Bionatics` Plant List for REALnat The concept behind our
Bionatics` Plant List for REALnat The concept behind our
Welcome to Bionatics’ Plant List for REALnat The concept behind our plant list is based on virtual “seeds”. Virtual “seeds” actually contain an expression of each corresponding plant’s genetic coding. This expression is interpreted and then processed using a stochastic calculation that takes into consideration the mathematic probabilities that model, in terms of time, glitches and variations in the architectural construction of the plant. Thus the basis for AMAP technology, developed by France’s largest agronomic research center the CIRAD, enables us to generate photo-realistic virtual plants for use in CG applications. Their 25 years of extensive research in over 90 countries, from the plains of Africa, to Russia’s far tundras and South America’s rain forests, the US and Europe, has provided us with a diverse plant library. Our conjoined efforts with CIRAD’s research teams means that this database will grow from 50 to 100 new plants per year. The plants have been tested and categorized so for you to better understand their qualities and attributes before purchase. REALnat plants are provide differing results according to plant species. Horizontal and top view billboards on a flower is not recommended for instance. However, each plant generated does provide the botanical characteristics and esthetic qualities inherent in each. All the plants and trees have been tested thoroughly. Age and seasonal paramaters as well as lighting modes have been tested as well. This catalogue does not provide any ‘grade’ so to speak . Thanks again for choosing REALnat. BIONATICS and REALnat are registered trademarks of BIONATICS S.A. REALnat is a trademark of BIONATICS S.A. AMAP is a registered trademark of CIRAD, exclusively used by BIONATICS S.A. REALnat Plant List with Latin Equivalent Click on arrow Alder (black), common alder - Alnus glutinosa Camellia-b (sasanqua) - Camellia sasanqua Almond (indian) - Terminalia catappa Camellia-c (sasanqua) - Camellia sasanqua Ardisia (chinese) - Ardisia crenata 'Fujinomine' Ash (claret) - Fraxinus oxycarpa Camphor tree - Cinnamumum camphora Ash (common) - Fraxinus excelsior Catalpa (southern) - Catalpa bignioïdes Ash (trimmed) - Fraxinus excelsior (trimmed) Catmint - Nepeta mussini Ash (white) - Fraxinus americana Ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles' - Ceanothus Aspen - Populus tremula 'Gloire de Versailles' Azalea (bushy) - Rhododendron albrechtii Cedar (blue) - Cedrus atlantica Banana (common) - Musa domestica Cedar (eastern white), eastern arbovitae - Thuja Barbery (pink) - Berberis 'Barbarossa' occidentalis Basswood (american), american linden alone - Cedar (japanese) - Cryptomeria japonica Tilia americana-c Cedar (low) - Cedrus sp. Basswood (american), american linden forest - Cherry tree 'Jamasakura' - Prunus jamasakura Tilia americana-d Cherry tree-a (flower) - Prunus x cerasifera Beech-a (common) - Fagus sylvatica-a Cherry tree-b (flower) - Prunus x avium Beech-b (common) - Fagus sylvatica-b Cherry tree-f (flower) - Prunus x persica Benjamin tree - Ficus benjamina (trop.) Cherry tree-w (flower) - Prunus x padus Bilberry, blueberry, whortleberry - Vaccinium Chestnut tree-a - Castanea sativa-a myrtillum Chestnut tree-b - Castanea sativa-b Birch (himalayan) - Betula utilis China tree - Melia azedarach Birch (paper) alone - Betula papyrifera Chlorophytum of gardens, spider plant - Birch (silver), european white birch - Betula Chlorophytum capense pendula (verrucosa) Clematis - Clematis jackmanii 'Superba' Birch (yellow) alone - Betula alleghaniensis Clerodendron (japanese) - Clerodendrum Boxwood 'Green Mountain' - Buxus x sheridan trichotomum 'Green Mountain' Corylopsis - Corylopsis spicata Bramble (japanese) - Rubus calcynoides Cosmos 'Sensation' - Cosmos 'Sensation' Broad-leaved lime (linden), large-leaved lime Cotoneaster - Cotoneaster franchetti (linden) - Tilia platyphyllos Cotoneaster 'Skogsholmen' - Cotoneaster Bull bay - Magnolia grandiflora-b 'Skogsholmen' Butterfly bush (narrow leaved) - Buddleja Cottonwood (eastern) - Populus deltoides alternifolia Crab apple (columnar siberian) - Malus baccata Camellia (common) - Camellia japonica 'Columnaris' Crab apple (Makamik) - Malus x 'Makamik' Hackberry (mediterranean), mediterranean nettel Cranesbill - Geranium grandiflorum tree - Celtis australis Currant (flowering), red bramble - Ribes Hawthorn (cockspur) - Crataegus crus-galli sangineum Hazel (Turkish) - Corylus colurna Cypress (florentian) - Cupressus sempervirens Heath - Erica carnea Cypress (Hinoki) - Chamaecyparis obtusa Heather 'Spring Cream' - Calluna vulgaris 'Spring Cypress (mediterranean) - Cupressus Cream' sempervirens 'Horizontalis' Hemlock (eastern) - Tsuga canadensis Cypress (Nootka false weeping) - Chamaecyparis Holly - Ilex aquifolia nootkatensis Holly (japanese) - Ilex rotundifolia Cypress (Sawara) - Chamaecyparis pisifera Hornbeam - Carpinus betula Cypress-a (Lawson's) - Chamaecyparis lawsonii-a Horsechestnut (japanese) - Aesculus turbinata Cypress-b (Lawson's) - Chamaecyparis lawsonii-b Horsechestnut-a - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-a Daphne (february) - Daphne mezereum Horsechestnut-b - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-b Daphne (winter) - Daphne odora Horsechestnut-c - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-c Daphniphyllum, japanese laurel - Daphniphyllum Horsechestnut-d - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-d macropodum Hortensia - Hydrangea macrophylla Dendropanax trifida - Dendropanax trifida Hydrangea (climbing) - Hydrangea petiolaris Draceana - Draceana sp. Judas tree, redbud - Cercis silicastrum Elm tree-a (japanese) - Zelkova serrata-a Juniper (creeping common) - Juniperus Elm tree-b (japanese) - Zelkova serrata-b communis 'Prostrata' Enkianthus - Enkianthus perulatus Juniper (prickly) - Juniperus oxycedrus Eschscholtzia - Eschscholtzia californica Kerria (japanese) - Kerria japonica Fern (male) - Dryopteris pseudomonas Knotweed (red) - Polygonum affine 'Darjeeling Fig (India rubber) - Ficus elastica (trop.) red' Fig tree (weeping) - Ficus benjamina Larch (american) - Larix laricina Fir (balsam) - Abies balsamea Larch (european) - Larix decidua Fir (Douglas) - Pseudotsuga douglasii Laurel 'Otto Luyken' - Prunus laurocerasus Fir (japanese) - Abies firma Laurel (mountain), Calico bush - Kalmia latifolia Floss flower - Ageratum houstonianum Laurel (Portugal) - Prunus lusitanica Flower ('Color Fountain' spider) - Cleome Laurustinus - Viburnum tinus hassleriana 'Colour Fountain' Lavanda - Lavandula angustifolia Foam flower - Tiarella cordifolia Lilac (common) - Syringa vulgaris Fothergilla (large), witch adler - Fothergilla major Lime (common), common linden - Tilia x Golden bells - Forsythia x intermedia europaea Grape (oregon) - Mahonia aquifolium Lime (small leaved), small leaved linden - Tilia Grape vine - Vitis vinifera cordata Linum (Narbonne) - Linum narbonense Photinia 'Red Robin' - Photinia x fraseri 'Red Locust (black), white locust - Robinia Robin' pseudoacacia-r Phyllirea (narrow leaved) - Phyllirea angustifolia Locust (erected black) - Robinia pseudoaccacia Pine (aleppo) - Pinus halepensis 'Erecta' ('Fastigiata') Pine (austrian) - Pinus nigra Locust (honey sweet) - Gleditsia triacanthos Pine (Bhutan) - Pinus wallichiana inermis 'Sunburst' Pine (eastern white) - Pinus strobus Locust (honey thorney) - Gleditsia triacanthos Pine (Scots) - Pinus sylvestris inermis 'Skyline' Pine (stone), umbrella pine - Pinus pinea Mahonia 'Charity' - Mahonia x media 'Charity' Pine (trimmed japanese black) - Pinus thunbergii Maiden hair tree (trimmed) - Ginkgo biloba Pine (trimmed japanese red) - Pinus densiflora Manzanita - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Plane tree (trimmed), trimmed sycamore tree - Maple (japanese) - Acer palmatum Platanus x acerifolia-c Maple (Norway) - Acer platanoides Plane tree-a, sycamore tree-a - Platanus x Maple (red) - Acer rubrum acerifolia-a Maple (silver) alone - Acer saccharinum-b Plane tree-b, sycamore tree-b - Platanus x Maple (silver) forest - Acer saccharinum-d acerifolia-b Maple (sugar) alone - Acer saccharum-a Poplar (black) - Populus nigra Maple (sugar) forest - Acer saccharum-c Poplar (Lombardy) - Populus nigra 'Italica' Monkey puzzle, Chile pine - Araucaria araucana Poplar (white) - Populus alba Mop-head - Robinia pseudoacacia-t Poplar (Yunnan) - Populus yunnanensis Mother of thousands - Saxifraga stolonifera Poppy (Iceland) - Papaver nudicaule Mulberry (big leaved white) - Morus alba Quince ('Crimson and Gold' japanese) - 'Platanifolia' Chaenomeles superba 'Crimson and Gold' Nettle (silver dead) - Lamium maculatum Quince ('Moerloosii' japanese) - Chaenomeles Nicotiana 'Domino' series - Nicotiana alata speciosa 'Moerloosii' 'Domino' Rock rose (white) - Cistus albidus Nicotiana 'Sensation' series - Nicotiana alata Rose (creeping) - Rosa repens 'Swany' 'Sensation' Rose (polyantha) - Rosa 'Yesterday' Oleander - Nerium oleander Rose-c (old) - Rosa 'Golden Wings' Olive tree (russian), oleaster - Elaegnus Rose-d (old) - Rosa 'Nevada' angustifolia Rosmary - Rosmarinus officinalis Palm tree (fiber) - Chamaerops sp. Rubber plant - Ficus elastica Paper bush - Edgeworthia chrysantha (syn. Rubber tree - Hevea brasilensis papyrifera) Sarcococca - Sarcococca humilis Pearl everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea Sasa (white margin) - Sasa veitchii Periwinkle - Vinca major 'Albomarginata' Petunia 'Resisto' series - Petunia 'Resisto' Saxifrage - Saxifraga x arendsii 'Gaiety' Willow (white) - Salix alba-d Serviceberry-l - Amelanchier laevis Witch hazel (chinese) - Hamamelis mollis Silk tree - Albizia julibrissin Witch hazel (japanese) - Hamamelis japonica Skimmia - Skimmia japonica var. Wreath (bridal) - Spirea x vanhouttei Smoke tree, Venetian sumach - Cotinus Yellow broom - Cytisus purgans coggygria Yew - Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' Snapdragon - Antirrhinum majus 'Wedding Bells' Yew (forest) - Taxus baccata Snowbell (japanese) - Styrax japonica Spindle tree (winged) - Euonymus alatus Spruce ('pyramidalis' Norway) - Picea abies var. pyramidalis Spruce (blue) - Picea pungens 'Glauca' Spruce (Norway) - Picea abies Spruce (white) - Picea glauca Spurge (japanese) - Pachysandra terminalis Stonecrop (white) - Sedum telephium Strawberry tree (shrub shape) - Arbutus unedo-b Sumach - Rhus glabra Sunrose (common) - Helianthemum nummularium Sweet gum, red gum, bilsted - Liquidambar styraciflua Temple tree - Plumeria acutifolia Tickseed - Coreopsis verticillata Tulip tree - Liriodendron tulipifera Valerian (red) - Centranthus ruber 'Coccineus' Varnish tree (japanese) - Firmiana simplex Viburnum (leather leaved) - Viburnum rhytidophyllum Wall spray - Cotoneaster horizontalis Walnut (butternut), white walnut - Juglans cinerea Wayfaring tree - Viburnum lantana Willow (silver) - Salix alba-b Willow (weeping) - Salix alba 'Chrysocoma' 1 To Plant List Alder (black), common alder - Alnus glutinosa Notes : Simulated plant : Black common alder, slow growing conical tree. Planting type : Pools or river banks, swampy zones in groves. Almond (indian) - Terminalia catappa Notes : Simulated plant : Indian almond, tropical tree with tiered bearing. Planting type : Tropical gardens or isolated. Ardisia (chinese) - Ardisia crenata Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen shrub grown for its foliage and fruits. Planting type : Temperate glasshouses, hotel halls, indoor gardens. Ash (claret) - Fraxinus oxycarpa Notes : Simulated plant : Claret ash, little Mediterranean ash. Planting type : Isolated tree or parks. Ash (common) - Fraxinus excelsior Notes : Simulated plant : Ash tree, ash stump shoots. Planting type : Copses. 2 To Plant List Ash (trimmed) - Fraxinus excelsior (trimmed) Notes : Simulated plant : Ash stump shoots. Planting type : Groves or clear forests. Ash (white) - Fraxinus americana Notes : Simulated plant : Excellent 3D quality with detailed textures. Planting type : Groves or clear forests. Aspen - Populus tremula Notes : Simulated plant : Aspen. Planting type : Parks or gardens. Azalea (bushy) - Rhododendron albrechtii Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, upright, bushy azalae, loose clusters of purple or pink flowers in spring. Planting type : Isolated, clumps or as a component of mixed clumps. Banana (common) - Musa domestica Notes : Simulated plant : Common banana, big, pale green leaves. Bears hanging inflorescences, male purplish flowers are grouped at the bottom. Planting type : Isolated, clumps or fruit tropical plantations. 3 To Plant List Barbery (pink) - Berberis 'Barbarossa' Notes : Simulated plant : Planting type : Clumps, free hedges. Basswood (american), american linden alone - Tilia americana-c Notes : Simulated plant : American linden, observed alone. Planting type : Isolated in parks and great gardens, used for its shade. Basswood (american), american linden forest - Tilia americana-d Notes : Simulated plant : American linden, observed in forests. Planting type : Groves or forests. Beech-a (common) - Fagus sylvatica-a Notes : Simulated plant : Young common birch, studied in forest type density. Planting type : Forests, groves or parks. Beech-b (common) - Fagus sylvatica-b Notes : Simulated plant : Big beech growing in high density forest conditions. Planting type : High density forests. 4 To Plant List Benjamin tree - Ficus benjamina (trop.) Notes : Simulated plant : Planting type : Bilberry, blueberry, whortleberry - Vaccinium myrtillum Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, usually prostrate shrub. Has small, heart shaped, leathery, bright green leaves. Pendent, bellshaped, pale-pink flowers in early summer are followed round, blue-black fruit. Planting type : Clumps in sun or semi-shade, moist soil is required. Birch (himalayan) - Betula utilis Notes : Simulated plant : Himalayan birch, partly pyramid like bearing, white bark. Planting type : Grouped or isolated trees, parks and gardens. Birch (paper) alone - Betula papyrifera Notes : Simulated plant : Canoe birch, in clear forests or groves. Planting type : Groves or clear forests. 5 To Plant List Birch (silver), european white birch - Betula pendula (verrucosa) Notes : Simulated plant : Decideous, broadly columnar or conical graceful tree. Has slender, drooping shoots and silver-like bark that becomes black and rugged at base of trunk with age. Planting type : Small groups of trees or groves in parks and gardens or near decorative pools. Birch (yellow) alone - Betula alleghaniensis Notes : Simulated plant : Cherry birch, in clear forests or groves. Planting type : Groves or clear forests. Boxwood 'Green Mountain' - Buxus x sheridan 'Green Mountain' Notes : Simulated plant : Conical trimmed boxwood. Planting type : Geometric gardens, flower-stands. Bramble (japanese) - Rubus calcynoides Notes : Simulated plant : Semi-evergreen scrambling shrub, pink blossom in spring. Planting type : Isolated or clumps. Bull bay - Magnolia grandiflora-b Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, broadly conical dense tree, large, glossy, upperface dark green leaves, bears large white flowers from mid-summer to autumn. Planting type : Isolated, parks and gardens. 6 To Plant List Butterfly bush (narrow leaved) - Buddleja alternifolia Notes : Simulated plant : Alternate leaves buddleia, decorative shrubs. Planting type : Clump edges, clumps, free shape hedges or isolated. Camellia (common) - Camellia japonica Notes : Simulated plant : Pink red blossom camellia. Planting type : Clumps, hedges, underwood edges or isolated. Camellia-b (sasanqua) - Camellia sasanqua Notes : Simulated plant : Pinky white blossom camellia. Planting type : Clumps, hedges, underwood edges or isolated. Camellia-c (sasanqua) - Camellia sasanqua 'Fujinomine' Notes : Simulated plant : Pinky white blossom camellia. Planting type : Clumps, hedges, underwood edges or isolated. Camphor tree - Cinnamumum camphora Notes : Simulated plant : Camphor tree, moderately fast growing, evergreen rounded tree, leaves are reddish or coppery when young. Planting type : Great line plantings, isolated or parks. 7 To Plant List Catalpa (southern) - Catalpa bignioïdes Notes : Simulated plant : Spreading tree with broad leaves, summer blossom consists in bunches of white flowers, followed by long hanging cylindrical pods. Planting type : Isolated or small groups, line plantings. Catmint - Nepeta mussini Notes : Simulated plant : Cat mint, ground-cover plant with blue flowers. Planting type : Gardens, clumps, rock gardens or flower edges. Ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles' - Ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles' Notes : Simulated plant : Ceanothe, bush with abundant blue summer blossom. Planting type : Free shape hedges, clumps or isolated. Cedar (blue) - Cedrus atlantica Notes : Simulated plant : Blue cedar, decorative tree. Planting type : Parks and gardens. Cedar (eastern white), eastern arbovitae - Thuja occidentalis Notes : Simulated plant : Eastern arbovitae, big conifer with scale leaves. Planting type : Hedges, isolated and forest plantations. 8 To Plant List Cedar (japanese) - Cryptomeria japonica Notes : Simulated plant : Fast growing, columnar to conical, open conifer. Planting type : Reforestation, road line plantings, isolated in parks and gardens. Cedar (low) - Cedrus sp. Notes : Simulated plant : Low cedar, decorative shrub. Planting type : Little gardens. Cherry tree 'Jamasakura' - Prunus jamasakura Notes : Simulated plant : High erected tree with white flowers opening simultaneously with young red leaves in spring. Planting type : Reaforestations, isolated, parks, gardens or line plantings. Cherry tree-a (flower) - Prunus x cerasifera Notes : Simulated plant : Flower cherry tree, ornamental tree. Planting type : Gardens. Cherry tree-b (flower) - Prunus x avium Notes : Simulated plant : Flower cherry tree, ornamental tree. Planting type : Gardens. 9 To Plant List Cherry tree-f (flower) - Prunus x persica Notes : Simulated plant : Flower cherry tree, ornamental tree. conifer. Planting type : Gardens. Cherry tree-w (flower) - Prunus x padus Notes : Simulated plant : Untrimmed decorative tree. Planting type : Gardens. Chestnut tree-a - Castanea sativa-a Notes : Simulated plant : Chestnut tree. Planting type : Forests, thickets, parks or isolated. Chestnut tree-b - Castanea sativa-b Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, perennial plant with short rhizomes, grown for its foliage. Racemes of many white flowers are carried on thin long stems. Rosettes of leaves appear on flower stems. Planting type : Rest areas, orchards, parks and gardens, rests, woods. 10 To Plant List China tree - Melia azedarach Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, spreading tree. Has dark leaves and starshaped, pinkish-lilac flowers in spring, followed by pale orange-yellow fruits in autumn. Planting type : Parks and gardens. Sometimes for lined planting in parking or rest-areas. forests, woods and groves. Chlorophytum of gardens, spider plant - Chlorophytum capense Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, perennial plant with short rhizomes, grown for its foliage. Racemes of many white flowers are carried on thin long stems. Rosettes of leaves appear on flower stems. Planting type : Rest areas, orchards, parks and gardens, rests, woods. Clematis - Clematis jackmanii 'Superba' Notes : Simulated plant : Clematis, climber with large purplish flowers and found on a column. Planting type : Pergola support. Clerodendron (japanese) - Clerodendrum trichotomum Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, upright, bushy-headed, tree-like shrub, deep pink buds open to fragrant, white flowers, followed by decorative, blue berries from late summer to mid-autumn. Planting type : Hedges, clumps at feet of higher trees. 11 To Plant List Chlorophytum of gardens, spider plant - Chlorophytum capense Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, perennial plant with short rhizomes, grown for its foliage. Racemes of many white flowers are carried on thin long stems. Rosettes of leaves appear on flower stems. Planting type : Indoor plant, used in temperated glasshouses or halls. Cosmos 'Sensation' - Cosmos 'Sensation' Notes : Simulated plant : Cosmos with purple pink blossom. Planting type : Clumps, mixed borders, "Japanese" mixed grass-plots. Cotoneaster - Cotoneaster franchetti Notes : Simulated plant : Cotoneaster, ground covering plant with evergreen-like foliage. Planting type : Clumps or rock gardens. Cotoneaster 'Skogsholmen' - Cotoneaster 'Skogsholmen' Notes : Simulated plant : Cotoneaster, ground covering plant with evergreen-like foliage. Planting type : Clumps or rock gardens. 12 To Plant List Cottonwood (eastern) - Populus deltoides Notes : Simulated plant : Necklace poplar, big poplar growing on river banks, and alluvial plains. Planting type : Edges of road sides, shade, rest areas, reaforestation. Crab apple (columnar siberian) - Malus baccata 'Columnaris' Notes : Simulated plant : Columnar Siberian crab apple Planting type : Isolated, squares with garden or urban lined plantings. Crab apple (Makamik) - Malus x 'Makamik' Notes : Simulated plant : Makamik crab apple. Planting type : Isolated, squares with garden, or urban lined plantings. Cranesbill - Geranium grandiflorum Notes : Simulated plant : Cranesbill, plant with large purplish-blue flowers, jagged foliage. Planting type : Clumps and flower edges. Currant (flowering), red bramble - Ribes sangineum Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, spreading, compact shrub, pale yellow leaves, pink to deep-red bunches of flowers in spring. Planting type : Mixed low hedges and clumps. 13 To Plant List Cypress (florentian) - Cupressus sempervirens Notes : Simulated plant : Florentian cypress, erected colomnar coniferous. Planting type : Isolated tree, hedges or as wind breakers. Cypress (Hinoki) - Chamaecyparis obtusa Notes : Simulated plant : "Hinoki" cypress, regular conic shape conifer. Planting type : Forests, woods, parks or rest areas. Cypress (mediterranean) - Cupressus sempervirens 'Horizontalis' Good 3D quality. No detailed textures on leaves. Notes : Simulated plant : Open, upright conifer. Dark grey-green foliage. Planting type : Isolated or group in parks and gardens. Cypress (Nootka false weeping) - Chamaecyparis nootkatensia Notes : Simulated plant : Alaska (Sitka) cedar, weeping form. Planting type : Parks, gardens, little groups or isolated. Cypress (Sawara) - Chamaecyparis pisifera Notes : Simulated plant : "Sawara" cypress, conifer with quite outspread branches. Planting type : Forests, woods, parks or rest areas. 14 To Plant List Cypress-a (Lawson's) - Chamaecyparis lawsonii-a Notes : Simulated plant : Lawson's cypress, conifer with plagiotrope branches and orthotrope twigs. Planting type : Gardens, parks, hedges, isolated or wind breakers. Cypress-b (Lawson's) - Chamaecyparis lawsonii-b Notes : Simulated plant : Lawson's cypress, erected conifer with plagiotrope branches and twigs. Planting type : Hedges, isolated trees or wind breakers. Daphne (february) - Daphne mezereum Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, spreading, bushy shrub, white or creamy. white flowers, spherical yellow fruits. Planting type : Hedges or groups in half shadow exposure. Daphne (winter) - Daphne odora Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen bushy shrub, from mid-winter to early spring deep purplish pink and white flowers. Planting type : Clumps, low hedges or close to habitations. Daphniphyllum, japanese laurel - Daphniphyllum macropodum Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with dark green leaves. Planting type : Hedges near shady walls, clumps in semi-shade exposure. 15 To Plant List Dendropanax trifida - Dendropanax trifida Notes : Simulated plant : Underwood evergreen bushy tree. Green leaves are lobed in young age and sometimes on strong reiterations. Planting type : Underwood or shade areas in gardens. Sometimes used as an indoor plant in atrium or big halls. Draceana - Draceana sp . Notes : Simulated plant : Dracaena. Planting type : In large flower pots. Elm tree-a (japanese) - Zelkova serrata-a Notes : Simulated plant : Japanese elm-tree, deciduous spreading tree, leaves turn yellow, orange in autumn. Adult -old range tree. Planting type : Isolated, parks, gardens or lined plantings. Elm tree-b (japanese) - Zelkova serrata-b Notes : Simulated plant : Japanese elm-tree, deciduous spreading tree, leaves turn yellow or orange in autumn. Young to adult range tree. Planting type : Isolated, parks, gardens or lined plantings. Enkianthus - Enkianthus perulatus Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub, dark green leaves turn bright red in autumn, small hanging white flowers in mid-spring. Planting type : Clumps, low hedges or as a component of mixed clumps. 16 To Plant List Eschscholtzia - Eschscholtzia californica Notes : Simulated plant : Eschscholtzia with bright orange blossom. Planting type : Clumps, rock gardens, mixed borders and "Japanese" mixed grass-plots. Fern (male) - Dryopteris pseudomonas Notes : Simulated plant : Male fern, persistent frond, slender. Planting type : Gardens, clumps, and around shrubs. Fig (India rubber) - Ficus elastica (trop.) Notes : Simulated plant : Planting type : Fig tree (weeping) - Ficus benjamina Notes : Simulated plant : Ornamental weeping evergreen shrub with oval leaves. Planting type : Indoors plant in temperate climate, to be planted in containers, eventually big ones. Fir (balsam) - Abies balsamea Notes : Simulated plant : Balsam fir. Planting type : Isolated, groves or forests. 17 To Plant List Fir (Douglas) - Pseudotsuga douglasii Notes : Simulated plant : Douglas fir, erected North American coniferous. Planting type : Forests, groves parks or isolated, rest areas. Fir (japanese) - Abies firma Notes : Simulated plant : "Momi" fir, conifer with strong branches, and semi-erected boughs. Planting type : Forests, parks or rest areas. Floss flower - Ageratum houstonianum Notes : Simulated plant : Hummock-forming annual with pointed-oval leaves. Has clusters of feathery, brush like, lavender-blue flower heads in summer-autumn. Planting type : Flower edges and clumps. Flower ('Color Fountain' spider) - Cleome hassleriana 'Colour Fountain' Notes : Simulated plant : Cleome with pink blossom. Planting type : Clumps or flower edges Foam flower - Tiarella cordifolia Good 3D quality. No detailed textures all around. Notes : Simulated plant : Foam flower, perennial plant with persistent leaves. Planting type : Rock gardens and flower edges. 18 To Plant List Fothergilla (large), witch adler - Fothergilla major Notes : Simulated plant : Bushy witch adler with white blossom. Planting type : Clumps, isolated or free shape hedges. Golden bells - Forsythia x intermedia Notes : Simulated plant : Bushy shrub, yearly pruned, yellow flowers in early spring. Planting type : Grape (oregon) - Mahonia aquifolium Notes : Simulated plant : Mahonia, bush shape shrub with persistent foliage, red leaves and dark blue berries in winter. Planting type : Gardens, hedges or clumps. Grape vine - Vitis vinifera Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, woody-stemmed plant cup shape trimmed for grape harvesting. Green lobed leaves turn to yellow to purple in autumn. Planting type : Fields and vine orchards. Hackberry (mediterranean), mediterranean nettel tree - Celtis australis Notes : Simulated plant : Hackberry, Mediterranean nettle tree, slow growing tree. Planting type : Lined trees, isolated tree, squares or rest areas. 19 To Plant List Hawthorn (cockspur) - Crataegus crus-galli Notes : Simulated plant : Cockspur may-apple with white blossom. Planting type : Free shape hedges, isolated or little groves. Hazel (Turkish) - Corylus colurna Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, conical tree with oval leaves. Planting type : Isolated, clumps, groups on rest areas. Heath - Erica carnea Notes : Simulated plant : Winter heather with persistent leaves. Planting type : Clumps and flower edges. Heather 'Spring Cream' - Calluna vulgaris 'Spring Cream' Notes : Simulated plant : Little heath with white blossom. Planting type : Clumps or edges. Hemlock (eastern) - Tsuga canadensis Notes : Simulated plant : Hemlock grum-tree, conifer with weeping spire. Planting type : Compact hedges, isolated or in forest plantations. 20 To Plant List Holly - Ilex aquifolia Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen much-branched and usually erect shrub or tree, with dark green leaves. Planting type : Isolated, mixed for forest or wood edges. Holly (japanese) - Ilex rotundifolia Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen tree with a dark green foliage. Bears red fruits in autumn and winter. Planting type : Clumps and groves, associated with other trees and shrubs for high mixed-hedges. Hornbeam - Carpinus betula Notes : Simulated plant : Hornbeam. Planting type : Fields. Horsechestnut (japanese) - Aesculus turbinata Notes : Simulated plant : Japanese horsechestnut with dense white sugar loaf shape inflorescence. Planting type : Parks, gardens or planted in a line. Horsechestnut-a - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-a Notes : Simulated plant : Red horsechestnut tree, isolated young tree, requiring pruning in the adult stage. Planting type : Gardens or lined plantings. 21 To Plant List Horsechestnut-b - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-b Notes : Simulated plant : Red horsechestnut tree, file simulating periodic trimming of the horsechestnut 1 file. Planting type : Isolated or lined plantings Horsechestnut-c - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-c Notes : Simulated plant : Red horsechestnut tree, file simulating periodic trimming of the horsechestnut 1 file. Planting type : Isolated or lined plantings Horsechestnut-d - Aesculus x hippocastaneum-d Notes : Simulated plant : Red horsechestnut tree, isolated young tree, requiring pruning in the adult stage. Planting type : Gardens or lined plantings. Hortensia - Hydrangea macrophylla Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, bushy shrub, trimmed, domed white, pinky, purple red or blue flower heads. Planting type : Isolated, low clumps, foot of trees or walls. Hydrangea (climbing) - Hydrangea petiolaris Notes : Simulated plant : Climbing hydrangea, deciduous leaves, white flowers in summer, plant found on a column. Planting type : Gardens, pergola support. 23 To Plant List Larch (american) - Larix laricina Notes : Simulated plant : Red larch (juniper), deciduous conifer. Planting type : Isolated or clear mountain forests. Larch (european) - Larix decidua Notes : Simulated plant : Fast-growing, deciduous conifer with a conical crown when young, broadening on maturity. Planting type : Isolated, small clusters, meadows planted with trees. Laurel 'Otto Luyken' - Prunus laurocerasus Notes : Simulated plant : Otto luyken laurel, shrub with abundant white flowers in spring, persistent leaves. Planting type : Clumps, groves and perennial hedges. Laurel (mountain), Calico bush - Kalmia latifolia Notes : Simulated plant : American pink "oleander ", mountain bush with pink blossom. Planting type : Isolated, free shape hedges, at the base of sunny walls. Laurel (Portugal) - Prunus lusitanica Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, bushy, dense spreading shrub, white flowers appear in early summer, followed by deep purple red fruits. Planting type : Hedges, clumps, rarely isolated. 22 To Plant List Judas tree, redbud - Cercis silicastrum Notes : Simulated plant : Redbud, spreading tree or shrub, pea-like magenta flower buds are followed in spring by pink flowers before oval leaves emerge. Planting type : Little groves, isolated, edges of properties or cultivated plots. Juniper (creeping common) - Juniperus communis 'Prostrata' Notes : Simulated plant : Conifer spreading shrub used as carpeting plant. Planting type : Clumps and rock gardens. Juniper (prickly ) - Juniperus oxycedrus Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, sometimes a small shruby tree. Needles are grey-green an thorny. Planting type : Natural mediterranean landscapes. Kerria (japanese) - Kerria japonica Notes : Simulated plant : Kerria, deciduous arching graceful shrub, bright green foliage and golden yellow flowers in spring. Planting type : Clumps, isolated, quickset hedges or outskirts of groves. Knotweed (red) - Polygonum affine 'Darjeeling red' Notes : Simulated plant : Red knotweed, ground cover plant with deciduous leaves. Planting type : Rock gardens and flower edges. 24 To Plant List Laurustinus - Viburnum tinus Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, dense shrub with oval, dark green leaves. Freely produces flat heads of small, white blooms open from pink buds during late winter and spring, sometimes autumn blossom may happen. Lavanda - Lavandula angustifolia Notes : Simulated plant : Lavanda, shrubby plant with summer blossom. Planting type : Gardens, flower edges or rock gardens. Lilac (common) - Syringa vulgaris Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous shrub or small tree with oval leaves, panicles of white to deep-purple flowers in early summer. Planting type : Clumps, hedges, sometimes isolated. Lime (common), common linden - Tilia x europaea Notes : Simulated plant : Trimmed lime tree. Planting type : Isolated trees or planted in a line, in parks or esplanades. Lime (small leaved), small leaved linden - Tilia cordata Notes : Simulated plant : Young small leaved lime tree. Planting type : Parks and gardens. 25 To Plant List Linum (Narbonne) - Linum narbonense Notes : Simulated plant : Clump-forming semi-perennial plant, has greyish-green leaves, important dark-blue summer blossom. Planting type : Clumps, edges and mixed-borders, sometimes in rock gardens. Locust (black), white locust - Robinia pseudoacacia-r Notes : Simulated plant : Common locust, tree with fast growing, opened branches and irregular shape. Planting type : Gardens, stabilization of banks and river sides. Locust (erected black) - Robinia pseudoaccacia 'Erecta' ('Fastigiata') Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous fast-growing erected form of locust. Green folioge turning yellow in autumn. Dense drooping clusters of white flowers are born in late spring and early summer. Planting type : Isolated or lined trees. Locust (honey sweet) - Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Sunburst' Notes : Simulated plant : Thornless golden sweet locust. Planting type : Gardens, stabilization of banks and river sides. Locust (honey thorney) - Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Skyline' Notes : Simulated plant : Thornless three-thorned acacia. Planting type : Isolated, rest areas, towns. 26 To Plant List Mahonia 'Charity' - Mahonia x media 'Charity' Notes : Simulated plant : Mahonia "Charity", limited in height as if trimmed. Planting type : Clumps. Maiden hair tree (trimmed) - Ginkgo biloba Notes : Simulated plant : Ginkgo trimmed to raise a conical shape. Planting type : Line plantings. Manzanita - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, trailing, sometimes arching shrub. Has small, bright green leaves and bears white flowers in summer, that are followed by globose red fruits. Planting type : Clumps and rock gardens. Maple (japanese) - Acer palmatum Notes : Simulated plant : Spreading shaped Japanese maple with remarkable spring and autumn leaf colors. Planting type : Parks, gardens or in groups near the rivers. Maple (Norway) - Acer platanoides Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, vigorous spreading tree, large lobed, bright green leaves that turn yellow or orange in autumn. Planting type : Line planting, isolated, rest areas, forests, woods and groves. 27 To Plant List Maple (red) - Acer rubrum Notes : Simulated plant : Water maple. Planting type : Isolated, groves, shade for houses and gardens. Maple (silver) alone - Acer saccharinum-b Notes : Simulated plant : River maple, growing alone. Planting type : Isolated or planted in a line. Maple (silver) forest - Acer saccharinum-d Notes : Simulated plant : River maple, growing in forest conditions. Planting type : Groves, forests. Maple (sugar) alone - Acer saccharum-a Notes : Simulated plant : Bird's eye maple, growing alone. Planting type : Isolated or planted in a line. Maple (sugar) forest - Acer saccharum-c Notes : Simulated plant : Bird's eye maple, growing alone. Planting type : Groves or forests. 28 To Plant List Monkey puzzle, Chile pine - Araucaria araucana Notes : Simulated plant : Open spreading conifer, glossy, dark green leaves. Planting type : Isolated in parks and gardens. Mop-head - Robinia pseudoacacia-t Notes : Simulated plant : Mop head. Planting type : Parks or gardens. Mother of thousands - Saxifraga stolonifera Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, protrate perennial with runners. Has large rounded, olive-green leaves. Loose panicles of tiny, moth like, Planting type : white flowers appear on summer on slender, upright stems. Ground cover in half shade and moist conditions. Mulberry (big leaved white) - Morus alba 'Platanifolia' Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous semi-weeping, trimmed tree. Glossy, deep green lobed leaves. Planting type : Lined plantation for terraces, parkings and rest areas. Nettle (silver dead) - Lamium maculatum Notes : Simulated plant : Silver dead-nettle, ground cover plant with persistent leaves. Planting type : Rock gardens or flower edges. 29 To Plant List Nicotiana 'Domino' series - Nicotiana alata 'Domino' Notes : Simulated plant : Domino series nicotiana with white blossom. Planting type : Clumps, mixed edges or containers. Nicotiana 'Sensation' series - Nicotiana alata 'Sensation' Notes : Simulated plant : 'Sensation' series nicotiana with red blossom. Planting type : Clumps, mixed edges or containers. Oleander - Nerium oleander Notes : Simulated plant : Oleander, flowered bushes limited in height as if been trimmed. Planting type : Clumps of several plants. Olive tree (russian), oleaster - Elaegnus angustifolia Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, bushy shrub or spreading, small tree. Has narrow, silvery-grey leaves. Planting type : Isolated, in groups with other foliage-colored trees or mixed high hedges Palm tree (fiber) - Chamaerops sp. Notes : Simulated plant : Fiber palm tree. Planting type : Isolated trees. 30 To Plant List Paper bush - Edgeworthia chrysantha (syn. papyrifera) Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous rounded open shrub, terminal rounded heads of yellow flowers in late winter or early spring. Planting type : Clumps, low hedges or as a component of mixed clumps. Pearl everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea Notes : Simulated plant : White pearl everlasting. Planting type : Clumps, flower edges or containers. Periwinkle - Vinca major Notes : Simulated plant : Periwinkle, ground-cover plant with persistent leaves. Planting type : Gardens, flower edges and around shrub clumps. Petunia 'Resisto' series - Petunia 'Resisto' Notes : Simulated plant : Blue "Resisto" series petunia. Planting type : Clumps, mixed edges or containers. Photinia 'Red Robin' - Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' Notes : Simulated plant : Upright, dense shrub, glossy dark leaves are brilliant and red when young. Planting type : Hedges or clumps. 31 To Plant List Phyllirea (narrow leaved) - Phyllirea angustifolia Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen shrub, sometimes bushy, lower face of leaves is silvery, looking like olive tree ones, discreet blossom ; is followed by blueish berries. Planting type : Hedges, edges of plots, rock gardens, spontaneous in Mediterranean countries. Pine (aleppo) - Pinus halepensis Notes : Simulated plant : Conical, open-crowned conifer with an open growth of bright green leaves, sometimes grey-green. Planting type : Isolated, groups, groves or forestry. Natural mediterranean landscapes. Pine (austrian) - Pinus nigra Notes : Simulated plant : Austrian pine. Planting type : Parks or plantations. Pine (Bhutan) - Pinus wallichiana Notes : Simulated plant : Uoung pine tree ; Its hardyness allows its use in mediterranean plantations. Planting type : Parks and forests. Pine (eastern white) - Pinus strobus Notes : Simulated plant : Weymouth pine, plain and low mountain big pine. Planting type : Isolated or in clear forests. 32 To Plant List Pine (Scots) - Pinus sylvestris Notes : Simulated plant : Scots pine, forest plantation tree. Planting type : Forest regeneration, groves or rest areas. Pine (stone), umbrella pine - Pinus pinea Notes : Simulated plant : Conifer with a rounded crown on an apparently short trunk. Planting type : Isolated, groups. Typical shape in mediterranean landscapes. Pine (trimmed japanese black) - Pinus thunbergii Notes : Simulated plant : Japaneselike trimmed pine. Planting type : Isolated, small clusters, parks and gardens. Pine (trimmed japanese red) - Pinus densiflora Notes : Simulated plant : Japaneselike trimmed pine. Planting type : Isolated, small clusters, parks and gardens. Plane tree (trimmed), trimmed sycamore tree - Platanus x acerifolia-c Notes : Simulated plant : Trimmed tall plane tree. Planting type : Trimmed isolated tree with gobelet-shape, in squares and esplanades. 33 To Plant List Plane tree-a, sycamore tree-a - Platanus x acerifolia-a Notes : Simulated plant : Sycamore tree, plane tree. Planting type : Isolated trees or lined plantings. Plane tree-b, sycamore tree-b - Platanus x acerifolia-b Notes : Simulated plant : Planting type : Poplar (black) - Populus nigra Notes : Simulated plant : Black poplar. Planting type : Forest plantations, rest areas. Poplar (Lombardy) - Populus nigra 'Italica' Notes : Simulated plant : Lombardy poplar. Planting type : Isolated or lined trees. Poplar (white) - Populus alba Notes : Simulated plant : White poplar. Planting type : Parks or gardens. 34 To Plant List Poplar (Yunnan) - Populus yunnanensis Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous erected or half spreading tree with arching twigs. light, green foliage then turn yellow in autumn. Planting type : Isolated, groves or windbreaker hedges. Poppy (Iceland) - Papaver nudicaule Notes : Simulated plant : Perennial poppy with many color forms. Planting type : Clumps, edges or rock gardens. Quince ('Crimson and Gold' japanese) - Chaenomeles superba 'Crimson and Gold' Notes : Simulated plant : Japanese quince, bush-shaped plant with pink crimson red flowers with yellowish gold antheres. Planting type : Gardens, clumps, isolated or low hedges. Quince ('Moerloosii' japanese) - Chaenomeles speciosa 'Moerloosii' Notes : Simulated plant : Japanese quince, bush-shaped plant with pink and white flowers. Planting type : Gardens, isolated clumps or low hedges. Rose (bock white) - Cistus albidus Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, bushy shrub. Leaves are oblong and white-felted. Saucer-shaped, pale rose-pink flowers open in early summer. Planting type : Clumps, grouped with other flowering shrubs, sunny rock gardens. 35 To Plant List Rose (creeping) - Rosa repens 'Swany' Notes : Simulated plant : Creeping rose, ground-cover with persistent leaves in the south of France. Planting type : Rock gardens and flower edges. Rose (polyantha) - Rosa 'Yesterday' Notes : Simulated plant : Polyantha rose bush with low and dense vegetation. Planting type : Clumps and low hedges. Rose-c (old) - Rosa 'Golden Wings' Notes : Simulated plant : Dense outspread rose bush. Yellow multi-seasonal flowers, orange colored fruits in winter. Bush limited in height as if trimmed. Planting type : Gardens, clumps, hedges or isolated. Rose-d (old) - Rosa 'Nevada' Notes : Simulated plant : Old rose, bush with multi-seasonal white flowers. Bush limited in height as if trimmed. Planting type : Gardens, clumps hedges or isolated. Rosmary - Rosmarinus officinalis Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with narrow leaves. Small purplish-blue to blue flowers appear from midspring to early summer and sometimes in autumn. Planting type : Low hedges, clumps, edges, rock gardens, pontaneous in natural mediterranean landscapes. 36 To Plant List Rubber plant - Ficus elastica Notes : Simulated plant : Rubber plant, indoor plant. Planting type : Planted in containers. Rubber tree - Hevea brasilensis Notes : Simulated plant : High deciduous tree of tropical plantations. Planting type : Plantings, semi-forest clumps. Sarcococca - Sarcococca humilis Notes : Simulated plant : Sarcococca, suckering bush with evergreen foliage, limited in height as if trimmed. Planting type : Hedges or clumps. Sasa (white margin) - Sasa veitchii 'Albomarginata' Notes : Simulated plant : Low bamboo with broad green leaves, edged with yellowish white. Planting type : Low clumps or edges of clumps. Saxifrage - Saxifraga x arendsii 'Gaiety' Notes : Simulated plant : Saxifrage, ground covering with dense foliage. Planting type : Rock gardens and flower edges. 37 To Plant List Serviceberry-l - Amelanchier laevis Notes : Simulated plant : Serviceberry, bush shape shrub with clusters of white flowers in spring, small brown fruits in summer. Planting type : Hedges, clumps or isolated in parks or gardens. Silk tree - Albizia julibrissin Notes : Simulated plant : Albizia type tree, mediterranean or tropical. Planting type : Gardens. Skimmia - Skimmia japonica var. Notes : Simulated plant : Skimmia, compact spreading out bearing with evergreen foliage, limited in height as if trimmed. Planting type : Hedges or clumps. Smoke tree, Venetian sumach - Cotinus coggygria Notes : Simulated plant : Venetian sumac, bushy shrub, leaves are green becoming yellow or puspish red in autumn ; from late summer flower bunches form plum-like clusters. Planting type : Isolated or clumps. Snapdragon - Antirrhinum majus 'Wedding Bells' Notes : Simulated plant : Yellow snapdragon. Planting type : Clumps, flower edges or containers. 38 To Plant List Snowbell (japanese) - Styrax japonica Notes : Simulated plant : Planting type : Spindle tree (winged) - Euonymus alatus Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub with shoots that develop corky wings. Green leaves turn brilliant red in autumn. Planting type : Clumps, low hedges, as a component of mixed clumps or sometimes isolated. Spruce ('pyramidalis' Norway) - Picea abies var. pyramidalis Notes : Simulated plant : Spruce with outspread branches. Planting type : Parks and gardens. Spruce (blue) - Picea pungens 'Glauca' Notes : Simulated plant : Colorado Blue spruce, conifer with young silver blue needles. Planting type : Isolated, parks or great gardens. Spruce (Norway) - Picea abies Notes : Simulated plant : Slender spruce tree, Christmas tree. Planting type : Parks, gardens and plantations. 39 To Plant List Spruce (white) - Picea glauca Notes : Simulated plant : Silvery green Canadian spruce. Planting type : Isolated or clear forests (mixed with other conifers). Spurge (japanese) - Pachysandra terminalis Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen, creeping perennial shrub, leaves are clustered a stem tips. In early summer bears spikes of tiny, white flowers. Planting type : Ground cover that tolerates dense shade and well-drained soil. Stonecrop (white) - Sedum telephium Notes : Simulated plant : Evergreen woody-stocked stonecrop, basal rosetted perennial leaves, terminal heads of star-shaped flowers in summer. Planting type : Isolated, parks or great gardens. well-drained soil. Strawberry tree (shrub shape) - Arbutus unedo-b Notes : Simulated plant : Planting type : Sumach - Rhus glabra Notes : Simulated plant : Shrub with pinnated leaves, vertical white flower spikes, brownish-red fruit spikes and red leaves in autumn. Planting type : Isolated or little clumps on banks. 40 To Plant List Sunrose (common) - Helianthemum nummularium Notes : Simulated plant : Vigorous, deciduous,spreading tree. Dark green pinnate leaves sometimes become yellow in autumn. Planting type : Isolated, groups or groves sometimes near water pools. Sweet gum, red gum, bilsted - Liquidambar styraciflua Notes : Simulated plant : Deciduous, broadly conical to spreading tree. Glossy, green leaves turn deep reddish-purple in autumn. Planting type : Isolated in parks and gardens. Groves on river banks or pool edges. Temple tree - Plumeria acutifolia Notes : Simulated plant : Temple tree, shrub with ball form. Planting type : Isolated tree, tropical gardens. Tickseed - Coreopsis verticillata Notes : Simulated plant : Coreopsis with yellow blossom. Planting type : Clumps or flower edges. Tulip tree - Liriodendron tulipifera Notes : Simulated plant : Vigorous, deciduous tree ; deep green leaves have cut-off or notched tips and lobate sides. Bears greenish-white flowers, splashed orange in summer. Planting type : Parks. 41 To Plant List Valerian (red) - Centranthus ruber 'Coccineus' Notes : Simulated plant : Centranthus, valerian with pink flowers. Planting type : Gardens, clumps, rock gardens or flower edges. Varnish tree (japanese) - Firmiana simplex Notes : Simulated plant : Robust, deciduous tree with large, lobate leaves, green bark. Planting type : Isolated, clusters, parks, gardens or rest areas. Viburnum (leather leaved) - Viburnum rhytidophyllum Notes : Simulated plant : Robust, deciduous tree with large, lobate leaves, green bark. Planting type : Wall spray - Cotoneaster horizontalis Notes : Simulated plant : Semi-deciduous, stiff-branched, spreading shrub, small white flowers are followed by red berries. Planting type : Ground cover, rock gardens. Walnut (butternut), white walnut - Juglans cinerea Notes : Simulated plant : Lemon walnut in forests. Planting type : Groves, clear forests, mixed wood. 42 To Plant List Wayfaring tree - Viburnum lantana Notes : Simulated plant : Vigorous, deciduous, upright shrub, dark green leaves sometimes reddish in autumn, flattened heads of creamy white flowers in spring sometimes followed by red fruits that ripen to blueish black. Planting type : Hedges, clumps. Willow (silver) - Salix alba-b Notes : Simulated plant : Silver willow, trimmed tree by closeness. Planting type : Lined plantings. Willow (weeping) - Salix alba 'Chrysocoma' Notes : Simulated plant : Weeping willow. Planting type : Parks or gardens. Willow (white) - Salix alba-d Notes : Simulated plant : Planting type : Witch hazel (chinese) - Hamamelis mollis Notes : Simulated plant : Bush shape shrub with winter blossom, limited in height as if trimmed. Planting type : Gardens, hedges or clumps. 43 To Plant List Witch hazel (japanese) - Hamamelis japonica Notes : Simulated plant : Winter yellow and red blossom shrub with enjoying goldish orange foliage in autumn. Planting type : Wreath (bridal) - Spirea x vanhouttei Notes : Simulated plant : Spirea, dense shrub with thin, arced shoots deciduous leaves. Bush limited in height as if trimmed. Planting type : Gardens, hedges or clumps. Yellow broom - Cytisus purgans Notes : Simulated plant : Bushy shrub with erected shoots. Golden-yellow flowers in spring. Planting type : Clumps, banks and rock gardens. Yew - Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' Notes : Simulated plant : Yew, low clump plant. Planting type : Parks, gardens, clumps and containers. Yew (forest) - Taxus baccata Notes : Simulated plant : Isolated, mixed plantation for forest edges, sometimes line planting near buildings. Planting type : Forests.
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