Fleet quotes - City of Palm Coast
Fleet quotes - City of Palm Coast
3f ^73 BID AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT 13^^^0904 Effective Dates: October 1, 2013- September 30, 2014 P O L I C E RATED V E H I C L E S / MOTORCYCLES, SEDANS & LIGHT T R U C K S Participating Sheriffs Offices & Local Governmental Agencies of the State of Florida ' Coordinated By The Florida Sheriffs Association & Florida Association of Counties C O U N T I E S All About Honda FLORIDA COUNTIES Alt About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #41 2014 Ford F-150 (FlC) The Ford F-150 (FlC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: * Western *Northem *Central •* Southern BASE PRICE: $14,893.00 $14,990.00 $14,690.00 $14,990.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by paiticipating agencies for foil size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904} 6 7 9 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett(S!duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE [email protected] 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL I appieciate your Interest and the opportunify to quote. Prices are published by the Florida SherifTs Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract #f3.11.0904113 21 0904 (wwvi^flsheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding Oils quote please call! Veiiicle will bs orx^rsd white extarior unless specified on purchase order. Labor C 0 EHigi141 ^B|96P ^•LTS FORD F150 REGULAR CAB SHORT BED 4X2 F l C PLASTIC BEDLINER V6 ENGINE WHELEN CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM 300 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED UNDERSEAT HAVIS COMPUTER STAND REGIONAL ADJ R $ 14,893.00 349.00 STD 224.00 130.00 496.00 695.00 7.00 $115 1 TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE I? $ MO.Stn 17.1S0.S0 TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 4/14/14 w ^ v w . d u v a i f l e e t . com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List F o r F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: 3/21/2014 673 Year: 2005 REPLACEMENT Like for Like Body Type Utility Body Regular Body X Ext Rear Bumper Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed X Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper X Cab Type Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab X Engine V6 X Gas VS Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitcfi Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit X Extras Back up Alarm X 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X Department: Vin/Serial Number: Model/IVIake Code 1FTRF12215NB16764 Ford F-150 1 Mileage: Comments 100948 ^^^1 OOUNTIES A i l About Rorida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #41 2014 Ford F-150 (FlC) The Ford F-150 (FlC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: *Westem ^Northern *Central *Southera BASE PRICE: $14,893.00 $14,990.00 $14,690.00 $14,990.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904) 679 634 Prepared for: H B H CITY OF PALM COAST H h H ROGER LACHANCE H H RLACHANCF,.»PALMC0ASTROV r.OU H ^ H 386.986.2340 ^^^^^^^^^^ Prepared by: uuvaj tord Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackettffiduvalfleet.nom 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 FORD F150 REGULAR C A B ^ H O m ^ D 4 X 2 F 1 C PLASTIC BEDLINER V6 ENGINE WHELEN CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM 300 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED UNDERSEAT REGIONAL ADJ HAVIS COMPUTER STAND LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE. CONNECTORS, LOOM. & SUPPLIES TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE 5/5/.,4 $ $115 14,893.00 349.00 STD 224.00 130.00 496.00 7.00 695.00 299.00 $ 17,093.00 TOTAL QUANTITY 17,093.00 Printed: 5/5/14 www.duvalfleet.com PSLM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List F o r F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: dreynolds(S)palmcoastgov.com Email: rlachance(S)palmcoastgov.com Vehicle Check List DATE: 3/21/2014 Truck Number: Year: 534 2005 REPLACEME NT Body Type Like for Like Utility Body Regular Bodv x Ext Rear Bumper Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed x Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner x Sprayed Bumper Cab Type Standerd X XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 x Gas VB Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit Extras X Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter X 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X Department: Vin/Serial Number: Code Model/Make Ford F-150 1FTRF12245NA55474 1 Mileage: Comments 96183 l/ FLORIDA As'>,CIA"lK!V()r COUNTIES All About Roritlxi FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #41 2014 Ford F-150 (FlC) The Ford F-150 (FlC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: ^Western ^Northern *Central *Southem BASE PRICE: $14,893.00 $14,990.00 $14,690.00 $14,990.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for fiill size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vai7 from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants Or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904) 679 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett®.duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE RLACHANCEiaiPALMCQASTGOV.COM 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL «ow^T 7X ^ opportunity to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriffs Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract /h3.11.0904 /13 21 0904 (vvww.tisheriffy.org) If you have any questions regarding Oils quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor 0 C ijiUi3 41 PMHI96P Hi BHiLTS J/7 FORD F150 4X2 REGULAR CAB SHORT BED PLASTIC LINER V6 ENGINE IWHELEN CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM 300 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED UNDERSEAT REGIONAL ADJ HAVIS COMPUTER STAND LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES 349.00 STD 224.00 130.00 496.00 261.00 695.00 $115 299.00 1 TOTAL QUANTITY 17,444.001 Printed: 5/5/14 v r / ? w . d u v a l f 1e e t . c o m PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List F o r F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: dreynolds@)palmcoastgov.com Email: rlachance@>paimcoastgov.com Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: 3/21/2014 543 Department: Vin/Serial Number: '1FTRF14W15NA55481 Year 2005 Model/Make Ford F150 REPLACEMENT like for like Body Type Utility Body Regular Body X Ext Rear Bumper Bed Type 6 FT Bed x 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper X Cab Type standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 X X Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit X Extras Back up Alarm X 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X code 1 Mileage: Comments 105675 FLJORIDA " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^P^^ OOUNilES At! About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS (DUAL REAR WHEEL) - 4X4 SPECIFICATION #4 2014 Ford F-350 (F3H) The Ford F-350 (F3H) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: *-Western *Northem ^Central * Southern BASE PRICE: $21,920.00 $21,944.00 $21,944.00 $21,944.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most ofl;en requested by participating agencies for fiill size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 1 3 2 Prcpiircd for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 [email protected] 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE RLACHANCEO.PALMCOASTGOV.COM 386.986.2340 I appreciate your interest and the opportunity to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriffs Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Conti^ct 013.11.0904 /13.21.0904. (wvm.flsheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please calll Vehicle will be ordmntd white exterior unless specifmd on purchase order. SPEC 4 9SB BUMPER SBS BSBS THD 52B X4L WLBAMB INV3K SUA VTX LENZ LSL:GL VISE CH LTS 512 31V.31B LABOR FORD F350 4 X 4 REGULAR CAB AND CHASSIS W/ GAS y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " $ 21,944.00 9 FT SERVICE BODY , REQ 31V31B $ 6,300.00 EXT S H E L F BUMPER ? 495.00 SPRAY LINER $ 745.00 SPARY LINE BUMPER $ 75.00 TRAILER TOWING PACKAGE $ 1,140.00 E L E C T R I C BRAKE CONTROLLER $ 229.00 LTD SLIP REAR AXLE INCLUDED 14 MODULE WHELEN LIBERTY AMBER AND CLEAR LIGHTBAR $ 1,715.00 SIX SWITCH CONTROLLER, INCLUDES TRAFFIC ADVISOR AND ROOF MOUNT KIT INCLUDED 3000 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED IN SERVICE BODY COMPARTMENT $ 1,640.00 BACK UP ALARM $ 130.00 WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LED'S $ 224.00 EXTRA L E N S E S $ 50.00 GO LIGHT MOUNTED ON TOP OF PASSENGER SIDE CABINET $ 595.00 VISE AND VISE MOUNT $ 286.00 CONE HOLDER $ 75.00 COMPUTER STAND $ 695.00 SPARE TIRE AND WHEEL $ 349.00 SHIP THROUGH QVM, INCLUDS DEALER PDI ? 260.00 $ 57.50 LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES $115 TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 4/14/14 $ 37,004.50 37,004.50 v/'rfw. d u v a l f l e e t . c o m PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List F o r Fleet Use O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: 3/21/2014 Trucl< Number: Year: REPLACEMENT 1131 2008 UpGrade Ford F-350 Dually 4x4 Body Type Utility Body Regular Body Ext Rear Bumper Dump Truck X X Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner X Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper X Cab Type standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose l^eck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector X X X X X X Light Bars 4 Corner Light X Kit Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter X Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X X X X X 9 foot Department: Vin/Serial Number: Model/Make Public Works 1FTSF21R98EA08211 Ford F-250 4x4 with Utility Body | Mileage: } Comments 120048 FLORIDA CXJUNTIES All About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X4 SPECIFICATION #48 2014 Ford F-250 SD (F2B) The Ford F-250 SD (F2B) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: * Western ^Northern * Central • Southern BASE PRICE: $20,032.00 $19,997.00 $19,679.00 $19,997.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21 -0904) 901 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett(a>duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE [email protected],nM 386.986.2340 PLkUSE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL I appreciate your interest and the opportunify to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriffs Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract 013.11.0904/13.21.0904. (www.flsheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor 0 C Has3 48 F ^ D ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ™ " $ 20,032.00 8 FT SERVICE BODY, REQ 31 V.31 B $ 5,320.00 SPRAY LINER $ 745.00 EXTENDED REAR BUMPER $ 495.00 SPRAY BUMPER $ 75.00 TRAILER TOWING PACKAGE $ 695.00 FACTORY BRAKE CONTROLLER $ 229.00 LTD SLIP REAR AXLE $ 389.00 BACK UP ALARM $ 130.00 WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LED'S $ 224.00 EXTRA LENSES $ 50.00 ALUMINUM PIPE RACK OVER CAB $ 1,995.00 FRONT BUMPER MOUNTED CONE HOLDER $ 75.00 VISE AND MOUNT $ 286.00 3000 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED IN COMPARTMENT $ 1,640.00 GO LIGHT MOUNTED ON TOP OF PASSENGER SIDE COMPARTMENT $ 595.00 14 MODULE WHELEN LIBERTY AMBER AND CLEAR LIGHTBAR $ 1,715.00 SIX SWITCH CONTROLLER, INCLUDES TRAFFIC ADVISOR AND ROOF MOUNT KIT INCLUDED SHIP THROUGH QVM, INCLUDS DEALER PDI $ 260.00 SPARE TIRE AND WHEEL $ 349.00 PER ^QH|BUM ^BBSB: M^HTHD QH|BUA < ES ^ ^ ^ P R S E !:AL ^^|LEN£ QH||viSE gBHiNva < 3L raH|LSL:C E H l W L B 1B MBHSIZ $ W LABOR \T0TAL RATE PER HOUR, PURCHASE INCLUDS AMOUNT WIRE, CONNECTORS, PER VEHICLE TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 4/14/14 LOOM, & SUPPLIES $115 $ $ 299.00 35 S98 00 35,598.00 v n v w . d u v a l f l e e t . com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w Trucks C h e c k List For Fleet U s e O n l y City of Paim Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/F?oger 386-986-2340 Emaih [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: Year: REPLACEIVIENT 3/21/2014 Department: 1132 Vin/Serial Number: 2008 Model/IVtake Upgrade F-250 4x4 with Utility Body Body Type Utility Body Regular Body Ext Rear X Bumper Dump Truck X Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper Cab Type Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit X X X X X X X X X X X Extras Back up Alarm X 3000 watt Inverter X 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack X Vise Cone Holder X X Hyd Telescop Boom 40041LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER Go Light Top Cabinent Passenger Side Public Works 1FTSF21R78EA08174 Ford F-250 4x4 |Mileage: 1 Comments 121129 if' 4j AU About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK - 4X4 SPECIFICATION #44 2014 Ford F-150 (XIE) The Ford F-150 (XIE) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: ^Western •Northern •Central * Southern BASE PRICE: $20,785.00 $20,959.00 $20,537.00 $20,997.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21 -0904} 782 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett(a)duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE RLACHANCE(a)PALMCOASTGOV.COM 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL I appreciate your interest and Oie opportunity to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefy'AssooiaOon Automotive Contract #13.11.0904/13 21 0904 (www.flsheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase order. 535HD LABOR FORD F150 4X4 EXTENDED CAB SHORT BED PLASTIC LINER V8 ENGINE TRAILER TOW PKG LTD SLIP REAR AXLE FACTORY BRAKE CONTROLLER BACK UP ALARM WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LED'S [LABOR RATE PER HOUR. INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES 349.00 999.00 525.00 399.00 229.00 130.00 224.00 $115 299.00 ' TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 4/14/14 ^-Tww.duvalf l e e t .com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List For F l e e t U s e O n l y l/ City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: dreynoldsiSJpalmcoastgov.com Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: Year: REPLACEME^IT 3/21/2014 Department: 665 Vin/Serial Number: 2005 IVIodel/IVIake Ford F -150 EX Cab Body Type Utility Body Regular Body X Ext Rear Bumper Dump Truck Bed Type 5 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper Cab Type standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter SOOO Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X X X X X X X X X X Public Works 1D7HU18D35J579609 Dodge 1500 Pick Up 4 Door I Comments |lVlileage: 113700 FLORIDA COUK'iTES All Abaut Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 15,000 LB. GVWR CAB & CHASSIS (DUAL R E A R WHEEL) - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #6 2014 Ford F-450 (F4G) The Ford F-450 (F4G) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: * Western TirNorthem * Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $31,030.00 $31,056.00 $31,056.00 $31,056.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by paiticipating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-11 -0904) 171 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett(a)duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE ROGER L RLACHANCElSPALMCQASTfinVCnM RLACHAr 386.986,2340 I PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL I ^predate your interest and the opportunify to quote. Prices are published by the Florida SherifTs Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Hre Chiefs'Association Automotive Conbvctffi3.11.0904/13.21.0904 (www.flsheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor 0 0 C SPEC36 L404 84 11SE 31V.:SIB BUM PER SBS BSB{ 52B 535T HD X4N VTX LEN2 BUA PRSE :AL CH VISE GENF•WR 512 LABC R FORD F450 4X2 REGULAR CAB AND CHASSIS W/ DIESEL ENGINE '"""lilBMBBBBBBBBBBi 84" CAB TO AXLE 11 FT SERVICE BODY, REQ 31 V.31 B SHIP THROUGH QVM, INCLUDS DEALER PDI EXTENDED REAR S H E L F BUMPER SPRAY LINER FOR SERVICE BODY SPRAY BUMPER FACTORY BRAKE CONTROLLER TRAILER TOWING GROUP LTD SLIP REAR AXLE WHELEN CORNER LED'S EXTRA REAR L E N S E S BACK UP ALARM ALUMINUM PIPE RACK OVER CAB CONE HOLDER VISE AND MOUNT VANAIR GENERATOR COMPRESSOR COMBINATION 100 GALLON FUEL TANK BED MOUNTED WITH PUMP AND TRANSFER NOZZEL SPARE TIRE AND WHEEL LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES 1TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 4/14/14 $115 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ? $ $ $ y 31,056.00 174.00 7,600.00 260.00 495.00 745.00 75.00 229.00 1,245.00 359.00 224.00 50.00 130.00 1 jOOO.UU $ $ $ $ 75.00 286.00 5,880.00 1,836.00 $ 349.00 ? $ 299.00 $ 53,203.00 53,203 00 VA^rf.duvalfleet.com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w Trucks C h e c k List F o r F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email; [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: Year: REPLACEMENT Body Type 4/8/2014 Department: 220 Vin/Serial Number: 2001 Model/Make Ford F-450 Utility Body Regular Bod i Ext Rear Bumper Dump Truck Bed Type x PW GMG 2500 1GDJC34U91F109738 1 Mileage: Comments 12 Foot Body 82211 ~ — X 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner X Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper Cab Type X — Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder _ X Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab _ X X X X — X X X X X - _ — _ _ Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER Priceing for Generator and compressor Fuel Tank • FLORIDA A ll About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1 TON CAB i& CHASSIS (DUAL REAR WHEEL) - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #3 2014 Ford F-350 (F3G) The Ford F-350 (F3G) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: * Western ^Northern * Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $18,200.00 $18,223.00 $18,223.00 $18,223.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 112 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 [email protected] 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE RLACHANCEiSPALMCnASTGOVCOM 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract»13 emerior unless specmed on purchmse F O R D F 3 5 0 4 X 2 R E G U L A R C A B AND [GAS V8 E N G I N E 11 0904/13 ordm. CHASSIS STD FACTORY BRAKE CONTROLLER LTD S L I P R E A R A X L E |TRAILER TOWING 21 0904 229.00 349.00 PACKAGE $ WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LEDS BACK UP ALARM VI40.00 274.00 130.00 2 YARD CONTRACTORS FLAT B E D DUMP $ FOLDING DOWN SIDES APPROX. 13" 9,760.00 786.00 SHIP T H R O U G H QVM, I N C L U D S D E A L E R PDI 8 4 " C A B TO A X L E 260.00 169.00 [SPARE TIRE AND WHEEL 349.00 LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES • I TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: $115 299.00 $ 31,968.00 5 31,968.00 4/14/14 vn-;w. d u v a i f l e e t .com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List For Fleet U s e Only City of Paim Coast Phone: Dee 386-98S-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Emaih dreynoldsgipalmcoastgov.com Email: rlachanceiSpaimcoastgov.com Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: 4/8/2014 Department: 1028 Vin/Serial Number: 2005 Model/Make Year: REPLACEMErJT Ford F-350 1 Ton Dump Body Type Utility Body Regular Body Ext Rear Bumper Dump Truck x Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper Cab Type standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit X 6.2 X X X X X Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X PW Ford F-350 1FDWW36P85ED28366 1 Mileage: Comments 101650 FLORIDA COUNTIES AU About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #43 2014 Ford F-150 (XIC) The Ford F-150 (XIC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: * Western *Northem *Central * Southern BASE PRICE: $17,452.00 $17,706.00 $17,590.00 $17,722.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904) 743 Prepared for: Proparedby: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 rlchard.tackett(a)duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE I [email protected] 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL / appreciate your interest and the opportunify to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefy'Association Automotive Contract ih3.11.0904/13.21.0904. (www.tisheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding tills quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specitiedon purchase order Labor Ci B ^ H S P E C 43 yB|96P ^Msos iaaliPsasH D m^BxBs M^VTX HI BUA •• FORD F150 EXTENDED CAB 4X2 SHORT BED PLASTIC LINER POWER WINDOWS AND LOCKS GROUP S P E E D CONTROL V8 ENGINE 525.00 399.00 229.00 224.00 130.00 LTD SLIP REAR AXLE FACTORY BRAKE CONTROLLER WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM R $115 1r O X 4 L PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE Printed: 4/14/14 vnvw. d u v a l f l e e t . c o m PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List F o r F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: 3/21/2014 Department: 335 Vin/Serial Number: 2003 Model/Make Truck Number: Year: REPLACEIVIENT Upgrade Ford F-150 EX Cab Body Type Utility Body Regular Body X Ext Rear Bumper Bed Type 6 FT Bed X 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner X Sprayed Bumper Cab Type Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory X X X Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch X Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector X X Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X X Fleet 1FTRF17W73NA93340 Ford F-150 1 Mileage: Comments 115864 FLORIDA AU About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #43 2014 Ford F-150 (XIC) The Ford F-150 (XIC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: *Westem *Northem *Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $17,452.00 $17,706.00 $17,590.00 $17,722.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for flill size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21 -0904) 743 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 [email protected] 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE [email protected] 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL ^ -i:r, ' ' • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Labor / appreciate your interest and the opportunity to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract #13.11.0904 /13.21.0904. (www. tisheriffs. org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please calU Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase order. Code ^•96P ^HVTX ^•BUA ^HlNV ^•LTS FORD F150 SUPERCAB CAB 4X2 SHORT BED V6 PLASTIC BEDLINER WHELEN CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM 300 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED UNDERSEAT REGIONAL ADJ HAVIS COMPUTER STAND $ 17,706.00 $ 349.00 $ 224.00 $ 130.00 $ 496.00 $ 7.00 $ 695.00 $ $ ^ • • • 1 2.6 $ $ $ •••• E E Q S ^ H LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 5/5/14 $115 $ 299.00 $ 19,906.00 $ 19,906.00 w w w . d u v a l f l e e t . com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.XlSX N e w Trucks C h e c k List F o r F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] • Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: 3/21/2014 Department: 576 Vin/Serial Number: 2005 Model/Make FORD F-150 XL CAB Year: REPLACEIVIENT Body Type Utility Body Regular Body Ext Rear x Bumper Dump Truck Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner X Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper X Cab Type Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Ught Kit Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter X X X X 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X •——— Public Works 1FTRF12255NB16766 Ford F-150 Comments _ 1 Mileage: 100030 1 ' " ^ ^ ^ ^ i j ^ E ^ , C B U N T I E S All About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #41 2014 Ford F-150 (FlC) The Ford F-150 (FlC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: ^Western *Northem *Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $14,893.00 $14,990.00 $14,690.00 $14,990.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by paiticipating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904} 679 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 [email protected] 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE RLACHANCE(aPALMCOASTGOV.COM 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL I appreciate your interest and the opportunify to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract #13.11.0904/13.21.0904. (www.flsheriffy.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor Code 0 2.6 jsiMStM Equipment FORD F150 4X2 REGULAR CAB SHORT BED PLASTIC LINER V6 ENGINE WHELEN CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM 300 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED UNDERSEAT REGIONAL ADJ HAVIS COMPUTER STAND LABOR \T0TAL RATE PER HOUR, PURCHASE INCLUDS AMOUNT WIRE, CONNECTORS, PER VEHICLE TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 5/5/14 www.duvalfleet.com $ 14,990.00 349.00 STD 224.00 130.00 496.00 261.00 695.00 LOOM, & SUPPLIES $115 299.00 $ 17,444.00 $ 17,444.00 PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List F o r F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: dreynoldsigpalmcoastgov.com [Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: 3/21/2014 927 Department: Vin/Serial Number: Year: REPLACEIVIE^n 2005 Model/Make Ford F-150 Body Type Utility Body Regular Body X Ext Rear Bumper Bed Type 6 FT Bed X 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper X Cab Type Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab X Engine V5 X Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit X Extras Back up Alarm X 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X Parks 1FTRF12235NB16765 Ford F-150 1 Mileage: Comments 118768 W-4.a.r FLORIDA COUNTIES All About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK - 4X4 SPECIFICATION #44 2014 Ford F-150 (XIE) The Ford F-150 (XIE) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: ^Western •Northern •Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $20,785.00 $20,959.00 $20,537.00 $20,997.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available tiirough the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21 -0904) 782 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett(5).duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 PLEASE CONHKMHtCEIPT Oh QUOTE VIA EMAIL I appreciate your interest and the opportunify to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract ifl3.11.0904/13.21.0904. (vmw.tisheriffy.org) If you have any questions regarding this quoto please call! Vmhicle will be ordemd wttitm exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor 0 2.6 Code Equipment Price FORD F150 XCAB 4X4 SHORT BED PLASTIC BEDLINER • • • • • V6 ENGINE WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM HAVIS UNIVERSAL LAPTOP STAND 300 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED UNDER SEAT LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE STD 224.00 130.00 695.00 496.00 $115 $ 356.50 $ 23,209.50 23,209.50 Labor C M^BSPE(3 • i gg^WVT 21 FOfWLESCAPE 4X4 S U V REGIONALAC X WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LED'S ^HBUA BACK UP A L A R M ^ ^ L T S g^BlNV HAVIS U N I V E R S A L L A P T O P S T A N D 300 W A T T I N V E R T E R M O U N I B e - t J T f t l E R S E A T LABOR^j&Xe^R $ 22,079.00 20.00 224.00 130.00 695.00 496.00 HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE 550.00 $ 24,194.00 24,194.00 Printed: 4/14/14 V7w.davalfleet.com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List For Fleet U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: 3/21/2014 415 Department: Vin/Serial Number: Year: REPLACEIVIErrr 2004 IVIodel/Make Ford F-150 EX CAB 4X4 Body Type Utility Body Regular Body Ext Rear Bumper Dump Truck X Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper Cab Type Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter X X X X X X SOOO Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X Utility 1FMZU72K14UA58292 EXPL0RER4 D R 4 x 4 Iwilease: 1 Comments 93798 FLORIDA COUNITES A ll About Rorida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #41 2014 Ford F-150 (FlC) The Ford F-150 (FlC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of diis contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: *Western *Northem *Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $14,893.00 $14,990.00 $14,690.00 $14,990.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options'which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904) 679 Prepared for: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett(a)duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 CITY OF PALM COAST ROGER LACHANCE RLACHANCEiSPALMnOASTGOV.COM 386.986.2340 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL '^PP^'''^^y°"''"^'^^^"'^^^°PPortur,ify to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ (wwwflsherm.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior mlass opacified on purchase order. ' " r a w wmu> Labor C 0 E E3 41 0 ' B H iMiS96P D |M|67T FORD F150 REG CAB 4X2 SHORT BED F1C V8 ENGINE PLASTIC BEDLINER [TRAILER TOW GROUP LTD SLIP REAR AXLE FACTORY BRAKE CONTROLLER |WHELEN CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM REGIONAL ADJ )/? $ 14,893.00 STD 349.00 525.00 399.00 229.00 224.00 130.00 7.00 $115 1 $ 299.00 $ 17,0SS.00 TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 4/14/14 w-'^n.;. d u v a l f l e e t . c o m PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx FLORIDA Alt Abmt Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #47 2014 Ford F-250 SD (F2A) The Ford F-250 SD (F2A) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: * Western *Northem *Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $17,476.00 $17,476.00 $17,483.00 $17,483.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment Items most often requested by participating agencies for fiill size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904) 884 / appreciate your interest andtlie opportunity to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract #13.11.0904 /13.21.0904. (www.flsherlffs.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor Code ^HSPEC 49 2015 FORD F-250 PICK UP 4X2; REGULAB RC $ 17,476.00 AM/FM RADIO WITH CD $ 274.00 6.2LV8 ENGINE INCL POWER WINDOWS AND DOOR LOCKS,.UIN DC ES TELESCOPIC TT MIRRORS W. POWER GLAS$ S 894.00 BUCKET SEATS $ 514.00 FLOOR MATS, RUBBER (DEALER INSTALL)ED S 94.00 WINDOW TINT $ 325.00 6" SPOTLIGHT, DEALER INSTALLED $ 495.00 RAINSHIELDS S 165.00 FOUR CORNER VERTEX LED HIDEAWAYTS EY M S $ 224.00 9FT KNAPHEIDE SERVICE BODY $ 5,320.00 SHIP THROUGH QUAUFIED VEHICLE UPF EIR TT S 260.00 SPRAY ON BEDLINER, INCLUDES INSIDE)TOPS AN[ $ 745.00 HEAVY DUTY TRAILER TOW PACKAGE $ 695.00 3000 WATT INVERTER $ 1,640.00 BACKUP ALARM $ 130.00 ELECTRIC BRAKE CONTROLLER, DEALERTIN AL SLED $ 229.00 ^ • g o L ^H2S ^HLSL ^^|WVTX ^•THD ^HsKIVERTER ^HBUA IN STOCK UNITS HI^HI ^^MTotHrs Optional labor rote for equipment listed above. Inc udes wire, loom, and shop supplies. TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE Printed: 9/8/14 $100 S $ www.duvalfleet.com 260.00 29,740.00 PALM COAT STOCK F 2 A S B . x l s x N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List For F l e e t U s e O n l y City of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: 3/21/2014 Department: 578 Vin/Serial Number: 2005 Model/Make Like for Like Truci< Number: Year: REPIJVCEIVIENT Body Type Utility Body Regular Body "S X Ext Rear Bumper Dump Truck Bed Type 6 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner Reg bed liner Sprayed Bumper Cab Type Standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch X X • ( Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER x^ t'J Utility 1FTRF12205NA47243 Ford F-150 Comments [Mileage: 95120 FLORIDA COUNITES AU Abmt Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #43 2014 Ford F-150 (XIC) The Ford F-150 (XIC) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: * Western *Northem *Central * Southern BASE PRICE: $17,452.00 $17,706.00 $17,590.00 $17,722.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21-0904} 743 Preparedfor: Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tackett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tackett(S.duvalfleet.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF QUOTE VIA EMAIL I appreciate your Interest and the opportunity to quote. Prices are published We Florida Sheriffs Association/ Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract #13.11.0904/13 21 0904 (wmv.flsheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle mil bs ordemd white exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor 0 0 0 2.6 BUA 0.5 0 0 3.1 TOTAL QUANTITY Printed: 4/14/14 21,100.50 w^rtT-duval f l e e t . c o m PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx N e w T r u c k s C h e c k List For Fleet U s e O n l y [city of Palm Coast Phone: Dee 386-986-2335/Roger 386-986-2340 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vehicle Check List DATE: Truck Number: Year: REPLACEME NT Body Type 3/21/2014 Department: 674 Vin/Serial Number: 2005 Model/Make Like for Like Utility 1FTRF12295NB16768 Ford F-160 1 Mileage: 103492 Comments Utility Body • Regular Bod\ Ext Rear Bumper Dump Truck Bed Type X 5 FT Bed 8 FT Bed Spray Bed Liner X Reg bed liner X Sprayed Bumper Cab Type standerd XL Cab Crew Cab Engine V6 Gas V8 — ) X Deisel Tow Kit Foactory Brake Controller Goose Neck Hitch Capacity Rated Hitch 7 Pin Trailer Connector Light Bars 4 Corner Light Kit X Extras Back up Alarm 3000 watt Inverter X 5000 Watt Inverter Aluminum Pipe Rack Vise Cone Holder Hyd Telescop Boom 40041 LH Suspension Upgrade COMPUTER STAND AND INVERTER X " — F1JC)RII>A COUNllES All About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 12 PASSENGER VAN SPECIFICATION #31 2014 Chevrolet Express 2500 (CG23406) The Chevrolet Express 2500 (CG23406) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer fbr this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: Western Northern Central Southern BASE PRICE: $23,135.00 $22,927.00 $22,882.00 $23,068.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21 -0904} 5 0 5 Call Us first, for all of your Fleet Automotive, & Light Truck needs. PHONE (800) ALANJAY(252-6529) DIRECT 863-402-4234 Corporate 2003 U.S. 27 South MOBILE 863-381-3411 Office Sebring, F L 33870 FAX 863-402-4221 WWW.ALANJAY.CONI Mailing P.O. BOX 9200 Villi ri-ss Sebring, F L 33871-9200 QUICK QUOTE SHEET FOR VEHICLES SOLD UNDER THE FLORIDA SHERIFF'S ASSOCIATION CONTRACT PAGE REQUESTING AGENCY: ORIGINAL QUOTE DATE: CONTACT PERSON: CITY OF PALM COAST PHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: 386-986-2340 CP 508-642-9937 MODEL: REVISED QUOTE DATE: e-mail: CG23406 FSA BID NUMBER'S 13-21-0904 & 13-11-0904 20f4 CHEVY EXPRESS 2500 12 PASS VAN BED LENGTH 135" CG23406/*ZP8 UE1 L96Z82G80 UVC 'BUA PULSE 'TEMP of _ 8/28/2014 ROGER 555-1212 OPTION CODE # 1 rlachance(S) palmcoastqov.com SPECIFICATION #: PAGE #: BASE DISTRICT PRICE 31 505$22,927.00 DESCRIPTION OPTION COST STD ..§¥.t®.r).°.r..yy.!!.!..!?.i.°.r.S?.rsl.yy.!?.!^^^^ -$200.00 ,,?...P.A.S.SENGER IN LIE INCL ON-STAR ..y.A.RN.i.SS.AND HD LOG BACK UP CAMERA $199.00 BACK UP ALARM 90db DEALER INSTALLED $T49.00 3rd Brake Light Safety Pulse "Rear Collision Avoidance" (Pulses 3rd Brake Light (4) times upon application of brake pedal to increase driver awareness behind you when stopping) DECLINED TEMPORARYT^^^ TOTAL OF OPTIONS: $0.00 ••$25.00 $1,847.00 TOTAL COST: $24,774.00 QTY TOTAL COST L E S S TRADE IN: $24,774.00 $24,774.00 Comments: Alan Jay Chevrolet Buick GMG Cadillac FEID #65-0211404 Alan Jay Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc. FEID # 20-5996360 / Alan Jay Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram FEID # 26-4540672 Alan Jay Import Center, Inc. d/b/a Alan Jay Toyota FEID # 59-3533026 / Alan Jay Nissan, Inc. FEID #76-0833978 VEHICLE QUOTED BY: Chris Wilson. Fleet Sales Manager chris.wilson(a)alaniav.com "/ Want to be Your Fleet Provider" I appreciate ttie opportunity to submit this quotation. Please review it carefully. IF there are any errors or changes, please feel free to contact me at any time. I am always happy to be of assistance QUOTE SHEET PALM COAST 8-PASS VAN %ft^,-ri*#^ m ^ ^ k FLORIDA COUNTIES FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK - 4X2 SPECIFICATION #47 2014 Ford F-250 SD (F2A) The Ford F-250 SD (F2A) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. 20NE: *Westem ^Northern ^Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $17,476.00 $17,476.00 $17,483.00 $17,483.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. B i d Aunard Announcement (13-21 -0904) SS4 Duval Ford Fleet Sales Christy Self (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 christv.self(a?duvalford.com 1616 Cassat Ave. Jax, FL 32210 , ^(. / appreciate your interest and the opportunity to quote. Prices are published by the Florida Sheriff's Association/ Florida '•-•'j''- ^ ^^^^^X Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract #13.11.0904 /13.21.0904. Iwww.flsheriffs.org) If you have any questions regarding this quote please call! Vehicle will be ordered white exterior unless specified on purchase C ode Labor n ^HSPEC 49 m MHsSB 0 ^HSOL ^HDFM ^HDT ^HLSL ^HRS ^ HwVT X ^HsKB 31B ^HsBS ^HTHD ^HBUA ^H52B Hi e 2015 FORD F-250 PICK UP 4X2; REGULAR CAB $ 17,476.00 AM/FM RADIO WITH CD S 274.00 6.2LV8 ENGINE INCL. POWER WINDOWS AND DOOR LOCKS, INCLUDES TELESCOPIC TT MIRRORS W. POWER GL$ASS 894.00 BUCKET SEATS $ 514.00 FLOOR MATS, RUBBER (DEALER INSTALLED) $ 94.00 WINDOW TINT $ 325.00 6" SPOTLIGHT, DEALER INSTALLED $ 495.00 RAINSHIELDS $ 165.00 FOUR CORNER VERTEX LED HIDEAWAY SYSTEM $ 224.00 9FT KNAPHEIDE SERVICE BODY $ 5,320.00 SHIP THROUGH QUALIFIED VEHICLE UPFITTER $ 260.00 SPRAY ON BEDLINER, INCLUDES INSIDE AND TOPS $ 745.00 HEAVY DUTY TRAILER TOW PACKAGE $ 695.00 BACKUP ALARM $ 130.00 $ 229.00 ELECTRIC BRAKE CONTROLLER, DEALER INSTALLED IN STOCK UNITS IH HH H I HH HH HH IHI HH HH ^H HH rs Optional labor rate for equipment listed above. Includes wire, loom, and shop supplies. TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE Printed: 9/8/14 www.duvalfleet.com $100 $ 260.00 $ 28,100.00 PALM COAT STOCK F 2 A SB.xlsx ••^'---^ti' FLORIDA A i l Ahout Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 1/2 TON EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK - 4X4 SPECIFICATION #44 2014 Ford F-150 (XIE) The Ford F-150 (XIE) purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE; • Western *Northem * Central •Southern BASE PRICE: $20,785.00 $20,959.00 $20,537.00 $20,997.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for fiill size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary from agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-21 -0904) 782 Prepared for Prepared by: Duval Ford Fleet Sales Richard Tacitett (Work) 904-388-2144 (Fax) 904-387-6816 (Cell) 904-343-6266 richard.tacl<ett(aiduvalfleet.com 1616 ^ffff tj^f^ax FL 32210 I app^ciate your Intei^t and the opportunity to quote. Prices are published by the Florida SherifTs Association/ fnonda Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs'Association Automotive Contract 013.11.0904/13 21 0904 (www.ffsherim.org) If you have any questions ragarding tills quota please calll Vehicle will be ordered whits exterior unless specified on purchase order. Labor 0 0 0 . 2.6 0 P.5 0 0 96P VTX BUA LTS NV 31 FORD F150 XCAB 4X4 SHORT BED PLASTIC BEDLINER V6 ENGINE WHELEN VERTEX CORNER LED'S BACK UP ALARM HAVIS UNIVERSAL UPTOP STAND 300 WATT INVERTER MOUNTED UNDER SEAT LABOR RATE PER HOUR, INCLUDS WIRE, CONNECTORS, LOOM, & SUPPLIES $ 20,959.00 349.00 STD 224.00 130.00 695.00 496.00 $115 356.50 \TOTAL PURCHASE AMOUNT PER VEHICLE Printed: 4/14/14 vT'^tfw.duvalf l e e t . com PALM COAST A P R I L 14.xlsx F L O R i p A COUNTIES AH About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 52,000 L B . GVWR CAB & CHASSIS - 4X6 TANDEM A X L E TRACTOR (ONLY) SPECIFICATION #12 2014 Mack C or G Series The Mack C or G Series purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requirements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: Western Northern Central Southern BASE PRICE: $92,351.00 $92,717.00 $92,717.00 $92,717.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to vary firom agency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determme the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official hsting of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtainedfi-omthe appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those listed here may be available through the dealers, however, those hsted here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 403 VEHICLE: DEALER: C or G Series Capital Truck, Inc. ZONE: BASE PRICE: Western $92,351.00 1362174 ^ 1361327^ 1361327 ^ 136132?'* Nextran Truck Center Lake City Northern $92,717.00 Transmission upgrade - specify Nextran Truck Center Tampa Central $92,717.00 Nextran Truck Center Miami Southern $92,717.00 $4,250.00' $2,436.00^ $2,436.00^ $2,436.00'* $2,377.00^ $7,610.00^ $7,610.00^ $7,610.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00^ $0.00'* $26,500.00^ NA NA NA $3,030.00^ $3,030.00^ $3,030.00'* NA $4,016.00^ $4,016.00^ $4,016.00'* NA $0.00^ $0.00^ $0.00'* NA $0.00^ $0.00^ $0.00'* NA $0.00^ $0.00^ $0.00'* NA NA NA NA $38,500.00' NA NA NA CNG conversion (discuss with dealer) NA NA NA NA LPG conversion (discuss with dealer) NA NA NA NA $22,247.00' NA NA NA FULLER FRO-miOC 18 SPEED I MACK T-318. 18 SPD MAXl TORQUE 2 MACK T-318 18 SPD MAXl-TORQUE 3 MACK T-318 18 SPD MAXl-TORQUE ^ 1361329 ' 1361423 ^ 1361423 ^ 1361423 * Transmission upgrade - specify MACKT3132113 SPEED 1 MACK TMDaAOw/OVERDRIVE (AUTOMATED) 2 MACKTMD12AOw/OVERDRIVE"mDRIVEPREM" 3 MACK TMD12A0 w/OVERDRlVE "mDRIVE" PREMIUM 4 Transmission upgrade - specify SEE DEALER 2 SEE DEALER 3 SEE DEALER 4 HEAVYl ' 64,000 lb. GVW package NA HEAVY SPEC UNITS, LO-BOY OR HEAVY HAULER ' 1861508^ 1861508 ^ 1861508"* GVWR upgrade - specify 58,000 GVWR 12F-64R 2 58000 GVWR 58000 2401507 ^ 2401507 ^ 2401507 "* I2F46R^ GTTVR12F46R^ GVWR upgrade - specify 60,600 GVWR 14 6F-46R 2 60600 GVWR 14.6F46R 3 60600GVWR 14.6F46R 4 GVWR upgrade - specify SEE DEALER 2 SEE DEALER 3 SEE DEA LER 4 GVWR upgrade - specify SEE DEALER 2 SEE DEALER 3 SEE DEALER 4 GVWR upgrade - specify SEE DEALER 2 SEE DEALER 3 SEE DEALER 4 Bi-fiiel model - specify 1003220 ' CNG model - specify CUMMINS ISL-D 345 HP ENGINE 1 1364938 ^ Allison 4000RDS Auto Transmission to include synthetic oil, TES 295 or approved equivalent ALUSON 4000-RDS-6 1 Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 405 VEHICLE: C or G Series DEALER: Capital Truck, Inc. Nextran Truck Center Lake City Nextran Truck Center Tampa Nextran Truck Center Miami ZONE: BASE PRICE: Western Northern Central Southern $92,351.00 $92,717.00 $92,717.00 $92,717.00 MACK^ MACK^ 1861508'* 1861508 ' 1861508^ 1861508 ^ 1861508'' HR-AWCB 2 HR-AWCB ^ lOOOOhe'* WETKIT2LINE WLLBDT^ WLLBDT^ 20001b Rear Suspension: 46,000 lb Chalmers, Hendrickson, Mack, Volvo "T" ride or equivalent NA $3,030.00^ $3,030.00^ $3,030.00'' $2,335.00' $3,030.00^ $3,030.00^ $3,030.00" NA $1,400.00^ $1,400.00^ $2,747.00" $6,100.00' $4,542.00^ $4,542.00^ $5,113.00" $5,400.00' $5,100.00^ $4,542.00^ $5,030.00" $6,100.00' $5,300.00^ $6,594.00^ $6,111.00" $1,026.00' $141.00^ $141.00^ $141.00" Std Std Std Std" NA NA $1,140.00' hicl. Incl. Incl." $14,765.00' $20.00^ $20.00^ $20.00" mcK^ Rear Suspension: 46,000 lb air ride MACK AL-46J HEAVY SPEC 1 MACK'^ MACK^ Headrack; Aluminimi w/jallhouse window, (2) chain boxes, locking chain racks headache rack, aluminum, w/jailhouse wind & 2 boxes/loclcing chairt raclis ^ Hydraulic Wet Line Kit for Low Boy application HYDRAULIC OIL 1 WET LINE KIT INSTALL LOWBOY OR DUMP LOWBOY + DUMP TRAILER TRAILER TO MEET SPEC WITH 2 3 fiydraulic wet kit for low boy 4 WETKITSINGLE WLDTLB^ WLDTLB^ 2000dp '* Hydraulic Wet Line Kit for trailer dump application WETKrrFOR LOWBOY DUMP DUMP + DUMP TRAILER SINGLE TRAILER + LOWBOY LINE WTTH OIL 1 COMBO 2 COMBO 3 Ijydraulic wet kitfor dump trailer 4 WETKITHI WLTTWF^ WLTTWF^ 2000tt'' 2901116 1 2902072' 2902072 • 2902072' Hydraulic Wet Line Kit for transfer trailer/or walking floor WETKTTFOR WALKING - TRANSFER TRAILER WITH OIL 1 fiydraulic wet kitfor transfer or walking floor trailer 4 Dual fiiel tanks, or equivalent DUAL FUEL TANKS DUAL 72 GAL 2 DUAL 72 GL ROUND DUAL 72 GL I 3 ROUND Cab suspension - air ride air ride cab 4 Nitrogen filled tires including spare tire not available 4 2540400 1 Driver controlled differential lock DRIVER CONTROLED DIFF. LOCK. BOTH WHEELS N A NA" 1 included 4 FA43326 1640001 • 1640001 • 1640001 ' Bid Award Optional equipment - specify TBEI OX DUMP BODY 16/18 YARD 1 TWO (2) DASHUOUNTED INSTALL 2 SWITCHES FOR TWO (2) DASHMOUNTED EQUIP 3 SWTTCHES FOR OPTIONAL TWO (2) DASHMOUNTED EQUIP 4 SWITCHES FOR OPTIONAL Announcement (13-11-O904} LOCAL 407 PRICING SUMMARY CHASSIS BASE List Price Factory Options Freight $176,543.00 $33,960.00 $2,050.00 Less Additional Factory Rebate Sales Allowances T O T A L FACTORY $212,553.00 Locally Installed Options $49,800.00 $0.00 $262,353.00 $103,481.77 Soft Products/Bulldog Pretection Plans TOTAL F A C T O R Y & LOCAL Less Customer Discount from List SELLING P R I C E (Excluding T a x e s / F e e s / T r a d e ) Less Trade Allowances per New Vehicle Q U O T E D PRICE OR T R A D E DIFFERENCE OBD Surcharge Net FRET or Canadian GST Taxes Tire Tax Credit (Municipal Only) Sales/Usage Taxes License/Title/Etc. Misc Fees not subject ot FRET $158,871.23 $0.00 $158,871.23 $590.00 $0.00 ($293.90) $0.00 $0.00 $795.67 A C Q U I S T I O N COST (Include T r a d e if applies) Less Down Payment $159,963.00 B A U N C E D U E Per Unit $159,963.00 PRICE (Total O r d e r ) B A U N C E D U E (Total Order) $159,963.00 $159,963.00 PRICE INCLUDES S H E R I F F B E D FEE O F $795.67 BID # 1 3 - 1 1 - 0 9 0 4 - N U M B E R 12 Customer Signature Date Prepared For: CIPi' OF PALM COAST PALM COAST Phone: Fax: - Dealer Signature Presented By; MIKE GRASER Nextran Truck Center Jacksonville, Florida 32209 904-354-3721 Date Prepared For: Presented By: CITY OF PALM COAST Page 1 Jacksonville 1986W. Beaver Street J a c k s o n v i l l e , Florida PALM COAST 32209 904-354-3721 Apr 11, 2014 2015CHU613 Ref#: A G P U 0 3 0 0 1 5 A Description List Price ORDER/CUSTOIUIEFyVEHICLE INFORIMATION INITIAL REGISTRATION LOCATION, UNITED STATES, FLORIDA LANGUAGE, ENGLISH IDLE EMISSION CERTIFICATION, IDLE EMISSION CERTIFICATION - GARB 08 TYPE OF SERVICE, MUNICIPAL VEHICLE APPLICATION CLASS, ON-HIGHWAY CLASS "A" - Unlimited operation on concrete, asptialt, or maintained gravel/packed dirt with a maximum 3% grade; limited operation on concrete, asphalt, or maintained gravel/packed dirt with maximum 8% grade. No operation on unmaintained surfaces. (3 AXLES) 64,000 lbs (29,030 kg) MAX GVW. (4 AXLES) 80,000 lbs (36,288 kg) MAX GVW. CARRIER APPLICATION, WITH CRD150-151, Unlimited miles on 3% grade maintained gravel/packed dirt or paved. Max 5% miles on 8% grade maintained gravel/packed dirt or paved. 115000* (52000 kg) MAX GCW. (Carrier Code USA-Canada - H2) VEHICLE TYPE, TRACTOR FOR 5TH WHEEL VEHICLE USE AND BODY/TRAILER TYPE, MACHINERY On Hwy 110000* (49895 kg) G C W RATING BRAKE - STOPPING DISTANCE, BRAKE REGULATION, STOPPING DISTANCE 76M (250FT) FILE STATUS, QUOTE PRICE BOOK LEVEL, 2015A PRICE BOOK LEVEL PRODUCT TYPE, PRODUCT TYPE - CMM64T TRACTOR PRODUCT CLASS, PRODUCT CLASS 28 BACK OFFICE PROCESS, BACK OFFICE PROCESS BVS/FRTAXLE PCS/SALES PACKAGES CHASSIS (BASE MODEL), CHU603 6-WHEEL TRACTOR $176,543.00 ENGINE/TRANSIMiSSION/CLUTCH ENGINE, MACK MP8-445C 445 HP ©1500-1700 RPM (PEAK) 1760 L B FT. MAX T O R Q U E @ 1100-1300 $1,071.00 RPM TRANSMISSION, 12 S P E E D AUTOMATED MANUAL, MACK TMD12AO mDRIVE (11.73/0.78) - PREMIUM $12,387.00 W/OVERDRIVE CLUTCH, SELF ADJUSTING, CLS43B-0 MERITOR/SACHS, SINGLE PLATE 17", ORGANIC MATL EXHAUST/EMISSIONS DPF, CLEARTECH HHS DPF RH SIDE UNDER CAB W/SCR FRAME MTD RH SIDE EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEM, EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEM CERAMIC PASSIVE REGEN DPF SMART SWITCH, NO INHIBIT DPF REGENERATION SWITCH EXHAUST, DPF, OUTBOARD, SINGLE (R/S) VERTICAL STRAIGHT EXHAUST STACK TURNED OUT FURNISH S T E E L PAINTED HEAT SHIELD F O R FRAME MTD MACK C A P DPF ENGINE EQUIPMENT AIR COMPRESSOR, MERITOR/WABCO 318 18.7 CFM ALTERNATOR, DELCO 12V 130A (24SI) BRUSH-TYPE B A T T E R I E S , (3) MACK 12V 650/1950 C C A T H R E A D E D STUD T Y P E W / K A L A S C A B L E S BUG SCREEN, BLACK ALUMINUM MOUNTED BEHIND GRILLE TO -34 DEGREES F (-37 DEGREES C) MACK C O O L A N T CONDITIONER ENGINE B R A K E , MACK P O W E R L E A S H $88.00 CITY OF PALM COAST Ref#: AGPU030015A Description Page 3 List Price HEADLINER, VINYL COVERED FOAM PADDED HEADLINER HOOD INSULATION PAINTED HOOD LATCHES HORN - AIR, (1) MACK R E C T A N G U L A R S I N G L E TRUMPET HORN - ELECTRIC, SINGLE TONE IDENTIFICATION/CLEARANCE LIGHTS, (5) TRUCKLITE LED CHROME BULLET TYPE LAMPS $141.00 IN-DASH STORAGE, W/O UPPER STORAGE OPTION INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DISPLAY, CO-PILOT DRIVER DISPLAY, ENHANCED 4.5" DIAGONAL LCD DISPLAY W/4-BUTTON STALK CONTROL INTERIOR TRIM (GENUINE - SLATE GRAY) 3 overhead storage compartments w/nets, rear panel with storage pouch w/2 trash bag hooks, 2 cup holders, slate gray door panels & trim, vinyl padded interior sun visors both sides, adjustable tilt/telescoping steering column, 2 overhead dome lights, 1 driver overhead spot light & 1 map non-glare overhead spot light, 2 12V power outlets, 2 coat hangers, RH center storage compartment. CHASSIS KEYED AT RANDOM - 2 KEYS MIRRORS - EXTERIOR, HTD & ILLUMINATED BULLDOGS $346.00 MIRRORS - CONVEX TYPE CAB DOORS, BRIGHT FINISH, LH & RH 8" DIA. HEATED CONVEX $109.00 MIRRORS - PROXIMITY, RECT CONVEX ABOVE RH DOOR WINDOW $43.00 OVERHEAD CONSOLE, (2) STORAGE COMPARTMENTS W/NET AM/FM STEREO CD W/WEATHERBAND RADIO ANTENNA, ROOF MOUNTED RADIO ANTENNA - CB, DUAL FIBERGLASS, MIRROR MTD PROVIDE MOUNTING PLATE AND VELCRO STRAP IN HEADER CONSOLE $105.00 $23.00 C A B (S thru Z) SEAT - DRIVER, BOSTROM TALLADEGA 915 (HI-BACK) AIR SUSPENSION S E A T - RIDER, MACK FIXED (HI-BACK) NON-SUSPENSION $132.00 $39.00 SEAT ARM RESTS, INBOARD MOUNTED ARM REST, DRIVER'S SEAT ONLY SEAT COVERING, ALL VINYL DRIVER & RIDER SEATS SEAT BELTS, LAP AND SHOULDER W/CAB MOUNTED SHOULDER BELT WITH FIXED D-RING FOR DRIVER AND RIDER SEATS STEERING COLUMN, ADJUSTABLE TILT TELESCOPE STEERING WHEEL, TWO SPOKE URETHANE GRIP PAINTED SPOKES & BULLDOG HORN CAP STORAGE POUCH REAR SUN VISOR - INTERIOR, BOTH SIDES (PADDED VINYL) WITH TICKET HOLDER TURN SIGNAL SWITCH, MANUAL CANCELLING TURN SIGNALS VENTILATION - CAB, RH DOOR PEEP WINDOW W/FRESNEL LENS $52.00 WINDSHIELD, 2-PIECE WINDSHIELD C A B - S L E E P E R BOX COMMUNICATIONS S Y S T E M S GUARDDOG CONNECT W/DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES FRAME EQUIPMENT/FUEL T A N K S BUMPER - FRONT, STAINLESS STEEL CLAD ALUMINUM FLUSH MTD 117.3"/2980 mm BBC (CORPORATE 94" X 15.5") CROSSMEMBERS, HIGHWAY SEVERE DUTY BOC AND BCL CROSSMEMBERS $149.00 BOXED AND TAPERED CROSSMEMBER FIFTH WHEEL, AIR SLIDE - LH RELEASE (BOLTED TO OUTBOARD MTG ANGLES), HOLLAND FW35 $413.00 CITY OF PALM COAST Rem: AGPU030015A °®^'="P"°" Page 5 List Price W/O SHOCK INSULATORS SLACK ADJUSTERS - REAR, HALDEX - AUTOMATIC SUSPENSION - AXLE SPACING, 52" AXLE SPACING (BOGIE WHEELBASE) S U S P E N S I O N - HEIGHT CONTROL KIT, MACK C O N T R O L KIT W/WARNING LIGHT AND B U Z Z E R $60.00 SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS - QUANTITY, (4) CHAMBERS SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS - VENDOR, HALDEX REAR SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS 30/30 TYPE TRANSVERSE TORQUE RODS (BOTH AXLES) DRIVER CONTROLLED INTER WHEEL DIFFERENTIAL LOCK BOTH RR AXLES, MANUAL AIR VALVE $1,807.00 W/WARNING LIGHT. FRAME/WHEELBASE/PLATFORM WHEELBASE, 219" (5570 mm) WB 132" CA (3447 mm) PLATFORM, 188" LP (4777 mm) 56" AF (1430 mm) USED WITH 219" WB $272.00 FRAME RAILS, 11.81" x 3.54" x .37" (300 x 90 x 9.5mm) STEEL Section Modulus: 20.6 cu in/RBM 2,470,000 $581.00 in lbs per rail AIR/BRAKE AIR DRYER, MERITOR/WABCO HEATED AIR DRYER, 1200 W/COALESCING OIL FILTER ANTI-LOCK B R A K E S Y S T E M , MACK ROAD STABILITY ADVANTAGE BENDIX A B S / A T C / E S P W/YAW CONTROL ATC DISABLE SWITCH, W/O AUTOMATIC TRACTION CONTROL (ATC) DISABLE SWITCH W/O COLLISION WARNING SYSTEM WITHOUT ACB VOLUME LEVEL BfRAKE CONTROL VALVE SYSTEM, TWO (2) VALVE DUAL BRAKE SYSTEM - TRAILER SUPPLY AND TRACTOR-TRAILER PARK DRAIN VALVES, MANUAL DRAIN VALVES, WITH LANYARD ON SUPPLY TANK ONLY HAND CONTROL VALVE FOR TRAILER BRAKES WITHOUT SPRING BRAKE INVERSION VALVE LOW PROFILE DECK PLATE (Useable CA, 112"-129") $980.00 T R A I L E R CONNECTIONS TRAILER AIR CONNECTIONS, TRAILER AIR BRAKE CONNECTIONS, BACK OF CAB 15' COILED $62.00 GLAD HAND COUPLINGS - NORTH AMERICAN STD COILED-15FT. $62.00 ELECTRICAL BATTERY BOX COVERS, MOLDED PLASTIC BATTERY BOX - MOUNTING, STEEL BASE FORWARD OF LH FUEL TANK FLAMING RIVER BIG SWITCH WIRED ON POSITIVE SIDE BATTERY SHOCK PADS $181 00 57 00 CHASSIS & POWER HARNESS WITH STANDARD CASING TRIPLES TRAILER ELECTRICAL PACKAGE INCLUDES: 12 GAUGE WIRE FOR TURN SIGNALS, 12 GAUGE WIRE AND 30 AMP CIRCUIT W/RELAY FOR CLEARANCE AND MARKER LAMPS, 10 GAUGE WIRE AND 20 AMP CIRCUIT W/RELAY FOR STOP LAMPS, 12 GAUGE WIRE AND 20 AMP CIRCUIT W/RELAY FOR TAIL LAMPS, AND 8 GAUGE WIRE FOR GROUND ELECTRIC CIRCUIT PROTECTION PACKAGE, ALL CIRCUITS FUSE/BREAKER PROTECTED WATERPROOF ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SPRAYED W/PROTECTIVE COATING TRAILER HOOK-UP LIGHT, SINGLE, SURFACE MOUNTED, INCANDESCENT $68.00 CITY OF PALM COAST Ref#: AGPU030015A Description EHT VEHICLE SPEED RANGE LIMIT (MPH) 10 mph EHT RAMP RATE (RPM/Sec) EHT SINGLE SPEED CONTROL ACTIVATION Omit EHT SINGLE SPEED CONTROL SET SPEED (RPM) 0000 rpm EHT JUMP-TO-MIN SET SPEED Omit EHT HOLD TO NEAREST RPM 50 rpm EHT ACCEL-DECEL BUMP-UP RPM 50 rpm EHT ACCEL-DECEL BUMP-DOWN RPM 50 rpm ENGINE PROTECTION - OIL PRESSURE SHUTDOWN Furnish ENGINE PROTECTION - COOLANT LEVEL SHUTDOWN Omit ENGINE PROTECTION - COOLANT TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish ENGINE PROTECTION - ENGINE OIL TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish ENGINE PROTECTION TRANS OIL TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish ALLOW FAN OVERRIDE WHEN PARKED Omit FAN ACTIVATION WITH PTO Omit FUEL ECONOMY INCENTIVE FOR USE WITH INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DISPLAY (COJ 0002) FEI PENALTY TARGET FUEL ECONOMY No Driver Incentive FEI PENALTY TARGET FUEL ECONOMY (MPG) 0.0 FEI PENALTY VEHICLE SPEED DECREASE (MPH) 0 mph FEI REWARD TARGET FUEL ECONOMY (MPG) 0.0 FEI REWARD VEHICLE SPEED INCREASE (MPH) 0 mph FEI DISTANCE CALCULATION INTERVAL (Miles) 00 GOVERNOR SETTINGS FOR USE WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS GOVERNOR TYPE Min-Max Govemor ENGINE HIGH IDLE SPEED IF STOPPED 0000 VEHICLE ACCELERATION LIMITING FEATURE Disable REDUCED ENGINE RPM RANGE IN UPPER GEARS FEATURE Disable ENGINE RPM LIMIT IN UPPER GEARS 1950 1st TRANS RATIO FOR REDUCED HIGH IDLE 0000 LAST TRANS RATIO FOR FULL HIGH IDLE 0000 ENGINE LOW IDLE SET SPEED (RPM) 650 rpm DRIVER LOW IDLE ADJUST FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit SMART IDLE FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit SMART IDLE ELEVATED IDLE RPM TIME (MINS) 10 IDLE S/D ABS TAMPER CHECK Omit IDLE COOLDOWN FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit IDLE SHUTDOWN FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit IDLE SHUTDOWN TIME (MINS) 10 IDLE SHUTDOWN WARNING TIME (SECS) 30 IDLE SHUTDOWN WARM-UP TEMPERATURE (DEG F) 100 IDLE SHUTDOWN WARM-UP TIMER (MINS) 5 IDLE S/D OVERRIDE W/EHT Omit IDLE S/D OVERRIDE W/PTO Furnish IDLE S/D OVERRIDE W/ENGINE LOAD Furnish IDLE S/D OVERRIDE % ENGINE LOAD THRESHOLD 20 IDLE S/D CONTROL W/O Idle Shutdown Page 7 List Price FLORIDA COUNTIES All About Fhnda FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCL4TION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 52,000 LB. GVWR CAB & CHASSIS - 4X6 TANDEM A X L E TRUCK SPECIFICATION #13 2014 Mack C or G Series ^"'vT'^ tW^mnH?, '^"''^^^ this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for "w^Jd^^^^^^ BASE PRICE: Western Northern Central Southern -Nobid- $101,737.00 $101,737.00 $101,737.00 While the Florida Sheriffi Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment c^oL to Items most often requested by participatmg agencies for foil size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are IllL r„urr.lr°tn?T^^? ^ ourprogram, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. l^e following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you iu approximating the total cost ^^i, V^t Tfr ? ' ° order through this program. Simply deduct the cost of any of the following equipment items you t T f l T ™"/^.°f .^'^"^ '^o^t °f ^q^iP"^™t items you wish added to the base mii? cost to determL the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. liil NOTE: An official listing of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when h'steTl^f/rtf '''''' T ^'l^^^l^ft''^' listed here must be honored by the dealers m your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award AnnourLcement (13-11 -0904) ^^^^ "^^y available toough the dealers, however Z s e , , 443 VEHICLE: C or G Series DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: Order Code Nextran Truck Center - Lake City Nextran Truck Center - Tampa Nextran Truck Center - Miami Western Northern Central Soutliem -No bid- $101,737.00 $101,737.00 5101,737.00 Delete Options Western Northern Central Southern Engine/transmission - specify NA NA NA Engine/transmission - specify NA NA NA Engine/transmission - specify NA NA NA Engine/transmission - specify NA NA NA Order Code Add Options 1001546 ^ 1001546 ^ 1001546" Engine upgrade - specify Western Northern MACKMP7 405 HP^ Central Southern $1,473.00^ $1,473.00^ $1,473.00" $3,559.00^ $3,559.00^ $3,559.00" $4,289.00^ $4,289.00^ $4,289.00" NA^ $5,751.00^ $5,751.00" NA NA $481.00^ $481.00^ $481.00" $1,588.00^ $1,588.00^ $1,588.00" $1,302.00^ $1,302.00^ $1,302.00" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA SO.OO^ $0.00" MACKMP7-405 3 UACKMP7-405 4 1001557 ^ 1001557^ 1001557" Engine upgrade - specify MACK MPS 425 HP ^ MACKMP8-425 3 MACKMP8-425 4 1001559 ^ 1001558 ^ 1001558 " Engine upgrade - specify MACK MPS 455 HP 2 MACKMPS-455^ MACKMPS-455 4 1001559 ^ 1001559 " Engine upgrade - specify SEE DEALER FOR OTHER OPTIONS 2 MACKMP8-505 3 MACKMP8-505^ Engine upgrade - specify 1361324^ 1361324^ 1361324" Transmission upgrade - specify NA MACK TM 308M 8SPD MAXl TORQUE 2 MACK TM-308M 8 SP MAXl TORQUE w/5 REVERSES = MACK TM-308M 8 SPD MAXl-TORQUE w/5 REVERSES 4 1361311 ^ 1361311 ^ 1361311 " Transmission upgrade - specify MACKT3I0M10 SPD MAXl TORQUE 2 MACK T-310M10 SP MAXl TORQUE w/5 REVERSES 3 MACK T-3I0M10 SPD MAXl-TORQUE w/5 REVERSES 4 162135 ^ 1362135 ^ 1362135" Transmission upgrade - specify FULLER RTO16908LL 10 SPD 2 FULLER RTOl emu 3 FULLER RTO16908LL 4 Transmission upgrade - specify SEE DEALER FOR OTHER OPTIONS 2 SEE DEALER 3 SEE DEALER 4 Transmission upgrade - specify SEE DEALER 3 SEE DEALER 4 Bid Award Announcement (13-11 -0904} 450 VEHICLE: DEALER: C or G Series Nextran Truck Center-Lake ZONE: BASE PRICE: 24015072401507^ 2401507 " 2401500 2401500• 2401500' 2401501 2401501 2401501 Western - N o bid - Nextran Truck Center - Tampa Nextran Tmck Center - Miami Northern Centra] $101,737.00 $101,737.00 Southern $101,737.00 Front Axle: 14,000 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs NA NA NA Front Axle: 14,600 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs $986.00^ $986.00^ $986.0o" Front Axle: 16,000 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs NA NA Front Axle: 18,000 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs NA $2,021.00^ $2,021.00^ $2,021.0o" MACKFAXLIS^ Front Axle: 20,000 lb. rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs $2,221.00V $2,021.00^ $2,021.0o" MACKFAXL20 3 FXL20^ 1861035 1861035 • 1861035' Rear Axle; 46,000 lb Arvin Meritor, Eaton, Mack, or equivalent $3,103.00^ $3,103.00^ $3,103.0o" NA^ NA $7,147.00" NA^ $12,195.00^ $8,285.00" MACKSS462 2 MACKSS462 3 rla-lOOO Rigid Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 13,200 lb rating air lift to include 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels SEE DEALER FOR ALL OP JONS 2 rigid lift axle. 13,200 lbs. cap. to include tires & wiieels 4 1690104^ 169-0104' Steerable Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 13,200 lb rating an lift to mclude 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels SEE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 WATSONCHALINSL-1I87 3 steerable lift axle. 13,200 lbs. cap. to include tires & wlieels 4 rla-2000' Rigid Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 20,000 lb rating air lift to include 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels NA^ $0.00^ $8,285.00'* SEE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEE DEALER 3 rigid lift axle, 20,000 lbs cap. to mclude tires & wlieels 4 169103 169-0103 Steerable Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 20,000 lb rating an lift to include 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels NA^ $15,130.00^ $11,635.00" SE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 WATSON CHALIN 2089 3 steerable lift axle, 20,000 lbs. cap. to include tires & wheels 4 Rear Suspension: 40,000 lb air ride 1861035 1861035 • 1861035' Rear Suspension: 46,000 lb Chabners, Hendrickson, Mack, Volvo "T"rideor equivalent NA NA Std $3,103.00^ $3,103.00^ $3,103.0o" MACKSS462 CAMELBACK 2 MACKSS462 CAMELBACK 3 MACKSS462 CAMELBACK 4 Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904} 452 VEHICLE: C or G Series DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: Western --Nobid- Nextran Truck Center - Lake City Nextran Truck Center - Tampa Nextran Track Center - Miami Northern Central $101,737.00 $101,737.00 Southern $101,737.00 Optional mounted body - specify NA $0.00 $0.00'* NA $0.00 $0.00'* $130.00^ $130.00^ $130.00" $20.00^ $20.00^ $20.00'* $97.00^ $97.00^ $97.00'* $185.00^ $185.00^ $185.00'* $604.00^ $604.00^ $604.00" $59.00^ $59.00^ $59.00" $91.00^ $91.00^ $91.00" $145.00^ $145.00^ $145.00" $200.00^ $200.00^ $200.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" see dealer 4 Optional mounted body - specify see dealer ^ 1830002 18300021830002' Optional equipment - specify FEPTO (1350 FLANGE ADAPTERS) + & FRAME EXT. 2 FEPTO (1350 FLANGE ADAPTER) 6" EXTENDED FRAME 3 FEPTO (1350 FLANGE ADAPTER) 6" EXTENDED FRAME 4 1640001 1640001 1640001' Optional equipment - specify (2) DASHMOUNTED SWrTCHED FOR LOCAL INSTALL 2 TWO DASHMOUNTED SWTTCHES FOR LOCAL OPTIONS 3 TWO (2) DASHMOUNTED SWITCHES FOR LOCAL OPTIONS 4 31200103120010" 3120010' Optional equipment - specify LED CAB LIGHTS 2 CAB ID LIGHTS BULLET CHROME TRUCKLITE LED 3 CAB ID LIGHTS BULLET CHROME TRUCK LTTE LED 4 1579001 1579001 1579001 Optional equipment - specify EXTERIOR SUN VISOR PAINTED CAB COLOR 2 EXTERIOR SUN VISOR (PAINTED CAB COLOR) 3 EXTERIOR SUN VISOR (PAINTED CAB COLOR) 4 1522113 1522113 1522113 • Optional equipment - specify WEST COAST MIRRORS, HEATED 2 WEST COAST MIRRORS AERODYNAMIC HEATED+MOTORlZED'i WEST COAST MIRRORS AERODYNAMIC HEATED+MOTORIZED'^ CODOOOl CODOOOl CODOOOl Optional equipment - specify A UXIN-CAB PNEUMATIC LINE CLEAN OUT 2 AUXIN-CAB PNEUMATIC LINE CLEAN OUT 3 AUXIN-CAB PNEUMATIC LINE CLEAN OUT 4 B660002B660002B660002' Optional equipment - specify DASH MTD. INDICATOR, BODY/HOIST "up" LIGHT 2 DASH MTD. INDICATOR, BODY/HOIST "up" BODY LAMP 3 DASH MTD. INDICATOR, BODY/HOIST "up" BODY UMP 4 COCOOOl COCOOOl COCOOOl 191900719190071919007' Optional eqmpment - specify WORKUGHTS LH & RH LED MOUNDED ON STEPS 2 WORK LIGHTS RH/LH LED UGHTS STEPS+GROUND BOTH SIDES 3 WORK LIGHTS RH/LH LED LIGHTS STEPS+GROUND BOTH SIDES 4 Optional equipment - specify PTO CONTROL SWITCH w/LIGHT- PREWIRED PLUMED 2 PTO-CONTROL SWITCH WTTH UGHT-PREWIRED+PIPED 3 PTO-CONTROL SWITCH WTTH UGHT - PREWIRED+PIPED 4 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 454 VEHICLE: DEALER: C or G Series ZONE: BASE PRICE: Nextran Truck Center - Lake City Nextran Truck Center -• Tampa Nextran Truck Center -Miami Western Northern Central "No bid- $101,737.00 $101,737.00 Southern $101,737.00 Optional equipment - specifv NA $0.00 $o.oo" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" SEEDEALER 4 Optional equipment - specifv SEEDEALER 4 ^ Optional equipment - specifv •SEEDEALER^ Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Temporary tag SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 registration (must provide tag number) l^^^mf"^^ SEEDEALER 4 ^EED^lf^ ^'^""'^ ""y- ^t'^-) SEEDEALER 4 Maintenance Plan - specify SEE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEE DEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 Maintenance Plan - specify SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 Maintenance Plan - specifv SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 BRONZE BULLDOG BRONZE BULLDOG Warranty - specify SEEDEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEEDEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Wairanfy - specify SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Warranty - specify SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Diesel Warranty - specify SEEDEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Diesel Warranty - specify SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEE DEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904} 455 Sept 12, 2014 2015 MACK GU813 Engine UUMP 4Q5HP Front A x l e 2 0 , 0 0 0 # FXL20 Suspension 20,000# iTires Transmission 4500-RDS-6 Clutch O M I T CLUTCH Rear Axle 4 4 , 0 0 0 # S440 Ratio 4 . 1 9 Suspension 4 4 , 0 0 0 # SS440 Front: 425/65R22.5 Wheels Rear: 1 1 R 2 4 . 5 2 2 . 5 x 1 2 . 2 5 A L U M I N U M DISC 2 4 . 5 X 8 . 2 5 STEEL DISC (10 HOLE) GVW: 64,000# Fuel Tanks GCW: 8 0 , 0 0 0 # LH: 6 5 gal RH: 5 0 gal PRICING SUMMARY CHASSIS BASE List Price Factory Options Freight $101,737.00 $14,858.36 $2,050.00 Less A d d i t i o n a l Factory R e b a t e Sales A l l o w a n c e s TOTAL FACTORY Locally Installed O p t i o n s $118,645.36 $19,560.00 S o f t P r o d u c t s / B u l l d o g P r e t e c t i o n Plans $0.00 TOTAL FACTORY & LOCAL $138,205.36 Less C u s t o m e r D i s c o u n t f r o m List $0.00 SELLING PRICE ( E x c l u d i n g T a x e s / F e e s / T r a d e ) Less T r a d e A l l o w a n c e s p e r N e w V e h i c l e $138,205.36 Q U O T E D PRICE OR TRADE DIFFERENCE OBD S u r c h a r g e $138,205.36 $0.00 $590.00 N e t FRET o r Canadian GST Taxes $0.00 Tire Tax Credit ( M u n i c i p a l O n l y ) ($235.12) Sales/Usage Taxes License/Title/Etc. $0.00 Misc Fees n o t s u b j e c t o t FRET $0.00 $692.80 A C Q U I S T I O N COST (Include T r a d e if a p p l i e s ) $139,253.04 Less D o w n P a y m e n t B A U N C E D U E Per Unit PRICE (Total O r d e r ) $139,253.04 B A U N C E D U E (Total O r d e r ) $139,253.04 $139,253.04 Sheriff Bid F e e of $ 6 9 2 . 8 0 is Included in price. This is a D u m p w i t h 16' Rogers Body BID # 1 3 - 1 1 - 0 9 0 4 - N U M B E R 13 Customer Signature Date Prepared For: CITY OF PALM COAST 1 WELLFIELO GRADE PALM COAST, FL 32137 Phone: -Fax:- O n / O f f Hwy STRAIGHT TRUCK W I T H TRAILER MACK M P 7 - 4 0 S M Dealer Signature Presented By: MIKE GRABER Nextran Truck Center Jacksonville, Florida 32209 904-354-3721 Date Prepared For: CITY OF PALM COAST 1 WELLFIELD GRADE P a l m Coast, FL 3 2 1 3 7 Presented By: Nextran Jacksonville Page 1 1986 W , Beaver Street Jacksonville, Florida 3 2 2 0 9 904-354-3721 A p r 10, 2 0 1 4 2015GU813 Ref#: A G P U 0 2 9 8 1 5 A Pid Code Description ORDER/CUSTOIWERA/EHICLE INFORIViATION 5050011 INITIAL REGISTRATION LOCATION, UNITED STATES, FLORIDA Opt 5340001 LANGUAGE, ENGLISH Std CIR0003 IDLE EMISSION CERTIFICATION, IDLE EMISSION CERTIFICATION - CARB 08 Std 0130002 TYPE OF SERVICE, MUNICIPAL Opt APP00Q3 VEHICLE APPLICATION CLASS, HEAVY VOCATIONAL - Unlimited operation on concrete, asphalt, or Opt maintained gravel/packed dirt with a maximum 3% grade; limited operation on unmaintained surfaces with maximum 5% grade; limited operation on concrete, asphalt, or maintained gravel/packed dirt with maximum 10% grade. (3 AXLES) 78,000 lbs (35,281 kg) MAX GVW. (4 AXLES) 80,000 lbs (36,288 kg) MAX GVW. CAR0090 CARRIER APPLICATION, WITH CRD150-151, Unlimited miles on 3% grade maintained gravel/packed dirt or Std paved. Max 15% miles on 10% grade maintained gravel/packed dirt or paved. Max 10% miles on 5% unmaintained, maintained gravel, packed dirt, or paved. 90000* (41000 kg) MAX GCW. (Carrier Code USA-V1) 0010002 VEHICLE TYPE, STRAIGHT TRUCK WITH TRAILER 0061790 VEHICLE USE AND BODY/TRAILER TYPE, DUMP On/Off Hw^y GCW0080 80000# (36287 kg) GCW RATING 6450310 BRAKE - STOPPING DISTANCE, BRAKE REGULATION, STOPPING DISTANCE 94M (310FT) Std PB1015A PRICE BOOK LEVEL, 2015A PRICE BOOK LEVEL Std Opt PT10D07 PRODUCT TYPE, PRODUCT TYPE - CML64R TRUCK Opt PC10028 PRODUCT CLASS, PRODUCT CLASS 28 Opt BACK OFFICE PROCESS, BACK OFFICE PROCESS Std US00010 BVS/FRT AXLE PCS/SALES PACKAGES 0021304 CHASSIS (BASE MODEL), GU803 6-WHEEL TRUCK Std PK80060 CHASSIS PACKAGING SOLUTIONS, PACKAGE 6 INCLUDES: HHS Emission, B Box LH Rail, Air Under B Opt Box - remaining on rail behind SCR on RH Side REQUIRES: Dual Fuel Tanks or Dual Fuel Tanks with Isolate RH Tank ENGINE/TRANSMISSION/CLUTCH 1001646 ENGINE, MACK MP7-405M 405 HP @1500-1900 RPM (PEAK) 1480 LB FT. MAX T O R Q U E © 1 1 0 0 - 1 3 0 0 Opt RPM 1364540 TRANSMISSION, 6 SPEED AUTOMATIC, ALLISON 4500-RDS-6 (4.70/0.67) RUGGED DUTY SERIES GEN Opt 5 INCLUDES TRANSMISSION COOLER, EXTERNAL OIL COOLER, INTERNAL FILTER, AND OIL LEVEL SENSOR 1330000 CLUTCH, OMIT CLUTCH Inc EXHAUST/EMISSIONS DPF0103 DPF, CLEARTECH HHS DPF RH SIDE UNDER CAB W/SCR FRAME MTD RH SIDE Std EAS0102 EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEM, EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEM DIESEL PARTIC Std FILTER CERAMIC PASSIVE REGEN CS10003 DPF SMART SWITCH, NO INHIBIT DPF REGENERATION SWITCH Std 1305001 EXHAUST, EXHAUST - SINGLE STANCHION OR SINGLE CAB MTD, SINGLE (R/S) VERTICAL STRAIGHT Std 0100002 SINGLE, BRIGHT FINISH HEAT SHIELD, STACK AND SCR COVER Opt B600004 FURNISH S T E E L PAINTED HEAT SHIELD F O R FRAME MTD MACK CAP DPF Std EXHAUST STACK TURNED OUT ENGINE EQUIPMENT 1134100 AIR COMPRESSOR, MERITOR/WABCO 318 18:7 CFM Std CITY OF PALM C O A S T Pid Code Ref#: A G P U 0 2 9 8 1 5 A Page 3 Description 4921003 GEAR SHIFT, DASH MOUNTED SHIFTER Inc 1450001 GLASS - CAB WINDOW, TINTED WINDSHIELD, TINTED SIDE WINDOW AND TINTED REAR WINDOW Std (IF EQUIPPED) 5870021 DIAGONAL GRAB HANDLE ON INSIDE DRIVER'S DOOR B700002 GRILLE - HOOD AIR INTAKE, BRIGHT FINISH GRILLE Opt 4000018 GRILLE, BRIGHT FINISH BARS W/BRIGHT FINISH SURROUND GRILL MOUNTED Opt Opt C A B (H thru R) 8210002 HEADLINER, VINYL COVERED FOAM PADDED HEADLINER Std 6460001 HOOD INSULATION Std 2080001 PAINTED HOOD LATCHES Std 1540002 HORN - AIR, (2) WIACK R E C T A N G U L A R SINGLE TRUMPET (ONE EACH SIDE OF C A B ROOF) Opt 3610002 HORN - ELECTRIC, SINGLE TONE Std 3129010 IDENTIFICATION/CLEARANCE LIGHTS, (5) GROTE LED LAMPS Opt COIOOOO IN-DASH STORAGE, W/O UPPER STORAGE OPTION Opt C0J0012 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DISPLAY, CO-PILOT DRIVER DISPLAY, ENHANCED 4.5" DIAGONAL LCD Std A270005 INSTRUMENT PANEL, BRUSHED NICKEL Opt 0042102 INTERIOR TRIM (PEDIGREE - SANDSTONE) Vinyl headliner, cloth/vinyl seat trim, 2 netted storage Opt DISPLAY W/4-BUTT0N STALK CONTROL compartments and center CB radio mounting provisions in overhead console, rear panel w/ith storage pouch, signature poluurethane floor mat, brushed nickel instrument panel with chrome gauge bezels, diamond pattern fabric on doors, padded interior sun visors both sides, 2 spoke urethane grip brushed nickel spokes, brushed nickel Mack horn cap, adjustable tilt/telescoping steering column, hand crank Ih/rh windows, 2 general overhead lights, 1 dnver overhead light & 1 map non-glare overhead light, 2 12V power sources, 2 cup holders, 2 trash bag hooks, 2 coat hangers, rh storage compartment, seat belt retractors, rh door peep window, lighted door mounted map pocket lights. 1600001 CHASSIS KEYED AT RANDOM - 2 KEYS Std 1522103 MIRRORS - EXTERIOR, HTD & ILLUMINATED BULLDOGS - BRIGHT FINISH Opt 1539008 MIRRORS - CONVEX TYPE, BRIGHT FINISH, LH & RH 8.0" DIA HEATED; MOUNTED BELOW LOWER Opt ARM OF WEST COAST MIRROR 4150003 OVERHEAD CONSOLE, (2) STORAGE COMPARTMENTS AND NET RETAINERS W/CENTER MOUNTING Std FOR CB PROVISIONS POWER OUTLETS, (2) 12-VOLT AUXILIARY POWER OUTLETS - DASH MOUNTED Std 1746004 AM/FM PREMIUM STEREO CD WAA/EATHERBAND, MPS, WMA, BLUETOOTH Opt ACC0001 RADIO - ACC, AUDIO CONNECTOR, USB CONNECT Inc 1560004 RADIO ANTENNA, CAB MOUNTED BEHIND LH DOOR Inc 2030001 RADIO ANTENNA - CB, DUAL FIBERGLASS, MIRROR MTD Opt CB RADIO MOUNTING REINFORCEMENT IN HEADER CONSOLE Std 4320004 CAB (S thru Z) 1962403 SEAT - DRIVER, AIR-BOSTROM TALLADEGA 915 WIDE RIDE; HI BACK Opt 1971116 S E A T - RIDER, MACK FIXED (HI-BACK) W/INTEGRAL S T O R A G E COMPARTMENT Opt 1659000 SEAT ARM RESTS, INBOARD MOUNTED ARM REST, DRIVER'S SEAT ONLY Inc 4850002 SEAT COVERING, CLOTH WA/INYL TRIM DRIVER AND RIDER Inc 5929003 LAP & SHOULDER W/FIXED D-RING FOR DRIVER & RIDER SEATS TO BE ORANGE IN COLOR Opt 3730000 W/O ROOF VENT VENTILATION Std 4390001 STEERING COLUMN, ADJUSTABLE TILT TELESCOPE Std 1610013 STEERING WHEEL, TWO SPOKE URETHANE GRIP BRUSHED NICKEL SPOKES, BRUSHED CHROME Inc CITY O F PALM COAST Pid Code 268 1004 1861034 Ref#: A G P U 0 2 9 8 1 5 A Page 5 Description R E A R A X L E / S U S P E N S I O N , 44000# (199581(g) MACK S440 (268 1004) F A B R I C A T E D S T E E L HOUSING, Opt SS440 MACK MULTILEAF (CAMELBACK) 44000# 7170001 4S/4M SYSTEM REAR WHEEL END SENSORS 9011287 TIRES BRAND/TYPE - REAR, BRIDGESTONE - TUBELESS RADIAL PLY, (8) 11R24.5 14 G M726EL Std Opt (TRACTION) 018 0153 2570419 Opt CARRIER/RATIO - REAR AXLE, CRDP150/151, 4.19 RATIO 267 2000 3462323 WHEELS - REAR, STEEL DISC (10 HOLE) 2534201 (8) 24.5x8.25 (210 mm) ACCURIDE 10-HOLE HUB PILOTED (11 1/4" BOLT CIRCLE) (TWO HAND HOLE) 2632200 BRAKES - REAR, BENDIX ES165-07D, 16.5x7 CAST SPIDER 6380000 BRAKE DRUMS - REAR, CAST OUTBOARD MOUNTED 2641000 DUST SHIELDS - REAR BRAKE, OMIT 2621000 HUBS - REAR, FERROUS OIL SEALS, CHICAGO RAWHIDE (SCOTSEAL) 2560003 2300000 Opt Opt Std Std Std Std Std POWER DIVIDER LOCKOUT W/WARNING LIGHT AND BUZZER (INCLUDES IN CAB MANUAL AIR VALVE) Opt W/O SHOCK INSULATORS Std 2550002 SLACK ADJUSTERS - REAR, HALDEX - AUTOMATIC Std 4020002 SPRINGS, ANTI-SWAY Std 3009005 SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS - VENDOR, MGM MODEL TR-T (TAMPER RESISTANT) 4790001 REAR SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS 30/30 TYPE SL30002 SYNTHETIC LUBRICANT - REAR AXLE, 7 5 W - 90 (SYNTHETIC LUBRICANT) - SYNTHETIC 3290001 TRANSVERSE TORQUE ROD (REAR AXLE ONLY) 2700002 BRONZE TRUNNION BUSHING B430000 W/O PROTECTIVE NYLON SPACER BETWEEN DISCS WHEEL TO DRUM Std Std Opt Inc Inc Std FRAME/WHEELBASE/PLATFORM 2710200 WHEELBASE, 200" (5085 mm) WB 135" CA (3422 mm) 2720197 PLATFORM, 197" LP (5002 mm) 62" AF (1580 mm) USED WITH 200" WB Opt 2741029 FRAME RAILS, 11.811" x 4.13" x .44" (300 x 105 x 11.1mm) STEEL Section Modulus: 35.5 cu in/RBM Opt Opt 4,260,000 in lbs per rail For Partial IC reinforcement 2731006 FRAME REINFORCEMENT - INSIDE, 5MM STEEL CHANNEL USED W/184"-213" LP Opt AIR/BRAKE 2960003 AIR DRYER, MERITOR/WABCO HEATED AIR DRYER, 1200 W/COALESCING OIL FILTER 1410000 W/O RELOCATED AIR TANKS 6980006 ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM, BENDIX WITHOUT TRACTION CONTROL Std 3520100 AIR CONTROL VALVES - VENDOR, BENDIX SWITCHES AND VALVES WHERE POSSIBLE Inc 3020002 BRAKE CONTROL VALVE SYSTEM. TWO (2) VALVE DUAL BRAKE SYSTEM - TRAILER SUPPLY AND Opt Std Std TRACTOR-TRAILER PARK DVA0003 DRAIN VALVES, MANUAL DRAIN VALVES, WITH LANYARDS ON ALL TANKS 3010001 HAND CONTROL VALVE FOR TRAILER BRAKES Opt T R A I L E R CONNECTIONS 5170002 TRAILER AIR CONNECTIONS. TRAILER AIR BRAKE CONNECTIONS, END OF FRAME Opt 3070000 WITHOUT HOSE TENDER Std 3210002 TRAILER ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLE, SINGLE 7 PINS STD SAE TYPE, END OF FRAME Opt 3080000 OMIT TRAILER CONNECTORS HOLDER Std ELECTRICAL 1850001 BATTERY BOX(ES), STEEL Std CITY O F PALM COAST Pid Code Ref#: A G P U 0 2 9 8 1 5 A Page? Description A1Y0002 IDLE LOGGING DELAY (MIN) 2 C0U0024 PERIODIC TRIP HOUR OF DAY Midnight Monthly Trip Summary COVOOOO PERIODIC TRIP DAY OF WEEK 0 (disable) C0W0001 PERIODIC TRIP DAY OF MONTH 1 DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS W/O OVERRIDE SWITCH COQOOOO DRL OVERRIDE SWITCH SPEED THRESHOLD (MPH) 00 COROOOO DRL OVERRIDE SWITCH OFF TIME (MIN) 00 mph C420001 CO-PILOT FLEET TRIP PROGRAMMING ACCESS Fleet Level DOEOOOO FLEET MANAGEMENT VIA CO-PILOT Omit A942100 Std EHT MAX ENGINE SET SPEED (RPM) 2100 rpm A030700 EHT MIN ENGINE SET SPEED (RPM) 700 rpm A010010 EHT VEHICLE SPEED RANGE LIMIT (MPH) 10 mph A970100 EHT RAMP RATE (RPM/Sec) A950000 EHT SINGLE SPEED CONTROL ACTIVATION Omit A960000 EHT SINGLE SPEED CONTROL SET SPEED (RPM) 0000 rpm AE50000 EHT JUMP-TO-MIN SET SPEED Omit A7S0050 EHT HOLD TO NEAREST RPM AD70050 EHT ACCEL-DECEL BUMP-UP RPM AD80050 EHT ACCEL-DECEL BUMP-DOWN RPM A070001 ENGINE PROTECTION - OIL PRESSURE SHUTDOWN Furnish A080000 A060001 . ENGINE PROTECTION-COOLANT LEVEL SHUTDOWN Omit ENGINE PROTECTION - COOLANT TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish C0X0001 ENGINE PROTECTION - ENGINE OIL TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish A2Y0001 ENGINE PROTECTION TRANS OIL TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish A820000 ALLOW FAN OVERRIDE WHEN PARKED Omit A3AO0O0 FAN ACTIVATION WITH PTO Omit FUEL ECONOMY INCENTIVE FOR USE WITH INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DISPLAY (COJ 0002) AK50000 FEI PENALTY TARGET FUEL ECONOMY No Driver Incentive AK70000 FEI PENALTY TARGET FUEL ECONOMY (MPG) 0.0 AK80000 FEI PENALTY VEHICLE SPEED DECREASE (MPH) 0 mph A860000 FEI REWARD TARGET FUEL ECONOMY (MPG) 0.0 AK60000 FEI REWARD VEHICLE SPEED INCREASE (MPH) 0 mph AK90000 FEI DISTANCE CALCULATION INTERVAL (Miles) 00 GOVERNOR SETTINGS FOR USE WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS A260002 GOVERNOR TYPE Min-Max Governor A740000 ENGINE HIGH IDLE SPEED IF STOPPED ENGINE HIGH IDLE SPEED IF STOPPED VEHICLE ACCELERATION LIMITING FEATURE A7UOO0O REDUCED ENGINE RPM RANGE IN UPPER GEARS FEATURE Disable AZQ2100 ENGINE RPM LIMIT IN UPPER GEARS 2100 M7X0000 1st TRANS RATIO FOR REDUCED HIGH IDLE 0000 A7YOO0O LAST TRANS RATIO FOR FULL HIGH IDLE 0000 A110650 ENGINE LOW IDLE SET SPEED (RPM) 650 rpm A100000 DRIVER LOW IDLE ADJUST FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit COKOOOO SMART IDLE FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit Std CITY O F PALM C O A S T Pid Code 4460001 Ref#: A G P U 0 2 9 8 1 5 A Page 9 Description IWANUALS, PEDIGREED PROTECTION PLAN TECH. SERVICE MANUAL PROVIDED Std PILOT INSPECTION, WITHOUT PILOT INSPECTION Opt 16' ROGERS DUMP 18/19 YARD CAP ALLISON AGREEMENT GENERAL TRUCK PINTLE HOOK STANDARD SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Std P E R F O R M A N C E / G R A P H I C S / T E C H DATA 9310001 OVERWIDTH STATEMENT, OVERALL WIDTH EXCEEDS 96" Inc S O F T P R O D U C T S / B U L L D O G PROTECTION MGD0002 2 YEARS COVERAGE Std FLORIDA COUNTIES All About Florida FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION & FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 52,000 L B . GVWR CAB & CHASSIS - 4X6 TANDEM A X L E TRUCK SPECIFICATION #13 2014 Mack C or G Series The Mack C or G Series purchased through this contract comes with all the standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and FSA's base vehicle specification(s) requkements which are included and made a part of this contract's vehicle base price as awarded by specification by zone. ZONE: Western Northern Central Southern BASE PRICE: -Nobid- $101,737.00 $101,737.00 $101,737.00 While the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties have attempted to identify and include those equipment items most often requested by participating agencies for full size vehicles, we realize equipment needs and preferences are going to varyfi-omagency to agency. In an effort to incorporate flexibility into our program, we have created specific add/delete options which allow the purchaser to tailor the vehicle to their particular wants or needs. The following equipment delete and add options and their related cost are provided here to assist you in approximating the total cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order through this program. Sunply deduct the cost of any of the foUowmg equipment items you wish deleted from the base unit cost and/or add the cost of any equipment items you wish added to the base unit cost to determine the approximate cost of the type vehicle(s) you wish to order. NOTE: An official listmg of all add/delete options and their prices should be obtained from the appropriate dealer in your zone when preparing your order. Additional add/delete options other than those hsted here may be available through the dealers, however, those listed here must be honored by the dealers in your zone at the stated prices. Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 449 VEHICLE: C or G Series DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: Order Code Order Code 1001546 ^ 1001546^ 1001546" 1001557 10015571001557' Nextran Truck Center - I ^ e Nextran Truck Center - Tampa Nextran Truck Center - Miami City Northern Central Southern S10L737.00 $101,737.00 $101,737.00 Western -No bid- Delete Options Engine/transmission - specify Western Northern Central Southern NA NA NA Engine/transmission - specify NA NA NA Engine/transmission - specify NA NA NA Engine/transmission - specify NA NA NA Add Options Engine upgrade - specify MACK MP7 405 HP 2 MACKMP7-405 3 MACKMP7-405 4 Engine upgrade - specify MACKMP8 Western Northern Central Southern $1,473.00^ $1,473.00^ $1,473.00'* $3,559.00^ $3,559.00^ $3,559.00'* $4,289.00^ $4,289.00^ $4;289.00'* NA^ $5,751.00^ $5,751.00" 425HP'^ MACKMP8-425 3 MACKMP8-425'^ 1001559 1001558• 1001558' Engine upgrade - specify MACK MPS 455 HP 2 MACKMP8-455^ MACKMP8-455 1001559 1001559' 4 Engine upgrade - specify SEEDEALER FOR OTHER OPTIONS 2 MACKMP8-505^ MACKMP8-505^ Engine upgrade - specify 1361324; 13613241361324' Transmission upgrade - specify NA NA $481.00^ $481.00^ $481.00" $1,588.00^ $1,588.00^ $l,588.0o" $1,302.00^ $1,302.00^ $1,302.00" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ SO.OO" NA MACK TM 308M 8SPD MAXl TORQUE 2 MACK TM-308M 8 SP MAXl TORQUE w/5 REVERSES 3 MACK TM-308M 8 SPD MAXl-TORQUE w/5 REVERSES 4 1361311 1361311 1361311 Transmission upgrade - specify MACK T31OM10 SPD MAXl TORQUE 2 MACK T-310M10 SP MAXl TORQUE w/5 REVERSES 3 MACK T-3I0M10 SPD MAXl-TORQUE w/5 REVERSES 4 162135 ^ 1362135 1362135 Transmission upgrade - specify FULLER RTO16908LL 10 SPD 2 FULLER RTO16908LL 3 FULLER RTO16908LL 4 Transmission upgrade - specify SEE DEALER FOR OTHER OPTIONS 2 SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 Transmission upgrade - specify SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 450 VEHICLE: C or G Series DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: 2401507 2401507' 2401507' 2401500 24015002401500' Western -Nobid- Nextran Truck Center - Lake City Nextran Truck Center - Tampa Nextran Truck Center - Miami Northern Central $101,737.00 $10L737.00 Southern $101,737.00 Front Axle: 14,000 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs NA NA NA Front Axle: 14,600 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs $986.00^ $986.00^ $986.00" Front Axle: 16,000 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs NA NA $2,021.00^ $2,021.00^ $2,02 l.OO" $2,221.00^ $2,021.00^ $2,021.00" $3,103.00^ $3,103.00^ $3,103.00" NA^ NA $7,147.00" NA^ $12,195.00^ $8,285.00" NA^ $8,285.00" Front Axle: 18,000 lb rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs MACKFAXU8 NA 3 FXLI8 4 2401501 2401501 2401501 Front Axle: 20,000 lb. rating to include equal capacity steering gear and springs MACKFAXL20 3 FXL20^ 1861035 1861035 1861035' Rear Axle: 46,000 lb Arvin Meritor, Eaton, Mack, or equivalent MACKSS462 2 MACKSS462 3 rla-lOOO Rigid Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 13,200 lb rating air lift to mclude 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels SEEDEALER FOR ALL OPIONS 2 rigid lift axle, J3,200 lbs. cap. to include tires & wheels 4 1690104 ^ 169-0104' Steerable Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 13,200 lb rating air lift to include 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels SEE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 WATSON CHALINSL-1187 3 steerable lift axle, 13,200 lbs. cap. to include tires & wheels 4 rIa-2000 Rigid Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 20,000 lb rating air lift to include 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels $0.00^ SEE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEEDEALER 3 rigid lift axle, 20,000 lbs. cap. to include tires & wheels 4 169103 " 169-0103 Steerable Lift Axle: Pusher / Tag 20,000 lb ratmg air lift to include 1 lR-22.5 tires with steel wheels NA^ $15,130.00^ $11,635.00" SE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 WATSON CHALIN2089 3 steerable lift axle, 20,000 lbs. cap. to include tires & wheels 4 Rear Suspension: 40,000 lb air ride 1861035 1861035 • 1861035' Rear Suspension: 46,000 lb Chabners, Hendrickson, Mack, Volvo "T"rideor equivalent NA NA Std $3,103.00^ $3,103.00^ $3,103.00" MACKSS462 CAMELBACK 2 MACKSS462 CAMELBACK 3 MACKSS462 CAMELBACK 4 Bid Award Announcement (13-11-0904) 452 VEHICLE: C or G Series DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: Western --Nobid- Nextran Truck Center - Lake City Nextran Truck Center - Tampa Nextran Truck Center - Miami Northern $101,737.00 Central $101,737.00 Optional mounted body - specify see dealer 4 Optional mounted body - specify see dealer 4 1830002 1830002• 1830002' Optional equipment - specify Southern $101,737.00 NA $0.00 $0.00'* NA $0.00 $0.00'* $130.00^ $130.00^ $130.00'* $20.00^ $20.00^ $20.00" $97.00^ $97.00^ $97.00" $185.00^ $185.00^ $185.00" $604.00^ $604.00^ $604.00" $59.00^ $59.00^ $59.00" $91.00^ $91.00^ $91.00" $145.00^ $145.00^ $145.00" $200.00^ $200.00^ $200.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" FEPTO (1350 FLANGE ADAPTERS) + 6'FRAME EXT. 2 FEPTO (1350 FUNGE ADAPTER) 6"EXTENDED FRAME 3 FEPTO (1350 FLANGE ADAPTER) 6" EXTENDED FRAME 4 1640001 1640001 1640001 Optional equipment - specify (2) DASHMOUNTED SWTTCHED FOR LOCAL INSTALL 2 TWO DASHMOUNTED SWITCHES FOR LOCAL OPTIONS 3 TWO (2) DASH MOUNTED SWITCHES FOR LOCAL 3120010; 31200103120010' OPTIONS^ Optional equipment - specify LED CAB LIGHTS 2 CAB ID LIGHTS BULLET CHROME TRUCKLITE LED 3 CAB ID UGHTS BULLET CHROME TRUCK LITE LED 4 1579001 1579001 1579001 Optional equipment - specify EXTERIOR SUN VISOR, PAINTED CAB COLOR 2 EXTERIOR SUN VISOR (PAINTED CAB COLOR) 3 EXTERIOR SUN VISOR (PAINTED CAB COLOR) 4 1522113 1522113• 1522113' CODOOOl CODOOOl CODOOOl Optional equipment - specify WEST COAST MIRRORS, HEATED 2 WEST COAST MIRRORS AERODYNAMIC HEATED+MOTORJZED^ WEST COAST MIRRORS AERODYNAMIC HEATED+MOTORIZED'^ Optional equipment - specify AUXIN-CAB PNEUMATIC LINE CLEAN OUT 2 AUXIN-CAB PNEUMATIC LINE CLEAN OUT 3 AUXIN-CAB PNEUMATIC LINE CLEAN OUT 4 B660002' B660002B660002' Optional equipment - specify DASHMTD. INDICATOR, BODY/HOIST "up" LIGHT 2 DASH MTD. INDICATOR BODY/HOIST "up" BODY LAMP 3 DASHMTD. INDICATOR BODY/HOIST "up" BODY LAMP 4 COCOOOl COCOOOl COCOOOl Optional equipment - specify WORKUGHTS, LH & RH LED MOUNDED ON STEPS 2 WORK LIGHTS RH/LH LED UGHTS STEPS+GROUND BOTH SIDES 3 WORK LIGHTS RH/LH LED LIGHTS STEPS+GROUND, SIDES'^ 1919007 1919007 • 1919007' Optional equipment - specify PTO CONTROL SWITCH w/UGHT- PREWIRED PLUMED 2 PTO-CONTROL, SWITCH WTTH UGHT-PREWIRED+PIPED 3 PTO-CONTROL SWITCH WTTH UGHT-PREWIRED+PIPED 4 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Bid Award BOTH Announcement (13-11-0904} 454 VEHICLE: C or G Series DEALER: ZONE: BASE PRICE: Western -Nobid- Nextran Truck Center - Lake City Nextran Truck Center - Tampa Nextran Tmck Center - Miami Northern Central $101,737.00 $101,737.00 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Optional equipment - specify SEEDEALER 4 Temporary tag SEEDEALER 3 Southern $101,737.00 NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00 $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ SO.Oo" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00-^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00'' $0.00" NA $0.00-* $0.00" NA^ $0.00^ $0.00" NA $0.00^ $0.00" SEEDEALER 4 Transfer existing registration (must provide tag number) v SEEDEALER^ r b f SEEDEALER 4 New state tag (specify state, county, city, sheriff, etc.) SEEDEALER^ > / SEEDEALER 4 Maintenance Plan - specify SEE DEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 Maintenance Plan - specify SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 Maintenance Plan - specify SEEDEALER 3 SEEDEALER 4 BRONZE BULLDOG ^ BRONZE BULLDOG" Warranty - specify SEEDEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Warranty - specify SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Warranty - specify SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Diesel Warranty - specify SEEDEALER FOR ALL OPTIONS 2 SEEDEALERFOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEEDEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 Diesel Warranty - specify SEEDEALER FOR VARIOUS PACKAGES 3 SEEDEALERFOR Bid Award Announcement VARIOUS PACKAGES 4 (13-11-0904) 455 S e p t 1 2 , 2014 2015 MACK GU813 UUMP Engine O n / O f f Hwy' STRAIGHT TRUCK W I T H TRAILER 4500-RDS-6 O M I T CLUTCH 4 4 , 0 0 0 # S440 Ratio 4 . 1 9 44,000#SS440 PRfCING SUMMARY CHASSIS B A S E List Price Factory Options $101,737.00 Freiglit $14,858.36 $2,050.00 Less A d d i t i o n a l Factory Rebate Sales A l l o w a n c e s TOTAL F A C T O R Y $118,645.36 Locally I n s t a l l e d O p t i o n s $19,560.00 S o f t P r o d u c t s / B u l l d o g P r e t e c t i o n Plans TOTAL F A C T O R V & LOCAL $0.00 $138,205.36 Less C u s t o m e r D i s c o u n t f r o m List $0.00 SELLING PRICE (Excluding T a x e s / F e e s / T r a d e ) $138,205.36 Less T r a d e A l l o w a n c e s p e r N e w Vefiicle Q U O T E D PRICE OR TRADE DIFFERENCE OBD S u r c h a r g e $0.00 $138,205.36 $590.00 N e t FRET o r Canadian GST Taxes $0.00 Tire Tax C r e d i t ( M u n i c i p a l Only) ($235.12) Sales/Usage Taxes LicenseAitle/Etc. $0.00 M i s c Fees n o t s u b j e c t o t FRET $0.00 $692.80 A C Q U I S T I O N C O S T (Include Trade if applies) $139,253.04 Less D o w n P a y m e n t BALANCE D U E Per Unit PRICE (Total O r d e r ) $139,253.04 BALANCE D U E (Total Order) $139,253.04 $139,253.04 Sheriff Bid Fee of $ 6 3 2 . 8 0 is i n c l u d e d in price. This is a D u m p w i t h 16' Rogers B o d y BID # 1 3 - 1 1 - 0 9 0 4 - N U M B E R 13 Customer Signature Date Prepared For: CITY OF PALM COAST 1 WELLFIELD GRADE PALM COAST, FL 32137 Phone: Fax:- Dealer Signature Presented By: MIKE GRABER Nextran Truck Center Jacksonville, Florida 32209 904-354-3721 Date Presented By: Prepared For: CITY OF PALM COAST 1 WELLFIELD GRADE P a l m C o a s t , FL 32137 Nextran Jacksonville Page 1 1986 W . B e a v e r Street J a c k s o n v i l l e , Florida 3 2 2 0 9 904-354-3721 A p r 10, 2 0 1 4 2015GU813 Ref#: A G P U 0 2 9 8 1 5 A Pid Code Description ORDER/CUSTOiWIER/VEHICLE INFORIVIATION 5050011 INITIAL REGISTRATION LOCATION, UNITED STATES, FLORIDA Opt 5340001 LANGUAGE, ENGLISH Std CIR0003 IDLE EMISSION CERTIFICATION, IDLE EMISSION CERTIFICATION - CARB 08 Std 0130002 TYPE OF SERVICE, MUNICIPAL Opt APP0003 VEHICLE APPLICATION CLASS, HEAVY VOCATIONAL - Unlimited operation on concrete, asphalt, or Opt maintained gravel/packed dirt with a maximum 3% grade; limited operation on unmaintained surfaces with maximum 5% grade; limited operation on concrete, asphalt or maintained gravel/packed dirt with maximum 10% grade. (3 AXLES) 78,000 lbs (35,281 kg) MAX GVW. (4 AXLES) 80,000 lbs (36,288 kg) MAX GVW. CAR0090 CARRIER APPLICATION, WITH CRD150-151, Unlimited miles on 3% grade maintained gravel/packed dirt or Std paved. Max 15%, miles on 10% grade maintained gravel/packed dirt or paved. Max 10% miles on 5% unmaintained, maintained gravel, packed dirt, or paved. 90000# (41000 kg) MAX GCW. (Carrier Code USA-V1) 0010002 VEHICLE TYPE, STRAIGHT TRUCK WITH TRAILER 0061790 VEHICLE USE AND BODY/TRAILER TYPE, DUMP GCW0080 80000* (36287 kg) G C W RATING Opt 6450310 BRAKE - STOPPING DISTANCE, BRAKE REGULATION, STOPPING DISTANCE 94M (31 OFT) Std PB1015A PRICE BOOK LEVEL, 2015A PRICE BOOK LEVEL Std PT10007 PRODUCT TYPE, PRODUCT TYPE - CML64R TRUCK Opt P C I 0028 PRODUCT CLASS, PRODUCT CLASS 28 Opt US00010 BACK OFFICE PROCESS, BACK OFFICE PROCESS Std Inc On/Off Hwy BVS/FRT A X L E P O S / S A L E S PACKAGES 0021304 CHASSIS (BASE MODEL), GU803 6-WHEEL TRUCK Std PK80060 CHASSIS PACKAGING SOLUTIONS, PACKAGE 6 INCLUDES: HHS Emission, B Box LH Rail, Air Under B Opt Box - remaining on rail behind SCR on RH Side REQUIRES: Dual Fuel Tanks or Dual Fuel Tanks with Isolate RH Tank ENGINE/TRANSMISSION/CLUTCH 1001646 ENGINE, MACK MP7-405M 405 HP @1500-1900 RPM (PEAK) 1480 L B FT. MAX T O R Q U E @ 1100-1300 Opt RPM 1364540 TRANSMISSION, 6 SPEED AUTOMATIC, ALLISON 4500-RDS-6 (4.70/0.67) RUGGED DUTY SERIES GEN Opt 5 INCLUDES TRANSMISSION COOLER, EXTERNAL OIL COOLER, INTERNAL FILTER, AND OIL LEVEL SENSOR 1330000 CLUTCH, OMIT CLUTCH Inc EXHAUST/EMISSIONS DPF0103 DPF, CLEARTECH HHS DPF RH SIDE UNDER CAB W/SCR FRAME MTD RH SIDE Std EAS0102 EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEM, EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEM DIESEL PARTIC Std FILTER CERAMIC PASSIVE REGEN CS10003 DPF SMART SWITCH, NO INHIBIT DPF REGENERATION SWITCH Std 1305001 EXHAUST, EXHAUST - SINGLE STANCHION OR SINGLE CAB MTD, SINGLE (R/S) VERTICAL STRAIGHT Std EXHAUST STACK TURNED OUT 0100002 SINGLE, BRIGHT FINISH HEAT SHIELD, STACK AND SCR COVER Opt B600004 FURNISH S T E E L PAINTED H E A T SHIELD FOR FRAME MTD MACK C A P DPF Std ENGINE EQUIPMENT 1134100 AIR COMPRESSOR, MERITORAA/ABCO 318 18:7 CFM Std CITY OF PALM COAST Pid Code ReW: AGPU029815A Page 3 Description 4921003 GEAR SHIFT, DASH MOUNTED SHIFTER Inc 1450001 GLASS - CAB WINDOW, TINTED WINDSHIELD, TINTED SIDE WINDOW AND TINTED REAR WINDOW Std (IF EQUIPPED) 5870021 DIAGONAL GRAB HANDLE ON INSIDE DRIVER'S DOOR Opt B700002 GRILLE - HOOD AIR INTAKE, BRIGHT FINISH GRILLE Opt 4000018 GRILLE, BRIGHT FINISH BARS W/BRIGHT FINISH SURROUND GRILL MOUNTED Opt C A B (H thru R) 8210002 HEADLINER, VINYL COVERED FOAM PADDED HEADLINER Std 6460001 HOOD INSULATION Std 2080001 PAINTED HOOD LATCHES Std 1540002 HORN - AIR, (2) MACK R E C T A N G U L A R S I N G L E T R U M P E T (ONE E A C H SIDE OF C A B ROOF) Opt 3610002 HORN - ELECTRIC, SINGLE TONE Std 3129010 IDENTIFICATION/CLEARANCE LIGHTS, (5) GROTE LED LAMPS Opt COIOOOO IN-DASH STORAGE, W/O UPPER STORAGE OPTION Opt C0J0012 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DISPLAY, CO-PILOT DRIVER DISPLAY, ENHANCED 4.5" DIAGONAL LCD Std DISPLAY W/4-BUTT0N STALK CONTROL A270005 INSTRUMENT PANEL, BRUSHED NICKEL Opt 0042102 INTERIOR TRIM (PEDIGREE - SANDSTONE) Vinyl headliner, cloth/vinyl seat trim, 2 netted storage Opt compartments and center CB radio mounting provisions in overhead console, rear panel w/ith storage pouch, signature poluurethane floor mat, brushed nickel instrument panel with chrome gauge bezels, diamond pattern fabric on doors, padded interior sun visors both sides, 2 spoke urethane grip brushed nickel spokes, brushed nickel Mack horn cap, adjustable tilt/telescoping steering column, hand crank Ih/rh windows, 2 general overhead lights, 1 driver overhead light & 1 map non-glare overhead light, 2 12V power sources, 2 cup holders, 2 trash bag hooks, 2 coat hangers, rh storage compartment, seat belt retractors, rh door peep window, lighted door mounted map pocket lights. 1600001 CHASSIS KEYED AT RANDOM - 2 KEYS Std 1522103 MIRRORS - EXTERIOR, HTD & ILLUMINATED BULLDOGS - BRIGHT FINISH Opt 1539008 MIRRORS - CONVEX TYPE, BRIGHT FINISH, LH & RH 8.0" DIA HEATED; MOUNTED BELOW LOWER Opt ARM OF WEST COAST MIRROR 4150003 OVERHEAD CONSOLE, (2) STORAGE COMPARTMENTS AND NET RETAINERS W/CENTER MOUNTING Std FOR CB PROVISIONS POWER OUTLETS, (2) 12-VOLT AUXILIARY POWER OUTLETS - DASH MOUNTED Std 1746004 AM/FM PREMIUM STEREO CD W/WEATHERBAND, MPS, WMA, BLUETOOTH Opt ACC0001 RADIO - ACC, AUDIO CONNECTOR, USB CONNECT Inc 1560004 RADIO ANTENNA, CAB MOUNTED BEHIND LH DOOR Inc 2030001 RADIO ANTENNA - CB, DUAL FIBERGLASS, MIRROR MTD Opt 4320004 CB RADIO MOUNTING REINFORCEMENT IN HEADER CONSOLE Std C A B (S thru Z) 1962403 SEAT - DRIVER, AIR-BOSTROM TALLADEGA 915 WIDE RIDE; HI BACK Opt 1971116 S E A T - RIDER, MACK FIXED (HI-BACK) W/INTEGRAL S T O R A G E COMPARTMENT Opt 1659000 SEAT ARM RESTS, INBOARD MOUNTED ARM REST, DRIVER'S SEAT ONLY Inc 4850002 SEAT COVERING, CLOTH W/VINYL TRIM DRIVER AND RIDER Inc 5929003 LAP & SHOULDER W/FIXED D-RING FOR DRIVER & RIDER SEATS TO BE ORANGE IN COLOR Opt 3730000 W/O ROOF VENT VENTILATION Std 4390001 STEERING COLUMN, ADJUSTABLE TILT TELESCOPE Std 1610013 STEERING WHEEL, TWO SPOKE URETHANE GRIP BRUSHED NICKEL SPOKES, BRUSHED CHROME Inc CITY O F PALM COAST Pid Code 268 1004 1861034 Refi^: AGPU029815A Pages Description R E A R A X L E / S U S P E N S I O N , 44000* (19958l«g) IMACK S440 (268 1004) F A B R I C A T E D S T E E L HOUSING, Opt SS440 MACK MULTILEAF ( C A M E L B A C K ) 44000* 7170001 4S/4M SYSTEM REAR WHEEL END SENSORS Std 9011287 TIRES BRAND/TYPE - REAR, BRIDGESTONE - TUBELESS RADIAL PLY, (8) 11R24.5 14 G M726EL Opt (TRACTION) 018 0153 2570419 Opt CARRIER/RATIO - REAR AXLE, CRDP150/151, 4.19 RATIO 267 2000 Opt 3462323 WHEELS - REAR, STEEL DISC (10 HOLE) 2534201 (8) 24.5x8.25 (210 mm) ACCURIDE 10-HOLE HUB PILOTED (11 1/4" BOLT CIRCLE) (TWO HAND HOLE) 2632200 BRAKES - REAR, BENDIX ES165-07D, 16.5x7 CAST SPIDER 6380000 BRAKE DRUMS - REAR, CAST OUTBOARD MOUNTED 2641000 DUST SHIELDS - REAR BRAKE, OMIT Opt 2621000 HUBS - REAR, FERROUS 2560003 OIL SEALS, CHICAGO RAWHIDE (SCOTSEAL) 2300000 POWER DIVIDER LOCKOUT W/WARNING LIGHT AND BUZZER (INCLUDES IN CAB MANUAL AIR VALVE) 2550002 W/O SHOCK INSULATORS 4020002 3009005 4790001 SL30002 3290001 2700002 B430000 2720197 2741029 Std Std Std Opt Std SLACK ADJUSTERS - REAR, HALDEX - AUTOMATIC SPRINGS, ANTI-SWAY SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS - VENDOR, MGM MODEL TR-T (TAMPER RESISTANT) REAR SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS 30/30 TYPE SYNTHETIC LUBRICANT - REAR AXLE, 7 5 W - 90 (SYNTHETIC LUBRICANT) - SYNTHETIC TRANSVERSE TORQUE ROD (REAR AXLE ONLY) BRONZE TRUNNION BUSHING W/O PROTECTIVE NYLON SPACER BETWEEN DISCS WHEEL TO DRUM 2710200 Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Inc Inc Std FRAMEMHEELBASE/PLATFORM WHEELBASE, 200" (5085 mm) WB 135" CA (3422 mm) PLATFORM, 197" LP (5002 mm) 62" AF (1580 mm) USED WITH 200" WB FRAME RAILS, 11.811" x 4.13" x .44" (300 x 105 x 11.1 mm) STEEL Section Modulus: 35.5 cu in/RBM Opt Opt Opt 4,260,000 in lbs per rail For Partial IC reinforcement 2731006 FRAME REINFORCEMENT - INSIDE, 5MM STEEL CHANNEL USED W/184"-213" LP Opt AIR/BRAKE 2960003 1410000 6980006 3520100 3020002 AIR DRYER, MERITOR/WABCO HEATED AIR DRYER, 1200 W/COALESCING OIL FILTER Std W/O RELOCATED AIR TANKS Std ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM, BENDIX WITHOUT TRACTION CONTROL Std AIR CONTROL VALVES - VENDOR, BENDIX SWITCHES AND VALVES WHERE POSSIBLE Inc BRAKE CONTROL VALVE SYSTEM, TWO (2) VALVE DUAL BRAKE SYSTEM - TRAILER SUPPLY AND Opt TRACTOR-TRAILER PARK DVA0003 3010001 DRAIN VALVES, MANUAL DRAIN VALVES, WITH LANYARDS ON ALL TANKS Opt HAND CONTROL VALVE FOR TRAILER BRAKES Inc T R A I L E R CONNECTIONS 5170002 3070000 3210002 3080000 TRAILER AIR CONNECTIONS, TRAILER AIR BRAKE CONNECTIONS, END OF FRAME Opt WITHOUT HOSE TENDER Std TRAILER ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLE, SINGLE 7 PINS STD SAE TYPE, END OF FRAME Opt OMIT TRAILER CONNECTORS HOLDER Std ELECTRICAL 1850001 BATTERY BOX(ES), STEEL Std CITY OF PALM COAST Ref#: AGPU029815A Page 7 Description Pid Code A1Y0002 IDLE LOGGING DELAY (MIN) 2 COU0024 PERIODIC TRIP HOUR OF DAY Midnight Monthly Trip Summary COVOOOO PERIODIC TRIP DAY OF WEEK 0 (disable) C0W0001 PERIODIC TRIP DAY OF MONTH 1 DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS W/O OVERRIDE SWITCH COQOOOO Std DRL OVERRIDE SWITCH SPEED THRESHOLD (MPH) 00 COROOOO DRL OVERRIDE SWITCH OFF TIME (MIN) 00 mph C420001 CO-PILOT FLEET TRIP PROGRAMMING ACCESS Fleet Level DOEOOOO FLEET MANAGEMENT VIA CO-PILOT Omit A942100 EHT MAX ENGINE SET SPEED (RPM) 2100 rpm A030700 EHT MIN ENGINE SET SPEED (RPM) 700 rpm A010010 EHT VEHICLE SPEED RANGE LIMIT (MPH) 10 mph A970100 EHT RAMP RATE (RPM/Sec) A950000 EHT SINGLE SPEED CONTROL ACTIVATION Omit A960000 EHT SINGLE SPEED CONTROL SET SPEED (RPM) 0000 rpm AE50000 EHT JUMP-TO-MIN SET SPEED Omit A7S0050 EHT HOLD TO NEAREST RPM AD70050 EHT ACCEL-DECEL BUMP-UP RPM AD80050 EHT ACCEL-DECEL BUMP-DOWN RPM A070001 A080000 A060001 ENGINE PROTECTION - OIL PRESSURE SHUTDOWN Furnish . ENGINE PROTECTION - COOLANT LEVEL SHUTDOWN Omit ENGINE PROTECTION - COOLANT TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish C0X0001 ENGINE PROTECTION - ENGINE OIL TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish A2Y0001 ENGINE PROTECTION TRANS OIL TEMP SHUTDOWN Furnish A820000 ALLOW FAN OVERRIDE WHEN PARKED Omit A3A0000 FAN ACTIVATION WITH PTO Omit FUEL ECONOMY INCENTIVE FOR USE WITH INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DISPLAY (COJ 0002) AK50000 FEI PENALTY TARGET FUEL ECONOMY No Driver Incentive AK70000 FEI PENALTY TARGET FUEL ECONOMY (MPG) 0.0 AK80000 FEI PENALTY VEHICLE SPEED DECREASE (MPH) 0 mph A860000 FEI REWARD TARGET FUEL ECONOMY (MPG) 0.0 AK60000 FEI REWARD VEHICLE SPEED INCREASE (MPH) 0 mph AK90000 FEI DISTANCE CALCULATION INTERVAL (Miles) 00 GOVERNOR SETTINGS FOR USE WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS A260002 GOVERNOR TYPE Min-Max Governor A740000 ENGINE HIGH IDLE SPEED IF STOPPED ENGINE HIGH IDLE SPEED IF STOPPED VEHICLE ACCELERATION LIMITING FEATURE A7U0000 REDUCED ENGINE RPM RANGE IN UPPER GEARS FEATURE Disable AZQ2100 ENGINE RPM LIMIT IN UPPER GEARS 2100 M7X0000 1st TRANS RATIO FOR REDUCED HIGH IDLE 0000 A7YO0O0 LAST TRANS RATIO FOR FULL HIGH IDLE 0000 A110650 ENGINE LOW IDLE SET SPEED (RPM) 650 rpm A100000 DRIVER LOW IDLE ADJUST FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit COKOOOO SMART IDLE FEATURE ACTIVATION Omit Std Inc CITY OF PALM COAST Pid Code 4460001 Ref#: AGPU029815A Page 9 Description MANUALS, PEDIGREED PROTECTION PLAN TECH. SERVICE MANUAL PROVIDED Std PILOT INSPECTION, WITHOUT PILOT INSPECTION Opt 16' ROGERS DUMP 18/19 YARD CAP ALLISON AGREEMENT GENERAL TRUCK PINTLE HOOK STANDARD SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Std PERFORIVIANCE/GRAPHICS/TECH DATA 9310001 OVERWIDTH STATEMENT, OVERALL WIDTH EXCEEDS 96" Inc S O F T P R O D U C T S / B U L L D O G PROTECTION MGD0002 2 YEARS COVERAGE Std