September 2012 - Village of Nobleford


September 2012 - Village of Nobleford
Village of obleford
ECCG? ECCK tÇw ECDC `âÇ|v|ÑtÄ XåvxÄÄxÇvx TãtÜw exv|Ñ|xÇà
Box 67. Nobleford, Ab.T0L 1S0. Municipal Office, 906 Highway Avenue
Phone (403) 824-3555. Fax 824-3553. E-mail: [email protected]
Office is open to public Tuesday through Friday, 9:00am-12:00, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Mayor Marguerite Wobick. Councillors: Wanda Luchia, Pete Pelley, Tony Aleman, Don McDowell
The Nobleford Parks & Recreation Society is proud to introduce Nobleford to its newest piece of playground equipment;
the Dynamo Apollo, located in Centennial Park. This piece of equipment has been made available thanks to the partnership
with the Village of Nobleford, who helped finance and provide site preparation for this project. On Saturday, September
15th the installation took place thanks to the following volunteers who gave of their time and talents: Karl Lindskog, Peter
Enns, Pete Pelley, Debby Pelley,Glenn Elgersma, Trudy Elgersma, David Unger, Lyle Derosier, Kathy Derosier, Shane
Duffety, Kirk Hofman, Barb Hofman, Corey O’Brien, Derk Harlaar, Heinrich Fehr, Abe Harms, Ryan Wagner, Don
McDowell, Marguerite Wobick and Henk Bennink. The children of Nobleford truly thank you all.
Nobleford Parks & Recreation
Society Members
Lyle Derosier, Pete Pelley, Debby Pelley
Trudy Elgersma, Kim Wagner, Kirk Hofman
Kathy Derosier (missing, Larissa Gellrich)
Barb Hofman, Gen Hofman, Martha denDekker
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
7:30pm Upstairs, Nobleford Community Complex
Everyone Welcome
New projects being discussed include; upgrading playground equipment, a Drive-In, partnering with the Fire
Department for a new Fitness/Fire hall. Would you like to see a Community Fitness Gym in Nobleford? Come
share your ideas at the AGM.
Help shape Nobleford’s Future....Get involved !
Another job well done!
Thank You Volunteers
Monarch Reformed Church
To have control means to have authority, to have power, to be in command. When everything seems to go out of control,
remember that God still controls everything. Even though there are those who think they have great power and try to
control the world there are many signs showing that this is not to be. Even a simple thing like the fire we have just
experienced in our area is proof that some things can become uncontrollable. The fire may have been preventable but
once it started it travelled, and with the aid of the wind it travelled fast. It took hundreds of people and pieces of
equipment working together to bring the fire under control. Our world can be much like a fire and go out of control due
to the beliefs and the actions of man, when in fact so much trouble could be prevented if only we would work together,
treat each other equal and put our trust in God.
Sunday 10:00 AM:
Worship Service with Pastor Bob Derrick
Sunday School during the Worship Service
Coffee hour following the service.
Special Services:
Thanksgiving - October 7, 10:00 AM
Remembrance Day - November 11, 10:00 AM
Rev. Rodger Halverson will be guest minister for the morning worship services on September 23 and 30, while Pastor
Bob Derrick is on vacation.
Bible Study: Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM every week at the church.
Youth Group and Adult Bible Study: Every second Sunday evening at 7:00 PM at the church. All youth, grades 7 to 12
are invited to become part of the Youth Group led by Gerald and Barb Harbers. These two meetings will be starting on
October 14.
Fall Bazaar and Potluck Supper - Friday, November 9, 6:00 PM at the church.
Congratulations to Dan and Andrea (nee Van Egmond) Sandford on the birth of a baby boy, Aaron James, born July 27,
2012. Proud grandparents are Jim and Sylvia Van Egmond and proud great-grandmother is Janette Van Egmond.
Jack Plomp, husband of Nellie Plomp, passed away on July 19, 2012 at the age of 82 years. Jack, the son of John and
Pietje Plomp, was born on February 15, 1930 and lived in the Nobleford area his entire life. Jack was affiliated with the
Monarch Reformed Church throughout his life, including his baptism as a infant, his adult confession of faith and his
marriage to Nellie Hofman. Jack and Nellie were married on May 25, 1956 and together they had four children: Mary
Jean, Nancy, Stan and Randy. Jack chose to be a farmer and eventually he and Nellie bought and settled on the farm
where Nellie’s grandparents, Tymen and Heiltje Hofman, had settled in 1907.
Thank you to all those who supported the garage sale held by the Monarch Reformed Church on Nobleford Heritage
Mayors Message
This has been an exceptional summer with our children making good use of all the parks; especially the water spray
park. Also now available is the Apollo (merry-go-round) in Centennial Park .
Fall is get-back-to-school time; so slow down and drive safely.
There has been good interest in a Community Library with Noble Central School . Please call me for more information.
Anyone can think, dream and imagine. Translating those thoughts into positive action often takes plenty of teamwork and collaboration. In most things we do in life we have to work WITH rather than AGAINST each other to get
something done. The best teams in the world are the ones that help people become better and achieve more that they
ever thought they could do on their own. Let us think positive and change the negative.
A good example is a gift you give to others.
Marguerite Wobick,
Mayor of the Village of Nobleford.
Stars of Alberta Volunteer award Nominee
A member of our community has been nominated for an
Denise Hofman is a member of our community that has spent her life, much like her parents,
Ed and Anne, Erickson, contributing to the Nobleford community in an extraordinary positive manner.
She has the true spirit of community service, demonstrates initiative, leadership, creativity, serves as a role
model, inspires others to engage in volunteer service and improves the quality of life of Albertans and our
community as a whole. She is the initiator of ideas, developer of concepts and committed laborer that sees
projects to completion enduring highs and lows while accepting responsibility and accountability without
Denise’s efforts have improved many lives. Her unselfish giving has helped those in need. Her involvement
with realizing recreation facility development has touched thousands of people by improving their lifestyle
Denise has found joy in the joy of others which is the ultimate spirit of community service. Denise is one of
those people that will volunteer for life and be thankful that she has the ability to do so.
Award winners will be announced in December 2012
Christian Reformed Church
Submitted by Patricia Konynenbelt
Sunday Services – 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. with Pastor Kevin Jordan
Pre-school and ursery Sunday School – meets during the a.m. service
Sunday School – grades 1-6 and Catechism Classes – grades 7-12 – meet after a.m. service
YPS and Young Adults – Sunday evenings for either Bible study or social
Gems – every other Monday – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Cadets – every Monday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
* SEPTEMBER 2012 – the season of Autumn has arrived and with it comes changes. We can observe these changes as we see
the vivid colors of red, yellow and orange overtaking the once green foliage of the trees; all signs that our great God is the Master
controller of the universe. He set the times and seasons for us to enjoy – all in proper order as He promised. Take a moment out
of your busy schedules and focus on the changing landscape, the beautiful sunrises and sunsets and say in your hearts “Thank you,
* September is also a month of “new beginnings”. For some it will mean being a full time student for the first time or advancing
to another grade – all endeavoring to learn new ideas and concepts. For the recent high school graduates who have chosen to
continue their education at a university, college or trade school it will mean a transition from a more structured environment to that
of being responsible for decisions made for the future. It is our prayer that students, teachers, administrators, support staff and bus
drivers will have a blessed 2012-2013 school year.
September is also the month in which church programs commence a new season. Sunday, Sept. 9th was Commissioning
Sunday at which time new and present office bearers, youth leaders, teachers, counselors and volunteers were thanked for their
pledge of commitment to the various ministries of the church. “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men”
– Col. 3:23.
The various church programs that will begin within the next few weeks are:
* GEMS: held their “kick-off’ for the new season on Sept. 17th at the corn maze. Regular meetings will commence on Monday,
Oct. 1st from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Note the change of time. Contact Benita Hummel at 403-732-5163 if you have any questions. All
girls from grades 4 – 9 are welcome to attend this time of Bible Study, crafts/activities.
* CADETS: the date to begin the new season has not been confirmed.
* COFFEE BREAK A/D STORY HOUR – commences of Wed. Oct. 3rd from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. All ladies of the community
and surrounding area are invited to this time of Bible study and fellowship. Nursery is provided for children (infants to age 2)
while children ages 3-5 can enjoy Story Hour.
* THA/KSGIVI/G DAY 2012 will be observed with a worship service on Mon., Oct. 8th at 10:00 a.m.
Come join with us in giving thanks to God for the many blessings He has given us thus far in 2012. We thank Him for the awesome weather enjoyed throughout the past summer; for safety as we vacationed; for the bounty of the land received; for safety for
the farmers as they harvested the ripened grain. We continue to pray for further blessings for the remainder of the year. “Give
thanks to God for He is good”.
* REFORMATIO/ DAY – a worship service will be held on Sunday, Oct. 28th at 3:00 p.m. at Trinity Reformed Church. Guest
minister will be Rev. M. Chung, affiliated with Home Missions Canada. The Reformation that took place many years ago plays an
important role in the history of the church. Everyone welcome.
* Congratulations to Erik and Jalene Vander Merwe who exchanged marriage vows on August 22nd. God’s blessings to them as
they begin a new chapter in their lives. The young couple resides in Nobleford. “Love is of God” – 1 John 4:7
* Continue to support through prayer our elected officials be that locally, provincially or federally. May the decisions made be
fair and just for the people served throughout our great land.
We extend a warm welcome to everyone to join us in worship each Sunday.
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Call Today For More Information
Erik Vande Merwe AMP,
Energy Mortgage Inc.
Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary
Ed & Anne Erickson
October 28th, 2012
We thank you for your never-ending
love, guidance and support
Love from your family
Schools In. Drive Safe
Please be a safe courteous vehicle driver and obey traffic laws in Nobleford and recognize the increased crosswalk traffic adjacent to the
School and around town.
Council is reviewing the entire traffic bylaw including speed limits, signage, truck parking.
- child care provided
Singing, Bible Stories and fun for
Ages 3-5 all free.
Both activities held in the basement of the
/obleford Christian Reformed Church
Starting Wednesday, Oct. 3rd
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
For more information please call
Elaine 824 -3424 or Anita 824-3669
Walking Path Danger.
Walkers, Bikers, skate Boarders, Roller Bladders. Please be careful when crossing Highway Avenue by the UFA.
This is a dangerous crossing.
Industrial Subdivision
The new 24 lot Industrial subdivision is near completion. Fortis, ATCO and Telus will be installing services this fall.
Be considerate of crews on site. Lot prices start at $36,000 for 1.2 acre lot. 15 lots have been sold.
The Green recycling trailers are now under camera surveillance by the Lethbridge Regional Waste Management
Services Commission. Please obey the rules.
1325495 Alberta Ltd.
Operating as RCJC Enterprises
Rob Feenstra
Holiday Rental Suite
in Southern Alberta
Superbee Hauling
Box 441
Nobleford, Ab
T0L 1S0
403-824-3925 (h)
403-894-5684 (c)
Fully furnished, full size kitchen,
dining and living area
“A person who’s never made a mistake
never tried anything new.”-Abraham Lincoln
2-bedrooms with queen beds plus a futon
Includes all appliances: fridge, stove,
dishwasher, microwave, washer & dryer
Close to Lethbridge, Picture Butte
and Fort Macleod churches
Check out our website at
Phone: 1-403-824-3877
Email: [email protected]
John Van Liere, CA
Shelly Shaw, CA
528 6th Street South, Lethbridge.
OFFICE: 403-388-2580
2311 2nd Avenue, Fort MacLeod.
OFFICE : 403-557-2580
Fax :
Employment Opportunity.
The Village CAO is considering applications for a recording secretary for regular Council meetings two Tuesdays
per month from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm. You are required to use a computer and be familiar with Microsoft Word in
recording minutes of each meeting. You will receive up to $75 per meeting.
Please meet with the CAO if you are interested.
Sand & Gravel
Washed sand & Gravel
Specialized in:
Golf course materials
Henry Bennink
Box 420, obleford, Ab.
We have seen an increase in issues related to your pet.
It is your responsibility as a pet owner to obey the laws in the Province as well as obleford.
obleford Council does allow you the privilege of having pets in obleford’s corporate limits.
Please be a responsible pet owner and eighbor
Your pet must be licensed. Please keep your pet on a leash when on public property. Keep your pet off private
property of others and clean up after your pet.
Your pet should not disturb neighbors. You will be fined minimum of $100 for non compliance. Please report, in
confidence, violations to the Village.
It costs the Village an estimated $6000 annually to deal with Dog and Cat Bylaws and pet issues. These costs are
partially covered from property tax and license fees.
Responsible neighbors and pet ownership can reduce these costs.
You are encouraged to talk with your neighbors, If you need more help, phone Dog Catcher 403 308-3811
Dog and Cat License are due: $20 for spayed and neutered, $40 for unspayed and unneutered
Enjoy the convenience of fuel 24 hours a day with your choice of two easy account options:
UFA boasts one of the most extensive Cardlock networks in Alberta and has also expanded into British Columbia and
It's just one more example of UFA providing service you can trust.
UFA Cardlock card gives you access to one of the largest independent networks of fuel dispensing in Alberta. We provide access
24 hours a day, 365 days a year at over 90 convenient locations.
You will need a UFA account in order to gain access to this fuel-dispensing network. Pick up a Credit Application and a Cardlock
Fuel Requirements form at any of our UFA petroleum outlets, fill in the information as requested and you'll receive a UFA
Cardlock card in the mail (o.a.c.). Purchases are charged to the account and due on a monthly basis.
Enjoy the convenience of the UFA Cardlock network, however, purchases are put on your choice of credit card at the time of
purchase rather than charged to a UFA credit account.
Credit applications are available for pickup at Jen’s Restaurant, obleford Food Market or ieboer Farm Supplies
(1977) Ltd.
Please note that anyone can become a UFA member.
For more information please call Don Shimek: 1-877-732-4343 (Toll-free) or 732-4224 (Local)
Commercial Lots
There are a number of Commercial lots available on King Street. Lots are 25 ft wide x 115 feet deep and cost
$4000 per lot. A building commitment is required.
Message from ewsletter Coordinator
ote to all Advertisers:
If you could please have your submissions in by the
ext deadline is ovember 20th, 2012.
Any submissions received after ovember 25th at
5:00pm will not be included in this edition of the
You can drop them off at the village office,
or by email [email protected]
Helping to make /obleford a better place!
Since 2004 there has been nearly 1 million dollars spent on Nobleford recreation projects.
Not-for-Profit Initiatives Funding
Policy #02-22 is in place to help you.
Nobleford Council recognized that the practice of simply gifting funds to organizations is ineffective and that there was a deficiency in
project funding.
The Village has developed policies that would give interested community groups the opportunity for funding of projects
(i.e. environmental, parks, recreation, and culture) that would make Nobleford a better place, yet not place a financial burden on the
Nobleford property taxpayer. These policies were intended to foster healthy Society partnerships with the Village and encourage
responsible planning and activities that would not burden the taxpayer with increasing maintenance and operational costs.
A reserve account was created which is significantly funded from non property tax revenues lots in the new Nobleford subdivisions. The
monies in this fund may be available to any Nobleford Society with an Village approved project plan. They must be willing to raise the
equivalent cash funds along with a successful application of a grant from outside of Nobleford; such as, CFEP, CIP.
There are basically 3 parts to the initiative funding that multiply the money.
1-Your cash
2- Village Cash match
3- Provincial or Federal grant to match yours and Village cash.
For example ~ if the Society raised $1000 in cash, the Village may contribute up to $1000 in cash, Alberta Government, Community
Initiative Program grant is received for a minimum of $2000
You basically turn your $1000 of cash into $4000
None of these special interest projects become a reality without volunteers, your donations and funding.
Deadline for Initiatives funding policy #02-22 application is December 31,
Please meet with the Village CAO to discuss your opportunities.
2011 Census
The 2011 Census data on families, households and marital status are now available for Canada, provinces and
territories, and for your municipality. Data on structural types of dwellings and collectives will also be released.
obleford Council meeting minutes
All, 3800+ pages of Council meeting minutes and all 600+ Village bylaws, budgets, financial information
are available for you to view at the Municipal office during regular office hours.
A Fall
Fair will be held at the
Granum Christian Reformed Church
(located 20 km West of Nobleford on hwy 519)
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Funds raised will be shared between local food banks and the
A-T Children’s Project (info available on line)
Items may include: Christian books, Craft goods, Hand made cards, Baking,
Quilts, Imported Dutch clothes for children & adults
as well as a “New to You” section.
Don’t miss the “Fall
Fall Fair Cafe”
Delicious beef on a bun, homemade soup, pie, & beverages
will be available.
Tables are still available for rent!
For more information
Call Thelma Deurloo @ 403-687-2226
Grass and leaf Compost Disposal
Your compost materials may be disposed of at the Lethbridge Regional Waste Transfer Site, located ½ km
north of Railway Avenue. The site is open Thursday and Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday
from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The transfer site compost area has been significantly increased in size to
accommodate all your leaf, grass and compost material. Coordinate your disposal with the Transfer site hours
of operation. 403 824-3232.
If the transfer site is closed, you may use the “GRASS TRUCK” located on north RAILWAY Avenue
The summer service of the “GRASS TRUCK” may be available for your compost on Monday, Tuesday and
PLEASE, no plastic bags and do not compromise this complementary service
by dumping your compost on the ground.
If you have an excessive amount of clean up materials, more than a pickup truck load, you are encouraged to
rent the Village truck at $30 per load. Please phone the office to book and pay for rental of the truck.
Alley Posts.
At the September 4 Council meeting, Council decided to leave the alley posts restricting traffic flow in place.
All of the citizen comments were heard and considered by Council. You will be fined if you park in the alleys or
lanes, and your vehicle shall be towed.
Est. 1989
Submitted by Lee Moltzahn
Contact: P.O. Box 505 Nobleford, AB, T0L 1S0; (1)403-824-3909
View by Appointment (225 Milnes Street): Please call Julie Pike (403-824-3224), Peggy Campbell
(403-824-3560), or Clarence Sterenberg (403-824-3428) to book a time.
Check us out on FACEBOOK – “ obleford Area Museum Society”
ummer just seems to go by so fast, I hope you enjoyed it! Autumn is now upon us with harvest already nearing completion.
After a long awaited arrival, summer is officially here. On behalf of the Museum Society, I would like to thank everyone
who came and checked out your local museum. A big thank you is also owed to our awesome summer student Kayla Bolink,
she made a great addition to the team. Now that the summer season is over, we are no longer open during the week;
however, we will be open for special events throughout the winter or by appointment.
The Nobleford Area Museum Society received a donation grant of
$890.35 from Alberta Culture and Community Services. Thank
On HERITAGE DAY, the Museum was open and featured a special
display related to Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee. All the pictures
on this page were taken that day. Many thanks go to Wanda Luchia for taking the photos.
The Museum is always open to EW MEMBERS. If you are looking for a group to volunteer with and make a difference in your
community, please contact the Museum or attend a meeting; regular meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the
Museum (225 Milnes St.). Our next meeting is October 1, 2012; hope to see you there!
Did you know?
The “Noble Blade” was named the American
Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) No. 46 Landmark in 2005.
For the complete story, go to
It is the next generation that pays for the sins of
the careless and greedy soil management. The
man who would earn the full respect of his son
should make sure the young man inherits the soil
as well as the farm. – Charles S. oble
2 Residential Lots in Centennial Phase 4, FOR SALE
The Village will be selling 2 residential lots in Phase 4 of Centennial subdivision.
Please contact the Village and express your interest.
Join us @
4:30 on Thursdays
302 Hunt Street
or call
Noble Central School may be undergoing some renovations that would include a Library upgrade.
The Village of Nobleford is considering partnering with Palliser in developing a Public Library and is
considering a financial contribution of your tax dollars to the project.
The Village Council and Administration value your comments and involvement in such a project is valued.
In 2011 and 2012 some Nobleford residents received a subsidy of up to $50 on the purchase of their Library
cards. The Village will be seeking involvement of these residents, and anyone interested in developing
potential Library opportunities in Nobleford. To date we only have one person that is interested in helping
Please inform the Village office of your willingness to be involved in this special interest initiative.
Nobleford News
$850.00 per month + Utilities
Look to the future - Rent with option to Purchase
EW Advertising Prices
6 appliances
Business card $10.00,
¼ page 20.00,
½ page $35.00,
full page $60.00. plus GST.
990sq.ft. per unit,
Close to school, post office, convenience store, great new park
Rental Managers Pete or Debby
Call 403-824-3877 (home)
403-892-0969 (cell)
For more information
Call the Village Office: 403-824-3555
Please note:
Advertising rates are for advertisements as
well as announcements.
There is no charge for all Village of obleford
Societies, Organizations and Churches for up
to 3/4 page or per CAO approval prior to
Jen’s Restaurant
Chinese & Western Cuisine
Fully Licensed
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 9:00pm
9:30am - 9:00pm
5:00pm - 9:00pm
9:30am - 9:00pm
Phone: 824-3887
Breakfast and take out orders
Phone in orders will be ready on arrival
10% off pick up orders over $25.00
on-Smoking Environment
Daily Lunch Buffet
Monday - Friday 11:30am - 2:00pm
Dinner Buffet
5:00pm - 8:30pm
Breakfast Menu
8:30am - 11:00am
We also do Catering
Please trim your trees and hedges
The Village of Nobleford requires all trees, bushes and hedges to be trimmed overhead and back from the
sidewalks to allow for safe access on our public sidewalks walk ways and streets. Keeping safety in mind, it is
suggested that you trim your trees so no branch is lower than 10 feet from the ground and no hedge or bush is
within 12 inches of the side of the walkway. In order not to obstruct traffic on our streets, especially intersections,
you should keep hedges and bushes cut to a maximum of 30 inches high 25 feet back from the intersection or
sidewalk. It is the property owner’s responsibility to care for adjacent boulevards and laneways.
The Village may bill you for costs associated with maintenance.
Peter Harbers
Custom Hauling
Specializing in grain
Call me for all your grain hauling needs…..
Peter Harbers
1015609 Alberta Ltd
422 Stonecrest Terrace W,
Lethbridge, AB,
T1K 5S3
Phone: 403 380 2067
Cell: 403 332 3047
email: [email protected]
The address & numbers has changed but the service is still the same!
325 Highway Ave
Picture Butte
Annie Van Der Veen
Unique children’s clothing & gifts
Utilities, water
Is your water meter and exterior reader working? The fine for a non functioning water meter is $175.00.per
billing. In Nobleford, you own the meter and reader and are responsible to keep it operating and in a location
convenient for the Village staff to read.
Please place your exterior reader near the front of your house, outside of fencing.. Contact the Office if
you need help.
If you have an overdue utility account the Village may transfer this amount to your property taxes.
The Village may, without notice, turn your water supply off.
Please meet with the CAO to discuss your options.
The Nobleford Agricultural Society
Will be hosting their
Annual Harvest Supper
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012
6:00 p.m. at Noble Central School
Price: Free Will
We would also like to invite you to share your farming photos with our community
that evening.
You can display a single photo or a collage of photos.
*****These are for display only and will not be judged*****
Stay & Play is a valuable program for parents and children (birth to 5 years old) to attend
together. There is no charge and registration is not required. Come drop in and see what
we’re all about. Songs, rhymes, stories, sand and water play, dress-ups and housekeeping,
blocks, science and creative art are all available in a safe and inviting learning environment.
Monday and Thursday Mornings: 9:30 – 11:30 am at the Nobleford Community Complex
Call: Brenda Rathwell at 403-320-1931 for more information
Nobleford Parent Link Community Calendar:
Community Family BBQ:
obleford Community Complex
6:00-8:30, Friday September 28
o Charge
Nobleford Parent Link Community Calendar:
/obleford Parent Association
Is a community-based group of volunteers that was created with one common goal in mind.
“To provide the students at oble Central School with extra funds to assist in creating more opportunities for field trips to
science centres, extra curricular activities and various camps, just to name a few”.
Noble Central School is a small school (one of a couple of K-12 left). We as a group have come to realize that more can be done
to provide additional funding and support and to create more opportunities that the students themselves will benefit from.
The PA is desperately searching for volunteers. REMEMBER—just a fraction of someone's’ time and/or support goes a
long way in achieving our goal.
To find out how you can help, please contact:
Sue S
Remember: This is for our children. We need your ideas and/or support!
Moto Cross, BMX, ATV, QUAD
Are you interested in seeing some type of recreation site developed for your off road fun north of Industrial
Talk to any of your Councilors or stop by the Village office.
Do you live in / around Nobleford?
Do you work within the surrounding area?
Are you interested in helping others?
We are looking for a few motivated individuals to join our dedicated team.
Individuals will need to be available to respond to daytime calls, as well as attend
weekly training and all other calls that happen without notice.
Applicants must:
Be Over 18yrs of age
Provide a drivers abstract
Live within Nobleford / surrounding area
*applicants available for daytime response will be given
first chance for an interview
Contact us at:
[email protected]
or visit us at:
The First Thanksgiving
When the Pilgrims
first gathered together to share
with their Indian friends
in the mild autumn air,
they lifted the voices
in jubilant praise
for the bread on the table,
the berries and maize,
for field and for forest,
for turkey and deer,
for the bountiful crops
they were blessed with that year.
They were thankful for these
as they feasted away,
and as they were thankful
we're thankful today.
Unknown -
Pizza - Pasta - Donairs - Burgers & Sandwiches
Eat In - Take-out
Monday - Wednesday: 11am - 8pm
Thursday - Saturday 11 am - 9pm
Sunday: Closed
Holidays: Closed
403 824 3400
403 824 3355
Gourmet Pizza
We make Noble’s best pizza because we use the finest ingredients to create the freshest dough and the best homemade sauce, prepared right
in our kitchen.
Small 10” - $14.99
Medium 12” - $19.99
Large 14” - $22.99
Eddie’s Mistake:
Margo’s Garden:
Andrew’s Best Meat Lovers:
Greek Pizza:
Taco Pizza:
Hot House Delight:
Donair Pizza:
Mexican Pizza:
Seafood Pizza:
BBQ Chicken:
Pepperoni, ham, shrimp, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, pineapple, black olives and mozzarella
Mushrooms, black olives, onions, green peppers, fresh tomato and mozzarella
Ham, pepperoni, beef, salami, bacon, Italian sausage and mozzarella
Onions, green peppers, feta cheese, mushrooms, fresh tomatoes, black olives and mozzarella
Salsa, sour cream, onions, seasoned beef, fresh tomato, green peppers, cheddar and mozzarella
Pepperoni, mushrooms, chilli peppers, banana peppers, green peppers, onions and mozzarella
Donair meat, tomatoes, onions, donair sauce and mozzarella
Chilli sauce, seasoned beef, red kidney beans, onions, green peppers and mozzarella
Crab meat, shrimp, onions, cheddar and mozzarella. Choice of pizza sauce or garlic butter sauce
BBQ sauce, chicken, pineapple, onions, cheddar cheese and mozzarella
Create your own pizza
Creative people make beautiful pizza. Be creative!! Create your own pizza and let us do the work. Basic pizza comes with sauce and
Small 10 “
Medium 12”
Large 14”
8” ooners
- $10.99 + $1.00 per extra topping
- $13.99 + $1.50 per extra topping
- $15.99 + $1.75 per extra topping
- 2 Toppings - $8.99
Your choice of sauce:
House tomato sauce, house meat sauce, house oregano and garlic butter sauce and salsa.
Your choice of toppings: Beef, bacon, ham, pepperoni, salami, Italian sausage, shrimp, crab meat, diced chicken, anchovies, mushrooms,
green peppers, fresh tomato, pineapple, red kidney beans, black olives, banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, sour cream, feta cheese, cheddar
cheese and parmesan cheese
October 2012
∗ Thanksgiving
∗ Thanksgiving
∗ Thanksgiving
∗ Regular Council
Service: 10am MRC
∗ obleford Fall
Service. 10am
∗ obleford Parks
& Rec Society
AGM 7:30pm
∗ Ag Society
Harvest Supper 6pm
∗ Halloween
November 2012
∗ Regular Council
∗ Fall Bazaar and
Potluck Supper.
∗ Deadline for
∗ Remembrance
∗ Service. 10AM
∗ Regular Council