The Tau Beta Pi Association


The Tau Beta Pi Association
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 4_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: 2013 National Conference___
Date(s) of Project: September 27-30, 2013_
Project area: __ Community/
Liberal Culture
✔ Profession/ __ Chapter/ _✔_Education/
Prof. Dev.
__ University/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Paul Alade
Corine Jackman
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _7__
Members: _2__
Electees: ___
Participating: _64__
I. General Description: Members of the DC-Alpha chapter attended the 107th National
Convention in Lexington, Kentucky in order to vote on changes on the Constitution and ByLaws, participated in District 4 and general workshops and other various activities.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: To update the Constitution and By-Laws, show
support for our chapter and Tau Beta Pi as a whole, network with other members, and bring
new knowledge to our members._________________________________
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) ___ Yes _✔_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Approximately $500 for the non-voting delegate who
attended. The requirement was to bring the top portion of the Convention Credentials.
V. Special Problems: _After returning from the conference, our chapter was not aware of the
expense from the non-voting delegate who attended and were notified in late December two
months after the conference.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful, and provided knowledge
and more experience for members of the E-board to implement needed aspects and qualities
to improve the chapter.
VII. Index of Exhibits:
107th Tau Beta Pi National Convention in Lexington, KY
DC-Alpha President Corine Jackman
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 29_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Spring 2013 Distinguished Alumnus Nomination Date(s) of Project: Spring 2013
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ _�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: _3_
Prof. Dev.
Electees: ___
Dean M. L. Walker, Jr.
Corine Jackman
Dr. Robert Efimba
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _10__ Participating: ___
I. General Description: This project serves to nominate DC-Alpha’s alumnus members , Dean
M. L. Walker, Jr. for most Distinguished Alumnus Award.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this award is to recognize DCAlpha’s alumnus and participate in Tau Beta Pi’s activities.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _�__ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The requirements within the application
V. Special Problems: _None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The results will be released in the future.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 28_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Spring 2013 Laureate Nomination Date(s) of Project: Spring 2013
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ _�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: _3_
Prof. Dev.
Electees: ___
Desayo Ajisegiri
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Corine Jackman
Dr. Robert Efimba
Dr. Kimberely Jones
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _10__ Participating: ___
I. General Description: This project serves to nominate DC-Alpha’s undergraduate members ,
Desayo Ajisegiri and Max Jordan Nguemeni for the Laureate Award.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this award is to recognize DCAlpha’s students and participate in Tau Beta Pi’s activities.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _�__ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The requirements within the application
V. Special Problems: _None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The results will be released in the future.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 27_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Spring 2013 Outstanding Advisor Nomination Date(s) of Project: Spring 2013
Project area: __ Community/
__ University/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
_�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Members: _3_
Prof. Dev.
Electees: ___
Corine Jackman
Dr. Robert Efimba
Dr. Peter Keiler
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _12__ Participating: ___
I. General Description: This project serves to nominate DC-Alpha’s advisor, Dr. Peter Keiler for
the Outstanding Advisor Award.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this award is to recognize our
advisors as being wonderful faculty and supporters of our chapter, and participate in Tau Beta
Pi’s activities.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _�__ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The requirements within the application
V. Special Problems: _None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The results will be released in the future.
VII. Index of Exhibits: ___________________________________________________________
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 26_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Spring 2013 Senior Banquet
Project area: __ Community/
Liberal Culture
Date(s) of Project: May 8, 2013
_✔_ University/ _ _Profession/ _✔_Chapter/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: _22_
Prof. Dev.
Electees: ___
Raymond Jones
Ciara Parrott
Errynne Page
Corine Jackman
Paul Alade
Ellwood Lane
Jennifor Okafor
Collins Oluka
Chukwuemeka Okolie
Samuel Omosuyi
Kaisha Benjamin
Desayo Ajisegiri
Symone Cook
Adaugo Nwagba
Cherrelle Thomas
Oluwaseun Ademuwagun
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Lauren Reed
Bria Rice
Nailah Seale
Margaret Amao
Dr. Robert Efimba
Mrs. Sheryl Witherspoon
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _10__ Participating: _2__
I. General Description: The Tau Beta Pi Spring banquet honored senior graduates of 2013 by
showing baby and adult pictures, reflecting on the years through the President’s Welcome
speech, presenting our biographies, and distributing stoles and honor cords, and also
announcing the new E-board.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was for the new
coming executive board to become familiar with hosting a large event, and to celebrate the
graduation of our members of Tau Beta Pi.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _✔__ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Sodexo, (food for the event) and Table Clothes
V. Special Problems: _None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): Stoles and honor cords were distributed and seniors
were honored at the banquet. It was an elegant and fun event. The juniors were able to
successfully present a wonderful event.
VII. Index of Exhibits:
Seniors with Stoles and honor cords at the Tau Beta Pi
DC-Alpha 2013 Senior Banquet.
Seniors with Stoles and honor cords at the Tau Beta Pi
DC-Alpha 2013 Senior Banquet.
Seniors with Stoles and honor cords at the Tau Beta Pi
DC-Alpha 2013 Senior Banquet.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 25_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Spring 2013 Initiation Banquet
Date(s) of Project: April 19, 2013
Project area: __ Community/
Liberal Culture
_✔ _Profession/ __Chapter/
__ University/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Khabeer Salaam
Mark Thom
Prashant Thom
Taylor Valencia
Venessa Woodson
Kistine Andall
Raymond Jones
Lamine Bassene
Dr. Tepper Gill
Mallory Lambert
Ciara Parrott
Dr. John Tharakan
Aleah Holt
Emem Ibok
Nestor Carter
Ajamu Abdullah
Elijah Samuels
Alexis Carter
Emmanuel Ademuwagun
Errynne Page
Reverend Gill
Corine Jackman
Dr. Robert Efimba
Mr. Marlon Mejias
Mrs. Sheryl Witherspoon
Dr. Mary Stubbs
(6 representatives from Alcoa Inc.)
Members: __18_
Prof. Dev.
Electees: ___
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _20__ Participating: _2__
I. General Description: This initiation banquet honored our initiates of Spring 2013 and was
sponsored by Alcoa Inc. and was held at the Washington Plaza Hotel. Alcoa Inc. offered
scholarship to students in the sophomore and junior class. The event was open to other
organizations to attend.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was to uphold a
professional networking event with professional engineers and also honor our initiates.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _✔_ Yes ___ No
Alcoa Incorporated, Engineers Without Borders (EWB), Teach Retain Unite in Science and
Technology (T.R.U.S.T. a Society for Men), and the National Society of Black Engineers
(NSBE), faculty
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Our banquet was sponsored by Alcoa Inc. at the
Washington Plaza Hotel.
V. Special Problems: _None
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was very successful in everyone
networked with other employees from Alcoa because each employee was stationed at a table.
We were also able to honor our new initiates.
VII. Index of Exhibits:
Guest speaker and Alcoa Inc. employer, Mr. James Stepter
delivered an address about his progression through Howard
University as an engineering student and the lessons he
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 24_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Spring 2013 Initiation
Date(s) of Project: April 19, 2013
Project area: __ Community/
__ University/
Liberal Culture
_� _Profession/ __Chapter/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: __14_
Khabeer Salaam
Mark Thom
Prashant Thom
Taylor Valencia
Tuedy Wilson
Venessa Woodson
Kistine Andall
Raymond Jones
Lamine Bassene
Dr. Tepper Gill
Sarah Griffis
Paul Alade
Bria Rice
Nailah Seal
Oluwseun Ademuwagun
Ellwood Lane
Jennifer Okafor
Cherrelle Thomas
Kaisha Benjamin
Emmanuel Ademuwagun
Corine Jackman
Dr. Robert Efimba
Mr. Marlon Mejias
Russ Werneth
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _12__ Participating: _2__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: __10_
I. General Description: 8 undergraduates and 1 eminent engineer were initiated into the DCAlpha Chapter. One undergraduate was initiated for CA-Beta.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this ritual is to increase and
maintain the membership within our organization, to spread the idea and involvement of Tau
Beta Pi to other deserving engineers.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Equipment needed during the initiation ceremony
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful in that our chapter was
able to initiate 10 members into Tau Beta Pi.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 23_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Engineering Future Session “Effective Presentation Skills”
April 13th, 2013
Date(s) of Project:
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Project area: _�_ Community/ _�_ University/ _�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 4__
Electees: _0_
Corine Jackman
Nailah Seale
Jeremy Blackstone
Oluwaseun Ademuwagun
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _2__
Participating: _4__
I. General Description: The Effective Presentation Skills Engineering Future Session module
helped students learn and use techniques to improve their presentation skills and was
facilitated by Mr. Richard Rovere.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose was to enhance professional
development by exposing students to techniques for giving effective presentation.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _�__ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Projector and snacks
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This project was successful in that participants were
used and practiced techniques to present.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 22_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Engineering Future Session “Analytical Problem Solving”
March 23th, 2013
Date(s) of Project:
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Project area: _�_ Community/ _�_ University/ _�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: _4_
Electees: _4_
Jennifer Okafor
Kistine Andall
Kara Kea
Lamine Bassene
Jeremy Blackstone
Gerans Mbunkea
Mark Thom
Bria Rice
Luan Watson
Aboubabar Cousliby
Jasmine Selby
Raymond Jones
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _2__
Participating: _4__
I. General Description: The Analytical Problem Solving Engineering Future Session module
helped students learn effectively solve problems and was facilitated by Mr. Richard
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose is to enhance professional
development by exposing students to tools effective for problem solving.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _�__ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Projector and snacks
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This project was successful in that participants were
able to apply tools and strategies to solve problems more efficiently.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 21_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: District 4 Conference at North Carolina A&T
Project area: __ Community/
__ University/
Liberal Culture
Date(s) of Project: April 6th,
_�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 3__
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Electees: __
Corine Jackman
Paul Alade
Jeremy Blackstone
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _5__
Participating: _24__
I. General Description: The DC-Alpha chapter attended the District Conference in Greensboro,
North Carolina at North Carolina A&T. The chapter met with district directors, learned more
about Tau Beta Pi, advised the new coming Vice President on the procedures to be carried out
throughout the year, and was awarded the Most Outstanding Project of the Year,.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: By attending this conference, the DC-Alpha
chapter upheld the objectives of Tau Beta Pi to maintain a well managed student-run chapter
and continue to abide by the traditions, and By-Laws established within Tau Beta Pi.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes _�__ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Cost of attendance for four members to be present and at
the conference.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This project was a rewarding experience where
knowledge was gained by the new Vice President.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 20_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day Date(s) of Project: February 22th, 2013
Project area: _�_ Community/ _�_ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 2__
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Electees: __
Kaisha Benjamin
Jennifer Okafor
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _0.5__ Participating: _4__
I. General Description: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day was a collaboration with the Society
of Women Engineers that used projects and various workshops to promote and teach
engineering to middle school students from Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC who
attended the event.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was to perform
community outreach and also involve youth in engineering to increase the interest of students
to pursue a degree and/or career in the STEM field.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _�_ Yes ___ No
The Society of Women Engineers
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: To be present and assist with set up and mentoring the
young girls.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful the students had a good
time and spent a day focused on engineering outside of their usual curriculum.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 19_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Mixer/Black History Month Tribute
Date(s) of Project: February 28th, 2013
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ _�_Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 8__
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _1_
Ciara Parrott
Errynne Page
Taylor Valencia
Ellwood Lane
Paul Alade
Margaret Burnett
Jennifer Okafor
Oluwaseun Ademuwagun
Adaugo Nwagba
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _10__ Participating: _2__
I. General Description: This was a mixer with music, fun and food, as well as a black history
month tribute to celebrate prominent African American figures who have contributed to the
sciences and engineering. Jeopardy and Family Feud was used to spread awareness within
the school of engineering.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was to connect Tau
Bates with students outside of the engineering honor society and to spread awareness of
engineers and scientists who contributed in the STEM field over the years. This empowers
Tau Beta Pi and centralizes the meaning of the organization and what it stands for by
recognizing people who played a role in history through engineering.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _�_ Yes ___ No
__The National Society of Black Engineers_______________________________________
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Food, preparation of Jeopardy and Family Feud
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful because people learned
more about Black History and had a fun time.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 18_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: MATHCOUNTS
Date(s) of Project: February 2nd, 2013
Project area: _�_ Community/ __ University/
Liberal Culture
__Profession/ __Chapter/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 4__
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Electees: __
Symone Cook
Monica Burnett
Corine Jackman
Dr. Robert Efimba
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _1__
Participating: _3__
I. General Description: Tests were graded for a regional middle school competition entitled
“MATHCOUNTS at a high school in Fairfax, Virginia”
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this project was for community
outreach and for education purpose to promote and inspire academic excellence within local
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: N/A
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful because our chapter was
able to grade tests for a regional middle school math competition.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 17_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Orientation Meeting
Date(s) of Project: October 10th 2012
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 15__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _9
Bria Rice
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Corine Jackman
Paul Alade
Jennifer Okafor
Cherrelle Thomas
Kaisha Benjamin
Ellwood Lane
Ciara Parrott
Collins Oluka
Emmanuel Ademuwagun
Errynne Page
Heather Alleyne
Jeremy Blackstone
Kara Kea
Kistine Andall
Margaret Amao
Monica Burnett
Oluwaseun Ademuwagun
Nailah Seale
Adaugo Nwagba
Ryane Rollock
Samuel Omosuyi
Symone Cook
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _3__
Participating: _2__
I. General Description: This meeting was an introduction of Tau Beta Pi to members who were
eligible and interested in joining Tau Beta Pi for Fall 2012. The CD’s from headquarters were
played, and questions were answered for those who had some. At the end, Initiation packets
were distributed for members to learn more about Tau Beta Pi while completing requirement
to become a member of Tau Beta Pi.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose is to increase membership within
our chapter.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: To be present at the event and have Initiation Packets
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The attendees had understanding on the next steps
to become a member of Tau Beta Pi because all the information was included in the packet.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 16_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: MindSET Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Date(s) of Project: March 4, 18, and 20th, 2013
Project area: _✔_ Community/
Liberal Culture
__ University/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
__Profession/ __Chapter/
Members: 8__
Corine Jackman
Jennifer Okafor
Kaisha Benjamin
Ellwood Lane
Paul Alade
Cherrelle Thomas
Symone Cook
Kara Kea
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Prashant Thapa
Mark Thom
Kistine Andell
Taylor Valencia
Tuedy Wilson
Venessa Woodson
Khabeer Salaam
Marcelis Muriel
Joshua Brown
Nestor Carter
Tobi Adewadu
Ajamu Abdullah
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _10__ Participating: _5__
✔ Education/
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _8_
I. General Description: Our chapter taught principles of electrical engineering to the
Washington Metropolitan High School with another organization entitled TRUST. An electrical
circuit was constructed as a Morse Code Circuit and basic equations were taught. For more
information, please see the project description.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This purpose of this project was to increase the
confidence and knowledge of math, science, and engineering to increase the matriculation of
students taking Calculus in high school. Although this course was not offered at this high
school, our pre and final questionnaire showed growth in the interest of becoming an
engineer and is a step closer to taking this course.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _✔_ Yes ___ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: After receiving a grant from Mr. Dylan Lane and the
committee, wire, electrical tape, aluminum foil, and two $10 gift certificates were purchased
between RadioShack and Target for the project. Permission from the high school and building
a relationship
V. Special Problems: It’s important to have these checked by an advisor so it will include all
appropriate information.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The amount of success was measured by
questionnaires that were distributed before and after the program. The amount of people who
wanted to become an engineer increased.
VII. Index of Exhibits:
District 4 Project of the Year Award - DC-Alpha Chapter
Greensboro, N.C.
April 6, 2013
Within the DC-Alpha chapter, there has been a keen desire to teach, inspire, and promote knowledge. Our
chapter has actively demonstrated community outreach through two different MindSET projects. This was a
unique opportunity because instead of helping a standard high school, we collaborated with an alternative high
school which consists of students who have aged out of middle school and were placed into high school
sometimes with a reading level of 5th or 6th grade. In November 2012, DC-Alpha conducted the popsicle stick
bridge project with the DC-Gamma chapter at the Metropolitan High School as our first MindSET event of the
year. This workshop consisted of five different sessions which started with students dividing into groups of four
and drawing a blueprint of their bridges, and learning concepts like torque, forces, and compression. Students
were challenged to select materials that were economically feasible and to build their bridge within the required
dimensions. At the end, students were able to create a bridge and have a competition based on which one held
the most weight.
After reflecting on our first MindSET project, we saw a need for a male influence within the school due to
many single parent households and also saw a need for more key concepts to be learned for the project. Instead
of continuing with the civil engineering discipline, we decided to expand and go with electrical engineering
which enabled us to build a Morse code electrical circuit. Members of TRUST, a society founded on Howard
University’s campus in 2011 that consists of men in the STEM field, collaborated with us for our second
MindSET event in March 2013, to establish a male presence at the school. Also, quizzes and worksheets were
developed to provide a means for students to solve for currents, voltages and resistances using equations from
principles of electronics (Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, etc.). In addition to our goal to increase the amount of
students who take calculus while they are in high school, we developed a questionnaire that asked student’s
interests and level of confidence in math and science, and whether they wanted to be an engineer in the future.
For the latter question, the choices were from one to five, and one student crossed out the one and put a zero,
where all of the other students put a one.
As the session continued, the DC-Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Pi and the brothers of TRUST made a tremendous
impact on capturing the attention of the students who learned and were eager to participate in the project. This
was apparent when the students showed enthusiasm and a will to learn throughout the project. All of them were
able to complete the circuit, learn key electronic equations, apply them, and even interpret the Morse code
message on the day of the competition. After this success, the previous questionnaire was distributed. The
ranking of students who wanted to be an engineer now reached two from a scale of one to five, which was an
improvement within the three days we were there. MindSET was truly a rewarding experience for both college
and high school students. Even though this increment was relatively small, it shows a big impact for the three
class periods that we were at the school and shows the potential for inspiring young students at the Washington
Metropolitan High school to become engineers and involved in the STEM field within a week.
Morse code circuit for MindSET Project:
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic
Engineering (DC-Alpha). This circuit was
built by the students.
Tau Beta Pi, DC-Alpha electee Kristine Andall
and T.R.U.S.T. volunteer, Joshua Brown
delivering the morse code message for the students
to decode
High school students watching the LED on the electrical circuit
to uncover the message using morse code.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 15_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Compiling Notebooks
Date(s) of Project: Fall Semester delivered on
May 9 , 2013
Project area: __ Community/
__ University/
Liberal Culture
_�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 6__
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Electees: __
Corine Jackman
Jennifer Okafor
Kaisha Benjamin
Ellwood Lane
Paul Alade
Cherrelle Thomas
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _5__
Participating: _1__
I. General Description: This practice was a distribution of information and useful documents in
the form of a notebook or flash drive that were prepared by the exiting E-board to guide and
give information to the new executive board.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This project gave appropriate information for
successors on the executive board to run the chapter more smoothly next year.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Compiled notebook or flash drives with appropriate
documents (President – calendar of events, important letters, PowerPoints for each event, list
showing different committees, etc for each officer)
V. Special Problems: It’s important to have these checked by an advisor so it will include all
appropriate information.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This was helpful, it will be up to the successor’s
discretion of whether these documents are used and passed to the next executive board in
VII. Index of Exhibits: No Pictures Available
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 14_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Study Skills
Date(s) of Project: January 31st 2013
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 5__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _1_
Corine Jackman
Jennifer Okafor
Kaisha Benjamin
Ellwood Lane
Jeremy Blackstone
Taylor Valencia
Freshman Electrical Engineering Major
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _2__
Participating: _1.5__
I. General Description: This event was a PowerPoint presentation teaching students how to
improve their grades to obtain a 4.0.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program encouraged scholarship and was
an attempt to increase membership as well as knowledge of Tau Beta Pi on campus.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: The requirements were a projector and a PowerPoint
V. Special Problems: There is a need for increased participation. Only one person attended, this
may have been due to the rain on this day.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The presentation was rich and helpful. More
attendees would have dramatically increased participation during the event.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 13_SPRING_2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Orientation Meeting
Date(s) of Project: February 12th 2013
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 19__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _5
Bria Rice
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Corine Jackman
Paul Alade
Jennifer Okafor
Cherrelle Thomas
Kaisha Benjamin
Ellwood Lane
Ciara Parrott
Collins Oluka
Emmanuel Ademuwagun
Jeremy Blackstone
Kara Kea
Khabeer Salaam
Kistine Andall
Margaret Amao
Mark Thom
Monica Burnett
Oluwaseun Ademuwagun
Nailah Seale
Prashant Thapa
Raymond Jones
Samuel Omosuyi
Symone Cook
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _3__
Participating: _2__
I. General Description: This meeting was an introduction of Tau Beta Pi to members who were
eligible and interested in joining Tau Beta Pi for Spring 2013. The CD’s from headquarters
were played, and questions were answered for those who had some. At the end, Initiation
packets were distributed for members to learn more about Tau Beta Pi while completing
requirement to become a member of Tau Beta Pi.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose is to increase membership within
our chapter.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: To be present at the event and have Initiation Packets
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The attendees had understanding on the next steps
to become a member of Tau Beta Pi because all the information was included in the packet.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 13_Fall_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Orientation Meeting
Date(s) of Project: October 10th 2012
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ _�_Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 15__
(15 Members):
Oluwaseun Ademuwagun
Paul Alade
Kaisha Benjamin
Jeremy Blackstone
Heather Alleyne
Corine Jackman
Ellwood Lane
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Jennifer Okafor
Collins Oluka
Ciara Parrott
Bria Rice
Cherrelle Thomas
Ryane Rollock
Samuel Omosuyi
(9 Electee):
Emmanuel Ademuwagun
Margaret Amao
Kistine Andall
Monica Burnett
Symone Cook
Kara Kea
Adaugo Nwagba
Errynne Page
Nailah Seale
Total Attendance: 24
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _3__
Participating: _2__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _9
I. General Description: The meeting was an introduction of Tau Beta Pi to members who
were eligible and interested in joining Tau Beta Pi for Fall 2012. Members were
asked to dress in business professional or business casual to create a professional
tone. The Tau Beta Pi CD’s were played, and questions were answered for those who
requested clarification. At the end, Initiation packets were distributed for them to
learn more about Tau Beta Pi and complete requirements to become a member of
Tau Beta Pi.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose is to increase membership within
our chapter and create a professional image for DC-Alpha.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: To be present at the event and have Initiation Packets
prepared. No costs were associated with this project.
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The attendees had understanding on the next steps
to become a member of Tau Beta Pi because all the information was included in the packet.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures available
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 12_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Distribution of Freshman and Sophomore of the Year Award
Date(s) of Project: October 17th 2012
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: All__
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _All
Arielle Waller
Aaron Malveaux
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _2__
Participating: _1__
I. General Description: $250 and a certificate were distributed to students with the highest
Freshman and Sophomore Grade Point Average in the college of engineering for 2011-12.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose was to recognize and encourage
excellence in scholarship within the engineering discipline.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: 2 blank certificates, $500, and knowledge of recipients with
the highest GPA.
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was very successful and the recipients
were very grateful for their award. This project will be continued in the future by DC-Alpha.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No Pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 11_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Tau Beta Pi Tuesday
Date(s) of Project: Every 2nd Tuesday of the
Project area: __ Community/
__ University/
Liberal Culture
__Profession/ _�_Chapter/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Bria Rice
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Corine Jackman
Paul Alade
Jennifer Okafor
Cherrelle Thomas
Kaisha Benjamin
Ellwood Lane
Ciara Parrott
Collins Oluka
Emmanuel Ademuwagun
Errynne Page
Gary Clark
Heather Alleyne
Jeremy Blackstone
Kara Kea
Khabeer Salaam
Kistine Andall
Lauren Reed
Mallory Lambert
Margaret Amao
Mark Thom
Monica Burnett
Oluwaseun Ademuwagun
Nailah Seale
Adaugo Nwagba
Prashant Thapa
Ravi Jaglal
Raymond Jones
Ryane Rollock
Samrakshak Lamichhane
Samuel Omosuyi
Shauna Campbell
Symone Cook
Members: All__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _All
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _1__
Participating: _1__
I. General Description: This activity recognized Tau Beta Pi every 2nd Tuesday of the week by
posting a quote that encourages and sheds light on engineering in the hallway and on the
lobby projector.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was to spread
awareness of Tau Beta Pi on campus and to increase interest in engineering.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: N/A
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful and could have used
more feedback from people inside and outside of Tau Beta Pi.
VII. Index of Exhibits:
One Quote:
“Some say the cup is half empty, while others say it is half full.
However, in my opinion both are wrong. The real problem is the
cup is too big. Sometimes all we need is a new perspective on an
old problem.”
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 10_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Awards for Recognition for Fall 2012
Date(s) of Project: November 16
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: 15__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: _
People who were awarded
Bria Rice
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Dr. Legand Burge Jr.
Aaron Malveaux
Arielle Waller
Dr. Sonya Smith
Dr. Gregory Harris
Corine Jackman
Paul Alade
Jennifer Okafor
Cherrelle Thomas
Kaisha Benjamin
Ellwood Lane
Mrs. Sheryl Witherspoon
Ms. Hylton
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _3__
Participating: _1__
I. General Description: This activity recognized 15 individuals who contributed to our chapter.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this ritual is to increase the
participation, involvement and also to encourage others to continue to be active within the
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Cost of blank TBP certificates and nominating the
appropriate people for a reward
V. Special Problems: _one small suggestion Is to actively make a list of people who contribute
so no one is forgotten.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful in that our chapter
recognized those people who played an important role in the functionality and success of our
VII. Index of Exhibits: No pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 9_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Fall 2012 Initiation
Date(s) of Project: November 16, 2012
Project area: __ Community/
Liberal Culture
_✔ _Profession/ __Chapter/
__ University/
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Members: __12_
Margaret Amao
Errynne Page
Symone Cook
Monica Burnett
Emmanuel Ademuwagun
Kara Kea
Amber Cox
Nailah Seale
Dr. Oscar Barton
Dr. Don Coleman
Dr. Legand Burge
Bria Rice
Corine Jackman
Paul Alade
Ellwood Lane
Jennifer Okafor
Kaisha Benjamin
Cherrelle Thomas
Dr. Robert Efimba
Dr. Peter Keiler
Mr. Marlon Mejias
Collins Oluka
Chukwuemeka Okolie
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _12__ Participating: _2__
Prof. Dev.
Electees: __11_
I. General Description: 8 undergraduates and 3 eminent engineers were initiated into the DCAlpha Chapter.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this ritual is to increase and
maintain the membership within our organization, to spread the idea and involvement of Tau
Beta Pi to other deserving engineers.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) __ Yes __✔_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Equipment needed during the initiation ceremony
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful in that our chapter was
able to initiate 11 members into Tau Beta Pi including the dean of Tuskegee State University,
Dr. Legand Burge.
VII. Index of Exhibits:
DC-Alpha Fall 2012 Initiates
DC-Alpha 2012 -13 President & Chief Advisor
Corine Jackman and Robert Efimba, Sc.D, P.E.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 8_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Introducing Tau Beta Pi to Freshmen
Date(s) of Project: October 23, 2013
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/
Liberal Culture
� Education/
Prof. Dev.
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Electees: ___
Members: _2__
Corine Jackman
Ciara Parrott
(60 Freshman Engineering majors)
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _1__
Participating: _0.5__
I. General Description: In order to spread awareness about Tau Beta Pi to engineering
freshmen, DC-Alpha attended the freshman class to explain what it takes to be eligible to join
Tau Beta Pi as well as what the organization stands and also invited them to the Engineering
Future Session the following Saturday.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This project was able to teach others about what
this organization stands for and encouraged academic excellence for freshman to strive
towards becoming a member of Tau Beta Pi. This is a movement to improve our university
because it is an effort to increase GPA’s within the college.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) ___ Yes _�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: N/A
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The students were receptive and attentive to the
presentation about Tau Beta Pi. The applause at the end was an indicator of appreciation.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No Pictures are available.
The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: __DC-Alpha_
Chapter Project Report Project number: 7_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: MindSET Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Date(s) of Project: March 4, 18, and 20th, 2012
Project area: _✔_ Community/ __ University/ __Profession/ __Chapter/ ✔ Education/
Liberal Culture College Engineering Social Prof. Dev.
Number of persons who participated in this project Members: 2__ Electees: _4_
(Please attach a list of names.)
(2 Members of DC-Alpha):
• Corine Jackman
• Bria Rice
(4 Electees of DC-Alpha):
Nailah Seale
Margaret Amao
Kara Kea
Monica Burnett
• (4 DC-Gamma George Washington University):
• Tim Murphy
• Corinne Chinkidjakarn
• Justin Lee
• Shelly Bagchi
Total Attendance: 10
Hours spent on this project. Organizing: _10__ Participating: _5__
I. General Description: The Popsicle Bridge MindSET Project required popsicle
sticks, Elmer’s glue, and hot glue guns to construct a bridge with dimensions of a
24” lower deck, a 4” to 6” width, a height of 6cm, and a 4” bearing. Paper, pencils,
and rulers were provided to make blueprints for the construction of the bridge.
Before students began building, there was a discussion on the importance of
bridges, their functions, and the responsibilities of engineers who design them.
Students were encouragement that civil as well as other engineering majors,
could be a possible career path for those who want are interested in the field.
The Popsicle Bridge Project is designed to introduce and teach the applications
of Newton’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws, tension, compression, and making sound
decisions on financially feasible designs.
Students were given twenty minutes to draw a sketch of their bridges. After,
students were charged for each item they bought for the construction of their
bridge ($1-popsicle stick, $5-Elmer’s glue, $25 - hot glue gun rental, $10–1 glue
stick). The students divided into four groups, and collectively worked on the
construction of their bridge. Four 1.5 hour sessions were devoted to building the
bridge. The fifth and last session was judgment day. The bridge to hold the most
weight was the winner. Different objects were weighed and placed on each bridge
starting from lowest to highest weight to test the strength of each bridge.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The ultimate purpose of the popsicle
bridge project is to instill an interest in the students that leads them to pursue a
possible career path in engineering. Other objectives are to increase the
confidence and self-awareness in the students, and encourage them to pursue
higher math and science courses. This corresponds to the objectives of Tau Beta
Pi because we are giving back to our community, and teaching them fundamental
principles in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) field.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _✔_ Yes ___ No
Yes, student members of DC-Gamma chapter (George Washington University)
and the students from the Washington Metropolitan High School, as well as the
teacher, Mr. Bonner.
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Cost- The DC-Alpha chapter received a grant of
$177.61 from Tau Beta Pi headquarters to cover the cost of the MindSET event.
After materials were purchased, the total price was $186.85 which included
popsicle sticks - $40.41, tacks - $44.70, tape - $10.30, glue - $22.20, snack - $60.00,
hot glue guns - $5.55, and hot glue – $3.30. Personnel Requirements – advised
students on bridge, maintained a professional
V. Special Problems: The students were interested in the project, but after four
original groups were established, it diminished to two groups after the third
session. On the day of the competition, only one group was present, and because
of their commitment and dedication, this was the group to win the competition.
More committed members would have increased the spirit of the competition for
the students.
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): The students were very excited about
the project, and showed interest. They were very involved and willingly
participated in the program. Even though students were interested, they walked
in and out of the classroom, and we did not have all of their attention. Perhaps
certain key phrases, references, or reminders will stimulate students to be more
focused. More research on how we can better capture the attention of students
will be undertaken. The students could have retained more of the math and
science concepts if they were given a worksheet, or a quiz to reinforce what they
learned during the program. This will be a implemented in our next MindSET
Team A working on the finishing touches of their bridge.
Another picture of team A working on the finishing touches of their bridge.
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 6_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: CEACS Family Night___
Date(s) of Project: November 15, 2013
Project area: __ Community/
_�_ University/ __Profession/ � Chapter/
Liberal Culture
__ Education/
Prof. Dev.
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Symone Cook
Errynne Page
Cherrelle Thomas
Corine Jackman
Ciara Parrott
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Electees: _2__
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _5__
Members: _4__
Participating: _2__
I. General Description: The College of Engineering Architecture and Computer Sciences,
CEACS Family Night was an event with food and music where engineering students joined
together to socialize before Thanksgiving break. It was also a celebration for the initiates who
were initiated the very next day.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This project was a social event that reached
beyond the required pillars of personal development, academic achievement, motivation to
stay in engineering, motivation of scholarship, community service, and leadership within Tau
Beta Pi.
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) _�__ Yes __ No
This project was a conjunction with organization in the College of Engineering including the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE), Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society, APX, Phi Sigma Rho National Sorority Inc.,
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Teach Retain and Unite in Science and
Technology (TRUST a Society for Men), and the National Organization of Minority Architects.
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Have participants present at the event.
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful in that our chapter was
able to unite, have fun, and fellowship.
VII. Index of Exhibits: No Pictures available
The Tau Beta Pi Association
Chapter Project Report
Project number: 5_FALL_2012
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information
which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous
material that would not be useful to other chapters.
Project name: Tutoring Calculus___
Date(s) of Project: October 22-November 20,
Project area: __ Community/
__ University/
Liberal Culture
__Profession/ __ Chapter/ � Education/
Prof. Dev.
Number of persons who participated in this project
(Please attach a list of names.)
Symone Cook
Errynne Page
Kara Kea
Max Jordan Nguemeni
Hours spent on this project.
Organizing: _1__
Members: _1__
Electees: _3__
Participating: _10__
I. General Description: Tau Beta Pi members and electees tutored students in calculus within
Howard University’s college of engineering once a week for a month.
II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This project upholds the goals of promoting
academic achievement and excellence in engineering and encouraging students to stay in
III. Organization & Administration: (in conjunction with another group?) ___ Yes _�_ No
IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Participants were required to take Calculus I and II.
V. Special Problems: _N/A
VI. Overall Evaluation/Results (Be Specific): This event was successful in that we were able to
contribute to the lives of new coming freshmen who needed help in Calculus.
VII. Index of Exhibits: _No pictures Available