special collection - St. Elizabeth of Hungary
special collection - St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Mass Schedule for June 24 through July 1, 2012 Saturday, June 23 .….…. 5:00 p.m. ………. Sunday, June 24 ………. 7:30 a.m. ………. 9:30 a.m. …..…... 11:30 a.m. ……… 1:30 p.m. ………. Monday …... ….………. 7:00 a.m. ………. Tuesday …...………….. 6:00 p.m. ………. Wednesday ………….... 6:00 p.m. ………. Thursday ……....……... 7:00 a.m. ………. Friday ……….….....….. 7: a.m. …………. Saturday, June 30.……… 8:00 a.m. ………. 5:00 p.m. ………. Sunday, July 1 ...…...... 7:30 a.m. ………. 9:30 a.m. ………. 11:30 a.m. …….. 1:30 p.m. ………. June 24, 2012—Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist Thanksgiving for Anniversary by Donny & Phiyen Widjaja For the People Richard Gutierrez † by the Panketh Family Anthony Testa † by Mother Juan Lopez † De Parte de Hija y Nietos Boe Ng† by the Widjaja Family Lucia Barnett’s Birthday Aldo Rosa † by the Ryan Family Maria Felicia Lobo † by Her Son & Family For Our Children to Come Back to God by Diane Nguyen Maria Nguyen Thi Dam by Thanh Nguyen Alice Brinnel † by Mary Montelongo Friesenhahn Thomas Strmiska † by Cindy Strmiska For the People The Testa Family by May Testa Rodrigo Arellano † by His Wife & Family SPECIAL COLLECTION Today we support the Holy Father in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters and others in need of emergency assistance. Pope Benedict XVI has said, “It is necessary above all that every person be motivated by the authentic spirit of peace” (Homily, January 1, 2011). Cast the peace of Christ upon the world—please be generous in today’s Collection. A D U L T E N GL I SH A S A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL)/ U.S. CITIZENSHIP CLASS R E G I S T R A T I O N INFORMATION AND ESL TEACHER/ASSISTANT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in registering for adult ESL or Citizenship Classes, please contact Celinda Martinez at 512-554-3313 for further information. Also, this ministry is in need of ESL teachers and assistants. You do not need to know Spanish nor do you need to have teaching experience. Classes will start August 15th. If you are interested in serving in this ministry please contact Celinda Martinez. INSCRIPCIONES PARA CLASES DE INGLES COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA (ESL) PARA ADULTOS Y CLASES DE CIUDADANIA: Si esta interesado STEWARDSHIP – A WAY OF LIFE CORRESPONDSABILIDAD – UN ESTILO DE VIDA Many thanks to the 224 families who used their Stewardship Envelopes. Collection……….…………………....$12,775.00 Debt Reduction for June ........................$5,232.00 Electronic Giving: Collection ……….…………………….$2,285.00 Building Fund …….………......................$125.00 St. Vincent de Paul…………...….............$140.00 Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please use your envelopes to insure proper credit. en registrarse para clases de ESL y Ciudadania, favor contactarse con CELINDA MARTINEZ, 512-554-3313. Inscripciones terminaran el dia 6 de julio. El costo de inscripcion de cada curso sera de $35.00 y necesita pagase el dia de inscripcion. Las clases de ingles y de ciudadania iniciaran el dia 15 de Agosto. WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS Mon. 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Mt 7:1—5 Tues. 2 Kgs 19:9b–11, 14-21,; Mt 7:6, 1214 Wed. 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Mt 7:15-20 Thurs 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Mt 7:21-29 Fri. Acts 3:1-10; Jn 21:15-19 Sat. Lam 2:17-25; Mt 8:5-17 Marriage Enrichment Upcoming WWME Enrichment (at our parish): Love & Respect Enrichment, Saturday, July 21st, 9a-5p + Mass, St. Elizabeth Parish Hall, $30 (includes workbook and boxed lunch). Register online or find mail-in registration at: www.wwmeaustincommunity.eventbrite.co m. Call Rod & Cindy for info at 5 1 2 - 9 6 1 - 6 2 0 9 . Upcoming 2012 WWME Weekends: Aug. 3-5, Sep. 28-30, and Nov. 16-18 - all at Cedarbrake Retreat Center, Belton, TX. Application Fee: $50. Apply at: www.austinme.org or call 512-677-WWME (9963). Local St. Elizabeth WWME Contact: Paul & Melissa Yehl at 512-745-4144. The weekends start at 7:30 pm on Friday and conclude with Mass, ending around 4:30 on Sunday. That is just 44 hours to strengthen your marriage - focusing on the two of you. There is no counseling or required group sharing. The $50 application fee includes 2 nights lodging and all of your meals! (If so moved, you will have the opportunity to give an anonymous and free-will donation at the end of the WWME weekend). The Liturgy & Music Office would like to create an Altar Society that would assist with the care of the sacred items in the church and chapel, those used for Mass, and those used in the celebration of sacraments. The duties would require weekly commitments, based on a schedule, and quarterly meetings. Adult (21 years and older) men and women are invited to join. The ladies that currently launder the church linens are encouraged to join this society. Please come to an informational meeting on Saturday June 30th after the 8:00 am Mass in the Parish Office Conference Room. For more information, please call Debbie White, Director of Liturgy & Music, 251-9838. Pro-Life Activities It cannot be taken for granted that human life in itself is a gift. Can it really be a beautiful gift? …Can we foresee to what troubles, what terrible events he might be exposed? … It is a problematic gift, if it is left to itself. Biological life is in itself a gift, but it is surrounded by a great question. It becomes a true gift only if, along with it, we are given a promise that is stronger than any evil that could threaten us, if it is immersed in a power that ensures that it is good to be human, that there will be good for this person no matter what the future brings. Thus, with birth is associated rebirth, the certitude that, truly, it is good to be alive, because the promise is stronger than evil. YOUTH MINISTRY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Registration for the 2012 -13 Religious Education School year begins July 8. On-line registration will be available through the church database system; see the website for more information. Classes begin September 9. ~ Pope Benedict XVI, Homily, Mass on the Occasion of the Holy Father’s 85th Birthday, April 16, 2012 If you or someone you know has experienced an abortion, we can help. Please contact Project Rachel at (877) WE CARE 2 or [email protected]. Our next retreat is scheduled for July 27-29. Si usted o alguien que conozca ha experimentado un aborto, nosotros podemos ayudar. Por favor de ponerse en contacto con Proyecto Raquel al (877) WE CARE 2 o [email protected]. Nuestro próximo retiro en ingles está programado para el 27 a 29 de julio. YEAR-ROUND RCIA & ADULT CONFIRMATION If you'd like to know more about the Catholic faith, or if you're a baptized Catholic adult who has not yet recei ved t he Sacrament of Confirmation, inquiry sessions are ongoing and we invite you to join us. We meet most Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For more i nformati on, pl ease contact Victor or Sabrina Perez at 512-670-9835. THANK YOU!!! We couldn’t have a successful Vacation Bible School without our volunteers. Thank you to our numerous youth and adult volunteers. Thank you to our participants for filling up the Food Pantry and the many t-shirt school supply donations for our Kids-2Kids mission project. If you had fun, please plan to join us next year “Where Kids Stand Strong for KINGDOM ROCK. God” in The theme for this year’s Fiesta is Hope. Fiesta T-shirts will display this theme with the word Faith printed on the front of the shirts with the phrase “The substance of all things hoped for”. The shirts will come in two colors: Light Gold and Sapphire Blue and in all sizes at a cost of $10 each. T-shirts will be sold beginning the weekend of June 30 and July 1 after all masses, and will continue to be on sale throughout the summer. Raffle tickets are available for pickup after all masses. We should all do our best to buy/sell as many tickets as possible. Ticket prices are $5 each or 5 for $20. There are nine great prizes, with the biggest prize being a 2012 Ford Escape with a MSRP value of $24,485. The vehicle can be seen parked in the breezeway on weekends. The other prizes are: A five night Caribbean Cruise valued at $900; an Apple iPad valued at $500; a $500 grocery card; a Six Burner Stainless Gas Grill valued at $450; a $350 Visa gift card; a $300 dining trio at Ruth’s Chris, Carabba’s and Pappa’s Fine Dining; a $300.00 gas card, and finally a $250 Visa gift card. This is over $28,000 worth of prizes. The odds of wining are greater this year than last year as only half the number of tickets were printed this year. Each family is challenged to sell $100 worth or 25 tickets per family. Are you and your family up to the challenge? The top three sellers of raffle tickets will be given Visa gift cards in the amount of $100, $75 and $50 respectively. The BBQ/Bingo Fiesta kickoff event will be Saturday, September 22, 2012, followed by the Fiesta on Sunday, September 30, 2012. Block out these two days on your calendars. Committee members are working out the details for these two events, but you can be sure there will be lots of food, games, and entertainment for the whole family. Father Pedro and Father Steve assure us the weather will be just fine on these two weekends. Let us all pray for God’s blessing and remember, it is the parish family that ultimately wins overall!!!! Watch for more bulletins in the coming weeks. The Knights of Columbus Council is selling breakfast tacos after the 7:30 and 9:30 masses and BBQ chickens after the 9:30 and 11:30 masses. Grab some breakfast or lunch to enjoy at home before coming back for brisket bingo in the afternoon. Ladies' Club News Thank you so much for supporting our Father's Day Bake Sale. Mark your calendars...our annual Rummage Sale will take place Saturday, August 11, 2012 from 7 am to noon in the parish hall. As you clean out your closets and garage this summer, save those items you don't want or need and donate them for the Rummage Sale. There will be more details in July about the sale. Parish Brisket BINGO This family friendly annual event benefits the Scholarship Fund for our 2013 graduating seniors. It will be held this Sunday, June 24th at 3PM in the Parish Hall. The Ladies Club will also be hosting a Silent Auction. There may be some goodies you can’t do with out. Come and try your hand at winning your brisket in time for those lazy days of summer ahead. The Holy Rosary is being said every Sunday morning in the Chapel prior to the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Please join us at 10:45 a.m. as we pray to Our Lady to intercede for us. MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR JUNE 30/JULY 1 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 PM— Robert Lough*, Maureen Lough, Ida Saavedra, Connie Dickinson, Barbara Kolinek, Jeff Knapek 7:30 AM – Geri Kennedy*, Steve Gladwin, Thomas Gladwin, Maria Prezioso, Zoe Zell, Frank Prezioso 9:30 AM – Audrey Flood*, Jerry Flood, Brenda Frank, Angela Barnes, Martha Lemieux, Rose Prestridge, Bob Davis, James Barnes, Nicole Lemieux 11:30 AM – Pete Brunet*, Rose Briceno, Norine Shaivitz, Georgina Bouton, Karen Riley, Kathleen Walter, Kathy Nguyen, Juanita Anderson, Need 1 Volunteer 1:30 PM – Ibarra, Conor Baker, Rosa Cruz, Alfredo Verastegui, Jovita Cuevas, Nohemi Ramirez, Diana Verastegui *Lead Extraordinary Minister Lectors 5:00 PM— Teresa Berry (A) Bill Thomas (B) 7:30 AM – Gil Ortiz (A) Joyce Stech (B) 9:30 AM – Manuel Moreno (A) Pedro Segura (B) 11:30 AM – Larry Scrivner (A) Kathy Testa (B) 1:30 PM – Teresa Grissom y Maria A. Bahena Altar Servers 5:00 PM—Not Available 7:30 AM – Marty Kreczmer, Lucy Paratore 9:30 AM – Isaak Gonzalez, Wesley Gonzalez, Alexiz Lemieux, Joshua Leija 11:30 AM – Brendan Kinney, Nathaniel Kinney, Luke Rodriguez, Yvonne Lising, Carmen Rose 1:30 PM – Martin Balderas, Maria Jose Balderas, Glenda Cruz, Mark Ceballos Hospitality 5:00 PM— Carolyn Manders*, the Manders Family 7:30 AM – Gloria Beltran*, Debbie Bunkofske, Kelly D’Spain, Paul D’Spain 9:30 AM – Vicki Meyer*, Greg Meyer, Barbara Mjemanze, Montel Njemanze, Alexis Njemanze 11:30 AM – Adrianne Tayar*, Andre Tayar, Tyler Anker, David Briceno *Lead Hospitality Minister It is your responsibility to find your own substitute. If you are unable to serve and unable to find a sub, please contact the ministry coordinator.
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