Hope in Action, Summer 2012


Hope in Action, Summer 2012
in this issue:
Transit keeps on rolling
No-Go Gala
features local artists
Congregations’ small
gifts add up
Day of Reflection and Service recap
COOL graduates college-bound
Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association • mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Summer 2012 • Volume 30 • Number 2
MIFA Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Jef Feibelman, Chair
Rev. Steve Montgomery, Vice Chair
Emily Woodside, Secretary
Ward Mayer, Treasurer
Paul Berz
Otha Brandon
Yvonne Madlock
Jordan Barré
Peggy Brewer
Deborah Craddock
Meg Crosby
Mark Finestone
Price Ford
Michelle Fulmer
Rev. Milton Hawkins
Kojo McLennon
Snow Morgan
Amy Poag
Rev. Ollie Rencher
Judy Royal
Chris Suhoza
Peter Tosches
Blanchard Tual
Cathy Polk Van Leit
MIFA friends,
We’ve been talking about volunteers a lot lately–and for good reason! MIFA was founded by volunteers, its
programs were started by volunteers, and our volunteers sustain us today.
From the beginning, volunteers provided strategic guidance and created programs, and MIFA served as their
incubator. As you know, some programs started at MIFA and later spun off and remained successful elsewhere—
like The Mid-South Food Bank, The Best Times, and Child Advocacy Center. Others never quite took flight
and were discontinued. And others are still in operation today, like Transit, which you’ll learn about in the
following pages.
Volunteers play many roles at MIFA, often exceeding the expectations of traditional volunteer positions and
providing substantive leadership for programs. From the first VISTAs who breathed life into programs that have
endured 40 years of agency and environmental changes, to today’s meal deliverers and advocates and strategic
thinkers and planners, the volunteers who have stuck by us for decades or who have come on board this week,
every supporter has value.
So whether you deliver Meals on Wheels once a year or MIFA is a weekly destination, thank you. Volunteers
and supporters have made our good work possible for 44 years, and you continue to be an inspiration.
Executive Director
Sally Jones Heinz
Hope in Action staff
Ellen Whitten, Editor
[email protected]
(901) 529-4507
Jessica Jones, Designer
James Seacat,
Communications Director
Sally Jones Heinz
Executive Director
The FY2011 MIFA annual report is now
available online at mifa.org/financials.
Our mission: MIFA engages the community to sustain the independence of seniors, transform the lives of families in crisis, and
equip teens for success.
Our vision: MIFA works to unite our diverse community to address the challenges of poverty.
On the cover: Nancy Cheairs’ “The Forest” is among the pieces featured in MIFA’s 2012 No-Go Gala
postcard collection. Find out more at mifa.org/nogogala.
2 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Transit keeps on rolling
Transit started in the summer of 1974—it was MIFA’s first program—with one
driver and a borrowed Salvation Army bus. Today, a fleet of vehicles transports
seniors to and from medical appointments, senior centers, and on other critical errands. Last year, drivers completed 38,091 trips, safely transporting 618
senior clients—they also proudly reported that no accidents occurred in FY11.
Transit sometimes takes a backseat to our more visible programs like Meals
on Wheels; it’s steady and dependable and requires no fanfare. But clients like
Mattie help us understand the profound effect this simple service has. A resident
of Linden Camilla Towers who rides the van to Bickford Senior Center for
meals and activities every day, as she has done for 12 years, Mattie says, “I just
thank God for MIFA and for our driver because now I have somewhere to go
and a way to get there.”
That driver, named Will Collier, delivers about 20 seniors from their homes all
over Downtown and North Memphis to Bickford every day. He has been with
the program for 15 years and says of his riders, “They’re my babies. I call them
my little angels.” And the appreciation is mutual—Mattie says, “We have a
good driver—he’s patient. And one thing I know is, no matter what, he’s always
Who knew something that started with a borrowed bus nearly 40 years ago
could still have such an impact?
In May, the Transit program bid farewell to its manager of 12 years, Ronald Jackson.
Ron has provided exemplary leadership to his team, and we wish him the best in all his
future endeavors.
Transit driver Will Collier delivers about 20 seniors from their Downtown
and North Memphis homes to Bickford Senior Center each day.
mifa.org •• (901)
(901) 527-0208
HOPE IN ACTION • Summer 2012 • 3
Transit driver Will and a few of his passengers upon arrival at Bickford Senior Center: Mattie, Emogene, Millie, Sina, Dora, Will, Evie, Mattie,
Hattie, and Mae. Last year, Transit drivers completed 38,091 trips, safely transporting 618 senior clients—they also proudly reported that no
accidents occurred in July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
4 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
MIFA holds annual Day of Reflection
and Service
Each year, MIFA holds a Day of Reflection and Service, sponsored by
ServiceMaster, to honor its staff and volunteers, as well as the legacy of Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. At this year’s event, Mayor AC Wharton, Jr. recognized the organizers of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Teen Oratorical
Contest, Dionne Jones, Carlos Royston, and Nina Thornton. The contest winner, Joshua Johnson of Central High School, delivered the keynote address.
The program’s special award winners were Ellen Klyce and Sheila Griggs,
long-time MIFA Meals on Wheels volunteers; Holy Trinity Episcopal
Church and Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church; David Waters of The
Commercial Appeal; Bob Bernstein; Joyce “J.B.” Bishop; fred’s Super Dollar;
ARAMARK; and Allie Prescott. MIFA’s programs also recognized 40 volunteers for their dedicated service to the organization.
Other highlights included music provided by Lisa Robinson and New
Sardis Youth and Young Adult Choir, art exhibits by Loretta Petty and
Emery Franklin, and a check presentation to MIFA by ServiceMaster.
Peter Tosches, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications at
ServiceMaster, served as the event’s emcee.
For a full listing of program honorees, visit mifa.org/drs.
Joshua Johnson of Central High School, and winner of this year’s Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Teen Oratorical contest, delivered the keynote address.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
HOPE IN ACTION • Summer 2012 • 5
2012 No-Go Gala features local artists
Each year, MIFA’s No-Go Gala offers a unique gift for supporters and invites them to stay home and donate to MIFA instead of attending an event.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of No-Go, and the gift is an exclusive
set of postcards featuring the works of local artists.
Those artists who generously shared their pieces for the gala are Elizabeth
Alley, Nancy Cheairs, Maysey Craddock, Melissa Dunn, Jameson Jones,
Martha Kelly, Carl Moore, Veda Reed, Murray Riss, Jared Small, Dolph
Smith, TWIN, Jeane Umbreit, and Erin Wright. Paulsen Printing
Company donates the printing for the No-Go campaign each year.
On Thursday, May 3, Nancy Cheairs hosted a reception and private viewing of the collection at Flicker Street Studio. Guests had an opportunity to
bid on poster-sized framed prints of the artists’ works.
If you have not already received a No-Go Gala packet in the mail and would like one,
contact Thomas Robinson at (901) 529-4571 or [email protected].
Contributing artists Jeane Umbreit and Veda Reed were in attendance
at the No-Go Gala private viewing on May 3.
6 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
You are invited not to attend MIFA’s
Fourteen local artists shared their gifts for this year’s No-Go Gala.
Instead of a night out, enjoy the beauty of their work
and share that beauty with others.
To make a donation, view the gallery,
or order a set of postcards,
visit mifa.org/nogogala.
Steadfast giving brings light to MIFA
by Linda Marks, Inter-Faith Relations Officer
If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view,
until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.
- Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird”
MIFA has been helping all kinds of folks get along together for 44 years
by offering opportunities for Memphians to learn about and share, each
other’s burdens and blessings. An important part of helping our neighbors is understanding that the needs are always there: no magic wand of
philanthropy or service will eliminate the challenges of poverty for good.
That is why, on MIFA’s Day of Reflection and Service this year, we chose
to present the Faith in Action award to two congregations who have given
small gifts faithfully over many years. In addition to their financial support,
both congregations have also sent active volunteers to support our Meals
on Wheels program.
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church in South Memphis has contributed steadfastly to MIFA every month since March of 1997, for a total of
$4,250. The Pilgrim Rest Meals on Wheels volunteers, pictured on the
opposite page, have cheerfully delivered the 530 meals, and more, that the
congregation’s gifts have provided. “They’re a fun group,” says Volunteer
Coordinator Rick Finkey. “I always look forward to their friendly faces
and enthusiastic spirits when they come on Thursday mornings to deliver
Route 31.”
Dorothy Vanderventer, a member of Holy Trinity since 1938, started
Pennies for Hunger.
8 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Pilgrim Rest was founded in 1926 and is led by Rev. Willie C.
Swift. His challenge to the congregation—“We must go beyond
the church walls and be a light to the community”—is stirringly
exemplified by Pilgrim Rest’s loyal support to MIFA.
Since March of 1988, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Southeast
Memphis has supported Meals on Wheels through their Pennies
for Hunger program. Church members put their spare change in
jars and send a monthly check for the amount collected to MIFA.
From its beginning to the present, Pennies for Hunger has contributed $11,000 to MIFA Meals on Wheels. Dorothy Vanderventer,
a member of Holy Trinity since 1938, started Pennies for Hunger.
Each Sunday, she stands at the rear of the church and as the congregants leave, she gently urges them to empty their pockets for
MIFA. She smiles as she describes how she nudges those who are
able to add some bills, or “quiet money” to the coins, which she
calls “rattling money.”
MIFA depends on all kinds of gifts to continue to provide the
highest quality of service to the more than 55,000 neighbors we
serve each year. Large gifts are vital to support our mission, as are
medium gifts, small gifts, online gifts, one-time gifts, and widows’
mites. Just as it takes all of us to make a community, it takes all
of our gifts, and the compassionate spirits they represent, to build
the health and vitality of that community. Join us in honoring
Pilgrim Rest, Holy Trinity, and all who bring light and blessing to
the Mid-South.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Pictured are MIFA Meals on Wheels volunteers from Pilgrim Rest: Back
row—Hughlene Hayes, Laverne Turner, Gwen Williams, Johnnie M. Moss,
front row—Sanell Chism, Kathleen Philmore, Callie Kimbro, not pictured—
Roosevelt Shaw, James Hurt.
HOPE IN ACTION • Summer 2012 • 9
Days of Hope
The following individuals have given a Day of Hope at MIFA with an annual gift of $5,000 or more this fiscal year. To sponsor your own Day
of Hope, or if you’ve made a gift at this level and have not yet selected your special day, please contact Dorothy Lane McClure at (901)
529-4523 or [email protected].
December 25, 2011
Her children and grandchildren
in memory of Marie Word
April 16, 2012
The Estate of Billy J. Christian
on his birthday
January 16, 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thornton III
in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Gerre W. Gourley
in memory of Dr. Robert P. Gourley
February 11, 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi III
in memory of John Montesi, Jr.
May 1, 2012
Mimsy & all the family
in honor of Frank A. Jones in this
special birthday year.
Mrs. Billie Ann Williams
in memory of David G. Williams
on his birthday
May 2, 2012
Mimsy & Frank Jones
in honor of Ann Connell
February 14, 2012
Judith Sossaman Brantley
in memory of Kenneth Sossaman
May 7, 2012
Barbara Wilson
in memory of Rich Wilson, Sr. and in
honor of all the wonderful people –
past, present & future – who work at
February 27, 2012
Jeane Umbreit & Laurence Bloch
in honor of the Church of the River
Meals on Wheels volunteers
April 10, 2012
Karen & Preston H. Dorsett
April 14, 2012
Louise Mann
in honor of Jeff Mann, Sr.
on his birthday
10 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
May 8, 2012
Mary Lapides Shela &
Cathy Lapides Weil
in memory of Mark Lapides
on his birthday.
May 25, 2012
Julie & Jim Raines
in memory of Mr. & Mrs. William
May 28, 2012
Michael & Roann Mathias
in memory of Walter I. Mathias, his
dedication, hard work & sacrifice
September 14, 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Edwards
in memory of Randall Holcomb
on his birthday
May 30, 2012
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Bond
in honor of their anniversary
September 15, 2012
Elizabeth T. Caldwell
in memory of John W. Caldwell
Sara M. Holmes
in memory of Elmore Holmes III
October 10, 2012
Anne & John Stokes
in honor of their 53rd anniversary
June 1, 2012
Anne & John Stokes
in honor of Tommie & Billy Dunavant
on their 21st anniversary
June 11, 2012
Joanne & Morgan Morton
in memory of Beverly Morton
McCormack on her birthday
July 16, 2012
Diane Sachs & Bob Vidulich
in memory of Abe Goodman
August 18, 2012
Linda W. Rhea
in memory of S. Herbert Rhea
on his birthday
October 17, 2012
Julie & Jim Raines
in honor of Tracey & Ken Harrigan
on their anniversary
November 22, 2012
Cindy & Edward Dobbs
in memory of Yvonne S. Dobbs
January 1, 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Allen B. Morgan, Jr.
in memory of Elise Wetter Morgan
on her birthday
January 24, 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Lucian S. Minor
in honor of Lucian’s birthday
August 30, 2012
Rose M. Johnston
in memory of Thomas Johnston
on his birthday
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Congratulations to the COOL class of 2012! Kadijah Addison, Philander Smith College • Derricka Brodger, LeMoyne-Owen
College • Steven Bryant, Tennessee State University • Janese Caldwell, Tennessee State University • Melvin Callahan, III, University of
Memphis • Kirbi Campbell, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff • Cory Catron, University of Tennessee at Martin • Kamaria Coleman,
Xavier University of Louisiana • Jamieria Collins, Philander Smith College • Taylor Denton, Xavier University of Louisiana • Larry Douglas,
University of Memphis • Derrick Gill, Rust College • Susie Gray, University of Tennessee at Martin • Keandra Gross, Arkansas State University
• Christy Guy, University of Memphis • Chasity Harris, Tennessee State University • Jean-Claude Hatungimana, Southwest Tennessee
Community College • Sylvia Humphrey, Middle Tennessee State University • Darius Inge, University of Tennessee, Knoxville • Keneshia Ingram,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville • Patreka Jackson, University of Tennessee at Martin • Willie Mae Jackson, University of Memphis • Chelsee
Jones, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising • Elizabeth Jones, Murray State University • Victoria McClain, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville • Tyler McGraw, Middle Tennessee State University • Scotty Miller, University of Tennessee at Martin • April Nesbitt, Wiley College
• Kiana Perry, Wiley College • George Price, Tennessee State University • Satoria Price, Middle Tennessee State University • Kenja Ragland,
University of Tennessee at Martin • Jaquelyn Ramirez, Naval Reserve Corps • Keshauna Robinson, Jackson State University • Jasmyne Rucker,
University of Memphis • Demeshia Shannon, Tennessee State University • Nyree Smith, Union University • Marnisha Temple, Middle
Tennessee State University • Breana Turner, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga • Mercedes Tutton, University of Tennessee, Knoxville •
Chelsey Watson, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga • Rodney Williams, University of Tennessee, Knoxville • Darrika Woods, Wiley College
C o n t r i bu t i o n s
Circle of Hope Level Gifts
$20,000 - $25,000
Mr. Zach Randolph
$10,000 - $19,999
Mimsy & Frank A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Morton
$5,000 - $9,999
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Caldwell
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
MIFA gratefully acknowledges the following cash or stock received between January 1 and March 31, 2012.
Your donations help sustain seniors, support families in crisis, and guide teens in our community.
Mrs. Linda W. Rhea
Mrs. David G. Williams, Sr.
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Gibson II
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Howell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. McCarroll
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Shela
Mrs. Richard O. Wilson
$1,000 - $2,499
Mrs. Clady L. Beher
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Cowles
Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Dawson
E. J. Goldsmith, Jr. Fund
Gerre W. Gourley
Miss Woody Harwood
Mr. & Mrs. Wil J. Hergenrader
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Jekels
Lou Pate Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Kosten
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Landau
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Lanier
Connie & Lou Loeb
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Loeb
Ms. June B. Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Alec McLean
Dr. & Mrs. Lee Morisy
Judy Royal
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Rudner
Diane Sachs & Robert Vidulich
Vicki & R.D. Singh
Katherine & Ham Smythe III
Mr. Jonathan I. Wax
Mr. & Mrs. Dabney S. Wellford
Joy & Don Williams
Mr. Alvin Wunderlich, Jr.
HOPE IN ACTION • Summer 2012 • 11
Cornerstone of Hope Level
$750 - $999
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thornton III
Mr. Peter L. Tosches
$500 - $749
Mr. & Mrs. Bala Balakrishna
Mr. Kristopher Cantrell
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Ferraro
Dr. & Mrs. James Christian Fleming
Estate of Germaine Ball Merriwether
Schilling Enterprises Fund
Dr. Thomas D. Shockley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wurtzburger
Friends Society Level Gifts
$240 - $499
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Abernathy
Jane Antrobus
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Block
Mr. & Mrs. Otha Brandon
Susan Clark & Mark Jones
Mr. Michael F. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. John Gaskill
Sally & Brad Heinz
Mrs. Carolyn L. Jennings
Ms. Barbara Landau c/o CBG
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Madlock
Mr. Don McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil J. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mosley
12 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
Dr. Frank & Sarah Ognibene
Mr. & Mrs. Colin James Ruthven
Caprice & Art Snyder
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Webb Tucker
Ms. Elaine Tuomanen
Mr. Henry Wetter III
Libby E. Whitten
$2,500 - $5,000
Germantown Presbyterian Church
St. John’s Episcopal Church
$1,000 - $2,499
Balmoral Presbyterian Church
First Baptist Church
Fullview Missionary Baptist Church
Hope Presbyterian Church
Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Second Presbyterian Church
Third Church of Christ, Scientist
$750 - $999
Central Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
United Methodist Church,
Memphis Conference
White Stone Missionary Baptist
$500 - $749
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Church of the Holy Spirit
Emmanuel United Methodist
Church, Adult Bible Sunday
School class
$250 - $499
Advent Presbyterian Church
Castalia Baptist Church
Christ United Methodist Church,
Seekers Sunday School class
Church of the Holy Apostles
Faith Presbyterian Church
Kingsway Christian Church
Oakville Missionary Baptist Church
Scenic Hills UMC
St. Elisabeth’s Episcopal Church
New Nonconnah Missionary
Baptist Church
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist
Richland Baptist Church
St. Stephen’s UMC
Unity Church of Memphis
$249 and less
Buntyn Presbyterian Church,
Presbyterian Women
Christ Missionary Baptist Church
Elpis Philoptochos Society,
Chapter #7041
Farmington Presbyterian Church,
Youth Group
First Assembly of God
First Presbyterian Church
Germantown Presbyterian Church,
Presbyterian Women
Gospel Temple Missionary Baptist
Holy Temple COGIC
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Lindenwood Christian Church
Morning Sun Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Mullins United Methodist Church,
United Methodist Women
$15,000 - $24,999
Medtronic Foundation
Corporations and
$5,000 - $10,000
Fayette County, Tennessee
International Paper Foundation
The Salmon Foundation
Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Inc.
$2,500 - $4,999
Memphis Restaurant Association
NewSouth Capital Management, Inc.
Travel Leaders
$1,000 - $2,499
Houghton Mifflin Matching Gift
Lana’s Cafeteria & Catering
Memphis Grizzlies
$500 - $999
First Tennessee Foundation
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Hyde Family Foundations
Sedgwick CMS
$5,000 - $10,000
Combined Federal Campaign of
The Mid-South
$250 - $499
Malco Charity Trust
Memphis Pizza Cafe
Tops Bar-B-Q
$2,500 - $4,999
United Way of the Mid-South
$250 - $499
United Way of Southeastern
$45,000 - $50,000
MLGW Plus-1
Many thanks to the companies who participated
in this year’s March for Meals campaign
Malco Theatres, Inc.
Memphis Pizza Café
Pendergrast Insurance Company
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.
MIFA eCards: A quick and easy tribute gift, even from your
summer vacation destination! Donate.mifa.org/ecards
David Alperin
Dr. & Mrs. Burton P. Bodan
Sue Balkin
Arlene & Frank Balkin
Mrs. Sandra Beatus
Dr. & Mrs. Burton P. Bodan
Janet Kisber
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Tops Bar-B-Q
MIFA gratefully acknowledges the following cash or stock received between January 1 and March 31, 2012.
Your donations are meaningful to the people you honor and the people we serve.
Paula & Don Bourland
Vivian & Ken Jones
Sysco Memphis
Helen Brame
Robert McPherson
Dr. Maury Bronstein
Janet Kisber
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Gibson
Rachel Caldwell
Rosabelle Sacks
Jane Sharpe & Bob Carl
The Malcolm Wood family
Sybil & Donald Tucker
Wednesday Mah Jongg
Players: Jewel Crowson,
Shirley Morris, Audrey Pope,
Eleanor Wilson
& Dee Wright
Stephanie Cheney
The MIFA family
Eliot D. Cohen
Louise Guff
Margaret Craddock
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shelton
Dogwood Faculty Hospitality
Edna Vera Scott
Betty Gray
Carol Morris
Issac Gruber
Janet Kisber
Dr. Posey Hedges
Sandy Grissom
Sally Jones Heinz
Brenda & Jim Lanier
Claire Shapiro
HOPE IN ACTION • Summer 2012 • 13
Buzzy Hussey & Babcock Gifts
Jean Fisher
Judy Royal’s grandson
Jeanne & Bruce Alpert
Lillian Alpert
Kathleen & Courtney Anthony
Gerald Blackburn
Carolyn & Al Wise
Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Mr. & Mrs. Raj Dave
Gail Sepich
Karen Wetherill
Dr. Courtney Anthony
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Cynthia Lancaster
Cliff Priddy
Charles Smith
Michelle & Daniel White
Dr. Manuel Avila
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Shara Lehman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
New grandchild of Mrs. J. Snetman
Barbara Michel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward LeMaster
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Gibson
Rupal Patel & Kush Thakkar
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Bill Bagley
Burleligh Consulting Group
Pam & Fred Montesi
Sam Bomarito
Dr. Jack Bisno & Reva Cook
Janet Kisber
Steve Kisber
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi &
Lyda Parker
Emma Mansberg
Lelia Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Touliatos
Despina Karas
Craig Mednikow
Janet Kisber
Kitty Cannon & Jim Waller
Carole & Emile Bizot
Gloria Moore
Kate Howard
Angela Walsh
Karen Wetherill
Mary Nease
Leslie & Howard Nease
Doris Whitaker
Rebecca Argall
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Norfleet
Mr. & Mrs. John Laughlin
Kathy Williams
Leslie & Howard Nease
Charlotte O’Shaughnessy
Lillian Cara
Mr. & Mrs. William C.
Wright Medical Legal Staff
Tom McAllister
Shawn Sentilles
Dr. Kamlesh Parekh
Mr. & Mrs. Raj Dave
Drs. Purnima & Ramesh Purohit
Mr. & Mrs. Raj Dave
Dr. Lea Queener
The Malins
14 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
Russell Abraham
Gina & Joel Cook
Charles Adwell, Sr.
Esther & Joel Saltzman
Robert Adwell
Esther & Joel Saltzman
Walter B. Barger
Jimmy Jalenak, Joy Moore &
friends at the Memphis Zoo
Norbert Barruel
Gloria Andereck
The MIFA family
Sylvia Beck
Gerre W. Gourley
Edith S. Jacobson
Hugh L. Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton B.Cook
Nadine Hicks
The MIFA family
Charlie Nelson
Kitty & Buz Price
JoAnn & Chris Schadrack
Robert Schadrack
Amy Singer
Kathy Sylvester
Jerry Wilhite
Mansukhlal Bhatt (Father of
Atul Bhatt)
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Dr. Bobby Bowie
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Bowie
Maurice Buchalter
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Aileen Burson
Suzanne Greener
Grace Katz
Edith Reiter
Mrs. John D. Canale
Page & Walt Henrion
Mr. Bill Carson
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Hugh Castellaw
Marcia Scheuner & family
Anne Chambliss
Nancy & Gordon Mathes
Dan L. Chatman
His brothers & sisters
Laura Chumney
The MIFA family
Jimmie Cobb
Margo & Darrell Blake
Simon Oliver
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Dr. Charles Collins
Iva McCutchen
Judy & Bill Pegg
Jean Colthorp
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Stanley Cooper
Sylvia Weiner
Judge W. Frank Crawford
Lucy Crawford
Stephen Cummings
Eric Painter
Linda Dean
Carolyn & Al Wise
James Dickson
Judge & Mrs. Harry W.
Helen Dinkelspiel
Alvin Salomon
Maxine Downey
Barbara Landau
Mr. Lynn Doyle
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Jeanne & Harry Danziger
Judy Royal
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Jonathan “Jonny” Ervin
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Jess Ewing
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Shirley Samish Feibelman
Suzy & Mike Cody
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Emily Woodside & Bill Falvey
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Lovell
The MIFA family
Edith D. Reiter
Michael J. Finnell
Betsy & Albert Grobmyer
Bruce Kahn
Bess & Lamar Kimzey
John T. Fisher
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Greater Memphis Auto Dealers
Natalie & Jimmy Jalenak
The MIFA family
Emily Woodside & Bill Falvey
Katrina McCall Flowers
The Sam Dattel family
M. N. Hawkes
Sarah Holmes
Ethel Ann Foster
Page & Walt Henrion
Dr. David B. Fox
JoAnn & Harry Baird
Ruth R. Callicott
Beverly F. Carrick
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Hoelscher
Sara M. Holmes
I.A.T.S.E. Local 492
Virginia Klettner
Judy Lewis
Henry Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeely
The MIFA family
McNeely, Pigott & Fox Public
Relations, LLC
Gertrude S. Parker
Martha & Gene Podesta
Julian J. “Jay” Prewitt
Susie & Murray Scott
Mrs. Mary Nell Smith
Milton Y. Toombs, Jr.
Mrs. June Wilcox & family
Dr. E. Jack Wohrman
Eunice Herren
Aunt Jean, Carl, Angela & Lana
Mr. A. J. Herzberg
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Natalie & Jimmy Jalenak
Dr. Joseph Stalm Hudson
Nadene & Dennis Day
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Mrs. Evelyn Palmer
Marjorie Allen Hughes
John Lichterman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Siegel
Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Josephine Hunter
Steve Kisber
Malcolm Fry
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Cohen
Delores Payton Jackson
Eleanor Buckley
Joseph Edward Goodman
The MIFA family
Peggy James
Nancy Bailey
Karen & Murray Riss
Catherine Greaney
Dorothy Greaney
Mr. Harry Greer
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Elizabeth & Lewis Jayroe
Charlene & Jim Allen
Herman Gruber
Sue & Bud Balkin
Patti Jensen
Jeanne & Bruce Alpert & family
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Opal Halberg
Rebecca Argall
Dorothy & Jameson Jones
Brenda & Jim Lanier
Lois Harbour
Asan Tejwani
Walter M. Jones
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
James Henze
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Phyllis Gouin Kelly
The MIFA family
HOPE IN ACTION • Summer 2012 • 15
Dick Koehn
Ellen R. Rolfes
Earl Reeder Land
Mr. & Ms. Fred Montesi &
Mark Lapides
Steve Kisber
Mary Lapides Shela
Doris Lawrence
Ethel Joyner
Charles L. Lewis
Nancy Cochran
Mrs. Darden Nell Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Burton P. Bodan
Mr. Harry Adams Luscher
Page & Walt Henrion
Lewis McDonnell
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Mr. Richard McHaney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Katsotis
Margaret Metz
Dede & Tom Farquhar
Susan Penn & Ron McDonald
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Weems
Barbara Wilson
Helen Mills
Charlene & Billy Thompson
Reva & Steve Ziskind
Vive Montgomery
Anita L. Angelacci
Julia Allen Berger
16 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
Mrs. William J. Chase
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Karen Gallagher & family
Jane & Bob Jones
The MIFA family
Kathryn Rice
Daniel Shufelt
Shirley Moore
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Barbara Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Harriet Morris
Mr. & Mrs. James McDonnell
David N. Nathan
Nancy & George Klepper
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Tyson
Steve Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Plunk
Mrs. Jean Nobert
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Frank Norfleet
Stephen Ashby
Judy Baird
Jan & Roy Bell
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Mrs. Snowden Boyle
Sally & Jake Brown
John D. Canale III
Louise S. Cannon
Laurie Cobb
Community Foundation of
Greater Memphis
Board of Governors & staff
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Libby & Jim Daughdrill
Mr. & Mrs. William I. Garner III
Emily Haizlip
Sally & Wil Hergenrader
Sara H. Holmes
Rose M. Johnston
Virginia Klettner
Ann & Roger Knox
Mr. & Mrs. James W.
McDonnell, Jr.
The MIFA family
Memphis Zoological Society
Mary & Lucian Minor
Blanche Montesi
Timna Myers
Charlie Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Penland
Julie & Jim Raines
Reynolds, Bone & Griesbeck, PLC
Alexa Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Smith
Mrs. James A. Thomas
Sybil & Donald Tucker
Judge & Mrs. Harry W. Wellford
Billie Anne Williams
Emily Woodside & Bill Falvey
Mrs. Fran Northern
Gerre W. Gourley
Molly O’Kelly
Carol & Vic Feisal
Larry O’Shaughnessy
Dr. & Mrs. Rex Amonette & staff
Gloria Andereck
Mary Anne & Paul Benedict
Camille F. Bennett
Todd Brown
Lillian M. Cara
Peggy & Bill Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lee, Sr.
Juanita D. Moore
Barbara & Bud Sherrod
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Gregory Payton
Jennifer Pauley
Debbie & Mark Perkins
Coleen Petty
Shara Lynn & Arnold Goldin
Bartie & Oscar Plunket, Jr.
Jane Plunket
Billy Plyler
Carole & Emile Bizot
Rosemary Rader
M. N. Hawkes
Sam Rosenblum
Dr. & Mrs. Burton P. Bodan
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
The MIFA family
Lyda Parker
Dr. James Ross
Harold Brooks
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Aileen Rubin
Dr. & Mrs. Burton P. Bodan
The MIFA family
Al Sampson
Joy & Leo Bearman
Natalie & Jim Jalenak
Richard Schneider
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Jennifer Gay Scheuner
Natalie & Jimmy Jalenak
The MIFA family
Pam Ables Shurley
W. R. Shurley
Thomas Graydon Simpson
Edward Carloss
Margaret Craddock
Adam Eckstein
Clarissa Anne Fritz
Leslie Grimes
Opal Hill
Sara H. Holmes
Merna & Don Keeney
The MIFA family
Dianne & Stuart Polly
Sarah Ranson
Ann & Jim Warner
Bernal E. Smith, Sr.
Charlie Nelson
Edward Smith
Harold Brooks
Kenneth Sossaman
Judith Sossaman Brantley
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Sue Stancil
Betty & Billy McCann
Jim Wood, Jr.
Richard G. Taylor
Jean Stooksberry
Carolyn & Al Wise
Anna Leita Werkhoven
Nancy Hill Thomas
Jack Taylor
Betty & Bill Turner
Lee Wetter
The MIFA family
Virginia Taylor
Barbara Wilson
Mrs. Betty Sue Yandell
Louise S. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. James W.
McDonnell, Jr.
Jennie Lee Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kline
Curtis Thompson
Lela Garrett
Reva Till
Shirley Manis
Robert E. Tipton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi &
Robert Walker
Helen Parsons
Helen Wax
Jonathan Wax
Mae Ola Whitten
Camille Dolan
Charles L. Wilkinson
Meriwether Nichols
Elise Wilson
Ann Heffernan
Don Wolfe
Faye & Don Southern
Larry Allen
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Damon Arney
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Eleanor Baer
Donna & Bob Goodman
Sam Brackstone
Deborah Brackstone
Claude Braganza
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Steve Burkett
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Aileen Burson
Dorothy Laitman
Sol Burson
Barbara Michel
Chuck Coe
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Thanks to the following companies who held
Plus-1 employee sign-up campaigns.
Baber Direct Marketing
fred’s Super Dollar
Inventory Locator Service, LLC
Paulsen Printing Co.
The Plus-1 program was created in 1982 and is a partnership between MIFA
and MLGW that provides utility assistance for individuals and families in
financial crisis.
HOPE IN ACTION • Summer 2012 • 17
Dee Grisanti
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Dr. Jacinto Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Roy Kaminsky
Shara Lynn & Arnold Goldin
Janette Krauch
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Dorothy Laitman
Elvis Goldsmith
Louise Leighton
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Rita Martinez
Audrey Flynn
Lawson Maury
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Vicki McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Nikki Montesi
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Didi Montgomery
Jean Norfleet
Mrs. James McDonnell
Sarah Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Kathy Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Johnny Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Christina Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Sharon Roney
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Mike Rose
Erin & Ray Schultz
Elizabeth Schillace
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Ray Schultz
Joanne Guyton
Don Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Elizabeth Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Bhogilal Sheth
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Barbara Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Julie Thoma
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Anne Wesberry
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
The Church Health Center/
MIFA Farmers Market
is back!
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Church Health Center
Wellness, 1115 Union Ave.
We are grateful for the continued support of our donors!
You make MIFA’s good work possible. If you plan to make a gift
this fiscal year, please do so by June 30, 2012.
18 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
Cash, credit cards, debit cards,
and EBT are accepted.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Save the
T hursday
oct. 4, 2012
Volunteer opportunities at MIFA
910 Vance Avenue • Memphis, TN 38126
Private donations combined
with funds from these partners
make MIFA’s services possible.
TN Departments of Human
Services & Transportation
The Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association,
Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charity.
To volunteer for any of our programs, call or email the appropriate contact below for available
opportunities. Please review our volunteer requirements online before selecting your
volunteer opportunity, as each program has a different set of guidelines for volunteers. You can
fill out a volunteer application online! Visit mifa.org/volunteer for more information.
Congregations – Linda Marks, (901) 527-0208 x218, [email protected]
COOL – Ashley Jones, (901) 529-4509, [email protected]
Corporations – Emily Sharpe, (901) 529-4560, [email protected]
Handyman – Mary Claire Borys, (901) 527-0208 x288, [email protected]
Long-Term Care Ombudsman – Katie Earnest, (901) 527-0208 x230, [email protected]
Senior Companion – Dennis Moy, (901) 529-4535, [email protected]
Special Events/Development – Charlie Nelson, (901) 529-4514, [email protected]
Meals – Rick Finkey, (901) 529-4513, [email protected]
Volunteer orientation and tours are held every Wednesday at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Contact Charlie Nelson to reserve a spot at (901) 529-4514 or [email protected].
Is someone you know
Something Good in Memphis?
Nominate a friend, neighbor, or colleague whose daily
efforts or remarkable deeds embody the spirit of positive
action in our community.
20 • Summer 2012 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208