IUOMA Blog Archive 2009_06_01 - iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?
IUOMA Blog Archive 2009_06_01 - iuoma.org – Interested in Mail-Art?
Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 BLOG ZOEKEN BLOG MARKEREN pagina 1 van 81 Volgende blog» Blog maken | Aanmelden ruud janssen - iuoma & tam TH E INT ERN ATION A L UNION OF M A IL -A RTIST S IS WHE R E TH E IU OMA ST AND S FOR , BUT AC TUA LLY IT IS ON E OF TH E ASP ECT S OF THE M A IL - A RT TH AT RUU D JAN SSE N HAS P R OD UCE D I N T H E LA ST 29 Y EA R S. A L O T HAS B EEN WR IT TEN B Y HIM I N THI S PE RIO D AND I N HIS B LOG HE WRI TE S ABO UT THE M O ST RE CE NT VI EWS A ND THO U GH TS. F O R SN AIL - M A IL WR IT E TO: T A M , P. O. B O X 10 55 , 480 1 BB - B R ED A , NET H ER LAN D S. saturday, june 27, 2009 about me Mail to Ed Varney - Canada Ruud Janssen Breda, N-Br, Netherlands Ruud Janssen, Mail Artist, publisher of mail-interviews, founder of the IUOMA & the TAM Rubber Stamp Archive, and basically all that has to do with mail art... View my complete profile previous posts Delay Experiment went wrong - UK Labels: Canada, Ed Varney, Mail from Ruud Janssen Mail from Katerina Nikoltson Greece posted by ruud janssen at 7:34 am | 1 comments Mail from Don Boyd - USA Mail to Torma Cauli - Hungary Mail from Ulrike Kauffmann Germany Mail from Mohammed Smith - USA Mail from R.F. Côté - Canada Mail from D.C. Spaulding - USA Mail from A McNeil - UK Mail from Jacque Lynn Davis - USA archives June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 Labels: Hungary, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Torma Cauli posted by ruud janssen at 7:33 am | 0 comments December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 friday, june 26, 2009 April 2005 Mail from Gilles Le Corre - France May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 2 van 81 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 May 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 Because the ZIPCODE was not complete the first envelope was returned to Gilles. The second attempt succeeded. Without the zipcode the letter should have arrived as well. Some postal workers aren't that friendly it seems. January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 Labels: Gilles le Corre - France posted by ruud janssen at 2:33 pm | 0 comments Mail to Roland Halbritter - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 3 van 81 Visit International Union of Mail-Artists Labels: Germany, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Roland Halbritter posted by ruud janssen at 8:55 am | 0 comments Visualizza la mia pagina su Dodo/Dada ARTE POSTALE Mail to Jeff Berner - France NetworkedBlogs Blog: Ruud Janssen IUOMA & TAM Topics: Follow my blog Enter your Email Labels: France, Jeff Berner, Mail from Ruud Janssen Subscribe me! posted by ruud janssen at 8:55 am | 0 comments Preview | Powered by FeedBlitz thursday, june 25, 2009 links to other sites: Mail from P. Pissier - France 1. Interested in Mail-Art? 2. Fluxus Heidelberg Center 3. TAM-Publications Blog 4. TAM and RUUD Findings Blog 5. Fluxus Heidelberg Center BLOG 6. Fluxus Heidelberg Center Videos 7. Fluxlist Europe 8. Mail-Interviews Blog 9. Painted CD's http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 10. The TAM-Rubberstamp Blog 11. Nobody's Blog 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 4 van 81 12. Nobody, Litsa & the Men 13. Tomato Times 14. Mail-Art Projects Overview 15. TAM was HERE, Mail-Art project 1983-1986 by Ruud Janssen 16. Fluxlist Europe 17. Statistical Data 18. Litsa Spathi's Portfolio 19. Counting Numbers 20. Mail-Art Discussion 21. Ongoing Interview with Ruud Janssen 22. Mail-Artists Selfportraits Project 23. The Alphabet Booklet Project 24. The IUOMA-Network Platform links to other blog's related to mail-art: 1. The A1 Mail Art Archive 2. Ed Giecek - USA 3. Flobberlob 4. NOBODY's Blog 5. Exile on Mainstreet - Buz Blurr 6. Kiyotei 7. Hazel 8. ex posto facto 9. 10. Labels: France, Mail to Ruud Janssen, P. Pissier posted by ruud janssen at 6:36 pm | 0 comments Mail from Katerina Nikoltson - Greece http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html Honoria JC Synthetics 11. Jonathan Stangroom 12. Frips 13. 5.000.000 Copies 14. Digital Mail-Art 15. Dadavark Photo Log 16. qbdp BLOG (Geof Huth) 17. Roger Stevens 18. Obscure Reactions 19. Syvia Sometimes Blog 20. The Poetry Postcard Project 21. Painted CD's by Ruud Janssen 22. Jukka(-Pekka Kervinen) BLOG 23. Bentspoon - Ross Priddle 24. Pelican Dreaming 25. Ed's Project 64 years Dylan 26. Non Lineair Poetry 27. Anabasis 28. Crag Hills Poetry Score 29. Qpidoremix Photothing 30. Mark Bloch - The PanModern 31. BLOG by Pierpaollo - Italy 32. R.F. Cote - Canada 33. Nico van Hoorn - Mail Art 34. Special BLOG for Joseph W. Huber (DDR) 35. Mail-Art by Jassy Lupa 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 Labels: Greece, Katerina Nikoltson, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 6:34 pm | 0 comments Mail from Samuel Montalvetti - Argentina http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html pagina 5 van 81 36. The Sideshowpost BLOG 37. Vanessa Holt 38. New Art Blog 39. Bern Porter International by Sheila Holz 40. Geert de Decker - Sztuka Fabryka 41. Pippoburro 42. Cresent House BLOG 43. The Post Secret BLOG 44. Jennifer Barger - FROG and TOADS 45. Elektronic Engel Project for Guillermo Deisler 46. Jenny de Groot's BLOG 47. Ray Johnson Blogspot 48. Mail Boxes BLOG 49. Crispin Webb Vlog - with audio and video 50. Latuff's Blog 51. Curios Things by Michael Leigh (UK) 52. The Dream Project - by Pierpaolo (I) 53. Alan Bowman Ramblings 54. Chopped Livre 55. Snail Mail-Art wanted by Troy 56. Jim Leftwicht - TExt Image Text 57. Visual Poetry Clippings by Geof Huth 58. False Address Blog 59. Fat red Ant 60. Lara Barletta 61. The Artists Books overview 62. Toner Works by Reed Altemus 63. Carla Cryptic 64. Friour Magazine (Guido Vermeulen) 65. Fluxlist Europe 66. Nobody, Litsa and the Men 67. Jean-Noel-Potte (France) 68. Maxi Boyd Blog 69. LezBag Blog 70. Mail Art Gallery by Carmen 71. Blog of Fluxus Heidelberg Center 72. Blog by Lois Klassen 73. TAM Rubberstamp Archive 74. Sidney Tome - Brasil 75. Thierry Tillier - Belgium 76. Po Brutus - Belgium 77. The postman always rings Twice - Renee Wagemans 78. Serendipityart Blog 79. David Baptiste Chirot Blog 80. Ashley Walker Mail-Art Blog 81. Sanarena-Arenasand 82. Mail-Mania 2 83. Benoit Piret (Ben Tripe) 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 6 van 81 84. Samuel Montavetti sent me issues one and two of his magazine. http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html TAM was here project (19831986) 85. The MARS Project 86. The Monster Mail-Art Swap 87. Confess Your Sins Project 88. The blog of Dan Waber - USA 89. Hans Braumueller - Germany 90. Alyonka - Russian Mail-Art 91. Stamp Collecting Round Up 92. Increadible Green Cat 93. Rico di Parigi 94. What About Croxhapox 95. Jean Noel Potte - De Spookrijder 96. Share your Wisdom 97. Valeria Zunzun 98. Bolletino Mondo Mail-Art 99. Albatroz Blog 4 Ever 100. Poste Resistante - Finland 101. Alyonka Mail-ARt Project 102. Mr. Potani's Blog 103. Wimplet Blog 104. My Land Snake 105. Art Sanatorium 106. Goddessy-Art LiveJournal 107. The Sorting Office 108. We Are One Human Family 109. Teachers for Mail-Art 110. William A. - Brasil 111. Bad Words and Wacky Stuff 112. Goddelijke Gladiolen (NL) 113. ATC Room. 114. Tricia Burr - Russia 115. Magenta Raves 116. Andreas Hofer Project 117. Handy Postcards (A1) 118. Let your Postcards do the walking (A1) 119. Socks Blog Germany 120. Guerrilla Art Blog 121. Sharon Zimmer's Blog - MailArt Network 122. Mail-Art project by Joli Utrecht 123. Gianni Simone - Kairan Japan 124. A Mail-Artists Index - Blog 125. My Silly Art Life 126. Statistical Data 127. Counting Numbers 128. Pati Bristow 129. Nico van Hoorn 130. Paper and Postage 131. The Blog that make you SMILE 132. Luc Fierens Postcards 133. Flip Flop Mail-Art 134. M-A-Group Ukraine 135. Dame's Portrait Gallery 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 7 van 81 see also: http://montalvetti.blogspot.com 136. Blog by Christine Tarantino Labels: Argentina, Magazine, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Poesie Visuel, 137. Paper and Postage Blog Samuel Montalvetti 138. BZW-Plus-N Blog 139. Ian Patricks Blog 140. Nico van Hoorn's Blog 141. Torma Cauli - Hungary 142. Arnolfini - mma 143. Clemente Padin's Blog 144. Cascadia Artpost 145. The new IUOMA-Platform 146. The Found-Art Blog - England 147. Claudio Romeo Dododadadado Cubes 148. Mailannie Blog 149. John M. Bennett - Poetry 150. Arttowers Blog - Germany 151. Flowers for my brother Jos Janssen (1956-2009) posted by ruud janssen at 6:31 pm | 0 comments Mail from Roland Halbritter - Germany linklist updated: 25th June 2009. If you know of a blog on mail-art that isn't on this list, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] . where visitors come from and go to: Live Traffic Feed Breda, Noord-Brabant arrived on "Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM" Marietta, Georgia arrived from blogsearch.google.com on "Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: Mail from Jim Hayes - USA" Calella, Cataluna arrived from google.es on "Ruud Janssen IUOMA & TAM: Mail to Nadia Aroca Spain" Norway arrived from iuoma.org on "Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM" Maracay, Aragua arrived from google.co.ve on "Ruud Janssen IUOMA & TAM: Mail to Mark Greenfield - UK" Nijmegen, Gelderland arrived on "Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM" Riga arrived from iuoma.blogspot.com on "Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM" Roland's project has some remarkable results. Here is the rest of piece of mail that Keith A. Buchholz (USA) sent to him. After the 'burnperformance' he has made thos postcard out of the results. Looks clean and only a little bit of smoke-smell can be traced...... Labels: Germany, Keith A Buchholz, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Roland Halbritter, USA posted by ruud janssen at 6:28 pm | 0 comments Northbrook, Illinois arrived from iuoma.org on "Ruud Janssen IUOMA & TAM" Switzerland arrived from flipflopmailart.b logspot.com on "Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM" Lincoln, Lincolnshire arrived from images.google.com on "Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM" Watch in Real-Time Mail from Jeff Berner - France http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html Options>> 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 8 van 81 Ruud Janssen's Storefront IUOMA memberlist June 2009 The overview of the first 500 members that joined the IUOMA platform at NING. Al portfolios of the initial members are included and a complete list of names of all these members in order of joining the International Union of mail-Artists from November 2008 till June 2009. Buy Now @ Lulu.com TAM Rubberstamp Archive This catalogue is made to support the exhibition of the TAM Rubberstamp Archive Collection at the L-Gallery in Moscow, Russia. The TAM-Rubberstamp archive started in 1983 and is currated by Ruud Janssen from the Netherlands. Includes reprints of some stampsheets exhibited in the show. Buy Now @ Lulu.com IUOMA Memberlist 2009 B&W-Version of the IUOMA Member list. This book contains an overview of all members that http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 9 van 81 joined the http://iuomanetwork.ning.com/ platform from November 13th 2008 till January 12th 2009. The IUOMA is now 20 years old. On this electronic platform the old and new IUOMAmembers have joined in again. Each member created his/her own page with its own look. A screen capture of each member is included. IUOMA-MEMBERLIST - JANUARY 2009 Two versions of the IUOMA member list are published. A colour-version and a B&W version. The downloadversion is available for free for all IUOMA-members. A printed version costs money but supports the IUOMA. The money will be used to donated these books to archives and museums. A future publication with historic and new material (both visual and text) are being planned and will be available later in 2009. Buy Now @ Lulu.com IUOMA Memberlist 2009 Labels: Fluxus, France, Jeff Berner, Paris, Photocards http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html Colour-Version of the IUOMA Member list. This book contains an overview of all members that joined the http://iuomanetwork.ning.com/ platform from November 13th 2008 till January 12th 2009. The IUOMA is now 20 years old. On this electronic platform the old and new IUOMAmembers have joined in again. Each member created his/her own page with its own look. A screen capture of each member is included. IUOMA-MEMBERLIST - JANUARY 2009 Two versions of the IUOMA member list are published. A colour-version and a B&W version. The downloadversion is available for free for all IUOMA-members. A printed version costs money but supports the IUOMA. The money will be used to donated these books to archives and museums. A future publication with historic and new material (both visual and text) are being planned and will be available later in 2009. Buy Now @ Lulu.com 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 10 van 81 posted by ruud janssen at 6:25 pm | 0 comments Mail from Roland Halbritter - Germany Mail-Art Statements Collection B&W Version of Statements Collection on Mail-Art by Ruud Janssen. Reprint of statements written in period 1993-2008 on the subject of mail-art. These statements were first published as pamphlets. Later on the Internet, and now as a collection in one book. Some statements and texts were also published on the Internet first and later as print-out sent into the network. The last part of this book contains visual statements made when the Millennium came about and most recent is an overview of the slides used at a lecture at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam explaining the concept of mail-art. In the past 28 years Ruud Janssen has intensively written about how E-mail and Internet would change mail-art, and it has. Buy Now @ Lulu.com Mail-Art Statements Collection Roland Halbritter (Germany) returns one of the http://alphabetbooklets.blogspot.com/ . Labels: Alphabet Booklets, Germany, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Roland Halbritter posted by ruud janssen at 6:23 pm | 0 comments sunday, june 21, 2009 Mail to Postal Authority - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html Colour Version of Statements Collection on Mail-Art by Ruud Janssen. Reprint of statements written in period 1993-2008 on the subject of mail-art. These statements were first published as pamphlets. Later on the Internet, and now as a collection in one book. Some statements and texts were also published on the Internet first and later as print-out sent into the network. The last part of this book contains visual statements made when the Millennium came about and most recent is an overview of the slides used at a lecture at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam explaining the concept of mail-art. In the past 28 years Ruud Janssen has intensively 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 11 van 81 written about how E-mail and Internet would change mail-art, and it has. Buy Now @ Lulu.com Mail-Interviews - Part 2 Labels: Mail from Ruud Janssen, Paint Rock, Postal Authority, USA posted by ruud janssen at 9:13 pm | 0 comments Outgoing Mail Yes, as you can see I've been quite busy this weekend. painted a lot of envelopes and they all go out this weekend. It was about time that some people got an answer. I know al people that send me mail expect an answer somehow, but I get in too much to keep up with answering the mail. It isn't that nice, I know, but there are only that few hours in each A selection of 12 Mail-Interviews conducted by Ruud Janssen with International Mail-Artists and Fluxus-Artists in the years 1994 till 2002. Contains interviews with John Held Jr (Dallas and San Francisco), arto posto, Tim Mancusi, Jenny Soup, Carol Stetser, Clemente Padin, E.F. Higgins-III, Chuck Welch, Julie Hagan Bloch, Anna Boschi, Günther Ruch. Buy Now @ Lulu.com day. Labels: Outgoing Mail, Ruud Janssen, Time posted by ruud janssen at 9:11 pm | 1 comments Mail to Bruno Capatti - Italy 25 Years in Mail-Art Labels: Bruno Capatti, Italy, Mail from Ruud Janssen A book with Biographical materials connected to the the 25 years of active work by Ruud Janssen in the Mail-Art Network. Overviews of publications, CV, Interviews by Mark Greenfield, Carol Stetser, Dobrica Kamperelic and HansRuedi Fricker. Dates and events and texts written by Honoria & John Held Jr. Includes timeline of these 25 years in Mail-Art. Buy Now @ Lulu.com posted by ruud janssen at 9:10 pm | 0 comments Mail to Tricia Burr - USA Mail-Interviews - Part 5 A selection of 7 more Mail-Interviews conducted by Ruud Janssen with International Mail-Artists and Fluxus-Artists in the years 1994 till 2002. This time also unfinished interviews and an overview of all names of the interviewed persons! Includes http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 Labels: Mail from Ruud Janssen, Tricia Burr, USA posted by ruud janssen at 6:15 pm | 0 comments IRAN pagina 12 van 81 interviews with John M. Bennett, The Unexpected, Mike Dyar, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Ko de Jonge, Michael B. Corbett, Mark Greenfield and a reprint of the mail-interview Newsletter that explains the MailInterview Project. A part of the book is reserved for reprints of the covers made for the booklets in the 90-ies. Buy Now @ Lulu.com Mail-Interviews - Part 3 http://obamiconme.pastemagazine.com is the place where you can A selection of 10 more MailInterviews conducted by Ruud Janssen with International MailArtists and Fluxus-Artists in the years 1994 till 2007. Includes interviews with Andrej Tisma, Ibirico, Jenny de Groot, Henning Mittendorf, José vanden Broucke, Mark Bloch, Keith Bates, Dobrica Kamperelic, Michael Lumb, Ayah Okwabi and a reprint of the mailinterview Newsletter that explains the Mail-Interview Project. Buy Now @ Lulu.com make these! Labels: Elections, Freedom, Iran posted by ruud janssen at 6:12 pm | 1 comments Mail to Harley - USA Labels: Harley, Mail from Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 4:42 pm | 0 comments Mail to Dawn Helene Stechschulte - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html Mail-Interviews - Part 4 A selection of 21 more MailInterviews conducted by Ruud Janssen with International MailArtists and Fluxus-Artists in the years 1994 till 2002. This time also unfinished interviews! Includes interviews with H.R. Fricker, Julia Tant, Raphael Nadolny, John Evans, Bern Porter, Birger Jesch, Patricia Collins, Daniel Plunkett, Patricia Tavenner, Judith A. Hoffberg, Peter Küstermann, Robert Rocola, Rod Summers, Marie Stillkind, Roy Arenella, Rudi Rubberoid, Stephen Perkins, Klaus Groh, Ruggero Maggi, Vittore Baroni, Svjetlana Mimica and a reprint of the mailinterview Newsletter that explains the Mail-Interview 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 13 van 81 Project. Buy Now @ Lulu.com Mail-Interviews - Part 1 Labels: Dawn Helene Stechschulte, Mail from Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 4:41 pm | 0 comments mail to Jean Luc Caveller - France A selection of 16 Mail-Interviews conducted by Ruud Janssen with International Mail-Artists and Fluxus-Artists in the years 1994 till 2007. Includes interviews with Dick Higgins, Ken Friedman, Michael Leigh, Carlo Pittore, Clive Phillpot, Edgar-Antonio Vigo, Al Ackermann, Anna Banana, Jonathan Stangroom, AshleyParker Owens, Julie Paquette, Robin Crozier, Guy Bleus, Alison Knowles, Norman Solomon and Ray Johnson. Buy Now @ Lulu.com Labels: France, Jean-Luc Caveller, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 4:40 pm | 0 comments Mail to Nadia Aroca - Spain Labels: Mail from Ruud Janssen, Nadia Aroca, Spain posted by ruud janssen at 4:40 pm | 0 comments Mail to Peter Dowker - Canada http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 14 van 81 Labels: Mail from Ruud Janssen, Peter Dowker, USA posted by ruud janssen at 4:39 pm | 0 comments Mail to Donald E. Boyd - USA Labels: Donald Boyd, Mail from Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 4:38 pm | 0 comments Mail to Mailarta - Canada Labels: Canada, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Mailarta posted by ruud janssen at 4:15 pm | 0 comments Mail to Mirta Toledo - Argentina http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 15 van 81 Labels: Argentina, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Mirta Toledo posted by ruud janssen at 4:14 pm | 0 comments Mail to Lorraine Kwan - Canada Labels: Canada, Lorraine Kwan, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 4:13 pm | 0 comments Mail to Chris Jeanne - France Labels: ChrisJeanne, France, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 4:12 pm | 0 comments Candy from Greece http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 16 van 81 Labels: Athens, Candy, Greece posted by ruud janssen at 4:11 pm | 0 comments Mail from The Stickerdude - New York - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html pagina 17 van 81 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 18 van 81 Labels: Joel Cohen, Mail to Ruud Janssen, New York, StickerDude, USA posted by ruud janssen at 4:09 pm | 0 comments Mail from Evmorfios Ghikos Rachovti - Greece http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 19 van 81 Labels: Art Evia Center, Evmorfios Ghikos Rachovti, Greece, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 4:07 pm | 0 comments Mail from Josh Ronsen, USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 20 van 81 Labels: Josh Ronsen, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Mail-Art Project, USA posted by ruud janssen at 4:05 pm | 0 comments Mail from Nádia Poltosi - Brasil Labels: Brasil, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Nádia Poltosi, Tam Rubberstamp Archive posted by ruud janssen at 4:03 pm | 0 comments Mail from Wolfgang Skodd - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html pagina 21 van 81 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 22 van 81 Labels: Germany, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Wolfgang Skodd posted by ruud janssen at 4:00 pm | 0 comments Mail to Sticker Dude - Joel Cohen - USA Labels: Joel Cohen, Mail from Ruud Janssen, New York, StickerDude, USA posted by ruud janssen at 3:25 pm | 0 comments Mail to Roland Halbritter - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 23 van 81 Because TWITTER (see www.twitter.com , I use the name @IUOMA there) is slowly becoming a new communication-platform I now send out these envelopes with TWIT on it. A new verb that soon will be connected to communication for sure Labels: Germany, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Roland Halbritter, Twitter posted by ruud janssen at 3:23 pm | 0 comments Mail to Wolfgang Skodd - Germany Labels: Germany, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Wolfgang Skodd posted by ruud janssen at 3:23 pm | 0 comments Mail to PC - TICTAC - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 24 van 81 Labels: Germany, Mail from Ruud Janssen, TicTac posted by ruud janssen at 3:22 pm | 0 comments Mail to Carlos Botana - Spain Labels: Carlos Botana, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Spain posted by ruud janssen at 3:19 pm | 0 comments saturday, june 20, 2009 Box from Luis Filipe Gomes - Portugal http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 25 van 81 This is the box that Luis Filipe Gomes from Portugal sent me. Inside it several items including a box with content and a special designed tile on top of it. http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 26 van 81 Luis Filipe Gomes included this booklet explaining the concept of the box. The tile in the box is a funny one. It deals with all the artforms and than places the new forms and Fluxus as last. http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 27 van 81 Thanks for this wonderful surprise Luis! It is very much appreciated. In his booklet where he explains why he wants to give me this precious box he ends with a statement: "Mail Art is not what you receive. But what you intent to do from that. Mail Art is not what you've send, but the emotion you create in the people you've tried to reach." very well said! http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 28 van 81 Labels: Box, Fluxus, Luis Filipe Gomes, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Portugal posted by ruud janssen at 8:10 am | 0 comments thursday, june 18, 2009 Mail to Luciana Tamas - Romania The last part of the interview with Luciana Tamas, see also: http://rjinterview.blogspot.com/ Ongoing Interview with Ruud Janssen - Leave your question as a comment and I will repeat the question and give an answer. Labels: Luciana Tamas, Mail-Interview, Romania posted by ruud janssen at 9:29 pm | 0 comments wednesday, june 17, 2009 Mail to Peter Dowker - Canada Labels: Canada, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Peter Dowker posted by ruud janssen at 8:21 pm | 0 comments Mail from A McNeil - UK http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 29 van 81 See: www.found-art.blogspot.com for details about this mailing. They probably didn't expect the Royal Mail to wrap it up in plastic this nicely.... This is Artist Book 87. Received on June 17th 2009 in Breda Netherlands. Labels: Andrea McNeil, Found-Art, Mail to Ruud Janssen, UK posted by ruud janssen at 8:15 pm | 1 comments Mail from Peter Dowker - Canada http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html pagina 30 van 81 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 31 van 81 Labels: Canada, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Peter Dowker posted by ruud janssen at 8:13 pm | 0 comments Mail from Carlos Botana - Spainl http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 32 van 81 see: http://carlosbotana.blogspot.es Labels: Carlos Botana, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Spain posted by ruud janssen at 8:11 pm | 0 comments Mail from KOP - Breda (Netherlands) http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 33 van 81 Labels: Breda, KOP, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands posted by ruud janssen at 8:11 pm | 0 comments Mail from Laurie Ljubojeviv - Canada Portrait for the Mail-Artists Selfportrait blog from Laurie in canada Labels: Canada, Laurie Ljubojevic, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 8:09 pm | 0 comments Mail from PC (TICTAC) - Germany Labels: Germany, Mail to Ruud Janssen, TicTac posted by ruud janssen at 8:08 pm | 0 comments http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 34 van 81 Mail to Roland Halbritter arrived - Germany On: http://socks-stockings.blogspot.com/2009/06/arriving-mail-artfrom-ruud-janssen.html I read that Roland Halbritter received my mailart. The last weeks I have been sending these colourful papers inside the mail. He arranges them into a little flame. Probably they are set up to be burned in honour of his new project. We will see what happens.... Find more videos like this on International Union of Mail-Artists Labels: Burned Mail-Art, Germany, Netherlands, Roland Halbritter, Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 6:10 pm | 0 comments monday, june 15, 2009 Mail to Heike Hofstede - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 35 van 81 Labels: Germany, Heike Hofstede, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:38 am | 0 comments Mail to Rain Rien Nevermind - USA Since I communicate with Rain Rien on facebook the last times I thought I'd sent hime a Face envelope as well... Labels: Mail from Ruud Janssen, Nevermind, Rain Rien, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:36 am | 0 comments Mail to Arttower Schwind - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 36 van 81 A larger envelope with different size goes out to Germany... Labels: Arttower, Germany, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:35 am | 0 comments Mail from Harley - Terra Candella - USA Mail from Harley - Terra Candella in USA. He writes a letter that he will be in Europe this summer and wants to meat. Harley has been making some wonderful artistamps that look like the real postage. Will send him a reply soon. Labels: Harley, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Terra Candella, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:33 am | 0 comments Mail from Cascadia Artpost - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 37 van 81 The Artistamp Mailing List 10th Anniversary. Jack Latteman has been sending out these wonderful cards with his Artistamps to a large group of mail-artists. This is the special issue to memorize all taht outgoing mail. Thanks Jack! Labels: Cascadia ArtPost, Jack Latteman, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:30 am | 0 comments Mail from DEB - France http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 38 van 81 Labels: DEB, France, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:29 am | 0 comments sunday, june 14, 2009 Mail to Torben Doose - France Labels: France, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Paris, Torben Doose posted by ruud janssen at 4:28 pm | 0 comments Mail from Torben Doose - France http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 39 van 81 Torben Doose from France sent me one of his beautiful cards again. He writes that he believes the postal workers steal his cards because they don't appear on my blog. I just tested it bij searching though the database of Blogger and discovered that there are now 5 pieces from Torben Doose on my Blog. So they seem to have arrives but Torben hasn't seen all the images. On this blog there are thousands of postings. Search for them in the search-box from blogger and discover the wealth of information. hanks for this beautiful card again Torben! Labels: France, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Torben Doose posted by ruud janssen at 12:12 pm | 0 comments Mail to Wackystuff - Canada http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 40 van 81 Some Fluxus Bucks for the collection Wackystuff in Canada is building up. Labels: Canada, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Wacky Stuff posted by ruud janssen at 10:33 am | 0 comments Mail to Roland Halbritter - Germany Will this envelope have the risk of being burned? Roland is doing a funny project where he is burning the mail-art he is getting in and returns the ashes sealed in plastic. Labels: Germany, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Roland Halbritter posted by ruud janssen at 10:32 am | 0 comments Mail to Torma Cauli - Hungary http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 41 van 81 This envelope has a title that refers to the FACEBOOK environment where a lot of mail-artists these days are gathering. Sometimes they forget to send out the regular mail-art, or even worse: they don't have time for doing that because they sit behind the screen all day. That is why I am sending out some of my acrylic painted envelopes again..... Labels: Hungary, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Torma Cauli posted by ruud janssen at 10:27 am | 0 comments saturday, june 13, 2009 New Book: The first 500 IUOMA-members at NING As promissed the first 500 members are printed in a book. As hardcopy it is available at: http://www.lulu.com/content/7247331 Details: Paperback book €22.99 (205068 kb) Download: 1 documents , 205068 KB Printed: 305 pages, 20.99 cm x 29.7 cm, perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 42 van 81 (90# weight), full-colour exterior ink Description: The overview of the first 500 members that joined the IUOMA platform at NING. Al portfolios of the initial members are included and a complete list of names of all these members in order of joining the International Union of mail-Artists from November 2008 till June 2009. The digital version of the book will be available for free. A hardcopy version is expensive but maybe worth the investment. Labels: Books, IUOMA, IUOMA membership Certificate, Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 9:32 pm | 0 comments Mail from Cascadia Artpost - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 43 van 81 Some new artistamps arrived that Jack Latteman (Cascadia ArtPost) from USA made. Thanks for making my collection larger with this beautiful gift! Labels: Artistamps, Cascadia ArtPost, Jack Latteman, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 8:36 am | 0 comments Mail from Annamaria Danese - Italy http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 44 van 81 And another A Alphabet Booklet returned for the series! Labels: Alphabet Booklets, Annamaria Danese, Italy, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 8:31 am | 0 comments http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 45 van 81 Mail from Emilio Carrasco - Mexico http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 46 van 81 Emilio Cassasco also returned one of the Alphabet Booklets, which is now posted at: http://alphabetbooklets.blogspot.com/ Thank you! Labels: Alfabet Booklets, Emilio Carrasco, Mexico posted by ruud janssen at 8:27 am | 0 comments Mail from Rod Summers - Netherlands http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 47 van 81 Rod Summers sent an invitation for his new exhibition at the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht. Labels: Exhibition, Maastricht, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Rod Summers posted by ruud janssen at 8:19 am | 0 comments Mail from Lutz Wohlrab - Germany Labels: Germany, Lutz Wohlrab, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 8:18 am | 0 comments Mail from Mudhead Reynolds - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 48 van 81 Labels: Chris Mudhead Reynolds, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Mail-Art Selfportraits, USA posted by ruud janssen at 8:15 am | 0 comments Mail from Thorsten Fuhrmann - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 49 van 81 Labels: Germany, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Thorsten Fuhrmann posted by ruud janssen at 8:14 am | 0 comments friday, june 12, 2009 Mail from Lutz Wohlrab - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 50 van 81 Labels: Germany, Lutz Wohlrab, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 11:48 pm | 0 comments Mail from Darlene Altschul - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 51 van 81 Labels: Darlene Altschul, Judith A. Hoffberg, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 11:05 pm | 0 comments Mail from Arttower - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html pagina 52 van 81 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 53 van 81 Labels: Arttower, Germany, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 11:03 pm | 0 comments Mail from Arttower - Germany Labels: Arttower, Germany, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 11:02 pm | 0 comments Mail from Xtina Solano - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 54 van 81 Labels: Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA, Xtina Solano posted by ruud janssen at 11:00 pm | 0 comments Mail from Torma Cauli - Hungary Labels: Hungary, Mail to Litsa Spathi, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Torma Cauli posted by ruud janssen at 10:59 pm | 0 comments Mail from Torben Doose - France http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 55 van 81 Labels: France, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Torben Doose posted by ruud janssen at 10:58 pm | 0 comments Mail from Cuan Miles - South Africa http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 56 van 81 Labels: Cuan Miles, Mail to Ruud Janssen, South Africa posted by ruud janssen at 10:57 pm | 0 comments Mail from Bruno Chiarlone - Italy Labels: Bruno Chiarlone, Italy, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 10:56 pm | 0 comments Mail from Letterhead - Maastricht - Netherlands http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 57 van 81 Labels: Letterhead, Maastricht, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands posted by ruud janssen at 10:55 pm | 0 comments Mail from Francas Haney - USA Labels: Francas Hanay, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 10:54 pm | 0 comments Mail from Reneé Wagemans - Netherlands http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 58 van 81 Labels: Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Reneé Wagemans, Tam Rubberstamp Archive posted by ruud janssen at 10:52 pm | 0 comments Mail from Brent Leopold, USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 59 van 81 Labels: Brent Leopold, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 10:51 pm | 1 comments Mail from Sheila Holz - USA Labels: Mail to Ruud Janssen, Sheila Holz, USA posted by ruud janssen at 10:50 pm | 0 comments sunday, june 07, 2009 Mail to Ryosuke Cohen - Japan http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 60 van 81 Labels: Japan, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Ryosuke Cohen posted by ruud janssen at 5:14 pm | 2 comments Mail to Guido Utermank - Netherlands Labels: Guido Utermark, Mail from Ruud Janssen, Netherlands posted by ruud janssen at 5:13 pm | 0 comments saturday, june 06, 2009 Mail from Rev. Hugo - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 61 van 81 Labels: Mail to Ruud Janssen, Rev. Hugo, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:36 am | 0 comments Mail from Guido Utermark - Netherlands http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 62 van 81 A welcome letter to Twitter.... Labels: Guido Utermark, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands posted by ruud janssen at 7:34 am | 0 comments Mail from Rev. Hugo - USA a golden key to something? http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 63 van 81 Labels: Mail to Ruud Janssen, Rev. Hugo, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:33 am | 0 comments Mail to Laurence Bucourt - France Labels: France, Laurence Bucourt, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:32 am | 0 comments Mail to Nico van Hoorn - Netherlands Labels: Mail from Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Nico van Hoorn, Nijmegen posted by ruud janssen at 7:31 am | 0 comments friday, june 05, 2009 Mail from Wolfgang Skodd - Germany http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 64 van 81 Labels: Germany, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Wolfgang Skodd posted by ruud janssen at 7:25 am | 0 comments Mail from Creative Thing - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 65 van 81 Special Artistamp Sheet for Judith Hoffberg by Creative Thing - USA. Click on image to enlarge and read the text. January 2009 Stampsheets #34 Labels: Artistamps, Creative Thing, Judith A. Hoffberg, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:22 am | 0 comments Mail from Toca do Lobo - Brasil Labels: Brasil, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Toca do Lobo posted by ruud janssen at 7:20 am | 0 comments Mail from Luciana Tamas - Romania http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 66 van 81 As part of the Mail-Interview, Luciana tamas sent me this wonderful card. See also: http://rjinterview.blogspot.com/ in return and as part of her project I will send her an acrylic painted envelope in return. Labels: Luciana Tamas, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Mail-Interview, Romania posted by ruud janssen at 7:18 am | 0 comments thursday, june 04, 2009 Mail from Cascadia Artpost - USA A complete list of the Archive Jack Letteman (Cascadia ArtPost) is building and sending out. Thank you! Labels: Cascadia ArtPost, Jack Latteman, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 67 van 81 posted by ruud janssen at 7:31 am | 0 comments Mail from Nico van Hoorn - Netherlands A collage book from Nico van Hoorn - Netherlands Labels: Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Nico van Hoorn posted by ruud janssen at 7:29 am | 0 comments wednesday, june 03, 2009 Mail from Laurence Bucourt - France http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 68 van 81 Labels: France, Laurence Bucourt, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:19 pm | 2 comments Mail from Heike Hofstede - Germany Labels: Germany, Heike Hofstede, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:18 pm | 0 comments Mail from Bruno Capatti - Italy http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 69 van 81 Labels: Bruno Capatti, Italy, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:17 pm | 0 comments Mail from Wilma Duguay - Canada Labels: Canada, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Wilma Duguay posted by ruud janssen at 7:16 pm | 0 comments Mail from D.C. Spaulding - USA Labels: D.C. Spaulding, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:15 pm | 0 comments Mail from Brent Leopold - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 70 van 81 Labels: Brent Leopold, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Smart Water, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:14 pm | 2 comments Mail from Annie Garrido - France Labels: Annie Garrido, France, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:13 pm | 0 comments Mail to Anke van den Berg - Belgium http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 71 van 81 Labels: Anke van den Berg, Belgium, Mail from Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:44 am | 0 comments Mail from Anke van den Berg - Belgium Labels: Anke van den Berg, Belgium, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:43 am | 0 comments Mail from Karen L. Chew - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 72 van 81 Labels: Karen L. Chew, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:42 am | 0 comments Mail to Rolf Soesman - Netherlands Labels: Mail from Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Rolf Soesman posted by ruud janssen at 7:40 am | 0 comments Mail from Cascadia Artpost - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 73 van 81 Labels: Cascadia ArtPost, Jack Latteman, Mail to Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:39 am | 0 comments Mail to C. Damme - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 74 van 81 Labels: C.Damme, Mail from Ruud Janssen, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:38 am | 0 comments Mail from C. Damme - USA another stampsheet got returned. This time without an envelope so that the postal office added a few more traces to the stampsheet. Labels: C.Damme, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Tam Rubberstamp Archive, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:36 am | 0 comments tuesday, june 02, 2009 Mail from Fraenz Frisch - Luxembourgh http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 75 van 81 Fraenz Frisch from Luxembourgh announces a small break in his mail-art activities. Labels: Fraenz Frisch, Luxembourgh, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:41 am | 0 comments Mail from Bruno Chiarlone - Italy http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 76 van 81 I recognize a few stamps I have on the collage Bruno Chiarlone has sent me. Labels: Bruno Chiarlone, Italy, Mail to Ruud Janssen posted by ruud janssen at 7:39 am | 0 comments Mail from John Mountain - Spain http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 77 van 81 Mail from John Mountain in Spain. He has been writing lots of stuf in the last years and published all in digital format. He sent me a little CD with all that material for me to archive it. Thanks so Much! Labels: John Mountain, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Spain posted by ruud janssen at 7:31 am | 0 comments http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 78 van 81 Another card meant for the Moon by Snappy - Canada. Labels: Canada, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Moon, Snappy posted by ruud janssen at 7:29 am | 0 comments Mail from Mim - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 79 van 81 On http://iuoma-network.ning.com/group/mailarttothemoon I started a project for people to discuss sending mail-art to the Moon. People should send it straight to the moon, but some mail-artists decided to send me the items instead. Labels: Mim, Moon, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:26 am | 0 comments Mail from Bee - USA http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 80 van 81 Card from Bee in NY, USA. The first set of Simsons postage I see here. I knew they were issued. Thanks Bee! Labels: Bee, Simsons, USA posted by ruud janssen at 7:24 am | 0 comments Mail from Nico van Hoorn - Netherlands http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009 Ruud Janssen - IUOMA & TAM: June 2009 pagina 81 van 81 The Dutch postal Office added a small card to the mailing to excuse them for damaging this piece of Mail-Art. Isn't that Nice. Did the apollogize to Nico van Hoorn as well? Labels: Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, Nico van Hoorn posted by ruud janssen at 7:22 am | 0 comments (c) 2004-2009 by TAM & IUOMA - Ruud Janssen. http://iuoma.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html 4-10-2009