THE HotBox - North Central Region
THE HotBox - North Central Region
THE HotBox $3 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NORTH CENTRAL REGION, NATIONAL MODEL RAILROAD ASSOCIATION VOL. 53, NO. 1 SPRING 2012 RAILFANNING the Great Northern of Bob Truax NCR ELECTION BALLOT REFRESHING YOUR MODEL RAILROAD PROTO-TYPE ACTION PLUS- RR History, Timetable, NMRA-NCR-Division News & more! HotBox Editorial The HotBox Spring, 2012 Vol. 53, No. 1 EDITOR Barry Hensel 43642 Lotus Dr Canton, MI 48188 734-397-5182 [email protected] Editorial Advisers Jack Watson Dave McMullian Tim Fisher Proof Readers John Beres Marty LaForte The HotBox is published quarterly by the North Central Region of the National Model Railroad Association. Publication dates areSPRING, Mar 1 SUMMER, June 1 FALL, Sept 1 WINTER, Dec 1 The HotBox is available online at- All material, articles and advertising must be submitted to the Editor. All material should be electronic, preferably MicroSoft Word or Powerpoint. Pictures should be in Jpeg format and color. Material can be emailed or sent via US Mail on cd-rom. Materials will not be returned, unless return postage and envelope are included. Material submission deadline is 60 days before publication date. Business ads1/2 page $20 per issue or $65 per year full page $30 per issue or $100 per year business card $10 per issue or $35 per year -or- free business card for exchange of websites and/or sales of HotBox Pike ads- $15 small, $30 double and $60 quad for a 3 year period! NCR Division Event ads- FREE To pay for any ad space... send your payment to the Editor. All checks/money orders need to be made out to "The North Central Region, NMRA" Barry Hensel, Editor HI and Happy New Year! Yes, hard to believe that it’s a new year, 2012! With the new year comes another great opportunity for us in the NCR. The NMRA National Convention comes into our “back-yard” for the second time within five years. GRAND RAILS 2012 is only 7 months away- July 29-August 4, 2012. The National Train Show also rolls into town on Saturday-Sunday, Aug 4-5, 2012 (for general public). For registration information you need to go to the NMRA website or convention website- Also with a new year, comes (hopefully) more model railroading time! But before we get to more building, operating and modeling, we do have some business to take care of – NCR ELECTIONS! Please see the NCR BALLOT in this issue (page 14) of the HotBox! Please feel free to copy this page (or tear it out), fill it out and mail it in!! I know it appears to be a “slam-dunk” election, but we do still need to have your vote, so please send it in! Now, it is time to say HELLO to ALL of our NCR NMRA members! Yes, all, because everyone is getting this issue as our annual edict to keep you informed. Thus at least one issue of the HotBox gets sent to ALL NMRA-NCR members. From time-to-time, we may instead opt for a smaller “newsletter” style of a notice to all of the membership. It really depends on what and how much information we have to share. So again, WELCOME to you and I hope you enjoy the HotBox. Now go vote!! Well, time to do some model railroading… Thanks for reading… Barry MODEL RAILROADING IS FUN! HOTBOX CORRECTIONS NCR "OOPS"…. Always striving to be correct is something we will do with the HotBox. But, we are human and mistakes can/will happen. Please forgive us, these are NOT intentional! Corrections for the December 2011 edition of the HotBox are- a few spelling errors here and there and few grammar issues. Hope you didn’t notice. Send address corrections to the RegistrarMarty LaForte 44370 N. Umberland Cir Canton, MI 48187 [email protected] FRONT COVER PICTURES- Bob Truax GN layout tour; Refreshing Your Model Railroad by Saul Kalbfeld; NMRA logo; Grand Rails 2012 logo, proto-type heavy duty flat w/load Feel free to contact the Editor via email, with any comments, questions or corrections. REAR COVER PICTURES- GR 2012 logo, ballasting by Bill Neale, Jim Mull’s layout as part of Grand Rails 2012 2 the HotBox SPRING 2012 NCR - NORTH CENTRAL REGION BOARD MEMBERS & DIVISION LEADERS President Jack Watson 586-598-7407 [email protected] Resident Agent Uwe Thormaehlen 586-949-1878 [email protected] Division One Fred E Lux 419-350-9197 [email protected] Vice-President Dave McMullian 419-878-4888 [email protected] NMRA Vice-President Dave Thornton 248-879-6806 [email protected] Division Three Dick Moessner 260-637-7609 [email protected] Secretary Larry Wolohon, MMR 734-454-4816 [email protected] NMRA Central Director Peter Magoun MMR 231-941-1669 [email protected] Division Four Skip Luyk 616-363-3453 [email protected] Treasurer Dean Pyers 586-979-7319 [email protected] Model Contests Joel Goldberg, MMR 248-514-3207 [email protected] Registrar Marty LaForte 734-459-5173 [email protected] Directors Chuck White 260-760-1666 [email protected] Bill Neale 248-477-7875 [email protected] Photo Contests POSITION OPEN!!! WE NEED YOU!!! Achievement Program Larry Wolohon, MMR 734-454-4816 [email protected] Division Five John Hartmann 517-290-8948 [email protected] Division Six Howard Andrews 734-728-4697 [email protected] Division Eight John Jackson 248-642-4825 [email protected] Division Ten Donald Harbin 810-238-0703 [email protected] Tim Fisher 313-881-2607 [email protected] RAILROADING "WHAT THE ???" NCR HUMOR You know you're a serious Model Railroader if......... You look at your cat's litter box as a source of ballast (non clumping, of course) You refer to your wife's recipes as scratchbuilt, kitbashed, or "shake-the-box" Your idea of Hell is a hobby shop filled with Cox, Tyco and pre-Proto LifeLike engines and rolling stock You think John Allen's birthday should be a national holiday and George Sellios is your hero You can't understand why your wife won't let you extend the layout through the bathroom You have more pictures of the prototype and your modeling work than you do of your family You name your cats "Chessie" and "Peake" You refer to your wife as the Bureau of Land Management, VP/Finance Management, or other such terms You know the difference between a “switch” and a “turnout” You believe that if you live a good life, when you die you go to George’s Trains/Caboose Hobbies Your desk is piled so high with photos, slides and books that you can’t write a check for that newest model Your wife has no nail files left because you use them as sanding sticks (the dollar store is your best friend) Walthers, George’s and Valley View Trains all have you on their Christmas card list The CTC system on your layout is better than the CTC on most Class 1 lines SPRING 2012 the HotBox 3 PRESIDENTS OBSERVATION Another quarter of a year……….has passed already? Time flies when you’re having fun! As usual, I’m overdue at writing another “HOT-BOX” column, should start by welcoming all the National Model Railroad Association members! This is the annual issue of the North Central Region’s publication, which is sent out to all members of the NMRA residing in the borders of the NCR. There are several reasons why you are the recipient of the magazine, first it insures that contact has been made with the membership, and that they receive the latest Regional news and other information about what is going on in the Region The second reason for receipt, is that it is 2012, and as such there is a Regional Election. The information about who is running and for what offices is herein! Please avail yourself to participate in the election, by using the enclosed ballot found in this issue! Make a few choices regarding the leadership of the Region! All of the candidates are well qualified, experienced office holders, and all are excellent choices, for all the positions, which they are willing to work! Be advised that this is a Volunteer Organization, it is strictly because of their dedication to the Region, they are willing to serve! Another reason for your receipt of this information packed periodical, is that you need to know where and when the Division Meetings happen, 4 the HotBox SPRING 2012 by Jack Watson and more information NCR about the upcoming 2012 National Convention, Grand Rails 2012 being held JACK WATSON in Grand Rapids, Michigan this summer! You do realize that it is July 29th thru August 4th, not too far in the future, time to make plans now! This is your big chance to attend a NMRA National Convention, this will probably be the last affordable opportunity to attend one of these shin-digs, and it is within reasonable driving distance! Now is your chance, get out there and give participation a try, be it at a Divisional level or even a Regional level or even at the National level, you won’t be sorry! THE As always, I am available for discussion and comments, please feel free to contact me anytime 586-598-7407 or [email protected] I may be slow, but I will get back to you! So stay safe, remember to have fun with model railroading and membership has its benefits…!! NMRA MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Your NMRA membership entitles you to bunch of benefits, plus the fellowship and assistance of nearly 20,000 members across the globe. Kalmbach Memorial Library- One of the world's largest "railroads-only' libraries that contains prototype and modeling books and magazines, outof-production kit instructions, and more. Call: 423-892-2846 Fax: 423-899-4869 Email [email protected] Achievement Program (AP)- The AP helps modelers get more out of the hobby by providing an incentive to learn and master the skills necessary. Those who've completed the AP receive Master Model Railroader (MMR) certification. Email Paul Richardson, MMR: [email protected] Contact your Region or Division Achievement Program Manager NMRA Online Archives- Over 10,000 photographs, slides, plans, drawings, erection elevations, paint schemes, and more, with additional scans being added all the time. High resolution files are available for download at a discount to members. click "Online Archives" button Conventions - National and Regional- The annual National convention runs one week and usually features about 100 clinics, over 50 layout tours, and dozens of prototype tours. The National Train Show runs for the final three days of the convention. Regional conventions vary in duration from two to five days. Many feature prototype and layout tours, plus clinics and other activities. "Members-Only" website- This portion of contains content exclusively for NMRA members, including reprints of Region and Division newsletter articles, newly updated Data Sheets, reprints of articles from classic NMRA magazines, downloadable calendar photographs and screensavers, and much more. This area is constantly being updated so check back often! click on "Members Only” NMRA Company Store- The NMRA's Company Store offers many items, from apparel to mugs to gauges, available only to NMRA members. NCR INFORMATION, choose "online store,' then "Members-Only Company Store” NMRA Magazine- NMRA Magazine is the monthly publication of the NMRA, and features news about the organization and its Regions and Divisions, along with modeling articles, product conformance reviews, and other information. Because the subscription rate/postage depends on where you live, check for your rate. To subscribe: Email HQ: [email protected] Write HQ: 4121 Cromwell Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37421 Call HQ: 423-892-2846 Liability insurance for clubs- $1 million liability insurance is available at no extra charge to model railroad clubs in which every member is an NMRA member. $50 administration fee and completed application required. Email: [email protected] Liability insurance for meets and shows- This insurance covers liability claims for all Region, Division, and NMRA SIG-sponsored events up to a specific limit of liability provided for in the policy. (For clarity and assurance of coverage, we prefer that SIG events be co-sponsored by National, a Region, or a Division.) Please see the website for important details. ml Email John Roberts: [email protected] Collection insurance- This service offers NMRA members group property insurance for collections, layouts, live steam, tools, slides and photographs, books, magazines, railroad memorabilia, and more. This insurance also covers an individual's property if it resides on a club layout. Members receive NMRA Group Rates. Free quote or brochure, contact J.A. Bash & Co: 1-800-654-2256 or 300 Mt. Lebanon Rd., Suite 225, Pittsburgh, PA, 15234. And many more benefits, including: Modeling With the Masters; Beginners' webpages; "Ask the Masters" Online Help; Standards and Conformance; Discounts and advance reservations on KML Library books; Clinic slides, tapes and DVDs; Local Divisions; Annual NMRA calendar; Howell Day Museum; Pike Registry; Standards Gauges, Data Sheets CD ROM and turnout templates SPRING 2012 the HotBox 5 RAILFANNING the GN of Bob Truax NCR GOES TRACKSIDE right- Life is good at the Truax Lumber Co. Enough logs at the mill to keep them busy today. left- Congested street in the town of Riley, darn those bicyclists for holding up traffic. below-left- GN H7 #1382 waiting for the main line to open up at Griffin with loaded hopper cars. Bob’s Great Northern Railroad was started in 1988, is 26’ by 30’ and is now complete. The scale is HO and the era is the early fifties with the branch line taking you back into the 1930’s and 40’s. The GN has been open for four Regional conventions plus the 2007 NMRA National and was published in Rail Model Journal Magazine in the October 2007 issue. cover photo- the silence at the high trestle will soon be broken with the local freight when it comes through. above- Big industry on the GN - Foerch Industry & Montana Paper. left- It's a busy train station at Wyenot today, hope that train is not late. Not the GN! 6 the HotBox SPRING 2012 RAILFANNING the GN of Bob Truax NCR GOES TRACKSIDE right- GN H7 #1376 unloading oil at the Wyenot GN Engine terminal. below- Fenmore Bros. Coal. You need coal, we got coal. On Bob’s GN the vast majority of the track is hand laid on Central Valley tie strips using Code 83 rail on the main line and Code 70 rail in yards and sidings. Switch motors are Tortoise. The railroad was changed to DCC from CMRI cab control and has CTC signaling using DCCOD cards for block detection. right- GN N3 #2023 being turned at the Wyenot GN Round house. Ready for the mountain run. below- Co. Engine #1942 Backing in some empties at the Truax Minning Co. below-right- GN & NP share this engine house at Griffin. Griffin also has a busy railroad station. SPRING 2012 the HotBox 7 8 the HotBox SPRING 2012 NCR N-SCALE NEWS I have been asked to be the coordinator for the NTRAK layout at the 2012 National Train Show in Grand Rapids, Michigan, held in conjunction with the NMRA National Convention, Grand Rails 2012. The National Train Show will be held at the DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids on August 3-5, 2012. For information about the convention, go to or mail to GR 2012 Registrar, 4165 Costa NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. While it is encouraged, you donʼt need to attend the convention to have your module(s) in the train show. Modular move in and set up starts at noon on Wed. Aug. 1. It is scheduled to continue until 6pm Wednesday, resume on Thursday between 8am 8:30pm and finish up on Friday between 7am-9am. Show times are: Friday, 9 - noon for the Industry trade show and Convention attendees, noon to 6 pm for the public; Saturday the show runs from 10 am until 6 pm and Sunday from 10 am until 5 pm. Move out is Sunday from 5:30 pm until 9:30 pm. NCR INFORMATION Our space is about 80ʼ x 80ʼ, the layout design is yet to be determined and will be somewhat dependent on the modules that are coming. We do have one yard already scheduled, but are looking to have more. Modules from both clubs and individuals are welcome. Modules should have already been part of a large show layout and need to be fully compliant with N Trak standards. Modules should have scenery. Please send your request to be part of this layout to Mark Cowles at [email protected] or mail to 514 Aberdeen Way, Howell, MI 48843. Please include the following information: the size and number of modules, general information about the module, ie. yard, city, specific industry, port, and type of scenery- city, country, small town, mountains and so on. Also indicate if it is an inside or outside corner, and its dimensions, if has a mountain line, or if it is an entry gate type module, Deadline for accepting modules in April 30, 3012 Please contact me if you need more information or have questions. Thanks, Mark Cowles, NTRAK Coordinator CALLING ALL N-SCALERS We have an exciting N-Scale club and layout building in-progress and we would like to invite you to join our membership. We are called the Society of N-Scalers (SONS), a 100% NMRA membership club, and are located at 23309 Dequindre in Hazel Park. We are open for your review and information each Monday and Wednesday from 5PM to 9PM. Feel free to stop by and visit us. As an incentive to join our club, we are offering your 1st month’s dues ($25) free of charge! We have several activities from building various sections of our new layout, Club Open Houses, to participation with our modules in various Train Shows about the local areas. There is great camaraderie with the present membership and are looking for new members who enjoy N-Scale and wish to further develop their skills. Yes, you can also work on your NMRA Achievement Program Certificates within our Club if you wish as well. For further information contact: Dr. R. B. Trombley, MMR (SONS Vice-President) at 248-767-7451 or [email protected] Visit our website at YOUR article could be appearing RIGHT HERE!! Please consider writing an article for a future issue of the HotBox!! Fame, Fortune (not really) and points toward your MMR await you when you write a HotBox article! SPRING 2012 the HotBox 9 HotBox NEWS "BETWEEN THE RAILS" NCR INFORMATION Here is where your news items, rumors, and gossip of just about anything in the Model Railroading hobby can be reported. Whatever it is, send it to us and we'll let everyone else know! BTR#1- I would like to invite you and your region to participate in the Mid-Central region convention this April 26-29, 2012 in Greentree, PA (near Pittsburgh). Please visit our website for more information or contact me directly for more information at [email protected] I look forward to meeting you at the convention. Sincerely yours, Susan Werner, Superintendent, Keystone Division and Convention Chairman BTR#2- We have received several emails on a model railroad factory closing in China, apparently due to mismanagement. In the interests of keeping their customers informed, Rapido Trains has sent out an email saying that a "A large Chinese supplier of model trains closed down today. This factory employed 3000 people and was a major producer for North American manufacturers." No one likes to hear of massive widescale job losses but this will have ramifications for future orders. The price pressures caused by the demands of the customers no doubt has much to do with this. Margins may be better in other industries. Reportedly this company also supplies Athearn. Check out this website for more info On a related note, there was the email that had this link to a website showing the insides of a model railroad factory in China – interesting views! Apparently a Bachman factory. -or百万城火车模型产房---开达玩具厂[百万城会员专用论坛] BTR#3- It is with the utmost sadness that we report that Lew English, Sr, co-founder of Bowser Manufacturing Company passed away on Feb 3, 2012. He was 93 years old. Lew is survived by his wife Shirlee, four children, ten grandchildren, fourteen great-grand children and 3 great great grandchildren. Lew was the inspiration for what is now the Bowser Manufacturing Company of Montoursville, PA. He was one of the pioneers in the model train business and was entered into the Model Railroading Hall of Fame just a few years ago. In 1961, Lew and Shirlee began the business in their basement in their home in Muncy, Pennsylvania, when they purchased not only the name but several steam engine kits from Bill Bowser in Redlands, California. Lew will not only be missed by his family but by all of the industry contacts that he made throughout his career. Bowser Manufacturing will continue under the direction of Lee K. English, current Bowser CEO. BTR#4- Another email received had a link to a cool video on signaling. While about 15 minutes long, it’s well worth the look as this is classic stuff! BTR#5- As many of you know, Woodland Scenics recently had a fire at one of their buildings. No one was hurt and the building was a loss, but production should not be lost or delayed. For the story, check out this BTR#6- It was not a hugely popular publication, but it was unique in that it did not have the normal modeling articles. As the name said – MODEL RAILROAD NEWS was all about the news of new products and anything else industry and hobby related. Unfortunately, MRN has ended it’s publication. Here’s the DISCLAIMER!!- While we will try to verify most stories, the HotBox, HotBox Editor, NCR Board of Directors, its agents and representatives will not/can not be held responsible for mis-information presented in this column! WE NEED YOU!! DO YOUR PART!! VOTE IN THE NCR ELECTIONS!! SEE PAGE 14 FOR YOUR BALLOT & SURVEY 10 the HotBox SPRING 2012 NCR TIMETABLE NCR DIVISION meetings NCR INFORMATION Division One (Toledo and Ohio area) Meets at Collingwood Presbyterian Church, 2108 Collingwood Blvd. at Floyd Street, near downtown Toledo. Division One is a 100% NMRA membership organization. Division Three (Fort Wayne, Indiana and western Ohio area) Meets on the third Monday (NEW DAY) of the month year-round at the Community Christian Reformed Church 3434 Lahmeyer Road, Fort Wayne IN. (0.7 mi south of Stellhorn Road.) Meetings begin at 7:00 PM. Division Four (Grand Rapids and western Michigan area) Meets quarterly with other special events thrown in. For additional information contact Skip Luyk, 616-3633453 or [email protected] Division Five (Lansing and mid-lower Michigan area) Meets at 1pm, on the SECOND Saturday of each month in the basement of the Capital Area District Library, at the corner of South Capital and Kalamazoo Streets, Lansing. Division Six (Wayne County, Michigan) Meets at 7:30pm, on the THIRD Friday of each month at the Livonia Senior Center, 15218 Farmington Road, one mile north of the I-96 Jefferies Freeway, Livonia. Division Seven (mid-upper Michigan area) Division Seven is currently inactive. Any Volunteers?? Dave Comer with Whistle Stop Hobbies in Harbor Springs is interested in hearing from you if you are in upper Michigan! Phone is 231-526-9024. Whistle Stop Hobbies 275 East Main, Harbor Springs, MI 49740 Division Eight (Oakland, Macomb and St. Clair Counties) Meets at 7:00pm, on the THIRD Thursday of each month at Troy Christian Chapel, 400 East Long Lake Road, between Rochester and Livernois Roads, Troy. Division Nine (Washtenaw County) Unfortunately, there are no more meetings for Div 9. With a low membership and low meeting attendance, Div 9 has again disbanded. THANKS to Dave, John and all the other model railroaders in this area for activating Div 9 again, even if only for awhile! Division Ten (Flint and Saginaw area) Meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month, at 7:00pm at Woodside Church at 1509 E. Court St, just east of Mott Community College. Ample parking behind the church, enter by back east side entrance. (Exit to northbound Dort Hwy and then left (west) on Court St. about 8 blocks or exit I-475 to east bound Fifth Street, about 8 blocks). Church is on north side of street with driveway on west side of church. OTHER GROUPS meeting in the NCR AREA There are over 60 different model and proto-type groups within the Michigan area of NCR. They can be found at YOU should join and attend your local NMRA – NCR – Division meetings and activities! Get the most out of our hobby – participate often!! SPRING 2012 the HotBox 11 NCR and HOTBOX NEWS HELLO to all NCR-NMRA members!! (and to any others who may be reading!) This issue is your 2012 yearly notice on what is happening in the NCR- North Central Region. It is our commitment to you to send you a HotBox issue once a year, or another publication of some type, to keep you informed. We hope you enjoy this issue and find it informative. Here is our report for the start of 2012ELECTIONS!! Here is a reminder that we DO need your ballots for the election now underway! Please see page 14 for the ballot and a few quick questions to answer to help us serve you better! HotBox Reminder: When you renew your NMRA dues, you only have to pay the $10 NCR SUBSCRIPTION fee, IF you want the HotBox mailed to your house. There are NO NCR dues! If you enjoy looking at the HotBox online (and in COLOR) then you do not have to pay the $10. Of course, there is a slight downside to the free HotBox – printing costs! No, it does not cost to “print a free” HotBox, but as more members opt for the free HotBox, the numbers of copies we print and mail goes down. We then reach a point where the subscription fee is not enough to cover the NEARBY MODELING EVENT NCR INFORMATION costs of printing. We are very near that point, so if possible, please renew your subscription! ALSO- Many Pike Ads are up for renewal with this issue. The HotBox staff will contact you on renewing your Pike ad. THANKS for your support! Registrar Report: We have 50 Life members in the NCR. Total membership is approx. 806. Our numbers continue to dwindle, unfortunately. Treasurer Report: There are about 300 subscribers to the HotBox, which means we are about running break-even in costs. The NCR board is working on ways to reduce production and distribution costs of the Hot Box while maintaining access for all members, improving content, and fulfilling NMRA communication requirements. Due to changes in the 501c non-profit rules & procedures, the Divisions have lost their non-profit status. The NCR is preparing the forms and covering the cost to reinstate their non-profit status, and will give Divisions instructions they will need to maintain it using the new system. The NCR bank account is in good standing, but we our researching other banking companies in search of better interest rates and lower fees. SPECIAL EVENT The 5th annual Michiana Model Railroad Symposium will be Friday-Saturday April 13th-14th at the National New York Central Railroad Museum in Elkhart, Indiana. The symposium consists of clinics, hands-on workshops, and guest presentations put on by some of our hobby's best and most well-known modelers. The symposium is for learning to improve your model railroading skills, get motivated, meet great modelers and see a large model display. Bring your models to place in the model display! The Symposium is open 8AM-10PM both days with activities starting at 9AM. There is group dinner Friday evening followed by some presentations. Railfans have many railroads nearby as the area is a choke point for railroads heading into Chicago. You may register upon arrival or pre-register and save $5 by emailing me at [email protected]. The Michiana Model Railroad Symposium is sponsored by the Michiana Division of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA). NMRA membership is NOT required for attendance and participation. See you there! Jim Six Millersburg IN NATIONAL TRAIN DAY NCR SPECIAL EVENT Hello, National Train Day supporters, We are gearing up for NTD 2012. National Train Day Toledo May 5, 2012 9:30 am - 4 pm Toledo Amtrak Station / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza 415 Emerald Avenue / 300 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive NEW Featuring: the Amtrak 40th Anniversary Exhibit Train !! Help us spread the word: please click “like” on the National Train Day Toledo page on Facebook:!/pages/National-Train-Day-Toledo/202352789798010?sk=wall Contact us if you would like information about volunteer, display booth, or sponsor opportunities. Thanks! Diane Reamer-Evans Transportation Project Mgr 419-241-9155 x117 [email protected] 12 the HotBox SPRING 2012 SPRING 2012 the HotBox 13 NCR 2012 ELECTION BALLOT NCR BUSINESS NATIONAL MODEL RAILROAD ASSOCIATION NORTH CENTRAL REGION 2012 ELECTION BALLOT and SURVEY This is the OFFICIAL Ballot for the 2012 election of officers for the NCR – North Central Region of the NMRA – National Model Railroad Association. Please follow these rules – a) You may copy or tear out this ballot for mailing. b) Your Ballot must be mailed and post-marked by April 15th, 2012. c) Mail your ballot to: NCR ELECTIONS 31683 Hiddenbrook Dr Chesterfield Twp, MI 48047 d) You may only vote ONCE. e) Sorry, there are no write-in candidates. Candidates needed to be approved by the Election Committee prior to the ballot publication (as was mentioned in the last HotBox). Your candidates arePresident – Dave McMullian Vice President – Scott Kremer Secretary – Marty LaForte Treasurer – Larry Wolohon Directors – vote for two Skip Luyk Chuck White Note- Jack Watson, out-going NCR President, is defaulted to a Director’s position. Ballots will be counted and the results will be posted in the next issue of the HotBox, JUNE 2012. THANKS for voting!! NMRA No. _______________________________ I attend meetings at Division _________ I do not attend Division meetings Suggestions for NCR Registrar _______________________________________________ The Registrar position is not an elected position, we are asking for your help in finding someone who is qualified and interested. If you know someone who may be interested, please write down their name and we will contact them. What do you like about the NCR? What do you NOT like about the NCR? What do you like about the HotBox? What do you NOT like about the HotBox? 14 the HotBox SPRING 2012 SPRING 2012 the HotBox 15 REFRESHING YOUR MODEL RAILROAD By Saul Kalbfeld I returned from the NMRA convention in Milwaukee with some ideas on how to refresh my layout. It goes without saying convention layout hosts spent days preparing their railroads for visitors from around the world. My own layout was last seen by visitors other than members of my own division in 2007 when the convention was in Detroit and since has received limited upkeep and looks a little shabby in comparison. By refreshing, I mean getting fussy about broken or missing details, unfinished scenes, dirt and grime, rodent calling cards and long dead insects. At first, this might seem to be an overwhelming task, but the key is to isolate one particular area and concentrate on that space until you are satisfied with the result, whether it takes hours or days. Don’t rush--there is no time limit and at your next open house, you can concentrate on operations and not how unfinished an area appears to your visitors. All this is separate from the maintenance of track, control and electrical systems that require regular attention. I figured working in a three square foot section would be a good space to concentrate on but soon realized a square foot allowed better focus. First dust and vacuum the area. Use a crevice tool covered by a piece of screen or panty hose to keep loose details from being sucked up. If necessary loosen dust with a small brush or a stream of air from your airbrush. This alone will go a long way to brighten up a layout. Unless you have a room air filter, dust is a constant problem especially if your basement is unfinished. 16 the HotBox SPRING 2012 NCR SPECIAL REPORT Move loose structures to your bench for cleaning and repair. Add signage and repair lighting, paint, patch and weather to improve a structure’s appearance. This might also be the time to consider replacing a structure that is old, damaged, wrong for the scene, or doesn’t measure up to your current modeling skills. Add ground cover to “thin” areas using scenic materials of your choice. If you’ve never tried some of the newer products and techniques, now is the time to start. Thin areas are places where the scenic base may be correctly colored but still has an unfinished appearance. Add a sign or an additional utility pole or some other details in your work area. Most layouts, especially those that feature urban scenes cannot have too many signs and billboards. We live in an economy that relies heavily on advertising. Position your signs logically. If this means the sign is facing away from the viewer, so be it. Just make sure the back of the sign is accurately detailed. Repair cracks and separations on your streets with Aileen’s or Canopy glue. These dry differently than white glue, as they don’t shrink or settle as much and dry clear. Once dry, cover with a color of paint that matches an actual tar repair. Add other patches and street repairs. Add more vehicles but make sure they fit your era. Sidewalk details such as hydrants, mail boxes and people add to the interest of the scene. REFRESHING YOUR MODEL RAILROAD By Saul Kalbfeld Larger industries may have a utility pole with one or more electrical transformers next to the building. Adding wires is a plus, but not a necessity, since the pole itself creates enough of an illusion. Place the pole at a very slight angle off the vertical to imply the weight of the wires. These details are available in kit form or you can fashion your own. NCR SPECIAL REPORT Try to finish a particular task in a single session. This lessens the possibility of leaving something uncompleted. Work on consistency. Don’t have heavy vegetation on one side of a track and little on the other. Think small and gradually everything will knit together. Finally, I’m currently rethinking lighting. My hanging fluorescents are ugly. They flicker and have the wrong color temperature. Most are cheap fixtures and have a high ballast failure rate. One of the layout hosts in Milwaukee converted to energy efficient daylight fluorescent flood lights in dual outdoor fixtures connected by ½ conduit and #12 copper wire. These provide soft distributed light that can be positioned and at a fraction of the cost of incandescent lighting. The result was impressive. I am planning this project for later in the year. Refreshing your layout is not a quick project but the result can be you seeing your model railroad in a “new light”. RAILROAD HISTORY by Don Watson NCR HISTORY WHEN TRAINS MUST TRAVEL ON ANOTHER RAILROAD'S TRACKS (part one) At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, the oldest possible. But the difference in track gauge railroad in the US (the B&O) was only 31 years frequently caused a monumental slow down. young. During those 31 years many other railroads During the war, President Lincoln took the first step had made their appearance. For the most part, all by selecting 4 feet, 8 1/2 inches as the standard of the railroads in existence in 1861 were small gauge. operations. Yes, some were a lot bigger than In spite of President Lincoln’s selection, little others, but there were no great giants in 1861 progress was made. If you owned a railroad that compared to today standards. wasn’t standard gauge, may-be your railroad In those days every railroad President was King of couldn’t afford the conversion cost. Even though his railroad, and if any passenger or goods had to Railroad A and Railroad B were both standard travel over his tracks, the King figured that the gauge and had an interchange track, it wasn't passenger or goods must travel over his tracks on practical to interchange freight cars because the his rolling stock. In addition to the King’s personal two railroads used different couplers, or perhaps feelings on the subject, there was a very necessary one coupler was three feet above the rail and the reason as well. There was no standard track gauge other was two feet above the rail. in force in 1861. So if passengers or freight had to When the Civil War ended and peace returned, travel from a city on one railroad to a city on manufacturing grew and the demand for moving another railroad, chances were great that the other freight ever great distances continued to plague the railroad was a different track gauge. railroads. About this time the companies that The Civil War was the first major conflict in which manufactured rolling stock for railroads formed railroads were called upon to play a part. The “The Master Builders Association”. This group very generals of both North & South wanted to move slowly began to suggest certain manufacturing their armies and supplies by train wherever it was standards. (continued next page-) SPRING 2012 the HotBox 17 RAILROAD HISTORY by Don Watson NCR HISTORY WHEN TRAINS MUST TRAVEL ON ANOTHER RAILROAD'S TRACKS (part one) As manufacturing companies began to grow and tracks. By 1905, the railroad world had changed prosper, more and more railroads converted to since the Civil War. Except for a small number of standard gauge. The railroad Kings however, still narrow gauge railroads, all tracks were the same couldn't seem to get the idea through their heads gauge and all the couplers and air brake equipment that if all railroads were the same track gauge and matched. If Railroad A’s tracks were flooded out, or used the same type of brakes and couplers, that all snowed under, or suffered earthquake damage, A's railroads would get more business. trains could be re-routed over another standard gauge railroad. In 1871. there were no fewer than 23 gauges, ranging from 3 feet up to 6 feet on the railroads of In 1905, the American Railway Association adopted the United States. Most all of the railroads south of a “Standard Form for Detour Agreement” which the Mason-Dixon line were a 5 foot gauge. The railroads could sign to govern operations over each South felt that it had to change gauge but delayed other’s lines. Though modified over the years, this action dreading the expense. There were 13,000 modest document, printed on both sides of a single miles of main line track, 1,500 miles of sidings, sheet of legal-size paper, continues to control most 1,800 locomotives and 40,000 cars to be detour movements today. Under the Detour converted. A staggering task. The Illinois Central Agreement the railroad desiring to detour its trains showed the way. On the evening of August 1, 1881, (called the Foreign Company) notifies the railroad it it threw a big force into action, by torchlight and wants to use (the Home Company) why it needs to changed the 600 miles of track south of Illinois by detour, what part of the Home. Company’s lines it noon the next day. wants to use, how many trains it wants to detour, “and such other information as may be required by It was nearly four years before. the next conversion the Home Company”. The Home Company has was made when the Mobile & Ohio converted its complete discretion to accept or refuse requested 472 miles of track on July 8, 1885. This conversion detours. As a practical matter though, railroads prompted the remaining southern railroads to rarely refuse detour movements, because no convert on the weekend starting on May 29, 1886. carrier ever knows when it will need the favor By now. the only non-standard railroads left were returned. narrow gauge railroads located in Colorado, Maine and the East Broad Top in Pennsylvania. When a detour is accepted, the Foreign Company normally will operate trains over the Home The remaining incentive to standardization arrived Company with its own crews and using its own when Congress passed the Railway Safety Act of locomotives. However, the Detour Agreement 1893 requiring all railroads engaged in interstate requires the Home Company to provide a pilot commerce to use air brakes and automatic (usually an engineer or conductor) for safety couplers. Now the ability to interchange freight cars reasons, because the Foreign Company’s crew will really got underway. The building of belt railroads not be familiar with the Home Company’s line or around all big cities made the interchange of freight signals. If the detour is a long one, covering several cars a daily, profitable business. “What goes crew districts, the Foreign Company may ask the around, comes around”. In the old days, when a Home Company to supply crews over the middle new railroad wanted to lay its tracks across the portion of the route. The Foreign Company may tracks of a railroad already there, it frequently also require additional locomotives from the Home resulted in armed confrontation resulting in death Company, usually when helper units or locomotives and injury. Now the shoe was on the other foot and with cab signals are required to get over the crossings were welcomed as long as there were railroad. (part two in the next HotBox!) interchange tracks provided. By 1905. the freight business of the railroads had increased dramatically and the Railroad Kings welcomed all other railroads freight cars on their 18 the HotBox SPRING 2012 Division 6 member Don Watson, gave these lessons nearly every month and they always entertained and informed. After Don’s passing at the age of 90, his family presented them to Div. 6 and the NCR. HotBox PROTOTYPE PAGE NCR INFORMATION Big Transformer Here is the big transformer we had to get by rail. It took over a week to come from Cannonsburg, PA to Detroit. Transformer is a 60000/80000/100000 KVA unit. Weight is 206,425 lbs. Car capy is 378,200 lbs. The radiators and bushings were shipped by truck. For us, (The Detroit Edison Co.), this is an emergency spare unit. It is a 120KV to 24 KV configuration. While we are calling this a big transformer I have installed much bigger units at major sub-stations and power plants. Transformer/car went from Conway yard to Bellevue, then to Ft. Wayne, then was interchanged to the CSXT at Rougemere Yard in Dearborn, MI. CSXT delivered the car to the Laramie Crane & Trucking Yard located on the West Belt in Detroit, MI. CSXT switches this line Tuesdays and Fridays. Since this is an emergency spare unit it was trucked to the main Detroit Edison storehouse at Livernois and Warren Ave in Detroit. If this was a smaller unit it would come by truck in two days. Ken Borg, Jan 2012 Here is where top of hold down rod connects to transformer. Holes were cut into the car with a torch for the steel rods that go to the top of transformer. That is one of four lifting ears. To the right of the nuts is a place to put in the handrail stanchion for when we work on top of unit. Gauge is main body oil level gauge. Also here are a few shots of the steel welded to the car so transformer does not move. All of the rusty steel will be cut off by our welder. The eyebolts belong to the car. SPRING 2012 the HotBox 19 NCR DIVISION HAPPENINGS NCR INFORMATION Division Ten (Flint and Saginaw area) Division 10 was back after the holidays in January with an update on what members are busy with. About eight of us came out on a cold night. Member Ken Johnson showed photos of his staging yards and work being done on the helix between levels. Division Super showed some vehicles that were a recent detail project. The usual lively discussions and a DVD made for an enjoyable meeting. (submitted by Don Harbin, Superintendent) Division Nine (Ann Arbor area) Division 9 is inactive again. We had low membership, low interest and low meeting turnouts. After new elections of officers failed to turn-up any candidates, it was then voted on by those present to dis-band Div 9. Members would be encouraged to join Div 6, which has meetings in Livonia, about the closest to us. Members could also join Div 1 or Div 5, depending on their location. It has been a pleasure being part of Div 9 history and the NCR. I will be around to help out on special projects and the NCR website. Thanks! (submitted by: David Simmons, Superintendent) Division Eight (Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair Counties) Division 8 members and friends enjoyed the Division’s fall layout tour in October. Three layouts were featured including: Brook Stover’s Buffalo Creek & Gauley in S scale, Rad Jones’ MIO System in N scale and Bill Gawthrop’s Coal & Coke Railroad in HOI scale. Two interesting clinics were given in the quarter including: “Layout Lighting Systems” by Marv Linke and “How I Picked My Model Railroad Theme and Name” by Larry Wolohon. Model of the Quarter Winner for the Fourth Quarter 2011 was Dave Thornton for his O scale gondola with load. Dave decorated the gon for the LE&S and weathered it. (submitted by Bill Gawthrop, Secretary) Division Six (Wayne County, Detroit area) At the printing of the last HotBox, our annual Fall Show had not yet happened. Well, we can now report another successful event! With 120-140 in attendance, many Boy Scouts earning their Merit Badge, lots of raffle prizes awards, modeling questions asked and answered – we did good! We also held our annual Model Contest and expanded to include photos (I even won a couple). Div 6 continues with our monthly meetings, where fun and information rules. Show & Tell subjects are chosen by trying to match-up the planned clinic for the evening. Then Bill’s Tool Time and Larry’s Modeling Tips are always welcome, along with a History lesson from Norm. See the TimeTable in this issue for our meeting time and place. ALSO- welcome to our Div 9 members who may now be attending and joining our Div 6 roster. (submitted by Barry Hensel, Newsletter Editor) Division Five (Lansing and mid-lower Michigan area) After hosting a successful Region Convention, Division 5 is getting back to its regular schedule. Decemberʼs show and tell featured baggage and other headend cars. R.B.Trombley MMR, presented a clinic on the SP Daylight trains and John Bussard hosted the layout tour. Januaryʼs show and tell was snowplows. Andy Keeney was the scheduled clinician, but some scheduled surgery sidetracked him and John Bussard stepped in with a variety of scenery subjects. Karl Scribner hosted us at his HO Kentucky Southern layout. February was our annual make it with wood and take it clinic at Olivet College. Terry Davis guided us through making a wooden bridge, followed by a visit to Doc Flemingʼs On3 Nehi RR. March and April meetings will feature stock cars and facilities and cranes and derricks with clinics by Dan Lewis and Pete Maguoun MMR. Finally, the monthly email Division 5 Journal continues to improve, usually running about 10 pages or so, in color and featuring the show and tell models, the layout visit and other modeling and prototype photos and information. If you’d like to be put on the list to receive a pdf copy, email the Division Clerk at [email protected]. (submitted by- Mark Cowles, Div. 5 Clerk) Division Four (Grand Rapids and west Michigan area) As July looms large on the horizon many Division 4 members are working hard to get ready for this years’ national, Grand Rails 2012. You can see the fruits of their labor at Notice will be going out soon for the election of officers for the division so any of you Div. 4 readers interested in becoming an officer contact the Div. secretary, Tim Scott at [email protected] (submitted by-Skip Luyk, Superintendent) …more Division News on page 26 20 the HotBox SPRING 2012 FREIGHT HOUSE METAL ROOF by Joe Berger NCR HOW-TO-DO In an email, passed on by Chuck White, we find that Joe had acquired some scale 2x2 and found a great use for them- New freight house Standing Seam Metal Roof....the new home of those 2x2's... I thought you might appreciate where those 2x2’s you so graciously picked up for me when I ran out, ended up. I had plenty in the one envelope to get the job done. Here’s the final roof. The freight house is a DPM. The roof substrate is flat styrene sheet. I used Krazy glue to glue the 2x2’s on the roof, and used a piece of brass shim stock to set the spacing and alignment. When all the verticals were in place, I placed metal foil duct tape over them, and trimmed off the excess with a fresh razor blade. I applied it down the length of the roof, so the seams between tape pieces ends up at the bottom of one of the batten strips, where I trim off the excess right at the corner after it’s burnished down. Then I used a ‘big’ piece of stripwood about 1/4 x 3/8 to burnish the foil down into the crevices, and followed up with a pencil lead to stretch and push it into the crevice of the battens. You have to go slow and steady on that step. If you go too fast, the metal will crack....but keep going, just flatten it as much as you can. Finally, it cut a thin piece, folded it and applied it to the ridge. After all that, you have a nice shiny roof. I used 91% Isopropyl and a stiff brush to try to get the oils off. Then I took Acher (Radio Shack) Echant solution, and SLOWLY painted down the sheets with a long brush, repeatedly. At first it blobs up, then it will start to stick, and finally it will eat away at the metal. After it looks really bad, I washed the whole thing off with a LOT of water and a brush, dried it with a paper towel, and while it was still damp, painted the sheets down with some dark rust weathering solution. Then I hit it with a hair dryer to dry it all off. (I know, I know, I should have taken progress photos...). You know I had about 1/2 of the front (long) roof done when I ran out of 2x2. I did the rest of the roofs and the finishing last night in about 2 hours – so it’s not a real time-consuming process. Maybe it’s just me, but I think it looks pretty good for a ‘quick’ (compared with shingling or tarpaper) roof! I really like the contrast between the still-shiny metal and the flat rusted or weathered parts. I have been debating trying this as an overlay on a car roof..... Joe SPRING 2012 the HotBox 21 NMRA NEWS & INFORMATION The HotBox staff received this information after our December publishing date. While it is a bit older, it is still good news. Here's the end-of-the-year NMRA news: This year registration for Grand Rails 2012 will be handled in a new way. Instead of the large registration package inserted into NMRA Magazine, the full package can be downloaded from Those who prefer a printed piece can send their request, along with their name and address to: GR 2012 Registrar, 4165 Costa NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. There will also be a registration form and ad appearing in an upcoming issue of NMRA Magazine. Speaking of the convention, even though Grand Rails 2012 has over 200 clinic slots filled, they're still looking for more. If one of your members is interested in presenting, go to and click on the clinic application page. In addition, there's still some space left for modular layouts at the National Train Show. If some of your members would like to participate, have them visit the convention's website and click on the "Contact us" link and tell the Convention Committee what you'd like to bring. Cruise Convention news: Some of our members think the NMRA "invented" the idea of a cruise convention. The fact is, we're just catching up! Hobby and professional groups have been doing it for quite a while, so if your members are interested in seeing the great time others are having, check out these links: Adobe Photoshop Cruise: Harley Davidson Cruise: American Medical Association Cruise: Scrapbooking Cruise: Genealogy Cruise: ant.mvc?screen=CRUISE NCR INFORMATION NMRA ELECTIONS ARE COMING UP SOON. The official ballot was prepared by the National Nominating Committee according to the procedures laid out in the Regulations and the Executive Handbook (available at It will appear as an insert in the center of the February issue of NMRA Magazine, which will be mailed to all voting members. Ballots must be returned to NMRA headquarters, "Attention Ballot Committee," and must be postmarked by April 10, 2012 and received by April 15, 2012. Here are the job titles and candidates as they appear on the ballot. President: Charles W. Getz, IV, HLM Vice President - Administration: Howard Goodwin Clark Kooning, MMR Dave Thornton Vice President - Special Projects: Bill Kaufman James "Lump" Lupfer At-Large North American Director Mike Brestel Miles Hale, MMR Eastern District Director John Roberts, MMR, HLM Pacific District Director Mike Bartlett Kelly Loyd Rob Peterson If you have any questions or comments about any of the above, please send them directly to a Director or Officer. You'll find those addresses at or in NMRA Magazine. And if you're changing email addresses, please let me know at this email address: [email protected] Have a happy holiday season! Gerry Leone, MMR NMRA Communications Director NMRA-NCR ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM NCR INFORMATION We did not have any NCR members receive awards since the last issue of the HotBox. However, we have quite a list of pending awards! Once these are awarded, we will report on them here! AP QUESTIONS: If you have questions about the AP program or requirements, start with your local or Region AP manager, Larry Wolohon MMR. If you still have questions, contact Frank Koch at [email protected] or write Frank at 4769 Silverwood Drive, Batavia, OH 45103. 22 the HotBox SPRING 2012 HOBBY SHOP & BUSINESS CORNER 29026 Warren Rd 734-422-4464 Westland, MI 48185 OTHER HOBBY SHOPS in the NCRGreat Lakes Hobby, Uitca, MI Rainy Day Hobbies, Ferndale, MI First Place Hobbies, Bluffton, IN Phil's Hobby Shop, Fort Wayne, IN The Gladieux Train Depot, Oregon, OH Jackie’s Trains & Gifts, Erie, MI Whistle Stop Hobby, St Clair Shores, MI Whistle Stop Hobbies, Harbor Springs, MI Rider’s Hobby, Grand Rapids, MI Rider’s Hobby, Flint, MI Rider’s Hobby, Ann Arbor, MI West Point Hobby, Redford, MI Please visit your local hobby shop! YOUR BUSINESS ad could be here!! Low cost – lots of exposure!! SPRING 2012 the HotBox 23 NCR TIMETABLE EVENTS! NCR INFORMATION NOTE- Events listed have been compiled from listings on, website for Model Railroader magazine. If you have an event you want listed, it’s FREE, but information must be submitted to the Editor at least 60 days in advance of our publication dates! Saturday, March 3- Toy Train / Collectible Show, Train Show and Sale Ken Frecker Arena 620 West Lincoln Hwy New Haven, IN 46774 11am to 3pm $4.00 adults and children 12 and under free All Gauge :G-gauge thru N-gauge Wheelchair Accessible Contact Information- Mike or Diana Bauman 260-692-2445 or 260-692-2446 Sunday, March 4 - Gratiot Valley Train Show & Sale Presented by Macomb Gratiot Valley Model Engineers, Inc. Macomb Community College Sports & Expo Center 14500 E 12 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48088 10am – 4pm Admission $6 - Children 12 & under FREE Discount Coupon at MACOMB COUNTY'S LARGEST ONE DAY TRAIN SHOW & SALE Over 400 Dealer Tables; Door Prizes; Lots of Operating Layouts; Free Kids Raffle; Food & Refreshments Available; Free "How-To" Modeling Clinics; Free Parking; Wheelchair Accessible Contact Information- Show Flyer, Dealer Information Package and Table Application available on our website, or call 586-468-4877. Website: Sunday, March 11; Sunday, April 15 – T.T.O.S. Wolverine Division Toy Train Show United Food & Commercial Workers Hall 876 Horace Brown Drive Madison Heights, MI 48071 10am to 2pm $3.00 per person Food & Refreshments available Contact Information- Bob Burgee 586-662-0225 Sunday, March 11 - Ray Nikolai’s Railroad Memorabilia & Model Train Show Taylor Town Trade Center 22525 Ecorse Road Taylor, MI 48180 10:30am to 3:30pm $4.00 per person- Children under 12 Free Family $6, Early Bird $10 Presented by Bluewater NRHS and Society of N-Scalers Model RR Club Operating Layouts; Railroad Collectibles; Art; Toy and Model Trains; Clinics ; Wheelchair Accessible Contact Information- John Moore 248-541-1000 [email protected] or Wayne Burling 734-377-0696 [email protected] Website- Sunday, March 11, - Greater Toledo Train & Toy Show Premier Complex (former Gladieux Meadows) 4480 Heatherdowns Blvd. Toledo, OH 43614 11am to 4pm "Early Birds" 9am to 4pm $6.00 "Early Birds": $8.00 Children 12 & under FREE Toledo's largest and only train and toy show! Exhibitors/vendors representing all gauges and manufacturers of trains and collectible toys! Train parts, troubleshooting and appraisals on site! Wheelchair Accessible Contact Information- Randy Ramsey [email protected] 419-389-0753/cell 419-215-4181 Website: Saturday-Sunday, March 17-18, April 21-22, May 19-20 BMRC Open House Blissfield Model Railroad Club 115 E. Adrian St (US 223) Blissfield, Midwest, MI 49228 11am to 4pm Free, but donations are accepted View several model trains running over 1,500 feet of track through miniature towns, coal yard, rivers, mountains, and tunnels. The layout is based in part on the Chesapeake & Ohio and Clinchfield RR of Kentucky and West Virginia. No Strollers please Contact Information- 517-486-2223 Website: Sunday, March 25 - 32nd Annual Mid-Michigan Model Train Show Finch Fieldhouse Campus of Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 11am to 4pm Adults: $4 Kids under 10: Free Contact Information- Betty Lewis 989-386-6987 24 the HotBox SPRING 2012 NCR TIMETABLE EVENTS! NCR INFORMATION Sunday, March 18 - Trainorama Extra 2011 Presented by the Redford Model Railroad Club Costick Community Center 28600 11 Mile Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 10am-4pm $5 per person, children under 12 free with paid adult Operating layouts, railfan films, model railroad and rail memorabilia show and sale. Contact Info- Pierre Willermet c/o Redford Model RR Club PO Box 40225 Redford, MI 48240 email- Pierre@hbc or call 734-953-2546 Sunday, March 25 - Flag City Train Show Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation, Inc. 11600 County Rd. 99 @ I-75 Exit #161 Findlay, OH 45840 10am to 4pm $3.00 Free for children 12 & younger, with paid adult Our 9th annual show features model trains, toy trains, and railroad memorabilia. Operating HO and Lionel train layouts, as well as static displays of a full-scale motorcar and antique Erector sets. Enjoy a quarter-scale livesteam train ride, the only one of its kind in northwest Ohio, for an additional $2.00 adults, $1 children. The train ride will stop at our 1920s era B&O caboose for an inside tour. Food and beverages available. Parking is free. Building is handicapped accessible. Contact Information- Mary Russell Cell 419-721-1175 [email protected] Website: Sunday, April 29 – Monroe Model Train Show MBT Expo Center 3775 Custer Rd. (M-50) Monroe, MI 48161 11am to 4pm $6.00 for adults. Children 12 and under Free with an adult. FREE PARKING This Train Show has something for everyone. The show features over 200 tables of merchandise including new and used model train items from Z to O scale, as well as Rail Road memorabiia. Several operating displays will there as well as a Kiddy Land featuring Riding Thomas trains and other toys for the younger generation to have fun with. This is a real Family Train Event. Wheelchair Accessible Contact Information- Al or Yvonne Mitchell PO Box 1259 Adrian, MI 49221 517-264-5705 Website: [email protected] Sunday, April 29, 2012 - Firelands Model Train & Toy Show Erie county fair grounds 3110 Columbus Ave. Sandusky, OH 44870 10am - 4pm Adults 18 and up. $5.00 Under 18 FREE!!!! All scales, running layouts, toys, antique toys, collectables, parts, videos, books, pictures, etc., Ample FREE parking, Food and drink Available Wheelchair Accessible Contact Information- FSOMR 7622 Main St. Box 11 Flat Rock, Ohio or call Rick at 419-318-0980 Website- MAY – NOVEMBER 2012 Saginaw Railway Museum - Saginaw Valley Railroad Historical Society 900 Maple St. PO Box 20454 Saginaw, MI 48602 989-790-7994 Open the First and Third Saturday of each month from 1pm-4pm. Closed holidays. Opening day is MAY 5th. We will be having Railroad Safety Days again this year and we will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this year!!! Details coming soon on both! Website- Sunday-Saturday, July 29 – August 4, 2012 – GRAND RAILS 2012 77th NMRA National Convention Hosted by- The Grand Rapids Model Railroad Historical Society Located at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel and the Convention Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan All the details are available on the website- Sunday-Saturday, August 3-4, 2012 – GRAND RAILS 2012 National Train Show Hosted by- The Grand Rapids Model Railroad Historical Society Located at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel and the Convention Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan All the details are available on the website- Event listings are FREE!! email us your event information 60 days before our publication dates! SPRING 2012 the HotBox 25 NCR DIVISION HAPPENINGS NCR INFORMATION …continued from page 20… Division One (Toledo, Ohio area) Division One is steaming right along. Average meeting attendance is around 30 people, or about 35% of the total membership on record. We have taken in 2 new NMRA members so far this year. Programs have focused on “how to” this year, with clinics on how to scratch build and kit bash, how to build a home-made tree foiliator, and how to build a home-made static grass applicator. A convention preplanning committee is working on the format for the 2014 regional convention and investigating available venues. Their work, hopefully, should be complete by summer, with a format, venue, and dates locked in. Then the real work will begin. (submitted by- Fred Lux, Superintendent NMRA NCR Div 1) Division Three (Fort Wayne, Indiana and western Ohio area) Division 3 is shifting away from monthly meetings. Instead specific activities will be held as they come up and meeting dates, times and locations will be announced in the Div3 Dispatcher newsletter. The next activity will be a meeting the day of the Maumee Valley RR Club swap meet, and will be held in a meeting room in the same building as the swap. The meeting date is February 25, 2012. The tentative meeting time is 1 PM. The swap and meeting will be at Coliseum Bingo, 911 West Washington Center Rd., Fort Wayne. The meeting is being hosted by Chuck White and Mark Wilson. Come to the swap meet, grab a hot dog at the concession stand, and join us for the meeting! The next activity will be a layout tour. Date and time is yet to be established. The Div3 Dispatcher is changing from monthly to every other month publication. It is available at the Div3 website, by- Dick Moessner, Superintendent NMRA NCR Div 3) NCR HotBox PIKE ADS NOTICE- the HotBox Staff will be contacting many Pike Ad owners very soon, to renew your Pike Ad. YES, it’s been 3 years already, since the first ads were started again. Please renew your ad when contacted. THANKS! 26 the HotBox SPRING 2012 NCR HotBox PIKE ADS South Oakland County Model Railroad Club Hazel Park, MI Meets Tues & Fri at 7:30pm New Members Welcome Call Ron McCreight 248-879-0956 SPRING 2012 the HotBox 27 Permit Holder: National Model Railroad Association The North Central Region, c/o Uwe Thormaehlen 48266 Pheasant St. New Baltimore, MI 48047 in the next issue of THE NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID LIVONIA, MI Permit No. 1230 HotBox – MORE LAYOUT PHOTOS MORE HOW-TO-DO ARTICLES MORE INFORMATION .... stay tuned! NCR ELECTION RESULTS
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