Nov 2011 Issue - YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College


Nov 2011 Issue - YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
Newsletter for Parents <<August - November 2011>>
Principal’s Corner
Dear Parents,
Sad to say that this will be my last message as the Principal of YHKCC. I have been the
Principal for a little over 2 years and was the school Supervisor for a year prior to that. A
great deal has happened in a short space of time. The most dramatic change is in the
increased popularity and growth of the school. In enrolment terms we have grown over
30% in 2 years. In terms of applications we have gone from a situation of having capacity,
to one where last year we had 2 applications for each Form 1 place. This year I expect the
number of applications to increase again. An interesting indicator was the turn out for the
Admissions Briefing on 22nd October in Tsim Sha Tsui, where about 350 people filled the
YMCA assembly hall to learn more about our school.
To me a school is first and foremost a community and the success of our students is due to
the successful three way partnership between the home, the school and the students
themselves. Now in our 8th year, our school has seen a significant improvement in
university placements. Our students have now obtained places in all of Hong Kong‟s top
institutions including: the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, the Baptist University and the Polytechnic University. We have increasing numbers looking
abroad for tertiary education destinations including Newcastle, Leeds, York, Surrey and Portsmouth Universities in the UK.
This year our first cohort of GCE A level students will graduate; three of them have applied to Cambridge in the UK. It
would be a wonderful moment for the school if one (or more) of them were successful. Our major focus continues to be
the enhancement of academic standards. We have launched a number of initiatives in this area including the
introduction of: benchmark testing and target setting for students, „personal best‟ assignments, the upgrading of careers
guidance, mentoring for new teachers, the launch of a Virtual Learning Environment to connect us more strongly to
parents and most recently student self-evaluations and student-teacher conferences.
Partly as the result of the implementation of international examination courses in the form of IGCSEs and UK A levels, the
school has become increasingly attractive to international families with 79% of Form 1 and 72% of Form 2 students
classified as „non-local‟. Many of our families do not have school fees paid by their companies, and appreciate the
international style of education at an affordable price offered by the school. Increasing numbers of students are joining us
from well known international schools, which is a vote of confidence in the quality of our educational provision. Other
quality endorsements have come from: Cambridge International Examinations, Edexcel International and the Council of
International Schools – by whom we have recently been accepted into membership. The local press have also been very
interested in the evolution of the school and the unique blend of educational qualities that it offers; last year 15 articles
were published in the Hong Kong press about the school, with a further two being published this year so far.
Principal’s Corner
Our students have benefited from the „rounded education‟ philosophy. In the last 2 years we have given all year groups
the chance to gain from the experiences provided by Life-wide Learning camps. Here they have developed resilience,
team work, social skills, leadership, problem solving and persistence among other things. At the beginning of the term
900 of our students left for camps in various parts of Hong Kong such as Sai Kung, Tai Po, Tap Mun and South Lantau.
Even though the camps had to be cut short because of a typhoon, their response to the experience was very positive.
Another innovation that has been embraced by our culture over the last two years has been the establishment of the
„Service Outreach Scheme‟ week. This has enabled students to invest their time in helping less fortunate people both
here in Hong Kong and abroad in places such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and China.
The school has developed a reputation as a caring and disciplined environment. This is due to the effectiveness of our
Student Discipline and Guidance System. I have been blessed with an outstanding Leadership team whom I will greatly
miss. Diana Lo and Diane Sarchet Waller who lead the SDGS have ensured that students are well cared for and known as
individuals. They are supported by an excellent group of Heads of Year and Class Teachers. I regard the pastoral care
system as the backbone of the school and continue to believe that students perform best when their emotional needs are
met and they are free from distractions in a safe, disciplined environment.
A major implication of this growth in numbers has been the need to create more facilities for our students. Over the past
two years we have created 6 additional classrooms, remodelled the reception and admissions areas, created a fine arts
centre, upgraded the internet back bone, installed turnstiles at the school entrance, established the all weather pitch,
100 metre track and outdoor seating area and extended the eating area for students. This year we will begin construction
of the new music block and promenade, and the new multi-purpose hall. These new facilities will further enhance the
opportunities that our students have for personal development.
My opinion is that the school will continue to grow, develop and
prosper. I see nothing but a positive future as we continue to
respond to the significant demand for high quality international
education at an affordable price. The success of the school has
been a wonderful team effort. I express my heartfelt thanks to
Alfred Chan, Andrew Higgins, Dion Chen (interim Acting Principal),
Diana Lo and Diane Sarchet Waller. No leader could ask for a more
dedicated committed and passionate leadership team. I also thank
a wonderful, diverse and hard working staff who have shown how
local and foreign teachers can work together with mutual respect
and harmony. Thank you to our fantastic office staff and
unbeatable team of janitors – cheerful, helpful and hard working.
Thanks to our highly supportive parent body – particularly the PTA
chair Mr. Evans Mendonca - and last but not least, thanks to my
favourite group of students in the world – the students of YHKCC.
Remember – you can achieve your dream if you work hard and
„keep your eye on the ball‟. God bless, prosper and keep you.
Dr. Nick Miller
Academic Matters
New Students Orientation Day
The academic year “kicked off” on 27th August with an Orientation Day for all students and parents new to the school.
The school hall was packed with more than 400 students and parents attending the event. The audience listened
attentively to a variety of speakers who explained the curriculum, school rules, extra-curricular activities, etc., and
newcomers were introduced to Class Teachers and Heads of Year who provided more information about the school‟s
expectations and answered questions.
Students and parents appreciated the opportunity to find out more about the school and derived comfort from knowing
who they could turn to if any difficulties should arise in academic studies or in other matters.
Back to School Nights
The next important event for parents were the Back to School
Nights held on 15th September for parents of students in
Forms 1 – 3 parents and 21st September for parents of
students in Forms 4 – 7. Altogether around 430 parents
Parents were given a timetable and went to a series of
“lessons” where they met with subject teachers for about 10
minutes. The idea behind this event is to provide parents with
an opportunity to “experience” what a typical school day is
like for their children, including moving from one classroom to
another during the five minute period changing time.
In the lessons, teachers explained the content of the course
and how the subject was taught, described what was expected of students including homework assignments and
suggested ways in which parents could effectively support their children. The evening also enabled parents to meet
subject teachers in person and establish lines of communication. The school “day” finished at 8:45 pm. On both
evenings, parents left the school confident that their children have been placed in the safe hands of dedicated teachers.
Students received the first semester Progress Report on 18th October, which showed how well they had performed in their
academic studies during the first six weeks of school.
Mr. Alfred Chan
Assistant Principal (Local Curriculum)
Academic Matters
International Curriculum
Council of International Schools
On 7th September Serene Lai from the Council of International Schools visited
the school to determine whether YHKCC met the standards and criteria for
membership. Ms. Lai commented in her report, recommending that YHKCC be
accepted as a member, that she was „impressed by the positive feel of the
school. Staff, parents and students spoke well of the school. There is a sense
of respect for cultural diversity and respect for individuals. This is one of the
reasons parents, students and staff like the school.‟
The Council of International Schools is a non-profit membership organisation
that provides services to secondary schools around the world that have the
following in common:
a desire to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to
pursue their lives as global citizens; and
 a commitment to high quality education.
To achieve this goal, schools are required to infuse international and
intercultural perspective into their programmes so that students can move forward with the attitudes and understanding
that will provide them with a solid base wherever their studies or work may take them. Secondary school members must
further commit to undertaking an ongoing quality assurance process to enhance student learning.
As a school we are fully committed to this process and have already started preparing for the next visit which is part of the
process of becoming fully accredited with the Council of International Schools. A staff working party is being formed to
explore the nature of „international mindedness‟ and „global citizenship‟, and propose ways of infusing these core ideas
into the curriculum.
Membership of the Council of International Schools does not mean that YHKCC is becoming an international school; we
are and will remain a local school offering an international style education, but it does give us access to a wide range of
services and international resources to further develop the school community, including higher education guidance and
teacher recruitment.
Edexcel International
Also in September, the school was officially granted centre status by Edexcel
International. Now that the school is recognized by both Edexcel International and
Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) there is greater flexibility within the academic
curriculum and it enables the school to keep costs of examination fees to a minimum.
After the mid-term break we will begin to explore ways of diversifying the GCE A level curriculum, including the possibility of
offering a few additional subjects in addition to the ten already being taught.
Academic Matters
Higher Education
During Life-wide Learning Week Ms. Charmaine Leung and Mr.
Matthew Trethewey, the Heads of Local Careers and International
Careers respectively, organized a Higher Education Day to provide
further information about universities for a range of destinations
and students made a start on the application process.
The vast majority of students taking the HKDSE intend to apply for
university places in Hong Kong. Of the 68 GCE A2 students 50%
have chosen Hong Kong as their first choice destination and are
currently submitting their applications through non-JUPAS. 20.6%
of students are making applications to UK universities through
UCAS, 7.5% wish to study in Australia, 5.9% in the USA, 5.9% in the Philippines and 4.4% are hoping to go to Canadian
universities. The remaining 4.5% (i.e. 3 students) are applying to universities in New Zealand, South Africa and France.
One student is planning to enter the workforce.
The school has been working hard to give students a vision of their future and a university degree opens up so many
possible career paths. It is very exciting to note that such a large proportion of students (98.5%) are actively pursuing
higher education and we wish them every success in their endeavours.
It gives me great pleasure to report that GCE A2 students are very focused this year and quite serious in their studies.
There is a noticeable difference in attitude and students are determined to do well and secure for themselves a brighter
future. Attendance is much improved and this is obviously a key element in academic success. The experience of taking
the AS level examinations in May-June 2011 proved to be a turning point for many. Even though 15% of the total number
of entries were at grade A, quite a number of students did not perform as well as they thought they would. Sometimes it
takes an experience like this to fully comprehend exactly what is required to succeed academically, which brings to mind
the old joke, “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Thomas Edison, the inventor of the
light bulb, is quoted as saying, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like
work”, and more bluntly on another occasion, “There is no substitute for hard work!”
IGCSE Examinations
As you know all Form 4 students will be taking their IGCSE examinations in May-June 2012. A letter will be sent home after
the mid-term break giving more detailed information about making entries, examination fees and study leave
An increasing number of DSS schools in Hong Kong are now doing IGCSE examinations at the end of Form 4. Whether
students opt to continue with the NSS curriculum in Forms 5 and 6 or start GCE A levels, this is a great opportunity to
obtain a set of internationally recognized qualifications. It also provides students with the in valuable experience of taking
public examinations before sitting the HKDSE or GCE A levels in Form 6, which are arguably the most important
examinations in any student‟s life!
To all YHKCC students, I offer the following piece of advice which was first given by the American author Napoleon Hill,
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”
Mr. Andrew Higgins
Assistant Principal (International Curriculum)
Academic Matters
Benchmark Tests
To obtain an external, unbiased validation of our own internal assessments of students‟ potential, the school has
introduced tests called MidYIS (Middle Years Information System) for F.1 – F.3 and Yellis (Year Eleven Information
System) offered by Durham University for F.4 students. The primarily uses of the tests are to assess individual students‟
abilities, to determine possible gaps in knowledge and understanding that may need to be addressed by teachers, to set
targets with individual students and to objectively measure „value-added‟ for the whole school.
Student-Teacher Conference
The first Student–Teacher Conference day was held on 18th
October and this proved to be very successful. The rationale
for creating the conference was to give students personal
feedback regarding their academic performance. Students
were asked to reflect on their achievements in preparation
for the conference. On the day class teachers and students
met together to discuss the Progress Reports and
determine areas for improvement. After the meeting
students were then given another opportunity to reflect on
and evaluate their academic progress so far, and set
themselves realistic targets to achieve during the rest of the
It was very encouraging to see students seriously engaged
in the whole process, especially when working on the selfreflection, evaluation of academic progress and target
setting exercise in the hall.
Class teachers appreciated the opportunity to give students
feedback from a holistic point of view – the process provided
a platform for class teachers to discuss academic
performance across all subjects.
Class teachers will continue to monitor students‟ progress
and the targets will be reviewed in mid-February, after the
Mid-Year Examinations. If necessary, new targets will be set
at that time.
Ms. Diana Lo
Assistant Principal (SGDS)
Student Voice
Student Voice is a growing feature of life at YHKCC and it has been good to see more and more students becoming
involved. They have been responsible for affecting a number of positive changes in school as well as becoming actively
involved in the wider areas of Student Voice in seminars and projects throughout Hong Kong. We feel very proud of them!
On 26th October elections were held for the new Student Council Executive Committee and, once again, the students did
very well. There were some persuasive election speeches and the results were very close for the positions of Treasurer,
Secretary, Junior Vice President, Senior Vice President and President.
Our New Student Council
From left: Neil Mendonca (Senior Vice President), Alyssa Ong (Secretary), Travis Phay (President),
Soyena Dhakal (Treasurer) and Lorenzo Ponce (Junior Vice President)
Student Mentorship Scheme
Ms. Yuk Kwok continues to develop our mentorship scheme which is designed to foster a network of support for Form 1
students, with the mentors serving as peer support personnel for the new Form 1 students.
The newly appointed mentors receive
their certificates
Outstanding Performance
We are delighted to announce that the following classes have been awarded the Best Attendance &
Punctuality Award and the Best Behaviour Award for the month of September. We are pleased to note
that the number of classes receiving awards is increasing.
Best Attendance & Punctuality Award will be given a
pizza party
Best Behaviour Award will be awarded a
casual dress day
All F.1
2Y, 2A
3Y, 3H
5Y, 5C, A1Y
A2 M
Mrs. Diane Sarchet Waller
Assistant Principal (SGDS)
Student Activities
Student Achievements
Song Da Eun Erin (A1-Y) was appointed as the Art Ambassador in the Arts
Ambassadors-in-School Scheme
(1st August 2011)
Song Da Eun Erin (A1-Y) was appointed as the Arts Ambassador for the school for
the 2010 – 2011 academic year in the Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme
(AAiSS). The scheme, organized by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
(HKADC), is an innovative arts initiative for primary and secondary schools in Hong
Kong. By providing students with a flair for the arts, a willing mind and spirit
oriented on community services with the opportunity to become arts ambassadors
for their schools, the scheme aims to form a new synergy of art.
Erin was awarded a $500 scholarship and a certificate of recognition by HKADC
for her willingness to share her passion and promote enjoyment of the arts for
other people
Erin’s Sharing:
"When I lived in Korea, school is always about studies and as a primary student I got
very stressed out just studying, but in Art Classes, I felt so alive and inspired.
It was so interesting and relaxing for me. Since I took the art lessons in school I have
always been so interested and I told my parents about it and they said that If I am
interested I should do it, because I would have more determination. My parents sent
me to art classes and I learnt many different media and the different ways of
presenting art. These factors were all so inspiring to me so I got more and more into
art. The art academy sent us to different field trips which we all benefited from. Until
now I still remember all the museums we went to and what we learnt from there. But
at that age we only learnt how to control the usage of medium and never learnt how to
use our imagination. Even if we did, the teachers put most of their ideas into our
personal works.
About primary 4, I came back to Hong Kong and in primary school we didn't learn much but when I came to YHKCC, the
definition of art changed me. It is more like my art work is a part of me that is expressed strongly of the emotion I was
feeling at the time. I liked having art classes where my personal thoughts go into work. If I was to have any problems, I
would simply express myself through art. What I like mostly about art is that I wouldn’t have to tell people my problems
and I could just relax myself without the help of others. What I have also learnt is that an art work has more meaning to it
than just the outcome of the work. It is more of the process and the deep meaning behind it.
The whole process of myself learning art was a memorable experience. Up until now, I am learning about artists, different
styles and still now to appreciate art and also the history and also development in art. Mostly, I realized all these things
about art when I was taking visual arts as a subject in the HKCEE. When I was working for my portfolio, I had limited time
but I got inspired very easily and although my result did not come out to be A or a B, C to me was very satisfying because I
know I worked my way but I know I could probably have gotten better. Through the procedures of finishing my course
work for HKCEE, I learnt to manage my time better, got a lot of support from my teacher and improved my skills in art."
(Her work: This was work I did when I was in the art academy in Korea. It was a copper board and then I dented the image
copied from Picasso then cleared the undented part of the image with sand paper, which revealed the copper thus
showing an image.)
Student Activities
Student Achievements
Islands District Swimming Competition 2011
(21st August 2011)
The school‟s Swimming Team got fruitful results in the Islands District
Swimming Competition 2011 which was held in the Tung Chung Swimming Pool
on 21st August. The school team won a total of 21 medals with 3 Gold, 12 Silver
and 6 Bronze medals. The team members tried their very best in training
throughout the summer holidays.
They will keep on trying hard in training and will aim high at the next local and
international Inter-school Swimming competitions.
Gold Medals
Jones, Marian (A1-Y)
50m Butterfly
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Cheung Tik Ki, Jossie (4M )
50M Breast Stroke
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Fiona Fung (7M, Alumni)
50m Breaststroke
(Girls Open, over 18 years old)
Student Activities
Silver Medals
Ohashi Yoshiya (4Y)
50m Backstroke
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Ohashi Yoshiya (4Y )
200m Backstroke
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Jeanne Yip (A1-Y)
100m Freestyle
(Girls Open, over 18 years old)
Jeanne Yip (A1-Y)
50m Freestyle
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Jason Chu (4C)
100m Backstroke
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Jones, Marian (A1-Y)
100 Butterfly
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Tsang, Jeffrey Yue Lung (2C)
50m Backstroke
(Boys, 13 - 15 years old)
Chan Chun Wing (7C)
50m Breaststroke
(Girls Open, over 18 years old)
Ohashi Kaho (1C)
100m Breaststroke. 50m Backstroke,
(Girls, 13 - 15 years old)
Ohashi Kaho (1C), Jason Chu (4C),
Anson Leung (6C) and
Liu Kam Tung, Carlos (7Y)
4 x 50m Medley Relay
(Boys, under 18 years old)
Bronze Medals
Chan Chun Wing (7C)
100m Freestyle
(Girls Open, over 18 years old)
Jeannne Yip (A1-Y)
50m Breaststroke
(Girls Open, over 18 years old)
Anson Leung (6C)
50m Butterfly
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Ng Ka Ching, Ernest (5A)
50m Breaststroke
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Tsang, Jeffrey Yue Lung (2C)
200m Individual Medley
(Boys, 13 - 15 years old)
Cheung Tik Ki, Jossie (4M)
50m Breaststroke
(Girls, 16 - 18 years old)
Student Activities
Student Achievements
Islands District Athletic Meet 2011
(23rd October 2011)
Congratulations! YHKCC students participated in the
Islands District Athletic Meet 2011, which was held in the
Tsing Yi Sports Ground on 23rd October and achieved a
total of 5 Gold medals, 5 Silver medals and 7 Bronze
medals. Erin Song (A2Y) broke the official record in the
High Jump (Girls, 16-18 years old) event with a jump of
Gold Medals
Kyra Tong (5M)
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Erin Song (A1-Y)
High Jump (Broke official record: 1.45m)
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Jeanne Yip (A2-Y)
Shot Put
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Chloe Emily Jang (3Y)
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Michelle Smith (A1-Y), Julia Harling (A1-Y),
Rachel Fong (A1-C) and Chloe Jang (3Y)
4 x 400m
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Silver Medals
Terry Wan (5A)
Long Jump
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Rachel Fong (A1-C)
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
McCall Alexandra Ashley (1A)
Shot Put
(Girls, 13-15 years old)
Michelle Smith (A1-Y)
(Girls, 16-18 years old)
Terry Wan (5A), Oscar Chui (5M),
Ashreet Gurung (A1-Y) and Sran Ranjot Singh (3Y)
4 x 100m
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Student Activities
Bronze Medals
Oscar Chui (5M)
110 Hurdles
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Terry Wan (5A)
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Terry Wan (5A)
High Jump
(Boys, 16-18 years old)
Sran Ranjot Singh (3Y)
(Boys , 13-15 years old)
Gladis Yau Yi Lam (4H)
(Girls, 13-15 years old)
Charmaine Connolly (5C)
Shot Put
(Girls, 16-18 year old)
Gladis Yau Yi Lam (4H), Chan Yuen Ching (1H),
Enciso Murcia Paula Andrea (5C) and
Francisco Bianca Therese M (3C)
4 x 100m
(Girls, 13- 15 years old)
Student Activities
Student Achievements
Inter-school Swimming Championships 2011– 2012
(25th October and 27th October 2011)
Congratulations! The school‟s Swimming Team got
pleasing results in the Inter-school Swimming
Championships 2011 – 2012, which was held on
25th October and 27th October respectively in the
Shing Mun Valley Indoor Swimming Pool.
Words from the coach, Mr. Ringo Ma:
“Our school’s Swimming Team got pleasing results
in the Inter-school Swimming Championships 2011–
2012. Our team won a total of 20 medals with 7
Gold, 9 Silver and 4 Bronze medals. In addition, the
team also got the 1st Runner Up for A Grade Girls
and 2nd Runner Up for A Grade Boys and C Grade
Boys. Well done, school swimming team. I am very
proud of all of you.”
Gold Medals
Anna Karolina Dahlberg (3A)
200m Freestyle
(A Grade Girls)
Kaho Ohashi (2Y)
100m Breast
(C Grade Girls)
Kaho Ohashi (2Y)
200m Breaststroke
(C Grade Girls)
Jason Chu Hiu Long (5Y)
50m Breaststroke
(A Grade Boys)
**Broke Official Record**
Jenkan Lam (1K)
100m Backstroke
(C Grade Boys)
Josie Cheung Tik Ki (5C)
200m Breaststroke
(A Grade Girls)
Jason Chu Hiu Long (5Y), Jason Law (5M),
Gavin Au Chun Wai (6C) and Anson Leung Kai Yin (7C)
4 x 50m Freestyle Relay
(A Grade Boys)
Student Activities
Silver Medals
Anson Leung Kai Yin (7C)
100m Freestyle
(A Grade Boys)
Anson Leung Kai Yin (7C)
50m Butterfly
(A Grade boys)
Jason Chu Hiu Long (5Y)
100m Breaststroke
(A Grade Boys)
Jeffrey Tsang YU Lung (3A)
200m Freestyle
(B Grade Boys)
Ricco Chow Ho Fung (1Y)
50m Butterfly
(C Grade Boys)
Ricco Chow Ho Fung (1Y)
200m Freestyle
(C Grade Boys)
Jenkan Lam (1K)
200 Individual Medley
(C Grade Boys)
Julia Nguyen (5Y), Tatania Galt (A2-C),
Josie Cheung Tik Ki (5C) and Jeanne Yip Tsz Yan (A2Y)
4 x 50m Medley Relay
(A Grade GIrls)
Jenkan Lam (1K), Hilario Pun Long Man (2H),
Liam David Hobson (1K) and Leung Long San (2K)
4 x 50m Medley Relay
(C Grade Boys)
Bronze Medals
Yoshiya Ohashi (A1M)
100m Backstroke
(A Grade Boys)
Oscar Chui (5M)
50m Freestyle
(A Grade Boys)
Jeanne Yip Tsz Yan (A2Y)
50m Freestyle
(A Grade Girls)
Leung Long San (2K)
50m Freestyle
(C Grade Boys)
Overall Trophies
A Grade Girls: 1st Runner up
A Grade Boys: 2nd Runner up
C Grade Boys: 2nd Runner up
Student Activities
Student Achievements
Islands District 7-a-side Football Competition
(28th October 2011)
Congratulations! The school‟s Football Team (B Grade Boys) were the 2nd Runners Up in the
Islands District 7-a-side Football Competition. The team members are:
Robbie Wu
Ken Chung
Ranjot Singh
Ahsan Akbar
Francis Fernandes
Sijan Gurung
Jordan Jarvis
Jason Staples
Jake Preece
Charles Fernandes
Mark Coebergh
Student Activities
Student Achievements
International League Swimming Competition
(1st November 2011)
Congratulations! The school‟s Swimming Team got encouraging results in the International Swimming
Competitions 2011-2012 which was held on 1st November. The school team won 9 medals with 3 Gold and 6
Bronze medals. The school‟s senior boys team came 3rd overall. It is the first time the school participated in the
international competition.
Kwai Tsing District Athletic Meet 2011
(6th November 2011)
Congratulations! The school‟s Athletic and Cross-country Team participated in the Kwai Tsing District Meet 2011
on 6th November and achieved a total of 15 medals with 4 Gold medals, 6 Silver medals and 5 Bronze medals.
One of our athletes broke the official record (Girls, 16-18 years old) in the high jump event.
Words from the coach, Mr. Ringo Ma:
“Congratulations to all the athletes and thank you for their effort and dedication. Our Team will continue to try
hard for the coming competitions. Last, but not least, thank you very much for the school's full support in sports
International Culture Exchange Hong Kong The Global Village Drawing Competition
(8th November 2011)
Congratulations! Seven YHKCC students participated in the International Culture Exchange Hong Kong - The
Global Village Drawing Competition and got pleasing results in the competition. Winners of the prizes are as
Snowy Borghin (5A)
3rd Prize
Francesca Inciong (4Y)
2nd prize
Jericho Bernardo (2H)
3rd Prize
Isaak Manuel (5C)
3rd Prize
Tricia Unciano (4Y)
3rd Prize
Hosanna Au Yeung (2Y)
3rd Prize
Ka Wai Leung (2A)
3rd Prize
Mr. Dion Chen
Acting Principal
School Events
ECA Enrolment Day
(16th September 2011)
Welcome back to the new school year! We are looking forward to another exciting year in extra-curricular activities
(ECAs). YHKCC offers a wide range of ECAs to enrich students‟ experience of school life and we encourage students
to become involved. We believe that ECAs allow students the opportunity to identify and develop areas of interest
and talents which are complementary to the academic curriculum. They also enable students to develop important
skills such as: leadership, teamwork, aesthetic and problem solving.
This year, YHKCC is offering 40 clubs for students and the ECAs enrolment day was held on 16th September in
school hall. Students were very eager to participate in different ECAs including various academic groups, interest
groups, cultural groups, sports groups, music groups and service groups. We hope this will continue throughout the
School Events
Back to School Nights
(15th September and 21th September 2011)
About 430 parents attended the Back to School Nights this
year. Each evening started at 6:30 pm with an opening
address by the principal Dr. Nick Miller, in which he
explained the school‟s emphasis on student achievement
and the importance of cooperation between the school and
the home. The next presentation was from the organizers of
the Life-wide Learning Camps for students in Forms 1 and 2.
Parents were given more information about the programme
of activities and an indication of the skills that students
could be expected to learn. Parents were then asked to
complete a school improvement survey. The data is
currently being analyzed and the results will be published
The main part of the evening involved parents attending a
series of “lessons”. Parents had to use a map to find the
classroom and ensure that they arrived at the lesson on
before the bell rang! During each “lesson” teachers
explained what students would be learning this term and
what expectations they had. The opportunity to meet
subject teachers so early in the term was very much
Many positive and encouraging comments about the school
and how teachers have been working with their children
were received from parents.
School Events
Life-wide Learning Camp
(26th September to 28th September 2011)
Apart from learning inside the classroom, the school
passionately believes that students can be motivated to be
adventurous and fearless through various outdoor
experiential activities. We have therefore introduced a
number of programmes to support the rounded „education for
life‟ model which includes the Life-wide Learning (LWL) Camp.
Experiential learning in an authentic setting enables students
to achieve certain learning goals that are more difficult to
attain through classroom learning alone. For instance, the
development of problem solving skills in daily life requires
contact with a lot of different people in a variety of
environments and situations.
With these goals in mind,
the YHKCC organizes a
unique LWL Camp for the entire student body during regular school days every
year. The content of the LWL Camp is tailor-made for our students and it is also
an extension of the work done in Personal and Social Education (PSE) lessons.
The experimental learning acquired through LWL Camp helps students to
achieve the aims of whole-person development and enables them to nurture
the life-long learning capabilities needed in our ever-changing society, such as
social integration, teamwork, character development, leadership skills,
perseverance and resilience.
This year, students once again travelled to different parts of Hong Kong
including Pui O Beach in South Lantau, Sai Kung, Tai Mei Tuk and Kowloon
Peak. Even though the camps had to be cut short because of the typhoon and
the school had to make the decision to cancel all activities for safety reasons,
the response of students was very positive.
Post LWL Camp Arrangement: The make-up activities will be held either in January
2012 or April 2012. The school is still working with the camp organisers to fix the
exact dates. Further information will be sent to parents shortly.
School Events
School Events
Admission Briefing
(22nd October 2011)
The Form 1 Admission Briefing was successfully held in the
Assembly Hall of YMCA of Hong Kong on 22nd October with
over 350 people in attendance. The Assembly Hall was filled
up by parents and their child. A thorough introduction on the
school‟s background, mission and vision, teaching
approaches, curriculum, admission procedures and ECAs
were given by the Principal and Assistant Principals.
School Events
School Events
“YHKCC School Fair a Huge Success”
(29th October 2011)
The entire school community of YHKCC gathered on the school campus for a day of fun and excitement at the much
anticipated School Fair on 29th October. The fair is held every year and is probably the highlight of the school year.
This year, the tradition continued with the theme „Family Fun‟. More than 2,200 visitors joined in with the
There was something for everyone, from crafts and cuddly puppies to inflatable castles and performances by
students. Visitors were also able to do some shopping at the bazaar in the assembly hall and the food plaza on the
football court, and sample treats from the school‟s bake sale, pizza, fried chicken, sausage rolls, Pakistan snacks, or
the PTA‟s hot dog food stalls.
Also new this year was the largest bouncy castle in Hong Kong, a 2-storey high inflatable climbing tower and paddle
cars. Children lined up eagerly for the bouncy castle, paddle cars and aerial runway, and tried to win prizes on many
exciting carnival games organized by YHKCC students. Younger children had their faces painted by artistic students.
The school‟s music team including the Assembly Band, Choir and Rock Band were showcased with different beautiful
songs throughout the day.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers and parents who helped to make the fair such a
huge success!
School Events
YHKCC would like to thank the following donors for their continuing support and generosity for
the School Fair.
Donor Name
Donor Name
CHAN Chi Wah
NG King Chi
NG Yin Wai
NG Yuen Ling
DUPIN Isabelle
NG Siu Yan Ide
ONG Nannette Yap
HERRERA Marie Quismorio
POON Mui Lin Susan
HONG Shing Hei
PUN Anna
ITO Shinri
SERENEO Erminia I.
KAUR Ramandip
LIM Elizabeth
SZE Wing Kin
LIMBU Sunita
TANG Siu Kwan
LIU Ren Xiao
WONG Suet Mui Debbie
MAN Keung Lam
School Events
School Events
School Events
School Events
School Events
School Events
Mr. Dion Chen
Acting Principal
Media Coverage
SCMP (28th July 2011)
▼ The Standard (11th September 2011)
 SCMP (1st September 2011)
 Around DB Magazine (November 2011 Issue)
Mr. Dion Chen
Acting Principal
Campus Management
During the school year 2010 – 2011, YHKCC continued to develop the Campus Management Programme by extending
and upgrading facilities to improve students‟ learning environment and facilitate future curricular requirements. These
improvements include a new refrigerator in the tuck shop, turnstiles at the main entrance, new tables on the grass
field, a study area in the library and new classrooms on 6/F.
 New equipment in the tuck shop
New tables and chairs in the grassfield 
 Turnstiles (Main entrance)
Campus Management
 Study area in the library
New renovated classroom on 6/F 
Music Block
The tender procedures of the Music Block has been
completed. The construction work of the Music Block
will be commenced in 2012.
Mr. Dion Chen
Acting Principal
Upcoming Events
Post LWL Camp Arrangement: The make-up activities will be held either in January
2012 or April 2012. The school is still working with the camp organisers to fix the
exact dates. Further information will be sent to parents shortly.
November 2011
December 2011
Form 1 Alpha Day Camp
Date: Friday 11th November 2011
ECA and Class Photo Day
Date: Thursday1st December 2011
Form 1 Admission Interview
Date: Saturday 12th November 2011
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: YHKCC
International Night
Date: Saturday 10th December 2011
Time: 2:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue: YHKCC
Annual Sports Day (Heat)
Date: Thursday 17th November 2011
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: Tsing Yi Sports Ground
Christmas Party
Date: Thursday 15th December 2011
Prize Giving and Christmas Service
Date: Friday 16th December 2011
Christmas and New Year Holiday
Date: Monday 19th December 2011 to
Monday 2nd January 2012
Start of Semester II
Date: Tuesday 3rd January 2012
Form 1 - Form 3 and Form 5 Mid-year Exam
Date: Tuesday 3rd January 2012 to
Friday 13th January 2012
DSS School Roadshow
Date: Saturday 19th and
Sunday 20th November
Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm (19th November)
9:00am - 4:30pm (20th November)
Venue: Platform area (Core EF & FJ)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Booth No.: B05
Annual Sports Day (Final)
Date: Monday 28th November 2011
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: Tsing Yi Sports Ground
YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
Address : 2 Chung Yat Street, Tung Chung, N.T
Tel : 2988 8123
Fax : 2988 2000
: [email protected]
Website :