newsdesk-pages live-NEW-CE-024-01032008


newsdesk-pages live-NEW-CE-024-01032008
Save up before the party
Cheers for PC’s magic wand for farmers, but glam world stops short of saying ‘Wow’
● What’s the Wow factor
in the budget: The tax
structure has been
made convenient for the
middle class and the
lower-middle class
● What’s the Ouch
factor: VAT could have
come down more
● Anything that the
finance minister
did that you liked or
disliked: I liked the
loan waiver for farmers.
But what about the
farmers who took loans
and repaid them?
● Are there any causes
close to your heart
that haven’t been
addressed: Rural
transport; education
● Does this budget
have anything good
for your retinue of
servants/ drivers/
support staff: No.
There are poor people
apart from farmers, but
they have not
been addressed
● Will this budget
influence the way
you vote in the
general elections:
Yes, it will
● You prefer to invest
in… I am not much
into investments
● The sort of return
you expect on your
investment: At least
30-40 per cent
● Your best investment
till date: I invested my
life in painting
● How would you rate
yourself as a risk
taker: I believe in
taking risks in work,
but not in investments
● Advice for amateur
investors: Invest
wisely. Don’t be greedy
● What’s the Wow
factor in the budget:
Looks like a lot of
promises for rural India
● What’s the Ouch factor:
There is nothing for
small-scale industries
in the hospitality field
● Anything that the
finance minister did
that you liked or
disliked: How will the
deficit be accounted for?
● Are there any causes
close to your heart that
haven’t been
addressed: Nothing
special has been done
for the food and
beverage retail category
● Does this budget have
anything good for your
retinue of servants/
drivers/ support staff:
The increase in IT
exemption would help
our support staff
● Will this budget
influence the way you
vote in the general
elections: Feel-good
budget, with no clear
● You prefer to invest in…
My own business, retail
● What is the sort of
return you expect on
your investment? We
look at a return of 20 per
cent and doubling our
network every five years
● How often do you take
stock of your investment portfolio? I don’t
● Your best investment
till date: Blue Potato
and Coffee Pai
● How would you rate
yourself as a risk
taker: Big on risk
● Advice for amateur
investors… Invest in
what you believe
● What’s the Wow factor in
the budget: Small cars to
become cheaper
● What’s the Ouch factor:
No change in peak customs
● Anything that the finance
minister did that you liked
or disliked: The hike in tax
exemption limit
● Are there any causes
close to your heart that
haven’t been addressed:
There is nothing concrete
for the fashion industry
● Does this budget have
anything good for your
retinue of servants/
drivers/ support
staff: The farmer loan
waiver scheme as
most come from an
● Will this budget
influence the way
you vote in the
general elections: No
● You prefer to invest
in… Fixed deposits
and property
● The sort of return
you expect on your
investment: Not less
than 40 to 50 per cent
● How often do you
take stock of your
investment portfolio:
Not very often
● Your best investment
till date: Recently
acquired workshop
● How would you rate
yourself as a risk
taker: Play safe
● Advice for amateur
investors? Don’t
gamble. Don’t indulge
in it as a game.
It’s hard-earned
money. Treat it as
your future
influence the way you
vote in the general
elections: No
● You prefer to invest
in… Real estate.
Also mutual funds,
insurance and bonds
● The sort of return
you expect from your
investment: I expect
average returns
● How often do you take
stock of your
investment portfolio:
I have someone to keep
me updated every month
best investment
● What’s the Wow
till date: I have invested
factor in the budget:
in fixed deposits for my
Cars have become
more affordable
Do you rely on
● What’s the Ouch factor:
Petrol and diesel prices
investment advisers/
haven’t gone down
family or friends/
● Anything that the
decide yourself…
finance minister did that
I rely on my chartered
you liked or disliked:
Petrol prices should
● How would you rate
have been reduced
yourself as a risk taker:
● Are there any causes
I don’t take big risks.
close to your heart
But no risk, no gain
that haven’t been
● Advice for amateur
addressed in this
investors: Take
budget: Not really
professional help before
investing in anything
● Will this budget
● What’s the Wow factor in the budget:
● What’s the Wow factor in the budget: Small cars
● What’s the Wow factor in the budget: That it has
● What’s the Wow factor in the budget: Loan
The boost given to agriculture
● What’s the Ouch factor: Farmers who have already
paid off loans have not been given any incentives
● Anything that the finance minister did that
you liked or disliked: Raising the upper limit for
minimum taxable income. Middle-income groups
will be benefited greatly
● Are there any causes close to your heart
that haven’t been addressed: None
● Does this budget have anything good for your
retinue of servants/drivers/support staff: Many
in my staff have farmland and relatives who are
farmers. They are relieved that the loans are waived
● Will this budget influence the way you vote
in the general elections: Yes
● You prefer to invest in… Mutual funds primarily
● What is the sort of return you expect on your
investment: A steady, fairly safe return
● How often do you take stock of your
investment portfolio: I have a financial adviser
● Your best investment till date: The first
Rhythmscape album for which I didn’t have
a record label backing me
● Do you rely on professional investment
advisers/family or friends/decide yourself:
A little of all these
● How would you rate yourself as a risk taker:
I have been quite a risk taker. I trust my gut feelings
● Advice for amateur
investors: The
share market is a
great avenue if
you have the
time and the
stick to the
getting cheaper and the increase in tax exemption
for women
● What’s the Ouch factor: I was expecting
opportunities for better return on investments
● Anything that the finance minister did that you
liked or disliked: Liked his support for tiger
● Are there any causes close to your heart that
haven’t been addressed: Perhaps girl child
education issues could have been better addressed
● Does this budget have anything good for your
retinue of servants/drivers/support staff: Personal
income tax exemption hike to Rs 1.5 lakh is good news
● Will this budget influence the way you vote
in the general elections: No
● You prefer to invest in…
Real estate
● What is the sort of return
you expect on your
investment: Real estate:
almost 100 per cent.
Mutual funds: Not less
than 30 to 35 per cent
per annum
● Your best investment till
date: My home in Mumbai
that I bought in 2004
● Advice for amateur
investors: Read up.
Be aware of what is
addressed the senior citizens. I am quite wary about
what will happen to me 20 years from now
● What’s the Ouch factor: Why should computer
software cost more? The country should be
connected digitally. Why this sudden turnaround?
● Anything that the finance minister did that you
liked or disliked: I liked the fact that the education
budget got such a boost but I wasn't too happy with
mobile handsets getting costlier
● Are there any causes close to your heart that
haven’t been addressed: Why do imported
goods continue to cost so much in India?
● Does this budget have anything good for your
retinue of servants/drivers/support staff:
I guess this time too the budget has been addressed
at the middle class. So there’s nothing really for my
friends in the house
● Will this budget influence the way you vote
in the general elections: I think it will
● You prefer to invest in… Mutual funds and
blue chip companies
● The sort of return you expect from your
investment: Be happy with small returns. I don’t
expect more than 10 per cent returns annually
● How often do you take stock of your investment
portfolio: I don’t, because of a childhood fear
of numbers.
● Your best investment till date: The flat I bought
in Bandra around three-and-a-half years ago
● Do you rely on professional investment
advisers/ family or friends/ decide
yourself: Professionals
● How would you rate yourself as a risk
taker: I would call myself a calculated
risk taker
● Advice for amateur investors: There’s
a book everybody should read. It’s called
Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It basically tells you
why the rich get richer and the poor get
poorer. That’s because the rich let the
money work harder for them rather than
they working harder for the money
waiver for farmers and the fact that it would
be done by June 30
● What’s the Ouch factor: The defence budget
going up by 10 per cent to Rs 105,600 crore.
The money could have been spent on
combating crime
● Anything that the finance minister did that
you liked or disliked: I liked the emphasis on
citizen care. But the excise duty on water
purification systems should have been
abolished, not just cut to 8 per cent
● Are there any causes close to your heart
that haven't been addressed in this budget:
Funds for a highly competent judiciary and
accompanying infrastructure
● Does this budget have anything good for your
retinue of servants/drivers/support staff: Not
particularly. But the emphasis on rural infrastructure
development will be beneficial to their families
● Will this budget influence the way you vote
in the general elections: I have a strong stand
on fundamentalism and will never cast my vote
in favour of divide-and-rule politics
● You prefer to invest in... I spread my
investments across mutual funds, direct
equity, SIPs etc
● What is the sort of return you expect on your
investment: Aim for 40-50 per cent overall growth,
but am happy if it’s
anywhere over
25 per cent
● How often do
you take stock of
your investment
portfolio: I invest
on a monthly
● Your best
investment till
date: The art
on my walls
● How would you
rate yourself as
a risk taker: I'm
a conservative
● Advice for
Start small
and play