'll go over it. One thing that is noticeable though is that the name is spelled
Teles, although the original family name is Aroshofsky [not sure that is spelled correctly]. When my
Zedi Mayer Teles [Shopsai's father] arrived here the story goes that he couldn't speak English and
the custom's person asked him his name. He said "I am Tillie's Mayer." Tillie being his mother.
So they gave him the last name of Teles. There are still family members who go by the name of
Aroshofsky and I think they live in New Orleans.
Shabbat shalom
Love, Marcia
Edward Stuart Rhodes and Marcia Robkin had the following children:
Notes for Susan Anna Rhodes:
2004......Susan and Isser live in Toronto. They have 8 children.
BETTY4 WISH (Myrtle 3 Tellis, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 27 Jun
1936 in New Orleans, LA. She married Meyer Hoffer on 21 Jun 1959 in Cleveland, Ohio. He was
born on 10 Oct 1931 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Notes for Betty Wish:
1999....Betty lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Her phone number is 216-382-4253.
2003...Betty worked as a Social Worker and than taught Nursery School.
Notes for Meyer Hoffer:
2003...Meyer is an Electrical Engineer.
Meyer Hoffer and Betty Wish had the following children:
CHERYL RUTH5 HOFFER was born on 25 Jul 1961 in Cleveland, Ohio.
ELLEN GAIL HOFFER was born on 17 Jun 1963 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married
MIRIAM SHARON HOFFER was born on 08 Apr 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married
MYRON4 WISH (Myrtle 3 Tellis, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 23 Mar
1940 in New Orleans, LA. He married NAOMI BAILIN . She was born in Cleveland, Ohio.
Notes for Myron Wish:
1999...Myron lives in New Provdence, New Jersey. His phone number is 908-464-3922.
2003...Does research for AT&T.
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Myron Wish and Naomi Bailin had the following children:
JERRY5 WISH was born on 02 Oct 1966 in New York.
DAVID WISH was born in New Jersey.
MORRIS4 LEPOW (Mollie 3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in 1924 in
New Orleans, LA. He married ESTHER.
Morris Lepow and Esther had the following children:
RONNIE5 LEPOW was born in New Orleans, LA. He married DIANE.
GARY LEPOW was born in New Orleans, LA. He married ANDREA.
ROSALYN 4 LEPOW (Mollie 3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in 1926 in
New Orleans, LA. She died in 2014 in California. She married DONALD LORD.
Notes for Rosalyn Lepow:
Rosalyn was sick for two years before she died. Her son, Melvin, looked after her. Her other son,
Phillip, died several years ago in a car accident.
Donald Lord and Rosalyn Lepow had the following children:
MELVIN5 LORD was born in 1941.
PHILLIP LORD was born in 1943 in New Orleans, LA. He died in 2005 in Florida.
Notes for Phillip Lord:
2000.....Died in a truck accident.
SOLOMON4 LEPOW (Mollie 3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 27 Jan
1928 in New Orleans, LA. He died in Dec 2010 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married KATHLEEN .
She was born on 15 Feb 1927.
Notes for Solomon Lepow:
February 2004...
More From The Times-Picayune
East Jefferson News
2 men save couple in Metairie canal
They pulled them from submerged car
Tuesday February 17, 2004
By Michelle Hunter
East Jefferson bureau
Two men are being hailed as heroes after rescuing an elderly couple trapped in a submerged car.
Yet, Emile Charvet and Michael Hall, both 22, are reluctant heroes. They said Monday that they
didn't hesitate to free Sol and Katherine Lepow, whose car had taken a dip in the frigid waters of
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the West Esplanade Avenue canal at Dreyfous Avenue in Metairie.
From Our Advertiser
"As far as I'm concerned, they are two angels sent from God," said Katherine Lepow, 77.
The Lepows found themselves in the canal early Sunday morning after a driver smashed into the
rear of their 1993 Ford Crown Victoria, Jefferson Parish Sheriff Harry Lee said. After being
rescued, Katherine Lepow was treated at East Jefferson General Hospital and released. Sol
Lepow, 77, spent some time in the hospital's intensive care unit before he was released Monday.
The driver of the other vehicle, Stephanie Smuck, 28, of 3120 Palm Vista Drive in Metairie, was
booked with DWI, reckless driving and hit-and-run driving, Lee said.
Charvet and Hall received commendations from the Sheriff's Office. "They're real live heroes," Lee
The Lepows, whose son Joey is a Sheriff's Office lawyer, were headed west on West Esplanade
when Smuck's 2003 Lexus sport utility vehicle slammed into the back of their car at about 12:40
a.m., Lee said.
Hall and Charvet were driving in the opposite direction. Charvet said he heard a loud crash and
saw Smuck's vehicle with a smashed front end. Thinking the driver had run into a utility pole,
Charvet said, he and Hall made a U-turn to check.
Hall said they found no one in the SUV but noticed a car in the canal and saw the Lepows inside,
trying to get out. The water had shorted out the car's electric windows, and pressure on the outer
doors kept the couple from freeing themselves.
Charvet and Hall said they emptied their pockets and dove into the water, which authorities said
was about 46 degrees. An unidentified woman who also stopped to help had handed Hall a
steering wheel lock to break the windows.
The canal, swollen with a week of rainwater, was about 9 feet deep, authorities said. Hall, at 5 feet
6 inches tall, said he had to tread water to get enough leverage to swing the steering wheel lock
and try to break the car window.
"It was more like sludge," Hall said of the canal.
After a few swings, Hall shattered the window, and both men helped the couple to shore.
Deputies found Smuck wandering on West Esplanade about two blocks away. "She appeared to
be intoxicated," Lee said.
Smuck could not be reached for comment Monday.
Hall and Charvet seemed bashful at all the attention from Lee. They said the significance of their
actions didn't sink in until a paramedic at the scene told them they probably saved the Lepows'
"When you see somebody in need, you really don't think about it," Charvet said. "You just do it. It's
human nature."
December, 2010
LEPOW Solomon Lepow in Metairie, La. on Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 1:05 AM. Beloved
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4 (con't)
husband of Kathleen Berk Lepow. Father of Estelle L. Spinner and Joseph J. Lepow (Celeste).
Brother of Norman Lepow of Shreveport, La., Roslyn Lord of California and the late Dr. Morris
Lepow. Grandfather of Rachel Spinner Lahasky (Samuel), David Spinner and Trenton Gauthier.
Mr. Lepow was a member of Mardi Gras Barbershop Chorus. Graveside services were held from
New Beth Israel Cemetery, 4444 Elysian Fields Avenue, on Monday, December 13, 2010 at 11:00
AM. Rabbi Uri Topolosky officiating. Donations to Congregation Beth Israel Building Fund, 4000 W.
Esplanade Avenue, Metairie, La. 70002, preferred. Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp Funeral Home in
charge of arrangements. For information, call 835-2341. Condolences may be offered online at
Notes for Kathleen:
2003....Kathleen is known as Chink.
November 19, 2003.... Notes from Sol Heiman...Sol and Chink's son in law died. He was sick with
Chrone's disease all his adult life and was 56 years old. In his last year he suffered a lot and since
they tried everything possible to help him the last 4 months no one could save him.
Solomon Lepow and Kathleen had the following children:
ESTELLE PAULA5 LEPOW was born on 29 Jul 1949. She married WARREN SPINNER.
JOSEPH JAN LEPOW was born on 04 Aug 1951.
Notes for Joseph Jan Lepow:
2005-----Lawyer. Works with the New Orleans police force.
NORMAN 4 LEPOW (Mollie 3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 01 Feb
1932 in New Orleans, LA. He married SOPHIA GREENBERG. She was born on 29 Feb 1936 in
Shreveport, LA.
Notes for Norman Lepow:
Norman adopted Ronnie and Debby after he and Sophia married. Norman had blonde hair in his
youth and has blue eyes. He is about five feet eight inches tall. He and Sophia moved to
Shreveport when Debbie was six and Ronnie was four. Two years later, Gloria was born. Was a
good dancer and loved spending time at the family farm. Had horses there and taught the children
to ride.
Had a knee replacement in his early 70's. Taught Pilates.
Notes for Sophia Greenberg:
2008...Notes by Dorothy Lobel (age 71)
Sophia has strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. Sophia is five feet four inches. Always
beautifully dressed. A very devoted family person. Very smart. Was accepted to medical school but
chose to get married instead. It was her father that wanted her to become a doctor. Sophia has
retinitis pigmentosa and has learned to live with it. Always very active in Jewish Federation and
Jewish affairs. Loves to play Bridge and is also an accomplished piano player. Sophia has a great
personality and is fun to be around.
Sophie was married to Jack Hyman until he died in a drowning accident.
Norman Lepow and Sophia Greenberg had the following child:
GLORIA SIMA5 LEPOW was born on 15 Apr 1964 in Shreveport, LA. She married Dan
Reisner in Shreveport, LA.
SAUL 4 KAHN (Rose3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman, Gus). He married PATSY .
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Saul Kahn and Patsy had the following children:
KAREN5 KAHN was born in New Orleans, LA. She married MIKE MC COWEN.
MARCIA KAHN was born in New Orleans, LA. She married HAROLD ROSENBAUM.
Notes for Ross Kahn:
Ross is Carol and Saul's child and he is a Rabbi. They call him Zvi.
ROBERT KAHN was born in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Robert Kahn:
Robert is Carol's child from her first husband.
KOPEL4 BURK (Sarah3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in New Orleans,
LA. He married RENEE.
Notes for Kopel Burk:
Kopel is a doctor and extremely bright. He and his wife met when he was in med school at Tulane
and she was at Newcomb.
Kopel Burk and Renee had the following children:
MAURICE 4 BURK (Sarah3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in 1931 in
New Orleans, LA. He died on 10 Jun 2013. He married JEANNINE . He married BETTY BREEN.
Notes for Maurice Burk:
2003...Maurice is a Lawyer.
2011..Maurice suffers with Parkinson.
June 12, 2013
Maurice L. Burk ...Obituary
Guest Book "I was truly saddened today to read of Maurice's passing. ..."
- Kendra Comiskey
BURK Maurice L. Burk, age 82, died at his Kenner, LA residence on Monday, June 10, 2013. He
was the beloved husband of Jeannine Burk and father of Jan M. Greenberg (Laura); Kenneth N.
Burk (Lucia), Sidney R. Steabman, Rachelle A. Berk (Fred Kropp), Lisanne S. Davenport (Donald),
and Jeffrey S. Greenberg. Brother of Dr. Kopel Burk and Bernard E. Burk. Also survived by 14
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Jeffrey Greenberg.
Kopel 4 (con't)
grandchildren. Mr. Burk was a native of New Orleans, LA, an honor graduate of Tulane University
Law School, a United States Air Force veteran and member of Shir Chadash Conservative
Congregation. He was a retired attorney. He was also a lifelong member of the Mardi Gras Chorus
- New Orleans chapter of the national barbershop singing organization. Funeral services will take
place from the chapel of Shir Chadash Synagogue, 3737 W. Esplanade Ave., Metairie, LA, on
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 10:00 AM with visitation beginning at 9:00 AM. Rabbi Ethan Linden
will officiate. Interment will follow in Chevra Thilim Memorial Park, Helena at Iberville Streets, New
Orleans, LA. Kindly omit flowers. Memorials are suggested to the American Cancer Society or
Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation. Condolences may be expressed online at Information, (504) 835-2341 Published in The Times-Picayune from
June 11 to June 12, 2013
Notes for Jeannine:
2003..Notes from Sol Heiman..
Thank you for your last E-Mail about Jeannine. The
background in this case is interesting. Sol Lepow's wife ("Chink") has a sister in New York named
Sylvia. Sylvia's son married Jeannine and had two boys. When the boys were very young
Jeannine got divorced. She had already met Maurice (whose wife had died in her late 30's of a
brain hemorrhage). She had known him when he was married as she used to come to New
Orleans for different functions in the family. Maurice had three children from his wife (Betty). Then
he and Betty had my sister,Jeanette's youngest son, Sidney (as Jeanette had a nervous
breakdown and could not care for him). They raised him from the age of 6 and he is now 48 and
still calls Maurice and now Jeannine his parents. Lois and I kept her older son until Jeanette was
able to care for him. About a year after Betty died Maurice and Jeannine were married. Now they
had 6 children to raise and did a great job.
Sidney is the only one that is not married. Jeanette's daughter, Karen had been living in foster
homes. She is married with two children and lives in North Carolina. Jeanette's other son, Mike is
married with one child and living in San Antonio. Love, Sol
2003...Article in New Orleans paper.
» More From The Times Picayune
Jeannine Burk's father put her in hiding during World War II to protect her from the Nazis. Now, 60
years later, she is returning to Belgium to track down the woman who sheltered her.
Sunday September 07, 2003
By Elizabeth Mullener
Staff writer
Jeannine Burk was 3 years old when her father took her to an unfamiliar house on the outskirts of
Brussels, Belgium, and left her. She never saw him again.
For two years, she lived in the house. Her memories of it are hazy, although she knows for sure
that she was treated well. But she never went out the front door, never talked to neighbors, never
played with friends, never went beyond the confines of the tiny back yard with its patch of garden
and an outhouse.
Then, one day, when she was 5, her mother came to pick her up and take her home.
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That was 60 years ago, during World War II. Like Anne Frank and thousands of other Jewish
children across Europe, Burk was in hiding, with a Christian woman who was putting her own life in
jeopardy to protect a child. "Righteous gentiles," they are called.
For each of those 60 years, Burk has been tormented by the same question: Who was that
"I always refer to her as 'the lady' because I don't know her name," Burk said, sitting in her Kenner
home, chic and delicate and animated at 64, with cropped blond hair and clear blue eyes. Her
brother doesn't know, and her sister doesn't know either, she said; both were in hiding elsewhere.
Her mother died not long after the war. Her father was killed at Auschwitz.
"I can't tell you how much I want to have somebody I can thank," she said. "Do you realize what
she did for me? She saved my life. If I had been home when the Nazis came for my father, where
do you think I'd be today? Exterminated.
"So she saved my life, but my God, she risked hers. She would have died instantly if she had been
found hiding a Jewish child."
Now Burk has a chance to discover her savior.
Speech triggers search
Her story involves some unlikely twists of fate.
It began several weeks ago at the New Orleans Jewish Film Festival, where a documentary called
"Secret Lives" was screened. Because the movie dealt with children in hiding during World War II,
Burk was asked to go on stage when it was over and discuss her experiences with the audience.
The movie was hard for her to watch, but afterward she spoke as promised, albeit through tears.
The occasion inspired her, and at the end of her speech she made a vow.
"I told them if it's the last thing I do before I die, I'm going to find the lady who hid me," she said.
"The movie was my impetus."
The next day, she got a telephone call.
"It was this man calling from Brussels," Burk said excitedly, pointing to his name on a form he
faxed her. "He told me he has information for me, that he has found where I was hidden."
Turns out the man is vice president of the Hidden Children Foundation, a group that aims to reunite
Jews with the families who protected them when they were children during the war. Burk's sister
had contacted the group.
The news was overwhelming for Burk -- and so was the timing. She was leaving for Brussels in a
week for a family bar mitzvah.
"Totally by coincidence, he calls," she said. "Out of the blue. It was a miracle."
Although it is the only lead she has had in 60 years, it is not a sure thing. On the form that was
faxed to her, her birth date is wrong, as is the spelling of her name. It says she was hidden in two
homes, which is news to her, and it includes the street addresses and the names of the people
who lived there during the war.
But her parents' address is correct: 51 Rue Monte Carlo. And the neighborhood listed for the
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Generation 4 (con't)
second hiding place, Anderlecht, sounded strangely familiar to Burk.
"He explained how he got this information," Burk said.
"Apparently, after the war, they found notebooks kept by the Jewish resistance. The Jewish
resistance in Belgium, they're the ones who hid me. My father must have gone to them for help."
Cautious approach
If it doesn't work out, Burk said, she will be accepting.
"I won't be heartbroken, and I'll tell you why," she said. "I have now more than I've ever had before.
I feel better just knowing this much. If I find anything further, it will be another miracle."
Meanwhile, Burk plans to visit the two addresses in Brussels sent to her by the Hidden Children
Foundation. She is hoping she will know the places when she sees them, that being there will
trigger her memory.
"I can picture it," she said. "I can picture the house. I hope I recognize it."
The chances that "the lady" is still alive are slim, Burk knows, because she would be about 90
years old. But she has the vaguest memory that there was a daughter in the household, and she
would be thrilled to find her.
"I just want to have somebody I can thank," she said. "The first time I went to Israel with my
husband, we saw the Holocaust memorial. It's a big thing in Jerusalem. And when the bus let us
off, we walked on this walkway, and they have bricks dedicated to all the righteous gentiles.
"I want to do something like that. I want to say thank you. I hope I'll have a chance."
2003...Article in the New Orleans newspaper.
Home really was woman's sanctuary
60 years later, Jew revisits hiding place
Sunday October 19, 2003
By Elizabeth Mullener
Staff writer
What's in a name? To Jeannine Burk, a lot.
For decades, she has sought the name of the woman who took her in during World War II and kept
her safe from the Nazis who were terrorizing the Jews of Brussels, Belgium.
From Our Advertiser
Burk was 3 when her father dropped her off at a stranger's house and disappeared forever -murdered, she found out later, at the Auschwitz death camp. She was 5 when her mother came to
pick her up at the end of the war.
In between, she stayed inside the house, rarely venturing out the front door, protected by a woman
who has never been more than a hazy memory. "The lady," Burk has always called her, because
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memory.4 (con't)
she didn't know her name.
Now the lady has a name.
"It's Kurdna! Mrs. Kurdna!" said Burk, now 64. "For 60 years, I didn't know. Now I can say, 'Mrs.
Kurdna saved my life.' "
Burk, who lives in Kenner, made the discovery through the Hidden Children Foundation, a group
that aims to reunite Jews with the gentile families that protected them during the war. Back then,
there were thousands of Jews in hiding, Anne Frank the most famous. Working with voluminous
papers accumulated by the Jewish resistance movement, the foundation came up with possible
names and addresses for the family that harbored Burk while her family scattered in search of
Through the years, Burk longed to know more about her period of hiding, but she could never find
a lead. Her father was gone, her mother died shortly after the war, and neither her brother nor
sister knew anything about it.
"Where would I have started?" she asked. "I had no name, I had no idea. So I didn't do anything.
"And I guess part of me didn't want to know. Maybe I wasn't ready. Maybe I just wanted to leave it
By coincidence, Burk was about to leave for Brussels for a family occasion when the foundation
contacted her. Now she has returned. Sitting recently at the dining table of her Kenner home, an
elfin woman with blue eyes and chic blond hair, Burk held a stack of photographs in her hand.
They are meant to document her momentous journey, and as she riffled through them, she
recounted her adventure.
Mrs. Kurdna is long since dead, she discovered -- not a surprise since she would have been 90.
And the daughter Burk thought she remembered has not been identified.
But the house -- at 37 Rue de l'Obus -- is still there. When Burk visited it, she recognized it
"I knew it," she said. "I knew this was the house. I had no doubt."
Reunited with safe haven
Looking at the photograph, Burk closed her eyes and put her hand to her heart.
"This was my refuge," she said. "I just stood there and cried, and I put my hands on the bricks.
"I don't know how to describe it to you. I felt grateful to the house. To finally see where I was, to
find it, to recognize it -- it was an incredible feeling."
The house is unremarkable for the most part -- painted brick and three stories high with an iron
balcony on the second floor. It is one in a row of attached, nearly identical buildings along a
cobblestone sidewalk. Burk knocked on the door, but there was no answer.
In truth, Burk didn't even have to see the house to know she was in the right place. She recognized
the street as she approached it, and she even had some vague recollection of the neighborhood
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Generation 4 (con't) vague
once she was there. Called Anderlecht, it is still a working-class district, as it was during her time
there, Burk said -- lively, with plenty of foot traffic on the streets, but mostly Arabs now. There was
a bakery on the corner, a beer parlor nearby and small grocery stores here and there.
"Can you imagine?" Burk asked. "Sixty years, and I've known nothing. And now I have a name, a
house, a neighborhood.
"It was closure. Now I can look at the photo and say this is where I lived. And I can show it to my
grand kids. I can say this is the last place I saw my father."
Family divided by war
Burk figures she must have sensed something ominous about the moment her father left her there
because the memory was so deep and so lasting.
It wasn't long after that day that her father was carted off by the Gestapo.
"Somebody -- a neighbor -- snitched that he was a Jew," Burk said. "They climbed over a wall into
the back yard and broke into my parents' house. Then they went to the front bedroom and took my
Burk's mother and sister were there too, Burk said, but her sister was suffering from osteomyelitis,
an infectious bone disease, and was in a cast. Nevertheless, the Gestapo demanded the two
women come with them. Her mother refused to go and refused to let them take her daughter. The
secret police said they'd return, which they did, but by then Burk's sister had been rescued by nuns
and taken in secret to a Catholic hospital. Her mother found a hiding place in the countryside.
Her father was never heard from again.
Burk's memories of him are minimal and nebulous -- as nebulous as the blurry black-and-white
photograph she keeps of the two of them walking down the street together, a tall, slim man and a
tiny child, holding hands.
"I know he was dark-haired and dark-eyed," she said. And then she hesitated. "I think he was
dark-eyed. I really don't know."
In spite of her tender age and her sketchy perceptions, the day Burk arrived at the house on Rue
de l'Obus made a mark on her.
"I remember going on the streetcar," she said. "And I remember it was the last stop. Then we
walked the rest of the way. And I remember my father going to the door and ringing the doorbell.
"But I didn't know that was going to be the last time I would see him."
Maurice Burk and Betty Breen had the following children:
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Notes for Rachelle Burk:
2011.....copied from facebook.
About Me
nonfiction, and poetry for children have appeared in national magazines such as
Highlights, Scholastic Scope, and Pockets. She is also the author of TREE HOUSE
IN A STORM, a picture book published by Stemmer House Publishers (2009).
Rachelle visits schools and libraries as an author and storyteller, and provides
critique and editing services to other children's writers. As a popular children's
entertainer, Rachelle performs as Tickles the Clown and other characters for
parties, schools, and other events. In a parallel universe, Rachelle is a licensed
clinical social worker, specializing in crisis intervention, and a member of the East
Brunswick Rescue Squad.
My first children's book, TREE HOUSE IN A STORM (illustrated by Rex Schneider),
was released by Stemmer House Publishers in September. Set in my hometown of
New Orleans, two children build a tree house where they play and imagine all
summer long. But then Hurricane Betsy blows into New Orleans in 1965, and their
beloved tree house becomes one of its victims.
This story of loss, hope, and resiliency was inspired by actual events from my
childhood. It explores universal themes of natural disaster and rebuilding. In the
classroom, this book serves as an effective discussion tool. A free Teacher's Guide
and book related activities are available through a link on this site. I love to go to
schools for Author Visit programs!
When purchased through their blog link, a portion of the proceeds will go to Habitat
for Humanity in New Orleans, as well as the American Red Cross of Central New
The book is also available on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and Stemmer House
BERNARD 4 BURK (Sarah3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 16 Apr
1937 in New Orleans, LA. He married BARBARA .
Notes for Bernard Burk:
2003...Bernard has written and directed plays at Tulane University and is well know for his talent.
He is also a lawyer.
Notes for Barbara:
2004...... Dorothy, Bernard's wife Barbara is the Artist. She is getting well known throughout the
South for her works and it is often on exhibit in Galleries here. However, Bernard is also getting
well known as he writes plays and at one time won a city contest for the best play. Love, Sol
Bernard Burk and Barbara had the following children:
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JEANNETTE 4 HEIMAN (Harry3, Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born in 1918 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
She died in New Orleans, LA. She married Steabman in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Jeannette Heiman:
Jeannette died of a massive heart attack. She was not able to take care of all her children.
Maurice Burk took Sidney, Sol and Lois had Michael for a while, and Karen was in a foster home.
Steabman and Jeannette Heiman had the following children:
MICHAEL STEABMAN was born in New Orleans, LA. He married KAY.
SIDNEY STEABMAN was born in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Sidney Steabman:
Sidney was raised by the Burks. Maurice Burk took Sidney when he was six years
old and raised him through college. Jeanette had problems so the cousins raised
him. He was Mark Lobel's roommate the first year of college at LSU in Baton
2003...Sidney is not as yet married. He is a salesman for a medical appliance
2003...Notes by Sol Heiman...It is interesting that Sidney is in Hospital Equipment
sales and working for a company that is owned by Eli Lily (that my son, Mark works
HELEN4 HEIMAN (Harry3, Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 04 Jul 1921 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. She married Abraham Jacob Brook in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Helen Heiman:
2003....Helen and Abe live in Piscataway, New Jersey
2006... Off the Internet....They live in Cliffside Park, New Jersey and their phone nummer is
201-886-1431. Not far from Princeton University.
Notes for Abraham Jacob Brook:
2003.....Abe is a bio chemist.
Abraham Jacob Brook and Helen Heiman had the following children:
SANDRA5 BROOK was born in 1950. She married YITZHAK SHARON.
SHARON BROOK was born in 1951.
Notes for Sharon Brook:
2003.....Sharon is a concert pianist and lives in California.
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DAVID BROOK was born in 1953.
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Notes for David Brook:
2003.....David is a lawyer and has a PHD in law. He is not married.
SHIRLEY4 HEIMAN (Harry3, Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 15 Mar 1926 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. She died on 13 Sep 2014 in New Orleans, LA. She married (1) BILL ERMON in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married ANGUS EASON . He died in 1984 in New Orleans, LA. She married
(3) CECIL M. ADLER in 1946.
Notes for Shirley Heiman:
2003.....Shirley sells Real Estate and lives in New Orleans. Before that she taught school or was
an administrator in Orleans Parish for 19 years, then took a sabbatical during which time her
husband taught her the real estate business. She then went back to teaching in Jefferson Parish
and also sold for his firm. He died 19 years ago. She had to run the business while teaching
school and taking care of her mother until she (Dora) died in 1986. Phone
February, 2003-----Email from Shirley
Dear Dorothy,
Sorry it took so long to get a reply from me. I have had too much work this week and I don't want
to look at the computer any more than I have to. I did get the picture of your father's father, or
that's who I think it was. Very dramatic old world character, Unfortunately, in trying to receive the
pictures, I must have lost something that Sol did get. I did not get the picture of Clara, your dad,
and my mother, but I was able to get the one of my mother and your dad. Dora has that wistful,
little girl look, and your dad looks very masterful. I printed a few copies for the family. Dora's
yahrzeiit was Jan 1, the day you wrote, so I treasured the picture even more. I will get the other
picture from Sol.
Something, quite ironic I learned about my mother not long before she died. My daughter Kerry
was interviewing her about her life in Russia, how she used to walk in the snow up to her knees to
school and how much she still loved cold weather. My mother always talked lovingly about her
grandmother, the reason she stayed behind when the rest of her family left Russia. It was
then we learned that the lady was her stepgrandmother. My mother has always made a distinction
about non-blood relatives not being as loveworthy, so to speak, so we were shocked to hear how
much she loved her and how she refused to leave her. She said that her grandfather was a mean
man who treated his wife badly.His wife had lost a baby, Isaac's brother, who had fallen out of his
crib as a baby.
I loved my grandfather Isaac and thought that God must look like him. When I was three years old I
had an emergency appendectomy at Hotel Dieu Hospital. I cried for my grandfather and didn't
want him to leave me. He would take a streetcar to our house to come teach us hebrew. My
mother would have cream cheese and rye bread for him. Then we would come to his house on
Brainard Street near Baronne and Jackson Ave. He would peel big apples and cut them up for us
with a little knife. He would fall asleep when we read, but as soon as we made a mistake he would
wake up. He would read the Torah in the synagogue and I was proud of him. Once, after we went
home, my father told my mother, "Your father looks like he is about to have a stroke." Sure enough,
the next day he did and he soon died. Then, I would occasionally go to my grandmother's to keep
her company. She was good to me and would give me a soft pink candy I have never tasted since.
She had a rather slow death from stomach cancer. I never knew my father's father or the
grandparents you mentioned. I
remember Simi and how good her children and grandchildren were to her, but I thought of her as a
quarrelsome old lady. My mother used to make us call her up and ask, "How are you . grandma?"
She would always answer, "What do you care? You never call me!" I never did figure that one out.
I taught school or was an administrator in Orleans parish for 19 years, then took a sabbatical
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during which my husband taught me the real estate business . Then I went back to teaching in
Jefferson Parish and also sold for his firm. He died 19 years ago. I had to run the business while I
taught school and took care of my mother until she died in 1986.I then transferred ny license to
Larry Trunk and I am still working there. I have two daughters, Merrill has her license with Larry,
although she lives in Ruston. La. Kerry is a social worker, an adoptions recruiter. She is getting
married soon. Merrill is the only Jewish barrel racer I know. Do you know what that is? She
competes in rodeos and shows. She is in the hall of fame in Louisiana. She gives me fits when she
slides around on her champion horses. I have no grandchildren.
Do you remember when your mother would tell you to eat your liver? She always asked us to
come visit and was so pleasant to us.
Thanks again for the pictures. Ps. I remember when your father would play with all of you in the
basement of your home on Canal Blvd. and outside in the yard. He was a sweetheart. If I can help
with any more memories, I will try. Love, Shirley
September 13, 2014 Shirley Heiman Ermon Eason
Shirley Heiman Ermon Eason passed away on Saturday, September 13, 2014. Beloved wife of the
late Jesse Angus Eason, Jr.; mother of Merrill Ermon O'Neal and Kerry Billy Ermon-(Cox);
daughter of the late Dr. Harry Heiman, M.D. and Dora H. Heiman; sister of Dr. Sol Heiman and the
late Meyer Chester Heiman, Jeanette Heiman Steabman and Helen Heiman Brooks. A native of
New Orleans, LA and a resident of River Ridge, LA. Shirley graduated with a Bachelor's in Music
from Newcomb College in 1945 and received her Master's in Education in 1962 from Loyola
University. She was a teacher and assistant principal with the Orleans Parish Public School
System until 1970 when she was transferred to the Jefferson Parish School System where she
taught until her retirement in 1986. Shirley began selling real estate with her husband (Angus
Eason Real Estate) approximately 1968 until 1984 and then with Larry Trunk Real Estate until her
retirement in 2008. She was awarded the Lifetime member of the Million Dollar Club. Shirley was a
member and one of the Board of Directors for the Riverside Homeowners' Civic Association since
1986. She also served as Director for the Jefferson Community Arts Commission for the Parish in
1982. Shirley was a dedicated member of the Gates of Prayer Synagogue. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend a service at Garden of Memories Funeral Home, 4900 Airline Drive, Metairie,
LA on Monday, September 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM. Visitation will be held from 1:00 PM until service
time. Rabbi Robert Loewy officiating. Interment will be in Garden of Memories Cemetery. In lieu of
flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to ARNO (Animal Rescue New Orleans) or
Gates of Prayer Synagogue in her memory. Online condolences may be offered at
Funeral Home
Garden of Memories
4900 Airline Drive Metairie, LA 70001
(504) 833-3786 Funeral Home Details
2014.......Email from Louise Gottesman Brooks
I am so sorry to learn of the passing of Shirley. I always liked her although
it has been a long time since I have seen her. I believe she was closer
in age to Ruthie than to me but I know in later years my sister Evelyn
was in touch with her. I admired her singularity - I understand she became
a high school principal, lived on and ran a kind of ranch, riding horses,
etc. I was present at her first wedding, I remember. She was also
awfully good to her mother, my Aunt Dora, according to what I heard.
Thank you for letting me know.
Best to you and your lovely family, Louise
2014 Email from Debbie Goldstein Smith
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Dorothy, thank you for sending this. I did not know. Shirley was good to my mom, and they ran
around together after she was on her own. Always sweet to me, too.
Bill Ermon and Shirley Heiman had the following child:
KERRY5 ERMON was born in 1954 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Kerry Ermon:
Kerry is a social worker.
Email....May, 2010
Greetings Cousin Dorothy:
I am Merrill's sister, Kerry...Shirley's younger daughter (age 56). I live with our
Mother, Shirley. I am very very far behind in my emails and didn't have the time to
read all that my sister sent to me but what I did read sounded like I fed you the
information. It was accurate, in other words (the little I read), although not up to
date. I do not have the time at present to write more info to fill you in on what needs
to be added/corrected....perhaps over the phone one day that I have time, we can
do so. In any case, I go to (and bring our mom) to the cemetaries every May
(religiously) to bring stones to the graves of everyone including both sets of
great-grandparents and the cousins. I love the big one with the lighthouse on Canal
Street and leave stones for everyone in the family. I also go the two off Elysian
Fields for the other set of great-grandparents and other relatives. I would love to
meet you one day and give you updated info as well. I have a notebook of info and
interviews I did in the early 70s to get all this information, just like you. I LOVE
THIS KIND OF THING! I hope you will understand that at this time, I do not have
the time to do this but want very much to do so for everyone's sake as soon as
there is more time. My phone number is 504-737-3893. Perhaps in the near future,
we can talk and I can zip out the info. One day, whenever you get back to N.O., I
would LOVE to meet you in person. Thanks for contacting my sister and for
sending this info. Kerry Ermon
---- Merrill O'Neal <[email protected]> wrote:
----- Original Message ----From: Dorothy Lobel
To: Merrill O'Neal
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:53 PM
Subject: Fw: Emailing: Aaron Switatz Family File
Merrill, this file is Isaac Hyman's family. I will send Perl Hyman's (Heiman Family) in
another email after I reprint it to the PDF file. This is 83 pages long so you should
email it to Kinko's or Office Depot and let them print it out for you. However, before
you print it you are free to send me any thing you would like me to include and I will
include it, reprint it and send it to you. I would love for you to fill in any information I
am lacking. My mother helped provide me with much of the information and I also
interviewed many cousins and visited cemeteries. It is still a work in progress. I
started this when I was 53 and I am now 73.
Cecil M. Adler and Shirley Heiman had the following child:
MERRILL5 ADLER was born in 1948. She married JIMMY O'NEAL.
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Notes for Merrill Adler:
2006.... Merrill was married to ? O'Neal and they were divorced. She lives in
Ruston and is in the horse business. She is active in barrell racing and rodeos.
Merrill trains horses for barrel racing and has won championships. Her nickname is
Peanuts because she is small. Her phone number in Ruston is on the farm is
318-255-9377. Her cell number is 318-548-9377.
Internet...Feb. 2006
Where are you from? I am originally from New Orleans, La and am living in Ruston,
La where I graduated from Louisiana Tech University and just never went back
When did you start barrel racing? I went to summer camp in Arkansas when I was
in the 7th grade and they had a camp competition that included barrel racing. One
trip and I was hooked for life.
Are you involved in any other equine events? We have 3 stallions and we breed
and raise colts for barrel racing.
Who or What got you started barrel racing? I've always loved horses and I liked the
idea of a timed event where you were not dependant on a judge. I've always
thought the judged events were sometimes unfair and the electric eye is the best
judge I know. Barrel racing also gave me confidence and made me feel good about
On the road sometimes things happen, do you have an unusual or funny story? A
friend of mine gave me a pet raccoon named Buddy at a rodeo. I had a pickup with
a camper and boot to crawl through. We put Buddy in a cage in the camper. My
girlfriend and I started home and I felt a hand on my shoulder. Buddy had escaped
and was climbing into the front of the pickup. At the time I didn't know him very well
and he climbed on the dash and started running back and forth. We stopped the
truck and jumped out and the truck was stopped in the middle of the road with a
raccoon in it. Traffic was backing up and finally I got back in and pulled it off the
road. It was scary at the time but Buddy turned out to be a wonderful pet and we
had many years of fun with him.
What was the name of your favorite horse and tell us a little about it. This is a hard
question because I had 4 favorite horses. I guess my first great horse is the one
that really I have judged the rest by. Her name was Dawns Burst and she was a
pretty chestnut mare that I won the Louisiana Rodeo Assn on 4 times. In 1973 she
won the Houston Livestock Show and that was my first big win. She was a
consistent winner and I have looked for one like her all my life. I had her in the 70's
and I loved every minute I was with her. In the 80's I had Charlie who was a sorrel
gelding and I won the Louisiana Rodeo Assn on 2 times and the Tri State Rodeo
Assn on in '86. He was another consistent winner and I won many Pro rodeos on
him. He only hit 2 barrels in 8 years. In the 90's I got Mr Ed and he became my best
friend. He is very different from the rest of my horses cause he thinks he is a person
and not a horse. He has no manners and is very spoiled. He has won 5 NBHA
National 1D titles and is alot of fun to ride. My '00 favorite horse is my stallion Reds
Western Native. He is the most like Dawn of all the horses I have had. He is laid
back and quiet and won the Houston Livestock show exactly 30 years from Dawns
win. He also runs in the same hackamore as Dawn and no tiedown like Dawn and
has a pretty head and eye like Dawn. He has that special disposition like Dawn and
I was really lucky to find him.
What are some of the events that you have won (or races that stand out in your
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Generation 4 you
mind)? My first National Championship in 2000. I wasn't going to go because it was
such a long drive to Montgomery, Alabama and my friend Micah Goins talked me
into going. I didn't think Mr Ed would do very well and I didn't feel up for it. Micah
went and helped me keep a positive attitude and Mr Ed got better and better with
every run. There were 997 horses when it started and he won the title and I was
really surprised and very happy.
Over the years have you noticed any changes in barrel racing? What are the good
or bad you've seen? I think there is more money and opportunity now than there
has ever been before. Futurities are paying alot and there are more horses running
barrels than ever before. The 4 D barrel races has brought in more horses and
more people are going because it is paying more places. At first when it started I
didn't like the idea but now I see I was wrong. I didn't like the fact that if a 15.0 won
the barrel race a 17.0 would win money when a 15.3 would not. That seemed
unfair. Now I see how it has made barrel racing so popular and barrel horses so in
What do you think of an equal pay out 4d? I think 1D should pay more than 4D.
Anything other than 1D is strictly luck.
Do you think of yourself as a professional barrel racer? Yes that is my main income
but I do have a Real Estate License along with a WPRA card.
Who is your favorite barrel racer or barrel racers? This is another hard question
because I have so many favorites. I guess it is really easy to say Charmayne
because what hasn't she done? My favorite thing about Charmayne is her true love
for horses and her teachings at her clinics about kindness and her intolerance of
hurting a horse in any way. She is a true horseman and knows her horses inside
out and besides that she is really cool and has such a great attitude.
Do you have any advice for anyone just starting out in barrel racing? Get a good
horse and learn the right way from the start. It is easier to learn good habits than to
break bad ones.
Do you think barrel racing should be limited to women only? No, except for the
WPRA. I think men have made a definite contribution to the sport.
2010....from Merrill's web page
A Little About Merrill
Merrill is originally from New Orleans, Louisiana and is currently living in Ruston,
Louisiana where she graduated from Louisiana Tech University. Merrill started
barrel racing in the 7th grade at a summer camp in Arkansas. They had a camp
competition that included barrel racing. One trip and she was hooked for life.
Today, Merrill has a ranch which includes 3 stallions and she breeds and raises
colts for barrel racing. She has always loved horses and liked the idea of a timed
event where you were not dependant on a judge. She always thought the judged
events were sometimes unfair and the electric eye is the best judge she knows.
Barrel racing also gave her confidence and made her feel good about herself.
Her first National Championship was won in 2000. She wasn't even going to go
because it was such a long drive to Montgomery, Alabama and her friend Micah
Goins talked her into going. She didn't think Mr Ed would do very well and just didn't
feel up for it. Micah went and helped her to keep a positive attitude, and Mr Ed got
better and better with every run. There were 997 horses when it started, but Mr. Ed
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was the one who took the title!
Merrill has won her 10th NBHA National Championship in Jackson,Ms this year!
Merrill has a little advice to those thinking of joining the sport:
Get a good horse and learn the right way from the start.
It is easier to learn good habits than to break bad ones."
Email from Dorothy and Merrill's answer...
Merrill...May 2010
Merrill O'NealMay 20, 2010 at 1:53am
Dorothy Lobel May 18 at 5:42pm Hi Merrill, I live in Shreveport so we are not too
far from each other. Karen Gardsbane Gordon, another one of your cousins also
lives here (she is a vet) and barrell raced at one time. I am curious to know where
your mom is and what is going on with her. Also if you go to Hyman Virtual Reunion
on facebook you can see how everyone is related. I am one of Freida and Morris
Hyman's daughters. The last time I saw you was at my mother's house when you
were three years old. .
Merrill O'Neal May 19 at 11:53pm This is amazing!! I don't know how you found me
but I am so glad you did. I just got back from my Mothers in New Orleans. My sister
Kerry and I take turns staying with her but since Kerry lives 5 minutes from her she
stays more. Mother is in the early stages of Dementia but is still pretty sharp about
most things. Wasnt Morris Hyman my grandmother Dora's brother? I cant believe I
have a cousin that is a vet. That would be great to meet you all over there. I go to
Shreveport alot. My vet Dr Swartz has a clinic there. I had a horse running at
Louisiana Downs last year. I will tell my Mother and sster about you. It is exciting to
hear I have family close by!
May, 2010
My email address is [email protected]. I would love for you to go to my website
and see what I do. I think you will be surprised. It is Let me
know what you think. Uncle Morris was so good to Grandma and he always helped
her. She loved him very much and talked about him all the time. I always wondered
what happened to his family but never expected anyone to be in Shreveport. I
ended up in Ruston because of Louisiana Tech where I graduated in Agricultural
Education. I started in Pre Vet and wish I had pursued it. Now I also wish I had
gone to Law school cause I like that also. I did get certified in Artificial Insemination
from LSU Vet school and that is mainly what I do as you will see when you go to my
website. I am excited about seeing you again as I won't say how many years it has
been. I am also forwarding your message to Kerry in New Orleans. She has Uncle
Sol and Aunt Lois in New Orleans but there is no family up here for me...till now.
July 2013...Facebook.....Merrill, I did not know you had a sister named Susan. Is
she a step sister??? Hope she gets better.
Merrill O'Neal ..... She is my half sister. We share the same father. My Mothers
first husband Mack Adler. She was raised in L.A. But now lives in Tucson Arizona.
Just Monday diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor of the frontal lobe. She
doesn't smoke and is a vegetarian and health conscience . Always been healthy
and only in her forties. So sad but no one is giving up. They are bracing for the
fight. Thank you for your message.
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SOL4 HEIMAN (Harry3, Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 14 Jun 1929 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He married LOIS MISHLOVE. She was born in Chicago, IL.
Notes for Sol Heiman:
2003.....Sol is an Optometrist. He and Lois live at 3717 Gentilly, New Orleans, LA 70122. He has
a good singing voice. Had a hip replacement in his 70's. His nickname is Popsi.
2003... Email from Sol... Dorothy, it was really nice seeing you again and talking about our
My cousin, Maurice Burk married a girl Jeannine that was in the Holocaust in Belgium. Her
father in order to save her from the Nazis
gave her to a Christian home who hid her. She was 3 year's old at that time. By the time she was
l2 she was put in an Orphanage in Belgium and a picture of the children in the Orphanage was
placed in a New York paper. An Aunt recognized her picture and sent for her. Her father was
killed in a concentration camp. Her mother also died (I don't think in a concentration camp). The
article and picture of her was put in our newspaper Saturday. The reason they did this is that
Jeannine got a call from the Belgium consul to the effect that they found the house where she was
hidden. She and Maurice are now in Belgium hoping that the lady who hid her is still alive or
maybe someone in the family. This was 60 years ago.
Again, it was nice seeing you. If I remember more of relatives I will surely let you know.
Love, Sol
The Remoulads quartet have now celebrated their 25th anniversary as a registered quartet in our
Society and during that time, have made over 600 sing-outs! That's right, they have
consistently averaged over 30 sing-outs a year. Talk about versatility - this includes nursing homes,
rest homes, Kiwanis,Rotary, church and synagogue social events, private parties, the national
anthem for Saint's football and Zephyr's baseball games, sales meetings,banquets, style shows,
wedding anniversaries, retirement parties and even grand openings of shopping centers!
They have competed in division and district contests over the years and have made many guest
appearances on chapter shows throughout the district. Tenor Rollie Neve is a past chapter
president and is tenor section leader with over 25 years of quartet experience. Baritone Ron
Redmann has served as baritone section leader and has over 25 years quartet experience. Bass
Dr. Sol Heiman is also a past president, past bulletin editor for 15 years, bass section leader with
over 30 years quartet experience. Lead Dr. Saul Schneider is a past chorus director, certified judge
Presentation specialist, SWD Barbershopper of the Year, SWD Hall of Fame and
past DACJC-SWD, district music educator.
The Remoulads were organized in 1971 when they won the right to appear in the quartet role in the
Music Man for Tulane Summer Lyric Theater. They again appeared in this role in June of 1983 for
the Lyric Theater. The director called Saul Schneider and asked if he could round up the quartet
again. Saul told him, "We never left". They were again asked to do The Music Man. So in July
1997, they reprised their role in this show. Even a very critical newspaper reviewer said of the
Remoulads' performance, "provides high points as the School Board". During all this time, they
have also consistently supported their chapter by appearing on their annual shows every year.
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We congratulate the Remoulads on their 25 years of quarteting and hope that they continue
making friends for Barbershopping and making people happy for many years to come.
November 2014...Email from Sol answereing some of my questions about Pearl and Isaac's
The main thing I remember of Isaac is that he used to come over our
house and I would sit on his lap and he would teach me to read Hebrew
which helped me when I started Hebrew school at age of 10. But my
mother often told me how much I loved Isaac. In fact when I was 1 year
old I had a serious operation on my ears (double mastoid operation)
where most children don't survive the operation. I was so close to
Grandpa that no one could stay in my hospital room except Isaac. My
mother used to tell me I would hold on to his sleeve so he would not
leave me. Of course I don't remember this. I don't remember Perl too
well except she would usually be in the background and not say too
much. I remember her appearance as short and fat but I could be wrong.
As far as their life style in concerned; Isaac as I remember was very
religious and would go to Anshe Sfad on a daily basis. I think he
would walk there. Perl would not go although in those days females did
not have much of a role in religious services. My mother was much
closer to her father than her mother. Isaac had a very good sense of
humor and that is where my mother got it and I am fortunate that she
passed it on to me. In fact I am in the process of publishing a book
of my 6 years in the Air Force. I had many funny things happen to me
that I can not forget. I will send you a copy as soon as it comes out.
In fact I did something crazy last night. We were eating a Cornish hen
and before we cut into it I put it into a large roasting pan and took
the picture. The caption says: Be sure not to keep your turkey in the
oven too long. Love, Sol
Sol Heiman and Lois Mishlove had the following children:
MARK5 HEIMAN was born on 09 Oct 1952 in New Orleans, LA. He married SHARON.
LINDA HEIMAN was born on 22 Dec 1954 in New Orleans, LA. She married STEVE
ALBERT LEWIS 4 HYMAN (David3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in Nov 1923 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. He married Neal Steiner, daughter of Arthur Steiner and Elizabeth Alaynick in
New Orleans, Louisiana. She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Albert Lewis Hyman:
Albert Hyman is in Internal Medicine specializing in Cardiology. He loves his Judaism and is a very
devoted father.
Albert and Neal moved to the Boston area after Katrina to be near their son Albert and his family.
Notes for Neal Steiner:
Neil studied at Newcomb College. Class of 1956.
Albert Lewis Hyman and Neal Steiner had the following child:
ALBERT ARTHUR5 HYMAN was born on 07 Mar 1965 in New Orleans, LA. He married
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Sharon J. Waller in Montreal. She was born on 29 May 1969.
EDWARD SIDNEY4 HYMAN (David3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in 1924 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. He died on 09 Mar 2004 in New Orleans, LA. He married Jean Simons in
Georgia. She was born in Georgia.
Notes for Edward Sidney Hyman:
Notes from the Internet.....My name is Edward S. Hyman, M.D. I am a Fellow of the American
College of Physicians I have been in the Private Practice of Internal Medicine for more
than 47 years..
Background: My M.D. was from The Johns Hopkins when I was 21. I interned at Washington
University under the noted bacteriologist, Dr. W. Barry Wood. After active duty in the Navy, I had a
Fellowship and Residency at Stanford, and then spent 2 years in Medicine at Harvard. Then I
turned down appointments at Harvard to go into private practice, to see Medicine in the raw before
illness such as the Gulf War Illness was divided into categories, which is now the problem.
During these 45 years I have seen thousands of patients from all over the world, referred by
physicians or by other patients. Most of these patients had complex medical problems with multiple
symptoms which crossed many sub-specialties of Intemal Medicine. Many had received the current
treatment for illnesses with multiple diagnoses. Many were untreated because the physician did not
know how to treat them. Many were sent to Psychiatrists. Z found a common cause for the
seemingly unrelated illnesses. I was able to help thousands of these who were not helped by other
physicians. I found a cause that was common to all of these patients. I developed a method which I
refined throughout the years to detect bacteria in the urine. Thus, I have treated patients for 45
years based on my findings in my microscopic examination of their urine. If there is no finding there
is no treatment.
My purpose in this phone connection is primarily to answer questions which you may have. Many
veterans present know of my successful treatment of Gulf War Illness and a number of them have
received the treatment. They can speak for themselves and describe the effect they experienced.
The committee is familiar with my work on this subject. However, I enclose 3 reprints. The previous
chairman, Dr. Harold Sox, received ,and I assume read, a manuscript of our results on the Gulf
War Illness before the previous meeting of this committee almost a year ago in September of 1999.
The Army and the Veterans Administration are familiar with the work. I presented it to Dr. oshua
Lederberg and the members of his Committee in the Pentagon and in detail in June of 1999 to a
meeting in the Surgeon General Ronald Blanck's office Both Colonel Engle and Dr. Feussner were
present. Many others have visited me in my office laboratory.
They all know that I with 2 well known colleagues, Dr. Quentin Deming retired Chairman of
Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and William Weiss retired
statistician form the FDA, ran a successful placebo controlled, blinded trial which established that
the Gulf War Syndrome responds to our antibiotic regimen. The probability that the relief of fatigue
we showed could have occurred by chance was less than one in a thousand. The statistics for
improvement of quality of life and for relief of headache were equally overwhelming. Pain was also
relieved. They know that. Arthralgia goes away.
Most impressively, though we had to use large doses of antibiotics by vein to accomplish this, in
our hands there were no significant adverse effects The number of minor ones was the same in the
treatment and the placebo groups. The reviewers at Waiter Reed were perturbed by a temporary
increase of the creatinine kinase in one patient. They misinterpreted this as a liver enzyme. It is not
a liver enzyme but is a muscle enzyme. It turned out that this rise was the result of the patient
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feeling so much better that he suddenly re-instituted heavy muscle training after a long period in
which he had done none. His presumed adverse effect was a reflection of improvement.
The implication is surely that this syndrome has a bacterial basis, something that was suggested in
about 1912, and is pretty obvious after family members of returning veterans began to experience
the same syndromes. That could not result from the veteran having been exposed to chemicals.
Sickness due to exposure to chemicals is not contagious. Sickness due to exposure to toxic
chemicals is not likely to respond to antibiotics.
The army knows these results. The VA knows these results. We have offered to help them extend
the treatment to others. We can not tell you why they have not done so. You will have to ask them.
They have said they do not accept our blinding procedure. We think the blinding was highly
effective but even if we had used no blinding, a favorable effect on 36 veterans who had sought
relief from the Army and VA medical services without success for 5 years should have stimulated
them a bit.
Perhaps the most distressing failure of the government to help is shown by the stories of veterans
who responded to this treatment. Some of them may be here today. if they were then maintained
with benefit by continued oral medication but began to relapse when neither the Army nor the VA
would continue to provide a medication which had already been shown to help that particular
To me the story is inexplicable and sad. No doubt Colonel Engle and Dr. Feussner will offer you
explanations which they will consider "scientific". If they or their family had contracted the disease,
perhaps each of them would be less unfavorable. Ask the veterans who have been through the
program what they think of the explanations.
I will answer any questions now. Most importantly, Colonel Engle and Dr. Feussner have already
had their unrestricted time to explain this away, i would be happy to answer their or your further
questions. Unless the committee's rules do not allow answers to government statements.
Pertinent references (outside the copying rules): Hyman, E.S. improved Microscopic Detection of
Bacteriuria. Biotechnic & Histochemistry, 1992 (vol 67): 1-8.
Hyman, E.S. Computer Algorithm Offers a Comprehensive View of Quantitative Bacteriuria.
Nephron 1993;65:549-558.
2004---Dr. Edward Sidney Hyman
Dr. Edward Sidney Hyman, age 79, died on Tues., March 9, 2004 at his residence. Beloved
husband of Jean Simons Hyman. Father of Edward David Hyman, Judith Hyman Ladden, Sydney
Hyman of New York and Anne Hyman Fierman of Atlanta. Father-in-law of Stuart Aaron Fierman.
Grandfather of Justin Ross Ladden, Matthew Todd Ladden, Sara Hadley Ladden and Reis Weston
Fierman. Brother of Lillian Hymn Goldsmith of Pittsburgh, Albert Lewis Hyman and the late May
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Hyman Lesser. Son of the late Mary Newstadt Hyman and Dr. David Hyman. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend the funeral from Temple Sinai, 6227 St. Charles Ave., on Thurs., March 11,
2004 at 3:00 PM. Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn will officiate. Visitation from 2:00 PM until service time
at the Temple. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to The Fund for
Johns Hopkins Medicine, 100 N. Charles St., Suite 433, Baltimore, MD 21201 or the charity of your
choice, preferred. Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp Funeral Home, 4127 S. Claiborne Ave., in charge of
arrangements. Please sign family guest book at
Published in The Times-Picayune on 3/10/2004.
We regret having to inform you of the passing of Dr. Edward Hyman z''l, brother of our Albert & Neil
Hyman. The funeral will be held on Thursday, March 11, 2004 at Temple Sinai Synagogue.
Visitation from 2:00 pm until service time at 3:00 pm.
The entire leadership and membership of Shir Chadash extends to the Hyman family our deepest
Hamakom yinachem...May the entire Hyman family be comforted along with all other mourners in
Edward Sidney Hyman and Jean Simons had the following children:
JUDITH5 HYMAN was born in Aug 1958 in New Orleans, LA. She married DAVID
SYDNEY HYMAN was born on 22 Apr 1960 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Sydney Hyman:
2006.... Sydney lives in New York and is not married at this time. She is an artist.
EDWARD DAVID HYMAN was born in Jul 1962 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Edward David Hyman:
2006....Edward lives in New Orleans and is not married at this time.
2009...Edward went to two years of medical school before dropping out. He still
lives in New Orleans and has opened a Lab that supplies medical schools with
chemicals they need.
ANNE HYMAN was born in 1966 in New Orleans, LA. She married STUART AARON
MAY 4 HYMAN (David3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in 1927 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. She died on 24 Jul 2001 in New Orleans, LA. She married LEONARD I. LESSER. He was
born in Feb 1916. He died in 1999 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for May Hyman:
2003...May was very artistic and extremely intelligent. She inspired Mark Lobel to go back to
school and become an architect. A devoted family person.
2003...Notes from the Internet
Medical Sketches by May Lesser
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by May
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----May H. Lesser, the daughter, sister, wife and mother of physicians, is a graduate of the H. Sophie
Newcomb College, Tulane University, with honors in drawing. She studied anthropology at
Columbia University and child psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University. She received a master's
degree in painting from the University of Alabama and did further graduate work at UCLA. She was
granted the Tiffany Graphics Art Award and taught printmaking at the UC, Irvine.
She, as an artist, has had the rare experience of being "on-the-inside" of the medical centers of
UCLA, the University of Southern California and Tulane University. Her work has been exhibited at
UCLA, and UC, Irvine, Tulane University and Louisiana State University, the University of Miami,
the University of Southern California, Case Western Reserve University, the Seattle Museum of
Art, California State College at Long Beach, the Detroit Institute of Art, the Smithsonian Institution,
the University of Pittsburgh, the National Academy of Design, the George Washington University,
the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health, and the National Library of Medicine.
Her etchings and drawings are in the permanent collection of the Weatherspoon Gallery, the
University of North Carolina, the Oklahoma Art Center, the ARS Medica Graphic Art Collection at
the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Grunwald Graphic Art Foundation at UCLA, the Darling
BioMed Library of UCLA, the Calder Medical Library of the University of Southern California, the
New Orleans Museum Art and the National Library of Medicine. She published two books, The Art
of Learning Medicine (Appleton-Century-Crofts, N.Y., 1974) and An Artist in the University Medical
Center, (Tulane University Press, N.O., 1989), which won the Best Art Book of 1990, Mary Ellen
Lopresti Publication Award of the Southeastern Art Librarians Association. Her color etchings and
drawings have appeared on eleven covers of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Some of her sketches can be found at the National Library of Medicine .
2003....Notes from the Internet
An Artist Looks at Dreams
Home | Contents | Preface page 6 <previous | next>
The symbolic use of animals in dreams is an ancient method to engage their support, as seen in
the cave paintings of animals that are hunted. The dog in the street with a stick in his mouth, one
who bites and one who rescues, one as a fetus in a human female. A mouse and then mice in a
shadow box, a cat in a street side walk grate shaft, the mother rat and her nursing babies, tadpoles
in a bathtub and fish in an aquarium, a canary in a cage and an octopus are found in my dreams.
It is possible to have a dream and not understand it until years later. For example, a dream about
child with a bandaged head and another with a figure which has both a male and female
configuration. Only when I witnessed cranial facial reconstructive surgery many years later, did the
origin of the dream images occur to me. And that memory came from the noise of the surgeon's
As we study music appreciation to gain a richer insight into sounds orchestrated into themes,
variations and melodies, time intervals that go in the making of a symphony, so we can increase
our understanding of the visual format of creativity, the pictures of dreams. We can study by
examining the art, the shapes, colors, movements, simplicity, clarity or the reverse, as a product in
itself. We can study metaphors, symbols, primary objects and associations to it, not by words and
their puns, rather by the natural change the mind makes. We have sight before language, our
hands move when we talk, meaning that we had sign language of some sort before speech. So as
we view art to explore if it is three dimensional or flat, simple or confused, primitive or sophisticated
technique, the unusual or the obvious, crisp or dark and muddy, bright or muted, outlined and
contained or open edged, close or far apart objects, the dream does not need to be transformed
into another modality, that is, into words.
The viewer of these paintings can associate to someone elses dreams as well as to his own, like
the professor describing my painting did in his own vernacular. He saw the Christ rising and the
Last Supper in one. Since there is a certain amount of universal symbolism, the images will
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mobilize associations as they are viewed. I present these art works without any interpretations
according to Freud or Jung or other psychiatrists. These paintings may help observers recall some
images even though they may not be aware of experiencing them while dreaming. The art may
resonate experiences in the unconscious without the awareness of their reason and without words.
Many experiences are coded non-verbally. Perhaps they can encourage the adult to be "the child"
once more. This can be a profound experience.
I will show a few medical series art works, then some landscapes which were my retreat from the
intense interactions of the medical center and always having to get approval for the art work and
legends that accompanied the art. Every word of the text was scrutinized by the professors and
chairmen and chancellors. So to go out in the part or by the lakefront and be on my own was a
great release. I did not know life could be so simply! Finally I will present the dream etchings and
paintings, which came as a parallel to the medical series. Only, in the medical series and the
landscapes, there was the drawing board between me and the "what I was drawing". In a way, the
drawing board became a shield and I was behind it. With the dream paintings, I was alone with the
dream. They, then, are far more intimate, more intimate than with another person, even physician
and his patient.
Leonard I. Lesser and May Hyman had the following children:
MARYANN FERN5 LESSER was born on 15 Oct 1948. She married David Luckenbill in
LILLIAN LESSER was born on 23 Apr 1950. She married GARY NIDITCH.
ROBERT LESSER was born on 05 Apr 1953 in Tuscaloosa, AL. He married (1) ANNE
She was born in 1957.
STEVEN HARRY LESSER was born on 17 Apr 1956. He married Karen Gurlich in
LILLIAN 4 HYMAN (David3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 03 Apr 1930 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married Kenneth Goldsmith on 21 Mar 1953 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
He was born on 12 Oct 1924 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Lillian Hyman:
2003... Notes by Dorothy Lobel...When I was a child I was in awe of Lillian because she was so
pretty and had such a great personality. I could not understand why she was not a movie star.
Morris Hyman adored Lillian and always called her Lilly Ann. Lillian was a very caring and devoted
daughter. Extremely family oriented. Ethel Hyman was in her wedding.
Kenneth Goldsmith and Lillian Hyman had the following children:
KENNETH DOUGLAS5 GOLDSMITH was born on 04 Oct 1954 in Pittsburg,
MILDRED BAER GOLDSMITH was born on 09 Nov 1956 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
She married SIMON DAN PALLEY. He was born on 25 Nov 1957 in London, England.
MALCOLM GOLDSMITH was born on 21 Dec 1957 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
FREDERICK BAER GOLDSMITH was born on 19 May 1961 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Notes for Frederick Baer Goldsmith:
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Freddy is a lawyer and lives in Houston, Texas.
ETHEL4 HYMAN (Morris 3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 04 Dec 1934 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married Albert Jay Schnitt, son of Abe Schnitt and Jean on 11 Jul 1954 in
New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 06 Jan 1923 in Shreveport, Louisiana. He died on 24 Jul
2011 in Hallandale Beach, FL..
Notes for Ethel Hyman:
Written by Dorothy Lobel....2003
Ethel has green eyes and blond hair and is about 5 feet 4 inches. She is a bundle of energy and
loves physical exercise. She mastered yoga and exercises daily. At one time she was a highly
accomplished golfer and won the Lakewood Country Club's Women's Championship. Ethel has a
lot of personality and was one of the most popular Jewish girls growing up in New Orleans.
Ethel had a fibroid tumor the size of a grapefruit and had a partial hysterectomy with the bikini cut
at age 43. She took premarin for many years but stopped in 2004.
Notes for Albert Jay Schnitt:
Albert had jet black hair and dark eyes and was extremely good looking when Ethel met him. He
will be 80 years old tomorrow and is still handsome. He is a retired Optometrist.
Ethel and Al moved to Hallandale Beach, Florida after Katrina in 2005. Al suffers with fibromyalgia
and it is hard for him to do much walking. He also has some heart problems.
May, 2011
Al is in Intensive Care with heart and kidney problems. He has two bad heart valves but is too
weak to have heart surgery.
July, 24, 2011
Al passed away peacefully in the hospital with Ethel by his side.
Dr. Albert Jay Schnitt Obituary in the New Orleans newspaper.
SCHNITT Dr. Albert Jay Schnitt, 88, died on July 24, 2011 at Aventura Hospital, Aventura, FL. He
was born in Shreveport, LA where he worked in the family optometry business, Texas Optical. He
later moved to New Orleans, LA where he started his own optometry business, General Meyer
Vision Clinic. He was a practicing optometrist for over 50 years. He served in the Air Force as an
optometrist in WWII. He enjoyed fishing, the stock market and gardening. He was a member of the
Masons. After Hurricane Katrina, he and his wife moved to Hallandale Beach, FL. He is the son of
the late Dr. Abe and Jean Schnitt.
Facebook Comments....
Sylvia Senter...
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And to all things, there is a season". Your father had a full life and lived to advanced age. He
retained his mental sharpness until the day he died. When a person lives a full and long life, we
must be gratefull. He lived to see his children and eight grandchildren become adults. He was a
good father and a good person. He is no longer with us but he will always be in your heart.
Tamara Kluger Jacobson..
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your father was a kind soul and always had a smile and a story.
May his memory be a blessing to you.
Albert Jay Schnitt
Place of Burial: South Florida VA National Cemetery, Lake Worth, Palm Beach, Florida, United
Birth: 1923
Shreveport, Louisiana, United States
Death: July 24, 2011 (88)
Hallandale Beach, Florida, United States
Immediate Family: Husband of Ethel Schnitt
Father of Suzanne Schnitt; Nancy Dicker and Carol Ordemann
Added by: Erica Howton, (c) on July 12, 2010
Managed by: Erica Isabel Howton, (c)
Albert Jay Schnitt and Ethel Hyman had the following children:
NANCY LYNN5 SCHNITT was born on 23 Jul 1955 in Shreveport, LA. She married
MICHAEL DICKER. He was born in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
CAROL ANN SCHNITT was born on 27 Jul 1956 in Shreveport, LA. She married
SUZANNE SCHNITT was born on 21 Feb 1958 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She died on
08 Oct 2007 in Ft Worth, TX. She married Isaac Watemberg, son of Hyman
Watemberg on 03 Nov 1991. He was born in Bogata, Columbia.
MARIAN 4 HYMAN (Morris 3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 30 Nov 1935 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married Percy Jacobson, son of Abe Jacobson and Belle Freidman in
New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 11 Jul 1931 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died on 04
Apr 1991 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Marian Hyman:
Marian has blue eyes and dark hair. A most beautiful child. Tall with a good figure. She was
always a good athlete and made friends easily. She is very sociable and spends a lot of time on
the phone with family and friends. She had her first child when she was 17 years old. Marian and
Percy divorced after many years. Percy died of bladder cancer.
Marian had a partial hysterectomy in her 50's because she had fibroid tumors. One was the size of
a grapefruit. She had two heart attacks in her 60's and had heart bypass. Marian also took DES
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when she was pregnant with two of her children. She does take estrogen seven days a week as of
2012..Marian got sick in Florida and the doctors determined that she has a blocked artery to her
stomach. They will put in a stint this week and hope that will cure her pain and stop the fainting.
Also, they determined that she still had a part of her thyroid and it has nodules that are benign.
She thought her entire thyroid had been removed twent years ago.
Notes for Percy Jacobson:
Percy had black hair and dark eyes and was very handsome. Stuttered. Was always fighting a
weight problem. Died of bladder cancer.
Percy Jacobson and Marian Hyman had the following children:
MICHAEL5 JACOBSON was born on 03 Sep 1953 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He
married Paula Jefferson, daughter of Stockton Bennett Jefferson and Vilma
Mackenroth in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana.
TERRY JACOBSON was born on 19 Oct 1954 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married
Shellie Katz on 24 Sep 1978 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was born on 15 Feb
1955 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
DIANNE JACOBSON was born on 14 Jul 1956. She married Rick Solsky in New
Orleans, Louisiana.
DEBRA JACOBSON was born on 04 Jul 1957 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
Frederick Miller in Dallas, Texas.
LAURA ANN JACOBSON was born on 08 Oct 1963. She married Scott Stair Turner on
15 Jun 2014 in Roswell, Georgia.
Notes for Laura Ann Jacobson:
Laura is outstanding in every way. She is beautiful with dark hair and eyes and
keeps everyone laughting. She is most entertaining and could take over the Jay
Leno Show if given the chance.
Sept. 2005----Hurricane Katrina
Marian went to stay with Laura when she had to leave New Orleans.
Thanks a million...I have aged a 100 years! Someone wanted to know if mom was
my sister!!!!!!!!!!!! I will add all this to my memoiries.
2010 Notes from Hyman Family Reuion on Facebook.
I am the 5th child of Marian and Percy Jacobson. My siblings are Michael, Terry,
Dianne, Debra and Steven. I am the granddaughter of Frieda and Morris Hyman.
Marian is their daughter. This is a great site. I just came across it!
Laura has finally found the man of her dreams and was a beautiful bride. Marian
walked her down the isle which was very touching.
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STEVEN JAY JACOBSON was born on 25 Sep 1969 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He
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DOROTHY4 HYMAN (Morris 3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 30 Nov 1936 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married Bernard Bennett Lobel, son of Louis Lobel and Esther Kuperman
on 14 Apr 1957 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 10 Feb 1931 in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Notes for Dorothy Hyman:
Written by Dorothy Lobel at age 60 (1996)
Dorothy has brown hair and green eyes, small shoulders and Hyman hips. Hysterectomy at the
age of 27 due to a large fibroid tumor. Dimple in her cheek identical to Grandmother Anna's. Two
surgeries when a few weeks old for pyloric stenosis. I was in an incubator and had turned yellow
(jaundiced) and looked like a rubber doll so was nick named Doll Baby. Uncle Jake donated blood
for me. My sisters still call me Doll. Weight problem and was a very heavy child. Only five foot two.
The shortest of the five sisters. Loved physical exercise and walked 4 miles a day for many years.
Shy as a child but became more sociable in later years. Has Morris Hyman's disposition. Had a
stomach ulcer when the children were young. Was bothered with Reflux in my 60's. I have taken
Premarin for at least 25 years and take a low dose five days a week. In 2011 I quit taking
Very drug sensitive. If there is a side effect I will have it.
At age 65 I had a right bundle branch block show up on an EKG but was told it was not a problem.
Very warm natured like Mother.
Nails grow very fast. Floaters in both eyes. Left eye bled when I was about 67 from picking up
something that weighed about 40 pounds. Also beginning of cataracts.
When we were children the eggs and milk were delivered to our home each week. Mother taught
us to call them Mr. Egg Man and Mr. Milkman. As a child I thought that was their name.
Dear Dorothy,
Concerning your early childhood illness, I remember my father saying that he donated blood for
you at that time and that was why you were a bit plump as a child. It seems to be that he called you
"Doll Baby". If any of this rings a bell, you might want to add it in.
Best regards, Jay Hyman
Written by Dorothy Lobel at the age of 72......February, 2009
When I think of 7040 Canal Blvd. my mind goes back to my childhood in New Orleans growing up
in the World War Two Era. I was one of six very sheltered children. One boy and five girls. What a
childhood we had!!!! Life as we knew it no longer exists. We were carefree and happy even without
television and air conditioning. Definitely no computers or cell phones. We played Monopoly and
Parcheesi all day long if we weren't outside riding our bikes or swinging or playing baseball,
basketball and hide and seek. We even had a small swimming pool in the yard that had to be
cleaned once a week as there was no filter.
We climbed trees like we were monkeys and all the neighborhood children came to our yard
because their mothers did not want six children coming to their house. In the summer we played
outside until we heard my mother ring a huge bell that could be heard throughout the
neighborhood. We knew we had five minutes to get home or there would be a price to pay.
Our home and yard took up one city block and we had swing sets in the back and side yards. We
had a very high sliding board, two sea saws and a merry go round. All of the end of the year school
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very high sliding
merry go
parties were held at our house because of the large yard. Daddy was always there with his movie
camera and we always thought we were movie stars. He labeled the home movies "Our Gang" and
we never tired of watching them.
Lakeview School was a fine elementary school in our neighborhood but it was a wood building so
my father sent us to Beauregard School on Canal Street as it was a brick building. He was on the
board of Newman School but did not believe in private schools. He said we had to live with the
masses so we should go to school with the masses.
Mother was the disciplinarian of the family. Daddy just wanted us to be happy. He adored his
children and had us on a pedestal. In his mind we could do no wrong. Right or wrong......that is just
the way it was. He instilled a great love of this country in me plus religion, as he, like most of the
immigrants, loved his Judaism. He cried every time he remembered the Pogroms he lived through
and what it was like on the cattle boat coming to this country.
Alfred, the first born and only boy had a tough time growing up. I am sure it was difficult to be the
only boy with five sisters. He died at 45 years old from peritonitis when his colon perforated. It was
a very sad time for our family. My dad always said that after he had one boy he turned the mattress
over and he then had five girls.
Mother and Daddy lived to be in their early nineties and were the proud grandparents of eighteen
grandchildren. Nine granddaughters and nine grandsons. The grandchildren never tired of going to
visit them and always went to Grandpa when they needed advice. I think they all hold special
memories in their hearts of those wonderful times together.
The five girls try to see each other on a yearly basis but are always on the phone with the daily
news. We were never jealous of each other and stayed friends through out the years. All of our
children are kind and compassionate and loving parents. A legacy of love was passed down to us
and we are passing it on to the next generations.
May 2009
Cataract surgery performed by Dr. Thomas Planchard. Used the toric lens to correct astigmatism
and only need glasses for reading.
June, 2010
Went to Dr. Robert Thornton for an allergy attack and he felt my neck and found a tumor. I had a
cat scan, ultra sound and MRI to determine what it is. I have a neurogenic tumor on the brachial
plexus nerve that controls my right arm. This is so rare it has been difficult to find a doctor that
specializes in this. I will be seeing two doctors in Dallas next week and a neurosurgeon here when
I get home for consultation.
October, 2010
Bernard and I went to Mayo Clinic to meet Dr. Robert J. Spinner who is the Brachial Plexus expert.
He will operate December 2, 2010 to remove the tumor. He is an amazing young man and Mayo
Clinic is an amazing place. We stayed at the Khaler Grand Hotel which is connected to Mayo's with
the underground subway.
December 2, 2010
All went well with the almost three hour surgery at St. Mary's Hospital and I have no nerve damage
to my arm. My chest will be numb for about a year. What a miracle! The tumor was not on the
nerve after all. Laurie and Les met us at Mayo's to be with us.
December 9, 2010 ..The nurse from Mayo's just called and said I had a rare tumor called
angioleiomyoma (a smooth muscle tumor) and it was benign. I am a very lucky and happy camper.
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angioleiomyoma (a
very lucky
happy camper.
Dr. Spinner called and said my tumor may have been caused from harmones so I have stopped
taking Premarin. I find that I no longer have Reflux now that I am off the harmone. May be a
coincidence but I am not complaining.
My blood type is O Positive.
Bernard and I learned to ski in Vail and went many times over the years. We brought the children
with us and Laurie and I usually skied together as she helped me get down the mountain. Zenick
was our teacher and we stayed at Pepi's which was right in Vail Village.
Bernard and I motor homed for many years and went all over the United States. We eventually
stayed only at Tiger Run RV Resort in Breckenridge, Colorado as it was so beautiful.
Our first motorhome was a 25 foot Executive and we took the children to Florida, Arkansas and
Oklahoma. Laurie and Les loved it but Mark did not like all the riding. We had several Bluebirds
from Ft. Valley, Georgia and enjoyed them until we bought a 45 foot Prevost from Harvey Mitchell
in Pryor, OK in 1996. We towed a van and we were quite a parade going down the street. We sold
the mortorhome back to Harvey after 12 years as I was tired of all the travel.
Notes for Bernard Bennett Lobel:
The light of my life. I was truly blessed to marry Bernard. He had jet black hair when I met him
and with blue eyes and dark rimmed glasses he looked just like Clark Kent. He is very serious and
quite the business man. VERY mature and such a Mench. Bernard built beautiful custom homes in
Shreveport and for 12 years in New Orleans in Park Timbers Subdivision. When Bernard was in
his late 60's he saw flashes of light and had to have laser surgery several times to repair the holes
in his retina.
2003...Bernard is a Kohen and did the aliya at Agudath Achim on Yom Kippur from the time he was
13. His father did it until then.
2005.....Cataract surgery in both eyes.
Bernard is a Kohen. Borach Ben Levi.....son of Louis.
2012 Notes by Dorothy
We have a huge fig tree in our yard and Bernard loves picking and bringing them to friends. He
trims the tree back every year which makes it grow bigger and bigger.
12 November 2014...Bernard had a pacemaker put in by Doctor Stafford at Christus Highland
Hospital. His heart rate would drop into the 30's and 40's which could have caused a stroke or
heart attack.
Bernard Bennett Lobel and Dorothy Hyman had the following children:
MARK LOUIS5 LOBEL was born on 08 Mar 1960 in Shreveport, Louisiana. He married
Mahra Danielle Fox, daughter of Lyle Fox and Sheri Marilyn Goldstein on 25 May
2003 in Las Vegas, NV. She was born on 27 Jan 1968.
Notes for Mark Louis Lobel:
Written by Dorothy Lobel Being very artistic Mark could draw at an early age. He
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talked early and when he felt good was fun to be around. Mark became an
architect. He is about 5ft.7" and has dark hair, blue eyes and dimples. Always had
an active imagination which served him well in designing. Mark was always a
nonconformist but has so much charm and charisma that he is well loved by friends
as well as family.
Wears mostly solid color shirts----mainly black, gray or white. Loves family.
2003....Mark and Mahra fell in love upon meeting and were married several months
later. Mark adores Bella and has become the daddy she always wanted.
Dec. 2006----Mark and Mahra had too many issues they could not work out and are
now divorced. Mark loves Bella very much and plans to continue being her Daddy.
Mark is a Kohen and his Hebrew name is Mordecai after Grandfather Morris.
Article Mark wrote when he was at Captain Shreve High School for the Captain
Shreve Enterprise Reflection Magazine...
I Like You
I like you, you're different. You are not like other people, and you don't act like
anyone else. You never make fun of me because I'm fat. You're a good friend and
always have something nice to say. You have good taste and you are very
encouraging. You don't hate black people and you even like spinach. When other
people are in trouble you will go out of your way to help them-----especially me. I
like you because you are different, Mom! Mark Lobel
Feb. 2014
Letter to Macy Hart.....first director of Henry S. Jacobs Reform Judaism Camp
Hi Macy:
I received a nice note on Facebook from Susan letting me know you’d like a Lobel
family update. I’ll give you the exec summary and leave it to Laurie and Les to fill in
the blanks. By my count, we haven’t spoken in 40 or so years, so needless to say,
a lot has happened. I’ll do my best to get this right……….
Laurie, Les and I all live in Dallas. I’m an architect designing airports, Les is a
home mortgage lender and Laurie is busy raising three boys. Les has a 13 year
old daughter and Laurie has a 12 year old son and two nine year old twin boys. I
have a 15 year old step daughter who is great. Laurie and Les have both been
married for many years, I was married once for approximately 20 minutes. My
ex-wife and I remain friends. I have someone special in my life and she and I have
been together for two years now. It’s a pretty serious deal so I’ll keep you posted
on breaking announcements. Life in Dallas is great and we all like being together
here. Mom and Dad are still in Shreveport, in good health, and we see them often.
We stay in touch with quite a few Jacobs alums and love to talk about the old times.
I’ve heard over the years the camp continues to expand and it’s fun to see the new
photos that post from time to time. One day, I’ll plan to visit but only if you give me
a personal tour.
If you ever make it to Dallas, we would love to see you. I can’t speak for Laurie or
Les, but I promise to be on my best behavior.
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LAURIE SUZANNE LOBEL was born on 23 Dec 1961 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She
married Alan Warren Feigenbaum, son of Daniel Feigenbaum and Dorothy
Londynski on 25 Sep 1999 in Dallas, Texas. He was born on 21 Jan 1960 in
Brooklyn, New York.
LESLIE ALAN LOBEL was born on 11 Feb 1963 in Shreveport, Louisiana. He married
Merrill Ellen Hoffner, daughter of Herbert Hoffner and Elsie Bachman in Mar in
Dallas, Texas. She was born in Jun in Dallas, Texas.
MILDRED4 HYMAN (Morris 3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 18 Oct 1938 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She died on 27 Jan 2014 in Atlanta, GA. She married (1) KURT GITTER, son of
Morris Gitter and Maria in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born in Vienna, Austria. She married
(2) NORMAN ASHER in 1997 in Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Mildred Hyman:
Kurt and Millie were divorced and Millie married Norman Asher in May of 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Millie has blond hair and green eyes and is about 5'7" with a model's figure. Her nickname is Millie
the Model. Tall and thin. Very smart but poor speller and has terrible penmanship. Excellent writer
and speaker. Worked at Jewish Federation Office after divorce from Kurt. Devoted to Federation.
Was chairwoman and then Young Leadership Advisor. Millie enjoyed the world of volunteerism just
like Daddy did. Adores her children and grandchildren.
Millie and Kurt met at Camp Delanore and Delawaxen when she was 14 and he was 16. Kurt said
one day he was going to marry Millie and at ages 19 and 21 they were married. Kurt pursued
medicine and became an ophthalmologist specializing in the retina. They were happily married for
many years but the marriage ended after 25 years.
2007 Notes by Dorothy
Millie and Norman are getting a divorce. Millie is diagnosed with a malignant tumor in her kidney
(papillary renal cell carcinoma) and has to have the kidney removed. I went and stayed with Millie
for six weeks as her T cells were inverted and the surgery was postponed for two weeks. Her heart
was fine but the doctor had to leave town. Millie did great and all her friends were wonderful. The
phone and doorbell never stopped and we were invited out for lunch and dinner or dinner was
being delivered. She has many friends that love and feel close to her.
Milly had a complete hysterectomy in her 60's as she had changes in the cells of her cervex. She
formed scar tissue after a procedure was done and she had to have a complete hysterectomy. She
had a fibroid tumor. She took Premarin for a few years and then took herself off it.
January 2010....Email from Millie Subject: Happy New Year
Dear Family,
Tomorrow I leave for Jacksonville and South Florida and get out of this cold weather. What
happened to global warming??? This winter has been extra cold.
Greg, Laura and the kids just left Atlanta after a beautiful few days visit here. Joel is a little
professor and Josh is full of twinkles and love. A super pleasure to have them here and as always
the hot wheel tracks, legos and log cabin logs are the big hit. They are both talented and
concentrate beautifully on building their creations.
I had a chance to be with Ricky and the children for a short but special time at the Atlanta airport
while they were in transit on their way home. Ben has grown taller and straighter and Jakie and
Allie are not far behind. Very special and full of stories from their trip.
I also was with Linda, Jim Justin and Kaley in Orlando for Cecilia's daughters wedding. Very
special to be with my "Big" grandchildren I am lucky to have the big, middle size and little ones.
Justin and Kaley are beautiful and special fun.
Tomorrow in Jacksonville I will complete the rounds of my 4 children and grands and then on to
South Florida with Aunt Ethel and Auntie Mae.
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Another decade begins and hopefully we will have a more peaceful decade in the world and of
course good health and longevity to all
Much love
Millie the Model
PS Laura and Greg are helping me go on J-date--a new experience for me
March 21, 2011....Email from Millie
Dear Family,
For a perspective on time, my Daddy, Grandpa Morris Hyman, was born 1894 or 117 years ago.
When you think of history the years sound ages ago but the reality is very quick. My Dad was
there for the turn of that century and used to say he remembered the excitement.
Happy Birthday Daddy and the first day of spring--very appropriate for a man who was gentle kind
compassionate and a smile on his face.
Two more weeks before I leave south Florida-the wintertime here has been glorious and
wonderful-with many hamisha friends.
Milly had a beautiful family reunion weekend in Atlanta when she turned 70. All the sisters and their
children came and we all had a wonderful time.
November 2011
Millie has something showing up in her lung and lymph node in the cat and pet scan. Jim Gerstley
(her son-in-law and an Oncologist) found her a wonderful Oncologist at Emory in Atlanta. Jim and
Ricky both flew to Atlanta to go with Millie to meet her new doctor. She introduced them as her two
wise men.
From: "Kucuk, Omer" <[email protected]>
Date: December 8, 2011 5:56:10 PM EST
To: Millie Hyman <[email protected]>
Subject: RE:
Dear Millie,
Thanks for your kind words. You are in great shape! Next time I may ask you to do a plank push up
Please take couple of lycopene capsules each day. You may also want to take "CITRACAL PLUS
BONE DENSITY BUILDER" (that is the name of the tablet -- it is sold over the counter at CVS and
pther pharmacies) (it has soy extract in it).
After I review your pathology and scans, I will let you know what needs to be done. We will
probably start Pazopanib early January before you go to Miami. The oncologist in Miami is Dr.
Jonathan Cohen ([email protected]). We can follow you together.
I look forward to seeing you again in early January!
Happy Holidays!
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With my best wishes,
Omer Kucuk, MD
Professor of Hematology-Oncology and Urology
Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Scholar
Leader, Prostate Cancer Research Program
Director, Multidisciplinary Genitourinary Oncology Group
Chief, Genitourinary Medical Oncology
Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University
1365-B Clifton Road NE, Room B-4301
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone: 1-404-778-5903
Fax: 1-404-778-5676
Pager: 1-404-686-5500 (pager 10016)
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Assistant:
Ms. Barbara Copeland
Ph (404)778.3942 / Fx (404)778.3366
[email protected]
From: Millie Hyman [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 5:41 PM
To: Kucuk, Omer
Dear Dr. Kucuk,
Thank you for your time, patience, and expertise.
I have already purchased the Lycopene supplements and Soy milk; perhaps the adjuvant therapy
wont be needed!
I remain eager and anxious to hear your thoughts after further review with your Pathologist and
I have decided to delay any FLorida departure until you and I have formulated a treatment plan.
Additionally, if y'all collectively feel there is any benefit to a surgical option, I would be happy to
visit with the thoracic surgeon as well.
I look forward to hearing from you and remain grateful for your kindness and wisdom.
Millie Hyman
DOB 10/18/38
My email is [email protected]
Millie took back her maiden name after she and Norman divorced.
HYMAN Mildred Hyman (Gitter) died peacefully in Atlanta, GA on January 27, 2014. She was born
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Hyman (Gitter) Generation
peacefully4 (con't)
in New Orleans, LA on October 18, 1938 to the late Frieda and Morris Hyman. Mildred's life was
dedicated to her adored children and grandchildren with a large heart of love. She was a life
member of Hadassah and Brandeis Women and took many trips to Israel. In New Orleans she was
a member of Shir Chadash, chaired the Jewish Welfare Fund Campaign in 1978, was president of
the Women of Federation in 1981, and was commended by the General Assembly (Jewish
Federation). She moved to Atlanta in 1995 where she was honored with the Newcomers Award,
and the Gerald H. Cohen Community Development Award in June 1988, and was a member of
The Temple. She is survived by her four children, Linda Gitter Gerstley (Jim), Gregory Gitter
(Laura), Dr Richard Gitter, and Douglas Gitter (Cathy); eleven precious grandchildren, Justin,
Jillian, Kaley, and Leah Gerstley, Joel, Josh Gitter, Benjamin, Jake, Allie Gitter (and their mother
Carrie) and Chase and Annie Gitter. She is also survived by her four sisters, Ethel Schnitt, Marian
Jacobson, Dorothy Lobel (Bernard), and Sylvia Senter. She was preceded in death by her brother,
Alfred Hyman. An online guestbook is available at Funeral services will be
held on Friday, January 31, 2014 at 1:30pm at the Metairie home of Tharp -Sontheimer-Tharp,
1600 N. Causeway Blvd. at 43rd Street, with Rabbi Robert Loewy officiating. Visitation will begin at
12:30 pm. Interment in Gates of Prayer Cemetery, Canal Street. In lieu of flowers, contributions
may be made to the Jewish Federation. Information, please call (504) 835-2341.
Published in The Times-Picayune from Jan. 29 to Jan. 31, 2014
- See more at:
27 January 2014 Millie passed away at Emory Hospital in Atlanta from lung and heart cancer. I
sent out the following message to friends and family.
My dearest precious sister passed away peacefully last night.
Millie was an intense and remarkable individual and all who knew her will cherish her memory.
Spending the last seven weeks of her life with her is certainly a memory I will always cherish.
Funeral plans are pending. As per her wishes she will be buried in New Orleans next to our
parents and brother.
Again, thank you for your love and support. The family appreciates you all.
May her memory be for a blessing.
Love, Dorothy
On Feb 1, 2014 6:35 PM, "Dorothy Lobel" <[email protected]> wrote: Dot's Final Daily
For those of you that could not attend Millie's funeral......she went out in style with a packed house
and a jazz band.
In true Millie style who loved family was a family reunion to celebrate her amazing
The "cycle of life" was continued at Douglas' house after the funeral with a beautiful selection of
round food.
Bernard and I are both back home in Shreveport. If any of you ever come to "Mayberry" give us a
Rest in peace sweet Millie.
See ya at Gate 2 !!!
Love to you all,
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On Jan 30, 2014 4:05 PM, "Victor Hoffman" <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Linda, Richard, Doug and Greg,
I was so shocked and saddened to hear just today about your Mom’s death. I knew, of course,
about her illness since the beginning, but my last series of e-mail exchanges with her late
September and the beginning of October she mentioned
many things about the family but indicated that she was ok. So I assumed that she was holding her
own. It must have been shortly after that that she started going downhill. She was too young in
today’s terms...we should have had her
much longer.
We were very, very fond of your Mother. She was an extraordinary woman with a great deal of
energy...she was a doer, creative, with a real flare for life. She was, in our perspective, a very
caring person, loyal and with a very keen
sense of right and wrong. She has strong opinions but was always thinking and revising her views
on life, and above all cared deeply for her children.
I know things have not always been easy for all of you, and relations were not always smooth, but
you did have a wonderful mother.
Millie was generous, kind and thoughtful to others, and of course had a very loving relationship
with her sisters....The five of them together were the stuff of legends.
There were some hard knocks for her, especially in the last years, but she was always such a
buoyant personality that she was able to rise up over the bad stuff and not give into self pity, at
least as she revealed herself in our conversations.
Again, your perspectives might have been different, but you will appreciate having had her more
and more as years go on.
Please express my deep sympathy to the Hyman women, the Jacobs and all the rest of the family.
When any of you come to Israel in the future, our home will be open to you, and I hope that you
and your families are all well....and particularly that Ricky gets to see his children regularly, which
was one of Mother’s concerns.
I will be writing to your father separately,
Hinda joins me in sending you all our love,
Vic Hoffman
Victor L. Hoffman
Tel: 011 972 2 5637230
Cell: 011 972 54 8040690
E-Mail: [email protected]
Address: 18 Tel Hai
Jerusalem 93230
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On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 5:32 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
Sad news travels swiftly and there is nothing I can say that will ease the pain of your loss. Ever
since the day I met your Mom and she told Barbara to go for it and marry me, I knew that I would
love and adore her forever---and now forever is here. I watched all of you grow up and marry-have families of your own-- and Barbara and I became a family member of the Hyman- Gitter clan.
There were good times and bad, but we rejoiced with Mom in her happinesses and silently cried
with her in her sadnesses and she did likewise with us. There was never a phone call that we didn't
learn some miraculous bit of news about one of the most talented grandchildren she had or
something about what was happening with you guys--whether it be good or bad-- and than after
Barbara passed away, the calls continued between Mom and I-- and now no more birthday calls or
" how are you calls "--.
I WILL MISS HER SO MUCH--she was a part of my life for 57 years.
Please extend my condolences to Ethel, Marian, Dorothy, and Sylvia-- Bernard--Jim, Laura,
Cathy, and Carrie-My love to all of you--stay in touch.
September 2014..Email from Greg Gitter
On Sep 14, 2014, at 8:18 AM, Greg Gitter <[email protected]> wrote:
To : Everyone on this list and anyone else that supported my mother....
Good morning. It is Greg Gitter, her son. I am 53 yrs old now and just recently moved all of my
mother's belongings via a mover to each of my siblings from Atlanta.
It is a mixed feeling having the warm and kindness of her possessions around me. Especially being
able to eat all our meals on her kitchen table.
Every meal eat day is a moment of love and fondness for the spirit of my mother looking over us.
I am glad she is happy, in peace and no more pain and suffering.
I miss her every moment of every day. I see my children and myself in her as we do events each
While at the condo, my cousin Terry Jacobson and my brother Doug found a hidden treasure.
Terry and I took and sorted over 3,200 slides dated 1957-1967.
They will be available to each sibling within a few weeks.
What a blessing to have long lost events to be relived again by those who loved my mother.
My son Joel will be having a Bar-Mitzvah the weekend of Nov 15th. In Louisville Kentucky.
If you were not by accident put on the list, please contact my wife Laura for information.
As during this crazy time we may have accidentally forgot people to invite.
My mother and Laura during her final days together during chemotherapy, my mother wrote a
hand written speech for Joel for his Bar-Mitzvah.
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Also my mother and Laura planned the Bar-Mitzvah event together too.
Everyone is invited that loved my mother. Please contact Laura. 502-551-3020.
In closing. I want to once again thank everyone for their support, kindness and love to my mother.
Also for everyone that comforted my siblings and family.
I feel we have all have lost a Mother, friend and caring soul.
Wishing everyone on my birthday.
I am 53, Ricky is 51 today,
Good health, happiness, success and the best in life in the years ahead.
Love always,
Greg Gitter
Kurt Gitter and Mildred Hyman had the following children:
LINDA LEIGH5 GITTER was born on 24 May 1959. She married JIM GERSTLEY.
GREGORY GITTER was born on 14 Sep 1961 in England. He married Laura Ryan on
24 Oct 1999 in Louisville, Kentucky. She was born on 12 Oct 1964.
RICHARD GITTER was born on 14 Sep 1963. He married CARRIE ANNE MC CRANEY.
DOUGLAS KEVIN GITTER was born on 11 Aug 1965. He married Catherine Claire
Dawson, daughter of Arthur Nelder Dawson and Billie in Nov 1994 in New Orleans,
Notes for Norman Asher:
Norman is a wonderful person and makes Milly very happy. We are happy to have him in the
brother in law club.
SYLVIA 4 HYMAN (Morris 3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 22 Feb 1940 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She married Jacob Senter, son of Samuel Senter and Ethel Kushner on 28
Aug 1960. He was born on 30 Dec 1936 in Montgomery, Alabama. He died on 26 Apr 1994 in
Houston, Texas.
Notes for Sylvia Hyman:
Written by Dorothy Hyman Lobel...2002
Sylvia is tall and has reddish brown hair and blue eyes. She takes after Mother by being in perfect
proportion. We called her Baby Cat when she was little and Yellow Canary as she had a yellow
bathing suit when she was learning to swim. She is a devoted mother and adores children. When
the grandchildren were growing up they always flocked to Aunt Sylvy. Gregory Gitter was always
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going over for a grilled cheese sandwich. She has a Real Estate and broker's license and loves
selling real estate in Houston.
Written by Milly Hyman Gitter Asher.....2002
Sylvia graduated Newcomb College and was always a good student. Furthermore , she enjoyed
the quest for knowledge. She married her senior year of college to Jacob Senter,an attorney, and
together have two children. Sylvia is very much of a family person and thoroughly enjoyed the role
of taking care of the children as well as the nieces and nephews. After her husband passed away,
she went into real estate as a profession. By description, she is tall with blue eyes and reddish
colored hair.
2005----Hurricane Katrina.....Email from Sylvia to Laurie Lobel Feigenbaum upon seeing the
pictures of New Orleans under water.
These pictures are truly unbelievable. Lakeview, Harrison Avenue, Mount Carmel, etc. are part of
my childhood. We used to pick blackberries on the corner of Mount Carmel. I can remember
walking over there with buckets. That was before the high rise building. It was a smaller building
Millie and I used to take the bus on Saturday and Sunday to Harrison Avenue to go to the
movies. There were two theaters, the Lakeview and the Beacon. The Lakeview was where St.
Dominic's church is now. The Whitney Bank on Harrison Avenue is where the Beacon was. We
were probably 7 and 8. It was 7 cents for the bus,50 cents for the movies, a nickel for a coke and a
nickel for candy. I loved black licorice and was in heaven watching Roy Rogers and eating my
Harrison Drug Store was in the same vicinity as St. Dominic's. They had soda fountain, which
was part of that era. They made sandwiches, sodas and had a large assortment of ice cream. We
also bought our notebooks and toiletries there. Grandpa had a charge account and we charged
whatever we bought.
There were no computers then and kids went outside and played. We climbed trees (Aunt
Ethel was the climbing tree expert), played ball, roller skated (they did not have boot skates then;
you put on the skates with a key that you wore on a string around your neck). We also rode bikes
and swam in Lake Ponchartrain,which was not polluted then. You only went inside to eat lunch.
Then you went outside and played until dinner time.
Such are the memories of childhood.
Email Sylvia sent Chris Rose re: article One Dead in Attic about Katrina
From: "Sylvia Senter" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:32:10 -0600
Dear Chris,
What a beautiful article. I read "1 Dead in Attic" and I was very touched. I think that it has even
more significance to native New
Orleanians. New Orleans people have a sense of community and a love for their city that few
places have.
I was born and raised in New Orleans and have been living in Houston
for several years. Even though I escaped Katrina, my daughter and most of my family and friends
were devastated by the flood. I have been heartbroken by the terrible situation.
One of my first concerns, after the initial shock, was for City Park. City Park represents my
childhood and my childrens' childhoods. At a time when trees and flowers should not have been
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important, I was very saddened to think of the beautiful oak trees being damaged and destroyed. I
do remember how terrible the park was after Betsy and it was eventually cleaned and returned to
the beautiful park that I knew and loved.
I have total faith and confidence in the people who have remained in New Orleans and those
who will return. New Orleans people never feel like they truly belong anywhere else. They will
always be "displaced persons" in any other city.
Sylvia Senter
2005...Bernard read your email and said you have missed your calling...that you should have been
a writer. Do you think you were the only one that answered him? "D"
2005 I have no way of knowing if anyone else replied. I would imagine that the New Orleans
people are too busy trying to get their lives back together to respond.
I wrote a paper for Laurie when she was at Tulane and she got an "A". It was one of my best
papers. I wrote all of Jill's poetry papers when she was at Newman. I could always write. It's a gift.
January 31, 2008
Sylvia had to have a D and C because of a mass in her uterus. Jill called crying that the cells are
abnormal and she will have to have a hysterectomy in three weeks. It will take a week to get the
report back to know exactly what it is. She did finally have to have a complete hysterectomy when
she was 68 as she had an IUD embedded and it could not be removed and it caused an abcess in
her uterus. She did not have a fibroid tumor but years before her doctor told her she had fibrous
tissue. She never took Premarin but has taken Vagifem for three or four years. Was on 25 mg and
was reduced to 10 mg. Did not go into menapause until her 50's.
Thank goodness, all was well. No cancer.
March 12, 2009
Sylvia's letter to the Barbara Liman Cohen (daughter of the owner's of Camp Delanore where we
went as children in Lackawaxen, PA.
I am so thrilled to hear from you. My sisters and I often talk of our wonderful summers at Delanore .
I would love to be in touch with others.
One of Millie’s granddaughters was Bas Mitzvahed at the Raleigh in the Catskills about 7-8 years
ago. When we found out that we were close to Lackawaxen, Millie and I drove over there. It was
very exciting. The railroad tressell is still there in a very rusted state. Millie and I screamed when
we saw it. We were so excited to see that it was still there.
The main building is still there and we knocked on the door. It is now a Catholic retreat.
I live in Houston, Texas. My husband was an attorney and we moved here from New Orleans in
1988. Unfortunately, he died in 1994. We had two wonderful children together. My son lives in
Bethesda, Maryland and just had his 3rd anniversary. My daughter is still in New Orleans and is
engaged. I am a real estate broker and have been licensed for 30 years. For many years, Ethel,
Marian, Millie and I lived in New Orleans within 10-15 minutes of each other. My parents had 18
grandchildren from their five daughters. There are now about 40 great grandchildren and 4 great
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The family members who were in N.O. for Katrina lost everything. It was truly beyond belief. Ethel
moved down to South Florida with her husband and has been there ever since. Marian rebuilt her
house and is finally back in her home. I begged my daughter to move to Houston but she went
back also. Marian is the only sister still there and there are 4 grandchildren left there. Everyone
else is scattered.
We do all talk frequently and get together for occasions. Millie lives in Atlanta and for her birthday
in October, she wanted everyone to come. There were 57 of us and that is not everyone. It was
wonderful for all of us to be together. Dorothy lives in Shreveport, La. and has been there for over
50 years. I did see Helene Woodruff Crystal In N.Y. a bunch of years ago. I do have her phone #
and address. I would love a Delanore website.
Sylvia Hyman Senter
[email protected] to Dorothy
When you said that I don’t eat sweets because I don’t want to get diabetes, it’s because I was
diagnosed with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) at the age of 30. I think I was born with it because I
had problems as a child. They did not know much about it then and certainly did have all of the
high tech equipment and tests that they have now. I went to the head of diabetes at Tulane and
they gave me all of the print outs on what I could and could not eat. I told him that I would do
whatever it took as I never wanted to end up with diabetes.
2010....Notes from Hyman Family Reunion on Facebook.
I am the youngest daughter of Freida Kamil Hyman and Morris Hyman. I am the grandaughter of
Perl Hyman and Isaac Hyman, which is the common link for all of us. Perl was born in Brode
Gallicia in Austria and Isaac lived in Odessa, Russia. Odessa was the center of Jewish culture at
that time. A railroad was built and Perl was sent to Odessa to further her Jewish education. I have
always thought that this was very progressive for the era (1880's) as females were not educated
past childhood.
The Hyman siblings and their parents lived through the pogroms in Odessa in 1905.They hid in the
cellars for weeks as the Cossacks were killing all of the Jews.Our father was 12 at the time.He
talked about it to us frequently. He told us that when it was over, his father took him to the
cemetary and there were bodies everywhere. He always talked about tallises being all over the
They left Odessa in 1906 and came to the land of freedom. I have always been thankful that they
had the strength and fortitude to come across the world and to start a new life.We are the
recipients of this gift.
August, 2010...Memories of New Orleans
Of course. I very well remember Ponchartrain Beach and the Zepher. Our class used to go there
on the last
day of school (Beauregard). I hated the Zepher. When it went up the incline, it squeaked and when
it came down, it went so fast that you couldn’t breathe. I remember Blue Plate, Crystal Foods and a
lot of the old restaurants. I loved Lenfants, College Inn and Camillia Grill. When we went to the
movies with dates in high school, we would go to Camillia grill afterwards for a hamburger. The
hamburgers were 35 cents. We would also go to Domino’s Pizza in the CBD for pizza. The best
pizza that was ever made.
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Coffee and doughnuts were a nickel each at Morning Call and Café du Monde (in the French
Market) and
they both had curb service. When they went up to10 cents each, we were horrified. We had De la
Tours Fried Chicken Restaurant In back of us on Canal Blvd (where John Jay is). There was no
such thing as taking a pack of frozen chicken out of the freezer. There was a fenced area on the
side with live chickens. The fried chicken was definitely fresh!. When Millie and I were kids, we
would take the bus down Canal Blvd. to Harrison Ave. by ourselves to go to the movies. The bus
was a nickel, the movie was a quarter and the candy and coke were a nickel each. You could
entertain yourself for the day with a dollar.
We’ve come a long way, Baby.
The Farm
Sylvia Senter
April, 1980
My cousins have a farm. I go there often and the main reason is because the trees,
bushes and other foliage make me feel calm and peaceful. The greenery that surrounds me at the
farm makes me feel at one with nature.
There is a gravel road that leads from the main road into the farm. The road
winds and turns as it snakes its’ way along. Little wisps of grass grow along the inside row where
the tires of the car don’t touch. After about a mile, the road makes a sharp turn to the left and
narrows after passing between two willow trees.
Halfway along, we pass a small, hilly field where the chickens live. Their living quarters are
surrounded by trees, weeds and wild strawberries and blueberries.
The strawberry plants are covered, in the spring, with little white flowers that will
transform into luscious red berries. The blueberries grow on small thorny bushes. Weeds have
cropped up along the outskirts of the chicken house.
Not far away from the chicken house is the barn. Six horses find their way back to the barn to lie
down in the hay. The field surrounding the barn is covered with clover and weeds. Bumble bees fly
from flower to flower. The hay is stacked up inside of the barn in large square bunches.
On the other side of the winding path is the vegetable garden. The colors of the vegetables
encompass every color of the rainbow. Green stalks hold up the tomato plants from which luscious
red tomatoes hang down. The yellow squash grow on vines that lie close to the ground. In the next
row, purple eggplants are waiting to be picked. The green tips of the carrots are poking through the
earth. Green bell peppers grow on small plants next to the carrots.
In a hilly area across from the vegetables, the cows roam within the confines of a brown wooden
fence. The cows eat grass from the fields and wander down to the pond to drink from the murky
brownish green water.
The pond is surrounded by trees and weeds which gives the water an illusion of depth. Mallard
ducks, sporting feathers of green, blue and brown, glide their lazy way along the water. Moccasins
slither their way along the edges of the reeds. Cattails, with their brown tips above the water, are in
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way along
edges Generation 4 (con't)
abundance. Tied up at the pier is a canoe, awaiting adventurous children who will paddle along,
trying to outdistance the ducks. When the sun sets upon the water, the red glow from the sun sets
the water ablaze.
The narrowing road twists its’ way along to the main house. Hanging baskets of ferns decorate the
front portion of the house. The house is almost hidden in a thicket of trees. The front steps lead
down into rows of red and white azaleas. Fragrant mint multiplies along the side border. Framing
the patio is a hanging, wooden swing. Growing along the top of the swing are masses of delicate
confederate jasmine, with their fragrant white blossoms poking out of their green leaves.
The front yard is surrounded by trees. Dogwood trees, covered with large white blossoms, are
everywhere. The pear trees, not to be outdone by the dogwoods, are taller and thinner and are
covered with more delicate white blossoms. The peach trees sprout pink blossoms that almost
resemble small pink carnations. Nestled amongst these trees is a grove of pine trees. The pine
trees have dropped thick bundles of pine needles. Scattered amongst the pine needles are large
groups of prickly pine cones. The squirrels can be seen darting around the branches, only stopping
occasionally, to munch on a pine cone. A group of majestic oaks intertwines, their huge branches
being draped with gray masses of Spanish Moss.
A family of robins has made a nest, high amongst the top branches. The birds have deposited their
blue eggs into the tightly woven circle of twigs.
A brick path takes us down to the swimming pool. The pool is encircled by Japanese Magnolias
that are in blossom with pink tulip like flowers. Bulbs that have been planted in the cold winter have
sprouted up heads of yellow daffodils. Lacey maidenhair ferns border around a cluster of pecan
trees. In the fall, the pecan trees will drop their crops of pecans.
At the edge of a clearing is a newly made tennis court. The red clay courts are surrounded by a
chain link fence. In a border along the fence are the upturned faces of purple, yellow and white
pansies. Where the electric lights come up out of the ground are beds of multicolored zinnias. The
tiny pedals of the zinnias make flowers of pink, yellow, orange and white.
As we drive away from the rolling green hills of the farm, we leave with a feeling of peace and
contentment. The pressures of the city have fallen away amidst the tranquility of the beauty of
nature. Our thoughts, as we leave, are of returning to this haven of quiet and beauty, away from
the noises of the city.
June, 2013 Sylvia responding to an email about the Lone Ranger etc.
Millie and I would take the bus from our house to Harrison Avenue.
There were two movie theaters on Harrison Avenue, the Lakeview
and the Beacon. The bus was 7 cents. The movie was 25 cents.
We had a nickel for a coke and a nickel for candy.
I was not into candy but I loved black licorice. After the movie was
over, we would take the bus back home.
Harrison Drug Store was very close to the Lakeview. It had a
counter area with stools where you could order sandwiches
and ice cream.I think it’s where the church is now.
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The Beacon was a few blocks down. I think it was where
The Whitney bank is now.
By the way, we were 7-8 years old.
imes have certainly changed.
Fabulous! I loved them as a child. We grew up
on “Hi ho Silver and Away”.
It was Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Lone Ranger,
and Superman. The Superman serials always
ended with Lois Lane falling off of a building.
Would Superman get there in time to save her?
We knew he would but we had to go back the next
week to make sure that he did!!
July 2013 Email from Sylvia..Those were the days! We would put on high heels and ALWAYS
white gloves and go downtown. I used to meet Margie Gottsegen “under the clock at Holms”. We
would have lunch at the
“Rendezvous” at Maison Blanche or at the Restaurant at Holms. And then we would shop - Gus
Mayer, Godchaux,
Holms, Kreegers, Maison Blanche. The shoe department at
Gus Mayer was to die for.
Nothing surpassed the candy department at Maison Blanche.
Do you remember the Parisian mints? They were little
Mint green squares and they melted in your mouth.
Also, the chocolate covered Oreos (I think) with the
chocolate sprinkles or chopped nuts There was a terrific shot of Ponchartrain Beach recently.
If I see it again, I will send it to you. It is fascinating to walk down Memory Lane.
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Jacob Senter and Sylvia Hyman had the following children:
JEFFREYLAWRENCE5 SENTER was born on 29 Apr 1962 in New Orleans, LA. He
married Michele Wendell on 11 Feb 2006 in Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, USA.
She was born on 01 Mar 1975 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
JILL JUDITH SENTER was born on 10 Apr 1964.
Notes for Jill Judith Senter:
2005......Very pretty with blue eyes and strawberry blond hair. Very organized and
competent. Always very social with many friends. Became a gemologist and works
at Adlers.
Jill is highly contagious to aspirin.
August, 2009...posted on Hyman Family on facebook that Cynthia Burstein started
Yay Cynthia! I'm the daughter of Sylvia Hyman & Jack Senter. Freida & Morris
Hyman were my grandparents. Born & raised in NOLA. Left for a while but couldn't
wait to come home. Engaged to the best man in the world & we have a perfect baby
sheepdog, Bailey. My brother Jeffrey is on here somewhere. Maybe he'll actually
post something for a change! If not, i'm sure I can count on his beautiful bride
EVELYN 4 GOTTESMAN (Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 27 Oct
1921 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died on 29 Jul 2007 in Reston, Virginia. She married David
Goldstein, son of Jacob Goldstein and Carrie Klotz in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born in Jul
1921. He died in May 2004 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Evelyn Gottesman:
David and Evelyn are divorced.
Evelyn Gottesman Goldstein died on Sunday, July 29, 2007 in Reston, VA after a brief illness. Born
in New Orleans October 27, 1921, she had lived here until 2005 when she moved to Virginia. A
graduate of Sophie Wright High School in 1939 and attended UNO and Delgado Community
College. She worked for 15 years for the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council of the City of New
Orleans until her retirement in 1997. She was a longtime member of Congregation Gates of Prayer
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and a life member of Hadassah. She was a devoted mother and grandmother and loved classical
music, theatre, opera and all the arts. Beloved mother of Carole Goldstein of Lexington, Mass., Jay
Goldstein and wife Jill Rosenkrantz of Olympia, WA and Debra Goldstein Smith and husband Gary
M. Smith of Reston, VA. Sister of Ruth Cohen of New Orleans and Louise Brooks of Wellfleet, MA
and the late Frederick A. Gottesman. Daughter of the late Louis and Clara Hyman Gottesman. Also
survived by grandchildren, Sarah Furman, Justin Smith, and Talia Smith. Funeral services will be
held on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 10:00 AM from the Jefferson home of
Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp, 1600 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie with Rabbi Robert Loewy officiating.
Visitation at the funeral home from 9:00 AM until service time. Interment in Hebrew Rest Cemetery
No. 3. Memorials to Congregation Gates of Prayer, Hadassah or your favorite charity suggested.
Information: (504) 835-2341
David Goldstein and Evelyn Gottesman had the following children:
CAROLE JEAN5 GOLDSTEIN was born on 08 Jan 1947.
Notes for Carole Jean Goldstein:
I asked Debbie to write a paragraph to describe Carole and she sent the request to
August 1, 2010
Hi Dorothy. Debbie sent me your request. Let's see...what can I say?
I live in Lexington, Mass, site of the first battle of the American revolution, which
they reenact every April and I have gone to see it a few times. It is very suburban ,
northwest of Boston and Cambridge. I came to college up here and stayed here
ever since. I work at a community mental health center for the state. I do therapy,
or something like it, for people who have a serious and chronic mental illness. It is
in the city of Brockton, south of Boston. It is a long daily commute. As you know I
was born in January, 1947, so I am now 63. I enjoyed what you told me about
seeing me when I was a baby. I am good friends with Ruthie's daughter Jeanie.
Ruthie's son, Larry, lives on the other side of town and I see him once in a while.
Please put this in your own words... and thanks for being the family historian.
Love, Carole
JAY GOLDSTEIN was born on 24 Jan 1951. He married Jill Rosenkrantz, daughter of
Oscar Rosenkrantz and Jacquelyn in Jun 2006.
Notes for Jay Goldstein:
Jill has a daughter, Sarah Furman, from a former husband.
DEBRA GOLDSTEIN was born on 14 Sep 1954. She married Gary Michael Smith, son
of Eben Smith and Martha Rozman on 16 Nov 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He
was born on 13 Jul 1958.
FREDERICK ARTHUR4 GOTTESMAN (Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on
12 Sep 1923 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died in Sep 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He
married Charlotte Steinberg, daughter of Morris Steinberg and Aline C. Rouff in 1949 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She was born on 26 Apr 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Frederick Arthur Gottesman:
Freddy always had a smile on his face. Everyone loved Freddy. He was like a son to Morris
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4 (con't) Freddy.
Freddy always
Hyman. He was a devoted family man. Loved the stock market. He died from a drowning accident.
2003....Notes by Millie Hyman Asher...
Freddy Gottesman, tall, handsome and charming. He was a self made successful business man.
He was inspired by his two Uncles, Jake and Morris, and retained the closeness through out their
lives. Freddy was devoted to his wife, Charlotte, and adored his four children.
Jan. 2013 Notes from Geni posted by Erica Howton
Birth 1924
New Orleans, LA, USA
Death: 1987 (63)
Immediate Family:
Son of Louis Gottesman and Clara Gottesman
Husband of Charlotte Gottesman
Father of Sanford Gottesman; Morris Gottesman; Linda Baum and Marcia Rafkin
Brother of Evelyn Goldstein; Ruth Cohen and Louise Brooks
Notes for Charlotte Steinberg:
2003... Notes by Millie Hyman Asher...
Charlotte, continuously creative, caring and generous. It is said about Charlotte that if she is your
friend it is equivalent to an "army" behind you. She raised and inspired four outstanding children
and was a devoted wife to Freddy.
(From the Internet)
May 9, 2003
New Orleans, La.
You can see it from the front gate plaza of Audubon Zoo, spinning cheerfully around and around, a
bright striped canopy that tells you there's fun straight ahead.
"Have you ridden it yet?" Audubon Zoo's new endangered species carousel is the talk of the town
among the younger set, a most coveted experience in up and down and round and round. No
ordinary carousel, Audubon Zoo's ride features white tigers, giraffes, and a whole host of friendly
endangered species, artfully and colorfully crafted, beckoning riders to its beautiful setting behind
the Cooper Plaza's elephant fountain.
"It's a delight to bring the joys of carousel riding back to uptown New Orleans," said Audubon
Nature Institute president and CEO Ron Forman. "For years, the Audubon Park carousel was a
cheerful family gathering place, creating warm memories that have lasted forever. We know the
same will be true for the new endangered species carousel. We invite everyone to come
experience this new element of Audubon Zoo magic."
The carousel, made possible by a gift from the Charlotte Gottesman family, was created in San
Francisco. Many of the animals, such as the white tiger and white alligator, were custom-created
especially for Audubon Zoo.
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The carousel is part of a major renovation of an area of the former Children's Zoo which will soon
include three renovated birthday party rooms (opening this summer), and a simulator ride with
rotating themes to include dinosaurs and African safaris later on this year.
Tickets for the Endangered Species Carousel are $2 each for non-members. Audubon Zoo
members receive rides at a discounted rate of $1.
Audubon Zoo is located at 6500 Magazine Street in uptown New Orleans. Tickets are $10 for
adults, $6 for seniors 65+, and $5 for children 2-12. Audubon Zoo members receive free
admission. Visit Audubon on the internet at
Media Contact: Sarah Burnette 212-5366
Frederick Arthur Gottesman and Charlotte Steinberg had the following children:
LINDA ANN5 GOTTESMAN was born on 15 Feb 1950 in New Orleans, LA. She married
Neil Henry Baum, son of Ralph Baum and Sara on 03 Jun 1978 in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He was born on 09 Dec 1943.
SANFORD LEE GOTTESMAN was born on 27 Oct 1951 in New Orleans, LA. He
married Lisa Babette Temerlin, daughter of Liener Timerlin and Karla on 24 Apr
1976 in Dallas, Texas. She was born on 16 Jul 1955 in Dallas, Texas.
MARCIA SUE GOTTESMAN was born on 10 Mar 1955 in New Orleans, LA. She
married WILLIAM LEWIS RAFKIN. He was born on 12 Mar 1958.
MORRIS SCOTT GOTTESMAN was born on 19 May 1961 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
He married Laura Lind Levenson on 24 Aug 1985 in Dallas, TX.
RUTH4 GOTTESMAN (Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 09 Dec 1924
in New Orleans, Louisiana. She died on 07 Dec 2009 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
ALVIN Z. COHEN. He was born on 27 Oct 1921. He died on 07 May 2009 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Ruth Gottesman:
April, 2009
Ruthie was very pretty, smart and charming. In later years her brilliant, accomplished mind became
December 7, 2009
Ruth Gottesman Cohen Share E-mail Visit Guest Book
COHEN Ruth Gottesman Cohen died December 6, 2009 of pneumonia in Boston, MA at age 84.
She was a life-long resident of New Orleans except for a few years when her husband was in the
Army and two short times when she lived in Boston. Ruth was predeceased by her beloved
husband of 64 years, Alvin Cohen, MD; her parents Clara and Louis Gottesman; brother Fred
Gottesman; and sister Evelyn Goldstein. She is survived by her children Jeanie Cohen, Diane
Cohen (husband Mike Nusbaum), Aliza (Lisa) Horowitz (husband Yaakov Horowitz), and Larry
Cohen (wife Liz Wollheim); 12 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; sister Louise Brooks; and
numerous nieces and nephews. She was Director of the Early Childhood Program at the Jewish
Community Center in New Orleans for many years, which she helped develop into the highly
respected program it is today. She was a pioneer of parent education and early childhood
education in New Orleans. An outstanding student, she was proud of representing the region in the
national Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. at the age of nine, and in later being selected for Phi
Beta Kappa Scholastic Honorary Fraternity while at Sophie Newcomb College. Her vibrant life
included pursuit of many hobbies including dancing of all types, from tap and ballroom to disco and
zydeco, creating sculpture, and enjoying her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was
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4 (con't)
zydeco, creating sculpture,
great grandchildren.
active in Jewish cultural activities and organizations. She served as a docent at the New Orleans
Museum of Art after her retirement. A life-long learner, Ruth began college at age 15, having
skipped several grades in school. She attended Newcomb College of Tulane University in New
Orleans and earned an undergraduate degree in sociology. She returned to Tulane at age 40 to
earn a master's degree in Early Childhood Education, then earned a second master's degree in
Clinical Social Work at age 50. She was a play therapist in private practice for several years. She is
remembered as a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, teacher, and
therapist. Friends and family are invited to attend funeral services on Wednesday, December 9,
2009 at 11:00 AM in the Forgotston Chapel of Touro Synagogue, 4238 St. Charles Avenue, with
visitation beginning at 10:00 AM. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, donations to Jewish
Community Center Nursery School, 5342 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70115 are requested.
Arrangements by THARP-SONTHEIMER FUNERAL HOME of Metairie. For further information,
please call (504) 835-2341.
Notes for Alvin Z. Cohen:
Alvin is a psychiatrist. He and Ruthie live in New Orleans.
April, 2009
Alvin has cancer and is now in Hospice.
May 8, 2009.....Email from Cynthia Burstein Waldman
Subject: I just got an e-mail from Shirt Chadash that Al Cohen died. Below is info.
"We regret having to inform you of the passing of Alvin Cohen, husband of our Ruth Cohen. The
funeral will be held Sunday, May 10th visitations from 2:00 - 3:30 pm at Touro Synagogue followed
by burial at Hebrew Rest."
Alvin Cohen
COHEN Alvin Cohen, M.D., age 87 years, a prominent New Orleans psychiatrist, died on
Thursday, May 7, 2009. Beloved husband of Ruth Gottesman Cohen for 64 years. Devoted father
of Jeanie Cohen and Diane Cohen (husband Michael Nusbaum) both of New Orleans, Aliza (Lisa)
Horowitz (husband Yaakov Horowitz) of Brooklyn, NY and Larry Cohen (wife Liz Wolheim) of
Brookline, MA. He was son of the late Jack and Lena Steinman Cohen and brother of the late
Clare Katz and Meyer Cohen. He is also survived by 12 grandchildren, 8 great-grand-children and
numerous nieces and nephews. Dr. Cohen was born and raised in New Orleans, LA, except for
two years of high school in Winthrop, MA. He returned to New Orleans to receive a B.S. and M.D.
degree from Tulane University. He served his residency in Psychiatry at Walter Reed Hospital in
Washington, DC and served in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean conflict,
achieving the rank of Major. Following his military discharge, Dr. Cohen returned to New Orleans to
open his private practice in New Orleans which continued for over 55 years. He was a dedicated
doctor who helped hundreds of patients with his warmth, wisdom, compassion and humor. Through
the years, he also served with distinction as a consultant to several mental health centers, where
he was a mentor for younger psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. He was an
examiner for Social Security disability determination for fifty years and served as a clinical
professor of psychiatry at both Tulane and LSU medical schools. He was a member of local and
national psychiatric associations, a Life Fellow of the American College of Psychiatrists,
distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Assn., where he also edited the Newsletter
for many years. He was a pioneer in the use of group therapy in psychiatry, and served as
president of the Louisiana Group Psychotherapy Assn. Among his treatment innovations was a
unique synthesis of Gestalt Therapy and Transactional Analysis, which was the topic of several of
his professional publications and many community presentations. He served on the boards of
various charitable and civic groups, including the Jewish Community Center. He was an active
member of Touro Synagogue and Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation. As a man of many
interests and talents, Dr. Cohen had his stage debut playing "Doc" in the Kenner Little Theater
production of West Side Story age the age of 56, his video debut with the Small Wonder Puppet
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Theater at age 67 and his film debut in his granddaughter's film, "Change" at age 80. Dedicated to
lifelong learning he began private acting lessons with Kris LaMorte at age 87. Funeral Services for
Dr. Alvin Cohen will take place at Touro Synagogue, 4238 St. Charles Avenue on Sunday, May 10,
2009 at 3:30 PM. Visitation at the synagogue on Sunday from 2:00 PM until service time. Family
graveside services will follow at Hebrew Rest Cemetery No. 3, in New Orleans. Memorials are
suggested to your favorite charity, in lieu of flowers. THARP-SONTHEIMER FUNERAL HOME of
Metairie in charge. For information please call (504) 835-2341.
Alvin Z. Cohen and Ruth Gottesman had the following children:
JEANIE5 COHEN was born on 28 Feb 1947. She married TONY DILEO.
DIANE COHEN was born on 09 Dec 1949. She married Michael Nusbaum on 31 May
1981. He was born in Oct 1949.
LISA COHEN was born on 21 Jan 1954 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married
JAKOV HOROWITZ. He was born on 06 Jan 1953 in Brooklyn, New York.
LAWRENCE JACK COHEN was born on 02 Sep 1958 in New Orleans, LA. He married
(1) ILIZABETH WOLHEIM, daughter of Alan Wolheim and Marilyn Dickstein on 03 Sep
2006. She was born on 18 Jun 1961. He married ANN FABINY. She was born on 29
LOUISE4 GOTTESMAN (Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 28 Jul 1927
in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married (1) FRANK WILLIAM HOWTON in New Orleans, Louisiana.
She married SIDNEY BROOKS.
Notes for Louise Gottesman:
Louise, known as Wheezy, was divorced from Bill Howton and remarried to Sidney E. Brooks. As
of 1998 lives in Bronx, New York.
2003.....Louise and Sid live in Boca Raton, Florida. She had a heart attack the summer of 2002 but
is doing fine.
2010...notes from Erica...
Louise lives most of the time now in Tucson, Arizona. She still has her house in Wellfleet on Cape
Cod and will be here this summer but she says she wants to sell that house. After Sid died,
Louise married again, to Nat Richman, and he liked to go to Tuscon. Now he is gone , too.
Recently Louise slightly fractured her pelvis in a fall, but she is recovering now. Her email is
[email protected].
JULY 2011..Dorothy, it is so sweet of you to send the birthday wishes and nice comments on
Erica's work. You certainly blazed the trail and it is appreciated.
Yes, I would never have dreamed that I would end up in Tucson. This is my first summer here and
they did not exaggerate about how bakey it is. But, as in all places, one finds ways of living with it
in a reasonable way. And most of the year the weather is delightful. And I like the
appearance, the size and the resources. (all but the Arizona politics.)
Best to you and your family, Much love, Louise
July 2011....Email to Millie
Millie, what a surprise and how delightful to hear from you. Thank you for the birthday wishes and
for bringing me up-to-date.
I did not know you had the kidney operation but you sound as if you weathered it fine and that you
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are still your vivacious self - and having fun. Which is great. Good luck on continued good health.
I never had gotten the chance to tell you that I saw Gregory one time when I was in New Orleans
and Charlotte was meeting him for coffee. It was such a pleasure to see him --I remember when
he was a tiny baby.
I am living in Tucson! I started coming here for the winters when Nat and I got together; the first
winter I tried Florida but after that we switched to coming to Tucson. Then when he died, I found
that I just continued to do it. Last year I decided that I had had enough of the switching back and
forth so sold the Cape Cod house and am now in Tucson year round.
Since starting to come to Tucson, I have participated in an educational program for seniors which
we run and staff ourselves although it is affiliated with the U of Arizona. I have from time to time
taught a course as well as taking classes. It is quite participatory which makes it more interesting.I
keep busy with what Tucson has to offer - I resumed playing bridge which I had not done since
college, joined a Brandeis chapter to participate in their bridge program, luncheon and book club
groups in the complex where I live in a town house, plays, movies and occasional trips.
Joe is in Portland at Providence Hospital --his two boys are 7 and 9 and he is quite the devoted
Erica is still in New York but making noises about moving to Tucson - we'll see if she follows
through with it. I will be going to Oregon the first of August for a visit there and also went on a
cruise with him and the boys to the Eastern Caribbean.
November, 2014... Emails from Louise to Dorothy
Frankly, I do not remember how they spoke English; I guess I had more interaction
with my grandfather because of the Hebrew lessons (I don't recall my grandmother
talking to me particularly --maybe as the youngest of 4, she paid more attention to
the older ones or maybe after 6 children of her own and all those grandchildren
she was not particularly interested in children any more.) Is cousin Albert still
alive ?- I haven't heard about him in a while but I do hear of mentions of his son;
Albert must have been the first grandchild and he should remember the most.
I never evaluated them as fun or not fun --but I would say they did not pay any
special attention to me that made it seem like fun nor did they seems particularly
affectionate (I would say I always found your mother very warm and full of hugs-they were not like that.)
HHO -short hand for household. I guess not in common use nowadays.
I have no memory of what food they cooked --but I would think it would be the
usual. My mother did tell me about when she was a kid and she said she was
hungry, her mother would tell her to eat bread. My mother always figured her
cooking was better than her mother's because my mother did not burn the
food (the way her mother did.)
Now, let me ask something.
Do you have any idea why great Uncle Solomon came to New Orleans in the
U.S? I have figured out Isaac and Pearl came bec. Solomon was here. But
his widow Simmi--if I have that right--lived to be 99 and it never occurred to me
to find out why they came to New Orleans.
Best, Louise
On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Dorothy Lobel <[email protected]> wrote:
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Louise, thanks for your prompt reply. So interesting. Now Sylvia and I are curious to know if Pearl
and Isaac spoke good English. Also, were they fun to be around and were they affectionate
What kind of foods did they fix for Passover or do you remember??
I always heard that Pearl was sociable and a big talker and that Isaac was more on the quiet side.
However, apparently Isaac had a way with the women that made Pearl jealous.
I have a picture of me as a baby being held by Pearl. And Lord only knows I have her build.....small
shoulders and the Hyman hips.
By the way, what is HHO ???
Enjoy Joe and the grandchildren.
Love, Dorothy
On Nov 28, 2014, at 7:02 PM, Louise Brooks <[email protected]> wrote:
I am happy to answer you and Sylvia and I added Nechamie as she has been so
diligently collecting family lore. Thanksgiving was great ===Joe was and still is
here w. his 2 boys Daniel- 12 and Peter -10. Daniel is tall, as he has been all
along and his voice has
become quite deep since I last saw him. What fun.
The best to you two and your lovely families.
My memories of my grandfather and grandmother Isaac and Perl (I always thought
of the spelling as Pearl) are from when we came back to New Orleans after a
period in Boston beginning when I was between 7 & 8. At first, we lived walking
distance from them, as I recall, and I remember one family Passover Seder there w.
what seemed to me as lots of tables and I guess relatives. Isaac had a kind of
wooden shed by the house they lived in --I think they probably used it for the Succoth
at the proper time -and I remember playing with a girl in the neighborhood around it.
Isaac(which of course I did not call him but grandpa or grandfather was his
name) would come once a week and teach me Hebrew - he brought the prayer
book and I learned to read in it. Once I dropped it and he instructed me to kiss
it before I opened it again. (I later figured out that my older siblings had gone to
Hebrew school after school but I had not.) Also he told me not to chew gum
while I was studying with him.
I later heard that he took the streetcar all over New Orleans teaching us grandchildren --not the boys I am sure bec. they would be studying for their Bar
Mitzvah at the synagogue and those were the days before Bat Mitzvahs.
My mother make it sound as if he was the disciplinarian of the HHO and that
if he corrected a son (& perhaps switched him,) he would then say - kiss my hand.
Pearl did not come to our house as far as I remember --she undoubtedly kept kosher so I guess
I saw her much less. They lived near Beth Israel I am sure and I heard Isaac went to Synagogue
3 times a day. Uncle Morris called him Governor, as I recall,
and I heard = told him not to bother to keep on working. (I kind of understood
he was not too successful at working.
My mother did not get along with Pearl too well so those were the
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get along
stories I heard. My mother felt that when she was young at home since she was
a girl (and I imagine by then Aunt Dora was already married) she had to help her
mother in the house --boys were exempt from housework and cooking details I
am sure. And that may relate to why she was interested in going to W ashington DC
to work during WWI. Also my mother always had a sense of adventure --she
encouraged us to travel and seemed to like it when we did. And then she and
Aunt Dora took a trip to Europe together --prob. with an organized tour of a
Jewish group - and she had a snap taken of her right after getting a hair
coiffure in Paris.
I also remember one time Isaac was sick in bed so we all went to see him. My sister
Evelyn had on a pin from school showing she had donated to the Red Cross and
he was bothered by the cross. We tried to explain but he said the cross in
effect symbolized what was so hard for the Jews. We were afraid we had made him
worse instead of making him feel better - I reminded him that I knew how to
read Hebrew.
I was not taken to either funeral. I remember that my girlfriend from the neighborhood came to
our door to play outside in the evening as we usually did
and I said "No, I was staying home bec. my grandfather had died."
When I was young I could be a gigglebox at an inappropriate occasion and
when I would try to bring myself under control, I would remind myself of my
grandfather dying and that would make me more serious.
That was all prob. more than you had bargained for, but you asked
for it.
The best to all of you.
Do send me copies of stories you might gather --I am of course very interested.
Love, Louise
On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Dorothy Lobel <[email protected]> wrote:
Louise, Lillian and Sol, my sister Sylvia and I were talking this morning and were wondering what
Perl and Isaac's life style was like. Do you remember them at all or do you remember anything
about them???
We are curious as to what foods they ate or if they did any kind of exercise. I assume Perl cooked
and kept kosher. Isaac had a stroke when he was 71 and Perl had stomach cancer so it makes us
wonder about their eating habits.
Shirley Heiman loved Isaac and thought he was like G-d. Also that Perl gave her a certain kind of
candy that she has never seen again.
May Hyman Lesser on the other hand said she hated to go to their house as Pearl was not a good
As much information as my mother gave me we never spoke of that part of their lives.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Frank William Howton and Louise Gottesman had the following children:
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HOWTON was born on 22 Jan 1957 in Caldwell. Idaho.
Notes for Erica Isabel Howton:
2011....Erica started the Geni program which is a great help in my Genealogy. She
is currently living in New York, New York. She is five feet tall and has brown hair
and blue eyes.
July, 2011....Email from Erica....
I was truly amazed, from pursuing the Hyman / Heiman connection, to find out that
they were the fascinating city of Brody, now in Ukraine, home of chess players,
musicians ... and where the Ba'al Shem Tov found his wife (how's that for a
romantic story?).
My thought is, because Brody was home to a fascinating groups of rabbis (from the
mystical to the traditional to the innovative to the intellectual), that through those
records and traditions we may unlock some clues to 19th and 18th century
Heimans. It's a way in to the Jewish records and traditions that were carried around
with them through their travels and may be accessible in a way the "official" records
(I presume, now in Liev, Ukraine?) may not be.
I actually checked with multi linguists for possible ideas on how Switosh could have
been spelled in Cyrillic lettering, and as you know, so many possibilities. I wonder if
there's any Hebrew ideas or Hebrew names or spellings? If you wanted to pursue
those thoughts, JewishGen is a wonderful site for family research. I gained some
insight into the Gottesman's (who they are NOT, always good!)
You may enjoy this -- I did pursue my aunt Charlotte Gottesman's family a little, and
it touches on a Marks family. A terrific geni curator named Randy Schoenberg (this
is is his geni profile thinks
they could be part of the family group that led to Marx Brothers. :) I wanted to prove it out more before
raising the possibility though.
I do wonder if there are any other Switosh's left anywhere in the world. Given the
size of families I would think?
My mother enjoyed all her uncles, I think! But thought her uncle Dave was so
Jan. 2013...Erica is now living in Tuscon, AZ and hanging out with her mother who
lives there permanently now.
JOSEPH CONRAD HOWTON was born on 22 Mar 1959 in Los Angeles, California,
MELANIE 4 HYMAN (Earl3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 16 May 1928 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She died on 04 Sep 2010 in Berkely, California. She married Robert Bellah,
son of Luther Hutton Bellah Jr. in 1949. He was born on 27 Feb 1927 in Altus, Oklahoma. He died
on 30 Jul 2013 in Berkely, California.
Notes for Melanie Hyman:
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1998 Melanie and Robert Bellah live at 10 Mosswood Road, Berkely, California
94704---Phone---510 841 2259
Melanie has brown eyes.
Editorial Reviews:
Book Description
ABBY and HER SISTERS A Memoir By Melanie Bellah
When two of author Melanie Bellah’s four teenage daughters died in unrelated incidents, Melanie
and her two surviving daughters, Hally and Jennifer, lived through the confusing and tragic period
in very separate ways. While Melanie turned to her support system of friends and family, Hally and
Jennifer turned to their diaries. Now in their forties and mothers themselves, Hally and Jennifer
have shared the diaries they kept as high school students with their mother. In ABBY AND HER
SISTERS, Melanie weaves her own recollections together with the raw, honest words of her
daughters, painting an astonishing and tragic portrait of an American family in the 1970s. Filled
with courage, strength, and love, ABBY AND HER SISTERS is a memoir of adversity and
ultimately, survival.
About the Author
MELANIE BELLAH received her B.A. from Stanford University and her J.D. from the University of
California, Berkeley School of Law. She practiced family law in Berkeley, California, where she
lives with her husband, Robert Bellah, professor Emeritus and best-selling author of Habits of the
TAMMY by Melanie Bellah
Powerful and heartbreaking account of a teenage suicide., September 21, 1999
Reviewer: A reader from Berkeley, California:
Caught in a dilemma between two ideals, Tammy took a tragic way out. Far away at the time, the
family learned too late, from adults who should have told them, about their daughter's trouble. This
is a coming-of-age story with sign posts which might help others. "I couldn't put it down," "Thank
you for writing it," "It made her live," readers' letters to the author have said.
2003...Notes by Dorothy Lobel.....Melanie writes so beautifully that I have to read some pages of
her books over and over again.
September 4, 2010.... Email from Sylvia Senter
Bob Bellah, called me about an hour ago. Melanie was in the hospital for 2 weeks and not doing
well. He said that she wanted to go home. He got a hospital bed, a nurse and an ambulance and
brought her home. She was very happy to be home. He brought her juice and soup and she said
that she was tired and wanted to take a nap. She did not wake up.
Bob and the two daughters were there with her. He is very devastated.They were married for 61
Melanie Bellah
Death Notice
Melanie Bellah May 16, 1928 - Sept. 2, 2010 After an extended illness Melanie returned home at
her request on the morning of September 2. She was very happy to be at home and in the care of
her husband of 61 years. Melanie Hyman was born in New Orleans but grew up mainly in Los
Angeles. She was a brilliant student and editor of the Los Angeles High School daily newspaper. It
was there that she met Robert Bellah who would later become her husband. But first Bob went into
the army and then to Harvard and Melanie went to Stanford. After she graduated from Stanford
Melanie went to Cambridge and married Bob where they lived for twenty years and had four
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twenty years
daughters. In 1967 the family moved to Berkeley, where as in Cambridge they enjoyed a full life of
art, music, conversation, politics, and, in the case of Melanie the continuation of a life of
recreational ballet that had begun when she was a child. At the age of 40 she went to Boalt Hall
(JD 1972), served as a clerk for a distinguished Federal Appeals Court judge, became a family law
specialist, and practiced for some 15 years on her own. In addition to practicing family law, Melanie
provided pro-bono services to a number of local community causes and was active in the
Panoramic Hill Association's efforts to rationalize development on the nearby campus. Tragedy
struck twice into this happy, active family with the deaths of two of the four sisters in their teens,
Tammy in 1973 and Abby in 1976. They were never forgotten and the family knew well the dark
side of life though never gave in to despair. Melanie is survived by her husband, Robert, two
daughters, Jennifer Bellah Maguire and Hally Bellah-Guther, and five grandchildren. Melanie was
raised in a secular Jewish family and always affirmed her loyalty to the Jewish people. For her, to
do anything less would be to betray a heritage of suffering. But she was also drawn to aspects of
Christianity, the theology of the cross in particular. She asked for a Christian memorial service in
her husband's Episcopal parish church. She was especially drawn to Mozart, his religious music in
particular, for she saw in Mozart a Christ-like figure. A Memorial service for her will be held in All
Souls Episcopal Church, 2220 Cedar Street in Berkeley, on Tuesday, September 14 at 2:30 p.m. to
be followed by a reception in the parish hall. In lieu of flowers the family is requesting donations to
the Los Angeles Ballet c/o the Melanie Bellah Fund ( .
Published in San Francisco Chronicle on September 12, 2010.
- See more at:
Notes for Robert Bellah:
2003... Bob is 6 foot 2 and has blue eyes.
July, 2013...By Yasmin Anwar, Media Relations | August 1, 2013
BERKELEY Robert Neelly Bellah, a preeminent scholar of religion in America, bestselling author and the Elliott
Professor of Sociology Emeritus at UC Berkeley, died Tuesday, July 30 of complications related to
heart surgery. He was 86.
Robert Bellah, an influential sociologist and scholar of religion, died earlier this week. He was 86.
Widely known as one of the world’s most influential sociologists, Bellah was a Harvard-educated
social theorist who taught for three decades at UC Berkeley. Best known for his scholarship on
how religion shapes ethical, cultural and political practices, his literary legacy includes “Religion in
Human Evolution” (2011), “Tokugawa Religion”(1957),”The Broken Covenant” (1975) and “Beyond
Belief” (1970). His writings were said to have irked both the religious right and the secular left at
various times. He was profoundly loved and respected by many of his students and peers.
“Bob Bellah was a towering intellectual figure and a remarkable friend, colleague, and teacher - not
just of his own students, but of people all over the world,” said Ann Swidler, a UC Berkeley
professor of sociology and friend, colleague and former student of Bellah’s.
“He was also funny, irreverent, generous, loyal, high-minded and down-to-earth. In his person as
well as in his work he held together what our society conspires to drive apart - the life of the
intellect and the moral life. For him reason really was the search for the good, and reason devoid of
moral purpose was utterly irrational,” added Swidler, who along with Bellah and others co-authored
“Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life” (University of California
Press, 1985).
Raka Ray, chair of sociology at UC Berkeley, echoed that sentiment. “Robert Bellah was a
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towering intellect, not just in the department - which he served so well for 30 years - but also in the
discipline of sociology,” she said. “Not only did his scholarship transform the way we think about
religion, American civic life, and the common good, but his teaching and mentoring shaped
generations of scholars in the field.”
Bellah’s amazing email
Date: Feb. 3, 2006
Subject: Death
Dear Sam
Where were you before you were born? That’s where you will go after you die …
“Since his passing, I have already received numerous notes of condolence from former students
and colleagues who have shared their admiration and deep respect for all that professor Bellah did
and stood for,” she added.
News of Bellah’s death spread quickly and widely on Wednesday, prompting comments about his
legacy on such blogs as Crooked Timber, First Things and Black, White and Gray. “An entire
generation of students is profoundly in his debt,” commented Michael McKale, a professor of
religious studies at St. Francis University in Pennsylvania and a former student of Bellah’s.
Born in Oklahoma, raised in Los Angeles
Bellah was born in Altus, Okla. on Feb. 23, 1927 and raised in Los Angeles, Calif. His father was
the editor and publisher of the local newspaper in Altus. He died when Bellah was just two, and the
family moved to Los Angeles, according to Daniel Horowitz’s book, “The Anxieties of Affluence,”
which profiles prominent American thinkers.
Bellah attended a Presbyterian church there, but mixed with people of all faiths. At Los Angeles
High School, he began to read Marxist literature. After serving in the U.S. Army from 1945 to 1946,
he entered Harvard University and assumed a leadership position in the John Reed Club, an
affiliate of the Communist party. Among his chief mentors at Harvard was sociologist Talcott
Parsons, whose theory of “social action” greatly influenced modern sociology.
In 1948, Bellah married his high school sweetheart, Melanie Hyman, who moved to Cambridge,
Mass., to be with Bellah after she graduated from Stanford University. They went on to have four
Coined “civil religion”
He won acclaim as a public intellectual with his essay “Civil Religion in America,” which examined
how U.S. political figures use religious symbolism. His views were strongly influenced by the major
events of that period, including the Vietnam War.After teaching sociology at Harvard, Bellah took
the position of Ford Professor of Sociology at UC Berkeley in 1967. His wife studied law at Boalt
Hall, the campus’s school of law, and went on to practice family law.
Tragedy struck the Bellahs twice in the 1970s when two of their daughters, Tammy and Abby, died
in unrelated incidents. Melanie Bellah wrote about Tammy’s 1973 death in a biography published in
1999, and about the impact of both deaths in her book “Abby and Her Sisters,” published in 2002.
Melanie Bellah died in 2010.
Samuel Porter, a former student of Bellah’s who is now a research associate at the University of
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Oregon, recalled how Bellah’s “Sociology of Religion” class in 1980 “blew” his mind.
“He was developing a general theory of religion in that course and some of that is reflected in
chapter one of ‘Religion in Human Evolution.’ said Porter, whose father, Charles Porter, served in
Congress from 1957 to 1961. “He helped me through his teaching and writing to integrate my dad’s
secular, political views with my religious sensibilities. He gave me a sense of life’s coherence and
opened up, on a number of different levels, the world to me.”
Among other things, Bellah served as chair of sociology and chair of the Center for Japanese and
Korean Studies during his three decades at UC Berkeley. His many accolades include the
Harbison Award for Gifted Teaching; the Sorokin Award of the American Sociological Association
for “The Broken Covenant,” a Los Angeles Times Book Award for “Habits of the Heart”; The C. S.
Lewis Foundation Faculty Forum Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contributions in Faith and
Scholarship and the Berkeley William Sloane Coffin Award.
In 2000, President Clinton awarded Bellah the National Humanities Medal “for his efforts to
illuminate the importance of community in American society. A distinguished sociologist and
educator, he has raised our awareness of the values that are at the core of our democratic
institutions and of the dangers of individualism unchecked by social responsibility.” In 2007, Bellah
received the American Academy of Religion Martin E. Marty Award for the Public Understanding of
He is survived by daughters Hally Bellah-Guther of Berkeley, Calif.; Jennifer Bellah Maguire of Los
Angeles and five grandchildren. Plans for a memorial service are pending.
2013....Internet Article
Yasmin Anwar, Media Relations | August 1, 2013
UC Berkeley sociologist Robert Bellah, a preeminent scholar on the soclology of religion, died early
this week. Below is an email he sent in 2006 to his friend and former student Samuel Porter in
response to the death of Porter’s father, Charles Porter, a former attorney and U.S. Congressman.
Robert Bellah (1927-2013)
Well before I was born, I was in the sperm of my father and the egg of my mother, I had within me
the earliest beginnings of the components of a billion or more years of life, the genes that I share
with worms (a lot) and with mold (some), and the atoms that I share with the universe all the way
back to the big bang. So returning to all that isn’t so bad.
Further, I will join the company of saints, of all those whose cultural work has made it possible for
me to have been a half-way decent person, and what I have added to the cultural pool, even when
I am long forgotten, will go on having an influence (unless we become extinct soon, which is also
possible) for a long, perhaps an immeasurable time.
As for eternal life, that is now. If we don’t see eternity in a grain of sand, when will we ever see it.
As for resurrection, as Tillich said, dead men don’t walk. But Christ was surely resurrected in the
consciousness of his disciples and is more alive today than the day he was crucified, in the faces
of all those who follow his example and who keep him alive.
Many wonder workers have resurrected the dead. I never understood those who think the truth of
Christianity hinges on the physical resurrection of Jesus. If that is the test then a lot of nutty
religions are also true. Eternal life is here and now. Christians have hardly come to a consensus on
life after death. Augustine thought we would join the choir of angels in singing an eternal Hallelujah.
Fine with me.
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But most Americans who believe in life after death think they will rejoin their dead family members
and live happily ever after. A very modern, bourgeois, kind of afterlife, hardly what traditional
Christians thought. But I have no interest in destroying the beliefs of others. If thinking one will
rejoin one’s loved ones helps bear the pain of death then I’m all for it. I have to look elsewhere,
and, with Heraclitus, declare that life and death are one.
Best, Bob
August, 2013.....Hally posted on Facebook.... Dear Friends,
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you that I lost my father last night. He was in perfect
health and was recovering beautifully from a planned heart valve OP. He was still at the height of
intellectual powers and had been touring the world lecturing on his latest book. He was working on
the next one. The world has lost a great thinker and I and my family have lost a loving caring and
giving father/grandfather/friend supporter like no other!
RIP Robert N. Bellah
August, 2013 Email from Sylvia Senter....From: Sylvia Senter [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2013 7:59 AM
To: Bellah Maguire, Jennifer
Subject: Condolenses.
Dear Jennifer and Hally,
I was very sorry to hear of the loss of your father.
He was a brilliant and acclaimed scholar and he
will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
I know how difficult this is for the family. Be
comforted by the wonderful memories of
your lives together. He and your mother
had many, many wonderful years together.
They both lived long lives and enjoyed years
together with you and their beautiful grandchildren.
With deepest sympathy,
Sylvia Hyman Senter
Answer from Jennifer to Sylvia.....Dear Sylvia-thank you so much for your call and these thoughts.
I have been in shock and denial because he was doing spectacularly well up until and for two days
after the surgery, there was never an issue except the valve that had deteriorated, but it gave rise
to no symptoms other than perhaps minor fatigue. Nothing the least bit debilitating but the doctor
assured me after pulling it out on Monday morning that he would not have lived to Christmas
without the operation. I visited right before the surgery, we all took it seriously. I also am the last
person he spoke to Tuesday night (surgery was first thing Monday July 29), only minutes before he
died, and he was fabulous at that time. Given what can happen we are supposed to be grateful it
was sudden and complete but why did he have to be in what is less than 1% odds of fatal event at
that stage of the recovery process?? It is so very hard to take.
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The LA Times obituary came out well and is online. I put a lot of energy into trying to get the major
papers to do it up the way he would have loved. NYT was not very responsive but LAT was
extremely focused and I spent a lot of time with the reporter. I know he would have been proud
because LA was still his home town in his youth, but the New York Times is what he cared about
far more so I am hopeful it will come through for him well. You are of course invited to the service
for him August 20 in Berkeley. Big hug
Jennifer Bellah Maguire
2013...from the Internet
By Elaine Woo
August 3, 2013, 7:30 p.m.
Robert N. Bellah, a UC Berkeley sociologist who turned the analysis of religion's role in American
society into a bestselling book and a thriving academic pursuit, died Tuesday at an Oakland
hospital. He was 86.
The cause was complications after heart surgery, said his daughter, Jennifer Bellah Maguire.
Bellah made his mark with a provocative 1967 essay titled "Civil Religion in America," which
argued that a central feature of the American political tradition was the belief in God as a higher
authority over the nation.
The essay, with its examination of presidential speeches going back to the founding fathers,
propelled the study of religion from the backwater of his discipline to the forefront, spurring a flood
of popular and scholarly writing, conferences and college courses.
"No one was talking about religion when he wrote that essay," said Alan Wolfe, a political scientist
who directs the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College. "He made
religion relevant even to people who don't put it at the center or who know nothing about religion. It
was really path-breaking in that sense."
Bellah went on to co-write the bestselling "Habits of the Heart" (1985), a study based on interviews
with an array of middle-class Americans that illuminated the dangers of a "radical individualism"
rampant in American culture in the 1980s.
"We are concerned," Bellah and his four co-authors wrote, "that this individualism may have grown
cancerous … that it may be threatening the survival of freedom itself."
Many critics regard "Habits of the Heart" as his most enduring work. By the end of its first decade in
print, it had sold close to 500,000 copies, placing it, as one critic noted, among "that rare breed of
sociological works … with sales figures beyond the total number of practicing sociologists in the
world, past and present."
Among the book's claims to fame is an expression that lit the imagination of a generation of religion
scholars: "Sheilaism."
The term was derived from the pseudonymous Sheila, the name Bellah and his collaborators gave
to a non-churchgoing believer in God who had invented a belief system so private and personal
that she described it as "Sheilaism. Just my own little voice." Sheila became a symbol of the
individualism that many spiritual leaders cited as a major reason behind the decline of organized
Bellah wrote or collaborated on more than a dozen books, including "The Broken Covenant:
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Generation 4 (con't) including
American Civil Religion in Time of Trial" (1975) and "The Good Society" (1991), a wide-ranging
critique of contemporary American institutions written with his "Habits of the Heart" co-authors,
Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler and Steven M. Tipton.
His last book, "Religion in Human Evolution" (2011), was an audacious synthesis of science and
history that fulfilled Bellah's long-held desire to understand the origins of religion. Hans Joas, the
eminent German social theorist, called it "the opus magnum of the greatest living sociologist of
Robert Neelly Bellah was born in Altus, Okla., on Feb. 23, 1927. His father, a newspaper editor and
publisher, died when he was 2, leading his mother, Lillian, to move the family to Los Angeles,
where she had relatives.
Bellah attended Los Angeles High School, where he and his future wife, Melanie Hyman, were
editors of the student newspaper. They were married in 1948 after she graduated from Stanford
University, and he began studying at Harvard University after a stint in the Army.
At Harvard, Bellah was driven to study tribal cultures and later East Asian civilization because of a
self-professed "ambivalence about America."
"It seems I could make sense of the apparently chaotic society in which I lived only by taking
triangulations from distant positions," he wrote in "The Robert Bellah Reader" (2006).
He earned a bachelor's degree in social anthropology in 1950 and a doctorate, also from Harvard,
in sociology and Far Eastern languages in 1955. His dissertation, "Tokugawa Religion," published
in 1957 and still in print, established him as an authority on Japanese history and culture.
He was fluent in Japanese and literate in Chinese, French and German. He later studied Arabic at
McGill University in Montreal, where he wound up after a painful experience at Harvard.
As an undergraduate, he joined the Communist Party and was a member from 1947 to 1949. He
was a graduate student completing his doctorate in 1954 when McGeorge Bundy, then Harvard's
dean of faculty, pressured him to confess his activities and name his former Communist
associates. Bellah refused and headed to McGill when his Harvard fellowship was canceled.
"Harvard did some terribly wrong things during the McCarthy period," he wrote in a letter published
by the New York Review of Books in 1977.
He returned to Harvard as a lecturer in 1957, as McCarthyism was waning, and later became a full
professor of sociology.
Toward the end of his decade on the Harvard faculty, his chief mentor, sociologist Talcott Parsons,
encouraged him to write a paper for a conference on American religion in 1966. The paper, "Civil
Religion in America," was published the next year in the journal Daedalus and became Bellah's
most frequently reprinted article.
It drew critics, including many secularists, and was a factor in the intense opposition to his
nomination as a permanent member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University in
1973, said his biographer, Matteo Bortolini. Bellah, who had joined UC Berkeley in 1967, ultimately
turned down the appointment and remained at Berkeley until his retirement in 1997.
His writings on civil religion not only made him one of the country's foremost public intellectuals but
also changed his life in a more personal way. It led him back to the institutional church after having
rejected organized religion for much of his adult life.
Raised as a Presbyterian, he joined an Episcopalian congregation in Berkeley, he wrote in the
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4 (con't)
congregation Berkeley,
Christian Century magazine in 1991, after "25 years of shopping for the right parish."
Bellah's wife died in 2010. In addition to his daughter Jennifer, of Los Angeles, he is survived by
daughter Hally Bellah-Guther of Berkeley; a sister, Hallie Reynolds of San Diego; and five
Just days before his heart surgery, he wrote passionately to colleagues about how the ending of a
philosophical tome by German theorist Peter Sloterdjik had "swept me completely away and it took
me nearly an hour to recover."
At 86, Bellah "was still excited as a freshman discovering philosophy for the first time," Bortolini
said Friday. "I think that the best way to remember a great scholar like Bellah is … how he kept a
youthfulness and a joy in reading, studying, writing and discussing powerful ideas with his friends
and collaborators until the very end."
Robert Bellah and Melanie Hyman had the following children:
TAMMY5 BELLAH was born in 1954 in California. She died on 12 Apr 1973 in
Notes for Tammy Bellah:
2003......Tammy had brown hair and eyes and was born in 1954. She died April 12,
1973 from an overdose of pills. Tammy was a wonderful child and very smart and
beautiful. Melanie believes that Tammy's death was accidental. She certainly
thought she would be found and saved before it was too late.
JENNIFER BELLAH was born in 1956. She married CHRISTIAN ROMON. She married
ABBY BELLAH was born on 23 Sep 1959 in California. She died on 05 Dec 1976 in
Notes for Abby Bellah:
2003......Abby had brown hair and eyes. She was born in 1959. She died in a car
accident on December 5, 1976. She was a beautiful and talented young lady and
was loved and adored by her family and many friends.
HALLY BELLAH was born in 1961. She married ANDREAS GUTHER.
CAROLE 4 HYMAN (Julius3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 27 Jul 1933 in New
Orleans, LA. She married (1) HERB BURSTEIN in New Orleans, Jefferson, Louisiana, USA. He was
born on 18 Mar 1932 in Everett, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 30 Mar 2008 in
Metairie, Jefferson, Louisiana, USA. She married LEON F. CAMBON . He died in Jan 2000 in New
Orleans, Louisiana.
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Notes for Carole Hyman:
2011... Carol has dark hair and gray green eyes. Very smart and artistic. Carol is a lawyer. She and
Herb divorced and she married Leon Cambon. Leon passed away and Carole moved to Los
Angeles after Katrina.
Notes for Herb Burstein:
March 30, 2008
Brent, Sandy, Morris and Bernard,
When we were speaking on Wednesday, I mentioned Herb Burstein as
being the last of the people in a memorable photograph of Morris,
Jake, Fred and Herb during the construction of the Carondelet-Charles
Today, my niece Cynthia Burstein Waldman, called from New Orleans to
tell me that Herb had passed away after a massive stroke two weeks
ago. Herb was a very kind, affectionate and generous person and he
will be missed.
I asked Cynthia to email some details and she sent me the obituary
that she prepared for the Times Picayune.
Best regards,
Jay Hyman
2122 Century Park Lane, #303
Los Angeles, CA 90067
tel: 310-203-9912
fax: 310 300 1342
--------------------------------Herbert Howard Burstein, Age 76, Builder and Real Estate Developer of
Metairie, LA
Herbert Burstein, builder and real estate developer, on March 30, 2008.
Herbert Burstein was born on March 18, 1932 in Everett,
Massachusetts. He was the son of the late Rose Glick and Samuel
Burstein and was raised in Malden, Massachusetts. He attended the
University of Southern California and relocated to New Orleans in 1962
where he had a successful career as a real estate developer in New
Orleans. He, along with several other real estate developers, was
responsible for the construction of homes in various Algiers
subdivisions including Bocage, Tall Timbers and Park Timbers.
A fixture on the New Orleans political scene, he served as a member of
the New Orleans Aviation Board under Mayor Dutch Morial and served as
its Construction Chairman. He also served as a Director of the
Regional Transit Authority.
He is survived by his wife, Sandra Bernstein Burstein of Metairie, LA
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and four children, Cynthia Burstein Waldman of Los Angeles, CA
(Vincent); Howard Brown of Denver, CO (Donna); Sharon Brown Sherry of
Fairfax, VA (Lance); and Kira Brown Adams (Quinn) of Denver, CO, as
well as six grandchildren; Jesse Waldman, Elana and Adira Brown; and
Ianne, Aiden and Jacqueline Sherry.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Shir Chadash Conservative
Congregation, 3737 W. Esplanade Ave., Metairie, LA 70002; Canon
Hospice, 1221 Clearview Parkway, Jefferson, LA 70121 or the
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association
Herb Burstein and Carole Hyman had the following child:
CYNTHIA ALICE5 BURSTEIN was born on 20 Dec 1964 in New Orleans, LA. She
married Vincent Waldman on 03 Oct 1999.
JULIUS4 HYMAN JR. (Julius3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 20 Jul 1935 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. He married (1) JANICE SHURE-HURWITZ on 02 Sep 1962 in Chicago, IL. She
was born on 22 Jul 1940 in Chicago, IL. He married (2) ROBERTA FAY HAMLIN , daughter of Jack
Hamlin and Martha Landau on 03 Sep 1994 in Los Angeles, California. She was born on 04 Nov
1939 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Notes for Julius Hyman Jr.:
Janice and Jay divorced and in 1994 he married Roberta Sarrow.
2003...Jay and Roberta moved to 2122 Century Park Lane, #303, Los Angeles, California, 90067.
Julius (Jay) Hyman, Jr. 2122 Century Park Lane, #303, Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-203-9912
[email protected]
High School: Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, LA
College: MIT, SB Physics
Post Graduate: MS and PhD in Physics from UCLA in 1962 and 1967 Respectively
Family: In 1962, I married Janice Hurwitz. We have two daughters. Brenda was born in 1966 and
Pamela was born 1969. Brenda is married and has a son, Aharon, who is almost 4 years old, and
Pamela is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology. Janice and I were divorced, and in 1994 I
married Roberta (Bobbi) Sarrow. She has two children from her previous marriage. Her daughter
Leslie was born in 1966 and her son Jonathan was born in 1970. Both are married with children.
Leslie is a teacher in the Los Angeles school system and Jonathan is a VP in Business Affairs at
Fox Cable.
Pleasure: The part of my career that I really enjoyed was tinkering in the laboratory. Now that I'm
retired, the closest thing to that activity is to tinker with my computer. Just to keep myself amused,
I recently purchased software whic use he inpu and output soun cards to turn your computer into
an audi frequency oscilloscope and/or tone generator. For years, I have enjoyed playing tennis
with a friend and neighbor who graduated from Cal Tech and UCLA graduate school and also
worked at Hughes. But, we'v discontinued our game because the rotator-cup in his shoulder wore
out. My wife Roberta (Bobbi), like to travel; so w hav ecently traveled to various locations
including a trip on a rive boa p the Danube, a trip and tour Cost Rica, and on a UCLA Alumni
travel tour of Tuscany with a follow-on stay in Rome and New York Nex arc e will pick up a cruise
in Hong Kong whic takes us t Shanghai and Xiamen and then back to Hong Kong After a fe day
n Hong Kong we will fly to Toky for a fe day here. My big trip however, come in June when I
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travel to Cambridge for my 50th MIT reunion.
Philosophy: Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. Is that all there is? My friend and classmate from MIT, Mike
Brenner, recently sent me his personal reflections, philosophy and perspectives in which he wisely
stated that the driving force of life is commitment. This is true whether your name is Mother Teresa
or Osama bin Ladin. I think Mike is right, but my commitments come and go. Right now, I have
become committed to forming a Homeowners Alliance representing the 1700 Homeowners who
live in the six Condominium Complexes of the Century City neighborhood of Los Angles where I
live. There's no question that forming a Homeowners Alliance is a good idea, and it seems to be
happening, but my interest has less to do with my interest in community affairs and more to do with
my frustration over seeing an opportunity that cries out for execution but that was not going to be
exploited unless I made it happen.
Career: In 1958, I went to work at the Rocketdyne Research Laboratory in an early effort to
develop ion rockets for space propulsion. Then, it seemed clear that ion-propulsion thrusters
powered by nuclear-electric generators would propel men to mars in the near future. Little by little, I
began taking classes at UCLA and before I knew it I was on my way to a MS and Physics and later
began work on my PhD. My PhD thesis topic was an experimental study of the ambipolar
expansion of an isolated plasma column in vacuum. After receiving my PhD, I was employed for
over 30 years at Hughes Research Laboratories where I became Manager of the Plasma Physics
Laboratory. My laboratory carried out a wide variety of R&D projects including multi-megawatt
plasma switches, free-electron lasers, high-power microwave generators, plasma plating of
machine tools, and of course ion propulsion. I retired from Hughes Research Laboratories in 1996,
but not before Hughes (now Boeing) finally adopted ion propulsion for orbit raising and north-south
station-keeping on their geosynchronous satellites. My swan song was to serve a Chairman of
the1997 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science held in San Diego, CA.
Fraternity: Sigma Alpha Mu
Julius Hyman Jr. and Janice Shure-Hurwitz had the following children:
BRENDA EILEEN5 HYMAN was born on 31 Jul 1966 in Los Angeles, California. She
married (1) DON PHILIPE GOLDSTEIN, son of Carmi Samuel Goldstein and Zambilica
on 10 Jun 2001. He was born on 18 Mar 1963 in Nottingham, England. She married
PAMELA EDEN HYMAN was born on 22 Jun 1969 in Culver City, California. She
married Shawn Albro in Jul 1994 in Los Angeles, California. He was born on 07 Oct
1970 in Canada.
Notes for Pamela Eden Hyman:
February 2003 ....Pamela and Shawn are divorced. She lives in Los Angeles. Pam
is studying to get a Master's Degree in Psychology.
August, 2009.....posted on Hyman Family site onFacebook....
Jay Hyman, Jr.'s daughter, grand daughter of Julius (Jake) and Beatrice Hyman, of
Louisiana. Born and continues to live in LA. Completing my doctoral work in clinical
psychology - psychoanalytic focus.
June 22, 2011.. Pam now lives in South Pasadena, CA.
Generation 5
CAROLYN 5 WEIMAN (Libby4 Elson, Sonja Esther3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman,
Melvin). She married ? FIERMAN .
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Notes for Carolyn Weiman:
2003...Carolyn was married to a Fierman. Her nickname is Chu Chu.
? Fierman and Carolyn Weiman had the following child:
LENEL5 SROCHI (Annette4 Elson, Sonja Esther3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman,
Morton Harold). She married ? MEYERHOFF.
? Meyerhoff and Lenel Srochi had the following children:
MAYER 5 FINKLESTEIN (Frieda Marcia 4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 18 Oct 1942. He married CAROL SUSSMAN . She was born on 11 Feb 1944.
Notes for Mayer Finklestein:
Divorced 1972.
Mayer Finklestein and Carol Sussman had the following child:
ERIN MICHELE6 FINKLESTEIN was born on 27 Dec 1965. She married Richard Daniel
Borovoy on 30 Mar 1996.
RAFFAEL "RALPH" ALAN 5 COHEN (Hannah Myrtle 4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam
Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 07 Sep 1945. He married Judy Kohn on 18 Jun 1967. She was born
on 12 Jul 1945.
Raffael "Ralph" Alan Cohen and Judy Kohn had the following children:
AMY REBECCA6 COHEN was born on 19 Oct 1968.
KATE ELIZABETH COHEN was born on 19 May 1970.
SADIE COHEN was born on 14 Jul 1975.
LINN ELLEN5 COHEN (Hannah Myrtle 4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 23 Oct 1947. She married STEVEN ARNOLD COLE. He was born on 02 Jul
Notes for Linn Ellen Cohen:
Divorce -- 1995
Steven Arnold Cole and Linn Ellen Cohen had the following children:
JAMIE NACE COHEN-6 COLE was born on 11 Oct 1972.
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ETHAN BENSON COLE was born on 17 Jul 1974. He married Minoca Parika on 20
May 2000.
ANNAN SIONI COHEN- COLE was born on 22 May 1979.
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Generation 5 (con't)
LESLIE ZENA COHEN (Hannah Myrtle 4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 03 Sep 1950. She married David Slaney on 09 Jun 1987.
David Slaney and Leslie Zena Cohen had the following children:
CORRENA6 SLANEY was born on 17 May 1990.
NACE MARTIN SLANEY was born on 27 Oct 1991.
MEYER5 HEIMAN (Harold Isadore4, Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 04 Dec 1947. He
married Judy on 18 Dec 1971. She was born on 02 Dec 1949.
Meyer Heiman and Judy had the following children:
KATHRYN ELIZABETH6 HEIMAN was born on 09 Dec 1976.
ASHLEY REBECCA HEIMAN was born on 01 Dec 1978.
JONATHAN NEAL HEIMAN was born on 17 Jul 1981.
KRISTEN ALEXIS HEIMAN was born on 04 Aug 1984.
MARSHA 5 HEIMAN (Hertzle Benjamin4, Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 15 Dec 1953.
She married Mark Ettin on 15 Oct 1989. He was born on 23 Apr 1948.
Mark Ettin and Marsha Heiman had the following child:
SKYELAR HEIMAN6 ETTIN was born on 19 Sep 1991.
DAVID 5 HEIMAN (Hertzle Benjamin4, Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 05 Apr 1955. He
married (1) CAROL ROBINSON on 27 May 1984. She was born on 18 Oct 1958. He married (2)
KAREN SHADNER on 13 Jan 1993.
Notes for David Heiman:
David and Carol Robinson were divorced April, 1991.
David and Karen were divorced in 1997.
David Heiman and Carol Robinson had the following children:
ALAN MEYER6 HEIMAN was born on 27 Aug 1985.
LAUREN ELISE HEIMAN was born on 10 Apr 1987.
David Heiman and Karen Shadner had the following child:
iii. KATHERINE SHADNER HEIMAN was born on 29 Jul 1993.
TERRI ANN5 HEIMAN (Hertzle Benjamin4, Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 21 Jul 1957.
She married David Solomita on 22 Mar 1986. He was born on 10 May 1952.
Notes for Terri Ann Heiman:
Terri Heiman and David Solomita were divorced December 8, 2000.
David Solomita and Terri Ann Heiman had the following children:
ALEXANDER6 SOLOMITA was born on 07 Mar 1987.
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MARISSA GINNY SOLOMITA was born on 02 Oct 1990.
CYNTHIA5 HEIMAN (Hertzle Benjamin4, Zena3, Abraham2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 27 Feb 1959.
She married (1) HUGH MANLEY on 12 Apr 1981. He was born on 24 Sep 1956. She married (2)
DAVID FLETCHER on 05 Apr 1987. He was born on 24 Apr 1951. He died on 03 Aug 1999.
Notes for Cynthia Heiman:
Cynthia and Hugh Manley divorced September, 1986
Hugh Manley and Cynthia Heiman had the following child:
MICHAEL JASON6 MANLEY was born on 23 Apr 1983.
David Fletcher and Cynthia Heiman had the following children:
TARA MICHELLE6 FLETCHER was born on 27 Nov 1987.
RYAN FLETCHER was born on 11 May 1994.
KAREN JEAN 5 GARDSBANE (Salome4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 12 Oct 1952 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She married Bob James Gordon in
Shreveport, Louisiana. He was born on 02 Mar 1952 in Shreveport, LA.
Notes for Karen Jean Gardsbane:
2003....Karen looks a lot like her Grandmother Clara. She is a veterinarian. Loved animals from
childhood. She also loved hot air balloons and bought her own. Short with brown hair and brown
eyes. Started a playground for handicapped children.
2004....Shreveport Times
Jewish Burial Society reinstated after 20 years
Diane Haag
Posted on February 3, 2004
It never occurred to Karen Gordon to ask a local funeral home to prepare her father's body for
When she knew he would not win his battle with pancreatic cancer, she called Rabbi Foster
Kawaler and asked about the Hevrah Kedushah, or Jewish Burial Society. Kawaler informed her
that the society, which prepares bodies according to traditional Jewish customs, did not exist at the
local synagogue Agudath Achim.
It does now. For the first time in 20 years, the synagogue pulled together a fully operating Hevrah
Kedushah last month.
"Being Jewish is more than a belief in God but the traditions that hold us together," Gordon said.
"We would rather have someone who knew my father and who he was to say the prayers and
wash the body as we knew he deserved."
According to Jewish tradition, when a person dies the soul returns to God and the body should not
be defiled in any way and prepared so that it can return to dust as quickly as possible. And
because they believe everyone will be resurrected when the Messiah comes, the body must
remain whole.
Embalming and open viewings are not done, and autopsies are only allowed in criminal cases.
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The Hevrah Kedushah steps in to prepare the body for burial, with ritual washing, prayers and
dressing. Ideally this would happen a couple of hours before the funeral, which is held no more
than 48 hours after death.
"The body held the soul and that comes from the divine," Kawaler said. "It should be treated that
way and not so much as a piece of meat."
Since Kawaler came to the synagogue 10 years ago, he said he has tried to revive it but the
morbid nature of the job kept people away.
The process was so important to Stephanie Cullick that she broke with tradition and prepared her
mother's body, when she died seven years ago.
While the funeral homes have complied by washing and not embalming the bodies, Kawaler said it
wasn't the same as having the Hebrew prayers read.
But when Gordon's father, Dr. Hyman Gardsbane, died in November, the family asked to reinstate
the Hevrah Kedushah.
Kawaler started with members of the medical community and was able to talk several men (men
prepare men and women prepare women) into the training. Gordon's sister, who lives in Maryland,
had her rabbi send some instructions and the local men were talked through the process on
speaker phone.
About 24 hours later, the men received a call. Gardsbane had died, and it was time to put their
training into action.
"Everybody had the same apprehension," society member David Saphier said. "When we gathered
around the body and realized we were all in the same boat, we relaxed into the right frame of
In a way, perhaps typical of men, Saphier said, the group was very concerned with getting all the
details of the ritual correct such as forming a continuous stream of water from the different buckets
and having wooden sticks with which to clean the fingernails.
It took about two hours for the cleaning and dressing. Then they could let the feelings emerge.
"We had a sense of having done the right thing," Saphier said. "It was very complicated but we had
done the best we could."
And in an exciting step for the congregation, they said they would do it again.
The men's enthusiasm made it easier to recruit a group of women willing to serve.
Cullick, a home health nurse, was one of the women who said yes to the rabbi's request. Their first
funeral was in January for a woman who had worked with Cullick's father.
Although comfortable with the process of dying, Cullick froze when she walked in the door.
Memories of her mother's death came back, and she wondered if she could continue.
But the support of other women encouraged her.
Cullick shared stories with the group about doing word puzzles with the woman at her father's store
and said prayers asking for forgiveness and blessing.
Carefully they dressed her in the shroud that all Jews are buried in regardless of wealth and laid
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her in the prescribed, simple pine coffin.
"She did look beautiful - a natural, peaceful beauty," Cullick said. "We all come in the same way
and we all go out the same."
The process, emotionally draining and enriching at the same time, was to Cullick a celebration of
faith and community.
"The women in the group were all different: a nurse, a pharmacist, a couple of doctors' wives," she
said. "But when we're there to give our gift, we're all just women - Jewish women - there for a
common cause. And it was beautiful."
Repeatedly, society members called the work the greatest gift one could give to another because it
can never be repaid.
Since the society was established, Kawaler said he has heard from synagogues all over the area
curious about how he recruited people and did the training. And his aging members are thrilled to
know that it has returned.
"My health is not brilliant and I'd like to think they would treat me with respect," Saphier said.
On the other end, the Hevrah Kedushah has been good for the mourners as well. Gordon said she
wonders if she should feel more sadness, but she has been freed to remember the good times.
And she knows she did everything possible for her father.
"Daddy would have been so proud that (my sister) and I stuck to our guns and said we will do this,"
Gordon said. "I'm proud that all of the Jewish society came together as a family should to bury him
as he would have wanted."
August, 2006 (Israel's War with the Hezbollah
Email from Karen
Hi Everyone,
Please excuse this mass mailing, but lots of you were aware that my daughter, Zena was in Israel
for the summer. She participated in a Young Judaea Program where she joined other teenagers
from the United States and England traveling through out Israel for six weeks. I am happy to report
that she is now home safe and sound. Not that she is happy to be home: She was crying when I
picked her up from the airport Tuesday because she wanted to go back! That's after being within
ear shot of the first rockets that hit Israel and then being just a few miles from the rockets when
they hit Haifa for the first time.
My sisters and I had taken my mother to Israel in June for a wonderful 10 days of sight seeing. We
were in the northern part of Israel at the Lebanon border for several days. From all appearances,
everything was fine. We got home June 19th and Zena left on June 26th. Her group was hiking
north of Tsfat when the first rockets hit. They could hear the rockets and the Israeli bombs and
saw the smoke. The group was then ushered to Haifa and were within just a few miles of where
the first rockets to hit Haifa were. This was definitely a surprise to the security officers of Young
Judaea who do have inside knowledge of anything that might happen (usually). The group was
then sent to Jerusalem and from that point on spent their time between Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Elat
and the Dead Sea. Zena called me as soon as she could after the rockets first hit Israel and
assured me that she felt safe and did not want to come home. Of course I was torn between
making her come home or letting her stay. I had great confidence in the Young Judaea Program
and their ability to keep the campers safe. I had to trust Zena's judgment and her decision to stay
and continue to show her support and love to Israel. I am very proud of the maturity she showed
during these frightening times. But I must admit, it feels really good to have her home, even if it
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Generation 5 (con't)really good
means I have to put up with all the moods a 17 year old has. She is also leaning towards going
back to Israel when she graduates from high school this year and spending a year there earning
college credits while exploring more of Israel's treasures.
I hope each and every one of you are doing fine and not suffering too much from this heat wave
that has enveloped the country. I know I haven't been very good with writing for the past year, but I
hope to have more time in the future to keep in contact with all my friends.
Karen Gordon
Bob James Gordon and Karen Jean Gardsbane had the following child:
ZENA ANNE6 GORDON was born on 14 Jan 1989 in Shreveport, LA. She married
Hagen Chandler Allen on 25 Oct 2014 in Shreveport, LA.
Notes for Zena Anne Gordon:
Zena was named after her two great grandmothers.
Jan. 2012...Thanks so much for all this information!! You are super. The only
change I see is that Zena's middle name is spelled Anne, the same as Daddy's
mother's name.
DIANE RUTH5 GARDSBANE (Salome4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 28 Jul 1954 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She married Paul Markham Sully on
24 May 1981 in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Notes for Diane Ruth Gardsbane:
Diane had asthma as a child growing up in Shreveport. Very smart and a wonderful personality.
A great mother and has two outstanding girls.
25 April 2013 Facebook Comments
Diane Gardsbane
Nice to be home after weeks of traveling (Zambia, Botswana, US, Botswana in that order) - the
weather is perfect, as always in Kampala! kitchen cabinets were installed while I was
away and the garden/yard has fresh lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, all kinds of herbs, avocado, and
papaya. No need to shop for much :). And ABD (an odd phrase since "all but"
dissertation entails quite a lot!). In 3 weeks on the road again - quick stop in Zambia (maybe), on to
Botswana, fly to the US and I have a few days to linger (looking for a place in the sun if anyone
with no cats has one and wants to invite me), a wedding in Wisconsin (will be great fun!),
Guatemala to visit my son-in-law's family (can't wait!), back to the US for a couple days, and back
to Kampala - probably for a long time!
Paul Markham Sully and Diane Ruth Gardsbane had the following children:
ALICIA GARDSBANE6 SULLY was born on 27 Jan 1983.
Notes for Alicia Gardsbane Sully:
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Generation 5 (con't)
April 8, 2007....Email from Alicia
Dear friends,
I am going to live in Tanzania for 27 months starting June 15th.
My job: Peace Corps Volunteer, Health Education.
Pre-service training is from June 15th- August 14th (in Tanzania). We are assigned
to individual sites after about 8 weeks of training.
Below my note is a bunch of information that I pulled from the 107 page online book
the Peace Corps provides for volunteers going to Tanzania. I thought that you all
might be interested in parts of it? it gives a bit of an overview I think that will answer
a lot of general questions. Communication may be slow once I am there so why not
do the easy part now. (Also helpful if you consider a visit :)) ? see end of
The game? some of you may know that back in August I was ?nominated? to be
an art teacher in Ghana (a one-of-a-kind program). I was quite excited about that
possibility.. but I missed the 6 person boat (it filled up at the moment before my
medical papers got to the placement office, since i had to submit more information
about my gosh-darn ears).?
But it?s ok (most of the time), I am excited about the sudden change of plans, the
beauty and wildlife of Tanzania, and of course the island called Zanzibar. Ooooo.
Things to do before I go
-Say hi and then later say bye to You, so please be in touch soon. (send mailing
address for letters.) We will have a party in brooklyn.?
-Sadly not go to Prague/france goat cheese farm again. Partly because they just
took my passport to get me a special one.
-Make a protective case for my?16-mm Bolex?with leather and snaps.
-Get a decent used video camera and laptop for video editing (anyone selling
camera or laptop?)?
-Reluctantly organize my collection of stuff in nice boxes to fit in the corner.
-Finish sound and video transfer for The Fat Ballerina.
-Make a website-, which I am not sure how to do yet.
-Get a skirt because that is what they wear in Tanzania.
-Go to culture shock and see the springtime (it will be winter in Tanzania).
-Eat ice cream and macaroni and cheese.
-Collect art supplies and solar power.
-Visit my ol? art teacher Oroon Barnes living on the MD Eastern Shore.
-Get vaccines and horrible horrible malaria pills.
-Finish things to do before I go.
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I have been lucky to have been in a constant travel this past year?seeing many of
you; Purchase, NY; Silverdocs; Baltimore, MD; Prague, Czech Republic; Fressac,
France; Madrid, Spain; Shreveport, Louisiana; New Orleans, LA; Birmingham, AL;
Guanajuato, Mexico; Los Angeles; Sunnyvale; Oakland/San Francisco; Duncan,
Vancouver Island; Cheese Club; Detroit, MI; Scranton, PA; Rockville, MD... it was
I hope this note finds you pretty well ?
Let?s get together or pretend we are,
We could play balderdash, which I just learned, and love,
May 22, 2007....Email from Alicia
News Flash* from Alicia Sully:
<<<<< I am no longer going to Tanzania in June. >>>>>>
...They had to cut half of the people going to Tanzania because the Peace Corps
Country Director in Tanzania had to suddenly leave....
They asked me to go to Niger- I said no on account of the film equipment being
unable to survive the extreme desert heat.
++++++ I am going to GHANA September 22, 2007- December 2009. +++++++
2012 August...Greetings Shreveporters - I am back in town (for a few more weeks) I headed to Guatemala - and here’s the story beyond the picture if you are
interested (you’ll hear and wonder I am sure!). Those of you who know Alicia will
understand - others might just wonder :). Paul and I are very happy for her. For
those who don’t know Alicia - she is a filmmaker and wanders the world making
films with a group called the What Took you So Long Foundation that she and
Sebastian Lindstrom co-founded. She met Pedro in Kenya. We know him - and love
him, and they are perfect for one another.
THE STORY (from a mother’s perspective):
On Alicia’s side: Pedro kept asking her to marry him, she kept saying yes, sweet
words for two people in love. Then…last week - they were in a rooftop restaurant in
Cali, Columbia, relaxing after a stressful day of work. Pedro asked, again, and she
said yes, again. This time though there was a crowd and Pedro told Sebastian, “she
said, yes!,” and Sebastian yelled it out to everyone - and everyone is congratulating
them. Salsa dancing follows and they are “engaged.”
On my side: Last weekend, Sebastian, Alicia’s other “soul mate” (in life not love),
kept calling, leaving messages - “Diane, you must come to Guatemala”…. I had
thought about it - it was an opportunity to meet Pedro’s family (Alicia’s love soul
mate I was sure). I am conflicted - I am on a timeline with work, PhD…. but, was
something up? By Monday I decide to go.
Meanwhile, Alicia’s good friend Anna was also considering coming to Guati to
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considering coming
meet Pedro and family. A little encouragement and she also has a ticket. A last
minute call from Alicia and she throws in a few dresses - for a wedding (for her and
Alicia at least!).
And, Pedro’s family has a house on Lake Atitlan, where the Little Prince was
written, inspired by a mountain just near their house. For Alicia this spot must be
We all get to Guatemala City on Friday (Alicia, Pedro and Sebastian from Columbia,
Anna and I separately from the US). Margarita, Pedro’s mother; Gustavo, Pedro’s
father; Daniel, Pedro’s brother - are all welcoming.
Pedro and Alicia are focused on their TedX talk for Saturday, that goes nicely and
consumes our day. We drive to Antigua late Saturday night (Pedro’s parents and all
of us). We all find beds in a grand family home built by Pedro’s maternal
grandparents. A family open house is planned with extended family for Sunday.
Pedro is just back after more than 1-1/2 years away.
Sunday AM I have a private coffee excursion with Alicia. Indications are - there will
be an announcement - but she tells me little else - after all…. “it’s a surprise.” The
open house gets underway - we meet Pedro’s grandmothers, uncles, aunts,
cousins, sister-in-law, nephew, and good friends. Music, karaoke, dancing, and fun.
No announcement. I think - hmm - not happening? But during the night I am
planning the wedding at this great house in Antigua - where I later learn Pedro’s
parents and many others have had their wedding receptions.
Next day we head to Lake Atitlan. Sebastian organizes for me to ride with Pedro
and Alicia. While driving Pedro asks for Paul’s and my blessings to marry Alicia. I
am pleased - yes, of course - I even unbuckle to kiss and hug them. Alicia pipes in that was part I. …. Part II is - we want to do it tomorrow morning - on the boat - in
front of the mountain that inspired the Little Prince. Pedro’s father has already given
his blessing. I am hesitant because Paul is not there - but….later - he gives his
blessing - for the wedding, and for it to happen without him.
Roll the tape forward - (but less than 24 hours) - a wedding that was magical and
amazing (planned for 10am, held around noon - no need for precise timing J). Not
on the boat but on the side of the lake in a natural garden - with homemade (by
Anna) bouquets and corsages. Anna led the procession; Margarita walked Pedro
down the path; I walked Alicia; Sebastian performed the ceremony - beautifully as
no one else could have, incorporating messages from each parent, Naomi & Peter,
and Anna. There was laughter, and tears, and pauses - while the WTYSL crew
(Alicia, Pedro, Sebastian) occasionally repositioned a camera, all the while arguing
about the right lens or exposure for the moment. There was applause, and
photos… adding of some layers of clothing (and life jackets) to get on the boat. We
drove to the mountain in the most perfect weather. In front of the magical mountain,
Alicia threw her bouquet in the water - and many more pictures were taken and
video shot, while we all basked in the moment.
Back to the shore - toasts, wine, and cheese (that Alicia and Pedro feed each
another instead of cake) - in the beauty of the garden. We bring in Paul for this by
skype. The “reception” follows - a picnic spread - prepared by Margarita with help
from all - next to the house - grilled fish stuffed with onions and spices, avocado,
tortillas, many accompaniments, and more wine (though not for the drivers).
5pm we head back to Guatemala City for a BBQ dinner that had been planned for
Pedro’s birthday - now an expanded celebration.
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10:30pm - we send the couple off to a hotel for their wedding night…..
It was a perfect day!
In Alicia’s words: “not a shotgun wedding” - just the “right” time + so much
Paul and I love Pedro J (and his family!)
NAOMI GARDSBANE SULLY was born on 25 Nov 1985. She married Peter Rasmussen
on 29 May 2011.
Notes for Naomi Gardsbane Sully:
2012.....Naomi and Peter married in May, 2011 and are now living in Nairobi,
ARLENE FAY 5 GARDSBANE (Salome4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 30 Apr 1957.
Notes for Arlene Fay Gardsbane:
Arlene is a veterinarian and lives in Maryland. In 2003 she had a little girl. Arlene is a pretty girl
with a lot of charm and personality. She is a wonderful and loving mother.
April, 2011...Notes from Arlene....Thanks,
I did open and read both documents. Do we know when and why the family came to the US? Did
they arrive in Galveston or NYC? Why did they go to New Orleans?
A correction for the Gardsbane tree….I’m not married!! Miriam was conceived using anonymous
sperm donation. Just a little fact you might want to change. She is named after my aunt and
uncle-Myrtle and Harold.
Thanks so much for all the information, glad someone has done all this research.
Love, Arlene
Arlene Fay Gardsbane had the following child:
MIRIAM HANNA6 GARDSBANE was born in Jan 2003.
Notes for Miriam Hanna Gardsbane:
April 19, 2003....A beautiful service and luncheon at Agudath Achim in honor of
Miriam. Bernard was called up as the Kohen member of the family for a blessing
before the Torah.
ELLEN GAIL 5 HOFFER (Betty4 Wish, Myrtle 3 Tellis, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 17 Jun 1963 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married JERRY CARBONE .
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Notes for Ellen Gail Hoffer:
2003....Ellen and Jerry and Kevin and Katrina live in Atlanta, GA. She spells her name Elynn.
Notes for Jerry Carbone:
2003....Vice President of Advertising for the Expo Division of Home Depot.
Jerry Carbone and Ellen Gail Hoffer had the following children:
KEVIN6 CARBONE was born in Mar 1995 in Boca Raton, FL.
KATRINA CARBONE was born in Apr 1997 in Boca Raton, FL.
MIRIAM SHARON 5 HOFFER (Betty4 Wish, Myrtle 3 Tellis, Esther Rochel2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 08 Apr 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married MARVIN PALEVSKY .
Notes for Miriam Sharon Hoffer:
2003....Manager at Progressive Insurance.
Notes for Marvin Palevsky:
2003...Was an auto mechanic but now is Mr. Mom.
Marvin Palevsky and Miriam Sharon Hoffer had the following children:
NICOLE6 PALEVSKY was born on 01 Apr 1987.
MARISSA PALEVSKY was born on 21 May 1989.
JESSICA PALEVSKY was born in Sep 1991.
ARIELLE PALEVSKY was born on 18 Jan 1994.
CAITLIN PALEVSKY was born on 18 Jan 1994.
MATTHEW PALEVSKY was born on 27 Feb 1997.
GLORIA SIMA5 LEPOW (Norman 4, Mollie 3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 15 Apr 1964 in Shreveport, LA. She married Dan Reisner in Shreveport, LA.
Notes for Gloria Sima Lepow:
Gloria has blonde hair and light eyes and is very pretty. Smart as a whip and is a lawyer and lives
in California.
2008...Gloria and Dan now live in Chicago.
Dan Reisner and Gloria Sima Lepow had the following children:
WILL6 REISNER was born in Santa Monica, CA.
JACOB FREDERICK REISNER was born on 05 Dec 2000 in Santa Monica, CA.
KAREN 5 STEABMAN (Jeannette4 Heiman, Harry3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman,
Steabman). She married BRUCE SCHLOSBERG. She married STANLEY COHEN.
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Notes for Karen Steabman:
2003....Notes from Sol Heiman....Karen Steadman divorced Stanley Cohen and married Bruce
Schlosberg. She has two children by first marriage: Adi and Moriah. They just moved to Raleigh,
North Carolina where Karen works for a Synagogue.
When Jeanette was unable to care for her children Karen was in a foster home. She remained in
the foster home until she was married.
Stanley Cohen and Karen Steabman had the following children:
ADI6 COHEN was born in 1980.
MORIAH COHEN was born in 1982.
MICHAEL 5 STEABMAN (Jeannette4 Heiman, Harry3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born in New Orleans, LA. He married KAY .
Notes for Michael Steabman:
2003...Mike is married with one child and lives in San Antonio. His son, Joel is named after Mike's
mother, Jeanette. Mike is a salesman for a lock company. Lois and Sol Heiman took Michael into
their home until Jeanette could care for him.
Notes for Kay:
2003....Kay is a registered nurse.
Michael Steabman and Kay had the following child:
SANDRA 5 BROOK (Helen4 Heiman, Harry3 Heiman, Solomon2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born in 1950. She married YITZHAK SHARON .
Notes for Sandra Brook:
Sandra has her PHD in math.
Yitzhak Sharon and Sandra Brook had the following child:
DENA6 SHARON was born in 1992.
MARK 5 HEIMAN (Sol4, Harry3, Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 09 Oct 1952 in New Orleans,
LA. He married SHARON .
Notes for Mark Heiman:
Mark's wife's name is Sharon.
2003..... Mark has his PHD in Endocrinology and works for Eli Lili in Indianapolis. He does
research and has doctors working under him. He has discovered a hormone in the stomach
(Grehlin) that has to do with the fat gene and will be on 60 Minutes in February.
Mark Heiman and Sharon had the following children:
JUSTIN6 HEIMAN was born on 20 Sep 1982.
JANEY HEIMAN was born on 21 Oct 1987.
LINDA5 HEIMAN (Sol4, Harry3, Solomon2, Sam Oscar1) was born on 22 Dec 1954 in New Orleans,
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LA. She married STEVE WATSKY .
Notes for Linda Heiman:
Linda married and divorced Steve Watsky.
2003....She is a school teacher and has not remarried.
Steve Watsky and Linda Heiman had the following children:
MICHELLE6 WATSKY was born on 21 Aug 1984.
AARON BENJAMIN WATSKY was born on 28 Jun 1983.
ALBERT ARTHUR5 HYMAN (Albert Lewis4, David3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on
07 Mar 1965 in New Orleans, LA. He married Sharon J. Waller in Montreal. She was born on 29
May 1969.
Notes for Albert Arthur Hyman:
Albert became an architect first and then became a doctor. A very handsome and personable
young man. He is a physician, child psychiatrist and lives in Brookline MA just outside Boston.
Notes for Sharon J. Waller:
Sharon is a psychologist.
Albert Arthur Hyman and Sharon J. Waller had the following children:
GABRIELLE ALEXANDER6 HYMAN was born on 12 Nov 2001.
JACOB RAPHAEL HYMAN was born on 24 Feb 2004.
Notes for Jacob Raphael Hyman:
Jacob was born on Mardi Gras Day.
JUDITH5 HYMAN (Edward Sidney4, David3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in Aug
1958 in New Orleans, LA. She married DAVID LADDEN .
Notes for Judith Hyman:
2006..... Divorced and moved to Birmingham after Hurricane Katrina.
David Ladden and Judith Hyman had the following children:
Notes for Sara Hadley Ladden:
2008.....Sara Ladden was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Emanuel,
Birmingham, on March 1. She is the daughter of Judith Hyman Ladden, Randal
McDonald, and Shelly and David Ladden. Grandparents are Mrs. Edward Hyman,
and the late Edward Hyman, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ladden.
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David3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in 1966 in
New Orleans, LA. She married STUART AARON FIERMAN .
Notes for Anne Hyman:
2006.....Married and lives in Atlanta.
Notes for Stuart Aaron Fierman:
Aaron Stuart Fierman is a great grandson of Sonja Esther Heiman Elson.
Stuart Aaron Fierman and Anne Hyman had the following child:
MARYANN FERN5 LESSER (May 4 Hyman, David3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 15 Oct 1948. She married David Luckenbill in 1966.
Notes for Maryann Fern Lesser:
April 11, 2008
Maryann Lesser, m. David Luckenbill (from New York) in 1966 and they have resided in Berkeley (I
gave them the name and address of Melanie Hyman Bellah there) since. Maryann owned and ran
a dress store in Berkeley (Lobelia) which she recently closed after 30 years in order to travel. David
is an architect and builder. He recently retired also. They plan to travel through Europe this next
year. They have been around the world before and love to go places.
Notes for David Luckenbill:
April 11, 2008....David is from New York. He is an architect and builder and has recently retired.
David Luckenbill and Maryann Fern Lesser had the following children:
JULIA6 LUCKENBILL was born in 1974.
Notes for Julia Luckenbill:
April 11, 2008
Julia teaches childhood development at University of California Davis and has a MA
in education from Mills.
October 8, 2012
Julia had a baby girl and named her Sarah.
Notes for Samuel Benjamin Luckenbill:
April 11, 2008
Sam is a PhD student in computer science at UCLA. He received his bachelors
degree at Yale in Computer Science and Engineering.
LILLIAN 5 LESSER (May 4 Hyman, David3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on
23 Apr 1950. She married GARY NIDITCH.
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Notes for Lillian Lesser:
April 11, 2008
Lillian Lesser Niditch, MD is a Child Psychiatrist (like Leonard Lesser, MD). She practiced for
many years in New Orleans. Her husband Gary Niditch, MD from New York was a neurologist at
Oschner. After Katrina they moved to Baton Rouge and Lil set up practice there. Gary had to
drive to New Orleans every day and was hit by a car that crossed the median which resulted in
severe spinal damage and paralysis. They both were forced into retirement as a consequence.
Gary has been in rehab since and Lillian quit work to care for him. He has suffered tremendously.
But he is getting better. Besides being a wonderful neurologist, Gary is a genius chess player.
Notes for Gary Niditch:
April 11, 2008
Gary is a neurologist.
Gary Niditch and Lillian Lesser had the following children:
LAURA6 NIDITCH was born in 1986.
Notes for Laura Niditch:
April 11,2008
Laura Niditch b. circa 1986 just graduated from LSU and is entering their PhD
program in clinical psychology. She is slender, blue eyes and blond hair and pretty.
GREGORY NIDITCH was born in 1989.
Notes for Gregory Niditch:
April 11, 2008
Gregory Niditch b. circa 1989 is enrolled in LSU Lafayette and plans to go into
accounting. He loves police work.
ROBERT5 LESSER (May 4 Hyman, David3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on
05 Apr 1953 in Tuscaloosa, AL. He married (1) ANNE ELIZABETH DENTON in 1999. He married (2)
CHRISTINE DORIS SCHNEIDER in 1999. She was born in 1957.
Notes for Robert Lesser:
April11, 2008
Robert David Lesser, MD (me), an Internist who ran a primary care/Internal Medicine group in New
Orleans for 20 years until Katrina. We attempted to 'resuscitate' the practice through 2006 but it
became apparent in 2007 this was impossible and we closed the practice and moved to Austin
Texas 2007.
I was married to Christine Doris Schneider b.1957, for 14 years and we had three children: Daniel
Robert Lesser b. 1987, Joshua Abraham Lesser, b. 1990, Talia Elizabeth Lesser, b. 1993. They all
went to Metairie Park Country Day School in New Orleans but with Katrina were placed in boarding
schools in the north east which turned out to be a blessing because they have thrived there.
Christine and I divorced twice...never could make that work...once for two years and reconciled in
the early nineties, then again about ten years ago.
2011....Relocated to River Ridge, Louisiana.
I remarried Anne Elizabeth Denton (Beth) in 1999, who is a social worker. We have two children
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Gabriel b. 2000 and Mary May b. 2004. I plan to return to practice here in Austin.
Yes, I'd love you. But first I must congratulate you and thank you for your careful history. I have
already gained direct benefit because I saw Julius Hyman Jr's name in Los Angeles and instantly
recognized he was the PhD student at UCLA that let me visit him in his physics lab near my house
there on many occasions in the 1960's This had, in retrospect, a profound effect on my
was soo cool. Also he informed me that two second cousins of mine, Sandy and Morris Gottesman
live here in Austin and I'm meeting with them next week. I'll let you know what I find out.
Robert Lesser and Anne Elizabeth Denton had the following children:
GABRIEL6 LESSER was born in 2000.
MARY MAY LESSER was born in 2004.
Robert Lesser and Christine Doris Schneider had the following children:
iii. DANIEL ROBERT LESSER was born in 1987.
JOSHUA ABRAHAM LESSER was born in 1990.
TALIA ELIZABETH LESSER was born in 1993.
STEVEN HARRY 5 LESSER (May 4 Hyman, David3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 17 Apr 1956. He married Karen Gurlich in 2006.
Notes for Steven Harry Lesser:
April 11, 2008
Steven Harry Lesser, MD b. 1956 m. Karen Gurlich, MD 2006. They have one boy, Jonathan
Leonard Lesser b. 2007 and Karen is now expecting a little girl in a month or so. They live in
Richmond VA where Karen is a resident in Radiology and Steve is an instructor in the Emergency
Department at U of Va. He is a sculptor who is well known and respected in the art world.
Notes for Karen Gurlich:
Aprill 11, 2008
Karen is a MD.
Steven Harry Lesser and Karen Gurlich had the following children:
JONATHAN LEONARD6 LESSER was born in 2007.
GINGER MAY LESSER was born on 28 Apr 2008 in Richmond, Virgina.
MILDRED BAER 5 GOLDSMITH (Lillian4 Hyman, David3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 09 Nov 1956 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. She married SIMON DAN PALLEY . He was
born on 25 Nov 1957 in London, England.
Notes for Mildred Baer Goldsmith:
Lillian, better known as Midge, lives in London with her husband, Simon Palley and their children.
Simon Dan Palley and Mildred Baer Goldsmith had the following children:
WILLIAM BAER6 PALLEY was born on 14 Sep 1987 in London, England.
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OLIVER KENNETH PALLEY was born on 17 Dec 1989 in London, England.
MALCOLM FREDERICK PALLEY was born on 27 Sep 1995 in London, England.
NANCY LYNN5 SCHNITT (Ethel4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 23 Jul 1955 in Shreveport, LA. She married MICHAEL DICKER. He was born in Ft. Wayne,
Notes for Nancy Lynn Schnitt:
Nancy has dark hair and eyes and is very intellectual, plus being a great artist. She is a wonderful
wife and mother. She teaches art at school and is a very hard worker. In 2003 she had a hip
replacement and is doing great. Diagnosed with diabetes in her early fifties.
September, 2005----Hurricane Katrina
Thanks for the update on the Jacobsons. I am glad everyone is OK. I will tell you what I know
about the Schnitt family. Ethel and Al got a flight out of NO and are currently staying with Sue in Ft.
Worth. I think they will be spending some time with Dorothy in Shreveport. Their house is probably
flooded. The levy that burst was not too far away from their house but we don't know anything yet.
Carol and Marshall, along with all of the Suttons, spent the hurricane day at the Hilton. The next
day they walked to their uptown house and thank heavens discovered that only one window had
broken but there was no water in the house. They (with dog) left and spent the night in
Oppoleuses (sp?) and are now staying with a guy that works with Marshall in his Dallas apt. Carol
thinks that she will be enrolling Macy in school there. I think the Suttons are also in Dallas. I finally
got to talk to Carol last night and it was very emotional as until that talk I didn't know where she
was or how she was. I think the worst is lack of communication for all of the families that have
loved ones in NO and want to know how they are.
I can't help crying when I see the pictures of NO. To live your life in a place and then have
everything you have ever treasured destroyed in one day is wrenching. It is interesting to hear me
say that as I have never wanted to live in New Orleans but do have fond memories of it as most of
my family lives there. I guess it is the family I miss the most there. Anyway, please know that there
are so many people that have gone down there to help do what they can. A teacher I teach with at
school got a call yesterday from her husband (retired) who informed her that he was going to go to
NO to help. He is a carpenter and could not stand by and see the pictures of the devastation and
do nothing. There is a woman in Idaho I heard on NPR that is inviting a family from NO to come
live at her house. She said that they could live there as long as it takes that family to get
themselves on their feet again. There were people that had boats that were lined up to volunteer
for the rescue attempts. As much as I am a staunch Democrat, I have to believe that the govt. will
be sending help ASAP. (George Bush does not want the Rep. to look bad for the next election!)
I am again happy you emailed. You said that you miss Steven. He is not with you?
I hope that you will be able to return as soon as possible. I guess now that means at least a month
to three months. Our home is also always open should you need it! Take care.
Nancy Dicker, Art Specialist
Harris Elem. 260-425-7353
January 2007...Email from Nancy
Dear Dorothy,
My three children were home for winter vacation. I was in heaven having them fill the house
They had a New Year's Eve party and we ended up with 21 kids spending the night. It was a hoot.
All three kids love their schools. Libby is a Junior and will be doing her student teaching next
Spring. She is majoring in Elementary Education. I think it will be a good fit for her as she spends
her summers with kids at camp being a counselor. Part of Libby's student teaching will be done in
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Fort Wayne and the other part will be done in England. She is doing well and is in Alpha Delta Pi
sorority. She loves it and is a born leader. Aaron is on the debate team at Depauw Univ. and is
the VP of the Student Alumni Assoc. and is helping out the Admissions Office with recruiting
students from Ft. Wayne to go to Depauw. He never ceases to amaze me. Corey is loving Tulane
and is working non-stop with Architecture. He has learned so much and is enjoying it. He is on the
Ultimate Frisbee Team for Tulane. He decided not to rush a fraternity because of his hours with
Architecture and Frisbee. I miss my kids and don't like being away from them for so long. I hope it
will get easier.
As far as the recipes go, is there one thing that you like to make to bring to someone's house as
part of a pot luck meal? I usually end up making artichoke dip because all of my friends like my dip
but sometimes I would like to bring something else. Something that is easy to make and good.
I am very busy with school. I feel like the work never ends. At least with the kids gone I don't
have the guilt of working late. I wish that I could work part time but that is not in the cards. I know
that I don't have as much patience as I once did when I first started teaching, but I don't get
flustered either when something I've planned goes up in smoke. I figure I have about 13 more
years of teaching before I can get my full retirement benefits. Ugh.
I have not talked to Laurie in a while. I was sad to hear that Mark's marriage did not work out.
He is such a wonderful guy so something must have been wrong with her. I hope Les is doing well
too. Did he ever have surgery? I have to catch up on all of these things.
How are you? Did you enjoy being with Mom in Fla.?
Let me hear from you again.
Got to go. Miss you. Love, Nancy
Michael Dicker and Nancy Lynn Schnitt had the following children:
LIBBY ELISE6 DICKER was born on 12 Jan 1986 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
Notes for Libby Elise Dicker:
2003....Email from Nancy..
Dear All,
Just a note to let you know that Libby got into both of her choices for college.
She was accepted to Indiana University (in state) and Michigan State University
(out-of-state). Decisions, decisions!!!! We are so proud of her!
Let us know how all of you are doing these days. An early Happy Chanukah to
Love, Nancy and Michael
2014 Libby had by pass surgery to help her lose weight. She is a school teacher in
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
AARON BRADLEY DICKER was born on 28 Feb 1988 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
Notes for Aaron Bradley Dicker:
2014 Written by Dorothy Lobel....
Aaron has taken a job with Wiley College as assistant debate coach in Marshall,
Texas which is just a 40 minute drive from Shreveport. We will enjoy having Aaron
close by as he is very personable and charming and we enjoy his company.
COREY HYMAN DICKER was born on 28 Feb 1988 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
Notes for Corey Hyman Dicker:
Corey was at Tulane when he started suffering with bad headaches and finally had
to drop out. He went to many places but recieved the most help from Michigan
Headache and Pain Institute in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He takes medicine each day
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that keeps the headaches under control.
CAROL ANN5 SCHNITT (Ethel4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 27 Jul 1956 in Shreveport, LA. She married MARSHALL ORDEMANN . She married JACK
Notes for Carol Ann Schnitt:
Carol is petite and pretty and very athletic like Ethel. She has brown hair and light eyes. She loves
tennis and hiking and most sports.
March 14, 2007....Carol went to the hospital with severe stomach pains and they found that a
fibroid tumor was pressing on something and they are going to do a complete hysterectomy. She
also had a benign tumor removed from her breast at a later time.
Carol and Jack divorced and she married Marshal Ordemann and is very happy. After Katrina they
moved to Dallas.
Jack Sutton and Carol Ann Schnitt had the following children:
RONNIE JACK6 SUTTON was born on 04 Sep 1984 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Ronnie Jack Sutton:
Ronnie suffers with ADD and it has been hard on the entire family. He is a
handsome child but it has been hard for him to get his act together. Hopefully the
aging process will help.
MACY ELAYNE SUTTON was born on 21 Aug 1989 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Macy Elayne Sutton:
2003...Notes by Dorothy Lobel.... What can I tell you about Macy? She has been
a sweet precious and precocious child from birth. She has tons of personality and is
very popular. She loves dancing and art and does extremely well in school. Writes
beautiful poetry. All mothers wish they had a "Macy". Macy is very close to her
grandmothers and calls Ethel Gi Gi.
Subject: Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship
Dear Macy,
I am pleased to inform you that the Executive Committee of the Ithaca College
chapter of Phi Kappa Phi has selected you to receive the Raquib Zaman
Presidential Scholarship. Congratulations! We invite you to the Fall Convocation,
to be held on Friday, November 11 at 4:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge, at which time
we will present the scholarships and induct new
faculty/staff/administration members. We would appreciate an RSVP, so we
know you are coming. You may send the RSVP to Mary Ann Taylor in the Provost's
Office at [email protected]
Once again, congratulations and best wishes!
Bruce Henderson
President, Phi Kappa Phi
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Professor of Communication Studies
Coordinator, Culture and Communication Program
Ithaca College
2012...Macy Sutton, daughter of Carol Ordemann of Plano, a senior Occupational
Therapy major, was named to the Dean's List at Ithaca College's School of Health
Sciences and Human Performance for the fall 2011 semester.
From day one, Ithaca College prepares students for personal and professional
success through hands-on experience with internships, research and study abroad.
Its integrative curriculum builds bridges across disciplines and uniquely blends
liberal arts and professional study. Located in New York's Finger Lakes region, the
College is home to 6,100 undergraduate and 400 graduate students and offers over
100 degree programs in its schools of Business, Communications, Humanities and
Sciences, Health Science and Human Performance, and Music.
SUZANNE 5 SCHNITT (Ethel4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born
on 21 Feb 1958 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She died on 08 Oct 2007 in Ft Worth, TX. She married
Isaac Watemberg, son of Hyman Watemberg on 03 Nov 1991. He was born in Bogata, Columbia.
Notes for Suzanne Schnitt:
Suzanne is very sweet and laid back. A wonderful and devoted mother. Very artistic and paints
well enough to be professional. A pretty girl with dimples. Very slender.
June, 2007....Sue was having trouble swallowing and went to the hopital to be scoped. She has a
growth in her esophagus that will have to be removed. The doctor won't operate until she gains
weight as she is painfully thin. Pet scan came back and shows cancer in the liver. She also has
cancer in her lymph nodes so it is too late to do any surgery. The doctors put in a feeding tube.
She will have chemo once a week and radiation five days a week.
Watemberg, Suzanne Schnitt
View/Sign Guest Book
Suzanne Schnitt Watemberg, 49, died peacefully Monday morning, Oct. 8, 2007.
Funeral: 3 p.m. Tuesday in Kornbleet Memorial Cemetery Chapel, 411 N. University Drive.
Interment: Following committal prayers, Suzanne will be laid to rest in Ahavath Sholom Cemetery.
For religious reasons, she will not lie in state.
Memorials: Consideration of contributions to Community Hospice of Texas or a charity of one's
choice, in memory of Suzanne, is suggested.
A native of Shreveport, La., Suzanne was born Feb. 21, 1958, the daughter of Albert and Ethel
Hyman Schnitt. She married her husband, Dr. Isaac Watemberg, on Nov. 3, 1990. With their
children, the family had been residents of Fort Worth for 10 years. She was a member of
Congregation Ahavath Sholom.
Survivors: Her husband of 16 years, Isaac Watemberg, M.D.; children, Shayna, Elliot and Nichole
Watemberg, all of Fort Worth; parents, Albert and Ethel Schnitt of Miami, Fla.; and sisters, Nancy
Diecker and her husband, Mike, and Carol Ordemann and her husband, Marshall.
Published in the Star-Telegram on 10/9/2007.
Notice • Guest Book • Flowers • Gift Shop • Charities
October, 2007
Sue Watemberg Eulogy
Written by Nancy Dicker
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If Sue were physically here today she would probably say that no one needed to talk about her.
She was a very private person. But I know that if she wanted someone to say something about
her, she would probably have asked me to do it since I am the one that gives the speeches.
Sue was my youngest sister and I think the best portrait painter of us all. She reminded me a
little of Picasso, not that her paintings had a Cubist style to them, but the people she painted,
including her self-portraits, came with a different view, a story behind them as if when looking at the
person in the picture you wondered how many different angles of emotion the person was
portraying by the expression on their face or the setting she would surround them in. I believe Sue
was telling us through her art work that what you saw of her on the outside just by looking at her
was very different than if you went inside of her and really looked at her. She had an emotional
side to her, a loving and caring side to her, a teacher side to her and a sometimes stubborn side to
I remember little things about her, some you may not know. She loved playing Barbie's with
Carol, she was not really a picky eater growing up, she took ballet, was a swimmer, answered on
an application that her favorite contemporary artist was Michelangelo and always wanted to marry
a doctor. She loved cats and depending on which boy called our house, she was either Sue or
Carol. She was not a drinker but adored coffee. Coffee was not the only thing she adored. She
adored her husband and her children. She gave of herself to both 200% and never thought twice
about it. She even felt guilty when she couldn't keep up the house, or run all the errands or help
her children with their homework because she was so sick and dying. Her devotion for years to
her family was an intrinsic part of her.
Sue was one of the few grandchildren that loved my grandmother's Passover cake. To me it
was so plain, had not much flavor and had to be drowned with strawberries to have some
sweetness - plus it had nuts and I didn't like them. Sue always found such pleasure in plain things.
She didn't need a lot of spice or sweet things to mask what she considered were special about
being plain. She never put on airs or wore high fashion or bought expensive things. Plain was just
fine for her. And she liked nuts. She liked the texture of the Passover cake - smooth with a little bit
of crunch. That was Sue - smooth with a little bit of crunch.
Her last few years on this earth were hard ones for her and her family. She survived them only
to be tested with the ultimate test of anyone's life, how to die. Somehow she even survived that.
Her dignity in dying was amazing. She pulled out some inner strength to live as long as she could
but ultimately left this world as peacefully as she could.
Her spirit is in heaven now looking down on us all. She will be the guardian angel for her
children and someone we can all talk to in those quiet moments when we need a friend.
I will always have two sisters. I will never forget her. I will miss her.
Written by Sylvia Senter ........Suzanne - October 9, 2007
Suzanne was born one day before my 18th birthday. I remember how excited I was when my
sister, Ethel, called to tell me of her arrival. She was the last of three daughters born to Ethel and
Isaac, you only knew Sue as an adult. But when I go back to New Orleans, I drive over to City
Park. I can still see Nancy, Carol and Sue playing on the swings and sliding board with my children
and running after the ducks in the lagoon. I can still picture them sitting on the floor at their house,
playing with their Barbie Dolls for hours.
Suzanne grew into adulthood and achieved great success as an artist at Newcomb College. She
graduated with honors with a degree in Fine Arts. I knew when Sue was in the third grade how very
talented she was. I took home one of her leaf prints and had it framed. It is still hanging on my wall
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When Sue moved to Dallas, she met Isaac and the rest is history. Along came Shayna, Elliot and
Nicole and they were the pride of Suzanne’s life. I have never seen a more devoted mother. When
Sue stayed at my house a few summers ago, I was amazed at her organization and planning. Each
day was planned so that the children were doing something educational and worth while. It was a
different museum each day or a trip for Isaac and Elliot to the Space Center.
I will always remember Sue as a devoted wife and mother, who put her home and family before
anything else.
We live on in the memory of those we leave behind. She will always be with us.
Isaac Watemberg and Suzanne Schnitt had the following children:
SHAYNA KAMIL6 WATEMBERG was born on 11 Apr 1991 in Dallas, Texas.
ELLIOT BERNARD WATEMBERG was born in Aug 1995.
NICOLE KATE WATEMBERG was born on 09 Aug 1998.
MICHAEL 5 JACOBSON (Marian4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 03 Sep 1953 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married Paula Jefferson, daughter of Stockton
Bennett Jefferson and Vilma Mackenroth in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was born in New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Michael Jacobson and Paula Jefferson had the following children:
JEREMY JEFFERSON6 JACOBSON was born on 01 Jan 1978 in Tuscaloosa, AL. He
married Ashley Suzanne Bergeron, daughter of Paul David Bergeron on 03 Mar
2007 in New Orleans, LA.
JESSICA JACOBSON was born on 20 May 1980 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
JOSHUA JACOBSON was born on 22 Jun 1982 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
JULIE JACOBSON was born on 29 Oct 1985 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
JONAH JACOBSON was born on 29 Oct 1987 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
Notes for Jonah Jacobson:
1999------Jonah has brown hair and eyes and dimples and is absolutely adorable.
Looks like Mike and Paula. Reminds me of Mike when he was a child.
TERRY5 JACOBSON (Marian4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born
on 19 Oct 1954 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married Shellie Katz on 24 Sep 1978 in New
Orleans, Louisiana. She was born on 15 Feb 1955 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Terry Jacobson:
Sept. 2005---Hurricane Katrina
An Unexpected Reunion
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Marci and Scott Greenberg were close to emptying the nest in their two-story four-bedroom house
in Winter Park, Fla., near Orlando, when Hurricane Katrina united three generations under one
First to arrive were Ms. Greenberg's sister, Shellie Jacobson, and her husband, Terry, from
Metairie, a suburb of New Orleans. Then, as conditions worsened, Ms. Greenberg and Ms.
Jacobson evacuated their 96-year-old grandmother, Rose Mansberg, from an assisted living center
in Baton Rouge. Ms. Mansberg is sleeping in a bedroom downstairs and the Jacobsons have taken
over the second floor.
On Friday night, the family sat down for a Shabbat dinner, a reminder of the weekly meals they
shared when they all lived in New Orleans. Ms. Greenberg , who said the arrival of her sister and
brother-in-law had awakened her joy of cooking, proudly noted that she made the brisket and
noodle kugel.
But the reality of the situation is sinking in. Mr. Jacobson, a partner in an accounting firm he
helped found, wrote his first resume in 29 years last Tuesday. Later that day, he lined up an
interview at an Orlando firm that hires temporary accountants. Then he bought slacks, a shirt, a tie
and some shoes. After nearly three decades in his own practice, he was so nervous that he arrived
for his interview an hour and a half early.
He accepted an offer to start work this week, helping a local firm prepare tax returns. He hopes he
will be able to go back to his own practice in a few months but is filled with fears. "What if my
practice isn't there and my clients don't come back?'' he said ''You think, 'Oh my gosh, I've worked
all these years, I'm 50, and it's almost like starting over again.''love it!!
April 6, 2009 Notes from Rachel
Here are some things that I came up with quickly for my parents:
For my mom: Bown hair, brown eyes. She is a CPA. She is a wonderful mother and grandmother.
She enjoys spending time with her family, and is really enjoying being a 1st time grandmother. She
is also an excellent cook and is famous for making Mandel Bread, which is delicious. She learned
to cook from her mom, Marilyn Katz.
For my dad: Bald since in his 20's, Has his own CPA firm in New Orleans. On the weekends you
can always find him on the golf course. He loves to play with his sons, Ben and Zack, or his
brother, Steven. He also enjoys all types of sports, and enjoys going to football, baseball and
basketball games. He is full of sports trivia. He is also enjoying being a first time grandfather.
I'll have to think of some more to add to this, but just thought Id write something brief for right now!!
Love Rach
Terry Jacobson and Shellie Katz had the following children:
BENJAMIN DAVID6 JACOBSON was born on 24 Aug 1982 in New Orleans, LA. He
married Caroline Hunt on 22 Dec 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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RACHEL ANNA JACOBSON was born on 20 Jan 1981 in New Orleans, LA. She
married Adrian Robert Barr, son of Robert Barr and Gail on 19 Jan 2008 in New
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Orleans, LA.
ZACHARY AARON JACOBSON was born on 19 Jun 1985 in New Orleans, LA. He
married Liz Speer on 29 Aug 2014 in Boston, Massachusettes.
DIANNE 5 JACOBSON (Marian4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 14 Jul 1956. She married Rick Solsky in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rick Solsky and Dianne Jacobson had the following children:
DAVID MORRIS6 SOLSKY was born on 02 Dec 1987.
HANNAH PRISCILLA SOLSKY was born on 29 Jul 1992.
DEBRA5 JACOBSON (Marian4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born
on 04 Jul 1957 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married Frederick Miller in Dallas, Texas.
Notes for Debra Jacobson:
Debra is a very beautiful and sweet person.
May, 2010 .... Debra wrote this article for a web site for deaf teenagers that Lesley helped to
Raising a Teen With Hearing Loss: A Mom’s Perspective” By Debra M., Mother
by david on May 5, 2010
I want to start off by saying I could not ask for a more perfect daughter, in spite of her hearing loss.
She is one of the most determined, positive and go after what you want sort of people I know.
Lesley was diagnosed with hearing loss at the age of three and a half. I took her to an ear, nose
and throat doctor, when her speech became garbled. She was one of the first to talk in her
preschool class at an early age. At 3, I noticed she would answer me incorrectly with questions I
would ask her. She could not hear her favorite doll sing to her anymore. Her voice became raspy. I
think one of the reasons I did not catch on to her hearing loss was because I had always read to
her every night. She would recite the whole book before I could finish reading it. She had become a
good lip reader.
I have to say I was in complete shock, when the audiologist told me she had a moderate to
moderate severe hearing loss. I thought they were going to say she had fluid in her ears and just
needed tubes. The audiologist told me she would need hearing aids, her hearing may become
progressively worse, she may never attend a normal school and I don’t think I could grasp anything
else after that.
Lesley’s hearing remained stable until age eleven, when it took a dive into the profound range. She
asked if she could try a cochlear implant. I have to say, as a mother I had always seen children
with them and hoped mine would not be one of them, Now, I know .I did not truly understand how
it would change her world. Lesley researched and did more research, all while preparing for her
Bat Mitzvah(a religous ceremony in the Jewish religion). I told her she could back out. She would
have to stand before hundreds of family and friends and recite Hebrew. She wanted to go through
with it despite being totally overwhelmed with not hearing much at school or anywhere. She did it
and did it well.
Her first cochlear implant was done a couple of weeks later
. Her second- a year and a half later. I wanted to wait for the second(hoping for new advances), but
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usual Lesley won out.
Lesley is now in high school, 9th grade. She takes AP and Honors classes and does not let
anything stand in her way. This first year of high school has been emotionally draining for her
because of lack of accomodations and lots of fighting with the school district. But Lesley has forged
ahead. She is in the top 6% of her class with over a 4.1 average. I know my girl will become the
doctor she has always dreamed of and a good one at that. I am so proud of her and I am her
biggest fan. Lesley, I Love You With All of my Heart and Soul.
Love, Mom
2013Lesley Miller
My daughter Lesley is a true inspiration . When Lesley was 3- we were told that she had
moderate-severe hearing loss in both ears and would need to be fitted for hearing aids. The
audiologist also said she would probably never go to a normal school and that she may become
profoundly deaf. This was a total shock since Lesley had started speaking at 18 months. As if that
were not enough- it took 3 days for the doctor to call. I was in shock and had no idea what to do or
where to turn. Once the doctor called back- Lesley got an appointment one month later at Callier
and was fitted with her hearing aids. A wonderful young lady, Pam, told us what to do from thereprivate speech therapy 3 times a week and countless appointments. At that time, as a mother I
thought I would never get through this. I cried everday for a year. Lesley though never considered
herself any different. We enrolled her in a regular school and she thrived . At the... age of 11- her
hearing took a dive into the profound range- our biggest fear. As Lesley says it turned into a
blessing in disguise. She now hears with 2 cochlear implants and is graduating at the top of her
class of 1100 students. She just recieved the honor of National Merit and was accepted into Rice
University . There was no greater pleasure when Lesley called me crying tears of joy that she had
been accepted into one of the top schools in the country.We both cried tears of joy. Lesley never
let her hearing loss stand in her way. She mentors other families who have children getting ready
to undergo surgery and writes a blog for teenagers to connect them with other teens with hearing
Lesley is a true inspiration and I am lucky to call her my daughter.
Debra Miller
May, 2013 Happy Mother's Day to THE best mom in the world, Debra Jacobson Miller! I wouldn't
be the person I am today if it weren't for you. You always believe in me no matter what and I'll
always be so grateful for everything that you do, even if I don't always show it! I love you
soooooooooooo much ♥
I know that. I love you so much and love watching you make an impact in the world with all you do.
You are a wonderful daughter- Lots of Love - your mama
Frederick Miller and Debra Jacobson had the following children:
CARLY MARCI6 MILLER was born on 24 Apr 1993 in Dallas, Texas.
Notes for Carly Marci Miller:
2003....Carly has hazel eyes and is very pretty. She is a sweet and precious child.
She and Lesley are best friends and get along great. She is very helpful to Lesley
and is an extremely caring and kind hearted child. She is always first to the rescue
in lending a hand and is like her father in that she speaks well of every one. Has a
winning personality and makes friends easily. Her teachers say she is a
perfectionist and likes things to be just right. Carley loves puppies and animals.
2013 Carly made a four point grade at U of Texas in Austin. She is always happy to
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help Daniel Feigenbaum with his math when he calls her.
2014 Carly left for Prague for a year abroad.
LESLEY ANN MILLER was born on 06 Sep 1994 in Dallas, Texas.
Notes for Lesley Ann Miller:
2003.... Lesley is as chubby as Dorothy Lobel was as a child ( but taller) and has
the same curly hair. At age three it was discovered she had some hearing
loss---cause unknown. She was fitted with hearing aids. Lesley is very smart, sweet
and charming and has many friends. She is a joy to be with and also is excellent
with children. She is an outstanding reader and writes wonderful stories. Never
without a smile on her face and a sparkle in her hazel eyes. Lesley is a very
determined child and not insecure about going after what she wants. She does not
let her loss of hearing stand in her way. Every mother would love to have children
like Lesley and Carley.
2007......Lesley and Carly had a Bat Mitzvah together and it was a most beautiful
2008....Lesley did all her own research and decided to have a cochlear implant and
she is very happy with the results.
March, 2009....Lesley had a cochlear implant in the other ear and she is doing
great. She is one of the most incredible people I know. Everyone would like to have
children like Carly and Lesley.
May 2, 2009
My Story
Hi! My name is Lesley. I'm currently 14 years old and in the eighth grade. I was
diagnosed with a moderate-severe hearing loss when I was three and a half years
old. I've always been mainstreamed and wore hearing aids successfully right up
until I was about twelve. My hearing dropped significantly, at which point I looked
into getting a cochlear implant. In May 2007 I was implant with the Freedom in my
right ear. I've discovered all sorts of new sounds, and in my opinion, there is no
comparison between implants and hearing aids. Understanding speech became so
much easier. I realized that just about everything makes a noise, from clocks ticking
to birds chirping. This is why, less than two years later, in March 2009 I decided to
go bilateral. Although recovery wasn't quite as easy the second time around, I have
no regrets. Having two implants makes everything sound richer and fuller in
general. I find it so much easier to hear and converse in background noise and at
I love music- both listening to my iPod as well as playing the violin. I'm in my
school's gifted program and I am a high-A student. I'm learning French, and have
taken French class at my school for two years. While I could have accomplished
this without my implants, being able to hear has made it much easier and alot less
stressful! If you're like I was and unsure about getting an implant because you're
afraid that it won't work much better than the hearing you already have, trust me. It's
so worth it!
June 2, 2013 ...on Facebook.. Lesley...
about an hour ago · Like
Tomorrow is my last full day of high school, and although it feel like I've been
waiting forever for this day to come, it's surreal knowing that this will likely be the
last time I see so many of these people. These past four years have been far from
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Generation 5people.
easy, but I know I'll treasure these memories for years to come.
Like · · 15 hours ago via mobile ·
Laurie Lobel Feigenbaum, Linda Leigh Gitter Gerstley, Carly Miller and 70 others
like this..
Anna Rech Congratulations Lesley!! Best of luck with everything!
Sarita Torres Cahuas Les, you're amazing, congrats!!
7 hours ago via mobile · Like..
Sharon Louise Crouch... Lesley it has been an honor to watch you through the High
School years grow into the wonderful young lady you are. I can't believe it has been
four years. Yes cherish the moments. I know you have many journals that will help
you remember the years. I am proud to be a friend of yours and you have the most
wonderful mom in the World.
June 2013..
Lesley Ann Miller
Not only does today mark my first day as a high school graduate, but it is also also
the anniversary of when I first heard with a cochlear implant. Six years ago today I
was terrified of what to expect, and I can honestly say it's been a far more amazing
journey than I could ever have imagined. I have met so many incredible people
along the way, and I'd like to think I've changed the way some people view what it
means to be profoundly deaf. I am so grateful for this amazing technology and my
friends and family for supporting me throughout this process!
2014 Plano teen overcomes deafness, wins scholarship to dream college
Lesley Miller one of five students to win $8,000 Graeme Clark award
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Lessley miller
Photo courtesy of Lesley Miller
Plano teen Lesley Miller is one of five students to win an $8,000 Graeme Clark
scholarship to her dream college, Rice University.
Posted: Thursday, February 13, 2014 11:25 am
Brittany Feagans, [email protected] | 1 comment
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Imagine living in a world of silence, not being able to hear the everyday sounds we
take for granted: crickets chirping, thunder rolling, dogs barking or casual coffee
shop conversation.
That was reality for Lesley Miller, a Plano teen who overcame the obstacles of
childhood deafness to become one of five students to win the Cochlear Americas
Graeme Clark Scholarship Award.
“I was diagnosed as having moderate to severe hearing loss when I was 3 and was
fitted with hearing aids and received auditory-verbal therapy for many years,” Miller
said. “However, my hearing loss was progressive and ultimately reached the point
where hearing aids were no longer providing sufficient benefit.”
After experiencing a significant decline in her residual hearing at age 12, Miller
could no longer communicate effectively. Cochlear implants changed all that.
“Having cochlear implants has immensely increased my self confidence as well as
my independence,” she said. “I love that I can strike up a conversation with a
stranger in the store without them ever knowing that I am profoundly deaf. I no
longer have to worry about seeming aloof for ignoring people when I simply couldn’t
hear them speaking to me.”
Miller said although her hearing with cochlear implants still isn’t as good as
someone with normal hearing, she’s incredibly grateful for the change they’ve made
on her life.
A 2013 Plano West Senior High School graduate, Miller was accepted to her dream
school, Rice University. She credits her cochlear implants with allowing her to fully
participate in both social and academic activities.
“I’m only a freshman, yet I’ve managed to make the President’s Honor Roll, get
involved in volunteering and start an internship,” she said. “My deafness, while it
undoubtedly helped shape the person I am, doesn’t define me. I’m able to function
as a hearing person, which speaks wonders as to just how life-changing cochlear
implants can be for people who would otherwise be living in complete silence.”
Michael Noble, marketing manager for Cochlear Americas, said the Graeme Clark
Scholarship was established in 2002 in honor of Graeme Clark, who invented the
technology in Sydney, Australia.
Of the 130-150 applicants Cochlear Americas receives annually, only five
scholarships are awarded. Applicants must submit an essay describing how
cochlear technology has impacted their life, what they’ve done in the past and how
the scholarship will help them achieve their goals. A one-page list of extracurricular
activities, awards and honors, and three letters of recommendation are also
“It’s not an easy scholarship to win,” Noble said. “It’s a pretty in-depth application
process, almost like applying to college. We really do look at all of the components
to really get a good feel of their personalities and how this technology has affected
Noble, who is a cochlear implant recipient himself, knew Miller from the local Dallas
community and urged her to apply for the scholarship.
“Lesley is a very conscientious person, and that was evident in her application,” he
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said. “She really does strive for strong academics. The coolest thing about Lesley
that the judges saw is that she does not let her hearing loss slow her down. Some
people might use it as a crutch, but she does not. It’s probably propelled her to do
even more things.”
Miller’s accomplishments are impressive even before learning of her disability.
“After receiving my implants, I began taking French,” she said. “Before, I would
have never dreamed of being able to listen and speak in a foreign language communicating in English was already difficult enough.”
With the help of her teacher, Miller learned to love the language, and even ranked
ninth in the nation on the National French Exam in high school.
Miller’s selfless attitude, which stood out to the judges, is reflected in the 500 hours
she has spent volunteering at various hospitals.
“I’ve always loved helping people and found it to be an incredibly rewarding
experience,” she said. “I’m very involved in the Cochlear Awareness Network, and
it’s really exciting getting to mentor people receiving cochlear implants and
encourage them along the way. If I can do anything to make the process a little less
stressful for someone else, I will.”
Although she’s only a freshman, Miller already has big plans for the future.
“Having had several surgeries and medical issues as a child, I’ve always been
drawn to the medical profession, particularly in dealing with children,” she said. “I
may go into nursing or neuroscience, but I also really enjoy psychology and may
choose to go into social work or counseling instead. Whether it be mentally or
physically, I know I want to make a difference in the lives of children.”
As a scholarship winner, Miller is excited to be recognized for her hard work and
wants others in her situation to know that nothing is impossible.
“You will inevitably encounter people who don’t believe that you’re capable of doing
certain things because of your deafness or don’t want to deal with what they
perceive to be a burden,” she said. “For all the people who have doubted what I
was capable of, I’ve had countless supporters and teachers who have gone well out
of their way to ensure that I was getting what I needed. If you want to do something,
then go for it. Tune out the naysayers and go after the things you care about.”
STEVEN JAY 5 JACOBSON (Marian4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 25 Sep 1969 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married TAMARA BRENDA KLUGER.
Notes for Tamara Brenda Kluger:
Tamara is precious and everyone is crazy about her. A laywer and very smart. A real take charge
person. A wonderful mother.
Sept. 7, 2005
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Hi all. Hope you don't mind the impersonal group update but I am swamped. I am leaving in a little
while to catch a flight to Houston. From there I am caravaning into English Turn with armed guards
and about 20 neighbors. We hope to reach English Turn by early morning on Thursday. I am
hoping to recover my car and some things. I also hope not to die while cleaning out my fridge.
Once I leave English Turn I will be heading to Atlanta (the long way to avoid the damage along the
coast) to pick up Steven and the dogs. He will then accompany me on the trip down to Miami. My
mom is taking care of the boys for me for two days while I do this recognizance, ha ha. Steven will
then fly back to Atlanta on Sunday. We are going to hang out in Miami a couple of weeks,
hopefully so that I can continue to pretend that all is good in the world... as here it is...
Steven has bought a house in Lafayette for us to call our home base while things settle down in
New Orleans. I expect, god please, to find my house in good shape and I have even heard rumors
that our power may return soon. I am not putting too much stock in that one though.
For my Miami pals this means that our plans to get together will have to be on hold until next
week... can't wait.
I can be reached on my cell now 5049136943 and upon return here to Miami, the number is
3058934455. Thanks for all of your support, Tamara
2005---- Hurricane Katrina
Alright here goes:
One of my neighbors just emailed me that my former cousin in law (Jack Sutton) made it to the
neighborhood and that out houses are fine! GOD BLESS OUR LUCKY ASSES!
I spoke w/ Bob (my former law partner) who made it from his home to his farm in Picayune
Mississippi and he will be living there for the time being. He then drove to Baton Rouge where he
bought a boat and motor and a truck and then cruised the streets of New Orleans. He made it to
my office which is completely spared.. Not a drop of water (as we are on the fifth floor) and not a
window out. Lucky Again!!!! He can't imagine how and when we will get back to work but I had to
reassure him that we would just wait for the water to receede, then wait for the electricity and start
rolling again... I am just dreaming of the files that I can start settling with those out of town
adjusters. I am an optimist, or an ass!
my office mates have scattered and are concerned but safe and keeping their spirits up! I miss
everyone already and wish we were just thinking about what was for lunch! Shit I could go for some
of that damned good food! I mostly miss Dinah's cooking in the kitchen. She could whip up a feast
out of scraps in the fridge. Oh, and my daily pita chips. I may have to get me a bag and have a
good cry!
My brother in law (Rick) who was living in 4' of water finally made it out with his two dogs when his
water receeded by walking down the stairs and starting it.. god bless Mercedes Benz. He drove to
Houston and reunited with his family and they are lucky enough to be staying in an apartment of
one of their uncle's mom who recently married and left her giant apartment. They are enrolling
their kids in school and a bit worried about their future as they have businesses (Smoothie Kings)
which will be closed for months.
Things are good here with my parents. We are very comfortable and we are keeping busy doing
things all day long. I am pretending that we are here on vacation and that we are just sight seeing
(Seaquarium etc...) That should get old in about a week, I would guess... I think that when I move
from here, reality will set in.... For now, the beach tomorrow!
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Steven's family has most probably lost their homes. His mom's house is more likely than not under
water and his sister and brothers was under so long that they will likely have to be leveled. It is
strange b/c his sister is in Houston, his mom in Atlanta and his brother in Orlando... We were all in
the same place and now we are all scattered! Strange.
Alright now for the sentimental part: I always say that Miami is home... but for the first time I am
watching the news and I miss MY home. I miss my house, my friends, my routine, my foods, my
seat at the kitchen table, and my truck, oh, did I mention my husband... yes, I miss him too! I am
worried that life will never be as it was, but maybe it can be there again, but just different.
Also, I am mad! Mad that the US sends money and support for every friggin person in the world for
every time they so much as hiccup. I remember my little neighbors with lemonade stands for the
Tsunami, etc... where is the rest of the world helping us? Where are their words of concern.... I tell
you if I wasn't a centrist before, I am certainly one now...
Alright, I have vented. I am grateful that we are safe, grateful that I was most certainly the luckiest
person I know with regards to property and I feel blessed So, we move forward, tomorrow is
another day....
Thanks for everyone's concern!
Love T
Sept. 2005
Hello all.
We left Houston at midnight in a covoy of about 5 cars and we picked up another 5+ on the way
down at different checkpoints. Lastly we met with our two armed guards. It was surreal. They had
automatic rifles and leg holsters and much more. Cannot believe I needed that to go home!
It was thank god not needed, but it was sure nice for them to be there. I felt rather silly as they ran
through my housing saying "downstairs clear" "upstairs clear" before they would let me enter... one
never knows.
My house is in very good condition compared to what we see on the news. My entire neighborhood
fared incredibly well with the exception of one house who boarded up so well that when the storm
passed over, the pressure blew the roof entirely off. Let that be a lesson to those of us who plan
ahead... ha ha
My chimney blew off and was entangled in my precious awning. Also, I had some water damage
near my upstairs french doors. I had to cut out the carpet and padding there which was SOAKED
to try to stop the mold which was already growing on the celing beneath that floor. Other than that,
no complaints. I really just wanted to stay in my house. Despite all the things I cleared out of the
refrigerator which were no longer recognizable! major yuck!!!
The ray of light was that as we were leaving the complex, there were about 50 energy trucks
working on our lines. I stopped to give them some bottled water and they assured me we'd have
power by nightfall... I don't know if that happened, but wouldn't that be something?!
I then drove to Atlanta near bleary eyed as I had been awake for 40+hrs straight of a very
emotionally and physically draining day. Picked up Steven and the next morning the poodles and
we headed to Miami. We are all here now. 6 humans and 2 dogs in my parents 2 bedroom condo.
We are a very close family, ha ha!
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I will be here for another 2 weeks I think and then hopefully I can either return home (god please)
or move into Lafayette... we shall see! Tamara
May 12, 2011 Tamara on Facebbok...A most lovely evening spent with Linda Leigh Gitter
Gerstley, James Gerstley who were amazing hosts while I enjoyed the most lively company of
Kaley Beth Gerstley the beautiful and talented Tulane Graduate!!!, Jillian May Gerstley and Kurt
Gitter. Great to be with you all! xo
Steven Jay Jacobson and Tamara Brenda Kluger had the following children:
ROSS PERCY6 JACOBSON was born on 08 Aug 2001 in New Orleans, LA.
MAX ILAN JACOBSON was born on 20 May 2003 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Max Ilan Jacobson:
2003----Max weighed in at 8 pounds and was 19 inches long. A head full of dark
hair. Steven said this baby "hung the moon".
2009....Max is an outstanding child. At his birthday party he took the microphone
and entertained all his guests.
January 5,2010
Max developed symptoms of diabetes while visiting Tamara's family in Florida.
When they returned to New Orleans the doctor ran a blood test and his sugar was
over 500 so they put him in Children's Hospital. He is getting five insulin shots a day
for now. He keeps saying he is starving. He could not get enough to eat while in
Florida but kept losing weight.
May 20, 2013...My sweet little boy turns 10 as the clock strikes midnight tonight and
I could not be more proud of who he is even at a young age. I marvel at his strength
every day. He squeezes every single drop of joy out of life and never misses an
opportunty to sing at the top of his lungs, dance wildly and smile and giggle with
friends, even if he just met them at that moment. Max is surely wise beyond his
years and I thank G-d every day that he's my little guy. Tamara
LAURIE SUZANNE 5 LOBEL (Dorothy4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 23 Dec 1961 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She married Alan Warren Feigenbaum, son of
Daniel Feigenbaum and Dorothy Londynski on 25 Sep 1999 in Dallas, Texas. He was born on 21
Jan 1960 in Brooklyn, New York.
Notes for Laurie Suzanne Lobel:
Laurie was born with a head full of straight black hair and looked like a beautiful papoose. She had
mirror vision and would hold her books upside down. She also dressed herself backwards. As she
got older she overcame it. She had no trouble learning to read but was not an avid reader. With
blue eyes and black curly hair she looked like Shirley Temple.
Laurie always loved children and became a physical education teacher. She has broad shoulders
and small hips and is 5ft.4". She takes after her daddy and drinks water all day long.
The day Laurie was born was the happiest day of my life. In fact, I was so thrilled and excited my
blood pressure went up to stroke level. For the first several months of her life, she slept all day
and stayed awake all night. . Laurie never at any time crawled on her knees. She sat on the floor
upright and bent one leg at a time and scooted across the floor on her behind. It was a sight to see.
When Laurie learned to jump rope or ride a bike it was like a business with her. She took her sports
very seriously so it was no surprise that she wanted to be a PE teacher. She is an outstanding
teacher. Lives in Dallas, Texas.
2003...Laurie is an outstanding mother. She went to Dr. Cohen for three years before she got
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pregnant with the twins. They are a real miracle.
Notes for Alan Warren Feigenbaum:
Written by Dorothy Lobel ---- January, 2000
Alan is my very favorite and only son-in-law. He is charming and personable and family oriented.
He also helps me with the computer as that is his second love after Laurie. Alan is 39 years old
and is excited about turning 40 in two weeks. Alan is more cold natured than Laurie. He wears an
apparatus at night for sleep apnea. He is often tired but is up for hours at night working on the
Alan Warren Feigenbaum and Laurie Suzanne Lobel had the following children:
DANIEL EVAN6 FEIGENBAUM was born on 29 Mar 2001 in Dallas, Texas.
Notes for Daniel Evan Feigenbaum:
Beautiful Daniel Evan was born on Thursday, March 29, 2001, at 5:34 P.M. and
looks just like Alan. He has blue eyes and weighed 6 lb. 10 oz. and was 19 1/4 long.
I was in the delivery room with Alan when he was born and videoed the baby being
born and Alan cutting the cord. I called Bernard in Shreveport when Laurie's water
broke in the morning and he got to the hospital in time to be there when Daniel was
born. Mark and Les also came up to the hospital and it was a family affair. Daniel
was born four weeks early but is breathing on his own and has no trouble sucking.
He is absolutely perfect. Evan is for Grandma Esther Lobel. His Hebrew name is
Yitzak Labe Hadass after Alan's grandfather and Laurie's great grandfather. Labe is
for Louis Lobel and Hadass is for Esther Kuperman Lobel.
2003...Daniel drinks a ton of water just like his parents. He is very verbal and
extremely good natured. He has blue eyes and dark brown hair and has dimples.
He calls us on the phone every day and we sing songs and talk until we say "good
bye, I love you".
March 6, 2009
The Light of my Life by Daniel
The light of my life is my grandma because she lets me come to her house and
comes to visit me every year and buys me toys and movies and plays games with
me and gives me things that I want. That's why she is the light of my life.
May 19, 2009 A paper Daniel wrote for school in the second grade.
The best party ever.
Once upon a time, three boys lived in a house with their Mom and Dad. Their
names were Daniel, Jordan and Bennett and they all gave each other respect and
kindness. Soon it was June and their fourth birthday was coming and no one could
find the perfect present. Finally I told my Mom to get them a bouncy ball at Wal
Mart. When we found the bouncy ball we decided to get some bubbles with it. When
it was Jordan and Bennett's birthday they were in their room resting before the
party. When it was time for the party we all yelled out Happy Birthday and gave
them their presents. They were so happy to have new things from us. We all had
food and cake and they all lived happily ever after.
July, 2009
Daniel and Sidney came to Shreveport together to stay with us and go to Southfield
Summer Camp. They both had a great time but Sidney was homesick after a week
and went home. Daniel is staying a second week and is a happy little boy. He still
drinks tons of water and is always running to tinkle but his mother was the same
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when she was a child. He is very cold natured and I had to put him in long sleeved
pajamas. He is still in pull ups at night as he sleeps so soundly. He told me he is not
like a regular person because when he goes to sleep he cannot wake up to go to
the bathroom. He is loving dodge ball at camp and said since the children can't get
him out the teachers are trying. He loves going to Sci Port. His favorite is playing in
the sand.
Written by Laurie and Alan for Daniel's third grade teacher ....August 25, 2009
Dear Ms. Friermood;
Daniel is a very sweet, kind and loving little boy!
He likes to follow the rules and is anxious to please everyone!
He loves to read, play on his computer, DS and other computer and video games.
Soccer, camping, fishing, riding his bike, scooter and swimming are some of his
favorite physical activities. He has a keen ear for music; he’s also a coin collector!
Playing with his little brothers and spending time with his family are always a fun
event for Daniel. With a million dollar smile and a sensitive disposition, he’s always
open to meeting new friends. Daniel is very intelligent and inquisitive!
One area that we’d like to see Daniel improve upon is his tendency to daydream.
Sometimes he tends to daydream and gets distracted when a task is at hand.
One of Daniels teachers would “tap” him on the shoulder or put a timer on his desk
to remind him to continue working. He typically understands the task, but loses
At home we continue to address this behavior, hoping that as he gets older he will
“grow out of it”. We stress that he needs to finish his work in class and not at
Last year Daniel did do much better (towards the middle and end of the year)
completing all of his work. We feel as a team (his teacher and his family), we can
work together at the beginning of the year to help make sure he stays on task. By
addressing this issue today, we feel confident that he will have a great academic
Another area we would like to see Daniel work on is making new friends in his
He tends to be very quiet and does not pursue new groups of friends unless they
come to him.
In the first grade his teacher assigned Daniel the task of playing with someone new
(in his class) at recess. This exercise seemed to really help him meet new friends!
We are looking forward to a great school year!!
If there are ever any concerns please feel free to contact us.
Laurie and Alan Feigenbaum
December 23, 2009
Here is what Daniel wrote on my B-day card.
Dear Mom,
I will always remember you and the happy moments we had together.
Love, Daniel
Daniel got perfect attendance for the fourth grade. He won the fitness award for
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fourth and fifth graders and won a slip and slide and stacking cups.
Dad and I went to Dallas for Daniel's graduation ceremony from the fifth grade at
Wyatt Elementary. We were thrilled when he was presented with the Presidential
Award for making straight A's for the entire year and scoring high on the Map
Test.He also spoke loud and clear when he said he wants to change the world by
going to medical school and becoming a doctor and finding a cure for bad cancer.
Carly and Lesley Miller came to be with us and it made the evening much more
March 29, 2014 Birthday card to Daniel from Bennett..
Dear Daniel,
Whenever your family is around, nothing is left without you.
Even when I say bad things about you, I never mean it!
Daniel, you are my bro because you make super smiles and play with us.
G-d gave you a perfect life for a teenager.
I remember when I first met you.
2014.. Paper Daneil
Now you are in middle school.
Any other way, you still are my bro!
Happy Birthday!
Your bro/love,
April 5, 2014 Daniel had his Bar Mitzvah and he was awsome!! He did a great job
and loved being on stage. Larry Goldstein catered the beautiful lunch at Shalom
and we had about 100 people. The night party was held at a Party Barn with a
Game Truck outside for the kids and a guitar player inside for the grownups. The
food was catered by Dickey's and it was wonderful Bar B Que. The music was not
loud and blasting and everyone was able to visit and enjoy the evening. We had a
fun Kuperman Reunion.
JORDAN JAY FEIGENBAUM was born on 11 Jun 2005.
Notes for Jordan Jay Feigenbaum:
2005.....Jordan was born one minute ahead of Bennett. Laurie had a C -Section.
Jordan's water broke so the babies were preemies and in the Nick Unit for three
weeks. Beautiful boys.
2006.... Jordan has his two bottom teeth and his two top teeth at 11 months. He has
an olive complexion and hazel eyes and lots of dimples. Very serious and more
content to sit still but is a very good natured baby and is always smiling. Already on
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5 (con't) baby
very good
always smiling. Already
table food and can drink from a sippy cup. His two top teeth have a space in
between. He started saying words early and throws kisses and waves bye bye.
He is charming and lovable and very good natured when Bennett takes his toys
away from him.
2009...Jordan is a born leader and very social.
2012.. Jordan got perfect attendance for the first grade. He is a good student and
loves school.
BENNETT DAVID FEIGENBAUM was born on 11 Jun 2005 in Dallas, Texas.
Notes for Bennett David Feigenbaum:
2005....Bennett was the larger of the twins but had a breathing problem for the first
week or so of his life. He is a beautiful little boy.
2006... Bennett still does not have much hair but his eyes have stayed blue and the
hair he does have is blond. He is a very adventuresome child and at one year is
crawling all over the house and pulls up on everything to try to walk. He is always
happy and smiling. He has his two bottom teeth and is always drooling.
Jan.2007....Bennett speaks fluent Chinese and Russian but no English. Now has a
mouthful of teeth.
Had to have his adenoids out at three and tonsils taken out at four years old as they
were effecting his hearing.
Bennett started going to Jennifer, a speech therapist, twice a week and has
improved by leaps and bounds. He is very sweet and loving. His Beth Torah
teacher tells Laurie how much better he is doing in school and that he is a very
smart little boy. She continues to be amazed at his progress.
Bennett got perfect attendance for the kindergarten. We are finding out that Bennett
has an outstanding memory.
Bennett is a great reader and loves school. He has many girlfriends and is a real
ladies man. He loves sports and is very athletic. He got perfect attendance again
this year.
LESLIE ALAN 5 LOBEL (Dorothy4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 11 Feb 1963 in Shreveport, Louisiana. He married Merrill Ellen Hoffner, daughter of
Herbert Hoffner and Elsie Bachman in Mar in Dallas, Texas. She was born in Jun in Dallas, Texas.
Notes for Leslie Alan Lobel:
Les was a precious child to raise. He was a shy sensitive child and cried easily. Les was always
a big talker so it was no surprise that he became a great salesman. He has blue eyes and had
straight brown hair as a child but his hair turned black and got very bushy as he got older.
Wonderful disposition. 5ft.10". Loved physical exercise. Les was and is fun to be around. He is one
of the sweetest people I know. There is nothing he would not do for anyone. Les is color blind to
reds and greens.
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Written by Dorothy Lobel 2000
I have never seen Les as happy as the day Sidney Madison was born. There is nothing he would
not do for that baby. Sidney does not yet realize how lucky she is to have such devoted parents.
Email from Les.. May, 2006
Dot & Chip,
I just wanted you to know how much it meant to Sidney that you guys spent the weekend with her.
It was sweet of you to make the trip and well worth it for all the memories that Sidney now has of
the weekend. She has not stopped talking about it and wants to know when you are coming back.
It really made the recital weekend special for both Sidney and me. It warms my heart to see my
daughter enjoying spending time with my Mommy & Daddy.
Love, Les
Les is a Kohen.
Notes for Merrill Ellen Hoffner:
Very pretty and petite and extremely smart. Dark hair and brown eyes. She is excellent at writing
and has written poetry that should be published. Has rheumatoid arthritis.
Leslie Alan Lobel and Merrill Ellen Hoffner had the following child:
SIDNEY MADISON6 LOBEL was born on 21 Feb 2000 in Dallas, Texas.
Notes for Sidney Madison Lobel:
More in Lobel, Book Sidney Madison
2006...Sidney is a very bright young lady and full of energy. She is extremely shy in
school but does great one on one and plays well with all her friends. Very pretty and
petite. Started wearing glasses when she was six years old and in Kindergarten.
Learned how to read in Kindergarten. Takes Ballet lessons and loves music and
dancing. She did not get her baby teeth until she was two years old. Sidney is color
blind because her fathe is color bind as well as one grandfather (Herb Hoffner).
August, 2008
Bernard and I drove to Dallas to see Sidney in a children's version of Annie. Sidney
was wonderful on stage and also had a short solo as she has a beautiful singing
October, 2008
Millie had a 70th birthday party in Atlanta and the entire Lobel family went and had
a great weekend with all the cousins. Merrill wrote a skit and Sidney had the lead
part with singing. She stole the show and everyone was amazed how well she did.
No more shy Sidney.
October 25, 2008
Sidney was in a Junior League American Girl Fashion Show and I went with Merrill
and Laurie. Sidney pranced right onto the stage smiling and waving and I was so
proud of her. Such a beautiful and poised young lady.
My first grandchild was born February 21, 2000 in Dallas, Texas to Les and Merrill
Lobel and it was a very thrilling moment to see my child kissing and holding his
child. Sidney Madison only weighed 5lb and 4oz. and was about 18 and a half
inches long. Blue eyes and brown hair. A dimple in her chin.
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Sidney is a delightful baby and sleeps and eats and hardly ever cries. She is the
most beautiful baby in the whole world.
At Sidney's one month check up a heart murmur was detected. In one more month
we will know if it is innocent or not.
At 8 weeks old Sidney weighs about 9 pounds and has filled out nicely. She smiles
and coos when she can stay awake. Mostly she is out like a light. She is a very
beautiful baby and Les and Merrill can't quit kissing on her. Les feeds and diapers
Sidney and loves helping take care of her.
When Sidney had to get four shots (two in each thigh) Merrill cried so Les had to
hold her. First he had to discuss the size of the needles with the doctor. The doctor
told him the needles were not large so when Les saw that they were at least one
inch long he got weak. Poor little Sidney cried and was not happy. At 9 weeks she
is now 22 inches long.
Friday, May 12, 2000
Tonight was Sidney's baby naming in Dallas at Emanu-el Temple. She was dressed
in a beautiful pink outfit and slept throughout the entire ceremony done by Rabbi
David Stern. The ceremony was beautiful and her Hebrew name is Simka Ma Ta na
which means a joyous gift.
It's All About Preparation
The Time of the Giving of Our Torah
In the Shavuot prayers, we acknowledge the personality of the holiday with the
words z'man matan torateynu, "the time of the giving of our Torah." The emphasis
here is on the giving of the Torah. In Hebrew, the word for giving, matan, is also the
word for a gift, matana. The perspective this wording asks us to consider is twofold.
The focus is firstly on God, the giver, and secondly on the fact that what He gave
us-the Torah-is a gift.
May 21, 2000
Saw and held Sidney today and she is an absolute charmer. She recognizes her
mother and daddy now and puckers up at strangers at first. We love to hold her and
dance around with her and make her smile. She is so precious and fine. Her eyes
are still blue and she is still the most beautiful baby in the whole world. Mark and
Laurie really get touched when they hold her. Sidney will not lack for tender loving
care. Marian got to meet her for the first time today and danced around with her to
make her smile.
September, 2000
Went to Dallas for a few days to meet Marian and I went every night to see Sidney.
She was shy at first because she did not know me but by the third day we were
friends. I got to meet Nancy, the girl from Mexico that is now working for them. She
sings Spanish to the baby all day and Sidney loves her. The last day I was there
Les and Merrill brought Sidney over and spent the afternoon with us. Sidney had on
a hat that matched her outfit and she looked like a model. She is trying so hard to
speak she actually screams out loud trying to communicate. She eats just like a
lady and does not want to mess herself up. When she sees the spoon coming she
opens her mouth wide. Merrill gets in the back of her and starts calling out names
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and Sidney does not pay any attention until her name is called. Then she whirls her
head around to see who is calling her. We think she is a genius. I watched her
watch an Einstein video and she was mesmerized. I really hated to have to leave
Dallas and Sidney.
September, 2000
Sidney did not want to be friends with me this past week end but she did like
Bernard. Guess she thinks he will take her to Neiman's to shop. She puckered up
and cried when I tried to play with her. She looked just like my baby picture this trip.
I felt like I was looking at myself. Maybe that is what made her cry.
October 28,2000
We went to Shearith Israel for Tiny treasures. All the babies born this year were
taken up on the bima by their parents to be named and blessed. It was the sweetest
ceremony and I was so touched I had tears coming down my face. All the
grandparents were waving to their grand babies. Some of the babies were taking
bottles and some were crying. Sidney was very good and looked like a movie star
with a ribbon in her hair and a beautiful outfit. She is a beautiful and precious baby
and we made friends this trip.
November, 2000
Les and Merrill had a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner and we played with Sidney until
she fell asleep. She is getting more used to us now and lets every one hold her.
She now weighs 20 pounds and is 27 or 28 inches long. Sidney is a very serious
and focused baby and we really have to work at making her laugh. Merrill is the only
one that makes her laugh easily. She loves her mama.
December, 2000
Stopped by to see Sidney for a little while and she tolerated me. Brought her a
Chanukah present. She still has no teeth but keeps putting her whole fist in her
2003...Sidney did not start getting teeth until she was two years old. I was worried
that she would not have any but she has a mouth full of beautiful baby teeth. She is
very shy but is a non stop talker once she warms up. She did not say one word the
entire first year of pre school at Solomon Schector until the last day of school.
Sidney stayed with me for one week this summer and went to Southfield School
Camp and loved it very much and made very nice friends. It was her first time away
from home and she got homesick and decided not to stay a second week. Daniel
was here with her and they had a great time being together although they did have
several run ins.
August 2012 Sidney is growing up fast and is such a young lady.
2012 Sidney had her Bat Mitzvah at Shearith Israel and did an amazing job.
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Generation 5 (con't)
Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 24 May 1959. She married JIM GERSTLEY.
(Mildred 4
Notes for Linda Leigh Gitter:
Linda is a tall blonde with brown eyes. Very smart and extremely verbal. Wears glasses for being
nearsighted. A very pretty girl with dimples. Has a thyroid problem.
2007....Had a breast reduction and the report came back with cancer in one breast and pre cancer
in the other. A mammogram had shown everything to be fine. The breast reduction done to reduce
pressure on her back saved her life. No treatment was necessary as the breast reduction removed
all the cancerous tissue. Linda said Jim was a real Prince helping her with this ordeal. Linda is a
joy to be with and we love her so very much and we are happy that all went well. She and Jim are
wonderful parents and have four outstanding children. Not only are the children beautiful and smart
but they are sweet and charming and level headed as well.
November 21,2008
Dear Great Ones, Nov 20,2008
Justin,Jim and I came back last Friday night from meeting Kaley in Hong Kong and touring with
Semester at Sea through China.It was really a dream to be with 2 of our mostly grown up children
together and we counted our blessings and appreciated every second of our journey. Neither
Justin or Kaley had been to Hong Kong or China before and we really enjoyed sharing their
enthusiasm and joy in each new attraction and spoiling them with all the little niceties of traveling
with Mom and Dad.. We took pictures everywhere but they are all in Kaley"s camera somewhere
on the Pacific ocean so as soon as she forwards them--I will pass some notables on.
WE met up with Kaley's Semester at Sea group in Hong Kong and traveled with them touring
Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. It was an extra special treat to get to see Kaley with all her Semester
at Sea friends and to have the privilege of being the Mom and Dad on board. The kids really
opened up to us---they probably needed some "Mommying" and it was wonderful to hear their
insights and feelings on their world journey and how it had changed their lives. All the girls Loved
Justin too--another sight to enjoy and the combination of the serious with the flirtatious was highly
endearing... I was really glad to be there especially when we had a tragedy with a Semester at Sea
kid killed by a drunk driver in Hong Kong. For so many of these kids, it was there first brush with
death and it was heartbreaking to see these big strapping young men and women openly sobbing,
so sad for yet another reality of the world to crush their hearts...and they were all amazing,sensitive
and strong.It was a real honor to be with them the whole trip but that event hurt
everybody...Otherwise, we climbed the Great Wall, toured the Forbidden City, gawked at the Terra
Cotta Warriors, walked the Bund, saw the Olympic Birds nest and and many other sites all of which
had been amazingly revived in the 2 years since JIm and I were in China- pre olympics... Life is a
compilation of memories and times shared. Jim and I are trying to do the best we can to give our
kids values and ventures with which they can begin.We are up for any suggestions and any life
lessons each of you want to share.
So,Thanksgiving is around the corner and we are all searching for our favorite recipes and telling
our favorite Thanksgiving stories. Please send me your recipes,photos and your stories. Please
send all the life lessons you want to share with your children and mine and they will be forever
there for all our kids.I am having 20 people for a "Southern Thanksgiving" so I can tell you---any
and all recipes are really appreciated. Also, I came home from China sick and haven't really moved
yet---bronchitis,laryngitis and ear infections--all of which are surmountable and will pass in time but
we are being honored locally Sunday night and Jim is panicked that if I am not better he will have
to give the speech I haven't yet written for both of us.Ha Ha
Wishing each of you a wonderful ,healthy and happy Turkey day shared with those you love.
Please send your additions so our memory,photo,recipe book can be representative of each of us.
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Love and Kisses, Turkey Knishes,
Linda Leigh
Fefruary, 2009
Dear Wonderful family and friends.,
Entries for the Memory Book have been dripping in but we need all of you to participate please.
First, check out my excel extended family and friends contact list.If you are not on it,then you will
not receive a book or be a part of our data base. Each person counts so please make sure you and
each of yours are correctly included._I don't mean to sound like the mean grammar school teacher
but I want this done===we will all enjoy it---I promise.So please check for yourself and your family.
Second, while you are emailing that back, please forward me your favorite stories about the house
you grew up in and/ or stories of our larger family. We all love each others stories so lets put them
down for future generations to enjoy.
Finally, many of you are real chefs or great a t throwing together favorite family meals and holiday
spreads.. Please send your favorite recipees for holidays and everyday. Ya'll know Lady Millie and
all the Aunts will be elated to see all our stories and recipes in print.
Love you all,
Thank you very much
Love Your Favorite Cousin
Linda Leigh
PS; on a personal note,JIm and I are leaving for Paris tomorrow with Jillian and Leah for a short
one trip.We will then go to Berlin cuz Jim is looking at new equipment for our China Cancer Center
which is (thank God) back under construction. We will follow UJC's tour in Berlin but are just
winging it in Paris between eating, touring ,museaming whatever---always a great reason to be
with our kids. Leah is still waiting to hear back from Colleges---she's been deferred from many
schools so we are waiting it out.I have to brag that she is the founder of a Non Profit Organization
501c3 for Bright future orphanage--where she worked in Ghana last summer. Jillian graduates UT
austin in May and is looking at international options for next year.Kaley is finishing the honors
program at our community college and transferring to another school---she's working on her
applications now. Justin discovered a 5000 square foot loft in the financial district in NYC and
remade it into a 6 bedroom,3 bathroom apartment.He is now a landlord in addition to being a
bonds trader and studying to go back to grad school. Ben, our son of the last 12 years is in a PHD
program for psychology in Boston and is thriving. He was home for his birthday last weekend along
with all the kids other than Jillian and we all had fun together.
Kisses and love---Please catch me up on your families too. Your stories for the memory book are
just for us---don't worry they wont be graded,just enjoyed.
Love ya'll
January 26, 2010
Subject: gerstley gang
Hi Aunt Doll,
Thank you for the message.Yes, as Larkus would say, its usually a rock and roll bougey at our
house.We do try to hve fun.
All is well. Kids are great.
Justin is studying for graduate school tests and deciding if he wants to go back to grad school
in business,law or both.He is now a senior bonds trader at AIG. Jillian is finishing her program in
Israel and heading to Italy and Turkey for a couple of weeks,Then shes going back to Israel to
work in a different capacity with youth aliya kids.Kaley is happy in NO at Tulane and her shoulders
almost fully healed. Leah is loving life at Georgia and looking forward to JIm,Kaley and I visiting her
there next weekend and( lasst ut not least) Ben is doing great in his 2nd year of a PhD program in
psychology. Both Justin and Ben were home last weekend so we had an advance pre-celebration
of their birthdays.
Jim is great.The cancer center we are involved with in Shanghai should be finished around July
so we will probably head there for the opening. Jim wants to travel more than I do these days---just
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opening. 5 (con't)
enjoying being home and lots of volenteer work I need to catch up with.Being honored by our JCC
in March which is really special.
Whats up with the extended Lobel Mishpacha? Please catch me up on everyone and best
wishes and kisses to all.
Dorothy Lobel January 26 at 12:43pm
Congratulations on being honored. The work you do is deserving of being honored. We will be
thinking of you.
As far as the Lobel Family....nothing as exciting as the Gerstley Clan but we are all happily
enjoying life. We are not traveling much since we sold our bus several years ago and I am thrilled
to just be at home. WE are going to a Bar Mitzvah in Austin next month and the gathering with
Bernard's family is always fun.
The grandchildren are all growing up fast but they still love their granny and grampa . When they
come visit us they cry when it is time to go home but their granny sure is tired and worn out. They
forget that Granny is not 20 any more.
Hope your mom and Marian are having fun in Florida visiting Ethel.
Have fun in all your adventures. Hugs and kisses.
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Notes for Jim Gerstley:
2007... Jim is outstanding and a wonderful family man. He is a physician.
Jim Gerstley and Linda Leigh Gitter had the following children:
JUSTIN6 GERSTLEY was born on 18 Feb 1985.
Notes for Justin Gerstley:
A sweet precious child and much more serious and quiet compared to his three
sisters. Operated on as a baby for pyloric stenosis. Dorothy Lobel was operated on
twice as a baby for the same thing.
2003...Justin got early admittance to Muhlenberg College in Allentown,
Pennsylvania. The college published the essay he wrote as it was the best they
October, 2007 Notes by Linda Gitter Gerstley
Blue eyes, six foot two, strawberry blond. My Justin is a mentch. He is sweet and
kind, innately talented....especially with technology and finance, and lots of fun. He
was shy but has come out of his shell, gaining strength and confidence steadily. He
will prosper and be a wonderful husband and father. Justin's Hebrew name is
Abraham after his uncle, Alfred Hyman.
JILLIAN GERSTLEY was born on 11 Feb 1987.
Notes for Jillian Gerstley:
Full of personality and very artistic. She said her nails grew so fast no one believed
her, but her Aunt Dorothy Lobel also had nails that seemed to grow overnight. Wins
honors for her poetry. A most outstanding young lady.
April 15, 2007
We returned home today after a fabulous week end in Dallas for Carley and Lesley
Miller's B'Nai Mitzvah. One of the highlights of the beautiful weekend was getting to
be with Jillian and Kaley (and of course Linda and Jim). When I was with these
outstanding young ladies I realized that all is right with the world. Bernard and I
hope to see much more of them in the coming years.
October 2007
Jillian, brown eyes, five feet seven, strawberry blond. Jillian is dynamic, creative
and talented, sure footed and fun. She found her voice at a young age and pursues
all of life with gusto as she pro actively maximizes each moment of her life course.
She excels in everything she does in a highly responsible, mature manner. She is a
joy to be with.
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KALEY BETH GERSTLEY was born on 25 Apr 1989.
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Generation 5 (con't)
Notes for Kaley Beth Gerstley:
April 15, 2007.....Kaley is beautiful with reddish blonde hair and magnificent blue
eyes and is charming and outstanding. Bernard and I wanted to take Kaley and
Jillian home with us but of course they had other ideas. Kaley is into creative writing
and would like to take a year off from college to write a book. She has promised me
that she will help write about the personalities of her family so that this Family Tree
will be better than ever.
Notes by Linda Gitter Gerstley, October 2007
Kaley has blue green eyes. Her eyes are camillian and her eye color changes
dramatically....even to gray...with different colored outfits.
Five feet 7 inches, red hair.
Kaley is sunshine. She is a joy and love and all things beautiful. She is a Renoir
painting with a complexion of pinks and strawberry hair that glows red. Kaley is
intense and passionate and a devoted, forever friend. Kaley is pensive and
thoughtful. She is a writer and uses language skillfully and with determination. She
is innately gifted and taught herself to read at age three without assistance from
LEAH GERSTLEY was born on 07 May 1991.
Notes for Leah Gerstley:
October, 2007 Notes by Linda Gitter Gerstley
Leah is five feet three and has smokey blue eyes and blond hair......not strawberry
blond. Leah is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She is a show
stopper who everyone wants to be with. Leah is a natural leader and overlooks
superficialities with an eye for other like people who are passionate and talented,
giving totally to their causes. Leah is a methodical and organized in her pursuits
and a consistent success. She is our baby and we adore her. Leah was named
after my best friend Leah Goldman...of blessed memory.
GREGORY5 GITTER (Mildred 4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born
on 14 Sep 1961 in England. He married Laura Ryan on 24 Oct 1999 in Louisville, Kentucky. She
was born on 12 Oct 1964.
Gregory Gitter and Laura Ryan had the following children:
JOEL ALEXANDER6 GITTER was born on 16 Aug 2001 in Louisville, KY.
JOSHUA DANIEL GITTER was born on 20 Oct 2005.
Notes for Joshua Daniel Gitter:
October 20, 2005.....Josh was born today and weighed 6 pounds and 7 ounces and
was 18 inches long.
RICHARD 5 GITTER (Mildred 4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born
on 14 Sep 1963. He married CARRIE ANNE MC CRANEY .
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Notes for Richard Gitter:
Physician. Very handsome and charming. Brown eyes, dimples. Very outgoing and personable.
2012 Ricky and Carrie are divorced. Ricky moved to New Orleans.
Richard Gitter and Carrie Anne Mc Craney had the following children:
BENJAMIN DAVID6 GITTER was born on 09 Dec 1996.
JAKE MORRIS GITTER was born on 07 Oct 1998.
ALINE CAMILLE GITTER was born on 19 Feb 2002.
DOUGLAS KEVIN5 GITTER (Mildred 4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 11 Aug 1965. He married Catherine Claire Dawson, daughter of Arthur Nelder
Dawson and Billie in Nov 1994 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Douglas Kevin Gitter:
Douglas became a lawyer but did not practice. Instead, he opened a restaurant called Doug's
Place. Tall, blonde and handsome. Color blind to reds and greens.
2013 Doug with his family moved back to New Orleans after several years in Jacksonville, Florida.
He now sells insurance and also folk art. He is a very persistant salesman.
Douglas Kevin Gitter and Catherine Claire Dawson had the following children:
CHASE DAWSON6 GITTER was born on 27 Dec 1996.
Notes for Chase Dawson Gitter:
Notes by Linda Gitter Gerstley, October 2007
Chase Dawson Gitter Dec. 27, 1996
Sweet, compassionate, kind, determined and sensitive, Chase, whose the Hebrew
name Lev because it reflected his big heart. Tolerant of Annie's antics he is a gentle
giant and a determined young man. Artistic, creative, the consummate friend, he is
highly determined to succeed and achieve his goal.
ANNA CAMILLE GITTER was born on 19 Jul 2000.
Notes for Anna Camille Gitter:
Anna Camille was named after my Grandmother, Anna Kamil. She weighed in at 8
pounds and 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. She will be called Annie.
Notes written by Linda Gitter Gerstley, October 2007
Annie, light brown eyes, strawberry blond and full of self. Energetic, brilliant,
mischievous and charming. Annie is a joy to be with. She inspires smiles and
giggles. She is precocious and determined with confidence and her choices and
speaks for herself confidently. She is athletic and coordinated and has no fears.
JEFFREYLAWRENCE 5 SENTER (Sylvia 4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 29 Apr 1962 in New Orleans, LA. He married Michele Wendell on 11 Feb 2006 in
Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, USA. She was born on 01 Mar 1975 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
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Notes for JeffreyLawrence Senter:
2005....... Extremely bright and a challenge to raise. He is a computer programer and lives in
Wahington D.C. Loves gourmet cooking. Light hazel eyes and brown hair.
Sylvia's toast at the wedding..
Jeffrey and Michele
Jeffrey, you came into the world crying and screaming and you made me a “mother”. And you were
special. Michelle, you came into our lives calmly and you made me a “mother-in-law”. And you
were special.
When two people join their lives together in love, this makes life special. A man and a woman are a
complete unit. If you ask anyone what gives meaning to their lives, they will tell you that it’s the
people who love and care about them and whom they love and care about in return. It’s all about
being there for each other, for the good times, the bad times and all the in-between times.
I think that you have both found your “soul mates”. Marriage is a division of labor. Michele, I hate to
break this to you but you will always do the laundry and clean the house. However, there is a
positive. Jeffrey loves to cook. Think of all of the lovely dinners that you will share together.
And to the Wendells’, I will put it in business terms - it’s a merger. And it will be a productive merger
because all parties have come to the table willingly and in good faith. We are blending the Senter
and Hyman families with your family and we are delighted. We are now extended family.
I loved being a mother and I loved being with my children. However, there comes a point in life
when it is time for the next rite of passage. And so, Michele, I pass the torch to you. I hope that
you will love Jeffrey as much as I have. And if he loves you that much, your lives together will be
Sylvia Senter
February 10, 2006
April 25, 2009
From: sylviasenter [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:52 AM
To: 'Jeffrey Senter'; 'Wendell, Michele I.'; 'jill senter'; [email protected];
[email protected]
Subject: 47 years ago tonight
47 years ago tonight, I told your Daddy that this would be the last time for many years that we
could go without a baby sitter. It was the last Saturday night of your pre-natal life. So, the three of
us went to a movie.We came home from the movie and I woke up at 1:00 in the morning. Your
amniotic sack starting rupturing and I was leaking amniotic fluid. I could not go to the hospital
unless the house was clean. So,of course, I got up and cleaned the house. At 5:00 A.M., I went
into hard labor and decided that it was time to wake up your Daddy, who, of course, went nuts.
When we got to the hospital, they immediately came with a wheel chair.Your father said, “my wife
doesn’t need a wheel chair, she can walk”. I said, “bring the wheel chair”! The best selling novel at
that time was “To kill a Mockingbird”. Your father sat and held my hand the entire time and read the
novel from cover to cover so they he would not lose his mind. And, of course, darling, you always
had a mind of your own. I always told you that you told Dr. King ”I’m not coming out. You have to
come in and get me”. I still believe that you had a part in this. Anyway, your father came in that
night and said, “they’re going to do a Ceasarian, do you mind?” With all of the strength that I could
muster, I screamed, “Do I mind? I don’t care what they do. Get this baby out of me!”
You were born screaming bloody murder. They could hear you for blocks. The doctors and nurses
gasped when they pulled you out of my stomach. I thought something was wrong but they said that
it was the biggest baby
they had ever seen. I did not go to your Bris as I was not able to walk. We had it at the recreation
room at Touro Infirmary, where you were born. I had Bertha Pichon do the food. What a shame
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youGeneration 5 (con't)
that you didn’t get to eat. You would have loved it. aLL that you got to eat was wine. Gambino’s
made fabulous little round mints IN pink or blue with a little white flower on top. I ordered the blue
ones for you. You were born on a Sunday so the bris was on a Sunday. Everyone said that it was
I know that you say that you remember the mints, but trust me, you don’t remember your bris.
Happy 47th Birthday.
Love and birthday kisses,
May, 2013..From: Sylvia Senter [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2013 9:09 AM
To: 'Tobin Lassen'
Subject: RE: at the park
It looks just like Jeffrey! The first thing I do when I go to N.O. is to drive to City Park to the lagoon.
I park the car and walk over to where the old
sliding board, swings and merry go round used to be. (It’s
been replaced with modern equipment about 30 feet away).
I can see you and Jeffrey chasing the ducks. I never did
figure out what ya’ll were going to do with the duck if you
caught one! The ducks knew to race to the lagoon and
jump in and swim off. Ya’ll never caught one but ya’ll
never stopped trying!
I can see Nancy, Carol and Sue on the swings and
merry go round. I don’t have to close my eyes. It’s
in my memory forever.
Thank you for sharing. Yes, it is wonderful memories.
I remember when I took you and Jeffrey to the
park when you were both 3-4. Your mother
gave you a big bag of stale pop corn to
feed the ducks. We were on Carrollton Ave.
and Jeffrey dumped the entire bag on the
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floor in the back of the car. I totally lost it!
I opened the door and told Jeffrey to
get out. The only problem was that I didn’t
know what to do at that point. I couldn’t drive
off and leave him but I wanted to make a
point. You got out of the car and told Jeffrey
to get in. I always thought that it was very
kind of you to worry about Jeffrey and to
be able to resolve the problem at the age of three.
Jeffrey and Michele have a little boy, Sammy, who
will be two at the end of May. They are having
a daughter on May 16th. Sammy is precious
and very good. I will send you pictures.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Tobin Lassen [mailto:[email protected]] (Tobin and Jeffrey were best friends growing
up in New Orleans).
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2013 8:43 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: at the park
I was at the park today with Anne Elise and I am watching these two boys play. I listen to them
talk about kryptonite and other science fiction things and one is skinny and one is just a bit plump.
I take a close look and the plump one looks just like Jeffrey when we were growing up. I felt like I
was back in 1969 at the playground. His name was Robin , but he was Jeffrey to me. Brought back
great memories. See attached picture of him.
Notes for Michele Wendell:
2005.... Michel has a masters degree and teaches public speaking and speech. Her father has red
hair and blue eyes.
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JeffreyLawrence Senter and Michele Wendell had the following children:
SAMUEL MORRIS6 SENTER was born on 28 May 2011 in Bethesda, MD.
Notes for Samuel Morris Senter:
May 28, 2011....Michelle's water broke a week before the C section was planned so
Samuel came a week early. He weighed just under 7 pounds and has dark hair.
SUZANNE AURORA SENTER was born on 16 May 2013 in Bethesda, MD.
Notes for Suzanne Aurora Senter:
16 May 2013 Suzanne Aurora weighed in at 7 lbs and 2 oz.
Hello World.
My name is Suzanne Aurora Senter.
I weigh 7 lb 2 oz
And I arrived at 3:22 pm on May 16, 2013
And I am healthy and happy. Oh and I get to meet by big brother tomorrow
November 5, 2013 Facebook written by Michele
I am thankful for my daughter, Suzanne. She is my ray of sunshine every morning.
Her smile is contagious! She reminds me that while nothing is easy, it means a rich
reward. I love watching her with Daddy and Grandpa. She has them wrapped them
around her finger. She, in some ways, shows me a mirror to my childhood and
reminds me to never fully grow up. I love you, baby girl.
DEBRA5 GOLDSTEIN (Evelyn 4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was
born on 14 Sep 1954. She married Gary Michael Smith, son of Eben Smith and Martha Rozman on
16 Nov 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 13 Jul 1958.
Notes for Debra Goldstein:
March, 2010
Debbie Goldstein Smith I am the grandaughter of Clara, fourth child of Issac and Pearl, after Dora,
Dave, and Morris (then came Earl and Jake). Clara was married to Lou Gottesman. They had four
children, Evelyn, Freddy, Ruthie and Louise. I am Evelyn Gottesman and David Goldstein's
daughter. I have a sister Carole and a brother Jay. I l...ive in Reston, VA outside Washington, D.C.
I am married to Gary Smith and we have a son, Justin and a daughter, Talia. Justin is married to
Becca and they have a little boy Leo. Phew! Hi everyone!! I love seeing Isaac and Pearl's photo
Summer, 2010 Tulane Article
Several people in my family and extended family are teachers, counselors and therapists.
So I went into ``the family business…´´
-- Debra Goldstein Smith
Tulane has always been a part of alumna Debra Goldstein Smith´s (MSW ´79) life for as long as
she can remember. In elementary school, she participated in piano contests at Dixon Hall. As a
teen-ager she went bowling and played tennis in the basement of the old U.C. She watched her
first Saints game at the old Tulane Stadium. Her uncle, Dr. Harris Goldstein, taught at TSSW
during part of his career. Smith contends, ``There was not really a question of where I would go…´´
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Generation 5 (con't) really
Smith´s undergraduate major was Early Childhood Education. After graduation, she found herself
teaching in a preschool and soon realized that one of the most enjoy-able parts of the job was
talking with the parents about their children´s develop-ment and behavior.
``It seemed like the next step was to further my education in that field. After talking to my parents
and other family members, I decided to go to Tulane for the MSW,´´ Smith reflects.
When asked about her specialty as a social work practitioner, Smith responds, ``I have worked in
the field of foster care and adoption my entire career. I started working at Associated Catholic
Charities in New Orleans, finding foster families for Vietnamese unaccompanied minors; moved on
to the State of Louisiana Foster Care Department; and then moved to Northern Virginia. I worked
in another refugee foster care program; then for a consulting company as director of the National
Adoption Information Clearing-house, and now I work for three different private adoption
Parallel to social work, Smith worked as a music teacher for young children -- first, as a music
counselor in summer camps as a college student. Later, even when working on full-time social
work jobs, Smith continued to teach music at syna-gogue Sunday schools and at a secular
preschool. Smith considered this second area of interest to be fun and an alterna-tive world to her
social work career.
Smith shares, ``I am the kind of person who remembers every song I ever learned as a child,
whether in school, camp, on the radio, or from family records. I realized if I put on a clown suit and
makeup and played the guitar and sang, it was enter-taining and fun for children; and might even
bring in a little money! So, I became `Debbie the Clown.´´´
In the Washington, D.C., area where Smith now lives, the population is extraor-dinarily diverse.
``I entertain a lot for East Indian families, and for many other ethnic groups, including Russian,
Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Hispanics from a variety of countries, as well as African
Americans and Caucasians. It has been enriching and fun to work with all of them,´´ she says.
Smith also believes that her cross-cultural training and experience from her social work career, has
helped engage customers of diverse cultural backgrounds.
She explains, ``For instance, when I worked with the Vietnamese unac-companied minors, I
learned a little of the Vietnamese language. When I recently did a clown party for a Viet-namese
American family, who spoke excellent English, believe me, they were fully acculturated in all ways.
I spoke to them in Vietnamese, and they were surprised and delighted. It added to the fun of the
Smith´s passion for children and music led her to join a local ``Clown Alley,´´ which is an
organization of clowns. She reflects, ``I´d like to develop that craft a little more. They give
workshops on magic, juggling, balloon animals, and just being silly. I don´t really have much talent
in the first three areas, but I love being silly with the children I entertain. There is a whole world of
clowning, with regional and national conferences and the like. Not sure how much I´ll get into it, but
I´d like to explore it…
``I´ll always be a social worker and a music teacher. Now I´m exploring my third identity!´´
Debra Goldstein Smith has been mar-ried to Gary Smith since 1986. They have one adult
son Justin, one daugh-ter, Talia.
July, 2013....Email from Debbie..Dorothy: here are some of my memories.
Aunt Dora and my grandmother talked on the phone every day, without fail, usually two or
three times a day, in Yiddish. If I ran into Aunt Dora on Canal Street, she would pinch my
cheeks and say, what a beautiful child, over and over.
Mom told me it was always a special treat when Uncle Morris or Uncle Dave came by where
she lived as a child, and took all the Gottesman kids for a ride in their car.
If Mom and I were shopping downtown, she'd sometimes take me to The Roosevelt for
lunch in the Plantation Room. We'd almost always see Uncle Morris, Uncle Jake and Uncle
Freddy. Uncle Morris made sure that we got the blueberry muffins.
Mom went to Uncle Dave for her doctor for a time. When I was little, I'd sometimes sit in the
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waiting room while she went in. Uncle Dave called my mother Eveline-ah, as an endearment.
His was the first funeral I went to when I was in high school.
I remember Uncle Morris' phrase,"closing the deal" about his grandchildren's romances.
Notes for Gary Michael Smith:
2013 ...notes from Geni
Gary Michael Smith
Current Location:
Reston, Virginia
July 13, 1958
Immediate Family:
Son of Eben Smith and Martha Smith
Husband of Debbie Smith
Father of Justin Smith and Talia Smith
Brother of Gayla Mills and Gregory Smith
Added by:
Phyllis Rozman on August 17, 2008
Joined On:
December 24, 2010
Gary Michael Smith and Debra Goldstein had the following children:
JUSTIN6 SMITH was born on 24 Sep 1989. He married REBECCA BOBLETT. She was
born on 13 Apr 1987.
TALI SMITH was born on 30 May 1992.
LINDA ANN5 GOTTESMAN (Frederick Arthur4, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 15 Feb 1950 in New Orleans, LA. She married Neil Henry Baum, son of Ralph Baum
and Sara on 03 Jun 1978 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born on 09 Dec 1943.
Notes for Linda Ann Gottesman:
2003...Notes by Millie Hyman Asher... Linda Gottesman Baum, a magna cum laude college
graduate. Linda excelled at volunteerism and business. Married to Neil Baum and raised three
beautiful children. Linda was a flower girl in Dorothy Lobel's wedding.
Neil Henry Baum and Linda Ann Gottesman had the following children:
ALISA ROSE6 BAUM was born on 06 Dec 1979 in New Orleans, LA. She married
Jason Alloy on 29 Oct 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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LAUREN ASHLEY BAUM was born on 20 Jun 1981 in New Orleans, LA.
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CRAIG NATHAN BAUM was born on 08 May 1984 in New Orleans, LA.
SANFORD LEE5 GOTTESMAN (Frederick Arthur4, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 27 Oct 1951 in New Orleans, LA. He married Lisa Babette Temerlin, daughter of
Liener Timerlin and Karla on 24 Apr 1976 in Dallas, Texas. She was born on 16 Jul 1955 in Dallas,
Notes for Sanford Lee Gottesman:
2003...Notes by Millie Hyman Asher...Sandy Gottesman, tall, handsome and charming. Became
successful in all of his endeavors. Married Lisa Timberlin and raised three beautiful children.
2003...Notes from the Internet..
November 24, 2003
Gottesman being nominated for federal board
President Bush plans to nominate Austin real estate developer Sandy Gottesman to the board of
directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the White House announced.
The government agency helps U.S. businesses invest overseas and foster economic development
in new and emerging markets.
Gottesman is president of Austin-based real estate development and investment firm The
Gottesman Co.
Gottesman's nomination must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. If confirmed, he would fill the
remainder of a three-year term set to expire in December 2005.
Sanford Lee Gottesman and Lisa Babette Temerlin had the following children:
GRANT MORRIS6 GOTTESMAN was born on 04 Jan 1979 in Austin, TX.
BLAKE LANIER GOTTESMAN was born on 06 Mar 1980 in Austin, TX.
Notes for Blake Lanier Gottesman:
2003....Blake is President George W. Bush's personal assistant.
Monday, Jun 12, 2006
Who Knows Bush's Mind Best?
No, it's not Karl Rove. It's a 26-year-old whiz with no college degree
The only words he ever says in public are, "This is the official two-minute warning
for the press. Two minutes." He delivers them with effortless authority to vast
crowds after placing President George W. Bush's note cards or speech text on the
podium just so. His declarations sometimes cause networks to go live.
Blake Gottesman, a 26-year-old Texan who met the President when he was dating
Bush's daughter Jenna in high school, has the title of personal aide to the
President. It's a job that traditionally meant being "body guy" to the chief, the young
aide who carries the souvenirs and dispenses the Purell. But Bush is uniquely
sensitive about his personal ecology, and Gottesman has blossomed into a
systems analyst, gatekeeper and diplomat who serves as the membrane between
the President and the rest of the staff.
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Gottesman, famous for remembering the names of volunteers, floats above all the
political, military and advance-office silos and orchestrates each group's interaction
with the President, incorporating preferences and efficiencies learned from other
days and other cities. On the road he'll crack a joke if Bush is getting tense.
"If the aide looks nervous, the President will think there's something to be nervous
about," Gottesman, who is intensely private even for a Bushie, tells TIME in a rare
interview. "So you look calm even when everything is going wrong."
White House Counselor to the President Dan Bartlett calls Gottesman "a walking
mood ring," the unquestioned authority on whom the President wants in his limo,
what member of Congress he may accept in his office on Air Force One and
whether it is wise for a top aide to bring up a particular topic at a particular time.
"Blake is so humble and professional that advisers much older than he rely on his
advice instead of resenting him," says Reed Dickens, 28, who has filled in for
The President occasionally calls Gottesman "Soldier," needling him for the earpiece
he wears to stay in contact with other staff members during presidential events.
Lately Bush has been calling him "Harvard" because this fall he will follow in the
President's footsteps and enroll in Harvard Business School. Senior adviser Karl
Rove describes him as "brilliant," but Gottesman had a notable hurdle: he went to
work for the presidential campaign when he was 19, so he didn't finish his
undergraduate degree. He found a 1991 Boston Globe article, "Harvard Business
School on a High School Diploma," that described cases of successful graduates
who had been admitted without finishing college, and he won over admissions
officials by outlining the earlier cases in an essay. "I researched not just the
precedent but whether I'd be able to hack it and contribute to the classes,"
Gottesman says. "I talked to a bunch of alumni and current students and decided it
was worth a shot." Gottesman scored in one of the top percentiles on his Graduate
Management Admission Test. He also got into Stanford's business school.
Like his predecessors, he's at the President's elbow with a Sharpie pen for
autographs. But sharing Bush's love for streamlined systems, he also developed a
faster thank-you-note process. Gottesman collects artifacts for a future presidential
library, down to the whistles Bush blows to start the White House Easter Egg Roll.
Since it's hard for the President to receive mail, Gottesman takes to work the
catalogs he receives at home so that when the two have downtime on Air Force
One, the President can choose running shoes and fishing gear, which Gottesman
then orders online.
The President sometimes barks at him just because he's there and can take it. At
Bush's ranch, Gottesman, who makes $95,000 a year, sleeps in the senior-staff
trailer, where he gets teased for his array of hair- and skin-care products in the
shared bathroom.
Rove says that when Bush wants a staff member to follow up with a member of
Congress, Gottesman not only conveys the message but also checks to make sure
the loop has been closed. "People as a matter of course say, 'I better make certain
Blake knows that I've finished that,'" Rove says. "The President and he think alike
so much that he can literally go through and underline a new draft of the President's
speech to hit the emphasis points in the way that the President would."
Gottesman will be succeeded by Jared Weinstein, 26, the chief of staff's aide for the
past three years. The two are housemates and frequently carpool to the White
House--after waking up around 4 a.m.
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Blake Gottesman
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Blake GottesmanBlake Gottesman (born 1980) is the current personal aide and
body man to President George W. Bush, and has worked for Bush since his
presidential campaign began in 1999.
Gottesman was educated at St. Andrews Episcopal School and Stephen F. Austin
High School, both in Austin, Texas; during this time he dated Jenna Bush when the
President owned the Texas Rangers Major League Baseball team. Gottesman
attended Claremont McKenna College for one year, where he served as a Personal
Assistant to the President of the Associated Students of Claremont McKenna
He worked as a junior aide to then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card at the
beginning of Bush's presidential term, and became Bush's full-time personal aide in
February 2002. Gottesman is responsible for managing the President's day-to-day
activities, and travels with Bush to functions and on overseas trips. He quite
possibly knows Bush's mind better than most.[1] In 2005 it was reported that
Gottesman carries several peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with him at all times,
in case the President feels hungry.[citation needed]
He has previously said he plans to finish college and attend business school after
he finishes working at the White House. He will be leaving his current position in
summer 2006 to pursue a Master of Business Administration degree at Harvard
Business School,[1] albeit without graduating from college. His admission to the
school despite not having received an undergraduate degree was criticized by
some media commentators.[2][3]
When compared to fictional presidential aide Charlie Young from TV's The West
Wing, Gottesman has been quoted as saying, "Our jobs are probably pretty
CAREY MICHELLE GOTTESMAN was born on 17 Jul 1983 in Austin, TX. She married
Brad Johl in 2007.
MARCIA SUE5 GOTTESMAN (Frederick Arthur4, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 10 Mar 1955 in New Orleans, LA. She married WILLIAM LEWIS RAFKIN . He was born
on 12 Mar 1958.
Notes for Marcia Sue Gottesman:
2003.... Notes by Millie Hyman Asher...Marcia Gottesman Rafkin is an extraordinary business
woman, volunteer and fund raiser. Married to Bill and has three beautiful children. Marcia
graduated college Suma Cum Laude.
William Lewis Rafkin and Marcia Sue Gottesman had the following children:
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RAFKIN was born on 31 Aug 1987 in Dallas, Texas.
ANDREW FREDERICK RAFKIN was born on 03 Oct 1989 in Dallas, Texas.
DANIEL EDWARD RAFKIN was born on 11 Sep 1991 in Dallas, Texas.
MORRIS SCOTT5 GOTTESMAN (Frederick Arthur4, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 19 May 1961 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married Laura Lind Levenson on 24 Aug
1985 in Dallas, TX.
Notes for Morris Scott Gottesman:
2003....Notes by Millie Hyman Asher... Morris Gottesman..... his smile could light up a room. He is
the youngest of his siblings. Married Laura Levenson and together raised three handsome
Feb. 2004....Email from Morris
for all your hard work on the family history. It really is fascinating. I have a couple of minor
corrections if you are interested. My birthday is May 19,1961 not 62, coincidentally the same as
Freddy Goldsmith the Houston attorney. I think I was in college for several years with Gloria Lepow
never knowing she was related. Our current home address is 2200 Stamford Ln Austin TX 78703
although we move around so much it may not even be worth changing. We are building a new
home and hopefully this summer we will be moving to 2710 Greenlee Austin TX 78703. I find the
history fascinating and can't wait to share it with my kids. I remember some of the people so well
yet there are others I don't know if I have ever met. Dad cherished Uncle Jake and Uncle Morris I
think they were surrogate Dad's to him. I remember going to lunch with them at the International
House (private club) now a boutique hotel for lunch. It was right across from their office and Dad
would go see them every day and have lunch together almost every day. A note on Uncle Morris's
wisdom: When one of my kids was having his tonsils out or tubes put in the ENT. Dr. Jerry
Bordelon told me that Uncle Morris taught him the most valuable investment lesson of his life.
"Don't buy a cow unless she gives milk." I use it everyday in my career as a Fianancial Advisor with
Wachovia Securities. Correction # 2 is Laura Levenson Gottesman her name was mispelled. Laura
is now a very successful Real Estate agent. She has her own company Gottesman-Windham with I
think 7 or 8 agents. I hope if you and Bernard are in Colorado at all you will look us up. We bought
a home in Edwards and spend every chance we get up there. Our phone # up there is
970-926-2146. Regards to all and thanks again for all of your hard work on this daunting task.
Notes for Laura Lind Levenson:
2004....from the Internet...
Laura Gottesman
Graduate of the University of Texas
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Member of the Austin Board of Realtors
Elite 25 - Top 1% of the Industry
Background in advertising, marketing and public relations
Specialist in Executive Relocation
Advanced Networking Capabilities
Accomplished negotiator with a “win-win” philosophy
Outstanding Interpersonal and Communications Skills
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In 1997 Laura made the decision to follow her passion and begin a career in real estate. She
joined Moreland Properties and in 2000 she joined Shannon Windham to form the small boutique
company, Gottesman-Windham Real Estate. Due to her loyal clients and excellent referral base,
Laura has been successful in earning recognition in high-end listings as well as buyer
representation. Laura's goal is to exceed her client's expectations with the highest level of service,
efficiency and professionalism. Over the past three years Gottesman-Windham Real Estate has
become one of the top residential real estate companies in Austin.
Laura is actively involved in the Austin community and is currently participating on the Real
Estate Council of Austin Board, Caritas Community Advisory Board, Seton Development Board
and Young Entrepreneurs Organization Board. She is also active with Girl Scouts Camp CEO
Mentor Program, St. Andrews Episcopal School and Children's Hospital of Austin. In 2002 Laura
was a finalist in the Austin Business Journal's Profiles in Power Awards. Laura and her husband
Morris have three sons: Freddy, Wesley and Garrett Gottesman.
Morris Scott Gottesman and Laura Lind Levenson had the following children:
FREDERICK SCOTT6 GOTTESMAN was born on 05 Apr 1987 in Austin, TX.
WESLEY ANDREW GOTTESMAN was born on 18 Jun 1988 in Austin, TX.
GARRETT STANLEY GOTTESMAN was born on 12 Feb 1993 in Austin, TX.
JEANIE 5 COHEN (Ruth4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born
on 28 Feb 1947. She married TONY DILEO .
Notes for Jeanie Cohen:
Jeanne Cohen and Tony Dileo are divorced.
Tony Dileo and Jeanie Cohen had the following child:
SARAH6 DILEO was born on 29 Jul 1979.
DIANE 5 COHEN (Ruth4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on
09 Dec 1949. She married Michael Nusbaum on 31 May 1981. He was born in Oct 1949.
Michael Nusbaum and Diane Cohen had the following child:
EVA CLARE6 NUSBAUM was born on 18 Apr 1986.
LISA5 COHEN (Ruth4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on
21 Jan 1954 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She married JAKOV HOROWITZ . He was born on 06 Jan
1953 in Brooklyn, New York.
Jakov Horowitz and Lisa Cohen had the following children:
YEHUDA6 HOROWITZ was born on 05 Jul 1978.
LEAH CHANA HOROWITZ was born on 13 Apr 1981. She married BENNNYOMIN
Notes for Leah Chana Horowitz:
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Daughter of Yaakov Horowitz and Aliza Horowitz
Wife of Benyomin Simpson
Sister of Yehuda Horowitz; Nechama Dina Margolis (Horowitz); Raizel Miriam
Horowitz; Schneur Zalman Horowitz; Chaya Mushka Rosenstein (Horowitz) and 2
Added by:
Lawrence Cohen on December 23, 2010
Managed by:
Lawrence Jack Cohen
NECHAMA DENA HOROWITZ was born on 23 Apr 1983. She married PINCHAS
RAIZEL MIRIAM HOROWITZ was born on 02 Apr 1985.
Notes for Raizel Miriam Horowitz:
November 21, 2014 Face Book...Raizel is engaged to Avi Zuber.
SCHREUR ZALMON HOROWITZ was born on 25 Jan 1987.
CHAYA MUSHKA HOROWITZ was born on 21 Sep 1989. She married SHMUEL
LAWRENCE JACK 5 COHEN (Ruth4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 02 Sep 1958 in New Orleans, LA. He married (1) ILIZABETH WOLHEIM, daughter of
Alan Wolheim and Marilyn Dickstein on 03 Sep 2006. She was born on 18 Jun 1961. He married
ANN FABINY . She was born on 29 Jan.
Notes for Lawrence Jack Cohen:
April, 2010 notes from Hyman Family in Facebook
Hi, this is Larry Cohen, writing on my wife Liz's FB account since I am not cool enough to have my
own. I am the son of Ruth and Al Cohen, grandson of Clara Hyman Gottesman. I loved reading
Dorothy's family tree, it was fascinating. When I have some time I will update the Cohen branch of
the tree. I live in Brookline, MA, with my wife Liz and our children Emma and Jake. My sisters,
Jeanie, Diane and Aliza (Lisa) also are non facebookers. Thanks for making this group, Cynthia.
June, 2011
Lawrence Cohen, PhD, is a psychologist, author, and consultant living in Brookline, MA. He is the
author of Playful Parenting, an award winning book about nurturing close connections, solving
behavior problems, and encouraging children’s confidence. In addition to his work with children
and parents, he consults with schools, after school programs, and corporations, and has a general
psychotherapy practice.
GENI...for Lawrence Cohen June, 2013
Current Location:
Brookline, MA, USA
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September 2, 1958
Immediate Family:
Son of Alvin Cohen, MD and Ruth Cohen
Husband of Ilizabeth Wollheim
Father of Emma and Jake Cohen
Brother of Jeanne Cohen; Diane Cohen Nusbaum and Aliza Cohen Horowitz
Added by:
Erica Howton, (c) on July 12, 2010
Lawrence Jack Cohen and Ilizabeth Wolheim had the following children:
JOSEPH CONRAD 5 HOWTON (Louise4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 22 Mar 1959 in Los Angeles, California, USA. He married KATHERINE
Notes for Joseph Conrad Howton:
Jan. 2013 Joseph currently lives in portland, Oregon.
Joseph Conrad Howton and Katherine Gibson had the following children:
PETER6 HOWTON was born in 2002 in Seattle, Washington.
DANIEL HOWTON was born in 2003 in Seattle, Washington.
JENNIFER5 BELLAH (Melanie 4 Hyman, Earl3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born
in 1956. She married CHRISTIAN ROMON. She married STEPHEN MAGUIRE .
Notes for Jennifer Bellah:
2003----Jennifer is a lawyer with a large firm in California. She has a 12 year old son from a first
marriage and a 4 year old daughter from a second marriage. Her name is now Jennifer Bellah
Maguire and she lives in Los Angeles.
Jennifer (Jenny) has dark blonde hair and blue eyes. She was born in 1956.
Christian Romon and Jennifer Bellah had the following child:
PAUL GUTHER6 ROMON was born on 03 Jul 1989.
Stephen Maguire and Jennifer Bellah had the following child:
MELISSA6 MAGUIRE was born on 16 Apr 1998.
HALLY 5 BELLAH (Melanie 4 Hyman, Earl3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born in
1961. She married ANDREAS GUTHER.
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Notes for Hally Bellah:
2003-----Hally was a dancer and met her husband in Berlin when she was there dancing. They
have twin girls, about 5 years old, and a son, about 7.
Hally was born Harriet in 1961 and has blue eyes and golden brown hair. She lives in Berkely,
Andreas Guther and Hally Bellah had the following children:
PHILIP6 GUTHER was born on 19 Feb 1995.
ALISSA ABIGAL GUTHER was born on 23 May 1997.
MELANIE JULIA GUTHER was born on 23 May 1997.
CYNTHIA ALICE5 BURSTEIN (Carole4 Hyman, Julius3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman)
was born on 20 Dec 1964 in New Orleans, LA. She married Vincent Waldman on 03 Oct 1999.
Notes for Cynthia Alice Burstein:
July, 2009....Cynthia starts a Facebook Project to find relatives.
So, I thought it might be a good idea for those who join to explain how they fit into the family
framework....especially so that those in the younger generation can figure it out.
I am the granddaughter of Julius Hyman, or Jake, as he was called. Jake was the youngest of the
Hyman brothers. He had two children, Carole and Julius, Jr. or Jay. My mother is Carole.
I grew up in New Orleans, and went to Newman. I moved to Los Angeles after I finished law school
at Tulane. I practice entertainment law here in Los Angeles, and have a 7 year old son named
Jesse, named for Jake. I am married to a fellow entertainment lawyer named Vincent Waldman.
Brenda Goldstein.....July, 2009
Good for you for starting this, Cynthia!
By the way, Cynthia is my first cousin on my dad's (Jay) side, and I grew up and continue to live in
Los Angeles. I married Don Goldstein in 2001, and we had a son, Aharon Yehuda (Jake's Hebrew
name--Yehuda, that is), in 2003.
July, 2009 Sylvia Hyman Senter
I am the youngest daughter of Freida Kamil Hyman and Morris Hyman. I am the grandaughter of
Perl Hyman and Isaac Hyman, which is the common link for all of us. Perl was born in Brode
Gallicia in Austria and Isaac lived in Odessa, Russia. Odessa was the center of Jewish culture at
that time. A railroad was built and Perl was sent to Odessa to further her Jewish education. I have
always thought that this was very progressive for the era (1880's) as females were not educated
past childhood.
The Hyman siblings and their parents lived through the pogroms in Odessa in 1905.They hid in the
cellars for weeks as the Cossacks were killing all of the Jews.Our father was 12 at the time.He
talked about it to us frequently. He told us that when it was over, his father took him to the
cemetary and there were bodies everywhere. He always talked about tallises being all over the
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They left Odessa in 1906 and came to the land of freedom. I have always been thankful that they
had the strength and fortitude to come across the world and to start a new life.We are the
recipients of this gift.
Email from Cynthia......October 24, 2007
Hi Dorothy,
Very impressive and very interesting. I have not had time to review the whole thing yet, but after
reading the section on my family, I have the following updates for you.
My last name where you talk about my grandfather Jake is misspelled. It should be Burstein.
My DOB is 12/20/64.
My son’s full name is Jesse Zander Waldman (middle name not Alexander) and he was born on
11/12/01. I married my husband, Vincent Waldman, on 10/3/99.
We live in Los Angeles and are both Entertainment Attorneys. I work for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
I attended Newcomb and Tulane Law School, while my husband is a native of Tulsa, OK who
attended Princeton and Stanford Law School. We met in Los Angeles. Vince spent some time
living in New Orleans after law school clerking for Judge John Minor Wisdom.
If you want to get into my unfortunate health episodes, here is more info.
I had a benign brain tumor diagnosed and removed in February 2002, just after Jesse’s birth. I
also had hydrocephalus resulting from the tumor and had a VP Shunt implanted at that time. I also
have a completely unrelated genetic heart condition (which comes from the other side, so don’t
everyone on this side panic!) called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). This condition
necessitated my having open heart surgery in August of 2006 at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.
The surgery I had was called a septal myectomy. Basically, my heart is too thick, and the surgeon
thinned it out in parts. I also have an implantable defibrillator to guard against sudden cardiac
death, which is a possibility with HCM.
I have just been asked to serve on the national board of directors for the Hypertrophic
Cardiomyopathy Association and now spend a lot of time educating others about the condition, in
addition to helping other patients advocate for better care.
That’s it for now. I can’t wait to read more about all of my cousins. I miss New Orleans and the
family history. I think that projects like this are even more valuable since Hurricane Katrina
destroyed so much.
Thanks for this.
2007....Yes, the HCM comes from my Dad. He has it, my uncle died from it, and so did my
paternal grandfather (so we think). I am hoping that all of my interventions will keep my situation
from taking the same road as that of my Dad. His stroke in his late 40s was a result of his heart's
remodelling due to the stress of having to perform with all of that pressure. I am hoping that by my
being proactive, my long term prognosis will be alot better. My doctors at Mayo are the world's
foremost experts on the disease, so I hope that they will keep me going for a long time.
October24, 2007
By the way, I didn't tell you on the other e-mail, but my son Jesse is named after my grandfather
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my grandfather
Jake. His Hebrew name is Yehuda, and my cousin Brenda's son is also named after him. Aharon
Article on the Internet June 23, 2008
CYNTHIA Burstein Waldman of Los Angeles got tired of feeling she knew more than her doctors
did about her hereditary heart condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; tired of worrying that a
provider might accidentally give her a contraindicated drug, like nitroglycerin, in an emergency;
tired of hearing conflicting information from doctors who rarely saw a woman her age with the
condition. "It's not a disease most people, even cardiologists, see in their practice," she says. "They
see coronary artery disease, they see older men. I was in my mid-30s, a healthy woman."
With proper medication and treatment, patients with the condition (in which the heart muscle
thickens) can live a normal life. Or they can suffer heart failure and eventually need a heart
transplant. Waldman's father had the hereditary condition, and she found out in her 30s that she
did too.
She found a national advocacy group, the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Assn. (,
and through the first years of her disease depended more on the collective wisdom and experience
of the association's members than on the conflicting advice of her doctors.
This article says the Mayo Clinic treats about 300 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy each
year. The clinic treats about 450 such patients each year.
At a national meeting of the group in New Jersey, she met two physicians from the Mayo Clinic's
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Clinic. The clinic treats 300 patients with her condition each year -perhaps 100 times more than any of her physicians saw.
After several years of checkups and medications to control her disease, her symptoms -- fainting,
difficulty breathing, increasing heart flutters -- worsened. The things expected of a mother in her
30s became impossible. "I would take my son to baby music classes," she says. "And they'd say,
'Pick up your baby and swing him around.' " Yeah, right, she thought.
She knew it was time to look into surgery to remove a portion of the thickened muscle in order to
improve blood flow. She wanted a surgeon who had done the procedure a lot. "The doctors in
California may have done this one or two or three times," she says. "The surgeon at Mayo has
done it 150 times." In 2006, she got on a plane to Rochester, Minn., for successful surgery that has
relieved her symptoms.
Covered by a Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO, her network of providers is nationwide, and the Mayo
Clinic is in the network. Surgery there was "covered like it was next door," she says. Mayo doctors
work with her local physicians in Los Angeles on follow-up care, but she'll continue to go to
Minnesota for yearly checkups.
April, 2012.....from Facebook
Hey everyone - I want to let you know that I have a new job in the Rights Group at NBC/Universal. I
will be working on the Universal lot, and I start on Thursday. It will be weird to work somewhere
other than MGM after so many years, but I will be working with a great group of people at Universal
and I am really excited about this opportunity. All of you MGM folks come up and visit!
May 12, 2013 Posted on Facebook...a picture of Cynthia with Jesse as a newborn...
This picture was taken on November 13, 2001 when I was leaving Cedars-Sinai with Jesse. Little
did I know that I would be back in the same hospital 2 months later having a large tumor removed
from my brain stem. The days and months following that surgery were very difficult for me, and
yesterday I went to a support group meeting of the Acoustic Neuroma Association. It brought back
so many of the feelings I went through during that difficult time, and made me so grateful for the 11
years I have been blessed to spend being a mommy to Jesse. So today, instead of thanking my
mom, I want to thank Dr. Keith Black and all of my family and friends who helped me through such
a challenging time. Thanks for being there!
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Generation 5 (con't)
Vincent Waldman and Cynthia Alice Burstein had the following child:
JESSE ZANDER6 WALDMAN was born on 12 Nov 2001.
BRENDA EILEEN5 HYMAN (Julius4 Jr., Julius3, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 31
Jul 1966 in Los Angeles, California. She married (1) DON PHILIPE GOLDSTEIN, son of Carmi Samuel
Goldstein and Zambilica on 10 Jun 2001. He was born on 18 Mar 1963 in Nottingham, England.
Notes for Brenda Eileen Hyman:
Brenda and Jonathan Parr divorced. In 2001 Brenda married Don Goldstein, an ultra orthodox
Jew. She became one also. Expecting their first child on Feb. 12th, 2003.
August, 2009 Posted on Hyman Family site on facebook started by Cynthia Burstein Waldman...
Good for you for starting this, Cynthia!
By the way, Cynthia is my first cousin on my dad's (Jay) side, and I grew up and continue to live in
Los Angeles. I married Don Goldstein in 2001, and we had a son, Aharon Yehuda (Jake's Hebrew
name--Yehuda, that is), in 2003.
2012 ..Email
I saw my dad tonight (he took me out for my birthday), and he said that Switosh or Switatz was
changed to Hyman when the oldest of the siblings (Dave?) fought in WWI, and was called "sweet
ass." Hyman was Pearl's maiden name.
2013..notes from Geni...Pamela E Albro (Hyman)
Current Location:
South Pasadena, CA, USA
June 22, 1969
Culver City, CA, USA
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Julius Hyman, Jr. and Janice Shure-Hurwitz
Sister of Brenda Goldstein
Added by:
Erica Howton, (c) on July 12, 2010
Joined On:
January 12, 2011
Managed by:
Erica Isabel Howton, (c) and 1 other
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Generation 5 (con't)
Don Philipe Goldstein and Brenda Eileen Hyman had the following children:
AHARON YEHUDAH6 GOLDSTEIN was born on 04 Feb 2003 in Los Angeles, California.
JOSEPH MOSHE GOLDSTEIN was born on 01 May 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
Generation 6
Frieda Marcia 4 Heiman, Zena3 Heiman, Abraham2 Heiman,
Sam Oscar Heiman) was born on 27 Dec 1965. She married Richard Daniel Borovoy on 30 Mar
(Mayer 5,
Richard Daniel Borovoy and Erin Michele Finklestein had the following child:
ELI BENJAMIN7 BOROVOY was born on 30 Dec 1998.
JEREMY JEFFERSON6 JACOBSON (Michael5, Marian 4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam
Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 01 Jan 1978 in Tuscaloosa, AL. He married Ashley Suzanne
Bergeron, daughter of Paul David Bergeron on 03 Mar 2007 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Jeremy Jefferson Jacobson:
1999-----Jeremy has brown hair and eyes and is very handsome. He loves sports and especially
loves playing baseball.
2007...Jeremy works with Steven Jacobson as a Stock Broker. Jeremy loves people and is very
personable. He looks more and more like Michael.
Published Sunday, May 6, 2007
Mrs. Jeremy Jefferson/sJacobson
(Ashley Suzanne Bergeron)
Ashley Suzanne Bergeron and Jeremy Jefferson Jacobson were married March 3 at Trinity
Episcopal Church in New Orleans, La., with the Rev. Carol Winn Crawford officiating the 1 p.m.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul David Bergeron of Kenner, La., and is the
granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaston Bergeron and the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles
John Falanga Jr.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jacobson of Tuscaloosa and is the grandson of
Marian Jacobson, the late Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Bennett Jefferson and the late Percy Jacobson.
The bride wore a creme silk duchess satin gown with an ivory Alencon lace bodice with a
double-tiered chapel length veil of bridal illusion.
The bride was atteneded by Christy Bergeron McCann, her sister, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids
were Aurora Bautista, Phyllis Debrow, Adrienne Hamilton, Jessica Jacobson, Julie Jacobson,
Yancey Jones, Michelle Leonard, Nicole Merchan, Maria Pote, and Dawn Valentine. Flower girl
was Camille Elise McCann, niece of the bride.
Father of the groom served as his son as best man. Groomsmen were Brock Corder, Jonah
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Generation 6 (con't)
Jacobson, Joshua Jacobson, Justin Kyser and Steven Walsh.
The bride graduated from St. Mary’s Dominican High School and Loyola University of New
Orleans, where she was a member of Theta Phi Alpha sorority. She was also graduated from
Loyola University of New Orleans School of Law. She is employed as an attorney-at-law for the
firm of Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, L.L.C. and is a member of the Junior League of
New Orleans.
The bridegroom graduated from Central High School in Tuscaloosa and both Triton College and
Auburn University of Montgomery. He is employed as a financial advisor with Morgan Keegan and
Co. and throws batting practice to the New Orleans Zephyrs, AAA affiliate of the New York Mets.
After a trip to the Grand Velas Resort in Neuvo Vallarta, Mexico, the couple will live in Uptown New
Notes for Ashley Suzanne Bergeron:
2007.... Lawyer. Adorable and petite. Laurie taught her at Kehoe France.
Jeremy Jefferson Jacobson and Ashley Suzanne Bergeron had the following children:
GRAHAM PAUL7 JACOBSON was born on 30 Dec 2007 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Graham Paul Jacobson:
Graham Paul Jacobson was delivered by section on December 30, 2007 at 9:02
P.M. Jeremy asked his Mom if the baby was not the most beautiful baby ever born.
The baby weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces and was 20 and a half inches long.
Ashley was in labor for 19 hours before they did the section.
PIERCE EPSMAN JACOBSON was born on 23 May 2009 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
GRIFFIN BERGERON JACOBSON was born on 16 Jan 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
JESSICA6 JACOBSON (Michael5, Marian 4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 20 May 1980 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
Notes for Jessica Jacobson:
Luis Carlos Sayago is the father of AnnaBell.
2006.... Jessica had a condition, Hyperemis, that caused her to be very ill during the entire
pregnancy. She lost about 80 pounds during the pregnancy and spent most of it in and out of the
hospital. She had a C section on September 22, 2006.
January 2007
Hello to All!
I know SO many of you are SHOCKED that it has taken me this long to send another
apologies, there just really is no excuse!
Anyhow, AnnaBelle turned FOUR months old today! I can't believe how time flies; it seems like
just yesterday I found out I was pregnant! I am loving every minute of motherhood (and I hope she
is enjoying being my daughter)!
AnnaBelle now weighs 17 pounds, 4 ounces; she measures 26 inches long! She is just growing
beautifully! Our doctor tells us she is in the 97% for her height as well as her weight. I couldn't be
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Generation 6 (con't)
any happier! Oh, and AnnaBelle still has blue eyes...the doctor tells us they will stay that way!
I am still breastfeeding exclusively and having wonderful success. So much so, that the doctor told
us we could start to introduce her to foods, if we wanted. I am planning to wait until closer to six
months as I have read it is better for food allergies and such.
AnnaBelle is still sleeping through the night although now she tends to think she is big girl and
skips naps throughout the day (hence the reason I haven't sent emails lately)! I have a wonderful
time being with AnnaBelle throughout the day! Our days are filled with so much activity; she loves
her walks and she still loves bath time! And, of course, she has mastered rolling over....she is
trying SO hard to crawl now!
Anyhow, enjoy the pictures I am sending in the email, but don't forget to download the ones I am
attaching (they are her three month pictures, professionally done on the "baby plan"). Let me know
if you have trouble opening any of the files...I will be happy to send another way, so you can see
I hope all is well with everyone; I would love to hear from you all!
Take care and keep in touch! Love, Jessica and AnnaBelle
Jessica Jacobson had the following child:
ANNABELL7 SAYAGO-JACOBSON was born on 22 Sep 2006 in Mobile, Al.
Notes for AnnaBell Sayago-Jacobson:
September 22, 2006 Annabell was born in Mobile, AL. She is the daughter of
Jessica and Luis Sayago. She was born at 7:10 A.M. at Mobile Infirmary. She
weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 22 inches long. Despite all the illness
Jessica endured, AnnaBell was a perfectly healthy baby and continues to thrive to
this very day!
AnnaBelle is named after both her (Belle) and Luis' grandmother, Anna.
March, 2007
Hi Ya'll,
It's that time again!
AnnaBelle just turned six months and is still my little over achiever. She now weighs
19.4 pounds and is 28 inches long! She was sitting up by herself at five-and-a-half
months; now she scoots and crawls! Before we know it, she'll be pulling herself up
and toddling around! AnnaBelle never ceases to amaze me; I am just so proud of
The weather here has been beautiful, so we have been enjoying the pool!
AnnaBelle loves to swim, but more than that, I think she loves wearing her summer
hats! Every time we are outside, she has a different one on! I keep hearing that
there will be a time when she will pull them off, but I am keeping my fingers crossed
that she continues to like them (because I enjoy buying them)!
We still go for the daily walks which she thoroughly enjoys! She is also loving all
the pets she is around. She loves playing with Cota (or should I say, tugging at
her), Daisy (Luis' dog) plays with AnnaBelle every time they are around one
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Generation 6 (con't)
another, and Jonah's dog loves to protect her! It is just too cute to watch!
Anyhow, it's about that time, so I will leave you with some pictures! I hope you
enjoy them! Would love to hear from you all!
Love, Jessica and AnnaBell
RACHEL ANNA6 JACOBSON (Terry5, Marian 4 Hyman, Morris3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 20 Jan 1981 in New Orleans, LA. She married Adrian Robert Barr, son of
Robert Barr and Gail on 19 Jan 2008 in New Orleans, LA.
Notes for Rachel Anna Jacobson:
Rachel is a beautiful and outstanding young lady. She looked like a movie star at her wedding.
The wedding was at the Westin at Canal Place in New Orleans. She and Adrian will live in Atlanta.
Adrian Robert Barr and Rachel Anna Jacobson had the following children:
ETHAN JACOB7 BARR was born on 23 Feb 2009 in Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Ethan Jacob Barr:
Monday, February 23,2009....Eason Jacob came into the world a few weeks early
and his mother had to have a C-Section but all went well. He was born at 4:59 P.M.
and weighed seven pounds and thirteen ounces. Shellie and Terry are ecstatic.
AARON DYLAN BARR was born on 29 May 2011 in Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Aaron Dylan Barr:
Aaron weighed 8 pounds and 8 ounces and was 20 inches long.
JUSTIN6 SMITH (Debra5 Goldstein, Evelyn 4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam Oscar1
Heiman) was born on 24 Sep 1989. He married REBECCA BOBLETT. She was born on 13 Apr 1987.
Justin Smith and Rebecca Boblett had the following child:
LEO7 SMITH was born on 29 Apr 2008.
ALISA ROSE6 BAUM (Linda Ann5 Gottesman, Frederick Arthur4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2
Heiman, Sam Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 06 Dec 1979 in New Orleans, LA. She married Jason
Alloy on 29 Oct 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Notes for Alisa Rose Baum:
2004...Beautiful, smart and full of personality.
Jason Alloy and Alisa Rose Baum had the following child:
RYAN JARED7 ALLOY was born on 14 Apr 2014 in Atlanta, GA.
Notes for Ryan Jared Alloy:
April 14, 2014 Ryan Jared weiged 7 lb 5oz and was 21.5 inches long.
CAREY MICHELLE6 GOTTESMAN (Sanford Lee5, Frederick Arthur4, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam
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Generation 6 (con't)
Heiman) was born on 17 Jul 1983 in Austin, TX. She married Brad Johl in 2007.
Brad Johl and Carey Michelle Gottesman had the following children:
AVERY BROOKE7 JOHL was born in Feb 2009.
NECHAMA DENA6 HOROWITZ (Lisa5 Cohen, Ruth4 Gottesman, Clara3 Hyman, Perl2 Heiman, Sam
Oscar1 Heiman) was born on 23 Apr 1983. She married PINCHAS MARGOLIS .
Notes for Nechama Dena Horowitz:
July 2013 from Geni
Nechama Dina Margolis (Horowitz)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Yaakov Horowitz and Aliza Horowitz
Wife of Pinchas Margolis
Mother of Menachem Margolis (Horowitz); Avraham Margolis (Horowitz) and Ruth Margolis
Sister of Yehuda Horowitz; Leah Chana Simpson (Horowitz); Raizel Miriam Horowitz; Schneur
Zalman Horowitz; Chaya Mushka Rosenstein (Horowitz) and 2 others
Added by:
Lawrence Cohen on December 23, 2010 Joined On:
July 18, 2013
2014 I heard that Joe Gottesman, (Louis's brother) found Clara's use of southern expressions such
as "I declare" charming. Any other expressions she typically used?
LikeLike ·
Debbie Goldstein Smith "Oh go on."
Nechamie Horowitz Margolis Thanks Debbie! Any more you remember?
Nechamie Horowitz MargolisHyman Family Virtual Reunion
7 hrs · Brooklyn, NY ·
I found this quote from Morris (Clara's brother) in the family history:
“Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we had tea and bread, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
we had bread but no tea." Does that ring a bell? I seem to remember reading a similar kind of
saying, that the gist was that three days of the week was tea but no bread, and other three were
bread but no tea. Anyone can comment on this? Or have a memory of him quoting this about his
childhood in Odessa?
Sylvia Senter Absolutely correct. Our father, (Morris) used to always say that they lived on black
bread and potatoes. They also had beets (borscht), which is a Russian soup and cabbage. His
mother used to tell him that if he was hungry, eat some bread. Food was sparse in Russia and they
made do. They were all smart. When they came to America, they were able to make a life for
themselves. Jews were not able to own property in Russia at that time. They lived through the
pogrom in Odessa in 1905. They survived by hiding in the cellar for two weeks. The greatest gift
that they gave to all of us was coming to America.
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Generation 6 (con't)
Nechamie Horowitz Margolis Thanks so much Sylvia for this info. Which version of the saying
above sounds right to you?
Nechamie Horowitz MargolisHyman Family Virtual Reunion
7 hrs · Brooklyn, NY ·
From what I understood, the pharmacies in those days had a soda fountain and sold ice cream,
soda and sandwiches. Was that true of Louis Gottesman's pharmacy as well?
LikeLike ·
Sylvia Senter The soda fountains in the drug stores were part of the era. They made sandwiches,
ice cream, banana splits, ice cream sundaes, etc. It's like going to Starbucks today. Most of the
drug stores had soda fountains. I never went to their drugstore so I wouldn't know. We went there
at the beginning of the school year to buy notebooks, pencils, erasers, etc. Yes, we actually wrote
and in script, at that. There was no such thing as Office Depot or Office Max.
2 hrs · Like
Nechamie Horowitz Margolis Thanks! Very helpful
Pinchas Margolis and Nechama Dena Horowitz had the following children:
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