Review and take action on the site plan to add an outdoor patio
Review and take action on the site plan to add an outdoor patio
Meeting Date: March 21, 2016 Agenda Item: #17 STAFF REPORT REPORT TO: Burt McIntyre, President Village Plan Commission Village Board of Trustees REPORT FROM: Dave Wiese, Community Development Director REPORT SUBJECT: Review and take action on a site plan for Bruce Wolf, 1951 Bond Street, VH-624 to construct and outdoor patio. BACKGROUND BASIC INFORMATION Size of Parcel 202,441 square feet/4.65 acres Existing Zoning Highway Commercial (B-2) Requested Zoning N/A Abbreviated Legal Lot 1, 36 CSM 308 Comprehensive Land Map Designation Regional Commercial Direction North South East West ADJACENT LAND USE/ZONING MATRIX Land Use Zoning Commercial ( Van Boxtel) Highway Commercial (B-2) Commercial (Auto Sales) Highway Commercial (B-2) Vacant Land & Beja Shrine Temple Highway Commercial (B-2) Highway 41/141 Highway 41/141 ZONING CONSISTENCY MATRIX Required Zoning Requested: Minimum Development Area Minimum Lot Width Minimum Street Building Setback Minimum Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Maximum Height 7500 square feet 100 feet 35 feet 10 feet 15 feet 65 feet Provided 202,441 square feet 300+ feet 400+ feet 78+ feet 240+ feet 32 feet BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting building and site plan approval to construct a 1,455square-foot outdoor patio with black aluminum fencing at the above address. The plan approval is required per Section 17.11(2)(e) of the Zoning Ordinance which requires that “No building or any improvement shall be erected, placed or altered on any building site in the Highway Commercial (B-2) zoning district until the plans for such building or improvement, including site plan, landscape plan, building plan and specifications, have been submitted for review to the Plan Commission.” EXECUTIVE ANALYSIS 1. Zoning The property is presently zoned Highway Commercial (B-2) and the existing use of the property is consistent with the permitted uses in the B-2 zone and with the Village Comprehensive Plan. 2. Setbacks The location of the building addition as proposed complies with the minimum setback requirements in the B-2 zone. 3. Parking The proposed addition does not generate a need for additional parking on the property. 4. Floodplain, Shoreland Zoning & Stormwater Management There are no floodplain or wetland areas mapped in the location of the proposed building on the lot. 5. Land Division No land division is being proposed in this request. 6. Lighting All new lighting will be required to comply with Section 17.24 of the Zoning Ordinance (Exterior Lighting Regulations). 7. Fire Protection This property is currently served by the municipal water system and is located approximately 2.6 road miles from the nearest fire station. RECOMMENNDED ACTION BY THE PLAN COMMISSION Staff recommends that the Plan Commission approve the plans submitted for the building addition with the following conditions: 1. All exterior lighting for the building shall comply with Section 17.24 of the Zoning Ordinance (Exterior Lighting Regulations). If wall packs are used they must be shielded to prevent impact on surrounding properties. 2. All exterior building materials, colors, etc. for the addition shall match that of the existing building on the property. ATTACHMENTS I Site plan