Neighborhood meeting - Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association
Neighborhood meeting - Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association
Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Greensboro, North Carolina Annual Neighborhood Events January February March April Great American Cleanup May Annual Pig Picking June Summer Fun in the Park July July 4th parade and picnic August National Night Out September Big Sweep Event October Neighborhood meeting Halloween party in the park November December Neighborhood Meeting Thursday, October 28, 2010 7:00 p.m. First Christian Church 1900 W. Market Street Door Prize: a night’s stay at the O. Henry Hotel (Must be present to win) Dear Sunset Hills Neighbors, I would like to welcome everyone to that time of year again. Time for enjoying the fall season and all the continued beauty of our neighborhood. This is also the time of year that we will be having another neighborhood meeting. We will discuss several issues that pertain directly to the continued success and enjoyment of being a neighbor in Sunset Hills! We have had a calm year, but are trying to stay on top of things. We have seen a few incidents with break-ins and are continuing Continued on page 3 1 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association Board of Directors President Newsletter Team Joann Strack 333-9796 [email protected] Elaine Brune 378-1990 [email protected] Roger Bardsley 378-1990 [email protected] Kristy Jackson [email protected] Marlene Pratto [email protected] Eric Patton [email protected] Vice-President Joann Strack [email protected] Secretary Kerry Meyers Treasurer Emily Herman Mail dues to: 2512 Berkley Place [email protected] Community Watch / Block Captain Head Ellen Wells 272-0269 [email protected] Community Watch / Block Captain Coordinator Elaine Brune [email protected] Traffic Committee Chair Gerry Alfano Social Chair Need Neighborhood Information? The Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association has both a website and a listserv. Pictures of neighborhood events appear in color on the website and in much larger numbers than we could ever print in the newsletter. Get to know your neighbors in text and print and learn the news: While looking at the site, be certain to go to Discussion Group and submit your email address to be added as a member of the monitored listserv. OPEN Environmental Affairs Ron Small 275-6427 [email protected] Garden Club Representative Laurie Joslin [email protected] Web site coordinator Robin Timmins [email protected] Play Group coordinator OPEN When you have a question about trades people, spot a stray dog or cat, note something unusual, submit a message to the listserv and the message goes out to all the members. Reading your email regularly will bring you news and information about the neighborhood. The listserv is monitored to keep the messages relevant to this area and on topics about the neighborhood. Listserv coordinator Dues Carl Phillips [email protected] Easter Egg Hunt coordinator OPEN Historian John Bernard VOLUNTEER Opportunities Thanks to those who have taken positions since the last newsletter. There are still some openings. Would you consider filling one? If so, please contact Eric, Joann, or Emily. 2 Sunset Hills Dues are due in January of each year. It is never too late to pay for the current year, however. Please remit your $5 directly to the treasurer, Emily Herman at 2512 Berkley Place. Checks for more than $5 will be accepted as donations to the Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association. Newsletter Advertising Rates $15 - biz card size $70 - 1/2 pg $35 1/4 pg $140 - full pg Add $5 if your dues are not uptodate. Thanks to our advertisers for helping to offset the cost of this newsletter. Fall 2010 Personal Safety in the Age of High Technology By Ellen Wells The following information is thought-provoking and worth considering as strategies to protect yourself, your family, and your property. I’m sure there are other steps that can be taken but these, forwarded to me by a family member, seem to be a good starting point. GPS: If you use your GPS to guide you to a public venue (such as a street address, parking lot, or anywhere that strangers can see it) remove it from sight when you leave your car. A victim reported that his car was broken into while he was at a ballgame; money and his GPS were stolen. When he arrived home, he found his home had been broken into and most items of value had been stolen. The thieves had apparently used the GPS to guide them to his home and then used the remote garage opener to gain access to the house. Instead of putting your home address into your GPS, put in a nearby business address (store or gas station) in case you need to find your way home later. CELL PHONE: Avoid using names in your contact list that provide information about relationships or locations, such as “Hubby”, “Home”, “Dad”, “Mom”, etc. The victim of a purse snatching called her husband from a pay phone, only to learn that the thief had used her phone to text her husband asking for their PIN. Unfortunately the husband had replied, thinking his wife needed the information. They called the bank, only to learn that their account had been plundered. If you are asked for sensitive information through text messaging, call back to confirm before complying with the request. In other words, talk to the individual asking for information. (From page 1) to be active in preventive measures. We continue to have neighborhood events and activities that we encourage folks to participate in. We have a lot of people that take pride in living in Sunset Hills and many folks help out in keeping our neighbor one of the best places to live! Thanks to everyone for all that you do! Sincerely, Eric Patton Sunset Hills Association President Have you noticed? There’s a new bench in the park near Berkley and East Greenway. The bench honors Jim Oaster who started the Pig Pickin’ we have in May. This event seems to be more popular every year and is a great way to visit with your neighbors – the ones you know and the ones you don’t know. The bench was paid for with proceeds from the Pig Pickin’ and member dues. This event’s continuing success is due to the excellent organization and hard work of Gary Rogers. To Do the week of October 24 1) Attend the Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association meeting. See page 1. 2) Volunteer to help with the Halloween party in the park. See pages 11 and 14. Happy Fall to everyone. Enjoy raking those leaves! UNPLANNED MEETINGS: Do your friends text you to suggest a meeting? Call back to confirm that the message came from your friend; if you don’t get an answer think carefully about meeting a person who may have obtained your phone number illegally. It all sounds a little paranoid, but strange things are happening because of our use of impersonal technology. It doesn’t hurt to carry a little bit of skepticism along with you. 3 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Sunset Hills Neighborhood Survey 2010 1. How long have you lived in Sunset Hills _______ years _______ months 2. What first attracted you to the neighborhood? 3. About how many neighborhood association meetings have you attended? ______ 4. Do you have internet access? Yes ____ No ____ 5. How helpful do you find the listserv? Very___ Somewhat___ Not at all___ 6. Do you know the name of your block captain? Yes ____ No _____ If not, would you be willing to serve as a block captain? Yes____ No____ 7. What would you like to see the neighborhood association take on as a project to improve the community? 8. How many meetings should the association hold each year? _________ Please indicate the street and block on which you live (e.g. 2400 Camden; 1800 Madison; 300 E. Greenway N; 200 W. Greenway S.). _________________________________________________________ Please check activities you have attended: Easter Egg Hunt ____ Pig Pickin’ ____ July 4th ____ National Night Out ____ Are you willing to volunteer your help with any of the above activities? Yes___ No___ If yes, please contact a board member. Is there anything else you would like for us to know? (Use space below or attach another sheet of paper.) Are you interested in a leadership/board position? If yes, please contact a board member. Please return this survey to Ellen Wells, 1907 Madison Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27403 or bring it to the Neighborhood meeting on October 28. You might win a free night’s stay at the O.Henry Hotel if you come to the Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association meeting on October 28. See you there. 4 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Mark Guard Builders NC General Contractor Residential/Commercial Hands on carpenter and craftsman Home and Business Restoration “the home and business owner’s choice” 336-549-9800 [email protected] Finnegan Realty NC Licensed Real Estate Broker Mark E. Guard, Broker “the home and business owner’s choice” 336-549-9800 [email protected] General Election November 2, 2010 Early voting schedule and a composite sample ballot are available at the Guilford County Board of Elections website, Offices to be elected include county commissioners, county sheriff, many judges at various levels, NC House and Senate, US Senate (one seat), and US House of Representatives. Many candidates have web sites. The major parties have web sites. 5 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Come to the Sunset Hills Neighborhood meeting on October 28. Newsletter Articles We welcome articles from residents of Sunset Hills on topics of interest to others in our neighborhood. Send email to any member of the newsletter team. Please make the subject Sunset Hills Newsletter. Thanks to our advertisers for helping to offset the cost of producing a newsletter for all the households in Sunset Hills. 6 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Membership and Treasurer’s Report As of September 23rd we have 260 paid households. Dues are only $5.00/year – that’s less than a penny and a half per day. Being a member entitles you to use the listserv, a wonderful way to stay in touch with the neighborhood. Dues pay for this newsletter and activities throughout the year that bring neighbors together for social occasions and work projects that help to keep our neighborhood looking good. If you haven’t already done so, please send a check made out to SHNA for $5.00 and send it to me, Emily Herman, 2512 Berkley Pl. If you have any questions, please call me at 275-6015. Lonnie & Susan Albright Jim & Betty Allen Ellen Ammirato Jennifer Jones & Jon Anderson Willian & Lauren Annear Maureen O'Keefe & Paul Ashby Diane Aycock David & Kitty Baker Lee & Denise Baker David & Colleen Ball Jeff Ballard Jeremy & Jennie Barnes Vance & June Barron Elaine Brune & Roger Bardsley Bryan & Annetta Bartle Dezree Bass Linda Bass Linda Bayer JC & Barbara Blowe John & Mary Ellen Boelhower Philip & Brenda Bowman Reto & Emmy Biaggi Joseph & Katharine Brower Nick & Ronni Brownlee Leanne Brugh Diane Brumback Edith Bryant Stephen & Deborah Bryant Lin Buettner Tony & Meredith Bulen Jamey Presson & Phil Bullington Chris & Mary Anne Busch James & Cynthia Butner Peggy Byrd Paul & Nancy Campbell Christopher & Sandra Canipe Cynthia Carrington Kay Cashion Jerilyn Cates Brigitte Chauvigne George & Judy Cheatham M&M George Cheek Hilton & Catherine Cochran John & Ruth Comer Michael Cooke Wendie Cousins Sarah Cowan Michael & Michelle Cowie 7 Sunset Hills Dava Cox Elinor Craig Catherine Crowder June Curlott Corbett & Florence Davis Jane Dempsey Bill & Linda Denmark Rick & Carol Diehl Jim & Judy Dollar Tonya Hunter & Kelly Donovan Frank & Patricia Dorner Rodger & LuAnn Durham Jason Melchert & Micah Ebert Kevin & Jennifer Ehlert David & Robin Elder James & Patricia Elder Alex & Danielle Elkan Jim & Kathi Ellis John & Linda Englar Arthur & Gwendolyn Erickson Margaret Avery & Jerry Everhardt Wayne & Betty Everhart Jim & Helen Farson James & Marnie Fenley Debbie Ficken Bob & Kate Foster Judith Magier & Paul Fribush Lee Zacharias & Michael Gaspeny Nevill & Amy Gates James & Susan Gentry Susan McMullen & Bob Gingher Ethel Glenn John & Brenda Glenn William & Ashley Goble Brooks Graham Mike Grimsley Elaine Talbert & Ken Gruber Mark & Judy Guard Scott & Jane Harkey John & Gail Hedrick Alice Haddy & Ed Hellen Andy & Molly Haile Catherine Hampton Ricky & Robin Hardy David & Kathy Harris Robert & Sherry Harris Stephen & Dana Harris Pricey Harrison Jeff & Linda Hayes Scott & Jennifer Hazzard Harvey & Emily Herman Claude Hoffman Z & Charlene Holler Mary Horan Bobbie Hoover Mary Louise Smith & Cheryl Hopkins Troy & Sarah Hopkins Ann Harvey & Chris Horney Andy & Stephanie Hudnell Raymond & Nancy Hunt D. Kelly & Heidi Irrig Mary Elizabeth & Charlie Irvin Mary Jacke Kimber Johnson Lary & Susan Johnston Percy & Nora Jones Bailey & Cathy Jordan David & Laurie Joslin Kevin & Kristine Kattmann Kristy Jackson & Robert Kelly Candace Kime Daniel & Jennifer Koenig Horace & Cathy Kimel Dianne King Reaves King Joe Kahn Paul & Robin Knapp Joe & Kelli Kupiec W.S. & Kristen Lancaster Derrick & Anne Lankford Leonard & Deborah Lasek David & Theresa Lattimore Kathy Lautermilch Larry & Rene Lawrence Stephen & Rita Layson Andra West & Aaron LeBauer Ronald & Emarita Leitner Buster & Lisa Lewis Steve & Mary Lewis Carole Lindsey-Potter Ella Mae Livingston Lillian Lovings Jan Lukens Charles & Anne Lyons Trawin & Melissa Malone Marcia Mohney & John Martin Fall 2010 Kenneth & Beth Mayer Michael & Gwyn McColl Mandy McGehee Ryan & Carolyn McGovern Marcy McHenry Steven Willis & Scott Michaels Winston McGregor & Dale Mitchell Valerie Vickers & Paul Mitchell Susan Mondello Tom & Susan Molony Jason & Paula Monsees Angie Moore Tricia Moore Larry & Claire Morse Robert & Lee Moses Gayle Nantz Ron & Mona Neal Teri Nelson Leslie Newby Charles & Martha Newland Mary Nicholson Larry & Susan Osborne Elizabeth Overbey Chesley Kennedy & John Overfield Ken Overbey Barbara Parret Eric & Donna Patton B.M. Pierce Jerry & Deborah Pifer Lawrence & Geraldine Pike Carl & Helen Phillips Marlene Pratto Kevin & Eileen Prufer Carolyn Prusa Betty Purcell Lenox Rawlings Debbie Kipp & Larry Ray Greg & Karen Rechtin Linda Hiatt & Peter Reichard Jesse & Ashleigh Reier Christopher & Michele Reisdorf Virgil & Caroline Renfroe Jack & Monique Reynolds Loyd & Libby Rich Edward Robinson Rachel Richardson & David Roderick Leigh & Melanie Rodenbough Katherine & Jeri Rowe Gary & Lee Rogers Lyn Rollins Wally Sanford Karen Levin & Marc Schecterman Margaret Schmidt Steve & Anne-Marie Scott Susan Sessler Margaret, Leonora & Matthew Sharpe Scott & Brenna Shepherd Chris & Ginger Shields Carl & Martie Shytle Michael & Jacquelyn Sigmon Dorothy Simmons Joe & Barbara Smaill Ron & Victoria Small Elizabeth Smith Jonathan & Anne Smith Mark & Lynn Smith Mark Spangenberg Jack Spector Benjamin & Julie Stahr Rick Stanford Michiko Stavert Jim & Janet Stenersen Richard & Martha Stepnowski Jane Stott Amelia Stout Bob & Joann Strack Gwen Strange Mac & Linda Strange KNOW A NEIGHBOR Are you one of those lucky folks in Sunset Hills who has the honor of living near a neighbor with an interesting hobby and/or a unique story to tell? Would this neighbor be willing to be featured in our newsletter? To add more of a personal touch to the SHNA newsletter, we are seeking some names of folks in our neighborhood who would enjoy sharing tales of their hobbies, stories about living in Sunset Hills, or even interesting information about their homes. If you know of such a person and he or she is willing to be interviewed, please email Jo Strack at [email protected] or call 333.9796. Matthew & Kelly Swanson Kelly Swindell Andy & Marti Sykes Scott & Cathy Syphers Kirk & Kara Tate Craig & Anna Taylor Frank Smith & Reade Taylor C.E. & Aileen Tennyson Maggie Jeffus & Ted Thompson George Lancaster & Scott Thornton Paul & Robin Timmins Jo Rainey Tisdale Geraldine Alfano & Merrill Tisdel Brooks & Debby Truitt Herb & Jennie Tucker Tom & Lisa Tunstall Gloria Turlington James & Margaret Turnage Randall & Lisa Underwood Raymond & Dianna Vass Don & Nancy Vaughan Paul & J.M. Walmsley Patricia Webb Sharon Weber Darrel & Cynthia Wells Herb & Ellen Wells Richard & Lois Wells Sheila Wells Phyllis White Wayne & Gail Whitworth Linda Rhyne & Tom Williams Janet Windham Leighsa Windsor Scott & Kishie Wyatt Beth Woody & Randy Yardley Anna Yates Winifred Legerton & John Young Wayne Smith & Jane Younts This newsletter and all newsletters of the Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association are posted on the web site in PDF format. To see the photos and graphics in color, check out the web site. Put your name in this box or on a piece of paper of your choosing. Bring to the neighborhood meeting on October 28. Do not include your address or your phone number as you must be present to win a night’s stay at the O. Henry Hotel. My name ________________________________________________________ 8 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 How to Make Your Home Comfortable and Energy Efficient By John Boelhower, SAGE Building Performance Problem: My home is drafty and my energy bills are through the roof! I want to make my home more comfortable and energy efficient, but I don’t know where to start! Solution: an Energy Audit! Energy costs keep rising as well as our energy requirements for our high-tech lives. How do we cut down on these costs while still meeting our energy and comfort needs? We have to figure out where we are losing and wasting energy. Energy audits can be done by a professional or you can do it yourself. The goal of a professional energy auditor should be to find where you are wasting energy and prioritize retrofit tasks that will save you the most energy and make your home comfortable and less drafty. Generally an initial energy audit will include the following steps: Homeowner Interview: Information is obtained from the homeowner including their home’s comfort and air quality issues as well as energy usage. This will allow the auditor to focus on the top concerns of the homeowner. Exterior and Interior Visual Inspection: The auditor will look for potential sources of air leakage, assess the presence and/or effectiveness of the insulation, identify moisture and potential indoor air quality problems, identify energysaving appliance and lighting upgrade opportunities, inspect windows and doors for fit and performance and find potential fire and electrical hazards. Combustion Safety Testing: The auditor will assess any potential safety issues regarding combustion appliances (typically gas-fired furnaces, water heaters and ranges). It is very important that a combustion safety test be done if the auditor performs a blower door test. Pressure Testing: Typically an auditor will use blower door equipment to depressurize (suck air out of) a house. This is done to determine the amount and source of air coming into and out of a house. Evaluate Opportunities for Improvement: The auditor will compile all of the information gathered from the audit and suggest the most cost-effective improvements the homeowner should make. Other options include pressure testing HVAC ducts and infrared thermography imaging. Energy efficiency retrofits can be very inexpensive but make a HUGE difference in your energy savings and thus utility bills! Make sure in hiring an energy auditor and retrofit contractor that they are either Certified BPI Building Analysts/ Envelope Professionals or HERS raters. These professionals will make sure that after air sealing, you have adequate ventilation and can ensure your energy efficiency retrofit is done properly. Is there anything I can do now? YES! Air seal and insulate. If you are a knowledgeable and do-ityourself homeowner log on to for guidance. Make sure not to make your home too air tight! Your home needs a certain amount of ventilation. A professional may better help you with this assessment. John Boelhower is a SAGE Energy Advisor with SAGE Buildling Performance. Reach John at [email protected] Jacke family receiving the prize at National Night out, August 3. Photo by Harvey Herman. 9 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 10 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Help make Halloween 2010 a fun time for neighborhood kids. See p. 14. Photos from Halloween party in the park 2009. 11 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Mitchell Landscapes, LLC Serving and Living is Sunset Hills for over 8 Years Comprehensive Design and Installation Landscapes - Hardscapes Stonework (336) 254 1661 Dale Mitchell 12 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 A Legacy of Shade - It’s Up To Us By Joann Strack As most in Sunset Hills would agree, one of our neighborhood’s biggest assets is its magnificent tree canopy. Unfortunately, Father Time and Mother Nature are taking their toll on many of our large shade trees. When walking our streets it’s evident that some of our most majestic trees along our streets and in our greenways are in distress. On Madison Ave alone, three huge oak trees on city property have been taken down over the last year. To counter this mounting loss, the Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association is applying for $1,000 through the Greensboro Beautiful Neighborhood Initiatives Grant Program. Specifically, we’re seeking funding for a tree replenishment project on city property. If we are awarded this grant, the SHNA is prepared to match this amount leaving the neighborhood with potentially $2K to purchase and plant large shade trees along our streets and/or greenways. Agenda for the Sunset Hills Neighborhood Association Meeting on October 28, 7p.m. Introduction of Board Members (Eric Patton) Greensboro Police Department Address to Neighborhood / Guest (Police Chief Invited) (Ellen Wells) Block Captain Report / Needs (Ellen Wells) Treasury Report (Emily Herman) Culvert Replacement at Greenway & Madison (Ron Small) Garden Club Report (Beautification and Projects) (Laurie Joslin) Replacement of Trees in Neighborhood (Joanne Strack) Survey (Ellen Wells) Website Review (Karen McCullough) Committees (Eric Patton) It is anticipated that “hot spots” (areas along our streets where there are minimal shade trees) will be identified as priority areas for tree replenishment. Other important considerations for tree replenishment along city property are adequate ground space for large tree planting as well as underground water/gas line locations and ground preparation (hole digging). We are currently seeking the city’s assistance with this planning portion of the project. Here’s where the grant project gets a little “needy” for lack of a better word. The grant application stipulates that the fate of our proposed project, A Legacy of Shade, depends upon “potential volunteer involvement”. That’s us, folks. If we do indeed receive funding, we’ll be seeking written commitments from neighbors that are willing to water a tree for the recommended time period to establish and encourage healthy root growth. The logistics of how to identify ready and willing “foster tree parents” is still being developed by the SHNA grant writing committee. The grant application will be submitted as outlined above by the October 29 deadline. If we receive funding, an announcement will be made to the neighborhood and we (meaning all of us!) will have one year to complete the project. It will take a concerted effort among the city, SHNA and our neighbors. Do you wish to be a part of the Legacy of Shade? Is so, Jo Strack would love to hear from you. [email protected] phone: 333.9796 13 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 Culvert Replacements at Madison Ave. and Rolling Rd. Culvert Replacements at Madison Ave. and Rolling Rd. By Ron Small, Environmental Affairs Coordinator The City’s contractor for this project, RF Shinn Contractors, Inc., began the first of two stream culvert replacements a few weeks ago at Madison Ave. (between the Greenway Aves.). This culvert, along with the one under Rolling Rd., were obviously very old, constructed of terra cotta brick, and were beginning to sag in the middle and create voids under the roads. The City has agreed to honor the integrity and aesthetics of our park and neighborhood by utilizing replacement stone for the headwalls. The contract with RF Shinn calls for the total project to be completed by December 9, 2010. Traffic control, sidewalk closures, and safety fencing will be provided while the streets are closed during the construction. Remember that this is an active construction zone, with large equipment and dangerous activity! Please use common sense and stay away from the areas while the project is underway. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about the project, feel free to direct them to me at [email protected] or 558.5970. Halloween Party Please volunteer to help with the 2010 Halloween Party in the park. Paint faces, bake cupcakes, plan games. Just volunteer to do what is needed. Contact Michael Driver, 254-7609. 14 Sunset Hills Fall 2010 SUNSET HILLS GARDEN CLUB By Laurie Joslin The Sunset Hills Garden Club has just begun another exciting year! The club has been active in Sunset Hills since 1930 and is a charter member of the Greensboro Council of Garden Clubs. We are committed to the beautification of Greensboro and our neighborhood. We meet once a month, September through May, to conduct our business meeting and educational program. We also meet several times a year to plant and maintain garden beds in Sunset Hills Park through an agreement with Greensboro’s Adopt-A-Park Program. In May, 2010, we received much needed help with bed edging and mulching from Bobby Coltrane and his crew at Greensboro Parks and Recreation. We are very grateful for their efforts and the park has never looked better! As members of the Greensboro Council of Garden Clubs we participated in their projects, educational programs and fundraisers. We currently have 19 members who come from many different neighborhoods. Our roster consists of women of all ages, and we vary in our interests and talents, but we all share in some way the love of nature, gardening and learning. If you think you may be interested in joining Sunset Hills Garden Club or just want to attend a meeting, please call Laurie Joslin at 3731848 or e-mail her at [email protected]. There are ways you can help the garden club and our neighborhood even if you’re not a member. If you see our group working in the park, please feel free to give us a hand. You can also help out in the park any time by pulling weeds, cutting vines from trees, pulling fallen limbs to the curb and picking up trash. We also accept monetary and plant donations for our park improvement projects. Checks can be made payable to Sunset Hills Garden Club and sent to our 15 Sunset Hills treasurer, Robin Knapp, at 202 W. Greenway Dr. S., 27403. We sincerely thank our neighbors and the Neighborhood Association Board, whose generosity and support enable us to carry out our mission. We will now be able to plant new trees, shrubs and flowers this season. With fall in full swing, there is one last note for neighbors who live on or near the park. Please place your leaves by the curb on the homeowner’s side of the park. Greensboro Solid Waste Management does not pick up leaves on the park side of the street. Also, do not discard your yard waste in the park, and do remind your lawn service company of the same. By continuing a tradition of working together, Sunset Hills will always be the best neighborhood in Greensboro! The 2010 big sweep in Sunset Hills. 1st row: Kieran Small, Daisy Small, Chloe Swanson, Emily Phillips, 2nd row: Ron Small, Ginny Waldron (Tori’s mom), Tori Small, Matthew Swanson (Chloe’s dad), Judy Walmsley, Emily Herman. Other people participated, but were not photographed. Photo by Carl Phillips. Fall 2010 16 Sunset Hills Fall 2010
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