the penny pinching hedonist
the penny pinching hedonist
Markenkräfte entfesseln Strategische Markenführung in destruktiven Märkten Tom Ramoser Tag der gewerblichen Schutzrechte Stuttgart, 8. Juli 2009 1 Rosebud’s Markenphilosophie kehrt konventionelle Ansätze um, Menschen definieren Marken (nicht Produkte) Rosebud’s Philosophy Conventional Wisdom If Henry Ford would have asked his customers in advance, they would have asked for “faster horses” 'Product' 'Product' Marketing mix Marketing mix defines influence recruits defines is sold to Consumer Brand boosts sales Inside People Brand defines Outside Product-driven brand philosophy All “consumer” are the same and differ only in their consumption Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group Inside Outside People-driven brand philosophy All “people” are different and view the same product differently 2 Eine Marke ist wie ein Gastgeber, der zu einer Party einlädt Optimizing Brand State of de-branding Inviting Friends … And the friends-of-the-friends … And now everyone else … Market share Exploitation Brand Building ER MS ER 80% 40% 80% 40% Equilibrium 30% 25% 50% 50% MS 30% from PushForce 50% 20% 10% 20% 20% from PullForce 10% 5% 10% 5% 15% 20% 10% 20% 10% 5% 0% 10% 0% A0 A1 A2 A3 ... An Archetypes according to similarity P-Span – Projection/Perception-Span 0% A0 A1 A2 A3 ... Archetypes according to similarity An P-Span – Projection/Perception-Span A0 Ini'al Archetype (i.e. Peer Group of Protagonists) A1 Next similar Archetype to A0 An Least similar (opposite) Archetype to A0 (i.e. Peer Group of Antagonists) Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group A0 A1 A2 A3 ... Archetypes according to similarity An P-Span – Projection/Perception-Span 3 Je mehr das Wertesystem einer Person mit dem wahrgenommenen Wertesystem einer Marke übereinstimmt, um so wahrscheinlicher ist eine Kaufentscheidung Kaufentscheidung Moment der Wahrheit2) Persoenliches Wertesystem für oder gegen die Marke VS VP Wertesystem der Marke Markenname, Symbole Marketing Mix (all 4 P) Markenverwender Wünsche, Erwartungen Verhalten Wahrnehmung The person 'tests' the projections/ promises of a brand and creates/adjusts the brand‘s perception in his or her mind Projektion The person tries to understand the value proposition of a brand as it 'appears' through the marketing mix and the stereo type of the brand user community Gemeinsame Werte1) Consumer assesses compliance of perceived value propositions with his or her own value system 1) The more perceived value propositions of a brand match with a person’s value system, the more likely is his or her buying of the brand 2) Moment of truth refers to either an independent re-confirmation of the original motivation for buying this brand, or newly defines the brand in ones mind Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group 4 Rosebud hat 19 universelle Werteorientierungen von Menschen identifiziert, mit umfangreichen qualitativen und quantitativen Langzeitstudien in vier Kontinenten E Solidarity 自然 Nature • High ecological awareness • Seeking harmony with nature • Protec'on of nature, taking care of animals • Giving up own needs on nature’s behalf Fair Nature Classic 自由自在 Carefree Vitality Thrill & Fun Carefree • Light hearted‐ness • Easygoing, op'mism • Spontaneity, playful diversity • "Hakuna Matata" – no worries 归属感 Clanning Puristic Clanning Tranquil Service Smart Shopping 全面成本 Total Cost • Systema'c buying decision by cost only • Penny‐ pinching • Extreme minimalism Stimulation Passion Quality Total Cost Price Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group New&Cool Protech Personal Efficiency Customized Proven R Solution • Social orienta'ons • Need to belong, warmth, friendship • Acceptance in a group, team spirit • Having a good 'me together 质量 Quality • Need for objec've measurable performance criteria • Durability, reliability • High and con'nuous efforts • Order, cleanliness 5 Der Rosebud-Profiler visualisiert das Wertesystem einzelner Personen E Solidarity 'Paul' Fair Individual Value Profile (ID 0335) Stimulation Passion Nature Classic Vitality Thrill & Fun Carefree Puristic • 25 Jahre alt • Männlich • Single • Mittleres Einkommen • Mittlere Ausbildung • Vollzeit Arbeit • Mit 4 Personen im Haushalt Clanning Tranquil Service Smart Shopping Quality Total Cost Price Legend New&Cool Protech Fair Consumer value E- Altruism R- Minimalism E0 Traditional hedonism R0 Traditional performance E+ Progressive hedonism R+ Progressive performance Midfield area, high degree of consensus Pro-Value Personal Efficiency Anti-Value, Demarcation Customized Proven R Solution ! Warning, too weak, should be more intense Warning, too much, should be less intense Conflict with other value Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS Data (Germany, March 2007, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs., CATI) 6 Paul fährt einen BMW, würde das Geo-Magazin aber nicht in die Hand nehmen BMW 2008 2002 'Paul' AVP (118 (109 vs. 1.693; 1.391; zmax max=12.7) National Geographic1) IP (#0335; zmax= 5) E Solidarity Nature Puristic Stimulation Passion Fair Classic Vitality Solidarity Thrill & Fun Nature Clanning New&Cool - Puristic + Service Smart Shopping Quality Total Cost Proven Price Solution • Progressive, pro-technological performance orientations • Not-altruist, Not-purist • Expressive orientations • Not-price/ pro-luxury orientations Nature Carefree Clanning New&Cool Tranquil Puristic Service Smart Shopping Quality Total Cost Proven Price Carefree Clanning New&Cool Tranquil Service Smart Shopping Total Cost Proven Protech Personal Efficiency Quality Customized Price R • Pro-technocrat, progressive performance orientation • Not-altruistic • Not-classic hedonism • Not-price/ pro-luxury orientations Thrill & Fun + Personal Efficiency Solution Classic Vitality - Protech Customized Stimulation Passion Fair + Personal Efficiency R Thrill & Fun - Protech Customized Classic Vitality E Violation of Paul’s Solidarity primary orientation Stimulation Passion Fair Carefree Tranquil AVP (155 vs. 1.358; zmax=12.7) E Solution R • Pro-traditional performance orientation • Pro-altruistic • Not-hedonist, Not-expressive 1) Rosebud compiles the perceived value system of a brand (AVP) as the difference between the aggregated values of brand users vis-a-vis non-users Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS (Germany, March 2002, n=1.500, Population 14-65 yrs., CATI) 7 Rosebud hat acht Werte-Segmente in Europa identifiziert Archetype C1 C2 INO HED C3 PMX C4 TMX C5 TRA C6 X ALT T MIN RPE Tradi'on Sta'c Very Low Price Hi‐Technology Dynamic Medium Price • Penny‐pincher • Extreme • Workaholics • Admire AWtudinal Value System, Mindset Cluster [Euro5] D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E • Humanists • Very ethical, D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E D F U I E 7.6 11.8 11.2 11.6 11.2 12.9 16.8 14.6 11.9 altruis'c and minimalis'c performance ecological, • Strongly reject all • Hard worker, responsible hedonism, high efforts, are • Idealis'c avoid pleasure, organized, • Tranquil, quiet seek no fun reliable • Tradi'onal • Want no • Look for new performer, aTen'on technology, hard worker, high • Tranquil, quiet efficiency efforts, • Puris'c aWtudes • Puris'c aWtudes not organized, minimalists, minimalists, not efficient avoid waste avoid waste • Reject all new • Systema'c • Strongly reject all • Puris'c aWtudes seeking price hedonism, minimalists, advantages avoid pleasure, avoid was'ng seek no fun 8.2 • Conserva;ves • Tradi'onal hard worker, disciplined • Perfec'onists, very organized • Look for maximum security and reliability, no experiments • Old‐fashioned • Reject new technology • Have daily rou'nes, plan future in detail 11.8 14.1 15.6 12.4 12.9 • Connoisseurs • Love classics, fun 'meless beauty, • Strong fashion • Very social, orienta'on • Love quiet • Crea've, loud, moments, thrill, dynamic avoid hec'c • Expressive, • Ethical, altruis'c, aTen'on seeking ecological, • Maximalis'c, responsible excessive, • Maximalis'c, wasteful excessive, • Consumerism, wasteful lavishness, • Consumerism, strong luxury lavishness, orienta'ons strong luxury orienta'ons 12.9 13 14.1 14.9 12.3 15.3 13.2 13.3 11.6 10.3 12.4 13.9 13.9 Size [%] • Bigger is beAer • Hedonists, seek 9.9 8.9 11.1 8.4 10.4 • Rule‐breaker • Party people • Non‐conformists • Posi've, happy • Challenges spontaneous conven'ons and • Progressive norms hedonists, • Very crea've seek risks and • Very strong adventures fashion • Expressive, orienta'on aTen'on • Expressive, seeking aTen'on • Avoid hard seeking work and efforts, • Loud, fast, are messy, not restless organized • Not interested in technology and efficiency Very high 12.7 11.1 8.5 11.8 13.5 Very high 22.1 Personality, AWtudes Modernity Dynamic Low Price 16.1 Rela'onships D F U I E D F U I E Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS (W.Europe, Sep.2008, n=6.003, General Popula'on, 18‐65 yrs, CAWI, Sigma weighted) 8 Deutscher Biermarkt: Ökonomische Relevanz der Archetypen C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 12,4% 20,3% 15,3% 12,9% 9,9% 15,1% 12,9% 16,1% 12,7% 9,0% 11,8% 10,3% 8,2% 6,2% 16,8% 10,2% Alpha [> EUR 5.000] Beta [EUR 1.25 ‐ 5k] Gamma [< EUR 1.250] 7% 70% 22% 6% 64% 29% 24% 60% 16% 20% 68% 12% 10% 65% 25% 8% 63% 28% 2% 59% 39% 10% 72% 18% Avg. Personal Income Avg. Househ. Income Avg. Spending Index 2.183 2.751 2,14 Medium 1.410 2.028 1,55 Low 2.061 3.359 2,64 Very High 2.134 3.131 2,38 Very High 1.560 2.439 1,68 Low 1.931 2.406 1,88 Medium 1.651 2.224 0,92 Very Low 1.790 2.485 2,45 Medium Daily User [Scale 1] Occasional User [Sc5] 20,9% 18,2% 10,4% 13,4% 13,4% 14,4% 9,7% 17,9% 9,7% 10,2% 13,4% 10,5% 11,2% 6,7% 11,2% 8,6% Inhouse Consump'on Outside Consump'on Total Consump'on 1,709 l/week 1,783 l/week 3,492 l/week 1,469 1,285 2,753 1,620 1,626 3,246 1,280 1,273 2,553 1,625 0,893 2,519 1,624 1,216 2,840 2,602 1,083 3,685 1,576 1,381 2,957 13,44 EUR/m 17,62 EUR/m 31,06 EUR/m 2,22 Very high 11,14 15,49 26,63 2,42 Fair 14,25 22,99 37,24 2,87 Very high 15,13 16,91 32,04 3,14 High 14,13 12,01 26,14 2,59 Low 13,95 15,23 29,18 2,57 Fair 18,22 12,10 30,32 2,06 High 14,99 14,04 29,04 2,46 Fair 226 Pts. 102 201 169 63 89 62 88 Archetypes INO HED PMX TMX TRA ALT X MIN T RPE Value System Germany Popula'on Sample [Beer User] Spent Inhouse Spent Outside Total Spent Spent / liter [EUR] Affinity Index Economic Relevance Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, Toluna (Germany, Nov.2008, n=1.917, Market Par'cipants, 18‐65 yrs, CAWI, Sigma weighted) 9 Deutscher Biermarkt: Maximalisten und regel-brechende Segmente sind ökonomisch besonders bedeutend im “Battlefield” Maximalis'c Luxury orienta'ons TMX TRA Up PMX 3 4 5 2 ALT We HED INO 6 1 Me Social & ethical conserva've Tradi'onal orienta'ons Individual & liberal change agent Progressive orienta'ons MIN T X Down RPE Minimalis'c Reduc'on to essen'als Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, Toluna (Germany, Nov.2008, n=1.917, Market Par'cipants, 18‐65 yrs, CAWI, Sigma weighted) 10 Die angestrebte emotionale Verfassung der einzelnen Archetypen ergeben einen Life-Cycle mit hoher Bedeutung im Markenmanagement Up • Potency • Pleasure • Certainty • Security • Acceptance • Relief from doubt TMX TRA 3 4 Lit 5 Drit ALT • Compassion • Peace We • Relief from danger MIN 2 HED INO 6 1 Hidden World “Toxic”1) • SAngy • Envy • Relief from guilt of wasAng own money PMX T X Entry gate to the “graveyard of brands” • Euphoria • Strength • Interest • Ecstasy • Pleasure • Ease • Curiosity, Fashion related Me • Surprise • Pride “Introverted” 1) • Curiosity, Hi‐Tech related RPE • Potency • Pride Down 1.) See appendix for further details Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group 11 Starke Marken polarisieren in gegensätzliche Gruppen von Protagonisten und Antagonisten, haben geringe Spannungen innerhalb der Markenverwender und damit einen hohen „Pull“ Nike Germany Brand User Analysis Brand Profile – Actual Value Percep'on E Solidarity Passion Fair Nature Puristic Classic Del Stimulation Vitality Quality Total Cost Proven Price Protech HED -3% -20% -13% -40% Customized R -57% ‐80% AT Code 751 Up Dn We Me Me TRA -69% Decreasing Economic Relevance C1 INO 33% C2 HED 12% C3 PMX 56% C4 TMX 15% C5 TRA -38% C6 ALT -75% X MIN -63% Maximalis'c, luxury Minimalis'c, reduc'on Social conserva've Individual progressive Neutral Point, Cross‐sec'on of popula'on Current Brand Posi'on (AVP) Protagonists (P) Delimiter Antagonists (A) Delimiter Force‐field, ATrac'on, Distrac'on Projec'on, Adver'sed Posi'on RPE T RPE 11% MIN Down 1.) Over/ under representation of Archetype in brand user group, in % Pro‐Value, Likes An'‐Value, Dislikes Conflict w/ Delimiter Warning, too liTle Warning, too much We INO ALT -40% -60% Personal Efficiency Solution E‐ Altruism R‐ Moneyism E0 Tradi'onal hedonism R0 Tradi'onal performance E+ Progressive hedonism R+ Progressive performance 18% 0 + Smart Shopping Nike 32% 20% Clanning New&Cool Service PMX TMX 60% 40% - Up 80% 80% Thrill & Fun Carefree Tranquil German BaTlefield Situa'on 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T INO: Surprise, Curiosity & Pride HED: Ecstasy, Pleasure & Ease PMX: Euphoria, Strength & Interest TMX: Potency, Pleasure & Certainty TRA: Security, Acceptance & Relief from Doubt ALT: Compassion, Peace & Relief from Danger MIN: S'ngy, Envy & Relief from was'ng own money RPE: Curiosity, Potency & Pride Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, Toluna (Germany, Nov.2008, n=1.917, Market Par'cipants, 18‐65 yrs, CAWI, Sigma weighted) 12 Schwache Marken haben kein Profil, maximale Spannungen innerhalb der Markenverwender verhindern Multiplikation „fesseln“ Markenkräfte und mindern Profitabilität Grundig 2002 Brand User Analysis Brand Profile – Actual Value Percep'on E Solidarity Fair Nature Puristic Classic Vitality 80% Thrill & Fun 40% - Quality Total Cost Proven Price Protech HED 5% -20% -5% -9% -11% -6% We -40% ALT Grundig INO Me -60% Personal Efficiency Customized Solution R E‐ Altruism R‐ Moneyism E0 Tradi'onal hedonism R0 Tradi'onal performance E+ Progressive hedonism R+ Progressive performance 8% 0 + Service 11% 9% 20% Clanning New&Cool Smart Shopping PMX TMX 60% Carefree Tranquil Up Del Stimulation Passion German BaTlefield Situa'on TRA ‐80% AT Code 751 C1 INO -53% C2 HED -21% C3 PMX -44% C4 TMX -5% C5 TRA 3% C6 ALT 5% X MIN 23% T RPE 11% MIN Down 1.) Over/ under representation of Archetype in brand user group, in % Pro‐Value, Likes An'‐Value, Dislikes Conflict w/ Delimiter Warning, too liTle Warning, too much Up Dn We Me RPE Decreasing Economic Relevance Maximalis'c, luxury Minimalis'c, reduc'on Social conserva've Individual progressive Neutral Point, Cross‐sec'on of popula'on Current Brand Posi'on (AVP) Protagonists (P) Delimiter Antagonists (A) Delimiter Force‐field, ATrac'on, Distrac'on Projec'on, Adver'sed Posi'on 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T INO: Surprise, Curiosity & Pride HED: Ecstasy, Pleasure & Ease PMX: Euphoria, Strength & Interest TMX: Potency, Pleasure & Certainty TRA: Security, Acceptance & Relief from Doubt ALT: Compassion, Peace & Relief from Danger MIN: S'ngy, Envy & Relief from was'ng own money RPE: Curiosity, Potency & Pride Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS (Germany, Dec.2002, n=1.508, 18-55 yrs, CAWI) 13 Die “Delimiter” einer Marke bestimmen die “Pull”-Kräfte, und damit den Marktanteil und die Profitabilität Consumer Emo'onal count ATachment Max 300 Brand Indifferent 'middle' Min Brand Delimiter Delimiter 250 Emo'onal ATachment Max Gain Brand user share Loss Market Share Market Share 100% 1.) Consumer Count 75% 200 150 Compliance Rate of a … 50% Brand Non-User 100 2.) 25% Strong Pull‐force Weak Pull-force Repelling Pull‐force Brand User 50 0 0% Min Protagonists Delimiter Distance from Protagonists Max Antagonists Delimiter Min Protagonists Delimiter Distance from Protagonists Max Antagonists Delimiter 1.) The majority of protagonists actually use the brand; s'll some, but fewer antagonist buy the brand 2.) Only a minority within protagonist peer group use the brand; the share of antagonists using the brand within its peer group exceeds the protagonist's one Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group 14 Die Position einer Marke und ihre emotionale Verfassung vis-à-vis anderen Marktteilnehmern wird im Battlefield deutlich Up Willy Bogner 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T We 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T 5 2 6 1 Bugaboo 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T Me Hidden World 4711 Eau de Perfume 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T Toxic “X” Emo'ons alienates all other emo'onal states Nike T X Entry gate to the “graveyard of brands” Down 1: Surprise, Curiosity & Pride 2: Ecstasy, Pleasure & Ease 3: Euphoria, Strength & Interest 4: Potency, Pleasure & Certainty 5: Security, Acceptance & Relief from Doubt 6: Compassion, Peace & Relief from Danger X: S'ngy, Envy & Relief from was'ng own money T: Curiosity, Potency & Pride Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, Toluna (Germany, Nov.2008, n=1.917, Market Par'cipants, 18‐65 yrs, CAWI, Sigma weighted) 15 Drei Wege führen aus der Markenfalle: A. Gegen den Strom zurück schwimmen B. Direkter Sprung, ohne Umweg zu den wirtschaftlich bedeutensten Marktsegmenten C. Flucht nach vorn, durch die “Hidden World”, über “T” den Wiedereintritt als Lifestyle-Marke vorbereiten Up 3 4 5 Past A 2 B 6 1 Future Hidden World C T X Entry gate to the “graveyard of brands” Down 1: Surprise, Curiosity & Pride 2: Ecstasy, Pleasure & Ease 3: Euphoria, Strength & Interest 4: Potency, Pleasure & Certainty 5: Security, Acceptance & Relief from Doubt 6: Compassion, Peace & Relief from Danger X: S'ngy, Envy & Relief from was'ng own money T: Curiosity, Potency & Pride Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, Toluna (Europe B5, Jul.2008, n=6.143, Driver, 18‐65 yrs, CAWI, Sigma weighted) 16 Coca-Cola Case Studies 17 Fallstudie: Coca-Cola’s Werteprofil zeigt klare Anzeichen einer fortgeschrittenen Erosion im Jahr 2000 Coca-Cola AVP (763 vs. 750 ; zmax=12.7) E Solidarity Passion Fair Egozentrik als primäre Orien'erung Nature Puristic Erosion der Preiswürdigkeit Classic ! Price Thrill & Fun Kein hedonis'sches Element Carefree Service Quality Total Cost Vitality Clanning Tranquil Smart Shopping Zentrales Coca‐Cola Thema Stimulation fehlt New&Cool Protech Personal Efficiency Customized Proven R Solution Fair One of 19 sta;s;cal factors associated with a dis'nct psychological core E Emo;onal values , feelings R Ra;onal values, measurables + More consump;on ‐ Less consump;on E‐ Solidarity [Altruism] E+ S;mula;on [Hedonism] R+ Solu;on [Performance] R‐ Price [Moneyism] Pro‐Value: Orienta'ons an individual ”likes”/ approves; An;‐Value: Orienta'ons an individual ”dislikes”/ disapproves + Midfield area, high degree of consensus in a popula'on, Mainstream Warning, too intense/ weak ! Conflict, cri'cal Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS Emnid Data (Germany, Apr.2000, n=1.513, Population 14-65 yrs., CATI) 18 Coca-Cola’s Polarisation ist unvollständig, die Marke verfügt über keine erklärten Protagonisten, hat progressive und traditionelle Segmente gleichzeitig akquiriert Coca-Cola 2000 Brand User Analysis Brand Profile – Actual Value Percep'on E Solidarity Fair Nature Puristic Classic Vitality 80% Thrill & Fun 40% Service Quality Total Cost Proven Price Protech 5% 13% -20% HED 8% -18% -40% -19% -60% Personal Efficiency Customized Solution R E‐ Altruism R‐ Moneyism E0 Tradi'onal hedonism R0 Tradi'onal performance E+ Progressive hedonism R+ Progressive performance 14% 0 + Smart Shopping 28% 20% Clanning New&Cool PMX TMX 60% Carefree Tranquil Up Del Stimulation Passion German BaTlefield Situa'on -56% ‐80% AT Code Fav We C1 INO C2 HED C3 PMX C4 TMX C5 TRA C6 ALT TRA X MIN Up Dn We Me Maximalis'c, luxury Minimalis'c, reduc'on Social conserva've Individual progressive Neutral Point, Cross‐sec'on of popula'on RPE T RPE Current Brand Posi'on (AVP) Protagonists (P) Delimiter Antagonists (A) Delimiter Force‐field, ATrac'on, Distrac'on Projec'on, Adver'sed Posi'on No.1 Me Decreasing Economic Relevance MIN Down 1.) Over/ under representation of Archetype in brand user group, in % Pro‐Value, Likes An'‐Value, Dislikes Conflict w/ Delimiter Warning, too liTle Warning, too much INO ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T INO: Surprise, Curiosity & Pride HED: Ecstasy, Pleasure & Ease PMX: Euphoria, Strength & Interest TMX: Potency, Pleasure & Certainty TRA: Security, Acceptance & Relief from Doubt ALT: Compassion, Peace & Relief from Danger MIN: S'ngy, Envy & Relief from was'ng own money RPE: Curiosity, Potency & Pride Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, Toluna (Germany, Dec.2008, n=1.918, 18-55 yrs, CAWI) 19 Coca-Cola war im Jahr 2000 auf dem Weg, den ökonomisch relevanten Markt zu verlassen Up Coca‐Cola 2000 (763) Hedonists PMX 2 13.1% 126pt. Red Bull Fanta (557) 3 HED Innovators/ Rule-breaker Afri Cola ALT 6 Pepsi Sprite (445) Fanta Sprite Past TRA 8 Red Bull (215) 1 INO Future 9.9% 384pt. 4 IND Coca‐Cola 5 MPE Pepsi (213) MIN 7 I P H I M T M A U D P F Up, Maximalis'c Down, Minimalis'c Past, Tradi'onal Future. Progressive Down Neutral Point, Cross‐ sec'on of popula'on Segment Size/ Rel.Value Archetype Segment (ER) Brand posi'on Momentum 1) Simula'on, Archetypes from May 2004 Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS Data (Germany, Aug.2001, n=1.511, 16‐65 yrs, CATI) 20 1999 Coca-Cola warb 1999 mit „Enjoy“ und fröhlichen Szenen aus der Kindheit und dem Leben junger Erwachsener PVP Projection analysis of Coca-Cola „Snowflakes“ (1) • Winter'me, out in the country, big snow flakes are falling, view from above • A group of children are having a good snow ball fight • The children are all properly dressed in typical classic/ European winter clothes and scarfs • The boys are wild, throwing snow balls at each other, chasing the girls … • The girl with the blue scarf escapes, stops playing … • [Slow mo'on] • …and starts to 'dance' with the snow flakes Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, PVP Assessment Panel • [Zoom in] • The girl closes her eyes, opens her mouth and starts to dream … • It appears, that the girl dreams to have become a snow flake herself ‐ floa'ng around freely • [Cut] • [Close up] • A face (nose, eyes only) with closed eyes appears to be s'll the same girl’s face – but not quite • The background color changes from a cold to a warm tone 22 Coca-Cola’s “Schneeflocken” projiziert die Vorstellung, dass es erfrischt wie nur ein Wintertag im Sommer PVP Projection analysis of Coca-Cola „Snow flakes“ (2) • [Zoom out] • The face shows now a older girl – probably the same girl as a teenager in the future – drinking from a boTle of Coca‐Cola with closed eyes – appearing to be enjoying the drink very much • The girl stops drinking, puts the boTle down and turns around • Her face brightens up (almost in'mately) as if she recognizes someone she likes a lot … and whom she has not no'ced approaching while busy enjoying her Coca‐Cola • The scene is obviously taking place at the beach where it is warm • The someone from the previous scene obviously takes the hand of the girl … • … and she gladly gives in at last geWng up from her seat in the sand • She is splashed at by others from her peer group • She has not let go of the Coca‐Cola boTle and is s'll holding on to it Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, PVP Assessment Panel • She splashes back (but not too much) … • … and all seem to have a very good 'me with each other • The story seems to be that the girl is feeling very hot at the beach, drinks a Coca‐Cola and while she is enjoying the refreshment she remembers her youth in the cold winter'me having a snowball fight – i.e. Coca‐Cola 'works' like the winter in good old 'mes 23 In Summe projiziert Coca-Cola mit “Enjoy” ein traditionelles Leistungsprofil mit traditionellen, hedonistischen Elementen Coca-Cola “Enjoy” Projected Value Proposi'on ATrac'on & Distrac'on E Nature Puristic Classic Tranquil High Thrill & Fun Carefree ATrac'on Passion Fair Up Stimulation Clanning New&Cool Low Vitality - + Service Smart Shopping Quality Total Cost Proven Price Protech Personal Efficiency Customized Solution Distrac'on Solidarity MC P ER Pro‐Value, Likes An'‐Value, Dislikes Conflict w/ Delimiter Warning, too liTle Warning, too much Up Dn We Me PMX TMX 10% 20% 30% HED 10% -10% -30% -30% We ALT INO “Enjoy” Me -50% High R E‐ Altruism R‐ Moneyism E0 Tradi'onal hedonism R0 Tradi'onal performance E+ Progressive hedonism R+ Progressive performance German BaTlefield Situa'on C1 C2 INO HED Decreasing Economic Relevance TRA C3 C4 C5 C6 X R PMX TMX TRA ALT MIN RPE Maximalis'c, luxury Minimalis'c, reduc'on Social conserva've Individual progressive Neutral Point, Cross‐sec'on of popula'on Current Brand Posi'on (AVP) Protagonists (P) Delimiter Antagonists (A) Delimiter Force‐field, ATrac'on, Distrac'on Projec'on, Adver'sed Posi'on Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, Qualita've PVP Assessment Panel Panel RPE MIN Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 X T INO: Surprise, Curiosity & Pride HED: Ecstasy, Pleasure & Ease PMX: Euphoria, Strength & Interest TMX: Potency, Pleasure & Certainty TRA: Security, Acceptance & Relief from Doubt ALT: Compassion, Peace & Relief from Danger MIN: S'ngy, Envy & Relief from was'ng own money RPE: Curiosity, Potency & Pride 24 Die projizierte Zielposition von “Enjoy” liegt klar außerhalb des ökonomisch relevanten Marktes, Coca-Cola sollte vielmehr seine Markenposition in Richtung Innovatoren verbessern Up Coca‐Cola (763) Hedonists PMX 2 13.1% 126pt. Red Bull Fanta (557) 3 HED Afri Cola ALT 6 “Enjoy” Coca‐Cola’s projected posi'on Sprite (445) Past TRA 8 Red Bull (215) Pepsi Fanta Sprite 1 INO Future 9.9% 384pt. 4 IND Coca‐Cola 10.9% 46pt. 5 MPE Pepsi (213) Innovators & Rule-breaker New Coca‐Cola Target‐PVP Traditionalists MIN 7 I P H I M T M A U D P F Up, Maximalis'c Down, Minimalis'c Past, Tradi'onal Future. Progressive Down Neutral Point, Cross‐ sec'on of popula'on Segment Size/ Rel.Value Archetype Segment (ER) Brand posi'on Momentum 1) Simula'on, Archetypes from May 2004 Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS Data (Germany, Aug.2001, n=1.511, 16‐65 yrs, CATI) 25 Coca-Cola’s “Drei Grad Celsius” bekennt sich klar zu einem Delimiter-Paar, stellt die Zuschauer vor eine einfache Wahl Consumer count Protagonist Delimiter Indifferent middle Followers Antagonist Delimiter 200 100 Campaign 0 0 Distance from Protagonists Max Enjoy +3°/ Slip +3°/ Car Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, PVP Assessment Panel 28 Coca-Cola’s Markenposition verbesserte sich bereits deutlich nur acht Monate nach dem Launch der neuen Kampagne Coca-Cola 2000 Coca-Cola 2001 AVP (763 vs. 750; zmax=12.7) AVP (927 vs. 582; zmax=12.7) E 5 2 E Solidarity Passion Fair 3 Classic Nature Puristic Stimulation 1 Vitality Solidarity Thrill & Fun Carefree Fair 2 Nature Clanning New&Cool Tranquil - Puristic + 4 Smart Shopping Service ! Quality Total Cost Proven Price Customized Solution R 1. Central “Coca‐Cola” theme missing, i.e. Carefree, Classic, An'‐proven 2. No hedonis'c differen'ators 3. Egocentricity as primary value proposi'on/ representa'on, too strong (rel.) 4. Erosion of price‐worthiness Classic Vitality Thrill & Fun Carefree 1 Clanning New&Cool Tranquil - + Protech Personal Efficiency Stimulation Passion Service Smart Shopping 4 Personal Efficiency Quality Total Cost Proven Price Protech Customized 6 3 Solution R 1. Development of new hedonis'c differen'ators, i.e. Carefree 2. Develop. of expressive posi'ons 3. Develop. of individual posi'ons 4. Reversal of minimalist elements 5. Increase from 763 to 927 user 6. An'‐Proven s'll missing Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group, TNS Data (Germany, Aug.2001, n=1.511, 16‐65 yrs, CATI) 29 Strategische Markenführung in destruktiven Märkten: Wenn einem nichts anderes mehr einfällt, reduziere den Preis 1. Genaue Kenntnis der Wertesegmente im Markt, ihr Verhaeltnis zueinander, und ihre oekonomischen Relevanz 2. Genaue Kenntnis der eigenen Position im Battlefield, eigene Staerken, schonungslos eigene Schwaechen beim Namen nennen 3. Genaue Kenntnis der Positonen der Wettbewerber im Battlefield, besonders deren Schwaechen 4. Strategische Wahl der Delimiter fuer die eigene Zielposition, Maßnahmenliste zur Anpassung des Marketing-Mix plus „strategische Fallen“ für die unmittelbaren Wettbewerber aufstellen 5. Konsequente – mutige – Ausführung, Nutzung von zwei Panels vor Ausführung von Maßnahmen im Marketing-Mix Nutzung von Multiplikationseffekten um Mediakosten zu sparen Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group 30 Appendix 31 Quick Reference Guide Emotional values, i.e. orientations to satisfy feelings or conscience, looking for pleasure or wanting to make sense R Rational values, i.e. orientations to satisfy objective measurable performance criteria, fact orientation + More consumption, i.e. looking for maximum variety, true to the motto “more and more at the same time” - Less consumption, i.e. looking for concentration and reduction, believing in “less is more”, minimalism ESolidarity [Altruism], i.e. looking for ethical and balanced things, taking responsibility, selflessness E+ Stimulation [Hedonism], i.e. looking for fun, seeking pleasure, wanting more and more R+ Solution [Performance], i.e. looking for performance, efficiency and always better things, all aspects of “quality” RPrice [Moneyism], i.e. looking to spend less and less money for as much as possible in return Fair One of 19 statistical factors from quantitative evaluation of the Rosebud Statement Battery, each factor is associated with a distinct psychological core; distance of factors to each other (geography) according to result of a multi-dimensional factor analysis Pro-Value: Orientations an individual ”likes”/ approves; values overrepresented in the user group of a brand vis-à-vis population Anti-Value: Orientations an individual ”dislikes”/ disapproves; values underrepresented in the user group of a brand vis-à-vis population + Midfield area, high degree of consensus in a population, Mainstream The Rosebud-Profiler E E Solidarity Stimulation Passion Fair Nature Classic Navigator Grid Factors of higher degree Vitality Thrill & Fun Carefree Puristic Clanning Tranquil Service Smart Shopping Quality Total Cost Price © Rosebud 2007 Source: Rosebud. The Strategic Business Development Group) E- E+ R- R+ R0 v.3.4 New&Cool Protech Personal Efficiency Customized Proven R E0 Solution v.3.4 E0 Traditional hedonism, i.e. classics, timeless beauty and elegance, harmonious designs, quiet comfort, conservative status symbols R0 Traditional performance, i.e. hard work, high efforts , perfectionism, duty, objectivity, conventional, proven things and strategies E+ Progressive hedonism, i.e. thrill/ adventure seeking, creative, trendsetting, new & cool things, loud, fashion orientation , avantgardistic status symbols R+ Progressive performance , i.e. latest technologies, innovative, efficiency seeking, maximum use of time, delegation of performance E- Altruism, i.e. high ethical values, respectful to others, environmentally concerned, taking care mentality, guardians of social norms R- Moneyism, i.e. price sensitive, systematically seeking value for money, active bargain hunting 32 Who’s Rosebud … ? • Meant to increase a brand’s economic performance, an interdisciplinary team of seasoned experts from around the world, a team of rich diversity with qualitative and quantitative sensors • Entrepreneurial & Creative, Research & Development-driven, with a full scale statistical science and data processing center; invented the “Profiler” in 1995 and is committed to always offer the latest version and most advanced application • Successfully completed more than 100 brand strategy projects in the past 5 years • Global reach with projects in Europe, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and the United States. Operating from Hong Kong, Beijing, Munich and New York • Publishing in leading periodicals, such as Manager Magazine and Harvard Business Review • Some of the most dynamic and successful corporations worldwide use Strategic Business Management by Rosebud Source: Rosebud – The Strategic Business Development Group 33 Rosebud. Unleashing the power of brands Rosebud The Strategic Business Development Group Authorized by 234 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA 20/F, 9 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong, SAR Beichang Street 25, Beijing 100033, China Blumenstrasse 23, Munich 80331, Germany [email protected] Tom Ramoser Managing Partner 34