A `66 Chevy II Finally Comes To Life
A `66 Chevy II Finally Comes To Life
O F F IECDI IATLO P RR I A O LG R FA LMA S H L I G H T $3.99 ® Presented by A ‘66 Chevy II Finally Comes To Life Page 4 Here’s How It Works Page 2 The StangAlley.com Story Page 12 Tom Bucuren, Baden PA, 1966 Pro Street Nova Riding Shotgun: Driver Profiles Page 14 Runnin’ Down the Road O RO llPu “Like” us on C Ho DE omp tR li od H me E & A nts Au V o to ER f Re ’ pa S ir ut Po ste r Page 20 www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 1 E D I T O R I A L F L A S H L I G H T It’s a Wrap! A fter today, another season of Flashlight Drags® will be in the rearview mirror. As of this writing, Aug 31st, we have had the best summer ever in Greene County at the Waynesburg Airport. Best can be defined several different ways. In my definition, racer feedback, media reactions, and smiles from those in attendance at the Flashlight Drags are the primary indicators. I’ll list just a few other things that made this the best for me: Michael Schindel, editor GREENE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PAM SNYDER, ARCHIE TRADER, AND CHUCK MORRIS. Their support made the new pavement improvement happen. This was a significant safety improvement, and it also improved traction in the process; GREENE COUNTY PARKS DIRECTOR JAKE BLAKER. Jake and his crews take great care of the airport and facilitate so many behind-the-scenes activities before, during, and after the event; WAYNESBURG VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. Their early morning setup of the Jersey barriers, which provides for everyone’s protection, is greatly appreciated; TITLE SPONSOR JACK’S EXCAVATING. For the second season, Mr. Jack Pratt stepped up as the title sponsor. His continued support gave us the ability to begin the season with a major marketing and advertising push; SUPPORTING SPONSORS: Rodeheaver’s Hot Rod & Auto Repair, John’s Sales and Service, OST Dyno, Chuck Carnahan and State Farm Insurance, CS Tire, Spray-it-Racing, Snyder Performance Engineering, Talk Hot Rods, Greene County Tourist Agency, Observer Reporter, Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, and CarCruises.com; CONTRIBUTING SPONSORS: Elmer’s Engines, Royprographics, Apex Performance, WVstreets.com, Race to Victory Ministries and Rev. Ray; OUR RACERS. Without their participation, passion, talent, creativity, and sportsmanship, the Flashlight Drags would fade away. These people are amazing. You need to see them in action to fully understand the extent of their commitment to the sport of drag racing; THE FANS! This die-hard group of people converts a lonely airport in Greene County, PA into the area’s largest, grassroots Motorsports Tailgate Party & Drag Race. Month after month, the race fans show up and endure relentless heat, loud cars, tire smoke, and us on the usually-inadequate PA system; THE VENDORS who helped to establish the new Vendor Midway at the races; And last but not least, THE FLASHLIGHT DRAG CREW AND THEIR FAMILIES. These folks try their very best to produce a safe and friendly experience for everyone If you were there, thanks for taking part. I hope you enjoyed the ride. We look forward to seeing you next summer at the Flashlight Drags in Greene County. Yes, we have been invited back for 2013! From all of us, thanks for everything, and as Hersch always says, “be careful in the Hot Rod.” See you at the track, Michael Schindel Publisher Altered Gas Performance Events, LLC FLD Photography by Dan Dishart Publication design by Bill Bingham www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 1 F L A S H L I G H T O E D F FI T I CO IRAI LA LR U L E S Here’s how it works If you are new to these events, the following information will help you to understand the rules. Simple Rules These events are intended for street cars and trucks only! •SAFETY FIRST! •Have fun – this is a family-friendly event •1/8 mile distance – 660 feet of the fastest pavement in Greene County •Valid Driver’s License •Proof of Insurance •Current State Inspection (if a PA car) •DOT Tires •Burn Outs – Designated Area only •No Passengers (except Parade Lap) •Racers must sign Greene County Waiver •Convertibles – tops up or bring a helmet •Speed limit in the spectator return lane 25 MPH 2 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com 2012 marks the tenth year of the Flashlight Drags. We’ve had tons of fun and made tons of new friends. We’ve received great exposure through the media, and enjoyed national coverage in Hot Rod Magazine (February, 2008). Unfortunately, the FAA wasn’t too pleased with our use of several airports in the region and threatened to pull federal funding from any airport allowing the races to continue. Apparently, the FAA guys didn’t know the Greene County Commissioners. The Commissioners pushed back! Jake Blaker boldly made the statement: “You’ll be racing in Greene County.” And here we are! How do I find someone to race? This is the number one question. Finding a race partner isn’t hard … someone will usually find you. If you don’t have a race partner, simply drive up to the staging lane and follow the signs to Singles Lane. This lane is set aside for racers who don’t have a partner or just want the thrill of racing anyone who pulls up next to him or her, just like “street racing.” There is no limit to the number of races you can run. Our format is simple: win or lose a race, get back in E D I T O R I A L F L A S H L I G H T Waynesburg Gates open at Noon Racing from 2pm to 6pm Sunday, May 21 Sunday, June 24 Sunday, July 22 Sunday, August 26 Saturday, September 8 Pittsburgh Int’l Race Complex Racing starts after the PGV event “Like” us on SPECIAL EVENT Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Saturday, July 14 line and do it again. One year we gave an award to a racer for running 37 times in one day. Top Street – these racers are our true street cars, usually made in the USA Grudges Races Big Dog – you’ll know these cars when people say, “That can’t be a street car!” Some grudge matches actually go back years – maybe even decades. These races happen in several different ways: • Any racer can call out any other racer and get in line Top Tuner – sometimes called imports, usually a less than 8 cylinder under the hood, in the trunk, or even behind the back seat Street Truck – this is a new class, and as the name implies, it’s for trucks. This will be a wild class. • Any fan can call out a race – notify the DJ and we will call out the cars for you Rain Out Policy • A grudge match may happen spontaneously as anticipation in line grows Who is the fastest? This is a hard question to answer. We try to stay away from putting cars into classes, and for the most part, we don’t classify racers. But everyone asks, “Who is the fastest?” It must be a result of good old American competition. So, we give out 8 PINK SLIPS for four different vehicle types: All Sunday Rain Outs will be rescheduled for the following Sunday. If the event gets rained out after we start, keep your numbered and dated ticket for admission for the following Sunday. No one will be admitted free of charge without a rain check ticket. NOTE: The Saturday, September 8th race, will not be rescheduled. Michael and Turk presiding over a mandatory drivers’ meeting www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 3 F L A S H L I G H T E E F DA I T O U R IE A L A ‘66 Chevy II Finally Comes To Life By Michael Schindel 4 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com E D I T O R I A L F L A S H L I G H T T o quote Tom Bucuren, “I’ve been lucky enough to have built some really nice cars, but I’ve waited a lifetime for this one.” Tom is 62 and has just taken delivery of a car he has owned for the last fifteen years. I’ll explain: The car pictured here is a 1966 Chevy II. Until last year it was a stock, black Nova. Tom had a vision for what this Nova should look like. He wanted it to be perfect, so he contracted Bruce Harvey of Pro Comp Custom in Glenshaw, PA to help make his vision a reality. Bruce has a reputation as one of the top painters and builders in the country. So when the two of them got their heads together on this project, they planned every detail of the build. Bruce recounts, “When C O NTINUED NEXT PAGE www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 5 F L A S H L I G H T F E A T U R E A ‘66 Chevy II Finally Comes To Life C O NTINU ED a guy saves this long for the car of his dreams, you can’t screw it up. It needs to be perfect.” The paint is by PPG and applied by the Master, Bruce Harvey. Bruce has a few signature graphic treatments that he customizes for each of his creations. The paint and subtle graphics on Tom’s car must be seen in real life. The color changes by the minute. When we did the photo shoot (after the police officer left the scene), the sun was setting, and the transformations were unbelievable. If you get a chance to see this car, take your time and study the paint work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This is the ultimate ride for Tom. We all should be so lucky! FLD 1. Classic Nova II badge 2. A 434 ci Small Block, Shafiroff Ultra Street (details are secret at this time – it’s a street racer thing) 3. Two tone PPG Root Beer over Orange with the Bruce Harvey graphic treatment 4. Front End - Coil over Mustang rack and pinion 5. Rear End – Art Morrison 4 Link race chassis with a Ford 9” and 4:56 gears Transmission - by FTI is a Turbo 350 with a 4500rpm stall converter and trans brake 6. Gauges – by Classic Dash in stock locations with Autometer digital guages (For information about Bruce Harvey and Pro Comp Custom, see ad on inside back cover.) 6 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com Fall for Greene County’s fall foliage. Upcoming Events: Sept. 15 Heroes Run/Walk, Greene River Trail Pictured: Rohanna’s Golf Course Waynesburg, PA Contact the Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency for a full calendar of family-friendly, affordable events, and fall in love with the arrival of autumn. Call or visit our Web site today! 1-877-280-TOUR (8687) www.GoGreeneCounty.org 19 S. Washington St., Waynesburg, PA 15370 Sept. 15-16 42nd Annual Covered Bridge Festival, Carmichaels & Garards Fort Sept. 29-30 National Alpaca Farm Days/Open House, Lippencott Alpacas Oct. 13-14 Greene County Historical Society Harvest Festival, Museum Nov. 30 Holiday Open House, Waynesburg Dec. 1 Holiday Events & Activities www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 7 W I N N E R S F L A S H L I G H T July 22nd | Waynesburg, Greene County Airport August 26 | Waynesburg, Greene County Airport TOP TRUCK TOP DOG TOP TRUCK TOP DOG ‘95 S10 | Chris Dancer Smithfield, PA ‘69 Camaro | Mike Baker Kennerdale, PA ‘95 S10 | Chris Dancer Smithfield, PA ‘69 Camaro | Mike Baker Kennerdale, PA TOP STREET TOP TUNER TOP STREET TOP TUNER ‘94 Eagle Talon | Deric Dupey Uniontown, PA ‘97 Eclipse | Dave Wray Washington, PA No Picture Available ‘67 Dodge Coronet | Ed Kiger ‘97 Eclipse | Dave Wray Skaggs, PA Washington, PA Hand-Crafted Fixed speed or 8 speed models available. 100MPG average. Pennsylvania legal! 724.777.1142 Email: [email protected] Detail of one of our hand-crafted mopeds 8 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com FIND US ON FreedomCycles SPEdiesel.com SNYDER PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING And many many more! For all your turbocharged diesel needs “IF ITS PERFORMANCE WE CARRY IT FOR YOUR GAS OR DIESEL” Specializing in Powerstrokes Call 724-833-5834 Custom built turbos designed for specific applications including 2.6 2.8 3.0 and compound setups www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 9 E E F DA I T O U R IE A L F L A S H L I G H T CLUB PROFILE The StangAlley Story S tangAlley.com is a national Mustang site based in Pennsylvania. As our site banner reads … “Home for the Mustang Enthusiasts.” It’s free to join and everyone is welcome. We currently have over 130 members and we’re growing. Our members are spread out across the country from as far as California, Washington State, Michigan, Tennessee and Texas. We have a stronger member-base here in southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Locally you could say we are more like a car club. We get together as often as we can. Area car shows are always fun and we really enjoy getting together at the Flashlight Drags. If you own a Mustang and want more information about joining our club, go to www.stangalley.com. Photo courtesy of StangAlley.com FLD Sneek Peak In the Next Issue of Flashlight Drag Magazine George Myrter’s ‘72 572 Chevelle 12 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com Look for more details about this amazing Chevelle. We spent an afternoon with George Myrter and his cars. We took too many photos to jam them into a one page article. The next issue of this magazine we will attempt to do this work of art the justice it deserves. We’re All About The Trades! Career Training In: AUTO • DIESEL • ELECTRICAL • HVAC www.RosedaleTech.org (412) 521-6200 RTI is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution and Employer. ACCSC Accredited Institution, and NATEF ASE Certified. www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 13 F L A S H L I G H T D E PA R T M E N T RIDING N U G T O H S Brian Longstreth Hometown: Waynesburg PA Driver Profile: I’m 48 years old and have lived in Waynesburg PA all my life. I have two beautiful ladies in my life, my wife Melody and my daughter Lindsey. I’m very lucky to have them support my Mustang addiction. How long have you been a “Flashlight Drags” racer? This is my second season of racing and I’m hooked! Likes - What’s not to like? I’m a Ford guy and enjoy racing other Mustangs but the excitement level really goes up when I line up with a Camaro, Challenger or GTO. Win or lose… It’s a great time! Dislikes – Dangerous and unsafe driving! Car Details Year: 2010 | Make: Ford | Model: Mustang GT Modifications •ROUSH M90 Supercharger (435hp / 400lb-ft) •3.55 Gears •SLP Loudmouth Axle Back Exhaust •Hoosier DOT Drag Radials mounted on JEGS Sport Star Wheels She may not be the fastest… She may not have the most power… But she’s a whole lot of fun! CO NTINUED PAGE 16 Uniontown, PA 724.430.1970 www.MillersYamaha.com 14 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com State Farm. NEED AUTO SERVICE? BRAKES | OIL & LUBE | TIRE BALANCING & REPAIR | WHEEL ALIGNMENTS | BATTERIES 724-627-5766 • 1080 E. High St. - Waynesburg • www.CSTireAndWheel.com BURNOUT BOX www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 15 D E PA R T M E N T F L A S H L I G H T RIDING SHOTGUN C ONTINU ED FR OM PA GE 1 4 Bill Shockley (aka No Burnout Bill) Hometown: Morgantown, WV What are your goals? My goal for this car was simple, look good and have fun. Then, the FLD bug bit me, and the mods began. How long have you been a Flashlight Drag racer? I attended my first event in 2008, and have participated in nearly every event since then. Modifications The direction I have taken this car has been centered on staying naturally aspirated and appearing stock. The first thing I did was add some wider wheels and tires for a little bling. The wifey didn’t want me spinning them at the track and Hersch caught wind of it. Hence the nickname, No Burnout Bill. I soon added Flowmaster mufflers, headers and an off road H pipe. I have limited the mods to simple do it yourself type things. Under drive 16 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com Car Details Year: 2006 | Make: Ford | Model: GT convertible pulleys, cold air intake and tune, two step rev limiter, lower reared gear ratio, aluminum driveshaft and a line lock to make those “No Burnouts” a little easier. After having FRPP cams installed, the car became a little too loud for Michelle and I, so back on went the factory mufflers. Eventually, I plan on going with CNC ported heads and an after market intake manifold to round out the list of modifications. Will I ever be done with it? I doubt it, as long as the funds and Michelle’s patience continue to hold up. Cindy Lee Cumpston Hometown: Carmichaels, PA Driver Profile: Having “grown up” at the old PID racetrack, I really missed the sights and sounds only a drag race can provide. I like the Flashlight Drags because it gives drivers a great opportunity to test out their vehicles and their skills in a safe environment. But the additional element of the Flashlight drags that is so appealing to me personally is the family atmosphere and very friendly people. It is nice to have a place to take your family for an afternoon of fun. Modifications Black Hawk is a 40th Anniversary 2004 Mustang GT. It has CompCams, HTM Stage 2 234/230-111 with .550/.500 lift. It also has an AccuFab 70mm throttle body with a BBK cold air intake, BBK long tube headers, BBK short H pipe. BBK under drive pulleys, and 3.73 Ford racing gears. It has SLP Pro mufflers, front and rear Cobra R brakes, 18x9 Cobra R wheels. For better aerodynamics and handling an Eiback Pro lowering kit, front Car Details Year: 2004 | Make: Ford | Model: Mustang GT splitter, and BBK Sub frame connectors were added. For aesthetics Black Hawk has sequential tail lights and Red Line quick lift hood shocks. Black Hawk was tuned at Wolf Pack Speed 307 hp at rear wheels. CO NTINUED PAGE 18 Custom Engine Builds and Machine Shop Service OIL CHANGE • Drag Racing (Street/Strip) • Classic Engine Restoration NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED Motorcraft Premium Synthetic Blend Oil & Filter Change 21 $ 95 Up to five quarts of Motorcraft oil. Taxes and diesel vehicles extra. Disposal fees not included in some locations. Hybrid high voltage battery test not included. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and details. Offer valid with coupon. Expires 6/19/12 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7a-7p; Sat. 8a-3p 901 East High Street • Waynesburg 724 - 627- 0901 Life is better in the Quick Lane. Quick Lane is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. The Performance Specialist Since 1979 3782 Wexford Run Road | Wexford, PA 15090 724-935-4830 www.ElmersEngines.com www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 17 D E PA R T M E N T F L A S H L I G H T RIDING SHOTGUN C ONTINU ED FR OM PA GE 1 7 David Linsbeck Hometown: Bridgeport, WV Driver Profile: I purchased my 2011 Mustang GT California Special in July 2011. That same weekend, the Flashlight Drags were going on and I made my first passes with less than 500 miles on the car! Likes: What I love most about the Flashlight Drags are the people and ease of racing. It is nice to be able to take your car and run all out—legally! The Flashlight Drags make it easy for anyone who wants to run their car, whether they know anything about racing or not. Car Details Year: 2011 | Make: Ford | Model: Mustang GT dials, Eibach lowering springs and MGW short throw shifter. Future plans include a TVS 2300 supercharger. FLD Modifications My current modifications are Steeda Cold Air Intake, Flowmaster Axle-back exhaust, and 93 octane race tune. I have also added a set of Nitto NT555R Drag R REFRIGERATION • AIR CONDITIONING • HEATING SALES • INSTALLATION & SERVICE 3230 INDUSTRIAL BLVD. BETHEL PARK, PA 15102 PHONE (412) 851-5345 FAX (412) 851-5349 MIKE’S PRINT WEB & HOT TUB & SPA SALES • SERVICE • REPAIRS USED HOT TUB SALES 724-437-3708 Graphic Design + Illustration + Photography Copywriting/Editing + Brand Development Publications + Tradeshow Exhibit Design Web/Mobile Development + Ecommerce QR Code Implementation FULLY INSURED MIKE HANCAK 18 P.O. BOX 323 CHALK HILL, PA 15421 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com design 412.805.4301 www.bSquaredCreative.com Scan this QR code with your Smartphone www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 19 F L A S H L I G H T F E A T U R E RUNNIN’ DOWN THE ROAD Editor at Large – Gerry Kerna O n June 9 I hopped in the Chevy II and cruised on over to “Super Summit” in Tallmadge, Ohio. This event is Summit Racing’s annual celebration of everything high performance. “Super Summit” is held at Summit Racing Equipment’s world headquarters just off exit 29 of the Ohio turnpike. It features a huge car cruise, lots of vendor booths, Team Summit drag cars and 10% off everything in the retail store! Mark your calendar for next year. It’s a great day for all car enthusiasts, whether you are looking to buy or just looking. Summit Racing Equipment is one of the largest mail order, retail and internet suppliers of high performance automotive parts and accessories. Check them out at www.summmitracing.com. FLD 20 Flashlight Drags | www.FlashlightDrags.com www.FlashlightDrags.com | Flashlight Drags 21 Western Pennsylvania’s SRT headquarters! Visit us at: 1625 E High St. Waynesburg, PA 15370 Phone: (724)627-7111
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the scene, and get the opportunity to race. Thanks to Michael at the Flashlight Drags for being one hell of a cool
dude that goes out of his way to bring this to us.
FLD Program (May 2013 Issue)
See you at the track,
Michael Schindel
Altered Gas Performance Events, LLC FLD