# 08 oktober - november 2011
# 08 oktober - november 2011
# 08 oktober - november 2011 1 MENARIK EDISI KALI INI AHOY # 08 Okt. - Nov. 2011 Buletin UniKL MIMET # 08 OKT.- NOV. 2011 Buletin MIMET AHOY! boleh juga diakses menerusi laman sesawang http://www.mimet.edu.my/ PROGRAM ANUGERAH REMAJA PERDANA RAKAN MUDA 2011 PATRON Naib Johan Pertandingan Futsal PROF DATO’ DR. MOHD MANSOR SALLEH CHIEF EDITOR CDR (R) AMINUDDIN BIN MD AROF EDITORIAL MEMBERS MAZLAN BIN MUSLIM “ Tiga program telah dijalankan iaitu Program Inovasi, bertempat di IKBN Seri Iskandar pada 1 Oktober, Ekspedisi Mendaki Gunung Bujang Melaka,Kampar pada 7-9 Oktober 2011 dan Aktiviti Berakit yang diadakan di Sungai Itik,Kampar Perak pada 22 Okt. 2011” 4 ABD RAZAK BIN ABD RAHMAN “....pasukan lelaki(MIMET A) telah merangkul tempat kedua(naib johan) setelah tewas di perlawanan akhir kepada pasukan UniKL MIAT dengan jaringan 0-1.” AZILA BT. AYUB NIK HARNIDA BT. SUHAINAI SARAH NADIAH BT. RASHIDI 8 MOHD ZAWAWI BIN MAT TAHAR ms MS GRAPHIC EDITORIAL AZIZAN BIN HJ. ABDUL AZIZ AZZAHARI BIN HAMID TRAINING SHIP MOHD KHAIRRUDDIN BIN ABDUL KARIM KL PAUS MIMET CERTIFIED TO ISO 9001:2008 “ With the arrival of KL PAUS, it became clear that the final year project, practical training, short courses and marine related research activities can be undertaken by UniKL MIMET...” pg 18 “...The journey towards ISO 9001:2008 was officially announced by our beloved Head of Campus,Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Mansor bin Salleh during the launching ceremony on 15th October 2010.” 14 QUILL M sedari jumlah siswa di kampus ini telah hamper mencecah kapasiti awal yang ditetapkan iaitu 1,500 orang. Dari hanya dua program diploma pada awal penubuhannya, MIMET kini mengendalikan tiga program ijazah dan empat program diploma. Sejak tahun T he editorial members of MIMET Ahoy! Is proud to develop and progress alongside our beloved institute. We strongly believe that MIMET is on track and well ahead of our Dead Reckoning (DR) towards becoming Malaysia’s premier maritime university. After two and the half years at the helm of MIMET Ahoy!, it is now time for me to take shore leave from the Editorial Committee. Throughout my tenure as the Chief Editor, I am very honoured to have enjoyed a strong support given to # 08 oktober - november 2011 2 3 Berita Siswa 4,8,&12 Berita Kakitangan 5,6,13&15 News 9&16 7,14&19 Ilmiah Lensa AHOY! pg THE CHIEF EDITOR’S IMET Ahoy! Bertemu lagi dalam edisi kelapan buletin kesayangan kita bersama. Sejak MIMET Ahoy! mula dilancarkan dua setengah tahun yang lalu, UniKL MIMET telah berkembang dengan begitu pesat sekali. Tanpa kita The Chief Editor’s Quill The Captain’s wakey -wakey call 10 &11 Laman Nurani 17 Ceritera Maritim 18 2010, institusi kita juga telah mengorak langkah dalam pengendalian kursus-kursus pendek untuk mengoptimumkan peralatan dan kepakaran sedia ada. Programprogram di MIMET bukan sahaja diakreditasikan oleh Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) tetapi juga oleh Jabatan Laut Malaysia, Organisasi Maritim Antarabangsa dan penarafan ISO 9001:2008 oleh Lloyd’s Register. Institusi ini juga kini dalam proses untuk menawarkan lebih banyak program akademik termasuk hingga ke peringkat Sarjana dan peperiksaan profesional yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Sidang Redaksi MIMET Ahoy! amat berbangga dapat bersama seluruh warga MIMET mengikuti perkembangan pesat kampus kesayangan kita dan yakin bahawa kita berada di landasan yang tepat untuk menjadi sebuah universiti maritim yang terulung di Malaysia. me by our beloved Head of Campus (HOC), staff and students alike. Very Many Thanks for your loyalty and undivided support to our bulletin. After discussing with the HOC who is also the patron of MIMET Ahoy!, we have decided that it is now time for me to give way to other talent to steer this bulletin. Nonetheless, it is my utmost obligation to support MIMET Ahoy! in whatever capacity. Viva MIMET. Viva MIMET Ahoy! Amin Arof 2 THE CAPTAIN’S WAKEY-WAKEY CALL MEMAHAMI ANTARA SESAMA KITA UniKL MIMET merupakan sebuah komuniti melibatkan individu terdiri daripada 1400 mahasiswa/i dan kira-kira 200 kakitangan dan pekerja-pekerja lain. Dalam kumpulan 1600 orang ini terdapat empat generasi yang berinteraktif. dan gemar berseronok melampaui batas. K ebanyakan masyarakat Gen Y telah biasa dengan “instant culture mentality”, iaitu menjangka atau mengharap semua perkara termasuk hasilnya tercapai dengan sekelip mata dan serta merta. Jika anda tak suka kepada sesuatu, mengikut budaya internet, anda boleh ‘delete’ – hapuskan!! Tekan saja, dapat! Inilah yang dikatakan ‘instant culture’, termasuklah juga “fast food”, mee maggi dan lain-lain. K ita ada Generasi Y (lebih terkenal dengan Gen Y) iaitu semua pelajar-pelajar kita. Kita ada Gen X iaitu kakitangan yang lahir antara 1960 – 1980 (sekarang berumur 30 – 50 tahun), Gen Baby Boomers (lahir antara tahun 1945 – 1960) iaitu yang lahir selepas Perang Dunia Kedua. Kita juga ada sekumpulan warga emas – berumur 60 tahun ke atas dan tidak ramai – iaitu lahir selepas Perang Dunia Pertama dan sebelum tamat Perang Dunia Kedua – dinamakan Gen Tradisional. K ebanyakan warga kerja MIMET , terutamanya pensyarah, adalah dari Gen X dan Baby Boomers yang dibesarkan dan berpengalaman dalam budaya berbeza. Kebanyakannya bekas staf TLDM dan petugas di sektor swasta dalam bidang perkapalan perdagangan. Dalam kedua-dua bidang pekerjaan ini disiplin dan konsep kerja berpasukan diutamakan. Itulah juga konsep yang cuba diterapkan oleh kakitangan akademik kepada mahasiswa/i di MIMET. K ali ini saya ingin menyebut tentang kewujudan generasigenerasi ini dan kesannya ke atas interaksi seharian warga MIMET. Mungkin ada berlaku sedikit ribut kecil sekali sekala lantaran pertembungan sikap dan sifat generasi yang berbeza. Dengan memahami sikap/sifat/ciri-ciri generasi ini diharap kita akan lebih memahami antara sesama kita. I ngin saya ingatkan juga kepada semua keluarga besar MIMET terutamanya para pelajar sekalian, bahawa selain kita mengutamakan pencapaian cemerlang akademik, kita juga perlukan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan emosi. Antara nilai-nilai ini ialah kasih sayang, belas kasihan, ehsan, simpati (empathy), kekuatan mental, berakhlak mulia, bertoleransi, menghormati ibu bapa dan orang yang lebih berumur dan berbagai-bagai tanggungjawab sosial lagi. D aripada kajian PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) mereka mendapati antara ciri-ciri profil Gen Y ialah; berani, ‘brash’ (sombong,angkuh), sentiasa berbukumuka (facebooking), pencinta iphone dan ‘multitaskers’ (dapat menjalankan berbagai tugas serentak). Antara ciri-ciri lain Gen Y yang disebut-sebut ialah: sentiasa ingin bertukar kerja dan majikan; menganggap organisasi mesti disesuaikan untuk mereka dan bukan sebaliknya (iaitu mereka menyesuaikan diri mengikut kehendak majikan), dan akhir sekali Gen Y sering bersikap mereka berhak mendapat apa yang mereka hendak. Itu yang didapati dalam penyelidikan PWC. P erkara-perkara ini bagi Gen Y mungkin tidak terfikir lagi tetapi apabila sudah mula bekerja, berumah tangga dan bertanggungjawab (bukan hanya sebagai pelajar sahaja), maka semua ini perlu diambil kira dalam lingkungan hidup kita seharian. S aya menyeru supaya kita dapat lebih memahami di antara keperluan di antara sesama kita. Namun begitu, diharap tidak ada insan-insan yang mengambil mudah dan mempergunakan kesefahaman ini untuk kepentingan diri sendiri pula. Y ang saya sendiri perhatikan pula selepas selama lebih 7 tahun memerhati Gen Y sebagai pelajar IPT dan juga melalui perbincangan dengan rakan-rakan pensyarah di beberapa IPT lain, didapati selain dari ciri-ciri di atas ada beberapa ciri-ciri tambahan yang perlu disebutkan. SELAMAT FAHAM MEMAHAMI S aya dapati kebanyakan Gen Y tidak menunjukkan sikap berdisiplin seperti menepati masa dan tidak membuat kerja dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Mereka mengambil mudah peraturan-peraturan , kurang berhujah dengan baik, # 08 oktober - november 2011 Prof Dato’ Dr. Mohd Mansor Salleh Dekan / Ketua Kampus UniKL MIMET 3 Mohd Fadzly Abdul Aziz (PEGAWAI SUKAN) Pelajar UniKL MIMET Terpilih Ke Program Anugerah Remaja Perdana Rakan Muda 2011 S >> BERITA SISWA eramai 30 orang pelajar UniKL MIMET telah dilpilih menyertai program anjuran Pejabat Belia dan Sukan Daerah Manjung pada bulan Oktober yang lalu. Programprogram ini adalah program sokongan kepada Program Anugerah Remaja Perdana Rakan Muda 2011. Tiga program telah dijalankan iaitu Program Inovasi, bertempat di IKBN Seri Iskandar pada 1 Oktober, Ekspedisi Mendaki Gunung Bujang Melaka, Kampar pada 7-9 Oktober 2011 dan Aktiviti Berakit yang diadakan di Sungai Itik, Kampar Perak pada 22 Oktober 2011. Pelbagai cabaran dan pengalaman baru telah diperolehi oleh para peserta ketika menjalani program ini. Berita Bergambar 2 # 08 oktober - november 2011 Lawatan ke MRSM Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang 14.10.2011 Rombongan lawatan disertai oleh Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Mansor Bin Salleh ( Dekan MIMET), Pn. Hjh Nik Umaimah ( Manager Admin & Finance), Pn. Noor Arenawati, Pn. Azila, Cik Sara Murni, Cik Leana dan En. Mohd Firdaus 4 Mohd ZAwawi Mat Tahar (eksekutif sumber manusia) staf Melapor Diri >> BERITA KAKITANGAN Nama Jawatan Tarikh Lapor Diri Parid Bin Abdul Pensyarah Kanan 07.07.2011 Dr. Siti Habibah Bt Shafiai Pensyarah Kanan 11.07.2011 Abd Rahim Bin Jaafar Pensyarah Kanan 04.07.2011 Ir. Mohamad Surif Bin Abdul Wahab Syed Saiful Nizam Bin Syed Abas Nur Diyana Bt Abdul Wahab Pensyarah Kanan Teknisyen (IT) Kerani 01.08.2011 03.10.2011 03.10.2011 Dr. Siti Habibah NUR DIYANA Abd Rahim Syed Saiful Parid Ir. Surif staf Berhenti Nama Jawatan Tarikh Berkuatkuasa Rasyidah Bt Othman Pensyarah 01.09.2011 Ir. Radman Bin Mohamad Pensyarah 13.07.2011 Dayang Suhaidah Bt Zainal Kerani 1.11.2011 Kenaikan Pangkat Setelah tiada kenaikan pada tahun 2010, tujuh staf MIMET telah mendapat kenaikan pangkat mereka pada tahun 2011. Mereka adalah seperti berikut: Jawatan Asal Jawatan Baru Tarikh Berkuatkuasa Dr Mohd Yuzri Mohd Yusop Pensyarah Kanan Profesor Madya 01.10.2011 Cdr (R) Aminuddin Md Arof Pensyarah Kanan Profesor Madya 01.10.2011 Zaimi Zainal Mukhtar Pensyarah Pensyarah Kanan 01.09.2011 Iwan Zamil Mustaffa Kamal Specialist Pensyarah Kanan 01.09.2011 Daud Saari Storekeeper Clerk 01.07.2011 Mohd Faiz Zaharin Technician Senior Technician 01.07.2011 Clerk Senior Clerk 01.07.2011 Nama Yusnina Mohd Yusof TAHNIAH daripada Buletin MIMET Ahoy. Perlantikan Nama Zaimi Zainal Mukhtar Kamal Ahmad # 08 oktober - november 2011 Perlantikan Berkuatkuasa HOST Quality Assurance 01.07.2011 Head of INTRA 15.07.2011 5 Eksekutif HEM Pengantin Baru Selamat Pengantin Baru dua gadis pingitan MIMET yang baru mendirikan rumahtangga dengan pilihan hati masing-masing pada penggal ini. Mereka ialah Pn. Aizah Azad Aznan ( Kerani ) dan Pn. Wan Suhailaliza (Penolong Pensyarah). Semoga berbahagia hingga ke syurga. Pn. Wan Suhailaliza dan suami >> BERITA KAKITANGAN Pn. Aizah Azad Aznan dan suami Kelahiran Anak Nama Anak Tarikh Kelahiran Ahmad Kamal Abd Mutalib Anak Perempuan 27.06.2011 Khairul Akmar Othman Anak Perempuan 20.08.2011 Sarah Nadiah Mohd Rashidi Anak Perempuan 24.08.2011 Anak Lelaki 21.7.2011 Anak Perempuan 14.08.2011 Nor Afiza Mohd Noor Muhammad Zaki Zakaria Mohd Jasmin Zainuddin Anak Lelaki 8.10.2011 Azman Ismail Anak Lelaki 14.09.2011 Kamal Ahmad Anak Perempuan 02.11.2011 Sehingga bulan Mac 2011, beberapa orang staf telah mendapat cahaya mata baru sebagai penyeri kehidupan mereka. Mereka adalah seperti berikut: UniKL MIMET ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan tahniah ke atas staf yang baru mendirikan rumah tangga serta kepada staf yang baru menimang cahaya mata. Diharap dengan anugerah ini maka staf tersebut akan dapat meningkatkan lagi sumbangannya terhadap kejayaan UniKL MIMET. CONGRATULATIONS. Berita Bergambar 1 Kedatangan Ramadhan amat dinanti nantikan oleh semua umat Islam. Tahun ini, Kelab Kakitangan dengan izinNya telah berjaya melaksanakan pelbagai aktiviti di bawah program Ihya’ Ramadhan. Berikut adalah aktiviti yang telah dianjurkan :• • • • Terima Kasih dan setinggi tinggi penghargaan kepada semua pihak yang terlibat sepanjang program tersebut. Para kakitangan dan ahli keluarga yang hadir di program Iftor Perdana # 08 oktober - november 2011 Kempen Sebarkan Salam Tadarus Al Quran Staf Iftor Jamaie Kuliah Zohor 6 Nurshahnawal Yaacob Basic Concept of Refrigeration cycle Introduction year, not many heat pumps can be the protective o-zone layer and Air –conditioning and refrigerator found in Malaysia. Even though both contributed to the greenhouse effect are two familiar devices which are refrigerators and heat pumps operate that causes global warming. Thus, the commonly used in our everyday lives. on the same cycle, the objectives of usage of R-12 is now largely replaced When we feel hot or when our body the devices are different. by R-134a, a chlorine-free type of refrigerant. is sweating due to our daily activities, we will switch on the air-conditioning Similar to other cycles, vapour- just to feel the fresh cold air and to compression refrigeration cycle The cycle starts with the refrigerant remove the heat build-up around our requires the usage of working entering the compressor as saturated body so that we will feel comfortable. fluids known as refrigerants to vapour where the refrigerant During a hot sunny day, a glass of cold enhance efficiency or the reversible is compressed isentropically to water chilled in the refrigerator will phase change from gas to liquid. condenser pressure. The refrigerant definitely put out our feeling of thirst. Since almost every house is equipped temperature increases during the However, not many of us know how with a refrigerator, Freon is the most isentropic compression process these devices operate. popular type of refrigerant. to a temperature well above the Freon is the commercial name for R-12 temperature of the surrounding which is a refrigerant developed from medium and enters the condenser Refrigeration cycle process chlorofluorocarbon or CFC family. as superheated vapour and leaves as These devices operate on a cycle Unfortunately, CFC was found to saturated liquid due to heat rejection known as vapour-compression allow more ultraviolet radiation into to the surrounding (occurs at the refrigeration cycle. This cycle allows the earth atmosphere by destroying coils behind the refrigerator). The the transfer of heat from a saturated liquid is then low-temperature region to throttled to evaporator pressure a high-temperature region. which causes the refrigerant The cycle comprises of temperature to drop below the compressor, condenser, temperature of refrigerated expansion valve and space (known as freezer evaporator. compartment). The refrigerant >> ILMIAH then enters the evaporator as a Other than refrigerator and low-quality saturated mixture air-conditioning, heat pump which then evaporates by heat also operates on similar cycle. absorbed from refrigerated However, this cycle allows space. The refrigerant exits the transfer of heat from a the evaporator as a saturated low-temperature medium to vapour (the same phase as in a high-temperature medium. the beginning of the cycle) and As for a country with hot re-enters the compressor to climate throughout the complete the cycle. Figure : Schematic of vapour-compression refrigeration cycle Conclusion Vapour-compression refrigeration cycle is one of the many Thermodynamics cycle. By knowing the cycle, one will learn to appreciate the concept of heat transfer that cannot be observed with bare eyes. 1. 2. 3. Yunus A. Cengel and Boles, Michael A. (2011) Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill How Refrigerators Work, Retrieved on 15th July 2011 from http://home.howstuffworks.com/refrigerator4.htm Basic Refrigeration Cycle, Retrieved on 15th July 2011 from http://www.freezeco.com/PDF/RefrigerationCycle.pdf # 08 oktober - november 2011 7 HEM EXECUTIVE Pelajar UniKL MIMET Merangkul Naib Johan Pertandingan Futsal Inter 1UniKL 2011 >> BERITA SISWA P ada 24 hingga 25 September 2011 yang lalu, UniKL MITEC, Johor telah menganjurkan Pertandingan Futsal Inter 1UniKL. Kejohanan yang berlangsung selama dua hari ini telah dibahagikan kepada dua kategori iaitu lelaki dan wanita dan lebih dari 30 buah pasukan yang mewakili kampus UniKL masing-masing telah mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan yang pertama kali diadakan ini. P asukan UniKL MIMET diwakili oleh ahli-ahli Kelab Futsal MIMET dan telah menghantar dua pasukan lelaki dan satu pasukan wanita yang # 08 oktober - november 2011 kesemuanya melibatkan 21 orang siswa dalam pertandingan ini. Keputusan pencapaian pasukan UniKL MIMET pada pertandingan ini cukup memberangsangkan dengan pasukan lelaki (MIMET A) telah merangkul tempat kedua (naib johan) setelah tewas di perlawanan akhir kepada pasukan UniKL MIAT dengan jaringan 0-1. Bagi kategori wanita pula, UniKL MMET telah berjaya menduduki tempat keempat (4) setelah tewas 0-1 dalam penentuan sepakan penalti selepas kedudukan terikat 0-0 dalam waktu permainan sebenar. T ahniah dan syabas diucapkan kepada pasukan futsal MIMET di atas kejayaan pada pertadingan ini. Semoga lebih banyak kejayan akan diperolehi pada pertandingan yang akan datang. Selamat Maju Jaya Kelab Futsal MIMET!! 8 SAMSOL AZHAR Training Ship KL PAUS S afely B erthed at U ni K L M I M E T I n the early morning of August 20th, 2011, KL PAUS was safely berthed at UniKL MIMET Finger Pier Jetty. She was towed by two (2) tug boats and assisted by crew members onboard led by Captain Nordin Bin Basir from the Fisheries Department. K L PAUS getting into position to enter the jetty area assisted two (2) tug boats. The berthing was also assisted by the staff and students of Diploma in Marine Engineering. They were amazed by the real hands on experience and expertise that they can gain from this training ship and the future significant contribution that this ship is able to give to the university. With the arrival of KL PAUS, it became clear that the final year project, practical training, short KL PAUS getting into position to enter the jetty area assisted two tug boats. sonar, global positioning system, gyro compass and GMDSS. She is also fitted with equipment for undertaking research such as the acoustic echo sounder. >> NEWS KL PAUS can accommodate a total of 45 persons including 30 students at any one time. She has a classroom/conference room for at least 15 students. The engine room is also fitted with 3 Caterpillar diesel generators, air compressors, oil purifiers and other auxiliary machinery found on merchant ships. The Head of Campus welcoming Captain Nordin after the berthing of KL PAUS courses and marine related research activities can be undertaken by UniKL MIMET. However, proper planning and preparation works need to be carried out in order to ensure smooth implementation of such activities. T he training ship, KL PAUS is fitted with a Yanmar medium speed engine of 2,800 HP and weighs 684 tons. She is 51m long with a beam of 9.1m and a draft of 4m. She can store up to 125,000 liters of diesel oil, 150 tons of fresh water and 100 tons fish catch. In addition, she is also equipped with navigational equipment such as # 08 oktober - november 2011 Photo with KL PAUS crew 9 # 08 oktober - november 2011 10 # 08 oktober - november 2011 11 MARKETING EXECUTIVE Student of UniKL MIMET received IMarest Academic Excellence Award 2011 >> BERITA SISWA The Royal Institute of Naval Architecture (RINA) and Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) had organized their 24th Annual Dinner Gathering 2010/2011 on 15th October 2011. On this special day at Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, one of our former Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding (BNASB) students, Nurul Ida Suhana bt. Lias received the IMarEST Academic Excellence Award from the Institute. This award is meant for students who attained exemplary achievements in their marine engineering and sciences studies. Nurul Ida was also awarded with the President’s Award during UniKL 8th Convocation Ceremony with CGPA of 3.73 a week earlier. bluish grey baju kurung, she walked calmly toward the stage and received the award from First Admiral Dato’ Ir Hj Ahmad Murad Hj Omar (Rtd), the Chairman of Malaysian Joint Branch of RINA and IMarEST. A big round of applause for Nurul Ida Suhana for her excellence achievement during her studies at UniKL MIMET. When the MC announced her name, wearing # 08 oktober - november 2011 We are so proud of you! Nurul Ida Suhana bt. Lias Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding (BNASB) 12 Ismila Che Ishak OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION (OBE) WORKING WORKSHOP As required by MQA, all academicians must be equipped with the knowledge and content on the Outcome Based Education (OBE). Therefore, on August For the first session at MIMET, it was divided into two slots; an overview and working workshop. The overview session was attended by 45 academicians from 2. Develop, teach and assess programmes according to OBE/ MQA/ MOHE Requirements. The contents of the OBE Working Workshop are as follows: >> BERITA KAKITANGAN 1. 19th & 20th 2011, MIMET’s Centre of Teaching & Learning (CTL) representative had conducted an Overview and Working Workshop on Outcome Based Education (OBE) at UniKL MIMET. all departments. Whereas the working workshop was conducted for 32 academicians including all Head of Sections (HoS) , Programme Coordinators (PC) and other academicians. The facilitator was the CTL Director, Dr Asmah Zakaria from UniKL City Campus. In order to make sure all MIMET academicians attend the OBE sessions by 2011, it was scheduled in three different sessions. The first session was conducted at MIMET, the second session was in Ipoh and the last session was planned at MIMET. Upon completion of the OBE Working Workshop, all participants should be able to: 1. Recognize the importance of OBE in Malaysian Higher Education System The Overview of the Outcome Based Education (OBE): What is OBE? Why OBE? Where is OBE? How do we do OBE? Who are involved in OBE? When is OBE applicable? 2. Definitions of common terms: Programme Education Objectives (PEO), Programme Learning Outcome (PLO), Course Learning Outcome (CLO), Performance Indicators/ Performance Criteria, Assessment and Evaluation. 3. Link and mapping between CLOs, PLOs, PEOs 4. Entrepreneurship elements embedded into Diploma and Bachelor programmes 5. Continual Quality Improvement (CQI): closing the inner loop During the working workshop, all participants were given the opportunity to discuss and improvise the current modules descriptors. The OBE Working Workshop had somehow educated the academic staff to have better review on their own syllabus which is in line with the University vision and mission. Berita Bergambar 3 # 08 oktober - november 2011 Majlis Menandatangani MOU Penyerahan Kapal KL PAUS antara Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia dengan UniKL. UniKL MIMET diwakili oleh Prof. Madya Zainorin Mohammad 13 AZIZ ABDULLAH EFFECTIVE SHIPBOARD MAINTENANCE on board a ship in advance so that they can be fully functional whenever required for operation. The planning for maintenance usually rests with Maintenance is an important the second engineer for a commercial aspect that keeps any equipment ship, while for a military ship would or machinery functional. Whether be the responsibility of the marine it is a small machine or a large engineering officer onboard. structure, efficient maintenance Efficient planning, adequate usage may help prolong its life. On a ship, of tools and supported by relevant effective maintenance, thus, keeps maintenance documentations are the machineries in a smooth running keys to effective maintenance. We shall condition. look at the main types of maintenance In a ship’s engine room, where a lot of machineries are located, engineers procedures as practiced on board either and crew carry out the maintenance a commercial or military ship. to ensure safe and efficient operation Types of Maintenance of the machineries. Each machine Procedures on board a ship requires specific maintenance which has to be carried • Preventive Maintenance System out at regular intervals of time. introduction ILMIAH Current Situation It is often referred to as the Planned Maintenance System or PMS. In this type of system the maintenance is carried out as per the running hours of the machinery such as 4000 hrs, 8000 hrs etc., or by the calendar intervals, for instance 6 monthly, yearly etc. The maintenance is carried out irrespective of the condition of the machinery. The parts have to be replaced if it is specified in the schedule, even if they can be still used. In the earlier days, a ship may carry more than five engineers with large supporting crew members. Hence, maintenance was quite easily carried out then. However, in the present scenario of modern ships, the number of crew members and engineers on a ship has reduced drastically due to the emphasis on greater automation of machineries and labor cost constraints. Many ships now carry only three • Corrective or Breakdown to four engineers on board, while Maintenance the time allocated to carry out maintenance has shrunk due to In this system the maintenance is greater emphasis on meeting voyage carried out when the machinery breaks deadlines. Nevertheless, effective down. This is the reason why it is maintenance must require adequate known as the breakdown maintenance. manpower and time which now may This is not a suitable and not a good not be easily available as the number method as the breakdown may occur of crew members has dwindled while when the machinery is required in machineries has increased both in for an emergency. The only advantage numbers as well as complexity. of this system is that the working of It is therefore important to effectively machinery parts is used to its full life plan the maintenance of machineries or until it breaks. This type of maintenance might get costly as during breakdown several other parts may also get damaged. • Predictive Maintenance system In this system the machinery parts are checked regularly for wear or tear caused by radial or axial motions, especially in bearing parts. With the help of sensors or transducers the condition of the machinery parts is monitored regularly, a trending analysis over a period of time is then carried out and the required intervention or maintenance is done accordingly even before the machinery breaks down. This system involves condition monitoring and requires experience and knowledge as wrong interpretation of the trending analysis may result in unnecessary and costly replacement of parts which may not be acceptable by the company. Conclusion Effective maintenance is of paramount importance to shipboard crew. Without proper maintenance planning a ship may encounter unexpected downtimes that affect a company’s bottom-line or profits. Thus, to operate a ship would require serious attention on maintenance planning to avoid adverse financial implications to a ship owner. References 1. 2. Nible B.W. (1994), Engineering Maintenance Management, Marcel Decker Inc., New York. Satankar and Rajesh K.(2000), Condition Monitoring as a tool for diagnosing and maintaining of rotating machine, MACT. # 08 oktober - november 2011 14 Quality Executive >> BERITA KAKITANGAN WE ARE CERTIFIED TO ISO 9001:2008 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Congratulations to all UniKL MIMET staff for their effort and hardwork towards achieving ISO 9001:2008 certification. The journey towards ISO 9001:2008 was officially announced by our beloved Head of Campus, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Mansor bin Salleh during the launching ceremony on 15th October 2010. In order to create the quality awareness and prepare for the certification, the Quality Working Committee had been appointed among staff together with appointment of a consultant. # 08 oktober - november 2011 A series of training were conducted as follows: • • • 15th October 2010: Introduction and Awareness of ISO 9001:2008 16th – 17th October 2010: Documentation Workshop 16th – 17th February 2011: Internal Auditor Training The implementation of MS ISO 9001:2008 had started on 1st December 2010. On 28th – 29th March 2011, the 1st Stage Audit was conducted by an International certification body which is Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA). The audit focused more on the implementation of MS ISO 9001:2008 as well as documentation readiness. The 2nd Stage Audit took place on 9th – 10th June 2011, which covered the whole quality management system processes. During the closing meeting, the auditors announced that UniKL MIMET is recommended to be certified to the ISO 9001:2008 standard with the scope of Design, Development and provision of naval architecture and marine based education programmes. The ISO certificate was officially awarded to UniKL MIMET on August 1st, 2011. BRAVO MIMET!!! 15 Special Report The President’s Award Recipient of 2011 Nurul Ida Suhana bt Lias was born on 25th February 1987 in Batu Maung, Penang. She was raised by her army father and a housewife mother with three other siblings. Her fascination on mechanical things blossomed when her father bought her first toy, a set of train model and a few books on how things work. >> NEWS With these, she was intrigued and excited to see how other things work and started to explore with her household appliances. Up until now, reading was part of her life and she still continues collecting model kits as her interest. She started her diploma studies at UniKL MIMET in 2004, and graduated three years later with a Diploma of Engineering Technology in Ship Design with a CGPA of 3.63. Then, she completed her studies in UniKL MIMET with a Bachelor of Engineering Technology in # 08 oktober - november 2011 Engineer and took care of the project planning and management. Before that, in her diploma studies, she did her industrial training at Kay Marine Sdn. Bhd under the test, trial and training team where she was involved in sea trial, HAT and SAT. Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding in 2010 and graduated with CGPA of 3.73. She was awarded with the President’s Award during UniKL 8th Convocation Ceremony and also received the IMarEST Academic Excellence Award from the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) During her bachelor studies, she did her internship at Anshah Marine Services, Klang where she landed a position as an Assistant Project For her final year project, she did some research on ‘The Effects of Welding Pattern Towards Different Welded Joints’ which focused solely on the welded joints and parts on ship where she received assistance from STRIDE and SIRIM-AMREC. Currently, she works at B.Braun Medical Industries Sdn. Bhd. as a Process Engineer for Medical Plant Department. Even though this job deviates from her field of study, she took this as a challenge to keep her moving forward and be competitive. She harbours a hope that one day she can contribute towards society by sharing her skills and knowledge. Bravo Nurul Ida. The Editorial Team of MIMET Ahoy! would like to wish you all the best in your future endeavour and we pray for Allah the Almighty to bless you with fair wind and following seas. “...graduated three years later with a Diploma of Engineering Technology in Ship Design with a CGPA of 3.63. Then, she completed her studies in UniKL MIMET with a Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding in 2010 and graduated with CGPA of 3.73.” 16 Biro Kerohanian Kelab Kakitangan MIMET TAHUKAH ANDA? ALLAH TETAP SUKA meskipun... Orang Yang Berpuasa akan mengalami perubahan bau mulut akibat perut yang kosong daripada dimasuki makanan. Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud: “Bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah berbanding bau kasturi.” (Riwayat Ahmad) Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud: “Demi yang jiwaku berada di tanganNya, tidaklah seseorang terluka di jalan Allah, dan walaupun cedera dan mungkin keadaannya mengerikan serta berlumuran Allah mengetahui siapa orang yang terluka di darah, akan dibangkitkan dalam keadaan jalanNya, kecuali dia akan datang pada hari kiamat dengan lukanya yang mengalir darah. demikian sebagai saksi jihadnya. Malah Warnanya warna darah, dan baunya bau darah itu baunya sewangi kasturi. kasturi” (Riwayat al-Bukahri) Orang Yang berjihad Orang Yang berwuquf di padang arafah datang dalam keadaan berdebu dan kusut masai. tetapi Allah berbangga bangga di hadapan malaikat tentang kehadiran kemaah haji ke Padang Arafah. Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud: “Allah SWT berfirman: “ Lihatlah hambahambaKu mereka datang kepadaKu dalam keadaan rambut kusut dan berdebu.” (Riwayat Ahmad dan Ibn Hibban) ALLAH TETAP SUKA >> LAMAN NURANI MESKIPUN... Maha Suci Allah yang sangat adil dalam menilai sesuatu. Bukan fizikal yang menjadi ukuran, tetapi apa yang tersirat dalam hati itu yang Allah pandang. MUTIARA KATA SAHABAT Siapa yang memasuki kubur dengan tidak membawa bekalan samalah seperti orang yang belayar di lautan dengan tidak berperahu.” ( Sayidina Abu Bakar as-Siddiq) # 08 oktober - november 2011 17 Amin Arof >> CERITERA MARITIM THE LOAD LINES Whilst it is not easy for the Road Transport Department (RTD or JPJ) to determine whether a commercial vehicle is overloaded, it is not so for ships. Unlike RTD officers, maritime law enforcement officers and ship surveyors do not need any weighing station to ensure that ships are not carrying excess cargo. They only need to observe at the load line mark by the ship sides and ensure that it does not submerge below the water surface. What an easy task it is. However what is a load line and how is it determined? A load line is a mark to determine the maximum draught (draft) to which a ship may be loaded to ensure her safety at sea. The purpose of a load line is to ensure that a ship has sufficient freeboard and thus sufficient reserve buoyancy. The freeboard on commercial vessels is measured between the lowest point of the uppermost continuous deck at the side and the waterline. All commercial ships, other than in exceptional circumstances, have a load line symbol painted amidships on each side of the ship. This symbol must also be permanently marked, so that if the paint wears off it remains visible. The load line makes it easy for anyone to determine if a ship has been overloaded. The exact location of the Load Line is calculated and verified by a Classification Society and that society will issue a Load Line Certificate on behalf of the flag state. This symbol, also called an international load line or Plimsoll line, indicates # 08 oktober - november 2011 the maximum safe draught, and therefore the minimum freeboard for the vessel in various operating conditions. • • • Figure 1 Freeboard and reserve buoyancy The original “Plimsoll Mark” was a circle with a horizontal line through it to show the maximum draught of a ship. Additional marks have been added over the years, allowing for different water densities and expected sea conditions. Letters may also appear to the sides of the mark indicating the classification society that has surveyed the vessel’s load line. The initials used include AB for the American Bureau of Shipping, LR for Lloyd’s Register, GL for Germanischer Lloyd, BV for Bureau Veritas, NV for Det Norske Veritas and CM for Ships Classification Malaysia. These letters should be approximately 115 millimetres in height and 75 millimetres in width. Figure 2 Load Line Marks The letters on the Load line marks have the following meanings: • TF – Tropical Fresh Water • F – Fresh Water • T – Tropical Seawater 18 S – Summer Temperate Seawater W – Winter Temperate Seawater WNA – Winter North Atlantic THE LOAD LINE THEORY Fresh water is considered to have a density of 1000 kg/m³ and sea water 1025 kg/m³. Fresh water marks make allowance for the fact that the ship will float deeper in fresh water than salt water. A ship loaded to her Fresh Water mark in fresh water will float at her Summer Mark once she has passed into sea water. Similarly if loaded to her Tropical Fresh water mark she will float at her Tropical Mark once she passes into sea water. The Summer load line is the primary load line and it is from this mark that all other marks are derived. The position of the summer load line is calculated from the Load Line Rules and depends on many factors such as length of ship, type of ship, type and number of superstructures, amount of sheer, bow height and so on. For instance, the Winter load line is one forty-eighth of the summer load draught below the summer load line while the Tropical load line is one fortyeighth of the summer load draft above the summer load line. The horizontal line through the circle of the Plimsoll mark is at the same level as the summer load line. In spite of the above theory, the estimated length of the freeboard based on the type and length of a ship can always be referred from Table A and Table B of Regulation 28 to the International Convention on the Load Line (ICLL). In retrospect, it is not only easy to determine whether a ship is overloaded, but it is also easy to roughly estimate where a ship’s load line should be using the guidance given in the ICLL. Siti Shariyah Shaari Utamakan Yang Utama K esilapan seseorang itu gagal menumpukan hal-hal utama dalam kerja, dalam perhubungan dengan keluarga, dalam urusan muamalat dan lain-lain majoritinya adalah Yang Maha Esa. Memilih untuk bersangka buruk dan memandang rendah rakan sekerja, memperlecehkan perkara berkaitan rumahtangga, menghalalkan urusan yang haram dan riba dalam transaksi demi mencari jalan pintas untuk hidup senang. >> ILMIAH Apatah lagi urusan dengan Allah s.w.t; melambat-lambatkan solat-solat fardhu, memilih untuk menyempurnakan zakat bukan kerana kewajipan tetapi sekadar melepas diri dari membayar “income tax”. Semua senarai tersebut mempunyai hubungkait dengan fokus sebenar seseorang untuk memandang matlamat jangka masa panjang dalam kehidupannya. Apakah matlamat jangka masa panjang seorang yang mengaku sebagai muslim? Firman Allah s.w.t: “Aku tidak menjadikan Jin dan Manusia melainkan untuk beribadah kepadaKu” (Surah Ad-Dhariyat:56) Dititipkan Allah s.w.t dari dahulu lagi sesuai dengan kejadian manusia yang mempunyai pengakhiran hidup. Adalah khilaf jika seseorang itu menganggap ibadah sebagai perbuatan mengasingkan diri dari manusia sedangkan ibadah dalam konteks yang perlu difahami adalah meluas sekali. Ibadah secara praktisnya boleh didefinisikan sebagai seluruh kehidupan manusia didasari dengan niat kerana Allah taala. Sebagai contoh, pelajar yang sedang belajar, pekerja yang sedang bekerja, atlit sukan yang sedang bersukan, dan juga merangkumi aktiviti lain melibatkan hal-hal muamalat seperti urusniaga antara pembeli dengan penjual. Semuanya akan dianggap sebagai ibadah yang mendatangkan keberkatan Allah dan pahala yang setimpal jika diniatkan kerana Allah dan menjaga hak-hak Allah seperti menjaga adab ketika bergaul, peka dalam soal aurat dan teliti dalam hal-hal yang melibatkan suruhan yang baik dan meninggalkan perkara yang tidak disukaiNYA. Walaupun setiap dari kita ada hak untuk menggenggam kejayaan dan punya hak untuk mengecapi kekayaan tetapi itu bukan titik akhir untuk dikatakan insan itu mengutamakan yang utama dalam hidup. Proses untuk memahami yang utama memerlukan seseorang itu berfikir secara berhikmah. Sebagai contoh, memilih untuk cemerlang dalam pelajaran memerlukan seseorang pelajar itu berusaha secara kental dan penuh strategi. Namun, itu belum dikatakan pelajar itu telah berjaya walaupun telah menggenggam Anugerah Dekan jika pelajar tersebut menggunakan jalan kotor seperti membawa “toyol” di dewan peperiksaan atau belajar dengan niat untuk dipuji dan dikagumi orang ramai. Sebaliknya, kejayaan yang sebenar adalah dengan usaha yang sama tetapi berbeza matlamat iaitu dengan cara sentiasa memperbaharui niat kerana Allah, tidak berasa terpaksa dan dipaksa sepanjang melalui proses pembelajaran di kelas malah berasa sabar dan berfikir secara positif. Allah tidak melihat kepada keputusan CGPA seseorang itu kerana DIA lah yang menjadi penentu tetapi Allah melihat kepada sepanjang proses pelajar tersebut melalui mehnah dalam perjuangannya menggapai ilmu. Secara teknikal, pengaplikasiannya sama kepada mereka yang telah bekerja. KPI atau tingginya sesuatu jawatan dalam sesebuah pentadbiran adalah kayu pengukur untuk yang bernama manusia. Lumrah kerana manusia yang hidupnya penuh dengan keterbatasan tetapi apabila dimasukkan dengan penanda aras dari Yang Maha Mengetahui, ada kenyamanan dan penyatuan di situ. Sebagai pekerja, sebetulnya harus ada satu susun atur yang bijak. Setiap urusan, jangan dirasakan sedetikpun rasa kelecehan dalam tanggung jawab. Manusia harus dipimpin dengan rasa taqwa iaitu tunduk dan patuh kepada Allah s.w.t, bekerja mengikut skop kerja yang harus dipatuhi tanpa rasa jemu, bekerjasama dan saling lengkap melengkapi serta segalanya diniatkan kerana Allah taala. Seharusnya, jika diteladani nasihat di atas dan ditekuni sempadannya pasti setiap dari kita merasakan betapa cantik dan hebatnya nilaian Allah dalam kehidupan ciptaanNYA. Sudah terbentang dan tersedia semua senarai yang DIA mahukan dan yang tinggal hanyalah kita, sebagai penciptaNYA untuk membuat koreksi diri supaya kembali mematuhi. Betapa jerih dan payahnya umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang terdahulu untuk mempertahankan Islam dan Iman dengan menggunakan kekuatan fizikal atau dengan kata lainnya berjihad di medan perang dari musyrikin dan murtadin. Umat di zaman ini hanya perlu berjihad menentang hawa nafsu sendiri agar Islam dan Iman itu tidak roboh, bukan ditangan orang lain tetapi ditangan kita sendiri. Firman Allah s.w.t: “Hai jiwa yang tenang, Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan hati yang puas lagi diredhai-Nya, Maka masuklah ke dalam jama’ah hamba-hamba Ku, Masuklah ke dalam syurga-Ku” (Surah Al Fajr :27-30 Wallahua’alam. Secara prinsip, wahyu dari Allah amat jelas dan mudah difahami tentang misi atau tujuan sebenar seseorang itu hidup di muka bumi ini. Maka, tidak boleh dinafikan lagi bahawa yang paling utama dalam kehidupan bukan untuk meraih nama, pangkat, harta, pengaruh mahupun pujian tetapi hidup secara total berpaksikan redha dan keberkatan Allah s.w.t. Rujukan : Bajrai J.A. (1971) Al-Quran dan terjemahannya. Tafsir Ibnu Katsier Jilid 7 (2003) pp.349-350 Ahmad Nizam (2007), Ibadah Dalam Islam, http://hikmatun.wordpress.com/2007/07/06/ibadah-dalam-islam/ (Akses 22 Nov 2011) *Khilaf : silap, salah, tidak betul *Mehnah : tribulasi, ujian, dugaan # 08 oktober - november 2011 19 SHORT COURSES AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Short Courses And Professional Education Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology (UniKL MIMET) For 2012 UniKL MIMET No. CODE COURSE NAME CATEGORY DURATION (DAYS) MARINE CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 1 MCT 001 D.I.Y BOATBUILDING – Stitch and glue technique Marine 3 2 MCT 002 INTRODUCTION TO FIBERGLASS WORKS Marine 2 3 MCT 003 WELDING FOR BEGINNERS Marine 2 4 MCT 004 INTRODUCTION TO VACUUM INFUSION PROCESS Marine 3 5 MCT 005 FIBERGLASS BOATBUILDING Marine 4 MARINE DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 1 MDT 001 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN (CAD) Marine 3 2 MDT 002 BASIC COMPUTER AIDED SHIP DESIGN (CASD) Marine 3 3 MDT 003 SHIP PROPELLER DESIGN Marine 5 4 MDT 004 SMALL BOAT DESIGN AND LOFTING Marine 3 5 MDT 005 SHIP STABILITY AND WEIGHT ESTIMATION Marine 3 6 MDT 006 SHIP DRAFT SURVEY Marine 2 MARINE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 1 MET 001 INTRODUCTION TO MARINE DIESEL ENGINE Marine 3 2 MPT 001 INTRODUCTION TO PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY Marine 3 3 MET 002 SHIP EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Marine 5 MARITIME OPERATIONS 1 MOT 001 INTERNATIONAL LAW OF THE SEA Maritime 3 2 MOT 002 INTRODUCTION TO SOLAS Maritime 3 3 MOT 003 CARGO HANDLING Maritime 3 4 MOT 004 SHIP CHARTERING AND PRACTICES Maritime 3 APPLIED SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 1 AST 001 BASIC PNEUMATIC Mechanical 3 2 AST 002 ADVANCE PNEUMATIC Mechanical 3 3 AST 003 PRACTICAL PRECISION ALIGNMENT WORKSHOP Mechanical 5 4 AST 004 INTRODUCTION TO QUALITY, ISO 9000, TQM, SIX SIGMA AND SPC Quality Control 2 5 AST 003 HYDRAULICS APPLICATION Marine 3 Note: For further information on Short Courses And Professional Education Training Calendar 2012 UniKL MIMET # 08 oktober - november 2011 20 Please contact Mr.Bakhtiar at 05-6909055 / 012 902 2316