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We make CarLife easier Annual Report 2008 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Table of content 1 Year in brief, key ratios 2 CEO’s comments 4 Five-year summary 7 Corporate governance 12 Administration Report 16 Income statement, Group 17 Cash flow statement, Group 18 Balance sheet, Group 20 Income statement, Parent Company 2 1 Cash flow statement, Parent Company 22 Balance sheet, Parent Company 24 Changes in shareholders’ equity 25 Notes 52 Auditors’ report 53 Information to shareholders 53 Definitions 54 Board of directors 55 Management Group 56 Addresses Mekonomen’s formal Annual Report comprises pages 12 to 52. Only the formal Annual Report has been reviewed by the company’s auditors. A more detailed description of Mekonomen’s operations and additional, regularly updated, financial information are presented on Mekonomen’s website: www.mekonomen.se Year in brief | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Revenue and EBIT Year in brief • New store concepts launched – Mekonomen Medium and Mekonomen Mega • Eight Micro stores acquired from Micro AB • M ekonomen Direkt +46 (0)771-72 00 00 launched in January 2009 SEK M 3,000 SEK M 300 2,750 275 2,500 250 2,250 225 2,000 200 1,750 175 1,500 150 1,250 125 1,000 100 750 75 500 250 50 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 25 EBIT Revenue • Revenues increased to SEK 2,691 M (2,550). • EBIT increased to SEK 251 M (250). • EBIT margin amounted to 9 per cent (10). • P rofit before tax amounted to SEK 261 M (418). Excluding capital gains from property divestments in 2007, profit amounted to SEK 267 M in the preceding year. • E arnings per share amounted to SEK 5.84 (11.03). Excluding property divestments, earnings per share amounted to SEK 5.98 in the preceding year. • T he Board of Directors proposes an ordinary dividend of SEK 6 (6) and an extraordinary dividend of SEK 0 (5). Earnings per share and dividend SEK 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 2003 2004 2005 2006 Earnings per share 2007 2008 Dividend 1 Key ratios Revenues, SEK M EBIT, SEK M EBIT margin, % Profit for the year*, SEK M 2008 2007 2006 2,691 2,550 2,450 251 250 220 9 10 9 189 348 140 4.28 Earnings per share*, SEK 5.84 11.03 Cash flow ** per share, SEK 6.77 10.32 8.61 Dividend***, SEK 6.00 11.00 10.00 Return on shareholders' equity, % 20 36 14 Equity/assets ratio, % 60 67 58 *) The figures for 2007 include capital gain from the sale of property. Profit for 2007, excluding sales of property, totalled SEK 192 M and earnings per share were SEK 5.98. **) From continuing operations. ***) Board of Directors’ proposal for 2008. Of which, extra dividend of SEK 5 in 2007 and SEK 7 in 2006. 1 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | CEO’s comments CEO’s comments The 2008 financial year was a strong year for Mekonomen. Despite a weak economic climate and business trend in the total market, EBIT and revenue increased by 6 per cent – an excellent confirmation that Mekonomen’s offering was well received by customers and that our efforts were fruitful. The primary reason for the positive trend was commitment from our employees. The rate of change was high and everyone in the Group had to satisfy stringent demands. During 2008, we went from the previous promise of ”We want to make CarLife easier” to now saying ”We make CarLife easier”. were well-received and contributed to strengthening define our objective to our customers. The results of sales and increasing revenues, however, with some the work were summarised in the motto ”We want to negative impact on EBIT. make CarLife easier” for our customers. Norway continues to develop according to plan. A in which, despite a weaker economic trend, we in- higher market activities, had a negative impact on creased our speed and implemented a number of profit for 2008. These stores are strategically impor- new initiatives, while sharpening our market activities. tant and will eventually contribute positively to profit When we summarise the year, we can confidently say in the long term. The new concepts were also well- that ”We make CarLife easier.” received by our customers. The underlying revenues increased by 6 per cent. The change effort that commenced in 2007 in New workshop concept – MekoPartner and Workshop Centres Denmark continued during 2008. We have also re During the year, the number of workshops affiliated viewed our distribution and logistics, which resulted to Mekonomen increased from 778 to 1,051, up 35 per in a reduction in the number of warehouses during cent. In order to supplement the current chain, Meko STRONGER MARKET SHARES IN SWEDEN, the year. We went from 38 to five regional warehouses, nomen Service Centres, the MekoPartner chain was NORWAY AND DENMARK while implementing measures aimed at increasing introduced at the beginning of 2008. MekoPartner rep- During the year, the total market for spare parts and purchasing loyalty. We have accepted 119 workshops resents the same high quality but the number of asso- accessories in Scandinavia declined by 5 per cent. into our chains and initiated adaptation of the store ciated services, such as substitute cars, is more limited. Despite this, Mekonomen strengthened its market structure. A solid platform was built to achieve long- The number of MekoPartner workshops was 199 at the shares and increased sales in all markets. The portion term profitability. During the year, sales and profit end of 2008 and the number of Mekonomen Service of consumer sales rose during 2008 in line with the trend were positive, with an underlying revenue Centres was 852. The largest increase in the number strategy to improve Mekonomen’s position with end increase of 2 per cent. of affiliated workshops occurred in Denmark. During consumers. The average for the Group is currently 25 the year, workshops that were previously limited to per cent to consumers and 75 per cent to workshop WE MAKE CARLIFE EASIER only one or a few car makes joined Mekonomen and customers. During 2007, a new strategy was formed for Meko the inflow to these ”brand-affiliated” workshops has nomen, with the objective of creating the prerequisites increased. The support to workshops in the form of to increase sales and improve profit. The basis was to competency development and technical support Sweden is our largest market and where we launch our new concepts first. New launches during 2008 2 The year 2008 was a repositioning year. A year number of newly established stores, combined with CEO’s comments | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 continued to improve. In addition, we have also estab- signed agreements with a total of 22 companies, which to develop Mekonomen, additionally strengthen our lished workshop centres at strategic locations, which have a combined fleet of 38,000 cars. position and be productive for customers, owners, employees and other cooperation partners. only serve the workshops. New service concept New store concepts launched – Mekonomen Direkt – Mekonomen Mega and Mekonomen Medium In January 2009, Mekonomen Direkt was launched During the year, new store concepts were developed, – one call to +46 (0)771-72 00 00 is all a customer aimed at making life easy for customers and making needs to get in touch with Mekonomen, day or night, Håkan Lundstedt operations and space utilisation more efficient. The to schedule a workshop visit, for example. This is President and CEO new concepts, Mekonomen Mega and Medium, com- another example of how we are making CarLife easier bine store and workshop in the same premises and for consumers and companies and how we simultane- differ primarily in terms of size and location. ously strengthen our workshop chains. Kungens Kurva, March 2009 The new facilities were designed to satisfy customers’ requirements and demands. In order to further FUTURE increase accessibility, we have established new stores I am confident of the future and that we will achieve in a number of retail centres and also increased open- our long-term growth target of 10 per cent annually. ing hours. At the end of 2008 and in early 2009, we saw an improvement in sales of our workshop services and we New corporate concept – Mekonomen Fleet expect the aftermarket to stabilise already in 2009. When we asked our customers what they wanted Aimed at making CarLife easier for companies, a new the most in terms of CarLife, the most important business area was established – Mekonomen Fleet. response was greater accessibility and an easier Car- Mekonomen Fleet offers to handle all service and re- Life – Mekonomen Direkt is the response to that. We pairs on behalf of companies as well as administration will continue in the same spirit and produce unique of their cars. Our major competitive advantage is that concepts and offerings aimed at satisfying each cus- Mekonomen handles all car makes and that compa- tomer’s specific needs – since each person and thus nies with large fleets will be able to limit themselves to each customer is unique – we not only service cars, only one contact, namely with Mekonomen. We have we serve people! With that attitude, we will continue 3 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Five-year summary FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENT SEK M 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Net sales 2,646 2,530 2,432 2,312 2,133 Goods for resale –1,317 –1,294 –1,275 –1,246 –1,135 Other expenses –1,123 –1,007 –955 –918 –846 Operating revenue 251 250 220 170 168 Profit after financial items 261 418 198 162 162 Tax on profit for the year –72 –70 –58 –44 –56 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 189 348 140 118 106 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 BALANCE SHEET SEK M ASSETS Intangible assets 254 206 169 173 160 Other fixed assets 148 109 471 490 561 Inventories 602 554 521 534 473 Accounts receivable 217 201 200 196 175 Other current assets 116 120 188 169 67 85 290 95 38 91 1,423 1,481 1,644 1,600 1,527 831 Cash and cash equivalents TOTAL ASSETS SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 833 978 933 911 Minority share of shareholders' equity Shareholders' equity, Parent Company's shareholders 18 18 20 23 23 Long-term liabilities 42 44 70 148 221 Current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 530 441 621 518 452 1,423 1,481 1,644 1,600 1,527 2004 CONDENSED CASH-FLOW STATEMENT 2008 2007 2006 2005 Cash flow from operating activities 209 320 200 125 214 Cash flow from investing activities –93 448 –19 –65 –163 Cash flow from financing activities –321 –574 –122 –113 –42 CASH FLOW FOR THE YEAR –205 194 59 –53 9 SEK M 4 Five-year summary | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 DATA PER SHARE Amounts in SEK per share, if not otherwise stated 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Profit 5.84 11.03 4.28 3.61 3.18 Cash flow 6.77 10.32 8.61 4.06 6.95 27 31.7 30.2 29.5 26.9 6 103 70 151 58.25 8.6 11 100 146 154.5 100 7.5 10 234 106.75 114.5 73.75 9.4 3.25 90 101.5 104.5 76 3.2 1.15 36 98.5 107 77.75 1.2 Shareholders’ equity Dividends Share of profit paid, % Share price at the end of the year Share price, highest for the year Share price, lowest for the year Direct yield, % P/E ratio at the end of the year, multiple 12.0 13.2 24.9 28.1 31.0 Average number of shares after dilution effects 30,868,822 30,868,822 30,868,822 30,868,822 30,868,822 Number of shareholders at the end of the year 6,559 6,199 5,976 5,978 5,617 * Board of Directors’ proposal for 2008. Of which, extraordinary dividend SEK 5.00 for 2007, SEK 7.00 for 2006 and SEK 2.10 for 2005. 2008 2007 2006 2005 Sales growth, % 6 4 5 9 14 Gross margin,% 50 49 48 46 47 KEY RATIOS EBIT MARGIN, % 2004 9 10 9 7 8 10 16 8 7 8 Capital employed, SEK M 905 1,002 1,212 1,078 1,148 Operating capital, SEK M 820 712 1,117 1,040 1,057 Profit margin, % Return on capital employed, % 28 39 19 16 15 Return on operating capital, % 33 27 20 16 15 Return on equity, % 20 36 14 13 13 Return on total capital, % 19 27 13 11 12 Equity/assets ratio, % Net debt/equity ratio, multiple Interest-coverage ratio, multiple Net indebtedness, SEK M 60 67 58 58 56 neg neg 0.2 0.1 0.2 33 47 14 13 12 neg neg 164 236 196 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Sweden 732 687 684 670 627 Norway Denmark 233 397 202 382 184 388 169 405 160 432 1,363 1,271 1,256 1,244 1,219 Sweden 123/103 114/93 115/88 115/88 112/84 Norway 44/29 42/25 39/21 39/21 37/20 Denmark 39/39 38/38 38/38 39/39 43/43 206/171 194/156 192/147 193/148 192/147 GROUP Number of stores/of which wholly owned GROUP 5 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Quarterly data Contd. KEY RATIOS 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 NUMBER OF MEKONOMEN SERVICE CENTRES Sweden 363 337 329 365 549 Norway 320 305 321 310 274 Denmark 169 136 114 93 63 GROUP 852 778 764 768 886 NUMBER OF MEKOPARTNER Sweden 75 – – – – Norway 38 – – – – Denmark 86 – – – – GROUP 199 – – – – Q1 2008 Full-year 2007 Q4 2007 Q3 2007 Q2 2007 QUARTERLY REVIEW Full-year 2008 Q4 2008 Q3 2008 Q2 2008 Q1 2007 NET SALES, SEK M Sweden 1,297 340 316 347 294 1,270 328 314 330 299 Norway 630 155 156 178 142 584 150 146 154 134 Denmark 704 181 162 184 178 661 166 162 170 163 14 4 3 3 3 15 4 4 3 4 2,646 680 637 712 617 2,530 649 626 657 599 Group-wide and eliminations GROUP EBIT, SEK M Sweden 211 54 60 60 38 216 51 57 55 53 Norway 76 12 22 26 16 81 17 25 20 20 –2 –7 3 2 0 –22 –21 0 1 –1 Group-wide and eliminations Denmark –34 –14 –6 –9 –6 –24 –4 –3 1 –18 GROUP 251 45 79 79 48 250 43 78 76 53 Sweden 16 15 18 17 13 17 15 18 16 18 Norway 12 8 14 14 11 14 11 17 13 15 Denmark 0 –4 2 1 0 –3 –13 0 1 –1 GROUP 9 7 12 11 8 10 7 13 11 9 EBIT MARGIN, % QUARTERLY DATA, GROUP Net financial items, SEK M 10 3 2 –1 5 168 25 137 –3 8 261 49 81 78 53 418 68 216 73 61 Tax, SEK M –72 –13 –23 –22 –14 –70 –2 –29 –21 –18 Profit after tax, SEK M 189 36 58 56 39 348 66 187 52 43 50 51 52 50 49 49 49 51 48 47 5.84 1.13 1.79 1.72 1.2 11.03 2.13 5.94 1.62 1.34 Profit before tax, SEK M Gross margin,% Earnings per share, SEK 6 Corporate governance | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Corporate governance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT FOR MEKONOMEN AB (PUBL) Mekonomen applies the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. Information pertaining to the Swedish The ten largest shareholders on 31 December 2008, according to SIS Ownership Data Corp. Shareholders ernance report does not represent part of the formal Axel Johnson AB with subsidiaries AFA Försäkring lng-Marie Fraim Sefastsson Eva Fraim Påhlman Swedbank Robur fonder Fjärde AP-fonden Lannebo fonder SHB/SPP fonder SEB fonder Leif Möller Annual Report and has not been reviewed by the TOTAL Code of Corporate Governance is found on the Council for Swedish Corporate Governance website, www. bolagsstyrningskollegiet.se. If companies included in the Code in no way apply the Code, this must be clearly stated and the reasons explained. Mekonomen’s possible deviations from the Code and explanations are reported in the running text. This Corporate Gov- have registered participation in adequate time are entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting and Number of shares % of votes and capital 8,951,958 3,665,330 2,040,176 2,040,176 1,341,285 1,214,185 1,142,000 892,573 791,820 319,700 29.0 11.9 6.6 6.6 4.3 3.9 3.7 2.6 2.6 1.0 registration, entitlement for items to be entered in the 22,399,203 72.6 that the Annual General Meeting shall be a consum- vote according to their shareholdings. All information concerning the company’s general meetings, such as agenda in the notification, minutes, etc., are available on the company’s website. With regard to participation in the Annual General Meeting, the Board has deemed it not financially justifiable at present to allow shareholders to participate in the Annual General Meeting through any means other than physical presence. It is the company’s ambition mate body for shareholders, in accordance with the company’s auditors. Annual General Meeting intentions of the Swedish Companies Act, which is SHAREHOLDERS The Annual General Meeting is Mekonomen’s why the objective is that the Board in its entirety, the Shares and shareholders supreme governing body, at which every shareholder representative of the Nomination Committee, the Presi- The share capital amounted to SEK 77,172,055 on 31 is entitled to participate. The Annual General Meeting dent, auditors and other management executives must December 2008, represented by 30,868,822 shares. shall be held within six months of the close of the always be present at the Annual General Meeting. Each share carries one voting right at the Annual Gen- financial year. The Annual General Meeting adopts the eral Meeting. The total market value for the company income statement and balance sheet and the appro- NOMINATION COMMITTEE on 31 December 2008 was SEK 2.2 billion, based on the priation of the company’s profit, resolves on discharge In accordance with the resolution of the Annual closing price. from liability, elects the Board of Directors and where General Meeting on 4 April 2008, Mekonomen has applicable, auditors, and approves fees, addresses established a Nomination Committee. The Nomina- was 6,559. At the same date, the ten largest sharehold- other statutory matters and passes resolutions tion Committee shall prepare and submit proposals to ers controlled 72.6 per cent of the capital and voting pertaining to motions from the Board and sharehold- the Annual General Meeting pertaining to: rights and the participation of foreign owners accoun ers. The company announces the date and location • Election of the Chairman of the Annual General ted for 9.4 per cent of the capital and voting rights. of the Annual General Meeting as soon as the Board The number of shareholders on 31 December 2008 has made its decision, but not later than in connection with the third-quarter report. Information pertaining to the time and location is available on the company’s website. Shareholders that are registered in Euroclear Sweden’s shareholders’ register on the record date and Meeting, • Election of the Chairman of the Board and other Board members, • The Board fees and any remuneration for committee work, • where appropriate, election of and fees to auditors. 7 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Corporate governance Prior to the 2009 Annual General Meeting, the Nomi- Wolff Huber, Helena Skåntorp, Fredrik Persson, Kenny members prior to each meeting, which were then held nation Committee comprises Göran Ennerfelt, repre Bräck and Anders G Carlberg were re-elected. Fredrik in accordance with the agenda that was approved for senting the Axel Johnson AB Group, Maj Charlotte Persson was elected Chairman of the Board. the meeting. On occasions, other senior executives Wallin, representing AFA Försäkring, Ing-Marie Fraim All ordinary Board members are independent in relation to the company and its management. Three of capacity, whenever necessary. No deviating views to representing own shares. The Nomination Committee the Board members are independent also in relation be recorded in the minutes were expressed at any of elected Göran Ennerfelt as its Chairman. to major shareholders. The President is not a member the meetings during the year. Matters of high signifi- of the Board and neither is any other member of the cance that were discussed during the year primarily Management Group. concerned the company’s financial performance, the Mekonomen’s Chairman, Fredrik Persson, has been co-opted to the Nomination Committee. The Nomina- launch of new concepts and the company’s future tion Committee’s proposals are to be announced in connection with the notification to convene the An- Board members nual General Meeting. It is the opinion of the Board that the Board’s structure The Nomination Committee has the right to charge strategy. in terms of competency, experience and background the company with the costs of, for example, recruiting is compatible with the company’s operations, develop- Assignment head hunters and other consultants required for the ment phase and circumstances. A presentation of edu- In accordance with the requirements of the Code, the Nomination Committee to fulfil its duties. Moreover, cation, current assignments, and the number of shares Board’s ambition was to devote particular attention to in connection with its assignments, the Nomination held by Board members is found on page 54. establishing overall goals for the operation and decide on strategies by which to achieve the said goals, and in Committee shall fulfil the duties that rest upon the Nomination Committee in accordance with the Swed- Chairman of the Board part to continuously evaluate the operating manage- ish Code of Corporate Governance. The Chairman of the Board, Fredrik Persson, is not ment, with the aim of securing the company’s govern- employed by the company and does not have any ance, management and control. The Board believes limit for Board meetings or time limits pertaining to assignments for the company beyond his chairman- that there are functioning systems for the monitoring the length of time Board members may sit on the ship of the Board. It is the opinion of the Board that and control of the company’s financial position in rela- Board. Auditors are elected every fourth year when Fredrik Persson ensures that the Board conducts its tion to the established goals; that control of compli- the matter is submitted to the Annual General Meet- assignments efficiently and also fulfils its duties in ac- ance with laws and other regulations is implemented, ing. The election of auditors took place at the 2007 cordance with applicable laws and regulations. and that the provision of external information is open, Mekonomen has not established any specific age objective and relevant. Annual General Meeting. The Board’s working procedures 8 have participated in the Board meetings in a reporting representing own shares and Eva Fraim Påhlman, There are written instructions that regulate the SPECIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE The Board is responsible for the company’s organisa- distribution of information between the Board and BOARD’S WORK tion and management and shall also make decisions the President, and for the reporting process. They are Size and composition pertaining to strategic issues. During 2008, the Board primarily: At the Annual General Meeting on 4 April 2008, it was held eight meetings, of which one was the statutory decided that the Board shall comprise seven ordinary meeting. The minutes of the meetings were recorded • The rules of procedure for the Board’s work members with no deputy members. All existing Board by the Board’s secretary, who is the company’s CFO. • Instructions for the President members, Marcus Storch, Antonia Ax:son Johnson, Relevant meeting documentation was sent to all • Attestation regulations Corporate governance | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 The Board evaluates its work every second year and it correct financial reporting. Twice per year, in con- COMPANY MANAGEMENT is the duty of the Chairman of the Board to ensure that nection with preparation of the financial accounting President’s assignments this is done. The evaluation involves individual meet- for the third quarter and annual financial statements, The President is appointed and may be discharged by ings between the Chairman of the Board and all Board the company’s auditors report on how the company the Board and his/her work is continuously evaluated members. The collective opinion is that the Board’s ensured that accounting, management and financial by the Board, which occurs without the presence of work during 2008 functioned well and that the Board control function. Following the formal report, the Company Management. Mekonomen’s President and fulfilled the requirements of the Code pertaining to the President and CFO leave the Board meeting to allow CEO, Håkan Lundstedt, is also a member of the Board Board’s assignment. Board members to discuss with auditors without the of Fjällbrynt AB and the MILKO Cooperative Associa- participation of company officials. tion and has no shareholdings or ownership in compa- The Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the Nomination Commit- nies with significant business ties with Mekonomen. tee, to allocate Board fees amounting to SEK 1,360,000, REMUNERATION COMMITTEE of which SEK 320,000 pertains to a fee for the Chair- During 2008, the Board of Directors formed a Remu- Company Management man of the Board and SEK 240,000 for the Vice Chair- neration Committee to handle issues concerning A presentation of Company Management is available man, with the remaining amount to be distributed to remuneration of senior executives. This was based on on page 55. the other Board members. the Annual General Meeting’s resolution pertaining to the guidelines for remuneration of Company Manage- Remuneration of Company Management Audit Committee ment. The Committee comprises Fredrik Person as Mekonomen’s Remuneration Committee makes The entire Board of Mekonomen assumes respon- Chairman, Marcus Storch and Anders G Carlberg. Two decisions pertaining to remuneration of the President. sibility for ensuring that the audit guarantees, in an meetings were held during the year and all members Håkan Lundstedt has a basic salary per month and efficient manner, that the Group has acceptable pro were present at these meetings. a variable salary portion, which is based on the com cedures for internal control and high-quality and pany’s profit and can amount to a maximum of 50 per cent of the basic annual salary. Under his pension terms, payment of pension premiums is made in the Board of Directors Present at Board meetings Dependent/independent * Board member since amount corresponding to 25 per cent of basic salary. Fredrik Persson, Chairman 8/8 B August 2006 Other benefits take the form of a company car. Termi- Marcus Storch, Vice Chairman 8/8 B August 2006 nation notice is 12 months if initiated by the Company Helena Skåntorp 8/8 O May 2004 and six months if notice is given by the employee. Antonia Ax:son Johnson 7/8 B August 2006 Severance pay of six months’ salary is paid if termina- Kenny Bräck 7/8 O May 2007 tion is initiated by the company. Anders G Carlberg 7/8 B August 2006 Wolff Huber 7/8 O August 2006 *) According to the definition in the ”Swedish Code of Corporate Governance”. All Board members are independent of the company and its management. O = Board members considered independent of major shareholders in the company. B = Board members considered dependent of major shareholders in the company. Issues pertaining to remuneration to other senior executives are also prepared by the Remuneration Committee. The principle for remuneration is based on the senior executives being offered market-based remuneration. Thus the criteria shall be based on the significance of assignments performed, demand for 9 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Corporate governance competency, experience and performance and that AUDITORS interim reports, annual reports and press releases, as remuneration shall comprise the following parts: The auditors are appointed by the Annual General well as financial content and presentation material, in Meeting and are charged with reviewing the compa- connection with meetings with the media, sharehold- • Fixed basic salary ny’s financial reporting and the Board’s and President’s ers and financial institutions. • Variable remuneration management of the company. Deloitte AB, which has • Pension benefits an organisation comprising broad and specialised Audit • Other benefits and severance terms competency that is well-suited to Mekonomen’s op- The entire Board of Mekonomen assumes responsibil- erations, has been the company’s auditors since 1994. ity for ensuring that the audit, in an efficient manner, The distribution between basic salary and variable At the 2007 Annual General Meeting, Deloitte AB, with establishes that the Group has acceptable procedures remuneration shall be in proportion to the senior ex- Authorised Public Accountant Lars Svantemark as the for internal control and high-quality financial report- ecutive’s responsibilities and authorities. The variable Auditor in Charge, was appointed the auditing firm un- ing. With regard to the preparation of the Board’s work, remuneration for senior executives is based partly on til 2011. In addition to Mekonomen, Lars Svantemark is the Board estimates that quality assurance of the the company’s profit and partly on individual qualita- also the auditor of Uniflex, Securitas Direct and Oxford financial reporting, which is conducted within the tive parameters and can amount to a maximum of Aviation Academy. He has also previously been the framework of the company’s own internal control, four months’ salary. Other benefits refer primarily auditor of Sandvik, Elekta, Poolia and A-Com. Lars corresponds to current requirements. The company’s to company cars. Pension premiums are paid in an Svantemark has no assignments in companies that auditors personally present their plans, risk assess- amount that is based on the ITP plan or a correspond- are closely related to Mekonomen’s major sharehold- ments and controls, and findings from the audit at two ing system for employees abroad. Pensionable salary ers or President. Board meetings during the year, which additionally refers to the basic salary. Severance pay if employment termination is initiated by the company can amount to one year’s basic salary. At the 2008 Annual General Meeting, it was also decided that in addition, upon approval by the Board of Directors, Company Management may receive a cash bonus from the company. The bonus will be profit-based and calculated on the Group’s profit for the 2008 – 2010 financial years. Remuneration to Deloitte, SEK M Remuneration for audit assignments In addition to audit assignments, Deloitte has received the following remuneration for consulting services during the past three years, amount in SEK M: secures the Board’s information requirement. At these 2008 2007 2006 2005 4.3 4.3 3.6 3.6 ing their formal reports to enable the Board members to conduct with the auditors without the participation of Company Management. The Board continuously evaluates the need to elect an Audit Committee. 0.2 1.8 1.7 1.8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL The bonus program, in its entirety, as a total expense for the company, may not exceed SEK 12 M for the REPORTING AND AUDIT In accordance with the Swedish Companies Act and period. The criteria for the size of an individual bonus Reporting the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, the will be established by the Board. The Board supervises the quality of the financial Board of Directors is responsible for internal control. reporting through instructions to the President. Jointly This report was prepared in accordance with the to share or share price-based incentive programs for with the CFO and Communications Manager, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, sections 10.5 Company Management. President’s assignment is to review and quality-assure and 10.6, and FAR/SRS’s guidance to the Swedish Code all financial reporting including financial statements, of Corporate Governance. The report is limited to deal The Board has not made any decisions pertaining 10 meetings, the President and CFO leave after present- Corporate governance | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 with internal control pertaining to financial reporting As a contribution to strengthening the internal control, Information and communication and Mekonomen has elected to only submit a descrip- Mekonomen prepared a financial handbook in 2007 Policies and guidelines are particularly important for tion of how internal control is organised without sub- that provides an overall picture of existing policies, accurate accounting, reporting and dissemination mitting a statement on how it functioned. This report rules and regulations and procedures within the of information. Within Mekonomen, policies and does not represent a part of the formal annual report financial area. This is a living document, which will be guidelines are continuously updated pertaining to the document and has not been reviewed by the com- updated continuously and adapted to changes within financial process. This occurs primarily within respec- pany’s auditors. the Mekonomen operation. In addition to the financial tive Group functions aimed at the various operations handbook, there are documents and manuals that through e-mails, but also in connection with quarterly Control environment provide guidance for the daily work in stores, for control meetings in which all financial managers/con- The control environment represents the basis for the example, pertaining to stock taking and cash-register trollers participate. For communication with internal internal control pertaining to the financial reporting. reconciliation. and external parties, there is a communications policy that states guidelines for communication. The aim of An important part of the control environment is that decision paths, authorities and responsibilities must Risk assessment the policy is to ensure that all information obligations be clearly defined and communicated between Mekonomen conducts continuous surveys of the are complied with in a correct and complete manner. various levels in the organisation and that the control Group’s risks. During these surveys, a number of items documents are available in the form of policies, were identified in the income statement and balance Follow-up handbooks, guidelines and manuals. Thus, a key part sheet in which the risks for errors in the financial The Board continuously evaluates the information of the Board’s assignment is to prepare and approve reporting are elevated. The company is continuously submitted by the Company Management and audi- a number of fundamental policies, guidelines and working on these risks by strengthening the controls. tors. The CEO and CFO also cooperate closely with frameworks. These include the Board’s working Furthermore, risks are addressed in a special forum, the subsidiaries’ controllers on matters pertaining to procedures, instructions for the President, Invest- including questions affiliated to start-ups and acquisi- accounts and reporting. The follow-up and feedbacks ment policies and the Insider policy. The aim of these tions. concerning possible deviations arising in the internal controls are a key part of the internal control work policies is to create a basis for sound internal control. Furthermore, the Board has assured that the organisa- Control activities since this is an efficient manner for the company to tional structure provides distinct roles, responsibilities The Group’s control structure is formed to manage ensure that errors are corrected and that the control and processes that benefit the effective management risks that the Board deems significant for the internal is further strengthened. Mekonomen has no internal of the operation’s risks and facilitate target fulfilment. control of the financial reporting. The aim of the appro- audit function since the above-mentioned func- Part of the responsibility structure includes an obliga- priate control activities is to discover, prevent and tions fulfil this task, however, an annual evaluation is tion for the Board to evaluate the operation’s per- correct errors and deviations in the reporting. The conducted of the requirement of a specific internal formance and results on a monthly basis, through control activities include reconciliation of accounts, audit function. appropriate report packages containing income analytic follow-up, comparison between income state- statements, balance sheets, analyses of important key ments and balance sheets and control stock-taking in ratios, comments pertaining to the business status of warehouses and stores. each operation and also forecasts for future periods. 11 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Administration Report The Board and President of Mekonomen AB (publ.), Corporate Registration Number 556392-1971, hereby submit the Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts for the 2008 financial year. GENERAL In Denmark, the distribution project and reposition- were charged against profit. Expenses in 2009 are Mekonomen is Scandinavia’s leading spare parts ing of stores toward new customer groups and expected to amount to SEK 14 M per quarter. The chain with proprietary wholesale operations, investments in new workshops created a platform project has a repayment period of approximately approximately 200 stores and more than 1,000 for achieving long-term profitability. Mekonomen is two years from 2010. In the preceding year, costs workshops that operate under the Mekonomen now taking the next step into this market with a new of SEK 15 M were charged against EBIT for the year brand. The Parent Company conducts operations in Manager, Lars From, who will assume his position on pertaining to the distribution project in Denmark. the form of a liability company and has its registered 1 April, 2009. The aim of the project is to reduce the number of lo- The number of affiliated workshops passed 1,000 cal warehouses and enhance distribution efficiency. is Smista Allé 11, SE-141 70 Segeltorp, Sweden. The during 2008 and the total number of affiliated work- Costs for planned growth investments were charged Parent Company’s share is listed on the Mid-Cap list shops was 1,051 at the end of the year. During January against EBIT in all countries. of NASDAQ OMX Nordic. The principal owner in 2009, Mekonomen Direkt was launched in Sweden. the Parent Company is the Axel Johnson AB Group, One call, to +46 (0)771-72 00 00, is all a customer has Profit/loss after net financial items which owns 29 per cent of the votes and capital. to do to contact Mekonomen, night or day, to book a Profit after net financial items amounted to SEK 261 workshop appointment, for example. The number of M (418). Net financial items included a capital gain of FINANCIAL YEAR wholly owned stores increased by 15 during the year, SEK 151 M pertaining to the divestment of properties. Mekonomen had a strong year in a declining market. of which eight were acquired in December from Micro Net financial items, excluding gains from property Despite a weak economic climate, Mekonomen had AB. The total number of stores in the chain at the end divestments, amounted to SEK 10 M (14). Net interest higher sales and profit compared with the preceding of the year was 206 (194), of which the number of income amounted to SEK 4 M (2) and other financial year. wholly owned stores was 171 (156). items to SEK 7 M (167), of which SEK 153 M pertains to office in Stockholm. The address of the head office property divestments in the preceding year. Profit The strategy that was adopted and initiated during 2007 continued to be pursued in 2008. A number of Revenues after net financial items includes currency effects investments were implemented in selected areas: Revenues for the full year increased by 6 per cent corresponding to an expense of SEK 3 M (pos: 13). The new store concepts, Mekonomen Mega and to SEK 2,691 M (2,550). Other revenues included Mekonomen Medium – both concepts based on store exchange-rate gains of SEK 14 M (14) and rental rev- Profit for the year and workshop in the same premises – investments enues, property-related revenue, licenses, etc. The Profit for the year amounted to SEK 189 M (348) and in the corporate market with Mekonomen Fleet and underlying revenue increased by 4 per cent. earnings per share to SEK 5.84 (11.03). Of profit for the year, SEK 180 M (341) was attributable to the Parent the new workshop chain, MekoPartner. MekoPartner 12 represents the same high quality for consumers as EBIT Company’s shareholders and SEK 9 M (7) to minority Mekonomen Service Centres, but the number of associ- EBIT totalled SEK 251 M (250) and EBIT margin was shareholders. ated services, such as substitute cars, is more limited 9 per cent (10). As a result of property divestments and the connection to Mekonomen somewhat weaker. during the third quarter of 2007, rental expenses for Sweden During the year, Mekonomen also commenced 2008 increased by SEK 14 M, compared with the pre- Net sales (external) increased by 2 per cent to SEK work regarding the change to the new business sys- ceding year. Expenses totalling SEK 14 M pertaining 1,297 M (1,270). The underlying net sales increased tem, which was implemented in Sweden during 2008 to the project for Mekonomen’s new store concept, 1 per cent. and will be implemented in Norway and Denmark which was launched during the third quarter to en- during 2009. hance the efficiency of operations and store space, EBIT amounted to SEK 211 M (216) and the operating margin was 16 per cent (17). The number of stores Administration Report | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 totalled 123 (114), of which 103 (93) are wholly owned. proprietary store was opened and one store was able to the higher tax paid in 2008 and increased Costs totalling SEK 3 M for the new store concept were acquired. In connection with the acquisition in accounts payable in 2007. charged against profit for the year. Compared with the Denmark, the existing store in the same district was preceding year, rental costs increased by SEK 8 M as a discontinued. In addition, minority shares in three PERSONNEL result of the property divestment during the year. store companies were acquired. In Sweden, 15 store The number of employees at the end of the year managers became part-owners in individual store totalled 1,425 (1,302) and the average number of Norway companies. Their ownership share amounts to 9 per employees during the year was 1,363 (1,271). Net sales (external) increased by 8 per cent to SEK cent per store company. REMUNERATION OF SENIOR EXECUTIVES 630 M (584). The underlying net sales increased by 6 per cent. EBIT amounted to SEK 76 M (81) and oper- Investments Remuneration of senior executives is presented in ating margin was 12 per cent (14). Costs totalling SEK During the year, net investments in tangible fixed Note 5. The Board will propose to the Annual Gen- 5 M for the new store concept were charged against assets amounted to SEK 44 M (35). In addition, invest- eral Meeting the following guidelines for remunera- profit for the year. The number of stores in Norway ments in new IT systems amounted to SEK 17 M (8) tion to senior executives. totalled 44 (42), of which 29 (25) are wholly owned. during the year. Acquisitions of companies and operations were im- The company will strive to offer its senior execu tives market-based remuneration, whereby the crit- Denmark plemented during the year totalling SEK 63 M (27). Ac- eria based on the significance of assignments, demand Net sales (external) in Denmark amounted to SEK quired assets amounted to SEK 36 M (10) and acquired for expertise, experience and performance and remu- 704 M (661). The underlying net sales increased by liabilities to SEK 9 M (8). In addition to goodwill, which neration shall comprise the following: 2 per cent. As a result of property divestment in amounted to 37 (26), no intangible surplus value was 2008, rental costs increased by SEK 6 M compared identified in connection with the acquisitions. with the preceding year. Costs totalling SEK 5 M for • Fixed basic salary • Variable remuneration the new store concept were charged against profit FINANCIAL POSITION • Pension benefits for the year. In the preceding year, costs totalling Cash and cash equivalents and short-term invest- • Other benefits and severance terms SEK 15 M pertaining to distribution changes were ments amounted to SEK 85 M at the end of the charged against profit for the year. The number of year, compared with SEK 290 M on 31 December The Board’s motion for the principles complies with stores in Denmark totalled 39 (38), of which 39 (38) 2007. The equity/assets ratio was 60 per cent (67). the preceding year’s remuneration principles and is are wholly owned. Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to SEK 54 M based on existing agreements between the compa- (6) at year-end and net cash to SEK 32 M (284). The ny and senior executives. The distribution between ACQUISITIONS AND START-UPS decrease in net cash was primarily due to dividends basic salary and variable remuneration shall be in During 2008, ten partnership stores were acquired to shareholders of SEK 347 M. proportion to the responsibilities and authority of the senior executive. The variable remunera- and one new store opened in Sweden. The eight stores that were acquired from Micro AB during CASH-FLOW STATEMENT tion of the President and other senior executives December are estimated to increase Mekonomen’s During the period, cash flow was negative in the is based partly on the Group’s profit and partly on revenue by approximately SEK 80 M per year and amount of SEK 205 M (pos: 194). Dividends totalling individual qualitative parameters and shall amount will have a neutral impact on profit in 2009. Two SEK 347 M (318) were paid to shareholders. The to a maximum of 50 per cent of the basic salary for stores in Stockholm were discontinued in conjunc- divestment of properties contributed a positive the President and a maximum of 33 per cent of the tion with the opening of the new workshop centre. cash-flow effect of SEK 502 M. Cash flow from operat- basic salary for senior executives. Senior executives In Norway, three cooperation stores were acquired ing activities amounted to SEK 209 M (320). The are, in addition to the President, the ten individuals and one new store was opened. In Denmark, one difference between the years was primarily attribut- that jointly comprise Group Management along 13 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Administration Report with the President. Other benefits consist primarily of a company car. Pension premiums are paid in an amount based on the ITP plan or a corresponding system for employees abroad. In accordance with the employment contract, pension provisions for the President are made in an amount corresponding to 25 per cent of the basic salary. Pensionable salary consists of the basic salary. Severance pay on termination of employment by the company amounts to a maximum of one year’s salary. In addition, there is a specific three-year bonus programme that is calculated on the Group’s profit for the 2008–2010 financial years. The bonus programme in its entirety, FACTORS PERTAINING TO PROFIT BEFORE TAX Sales volume Exchange-rate fluctuation NOK EUR DKK Gross margin Personnel expenses centralised warehouse is a key factor in the logistics Changes Effect +1% +2 SEK M +1% +1% +1% Change in percentage +1 point +1% +4 SEK M – 1 SEK M +0 SEK M +26 SEK M –6 SEK M RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES The market trend was weak during 2008. However, there were improvements in the market for workshop services at the end of the year. flow and accordingly, great importance has been attached to preventive work to reduce the risk of damage in the centralised warehouse. Insurance Mekonomen has Group-wide insurance solutions. Insurance coverage includes property, consequential loss, transport, the Board and President. Value-management risks Mekonomen strives to achieve the same level of solutions for security services, security systems and value management for all companies within the Group. in terms of total expense for the company, must not Competition exceed SEK 12 M for the period. The criteria for the Competition in the spare parts market is fierce size of the individual bonus shall be determined by and within the brand independent trade there are Shrinkage the company’s Board of Directors. approximately 400 stores in Sweden in which the Activities relating to shrinkage are continuously in four largest players, including Mekonomen, all have progress within Mekonomen, to define what is scrap- SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS product ranges that cover most automotive makes. ping, internal consumption and actual theft. The Mekonomen’s earnings were influenced by a The situation is similar in both Norway and Den- activities to combat shrinkage are based on the idea number of factors, which include, in addition to mark, with only a few major players with complete that it is important to focus on all aspects of shrink- changes in sales volume and expenses, exchange- ranges, but there is also competition from a number age, for example, by reviewing order procedures, rate fluctuations on imported goods, margins for of smaller players. Accessibility is very important delivery checks and unpacking goods. This will purchased goods and salary changes. Virtually all in this market, which means that delivery rate is a improve knowledge on procedures for managing imports originate from Europe where the currency key factor in competition. Accordingly, Mekonomen shrinkage, while providing a basis for increased is primarily EUR and SEK. Imports in EUR represent attaches great importance to logistics and related vigilance of goods that are particularly theft-prone. slightly less than 40 per cent of the purchased vol- optimization activities. Financial risks ume. Due to the high correlation between DKK and EUR, sales and purchases in these currency flows Operational risks Mekonomen’s financial policy regulates how vari- may be matched. The table below shows the cur- Within the company, there is significant awareness ous types of risks shall be managed and states the rency effects on the net flow for each currency. NOK that the increasingly centralised IT structure could risk exposure that the operation can accept. The and DKK pertain to internal sales from Mekonomen provide the Group with considerable advantages main focus is to aim at a low risk profile. The policy Grossist AB to individual countries, and the year’s and improved possibilities. Consequently, preven- identifies risks pertaining to value management, profit in Norway and Denmark. Hedging pertaining tive efforts are prioritized and the organisation re- cash management and capital procurement. Refer to the net flows and internal receivables was imple- sponsible for this is well developed, as is planning for also to Note 31 for a description of the financial risks mented during the year. continuity in operations in the event of unforeseen identified and managed by Mekonomen. circumstances. It is very important for the Group’s fire protection 14 PARENT COMPANY work that there is a well-functioning fire organisation, The Parent Company operations comprise Group regular internal control and training. Mekonomen’s management and Group-wide functions and finan- Administration Report | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 cial management. Loss after net financial income was BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ WORK 2008 SEK 17 M (loss: 18) excluding dividends from subsidiar- At the Annual General Meeting in May 2008, it ies. The average number of employees was 61 (50). was decided that the Board shall comprise seven ordinary members with no deputy members. All ENVIRONMENT current members, Fredrik Persson, Marcus Storch, The Group does not conduct any operations Antonia Ax:son Johnson, Kenny Bräck, Anders G that require permits according to the Swedish Carlberg, Wolff Huber and Helena Skåntorp were Environmental Code. Environmental activities are re-elected. Fredrik Persson was re-elected Chairman concentrated on the best and most efficient way of the Board. to adapt operations environmentally in terms of During 2008, the Board held eight meetings (eight), PROPOSED APPROPRIATION OF PROFIT Parent Company The following profit is available for distribution by the Annual General Meeting, SEK 000’s: Unappropriated profit brought forward 364,808 Profit for the year 249,692 TOTAL 614,500 distribution and packaging material. These two of which one was the statutory meeting. At Board The Board of Directors and President propose that profits be distributed as follows: “guiding principles” from the Group’s environmental meetings, it was primarily the company’s financial Dividend to shareholders (SEK 6.00 per share) 185,213 plan apply to both the supply and delivery of goods. development, the launch of new concepts and the To be carried forward 429,287 When procuring transport services, considerable company’s future strategy that were addressed. TOTAL 614,500 emphasis is placed on high efficiency and less re Within Mekonomen’s Board of Directors, there THE BOARD’S STATEMENT CONCERNING THE loading to minimise the transport distances. At the is a Remuneration Committee, which focuses on centralised warehouse and store warehouses, fire- remuneration of Company Management. This PROPOSED DIVIDEND proof rooms for chemicals and petroleum products Committee, which held two meetings during 2008, Following the proposed dividend, the Parent Com- are being constructed. comprises Fredrik Persson, Marcus Storch and Anders pany’s equity/assets ratio will amount to 59 per cent G Carlberg. Other matters are handled by the Board and the Group’s equity/assets ratio to 48 per cent. in its entirety. The equity/assets ratio is satisfactory considering EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE YEAR that the company’s and the Group’s operations con- There were no significant events after the end of AUDITORS tinue to operate profitably. It is estimated that cash The auditor for the company is elected at the An- and cash equivalents in the company and the Group SHARE nual General Meeting every fourth year. According will remain at a satisfactory level. Mekonomen’s share capital amounted to SEK 77 M to a resolution of the Annual General Meeting, and comprises 30,868,822 shares with a quotient auditors’ fees are paid against invoices. The com dends do not prohibit the Parent Company or other value of SEK 2.50 per share. All shares have the same pany’s auditor participates in Board meetings in Group companies from fulfilling their obligations voting rights. Axel Johnson AB and AFA Försäkring conjunction with the third-quarter report and at in the short or long term. Neither do the dividends represent more than one tenth of the voting rights. the Board meeting when year-end reports and influence the Group’s ability to implement required The Axel Johnson AB Group holds an option entitling proposals for the Annual Report are presented and investments. Accordingly, the proposed dividends can the company to additionally acquire up to slightly in this connection he/she submits the report from be justified by what is stated in the prudence principle, more than 3 per cent of the total number of shares the audit of the company’s financial position and Chapter 17, Section 3, Paragraphs 1–3 of the Swedish from the Fraim family. The option extends until the internal control. At the 2007 Annual General Meet- Companies Act. For further information regarding Fraim family’s joint ownership falls below 10 per cent. ing, the auditing firm Deloitte AB, with Authorised the company’s and the Group’s earnings, refer to the Public Accountant Lars Svantemark as the Auditor following income statement, balance sheet, cash-flow in Charge, was elected for the next four-year period. statement and accompanying notes. the year. SHARE DIVIDEND The Board is of the opinion that the proposed divi- The Board proposes a share dividend of SEK 6.00 (6.00) based on profit for the year and an extraordinary dividend of SEK 0.00 (5.00) per share. 15 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Group INCOME STATEMENT SEK M Note 2008 2007 2,646 2,530 1 Net sales 2 Other operating revenue TOTAL REVENUES 45 20 2,691 2,550 OPERATING EXPENSES Goods for resale –1,317 –1,294 Other external costs 4 –456 –410 Personnel expenses 5 –633 –560 Depreciation/amortisation of tangible and intangible fixed assets 6 –34 –37 251 250 EBIT FINANCIAL INCOME AND EXPENSES Income from divestment of subsidiaries 5 153 Interest income 12 10 Interest expense –8 –9 Exchange-rate difference PROFIT AFTER FINANCIAL ITEMS Tax on profit for the year PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 9 1 14 261 418 –72 –70 189 348 180 341 Profit for the year attributable to: Parent Company’s shareholders Minority owners 9 7 189 348 5.84 11.03 30,868,822 30,868,822 27.00 31.70 Cash flow, SEK 6.77 10.32 Dividend, SEK ** 6.00 11.00 102.70 99.70 Earnings per share before dilution attributable to Parent Company's shareholders, SEK* KEY RATIO PER SHARE Number of shares at the end of the period Shareholders’ equity , SEK Pay-out ratio, % *) No dilution is currently applicable **) Proposed dividend for 2008. 16 Group | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 CASH FLOW STATEMENT SEK M Note 2008 2007 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit after financial items 261 418 24 –129 285 289 –85 –34 200 255 Decrease(+)/increase(-) of inventories –4 –15 Decrease(+)/increase(-) of receivables –18 30 31 50 Adjusted for items not affecting liquidity 27 Tax paid CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL CASH FLOW FROM CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL Decrease(-)/increase(+) of liabilities INCREASE(-)/DECREASE(+) RESTRICTED WORKING CAPITAL CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 9 65 209 320 –58 –27 –61 –43 26 518 –93 448 INVESTMENTS Divestment(+)/acquisition(-) of subsidiaries 28 Acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets Divestment of tangible fixed assets CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase(-)/decrease(+) of long-term lending Amortisation of loans Loans raised –10 0 – –256 36 – Dividends paid –347 –318 CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES –321 –574 CASH FLOW FOR THE YEAR –205 194 290 95 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR Exchange-rate difference in cash and cash equivalents CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR 18 0 1 85 290 17 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Group BALANCE SHEET SEK M Note 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 232 198 ASSETS FIXED ASSETS INTANGIBLE ASSETS 13 Goodwill Capitalised expenditure for IT systems TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS 22 8 254 206 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Land and buildings 10 4 3 Equipment and transport 12 112 89 Leased equipment and transport 12 TOTAL TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 3 5 119 97 FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS Other long-term receivables 15 TOTAL FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS Deferred tax assets 14 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 26 10 26 10 3 2 402 315 602 554 CURRENT ASSETS Goods for resale Properties for divestment Current receivables Cash and cash equivalents 18 10 7 22 16,17 326 300 85 290 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 18 1,020 1,166 TOTAL ASSETS 1,423 1,481 Group | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 BALANCE SHEET SEK M Note 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 25 Share capital, (30,868,822 shares) Other contributed capital Statutory reserve 77 77 343 343 17 3 Profit brought forward including profit for the year 396 555 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO PARENT COMPANY'S SHAREHOLDERS 833 978 Minority share of shareholders' equity 18 18 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 851 996 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Leasing liabilities, interest-bearing 19 1 2 Deferred tax liabilities, interest-free 14 38 39 Provisions 20 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 3 3 42 44 1 CURRENT LIABILITIES Liabilities to credit institutions, interest-bearing 21 50 Leasing liabilities, interest-bearing 21 3 3 22 31 455 406 Tax liabilities Other current liabilities, non interest-bearing 21,22 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 530 441 1,423 1,481 MEMORANDUM ITEMS Pledged assets 23 92 92 Contingent liabilities 23 19 20 19 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Parent Company INCOME STATEMENT 2008 2007 Net sales 77 74 Other operating revenue 32 6 109 80 SEK M Note 1 TOTAL REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Goods for resale –26 –5 Other external costs 4 –54 –46 Personnel expenses 5 –53 –47 Depreciation/amortisation and impairment of tangible and intangible fixed assets 6 –8 –5 –32 –23 300 312 EBIT FINANCIAL INCOME AND EXPENSES Dividend on shares in subsidiaries Income from divestment of shares in subsidiaries 3 –3 Interest income 27 16 Interest expense –16 –12 Exchange-rate difference PROFIT AFTER FINANCIAL ITEMS 4 283 294 –44 Appropriations 7 –52 Tax on profit for the year 9 19 16 250 265 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 20 1 Parent Company | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 CASH FLOW STATEMENT SEK M Note 2008 2007 283 294 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit after financial items Adjusted for items not affecting liquidity 27 –1 9 282 303 Tax paid –54 –40 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL 228 262 CASH FLOW FROM CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL Decrease(+)/increase(-) of inventories 0 0 Decrease(+)/increase(-) of receivables 33 67 Decrease(-)/increase(+) of liabilities –48 –90 INCREASE(-)/DECREASE(+) RESTRICTED WORKING CAPITAL –15 –23 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 213 239 INVESTMENTS Divestment(+)/acquisition(-) of subsidiaries Acquisition of fixed assets Divestment of tangible fixed assets CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES –2 0 –20 –12 9 0 –13 –12 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase(-)/decrease(+) of long-term lending – 221 Dividends paid –340 –309 CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES –340 –88 CASH FLOW FOR THE YEAR –140 140 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR 18 140 0 0 140 21 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Parent Company BALANCE SHEET SEK M Note 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 22 8 22 8 ASSETS FIXED ASSETS INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 13 Capitalised expenditure for IT systems TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Equipment and transport 12 11 13 11 13 249 247 249 247 282 268 1 1 FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS Participation in Group companies 24 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS, INVENTORIES, ETC. Goods for resale CURRENT RECEIVABLES Accounts receivable Receivables in Group companies Other receivables 1 360 5 1 46 46 580 408 0 140 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 581 548 TOTAL ASSETS 863 816 Prepaid expenses and accrued income TOTAL CURRENT RECEIVABLES CASH AND BANK BALANCES 22 2 527 17 Parent Company | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 BALANCE SHEET SEK M Note 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 77 77 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 25 RESTRICTED SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Share capital, (30,868,822 shares) Statutory reserve 3 3 80 80 Profit brought forward 365 291 Profit for the year 250 265 TOTAL NON-RESTRICTED SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 615 556 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 695 637 138 86 3 3 Accounts payable 9 12 Liabilities to Group companies 4 50 Tax liabilities 1 16 Other liabilities 2 1 11 11 TOTAL RESTRICTED SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY NON-RESTRICTED SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY UNTAXED RESERVES PROVISIONS 20 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accrued expenses and deferred income 22 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 27 90 863 816 MEMORANDUM ITEMS Pledged assets 23 92 92 Contingent liabilities 23 19 20 23 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Changes in shareholders’ equity GROUP SEK M OPENING BALANCE ON 1 JANUARY 2007 Share capital Other contributed capital Translation reserve Profit brought forward Total attributable to Parent Company shareholders 77 343 –11 523 933 Translation difference pertaining to foreign operations 13 Profit for the year 0 0 341 343 OPENING BALANCE ON 1 JANUARY 2008 77 343 Translation difference pertaining to foreign operations 7 348 –318 0 0 3 555 978 18 996 3 555 978 18 996 9 189 14 180 0 180 343 17 14 180 180 9 189 –340 –340 –8 –347 396 833 Acquisition/divestment of minority shares 77 13 –10 Dividends CLOSING BALANCE ON 31 DECEMBER 2008 348 341 Profit for the year 0 7 –309 14 TOTAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 953 341 Acquisition of minority shares 77 20 –309 Dividends CLOSING BALANCE ON 31 DECEMBER 2007 Total shareholders’ equity 13 341 TOTAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD Minority shares –1 –1 18 851 Number of shares at 31 December 2008 amounted to 30,868,822. PARENT COMPANY SEK M TOTAL, 31 DECEMBER 2006 Share capital Statutory reserve Profit brought forward 77 3 452 10 10 –10 Appropriation of profit according to Annual General Meeting resolution Group contribution received 191 Tax on Group contribution received –54 Dividends –309 Profit for the year TOTAL, 31 DECEMBER 2007 265 77 3 291 265 Appropriation of profit according to Annual General Meeting resolution 265 –265 Group contribution received 205 Tax on Group contribution received –58 Dividends –340 Profit for the year TOTAL, 31 DECEMBER 2008 24 Profit/loss for the year 250 77 3 365 250 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Note 1 Accounting principles ACCOUNTING AND VALUATION PRINCIPLES July 2008. The new interpretative statements, IFRIC In addition to IFRS 8, IAS 1, additional amendments The consolidated accounts were prepared in accord- 11, 12 and 14 as well as amendments to IAS 39 and were made to IAS 23 Borrowing Costs, IAS 27 ance with International Financial Reporting Stand- IFRS 7 do not affect the Mekonomen Group’s income Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, ards (IFRS) as approved by the European Union and statements and balance sheets. IAS 32 Classification of Financial Instrument, IAS 39 interpretations issued by the International Financial Financial Instruments, Recognition and Measure- Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) for ap- Amended accounting principles 2009 ment, IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of IFRS, IFRS 2 plication as of 31 December 2008. Furthermore, the The new or amended standards and interpretation Share-based Payment, IFRS 3 Business Combina- Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s recommenda- statements that become effective in 2009 have not tions, Improvements to IFRSs in 2008, IFRIC 13 tion RFR 1.1, Supplementary Accounting Regulations been used in advance in the application of these Customer Loyalty Programs, IFRIS 15 Agreements for Groups, has been applied. financial statements. There are no plans for the for the Construction of Real Estate, IFRIC 16 Hedges advance use of the new regulations and amend- of a net investment in a Foreign Operation, IFRIC Swedish kronor (SEK), which is also the Group’s report- ments that are applicable from the 2009 financial 17 Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners and ing currency. All amounts are stated in SEK M unless year. To the extent anticipated, Mekonomen has IFRIC 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers. IFRS otherwise stated. not yet made an assessment of the effects on the 1 and 3, IAS 27 and 29 as well as IFRIC 15, 17 and 18 The items in the Annual Report are measured at financial statements of the application of the new have not yet been approved for application by the acquisition value (cost), with the exception of certain and amended standards below and interpretation EU, which is why these have not been applied. It is financial instruments, which are measured at fair statements not described below. anticipated that the described amendments will not The functional currency of the Parent Company is value. The Parent Company’s accounts were prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2.1. The Group’s main accounting principles are IFRS 8, Operating Segments, defines what an have any significant impact on Mekonomen Group’s operating segment is and what information should income statements and balance sheets, cash-flow be submitted about these in financial statements. statements and shareholders’ equity. The standard requires that segment information is presented based on management’s perspective, CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS which means that it is presented in the same manner The consolidated accounts include the Parent Com- Amended accounting principles 2008 as in the internal reporting. IFRS 8 is an absolute infor- pany and all companies over which the Parent Com- From 1 January 2008, three interpretative state- mation standard, which is why it does not have any pany has a controlling influence. Controlling influence ments were issued from IFRIC. IFRIC 11, IFRIC 2 impact on the Group’s income statement and balance refers to companies in which Mekonomen has a right Group and Treasury Share Transactions, IFRIC sheets, cash flow and shareholders’ equity. Application to formulate financial and operational strategies. This 12 Service Concession Arrangements and IFRIC of IFRS 8 will not result in any changes in the Group’s normally occurs through ownership and voting rights 14 The limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum segments. of more than 50 per cent. The existence and effect of described below. Funding Requirements and their interaction. IFRIC IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements, means potential voting rights, which are currently available for 12 has not been approved by the EU and has thus that the presentation of financial statements will exercise or conversion, are taken into account when an not been applied. During autumn 2008, IASB made change in certain respects and that new, optional assessment is made of whether the Group can exercise amendments to IAS 39 and IFRS 7, which were also terms for reports are proposed. The Mekonomen controlling influence over another company. Subsidiar- approved for application in the EU, which states Group’s future presentation of financial statements is ies are included in the consolidated accounts from the that under specific conditions it is permissible to thus affected by the introduction. The amendment point in time at which controlling influence is achieved reclassify certain financial assets effective from 1 will not have any impact on the amounts recognised. and excluded from the consolidated accounts from the 25 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes point in time at which the controlling influence ceases. to fair values attributable to acquisition of operations Group as lessee The consolidated accounts were prepared in accord- with functional currencies other than SEK are treated Assets held under financial leasing agreements ance with the purchase method, which means that as assets and liabilities in the acquired operations’ are recognised as fixed assets in the consolidated the carrying amount of shares in subsidiaries of the currencies and translated at the exchange rates on the balance sheets at fair value at the beginning of the Parent Company is eliminated against shareholders’ closing date. leasing period or at the minimum leasing fees if equity including the proportion of equity contained this is lower. The liability that the lessee has to the in the untaxed reserves of each Group company. If Segment reporting lessor is recognised in the balance sheet under the applicable, the accounting records of subsidiaries The Mekonomen Group uses geographic regions as heading “Lease agreement” divided into long-term are adjusted to comply with the same principles that primary segments, since the Group’s organisation and short-term liabilities. Leasing payments are apply for the other Group companies. All internal and control is based on geographical division. The divided between interest and amortisation of debt. transactions between Group companies and inter- regions consist of each country, Sweden, Norway Interest is divided over the leasing period so that company transactions were eliminated during the and Denmark. Secondary segments are not reported each reporting period is charged with an amount preparation of the consolidated accounts. since Mekonomen only has one line of business. corresponding to a fixed interest rate of the liability Profit/loss for each segment includes the contribution received by the segment through wholesale recognised directly in profit and loss in the income Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into operations. This is to facilitate comparison between statement. Lease fees that are paid during operating Swedish kronor (SEK) according to the exchange rate segments. lease agreements are systematically expensed over on the date of the transaction. Monetary items (assets the leasing period. and liabilities) in foreign currencies are translated into Revenue recognition SEK according to the exchange rate on closing date. Sales of goods are recognised at delivery/handover Remuneration to employees Exchange-rate gains and losses that arise in connection of products to the customer, in accordance with The Group has both defined-contribution and with such translations are recognised in profit and loss conditions of sale. Sales are recognised net after defined-benefit pension plans. A defined-benefit in the income statement as Other operating revenue deduction of discounts and value-added tax. Sales pension plan is a pension plan that guarantees an and/or Other operating expense. Exchange-rate differ- from the centralised warehouse to stores occur in amount, which the employee receives as pension ences that arise in foreign long-term loans and liabilities the currency of the receiving country. Consequent- benefits upon retirement, normally based on several are recognised in financial income and expenses. ly, exchange-rate fluctuations only affect wholesale different factors, for example, salary and period of operations. Intra-Group sales are eliminated in the service. A defined-contribution pension plan is a consolidated accounts. pension plan in which the Group, after having paid Translation of foreign subsidiaries When the consolidated accounts were prepared, the Interest revenues are recognised on an accruals its pension premium to a separate legal entity, has Group’s foreign operations’ balance sheets were trans- basis over the term by applying the effective interest fulfilled its commitments towards the employee. lated from their functional currencies to SEK based method. on the exchange rates on the closing date. The 26 reported during each period. Interest expenses are Translation of transactions in foreign currency Defined-contribution plans are recognised as an expense in the period to which the premiums paid are income statements were translated at the average Leasing annual exchange rate. Translation differences that A financial leasing contract is an agreement accord- arose were recognised against translation reserves ing to which the financial risks and benefits that are culated using the Projected Unit Credit Method where- in shareholders’ equity. The accumulated translation connected to ownership of an object are essentially by expenses are distributed over the employee’s differences were transferred and recognised as part transferred from the lessor to the lessee. The leasing period of employment. These commitments, meaning of capital gains or capital losses in cases where foreign object refers primarily to company vehicles, distri- the liabilities that are recognised, are measured at the operations were divested. Goodwill and adjustments bution vehicles and forklift trucks. present value of expected future payments, taking attributable. Pension expenses for defined-benefit plans are cal- Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 estimated future salary increases into account, apply- benefit plan, which is the reason why the ITP plan is asset is recovered or the debt settled. Deferred tax is ing a discount rate corresponding to the interest on recognised as a defined-contribution plan in accord- recognised as revenues or expenses in the income first-class corporate bonds or government bonds is- ance with IAS 19.30. statement, except in cases when it pertains to transac- sued in the same currency as the pension is to be paid Remuneration in connection with termination tions or events that are recognised directly against in, with a remaining duration that is comparable to can be paid when an employee has served notice shareholders’ equity. The deferred tax is then also rec- the current commitment and with deductions for the of termination prior to the expiration of the normal ognised directly against shareholders’ equity. Deferred fair value of plan assets. Should a net asset arise, this pension date or when an employee accepts voluntary tax assets and tax liabilities are offset when they are will be recognised only to the extent that it represents retirement. The Group recognises liabilities and attributable to income tax that is debited by the same future financial benefits, for example, in the form of re- expenses in connection with a termination of employ- authority and when the Group intends to pay the tax payments or reduced future premiums. Accumulated ment, when Mekonomen is unquestionably obligated with a net amount. actuarial gains and losses, outside the so-called cor- to either terminate employment prior to the normal ridor, are recognised in profit and loss in the income termination date or to voluntarily pay remuneration GOODWILL statement as revenues or expenses, distributed over to encourage early retirement. Goodwill comprises the amount by which the ac- the employee’s average remaining estimated period of employment until retirement. The corridor represents the higher of 10 per cent of the present value of the defined-benefit pension obli- Mekonomen reports a liability and an expense for quisition value exceeds the fair value of the Group’s bonuses when there are legal or informal obliga- portion of the acquired subsidiary’s identifiable net tions, based on earlier practice, to pay bonuses to assets on the date of acquisition. If in conjunction employees. with the acquisition, the fair value of the acquired as- gation and 10 per cent of the value of the plan assets. sets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exceeds the Expenses pertaining to employment during previous TAX acquisition value, the surplus is recognised directly periods are recognised directly in profit and loss in the The Group’s total tax expense comprises current in profit and loss in the income statement. Goodwill income statement unless changes in the pension plan tax and deferred tax. Current tax is tax that shall be has an unspecified useful life and is recognised are subject to the employees remaining in service paid or received pertaining to the current year and at acquisition value with deduction for accumu- during a stipulated period. In such cases, the expense adjustments of prior years’ current tax. Deferred tax lated impairments and accumulated amortisation pertaining to the employment period from previous is calculated based on the difference between the implemented prior to the transition to IFRS. In the periods will be distributed according to the straight- carrying amounts and the values for tax purposes divestment of an operation, the portion of goodwill line method over the earnings period. Expenses for of company assets and liabilities. Deferred tax is attributable to this operation that has not been service during the present period are recognised as recognised according to the balance sheet method. amortised is recognised in the calculation of gain or personnel expenses. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised in principle on loss on the divestment. Goodwill is allocated to the all taxable temporary differences, while deferred tax lowest cash-generating unit. One of the Group’s defined-benefit pension plans comprises a multi-employer defined-benefit pension assets are reported to the extent that is probable that plan (the ITP plan at Alecta). In accordance with Me- the amount can be utilised against future taxable Other intangible assets konomen’s accounting principles, a multi-employer surplus. Expenditure for the development and implementa- defined-benefit plan is recognised based on the rules The carrying amount on deferred tax assets is tion of IT systems can be capitalised if development of the plans and reports its proportional share of the assessed at each accounting year-end and reduced to costs are estimated to exceed SEK 1 M. An individual defined-benefit pension obligations and of plan assets the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient assessment is conducted on each occasion. Capitali- and expenses related to the plan in the same manner taxable surplus will be available to be utilised either in sation is permissable if it is probable that future fi- as for any other similar defined-benefit pension plan. its entirety or partially against the deferred tax asset. nancial benefits will be accrued to the company and However, Alecta has not been able to present suffi cient information to facilitate reporting as a defined Deferred tax is calculated based on the tax rates that are expected to apply for the period when the the acquisition value of the asset can be calculated in a reliable manner. 27 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes Tangible fixed assets value. Impairment losses are recognised in profit recognised either as an asset or liability, depending Tangible fixed assets are recognised as assets in the and loss in the income statement in the period in on changes in the exchange rate. A financial asset or balance sheets if it is probable that future financial which they are established. financial liability is recognised in the balance sheet benefits will be accrued to the company and the With regard to goodwill items, an impairment test is when the company becomes party to the contrac- acquisition value of the asset can be calculated in conducted at least once a year. Refer also to Note 13 for tual conditions of the instrument. Accounts receiva- a reliable manner. Tangible fixed assets, primarily information on how this test is performed. bles are recognised when an invoice is sent and comprising equipment, computers and means of accounts payable are recognised when an invoice transport are recognised at acquisition value with Assets held for sale has been received. With the exception of cash and deduction for accumulated depreciation and any Fixed assets that Mekonomen has offered for sale, cash equivalents, only an insignificant portion of impairment. Depreciation of tangible fixed assets is which are also immediately available for sale and for the financial assets is interest-bearing, which is why recognised as an expense so that the asset’s value is which the carrying amount will largely be recovered interest exposure is not reported. The maximum depreciated according to the straight-line method through the sale, are recognised as current assets. credit risk corresponds to the carrying amount. over its estimated useful life. The following percent- Such assets are valued and thereby recognised at The terms for long-term and short-term loans are ages were applied for depreciation: the lowest of the carrying amount and fair value stated in separate note disclosures; other financial after deductions for selling expenses. liabilities are non interest-bearing. A financial asset, FIXED ASSETS Per cent Land improvements and permanent equipment in buildings Equipment 5–10 10–15 or portion thereof, is eliminated when the rights Inventories contained in the contract are realised or mature. A Inventories are recognised at the lower of the acqui- financial liability, or portion thereof, is eliminated as Vehicles 20 sition value and net realisable value. The acquisition it is regulated when the commitment in the agree- Servers 20 value is established by using the first in/first out ment has been fulfilled or has been terminated in Workplace computers 33 principle (FIFO). another manner. A provision for estimated obsolescence in inventoImpairment losses ries is established when there is an objective basis to Calculation of fair value, financial instruments At each accounting period, an assessment is made assume that the Group will be unable to receive the When establishing the fair value of derivatives, to determine whether there is any indication that book value when inventories are sold in the future. official market listings on the balance-sheet date are an impairment loss should be recognised on any The size of the provision amounts to the difference used. If no such information is available, a valuation of the Group’s assets. If there is such an indication, between the asset’s carrying amount and the value of is conducted applying established methods, such as the asset’s recoverable value is established. The expected future cash flows. The reserved amount is discounting future cash flows to the quoted market recoverable value is deemed to be the higher of the recognised in profit and loss in the income statement. rate for each term. Translation to SEK is based on the asset’s value in use in operations and the value that The inventory value was reduced by the value would be received if the asset were to be divested to included in the inter-company profit from goods sold an independent party, that is, the asset’s net realis- from the wholesaler to the company’s own stores. able value. The value in use is the present value of 28 quoted exchange rate on the balance-sheet date. Long-term receivables Long-term receivables comprise primarily deposits all inward and outward payments attributable to the Financial instruments and lease-purchase agreements. These are recog- asset during the period in which it is expected to be Financial assets recognised as assets in the balance nised at the accrued acquisition value. utilised in operations, plus the present value of the sheet include loan receivables, accounts receivables net realisable value at the end of its useful life. If the and cash and cash equivalents. Liabilities in the Accounts receivable calculated recoverable value is less than the carry- balance sheet include long-term and short-term Accounts receivables are recognised net after ing amount, the asset is impaired to its recoverable loans and accounts payable. A currency derivative is provisions for possible bad debts. The expected Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 term of accounts receivable is short, which is why Loans the Group’s and the Parent Company’s accounting the amount is recognised at nominal value without Liabilities to credit institutions, overdraft facilities principles are stated below. discounting in accordance with the method for ac- and other liabilities (loans) are initially recognised crued acquisition value. A provision for possible bad at fair value net after transaction costs. Thereafter, Tax debts on accounts receivable is made when there loans are recognised at accrued acquisition value. The amounts reserved as untaxed reserves consist are objective indications to assume that the Group Possible transaction costs are distributed over the of taxable temporary differences. Due to the link will not be able to receive all the amounts that are loan period applying the effective interest method. between accounting and taxation, the deferred tax due for payment in accordance with the receiva- Long-term liabilities have an estimated term longer liabilities that are attributable to the untaxed re- bles’ original conditions. The size of the provision than one year while short-term liabilities have a term serves, are not recognised separately in a legal entity. consists of the difference between the asset’s carry- of less than one year. The changes in untaxed reserves are recognised in ing amount and the value of estimated future cash accordance with Swedish practice in the income flows. The reserved amount is recognised in profit Share capital statement for individual companies under the and loss in the income statement. Ordinary shares are classified as share capital. Trans- heading “Appropriations.” The accumulated value action costs in connection with a new share issue of provisions are recognised in the balance sheet Cash and cash equivalents are recognised as a deduction, net after tax, from under the heading “Untaxed reserves,” of which 26.3 Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash funds proceeds from the new share issue. per cent are regarded as deferred tax liabilities and held at financial institutions and current liquid in- 73.7 per cent as restricted shareholders’ equity. vestments with a term from the date of acquisition of Cash-flow statement less than three months, which is exposed to only an The cash-flow statement was prepared in accord- Reporting of Group contributions insignificant risk of fluctuations in value. Cash and ance with the indirect method. The recognised Mekonomen recognises Group contributions and cash equivalents are recognised at nominal value. cash flow comprises only transactions that result in shareholders’ contributions in accordance with the inward and outward payments. statement from the Swedish Financial Reporting Derivative instruments Board, URF 2. Shareholders’ contributions are recog- Mekonomen applies hedge accounting with regard Parent Company’s accounting principles nised directly against non-restricted shareholders’ to receivables in foreign currencies. Hedging is con- The accounts of the Parent Company were prepared equity with the receiver and as an increase in the ducted using foreign-exchange forward contracts in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts item “participations in Group companies” with the with a maximum term of three months. Hedged Act and the Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s provider. Group contributions that are paid and receivables in foreign currencies are recognised at recommendation RFR 2.1, Reporting of Legal Enti- received with the aim of minimising the Group’s tax the interest rate applying on the balance-sheet date ties. Application of RFR 2.1 means that the Parent payments are recognised as a reduction or increase and hedging instruments are recognised separately Company shall, in the annual accounts for a legal in non-restricted shareholders’ equity. at fair value in the balance sheet. entity, apply all of the IFRS and statements that have been approved by the EU where this is possible Pensions Accounts payable within the framework of the Swedish Annual Ac- Defined-benefit and defined-contribution pension The expected term for accounts payable is short, counts Act and the law on safeguarding of pension plans are recognised in accordance with the present which is why the debt is recognised at nominal value commitments and taking into account the link Swedish accounting standard, which is based on the without discounting according to the method for between accounting and taxation. The recommen- regulations in the law on safeguarding of pension accrued acquisition value. dation specifies which exceptions and additions commitments. shall be made from IFRS. The differences between 29 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes NOTE 2 Reporting of geographic segments Sweden Norway Eliminations and central items Denmark 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 External net sales 1,297 1,270 630 584 704 661 Internal revenues 603 467 0 28 18 7 2 7 1 1,927 1,754 637 586 711 OPERATING REVENUE 211 216 76 81 Assets 693 873 173 179 2008 Total 2007 2008 2007 15 15 2,646 2,530 –603 –467 0 0 3 1 45 20 662 –585 –451 2,691 2,550 –2 –22 –34 –24 251 250 406 311 –60 –42 1,212 1,320 211 161 211 161 REVENUES Other revenues TOTAL REVENUES 0 Undistributed assets TOTAL ASSETS 693 873 173 179 406 311 151 119 1,423 1,481 Liabilities 702 657 113 80 242 168 –477 –445 580 460 –8 25 –8 25 –485 –420 572 485 35 Undistributed liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES Investments, tangible assets 702 657 113 80 242 168 18 11 4 4 19 14 Investments, IT systems Depreciation (tangible assets) 3 6 44 17 8 17 8 15 14 4 5 7 12 5 6 31 37 Average number of employees for the period 671 637 233 202 397 382 61 50 1,363 1,271 Number of own stores 103 93 29 25 39 38 171 156 20 21 15 17 0 0 35 38 123 114 44 42 39 38 206 194 EBIT margin, %* 16 17 12 14 0 –3 9 10 Sales increase, % 10 5 9 9 7 –0 6 4 2,872 2,754 2,734 2,901 1,791 1,733 1,974 2,007 314 339 326 399 –5 –58 184 197 Number of partnership stores NUMBER OF STORES IN THE CHAIN KEY FIGURES Sales/employee, SEK 000s (converted into one-year balance) Operating profit per employee, SEK 000s (converted into one-year balance) * When calculating the EBIT margin for the segments, internal sales were excluded. ) 30 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 NOTE 3 Significant appreciations and assessments The preparation of the annual accounts and applica- PROPERTIES FOR SALE mentioned types of intangible assets can be identified. tion of various accounting standards are based to During 2007, the majority of the Group’s properties The only asset that could be suitable is customer rela- a certain extent on management’s assessments or were sold and five of the remaining seven were di- tions, but these are normally not so strong as to be assumptions and appreciations that are considered vested in 2008. The remaining two properties are considered justifiable to report as assets separate reasonable under the circumstances. These assump- still classed as properties held for sale, since the from goodwill. However, an examination is conducted t ions and appreciations are frequently based on decision to sell these remains and activities to imple- at each acquisition. The remaining surplus value is historic experience but also of other factors, includ- ment the sales are in progress. allocated to goodwill. ing expectations on future events. The results could differ if other assumptions and appreciations COMPANY ACQUISITIONS were used and the actual outcome will, in terms of In conjunction with acquisitions, analyses are definition, rarely agree with the estimated outcome. prepared in which all identifiable assets and li- The assumptions and appreciations made by Me- abilities, including intangible assets, are identified konomen in the 2008 annual accounts, and which and measured at fair value at the acquisition date. had the greatest impact on results and assets and In accordance with IFRS 3, acquired identifiable in- liabilities, are discussed below. tangible assets, for example, customers, brands and order backlog, shall be separated from goodwill. This GOODWILL applies if these fulfil the criteria as assets, meaning, In assessing the impairment requirement for good- they are possible to separate or are based in contrac- will, appreciations and assessments are conducted, tual or other formal rights, and that their fair values for example, on the relevant company’s future earn- can be established in a reliable manner. ings capacity and growth. These assumptions are described in detail in Note 14, Intangible fixed assets. Pertaining to the type of operations acquired by Mekonomen, it is highly unusual that the above- NOTE 4 Audit expenses Group 2008 Parent Company 2007 2008 2007 DELOITTE AB Audit fee 4 4 1 1 Consultant fee 0 2 0 1 TOTAL 4 6 1 2 Audit assignment refers to the review of the annual signments that rest upon the company’s auditor to mentation of such other assignments. Everything report and accounting as well as the Board’s and perform and advice or other assistance resulting else is “other assignments.” President’s management of operations, other as- from observations during such a review or imple- 31 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes NOTE 5 A verage number of employees, salaries, other remuneration and social security contributions 2008 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 2007 No. of employees Of whom, men % No. of employees Of whom, men % Sweden 61 53 50 64 TOTAL IN PARENT COMPANY 61 53 50 64 Sweden 671 83 637 85 Denmark 397 88 382 87 Norway 233 85 202 87 TOTAL IN SUBSIDIARIES 1,302 85 1,221 86 GROUP TOTAL 1,363 84 1,271 85 Salaries and other remuneration Soc. security expenses (of which pension costs Salaries and other remuneration Soc. security expenses (of which pension costs 17,290 30,307 PARENT COMPANY SUBSIDIARIES SALARIES, REMUNERATION, ETC., SEK 000s Parent Company 32,691 (5,287) Subsidiaries 470,311 106,278 408,841 (28,885) GROUP TOTAL 503,002 123,568 Board and President* (of which bonus, etc.) 97,696 (26,921) 439,148 (34,172) SALARIES AND OTHER REMUNERATION DISTRIBUTED BETWEEN THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD MEMBERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES, SEK 000s 14,429 (3,772) 112,125 (30,693) Board and Other President* employees (of which bonus, etc.) Other employees PARENT COMPANY Mekonomen AB TOTAL IN PARENT COMPANY 5,872 26,819 6,960 (864) (414) (1,703) 23,347 (969) 5,872 26,819 6,960 23,347 (864) (414) (1,703) (969) 14,002 180,895 12,625 158,345 (1,485) (1,216) (1,266) (960) 1,647 172,136 2,304 153,616 (82) (0) (248) (0) Norway 14,763 86,868 11,656 70,295 (487) (622) (260) (115) TOTAL IN SUBSIDIARIES 30,412 439,899 26,585 382,256 (2,054) (1,838) (1,774) (1,075) 36,284 466,718 33,545 405,603 (2,918) (2,252) (3,477) (2,044) SUBSIDIARIES IN SWEDEN SUBSIDIARIES ABROAD Denmark GROUP TOTAL *) Remuneration to the Board of Directors and President includes the Parent Company and, where appropriate, subsidiaries in respective countries. 32 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 REMUNERATION TO SENIOR EXECUTIVES performance and that remuneration shall comprise Fees are paid to the Chairman of the Board and the following parts: - fixed basic salary, variable remu- Commitments for old-age pension and family pen- Board members in accordance with the resolution of neration, pension benefits, other benefits and termina- sion for salaried employees in Sweden are secured the Annual General Meeting. The annual Board fee tion terms. The variable remuneration for other senior through insurance with Alecta. According to a state- totalling SEK 1,360,000 (1,275,000) was established in executives, excluding the President, is based partly on ment from the Swedish Financial Reporting Board, accordance with the resolution of the 2008 Annual the Group’s profit and partly on individual qualitative RFR 3, this is a defined-benefit plan that comprises General Meeting. From this, SEK 320,000 (300,000) parameters and can amount to a maximum of four several employers. In the 2008 financial year, the represents fees to the Chairman of the Board and months’ salary. Other benefits refer primarily to com- company did not have access to such information SEK 240,000 (225,000) to the Vice Chairman. pany cars. Pension premiums are paid in an amount that made it possible to recognised this plan as a No fees are paid to the Boards of other subsidiaries. based on the ITP plan. Pensionable salary refers to the defined-benefit plan. ITP pension plans that are The President, Håkan Lundstedt, has a basic salary basic salary. Severance pay for termination on the part secured through insurance with Alecta are there- of SEK 300,000 per month and a variable salary por- of the company can total a maximum of one annual fore reported as defined-contribution plans. The tion, which is based on the company’s profit and can salary. Matters pertaining to remuneration to Board annual fees for pension policies signed with Alecta amount to a maximum of 50 per cent of the basic an- members shall be prepared and resolved by the Board amounted to SEK 2 M (3). Alecta’s surplus can be dis- nual salary. Pension provisions are paid in an amount of Directors. At the 2008 Annual General Meeting, tributed to policyholders and/or the insured. At the corresponding to 25 per cent of the basic salary. Other it was also resolved, upon approval by the Board of end of 2008, Alecta’s surplus, in the form of the col- benefits consist of a company car. The period of notice Directors, that Company Management may receive lective consolidation level, amounted to 112 per cent is 12 months if termination is initiated by the company a cash bonus from the company. The bonus shall be (152). The collective consolidation level comprises and six months if initiated by the employee. In the profit-based and calculated on the Group’s profit for the market value of Alecta’s assets as a percentage case of termination on the part of the company, sever- 2008–2010 – financial years. The bonus program, in of insurance commitments calculated according to ance pay amounting to six months’ salary is paid. its entirety, as a total expense for the company, shall Alecta’s actuarial calculation commitments, which amount to a maximum of SEK 12 M for the period. are not in agreement with IAS 19. Remuneration of other senior executives will be paid according to the principles adopted at the The criteria for the size of an individual bonus shall 2008 Annual General Meeting. This means that the be determined by the Board of Directors. The Board company shall strive to offer its senior executives of Directors intends to propose that the 2009 Annual market-based remuneration, that the criteria shall General Meeting approve the continued application of accordingly be based on the significance of assign- these basic guidelines. Pensions ments, competency requirements, experience and EXECUTIVES/OCCUPATION CATEGORY Basic salary Bonus Board fees Fredrik Persson, Chairman of the Board 320 Marcus Storch, Vice Chriaman of the Board 240 Antonia Ax:son Johnson, Board member 160 Kenny Bräck, Board member 160 Anders G Carlberg, Board member 160 Wolff Huber, Board member 160 Helena Skåntorp, Board member Other benefits Pension premiums 160 Håkan Lundstedt, President 3,648 864 58 912 Other senior executives, 10 11,541 681 1,094 2,972 15,189 1,545 1,152 3,884 1,360 33 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes Of all the company’s officers and senior executives, Establishment Manager, Corporate Communica- five are women. At year-end, the number of senior tions Manager, Head of Business Development and executives was 11, who also comprise the Group’s Head of Operations for Norway, Denmark, Sweden management team. In addition to the President, and Mekonomen Grossist. they are the Group’s IT Manager, HR Manager, CFO, Parent Company SICK LEAVE, % 2008 Age category: 29 years or younger 2007 – – Age category: 30 - 49 years 1.8 1.9 Age category: 50 years or older 1.0 2.0 TOTAL 1.6 1.9 Women 2.4 4.1 Men 1.0 0.8 0 0 Of which, long-term sick leave The portion of employees in the 29 years and younger age category is too low to facilitate the implementation of a complete specification. NOTE 6 Depreciation/amortisation and impairment of tangible and intangible fixed assets Group Planned depreciation of equipment and transport Amortisation of capitalised expenditure for IT systems Planned depreciation of properties TOTAL DEPRECIATION ACCORDING TO PLAN Impairment of intangible assets TOTAL DEPRECIATION/AMORTISATION AND IMPAIRMENT 34 Parent Company 2008 2007 2008 31 37 4 5 3 – 3 – 2007 0 0 – – 34 37 8 5 – – – – 34 37 8 5 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 NOTE 7 Appropriations Parent Company 2008 2007 Provision, tax allocation reserve –46 –44 Changes in excess depreciation –6 0 –52 –44 Total appropriations NOTE 8 Net profit/loss on financial instruments reported in income statement Group NET PROFIT/NET LOSS Parent Company 2008 2007 2008 2007 7 –1 6 –1 –3 –3 0 0 2008 2007 2008 2007 SWEDEN –49 –57 –39 –37 Other countries –21 –20 – – TOTAL CURRENT TAX –70 –77 –39 –37 Of which, financial instruments categorised as: Holdings for trading, derivative Accounts receivable, impairments NOTE 9 Tax on profit for the year Group CURRENT TAX Changes in deferred tax temporary differences Tax on Group contributions, net RECOGNISED TAX EXPENSES Parent Company –2 7 – – – – 58 54 –72 –70 19 16 TAX ON PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Recognised profit before tax 261 418 231 250 Tax according to applicable tax rate, 28% –73 –117 –65 –70 –2 –1 –1 0 Tax on standard interest on tax allocation reserves Tax effects on expenses that are not tax deductible Other non-deductible expenses Other non-taxable revenue –1 0 0 –1 2 0 85 87 Tax effects on current tax, property transaction Sweden – 43 – – Tax effects on deferred tax, property transaction Denmark – 12 – – Tax effects on current tax, property transaction Denmark – –7 – – Effects on adjustments from the preceding year 2 0 – – Tax effects utilised, non-valued,, loss carryforwards Sweden REPORTED TAX EXPENSES – 1 – – –72 –70 19 16 35 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes NOTE 10 Buildings and land Land and buildings Improvement costs, third-party property Total 457 3 460 OPENING ACQUISITION VALUE, 1 JANUARY 2007 Purchase, rebuilding and extensions, conversions Reclassifications –455 OPENING ACQUISITION VALUE, 1 JANUARY 2008 0 0 –1 –456 1 3 4 2 2 –1 – –1 0 5 5 –96 –1 –97 Purchase, rebuilding and extensions, conversions Sales/disposals CLOSING ACQUISITION VALUE, 31 DECEMBER 2008 OPENING ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION, 1 JANUARY 2007 Depreciation according to plan for the year Reclassifications OPENING ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION, 1 JANUARY 2008 0 0 0 96 – 96 0 –1 –1 0 0 Depreciation according to plan for the year Sales/disposals 0 CLOSING ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION, 31 DECEMBER 2008 CLOSING RESIDUAL VALUE ACCORDING TO PLAN, 31 DECEMBER 2008 0 –1 –1 4 4 0 The buildings are depreciated at 2–4 per cent During 2007, the majority of the Group’s properties properties were divested, the remaining two are depending on classification. Permanent equipment were divested, six of the remaining seven were classed as “properties held for resale,” since they are was depreciated at 5–10 per cent based on the calcu- classed as “properties held for resale” at 31 Decem- still for sale. lated economic lifetime. ber 2007. During 2008, five of the seven remaining PROPERTIES HELD FOR RESALE PROPERTY/CITY/COUNTRY Initial value Revaluation during the year Carrying amount Date of reclassification as properties held for resale Tunnbindaren 4, Växjö, Sweden 3 3 January 2007 Romberga 23:25, Enköping, Sweden 4 4 January 2007 7 7 31 Dec. 2008 Buildings 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 Of which, land Buildings TAX ASSESSMENT VALUE, PROPERTIES Tax assessment value, Sweden 36 – 4 1 3 31 Dec. 2007 Of which, land 1 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 NOTE 11 Classification of financial assets and liabilities 2008 Loan receivables and accounts receivables Other liabilities Hedging accounting Amortised cost Amortised cost Fair value Intangible fixed assets – – Tangible fixed assets – – Deposits paid 6 Non financial assets/ liabilities Total – 254 254 – 119 119 – – – 6 20 – – – 20 Deferred tax assets – – – 3 3 Inventories – – – 602 602 ASSETS Lease-purchase agreements 217 – – – 217 Other current receivables Accounts receivable – – – 21 21 Properties for sale – – – 7 7 Other assets (derivatives) – – 5 – 5 Prepaid expenses and accrued income – – – 83 83 Cash and bank balances 85 – – – 85 328 – 5 1,089 1,423 Shareholders' equity – – – 851 851 Provisions – – – 3 3 Long-term liabilities – – – 39 39 Current liabilities – – – 41 41 Liabilities to credit institutions – 50 – 50 Accounts payable – 268 – 268 Current tax liabilities – – – Other liabilities (derivatives) – – 0 Accrued expenses and prepaid income – – TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES – 318 TOTAL ASSETS SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 22 22 – 149 149 0 1,105 1,423 0 During the year, the income statement was not influenced by changes in value of short-term investments. 37 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes NOTE 11 Classification of financial assets and liabilities 2007 Investments held to maturity Loan receivables and accounts receivables Other liabilities Hedge accounting Amortised cost Amortised cost Amortised cost Fair value Intangible fixed assets – – – Tangible fixed assets – – – Deposits paid – 4 Lease-purchase agreements – 5 Non financial assets/ liabilities Total – 206 206 – 97 97 – – – 4 – – – 5 ASSETS Other financial fixed assets – 1 – – – 1 Deferred tax assets – – – – 2 2 Inventories – – – – 554 554 Accounts receivable – 201 – – – 201 Other current receivables – – – – 23 23 Properties for sale – – – – 22 22 Other assets (derivatives) Prepaid expenses and accrued income Cash and bank balances – – – – 76 76 140 – – – – 140 – 150 – – – 150 140 361 0 0 980 1,481 Shareholders' equity – – – – 996 996 Provisions – – – – 3 3 Long-term liabilities – – – – 39 39 25 TOTAL ASSETS SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Current liabilities – – – – 25 Liabilities to credit institutions – – 6 – – 6 Accounts payable – – 241 – – 241 31 Current tax liabilities – – – – 31 Other liabilities (derivatives) – – – 1 – 1 Accrued expenses and prepaid income – – – – 139 139 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 0 0 247 1 1,233 1,481 During the year, the income statement was not influenced by changes in value of short-term investments. 38 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 NOTE 12 Equipment and transport OPENING ACQUISITION VALUE, 1 JANUARY 2007 Purchases Sales/disposals Exchange-rate fluctuations Equipment, transport Leasing Total 273 14 288 30 5 35 –10 – –10 5 0 5 298 19 317 Purchases 43 2 Sales/disposals –9 OPENING ACQUISITION VALUE, 1 JANUARY 2008 Exchange-rate fluctuations CLOSING ACQUISITION VALUE, 31 DECEMBER 2008 OPENING DEPRECIATION, 1 JANUARY 2007 Sales/disposals Exchange-rate fluctuations Depreciation for the year OPENING DEPRECIATION, 1 JANUARY 2008 Sales/disposals Exchange-rate fluctuations Depreciation for the year CLOSING ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION, 31 DECEMBER 2008 CLOSING RESIDUAL VALUE ACCORDING TO PLAN, 31 DECEMBER 2008 45 –9 12 12 344 21 365 –182 –11 –192 0 –3 8 –3 8 –32 –4 –36 –209 –14 –223 9 9 –5 –5 –27 –4 –31 –232 –18 –250 112 3 115 LEASING Leasing contracts refer to the leasing of distribution vehicles in Sweden and Norway and fork-lifts in Denmark and Sweden. Leasing expenses for the year FUTURE LEASING FEES FOR IRREVOCABLE LEASING CONTRACTS FALLING DUE FOR PAYMENT: 2008 2007 6 3 2008 2007 Within one year 140 105 Later than one year but within five years 367 310 After five years 181 199 688 614 Of the future leasing fees, leased premises represent SEK 667 M (604) 39 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes Parent Company EQUIPMENT AND TRANSPORT 2008 2007 OPENING ACQUISITION VALUE 37 34 Purchases 3 4 Sales/disposals 0 –1 CLOSING ACQUISITION VALUE Opening depreciation Sales/disposals Depreciation for the year CLOSING ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION CARRYING AMOUNT 40 37 –24 –20 0 1 –4 –5 –29 –24 11 13 NOTE 13 Intangible fixed assets Goodwill IT investments in Parent Company Total 169 9 178 26 8 34 198 17 216 Acquisitions 37 17 54 Divestments –2 Translation differences, currency –1 OPENING ACQUISITION VALUE, 1 JANUARY 2007 Acquisitions Translation differences, currency OPENING ACQUISITION VALUE, 1 JANUARY 2008 CLOSING ACCUMULATED ACQUISITION VALUE, 31 DECEMBER 2008 3 3 –2 –1 232 34 267 OPENING ACCUMULATED AMORTISATION, 1 JANUARY 2007 0 –9 –9 Impairment – – – OPENING ACCUMULATED AMORTISATION, 1 JANUARY 2008 0 –9 –9 Amortisation according to plan for the year – –3 –3 CLOSING ACCUMULATED AMORTISATION, 31 DECEMBER 2008 0 –12 –12 232 22 254 CLOSING RESIDUAL VALUE ACCORDING TO PLAN, 31 DECEMBER 2008 The recognised goodwill value is partly attributable to the wholesale operation and partly to Mekonomen’s stores in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The amount is divided into SEK 40 M and SEK 192 M, respectively. The division of SEK 192 M according to countries is as follows: Sweden SEK 122 M, Norway SEK 49 M and Denmark SEK 21 M. 40 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 IMPAIRMENT TESTING OF INTANGIBLE The forecast after 2012 is based on growth of 2 per ments. In the plans that are the basis for cash flows, FIXED ASSETS cent. The present value of the forecast cash flows is Company Management assumes that the price The assessment of the value of the Group’s goodwill calculated by applying a discount rate of 10 per cent trend will amount to only a few per cent annually. items was based on the value in use of the cash-gene- after tax. The same conditions apply to those mar- The volume trend is calculated to be between 2 and rating units. For Mekonomen, this unit means an kets in which Mekonomen is active, which is why the 5 per cent annually up to 2012. Price and volume de- individual store; in some cases several stores are same rate is used for all units. With a discount factor velopments vary a total of between 2 and 5 per cent. included in one company and an assessment of the of 14 per cent, the value in use for all of the units will Assessments are conducted taking into account individual company as a whole is conducted. The exceed the carrying amount. Assumptions from the trends in the most recent years. Company Man- value in use is based on the cash flow that the unit is company management are included in this type of agement estimates that, even taking into account expected to generate in the Group in the future. The calculation, assessment and assumption. The future reasonable deviations from assumed prerequisites, future cash flow used in the calculation of each unit’s cash flows of several units are based on similar the recoverable value will not decrease to such an value in use is based on the 2009 business plan for assumptions. Important assumptions, which when extent that it is less than the carrying amount. each unit. Subsequently, the cash flows will be based changed have a major impact on the cash flow, are on the unit’s business plan, which extends to 2012. assumptions on future price and volume develop- NOTE 14 Deferred taxes The table below states the Group’s deferred tax assets and tax liabilities for each category. The deferred tax liabilities are recognised after deduction of any tax assets if sub-items can be offset. TAX ASSETS, LOSS CARRYFORWARDS Deferred tax assets, Norway Opening balance, 1 Jan. 2007 Recognised as income during 2007 Other changes in 2007 Closing balance 31 Dec. 2007 4 –2 – 2 –1 0 – –1 Adjustment to prior years – – 1 1 Translation differences, currency 0 – 0 0 TOTAL TAX ASSETS, 31 DECEMBER 2007 3 –2 1 2 1 Jan. 2008 2008 2008 31 Dec. 2008 Estimated tax on reversed net asset goodwill TAX ASSETS, LOSS CARRYFORWARDS Deferred tax assets, Norway Estimated tax on reversed net asset goodwill 2 2 4 –1 0 –1 – Adjustment to prior years 1 Translation differences, currency 0 TOTAL TAX ASSETS, 31 DECEMBER 2008 2 2 –1 3 1 Jan. 2007 2007 2007 31 Dec. 2007 64 TAX LIABILITIES –1 Untaxed reserves 64 4 –5 Surplus value on fixed assets 39 –20 –17 8 3 Estimated tax on reversed net asset goodwill Deferred tax asset, deficit, Denmark 0 0 2 10 –3 1 –2 Temporary tax benefits from inter-company profit –20 –2 –22 Other –18 5 –13 Translation differences, currency –1 TOTAL TAX LIABILITIES, 31 DECEMBER 2007 69 0 –9 –22 39 41 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes TAX LIABILITIES 1 Jan. 2008 Untaxed reserves 64 2 10 2 Surplus value on fixed assets Estimated tax on reversed net asset goodwill Deferred tax asset, deficit, Denmark 2008 31 Dec. 2008 3 – 67 –2 – 0 – 12 2008 –2 0 – –2 Temporary tax benefits from inter-company profit –22 –1 – –23 Other –13 –3 – –17 0 – 1 1 39 –1 1 38 Translation differences, currency TOTAL TAX LIABILITIES, 31 DECEMBER 2008 Other changes during 2007 refer to the sale of the company, Bileko Konsult AB, in connection with the divestment of the Group’s property portfolio. Estimated tax on reversed net asset goodwill arises during the reversal of amortisation on net asset goodwill in the Group. NOTE 15 Other long-term receivables Group 31 Dec. 2008 Rental deposits paid Hire-purchase contract Other receivables TOTAL OTHER LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES 31 Dec 2007 6 4 20 5 0 1 26 10 No impairment of long-term receivables was conducted during the year. NOTE 16 Current receivables Group Accounts receivable 2007 217 201 Other receivables 26 23 Prepaid expenses and accrued income 83 76 326 300 TOTAL 42 2008 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Accounts receivable ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES, GROUP 2008 2007 Accounts receivables 233 218 Provisions in bad debts –16 –17 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES 217 201 Provisions for bad debts Provision for bad debts at the beginning of the year Provision for companies acquired during the year Net change in provision 2008 2007 –16 –15 0 0 –2 –2 Recovered prior impairment losses 2 1 Translation difference in opening balance 0 –1 TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR BAD DEBTS –16 –17 2008 2007 Receivables due between 0–30 days 60 48 Receivables due between 31–60 days 12 3 RECEIVABLES THAT ARE DUE BUT NOT IMPAIRED Accounts receivables Receivables due longer than between 60–90 days 5 1 77 52 Interest income on accounts receivables during the year was SEK 4 M (3). NOTE 17 Prepaid expenses and accrued income Group Prepaid rents Prepaid leasing fees Prepaid insurance Accrued supplier bonus Parent Company 2008 2007 2008 18 15 2 2 0 1 – 0 2007 2 2 – 0 52 49 41 42 Other interim receivables 11 9 3 2 TOTAL 83 76 46 46 43 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes NOTE 18 Cash and cash equivalents Group 31 Dec. 2008 Bank deposits Parent Company 31 Dec. 2007 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 140 – 140 – Cash and bank balances 85 150 0 0 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 85 290 0 140 NOTE 19 L ong-term liabilities to credit institutions and leasing companies Group 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 1 1 Liabilities to leasing companies 0 1 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES, INTEREST-BEARING 1 2 SWEDEN Liabilities to leasing companies NORWAY NOTE 20 Provisions 44 In conjunction with the divestment of the Group’s inspections performed. Mekonomen’s guarantee properties in 2007, a guarantee provision total- commitment totalled SEK 22 M and the remaining ling SEK 3 M was made in the Parent Company SEK 19 M is recognised as a contingent liability in pertaining to consulting responsibility for property memorandum items. Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 NOTE 21 Current liabilities Group Short-term portion of bank loans Overdraft facility Liabilities to leasing companies TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES, INTEREST-BEARING Accounts payable Other liabilities Provisions 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 – 1 50 – 3 3 53 4 268 241 37 16 1 10 Accrued expenses and deferred income 149 139 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES, INTEREST-BEARING 455 406 Provisions refer to reserves in Denmark for expenses pertaining to the distribution project, which commenced in 2007. Expenses pertain to rents for premises. The remaining portion will be paid during 2009. NOTE 22 Accrued expenses and deferred income Group Parent Company 2008 2007 2008 2007 5 8 2 4 Accrued holiday pay 66 54 3 3 Accrued social security contributions 26 23 4 4 – 1 – – 10 9 – – Accrued salaries Prepaid rental revenue Accrued bonus/contract expense Other interim liabilities TOTAL 42 44 2 0 149 139 11 11 45 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes NOTE 23 Memorandum items Group LIABILITIES TO CREDIT INSTITUTIONS 31 Dec. 2008 Parent Company 31 Dec. 2007 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 Property mortgages, subsidiaries 92 92 92 92 TOTAL 92 92 92 92 19 19 19 19 – 1 – 1 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Guarantee commitment, Mekonomen AB Surety commitment, Norway The guarantee commitment refers to a guarantee pertaining to consulting responsibility for inspections performed by an external consulting company in connection with the sale of the Group’s properties in Denmark and Sweden. The guarantee extends for 10 years. NOTE 24 Participations in Group companies Corp. Reg. No. Share of equity, % Mekonomen Grossist AB/Stockholm 556062-4875 100 40 Mekonomen Detaljist AB/Stockholm 556157-7288 100 5 Mekonomen Finans AB/Stockholm 556179-9676 100 1 Mekonomen Fleet AB/Stockholm 556720-6031 100 2 Mekonomen Vilande Fyra AB/ Stockholm 556729-1439 100 0 Mekonomen Vilande Fem AB/ Stockholm 556729-1579 100 0 Mekonomen Vilande Sex AB/ Stockholm 556724-9254 100 0 30 07 81 28 100 980 748 669 100 NAME OF COMPANY/REGISTERED OFFICE, SWEDEN No. of stores Carrying amount NAME OF COMPANY/REGISTERED OFFICE, DENMARK Mekonomen Danmark A/S / Odense 39 177 NAME OF COMPANY/REGISTERED OFFICE, NORWAY Mekonomen Norge AS/Oslo PARTICIPATIONS IN GROUP COMPANIES, TOTAL 46 24 249 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Contd. PARTICIPATION IN SUBSIDIARIES Contd. PARTICIPATION IN SUBSIDIARIES Corp. Reg. No. Share of equity, % No. of stores Mekonomen Motala AB/Motala Mekonomen Alingsås AB/Alingsås 556596-3690 75 1 Mekonomen Märsta AB/Sigtuna Mekonomen Arvika AB/Arvika 556528-3750 80 1 Mekonomen Nacka AB/Nacka 556204-0294 100 1 Mekonomen B2C AB/Stockholm 556767-7405 100 8 Mekonomen Norrköping AB/Norrköping 556376-2797 75 2 Mekonomen Backaplan AB/Göteborg 556226-1338 100 1 Mekonomen Norrtälje AB/Stockholm 556178-9719 60 1 Mekonomen Borås City AB/Borås 556078-9447 91 2 Mekonomen Nyköping AB/Nyköping 556244-0650 75 1 NAME OF COMPANY/REGISTERED OFFICE SWEDEN NAME OF COMPANY/REGISTERED OFFICE Corp. Reg. No. Share of equity, % No. of stores 556311-8750 100 1 556596-3674 100 1 Mekonomen Bromma AB/Stockholm 556230-5101 91 1 Mekonomen Nässjö AB/Nässjö 556187-8637 100 2 Mekonomen Enköping AB/Enköping 556264-2636 100 1 Mekonomen Osby AB/Osby 556408-8044 91 1 Mekonomen Eskilstuna AB/Eskilstuna 556613-5637 100 1 Mekonomen Oskarshamn AB/Oskarshamn 556631-8589 75 1 Mekonomen Falkenberg AB/Falkenberg 556213-1622 70,2 1 Mekonomen Partille AB/Göteborg 556731-1401 91 1 Mekonomen Falköping AB/Falköping 556272-1497 100 1 Mekonomen Piteå AB/Piteå 556659-8966 75 1 Mekonomen Falun AB/Falun 556559-3927 60 2 Mekonomen Ronneby AB/Ronneby 556649-9017 100 1 Mekonomen Farsta AB/Stockholm 556528-4766 91 1 Mekonomen Sandviken AB/Sandviken 556201-1295 91 1 Mekonomen Finspång AB/Finspång 556594-1951 100 1 Mekonomen Segeltorp AB/Huddinge 556580-2351 91 1 Mekonomen Gislaved AB/Gislaved 556261-4676 100 1 Mekonomen Skellefteå AB/Skellefteå 556389-4095 100 1 Mekonomen Gävle AB/Gävle 556353-6803 91 1 Mekonomen Skåne Ystad AB/Ystad 556565-3085 100 1 Mekonomen Göteborg Ringön AB/Göteborg 556561-6751 100 1 Mekonomen Sollefteå AB/Sollefteå 556216-9424 80 1 Mekonomen Hedemora AB/Hedemora 556308-8011 100 1 Mekonomen Sollentuna AB/Sollentuna 556462-0416 85 2 Mekonomen Helsingborg AB/Helsingborg 556044-4159 75 2 Mekonomen Solna AB/Stockholm 556213-3073 91 1 Mekonomen Hudiksvall AB/Hudiksvall 556428-1102 75 1 Mekonomen Sundsvall AB/Sundsvall 556201-1675 100 2 Mekonomen Härnösand AB/Härnösand 556217-2261 80 1 Mekonomen Söderhamn AB/Söderhamn 556509-4132 75 1 Mekonomen Hässleholm AB/Hässleholm 556678-0622 91 1 Mekonomen Södertälje AB/Södertälje 556405-5498 100 1 Mekonomen Järfälla AB/Stockholm 556660-3196 91 1 Mekonomen Sölvesborg AB/Sölvesborg 556216-4250 75 1 Mekonomen Jönköping AB/Jönköping 556237-5500 100 1 Mekonomen Torslanda AB/Göteborg 556583-3893 100 1 Mekonomen Kalmar AB/Kalmar 556236-8349 91 1 Mekonomen Trollhättan AB/Trollhättan 556515-0298 91 3 1 Mekonomen Karlshamn AB/Karlshamn 556649-9090 100 1 Mekonomen Täby AB/Täby 556632-9958 91 Mekonomen Karlskoga AB/Karlskoga 556196-2605 100 1 Mekonomen Uddevalla AB/Uddevalla 556550-5004 100 1 Mekonomen Karlskrona AB/Karlskrona 556649-9082 100 1 Mekonomen Umeå AB/Umeå 556483-3084 81,8 1 Mekonomen Kramfors AB/Kramfors 556496-1810 91 1 Mekonomen Uppsala AB/Uppsala 556092-4218 91 3 Mekonomen Kristianstad AB/Kristianstad 556171-9203 80 1 Mekonomen Varberg AB/Varberg 556261-0161 75 1 1 Mekonomen Landskrona AB/Landskrona 556646-4813 100 1 Mekonomen Vetlanda AB/Vetlanda 556653-4219 100 Mekonomen Lidköping AB/Lidköping 556761-3012 75 1 Mekonomen Vimmerby AB/Vimmerby 556232-5877 100 1 Mekonomen Linköping AB/Linköpin 556202-9545 100 1 Mekonomen Värnamo Norra AB/Värnamo 556530-9266 75 1 Mekonomen Ljungby Odlaren AB/Ljungby 556111-9719 100 1 Mekonomen Västberga AB/Stockholm 556192-0314 91 1 Mekonomen Ludvika AB/Ludvika 556470-4210 100 1 Mekonomen Västerås AB/Västerås 556344-5492 75 2 Mekonomen Luleå AB/Luleå 556338-4071 100 1 Mekonomen Växjö AB/Växjö 556192-0439 100 1 Mekonomen Lund AB/Lund 556531-0108 100 1 Mekonomen Åkersberga AB/Österåker 556632-9966 91 1 Mekonomen Lycksele AB/Lycksele 556687-8095 75 1 Mekonomen Örebro Aspholmen AB/Örebro 556344-0717 75 2 Mekonomen Malmö Fosie AB/Malmö 556493-7018 100 2 Mekonomen Örnsköldsvik AB/Örnsköldsvik 556465-6287 75 1 Mekonomen Malmö Värnhem AB/Malmö 556530-7237 100 – Mekonomen Östersund AB/Östersund 556296-5243 100 1 Mekonomen Mariestad AB/Mariestad 556261-0179 50 1 Primexxa Strängnäs AB/Stockholm 556422-3872 60 1 Mekonomen Mjölby AB/Mjölby 556362-0565 75 1 Mekonomen Mora AB/Mora 556363-2487 80 1 103 47 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes Contd. PARTICIPATION IN SUBSIDIARIES Corp. Reg. No. Share of equity, % No. of stores Mekonomen Arendal AS/Arendal 982 434 696 100 1 Mekonomen Askim AS/Askim 974 209 772 100 1 Mekonomen Björkelangen AS/Björkelangen 989 903 551 100 1 Mekonomen Bodö AS/Bodö 986 489 576 100 1 Mekonomen Drammen AS/Drammen 924 843 543 100 1 Mekonomen Fredrikstad AS/Fredrikstad 881 509 032 100 1 Mekonomen Grenland AS/Porsgrund 984 690 703 100 1 Mekonomen Hamar AS/Hamar 984 006 047 100 1 Mekonomen Harstad AS/Harstad 982 952 379 100 1 Mekonomen Haugesund AS/Haugesund 983 509 622 100 1 Mekonomen Horten AS/Horten 990 815 798 100 1 Mekonomen Jessheim AS/Jessheim 987 696 109 100 1 Mekonomen Kolbotn AS/Oslo 990 815 739 100 1 Mekonomen Kongsberg AS/Kongsberg 937 161 786 75 1 Mekonomen Kongsvinger AS/Kongsvinger 992 102 217 100 1 Mekonomen Molde AS/Molde 985 793 417 100 1 Mekonomen Moss AS/Moss 939 161 260 100 1 Mekonomen Oslo AS/Oslo 938 215 103 100 1 Mekonomen Sandefjord AS/Sandefjord 990 815 844 100 1 Mekonomen Sandnes AS/Sandnes 992 302 577 100 1 Mekonomen Sandvika AS/Sandvika 982 707 862 100 1 Mekonomen Sarpsborg AS/Sarpsborg 910 155 520 100 1 Mekonomen Ski AS/Ski 983 098 525 100 1 Mekonomen Stavanger AS/Stavanger 983 935 214 100 1 Mekonomen Sörlandsparken AS/Kristiansand 981 508 939 100 1 Mekonomen Tromsö AS/Tromsö 942 591 322 100 1 Mekonomen Trondheim AS/Trondheim 979 462 026 100 1 Mekonomen Tönsberg AS/Tönsberg 934 256 867 75 1 Mekonomen Ålesund AS/Ålesund 981 929 276 100 NAME OF COMPANY/REGISTERED OFFICE NORWAY 1 29 TOTAL NUMBER OF STORES 48 171 Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 NOTE 25 Shareholders’ equity SHARE CAPITAL Statutory reserve basis for the resolution of the Annual General Meeting The share capital amounted to SEK 77 M and consists The purpose of the statutory reserve is to allocate for dividends for the year. of 30,868,822 shares at a par value of SEK 2.50 per profit to cover any future losses. DIVIDEND TO PARENT COMPANY’S share. PROFIT BROUGHT FORWARD SHAREHOLDERS OTHER CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS Comprises prior years’ profit brought forward after any The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK The amount consists of the Parent Company’s Statu- provisions to statutory reserves and after dividends. 6.00 per share, which gives a total dividend of SEK tory reserve. Profit for the year is included in this amount. The Par- 185,212,932. ent Company’s Profit brought forward represents the TRANSLATION DIFFERENCES, FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES 2008 2007 Accumulated translation differences in Norway 23 3 Accumulated translation differences in Denmark –6 0 17 3 NOTE 26 Capital Mekonomen manages its capital to ensure that the equity, for which the proportions and changes dur- At least once per year, the Board of Directors units in the Group can continue to operate, while ing the year are described in the Group’s changes reviews the capital structure and takes this into dividends to shareholders are maximised through a in shareholders’ equity on page 24 and in Note 25, account when making decisions on, for example, good balance between liabilities and shareholders’ Shareholders’ equity. dividends or raising new loans. equity. The Group’s capital consists of shareholders’ NOTE 27 Adjustments for non-cash items Group Parent Company 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 Depreciation/amortisation 34 Change in value, derivatives –7 – Guarantee provisions Exchange-rate differences Capital gain/loss from divestment of fixed assets Other non-cash items 31 Dec. 2008 31 Dec. 2007 37 8 5 1 –6 1 – – 3 6 –15 0 0 –10 –152 –3 0 0 0 0 0 24 –129 –1 9 49 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Notes NOTE 28 Acquisitions and divestment of subsidiaries ACQUISITIONS DURING 2008 2008 The amounts above include acquisition of companies and operations, as well as the acquisition VALUE OF ACQUIRED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Tangible fixed assets 4 Inventories 30 Current receivables 2 Cash and cash equivalents 0 of minority shares in Västberga, Hässleholm and Trollhättan. The acquired Micro stores are located in Borås, Eskilstuna, Gävle, Helsingborg, Malmö, Löddeköpinge, Uddevalla and Uppsala. Informa- Current liabilities –9 ACQUIRED NET ASSETS 26 Goodwill 37 aggregated form, since not every individual acqui- Total purchase price 63 sition is deemed large enough to warrant separate 0 reporting. The acquisition of the eight Micro stores 63 represents about 50 per cent of the total purchase Cash and cash equivalents in the acquired companies IMPACT ON THE GROUP'S CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS tion on company acquisitions is submitted in price. In addition to goodwill, no intangible surplus ACQUIRED SUBSIDIARIES/OPERATIONS Country Acquisition date Shareholding and share of voting rights Oddvar Ohlsen AS Norway February 100 Assets and liabilities Koblingsdepotet A/S Denmark May 100 Assets and liabilities HCJ Bilutrustning AB Sweden June 100 Assets and liabilities Björkelangen Bildeler AS Norway July 100 Company Bildelespesialisten AS Norway November 100 Company partners in individual store companies. Their share- AD-butik Sweden December 100 Assets and liabilities holding amounts to 9 per cent per store company. Micro stores, eight Sweden December 100 Assets and liabilities The total purchase price for these shareholdings value was identified in conjunction with the Object acquisitions. The purchase price also includes any transaction expenses, which are not recognised separately since the amounts are insignificant. In Sweden, 15 store managers signed on as amounted to SEK 5 M. ACQUISITIONS DURING 2007 2007 VALUE OF ACQUIRED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Tangible fixed assets Inventories Current receivables Cash and cash equivalents Long-term liabilities Current liabilities 1 6 2 1 –2 –6 ACQUIRED NET ASSETS 50 2 Goodwill 26 Total purchase price 28 Cash and cash equivalents in the acquired companies –1 IMPACT ON THE GROUP'S CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 27 Shareholding and share of voting rights ACQUIRED SUBSIDIARIES 2007 Country Acquisition date Skogveien Bilvaruhus AS Norway February 100 Company Nacka Autodelar Peter Stiebel AB Sweden May 100 Company Carmek AB, company Sweden September 100 Company GG Bildelar AB Sweden October 100 Operation Autoprodukter i Ed AB Sweden December 100 Operation Autoprodukter i Ed AB Sweden December 100 Operation Object Notes | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 NOTE 29 Transactions with related parties During the year, Mekonomen AB sold goods and services to Group companies totalling SEK 72 M (67). NOTE 30 Approval of the Annual Report The Annual Report and the consolidated accounts 2009. The consolidated income statement and bal- ment and balance sheet will be subject to the approval were approved for issue by the Board on 16 March ance sheet and the Parent Company’s income state- of the Annual General Meeting on 22 April 2009. loans and investments in the same currency. If for some reason matching is not achieved, hedging shall be implemented using currencies forward contract. With regard to foreign shareholders’ equity, the principal rule is that Mekonomen shall not hedge this exposure. However, if major foreign investments are made that require separate financing, the decision can be made to recognise the entire or part of the financing in the acquisition currency. term of a maximum of three months. Within this time frame, it is estimated that increased financial expenses, as an effect of changed interest rates, could be offset through changes in retail prices. In order to manage possible interest-rate risks, relevant instruments in the market can be used. NOTE 31 Financial risks Mekonomen AB is exposed to risks in terms of currency, credit, interest rates and liquidity through its operations. The management of these risks is regulated in accordance with the finance policy adopted by the Board of Directors. Currency risks Exchange-rate risks occur when exchange-rate fluctuations have a negative impact on the Group’s profit and shareholders’ equity. Currency exposure arises in connection with cash flows in foreign currencies (transaction exposure) as well as in translation of loans/receivables in foreign currencies and in foreign subsidiaries’ translation of balance sheets and income statements into SEK (translation exposure). During 2008, exchange-rate fluctuations had a negative impact on the Group’s income before tax amount- ing to SEK 3 M (pos: 13). The most important currency in terms of transaction exposure is EUR, which represents 40 per cent of imports as well as NOK and DKK pertaining to internal sales from the Grossist operations to Norway and Denmark. NOK and DKK are the most important currencies as regards translation exposure. The finance policy permits hedging of the net currency flows using external financial contracts. Since negative exchange-rate fluctuations are expected to be offset in customer pricing within one to three months, the hedging horizon shall not exceed three months. With regard to financial assets and liabilities, the policy states that internal loans and investments in foreign currencies shall be matched by external Credit risks The Group’s financial transactions give rise to credit risks in relation to financial counterparties. Credit risks or counterparty risks refer to the risk of loss if the counterparty does not fulfil its commitments. Mekonomen’s credit risks primarily comprise accounts payable, which are distributed over a large number of counterparties. The maximum credit risk corresponds to the carrying amount of financial assets. Specifications pertaining to impairment of accounts payable for the year are found in Note 16. Interest-rate risks Interest-rate risks refer to the risk that changes in market interest rates will have a negative impact on the Group’s net interest income/expense. The speed at which interest-rate changes will affect the net interest income/expense depends on the period of fixed interest for the loan. At the end of the year, Mekonomen had a negligible amount of interestbearing loans. According to the finance policy, Mekonomen shall maintain an average fixed interest Financing and liquidity risks Financing risk is seen as the risk of the cost coming higher and financing opportunities limited when loans are renewed and that the ability to pay cannot be met as a result of insufficient liquidity or difficulties in securing financing. According to the finance policy, refinancing risks shall be managed by signing long-term and flexible credit agreements. At the end of 2008, the Group had no long-term credit facilities. The Group’s cash and cash equivalents are invested short-term with the aim that any excess liquidity shall primarily be used for amortising loans. Investments may be made in SEK, NOK and DKK with the objective of matching future loans that mature, or large disbursements. In cases where the company is not aware of any large disbursements, the maturity period for investments shall not exceed one month. Investments may occur at or in securities issued by the Swedish Government or Swedish and foreign banks with not less than an A rating, according to the definition of Standard & Poor’s (S&P). Fair value No financial assets or liabilities were recognised at a value that significantly deviated from fair value. 51 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Signatures and auditors’ report The Board of Directors and President hereby certify operations, position and results and describes signifi- give a true and fair view of the Group’s position and that the annual report was prepared in accordance cant risks and uncertainties facing the company. with the Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2.1 and pro The Board of Directors and President hereby results and that the Board of Directors’ report for the Group gives a true and fair view of the development of the Group’s operations, position and results and describes significant risks and uncertainties facing the companies included in the Group. vides a true and fair view of the company’s position certify that the consolidated accounts were prepared and results and that the Board of Directors’ report gives in accordance with International Financial Report- a true and fair view of the development of the Group’s ing Standards (IFRS), as approved by the EU, and Stockholm 16 March 2009 Fredrik Persson Marcus Storch Chairman of the Board Vice Chairman of the Board Antonia Ax:son Johnson Kenny Bräck Anders G Carlberg Board member Board member Board member Wolff Huber Helena Skåntorp Håkan Lundstedt Board member Board member President and CEO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MEKONOMEN AB (PUBL), CORPORATE REGISTRATION NUMBER 556392-1971 We have audited the annual accounts, the consoli- examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the results of operations in accordance with generally dated accounts, the accounting records and the amounts and other disclosures in the accounts. An accepted accounting principles in Sweden. The administration of the Board of Directors and the audit also includes assessing the accounting princi- consolidated accounts have been prepared in accord- President of Mekonomen AB for the 2008 financial ples used and their application by the Board of Direc- ance with international reporting standards, IFRS, as year. The company’s annual accounts are included tors and the President and significant estimates made adopted by the EU and the Annual Accounts Act and in the printed version of this document on pages by the Board of Directors and the President when give a true and fair view of the Group’s results and 12 – 52. The Board of Directors and the President are preparing the annual accounts and consolidated position. The Board of Directors’ report is consistent responsible for these accounts and the administra- accounts as well as evaluating the overall presenta- with the other parts of the annual accounts and the tion of the Company, as well as for the application tion of information in the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts. of the Annual Accounts Act when preparing the an- consolidated accounts. As a basis for our opinion nual accounts and the application of International concerning discharge from liability, we examined sig- of shareholders that the income statements and Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS, as adopted by nificant decisions, actions taken and circumstances balance sheets of the Parent Company and the Group the EU and the application of the Annual Accounts of the company in order to be able to determine the be adopted, that the profit of the Parent Company Act when preparing the consolidated accounts. Our liability, if any, to the company of any Board member be dealt with in accordance with the proposal in the responsibility is to express an opinion on the annual or the President. We also examined whether any Board of Directors’ report and that the members of the accounts, the consolidated accounts and the admi Board member or the President has, in any other way, Board of Directors and the President be discharged nistration based on our audit. acted in contravention of the Companies Act, the An- from liability for the financial year. The audit was conducted in accordance with nual Accounts Act or the Articles of Association. We generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden. believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for Stockholm, 16 March 2009 This means that we planned and performed the audit our opinion set out below. Deloitte AB to obtain reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that 52 We recommend to the Annual General Meeting The annual accounts have been prepared in accord- the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts ance with the Annual Accounts Act and give a true Lars Svantemark are free of material misstatement. An audit includes and fair view of the company’s financial position and Authorised Public Accountant Information to shareholders | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 INFORMATION TO SHAREHOLDERS Annual General Meeting their own name with VPC, to be able to participate at Dividend The Annual General Meeting will be held on 22 April the Annual General Meeting. The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting 2009, at 2:00 p.m. at the National Museum of Science and Technology, Museivägen 7 in Stockholm. This means that shareholders wishing such rereg- approve a dividend of SEK 6.00 (6.00) per share. In istration must inform the nominee in adequate time the preceding year, an extraordinary dividend of SEK before 16 April 2009. 5.00 per share was paid. The Board has proposed 27 Who is entitled to participate in the April 2009 as the record day for the dividend. If the Annual General Meeting? How do you register? Annual General Meeting approves the proposal, the Shareholders registered in the shareholders’ register Shareholders wishing to participate at the Annual dividend will be paid on 30 April 2009. on the record day and who have informed Mekono General Meeting should register in ample time prior men of their intention to attend in advance are entit to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, 16 April at: Reporting dates for 2009 led to participate in the Annual General Meeting. Mekonomen AB Interim report January – March: Box 6077, Interim report April – June: How do you register as an owner? SE-141 06 Kungens Kurva Interim report July – September: Shareholders must be registered in the sharehold- Sweden Year-end report for the entire ers’ register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB, or financial year 2009: not later than Thursday, 16 April 2009. Shareholders Phone: +46 (0)8-464 00 00 whose shares are registered in the name of a nomi- Fax: +46 (0)8-464 00 67 nee must have temporarily registered their shares in E-mail: [email protected] 14 May 26 August 10 November 18 February 2010 DEFINITIONS Gross margin Gross profit, meaning net sales less expenses for goods for resale, as a percentage of net sales. Return on shareholders’ equity Profit for the year as a percentage of average shareholders’ equity. Average number of shares The average of the number of shares adjusted for splits, bonus issues and full dilution of the convertible loans, taking into account the date on which the changes occurred during the year. Interest coverage ratio Profit after net financial income increased by interest expenses divided by interest expenses. Return on total capital Profit for the year as a percentage of the average total assets. Capital employed Total assets reduced by non interest-bearing provisions and liabilities, including deferred tax liability. Net debt/equity ratio Net indebtedness divided by shareholders’ equity including minority shares. Cash flow per share Cash flow from operating activities, adjusted for interest on convertibles, in relation to the average number of shares. Net indebtedness Interest-bearing liabilities less cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. Dividend ratio Dividend per share in relation to earnings per share attributable to the Parent Company’s shareholders. Operating capital Capital employed reduced by cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. EBIT margin EBIT as a percentage of total revenues. Return on capital employed Profit after net financial income increased by interest expenses as a percentage of average capital employed. Average number of employees Average full-year employees during the year. Equity/assets ratio Shareholders’ equity including minority shares as a percentage of total assets. Sales growth Increase in total revenues as a percentage of the preceding year’s total revenues. Sales per employee Sales in relation to the average number of employees. Shareholders’ equity per share Shareholders’ equity excluding minority shares, adjusted for convertible debentures, in relation to the number of shares at the end of the year. Underlying sales Sales adjusted for the number of comparable workdays and currency effects. Return on operating capital EBIT as a percentage of average operating capital. 53 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 | Board of directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fredrik Persson Marcus Storch Antonia Ax:son Johnson Chairman of the Board. Born 1968. Vice Chairman of the Board. Born 1942. Born 1943. B.Sc. in Psychology and Economy, Graduate in Business Administration, the Graduate Engineer, Royal Swedish Institute of University of Stockholm. Stockholm School of Economics and studies Technology, Stockholm, Medicine Dr h.c. Other assignments: Chairman of the Board of at Wharton School in the US. Other assignments: Chairman of the Board of Axel Johnson AB, Axel Johnson Inc., and Axel Other assignments: President of Axel Johnson the Nobel Foundation. Executive Vice Chair- and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation. International AB, Axfood AB, Novax AB, man of Axel Johnson AB and Axfood AB. Board Executive Vice Chairman of Nordstjernan AB. Servera R&S AB, Svensk BevakningsTjänst AB member of NCC AB, AB Hannells Industrier, Board member of Axfood AB, Axfast AB, NCC andÅhléns AB. Board member of AxFast AB, Nordstjernan AB, the Royal Swedish Academy AB, Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Founda- Lancelot Holding AB, Svenska Handelsbanken of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of tion for Societal Purposes and World Childhood Region Stockholm and Svensk Handel. Engineering Sciences (IVA), and the Listing Foundation. Shares in Mekonomen: 1,000. Committee. Shares in Mekonomen: 8,951,958 through Board member since 2006. Shares in Mekonomen: 0. companies. Board member since 2006. Board member since 2006. Kenny Bräck Anders G Carlberg Wolff Huber Born 1966. Born 1943. MBA Economics, Lund. Born 1942. Upper Secondary School Education. Other assignments: Board member of Axel Other assignments: Previously President of Bil Other assignments: Own company and Johnson International AB, Axel Johnson Inc., Sweden, Volvo Car Europe and IBM Svenska AB. previously professional racing car driver. Axfast AB, Bejer Alma AB, Svenskt Stål AB Shares in Mekonomen: 0. Shares in Mekonomen: 1,000. (SSAB), Säkl AB and Sapa AB. Board member since 2006. Board member since 2007. Shares in Mekonomen: 0 Board member since 2006. Helena Skåntorp Born 1960. Graduate in Business Administration, University of Stockholm. Other assignments: President and CEO of Sveriges BostadsrättsCentrum AB andmember of the Board of Ångpanne föreningen AB. Shares in Mekonomen: 2,000. Board member since 2004. 54 Management Group | Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 MANAGEMENT GROUP Håkan Lundstedt Göran Berglind Lena Borg President and CEO. IT Manager. HR Manager. Born 1966. Born 1944. Born 1961. Shares in Mekonomen: 41,600. Shares in Mekonomen: 19,000. Shares in Mekonomen: 100. Employed in 2007. Employed in 2006. Employed in 2005. Nils-Erik Brattlund Lars From Marcus Larsson Head of Retail Operations. Head of Operations in Denmark Head of Business Development. Born 1951. from 1 April, 2009 Born 1970. Shares in Mekonomen: 1,300. Born 1965. Shares in Mekonomen: 1,000. Employed in 2005. Shares in Mekonomen: 0. Employed in 2003. Employed in 2009. Gunnar Rantzow Gunilla Spongh Boel Sundvall Head of Retail operations in Sweden CFO. Head of Corporate Communications. Born 1952. Born 1966. Born 1959. Shares in Mekonomen: 10,000*. Shares in Mekonomen: 6,000. Shares in Mekonomen: 1,500. Employed in 2007. Employed in 2007. Employed in 2007. Michael Thorburn Klavs Thulstrup Pedersen Petter Torp Head of Wholesale Operations. Head of Operations in Denmark. Head of Operations in Norway. Born 1954. Born 1965. Born 1955. Shares in Mekonomen: 33,000*. Shares in Mekonomen: 600. Shares in Mekonomen: 300. Employed in 1997. Employed in 2007. Employed in 1997. *) including holdings from family 55 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Addresses Sweden Mekonomen AB Box 6077 SE-141 06 Kungens Kurva Tel +46 8-464 00 00 Fax +46 8-464 00 66 56 Mekonomen Grossist AB Box 542 SE-645 25 Strängnäs Sweden Tel +46 152-229 00 Fax +46 152-229 41 Visiting address: Smista allé 11 SE-141 70 Kungens Kurva www.mekonomen.se Visiting address: Fjädervägen 20 SE-645 47 Strängnäs Norway Denmark Mekonomen Norge AS Postboks 524 Bedriftssenteret NO-1411 Kolbotn Tel +47 66-81 76 90 Fax +47 66-99 11 51 Mekonomen Danmark A/S Næsbyvej 6 DK-5000 Odense C Tel +45 66-13 67 00 Fax +45 66-14 76 71 Visiting address: Rosenholmveien 25 NO-1414 Trollåsen www.mekonomen.no Visiting address: Wichmansgade/Næsbyvej DK-5000 Odense S www.mekonomen.dk Mekonomen Fleet AB Box 6077 SE-141 06 Kungens Kurva Tel +46 8-464 00 00 Fax +46 8-464 00 66 Visiting address: Smista allé 11 SE-141 70 Kungens Kurva Mekonomen Direkt Tel +46 771-72 00 00 Mekonomen Annual Report 2008 Vi gör BiLivet enklare www.mekonomen.se