Whistler 2014 April.indd
Whistler 2014 April.indd
W histler The Whitstone Whitstone Whistler April 2014 In This issue Issue 72 - AprilPage 20141 The community magazine of Whitstone delivered free to each household Under 5’s Can you find 10 more Easter Eggs ? Count up to 10 as you find them all. Easter eggs roll. What other things roll? 23rd April; St George’s Day “Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Norman MacEwan (1881-1953) - Senior Commander, Royal Air Force. Page 2 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 The Whitstone Whistler The community magazine for Whitstone The Whistler Commi ee Chairman: Brian Martyn 01288 341376 Secretary: Maggie Stanbury 01288 341332 Treasurer/Adver sing: Richard Horn 01288 341482 Editor & Publishing: Phil Tucker 01288 341617 Delivery Co-ordinator: Mike Su on 01288 341687 Contact us, to submit an ar cle, news item or adver sing via email, phone, le er or any commi ee member. The deadline for each issue is 25th of the month. If you would like to receive a regular emailed copy of The Whistler (.pdf) each month just email us with the word ‘Subscrip on’ in the subject line. [email protected] Inside This Issue Community News. ............ Parish Council Report............. Mrs Trewhitless................. Diary.................................. Nature Notes..................... Whippersnappers............... 3 4 10 14 15 18 A knight without fear.................. YouTube......... Useful Numbers.............................. 23 26 27 Computer Help - CV Help Completely new to computers? Need help with certain programs? Sending emails? Using Skype? Wri ng a CV or Personal Statement? Whatever you needs regarding computers then the Whitstone I.T. group can help For details on future meeƟngs contact Mike / Irene 341687 or Phil 341617 Note: If you want your ar cle or announcement to appear on the Whitstone Village Website as well as in The Whistler you will need to also send it to [email protected] By supplying material for publica on in The Whitstone Whistler you are also giving permission for the same material to be published on the Whitstone Village web site at www.whitstonevillage.com. The Whitstone Whistler reserves the right to edit any contribu on for the purpose of clarity, consistency and layout limita ons. The Whitstone Whistler is not necessarily in agreement with the opinions expressed in this magazine and accepts no responsibility for transac ons with private or trade adver sers. All informa on thought correct at me of going to press. E&OE. All ar cles ©2013 of named authors Magazine design ©2013 The Whitstone Whistler Commi ee. Printed by Phil Tucker, Northmoor, Whitstone tel: 01288 341617 Page 3 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Community News These are notes that have come in to the editor for the aƩenƟon of all residents. In Poundstock Gildhouse: Wed 9 April 7.30pm ‘Spring Spectacular’ by Erica and Sophie from Bleujen Florists of Bude £2.50 including light refreshments. All welcome. EVER WONDERED ABOUT HOME Fri 25 April 7.30pm Quiz – in aid of St Winwaloe’s. SWAPPING? Contact 01566 781559 to register your team. We are looking for people who ALSO want to try out a home swap Wednesdays from 23 April 10.00 – 4.00 pm holiday in Britain for a new BBC Gildhouse Open to Visitors TV series. Lots of information about the history of this fascinating building plus Do you live in an interes ng tea and coffee. property such as a converted Free entrance. Bring (or send) your visitors – they will enjoy it. barn, a charming co age, a super-modern apartment, a historic building, a period house or a unique space? A note from one of our readers. This sign is IF SO THEN GET IN TOUCH NOW! hung in Stra on Surgery. Is it not shocking For an applica on form or an ini al chat that more than a week of a doctor’s me is please email [email protected] lost in one month? Also surely we make an appointment only when we need a doctor with your contact details WHITSTONE METHODIST CHAPEL Invite you all to join them for OUR GOOD FRIDAY CONCERT on Friday April 18th at 7.30pm given by The Stowford Meadow Singers. Chairperson: Mrs Anne Rowe. This will be followed by Supper ...don’t we? Page 4 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Parish Council Report Cllr Nick Furse Cllr Andrew Adamson Cllr Mervyn Collins Cllr Richard Horn Cllr Andrew Medland Cllr Mike Sutton Vacancy Esther Greig Trelay Farm St Gennys Bude EX23 0NJ Chairman Vice-Chair & Parish Plan Parish Hall & Church Planning 01288 01288 01288 01288 PRoW & Localism 01288 341687 Clerk Highlights from the March MeeƟng War Memorial. Dra plans have been received from H G Stacey Ltd. Cllr Collins noted that it is difficult to choose which regiment to include on the inscrip on; as some changed during their service. It was resolved to remove the regiment abbrevia on, keep to the maximum 35 characters, and to commission the memorial. Paradise Park Land. The PC required clarifica on on the access to the land – the access looks prac cal being about 10 across; but is it legal? It was resolved that the PC writes to Kivells reques ng a detailed, close up map containing boundary informa on and landownership on the access land. Defibrillator & associated event. Cllr Horn stated that the event was reasonably well a ended and the a endees were well engaged with the training – thank 341111 341629 341598 341482 Office 01840 230141 Mobile 07760 560441 [email protected] you to Kensey Training. He noted that Parishioners now have the confidence to use the defibrillator if the need ever arose. An addi onal budget item for maintenance of defibrillator is to be discussed in November and that the WPC insurance will be amended accordingly. Cllr Horn noted that if the Pads are used – the NHS will replace them, and he has cable es – maintenance for 2014 will not be an issue. He will check the box monthly when a ending the PC mee ng, he will add a s cker with his contact details insider the box so that if any equipment needs renewing following an incident; he can replace. Annual Parish Mee ng. Date set at 9th April 8.30pm, to include discussion on the wind turbines at Week St.Mary, War Memorial, Village Website, defibrillator, Paradise Park, Chair’s report, Cllr Chopak’s report, Report on Parish Plan update. Planning PA14/00868. St.Anne’s Residen al Home, Whitstone. Mr J Page 5 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Parish Council Report Medland. Erec on of a building to house two biomass boilers and wood pellet fuel stores to provide a renewable heat source for the adjacent care home. No public comments noted on website and work has started on the project – portal framework is in place. Cllr Collins stated in was pointless looking at the plans. Cllr Medland le room. Cllr Furse did not take part, Cllr Horn outlined project under dispensa on. It was resolved to reply with No Objec on. WhitstoneParishCouncil ANNUALPARISHMEETING TimeandDate: Wednesday9thAprilat8.30pm Venue: StAnnesHall,Whitstone AllWelcome Agenda ChairmansReport–AnoverviewofallactivitiesundertakenbyParishcouncil Otherofficerreportsincluding: Ͳ LandatParadisePark Ͳ Planningreviewof2013 Ͳ Footpaths PA14/02107. The Big Field Wind farm, land at and Ajoining Creddaco Farm, Week St.Mary, Holsworthy. Mr John Colombi, Good Energy Genera on Ltd. Wind Farm development of up to 11 turbines (up to 125m to blade p). PC want to give the Parish an opportunity to discuss this applica on – put on the agenda for April and bring forward the Annual Parish Mee ng to same date. For InformaƟon Southmoor Farm Mr P Colwill. Prior no fica on for the construc on of an agricultural building for straw and feed store PA13/09824 Seaview Farm, Whitstone. There are some Environmental Health concerns regarding poten al conflict between amenity of occupiers and the opera onal farm. PC is happy for the Planning Officer to make a delegated decision. Next Mee ng 9th April 7.30pm Parish Hall followed by the Annual Parish Mee ng at 8.30pm – All Welcome Ͳ Warmemorialupdate MainitemforpublicdiscussionͲ ParishResponsetoCornwallCouncilconcerningtheProposed“Big Field”windfarmatWeekStMary PleasenoteonlypeoplefromtheParishofWhitstonewillbeinvited tospeakonthismatter. Followedbyanyotherbusiness LPG GAS SAFE ENGINEER Specialising in: Mobile Homes LPG Appliances Installa on, Servicing and Repairs Will Issue Gas Safe Cer ficate On Comple on Of Work Contact Steve Phone: 01288 341917 07790 393928 email: [email protected] Page 6 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Methodist Chapel Methodist Chapel Services Services at 11.00am unless stated otherwise April Sunday April 6th Worship Leaders Sunday April 13th palm Sunday at North Tamerton . Rev Neal Street (Sacrament) Sunday April 20th Dr D Wood Sunday April 27th Mr T Sillifant The monthly Coffee Mornings are con nuing the next one being Tuesday April 1st from 10.30 - 12.00. Please come along and bring your friends! Watch out it is April Fools Day!! Our Good Friday Concert will be held on Friday April 18th. Chairperson Mrs Anne Rowe, Musical items provided by The Stowford Meadow Singers Come along and join in the celebra on of this remarkable Easter Event, without Good Friday there would have been no Easter Day! A date for your diary. Our chapel has been open for 150 years and we will be celebra ng on May 18th! Watch The Whistler for more details! Church HOLY WEEK APRIL 2014 Tues 15th Weds 2nd 08.30 Fri 4th 17.00 Widemouth Bay Widemouth Bay QM ES WT 08.00 Widemouth Bay QM RD 09.30 Week St Mary FS WT 09.30 Poundstock HC RD 11.00 St Gennys HC + Bpt RD 16.00 Jacobstow ES DP 18.30 Whitstone ES WT Weds 9th 08.30 Widemouth Bay QM RD Fri 11th 17.00 Widemouth Bay ES WT Sunday 6th Passion Sunday Tuesday of Holy Week Weds 16th Psalm 130 Romans 8:6-11 Warbstow CM 08.30 Widemouth Bay QM John 11:1-45 RY 19.00 Treneglos CM WT Thurs 17th Maundy Thursday 19.00 Jacobstow HC 12.00 Whitstone SC Fri 18th Good Friday Sat 19th Easter Eve 14.00 Poundstock GF St Gennys SC RD RT 20.00 Week St Mary SL RD 06.30 Warbstow Bury HC RD/ MM 08.00 Widemouth Bay QM RY Poundstock HC GR Warbstow FC DR Jacobstow HC RY Whitstone HC RY Week St Mary HC RD EASTER DAY 08.00 Widemouth Bay QM RT 09.30 Jacobstow MP CG EASTER DAY 09.30 Warbstow HC DR (White/Gold) Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 11.00 Poundstock/ Bangors AM MM 11.00 St Gennys MP CG 11.00 Whitstone HC RY 18.30 Week St Mary ES WT Sunday 13th DR/ RD RY et al 18.30 Sunday 20th Palm Sunday WT Wednesday of Holy Week Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Purple) 19.00 GR Acts 10:34-43 or Jeremiah 31:1-6 Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 (Red) Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 26:14-27:66 or Matthew 27:11-54 09.00 Colossians 3:1-4 or Acts 10:34-43 John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10 Weds 23rd Fri 25th St George's Day 11.00 St Gennys HC DR 15.00 Treneglos Bpt RT 08.30 Widemouth Bay QM RY 17.00 Widemouth Bay ES WT Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Page 7 The Annual Parish Meeting Whitstone will be holding its Annual Parish out about the work carried out by the Parish Mee ng very shortly, on the 9th April in fact. Council and the parish clubs and organisa ons So what’s that all about then? Well, there or just to listen to what others have to say. seems to be a lot of confusion around what Mike Su on this mee ng is and is not. Let me firstly say (Wri en as a parishioner and not intended to what it is not. . . .it is not the Annual Mee ng represent Whitstone Parish Council) of Whitstone Parish Council. . . no, that mee ng is held in May each year and is the mee ng where the Chairman of the Parish Council is elected for a 12 month term of office. The Annual Parish Mee ng is different and quite separate. Parish mee ngs are a form of direct democracy where all the electors in a civil parish are en tled to a end. It is the mee ng where the parish council report to its electorate on what it has accomplished in the preceding year and to enable the registered electors to discuss parish affairs and to pass resolu ons thereon. Anyone may a end but only registered electors in the parish may speak and vote. This mee ng is also an opportunity for community groups to report on their ac vi es over the last year. Any registered elector may ask ques ons of the Council and these will usually be answered by the Chairman or by the Parish Clerk or a designated Councillor. An elector may also make sugges ons and comment on parish issues and propose resolu ons. If resolu ons are proposed then a ballot of those a ending the mee ng is held to decide if the resolu on is passed, or not, and only people on the Whitstone electoral register are allowed to vote. Resolu ons passed at the mee ng will be considered by the Parish Council at their mee ngs. So this is an opportunity for us all to have a say on any issues, to make helpful comments This is the design of the War Memorial which and sugges ons for improvement, to find is being proposed by the Parish Council. Ed Page 8 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 STAY PUT FENCING iSOs www.irenesuƩon.co.uk AFFORDABLE WEBSITE DESIGN Livestock Domestic Equestrian QUICK AND EFFICIENT SERVICE PRICE BASED ON SIZE OF SITE ONLY NEED ONE PAGE—NO PROBLEM HAVE A LOOK AT THE COSTS GIVE ME A CALL irene@irenesuƩon.co.uk 01288 341687 Whatever your fencing needs, John & Karen will be happy to supply a free - no obligation estimate. Call us now to discuss your ideas John : 07816 164250 Karen: 07968 327120 Also: All types of Gates - Decking Featheredge Fencing - Lattice Fencing Bennets Yard, Whitstone Holsworthy, EX22 6UG 01288 341111 07966 268240 [email protected] PREMIUM QUALITY BLENDED FEEDS AND COARSE MIXES FOR CATTLE AND SHEEP Bulk, Big Bags, 20kg Bags Delivered or Collected Public Weighbridge Like our page on Facebook Page 9 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Whippersnappers The Whitstone To celebrate World Book Day, we came to school dressed as a character from a favourite book. In our RE lessons, we (Classes 2 & 3) have been looking at the Sikh religion. As part of our studies, we were delighted to welcome Page 10 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Mrs Trewhitless Notes from the Whitsend Kitchen Happy Easter, happy eaters! How I missed being able to buy the usual range of fresh fish during those stormy months earlier this year and how I was made to appreciate the return of haddock, plaice, bass, bream, whi ng – the list is too long - to the fish counters recently! Come Good Friday, fish will most definitely be the order of the day, when maybe you would like to try this fish stew, which our daughter recently served up to us. Liz has adapted a recipe of Jamie Oliver, adding or changing a few things here and there, with a truly delicious result. Not just delicious, but easy and quick to prepare, I must add, so I definitely recommend it to you. Liz’s Sicillian Fish Stew: Ingredients for 4 servings: 3 medium onions, chopped 4 s cks celery, chopped 3 anchovies (from n or jar) pinch of chilli flakes 4 cloves garlic, sliced 5 medium sized ripe tomatoes, chopped ½ litre vegetable stock ½ litre fish stock 300ml white wine 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 1tbsp balsamic vinegar a generous dash of tomato ketchup 1 tsp mixed herbs 200g (about ½ pack) couscous 4 white fish fillets, skinned (eg. haddock or cod), le whole 2 packs fresh jumbo prawns grated zest of 1 lemon fresh parsley, chopped to serve olive oil for frying In a heavy pan, heat 2 to 3 tablespoons of oil and fry together the onions, celery, anchovies, chilli flakes and garlic, s rring frequently, un l so . S r in the tomatoes un l they so en. Add the stock, wine, vinegars, ketchup and herbs and bring to a simmer. Add the couscous. A er 2 minutes, put in the whole fish fillets and simmer gently for a further 10 minutes. Add the jumbo prawns and allow to simmer for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle the lemon zest and the parsley over the mixture to serve. Page 11 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Mrs Trewhitless (cont’) Now for an Easter treat which takes the biscuit (oh sorry)! This recipe for Easter Biscuits, comes from Clare Horn’s “Year Round Dairy Cookbook”. I have never had much success with making biscuits (unlike many of you, I know) and I don’t always feel much like ea ng them, but these have actually turned out really well for me, and I confess I haven’t been able to stop ea ng them! As for Mr T… Clare’s Easter Biscuits: Ingredients (to make 24 – 26 biscuits): 6oz plain flour 1 tsp mixed spice 4oz bu er 4oz caster sugar zest of 1 lemon or orange (I used a mix of both) 3oz dried wild blueberries or currants (I used dried cranberries and raisins) 1 egg, beaten slices, laying them on a parchment lined baking sheet. (I found the cranberries made slicing difficult, so I rolled out my dough and used a shaped cu er) Bake the biscuits for 15-18 minutes, un l they are pale golden. Cool for a few minutes on the baking sheet, then sprinkle with a li le more caster sugar and transfer to a wire rack to cool thoroughly. Si the flour and mixed spice into a large bowl. Add the bu er in slivers and rub in. S r in the sugar, fruit zest and fruit. Add the egg and mix to a firm dough. Knead the dough briefly, on a lightly floured surface and shape into a sausage, about 8 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. Wrap in cling film and let it chill in the fridge for an hour, or the freezer for half an hour. Try storing them if you can, in an air ght n! Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan oven 170°C) / gas mark 4. Unwrap the dough and cut into ¼ inch Many thanks to Liz and to Clare for their yummy ideas, and a Happy Easter to all of you from Mrs Trewhitless! Page 12 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Whippersnappers (cont’) Daya Stafford to the school. Daya brought tradi onal Sikh costumes, which we were able to wear, and showed us some Punjabi dancing. She explained the rituals and prac ces of Sikhism and we role- played a visit to a gurdwara, or temple. In the a ernoon, we made and cooked chapa s and sampled some of the typical foods that would be prepared and served in a gurdwara’s langar, or kitchen. We would like to thank Daya for a most interes ng and enriching experience. Since before Christmas, the sports matches that we have arranged with other schools in the Trust – some of them under the auspices of Budehaven, others bilaterally – have had to be cancelled or postponed owing to the unremi ng wet weather. However, the recent improvement in the weather, which we hope might be the sunny prelude to Spring, meant that we were able to take part in a High 5 netball tournament organized by Budehaven’s sports leaders. Mrs Retallick, in her role as a nurse at a dental prac ce in Bude, paid a visit to pupils in Class 2 and gave a talk about looking a er their teeth and good oral hygiene. As well as the good advice, Mrs Retallick also gave them some samples of toothpaste and s ckers to remind them to brush their teeth twice a day. We par cipated in Sport Relief Day by coming to school dressed in sporty gear and dona ng £1. We weren’t able to go on to the sports field to run/walk/skip a mile so we covered the distance around the playgrounds instead. Whitstone Whistler April 2014 1RZ6HUYLQJ&DUYHU\'LQQHUV 0RVW6XQGD\V 3OHDVHULQJWRFRQILUPZHDUHRSHQE\ 6DWXUGD\HYHQLQJHDFKZHHN SHUDGXOW IRUFKLOGUHQXQGHU %LUWKGD\$QQLYHUVDU\:HGGLQJ RU6SHFLDO2FFDVLRQ" 2XU:RRGPDQ%DUFDQFDWHUIRUDUDQJHRIIXQFWLRQV ZLWK \RXU FKRLFH RI KRW RU FROG EXIIHWV &DUYHU\ 'LQQHUVRUDQDOWHUQDWLYHWKDWVXLWVZKDW\RXQHHG )XOO\/LFHQVHG%DUDQG'LVFRDYDLODEOH (PDLODODQ#KHGOH\ZRRGFRXN RUFDOOIRUIXUWKHUGHWDLOV RUYLVLWZZZKHGOH\ZRRGFRXN Page 13 13 Sun 12 Sat 11 Fri 10 Thu 9 Wed 8 Tue 7 Mon 6 Sun 5 Sat 4 Fri Palm Sunday Service in St Anne's Church 11 am - 12 pm ; Chapel (North Tamerton) 11am Palm Sunday Annual Parish Meeting 8:30pm preceeded by Parish Council Meeting 7:30 PM Service in St Anne's Church 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm; Chapel 11am Worship Leaders Computer Club 10.30 - 1pm; 2 Wed 3 Thu Whitstone Waddlers, St Anne's Parish Hall, 9:30am-11:30am : Coffee Club at the Chapel 10.30am - 12 1 Tue Mon Sun Sat April 2014 Page 14 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 30 29 28 27 26 Sat 25 Fri 24 Thu 23 Wed 22 Tue 21 Mon 20 Sun 19 Sat 18 Fri 17 Thu 16 Wed 15 Tue 14 Mon 11 am - 12 pm; Chapel 11am Dr D Wood Cancer Research Meeting at Higher Wadfast 7:30 pm - 9 pm Service in St Anne's Church 11 am - 12 pm; Chapel 11am Mr T Sillifant St George's Day Easter Day Service in St Anne's Church Good Friday Service in St Anne's Church 12 pm - 1 pm Smile Club 6 pm - 7:30 pm Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Page 15 Page 16 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Nature Notes March - April By Fran Slade Well Spring has truly come, although there is a difference of opinion as to whether it commenced on the 1st of the month or on the 20th of the month, but any way it is here, my favourite me of the year with everything coming back to life a er the long dark days of Winter, What a wonderful display of daffodils everywhere, I am drawn to the poem Daffodils by William Wordsworth as he states that he saw a crowd, a host of dancing daffodils, along the lake beneath the trees, ten thousand dancing in the breeze, yes it was certainly just like that. The large flocks of Starlings have now le the farms on their long journey up North towards Scandinavia, and even beyond to reach their breeding grounds, and also the Black headed gulls have le the lakes and rivers nearby to search out their breeding grounds too, at this me of the year the birds world-wide all move up Northwards because it will be Summer me with longer daylight hours in which to feed their young, and then in the Autumn they will all travel Southwards when we have our very short days and long Winter nights. We are just past the Spring Equinox when we have days of equal dark and light, and when we alter the clocks it will be lovely and lighter during the evenings. We o en see Barn Owls in the dusk as they search out small rodents for food, these u er a long wild shriek, these alone are in the Genus Tytonidae, as all the other owls are in the Genus Strigidae, and o en the well recognised hooo-hooo-hooo followed by the oo-oo-oo song eerily echoes out through the woodlands during the evening as the Tawny Owl hunts for small rodents and insects. All birds spend a long me preening their feathers, zipping and un zipping them up and down, the wing edges have fastenings just like Velcro, and feathers must be kept in p top condi on as the birds life depends on them being able to take to flight swi ly. We were pleased to see several small par es Wheatear of Wheatears on passage, these were on Maer Downs, they are very smart birds with a very conspicuous white rump and sides of tail, being in the Turdidae genus, the same as Thrushes. Chats and Robins. As we ventured further along the cliff tops towards Northco mouth we also noted that the Fulmars are back on the steep cliff sides where they will nest, these are truly pelagic birds spending Fulmar Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Nature Notes By Fran Slade all of their lives at sea, only coming to land to breed. These look very much like Gulls, but they fly with s ff wings, not curved like the gulls. The Li le Egret has been seen once again on the Bude Marshes, and the over Wintering Chiff Chaffs. have once more began their monotonous song of Chiff Chaff Chiff Chaff again to join in with the majority of resident birds. During April the first migrants will be arriving, and usually we get a very cold spell once they have arrived and they must wonder why they le such hot countries to arrive on our cold shores. We are quite excited because the blue ts have been in and out of our nest boxes, and we hope that they will decide to make one of them their home for this season. The Tadpoles have been seen swimming in the pond and the gardens are looking very Spring like with the Polyanthus, Camellias, Daffodils, and the leaves are burs ng out on the Hawthorns, the Pussy Willows are fluffy and invi ng to the bees, and we have had lovely sunshine during the month. Things to look for in April First arrivals of Spring Migrants Bluebells Wood Anemones Cherry Blossom Birds taking food to nests Page 17 Wine and Wisdom A wine and wisdom was held at St Annes Hall Whitstone on March 21st in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. It was a lively and fun evening that was very well supported with 17 teams of six entering and tes ng their knowledge on subjects from food and drink to sport and pot luck! There was a raffle to which many local businesses had generously donated prizes. To date we have raised £1007.59 from this event , including some kind dona ons from people unable to a end. Nick and Wendy Furse would like to express their thanks to everyone who supported and helped in any way on the evening. Rob Furse is cycling from London to Paris in July this year in aid of this very worthy charity. Page 18 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 HOLSWORTHY ALES TRADITIONAL METHODS | GREAT BEER Brewery Nights 2013 Come down to Holsworthy Ales brewery for a night of beer and bangers 6.30pm-9.30pm on: x Saturday 27 April x Saturday 25 May x Saturday 22 June x Saturday 27 July x Saturday 31 August x Saturday 28 September x Saturday 26 October Your convenient gateway to the world of travel. Offering an unrivalled choice of holidays to suit every taste and budget. Over the years we have built excep onal rela onships with many specialist operators, allowing us to combine our knowledge with their personnel experiences. Whether you are looking to travel by coach in The UK or a tour further afield, relax in the sun, enjoy the rush of adrenaline from a winter sports holiday, take in the culture from a city break or sit back and watch the world go by on a cruise our vast range of brochures will help you in choosing the right holiday for you. www.holsworthyales.co.uk / 07879 401073 www.holsworthyales.co.uk 07879 401073 Tel 01409 253962 [email protected] www.holsworthytravel.co.uk Monday ZUMBA Budehaven John Ward Hall 7:30 – 8:30pm £3.50 per session Tuesday ZUMBA MUMMIES (Mum & Baby Post-natal Fitness Class) Stratton Hall 11:00 – 12:15pm **Train with your baby, mix with other Mums & babies tea & coffee provided after class** £5.00 per session Wednesday ZUMBA Bridgerule Village Hall 6:30 – 7:30pm £3.50 per session ZUMBA Poughill Village Hall 9:30 – 10:30am £3.50 per session Friday For more information please contact Lisa Wood 07920 867735 Page 19 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Acorns Pre School Acorns Pre-School had great fun dressing up as characters from their favourite stories for World Book Day, see if you can spot the story from their costumes! Oak Lane, Whitstone EX22 6TH www.acorns-preschool.co.uk Whitstone Waddlers Whitstone Waddlers (boys and girls) meet Tuesday mornings at 9:30 in Whitstone Church Hall Fun, friendly and safe For more information please call Liz on 07919 182195 Funding available For children from 2-5 years old Staff all qualified to NVQ Level 3 and DBS checked PLEASE CALL 07963202225 Page 20 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Councillor’s Report No –one warned me about the different types of situa ons I would become involved in – from blocked drains, pot-holes , overgrown hedges to poorly sited BT telephone poles to problems with council tax and housing benefit and major and some minor planning issues.I am a member of two commi ees, Finance and Resources and Health and Adult Care, both come with a ‘health warning’! I cover seven parishes, combined with full me job and trying to con nue normal family life (if you can with two teenage children s ll at home) I have learnt very quickly, who are the best people to contact within Cornwall Council, and some of those I don’t’ need to deal with! Cornwall Council, since the incep on of new administra on, have come under huge budgetary pressures, which are currently leading to review of opening hours for libraries,one stop shops and mobile libraries and a major review of school transport services, which I have been working on to ensure it hopefully will not affect Jacobstow. These will be debated at full council in the coming months. We already have had to make some difficult decisions regarding public toilets, some day care and elderly care homes, two of which were St Hilarys and the Foyer in Bude – both of whom looked a er our most elderly & vulnerable residents. Along with cuts to public transport budgets, life in the rural communi es has certainly become more By Nicky Chopak challenging (as a poli cian might say!) On the more posi ve side – potholes are now being repaired, despite the par cularly inclement weather we have sustained over the past few months, however there is s ll a long list ‘to do’! New traffic speeding issues are being looked at – with a priority list being assembled – but these do come with the warning – the highways budget has been cut! I have been able to spend my community chest this year, £750 for a new porch at Jacobstow, £1,000 for new fencing for the tennis court at WSM and £1,000 for a new war memorial to commemorate the parishioners who gave their lives in WW1 in Whitstone along with a new parish no ceboard for North Tamerton. I’m hoping for a similar amount for the new financial year, so bear this in mind for any projects you may have coming up. They don’t have to be big! Cornwall Council do not appear to be Truro centric, and I can confirm this – the new Chief Execu ve Andrew Kerr is visi ng Bude tomorrow (this will be his second trip in as many months) – he is keen to encourage localism and get to grips with the challenges we face living in North Cornwall. So if you have any immediate concerns I am more than happy to raise them with him when I see him. Do not hesitate to contact me with any other issues you may have. Page 21 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Who can you trust to make or update your Will? Special Offer £90* per single/couple Specialists in Wills, Probate, Estate Administration & LPA’s Making your Will with us provides reassurance and peace of mind for you and your family. Our highly trained adviser will visit you at home, taking the time to understand your circumstances whilst ensuring your personal wishes and instructions for distributing your assets will be clearly and legally defined, avoiding unnecessary anxiety for you and your family To arrange your home visit, call your local consultant on: 01566 770611 Launceston, Cornwall. Honiton, Devon. Whitstone, Devon. Bishops Lydeard, Somerset. Redruth, Cornwall Tel: 01566 772938 Tel: 01404 548010 Tel: 01288 341301 Tel: 01823 432689 Tel: 01209 310330 www.hamblys.com CLAAS AND HAMBLYS A Powerful Combination * price is normally £130 Transforming legal services for over 20 years FOR AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY SALES, PARTS & SERVICE Page 22 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Dancing on the Head of a Pin By Ean Lawrence ‘Come in, Colonel!’ Agatha Stackpole was responding to Colonel Bernard Bracegirdle’s s mula ng knock on the back door of her co age. First wiping his feet on the mat, Colonel Bracegirdle crossed the threshold into the warm embrace of Aggie’s kitchen. ‘Find a chair, Colonel. Ke le’s on.’ ‘Good show, old girl.’ Aggie rounded up the tea things and corralled them onto the kitchen table. ‘Well, my dear, recovered from last night’s charity ball?’ ‘Yes, Colonel, fully recovered, thank you. And you?’ Bernard successfully landed the cup on its companion saucer without any spillage. ‘Didn’t dance.’ ‘Didn’t you? You were lucky. I had to lead in far too many dances – awful bore.’ ‘Yes, the old leg was playin’ up a bit.’ ‘Did you leave early?’ ‘No, no. Sat out with Rita.’ Aggie’s eyes narrowed at the men on of Rita Rayburn. ‘Didn’t she dance, either?’ ‘No. She said she didn’t care to dance.’ Bernard took another swig of tea. ‘Said she would prefer to sit and talk to me…’ I bet she did, thought Aggie. ‘Where did you sit? I didn’t see you.’ ‘With all the chairs impounded, we took possession of the stairs.’ Aggie imagined the li le mouse right there on the stair, squeaking mundani es so ly into Bernard’s unrecep ve ear. ‘You know, it’s strange. Whenever I meet Rita - in the shop, on the bus, in the public lavatories – she always gives me the impression that her day has been irrevocably spoiled by the encounter.’ ‘Really, Aggie?’ ‘Yes. She is like pin.’ ‘A pin? I don’t see the point you’re making.’ Bernard giggled. ‘She pricks you, and s cks you – and when you look to find what it is that has hurt you, you can’t find the head.’ ‘I must confess that whenever I meet her, a chill runs up and down my spine, though she seems, on the face of it, a gentle, inoffensive creature.’ ‘She fills you with discomfort and exaspera ng pain. Yet, if anyone asks you why, you don’t seem able to explain it.’ ‘But she is wonderfully observant.’ ‘Well, it’s true she’s never reluctant to let you know if a curl is out of place, or to say, with apparent sympathe c regret, “Oh, my dear! You look so worn and red. Is everything all right?”’ ‘And she’s such a subtle assassin: just the other day, I was giving my new boots an airing, with a natural manly pride, when, without warning, she says, “How becoming, Bernie.” Only to add in the next sentence a disparaging, “Have you ever thought of trying a different style or a different colour?”’ Calls him Bernie, indeed, thought Aggie. How vulgar. ‘She contrives to leave you with the feeling – a most unpleasant feeling, I have to say – that without her considerate Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Page 23 Dancing on the Head of a Pin (cont) interven on, the whole world would manhood, does she? thought Bernard, in a rare moment of self-percep on. He despise you.’ ‘It is most vexing. The pin, always bright braved a look in Aggie’s direc on. Much and smiling, sharp and sinning – I mean to his relief, he observed Aggie, with her shining – looking for an opportunity to characteris c lack self-consciousness, thrust into so , pale flesh. Unfortunately, vigorously washing the cups and saucers as if the humble domes c objects might use does not seem to blunt its point.’ Aggie gathered up the cups and saucers have been poisoned chalices. and placed them in the washing-up bowl. ‘There is a way, a simple expedient, by which our March Event misfortunes could be with transformed, Colonel.’ ‘How, Aggie?’ Bernard Rose Hitchings looked anxious. ‘You don’t mean she might suffer some kind of accident? This talented artist shared her knowledge and I don’t think that I could expertise with us. We had a very enjoyable evening cope with a term of and even managed to produce some “interesting” imprisonment at my drawings under her instruction. me of life – despite the Here is a selection of our ‘masterpieces’. advantages to be derived from an educa on at a minor public school.’ ‘Of course I don’t, Bernard. What kind of human being do you take me for? I simply mean that perhaps some hapless specimen of manhood would come along and pick up this pin.’ Bernard raised an eyebrow and studiously avoided Aggie’s eye. She doesn’t regard me as a hapless specimen of Page 24 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Whitstone Whitstone Cancer Research UK CommiƩee Whitstone Cancer Research UK Commi ee were delighted with the response from and energy they give into suppor ng this worthwhile charity. However none of this would ma er if we didn’t get the support of the local community in suppor ng The Big Breakfast held at St Annes Hall on Saturday 29th March. Between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm we served 160 meals, bacon or sausage sandwiches as well as a small or large breakfast. We are fortunate in that we are able to source the bacon, sausages and eggs from within the village. We would like to say a BIG thank you to THe Uglow family at THe Cornish Farmhouse Bacon Company and The Fowler family from Seaview Eggs, we are very grateful to these suppliers for their generosity. The commi ee work hard to set up and serve the breakfasts and we are always indebted to them for all their effort and the me the community to come along and eat the breakfasts, so that is really appreciated too!! At the end of the day a Thank you card was given to Pam Vaughn, our re ring Chairperson, for all her hard work and commitment to Whitstone Cancer Research UK commi ee over the years. Fortunately she is going to remain on the commi ee to help us. A card has also been sent to Debbie Bishton who has been a hard working member for a number of years but has felt she needs to step down as she now has other family and business commitments. If there is anyone who would like to join our commi ee then please contact Maggie Stanbury 341332. Thank you everyone! Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Page 25 Page 26 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 01288 361442 www.rebelcinema.co.uk Planned opening of the kitchen at the Old Orchard. It is planned for Easter but with many contractors involved this date might well slip. S ll it will be wonderful to have a local place to celebrate our family milestones. What’s happening this month? 17th April Grand Draw. Prize £500. £2 per cket 23rd April Food Hygiene (level 2) £35 includes refreshments and lunch. 10am - 4pm 25th April Pool CompeƟƟon. Free to enter. Prizes £50 cash or £100 behind the bar! The first Tuesday of every month is a music jamming session. Everyone is welcome to come along, watch and listen. If anyone is interested in performing with an instrument/sing they can. 01288 341 646 07887 614 141. Page 27 Whitstone Whistler April 2014 Useful Telephone Numbers Cornwall Council Enquiries Citizens Advice Bureau, Bude Dentists Emergency April Lodge, Bude Endsleigh, Holsworthy Morwenna, Bude DK Lawrence, Stratton Surgeries NHS Direct Holsworthy Doctors Stratton Medical Centre Hospitals Barnstaple Plymouth Stratton Truro Libraries Bude & Mobile Holsworthy Police Emergency Non-Emergency Utilities Electricity Emergency Gas Water St Anne’s Hall Booking MP Dan Rogerson Cornwall Councillor Nicky Chopak Whitstone Parish Council Clerk (Esther Greig) Whitstone CP School Love & Care in the Community (Pam Colwill) (John Barratt) Samaritans (24hr Helpline) Whitstone Village Stores 0300 1234 100 01288 354531 01872 354375 01288 355355 01409 259330 01288 352340 01288 356579 NHS 111 01409 253692 01288 352133 01271 322577 08451 558155 01288 320100 01872 250000 0300 1234 111 01409 253514 999 101 0800 365 900 0800 111 999 0800 169 1144 01288 341309 01566 777123 07810 302061 01840 230141 01288 341241 01288 341279 01288 341146 08457 909090 01288 341444 Details of all Whitstone Clubs and Organisations can be found on the village website at www.whitstonevillage.com Mobile Library Every other Tuesday (see Diary for dates) St Anne’s Close Hillhead St Anne’s Home 2:50 - 3:05 pm 3:10 - 3:25 pm 3:30 - 3:45 pm tŚŝƚƐƚŽŶĞ sŝůůĂŐĞ^ƚŽƌĞƐ ϬϭϮϴϴϯϰϭϰϰϰ tĞƌĞKƉĞŶDŽŶͲ^ĂƚϳĂŵƵŶƚŝůϴƉŵ ^ƵŶĚĂLJϴĂŵͲϳƉŵ © © ŽŶ͛ƚĨŽƌŐĞƚ͕KƵƌWŽƐƚKĨĨŝĐĞŝƐŶŽǁKWEd,^D,KhZ^ĂƚƚŚĞƐŚŽƉ ƌLJůĞĂŶŝŶŐ 'ŽŽĚŶĞǁƐ͕ǁĞĂƌĞĞdžƉĂŶĚŝŶŐ ŽƉLJΘ&Ădž ŽƵƌ ,ŽƚWĂƐƚŝĞƐ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ^ŝŵƉůĞWĂLJŵĞŶƚƐ ĂƐŬŝŶƐƚŽƌĞŽƌĐĂůůƵƐĨŽƌŵŽƌĞ ĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͘tĞŚĂǀĞƐŽŵĞŐƌĞĂƚŽĨĨĞƌƐ DŽďŝůĞdŽƉͲƵƉƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐϴǁĞĞŬƐŚĂůĨƉƌŝĐĞ ƉĂƉĞƌƐĂŶĚϲǁĞĞŬƐĨƌĞĞĚĞůŝǀĞƌLJ ůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝƚLJ<ĞLJ ŚĂƌŐŝŶŐ KD/E'^KKE͊͊ фффZŽůůŽǀĞƌ,ŽƚŽŐƐ ds>ŝĐĞŶƐŝŶŐ ©©^ƉĞŶĚĂŶĚ^ĂǀĞĂƚWƌĞŵŝĞƌtŚŝƚƐƚŽŶĞ /ŶƚĞƌŶĞƚΘtŝ&ŝ ^ŽŵĞŐƌĞĂƚŵŽŶĞLJƐĂǀŝŶŐĐŽƵƉŽŶƐĨŽƌLJŽƵ &ƌĞĞdŽhƐĞdD &Z>ŽĐĂůWĂƉĞƌ zŽƵƌ&ŝƌƐƚ ĨŽƌϰǁĞĞŬƐ ZŽůůŽǀĞƌ,Žƚ ŽĨĨĞĞdŽ'Ž ǁŚĞŶLJŽƵŚĂǀĞLJŽƵƌ ŽŐ&Žƌ:ƵƐƚάϭ ƉĂƉĞƌƐĚĞůŝǀĞƌĞĚ EĂƚŝŽŶĂů>ŽƚƚĞƌLJ Et^WWZ >/sZz KŶƉƌŽĚƵĐƚŝŽŶŽĨƚŚŝƐĐŽƵƉŽŶͲϭƵƐĞŽŶůLJ dΘĂƉƉůLJͶƐĞĞŝŶƐƚŽƌĞĨŽƌĚĞƚĂŝůƐ KŶƉƌŽĚƵĐƚŝŽŶŽĨƚŚŝƐĐŽƵƉŽŶͲϭƵƐĞŽŶůLJ dΘĂƉƉůLJͶƐĞĞŝŶƐƚŽƌĞĨŽƌĚĞƚĂŝůƐ ƵƐƚŽŵĞƌEĂŵĞ͗ ĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗ ƵƐƚŽŵĞƌEĂŵĞ͗ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ © &ŽƌĂůůŽĨŽƵƌůĂƚĞƐƚŶĞǁƐŽĨĨĞƌƐĂŶĚŵŽƌĞĐŽƵƉŽŶƐǀŝƐŝƚƵƐĂƚ ĨĂĐĞŬ͘ĐŽŵͬǁŚŝƚƐƚŽŶĞǀŝůůĂŐĞƐƚŽƌĞƐΛǁŚŝƚƐƚŽŶĞƐƚŽƌĞƐ