Printkey Nbhd Asmt Land Bld Style Ext Wall Half Baths NbrFrplc
Printkey Nbhd Asmt Land Bld Style Ext Wall Half Baths NbrFrplc
NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.17-1-52 Clark, Donald R. Acorn Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Dr 20207 311 500 500 9.00 150.00 0 Hebbard, Christopher R. Dr Acorn 20207 311 500 500 13.00 150.00 0 Heflin Garry R Inc, Acorn Dr 20307 311 10000 10000 263.91 161.75 0 23.13-3-19 101 Dufort, Clarence L. Acorn Dr 20307 210 46400 238500 05 1960 03 3 1 2 2 5 1 95.00 4 151.63 2696 0 22.12-3-14 102 MacCracken, Daniel J. Dr Acorn 20307 210 46900 182000 02 1968 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 119.61 4 119.61 2696 0 23.13-3-37 103 Adair, Kevin + Anita Acorn Dr 20307 210 47900 250000 01 1964 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 4 153.00 2332 0 23.13-3-38 104 Adamo, Frank Acorn Dr 20307 210 48900 204100 05 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 234.75 2000 0 23.13-3-36 105 Reid, Donald O. Acorn Dr 20307 210 46700 197000 01 1964 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 154.69 2120 0 23.13-3-39 106 Glick, Barry Acorn Dr 20307 210 48900 251400 05 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 225.00 2700 0 23.13-3-35 107 Brownell, Raymond & Marlene Dr Acorn 20307 210 46800 226000 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 155.89 2248 0 23.13-3-40 108 Stewart, Neville C. Acorn Dr 20307 210 48600 257200 05 1964 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 4 214.36 2632 0 23.13-3-34 109 Hennel, David A. Acorn Dr 20307 210 46900 240600 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 4 165.00 2558 0 23.13-3-41 110 Connolly, Bruce Acorn Dr 20307 210 48400 224400 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 203.73 2236 0 23.13-3-33 111 Skoda, Spencer R. Acorn Dr 20307 210 47300 271500 03 1964 03 2 0 3 2 5 1 100.00 4 175.21 2616 0 23.13-3-42 112 Mc Cullough, G. S. Acorn Dr 20307 210 47900 238600 05 1967 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 182.47 2600 0 23.13-3-43 114 Kumar, Pashu Pati Acorn Dr 20307 210 47400 224000 02 1967 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 100.00 4 182.00 2462 0 23.13-3-32 115 Renna, Patricia Acorn Dr 20307 210 47700 224800 01 1964 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 185.27 1812 0 23.13-3-44 116 Dworkin, Joshua E. Acorn Dr 20307 210 47200 228650 05 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 171.84 2748 0 23.17-1-1.4 Page 1 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 23.17-1-51 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.13-3-31 117 Yolanda Pannicia , Life Estate, Dr Acorn 23.13-3-45 118 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20307 210 47300 230200 03 1964 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 100.00 4 185.00 2365 0 Armbruster, Michael Dr Acorn 20307 210 46700 250400 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 94.00 4 161.21 2506 0 23.13-3-30 119 Miller, Daniel & Michele Dr Acorn 20307 210 48300 214000 02 1966 03 2 2 1 2 3 1 100.00 4 223.25 2208 0 23.13-3-46 120 Moore, Wilson Jr Acorn Dr 20307 210 48200 275700 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 121.24 4 161.21 3006 0 23.13-3-29 121 Juarez, Ricardo Acorn Dr 20307 210 49700 245600 05 1963 03 2 0 3 2 4 1 150.00 4 252.32 2416 0 23.13-3-47 122 Silvers, Stewart Alan Dr Acorn 20307 210 49100 259000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 149.00 4 159.00 2608 0 23.13-3-28 123 Legere, Raymond Acorn Dr 20307 210 49200 296800 05 1972 03 3 1 3 1 5 1 103.00 4 252.00 2956 0 23.13-3-48 124 Alvey, Douglas W. Acorn Dr 20307 210 47800 221700 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 102.25 4 166.03 2616 0 23.13-3-27 125 Weinstein, Reuben Acorn Dr 20307 210 49400 216200 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 122.00 3 258.00 1920 0 23.13-3-49 126 Balasubramian, Ganesh Dr Acorn 20307 210 49400 238400 01 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 123.00 4 243.00 2329 0 23.13-3-50 128 Girigorie, Bruce M. Acorn Dr 20307 210 48900 326202 06 1987 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 93.87 4 243.87 2943 0 23.13-3-26 129 Stewart, Leonard C & Dr Acorn 20307 210 49900 270000 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 147.08 4 263.32 2468 0 23.13-3-51 130 Drazba, John E. Acorn Dr 20307 210 49100 257100 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 97.58 3 222.74 2680 0 23.13-3-25 131 Hajjar, Abraham L. Acorn Dr 20307 210 48600 247600 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 103.00 4 211.00 2400 0 23.13-3-52 132 Kelch, Mary Acorn Dr 20307 210 47400 232700 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 180.00 2294 0 23.13-3-24 133 Walkuski Trust, Joseph & Stella 20307 Dr 210 Acorn 48200 244300 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 114.77 4 172.15 2416 0 23.13-3-53 134 Grey, Susan B. Acorn 20307 210 47200 240000 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 171.00 2344 0 23.13-3-23.2 135 Curran, Joseph + Adrienne Dr Acorn 20307 210 46600 230000 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 136.00 2072 0 Page 2 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.13-3-54 136 Rowe, Andrea Acorn 23.13-3-23.1 137 Kurtz, Josephine Acorn Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20307 210 46900 257400 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 254.00 2756 0.37 Dr 20307 210 46600 219000 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 141.00 2172 0 23.13-3-55 138 La Gasse, Ronald L. Dr Acorn 20307 210 46100 244300 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 4 150.00 2440 0 23.13-3-23.3 139 Mc Laughlin, Brian M. Dr Acorn 20307 210 46800 229000 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 141.00 2206 0 23.13-3-56 140 Hovey, Jeffrey T. Acorn Dr 20307 210 46600 255700 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2168 0 23.13-3-22 141 Kiernan, Jason Acorn Dr 20307 210 46600 229000 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 104.90 4 144.21 2300 0 23.13-3-57 142 Mallard, Lisa Thorn Acorn Dr 20307 210 46600 204900 01 1973 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1676 0 23.13-3-21 143 Marvin, Langdon S. Acorn Dr 20307 210 46600 266300 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 103.17 3 146.60 2352 0 23.13-3-58 144 Clark, Donald R. Acorn Dr 20307 210 47700 247500 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 122.00 4 150.00 2468 0 23.13-3-20 145 Abel, Richard C. Acorn Dr 20307 210 46700 223000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.52 3 148.94 2345 0 23.17-1-44 146 Hebbard, Christopher R. Dr Acorn 20307 210 47500 245100 05 2007 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 108.00 4 150.28 1868 0 23.17-1-46 147 Ho, Hau Acorn Dr 20307 210 47200 244900 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 151.26 2116 0 23.17-1-45 148 Muscedere, Remo Acorn Dr 20307 210 47200 245100 05 2007 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 100.00 4 151.26 1868 0 23.17-1-48 151 Dhanessur, Stephen Dr Acorn 20307 210 49200 264900 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.54 4 250.35 2396 0 23.17-1-49 153 Hakk, Abdool Acorn 20307 210 49100 333500 05 2007 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 250.35 2536 0 23.17-1-50 155 Pearson Thomas B & Joan G, Dr Acorn 20307 210 49000 333500 05 2007 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 100.00 5 220.08 2526 0 23.17-1-47 149 Wyatt, David M. Acorn Dr 20307 210 47200 223200 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 154.26 1560 0 29.83-1-1 5 Jones, Barbara F. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18100 128100 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 71.35 3 70.40 1323 0 Page 3 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.83-1-2 7 Yerman, Karl V. Albermarle 29.83-1-3.1 15 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 10201 210 18100 97500 08 1907 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 90.00 3 60.00 984 0 Blum, William E. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18400 128100 04 1954 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 150.00 3 60.00 1170 0 29.83-1-5 29 Butch, Gerard Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18300 189000 01 2010 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 120.00 3 60.00 1584 0 29.83-1-6 39 Greulick, Herman B. Rd Albermarle 10201 210 20000 170000 01 1952 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 210.00 4 129.45 1926 0.97 29.75-2-46 49 Brewer, Drew J. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18100 105400 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 60.00 1077 0 29.75-2-45 55 Modasra, Nirmala G. Rd Albermarle 10201 210 18300 167500 08 1920 03 2 1 3 0 6 1 120.00 3 60.00 2023 0 29.75-2-28 62 Madej, Joshua Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18400 101200 08 1890 05 2 0 1 0 4 1 120.00 3 70.00 1092 0 29.75-2-44 65 Swartz, Dorothy M. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 19000 248300 04 1951 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 120.00 2775 0 29.75-2-30.2 110 Gatta, Mark B. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18400 241400 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 140.00 2596 0 29.75-2-35 111 Natalie, Alfred Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18300 114400 08 1913 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 90.00 1584 0 29.74-1-7.2 113 Gersen, Gillian E. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 17400 130400 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 70.00 1263 0 29.75-2-31 114 Beyer, Justin T. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18400 110100 01 1962 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 3 140.00 885 0 29.74-1-6 119 Laurenty, Kelly Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18000 107200 08 1900 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 65.00 3 70.00 1476 0 29.75-2-32 120 Lankerd, Cynthia J. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18700 162200 01 1960 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 90.00 3 140.00 1895 0 29.75-2-33 122 Heins, Kandi Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18400 185900 01 1963 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 140.00 2168 0 29.75-2-34 126 Gatta, Joseph J. (LE) Rd Albermarle 10201 210 19000 162200 01 1954 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 140.00 2020 0 29.74-1-3 134 Marshall, Tammi L. Albermarle Rd 10201 210 18100 82400 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 2 140.00 720 0 29.84-1-11 1 Minick, Jesse P. Albion St 10202 220 16400 115100 04 1928 04 3 0 2 0 4 2 130.00 3 70.16 1922 0 Page 4 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.76-1-20.1 2 Castiglia, Nicholas Albion 29.84-1-10 5 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10201 210 18600 114400 13 1930 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 102.20 3 109.30 1359 0 Thompson, Paul G. Albion St 10202 210 16200 130800 08 1910 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 90.00 4 70.00 1800 0 29.84-1-9 11 Merrow, Gudrun K. Albion St 10202 210 15400 112200 01 1960 02 3 1 1 1 2 1 62.00 3 70.00 800 0 29.84-1-8 15 Clark, Beth C. Albion St 10202 210 15400 128000 04 1954 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 70.00 1344 0 29.84-1-7 19 Borst, Lori A. Albion St 10202 210 16100 115600 08 1913 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 70.00 1368 0 29.84-1-6 25 Schell, Alice (LE) Albion St 10202 220 16400 170200 12 1963 02 3 0 2 2 4 2 130.00 3 70.00 1600 0 29.84-1-5 35 Eaton, John C. Albion St 10202 210 16200 149200 05 1954 03 4 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 70.00 2016 0 29.84-1-4 37 Bancroft, David Albion St 10202 210 16100 130900 04 1950 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 73.00 3 70.00 1458 0 29.84-1-3 39 Haber, James C Albion St 10202 210 12100 108300 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 47.00 3 70.00 1098 0 29.84-1-2 45 Marx, James + Mary Ann (LE) St Albion 10202 210 16000 98000 08 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 70.70 1066 0 29.84-1-1 47 Schmitz, Maria Albion St 10202 210 16100 100800 08 1929 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 71.00 3 70.70 1255 0 15.7-5-23 2 Shane, Conner B. Aleda Dr 20205 210 24300 148600 01 1951 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1008 0 15.7-5-24 4 Cooper, Ellen E. Aleda Dr 20205 210 24300 139000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1068 0 15.7-5-25 6 Zentko, Pamela J Aleda Dr 20205 210 24300 164000 04 1952 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 4 150.00 1440 0 15.7-5-26 8 Dibono, Cornelis Aleda Dr 20205 210 24300 151300 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1080 0 15.7-6-13 9 Piccirillo, John & Kristen Dr Aleda 20205 210 24400 162000 04 1950 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 140.40 1593 0 15.7-5-27 10 Bemis Fam. Irr. Trust, Lorna Dr Aleda 20205 210 24300 141800 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1158 0 15.7-6-12 11 Yannuzzi, Joel S & Leigh A Dr Aleda 20205 210 24100 151100 01 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 149.00 884 0 Page 5 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 15.7-5-28 12 Hubert family Trust, Alfred & Dolores 20205 Dr 210 Aleda 24500 142000 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 150.00 1104 0 15.7-6-11 15 Gideon, Georgia Aleda 20205 210 24500 128700 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 158.58 936 0 15.7-5-30 16 Verrigni, Robert & Malinda Dr Aleda 20205 210 24500 136500 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 150.00 1041 0 15.7-6-10 17 Cerrone, Pamela S. Dr Aleda 20205 210 24400 147300 04 1950 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 169.39 1481 0 15.7-5-31 18 Preston, Nancy Aleda Dr 20205 210 24300 150500 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1456 0 15.7-6-9 19 Naze, Robert E. Aleda Dr 20205 210 24700 135500 01 1953 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 169.39 1041 0 29.19-3-9 Cerrone, Anthony Alexander Ave 20200 311 14600 14600 80.00 150.00 0 Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 38.26-2-62 105 Turczyn, Steven J & Pamela Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 130600 08 1938 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1488 0 38.26-2-41 106 Farrell, Ann M. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16100 136400 05 1928 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 46.50 3 110.00 1267 0 38.26-2-61 107 Ortner, Nancy Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 130400 08 1925 01 3 1 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 1249 0 38.26-2-42 108 Korthas Family Trust, Violet LE 10204 Ave 210 Alexander 16100 139100 05 1925 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 45.00 3 125.00 1228 0 38.26-2-60 109 Klementowski, Paul S. Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 111600 13 1926 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1512 0 38.26-2-43 110 Pravel, Jonathan A. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16100 140000 05 1925 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 45.00 4 135.00 1436 0 38.26-2-59 111 Michel, George Jr Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 123300 13 1925 03 3 0 3 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1647 0 38.26-2-44 112 Gaynor, Christopher J. Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 142000 05 1925 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 45.00 3 140.00 1412 0 38.26-2-58 113 Walsh, Antonia M. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 123300 13 1928 03 3 0 2 0 5 1 40.00 3 150.00 1647 0 38.26-2-45 114 Fyvie, Donald Alexander Ave 10204 210 16300 128000 08 1925 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 49.50 3 148.00 1128 0 38.26-2-57 115 Harvey, Arthur L. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 122800 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 4 150.00 1830 0 Page 6 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.26-2-46 116 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pennings, Timothy W. Ave Alexander 10204 220 16100 128000 08 1925 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 3 155.00 1936 0 38.26-2-56 117 Ackley, Kermit M. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 123300 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1761 0 38.26-2-55 119 Shave, Wendy Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 123300 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1762 0 38.26-2-48 120 Alkinburgh, Richard J. Ave Alexander 10204 210 9000 102900 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 41.31 3 55.87 1122 0 38.26-2-54 121 Pease, Joanna & Jeremy Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 94600 13 1929 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 768 0 38.26-2-49 122 Dickinson, Daniel S. Ave Alexander 10204 210 13000 136000 08 1930 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 59.00 3 60.00 1574 0 38.26-2-53 123 Goudreau, Anthony Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 100800 13 1926 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 942 0 38.26-2-52 125 Smith, David M. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 122100 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1604 0 38.26-2-51 127 Del Zotto, Jill A. Alexander Ave 10204 220 16200 140000 08 1920 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 40.00 3 150.00 2112 0 38.26-1-41 201 Heaton, Rona L. Alexander Ave 10204 210 15400 121300 08 1928 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 105.00 1230 0 38.26-1-13 202 Scavullo, Anthony J. Ave Alexander 10204 210 16100 137200 05 1930 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 45.00 3 96.90 1285 0 38.26-1-40 203 Family Irrevocable Trust, Sargent 10204 Ave 210 Alexander 15400 136000 08 1933 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 4 105.00 1248 0 38.26-1-14 204 Palleschi, Melissa A. Ave Alexander 10204 210 14700 137200 05 1920 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 103.00 1152 0 38.26-1-39 205 Lockwood, John N. Alexander Ave 10204 210 15400 130400 05 1923 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 105.00 1060 0 38.26-1-15 206 Whitaker, Patricia E. Ave Alexander 10204 210 15600 137400 08 1903 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 100.20 1332 0 38.26-1-38 207 Skomp, Dorothy + Ivan Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 137800 08 1920 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 165.00 1461 0 38.26-1-16 208 Trudell, Stephen P. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16000 151700 05 1928 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 4 115.10 1600 0 38.26-1-37 209 Putman, David N. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 152000 04 1951 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 165.00 1560 0 Page 7 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.26-1-17 210 Culhane, Rebecca Alexander 38.26-1-36 211 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10204 210 16000 135600 08 1920 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 121.00 1322 0 Perry, William G. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 177100 05 1925 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 165.00 2286 0 38.26-1-18 212 MacDonald, Linda Alexander Ave 10204 210 16100 136300 08 1918 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 126.90 1410 0 38.26-1-35 213 Houlihan, Brian C. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 146800 08 1929 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 165.00 1648 0 38.26-1-19 214 Barbiere, Michael S. Ave Alexander 10204 210 16100 91000 04 1925 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 40.00 3 132.80 857 0 38.26-1-34 215 Taylor, Daniel Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 142200 08 1930 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 165.00 1366 0 38.26-1-20 216 Stehr, Joseph H. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16100 134900 05 1935 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 138.70 1056 0 38.26-1-33 217 Argenio, Marilyn Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 149500 05 1932 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 165.00 1776 0 38.26-1-21 218 Duguay, Gavin Alexander Ave 10204 210 16100 147500 05 1927 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 144.60 1409 0 38.26-1-32 219 Kaye, Eric J & Molly M Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 146600 08 1930 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 4 165.00 1492 0 38.26-1-22 220 Test, Brenna Alexander Ave 10204 210 16100 74600 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 150.50 616 0 38.26-1-31 221 Wilson, Rodney Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 144600 05 1931 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 165.00 1376 0 38.26-1-23 222 Storms, Ronald & Barbara Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 135500 08 1930 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 40.00 3 156.40 1351 0 38.26-1-30 223 Oehler, Joseph J. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 159800 05 1930 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 4 165.00 1836 0 38.26-1-24 224 Vottis, Christina M. Alexander Ave 10204 210 16200 149000 13 1920 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 162.30 1839 0 38.26-1-29 225 Wade, Marian Josephine Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 145900 05 1920 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 175.00 1620 0 38.26-1-25 226 Semerad, Clifford R. Ave Alexander 10204 210 16200 139500 08 1932 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 168.20 1432 0 38.26-1-28 227 Mazzone, Pamela F. Ave Alexander 10204 210 16800 187100 05 1927 03 3 1 1 1 5 1 80.00 4 175.00 2424 0 Page 8 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.26-1-26 228 Torres, Aleandro Alexander Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10204 210 16200 202000 08 1930 03 3 0 3 1 4 2 40.00 3 174.10 2242 0 38.26-1-27 230 Cilberti, Antoinette (LE) Ave Alexander 10204 210 16300 177100 05 1936 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 180.00 1810 0 29.19-2-14 300 Bisaillon, Roger A. Alexander Ave 20301 210 47000 179400 04 1948 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2112 0 29.19-3-17 303 Wilber, Carol C. Alexander Ave 20301 210 45900 188300 03 1954 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1972 0 29.19-3-16 305 Henry, Ruth A. (LE) Alexander Ave 20301 210 25000 182000 05 1925 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1806 0 29.19-3-15.1 307 Holub, Matthew + Kristen Ave Alexander 20301 210 47600 182000 05 1925 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 150.00 1860 0 29.19-2-15 308 Marre, Michael B/Patricia H Ave Alexander 20301 210 31200 190000 05 1930 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 2044 0 29.19-2-16 310 Falvo, Frank J. Alexander Ave 20301 210 31200 185400 08 1930 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 2152 0 29.19-3-13 313 Higgins, Robert III & Ave Alexander 20301 210 37500 169700 08 1935 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 150.00 1806 0 29.19-2-17 314 Owens, Scott W. Alexander Ave 20301 210 47000 173300 08 1928 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 98.00 3 150.00 1806 0.44 29.19-3-12 315 Smith, Vincent O II Alexander Ave 20301 210 37500 174500 05 1925 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 151.00 2088 0 29.19-2-18 316 Hyland, James D. Alexander Ave 20301 210 47000 208400 05 1929 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 62.00 3 240.00 2184 0 29.19-3-11 317 Paulson, Teresa Alexander Ave 20301 210 31200 153200 04 1945 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1404 0 29.19-2-19 318 Scotia United Methodist Church, 20301 Ave 210 Alexander 45900 202100 05 1940 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 2064 0 29.19-3-10 319 Falace, Dawn Alexander Ave 20301 210 48300 155600 04 1945 01 2 0 2 0 2 1 120.00 3 150.00 1008 0 29.19-2-20 320 Warner, Kurt E. Alexander Ave 20301 210 49300 165000 05 1940 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 265.00 1716 0 29.19-2-21 322 Rakus, Christopher M. Ave Alexander 20301 210 60200 178500 05 1943 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 106.00 3 270.00 1404 0 29.19-2-22 324 Rodman, Daniel R. Alexander 20301 210 60200 237600 01 1955 02 3 1 2 2 3 1 109.40 3 270.00 2736 0 Page 9 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.19-2-23 326 Larned, Grace Alexander 29.19-2-24 330 20.20-2-28 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20301 210 49400 186000 01 1955 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 81.70 3 258.00 2195 0 Crandall, David J & Claudia Ave Alexander 20301 210 60400 209700 06 1953 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 120.00 3 276.50 2365 0 Peek, Robert D. Alflo Cir 30200 311 2500 2500 70.04 116.94 0 20.20-2-27 1 Walker, James Alflo Cir 50100 330 2100 2100 128.26 115.44 0 20.20-2-22 2 Peek, Robert D. Alflo Cir 30200 210 20300 96000 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 144.85 3 93.09 1166 0 20.20-2-26 3 Walker, James D. Alflo Cir 30200 210 19200 89000 02 1972 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 91.00 3 115.00 1440 0 20.20-2-25 5 Ramnes, Henry Jr Alflo Cir 30200 210 20200 122300 08 1939 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 130.00 1464 0 20.20-2-23 6 Sitterly, Nicollette Alflo Cir 30200 210 21400 144200 04 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 123.75 3 130.00 1643 0 20.20-2-18.1-6 51 Caschera, August M. Cir Alflo 30200 270 5000 10000 0 0 0 29.15-2-39 County Of Schenectady, Alley-Sac. Blvds. 20201 311 1700 1700 10.00 840.00 0 Guisti, George Alley-Sac. Blvds. 20201 311 2500 2500 20.00 1500.00 0 County Of Schenectady, Alley-Sac. Blvds. 20201 311 2100 2100 20.00 523.00 0 County Of Schenectady, Alley-Sac. Blvds. 20201 311 1100 1100 20.00 260.00 0 County Of Schenectady, Alley-Sac. Blvds. 20201 311 1200 1200 20.00 290.00 0 Hayes, Life Estate, Clifford Ave Alplaus 20204 311 35500 35500 73.00 220.00 0 Gordon, Benjamin D. Ave Alplaus 20204 322 35000 35000 0 0 0.84 Coffey, Michael Alplaus Ave 20204 311 4000 4000 0 0 1.00 Watkins, E Gray Alplaus Ave 20204 322 85100 85100 0 0 35.00 29.11-4-22 29.11-4-81.1 29.11-4-84 29.11-4-83 23.18-3-71 23.-2-32.111 23.-2-32.12 23.-2-25.12 Page 10 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.-2-32.112 Watkins, E. Gray Alplaus Ave Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 0 311 63200 63200 317.00 0 18.17 3 0 3020 2.28 23.-2-24.1 213 Gordon, Benjamin Alplaus Ave 20204 449 55800 281500 08 1910 01 3 0 2 1 4 2 0 31.5-1-3 226 Batson, Edward Alplaus Ave 20204 210 35700 130000 13 1900 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 190.00 3 90.10 1344 0 23.-2-25.2 227 Withey, Gary D Alplaus Ave 20204 240 62500 62500 01 2015 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2053 15.34 31.5-1-4 228 Withey, Gary D. Alplaus Ave 20204 210 38000 221200 05 1904 06 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2220 1.00 31.5-1-31.1 234 Conley, Herman Alplaus Ave 20204 210 43800 247900 08 1907 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 267.00 3 170.00 2251 0 23.-2-25.11 235 Abatto, Keith Alplaus Ave 20204 210 47600 215700 08 1800 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2520 3.24 23.18-1-19 241 O'Neill, Kathleen M. Ave Alplaus 20204 210 45300 150900 01 1900 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1236 1.90 23.18-3-1.111 244 Sheely, Jeffrey R. Alplaus Ave 20204 210 37300 283700 08 1910 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 124.00 4 227.00 3266 0 23.18-1-20 245 Williams, Christopher A. Ave Alplaus 20204 210 42800 220000 08 1800 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 0 3 0 2382 0.60 23.18-3-2 246 Esposito, Paul M & Lorie Ave Alplaus 20204 210 37300 252600 08 1920 03 3 0 3 1 4 1 80.00 3 360.00 2268 0 23.18-1-21 247 LeBlanc, Tammy J. Alplaus Ave 20204 210 39900 198000 04 1935 03 3 0 2 1 5 1 62.00 3 217.20 2040 0 23.18-3-3 248 Vadeboncoeur, Kevin Ave Alplaus 20204 210 36800 188600 08 1922 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 210.00 2174 0 23.18-1-22 249 Theurer, Charles & Grace Ave Alplaus 20204 215 40200 205000 08 1903 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 62.00 3 233.00 2160 0 23.18-3-4 250 Matia, Artur L & Alplaus Ave 20204 210 38000 237000 08 1907 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 120.00 3 360.00 2496 0 23.18-1-23 251 Dube, Susan Alplaus Ave 20204 210 36100 190300 08 1912 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 95.00 3 193.00 1700 0 23.18-3-5 254 Vedder, Gary W. Alplaus Ave 20204 280 36200 176300 08 1920 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 93.00 3 200.00 1164 0.86 23.18-3-5 254 Vedder, Gary W. Alplaus Ave 20204 280 36200 176300 08 1920 03 2 1 2 0 4 2 93.00 3 200.00 2273 0.86 Page 11 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.18-3-20 304 Jeror, Daniel M. Alplaus 23.18-3-48 308 Dapp, Bruce Alplaus Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20204 210 37100 163000 08 1907 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 200.00 2236 0 Ave 20204 210 34700 130100 08 1913 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 200.00 3 240.00 1588 0.29 23.18-3-49 310 Kuo, Pei-hsin + Caron Ave Alplaus 20204 210 36100 165100 13 1919 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 63.00 4 228.00 1265 0 23.18-3-50 312 Casey, Henry Alplaus Ave 20204 210 11500 97000 08 1933 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 37.60 2 100.00 1026 0 23.18-3-51.1 318 Twedt-Spoor, Joshua Ave Alplaus 20204 220 34300 157300 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 60.00 3 200.00 1848 0 23.18-2-17 321 Zywot, Eric T. Alplaus Ave 20204 210 36700 197800 04 2004 03 3 1 1 0 1 1 85.00 4 243.00 1847 0 23.18-3-52 324 Bena, Joseph A. Alplaus Ave 20204 210 34300 195700 08 1920 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 60.00 3 200.00 1677 0 23.18-2-10 325 Foroughi, Joseph Alplaus Ave 20204 210 34600 218700 08 1903 04 2 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 175.00 2012 0 23.18-3-53 328 Haughney, Daniel G. Ave Alplaus 20204 210 34300 197600 08 1918 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 200.00 1892 0 23.18-3-54 330 Winchester, Robert C. Ave Alplaus 20204 230 31300 132700 08 1890 01 3 1 3 0 3 3 90.00 3 200.00 1890 0 23.18-2-9 331 Szeli, Scott + Aubrie Ave Alplaus 20204 210 34600 195800 08 1895 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 175.00 1806 0 23.18-2-8 333 McCorry, Edward W. Ave Alplaus 20204 210 37000 252300 08 1878 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 225.00 2464 0 23.18-3-55 336 Boyle, Kathleen Alplaus 20204 210 35200 141300 01 1948 01 2 0 2 1 2 1 100.00 3 154.70 1152 0 23.18-3-70 340 Hayes, Life Estate, Clifford Ave Alplaus 20204 210 35200 158000 08 1911 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 72.00 3 220.00 1462 0 23.18-2-7.2 341 Jadwin, Jeanne Alplaus Ave 20204 210 30800 183800 08 1890 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 71.00 4 139.00 1656 0 23.18-2-6.1 343 Silecchia, Donato & Lisa Ave Alplaus 20204 210 37300 173000 08 1914 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 222.00 3 130.00 1564 0 23.18-2-5.1 345 Jadwin, Jeanne M Alplaus Ave 20204 210 36900 229900 08 1910 03 3 0 1 2 4 1 0 3 0 2062 0.49 23.18-2-4 347 Barber, Robert W. Alplaus Ave 20204 210 32500 114700 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 130.00 1137 0 Page 12 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.18-2-3 349 Matthews, John A. Alplaus Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20204 210 32900 196200 01 1964 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.79 3 130.00 1620 0 23.18-2-2 351 Christiana, Jason G. Ave Alplaus 20204 210 47300 306900 08 1875 01 4 0 3 0 5 1 0 3 0 3160 8.25 23.18-3-59 Popolizio, Severino Alplaus & First Ave 20204 311 22600 22600 75.00 495.00 0 29.10-2-5 135 Montanye, Virginia Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 23000 109900 08 1925 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 122.50 3 120.00 809 0 29.10-2-4 138 Ahl, Robert Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 22200 127000 01 1960 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 96.00 3 120.00 1308 0 29.10-2-22.1 145 Stroebele, Keith Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 17500 119000 13 1935 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 71.00 3 122.00 1232 0 29.10-2-21 148 Elwertowski, Melissa A. Ave Amsterdam 20201 210 17900 107300 04 1938 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 86.00 3 103.00 1008 0 29.10-2-20 160 Hicks, Bryce & Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 16800 126200 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 111.61 1288 0 29.10-2-22.2 167 Ham, John B. Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 24000 147800 04 1987 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 120.00 3 150.00 1320 0 29.10-2-19 186-188 Bonney, Timothy D. Amsterdam Ave 20201 220 23900 207500 12 1985 03 2 2 2 0 6 2 140.00 3 127.00 2666 0 29.10-2-18 196 Hardendorf, Robert W. Ave Amsterdam 20201 210 9100 76100 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 1 1 35.00 3 129.99 624 0 29.10-2-23 201 Noonan, Gail A. Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 22300 184700 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 120.00 1768 0 29.10-2-17 204 Conroy, Michael S. Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 20800 108000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 137.88 1100 0 29.10-2-24 219 Wixson, Kacy L. Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 23100 86200 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 125.00 3 120.00 1006 0 29.10-2-16 220 Young, Patricia + Norman J. Ave Amsterdam 20201 210 14400 121500 08 1918 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 2 143.14 1137 0 29.10-2-25 231 Leon, Matthew & Adrienne Ave Amsterdam 20201 210 15800 109800 08 1930 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 120.00 1067 0 29.10-2-15.1 252 McGraw, Patricia A. Amsterdam Ave 20201 210 25100 99800 08 1915 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 145.75 3 163.40 1127 0 12.2-1-12 Bennett, Robin Amsterdam Rd 40200 330 8000 8000 115.00 388.00 0 Page 13 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 20.16-1-3 20.20-1-5 12.1-2-3.1 12.2-2-16 20.-4-5 13.-1-18.11 29.-4-32 6.-1-11 12.-6-2.1 12.-6-1 13.-1-3.11 13.-1-6.11 20.-4-27 13.-1-29 12.2-1-6 12.2-2-18 13.-1-5.11 20.-4-10 Town - Glenville 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Gagliardi, Victor John Jr Rd Amsterdam 50100 330 23100 23100 126.00 178.55 0 Mongillo, Donald P Amsterdam Rd 50100 330 11100 11100 172.00 50.00 0 Venditti, James Amsterdam Rd 40200 312 14400 21000 280.00 150.00 0 Polsun, Drew A. Amsterdam Rd 50100 330 31900 31900 125.00 300.00 0.64 Flower, Raymond M. Jr Rd Amsterdam 40200 314 33500 33500 0 0 2.00 Bryland, Inc, Amsterdam Rd 40200 311 33600 33600 0 0 9.00 Riggi & Sons Inc, Jerry Rd Amsterdam 20201 322 48300 48300 0 0 15.00 Fazzone, Patsy J. Amsterdam Rd 40200 322 27400 27400 0 0 17.00 Slezak, Kenneth J. Amsterdam Rd 40200 322 13300 13300 0 0 35.00 Balbian, John A. III Amsterdam Rd 40200 320 98900 98900 0 0 56.00 Electric City Concrete Co Inc, Rd Amsterdam 40200 322 58000 58000 0 0 75.00 Stewart's Shops Corp, Rd Amsterdam 40200 314 32400 32400 280.00 0 1.09 Di Lorenzo, Michael A. Rd Amsterdam 40200 311 47800 47800 0 0 5.20 State Of New York, Amsterdam Rd 50100 682 54300 54300 0 0 21.20 Miller, Kayla H. Amsterdam Rd 50100 330 32600 32600 198.00 0 1.40 Herba, Frank Amsterdam Rd 40200 311 21000 21000 0 0 2.40 Backstrom, Edmund J. Rd Amsterdam 50100 330 58200 58200 0 0 1.63 Mc Keon, David G. Amsterdam 40200 314 33000 33000 0 0 1.65 Page 14 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type CRW/V4/L001 Nbhd Prop Class Rd Bld Style Year Built Residential Parcel Array Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 12.-5-1 Kirkham, Robert J. Amsterdam Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd 40200 322 30000 30000 0 0 69.70 Pedone, Angelo Amsterdam Rd 50100 330 71600 71600 892.00 0 7.78 Montanaro, John Amsterdam Rd 40200 312 33300 37800 320.00 250.00 1.80 Mc Intyre, Patrick J. Rd Amsterdam 50100 300 29900 29900 0 0 1.86 Lamora, Larry A. & Amsterdam 30200 314 18800 18800 0 0 2.90 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Amsterdam 30200 311 30900 30900 700.00 0 2.90 Cooley, Robert G. Amsterdam Rd 20201 312 36000 55000 0 0 8.99 20.16-1-4 266 Dee Zee Ventures LLC, Rd Amsterdam 50100 330 5000 5000 97.00 171.55 0 29.-4-30.21 839 Lewis, Richard H. Amsterdam Rd 20201 240 59500 378600 05 1803 02 3 0 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 2770 24.78 29.-4-29 1163 Feurer, Theodore C. Jr Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 24200 151000 08 1878 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 317.00 1344 0 29.-4-28 1437 River Stone Manor, LLC, Rd Amsterdam 20201 421 156200 1897200 08 1864 01 3 1 4 3 5 1 0 3 0 3165 15.13 29.-4-26 1473 Martin, Frank P. Jr Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 36500 255000 08 1870 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 3116 4.80 29.-4-25 1559 Atwood, Jon B. Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 31100 210500 01 1969 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1878 1.70 29.-4-24 1579 Ball, Timothy K. Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 30400 175000 04 1929 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2043 1.30 29.-4-23 1597 Caprara, Michael E. Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 30100 147600 04 1929 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1539 1.10 29.-4-22 1635 Bischoff, June Amsterdam 20201 210 29400 156900 08 1933 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 345.00 1499 0 29.-4-21 1641 Jennings, Randy & Donna Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 28900 155700 04 1927 03 3 0 2 1 3 2 75.00 3 320.00 1762 0.69 29.-4-20 1657 Purdy, William + Donna Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 28800 158700 05 1932 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 305.00 1620 0 20.-4-38 13.-1-11.11 20.-4-33 29.-2-22 29.-4-30.111 Rd Rd Page 15 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 13.-1-3.2 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.-4-19 1675 Carr, Louisa R. Amsterdam 29.-4-18 1695 Naqibullah, Sarpas Amsterdam Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20201 210 29000 160900 05 1930 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 300.00 1728 0 Rd 20201 210 29000 198400 04 1937 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 270.00 1988 0 29.-4-17 1715 Bagley, Ferdinand A. Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 29100 161700 08 1935 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.10 3 275.00 1728 0 29.-4-16 1727 Owens, Ellsworth L. Jr Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 28900 188400 04 1946 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 245.00 2188 0 29.-4-15 1741 McClary, Kathleen A. Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 28900 173000 05 1928 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 125.00 3 200.00 1872 0 29.-4-14 1765 Gordon, Sheila Anne Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 30200 266700 05 1941 01 2 0 2 1 5 1 0 4 0 2930 1.20 29.-4-13 1833 Georgelas, Arthur Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 30100 164700 04 1936 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1864 1.10 29.-4-12 1849 Pierotti, Brian Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 29300 142900 01 1967 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 130.00 3 240.00 1316 0 29.-4-11 1863 Weiss, John R. Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 29500 165100 08 1890 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 135.00 3 260.00 1860 0 29.-4-10 1891 Butler, Michael R & Jean D Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 28500 147600 04 1953 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 280.00 1442 0 29.-4-9 1911 Cullinan, Patricia Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 29100 100000 01 1961 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 280.00 960 0 29.-4-5.1 1965 Looker, Peter Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 30000 111000 01 1989 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 150.00 3 300.00 1305 1.03 29.-4-6 2003 Pangione, Joseph L Rd Amsterdam 20201 280 42400 223000 08 1920 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 320.00 1067 1.34 29.-4-6 2003 Pangione, Joseph L Rd Amsterdam 20201 280 42400 223000 08 1920 03 2 0 2 0 5 1 100.00 3 320.00 2055 1.34 29.-4-4.1 2017 Simpson, George L. Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 29700 86900 13 1940 01 4 0 1 0 3 1 122.00 3 330.00 860 0 29.-4-3 2043 Schermerhorn, John Allan Rd Amsterdam 20201 210 30200 143200 04 1983 01 4 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1212 1.20 29.-4-2 2091 Mace, Douglas L. Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 31800 180400 01 1960 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 1476 2.10 29.-4-1 2157 Lattanzio, Louis F. Amsterdam Rd 20201 210 25400 78000 08 1960 04 2 0 1 0 1 1 318.00 3 97.35 780 0 Page 16 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 28.8-1-3 2939 Kahler, Cathy A. Amsterdam 28.8-1-1.1 2941 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 30200 210 24000 109900 13 1928 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 810 1.00 Fifth Garden Park Ltd Pt'ship, Rd Amsterdam 50100 416 432000 974500 14 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 936 2.80 20.20-1-3 2964 Pijanowski, D.A. Teresa Rd Amsterdam 30200 210 23100 99000 08 1937 07 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 2 240.00 792 0 20.20-2-21 2971 Shihrer, Nancy Amsterdam Rd 30200 210 14200 119800 08 1936 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 155.00 1430 0 20.20-2-20 2989 Farone, Timothy K Amsterdam Rd 30200 210 12900 95300 08 1935 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1008 0 20.20-2-19 2995 Greenwood, Helen M. Rd Amsterdam 30200 210 12900 117400 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1305 0 20.20-1-9 3110 Reynolds, Thomas J. Rd Amsterdam 30200 210 22700 85700 13 1929 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 150.00 2 139.40 1056 0 20.20-2-6 3225 Houck, Joan M. Amsterdam Rd 30200 210 20000 115900 08 1918 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 63.00 3 175.00 1145 0 20.20-2-5.1 3247 O'Neill, Timothy Amsterdam Rd 30200 210 22300 160000 08 1928 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 194.00 2310 0 20.20-2-4.1 3281 Kroll, David J. Amsterdam Rd 30200 280 33400 235100 08 1918 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 100.25 3 314.00 2096 0 20.20-2-4.1 3281 Kroll, David J. Amsterdam Rd 30200 280 33400 235100 01 1918 05 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.25 3 314.00 1000 0 20.20-2-3 3313 Rice, Robert E. Sr Amsterdam Rd 30200 240 38500 209300 08 1878 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 2212 13.50 20.20-2-1 3331 Tremante, Tina C. Amsterdam Rd 30200 280 35800 296000 08 1910 02 2 0 2 0 6 2 0 3 0 2348 2.20 20.20-2-1 3331 Tremante, Tina C. Amsterdam Rd 30200 280 35800 296000 05 1910 06 3 0 2 1 5 2 0 3 0 3158 2.20 20.16-1-2 3389 Pramaggiore Family Irrevocablr, Trust 30200 Rd 283 Amsterdam 22900 107300 08 1931 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 109.00 3 197.00 872 0 20.16-1-6 3505 Horn, John & Bonita Rd Amsterdam 30200 210 24800 128000 08 1944 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 182.00 2 211.00 640 0 20.16-1-6 3505 Horn, John & Bonita Rd Amsterdam 30200 210 24800 128000 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 182.00 3 211.00 804 0 20.-4-11 3758 Jackson, Daniel Amsterdam 40200 210 31400 94200 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 175.00 3 180.00 915 0 Rd Page 17 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 20.-4-16.311 3887 Conlon, Brian F. Amsterdam Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd 40200 312 103700 156600 0 0 64.33 20.-4-4 4110 Realty LLC, 1 Washout Rd Amsterdam 40200 314 37400 37400 0 0 4.60 20.-4-37 4175 Porcari, Christopher D/Susan Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 34500 165000 1 0 3 0 1940 2.64 20.-4-29 4175 Porcari, Christopher D/Susan Rd Amsterdam 40200 311 33200 33200 0 0 1.80 20.-4-23 4232 Nardini Constr&Excavating LLC, 40200 Rd 210 Amsterdam 34900 84000 08 1850 01 1 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1080 2.90 20.-4-26 4625 Montenaro, Pasquale A. Rd Amsterdam 40200 220 40800 200000 08 1820 02 3 0 2 2 4 2 0 3 0 3948 3.30 20.-4-25 4770 Greenroad, William D. Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 32000 121900 13 1935 04 3 0 1 0 5 1 0 3 0 1476 1.00 13.-1-7.1 5304 Hohenstein, Wm G. Jr Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 32200 93800 01 1935 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 300.00 3 0 1080 1.82 13.-1-10 5764 Kaufman, Vanessa M Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 32000 156100 02 1974 03 4 1 1 0 4 1 340.00 3 0 2081 1.00 13.-1-11.12 5878 Loan Servicing, Bayview Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 31700 150600 04 1950 07 2 0 1 1 2 1 166.00 3 220.00 1188 0 13.-1-11.2 5916 Putrock, Ralph J. Amsterdam Rd 40200 280 64700 178000 13 1950 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 230.00 3 0 600 1.52 13.-1-11.2 5916 Putrock, Ralph J. Amsterdam Rd 40200 280 64700 178000 01 1954 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 230.00 3 0 768 1.52 13.-1-11.2 5916 Putrock, Ralph J. Amsterdam Rd 40200 280 64700 178000 08 1952 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 230.00 3 0 1480 1.52 13.-1-11.2 5916 Putrock, Ralph J. Amsterdam Rd 40200 280 64700 178000 12 1954 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 230.00 3 0 2544 1.52 12.2-3-1 6054 Teerlinck, Rene A. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 31300 147700 04 1946 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 98.35 3 280.00 1340 0 12.2-2-22 6157 Vanston, Paul J. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 32600 83500 05 1800 06 2 0 1 2 5 1 1442.00 2 0 3680 1.43 12.2-2-19.2 6217 Kirkham, Robert Jr Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 36200 150000 08 1780 04 3 1 1 1 3 1 700.00 3 0 2388 3.78 12.2-1-4 6339 Gelinas, Lewis M. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 31000 158200 08 1939 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 281.00 1372 0 Page 18 of 628 03 3 Half Baths Baths 0 2 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 4 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 08 1939 Ext Wall Heat Type CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 12.2-1-5 6365 Halasz, George T. Amsterdam Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 31600 115900 13 1924 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 118.30 3 295.00 1368 0 12.2-1-8 6437 Broomhall, David M Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 32600 109900 08 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1208 1.40 12.2-1-7.1 6451 Vorkapich, Mark A. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 33100 109700 08 1875 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1384 1.76 12.2-2-17 6554 Polsun, Drew A. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 31800 136600 01 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 151.00 3 253.52 1344 0 12.2-1-11 6581 Bennett, Robin D. Amsterdam Rd 40200 455 64500 194600 01 1920 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 200.00 3 0 936 1.80 12.2-2-15.1 6596 Friedman, Francesca + Joseph 40200 Rd 210 Amsterdam 25000 174600 04 1935 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 84.50 3 520.00 2176 1.67 12.2-2-12.2 6610 Flaherty, Peter D. Amsterdam Rd 40200 311 34000 34000 150.00 0 2.32 12.2-2-13 6724 Martin, James W. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 34100 121600 04 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 184.00 3 0 1120 2.40 12.2-2-12.1 6786 Lavery, Wesley Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 34000 148600 02 1988 03 3 0 2 0 2 1 150.00 3 0 1242 2.34 12.2-2-11 6810 Mason, Crystal Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 32800 100100 08 1935 05 3 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 0 2128 1.50 12.2-2-10 6832 Mooney, Barry K. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 32900 154900 04 1937 04 3 0 2 0 3 1 101.00 3 0 1778 1.60 12.2-2-8 6886 Kowalski, Ronald Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 32800 198300 08 1840 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 585.00 2360 1.50 12.2-2-7 6910 Vandeusen, Sandra J. Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 31300 138400 05 1925 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 294.00 1528 0 12.2-2-6 6928 Mongillo, John G. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 32300 145300 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 0 1493 1.20 12.2-2-5 6946 Casler, Matthew J. & Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 32200 146500 05 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 0 1484 1.10 12.2-2-4.2 6964 Busch, Thomas Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 31700 156800 04 1938 06 3 0 1 1 4 1 150.00 3 250.00 1712 0 12.1-2-1 7116 Van Eps, Dirck Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 32300 205700 08 1914 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 150.00 2240 0 12.1-2-15 7116 Van Eps, Dirck Amsterdam Rd 40200 322 83900 83900 657.00 0 51.80 Page 19 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 12.2-2-1.1 7152 Fazzone, Olga J. Amsterdam 12.1-2-2 7198 Roney, Kelli A Amsterdam Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 240 46000 166600 08 1803 04 3 0 1 0 4 1 470.00 3 0 1776 13.00 Rd 40200 210 36300 148400 08 1905 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 175.00 3 195.00 1676 0 12.1-2-5 7398 Venditti, James F. Jr Rd Amsterdam 40200 210 27300 128500 08 1920 06 3 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 100.00 1860 0 20.-4-12 BOX_97 Laudato, David P. Amsterdam Rd 40200 210 32200 104700 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1632 1.10 12.2-1-14 County Of Schenectady, Amsterdam Road-Bk Ld 50100 330 20500 20500 445.00 0 1.30 3 140.00 2200 0 29.8-1-19 3 Quirk, Gary V. Anita Dr 20302 210 46300 210000 03 1965 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 29.8-1-28 4 Oberle, Nicholas P. Anita Dr 20302 210 46600 227900 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.91 3 150.00 2340 0 29.8-1-20 5 Wiltsie, David A. Anita Dr 20302 210 46300 217900 01 1962 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 100.00 4 140.00 2184 0 29.8-1-27 6 Goodell, Jonathan Anita Dr 20302 210 46600 214900 05 1962 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2009 0 29.8-1-21 7 Dempsey, Deborah R. Dr Anita 20302 210 46300 212100 05 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 140.58 2228 0 29.8-1-26 8 Guare, Charles J/Peter C Dr Anita 20302 210 46600 238500 05 1965 02 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 150.00 2402 0 29.8-1-22 9 Battaglia, Daniel J & Michele E Dr Anita 20302 210 46300 221300 03 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 140.00 2190 0 29.8-1-25 10 Chambers Eric J & Elizabeth M, 20302 Dr 210 Anita 46600 192400 05 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1840 0 29.8-1-24 12 Paul, Gordon S. Anita Dr 20302 210 45600 224300 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 2160 0 22.17-1-39.2 Revella, Phillip R. Arapaho Path 20207 311 6000 6000 46.32 112.34 0.13 30.5-1-1 1001 Conley, Richard Arapaho Path 20306 210 46600 269100 05 1966 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 131.00 3 0 2552 0.30 22.17-1-27 1002 Marola, Thomas J. Arapaho Path 20306 210 46600 233000 05 1962 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 130.00 2160 0 22.17-1-37 1003 Case, Carl D Jr. & Angela Path Arapaho 20306 210 46700 239900 03 1960 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 102.00 4 130.00 1888 0 Page 20 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.17-1-28 1004 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Streeter, Rosalind N. Path Arapaho 20306 210 46600 203000 01 1963 02 3 2 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 130.00 1838 0 22.17-1-36 1005 Early, Donal P. Arapaho Path 20306 210 46600 238600 05 1962 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 130.00 2164 0 22.17-1-29 1006 Crisafulli, Joseph P. Arapaho Path 20306 220 46600 230350 03 1963 03 3 1 2 2 5 2 100.00 4 130.00 2688 0 22.17-1-35.1 1007 Furman, Anthony H. Path Arapaho 20306 210 46600 239100 03 1963 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 130.00 2313 0.56 22.17-1-30 1008 Puccio, Robert A & Arapaho Path 20306 210 46600 240000 05 1960 02 3 0 3 1 4 1 100.00 4 130.00 2344 0 22.17-1-34 1009 Revella, Philip R. Arapaho Path 20306 210 49000 267300 05 1965 02 3 1 2 1 5 1 169.88 4 130.00 2448 0.33 22.17-1-31 1010 Granger, Paula Ann Arapaho Path 20306 210 46600 218700 02 1963 02 3 1 2 1 3 1 102.00 4 130.00 2356 0 22.17-1-33 1011 Salvo, Edward J. Jr Arapaho Path 20306 210 48000 263000 05 1964 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 135.08 4 134.79 2416 0 22.17-1-32.1 1012 Riggs, Donald L. Arapaho Path 20306 210 48900 269200 05 1963 02 3 1 2 2 4 1 0 4 0 2474 0.49 39.7-1-4 4 Conrad, Renee M. Arbor La 20202 210 36300 154400 01 1960 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 108.12 3 157.00 1256 0 39.7-1-5 5 Healy, Michael J. Arbor La 20202 210 36300 161980 01 1960 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 108.00 3 157.00 1296 0 39.7-1-7 7 Mancini, John A. Arbor La 20202 210 36200 202900 03 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 104.26 3 184.65 2320 0 39.7-1-6 Polsinelli, Peter Arbor La Rear 20202 311 3800 3800 0 0 0.80 3 175.27 1824 0 22.1-1-1 1 Saunders, Charlotte S. Dr Arcadian 20303 210 33100 201500 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 85.81 22.1-1-44 2 Piazza, James R. Arcadian Dr 20303 210 33000 239000 05 1978 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 73.13 3 200.00 2184 0 22.1-1-2 3 Aliff, William R. Arcadian Dr 20303 210 34500 175000 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.68 1490 0 22.1-1-43 4 Hoskinson, James F. Dr Arcadian 20303 210 33800 244300 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 97.00 3 179.00 2188 0 22.1-1-3 5 Springer, Kevin W. Arcadian 20303 210 34300 180000 03 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 187.54 1821 0 Dr Page 21 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.1-1-35 6 Manzo, Paul Arcadian 22.1-1-4 7 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20303 210 34400 210400 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 130.00 3 151.00 1818 0 Antrim, William W. Arcadian Dr 20303 210 33700 171200 01 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 211.77 1458 0 22.1-1-5 9 Caruso, Joel M. & Arcadian Dr 20303 210 35000 215300 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 107.00 3 211.77 1818 0 30.10-1-12 1 Wheeler, Danny J. Sr Rd Arden 20202 210 35700 192100 04 1948 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 223.00 1912 0 30.10-1-7 2 Di Cesare, Carl Jr Arden Rd 20202 210 35100 158000 04 1945 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 160.00 1428 0 30.10-1-11 3 Gonzalez, Cesar Arden Rd 20202 210 36200 161200 04 1953 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 175.00 1650 0 30.10-1-8 4 Bodine, Gregory B. Arden Rd 20202 210 35300 140500 13 1945 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 100.00 3 125.00 1332 0 30.10-1-10 5 Rice, Steven T. Arden Rd 20202 210 36200 214900 02 1966 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 175.00 2212 0 30.13-1-13.2 Santon, Dawn Ashland Ave 20201 311 1000 1000 15.00 55.00 0 Bell, Frederic C. Jr Ashland Ave 10100 311 800 800 19.00 75.00 0 502 Scotia Ind Park LLC, Avenue E 50100 330 100 100 50.00 260.00 0 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Badgley 30200 311 21200 21200 108.00 140.00 0 Larned & Sons Inc, William Rd Badgley 30200 311 17000 17000 108.00 140.00 0 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Badgley 30200 311 23400 23400 210.00 140.00 0 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Badgley 30200 311 24800 24800 0 0 1.50 29.5-2-7.1 122 Olsen, Dale C & Cara A II Rd Badgley 30200 210 20000 118500 13 1948 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 43.40 3 254.60 1068 0 29.5-2-23 132 Chevalier, Christopher Rd Badgley 30200 210 16500 153000 13 1947 02 3 0 2 0 3 1 72.00 3 125.00 1500 0 29.5-2-22 142 Mac Murray, Harold L. Jr Rd Badgley 30200 210 16500 68800 13 1915 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 72.00 3 125.00 724 0 29.-3-19 29.5-2-12 29.5-2-13 29.5-2-15.1 29.5-2-18.1 Page 22 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.61-1-12.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.5-2-10.1 145 Unser, Brian J. Badgley 29.5-2-21 166 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 30200 210 22400 119700 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 144.00 3 135.00 1188 0 Carpenter, Scott Badgley Rd 30200 210 16500 99500 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 72.00 3 125.00 1360 0 29.5-2-20 182 Fagle, Ronnie Badgley Rd 30200 210 20700 132900 13 1933 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 108.00 3 125.00 1869 0 29.5-2-19 198 Dunbar, James E. Badgley Rd 30200 210 20700 101400 13 1942 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 108.00 3 125.00 956 0 21.4-2-24.2 Schlensker, August K. (LE) Rd Baldwin 20207 311 17700 17700 150.00 200.00 0 Burns, George M. Baldwin Rd 20207 311 9000 9000 153.35 329.25 0 Fuerst, Robert A. Baldwin Rd 20207 311 9000 9000 0 0 1.01 Burnham, David H./Bryan E. Rd Baldwin 20207 322 63500 63500 0 0 26.50 22.17-1-2 3 Erwetowski, Paul & Baldwin Rd 20207 210 36200 185000 04 1948 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2145 1.10 22.17-2-2.1 4 Brino, Albert M. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 33100 149400 04 1926 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 168.00 3 117.00 1104 3.23 22.17-2-3.2 6 Kinderhook Trust, Baldwin Rd 20203 215 30200 207800 06 2009 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 3452 1.12 22.17-1-1 7 Trudell, Scott David/Shari A Rd Baldwin 20207 210 37800 165000 05 1920 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1745 2.20 22.17-2-1 8 Schlensker, Lisa (LE) Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35400 168700 04 1952 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 300.00 2015 0 22.13-1-16 14 Schumacher, Gregory M. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 33700 138000 01 1966 03 2 0 2 2 3 1 100.00 4 171.35 1298 0 22.13-1-17 16 Harrington, John W. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35200 180800 03 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 143.94 4 187.32 1560 0 21.4-2-23.3 17 Grant, Erwin C. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 37600 302200 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 214.07 3 952.13 3108 2.06 22.13-1-18 18 Cole, Gail Ann Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35100 209900 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 122.70 3 187.32 1950 0 22.13-1-19 20 Bergin, Joan Ellen Baldwin Rd 20207 210 34100 196200 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 195.12 1842 0 21.4-2-21.22 21.4-2-21.1 Page 23 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.1-4-22 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.13-1-20 22 Stilan, William J. Baldwin 22.13-1-21 24 Calder, George F. Baldwin Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20207 210 34300 230000 03 1970 03 2 1 1 2 4 1 104.59 3 200.00 2220 0 Rd 20207 210 35000 209200 04 1950 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 200.00 2032 0 22.13-1-22 26 Gemmette, Anthony J. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35800 170700 01 1955 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 200.00 3 200.00 1232 0 22.13-1-23 28 Esch, Mary Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35200 172000 02 1962 04 3 0 2 1 4 1 130.00 3 200.00 2024 0 21.4-2-23.11 29 Kulak, John J & Anne H Rd Baldwin 20207 240 127600 344300 04 1939 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2223 74.90 22.13-1-24 30 Flanagan, Martin J. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35200 161700 04 1965 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 136.44 3 200.00 1512 0 22.13-1-25 32 Vile, Thomas A. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35400 168800 04 1939 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 150.00 3 200.00 1550 0 22.13-1-26 34 Downey, Joseph M. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35400 224800 01 1970 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 150.00 4 200.00 2056 0 22.13-1-27 36 Tashjian, Robert C. & Moira W. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 36700 272400 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2702 1.46 21.4-2-23.12 37 Vernooy, Peter G. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 37800 295100 01 1992 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2480 2.20 22.13-1-28 38 McCann, Brian D. & Rd Baldwin 20207 210 38200 342200 05 2005 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 0 4 0 2808 2.44 21.4-2-23.2 39 Kramer, Richard Baldwin Rd 20207 210 37500 248100 01 1986 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 200.00 4 420.00 1736 2.00 22.1-4-23 42 Burns, George M. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 33700 181100 05 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 300.00 2150 0 22.1-4-24 44 Conti, Chad E & Jennifer K Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35200 160600 03 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 288.40 2019 0 22.1-4-25 46 Mantei, David S. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 36000 201300 04 1950 02 2 1 1 1 5 1 150.00 3 290.30 1957 0 22.1-4-26 48 Conti, Margaret Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35800 134900 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 383.30 1568 0 22.1-4-27 50 Urban, Doris E. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35800 142500 01 1967 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 383.00 1140 0 22.1-4-28 52 Addison, Joyce D. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35900 174900 01 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 396.20 1495 0 Page 24 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.1-4-29 54 Kruszona, Mark Baldwin Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20207 210 36300 196900 01 1945 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 396.00 1792 1.20 22.1-4-30 58 Hummer, Robert (LE) Rd Baldwin 20207 210 37800 139200 04 1951 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1469 2.20 22.1-4-31 60 White, Daniel J. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 36600 110900 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 864 1.40 22.1-4-32 62 Bukowski, Glenn M. Rd Baldwin 20207 215 36600 160000 08 1949 03 3 0 3 1 5 1 130.00 2 415.00 1932 1.40 21.4-2-22 63 Burnham, Harold E. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35900 147000 03 1957 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 281.50 1752 0 22.1-4-33 66 Maturo, Louis A & Tammy L Rd Baldwin 20207 210 48000 188600 04 1940 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 306.00 3 415.00 2151 2.60 22.1-4-34 68 Powers, John R. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 49500 182900 04 1951 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1870 3.40 21.4-2-21.21 71 Korkosz, Adrienne Baldwin Rd 20207 240 62400 243500 05 1978 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 2838 25.38 22.1-4-35 74 Beverley, James Michael III Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35900 228000 03 1970 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 414.00 2946 0 21.4-2-19.1 75 Fraioli, Elio Baldwin Rd 20207 210 39000 168800 04 1945 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 230.00 3 525.00 1527 3.00 22.1-4-36 76 Schiavo, Janet Baldwin Rd 20207 210 36000 180100 01 1972 01 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 1680 1.00 22.1-4-37 78 Slaterpryce Family Revocable, Rd Baldwin 20207 210 37200 166900 01 1956 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1517 1.80 21.4-2-17 79 Sickles, David & Susan Rd Baldwin 20207 210 38900 232500 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2292 2.90 21.2-3-15 81 Fuerst, Patricia & Robert (LE) Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35600 172000 02 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 135.00 3 261.60 1592 0 21.2-3-14 83 Gullott, Lois Ann Baldwin Rd 20207 210 38400 340300 05 1969 02 3 1 2 1 5 1 0 3 0 3890 2.60 22.1-4-38 84 Fackrell, Kurt E. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 37200 246000 05 1985 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2219 1.80 22.1-4-39 86 Rosenberg, Edward F. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 36200 300000 05 1979 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 3261 1.15 21.2-3-13 87 Ryan, Kevin P. Baldwin 20207 210 34500 180000 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 2 200.00 1810 0 Page 25 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.2-3-12 89 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Sorenson, Edward E. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 34500 169900 02 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1546 0 22.1-1-49 90 Robinson, Byron J. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 39500 194600 04 1928 03 3 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1473 3.30 21.2-3-11 91 Daniels, Charles Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35700 170100 01 1968 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 94.41 3 388.01 1344 0 21.2-3-10 93 LaBrake, Timothy J. Rd Baldwin 20207 210 35600 153700 01 1968 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 94.41 3 362.25 1056 0 21.2-3-9 95 Miller, Keith D. Baldwin Rd 20207 210 35500 133900 13 1925 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 100.00 3 345.84 1242 0 30.77-2-25 Carl,LLC, Joseph Ballston Ave 40100 330 49000 49000 130.00 150.00 0 1625 Union Street LLC, Ave Ballston 10203 311 12300 12300 0 0 2.07 38.44-1-24 102 Dieterich, Robert Ballston Ave 10207 210 9300 92300 1 31.00 3 82.00 1188 0 38.44-1-11 110 Dieterich Properties LLC, Ave Ballston 10207 310 16400 16400 91.33 100.00 0 3 115.00 2080 0 08 1905 03 3 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 3 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.69-1-4.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 38.36-2-38.1 201 Hughes, Kenneth A. Ave Ballston 10206 220 16700 112600 08 1900 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 100.00 39.29-1-19 202 McGeoch, Michael J. Ave Ballston 10208 230 16600 115700 08 1935 04 3 0 3 1 4 3 78.00 3 138.00 2192 0 39.29-1-20 204 McGeoch, Michael J. Ave Ballston 10208 210 16200 141900 05 1930 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 37.64 3 151.60 1584 0 38.36-2-37 205 Brown, Michael R. Ballston Ave 10206 210 16800 139900 08 1893 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 100.00 4 150.00 1728 0 39.29-1-22 208 Brady, Christine F. Ballston Ave 10208 220 16200 121400 08 1930 01 3 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 145.00 2112 0 39.29-1-23 210 Nelson, Ronald J. Ballston Ave 10208 220 16200 118800 08 1910 01 3 0 2 0 4 2 40.20 3 164.01 1824 0 38.36-2-36 211 Shave, Paul L. Ballston Ave 10206 230 16500 124500 08 1900 03 3 0 3 0 5 3 100.00 3 100.00 2336 0 39.29-1-24 212 Phillips, Charles R. Ballston Ave 10208 210 16200 128900 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.16 4 164.01 1536 0 39.29-1-25 214 Coon, Kathleen V. Ballston Ave 10208 311 16200 16200 40.16 158.92 0 Page 26 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 39.29-1-26 216 Coon, Kathleen V. Ballston Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10208 210 16200 121300 08 1910 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.16 3 153.83 1232 0 39.29-1-27 218 Feinberg, Daniel & Stephanie S 10208 Ave 210 Ballston 16300 163100 08 1921 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.21 4 148.74 1696 0 38.36-2-12 219 DJC,LLC, Ballston Ave 10206 210 16100 113200 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 61.00 3 97.10 1147 0 38.28-3-22 221 Manny, Paul E. Ballston Ave 10205 210 17000 125000 08 1915 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 138.00 3 133.80 1561 0 39.21-1-11 225 Dayton, Dan K. Ballston Ave 10208 220 17000 117300 08 1910 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 140.80 2 131.40 2323 0 39.29-1-8 226 Shannon, Paul A & Elizabeth G Ave Ballston 10300 210 43100 196900 05 1910 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 170.00 4 185.60 2226 0 39.21-1-12 227 Ventures II, Five Brothers Ave Ballston 10208 220 16400 106800 08 1910 04 3 0 2 1 5 2 71.00 3 120.50 2024 0 39.21-1-13 229 Baldwin, Michael Ballston Ave 10208 220 16000 119000 08 1916 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 3 140.00 1848 0 39.21-1-10 233 Cole, Terry D. Ballston Ave 10208 210 16600 128000 05 1910 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 132.80 3 80.00 1378 0 39.21-1-9 235 Schaefer, Eric B. Ballston Ave 10208 210 16300 129200 05 1906 06 3 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 4 85.00 1472 0 39.21-1-8 237 Creighton, Eileen Ballston Ave 10208 210 16400 137000 08 1930 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 74.20 3 140.00 1504 0 39.21-1-6 241 Lee, Kevin M. Ballston Ave 10300 210 20500 114400 13 1923 06 2 0 1 0 3 1 97.00 3 101.00 1463 0 39.21-2-1 242 Purdy, Andrew Ballston Ave 10300 210 20600 148500 08 1920 06 3 1 1 1 3 1 77.40 3 140.00 1412 0 39.21-1-5 243 Wagner, Michael H. Ave Ballston 10300 210 20400 122850 08 1920 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 77.00 3 145.00 1620 0 39.21-1-4 245 Donato, Donald J. Ballston Ave 10300 210 20200 126100 13 1920 03 3 1 1 1 2 1 43.00 3 169.20 1377 0 30.77-1-35 247 Cotton, Susan Wandrey Ave Ballston 10203 210 13200 98500 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 92.00 1226 0 30.77-1-34 249 Bedell, John M. Ballston Ave 10203 210 16800 111600 08 1900 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 68.00 3 203.00 1344 0 30.77-1-33 251 Lewis, Rudy R. Ballston Ave 10203 210 16800 108600 08 1927 06 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 152.00 1314 0 Page 27 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.77-1-32 257 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Secor, Alison & Douglas Ave Ballston 10203 210 16300 146100 08 1900 04 2 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 130.00 2202 0 30.77-2-12 258 Corcoran, James E. Ave Ballston 10203 210 16200 119200 08 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 0 1500 0.13 30.77-1-31 261 Herweyer, Steven E & Virginia Ave Ballston 10203 220 16200 97400 08 1910 01 3 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 130.00 1496 0 30.77-1-30 263 Smith, Nicholas Ballston Ave 10203 220 15200 102800 08 1928 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 33.33 3 125.00 1936 0 30.77-1-28.11 273 Buchanan, Larry E. Ballston Ave 10203 210 16700 115000 04 1947 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 77.67 3 175.00 1736 0 30.77-1-26.11 277 Danishevsky, Aleksey A. Ave Ballston 10203 210 16200 121600 08 1930 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 69.00 3 87.00 1920 0 30.13-3-40.1 Luberda, Edward J. & Rd Ballston 20100 311 2300 2300 12.00 243.00 0 Nealon, Mary Coughtry Rd Ballston 20201 311 9300 9300 40.00 110.00 0 Demers, George Ballston Rd 20201 311 5000 5000 40.00 125.00 0 Pederson, Glenn Ballston Rd 20201 311 13900 13900 59.00 250.44 0 Bishop, Timothy Ballston Rd 20201 311 4800 4800 80.00 30.00 0 Viscusi, Carlo J. Ballston Rd 20201 311 6100 6100 80.00 50.00 0 Banerjee, Ben U. Ballston Rd 20201 311 16600 16600 80.00 150.00 0 Kislowski, Patricia Ballston Rd 20201 311 24200 24200 80.00 250.00 0 Piotrowski, Raymond M. Rd Ballston 20100 311 2000 2000 60.39 103.00 0 Piotrowski, Raymond Rd Ballston 20201 311 4000 4000 75.91 308.85 0 Piotrowski, Raymond M. Rd Ballston 20100 311 2000 2000 96.99 224.00 0 Banerjee, Ben U. Ballston 20201 311 16600 16600 120.00 130.00 0 30.13-3-20.1 30.13-3-37 30.13-2-18 30.13-3-25 30.13-3-21.1 30.14-1-1 30.13-3-43.1 30.13-3-10.1 30.13-3-42.1 30.13-3-23.1 Rd Page 28 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.13-2-16 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.10-2-9 JARWAS, LLC, Ballston Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd 20202 311 37100 37100 109.49 227.00 0 Liporace, Nicholas V. Rd Ballston 20202 210 7200 7200 29.50 192.00 0.12 Stebbins, Cynthia J. Rd Ballston 50100 330 13200 13200 0 0 4.20 Baptist Health Nursing , Rd Ballston 50100 330 41800 41800 0 0 1.85 30.13-3-1.11 316 Luberda, Edward J. Ballston Rd 20201 215 25400 164500 08 1867 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 120.48 1 245.00 2095 0 30.13-3-7.1 320 Crandall, Deborah C. Rd Ballston 20201 210 25000 123400 04 1925 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 53.00 3 260.00 1106 0 30.13-2-37.111 321 Crandall, Herbert H. (LE) Rd Ballston 20201 210 28200 121000 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 884 2.47 30.13-3-19.1 332 Piotrowski, Raymond Rd Ballston 20201 311 5000 5000 118.00 64.00 0 30.13-2-29.111 337 Crandall, Herbert H. Rd Ballston 20201 280 48600 278500 06 1976 01 4 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 2401 1.23 30.13-2-29.111 337 Crandall, Herbert H. Rd Ballston 20201 280 48600 278500 13 1935 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1404 1.23 30.13-3-22 338 Mancini, Arthur H. Ballston Rd 20201 210 22100 130000 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 80.00 3 150.00 1200 0 30.13-3-38 354 Pederson, Glenn Ballston Rd 20201 210 23100 93500 13 1914 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 59.00 3 250.29 840 0 30.13-3-39 356 Piotrowski, Ida S. Ballston Rd 20201 210 23300 116200 13 1933 03 3 1 1 1 2 1 63.00 3 250.16 1072 0 30.14-1-13 358 Martin, Robert S. Ballston Rd 20201 210 24100 155900 04 1942 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 210.00 1940 0 30.14-1-12 360 Glasser, Scott R & Amy H Rd Ballston 20201 210 23100 114600 04 1933 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 250.00 1362 0 30.14-1-11 362 Ortiz, Justina Ballston Rd 20201 210 23100 135600 04 1933 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 1200 0 30.14-1-10 364 Lashway, Warren L. Jr Rd Ballston 20201 210 23100 143200 13 1933 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 1308 0 30.14-1-14.1 366 Erno, Donna D. Ballston 20201 210 30200 158100 04 1930 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1800 0.69 30.14-1-15 30.13-2-24.41 Rd Page 29 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.10-2-3.2 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.14-1-9 370 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Thornton, George A. III Rd Ballston 20201 210 23100 125000 13 1930 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 1208 0 30.14-1-8 372 Golden, Kristopher M/Leah R Rd Ballston 20201 210 23100 115000 13 1922 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 250.00 1056 0 30.14-1-7 374 Byron, Melvin G. Ballston Rd 20201 210 23100 117200 13 1922 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 250.00 1022 0 30.14-1-6 376 Fridholm, John Ballston Rd 20201 210 23100 109400 08 1933 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 896 0 30.14-1-5 378 Frenger, Henry L. Sr Rd Ballston 20201 210 23100 189600 04 1950 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 2384 0 30.13-2-11 379 Aronson, Mary Ann Ballston Rd 20202 210 39000 143800 08 1913 03 3 1 2 0 2 1 238.00 3 300.00 1481 0 30.14-1-4 380 Jordan, Allen Ballston Rd 20201 210 23100 155700 04 1953 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 1612 0 30.14-1-3 382 Petrozzi, Keith E. Ballston Rd 20201 210 23500 118400 04 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 271.00 1314 0 30.13-2-10 383 Page, Kenneth + Kristin Rd Ballston 20202 210 35800 140000 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 300.00 1792 0 30.14-1-2 384 Kislowski, Patricia Ballston Rd 20201 210 25200 139700 04 1943 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 271.00 1164 0 30.13-2-9 385 Angelo, Michele L. Ballston Rd 20202 210 35800 134900 08 1912 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 300.00 1492 0 30.13-2-8.1 387 Karasz, David C. Ballston Rd 20202 210 35800 126300 08 1912 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1266 0 30.10-2-1 390 Eaton, Anthony Ballston Rd 20202 210 37000 129300 08 1933 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 225.00 1072 0 30.9-2-30.1 391 Chapman, James I. Rd Ballston 20202 210 37100 184100 08 1931 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 160.00 3 150.00 1872 0 30.9-2-29 393 Schaefer, David C. Ballston Rd 20202 220 37400 177700 08 1888 03 3 0 3 0 3 2 100.00 3 295.00 2492 0 30.10-2-2 394 Greer, William F. Jr Ballston Rd 20202 210 36600 165000 04 1935 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 195.00 1904 0 30.9-2-28 395 Houghtaling, Lawrence V. Rd Ballston 20202 210 37200 124500 04 1924 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 285.00 1082 0 30.10-2-3.1 396 Tracy A & Sarah M, Blackwood Rd Ballston 20202 210 30200 178800 04 1956 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.50 3 195.00 1458 0.43 Page 30 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.10-2-4 396A Liporace, Nicholas Ballston 30.9-2-27 397 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20202 220 35000 145100 04 1956 02 2 0 2 1 2 2 55.00 3 195.00 1470 0 Tranter, Living Trust, Robert L. Rd Ballston 20202 210 36900 144000 04 1952 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 280.00 1314 0 30.10-2-5 398 Vergare, Anthony J. Ballston Rd 20202 220 35500 140000 04 1953 02 3 0 2 1 3 2 57.00 3 241.00 1365 0 30.10-2-6 400 Park, Jacqueline Ballston Rd 20202 210 36500 126200 04 1938 03 3 0 2 1 2 1 77.00 3 250.00 1057 0 30.9-2-26 401 Cuthbert, Jason Ballston Rd 20202 210 37100 225000 08 1927 06 3 1 2 3 3 1 91.00 3 275.00 2548 0 30.10-2-7 402 Simonds, James E. Ballston Rd 20202 210 37000 116900 13 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 76.00 3 270.00 840 0 30.9-2-25 403 Giaquinto, Alfred (LE) Rd Ballston 20202 210 37700 138000 01 1952 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 135.00 3 270.00 1032 0 30.10-2-8 404 Sweeney, William S. Rd Ballston 20202 283 62200 271900 08 1934 01 2 1 1 1 2 1 140.00 3 355.00 1573 0 30.10-2-10.1 436 Hummer, Laura L. Ballston Rd 20100 210 37100 173300 04 1939 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 97.14 3 0 1887 0.82 30.10-2-11 438 Plusch, Rodmond I. Rd Ballston 20100 210 34100 122300 13 1921 03 3 0 1 0 1 1 56.00 3 206.00 1032 0 30.10-1-21 445 Bates, Christopher M. Rd Ballston 20202 220 35900 147600 12 1968 02 2 0 2 0 4 2 100.00 3 160.00 1848 0 30.10-1-20 447 Abramczyk, Thomas Rd Ballston 20202 220 35900 177200 12 1967 02 2 0 2 0 4 2 100.00 3 174.00 1848 0 30.10-1-19 449 Michael, Laurence Ballston Rd 20202 210 35400 155500 04 1930 01 4 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 186.68 1493 0 30.10-1-18 451 Pooser, Donald R. Ballston Rd 20202 210 35500 175900 05 1939 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 70.00 3 198.36 1904 0 30.10-1-17 453 Bruce, Robert M. Ballston Rd 20202 210 35300 155000 04 1934 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 162.95 1664 0 30.6-2-18 471 County Of Schenectady, Rd Ballston 50100 330 51500 51500 94.00 160.00 0 30.13-2-14 Baptist Health Nursing , Ballston Rd - Bkld 50100 330 10300 10300 80.00 140.00 0 3100 3100 35.00 178.00 0 30.13-1-48 Pulaski Family Trust, Leonard & Anne 20201 Maria Ave 311 Bancker Page 31 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.13-1-1.12 Ramos, Dwayne Bancker 30.13-1-3 30.13-1-11 30.13-2-42 30.13-1-6.1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total 20201 311 9200 9200 48.61 125.00 0 22600 22600 105.00 125.00 0 Pulaski Family Trust, Leonard & Anna 20201 Maria Ave 311 Bancker Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Wentworth, David F. Ave Bancker 20201 311 2400 2400 412.00 167.20 0 Hwang, Haeja Bancker Ave 20201 311 7400 7400 142.50 92.00 0 Town of Glenville, Bancker Ave 50100 330 16800 16800 236.46 122.89 0.37 3 0 2957 3.80 30.61-1-19 15 Wentworth, David F. Ave Bancker 10100 210 45000 247200 08 1927 03 3 1 2 2 4 1 140.00 30.13-1-10 18 Mosier, Paul E & Tricia W Ave Bancker 20201 210 26700 156500 03 1951 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 182.00 3 351.00 1552 0 30.13-1-9 20 Lamb, Gideon Bancker Ave 20201 210 24400 176000 01 1948 02 3 0 2 2 3 1 130.00 3 150.00 1669 0 30.13-1-12 21 Stanton, William Bancker Ave 20201 210 25300 151700 01 1953 07 3 0 1 1 3 1 170.00 3 167.20 1215 0 30.13-1-13.1 23 Bell, Frederic C. Jr Bancker Ave 20201 210 25200 214400 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 213.00 2004 0.60 30.13-1-7 24 Nell, Joseph S. Bancker Ave 20201 210 25600 196400 01 1958 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 175.00 3 205.00 1808 0 30.13-1-52 27 Galante, Vincent J & Jodi L III Ave Bancker 20201 210 23200 188000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 106.33 3 125.00 1633 0.35 30.13-1-50 28 The Alternative Living Group , Inc.20201 Ave 210 Bancker 23200 184000 05 2004 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 121.83 3 125.00 1384 0.35 30.13-1-53 29 Blackburn, John & Rebecca Ave Bancker 20201 210 23200 191000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 120.00 3 125.00 1396 0.35 30.13-1-5.1 30 Martin, James & Maureen Ave Bancker 20201 210 23300 217900 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 125.00 4 125.00 1646 0 30.13-1-54 31 Massaroni, John R Bancker Ave 20201 210 23200 186600 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 120.00 3 125.00 1633 0.35 30.13-1-5.2 32 Morrison, Christopher Ave Bancker 20201 210 24300 226300 05 2005 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 173.40 4 129.90 1886 0 30.13-1-55 33 Dodd, Kenneth W Jr & Ave Bancker 20201 210 23600 202500 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 235.73 3 125.00 1646 0.38 Page 32 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.9-1-37 36 Kramer, Scott B Bancker 30.9-1-38 38 Cercone, Jeffrey Bancker 30.13-1-4.2 40-42 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20202 210 38000 194000 05 2004 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 140.00 3 0 1423 0.99 Ave 20202 210 40000 188500 05 2004 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1423 2.30 as Trustee, U.S. Bank N.A. Ave Bancker 20201 220 24600 239200 12 1985 03 2 0 3 0 5 2 140.00 3 145.00 2238 0 30.9-1-39 44 Krawiecki, William E. Ave Bancker 20202 210 40400 225000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1744 2.59 30.9-1-40 46 Bentley, Thomas P/Tiffany A Ave Bancker 20202 210 46200 217000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1744 7.17 30.13-1-1.11 49 Kent, Ryan Bancker 20201 210 25100 181700 05 2004 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 158.79 3 180.00 1384 0.55 30.13-1-2 50 Bollacker, Anthony J & Michelle Ave Bancker 20201 210 22600 225600 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 105.00 3 125.00 1880 0 29.52-2-20.1 54 Ramos, Dwayne J & Ave Bancker 10100 210 25600 200500 02 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 87.87 3 375.52 1835 0 29.52-2-26 56 McGrath, Justin J. Bancker Ave 10100 210 24200 239200 05 2012 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 60.03 3 100.00 1692 0 30.13-1-8 22 Carpico, Angelo Anthony Ave Bancker 20201 210 40000 505400 06 2012 03 2 1 3 3 4 1 0 5 0 3690 4.50 30.9-1-36 34 Hutchings, Tara Bancker 20202 210 37500 217600 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 249.20 3 239.59 1728 0.77 20.16-1-1 Warner, Hale, Warner Mngmt, Rd Barhydt 40200 311 39300 39300 0 0 6.30 21.-1-16 152 Zielinski, Jamie Barhydt Rd 40200 210 35000 163800 01 1955 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1063 3.00 21.-1-15 192 Lynch, John H. Barhydt Rd 40200 210 37900 194900 08 1825 04 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2294 4.90 20.20-1-1 259 Valentino, Berdina (LE) Rd Barhydt 40200 210 35000 158600 08 1878 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1840 3.00 20.-4-20 428 Hawk, Luanne + Krista Rd Barhydt 40200 210 37600 180400 08 1878 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2895 4.72 20.-4-19.13 498 Codino, Leno Barhydt Rd 40200 240 45000 373700 06 1999 2 1 4 1 5 1 0 4 0 4091 6.67 20.-4-54 532 Viall, David D & Nancy A Rd Barhydt 40200 210 35100 264900 06 2005 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 4 0 1947 3.04 Ave Page 33 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 20.-4-53 572 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Allen, Richard S & Dina Rd Barhydt 40200 210 39000 268400 06 2005 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 0 4 0 2980 3.41 20.-4-52 614 Cook, James R. Barhydt Rd 40200 210 35300 183600 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1592 3.23 20.-4-18 652 Huther, Cherly Barhydt Rd 40200 210 32000 155000 05 1929 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1272 1.00 20.-4-17 682 Robinson, Jennifer Barhydt Rd 40200 210 31000 167300 01 1974 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 220.00 1200 0 22.13-1-1 2 Reed, Leanna Barry La 20305 210 49100 260000 03 1967 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 130.00 4 183.64 2832 0 22.13-1-2 4 Kalinkewicz, Kent Barry La 20305 210 48300 246700 03 1964 02 2 1 2 2 3 1 107.00 4 186.78 2444 0 22.13-1-3 6 LeMorta Dominick T & Nina M, 20305 210 Barry La 48300 228650 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 106.19 4 189.91 2376 0 22.13-1-4 8 Kraines, Donald E. Barry La 20305 210 48100 270700 05 1965 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 102.00 4 189.91 2456 0 22.13-2-16 9 Storti, Mark & Barbara Barry La 20305 210 48900 250200 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 4 200.00 2187 0 22.13-1-5 10 Lotano, Angelo G/Jennifer A Barry La 20305 210 50500 216900 03 1964 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1886 1.10 22.13-2-15 11 Bailey, Martin T & Paula S Barry La 20305 210 48700 212100 03 1967 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 4 200.00 1944 0 22.13-1-6 12 Schulmeister, Charles (LE) Barry La 20305 210 48900 185600 01 1967 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 4 202.12 1322 0 22.13-2-14 13 Aziz, Daniel & Renee Barry La 20305 210 48700 218300 02 1964 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 200.00 2404 0 22.13-1-7 14 Nold, Robert D. Barry La 20305 210 48400 258000 05 1965 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 4 202.12 2248 0 22.13-2-13 15 Rooney, Christopher J/Mary E Barry La 20305 210 48700 250000 05 1965 02 2 2 1 2 4 1 105.00 4 200.00 2188 0 22.13-1-8 16 Munger, Janet T. Barry La 20305 210 48300 259900 05 1966 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 4 199.68 2292 0 22.13-2-12 17 Musto, Erin Barry La 20305 210 48700 204400 03 1965 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 200.00 1911 0 22.13-1-9 18 Doret, Stanley A. Barry La 20305 210 48200 264900 05 1960 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 4 197.42 2790 0 Page 34 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.13-2-11 19 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Cerasuolo, Joseph Barry La 20305 210 48900 212500 03 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 200.00 2222 0 22.13-1-10 20 Keough, Leigh Anne Barry La 20305 210 49100 206000 01 1966 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 130.00 4 183.64 1562 0 22.13-2-10 21 Francis, Eric Barry La 20305 210 50200 224500 01 1967 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 199.12 4 215.86 1951 0 22.13-1-11 22 Barberis, Robert Barry La 20305 210 48200 297200 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 190.00 2768 0 22.13-1-12 24 Terwilliger, Eugene Barry La 20305 210 50200 304800 05 1986 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 205.00 4 150.00 2724 1.00 29.16-2-38.112 Mc Coy, William E. Bartlett Pl 20201 311 1100 1100 50.00 100.00 0 29.16-2-37.11 1 Powers, Stephen J. Bartlett Pl 20201 210 28700 154700 04 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 79.52 3 0 1582 2.80 29.15-3-5 2 National Association, U.S. Bank 20201 Pl 210 Bartlett 16700 145000 08 1948 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 75.00 3 110.00 1632 0 29.16-2-38.111 3 Svec, Paul T. Bartlett Pl 20201 210 25000 125800 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 140.00 3 162.50 1008 0 29.15-3-6 4 Deltry, Paul Bartlett Pl 20201 210 18700 134000 04 1930 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 140.00 1352 0 29.16-2-39 5 Keefe, Michael J. Bartlett Pl 20201 210 12600 144900 04 1944 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 50.00 3 125.00 1612 0 29.15-3-7 6 Shartrand, George J. Pl Bartlett 20201 210 14700 146400 04 1941 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.39 2100 0 29.16-2-40 7 Mc Coy, William E. Bartlett 20201 210 12600 121000 04 1941 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 125.00 1008 0 29.15-3-8 8 Davis, Family Trust, Donald E. Pl Bartlett 20201 210 14300 140600 04 1942 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 50.00 3 144.50 1584 0 29.16-2-41 9 Paparella, William J. Pl Bartlett 20201 210 12600 121300 04 1942 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1176 0 29.15-3-9 10 Kielkowski, Laurie L. Pl Bartlett 20201 210 14700 142300 04 1945 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 145.00 1680 0 29.16-2-42 11 Helm, Stephen F. Bartlett Pl 20201 210 14400 101000 04 1943 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 57.00 3 125.00 896 0 29.15-3-10 12 Seeger, Edward A. Bartlett Pl 20201 210 15400 123800 04 1945 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 152.72 1174 0 Page 35 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Pl Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.16-2-43 13 Martin, Abbey L. Bartlett Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pl 20201 210 18200 154800 08 1940 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 120.00 1334 0 29.15-3-11 14 Mc Allister, Yvonne M. Pl Bartlett 20201 210 15600 125400 04 1942 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 156.83 1260 0 29.15-3-12 16 Raffan, Kristen L Bartlett Pl 20201 210 16100 145000 04 1942 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 160.94 1044 0 29.15-3-13 18 Bacchi, Michael D. Bartlett Pl 20201 210 16800 99000 04 1950 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 52.00 3 165.12 870 0 29.15-3-14 20 Farley, Roger Bartlett Pl 20201 210 21500 133300 04 1943 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 85.00 3 125.00 1284 0 23.18-2-11 2 Waters, Joseph P. Bath St 20204 210 34300 171200 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1604 0 23.18-2-16 3 Hendrickson, James R. Jr. St Bath 20204 210 36300 224500 08 1907 03 2 1 1 1 2 1 194.00 4 100.00 2010 0 23.18-2-12 4 Smith, Theodore + Kathleen St Bath 20204 210 37300 116000 13 1943 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 120.00 3 241.80 1150 0 23.18-2-15 7 Burke, James & Elizabeth S St Bath 20204 210 37500 135000 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 105.00 4 317.00 1320 0 23.18-2-13 8 Dedon, Bruce W. Bath St 20204 210 37600 141000 08 1949 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 147.00 4 241.80 1131 0 23.18-2-14 12 Herrick, Mary G. (LE) St Bath 20204 210 37400 161400 01 1948 05 3 1 1 1 3 1 130.00 3 238.10 1446 0 21.4-1-15.114 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 4000 4000 26.00 302.00 0.18 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 10200 10200 0 0 0.68 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 12000 12000 0 0 0.80 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 12500 12500 0 0 0.83 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 12500 12500 0 0 0.83 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 12800 12800 0 0 0.85 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 3000 3000 0 0 1.10 21.4-1-54 21.4-1-55 21.4-1-56 21.4-1-57 21.4-1-15.112 Page 36 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 21.4-1-53 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.4-1-51 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park 21.4-1-58 21.4-1-15.113 21.4-1-50 21.4-1-59 21.4-1-49 21.4-1-45 21.4-1-47 21.4-1-48 21.4-1-60 21.4-1-44 21.4-1-43 21.4-1-61 21.4-1-15.111 21.4-1-52 21.4-1-46 21.4-1-42 38.11-6-42 508 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd 40201 314 15200 15200 0 0 1.23 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15200 15200 0 0 1.23 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 312 33900 33900 0 0 2.27 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15300 15300 0 0 1.28 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 16300 16300 0 0 2.34 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15400 15400 0 0 1.40 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15400 15400 0 0 1.42 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15400 15400 0 0 1.42 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15400 15400 0 0 1.42 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 17400 17400 0 0 3.43 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15500 15500 0 0 1.47 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15600 15600 0 0 1.55 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 24000 24000 0 0 4.66 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 311 38700 38700 0 0 5.74 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15800 15800 0 0 1.76 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 15800 15800 0 0 1.77 Arneault, Jonathan Battle Park Rd 40201 314 16800 16800 0 0 2.82 18100 152100 1 80.00 3 140.00 1880 0 St 20200 210 05 1941 Page 37 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type 03 3 Half Baths Baths 0 2 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 1 4 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Morrell, Mandy R. Beacon Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-6-36 511 Seburn, Lauren E. Beacon Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20200 210 15900 121700 04 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 160.00 1188 0 38.11-6-43 512 Northrup, Kristen H. St Beacon 20200 210 18100 133900 04 1941 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1348 0 38.11-6-35 513 Rahn, Deborah E. Beacon St 20200 210 15900 109700 08 1938 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 3 160.00 1050 0 38.11-6-34 515 Pelletier, Regina Beacon St 20200 210 18500 152200 01 1954 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 160.00 1286 0 38.11-6-44 516 Liszewski, Carol Beacon St 20200 210 18100 123100 08 1930 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 140.00 1599 0 38.11-6-33 517 Townsend, Robert A. St Beacon 20200 210 18500 130000 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 160.00 1000 0 38.11-6-32 519 Case, John W. Beacon St 20200 210 18500 149000 01 1959 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 80.00 3 160.00 1192 0 38.11-6-45 520 Coville, Teresa E. Beacon St 20200 210 18100 123200 01 1940 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 140.00 948 0 38.11-6-46 522 Gibson, Destiny Beacon St 20200 210 18100 144500 04 1953 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 140.00 1620 0 38.11-5-13 600 Haughey, David (LE) St Beacon 20200 210 14900 153200 04 1958 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 120.00 1326 0 38.11-5-18 601 Goyette, David Beacon St 20200 210 22000 196700 08 1900 03 3 1 1 2 2 1 225.00 3 80.00 1865 0 38.11-5-20 602 Okrasinski, Mark Beacon St 20200 210 24600 271200 04 2004 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 255.00 4 120.00 2445 0 38.11-5-19 604 Welsh, Brett C. Beacon St 20200 210 12900 132900 04 1955 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 65.00 3 120.00 1175 0 15.7-2-21 1 Grasso, Melissa L. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31100 158700 01 1959 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1348 0 15.7-2-18 2 Frewin, Eric C. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31100 161000 01 1957 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.87 1482 0 15.7-2-22 3 Zeissler, Paul Bellaire Dr 20206 210 32100 217300 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 122.66 4 150.00 2440 0 15.7-2-17 4 Utz-Meagher, Kevin E. Dr Bellaire 20206 210 30500 169800 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 150.87 1692 0 15.7-2-23 5 Mullens, Kelly R. Bellaire 20206 210 32900 143600 01 1959 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 137.34 3 157.83 1308 0 Page 38 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-2-16 6 Chapek, George V. Bellaire 15.7-2-24 7 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 30800 138700 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 151.00 1272 0 Battiste, Paul Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31600 176900 01 1958 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 108.00 3 150.00 1644 0 15.7-2-15 8 Tyburski, Jeffery R. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 32200 182300 01 1956 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 125.33 3 151.63 1750 0 15.7-2-25 9 Lauderback, Linda G. Dr Bellaire 20206 210 31700 222400 03 1957 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 108.40 3 150.00 2416 0 15.7-2-14 10 Kirschman, Jonathan Dr Bellaire 20206 210 31200 185600 03 1956 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 95.00 2 160.00 1816 0 15.7-2-26 11 Amato, Joseph P. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31100 156200 01 1955 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1488 0 15.7-2-13 12 Avery, Timothy J. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31200 185600 01 1956 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 102.00 4 148.29 2071 0 15.7-2-27 13 Shupe, Jasper D A. III Dr Bellaire 20206 210 31100 165400 01 1956 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1632 0 15.7-2-12 14 Mc Erlean, Paul Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31200 176600 03 1954 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 102.00 3 148.59 1866 0 15.7-2-28 15 DeMeo, Dustin + Megan Dr Bellaire 20206 210 31100 197000 03 1950 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2422 0 15.7-2-11 16 Bruce, Alexander D. Dr Bellaire 20206 210 31200 200000 03 1956 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 102.00 3 148.89 1887 0 15.7-2-29 17 Barton, James Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31400 169900 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 116.94 3 153.55 1680 0 15.7-2-10 18 Gilbert, William + Rhoda Dr Bellaire 20206 210 30700 195000 01 1953 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 84.86 4 155.93 1870 0 15.7-2-30 19 Vedder, Jessica Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31400 204400 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 117.81 3 153.55 2106 0 15.7-2-9 20 Paniccia, Armando R. Dr Bellaire 20206 210 31300 176300 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 156.22 1742 0 15.7-2-31 21 Costello, Terri L. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31100 154400 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1306 0 15.7-2-8 22 D'Amario, Robert Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31500 259800 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 6 1 100.00 4 169.50 3394 0 15.7-2-32 23 Greenough, James J. Dr Bellaire 20206 210 31100 210000 03 1959 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2762 0 Page 39 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-2-7 24 Smith, Charles B. Bellaire 15.7-2-33 25 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 32400 179600 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 2 196.14 1940 0 Curatolo, Jane K. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31100 153500 01 1957 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1378 0 15.7-2-6 26 Armstrong, Ross L. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 32800 154700 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 222.78 1534 0 15.7-2-34 27 Klotz, Theo Jr (LE) Bellaire Dr 20206 210 31900 188100 01 1957 01 2 1 1 2 4 1 100.00 3 154.55 1714 0 15.7-2-5 28 Pantalone, Paul M. Bellaire Dr 20206 210 34600 179600 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 217.00 3 0 1755 0.80 31.5-1-2 2 Giles, Lance D. Belmont Ave 20204 210 34400 135000 08 1935 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 175.00 1560 0 31.5-1-1 4 Valentino, Lisa Belmont Ave 20204 210 34400 184700 08 1935 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 4 175.00 1680 0 31.5-1-45 6 Sanem, Shilpa Belmont Ave 20204 210 35800 205500 05 1993 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 175.00 1768 0 31.5-1-46 8 Richards, Gary M. Belmont Ave 20204 210 35800 196500 01 2000 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 175.00 1550 0 31.5-1-12 9 Smith, Virginia M. Belmont Ave 20204 210 37600 140800 08 1920 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1338 0.80 31.5-1-47 10 Beaudoin, Susan E. Ave Belmont 20204 210 35800 228600 05 1995 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 175.00 2002 0 31.5-1-11.1 11 Minahan, Timothy Belmont Ave 20204 210 37300 251600 04 1990 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 165.00 3 175.00 2387 0 31.5-1-48 12 Teti, Frederic J Belmont Ave 20204 210 35800 262000 05 1994 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.00 2486 0 31.5-1-49 14 Schultz, Karen M. Belmont Ave 20204 210 35800 210400 05 1994 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 175.00 1768 0 9.18-1-11 1 Phillips, Jay Berchman Dr 20206 210 33700 142800 04 1950 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 151.30 3 251.48 1440 0 9.19-1-17 2 Peper, Karen Berchman Dr 20206 210 33100 129200 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 103.00 3 225.88 1056 0 9.18-1-10 3 Grant, Jennifer D. Berchman Dr 20206 210 32500 157100 04 1955 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1440 0 9.19-1-16 4 Schinnerer, Kevin Berchman Dr 20206 210 32500 169300 04 1951 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1955 0 Page 40 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.18-1-9 5 Shively, Edward L. Berchman 9.19-1-15 6 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 32500 133300 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1122 0 Butler, Robert F. Jr Berchman Dr 20206 210 32500 162100 04 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1812 0 9.18-1-8 7 Smith, Douglas D Berchman Dr 20206 210 32500 159600 04 1950 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1400 0 9.19-1-14 8 Deay, Lucas R. Berchman Dr 20206 210 32500 158800 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1572 0 9.18-1-7 9 Jones, Glenn D. Berchman Dr 20206 210 32500 170200 01 1955 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 222.00 1670 0 9.19-1-13 10 DiMaggio, Elaine (L.E.) Dr Berchman 20206 210 32500 119800 01 1953 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 200.00 960 0 9.18-1-6 11 Collins, David Berchman 20206 210 33200 131000 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 131.50 3 200.00 1104 0 22.6-5-31 4 Gatta, Life Estate, Robert + Marianna 20304 Rd 210 Berkley 32200 242060 05 1964 03 2 2 2 2 4 1 124.63 4 151.00 3204 0 22.6-5-32 6 Gorham, Kim A. Berkley Rd 20304 210 31300 196100 03 1963 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 97.45 3 162.00 2067 0 22.6-4-14 7 Gilbert, Stephen J. Berkley Rd 20304 210 30200 192600 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 115.88 2077 0 22.6-5-34 8 Urresta, Fabio & Berkley Rd 20304 210 31800 224000 05 1969 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 104.00 3 175.00 2136 0 22.6-5-35 10 Goodrich, Thomas Berkley Rd 20304 210 33200 273500 05 1972 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 114.18 3 232.68 2486 0 22.6-3-29 11 Caggiano, Anthony A. Rd Berkley 20304 210 31300 111930 03 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 99.34 3 157.00 1880 0 22.6-5-36 12 DiMaso, Ryan Berkley Rd 20304 210 33200 219000 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 112.84 3 228.66 2196 0 22.6-3-28 13 Conine, John C. Berkley Rd 20304 210 32000 200700 05 1960 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 116.75 3 157.00 1898 0 22.6-5-37.2 14 Norris, Michael R. Berkley 20304 210 28200 275000 05 2014 03 Rd 1 2 0 3 1 106.00 4 248.61 1790 0.60 22.6-3-27 15 Kea, Kirk K. Berkley Rd 20304 210 31300 202400 05 1960 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 116.70 3 152.44 1916 0 22.6-5-37.1 16 DePan, Andrew B. Berkley Rd 20304 210 34700 227500 05 1965 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 104.10 4 305.63 2214 0.62 Page 41 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.6-3-26 17 Bird, William L. Berkley Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20304 210 31200 228000 05 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.11 3 152.44 2156 0 22.6-5-6.3 18 Baertsch, Richard D. Rd Berkley 20304 210 33200 227500 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 93.56 3 271.00 1944 0 22.6-5-6.2 20 Brown, Anthony S. Berkley Rd 20304 210 33400 221900 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 94.00 3 318.20 1816 0 22.6-5-3 5 Vlainich, John D. Berkley Sq 20304 210 31800 223100 05 1955 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 3 150.00 2036 0 22.6-5-33 Haakonson, Paul S. Rd Berkley 20304 311 900 900 20.00 253.90 0 3 152.00 960 1.10 22.6-5-6.4 96 Frare, Margaret Berkley Sq Ext 20304 210 34200 130000 01 1976 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 78.00 22.6-5-7 98 Barton, Milton F. Berkley Sq Ext 20304 210 33200 190900 03 1955 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 179.40 3 152.35 2004 0 22.6-2-14 100 Madarassy, Richard E. Ext Berkley Sq 20304 210 33900 169000 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 280.04 3 150.00 1368 0 22.6-2-15 102 Limeri, Susan G. Berkley Sq East 20304 210 31300 167000 01 1954 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1477 0 22.6-2-16 104 Stafford, Douglas M. Berkley Sq East 20304 210 31300 140300 01 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1268 0 22.6-2-17 106 Trust, N.A., U.S. Bank Berkley Sq East 20304 210 30300 160600 01 1965 01 3 0 2 1 2 1 80.00 3 150.00 1565 0 22.6-1-29 2 Symeon, Ronald E & Eleanor Z Berkley Sq North 20304 210 31300 149000 01 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 97.02 3 150.00 1204 0 22.6-1-30 4 Dowgos, Erik H. Berkley Sq North 20304 210 31100 188500 03 1957 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1920 0 22.6-1-31 6 LaPlante, Karen C. Berkley Sq North 20304 210 31100 191900 05 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1855 0 22.6-1-32 8 Wilson, Revocable Trust, Blake + 20304 Lisa 210 Berkley Sq North 31100 164800 03 1956 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1696 0 22.6-5-5 1 Wagner, Belinda A. Berkley Sq South 20304 210 30300 180900 03 1956 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 80.83 3 150.00 1906 0 22.6-5-4 3 Williams, Elizabeth A. Berkley Sq South 20304 210 31300 189200 03 1955 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1727 0 22.6-5-2 7 Henk, Brian Berkley Sq South 20304 210 31800 191800 03 1960 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 3 150.00 2028 0 Page 42 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.6-3-15 103 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Lovell Rev. Trust, James B. Berkley Sq West 20304 210 30100 218700 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 150.00 2340 0 22.6-3-14 105 Faulkner, William & Karen Berkley Sq West 20304 210 31100 184500 01 1958 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1400 0 22.6-3-13 107 Bovino, Thomas D. Berkley Sq West 20304 210 30100 165000 03 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 150.00 1652 0 22.1-2-11 3 Parga, Eduardo Beverly Ct 20203 210 28200 236000 05 1981 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 104.00 3 183.00 2124 0.64 22.1-2-12 4 Schimikowski, Violet Ct Beverly 20203 210 29300 241000 05 1980 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 96.02 3 279.81 2124 0.64 22.1-2-13 6 Havasy, Revokable Trust, Gerard 20203 + Geraldine 29400 Ct 210 274000 Beverly 05 1981 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 100.00 3 306.00 2294 0 22.1-4-3.1 5 Gramuglia, Robert Beverly Ct 20206 210 71100 450500 06 2011 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 0 4 0 4007 36.08 22.7-2-10.1 2 Capron, William C. Jr Rd Bigwood 20304 210 36300 136200 13 1930 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 290.00 4 245.00 1488 2.50 22.7-2-29 15 Dworak, William Bigwood Rd 20304 210 31900 177500 01 1956 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 174.48 1508 0 22.7-2-4 16 May, Paul & Mary Bigwood Rd 20304 210 31200 257600 03 1956 03 3 0 3 1 3 1 100.00 3 152.00 2780 0 22.7-2-21 17 NYSARC, Schdy Co. Chapter, Rd Bigwood 20304 210 33700 204200 01 1953 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 275.00 4 135.00 1952 0 22.7-2-3 18 Posluszny, Marna Bigwood Rd 20304 210 31200 172300 01 1956 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 153.18 1406 0 22.7-2-2 20 Pulaski, Leonard (LE) Rd Bigwood 20304 210 33000 175000 01 1954 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 150.00 3 152.56 1637 0 22.7-2-1 22 Russell, Rebecca A. Rd Bigwood 20304 210 31700 203000 03 1959 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 110.21 3 155.76 1848 0 30.9-2-44 1 DuBrey, Cindy M. Birch Knoll Dr 20202 210 37500 131200 01 1948 04 3 0 1 1 3 1 170.32 3 165.00 1341 0.49 30.9-2-43 3 Buchalski, Bret W. Sr. Dr Birch Knoll 20202 210 37300 125600 01 1949 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 119.14 3 175.24 1012 0.41 30.9-2-32.2 4 Gouger, Mark B. Birch Knoll Dr 20202 210 36700 170000 01 1976 03 4 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1764 0 30.9-2-42 5 Martin, Daniel Birch Knoll Dr 20202 210 35900 120900 01 1948 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1167 0 Page 43 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.9-2-33 6 MacFee, Wayne T. Birch Knoll 30.9-2-41 7 Miller, Cairenn Birch Knoll Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20202 210 37100 159100 01 1947 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 250.00 1607 0 Dr 20202 210 35900 140600 01 1948 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 160.00 1406 0 30.9-2-34 8 Borisenko, Michael A. Dr Birch Knoll 20202 210 37100 159900 01 1950 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 250.00 2472 0 30.9-2-40 9 Mc Kinnis, Timothy G. Dr Birch Knoll 20202 210 35900 130300 01 1949 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1241 0 30.9-2-35 10 Friedman, Sandra L. Dr Birch Knoll 20202 215 37100 192000 01 1948 01 3 0 3 1 6 2 100.00 3 250.00 2408 0 30.9-2-39 11 Mycek, Jay A. Birch Knoll Dr 20202 210 35900 150000 01 1949 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1502 0 30.9-2-36 12 Lontrato, Jan A Birch Knoll Dr 20202 210 37100 130800 01 1948 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 250.00 1290 0 30.9-2-24.2 14 LaPorte, James G. Jr Dr Birch Knoll 20202 210 37500 177200 01 1991 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 134.42 3 250.00 1404 0 15.16-2-2 1 Hartley, Patrick J. Birch La 20205 210 26500 177200 01 1972 01 2 1 1 1 5 1 100.00 3 200.00 1610 0 15.16-1-7.1 2 Meyer, Victoria M. Birch La 20205 210 26700 185500 04 1948 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 208.36 1670 0 15.16-2-4.1 3 Winslow, Richard Birch La 20205 210 26500 198200 03 1956 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 200.00 3 100.00 1955 0 15.16-1-8 4 Buell, Kirk A. Birch La 20205 210 25000 153600 04 1948 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 64.19 3 247.72 1425 0 15.16-2-5 5 Garwood, David D. Birch La 20205 210 24000 139800 04 1951 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 162.35 1224 0 15.16-1-9 6 Schacht, Robert Birch La 20205 210 25700 155300 01 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 64.19 3 289.08 1656 0 15.16-2-6 7 Chase, Neil F. Birch La 20205 210 24000 151800 04 1950 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 71.51 3 154.55 1236 0 15.16-2-24 8 De Carlo, John & Rae Birch La 20205 210 22100 154000 04 1940 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 60.00 3 167.50 1344 0 15.16-2-7 9 Gormley, Elizabeth Birch La 20205 210 22500 142000 04 1950 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 68.49 3 150.94 1152 0 15.16-2-23 10 Thornton, James M. Birch La 20205 210 22600 135800 04 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 67.50 3 151.51 1152 0 Page 44 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.16-2-8 11 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Deledonne, John M. Birch La 20205 210 22500 135500 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 67.50 3 150.20 1224 0 15.16-2-22 12 De Leury, Emily E. Birch La 20205 210 22500 145400 04 1954 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 68.00 3 151.00 1305 0 15.16-2-9 13 Truesdale, Neal R. Birch La 20205 210 22500 157500 04 1951 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 67.50 3 150.61 1675 0 15.16-2-21 14 Howard, Michael Birch La 20205 210 22300 163300 04 1950 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 67.50 3 149.43 1587 0 15.16-2-10 15 Little, Lance G. Birch La 20205 210 22600 150700 04 1951 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 68.00 3 151.00 1020 0 15.16-2-20 16 Martucci, Michael D & Sharon E 20205 210 Birch La 22300 137600 04 1950 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 67.50 3 149.49 1224 0 15.16-2-11 17 Szymanski, Robert & Suzanne B 20205 210 Birch La 22600 137600 04 1952 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 67.00 3 151.00 1152 0 15.16-2-19 18 Maurer, Karl Birch La 20205 210 22500 183800 04 1954 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 67.50 3 149.63 1928 0 15.16-2-12 19 Schauer, Ralf W. Birch La 20205 210 22800 146000 04 1950 02 2 1 1 0 3 1 67.50 3 151.84 1008 0 15.16-2-18 20 Vollkommer, Carol A. Birch La 20205 210 22300 137000 04 1952 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 67.50 3 149.77 1228 0 15.16-2-13 21 Giordano, Joti Birch La 20205 210 23500 153900 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 152.00 1224 0 15.16-2-17 22 Varriale, Alvin G. Birch La 20205 210 22500 145700 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 67.50 3 149.91 1305 0 15.16-2-14 23 Bennett, Michael Birch La 20205 210 20500 158700 01 1949 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 68.00 3 152.25 1320 0 15.16-2-16 24 Derenzo, Patrick Birch La 20205 210 22500 144900 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 67.50 3 150.05 1305 0 15.16-2-15 26 Sargent, Theodore III Birch La 20205 210 23800 145400 04 1954 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 150.00 1305 0 15.20-4-1 102 Ryan, John P & Melissa S Birch La 20205 210 23000 147300 04 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 0 1224 0.24 15.20-2-2 103 Scime, Margaret A Birch La 20205 210 23800 133000 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 153.75 1152 0 15.20-4-2 104 Grega, Edward P. Birch La 20205 210 23100 161000 04 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 70.00 3 150.00 1578 0 Page 45 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.20-2-3 105 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Keck, Jacob Birch La 20205 210 23800 154600 04 1952 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 153.75 1392 0 15.20-4-3 106 Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, Mark Birch La 20205 210 23300 136400 04 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 150.72 1152 0 15.20-2-4 107 Lezette, Charles V. Birch La 20205 210 23800 144400 04 1952 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 154.00 1152 0 15.20-4-4 108 Little, Mark A. Birch La 20205 210 23100 152300 04 1952 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 150.00 1626 0 15.20-2-5 109 Mac Elroy, John R. Birch La 20205 210 23900 147000 04 1952 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 154.00 1328 0 15.20-4-5 110 Macherone, Ryan D. Birch La 20205 210 23300 185800 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 151.01 1428 0 15.20-2-6 111 Grygiel, Joyce M. Birch La 20205 210 23900 150300 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 155.80 1356 0 15.20-4-6 112 Belive, Eleanor J. Birch La 20205 210 23300 170300 04 1951 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 4 151.16 1803 0 15.20-2-7 113 De Lucia, Angela M. Birch La 20205 210 24000 140000 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 156.21 1224 0 15.20-4-7 114 Winkler, Dawn E Birch La 20205 210 23300 137500 04 1951 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 151.00 1152 0 15.20-2-8 115 Rakoske, Ryan M. Birch La 20205 210 24000 140700 04 1952 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 156.21 1152 0 15.20-4-8 116 Curren, Christopher Birch La 20205 210 23300 192500 04 1950 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 70.00 3 151.44 1939 0 15.20-2-9 117 Sokolowski, Patrick Birch La 20205 210 24000 160900 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 156.00 1476 0 15.20-4-9 118 Hess, Andrew M. Birch La 20205 210 25900 177900 04 1952 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 111.03 3 151.58 1782 0 15.20-2-10 119 Theriault, Patricia M. Birch La 20205 210 28100 195200 03 1953 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 270.00 3 175.00 2096 0 15.20-4-10 122 Vojtisek, David L. Birch La 20205 210 25800 196600 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 108.00 3 162.00 1796 0 15.20-4-11 124 Chase, David L. Birch La 20205 210 32200 227100 03 1958 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2271 3.80 15.20-4-12 126 Mueller, Frank J. Birch La 20205 210 26200 200500 03 1950 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 121.43 3 155.22 2207 0 Page 46 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.20-4-13 128 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Willi, Robert C. Birch La 20205 210 26100 158000 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 155.00 1485 0 15.20-4-14 130 Roedel, Deborah Ann Birch La 20205 210 25100 170900 04 1951 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1689 0 15.20-3-1 131 Bloss, Dominick & Heather Birch La 20205 210 23100 177500 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 82.26 3 128.80 1926 0 15.20-4-15.1 132 Retajczyk, Richard Birch La 20205 210 24100 164700 01 1956 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 76.74 3 150.00 1432 0 15.20-3-26 133 Kehn, Trustee of the , George Birch La 20205 210 26100 207200 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 128.00 3 130.00 2222 0 15.20-4-16.1 134 Piper, Barbara B Birch La 20205 210 37600 257200 03 1955 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 0 3 0 2732 8.60 15.20-4-17.1 136 Chapola, Danielle Birch La 20205 210 24400 162100 01 1953 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 190.00 1240 0 15.20-4-18.1 138 Kirker, Mark Birch La 20205 210 25500 205000 03 1955 02 4 0 2 1 4 1 77.91 3 210.00 1856 0 15.20-3-25 139 Crecca, William Birch La 20205 210 26700 171400 04 1950 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 126.96 3 165.00 1708 0 15.20-4-19 140 Hagadorn, Kelly L. Birch La 20205 210 24500 215640 03 1957 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 66.00 3 192.00 2230 0 15.20-3-24 141 Bunn , K. wayne LE Birch La 20205 210 25100 165300 04 1953 03 2 1 1 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1589 0 15.20-3-23 143 Jerome, Eric W. Birch La 20205 210 25100 220000 03 1957 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2395 0 15.20-4-20 144 Trull , Madeline H. (LE) Birch La 20205 210 25500 200700 04 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 4 150.00 2024 0 15.20-3-22 145 Mc Carthy, Kimberly C Birch La 20205 210 25100 195700 03 1954 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2126 0 15.20-3-21 147 Green, Mary K Birch La 20205 210 25100 173400 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1799 0 15.20-4-22 148 Baldwin, Helen Birch La 20205 210 26000 130000 04 1954 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 120.00 3 150.00 848 0 15.20-3-20 149 Sugalski, Betty M. Birch La 20205 210 25500 156300 04 1955 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 110.00 3 150.00 1455 0 15.20-4-23 150 Marks, William R. Birch La 20205 210 25100 161800 04 1954 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1574 0 Page 47 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.20-3-19 151 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Hallenbeck, Frederick W. Birch La 20205 210 25100 155000 04 1958 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1224 0 15.20-4-24 152 Quinn, Thomas J. & Birch La 20205 210 25100 146000 04 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1382 0 15.20-3-18 153 Gillooley, Brendan Todd & Birch La 20205 210 25100 184000 04 1953 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1864 0 15.20-4-25 154 Marshall, Life Estate, Louis T. Birch La 20205 210 25100 152400 04 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1320 0 15.20-3-17 155 La Torre, Richard Birch La 20205 210 25100 172000 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1296 0 15.20-4-26 156 Hurley, James E. III Birch La 20205 210 25100 153400 01 1954 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1218 0 15.20-3-16 157 Tiernan, Bernard P. Birch La 20205 210 25100 160500 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1512 0 15.20-4-27 158 Lamphere, Scott & Jessica Birch La 20205 210 25100 142200 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1040 0 15.20-3-15 159 Safford, William J. III Birch La 20205 210 25100 166900 04 1952 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1596 0 15.20-4-28 160 Romeo, Joseph M. Birch La 20205 210 25100 180000 04 1954 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2178 0 15.20-3-14 161 Tiemann, Susan Birch La 20205 210 25800 170000 04 1949 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 117.00 3 150.00 1596 0 15.20-4-29 162 Bond, Michael W & Birch La 20205 210 23100 165600 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 150.00 1596 0 16.17-2-16 163 Mitchell, David Birch La 20205 210 24300 190100 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 2022 0 16.17-2-17 164 Kennedy, John J. Birch La 20205 210 24200 176600 03 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 0 1688 0.27 16.17-2-15 165 Frederick, James E. Birch La 20205 210 24300 171400 04 1954 03 2 1 1 2 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1851 0 16.17-2-18 166 Weisheit, Richard J. Birch La 20205 210 24300 152300 01 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1072 0 16.17-2-14 167 Rabideau, Michael Birch La 20205 210 24300 155000 04 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1380 0 16.17-2-19 168 Budka, Leonard Birch La 20205 210 24300 145500 01 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1066 0 Page 48 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 16.17-2-13 169 Pike, Scott R. Birch La 20205 210 24300 173900 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1352 0 16.17-2-20 170 McKenna Irrevocable Trust, Velina20205 M. 210 Birch La 24300 147000 01 1955 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1080 0 16.17-2-12 171 Ubriaco, Damian M & Deborah M 20205 210 Birch La 24300 161700 01 1958 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1296 0 16.17-2-21 172 Misavage, Jason Birch La 20205 210 24300 152000 04 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1224 0 16.17-2-11 173 Yecies, Aaron M. Birch La 20205 210 24500 182500 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 150.00 1860 0 16.17-2-22 174 Hoffmann, Daniel F. Birch La 20205 210 24700 151800 03 1956 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 2026 0 16.17-2-10 175 Stone, Robyn Birch La 20205 210 24500 218000 05 1960 03 2 1 2 2 3 1 85.00 3 150.00 2213 0 16.17-2-23 176 Bikowicz, Douglas A & Annmarie 20205 210 Birch La 24700 197500 03 1958 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 2030 0 16.17-2-9 177 Bonaker, Richard A & Birch La 20205 210 24500 264400 03 1960 03 3 0 3 1 5 1 85.00 3 150.00 2664 0 16.17-2-24 178 Giles, Walter B. Birch La 20309 210 34700 214200 05 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 4 150.00 2303 0 16.17-2-25 180 Pennella, David V. Birch La 20309 210 34700 200900 03 1955 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 2136 0 16.17-1-12 181 Read, David Birch La 20309 210 34300 213600 05 1960 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 70.00 3 175.00 2136 0 16.17-2-26 182 Gage, James C. Birch La 20309 210 34700 194600 03 1960 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 2047 0 16.17-1-13 183 Van Buren, Scott L. Birch La 20309 210 36500 196000 03 1958 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 200.00 2195 0 16.17-2-27 184 Spina, David J. Birch La 20309 210 34700 164900 01 1959 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1235 0 16.17-1-14 185 Kowalski, Valerie Birch La 20309 210 36300 167400 01 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1444 0 16.17-2-28 186 Moak, John R. Jr Birch La 20309 210 34300 200000 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 4 150.00 1996 0 16.17-1-15.1 187 Pedersen, Martin F. Birch La 20309 210 37300 162500 01 1956 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 288.13 1396 0 Page 49 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.17-1-16.1 189 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Donlon, Daniel P Birch La 20309 210 37300 210000 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 288.13 2137 0 16.17-3-17 190 Medler, David P Birch La 20309 210 34200 197500 05 1960 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.76 3 152.41 1936 0 16.17-1-17.1 191 Brown, Peter Birch La 20309 210 36900 180100 04 1960 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 92.68 3 233.14 1692 0 16.17-3-18 192 Bankert, Raymond J. Jr Birch La 20309 210 36900 203400 05 1962 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 242.41 2088 0 16.17-1-18.1 193 Dahlgren, Richard Birch La 20309 210 36900 175400 01 1958 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 125.68 3 186.01 1440 0 16.17-3-19 196 Pang, Raymond Birch La 20309 210 36200 251100 03 1961 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 230.00 3013 0 16.17-1-19.1 199 Lam, Far Tin Birch La 20309 210 36900 229900 03 1960 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 113.48 3 191.14 2404 0 16.17-3-20 200 Doherty, Mark E. Birch La 20309 210 37000 217600 05 1960 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 111.18 3 198.53 2176 0 16.17-1-20.1 201 Living Resources, Birch La 20309 210 35700 227000 01 1960 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 150.00 3 113.78 1754 0.39 14.-3-7.11 Weisman, Mark D. Bolt Rd 40200 311 4100 4100 137.52 247.64 0.54 McNulty, Ronald A. Bolt Rd 40200 322 100000 100000 330.00 0 84.00 Cimino, Dino Bolt Rd 20206 320 35800 35800 0 0 2.19 Services, LLC, MLV Rd Bolt 20206 320 35800 35800 0 0 2.26 Di Crosta, Vincent Bolt Rd 40200 311 36100 36100 197.58 0 3.72 14.2-1-7.-1 171 Center, Glenville United Rd Bolt 40200 210 12000 130200 01 1960 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1176 0.01 8.-2-18.1 235 Conlon, Benjamin A & Rd Bolt 40200 210 33600 375000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 445.26 3 0 3136 2.09 8.-2-18.21 305 Conlon, Brian Bolt Rd 40200 210 39100 160700 11 1984 01 4 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 2200 5.51 14.-3-47 320 Guy, Bryan Bolt Rd 40200 210 36300 285000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 197.58 4 0 2569 3.89 8.-2-41 8.-2-42 14.-3-48 Page 50 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 8.-2-23.3 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.-2-19 329 Warner, Shane W. Bolt Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 32200 107400 01 1958 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 160.00 3 300.00 976 0 14.-3-3 334 Stanley-White, Karen M. Rd Bolt 40200 210 39700 93500 04 1931 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 300.00 3 0 1344 6.68 8.-2-20 353 La Bier, Donald Bolt Rd 40200 210 32100 40000 01 1945 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 2 300.00 1147 0 8.-2-21.1 397 Belanger, Colleen Bolt Rd 40200 210 31400 176000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1848 1.39 8.-2-22 401 Mc Nulty, Eric D. Bolt Rd 40200 210 32500 272200 01 2002 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2269 1.30 14.-3-4 410 Bean, Kevin M. Bolt Rd 40200 210 33500 155500 01 1961 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 300.00 3 0 1260 2.02 8.-2-23.13 435 Austin, Dennis K. Bolt Rd 40200 210 35300 222600 01 2008 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 300.00 4 0 2024 3.20 14.-3-5 502 Conlon, Christina M. Rd Bolt 40200 240 86300 222200 08 1878 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 870.00 2 0 1502 56.50 8.-2-23.2 517 Fountain, Walter A. Bolt Rd 40200 210 31900 152400 01 1988 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 180.00 3 230.00 1350 0 8.-2-23.12 595 Mc Nulty, David J. Jr Rd Bolt 40200 210 31800 235300 06 1995 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 200.00 3 200.00 1932 0 8.-2-23.112 629 Mc Nulty, David Sr Bolt Rd 40200 210 31800 212800 01 1992 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 200.00 3 200.00 1659 0 8.-2-24 659 Johnson, Paul L. Bolt Rd 40200 280 46100 136000 01 1953 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 171.75 3 0 714 2.40 8.-2-24 659 Johnson, Paul L. Bolt Rd 40200 280 46100 136000 02 1979 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 171.75 2 0 1248 2.40 14.-3-6 696 Pigliavento, Nicholas A. Rd Bolt 40200 210 31300 185800 01 1958 04 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 277.00 1691 0 8.-2-25 713 Serafini, Molly B. Bolt Rd 40200 210 35000 120800 04 1957 02 2 0 1 0 1 1 262.40 4 0 1192 3.00 8.-2-26 753 Nally, Michael J. Bolt Rd 40200 312 37700 39700 376.38 0 11.00 14.-3-7.2 782 Le Clair, Keith & Bolt Rd 40200 210 36200 115000 01 2012 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 155.00 3 0 2072 3.77 8.-2-29 807 Budka, Dale Bolt Rd 40200 210 31100 177600 03 1948 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 225.00 1656 0.60 Page 51 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.-3-7.12 818 Davis, Austin E. Bolt 8.-2-30 833 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 40200 210 40800 128500 01 1948 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 438.52 3 0 920 7.52 Capital Corporation, Kondaur Rd Bolt 40200 210 31200 144300 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 225.00 1759 0 8.-2-28 851 Naumowicz, Edward Rd Bolt 40200 312 38600 53800 100.00 0 33.00 8.-2-31 869 La Belle, Gerald M. Jr Rd Bolt 40200 210 31300 40000 04 1956 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 130.00 2 225.00 1305 0 8.-2-32 893 Hixson, Edward Bolt Rd 40200 220 31000 148600 12 1965 03 3 0 2 1 5 2 100.00 3 225.00 2678 0 8.-2-33 917 Dalton, Mary A. Bolt Rd 40200 210 30600 127800 01 1953 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 91.00 3 223.00 1501 0 14.-3-8 920 Cardinali, Stephen M Rd Bolt 40200 210 32000 170000 08 1800 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 250.00 3 0 1968 1.00 29.44-1-33 1 Varrone, William L. Boulder 10100 210 25200 209000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 117.97 3 177.83 1516 0.48 29.44-1-34 3 Gallup, Robert E & Rena M Bnd Boulder 10100 215 24900 305000 04 2005 03 2 1 4 1 5 2 74.41 3 215.53 3172 0.37 29.44-1-35 5 Valentino, Nick & Gail Bnd Boulder 10100 210 24800 209000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 69.13 3 215.53 1513 0.34 29.44-1-36 7 Ferrucci, Samuel & Kathleen Bnd Boulder 10100 210 24700 237000 04 2005 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 71.24 3 189.98 2267 0.31 29.44-1-37 9 DeGraff, John Boulder 10100 210 24800 201800 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 96.44 3 156.84 1464 0.35 29.8-1-3 3 Mc Clure, Michael C & Florence 20302 Rd 210 Boyle 48200 259200 05 1962 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 93.24 3 189.24 2596 0 29.8-1-16 4 Creasey, Freeman K. Rd Boyle 20302 210 46300 236100 03 1961 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 140.00 2732 0 29.8-1-4 5 Flanders, James A. Boyle Rd 20302 210 47900 267800 05 1962 01 3 0 3 2 5 1 100.00 3 189.24 2792 0 29.8-1-15 6 Gutmaker, Andrew M. Rd Boyle 20302 210 46300 190100 02 1961 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 140.00 2476 0 29.8-1-5 7 Wagner, Wayne E. Boyle Rd 20302 210 47700 229800 05 1953 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 181.84 2467 0 29.8-1-14 8 Dussault, David T. Boyle Rd 20302 210 46300 186100 01 1961 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 140.00 1720 0 Bnd Bnd Page 52 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.8-1-6 9 Zych, Robert M. Boyle 29.8-1-13 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20302 210 48100 208000 05 1962 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 174.44 2196 0 Klejsmyt, David J/Christina M Rd Boyle 20302 210 46300 202400 05 1964 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 140.00 2045 0 29.8-1-7 11 Angerosa, John Jr Boyle 20302 210 49100 203000 05 1965 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.91 3 167.03 2088 0 38.7-6-25 400 Rothrock, James S. St Bradbury 20301 210 47000 282700 05 1937 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 100.00 4 150.00 2986 0 29.16-1-40.1 Management, Inc., Metuchen St Brewster 20201 311 24900 24900 133.33 150.00 0.46 Management, Inc., Metuchen St Brewster 20201 311 26900 26900 292.64 180.40 0.76 29.16-1-32.1 1 Mac Hattie, Alan D. Brewster St 20201 210 25100 134800 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 325.00 1192 0 29.16-1-43 2 Mc Laughlin, David Brewster St 20201 210 22800 110300 01 1955 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 93.00 3 150.00 768 0 29.16-1-33.1 3 Timm, Sarah L. Brewster St 20201 210 24400 112100 01 1956 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 92.50 3 210.00 768 0 29.16-1-42 6 Winney, Kevin F. Brewster St 20201 210 22800 155100 04 1955 03 3 0 1 0 5 1 93.00 3 150.00 1547 0 29.16-1-34 7 Walrath, John D. Brewster St 20201 210 23900 132800 01 1967 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 97.50 3 192.00 1168 0 29.16-1-41 8 Knaggs, Elizabeth Brewster St 20201 210 18800 229000 03 1958 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 62.00 3 150.00 2110 0 29.16-1-35 9 De Midio, James Brewster St 20201 210 26000 167000 04 1965 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1683 1.00 29.16-1-37.1 15 Rose, Roberta Brewster St 20201 210 28300 95000 01 1982 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 90.00 3 352.00 910 2.50 9.4-2-20 1 Wakesberg, Martin F. Ct Brierwood 20401 210 49700 287700 05 1994 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 153.00 4 237.00 2391 0 9.4-2-19 3 Costion, Steven M. Brierwood Ct 20401 210 50400 272000 05 1993 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2518 1.28 9.4-2-18 5 Holmes, Richard Brierwood Ct 20401 210 66700 344700 05 1996 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2266 4.71 9.4-2-17 7 Andrews, Wayne R. Ct Brierwood 20401 210 69600 361200 04 1993 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 2521 4.76 29.16-1-40.2 Rd Page 53 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.4-2-16 9 Leitze, George R. Brierwood Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ct 20401 210 74800 348800 05 1994 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2827 8.82 9.4-2-10.3 11 Haraden, Stephen C. Ct Brierwood 20401 210 60800 372200 06 1998 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2698 11.01 29.82-2-2 200 De la Rocha, Carlos A & Colleen 10300 St 210 Broad 20700 141100 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 135.00 1193 0 29.82-1-8 201 Allen-Goad, Pamela K. St Broad 10300 210 20600 148900 04 1950 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 84.00 3 126.80 1484 0 29.19-1-2 202 Wilcox, William M. Jr. St Broad 20301 210 25100 162600 04 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 45.34 3 132.00 1911 0 29.82-2-1 202 Wilcox, William M. Jr. St Broad 10300 210 4000 10000 34.46 135.00 0 29.19-1-3 204 Baxter, Esther J Broad St 20301 210 44400 171500 04 1950 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 80.00 3 133.00 1287 0 29.82-1-7 205 Timian, John R. Broad St 10300 210 20400 174800 04 1950 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 72.00 3 125.00 1710 0 29.19-1-4 206 Sweeney, James P & Cathie J St Broad 20301 210 44400 228000 05 1950 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 133.05 2567 0 29.19-1-5 208 Santelli, Richard P. Broad St 20301 210 44400 191100 05 1945 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 133.05 2008 0 29.82-1-6 209 Nofri, Christine T. Broad St 10300 210 20300 176600 04 1950 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 4 125.00 1623 0 29.19-1-6 210 Kohout, Bruce Broad St 20301 210 46400 178900 04 1941 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 110.00 3 135.00 1909 0 29.82-1-5 211 Pepper, Frederick J&Helen S St Broad 10300 210 20200 147000 04 1939 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1529 0 29.82-1-4 215 Tine, John A. Broad 10300 210 20200 169700 05 1935 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 50.00 3 125.00 1984 0 29.82-1-3 219 Lippiello, David C & Kate St Broad 10300 210 20500 149600 05 1941 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 125.00 1416 0 29.82-1-2 223 Davila, Steven L. Broad St 10300 210 20400 154100 04 1950 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 73.00 3 125.00 1560 0 29.82-1-1 227 Bodak, John & Bessie St Broad 10300 210 20400 153000 04 1951 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 73.00 3 125.00 1404 0 22.6-3-25 9 Zarnofsky, Charles W. Pl Bromley 20304 210 30100 228900 05 1957 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 75.23 3 150.00 2158 0 Page 54 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.6-3-16 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Bouleris, Todd F & Michele Pl Bromley 20304 210 31100 231700 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2524 0 22.6-3-24 11 Reinhardt, James Bromley 20304 210 31100 219000 03 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2378 0 22.6-3-17 12 Andrews, David & Victoria Pl Bromley 20304 210 31100 200200 03 1957 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1744 0 22.6-3-23 13 Jensen, Stephen E. Pl Bromley 20304 210 31100 174800 01 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1428 0 22.6-3-18 14 Mortensen, Robert B. Pl Bromley 20304 210 31100 202100 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1668 0 22.6-3-22 15 Florkiewicz, Richard H. Pl Bromley 20304 210 31100 216300 03 1953 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2200 0 22.6-3-19 16 Regina, Marino + Danielle Pl Bromley 20304 210 31600 187600 01 1956 02 3 1 2 1 3 1 111.08 3 150.00 1600 0 22.6-3-21 17 Van Staveren, Francis D. Pl Bromley 20304 210 31100 195100 03 1959 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2029 0 22.6-3-20 19 Bohall, Javen Bromley 20304 210 30200 218500 03 1957 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 78.74 3 150.00 2328 0 1.-1-2.111 Pawlowski, Life Estate, Clifford + Barbara 40200 Rd 322 Bronk 0 0 20.90 Pl NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 29800 29800 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Pl Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 1.-1-3.1 163 Vitus, Douglas M. Bronk Rd 40200 240 111300 275000 04 1870 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1701 77.50 1.-1-2.12 198 Pawlowski, Jeffrey C. Rd Bronk 40200 210 36100 215800 05 1993 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1914 3.70 1.-1-2.112 Pawlowski, Life Estate, Clifford + Barbara 40200 Rd 322 Bronk(rear) 1800 1800 0 0 1.04 4 0 3670 1.10 31.5-1-32 2 Scolaro, Bradford T. Pl Brookside 20204 210 43900 343100 08 1901 02 3 1 3 1 6 1 0 31.5-1-33 4 Hendrickson, James R. Pl Brookside 20204 210 43300 239200 08 1903 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 365.00 1943 0 31.5-1-34 6 Story, Jean Brookside Pl 20204 210 43400 218500 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 4 395.00 1980 0 31.5-1-35 8 Trask, Daniel P. Brookside Pl 20204 210 44700 197600 08 1915 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 1872 1.58 31.5-1-36 10 Domingos, Manual A. III Pl Brookside 20204 210 43900 243000 03 1969 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 2229 1.14 Page 55 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 31.5-1-37 12 Taylor, David R. Brookside 31.5-1-41 16 Andrews, Frank J Brookside 22.1-4-112 22.1-4-105 22.1-4-106 22.1-4-107 22.1-4-108 22.1-4-109 22.1-4-110 22.1-4-111 22.1-4-101 22.1-4-99 22.1-4-100 22.1-4-98 22.1-4-102 22.1-4-103 22.1-4-97 22.1-4-113 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pl 20204 210 45000 273100 06 2009 05 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 2812 1.73 Pl 20204 210 42800 181400 11 1987 01 2 0 2 0 2 1 80.00 4 327.00 1288 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 39.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 15600 15600 43.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 43.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 43.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 43.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 43.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 43.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 43.00 160.00 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 100.00 181.32 0.20 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 100.00 177.95 0.20 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 100.00 177.95 0.20 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 131.03 200.77 0.20 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 0 0 0.22 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 0 0 0.23 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 149.40 200.77 0.36 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Ln Brookstone Court 20203 311 6600 6600 209.77 160.00 0 Page 56 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.11-2-35 3 Riggert, Howard M. Brookwood 22.11-2-17 4 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 29000 139500 01 1968 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 142.53 4 157.18 1512 0 Staszak, Rita M. Brookwood Dr 20203 210 27300 149000 01 1950 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.77 4 150.00 1344 0 22.11-2-19 5 Zarelli, Richard R. Brookwood Dr 20203 210 27800 166800 03 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.07 3 165.84 1696 0 22.11-2-16 6 Popp, Joseph F. III Brookwood Dr 20203 210 27200 132800 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 150.00 960 0 22.11-2-20 7 Kelly, Stanley J. Brookwood Dr 20203 210 27200 164000 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 95.00 3 153.50 1280 0 22.11-2-15 8 Jones, Jobyna A. Brookwood Dr 20203 210 27500 129900 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 110.77 3 150.00 960 0 22.11-2-21.1 9 Woodfield, Robert III Dr Brookwood 20203 210 29300 166800 06 1955 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 95.00 4 303.50 1660 0 22.11-2-14 10 Bednarczyk, Stephen R. Dr Brookwood 20203 210 27500 155600 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 110.77 4 150.00 1240 0 22.11-2-22 11 Mayhew, Steven A. Brookwood Dr 20203 210 27200 122000 01 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1136 0 22.11-2-13 12 Ryan, Melissa Flynn Dr Brookwood 20203 210 27500 145300 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 110.77 3 150.00 1334 0 22.11-2-23 13 Beck, Edward J. Brookwood 20203 210 27100 132400 01 1954 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 95.00 3 153.50 960 0 22.11-2-12 14 Bollten-Krawiecki, Betty J. Dr Brookwood 20203 210 27000 137500 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 95.00 3 153.50 960 0 22.11-2-24 15 Gotzmer, Pamela A. Dr Brookwood 20203 210 27200 142400 01 1956 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.09 3 152.94 1008 0 22.11-2-11 16 Janack, Constance Brookwood Dr 20203 210 27200 128500 01 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 98.00 3 153.50 960 0 22.11-2-25 17 Sauter, David & Lynn Dr Brookwood 20203 210 27500 137300 01 1956 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 119.91 3 152.60 1008 0 23.-2-28 Town Of Glenville, Bruce Dr 20204 311 38500 38500 0 0 1.30 23.18-1-11 1 Rock, Douglas J. Bruce Dr 20204 210 27200 108000 13 1942 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 80.00 2 111.00 886 0 23.18-2-20 16 Nickel, Armin E. Bruce Dr 20204 210 38100 144000 01 1945 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 175.00 3 267.50 1184 0 Page 57 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.18-2-21 20 Gower, Leonard Bruce Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20204 210 37700 203900 02 1966 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 140.00 3 265.00 2225 0 23.18-1-7 21 Robinson , Helen K. Dr Bruce 20204 210 37000 187900 01 1955 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 110.00 4 199.00 1584 0 23.18-2-1.12 22 Sickler Marcy & Matthew, Dr Bruce 20204 210 38100 305300 05 2007 03 2 1 2 2 3 1 0 4 0 2880 1.05 23.18-1-6.1 23 La Brie, Clarence J. Dr Bruce 20204 210 37100 183000 01 1920 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 121.00 4 189.00 1836 0 23.18-2-1.221 24 Kuczek, Douglas Bruce Dr 20204 210 38100 260900 05 1992 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 167.00 4 281.00 2135 0 23.18-1-4.1 25 Bryson, Charles F. Bruce Dr 20204 210 34400 113400 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 120.00 3 102.00 964 0 23.18-2-1.211 26 Wildwood Programs Inc., Dr Bruce 20204 210 38000 299600 02 1979 03 2 0 3 1 8 1 167.00 4 262.00 3678 0 23.18-1-2.1 29 Katz, Deborah M. Bruce 20204 210 37200 176900 01 1975 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 145.30 3 187.50 1428 0 23.14-1-8 35 Atchinson, William J & Lisa A IV 20204 Dr 210 Bruce 37900 273400 01 1968 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 213.00 3 195.00 2805 0 23.18-2-1.41 36 Gower, Leonard G. Bruce Dr 20204 311 39900 39900 0 0 2.25 23.14-1-2 41 Moore, Michael D. Bruce Dr 20204 210 37100 125000 1 120.00 2 200.00 1027 0 23.14-1-12.1 44 Gower, Stephen J. Bruce Dr 20204 311 42100 42100 0 0 6.61 23.14-1-1.111 47 Bonn, Ruth Bruce Dr 20204 210 39400 243500 05 1976 03 2 1 3 1 3 1 0 4 0 2214 1.90 23.14-1-11.1 52 Van Buren, Russell J. Dr Bruce 20204 210 37500 216400 05 1998 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 140.00 4 250.00 1976 0.80 23.14-1-10.1 56 Small, Ernest Bruce Dr 20204 210 37500 302000 05 1993 03 2 1 3 2 4 1 140.00 4 250.00 3138 0.80 23.14-1-13 58 Gower, Lindy C. Bruce Dr 20204 210 39900 129900 02 1960 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 976 2.06 38.28-3-23 1 Abbatiello, Vincent + Theresa St Bruce 10205 220 16000 128500 08 1905 04 3 0 2 1 4 2 33.33 3 135.00 2112 0 38.28-3-24 3 Hornauer, Roberta E. St Bruce 10205 220 16000 121700 08 1915 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 33.33 3 140.00 2484 0 01 1953 Page 58 of 628 01 3 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 1 2 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.28-3-25 5 Hartman, Timothy Bruce 38.28-3-26 7 Vincent, JeriAnn Bruce Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10205 220 16000 131100 08 1910 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 33.33 3 140.00 2640 0 St 10205 210 16200 122800 08 1878 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 46.67 3 140.00 1836 0 38.28-3-27 11 Bevilacqua, David M. St Bruce 10205 210 16600 151400 08 1910 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 140.00 2204 0 39.21-1-14 12 Donzelli, Douglas Bruce St 10208 210 16000 126800 08 1917 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1320 0 38.28-3-28 13 Schnore, Austars R. St Bruce 10205 220 16200 134300 08 1906 02 3 0 2 0 4 2 45.00 3 140.00 2016 0 39.21-1-15 14 Donnelly, Edward J. St Bruce 10208 210 16000 122600 08 1925 06 2 0 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 140.00 1320 0 38.28-3-29 15 Chuchta, Caleb A. Bruce St 10205 210 16000 118600 08 1905 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 33.33 3 140.00 1518 0 39.21-1-16 16 Dievendorf, Joseph Bruce St 10208 210 16000 123000 08 1916 06 2 0 2 0 4 1 33.30 3 140.00 1496 0 38.28-3-30 17 Ledbetter, George Bruce St 10205 210 16000 113700 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 140.00 1384 0 39.21-1-17 18 Rightmyer, Michelle L. St Bruce 10208 210 16000 122400 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 33.33 3 140.00 1173 0 38.28-3-31 19 Youngs, Delores A. Bruce St 10205 210 16000 111700 08 1905 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1298 0 39.21-1-18 20 Hodge, Timothy C. Bruce St 10208 210 16200 128600 08 1925 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 45.00 3 140.00 1558 0 38.28-3-32 21 Grasso, Salvatore Bruce St 10205 210 16000 121600 08 1896 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1509 0 39.21-1-19 22 Witkowski, Christopher St Bruce 10208 210 16200 133800 08 1920 06 2 2 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 140.00 2040 0 38.28-3-33 23 Gillette, Christopher + Nadia St Bruce 10205 210 16000 114800 08 1905 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 33.33 3 140.00 1346 0 38.28-3-34 25 Golden, Nancy Bruce St 10205 220 16000 110500 08 1880 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 33.33 3 140.00 2160 0 38.28-3-35 27 Murtagh, Mark A. Bruce St 10205 210 16000 103400 08 1925 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1198 0 38.28-3-36 29 Shaw, Douglas B. Bruce St 10205 210 16400 160200 08 1928 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 66.00 3 140.00 2310 0 Page 59 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.28-3-37 101 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Damon-Rounds, Debra L. St Bruce 10205 220 16800 131900 08 1910 03 3 0 2 1 4 2 100.00 3 140.00 2256 0 38.28-3-52 102 Van Vranken, Dawn E. St Bruce 10205 210 16200 128700 08 1910 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1456 0 38.28-3-51 104 Ruscitto, Susan Bruce St 10205 210 16200 154000 08 1910 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 4 140.00 1518 0 38.28-3-38 105 Gallagher, Shaun P. St Bruce 10205 210 16500 119600 08 1910 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 66.67 3 140.00 1728 0 38.28-3-50 106 Wukits, Gretchen E. St Bruce 10205 210 16100 115700 08 1910 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 36.00 3 140.00 1428 0 38.28-3-49 108 Hunter, Craig R Bruce 10205 210 16200 127000 08 1926 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 44.00 3 140.00 1512 0 38.28-3-39 109 Dietershagen, Erik & Robyn St Bruce 10205 210 16800 146900 08 1910 03 3 0 2 0 6 1 101.67 3 140.00 2112 0 38.28-3-48 110 Keith, Jeffrey & Brooke St Bruce 10205 210 16200 122400 08 1926 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 49.00 3 140.00 1572 0 38.28-3-47 112 Kenetic, Dennis Bruce St 10205 210 16100 114200 08 1935 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 37.66 3 140.00 1400 0 38.28-3-46 114 Czerepak, Peter D. Bruce St 10205 210 16200 112200 08 1918 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1380 0 38.28-3-40 115 Hampel, Michael Bruce St 10205 210 16400 142100 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 140.00 1628 0 38.28-3-45 116 Potter, Harry E. Bruce St 10205 210 16200 135300 08 1920 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1800 0 38.28-3-41 117 Johnson, William G. St Bruce 10205 210 16100 128500 08 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1688 0 38.28-3-44 118 Hughes, Jeffrey Bruce 10205 210 16000 119600 08 1910 06 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1496 0 38.28-3-43 120 Feurer, Life Estate, Theodore C. 10205 St 210 Bruce 16000 125300 08 1910 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1672 0 38.28-3-42 121 Molly Klein Cavanagh, Natalie St Bruce 10205 210 16400 131600 08 1890 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1506 0 29.84-2-47 122 Baran, Christopher W. St Bruce 10202 210 16000 120800 08 1908 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1440 0 29.84-2-48 123 Adams, Christopher P. St Bruce 10202 210 16500 115500 13 1930 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 66.66 3 140.00 1418 0 St Page 60 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.84-2-46 124 Knight Apartments LLC, A C. St Bruce 29.84-2-45 126 Gallagher, Timothy Bruce 29.84-2-49 127 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10202 230 16200 120300 08 1909 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 50.00 3 140.00 2104 0 St 10202 220 16200 119400 08 1900 01 3 0 2 0 4 2 45.00 3 140.00 2490 0 Fluman, Rory Bruce St 10202 210 16500 136500 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 66.66 4 140.00 1439 0 29.84-2-43 128 Fluman, Rory L. Bruce St 10202 220 16000 124200 08 1923 04 3 0 2 0 4 2 33.33 3 140.00 2528 0 29.84-2-42 130 Winslow, Jonathan Bruce St 10202 210 16000 108600 08 1940 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1188 0 29.84-2-50 131 McGarvey, James A. St Bruce 10202 210 16500 81800 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 66.66 3 140.00 860 0 29.84-2-41 132 Zink, Thomas D & Sarah E St Bruce 10202 210 16000 101300 08 1920 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1188 0 29.84-2-40 134 Solotruck, George C. St Bruce 10202 210 16000 137800 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 140.00 1756 0 29.84-2-51 135 Hurley, Joan G. Bruce St 10202 210 16800 183600 05 1918 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 140.00 2640 0 29.84-2-39 136 Quick, James E. Bruce St 10202 210 16200 118200 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1312 0 29.84-2-38 138 Vottis, P Michael & Theresa St Bruce 10202 210 16200 105700 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 140.00 1344 0 29.84-2-37 140 Pryor, Robert C & Kim I St Bruce 10202 210 16100 117400 13 1912 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 41.00 3 140.00 1726 0 29.84-2-52 141 Bricault, Michael Bruce St 10202 210 16100 134800 08 1928 06 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 4 140.00 1644 0 29.84-2-36 142 Rarick, John E. Bruce St 10202 210 16100 114300 08 1923 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 42.00 3 100.00 1248 0 29.84-2-53 143 Aldi, Stephen P. Bruce St 10202 210 16100 112900 08 1930 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1272 0 29.84-2-35 144 Schrader, Douglas Bruce St 10202 210 14700 103700 13 1931 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 80.00 1272 0 29.84-2-54 145 Faggins-Flores, David E. St Bruce 10202 210 16100 115700 08 1923 04 3 0 2 1 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1300 0 29.84-2-55 147 Pelham, June Bruce 10202 210 16100 124100 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1736 0 Page 61 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.84-2-56 149 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Carlisle, Todd M & Kelly St Bruce 10202 210 16100 122200 08 1935 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 2016 0 29.84-2-20 200 Sauter, Gina M. Bruce St 10202 210 16100 99500 13 1947 06 2 0 1 1 2 1 50.00 3 110.00 1040 0 29.84-2-12 205 Lambert, Jason Bruce St 10202 210 16200 98000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 155.00 1356 0 29.84-2-13 207 Pytlovany, John C. Bruce St 10202 210 16200 110400 13 1925 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 155.00 864 0 29.84-2-19 208 Roland, Ronald J. Bruce St 10202 311 15800 15800 43.00 100.00 0 3 155.00 1386 0 29.84-2-14 209 Mossey, Gerald F. (LE) St Bruce 10202 210 16200 107600 13 1925 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 29.84-2-18 210 Roland, Ronald J. Bruce St 10202 210 16400 83500 13 1939 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 88.52 3 100.00 768 0 29.84-2-15 211 Casler, Janet M. Bruce St 10202 210 16200 91800 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 155.00 989 0 29.84-2-17 212 Gray, Richard K/Helen M St Bruce 10202 210 16300 103500 08 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 44.23 3 214.50 1144 0 29.84-2-16 213 Walter, Laura M. Bruce 10202 220 16200 98600 08 1920 01 3 0 2 0 4 2 40.00 3 155.00 1544 0 23.-2-29 Niskayuna Central School Dist, Bruce Dr - Off 20204 311 16000 16000 0 0 2.00 Williams, David V. Bruce Dr-0Ff 20204 311 500 500 228.73 65.48 0 29.-3-8.3 707 Mercado, Maria Business Blvd 30200 210 24000 159900 08 1935 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 158.00 3 276.00 1539 0 23.18-3-26 304 Cresser, Michael & Meg Ave Butterfield 20204 210 20100 165800 08 1915 01 2 0 3 0 5 1 46.00 2 140.00 2210 0 23.18-3-28 310 Song, Hye J. Butterfield Ave 20204 210 39800 166400 08 1906 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 260.00 1515 0 23.18-3-42 311 Martel, Kathleen A. Butterfield Ave 20204 220 23700 138000 08 1926 04 3 0 2 0 6 2 51.00 3 149.00 1920 0 23.18-3-29 312 Colpoys, Catherine L. Ave Butterfield 20204 210 40600 228300 08 1915 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 61.00 4 255.00 2045 0 23.18-3-41 313 Realty, LLC, Masters Ave Butterfield 20204 210 24400 114700 13 1938 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 156.00 792 0 23.-2-30 St Page 62 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.18-3-30 314 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Busino, Trust, Sandra M. Ave Butterfield 20204 210 40600 121600 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 61.00 3 265.00 840 0 23.18-3-31 318 Rockwell, Craig R Jr & Ave Butterfield 20204 280 55600 269400 08 1920 01 2 0 2 0 2 1 61.00 3 265.00 1180 0 23.18-3-31 318 Rockwell, Craig R Jr & Ave Butterfield 20204 280 55600 269400 08 1921 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 61.00 3 265.00 2702 0 23.18-3-32 322 Brann, Joan A. Butterfield Ave 20204 210 40400 124300 08 1910 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 61.00 2 245.00 1272 0 23.18-3-33 326 Jackson, Joseph R. Ave Butterfield 20204 210 40300 165500 04 1888 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 61.00 4 240.00 1696 0 23.18-3-40 327 Secore, Craig E. Butterfield 20204 210 37000 146600 08 1938 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 4 398.00 1502 0 23.18-3-34 328 Busino, Trustee, Sandra M. Ave Butterfield 20204 210 40300 225000 08 1890 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 61.00 4 240.00 1964 0 23.18-3-39 329 Bank USA, N.A., HSBC Ave Butterfield 20204 210 37100 101000 08 1925 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 73.30 2 343.30 1001 0 23.18-3-35 330 Carota, Mark A. II Butterfield Ave 20204 210 40100 137400 08 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 61.00 3 230.00 1092 0 23.18-3-38 331 Mahl, Daniel J & Amy E Ave Butterfield 20204 210 37400 166250 02 1985 01 4 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 299.20 1608 0 23.18-3-37 333 Nielsen, Charlene Butterfield Ave 20204 210 36100 133400 01 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 103.00 3 180.00 1008 0 23.18-3-36 334 Alvord, Gary W. Butterfield Ave 20204 210 40000 196300 08 1905 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 61.00 3 230.00 1824 0 30.78-2-101 101 Buchalter, Marcia Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-102 102 Schottenham, Sylvia A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-103 103 Tompkins, Daniel P. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-104 104 Tatangelo, Lewis A. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-105 105 Shoultz, Henry Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-106 106 Girard, Helene Y Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Page 63 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-107 107 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Szaszkiewicz, Lisa M. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-108 108 Reeder, Barbara Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-109 109 Coons, Louise F. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-110 110 Chmielewski, Cheryl A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-111 111 Davis, Tiffany N. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-112 112 Meier, Jane Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-201 201 Jackson, Elizabeth F. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-202 202 Scholl, Jenny L. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-203 203 Premsagar, Mercy Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-204 204 Nous, Joseph Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-205 205 Gildersleeve, Richard J. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-206 206 Lawrence, Ronald J. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-207 207 Nasuto, Anita L Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-208 208 Klementowski, Kim D. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-209 209 Sickles David J & Susan A, Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-210 210 Szala, Nicole M. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-211 211 King, Kelvin C. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-212 212 Taft, Shirley G. (LE) Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Page 64 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-301 301 Clancy, Diane M Cambridge Manor 30.78-2-302 302 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Carey, Noreen Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-303 303 Barton, Leslie Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-304 304 Donahue, John M. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-305 305 Della Rocco, Mary Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-306 306 Pires, Monica J Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-307 307 O'Neill, Family Trust, Robert F. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-308 308 Lucas, Marilyn K. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-309 309 Hooker, Melanie A. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-310 310 Martin, Deborah D. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-311 311 Pooler, Mary K. (LE) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-312 312 Wunning, Andrew F & Shelley J 10210 Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 66300 14 1991 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-401 401 Paparella, Patricia Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-402 402 Proskine, Gordon Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-403 403 Siebel, Thomas M. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-404 404 Green, Josephine C. (LE) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-405 405 Searl, Duncan S. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-406 406 Haher, John J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 Page 65 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-407 407 Dimon, Paul L Cambridge Manor Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-408 408 McGuire, Suzanne M. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-501 501 Potaczala, Mark T. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-502 502 Amato, Marianne F. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-503 503 Haas, Jeanette & Rollin L Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-504 504 Benjamin, Neil Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-505 505 Rappleyea, Robert C & Cathie M Jr 10210 Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-506 506 Rockwell III, Garrett W. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-507 507 Corra, Joseph W. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-508 508 Gerardi, Rosemarie Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-509 509 Pilgrim, Margaret A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-510 510 Estate of Jeannette E Bradshaw, 10210 Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 66300 14 1989 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-511 511 Sagendorf, Nancy M. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-512 512 Gemmitti, Lynn M. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1989 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-601 601 DePoalo, Phillip Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-602 602 Nejman, Jennifer A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-603 603 Faroq, Imran Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-604 604 Millett, Robert C & Jeanne M Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 Dr Page 66 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-605 605 Pizzino, Louise E. Cambridge Manor 30.78-2-606 606 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 Civale, David T. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-607 607 Pileggi, Peter T. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1989 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-608 608 Detwyler, Trustee, John M. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-701 701 Castaneda, Maria M. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-702 702 Armstrong, Nathan D. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-703 703 Tubelli, Amanda Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-704 704 Charbonneau, Homer Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-705 705 Donnelly, Paul T. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-706 706 Fitzpatrick, Thomas F. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-707 707 Premsagar, Sheela Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-708 708 Sickles, Paul Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-801 801 Cimmino, Karen Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-802 802 Yamrozy, Susan A. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-803 803 Miele-Roddy, Kimberly A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-804 804 Holden, William B. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-805 805 Jost, Putzi (LE) Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 4 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-806 806 Walsh, Mitchell T Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 Page 67 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-807 807 De Vivo, Denise J. Cambridge Manor Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-808 808 Sabatini, Marilyn E. (LE) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-901 901 Justin, Monica Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-902 902 Marocco, Joseph P. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-903 903 Nasuto, Anita L Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-904 904 Anita L. Nasuto Family Trust , Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-905 905 Mueller, C/O Robert Nottke, Grace10210 A. Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 71600 14 1990 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-906 906 Gerardi, Constance Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-907 907 Allen, April E. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-908 908 Guardian Preservation LLC, Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1990 03 4 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.1 1001 Sherry, Sondra J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.2 1002 Rasmuson, Thomas R. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.3 1003 Kucharski Irrevocable. Trust, Maureen 10210A. Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.4 1004 Harrison, Beverly A Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.5 1005 Colamarino, Barbara L. (LE) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.6 1006 Walsh, Barbara Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.7 1007 Greene, Leonard J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-10.8 1008 Mundweiler, Carolyn T. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 Dr Page 68 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-11.1 1101 Yost, Holly Cambridge Manor Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-11.2 1102 O'Connor, Marian A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-11.3 1103 Lair, Patricia J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-11.4 1104 Lent, Candace C. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-11.5 1105 Casino, Robert + Lindsay Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-11.6 1106 Cable, Brian G. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-11.7 1107 Mills, Sally B Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-11.8 1108 Wilgocki, Nancy Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.1 1201 First Presbyterian Church, Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.2 1202 Bylina, Claire J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.3 1203 Hyson, Elaine Marie Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.4 1204 Connelly, Daniel Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.5 1205 Seward, Kathryn Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.6 1206 Wright, Michele R. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.7 1207 Nichols, George Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-12.8 1208 Tuccillo, William + Patricia Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-13.1 1301 Cuilla, Larry J Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-13.2 1302 Davis, Clifford D. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 Page 69 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-13.3 1303 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Sprenger, James R. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-13.4 1304 McGowan, MaryBeth Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-13.5 1305 Meshkov, Varvara Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-13.6 1306 Smolenski, Diana L. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1992 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-13.7 1307 Brown, David L. Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1992 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-13.8 1308 Dudley, Family Trust, Paul H. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.1 1401 Paparella, Shirley Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1996 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.2 1402 Vavala, Linda Rose Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.3 1403 Famiano, Anita C. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1996 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.4 1404 Brandine, Anthony S. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1996 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.5 1405 Atherton, Irrevocable Trust, Kathleen 10210 A. Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 71600 14 1994 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.6 1406 Chun, Sing Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.7 1407 Holden, William + Maria Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1995 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-14.8 1408 VanSchaick, Life Estate, Leora Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1991 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.10 30.78-2-15.1 1501 Gill, Irene Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-15.2 1502 Wayand, Michael W. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-15.3 1503 Eicher, Jared A Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-15.4 1504 Giaminelli, Margaret Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 Page 70 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-15.5 1505 Hayes, Helen M. Cambridge Manor Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-15.6 1506 VanSchaick, David W. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-15.7 1507 Bylina, Rhoda A. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-15.8 1508 Le Claire, Eugene A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 71600 14 1993 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1136 0.04 30.78-2-16.1 1601 Fusco, Maureen Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1992 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.2 1602 Brown, Frances (LE) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.3 1603 Wahoo, Inc., Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.4 1604 Tatro, Alice P. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.5 1605 Nealon, Thomas F. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.6 1606 Fugazzi, Revocable Trust, John W. 10210 Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.7 1607 Tommasone, Stephanie L. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.8 1608 Lilac Trust, Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.9 1609 Family Trust, The Felts Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.10 1610 Fusco, Frederick P. Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.11 1611 Ortgies, John H & Frances (LE) 10210 Dr 210 Cambridge Manor 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-16.12 1612 Ruggiero, Margolane Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.1 1701 Tommasone, John Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.2 1702 Niro, Marco Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Page 71 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-17.3 1703 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type DLJ Mortgage, INC, Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.4 1704 Abeel Robert C & Sandra M, Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.5 1705 Freeman, Donald + Michele Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.6 1706 Welch, Caroline Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.7 1707 Shafer, Carol J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.8 1708 Mc Duffee, Elaine M Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.9 1709 McDermott, Mary C. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.10 1710 J. G. Forbes, LLC, Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.11 1711 Micheli, Pamela J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1992 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-17.12 1712 Stocker, Ludwig K. (LE) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.1 1801 Schultz Leslie R & Eleanor L, Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1994 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.2 1802 Foskett, Anne M. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.3 1803 Arcesi, Mary Ann Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.4 1804 Hildredth, Michelle A. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.5 1805 Reilly, Katie L. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.6 1806 Foote, David R. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.7 1807 Franklin, Barbara Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.8 1808 Parisi, as Trustee, Tina Marie Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Page 72 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-18.9 1809 Parlatore, Aimee Cambridge Manor 30.78-2-18.10 1810 Farmer, Richard M. Cambridge Manor 30.78-2-18.11 1811 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Cuda, Life Estate, Audrey Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-18.12 1812 Fennelly, Richard J. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1993 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.1 1901 Brucker, Gerald E. Sr Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.2 1902 Olori, Robert & Shirley Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.3 1903 Cuda, Lori Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.4 1904 Brazell, Margaret E. (LE) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.5 1905 Gidley, Sheryl Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.6 1906 Callahan, Robert Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.7 1907 Webster, Donald K Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.8 1908 Zabielski, Stella H. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.9 1909 Rodd, Jeremiah S. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.10 1910 Mc Laughlin, Michael H. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.11 1911 Mc Laughlin, Claudia S. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-19.12 1912 Wallace, Hugh + Nancy Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1996 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.1 2001 Ruggiero, Willaim Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.2 2002 Armour, James Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 Page 73 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.78-2-20.3 2003 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Marcinko, Joseph E. Jr. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.4 2004 Poprawski, Florence B. Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.5 2005 Gray, Diane A. Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.6 2006 Massaro, Paul & Darlene Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.7 2007 Russell, Jeremy Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.8 2008 Lewis, Dawn D Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.9 2009 Novak, Susan J. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.10 2010 Allen, Kathleen H. Cambridge Manor Dr 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.11 2011 Solghan, Nicholas + Kim Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 30.78-2-20.12 2012 Cicorio, August (L.E.) Dr Cambridge Manor 10210 210 5000 66300 14 1998 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1100 0.04 22.11-2-9 2 Favaloro, Donald R. Ln Carolyn 20203 210 27000 132700 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 108.11 3 150.00 960 0 22.11-1-14 3 Yakush, Robert S. Carolyn 20203 210 26300 135000 01 1951 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1268 0 22.11-2-8 4 Austin, Life Estate, Mildred Ln Carolyn 20203 210 26300 137000 01 1952 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1284 0 22.11-1-13 5 Dariano, Robert C & Kathy J Ln Carolyn 20203 210 26600 137400 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 80.00 3 150.00 1272 0 22.11-2-7 6 Schimpf, Oliver H Jr & Sallie Ln Carolyn 20203 210 26300 123100 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 4 150.00 1100 0 22.11-1-12 7 Belanger, Rodney + Dinah Ln Carolyn 20203 210 27100 127200 01 1945 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1184 0 22.11-2-6 8 Schoch, Karl F. Carolyn Ln 20203 210 26300 164000 01 1951 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1536 0 22.11-1-11 9 Pustelny, Robert J. Carolyn Ln 20203 210 26700 76000 01 1951 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 1 150.00 960 0.29 Ln Page 74 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.11-2-5 10 James, Kevin Carolyn Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20203 210 26600 130000 01 1951 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 960 0 22.11-1-10 11 Spradlin, Family Trust, Louis + Sylvia 20203 Ln 210 Carolyn 26600 138000 01 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1532 0 22.11-2-4 12 Blowers, Gordon T. Carolyn Ln 20203 210 26600 133200 01 1952 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 80.00 3 150.00 1176 0 22.11-1-9 13 Quinn, Jon Carolyn Ln 20203 210 27200 145400 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 110.00 3 145.88 960 0 22.11-2-3 14 Radz, Harold Jr (LE) Ln Carolyn 20203 210 26600 124700 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1130 0 22.11-2-2 16 Ramnes-Schmidt, Helen M. Ln Carolyn 20203 210 26600 176000 01 1950 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1764 0 22.11-2-1 18 Seburn, Joshua M. Carolyn Ln 20203 210 27200 130100 01 1952 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 98.64 3 150.00 960 0 29.60-1-20 1 Yorkshire, Gary J. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24300 171200 05 1990 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 65.25 3 112.00 1504 0 29.60-1-21 2 DeSieno, John A & Elaine B Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24100 161800 05 1990 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 56.13 3 116.25 1220 0 29.60-1-19 3 Wingle, Kathleen A. Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24200 163200 02 1991 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 112.00 1536 0 29.60-1-22 4 Audette, Cameron Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 186500 05 1990 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 116.25 1608 0 29.60-1-18 5 Nazir, Ali A. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 168600 05 1992 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 112.00 1504 0 29.60-1-23 6 Hartman, William Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24300 183600 04 1991 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 60.00 3 121.64 1810 0 29.60-1-17 7 Liebman, Susan Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 174400 06 1992 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.88 3 112.00 1480 0 29.60-1-24 8 Haldeman, Daniel + Samantha Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24400 178800 05 1990 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 127.02 1579 0 29.60-2-12 14 Ahl, Brian J. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24600 182000 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 73.80 3 139.06 1633 0 29.60-2-7 15 Crandall, Mary E. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24300 168606 05 1991 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 119.00 2040 0 29.60-2-11 16 Durant, Jeffrey A. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24400 169100 05 1991 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 64.00 3 139.06 1504 0 Page 75 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.52-2-33 17 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Zarelli, Brian R & Jessica L Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24200 184800 05 1992 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 115.00 1658 0 29.60-2-10 18 Gilgore, Marian M Cartwheel 10100 210 24400 164600 04 1992 03 2 1 2 0 2 1 64.00 3 141.63 1276 0 29.52-2-34 19 National Mortgage Association, Federal 10100 Dr 210 Cartwheel 24200 160700 02 1992 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 114.00 1361 0 29.60-2-9 20 Jahn, Stephen Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24400 189900 04 1991 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 64.00 3 144.12 2074 0 29.52-2-35 21 Torres, Miguel A. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 161800 02 1992 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 110.00 1361 0 29.60-2-8 22 Kinnie, Glenn G. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24500 168300 05 1991 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 64.00 3 146.77 1504 0 29.52-2-36 23 Griffin, John E & Susan B Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24200 165200 02 1991 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 109.00 1361 0 29.52-2-32 24 Miranda, Mark D. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24400 161900 05 1992 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 64.00 3 136.00 1334 0 29.52-2-37 25 Schwartz, Robert Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 124200 01 1992 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 107.00 984 0 29.52-2-31 26 Murdock, Robert L. Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24300 179300 05 1991 03 2 0 3 0 4 1 64.00 3 115.84 2040 0 29.52-2-38 27 Falace, Jeffrey A. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 179300 04 1991 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 104.00 1824 0 29.52-2-30 28 Garcia, Juan & Vanessa Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24100 174400 02 1991 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 76.62 3 71.70 1366 0 29.52-2-39 29 Miller, Wesley & Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24000 161300 02 1992 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 43.98 3 102.00 1361 0 29.52-2-25 30 Mulligan, Timothy M. Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24300 179300 05 1990 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 100.00 2040 0 29.52-2-40 31 Maxfield , Lois J. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24000 124100 01 1990 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 44.00 3 100.00 1176 0 29.52-2-24 32 Mathes, Nicole Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 179300 05 1990 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 63.00 3 100.00 2040 0 29.52-2-41 33 Camileo, Ronald J. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 179300 05 1990 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 63.00 3 100.00 1848 0 29.52-2-23 34 Bank, N.A., Wells Fargo Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24200 179300 05 1990 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 63.00 3 100.00 2040 0 Page 76 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.52-2-42 35 De Caprio, Anthony Cartwheel Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10100 210 24200 179300 05 1990 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 63.00 3 100.00 2040 0 29.52-2-22 36 Kazukenus, Andrew Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24200 179300 05 1990 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 63.00 3 100.00 2040 0 29.52-2-43 37 Burke, Joan M. Cartwheel Dr 10100 210 24200 168900 04 1990 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 63.00 3 100.00 1824 0 29.52-2-21 38 LaCombe, Norma J. Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24100 134100 01 1990 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 49.27 3 100.00 1482 0 29.52-2-44 39 Sciocchetti, Rick + Maureen Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 24000 179300 05 1990 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 47.41 3 100.00 2040 0 29.52-2-20.2 40 McGlauflin, Scott J & Elizabeth Dr Cartwheel 10100 210 26400 207700 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1633 1.12 15.7-2-4 2 Carr, Richard C & Kimberly Dr Catalina 20206 210 33200 209300 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 154.55 4 165.91 2063 0 15.7-2-35 3 Ellinger, Steven Catalina 20206 210 30600 190800 03 1971 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 81.65 3 160.00 1908 0 15.7-2-3 4 Mc Namara, John M & Elizabeth G 20206 Dr 210 Catalina 32000 202900 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 110.00 4 165.00 2252 0 15.7-2-2 6 Jordan, Thomas V. Catalina Dr 20206 210 31300 164900 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 176.15 1592 0 15.7-2-1 8 Pelletier, Phillip J. Sr Dr Catalina 20206 210 31200 162200 03 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 87.32 4 170.66 1631 0 15.-1-3 14 Puzzuoli, Onorio A. Catalina Dr 20206 240 86800 300000 05 1987 02 3 0 3 2 5 1 244.00 4 0 3059 53.60 38.36-2-35 101 DeCarr, Matthew D. St Catherine 10206 210 16100 161000 08 1938 06 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 100.00 1472 0 38.36-2-15 104 Allen, Wayne R. Catherine St 10206 210 16200 108400 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 54.00 3 116.00 1156 0 38.36-2-33 105 Palsa, John M. Catherine St 10206 220 16400 111700 08 1885 03 2 0 2 2 5 2 62.00 3 140.00 2561 0 38.36-2-16 106 Carr, Barbara C. Catherine St 10206 210 16100 112300 08 1910 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 45.00 3 124.00 1333 0 38.36-2-32 107 Klapp, Melissa L. Catherine St 10206 210 16100 108100 08 1903 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 42.00 3 140.00 1032 0 38.36-2-17 108 Johnson, Christine G. St Catherine 10206 210 16200 117900 08 1922 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 136.00 1536 0 Page 77 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.36-2-31 109 Faas, David T Catherine Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10206 220 16300 117900 08 1902 03 3 0 2 0 2 2 52.00 3 140.00 1776 0 38.36-2-18 110 Bissonette, David H. St Catherine 10206 210 16400 116400 08 1910 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 59.00 3 144.00 1500 0 38.36-2-30.1 111 Downs, Patricia Catherine St 10206 210 16900 128500 08 1840 01 2 0 1 1 5 1 113.00 3 140.00 2160 0 38.36-2-19 112 Looby, Benjamin Catherine St 10206 210 16300 133200 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 151.00 1658 0 38.36-2-20 114 Van Schaack, Jessica St Catherine 10206 230 16200 135700 08 1940 03 3 0 3 0 6 3 121.00 3 54.00 2900 0 38.36-2-28 115 D'Estienne, Carol M. St Catherine 10206 210 16200 125900 08 1905 01 2 1 2 0 4 1 45.00 3 140.00 2520 0 38.36-2-27 117 Mason, Eric Catherine St 10206 210 16200 135800 08 1900 01 2 1 1 1 5 1 50.00 3 140.00 2284 0 38.36-1-27 201 Forkel, Jaime L Catherine St 10206 210 14400 105000 08 1900 04 2 1 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 96.00 1254 0 38.36-1-26 203 Medina, Matthew E & Vicki S St Catherine 10206 210 14500 125000 08 1920 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 33.00 3 120.00 1309 0 38.36-1-25 203 1/2 Schumaker, Adam Catherine St 10206 210 14600 120700 08 1928 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 31.00 3 128.00 1270 0 38.36-1-8.2 204 Kent, Robert Catherine St 10206 210 16200 137600 13 1910 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1692 0 38.36-1-24 205 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 10206 St 230 Catherine 14600 118300 08 1930 03 2 0 3 0 5 3 31.00 3 128.00 2783 0 38.36-1-9 206 Living Resources Dev Corp, St Catherine 10206 210 16200 136400 08 1900 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 140.00 1696 0 38.36-1-23 207 Fredette, Michael Catherine St 10206 210 16200 116500 08 1918 01 3 0 3 0 3 1 43.00 3 140.00 2039 0 38.36-1-10 208 Coons, Jason C. Catherine St 10206 210 16200 108700 08 1930 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 140.00 1100 0 38.36-1-22 209 Johnson, Dianne H. St Catherine 10206 210 16200 116000 08 1918 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 4 140.00 1536 0 38.36-1-11 210 Frisoni, Peter Carlton & St Catherine 10206 210 16200 167200 08 1920 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 2068 0 38.36-1-21 211 Madej, John J. Jr Catherine 10206 210 16100 120300 08 1938 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 37.00 3 140.00 1212 0 Page 78 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.36-1-12 212 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Boniewski, Christopher W. St Catherine 10206 210 16800 124100 08 1900 04 2 0 2 0 4 1 50.00 3 290.00 1560 0 38.36-1-20 213 Ihrman, Kevin W & Sandra J St Catherine 10206 210 16100 126700 08 1878 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1392 0 38.36-1-13 214 Long, Stephen R. Catherine St 10206 210 16700 128500 08 1914 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 250.00 1240 0 38.36-1-19 215 Lent, Candace Catherine St 10206 210 16500 133800 04 1935 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 140.00 2005 0 38.36-1-14 216 Casillas, Juan & Miriam St Catherine 10206 210 16400 142500 13 1926 01 3 0 2 0 5 1 50.00 3 202.00 1904 0 38.36-1-18 217 Kremzier , Edward & Marjorie St Catherine 10206 220 16200 111600 08 1908 01 3 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 140.00 1892 0 38.36-1-15 218 Quay, Brett Catherine St 10206 210 16200 102900 08 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 46.00 3 122.00 903 0 38.36-1-16 220 Peugh, Roger S. Catherine St 10206 210 16600 105700 08 1904 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 92.00 3 115.00 945 0 15.20-4-40 1 Wall, Kieran A. Cedar La 20205 210 27200 288200 03 1955 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 80.86 3 290.65 3176 0 15.20-4-39 5 Matsue, Ryota Cedar La 20205 210 27000 196400 03 1954 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 139.79 3 163.00 2094 0 15.20-4-38 7 Manly, Penny M. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 186300 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1954 0 15.20-4-42 8 Van Earden, Frances Cedar La 20205 210 27100 202600 04 1955 01 2 0 2 1 5 1 165.67 3 150.00 1911 0 15.20-4-37 9 Zullo, Karen R. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 221800 03 1956 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 80.00 4 150.00 2100 0 15.20-4-43 10 Darling, James M. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 196000 03 1955 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1933 0 15.20-4-36 11 Zeglen, Richard E. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 201600 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 2051 0 15.20-4-44 12 Daniels, Aaron N. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 183900 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1857 0 15.20-4-35 13 Preece, James + Kirsten Cedar La 20205 210 24300 163200 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1596 0 15.20-4-45 14 Collar, Raymond R. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 184000 03 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1534 0 Page 79 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.20-4-34 15 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Tunny, Eleanor M. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 159100 04 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1382 0 15.20-4-46 16 Pausley, William C. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 174000 03 1956 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1829 0 15.20-4-33 17 Anderson, Lois Cedar La 20205 210 24300 171700 04 1955 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1596 0 15.20-4-47 18 Perazzo, Norman L. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 215900 03 1959 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1760 0 15.20-4-32 19 Short, Christopher J. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 193800 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 2050 0 15.20-4-48 20 Predmore, Albert M & Frances J 20205 210 Cedar La 24300 212500 03 1955 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 4 150.00 1818 0 15.20-4-31 21 Yates, David M. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 145800 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1166 0 15.20-4-49 22 Hokenson, Julius F. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 160100 01 1956 01 2 1 1 2 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1260 0 15.20-4-30 23 Nolan, Richard E Cedar La 20205 210 19800 189100 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 150.00 1978 0 15.20-4-50 24 Mosteller, Louise B. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 163900 03 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1479 0 16.17-2-41 25 Morgan, Life Estate, Mildred I. Cedar La 20205 210 25100 178200 04 1953 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1696 0 16.17-3-1 26 Banach, Timothy E. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 223200 05 1956 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 80.00 3 150.00 2400 0 16.17-2-40 27 Walker, Ann Cedar La 20205 210 24300 169300 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1680 0 16.17-3-2 28 Harkins, Stephen F. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 176100 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1530 0 16.17-2-39 29 Carlson, Carol P. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 158500 03 1956 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1534 0 16.17-3-3 30 Kietlinski, Brandon S. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 151200 04 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1248 0 16.17-2-38 31 Mindel, Amelia Cedar La 20205 210 24300 158500 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1490 0 16.17-3-4 32 Benosky, William Cedar La 20205 210 24300 154200 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1066 0 Page 80 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 16.17-2-37 33 Gemmette, Jeffrey & Josephine 20205 210 Cedar La 24300 161500 03 1955 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1484 0 16.17-3-5 34 Civiok, Edward J. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 173000 04 1955 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1606 0 16.17-2-36 35 Scott, Leroy Cedar La 20205 210 24700 181000 03 1954 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1961 0 16.17-3-6 36 Manthorp, John S. Cedar La 20205 210 24700 181700 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1820 0 16.17-2-35 37 Mattas, Veronica Cedar La 20205 210 24700 204100 03 1954 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 2140 0 16.17-3-7 38 Breault, Colleen M. Cedar La 20205 210 24700 181200 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1846 0 16.17-2-34 39 Burton, Stewart G. Cedar La 20205 210 24700 175000 01 1957 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1488 0 16.17-3-8 40 Hughes, Thomas A & Audrey Cedar La 20205 210 24700 181000 03 1957 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1812 0 16.17-2-33 41 Duma, Daniel P. Cedar La 20205 210 24700 174600 05 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1706 0 16.17-3-9 42 Ackerley, Janet M. Cedar La 20205 210 24700 179900 01 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1410 0 16.17-2-32 43 Ferrara, Richard J. Cedar La 20205 210 24700 174100 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1762 0 16.17-3-10 44 Sen, Kathryn A. Cedar La 20205 210 24300 205800 03 1958 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 2287 0 16.17-2-31 45 Svolos, Themetria Cedar La 20205 210 24500 175900 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 150.00 1464 0 16.17-3-11 46 Gensler, Gregory T. Cedar La 20205 210 24700 183900 03 1959 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1938 0 16.17-3-12 48 VanPatten, John F & Victoria Cedar La 20205 210 24700 185000 03 1955 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 150.00 1857 0 16.17-2-30 49 Gaetani, John A. Cedar La 20309 210 35100 211000 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 39.57 3 0 2798 0.34 16.17-3-13 50 Leveilee, Jeanette Cedar La 20205 210 26600 207600 05 1961 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 63.00 3 320.00 2076 0 16.17-2-29 51 Lewis, Paul Cedar La 20309 210 34300 240000 03 1956 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 79.75 3 150.00 2572 0 Page 81 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.17-3-14 52 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Richards, Nancy R. Cedar La 20205 210 27300 151000 01 1957 01 4 1 1 1 4 1 85.00 3 320.00 1306 0 16.17-3-15 54 Crosby, Jared Cedar La 20205 210 27300 198800 01 1958 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 90.00 3 310.00 2542 0 16.17-3-16 56 Martin, Michael E & Diane C Cedar La 20205 210 27300 270700 03 1959 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 140.00 3 200.00 2550 0 38.36-1-64.11 Pshaw Enterprises,LLC, St Center 10206 300 1400 1400 385.00 50.00 0.04 38.36-1-64.12 4 Attanasio, Leonard Center St 10206 220 16600 93900 08 1928 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 74.86 3 89.97 1200 0 38.36-1-39 12 Wheeler, Chris Center St 10206 210 13000 126300 05 1908 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 41.80 3 92.67 1496 0 38.35-2-16 13 Moeller, Kirk D. Center St 10206 210 16000 102300 13 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 2 92.00 962 0 38.36-1-40 14 Aggen, Daniel M. Center St 10206 220 16000 105600 08 1903 03 3 0 2 0 3 2 50.00 3 90.00 1520 0 38.35-2-15 15 VanGenderen, Drew + Jordan St Center 10206 210 16200 105300 13 1938 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 4 162.00 1134 0 38.36-1-41 16 Iwan, Jeffrey E. Center St 10206 210 16000 107400 13 1928 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 2 91.70 1008 0 38.36-1-42 18 Fitch, Marsha J. Center St 10206 210 16000 94800 13 1922 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 93.00 898 0 38.35-2-14 19 Mansky, Michael & Jennifer St Center 10206 210 16700 84300 08 1910 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 106.00 3 124.00 1456 0 38.36-1-17 20 Lonardelli, Ashley Center 10206 220 16400 126800 04 1960 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 92.00 3 100.00 1488 0 38.35-2-30.2 Alkinburgh, Richard & Lori St Center 10206 311 16900 16900 50.00 100.00 0 38.42-1-40 403 Oehman, Peter G. Charles St 10206 210 16400 113000 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 110.00 1040 0 38.42-1-39 405 Jones, Susan A. Charles St 10206 210 16100 107100 08 1925 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 130.00 1300 0 38.42-1-17 408 Yager, Eric J. Charles St 10206 210 16300 126200 04 1948 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 54.00 3 110.00 1353 0 38.42-1-38 409 Risley, Randy A. Charles St 10206 210 15900 110100 13 1918 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 108.00 1305 0 Page 82 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.42-1-18 410 Vassari, Kathy Charles 38.42-1-37 411 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10206 210 16100 102800 04 1941 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 54.00 3 98.00 768 0 Ille, Marianne Charles St 10206 210 16100 100200 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 108.00 1341 0 38.42-1-19 412 Rogers, Richard E. Charles St 10206 210 16100 112000 04 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 108.00 922 0 38.42-1-36 415 Pugh, Ronald A. Charles St 10206 210 16500 129500 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 127.16 1385 0 38.42-1-20 416 Yager, Kathleen Charles St 10206 210 16200 100000 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 108.00 1006 0 38.42-1-35 417 Cioffi, Sarah Charles St 10206 210 16100 110900 08 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 4 127.16 1155 0 38.42-1-21 418 Welch, James Charles St 10206 210 15900 131100 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1474 0 38.42-1-34 419 Feldman, John R. Charles St 10206 210 16100 123700 08 1928 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 127.16 1395 0 38.42-1-22 420 Patrenicola, Patricia St Charles 10206 210 15900 100900 13 1924 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1122 0 38.42-1-23 422 Hecht, Lisa K. Charles St 10206 210 15900 98700 13 1928 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 108.00 748 0 38.42-1-33 425 Martinec, Jane T. Charles St 10206 210 16300 126400 08 1915 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 74.00 3 108.00 1502 0 38.42-1-32 501 Mayo, Mona as Trustee of the, Mayo 10206 Family Trust16100 St 210 103400 Charles 08 1925 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 42.00 3 127.00 1217 0 38.42-1-31 503 Boniewski, Tadeusz D. St Charles 10206 210 16100 99700 08 1933 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 42.00 4 127.00 1120 0 38.11-3-19 504 Loucks, Harry A. Jr Charles St 20200 210 7100 112000 08 1925 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 108.00 1236 0 38.42-1-30 505 Mc Kiernan, Nancy J. St Charles 10206 210 16100 97800 08 1930 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 42.00 3 127.00 1201 0 38.11-3-18 506 Coons, Wilbur (LE) Charles St 20200 210 7100 80000 08 1927 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 108.00 1296 0 38.11-3-20 507 Hayner, William D. (LE) St Charles 20200 210 8800 97000 08 1918 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 42.00 3 127.00 1097 0 38.11-3-17 508 Brown, Donald R. Charles 20200 210 7100 125600 08 1925 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1396 0 Page 83 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-3-21 509 O Keefe , John E. Charles 38.11-3-16 510 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20200 210 8800 114900 08 1908 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 42.00 3 127.00 1284 0 Strain, Timothy C. Charles St 20200 210 7100 100600 13 1925 04 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 108.00 1584 0 38.11-3-22 511 Raymond, Ryan Charles St 20200 210 8800 106400 08 1925 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 42.00 3 127.00 1465 0 38.11-3-15 512 Brand, Tara L. Charles St 20200 210 7100 120900 05 1928 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1216 0 38.11-3-23 513 Benedetto, Kenneth St Charles 20200 210 8800 100900 08 1930 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 42.00 3 127.00 1043 0 38.11-3-14 514 Youngs, Jane A. Charles 20200 210 7100 103800 04 1944 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1044 0.09 38.11-3-24 515 Kenyon, Joseph A & Sharon M St Charles 20200 210 8800 134400 08 1941 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 42.00 3 127.00 1432 0 38.11-3-25 517 Huntington, Susan Charles St 20200 210 13000 125000 05 1941 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 62.00 3 127.00 1344 0 38.11-3-26 519 Bernadt, Bradley Charles St 20200 210 13400 194000 04 1954 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 64.00 3 127.00 2320 0 38.7-5-83 524 Gregoire, Andre E. Charles St 20200 210 13900 127500 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 49.30 3 140.61 1009 0 38.7-5-82 526 Zeh, Gary Charles St 20200 210 11200 134500 13 1934 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1356 0 38.11-3-27 527 Sokol, Mark M. Charles St 20200 210 18100 129600 13 1917 01 2 1 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 140.00 1296 0 38.7-5-81 528 Raynsford, Joseph A/Darlene A 20200 St 210 Charles 11200 133300 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1356 0 38.11-3-28 529 Russo, Charles S. Charles St 20200 210 9400 88400 13 1900 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 818 0 38.7-5-80 530 Russell, Shannon M. St Charles 20200 210 11200 126200 13 1934 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1356 0 38.11-3-29 531 Walz, David J. Charles St 20200 210 18200 140500 13 1917 03 4 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1794 0 38.7-5-79 532 Constantino, Nicole P. St Charles 20200 210 11200 165000 04 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1343 0 38.11-2-12 601 Kane, Janet M & Charles 20200 210 9900 84300 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 792 0 St Page 84 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-5-78 602 Bethka, Paul L. Charles 38.11-2-11 603 Quaresimo, Nicole Charles Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20200 210 11200 136000 04 1941 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 50.00 3 135.00 1440 0 St 20200 210 9900 101900 13 1920 03 3 1 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 1455 0 38.7-5-77 604 Frederick, Mary Jane St Charles 20200 210 11200 129000 04 1939 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1245 0 38.11-2-10 605 Mac Lean, John A & Bonnalyne L 20200 St 210 Charles 9900 169900 03 1970 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1608 0 38.7-5-76 606 Earley, Roy L. Jr Charles St 20200 210 11200 128400 04 1940 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1601 0 38.11-2-9 607 Ziemianski, Walter J. Jr St Charles 20200 210 18300 91100 08 1920 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 80.00 2 150.00 932 0 38.7-5-75 608 Beals, Michael C. Charles St 20200 210 11200 109200 04 1940 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 135.00 840 0 38.7-5-74 610 Chojecki, Aaron Charles St 20200 210 11200 124000 04 1942 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1245 0 38.11-2-8 611 Herdman, Jan E. Charles St 20200 210 9900 146300 13 1932 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1825 0 38.7-5-73 612 Stiffen, Robert M. Jr. St Charles 20200 210 11200 122200 04 1942 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1245 0 38.7-5-72 614 Lotano, Perry A. Charles 20200 210 13400 132200 04 1941 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1468 0 38.11-2-7 615 Marotta, Anthony G/Elizabeth St Charles 20200 210 18300 131100 04 1940 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1166 0 38.7-5-71 616 Lake, Ashley Charles St 20200 210 13400 147200 04 1940 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1794 0 38.11-2-6 617 Kinnally, Melissa M. Charles St 20200 210 9900 112000 04 1920 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 1169 0 38.7-5-70 618 Walsh, Joseph F. Charles St 20200 210 13400 130700 04 1943 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1220 0 38.7-5-69 620 Beaver, Steven P. Charles St 20200 210 13400 126400 04 1942 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1428 0 38.11-2-5 621 Bradley, Sarah Charles St 20200 210 18300 112900 04 1928 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1054 0 38.7-5-68 622 Lavigne, Ryan + Erica St Charles 20200 210 13400 133500 04 1942 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1468 0 Page 85 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-2-4 623 Lane, Margaret L. Charles 38.11-2-3 625 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20200 210 9900 117000 04 1943 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1078 0 Schaeffer, Karey A. Charles St 20200 210 9900 139500 04 1930 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1405 0 38.11-2-2.1 627 Hamm, Andrew C. Charles St 20200 210 18400 109100 08 1935 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 152.00 825 0 38.7-4-62 700 Winchester, William G. St Charles 20301 210 46400 124400 04 1922 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 135.00 1235 0 38.7-6-12 707 Morrett, Michael M. Charles St 20301 210 47400 158400 04 1950 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 160.00 1560 0 38.7-4-63 708 Hamm, Norman C. Charles St 20301 210 42200 161700 04 1946 02 3 1 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 135.00 1701 0 38.7-6-11 709 Shattuck, Douglas Charles St 20301 210 47600 176300 04 1950 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 170.00 2022 0 38.7-4-64 710 Van Genderen, Wayne A. St Charles 20301 210 46400 175300 08 1929 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1921 0 38.7-6-10 711 Reed, Randall L. Charles St 20301 210 37100 145300 13 1922 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 150.00 1462 0 38.7-4-65 714 Cassella, Robert J. Jr St Charles 20301 210 36600 188500 05 1927 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 135.00 1924 0 38.7-6-9.2 715 Daley, Brett Charles St 20301 210 47000 182300 08 1922 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1976 0 38.7-6-9.1 717 Feuz, Kurt E. Charles St 20301 210 47000 209700 05 1989 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1590 0 38.7-4-66 718 Curtin, Jeremy & Rene St Charles 20301 210 46400 187300 04 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1744 0 38.7-6-8 721 Gartley, Robert G. Charles St 20301 210 45600 142000 04 1946 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 148.00 1280 0 38.7-4-67 724 Vadney, Robert W. Charles St 20301 210 49100 205000 08 1914 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 135.00 3046 0 38.7-6-7 725 Mountain IrrevocableTrust, Jacquelyn 20301 G. St 210 Charles 45600 134000 04 1952 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 148.00 1425 0 38.7-6-6 801 Lees, Mary P. Charles 20301 210 49700 199900 08 1920 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 150.00 3 150.00 2142 0 38.7-3-23 802 Phillips Gregory N & Janine M, St Charles 20301 210 49100 196100 05 1918 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 150.00 3 135.00 2648 0 Page 86 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 38.7-3-24 804 Senneca, Andrew M & Marianne 20301 St 210 Charles 46400 210000 05 1936 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 135.00 1844 0 38.7-3-25 806 Pollick, Michael L. Charles St 20301 210 46400 170000 05 1945 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 2178 0 38.7-6-5 807 Potter, James P. & Charles St 20301 210 47000 185000 05 1938 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1666 0 38.7-3-26 808 De Cesare, Robert N. St Charles 20301 210 46400 207000 04 1937 02 2 0 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 135.00 2166 0 38.7-6-4 809 Buhrmaster, Flower Charles St 20301 210 47000 356700 05 1949 02 3 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 4 150.00 3056 0 38.7-6-3 811 Virtanen, Michael L. St Charles 20301 210 47000 176600 05 1947 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2100 0 38.7-6-2 813 Pritchard, David Charles 20301 210 49700 161600 05 1935 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 150.00 1882 0 38.7-3-27 822 Wengrovius, Jeffrey H/Barbara N 20301 St 210 Charles 49100 235000 05 1938 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 150.00 3 135.00 2036 0 38.7-3-28 902 Szuberla, Charles A. St Charles 20301 210 45000 165800 05 1939 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 135.00 1456 0 38.7-3-31.11 904 Gray, Eric Dan Charles St 20306 210 36000 142500 04 1934 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 272.00 3 157.00 990 0 38.7-6-1.11 905 Buhrmaster, Louis H. St Charles 20301 210 65500 430000 05 1979 02 3 1 3 2 4 1 380.00 4 300.00 4204 0 9.19-1-22 Wheeler, Deborah Ann Rd Charlton 20206 311 33800 33800 100.00 400.00 0 Wheeler, Deborah Ann Rd Charlton 20206 311 34000 34000 112.00 400.00 0 Hitt, Victor L. Charlton 20200 311 7300 7300 123.53 35.62 0 Budesheim, George D. Jr. Rd Charlton 20206 311 4000 4000 0 0 2.05 Holder, Philip N. Charlton Rd 20206 311 43300 43300 0 0 8.30 Hewitt, Lorajane E. Charlton Rd 20205 311 11700 11700 296.00 435.00 2.70 Hanecak, Kate E. Charlton Rd 20206 322 23800 23800 0 0 11.80 9.19-1-21.1 15.7-3-32.1 9.4-1-25.121 9.4-1-1.2 15.11-1-13 15.7-4-8 Rd Page 87 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 4.-4-4 Simmons, Ronald Charlton Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 40200 322 25000 25000 0 0 24.80 3 163.00 870 0 Rd Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 15.12-1-18 2 Mingko. INC, Charlton Rd 20205 210 25800 119000 01 1960 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 120.00 15.11-1-9 5 Hewitt, Lorajane E. Charlton Rd 20205 210 27900 251200 01 1968 07 2 0 2 1 4 1 140.00 4 300.00 2244 0 15.11-1-8 7 Marcelli, Frederick J. Jr Rd Charlton 20205 210 27400 150400 04 1945 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 112.90 3 270.00 1470 0 15.12-1-19 8 Koch, Arletta B. Charlton Rd 20205 280 40000 190000 08 1942 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 1106 1.00 15.12-1-19 8 Koch, Arletta B. Charlton Rd 20205 280 40000 190000 01 1965 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 936 1.00 15.11-1-4.2 9 Menton, Pamela A. Charlton Rd 20205 210 27700 163200 13 1908 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 167.86 3 222.54 1516 0 15.12-1-14 10 Neuhaus, Lottie L. Charlton Rd 20205 210 62200 140700 13 1931 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 1701 6.20 15.11-1-16.11 15 Gifford, Paul F. Charlton Rd 20205 210 29600 209900 01 1984 01 4 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1584 2.07 15.11-1-7.11 17 Manieri, David D. Charlton Rd 20205 210 26500 187900 01 1974 03 2 0 1 2 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1404 0 15.12-1-20 18 Carter, William G & Janice A Rd Charlton 20205 210 23100 158500 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 4 150.00 1231 0 15.11-1-6.1 19 Jansen, William Charlton Rd 20205 210 26600 231500 05 1973 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 100.00 4 203.00 2228 0 15.12-1-21 20 Wool, Edward L. Jr. Charlton Rd 20205 210 24100 155300 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 150.00 1104 0 15.11-1-4.11 21 Ostrom, Elizabeth D Rd Charlton 20205 210 26600 176500 04 1985 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 203.30 1358 0 15.12-1-22 22 Fisher, Sharon K. Charlton Rd 20205 210 34900 189000 04 1953 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1836 2.60 15.12-1-23 26 DeNovio, Louis M. Charlton Rd 20205 210 33000 181900 05 1942 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 1516 1.44 15.11-1-15.11 27 Palmer, Ronald Charlton Rd 20205 210 32400 240000 05 1985 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2708 3.92 15.12-1-24 30 Mayer, Doris E. Charlton Rd 20205 210 32400 136100 13 1928 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1632 1.20 Page 88 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.11-1-5 31 Watson, Lorraine Charlton 15.11-1-14 31A Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type D. (LE) Rd 20205 210 27700 133600 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 200.00 3 181.50 1028 0 Rogow, Barbara A. Charlton Rd 20205 210 28700 285000 06 1985 01 2 1 2 2 3 1 0 4 0 3072 1.44 15.11-1-3 33 Horton, Mary E. Charlton Rd 20205 210 24500 95900 04 1952 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 85.00 2 150.00 864 0 15.12-1-25 34 Hotopp, Kurt C. Charlton Rd 20205 210 24600 91500 13 1945 03 2 0 1 0 2 2 91.00 3 155.10 840 0 15.11-1-2 35 Mosso, Edward W. Charlton Rd 20205 210 24100 135200 04 1950 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 2 150.00 1344 0 15.11-1-1 37 Zampella, Edward III Rd Charlton 20205 210 24100 138000 04 1950 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 150.00 1408 0 15.12-1-1.1 42 Guilbeau, Guy G. Charlton Rd 20205 210 29100 212600 04 1953 02 3 1 2 1 3 1 450.00 4 0 1799 1.75 15.7-3-34 45 Lange, Eric Charlton Rd 20205 210 31300 230000 03 1972 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 175.00 3 200.00 2256 3.20 15.7-6-14 50 Lachanski, Jessica C. Rd Charlton 20205 210 27400 153300 01 1950 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 283.34 3 105.00 1068 0 15.7-3-33 51 O'Brien, Barbara L. (LE) Rd Charlton 20205 210 27600 136000 06 1950 01 3 1 1 1 2 1 184.68 3 200.00 1209 0 15.7-6-15 52 Stevens, Daniel E. Charlton Rd 20205 210 26400 139800 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 130.00 3 150.00 1156 0 15.7-3-32 53 Hitt, Victor L. Charlton Rd 20205 210 25900 166000 01 1971 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 114.00 3 155.00 1512 0 15.7-6-16 54 Nally, Michael J. Charlton Rd 20205 210 27500 188600 08 1900 01 4 0 2 0 5 1 170.00 3 250.00 2976 0.77 15.7-6-17 56 Scambler, Peter J. Charlton Rd 20205 210 26800 145300 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 283.80 1140 0 15.7-6-18 58 Rana, Amardeep Charlton Rd 20205 210 27200 131400 01 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 91.00 3 283.00 1400 0 15.7-3-30 59 Brzyski, Karen S. Charlton Rd 20205 210 26500 136500 04 1943 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1258 0 15.7-6-1 60 Almy, Deborah J. Charlton Rd 20205 210 24400 128000 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 988 0 15.7-3-29 61 Randle, Michael T. Jr. Rd Charlton 20205 210 27000 148500 01 1953 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 200.00 1188 0 Page 89 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 15.7-4-13 64 Blanchette, Ronnie J & Sharon A 20205 Rd 210 Charlton 28300 155000 01 1951 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1704 1.20 15.7-3-28 65 Szala, Lawrence E. Charlton Rd 20205 210 26100 158800 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1706 0 15.7-3-27 67 Smith, Lawrence P. Charlton Rd 20205 210 25300 171000 02 1974 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 155.00 1858 0 15.7-3-26 69 Dawsey, Robert T. Charlton Rd 20205 210 25300 158800 02 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 155.00 1706 0 15.7-3-25 71 Jordan, Thomas E. Charlton Rd 20205 210 20900 148600 02 1974 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 102.31 3 93.92 1706 0 15.7-4-12 72 Fuson, Joshua & Joanne Rd Charlton 20205 210 28900 163400 01 1952 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1293 1.60 15.7-4-11 74 Abare, Kenneth L/Kimberly M Rd Charlton 20205 210 29400 161900 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1320 1.90 15.7-4-10.12 77 Denny-Harrison, Sara J. Rd Charlton 20206 210 33000 164800 08 1865 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 130.05 3 170.00 2168 0 9.4-1-25.21 78 Steve, Robert Charlton Rd 20206 210 32500 189600 04 1987 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 200.00 1960 0 9.4-1-25.22 80 Spring, Christopher J. Rd Charlton 20206 210 32500 142800 01 1987 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 200.00 1354 0 9.4-1-25.11 82 Johnston, Garth R. Charlton Rd 20206 215 36100 181600 08 1930 03 3 1 2 0 4 2 0 3 0 1544 2.43 9.4-1-24 84 Harris, Robert L. Charlton Rd 20206 210 34200 142800 04 1957 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1512 1.10 15.7-4-9 85 Nikolski, Bernard Charlton Rd 20206 210 33300 149900 04 1957 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 111.00 3 264.00 1170 0 9.4-1-23 86 Nicol, Richard Charlton Rd 20206 210 33800 134000 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1300 0.90 15.7-4-7 87 Person, Matthew Charlton Rd 20206 210 32200 154500 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1284 0 9.4-1-22 88 Godfrey, William F. Charlton Rd 20206 210 33800 125100 01 1966 03 2 0 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 936 0.90 15.7-4-6 89 Cercone, Raymond S. (LE) Rd Charlton 20206 210 32100 140000 04 1950 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1430 0 9.4-1-21.2 90 Hughson Simeon M & Tara A, Rd Charlton 20206 210 33900 198000 05 1994 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 92.00 3 444.00 1936 0 Page 90 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-4-5 91 Hanecak, Kate E. Charlton Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20206 210 32100 140000 04 1929 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 90.00 3 200.00 1314 0 9.4-1-21.1 92 Mac Leod, Douglas S. Rd Charlton 20206 210 34100 156500 08 1926 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2424 1.07 15.7-4-4 93 O'Connor, Matthew R. Rd Charlton 20206 210 32000 133100 04 1950 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1106 0 9.4-1-20.12 94 Smith, Lawrence P. Charlton Rd 20206 210 32400 232500 05 1986 03 2 0 3 0 4 1 100.00 4 197.00 2392 0 15.7-4-3 95 Sreekissoon, Devinanau Rd Charlton 20206 210 32000 170000 04 1948 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 90.00 3 200.00 1894 0 15.7-4-2 97 Tomlinson, Carole A. Rd Charlton 20206 210 32000 158500 04 1953 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1431 0 9.4-1-20.11 98 Kerr, William W. Charlton Rd 20206 210 32400 145000 02 1987 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 197.00 1520 0 15.7-4-1 99 McCulley, Matthew C. Rd Charlton 20206 210 33700 141300 04 1950 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 183.00 3 201.00 1176 0 9.4-1-19 100 Novotny, Elsie K. Charlton Rd 20206 210 34700 129000 04 1941 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1118 1.49 9.19-3-55 103 Clayton, Jeanne L. Charlton Rd 20206 210 32500 145400 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 201.00 1400 0 9.19-3-54 105 Knox, Lenna S. Charlton Rd 20206 210 32500 163500 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 201.00 1625 0 9.19-3-15.11 113 Rieffel, John A. Charlton Rd 20206 210 37700 214800 08 1840 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 2340 3.46 9.4-1-52 114 Dees, Jason E. & Charlton Rd 20206 210 33100 205100 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 218.00 1640 0.56 9.4-1-51 116 Gagnon, Raynard Charlton Rd 20206 210 33100 282900 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 279.00 2287 0.57 9.4-1-50 118 Balasubramanaim, Mahadevan & 20206 Rd 210 Charlton 33200 227800 05 1999 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 279.00 2010 0.58 9.4-1-49 120 Corcoran, Erin C. Charlton 20206 210 33500 185000 05 1998 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 87.00 4 190.00 1428 0.76 9.19-3-60 121 Sakala, Richard + Lauralyn Rd Charlton 20206 210 34400 233300 05 1987 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 120.00 3 457.00 2280 0 9.4-1-48 122 Kibler, Jeffrey Charlton 20206 210 31800 237700 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 175.00 2084 0.40 Rd Page 91 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.19-3-59 123 King, Michael S. Charlton 9.4-1-47 124 Leach, Michael Charlton 9.19-3-14 125 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20206 210 33300 202900 05 1987 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 120.00 3 343.00 2016 0.66 Rd 20206 210 31700 212400 05 1997 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 105.00 4 176.00 1458 0.39 Morrison Family Trust, Larry E. Rd Charlton 20206 210 33700 151700 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 180.80 3 202.38 1404 0 9.4-1-46 126 Chaisson, Kenneth M. Rd Charlton 20206 210 32600 222400 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 263.00 2022 0.47 9.19-2-22 127 Overholt, Kristin L. Charlton Rd 20206 210 33300 179800 03 1963 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 180.80 3 160.99 1739 0 9.4-1-45 128 Czarnecki, John A. Jr. Rd Charlton 20206 210 32300 214700 05 1997 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 250.00 4 192.00 1404 0.44 9.19-2-21 129 Clair, Franklin J. Charlton Rd 20206 210 33300 188800 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 180.80 3 160.00 1818 0 9.19-1-30 131 Cerrone, Antonio Charlton Rd 20206 210 33400 135000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 130.00 3 230.68 1351 0 9.19-1-29 133 Peltier, Theodore R Charlton Rd 20206 210 32600 135300 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 204.00 1020 0 9.19-1-28 135 Poltynski, Anthony Charlton Rd 20206 210 31800 149100 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 175.00 1503 0 9.4-1-30 136 Longbotham Irrevocable Trustee, 20206 Bertram Rd 210 Charlton 33900 269600 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2451 0.94 9.19-1-21.2 137 Wheeler, Deborah A. Rd Charlton 20206 220 34800 170100 08 1820 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 149.06 3 441.93 1716 0 9.4-1-1.1 140 Holder, Philip N. Charlton Rd 20206 210 36400 187300 04 1932 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2146 2.60 9.19-1-23 145 Tucker, Deborah A. Charlton Rd 20206 210 35500 185700 01 1952 07 3 1 1 1 2 1 137.75 3 400.00 1368 2.00 9.19-1-7 151 Ranney, Patricia A. Charlton Rd 20206 210 32800 143300 01 1953 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 210.00 1344 0 9.19-1-6 153 Fleming, Mary D. Charlton Rd 20206 210 33100 127400 01 1950 03 4 0 1 1 3 1 122.00 3 200.00 1200 0 9.19-1-5 155 Brenner, George & Kathleen III 20206 Rd 210 Charlton 32500 139100 01 1948 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1080 0 9.4-1-20.21 Covington Court Homeowners , assoc 20206 Rd 311 Charlton 38400 38400 0 0 3.91 Page 92 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.4-2-42 4 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Johnson, Michael R. Ct Chauncy 20205 210 34500 270000 01 2013 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1821 1.58 9.4-2-37.1 5 McFarland, Todd Chauncy 20205 210 34100 385100 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2827 5.12 9.4-2-41 6 Cronin, Timothy + Kimberly Ct Chauncy 20205 210 27800 241900 06 2006 03 2 1 3 1 3 1 123.27 3 349.97 2709 0.91 9.4-2-38.1 7 Sigismondo, Michael A. Ct Chauncy 20205 210 21800 258600 05 2011 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 120.00 3 139.10 1846 0 9.4-2-40 8 Lionarons, Henry Chauncy 20205 210 27700 312200 05 2010 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 136.11 3 311.98 2573 0.83 9.4-2-39 9 Marlow, Stephen J. & Lydia A Ct Chauncy 20205 210 28200 390200 06 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3447 1.10 9.4-2-6.13 Town of Glenville, Chauncy Ct 20205 311 500 500 25.00 317.00 0 30.5-3-12 1000 Steciak, Donald A. Cherokee Rd 20202 210 37000 228000 03 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 148.53 3 149.00 1981 0 30.5-3-11 1001 St. Onge, Jeffrey T. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 49900 199800 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 131.17 4 319.67 1563 0 30.5-2-16 1002 Edgar, James R. II Cherokee Rd 20202 210 36300 175000 01 1968 02 3 0 2 1 5 1 105.00 3 170.00 1850 0 30.5-3-10 1003 Bekkering, Amy & Cherokee Rd 20306 210 47300 214100 03 1973 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 103.15 3 150.00 1847 0 30.5-3-9 1005 Campoli, Gary B. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 47100 177450 01 1962 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1532 0 30.5-1-29 1006 Howell, Michael P. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 46100 212400 05 1961 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 135.00 3 83.94 1884 0 30.5-3-8 1007 Burton, Andrew M. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 47100 216300 03 1959 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2009 0 30.5-1-30 1008 Krywinski, Michael + Melissa Rd Cherokee 20306 210 48900 228500 03 1963 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.00 3 135.15 2244 0 30.5-3-7 1009 Pitoniak, Joseph Cherokee Rd 20306 210 47300 216300 03 1959 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 150.00 1830 0 30.5-1-31 1010 Bodden, Joseph T. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 47300 204400 05 1962 02 3 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 171.00 2248 0 30.5-3-6 1011 Maggs, Adam Cherokee Rd 20306 210 47300 223300 05 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 150.00 2204 0 Ct Page 93 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ct Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.5-1-32 1012 Phillips, Scott Cherokee Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20306 210 48900 220000 01 1962 02 2 0 3 2 4 1 113.00 3 185.43 2369 0 30.5-3-5 1013 Polsinelli, Daniel A & Christine III 20306 Rd 210 Cherokee 47600 184300 01 1961 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 111.00 3 150.00 1474 0 30.5-1-33 1014 Benjamin, Brad E. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 48600 251100 05 1961 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 185.43 2572 0 30.5-3-4 1015 Yerman, Alexander J. Rd Cherokee 20306 210 48400 223000 01 1961 02 3 1 2 1 5 1 131.00 3 150.00 1857 0 30.5-1-34 1016 Collins, Michael C. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 46800 239100 05 1962 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 110.26 3 145.00 2264 0 30.5-3-3 1017 Drake, Michael S. Cherokee Rd 20306 210 47100 216300 03 1963 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2598 0 30.5-3-2 1019 Daskalakis, Michael J. Rd Cherokee 20306 210 48400 235300 05 1962 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 130.00 3 150.00 1745 0 30.5-3-1 1025 Ryan, William M. & Debra H Rd Cherokee 20306 210 49300 276900 02 1965 03 2 1 3 2 7 1 200.80 3 150.00 3632 0 22.11-2-50 1 Moran, Lawrence R. Ln Cherry 20203 210 27000 182900 01 1948 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 102.19 3 147.56 1784 0 22.11-1-1 2 Coppola, Mariangela Ln Cherry 20203 210 30500 228400 01 1981 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2172 1.30 22.11-2-49 3 Hughes, Patrick J. Cherry Ln 20203 210 27100 161000 01 1947 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 147.48 1440 0 22.11-1-2 4 Butler, James W Cherry Ln 20203 210 27800 176900 01 1951 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 165.29 3 105.00 1772 0 22.11-2-48 5 Nuzzi, Anthony T. Cherry Ln 20203 210 27100 169800 01 1957 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 147.58 1396 0 22.11-2-47 7 Schmitt, William J. Cherry Ln 20203 210 26200 199700 06 1953 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 78.25 4 147.58 2044 0 22.11-1-3 8 8 Cherry Ln Trust, Cherry Ln 20203 210 26600 136300 01 1950 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 111.54 3 100.00 1296 0 22.11-1-4 10 Mearns, David A. Cherry Ln 20203 210 26300 123100 01 1950 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 960 0 22.11-2-45 11 Mac Donald, Bruce W & Andrea L20203 Ln 210 Cherry 26900 138000 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 76.27 3 194.93 1296 0 22.11-1-5 12 Nestor, Peter E. (LE) Ln Cherry 26300 160500 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.09 3 150.00 1428 0 20203 210 Page 94 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.11-2-44 13 Semerad, Douglas Cherry Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ln 20203 210 27100 166500 04 1953 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 197.00 1707 0 22.11-1-6 14 Saccocio, Michael F. Ln Cherry 20203 210 26600 118900 01 1946 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 83.28 3 156.91 960 0 22.11-2-43 15 Meraner, Sally Cherry 20203 210 27300 131000 01 1954 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 74.58 4 213.92 1243 0 22.11-1-7 16 D'Alessandro, Christine A. Ln Cherry 20203 210 26600 171600 01 1950 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 90.00 3 156.91 1860 0 22.11-2-42 17 Furphy, Life Estate, Patricia E. Ln Cherry 20203 210 29100 179100 01 1956 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.59 4 215.49 1656 0 22.11-1-8 18 Hanlon, Robert Jr Cherry Ln 20203 210 29000 211200 06 1950 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 168.03 3 132.24 2676 0 22.11-2-41 21 Jantz, Joanne Cherry Ln 20203 210 29100 216100 05 1953 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 86.00 3 271.28 2302 0 22.11-2-40 23 Farrand Irr. Trust, Allen & Helen 20203 Ln 210 Cherry 29000 160000 04 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 4 271.28 1440 0 22.11-2-18 24 Schoonmaker, Craig Ln Cherry 20203 210 27300 164000 01 1951 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 105.33 3 150.00 1280 0 22.11-2-39 25 St. Hilaire, Corey Cherry Ln 20203 210 26800 162300 05 1959 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 4 210.00 1488 0 22.11-2-38 27 Gagnon, Laurent J. Cherry Ln 20203 210 29300 173200 01 1953 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 120.00 4 233.28 1417 0 22.11-2-37 29 Macintosh, Mark J. Cherry Ln 20203 210 27600 134700 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 114.65 3 150.00 1152 0 22.11-2-36.1 31 Perry, William Cherry Ln 20203 210 29700 160000 04 1985 03 4 0 2 0 4 1 260.91 3 140.80 1326 0 30.5-2-2 1003 Tashjian, Sean Cheyenne Rd 20306 210 47200 185000 03 1958 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 145.00 1766 0 22.17-1-15 1004 Willig, David L & Blanche Rd Cheyenne 20306 210 47100 221100 01 1959 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1522 0 22.17-1-26 1008 Ackerman, Steven A. Rd Cheyenne 20306 210 47600 182300 01 1960 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 160.00 4 105.00 1464 0 30.5-1-12 1009 Quandt, William G. Cheyenne 20306 210 46500 248400 05 1966 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 84.00 3 153.85 2204 0 30.5-1-11 1011 Boncie, Emberly-Rayn Sara-Ja Rd Cheyenne 20306 210 43700 100000 03 1959 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 76.00 3 147.95 1800 0 Rd Page 95 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.5-1-2 1014 Sharer, Michael Cheyenne Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20306 210 48600 308000 05 1966 02 3 2 2 1 5 1 244.00 3 184.45 3682 1.03 30.5-1-3 1015 Bertinetti, Matthew M. Rd Cheyenne 20306 210 48500 255000 05 1965 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 110.89 4 180.00 2494 0 14.1-2-28.2 Ciniglia, Michael Church Rd 40200 311 4100 4100 40.00 300.00 0 Osterlitz, John D. Church Rd 40200 322 48000 48000 220.00 0 62.40 14.1-1-16 172 Poitras, Thomas Church Rd 40200 210 32900 143300 04 1941 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 264.00 3 0 1176 1.60 14.1-2-31 175 Knapp, Kayla U. Church Rd 40200 210 31300 119000 04 1953 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 300.00 936 0 14.1-2-30 195 Jazeboski, John E. Church Rd 40200 210 31400 193000 04 1972 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 300.00 1930 0 14.1-1-15 212 Reynolds, John J. Church Rd 40200 210 31700 158200 04 1951 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 98.00 3 373.20 1615 0 14.1-2-29.1 217 Legg, Jerry P. Church Rd 40200 210 32200 132400 01 1970 03 4 1 1 1 4 1 160.00 3 300.00 1008 0 14.1-1-14 234 Jendzeizyk, Peter K. Rd Church 40200 210 31700 168000 04 1949 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 377.10 1480 0 14.1-2-27 245 Ciniglia, Michael Church Rd 40200 210 31400 192300 05 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 300.00 1960 0 14.1-1-13 250 LaBrake, Donn Church Rd 40200 210 31700 123700 04 1949 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 381.40 825 0 14.1-2-26 265 Clarke, Alan P. Church Rd 40200 210 31400 142500 02 1972 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 300.00 1824 0 14.1-1-12 272 Bach, Ludwig M. Church Rd 40200 210 31800 155500 04 1949 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 385.00 1248 0 14.1-2-25.1 291 Friello, Richard A. Church Rd 40200 210 31600 190000 04 1972 02 3 0 1 0 4 1 115.00 3 300.00 1440 0 14.1-1-11 296 Nagy, Steven Church Rd 40200 210 31500 168500 04 1952 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 85.00 3 385.30 1676 0 14.1-1-10 310 O'Neil, Jay J. Church Rd 40200 210 32500 136600 08 1939 06 3 0 1 0 2 1 150.00 3 379.00 1216 0 14.1-2-24.11 321 Bishop, Timothy M. & Rd Church 40200 210 32400 172000 11 1986 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 190.00 3 300.00 1296 1.24 Page 96 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 14.1-2-12 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.1-2-22 341 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Beatty, John Steven Rd Church 40200 210 31400 135000 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 105.00 3 300.00 1339 0 14.1-1-9 346 Bryson, Scott A. Church Rd 40200 210 32100 108600 08 1939 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 124.00 3 379.00 1700 0 14.1-2-21 361 Ringwall, Peter A. Church Rd 40200 210 32300 175000 01 1951 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 300.00 1668 1.20 14.1-1-7 366 Trotter, Jason F. Church Rd 40200 210 31700 96300 08 1939 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 2 381.10 857 0 14.1-1-6 388 Crisci, Jerry A. Church Rd 40200 210 31700 96300 08 1940 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 381.00 990 0 14.1-2-20 409 Osterlitz, John D. Church Rd 40200 210 32300 170000 08 1939 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 170.00 3 300.00 2068 1.20 14.1-1-5 418 Allen, Jay T. Church Rd 40200 210 32500 130900 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 150.00 3 382.00 1272 0 14.1-2-19 427 Van Buren, Blase Church Rd 40200 210 32100 154500 01 1952 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 300.00 1335 0 14.1-1-4 448 Jorgensen, Paul T. Church Rd 40200 210 33100 136100 04 1950 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 200.00 3 382.00 1054 1.75 14.1-2-18 467 Pajak, Walter P. Church Rd 40200 210 32600 187400 01 1955 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 199.00 3 300.00 1568 1.40 14.1-2-17 497 Talbot, Harold M. Church Rd 40200 210 32100 203300 05 1952 03 2 0 1 2 3 1 150.00 3 300.00 2188 0 14.1-1-3 506 Jones, Bruce Church Rd 40200 210 39900 186600 05 1971 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 310.00 3 1115.00 1995 6.94 14.1-2-16 559 Giovannone, Claudio Rd Church 40200 210 33500 191200 01 1955 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 289.00 3 300.00 2148 2.00 14.1-1-2 574 Francois, Dirk T. Church Rd 40200 210 42800 324600 05 1954 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 400.00 4 1130.00 3407 9.80 14.1-2-15 625 LeClair, Michael Church Rd 40200 210 32600 178700 04 1953 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 200.00 3 300.00 2024 1.40 14.1-1-1 632 Larned, Donald L & Grace A Rd Church 40200 240 43400 394000 05 1988 06 2 0 3 1 4 1 425.00 4 1300.00 3630 10.39 14.1-2-14 651 Hutchins, Peter A. Church Rd 40200 210 32600 170100 02 1994 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 200.00 3 300.00 2140 0 14.-2-41 698 Bodenstab, Deena & Rd Church 40200 240 45900 299000 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2380 12.92 Page 97 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.1-2-13 715 Hansen, Amy Church 14.-2-40 728 Chlopecki, Brian E. Church 14.-2-39 742 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 33700 137900 04 1950 04 2 1 1 0 3 1 300.00 2 290.00 1242 2.10 Rd 40200 240 50000 250000 01 2002 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1792 17.01 Kniese, Robert Jr & Rachael Rd Church 40200 322 28900 28900 0 0 14.03 14.1-2-11.1 807 Zannitto, Bruce A. Church Rd 40200 210 33600 173000 02 1972 03 2 0 2 1 6 1 300.00 3 300.00 2166 2.06 14.-2-37.11 832 Capovani, Edward L. Rd Church 40200 240 142400 361100 05 2000 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 4 0 2568 120.64 14.1-2-9.2 859 Cernik, James M. Church Rd 40200 210 42000 150000 02 1996 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 1008 9.00 14.1-2-9.1 917 Teixeira, Miguel A. Church Rd 40200 210 43000 183100 01 1962 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1421 9.98 14.1-2-8.2 1001 Dorries, Ernest A. Church Rd 40200 210 41400 170000 01 1971 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 275.00 3 0 1344 8.38 14.1-2-8.1 1039 Dorries, Edward A. Church Rd 40200 210 33800 149800 08 1939 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 290.00 3 0 1460 2.21 14.-2-15.4 1086 Glenville Hill Vol Fire C, Rd Church 40200 322 61000 61000 0 0 28.00 14.1-2-7 1097 Van Patten, Robin Joy Rd Church 40200 210 31100 117800 13 1947 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 133.90 3 177.00 1056 0 9.19-1-20 2 Coletti, Susan E. Clifford Dr 20206 210 33400 137400 01 1950 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 200.00 3 147.84 1110 0 9.19-1-27 3 Loos, David & Nicole Dr Clifford 20206 210 33300 135000 01 1953 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 121.22 3 242.12 1150 0 9.19-1-19 4 Kothman, Geoffrey Clifford Dr 20206 210 31800 161200 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 186.75 1586 0 9.19-1-26 5 Healy, William M. Clifford Dr 20206 210 31200 122400 04 1952 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 161.71 963 0 9.19-1-18 6 Matthews, Jacqueline R. Dr Clifford 20206 210 32300 126500 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 105.71 3 186.75 1100 0 9.19-1-25 7 Bradley, Thomas W. Dr Clifford 20206 210 31500 124400 04 1956 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 161.71 963 0 9.19-1-24 9 Brennan, Susan Clifford 20206 210 31500 136000 04 1956 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 161.71 1125 0 Page 98 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.18-1-12 11 Neilson, William B. Clifford Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 31600 157000 04 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 161.71 1200 0 9.18-1-13 13 Shoemaker, Michael Dr Clifford 20206 210 32000 118100 01 1951 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 186.46 954 0 9.18-1-14 15 Preddice, Jacqueline Dr Clifford 20206 210 32300 135000 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1392 0 9.18-1-15 17 Peltier, Daniel A. Clifford 20206 210 32500 153900 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1200 0 9.18-1-16 19 Yattaw, James D/Christine M Dr Clifford 20206 210 32500 164500 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1224 0 9.18-1-17 21 Zardezed, Frank III Clifford Dr 20206 210 32500 143000 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1296 0 15.-1-18.1 25 Musco, Anthony Clifford Dr 20206 210 45400 357000 01 2002 07 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2828 10.44 14.3-1-9.2 Davis, Alice M. Closson Rd 40200 311 40300 40300 0 0 7.54 Knowland, Charles A. Rd Closson 40200 322 46900 46900 925.00 650.00 13.87 3 640.00 1408 3.20 14.3-1-10.1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 14.3-1-18 302 Kline, Travis B & Closson Rd 40200 210 35300 187500 01 1959 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 125.00 14.3-3-19 303 Aho, Carl J. Closson Rd 40200 210 31500 185300 04 1949 03 3 0 1 0 5 1 118.50 3 275.00 1800 0 14.3-1-17 304 Diggins Daniel P & Barbara M, Rd Closson 40200 210 35800 244700 08 1900 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 225.00 4 640.00 2941 3.50 14.3-3-18 305 Schmieder, Norma Closson Rd 40200 210 33400 158000 04 1951 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 203.00 3 420.00 1558 1.90 14.3-1-16.1 306 Coutant Alan N & Irene J, Rd Closson 40200 210 35400 180900 01 1963 02 3 1 1 0 4 1 335.00 3 632.00 1640 4.86 14.3-3-17 307 Glass, Bruce P. Closson Rd 40200 210 32000 174000 04 1955 03 2 1 1 1 2 1 101.50 3 420.00 1600 1.00 14.3-3-16 309 Burchhardt, Otto A. Closson Rd 40200 210 38100 164400 01 1951 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 101.00 3 0 1520 5.10 14.3-1-14 310 Barkley, Kristine A. Closson Rd 40200 210 40600 205400 05 1981 01 2 1 2 0 3 1 506.00 3 640.00 1632 7.62 14.3-3-15 311 Birchler, Amy L. Closson Rd 40200 210 33500 136300 13 1950 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 203.50 3 430.00 1336 2.00 Page 99 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.3-3-14 315 Orlando, Gaetano Closson Rd Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 40200 314 7500 7500 101.00 430.00 1.00 32000 149100 01 1954 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 101.50 3 430.00 1134 1.00 14.3-3-13 317 Budesheim, Andrew J. Rd Closson 14.3-1-13 320 Venditti Fam. Trust, Anthony L. & Mary 40200Jo Rd 210 Closson 38000 185000 01 1976 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 335.00 3 649.00 1680 5.00 14.3-3-12 321 Wesley, Steven A. Closson Rd 40200 210 33500 159000 01 1951 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 203.00 3 430.00 1388 2.00 14.3-3-11 323 Fraley, Jennifer D. Closson Rd 40200 210 32000 195000 01 1956 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 101.00 3 420.00 1858 1.00 14.3-1-12 324 Peterson, Wayne M. Rd Closson 40200 210 34000 180000 02 1978 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 150.00 3 646.20 2268 2.30 14.3-3-10 325 Ellwanger, Keith Closson Rd 40200 210 32000 214600 05 1987 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 101.00 3 400.00 1800 1.00 14.3-3-9 327 Griesemer, Charles E. Rd Closson 40200 210 32000 219000 04 1951 03 3 0 2 1 2 1 101.50 3 420.00 2302 1.00 14.3-3-8 329 Carstens, John Closson Rd 40200 210 32000 217100 01 1954 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 101.00 3 400.00 1924 1.00 14.3-3-7 331 Cejka, Kyle Closson Rd 40200 210 38300 227600 05 1990 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 101.00 3 0 2032 5.30 14.3-1-11 332 Hoff, John G. Closson Rd 40200 210 39200 198000 04 1979 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 425.00 3 656.00 1729 6.20 14.3-3-6 337 Oathout, Eric J. Closson Rd 40200 210 32000 193400 01 1960 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 101.00 3 415.00 1624 1.00 14.3-3-5 339 O Neil , Michael Closson Rd 40200 210 32000 152500 04 1951 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 101.50 3 415.00 1344 1.00 14.3-3-4 341 Goldstein, Samuel M. Rd Closson 40200 210 32000 182900 04 1951 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 101.00 3 430.00 1752 1.00 14.3-1-9.1 342 Gibbons, Michael P. Rd Closson 40200 240 40300 211400 02 1975 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2392 7.29 14.3-3-3.1 343 Campbell, Gail A. Closson Rd 40200 210 33500 158000 04 1956 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 169.50 3 430.00 1928 2.03 14.63-1-1.111 351 BFC Homebuilder LLC, Rd Closson 40200 311 35800 35800 01 2008 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 2008 3.56 14.63-1-29 353 Duszak, Richard Closson 40200 210 36900 296000 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2307 4.26 Rd 40200 210 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Page 100 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.63-1-30 355 O'Brien, David Closson 14.3-2-11 363 Lamboy, Peter Closson Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 35800 300000 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2214 3.51 Rd 40200 210 34400 217500 01 1974 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1920 2.60 14.3-2-10 365 Knowland, Charles A. Rd Closson 40200 210 33200 214600 03 1954 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 125.00 3 647.00 2000 1.80 14.3-2-9 367 Mortgage Association, Federal National 40200 Rd 210 Closson 33400 216000 01 1965 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 125.00 3 647.15 1920 1.90 14.3-2-8 377 Gerke, Stephen E. Closson Rd 40200 210 42100 273900 05 1975 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 612.00 3 647.00 2508 9.14 14.3-1-8 390 Schmieder, Karen G. Rd Closson 40200 210 34700 162700 01 1955 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 155.00 3 680.00 1829 2.80 14.3-2-7 391 Alesandrini, Eric E. Closson Rd 40200 210 33200 132000 01 1956 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 125.00 3 647.00 1144 1.80 14.3-1-7 392 Garis, Eric V. Closson Rd 40200 210 37600 163300 01 1974 01 4 1 1 1 3 1 300.00 3 680.00 1344 4.70 14.3-2-6 393 Lukasiewicz, Paul S. Jr. Rd Closson 40200 210 35000 252800 05 1985 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 205.00 3 664.50 2085 3.00 14.3-2-5.1 395 Tucker, Eric Closson Rd 40200 210 35800 192200 03 1964 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 300.00 3 0 1346 3.50 14.3-1-6 398 Pietrow, Glenn Closson Rd 40200 210 34600 215900 04 1958 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 125.00 3 250.00 2200 0 14.3-2-3 399 Carlstedt, Jeri L Closson Rd 40200 210 34600 183500 04 1949 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 250.00 2041 0 9.19-2-20 2 Sheppard, Julia R. Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31500 186600 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 104.00 3 156.00 1755 0 9.19-2-40 3 Brady, Patricia A. Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31100 210800 03 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1942 0 9.19-2-19 4 Schell, Michael B. Jr Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 31200 221800 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 152.10 1946 0 9.19-2-39 5 Wintergerst, Peter H. Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 31100 168300 01 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1456 0 9.19-2-18 6 Rennick, Michael + Sandra Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 31200 227500 03 1970 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2125 0 9.19-2-38 7 Leva, Americo J. Cloverleaf 20206 210 31100 200700 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1818 0 Page 101 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.19-2-17 8 Felczak, John S. Cloverleaf 9.19-2-37 9 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 31200 201800 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 153.72 1896 0 Woliner, Howard Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31100 228000 03 1969 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2041 0 9.19-2-16 10 Sheedy, Glenn Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31200 185600 03 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 154.54 1779 0 9.19-2-36 11 Griffin, James A. Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31100 164700 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1532 0 9.19-2-15 12 Jeffreys, James W. Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31300 229500 03 1968 03 2 1 1 2 5 1 100.00 3 156.00 2144 0 9.19-2-14 14 Stern, Sr, Richard Cloverleaf Dr 20206 220 31300 242600 03 1969 03 2 0 2 1 5 2 100.00 3 156.16 2418 0 9.19-2-35 15 Turnbull, Rosemarie A. Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 31100 196500 03 1968 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1898 0 9.19-2-13 16 Andrews, Kenneth R. Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 30400 200000 03 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 156.16 1915 0 9.19-2-34 17 Bergin, Melissa Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31100 174000 01 1969 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1560 0 9.19-2-12 18 Marquard, Kirk Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 30100 205700 03 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 126.00 1896 0 9.19-2-11 20 Lunsford, Matthew + Jennie Kay 20206 Dr 210 Cloverleaf 31400 207000 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2104 0 9.19-2-10 22 Fanto, Richard D. Jr. Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 31400 190000 03 1975 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.40 3 159.33 1961 0 9.19-2-6 23 Broderick, Frank A. III Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 31100 181100 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1700 0 9.19-2-9 24 Fuerst, Irrev. Trust, Karl W. Dr Cloverleaf 20206 210 27600 149600 03 1975 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 56.68 3 175.55 1480 0 9.19-2-7 25 Kuwata, Masayoshi Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 31200 173100 03 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 101.02 3 150.00 1680 0 9.19-2-8 27 Maher, Mark J. Cloverleaf Dr 20206 210 25300 215000 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 56.04 3 163.83 2052 0 16.13-5-10 3 Tassone, Tiffany F. Colin Dr 20205 210 27400 409100 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 314.75 5 300.00 3361 0.68 16.13-5-11 5 Hartt, Carmen & Ricky Dr Colin 20205 210 27400 307100 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 126.33 3 277.12 2750 0.71 Page 102 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-5-9 6 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Taft, Daniel G & Amy Dr Colin 20205 210 27400 337000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 101.52 3 253.27 2478 0.69 16.13-5-12 7 O'Donnell, Eugene Colin 20205 210 27000 340000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 108.70 4 220.11 2940 0.50 16.13-5-13 9 Brady, Kevin M & Joelle M Dr Colin 20205 210 27000 288800 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 121.44 4 169.04 2276 0.50 16.13-5-28 Pahl, David D. Colin 20205 311 13800 13800 101.05 195.70 0.69 16.13-5-27 8 Sarnowicz, Kevin P & Gretchen A 20205 Dr 210 Colin 27100 300000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 140.00 3 239.40 2234 0.57 39.29-1-34 101 Reece, Randy D. Collins St 10300 210 20200 148100 04 1940 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 43.00 3 155.18 1013 0 39.29-1-14 102 Tiberio, Thomas P. Collins St 10300 210 24400 230000 04 1945 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 69.00 4 344.80 1915 0 39.29-1-33 103 Turski, Lawrence B. St Collins 10300 210 20200 120600 13 1910 01 3 0 2 0 2 1 40.26 3 158.65 1310 0 39.29-1-13 104 Hitchcock, Life Estate, Jeanette M. 10300 St 210 Collins 24500 235000 05 1920 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 75.40 3 330.00 2268 0 39.29-1-32 105 Kephart, Alan & Barbara St Collins 10300 210 20200 97900 13 1920 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 40.00 3 159.00 1389 0 39.29-1-12 106 Gatta-Norton, Teresa St Collins 10300 210 24400 235000 05 1939 02 2 2 3 3 4 1 75.40 4 307.50 2344 0 39.29-1-31 107 Dolezal, Thomas E. St Collins 10300 210 20200 118900 13 1923 06 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 159.17 1120 0 39.29-1-11 108 Melbourne, John Collins St 10300 210 24100 215000 05 1920 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 56.52 4 303.00 2472 0 39.29-1-10 110 Powell, Christina M Collins St 10300 210 24100 196400 05 1922 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 56.53 4 311.70 1776 0 39.29-1-30 111 Griffiths, Gareth Collins St 10300 210 20700 150000 04 1930 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 80.60 4 155.97 1350 0 39.29-1-29 113 Riecke, Marilyn & Gail St Collins 10300 210 20100 111200 13 1935 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.26 3 149.57 1296 0 39.29-1-28 115 Wheeler, Christal Collins St 10300 210 20300 138400 08 1910 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.33 3 146.37 1186 0 29.68-2-20 9 Nassar, Karie L Commerce St 10201 210 18200 114600 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1328 0 Dr Page 103 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.68-2-19 11 Turner, James E. Commerce 29.76-2-14 12 Reinhardt, Teresa Commerce Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10201 210 18700 118000 08 1890 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1628 0 St 10201 210 18200 98000 08 1925 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1584 0 29.76-2-13 14 Davidson, Carrieann & St Commerce 10201 210 18200 137300 08 1927 03 3 0 2 0 5 1 40.00 3 150.00 1626 0 29.76-2-12 16 Koch, Timothy D. Commerce 10201 210 18200 108500 08 1927 03 3 0 1 0 6 1 40.00 3 150.00 1736 0 29.68-2-18 17 O'Malley, Sean & Andrea St Commerce 10201 210 18700 137800 08 1918 04 3 0 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1710 0 29.68-2-17 19 Brunson, LaQuisha M. St Commerce 10201 210 18200 106300 13 1933 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1200 0 29.76-2-11 20 Bushnell, John Commerce St 10201 210 18700 100700 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1652 0 29.68-2-16 21 Horan, Abbigael Commerce St 10201 210 18700 105000 08 1902 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 2 150.00 1040 0 29.76-2-10 22 Hay, Michael Commerce St 10201 210 18200 97300 08 1910 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 2 150.00 1340 0 29.76-2-9 24 De Angelo, James P. St Commerce 10201 210 18200 147900 05 1989 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1470 0 29.68-2-15 25 Sanders, Robert R. III St Commerce 10201 210 18400 117600 01 1953 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 150.00 1120 0 29.68-2-14 29 Casella Irrevocable Trust, Sonia 10201 St 210 Commerce 18800 135400 08 1938 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1499 0 29.68-2-10 30 Adams, Anne P. Commerce St 10201 210 18700 116700 08 1900 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1040 0 29.68-2-13 33 Mercado, Ivan A. Commerce St 10201 210 18700 139700 13 1930 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 2 150.00 1854 0 29.68-2-11 34 Bodenstab Rev. Trust, Caroline L. 10201 St 210 Commerce 18700 133700 01 1957 03 3 0 1 1 5 1 80.00 3 150.00 1600 0 29.68-2-12 36 Moynihan, Cynthia Commerce St 10201 210 18700 73100 13 1920 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 2 150.00 572 0 29.68-2-3 42 Village Of Scotia, Commerce St 10201 311 18400 18400 150.00 60.00 0 30300 164100 1 80.00 3 150.00 1608 0 22.6-2-18 2 De Witt, William & Stella (LE) Pl Compton 20304 210 03 1953 Page 104 of 628 01 2 1 2 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 1 3 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.6-2-19 4 David S Whalen , Compton 22.6-2-20 8 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pl 20304 210 33400 255200 05 1959 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 200.00 3 150.00 2429 0 Menzer, Richard Compton Pl 20304 210 31100 199000 03 1959 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2408 0 22.6-2-21 10 Armstrong, Kyle J. Compton Pl 20304 210 31100 214800 03 1959 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 150.00 2334 0 22.6-2-22 12 Engevold, Tamara Lynn Pl Compton 20304 210 31100 199000 03 1962 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2140 0 22.6-2-1 14 Zotta Michael L & Angela, Pl Compton 20304 210 30700 207300 03 1959 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2162 0 29.68-2-4 Kristel, Julia Concord St 10201 311 18200 18200 40.00 150.00 0 29.76-2-22 3 Pierce, James Concord St 10201 210 19000 117300 08 1893 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 120.00 3 150.00 1144 0 29.76-2-30 6 Wilkins, Kenneth M. St Concord 10201 210 18200 99300 13 1930 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1202 0 29.76-2-29 8 Casanova, Hans H & Shirley J St Concord 10201 210 18700 121700 01 1950 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1221 0 29.76-2-23 9 LaPlante, Trevor Concord St 10201 210 18700 116700 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 150.00 1296 0 29.76-2-28 14 Miller, John Concord St 10201 210 18700 142700 01 1959 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1464 0 29.76-2-24 15 Lightsey, Daniel R. Concord St 10201 210 18200 81000 13 1927 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 675 0 29.76-2-27 16 Guardian Perservation, LLC, St Concord 10201 210 18700 159000 04 1950 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1560 0 29.76-2-25 17 Overstreet, Walter E. St Concord 10201 210 18200 154300 05 1991 03 2 1 1 0 5 1 40.00 3 150.00 1544 0 29.76-2-26.2 20 Kimm, Bird Concord St 10201 210 18700 141000 04 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1262 0 29.68-2-9 21 Pecci, Trina Concord St 10201 210 18700 119000 04 1930 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1132 0 29.76-2-26.1 22 Moughan, Kevin J & Karen M St Concord 10201 210 18700 141800 05 1999 03 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1307 0 29.68-2-8 23 Gawlas, Raymond J. St Concord 10201 210 18400 151400 02 1967 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 150.00 1934 0 Page 105 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.68-2-7 25 Lewis, Philip J. Concord 29.68-2-5 102 Kristel, Julia Concord 30.5-4-36 1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10201 210 18800 100300 13 1907 04 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 2 150.00 1140 0 St 10201 210 18000 116100 08 1900 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 36.00 3 150.00 896 0 Pagnotta, Michael D. Blvd Cornell 20202 210 33700 139200 04 1941 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 150.25 1424 0 30.5-4-24 2 Melanson, David M. Blvd Cornell 20202 210 36300 145500 04 1941 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1485 0 30.5-4-35 3 Sobieski, John R. Cornell Blvd 20202 210 35200 137200 04 1955 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 165.00 1380 0 30.5-4-25 4 Palmer, John F Jr & Blvd Cornell 20202 210 36300 138900 04 1942 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 90.00 3 200.00 900 0 30.5-4-34 5 Conley, Daniel J. Jr. Blvd Cornell 20202 210 35500 148700 04 1942 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 175.00 1516 0 30.5-4-26 6 Eggenberger, Helen J. Blvd Cornell 20202 210 35200 146400 04 1942 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 200.00 1457 0 30.5-4-33 7 Militano, Dominick J. Blvd Cornell 20202 210 35700 137000 04 1942 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 190.00 1206 0 30.5-4-27 8 Laurenty, David M & Brooke J Blvd Cornell 20202 210 35200 137400 04 1943 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 200.00 1344 0 30.5-4-32 9 Giaquinto, Peter A. Cornell Blvd 20202 210 31500 131000 04 1942 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 140.00 1370 0 30.5-4-28 10 Wieszies, Robert W. Blvd Cornell 20202 210 35200 132900 04 1942 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 200.00 1245 0 30.5-4-29 12 Cereo, Christopher M. Blvd Cornell 20202 210 36300 158200 04 1940 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 90.00 3 200.00 1533 0 30.5-4-30 16 Wolfe, Walter J. Cornell 20202 210 36300 144600 04 1941 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1461 0 15.3-2-87 MCAL Properties, LLC, Ln Country Fair 20203 311 300 300 10.00 143.00 0 Neumann, Elvira B. Country Fair La 20303 311 8900 8900 60.00 145.00 0 15.3-2-28 2 Doyle, Sean P. Country Fair La 20303 210 34200 165300 01 1970 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 115.00 3 149.97 1224 0 15.3-2-29 4 Florence, Shelly C Country Fair La 20303 210 33300 211700 03 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 4 141.19 1979 0 15.3-2-49 Page 106 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Blvd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-2-55.2 5 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Parks, Michael P. Country Fair La 20206 210 31300 219800 05 1996 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 103.00 3 151.00 1992 0 15.3-2-30 6 Schultz, William N. Jr Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 217200 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 140.10 2128 0 15.3-2-54 7 Pardee, George F. Country Fair La 20303 210 34300 192100 02 1970 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 128.61 3 151.80 2300 0 15.3-2-31 8 Mc Manaman, Gwendolyn J. Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 203600 02 1977 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 108.00 3 140.86 2321 0 15.3-2-53.1 9 Schultz, Richard C. Jr Country Fair La 20303 210 36500 175900 02 1968 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 0 1986 1.34 15.3-2-32 10 Becker, James A & Barbara A Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 212300 05 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 107.00 3 142.45 1746 0 15.3-2-33 12 Oliver, Dawn M Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 163400 02 1967 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 106.00 3 144.02 1950 0 15.3-2-52 13 D'ercole, Thomas A. Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 204200 01 1968 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 145.00 1992 0 15.3-2-34 14 Lauser, Rachel Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 191400 01 1965 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 145.48 1967 0 15.3-2-51 15 Grandy, Kyle Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 227300 05 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 145.00 2168 0 15.3-2-35 16 Karnaukhov, Andrei Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 169500 02 1966 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 103.00 3 147.11 1712 0 15.3-2-50 17 Cuomo, Anthony N. Country Fair La 20303 210 33400 175700 01 1960 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 145.00 1594 0 15.3-2-36 18 Joseph, Lambert Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 239300 03 1960 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 102.00 3 148.00 2546 0 15.3-2-48.21 19 Neumann, Elvira B. Country Fair La 20303 210 38700 224700 04 1962 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 0 2490 2.77 15.3-2-37 20 John, Kevin M. Country Fair La 20303 210 33100 210500 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 101.00 3 149.77 2288 0 15.3-2-47.1 21 Kutil, Kenneth J. Country Fair La 20303 210 38000 185000 01 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 0 1600 2.35 15.3-2-38 22 Ray, Bruce W. Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 190200 03 1960 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 101.00 3 150.56 2054 0 15.3-2-46.1 23 Montalbano, Vincent J. Country Fair La 20303 210 38200 183800 02 1962 03 3 0 2 2 4 1 105.00 4 0 2184 2.45 Page 107 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-2-39 24 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Shea, Kenneth Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 227700 05 1961 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 151.35 2363 0 15.3-2-45.1 25 Welch, Michael C. Country Fair La 20303 210 38200 200900 03 1960 01 2 1 3 1 4 1 110.00 3 0 1828 2.47 15.3-2-40 26 Elliott, Deborah H. Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 206700 03 1965 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 100.00 4 152.14 2344 0 15.3-2-44.1 27 King, Audrey S. Country Fair La 20303 210 38200 170000 01 1961 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 110.00 3 145.00 1704 2.47 15.3-2-41 28 Factor, Jodie Country Fair La 20303 210 33200 228100 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 152.93 2160 0 15.3-2-43.1 29 Pearce, Dean M. Country Fair La 20303 210 41900 244400 04 1966 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 152.97 4 0 2716 4.90 15.3-2-42 30 Buchakjian, Leonard M. Country Fair La 20303 210 33900 258300 02 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 116.20 4 153.86 2858 0 22.1-2-2 31 Spiry, Theodore Country Fair La 20203 210 27700 226000 05 1984 03 4 1 2 1 4 1 114.00 3 150.00 2076 0 22.1-2-15 32 Carl, John J. Trust Country Fair La 20203 210 29100 173100 01 1984 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 245.00 1286 0 22.1-2-3 33 Bond, Robert R. Country Fair La 20203 210 27100 255400 05 1982 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2076 0 22.1-2-14 34 Cieslak, Mark Country Fair La 20203 210 29400 240000 05 1979 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 306.00 2076 0 22.1-2-4 35 Dunleavy, Christopher M. Country Fair La 20203 210 27100 251000 05 1979 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2378 0 22.1-2-10 36 Stone, Kathryn Country Fair La 20203 210 26500 233600 05 1982 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 70.00 3 164.00 2124 0 22.1-2-5 37 Le Febvre, Richard J. Country Fair La 20203 210 27100 259900 05 1979 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2166 0 22.1-2-9 38 Draves, Michele E. Country Fair La 20203 210 27500 177400 03 1985 03 4 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 164.00 1857 0 22.1-2-6 39 So, Sherwin Country Fair La 20203 210 27200 184500 03 1980 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 101.00 3 150.00 1899 0 22.1-2-8 40 Sheaffer, Jeffrey D. Country Fair La 20203 210 29000 200700 03 1980 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 237.00 2090 0 22.1-2-7 42 Shaw, Donald P. Jr Country Fair La 20203 210 28500 220200 03 1979 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 187.00 2458 0 Page 108 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.4-2-26 1 Seefeld, Raymond Countryside 9.4-2-12.11 2 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ct 20205 210 66900 557000 05 2004 03 2 0 4 1 4 1 0 4 0 4056 4.63 Rhodes, Michael D Countryside Ct 20205 210 32800 474500 05 2005 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 36.74 4 0 3014 2.21 9.4-2-27 3 Whitton, John P. Countryside Ct 20205 240 49300 450450 06 2004 03 2 0 4 1 5 1 0 4 0 3544 12.10 9.4-2-28 4 Emmer, Frank Countryside Ct 20205 240 49600 350000 06 2003 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2745 12.31 9.4-1-29 301 Kenneally, William Covington Ct 20401 210 57700 575400 06 1991 01 3 0 3 3 4 1 0 5 0 3260 6.66 9.4-1-26 302 Hayner, Jon & Alison Ct Covington 20206 210 40500 386200 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2959 5.46 9.4-1-27 303 Kravitz Family trust, Mary C. Ct Covington 20401 210 56700 481800 06 1991 01 3 0 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 3194 5.68 9.4-1-28 304 Egan, Michael J. Covington Ct 20206 210 40300 408700 06 1998 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2919 5.25 29.76-1-22 Village Of Scotia, Craigie Ave 40100 331 29800 43300 60.00 120.00 0 O'Brey, Carol A. Craigie Ave 10201 311 18300 18300 60.00 130.00 0 Feldman, Daniel + Debra Ave Craigie 10201 311 600 600 65.33 25.85 0 Hale, James A. Craigie Ave 40100 331 35000 39200 120.00 130.00 0 29.76-1-31.1 1 McGrath, Gregory Craigie Ave 10201 210 18700 110000 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 73.00 3 166.00 1284 0 29.76-1-30 3 Drechsler, Jonathan Ave Craigie 10201 210 18100 91200 13 1900 04 2 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 2 65.00 1142 0 29.76-1-21.1 4 Lees, Jane C. Craigie 10201 210 18100 139500 04 1950 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 120.00 1411 0 29.76-1-29 7 Onderdonk-Milne, Nicholas/Victoria 10201 Ave 210 Craigie 18300 145800 05 1935 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 130.00 1698 0 29.76-1-28 11 Pitts, Linda L. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 98600 13 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 130.00 1110 0 29.76-1-27 13-15 Gribben, Jennifer Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 157100 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 58.00 3 130.00 1350 0 29.76-1-24.2 29.75-2-1 Ave Page 109 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 29.75-2-15.2 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.76-1-23 14 Bosy, Christine A. Craigie 29.76-1-26 17 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10201 210 18800 158200 08 1900 01 3 0 2 1 5 2 120.00 3 120.00 2305 0 Dwyer, Kevin M. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 148100 05 1950 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 130.00 2123 0 29.76-1-24.1 20 Sweet, Emma Craigie Ave 10201 210 18700 100100 13 1910 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 97.00 3 120.00 1152 0 29.75-2-17.1 21 Burnett, Jameelah M. Ave Craigie 10201 210 18600 118600 01 1955 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 130.00 1025 0 29.76-1-25.11 26 Feldman, Daniel M. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18700 101100 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 72.30 3 120.00 1296 0 29.75-2-16 29 Geanopoulos, Demetrios Ave Craigie 10201 220 18300 136700 04 1950 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 60.00 3 130.00 1617 0 29.75-1-17 36 Lather, William & Donna Ave Craigie 10201 215 19500 120000 13 1940 06 3 0 2 0 4 2 151.00 3 196.60 1638 0 29.75-2-15.1 37 O Brey Carol A, Craigie Ave 10201 220 18300 169500 12 1955 02 3 0 2 0 6 2 60.00 3 130.00 2496 0 29.75-2-14 39 Shi Zhen Zhou, & Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 194000 05 2006 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 60.00 3 130.00 2207 0 29.75-1-16.1 42 Gannon, Michael T. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18800 167300 05 2009 03 3 1 2 0 3 1 80.00 4 183.10 1913 0.33 29.75-1-16.2 46 Audet, Dolores J. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18800 110000 08 1945 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 183.10 1144 0.32 29.75-2-13 49 Johnson, Kenneth A. Ave Craigie 10201 220 18800 121100 08 1917 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 110.00 3 130.00 1040 0 29.75-1-15 52 Budlong, Mark J. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18700 81600 13 1940 01 3 0 1 0 1 1 80.00 3 168.70 588 0 29.75-1-14 54 Ostrom, Sue Craigie Ave 10201 210 18200 102700 13 1938 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 157.90 1056 0 29.75-1-13 58 Glindmyer, Sheri L. Craigie Ave 10201 210 19000 128600 04 1949 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 157.90 1080 0 29.75-1-12 64 Gatta, Carmen A/Genevieve G Ave Craigie 10201 210 18900 203000 05 1955 03 2 0 3 0 6 1 120.00 3 147.10 2472 0 29.75-1-11 68 Gatta, Joseph M. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 127800 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 136.30 1260 0 29.75-1-10 72 Cranna, Stacie K. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 140500 02 1979 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 132.00 1464 0 Page 110 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.75-1-9 74 Shults, Amanda M. Craigie 29.75-1-8 78 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10201 210 18300 96000 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 130.00 720 0 Maul, Cathy M. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 93600 01 1950 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 123.00 840 0 29.75-2-12 101 Deetz, Valerie A. Craigie Ave 10201 210 19000 127200 08 1928 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 140.00 3 130.00 1496 0 29.75-2-11 111 Dickinson, Louise A. Ave Craigie 10201 210 18300 136100 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 130.00 1477 0 29.75-2-10 119 O'Brey, Carol A. (LE) Ave Craigie 10201 210 19100 250600 01 1970 02 2 0 3 2 3 1 150.00 4 130.00 2275 0 29.75-1-6 200 Meers, Sandra L. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18300 99200 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 70.00 3 111.10 1350 0 29.75-1-4 202 Bisaillon, Timothy G. Ave Craigie 10201 210 18400 112400 08 1938 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 103.75 1601 0 29.75-2-2.1 221 O'Brien , Joan K. Craigie Ave 10201 210 18600 136900 08 1913 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 130.00 1232 0 29.66-1-20 325 Slusarz, Brian Craigie Ave 10201 220 18300 139600 04 1950 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 60.00 2 130.00 1776 0 29.76-1-25.12 Sweet, Emma Craigie Ave - rear 10201 311 600 600 38.69 20.00 0 Ave 20301 311 49200 49200 160.88 147.20 0 38.7-2-1.2 1 Cynthia Florio, Life Estate, Ave Cramer 20200 210 21200 160000 1 160.48 3 169.59 1296 0 8.-2-10.2 Whitten, Thomas A. St Crane 40200 321 17000 17000 0 0 3.00 Whitten, Thomas A. St Crane 40200 322 30500 30500 0 0 21.40 Davidson, George A. St Crane 40200 105 30000 30000 0 0 31.44 5.-1-13.2 111 Doherty, Linda J. Crane St 40200 240 48000 368500 05 1999 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 0 3 0 3406 15.00 22.6-1-33 10 Miller, Richard L. Cumberland Pl 20304 210 31100 180000 03 1956 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1727 0 22.6-1-34 12 Van Allen, Robert & Tracey Pl Cumberland 20304 210 31100 199900 03 1956 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2124 0 8.-2-10.1 5.-1-13.1 Savage, Robert H. Cramer 01 2004 Page 111 of 628 03 2 0 2 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 3 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 38.7-2-26 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.6-1-35 14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Mc Pherson, Gary J. Pl Cumberland 20304 210 31100 180000 03 1956 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1727 0 22.6-3-12 15 Reed, Robert W. Cumberland Pl 20304 210 31100 185200 03 1954 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1937 0 22.6-1-36 16 Fried, Jake T. Cumberland Pl 20304 210 31100 218500 03 1956 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2398 0 22.6-3-11 17 Herbst, Gregory Cumberland Pl 20304 210 31100 158500 01 1953 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1332 0 22.6-1-37 18 Commisa, Anthony L. Pl Cumberland 20304 210 32600 196000 01 1956 03 2 0 2 2 3 1 133.31 3 150.00 1840 0 22.6-3-10 19 Noorzai, Casey Cumberland Pl 20304 210 31100 174800 05 1952 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1560 0 29.76-2-3 1 Jourdain, Karl R. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 120800 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 38.66 3 161.25 1449 0 29.76-3-21 2 Hagin, Kellie E. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 97400 13 1920 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 45.00 3 110.00 1482 0 29.76-2-4 3 Kownack, James L. Jr St Cuthbert 10201 210 18100 126200 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 37.00 3 151.87 1512 0 29.76-3-20 4 Park, Sara Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 97200 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.17 3 110.00 1088 0 29.76-2-5 5 Wojcik, Nikolas R. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18200 119000 13 1924 01 2 1 2 0 4 1 37.00 3 182.50 1596 0 29.76-3-19 6 Pashley, Richard A Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 107000 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 48.33 3 110.00 1088 0 29.76-2-6 7 Guardian Preservation LLC, St Cuthbert 10201 220 18200 109800 08 1910 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 38.66 3 173.12 1950 0 29.76-3-18 8 Williford, Theresa D. St Cuthbert 10201 210 15000 133100 08 1925 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.33 3 110.00 1250 0 29.76-2-7 9 Carlson, Kristy Cuthbert St 10201 210 18200 134400 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 38.66 3 163.73 1680 0 29.76-3-17 10 Ruscitto, Jacqueline St Cuthbert 10201 210 15000 97800 13 1924 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 110.00 1531 0 29.76-2-8 11 Carusone, Elizabeth St Cuthbert 10201 210 18100 96500 13 1920 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 38.66 3 154.37 1285 0 29.76-3-16 12 Shupe, Glen H. Cuthbert 10201 210 18100 120500 08 1924 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 110.00 1983 0 Page 112 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.76-3-15 14 Story, Jean E. Cuthbert Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10201 210 18500 95200 08 1925 04 2 0 1 0 4 1 83.33 3 120.00 1292 0 29.76-2-15 15 Rosenberg, Edward F. St Cuthbert 10201 220 18700 120000 08 1900 03 3 0 3 1 6 2 82.82 3 172.50 3085 0 29.76-2-17.1 19 Bergendahl, Peter A. St Cuthbert 10201 210 18600 134400 13 1930 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 71.00 3 152.00 1755 0 29.76-3-14 20 Byron, Kevin T Cuthbert St 10201 220 18100 104100 08 1920 01 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.33 3 166.00 1656 0 29.76-2-18 21 Nashed, Nesrine Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 140200 13 1925 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 38.66 4 135.00 1764 0 29.76-3-13 22 Treiber, Barbara E. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18500 133100 08 1906 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 66.67 3 140.00 1158 0 29.76-2-19 23 Auricchio, Albert A. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 77400 13 1925 04 2 0 1 0 1 1 38.66 2 125.62 792 0 29.76-2-20 25 Sawyer, Richard E. Cuthbert St 10201 210 17400 85000 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 38.66 3 116.25 1344 0 29.76-2-21 27 Scofield, Peter M. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 118100 13 1935 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 38.66 3 106.87 1398 0 29.76-3-12 28 Pitts, Robert L & Susan St Cuthbert 10201 210 18500 106000 13 1930 06 2 0 1 1 2 1 66.00 3 140.00 864 0 29.76-2-31 29 Arnold, Wayne Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 126000 13 1935 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 36.00 3 165.00 1617 0.14 29.76-2-32 31 Lewis, David James St Cuthbert 10201 210 18200 127600 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 41.24 3 146.25 1107 0 29.76-3-11 32 Noftle, Benjamin Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 92700 13 1930 06 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 140.00 1332 0 29.76-2-33 33 Parisi, Orizio Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 98500 01 1940 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 38.66 3 146.25 1120 0 29.76-3-10 34 Robich, John M. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18500 107100 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 66.60 3 140.00 1232 0 29.76-2-34 35 Hladik, Angela Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 92400 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 1 1 38.66 3 136.87 714 0 29.76-2-35 37 La Brie, Paul J. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18700 116100 08 1917 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 77.32 2 167.50 1200 0 29.76-3-9 38 Mose, Lawrence S. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18100 91100 13 1935 04 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 960 0 Page 113 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.76-3-8 40 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Kuchera, Brianne L. St Cuthbert 10201 210 18100 89500 13 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1440 0 29.76-2-36 41 Place, Kimberly Ann Lippman St Cuthbert 10201 210 18100 148600 05 1996 03 3 0 2 0 5 1 37.50 3 144.00 1900 0 29.76-3-7 42 Murtagh, Joshua Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 107500 13 1913 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1440 0 29.76-2-37 43 Salerno, Donna J. (LE) St Cuthbert 10201 210 18100 96800 13 1912 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 38.66 3 139.37 1221 0 29.76-3-6 44 Murphy, Ruth E. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 122400 13 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1668 0 30.69-3-18 45 VanHeusen, Jerilyn Cuthbert St 10203 210 23100 148800 13 1920 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 50.00 3 110.00 640 0 30.69-3-18 45 VanHeusen, Jerilyn Cuthbert St 10203 210 23100 148800 13 1920 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 110.00 1106 0 29.76-3-5 46 Geisler, Charles D. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 92200 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 960 0 30.69-3-19 47 Partington, Daniel J. St Cuthbert 10203 210 13100 93800 13 1926 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 39.50 3 98.25 722 0 29.76-3-4 48 Cramer, Frederick L. Jr St Cuthbert 10201 210 18000 90200 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 960 0 30.69-3-20 49 Afinowicz, Gayle Cuthbert St 10203 210 16100 118600 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 78.00 1569 0 29.76-3-3 50 Zemeck, Matthew Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 86000 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1086 0 30.69-3-21 51 Gauvin, Christopher M. St Cuthbert 10203 210 16300 120000 01 1951 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 86.03 3 89.50 1080 0 29.76-3-2 52 Hicks, Stephen R. Cuthbert St 10201 210 18000 110800 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1540 0 29.76-3-1 54 Greenough, James J. St Cuthbert 10201 210 18400 110000 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 110.00 1600 0 30.69-3-22 55 Ostrander, Harold S & Helen A St Cuthbert 10203 210 16200 102800 13 1926 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 66.67 3 98.50 1336 0 30.69-3-31 58 Purcell, Christopher J. St Cuthbert 10203 210 16000 111600 13 1927 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1144 0 30.69-3-23 59 Stanek, Arlene G. Cuthbert 10203 210 16200 120800 01 1973 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 67.00 3 89.50 1020 0 Page 114 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.69-3-32 60 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Andrews, Kimberly J St Cuthbert 10203 210 16000 83500 04 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1140 0 30.69-3-33 62 Collins, Mary L. Cuthbert St 10203 210 16000 91300 04 1933 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1170 0 30.69-3-24 63 Lyon, Philip Edward St Cuthbert 10203 210 13300 83500 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.33 3 112.00 713 0 30.69-3-34 64 Karlquist, Cynthia Margo St Cuthbert 10203 210 16000 91200 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 848 0 30.69-3-25 65 Federal National Mortgage Ass., Fannie 10203 Mae St 210 Cuthbert 13800 101700 08 1910 04 3 1 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 116.50 1320 0 30.69-3-35 66 DeLella, Cheryl A. (LE) St Cuthbert 10203 210 16000 85700 04 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 4 110.00 738 0 30.69-3-26 67 Pezzuto, Angelo Cuthbert St 10203 220 16200 107700 08 1916 03 2 0 2 0 5 2 50.00 3 116.50 1800 0 30.69-3-36 68 Duel, Walter K. Cuthbert St 10203 210 16400 84900 04 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1210 0 30.69-3-37 68 Duel, Walter K. Cuthbert St 10203 311 16000 16000 40.00 110.00 0 3 136.00 704 0 30.69-3-27 71 Denue, Scott W. Cuthbert 10203 210 16200 88900 13 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 30.69-3-38 72 Goutos, Executor of Estate, Peter10203 C. St 210 Cuthbert 16000 88900 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 780 0 30.69-3-28 73 Hayner, Joseph D. Cuthbert St 10203 210 16400 118100 04 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 66.67 3 136.00 1846 0 30.69-3-39 74 Lowe, Audrey N. Cuthbert St 10203 210 16400 97600 04 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 110.00 1365 0 30.69-2-1 77 Purdy, William J. Cuthbert St 10203 210 16700 79100 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 38.00 3 353.00 540 0 30.69-2-2 79 Klehn, Aaron Cuthbert St 10203 210 16700 82100 13 1920 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 36.00 3 331.81 780 0 30.69-2-3 81 Indilicato, Sharon L. St Cuthbert 10203 210 16600 80500 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 36.00 3 311.70 743 0 30.69-2-4 83 Argyle, Andrea M. Cuthbert St 10203 210 16000 81100 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 38.00 3 120.00 804 0 30.69-2-5 85 Clark, Christine L. Cuthbert St 10203 210 15900 71500 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 36.00 3 120.00 504 0 St Page 115 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.69-2-6 87 Miller, Josephine Cuthbert 30.69-2-10 89 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10203 210 15900 86200 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 36.00 3 120.00 756 0 Baillargeon Family Trust, St Cuthbert 10203 210 16300 74400 13 1920 04 3 0 1 0 2 1 38.00 3 202.18 592 0 30.69-2-11 91 Reutter, Joan Cuthbert St 10203 210 16100 78600 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 36.00 3 187.00 540 0 30.69-2-12 93 Orofino, Bernice C. Cuthbert St 10203 210 15900 77500 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 36.00 3 120.00 540 0 30.69-2-13 95 National Mortgage Association, Federal 10203 St 210 Cuthbert 16100 79800 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 1 1 40.00 3 140.71 684 0 30.69-2-14.1 97 Ingles, Mark R. & Cuthbert St 10203 210 17200 82200 13 1920 03 2 0 1 1 1 1 195.00 3 118.00 668 0 30.69-2-15 104 Pollock, Roy D. Cuthbert St 10203 210 16400 86000 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 110.00 1085 0 30.69-2-16 106 Fabian, Fermin Cuthbert St 10203 210 16000 96500 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1368 0 30.69-2-17 108 VanHeusen, Daniel J St Cuthbert 10203 210 16000 77800 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 840 0 30.69-2-18 110 Rogowski, Joseph M. St Cuthbert 10203 210 16000 80200 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 640 0 30.69-2-19 112 Ramsey, Andrew Cuthbert St 10203 210 16000 83700 13 1925 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 704 0 30.69-2-20 114 Lamp, Jeannette R. St Cuthbert 10203 210 16200 108300 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 110.00 860 0 30.77-1-7 120 Angilletta(Trustee), John D. Jr St Cuthbert 10203 210 16000 80800 04 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 840 0 22.7-1-14 1 Rizzo, Joseph C. Cypress Dr 20304 210 30100 238200 05 1958 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 150.41 2346 0 22.7-2-26 2 Dean, Nicholas E. Cypress Dr 20304 210 26900 193900 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 92.85 4 106.51 1772 0 22.7-1-13 3 Becker, George A. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31100 210000 01 1955 03 2 0 2 2 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 2072 0 22.7-2-25 4 Laramie, Lisa M. Cypress Dr 20304 210 32600 155400 01 1950 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 115.00 3 0 1712 0.37 22.7-1-12 5 Sankowski, Walter W. Dr Cypress 20304 210 31100 175500 01 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1472 0 Page 116 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.7-2-24 6 Murawski, Mark Cypress 22.7-1-11 7 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20304 210 31700 165000 01 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 96.55 3 176.50 1584 0 Shartrand, John M. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31200 181500 01 1953 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1472 0 22.7-2-23 8 Elwell, Gordon B. Cypress Dr 20304 210 33000 202600 01 1956 02 3 1 1 2 3 1 125.00 4 174.91 1924 0 22.7-1-10 9 Delaney, Robert L. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31200 178400 01 1953 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 152.75 1520 0 22.7-2-22 10 Ayers, Scott N. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31300 242400 06 1952 07 3 0 2 1 3 1 149.96 3 105.50 2220 0 22.7-1-9 11 Frederick, Mary J. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31100 152100 01 1953 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 98.00 3 154.00 1232 0 22.7-1-8 13 Carney, Marjorie R. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31200 204100 01 1953 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 98.00 3 155.49 1928 0 22.7-1-7 17 Kazachkov, Yuriy Cypress Dr 20304 210 31200 167500 01 1953 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 98.00 3 157.00 1600 0 22.7-1-6 21 Marotta, Antonio Cypress Dr 20304 210 31000 224000 01 1955 02 3 1 1 2 3 1 93.96 3 156.86 2248 0 15.19-11-5 25 Stater, Christopher Cypress Dr 20304 210 34000 165300 01 1953 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 289.79 3 150.00 1376 0 15.19-11-4 27 Filak, Stephen J. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31100 224600 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2200 0 15.19-11-10 28 Watson, Revocable Trust, Christopher 20304M. Dr 210 Cypress 31100 193600 03 1956 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1727 0 15.19-11-3 29 Dumas, Eileen J. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31100 148200 01 1954 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1088 0 15.19-11-11 30 Mosher, Clarence W. Dr Cypress 20304 210 33200 202100 01 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 180.00 3 150.00 1616 0 15.19-11-2 31 West, William D Cypress Dr 20304 210 31100 149800 01 1954 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1628 0 15.19-11-1 33 De Ruscio, John V. Cypress Dr 20304 210 30300 199100 03 1958 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 2390 0 15.19-11-12 34 Poulin, Kay Cypress Dr 20304 210 33000 189600 01 1955 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 130.00 4 170.00 2123 0 15.18-1-2 36 Kaidas, Victor D. Cypress Dr 20304 210 33400 165000 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 155.00 2 200.00 1859 0 Page 117 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.18-1-9 37 Stebbins, Dennis Cypress 15.18-1-3 38 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20304 210 31200 195400 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 148.84 1818 0 Bowman, Aaron J. Cypress Dr 20304 210 33900 215800 05 1957 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 179.57 3 228.00 1967 0 15.18-1-8 39 Kelly, Robert J. Cypress Dr 20304 210 32200 231400 01 1957 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 154.40 3 130.86 2314 0 15.18-1-4 40 Dowling, Irrevocable Trust, Thomas 20304 S. Dr 210 Cypress 33900 231500 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 180.00 4 228.00 2466 0 15.18-1-7 41 Albano, Mary T. Cypress Dr 20304 210 31300 241700 03 1957 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 155.00 3 100.00 2618 0 15.18-1-5 42 Faraone, Janet M. Cypress Dr 20304 210 33300 227800 03 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 165.00 3 167.06 2292 0 15.18-1-6 43 Hunt, Kevin L. Cypress Dr 20304 210 32500 215500 03 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 187.00 4 103.90 2130 0 29.7-1-17.1 18 Bachleda, Michael S. Rd Dalton 20207 210 35100 131900 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 210.00 3 110.00 924 0 29.7-1-9.11 19 Colucciello, Richard Rd Dalton 20207 210 47700 147500 01 1953 07 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 968 1.29 29.7-1-17.2 20 Horgan, John F. Dalton Rd 20207 210 34400 182500 08 1943 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 113.40 3 172.45 1846 0 29.8-3-1 24 Robinson, Peter L. Dalton Rd 20207 210 35400 141500 01 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 195.00 3 150.00 1468 0 29.8-3-2 28 McDuffee, Elaine Dalton Rd 20302 210 48200 179600 01 1975 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 130.00 3 150.00 1424 0 29.7-1-8.2 17 Marrotta, Margo Dalton Rd 20207 240 35900 209300 01 2009 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 215.83 4 267.55 1660 0.95 29.8-3-5 Roy, Robert Dalton Ave - Rear 20207 311 20000 20000 0 0 1.00 0 0 20.80 29.-4-34 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 State Of New York, Daly's Is 40200 322 61900 61900 22.7-4-6 1 Mattice, John M. Daphne Dr 20304 210 34500 215500 03 1958 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2140 1.30 22.7-2-28 2 Panetta, Richard L. Daphne Dr 20304 210 30800 179500 03 1954 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 99.05 4 141.00 1644 0 22.7-4-5 3 Watts, Donald & Martha Dr Daphne 20304 210 31300 187300 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.95 3 171.53 2016 0 Page 118 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.7-2-27 4 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Williams, Wendy W. Dr Daphne 20304 210 32600 184000 01 1954 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 115.00 3 176.00 1754 0 22.7-4-4 7 Cusano, Anita Daphne 20304 210 31300 196300 03 1957 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 92.00 3 170.00 2100 0 22.7-4-3 9 Murawski, Ronald & Judith Dr Daphne 20304 210 30600 205400 01 1955 02 2 0 3 2 4 1 77.07 3 170.00 1488 0 22.7-3-13 11 Garrison, Kenneth M. Dr Daphne 20304 210 30600 204100 01 1957 02 2 1 2 2 3 1 103.94 4 125.74 1880 0 15.19-10-1.1 Town of Glenville, David 20203 311 12800 12800 0 0 3.78 3 150.00 1210 0 Dr NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 15.19-2-16 2 Covert, Carol M David Dr 20203 210 26100 139900 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 15.19-10-5 3 Delorenzo, Susan M. Dr David 20203 210 26100 100400 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 150.00 720 0 15.19-2-17 4 Lemley, Charles T. David 20203 210 26100 115000 04 1949 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 150.00 1344 0 15.19-10-4 5 Godlewski, Michael + Alicia Dr David 20203 210 27800 178000 01 1960 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 232.92 1596 0 15.19-2-18 6 Thomas, Robert J. David 20203 210 26100 116000 01 1949 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 150.00 1084 0 15.19-10-3 9 Banowetz, Daniel L & Kris A Dr David 20203 210 27100 172000 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 200.00 1740 0 15.19-10-2 11 Greenough, Leslie A. Dr David 20203 210 32900 177500 01 1951 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 1707 2.90 15.7-3-23 1 Skochko, George W & Valentina 20206 Dr 210 Dawn 30700 172000 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 110.39 4 121.04 1806 0 15.7-3-10 2 Lenart, Edward J. Dawn Dr 20206 210 32300 198000 03 1968 03 2 1 2 0 5 1 183.50 4 93.10 1947 0 15.7-3-22 3 Duque, Danny A. Dawn Dr 20206 210 31300 156000 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 4 154.00 1560 0 15.7-3-11 4 Cerrone, Michael P. Dawn Dr 20206 210 33400 158500 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 156.38 3 192.26 1566 0 15.7-3-21 5 Souliske, Paul J. Dawn Dr 20206 210 31100 156100 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 154.15 1560 0 15.7-3-12 6 Eignor, James G. Dawn Dr 20206 210 32900 153400 01 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 107.47 3 192.26 1232 0 Dr Dr Page 119 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-3-20 7 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Cochetti-Izzo, Tessa C. Dr Dawn 20206 210 30400 183800 03 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 84.00 4 145.00 2016 0 15.7-3-13 8 Gardner, Jennifer Dawn Dr 20206 210 33000 146600 01 1968 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 101.35 3 201.96 1128 0 15.7-3-19 9 Saupp, John Dawn Dr 20206 210 31700 132000 01 1968 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 85.58 3 199.43 1107 0 15.7-3-14 10 Ludke, Siegwalt Dawn Dr 20206 210 33300 149500 01 1968 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 140.00 3 201.96 1232 0 15.7-3-18 11 Myers, John C. Dawn Dr 20206 210 32700 134600 01 1969 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 94.00 4 199.43 1008 0 15.7-3-17 15 Schwartz Family Trust, Lawrence 20206 & Bernice Dr 210 Dawn 31600 156700 01 1967 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.81 3 185.15 1112 0 15.7-3-16 17 Liberatore, Leora A. Dr Dawn 20206 210 32300 156700 01 1968 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 106.59 4 182.02 1390 0 15.7-3-15 19 Pitt, Dean L. Dawn Dr 20206 210 31600 145300 01 1968 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 106.46 3 163.51 1080 0 5.-1-3.211 Pai, Thomas J. Dawson Rd 40200 312 89000 98500 0 0 62.00 Wheelock, Brian Dawson Rd 40200 311 33500 33500 0 0 2.01 Pai, Thomas Dawson Rd 40200 311 33500 33500 0 0 2.01 Narcavage, Judith M. Rd Dawson 40200 920 11400 11400 0 0 10.30 Miller, Stanley E. Dawson Rd 40200 311 20100 20100 0 0 6.60 Miller, Stanley E. Dawson Rd 40200 311 14700 14700 0 0 6.70 Davis, Dawn M. Dawson Rd 40200 314 3200 3200 0 0 3.90 Pai, Thomas Dawson Rd 40200 322 67600 67600 0 0 33.94 5.-1-6 215 Franz, David J. Dawson Rd 40200 240 60000 296200 05 2001 03 3 1 2 0 3 1 442.35 3 0 2271 26.96 5.-1-9.2 256 Hall, Leah Dawson Rd 40200 210 35000 121900 13 1947 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1088 3.00 5.-1-12.12 5.-1-2 5.-1-17.2 5.-1-17.1 5.-1-1 5.-1-12.111 Page 120 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 5.-1-19 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 5.-1-9.1 288 Rieping, Joseph Jr Dawson 5.-1-3.1 329 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 40700 185600 04 1947 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2097 7.70 Koeppel, Paul H. Dawson Rd 40200 240 50000 310300 11 2002 01 3 0 3 1 3 1 0 3 0 2271 17.00 5.-1-7.1 395 Ardell, Phillip Dawson Rd 40200 210 38000 171000 08 1939 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 1978 2.00 5.-1-18.1 464 Pai, Thomas Dawson Rd 40200 210 34500 407400 06 2011 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3668 2.64 5.-1-3.212 477 Pai, Thomas J. Dawson Rd 40200 220 38700 364000 12 1993 03 2 0 4 2 5 2 0 3 0 4128 5.70 5.-1-5 501 Puliafico, Fredrick F. Rd Dawson 40200 210 36100 161000 05 1830 07 3 0 2 3 4 1 320.00 3 425.00 2640 3.70 5.-1-11 546 Racine, Daniel G. Dawson Rd 40200 210 31700 157800 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 175.00 3 208.50 1368 0 5.-1-3.22 599 Dedell, Stephen J. Dawson Rd 40200 210 35200 277550 06 1993 01 3 1 3 2 4 1 0 3 0 2901 3.10 5.-1-12.2 632 Blond, Leonard P. Dawson Rd 40200 210 38000 281070 05 1993 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2850 5.01 30.37-1-43.1 1 Talbot, Nathaniel R. Pl Deerfield 10100 210 24900 172900 03 1987 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 200.00 1958 0 30.37-1-26 2 Bellotti, Michael A/Katherine Pl Deerfield 10100 210 24300 153000 05 1989 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.03 1772 0 30.37-1-42.1 3 Payne, Cameron Jr Deerfield Pl 10100 210 24900 176300 01 1988 01 2 0 2 0 2 1 80.00 3 150.00 1530 0 30.37-1-27 4 Arduini, Dominick Deerfield Pl 10100 210 24300 177800 03 1988 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 100.03 1672 0 30.37-1-41.1 5 Capogna, Daniel S. Deerfield Pl 10100 210 24900 155900 02 1987 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 201.00 1512 0 30.37-1-28 6 Waterhouse, Jeffrey A. Pl Deerfield 10100 210 24300 155600 01 1987 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.03 1236 0 30.37-1-40.1 7 Di Sabatino, Roland Pl Deerfield 10100 210 24900 170000 03 1987 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 80.00 3 201.00 1935 0 30.37-1-29 8 Mazzucco, William J. Pl Deerfield 10100 210 24300 168800 02 1987 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 100.03 1512 0 30.37-1-39.1 9 Clooney, William Deerfield 10100 210 24900 158100 02 1987 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 201.00 1512 0 Page 121 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Pl Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.37-1-30 10 Frame, Timothy J. Deerfield 30.37-1-38.1 11 Hearn, Ernest Deerfield 30.37-1-31 12 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pl 10100 210 24300 177000 03 1988 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 100.03 1958 0 Pl 10100 210 24900 160000 04 1987 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 201.00 1547 0 Armbruster, John P & Lindsay Pl Deerfield 10100 210 24300 179000 03 1988 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 100.03 1914 0 30.37-1-37.1 13 Gold, Richard Deerfield Pl 10100 210 24900 160000 04 1987 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 201.00 1268 0 30.37-1-32 14 Roman, Margarita Deerfield Pl 10100 210 24300 163900 02 1987 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 103.00 1716 0 30.37-1-36.1 15 Aragosa, Patrick T. Deerfield Pl 10100 210 24900 177500 03 1986 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 201.00 1935 0 30.37-1-33 16 Karic, Damir Deerfield Pl 10100 210 24300 173400 05 1995 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 100.03 1716 0 30.37-1-35.1 17 Vlainich, Nicholas A & Mary Jo Pl Deerfield 10100 210 24900 165000 01 1987 01 2 0 2 1 2 1 80.00 4 201.00 1196 0.37 30.37-1-34 18 Hartney, Michael L. Deerfield 10100 210 24500 177400 03 1988 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 73.78 3 100.03 1914 0 9.19-3-30 1 Connors, John W. Devonshire La 20206 210 31300 233600 03 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 150.00 3 105.59 2360 0 9.19-3-29 3 Dauphinee, Justin M. Devonshire La 20206 210 32600 185000 03 1966 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 145.00 3 150.00 1779 0 9.19-3-27 4 Rakvica, Christian Devonshire La 20206 210 31400 177000 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 200.00 1755 0 9.19-3-28 6 Opotzner, Justin Devonshire La 20206 210 31200 177300 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 77.00 3 200.00 1779 0 38.11-3-1 133 Hakes, Nathanael Division St 20200 210 8600 97300 04 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 108.00 3 48.00 1078 0 38.11-3-5 511 Brouwer, Megan A. Division St 20200 210 8000 90800 04 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 115.00 3 42.00 768 0 38.11-1-18 715 Andersen, Diane L. Dongan Ave 20301 220 57400 187500 05 1920 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 290.00 3 80.00 1760 0 38.11-1-1.1 718 Eckler, Brenda K. Dongan Ave 20200 210 21000 101400 04 1939 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 175.00 3 130.00 966 0.52 38.7-6-13 720 Rourke-Farmer, Deborah Ruth Ave Dongan 20301 210 49100 174700 08 1920 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 120.00 3 150.00 1824 0 Page 122 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Pl Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-1-22.1 721 Bekkering , Don & Donna M. II Ave Dongan 38.7-6-14 722 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20301 210 64800 242500 01 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 198.78 3 290.00 1570 0 Kovacik, Steven & Abbe Ave Dongan 20301 210 40600 169900 08 1923 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 65.00 3 150.00 1945 0 38.11-1-21 723 Scott, James E. Dongan Ave 20301 210 57700 255000 05 1915 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 115.09 3 250.00 2470 0 38.7-6-15 724 Ruggiero, James D. Ave Dongan 20301 210 31200 174300 08 1923 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1920 0 38.11-1-20 725 Vititow, Beverly Dongan Ave 20301 210 57400 189100 08 1890 01 3 0 2 1 2 1 100.00 3 240.00 1744 0 38.7-6-16 728 Schmidlin, Mary Jean Ave Dongan 20301 210 48100 165000 08 1924 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 118.00 3 150.00 1673 0 38.7-6-17 803 Pinkerton, Ronald Dongan Ave 20301 210 57400 188600 08 1918 05 3 0 2 1 2 1 100.00 3 240.00 1900 0 38.7-6-30 806 Youngs, Michael S. Dongan Ave 20301 210 45600 210300 05 1900 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 150.00 2563 0 38.7-6-29 808 Smith, Susan J. Dongan Ave 20301 210 47000 157500 05 1938 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1518 0 38.7-6-18 809 Millard + Hasna Kaddo Trust, Richard 20301 J. Ave 280 Dongan 85400 271700 08 1910 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 250.00 3 276.00 1922 0 38.7-6-18 809 Millard + Hasna Kaddo Trust, Richard 20301 J. Ave 280 Dongan 85400 271700 08 1910 03 3 0 1 0 1 1 250.00 3 276.00 1134 0 38.7-6-28 810 Gwinn, Deborah J. Dongan Ave 20301 210 47000 189000 05 1945 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1929 0 38.7-6-27 816 Balser, Steven J. Dongan Ave 20301 210 48600 244400 05 1963 02 3 1 2 2 5 1 125.00 3 150.00 2516 0 38.7-6-19 817 Gallant, Thomas C. Dongan Ave 20301 220 58500 266500 04 1952 03 2 0 3 2 4 2 150.00 4 263.00 2713 0 38.7-6-20.1 821 Gibbons, Richard J. Ave Dongan 20301 210 65500 297600 04 1940 02 2 0 3 2 4 2 260.00 3 265.00 3403 0 38.7-6-26 824 Austin, Seth Dongan Ave 20301 210 48600 244600 02 1960 02 3 0 3 2 5 1 125.00 3 150.00 3608 0 29.8-1-8 5 Layton, Matthew L Doris Dr 20302 210 47400 200100 05 1963 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 165.00 3 0 1986 0.40 29.8-1-12 6 Bianchi, Mary C. Doris Dr 20302 210 49100 186100 01 1962 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 156.98 3 152.00 1534 0 Page 123 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.8-1-9 7 Coombs, Brian F. Doris 29.8-1-23 8 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20302 210 47400 220600 01 1962 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 110.00 3 160.00 1910 0 Hojnacki, Lonnie S. Doris Dr 20302 210 49100 223000 03 1959 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 157.64 3 155.25 2436 0 29.8-1-10 9 Strauss, Frank B. Doris Dr 20302 210 47400 224400 05 1961 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 160.00 2576 0 29.8-1-11 11 Bull, Jason R. Doris Dr 20302 210 48300 228600 05 1965 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 125.00 3 160.00 2656 0 16.13-5-15 1 Mell, Tod J & Gina L Ln Dorothy 20205 210 27600 294800 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.76 4 293.02 2276 0.80 16.13-5-16 4 Gaudin, Randy M. Dorothy 20205 210 36800 313500 01 2006 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 128.40 3 150.00 1890 1.53 16.13-5-26 5 Spring, Donald L & Mary E & Ln Dorothy 20205 210 27400 298000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 156.76 3 214.79 2482 0.69 16.13-5-17 6 Hernandez, Miguel Dorothy 20205 210 26800 296000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 140.00 3 150.00 2468 0.48 16.13-5-25 7 Lewandowski, Chad R & Angela P20205 Ln 210 Dorothy 27100 321900 05 2006 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 120.00 3 190.59 2810 0.57 16.13-5-18 8 Sherwood, Walter J. & Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26800 364350 06 2007 03 2 0 4 1 5 1 140.00 4 150.00 3155 0.48 16.13-5-24 9 Mantica, Pamela A. Dorothy 20205 210 26600 299000 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 170.00 2392 0.47 16.13-5-19 10 Carlson, Brian & Amanda J Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26800 312000 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.00 3 150.00 2494 0.48 16.13-5-23 11 Ricci, Judith & Naomi Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26600 259800 01 2006 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 121.97 3 170.00 2003 0.47 16.13-5-20 12 Vilics, James Jr & Dorothy Ln 20205 210 26800 320200 05 2006 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 140.25 3 154.89 3150 0.48 16.13-5-22 13 Haskin, Matthew & Lisa Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26900 303500 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 152.46 3 168.51 2175 0.49 16.13-5-21 14 Nafus, Matthew & Jenna Ln Dorothy 20205 210 27100 285900 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 139.16 3 193.82 2146 0.54 15.20-5-15 15 Palombo, Robert + Karen Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26500 298500 01 2006 03 2 1 2 0 2 1 134.00 3 150.44 1945 0.46 15.20-5-1 16 Wallace, Kirk D. Dorothy 20205 210 27300 296500 05 2005 03 2 2 2 1 3 1 130.05 4 209.27 2222 0 Ln Ln Ln Page 124 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.20-5-14 17 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Anderson, Martin H. Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26500 310300 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 134.00 3 150.00 2207 0.46 15.20-5-2 18 Carlotti, Rebecca J Dorothy 20205 210 27300 320500 06 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 130.05 4 209.27 2805 0 15.20-5-13 19 Harling, Earl P & Louise M Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26500 313700 04 2003 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 149.68 3 157.36 2030 0.46 15.20-5-3 20 Kingsland, Gary JDH Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26900 322000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 115.36 4 192.82 2760 0.49 15.20-5-12 21 Landry, Keith & Kimberly S Ln Dorothy 20205 210 27100 304600 05 2005 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 154.40 4 159.83 3508 0.57 15.20-5-4 22 Forsberg, Charles H. Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26600 276600 06 2006 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 140.95 3 158.18 1762 0.47 15.20-5-11 23 Brennan, Kevin M & Melanie Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26500 297900 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 141.85 3 160.00 2497 0.46 15.20-5-5 24 Blesi, William R Jr & Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26500 317650 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 128.15 3 159.86 2242 0.46 15.20-5-10 25 Pinkerton, Edward Dorothy 20205 210 26500 282600 05 2005 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 160.31 2396 0.46 15.20-5-6 26 Mackey, Jeremiah & Jesica Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26800 320500 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 186.42 3 159.86 2587 0.48 15.20-5-9 27 North, Peter B/Amanda L Jr Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26500 292000 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 122.63 4 160.75 2504 0.46 15.20-5-7 28 Koetzle, Christopher A & Ln Dorothy 20205 210 26400 320500 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 133.26 4 126.38 2804 0.90 15.20-5-8 29 Colley, Clare S Dorothy Ln 20205 210 27300 361900 06 2005 03 3 0 4 0 5 1 90.25 4 160.75 3113 0.67 16.13-5-14 3 Manning, William M. Ln Dorothy 20205 210 27400 321000 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 179.47 4 198.05 2438 0.69 22.18-2-46 3 McKenna, Lori Dover Pl 20202 210 37200 246800 05 2005 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 118.50 4 226.74 2353 0.59 22.18-2-50 4 Eller, John Dover Pl 20202 210 35700 251700 05 2005 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 110.69 4 202.13 2353 0.34 22.18-2-47 5 Goyette, Maurice W & Brenda Pl Dover 20202 210 37100 226500 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 49.51 3 226.74 2199 0.56 22.18-2-49 6 Ghouri, Saqib Dover 20202 210 36400 229900 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 50.74 4 138.52 2353 0.43 Ln Pl Page 125 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.18-2-48 7 Readdean, Melanie Dover 15.3-3-22.222 DeAngelis, Russell Droms 15.-1-4 15.-1-8 15.3-5-33 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pl 20202 210 35200 249000 05 2004 03 2 Rd 20206 311 Califano, Anthony J. Rd Droms Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 54.09 4 136.95 2229 0.28 34200 34200 0 0 1.12 20206 322 29100 29100 380.00 0 19.40 Califano, Anthony J. Rd Droms 20206 322 25000 25000 0 0 13.50 Town of Glenville, Droms 20206 590 20300 20300 0 0 5.61 3 150.00 1638 0 Rd 1 3 1 4 15.7-4-10.41 104 Cyr, Ryan Droms Rd 20206 210 31400 176900 02 1978 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 107.00 15.7-3-24 105 Puglisi, Joseph C. Droms Rd 20206 210 31700 165900 02 1974 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 110.00 3 170.00 1858 0 15.7-4-10.32 106 Aguilera, Clinton Droms Rd 20206 210 31100 176900 05 1978 03 4 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1616 0 15.7-4-10.21 108 Roylance, Ladon M. Rd Droms 20206 210 33100 214500 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 117.00 4 200.00 2224 0 15.7-3-8 111 Smolinsky, Michael S. Rd Droms 20206 210 33700 198100 01 1953 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 181.00 3 200.00 2084 0 15.7-2-19 112 Cernik, Helen Droms 20206 210 33100 196600 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 200.00 1904 0 15.7-2-20 114 Meehan, Life Estate, Katherine S.20206 Rd 210 Droms 33200 148800 03 1956 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 129.20 3 200.00 1508 0 15.7-3-7 115 Ocwieja, Frank J. Droms Rd 20206 210 32400 162900 04 1945 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 195.00 1869 0 15.7-3-6 117 Curcio, Jason Droms Rd 20206 210 32500 164700 01 1974 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1618 0 15.7-1-11 118 Ayers, Alexander Droms Rd 20206 210 32500 165000 04 1939 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1743 0 15.7-3-5 119 Kingsland, Timothy W. Rd Droms 20206 210 33400 144500 01 1945 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 300.00 1394 0 15.7-1-10.1 120 Knight, Peter A. Droms Rd 20206 210 34000 258600 01 1966 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 156.00 4 273.00 2873 0 15.7-1-9.1 122 Moran, Thomas A. Droms Rd 20206 210 34800 180400 04 1948 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 244.00 4 273.00 1753 1.53 Rd Page 126 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-1-7.1 124 Latza, Jo-Anne Droms Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20206 210 34000 135400 01 1968 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 159.50 3 273.00 1176 0 15.7-1-6 128 Dort, Life Estate, Timothy + Sheila20206 Rd 210 Droms 33300 130000 01 1956 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 273.00 1260 0 15.7-3-3.1 129 Witkowski, Paul W. Droms Rd 20206 210 34000 175600 01 1955 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1672 1.00 15.7-1-5 130 Bradt, Jennifer Droms Rd 20206 210 33100 186000 01 1971 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 107.00 3 250.00 2324 0 15.7-1-4 132 Derusha, Gerald Droms Rd 20206 210 33400 183300 05 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.80 3 273.76 2036 0 15.7-1-3 132A Bowers, Lewis Droms Rd 20206 210 33300 196700 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 104.93 3 272.53 1972 0 15.7-3-2 133 Martini, John D. Droms Rd 20206 210 34300 228500 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 179.00 4 300.00 1866 1.20 15.7-1-2 134 Urstadt, Gregory + Kaitlin Rd Droms 20206 210 33300 154500 03 1969 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 104.00 3 272.70 1584 0 15.7-3-1 135 Meacham, Clifford Droms Rd 20206 210 34300 81600 01 1954 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 660 1.20 15.7-1-1 136 Mattice, Alfred A. Droms Rd 20206 210 33200 219900 05 1972 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 272.00 2148 0 15.1-1-5 137 Wright, James S. Droms Rd 20206 210 41800 275000 05 1855 04 3 0 2 0 4 1 673.00 4 0 2468 6.80 15.-1-5 138 Barnhart, Leroy (LE) Rd Droms 20206 210 34500 130500 04 1948 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 200.00 3 320.00 970 1.30 15.-1-6 140 Del Sorbo , Bruno Droms Rd 20206 210 34500 136800 04 1947 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 200.00 3 320.00 1440 1.30 15.-1-7 142 Califano, Anthony J. Rd Droms 20206 240 46500 415000 06 1945 02 3 0 4 1 4 1 380.00 4 0 2926 11.50 15.1-1-4.1 143 McCutcheon, Jeffrey P. Rd Droms 20206 210 33300 239000 06 1988 01 2 1 3 2 3 1 100.00 3 270.00 1941 0 15.1-1-4.2 145 Cole, John + Gwendolyn R. Sr. Rd Droms 20206 210 33300 210900 05 1976 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 270.00 1742 0 15.1-1-2 148 Scribner, Robert Droms 20206 210 33300 273000 05 1967 03 3 1 3 1 5 1 135.00 3 228.73 2904 0 15.1-1-1.11 150 Libertucci, Adrienne J. , Trustee Of 20206 The Rd 210 Droms 33700 289000 06 1990 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 135.00 4 273.97 2990 0 Rd Page 127 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.1-1-1.2 152 Quigan, Donald T. Droms 15.1-1-3 153 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20206 210 34000 144160 01 1966 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 135.00 3 321.56 1608 0 Shafer, Michael + Deborah Rd Droms 20206 210 35700 185000 03 1968 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 380.00 4 295.00 2112 2.10 15.1-1-1.12 154 Clark, Brian Droms Rd 20206 210 34000 163200 02 1985 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 135.00 3 321.56 1794 0 15.3-5-17 157 Stocker, Brian A. Droms Rd 20206 210 35400 255400 05 1968 03 3 1 2 1 5 1 266.70 4 318.09 2308 0 15.3-5-18 163 Wilson, William A. Droms Rd 20206 210 35200 210000 02 1968 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 250.00 4 320.38 2800 1.80 15.3-5-19 165 Heyer, Christopher Droms Rd 20206 210 33800 206400 02 1968 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 125.00 4 321.15 2184 0 15.3-5-16 166 Mc Intosh, Johnnie J. Rd Droms 20206 210 33100 190000 02 1990 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 107.00 4 240.00 1996 0 15.3-5-20 167 Gerardi, Peter Droms 20206 210 33800 170000 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 4 321.15 1600 0 15.3-5-15 168 Dunham, Brian & Meghan Rd Droms 20206 210 32100 170600 05 1974 02 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 197.50 1196 0 15.3-5-14 170 Lucier, Edwin M. Droms Rd 20206 210 31100 165800 05 1972 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1368 0 15.3-5-21 171 Takekoshi, Tohru Droms Rd 20206 210 35400 142800 01 1972 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 250.00 3 323.15 1176 1.90 15.3-5-13 172 Garbellano, Richard M. Rd Droms 20206 210 30900 163400 05 1974 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1092 0 15.3-5-22.1 173 Baczynski, Jason Droms Rd 20206 210 33900 262500 05 2002 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 130.00 4 323.15 2243 1.00 15.3-5-12 174 Grzebien, Edward J. Jr Rd Droms 20206 210 31200 168000 01 1973 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 118.00 4 150.00 1692 0 15.3-5-22.2 175 Gallinat, Russell A. Droms Rd 20206 210 33900 253900 04 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 130.00 4 323.15 2596 0 15.3-5-36 176 Boussa, Sanety Droms Rd 20206 210 32900 235400 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 127.00 4 169.26 1858 0 15.3-5-35 178 Beaudoin, George L. III Rd Droms 20206 210 33000 238400 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 190.28 2202 0 15.3-5-24.1 179 Peck, James D Droms 20206 210 35300 219000 05 1967 03 3 1 3 1 4 1 250.00 3 322.25 2512 0 Rd & Rd Page 128 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-5-34 180 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Featherstone, James A. III Rd Droms 20206 210 33200 244800 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 211.20 2468 0 15.3-5-25 181 Semon, Kurt & Margaret M Rd Droms 20206 210 33800 158300 01 1967 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 125.00 4 322.18 1382 0 15.3-5-37 182 Lashley, Andrew & Denise Rd Droms 20206 210 33300 230400 05 2004 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 120.00 4 232.32 2763 0.64 15.3-5-26 183 DePoalo, Carmen M. Rd Droms 20206 210 33800 227300 05 1970 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 322.12 2273 0 15.3-5-38 184 McGinty, John J. Droms Rd 20206 210 33400 205900 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 253.35 2022 0.70 15.3-5-27 185 Perez, Naomi M. Droms Rd 20206 210 33800 259700 05 1969 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 322.06 2597 0 15.3-5-39 186 Ettkin, Brian D. Droms Rd 20206 210 33500 242500 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 120.00 4 274.37 2393 0.76 15.3-5-28 187 Tunick, Scott Marold Rd Droms 20206 210 33800 183900 01 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.01 4 322.00 1578 0 15.3-5-40 188 Stark, Eric Droms Rd 20206 210 33600 230800 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 120.00 4 295.39 2022 0.81 15.3-5-29 189 Neely, James P. Droms Rd 20206 210 33800 233600 03 1966 04 2 1 1 2 4 1 125.04 3 321.94 2600 0 15.3-5-41 190 Zingerman, Darren & Mary Rd Droms 20206 210 33700 246600 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 120.00 4 316.71 2118 0.87 15.3-5-30 191 Bikowicz, Robert J. Droms 20206 210 33800 219600 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.13 4 320.63 2259 0 15.3-5-11.11 192 Bleyl, Thomas E & Amanda R Rd Droms 20206 210 39800 232600 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2208 4.87 15.3-5-31 193 Barbolla, Liberata A. Rd Droms 20206 210 33800 204500 01 1967 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 125.13 4 314.85 1940 0 15.3-5-32 195 Pezzi, Joseph M. Sr Rd Droms 20206 210 34200 212000 02 1968 02 3 1 2 1 3 1 162.33 4 309.07 2604 0 15.3-6-1 201 Ryan, William + Karen Rd Droms 20206 210 35400 172000 01 1967 03 4 0 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 1666 1.90 15.3-6-2 205 Dennison, Russell R. Rd Droms 20206 210 33800 155400 01 1967 01 4 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 400.00 1490 0 15.3-6-3.1 207 Schy, Steve Droms 20206 210 34500 134000 01 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1152 1.30 Rd Page 129 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-6-4.2 209 Roberts, Gary M. Droms 15.3-6-4.1 211 Stroble, Terry J. Droms 15.3-6-5 213 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20206 210 35500 114500 08 1885 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1432 2.00 Rd 20206 210 44400 337000 06 1992 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2896 9.40 Quattrociocchi, Eugene J. Rd Droms 20206 210 32500 168000 01 1970 03 2 0 2 3 3 2 100.00 3 200.00 1400 0 15.3-6-6 215 Homic, Raymond&Leona Rd Droms 20206 210 32500 130200 01 1948 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1092 0 15.3-6-7 217 Hoffman, John & Sheryll Rd Droms 20206 210 32500 259100 01 1968 03 2 0 3 1 4 2 100.00 4 200.00 1976 0 15.3-3-22.221 218 DeAngelis, Russell Droms Rd 20206 240 67400 280000 06 2000 06 3 1 3 2 6 1 0 4 0 3149 31.50 15.3-6-8 221 Ariel, Robert H. Droms Rd 20206 210 33000 138700 01 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 200.00 1248 0 15.3-3-22.4 222 Du Pont, Ernest E. Sr Rd Droms 20206 210 36400 169500 01 1985 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 1352 2.57 15.3-6-9 223 Bergin Family Trust, Michael B. Rd Droms 20206 210 33200 129200 01 1970 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 130.00 3 200.00 1056 0 15.3-3-23 224 Squillo, Mary A. Droms Rd 20206 210 33500 133100 04 1938 01 2 0 2 1 2 1 161.00 3 200.00 1163 0 15.3-6-10 225 Viscusi, Anthony A. Droms Rd 20206 220 35500 272500 04 1963 03 2 1 3 1 6 2 115.00 4 0 3499 2.00 15.3-6-11 227 Baker, Bruce Droms Rd 20206 210 38500 209200 03 1959 04 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1776 4.00 15.3-6-12 229 Spain, Clarence J. Droms Rd 20206 210 35500 164200 01 1958 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 136.00 3 0 1638 2.00 15.3-6-13 231 Unverhau, Richard T. Rd Droms 20206 210 33500 125100 01 1966 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 160.02 3 200.00 1008 0 15.7-4-10.11 Denny, Sara Droms & Charlton Rds 20206 322 47300 47300 0 0 12.30 15.7-5-7 3 Graham, David C. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 25600 161600 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 86.25 4 200.00 1536 0 15.7-4-26 4 Dormandy Living Trust, William L.20205 Jr Ext 210 Droms Rd 26500 128600 01 1952 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 100.00 3 200.00 1428 0 15.7-5-6 5 Sorensen, Donald B. Ext Droms Rd 25700 161000 04 1950 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 86.25 3 200.00 1514 0 Page 130 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 20205 210 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-4-25 6 Bradley, Jessica K. Droms Rd Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ext 20205 210 26500 149900 04 1950 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1377 0 15.7-5-5 7 Chamberlain, Edward Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 26000 139000 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1152 0 15.7-4-24 8 MacDowell, Ryan A. Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 27500 168300 04 1950 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 333.00 1754 0 15.7-5-4 9 De Simony, Richard J. Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 26000 165000 04 1948 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1884 0 15.7-4-23 10 Klapper, Linda J/Christopher Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 27600 155000 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 333.00 1362 0 15.7-5-3 11 Bomba, Nicholas H. Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 26000 139500 01 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 936 0 15.7-4-22 12 Nelson, David S. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 27200 177500 01 1951 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.50 3 338.00 1946 0 15.7-5-2 13 Walz, William Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 26000 160000 04 1950 02 2 0 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 200.00 1458 0 15.7-4-21 14 Stafford family Trust, Franklin R &20205 Rosalie Ext 210 Droms Rd 27600 152700 04 1948 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 338.00 1404 0 15.7-5-1 15 Iwan, Jeffrey E. Jr. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 26000 174700 01 1951 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1440 0 15.7-4-20 16 Kirk, Richard F. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 27600 177900 04 1948 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 339.00 1923 0 15.7-6-8 17 Lanne, Melissa C. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 26200 78500 04 1951 03 2 2 1 1 2 1 94.10 3 200.10 1380 0 15.7-4-19 18 Ingram, Jacob R. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 27600 171300 01 1945 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 338.00 1632 0 15.7-6-7 19 Airhart, John P. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 24600 137000 01 1955 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 66.00 3 200.00 1119 0 15.7-4-18.1 20 Poirier, Richard Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 32500 163400 04 1947 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1388 4.02 15.7-6-6 21 Holt, Pamela M Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 25100 137000 01 1950 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 199.20 1365 0 15.7-4-17 22 Durrin, Justin D. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 27700 165500 04 1950 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 395.00 1924 0 15.7-6-5 23 Fisher, Jennifer S. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 25100 138000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 78.00 3 193.30 1132 0 Page 131 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-4-16 24 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type McTaggart, Jean (LE) Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 27300 160300 01 1950 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 283.50 1430 0 15.7-6-4 25 Rogow, Linda A. Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 24700 125000 04 1951 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 78.00 3 187.40 916 0 15.7-4-15 26 Vincent, Marylou Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 27300 159000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 283.50 1536 0 15.7-6-3 27 De Cesare, Val Droms Rd Ext 20205 210 24300 122000 01 1950 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 76.00 3 180.00 884 0 15.7-4-14 28 Rutledge, Eric M & Kathleen Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 27800 152100 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 209.00 3 183.00 1592 0 15.7-6-2 29 Rogowski, Shirley A. Ext Droms Rd 20205 210 24300 126000 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 173.10 988 0 15.8-6-36 2 Patch, Donald M. Drott Dr 20205 210 25200 169300 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 88.00 3 173.12 1700 0 16.9-1-1 3 Volk, Mark G. Drott Dr 20205 210 25200 178800 01 1960 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 170.00 1269 0 15.8-6-37 4 Bigelow, Elwin C. Drott Dr 20205 210 25200 158000 01 1961 02 2 1 1 2 3 1 88.00 3 173.12 1323 0 16.9-1-2 5 Tomko, Andrew J. Jr Dr Drott 20205 210 25700 150000 01 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 170.00 1248 0 16.9-1-15 7 Winchell, Kevin & Colleen Dr Drott 20205 210 25700 224700 05 1962 02 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 170.00 2088 0 15.8-6-7.1 8 Winslow, Donald F. Drott Dr 20205 210 26300 163700 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 112.00 3 173.00 1702 0 16.9-1-16 9 Thomas, Jeffrey A. Drott Dr 20205 210 25200 179500 01 1960 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 170.00 1696 0 15.8-6-8 10 Caouette, Raymond A. Dr Drott 20205 210 25200 164900 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 88.00 3 173.12 1724 0 21.19-1-9 2-4 Lavery, Todd Duval Rd 20207 314 35300 35300 148.66 188.28 0 38.27-2-16 1 Jackson, Karen M Eagle St 10204 210 14500 90100 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.33 3 120.00 892 0 38.27-2-17 2 Stringer, Paul Eagle St 10204 210 12400 98500 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 103.00 1267 0 38.27-2-15 3 Lombardo, Randall S & Corine L 10204 St 210 Eagle 14500 104700 13 1920 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 33.66 3 120.00 1401 0 Page 132 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-2-18 4 Layaou, John H. Jr Eagle Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10204 210 13000 91100 08 1918 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 107.00 1037 0 38.27-2-14 5 Sutherland, Wagner J. St Eagle 10204 210 14500 108200 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 4 120.00 1312 0 38.27-2-19 6 Lewis, James Scott Eagle St 10204 220 13800 106900 08 1910 04 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.33 3 120.00 1760 0 38.27-2-13 7 Sutherland, Wagner St Eagle 10204 220 14500 104800 08 1920 03 2 0 2 0 2 2 33.33 4 120.00 1140 0 38.27-2-20 8 Geanopoulos, Athanasios K St Eagle 10204 220 15900 108400 08 1920 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.33 3 134.00 1944 0 38.27-2-21 10 Drapala, Chris Eagle St 10204 220 16000 106000 08 1910 04 2 0 2 0 7 2 33.33 2 147.00 1890 0 38.27-2-12 11 Mason, Ralph H. Eagle St 10204 210 16500 111500 08 1907 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 66.67 3 140.00 1368 0 38.27-2-22 12 Flint, Steven Eagle St 10204 220 16100 104100 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 33.33 3 165.00 1872 0 38.27-2-11 13 Burke, Donald R. Eagle St 10204 210 14500 109900 08 1902 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 120.00 1384 0 38.27-2-10 15 Lennon, Edith M. Eagle St 10204 210 16300 116700 08 1902 04 2 1 1 0 3 1 61.67 4 120.00 1198 0 38.27-2-23 16 Adams, EJ J. Eagle St 10204 210 16700 122600 08 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 67.00 3 189.00 1734 0 38.27-2-24 18 Morrell, Kathleen A Eagle St 10204 210 16200 104100 08 1927 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.33 3 203.00 1071 0 38.27-2-25 20 Mc Carthy, Bertha F. St Eagle 10204 210 17000 105300 08 1900 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 82.33 2 235.00 1144 0 38.27-2-9 21 Berg, Franklyn & Linda St Eagle 10204 210 16300 155300 08 1925 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 63.67 3 120.00 1978 0 38.27-1-61 23 Morrow, Marcia M. Eagle St 10204 210 16400 120000 08 1890 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 52.40 4 150.00 1640 0 38.27-2-26 24 Hoy, Edwin Y. Eagle St 10204 210 16300 103100 08 1912 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 105.00 1092 0 38.27-1-60 25 Farry, Timothy R. Eagle St 10204 210 16100 113600 13 1900 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 33.33 3 150.00 1380 0 38.27-2-27 26 Chen, Jing Eagle St 10204 210 16200 102700 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 58.67 3 135.00 1144 0 Page 133 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-1-59 27 Charton, William A Eagle Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10204 220 16100 108000 08 1935 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 4 150.00 2032 0 38.27-2-28 28 De Varnne, Lester S. St Eagle 10204 210 16100 105300 08 1910 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 163.00 1144 0 38.27-1-58 29 Bliskin, Marc Eagle St 10204 220 16100 87000 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.40 3 150.00 2033 0 38.27-2-29 30 Strait, Mary Eagle St 10204 210 16100 101600 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 160.00 1107 0 38.27-2-30 32 Brewer, Carol E. Eagle St 10204 210 12100 112100 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 33.33 3 149.00 1683 0 38.27-1-57 33 Williams, Jaimie L. Eagle St 10204 210 16500 141000 08 1910 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.67 4 150.00 1528 0 38.27-2-31 34 Civisca, Mary Eagle St 10204 210 16100 90000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 135.00 1440 0 38.27-1-56 35 Barbarulo, Michael A. St Eagle 10204 210 16100 110100 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.33 3 150.00 1272 0 38.27-1-55 37 Van Schaack, Anthony St Eagle 10204 210 5500 57600 13 1923 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 30.00 3 50.00 540 0 22.11-2-26 Nuzzi, Anthony T. Edgewood Dr 20203 311 3000 3000 187.70 150.00 0 Tomaselli, Maria Edgewood Dr 20203 322 47500 47500 0 0 11.00 Pooler, Christopher Edmel Rd 20203 311 5000 5000 90.00 120.00 0 Recovery, LLC, Real Estate Rd Edmel 20203 320 29000 29000 120.00 181.69 0.50 Town of Glenville, Edmel Rd 20203 311 48000 48000 0 0 6.83 15.15-2-16 1 Agoney, James E Edmel Rd 20203 210 28400 145000 04 1938 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 162.00 1208 0 15.15-1-11 2 Yerina, John H. Edmel Rd 20203 220 29500 182800 05 1941 01 3 0 2 1 4 2 181.00 3 181.66 1896 0 15.15-2-15 5 Deltry, Michael S. Edmel Rd 20203 210 28400 158300 04 1938 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 162.00 1378 0 15.15-1-12 6 Davis, Patrick Edmel Rd 20203 210 25900 138900 04 1943 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 181.66 1202 0 15.15-2-3.11 15.15-1-23.2 15.15-1-26.3 Page 134 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.15-1-5.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.15-1-13 8 Covey, Frank U. Edmel 15.15-2-14 9 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 26000 99200 13 1942 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 181.66 879 0 Wilson, Kelly Edmel Rd 20203 210 27000 180000 01 1988 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 162.66 1248 0 15.15-1-14 10 Mercier, Paula Edmel Rd 20203 210 26000 114200 04 1942 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 181.00 1102 0 15.15-1-15 12 Whisher, Bradley E. Rd Edmel 20203 210 26000 186960 05 1941 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 181.66 2116 0 15.15-2-13 13 Petrozola, Rose Edmel Rd 20203 210 27000 155000 04 1947 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 162.66 1292 0 15.15-1-16 14 Terk, Christine E. Edmel Rd 20203 210 26000 125300 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 181.00 792 0 15.15-2-12 15 Dahlgren, Dexter A. Sr Rd Edmel 20203 210 23300 137500 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 162.66 1176 0 15.15-1-17 16 Westad, Frank H. Edmel Rd 20203 210 27500 160000 08 1938 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 181.66 1794 0 15.15-2-11 17 Halsdorf, James A. Edmel Rd 20203 210 23200 150300 04 1948 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 162.00 1582 0 15.15-1-18 18 Streifert, Karlynn A. Edmel Rd 20203 210 27500 141600 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 181.66 1344 0 15.15-2-10 19 Cook, Joseph A & Vicky L Rd Edmel 20203 210 23200 164100 04 1952 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 162.66 1936 0 15.15-2-9 23 Dahlgren, Dexter A. Jr Rd Edmel 20203 210 28400 166700 04 1948 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 120.00 4 162.66 1673 0 15.15-1-19 24 Corbisiero, Donna Edmel Rd 20203 210 29000 172000 04 1943 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 4 181.66 1804 0 15.15-2-8 25 Maddalone, Frank M. Sr Rd Edmel 20203 210 23300 123200 04 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 163.00 1008 0 15.15-2-7 27 Reiss, Marilyn Edmel Rd 20203 210 27000 156700 04 1953 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 90.00 4 162.60 1674 0 15.15-1-20 28 Healey, John M. Edmel Rd 20203 210 29000 144000 08 1941 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 120.00 3 181.66 1493 0 15.15-2-6 31 Properties Acquisition Corp., Random 20203 Rd 210 Edmel 27000 140800 13 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 162.66 1280 0 15.15-1-21 32 DeNero, Kathleen M. Rd Edmel 29500 163600 04 1948 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 180.00 3 181.66 1540 0 Page 135 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 20203 210 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.15-1-22 38 Engel, Walter A. Jr Edmel 15.15-2-4 41 Haskell, Roger W. Edmel Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 29000 131900 04 1955 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 181.66 1067 0 Rd 20203 210 28400 177300 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 162.66 1481 0 15.15-2-3.2 43 Pooler, Christopher L. Rd Edmel 20203 210 29100 142800 01 1964 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 145.50 3 162.66 1481 0 15.15-1-23.1 44 Gonzalez, Mario & Amanda Rd Edmel 20203 210 42100 211100 04 1948 03 3 0 3 1 3 1 0 4 0 2736 3.44 15.15-2-2 45 Murello, David Edmel Rd 20203 210 29600 180500 03 1968 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 0 2056 0.37 15.15-1-24 46 Di Gesare, Louis A. Jr Rd Edmel 20203 210 29600 178000 04 1936 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 212.30 3 162.00 1516 0 15.15-2-1 47 Bach, Louis J. Edmel Rd 20203 210 29800 167800 02 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 87.85 3 442.66 1776 0 15.15-1-26.4 54 Kuczek, Shauneen A. Rd Edmel 20203 210 46500 287000 06 2001 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2414 5.49 15.15-1-26.2 58 Hogan, John M. Edmel Rd 20203 210 30100 210600 02 1971 03 4 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2362 1.07 15.8-2-26 3 Laustsen, Nancy F. Ellen Ln 20205 210 27000 145300 01 1957 04 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 300.00 1144 0 15.8-3-12 4 Fretto, Angelo P. Ellen Ln 20205 210 27400 165200 05 1953 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 303.31 1760 0 15.8-2-25 5 Kutil, Adrienne E. Ellen Ln 20205 210 27200 151000 01 1956 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 334.20 1170 0 15.8-3-11 6 Narde, Lucas P. Ellen Ln 20205 210 27100 145600 01 1950 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 303.30 1136 0 15.8-2-24 7 Berrian, Robert Ellen Ln 20205 210 26600 142500 01 1950 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 281.74 1122 0 15.8-3-10 8 Lewis, Michael S. Ellen Ln 20205 210 27400 142000 01 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 295.00 1304 0 15.8-2-23 9 Bailey, Richard V. Ellen Ln 20205 210 26700 149900 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 208.00 1204 0 15.8-3-9 10 Yeager, Stephen R. Ellen Ln 20205 210 27400 156000 01 1951 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 294.50 1092 0 15.8-2-22 11 Desrochers-Miller Fresn, Emily A & 20205 Ln 210 Ellen 25000 145200 01 1954 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 176.71 1134 0 Page 136 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.8-3-8 12 Kehoe, John M. Ellen Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ln 20205 210 27300 139000 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 276.20 1032 0 15.8-2-21 13 Fargo Bank, NA, Wells Ln Ellen 20205 210 24600 158500 04 1955 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 85.00 3 158.72 1404 0 15.8-3-7 14 Perry, Mary B. Ellen Ln 20205 210 26900 136500 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 267.00 1092 0 15.8-2-20 15 Alois, Donna M. Ellen Ln 20205 210 20500 139700 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 93.80 992 0 15.8-3-6 16 Howell, Mark B. Ellen Ln 20205 210 25900 149500 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 261.60 1264 0 15.8-2-19 17 Colucci-Palleschi, Lisa Ln Ellen 20205 210 24200 148200 01 1950 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 122.50 3 96.00 1488 0 15.8-3-5 18 Pink, Peter Ellen Ln 20205 210 26000 154700 01 1951 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 261.14 1392 0 15.8-1-24 19 Boucher, Charles H. Ln Ellen 20205 210 27700 140900 01 1948 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 234.72 2 158.35 960 0 15.8-3-4 20 Rowinski, Jeffrey S. Ln Ellen 20205 210 26000 110300 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 70.00 3 261.20 800 0 15.8-3-3 22 Milewski, Eric W. Ellen Ln 20205 210 26000 143900 01 1952 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 2 260.80 1202 0 15.8-3-2 24 Vedder, Anne Ellen Ln 20205 210 26000 156500 01 1951 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 260.00 1464 0 15.8-3-1 28 Luce, Leroy E. Jr Ellen Ln 20205 210 27900 146500 01 1950 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 156.20 3 267.30 1140 0 38.11-6-11.1 497 Huthmacher, Nickolus J. St Elliott 20200 210 22500 169800 01 1951 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 157.50 3 374.50 1382 1.30 38.11-6-12 499 Dillman, Cecilia I. Elliott St 20200 210 13900 128100 01 1953 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1060 0 38.11-6-8 507 Riccio, Patricia Elliott St 20200 210 18100 106000 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 966 0 38.11-4-18 508 Bradley, Paula J. Elliott St 20200 210 19200 123000 13 1925 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 140.00 1573 0 38.11-6-7 511 Mandel, Blanche Elliott St 20200 210 9300 125000 08 1941 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1450 0 38.11-6-6 513 Kranick, Matthew & Jill St Elliott 20200 210 18100 112700 13 1910 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 160.00 1152 0 Page 137 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-4-19 516 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Vedder, Michael A. Lf Use St Elliott 20200 210 18100 127400 08 1935 03 3 0 1 1 5 1 80.00 3 140.00 1460 0 38.11-6-5 517 Lance, Korleen L. Elliott 20200 210 9300 96500 04 1947 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1044 0 38.11-4-20 518 Motel, Patrick & Jennifer L St Elliott 20200 210 9300 102000 08 1918 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1122 0 38.11-6-4 519 Suski, Edmond J. II Elliott 20200 210 18100 106100 04 1940 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 140.00 1014 0 38.11-4-21 520 Dalrymple, Winslow W. Jr St Elliott 20200 210 9300 88400 08 1925 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1039 0 38.11-6-3 521 Butt, Thomas W. Elliott St 20200 210 9300 120600 04 1950 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1182 0 38.11-4-22 522 Goldfarb, Richard Elliott St 20200 311 9300 9300 40.00 140.00 0 38.11-6-2 523 Counter, Robert J. Jr St Elliott 20200 210 9300 115000 08 1940 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 40.00 3 140.00 1491 0 38.11-4-23 526 Marotta, David J. Elliott St 20200 210 18100 180800 05 1935 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1720 0 38.11-2-28.1 610 Engle, George Elliott St 20200 210 16200 130000 04 1949 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 140.00 1674 0 38.11-2-29 612 Newman, William J & Linda St Elliott 20200 210 11600 109300 13 1945 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1096 0 38.11-5-9.1 613 Kovarovic, Marsha S. St Elliott 20200 210 17800 114600 01 1955 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 90.00 3 120.00 980 0 38.11-2-30 614 Kirker, George D. Elliott St 20200 210 17100 142000 08 1933 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 140.00 1571 0 38.11-5-8.1 615 Marks, William T. Elliott St 20200 210 18300 170000 01 1950 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1536 0 38.11-5-7 617 Paolozzi, Jeffrey R. Elliott St 20200 210 14500 127900 04 1947 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 160.00 1369 0 38.11-2-31 618 Senecal, Robert Elliott St 20200 210 18300 129500 13 1913 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 86.00 3 140.00 1545 0 38.11-5-6 619 Eldridge, John S Jr & Gail H St Elliott 20200 210 14500 128900 13 1950 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 55.00 3 160.00 1598 0 38.11-5-5 621 McLean, Karen + Herman St Elliott 20200 210 18900 155400 04 1955 03 2 0 2 2 3 1 65.00 3 160.00 1586 0 St Page 138 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-5-4 623 30.9-2-32.11 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths Van Nordstrand, David St Elliott 20200 210 23900 142600 01 1940 03 2 Green, Darlene Ellsworth Ave 20202 311 35900 35900 30.13-2-8.2 1 Frederick, Richard M. Ave Ellsworth 20202 210 35800 161800 01 1972 03 2 0 1 30.9-2-30.2 2 Ward, Kelly G Ellsworth Ave 20202 210 37100 142600 04 1946 03 2 30.9-2-31 6 Brown, Tyler C. Ellsworth Ave 20202 210 36200 170700 04 1938 30.13-2-7 9 Demers, George Ellsworth Ave 20202 210 38200 189600 30.9-2-32.12 12 Green, Darlene Ellsworth Ave 20202 210 15.20-2-1 100 Quinn, Veronica Elm Ln 15.20-2-21 102 Bittig, Jack E. Elm NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 160.00 3 230.00 1532 0 100.00 160.00 0 1 3 1 150.00 3 100.00 1344 0 1 1 2 3 1 150.00 3 160.00 1384 0 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 58.00 3 260.00 1553 0 08 1930 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 230.00 3 265.00 1955 1.10 35700 144200 01 1948 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 92.00 3 160.00 1446 0 20205 210 16900 154000 01 1952 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 153.34 1400 0 Ln 20205 210 16900 148500 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 153.33 1251 0 23.13-2-24 100 Bevilacqua, William C. Dr Elmwood 20307 210 47400 192800 01 1961 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 115.76 4 150.00 1764 0 23.13-2-35 101 Runkel, Jay A. Elmwood Dr 20307 210 47200 251400 05 1960 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 145.33 2725 0 23.13-2-25 102 DiCaprio, Jodi M. Elmwood Dr 20307 210 47800 190000 01 1961 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 123.00 4 150.00 1912 0 23.13-2-34 103 Beck, Charles Elmwood Dr 20307 210 47400 199800 05 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 144.86 2035 0 23.13-2-26 104 Liggett, John Jr Elmwood Dr 20307 210 47800 210000 04 1962 04 3 0 2 2 3 1 123.00 4 150.00 2199 0 23.13-2-33 105 Gold, John M. Elmwood Dr 20307 210 47400 210200 01 1960 01 2 1 3 1 3 1 120.00 3 144.86 1928 0 23.13-2-27 106 Hammond, Stephen B. Dr Elmwood 20307 210 47800 194400 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 123.00 3 150.00 1764 0 23.13-2-32 107 La Coppola, Joseph Dr Elmwood 20307 210 47400 231500 02 1960 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 120.00 4 144.00 2400 0 23.13-2-28 108 France, Stephen Elmwood 20307 210 48900 216400 03 1962 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 145.00 4 156.04 2076 0 Dr Page 139 of 628 0 2 1 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.13-2-31 109 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Fitzgerald, Susan J. Dr Elmwood 20307 210 47400 201900 05 1964 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 120.00 3 144.86 2000 0 23.13-2-30 111 Dong, Feng & Elmwood Dr 20307 210 47400 211300 05 1967 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 120.03 4 144.86 2168 0 15.12-5-8 2 Edwards, Ruth (LE) Eltinge Pl 20205 210 26000 190600 05 1961 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.80 3 185.42 1896 0 15.16-4-14 3 Czolowski, T.A. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 35100 160000 03 1950 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1608 0 15.16-4-15 5 Dieck, Herbert H. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 35100 197700 03 1955 01 2 1 2 2 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2148 0 15.16-4-16 7 Eighmie, Thedrick L. Pl Eltinge 20309 210 35100 196500 01 1960 01 4 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1880 0 15.16-4-17 9 Lyons, Matthew J. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 35100 220200 03 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2195 0 15.16-4-12 10 Bleser, Frederick J. Jr Pl Eltinge 20309 210 35700 197400 03 1961 04 2 1 1 1 4 1 115.00 4 170.00 1836 0 15.16-4-18 11 Larkin, Matthew D. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 35100 186100 05 1960 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1830 0 15.16-4-11 12 Boggs, Timothy L. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 37300 163500 02 1964 04 3 1 1 1 3 1 150.60 3 192.25 1544 0 15.16-4-19 13 Gully, Mark J. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 35100 175000 05 1963 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1728 0 15.16-4-20 15 Larkin, William E. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 35500 233300 03 1963 03 3 1 2 1 5 1 104.59 3 160.00 2127 0 15.16-4-10 16 Wuest, Michael J. Eltinge Pl 20309 210 37200 174200 01 1963 03 3 1 1 2 3 1 130.00 3 195.25 1256 0 15.16-4-21 17 Dobies, Eugene Eltinge Pl 20309 210 37400 196500 03 1959 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 130.00 3 230.00 1950 0 15.16-4-9 18 Nordstrom, Vernon & Janet Pl Eltinge 20205 210 27500 150100 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 170.00 3 195.25 1148 0 15.16-4-22 19 Midura, Mark Eltinge Pl 20205 210 25100 179500 01 1964 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1718 0 15.16-4-8 20 Arthur, Stephen D. Eltinge Pl 20205 210 25100 190700 04 1964 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 100.00 2001 0 15.16-4-23 21 Knapp, Alfred Eltinge Pl 20205 210 25100 188000 02 1955 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2000 0 Page 140 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.16-4-25 23 Combs, Walter J. Eltinge 15.19-1-1 1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pl 20205 210 26500 254600 05 1983 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 200.00 3 100.00 2567 0 Levy, Steven D. Englehart Dr 20203 210 29300 184000 01 1947 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 170.00 3 170.65 1680 0 15.19-1-2 5 Hunziker, Kevin P. Englehart Dr 20203 210 29600 248500 04 1950 06 2 0 1 2 5 1 202.00 3 170.65 2800 0 15.19-2-1 6 Greenough Family Irrevocable, Trust 20203 Dr 210 Englehart 26100 169800 05 1945 01 2 0 1 0 5 1 75.00 3 150.00 1592 0 15.19-2-2 8 Homan, James E. Englehart Dr 20203 210 26100 140200 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 150.00 1210 0 15.19-2-3 10 Girardi, Linda M. Englehart Dr 20203 210 26900 139300 04 1943 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 187.50 1210 0 15.19-2-4 12 Ostrom, Craig V. Englehart Dr 20203 210 26900 175000 04 1948 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 187.50 1653 0 15.19-2-5 14 Pangburn, Craig Englehart Dr 20203 210 26900 180500 04 1948 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 187.50 1806 0 15.19-1-3 15 Keays, Linda Marie Englehart Dr 20203 210 29500 199900 04 1950 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 138.00 3 230.00 1824 0 15.19-2-6 16 Pokrzywka, Susan Englehart Dr 20203 210 26900 156100 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 182.50 1442 0 15.19-2-7 18 Fusco, Anthony F.X. Dr Englehart 20203 210 26900 142700 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 187.50 1206 0 15.19-1-4 19 Lo Baido, Salvatore C. Dr Englehart 20203 210 29600 187000 01 1955 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 369.00 1765 0 15.19-2-8 20 Pickard, Steven J/Jennifer B Dr Englehart 20203 210 26900 173900 04 1943 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 187.50 1635 0 15.19-1-5 21 Dewes, Sally W. Englehart Dr 20203 210 32900 212500 01 1956 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1976 2.90 15.19-2-9 22 Goodell, Jason Englehart Dr 20203 210 26900 140000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 187.00 1410 0 38.42-1-42 402 Erondy, Thomas V & Candice A 10206 Ave 210 Engleman 16200 109100 13 1920 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1389 0 38.42-1-43 404 Ketz, Kevin K. Engleman Ave 10206 210 16700 75000 08 1900 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.50 3 155.00 1080 0 38.42-1-65 405 Marra, Jason D. Engleman Ave 10206 210 16100 112100 08 1915 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1296 0 Page 141 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.42-1-64 407 Lawrence, Bryan Engleman 38.42-1-44 408 Ciarlone, Nanette Engleman Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10206 210 16200 111900 08 1915 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 140.00 1483 0 Ave 10206 210 16600 100400 08 1916 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 140.00 1220 0 38.42-1-63 409 Palombo, Michael F. Ave Engleman 10206 210 16200 114300 08 1915 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 140.00 1500 0 38.42-1-62 411 Weires, George B. Engleman Ave 10206 210 16200 125600 08 1912 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 45.00 3 140.00 1744 0 38.42-1-45 412 Drouin, Tina M. Engleman Ave 10206 210 16100 99000 08 1924 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1490 0 38.42-1-61 413 Watson, Brian Engleman Ave 10206 210 16200 93500 08 1924 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 140.00 1144 0 38.42-1-46 414 Perone, Maribeth Engleman Ave 10206 210 16600 115200 08 1935 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 130.00 1248 0 38.42-1-60 415 Bishop, Laurie Engleman Ave 10206 210 16100 80900 13 1910 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 70.00 4 80.00 900 0 38.42-1-59 417 Trust, N.A., U.S. Bank Ave Engleman 10206 210 16100 100500 08 1910 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 70.00 3 80.00 1220 0 38.42-1-47 418 Ippoliti, Christa Engleman Ave 10206 220 15600 114900 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 85.00 1480 0 38.42-1-48 420 Herrick, Robert I. Engleman Ave 10206 210 14900 127200 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 45.00 4 90.00 1313 0 38.42-1-49 422 Rose, Kenneth W. Engleman Ave 10206 210 16000 124100 08 1920 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 45.00 3 105.00 1296 0 38.42-1-55 506 McCormick, Kristen Ave Engleman 10206 210 16100 106000 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1320 0 38.11-3-42 508 De Carlo, John L. Jr Ave Engleman 20200 210 8600 105400 08 1929 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 130.00 1578 0 38.11-3-41 510 Rejack, Mark F. Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 91200 08 1925 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 130.00 945 0 38.11-4-6 511 Green, Michael C. Engleman Ave 20200 210 18100 147400 04 1968 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1638 0 38.11-3-40 512 Green, Michael C. Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 81000 08 1925 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 40.00 3 130.00 1031 0 38.11-4-5 513 Coderre, Paul G. Engleman Ave 20200 210 19600 149600 08 1910 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 140.00 1608 0 Page 142 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-3-39 514 Brown, Jessica Engleman 38.11-3-38 516 Grey, Anthony Engleman Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 8600 100900 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1035 0 Ave 20200 210 8600 102000 13 1902 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1173 0 38.11-4-4 517 Gerbino, Thomas J. Ave Engleman 20200 210 16200 158600 04 1950 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 140.00 1565 0 38.11-3-37 518 Hosmer, Gregory Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 109500 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 130.00 1418 0 38.11-4-3 519 Provost, Beverly A. Engleman Ave 20200 210 11600 147000 04 1950 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1476 0 38.11-3-36 520 Burridge, Randolph M. Ave Engleman 20200 210 8600 104700 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1332 0 38.11-3-35 522 Slusarz, Mary E. Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 92500 13 1924 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1185 0 38.11-3-34 524 Brundige, Estell Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 96000 08 1929 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 2 130.00 1100 0 38.11-4-2 525 Farley, Timothy E. Engleman Ave 20200 210 18100 108400 13 1920 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1204 0 38.11-3-33 526 Lamp, Erika M. Engleman Ave 20200 210 17200 92700 13 1926 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 77.00 3 130.00 860 0 38.11-3-32 530 Wolfe, Jennifer Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 110600 13 1920 03 2 1 1 1 5 1 43.00 3 130.00 1463 0 38.11-3-31 534 Shapiro, Neal W. Engleman Ave 20200 281 17300 136000 08 1940 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 130.00 1391 0 38.11-3-31 534 Shapiro, Neal W. Engleman Ave 20200 281 17300 136000 08 1940 01 2 0 2 0 4 2 80.00 3 130.00 1535 0 38.11-2-15 602 Benn, Kellie Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 100600 13 1935 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1140 0 38.11-2-61 604 Perillo, Richard A. Jr Ave Engleman 20200 210 9900 130000 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 46.00 3 130.00 1426 0 38.11-2-62 606 Verteramo, Anthony J. Jr Ave Engleman 20200 210 15900 117500 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 74.00 3 130.00 920 0 38.11-2-60 609 Reynolds, Leo & Carol F Ave Engleman 20200 210 19600 179600 08 1913 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 140.00 1776 0 38.11-2-63 610 Boniewski, Anthony Engleman 20200 210 17200 96300 13 1929 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 130.00 772 0 Page 143 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-2-59 613 Jacobs, Robert Engleman 38.11-2-64 614 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 13900 102000 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 857 0 Peruzzi, Rose (LE) Engleman Ave 20200 210 21300 113750 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 120.00 3 237.00 2016 0 38.11-2-58 615 Mantica, John P. Engleman Ave 20200 210 13900 105580 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 140.00 1128 0 38.11-2-65.1 620 Wilk, Chance Engleman Ave 20200 210 11200 107000 08 1918 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 130.00 1152 0 38.11-2-56.1 621 Kidachi, Tsukasa Engleman Ave 20200 210 18100 110000 04 1937 04 3 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1178 0 38.11-2-66 622 Rolfe, James L. Sr Engleman Ave 20200 210 17200 111100 08 1912 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 130.00 1248 0 38.11-2-55 623 Winnicki, Matthew D. Ave Engleman 20200 210 7900 104700 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 120.00 912 0 38.11-2-54 625 Downey, III, John M. Ave Engleman 20200 210 11900 175800 08 1930 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 120.00 1989 0 38.11-2-67 626 Smith, Eric Engleman Ave 20200 210 9300 102600 08 1939 01 3 1 1 1 2 1 80.00 3 70.00 1001 0 38.11-1-13 701 Palleschi, Dominick J. Ave Engleman 20200 210 18100 111900 08 1915 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1211 0 38.11-1-4 702 Young, Robert A. Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 85700 13 1930 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 130.00 676 0 38.11-1-5 704 Martone, David T. Jr Ave Engleman 20200 210 8600 101200 08 1930 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 130.00 840 0 38.11-1-12 705 Shapiro, Connor Engleman Ave 20200 210 9300 90800 04 1941 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 904 0 38.11-1-6 706 Webb, Bruce Engleman Ave 20200 210 8600 84800 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 840 0 38.11-1-11 707 Armentano, Stacia E. Ave Engleman 20200 210 9300 111500 04 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1158 0 38.11-1-7 708 Dignon, William J. Jr. Ave Engleman 20200 210 8600 109500 13 1935 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 130.00 1218 0 38.11-1-10 709 Flagg, Donna Engleman Ave 20200 210 8800 106100 04 1931 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 38.00 3 140.00 990 0 38.11-1-8 710 Gennett, Robert Engleman Ave 20200 210 17200 72900 08 1923 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 80.00 3 130.00 500 0 Page 144 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-1-9 711 Wantuch, John A. Engleman 13.-1-82 1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 9700 97900 13 1920 01 3 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 13.-1-81 2 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 13.-1-83 3 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen 13.-1-80 4 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 42.00 3 140.00 960 0 36900 36900 0 0 4.28 40200 311 38200 38200 0 0 5.19 Ln 40200 311 10000 10000 0 0 6.44 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9500 9500 0 0 5.08 13.-1-84 5 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9800 9800 0 0 5.74 13.-1-79 6 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9500 9500 0 0 5.01 13.-1-85 7 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9700 9700 0 0 5.47 13.-1-78 8 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 10000 10000 0 0 6.51 13.-1-86 9 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9500 9500 0 0 5.13 13.-1-77 10 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9500 9500 0 0 5.04 13.-1-76 12 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9500 9500 0 0 5.13 13.-1-75 14 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9600 9600 0 0 5.23 13.-1-74 16 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9700 9700 0 0 5.43 13.-1-73 18 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 10000 10000 0 0 6.31 13.-1-72 20 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9800 9800 0 0 5.74 13.-1-71 22 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 9900 9900 0 0 6.13 13.-1-70 24 Niedzwiecki, Tim Erie Glen Ln 40200 311 10500 10500 0 0 7.74 Page 145 of 628 0 1 0 2 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.69-2-7.1 7 Gibbons, Patrick M & Mary B Ave Euclid Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class 10203 311 Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 2000 2000 110.00 110.00 0 3 100.07 1843 0 22.10-4-1 1 Koivula, Edward V & Blvd Evergreen 20203 210 27100 195800 04 1962 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 152.16 22.10-1-15 2 Niebuhr Fam. Trust, Beverly (LE) 20203 Blvd 210 Evergreen 27800 172000 01 1957 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 92.10 3 205.00 1432 0 22.10-4-22 3 Torres, Dennis A. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27800 165400 03 1960 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 150.00 3 115.00 1738 0 22.10-1-16 4 Ferguson, John A. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 26900 180700 01 1961 03 3 1 1 1 2 1 92.40 3 172.00 1596 0 22.10-3-1 5 Johnson, Patrick F. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27300 178900 03 1960 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 166.00 3 95.67 1936 0 22.10-1-17 6 Rowbotham, Glenn A. Blvd Evergreen 20203 210 27500 175800 01 1959 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 150.00 1516 0 22.10-3-35 7 Ulicki, Betty B. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 28600 212000 01 1959 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 188.20 1672 0 22.10-1-18 8 Nous, Rebecca A. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27100 189000 01 1960 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1627 0 22.10-3-34 9 Marzello, Richard E Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27400 160000 03 1962 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 159.60 1236 0 22.10-1-19 10 Hannel, Kevin E. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27300 195000 02 1961 03 3 0 2 2 3 1 109.78 3 150.47 2268 0 22.10-3-33 11 Wampler, Jason A. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27200 213000 02 1961 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 151.00 2668 0 22.10-1-20 12 Nault, Daniel P. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27100 207900 05 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 167.00 1772 0 22.10-3-32 13 Jackson, Lance R. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27200 201100 03 1962 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 151.00 2258 0 22.10-1-21 14 Ringhoff, Michael P. Blvd Evergreen 20203 210 27100 168000 01 1962 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 4 167.00 1344 0 22.10-3-31 15 Flanders, James S. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27300 191500 01 1962 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 158.44 1484 0 22.10-1-22 16 Flanagan, Marc Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27300 212500 05 1963 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 167.00 2352 0 22.10-3-30 17 Coons, Donald N. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27700 228200 05 1965 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 100.00 4 177.00 2124 0 Page 146 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.10-2-19 18 Hurley, Richard E. Evergreen 22.10-3-29 19 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Blvd 20203 210 26000 180400 03 1966 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 72.98 4 150.67 1980 0 Herbst, Sheryl Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 29200 150700 01 1966 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 135.51 3 176.85 1288 0 22.10-2-20 20 Turnbull, Mark A. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27400 160000 01 1950 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 163.98 1344 0 22.10-2-21 22 Mayo, Jeffrey H. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 27500 168000 04 1962 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 164.00 1400 0 22.10-3-28 23 Flaherty, Robert L. Evergreen Blvd 20203 210 28000 206100 04 1963 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 121.00 2200 0 22.10-2-23 24 Miller(Trustee), Shirley P. Blvd Evergreen 20203 210 29000 186300 01 1958 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 171.35 4 109.00 1530 0 22.10-2-24.1 Believers, Fellowship Evergreen Blvd 20203 311 61100 61100 0 0 9.70 150.00 25.00 0 2 300.00 2 85.00 2012 0 29.68-2-6 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Kristel, Julia Exchange St 10201 311 2100 2100 29.68-2-2 6 Gosier, Brian A. Exchange St 10201 220 19300 124100 29.6-2-8.1 Larned And Sons, William M. Fagan Terrace & Acreage 30200 311 16100 16100 0 0 8.00 Branwell, Peter Fairbanks 40200 311 38100 38100 0 0 5.10 Mc Mahon, John & Cathleen Rd Fairbanks 40200 311 38500 38500 0 0 5.54 Mc Mahon, John & Cathleen Rd Fairbanks 40200 311 10400 10400 0 0 8.60 Pray, Rhonda J. Fairbanks 40200 322 15700 15700 0 0 15.68 Mc Mahon, John & Cathleen Rd Fairbanks 40200 311 10200 10200 0 0 7.77 Town of Glenville, Farley Pl 20207 311 26000 26000 50.84 177.87 0 Colucciello, Richard Pl Farley 20207 310 41300 41300 0 0 1.00 Colucciello, Richard Pl Farley 20207 310 51200 51200 0 0 1.47 3.-1-46 3.-1-43 3.-1-45 1.-1-10 3.-1-44 29.7-1-11 29.7-1-43 29.7-1-9.12 Rd Rd 08 1945 Page 147 of 628 01 2 0 2 0 4 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.7-1-16 2 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Marco, Life Estate, Marina Pl Farley 20207 210 34400 157000 03 1955 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 81.35 3 251.62 1440 0 29.7-1-15 4 Obman, Eric V. Farley Pl 20207 210 34000 185100 04 1967 04 3 0 1 0 4 1 81.00 3 222.00 1872 0 29.7-1-14 6 Bellows, Beverly (LE) Pl Farley 20207 210 35200 147200 08 1927 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 120.00 3 221.10 1296 0 29.7-1-13 8 Ulrich, Karen M. Farley Pl 20207 210 32400 95000 13 1893 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 61.01 3 200.00 772 0 29.7-1-12 10 Busman, Kent Farley Pl 20207 210 32100 166200 05 2016 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 61.00 4 177.87 1920 0 29.60-2-16 2 Currie, Bonnie Fawn Dr 10100 210 24200 141500 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.81 3 151.83 1368 0 29.60-1-26 3 Snyder, Nancy D Fawn Dr 10100 210 24300 158300 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 58.00 3 124.00 1368 0 29.60-2-15 4 Brown, Kathleen & Gregory Dr Fawn 10100 210 24400 145000 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 62.11 3 135.29 1368 0 29.60-1-25 5 Huston, Mary Ellen Fawn Dr 10100 210 24300 161200 02 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 63.97 3 124.18 1596 0 29.60-2-14 6 Butler, Christian Fawn Dr 10100 210 24300 151400 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 68.70 3 117.72 1368 0 29.60-1-16 7 Burns, Patrick M. Fawn Dr 10100 210 24700 156000 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 88.00 3 139.12 1596 0 29.60-2-13 8 Polomaine, Harry A. Dr Fawn 10100 210 24700 154200 02 1971 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 87.00 3 138.00 1368 0 29.60-1-15 9 Thwaits, William F. Fawn Dr 10100 210 24300 153500 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1368 0 29.60-2-5 10 Caldwell, Paula M. Fawn Dr 10100 210 24600 147800 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 122.80 1368 0 29.60-1-14 11 Green, Kenneth H. Fawn Dr 10100 210 24300 153300 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 105.67 1368 0 29.60-2-4 12 Adnan, Tafail & Anila Dr Fawn 10100 210 24300 149500 02 1970 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 125.00 1368 0 29.60-2-3 14 Dunbar, Kevin Fawn Dr 10100 210 24200 140500 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.50 3 120.00 1368 0 29.84-2-24.11 Shave, Paul L. Fifth St 10200 311 500 500 13.00 79.03 0 Page 148 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.77-1-10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Manuli, Raymond L. Jr St Fifth 10203 311 16400 16400 69.00 90.00 0 Shave, Paul L. Fifth St 10203 311 15000 15000 77.99 155.66 0 30.77-1-11 6 Manuli, Raymond L. Jr St Fifth 10203 220 16100 115700 08 1905 04 2 0 2 0 5 2 45.19 3 122.00 2024 0 30.77-1-12 8 Luse, Melinda A. Fifth St 10203 210 14500 105900 05 1930 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 33.33 3 122.00 1386 0 30.77-1-13 10 Purdy, William Jr Fifth St 10203 220 16300 96000 08 1900 04 3 0 2 0 6 2 62.00 3 118.00 1752 0 30.77-1-14 14 Boone, April L. Fifth St 10203 220 16300 121300 08 1925 03 2 1 2 0 6 2 66.66 3 105.00 2208 0 30.77-1-15 22 Salmone, George Fifth St 10203 210 16700 151300 01 1954 07 3 0 1 1 3 1 133.30 4 96.00 1176 0 30.77-1-16 28 Hastings, Randy L. Fifth St 10203 210 16400 128400 08 1928 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 91.00 2088 0 30.77-1-17 32 Kolarcik, Gary & Cynthia St Fifth 10203 220 16500 119200 08 1917 03 3 0 3 0 4 2 76.66 3 129.02 2376 0 30.77-1-18 34 Benny, Ann L. Fifth St 10203 220 16800 156200 02 1968 03 3 0 2 1 5 2 112.90 3 130.70 2310 0 30.77-1-23 37 Donovan, June R (LE) St Fifth 10203 220 17500 102200 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 135.00 3 212.00 1584 0 30.77-1-19.11 38 Hulett, John J. Jr. Fifth 10203 220 16800 120600 01 1970 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 99.30 3 131.70 1856 0 30.77-1-22 41 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 10203 St 210 Fifth 16400 82300 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 71.90 2 145.00 920 0 30.77-1-47.21 42 Benny, Armon Fifth St 10203 210 16500 147800 03 1979 03 4 1 1 1 3 1 85.90 3 127.00 1630 0 29.84-2-34 53 Shapiro, Neal Fifth St 10202 210 11000 77400 13 1932 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 50.00 630 0 30.77-1-20.111 62 Benny, Patsy R. Jr Fifth St 10203 210 16700 148400 01 1966 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 102.00 3 155.66 1404 0 29.84-2-24.2 64 Shave, Paul L. Fifth St 10202 230 20300 130400 08 1928 03 2 0 3 0 5 3 69.77 3 122.00 2224 0 29.84-2-23 66 Mahon, Deena Fifth St 10202 220 20800 125700 08 1920 04 2 0 2 0 5 2 45.00 3 252.00 2388 0 St Page 149 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.77-1-20.112 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.84-2-22 68 Eglintine, Karen Fifth 29.84-2-21 72 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10202 220 21000 124800 08 1910 04 3 0 2 0 6 2 90.22 3 155.00 1776 0 Schmid, Susan Fifth St 10202 210 16100 101100 13 1937 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 110.00 1092 0 29.84-2-11 80 Phelan, John Fifth St 10202 280 23100 127000 09 1920 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 77.50 3 80.00 324 0 29.84-2-11 80 Phelan, John Fifth St 10202 280 23100 127000 13 1920 04 3 0 1 1 3 1 77.50 3 80.00 1152 0 29.84-2-10 82 Jackson, Mary E Ann St Fifth 10202 210 16200 117100 01 1990 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 77.60 3 80.00 1160 0 29.84-1-47 104 Pellegrin, Harry G. Fifth St 10202 210 14300 109100 08 1938 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 36.30 3 100.00 1472 0 29.84-1-70 105 Caseiras, Kevin F. Fifth St 10202 230 16100 149500 08 1910 01 3 0 4 0 5 3 55.60 3 100.00 2496 0 29.84-1-48 106 Brundage, Jay Fifth St 10202 210 14300 114200 08 1909 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 39.00 3 100.00 1656 0 29.84-1-69 107 Peters, Amy Fifth St 10202 210 12100 138900 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1125 0 29.84-1-49 108 Durrer, Tina & Fifth St 10202 210 14300 110800 08 1890 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 39.00 3 100.00 1350 0 29.84-1-68 109 Freihofer, Brian A Fifth St 10202 210 16000 107100 08 1915 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 44.00 3 100.00 1584 0 29.84-1-50 110 Segrue, James M. Fifth St 10202 220 16000 110900 08 1900 04 3 0 2 0 3 2 44.00 3 100.00 1566 0 29.84-1-67 111 Folk, Kyle E. Fifth St 10202 210 16000 93800 08 1910 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 44.00 2 100.00 1480 0 29.84-1-66 113 Savoy, Steven V. Fifth St 10202 210 16000 111000 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 44.00 3 100.00 1474 0 29.84-1-51.11 114 Hartman, Jeannette & Randy K 10202 St 210 Fifth 16600 121700 08 1915 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 112.00 3 100.00 2200 0 29.84-1-51.22 118 DeLong, John + Roberta St Fifth 10202 210 16200 128300 08 1928 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 67.00 1920 0 29.84-1-57 206 Alas, Edgar S & Fifth St 10202 220 12900 12900 08 1880 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 4 100.00 2250 0 29.84-1-58 208 Winters, Jamie L Fifth St 10202 210 12100 85700 13 1923 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 839 0 Page 150 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.84-1-59 210 Spicer, Thomas E. Fifth Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10202 210 12100 86900 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 968 0 29.84-1-60 212 McCrum, Deborah J. St Fifth 10202 210 12100 102600 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1004 0 29.84-1-61 214 Foy, Edward & Kimberly St Fifth 10202 210 12100 102000 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1296 0 38.28-1-3 215 Mortgage Corporation, PHH St Fifth 10205 210 12100 96600 13 1929 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 2 100.00 1277 0 29.84-1-62 216 Kalteux, Kimberly A Fifth St 10202 210 12100 90700 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1284 0 38.28-1-2 217 Bennett, Nichole Fifth St 10205 210 12500 91100 13 1924 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 3 100.00 891 0 29.84-1-63 218 Gaul, Wayne L. Fifth St 10202 210 12100 101400 13 1918 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 100.00 1311 0 29.84-1-64 220 Mahoney, Ashleigh Fifth St 10202 220 12100 108300 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 5 2 33.00 3 100.00 2200 0 38.28-1-1 221 Palmieri, Suzanne Fifth St 10205 220 16200 108000 08 1880 03 3 1 2 0 6 2 65.00 2 100.00 1894 0 29.83-2-21 222 Rock, Bernard A. Fifth St 10201 220 13600 117100 08 1928 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 3 100.00 2070 0 38.27-3-18 223 Nobile, Jodi Fifth St 10204 210 12100 88900 13 1900 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 872 0 29.83-2-20 224 Notro, Joseph M. II Fifth St 10201 210 18100 116300 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 49.50 3 100.00 1108 0 38.27-3-17 225 De Marco, David J. Fifth St 10204 220 12100 125400 08 1935 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 3 100.00 2116 0 29.83-2-19 226 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 10201 St 210 Fifth 18100 119400 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 49.50 3 100.00 1105 0 38.27-3-16 227 Boyd, Alan R. Fifth St 10204 210 12100 72300 08 1928 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 2 100.00 976 0 29.83-2-18 228 Fyvie, Donald Fifth St 10201 210 13600 86600 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 770 0 38.27-3-15 229 Healy, Michael Fifth St 10204 220 12100 102400 08 1910 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 3 100.00 1672 0 29.83-2-17 230 Comstock, James A. St Fifth 10201 210 13600 109700 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1526 0 Page 151 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-3-14 231 Brown, Tracy L. Fifth 29.83-2-16 232 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10204 210 12100 105700 13 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 2 100.00 1036 0 Haffner, Rodney J. Fifth St 10201 210 13600 105400 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1365 0 38.27-3-13 233 Thouin, Daniel Fifth St 10204 210 12100 95400 08 1903 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1290 0 38.27-3-7 305 Shafer, Matthew J. Fifth St 10204 210 16200 95500 08 1925 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1288 0 29.83-2-25 308 Skofstad, Franklin Fifth St 10201 210 18200 102800 13 1925 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1282 0 38.27-3-6 309 D'Alessandro, Margaret R. St Fifth 10204 210 16200 105400 08 1939 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1284 0 29.83-2-26 310 Housing and Urban Developmen, 10201 St 210 Fifth 13600 117600 05 1920 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1144 0 29.83-2-27 312 Mc Queen, Joseph F. St Fifth 10201 210 13600 118000 08 1920 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1209 0 38.27-3-5 313 Ridgeway, Valarie A. St Fifth 10204 210 12100 104200 13 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1314 0 29.83-2-28 314 Norelli, Nancy J Fifth St 10201 210 13600 107200 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1226 0 38.27-3-4 315 Warriner, Mary Lou Fifth St 10204 210 16100 99500 13 1913 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 49.00 3 100.00 1314 0 29.83-2-29 316 Domery, Linda M. Fifth St 10201 210 13600 111300 08 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1180 0 29.83-2-30 318 Wukits, Heidi C. Fifth St 10201 210 13600 84900 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 2 100.00 912 0 38.27-3-3 319 Elliott, Terri M. Fifth St 10204 210 16200 104200 08 1880 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 65.50 3 100.00 1928 0 38.27-3-2 321 Williams, Carolyn A. St Fifth 10204 210 16100 121600 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 52.00 3 100.00 2288 0 29.83-2-31 324 Harvey, Michael Fifth 10201 210 18500 135000 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 106.00 4 100.00 1755 0 23.18-3-69 3 Dussault, Michael H & Elise L St First 20204 210 35600 179100 01 1977 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 140.00 1639 0 23.18-3-57.2 6 Dillenbeck, Brian First 20204 210 36800 146800 04 1945 03 4 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 190.00 1296 0 St Page 152 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.18-3-68 7 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Petralia, Joseph & Julie St First 20204 210 26200 186200 05 1910 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 4 140.00 1845 0 23.18-3-57.1 8 Hudson, Lorraine First St 20204 220 37600 195500 12 1986 03 4 2 2 0 4 2 120.00 4 290.20 2052 0 23.18-3-67 9 Gilpin, Andrew J. First St 20204 210 34300 130800 08 1913 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 140.00 1137 0 23.18-3-66.1 11 Salvin, Daniel First St 20204 210 34900 182100 08 1910 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 140.00 1672 0 23.18-3-58 12 Beyer, Stephen First St 20204 210 37600 207100 04 1999 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 184.00 3 189.00 2145 0 23.18-3-64.1 13 Polmateer, Garry H. St First 20204 210 35200 240100 01 1990 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 98.81 4 157.55 1570 0 23.18-3-63 15 Downey, Mary Jo First St 20204 210 20400 103200 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 85.00 3 0 1559 0.16 23.18-3-62 17 Sparano, Christopher F. St First 20204 210 25200 104100 08 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 139.00 968 0 23.18-3-61 19 Eldridge, Claire J. & St First 20204 210 11400 137000 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 73.64 1048 0 23.18-3-60 21 Collisson, Peter J. & St First 20204 210 43300 303700 05 2007 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 250.00 4 138.00 2950 0 38.28-2-34 104 Jones, David H. First St 10205 210 13800 90000 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 25.00 3 150.00 1170 0 38.28-2-53.1 105 Flower, Raymond J. Jr. St First 10205 210 16500 117600 08 1925 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 68.00 3 150.00 1751 0 38.28-2-35 106 Baccari, Craig & Elizabeth B St First 10205 210 16400 112600 08 1899 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 150.00 1475 0 38.28-2-52 107 Savoie, Videlia First St 10205 230 16200 138300 08 1920 03 2 0 3 0 4 3 42.00 3 150.00 2420 0 38.28-2-36 108 Oathout, Doreen First St 10205 210 16400 131800 08 1910 06 3 1 1 1 4 1 60.00 3 150.00 1728 0 38.28-2-51 109 Bremser, Neil & JoMarie St First 10205 220 16100 125000 08 1912 03 3 0 2 0 3 2 27.60 3 150.00 1761 0 38.28-2-37 110 Di Lorenzo, Anthony J. St First 10205 210 16400 182400 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 150.00 1904 0 38.28-2-50 111 Cooke, Angela M. First 10205 210 16200 118200 08 1918 06 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1496 0 Page 153 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.28-2-49 113 Lykin, John L. & First 38.28-2-48 115 Zarelli, Salvatore First 38.28-1-78 200 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10205 210 16200 121900 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1560 0 St 10205 210 16200 111500 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1354 0 Theodora Gallop Family Trust, St First 10205 210 16300 128000 08 1905 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 141.70 2012 0 38.28-1-79 202 Bickford, Maxwell First St 10205 210 14700 123000 05 1930 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1349 0 38.28-2-47 203 Shull, Norman C. First St 10205 210 16400 104400 08 1910 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 148.00 1155 0 38.28-1-80 204 Bremser, Philip F First St 10205 210 16200 136500 08 1905 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1536 0 38.28-2-46 205 Charboneau, Gene F. St First 10205 210 16000 110000 08 1915 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1344 0 38.28-1-81 208 Tooley, Deborah A. First St 10205 210 16200 118600 08 1910 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 66.00 3 100.00 1409 0 38.28-2-45 209 Frenz, Heather E. First St 10205 210 16500 159500 08 1901 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 66.00 3 148.00 2055 0 38.28-1-82 210 Carpenter, John A. First St 10205 210 16100 130100 08 1910 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 49.50 3 100.00 1650 0 38.28-2-44 211 Levinthal, Adrienne S. St First 10205 210 16000 113500 08 1900 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1404 0 38.28-1-83 212 Nichols, Peter J. First St 10205 210 16100 117900 08 1910 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 49.50 3 100.00 1464 0 38.28-2-43 213 Trenosky, Agustin R. St First 10205 210 16000 118400 08 1904 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1420 0 38.28-2-42 215 Bittel, Patrick First St 10205 210 16000 75600 13 1940 01 4 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 148.00 754 0 38.28-2-41 217 Larsen, Lief & Kyna St First 10205 210 16000 110700 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1225 0 38.28-2-40 219 Weaver, Jesse + Amanda St First 10205 210 16000 114900 08 1915 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1266 0 38.28-2-39 221 Pooler, Thomas First St 10205 210 16000 128000 08 1905 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1260 0 38.28-2-38 223 Mossa, Lydia C. First St 10205 210 16000 107700 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1200 0 Page 154 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.28-1-72.1 240 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St Josephs Church, St First 10205 620 76600 805100 01 1995 01 2 1 2 0 3 1 263.00 4 190.00 1844 0 38.35-2-13 301 Miletta, Mark V. First St 10206 210 16300 103400 08 1907 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 148.00 1272 0 38.35-2-12 305 Henning, William M. St First 10206 210 16300 110900 13 1936 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 49.50 3 148.00 1238 0 38.35-2-11 309 Roche, Patrick & Katherine St First 10206 210 16500 113925 08 1913 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 66.00 3 148.00 1370 0 38.27-3-65 310 Nichols, Rachell First St 10204 220 16200 124300 08 1920 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 44.00 3 150.00 2400 0 38.35-2-10 311 Cianfarani, Somjit First St 10206 210 16000 104200 13 1927 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 2 148.00 960 0 38.27-3-64 312 Bulman, Susan M. First St 10204 220 16000 134600 08 1930 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 40.00 3 120.00 2856 0 38.35-2-9 313 Singsheim, Michael J. St First 10206 210 16000 122900 13 1928 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 33.00 3 148.00 1476 0 38.35-2-8 315 Sanchez, Donna First St 10206 210 16200 90000 13 1940 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 41.00 3 148.00 864 0 38.27-3-63 316 La frate, Thomas First St 10204 220 16600 144600 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 5 2 75.00 3 150.00 3376 0 38.35-2-7 317 Cooke, David P First St 10206 210 16200 99800 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 41.00 3 148.00 886 0 38.35-2-6 321 Warner Revocable Trust, Jan St First 10206 230 16200 123700 08 1915 03 2 0 3 0 5 3 47.00 3 148.00 1760 0 38.35-2-5 325 Wanmer, Paul B. First 10206 210 16600 118500 08 1902 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 78.00 3 150.00 1920 0 38.35-2-4 327 Savings Fund Society, Wilmington10206 St 210 First 16100 116400 08 1902 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 35.00 3 150.00 1576 0 38.35-2-3 329 Cyboron, Jason D. First 10206 210 16100 125600 08 1910 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 35.00 4 100.00 1442 0 29.5-2-34 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Foch 30200 311 6600 6600 36.00 125.00 0 Fagle, Ron Foch 30200 311 16500 16500 72.00 125.00 0 30200 311 16500 16500 72.00 125.00 0 29.5-2-28 29.5-2-26.1 St Rd Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Foch Page 155 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.5-2-30.1 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Foch Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class 30200 311 Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 24200 24200 0 0 1.10 3 125.00 1386 0 29.5-2-24 119 Veterans Affairs, Secretary of Rd Foch 30200 210 21700 153200 01 1951 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 136.00 29.5-2-6 120 Gilman, Ray C. Foch Rd 30200 210 20700 111600 08 1905 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 105.20 3 127.31 1056 0 29.5-2-25 155 Glenn, Michael P. Foch Rd 30200 210 18400 117000 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 125.00 988 0 29.5-2-32 156 Grandy, Michael K Foch Rd 30200 311 6600 6600 36.00 125.00 0 3 125.00 1400 0 29.5-2-33 156 Grandy, Michael K Foch Rd 30200 210 23000 114300 08 1910 04 2 1 1 0 5 1 180.00 29.5-2-31 178 Zobre, Peter M. Foch Rd 30200 210 22000 122600 01 1935 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 72.00 3 250.00 1440 0 29.84-1-76 104 Esperti, Salvatore J. (LE) St Fourth 10202 210 15100 106700 08 1920 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 41.00 3 100.00 1486 0 38.28-2-4 107 Carpenter, Michael J. St Fourth 10205 210 16100 116200 08 1928 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 82.20 3 80.00 1091 0 29.84-1-77 108 Matteson, Ronald & Marilyn St Fourth 10202 220 16200 116300 08 1925 03 2 0 2 1 3 2 66.00 3 100.00 1509 0 29.84-1-78 110 Gustavson, Brian D. St Fourth 10202 210 16100 116000 08 1930 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 100.00 1488 0 38.28-2-3 111 Healy, Michael J. Fourth St 10205 210 16200 114900 08 1913 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 78.00 1228 0 29.84-1-79 112 Schliff, Stephen Fourth St 10202 210 16100 100200 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 49.00 3 100.00 1134 0 38.28-2-2 113 Davis, John R. Fourth St 10205 210 13200 108500 08 1918 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 46.00 3 78.00 1186 0 38.28-1-20 207 Whinnery, Michele Fourth St 10205 210 16200 96600 13 1928 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 792 0 38.28-1-19 209 Kruk, John Fourth St 10205 210 12100 75000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1358 0 38.28-1-18 211 Kinkel, Kelly-Beth Fourth St 10205 210 12100 93100 13 1915 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 987 0 38.28-1-17 213 Little, David M. Fourth St 10205 210 12100 110500 13 1936 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1343 0 Page 156 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.28-1-16 215 Beard, Eileen Fourth Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10205 220 12100 119900 08 1929 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 3 100.00 2116 0 38.28-1-15 217 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 10205 St 220 Fourth 12100 96800 08 1917 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 2 100.00 2024 0 38.28-1-5 218 Silvestri, Carrie A. Fourth St 10205 210 16200 131600 13 1920 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1255 0 38.28-1-14 219 Ferrand, Erin A. Fourth St 10205 210 12100 104200 13 1925 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1059 0 38.28-1-6 220 Merritt, Gary A. Jr Fourth St 10205 210 12100 103100 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 934 0 38.28-1-7 222 Egan, William T. Fourth St 10205 210 12100 95800 13 1927 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 966 0 38.28-1-13 223 Milne, John Fourth St 10205 210 16200 114300 08 1910 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 66.00 3 100.00 1400 0 38.27-3-19 224 Du Charme, Patricia St Fourth 10204 220 12100 112200 08 1910 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 3 100.00 1804 0 38.28-1-12 225 Hain, Virginia Fourth St 10205 210 12100 109900 08 1915 05 2 0 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 100.00 1288 0 38.27-3-20 226 Susko, Frank C. Fourth St 10204 210 12100 86500 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1233 0 38.28-1-11 227 Gallagher, Donna Fourth St 10205 210 12100 107300 13 1927 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 2 100.00 1070 0 38.27-3-21 228 Van Slyke, Tracy D. Fourth St 10204 210 12100 87900 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1290 0 38.28-1-10 229 Mc Walker, Elizbeth M. St Fourth 10205 210 13200 91900 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 36.00 3 100.00 946 0 38.27-3-22 230 Martin, John M. Fourth St 10204 210 12100 97300 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1122 0 38.28-1-9 231 Walter, Joshua J. Fourth St 10205 210 16200 121400 08 1915 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 63.00 3 100.00 1200 0 38.27-3-23 232 Pietri, Roberto Jr Fourth St 10204 220 12100 111700 08 1927 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 3 100.00 1980 0 38.27-3-24 234 Albers, William L & Mary A St Fourth 10204 220 12100 114400 08 1938 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 33.00 3 100.00 1980 0 38.27-3-28 300 Sebis, Kenneth & Shirley St Fourth 10204 210 16200 132100 08 1937 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 67.00 1584 0 Page 157 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-3-46 305 Sharp, Gary S. Fourth 38.27-3-29 306 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10204 210 12100 85900 13 1924 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1069 0 Bank of America, Fourth St 10204 210 12100 114200 13 1927 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1600 0 38.27-3-45 307 Kondy, Sheila L Fourth St 10204 210 12100 105500 08 1928 04 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 999 0 38.27-3-30 308 DiDonna, Doris E. Fourth St 10204 210 12100 104700 13 1940 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 33.00 2 100.00 1416 0 38.27-3-44 309 Martinec, Joseph F. Fourth St 10204 210 12100 77200 13 1902 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 620 0 38.27-3-31 310 Canfield Jonathan E & Sarajane, 10204 St 210 Fourth 12100 98500 13 1940 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1464 0 38.27-3-43 311 Milstrey, Raymond D. St Fourth 10204 210 12100 100100 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 2 100.00 1162 0 38.27-3-32 312 Capasso, Helen Fourth St 10204 210 12100 104200 13 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1464 0 38.27-3-42 313 Soto, Christian G. Fourth St 10204 210 12100 109100 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1701 0 38.27-3-33 314 Dillenbeck, David R. St Fourth 10204 210 12100 99700 13 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 964 0 38.27-3-41 315 Johnson, Bryce Fourth St 10204 210 12100 94100 13 1913 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 881 0 38.27-3-34 316 Kozak, Kevin Fourth St 10204 210 12100 103100 13 1927 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1446 0 38.27-3-40 317 LaBrie, Ruth M. Fourth St 10204 210 12100 102000 13 1900 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 140.00 890 0 38.27-3-35 320 Bradt, Earl Fourth St 10204 210 16200 109000 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1512 0 38.27-3-36 322 Priess, David C. Fourth St 10204 230 16100 128400 08 1939 04 2 0 3 0 4 3 56.00 3 100.00 2400 0 15.8-6-1 Ostrander, Nancy J & Darryl L Rd Fredericks 20205 311 3000 3000 75.00 131.00 0 15.8-6-19 1 Staude, Stuart J. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 23100 145000 04 1960 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 131.00 1300 0 15.8-6-20 1A Mell, Michael & Freda Rd Fredericks 20205 220 27300 241400 12 1989 03 2 2 3 0 4 2 133.64 3 206.44 3168 0 Page 158 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.12-3-5 2 Spiak, Kimberly A. Fredericks Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20205 210 24200 154700 04 1952 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 131.00 1425 0 15.12-3-4 2A The Alternative Living Group , Inc.20205 Rd 210 Fredericks 25000 166000 01 1986 03 4 0 2 0 3 1 108.00 3 131.00 1536 0 15.8-6-18 3 Ostrander, Nancy J & Darryl L Rd Fredericks 20205 210 25100 124800 04 1930 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 112.50 3 131.00 1324 0 15.12-3-6 4 Kirry, Stuart W. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 133800 04 1942 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 131.00 1320 0 15.8-6-17.1 7 Zeglen, Lawrence E. Rd Fredericks 20205 210 25700 140100 04 1940 03 2 0 1 2 3 1 130.00 4 131.00 1128 0 15.12-3-7 8 Milewski, Anthony S. III Rd Fredericks 20205 210 26400 178800 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 150.00 3 131.00 1428 0 15.8-6-16.1 9 Tricozzi, Raymond O. Rd Fredericks 20205 210 24400 144400 01 1952 02 3 0 1 2 3 1 95.00 3 131.00 1120 0 15.12-3-8 10 Traver, Donna M. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 25100 135600 04 1948 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 112.50 3 132.00 1200 0 15.12-3-9 14 Knight, Kristen Fredericks Rd 20205 210 24600 164400 04 1951 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 131.00 1488 0 15.8-6-15 15 Cintula, Linda S. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 25000 160000 04 1950 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 112.00 3 131.00 1663 0 15.12-3-10 16 Kwiatkowski, Steven M. Rd Fredericks 20205 210 21700 149200 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 131.00 1224 0 15.8-6-14 17 Bielawski, Ronald M. Rd Fredericks 20205 210 21700 133300 04 1940 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 131.00 1362 0 15.12-3-11 18 Kuzia, Paul J. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 24600 102700 04 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 131.00 1067 0 15.8-6-13 19 Lewicki, Paul J. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 24100 132900 04 1952 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 85.00 3 131.00 1353 0 15.12-3-13 20 Wifladt, Tom G. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 130000 01 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 2 131.00 1324 0 15.12-3-12 20A Labombard, Dianne Rd Fredericks 20205 210 18800 149600 01 1954 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 131.00 1040 0 15.8-6-12 21 Haavind, Fredrik Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 149600 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 131.00 1600 0 15.12-3-14 22 Harrison, Robin Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 142500 04 1943 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 131.00 1080 0 Page 159 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.8-6-11 23 Lafergola, Stephen Fredericks 15.12-3-15 24 Grant, Janice L. Fredericks 15.8-6-10 25 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 21700 142800 03 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 131.00 1330 0 Rd 20205 210 21700 154900 04 1950 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 131.00 1556 0 Hughes, Shawn & Kathleen Rd Fredericks 20205 210 26400 190200 04 1954 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 150.00 4 131.00 1806 0.44 16.9-2-1 26 Truttling, Lamonte A. Rd Fredericks 20205 210 21700 150900 04 1943 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 131.00 1224 0 16.9-2-2 28 Finley, Barry G. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 136300 04 1953 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 131.00 1253 0 16.9-1-17 29 Jankowy, John F. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 145000 01 1948 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 131.00 1272 0 16.9-2-3 30 Greene, Kyle Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 234200 04 1950 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 75.00 3 131.00 2518 0 16.9-1-18 31 Geddings, Joseph Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 143300 04 1945 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 131.00 1224 0 16.9-2-4 32 Russell, Robert R. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 181700 04 1950 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 131.00 1836 0 16.9-1-19 33 Whitehead, Jack R. Rd Fredericks 20205 210 21700 179400 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 131.00 1939 0 16.9-2-5 34 Kulpa, Victor J. Jr Fredericks Rd 20205 210 24300 188100 02 1968 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 126.72 1852 0 16.9-1-20 35 Hotopp, Kurt C. Fredericks Rd 20205 210 21700 169300 04 1956 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 131.00 1428 0 16.9-2-6 36 Weber, Kevin + Jaclyn Rd Fredericks 20309 210 34300 256500 05 1970 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 95.00 4 126.72 2524 0 16.9-1-21 37 Port, Robert Fredericks Rd 20205 210 24700 181400 02 1969 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 127.00 1828 0 16.9-2-7 38 Knight, Edward K. Jr Rd Fredericks 20309 210 34300 186000 02 1970 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 126.72 1882 0 16.9-1-22 39 Chadbourne, Susan J. Rd Fredericks 20309 210 34700 155100 01 1965 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 105.00 4 126.90 1118 0 16.9-2-8 40 Cronier, Jon-Paul + Sarah Rd Fredericks 20309 210 34300 188600 02 1970 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 126.72 1976 0 16.9-1-23 41 Witkofsky, Mark P. Fredericks 20309 210 34600 181000 02 1971 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 4 126.60 1828 0 Page 160 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.9-2-9 42 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Bonacquist, Dominic Jr Rd Fredericks 20309 210 34300 182300 02 1969 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 95.00 4 126.72 1900 0 16.9-1-24 43 Hall, Leigh S. Fredericks Rd 20309 210 34600 180700 02 1968 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 126.31 1828 0 16.9-2-10 44 Clark, Robert F. Fredericks Rd 20309 210 34200 180600 02 1971 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 127.00 1872 0 16.9-1-25 45 Blair, Thomas V. Fredericks Rd 20309 210 34600 191800 02 1969 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 126.01 2062 0 16.9-2-11 46 Leszczynsky, Jaroslaw Rd Fredericks 20309 210 34400 187900 02 1970 04 2 0 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 129.00 1900 0 16.9-1-26 47 Kirsty, Jeffrey Fredericks Rd 20401 210 46800 245600 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 4 125.75 2212 0 16.9-2-12 48 Buzash, Paul R. Fredericks Rd 20309 210 34400 210600 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 129.17 1944 0 16.9-1-62 49 Kane, Michael H. Fredericks Rd 20309 210 34700 243000 04 1968 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 90.00 4 150.00 2510 0 16.9-2-13 50 Patnaude, James M. Rd Fredericks 20309 210 35500 210600 05 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 95.00 4 170.00 1944 0 16.9-1-61 51 Bonadies, Karen A. Fredericks Rd 20309 210 35100 199500 03 1972 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1864 0 16.9-1-60 53 Drapeau, Norman R. Jr Rd Fredericks 20309 210 35400 260600 05 1966 04 2 1 3 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2594 0 16.9-1-59 55 National Association, as Trust, U.S. 20309 Bank Rd 210 Fredericks 36500 232000 02 1973 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 130.00 4 150.00 2238 0 16.9-2-16 58 Sosnowski, Francis Fredericks Rd 20401 210 50500 277900 05 1974 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 180.00 4 317.00 2300 0 16.9-2-17 60 Kuchar, Norman R. Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49400 274900 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 314.30 2618 0 16.9-1-50 61 Pinel, Edgar L. Jr Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49100 231000 05 1975 03 3 0 3 1 3 1 200.00 4 115.00 2100 0 16.9-2-18 62 Larson, Nels R. Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49200 249500 05 1973 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 268.85 2268 0 16.9-2-43 64 Barnes , James C. Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49300 268800 05 1979 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 229.00 2512 0 16.9-3-50 65 Walsh, Daniel E. Fredericks Rd 20401 210 50200 279000 05 1984 01 2 2 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2562 1.13 Page 161 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.9-2-44 66 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Bartlett, Deborah M. Rd Fredericks 20401 210 48600 232000 05 1978 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 168.00 2324 0 16.9-3-51 67 James, Rayon M. Fredericks Rd 20401 210 50100 299200 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2808 1.06 16.9-3-42 68 Smrstik, Aldrich Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49300 263900 05 1983 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 4 260.00 2490 0 16.9-3-43.2 70 Seymour, James Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49300 237700 06 1983 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 110.00 3 252.00 2368 0 16.9-3-49 72 Antokol, Revocable Trust, Judith P. 20401 Rd 215 Fredericks 49200 300000 06 1996 03 2 0 3 0 5 2 110.00 4 235.00 3350 0 16.9-3-48 74 Zampella, John Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49400 277700 05 1996 03 3 0 3 1 4 1 118.45 4 256.78 2378 0 16.9-3-47 76 Kump, Roland K. Fredericks Rd 20401 210 50200 225000 05 1984 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 132.92 3 369.88 2514 0 16.9-3-46 78 Capasso, Vincent Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49900 301000 05 1984 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 4 369.88 2870 0 16.9-3-45 80 Nunes, Alice M. Fredericks Rd 20401 210 49200 311400 05 1983 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 124.13 4 216.71 3141 0 16.9-3-44 82 Thornhill, Ross & Samantha Rd Fredericks 20401 210 49000 295500 05 1983 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 163.00 4 140.00 3150 0 30.14-2-25 Piotrowski, Ida Freemans Bridge Rd 50100 330 8500 8500 60.00 250.20 0 Piotrowski, Ida Freemans Bridge Rd 50100 330 8500 8500 60.00 258.40 0 Popolizio, Pasquale Rd Freemans Bridge 50100 314 61400 61400 176.74 115.00 0 Piotrowski,Et.Al, Clement E. Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 330 41400 41400 0 0 37.00 Mangino Family, Irrevocable Trust50100 Rd 330 Freemans Bridge 96000 96000 0 0 3.10 Bridge Realty, LLC, Freemans Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 330 80200 80200 0 0 2.40 30.19-1-14.1-1 37 Dewey, John F. (LE) Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 210 38100 196100 02 1967 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2156 0.01 30.19-1-21.1 45 Parravani, James F. Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 431 84100 262500 08 1945 02 3 1 1 0 4 1 313.00 3 129.00 1612 0 30.-1-33 30.-1-40 30.19-1-30.2 30.-1-24.42 Page 162 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.19-1-43 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.19-1-40.1 56 Sarnowski, Henry A. Rd Freemans Bridge Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20100 210 37000 138000 05 1900 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 102.00 3 224.00 1276 0 30.-1-3 66 Partners, LLC, Broad + Thomas 20100 Rd 473 Freemans Bridge 465900 620000 01 1953 02 2 0 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1152 41.82 30.15-1-1 68 Kruszona, Helen J. Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 230 34400 125000 13 1927 01 2 0 3 0 3 3 50.00 2 249.00 1655 0 30.15-1-2 70 Knight, Peter J. Jr Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 311 34500 34500 50.00 252.00 0 30.15-1-3 72 Juedes, Dolores M. Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 210 37200 119500 13 1929 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 259.00 1008 0 30.15-1-4 74 Schaffer, Michael Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 210 37400 122300 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 111.95 3 270.00 950 0 30.14-2-19 75-77 Orlando, Elena Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 280 53600 232500 08 1942 03 3 0 1 1 3 2 0 3 0 2028 1.39 30.14-2-19 75-77 Orlando, Elena Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 280 53600 232500 13 1938 05 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 444 1.39 30.-1-24.411 81 Piotrowski, Raymon M. Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 113 325100 410100 04 1938 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1833 209.00 30.14-2-13 101 Tleiji, Youseff H. Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 330 83400 83400 120.00 250.00 0 30.15-1-13.11-1 104 Mastroianni, James B. Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 210 38000 198100 1 0 3 0 2080 1.00 30.15-1-14 108 DMPM Property Mgmt, Rd Freemans Bridge 50100 330 53600 53600 150.00 205.00 0 30.15-1-16.1 118 Schaeffer, Charles A. Rd Freemans Bridge 50100 330 136500 136500 0 0 13.12 3 0 752 1.50 03 3 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 3 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 08 1920 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 30.15-1-17 120 Schaeffer, Michael S. Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 210 38800 91800 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 108.00 30.-1-1.11 122 Brandywine Partners LLC, Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 484 333200 631100 08 1925 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 2 0 1350 19.70 30.14-2-4 133 Preston, Helen E. (LE) Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 210 35100 110200 04 1958 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.10 3 250.20 1040 0 30.14-2-3.1 135 Russo, Esther M Freemans Bridge Rd 20100 210 37000 153800 04 1948 02 3 0 1 0 4 1 90.44 3 250.00 1469 0 30.14-2-2.1 137 Maddalla, Paul E Freemans Bridge Rd 50100 484 61000 273300 08 1938 02 3 0 2 0 5 2 90.00 3 250.00 1878 0 Page 163 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 30.10-3-8 140 136-140 Freemans Br. Rd LLC, 20100 Rd 421 Freemans Bridge 147300 516000 08 1920 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2436 1.90 30.10-2-20 147 McElroy, Timothy E. Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 210 27700 166300 01 1961 03 3 0 2 0 2 1 60.00 3 148.00 1426 0 30.10-2-18.1 153 Sharifipour, Mohamaed Rd Freemans Bridge 20100 210 34100 116400 08 1914 03 3 0 1 0 2 2 85.75 3 132.00 976 0 30.10-2-18.2 155 Groves, Kevin H. Freemans Bridge 20100 210 35100 112400 04 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 79.00 3 187.00 888 0 30.10-2-19 157 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 20100 Rd 210 Freemans Bridge 25500 25500 13 1931 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 80.00 2 102.00 888 0 30.14-2-26 Piotrowski, Ida Freemans Bridge Rd 50100 330 8500 8500 60.00 250.40 0 Piotrowski, Ida Freemans Bridge Rd 50100 330 8500 8500 94.82 236.40 0 29.36-1-4 1 Burns, Owen Garnet Ln 10100 210 25700 237000 04 2005 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 151.97 3 235.00 2267 0 29.36-1-19 2 Oligny, Cheryll Garnet Ln 10100 210 25100 200000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 156.27 3 130.00 1363 0.47 29.36-1-18 4 Kupiec, Carol Garnet Ln 10100 210 24900 200000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 103.15 3 160.26 1363 0.38 29.36-1-6 5 Link, James E. Garnet Ln 10100 210 24900 227300 04 2005 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 97.29 3 190.00 1776 0 29.36-1-17 6 De Crescenzo, Janice Ln Garnet 10100 210 24900 210000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 103.14 3 161.16 1363 0.38 29.36-1-7 7 Amin, Kirit K & Kiran K Ln Garnet 10100 210 24800 237000 04 2005 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 97.28 3 156.83 2218 0 29.36-1-16 8 Wyso, Diane M. Garnet Ln 10100 210 24900 211500 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 103.15 3 165.17 1457 0.39 29.36-1-8 9 Ziotkowski, Kathleen M Ln Garnet 10100 210 24800 214000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 97.29 3 156.00 1457 0.35 29.36-1-15 10 Silkowski, Peter Garnet Ln 10100 210 24900 227300 04 2005 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 103.14 3 161.16 1776 0.38 29.36-1-9 11 Rutigliano, Carolyn Garnet Ln 10100 215 24900 313100 04 2005 03 2 0 5 1 5 2 112.63 3 149.79 3177 0.39 29.36-1-14 12 D'Angelo fam trust, Gino & Doris 10100 Ln 210 Garnet 24800 214000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 103.15 3 148.02 1457 0.35 30.14-2-27.1 Page 164 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.36-1-10 13 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Glynn, Robert & Theresa Ln Garnet 10100 210 25200 210000 01 2006 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 120.41 3 185.00 1363 0.51 29.36-1-11 14 Fredenburg, Richard I. Ln Garnet 10100 210 25000 187500 01 2006 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 80.81 3 216.13 1363 0.40 29.36-1-12 15 Widener, Timothy S Ln Garnet 10100 210 25000 220000 01 2006 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 77.66 3 235.00 1541 0.42 29.36-1-13 16 Wetmore, Robert S & Rosamaria 10100 Ln 210 Garnet 25400 234500 05 2006 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 113.63 3 235.00 2218 0.61 29.36-1-5 3 Vargas, Fernando/Miriam Ln Garnet 10100 210 25000 234500 04 2005 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 97.28 3 190.00 2267 0 15.12-1-27 County Of Schenectady, Rd Gleason 20205 311 800 800 10.00 350.00 0 15.12-2-5 4 Legere, Ryan Gleason 20205 210 27600 165200 04 1939 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 385.00 1782 0 15.12-2-6 6 Mac Derment, Hugh D & Deborah20205 A Rd 210 Gleason 27600 168500 04 1939 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 385.00 1467 0 15.12-2-7 8 Santora, Anthony J. Gleason Rd 20205 210 27600 163400 04 1941 02 2 0 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 385.00 1643 0 15.12-2-8 10 Buckley, Julie A. Gleason Rd 20205 210 27100 109100 13 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 385.00 835 0 15.12-2-9 12 Rock, Judy & George A Rd Gleason 20205 210 27100 177000 04 1953 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 4 385.00 2192 0 15.12-2-10 14 Geuss, Dawn E. Gleason Rd 20205 210 27100 160000 08 1934 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 384.10 1732 0 15.12-1-11 17 Waffle, Doris Gleason Rd 20205 210 25400 153200 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 155.00 1152 0 15.8-5-1 18 Johnsen, Shirley A. Gleason Rd 20205 210 29500 135000 13 1925 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 4 0 1592 2.00 15.12-1-10 19 Countermine, Kenneth R. Rd Gleason 20205 210 25600 171100 01 1961 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 166.00 1248 0 15.8-5-2 20 Rockwood, Kevin A. Rd Gleason 20205 210 26700 111900 04 1975 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 62.00 3 341.01 1232 0 15.12-1-9 21 Cullen, Cynthia A. Gleason Rd 20205 210 27500 144800 04 1965 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 340.00 1040 0 15.12-1-8 23 Whilllans, Ann Gleason Rd 20205 210 25000 113000 04 1938 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 200.00 1116 0 Page 165 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.8-5-3 24 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Lansley, Keith W & Staci M Rd Gleason 20205 210 27300 118500 13 1920 01 3 0 2 0 5 1 130.50 3 224.00 1224 0 15.12-1-7 25 Clement, Katy Gleason Rd 20205 210 27000 193600 01 1963 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 225.00 1853 0 15.7-5-15 26 Harrison, William J. Gleason Rd 20205 210 25900 200600 05 1940 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.00 4 235.00 2272 0 15.12-1-6 27 Despres, Edward E. II Rd Gleason 20205 210 27500 155600 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 327.00 1250 0 15.7-5-16 28 Caccavale, Louis V. Rd Gleason 20205 210 27200 142500 04 1939 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 102.00 4 250.00 1512 0 15.12-1-5 29 Bennett, Linda Gleason Rd 20205 210 24200 119100 13 1935 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 167.00 1008 0 15.7-5-17 30 Ormsby, Erna Lea Gleason Rd 20205 210 25900 77000 13 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 2 235.00 1124 0 15.12-1-4 31 Kurant, Rose Marie Gleason Rd 20205 210 28500 180000 01 1946 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 1538 1.30 15.7-5-18 34 Tario, Wilbur E & Alicia M Rd Gleason 20205 210 29500 95600 13 1933 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 816 2.00 15.12-1-3 35 Mancuso, Christopher D. Rd Gleason 20205 210 21800 182600 04 1950 02 2 0 2 0 4 1 55.00 3 180.00 1986 0 15.7-5-19 38 Fuller, Denise + Michael Rd Gleason 20205 210 27400 116600 08 1937 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 120.00 3 250.00 1170 0 15.12-1-2 39 Minkler, Jonathan R. Rd Gleason 20205 210 27500 120200 13 1920 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 165.00 3 200.00 1252 0 15.7-5-20 40 Hudson, D J. Gleason Rd 20205 210 25100 138400 04 1955 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 250.00 1367 0 15.7-5-21 44 Trzeciak, Mike Gleason Rd 20205 210 27400 94500 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 250.00 1088 0 15.7-5-22.2 49 Wancewicz, Robert W. Rd Gleason 20205 210 34900 92700 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 305.00 3 229.70 836 0 15.12-2-1 off Santora, Anthony Gleason 20205 311 700 700 25.00 445.00 0.26 15.12-1-26 VanWie, Ann Gleason Rd Off Of 20205 311 5100 5100 199.00 260.00 0 Von Maucher, Geoffrey & Marcy 10206 Ave 311 Glen 100 100 1.70 164.98 0 38.34-2-29 Page 166 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 38.44-2-41 Scotia Manor Apartments, LLC, 40100 Ave 330 Glen 34100 34100 150.00 55.00 0 113.76 107.00 0.21 38.44-2-30.1 6 Bekkering, Don Glen Ave 40100 331 37800 59400 38.44-2-31 10 Properties,LLC, CLJB Ave Glen 10207 220 16300 124500 08 1929 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 63.00 2 128.40 1736 0 38.44-2-32 14 Mazzone Family Parners, L.P., Ave Glen 10207 220 16300 126600 08 1898 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 53.66 3 140.10 1726 0 38.52-1-34 15 Prusky, Kevin L. Glen Ave 10207 210 16500 141600 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 52.50 3 198.00 1644 0 38.52-1-33 17 Smith, Karen & James J. Ave Glen 10207 220 16400 136300 08 1900 01 2 0 2 0 5 2 50.00 3 171.00 1848 0 38.52-1-32 19 Walker, Rita G. Glen Ave 10207 220 16400 122600 08 1913 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 52.50 3 158.00 1704 0 38.52-1-31 21 Tanzman, Jay M. Glen Ave 10207 210 16200 109500 08 1850 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 1342 0 38.44-2-34 22 Avenue, LLC, 25 Mohawk Ave Glen 10207 311 16200 104800 40.00 150.00 0 3 150.00 1848 0 38.52-1-30 23 Schlegel Irrevocable Trust, Ave Glen 10207 220 16400 115000 08 1880 03 1 0 2 0 3 2 60.00 38.44-2-35 24 Nelson, Ronald J. Glen Ave 10207 220 16200 129500 08 1920 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 41.80 3 150.00 2208 0 38.52-1-29 25 Prest, Joseph G. Jr. Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 128500 08 1880 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 4 150.00 1636 0 38.44-2-36 26-28 Scotia Manor Apartments, LLC, 10207 Ave 300 Glen 34100 34100 64.40 150.00 0 10207 220 16300 125000 08 1930 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 150.00 2192 0 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 150.00 1848 0 50.00 150.00 0 1 50.00 3 150.00 1294 0 50.00 150.00 0 38.52-1-28 27 Connelly, Bruce Glen 38.52-1-27 29 Guardian Preservation LLC, Ave Glen 10207 220 16300 128200 38.44-2-37 30 Scotia Manor Apartments, LLC, 10207 Ave 330 Glen 34100 34100 38.52-1-26 31 Greeley, Stephen & Gail Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 104000 38.44-2-38 32 Scotia Manor Apartments, LLC, 10207 Ave 330 Glen 34100 34100 Ave 08 1900 Page 167 of 628 01 2 0 1 0 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.52-1-25 33 Guidry Family Trust, Dawne R. Ave Glen Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths 10207 210 16300 141100 08 1910 03 2 38.44-2-39 34 Scotia Manor Apartments, LLC, 10207 Ave 330 Glen 34100 34100 38.52-1-24 35 King, Patricia Glen 10207 210 16300 112100 38.44-2-40 36 Scotia Manor Apartments, LLC, 10207 Ave 330 Glen 34100 34100 38.44-2-42 102 Attanasio, Leonard Glen Ave 10207 220 16000 123300 08 1890 03 2 0 2 38.44-3-14 105 Healy, Barbara A Glen Ave 10207 220 18700 138000 08 1931 03 3 38.44-3-13 107 Byam, David M. & Geri L. Ave Glen 10207 210 18700 112300 13 1918 38.44-2-43 108 Ruggiero, Justin Glen Ave 10207 230 16300 129700 38.44-3-12 109 Kulbako, Jordan Glen Ave 10207 220 38.44-2-44 110 Matthews, Roy Glen Ave 38.44-3-11 111 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 50.00 3 150.00 2308 0 43.30 150.00 0 1 50.00 3 150.00 1472 0 50.00 150.00 0 0 3 2 37.00 3 125.00 1690 0 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 150.00 2344 0 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1102 0 08 1925 01 2 0 3 0 5 3 48.90 3 150.00 1660 0 16300 152000 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 50.00 4 150.00 2172 0 10207 220 16300 95000 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 53.93 3 150.00 1680 0 Crawford, Thomas E. Ave Glen 10207 210 16100 99200 08 1900 04 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1260 0 38.44-2-45 112 Matthews, Roy & Pamela Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 67500 08 1890 04 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.25 2 150.00 1456 0 38.44-3-10 113 Matthews, Roy Glen 10207 220 16300 125000 08 1925 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 150.00 2112 0 38.44-3-9 115 Loveland, Joseph N & Shannon L10207 Ave 220 Glen 16300 139200 08 1910 03 3 0 2 0 5 2 50.00 3 150.00 2084 0 38.44-3-8 117 Rozek, Anthony James Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 102000 08 1900 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 49.50 2 150.00 1408 0 38.44-2-48 118 Figliola, Joseph S. Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 104900 08 1865 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 48.70 3 150.00 1410 0 38.44-3-7 119 Hutchison, Jamie S. Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 131800 08 1907 04 3 0 2 0 4 1 50.50 3 150.00 1760 0 38.44-3-6 121 Realty Corp., Trustco Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 133700 08 1926 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1788 0 Ave Ave 08 1885 Page 168 of 628 01 3 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 4 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.44-2-50 122 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Paglieri, Jonathan N. Ave Glen 10207 210 16100 107200 08 1890 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 38.10 3 150.00 1360 0 38.44-3-5 123 Ruggiero, Justin Glen Ave 10207 210 16600 131700 08 1905 06 3 0 2 1 4 1 69.00 3 150.00 2002 0 38.44-2-51 124 Nelson, Charles Z. Glen Ave 10207 210 16200 101000 13 1891 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 42.20 3 150.00 932 0 38.44-2-52 126 Kuhlmeier, Susan E Ave Glen 10207 210 16200 124700 08 1880 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 39.00 3 150.00 1688 0 38.44-3-4 127 McGann, Patrick M. Ave Glen 10207 210 16700 130500 08 1908 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 81.00 3 150.00 1760 0 38.44-2-53 128 Matthews, Roy + Pamela Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 121100 08 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 4 150.00 1595 0 38.44-3-3 129 Potts, Eric E. Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 121100 08 1891 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1440 0 38.44-2-54 130 J+L Enterprise Structures, Ave Glen 10207 220 16300 125300 08 1900 04 2 0 2 0 6 2 50.00 2 150.00 1812 0 38.44-3-2 131 Van Schaack, Anthony Ave Glen 10207 220 16300 133600 08 1860 04 3 1 2 0 6 2 50.00 3 150.00 2872 0 38.44-3-1 133 Caisse, Victor J. Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 119300 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1416 0 38.43-2-15 203 Mitchell, Arthur F. Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 98400 08 1910 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1232 0 38.36-1-68 204 First National Bank of Scotia, Ave Glen 40100 331 21500 28300 52.00 106.00 0 38.43-2-14 205 Flansburg, Carol J. Glen Ave 10207 220 16300 131100 08 1920 01 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 143.50 1724 0 38.43-2-13 207 Johnson, Allan T. (LE) Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 111100 08 1897 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1384 0 38.36-1-70 208 First National Bank of Scotia, Ave Glen 40100 331 24100 31500 47.00 124.00 0 38.43-2-12 209 La Cerais, Matthew Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 104800 08 1900 04 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1525 0 38.43-2-11 211 Nowakowski, Kelly L. Ave Glen 10207 210 16300 111300 08 1898 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1386 0 38.35-3-26.2 212 First National Bank of Scotia, Ave Glen 40100 331 27500 34700 50.00 80.00 0 Page 169 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.35-3-27.2 212 First National Bank of Scotia, Ave Glen Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class 40100 331 Asmt Land Asmt Total Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 27500 34700 50.00 133.60 0 3 143.50 2700 0 38.43-2-10 213 Attanasio, Ronald J. Ave Glen 10207 220 16300 143700 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 38.43-2-9 215 Arket, Richard W. Glen 10207 210 16300 121100 08 1928 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 4 143.50 1534 0 38.35-3-28 216 First National Bank of Scotia, Ave Glen 10206 310 16200 16200 50.00 133.60 0 38.43-2-8 217 Moehle, David G. Glen 10207 210 16300 105100 08 1910 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1240 0 38.35-3-29 218 Trumpler, Life Estate, Joseph H. 10206 Ave 210 Glen 16200 121300 08 1936 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 4 133.00 1600 0 38.43-2-7 219 Giroux, James J Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 141700 08 1925 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 50.00 3 143.50 2424 0 38.35-3-30 220 Seyse, Eric W. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 97400 08 1893 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 133.60 1200 0 38.43-2-6 221 Trudell, Lynn C. Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 111300 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1260 0 38.35-3-31 222 Mezzio, Christine Glen Ave 10206 220 16200 100600 08 1905 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 50.00 3 133.60 1472 0 38.43-2-5 223 Bernard, Richard Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 113100 13 1920 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 50.00 3 143.50 1080 0 38.43-2-4 225 Mitchell, Jenny R. Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 101000 08 1903 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1186 0 38.35-3-33 226 Monaco, Anthony (LE) Ave Glen 10206 220 16200 124200 08 1875 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 50.00 3 133.60 2148 0 38.43-2-3 227 Smith, Sean M. Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 120800 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 143.50 1354 0 38.35-3-34 228 Stuart, Morgan D. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 144100 08 1904 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 133.60 1613 0 38.43-2-2 229 Wild, Robert Glen Ave 10207 210 16300 89300 08 1897 04 2 1 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 143.50 1092 0 38.35-3-35 230 Jeffrude Management Corp, Ave Glen 10206 220 16200 111300 08 1910 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 50.00 3 133.60 1980 0 38.35-3-37 236 Lindsey, Regina Glen 10206 210 16000 100800 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.33 3 133.60 1152 0 Ave Ave Ave Page 170 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.35-3-38 238 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Fish, Blake + Christy Ave Glen 10206 210 16000 106600 08 1920 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 33.33 3 133.60 1144 0 38.35-3-39 242 Ostrander, Victoria L. Ave Glen 10206 210 16600 107400 08 1927 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 93.13 3 135.60 1204 0 38.35-3-75 301 Noonan, Daniel F. Glen Ave 10206 210 16000 99000 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 42.50 3 110.00 1072 0 38.35-3-45 302 Tleiji, Youseff H. Glen Ave 10206 210 16500 119300 08 1890 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 51.00 3 161.20 1272 0 38.35-3-74 303 Macejka, Joseph R. Jr Ave Glen 10206 210 13300 90200 08 1910 04 2 0 1 0 4 1 33.50 2 110.00 1224 0 38.35-3-46 304 Di Giandomenico, Sandra J. Ave Glen 10206 210 16200 100900 08 1928 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 160.38 1187 0 38.35-3-73 305 Phillips, Dean & Erin Ave Glen 10206 210 13700 108400 08 1908 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 34.00 3 110.00 1554 0 38.35-3-47 306 Braun, Robert E. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 101900 08 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 4 160.75 1152 0 38.35-3-72 307 Boilard, Joseph & Gina Ave Glen 10206 210 15900 116300 08 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1480 0 38.35-3-48 308 Sherry, James J. Glen 10206 210 16200 115500 08 1930 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 161.00 1450 0 38.35-3-71 309 Machie, Vincent & Shirley J. (LE) 10206 Ave 210 Glen 15900 102500 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 108.00 1368 0 38.35-3-49 310 Cooper, Kent Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 107200 08 1929 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 38.00 3 161.50 1826 0 38.35-3-70 311 Martin, Christopher Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 107400 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 108.00 1572 0 38.35-3-50 312 Keenan, Daniel A. Glen Ave 10206 220 16200 120100 08 1900 03 2 0 2 1 5 2 35.00 3 162.00 2156 0 38.35-3-69 313 Andersen, Christopher Ave Glen 10206 210 16200 110900 13 1923 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 108.00 1282 0 38.35-3-51 314 Greeley, Stephen T & Gail E Ave Glen 10206 220 16100 121000 08 1918 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 35.00 3 162.00 1774 0 38.35-3-68 315 Dykes, Barbara A. Glen Ave 10206 210 15900 109400 08 1925 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 4 108.00 1528 0 38.35-3-52 316 Clark, Kristina M Glen Ave 10206 210 16400 115400 13 1923 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 52.00 3 162.63 990 0 Page 171 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.35-3-67 317 Madej, William Glen 38.35-3-66 319 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10206 220 15900 120700 13 1910 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 40.00 3 108.00 1638 0 Senecal, Scott Glen Ave 10206 210 15900 106300 08 1930 03 4 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 108.00 1320 0 38.35-3-53 320 Stammer, Colin Glen Ave 10206 210 16700 158700 05 1958 03 2 0 3 0 6 1 80.00 3 163.00 2444 0 38.35-3-65 321 Roszak, Robert J. Glen Ave 10206 210 15900 98000 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 4 108.00 1103 0 38.35-3-54 322 Quibido, Tommy A. Glen Ave 10206 210 16000 102700 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 109.33 1372 0 38.35-3-64 323 Bucciferro, David J. Glen Ave 10206 210 15900 102500 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 4 108.00 1228 0 38.35-3-55 324 Milewski, Leonard Glen Ave 10206 210 16000 131300 13 1929 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 3 109.66 1522 0 38.35-3-63 325 Torelli, Michael J & Susan M Ave Glen 10206 210 15900 106500 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 968 0 38.35-3-56 326 von Maucher, Kurt B. Ave Glen 10206 210 16000 108300 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1136 0 38.35-3-62 327 Bebernitz, Bradley J. Ave Glen 10206 210 15900 122000 08 1930 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1392 0 38.35-3-57 328 Artese, Terri Glen Ave 10206 220 16200 130900 12 1966 03 4 0 2 0 4 2 75.00 3 117.00 2040 0 38.35-3-61 329 Medina, Tanalyn Glen Ave 10206 220 13000 106900 08 1930 03 2 0 2 0 5 2 48.00 3 74.00 1827 0 38.35-3-60 331 Di Caprio, David W. Ave Glen 10206 230 16000 105600 08 1920 03 3 0 3 0 3 3 60.00 3 74.00 1626 0 38.34-2-25 332 Forner, Edward + Jane Ave Glen 10206 220 16700 188900 14 1930 03 3 0 2 1 4 2 75.40 3 146.00 2610 0 38.34-2-26 333 Mac Hattie, Robert Glen 10206 210 16100 105000 13 1940 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.85 3 108.05 1632 0 38.34-2-24 334 McLaughlin, Life Estate, John + Anna 10206 Marie Ave 210 Glen 16100 146400 08 1935 02 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 146.67 2280 0 38.34-2-27 335 Smith, Walter C & Nicole M Ave Glen 10206 210 16200 114000 08 1916 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 37.50 3 170.32 1300 0 38.34-2-23 336 Puotinen, Elizabeth Glen 10206 210 16100 128000 13 1929 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 146.91 1712 0 Ave Page 172 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 38.34-2-28 337 Von Maucher, Geoffrey A. & Marcy10206 Ave 210 Glen 16200 168700 08 1920 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 37.58 3 167.65 1584 0 38.34-2-22 338 Brooks, Peter A. Sr Glen Ave 10206 210 16100 106700 08 1929 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 147.15 1728 0 38.34-2-30 339 Rourke, Daniel W. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 96900 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 164.98 1079 0 38.34-2-21 340 De-La-Forgue, Jacqueline Ave Glen 10206 210 16100 114800 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 147.39 1092 0 38.34-2-31 341 Meyer, James E. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 69600 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 38.50 3 161.00 518 0 38.34-2-20 342 Slattery, John & Denise Ave Glen 10206 210 16100 138500 13 1929 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 147.63 1316 0 38.34-2-32 343 Wieszchowski, Michael A Ave Glen 10206 210 16200 108100 08 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 159.60 1215 0 38.34-2-19 344 Cooper, Dennis J. Glen Ave 10206 210 16100 113400 13 1920 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 147.87 1298 0 38.34-2-33 345 Dayter, Steven J. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 106800 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.09 3 156.97 1152 0 38.34-2-18 346 Barth, William Glen Ave 10206 210 16100 113500 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 148.17 1640 0 38.34-2-34 347 Doerr, Diane M. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 108100 08 1928 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.09 3 154.31 1176 0 38.34-2-17 348 Harding, Beatrice Glen Ave 10206 210 16100 108100 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 148.35 1692 0 38.34-2-35 349 Kaminski, Paul J. Glen Ave 10206 210 16200 105500 08 1930 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.09 3 151.64 1128 0 38.34-2-16 350 Keenan, Daniel A & Joan R Ave Glen 10206 210 16100 102700 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 148.59 1203 0 38.34-2-36 351 James, Karen Glen Ave 10206 210 16100 107100 08 1933 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.09 3 148.97 1184 0 38.34-2-15 352 Litts, May Cashion Glen Ave 10206 210 16100 101400 13 1925 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 148.83 1207 0 38.34-2-37 353 Hendricks, Suzanne M Ave Glen 10206 210 16100 129700 08 1933 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 40.00 4 146.30 1600 0 38.34-2-14 354 Sutherland, Kathleen A. Ave Glen 10206 210 16100 98600 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1093 0 Page 173 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.34-2-38 355 Johnson, Michael Glen Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10206 210 12800 79800 13 1920 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.09 3 88.63 1146 0 38.34-2-13 356 Cawley, Catherine M Ave Glen 10206 210 16100 98600 08 1925 03 3 1 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 149.31 899 0 38.34-2-39 357 Ossenfort, Benjamin Ave Glen 10206 210 12500 124300 13 1928 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 40.09 3 85.96 1529 0 38.34-2-12 358 Mc Hargue, Pauline M. Ave Glen 10206 210 16100 94400 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 149.00 1008 0 38.34-1-36 401 Farina, Randy J. Glen Ave 10300 210 20700 153000 08 1930 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1796 0 38.34-1-16 402 Madia, Stephen M. Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 129700 05 1925 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 133.30 1612 0 38.34-1-17 404 Santilli, Richard & Christine Ave Glen 10300 210 20200 138300 04 1945 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 133.30 1598 0 38.34-1-35 405 Mau, Matthew W. Glen 10300 210 20200 143700 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1605 0 38.34-1-18 406 Preston Family Trust, Donald & Aud 10300 Mardis Ave 210 Glen 20200 153000 08 1928 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 133.30 2007 0 38.34-1-34 407 Winner, Christopher Ave Glen 10300 210 20200 142800 04 1930 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1620 0 38.34-1-19 408 Senn, Christine Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 136700 08 1932 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 133.33 1584 0 38.34-1-33 409 Ludke, Charles E Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 132300 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1416 0 38.34-1-20 410 Caisse, George Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 132500 08 1925 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 133.30 2015 0 38.34-1-32 411 Piazza, Nicholas A. Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 145800 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1612 0 38.34-1-21 412 Seefeld, Janice Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 141000 13 1935 02 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 4 133.30 1566 0 38.34-1-31 413 Fogg, Kevin P. Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 127500 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1075 0 38.34-1-22 414 Jones, Carol A. Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 145800 13 1929 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 4 133.30 1821 0 38.34-1-29.1 417 Bekkering, Hilbrand Jr Ave Glen 10300 210 20700 146900 13 1920 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1667 0 Page 174 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.34-1-23 418 Morris, Shawn D. Glen 38.34-1-28 419 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10300 210 20700 121900 08 1939 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 133.30 882 0 Frascatore, Joseph Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 102700 04 1936 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1107 0 38.34-1-24 420 Curatolo, Matthew Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 128000 08 1918 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 133.30 1180 0 38.34-1-27 421 Fresoni, JoAnna D. Glen Ave 10300 210 20700 142800 01 1960 02 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 135.00 1408 0 38.34-1-25 422 Smith, Jennifer Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 116700 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 133.30 1339 0 38.34-1-26 424 Audet, Karen M. Glen Ave 10300 210 20200 154700 04 1935 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 50.00 3 133.33 1578 0 38.7-4-28 501 Bailey, James C. Glen Ave 20200 210 16700 145000 05 1935 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 135.00 1434 0 38.7-4-9 502 Denison, Glenda C. Ave Glen 20200 210 8400 112200 08 1930 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 37.50 3 133.00 1116 0 38.7-4-10 504 Mac Neil, Sharon K Glen Ave 20200 210 8400 112900 05 1925 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 37.50 3 133.00 1128 0 38.7-4-27 505 Mugrace, Maureen Y. (LE) Ave Glen 20200 210 16700 155300 05 1939 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 135.00 1500 0 38.7-4-11 506 Chagnon-Burns, Dianne M. Ave Glen 20200 210 8400 112900 08 1923 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 35.50 3 133.00 1177 0 38.7-4-26 507 Oakes, Christopher H Ave Glen 20200 210 11200 92100 13 1937 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 135.00 864 0 38.7-4-12 508 Chaisson, Patrick J Glen Ave 20200 210 8100 134900 05 1908 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 37.50 3 133.00 1100 0 38.7-4-25 509 Barlette, Marcy (LE) Ave Glen 20200 210 11200 138400 04 1956 02 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1140 0 38.7-4-13 510 Mathias, Chad Glen Ave 20200 210 11000 139300 04 1939 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 133.30 1606 0 38.7-4-24 511 Martinec, Anne E. Glen Ave 20200 210 16700 163900 05 1940 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 135.00 1674 0 38.7-4-14 512 Quick, Ryan Glen Ave 20200 210 11000 130000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 133.00 1258 0 38.7-4-15 514 Male, Janet Glen Ave 20200 210 13200 129200 04 1940 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 3 133.00 1178 0 Page 175 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-4-23 515 Omicinski, David J. Glen 38.7-4-22 517 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 14100 147300 05 1942 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 62.50 3 135.00 1440 0 Comley, Paul D. Glen Ave 20200 210 14100 148200 05 1942 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 62.50 3 135.00 1500 0 38.7-4-16 518 Dreyer, Kenneth Glen Ave 20200 210 16500 142200 04 1949 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 133.00 1488 0 38.7-4-21 519 Anscombe, Jason J Ave Glen 20200 210 14500 114000 04 1935 02 3 1 1 1 2 1 65.00 3 135.00 1264 0 38.7-4-17 520 Opiela, Sharon G. Glen Ave 20200 210 16500 160000 05 1942 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 133.00 1536 0 38.7-4-20 521 Hills, Toni E. Glen Ave 20200 210 18200 143000 04 1935 02 2 1 1 1 2 1 85.00 3 135.00 1395 0 38.7-4-18 522 Macken, Brian J. Glen Ave 20200 210 11000 139700 08 1945 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 133.00 1488 0 38.7-4-19 524 Raymond, James C. Ave Glen 20200 210 18700 169300 05 1938 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 133.00 1681 0 38.7-2-7 600 Keohan, Therese E. (LE) Ave Glen 20301 210 31200 131500 04 1940 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 133.00 1372 0 38.7-2-19 601 Friedman, Victor & April A Ave Glen 20301 210 46400 187000 01 1956 02 3 1 2 2 3 1 100.00 4 135.00 1940 0 38.7-2-8 602 Duncan, Sean Glen Ave 20301 210 31200 127100 04 1941 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 100.00 1170 0 38.7-2-18 605 Fenlon, Nicholas M. Ave Glen 20301 210 28100 116160 04 1940 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1471 0 38.7-2-9 606 Hughes, Joshua & Maria Ave Glen 20301 210 46400 135000 04 1940 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 133.00 1392 0 38.7-2-10 608 Guidry, Edward J. Glen Ave 20301 210 49000 157800 05 1942 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 133.33 1912 0 38.7-2-17 609 Wicklow, Ashley Glen Ave 20301 210 46400 210300 05 1940 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 135.00 1674 0 38.7-2-16 611 Hardy, Depa Glen Ave 20301 210 28100 121600 04 1934 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1163 0 38.7-2-15 613 Sustek, Rita M Glen Ave 20301 210 28100 152500 04 1951 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1452 0 38.7-2-14 615 Kaufmann, Edward J. Ave Glen 20301 210 28100 135000 04 1947 02 3 0 2 0 2 1 50.00 3 135.00 1760 0 Page 176 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-2-11 618 Owen, Steve Glen Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20301 210 50300 249500 01 1990 03 2 1 2 1 2 1 200.12 3 150.00 1472 0 38.7-2-13 619 Hubbard, Stephen P. Ave Glen 20301 210 41300 149700 05 1940 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 62.00 3 160.00 1854 0 38.7-2-12 621 Greene, Clark M & Glen Ave 20301 210 49800 212200 01 1957 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 147.20 4 157.62 1646 0 38.7-1-9 700 Roberts-Laura, Elizabeth Ave Glen 20301 210 48800 158000 01 1958 02 3 1 1 0 2 1 130.00 3 150.00 1608 0 38.7-1-10 701 Oakes, Harold A. Glen Ave 20301 210 47600 191600 01 1958 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 153.92 1560 0 38.7-1-8 702 Colleton, Lawrence M. Ave Glen 20301 210 46400 200600 01 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1828 0 38.7-1-11 703 Tutus, Robert J. Jr Glen Ave 20301 210 47300 159800 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 158.11 1314 0 38.7-1-7 704 Gilligan, Megan A. Glen Ave 20301 210 46400 169900 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1424 0 38.7-1-12 705 Benson, Larry L & Edith A Ave Glen 20301 210 47400 166700 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1340 0 38.7-1-6 706 Marcello, Joseph D. Jr Ave Glen 20301 210 46400 190400 01 1959 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1591 0 38.7-1-13 707 D'Amico, Albert B. Glen Ave 20301 210 47600 200000 01 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 166.49 1510 0 38.7-1-5 708 Girvin, Gail Glen Ave 20301 210 46400 170300 01 1958 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1432 0 38.7-1-14 709 Madigan, Mark & Christine Ave Glen 20301 210 47400 148300 01 1958 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 87.32 3 173.57 1202 0 38.7-1-4 710 Hopkins, Thomas Glen Ave 20301 210 46400 161000 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1796 0 38.7-1-15 711 McConnellee, Bruce Ave Glen 20301 210 47400 163900 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 165.96 1355 0 38.7-1-3 712 Shartrand, Allan C. Glen Ave 20301 210 46400 170100 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1416 0 38.7-1-16 713 Riggi, Jerry J. Jr Glen Ave 20301 210 48400 170500 01 1962 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 137.84 3 132.89 1410 0 38.7-1-2 714 Moehle, William H Jr Ave Glen 20301 210 49100 239000 03 1965 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 127.63 3 159.04 2648 0 Page 177 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.7-3-24 Town Of Glenville, Glen Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 20204 311 1400 1400 23.00 175.00 0 3 155.00 1841 0 Ter Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 22.7-3-19 3 Hughes, John R. Glen Ter 20304 210 31300 185500 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 22.7-3-22 4 Venditti, Louis Glen Ter 20304 210 32500 188300 02 1950 03 2 1 1 2 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 2400 0 22.7-3-23 6 Schimikowski, Clemens W. Ter Glen 20304 210 32700 227600 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 231.00 2256 0 22.7-3-18 7 Tebo, Phyllis C G Glen Ter 20304 210 30500 158600 03 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 155.00 1349 0 22.7-3-25 8 Knapik, Linda Glen Ter 20304 210 30700 178400 03 1954 01 2 1 1 2 3 2 90.08 3 150.59 1696 0 22.7-3-17 10 Hinterberger, Dale Glen Ter 20304 210 31200 159400 03 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 152.08 1558 0 22.7-3-8 11 Werthmuller, Albert R. Ter Glen 20304 210 31100 158000 04 1956 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1440 0 22.7-3-9 12 Waskiewicz, Matthew + Bhatka Ter Glen 20304 210 31200 146700 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 154.68 1258 0 22.7-3-7 13 Christopher Paula, Glen Ter 20304 210 31100 158600 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1300 0 22.7-3-10 14 Gordon, Jeannette Glen Ter 20304 210 31300 167500 03 1953 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 155.00 1344 0 22.7-3-6 15 Passer, Nancy C. Glen Ter 20304 210 31100 179500 05 1955 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1560 0 22.7-3-11 16 Miller, Jerrold L. Glen Ter 20304 210 31400 171900 01 1954 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 158.59 1152 0 22.7-3-5 17 Montesano, Rocco A. Jr Ter Glen 20304 210 30300 178000 05 1954 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1480 0 22.7-3-12 18 Prince, Craig E. Glen Ter 20304 210 31300 170600 01 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 157.00 1512 0 22.7-1-29 19 Gallagher, Carolyn (LE) Ter Glen 20304 210 30300 164900 01 1953 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1196 0 22.7-1-15 20 Lavergne, Douglas A. Ter Glen 20304 210 30300 179800 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 159.12 1716 0 22.7-1-28 21 Mc Evoy, William J & Laura H Ter Glen 20304 210 31300 160000 01 1955 03 2 2 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1252 0 Page 178 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.7-1-16 22 Binan, Estate of, Dorothy LE Ter Glen 22.7-1-27 23 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20304 210 31400 159700 01 1954 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 159.33 1288 0 Lynch, Shawn & Margaret Ter Glen 20304 210 31300 186000 03 1956 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1704 0 22.7-1-17 24 Tommell, John M. Glen Ter 20304 210 31400 198000 01 1956 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 159.00 1908 0 22.7-1-26.1 25 Kichton, Gregory W. Ter Glen 20304 210 31300 178400 01 1953 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1652 0 22.7-1-18 26 Roberts, Richard G. Ter Glen 20304 210 31400 140900 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1040 0 22.7-1-25 27 Venarchick, Brian & Sarah Ter Glen 20304 210 31300 145800 01 1948 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1052 0 22.7-1-19 28 Haggart, William W. Ter Glen 20304 210 31300 153900 01 1956 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 158.17 1304 0 22.7-1-24 29 Aldridge, Kevin L. Glen Ter 20304 210 31300 166000 03 1960 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1388 0 22.7-1-20 30 Peacock, Preston E. Ter Glen 20304 210 31300 176000 01 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 155.38 1480 0 22.7-1-23 31 Black-Gibson, Jennifer Ellen Ter Glen 20304 210 30300 146300 01 1952 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 81.28 3 150.00 1118 0 22.7-1-21 32 Famularo, Salvatore A. Ter Glen 20304 210 31200 147900 01 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 155.38 1312 0 22.7-1-22 34 Johnson, Thomas M. Ter Glen 20304 210 32300 233300 05 1953 03 2 1 2 2 6 1 85.96 3 225.54 2344 0 22.7-1-5 36 Brooks, Jeffrey C. Glen Ter 20304 210 30500 158300 01 1952 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 159.63 1348 0 22.7-1-4 38 Douglas, Brent E. Glen Ter 20304 210 31300 151000 01 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 85.97 3 159.63 1232 0 22.7-1-3 40 Statler, William O. Jr Ter Glen 20304 210 31100 179400 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1818 0 22.7-1-2 42 Holt, David Glen Ter 20304 210 31100 173500 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1704 0 22.7-1-1 44 Opar, John K. Glen Ter 20304 210 31200 178000 01 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1700 0 15.19-9-8 DeSantis, Domenick S. Rd Glenbrook 20203 311 24300 24300 80.00 127.00 0 Page 179 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.19-8-19.1 Cadieux, Jill Reynolds Rd Glenbrook Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 20203 311 5000 5000 0 0 2.10 3 84.00 1176 0 15.19-9-5 1 Lomasney, Anna Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 26300 129800 04 1930 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 141.29 15.19-8-7 2 Alverson, Colin Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 26500 141100 04 1941 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 99.85 3 130.00 1116 0 15.19-9-6 3 Finn, Loriann D. Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 20600 137500 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 69.85 3 123.43 1583 0 15.19-8-6 4 Brown, Douglas R. Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 30600 168100 04 1940 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 55.40 3 0 1601 1.40 15.19-9-7 5 Gaida, Walter F. Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 21200 146000 04 1942 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 127.55 1302 0 15.19-8-5 6 Sharp, Kyle Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 26300 156000 04 1941 03 4 0 2 1 3 1 55.40 3 183.41 1372 0 15.19-8-4 8 Tashman Patti D & C Mildred, Rd Glenbrook 20203 210 24800 149100 04 1953 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 56.69 3 174.00 1256 0 15.19-8-3 10 Duff, Richard A. III Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 26300 136600 04 1946 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 59.20 3 199.16 1740 0 15.19-8-2 12 Ruggiero, Louis A. Glenbrook Rd 20203 210 29100 167000 02 1989 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 116.00 3 203.50 1960 0 15.20-1-17 Keville, Margaret Glendale Rd 20203 311 3000 3000 0 0 1.90 15.20-1-4 1 Labrie, John E. Glendale Rd 20203 210 19100 157000 08 1928 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 4 160.00 1804 0 15.20-1-30 2 Mirch, Stephanie Glendale Rd 20203 210 27200 188000 05 1948 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 205.00 1936 0 15.20-1-5 3 Seeley, Michael A. Glendale Rd 20203 210 26300 103500 13 1937 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 160.00 816 0 15.20-1-29 6 Salisbury, Michael & Danielle Rd Glendale 20203 210 27300 214200 08 1919 03 2 2 2 0 3 1 75.00 4 207.00 2392 0 15.20-1-6 7 Reynolds, Thomas K. Rd Glendale 20203 210 27400 148000 04 1948 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1430 0 15.20-1-28 8 Byrnes, Peter E. Glendale Rd 20203 210 27300 134200 04 1945 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 208.20 1156 0 15.20-1-7 9 Dalton, Cheryl A. Glendale Rd 20203 210 26300 128500 01 1958 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 160.00 1235 0 Page 180 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.20-1-27 10 Johnston, Mark Glendale Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 27300 135100 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 209.40 1056 0 15.20-1-8 11 Schoonbeck, Donald P. Rd Glendale 20203 210 26300 165000 01 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 160.00 1468 0 15.20-1-26 14 Cipriano, Harry Jr Glendale Rd 20203 210 27300 148500 04 1959 02 2 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 209.00 1401 0 15.20-1-9 15 Smith, Timothy L. Glendale Rd 20203 210 26300 140000 01 1958 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 150.00 1248 0 15.20-1-25 18 Remkus, Charles J. Rd Glendale 20203 210 27400 131700 01 1962 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 211.80 1032 0 15.20-1-24 20 Franze, Vincent Mark Rd Glendale 20203 210 27400 185700 04 1950 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 212.60 2170 0 15.20-1-10 21 Sitors, Richard M. Glendale Rd 20203 210 26300 130400 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 2 160.00 1752 0 15.20-1-11 23 Campana, Jessica L. Rd Glendale 20203 210 26300 139900 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 160.00 1210 0 15.20-1-23 24 Stanko, George E. Glendale Rd 20203 210 27400 131500 04 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 214.20 1138 0 15.20-1-12 25 Brann, Ted N. Glendale Rd 20203 210 26300 145300 04 1950 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 160.00 1416 0 15.20-1-22 26 Puglisi, Antonio G. Glendale Rd 20203 210 27400 142300 04 1949 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 215.40 840 0 15.20-1-13.1 27 Suydam, Jennifer & Barry Rd Glendale 20203 210 29100 161300 04 1949 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 145.00 3 160.00 1568 0 15.20-1-21 28 Veach, Carol A. Glendale Rd 20203 210 27500 145900 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 215.00 1330 0 15.20-1-20 30 Dennebaum, Desiree D. Rd Glendale 20203 210 27300 128300 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 216.60 1080 0 15.20-1-15 31 Keville, Francis Glendale Rd 20203 210 29200 226000 01 1957 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 160.00 4 171.00 2113 0 15.20-1-19 32 Egan, Scott P & Sara J Rd Glendale 20203 210 26800 127500 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 195.00 1080 0 15.20-1-18 34 Wantuch, Joyce E. Trust Rd Glendale 20203 210 28100 132200 01 1953 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 102.00 3 175.00 1296 0 23.13-2-21 101 Contreras, Pedro & Michelle Dr Glenhill 20307 210 46600 187100 03 1958 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1585 0 Page 181 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.13-2-10 102 Williams, Michael Glenhill 23.13-2-20 103 Redman, Kurt L. Glenhill 23.13-2-19 105 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20307 210 49200 226400 03 1958 01 2 0 3 2 4 1 174.06 3 150.09 2264 0 Dr 20307 210 46600 257100 05 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 99.59 4 150.00 2724 0 Snyder, Henry A & Margo Dr Glenhill 20307 210 46600 214400 03 1958 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1884 0 23.13-2-11 106 Lupe, Raymond E. Glenhill Dr 20307 210 46800 190000 01 1957 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 103.08 4 152.00 1722 0 23.13-2-18 107 Valley, Luanne C. Glenhill Dr 20307 210 47700 215800 01 1959 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 120.00 4 150.00 1868 0 23.13-2-12 108 Schaperjahn, Edward Dr Glenhill 20307 210 47900 215300 01 1958 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 123.92 4 152.00 1920 0 23.13-2-17 109 Ahearn, Irrevocable Trust, Cecelia20307 E. Dr 210 Glenhill 48100 220000 01 1962 02 2 0 2 2 3 1 128.52 4 150.00 2000 0 23.13-2-13 110 Trow, Christopher Glenhill 20307 210 46700 181400 01 1958 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 152.00 1580 0 23.13-2-16 111 Bussell, Co-Trustee, Harvey Dr Glenhill 20307 210 49700 237100 01 1961 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 175.00 4 204.00 2160 0 23.13-2-14 112 Trow, Christopher + Patric Dr Glenhill 20307 210 46800 201100 03 1958 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 106.70 3 152.00 1838 0 38.-5-3 Pennacchia, Emilio C & Lynn M 20200 Is 322 Glenotia 48200 48200 0 0 18.90 Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 23.9-2-10.1 1 Menhinick, Paul J. Glenridge Ct 20208 210 26100 160000 01 1958 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 123.20 4 130.00 1152 0.37 23.9-2-7.1 2 Sauter, Jeffrey G. Glenridge Ct 20208 210 24300 167500 01 1952 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 95.00 3 103.00 1456 0.24 23.9-2-9 3 LaPointe, Family Trust, John + Nancy 20208 Ct 210 Glenridge 26300 190400 01 1953 07 3 1 1 1 2 1 157.50 4 123.20 1700 0 23.9-2-8.1 4 Mashuta, Virginia K. Ct Glenridge 20208 210 27100 185300 01 1956 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 145.20 3 171.10 1510 0 22.12-2-15.2 Riggi, Eugene A. Jr Glenridge Rd 20208 311 27300 27300 140.00 206.00 0 Zakriski, Victoria Glenridge Rd 20204 311 4400 4400 52.18 0 0.21 Zakriski, Victoria Glenridge Rd 20204 311 2400 2400 0 0 0.28 23.9-4-11.12 23.9-4-11.13 Page 182 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.-1-4.1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Gersten, Charles D. Rd Glenridge 50100 330 100000 100000 0 0 19.00 Dieterich, Robert J. Glenridge Rd 20208 311 34400 34400 0 0 5.39 Rourke, Shirley A. Glenridge Rd 20203 311 71000 71000 0 0 4.66 22.-1-3.2-1 9 De Marco, Michael E Rd Glenridge 20203 210 20800 304400 02 1996 03 3 0 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 4616 0.20 22.-1-7 24 Town of Glenville, Glenridge Rd 20203 483 34500 180400 04 1945 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 400.00 3 0 1429 4.00 22.-1-8.2 28 Hellkamp, Raymond A. Rd Glenridge 20203 210 30600 231300 04 1980 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 175.00 3 348.00 1904 0 22.-1-9 30 Montgomery Way LLC, Rd Glenridge 20203 210 32700 222500 01 1966 03 4 0 2 2 4 1 0 4 0 2548 2.80 22.12-1-1 33 Mulvaney, James Glenridge Rd 20208 449 36100 175700 04 1947 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 972 1.48 22.12-1-2 35 Chamberlain, Jeffrey Rd Glenridge 20208 210 28000 151000 04 1948 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1514 1.00 22.12-1-3 37 Wager, Michael J. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 28000 165200 04 1950 02 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1404 1.00 22.12-1-4 39 Hertzman, Marvin S. Rd Glenridge 50100 283 68500 282100 05 1966 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 190.00 4 200.00 2748 0 22.12-3-1 40 Smith, Devon Glenridge Rd 20208 210 27500 161000 01 1969 02 2 0 1 0 4 1 120.00 3 260.00 1404 0.75 22.12-1-5 41 Smith, Thomas M. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 27700 181700 03 1958 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 190.00 3 200.00 1497 0 22.12-1-6 43 Florkiewicz, Henry F. Rd Glenridge 20208 210 26400 163600 08 1935 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 98.20 3 200.00 1630 0 22.12-3-2.1 44 Tompkins, Robert N. Rd Glenridge 20208 210 29800 206900 01 1951 02 3 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1650 2.20 22.12-5-14 50 Fredricks, Laurie L. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 24900 146200 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 95.00 3 150.00 1120 0 22.12-5-13.3 52 White, Michael L. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 25800 172600 03 1979 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 115.00 3 150.00 1685 0 22.12-2-11 53 Hamelink, Craig A. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 26500 163600 01 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1196 0.45 22.-1-8.1 Page 183 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.12-1-7.1 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.12-5-13.4 54 Taddeo, Paul D. Glenridge 22.12-2-12 55 Swiecicki, James J. Glenridge Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20208 210 27200 162700 02 1977 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 262.00 1900 0.59 Rd 20208 210 26500 225300 05 1993 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 200.00 2224 0 22.12-5-13.5 56 Zuhlke, N/K/A Bonaparte, Debra A. 20208 Rd 210 Glenridge 27200 159100 03 1977 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 263.00 1516 0 22.12-2-13 57 Halbfinger, Adam Glenridge Rd 20208 210 26500 223900 01 1953 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 2376 0 22.12-5-15 58 Lynn, Michael D. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 27000 151000 08 1935 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 115.00 3 200.00 1603 0 22.12-2-14 59 Huston, Peter L. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 26500 162700 01 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1468 0 22.12-5-16 60 Cassimore, Phillip Glenridge Rd 20208 210 27500 164500 02 1965 03 2 2 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1759 0.74 22.12-2-15.1 61 Cornelius, Gary Glenridge Rd 20208 210 27300 216500 05 1994 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 143.00 4 203.00 2104 0 23.-1-7 65 Gregory, Edward Glenridge Rd 20204 210 45000 261200 08 1900 01 3 1 2 1 5 1 0 4 0 2536 6.00 22.12-5-18 66 Doyle, Richard C. Jr Rd Glenridge 20208 210 29200 226100 04 1950 02 2 1 1 2 3 1 0 4 0 2008 1.80 22.12-5-19 68 Barr, Gerald W. Glenridge Rd 20208 215 28200 211500 01 1947 02 2 1 2 2 4 2 150.00 3 0 2394 1.10 23.9-2-1 70 Messbauer, Jonathan Rd Glenridge 20208 210 26500 150700 01 1960 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1462 0 23.9-2-2 72 Rosenthal, Benjamin D & Darcy A20208 Rd 210 Glenridge 27700 146900 01 1941 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 4 250.00 1284 0 23.9-2-3 74 Sutphen, David H. Glenridge Rd 20208 210 27500 182300 01 1949 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 120.00 3 280.10 1504 0 23.9-2-4 76 Wager, Andrew Glenridge Rd 20208 210 27400 152100 01 1950 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 115.00 2 280.10 1140 0 23.9-2-5.1 78 Natalie, Trisha Glenridge Rd 20208 210 29400 206400 01 1949 02 2 0 3 1 5 1 240.00 4 0 1768 1.88 23.-1-6.111 79 Liberty Management Cap Dist., Rd Glenridge 20200 642 1338300 7350000 04 1927 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1150 31.66 23.-1-6.111 79 Liberty Management Cap Dist., Rd Glenridge 20200 642 1338300 7350000 04 1927 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1150 31.66 Page 184 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.-1-6.111 79 Liberty Management Cap Dist., Rd Glenridge 23.-1-6.111 79 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20200 642 1338300 7350000 13 1927 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1150 31.66 Liberty Management Cap Dist., Rd Glenridge 20200 642 1338300 7350000 13 1927 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1150 31.66 23.-1-6.111 79 Liberty Management Cap Dist., Rd Glenridge 20200 642 1338300 7350000 05 1927 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1822 31.66 23.9-2-6.1 80 Hollenback, Kenneth R. Rd Glenridge 20208 210 25900 123000 04 1941 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 140.00 3 103.00 1302 0.36 23.9-4-1.111 89 Garrett, Garry J. Glenridge Rd 20204 210 41600 143900 01 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1224 0.99 23.9-4-11.21 91 Vielkind, Robert E. Glenridge Rd 20204 210 38000 216000 01 1978 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 125.00 4 182.00 2032 0.77 23.9-4-11.11 93 Zakriski, Victoria Glenridge Rd 20204 311 39400 39400 150.00 0 1.37 23.9-4-12 95 Cartwright, Constance E. Rd Glenridge 20204 210 40000 219300 1 0 3 0 2168 2.30 23.-2-27.1 104 Town of Glenville, Glenridge 20204 590 58000 58000 0 0 10.30 3 290.00 1344 0 Rd 03 3 1 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 1 4 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total 08 1915 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 23.-1-17 105 Sokol, George & Helen Rd Glenridge 20204 210 38700 141300 08 1928 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 225.00 23.-1-18.1 107 Gordon, Keith M. Glenridge Rd 20204 210 37300 176600 08 1910 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 281.00 1864 0 23.9-2-33 off Shattraw, John E. Glenridge Rd 20208 311 500 500 0 0 1.60 22.12-5-13.1 Bonaparte, Robert Jr. Rd Glenridge 20208 311 1000 1000 80.00 160.00 0 Matoske, Christopher Dr Glenview 20202 311 2500 2500 25.00 153.00 0 Carver Realty, LLC, Glenview Dr 10100 311 25700 25700 47.99 730.00 0 Banerjee, Ben V. Glenview Dr 20202 311 4100 4100 112.00 105.35 0 30.9-1-5 1 Matoske, Christopher P. Dr Glenview 20202 210 37000 174800 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 149.79 4 150.00 1716 0 30.9-1-2 2 Chan, Joseph C. Glenview 20202 210 37400 213900 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 124.27 3 245.10 1976 0 30.9-1-35.2 29.44-1-2 30.9-1-35.1 Dr Page 185 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.9-1-1 4 Affinito, John J. Glenview 29.36-1-2 16 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20202 210 36100 164700 02 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 103.12 3 173.00 1808 0 Liberatore, Michael & Colleen Dr Glenview 10100 210 24800 214300 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 98.66 3 151.28 1464 0 29.36-1-1 18 Keegan, Peter Glenview Dr 10100 210 24800 217500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 98.66 3 151.28 1541 0 30.37-1-49.11 21 Aragosa, JoAnn M. Dr Glenview 10100 210 25700 224500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 103.00 3 332.97 1704 0 29.44-1-18 22 Schenectady Community Home, 10100 Dr 210 Glenview 24700 239500 04 2005 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 120.00 3 100.00 2267 0 29.44-1-17 23 Conover, Natalie Glenview Dr 10100 210 25100 214000 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 98.00 3 206.00 1457 0 29.44-1-19 24 Flick, Robert J. Glenview Dr 10100 210 24500 198300 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 54.80 3 173.00 1464 0 29.44-1-20 26 Meyer, Life Estate, Charles + Kathy 10100 Dr 210 Glenview 24800 210000 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 85.00 4 176.00 1363 0 29.44-1-16 27 Jackson, Nancy Glenview Dr 10100 210 24700 197500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 94.00 3 0 1363 0.34 29.44-1-21 28 Yourno, Philip J. Glenview Dr 10100 210 24800 239000 04 2004 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 81.00 3 187.99 2267 0 29.44-1-15 29 Liszewski, Richard Glenview Dr 10100 210 24900 217500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 101.00 4 166.00 1541 0 29.44-1-22 30 Zinglewicz, Stephen E & Dr Glenview 10100 210 24700 237000 04 2004 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 69.00 3 187.99 2267 0 29.44-1-14 31 Rosen, Jerome M & Mary E Dr Glenview 10100 210 24900 233500 04 2004 03 2 0 3 0 4 1 90.47 3 172.55 2085 0 29.44-1-23 32 Pisani, Ronald A/Margaret A Dr Glenview 10100 210 24700 215000 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 83.00 3 163.22 1541 0 29.44-1-13 33 Adams, Robert E. Glenview Dr 10100 210 24800 214300 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 86.00 3 172.00 1464 0 29.44-1-24 34 Wallace, David R. Glenview Dr 10100 210 24800 212500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 86.85 3 161.00 1363 0 29.44-1-12 35 Thomas, Daniel F. Glenview Dr 10100 210 24700 200200 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 86.00 3 140.00 1541 0 29.44-1-11 37 Smith, Carl + Suzanne Dr Glenview 10100 210 24900 228500 04 2004 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 89.88 3 175.83 1813 0 Page 186 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.44-1-6 38 Carlson, Russell H. Glenview 29.44-1-10 39 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10100 210 25100 237000 04 2004 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 105.32 3 189.00 2267 0 Smith, Robert E. Jr Glenview Dr 10100 210 25200 212500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 112.00 3 196.54 1363 0 29.44-1-7 40 Silva, Dinemayer Glenview Dr 10100 210 24600 231000 04 2004 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1813 0 29.44-1-9 41 Denny, Mark D & Suzanne M Dr Glenview 10100 210 25300 237000 04 2004 03 2 0 3 0 4 1 124.48 3 198.45 2267 0 29.44-1-8 43 Quick, Eileen L. Glenview Dr 10100 210 25400 215000 01 2003 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 132.89 3 198.45 1541 0 29.44-1-1 a Carver Realty, LLC, Glenview Dr 10100 311 31000 31000 0 0 3.82 29.44-1-3 d Carver Realty, LLC, Glenview Dr 10100 311 26200 26200 158.84 295.58 0 29.44-1-4 f Flaherty, Peter Glenview Dr 10100 311 34900 34900 0 0 3.95 29.36-1-3.1 Carver Realty, LLC, Glenview Dr 10100 311 55600 55600 0 0 13.80 3 150.25 1980 0 30.37-1-5 6 Almy, Christopher R. Glenview Dr North 10100 210 24900 179800 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 111.00 30.37-1-4 8 VanPatten, Duane G. Jr Glenview Dr North 10100 210 25000 165400 05 1974 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 116.00 3 150.00 1455 0 30.37-1-3 10 Smith, Robert D. Glenview Dr North 10100 210 24800 245000 03 1988 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2632 0 30.37-1-2 12 Hartman, Wayne C. Glenview Dr North 10100 210 24800 200900 03 1989 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2352 0 30.37-1-1 14 Post, Lawrence J. Glenview Dr North 10100 210 24800 188700 03 1988 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1958 0 22.20-1-28.2 Farley, Robert + Marilyn Dr Glenwood 20307 311 15600 15600 50.00 150.00 0.17 22.20-1-24 1 Roszell, Brett Glenwood Dr 20307 210 47700 273600 05 1975 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 121.50 4 151.00 2503 0 22.20-1-40.1 2 Bishop, Michael Glenwood Dr 20307 210 47600 272000 05 1974 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 148.50 2523 0 22.20-1-25 3 Czerw, Gerald J. Glenwood Dr 20307 210 46600 217800 01 1976 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 2023 0 Page 187 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.20-1-40.2 4 Frutchy, William E. Glenwood Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20307 210 49100 255100 05 1990 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 157.00 4 148.50 2354 0 22.20-1-26 5 Sandroni, Ronald G. Dr Glenwood 20307 210 47700 272000 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 150.00 2516 0 22.20-1-41 6 Buhrmaster, John H. Dr Glenwood 20307 210 48900 275000 05 1976 03 4 1 2 1 5 1 150.00 4 149.00 2676 0 22.20-1-27 7 Farley, Robert T. Glenwood 20307 210 49100 274600 05 1977 03 4 0 3 1 4 1 165.00 3 150.00 2622 0 22.20-1-42 8 Fernandez, Mario & Kathryn Dr Glenwood 20307 210 48100 285600 05 1977 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 130.00 4 149.00 2676 0 22.18-1-59 10 Vien, Gerald Jr Glorious Ln 20202 210 54000 334700 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 146.00 4 419.00 3108 0 22.18-1-58 12 Cospito, Peter D. Glorious Ln 20202 210 54100 372100 05 1994 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 149.00 4 419.00 3406 0 22.18-1-57 14 Pierce, Gary G. Glorious Ln 20202 210 52600 400300 05 1993 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 118.00 4 288.00 3792 0 22.18-1-56 16 Giaquinto (Trustee), Joseph H. Ln Glorious 20202 210 52600 322000 05 1994 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 121.00 4 288.00 3014 0 22.18-1-55 18 Gordon, Lawrence M. Ln Glorious 20202 210 51900 379100 06 1994 02 2 1 2 2 4 1 101.00 4 234.00 2835 0 22.18-1-54 20 Mc Laughlin, Patrick Ln Glorious 20202 210 52000 299900 05 2003 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 115.00 4 214.00 2718 0 8.-2-14.2 Bailey, Robert Earl Goldfoot Rd 40200 322 69000 69000 0 0 36.00 MacEwen, Susan M. Rd Goldfoot 40200 322 45600 45600 225.00 0 43.00 Colucciello, Raymond Rd Goldfoot 40200 322 61000 61000 0 0 20.30 Cooper, Kevin S. Goldfoot Rd 40200 311 42400 42400 500.00 0 9.52 Grabo, James Goldfoot Rd 40200 322 74200 74200 0 0 34.83 8.-2-11 137 Cavallo, LLC, Goldfoot Rd 40200 314 30900 30900 0 0 8.20 8.-2-9.2 138 Aiken, David J. Goldfoot Rd 40200 311 7700 7700 0 0 1.33 8.-2-8 8.-2-38.1 8.-2-43 8.-2-9.111 Page 188 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.4-1-4 221 Conlon, Timothy R. Goldfoot 8.4-1-12 250 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 36500 236500 01 2006 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 101.90 4 0 2344 4.00 Flint, Kelly M Goldfoot Rd 40200 240 43800 160000 06 1947 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2192 10.75 8.-2-15 278 Staiano, Ruth Goldfoot Rd 40200 240 83100 209400 08 1900 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1144 50.20 8.4-1-9.1 296 Ewing, Betty Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 37900 144000 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 234.00 3 1250.00 1296 4.90 8.4-1-6 343 Kuczek, Life Estate, Bernard E. 40200 Rd 210 Goldfoot 34900 157400 01 1956 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1248 2.90 8.4-1-8 354 Uram, James L. Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 34400 110400 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0 1088 2.60 8.4-1-7 392 Schumacher, Irene M. Rd Goldfoot 40200 210 40500 186700 01 1955 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1790 7.50 8.-2-14.1 594 Bailey, Robert E. Goldfoot Rd 40200 240 93000 395000 06 1994 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 3040 70.00 8.-2-4.2 635 Cooper, Gordon Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 38200 246100 05 1995 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2041 5.22 8.-2-2.2 657 Plemenik, Scott C. Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 32900 300000 05 2005 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 200.00 4 350.00 3565 0 8.-2-2.3 853 Smith, James G. Goldfoot Rd 40200 311 34000 34000 200.00 500.00 2.30 8.-2-13.112 978 Welch, Edward M. Goldfoot Rd 40200 240 46800 132500 01 1990 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 960 13.80 8.-2-13.12 1020 Martinez, Micaela Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 40700 197500 11 1990 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1760 7.65 8.-2-13.3 1051 Benosky, William Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 35300 273600 11 1998 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 1951 3.23 8.-2-13.2 1064 Newman, Mark Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 39100 226300 05 1979 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 2016 6.10 8.-2-13.13 1091 Humphrey, William A. Rd Goldfoot 40200 210 36500 181700 11 1999 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1428 4.03 8.-2-12 1114 Palmer, Craig P. Goldfoot Rd 40200 210 35000 144200 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 445.00 3 400.00 1536 3.00 8.-2-9.131 1131 Derkowski, Michael Goldfoot Rd 40200 240 45900 248000 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1789 12.89 Page 189 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.-2-9.12 1225 Grabo, Deborah Goldfoot 10.3-1-21 1 Foster, Ralph E. Goode Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 38500 190400 01 2002 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1736 5.51 St 20205 210 27300 181500 04 1960 01 2 0 2 1 5 1 125.00 3 232.43 1550 0 10.3-1-22 11 Malewicz, Leonard P. St Goode 20205 210 27200 214500 01 1972 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 120.65 3 215.00 1920 0 10.3-1-23 15 Mills, Judith M. Goode St 20205 210 27000 179100 01 1969 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 215.00 1328 0 10.3-1-24 17 Ammons, Shirley Goode St 20205 210 27000 170700 01 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 215.00 1500 0 10.3-1-25 19 Barringer, William W. St Goode 20205 210 27000 136300 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 225.00 1310 0 30.5-4-38 1 Avery, Herbert Gould 20202 210 34700 139300 04 1938 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 161.00 1492 0 30.5-3-16 2 Canfield, Evan A & Patricia M Dr Gould 20202 210 35400 149700 04 1940 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 94.60 3 144.87 1158 0 30.5-4-37 3 Herrington, Michael P. Dr Gould 20202 210 28900 146400 04 1945 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 150.25 1500 0 30.5-3-17 4 Siatkowski, Amie Gould Dr 20202 210 28200 133100 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 146.87 1040 0 30.5-3-18 6 De Marco, Lawrence A. Dr Gould 20202 210 28500 131000 04 1933 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 149.00 1539 0 30.5-3-19 8 Albright, Stephen A. Jr Dr Gould 20202 210 28900 132000 04 1940 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 150.87 1591 0 30.5-3-20 10 Morris, Kenneth F. (LE) Dr Gould 20202 210 29300 132400 04 1941 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 152.87 1377 0 30.5-3-21 12 Fridholm, John Gould Dr 20202 210 37400 145000 04 1941 01 3 0 1 0 5 1 200.00 3 155.00 1607 0 30.5-3-22 16 Derenzo, Ruth J. Gould Dr 20202 210 35600 179000 04 1950 03 3 1 1 1 5 1 80.00 3 159.87 1898 0 30.5-3-23 20 Brady, Scott J. Gould Dr 20202 210 35700 192100 04 1942 03 4 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 162.87 2477 0 30.5-3-24 24 Parrottino, Joseph Gould Dr 20202 210 36100 170000 04 1949 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 167.20 1803 0 30.5-3-25 26 Penn, James T & Rebecca J Dr Gould 20202 210 36100 171600 04 1949 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 168.20 1467 0 Page 190 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.5-3-26 28 Yost, Christine C. Gould 30.5-4-13.1 29 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20202 210 37200 180000 01 1950 03 3 1 1 2 2 1 150.00 3 176.50 1687 0 Caravella, Elizabeth S. (LE) Dr Gould 20202 210 37500 155400 01 1961 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 180.00 3 185.00 1356 0 30.5-3-27 30 Snyder, Mary Elizabeth Dr Gould 20202 210 36000 128900 01 1951 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 90.00 3 179.50 1024 0 30.5-3-28 32 Bosley, Earl Gould Dr 20202 210 37300 158000 01 1960 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 150.00 3 184.47 1416 0 30.5-4-1.1 33 Hobbs, Stanley Y. Gould Dr 20202 210 37400 203800 01 1963 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 175.00 3 180.00 1896 0 30.5-3-29 34 Williams(Trustee), Jeffrey G. Dr Gould 20202 210 37400 212200 01 1957 02 3 0 3 1 3 1 144.40 3 200.00 1875 0 23.13-1-39 Town Of Glenville, Governor Dr 20307 311 5600 5600 60.00 164.00 0 23.13-1-17 88 Olocki, Randall Governor Dr 20307 210 49300 222400 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 103.00 4 258.00 2240 0 23.13-1-18.12 89 Gushlaw, Scott A. Governor Dr 20208 210 38100 268840 05 2013 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1976 1.08 23.13-1-16 90 Dunphy, Terrence P. Dr Governor 20307 210 49200 211700 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.17 4 258.62 2024 0 23.13-1-19 91 Lamanna, William A. Dr Governor 20307 210 47700 254300 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 113.37 4 151.76 2472 0 23.13-1-15 92 Werther, Dominick J. Dr Governor 20307 210 49100 243900 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.00 4 249.62 2388 0 23.13-1-20 93 Willcox, Jane A. (LE) Dr Governor 20307 210 46600 199000 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2024 0 23.13-1-14 94 De Kanel, Paul M. Governor Dr 20307 210 49100 236500 01 1965 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 101.17 4 240.61 1976 0 23.13-1-21 95 Siler, Mabel C. Governor Dr 20307 210 46600 215700 01 1982 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1691 0 23.13-1-13 96 Delos, William V. Governor Dr 20307 210 49100 232600 05 1965 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 243.98 2092 0 23.13-1-22 97 Vines, Robert E. & Governor Dr 20307 210 46600 170200 01 1965 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1728 0 23.13-1-12 98 Rearic, Julie P. Governor Dr 20307 210 61400 191250 05 1968 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 106.00 4 244.00 2544 1.50 Page 191 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.13-1-23 99 Devery, Ryan K. Governor 23.13-1-24 101 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20307 210 47700 201200 05 1965 01 2 0 3 2 4 1 120.00 3 150.00 2048 0 Woods, Brian R. Jr Governor Dr 20307 210 46800 208900 03 1959 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.90 1984 0 23.13-2-8 102 Pennell, Nancy Governor Dr 20307 210 47700 274600 03 1957 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 117.42 4 155.00 2436 0 23.13-1-25 103 Koreman, Jacqueline M Dr Governor 20307 210 46600 175000 03 1959 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1760 0 23.13-1-26 105 Benson, Bonita G. Governor Dr 20307 210 46600 234000 05 1955 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2912 0 23.13-2-9 106 Boretti, Guy D. Governor Dr 20307 210 47800 228900 03 1958 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 124.00 4 155.00 1916 0 23.13-1-27 107 Riley, Michael J. Governor Dr 20307 210 46600 205000 05 1961 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2064 0 23.13-2-22 108 Duguid, John B. Governor Dr 20307 210 49200 244400 01 1960 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 167.09 4 151.35 2464 0 23.13-1-28 109 Bennice, Michael A. Dr Governor 20307 210 47400 207500 03 1961 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 115.00 3 150.00 2024 0 23.13-1-29 111 Pignataro, Joseph M. Dr Governor 20307 210 47400 195000 02 1963 01 2 1 2 2 2 1 115.00 4 150.00 1954 0 23.13-2-23 112 Hoskin, Laura M Governor 20307 210 47400 205800 03 1962 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 134.59 3 129.50 1836 0 23.13-1-30 113 O'Brien, Michael C & Lisa M Dr Governor 20307 210 47400 216900 01 1950 04 3 0 2 1 3 1 115.00 4 150.00 1792 0 23.13-2-36 114 Fasoldt, Jerry W. Governor Dr 20307 210 48400 216300 01 1961 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 145.00 4 140.00 1764 0 23.13-1-31 115 Meader, John D. Governor Dr 20307 210 49700 213800 01 1958 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 113.00 4 309.55 1680 0.80 23.13-2-37 116 Wuttke, George & Judith Dr Governor 20307 210 48300 190000 01 1960 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 145.53 3 140.00 1764 0 23.13-1-32.1 117 Montrello, Tod A. Governor 20307 210 49700 219800 03 1960 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 113.00 3 299.70 2362 0 23.13-1-33.1 119 Macko, George T & Lynne M Dr Governor 20307 210 49800 223600 05 1962 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 129.00 4 289.85 2013 0 23.13-1-34.1 121 Beatrice, Robert P. Governor 20307 210 49600 203775 01 1966 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 115.54 4 278.00 1752 0 Dr Dr Page 192 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 20.-4-6 Letson, Shirley Gower Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total 40200 311 31600 31600 225.00 155.00 0 Mericle, Bernard D & Claudia Rd Gower 40200 322 75500 75500 0 0 41.00 Gower, Douglas E. Gower Rd 40200 311 26400 26400 600.00 0 3.10 De Frees, Susan F. Gower Rd 40200 314 32600 32600 185.00 0 1.40 20.-4-9 126 Letson, Shirley Gower Rd 40200 210 33200 142300 08 1900 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1764 1.80 20.-4-60 188 Bielawski, Jeffrey J. Rd Gower 40201 210 40500 202800 04 2003 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1748 7.54 20.-4-61 218 Poeth, Dean F. Gower Rd 40201 210 41800 205000 01 1993 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 2411 8.76 20.-4-8 424 Mericle, Bernard D. Gower Rd 40200 240 75100 257700 05 1880 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2604 42.10 20.-4-7.2 637 Nietfeld, James E. & Sheri L. Rd Gower 40200 240 20900 221700 01 2008 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2770 5.00 13.-2-32 859 McLean, Nathan D. Gower Rd 40200 210 38600 233750 06 1991 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 290.00 4 0 2542 5.55 13.-2-33 875 Defrees, Amy L. Gower Rd 40200 210 31400 199200 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 180.00 3 175.00 2456 0 13.-2-34 897 Galluccio, Ken + Amy Rd Gower 40200 210 31800 169600 01 1955 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 160.00 3 242.00 2120 0 13.-2-30.1 990 Wicks, Harriet B. Gower 40200 240 92300 505500 06 1996 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 2940.00 4 0 3245 68.64 13.-2-47 1111 Zalondek, Thomas & Mary Anne 40200 Rd 210 Gower 38300 291300 04 2011 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 562.09 4 0 1818 5.27 13.-2-30.2 1120 Polak, Gene A. Gower Rd 40200 210 37400 202900 01 2007 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 305.44 3 0 2032 4.57 13.-2-43 1156 Joy, Robert A & Elizabeth Rd Gower 40200 210 40700 497800 06 1987 01 2 1 5 1 4 1 192.00 4 0 3600 7.66 13.-2-42 1242 Zalondek, Thomas Gower Rd 40200 210 39600 323800 06 1993 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 267.00 4 0 2229 6.58 13.-2-41.1 1262 Wright, Ann E. Gower Rd 40200 240 54300 535900 06 1985 03 4 1 2 2 4 1 148.00 4 0 4136 21.32 20.-4-7.1 13.-2-26.1 13.-2-35 Rd Page 193 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 13.-2-44.3 1282 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Mohamed, Zozer Z. Rd Gower 40200 240 90000 560900 06 1985 01 2 1 3 2 3 1 120.00 4 0 4433 26.99 13.-2-44.112 1286 Walrath, Sandra Trustee, Rd Gower 40200 210 39600 494400 06 1994 01 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 2888 6.61 13.-2-39.2 1292 Denney, James W & Suzanne M 40200 Rd 210 Gower 39200 386750 06 1985 01 2 1 4 1 4 1 0 4 0 3397 6.21 13.-2-29 1368 Albers, William L. Gower Rd 40200 210 42000 156100 08 1880 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 583.00 3 0 1713 9.00 13.-2-28 1442 LaPlante, Thomas E. Rd Gower 40200 210 32000 119500 08 1935 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 208.00 3 208.00 1740 0 13.-2-40 1550 Haugen, Alfred O. Gower Rd 40200 210 41000 310000 06 1985 01 4 0 3 1 2 1 733.00 4 0 2654 8.00 13.-2-27 1648 Pucci, Ronald E. Gower Rd 40200 210 38500 247900 05 1968 03 3 2 2 1 3 1 350.00 3 0 2562 5.48 13.-2-39.1 1672 Bulford, Lionel A. Gower Rd 40200 240 45300 481000 06 1995 03 2 0 3 2 3 1 0 4 0 3394 12.26 13.-2-44.12 1676 Bonville, Daniel Gower Rd 40200 210 38300 331500 06 1989 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2696 5.32 13.-2-44.2 1680 Canestraro, Armand Rd Gower 40200 240 45200 374000 05 1997 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2972 12.24 13.-2-26.211 1684 Lansing, Thomas F Gower Rd 40200 311 16500 16500 0 0 1.61 13.-2-38 1684 Lansing, Thomas F Gower Rd 40200 210 40600 341800 04 1988 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2355 7.63 13.-2-37 1738 Anderson, Douglas S. Rd Gower 40200 210 33800 200000 11 1985 01 4 1 1 0 3 1 346.00 3 0 1603 2.17 3.-1-38 Lippincott, Steven Green Corners Rd 40200 311 38400 38400 0 0 5.35 Venditti, James F. Sr Rd Green Corners 40200 311 37200 37200 0 0 4.48 Brino, Eric X. Green Corners Rd 40200 311 37400 37400 0 0 4.61 3.-2-31 260 Tourville, Richard S. Rd Green Corners 40200 210 32000 108200 08 1890 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1017 1.00 3.-1-12.1 263 Colantuoni, James Green Corners 40200 210 34300 156600 01 1948 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1410 2.50 3.-1-35 Rd Page 194 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 3.-1-36 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 3.-1-11.12 313 Carrese, Patrick G. Green Corners 3.-1-11.111 391 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 40400 233200 08 1828 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 3018 7.40 Binczik, Gerald Green Corners Rd 40200 240 125000 432250 06 1987 01 2 1 3 2 2 1 0 4 0 2506 97.22 3.-1-10 421 Frost, Nancy E. Green Corners Rd 40200 210 32000 103200 01 1977 03 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 960 1.00 3.-2-32 436 Phillips, Jeffrey Green Corners Rd 40200 240 86000 194300 08 1850 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1793 56.00 3.-1-9.1 493 Lotano, Dolores Green Corners Rd 40200 240 56700 241300 02 1975 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2168 23.70 3.-1-8 519 Wood, Birgit Green Corners Rd 40200 210 33500 132800 02 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1875 2.00 3.-1-7.1 595 Palumbo, Anthony W. SR Rd Green Corners 40200 210 33500 147600 02 1972 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1820 2.00 3.-1-6.1 647 Poploski, Alice (LE) Green Corners Rd 40200 210 34100 119400 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1080 2.40 3.-1-5.3 703 Wierzbowski, Zygmunt Rd Green Corners 40200 312 104700 107300 0 0 74.30 3 0 1960 4.50 3.-2-33 828 Burnett, Katherine R. Rd Green Corners 40200 210 37300 190000 01 1968 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3.-1-42 855 Ambrosino, Jason L. Rd Green Corners 40200 210 40500 319000 06 1993 01 4 1 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 3565 7.53 3.-1-41.11 919 Ringwall, David C. Green Corners Rd 40200 240 54000 256300 05 1995 01 2 0 1 5 1 1 0 4 0 1466 21.04 3.-1-32 1040 Hudda, David F. Green Corners Rd 40200 240 45900 186900 06 1990 01 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 3 0 1820 12.89 3.-1-33 1060 Wilmott, Laura A. Green Corners Rd 40200 210 40800 230000 06 1991 03 2 0 3 0 4 1 0 4 0 2391 7.75 3.-1-34 1128 Brown, John J & Arlene Rd Green Corners 40200 210 38300 190000 01 1989 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1496 5.26 3.-1-37 1155 Lippincott, Steven M. Rd Green Corners 40200 210 39800 219700 02 1989 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2912 6.78 39.6-2-14 1 DeSieno, Arthur Jr Greenway Dr 20202 210 35400 202300 01 1970 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 130.00 3 100.00 2020 0 39.6-2-13 3 Miller, Matthew D. Greenway Dr 20202 210 35700 178000 02 1967 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 116.00 3 150.00 1976 0 Page 195 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 39.6-1-18 4 Marie, Mark G Greenway 39.6-2-12 5 Mohr, Donald Greenway 39.6-1-19 6 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20202 210 37000 185000 02 1967 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 108.86 3 208.50 2008 0 Dr 20202 210 36100 203000 02 1967 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 105.00 3 180.00 2216 0 Stanton, Gregory A & Janet L Dr Greenway 20202 210 35800 172100 03 1966 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 103.20 3 150.00 1764 0 39.6-2-11 7 Martin, Timothy Greenway Dr 20202 210 35800 220000 02 1963 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 85.00 3 180.00 2714 0 39.6-1-20 8 Gaunay, Janis Greenway Dr 20202 210 35800 155200 01 1963 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1600 0 39.6-2-10 9 Ableman, Clyde (LE) Dr Greenway 20202 210 35800 152600 02 1964 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 180.00 1584 0 39.6-1-21 10 Atchley, Michael J. Greenway Dr 20202 210 35800 162700 02 1963 04 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1534 0 39.6-2-9 11 Gatoff, Alan Greenway Dr 20202 210 35800 172400 01 1964 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 180.00 1385 0 39.6-1-22 12 Rockinger, Christian P. Dr Greenway 20202 210 35800 165000 03 1963 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2839 0 39.6-1-23 14 Perry, Robert K. Greenway 20202 210 35800 151500 01 1968 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1046 0 39.6-2-8 15 Parsons, Stephen T/Jennifer L Dr Greenway 20202 210 36400 172500 03 1966 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 103.00 3 179.18 1676 0 39.6-1-24 16 Correll, Michelle A. Greenway Dr 20202 210 35800 169300 01 1960 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1235 0 39.6-1-25 18 DeSieno, Andrew Greenway Dr 20202 210 35800 182000 01 1962 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1425 0 39.6-1-26 20 Sitzer, Loren E. Greenway Dr 20202 210 35800 187200 05 1963 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1680 0 39.6-1-27 22 Brown, Jeffrey M & Maureen Dr Greenway 20202 210 35900 228300 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 112.58 3 151.00 2098 0 22.1-3-1.2 Twilley, Robert J. Griffith La 20206 311 250 250 0 0 0.30 22.1-3-2.11 4 Venditti, Louis A. Griffith La 20206 210 39500 481400 04 1940 02 2 1 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 3860 4.68 22.1-3-1.1 6 Wood, Michael R. Griffith La 20206 210 34250 118800 04 1940 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 864 1.00 Page 196 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.-2-5 9 Twilley, Robert J. Griffith La 22.-1-13.52 Town of Glenville, Habel Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20206 210 36300 151600 08 1825 03 2 Ln 20204 314 County of Schenectady, Ln Habel Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 25.00 3 0 1596 2.50 4500 4500 46.34 30.91 0 50100 330 74800 74800 0 0 1.12 County of Schenectady, Ln Habel 20307 322 67300 67300 0 0 16.30 Town of Glenville, Habel Ln 50100 330 145600 145600 0 0 2.89 22.-1-16 1 County Of Schenectady, Ln Habel 20204 330 75200 75200 60.00 0 0.80 22.-1-13.51 11 Lattanzio, Virginia Habel Ln 20204 210 41800 222900 08 1890 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2020 3.66 22.-1-13.121 13 Harris, Rita B. Habel Ln 20204 210 40300 186800 01 1943 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1334 2.54 22.-1-28 15 Podbielski, Robert Habel Ln 20100 210 38700 316300 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2543 1.44 22.4-1-69 16 Montgomery, Edward J. Ln Habel 20204 210 39300 261900 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2342 1.84 22.-1-27 17 Kapalli, Sanjay & Niruparma Ln Habel 20100 210 38200 288400 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2396 1.14 22.-1-26 19 O'Brien, Margaret A Ln Habel 20100 210 38100 282600 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2324 1.09 22.-1-25 21 Mancuso, Benjamin A. Ln Habel 20100 210 38500 227900 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1711 1.33 22.-1-11.12 23 Chamberlain, Kevin T. Ln Habel 20307 210 58100 456300 06 1978 01 2 1 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 3342 5.30 22.-1-11.2 25 Wilner, Jesse C. Habel Ln 20307 210 49400 385800 05 1978 06 2 1 3 1 5 1 140.00 4 220.00 3270 0 22.-1-12 27 Wilson, Edward M. Habel Ln 20204 210 39400 215000 02 1970 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2024 1.92 22.-1-29 County of Schenectady, Habel Lane 20204 311 19300 19300 119.72 513.08 0 County Of Schenectady, Habel Lane 20204 311 19300 19300 119.72 513.08 0 22.4-1-71 22.-1-11.11 22.4-1-70 22.-1-30 Page 197 of 628 0 1 1 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.10-1-38 1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Swire, Beatrice G. (LE) Rd Hadel 20203 210 27400 162500 01 1956 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 93.00 3 171.00 1460 0 22.10-2-3 2 Goodfriend, Keith A. Rd Hadel 20203 210 28800 196200 03 1965 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 210.85 2170 0 22.10-1-37 3 Dashnaw, Gary E. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27500 153900 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 98.00 3 160.00 1272 0 22.10-2-4 4 Lannon, Sandra A. Hadel Rd 20203 210 28600 137900 01 1959 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 210.85 1176 0 22.10-1-36 5 Spector, Michael Hadel Rd 20203 210 28600 167300 03 1958 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 127.00 3 159.00 1740 0 22.10-2-5 6 Adams, Stephen A. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27900 214600 05 1965 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 186.70 2102 0 22.10-1-35 7 Graham, Joseph A. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27100 200800 01 1960 02 2 1 1 2 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1776 0 22.10-2-6 8 Deamer, Cathy-Jo Hadel Rd 20203 210 27600 190500 03 1958 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 160.00 2128 0 22.10-1-34 9 Rekucki, Louis J Hadel Rd 20203 210 27100 178000 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1761 0 22.10-2-7 10 Koivula, Edward N. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27300 150000 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 160.00 1272 0 22.10-1-33 11 Howard, Life Estate, Harriet Rd Hadel 20203 210 27700 185300 01 1959 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 113.00 4 150.00 1404 0 22.10-2-8 12 Buono, Paul J. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27500 150000 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 101.00 3 161.30 1278 0 22.10-1-32 13 Gribben, Jerad Hadel Rd 20203 210 27100 183500 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 97.30 3 150.09 2056 0 22.10-2-9 14 Mack, Leonard J & Doris B Rd Hadel 20203 210 27600 128500 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 172.50 1080 0 22.10-1-31 15 Pai, Un Yong Hadel Rd 20203 210 27700 193200 03 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 110.89 3 150.09 1972 0 22.10-1-30 15A Glenn, Norman R. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27900 159900 02 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 119.00 3 150.09 1825 0 22.10-1-29 17 Assid, Carlos D. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27900 214200 03 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 119.00 3 150.00 2210 0 22.10-2-10 18 Hugo, John A. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27900 175300 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 107.00 3 175.00 1920 0 Page 198 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.10-1-28 19 Ward, Gregory P. Hadel 22.10-2-11 20 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 27300 161000 02 1969 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 1896 0 O'Shea, Paula Hadel Rd 20203 210 28000 190300 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 172.00 1902 0 22.10-1-27 21 Wright, Sharon E. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27100 190520 03 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2095 0 22.10-2-12 22 Stuart, William K. Hadel Rd 20203 210 28000 229900 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 171.80 2119 0 22.10-1-26 23 Puglisi, Kimberly C. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27100 160000 02 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1848 0 22.10-2-13 24 Krastins, Kenneth Hadel Rd 20203 210 27900 153000 02 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 171.00 1800 0 22.10-1-25 25 Crounse, Lisa Hadel Rd 20203 210 27100 192200 02 1968 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2240 0 22.10-2-14 26 Phillips , Richard A. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27700 184700 03 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 171.19 2020 0 22.10-1-24 27 Baumbach, Gregory J. Jr. Rd Hadel 20203 210 27100 220000 05 1969 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1980 0 22.10-2-15 28 Burke, Richard A. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27700 198600 02 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 171.00 2320 0 22.10-1-23 29 Hemming, William J. Rd Hadel 20203 210 27500 207500 02 1967 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 151.75 2504 0 22.10-2-16 30 Burns, Linda A. Hadel Rd 20203 210 27700 191700 02 1962 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 170.00 2205 0 22.10-2-17 32 Forlano, William H Hadel Rd 20203 210 27700 246200 05 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 170.00 2160 0 22.10-2-18 34 Wetzel, David Hadel Rd 20203 210 27900 183200 03 1965 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 170.00 2046 0 29.5-2-50.1 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Haigh 30200 311 22000 22000 144.00 125.00 0 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Haigh 30200 311 23400 23400 65.00 119.50 0.69 29.5-2-49 145 Grabo, William G. Haigh Rd 30200 210 10300 50000 04 1949 02 3 0 1 0 4 1 144.00 1 125.00 1676 0 29.5-2-3 146 Downs, Adam & Lisa Rd Haigh 30200 210 23200 156000 08 1928 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 200.00 3 127.30 1208 0 Page 199 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 29.5-2-52 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.5-2-56.1 174 Stroebele, Charles M & June R Rd Haigh 29.68-2-23.1 Watrobski, Felix Halcyon 29.68-2-39 9 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths 30200 210 23100 155200 01 1982 03 2 St 10201 311 18200 18200 Atherton, Kathleen Halcyon St 10201 210 18200 110000 04 1939 03 3 0 1 29.68-2-21 10 Knapp, Richard M. Halcyon St 10201 210 18800 119500 08 1900 01 2 29.68-2-38 11 Hubert, Robert E. Halcyon St 10201 210 18200 111400 08 1908 29.68-2-22 12 Mulderry, Patricia Kelly St Halcyon 10201 210 18400 127500 29.68-2-37 13 Deland, Dennis G. Halcyon St 10201 220 29.68-2-36 15 Bank, Scott T. Halcyon St 29.68-2-23.2 16 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 190.00 3 125.00 1372 0 40.00 150.00 0 1 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1445 0 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1562 0 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1134 0 08 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 2 150.00 1710 0 18200 109400 08 1910 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 40.00 3 150.00 1680 0 10201 210 18700 135000 08 1918 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 4 150.00 921 0 Watrobski, Felix & Mildred St Halcyon 10201 220 18200 120600 08 1910 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 40.00 3 150.00 1912 0 29.68-2-24 18 Realty Corp., Trustco St Halcyon 10201 210 18200 95600 13 1935 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 2 150.00 1224 0 29.68-2-35 19 Dooley, Kevin Halcyon St 10201 210 18200 122200 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1615 0 29.68-2-25 20 Bacon, Paul F Halcyon St 10201 210 18700 119900 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1184 0 29.68-2-34 21 Rivenburgh, Meagan E. St Halcyon 10201 210 18700 107200 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1100 0 29.68-2-26 24 De Sorbo, Thomas D. St Halcyon 10201 210 18400 130600 08 1888 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 150.00 1276 0 29.68-2-33 25 Jess, Colleen J. Halcyon St 10201 210 18200 127700 08 1932 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1386 0 29.68-2-27 28 Carter, Kirk R. Halcyon St 10201 210 18400 97200 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 150.00 1148 0 29.68-2-32 29 Summersell, George D. St Halcyon 10201 210 18700 127300 08 1890 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1280 0 29.68-2-28 30 Blewitt, Michael E. Halcyon 10201 210 18200 112900 08 1915 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1396 0 St Page 200 of 628 0 2 1 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.68-2-29 32 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Townsend, Jason R. St Halcyon 10201 210 18200 108500 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 2 150.00 1056 0 29.68-2-31 33 Gray, Heather M. Halcyon St 10201 210 18700 133000 01 1958 06 3 0 3 2 3 1 80.00 4 150.00 1546 0 29.68-2-30 34 Visconte, Derek Halcyon St 10201 210 18200 107000 08 1920 04 2 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1584 0 29.68-2-1 35 Kastberg, Kristin E & Crystal St Halcyon 10201 210 19600 173600 08 1870 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 219.00 3 150.00 2566 0 29.5-2-41 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Hardin 30200 311 22000 22000 74.00 250.00 0 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Hardin 30200 311 14700 14700 56.70 127.30 0 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Rd Hardin 30200 311 23000 23000 180.00 125.00 0 29.5-2-35.1 137 Marhafer, Daniel L Hardin Rd 30200 210 16500 176500 08 1928 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 72.00 3 125.00 1660 0 29.5-2-47.1 138 Garewal, Karan Hardin Rd 30200 210 23200 133600 13 1958 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 108.00 3 250.00 1566 0 29.5-2-46.1 152 Savoie, Lynn Hardin Rd 30200 210 23000 89000 13 1927 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 180.00 3 125.00 616 0 29.5-2-43 202 Purdy, William J. Hardin Rd 30200 210 22000 75000 13 1897 03 1 0 1 0 2 1 144.00 3 125.00 704 0 29.5-2-42.11 206 Peters, Michael G. Sr Rd Hardin 30200 210 22000 168400 05 1991 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 72.00 3 250.00 1344 0 29.5-2-39 209 Grygas, Vicki Lynn Hardin Rd 30200 210 20700 79900 04 1948 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 108.00 2 125.00 768 0 22.11-4-8 1 Driessen, Erin V. Harding Blvd 20203 210 28000 173700 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 150.00 1449 0 22.11-4-1 2 Palmieri, Valerie Harding Blvd 20203 210 29000 181900 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 112.50 4 200.00 1532 0 22.11-4-7 5 Cameron, David & Kristen Blvd Harding 20203 210 27600 161300 04 1952 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 112.50 3 149.81 1500 0 22.11-4-2 6 Duci, Rosaline Harding Blvd 20203 210 29000 201200 04 1953 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 112.00 3 200.00 2293 0 22.11-4-6 7 Pasquariello, Joseph A. Blvd Harding 20203 210 26100 161400 04 1955 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 149.81 1292 0 29.5-2-37 Page 201 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 29.5-2-5 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.11-4-5 9 Gimbrone, Donna Harding 22.11-4-3 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Blvd 20203 210 26100 226700 05 1952 03 2 0 3 2 5 1 75.00 3 149.81 2638 0 Fronk, Patricia A. Harding Blvd 20203 210 29000 189000 01 1994 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 112.50 4 199.75 1677 0 22.11-4-4 12 Strain, Robert Harding Blvd 20203 210 29000 189400 04 1958 01 3 1 2 1 5 1 112.50 4 200.00 1857 0 22.14-3-100 Masullo Bros. Builders Inc, Dr Harlau 20203 311 40200 40200 60.00 207.17 0 Masullo Bros. Builders Inc, Dr Harlau 20203 311 40200 40200 60.00 207.17 0 Masullo Bros. Builders Inc, Dr Harlau 20203 311 10 10 26.33 26.33 0.04 Masullo Bros. Builders Inc, Dr Harlau 20203 311 10 10 26.33 26.33 0.04 22.14-3-1 1 Esker, Stephen F. Harlau 20203 210 26700 158000 04 1943 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1581 0 22.14-3-2 3 Komoroske, Dorothy (LE) Dr Harlau 20203 210 27100 145000 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1224 0 22.14-1-10 4 Thomson, Laurie A. Harlau Dr 20203 210 27700 180200 01 1952 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 155.00 1512 0 22.14-3-3 5 Buonagurio, David J. Dr Harlau 20203 210 27100 199500 04 1957 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2288 0 22.14-1-11 6 Covey, David W. Harlau Dr 20203 210 27500 148000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 162.00 1224 0 22.14-3-4 7 Sgambati, Michael Harlau Dr 20203 210 27100 123400 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1044 0 22.14-1-12 8 Mannetti, Joann E. Harlau Dr 20203 210 27700 148900 04 1952 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 169.00 1224 0 22.14-3-5 9 Harrison, Roger J. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 227000 04 1955 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 190.00 2562 0 22.14-1-13 10 Heitkamp, Carl H. Harlau Dr 20203 210 27800 141600 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 176.00 1306 0 22.14-3-6 11 Woznack, Susan B. Dr Harlau 20203 210 28200 145700 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1261 0 22.14-1-14 12 Smith, Life Estate, George H. Dr Harlau 20203 210 28000 131000 04 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 183.00 1152 0 22.14-3-17.2 22.14-3-17.3 Dr Page 202 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.14-3-17.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.14-3-7 13 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type McGeoch, Michele R. Dr Harlau 20203 210 28200 128500 01 1952 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 190.00 1092 0 22.14-1-15 14 Johnson, Todd A. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28000 158800 04 1950 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 183.00 1512 0 22.14-3-8 15 Jeroszko, Richard L. Dr Harlau 20203 210 28200 148900 04 1952 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 190.00 1224 0 22.14-2-1 16 McEwan, Michael K. Dr Harlau 20203 210 28200 157900 04 1960 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 190.00 1384 0 22.14-3-9 17 James, Edward R. III Dr Harlau 20203 210 28200 133800 04 1952 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1152 0 22.14-2-2 18 Iannotti, Joseph A. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 170100 04 1950 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1800 0 22.14-3-10 19 Cristello, Joseph C. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 156300 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 190.00 1224 0 22.14-2-3 20 Reilly, Susan J. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 160000 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 190.00 1676 0 22.14-3-11 21 McGarvey, Brian F. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 148800 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 190.00 1224 0 22.14-2-4 22 Tindall, Brian L. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 142000 04 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1372 0 22.14-3-12 23 Quinn, Londa Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 143100 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1224 0 22.14-2-5 24 Finkelstein, Harvey & Leslie Dr Harlau 20203 210 28200 182200 04 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 190.00 1491 0 22.14-3-13 25 Mark, Richard J. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 158900 04 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1280 0 22.14-2-6 26 Murray, Daniel Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 135300 04 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1152 0 22.14-3-14 27 Snyder, Nancy D. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 144100 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 190.00 1224 0 22.14-2-7 28 Cotrupi, Mary Beth Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 143500 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1224 0 22.14-3-15 31 Kerker, Robert A. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 168500 04 1953 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 190.00 1776 0 22.14-3-16 33 Adkins, Beau S. Harlau Dr 20203 210 28200 144400 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1257 0 Page 203 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.14-3-39 34 Disorbo, Jonas A. Harlau 22.14-3-34 35 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20203 210 30100 309700 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 247.00 4 0 2686 0.68 Woodworth, Dane M & Janet L Dr Harlau 20203 210 29500 276800 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 153.59 4 179.26 2702 0.77 22.14-3-40 36 DeLuca, James + Beth Dr Harlau 20203 210 29000 310700 05 2004 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 125.62 4 193.80 3463 0.50 22.14-3-35 37 Beckford, Alexander G & Deidre 20203 Dr 210 Harlau 28600 295000 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 170.26 2826 0.47 22.14-3-41 38 Holm, Eric C. Harlau Dr 20203 240 36000 332000 05 2004 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2777 11.35 22.14-3-36 39 Yezzo, Steven Harlau Dr 20203 210 28600 305800 05 2004 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 130.10 4 165.31 3394 0.47 22.14-3-37 41 Roman, Albert Jr Harlau Dr 20203 210 28800 294000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.16 4 152.80 2726 0.48 22.14-3-38 43 Zatlokowicz, John E & Malissa M 20203 Dr 210 Harlau 29300 299500 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 154.42 4 162.26 2886 0.65 16.9-3-10.1 Christensen, Kristen J. Rd Harmon 20205 311 5000 5000 86.00 187.10 0 Prosper, Peter A & Patricia A Rd Harmon 20205 311 5300 5300 60.28 80.00 0 15.12-3-29 3 Seymour, Karen L. Harmon Rd 20205 210 18800 156700 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 60.00 3 142.00 1410 0 15.12-3-31 4 Alescio, Nicholas Harmon Rd 20205 210 26300 214400 04 1958 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 2058 0 15.12-3-28 5 Mac Intosh, Eileen B. Rd Harmon 20205 210 24900 163800 04 1949 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 142.00 1886 0 15.12-3-32 6 Beloncik, George (LE) Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 147400 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1092 0 15.12-3-27 7 Marcan, Lenfest Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 136100 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 142.00 1136 0 15.12-3-33 8 Preso, Eugene F. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 134800 01 1951 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 203.00 936 0 15.12-3-26 9 Cromie, James P. Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 142000 04 1945 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 2 142.00 1380 0 15.12-3-34 10 Hopper, William G. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 140500 04 1951 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1276 0 16.9-3-10.2 Page 204 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.12-3-25 11 Morelli, Lila Harmon Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 23500 150400 04 1943 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 72.00 3 142.00 1504 0 15.12-3-35 12 Elliott, Christopher A. Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 185700 04 1951 03 3 1 1 1 5 1 75.00 3 203.00 1972 0 15.12-3-24 13 Sinnenberg, Mary Ann Rd Harmon 20205 210 23500 152400 04 1948 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 4 142.00 1524 0 15.12-3-36 14 Axe, Joseph Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 152900 04 1952 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1428 0 15.12-3-23 15 Ausfeld, James Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 125000 04 1954 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 142.00 1484 0 15.12-3-37 16 Corp, Samuel J. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 159400 04 1950 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 4 203.00 1380 0 15.12-3-22 17 Watson, Sarah Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 125100 05 1949 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 142.00 1606 0 15.12-3-38 18 Clasen, William A. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 171700 04 1950 03 3 0 2 0 5 1 75.00 3 203.00 1630 0 15.12-3-21 19 Conklin, Clifford A. Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 132200 04 1949 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 4 142.00 1272 0 15.12-3-39 20 Bartholf, Gregory A. Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 125000 04 1951 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 203.00 932 0 15.12-3-20 21 Antal, Jennifer Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 160800 04 1950 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 75.00 4 142.00 1608 0 15.12-3-40 22 Norman, Richard (LE) Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 145000 04 1950 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1380 0 15.12-3-19 23 Palermo, Justin M. Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 147700 04 1948 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 142.00 1066 0 15.12-3-41 24 Evans, William J. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 174800 04 1949 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 203.00 1748 0 15.12-3-18 25 Cramer, Donald J. Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 152900 04 1950 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 142.00 1500 0 15.12-3-42 26 Benner, Ronald A. Jr Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 173500 04 1952 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 203.00 1720 0 15.12-3-17 27 Mead, Robert C. Jr Harmon Rd 20205 210 23500 136100 04 1953 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 142.00 1392 0 15.12-3-43 28 Pellerin, Robert Harmon Rd 20205 210 26500 170600 04 1950 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 201.00 1356 0 Page 205 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.12-3-16 29 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Friguletto, John J. Jr Rd Harmon 20205 210 23500 135100 04 1948 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 142.00 1280 0 16.9-3-21 30 Fancher, Jared & Therese & Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 153500 04 1953 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1680 0 16.9-2-42 31 Duchesne, Mark R. Harmon 20205 210 24800 184800 01 1954 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 98.00 3 142.00 1869 0 16.9-3-20 32 Rocco, William A/Marion M Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 139500 04 1950 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1368 0 16.9-2-41 33 Puglisi, Ronald + Beth Rd Harmon 20205 210 24800 172200 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 98.00 3 142.00 1292 0 16.9-3-19 34 Wyllie, Mariam Louise Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 158700 04 1952 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1700 0 16.9-2-40 35 Lurenz, Patrick & Denise Rd Harmon 20205 210 24800 204500 01 1952 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 98.00 4 142.00 1740 0 16.9-3-18 36 Rulison, James Gregg Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 162400 04 1953 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 203.00 1812 0 16.9-2-39 37 Monaco, Arthur & Kathleen (LE) 20205 Rd 210 Harmon 24800 174500 01 1954 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 98.00 3 142.00 1382 0 16.9-3-17 38 Greenleaf, Lari L. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 168200 04 1953 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1392 0 16.9-2-38 39 Bergman, Virginia A. (LE) Rd Harmon 20205 210 24800 169100 04 1957 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 98.00 3 142.00 1547 0 16.9-3-16 40 Dedicke, Michael A. Rd Harmon 20205 210 25200 178500 04 1950 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 4 203.00 1596 0 16.9-2-37 41 Consalvo, Robert A. Rd Harmon 20205 210 24800 170800 04 1952 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 98.00 3 142.00 924 0 16.9-3-15 42 Martin, Raymond J. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 177800 04 1952 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 203.00 1958 0 16.9-2-36 43 Merchant, Kenneth A. Rd Harmon 20205 210 24800 167700 04 1951 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 98.00 2 142.00 1638 0 16.9-3-14 44 Friello, Dawn A. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 137000 04 1952 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1344 0 16.9-2-35 45 Rock, Karen E. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 156000 04 1951 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 99.04 3 142.50 1406 0 16.9-3-13 46 Marks, Eleanor L. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 153000 04 1952 03 2 0 2 0 5 1 75.00 3 203.00 1568 0 Page 206 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.9-2-34 47 Ward, William N Harmon 16.9-3-12 48 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 25300 154000 01 1964 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.57 1392 0 Mills, Brett J. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25200 147500 04 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 203.00 1416 0 16.9-2-33 49 Dzurilla, John E. Harmon Rd 20205 210 27100 266600 03 1963 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 107.63 3 204.30 2132 0 16.9-3-11 50 Malis, Christopher A. Rd Harmon 20205 210 27000 172900 03 1965 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 203.80 1612 0 16.9-2-32 51 Richards, William J. Jr Rd Harmon 20205 210 26600 189000 03 1965 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 204.30 1556 0 16.9-2-31 53 De Fiore, John C. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25800 187400 02 1964 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2186 0 16.9-2-30 55 Rossi, Barbara & Joseph Rd Harmon 20205 210 25100 173200 02 1964 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1682 0 16.9-3-9 56 Zola, Kristen Jean Harmon Rd 20205 210 25400 176300 02 1967 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 85.00 3 187.00 1862 0 16.9-2-29 57 Holley, Christopher Harmon Rd 20309 210 37600 230000 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2190 0.82 16.9-3-8 58 McKeon, Joanne Harmon Rd 20205 210 25400 207800 01 1966 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.19 3 202.30 1616 0 16.9-2-28 59 Lanier, Marjorie A. Harmon Rd 20309 210 35800 189300 01 1968 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 115.87 4 160.00 1430 0 16.9-3-7 60 Shafer, Robert J. Harmon Rd 20205 210 25100 158800 02 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 70.40 3 210.81 1824 0 16.9-2-27 61 Burchett, Robert Harmon Rd 20309 210 35400 223000 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 160.00 2124 0 16.9-3-6 62 Brach, Ronald C. Harmon Rd 20205 210 26500 174500 02 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 96.00 4 210.00 1874 0 16.9-2-26 63 Meskutovecz, Edmund Rd Harmon 20309 210 35400 207000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 160.00 1938 0 16.9-3-5 64 Fagan, Robert L. Harmon Rd 20401 210 50300 219400 05 1983 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 190.96 4 275.07 1765 0 16.9-2-14 65 Mullins, Thomas E. Harmon Rd 20309 210 34900 230700 04 1968 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 140.00 4 102.02 2156 0 16.9-2-22 66 May, Gary Harmon Rd 20309 210 36200 150000 02 1968 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 127.00 3 150.00 2492 0 Page 207 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.9-2-23.1 68 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type LaVenture, Christopher P. Rd Harmon 20309 210 37100 250000 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 166.89 4 150.00 2317 0 16.9-2-25.1 70 Garing, Gerald R. Harmon Rd 20309 210 36500 246200 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 132.00 4 150.00 2585 0 16.9-2-15 72 Sander, Paul C. Harmon Rd 20309 210 34700 198800 02 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 4 150.00 2008 0 16.9-3-41 Prosper, Peter A. Harmon Rd - Off 20309 311 18100 18100 0 0 1.10 1.-1-16.11 1.-1-16.12 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 1.-1-18.2 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Bascom, Lee T. Hart Rd 40200 311 7600 7600 165.00 325.00 0 Hart, Beth W. Hart Rd 40200 322 79000 79000 1905.00 0 46.00 Ernesto Juan de Bedout, as Trustee 40200 Rd 322 Hart 89500 89500 1905.00 0 62.99 1.-1-13.21 164 Milton, William H. Hart 40200 240 87700 311900 08 1900 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2688 60.74 1.-1-13.22 372 De Bedout Revocable Living, Juan40200 E. Rd 240 Hart 43100 290200 05 1990 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2352 10.05 1.-1-16.2 632 O'Connor, Guylene A Rd Hart 40200 210 35000 271500 08 1778 03 3 0 3 1 4 1 303.00 3 0 2608 3.00 1.-1-18.11 790 Scheeren, Mark W. Hart Rd 40200 210 42000 325000 01 2002 03 2 0 4 2 4 1 0 3 0 3091 9.00 15.8-6-5 1 Durant, Terry Ann Harvest Dr 20205 210 26100 168500 02 1969 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 93.00 3 200.00 2384 0 15.8-6-39 2 Irrevocable Trust, The Cain Family20205 Dr 210 Harvest 26000 168100 03 1968 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 180.00 1824 0 15.8-6-4 3 Newton, Bernard H. Dr Harvest 20205 210 26100 162500 03 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 92.45 4 200.00 1776 0 15.8-6-40 4 Button, William G. Harvest Dr 20205 210 26000 185000 02 1971 03 2 1 2 1 2 1 100.00 3 180.00 2624 0 15.8-6-3.2 5 Page, Jeffrey A. Harvest Dr 20205 210 26600 221700 05 1988 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 202.00 2136 0 15.8-6-41 6 Gibson, Scott D & Sandra R Dr Harvest 20205 210 26100 182200 02 1970 03 2 2 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 180.00 2248 0 15.8-6-43 7 Lewis, Larry Harvest 20205 210 28300 217600 02 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2851 1.20 Rd Dr Page 208 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.8-6-3.1 7A Shaw, Benjamin A. Harvest 15.8-6-42 8 Zarub, Ross Harvest Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20205 210 27900 216200 04 1988 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 202.00 4 204.00 2089 0 Dr 20205 210 27000 177000 02 1972 03 2 2 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 180.00 2148 0 22.14-4-1 16 Mac Cracken, Thomas Dr Harwood 20203 210 27100 160000 01 1959 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1340 0 22.14-2-28 17 Fenelon, Jean M. Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 158200 03 1957 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1559 0 22.14-4-2 18 Wood, Ronald R. Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 149000 01 1959 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1152 0 22.14-2-27 19 Haight, Robert E & Marion M Jr 20203 Dr 210 Harwood 27100 152400 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1408 0 22.14-4-3 20 Laurange, Anthony Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 128600 01 1956 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 960 0 22.14-2-26 21 Calder, Richard Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 138000 01 1959 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1032 0 22.14-4-4 22 Cote, Raymond R. Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 180200 01 1955 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1474 0 22.14-2-25 23 Sapone Life Estate, John + Karen20203 Dr 210 Harwood 27100 143700 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1160 0 22.14-4-5 24 Bechand, Daniel Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 131900 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1088 0 22.14-2-24 25 Taber, Shirley P. Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 137600 01 1957 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1256 0 22.14-4-6 26 Marker, Vivian (LE) Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 171200 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1416 0 22.14-2-23 27 Morello, Jeanette A. Dr Harwood 20203 210 27100 173500 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1452 0 22.14-4-7 28 George, John E. Jr Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 184600 01 1958 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1652 0 22.14-2-22 29 Carson, Kristina Harwood Dr 20203 210 27100 168400 01 1957 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1528 0 12.1-2-14.1 Van Eps, Dirck Roger Ave Hatcher 40200 322 43400 43400 0 0 10.40 Polsinelli - 31, Peter Dr Havenbrook 20202 311 25000 25000 100.79 190.65 0.46 Page 209 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 39.6-2-25.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 39.7-1-8 1 Ringhoff, Joseph P. Havenbrook Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20202 210 37100 146400 01 1958 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 193.43 3 120.23 1200 0 39.7-1-9 3 Honicki, Bernice P. (LE) Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 35600 143900 01 1961 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 107.16 3 146.08 1146 0 39.7-1-3 4 Ambrozak, Jerome (LE) Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 35900 154900 01 1965 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 111.93 3 145.39 1210 0 39.7-1-10 5 Lloyd, Margaret D. Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 35800 180000 01 1961 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.16 3 150.00 1568 0 39.7-1-2 6 Pouliot, Francia E. Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 37000 163500 01 1961 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 115.42 3 187.60 1302 0 39.7-1-11 7 Brooks, Victoria J. Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 36600 183000 01 1961 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1666 0 39.7-1-1 8 Hoffman, Michael C & Erin E Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 37000 219200 05 1986 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 116.31 3 187.60 2197 0 39.7-1-12 9 Sarnowski, Michael H. Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 35800 183700 02 1967 03 3 1 1 1 3 2 100.00 3 150.00 2100 0 39.7-1-13 11 Farry , Shannon Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 35800 217600 03 1991 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2019 0 39.6-2-15 12 Leboeuf, Joseph Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 36200 242000 05 2003 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 111.93 3 154.08 2026 0 39.7-1-14 13 Simone, Michelle L Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 35800 240000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1827 0 39.6-2-16 14 Krogh, James P & Shelly L Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 36300 211200 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 102.20 3 195.27 2026 0 39.7-1-15 15 Lightcap, Andrew Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 35800 245200 05 2004 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2095 0 39.6-2-17 16 Rager, John F. Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 36800 200000 05 1986 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 88.10 3 234.95 1944 0 39.7-1-16.1 17 Alternative Living Group, Inc, Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 36900 253800 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.00 4 150.00 2104 0 39.6-2-18 18 Polsinelli, Ronald Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 36300 231100 05 1986 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 76.56 3 234.95 2128 0 39.6-2-29.11 19 Smigelski, Rachael L Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 36400 238700 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 98.67 3 186.61 2122 0 39.6-2-19 20 Cantamessa, James E. Dr Havenbrook 20202 210 37000 197600 05 1986 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 110.00 3 201.39 1696 0 Page 210 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 39.6-2-28.1 21 Smigelski, Rachel L. Dr Havenbrook Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Asmt Land Asmt Total 20202 311 14800 14800 34.00 135.38 0 1 196.80 3 221.99 2026 0 03 2 Half Baths Baths 1 2 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 1 4 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 05 2003 Ext Wall Heat Type CRW/V4/L001 39.6-2-20 22 Ladouceur, Jason Havenbrook Dr 20202 210 38000 209000 39.6-2-27.1 23 Polsinelli -33, Peter Havenbrook Dr 20202 311 25000 25000 85.00 190.00 0.46 39.6-2-26.1 25 Polsinelli, Peter Havenbrook Dr 20202 311 25000 25000 85.00 190.00 0.39 29.7-1-6 Scott, Anita D. Haviland Dr 20302 311 100 100 10.00 120.00 0 3 149.50 1270 0 29.7-1-2 2 Evenson, Glenn Haviland Dr 20302 210 47100 173300 01 1960 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 110.12 21.19-1-15 3 Stewart, Earl K. Jr. Haviland Dr 20207 210 35400 175000 04 1950 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 101.40 4 300.00 1503 0 29.7-1-3 4 Goins, Doyle E. Haviland Dr 20302 210 48300 195200 03 1959 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 154.00 3 129.35 2302 0 29.8-1-1 5 Walsh, David A. Haviland Dr 20302 210 46900 192100 03 1959 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 172.53 3 100.00 2307 0 29.7-1-4 6 Maas, Marjorie J. Haviland Dr 20302 210 46700 195500 01 1960 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 125.00 3 123.10 1730 0 29.8-1-2 7 Rockwell, Garrett W. III Dr Haviland 20302 210 47400 202100 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 187.69 3 93.44 1914 0 29.7-1-5 8 Derrick, Robert A. Haviland Dr 20302 210 45700 215200 05 1958 03 4 0 3 1 4 1 110.00 3 113.10 2240 0 29.8-1-17 9 Gilbert, Melissa L. Haviland Dr 20302 210 47200 201300 05 1959 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 142.29 3 117.00 1938 0 29.8-2-1 10 Campo, Frank E & Janis R Dr Haviland 20302 210 46700 200600 01 1960 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 125.00 3 123.10 1735 0 29.8-1-18 11 Michalski, Gregory P. Dr Haviland 20302 210 49100 201100 01 1962 01 2 1 2 2 3 1 157.11 3 152.14 1880 0 29.8-2-2 12 Koehler, James V. Jr Dr Haviland 20302 210 46700 245000 05 1962 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 123.00 2489 0 29.8-2-3 14 Colucciello, Irene M. Dr Haviland 20302 210 46700 219200 05 1960 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 125.00 3 123.00 2092 0 29.8-1-29 15 Aldi, Barbara L. Haviland 20302 210 49200 225000 03 1961 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 168.15 3 156.84 2289 0 Dr Page 211 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.8-2-4 16 Conte, Pasquale A/Jeannette Dr Haviland 29.8-1-30 17 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20302 210 46700 201900 01 1954 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 124.65 3 123.10 1694 0 Rice, Brenda & Kenneth Dr Haviland 20302 210 49300 286000 05 1964 01 2 0 3 2 5 1 190.00 3 152.51 2818 0 29.8-2-5 18 Richards, George R Dr Haviland 20302 210 46700 232600 05 1964 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 125.00 3 123.10 2356 0.38 29.8-1-31 19 Beers, Charles R. Jr Dr Haviland 20302 210 45900 199000 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 85.00 3 152.52 1942 0 29.8-2-7 20 Astmann, Stephen K. Dr Haviland 20302 210 46600 182700 03 1966 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1790 0 29.8-1-32 21 Rowledge, Bruce D. Dr Haviland 20302 210 45800 265800 05 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 85.00 3 150.00 2798 0 29.8-1-33 23 Buczkowski, Henry J. Dr Haviland 20302 210 46600 218400 05 1965 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2073 0 38.27-2-1 2 Fiet, Candace Hawk St 10204 210 16300 107600 08 1901 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 66.67 3 120.00 1320 0 38.26-3-9 3 Monroe, Melanie D. Hawk St 10204 210 16200 114200 13 1916 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 66.00 3 96.00 1232 0 38.26-3-8 5 Walsh, Patricia A. Hawk St 10204 210 12500 110300 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 110.80 1383 0 38.27-2-2 6 Capogna, Victor Hawk St 10204 210 16300 106600 13 1930 06 3 1 1 0 3 1 66.67 3 120.00 1567 0 38.26-3-7 7 Cook, Nicholas E. Hawk St 10204 210 13300 113300 13 1929 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 110.80 1212 0 38.26-3-6 9 Tremante, Molly Hawk St 10204 210 13100 128200 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 2 108.60 1212 0 38.27-2-3 10 Santelli, Richard P Hawk St 10204 210 12100 105100 08 1920 04 2 1 1 0 4 1 33.33 3 100.00 1095 0 38.27-2-4 12 Dalaba, Jason Hawk St 10204 210 12100 146000 13 1920 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 33.33 4 100.00 1194 0 38.26-3-5 13 Bailor, Richard M. Hawk St 10204 220 16300 140600 08 1935 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 66.23 3 126.00 3120 0 38.27-2-5.1 14 McTernan, Thomas & Stephen St Hawk 10204 210 14500 109300 08 1912 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 120.00 1192 0 38.26-3-4 15 Crawford, Ashur C. Hawk 10204 210 16200 131800 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 120.00 1712 0 Page 212 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-2-5.2 16 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Squires, Christopher St Hawk 10204 210 14500 117200 08 1912 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 33.33 3 120.00 1280 0 38.26-3-3 17 Malloy, Dolores M Hawk St 10204 210 16000 129300 04 1935 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 42.00 3 114.00 1476 0 38.27-2-6 18 Coole, Richard W. Hawk St 10204 210 12100 109100 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 120.00 1198 0 38.26-3-2 19 Ives, Douglas P. Hawk St 10204 210 15500 153800 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 57.33 3 73.00 1610 0 38.27-2-7 20 Golden, Nancy J. Hawk St 10204 210 16000 130000 08 1926 03 3 0 3 0 4 1 37.17 3 120.00 2015 0 38.27-2-8 22 Becker, Charles R. Hawk St 10204 210 16100 135000 08 1915 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 51.20 3 120.50 1605 0 9.19-3-23 3 Levine, Brian Heather La 20206 210 31600 153800 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 165.60 1296 0 9.19-3-19 4 Goodman, David E. Heather La 20206 210 31100 135300 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1196 0 9.19-3-22 5 Brackett, John Jr Heather La 20206 210 33400 168300 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 148.90 3 200.00 1534 0 9.19-3-20 6 DiCaprio, Cory J. Heather La 20206 210 31100 145600 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1421 0 9.19-3-11 7 Taylor, Thomas J & Karen L Heather La 20206 210 31100 164600 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 100.00 1325 0 9.19-3-21 8 Serafini, Sandra Heather La 20206 210 30600 231100 03 1957 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 75.90 3 172.65 2093 0 9.19-3-12 10 Living Resources Corp, Heather La 20206 210 31100 157200 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1413 0 15.8-3-16.111 104 Crowley, Michael Heckeler Dr 20205 283 56000 312000 04 1941 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1620 1.01 15.8-5-26 107 Fogg Realty,LLC, Heckeler Dr 20205 210 27300 133500 04 1941 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 180.00 3 166.50 1333 0 15.8-3-15 108 Brown, David J. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 27100 151400 04 1947 02 3 0 1 0 2 1 120.00 3 200.00 1456 0 15.8-5-25 111 LaBrake, Tina Heckeler Dr 20205 210 25500 111500 13 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 165.00 1220 0 15.8-3-14 112 Hermann, Laura E. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 24500 140600 04 1932 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 63.50 4 200.00 1416 0 Page 213 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.8-5-24 113 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Garrison, Albert M. III Dr Heckeler 20205 210 26400 105154 05 1948 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 120.00 3 164.60 2544 0 15.8-3-13 114 Colucco, Angela M. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 27100 136200 04 1954 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 200.00 1176 0 15.8-5-23 119 VanHeusen, Donald L. Dr Heckeler 20205 210 26400 138400 04 1945 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 163.06 1200 0 15.8-2-1 120 Knapp, Martin A. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 25400 239400 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 80.00 4 200.00 2160 0 15.8-2-2 122 Pritchard, Robert Heckeler Dr 20205 210 26700 169200 04 1948 07 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1683 0 15.8-5-22 125 Wood, Jeffrey D. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 26400 157000 01 1951 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 120.00 4 162.00 1071 0 15.8-2-3 126 Armstrong, Lori E. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 27100 191400 03 1941 01 3 1 1 2 3 1 125.00 3 200.00 2059 0 15.8-5-21 127 Ormsby, Michael & Jovan Dr Heckeler 20205 210 26400 138800 04 1947 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 162.00 1322 0 15.8-5-20 129 MacClintock, David Michael Dr Heckeler 20205 210 24600 151800 04 1946 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 83.00 3 162.00 1620 0 15.8-2-4 130 Krawiecki, Edward F. Dr Heckeler 20205 210 25300 196300 05 1943 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 78.00 4 200.18 2317 0 15.8-5-19.1 131 Rogers, Dallas (LE) Dr Heckeler 20205 210 25600 130000 04 1948 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 225.00 1146 0 15.8-2-5 132 Desrosiers, Jason Heckeler Dr 20205 210 26000 156300 04 1943 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 200.18 1722 0 15.8-5-18 133 Lape, Stephanie A. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 25100 133900 04 1948 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 176.00 1304 0 15.8-2-6 134 Darrow, Phyllis E. Heckeler Dr 20205 210 25300 144900 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 141.32 3 110.00 1102 0 15.8-5-17 135 Dinon, Robert + Lynne Dr Heckeler 20205 210 25800 156600 01 1955 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 172.10 1322 0 15.8-1-3 202 Wagner, Robert Heckeler 20205 210 24100 136000 01 1955 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 150.00 1088 0 15.7-4-32 203 Gwiazdowski, Stanley J. (LE) Dr Heckeler 20205 210 25800 132000 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 87.00 3 200.00 884 0 15.8-1-2 204 Niewinski, Chester Heckeler 20205 210 24100 130800 04 1948 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 150.00 1227 0 Dr Page 214 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-4-33 205 Stawski, John A. Heckeler 15.8-1-1 206 Natalie, Joan Heckeler 15.7-4-34 207 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20205 210 25700 148500 04 1955 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 86.10 3 200.00 1209 0 Dr 20205 210 24500 135700 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 95.38 3 152.16 1432 0 Budesheim, George D. Jr Dr Heckeler 20205 210 30000 243600 06 1957 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3050 2.30 22.8-2-74 3 Gitchell, Amy L. Helen Ct 20208 210 27600 150000 01 1971 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 107.82 3 320.00 1261 0 22.8-2-69 4 Haushalter, Kurt J. Helen Ct 20208 210 26500 146100 01 1970 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 103.00 3 210.00 988 0 22.8-2-73 5 Hay, Magdy A. Helen Ct 20208 210 26800 190000 03 1971 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 96.00 3 232.00 1600 0 22.8-2-70 6 Cook, William Helen Ct 20208 210 26400 144700 01 1970 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 97.25 3 180.00 988 0 22.8-2-72 7 Greppo, Marcia A. Helen Ct 20208 210 24500 208400 01 1970 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 82.13 3 155.00 1716 0 22.8-2-71 8 Posson, Rosemary Helen Ct 20208 210 24100 173100 01 1968 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 71.00 3 156.00 1256 0 16.-1-1.121 9 Sweet, Leanne M Helping Hand La 20204 210 46400 399400 06 1981 01 4 0 3 0 5 1 60.00 3 0 3441 7.37 15.7-1-13 1 Berggren, Edward N. Ln Hemlock 20206 210 31100 168800 01 1959 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 73.00 3 204.00 1876 0 15.7-1-16 2 Noland, Montyce Hemlock Ln 20206 210 29200 209600 01 1962 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 52.00 4 204.30 2225 0 15.7-1-14 3 Reali, Joel E. Hemlock Ln 20206 210 32200 195000 03 1959 01 2 1 1 2 4 1 123.88 4 153.81 2056 0 15.7-1-15 4 Kramer, David A. Hemlock Ln 20206 210 32800 208600 03 1960 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 140.00 3 150.00 2196 0 29.7-1-22 2 Van Slyke, Tracy D. Hempshire Ct 20302 210 47700 238300 05 1969 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 0 2000 0.45 29.7-1-23 4 Blanchet, Robert Hempshire Ct 20302 210 47600 235300 05 1969 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 81.00 3 0 2160 0.65 29.7-1-24 6 Anderson, Robert D. Ct Hempshire 20302 210 49400 229700 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 130.00 3 0 2068 0.53 29.7-1-25 8 Smith, Gary F. Hempshire 20302 210 49400 243800 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2332 0.70 Page 215 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ct Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.7-1-26 10 Emmer, Arthur LE Hempshire 29.16-2-50.112 3 29.12-1-10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ct 20302 210 47900 221600 05 1970 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 156.00 3 120.00 1976 0 Cavoli, Carmelo A. Henry St 20201 210 25700 216200 05 1920 03 3 1 3 1 10 1 250.00 3 150.00 4019 0 Mathey, Mary Heritage Pkwy 20302 311 48200 48200 125.00 150.11 0 29.7-1-31 1 Gac, Danyelle J. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 49100 190300 05 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 147.25 3 160.00 1753 0 29.7-1-32 2 Shoemaker, Philip A Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47700 193100 01 1971 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.84 3 180.00 1508 0 29.7-1-30 3 Ahnert, Revocable Trust, Kurt W. 20302 Pkwy 210 Heritage 48900 233700 05 1969 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 180.91 2192 0 29.7-1-33 4 Hanson, Norman O. Jr Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 46600 181000 03 1972 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 151.86 1684 0 29.7-1-29 5 Hunt, Paul J & Katherine E Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 49200 250200 05 1969 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 140.00 4 180.90 2188 0 29.7-1-34 6 Lordi, Francis D. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46700 181100 01 1972 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 144.01 1608 0 29.7-1-35 8 Payment, Lisa A. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46300 188900 02 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 142.47 2312 0 29.7-1-36 10 Howe Family Trust, George & Thana 20302 Pkwy 210 Heritage 46700 250100 05 1969 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 151.25 2439 0 29.7-1-27 11 Johnson, Ronald J. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46900 249200 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 160.00 2533 0 29.7-1-37 12 Mazzone, Anthony & Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 46700 170800 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 151.25 1536 0 29.7-1-38 14 Clum, Jason R. Heritage 20302 210 46700 224500 05 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 151.00 2170 0 29.7-1-39 16 Pohl, Margaret Irrevocable, Trust 20302 Pkwy 210 Heritage 46700 235000 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 151.25 2334 0 29.7-1-40 18 Fraser, John Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46700 233200 05 1970 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 151.25 2097 0 29.7-1-21 19 Harris, Gale A Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46900 180000 03 1976 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1708 0 29.7-1-41 20 Kukan, William A. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46900 194500 05 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.09 1796 0 Page 216 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Pkwy Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.7-1-20 21 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Barnao, Anthony F/Mark A Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 48800 214300 01 1973 03 3 0 2 1 2 1 100.00 3 217.00 1642 0 29.7-1-42 22 Richards, William D. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47100 254500 05 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 170.00 2015 0 29.7-1-19 23 Mc Kone, James T & April J Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 48300 186000 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 102.06 3 214.83 2102 0 29.8-3-37 24 Mc Laughlin, Thomas J. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 48300 196300 05 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 179.53 1770 0 29.7-1-18 25 Gill, Manmohan S. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47400 250600 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 176.79 2580 0 29.8-3-36 26 Mathes, Stephen K. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47600 177800 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 179.53 1709 0 29.8-3-11 27 Wegener, Thomas B. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 46800 211800 05 1972 03 4 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 156.00 1860 0 29.8-3-35 28 Osswald, Scott Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47800 224600 05 1975 03 4 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 2022 0 29.8-3-12 29 Frament, Allen Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47200 214900 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 158.85 1965 0 29.8-3-34 30 Ziotkowski, Robert F. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47600 238600 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2173 0.41 29.8-3-13 31 Lubowski, Teresa J. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47300 237900 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 161.00 2194 0 29.8-3-33 32 MacDonald, Lawrence F. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47700 210000 01 1978 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 173.69 1725 0 29.8-3-14 33 Piper, Arthur Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47300 220500 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 164.13 2128 0 29.8-3-32 34 Antonio, Matthew Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47400 188600 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 173.69 1849 0 29.8-3-15 35 Burke, Jean E. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47400 187600 03 1970 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 105.00 3 166.77 1883 0 29.8-3-31 36 Melsheimer, Donald Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 46900 200100 03 1973 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 161.79 2137 0 29.8-3-16 37 Farnan, James A. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47600 238300 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 105.00 3 169.40 2278 0 29.8-3-30 38 D'Arcy, Glen R. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46900 231800 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 159.26 2118 0 Page 217 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.8-3-17 39 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type LaPoint, Corey & Mary Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47700 259100 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 172.00 2260 0 29.8-3-29 40 Zielinski, Jacqueline Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 46900 179600 01 1971 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.47 1438 0 29.8-3-18 41 Liebl, William P. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46700 226000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 89.24 3 172.04 2104 0 29.8-3-28 42 Lamboy, Peter S. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46900 226500 05 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 161.69 2041 0 29.8-3-19 43 Painter, Brian D. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 46800 238200 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 175.00 2160 0 29.8-3-27 44 Foster, Brian P. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47100 191800 05 1971 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 162.09 1775 0 29.8-3-20 45 Crounse, Andrew Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47400 248400 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.00 2428 0 29.8-3-26 46 Steadwell, James F. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47200 207400 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 168.41 1968 0 29.8-3-21 47 Carpenter, Michael Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47400 245200 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.00 2496 0 29.8-3-25 48 Guzzo, Michael Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47600 223500 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 178.00 2140 0 29.12-1-1.2 49 Pietrusza, David Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 49200 270800 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 175.00 2449 0 29.8-3-24 50 Cornell, Douglas S. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47700 200000 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 187.15 2100 0 29.8-3-23 52 Dutelle, James Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47700 228900 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 182.00 2149 0 29.8-3-22 54 Estes, Veron H. LfUse Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 48600 234900 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 207.00 2091 0 29.12-1-1.12 56 Watson, Jonathan & Karyn Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 49800 289400 05 1985 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 171.00 3 221.00 2146 0 29.12-1-6 57 Faubion, William B Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47400 285000 05 1993 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.40 2380 0 29.12-1-7 58 Chow, Joe H. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 49200 266300 05 1990 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 258.01 2184 0 29.12-1-5 59 Welch, Christopher C. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47400 262500 05 1994 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.43 2262 0 Page 218 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.12-1-8 60 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Schmitz, Thomas M. Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 46600 283900 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.07 2331 0 29.12-1-4 61 Dijohn, Edward & Christine M Pkwy Heritage 20306 210 37800 268000 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.46 2259 0 29.12-1-9 62 Garcia, Joseph A. Heritage 20302 210 46600 300200 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.11 2678 0 29.12-1-3 63 Gabree Jason & Annamarie, Pkwy Heritage 20302 210 47400 245600 05 1996 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.48 1904 0 29.12-1-2 65 Purdy, Jack G. Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 47400 274800 05 1993 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.51 2328 0 29.12-1-1.111 67 Rajczak, Joseph Heritage Pkwy 20302 210 48900 250400 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.83 3 176.28 1839 0 16.13-1-13 2 Otis, Scott D. Herrick Dr 20205 210 27100 322000 05 1951 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 100.00 4 240.00 2655 0 16.13-1-17 3 Quinn, Barbara L Herrick Dr 20205 210 26700 174000 01 1953 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 115.00 3 180.00 1392 0 16.13-1-14 4 Berry, Nancy R. Herrick Dr 20205 210 28000 163500 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 182.76 3 240.00 1390 0 16.13-1-16 5 Ronca, Brandon Herrick Dr 20205 210 26000 146600 01 1952 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 180.00 1044 0 15.16-4-24 6 Petrucco, Mario A. Herrick Dr 20205 210 22900 153500 01 1965 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 130.00 1258 0 16.13-1-15 7 Hock, Erika L. Herrick Dr 20205 210 26300 162000 01 1952 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.67 4 194.08 1592 0 23.9-4-16 Iovinelli, Edward George Jr Rd Hetcheltown 20204 310 35000 35000 181.03 393.66 0.92 County Of Schenectady, Rd Hetcheltown 20204 311 41200 41200 200.00 0 3.10 Walker, Paul D. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 311 31800 31800 0 0 2.17 Sweet, Leanne M Hetcheltown Rd 20204 312 48400 52000 0 0 9.42 County Of Schenectady, Rd Hetcheltown 50100 590 518000 518000 0 0 108.00 39200 210500 1 287.72 3 0 2598 1.80 23.-1-6.12 16.5-3-25.12 16.-1-1.111 23.-1-2.2 23.9-4-5.121 7 Bianchi, Joel M & Stacie B Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 06 2006 Page 219 of 628 03 2 1 2 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 1 3 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Pkwy Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.-1-11.12 10 NYS Dept. of Transportation, Rd Hetcheltown Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class 20204 320 Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 100 100 0 0 0.03 3 0 2152 5.79 23.-1-11.11 10 Calleri, Guy A. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 220 44800 233500 08 1840 01 4 0 2 0 4 2 0 23.9-4-15 11 Smith, Jessica Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 39200 174000 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 350.00 3 250.00 1620 1.80 23.-1-4 69 Coppola, Andrew T. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 38300 239000 08 1920 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 234.00 3 225.00 2621 0 23.-1-5 73 Desmond, Jonathan T. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 36000 172000 08 1920 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 92.60 3 198.00 1976 0 23.-1-3 75 Ashlaw, James C. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 36200 172000 04 1954 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 223.00 1680 0 16.17-3-22 77 Traxler, Fleurette Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 27600 214900 05 1961 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 326.25 2142 0 16.-1-23.2 78 Schultz, Donald P Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 35200 194600 04 1995 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 102.00 3 150.00 1638 0 16.17-3-21 79 Murphy, Michael D. Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 27600 162900 03 1962 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 326.25 2286 0 16.-1-23.12 80 Schultz, Mark J & Nancy Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 38200 230000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 170.30 4 297.48 2266 0 16.-1-24 82 Keefe, Rebecca Ann Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 38000 144300 13 1938 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1040 1.00 16.17-1-21 87 Pomato, Peter Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 29100 124600 04 1945 04 2 0 1 1 2 1 251.00 3 0 924 1.70 16.-1-23.11 88 Schultz, Raymond J. Jr Rd Hetcheltown 20204 170 155400 259700 08 1878 04 3 0 2 0 4 1 0 2 0 1800 81.99 16.17-1-22.1 89 Frazer, Austin Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 28600 135000 01 1962 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1224 1.40 16.13-5-8 91 Quinlan, Nathan E. Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 28400 153100 01 1964 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 149.40 3 365.90 1056 0 16.13-5-7.1 95 Edwards, Mark R & Michelle L. Rd Hetcheltown 20205 210 31800 339200 05 1956 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3098 3.50 16.13-5-7.2 97 Gaudin, Frank G & Tammy L Rd Hetcheltown 20205 210 27600 199500 05 1996 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 175.00 3 208.00 1590 0 16.-1-22 98 Schultz, Shelia M. Hetcheltown 20204 210 36600 128800 01 1974 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 203.67 960 0 Rd Page 220 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-5-6 99 Chase, Phyllis A. Hetcheltown Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 28500 226000 05 1800 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 265.10 4 204.30 2349 1.33 16.-1-21.3 100 Pacelli, Anthony (LE) Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 37900 152200 01 1983 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 140.00 3 303.00 1118 0 16.-1-21.41 102 Anderson, Stephen J. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 38300 155900 01 1953 01 3 0 2 1 1 1 151.60 3 282.00 1130 0 16.-1-20 104 Welles, Kenneth B. II Rd Hetcheltown 20204 240 67000 259900 02 1971 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1750 28.04 16.13-5-5.21 105 Currin, Lisa B. Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 28900 260000 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 243.90 4 182.58 2437 1.57 16.13-4-12.2 111 Asselin, Edward E. Jr Rd Hetcheltown 20205 210 28700 276100 05 1991 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 2436 1.46 16.13-4-12.12 113 Winters, Francis M. Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 27300 173000 04 1992 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 115.00 3 242.94 1789 0 16.-1-19.1 114 Kudlacik, Edward L. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 240 49800 197000 05 1840 01 3 1 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 2240 10.80 16.-1-18 116 Dufort, Robert T & Colleen M Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 38000 167800 05 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 171.50 3 256.00 1288 0 16.13-4-12.111 117 Kudlacik, Thomas B. Rd Hetcheltown 20205 210 27600 190500 01 1955 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 195.99 3 180.00 1946 0 16.-1-17 118 Turner, Terry M. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 38100 160800 01 1956 02 2 1 1 0 3 1 185.00 3 250.00 960 0 16.13-4-11 119 White, Shirley Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 26000 167400 04 1953 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 181.40 1384 0 16.-1-16 120 Wayand, Lori Ann Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37100 178200 05 1958 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 120.00 3 204.00 1888 0 16.-1-15 122 Pearson, Arlene A. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 36500 95900 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 200.00 816 0 16.13-4-9 123 Fahey, Maureen Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 24500 177700 01 1956 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 172.20 1615 0 16.-1-14 124 Baumgarten, John Hetcheltown Rd 20204 311 7000 7000 120.00 200.00 0 16.9-4-8 127 Berggren, Jason R & Michelle A 20205 Rd 210 Hetcheltown 46100 201000 1 284.00 4 175.00 1997 7.90 16.9-4-7.1 129 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 146.78 273.93 1.00 20205 311 34800 34800 Page 221 of 628 03 3 0 2 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 1 5 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 08 1890 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.-1-13 130 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Roberts, Michael G. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 39100 177800 13 1947 03 2 16.9-4-7.2 131 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 20205 311 16.9-4-9 133 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 16.9-4-10 135 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 360.00 3 230.00 1219 1.70 35200 35200 126.61 396.00 1.10 20205 311 35100 35100 0 0 1.05 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 20205 311 45600 45600 0 0 2.92 16.-1-26 136 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 20204 311 40600 40600 0 0 2.74 16.-1-6.2 138 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 20204 311 40700 40700 0 0 2.81 16.-1-6.1 140 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 20204 311 41300 41300 0 0 3.23 16.9-4-11 141 Batista, Paul A & Davia J Rd Hetcheltown 20205 311 35500 35500 0 0 1.26 16.9-4-6 147 Di Gesare, Lawrence E. Rd Hetcheltown 20205 210 30500 262600 05 1976 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 250.00 3 447.00 2448 2.68 16.9-4-5 149 Grock, David Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 28000 312000 05 2013 03 2 1 2 1 0 1 100.00 3 428.00 2658 0 16.9-4-4 151 Grippin, Wayne & Jane E Rd Hetcheltown 20205 210 29400 202500 08 1930 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2053 1.90 16.9-4-3 163 Deserre, Steven F. Hetcheltown 20205 210 40500 175000 04 1923 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 4 0 2263 3.90 16.-1-4 164 Schaeffer, Dennis & Paula Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 37500 130100 13 1910 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 328.20 1520 0 16.-1-2.1 168 Curtin, Patrick J. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 36000 166400 02 1956 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 119.60 3 150.00 1559 0 16.9-4-2.11 169 Walsh, Kenneth F. Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 28000 137800 13 1915 06 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 2 0 1303 1.00 16.-1-3.1 170 Boss, Jason M. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37600 136100 01 1956 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 181.40 3 201.30 960 0 16.9-4-2.3 173 Mc Carthy, Paul Hetcheltown Rd 20205 240 43100 351500 05 2008 03 2 1 4 0 3 1 0 4 0 2147 10.20 16.-1-1.112 178 Cleinman, Jonathan Rd Hetcheltown 20204 220 38200 153000 08 1800 01 2 0 2 0 3 2 0 3 0 1612 1.11 Rd Page 222 of 628 1 1 0 4 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.9-4-2.21 179 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Petersen, Jeffrey C. Rd Hetcheltown 20205 210 34100 141000 01 1981 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 160.00 3 160.00 1344 0.62 16.5-2-49 182 Wait, Douglas H. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 45100 126200 08 1918 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1240 6.10 16.5-2-48.2 186 Bomm, Amy E. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37100 149100 01 1952 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 155.00 3 159.50 1132 0 16.5-2-48.11 188 Chouffi, Audrey E. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37700 94500 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 190.00 3 0 690 0.69 16.5-2-48.12 190 Stewart, Todd B Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 36600 137900 01 1983 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 203.00 1056 0 16.5-2-47 192 Pennings, Dale E. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 36800 145800 01 1971 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 140.00 1038 0 16.5-2-46 194 Pennings, Dale Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 40600 154000 13 1910 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 1544 2.70 16.5-2-45 196 Stewart, H Richard Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37200 163200 04 1944 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 115.00 3 226.00 1677 0 16.9-4-1 197 Marks, James E. Hetcheltown Rd 20205 210 39900 227100 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1840 3.60 16.5-2-44 198 Hurteau, Gregory J. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 26000 143800 08 1988 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 210.00 1508 0 16.5-3-27 199 Bertram , Walter W. Jr Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 38800 159100 04 1946 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1144 1.50 16.5-2-43 200 Pennings, Dale E. Hetcheltown 20204 210 37600 123600 04 1910 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 175.00 3 206.00 792 0 16.5-3-26.1 201 Lucier, David J & Colleen M Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 36500 181500 01 1969 03 3 1 2 0 2 2 100.00 3 200.00 1324 0 16.5-2-42 202 Budesheim, George III Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 36800 102500 04 1946 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 103.00 3 206.00 1092 0 16.5-3-25.2 203 Walker, Paul D. Hetcheltown 20204 210 37000 200000 05 1930 03 3 1 2 0 3 1 120.00 3 180.00 1728 0 16.5-2-41 204 Grzybowski, Christopher S. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 37000 121000 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 92.00 3 240.00 840 0 16.5-2-40.1 206 Squadere, Kenneth J. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 37600 112500 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 1170 0.80 16.5-3-24.1 207 Clayton, David J. Hetcheltown 20204 210 44600 207100 13 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1822 5.60 Rd Rd Page 223 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.5-2-39 208 Lovelady, David M. Hetcheltown Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20204 210 37600 134700 04 1949 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 124.40 3 300.00 1010 0 16.5-3-23 209 Burgoyne, Thomas L. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 39400 144900 08 1930 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1200 1.90 16.5-2-38 210 Romeo, Amy Hetcheltown 20204 210 34900 134400 01 1951 05 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 161.60 1075 0 16.5-3-22 211 Van Patten Irr. trust, Preston J. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 39200 116800 13 1930 04 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 784 1.80 16.5-2-37 212 Schulz, Sheri L. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 34000 117300 01 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 182.70 1020 0 16.5-1-10 214 Jewett, Carrie M. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 34200 128000 01 1987 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 57.60 3 223.00 936 0 16.5-3-21 215 Van Patten Irr trust, Preston J. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 38000 139400 04 1932 01 2 0 2 1 2 1 90.00 3 484.00 1184 1.00 16.5-1-11 216 Green, Matt Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37000 89000 08 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 93.00 3 242.00 935 0 16.5-3-20 217 Zepf, Peter + Janet Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 39100 101000 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 672 1.70 16.5-1-12 218 Lake, Danning D. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37100 144000 08 1950 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 250.00 1683 0 16.5-1-13 220 Petersen, Andrew J Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 35100 38000 13 1910 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 1 250.00 695 0 16.5-3-18 221 Birch, Donald F. (LE) Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 45800 164000 04 1988 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1888 6.80 16.5-1-14 222 Crawford, Scott W. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 31200 145400 04 2002 03 2 0 1 1 1 1 40.00 4 250.00 1426 0 16.5-1-15 224 Stoddard, Adam C. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 36500 119500 08 1915 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 2 250.00 1401 0 16.5-1-16 226 Buthfer, David Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 31200 138400 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 250.00 1518 0 16.5-1-17 228 Jette, Norman H. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 35100 120200 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 250.00 1400 0 16.5-3-17 229 Goodell, Robert W. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37200 180900 04 1939 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 407.36 2331 0 16.5-1-28 230 Realty, Inc., Double T. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 31200 110200 13 1910 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 250.00 772 0 Page 224 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.5-3-16 231 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Marshall, William M. Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 37700 155400 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 91.00 4 407.40 1517 0 16.5-1-29 232 Visco, Michael D. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 36500 145000 08 1920 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 250.00 1620 0 16.5-3-15 233 Goss, James E. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 37600 187100 04 1935 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 464.00 2200 0 16.5-3-14 235 Di Cerbo, Arthur M. Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 38000 125700 04 1955 02 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1260 1.00 16.5-3-13 237 Austin, David Hetcheltown Rd 20204 210 38300 120500 13 1941 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 682 1.20 16.5-3-12.1 239 Palmatier Properties, LLC, Rd Hetcheltown 20204 210 36500 127200 08 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 96.30 3 208.80 938 0.46 23.9-4-13.1 Schaeffer, Dennis Hetcheltown GlenridgeRd 20204 311 10000 10000 0 0 2.37 Brust, Floyd Hetcheltown Rd - Off 20204 311 2100 2100 40.00 320.00 0.14 16.5-2-50 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 30.69-3-7 9 Yevoli, Robert W. Hetherington St 10203 210 16600 97500 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 139.00 980 0 30.69-3-16 10 Fontaine, Robert Hetherington St 10203 210 16500 118900 01 1966 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 100.00 1144 0 30.69-3-8 11 Powers, Donald Hetherington St 10203 210 16500 94200 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 95.00 3 128.00 960 0 30.69-3-15 22 Pacelli, Barbara Hetherington St 10203 210 16700 128500 08 1906 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 125.00 3 100.00 1426 0 30.69-3-13 28 Knaggs, Steven L. Hetherington St 10203 220 16600 113000 08 1920 04 2 0 2 0 6 2 115.00 3 100.00 2456 0 15.19-11-14 1 Russell, Michael A. Hickory La 20304 210 37500 275800 03 1960 03 2 1 3 2 6 1 0 3 0 3323 3.30 15.19-11-16.1 5 Bicknell, David L. Hickory La 20304 210 35800 268900 05 1960 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2340 2.20 15.19-11-17 7 Bodenstab, Douglas F. Hickory La 20304 210 34200 285500 03 1960 04 2 1 2 2 4 1 168.00 3 295.00 2728 0 15.19-11-18 9 Hunter Family Irr Trust, Hickory La 20304 210 33600 210000 01 1958 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 230.00 2062 0 15.19-11-19.1 11 Sierleja, John Hickory La 20304 210 33800 220000 01 1962 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 335.00 1781 0 Page 225 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.19-11-20 13 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Greene, Elizabeth M Hickory La 20304 210 33400 195100 02 1966 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 120.00 3 265.00 1925 0 15.19-11-21 15 Bryk, David E. Hickory La 20304 210 33500 230300 05 1972 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 265.00 2028 0 10.17-4-19.111 Hickey, Alan S & Jennifer D High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 311 3400 3400 67.00 442.00 0 10.17-5-11 4 Warner, Revocable Trust, Jan + Marjorie 20204 210 High Mills Scotch BushRd 36300 89800 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 87.00 3 220.00 1020 0 10.17-4-22 5 Morey, Kent R. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20204 210 37400 90900 08 1860 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 300.00 3 100.00 1749 0 10.17-5-10.1 6 Porter, Steven J. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20204 210 37400 140000 08 1920 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 130.00 3 220.00 1940 0 10.17-4-20.111 7 Kuber, Lynne High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 34700 144700 13 1920 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 62.00 3 160.00 1044 5.70 10.17-5-9.1 8 Kolor, Claire J. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20204 280 37100 160600 08 1830 01 2 0 2 0 4 2 127.12 3 187.63 1640 0 10.17-5-9.1 8 Kolor, Claire J. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20204 280 37100 160600 01 1992 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 127.12 3 187.63 624 0 10.17-4-21.1 9 Blaydes, Bryon & Holly High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 27600 197500 08 1873 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 140.00 3 0 2278 0.78 10.17-5-8 10 Kolor, Claire J. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 220 22800 196500 02 1976 03 4 0 2 1 3 2 49.46 3 211.50 2016 0.25 10.17-4-19.4 11 Schiher, Steven J. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 27500 165800 02 1979 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 357.00 1658 0 10.17-5-7.1 12 Eck, Clifford High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28000 215000 05 1993 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 101.00 3 411.00 1824 1.00 10.17-4-19.3 13 Erckman, John W. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 27500 174900 01 1977 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 357.00 1272 0 10.17-5-7.2 14 Danzig, Lois B. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 27900 170300 04 1945 02 3 0 2 0 4 1 103.00 3 411.00 1572 0 10.17-4-19.2 15 Fraioli, Salvatore High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 27900 177500 01 1975 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 422.00 1272 0 10.17-5-6.1 16 Eliseo, Revocable Trust, Denise D. 20205 310 High Mills Scotch BushRd 28200 28200 161.00 498.00 1.10 27500 186500 1 100.37 3 330.00 1584 0 10.17-4-18 17 Oboyski, Richard E. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 01 1975 Page 226 of 628 03 2 1 1 0 4 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 10.17-4-17 19 Rose, Jo Ann High Mills Scotch BushRd Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20205 210 25100 180800 02 1968 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2085 0 10.17-5-6.2 20 Eliseo, Revocable Trust, Denise D. 20205 210 High Mills Scotch BushRd 29400 244600 05 1983 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 498.00 1997 1.90 10.17-4-16 21 Page, Jason L & Elizabeth High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 25100 165000 01 1970 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1296 0 10.17-5-5 22 Morey, Brett J. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28200 119000 08 1920 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 498.00 1374 1.10 10.17-3-17 25 Radloff, Stephen B. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 25100 164000 01 1953 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1548 0 10.17-5-4 26 Soria, Christian + Jocelyn High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 33000 432250 05 1975 01 3 1 3 0 4 1 317.00 3 498.00 3124 4.30 10.17-3-16 27 Yager, Eric High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 25100 171000 01 1957 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1760 0 10.17-3-15 29 Gloor, Mary M. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 26100 165000 01 1959 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 160.00 3 125.00 1502 0 10.17-5-3 30 Grygiel, Greg A. & High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 26500 126300 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 200.00 972 0 10.17-5-2 32 Fekete Rev. Fam. Trust, Lukas & 20205 Mary Trustees 28300 210 155600 High Mills Scotch BushRd 01 1949 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 498.00 1684 1.20 10.13-1-1.1 33 Krauss, Life Estate, Angela L. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28300 158600 01 1940 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1586 1.20 10.17-5-1 34 Messina, Richard A. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28300 144600 01 1949 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 498.00 1152 1.20 9.4-2-15 35 Hearn, Andrew + Nikole High Mills Scotch BushRd 20401 210 68200 360000 05 1990 03 2 1 3 2 5 1 0 3 0 2713 5.80 10.13-1-11 36 Ross, Susan M. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 34700 136000 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1080 5.70 10.13-1-2.1 37 Osterlitz, Life Estate, Ron + Audrey 20205 210 High Mills Scotch BushRd 28200 175000 04 1948 04 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1873 1.10 10.13-1-3 39 Persons Irr. Trust, Elvira F. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28000 196000 01 1960 07 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1494 1.00 10.13-1-10 40 Cardinale, Revocable Trust, Lisa A. 20205 215 High Mills Scotch BushRd 36800 205200 01 1950 03 2 1 2 1 3 2 0 3 0 2154 7.80 10.13-1-9 42 Schumacher, Andrew J. High Mills Scotch BushRd 28200 136000 01 1945 06 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1132 1.10 Page 227 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 20205 210 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 10.13-1-4.1 43 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Paasch, Jack M. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28100 253600 06 1991 01 2 1 1 0 1 1 200.00 3 200.00 1600 1.09 10.13-1-8.12 44 Lo Dato, David High Mills Scotch BushRd 20206 210 48100 337000 06 2002 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3111 6.81 10.13-1-4.2 45 Chumura, Anthony & Tanya High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 27000 162200 02 1970 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 150.00 1812 0 10.13-1-8.2 46 Lo Dato, David High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 311 10000 10000 0 0 1.74 10.13-1-5 47 Chriss, David R. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 25100 176700 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1767 0 10.13-1-8.11 48 Clark, Bradley V. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 29200 190400 05 1930 01 3 1 1 1 5 1 0 3 0 2354 1.81 10.13-1-6 49 Grabowski, Joan High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 25100 171200 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1712 0 10.13-1-7 50 Czaban, Joseph E. High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28000 160000 04 1950 01 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 2092 1.00 9.4-2-22 53 Powell, Edward L & Marcella High Mills Scotch BushRd 20205 210 28200 295100 05 2005 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 3289 1.12 23.18-1-36 Story, Gloria Jeanne St Hill 20204 311 20800 20800 80.00 240.00 0 Story, Charles + Debra St Hill 20204 312 24000 24100 122.80 265.00 0 23.18-1-24 3 Beeche, Sonia R. Hill St 20204 220 12200 137200 13 1931 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 40.00 3 98.00 1530 0 23.18-1-18 4 Weglinski, Walter Hill St 20204 210 37200 151800 01 2014 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 177.00 4 150.87 1320 0 23.18-1-17 6 Miller, Esther E. (LE) St Hill 20204 210 35600 124100 13 1930 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 168.00 1016 0 23.18-1-25.1 7 Speidel, Emma J. Hill St 20204 210 43200 158900 08 1900 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 283.00 1752 0 23.18-1-15.11 8 Dee, Michelle L. Hill St 20204 210 40300 238300 08 1929 03 3 0 3 1 6 1 153.00 3 195.00 3016 0.63 23.18-1-27 9 Riddell, Carol Hill St 20204 210 47900 175600 08 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 600.00 3 249.70 1994 0 23.18-1-14 10 Mc Hale, Michael & Kathleen St Hill 20204 210 34000 152800 13 1924 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 198.00 1456 0 Page 228 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 23.18-1-31.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.18-1-28 11 Stygles, Michael & Hill 23.18-1-13 12 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20204 210 42400 148600 04 1905 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 60.00 4 340.00 1726 0 Scott, Iris E. Hill St 20204 210 34400 137100 08 1940 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 208.90 1274 0 23.18-1-29.1 13 Story, Charles T. Hill St 20204 210 42800 165600 08 1917 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 76.00 4 340.00 1470 0 23.18-1-12 14 Harris, Judy M. Hill St 20204 210 35900 200400 05 1940 01 2 0 3 1 3 1 119.50 4 148.00 1976 0 23.18-1-32 17 Vedder, Gary W. Hill St 20204 210 39400 229900 08 1920 01 3 0 2 2 3 1 51.40 4 235.00 2117 0 23.18-1-33 19 Story, Ellen A. Hill St 20204 210 41900 107000 13 1900 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.70 3 260.00 660 0 23.18-1-34 21 Urbano, Thomas A. Hill St 20204 210 42200 145000 13 1900 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 80.70 3 260.00 1294 0 23.18-1-10 22 Ciancetta, Mario Hill St 20204 210 38000 152700 01 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 189.50 3 228.00 1222 0 23.18-1-35 23 Beard, Eileen Hill St 20204 210 42000 135400 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 80.70 4 260.00 1200 0 23.18-1-9 24 Fisher, Garry A. Hill St 20204 210 35800 152700 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.70 3 220.00 1222 0 23.18-1-8 26 Story, Gloria Jeanne St Hill 20204 210 37300 143200 04 1932 04 3 0 2 0 4 1 130.00 3 220.00 1419 0 23.18-1-37 27 Ellis, Robert W. Hill St 20204 210 41200 151000 05 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 230.00 2128 0 23.18-1-38 29 Esmond, Thomas M. St Hill 20204 210 41100 176200 08 1918 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 220.00 1612 0 23.18-1-39 31 Mc Leod, John E. Jr St Hill 20204 210 43200 141000 06 1980 01 2 1 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 420.00 1260 0 23.18-1-40 33 Pratt, Tyler E. Hill St 20204 210 43200 274500 08 1910 01 2 1 2 0 5 1 80.00 4 420.00 2554 0 23.18-1-1 35 Devine, David Hill St 20204 210 34300 93100 13 1914 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 960 1.00 23.18-1-3.1 36 Major, Myrtle Hill St 20204 210 34800 109700 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 150.00 3 92.00 836 0 23.14-1-6 43 Lawry, Daniel C. Hill St 20204 280 61100 140000 04 1930 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 1506 2.40 Page 229 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.14-1-6 43 Lawry, Daniel C. Hill 23.14-1-5 45 Fleming, Richard F. Hill 23.14-1-4 47 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20204 280 61100 140000 13 1940 04 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 740 2.40 St 20204 210 42900 143000 05 1936 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 63.90 3 431.20 1770 0 Goldberg, Jason & Leanne C St Hill 20204 210 44000 208300 08 1936 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 128.00 3 390.00 1746 0 23.14-1-7 50 Thompson, Charles D. St Hill 20204 210 38200 138900 01 1958 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 245.47 3 200.00 1200 1.10 23.14-1-3.1 51 Winchester, Robert C. St Hill 20204 210 44200 163000 08 1929 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 190.00 3 0 1421 1.27 23.14-1-1.21 52 Watkins, E Gray Hill St 20204 210 55700 321300 05 1986 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 2666 9.44 9.18-1-3 1 Bowman, Howard C. Dr Hillandale 20206 312 2200 24100 40.00 162.90 0 15.3-1-22.11 Town Of Glenville, Hillock Ct 20206 311 3700 3700 70.19 0 0.94 15.3-1-34 2 Camden, Nancy L Hillock Ct 20303 210 34100 262000 05 1987 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 184.00 2246 0 15.3-1-33 3 Blais, Steven + Rebecca Ct Hillock 20303 210 33300 257600 05 1989 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 155.00 2730 0 15.3-1-35 4 Dupay, Irrevocable Trust, Catherine 20303 A. Ct 210 Hillock 33100 249800 05 1988 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 142.00 2172 0 15.3-1-32 5 Roehl, Paul J. Hillock Ct 20303 210 35600 235700 05 1991 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 160.00 4 0 2072 0.31 15.3-1-36 6 Holcomb, Caroline M. Ct Hillock 20303 210 33200 198500 05 1988 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 106.00 4 143.00 2238 0 15.3-1-31 7 Pfunter, Walter A. Jr Ct Hillock 20303 210 35600 237100 05 1989 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 162.00 4 0 2050 0.31 15.3-1-37 8 Fitzgerald, Jesse P. Hillock Ct 20303 210 32900 254400 05 1988 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 143.00 2212 0 15.3-1-30 9 Godshalk, Larry P. Hillock Ct 20303 210 32700 244200 05 1988 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 136.72 2220 0 15.3-1-38 10 O'brien, William S. Hillock Ct 20303 210 34100 196500 05 1987 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 122.00 4 153.00 2216 0 15.3-1-29 11 Kohout, Joshua Hillock Ct 20303 210 35100 269700 05 1987 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 69.00 4 0 2384 0.54 Page 230 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-1-39 12 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Mollard, Christopher E. Ct Hillock 20303 210 33900 250500 05 1987 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 133.00 4 133.00 2151 0 15.3-1-40 14 Peconie, Anthony J. Ct Hillock 20203 210 28500 274500 05 1987 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 56.00 4 0 2358 0.46 15.3-1-28 16 Holmes, Gary C. Hillock Ct 20303 210 35000 284400 05 1988 01 2 0 3 1 4 1 70.00 4 0 2602 0.51 29.8-4-8 1 Wisniewski, Ian J. Hillside Ct 20302 210 46400 165500 02 1976 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 169.00 1852 0 29.8-4-15 2 Brown, Carolyn D. Hillside Ct 20302 210 46100 252700 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 109.00 3 124.00 2576 0 29.8-4-9 3 Bekkering, Maureen Ct Hillside 20302 210 46800 230200 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 187.00 2194 0 29.8-4-14 4 S K T Realty Corp, Hillside 20302 210 46800 191700 02 1975 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 124.00 3 125.00 1952 0 29.8-4-10 5 Komarinski, Derrick C & Kristen 20302 Ct 210 Hillside 47400 207000 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 102.00 3 187.00 2133 0 29.8-4-13 6 Lawless, Rosemary Ct Hillside 20302 210 46200 225100 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 83.00 3 166.00 2100 0 29.8-4-11 7 Brewer, James A. Hillside Ct 20302 210 46300 204300 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 71.00 3 197.00 1953 0 29.8-4-12 8 Johnson, Joseph M. Ct Hillside 20302 210 45300 243000 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 67.00 3 0 2616 0.53 29.8-4-17.2 1 Rossi, Robert L. Hillside Dr 20302 210 48700 275000 05 1985 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 175.00 2720 0 29.8-4-26 2 Taft, Jeffrey N. Hillside Dr 20302 210 47700 205800 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 150.00 2002 0 29.8-2-16 3 Ballad, Robert V. Hillside Dr 20302 210 46600 214900 02 1967 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2650 0 29.8-4-25 4 Laniewski, John P. Hillside Dr 20302 210 46600 192600 03 1968 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1818 0 29.8-4-24 6 Rodecker, Kevin J. Hillside Dr 20302 210 46600 198500 05 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1967 0 29.8-4-23 8 LeClair, Richard D. Hillside Dr 20302 215 48600 225800 03 1960 03 3 1 3 1 4 2 137.00 3 150.00 2498 0 29.8-4-22 10 Forth, Peter R. Hillside Dr 20302 210 46800 223900 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 118.72 3 146.06 2238 0 Page 231 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ct Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.8-4-21 12 Tobin, Michael A. Hillside Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20302 210 46700 222400 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 102.00 3 148.00 2134 0 29.8-4-20 14 Mc Kenzie, Maureen T. Dr Hillside 20302 210 46800 217000 02 1974 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 101.06 3 153.25 3166 0 29.8-4-19 16 Gilbert, Scott M. Hillside Dr 20302 210 46700 236700 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 153.25 2232 0 29.8-4-16 17 Bekkering, Gene & Hillside Dr 20302 210 47300 194000 02 1977 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 132.00 3 118.00 1952 0 29.8-4-18 18 Chiarello, Michael W. Dr Hillside 20302 210 45300 199100 02 1972 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 84.00 3 149.00 1848 0 6.-2-16.11 Schultz, William R. Hoffman Hill Rd 40200 322 43900 43900 0 0 40.50 6.-1-8 298 Brino, Paul P. Hoffman Hill Rd 40200 210 33200 150000 01 1906 02 2 0 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 1856 2.30 6.-1-7 374 Urbanski, Kathy A & Edward J Rd Hoffman Hill 40200 112 141400 162000 08 1828 01 2 1 0 0 5 1 0 3 0 1985 166.85 6.-1-6 565 Carter, Elmer J. Hoffman Hill Rd 40200 120 179500 200000 08 1878 01 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 1112 243.00 6.-1-10.2 636 Kelly, Ruth A. Hoffman Hill Rd 40200 210 35000 203500 05 2002 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2240 3.00 6.-1-5 933 Heller, Adolph O. Jr Hoffman Hill Rd 40200 112 82700 150000 08 1900 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 2 0 1434 108.00 30.37-1-49.3 Coles, McKenzie M. Blvd Holly 10100 311 5000 5000 36.76 71.92 0.03 Kwarta, Michael Holly 10100 322 121400 121400 0 0 49.08 3 100.00 1368 0 Blvd NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 29.52-1-1.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 29.60-1-5 1 Miskinis, Lorraine M. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 147000 02 1984 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 29.60-1-4 3 Ferretti, Zachery Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 155200 02 1983 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.60-2-6.1 4 Taylor, Jeffrey V. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24300 144300 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 67.90 3 119.22 1368 0 29.60-1-3 5 Articolo, Alfred J. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 145900 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.60-2-1 6 Mecca, John J. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 152500 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 Page 232 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.60-1-2 7 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Fiscarelli, Kathryn J. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 144800 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 62.90 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-1 8 Carmichael, Thomas R. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 148600 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.60-1-1 9 Peters, John M. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 148100 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 62.75 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-2 10 Mailey, Thomas W. Jr Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 141200 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-22 11 Callea, James R. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 144800 02 1972 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-3 12 McGrath, Kevin R. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 141200 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-21 13 Nold, David C. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 149400 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-4 14 Mangroo, Ranjit Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 155900 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1792 0 29.52-1-20 15 Marsh, Donald W. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 139300 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-5 16 Favata, Thomas J & Brenda J Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 147900 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-19 17 Zimolka, Robert J. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 149400 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-6 18 Mason, Taylor Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 148100 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-18 19 Blake, Frederick Jr Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 145000 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 4 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-7 20 Cossart, Scott D. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 147600 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-17 21 Stekeur, Frank J Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 157900 02 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1810 0 29.52-2-8 22 Knight, Gregg H/Christine K Blvd Holly 10100 210 24100 157100 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 58.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-16 23 Bansavage, Lee J. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 132700 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-9 24 Carle, George S. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 141300 02 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 79.00 3 100.00 1368 0 Page 233 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.52-1-15 25 Gaugler, Brian C. Holly 29.52-2-10 26 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Blvd 10100 210 24200 153400 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 LaPlante, Dennine Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 145000 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-14 27 Otis, Dorothy J. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24300 144400 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-11 28 Hall, Kevin M. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24300 144100 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 78.00 3 100.00 1358 0 29.52-1-13 29 Addington, Kevin R. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 145800 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-2-12 30 Liscum, Robert Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 147400 02 1974 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1358 0 29.52-1-12 31 Ferracane, Michael Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 144400 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1596 0 29.52-2-13 32 Ogden, Darren M. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24200 146100 02 1975 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 79.00 3 100.00 1358 0 29.52-1-11 33 Hilt, James D & Kelly L Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 170200 02 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 66.00 3 100.00 1908 0 29.52-2-14 34 Hansen, Richard Holly Blvd 10100 210 24300 132000 02 1974 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 94.00 3 75.00 1294 0 29.52-1-10 35 Dethorne, Timothy T. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 150100 02 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1596 0 29.52-2-15 36 Bushnell, John A. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24300 169200 03 1973 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 100.00 1959 0 29.52-1-9 37 Schuffert, Charles W. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24200 153600 02 1972 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1596 0 29.52-2-16 38 Kubicki, Edward H. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24300 168800 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 100.00 1937 0 29.52-1-8 39 Martinez, Cesar + Rachael Blvd Holly 10100 210 22600 146500 02 1984 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 41.00 3 100.00 1368 0 29.52-1-7 41 Petterson, Samantha N. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24300 146500 02 1984 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.00 1318 0 30.37-1-47 42 Jones, Robert S & Vanessa L Blvd Holly 10100 210 24400 166000 03 1984 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 75.87 3 83.32 1942 0 29.52-1-6 43 Rose, Lisa Holly 10100 210 24300 162700 05 1974 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 100.00 1550 0 Page 234 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Blvd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.37-1-50 44 Rinehart, John M. Holly 29.52-1-5 45 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10100 210 24700 237000 04 2005 03 2 0 4 1 5 1 80.00 3 150.42 2260 0.28 Pidgeon Family Trust, Peter Blvd Holly 10100 210 24300 189300 05 1984 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.00 1918 0 30.37-1-51 46 Savage, Clayton + Melissa Blvd Holly 10100 210 24900 237000 04 2005 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 102.96 3 150.93 2260 0.36 29.52-1-4 47 De Iulio, Thomas P. Holly Blvd 10100 210 24300 157900 02 1984 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.00 1664 0 30.37-1-52 48 Meade, Sandra Holly Blvd 10100 210 24700 214000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.47 3 168.31 1457 0.29 29.52-1-3 49 Dimmick, Wesley R. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24500 168900 04 1984 03 4 0 2 1 4 1 109.41 3 100.00 1326 0 30.37-1-53 50 De Fonce, Joseph A. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24700 229900 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 77.98 3 168.31 1669 0.30 29.52-1-2 51 De Fruscio, Robert P. Blvd Holly 10100 210 24300 196700 05 1984 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 100.00 1846 0 30.37-1-54 52 Baxter, John A Jr Holly Blvd 10100 210 24800 207500 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 84.95 3 163.43 1383 0.32 30.37-1-57 53 Roach, Daniel K Holly Blvd 10100 210 24600 207500 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 104.00 3 108.25 1363 0.26 30.37-1-56 55 Zube, Marilyn Holly Blvd 10100 210 25000 214000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 105.58 3 0 1457 0.26 30.37-1-55 57 Guiry, Melissa E. Holly Blvd 10100 210 25100 204000 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 172.48 3 115.13 1457 0.46 29.52-1-27 Dimmick, Wesley R. Blvd Holly 10100 311 700 700 55.00 58.00 0 Carver Realty, LLC, Holly Blvd 10100 311 4400 4400 80.00 50.00 0 Coles, McKenzie M. Blvd Holly 10100 311 700 700 80.00 50.00 0 Coles, McKenzie M. Blvd Holly 10100 311 700 700 80.00 50.00 0 Coles, McKenzie M. Blvd Holly 10100 311 800 800 80.00 54.00 0 Coles, McKenzie M. Blvd Holly 10100 311 900 900 80.00 58.00 0 29.52-1-23 29.52-1-24 29.52-1-25 29.52-1-28 29.52-1-26 Page 235 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Blvd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.60-1-9 1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Matthews, Joyce Holly South 10100 210 24200 151200 01 1994 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 70.00 3 100.00 1203 0 29.60-1-10 2 Rozniewski, Kathleen Holly South 10100 210 24000 166100 05 2000 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 40.69 3 111.55 1428 0 29.60-1-8 3 Fitzgerald, John K. Holly South 10100 210 24200 162500 05 1996 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 100.00 1280 0 29.60-1-11 4 Keller, Judy Holly South 10100 210 24200 159600 05 2000 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 111.55 1220 0 29.60-1-7 5 Villano, Zachary + Stephanie Holly South 10100 210 24200 172000 05 1996 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 100.00 1460 0 29.60-1-12 6 Perkins, Scott & Nicole Holly South 10100 210 24200 162400 05 1998 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 111.55 1220 0 29.60-1-6 7 Tourtellot, Richard Holly South 10100 210 24200 166100 02 1994 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 70.00 3 100.00 1556 0 29.60-1-13 8 Van Hoesen, Michael P. Holly South 10100 210 24400 163200 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 78.23 3 111.55 1220 0 10.17-2-22 1 Hunter, Jayson P. & Hollywood Dr 20205 210 25100 178100 03 1962 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1812 0 10.17-2-10 2 Friscic, Beatrice Hollywood Dr 20205 210 17100 237200 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 251.09 3 31.49 2437 0 10.17-2-21 3 Clasen, Neil W. Hollywood Dr 20205 210 25100 163700 01 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1280 0 10.17-2-20 5 Ciniglia, Diane Hollywood Dr 20205 210 25100 164000 01 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1312 0 10.17-2-19 7 Snyder, Gordon & Patricia Dr Hollywood 20205 210 25100 165800 01 1963 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1568 0 10.17-2-11 8 Skelly, Katherine R. Hollywood Dr 20205 210 27200 230000 05 1963 01 2 1 3 1 6 1 168.89 3 150.00 3297 0 10.17-2-18 9 Schrom, Micah P. Hollywood Dr 20205 210 25100 193300 03 1960 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2040 0 10.17-2-12 10 Gray, David L. Hollywood Dr 20205 210 25100 160000 01 1960 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1525 0 10.17-2-17 11 Douglas, Leonard R. Dr Hollywood 20205 210 25100 159700 01 1963 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1508 0 10.17-2-13 12 Best, Thomas P Jr & Dr Hollywood 20205 210 25100 164700 01 1961 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1612 0 Page 236 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 10.17-2-14 14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Martinez, Richard C Dr Hollywood 20205 210 25100 183800 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1965 0 10.17-2-16 15 Denio, Whitney G. Hollywood Dr 20205 210 25100 182900 01 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1716 0 10.17-2-15 17 Onderchain, Robert W. Dr Hollywood 20205 210 25100 179700 01 1960 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1512 0 10.17-2-2 19 Baker, Scott A. Hollywood Dr 20205 210 25200 180200 01 1959 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1688 0 38.26-2-66 1 Cullen, Arleen M. Holmes St 10204 210 15000 105300 13 1908 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 50.00 3 80.00 990 0 38.26-2-65 3 Distefano, Anthony Holmes St 10204 210 16200 111500 08 1916 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 120.00 1302 0 38.26-3-18 4 Bialahoski, Frederick St Holmes 10204 220 16600 131000 13 1935 03 3 1 2 0 3 2 40.00 4 229.00 1872 0 38.26-2-64 5 Jeffords, Susan H. Holmes 10204 210 16200 113500 13 1928 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 2 120.00 1257 0 38.26-3-19 6 Housing + Urban Development, Secretary 10204 of St 210 Holmes 16400 110600 13 1928 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 212.00 1272 0 38.26-2-63 7 Rosenberg Edward & Kimberly, St Holmes 10204 220 16200 120000 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 50.00 3 120.00 2530 0 38.26-3-20 8 Tomaro, Anthony K. St Holmes 10204 210 16400 113000 13 1935 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 212.00 1632 0 38.26-2-40 9 Mooney, Michael S. Holmes St 10204 210 16400 153200 08 1909 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 110.00 3 102.00 1628 0 38.26-3-21 10 Lacoss, Ruth G. Holmes St 10204 215 17100 145000 08 1925 03 3 0 3 1 4 2 94.00 3 209.00 2560 0 38.26-3-22 14 Lyons, William Rexford St Holmes 10204 210 16800 167500 05 1935 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 88.00 3 168.00 1862 0 38.27-1-39 101 Mannato, Carolyn C. St Holmes 10204 210 16100 137300 04 1955 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 66.00 3 90.00 1248 0 38.27-1-40 102 Kyle + Brian Heaney, Lisa St Holmes 10204 210 17100 134800 13 1915 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 127.00 3 150.00 1344 0 38.27-1-38 105 Scisco, Kenneth R. Jr. St Holmes 10204 210 8500 64000 13 1938 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 70.00 606 0 38.27-1-41 106 Rice, Cheryl Ann Holmes 10204 210 16100 148200 08 1928 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 150.00 1632 0 St Page 237 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-1-42 110 Barakat, Joseph Holmes 38.27-1-36 111 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10204 210 16500 143800 08 1900 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 66.67 3 150.00 1520 0 Batease, John W. Holmes St 10204 210 16300 113100 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1683 0 38.27-1-43 112 Folk, Charles Jr Holmes St 10204 210 16100 99600 08 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 38.00 3 150.00 1128 0 38.27-1-35 115 Drebitko, Seth M. Holmes St 10204 210 16300 150000 08 1930 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 2112 0 38.27-1-44 116 Bisaillon, Jeffrey S. Holmes St 10204 210 16600 114800 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 71.00 3 150.00 1400 0 38.27-1-34 117 Cetnar, Damien R. Holmes St 10204 210 16100 110700 08 1935 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 35.00 3 150.00 1490 0 38.27-1-33 119 Burridge, Christine A. St Holmes 10204 210 16300 114000 08 1920 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 4 150.00 1344 0 38.27-1-45 120 Kemner, Elaine N Holmes St 10204 210 16400 102300 08 1903 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 56.67 3 150.00 1200 0 38.27-1-32 121 Garewal, Karan Holmes St 10204 210 16300 90800 13 1938 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 48.33 3 150.00 992 0 38.27-1-46 122 Peeney, Jayne P. Holmes St 10204 210 16100 125500 08 1925 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 2 150.00 1522 0 38.27-1-31 123 Chaisson, Steven R St Holmes 10204 210 16100 117800 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 4 150.00 1440 0 38.27-1-47 124 Oakes, Christine A. Holmes St 10204 210 16100 135200 13 1925 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 150.00 2014 0 38.27-1-30 125 Knuth, Michael S. Holmes St 10204 210 16100 118900 08 1925 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 2 150.00 1440 0 38.27-1-48 126 Guardian Preservation LLC, St Holmes 10204 210 16100 102100 08 1915 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 150.00 1152 0 38.27-1-29 127 Cardany, Anne F. Holmes St 10204 210 16100 102600 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 150.00 1320 0 38.27-1-28 131 Piper, Robert W. Holmes St 10204 210 16500 108300 08 1922 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 150.00 1064 0 38.27-1-27 135 Ramo, Catherine A. St Holmes 10204 210 16800 99700 08 1910 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1130 0 15.3-2-73 1 Mac Pherson, Marie R Rd Homestead 20303 210 46000 230500 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 215.00 4 140.13 1920 0 Page 238 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-2-86 2 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Beck, Edmund & Karen Rd Homestead 20303 210 34100 189000 04 1986 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 118.00 4 157.08 1794 0 15.3-2-74 3 Maender, Norman R. Rd Homestead 20303 210 35100 268900 05 1986 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 128.00 3 183.06 2592 0 15.3-2-85 4 Bevilacqua, Corey J. Sr Rd Homestead 20303 210 33500 255500 05 1986 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 100.00 4 165.85 2340 0 15.3-2-75 5 Lanne, Chris L. Homestead Rd 20303 210 35100 212000 05 1985 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 121.44 3 194.81 1812 0 15.3-2-84 6 Olsen, Nancy A. Homestead Rd 20303 210 33800 267800 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 174.00 2398 0 15.3-2-76 7 Walters, Frank E. Homestead Rd 20303 210 35400 238000 05 1984 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 162.63 3 186.64 2080 0 15.3-2-83 8 Boscherini, John G. Rd Homestead 20303 210 34500 240900 05 1980 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.06 2168 0 15.3-2-77 9 Hjelmar, David L. Homestead Rd 20303 210 35800 242500 05 1985 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 215.00 4 186.64 2200 0 15.3-2-82 10 Hartpence, John S. Homestead Rd 20303 210 34100 254700 05 1984 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 109.00 4 170.00 2200 0 15.3-2-81 12 Crow, Warren W. Homestead Rd 20303 210 32300 234200 05 1984 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 92.00 4 130.00 2028 0 15.3-2-80 14 Jahn, Andrew C. Homestead Rd 20303 210 33000 232000 05 1983 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 145.58 1894 0 15.3-2-79 16 Hatt, Robert W. Homestead Rd 20303 210 33300 273000 05 1983 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 108.00 3 145.58 2622 0 15.3-2-78.1 18 Szymzak, Robert S. Rd Homestead 20303 210 33200 275000 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 135.04 2786 0 30.6-2-42 2 Ackley, Michael Horstman Dr 50100 483 64200 307000 05 1933 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.00 3 160.90 2345 0 30.10-1-15 5 Petricca, Gregg Horstman Dr 20202 210 23300 130000 04 1938 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1612 0 30.6-2-43 6 Curtiss, Theodore A. Dr Horstman 20202 210 35700 171700 08 1935 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 145.00 1572 0 30.10-1-14 7 Zarnoch, Kenneth P. Dr Horstman 20202 210 32600 149500 04 1932 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 145.00 1476 0 30.6-2-44 8 Newman, William G. Dr Horstman 20202 210 23300 140000 05 1933 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1296 0 Page 239 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.10-1-13 9 Kristel, Wayne T. Horstman 30.6-2-45 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20202 210 35400 155000 05 1928 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 145.00 1446 0 Norman, Keith Horstman Dr 20202 210 23300 100000 13 1931 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1080 0 30.6-2-46 12 Fortune, Ryan Horstman Dr 20202 210 23300 147300 08 1930 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1512 0 30.10-1-6.1 13 Camacho, Supplemental Trust, Addison 20202 Dr 210 Horstman 35200 314200 06 1956 03 2 2 2 0 5 1 100.00 4 145.00 3834 0 30.6-2-47 14 Torelli, Irrevocable Trust, John + Naomi 20202 Dr 210 Horstman 35000 154900 13 1929 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 145.00 1686 0 30.10-1-5.1 15 Frederick, Richard J Dr Horstman 20202 210 37800 156300 04 1938 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1504 0.90 30.6-2-48 16 Pelkey, Peter A. Horstman Dr 20202 210 35200 124800 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 83.70 3 145.00 1320 0 30.10-1-4 17 Poggi, Sylvia Jean Horstman Dr 20202 210 32600 137700 04 1942 03 3 0 2 0 2 1 70.00 3 145.00 1373 0 30.6-2-49 18 Morin, Richard J. Horstman Dr 20202 210 27500 131200 04 1941 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 58.70 3 145.00 1290 0 30.6-2-50 20 May, David M. Horstman Dr 20202 210 35900 194200 04 1943 01 2 0 3 1 3 1 109.00 3 145.00 1993 0 30.10-1-3 21 Conover-Beck, Tracy A. Dr Horstman 20202 210 37100 225500 05 1940 06 3 1 1 1 3 1 155.00 3 153.35 2350 0 30.10-1-2 25 Bodden, Thomas R. Dr Horstman 20202 210 36800 197700 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 125.00 3 153.35 2184 0 30.6-2-51 26 Moore, Ryan + Allison Dr Horstman 20202 210 36000 147500 05 1941 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 113.00 3 145.00 1704 0 30.6-2-52 28 Laviolette, Jason + Jessica Dr Horstman 20202 210 35300 187000 05 1941 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 77.00 3 145.00 1744 0 30.5-4-44 100 Edwards, Sue M. Horstman 20202 210 36200 138600 04 1942 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 101.16 3 170.00 1424 0 30.9-2-13 101 Palleschi, Nicholas + Jenelle Dr Horstman 20202 210 36900 147200 04 1939 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 66.00 3 340.00 1268 0 30.5-4-45 102 Lockwood, Andrew B. Dr Horstman 20202 210 36000 163400 04 1942 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 65.00 3 261.70 1757 0 30.9-2-12 103 Aydinian, Gregory Horstman 20202 210 37300 157300 04 1939 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 92.00 3 310.00 1527 0 Dr Page 240 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.5-4-46 104 Keane, Jenny C. Horstman 30.9-2-11 105 Schultz, John L. Horstman Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20202 210 36200 141400 04 1942 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 283.00 1284 0 Dr 20202 210 36800 128000 04 1942 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 78.00 3 265.00 960 0 30.5-4-47 106 Schmelzlen, Cindi S. Dr Horstman 20202 210 30900 112800 04 1955 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 70.00 3 150.00 1323 0 30.5-4-31 108 George, Robert J. Horstman Dr 20202 210 35100 137900 04 1942 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1472 0 30.9-2-10 109 Liedkie, James Horstman Dr 20202 210 37500 135000 01 1954 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 135.00 3 245.00 1224 0 30.9-2-9 111 Kopacki, Kevin Horstman Dr 20202 210 37200 159900 01 1948 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 240.00 1250 0 30.9-2-8 113 Cremo, Irrevocable Trust, Robert A. 20202 Dr 210 Horstman 36900 192700 01 1961 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 235.00 1826 0 30.9-2-7 115 Miller, Jeffrey Horstman Dr 20202 210 37200 135000 01 1950 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 215.00 1333 0 30.9-2-6.1 117 Moore, Sr, Robert (LE) Dr Horstman 20202 210 37200 181700 01 1948 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 115.00 3 228.33 1574 0 30.9-2-5.1 119 Wiltsie, Glen A. Horstman Dr 20202 210 37200 145400 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 225.00 1009 0 30.9-2-4 121 Wheeler, Matthew L. Dr Horstman 20202 210 36900 226400 05 1968 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 215.68 2436 0.51 30.9-2-3 123 Grabo, Robert C. Horstman Dr 20202 210 36900 200800 03 1968 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 212.74 1911 0.48 30.5-4-8 124 Anderson, James T. Dr Horstman 20202 210 36300 187500 03 1967 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 185.00 1774 0 30.9-2-2 125 Cudmore, Robert H. Dr Horstman 20202 210 36800 180100 05 1966 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 209.80 1680 0.49 30.5-4-6 126 Davenport, Paul E. Horstman Dr 20202 210 37400 208500 01 1967 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 160.00 3 189.00 2337 0 30.9-2-1 127 McEwan, Paul + Faith Dr Horstman 20202 210 36700 205100 02 1966 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.04 3 203.97 2366 0.42 30.5-4-7.1 128 Cushing, Thomas S. Dr Horstman 20202 210 37100 182700 02 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 124.28 3 189.46 1794 0 30.9-1-34 129 Leach, Duane L. Horstman 20202 210 37900 192500 02 1970 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 174.30 3 243.00 2017 0 Page 241 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.9-1-33 129A Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Koehler, Rudolph A. Dr Horstman 20202 210 36100 180000 02 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 171.68 1814 0 30.9-1-4 130 Micklas, Robert F & Karen Dr Horstman 20202 210 36900 237100 05 1966 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 213.14 2432 0 30.9-1-31 131 Girard, David L. Jr. Horstman Dr 20202 210 37100 156100 02 1969 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 110.38 3 215.00 1664 0 30.9-1-32 131A Salerno, Harry V. Jr Horstman Dr 20202 210 37100 163400 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 111.80 3 221.57 1664 0 30.9-1-3 132 Bigec, Christian W. Horstman Dr 20202 210 38000 190000 02 1960 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 180.02 3 245.10 1971 0 30.9-1-30 133 Bradley, James Horstman Dr 20202 210 35800 170900 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 101.24 3 150.00 1768 0 30.9-1-6 134 Trepess, Todd B. Horstman Dr 20202 210 35800 167900 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1664 0 30.9-1-29 135 Motta, Dean & Tammy L Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 184200 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1768 0 30.9-1-7 136 Visco, Peter & Amy M Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 172600 02 1969 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1742 0 30.9-1-28 137 Richey Irrevocable Trust, Paul L &20202 Catherine M (LE) 35800 Dr 210 174000 Horstman 02 1968 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1664 0 30.9-1-8 138 May, James Horstman Dr 20202 210 36100 187900 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 112.00 3 150.00 1820 0 30.9-1-27 139 St Andrews, Richard J. Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 192500 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2016 0 30.9-1-9 140 Febo, Dante & Julia A Dr Horstman 20202 210 36100 192500 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 112.00 3 150.00 2016 0 30.9-1-26 141 Chase, Hollis V. Horstman Dr 20202 210 35800 190000 02 1968 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1904 0 30.9-1-10 142 Pierotti, Katherine Horstman Dr 20202 210 35800 168200 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1716 0 30.9-1-25 143 Bezrutczyk, Mark H & Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 175100 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1768 0 30.9-1-11 144 Montesano, Mario Jr. Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 175200 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1716 0 30.9-1-24 145 Stevenson, William R. Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 166700 02 1966 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1664 0 Page 242 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.9-1-12 146 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Anderson, Jason M. Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 181100 02 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1820 0 30.9-1-23 147 Murray, Edward R. Horstman Dr 20202 210 35800 260000 02 1969 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 3224 0 30.9-1-13 148 Neuberger, John W. Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 155700 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1575 0 30.9-1-22 149 Doherty, Life Estate, Sarah A. Dr Horstman 20202 210 35800 188000 05 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2094 0 30.9-1-14 150 Gallop, Christopher Horstman 20202 210 35800 173000 01 1967 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1664 0 30.9-1-21 151 Mc Herron, Jack A & Jennifer D 20202 Dr 210 Horstman 35800 215100 02 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 113.00 3 150.00 2288 0 30.9-1-15 152 Fucci, Fred Horstman Dr 20202 210 35800 171700 01 1960 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1904 0 30.9-1-20 153 Aragosa, Michael Horstman Dr 20202 210 36000 175700 01 1971 03 2 2 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 150.00 1792 0 30.9-1-16 154 Osselmann, Marc F. Dr Horstman 20202 210 37300 183400 01 1971 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 170.71 3 172.59 2040 0 30.9-1-19 155 Murphy, Daniel M. Horstman 20202 210 35900 173000 02 1970 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 105.37 3 150.00 1857 0 30.9-1-18.2 156 Guthinger, Patrick D & Theresa 20202 Dr 210 Horstman 38300 235100 05 1989 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 207.10 3 254.40 2542 0 30.9-1-18.1 157 United Cerebral Palsy, Dr Horstman 20202 210 45300 249100 05 1988 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 0 3 0 2580 6.28 30.9-1-17.12 McGlauflin, Scott J & Elizabeth Horstman Drive Off Of 20202 322 15100 15100 0 0 1.12 3 130.00 2112 0 Dr NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 38.28-1-77 3 Campo, Frank E. Huston St 10205 220 16300 142800 08 1910 01 2 0 2 0 5 2 60.00 38.28-1-55 103 Einarsson, Michael W. St Huston 10205 210 16100 119200 05 1928 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 53.65 3 100.00 1485 0 38.28-2-21 104 Mc Iver, Kenneth Huston St 10205 210 16500 108100 08 1895 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 105.00 1251 0 38.28-1-54 105 Guzewski, Todd D. Huston St 10205 210 16000 108800 08 1919 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 47.00 3 100.00 1488 0 38.28-2-13 106 Guadalupe, Lenz Huston St 10205 220 16200 88000 08 1905 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 60.00 3 107.00 1680 0 Page 243 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.28-1-53 107 Duesler, Kristen Huston 38.28-1-52 109 Ward, Jason A. Huston Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10205 220 16100 128400 08 1930 01 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 100.00 2112 0 St 10205 210 16100 111800 08 1903 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 100.00 1344 0 38.28-1-25 201 Hollingsworth, Joel H. St Huston 10205 210 14700 118500 08 1915 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1324 0 38.28-1-24 203 Wolcott, as Trustee of, Joanne St Huston 10205 210 14700 101400 08 1926 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1174 0 38.28-1-23 205 Williams-Robinson, Margaret St Huston E.10205 210 14700 111100 08 1930 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1169 0 38.28-2-12 206 Horstmann, Karl R. Huston St 10205 210 16000 121500 08 1925 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 44.00 3 100.00 1952 0 38.28-1-22 207 Beaugy, Tara L. Huston St 10205 210 14700 117300 08 1920 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1496 0 38.28-2-1 208 York, David R. Huston St 10205 210 16200 127600 08 1905 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 68.00 3 94.00 1440 0 38.28-1-21 209 Conover, Christian H. St Huston 10205 210 14700 100500 08 1926 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1302 0 29.84-1-80 302 Proctor, Kathleen A. St Huston 10202 210 16200 116200 13 1925 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 67.00 3 100.00 1293 0 29.84-1-81 304 Stroud, Nancy E. Huston St 10202 210 12100 105700 13 1915 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1311 0 29.84-1-82 306 Lamb, Garth R. Huston St 10202 210 12100 103300 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1404 0 29.84-1-83 308 DuBois , Patti A Huston St 10202 210 12100 105300 13 1915 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 33.00 3 100.00 1419 0 29.84-1-65 310 O'Reilly, Paul E. Huston St 10202 220 12500 103800 08 1927 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 34.00 4 100.00 2208 0 29.84-1-56 401 LaViolette, Thomas H IV St Huston 10202 210 12500 93900 13 1920 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 2 100.00 984 0 29.84-1-55 403 Garewal, Karan Huston St 10202 210 12100 123000 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1440 0 29.84-1-54 405 Ackerman, David W. St Huston 10202 210 12100 92200 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1357 0 29.84-1-52 406 Thouin, Eugene A. Huston 10202 210 16200 110600 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1232 0 Page 244 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.84-1-53 407 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Lalonde, Michelle Beck St Huston 10202 210 12100 107200 08 1918 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1200 0 29.84-1-34 408 West, Adam Huston St 10202 210 16200 117500 08 1902 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 67.00 3 100.00 1086 0 29.84-1-33 409 Snyder, Daniel B. Huston St 10202 210 16200 105300 13 1925 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 67.00 3 100.00 1604 0 29.5-1-1 158 Kaiser, Kim P. Hutchinson Rd 30200 215 23000 223900 01 1976 01 2 1 2 1 5 2 100.00 3 219.50 2686 0 21.-1-21 216 Rice, Nelson S Hutchinson Rd 40200 210 29100 93800 01 1975 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 2 150.00 1235 0 21.-1-22.2 484 Wickerham, Richard D. Rd Hutchinson 40200 210 42000 231800 05 1760 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 0 3 0 2930 9.00 22.7-6-27 1 Griesau, Richard Indian Kill Rd 20203 210 30900 186000 06 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1860 1.60 22.7-6-26 2 Watson, Michael A Indian Kill Rd 20203 210 30000 157000 01 1954 01 2 2 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 2156 1.00 22.7-6-25.1 3 Bessarab, Eric T Indian Kill Rd 20203 210 35000 208000 04 1955 01 3 0 2 2 5 1 0 3 0 2100 4.30 22.14-4-18 7 Tryniszewski, Raymond A. (LE) Dr Inglewood 20203 210 27100 185500 03 1966 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 2086 0 22.14-3-22 8 Penn, Wayne R. Inglewood Dr 20203 210 29000 229000 05 1964 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 111.30 3 199.93 2188 0 22.14-4-19 9 Mantica, Marybeth Inglewood Dr 20203 210 27300 172000 01 1967 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 105.27 4 150.00 1428 0 22.14-3-21 10 Rumfelt, Charles Howard III & Dr Inglewood 20203 210 31000 233000 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 364.83 3 199.93 2226 0 30.5-2-9 1163 Brown, Barbara A. Iroquois Path 20202 210 36300 184000 03 1959 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 95.00 3 190.00 1824 0 30.5-2-8 1165 Hutchison, John S. Iroquois Path 20202 210 36300 159400 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 95.00 3 190.00 1327 0 30.5-2-3 1167 Hunter, Thomas W. Iroquois Path 20306 210 47200 245000 05 1950 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 145.00 2296 0 22.17-1-14 1169 Hutchinson, Edward J. Jr Path Iroquois 20306 210 48600 217000 03 1960 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 135.00 4 150.00 1882 0 22.17-1-13 1171 Dylong, Geoffrey E. Iroquois 20306 210 47700 202600 05 1958 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 87.00 4 185.00 1544 0 Page 245 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Path Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.17-1-12 1173 Skala, Wayne Iroquois 22.17-1-10.1 1175 Causey, Walter F. Iroquois 22.17-1-9 1177 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Path 20306 210 47900 180000 01 1956 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 107.00 4 155.00 1768 0 Path 20306 210 47900 211100 05 1957 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 97.00 4 185.00 1902 0 Nichter, Michael C & Kristen Path Iroquois 20306 210 50000 217800 03 1956 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 171.78 4 155.00 2293 1.00 30.77-2-11 1 Riha, Benjamin C. Irving Rd 10300 210 21400 143700 08 1928 06 3 0 1 1 3 1 147.92 3 180.00 1346 0 30.77-2-10 5 Carosella, Joseph A. Rd Irving 10300 210 20400 146600 08 1920 03 2 2 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 127.00 1512 0 39.21-2-2 6 Senn, Bruce Irving 10300 210 20300 199100 08 1910 06 3 1 1 1 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1920 0 30.77-2-9 7 Thompson Brian & Carrie, Rd Irving 10300 210 20600 182500 08 1909 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 60.00 4 150.00 2412 0 39.21-2-3 8 Marola, Robert M. Irving Rd 10300 210 20100 143500 05 1926 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1380 0 30.77-2-8 9 Inzinna, Louis Irving Rd 10300 210 20700 138700 08 1924 06 3 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 208.00 1400 0 39.21-2-4 10 Duquette, Christopher D & Rd Irving 10300 210 20100 134200 08 1924 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1284 0 30.77-2-7 11 Burns, Michael S & Tracy L Rd Irving 10300 210 20600 147000 08 1928 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 194.00 1296 0 39.21-2-5 12 Archibald, James Irving 10300 210 20100 145400 08 1930 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1443 0 30.77-2-6 13 Zeglen, Life Estate, Margaret Rd Irving 10300 210 20400 132700 04 1916 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 158.90 1524 0 39.21-2-6 14 Caccavale, Louis M. Rd Irving 10300 210 20100 67000 08 1923 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 125.00 1131 0 30.77-2-5 15 Dupont, Richard A. Irving 10300 210 20400 143700 04 1920 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 139.00 1806 0 39.21-2-7 16 House 2 Home Buyers, LLC, Rd Irving 10300 210 20300 147420 13 1921 03 2 1 1 1 3 2 60.00 3 125.00 1404 0 30.77-2-4 17 Yerg, Kelly A Irving 10300 210 20600 94000 08 1930 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 3 190.00 1052 0 39.21-2-8 18 O'Rourke, Deni M & Katrina M Rd Irving 10300 210 20100 82400 13 1926 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 840 0 Rd Rd Rd Page 246 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.77-2-3 19 Hill, Christine M. Irving 39.21-2-9 20 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 10300 210 20500 152100 05 1920 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 190.00 1552 0 Cross, Paulette A. Irving Rd 10300 210 20100 100000 08 1923 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1248 0 30.77-2-2 21 Corbett, Joseph F. Irving Rd 10300 210 20200 80000 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 127.00 1080 0 39.21-2-10 22 Rankin, Peter + Elsie Rd Irving 10300 210 20100 163200 08 1921 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 40.00 3 125.00 1868 0 30.77-2-1 23 Byers Group, Inc, Edison Rd Irving 10300 210 20700 146800 13 1925 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 115.00 4 105.00 1512 0 39.21-2-11 24 Hills, Jessica Irving Rd 10300 210 20100 158700 08 1927 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1386 0 39.21-2-12 26 Purdy, William Irving Rd 10300 210 20100 64700 13 1920 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 125.00 753 0 39.21-2-13 28 Snapp, Joseph Irving Rd 10300 210 20100 145800 08 1900 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1502 0 39.21-2-14 30 Purdy, William Jr & Irving Rd 10300 210 20300 65100 13 1932 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 3 125.00 632 0 39.21-2-15 32 Vonie, Judy Stanton Rd Irving 10300 210 20300 137900 08 1922 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 4 125.00 1344 0 39.21-2-16 36 VanDeputte, Thomas W. Rd Irving 10300 210 20200 152900 13 1930 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1764 0 39.21-2-17 38 Russo, Nathan Irving Rd 10300 210 20200 83100 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 984 0 39.21-2-18 40 Dunfee, Brendan W Rd Irving 10300 210 20200 101400 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1308 0 39.21-2-19 42 DeFilippo, David P. Irving Rd 10300 210 20200 113600 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1337 0 39.21-2-20 44 Gerardo, Jonathan D. Rd Irving 10300 210 20200 113700 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1358 0 39.21-2-21 46 Ference, Stephen E/Bethany L Rd Irving 10300 210 20200 114600 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 30.00 3 150.00 1253 0 39.30-2-1 Village of Scotia, Island In Collins Lk 10208 963 34400 34400 0 0 1.10 Village Of Scotia, James St 10206 311 3300 3300 380.00 30.00 0 Page 247 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 38.35-2-20 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 38.44-1-17 1 Dunn, Life Estate, Donald + Eileen10207 St 220 James 16200 135900 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 43.00 4 150.00 2108 0 39.29-1-15 2 McGeoch, Michael J. St James 10208 220 16200 118500 08 1910 03 2 0 2 1 2 2 40.00 4 161.00 2304 0 38.44-1-16 3 Conover, Howard R. St James 10207 210 16200 145100 08 1900 03 2 0 2 1 5 2 40.00 4 150.00 1848 0 39.29-1-16 4 McGeoch, Michael J. St James 10208 220 16100 104700 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 2 2 37.00 4 154.67 1530 0 38.44-1-15 5 O'Donnell, Paula J. St James 10207 220 16100 117300 08 1910 04 3 0 2 0 2 2 39.00 3 150.00 1420 0 39.29-1-17 6 Burgos, Jose James St 10208 210 16800 118800 08 1896 04 2 0 2 0 3 1 105.00 3 148.17 1862 0 38.44-1-14 7 Whitehead, A James St James 10207 210 16200 132000 08 1900 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 41.00 3 150.00 1882 0 38.44-1-13 9 Powhida, Staci M James St 10207 210 16200 133400 08 1915 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 2104 0 39.29-1-18 10 Caliguire, Anthony James St 10208 220 16000 119000 08 1910 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 34.00 4 136.00 1584 0 38.44-1-12 11 Leggiero, Stephen James St 10207 210 16000 121800 08 1915 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 91.33 1440 0 38.36-2-39.1 102 Sullivan Trustees of the , Irrevocable 10206 Tst St 210 James 10700 92300 08 1890 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 35.00 2 100.00 1276 0 38.36-2-60 103 Mathews, Sean T. James St 10206 220 9200 87000 08 1935 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 50.00 3 50.00 1312 0 38.36-2-40 104 Coletti, David James St 10206 220 16400 123900 08 1899 03 2 0 2 0 6 2 61.00 3 148.00 2288 0 38.36-2-59 105 Cooper, Margaret James St 10206 220 13700 106500 08 1920 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 40.00 3 93.50 2200 0 38.36-2-41 106 Passet, Marc James St 10206 210 16300 125700 08 1889 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 140.00 1980 0 38.36-2-57 107 Halligan, Thomas & St James 10206 220 13400 94800 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 48.00 3 76.00 1568 0 38.36-2-42 108 Valiquette, Scott D. James St 10206 210 16300 129000 08 1899 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 52.00 3 140.00 1736 0 38.36-2-56 109 Languell, Ray & Cynthia St James 10206 210 16300 111200 08 1925 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 52.50 4 136.00 1120 0 Page 248 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.36-2-43 110 Santor, Dawn J James 38.36-2-44 112 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10206 210 16300 112600 08 1820 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 52.00 3 146.00 1424 0 Wilcox, Teddi James St 10206 210 16300 89300 08 1853 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 52.00 3 140.00 936 0 38.36-2-55 113 Stumpf, David J. James St 10206 220 16300 169000 08 1865 03 2 2 2 0 4 2 56.50 3 134.00 1960 0 38.36-2-46 116 Cooper, Doug & Kim St James 10206 210 16300 111200 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 55.50 3 140.00 1552 0 38.36-2-54 117 McGrath, William James St 10206 210 16300 120200 08 1880 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 57.00 3 133.00 1748 0 38.36-2-47 118 Szmyr, Richard H. James St 10206 220 16200 102300 08 1891 01 3 0 2 0 5 2 48.50 3 140.00 1532 0 38.36-2-53 119 Gotzmann, Kerry Lee St James 10206 220 16300 101600 08 1930 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 58.00 3 131.00 1184 0 38.36-2-52 121 Bailey, Kullen + Keegan St James 10206 220 16400 116500 08 1890 03 2 1 2 0 6 2 66.00 3 130.00 2390 0 38.36-2-48 122 Guthan, Laura D. James St 10206 210 16800 122800 08 1889 01 2 1 1 0 5 1 104.00 3 140.00 2104 0 38.36-2-51 125 Brower, Jon James St 10206 220 16200 107600 08 1908 03 3 0 2 0 5 2 50.00 3 128.00 2052 0 38.36-2-50 127 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 10206 St 220 James 16300 95000 08 1863 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 58.50 3 127.00 2008 0 38.36-1-31 202 Koral, Timothy R. James St 10206 210 16400 140100 08 1895 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 143.00 1590 0 38.36-1-32 204 Austin, Stephen K. James St 10206 210 16200 139800 08 1895 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1684 0 38.36-1-33 206 Zampol, Beth James St 10206 210 16600 125300 08 1894 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 77.00 3 160.00 1337 0 38.36-1-52 207 Horn, Timothy J & Tamela L St James 10206 220 16200 113500 08 1928 03 2 1 2 0 6 2 44.00 3 146.00 2232 0 38.36-1-51 209 Grant, Erwin C. James 10206 230 16200 110400 08 1910 03 4 0 3 0 6 3 44.08 3 146.00 2346 0 38.36-1-34 210 Thiessen, Virginia & David St James 10206 220 16200 131700 08 1897 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 140.00 2160 0 38.36-1-50 211 Leggiero, Stephen James 10206 220 16200 99000 08 1928 04 2 0 2 0 3 2 44.67 3 148.00 1502 0 St Page 249 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.36-1-35 212 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Wragg, William (LE) St James 10206 220 16800 108900 08 1895 04 2 0 2 0 3 2 100.00 3 140.00 1734 0 38.36-1-49 213 Tambini, Emily James St 10206 220 16100 115900 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 2 100.00 1960 0 38.36-1-48 215 Della Ratta, Micele James St 10206 210 16100 122300 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 43.00 3 125.00 1217 0 38.36-1-36 216 Calvano, Angela James St 10206 210 16200 100400 08 1918 01 3 0 2 0 2 1 50.00 3 140.00 1408 0 38.36-1-47 217 Clemons, JoAnne James St 10206 210 16100 112600 08 1928 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 131.00 1332 0 38.36-1-37 218 Yanoch, Carl F. James St 10206 210 16200 118000 08 1903 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1649 0 38.36-1-46 219 Loughman, Stephen St James 10206 210 16100 105000 08 1891 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 133.00 1303 0 38.36-1-38 220 Roberts, Scott G. James St 10206 210 16200 102070 08 1930 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 4 140.00 1601 0 38.36-1-45 221 Cafarella, William James St 10206 210 16200 128200 08 1925 04 2 1 1 0 4 1 46.40 2 136.00 1368 0 38.36-1-44 223 Kravetz, Michael H. James St 10206 210 15900 120100 08 1928 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 96.00 1356 0 38.36-1-43 225 Carow, Cynthia James St 10206 210 16100 100600 08 1928 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 52.67 3 96.00 1436 0 38.35-2-18.11 304 Adams, William J. James St 10206 210 16300 102600 08 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 170.00 1219 0 38.35-2-19 306 Kilichowski, Zachary J. St James 10206 280 23100 115000 13 1940 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 34.00 3 170.00 456 0 38.35-2-19 306 Kilichowski, Zachary J. St James 10206 280 23100 115000 13 1906 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 34.00 3 170.00 1087 0 38.35-2-21 306A Curren, Marjorie M. James St 10206 210 16500 120400 01 1969 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 55.00 3 170.00 1050 0 38.35-2-22 308 Relyea, William E. James St 10206 210 16500 117500 08 1890 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 70.00 3 125.00 1344 0 38.35-2-23 310 Alkinburgh, Richard St James 10206 210 16200 78000 13 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 68.50 2 111.97 888 0 16.13-3-12 DiSarro, Richard Jane 20205 311 26300 26300 146.14 131.41 0 Page 250 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-3-2 1 Young, Kevin Jane 16.13-3-24 2 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20205 210 25400 172400 04 1952 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 149.15 3 118.39 1665 0 Thorington, Leland Jane Dr 20205 210 24300 158500 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1428 0 16.13-3-11 3 Durkin, Edward W. Jane Dr 20205 210 25400 173100 04 1952 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 199.92 3 79.72 1720 0 16.13-3-25 4 Eckerson, Margaret Dr Jane 20205 210 24300 157200 04 1950 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1428 0 16.13-3-26 6 Moorhead, James B. Dr Jane 20205 210 24300 164300 04 1945 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1596 0 16.13-3-27 8 Wentz, Deborah A. Jane Dr 20205 210 24300 181300 04 1952 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 80.00 3 150.00 1974 0 16.13-3-28 10 Stagliano, Mary K Jane Dr 20205 210 24300 131200 01 1953 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1092 0 16.13-4-1 11 Sterlina, Shelly Jane Dr 20205 210 27200 171100 01 1950 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 147.50 3 180.00 1666 0 16.13-3-13 12 Mitchell, Charmain Jane Dr 20205 210 27100 147800 01 1952 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 154.18 3 150.00 1092 0 16.13-4-2 13 Besson, Ralph G. Jane Dr 20205 210 25700 163400 01 1956 04 2 0 1 1 3 1 95.00 3 180.00 1248 0 16.13-3-14 14 NYSARC, Schdy Co Chapter, Dr Jane 20205 210 27700 225000 01 1955 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 136.00 3 265.00 2143 0 16.13-4-3 15 Merrill, Theodore A. Jr Dr Jane 20205 210 25800 163300 01 1956 01 2 1 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 175.00 1420 0 16.13-4-4 17 Mc Donald, Martin Jane Dr 20205 210 25800 177500 03 1956 04 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.10 1881 0 16.13-3-15 18 Giaminelli, Richard J. Dr Jane 20205 210 26900 211400 01 1958 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 226.00 1778 0 16.13-4-5 19 Dominguez, Linda & Rogelio Dr Jane 20205 210 25700 163400 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 172.60 1632 0 16.13-4-6 21 Hebert, Jeffrey R. Jane Dr 20205 210 25800 192500 03 1956 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 172.40 2064 0 16.13-4-29 22 Bischoff, Sherry Jane Dr 20205 210 27100 171100 01 2008 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 177.00 3 140.00 1568 0 16.13-4-7 23 Hallstead, Richard L Dr Jane 20205 210 25500 174200 01 1950 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 94.00 3 172.00 1248 0 Page 251 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-4-10 24 Stoodley, John E. Jane 38.26-2-28 105 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20205 210 25300 191500 01 1972 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 155.00 1248 0.37 Apperson, Ronald Jay St 10204 210 12100 101000 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 100.00 1386 0 38.27-1-1 106 Pistilli, Nicholas J. Jay St 10204 210 16500 101500 01 1954 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 132.40 3 78.00 984 0 38.26-2-29 107 Connelly, Paul J. Jay St 10204 210 12100 100700 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1282 0 38.27-1-2 108 Grippo, Peter J. (LE) St Jay 10204 210 13800 99300 13 1935 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.40 3 93.70 1194 0 38.26-2-30 109 Parker, Jeffrey L & Susan J St Jay 10204 210 12100 107100 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 100.00 1491 0 38.27-1-3 110 Davison, Holly Jay St 10204 210 11000 101000 04 1928 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 36.40 4 88.00 858 0 38.26-2-31 111 Phillips, Kevin D. Jay St 10204 210 12100 101600 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1236 0 38.27-1-4 112 Beach, Deborah E. Jay St 10204 210 10500 104200 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 36.40 3 103.00 1336 0 38.26-2-32 113 Heller, Patrick & Gretchen St Jay 10204 210 12100 93400 13 1930 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 2 100.00 858 0 38.26-2-33 115 Dunham, Amanda Jay St 10204 220 12100 114900 08 1905 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 3 100.00 1496 0 38.27-1-5 116 Moore, Rita E. Jay St 10204 210 16100 104200 13 1931 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 88.00 3 80.00 1321 0 29.82-3-51 117 Hildenbrand, Raymond J. St Jay 10201 220 13600 114900 08 1925 01 2 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 3 100.00 1496 0 38.27-1-6 118 Caffery, Cheryl R. Jay St 10204 210 11200 115000 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 36.40 3 94.00 1192 0 38.27-1-7 120 Alteri, Anthony Jay St 10204 220 13600 128000 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 36.40 3 111.00 1936 0 29.82-3-50 121 Weatherwax, Bonnie E. St Jay 10201 210 18200 110000 08 1878 04 3 0 1 0 2 1 66.00 3 100.00 1120 0 38.27-1-8 122 Moore, Gerald A. Jay 10204 210 15200 98800 08 1930 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 36.00 3 109.00 1284 0 29.82-3-49 123 Schlegel Irrevocalable Trust, St Jay 10201 220 18100 138400 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 54.00 3 100.00 2000 0 Page 252 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-1-9 124 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Engelhardt, Marjorie L. St Jay 10204 210 16000 110300 08 1925 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 36.40 3 138.00 1104 0 38.27-1-10 126 Properties, LLC, N.E. St Jay 10204 210 16100 94600 13 1927 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 36.40 3 153.00 930 0 29.82-3-48 129 Holst, Lisa K & John Eric St Jay 10201 210 18300 163100 05 1930 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1740 0 29.82-3-47 131 Wood, Michael J. Jay St 10201 210 14900 102300 13 1927 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 36.00 3 100.00 1122 0 29.82-3-46 133 Hensen, Mary Jay St 10201 210 17800 94500 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 43.00 3 100.00 748 0 29.82-3-45 137 Friello, Michael R. Jay St 10201 210 18100 110100 13 1918 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 56.00 3 100.00 1368 0 38.27-1-16 200 Honicki, Stephen F. Jay St 10204 210 16100 93900 13 1925 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 72.80 3 84.00 936 0 29.83-1-16 201 Taylor, Karen D. Jay St 10201 210 13600 100500 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1226 0 29.83-1-15 203 Palahnuk, Michael Jay St 10201 210 13600 91700 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1040 0 29.83-1-14 205 Lauria, Antonio Jay St 10201 210 13600 80000 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 36.00 3 100.00 1110 0 38.27-1-17 206 Salamone, Keith Jay St 10204 210 16400 94100 13 1925 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 131.00 1026 0 29.83-1-13 207 King, Life Estate, Gail H. St Jay 10201 210 14900 94500 13 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 36.00 3 100.00 988 0 22.10-4-8 3 Kenney, Robert Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 111500 04 1953 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 728 0 22.10-5-2 4 Huzar, Allen E. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 141400 04 1929 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 145.00 1400 0 22.10-4-9 5 Packer, Garry S. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 80000 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 696 0 22.10-5-3 6 Richards, Arthur L. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 80000 04 1953 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 683 0 22.10-4-10 7 Chew, Cheryl A. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 140700 04 1947 01 2 1 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 1372 0 22.10-5-4 8 Affhauser, Keith A. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 134800 04 1939 04 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 145.00 1400 0 Page 253 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.10-4-11 9 Pokrzywka, Nancy Jennifer 22.10-5-5 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 26000 133500 04 1944 03 2 1 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 1409 0 Lovell, Kathy A. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 136300 04 1940 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 145.00 1435 0 22.10-4-12 11 Metzgar, Russel Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 132900 04 1945 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 145.00 1392 0 22.10-5-6 12 Moore, Steven N & Maureen B Rd Jennifer 20203 210 26000 138500 04 1941 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 1344 0 22.10-4-13 13 Mc Cabe, Brian J. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 140300 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 1302 0 22.10-5-7 14 Howard, Andrea J. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 143400 04 1942 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 145.00 1509 0 22.10-4-14 15 Mayott, Debra A. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 119200 04 1941 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 1155 0 22.10-5-8 16 Chlopecki, Jason E. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 26000 137600 04 1942 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 145.00 1414 0 22.10-4-15 17 Ryder, Sandra A. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26000 141000 04 1945 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 145.00 1491 0 22.10-5-9 18 Cerniglia, Nadine M. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 26000 148000 04 1950 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 4 145.00 1440 0 22.10-3-7 19 Kottke, Alvin E. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 27700 165000 01 1950 02 3 1 2 1 3 1 112.08 3 150.00 1408 0 22.10-5-10 20 Robertson, Ruth Jennifer Rd 20203 210 29000 217700 04 1950 02 3 1 2 2 4 1 150.00 3 145.00 2303 0 22.10-3-8 21 Tubbs, Christopher L. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 28300 165800 04 1956 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 132.00 3 150.31 1404 0 22.10-5-11 22 Riecke, Kurt T. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 27800 178000 01 1945 02 3 1 1 2 3 1 115.00 3 156.39 1666 0 22.10-3-9 23 Thornhill, Harold R. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 27500 175800 04 1956 02 3 0 2 0 4 1 110.00 3 150.31 1694 0 22.10-5-12 24 Peck, Mary Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26300 158700 01 1951 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 77.00 3 156.39 1176 0 22.10-3-10 25 Dolotina, Jun V. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 27500 136800 01 1955 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 150.00 1134 0 22.10-5-14 26 Filbrich, Carl F. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 25800 171800 01 1953 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 155.62 1548 0 Page 254 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.10-3-11 27 Stack, Eileen S. Jennifer 22.10-5-15 28 Rose, Carol A. Jennifer Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 27300 138400 04 1955 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 105.00 3 150.00 957 0 Rd 20203 210 27200 239300 04 1950 03 3 0 2 2 4 1 100.00 4 155.62 2609 0 22.10-5-16 30 Ambrosino, Gary S. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 27100 182900 01 1956 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 103.50 3 149.65 1672 0 22.10-3-12 31 Mazure, Matthew L. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 26700 153300 01 1956 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 77.78 3 175.31 1326 0 22.10-5-17 32 Speck, Brian S. Jennifer 20203 210 27700 149800 01 1955 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 152.30 1176 0 22.10-3-13 33 Mc Keone, Kurt A & Elizabeth Rd Jennifer 20203 210 27800 175000 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 175.31 1851 0 22.10-5-18 34 Renzi, Michael L. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 26800 154600 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 91.50 4 152.30 1202 0 22.10-5-19 36 Dunleavy, Christopher Rd Jennifer 20203 210 27100 180000 04 1956 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1964 0 22.10-5-20 38 Syron, Deborah JR Jennifer Rd 20203 210 27100 186400 03 1951 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 2064 0 22.10-5-21 40 Zarnofsky, Charles J. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 27100 147100 01 1956 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1288 0 22.10-5-22 42 Heckeler, Kenneth C. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 27200 182000 01 1956 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 96.00 3 163.29 1582 0 22.10-5-23 44 Mangroo, Ranjit & Rosey M. Rd Jennifer 20203 210 27600 162100 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 86.00 3 176.00 1825 0 22.10-5-24 46 Nosek, Daniel J. Jennifer Rd 20203 210 29100 256000 05 1962 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 123.00 3 194.00 2444 0 15.7-5-29.1 1 Stanley, Bruce R. & Ct Jesse 20205 210 23400 185900 02 1978 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 0 2028 0.44 15.7-5-29.2 2 Haller, Robert N. Jesse Ct 20205 210 23100 163000 02 1977 03 4 1 2 1 3 1 61.50 3 0 1924 0.65 15.7-5-29.3 3 Anderson, Katherine Ct Jesse 20205 210 24100 191100 02 1977 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 65.00 3 0 1768 0.48 15.7-5-29.4 4 Melanson, Scott M. Ct Jesse 20205 210 23400 181900 05 1977 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 61.52 3 0 1488 0.68 15.7-5-29.5 5 Walsh, Marion Jesse 20205 210 27500 150900 01 1978 03 2 1 1 1 2 1 140.83 4 0 1248 0.47 Ct Page 255 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.44-1-22.11 Dieterich Properties,LLC, St John Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Asmt Land Asmt Total 40100 330 27800 27800 48.00 140.00 0 1 40.00 3 75.00 1668 0 St 10207 210 10100 99200 13.-1-25 Seburn, William Johnson Rd 40200 311 15500 15500 430.00 132.00 0 Bulla, Richard E. Johnson Rd 40200 314 38000 38000 700.00 0 5.00 Wilcox, Frank B. Johnson Rd 40200 311 5000 5000 280.00 0 2.10 Conroy, John S. Johnson Rd 40200 311 44200 44200 0 0 11.18 Kordyjak, William E. Rd Johnson 40200 322 64200 64200 0 0 31.22 MCAL Properties, LLC, Rd Johnson 40200 331 32800 37800 0 0 1.50 Conroy, John Johnson Rd 40200 314 39000 39000 0 0 8.50 Farone, Timothy Johnson Rd 40200 322 37900 37900 0 0 15.53 Rd 40200 322 46800 46800 0 0 13.80 Wakileh, Basil Johnson Rd 40200 314 41900 41900 285.00 0 8.90 13.-1-12.1 130 Lee, Stanley A. Johnson Rd 40200 210 33200 275400 08 1800 02 3 1 1 3 3 1 1800.00 3 0 3208 8.50 13.-1-15.2 180 Dudka, Mark D. Johnson Rd 40200 210 36700 138600 01 1993 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 960 4.15 13.-1-16 298 Baldwin, Michael Johnson Rd 40200 210 33700 145100 06 1971 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 1030.00 3 0 1128 2.15 13.-1-14.21 355 Martin, Timothy W. Johnson Rd 40200 210 45800 221700 08 1915 07 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2156 8.60 13.-1-17 418 La Pan, Edward F & Jessica M Rd Johnson 40200 240 90000 226400 02 1973 03 4 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2348 63.94 13.-1-20 718 Smith, Bruce W. Johnson 40200 210 33100 116400 08 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 228.00 3 0 875 1.70 7.-1-19.112 7.-1-23 13.-1-15.1 7.-1-17 13.-1-14.11 7.-1-18 13.-1-21 Ramos, Carlos Johnson R. Rd Page 256 of 628 0 3 Bld Cond Depth Dieterich, Robert John 12.2-3-4 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 38.44-1-23 14 13.-1-22 03 3 Half Baths Baths SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 08 1930 Ext Wall Heat Type CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 13.-1-23 926 Snyder, Christine Johnson Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 32300 158800 01 1977 03 4 0 2 0 3 1 115.00 3 450.00 1538 1.20 7.-1-21 931 Szuminskyj, Martha M. Rd Johnson 40200 240 53000 171400 06 1969 01 4 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 864 20.00 13.-1-26 992 Morrone, Frank Johnson Rd 40200 240 85000 117000 01 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 0 1510 36.26 7.-1-20.1 1005 Glock, Michael G. & Rd Johnson 40200 240 38700 300000 05 2005 03 3 0 3 0 4 1 0 3 0 3240 18.60 7.-1-19.111 1147 Dahl, Scott Johnson Rd 40200 240 35000 167300 01 1970 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1824 3.01 7.-1-19.21 1233 Conroy, John S. Johnson Rd 40200 210 34900 193000 04 1985 01 4 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1872 2.90 7.-1-16 1369 Graves, Peter Johnson Rd 40200 312 54600 54600 0 0 53.00 7.-1-16 1369 Graves, Peter Johnson Rd 40200 312 54600 54600 08 1938 04 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 1 0 960 53.00 7.-1-15.2 1645 Kennedy, Johnna + Jason Rd Johnson 40200 210 25000 220100 06 2010 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 4 0 3255 17.12 7.-1-15.1 1648 Higgins, John Johnson 40200 210 45300 45300 01 2015 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 4 0 2720 83.00 7.-1-14.1 1709 Faulkner, William E/Amanda L Rd Johnson 40200 210 35400 191000 04 2007 01 3 0 2 1 2 1 0 4 0 1576 3.25 7.-1-22.1 1760 Graves, Peter M Johnson Rd 40200 322 93900 93900 0 0 57.31 7.-1-24 1823 Faulkner, William E II Rd Johnson 40200 322 50100 53700 0 0 17.06 3 0 1935 66.17 Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 7.-1-13.1 2489 Linden, Lisa J. Johnson Rd 40200 240 91100 220000 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 0 7.-1-11 2575 Cellini, Michael A Johnson Rd 40200 240 79400 310000 05 1941 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 2336 46.40 7.-1-10 2700 Kuethe, Maria Johnson Rd 40200 240 80200 213900 08 1822 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1950 47.19 7.-1-8 2795 Kilmartin, Gary W. Johnson Rd 40200 240 63400 212500 04 1946 07 2 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1664 30.40 7.-1-9 2796 Harris, Lawson P. Johnson Rd 40200 240 72400 257000 08 1825 03 3 1 2 2 3 1 0 3 0 2598 39.40 Page 257 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 7.-1-7 3008 Rapisarda, Glen A. Johnson Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 240 54100 215000 08 1835 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 2 0 1709 21.10 4.-3-17.1 3569 Barfield, Kenneth L. Rd Johnson 40200 240 110600 327500 05 1940 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2112 104.78 22.4-1-38 2 Califano, Michael G. Ln Jordan 20204 210 37500 281700 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 316.95 3 197.85 2642 0.76 22.4-1-39 4 Szepek, Scott W & Colleen J Ln Jordan 20204 210 37000 279200 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 103.66 3 197.85 2538 0.51 22.4-1-59 5 Jothimadan, Prabaharan Ln Jordan 20204 210 36200 221800 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 112.04 3 172.11 1984 0.43 22.4-1-40 6 Kota, Ramanjaneyulu & Ln Jordan 20204 210 37400 276100 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 107.10 3 275.54 2324 0.68 22.4-1-58 7 Thiyagarajan, Subramanian & Ln Jordan 20204 210 36300 306800 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.64 3 169.34 3036 0.44 22.4-1-41 8 Lenkowitz, Jason S & Pearl Ln Jordan 20204 210 37100 269700 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 105.56 3 229.78 2586 0.55 22.4-1-57 9 Doganaksoy, Necip Jordan Ln 20204 210 37000 306000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 193.74 3 169.34 3434 0.50 22.4-1-42 10 Gore, Amit Satish Jordan Ln 20204 210 37200 273400 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.36 3 196.88 2584 0.58 22.4-1-56 11 Berggren, Robert W & Donna M 20204 Ln 210 Jordan 36300 267300 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 127.70 3 174.54 2173 0.44 22.4-1-43 12 Arora, Manu & Seema Ln Jordan 20204 210 37200 243300 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 103.84 3 211.25 2324 0.59 22.4-1-55 13 Canelli, Joshua V. Jordan Ln 20204 210 35900 272000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.66 3 185.70 2221 0.41 22.4-1-44 14 Kumar, Arbind & Asha Ln Jordan 20204 210 37400 225400 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 119.31 3 282.57 2307 0.68 22.4-1-54 15 Crispino, Marjorie A. Ln Jordan 20204 210 37100 217000 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 126.82 3 185.70 1447 0.55 22.4-1-45 16 Yager, Cheryl A. Jordan 20204 210 38100 322800 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 3169 1.08 22.4-1-53 17 Cook, James H & Heidi F Ln Jordan 20204 210 37400 303500 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 167.53 3 178.83 2457 0.70 22.4-1-46 18 Crisci, Louis Jordan 20204 210 37500 278300 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 183.59 3 177.63 2462 0.75 Ln Page 258 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.4-1-52 19 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Conto, Christopher & Maria Ln Jordan 20204 210 35900 202300 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 111.06 3 167.04 1716 0.41 22.4-1-68 20 Blouch, John D & Jordan Ln 20204 210 39200 277500 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2450 1.79 22.4-1-51 21 Van Buren, Lauren K. Ln Jordan 20204 210 37100 236100 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 278.69 3 206.42 1996 0.57 22.4-1-47 22 Lundgren, Jeanne M Ln Jordan 20204 210 37900 244000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 124.30 3 295.78 1849 0.94 22.4-1-48 24 Epperson, Vinson R. Ln Jordan 20204 210 38000 285100 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2410 1.01 22.4-1-49 26 Zhang, Yi-Fei Jordan Ln 20204 210 37300 275000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.94 3 229.28 3056 0.67 22.4-1-50 28 Wu, Zhongteng Jordan Ln 20204 210 37400 387000 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 168.91 3 142.89 2720 0.72 22.18-1-27 Sawyer, Robert N. Joyous Ln 20202 311 49800 49800 91.00 154.00 0 20202 311 16600 16600 58.50 178.00 0 4 210.00 3055 0.42 Nielsen, Matthew C & Gina Ln Joyous NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.18-1-48.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 22.18-1-11 7 Moitra, Dipen & Abha Ln Joyous 20202 210 50900 328185 06 1993 2 1 3 1 4 1 169.00 22.18-1-12.1 9 Alescio, James J. Joyous Ln 20202 210 51900 445200 05 1997 03 2 1 3 2 4 1 138.30 4 170.00 3717 0 22.18-1-23.11 11 Drago, Cathleen Joyous Ln 20202 210 52200 375000 05 1993 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 155.00 4 184.00 3414 0 22.18-1-47 14 Nielsen, Matthew C & Gina Ln Joyous 20202 210 51900 309100 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 185.00 4 122.00 2857 0 22.18-1-24.1 15 Brown, Stephen B. Joyous Ln 20202 210 52100 381100 05 2000 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 110.00 4 234.00 3452 0 22.18-1-46 16 Turner, Christopher H. Ln Joyous 20202 210 51700 314300 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 116.00 4 185.00 2704 0 22.18-1-25 17 Bowers, Henry Joyous 20202 210 51900 547200 06 1998 03 2 1 3 3 4 1 136.00 4 170.00 4666 0 22.18-1-45 18 Le Gere, Jeffrey G & Ursula Ln Joyous 20202 210 51400 332400 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 116.00 4 176.00 2773 0 22.18-1-26 19 Sawyer, Robert N. Joyous 20202 210 51500 385700 05 2001 02 2 1 2 1 5 1 134.00 4 154.00 3306 0 Ln Ln Page 259 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.18-1-44 20 Henry, Joann Joyous 22.18-1-43 22 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20202 210 51200 275000 05 2003 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 116.00 4 166.00 2718 0 Hosner, Peter Jr/Jennifer S Ln Joyous 20202 210 50900 308000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 116.00 4 157.00 2718 0 22.18-1-28 23 Kwiatkowski, Lorraine trustee Ln Joyous 20202 210 50800 333700 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 108.00 4 164.00 2696 0 22.18-1-42 24 Teixera, Nicole M. Joyous Ln 20202 210 51000 303800 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 157.00 2780 0 22.18-1-29 25 Smith, Edward F. Joyous Ln 20202 210 51700 320000 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 113.00 4 188.00 2672 0 22.18-1-30 27 Patrie, Jeffrey M. Joyous Ln 20202 210 52000 296000 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 113.00 4 226.00 2353 0 22.18-1-31 29 Sweet, Donald P. Joyous Ln 20202 210 52400 303000 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 113.00 4 281.00 2672 0 22.18-1-32 31 Teixeira, Natasha A. Ln Joyous 20202 210 30000 375000 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 113.00 4 336.00 4078 0 22.18-1-33 33 Tebano, Vincent A. Joyous 20202 210 52900 349500 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 4 336.00 3246 0 22.18-1-34 35 Valachovic, James B & Winifred 20202 Ln 210 Joyous 53000 283700 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 128.00 4 322.00 2571 0 22.18-1-41 36 Caschera, Michael A. Ln Joyous 20202 210 51300 274400 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.00 4 143.00 2696 0 22.18-1-35 37 Clark, Richard A & Tami M Ln Joyous 20202 210 52700 299900 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 122.00 4 294.00 2721 0 22.18-1-40 38 Maille, Dennis Joyous 20202 210 51200 299900 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 114.00 4 169.00 2696 0 22.18-1-36 39 Gramuglia, Family Trust, Vincent + 20202 Janet Ln 210 Joyous 52400 299700 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 130.00 4 235.00 2755 0 22.18-1-39.1 40 Adach, Thomas W. Joyous Ln 20202 210 54800 315600 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2857 1.74 22.18-1-37 41 Vitale, Joseph F. Joyous Ln 20202 210 51700 400300 05 2002 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 78.00 4 272.00 3746 0 22.18-1-38 42 Dieterich, Robert Joyous Ln 20202 210 51100 333500 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 70.00 4 272.00 3034 0 15.19-1-6 3 Robinson, Jesse Judy Dr 20203 210 30300 179100 01 1945 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 135.00 3 380.00 1851 1.20 Ln Ln Page 260 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.19-1-7 5 Cullen, Gerald M. Judy 15.19-1-8 7 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 29800 182000 02 1973 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 399.94 1914 0 Falvo, Mary E Judy Dr 20203 210 29800 157400 02 1977 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 400.00 1607 0 15.19-1-9 9 Maddalone, Guy T. Judy Dr 20203 210 29800 247000 05 1972 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.18 3 400.08 2600 0 15.18-1-10 3 Whitney, Alice O. Kalmia Dr 20304 210 31500 152300 01 1955 01 2 1 1 1 2 1 110.00 3 148.84 1260 0 15.18-1-1 7 Thompson, Christopher Dr Kalmia 20304 240 47000 320900 06 2003 01 2 0 3 0 5 1 0 3 0 3168 12.00 16.9-1-3 3 Durst, Maurianne Kathleen Dr 20205 210 25700 174300 01 1962 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 190.00 1352 0 16.9-1-14 4 Barber, Patricia E. Kathleen Dr 20205 210 25700 164900 03 1967 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 190.00 1776 0 16.9-1-4 5 Schnitzler, Michael J. Dr Kathleen 20205 210 25700 174100 01 1965 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 190.00 1300 0 16.9-1-13 6 Stoeckl, Walter C. Kathleen Dr 20205 210 25700 186300 02 1965 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 4 190.87 1824 0 16.9-1-5 7 La Pierre, Allen G. Kathleen Dr 20205 210 26200 175600 01 1965 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 190.00 1248 0 16.9-1-12 8 Adamek, Christopher + Katie Dr Kathleen 20205 210 25700 212100 05 1964 03 2 2 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 191.30 1944 0 16.9-1-6 9 Armbruster (fam. trust), Manfred &20205 Ruth Dr 210 Kathleen 26200 167800 01 1965 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 190.00 1242 0 16.9-1-11 10 Biggica, Patricia Kathleen Dr 20205 210 25800 156000 01 1965 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 4 191.74 1056 0 16.9-1-7 11 Amirault, Eleanor M. Dr Kathleen 20205 210 27100 199200 01 1968 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 129.60 3 190.00 1616 0 16.9-1-10 12 Becker, Glenn A. Kathleen Dr 20205 210 25800 204200 03 1965 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 4 192.17 1776 0 16.9-1-9 14 Osterhout, Richard Kathleen Dr 20205 210 25400 158400 01 1966 03 2 1 1 1 2 1 84.89 4 192.17 1056 0 16.9-1-8 16 DeMichele, Laurene F. Dr Kathleen 20205 210 25900 190000 03 1965 04 2 0 2 1 4 1 102.36 4 193.26 1776 0 9.4-1-44 Daunt, John W. Kendall 20206 311 1400 1400 0 0 0.38 Page 261 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Pl Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.4-1-2.1 1 Lyle, Thomas J. Kendall Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Pl 20206 210 33200 225000 05 1999 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2072 0.61 9.4-1-43 2 Purtell, William & Sheryl Pl Kendall 20206 210 33000 247800 05 1999 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2251 0.51 9.4-1-31 3 Janik, Stephen V. Kendall Pl 20206 210 32800 213500 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1944 0.48 9.4-1-42 4 Berg, Eric D. Kendall Pl 20206 210 33100 230000 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2020 0.56 9.4-1-32.1 5 Crowe, Russell L/Kathleen M Pl Kendall 20206 210 33500 202600 05 1998 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 1830 0.75 9.4-1-33.1 7 Daunt, John W. Kendall Pl 20206 210 33100 241700 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2126 0.55 9.4-1-34 9 Kline, Maureen A. Kendall Pl 20206 210 33700 248600 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2278 0.83 9.4-1-35 11 Opie, Donald L. Kendall Pl 20206 210 33100 243500 05 1999 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2181 0.57 9.4-1-41 12 Capuano, Donald A. Pl Kendall 20206 210 33300 200000 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1669 0.66 9.4-1-36 13 Servidone, Robert Kendall Pl 20206 210 32900 286000 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2571 0.49 9.4-1-40 14 Frederick, Alpha III Kendall Pl 20206 210 33200 241500 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2234 0.60 9.4-1-37 15 Powers, Patrick Kendall Pl 20206 210 33200 233300 05 1997 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1942 0.59 9.4-1-39 16 Frazier, Tlyer C. Kendall Pl 20206 210 33200 198000 01 1997 03 2 0 2 2 3 1 0 4 0 1370 0.62 9.4-1-38 17 Clark, Michael J. Kendall Pl 20206 210 34300 263900 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2478 1.18 10.17-1-11 1 Rutkey, Frank J. Kevin Dr 20310 210 36000 234300 05 1966 03 3 0 2 2 4 1 115.00 3 140.00 2119 0 10.17-1-10 3 Pettit, Henry S. Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 232500 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2228 0 10.17-2-24 4 Cartwright, Mark I. Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 175800 01 1961 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1648 0 10.17-1-9 5 Comley, Todd J. Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 257600 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2614 0 Page 262 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 10.17-2-25 6 Zube, Norman J H. Kevin Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20205 210 25100 190200 05 1962 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2052 0 10.17-1-8 7 Salvatore, Arthur C. III Dr Kevin 20205 210 25100 214700 05 1965 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2040 0 10.17-2-26 8 Hughes, William J. Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 191400 05 1963 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2136 0 10.17-1-7 9 Edwards, James E. Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 201900 03 1964 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1968 0 10.17-2-27 10 Lamb, William J & Linda P Dr Kevin 20205 210 25100 205000 03 1961 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1568 0 10.17-1-6 11 Apa, James & Patricia Dr Kevin 20205 210 25100 261500 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 150.00 2100 0 10.17-2-28 12 Sheridan, Peter T. Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 207900 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2213 0 10.17-2-29 14 Pickup, Wayne A. Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 193600 02 1964 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2228 0 10.17-1-5 15 Skelly, Jon & Paula Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 232000 05 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2202 0 10.17-2-30 16 Girard, Thomas Jr. & Andrea Dr Kevin 20205 210 25100 178700 01 1965 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1535 0 10.17-1-4 17 Bloom, Aaron Kevin Dr 20205 210 25100 172400 01 1962 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1248 0 15.8-6-28 2 Kile, Chauntel E. Kile Dr 20205 210 25100 149400 04 1955 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 150.00 1080 0 15.8-4-8 5 Mitchell, Charles H. Jr Dr Kile 20205 210 25200 135500 01 1950 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 76.00 3 199.00 1176 0 15.8-6-30 6 Towne, Pauline Kile Dr 20205 210 25100 123000 01 1980 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1056 0 15.8-4-7 7 Boudreau, Colleen M Dr Kile 20205 210 25200 134000 01 1957 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 76.00 3 199.00 960 0 15.8-6-31 8 Riley, Thomas M. Jr Dr Kile 20205 210 25100 154300 01 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1440 0 15.8-4-6 9 Shrome, Wayne R Kile Dr 20205 210 25200 134600 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 76.00 3 199.00 1128 0 15.8-6-32 10 Wyman, Rayma L. Kile Dr 20205 210 25100 115900 01 1957 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 744 0 Page 263 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.8-4-5 11 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Jones, Stephen A/Christine Dr Kile 20205 210 25200 151800 01 1958 04 2 0 1 1 3 1 76.00 3 199.00 1332 0 15.8-6-33 12 Lanoue, Ruby E. Kile 20205 210 25100 137100 01 1957 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 960 0 15.8-4-4 13 Skinner, Allyn R & Jennifer A Dr Kile 20205 210 25200 130000 01 1957 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 76.00 3 199.00 1356 0 15.8-6-34 14 Wright , Edward H. Kile Dr 20205 210 25500 131750 01 1957 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 110.00 3 150.00 1268 0 15.8-4-3 15 Monty, Gregory & Kelly Dr Kile 20205 210 25200 148000 01 1955 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 76.00 3 199.00 1238 0 15.8-6-35 16 Petrokus, James G. Dr Kile 20205 210 25800 132600 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 117.70 3 150.00 960 0 15.8-4-2 17 Bodensieck, Raymond A. Dr Kile 20205 210 25200 153700 01 1963 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 76.00 3 199.00 1420 0 16.5-4-21 18 Mansfield, Joshua D. Dr Kile 20205 210 25100 182700 05 1959 01 2 1 1 0 5 1 100.00 3 150.00 1824 0 15.8-4-1.111 19 Ravalli, John Kile 20205 210 25900 147500 01 1957 03 2 0 1 2 3 1 100.00 3 178.00 1035 0 15.8-4-1.2 19A Barber, Eric R & Cheryl L Dr Kile 20205 210 25900 225000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 299.88 1552 0 16.5-4-20 20 Greenough, Elyse Kile 20205 210 25100 125000 04 1958 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1288 0 16.5-4-1 21 Adams, Justin H & Sarah C Dr Kile 20205 210 27200 166800 04 1959 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 299.88 1898 0 16.5-4-19 22 Stearns, Jeanne Kile Dr 20205 210 25100 183200 01 1960 03 2 0 1 2 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1650 0 16.5-4-2 23 Boni, Jacqueline R. Kile Dr 20205 210 27000 150000 01 1960 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 258.00 1488 0 16.5-4-18 24 Czech, James T. Kile Dr 20205 210 25100 110000 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1056 0 16.5-4-3 25 Foti, John A. Kile Dr 20205 210 26600 205800 06 1961 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 4 258.65 2192 0 16.5-4-17 26 D'Amario, Santino Kile Dr 20205 210 25100 136000 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1008 0 16.5-4-4 27 Melanson, Michael P. Dr Kile 20205 210 26100 219000 01 1961 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 80.00 4 239.00 2324 0 Dr Dr Page 264 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.5-4-16 28 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type McCaskill, Jennifer L. Dr Kile 20205 210 25100 133000 01 1959 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 150.00 864 0 16.5-4-5 29 Bowman, Rosalie A. Dr Kile 20205 210 25700 171700 01 1961 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 200.00 1483 0 16.5-4-15 30 Odorizzi, Patsy J & Josephine Dr Kile 20205 210 25200 179200 01 1962 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 97.86 3 157.00 1726 0 16.5-4-6 31 Goertz, Darline Kile 20205 210 25700 158700 01 1961 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 200.45 1400 0 16.5-4-14 32 Huggins, Life Estate, Owen + Maria 20205 Dr 210 Kile 25300 178700 01 1960 04 2 0 1 1 4 1 97.86 3 157.13 1552 0 16.5-4-7 33 Quinn, Peter J. Kile Dr 20205 210 25600 180900 01 1963 04 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 178.62 1576 0 16.5-4-13 34 Emerle, Dennis F. Kile Dr 20205 210 27700 192200 03 1966 04 2 1 1 1 4 1 149.16 3 245.00 1704 0 16.5-4-8 35 Pomeroy, Andrew W & Anne P Dr Kile 20205 210 27400 171000 05 1969 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 195.00 3 154.40 1800 0 16.5-4-12 36 Baker, Denise G. Kile Dr 20205 210 27300 167300 01 1966 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 148.80 3 190.72 1584 0 16.5-4-9 37 Schultz, Ellen H. Kile Dr 20205 210 26100 173000 01 1967 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 131.27 3 140.73 1355 0 16.5-4-10 39 Sisson, Gale L. Kile Dr 20205 210 26900 186000 01 1965 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 154.00 4 140.73 1693 0 16.5-4-11 41 Gigliotti, Michael X F. Jr Dr Kile 20205 210 28000 188600 01 1961 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 131.69 3 325.29 1752 0 10.17-7-1 Manthey, David W & Rd Kingsbury 20204 311 39800 39800 246.00 0 2.20 3 310.00 696 0 Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 10.17-7-11 76 Pennings, Timothy & Susan Rd Kingsbury 20204 210 36100 110000 13 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 10.17-7-10 78 Pennings, Timothy Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 39100 219900 01 1967 03 2 1 2 2 3 1 172.00 3 0 2162 1.70 10.17-7-9 80 Scaringe, Phyllis A. Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 34400 102000 08 1860 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 79.36 3 155.68 984 0.25 10.17-7-8 82 Duff, Stephen A. Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 39400 146400 01 1955 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 0 1694 1.90 10.17-7-7 84 Humphrey, Deborah Rd Kingsbury 20204 210 35000 123100 01 1946 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 72.00 3 200.00 1384 0 Page 265 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 10.17-7-6 86 Utberg, Joshua D. Kingsbury 10.17-6-7 87 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20204 210 38900 143800 03 1965 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 0 1584 1.60 Sitterley, Donald A. Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 33200 90800 08 1848 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 79.52 3 139.90 1242 0 10.17-7-5 88 Wallimann, Chad Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 37000 214400 08 1940 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.20 3 0 2416 0.50 10.17-6-10 89 Bedore, Kurt M. Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 35700 147000 08 1927 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 91.20 3 189.20 1666 0 10.17-7-4.1 90 Robertson, James J. Rd Kingsbury 20204 210 31100 154800 04 1947 03 3 1 2 0 3 1 127.00 3 0 1915 4.10 10.17-6-11 91 Schworm, A. C. Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 37000 132200 04 1936 04 2 0 1 1 2 1 101.30 3 229.40 1096 0 10.17-7-3.1 92 Wurz, Bruce E. Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 47300 218800 08 1904 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 127.00 3 300.00 1992 2.69 10.17-6-12 93 Provost, Malcolm R. Rd Kingsbury 20204 210 37500 127700 13 1934 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 116.00 3 275.00 923 0 10.17-6-13 95 Brenner, George E/Kathleen A Rd Kingsbury 20204 210 38800 95000 09 1940 04 2 0 1 0 1 1 120.00 3 468.00 608 1.46 10.17-7-2.1 96 Fogg, Brandon C Kingsbury 20204 210 38000 123200 13 1921 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 202.42 3 195.45 760 0 10.17-6-14 97 Brenner, George & Kathleen E. III20204 Rd 210 Kingsbury 40100 277500 08 1932 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 236.00 3 0 2324 2.40 10.17-7-2.2 98 Fogg, Brandon C Kingsbury Rd 20204 210 40000 40000 05 2016 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1864 2.59 10.17-6-15 101 Pomato, Christopher D. Rd Kingsbury 20204 210 38600 165100 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 160.00 3 0 1606 1.43 30.78-1-17 Village Of Scotia, Knickerbocker Rd 10203 311 16200 16200 45.00 150.00 0 30.77-2-22 5 Plemenik, Frank C. Jr Rd Knickerbocker 10203 210 16300 126000 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1540 0 30.77-2-21 7 Jones, Gary E. Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16300 99300 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 145.00 848 0 30.77-2-15 8 Van Deusen, Claudia J Rd Knickerbocker 10300 210 20700 147000 04 1950 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 130.00 1632 0 30.77-2-20 9 Brown, Sylvia L. Knickerbocker 10203 210 16300 107600 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1212 0 Rd Page 266 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.77-2-16 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type O'Rourke, Helen R. Rd Knickerbocker 10300 210 20700 154800 01 1954 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 125.00 1494 0 30.77-2-19 11 Andrew, Tracey J. Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16300 110700 04 1938 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1448 0 30.78-1-25 13 Rubino(Scott), Cynthia Rd Knickerbocker 10203 210 16300 111300 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1318 0 30.77-2-17 14 Kopczynski, Andrew M. Rd Knickerbocker 10300 210 20100 105000 04 1952 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 0 1560 0.12 30.78-1-24 15 Hunter, Katie J. Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16300 113700 04 1938 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1398 0 30.77-2-18 16 Welsh, Jacqueline R. Rd Knickerbocker 10300 210 20600 120000 01 1956 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 143.00 3 70.00 1150 0 30.78-1-23 17 Pike, Edwin (LE) Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16300 142600 04 1936 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 50.00 3 145.00 1802 0 30.78-1-22 19 Smith, Mark James Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16300 112100 04 1940 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 50.00 3 145.00 1428 0 30.78-1-21 21 Prendergast, Timothy T. Rd Knickerbocker 10203 210 16300 88900 04 1940 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 145.00 816 0 30.78-1-20 23 Holley, Cheryl M. Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16300 101000 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 145.00 1054 0 30.78-1-19 25 Wood, Janette M Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16200 104000 04 1935 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 45.00 3 150.00 1092 0 30.78-1-18 27 Peters, Timothy & Rosalie Rd Knickerbocker 10203 210 16200 135000 13 1935 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 45.00 3 145.00 1568 0 30.78-1-16 31 Wos, Michael A. & Knickerbocker Rd 10203 210 16300 131400 05 1938 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 45.00 3 150.00 1160 0 30.78-1-15 33 Gustafson, Judith A. Rd Knickerbocker 10203 210 16200 183000 05 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 45.00 3 152.80 1784 0 22.20-1-16 2 Morra, Martin M. Knollwood 20307 210 46600 274900 05 1983 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2540 0 22.20-1-15 4 St. Louis, Thomas & Renae Dr Knollwood 20307 210 46600 286000 05 1982 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2610 0 22.20-1-14 6 Roinos, Kenneth Knollwood Dr 20307 210 46600 263100 05 1982 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2450 0 22.20-1-36 7 Coopersmith, James C. Dr Knollwood 20307 210 50500 263100 05 1981 03 3 1 2 2 4 1 135.00 4 369.55 2440 0 Page 267 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.20-1-13 8 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Breitenbach, Steven L. Dr Knollwood 20307 210 46600 262900 05 1981 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2492 0 22.20-1-12 10 D'Amico, Paul D. Knollwood Dr 20307 210 46600 252000 05 1981 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2338 0 22.20-1-35 11 Meenan, Peter Knollwood Dr 20307 210 55000 263950 05 1981 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 115.00 4 370.00 2648 0.90 22.20-1-11 12 Ferguson, Eric A. & Dr Knollwood 20307 210 46600 262900 05 1981 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2550 0 22.20-1-34 13 Cucolo, Joseph Knollwood Dr 20307 210 49900 520900 05 1984 03 2 1 4 1 5 1 115.00 4 345.00 3688 0 22.20-1-10 14 Travers, Jeffrey Knollwood Dr 20307 210 46600 227000 05 1980 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2212 0 9.2-1-5 Mareno, Kristina Lake Hill Rd 20205 322 56400 56400 0 0 13.05 Sampaio, Guilhermino A & Rd Lake Hill 20205 311 44200 44200 0 0 9.20 Burns, Gregory Lake Hill Rd 20205 311 55900 55900 0 0 8.80 Raffan, Steven J. Lake Hill Rd 20205 311 14600 14600 0 0 5.90 10.3-2-9 155A Clifton Family Trust, Christine D'Amato 20205 Rd 210 Lake Hill 29500 174800 01 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1512 2.00 10.3-2-8 157 Fortin, Robert L. Lake Hill 20205 210 29100 149600 04 1940 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1518 1.70 10.3-1-20 162 Hayostek, Gary S. & Cathee A. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 27100 162600 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 241.04 1573 0 10.3-1-19 164 LaJoie, Constance J. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 25500 121000 08 1850 04 2 0 2 1 5 1 105.00 2 155.00 2684 0 10.3-2-6 167 Lamb, Joseph E. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 28300 168600 01 1950 02 3 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1528 1.20 10.3-2-5.2 169 Szymczak, Robert S. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 38100 356800 04 1990 03 2 1 3 2 3 1 0 4 0 2842 9.08 10.3-1-16 170 Homburger, Scott W. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 25200 167000 01 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 153.52 1456 0 10.3-1-17 170A Kownack, William Lake Hill 20205 210 25700 172100 01 1956 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 118.00 3 151.56 1548 0 9.2-1-3.111 9.4-2-12.2 Rd Rd Page 268 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 10.3-1-18 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 10.3-2-5.1 171 Brunt, Richard T. Lake Hill Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 36400 245700 05 2011 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2734 7.35 10.3-1-15 172 Bielawski, Lawrence S. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 25400 166600 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 176.41 1120 0 10.3-1-14 174 Mc Elroy, Bruce E. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 25400 161100 01 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 176.41 1782 0 10.3-1-13 176 Buono, Michael P. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 30600 180000 04 1947 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1777 2.70 10.3-1-12 178 Watkins, Catherine Marie Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 29200 153000 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 1709 1.82 10.3-1-11 180 Drindak, Noel J. Lake Hill 20205 210 29400 155800 04 1943 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 812.40 1419 1.90 10.3-2-4 181 Sherlock, Richard A & Ellen Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 28300 181300 04 1951 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 400.00 1833 1.20 10.3-1-10 182 Mirando, Beverly Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 34700 200000 04 1962 2 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1640 5.70 10.3-2-3 183 Sutter, Mark G. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 28200 166400 01 1950 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1448 1.10 10.3-1-8.112 184 Duran, Guillermo A. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 28300 175700 08 1910 01 2 0 3 0 4 1 0 4 0 1713 0.61 10.3-1-8.111 186 Holt, Sandra A. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 27100 118800 08 1910 01 2 0 3 0 4 1 120.03 4 201.85 1713 0.56 10.3-2-2 187 Powhida, Scott Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 44800 269000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 348.00 2128 1.00 9.2-1-18 206 Sargent, Steven M. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 27100 157100 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 112.50 3 221.50 1264 0 9.4-2-21 207 McAlonen Timothy J & Kimberly , 20205 Rd 210 Lake Hill 27300 253900 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 268.64 4 164.46 2318 0.65 9.2-1-17 208 Lepel, Jon P. Lake Hill 20205 210 27200 230000 03 1968 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 112.50 3 234.70 1794 0 9.4-2-23 209 Mc Alonen, Kevin J & Laura Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 28500 295750 06 2003 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 4 0 2292 1.30 9.2-1-16 210 Kruszona, Debra Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 26400 136600 01 1951 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 265.50 1212 0 9.4-2-4 211 Marx, David J. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 28000 145100 01 1950 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1008 1.00 Rd Page 269 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.2-1-15 212 Smith, Raymond R. Lake Hill Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 27100 154000 01 1951 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 82.71 3 294.50 1248 0 9.4-2-5.1 215 Nemec, Jason & Dana Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 29100 255000 08 1855 01 2 2 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2212 1.73 9.2-1-14 216 Deuel, Carolyn D. Lake Hill 20205 210 28100 166700 01 1950 01 2 0 1 1 2 1 142.30 3 337.00 1224 0 9.2-1-13 218 Gabeloff, Edward M & Elizabeth 20205 Rd 210 Lake Hill 27200 158600 04 1953 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 359.00 1700 0 9.2-1-12 220 Quinlan, Thomas F. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 27300 162100 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 359.00 1056 0 9.2-1-11 222 Mielcarski, Charles Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 27100 202000 05 1951 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 292.00 2184 0 9.2-1-10 224 Paradise, Linda M. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 27000 140100 01 1950 03 2 1 1 1 5 1 208.60 3 0 1392 0.50 9.2-1-9 226 Andreini , Lauren & Kristian W. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 27800 217000 04 1953 01 2 0 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 400.00 2310 0 9.2-1-8 228 Gotobed, Mark & Cindy Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 27700 163200 01 1988 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 95.00 3 400.00 1536 0 9.2-1-7 230 Schadow, Alfred Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 27600 184000 01 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 398.60 1595 0 9.2-1-6 232 Munsey, John S. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 27600 147100 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 400.00 1120 0 9.4-2-12.41 233 Wagner, Branden C. Rd Lake Hill 20205 210 31200 272900 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 680.00 4 0 2576 3.10 9.4-2-12.3 235 Brown, Michael G. Lake Hill Rd 20206 210 36400 221900 05 2002 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 229.00 3 0 2240 2.60 9.2-1-3.2 240 Brousseau, Mark J. Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 34000 196600 01 1958 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 0 1688 5.00 9.4-2-1 241 Raffan, Steven Lake Hill Rd 20205 210 29500 196800 01 1955 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1316 2.03 9.2-1-2.1 250 Nally, James J. Lake Hill Rd 40200 210 38800 228800 08 1880 01 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 4 0 2568 5.75 22.10-1-52 1 Nieves, Carlos & Lancaster Dr 20203 210 28200 201000 03 1966 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 139.00 3 140.00 2124 0 22.10-1-41 2 King, Trustee, Margaret M. Dr Lancaster 20203 210 27200 181600 01 1963 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 102.00 3 150.03 1532 0 Page 270 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.10-1-51 3 Chakas, Dennis J. Lancaster Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 26900 178000 02 1955 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 149.80 2128 0 22.10-1-42 4 Makoviecki, Rose R. Dr Lancaster 20203 210 27500 164800 03 1964 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 4 150.00 1678 0 22.10-1-50 5 Barrette, Donald M. Lancaster 20203 210 27800 190000 03 1964 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 115.00 3 149.80 2001 0 22.10-1-49 7 Spikereit Erich H & Jennifer L, Dr Lancaster 20203 210 27300 178600 01 1964 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 150.00 1548 0 22.10-1-43 8 Johnsen, William T. (LE) Dr Lancaster 20203 210 27500 200500 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 110.00 4 150.00 2035 0 22.10-1-48 9 Judd, Christopher D. Dr Lancaster 20203 210 27300 194400 03 1963 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 4 149.90 1936 0 22.10-1-44 10 Porter, Life Estate, Ronald + Diane 20203 Dr 210 Lancaster 27600 201400 01 1963 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 110.00 4 150.00 2058 0 22.10-1-47 11 Masucci, Daniel R. & Dr Lancaster 27300 173300 01 1960 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1460 0 22.10-1-45 12 Preisinger, Family Irrev. Trus, David 20203 + Christine 28700 Dr 210 175600 Lancaster 03 1959 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 159.30 3 147.30 1827 0 22.10-1-46 13 Bailey, Ruth E. Lancaster 38.27-1-62 2 20203 210 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 20203 210 27500 162500 01 1963 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 68.75 3 182.20 1354 0 Guernsey, Donald E/Kristina L St Lark 10204 210 17200 125100 08 1938 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 165.00 4 0 1416 0.16 38.26-3-1.1 3 Bulson, Tiffany L. Lark St 10204 210 13000 92600 04 1945 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 4 72.00 1092 0 38.26-2-27 102 White, Christopher P. St Lark 10204 210 12000 102000 13 1910 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 35.30 3 96.00 1121 0 38.26-2-26 104 Johansen, Laura M. St Lark 10204 210 12000 110000 13 1900 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 101.40 1101 0 38.26-2-25 106 Robbins, Demitria L. St Lark 10204 210 12600 110000 13 1910 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 106.80 976 0 38.26-2-24 108 Federowicz, Ann Lark St 10204 210 13200 110000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 109.00 1010 0 38.26-2-11 116 Rothmyer, Patricia E. St Lark 10204 210 16300 96000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 68.30 3 108.60 936 0 38.26-2-10 118 Hall, Namon A. Lark 10204 210 13500 123500 08 1870 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 108.00 1400 0 Dr St Page 271 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.26-2-9 120 Restina, Gregory Lark Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10204 210 11800 104800 13 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.60 4 85.21 1404 0 38.26-2-47 121 Westerlund Irrev. Trust, Gayle P. 10204 St 210 Lark 16100 104200 13 1930 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 160.00 1312 0 38.26-2-39 123 McLasky, Thomas V. Sr St Lark 10204 210 13300 102000 13 1918 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 110.00 1123 0 38.26-2-38 125 Andriano-Smith, Terry St Lark 10204 210 13300 98700 13 1928 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 2 110.00 1171 0 38.26-2-37 127 Loan Servicing, LLC, Bayview St Lark 10204 220 13300 123000 13 1925 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 3 110.00 1536 0 38.26-2-36 129 Peck, Mary Ann Lark St 10204 210 13300 97600 13 1927 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 110.00 960 0 38.26-2-35 131 Chaires, Mark R. Lark St 10204 210 13300 85500 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 110.00 776 0 38.26-2-34 133 133 Lark Street,LLC, St Lark 10204 220 13300 126400 13 1925 04 3 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 2 110.00 2063 0 38.26-1-9 205 Kuder, John J. III Lark St 10204 210 16100 104100 13 1930 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 48.50 3 111.16 1267 0 38.26-1-8 209 Willis, Janice S. Lark St 10204 210 16200 96300 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 61.00 3 110.55 854 0 38.26-1-7 211 Williams, Marcus T. Lark St 10204 210 14500 107600 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 36.00 3 110.00 1495 0 29.82-1-21 212 Wandrey, Linda E. Lark St 10201 210 18500 124200 08 1900 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 79.00 3 126.00 1584 0 38.26-1-6.1 213 Bush, Suzanne Lark St 10204 210 14500 119600 13 1903 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 56.00 3 110.00 1495 0 29.82-1-22 214 Mc Namara, John J. St Lark 10201 220 18600 154100 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 90.00 3 125.00 2496 0 38.26-1-5.1 217 Strenk, Michelle L C St Lark 10204 210 16500 148200 08 1923 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 88.00 4 110.00 1708 0 29.82-1-23 220 Mc Donald, Patricia A. St Lark 10201 210 18400 173200 01 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 81.00 3 125.00 1104 0 38.26-1-4 221 Nowicki, Theresa J. St Lark 10204 210 16300 149000 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 72.00 4 110.00 1784 0 29.82-1-24 222 Kohout, Andrew Lark 10201 210 18400 132900 01 1960 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 72.00 3 125.00 1539 0 St Page 272 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.26-1-3 225 Mahoney , Sean M. Lark Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10204 210 14500 116800 08 1920 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 36.00 3 110.00 1428 0 38.26-1-2 227 Crispino, Marjorie (LE) St Lark 10204 210 16300 145600 08 1930 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 72.00 4 110.00 1728 0 29.82-1-25 230 De Lorenzo, Joseph J St Lark 10201 210 18700 159000 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 125.00 1771 0 38.26-1-1 233 Peterson, Terry M. Lark St 10204 210 16600 158800 08 1935 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 105.00 4 110.00 2054 0 29.19-2-12 301 Tunison, Harmon M. St Lark 20200 210 19300 268300 04 1935 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 141.00 3 110.00 2852 0 29.19-1-20 302 Kittle, Tamara L. Lark St 20200 210 18100 171500 08 1940 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 87.00 3 125.00 2046 0 29.19-1-21 304 Seven C's Group, LP , St Lark 20200 210 19300 93300 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 126.00 2 125.00 688 0 29.19-2-11 305 Interrante, John Lark St 20200 210 18300 208600 04 1950 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 108.00 3 110.00 2397 0 29.19-1-22 306 Streicher, Brian P. Lark St 20200 210 14900 168500 04 1935 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 72.00 3 125.00 1979 0 29.19-2-10 307 Fiorini, Robert & Kathryn St Lark 20200 210 12700 146400 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 110.00 1416 0 29.19-1-23 308 Wicks, Jean Lark St 20200 210 14900 150000 01 1955 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 72.00 3 125.00 1207 0 29.19-2-9 309 Yagielski, John R. Lark St 20200 210 12200 188300 04 1955 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 67.00 3 110.00 1638 0 29.19-1-24 310 Shapiro, Neal W. Lark St 20200 210 14900 181400 01 1952 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 72.00 3 125.00 1820 0 29.19-2-8 311 Properties, LLC, Dozer Blaze St Lark 20200 210 10400 143900 01 1955 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 57.33 3 110.00 1104 0 29.19-1-25 312 Torncello, Frank Lark St 20200 210 14900 148100 01 1945 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 72.00 3 125.00 1180 0 29.19-2-7 313 Noonan, Ronald J. Lark St 20200 210 10400 112800 01 1952 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 57.00 3 110.00 966 0 29.19-1-26 314 Van Auken, Janeen Lark St 20200 210 14900 137800 01 1954 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 72.00 3 125.00 1540 0 29.19-2-6 315 Mc Namara, Erin C Lark St 20200 210 13100 83100 01 1954 02 4 0 1 1 2 1 72.00 2 110.00 892 0 Page 273 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.19-1-27 316 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Lawrence, William J. St Lark 20200 210 14000 145000 01 1955 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 68.00 3 125.00 1126 0 29.19-2-5 317 Schwab, Bernard & Denise St Lark 20200 210 15300 163000 01 1950 02 2 0 1 2 3 1 84.00 3 110.00 1552 0 29.19-1-28 318 Belli, Dominick R & Amy E St Lark 20200 210 13600 186600 04 1954 02 3 1 2 1 3 1 66.00 4 125.00 1860 0 29.19-2-4 319 Payette, Alan Lark St 20200 210 11800 137900 01 1954 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 110.00 1064 0 29.19-1-29 320 Meehan, Dennis Lark St 20200 210 14000 149800 01 1948 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 68.00 3 125.00 1247 0 29.19-2-3 321 Herlihy, Katie E. Lark St 20200 210 11800 142700 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 110.00 1110 0 29.19-1-30 322 Trapini, Kristin Lark St 20200 210 14000 144800 01 1954 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 68.00 3 125.00 1108 0 29.19-2-2 323 Starsiak, Edward J & Mary S St Lark 20200 210 11800 153500 01 1950 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 110.00 1556 0 29.19-1-31 324 Tricou, Charles E. Lark 20200 210 14500 149900 04 1955 03 2 1 1 1 2 1 70.00 3 125.00 1360 0 29.19-2-1 325 Morette, Life Estate, John + Mary 20200 St 210 Lark 11300 163700 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 62.00 3 110.00 1416 0 38.43-3-22 1 Germain, Jeffrey L. Larkin 10207 210 20400 117500 08 1900 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 166.67 3 216.00 1100 0 38.43-3-8 2 Tracey, Joseph + Patrice St Larkin 10207 210 16100 122200 13 1920 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 3 135.00 1722 0 38.43-3-9 4 Bowers, George S. Larkin St 10207 210 16100 106300 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 960 0 38.43-3-10 6 Mc Conkey, Michael P St Larkin 10207 210 16100 103500 13 1902 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1080 0 38.43-3-11 8 Wadsworth, Kimberly St Larkin 10207 210 16100 104200 13 1920 04 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 1176 0 38.43-3-12 10 Sankowski, Sandra S. St Larkin 10207 210 16100 104800 13 1927 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 984 0 38.43-3-21 11 Norris, Lorijean Larkin St 10207 210 18800 125400 08 1926 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.33 3 235.00 1328 0 38.43-3-13 12 Wallace, James Larkin St 10207 210 16100 111000 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 37.50 3 140.00 984 0 St Page 274 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.43-3-20 13 Norris, David P. Larkin 38.43-3-14 14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10207 210 24700 94700 13 1925 01 2 0 1 1 1 1 100.00 3 282.00 786 0 Cameron, Peter H. Larkin St 10207 210 16100 128500 08 1929 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 37.50 3 140.00 1650 0 38.43-3-15 16 Bailor, Richard Larkin St 10207 220 16100 113900 13 1930 04 3 0 2 0 3 2 37.50 2 140.00 1574 0 38.43-3-16 18 Mathes, Keven Larkin St 10207 210 16100 115300 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 37.50 4 140.00 1390 0 38.51-1-10 19 Symeon, Daniel E. Larkin St 10207 210 16500 114900 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 66.00 3 140.00 1164 0 38.43-3-17 20 Rayher, Sonie (LE) Larkin St 10207 210 16100 110300 13 1923 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 960 0 38.43-3-18 22 Bikowicz, Jason Larkin St 10207 210 16100 123900 04 1950 02 2 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 1260 0 38.51-1-9 23 Zenobio, Anthony M. St Larkin 10207 210 16100 106900 13 1924 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 1332 0 38.43-3-19 24 Lewis, Allan Larkin St 10207 210 16200 115700 08 1915 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 56.60 3 147.00 1357 0 20.20-2-7 132 Czarnecki, Garry Larrabee Rd 30200 210 21400 77000 13 1918 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 99.00 3 170.00 1104 0 20.20-2-14 133 Culligan, Timothy J. Rd Larrabee 30200 210 23300 214300 08 1924 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 157.00 3 187.00 2816 0 20.20-2-8 146 Luskin, Nicole Larrabee Rd 30200 210 19400 135700 13 1939 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 62.00 3 170.00 1300 0 20.20-2-13 149 Barbarulo, Charles J. Jr Rd Larrabee 30200 210 15600 84600 13 1968 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 170.00 988 0 20.20-2-12 159 Garrow, Margaret J. Rd Larrabee 30200 210 15600 82700 13 1924 03 1 0 1 0 1 1 50.00 3 170.00 870 0 20.20-2-9 172 Krutz, Carol Larrabee Rd 30200 280 30500 170000 08 1930 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 60.00 3 220.00 714 0 20.20-2-9 172 Krutz, Carol Larrabee Rd 30200 280 30500 170000 01 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 2 220.00 1104 0 20.20-2-11 181 Turner, Gregory S & Michele Rd Larrabee 30200 210 21700 122600 08 1938 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 170.00 1492 0 20.20-2-10 188 Caswell, Sr, Thomas Rd Larrabee 30200 220 15600 116400 08 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 50.00 3 170.00 1420 0 Page 275 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.8-2-6 1 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Schaeffer, Richard M. Laury La 20302 210 47400 229000 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 115.00 2292 0 29.8-2-26 3 O'Connor, Daniel J & Grace J Laury La 20302 210 46900 172700 05 1963 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 169.00 1664 0 29.8-2-27 4 Neikirk, John O. Laury La 20302 210 47300 212200 05 1964 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 121.69 3 129.77 1953 0.37 29.8-2-25 5 Stuart, Robert A. Laury La 20302 210 47700 196600 05 1964 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.06 3 182.86 1976 0 29.8-2-28 6 Bulford, Ilia I. Laury La 20302 210 46100 231800 05 1962 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.05 3 136.35 2257 0 29.8-2-24 7 Moran, Daniel E. Laury La 20302 210 47800 199000 05 1965 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 97.60 3 195.00 1804 0 29.8-2-29 8 Boniewski, Vladia C. Laury La 20302 210 46400 195900 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.02 3 143.89 1971 0 29.8-2-23 9 Zanta, Mark J. Laury La 20302 210 47400 208900 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.03 3 195.00 1955 0 29.8-2-30 10 Stuart, Richard D. Laury La 20302 210 47100 171200 03 1964 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 112.00 3 145.00 1710 0 29.8-2-22 11 Glindmyer, William E. III Laury La 20302 210 46600 159100 03 1965 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1464 0 29.8-3-4 14 Roy, Robert Laury La 20302 210 47800 181900 01 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.56 3 163.06 1430 0 29.8-2-21 15 Stuart, Gary Laury La 20302 210 48900 225200 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 122.10 3 187.13 2140 0 29.8-3-6 16 Diman, William L. Laury La 20302 210 47800 204400 05 1967 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 185.68 1965 0 29.8-2-20 17 Dillon, Robert T. Laury La 20302 210 49200 192200 03 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 140.00 3 187.13 2110 0 29.8-3-7 18 Varno, Gregg A. Laury La 20302 210 47800 216600 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 185.00 2044 0 29.8-2-19 19 Switts, William G. Laury La 20302 210 49200 214900 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 130.00 3 193.00 1960 0 29.8-3-8 20 Walsh, June S. Laury La 20302 210 46900 172700 01 1967 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 151.91 1480 0 29.8-2-18 21 Schmitz, Robert A. Laury La 20302 210 47800 237000 05 1968 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 3 160.00 2250 0 Page 276 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.8-3-9 22 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Carroll, Richard J. Jr Laury La 20302 210 46600 208300 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1965 0 29.8-2-17 23 Merten, Thomas J. Laury La 20302 210 45600 271700 05 1968 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 80.00 3 150.00 2944 0 29.8-3-10 24 Capel, Richard J. Laury La 20302 210 46600 225600 05 1967 03 2 1 2 0 5 1 100.00 3 150.00 2293 0 29.8-3-3 12 Leon, Richard D. Laury Lane 20302 210 47200 176600 01 1963 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 151.70 1368 0 9.4-2-6.3 Town of Glenville, Lavant 20205 311 2500 2500 0 0 1.10 20205 210 27400 260800 06 2011 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 166.93 3 179.20 1775 0.68 Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 9.4-2-24.1 1 Trendell, Adam J. Lavant 9.4-2-32 2 Ortiz, Santiago & Kimberly Ln Lavant 20205 210 27700 346100 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 149.94 3 276.29 2964 0.83 9.4-2-24.2 3 Greer, Jeffrey M. Lavant Ln 20205 210 27000 236600 05 2009 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 120.23 4 182.75 1844 0.50 9.4-2-33 4 Cristiano, Michael T. Ln Lavant 20205 210 27700 327800 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 172.51 5 276.29 2237 0.87 9.4-2-29 5 Sprotberry, Kent P. Lavant 20205 210 27100 321000 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 120.00 4 182.75 2900 0.56 9.4-2-34 6 Evans, Richard A & Janet L Ln Lavant 20205 210 27500 300000 01 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 205.10 3 184.30 2378 0.75 9.4-2-30 7 Hunt, Katherine E Lavant Ln 20205 210 27200 374500 05 2007 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 147.11 3 180.45 3667 0.61 9.4-2-35 8 Yap, Kokwai Lavant Ln 20205 210 27000 321000 05 2009 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 2434 1.03 9.4-2-31 9 Paolino, Shaun M. Lavant Ln 20205 210 27000 296900 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 120.00 3 169.11 2234 0.51 9.4-2-36 10 Vitulo, Gene J. Lavant Ln 20205 210 42500 310500 01 2007 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 1968 5.01 15.19-3-11 2 Fraioli, Joseph P. Lee Rd 20203 210 25100 155000 04 1935 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 150.00 1394 0 15.19-10-16 3 Quinn, Thomas W. Jr Rd Lee 20203 210 28900 173000 03 1957 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 213.00 1730 0 15.19-3-12 4 Pauze, Life Estate, Denis + Margaret 20203 Rd 210 Lee 25100 177700 04 1951 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 150.00 1674 0 Ln Ln Page 277 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.19-10-15 5 Saleem, AnnMarie Lee 15.19-3-13 6 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 29000 223300 05 1950 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 213.00 2432 0 Talmon, Scott A. Lee Rd 20203 210 26100 135200 01 1949 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 150.00 1040 0 15.19-10-14 7 Pierce, Sandra M. Lee Rd 20203 210 27800 141500 04 1950 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 218.80 1404 0 15.19-3-14 8 DeCiero, John M. Lee Rd 20203 210 26300 154200 04 1950 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 150.00 1296 0 15.19-10-13 9 Marotta, Christopher P. Rd Lee 20203 210 27800 163700 04 1950 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 220.44 1769 0 15.19-3-15 10 Orgill, David W. Lee Rd 20203 210 26100 148700 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.40 3 150.00 1232 0 15.19-10-12 11 Mc Carty, Joseph R. Rd Lee 20203 210 29000 164700 04 1951 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 222.47 1503 0 15.19-3-16 12 De Lafleur, Brian G Lee Rd 20203 210 26300 171800 01 1951 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1462 0 15.19-3-17 14 Sheyon, Gregory Lee Rd 20203 210 26900 174600 01 1950 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 95.00 3 150.00 1572 0 15.19-10-11 15 Miller, Mae Lee Rd 20203 210 29500 179500 01 1951 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 145.40 3 222.47 1522 0 15.19-10-10 17 Gardiner, Robert H. Lee Rd 20203 210 26900 180300 01 1951 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 141.10 1410 0 15.19-10-9 21 Kenyon, Debra A. Lee Rd 20203 210 26500 162600 04 1951 01 2 0 3 0 3 1 90.00 3 144.30 1649 0 15.19-10-8 23 Tersigni, Ronald Lee Rd 20203 210 29100 181800 01 1956 02 3 1 1 2 3 1 160.00 3 149.99 1794 0 39.38-1-15 Hoffman, Kenneth A. St Lee 10208 311 10000 10000 500.00 125.00 0 D'Antoni, Joseph C E St Lee 10208 311 16900 16900 133.33 125.00 0 Village of Scotia, Lee St 10208 311 21600 21600 0 0 0.55 Village Of Scotia, Lee St 10208 311 22200 22200 0 0 2.40 Niedzwiecki, Tim Lepahl Cir 40200 311 8700 8700 0 0 3.42 39.38-1-1 39.46-1-1 13.-1-90 25 Page 278 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 39.46-1-12 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 13.-1-69 26 Niedzwiecki, Tim Lepahl 13.-1-68 28 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Cir 40200 311 10100 10100 0 0 6.64 Niedzwiecki, Tim Lepahl Cir 40200 322 11900 11900 0 0 11.86 13.-1-67 30 Niedzwiecki, Tim Lepahl Cir 40200 311 9900 9900 0 0 6.08 13.-1-89 31 Niedzwiecki, Tim Lepahl Cir 40200 311 8700 8700 0 0 3.42 13.-1-87 32 Niedzwiecki, Tim Lepahl Cir 40200 311 10100 10100 0 0 6.68 13.-1-88 33 Niedzwiecki, Tim Lepahl Cir 40200 311 8700 8700 0 0 3.42 22.10-3-14 1 Swim, Margarita Lillian Dr 20203 210 27400 159200 01 1957 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 153.00 3 105.00 1274 0 22.10-3-27 2 Yezzo, Michael J & Leslie Dr Lillian 20203 210 27300 230000 05 1960 04 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 154.00 2208 0 22.10-3-15 3 Lent, Loren J. Lillian Dr 20203 210 28400 185000 01 1958 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 158.13 1610 0 22.10-3-26 4 Kuchay, Conrad Lillian Dr 20203 210 27500 161400 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 171.47 1325 0 22.10-3-16 5 Kelly, Patrick E. Lillian Dr 20203 210 27100 152000 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1500 0 22.10-3-25 6 Meade, Ann Lillian Dr 20203 210 28000 160300 01 1957 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 188.66 1187 0 22.10-3-17 7 Gabis, Florence Rev Dr Lillian 20203 210 27100 179600 01 1957 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1506 0 22.10-3-24 8 Nieber family trust, Henry R & Doreen 20203 I Dr 210 Lillian 28300 161600 01 1957 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 200.00 1196 0 22.10-3-18 9 DeFilippo, Paul J.& Linda M. (LE) 20203 Dr 210 Lillian 27500 171300 01 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1380 0 22.10-3-23 10 Weist, Mary W. Lillian Dr 20203 210 28500 188700 01 1958 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 200.00 1428 0 22.10-3-19 11 Walkuski, Matthew J. Dr Lillian 20203 210 27700 177500 01 1958 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 109.96 3 150.31 1431 0 22.10-3-22 12 Ottaviano, Robert R. Dr Lillian 20203 210 28600 175000 01 1963 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 206.06 1484 0 Page 279 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.10-3-6 13 Weber, Kevin T. Lillian 22.10-3-21 14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 27100 180000 01 1958 02 3 0 3 1 4 1 85.00 3 150.00 1484 0 Sicilia, Rose M. Lillian Dr 20203 210 27700 160900 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 4 200.06 1731 0 22.10-4-16 15 Valentino, Lola Lillian Dr 20203 210 25300 173600 01 1959 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 71.30 3 149.37 1395 0 22.10-3-20 16 Pauze, Douglas M. Lillian Dr 20203 210 27700 175900 01 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 85.00 3 200.00 1431 0 22.10-4-17 17 Maloy, Howard D. III Dr Lillian 20203 210 27300 174500 01 1959 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 97.92 3 150.39 1515 0 22.10-3-5 18 Houghtaling, Doris M. (LE) Dr Lillian 20203 210 29500 179600 01 1959 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 168.25 4 0 1520 0.60 22.10-4-18 19 Sheehan, James Lillian Dr 20203 210 28700 166000 01 1959 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 276.00 1395 0 22.10-3-4 20 Shoemaker, Brian Lillian Dr 20203 210 21800 250400 05 1960 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 55.20 3 166.00 2340 0 22.10-4-19 21 Smith, Andrew L. Lillian Dr 20203 210 28800 189000 01 1959 02 3 1 1 2 4 1 75.00 3 276.00 1500 0 22.10-3-3 22 Menagias, Arline L. Lillian Dr 20203 210 27200 188300 01 1961 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 92.00 3 166.00 1496 0 22.10-4-20 23 Harte , Deborah A & Dr Lillian 20203 210 27800 177200 01 1959 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 98.75 3 151.50 1435 0 22.10-3-2 24 Smith, Steven V. Lillian Dr 20203 210 27200 152800 01 1960 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 91.70 3 166.00 1288 0 22.10-4-21 25 Deere, Lorraine Lillian Dr 20203 210 27100 154000 01 1960 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1344 0 22.15-3-9 3 Rymski, Aleshia Lincoln Dr 20203 210 25100 110900 01 1951 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 70.00 3 150.00 820 0 22.15-3-20 4 Campisi, June Lincoln Dr 20203 210 25100 157900 04 1943 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 150.00 1590 0 22.15-3-10 5 Ruggiero, Sandra L. Dr Lincoln 20203 210 25100 153200 04 1948 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 70.00 3 150.00 1296 0 22.15-3-11 7 Pereyra, Carlos & Paula Dr Lincoln 20203 210 25100 131000 01 1954 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 150.00 962 0 22.15-3-19 8 Benincasa, Joey Lincoln 20203 210 25100 120900 04 1950 07 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 150.00 1260 0 Page 280 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.15-3-12 9 Rogers, Joan Lincoln 22.15-3-18 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 25100 192500 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 70.00 4 150.00 2022 0 Jeannotte, David Lincoln Dr 20203 210 25100 132500 01 1950 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 150.00 1020 0 22.15-3-13 11 Sanders, Harold Lincoln Dr 20203 210 27300 145000 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 105.00 3 150.00 1587 0 22.15-3-17 12 McLaughlin, Brian P. Dr Lincoln 20203 210 28800 176600 01 1956 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 140.00 4 150.00 1650 0 22.15-3-14 13 Smith, John H & Irene Dr Lincoln 20203 210 27300 189000 01 1967 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 150.00 1656 0 22.15-3-16 16 Alibozek, Robert S. Lincoln Dr 20203 210 29000 146100 01 1967 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 150.00 4 150.00 1104 0 22.15-3-15 17 Pajak, Dennis P. Lincoln Dr 20203 210 26300 181400 01 1968 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 4 150.00 1548 0 38.36-1-5 203 Gifford, Thomas A. Lincoln St 10206 210 16200 137500 08 1910 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 129.00 1680 0 38.28-2-62 204 Parry, Michael A. Lincoln St 10205 210 16600 117600 08 1924 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 214.00 1408 0 38.36-1-4 205 Deyette, Jeannene T. (LE) St Lincoln 10206 210 16100 117600 08 1925 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 135.00 1632 0 38.28-2-63 206 Coombs, Timothy P. St Lincoln 10205 210 16300 117600 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 145.00 1506 0 38.36-1-3 207 Wilbur, Kimberly K. Lincoln St 10206 210 16400 141000 08 1930 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 62.42 3 137.83 2013 0 38.28-2-64 208 Feldle, Kathleen A. Lincoln St 10205 210 16100 118600 08 1907 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 38.00 4 145.00 1246 0 38.36-1-2 209 Clark, Russell S. Lincoln St 10206 210 16300 117000 08 1905 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 162.00 1600 0 38.28-2-65 210 Roe, Richard M. Lincoln St 10205 210 16300 110900 04 1940 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 69.00 3 118.14 1144 0 38.36-1-1 211 Busher, Jonathan K. St Lincoln 10206 210 16600 115200 08 1910 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 65.00 3 195.00 1525 0 22.-1-24.1 Buhrmaster, Donald L. LE Lincoln Dr - Bk/land 20203 300 50600 50600 0 0 19.63 16200 103900 1 60.00 3 110.00 864 0 Raffan, Richard A. Lindbergh Ct 10203 210 01 1953 Page 281 of 628 03 2 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 3 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.69-2-21 2 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.77-1-6 9 Karhan, Andrew J & Adene P Ct Lindbergh 38.42-1-12 401 Insogna, Mary Lindsay 38.43-1-35 408 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10203 210 17600 147600 04 1955 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 169.83 4 200.00 1400 0 Ave 10206 210 16000 132100 04 1953 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1344 0 Cooke, Don A. Lindsay Ave 10207 210 16200 118400 04 1937 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 66.00 3 110.00 1135 0 38.43-1-36 410 Kuehn, Gina M. Lindsay Ave 10207 210 16400 113700 04 1945 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 108.00 1564 0 38.42-1-11.2 411 O'Malley, James R. Lindsay Ave 10206 210 17000 140500 08 1910 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 170.00 3 115.00 1852 0 38.43-1-37 414 Mc Allister, Patricia Lindsay Ave 10207 210 15900 108100 08 1924 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1344 0 38.42-1-10 415 Allen, David P. Lindsay Ave 10206 210 16100 131400 08 1922 06 3 1 1 1 4 1 47.00 3 108.00 1348 0 38.43-1-38 416 Armstrong, Rodney P & Ave Lindsay 10207 210 16300 123100 04 1930 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 108.00 1160 0 38.42-1-9 417 Bailey, Paul S. Lindsay Ave 10206 210 16100 131100 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 4 108.00 1832 0 38.42-1-8 419 Glynn, Martin M. Lindsay Ave 10206 210 16300 112000 04 1945 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 108.00 1278 0 38.43-1-39 420 Hackett, Mrs Marie E. Ave Lindsay 10207 210 16400 122500 08 1930 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 108.00 1444 0 38.11-3-9 507 Straut, Kevin L. Lindsay Ave 20200 210 14300 134200 05 1928 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 108.00 1528 0 38.11-3-8 508 Millman, Robert L. Lindsay Ave 20200 210 7100 127800 13 1933 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 44.00 3 108.00 1317 0 38.11-3-7 510 Conover, Linda Lindsay Ave 20200 210 7100 100600 13 1930 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 38.00 3 108.00 1233 0 38.11-3-10 511 Chlopecki, Alexander II Ave Lindsay 20200 210 7100 95000 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1196 0 38.11-3-6 512 Haverkamp, Jason D. Ave Lindsay 20200 210 18000 136400 13 1934 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 99.00 3 110.00 1934 0 38.11-3-11 513 Treiber, Patricia Lindsay Ave 20200 210 7100 113600 13 1936 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1196 0 38.11-3-12.1 515 Zenner, Eric J. Lindsay Ave 20200 210 8200 150900 05 1925 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 46.00 3 108.00 1580 0 Page 282 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 39.46-1-9.111 1844 Land Development,LLC, Ave Livingston Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class 10208 311 Asmt Land Asmt Total Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 17600 17600 240.00 133.00 0 1 48.00 3 125.00 654 0 39.46-1-15.2 3 Sequin, Daniel P. II Livingston Ave 10208 210 16200 82000 14.-4-20.13 Boord, Larry Lolik Ln 20206 322 22900 22900 0 0 10.56 Rilling, William Lolik Ln 20206 314 37900 37900 535.00 200.00 3.60 14.-4-23 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 14.-4-30 1 Tomasky, David & Sherry Ln Lolik 20206 210 34200 237400 05 1988 03 2 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1728 1.15 14.-4-29 3 Dickerman, Sonja Lolik Ln 20206 210 33600 250000 05 1993 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 127.60 3 279.93 2219 0 14.-4-20.2 4 Darrow, Timothy Lolik Ln 20206 210 31100 188000 05 1978 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1632 0 14.-4-28 5 Bassett, Elizabeth Lolik Ln 20206 210 33600 265000 06 1989 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 127.59 3 280.10 2088 0 22.1-1-52 9 Dela Rocha, Micael & Kelly Ln Lolik 20206 210 37100 331400 05 1828 03 2 1 2 2 3 1 0 3 0 2729 3.06 14.-4-20.12 26 Austin, Michele E Lolik Ln 20206 210 33400 245700 05 1986 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 4 238.00 2254 0 14.-4-21 30 Living Resources Corp, Ln Lolik 20206 210 34200 232700 01 1974 03 2 0 4 2 5 1 228.53 3 221.45 2128 0 22.14-1-16 4 Berrian, Erik A. Lorelei La 20203 210 27200 138200 01 1958 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 75.00 3 202.00 1120 0 22.14-1-17 6 Littlecook Donna R & David A, Lorelei La 20203 210 26900 161400 01 1948 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 200.00 1342 0 22.14-1-35 8 Harris, Eric R. Lorelei La 20203 210 27100 144800 01 1960 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 200.00 1196 0 22.14-1-34 10 Howard, Hollis M. Lorelei La 20203 210 27100 133600 01 1960 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 200.00 1112 0 22.14-1-33 12 Sacco Albert L & Katherine M, Lorelei La 20203 210 27100 181500 01 1965 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1468 0 22.14-1-32 14 Meade, Kay E. Lorelei La 20203 210 27100 164500 01 1958 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1452 0 22.14-1-31 16 Welsh, F Keith & Ann M Lorelei La 20203 210 27100 184000 01 1963 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1676 0 Page 283 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 22.14-1-30 18 Palma, Jerold Lorelei La 20203 210 27100 220000 05 1963 03 3 0 3 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2064 0 22.14-1-29 20 Cochran, Thomas E. Lorelei La 20203 210 27300 187800 01 1960 03 2 1 2 2 3 1 104.07 3 150.00 1704 0 22.14-5-14 22 Davin, Renee M. Lorelei La 20203 210 27700 138800 01 1963 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 106.94 3 160.15 1016 0 22.14-5-15 24 Dimmer, Jimma C. Lorelei La 20203 210 27400 197000 03 1965 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.53 2198 0 22.14-4-23 25 Muckell, Alison D. Lorelei La 20203 210 27100 191700 02 1967 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 2028 0 22.14-5-16 26 Bank of Scotia, First National Lorelei La 20203 210 27400 182100 03 1965 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 160.90 2040 0 22.14-4-22 27 Beaulieu, Renee Lorelei La 20203 210 27500 169000 03 1966 03 2 1 1 1 3 2 110.00 3 150.00 1584 0 22.14-5-17 28 Rumney, James B & Kathleen A 20203 210 Lorelei La 27400 186400 03 1965 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 160.90 2040 0 22.14-4-21 29 Plemenik, Jeanne Lorelei La 20203 210 27200 217100 03 1966 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 4 150.00 2398 0 22.14-5-18 30 Hertzendorf, Adriane & Benjamin H 20203 210 Lorelei La 27100 184500 03 1966 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1830 0 22.14-4-15 16 Tricozzi, Gene M. Lorwood Dr 20203 210 22500 219900 05 1962 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 60.11 3 157.33 2050 0 22.14-4-14 17 Saskowicz, William J. Dr Lorwood 20203 210 27300 212000 03 1955 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 156.40 2366 0 22.14-4-16 18 Wisniewski, Darryl Lorwood Dr 20203 210 27300 198200 03 1967 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 157.33 2146 0 22.14-4-13 19 Murawski, Theodore Dr Lorwood 20203 210 27300 260000 03 1964 03 3 1 1 2 3 1 100.00 4 156.40 2905 0 22.14-4-17 20 Negus, Merrill B. Lorwood Dr 20203 210 27200 178900 01 1962 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 152.00 1604 0 22.14-4-12 21 Snapp, John G. Lorwood Dr 20203 210 27300 200300 05 1962 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 156.40 1946 0 22.14-4-11 23 Evers, Thomas F. Lorwood Dr 20203 210 27300 235000 05 1958 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 156.40 2424 0 22.14-3-23 24 Ruggles, Stephen G Dr Lorwood 20203 210 27000 194200 03 1968 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2062 0 Page 284 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.14-4-10 25 Saville, John E. Lorwood 22.14-3-24 26 Hopkins, Chris I. Lorwood Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 27300 207800 05 1957 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 156.40 2026 0 Dr 20203 210 27100 159100 02 1968 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1872 0 22.14-4-9 27 Rendaci, Life Estate, Frank + Patricia 20203 Dr 210 Lorwood 27300 159500 01 1961 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 156.40 1364 0 22.14-3-25 28 Evans, Thomas Lorwood Dr 20203 210 28800 189800 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 82.83 4 255.89 2008 0 22.14-4-8 29 Pryne, Walter L. Lorwood Dr 20203 210 27300 168600 01 1961 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 156.40 1428 0 22.14-3-42 Fodor, John Lorwood /Maywood Dr 20203 300 100 100 0 0 0.08 Wong, Yiyi Lovers Ln 40200 323 56200 56200 0 0 23.20 Killeen, Thomas Lovers Ln 40200 322 37000 37000 0 0 4.33 Schrader Rev. Trust, Peter H. trustee 40200 Ln 322 Lovers 46400 46400 0 0 13.40 0 0 8.50 1.-1-22 3.-2-19 3.-2-13 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 1.-1-12 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Schmidt, Calvin G. Lovers Ln 40200 311 2000 2000 1.-1-8.22 120 Jordan, Mark Lovers Ln 40200 210 36800 239400 06 1987 01 4 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1950 4.20 3.-2-39 145 Smith, Jeremy Lovers Ln 40200 210 36200 190000 06 1996 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1275 3.79 3.-2-40 227 Jung, Craig H & Sariah H Ln Lovers 40200 215 37500 283900 05 2006 03 3 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2860 4.64 3.-2-47 310 Hayes, Walter S. Lovers Ln 40200 240 43400 293400 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2848 14.95 3.-2-41 339 Horton, John Stephen Ln Lovers 40200 210 38200 245400 06 1993 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1944 5.17 3.-2-17.1 342 Shepherd, Robert Douglas Ln Lovers 40200 210 33600 143300 01 1974 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1260 2.09 3.-2-42 365 Grainer, Ryan A. Lovers Ln 40200 210 39900 209100 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1640 6.93 3.-2-43 367 Hess, Christopher Lovers Ln 40200 240 43100 218800 05 2003 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1690 10.13 Page 285 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 3.-2-44 369 Bongermino, Vincent P/Jennifer C40200 Ln 240 Lovers 50700 199700 01 2003 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1349 17.65 3.-2-45 391 Nevulis, Donna Lovers 40200 210 38000 293000 06 1994 01 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 2286 5.04 1.-1-9 395 Warner, Life Estate, Carol J. Ln Lovers 40200 240 232800 477000 05 1983 01 4 0 2 2 5 1 0 3 0 4099 307.30 3.-2-48 398 Holbrook, James P. Lovers Ln 40200 210 40800 243300 04 1999 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1960 7.82 3.-2-18.1 716 Gillikin, David Paul Lovers Ln 40200 240 98000 221100 08 1850 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1499 100.00 16.5-1-18 4 Van Patten Irrevocable trust, Preston 20204 J. (LE) Dr 210 Lynn 34000 165800 02 1969 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 55.85 3 201.92 1876 0 16.5-1-27 5 EJF Properties, LLC, Dr Lynn 20204 210 37000 121700 01 1970 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 161.16 3 138.56 1401 0 16.5-1-19 6 Mitchell, William H. Lynn Dr 20204 210 35500 162400 01 1961 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 201.92 1284 0 16.5-1-26 7 Vaughters, Frances Lynn Dr 20204 210 35700 165000 01 1993 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 123.50 3 138.07 1532 0 16.5-1-20 8 Pomeroy, Brian T & Magdalena Dr Lynn 20204 210 35100 175900 02 1966 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 81.00 3 189.92 2346 0 16.5-1-25 9 Nicoll, Stephen D Lynn Dr 20204 311 35400 35400 117.00 138.07 0 16.5-1-21 10 Rogers, Barbara Lynn Dr 20204 210 35100 144000 01 1960 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 88.00 3 177.77 1100 0 16.5-1-24 11 Shea, Brandon Lynn Dr 20204 210 35300 153700 01 1979 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 113.00 3 138.07 1092 0 16.5-1-22 12 Mc Kenna, Kevin C. Dr Lynn 20204 210 35200 148500 01 1958 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 97.00 3 164.16 1164 0 16.5-1-23 14 Ziobrowski, Ernest C. Dr Lynn 20204 210 35200 148600 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 106.50 3 143.23 1100 0 29.74-1-7.1 Clemons, Robb L. Lyric St 10201 311 18100 18100 60.00 90.00 0 29.75-2-36 3 Dantz, Susan K. Lyric St 10201 210 18100 81600 1 60.00 3 90.00 942 0 29.-4-30.3 Town Of Glenville, Maalwyck Park Rd 20201 591 164200 210400 0 0 60.19 13 1907 Page 286 of 628 03 3 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 2 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.66-1-16 Glenville Homes, Mac Arthur Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Dr 10201 311 100 100 5.00 200.00 0 Glenville Homes, Mac Arthur Dr 20201 311 2000 2000 5.00 200.00 0 29.15-3-16 43 Hughes, Betty Ann Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 22600 123600 1 65.00 3 200.00 1160 0 29.66-1-15 43 Hughes, Betty Ann Mac Arthur Dr 10201 311 500 500 65.00 151.00 0 29.15-3-17 47 Vollmer, Rita Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 22600 140000 1 65.00 3 200.00 1252 0 29.66-1-14 47 Vollmer, Rita J. Mac Arthur Dr 10201 311 500 500 65.00 139.00 0 29.16-2-49 48 Gibbons, Frederick A. Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 8500 155900 01 1967 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 35.00 3 120.00 1566 0 29.16-2-48 50 Clemons, Robb L. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 12600 126700 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 52.00 3 120.00 1160 0 29.15-3-18 51 Prentice, Joseph M. Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 22600 121300 04 1942 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 65.00 3 200.00 1160 0 29.66-1-13 51 Prentice, Joseph M. Dr Mac Arthur 10201 311 400 400 65.00 127.00 0 29.16-2-47 52 Kurowski, Deborah Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 12600 93500 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 52.00 3 120.00 1160 0 29.15-3-19 53 Coulson, Thomas D. Jr Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 9500 124900 04 1943 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 94.00 1044 0 29.66-1-12 53 Coulson, Thomas D. Jr Dr Mac Arthur 10201 311 350 350 50.00 115.00 0 3 120.00 1080 0 04 1952 05 1940 Ext Wall Heat Type 01 3 01 3 Half Baths Baths 0 1 1 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 3 0 5 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 29.15-3-15 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 29.16-2-46 54 Walkowicz, Joyce N. (LE) Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 12800 122400 04 1941 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 54.00 29.15-3-20 55 Pratico, Joseph D. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 20200 142300 04 1941 02 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 200.00 1612 0 29.66-1-11 55 Pratico, Joseph Mac Arthur Dr 10200 311 350 350 50.00 106.00 0 29.16-2-45 56 Bakuzonis, Thomas + Karen Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 12600 127900 1 52.00 3 120.00 1080 0 29.66-1-10 57 Rodriguez, Josepha Ann Dr Mac Arthur 10201 311 300 300 50.00 96.00 0 04 1943 Page 287 of 628 02 2 0 1 0 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.15-3-21 57 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rodriguez, Josepha Ann Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 20200 107000 04 1940 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 200.00 900 0 29.16-2-44 58 DePoalo, Nathan Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 12600 124500 04 1944 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 52.00 3 120.00 1044 0 29.66-1-9 59 Day, Mai-Lis Mac Arthur Dr 10201 311 300 300 50.00 87.00 0 29.15-3-22 59 Day, Mai-Lis Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 20200 135100 1 50.00 3 200.00 1320 0 29.66-1-8 61 Barta, Benedict Mac Arthur Dr 10201 311 250 250 50.00 77.00 0 1 50.00 3 200.00 1080 0 50.00 67.00 0 1 50.00 3 200.00 900 0 04 1949 02 2 Barta, Benedict Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 20200 123800 29.66-1-7 63 Smith, Rich S. Mac Arthur Dr 10201 311 200 200 29.15-3-24 63 Smith, Rick S. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 20200 110900 29.66-1-6 65 Switts, Geoffrey & Kimberly Dr Mac Arthur 10201 311 200 200 50.00 57.00 0 1 50.00 3 200.00 1059 0 50.00 48.00 0 1 50.00 3 200.00 1044 0 20201 210 20200 148400 29.66-1-5 67 Frank, Jamison & Erica R Dr Mac Arthur 10200 311 150 150 29.15-3-26 67 Frank, Jamison & Erica R Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 20200 121100 29.66-1-4 69 Crum, Alex R. Mac Arthur 10201 311 150 150 50.00 38.00 0 3 200.00 1706 0 03 2 0 1 0 3 Switts, Geoffrey & Kimberly Dr Mac Arthur 04 1940 02 2 0 1 0 3 29.15-3-25 65 Dr 04 1944 02 2 0 1 0 3 Bld Cond Depth 29.15-3-23 61 04 1950 02 3 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 04 1940 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 0 1 0 3 0 2 29.15-3-27 69 Crum, Alex R. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 20200 112000 05 1944 03 2 0 2 0 5 1 50.00 29.15-3-31 70 Pettengill, Susan P. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 13100 122500 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 52.00 3 125.00 1080 0 29.66-1-3 71 Blase, Deborah S. Mac Arthur Dr 10201 311 150 150 50.00 28.00 0 29.15-3-28 71 Blase, Deborah S. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 20200 124200 04 1943 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 200.00 1008 0 29.15-3-32 72 Morelli, Vincent P. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 13100 127900 04 1944 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 125.00 1212 0 Page 288 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.66-1-2 73 Wilcox, Rachael E. Mac Arthur Dr Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 10201 311 150 150 50.00 18.00 0 3 200.00 1044 0 29.15-3-29 73 Wilcox, Rachael E. Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 20200 119800 04 1934 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 29.15-3-33 74 Palmo, Janice Mac Arthur Dr 20201 210 13100 123600 04 1940 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 125.00 1044 0 29.66-1-1 75 Gardner, Catherine Mac Arthur Dr 10201 311 100 100 35.00 18.00 0 29.15-3-30 75 Gardner, Catherine E. Dr Mac Arthur 20201 210 23200 142000 1 80.00 3 192.00 1392 0 30.19-1-39.13 Hauck, Julie Maple Ave 50100 330 2500 2500 10.00 210.00 0 Yates Cemetery, Maple Ave 50100 695 7200 7200 65.00 80.00 0 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Maple 50100 300 15000 15000 0 0 3.29 Hudson River Estates Inc, Ave Maple 20204 312 171000 206000 0 0 99.45 Cassillo, Mary (LE) Maple Ave 20204 311 22500 22500 0 0 9.80 30.19-1-31.1 4 Bourst, Ricky J. Maple Ave 20100 210 24400 113400 01 1970 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 60.00 3 130.00 768 0 30.19-1-38 7 La Barge, Leo & Jo Ann Ave Maple 20100 210 34600 117400 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 62.12 3 210.00 1251 0 30.19-1-33.1 8 Foti, Derek A. Maple Ave 20100 210 37300 163000 04 1950 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.07 3 290.00 1628 0 30.19-1-37 9 Frith, Edwin & Maple Ave 20100 210 34500 92000 08 1945 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 210.00 972 0 30.19-1-34.1 10 De Arroyo, Alphonso Ave Maple 20100 210 35400 144900 13 1933 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 312.00 1311 0 30.19-1-36 11 Morey, Julie Maple Ave 20100 210 35100 155100 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 210.00 1306 0 30.19-1-35.1 15 Rivera, Thomas Maple Ave 20100 210 36200 160000 08 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 210.00 1800 0 30.19-1-39.31 17 Partners, LLC, Broad + Thomas 50100 Ave 330 Maple 19000 19000 65.00 624.00 0 23.-2-16 23.-2-62 30.-1-8.31 23.9-3-4.3 05 1946 Page 289 of 628 03 2 0 2 0 4 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.-1-12 31 Mastroianni, Albert Maple Ave Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 50100 330 67100 67100 200.00 165.00 0 3 0 2852 28.53 30.-1-5.1 61 Schmidt, Bernice M. Ave Maple 20202 240 135100 193800 08 1913 02 3 1 2 1 7 2 0 30.-1-6.12 67 Coppola, Thomas Maple Ave 20100 210 40500 220100 04 1996 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 3 0 2540 2.69 30.-1-6.11 69 Coppola, Andimo A. (LE) Ave Maple 20100 210 48400 220400 01 1967 03 2 0 2 2 3 1 0 3 0 1720 3.91 22.-1-17 81 Oshetski-Bacchia, Lori A. Ave Maple 20204 210 57400 280300 08 1821 02 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 2424 6.90 22.-1-18 89 Selim, Sobhi Maple Ave 20204 210 37800 198000 02 1986 01 4 1 1 0 4 1 125.00 3 318.00 2229 0.92 22.-1-19 91 Roberts, Paul F. Maple Ave 20204 210 41700 200200 02 1979 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 125.00 3 319.00 2442 0 22.-1-20 93 Pangburn, Kimberly Ave Maple 20204 210 42400 193500 01 1988 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1836 1.39 22.-1-21 95 Meng, Robert J. Maple Ave 20204 210 42500 172300 01 1990 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1436 1.41 22.-1-22 97 Osmani, Noorullah Maple Ave 20204 210 42500 305000 06 1993 03 3 0 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 2748 1.45 22.-1-23 99 Orminski, Edward Maple Ave 20204 210 39500 186000 02 1972 01 3 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1736 2.03 23.-2-19.112 101 Olsen, Carl A. Maple Ave 20204 210 38600 265000 01 2002 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1961 1.38 23.-2-19.3 103 Olsen, Antoinette F. Maple Ave 20204 210 39200 275000 06 1991 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2120 1.82 23.-2-19.121 109 Hastings, Gary J. Maple Ave 20204 210 38800 201000 05 1985 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1864 1.50 23.-2-19.2 115 Ducharme, Stanley Maple Ave 20204 210 39200 267300 08 1790 03 3 0 2 0 5 1 332.00 4 349.00 2760 1.80 23.-2-18.21 127 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Maple 20204 311 46200 72000 0 0 7.20 23.-2-20 128 Caccavo, Patrick Maple Ave 20204 230 36000 165000 08 1910 03 2 0 3 0 4 3 146.00 3 125.77 2211 0 23.-2-21 130 Pudim, Edward Jr Maple Ave 20204 210 32700 161800 02 1974 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 70.00 3 126.00 1976 0 Page 290 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.-2-15.13 133 Fannie Mae, Maple Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20204 411 39700 369000 05 1734 02 3 1 5 2 9 5 0 3 0 6912 2.06 23.-2-46 136 Graham, Bryan D & Kathleen C 20204 Ave 210 Maple 38600 156700 01 1996 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1024 1.43 23.-2-22.1 138 Tucci, David P. Maple Ave 20204 210 37200 138500 08 1892 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 101.03 3 262.87 1494 0 23.-2-15.21 139 Byrnes, Shawn M. Maple Ave 20204 210 41000 217000 06 1939 01 2 0 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 2808 2.99 23.-2-44 140 Dudla, Andrew A. Maple Ave 20204 210 38000 162600 05 1999 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1400 1.01 23.-2-43 142 DiBlasio, Douglas B. Ave Maple 20204 210 38000 172400 04 1999 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 1194 1.00 23.-2-14 143 Sykes, Douglas B. Maple Ave 20204 210 39100 202900 01 1942 03 3 0 2 2 3 1 0 4 0 1600 1.70 23.-2-42 144 Bates, Benjamin W. & Ave Maple 20204 210 38100 163000 05 2000 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1300 1.04 23.-2-13 145 Arnow, Jeffrey C. Maple Ave 20204 210 38300 194900 04 1947 02 2 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1908 1.20 23.-2-41 146 Langelier, Caroline Maple Ave 20204 210 38100 187500 01 1992 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 1267 1.07 23.-2-12 147 Arnow, Matthew C. Maple Ave 20204 210 38300 188000 04 1947 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1851 1.21 23.-2-40 148 Bergami, John A. Maple Ave 20204 210 38100 211000 01 1994 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1534 1.08 23.-2-11 149 Colino, Michael J Maple Ave 20204 210 38300 190000 08 1938 03 3 1 2 2 4 1 0 3 0 1977 1.20 23.-2-39 150 Terwilliger, David A. Maple Ave 20204 210 38100 197600 05 1992 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1736 1.09 23.-2-10 151 Smith, Brenda K Maple Ave 20204 210 38200 128500 13 1942 06 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 936 1.14 23.-2-38 152 Bagnoli, Marnie L. Maple Ave 20204 210 38100 178800 05 2001 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1524 1.07 23.-2-9 153 Pidgeon, Ralph A. Maple Ave 20204 210 38900 276400 05 1920 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 4 0 2574 1.60 23.-2-37 154 Welsh, Gregory J. Maple Ave 20204 210 38100 178700 05 2002 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1492 1.07 Page 291 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.-2-8 155 Nichter, Donald L. Maple 23.-2-36 156 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20204 210 37100 134400 04 1938 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 415.00 968 0 Ross, Walter Henry Maple Ave 20204 210 38100 199600 05 2002 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 0 4 0 1748 1.08 23.-2-7 157 Weaver, Caryn Maple Ave 20204 210 37600 141800 08 1903 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 90.00 3 395.00 1174 0 23.-2-35 158 Marin, Rita M. Maple Ave 20204 210 38100 211120 01 1993 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2098 1.09 23.-2-6 159 Hutzel, Shannon T. Maple Ave 20204 210 37300 139900 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 4 365.00 1154 0 23.-2-34 160 Najafipour, Sara Maple Ave 20204 210 38200 154000 02 2001 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1340 1.10 23.-2-5 161 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 20204 Ave 280 Maple 53100 165000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 135.80 3 340.00 721 0 23.-2-5 161 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 20204 Ave 280 Maple 53100 165000 05 1928 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 135.80 2 340.00 1704 0 23.-2-33.1 162 Matinson, Michael P. Ave Maple 20204 210 38600 209800 01 1995 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 1534 1.38 23.-2-4 163 Powers, Shannon L. Ave Maple 20204 210 36500 139000 08 1932 06 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 285.00 1142 0 23.-2-31.11 164 Goldman, Michael E. Ave Maple 20204 210 39600 168200 05 2000 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1300 2.08 23.-2-3 165 Bisnett, Peter T & Sarah A Ave Maple 20204 210 35100 137000 08 1928 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 1142 0 23.-2-2 167 Palmer, James Maple Ave 20204 210 34500 145100 08 1923 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 58.00 3 220.00 1441 0 23.-2-1 169 Healy, Hilary Maple Ave 20204 210 38200 130400 08 1908 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 270.00 2 185.00 1142 0 23.13-1-18.11 173 Bruhns, David W. Jr Ave Maple 20208 220 41800 219900 08 1845 01 2 0 2 0 3 2 0 3 0 1999 4.56 23.9-3-5 180 Mayo, Geniene Maple Ave 20204 210 35100 123700 01 1961 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 200.00 936 0 23.9-2-14 181 Horstmann, Barbara A. Ave Maple 20204 210 37500 128600 08 1932 04 3 1 1 0 4 1 125.00 3 269.00 1122 0 23.9-3-4.112 182 NYS Dept Of Transportation, Ave Maple 20204 330 100 100 0 0 0.21 Page 292 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.9-3-4.12 182 Richmond, John P. Maple Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20204 240 49900 164000 01 1966 03 4 0 2 0 3 1 121.78 3 160.69 1572 0.42 23.9-2-13 183 Wainwright, Robert L. & Ave Maple 20204 210 37900 148500 08 1904 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 157.00 3 269.60 1311 0 23.9-2-12.3 187 Polikoski, Raymond Ave Maple 20204 210 42600 235800 08 1860 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2135 4.04 23.9-3-1 188 Cruz, Orlando Maple Ave 20204 210 35600 132000 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 85.30 3 210.00 1028 0 23.9-3-2 190 Dufort, Paul M. Maple Ave 20204 210 37000 174200 01 1963 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 99.13 3 235.22 1378 0 23.9-2-11.11 191 Polikoski, Raymond Jr Ave Maple 20204 210 40500 160000 01 1959 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1344 2.48 23.-2-91 County of Schenectady, Ave Maple 0 311 100 100 0 0 0.55 Ext 20204 311 30000 30000 0 0 0.80 Coles, Mckenzie M. Ext Maple Ave 20204 311 38300 38300 0 0 1.20 23.9-4-1.112 199 Garrett, Garry J. Maple Ave Ext 20204 210 34700 42600 0 0 0.49 23.9-4-10 200 Zakriski, Timothy G. Ext Maple Ave 20204 210 36500 221200 05 1977 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 2000 0 23.9-4-18 201 Hansen, Jeffrey Maple Ave Ext 20204 220 47600 47600 12 2015 03 2 1 3 0 6 2 0 3 0 3360 1.06 23.9-4-9 202 Burnham, Shirley A. Ext Maple Ave 20204 210 34900 144600 01 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 142.24 1248 0 23.9-4-17 203 DeLuke, Bryan + Elizabeth Ext Maple Ave 20204 210 47600 252700 01 2015 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 4 0 1865 0.84 23.9-4-8.1 204 Mott, Cynthia Maple Ave Ext 20204 210 38300 133600 01 1975 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 157.00 3 0 1032 1.20 23.9-4-6 208 Hensel, Thomas D. Maple Ave Ext 20204 210 37300 190000 05 1977 03 2 0 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 283.54 2056 0 23.9-4-5.3 210 Iovinelli, Edward G. Jr Ext Maple Ave 20204 210 28500 240200 03 1977 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 291.42 2167 0.68 23.9-4-4 212 Plumey, Livia Maple Ave 20204 210 37100 160000 01 1977 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 249.00 1298 0 23.9-4-1.2 Iovinelli, Edward G. Maple Ave Ext Page 293 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 23.9-4-2 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.9-4-3 214 Salorio, Manuel T. Maple Ave 23.9-2-31 101 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20204 210 36800 240100 03 1977 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 93.21 4 226.40 2016 0 Pirigyi, Thomas J & Karen Dr Maplewood 20307 210 48300 186000 03 1965 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 200.00 3 100.00 1920 0 22.12-4-12 104 Matern, Paul A. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 50100 176800 01 1975 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 200.00 3 217.00 1458 0 23.13-1-1 105 Armstrong, Raymond C. Dr Maplewood 20307 210 46900 206200 01 1975 03 2 2 3 1 4 1 107.00 4 150.00 2292 0 23.13-1-2 107 Jesmain, Edward & Aileen M Dr Maplewood 20307 210 48900 253600 04 1958 04 2 1 2 2 5 1 124.14 4 183.95 2874 0 23.13-1-3 109 McCoy, Virginia A. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 48900 186500 01 1960 02 2 0 2 2 3 1 153.54 4 136.00 1828 0 23.13-3-18 110 Witkins, Kenneth R. Dr Maplewood 20307 210 47900 222200 03 1964 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 4 150.00 2256 0 23.13-2-1 111 Hewitt, Lorajane E. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 49100 214800 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 120.00 4 205.00 1904 0 23.13-3-17 112 Doolittle, Alden T. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 47900 230300 02 1961 01 2 0 2 2 4 1 125.00 4 150.00 2260 0 23.13-3-16 114 Penske, Glendon B. Dr Maplewood 20307 210 47300 230500 01 1962 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 111.41 3 161.52 2292 0 23.13-2-15 115 Kain, Lewis Maplewood Dr 20307 210 49100 248600 01 1958 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 120.00 4 205.00 2200 0 23.13-3-15 116 Singh, Arvindser Maplewood Dr 20307 210 47100 238100 05 1962 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 91.92 4 196.00 2744 0 23.13-3-14 118 Caffrey, Thomas J & Kathleen Dr Maplewood 20307 210 48900 280700 05 1962 03 3 1 2 2 4 1 115.14 4 196.00 3192 0 23.13-3-13 120 Miller, Steven M. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 48100 238500 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 195.07 2412 0 23.13-2-29 121 Harper, Todd M. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 47700 216200 05 1966 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 135.41 3 134.16 2163 0 23.13-3-12 122 Sheehy, Neil A. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 47200 213800 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 84.70 4 200.00 2184 0 23.13-3-11 124 Premsager, Mercy Maplewood Dr 20307 210 48300 197900 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 2016 0 23.13-3-10 126 Watkins, William E. Maplewood Dr 20307 210 48300 234500 01 1962 01 2 0 3 2 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 2552 0 Page 294 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ext Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.13-2-43 127 Mack, Howard I. Maplewood Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20307 210 47700 255700 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 126.64 3 137.07 2512 0 23.13-3-9 128 Bielecki, Christopher E. Dr Maplewood 20307 210 48400 228500 05 1962 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.41 4 204.08 2328 0 23.13-3-8 130 Boyajian, Jack Maplewood Dr 20307 210 46900 300000 01 1962 03 2 0 3 2 3 1 78.70 3 204.08 3828 0 29.75-2-30.1 203 Cramer, Dawn Marcelis Ave 10201 210 18700 108500 13 1900 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 90.00 3 140.00 1113 0 29.75-2-25 208 Seaburg, Diane Marcelis Ave 10201 210 17400 91800 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 70.00 1044 0 29.75-2-24 212 Pavlus, Mark J. Marcelis Ave 10201 210 18400 133200 04 1950 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1545 0 29.75-2-23 216 Rossi, Richard M. Marcelis Ave 10201 210 18400 111100 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1239 0 29.75-2-22 222 Senecal, Leslie Marcelis Ave 10201 210 18400 125000 04 1956 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1248 0 29.75-2-21 226 Cozzolino, Allison Marcelis Ave 10201 210 18400 125500 04 1948 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 140.00 1482 0 29.75-2-20 228 Hammer, Kimberly + Ryan Ave Marcelis 10201 210 18700 123700 08 1900 03 3 0 3 0 4 1 90.00 3 140.00 2084 0 22.13-4-11 1 Keith, Jeffrey + Brooke Ct Marcia 20305 210 48100 242100 05 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 130.46 4 148.31 2172 0 22.13-4-8 2 Guctas, Yigit Marcia 20305 210 48700 220800 01 1967 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 169.60 4 129.89 1746 0 22.13-4-10 3 Hlat, Joseph F & Barbara E Ct Marcia 20305 210 45400 242000 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 79.46 4 0 2127 0.77 22.13-4-9 4 Regels, Vincent W & Denise E Ct Marcia 20305 210 46100 206600 03 1967 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 91.60 4 0 1944 0.73 22.13-2-7 1 Puglisi, Peter M. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 50200 226900 05 1961 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 223.72 4 200.00 1940 0 22.13-2-6 3 Zabin, Barton B & Marilyn Dr 20305 210 47900 233000 05 1963 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 95.00 4 200.00 2070 0 22.13-3-21 4 Gordon, Paul J. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 46900 259600 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.09 2388 0 22.13-2-5 5 Corvene, Beth Marilyn Dr 20305 210 47900 149000 01 1961 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 95.00 4 200.00 1430 0 Page 295 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ct Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.13-3-22 6 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Helms, Bette A. (LE) Dr Marilyn 20305 210 46800 169500 02 1962 01 2 0 2 2 4 1 105.00 3 150.00 1848 0 22.13-2-4 7 Weldon, John W. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 47900 232600 05 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 200.00 2070 0 22.13-3-23 8 Lewis, Glenda G. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 46800 249500 05 1966 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 2204 0 22.13-2-3 9 Olson, Richard G. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 47900 200000 01 1963 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 95.00 4 200.00 1604 0 22.13-3-24 10 Naumowicz, Edward T. Dr Marilyn 20305 210 46800 230300 05 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 2058 0 22.13-2-2 11 Westbrook, Michael & Sharon Dr Marilyn 20305 210 47900 260000 05 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 200.00 2471 0 22.13-3-25 12 Schiesswohl, Philip J. Dr Marilyn 20305 210 46800 252100 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 2234 0 22.13-2-1 13 Walrath, Margo A. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 47900 234500 03 1963 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 95.00 4 200.00 2534 0 22.13-3-26 14 Amell, Joan R. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 46800 237400 05 1965 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 2164 0 22.13-3-27 16 Noll, Rose Marie Marilyn Dr 20305 210 46800 257800 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 5 1 105.00 4 150.00 2542 0 22.13-3-28 18 Patneaude, Brian Marilyn Dr 20305 210 49200 204900 03 1969 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 145.00 4 182.90 1916 0 22.13-3-29 20 Leffler, Jesse R. Marilyn Dr 20305 210 50300 172900 02 1968 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1794 1.07 29.15-1-40 Lange, David R. Marion Blvd 20201 311 10100 10100 40.00 125.00 0 3 120.00 1676 0 29.15-1-17 5 Ahmad, Ejaz Marion Blvd 20201 210 20600 154800 02 1988 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 83.00 29.15-1-16 7 Hargraves, Danielle L Blvd Marion 20201 210 12600 146400 04 1950 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 125.00 1612 0 29.11-4-17 8 Briere, Robert G & Constance Blvd Marion 20201 210 23100 120000 01 1969 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 125.00 1170 0 29.11-4-18 10 Oluyede, Stephen Marion Blvd 20201 210 15200 129100 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 29.15-1-15 11 Gundlach, Paul E. Marion Blvd 20201 210 12600 132000 04 1940 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1242 0 Page 296 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.11-4-19 12 Bradt, Michael Marion 29.11-4-20 14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Blvd 20201 210 15200 144700 04 1950 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 Cota, Dawn Marion Blvd 20201 210 15200 126000 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 29.15-1-14 15 Smith, James G. Marion Blvd 20201 210 23000 151200 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 115.00 3 125.00 1593 0 29.11-4-21 18 Jabjiniak, Kathleen & Richard Jr 20201 Blvd 210 Marion 15200 146200 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1356 0 29.15-1-13 19 Greski, Jason Marion Blvd 20201 210 13900 132900 04 1946 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 125.00 1298 0 29.15-1-12 20 Rakvica, Joseph R. Marion Blvd 20201 210 15200 104400 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 125.00 872 0 29.15-1-48 21 O'Neil, Sherry Marion Blvd 20201 210 13900 113600 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 55.00 3 125.00 964 0 29.15-1-11 24 Mortgage Agency, State of NY Blvd Marion 20201 210 15200 104600 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 125.00 872 0 29.15-1-47 25 Vaeth, Gary Marion Blvd 20201 210 22100 144300 04 1941 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 125.00 1615 0 29.15-1-10 26 Houst, Karla Marion Blvd 20201 210 15200 160000 04 2004 03 2 1 2 0 5 1 60.00 4 125.00 1676 0 29.15-1-46 29 Massaro, David & Sherry Blvd Marion 20201 210 15200 146100 04 1947 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 125.00 1650 0 29.15-1-9 30 Zawilinski, Leonard A. Blvd Marion 20201 210 15200 148600 04 1952 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1506 0 29.15-1-45 31 Regels, Jason J. & Sharon T. Blvd Marion 20201 210 15200 145000 04 1950 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1567 0 29.15-1-8 32 Groncki, Timothy Marion Blvd 20201 210 15200 133400 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1308 0 29.15-1-44 35 Molloy, Michael D. Marion Blvd 20201 210 20200 97800 13 1938 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 125.00 840 0 29.15-1-7 36 Butterfield Family Trust, Laurel A. 20201 Blvd 210 Marion 15200 135000 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1308 0 29.15-1-43 37 Savaria, Forrest A. Marion Blvd 20201 210 10100 145300 04 1951 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 125.00 1672 0 29.15-1-6 38 Tappan, David M. & Blvd Marion 20201 210 15200 145800 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1560 0 Page 297 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.15-1-42 39 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Hatfield, Barbara (LE) Blvd Marion 20201 210 20200 90700 13 1937 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 125.00 740 0 29.15-1-5 40 Shader, William N & Blvd Marion 20201 210 15200 142000 04 1952 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1526 0 29.15-1-41 43 Paszkiewicz, Richard Blvd Marion 20201 210 20200 111700 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 125.00 1566 0 29.15-1-4 44 Gundlach, Patricia L. Blvd Marion 20201 210 15200 100000 04 1952 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1496 0 29.15-1-39 49 Lange, David R. Marion Blvd 20201 210 10100 134500 13 1951 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1350 0 29.15-1-38 51 Renus, Nicholas J. Marion Blvd 20201 210 10100 120400 08 1936 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1468 0 29.15-1-37 55 Renus, Gail P. Marion Blvd 20201 210 25100 95000 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 165.20 3 148.50 792 0 30.-1-8.4 WK Alplaus LLC, Maritime Dr 20204 322 109300 109300 0 0 62.00 16.13-3-20 1 Rossi, Michael W. Marjon Ave 20205 210 25700 154100 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 120.12 3 150.00 1188 0 16.13-4-17 2 Barney, Harlan S. Jr Ave Marjon 20205 210 25200 171000 01 1954 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 97.44 3 167.00 1522 0 16.13-3-19 3 Poulin, Tammy Marjon Ave 20205 210 25600 174500 01 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 125.00 3 133.00 1536 0 16.13-4-18 4 Garfi, Alfred Marjon Ave 20205 210 25200 176700 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 91.50 3 167.00 1503 0 16.13-3-18 5 Liggett, Jeremy Marjon Ave 20205 210 25600 140300 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 125.00 3 133.00 910 0 16.13-4-19 6 Thomas, Shirley Marjon Ave 20205 210 25200 224900 01 1953 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 91.50 3 167.00 1956 0 16.13-3-17 7 Nuzzi, Anthony T. Marjon Ave 20205 210 27100 275000 01 2003 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 185.00 4 133.00 2186 0 16.13-4-20 8 Montgomery, William J. Jr Ave Marjon 20205 210 25200 190500 01 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 91.50 3 167.00 1536 0 16.13-4-21 10 Kelly, John T. Marjon Ave 20205 210 25200 160000 01 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 91.50 3 167.00 1436 0 16.13-4-22 12 O'Connor, Carole A. Ave Marjon 20205 210 25200 238400 03 1955 01 2 1 2 1 6 1 91.37 3 167.00 2642 0 Page 298 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-3-16 13 Balmuth, Glenn R. Marjon 16.13-4-23 14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20205 210 25300 195700 03 1962 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 76.13 3 204.00 1944 0 Sinclair, Jeremy B. Marjon Ave 20205 210 25100 192400 01 1957 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 90.13 3 172.20 1512 0 16.13-4-24 16 Girard, Joseph M. Marjon Ave 20205 210 25300 159400 03 1953 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 177.10 1558 0 16.13-4-25 18 Gier, Frederic C. Marjon Ave 20205 210 26000 140000 01 1970 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 93.30 3 182.50 1056 0 16.13-4-26 20 Bednarczyk, Peter J. Jr Ave Marjon 20205 210 25200 142300 01 1967 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 204.00 1008 0 16.13-4-27 22 Ruffinen, Michael E. Ave Marjon 20205 210 26200 154400 03 1956 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 93.20 3 204.70 1464 0 16.13-4-28 24 Wesley, Eileen M. Marjon 20205 210 25700 171600 01 1957 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 92.50 3 183.60 1532 0 29.68-1-18 Gibbons, Patrick M. St Market 10100 311 17600 17600 80.00 155.00 0 Gibbons, Patrick Market St 40100 330 25000 25000 90.00 155.00 0 29.68-1-15 6 Village Of Scotia, Market St 40100 330 25600 25600 40.00 155.00 0 29.68-1-5 7 Bullock, Terrance D. St Market 10100 210 24300 133400 02 1969 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 52.50 3 140.00 1368 0 29.68-1-6 9 Folk, Charles J. Market St 10100 210 24300 125000 02 1971 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 52.50 3 140.00 1394 0 29.68-1-7 11 Berdeen, Donald R. St Market 10100 210 24300 126600 02 1967 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 52.50 3 140.00 1418 0 29.68-1-8 13 Puglisi, Joseph C Jr & St Market 10100 210 24300 128500 02 1969 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 52.50 3 140.00 1418 0 30.61-1-5 23 Schlomberg, William F. St Market 10100 210 24300 133000 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 140.00 1250 0 30.61-1-6 27 Rojos, Raul Market St 10100 210 24300 142100 02 1968 03 2 1 1 0 5 1 55.00 3 140.00 1754 0 30.61-1-7 29 De Amour, Donald Market St 10100 210 24300 129700 02 1969 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 140.00 1250 0 30.61-1-8 33 Romeo, Jay C. Market St 10100 210 24300 138500 02 1970 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 140.00 1562 0 29.68-1-16 Page 299 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.61-1-9 35 Aragona, Daniel J. Market 30.61-1-10.1 35A Santon, Dawn Market 30.61-1-13 37 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 10100 210 24400 125600 02 1969 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 962 0 St 10100 210 6500 173900 01 2009 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 50.00 3 140.00 1125 0.89 Mc Conville, Kevin & Kris St Market 10100 210 24400 140300 02 1969 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1418 0 30.61-1-14 39 Law, Sherry A. Market St 10100 210 24200 137500 02 1970 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1418 0 30.61-1-16 41 McGlynn, Kathleen T. St Market 10100 210 24200 130200 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 67.00 3 105.00 1418 0 30.61-1-17 43 Salmeri, Thomas E & Danielle Jr 10100 St 210 Market 24200 134100 02 1969 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 65.00 3 100.00 1418 0 30.61-1-18 45 Bansavage, Lynne P. St Market 10100 210 24200 128000 02 1967 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 87.00 1418 0 30.61-1-24 56 Scharff, Deborah L Market St 10100 210 25700 84500 13 1940 03 3 0 2 0 5 1 201.50 2 175.00 1376 0 30.61-1-23 62 Village Of Scotia, Market St 10100 311 26000 26000 0 0 1.00 3 200.00 1411 0 30.5-4-19 99 Gugliuzza, Anthony Marson Ave 20202 210 36300 169100 01 1960 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 30.5-4-18 101 Horneck, Todd A. Marson Ave 20202 210 36300 151000 04 1951 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 200.00 1377 0 30.5-4-20 102 Preston, Life Estate, Patricia Ave Marson 20202 210 37500 206700 01 1940 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 160.00 3 200.00 2297 0 30.5-4-17 103 Mortensen, Nancy Marson Ave 20202 210 36300 146100 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 90.00 3 200.00 1369 0 30.5-4-21 104 Adams, Philip M. Marson Ave 20202 210 37900 183600 04 1938 01 3 1 1 2 3 1 210.00 3 200.00 1852 0 30.5-4-16 105 Ashcroft, John M. Marson Ave 20202 210 36300 183800 04 1945 02 3 1 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 200.00 2173 0 30.5-4-22 106 Kramer, Kay Marson Ave 20202 210 35900 163600 04 1953 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 200.00 1538 0 30.5-4-15 107 Greene, Kenneth J & Katina M Ave Marson 20202 210 36300 165800 04 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 90.00 3 200.00 1737 0 30.5-4-23 108 Toombs, Kathleen M. Ave Marson 20202 210 36300 218700 04 1951 02 2 0 2 1 5 1 90.00 3 200.00 2445 0 Page 300 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.5-4-14 109 Foster, Daniel A. Marson 21.2-2-9.14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20202 210 36300 148300 01 1947 02 2 Naumowicz, Wieslaw Ln Maura 20207 311 Masullo Brothers Builders, Inc, Ln Maura 21.2-2-7.11 150 Longo, Joshua G. Maura 21.2-2-9.211 228 Rehman, Hafeez Maura Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 90.00 3 200.00 1176 0 36000 36000 0 0 1.03 20207 310 16800 16800 0 0 1.64 Ln 20207 210 35000 241150 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 111.00 4 203.00 2006 0 Ln 20207 210 37200 259800 05 1974 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 450.00 4 0 2556 1.77 21.2-2-9.212 244 Stanley-White, Karen M. Ln Maura 20207 312 82800 198400 60.00 0 18.18 21.2-2-9.15 270 Maura, Louis Maura Ln 20207 312 42400 76800 0 0 5.42 21.2-2-9.132 317 Samson, Bruce Maura Ln 20207 210 37100 244400 01 1995 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1902 1.72 21.2-2-17 377 Goddin, John C. Maura Ln 20207 210 37100 316415 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2934 1.76 21.2-2-18 411 Bianchi, Dino & Catina Ln Maura 20207 210 42500 302000 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3216 2.74 21.2-2-19 441 Percenti, Mark E & Katherine A Ln Maura 20207 210 38400 283100 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2836 2.61 21.2-2-20 509 Kaye Revocable Trust, Patricia F. 20207 Ln 210 Maura 37400 335500 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3216 1.93 21.2-2-25 514 Houghton, John Maura Ln 20207 210 37500 308900 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2914 1.97 21.2-2-21 557 Fiori, Timothy J & Lisa C Ln Maura 20207 210 37000 332300 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2853 1.65 21.2-2-24 568 Pedone, Vincent L & Ln Maura 20207 210 37100 332900 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 0 4 0 3412 1.76 21.2-2-22 623 Smith, James J & Dale E Ln Maura 20207 210 36900 298000 06 2006 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2560 1.59 21.2-2-23 626 Osborne, Jack & Maura Ln 20207 210 36800 310250 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 0 4 0 3319 1.52 21.2-2-26 693 Elston, Joel Maura Ln 20207 210 37700 352900 05 2010 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3408 2.10 21.2-2-34.1 Ave Page 301 of 628 0 1 1 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.2-2-36 738 Ordon, James S. Maura 21.2-2-27 745 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ln 20207 210 37500 359600 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2996 2.01 Rutten, Matthew J. Maura Ln 20207 210 37500 353900 05 2009 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2895 2.00 21.2-2-28 775 Rollins, Richard Maura Ln 20207 210 40200 339000 05 2008 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 0 3 0 3388 3.80 21.2-2-29 817 Haldeman, Edward S. Ln Maura 20207 210 40200 326400 06 2009 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3050 3.80 21.2-2-30 849 Shapiro, Neal W. Maura Ln 20207 210 41200 347000 05 2009 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 0 4 0 3370 4.46 21.2-2-35 854 Daniels, Jamel E. Maura Ln 20207 210 37500 334400 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2936 2.01 21.2-2-31 879 Tanner, Revocable Trust, Marshall20207 B. Ln 210 Maura 42100 341500 05 2009 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 0 4 0 3538 5.12 21.2-2-32 913 Card, Scott L. Maura Ln 20207 210 37800 329400 05 2008 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3278 2.17 21.2-2-33 951 Challener, William A. Ln Maura 20207 210 37500 355500 05 2010 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 3543 2.02 21.2-2-9.511 970 Mitra, Narayan Maura Ln 20207 210 40800 349400 05 2009 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 0 3 0 3681 4.22 21.2-2-34.2 984 Kucskar, Paul R. Maura Ln 20207 210 41200 326400 05 2009 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3050 2.84 22.7-6-20 Renmo, Scotia Enterprises Dr Maybrook 20203 311 13200 13200 60.00 200.00 0 Di Carlo, Augusto Maybrook Dr 20203 311 15200 15200 203.00 212.00 0 Strauss, Morris D. Maybrook Dr 20203 322 36200 36200 0 0 5.20 Town Of Glenville, Maybrook Dr 20203 311 31200 31200 0 0 1.80 22.7-6-31.1 3 Somerville, Vincent Maybrook Dr 20203 210 30000 173800 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 170.00 3 250.00 1316 0 22.7-6-30 5 Falzano, Mary Maybrook Dr 20203 210 29300 200100 01 1952 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 4 341.92 2012 0 22.7-6-29 7 Hubel, Paul G. Maybrook Dr 20203 210 29300 156000 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 341.92 1704 0 22.8-1-7 22.7-6-33 Page 302 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.7-6-32.11 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.7-6-10.1 8 Samson, Dale A. Maybrook 22.7-6-28 9 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 28500 145600 01 1959 02 2 0 1 2 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1392 0.88 Less, Reginald L. Maybrook Dr 20203 210 29900 185200 06 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 180.00 3 235.96 1699 0 22.7-6-11 10 Morrison, Carol M. Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 160600 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1716 0 22.7-6-24 11 Crounse, Daniel Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 176300 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1372 0 22.7-6-12 12 Andersen, Sandra A Dr Maybrook 20203 210 28500 178400 03 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1889 0 22.7-6-13 14 Lavergne, Carmel Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 182200 01 1961 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1752 0 22.7-6-23 15 Herold, Christopher Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 167000 01 1950 06 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1282 0 22.7-6-14 16 Greenwood, David W. Dr Maybrook 20203 210 28500 150000 01 1960 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1584 0 22.7-6-22 17 Morris, Walter E. Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 128400 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1056 0 22.7-6-15 18 Bartz, Kimberly Anne Dr Maybrook 20203 210 28500 161600 04 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1656 0 22.7-6-21 19 Jordan, Gerard F. Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 170000 04 1950 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1639 0 22.7-6-16 20 Kelly, Michele A. Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 178000 01 1969 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1551 0 22.7-6-19 21 Tracy-Moore, Janet M. Dr Maybrook 20203 210 28500 156300 01 1972 03 2 0 3 0 2 1 100.00 3 200.00 1384 0 22.7-6-18 23 Alsdorf, David Maybrook Dr 20203 210 28500 181700 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 200.00 1656 0 22.11-1-23 Coles, McKenzie M. Dr Mayfair 20203 311 12200 12200 67.32 153.10 0 Legacy Builders LLC, Dr Mayfair 20203 322 25000 25000 0 0 10.15 22.11-2-46 3 Ebert, Richard A. Mayfair 20203 210 27200 174400 04 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 200.00 4 77.00 1400 0 22.11-1-16 7 Hansen, Harvey A & Audry E Dr Mayfair 20203 210 26900 158500 01 1950 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.66 3 143.65 1536 0 Dr Page 303 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.10-5-13 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.11-1-17 8 Savidge, Mildred A. Mayfair 22.11-1-15 9 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 27000 174200 01 1964 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 91.95 4 168.41 1648 0 Blucher, Richard B. Mayfair Dr 20203 210 27000 121500 01 1951 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 101.74 3 143.65 1128 0 22.11-1-18 10 Smith, Tamara Ann Mayfair Dr 20203 210 26700 133000 01 1950 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 90.40 3 150.84 864 0 22.11-2-10 11 Belstraz, Ronald Mayfair Dr 20203 210 27900 131900 01 1955 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 156.17 3 113.45 960 0 22.11-1-19 12 Mannato, Anthony M. Dr Mayfair 20203 210 26700 134000 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.90 3 150.00 960 0 22.11-1-20 14 Rowledge, Danielle M. Dr Mayfair 20203 210 26300 117400 01 1960 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 864 0 22.11-1-21 16 Bowers, Joyce Mayfair Dr 20203 210 27200 129500 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 110.00 3 142.09 960 0 22.11-1-22 18 Gaffney, Timothy J. Mayfair Dr 20203 210 27200 143100 01 1953 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 105.00 3 146.69 960 0 22.15-2-25 39 Barboza, Brian W & Tracy L Dr Mayfair 20203 210 27400 187000 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 160.00 1548 0 22.15-2-3 40 Knapik, E J. Mayfair Dr 20203 210 27100 204200 05 1962 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.13 3 150.00 1964 0 22.15-2-2 42 Culhane, Matthew C. Dr Mayfair 20203 210 27100 140200 01 1964 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 960 0 22.15-2-1 44 Caruso, Peter R. Jr Mayfair Dr 20203 210 27100 177700 01 1964 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1736 0 22.14-3-33 1 Maranville, Jack L. Maywood Dr 20203 210 27100 188000 01 1954 01 2 1 1 2 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1974 0 22.14-3-32 3 Briggs Family Trust, Carol & Vernon 20203 Dr 210 Maywood 27100 146800 04 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1512 0 22.14-3-31 5 Palleschi, Mark A & Janet T Dr Maywood 20203 210 27100 131000 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1076 0 22.14-3-30 7 Litynski, Anne M. Maywood Dr 20203 210 27100 230700 04 1959 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2502 0 22.14-3-29 9 Hamm, Norma R. (LE) Dr Maywood 20203 210 27100 154900 01 1959 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1286 0 22.14-3-28 15 Canali, Vincent H. Jr Dr Maywood 20203 210 27100 129200 01 1958 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1088 0 Page 304 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.14-3-27 17 Jessup, Amy E. Maywood Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20203 210 28000 212500 01 1960 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 180.00 2259 0 22.14-3-26 19 Kephart, Alan R. (LE) Dr Maywood 20203 210 28100 187000 01 1960 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 190.00 3 110.00 2024 0 38.7-1-17 Riggi & Sons Inc, Jerry Dr Mc Michael 20301 311 11600 11600 100.00 130.00 0 Riggi & Sons Inc - 10, Jerry Dr Mc Michael 20301 311 46600 46600 100.00 131.51 0 38.7-1-20 3 Brady, Henry J. Mc Michael Dr 20301 210 46200 193400 01 1976 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 125.00 1604 0 38.7-1-34 8 Klatt, Scott G. Mc Michael Dr 20301 210 46400 252600 05 1965 03 4 0 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 130.00 2768 0 29.66-1-26.2 Le Clair, Richard D. Meriline Ave 40100 330 28900 28900 50.00 140.00 0 29.75-2-7 202 Barner, William/Coralea Ave Meriline 10201 210 18600 113000 01 1955 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 130.00 1019 0 29.75-2-6 208 Kuta, Paul D. Meriline Ave 10201 210 18300 156100 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 130.00 2144 0 29.75-2-5 212 Davis, Gary B. Meriline Ave 10201 210 18300 107500 01 1955 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 130.00 999 0 29.75-2-4 216 Maynard, Jason + Jennifer Ave Meriline 10201 210 18300 133300 04 1956 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 130.00 1410 0 29.66-1-21.1 328 Bennett, Marie Meriline Ave 10201 210 18100 150400 01 2004 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 130.00 1248 0 29.66-1-21.2 330 Smallwood, Floyd W. Ave Meriline 10201 210 18100 148100 01 2004 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 130.00 1248 0 29.66-1-23.2 410 Hulett, John J. Meriline 10201 210 20900 138500 08 1935 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 90.00 2 185.00 1395 0 22.18-1-4.512 Del Zotto & Son Builders , Lino Ln Miracle 20202 311 2500 2500 75.00 332.00 0 Town Of Glenville, Miracle Ln 20202 311 20000 20000 0 0 2.31 22.18-1-8 1 Usas, Richard J. Miracle Ln 20202 210 52200 273500 01 1993 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 128.00 4 224.00 1833 0 22.18-1-9 3 Dagostino, Michael A. Ln Miracle 20202 210 52000 291300 05 2001 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 4 220.00 2762 0 22.18-1-4.2 Ave Page 305 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 38.7-1-18 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.18-1-62.1 4 Geary, David Miracle Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ln 20202 210 52500 356700 06 1995 06 2 1 2 0 3 1 300.00 4 286.00 2546 1.00 22.18-1-10 5 Bailey, Christopher J. Ln Miracle 20202 210 52200 293600 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 124.00 4 220.00 2660 0 22.18-1-61 6 Rosenbaum, Lanny K. Ln Miracle 20202 210 53200 298800 05 1998 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 4 381.00 2596 0 22.18-1-60 8 Piccirillo, Nicola Miracle 20202 210 53800 334000 05 2000 02 2 0 3 1 4 1 127.00 4 440.00 3110 0 30.6-1-3.1 2 DeSieno, Life Tenants, John + Cathy 50100 Ln 210 Miracle 49500 201800 01 2007 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 120.00 3 425.00 1680 1.20 31.5-1-7 Casella, Paul J. Mohawk Ave 20204 311 34400 34400 70.00 175.00 0 Brennan, Patricia Mohawk Ave 20301 311 13000 13000 150.00 156.51 0 Brennan, Patricia Mohawk Ave 20301 311 15000 15000 201.32 160.96 0 31.5-1-6 2 Casella, Paul J. Mohawk Ave 20204 210 34400 240900 08 1935 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 4 175.00 2164 0 31.5-1-29 5 Watson, Maurice E. III Ave Mohawk 20204 210 42700 194100 08 1912 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 150.00 4 170.00 1620 0 31.5-1-28 9 Kelly, Mark E & Jennifer L Ave Mohawk 20204 280 56300 245000 04 1910 01 3 0 1 0 1 1 100.00 2 184.00 762 0 31.5-1-28 9 Kelly, Mark E & Jennifer L Ave Mohawk 20204 280 56300 245000 08 1913 06 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 184.00 2082 0 31.5-1-8 10 Smith, Burrell C. Mohawk 20204 210 37100 212000 08 1890 06 3 0 1 0 4 1 140.00 2 175.00 1864 0 31.5-1-27 11 Breslin, Christopher P & Mary E. 20204 Ave 210 Mohawk 41800 155200 08 1908 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 2 205.40 1500 0 31.5-1-9 14 Piambino, Frank Mohawk Ave 20204 210 37100 135000 13 1900 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 140.00 3 175.00 1164 0 31.5-1-26 15 Beaver, Joseph F. Mohawk Ave 20204 210 42600 137300 08 1920 06 3 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 237.00 1460 0 31.5-1-10 16 Scott, Ivy Mohawk Ave 20204 210 34400 159600 04 1945 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 175.00 1512 0 31.5-1-25 17 Spyniewski, John M. Ave Mohawk 20204 210 39500 122700 13 1939 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 255.40 1068 0 38.7-1-35 38.7-1-36 Ave Page 306 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 31.5-1-15 18 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Kennedy, Andrew B. Ave Mohawk 20204 210 37100 193700 08 1893 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 140.00 3 175.00 1760 0 31.5-1-24 19 Dodge, Dolores G. (LE) Ave Mohawk 20204 210 42900 230500 08 1900 04 2 0 2 0 5 1 100.00 3 306.80 2240 0.60 31.5-1-23 23 Rich, Jon K. Mohawk Ave 20204 210 43200 209000 08 1910 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1904 0.80 31.5-1-16 24 Montrello, John L. Mohawk Ave 20204 210 38200 169300 08 1920 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 2 0 1658 1.10 31.5-1-5.1 25 Kiernan, Thomas J. Mohawk Ave 20204 210 37100 189900 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 70.00 4 350.00 1864 0 31.5-1-22 27 Fourie, Gary Mohawk Ave 20204 215 42300 157500 08 1898 01 3 0 2 1 5 1 50.00 3 422.00 1786 0 31.5-1-21 29 Breslin, Susan Mohawk Ave 20204 210 42600 126400 08 1880 01 2 0 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 1404 0.50 31.5-1-20 31 Evans, Mark E B. Mohawk Ave 20204 210 43900 192000 08 1900 06 3 1 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 2010 1.10 31.5-1-19 35 Shulman, Emanuel B. Ave Mohawk 20204 210 46100 132100 08 1906 06 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1398 2.40 31.5-1-18 41 Kroder, Michael + Linda Ave Mohawk 0 210 86500 203000 05 1997 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 2800 1.13 31.5-1-17.1 45 Swett Kivort Corporation, Ave Mohawk 50100 710 426400 900000 14 1974 01 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 560 22.74 38.44-2-7 133 Brackett, Jacqueline Ave Mohawk 10207 220 16000 127100 08 1888 01 3 0 3 0 3 2 40.00 3 150.00 2212 0 38.35-3-11 305 Adams, William J. Mohawk Ave 10206 230 16100 115700 08 1895 03 3 0 3 0 4 3 40.00 3 130.00 2482 0 38.35-1-36 306 Shatraw, John Mohawk Ave 10206 230 16800 123700 08 1900 04 3 0 3 0 5 3 89.00 3 150.00 1824 0 38.35-3-10 309 Gibbons, Kenneth W. Ave Mohawk 10206 220 16600 96500 08 1926 03 3 0 2 0 2 2 80.00 3 130.00 1432 0 38.35-1-37 310 Bickford, Bryant Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 125100 08 1918 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 39.00 3 167.50 1188 0 38.35-3-9 311 Gibbons, Kenneth W. Ave Mohawk 10206 220 16100 93800 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 2 2 40.00 3 130.00 1505 0 38.35-1-38 312 Coene, Heather Mohawk 10206 220 16200 105400 08 1927 04 3 0 2 0 2 2 40.00 3 167.50 1584 0 Page 307 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.35-1-39.1 314 Eglin, Eileen M Mohawk 38.35-3-7 315 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10206 210 14000 120500 08 1911 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 39.00 3 100.00 1398 0 Grant, Erwin C. Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16100 86900 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 3 2 40.00 3 130.00 2006 0 38.35-1-14 316 Favaloro, Mark T Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16000 114900 08 1903 03 3 0 2 0 5 2 39.50 4 112.00 2096 0 38.35-3-6 317 Maul, William E. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16600 16600 08 1900 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 1 130.00 1956 0 38.35-1-13 318 Gibbons, John W. Mohawk Ave 10206 230 16300 116800 08 1904 03 3 0 3 0 4 3 39.50 3 150.00 2128 0 38.35-3-5 319 McKay, Kimberly A. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16100 116800 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 4 130.00 1536 0 38.35-1-12 320 Lobel, Joseph W. Mohawk Ave 10206 230 16200 113600 08 1910 03 2 0 3 0 5 3 39.50 4 150.00 2024 0 38.35-1-11 322 D'Angelo, Jacqueline Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16100 111300 08 1925 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 39.50 3 150.00 1514 0 38.35-3-4 323 Carusone, A Robert & Christine 10206 Ave 220 Mohawk 16600 117000 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 80.00 3 130.00 2420 0 38.35-3-3 325 Franze, Vincent Mark Ave Mohawk 10206 220 16100 113100 08 1908 03 3 0 2 0 5 2 40.00 3 130.00 2356 0 38.35-3-2 327 Shalvatis, Gregory Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16100 115000 08 1890 03 3 0 3 0 4 2 40.00 3 130.00 1930 0 38.35-1-9 328 Mc Master, William P. Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16400 107400 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 44.50 3 198.50 1580 0 38.35-1-8 330 Attanasio, Leonard + Cindy Ave Mohawk 10206 220 16100 106000 08 1910 04 2 0 2 0 4 2 36.00 3 150.00 1932 0 38.34-2-1.1 331 Trustco Bank, Mohawk Ave 10206 230 16700 118900 08 1925 03 3 0 3 0 4 3 75.90 3 158.00 2016 0 38.35-1-7 332 Chase, Russell Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16100 92225 08 1920 01 2 0 2 0 5 2 36.00 3 150.00 1804 0 38.35-1-6 334 Sandlin, John R. Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16100 121900 08 1899 01 3 0 2 0 5 2 36.00 3 150.00 2300 0 38.34-2-2 335 Hudson, Lorraine Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16400 123800 04 1941 03 2 0 3 0 4 2 57.00 3 150.00 1926 0 38.35-1-5 336 Molloy, Michael Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16200 105900 08 1920 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 40.00 3 150.00 1424 0 Page 308 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.34-2-3 337 Homer, Scott L. Mohawk Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10206 210 16300 107100 08 1918 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1558 0 38.35-1-4 338 Olechowski, Gary T. Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16200 108100 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1404 0 38.34-2-4 339 Forst, Andrea B. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16300 120500 08 1920 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1436 0 38.35-1-3 340 Knapp, Danielle F. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 112400 08 1918 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 4 150.00 2028 0 38.34-2-5 341 Moore, Helle Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16700 235000 05 1929 02 3 3 1 1 5 1 80.00 4 150.00 2950 0 38.35-1-2 342 Calderon, Herman Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 122000 08 1910 06 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1660 0 38.35-1-1 344 Schenectady Community Res Inc,10206 Ave 220 Mohawk 16700 154300 08 1920 03 3 0 3 2 6 2 80.00 4 150.00 2469 0 38.34-2-6 345 Fisher, Robert D & Jennifer Sr Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16700 132600 08 1900 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 150.00 1892 0 38.26-3-10 346 Giammattei, Laurence J. Ave Mohawk 10204 210 16100 116200 13 1930 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 37.50 3 150.00 1230 0 38.34-2-7 347 Hoey, John W. Jr Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16300 127800 08 1930 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 51.00 3 150.00 1641 0 38.26-3-11 348 Thompson, Erik J. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16100 124200 13 1930 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 37.50 3 150.00 1632 0 38.34-2-8 349 Gaudette, Tami Mohawk Ave 10206 220 16300 124600 08 1928 03 2 1 2 0 6 2 54.00 3 150.00 3184 0 38.26-3-12 350 Westervelt, Brian E & Jennifer L 10204 Ave 210 Mohawk 16400 111500 08 1920 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 153.00 1280 0 38.34-2-9 351 Jesionowski, Paul C. Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16300 102700 08 1925 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 54.00 3 150.00 1080 0 38.26-3-13 352 Graper, William E. Mohawk 10204 210 16300 153200 08 1910 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 36.00 3 181.00 1816 0 38.34-2-10 353 Gaton Cristiana B. (Trustee), Living 10206 Trust Ave 210 Mohawk 16200 114900 13 1930 06 3 0 3 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1429 0 38.26-3-14 354 Mathews, Sean T. Mohawk Ave 10204 220 16200 139200 08 1899 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 40.00 2 180.00 1786 0 38.34-2-11 355 Dickson, David W. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 131400 13 1935 06 3 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 4 150.00 1698 0 Page 309 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.26-3-15 356 De Masi, Frank C. Mohawk 38.26-3-16 358 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10204 210 16200 115300 13 1938 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 2 180.00 1152 0 Berg, David A. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16300 143600 08 1920 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 180.00 1574 0 38.26-3-17 360 Prusko, Robert A. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16200 127400 08 1920 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 166.00 1888 0 38.34-1-14 401 Smith, Spring Mohawk Ave 10206 210 15600 91900 08 1918 06 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 106.00 1082 0 38.26-2-67 402 Hale, James A. Mohawk Ave 10204 220 16100 98400 08 1920 04 3 1 3 0 5 2 40.00 3 134.00 1728 0 38.34-1-13 403 Meerschaert, Douglas M. Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16200 100900 08 1920 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 166.30 1169 0 38.26-2-68 404 Magruder, Daniel N. Ave Mohawk 10204 210 16100 123300 13 1920 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 134.00 1647 0 38.34-1-12 405 Myslinski, Thomas R. Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16200 133800 08 1922 06 3 0 2 0 5 1 40.00 3 165.60 2254 0 38.26-2-69 406 Trembley , Rachel M & Jeremy R 10204 Ave 210 Mohawk 16300 135000 13 1918 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 40.00 2 186.10 2135 0 38.34-1-11 407 Mc Nally, Mary & Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 106800 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 4 164.90 1268 0 38.26-2-70 408 Guidetti, Mark R. Jr. Ave Mohawk 10204 210 16300 141400 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 4 186.80 1565 0 38.34-1-10 409 Grippo, Paul D. (LE) Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16200 96000 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 4 164.20 1025 0 38.26-2-71 410 Lane, Curtis Alan Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16300 115900 13 1919 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 187.50 1372 0 38.26-2-72 412 Askew, Thomas W. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16300 104800 08 1903 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 2 188.20 1076 0 38.34-1-9 413 Cyphers, Tamara Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16700 150000 08 1910 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 80.00 3 162.00 1792 0 38.26-2-73 414 Van De Bogart, Catherine J. Ave Mohawk 10204 210 16300 131850 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 188.90 1858 0 38.34-1-8 415 Grattan, Joseph M. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 119000 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 162.10 1519 0 38.26-2-74 416 Van-De-Bogart, Matthew Ave Mohawk 10204 210 16300 114100 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 189.00 1107 0 Page 310 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.34-1-7 417 Lloyd, Patricia M. Mohawk 38.26-2-75 418 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10206 210 16200 102700 08 1910 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 160.00 1307 0 Ippoliti, Dennis P. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16300 116700 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 183.00 1274 0 38.34-1-6 419 Crandall, Beverly J. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 115500 08 1912 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 160.70 1472 0 38.26-2-76 420 National Association, U.S. Bank 10204 Ave 210 Mohawk 16300 109100 08 1924 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 190.00 1274 0 38.34-1-5 421 Mazzone, Alfonso Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 106800 08 1930 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 160.00 1425 0 38.34-1-4 423 Cerutti, William J. III Ave Mohawk 10206 210 16200 106800 08 1930 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 159.30 1124 0 38.26-2-77 424 Clifford, Evelyn Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16800 136500 08 1912 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 4 191.00 1767 0 38.34-1-3 425 Hodder, Stephen K. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 106800 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 158.50 1179 0 38.26-2-78 426 Groves, Charles H. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16600 111500 08 1912 06 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 193.00 1404 0 38.34-1-2 427 Lyon, Curtis H. Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 93200 13 1917 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 157.90 1220 0 38.26-2-79 428 Tripp, Ruth M. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16100 100000 13 1924 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 30.00 3 193.45 984 0 38.34-1-1 429 Schimpf, Donald Mohawk Ave 10206 210 16200 93200 13 1923 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 157.20 1182 0 38.26-2-80 430 Mould, Alan R. Mohawk Ave 10204 210 16100 80000 13 1919 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 30.00 2 194.50 1200 0 38.7-4-8 501 Laurenty, Kevin Mohawk Ave 20200 210 19200 149000 08 1926 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 155.00 1972 0 38.26-1-44 502 Brownell, Gregg Mohawk Ave 10300 210 20700 165400 04 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 77.25 3 157.00 2146 0 38.7-4-7 505 Trust, N.A., U.S. Bank Ave Mohawk 20200 210 19200 138800 13 1913 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 153.90 1338 0 38.26-1-45 506 Prock, Randy + Elizabeth Ave Mohawk 10300 210 20200 153300 08 1930 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 38.50 3 157.00 1632 0 38.26-1-46 508 Landolfo, Ralph F. Mohawk 10300 210 20200 89400 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 42.00 3 158.06 1248 0 Page 311 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.26-1-47 510 Foy , Taylor M. Mohawk Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10300 210 20400 154500 08 1940 01 3 0 2 2 3 1 58.02 3 158.08 1302 0 38.7-4-6 511 Schwartz, Charles F. Ave Mohawk 20200 210 19800 197200 05 1712 03 3 1 1 2 4 1 115.00 3 152.20 3030 0 38.7-4-5 513 Hamel, Donna L. Mohawk Ave 20200 210 11200 115600 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 151.70 1176 0 38.26-1-48 514 De Brita, John A. Mohawk Ave 10300 210 20600 146000 08 1936 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 70.02 3 160.42 1576 0 38.7-4-4 517 Jones, Howard G. Mohawk Ave 20200 210 10100 112900 08 1930 03 3 0 2 1 2 1 40.00 3 151.70 1037 0 38.26-1-49 518 Collins, William H. Mohawk Ave 10300 210 20200 161200 05 1928 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 43.01 4 160.42 2090 0 38.7-4-3 519 McConnelee, Bruce Ave Mohawk 20200 210 19300 136900 08 1930 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 157.60 1808 0 38.26-1-50 520 Thomas, Richard E. Ave Mohawk 10300 210 20200 144500 08 1923 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 43.75 3 160.31 1700 0 38.7-4-2 521 Esperti, Richard A. Mohawk Ave 20200 210 13100 104400 09 1974 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 159.70 800 0 38.26-1-51 522 Dariano, Tony Mohawk Ave 10300 210 20100 142500 08 1928 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 34.70 3 158.48 1104 0 38.7-4-1 523 Creech, John J. III Mohawk Ave 20200 210 13200 107700 08 1913 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 159.00 1044 0 38.26-1-52 524 Blick, Gregory D. Mohawk Ave 10300 210 20800 154400 13 1900 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 96.30 4 152.00 2386 0 38.26-1-53 530 Eigabroadt, Wm H. Mohawk Ave 10300 210 20400 146600 08 1915 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 57.75 3 152.00 1260 0 38.26-1-54 532 Angelo, Robert J. Mohawk Ave 10300 210 20100 105725 04 1945 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 38.75 3 150.52 1235 0 29.19-3-18 600 Bruce, Martha D. Mohawk Ave 20200 210 20700 124900 13 1922 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 111.00 3 185.00 1280 0 38.7-2-5.1 601 Clark, Brian J. Mohawk Ave 20200 220 15300 138900 08 1912 01 3 0 3 1 7 2 50.00 3 185.20 3120 0 38.7-2-4 603 Kirkaldy, Derek Mohawk Ave 20200 210 15500 127000 08 1900 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 187.30 1314 0 29.19-3-19 604 Hendrickson, Alice Mohawk Ave 20200 210 15000 122400 08 1925 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 182.81 1176 0 Page 312 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-2-3 605 Chrysler, Beverly A. Mohawk 29.19-3-20 606 Kinum, Sonja M. Mohawk Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 14000 119200 08 1918 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 203.23 1116 0 Ave 20200 210 11800 107500 13 1925 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 180.00 1148 0 38.7-2-2 607 Hearthstone Homes, LLC, Ave Mohawk 20200 210 21100 142000 08 1800 01 2 1 2 0 2 1 90.00 3 210.00 1557 0.54 29.19-3-21 608 Albert, Ricky Mohawk 20200 210 18900 155000 03 1950 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 179.00 1482 0 38.7-2-1.1 609 Quinney,Sr., Robert B & Shirley M20200 Ave 210 Mohawk 21400 210300 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 160.99 3 192.69 1443 0.71 29.19-3-22 610 Seaver, Daniel W. Mohawk Ave 20200 210 18200 151400 03 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 70.00 3 179.00 1196 0 29.19-3-23 612 D'angelo, Ciara & Mohawk Ave 20200 210 18400 122000 03 1955 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 163.00 1482 0 29.19-3-24 614 Borysewicz, Robert E. Ave Mohawk 20200 210 19000 171200 03 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 160.00 1642 0 29.19-3-25 616 Ballston Associates, LLC, Ave Mohawk 20200 220 18400 137700 12 1970 03 2 0 3 0 4 2 130.00 3 156.00 2052 0.59 29.19-3-36 632-634 Uriah Corporation, Mohawk Ave 50100 220 24000 208000 12 2011 03 2 0 4 0 6 2 120.00 3 279.33 2766 0.67 29.19-3-35 640-642 Uriah Corporation, Mohawk Ave 50100 220 24000 208000 12 2011 03 2 0 4 0 6 2 120.00 3 269.88 2766 0.67 38.7-1-1.11 641 Brennan, Patricia Mohawk Ave 20301 210 24000 208000 01 2012 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 116.68 3 161.07 1528 0 38.7-1-1.12 643 Brennan, Patricia Mohawk Ave 20301 210 24000 208000 01 2012 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 73.32 3 161.07 1528 0 38.7-1-1.2 645-647 Brennan, Patricia Mohawk Ave 20301 311 13000 13000 01 2012 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 150.00 3 158.52 1528 0 29.19-3-1.121 648-650 Uriah Corporation, Mohawk Ave 50100 220 24000 208000 12 2011 03 2 0 4 0 6 2 0 3 0 2766 1.09 30.-1-10 State Of New York, Mohawk Riv 50100 322 86300 86300 0 0 10.00 Phillips Farm fam. living trus, Riv Mohawk 50100 322 28400 28400 0 0 14.00 State Of New York, Mohawk 40200 300 50700 50700 0 0 11.10 38.-5-4 20.-4-32.1 Riv Page 313 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.-4-31 State Of New York, Mohawk State Of New York, Mohawk Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Riv 40200 322 71500 71500 0 0 29.20 Riv 20200 322 95100 95100 0 0 69.40 Schenectady County , Historical Society 40200 Riv 300 Mohawk 251017 251017 0 0 9.45 22.7-3-14 1 Fielding, Andrew P Monarda Dr 20304 210 32000 160900 02 1967 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 120.03 4 153.54 1892 0 22.7-4-2 2 Aragona, Joseph Monarda Dr 20304 210 34900 204000 01 1980 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1888 1.60 22.7-3-15 3 Pearson, Scott A. Monarda Dr 20304 210 32100 181300 02 1970 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 156.78 2128 0 22.7-3-16 5 Petersen, Lauris Monarda Dr 20304 210 34000 222000 01 1965 02 3 1 2 3 4 1 0 3 0 2160 1.00 22.7-4-1.1 Bigwood, Lucy Monarda Dr - Off 20304 311 2400 2400 52.00 270.00 0 15.7-2-50 2 De Filippo, Richard W. Dr Montclair 20206 210 33500 196000 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 170.00 3 190.00 2064 0 15.7-1-12 3 Neumann, George J. Dr Montclair 20206 210 32500 157800 01 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 98.63 3 204.30 1472 0 15.7-2-49 4 Ellison, Curtis M & Colleen J Dr Montclair 20206 210 31500 139300 01 1958 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 95.00 3 170.00 1224 0 15.7-2-48 6 Gustafson, Carl R. Montclair Dr 20206 210 31300 182100 03 1961 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 95.00 3 162.00 2028 0 15.7-2-47 8 Prohaska, Steven Montclair Dr 20206 210 33000 185000 05 1960 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 136.06 4 168.38 2200 0 15.7-1-17 9 Westervelt, Jeremy J. Dr Montclair 20206 210 33200 160500 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 135.00 3 187.74 1970 0 15.7-2-46 10 Makovich, Stephen R. Sr Dr Montclair 20206 210 31600 160500 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 168.38 1552 0 15.7-1-18 11 Smith, Marisa Montclair Dr 20206 210 30100 180900 03 1959 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 71.47 3 160.00 1708 0 15.7-2-45 12 Klapper, Marcia Montclair Dr 20206 210 33100 168900 03 1962 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 143.87 3 160.00 1918 0 15.7-2-44 14 Duffy, Michael J. Montclair Dr 20206 210 31300 164700 03 1960 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 97.00 4 160.00 1828 0 20.-4-32.2 Page 314 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 38.-5-5 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.7-1-19 15 Clark, Patricia C. Montclair 15.7-2-43 16 Morris, Brian F. Montclair Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 24200 258400 05 1967 03 2 1 3 1 6 1 86.50 4 100.69 3090 0 Dr 20206 210 31300 138700 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 97.00 3 160.00 1272 0 15.7-1-20 17 Dannenberg, Michael & Melissa 20206 Dr 210 Montclair 33300 182900 05 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 201.21 3 146.33 1765 0 15.7-2-42 18 Duma, Judith M. Montclair Dr 20206 210 31300 159300 01 1966 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 97.00 3 160.00 1488 0 15.7-1-21 19 Frees, Charles Montclair Dr 20206 210 31400 171600 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.05 3 160.00 1850 0 15.7-2-41 20 Miller, Marianne Josefiak Dr Montclair 20206 210 31300 174000 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 97.00 3 160.00 1680 0 15.7-1-22 21 Shear, Celeste L. Montclair Dr 20206 210 31200 181000 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 95.00 3 160.00 1713 0 15.7-2-40 22 Young, David P Montclair Dr 20206 210 30400 158300 01 1965 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 78.00 3 160.00 1446 0 15.7-1-23 23 Pultorak, Kathleen G. Dr Montclair 20206 210 32500 170000 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 125.00 4 160.00 1763 0 15.7-2-39 24 Solomon, Sean Montclair 20206 210 31200 166600 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 95.02 3 161.41 2064 0 15.7-1-24 25 Kosakowski Fam. trust, Deborah J. 20206 Dr 210 Montclair 31200 184200 03 1970 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 168.49 3 90.00 1794 0 15.7-2-38 26 Malizia, Louis A. Montclair Dr 20206 210 31200 225000 05 1962 02 2 1 2 1 5 1 95.00 3 160.00 2460 0 15.7-2-37 28 Pearson, John M. Montclair Dr 20206 210 31200 175000 01 1966 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 95.00 3 160.00 1729 0 15.7-2-36 30 Estrada, Neil Montclair Dr 20206 210 31200 186200 03 1968 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 95.00 4 160.00 1732 0 22.16-1-23 3 White, Loren H. Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 47300 247200 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 4 120.00 2316 0 22.16-1-24 5 Bird, William T. Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 47800 233600 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 124.00 4 150.00 2292 0 22.20-1-1 7 Grande-Moran, Carlos Dr Mountainwood 20307 210 46600 270700 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.00 4 150.00 2506 0 22.20-1-29.111 8 Lyons, Susan L. Mountainwood 20307 210 51800 275800 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 196.92 4 120.00 2660 0.61 Dr Page 315 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.20-1-2 9 Kenealy, Michael J. Mountainwood 22.20-1-30 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20307 210 46600 233100 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2270 0 Narayan k Nair living trust, Dr Mountainwood 20307 210 45900 235500 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 130.00 2300 0 22.20-1-3 11 Mc Carty, Edgar J Mountainwood 20307 210 46600 271100 05 1979 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2607 0 22.20-1-31 12 Giangiordano, Stephen R. Jr Dr Mountainwood 20307 210 46700 235000 05 1980 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 151.19 2236 0 22.20-1-4 13 Boles, R. Brian Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 46600 261000 05 1979 03 4 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2804 0 22.20-1-32 14 Bushway, Trisha B. Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 46600 235100 05 1980 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2236 0 22.20-1-5 15 Gebo, Robert L. Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 46600 257600 05 1979 03 4 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2698 0 22.20-1-33 16 Spizuco, Joseph + Gayle Dr Mountainwood 20307 210 46300 299300 05 1978 03 2 1 4 1 5 1 119.00 4 120.00 2880 0 22.20-1-6 17 Liu, Yanxiang Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 46600 253000 05 1978 03 4 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2348 0 22.20-1-9 18 Mullins, Norman F. Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 45600 278800 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.00 4 120.00 2667 0 22.20-1-7 19 Williams, Kevin J. Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 46600 239600 05 1979 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2324 0 22.20-1-8 21 Catenaro, Andrea Mountainwood Dr 20307 210 49300 227000 05 1978 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 193.00 4 150.00 2415 0 22.4-1-67 22 Crabtree, Andrew Mountainwood Dr 20204 210 37100 248300 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 135.92 3 153.42 2209 0.54 22.4-1-1 23 Chapman, Timothy E & Jasna E 20204 Dr 210 Mountainwood 41600 267800 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 151.55 3 251.61 2584 0.90 22.4-1-66 24 Nair, Ravichandran & Deepa Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 35700 321700 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 108.76 3 159.68 2890 0.39 22.4-1-2 25 Tessitore, Richard A & Donna L Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 40800 222500 01 2003 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 103.17 3 230.37 1443 0.53 22.4-1-65 26 Cerniglia, Salvatore Mountainwood Dr 20204 210 40400 325000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 125.94 3 174.31 2904 0.48 22.4-1-3 27 Cepeda, Mark A. Mountainwood Dr 20204 210 40400 253500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.35 3 215.03 1443 0.48 Dr Page 316 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.4-1-64 28 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Guzman, Rolando C Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 37600 300000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 211.79 3 160.00 2890 0.79 22.4-1-4 29 Rasheed, Adam Mountainwood Dr 20204 210 40300 213000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 103.95 3 201.85 1773 0.47 22.4-1-63 30 Agostino, Holly E Mountainwood Dr 20204 210 37000 271000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 103.70 3 183.97 2209 0.50 22.4-1-5 31 Tunny, Matthew F & Cheryl B Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 40200 270000 05 2004 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 106.40 4 194.28 2693 0.46 22.4-1-62 32 Moscinski, Michael Mountainwood Dr 20204 210 36400 219200 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 110.00 3 175.91 1994 0.45 22.4-1-6 33 Govindan, Senthilkumar Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 40000 271100 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.37 3 186.43 2498 0.45 22.4-1-61 34 Van Slyke, Donald A. Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 35900 213000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 126.04 3 175.94 1802 0.41 22.4-1-7 35 Mc Cabe, Karen A Mountainwood 20204 210 39500 264100 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 102.96 3 178.46 1596 0.41 22.4-1-8 37 Corah, Norman L Jr & Susan Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 41000 289200 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 123.03 3 169.45 3168 0.62 22.4-1-9 39 Hoang, Nhi & Hung Le Dr Mountainwood 20204 210 37200 309000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 177.96 3 169.45 2232 0.58 22.4-1-10 41 Ford, Jared M. Mountainwood Dr 20204 210 36600 273000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 140.03 3 159.77 2571 0.47 29.75-2-39 4 Williams, Renata Jheri St Neal 10201 220 18100 151100 04 1951 02 3 0 2 1 4 2 60.00 3 90.00 1501 0 29.75-2-40 8 Molineux, Timothy J. St Neal 10201 210 18100 129000 04 1952 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 3 90.00 1376 0 29.75-2-41 12 Rush, Karen Neal St 10201 210 18100 98600 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 2 90.00 1008 0 29.75-2-42 16 Paszkiewicz, Joyce M. St Neal 10201 210 18100 96500 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 90.00 1056 0 29.75-2-26 22 Getter, Shawn T. Neal St 10201 210 18200 127500 08 1952 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 90.00 1276 0 29.75-2-19 24 Dorazio, Anthony F. Jr St Neal 10201 210 18600 123600 04 1950 03 2 0 2 0 5 1 150.00 3 70.00 1456 0 29.75-2-9 29 McDermott, James P. St Neal 10201 210 18300 127800 04 1955 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 4 65.00 1204 0 Page 317 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 29.75-2-8 31 Wilkinson, Jonathan & Cassandra10201 St 210 Neal 18300 133900 04 1955 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 65.00 1414 0 29.75-2-27 129 Pelicone, James R. Neal St 10201 210 18400 103600 04 1928 01 3 0 2 0 2 1 120.00 3 70.00 1166 0 10.17-2-7 1 Baker, Warren A. II Nicholas Ave 20205 210 26700 170700 01 1960 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 135.00 3 154.00 1622 0 10.17-3-20 2 Mahon, William J. Nicholas Ave 20205 210 25100 172000 01 1958 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1759 0 10.17-2-6 3 Voelker(Trust), Dorothea A Ave Nicholas 20205 210 25300 166400 01 1958 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 103.00 3 150.00 1780 0 10.17-3-21 4 Bellmer, Arnold R. Nicholas Ave 20205 210 25100 171000 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1612 0 10.17-2-5 5 White, Deborah Nicholas Ave 20205 210 25300 181000 01 1959 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 103.00 3 150.00 1775 0 10.17-3-22 6 Jones, Helen P Nicholas Ave 20205 210 27500 160000 01 1951 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 180.00 3 179.00 1508 0 38.27-1-37 107 Lefevre, Raymond D & Jean S St No Holmes 10204 210 16200 160300 08 1928 01 3 1 1 1 4 1 66.00 3 90.00 1554 0 38.35-1-53 2 Warner, Nancy No Reynolds 10206 210 16000 99800 08 1878 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 80.00 1211 0 38.35-1-51 15 Peckham Irr. Trust, Jack E. St No Reynolds 10206 210 10100 79600 13 1917 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 50.00 3 70.00 840 0 38.35-1-50 19 Warner Revocable Trust, Jan St No Reynolds 10206 220 3900 77100 08 1900 03 4 0 2 0 2 2 47.00 3 34.00 1392 0 38.36-2-49 6-8 Rosenberg, Joshua No Ten Broeck St 10206 230 16300 128400 08 1908 03 3 0 3 0 5 3 125.00 3 61.30 1980 0 38.36-1-55 7 Justin, Thomas R III St No Ten Broeck 10206 220 16100 108000 08 1928 01 2 0 2 0 4 2 51.00 3 92.00 1528 0 38.36-1-54 9 Peek, Linda Ann No Ten Broeck St 40100 331 23600 32700 54.92 103.60 0 38.36-1-30 105 Clark, Terri No Ten Broeck St 10206 210 16100 111600 08 1908 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 47.00 3 105.00 1520 0 38.36-1-29 107 Allen, Christina L No Ten Broeck St 10206 220 16100 119300 08 1920 01 3 0 2 0 5 2 38.00 3 105.00 2640 0 38.36-1-28 109 McGarvey, William D. St No Ten Broeck 10206 210 16100 116200 08 1908 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 58.00 3 105.00 2074 0 Page 318 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.36-2-21 206 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Swiatocha, George Patrick St No Ten Broeck 10206 210 16100 140000 13 1938 03 2 0 2 0 5 1 50.00 3 120.00 1898 0 38.36-2-22 208 Perrotte, Reginald R. St No Ten Broeck 10206 210 16100 121800 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 117.00 1440 0 38.36-2-23 210 Salvato, Christopher St No Ten Broeck 10206 210 16300 134800 08 1900 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 180.00 1617 0 38.28-2-61 211 Coryer, Bradley J. No Ten Broeck St 10205 210 16900 168900 08 1904 04 3 0 1 1 3 1 115.00 3 145.00 1504 0 38.36-2-24 212 Dager, Laura M. No Ten Broeck St 10206 210 16000 114000 04 1967 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 98.00 1401 0 38.36-2-25 214 Heisler, Ralph T. No Ten Broeck St 10206 210 16000 127800 08 1932 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 91.00 1810 0 38.36-2-26 216 Boyark, Laurie J No Ten Broeck St 10206 210 10700 105400 08 1920 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 35.00 3 91.00 1284 0 22.6-3-34 3 Marcinko, Andrew D. Ct North 20304 210 31800 225000 03 1961 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.85 3 156.49 2564 0 22.6-3-31 4 Beebe, Garth & Maureen Ct North 20304 210 31600 213000 03 1964 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 135.19 2290 0 22.6-3-32 6 Mac Donald , Mark North Ct 20304 210 32500 202900 03 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 58.95 3 0 1920 0.46 22.6-3-33 8 Jehle, Kristin M. North Ct 20304 210 30500 192100 03 1967 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 54.29 3 0 1582 0.29 2.-1-7.11 Pagiotas(Trust), Paul Rd North 40200 323 105600 105600 0 0 134.20 4.-2-13.1 201 Biscossi, Joseph North Rd 40200 240 65600 399000 05 2012 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 3680 32.30 4.-2-11.2 275 Swere, Paul F. North Rd 40200 240 45000 142800 01 1966 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 446.00 3 1135.00 1248 12.00 4.-2-12 317 Kudzin, Gloria North Rd 40200 210 33800 142200 01 1971 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1075 2.20 4.-2-11.1 365 Macejka, Gary D. North Rd 40200 240 69900 218800 01 1997 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1508 36.90 4.-2-10 405 St John, Raymond S. Sr Rd North 40200 210 41300 95000 13 1950 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 672 8.30 4.-2-9 549 Whittmore, Anne K. North 40200 210 38300 212800 04 1946 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2022 5.30 Page 319 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 2.-1-4 648 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Shippee, Morgan + Brian Rd North 40200 210 31800 142100 08 1948 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1192 0.90 2.-1-5 679 Venditti, Tamara J. North Rd 40200 210 28300 237100 04 2014 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 2198 4.80 2.-1-3 742 Purvis, Dale North Rd 40200 240 96300 264500 05 1870 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2808 76.50 2.-1-7.2 804 Foster, Nanette M. North Rd 40200 210 42500 218700 08 1810 01 2 1 2 3 5 1 0 3 0 3040 9.46 4.-2-7 889 Yale, Mark R. North Rd 40200 240 84000 288500 05 1969 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 0 3 0 2088 52.04 2.-1-6 920 Revette, Michael + Suzanne Rd North 40200 210 34400 171000 08 1800 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2164 2.59 4.-2-6 1049 Conde David J & Bette J, Rd North 40200 210 40000 156800 08 1869 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1280 7.00 4.-1-5 1108 Kristel, Bruce North Rd 40200 210 32300 178000 04 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1460 1.20 4.-2-5.1 1163 Kristel, Jeremy B North Rd 40200 240 41100 105000 08 1939 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 2 0 914 8.10 4.-2-5.2 1177 Cenzano, Todd & Jennifer Rd North 40200 210 36800 350000 06 2006 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 2994 4.20 4.-1-3 1204 McLane, Luke R. North Rd 40200 210 31100 109400 01 1978 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 109.00 3 228.00 936 0 3.-2-7 1406 Davis, Michael J. North Rd 40200 240 45000 150000 04 1947 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1202 9.59 4.-2-3 1427 Marek, David James Rd North 40200 210 31900 94000 01 1940 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 309.00 3 132.00 1056 0 4.-2-2 1451 Zegarelli, Jessica North Rd 40200 210 28400 115100 08 1830 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 225.00 2 55.00 1680 0 3.-2-9 1562 Krutz, Arlene M (LE) Rd North 40200 210 39600 175000 04 1948 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2192 6.60 3.-2-10 1598 Sturges, Sterling A. North Rd 40200 210 32000 161800 04 1938 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1840 1.00 4.-2-1 1609 Mallia, Sarah North Rd 40200 210 33000 160000 05 1828 01 3 0 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 1690 1.64 3.-2-8.1 1648 Smith, Donald A. North Rd 40200 312 88800 99600 0 0 64.30 Page 320 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 4.-2-4 1709 Grey, Henrietta North 3.-2-11 1734 Murphy, Francis J. North Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 240 137800 342900 04 1981 03 4 0 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 2585 159.68 Rd 40200 240 85200 206000 08 1812 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2283 54.49 4.-3-1.21 1759 Boomhower, David J & Mariellen 40200 Rd 210 North 39000 203800 01 2006 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1732 5.96 3.4-1-3 1871 Sangiovanni, Gino & Debby Rd North 40200 210 31200 140000 08 1861 01 3 1 1 2 3 1 190.00 3 132.00 1520 0 3.4-1-4 1891 Oliva, Christopher North Rd 40200 210 29700 137800 08 1875 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 85.00 3 215.00 1616 0 3.4-1-2 1900 Guthinger, Brandon D Rd North 40200 210 31700 152700 01 1958 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 139.00 3 259.00 1641 0 3.4-1-5 1911 Schrader, Lois B North Rd 40200 210 28800 171900 05 1820 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 65.00 4 210.00 2258 0 29.82-2-41 105 Trier, Jill A. North Toll St 10201 210 13600 113500 08 1927 03 2 0 2 0 5 1 33.00 3 100.00 1584 0 22.15-2-13 7 Paupst, Kenneth R. Oak Hill Dr 20203 210 27100 217700 05 1958 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2072 0 22.15-1-16 8 Fitzgerald, Charles & Tara Dr Oak Hill 20203 210 28200 165700 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 127.20 4 150.00 1648 0 22.15-2-12 9 Seifert, Ronald M. Oak Hill Dr 20203 210 27100 231400 03 1959 03 2 1 3 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 3264 0 22.15-1-15 10 Lockwood, Virginia L. Dr Oak Hill 20203 210 27100 171600 01 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1144 0 22.15-2-11 11 Jones, Eliza Oak Hill Dr 20203 210 27100 178200 01 1960 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1196 0 22.15-1-14 12 Bartczak, Daniel + Kayla Dr Oak Hill 20203 210 27100 159100 03 1958 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1476 0 22.15-2-10 13 Martinec, Kenneth E & Jean Dr Oak Hill 20203 210 27100 167700 03 1959 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1505 0 22.15-1-13 14 Bertino, Revocable Trust, Anthony20203 J. Dr 210 Oak Hill 27100 169000 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1336 0 22.15-2-9 15 De Biase, Joseph Oak Hill Dr 20203 210 27100 195100 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2052 0 22.15-1-12 16 Rock, Elizabeth J. Oak Hill Dr 20203 210 27100 174800 03 1955 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1846 0 Page 321 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.15-2-8 17 Farina, Frank J. Oak Hill Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20203 210 27100 153300 03 1959 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1512 0 22.15-1-1 18 Lindsay Revocable Living, Thomas 20203 J. Dr 210 Oak Hill 27100 201800 03 1960 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2187 0 22.15-2-7 19 De Lucca, Robert Oak Hill 20203 210 27100 167600 03 1959 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1608 0 22.15-1-2 20 The Alternative Living Group , Inc.20203 Dr 210 Oak Hill 27100 177400 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1782 0 22.15-2-6 21 Carll, Dorothy D. Oak Hill Dr 20203 210 27100 132700 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1044 0 22.15-1-3 22 Tousignant, Michael J Dr Oak Hill 20203 210 27100 256900 04 2004 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 2016 0 22.15-2-5 23 Naioti, Life Estate, John + Lynn Dr Oak Hill 20203 210 27100 135000 01 1965 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1098 0 22.15-1-4 24 Chandler, Patricia A. Dr Oak Hill 20203 210 26300 164000 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 81.98 3 150.00 1636 0 22.15-2-4 25 Auger, John E. (LE) Oak Hill Dr 20203 210 27200 167100 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 135.00 3 100.00 1435 0 15.3-4-3.1 118 Eaton, Earl H. III Oak Ridge Dr 20206 210 34000 239200 03 1973 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 155.03 3 285.00 2368 0 15.1-2-4.15 120 Antonini, Robert Oak Ridge Dr 20206 210 40100 297900 06 2007 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 3330 5.10 15.1-2-4.14 122 Tricozzi, Raymond J. Dr Oak Ridge 20206 210 39300 415000 01 2002 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2968 4.50 15.3-4-2 123 Murray, Ronald R. Oak Ridge Dr 20206 210 33200 165600 03 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 145.00 3 185.00 1888 0 15.1-2-4.121 125 Garcia, Jose & Liduina Dr Oak Ridge 20206 210 44700 790500 07 2006 06 3 2 5 1 5 1 0 5 0 5682 9.70 29.60-1-32 1 Pedersen, Michael H. Dr Oakhurst 10100 210 24700 149800 02 1984 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 155.86 1368 0 29.60-1-33 3 Turnvall, Audrey & Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24600 157100 02 1984 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 73.70 3 155.00 1368 0 29.60-1-34 5 Newport, Robert M. Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24400 170000 02 1984 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 153.17 1744 0 29.60-1-35 7 Cowdrey, Nicholas P. Dr Oakhurst 10100 210 24600 155900 02 1991 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 78.66 3 142.43 1368 0 Dr Page 322 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.60-1-36 9 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Brawner, Julian S. Jr. Dr Oakhurst 10100 210 24300 143400 01 1994 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 61.88 3 119.78 1231 0 29.60-1-37 11 Frank, Richard J. Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24200 187000 04 1993 03 2 1 2 1 2 1 60.27 3 104.90 1841 0 29.60-1-38 13 Massey, Karen Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24200 163600 05 1992 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 66.31 3 100.00 1220 0 29.60-1-39 15 Irish, Kenney Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24200 135900 01 1990 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 100.00 1308 0 29.60-1-40 17 Property Ventures, Briscoe Dr Oakhurst 10100 210 24200 159000 02 1994 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 100.00 1520 0 29.60-1-41 19 Herron, Christopher J. Dr Oakhurst 10100 210 24200 163700 04 1996 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 65.00 3 100.00 1350 0 29.60-1-42 21 Thomson, Robert Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24200 182300 05 2000 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 65.00 3 100.00 1508 0 29.60-1-43 23 Darling, Ray Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24200 171900 05 1995 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 63.50 3 100.00 1268 0 29.60-1-44 25 Obernesser, Alexis Oakhurst Dr 10100 210 24200 174300 05 1997 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 71.50 3 100.00 1517 0 29.60-2-38 1 Preddice, Michael R. Ave Oakland 10100 210 24300 147200 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 115.00 1368 0 29.60-2-39 3 Fessenden, Jason Oakland Ave 10100 210 24400 145400 02 1966 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 123.00 1368 0 29.68-1-4 4 George, Steven V. Oakland Ave 10100 210 24400 130800 02 1970 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 140.00 1924 0 29.60-2-40 5 Crounse III, Elton Oakland Ave 10100 210 24600 140500 08 1895 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 94.50 3 125.00 1148 0 29.68-1-2.1 6 St Amour, Raymond Ave Oakland 10100 210 24700 121100 08 1900 04 2 0 2 0 3 1 95.00 3 125.00 1458 0 29.60-2-41 7 Dorsey, Kevin J. Oakland Ave 10100 210 24200 140500 08 1906 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 52.00 4 125.00 1490 0 30.13-1-39 8 Rousseau, David C. Ave Oakland 20201 210 16500 144600 08 1906 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 162.00 1536 0 30.13-1-41.1 9 Dorsey, Kevin J. Oakland 20201 312 23300 29400 125.00 125.00 0 17700 107100 1 70.00 3 125.00 748 0 30.13-1-38 10 Mc Knight-Chouffi, Constance J 20201 Ave 210 Oakland 01 1975 Page 323 of 628 03 2 0 1 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 0 2 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.13-1-41.2 11 McLaren, Adrian R. Oakland 30.13-1-37.2 12 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20201 210 22600 187900 05 1994 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 4 125.00 1922 0 Parkes, Robert A. Oakland Ave 20201 210 22600 162500 02 1978 03 4 0 2 1 3 1 105.00 3 125.00 1774 0 30.13-1-36.1 14 Lyon, Alfred E. Jr Oakland Ave 20201 210 25000 155100 08 1929 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 175.00 3 125.00 1681 0 30.13-1-42 15 Lacy, Sandra Oakland Ave 20201 210 17700 175000 02 1973 03 4 1 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 125.00 2122 0 30.13-1-34.1 16 Hemming, Peter E. Oakland Ave 20201 210 23800 145100 01 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 140.00 3 125.00 1149 0 30.13-1-43 17 Dunn, Michael K. Oakland Ave 20201 210 22600 191800 08 1930 03 2 1 1 0 5 1 105.00 3 125.00 2155 0 30.13-1-33 18 Mancini, Richard Oakland Ave 20201 210 17700 270600 05 1972 03 3 1 3 1 6 1 70.00 3 125.00 2966 0 30.13-1-45 19 Mc Collum, Martin Maurice Ave Oakland 20201 210 22600 146900 02 1976 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 125.00 1518 0 30.13-1-32.21 20 Harkness, Lynn B. Oakland Ave 20201 210 24100 142800 01 1978 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 147.00 3 125.00 1104 0 30.13-1-46.1 21 Candida, Joseph Oakland Ave 20201 210 22600 137000 01 1978 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 105.00 3 125.00 1040 0 30.13-1-46.21 23 Shoemaker, John H & Janice L Ave Oakland 20201 210 25100 141800 01 1978 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 188.00 3 126.00 1040 0 30.13-1-37.1 233 Schermerhorn, Janine Ave Oakland 20201 311 2200 2200 35.00 125.00 0 29.68-1-1 Rousseau, David C. Oakland-rear 10100 311 2900 2900 35.00 75.00 0 4 150.00 1392 0 23.13-3-1 101 Bowker, Michael J/Michele L Dr Oakwood 20307 210 47100 205100 05 1976 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 109.00 23.13-2-38 102 Robert A Papa Family Trust, Dr Oakwood 20307 210 46900 245300 05 1961 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 4 145.33 2207 0 23.13-3-2 103 O'Brien, Erica A. Oakwood Dr 20307 210 47100 225000 03 1963 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 108.65 4 150.00 2002 0 23.13-2-39 104 Korytkowski, Alfred S. Dr Oakwood 20307 210 47100 205300 01 1963 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 111.47 4 144.87 1872 0 23.13-3-3 105 Wuttke, Brian Oakwood 20307 210 47100 224400 05 1962 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 108.00 4 150.00 2118 0 Dr Page 324 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.13-2-40 106 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Markarian, Anna M (LE) Dr Oakwood 20307 210 46900 224400 05 1962 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 111.47 4 144.87 2146 0 23.13-3-4 107 Flom, Donald G D. Oakwood Dr 20307 210 47100 198000 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 108.00 4 150.00 1856 0 23.13-2-41 108 Kinnie, Gail Oakwood Dr 20307 210 46900 181900 01 1963 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 111.47 4 144.87 1647 0 23.13-3-5 109 Blackmer, Richard H. Dr Oakwood 20307 210 47600 233800 03 1965 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 118.00 4 150.00 2080 0 23.13-2-42 110 McDermott, Beth E. Dr Oakwood 20307 210 46900 214000 05 1964 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 111.47 4 144.87 2040 0 23.13-3-6 111 Duell, James C. Oakwood Dr 20307 210 46600 216800 05 1964 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 98.65 4 150.00 2048 0 23.13-3-7 113 Williams, Catherine A Dr Oakwood 20307 210 45600 248700 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.16 4 158.57 2328 0 23.-2-47 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 23.-2-49 23.-2-50 23.-2-51 23.-2-52 23.-2-53 23.-2-54 23.-2-55 23.-2-56 23.-2-57 Page 325 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 23.-2-48 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.-2-58 23.-2-59 23.-2-60 23.-2-61 23.-2-63 23.-2-64 23.-2-65 23.-2-66 23.-2-67 23.-2-68 23.-2-69 23.-2-70 23.-2-71 23.-2-72 23.-2-73 23.-2-74 23.-2-75 23.-2-76 Town - Glenville 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 Page 326 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Residential Parcel Array Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.-2-77 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 15000 15000 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 127 Maple Ave, LLC, Ave Off Maple 50100 300 5400 5400 0 0 0.02 30.13-3-36 350 Arellano, Constance Rd Old Ballston 20201 210 23100 148400 13 1938 03 3 0 2 0 2 1 59.00 3 250.59 1746 0 22.1-1-58 5 Mahar, Frank J. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 32300 242900 05 1980 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 85.75 3 139.94 2148 0 22.1-1-59 6 Steele, Norman A. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 34100 225000 05 1980 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 134.84 3 138.04 2045 0 22.1-1-57 7 Robleno, Fernando A. Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 33800 244600 05 1982 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 128.19 3 136.83 2142 0 23.-2-79 23.-2-80 23.-2-81 23.-2-82 23.-2-83 23.-2-84 23.-2-85 23.-2-86 23.-2-87 23.-2-88 23.-2-89 23.-2-90 Page 327 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 23.-2-78 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.1-1-60 8 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Wilson, Dwight D. Lf Est Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 34000 204800 05 1980 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 131.78 3 138.04 1716 0 22.1-1-56 9 Shumway, Ken Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 34400 227350 05 1983 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 144.00 3 136.83 2208 0 22.1-1-27 10 Haddon, Michael E. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 29500 198400 05 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 67.00 3 150.00 1742 0 22.1-1-16 12 DiDonato, Rosalind A & Richard 20303 Rd 210 Olde Coach 32200 236700 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 87.51 3 135.22 2034 0 22.1-1-15 14 Walrath, David Olde Coach 20303 210 34200 228100 05 1973 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.53 3 188.77 2024 0 22.1-1-29 15 Schwedatschenko, Michael Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 33400 228900 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 135.00 3 113.00 2010 0 22.1-1-14 16 Duda, Carl G. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 33900 223900 05 1972 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 94.00 3 188.77 2209 0 22.1-1-30 17 Decker, Vernon F. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 34100 227300 06 1978 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 120.00 3 154.70 1806 0 22.1-1-13 18 Clute, Donald G. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 34400 192900 03 1973 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 0 1525 0.45 22.1-1-31 19 Oakes, Norma L. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 33100 248300 05 1978 03 4 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 149.34 2194 0 22.1-1-12.1 20 Plantz, Joseph Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 35100 202500 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 235.00 1600 0 22.1-1-32 21 Barber, Jeremy + Joanna Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 33200 221400 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 153.30 1950 0 22.1-1-11.311 22 English, Mark C. Olde Coach 20303 210 35000 218300 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 224.00 1755 0 22.1-1-33 23 Severenko, Revocable Trust, Boris 20303 J. Rd 210 Olde Coach 32700 235500 05 1978 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 74.59 3 180.60 2132 0 22.1-1-10.1 24 Fialkowski, Mark E. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 34700 208400 03 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 206.00 1998 0 22.1-1-34 25 Kuon, Thomas F. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 33800 201600 03 1971 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 130.00 3 145.00 1952 0 22.1-1-9.1 26 Finn, Joanne Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 34200 202900 05 1974 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 188.00 1764 0 22.1-1-6 27 Hoffman, James T. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 33300 238600 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 152.00 3 102.00 2100 0 Rd Page 328 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.1-1-8.1 28 Lopez, Matthew Olde Coach 22.1-1-7 30 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20303 210 34200 270000 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 188.00 2456 0 Isaksen, Jonathan & Paula Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 33300 255000 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 150.00 2120 0 15.3-2-9 31 Clark, Linda R. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 35000 228300 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 106.00 3 226.00 2076 0 15.3-2-10 32 Marshall, Kurt + Dianna Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 34100 227400 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 112.00 3 151.00 2024 0 15.3-2-8 33 Crary, Jill D. Olde Coach 20303 210 35800 216500 03 1978 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 156.00 3 246.00 1634 0 15.3-2-11 34 Messina, Thomas & Jeannine Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 33400 183300 03 1977 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 102.00 3 143.00 1368 0 15.3-2-12 36 Green, Thomas & Amy Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 32900 236200 05 1978 03 4 1 2 0 4 1 95.00 4 149.00 2032 0 15.3-2-7 37 Weiss, Marvin & Vera J Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 35300 236200 02 1978 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 284.00 2362 0 15.3-2-13 38 Van Buren, Audina Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 33600 227800 05 1978 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 108.00 4 160.00 2024 0 15.3-2-6 39 Kasparian, Fredrick J. Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 35100 186800 02 1978 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 108.00 3 239.00 1756 0 15.3-2-14 40 Pagano, Arthur & Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 33600 196300 03 1976 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 4 159.00 1768 0 15.3-2-5 41 D'amour, Daniel D. Olde Coach Rd 20303 210 34400 201600 03 1979 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 111.00 3 165.00 1584 0 15.3-2-15 42 Williams, Robert W. Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 33900 230100 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 93.34 4 192.09 2024 0 15.3-2-4 43 Mossey, Lawrence A. Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 33400 205400 03 1978 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 157.00 1601 0 15.3-2-16 44 Gibney , James J. III Rd Olde Coach 20303 210 35100 220200 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 103.00 3 222.13 1830 0 15.3-2-3 45 Basil, James L. Olde Coach 20303 210 25400 240000 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 71.80 2164 0 15.3-2-17 46 Taylor, Todd S & Colleen A Rd Olde Coach 20206 210 31800 183800 05 1979 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 115.00 1662 0 15.3-5-4.12 Town of Glenville, Onderdonk 20206 590 16700 16700 147.64 210.00 0 Rd Rd Rd Page 329 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-5-4.2 Town of Glenville, Onderdonk Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd 20206 590 16700 16700 147.64 210.10 0 JAF Mechanical,LLC, Rd Onderdonk 20206 322 38700 38700 0 0 11.85 15.3-5-10 10 Waycie, Amy Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33400 142100 08 1938 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 150.00 3 200.00 1370 0 15.3-3-21 11 McDonough, Scott Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 39300 198000 04 1946 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2117 4.50 15.3-5-9 12 Townsend, Frank Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33900 132000 04 1945 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 279.50 1028 0 15.3-5-8 14 Dytrych, Walter F. Jr Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 32000 151100 01 1973 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 120.00 4 150.00 1312 0 15.3-3-20 15 Lieberman, Matthew P. Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 34200 165900 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 138.00 3 348.00 1940 0 15.3-5-4.11 16 Town of Glenville, Onderdonk Rd 20206 590 67500 67500 0 0 42.14 15.3-3-19 17 Ruggiero, Anthony L. Jr Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 35000 35000 05 2016 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 158.00 3 460.00 2900 0 15.3-3-18 19 Lindstead, Jay Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31700 131900 01 1958 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1222 0 15.3-5-7 20 Davis, Kernan W. Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 35500 178600 08 1880 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 318.00 4 274.00 2251 2.00 15.3-3-17 21 Murray, Eugene R. Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33100 153800 02 1976 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 165.00 3 150.00 1592 0 15.3-3-16 23 Feeley, Thomas J Jr & Joann Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 31100 151600 01 1958 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1608 0 15.3-5-6 24 Schmick, William Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33000 149500 01 1972 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 145.00 3 150.00 1450 0 15.3-3-15 25 Buetow, William & Carrie Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 31100 145100 01 1958 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1275 0 15.3-3-14 27 Cornell, Michael W. Onderdonk 20206 210 31100 152000 02 1974 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1644 0 15.3-3-13 29 Mc Arthur Living Trust , Lawrence20206 B. Rd 210 Onderdonk 31100 138700 01 1968 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1292 0 15.3-5-5 30 Visker, Sherri D. Onderdonk 32200 89200 01 1970 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 125.00 3 150.00 960 0 Rd Rd 20206 210 Page 330 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 15.3-3-5.112 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-3-12 31 Kile, Shirley Onderdonk 15.3-5-3 32 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths Rd 20206 210 31100 126900 01 1971 03 2 Olbrych, David Onderdonk Rd 20206 311 10000 10000 15.3-3-11 33 Bell, Stewart Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31200 135000 01 1972 03 2 1 1 15.3-5-2 34 Olbrych, David J. Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31400 160000 01 1971 03 2 15.3-3-10 35 Dantz, Denise M. Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 32500 136300 01 1972 15.3-5-1 36 Johnson, Thomas M. Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 31600 134400 15.3-3-9 37 Sheyon, Craig Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 15.-1-9 38 Halbfinger, Roger A. Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 15.3-3-8 39 CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 100.00 3 150.08 960 0 100.00 167.65 0 2 4 1 99.90 3 152.97 1232 0 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 161.36 1619 0 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 133.95 3 150.00 972 0 01 1971 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 170.00 1032 0 31200 164300 03 1971 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 108.00 3 150.00 1885 0 46100 329200 05 2006 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 0 2214 43.70 Morse family Trust, Walter W. & Joan 20206 M. Rd 210 Onderdonk 31100 164300 03 1972 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1827 0 15.3-4-13 40 Hudson, William E. (LE) Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 31100 154000 01 1972 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1436 0 15.3-3-7 41 MacFee, Deborah Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31100 137500 01 1972 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1441 0 15.3-4-12 42 Van Slyke, Leonard R. Jr Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 34200 183600 03 1972 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2227 1.10 15.3-3-6 43 Zimolka, Michael R. Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 31700 142500 01 1968 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 113.32 3 150.00 1399 0 15.3-4-11 44 Mowers, Fred L. III Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 37000 155000 05 1945 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 135.00 3 0 1828 3.00 15.3-4-10 46 Reed, Faith Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31100 140100 01 1972 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1536 0 15.3-3-4 47 Renaud, Elwyn Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31300 140900 01 1972 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 160.00 1342 0 15.3-4-9 48 Dugan, Joseph A. Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33100 121600 01 1935 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 50.00 3 486.00 1224 0 15.3-3-3 49 Borjas, Mercy K Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31200 162000 01 1972 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 160.00 1605 0 Page 331 of 628 0 1 0 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.3-4-8 50 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Zebrowski, Rometta J. Rd Onderdonk 20206 210 33300 67300 13 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 1 486.55 860 0 15.3-3-2 51 Smith, Barbara Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 31400 136000 01 1975 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 148.00 1246 0 15.3-4-7 52 Harrigan, Tammy Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33000 119100 08 1927 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 439.43 1500 0 15.3-3-1 53 Eaker, Jeffrey D. Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33200 143200 01 1973 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 129.99 3 206.98 1320 0 15.3-4-6 54 Oliver, Daniel Onderdonk Rd 20206 210 33800 219600 06 1987 01 2 1 2 0 3 1 100.00 4 400.00 1962 0 22.7-4-46 1 Hodgson, Family Trust, Susan M. 20203 Dr 210 Orchard 26800 140000 04 1953 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 99.13 3 138.66 1152 0 22.7-4-29 2 Terry, Brian Orchard Dr 20203 210 26200 164600 04 1953 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 115.21 1238 0 22.7-4-54 3 Colucci, Laura A. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26500 124400 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 112.72 3 110.00 960 0 22.7-4-30 4 Famularo, Dominic J. Dr Orchard 20203 210 26700 148500 04 1952 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 112.26 3 123.21 1214 0 22.7-4-53 5 Lathrop, Marion V. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26800 140000 04 1950 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 110.00 3 124.80 1152 0 22.7-4-31 6 Jones, Justin + Jennifer Dr Orchard 20203 210 27000 153800 04 1953 03 3 0 2 0 5 1 115.00 3 124.01 1344 0 22.7-4-52 7 Giacobbi, Alissa Orchard Dr 20203 210 26800 140000 04 1953 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 127.89 1152 0 22.7-4-32 8 Murphy, George W. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26900 146300 04 1953 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 65.00 3 184.30 1170 0 22.7-4-51 9 Bushnell, Robert D. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26800 145400 04 1953 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 109.37 3 127.89 1152 0 22.7-4-33 10 Haller, Frank F. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26900 155200 04 1953 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 65.00 3 184.30 1424 0 22.7-4-50 11 Reddington, Shane Orchard Dr 20203 210 26100 142400 04 1953 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 97.29 3 117.18 1194 0 22.7-4-34 12 Rohling, William W. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26800 140000 04 1952 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 108.00 3 124.10 1152 0 22.7-4-49 13 Irish, Loretta K. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26700 142700 04 1951 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 117.18 1152 0 Page 332 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.7-4-35 14 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Watrobski, Felix & Mildred Dr Orchard 20203 210 26600 144300 04 1952 02 3 0 2 0 4 1 108.00 3 120.00 1152 0 22.7-4-48 15 Bernat, Nicholas Orchard Dr 20203 210 26500 157200 04 1951 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 120.00 3 109.02 1344 0 22.7-4-36 16 Hart, Corey H. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26800 122100 04 1953 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 106.00 3 122.03 960 0 22.7-4-47 17 Tynecki, Joseph D. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26300 147000 04 1953 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 111.29 3 100.87 1344 0 22.7-4-37 18 Fank, Jack Orchard Dr 20203 210 26700 143000 04 1953 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 102.36 3 123.53 1152 0 22.7-4-38 20 Casey, Colleen C. Orchard Dr 20203 210 26600 149000 04 1954 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 106.37 3 123.68 1152 0 22.7-4-39 22 Petroski, Michael E. Dr Orchard 20203 210 27200 180400 04 1954 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 105.00 3 123.68 1326 0 22.7-4-40.11 24 Consaul, Christopher C. Dr Orchard 20203 210 31300 180500 04 1954 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 178.00 3 0 1326 1.84 22.7-4-41 26 Depew, Marc R. Orchard Dr 20203 210 23600 185000 04 1953 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 66.90 3 150.57 1808 0 22.7-4-42 28 Mosher, David & Erica Dr Orchard 20203 210 26300 150000 04 1952 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 65.00 3 150.57 1152 0 22.7-4-43 30 Graham, Robert Orchard Dr 20203 210 26700 150000 04 1945 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 110.00 3 121.00 1152 0 22.7-4-44 32 Wood, Bernard Orchard Dr 20203 210 26600 187200 04 1953 03 3 0 2 1 5 1 114.00 3 121.00 1811 0 22.7-4-45 34 Bassi, Michael Orchard Dr 20203 210 26600 155000 04 1951 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 118.00 3 109.52 1348 0 38.11-4-8 500 Borisenko, Stacey L. Ave Orlinda 20200 210 19600 137300 01 1955 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 140.00 1000 0 38.11-4-35 501 Petralia, David Orlinda 20200 215 18100 198000 01 1975 02 2 0 3 1 4 2 140.00 3 80.00 2271 0 38.11-4-34 507 Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal 20200 Home Ave 210 Orlinda 18500 119600 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 160.00 1430 0 38.11-4-38 508 Sullivan, Lynn R (LE) Ave Orlinda 20200 210 9300 110800 04 1946 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 864 0 38.11-4-33 511 Porter, Robert L. Orlinda 20200 210 9300 112900 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1670 0 Ave Page 333 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-4-39 514 Kiddle, Carol M. Orlinda 38.11-4-32 515 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 19600 166200 08 1920 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 120.00 3 140.00 1584 0 Mossa, Vincent Orlinda Ave 20200 210 18900 130700 08 1940 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 140.00 1650 0 38.11-4-31 517 Velasco, Kathleen Orlinda Ave 20200 210 13900 125100 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1284 0 38.11-4-40 518 Wolf, Richard C. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 12300 125500 04 1946 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 53.33 3 140.00 1202 0 38.11-4-41 520 Miller, Anthony Orlinda Ave 20200 210 12300 125500 04 1945 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 53.33 3 140.00 1202 0 38.11-4-30 521 McKinney, Ryan P. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 18100 136500 13 1925 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1208 0 38.11-4-42 522 Benny, Armon Orlinda Ave 20200 210 12300 169300 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 53.33 4 140.00 1644 0 38.11-4-43 524 Galas, June A. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 111800 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 1023 0 38.11-4-29 525 Fasano, Linda M Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 104100 04 1935 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1031 0 38.11-4-44 526 Kress, Susan J. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 121700 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1023 0 38.11-4-28 527 Jurcsak, Lillian Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 116900 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 80.00 1206 0 38.11-4-45 528 Duggan, James E. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 121300 01 1990 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1092 0 38.11-2-45 602 Jewell, Keith B. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9500 84100 13 1950 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 41.00 3 140.00 528 0 38.11-2-46 604 Van Vorst, Robert A. Ave Orlinda 20200 210 18000 185400 04 1947 01 2 0 3 1 5 1 79.00 3 140.00 2217 0 38.11-2-44 607 Bouchard, Paul N. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 136000 13 1950 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 1552 0 38.11-2-43 609 Lupi, Sheila Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 98000 13 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1063 0 38.11-2-42 611 Schwartz, Mary S. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 101400 13 1928 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1008 0 38.11-2-41 613 Benedetto, Gabriella Ave Orlinda 20200 210 9300 120100 04 1938 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1166 0 Page 334 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-2-47 614 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Foti, Joseph G & Marion A Ave Orlinda 20200 210 9300 111900 04 1951 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1051 0 38.11-2-40 615 Kelly, Jacqueline J. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 106500 13 1926 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 1212 0 38.11-2-48 616 Allen, Gary P. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 125000 04 1951 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1177 0 38.11-2-39 617 Leonard, Patricia Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 96100 13 1903 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 906 0 38.11-2-49 618 Taylor, Ryan + Andrea Ave Orlinda 20200 210 9300 119000 04 1951 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1257 0 38.11-2-38 619 Avina, Jon Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 128000 13 1920 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1056 0 38.11-2-50 620 Smith, Michael A Jr Orlinda Ave 20200 210 9300 102700 04 1951 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 864 0 38.11-2-51 624 Babjak, Daniel W. Orlinda Ave 20200 210 15900 65000 13 1941 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 120.00 1186 0 38.11-2-52 626 Reedy, Alton Wayne Jr Ave Orlinda 20200 210 11900 134100 08 1936 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 140.00 1355 0 38.11-1-14 702 Gibson, David A. III Orlinda Ave 20200 210 18100 101900 13 1925 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1125 0 38.11-1-15 706 Carignan, Wayne L Orlinda Ave 20200 220 9300 122600 08 1910 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 40.00 3 140.00 1600 0 38.11-1-16 708 Livingston, Robert E. Ave Orlinda 20200 210 9300 129700 08 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1752 0 38.11-5-2 709 Manganaro, Geoffrey Ave Orlinda 20200 210 22100 141900 13 1920 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 185.00 3 80.00 1472 0 38.11-1-17 712 Campbell, Christopher L. Ave Orlinda 20200 210 18100 109700 08 1925 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 140.00 1296 0 10.17-7-21 Lannon, Richard F & Robin C Rd Paradowski 20204 311 1500 1500 500.00 120.00 0 Arnow, Matthew Paradowski Rd 20204 311 1500 1500 30.00 0 1.00 10.17-7-16.1 19 Lannon, Richard Paradowski Rd 20204 210 39100 139100 01 2003 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1144 1.70 16.5-1-3 21 La Bombard, Darren R & Sharon 20204 Rd 210 Paradowski 36800 153000 01 1958 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 152.38 3 138.11 1543 0 Page 335 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 10.17-7-18 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.5-1-2 22 Wessels, Ella B. Paradowski 16.5-2-28 28 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20204 210 35300 148900 01 1960 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 129.00 3 113.00 1056 0 Pecor, Barney W. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 35600 143500 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 90.00 3 177.00 1332 0 10.17-7-17 33 Arnow, Matthew Paradowski Rd 20204 311 38800 38800 460.00 0 1.50 16.5-2-8 36 Neander, Glenn C. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 36800 162400 01 1954 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 106.00 3 197.90 1544 0 16.5-2-7 40 Paradowski, F Helen Rd Paradowski 20204 210 38900 140300 13 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 980 1.60 16.5-2-6 42 Smith, James E. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 37800 137900 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 728 0.90 16.5-2-5 44 Kergel, Jeremy T. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 38300 134900 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 200.00 3 300.00 1119 1.20 10.17-7-19 47 Murphy, Irrevocable Trust, Janice 20204 Rd 210 Paradowski 38100 168200 01 1960 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 200.00 3 236.30 1641 0 16.5-2-4 48 Mosher, David A. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 41200 170000 04 1950 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1917 3.12 10.17-7-20.11 49 Epting, Roger Paradowski Rd 20204 210 38075 128700 01 1950 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 125.00 3 0 1214 1.05 16.5-2-3 50 Woznack, Thomas Paradowski Rd 20204 210 35100 78000 13 1954 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1169 0 10.17-7-20.21 51 Epting, James A. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 41300 235300 02 1977 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 0 2324 3.21 16.5-2-2 52 Martin, Irrev. Trust, Helen L. Rd Paradowski 20204 210 35100 145400 04 1962 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 150.00 1479 0 16.5-2-1.21 54 Warren, Kevin G. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 38900 279400 05 2007 03 2 2 2 1 5 1 0 4 0 3004 1.63 16.5-2-1.11 54A Brooksby, Glen W. Paradowski Rd 20204 210 38600 225100 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 1794 1.43 22.6-1-28 1 Kanuck, Andrew O. Park La 20304 210 30600 214200 03 1957 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 88.47 3 150.00 2401 0 22.6-1-14 2 Longo, as Trustee, Carol A. Park La 20304 210 32700 193000 01 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 125.61 3 150.00 1810 0 22.6-1-26 3 Nielsen, Paul A & Park La 20304 210 31200 193800 05 1955 01 2 1 1 1 5 1 105.00 3 150.00 1904 0 Page 336 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.6-1-15 4 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Giniecki, Lois M. Park La 20304 210 31100 192000 03 1953 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2067 0 22.6-1-25 5 Zampini, Gloria D. Park La 20304 210 31100 191000 03 1958 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2078 0 22.6-1-16 6 Lauria, Christopher Park La 20304 210 31100 239500 03 1957 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2476 0 22.6-1-24 7 Ayers, Josh Park La 20304 210 31100 221600 05 1957 01 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2208 0 22.6-1-17 8 Piel, Joseph E. Jr Park La 20304 210 31100 190400 03 1955 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2052 0 22.6-1-23 9 Bondley, Beverly A. Park La 20304 210 31100 162000 01 1957 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1482 0 22.6-1-18 10 Stuhr, Jeffrey A. Park La 20304 210 31100 253100 05 1955 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2506 0 22.6-1-22 11 Newton, Jonathan Park La 20304 210 31100 211500 05 1955 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2136 0 22.6-1-21 13 Stanton, Phyllis M. Park La 20304 210 31100 187000 03 1955 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1874 0 22.6-1-20 15 Krauser, Thomas E. Park La 20304 210 31400 190500 05 1955 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 107.41 3 150.00 1843 0 22.6-1-27 Wells, Chadwick Park Lane & Berkley Sq. 20304 311 400 400 20.00 150.00 0 Schermerhorn, Janine Ave Parkland 20201 311 17700 17700 70.00 125.00 0 29.68-1-9 5 Jackson, Jay T. Parkland Ave 10100 210 24400 134100 02 1967 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 140.00 1418 0 30.61-1-4 6 Zieniuk, Kevin Parkland Ave 10100 210 24400 139100 02 1968 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 140.00 3 60.00 1418 0 30.13-1-24 187 Coons, Everett C. Parkland Ave 20201 210 24000 70000 13 1944 03 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 480 0.42 30.61-1-1 189 Tleiji, Salem Parkland Ave 20201 311 13800 13800 32.00 128.00 0 30.13-1-25 189 Tleiji, Salem Parkland Ave 20201 210 13800 115000 08 1928 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 131.00 1680 0 30.61-1-3 191 Adams, John C. Parkland Ave 10100 210 24800 148500 08 1865 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 87.00 3 170.00 1890 0 Page 337 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 30.13-1-28 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.68-1-10 195 Burroughs, Carla Parkland Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10100 210 25000 105200 08 1906 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 112.00 3 165.00 1300 0 30.13-1-26 197 Lorey, Scott & Susan Ave Parkland 20201 210 22700 145000 08 1918 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 82.00 3 162.00 1456 0 30.13-1-27 201 Pattee, Janine Parkland Ave 20201 210 23800 162500 08 1906 03 4 0 1 0 4 1 140.00 3 125.00 1392 0 30.13-1-21 204 Pahl, Amber K Parkland Ave 20201 210 24600 273200 04 2004 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 106.71 3 199.95 2776 0.47 30.13-1-29 205 Conch Shell Properties,Inc., Ave Parkland 20201 210 17700 187000 05 2010 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 70.00 3 125.00 1576 0 30.13-1-20.1 206 Ogagan, Augustine A & Rose K Ave Parkland 20201 210 23000 218900 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.00 4 193.80 1826 0 30.13-1-30.1 207 Myron, Marian F. Parkland Ave 20201 210 23800 120300 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 140.00 3 125.00 1323 0 30.13-1-19.11 208 West, Linda L. Parkland Ave 20202 210 37200 225500 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 141.55 3 193.80 1624 0.59 30.13-1-31.2 209 Graney, Irrevocable Trust, Virginia20201 M. Ave 210 Parkland 22600 134600 04 1978 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 105.00 3 125.00 1476 0 30.13-1-19.121 210 West, Lee David Parkland 20201 210 23800 243000 05 1984 03 2 1 2 0 5 1 140.00 3 222.87 2546 0 30.13-1-18.11 214-216 Wilcock, Donald E & Michele J Ave Parkland 20201 220 23700 238500 12 1984 03 4 1 2 0 6 2 140.00 3 145.00 3180 0.38 30.13-1-32.11 215 Vendetti, John W. Parkland 20201 210 25100 174000 01 1985 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 185.00 3 126.00 1716 0 29.68-1-11 Lorey, Scott & Susan Parkland - rear 10100 311 1000 1000 35.00 75.00 0 0 311 3400 3400 60.00 28.00 0 30.61-1-2 15.16-4-30 16.13-5-30 16.13-5-31 16.13-5-33 Ave NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Coons, Everett C Parkland -rear Ave Pahl, David D. Pashley Rd 50100 300 13800 13800 184.14 225.03 0 Pahl, David D. Pashley Rd 20205 311 9200 9200 135.20 150.00 0.46 Pahl, David D. Pashley Rd 20205 311 9200 9200 135.20 150.00 0.46 Pahl, David D. Pashley Rd 20205 311 9200 9200 120.61 189.51 0.47 Page 338 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-5-32 Pahl, David D. Pashley Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd 20205 311 9200 9200 129.97 154.32 0.47 Pahl, David D. Pashley Rd 20205 311 13800 13800 178.08 123.56 0.69 Pahl, David D. Pashley Rd 20205 322 68000 68000 0 0 15.41 15.12-6-33 9 Maynard, Lenore A. Pashley Rd 20205 210 25700 120000 01 1947 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 65.00 3 250.00 1057 0 15.12-6-37.2 10 Skinner, Brian J. Pashley Rd 20205 210 27500 170400 04 1945 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 92.26 3 352.00 1638 0 15.12-6-37.1 12 Gallagher, William Pashley Rd 20205 210 27500 190800 01 1977 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 94.51 3 334.82 1783 0 15.12-6-32 13 Flower, John E. Pashley Rd 20205 210 28100 141100 13 1928 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 148.00 2 321.64 1440 0 15.12-6-38 16 Desrosiers, Louis Pashley Rd 20205 210 33800 149700 04 1948 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1162 1.90 15.12-6-31 17 Murphy, Joseph T. Pashley Rd 20205 210 28300 135800 08 1932 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 4 0 1176 1.20 15.12-6-30 21 Spencer, Charles J. Rd Pashley 20205 210 27400 182700 08 1900 03 2 1 1 2 4 1 105.37 3 298.05 1976 0 15.12-6-29 23 Cook, Gregory Pashley Rd 20205 210 27700 175300 01 1952 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 92.99 3 399.83 1008 0 15.12-6-28 25 Kudzin, Arthur J. Jr Pashley Rd 20205 210 28100 166200 03 1955 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 82.39 3 555.37 1411 0 15.12-6-27 27 Fitzgerald, Stephanie Rd Pashley 20205 210 25100 131900 13 1940 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 1263 0 15.16-1-1 28 Osborne, Thomas J. Rd Pashley 20205 210 28200 129500 04 1942 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1260 1.10 15.12-6-26 29 Schaaf , Gregory Pashley Rd 20205 210 25100 128800 04 1940 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 250.00 1200 0 15.16-1-2 34 Davis, Peter Pashley Rd 20205 210 28000 195800 05 1940 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 4 0 1896 1.00 15.12-6-25 35 Lucier, Matthew E. Pashley Rd 20205 210 30300 147900 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 4 0 1548 2.50 15.16-1-3 38 Maggs, Cody Jon Pashley Rd 20205 210 28300 175000 04 1940 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 1915 1.20 16.13-5-1.4 Page 339 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 16.13-5-29 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.12-6-24 39 Flint, Steven E. Pashley 15.16-1-4 42 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 28200 156100 04 1932 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 1836 1.10 Parker, Burt J. Pashley Rd 20205 210 28200 149100 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1261 1.10 15.12-6-23 43 Geuss, Richard P. Pashley Rd 20205 210 27800 194000 04 1965 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 85.30 4 456.10 2240 0 15.16-1-5 44 Osborne, Patricia M. Rd Pashley 20205 210 27100 150900 04 1948 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 64.00 3 369.00 1410 0 15.16-1-6.1 46 Bachand, Marc & Bobby Jo Rd Pashley 20205 210 17500 160000 04 1953 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 63.83 3 126.00 1571 0 15.12-6-22 47 Brazee, Shirley K. Pashley Rd 20205 210 28200 136400 13 1942 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 824 1.10 15.12-6-21 51 Lombardi, Christopher J. Rd Pashley 20205 280 40300 200000 08 1920 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1281 1.20 15.12-6-21 51 Lombardi, Christopher J. Rd Pashley 20205 280 40300 200000 04 1952 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1581 1.20 15.12-6-20 55 Antoniewicz, Edward Rd Pashley 20205 210 28500 131000 08 1933 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1027 1.30 15.16-4-1 59 Fronk, Barry R. Pashley Rd 20205 210 33100 164100 08 1922 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1412 4.40 15.16-2-1 64 Bodenstab, Priscilla Rd Pashley 20205 210 26900 160800 04 1935 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 115.00 4 200.00 1512 0 15.16-4-2.1 65 Fronk, Life Estate, Bruce + Marion20205 Rd 210 Pashley 26000 149300 04 1946 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 200.00 1298 0.40 15.16-2-3.1 68 Pelletier, Lane L. Pashley Rd 20205 210 28300 213200 08 1937 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 2088 1.20 15.16-4-4 69 Litwin, Larry M. Pashley Rd 20205 210 32700 176500 08 1935 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1968 4.10 15.16-3-1 72 Kownack, David A. Pashley Rd 20205 210 25900 159700 04 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 200.00 1693 0 15.16-4-5 75 Crounse, Gary Pashley Rd 20205 220 27800 123200 08 1910 04 3 0 3 0 2 2 100.00 2 398.47 1102 0 15.16-3-2 76 Jones, Steven E. Pashley Rd 20205 210 24700 155000 04 1950 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 134.00 1612 0 15.16-4-6 77 Schmitt, Victoria Pashley Rd 20205 210 27800 149300 04 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 399.08 1400 0 Page 340 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 15.16-4-7 81 Palmer, Keith R. Pashley 15.16-3-3 84 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20205 210 27100 167000 01 1938 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 250.00 1452 0 Pomykaj, Edward Pashley Rd 20205 210 24000 102000 08 1942 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 62.50 3 190.00 903 0 15.16-3-4 86 Bienduga, Phyllis Pashley Rd 20205 210 20300 105000 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 62.50 3 164.94 924 0 15.16-4-26 87 Vonie, Pamela A. Pashley Rd 20205 210 26500 95200 13 1937 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 200.00 648 0 15.16-4-27 89 James, Karen Pashley Rd 20205 210 27800 124100 13 1942 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 400.00 1092 0 15.16-4-28.2 95 Evans, Christopher&Michelle Rd Pashley 20205 210 27700 182200 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 188.01 3 201.00 1689 0 15.16-4-29.32 96 Pahl, David D. Pashley Rd 20205 484 224700 242000 04 1951 04 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 1418 1.66 15.16-4-28.1 97 Morales, David M. Pashley Rd 20205 210 28400 248700 05 2007 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 0 3 0 2728 1.29 16.13-1-25 105 Stater, Robert G. Pashley Rd 20205 210 27600 166500 04 1950 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 164.71 3 213.80 1452 0 16.13-1-24 111 Adams, Joseph E. Pashley Rd 20205 210 27000 154700 04 1948 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 100.01 3 213.00 1326 0 16.13-1-23 113 Neddo, Peter H. Pashley Rd 20205 210 27000 163400 04 1952 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 224.25 1376 0 16.13-1-22 121 Stich, Stephen D. Pashley Rd 20205 210 27000 186600 04 1951 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 226.00 1384 0 16.13-1-21 123 Widay, Jacqueline L. Rd Pashley 20205 210 27000 161300 04 1945 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 225.00 1344 0 16.13-1-20 125 Valachovic, Timothy J. Rd Pashley 20205 210 27000 139000 04 1946 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.10 3 230.00 1056 0 16.13-2-18 129 Hanson, Constance M. Rd Pashley 20205 210 26100 145100 04 1950 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 230.00 1224 0 16.13-2-17 133 Kirsch, Neal & Lynn Pashley Rd 20205 210 26100 169100 04 1957 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 234.00 1344 0 16.13-5-1.14 134 Lewek, David M. Pashley Rd 20205 210 25100 257700 05 2002 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2249 0.34 16.13-5-1.13 136 Mabee, Rev Trust, Christopher T. 20205 Rd 311 Pashley 25100 25100 100.00 150.00 0.34 Page 341 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-2-16 137 Doll, Richard + Leila Rd Pashley Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20205 220 27100 172400 04 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 2 100.00 3 230.00 2536 0 16.13-5-1.12 138 Mabee, Revocable Trust, Christopher 20205 Rd 210 Pashley 25100 270000 01 2003 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2002 0 16.13-5-2.12 142 Mastrianni, Phyllis (LE) Rd Pashley 20205 210 30200 219700 01 2000 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 0 1040 2.45 16.13-5-2.11 144 Sauer, Thomas Pashley Rd 20205 210 31800 237000 04 1952 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2124 3.52 16.13-5-3 146 Daignault, Timothy J. Rd Pashley 20205 210 28000 174300 04 1953 01 2 1 1 2 4 1 75.00 3 581.00 1547 1.00 16.13-5-4 148 Nokes, Danny A. Pashley Rd 20205 210 28000 160000 04 1950 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 580.80 1892 1.00 16.13-4-14.2 151 Nethaway, Tracy L. Pashley Rd 20205 210 29000 154600 03 1997 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 125.00 3 0 1250 1.66 16.13-5-5.11 152 Hendrickson, Mark W. Rd Pashley 20205 210 31200 230100 05 1964 07 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 2232 3.12 16.13-4-14.1 153 DiDonna, Ronald J. Pashley Rd 20205 210 30500 194800 01 1950 02 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1582 2.68 16.13-4-13 157 Spikereit, Manfred Pashley Rd 20205 210 29200 228600 01 1974 01 2 0 2 2 3 1 0 3 0 1577 1.80 22.1-4-76 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Ct Patrick James 20203 311 7100 7100 100.00 254.29 0 Glenview Gardens, LLC, Ct Patrick James 20203 311 8800 8800 125.25 259.76 0 22.6-4-13 1 Crespin, Elaine K. Pembroke St 20304 210 29500 201000 03 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 86.35 3 100.00 2451 0 22.6-4-12 3 Taber, Shelli M. Pembroke St 20304 210 28900 192000 03 1960 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 100.00 1969 0 22.6-3-30 4 Murphy, Sheila J. Pembroke St 20304 210 31800 192600 03 1966 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 120.00 3 145.00 1935 0 22.6-4-11 5 Wright, John H. Jr Pembroke St 20304 210 31100 178900 01 1962 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 105.00 3 145.34 1498 0 22.6-3-35 6 Hassan, Imran Pembroke St 20304 210 31200 184000 03 1966 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 150.85 3 100.00 1844 0 22.6-4-10 7 Mc Pherson, Gary J. St Pembroke 20304 210 31000 234000 03 1971 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 146.55 2319 0 Page 342 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.1-4-75 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.76-3-25 1 Lamb, Melissa J. Pershing 29.76-3-61 6 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10201 210 18200 108000 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 110.00 1251 0 McHugh, Robert Pershing Dr 10201 210 16500 95700 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 98.83 1074 0 29.76-3-26 7 Pennie, William Pershing Dr 10201 210 18000 120800 13 1938 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1388 0 29.76-3-60 8 Henderson, Kenneth R. Dr Pershing 10201 210 16200 106800 04 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 98.00 1080 0 29.76-3-27 9 Willis, John S. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18000 126300 08 1932 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1474 0 29.76-3-59 10 Casey, Chistopher Pershing Dr 10201 210 15900 95300 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 97.25 1323 0 29.76-3-28 11 LaRoche, Patricia M. Dr Pershing 10201 210 18000 118400 13 1931 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1386 0 29.76-3-58 12 Clark, Brenda Pershing Dr 10201 210 15700 89600 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 95.67 1126 0 29.76-3-57 14 Mossa, Jason Pershing Dr 10201 210 15400 91400 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 94.08 1184 0 29.76-3-29 15 Sweeney, John J. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18600 164800 04 1959 01 2 0 2 0 4 1 106.00 3 110.00 2093 0 29.76-3-56 16 Hunter, Leta Pershing Dr 10201 210 15000 118700 04 1940 02 3 1 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 92.50 1350 0 29.76-3-55 18 Gregorio, Timothy Pershing Dr 10201 210 14900 115200 04 1932 02 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 90.92 1014 0 29.76-3-54 20 Schoonbeck, John M. Dr Pershing 10201 210 14500 115900 04 1930 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 4 89.33 1832 0 29.76-3-53 22 DeMento, Anthony Pershing Dr 10201 210 14400 93400 13 1931 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 87.75 1328 0 29.76-3-30 23 Jensen, Dwight Pershing Dr 10201 210 18300 139800 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 80.00 1128 0 29.76-3-52 24 Wayand, Jonathan Pershing Dr 10201 210 14100 105900 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 86.17 1248 0 29.76-3-31 25 Coons, William A. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18100 123500 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 70.00 3 80.00 1266 0 29.76-3-51 26 Dearaway, Kevin T. Pershing Dr 10201 210 14400 99800 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 84.58 1164 0 Page 343 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.76-3-32 27 White, Regina Pershing 29.76-3-50 28 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10201 210 13200 98600 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 80.00 1146 0 Casile, Ernest J. III Pershing Dr 10201 210 15400 100800 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 96.08 1110 0 29.76-3-33 29 Duclos, Jean-Paul Pershing Dr 10201 210 13200 96100 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 80.00 1368 0 29.76-3-49 30 Little, Leanne M. Pershing Dr 10201 210 16400 97100 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 4 102.58 1080 0 29.76-3-34 31 Ericson, Todd Pershing Dr 10201 210 13200 102800 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 80.00 1296 0 29.76-3-48 32 Barrett, Alan D. Pershing Dr 10201 210 17500 99100 08 1932 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 102.00 1116 0 29.76-3-35 33 Wright, Craig S. Pershing Dr 10201 210 13200 108700 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 80.00 1324 0 29.76-3-47 34 Roth, Steven J. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18000 120100 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 115.58 1576 0 29.76-3-36 35 Holt, Willard G. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18100 81600 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1039 0 29.76-3-46 36 Smith, John P. Jr Pershing Dr 10201 210 18000 95900 13 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 122.08 1193 0 29.76-3-37 37 Heath, Victoria M. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18000 103600 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1146 0 29.76-3-45 38 Pott, Jared N. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18100 100000 13 1935 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 128.58 1244 0 29.76-3-38 39 Bosy, Marian R. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18000 89300 13 1930 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 100.00 870 0 29.76-3-44 40 Worsa, Jeffrey J. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18600 108700 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 135.00 1110 0 29.76-3-39 41 Giaquinto, Ralph Pershing Dr 10201 210 18000 89100 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 870 0 29.76-3-40 43 Rossetti, Maria E. Pershing Dr 10201 210 18400 86800 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 110.00 878 0 29.76-3-43 44 Boomhower, Scott A. Dr Pershing 10201 210 18100 101800 13 1935 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 148.08 1122 0 29.76-3-42 46 Horton, Matthew Pershing 10201 210 18200 98900 08 1935 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 153.42 1080 0 Page 344 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.76-3-41 47 Valiquette, Kevin Pershing 30.69-3-51 48 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10201 210 18000 104100 04 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1248 0 Valencia, Mario Pershing Dr 10203 210 16200 111000 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 157.42 786 0 30.69-3-50 49 Hecker, Eric E. Jr Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 95500 13 1927 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1280 0 30.69-3-52 50 Hughes, Francis H. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16200 92200 04 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 159.92 1272 0 30.69-3-49 51 Callinan, Jeromy J. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 106600 04 1927 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1412 0 30.69-3-53 52 Buono, Kristy M. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16200 98800 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 162.17 1146 0 30.69-3-48 53 Langlois, Marshall Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 109900 04 1923 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1484 0 30.69-3-54 54 Buczkowski, Gary Pershing Dr 10203 210 16200 105400 04 1930 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 162.17 1470 0 30.69-3-47 55 Kenison, Brenda J. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 99300 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1049 0 30.69-3-55 56 Garrow, Margaret J. Dr Pershing 10203 210 16200 99100 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 162.00 1378 0 30.69-3-46 57 Iovinelli, Jeffrey T. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 92200 13 1930 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1280 0 30.69-3-56 58 Gorman, Karen E. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16200 87600 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 161.08 642 0 30.69-3-45 59 Bosworth, Daniel C. Dr Pershing 10203 210 16000 96900 04 1929 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1116 0 30.69-3-57 60 Phillips, Kevin C. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16200 112800 13 1929 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 159.25 1602 0 30.69-3-44 61 Barberis, Beverly J. (LE) Dr Pershing 10203 210 16000 135900 08 1940 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1740 0 30.69-3-58 62 Harbin, Kimberly A. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16200 93300 04 1929 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 155.25 1260 0 30.69-3-43 63 Sgueglia, Antonio D. Dr Pershing 10203 210 16000 101100 04 1926 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 954 0 30.69-3-59 64 Wells, Darlene R. Pershing 10203 210 16100 99200 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1146 0 Page 345 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.69-3-42 65 Bellows, David A. Pershing 30.69-3-60 66 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10203 210 16000 96600 13 1927 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1008 0 Bink, Dawn M. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16100 120000 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 143.67 1146 0 30.69-3-41 67 Nocera, Todd Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 102600 04 1933 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1392 0 30.69-3-61 68 Suski, John F. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16100 98800 13 1929 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 128.25 1218 0 30.69-3-40 69 Bayer, Eric & Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 136100 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 40.00 3 110.00 1764 0 30.69-2-29 101 Eyer, Thomas Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 100600 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1232 0 30.69-2-28 103 VanPatten(LE), Stephanie (LE) Dr Pershing 10203 210 16000 93400 04 1930 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1152 0 30.77-1-1 104 Russell, Kathie Pershing Dr 10203 210 16500 95900 04 1928 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 80.00 3 119.10 1080 0 30.69-2-27 105 Connor, Kelly M. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 95500 04 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1188 0 30.69-2-26 107 Wicks, Patricia Pershing Dr 10203 210 16000 104900 04 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1446 0 30.77-1-2 108 Vanwagenen, Andrea D. Dr Pershing 10203 210 16500 100600 04 1932 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 122.97 1302 0 30.69-2-25 109 Worsa, Gregory J & Dr Pershing 10203 210 16000 92500 04 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 110.00 1152 0 30.69-2-24 111 Canfield, Ethan Pershing 10203 210 16000 90600 04 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 110.00 1188 0 30.77-1-3 112 Pattison, G William & Norah Dr Pershing 10203 210 16400 119500 04 1929 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 122.97 1176 0 30.69-2-23 113 Ashline, Brian D. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16300 93600 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 67.00 3 110.00 1188 0 30.77-1-4 114 Coager, Robert J Pershing Dr 10203 210 14300 101400 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 106.83 1210 0 30.69-2-22 115 Flagg, Darle M. Pershing Dr 10203 210 16400 109300 04 1930 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 110.00 1575 0 30.77-1-5 116 Fonda, Richard (LE) Dr Pershing 10203 210 15000 80500 04 1956 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 130.00 2 86.83 1080 0 Page 346 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.10-2-6 130 Zappieri, Jeffrey Pine Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20201 210 25300 140000 04 1958 02 2 0 3 1 4 1 238.00 3 122.00 2307 0 29.11-1-6 155 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 20201 Ave 220 Pine 24500 110000 08 1928 04 2 0 2 0 4 2 150.00 2 133.46 1568 0 29.10-2-13 156 Scotia Sand & Stone Co Inc, Ave Pine 50100 330 7400 7400 45.00 120.00 0 29.10-2-7 158 Pillsbury, Michael Pine Ave 20201 210 29600 156500 08 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 120.00 1001 0 29.10-2-8 164 Lasher, Marlene R Pine Ave 20201 210 18200 121400 08 1928 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 120.00 1098 0 29.10-2-9 194 Truscello, Anthony F. Ave Pine 20201 210 18200 103100 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 120.00 900 0 29.10-2-10 202 Krasecki, Dariusz Pine Ave 20201 210 18200 144200 08 1928 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 120.00 1800 0 29.10-2-11 222 Dean, Christopher + Nikia Ave Pine 20201 210 22300 138200 08 1907 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 120.00 1400 0 29.10-2-12 236 Coyle, Shaunna Pine 20201 210 12100 166600 08 1928 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 120.00 2008 0 29.16-2-30 1 Boyd, Phyllis C. (LE) St Pine 20201 210 25100 142100 04 1942 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 171.11 3 145.00 1493 0 29.15-2-3 2 Burns, Clarence I. Pine St 20201 210 18200 143200 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 150.00 1534 0 29.15-2-4 4 Walsh, Patrick Pine St 20201 210 18200 142300 04 1931 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 70.00 3 150.00 1483 0 29.15-2-5 6 Bussey, Mary Ellen Pine St 20201 210 24000 140000 08 1933 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 150.00 1237 0 29.15-2-6 12 Tyler, Eric J. Pine St 20201 210 22300 146000 04 1935 07 3 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1260 0 29.15-2-7 14 Carboni, Elvio Pine St 20201 210 12100 124800 01 1954 02 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 150.00 1041 0 29.15-2-8 20 Jennings Irrev. Trust, David + Cynthia 20201 St 210 Pine 15200 132000 04 1942 01 2 1 1 1 2 1 50.00 3 150.00 1308 0 29.15-3-1 21 Davis, Andrew Pine St 20201 210 23300 153800 04 1945 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 125.00 3 126.00 1484 0 29.15-2-9 22 Zielaskowski, Albin Pine St 20201 210 16700 167500 05 1942 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 55.00 3 150.00 1979 0 Ave Page 347 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.15-3-44 23 Gabree, Joel Pine 29.15-2-10 24 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20201 210 12500 126600 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 125.32 1144 0 Ventrice, Anthony Pine St 20201 210 15200 118100 04 1940 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1212 0 29.15-3-43 25 Murway, Peter J. Pine St 20201 210 19200 124300 04 1955 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 140.00 1152 0 29.15-2-11 26 Dempsey, James K. St Pine 20201 210 15800 123400 04 1945 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1113 0 29.15-2-12 28 Singsheim, Frank R. St Pine 20201 210 15200 140300 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1400 0 29.15-3-42 29 Moran, Thomas C & Michelle St Pine 20201 210 21200 134300 04 1942 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 140.00 1260 0 29.15-2-13 30 Stevens, Todd W. Pine St 20201 210 15200 128900 04 1942 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1044 0 29.15-3-41 31 Burchhardt, Ann E. Pine St 20201 210 14100 127900 04 1943 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 140.00 1320 0 29.15-2-14 32 Brugeman, Rachel B. St Pine 20201 210 15200 123100 04 1940 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1188 0 29.15-3-40 33 Rozek, Arthur A. Pine St 20201 210 14100 118500 04 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1044 0 29.15-2-15 34 Pedersen, Roy K. Jr St Pine 20201 210 15200 129400 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1113 0 29.15-3-39 35 Gigliotti, Emilio A. Pine St 20201 210 14100 118700 04 1943 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1088 0 29.15-2-16 36 Heritage, Ryan M. Pine St 20201 210 15200 124300 04 1943 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1044 0 29.15-3-38 37 Macherone, Robert P. St Pine 20201 210 14100 140800 04 1942 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 140.00 1470 0 29.15-2-17 38 Robistow, Aaren L. Pine 20201 210 23100 147600 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1439 0 29.15-3-37 39 Sroczynski, James J & Karen A 20201 St 210 Pine 21200 149300 04 1945 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 140.00 1770 0 29.15-2-18 42 Locke Irrevocable Trust, Thomas 20201 + Ann St 210 Pine 15200 134300 05 1947 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1100 0 29.15-3-36 43 Carr, Kathleen F Pine 21200 142000 04 1948 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 75.00 3 140.00 1569 0 St 20201 210 Page 348 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class St Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.15-2-19 44 Zink, Joanna S. Pine 29.15-3-35 45 Heintz, Arthur W. Pine Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type St 20201 210 15200 115000 05 1942 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1380 0 St 20201 210 15300 145000 04 1955 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 56.00 3 140.00 1523 0 29.15-2-20 46 Pidgeon, Barbara G. St Pine 20201 210 15200 127600 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1116 0 29.15-3-34 47 Nemeth, Christopher R. St Pine 20201 210 10100 124300 04 1943 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 125.00 1008 0 29.15-2-21 48 Smith, Nathanial M. St Pine 20201 210 15200 134500 04 1945 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1392 0 29.15-2-22.1 50 Pino, Joseph & Kristen St Pine 20201 210 25700 140800 04 1943 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 240.00 3 150.00 1044 0 22.20-1-22 Hubbard, Ellen N. Pinewood Dr 20307 311 47100 47100 107.00 140.00 0 22.16-1-1 1 Rinaolo, Lisa Pinewood Dr 20307 210 49400 251400 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 251.00 2376 0 22.16-1-47 2 Gollmer, Max H. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46900 183400 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 106.00 4 151.00 2808 0 22.16-1-2 3 Miller, Marie A. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 49100 267000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.53 4 251.06 2592 0 22.16-1-46 4 Kirwan, J. Matthew Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 270000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 4 150.00 2616 0 22.16-1-3 5 Quinlan, William E. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 49100 267500 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 230.00 2496 0 22.16-1-45 6 Meyers, Thomas E. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 48400 282200 02 1970 02 2 0 3 1 4 1 135.00 4 150.00 3408 0 22.16-1-4 7 Abbenante, Thomas L. Dr Pinewood 20307 210 48900 262900 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.53 4 230.47 2496 0 22.16-1-44 8 Raymond, Mary P. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 224000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2288 0 22.16-1-5 9 Dugan, Cornelius Pinewood Dr 20307 210 48800 198000 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.53 4 220.18 2080 0 22.16-1-43 10 Tapia, Ramon R. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 261300 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 4 150.00 2484 0 22.16-1-6 11 Bucci, Joseph A. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 48400 268000 05 1970 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 4 209.88 2608 0 Page 349 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.16-1-42 12 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Reisinger, Donald D. II Dr Pinewood 20307 210 46600 224000 05 1971 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2256 0 22.16-1-41 14 Cutting, John C. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 236000 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2314 0 22.16-1-7 15 Fiore, Marc L. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 48100 210000 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.53 4 199.59 2376 0 22.16-1-40 16 Willis, Peter Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46100 208675 05 1970 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 90.00 4 150.00 2571 0 22.16-1-8 17 Bortell, Ronald P. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 47800 241900 02 1970 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 100.00 4 179.00 2748 0 22.16-1-9 19 Peterson, Daniel W. Dr Pinewood 20307 210 47400 227200 05 1970 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.53 4 179.00 2232 0 22.16-1-39 20 Benoit, Martin & Susan Dr Pinewood 20307 210 48300 249000 05 1976 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 132.00 4 150.00 2626 0 22.16-1-10 21 Gisotti, Dominick J. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 47100 250000 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 168.70 2714 0 22.16-1-38 22 Rourke, Thomas Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 274900 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2534 0 22.16-1-11 23 Miorin, William R & Dr Pinewood 20307 210 46900 237500 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 161.00 2288 0 22.16-1-37 24 Anderson General Fund Trust, Roy 20307 E. Dr 210 Pinewood 46600 237100 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2287 0 22.16-1-12 25 Sive, Alfred Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46900 280300 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 4 159.00 2576 0 22.16-1-36 26 Nealon, Mark P. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 253000 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2660 0 22.16-1-13 27 Moore, Paul Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46800 246600 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 154.00 2596 0 22.16-1-35 28 Helenek, Thomas B. Dr Pinewood 20307 210 46600 226500 05 1975 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2212 0 22.16-1-14 29 Schewe, William M. Dr Pinewood 20307 210 46700 257200 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 152.09 2512 0 22.16-1-34 30 Evans, Theresa C. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 244500 05 1976 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2324 0 22.16-1-15 31 Sim, Inku Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 232600 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2280 0 Page 350 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.16-1-33 32 Sliva, Daniel E. Pinewood 22.16-1-32 34 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20307 210 45800 238000 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 84.25 4 150.00 2230 0 Russo, Joseph G. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 45800 253000 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 84.00 4 150.00 2328 0 22.20-1-23 36 Hubbard, Ellen N. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 286900 05 1976 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 107.00 4 140.00 2654 0 22.20-1-21 40 Miller, Jerome Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 257300 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 107.00 4 140.00 2414 0 22.20-1-20 42 Norton, Thomas L. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 46600 249400 05 1977 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 107.00 4 140.00 2362 0 22.20-1-39 43 Fragnoli, Kevin R. Pinewood Dr 20307 210 49300 314200 05 1976 03 2 1 3 1 5 1 130.00 4 227.00 3104 0 22.20-1-19 44 Labarge, Michael J. Dr Pinewood 20307 210 46900 306700 05 1980 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 114.00 4 140.00 2934 0 22.20-1-38 45 Socha, Michael J. Pinewood 20307 210 48700 240800 05 1978 03 4 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 4 203.00 2324 0 22.20-1-18 46 Nebolini, Richard + Cynthia Dr Pinewood 20307 210 46900 247900 05 1984 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 114.00 4 140.00 2314 0 22.20-1-37 47 Soja Living Trust, Evelyn Dr Pinewood 20307 210 47700 272200 05 1978 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 124.00 4 129.00 2506 0 22.20-1-17 48 Weise, Matthew E. Pinewood 20307 210 47300 274900 05 1983 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 122.00 4 140.00 2628 0 38.42-1-58 Trust, N.A., U.S. Bank Ave Pleasant View 10206 311 16100 16100 40.00 140.00 0 38.35-3-89 5 Hinners, T Jacob & Leana Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 13500 101700 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 3 108.00 880 0 38.35-3-88 7 Cotterell, Alice A. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 13500 108200 13 1920 03 3 0 2 0 2 1 34.00 3 108.00 1036 0 38.35-3-87 9 Van Deusen, Christopher Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 16300 116900 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 74.00 3 108.00 1613 0 38.43-1-1 201 Coleman, Frank F. Pleasant View Ave 10207 210 15900 101100 13 1905 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1008 0 38.34-2-41 202 Wheeler, Shirley M. (LE) Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 15900 135200 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 40.00 3 108.00 1568 0 38.43-1-24 203 Marks, Kathi Pleasant View 10207 210 13500 103500 13 1918 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 2 108.00 1008 0 Dr Ave Page 351 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.34-2-42 204 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Williams, Jacquline F. Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 13500 132800 13 1930 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 34.00 3 108.00 1568 0 38.34-2-43 206 Macleod, Dale H. Jr. Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 13500 98600 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 3 108.00 1078 0 38.34-2-44 208 Geertgens, Paul E. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 16100 106100 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 51.00 3 108.00 1068 0 38.43-1-23 211 Hutchison, Elva R. Pleasant View Ave 10207 210 16800 110300 13 1923 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 142.00 2 108.00 1392 0 38.34-2-45 212 Day, Frank H. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 16200 116300 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 57.00 3 108.00 1562 0 38.42-1-1 302 Hale, Donald A Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 15900 108800 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 4 108.00 1476 0 38.42-1-2 304 Smith, Daniel W. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 16300 129400 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 68.00 3 108.00 1336 0 38.43-1-42 305 Kausch, Jeffrey A. Pleasant View Ave 10207 210 13500 107000 08 1920 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 34.00 3 108.00 1499 0 38.43-1-41 307 Wanmer, David C. Pleasant View Ave 10207 210 13500 97500 08 1918 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 34.00 3 108.00 934 0 38.42-1-3 308 Mc Carthy, Alice M. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 13500 107700 13 1932 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 34.00 3 108.00 1302 0 38.42-1-4 310 Kwak, Eugene Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 13500 105600 13 1930 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 34.00 3 108.00 1248 0 38.43-1-40 311 Mc Cormick, Martin Pleasant View Ave 10207 210 16300 105400 13 1918 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 74.00 3 108.00 1152 0 38.42-1-5 312 Ciotoli, Nicholas J. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 15900 103600 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1396 0 38.42-1-7 401 Bachta, Christopher M Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 16100 117400 04 1950 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 54.00 3 108.00 1176 0 38.42-1-6 402 Moehle, Dorothy & John (LE) Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 16300 126200 04 1950 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 74.00 3 108.00 1172 0 38.42-1-26 403 Wheeler, Donald E. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 16100 123500 04 1955 03 4 0 2 0 3 1 54.00 4 108.00 1108 0 38.42-1-25 407 Springer, Erica Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 13500 131300 13 1924 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 3 108.00 1230 0 38.42-1-27 408 Moehle, Margaret G. Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 16300 115600 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 68.00 3 108.00 1434 0 Page 352 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.42-1-24 409 Sala, Daniel Pleasant View 38.42-1-28 410 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10206 210 15900 104000 13 1924 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 3 108.00 1416 0 Totaro, Lisa Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 13500 111200 13 1933 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 34.00 3 108.00 1383 0 38.42-1-29 412 Silk, Erin Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 15900 111000 08 1923 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 108.00 1152 0 38.42-1-51 507 Bloodgood, Sheila (LE) Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 16100 97800 13 1924 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 100.00 990 0 38.42-1-52 508 Celorio, Julio Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 9700 110200 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 32.50 2 80.00 1309 0 38.42-1-50 509 Leffler, Dale & Deborah Ave Pleasant View 10206 210 15400 69300 13 1904 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 25.00 3 140.00 676 0 38.42-1-53 510 Rosenberg, Edward F & Kimberly10206 Jr Ave 210 Pleasant View 9700 50000 13 1929 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 32.50 2 80.00 550 0 38.42-1-54 514 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 10206 Ave 220 Pleasant View 16100 105500 12 1930 03 2 0 2 0 2 2 65.00 3 80.00 1330 0 38.42-1-56 602 Dolen, Matthew L. Pleasant View Ave 10206 210 16600 132600 03 1966 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 80.00 3 140.00 2216 0 38.42-1-57 608 Quick, Garry A. Pleasant View Ave 10206 312 8000 18000 40.00 140.00 0 38.11-4-7 608 Quick, Garry A. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 9300 163400 04 1973 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 140.00 1704 0 38.11-4-9 609 Wanmer, David + Leslie Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 18100 168500 04 1950 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 80.00 3 140.00 1776 0 38.11-4-10 611 Rosiak, Adele E. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 18100 94500 04 1945 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 140.00 856 0 38.11-4-11 705 Pelham, Michael J Jr Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 13000 70733 13 1949 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 56.00 3 140.00 1152 0 38.11-4-36 706 Getty, David C. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 9300 119700 08 1928 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1319 0 38.11-4-12 707 Ryan, James B. Trustee Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 13000 105500 04 1947 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 56.00 3 140.00 1060 0 38.11-4-37 708 Ulrich, James F. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 9300 93700 08 1900 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 1320 0 38.11-4-13 709 Ostapaw, Margaret M. Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 13000 124700 04 1945 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 56.00 3 140.00 1254 0 Page 353 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.11-4-17 710 Comstock, Dianne Pleasant View Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 19600 193100 08 1900 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 140.00 2328 0 38.11-4-14 711 Kolberg, Roger & Sharon Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 13000 100600 04 1948 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 56.00 3 140.00 780 0 38.11-4-15 713 Victorwitch, Carol A. Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 13000 118100 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 56.00 3 140.00 888 0 38.11-6-9 802 Jacobs, Charles H & Naomi Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 18100 135000 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 903 0 38.11-6-10 806 Cole, Penelope Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 18100 139000 01 1968 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1087 0 38.11-6-14.1 807 Schaffer, Steven + Jamie Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 18900 139700 01 1949 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 140.00 1438 0 38.11-6-15 809 Boniewski, Eric Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 19600 130000 08 1917 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 120.00 3 140.00 1584 0 38.11-6-40.1 810 Premo, Lenita M. Pleasant View Ave 20200 311 19600 19600 120.00 140.00 0 38.11-6-16 903 Greene, Keri L. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 16900 110000 04 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 140.00 1296 0 38.11-6-38.1 904 Ellis, Berkeley D & Heather III Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 24600 165000 08 1915 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 120.00 4 180.00 1228 0.53 38.11-6-17 905 McDonald, Melissa M. Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 11400 110000 13 1902 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 150.00 1166 0 38.11-6-18 907 Reid, Mark L. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 19700 118600 08 1927 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 190.00 3 90.00 1274 0 38.11-6-39 908 Trifilo, Lorrin E. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 9300 103100 08 1928 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1476 0 38.11-6-20 910 Preservation, LLC, Guardian Ave Pleasant View 20200 210 9300 109100 08 1908 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 140.00 1456 0 38.15-1-16 911 Verheide, John S. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 24300 97000 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 54.00 1 459.00 1144 0 38.15-1-8 1001 Glass, Bruce Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 12200 57700 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 1 1 40.00 3 135.00 462 0 38.15-1-7 1004 Curcio, Susan J. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 19200 117600 04 1915 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 110.00 3 138.00 980 0 38.15-1-9 1005 Urbanski, Thomas J. Ave Pleasant View 20200 280 26500 71300 13 1927 01 2 0 1 0 1 1 80.00 3 125.00 576 0.24 Page 354 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.15-1-9 1005 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Urbanski, Thomas J. Ave Pleasant View 20200 280 26500 71300 14 1938 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 125.00 848 0.24 38.15-1-10.1 1007 Solarek, Regina E Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 15500 114000 13 1920 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 125.00 1107 0 38.15-1-28 1008 Hale, James A. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 16500 201900 04 1929 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 125.00 2145 0 38.15-1-27 1010 Zizzi, Stephen J. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 16500 153500 02 1979 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 125.00 1470 0 38.15-1-11.1 1011 Paull, Sherri Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 17600 113800 13 1918 03 2 1 1 1 2 1 85.00 3 125.00 1102 0 38.15-1-12.1 1015 Paull, Sherri A. Pleasant View Ave 20200 210 17400 90600 13 1924 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 85.00 3 125.00 776 0 38.-5-1 Dee, Kimberly Pleasant View Ave - Off O 50100 311 20500 20500 0 0 9.50 Marotta, Francis J. Jr Pleasant View Ave-Off 20200 311 25300 25300 0 0 1.00 Gifford, Walter S. III Pleasant View Ave-Off 20200 140 94600 94600 0 0 68.50 Killeen, Thomas G. Potter Rd 40200 311 38000 38000 0 0 5.00 Pagiotas, Paul Trust Rd Potter 40200 322 11200 11200 0 0 10.00 Killeen, Thomas G. Potter Rd 40200 322 102600 102600 0 0 89.11 Krutz, Arlene M Potter Rd 40200 314 16900 16900 200.00 417.00 2.20 Benardo, Pasquale P. Rd Potter 40200 322 58400 58400 0 0 50.79 Gardinier, James & Laura Rd Potter 40200 311 25000 25000 0 0 3.94 Buchanan, Dwight Potter 40200 322 119600 119600 0 0 123.25 38.-5-2.31 1.-1-8.115 4.-1-1 1.-1-8.8 3.-2-4 3.-2-2 3.-1-4.11 1.-1-13.111 Rd NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 38.-5-2.12 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 4.-1-2 166 MacFee, Theron S & Gladys E Rd Potter 40200 210 32000 147000 01 1957 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 264.50 3 167.00 1370 0 4.-1-4 234 Danowski, Barbara A Rd Potter 40200 210 41300 201800 05 1976 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1795 8.25 Page 355 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 3.-2-8.2 245 Salmon, Teresa K. Potter 3.-2-6.1 308 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 40200 210 35000 267300 05 1978 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 358.00 3 495.00 2379 3.00 Podolec, Michael E & Linda A Rd Potter 40200 210 39000 150000 01 1974 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1488 6.01 3.-2-5.1 534 Podolec, Michael E & Linda A Rd Potter 40200 240 95700 125000 08 1853 04 2 0 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 1482 75.48 3.-2-3 603 Mc Dermott, James Rd Potter 40200 240 47700 157500 08 1800 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 1475.00 3 875.00 1530 14.74 3.-2-1 689 Dubois, John C. Potter Rd 40200 210 35200 183600 05 1986 01 2 1 1 0 5 1 0 3 0 1860 3.10 1.-1-13.12 1048 Frasier, Clifford P. Potter Rd 40200 240 107000 314200 08 1878 03 2 0 1 1 6 1 0 3 0 3546 98.00 3.-1-4.22 1567 Guilbeau, Guy G & Michelle M Rd Potter 40200 322 26000 26000 0 0 18.72 1.-1-8.7 1626 Wade, Garry Potter Rd 40200 240 43800 194200 08 1820 01 2 1 2 1 4 2 0 3 0 2552 10.84 3.-1-4.21 1641 Casement, Brian A. Potter Rd 40200 210 39100 201800 06 1984 01 2 1 2 0 3 1 626.38 3 0 2186 6.07 3.-1-31 1715 Russo, Elizabeth M. Rd Potter 40200 210 39700 180000 01 1996 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1368 6.67 3.-1-30 1809 Anderson, Joyce Potter Rd 40200 210 38300 178600 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1566 5.32 3.-1-29 1895 Fiet, Jason W. Potter Rd 40200 210 36800 165000 01 1991 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1680 4.19 1.-1-8.4 1908 Killeen, Thomas G & Joan M Rd Potter 40200 210 35900 256500 06 1985 01 2 2 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2132 3.62 1.-1-8.122 1974 Long, James R. Potter 40200 210 36500 195000 11 1999 01 3 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1592 4.00 1.-1-8.15 2026 Borisenko, Paul & Sara R Rd Potter 40200 210 38000 194000 01 2003 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 1527 5.00 1.-1-6.12 2154 Irwin Irrevocable Trust, Cynthia J. 40200 Rd 210 Potter 34800 204000 05 1988 03 3 1 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 2862 2.85 3.-1-3.2 2215 St Amour, Susan Potter Rd 40200 210 36500 158400 02 1976 03 4 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 982 4.00 22.18-1-21.111 Bowers, Henry & Praise Ln 20202 311 1600 1600 90.00 40.00 0 Rd Page 356 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.18-1-4.511 Sawyer, Robert Praise Ln Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 20202 311 5500 5500 0 0 2.28 4 157.00 3394 0 22.18-1-53 2 Gaskell, Gregory B & Denise M 20202 Ln 210 Praise 51400 358000 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 130.00 22.18-1-52 4 Smith, Robert Praise Ln 20202 210 50900 294400 05 1994 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 110.00 4 165.00 2787 0 22.18-1-51 6 Bova, Ronald Praise Ln 20202 210 51000 345700 05 1998 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 110.00 4 170.00 3124 0 22.18-1-50 8 Van Denburgh, John W. Ln Praise 20202 210 51300 331200 05 1997 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 110.00 4 180.00 3064 0 22.18-1-49.1 10 Kulak, John J. Jr Praise Ln 20202 210 52600 315000 05 1993 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 165.00 4 208.00 2889 0 22.18-1-14.1 11 Polsinelli, Lewis A. Jr Ln Praise 20202 210 50800 478900 05 2002 03 2 0 3 2 3 1 115.00 4 156.00 3423 0 22.18-1-22.111 14 Teixeira, Carlos Praise Ln 20202 210 52700 546700 06 1996 03 2 0 3 2 4 1 180.00 4 184.83 4259 0 22.18-1-15 15 Roberts, Tracey M Praise Ln 20202 210 50600 304100 05 2000 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 115.00 4 150.00 2660 0 22.18-1-16 17 Hawkins, William E. Ln Praise 20202 210 51100 321200 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 127.00 4 150.00 2854 0 22.18-1-20 18 De Vantier, Scott N. Praise 20202 210 53200 462000 05 1998 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 125.00 4 343.00 4208 0 22.18-1-17 19 Adis, William E & Nancy V Ln Praise 20202 210 50600 346700 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 115.00 4 150.00 3376 0 22.18-1-19 20 Cristello, John J. Praise Ln 20202 210 53000 429300 05 1998 03 2 1 2 2 4 1 125.00 4 319.00 3434 0 22.18-1-74 21 Lippmann, Walter F. Ln Praise 20202 210 51500 283600 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 104.00 4 163.00 2571 0.47 22.18-1-18.1 22 Karr, Steven G. Praise 20202 210 54300 339700 05 1999 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 205.00 4 319.00 3012 0 22.18-1-73 23 Irrevocable Trust, Depew Family 20202 Ln 210 Praise 51500 292900 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.00 4 203.00 2677 0.47 22.18-1-63 24 Fowler, Andrew Praise 20202 210 52900 277300 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 140.00 4 468.00 2661 0.89 22.18-1-72 25 Murphy Irr trust, Helen & Bernard 20202 J. Ln 210 Praise 51500 293400 05 2004 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 101.00 4 249.00 2782 0.47 Ln Ln Ln Page 357 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.18-1-64 26 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Borbee, Steven J & Jane A Ln Praise 20202 210 53000 346700 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 102.00 4 468.00 3023 0.94 22.18-1-71 27 Sherman, Douglas E/Sherry D Ln Praise 20202 210 52100 297000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 305.00 2792 0.62 22.18-1-70 29 Salamone, Salvatore F Ln Praise 20202 210 53200 423150 06 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 202.00 4 305.00 3766 1.00 22.18-1-66 30 Dagostino, Daniel P Ln Praise 20202 210 52400 284300 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 108.00 4 317.00 2672 0.73 22.18-1-69 31 Stollmeyer, Matthew D. Ln Praise 20202 210 63200 399800 05 2004 02 2 2 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 3724 6.13 22.18-1-67 32 Tedisco, James N. Praise 20202 210 52200 296900 05 2004 02 2 1 2 1 4 1 102.00 4 225.00 2732 0.66 22.18-1-68 33 Lunde, Nagee H & Misty D Ln Praise 20202 210 52100 300000 05 2004 03 2 0 3 1 5 1 133.00 4 240.00 2850 0.62 22.18-1-65 28 Ferrari, Joseph & Colleen Ln Praise 20202 210 52500 324200 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 99.00 4 399.00 2892 0.75 16.13-2-15 2 Ashcraft, Ronald G. Dr Ralmar 20205 210 24800 143500 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 234.00 1296 0 16.13-4-15 3 Ellet, Mary Kathryn Ralmar Dr 20205 210 29800 308000 05 1965 03 3 0 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 2262 2.20 16.13-2-14 4 Riccio, Dolores A. (LE) Dr Ralmar 20205 210 25300 166900 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 78.00 3 200.00 1470 0 16.13-2-13 6 Kurtz, Frank J. Jr Ralmar Dr 20205 210 25300 133300 01 1953 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 78.00 3 200.00 900 0 16.13-2-12 8 Stallmer, Patricia M Ralmar Dr 20205 210 25600 141100 01 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 84.00 3 200.00 1008 0 16.13-4-16 9 Riley, David S & Sharon A Dr Ralmar 20205 210 23400 140000 01 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 125.00 1134 0 16.13-2-11 10 Shapnek, Walter M. Dr Ralmar 20205 210 25400 136900 01 1952 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 2 200.00 1024 0 16.13-3-21 11 Orr, Keith H. Ralmar Dr 20205 210 25100 230000 05 1939 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2300 0 16.13-2-10 12 Magish, George J. Ralmar Dr 20205 210 25400 120700 01 1951 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 200.00 864 0 16.13-2-9 14 Geer, Maurice F & Beth Dr Ralmar 20205 210 25400 135000 01 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 200.00 912 0 Page 358 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ln Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 16.13-3-22 15 Seibert , Doris E. (LE) Dr Ralmar Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20205 210 25100 146700 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1040 0 16.13-2-8 16 Di Pietro, Anthony F&Shannon L 20205 Dr 210 Ralmar 27100 133900 01 1950 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 200.00 984 0 16.13-3-23 17 Donahue, Charles Ralmar Dr 20205 210 25100 180900 01 1950 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1615 0 16.13-2-7 20 Sabatini, James E. Ralmar Dr 20205 210 27100 158300 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 120.00 3 200.00 1296 0 16.13-3-3 21 Dula, Volina C. Ralmar Dr 20205 210 26500 183100 04 1951 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 142.25 3 150.46 2120 0 16.13-2-6 22 Provost, Revocable Trust, Ronald20205 + Elinor Dr 210 Ralmar 25400 151500 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 200.00 952 0 16.13-2-5 24 Caggianelli, Michael L. Dr Ralmar 20205 210 25300 154600 01 1953 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 200.00 1152 0 16.13-3-4 25 Doran, Thomas M. Ralmar Dr 20205 210 27000 205600 01 2009 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 142.35 4 155.65 1796 0 16.13-2-4 26 Foster, Richard D. Ralmar Dr 20205 210 25000 219100 01 1951 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 80.00 4 181.21 1545 0 20.-4-47 Zemgulis, Stephen C. Rd Rector 40200 311 33900 33900 0 0 2.28 Guan-Ho-Ha Fish & Game Club, 40200 Rd 322 Rector 99500 99500 0 0 82.90 14.-1-24.1 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 20.-4-59 205 Horn, Bonita G. Rector Rd 40201 210 40200 230000 05 1995 03 2 1 3 0 4 1 0 3 0 1894 7.20 20.-4-51 216 Bartol, Curt & Anne Rector Rd 40200 210 38200 335000 11 1991 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1968 5.19 20.-4-50 286 Lock, Michael K. Rector Rd 40200 210 47700 318500 06 1991 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 4 0 1963 8.50 20.-4-57.12 289 Wallimann, John J. Rector Rd 40201 210 38000 259200 06 2002 03 3 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1967 5.03 20.-4-49 346 Campbell, Brian C. Rector Rd 40200 210 41100 362800 06 1993 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2907 8.08 20.-4-57.11 399 Jackson, Edward R. Rd Rector 40200 210 40200 368900 06 1990 01 3 0 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 3248 7.21 20.-4-48 400 Ehle, Roger S. Rector 40200 210 40400 277100 06 1970 03 2 1 3 2 4 1 0 3 0 2909 7.42 Rd Page 359 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 20.-4-56 423 Barrera, Carlos Rector 20.-4-66 436 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 40201 210 38300 273500 05 1993 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 3 0 2592 5.34 Hennel Donald T & Donna K, Rd Rector 40200 240 48700 289200 01 2000 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 2554 15.71 20.-4-55 505 Germain, David Rector Rd 40201 210 38200 204800 05 1998 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2052 5.23 20.-4-45 559 Gleason, Robert A. Rector Rd 40200 210 34500 181000 04 2012 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1782 2.68 20.-4-46 568 Cornick, Thomas H. Rd Rector 40200 210 33800 274200 06 1990 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 3 0 2250 2.22 20.-4-44 581 Gleason, John D. Rector Rd 40200 210 38000 328100 06 1992 01 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2468 4.99 20.-4-15.111 622 Cochrane, Linda J. Rector Rd 40200 210 38700 326900 06 1988 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2204 5.70 20.-4-15.112 643 Rush, Brian Rector Rd 40200 210 35500 75000 01 2016 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1626 3.34 20.-4-15.2 668 Smith, Randy J. Rector Rd 40200 210 34300 156400 08 1825 01 3 0 2 1 3 1 306.00 3 500.00 2187 2.50 20.-4-15.12 673 Bremser, Neil Rector Rd 40200 210 35700 248600 06 1991 01 4 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2247 3.45 21.-1-2.1 748 D'Allaird, James F. Rector Rd 40200 240 80600 317000 08 1828 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 1968 47.64 20.-4-13 793 Van Bellingham, Irrev. Trust, Eleanor 40200 Rd 210 Rector 38600 188200 08 1930 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 2115 5.60 21.-1-1 806 Wroblewski, Marshall J. Rd Rector 40200 210 38700 282000 06 1989 06 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2573 5.69 20.-4-14.1 827 Stecher, Christian C/Ruth A Rd Rector 40200 240 46800 262500 06 1986 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1838 13.76 20.-4-41 917 Caisse, Michael Rector Rd 40200 240 46800 329300 06 1986 01 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2970 13.76 20.-4-42 957 Barrera, Robert Rector Rd 40200 210 39300 189000 02 1989 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2184 6.34 21.-1-3 982 Pisarczyk, Michael Rector Rd 40200 240 81000 161500 08 1770 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1624 48.00 20.-4-43 991 Porter, Jack L. Rector Rd 40200 210 39300 200800 01 2003 03 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 1612 6.32 Page 360 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.-1-22 1025 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Cuddeback, Ryan C. Rd Rector 40200 210 35600 246800 05 1974 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 178.20 3 900.95 2264 3.40 14.-1-21 1051 Burnett, Tshombe Rector Rd 40200 210 35500 268600 06 1997 03 2 1 1 0 1 1 180.74 3 900.00 1470 3.30 14.-1-20 1085 Penner, Darryl Rector Rd 40200 210 34900 250000 06 1975 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 850.00 3154 2.90 14.-1-19 1115 Bickhart, Caitlin Rector Rd 40200 210 34700 217100 01 1975 01 4 0 2 0 4 1 150.00 3 900.00 2098 2.80 14.-1-18 1153 Mehigan, Michael H & Sharon L 40200 Rd 210 Rector 35000 152500 02 1973 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 155.00 3 820.00 1936 3.00 14.-1-23 1174 Turek, David Rector Rd 40200 210 34100 80800 09 2004 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 365.00 2 0 384 2.43 14.-1-17 1183 Boord, Barbara Rector Rd 40200 210 36500 224000 05 1975 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 200.00 3 820.00 1848 4.00 14.-1-16 1201 Delarm, Roy J. Jr Rector Rd 40200 210 35000 161600 02 1973 03 4 1 2 1 3 1 200.00 3 820.00 2072 3.00 14.-1-24.2 1228 Kubow, Christopher & Gina Rd Rector 40200 210 38000 182000 02 1972 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 2344 5.00 14.-1-34 1644 Lucas Ludovici, Christopher A. Rd Rector 40200 210 33600 40000 495.00 240.00 2.09 30.37-1-49.4 Coles, McKenzie M. Dr Red Coach 10100 311 5000 5000 80.00 52.18 0.10 30.45-1-8 1 Haldeman, Gerald C. Dr Red Coach 10100 210 24800 185800 03 1979 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1909 0 30.45-1-7 2 De Marco, Joseph A. Dr Red Coach 10100 210 24700 155600 01 1979 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1281 0 30.45-1-6 4 O'Sullivan, Sean Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24700 176300 01 1979 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1553 0 30.37-1-25 5 Bonczyk, Audrey A. Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24800 177200 01 1984 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 91.83 3 159.43 1559 0 30.45-1-5 6 National Mortgage Assoc., Federal10100 Dr 210 Red Coach 24700 186700 03 1984 03 4 1 1 0 3 1 80.37 3 150.00 1946 0 30.37-1-44 7 Poole, Kippy Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24300 135700 01 1978 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.19 3 100.00 1019 0 30.45-1-4 8 Elliott, R Daniel Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24700 164700 01 1984 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 81.00 3 149.95 1356 0 Page 361 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.37-1-45 9 Wege, Richard H. Red Coach 30.45-1-3 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 10100 210 24300 168700 05 1978 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.00 1694 0 McBride, Daniel Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24700 152500 02 1984 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.24 3 140.39 1368 0 30.37-1-46 11 Webb, Jeffrey W. Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24300 183000 01 1984 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 80.00 3 100.00 1858 0 30.45-1-2 12 Keane, John & Karen Dr Red Coach 10100 210 24400 182300 03 1978 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 102.86 1955 0 30.45-1-1 14 Lindsay, David S. & Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24400 172100 03 1978 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 105.51 1955 0 29.52-2-17 16 Gable, Herbert F. Red Coach Dr 10100 210 24400 145600 02 1984 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 88.04 3 105.81 1482 0 30.37-1-49.5 Coles, McKenzie M. Dr Red Coard 10100 311 11700 11700 50.00 84.98 0.10 29.60-1-31 1 Hoefer, John C & Susan L Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24100 151200 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 45.00 3 125.00 1368 0 29.60-2-37 2 Kusick, Jason C. Red Oak 10100 210 24200 143080 02 1969 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 43.13 3 127.45 1368 0 29.60-1-30 3 Giammattei, Laurence N. Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 145000 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1368 0 29.60-2-36 4 De Noyer, Terry Ann Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 150000 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 127.45 1368 0 29.60-1-29 5 Davis, Edward R. Red Oak 10100 210 24300 153100 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1728 0 29.60-2-35 6 Johnson (Trustee), Dawn E. Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 162300 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 126.65 1368 0 29.60-1-28 7 Powell, Wanda Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24300 149800 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1368 0 29.60-2-34 8 Sutherland, John H. Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 162400 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 126.00 1368 0 29.60-1-27 9 Filutowski, Marjorie A. Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24600 137300 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 86.00 3 125.00 1800 0 29.60-2-33 10 Szmyr, Richard P. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24300 162400 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.51 1368 0 29.60-2-32 12 De Joseph, David M Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 160300 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 126.00 1368 0 Dr Page 362 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.60-2-17 13 Currie, Bonnie Red Oak Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 10100 311 24800 24800 91.07 150.28 0 3 126.00 1368 0 Dr Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 29.60-2-31 14 Cronk, Judy L. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24300 143000 02 1970 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 29.60-2-18 15 Billa, Bryant T. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24400 180000 05 2005 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 150.28 1633 0 29.60-2-30 16 Quaresimo, Thomas Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 189500 05 2005 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 128.84 1633 0 29.60-2-19 17 Frament, Jason A. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24400 221100 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 145.18 1494 0 29.60-2-29 18 Myers, Sonja J. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24300 206200 01 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 128.84 1292 0 29.60-2-20 19 Falace, Arthur Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24400 191800 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 140.08 1633 0 29.60-2-28 20 Pyzik, Michael T. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24300 170200 02 2005 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 128.98 1532 0 29.60-2-21 21 Reed, Bryan P. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24400 189600 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 66.93 3 134.97 1576 0 29.60-2-27 22 Woodley, Rickey + Tanga Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 189600 05 2005 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 129.13 1633 0 29.60-2-22 23 Prinzo, Carmen Joseph Jr & Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24400 154600 02 2005 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 65.43 3 128.94 1532 0 29.60-2-26 24 Ege, Todd & Maryanne K Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 191400 01 2005 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 129.27 1647 0 29.52-2-27 25 Fu, Wei Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24200 201500 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 115.00 1494 0 29.60-2-25 26 Duong, Danh C. Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24300 179900 05 2005 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 129.41 1633 0 29.52-2-28 27 DiPietro, Eric Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24200 227000 05 2005 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 115.00 1818 0 29.60-2-24 28 Massey, Frank E & Marlene E Dr Red Oak 10100 210 24300 171200 01 2004 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.01 3 129.56 1304 0 29.52-2-29 29 Hamel, Kevin M. Jr Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24400 165400 02 2005 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 86.32 3 96.15 1532 0 29.60-2-23 30 Syedi, Layla Red Oak Dr 10100 210 24400 198000 05 2004 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 68.34 3 129.98 1633 0 Page 363 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 23.17-1-23 3 Piel, Donald J. Redwood 23.17-1-7 4 Topka, Terry M. Redwood Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20307 210 46900 250000 05 1984 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 160.00 2768 0 Dr 20307 210 47300 230600 05 1987 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 110.00 4 165.00 2124 0 23.17-1-22 5 Goodspeed, Colleen Dr Redwood 20307 210 47100 271300 05 1985 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 162.00 2354 0 23.17-1-8 6 Dwyer, James J. III Redwood Dr 20307 210 46600 272100 06 1987 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 99.00 4 150.00 2486 0 23.17-1-21 7 Bechtel , William T. & Dr Redwood 20307 210 46800 295000 05 1985 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 118.00 4 150.00 2456 0 23.17-1-9 8 Pennypacker, Michael E. Dr Redwood 20307 210 46800 261200 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 2351 0 23.17-1-20 9 Bremser, George F. Redwood Dr 20307 210 46600 230400 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2140 0 23.17-1-10 10 Piascik, Raymond J. Dr Redwood 20307 210 46800 258800 05 1987 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 2349 0 23.17-1-19 11 Mennillo, Christopher P. Dr Redwood 20307 210 46600 258000 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 2354 0 23.17-1-11 12 Frisoni, Peter L. Jr Redwood Dr 20307 210 46800 269000 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 4 150.00 2420 0 23.17-1-18 13 Leone, Sal A. Redwood Dr 20307 210 46600 217400 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1896 0 23.17-1-12 14 Schwendler, Thomas Dr Redwood 20307 210 46800 233600 05 1988 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 105.00 3 150.00 2214 0 23.17-1-17 15 Dardanelli, Mark Redwood Dr 20307 210 46600 217500 05 1986 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1896 0 23.17-1-13 16 Higgins, Michael Redwood Dr 20307 210 46800 195000 05 1987 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 105.00 3 150.00 2253 0 23.17-1-16 17 Vaccaro, Thomas J. Dr Redwood 20307 210 46600 235000 06 1986 01 2 0 4 2 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 2128 0 23.17-1-14 18 Dutta, Rana D. Redwood Dr 20307 210 48400 220000 05 1988 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 135.00 4 151.00 2124 0 23.17-1-15 19 Faranda, James A. Redwood Dr 20307 210 47700 202300 05 1986 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 120.00 4 151.00 2420 0 30.13-4-68 1100 Adams, Richard A. Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 236000 05 1997 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 51.00 3 176.00 1825 0 Page 364 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 30.13-4-79 1101 Giammatteo, Louis Regal 30.13-4-69 1102 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ct 20211 210 15600 183900 02 1995 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 52.00 3 134.00 1594 0 Kwak, Bruce Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 210000 05 1998 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 47.00 3 176.00 1625 0 30.13-4-78 1103 Gonzales, Robin Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 170600 01 2001 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 48.00 3 135.00 1304 0 30.13-4-70 1104 Davis, Donald A. (LE) Ct Regal 20211 210 15600 199700 02 1999 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 48.00 3 157.00 1810 0 30.13-4-77 1105 Fiorini, Pio Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 202300 02 2001 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 43.00 3 135.00 1834 0 30.13-4-71 1106 Capullo, Angela A Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 183900 02 1996 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 30.00 3 155.00 1594 0 30.13-4-76 1107 Dagostino, Anna Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 195200 05 1999 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 30.00 3 134.00 1508 0 30.13-4-72 1108 Paul, Waldemar Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 212200 05 1999 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 30.00 3 155.00 1693 0 30.13-4-75 1109 Therrien, Joseph E. Ct Regal 20211 210 15600 183900 02 2000 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 30.00 3 136.00 1594 0 30.13-4-73 1110 Cao, Nam Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 177400 05 1998 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 30.00 3 134.00 1420 0 30.13-4-74 1111 Murray, Kristen A. Regal Ct 20211 210 15600 204700 05 1998 03 2 1 2 2 3 1 30.00 3 136.00 1633 0 22.14-2-15 16 Bryant, Kurt C. Richland Dr 20203 210 27100 131700 04 1952 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1176 0 22.14-2-14 17 Culihan, John S. Richland Dr 20203 210 27100 146400 04 1952 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 2 150.00 1348 0 22.14-2-16 18 Scales, John A. Richland Dr 20203 210 27100 189300 04 1953 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1724 0 22.14-2-13 19 Hoeppner, Virginia E. Dr Richland 20203 210 27100 149900 04 1952 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1428 0 22.14-2-17 20 Tyler, Catherine M. Richland Dr 20203 210 27100 147800 03 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1378 0 22.14-2-12 21 Nielsen, Christina M. Dr Richland 20203 210 27100 197900 04 1955 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2035 0 22.14-2-18 22 Haller, Pamela N. Richland 20203 210 27100 171100 01 1953 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1560 0 Page 365 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.14-2-11 23 Langan, Brian P. Richland Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20203 210 27100 150200 04 1948 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1428 0 22.14-2-19 24 McDonald, Matthew/Dorothy JR. (LE) 20203 Dr 210 Richland 27100 127800 01 1956 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1032 0 22.14-2-10 25 Tote, John Jr Richland Dr 20203 210 27100 171600 03 1955 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1616 0 22.14-2-20 26 Halveston, Thomas R. Dr Richland 20203 210 27100 133600 01 1955 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1136 0 22.14-2-9 27 Rochelle, William Richland Dr 20203 210 27100 160700 04 1954 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 150.00 1560 0 22.14-2-21 28 Gifford, Larene Richland Dr 20203 210 27100 195500 01 1955 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1688 0 22.14-2-8 29 Smith Irr Trust, Cynthia O. Dr Richland 20203 210 27100 178000 01 1956 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 150.00 1527 0 4.-3-29.2 Marszalek, Tzeslaw Rd Ridge 40200 314 34800 34800 235.00 530.00 0 Starnes, Jacklyn J. Ridge Rd 40200 311 15900 15900 262.00 152.00 0 Walker, James R. Ridge Rd 40200 314 36500 36500 0 0 4.00 Wright, Kenneth Ridge Rd 40200 311 35200 35200 0 0 3.10 Wittemeyer, Donna Ridge Rd 40200 322 52200 52200 0 0 19.20 Beedleson, Robert D. Rd Ridge 40200 311 39300 39300 0 0 6.27 Piria, Domenico Ridge Rd 40200 311 32500 32500 135.00 0 1.30 Town Of Glenville, Ridge Rd 40200 322 29700 29700 0 0 20.30 Marnon, Realty Ridge Rd 40201 311 48400 48400 0 0 3.35 Matwijczuk, Marian Ridge Rd 40200 322 83700 83700 645.00 0 51.40 Beedleson, Mila J. (LE) Rd Ridge 40200 322 80700 80700 0 0 57.40 21.3-1-17.1 14.-1-26.2 8.-1-23 13.-2-25.31 7.-2-25.1 14.-1-31.21 7.-2-37 21.3-2-2.1 14.-1-4.1 7.-2-22.3 Page 366 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady 300.00 1600.00 10.50 36000 36000 0 0 9.52 40200 321 86900 86900 850.00 0 57.70 Rd 40200 311 38900 38900 210.00 0 5.80 Bellamy, Gregory W. Rd Ridge 40200 322 31240 31240 0 0 7.81 3 264.20 1056 0 14.-2-15.13 Waldvogel, Hans Ridge 14.-1-35.1 7.-2-22.13 CRW/V4/L001 SFLA Acres Owner Name 14.-2-7 Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Cond Depth Printkey Address 7.-2-42 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 40200 322 54200 54200 Slack Irrevocable Trust, David M. 40200 Rd 311 Ridge Starnes, Gerald Scott Rd Ridge Reed, Bryan P. Ridge Rd Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet 21.3-1-11 136 Allen, Shelby A. Ridge Rd 40201 210 32000 121000 01 1973 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 164.88 21.3-1-12 236 Marcario, Ralph Ridge Rd 40201 210 36700 188400 08 1900 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2452 4.12 21.-1-32.12 243 Resue, James A. Ridge Rd 40201 210 31600 205600 05 1987 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 159.00 3 225.00 1814 0 21.-1-32.2 279 Guy, Michael W. Ridge Rd 40201 210 32100 172400 08 1937 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2371 1.08 21.3-1-13 280 McCreesh, Patrick C. Rd Ridge 40201 210 32700 181100 04 1939 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1904 1.47 21.1-2-28 288 Di Gesare, Dennis Elio/Vanessa 40201 Rd 311 Ridge 41300 41300 0 0 8.29 21.1-2-29 290 Manocchi, Richard J/Patricia E Rd Ridge 40201 210 40300 362300 05 2004 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2759 7.29 21.3-1-14 318 Cavoli, Adone M Ridge Rd 40201 210 32300 184900 04 1935 02 3 1 1 0 4 1 159.80 3 440.00 1908 1.23 21.3-1-15 334 Wolfe, Brian C. Ridge Rd 40201 210 29400 135700 03 1955 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 200.00 1436 0 21.-1-32.112 353 Dunleavy, Brad E. Ridge Rd 40201 210 32800 149200 02 1985 03 4 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1694 1.55 21.3-1-16.2 360 McAuliffe, Christina Ridge Rd 40201 210 39200 202600 01 1993 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1784 6.15 21.3-1-16.1 370 Beck, Keith J. Ridge Rd 40201 210 32000 165300 08 1890 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2016 1.00 21.-1-32.111 453 Welch, Calvin P. Ridge Rd 40201 312 106000 136000 424.00 0 96.05 Page 367 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.1-2-31 534 Shafer, Richard Ridge 21.1-1-15 569 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40201 240 37800 246700 01 2009 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2113 4.85 Pieper, Carl G. Ridge Rd 40200 210 31800 148600 01 1955 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 152.90 3 250.00 1261 0 21.1-1-14 590 Schreiner, Sean T. Ridge Rd 40200 210 30500 194000 04 1950 02 3 0 3 2 4 1 100.00 3 201.50 2289 0 21.1-1-13 616 Denham, Laurence F. Rd Ridge 40200 210 31600 185800 04 1948 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 175.30 3 0 1788 0.76 21.1-1-17.1 631 Dupin, Philippe Ridge Rd 40200 210 33800 190000 04 1949 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 351.00 3 0 2078 2.17 21.1-1-12 634 Dartt, Lois F. Ridge Rd 40200 210 31100 124000 04 1925 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 115.00 3 201.50 1392 0 21.1-1-11 662 Glass, David R. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32000 169900 04 1940 02 3 1 1 0 3 1 110.00 3 400.00 1728 1.00 21.1-1-18 673 Taenzler, Life Estate, Ursula Rd Ridge 40200 210 31700 126900 01 1938 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 250.00 1855 0 21.1-1-10 686 Reynolds, Jeffrey H. Rd Ridge 40200 210 33200 266400 08 1945 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 200.00 3 400.00 3037 1.80 21.1-1-19 689 Mandel, Marilynn L. Ridge Rd 40200 210 31000 119700 01 1960 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 90.00 3 250.00 1086 0 21.1-1-20 711 Kinnally, Timothy J. Ridge Rd 40200 210 30200 165000 01 1956 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 250.00 1345 0 21.1-1-21 737 Dupont, Harold L. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32000 94100 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 933 1.00 21.1-1-9.1 738 Loft, Arne Ridge Rd 40200 210 46900 217700 04 1951 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2016 12.87 21.1-1-8 772 Reinemann-Thomas, Leandra S. 40200 Rd 210 Ridge 31200 115600 08 1858 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 88.00 3 300.00 1259 0 21.1-1-22 785 Peckham, Michael J. Rd Ridge 40200 210 36200 185200 01 1950 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 274.00 3 580.00 1728 3.80 21.1-1-7 796 Hwaszcz, Fred (LE) Rd Ridge 40200 240 43600 167100 01 1956 04 3 0 1 1 3 1 170.00 3 0 1508 10.60 21.1-1-23.1 813 Bongermino, Leonard F. Rd Ridge 40200 240 47700 216700 04 1973 01 3 0 1 0 4 1 149.10 3 0 1680 14.70 21.1-1-6.1 844 Woods, Richard Ridge 40200 314 56500 56500 355.00 0 23.00 Page 368 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.1-1-23.2 851 Beck, Christine Ridge Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 32800 89500 13 1948 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 255.00 3 260.00 1040 1.50 21.1-1-5 892 Upenieks, Kenneth G. Rd Ridge 40200 210 32200 194100 05 1978 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 225.00 3 225.00 2760 0 21.1-1-1.2 925 Di Carlo, Anthony Ridge Rd 40200 210 36400 283200 01 2001 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 200.00 4 0 2407 3.90 21.1-1-4 948 Beck, Ruth Y. (LE) Ridge Rd 40200 280 44400 176000 01 1953 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 225.00 3 0 1295 1.30 21.1-1-4 948 Beck, Ruth Y. (LE) Ridge Rd 40200 280 44400 176000 13 1947 05 2 1 0 1 1 1 225.00 2 0 600 1.30 21.1-1-1.1 957 Di Carlo, Dominick Ridge Rd 40200 240 51500 381200 01 1998 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 382.00 4 0 2399 18.45 21.1-1-3.1 978 Hasko, Louis M. Jr Ridge Rd 40200 210 32000 231000 04 1951 02 2 0 1 1 4 1 152.00 3 0 1668 1.00 14.-1-33 995 Denegar Irr. Trust, Drusilla R. Rd Ridge 40200 210 32500 140000 01 1945 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 140.00 3 0 1593 1.30 21.1-1-2.1 1004 Jacobs, Benedict E. Rd Ridge 40200 210 32200 112100 13 1950 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 185.10 3 365.00 960 1.16 14.-1-32.1 1029 Bazicki, Jeffrey C. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32200 187400 04 1948 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 158.00 3 0 1849 1.15 14.-1-31.22 1046 Piria, Domenico Ridge Rd 40200 210 36600 360000 05 1987 02 2 0 3 1 4 1 200.00 4 0 2758 1.83 14.-1-31.112 1065 Nardi, Richard A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32100 226000 05 1999 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 1824 1.07 14.-1-31.131 1099 Pisani, Victor E. Ridge Rd 40200 240 45400 246700 01 1990 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2095 12.37 14.-2-1 1104 McCabe, Kyle T. Ridge Rd 40200 210 34300 160400 01 1952 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 262.00 3 500.00 1320 2.54 14.-2-2 1130 Clune, Brian W. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32500 179500 01 1955 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 112.00 3 0 1656 1.30 14.-1-37 1143 Guzzo, Anthony & Perina Rd Ridge 40200 210 35000 161100 08 1920 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 340.00 3 0 1544 3.00 14.-2-3 1158 Herzog, Claudette Ridge Rd 40200 210 32500 155100 01 1954 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 112.00 3 0 1266 1.30 14.-2-4 1178 Hayes, Kenneth A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32600 161000 05 1950 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 112.00 3 577.00 1656 1.40 Page 369 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.-1-36.1 1201 Borst, Jesse D. Ridge Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 38000 222900 01 1999 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2083 9.48 14.-2-5 1206 Lundstrom, George E. Rd Ridge 40200 210 32700 178600 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 112.00 3 0 1695 1.47 14.-2-6 1258 Toftegaard, John T. Ridge Rd 40200 210 38000 235000 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 341.00 3 0 2052 5.00 14.-1-30.11 1329 Myers, Craig D. Ridge Rd 40200 210 39200 236300 01 1999 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 287.50 4 0 1839 6.17 14.-1-29 1375 Tama, Thomas A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 33000 131600 01 1930 01 2 0 1 1 3 2 317.00 3 232.90 1056 0 14.-1-28 1459 Kilinski, Gary R. Ridge Rd 40200 210 41600 227100 05 1968 03 4 0 3 1 3 1 424.00 3 0 1993 8.60 14.-1-27 1493 Babcock, Donald Ridge Rd 40200 210 36800 105200 01 1920 04 2 0 1 1 3 1 116.00 3 0 922 4.20 14.-2-8.1 1558 Walker, James R. Ridge Rd 40200 210 39500 155800 04 1938 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 592.91 3 0 1320 3.60 14.-1-26.1 1593 Malizia, Louis A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 36500 279200 05 2003 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 2254 4.00 14.-2-10 1632 Wolfe, Robin J. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32500 114200 04 1946 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 280.00 3 0 1001 1.30 14.-2-11 1658 Slingerland, James P. Rd Ridge 40200 210 32900 181700 03 1950 03 3 0 1 1 4 2 333.00 3 0 1970 1.60 14.-1-25 1693 Rice, Susan A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32900 161300 04 1947 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 250.00 3 0 1283 1.60 14.-2-12.1 1726 Jacobson, Norman A. Jr Rd Ridge 40200 210 33800 185000 04 1971 02 3 0 2 1 3 1 200.00 3 0 1824 2.20 14.-1-14.21 1733 Pileggi, Michael G. Ridge Rd 40200 240 100400 239362 05 1888 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 1315.00 4 0 1712 51.40 14.3-2-1.11 1778 Sicilano, Richard A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 35400 216100 01 1950 02 3 0 2 2 4 1 425.00 4 0 1759 3.29 14.3-2-2 1886 Quinn, Frank X. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32600 175400 01 1950 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 250.00 3 250.00 2264 1.40 14.3-1-5 1962 Burrows, Helen L. Ridge Rd 40200 210 34600 181700 03 1958 03 2 0 2 2 4 1 125.00 3 250.04 1703 0 14.3-1-4 1984 Arreola, Valentin Ridge Rd 40200 210 34600 170900 02 1971 03 4 1 1 0 3 1 125.00 3 250.00 1720 0 Page 370 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.3-1-3 2014 Guerra, Cecelia Ridge 14.3-1-2 2038 Mitsch, Susan B. Ridge Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 31400 185000 01 1960 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 125.00 3 250.00 1722 0 Rd 40200 210 35300 188000 01 1957 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 181.60 3 250.50 1887 0 14.-1-13 2061 Behanna, Thomas A. Rd Ridge 40200 210 35900 163500 01 1950 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 0 1316 1.40 14.3-1-1 2098 Jones, Irene E. Ridge Rd 40200 210 35000 155900 01 1953 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 155.00 3 260.00 1388 0 14.-1-12.2 2099 Whitesell, James C. Rd Ridge 40200 210 42100 158500 01 1976 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 144.00 3 0 1222 9.10 14.-2-14.2 2138 Marquit, Robert J. Ridge Rd 40200 240 40000 423900 05 2001 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 1100.00 4 0 3110 6.98 14.-1-11.1 2141 Clune, Brian W. Ridge Rd 40200 210 36100 164600 01 1953 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 198.00 3 804.00 1399 3.70 14.-1-10 2163 Clune, Lisa A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 33100 329600 05 1979 03 2 1 2 2 5 1 181.00 4 404.27 3868 1.70 14.-1-9 2215 Clune, Brian W. Ridge Rd 40200 210 34700 169700 01 1948 02 2 0 1 2 2 1 300.00 3 0 1288 2.80 14.-2-14.1 2266 Wierzbowski, Maria T. Rd Ridge 40200 280 86900 354300 08 1920 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 1100.00 2 0 1392 42.00 14.-2-14.1 2266 Wierzbowski, Maria T. Rd Ridge 40200 280 86900 354300 05 1978 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 1100.00 3 0 2160 42.00 14.-1-8 2271 Chojecki, Gary A. Ridge Rd 40200 210 36200 214200 01 1986 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 411.00 3 0 1966 3.80 14.1-2-1 2336 Krutz, Carol Ridge Rd 40200 210 35700 162000 05 1948 04 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 0 1578 1.30 14.1-2-2 2360 Bialahoski, Paul F. Ridge Rd 40200 210 37300 176800 01 1978 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 175.00 3 0 1400 2.30 14.-1-7 2365 Cieszynski, Jeffrey E. Rd Ridge 40200 210 34600 218500 01 1977 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 381.10 2377 2.70 14.1-2-3 2392 Turgeon, Julie C & Gregory E Rd Ridge 40200 210 34300 157400 01 1953 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 200.00 3 0 1248 2.50 14.-1-4.4 2399 Kugler, Brian P. Ridge Rd 40200 210 33400 208100 06 1978 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 168.98 3 500.00 1472 1.90 14.1-2-4 2432 Downs, Dorothy Ridge Rd 40200 210 36700 183100 04 1945 05 2 1 1 0 4 1 350.00 3 0 2380 4.10 Page 371 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.1-2-5 2484 Schoolcraft, Adrian Ridge 14.-1-4.2 2487 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 32600 147700 02 1967 03 4 0 2 1 3 1 125.00 3 450.00 1900 1.37 Stebbins, Henry H. Ridge Rd 40200 210 38700 190000 08 1840 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 500.00 3 500.00 1970 5.70 14.1-2-6 2528 Sledesky, David M. Ridge Rd 40200 210 33800 114100 04 1925 03 2 0 1 1 1 1 299.00 3 0 1014 2.20 14.-1-6.1 2539 Piria, Giorgio Ridge Rd 40200 210 33600 147500 01 1969 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 180.00 3 500.00 1107 0 13.-2-25.12 2649 Kissinger, BethAnn Ridge Rd 40200 240 51100 294300 03 1967 04 3 1 1 2 4 1 300.00 3 0 3460 18.14 13.-2-25.13 2725 Zeglen, Jacqueline Ridge Rd 40200 210 38900 324000 05 1994 03 2 1 2 0 5 1 365.00 3 0 2976 5.92 14.-2-36 2792 Proulx, Kimberly A. Ridge Rd 40200 240 44000 189000 02 1985 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 318.00 3 1600.00 1512 11.02 13.-2-25.2 2809 Wittemeyer, Donna M. Rd Ridge 40200 210 36200 224000 03 1978 01 2 1 1 2 4 1 102.00 3 0 2422 3.80 14.-2-35 2840 Relyea, Thomas J. Ridge Rd 40200 240 43500 167100 04 1987 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 300.00 3 1600.00 1539 10.50 13.-2-25.113 2889 Stecher, Thomas Ridge Rd 40200 210 41200 255000 05 1999 01 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2040 8.16 14.-2-34 2914 Kielthy, Michael Ridge Rd 40200 240 43500 228900 11 1986 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 300.00 3 1600.00 1714 10.50 7.-2-38.1 2973 Leonard, Kevin H. Ridge Rd 40200 240 45900 273200 03 1972 01 3 1 2 2 5 1 0 3 0 3002 12.90 7.-2-38.2 2977 Rodbell, Donald T. Ridge Rd 40200 240 120200 414900 11 2000 01 2 0 3 0 4 1 0 3 0 2719 76.25 14.-2-15.212 3042 Michalek, Robert Ridge Rd 40200 312 43500 85500 300.00 1600.00 10.50 14.-2-15.22 3080 Michalek, Robert L. Ridge Rd 40200 240 43500 226200 11 1980 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 300.00 3 1600.00 1696 10.50 7.-2-36.11 3197 Coton, James A. Ridge Rd 40200 240 98000 275100 01 2001 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1404 81.00 8.-1-1 3228 Stockman, Judith A. Rd Ridge 40200 240 82000 189900 02 1960 03 4 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1232 48.95 7.-2-35.1 3409 Hale, Maurice Jr Ridge 40200 210 33900 149400 04 1948 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1470 2.24 Page 372 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 8.-1-2 3442 Slack (Irrevocable Trust), David M. 40200 Rd 240 Ridge 80100 232500 08 1840 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2196 47.11 7.-2-41.1 3473 De Witt, Daniel H. Ridge Rd 40200 210 38100 211100 08 1920 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2544 5.06 7.-2-39.11 3533 Bliss, Timothy J. Ridge Rd 40200 240 57100 256400 11 1987 01 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1664 24.07 8.-1-3 3566 Wright, Kenneth Ridge Rd 40200 210 33200 140000 04 1948 02 2 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1568 1.80 7.-2-34.2 3643 Kapusta, David C. Ridge Rd 40200 240 43900 242700 05 1985 01 3 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 2148 10.93 8.-1-4 3702 Holteen, Timothy & Maureen Rd Ridge 40200 240 44200 359100 06 1976 01 4 1 3 1 4 1 0 3 0 3192 11.20 7.-2-33.1 3769 Bellamy, Bruce W & Sharon E Rd Ridge 40200 240 58400 278300 01 1956 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1332 25.35 8.-1-5.3 3872 Higgins, Donald Ridge Rd 40200 240 135700 495500 06 2005 03 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 4 0 3779 155.48 7.-2-32.12 4051 Anderson, Ann A. Ridge Rd 40200 240 109000 286900 01 1958 05 3 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2302 102.00 7.-2-24 4351 Canavan, James Ridge Rd 40200 210 35300 192100 08 1920 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 840.00 3 260.00 2137 3.20 7.-2-30.21 4452 Lo Balbo, Alfred A. Ridge Rd 40200 240 58900 281100 04 1985 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2215 25.94 7.-2-30.11 4484 DuBois, Marilyn M. Ridge Rd 40200 240 84000 336500 06 1988 01 4 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2087 52.00 7.-2-29 4760 Beedleson, Mila (LE) Rd Ridge 40200 210 31400 125000 08 1900 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 131.00 3 233.00 1336 0 7.-2-28 4832 Martin Fam Trust, Mary Lou Rd Ridge 40200 240 43000 136000 08 1800 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1289 10.00 7.-2-26.21 4864 Powers, Gilford L. Ridge Rd 40200 210 59800 284200 06 1989 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 2090 26.80 7.-2-26.111 4953 Powers, James M. Ridge Rd 40200 240 85500 313900 05 1842 01 3 0 2 0 5 1 0 3 0 2560 55.00 7.-2-27 5019 Gauss, Eugene H. Ridge Rd 40200 240 92000 251600 08 1830 01 3 1 2 2 3 1 0 3 0 2958 67.90 4.-3-29.1 5115 Vandercar, Sara J. Ridge Rd 40200 210 33500 235000 01 1973 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 235.00 3 500.00 1984 2.00 Page 373 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 4.-3-28 5207 Ellis, Timothy K. Ridge 4.-3-27 5221 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 33800 115600 01 1950 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1026 2.20 Trojan, Jeffrey M. Ridge Rd 40200 210 32600 146600 01 1977 04 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 500.00 1208 1.40 4.-3-26 5263 Dutelle, Anne E. Ridge Rd 40200 240 44200 170000 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1008 11.20 22.15-2-42 Carbone, John B. Ridgewood & Oakhill 20203 311 26700 26700 89.78 150.00 0 Piraino, Thomas Ridgewood La 20203 311 2100 2100 30.00 150.00 0 Murphy, Deborah Ridgewood La 20203 311 10800 10800 60.00 151.00 0 22.15-2-41 3 La Porte, Gina Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 162900 03 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1496 0 22.15-2-40 5 Reed, Christopher/Maureen Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 175600 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1856 0 22.15-2-39 7 Drechsler, Peter Ridgewood La 20203 210 26900 168300 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 92.19 3 151.68 1584 0 22.15-2-14 8 Hamilton, Kathleen Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 187700 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 101.00 3 150.00 1974 0 22.15-2-38 9 Fass, Stuart Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 189900 03 1957 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 151.00 1776 0 22.15-2-15 10 Bolde Irrevocable Trust, Joan A. 20203 210 Ridgewood La 26000 218500 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 72.75 3 150.00 2509 0 22.15-2-16 12 Finlan, Barbara Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 165600 03 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1363 0 22.15-2-37 13 Fass, Stuart F. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 191100 03 1956 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 100.00 3 150.00 1764 0 22.15-2-17 14 Olson, Mark D. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 156700 03 1953 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1496 0 22.15-2-36 15 Papanikos, Evangelos K. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 166800 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1540 0 22.15-2-18 16 Kline, Shawn C & Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 168600 03 1956 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1680 0 22.15-2-35 17 Ruszczyk, Stephen A. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 155800 01 1950 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1232 0 22.15-2-53 Page 374 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 22.15-2-54.2 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.15-2-19 18 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Harbers, Hans N Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 149000 03 1956 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1476 0 22.15-2-34.1 19 Spott, Alexander Ridgewood La 20203 210 28400 162000 01 1957 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 130.00 4 150.00 1398 0 22.15-2-20 20 Casler, Heather P. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 140000 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1308 0 22.15-2-33 21 Piraino, Thomas Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 176300 01 1956 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1344 0 22.15-2-21 22 Miller, John T. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 131325 01 1952 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1464 0 22.15-2-32 23 Farone David P & Dawn M, Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 132500 01 1955 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 151.00 992 0 22.15-2-22 24 Sausville, Mark R. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 142200 01 1960 01 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1208 0 22.15-2-31 25 Rhodenizer, Richard L. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 166000 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 4 151.00 1584 0 22.15-2-23 26 Mazzarella, Michael Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 174900 01 1953 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1464 0 22.15-2-30 27 McGarvey , Wm H & Patricia L Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 161400 01 1957 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 4 151.00 1284 0 22.15-2-24 28 Malek, Clint & Laura Ridgewood La 20203 210 27100 160600 03 1957 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1470 0 22.15-2-29 29 Eats, Joseph A. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 168800 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 151.00 1584 0 22.15-2-26 30 Bowers, David V. Ridgewood La 20203 210 26300 168400 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 160.00 3 75.00 1584 0 22.15-2-28 31 Bombard, Michael L. Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 176600 01 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 151.68 1344 0 22.15-2-27 33 Murphy, Robert E & Deborah J Ridgewood La 20203 210 27200 217100 05 1963 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 151.68 2080 0 12.2-2-23 Kowalski, Ronald + Donna Rd River 40200 311 1500 1500 100.00 290.00 0 Guidry Family Trust, Dawne R. Ave Riverside 10200 311 4000 4000 43.00 117.00 0 Guidry Family Trust, Dawne R. Ave Riverside 10200 311 4000 4000 49.00 108.00 0 38.52-1-19 Page 375 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 38.52-1-20 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.44-3-69 Village of Scotia, Riverside Ave Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total 10207 311 3300 3300 215.00 50.00 0 3 96.00 1420 0 38.44-3-54 114 Bongermino, Cathy LM Ave Riverside 10207 210 15200 111200 08 1890 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 43.07 38.44-3-55 116 Ruggiero, Justin Riverside Ave 10207 210 13700 88500 13 1910 01 3 0 1 0 1 1 43.00 2 97.00 804 0 38.44-3-56 118 Neubauer, Paul W. Jr Ave Riverside 10207 210 15600 92300 13 1910 03 2 0 1 0 1 1 44.00 3 113.00 804 0 38.44-3-57 120 D'Amato, David M. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16000 106600 08 1900 04 4 0 1 0 3 1 43.00 3 129.00 1280 0 38.44-3-58 124 Seal, Andrew P. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16400 153300 08 1900 06 2 0 2 1 3 2 85.00 4 112.00 2252 0 38.44-3-59 126 Gilson, Sandra Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 113600 05 1920 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 64.00 3 137.00 1456 0 38.44-3-60 128 Schermerhorn, Maria T F. Ave Riverside 10207 210 16100 100500 13 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 150.00 984 0 38.44-3-61 130 Rainey, Richard J. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16200 112800 13 1940 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 40.00 3 150.00 1541 0 38.43-3-38 131 Burke, Kevin A. Riverside Ave 10207 210 26300 194000 05 1908 06 3 0 2 1 4 1 164.00 4 190.00 2096 0 38.44-3-62 132 Diederich, Michele Riverside Ave 10207 210 16200 99800 13 1935 03 3 0 2 0 2 1 40.00 2 150.00 936 0 38.43-3-37 133 Neville, Gerda trust Riverside Ave 10207 210 19200 129900 08 1900 06 3 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 210.00 1431 0 38.44-3-63 134 Peregrim, Lawrence Ave Riverside 10207 220 16400 119400 08 1905 03 3 0 2 0 3 2 60.00 4 150.00 1352 0 38.43-3-36 135 Fountain, Kevin Riverside Ave 10207 210 19300 125700 08 1900 06 2 0 2 1 4 1 60.00 3 235.00 1497 0 38.44-3-64.1 138 Barrett, Kevin Riverside Ave 10207 210 16700 119100 08 1910 06 3 1 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 125.00 1458 0 38.43-3-35 139 Jensen, William A. Riverside Ave 10207 210 18900 139500 08 1900 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 85.00 3 107.50 1596 0 38.43-3-29 201 Shapiro, Neal W. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16000 96100 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 52.00 3 100.00 1175 0 38.43-3-28 203 Saukko, Eino J. Riverside Ave 10207 210 19800 125800 08 1902 05 3 0 2 0 4 1 86.00 3 346.00 1761 0.50 Page 376 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.43-3-27 207 Murphy, James W. Riverside 38.43-3-26 209 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10207 210 20900 147700 08 1920 06 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 421.00 2096 1.06 Vazal, William T. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 129000 08 1920 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 4 143.50 1488 0 38.43-2-48 210 Croote, Wallace T. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 100600 08 1932 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 143.50 987 0 38.43-3-25 211 Vellano, Joseph M. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 118000 08 1915 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1496 0 38.43-2-49 212 De Biase, Mark Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 132200 08 1925 03 3 1 1 0 5 1 50.00 3 143.50 1681 0 38.43-2-52 302 Male, Amy G. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16000 96800 08 1938 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 90.00 1196 0 38.43-2-53 304 Dion, Norman M. Jr Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 105900 13 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1296 0 38.43-3-5 305 Bearcroft, Penny Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 93300 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1190 0 38.43-2-55 308 Blake, Michael Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 137700 08 1930 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 4 143.50 1272 0 38.43-3-4 309 Teller, Edward D. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16800 146400 08 1920 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 143.50 2088 0 38.43-2-56 310 Tompkins, Herbert III Ave Riverside 10207 210 16300 106200 08 1898 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 4 143.50 1258 0 38.43-3-3 311 Smith, Noelle Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 128500 08 1925 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 4 143.50 1488 0 38.43-2-57 312 Taylor, Kathleen Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 143600 08 1927 03 3 1 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1704 0 38.43-3-2 313 Schmidt, Kirk L. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 121800 08 1920 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 143.50 1328 0 38.43-2-58 314 Nelson, Ronald J. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 97300 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 1 143.50 1008 0 38.43-3-1 317 Winchester, Janis A. Ave Riverside 10207 210 16800 116300 08 1900 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 87.00 2 145.70 1470 0 38.43-1-15 408 Chaires, Rebecca Riverside Ave 10207 210 16200 154800 08 1888 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 110.00 2980 0 38.43-1-30 409 Lembo, Cassandra L. Ave Riverside 10207 210 16600 111300 08 1900 01 2 1 1 1 2 1 104.83 3 110.00 1360 0 Page 377 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.43-1-16 410 Watson, Melissa A Riverside 38.43-1-29 411 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10207 210 15900 97200 08 1928 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 108.00 910 0 Holcombe, Karen Riverside Ave 10207 210 15900 110500 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1402 0 38.43-1-17 412 Falcon, Linda Riverside Ave 10207 210 15900 105700 13 1953 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 108.00 792 0 38.43-1-28.1 413 Dunbar, Walter C. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16200 116500 08 1903 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 4 108.00 1384 0 38.43-1-28.2 415 Boreali, Fred Riverside Ave 10207 210 16200 141240 04 1978 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 108.00 1568 0 38.43-1-18 416 Eaton, John C. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16400 102700 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 80.00 3 108.00 1192 0 38.43-1-19 418 Goard, Melissa S. Riverside Ave 10207 210 15900 106500 13 1933 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 40.00 3 108.00 1212 0 38.43-1-27 419 Bowers, Kelly L. Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 93600 08 1895 04 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 0 1228 0.17 38.43-1-20 420 O'Donnell, James A. Ave Riverside 10207 210 15900 127500 08 1902 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1817 0 38.43-1-26 421 Fuller, James Riverside Ave 10207 210 16200 132100 04 1940 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 108.00 1568 0 38.43-1-21 422 Angilletta, John D. Riverside Ave 10207 210 15900 105900 13 1940 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1497 0 38.43-1-25 423 Stanley, Marilyn Riverside Ave 10207 210 16300 125500 04 1940 03 3 1 1 0 3 2 70.00 3 108.00 1299 0 38.43-1-22 424 Diacetis, Ashley N. Riverside Ave 10207 210 15900 143500 04 1931 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1218 0 38.11-3-4 501 Kulani, Joshua Riverside Ave 20200 210 14300 138400 13 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 108.00 1442 0 38.11-3-3 508 Pelletier, Richard A. Riverside Ave 20200 210 7100 162700 08 1986 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 40.00 3 108.00 1528 0 38.11-3-2 510 Raid, Rosanne E. Riverside Ave 20200 210 5900 81200 13 1930 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 108.00 765 0 38.7-5-53 512 Ostrander, Joseph T. Ave Riverside 20200 210 10300 150100 04 1950 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 48.50 3 140.61 1344 0 38.7-5-54 513 Kwiatkowski, William & Florence 20200 Ave 210 Riverside 15000 129100 13 1935 04 3 0 1 0 3 1 65.00 3 137.00 1281 0.19 Page 378 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-5-52 514 Depalma, Helene Riverside 38.7-5-55 515 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 11200 144300 04 1938 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1312 0 Seburn, Michael T. Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 132400 13 1936 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1494 0 38.7-5-51 516 Prairie, Robert E. Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 124000 13 1933 02 3 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1272 0 38.7-5-56 517 Ritter Trust, John D. Ave Riverside 20200 210 11200 134000 13 1936 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1494 0 38.7-5-57 519 Corcoran, Patricia Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 127200 13 1936 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1368 0 38.7-5-50 520 Genovesi, Terri L. Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 127400 13 1946 01 3 1 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1572 0 38.7-5-49 522 Wiedeman, Greg Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 127500 04 1935 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1336 0 38.7-5-48 524 Breslin, Brian M. Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 126700 04 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1258 0 38.7-5-58 525 Wilson, Cynthia J. Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 129500 13 1935 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1188 0 38.7-5-47 526 Fitzpatrick, Eugene R. Ave Riverside 20200 210 11200 121200 05 1934 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1102 0 38.7-5-59 527 Deforge, Bradford J. Ave Riverside 20200 210 11200 135400 04 1930 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1144 0 38.7-5-60 601 Christopher, Demetra Ave Riverside 20200 210 18700 121000 13 1936 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1200 0 38.7-5-45 602 Wilson, Michael J. Riverside Ave 20200 210 13400 135000 04 1944 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 135.00 1322 0 38.7-5-44 604 Squires, Carol Jean Ave Riverside 20200 210 13400 176900 05 1941 02 2 1 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 135.00 1728 0 38.7-5-61 605 Wood, Jason Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 181600 04 1933 03 3 0 3 0 5 1 50.00 3 135.00 2536 0 38.7-5-43 606 Di Caprio, William A. Ave Riverside 20200 210 13400 148100 04 1946 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1552 0 38.7-5-62 607 Lewis, Richard W. Riverside Ave 20200 210 11200 134800 04 1943 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 1340 0 38.7-5-42 608 Gallagher, Alan J. Riverside Ave 20200 210 13400 127700 04 1945 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1152 0 Page 379 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-5-63 609 Corey, Steven A. Riverside 38.7-5-41 610 Dowgos, Renate Riverside Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20200 210 11200 139000 04 1935 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 50.00 3 135.00 1421 0 Ave 20200 210 13400 134700 04 1945 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1344 0 38.7-5-64 611 Swain, Kenneth W. III Ave Riverside 20200 210 16700 170000 04 1935 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 135.00 1836 0 38.7-5-40 612 Warner, Robert A. Riverside Ave 20200 210 13400 124700 04 1946 02 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1152 0 38.7-5-39 614 Smith, Isabelle (LE) Ave Riverside 20200 210 13400 125000 04 1942 02 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 135.00 1152 0 38.7-5-65 615 Dobies, William B. Riverside Ave 20200 210 19600 105300 13 1940 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 125.00 3 135.00 1013 0 38.7-5-38 616 Gillespie, Keith A. Riverside Ave 20200 210 13400 141000 04 1945 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 135.00 1344 0 38.7-5-66 619 Stopera, Glenn Riverside Ave 20200 210 16700 138600 04 1950 06 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.00 3 135.00 1598 0 38.7-5-67 623 Keenan, Stuart M. Jr Ave Riverside 20200 210 16700 173400 04 1948 02 2 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 135.00 1998 0 38.7-4-48 700 Martin, Beth A. Riverside Ave 20301 210 28100 148300 04 1950 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1574 0 38.7-4-61 701 Bonieski, Andrew S. Ave Riverside 20301 210 42200 135600 05 1948 06 3 0 1 1 4 1 75.00 3 135.00 1918 0 38.7-4-49 702 Large, Constance Riverside Ave 20301 210 28100 149800 04 1955 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 135.00 1549 0 38.7-4-50 704 Allen, Richard C. Riverside Ave 20301 210 42200 161000 05 1940 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 135.00 1674 0 38.7-4-60 705 Paull, Eric Keith Riverside Ave 20301 210 42200 124700 04 1940 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 75.00 3 135.00 1080 0 38.7-4-51 706 Locatelli, Eileen F. Riverside Ave 20301 210 42200 151100 05 1939 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 135.00 1384 0 38.7-4-59 707 Roseann Jweid Trust, Ave Riverside 20301 210 42200 129200 04 1947 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 75.00 3 135.00 1179 0 38.7-4-58 711 Decicco, Mark T. Riverside Ave 20301 210 42200 161200 04 1950 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 75.00 3 135.00 2163 0 38.7-4-52 712 Kehoe, James F. Riverside Ave 20301 210 28100 170000 05 1935 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 50.00 3 135.00 2083 0 Page 380 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-4-53 714 Falcon, J. Thomas Riverside 38.7-4-57 717 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 20301 210 46400 173200 04 1937 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1893 0 Carroll, John J. III Riverside Ave 20301 210 49100 214900 05 1920 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 135.00 2630 0 38.7-4-54 718 Opiela, Scott Riverside Ave 20301 210 46400 230000 05 1933 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 135.00 1996 0 38.7-4-56 719 Viscusi, William F. Riverside Ave 20301 210 49100 234900 05 1929 03 3 0 3 2 4 1 150.00 3 130.00 3078 0 38.7-4-55 720 Lambert, Sangvon Riverside Ave 20301 210 46400 219200 04 1938 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 135.00 2635 0 38.7-3-8 800 Bardwell, William F. Jr Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 190000 05 1939 01 3 1 2 2 5 1 100.00 3 135.00 2815 0 38.7-3-22 801 George, John D. IV Riverside Ave 20301 210 46400 176800 05 1937 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 2264 0 38.7-3-21 805 Radom, Jeffrey & Mariann Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 195000 05 1930 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 135.00 2236 0 38.7-3-9 806 Catalano, Adam D. Riverside Ave 20301 210 46400 202300 04 1953 02 3 0 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 135.00 1972 0 38.7-3-20 809 Williams, Jeffrey R. Riverside Ave 20301 210 46400 148000 04 1937 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1455 0 38.7-3-10 810 Ten Eyck, Peter VA. Jr Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 222100 05 1939 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 135.00 2266 0 38.7-3-19 811 Vlahides, Christine M. Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 187300 04 1951 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 2018 0 38.7-3-11 814 McGillycuddy, Kelly Riverside Ave 20301 210 46400 175600 05 1937 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1628 0 38.7-3-18 817 Vecchiarelli, Domenico P. Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 140250 05 1940 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1664 0 38.7-3-12 818 Maddaus, Elsie M. (LE) Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 177000 04 1943 02 2 1 1 2 3 1 100.00 3 135.00 1637 0 38.7-3-17 821 Guzewich, James E. Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 238500 05 1940 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 135.00 2718 0 38.7-3-13 822 O Connor Catherine, Ave Riverside 20301 210 46400 191100 05 1939 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 135.00 2329 0 38.7-3-14.1 900 Migliore, Benjamin J. Ave Riverside 20301 210 58400 215000 04 1937 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 159.70 4 0 2022 0.49 Page 381 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Printkey Address Owner Name 38.7-3-16 901 Welch, Calvin P. Riverside 38.7-3-15 905 McDermott, Life Estate, Michael +20301 Claire Ave 210 Riverside 31.5-1-43 Marocco, Theresa E. Pl Riverside 38.15-1-20 Ave Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20301 210 46400 254900 05 1941 02 2 1 2 2 4 1 100.00 3 135.00 2601 0 46300 228000 05 1941 02 2 1 2 2 4 1 89.70 3 157.50 2318 0 20204 314 8500 8500 125.00 232.00 0 Cullen, Revocable Trust, Paul + Mary 20200 Pl 314 Riverside 5100 5100 207.39 76.26 0.46 38.15-1-15.1 10 Udell, Joshua I. Riverside Pl 20200 210 27700 277000 05 1920 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 4 0 2600 1.09 38.15-1-14.11 11 Urbanski, Stephen L. Pl Riverside 20200 210 19800 80000 13 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 80.00 3 135.50 1210 0 38.15-1-13.1 13 Fitzgerald, Brian S. Riverside Pl 20200 210 9500 197500 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 40.00 4 125.00 1824 0 38.15-1-26 15 Fromm, Brandon Riverside Pl 20200 210 20000 144000 08 1910 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 92.00 3 125.00 2090 0 23.18-3-10 244 De Nuccio, Mary L. Riverside Pl 20204 230 43900 260100 08 1945 01 3 0 3 1 3 3 0 3 0 2392 1.10 23.18-3-11 246 Capito, Gerald A. Riverside Pl 20204 210 43200 144300 13 1920 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 560.00 1244 0 23.18-3-12 248 Wolos, Gregory J. Riverside Pl 20204 210 43100 192000 08 1938 01 3 1 2 1 3 1 60.00 3 525.00 1960 0 23.18-3-13 252 Sheldon- Rev. Trust, Kathryn L. 20204 Pl 210 Riverside 43100 159000 13 1920 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 60.00 4 525.00 1848 0 23.18-3-14 254 Lyman, Arthur Riverside Pl 20204 210 42800 191300 05 1946 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 54.00 4 508.00 1768 0 23.18-3-8 255 Lannon, Dennis P. Riverside Pl 20204 210 35100 195100 02 1984 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2184 0 23.18-3-15 256 Henley, Connor P. Riverside Pl 20204 210 44000 144500 08 1920 06 3 0 3 0 4 1 0 3 0 2132 1.20 23.18-3-16 258 Haight, Larry A. Riverside Pl 20204 210 43000 171000 05 1968 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 500.00 1344 0 38.15-1-25 508 Cullen, Revocable Trust, Paul + Mary 20200 Pl 312 Riverside 18200 20000 80.00 125.00 0 21000 88400 1 120.00 2 125.00 768 0 38.15-1-24 516 Connelly, Robert W. Pl Riverside 20200 210 08 1917 Page 382 of 628 01 3 0 1 0 1 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Printkey Address Owner Name Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 38.15-1-23 518 Cullen, Revocable Trust, Paul + Mary 20200 Pl 210 Riverside 18200 220200 08 1920 03 2 38.15-1-18 Fromm, Brandon Riverside Pl-Riverbank 20200 314 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres 1 80.00 4 125.00 2160 0 3000 3000 120.00 91.00 0 Cullen, Revocable Trust, Paul + Mary 20200 314 Riverside Pl-Riverbank 5100 5100 170.00 89.21 0 31.5-1-42 14 Cooke, Angela Riverside Place 20204 314 7500 7500 100.00 288.00 0 31.5-1-38 Cooke, Angela Riverside Place Off 20204 314 3500 3500 30.00 155.00 0 McGarry, Thomas P. Riverside Place Off 20204 314 8500 8500 145.00 170.00 0 Graziano, Ralph Riverside Place Off 20204 314 21900 21900 0 0 1.25 38.27-1-12 2 Dashnaw, Frances & Irene J St Robin 10204 210 16200 106300 08 1925 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 66.00 3 100.00 1152 0 38.27-1-13 6 Andrews, Valerie M. St Robin 10204 210 12100 128300 08 1918 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1400 0 38.27-1-11.21 7 McGlashon, Timothy I. St Robin 10204 210 17200 106100 13 1938 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 196.00 3 108.00 1144 0 38.27-1-14 8 Craver, Helen Robin St 10204 210 12100 105100 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1040 0 38.27-1-15 10 Barner, Brian D. Robin St 10204 210 12100 98000 13 1925 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 100.00 1079 0 22.14-1-18 2 Cannon, John & James Rd Robinson 20203 210 27600 150700 02 1973 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 176.31 1814 0 22.14-1-36 3 Chiarello, Paul M. Robinson Rd 20203 210 29100 167000 02 1973 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 133.93 3 175.67 1770 0 22.14-1-19 4 Henderson, Jamie Robinson Rd 20203 210 28400 151000 01 1972 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.02 3 246.31 1128 0 22.14-1-20 6 Duquette, Marc R. Robinson Rd 20203 210 27700 153000 02 1975 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 70.00 4 246.31 1814 0 22.14-1-21 8 Wierzbowski, Edward J. Rd Robinson 20203 210 28100 172400 02 1974 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 88.00 3 209.00 1888 0 22.14-1-37 9 Knaggs, Travis Robinson 20203 210 29000 209300 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 4 224.00 2326 0 38.15-1-19 31.5-1-39 31.5-1-40 Rd Page 383 of 628 0 2 0 3 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.14-1-22 10 Taylor, Richard D. Robinson 22.14-1-38 11 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20203 210 27800 223500 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.00 2200 0 Gable, Jodie B. Robinson Rd 20203 210 29000 163700 02 1974 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 223.85 1710 0 22.14-1-23 12 Devine, Hope A. Robinson Rd 20203 210 27800 191000 02 1974 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 175.00 1892 0 22.14-1-24 14 King, William D. Robinson Rd 20203 210 27800 220700 05 1976 03 2 1 1 2 4 1 100.00 3 175.00 1848 0 22.14-1-39 15 Sweeney, Christina M. Rd Robinson 20203 210 28800 176600 02 1975 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 141.05 4 150.03 1924 0 22.14-1-25 16 Juliano, Peter F & Anna Rd Robinson 20203 210 27400 230300 03 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 85.00 4 175.00 2254 0 22.14-1-26 18 Hall, Clifford + Adrienne Rd Robinson 20203 210 28300 312800 05 1973 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 90.00 3 193.00 3334 0 22.14-1-27 20 Zullo, Benny + Jennifer Rd Robinson 20203 210 27700 242300 05 1974 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 87.79 3 193.84 2186 0 22.14-1-40 21 Gatta, Adam J. Robinson Rd 20203 210 27100 191700 02 1974 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1861 0 22.14-1-28 22 Bannon, Robert L. Robinson Rd 20203 210 27700 242800 03 1973 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 172.45 2490 0 29.16-2-36 320 Scirocco, John J. Rockland Rd 20201 210 22300 156800 02 1969 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 135.00 1728 0 29.15-3-4 321 Robistow, Lloyd R. Jr Rd Rockland 20201 210 14100 132900 04 1925 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 140.00 1456 0 29.15-3-3 323 Oliveri, Edward A & Tori L Rd Rockland 20201 210 13500 97900 04 1942 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 151.08 870 0 29.16-2-35 324 Murphy, Thomas P & Clare Rd Rockland 20201 210 22300 158500 01 1955 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 150.00 1232 0 29.15-3-2 325 Palmer, Andrew K. Rockland Rd 20201 210 15500 136600 04 1942 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 80.00 3 117.40 1368 0 29.16-2-34 326 Prediletto, Monica Rockland Rd 20201 210 15200 123200 04 1942 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1044 0 29.16-2-33 328 Kalasinski, Leonard D. Rd Rockland 20201 210 15200 126000 04 1943 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1044 0 29.16-2-32 330 Adam Trust, Joan L. Rd Rockland 20201 210 15200 160000 04 1941 04 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1834 0 Page 384 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.16-2-31 332 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Kalasinski, Jeffrey P. Rd Rockland 20201 210 15200 130000 04 1943 03 4 0 2 0 2 1 50.00 3 150.00 1358 0 38.27-3-67 1 Rosa, Mark Root Ave 10204 210 16100 121400 08 1920 04 2 1 1 0 4 1 49.60 3 100.00 1428 0 38.27-3-68 5 Homes NY, LLC, Legacy Ave Root 10204 210 16000 100400 08 1910 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 46.60 3 100.00 1424 0 38.28-1-69 104 Lee, Courtney S. Root Ave 10205 220 16200 116300 08 1915 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 67.00 3 100.00 1352 0 38.28-1-70 106 Walter, Harro Root Ave 10205 220 12100 105200 08 1940 04 3 0 2 0 4 2 33.00 2 100.00 1668 0 38.28-1-71 108 Rosenberg, Edward & Kimberly 10205 Ave 210 Root 12100 90000 08 1927 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 2 100.00 1552 0 38.28-1-41 112 Chyczewski, Richard Ave Root 10205 210 16200 116300 13 1900 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 67.00 3 100.00 1608 0 38.27-3-50 201 Ryan, Danielle Root Ave 10204 210 16200 127000 08 1924 03 3 0 1 0 5 1 67.00 3 100.00 1568 0 38.28-1-37 202 Hyde, Christopher Root Ave 10205 220 12500 119900 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 34.00 3 100.00 2148 0 38.27-3-49 203 La Fountain, Susan Root Ave 10204 210 12100 89300 08 1928 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 33.00 4 100.00 864 0 38.28-1-38 204 Palmer, Steven & Colleen Ave Root 10205 210 12100 111800 13 1920 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1302 0 38.27-3-48 205 Jones, David C & Tracy L Ave Root 10204 210 14700 99100 13 1928 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1321 0 38.28-1-39 206 Rabinowitz, Karen J. Ave Root 10205 210 12100 127400 04 1940 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1000 0 38.28-1-40 208 Secretary of HUD, Root 10205 210 16000 135000 04 1935 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1443 0 38.27-3-47 209 Neary, Life Estate, Janet S. Ave Root 10204 210 16200 99000 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 100.00 1308 0 38.28-1-8 210 Ferris, Sara Ferjanec Ave Root 10205 210 16100 112200 13 1910 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 53.00 3 100.00 1320 0 38.27-3-25 302 Roth, Zachary + Alexandra Ave Root 10204 220 12500 108800 08 1910 01 3 0 2 0 4 2 34.00 2 100.00 1864 0 38.27-3-26 304 Eaton Mahoney, Ashleigh Ave Root 10204 220 16100 109900 08 1930 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 59.00 3 100.00 1816 0 Page 385 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Ave Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-3-27 305 Schiavo, Mark R Root 38.27-3-10 307 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Ave 10204 210 12100 95800 13 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 964 0 Macejka, Anne Root Ave 10204 210 12100 110600 13 1940 03 4 1 1 0 4 1 33.00 3 100.00 1687 0 38.27-3-11 308 Thouin, Daniel Root Ave 10204 310 14700 14700 39.80 100.00 0 38.27-3-9 309 Dellio, Wayne M. Root Ave 10204 210 12100 112000 13 1926 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1409 0 38.27-3-12 310 Kieft, Donald P. Root Ave 10204 210 16200 113500 08 1931 01 2 0 1 0 3 1 67.00 3 100.00 1240 0 38.27-3-8 311 Hale, Richard E. Root Ave 10204 210 12500 101600 13 1920 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 34.00 3 100.00 1611 0 29.83-2-24 401 Mustico, Kristina Root Ave 10201 210 18100 109300 08 1923 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 100.00 1144 0 29.83-2-15 402 Arnesen, Mary Ann Root Ave 10201 210 18200 117600 08 1910 01 3 0 2 0 3 2 67.00 4 100.00 1426 0 29.83-2-14 404 Spicer, Eugene L. Root Ave 10201 220 18100 108600 08 1900 03 2 0 2 1 4 2 49.50 3 100.00 2022 0 29.83-2-23 405 Pasquill, James M. II Ave Root 10201 210 18100 111300 08 1929 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 100.00 1190 0 29.83-2-22 407 Ingles, Deborah A. Root Ave 10201 210 18100 94800 13 1925 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 100.00 1015 0 29.83-2-13 408 Shephard, Denise M. Ave Root 10201 210 18400 132400 08 1910 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 83.50 4 100.00 1436 0 29.83-2-8 409 La Coss, James L. (LE) Ave Root 10201 210 18100 95000 13 1927 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 100.00 1040 0 22.7-2-18 1 Koney, Phyllis Rosemary Dr 20304 210 28000 210100 01 1950 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 71.58 4 143.40 2272 0 22.7-2-9.2 4 Fazio, Bernadette Rosemary Dr 20304 210 33300 169500 04 1953 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 152.00 3 183.65 1667 0 22.7-2-19 5 DeSorbo, David Rosemary Dr 20304 210 30300 237500 05 1966 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 120.59 4 100.63 2155 0 22.7-2-8.1 6 Daly, Peter L & Sandra D Dr Rosemary 20304 210 35100 124700 01 1963 01 2 1 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 0 1004 1.70 22.7-2-7 8 Panetta, Rocco & Kara J Dr Rosemary 20304 210 31500 189400 01 1955 02 2 0 2 2 5 1 110.00 4 148.26 1825 0 Page 386 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 22.7-2-6 10 Dion, John F. Rosemary 22.7-2-20 11 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 20304 210 31200 160000 03 1957 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 103.69 3 150.00 1430 0 Crawford Rev Trust, Mary I. Dr Rosemary 20304 210 33000 181500 01 1954 02 2 0 1 1 2 1 75.90 4 0 1337 0.50 22.7-2-5 12 Halsdorf, Steven J. Rosemary Dr 20304 210 33100 217200 01 1952 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 154.94 4 151.53 2120 0 15.-1-2.111 Hindea, Mark Rosemere Rd 20206 322 99200 99200 0 0 48.70 9.19-3-13 3 Saglimbeni, Linda A. Rd Rosemere 20206 210 31100 208600 03 1964 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1961 0 9.19-2-23 4 Sargalis, James & Janine Rd Rosemere 20206 210 31100 233600 03 1967 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2042 0 9.19-2-24 6 O'Neill Charles C & Frances R , 20206 Rd 210 Rosemere 31100 153700 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1365 0 9.19-2-25 8 Hugaboom, Mark A. Rd Rosemere 20206 210 31100 189100 03 1957 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1872 0 9.19-3-10 9 Family Irrevocable Trust, Wright 20206 Rd 210 Rosemere 31100 152500 01 1958 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1400 0 9.19-2-26 10 Doesburg, Mark + Jennifer Rd Rosemere 20206 210 31100 173900 01 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1556 0 9.19-3-9 11 Baker, Mary Ann Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 189800 03 1961 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1896 0 9.19-2-27 12 Salisbury, Matthew T. Rd Rosemere 20206 210 31100 186100 03 1961 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1871 0 9.19-2-28 14 Stevens, Paul W. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 184400 03 1958 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1844 0 9.19-3-8 15 Crooker, Justin C. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 198600 03 1959 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1976 0 9.19-2-29 16 Goertz, Suzanne E. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 222400 03 1961 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2176 0 9.19-3-7 17 McGarry, June Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 216200 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2095 0 9.19-2-30 18 Weinlein, Tina Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 226200 03 1960 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 2269 0 9.19-3-6 19 Schaub, John F. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 189000 05 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1894 0 Page 387 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Dr Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.19-3-5 21 Drake, Allan L. Rosemere 9.19-3-4 23 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 20206 210 32400 182800 01 1967 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 131.00 3 150.00 1640 0 Blance, William J. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 183500 03 1965 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1723 0 9.19-2-3 24 Wheeler, Guy Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 157600 01 1960 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1404 0 9.19-3-3 25 Camp, Charles T. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 188100 03 1962 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1706 0 9.19-2-2 26 Magruder, Alicia Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 186000 03 1965 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1740 0 9.19-3-2 27 Pellerin, Robert M. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 206400 05 1968 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2068 0 9.19-2-1 28 Telban, Carl G. Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 189000 03 1965 03 2 1 1 2 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1992 0 9.19-3-1 29 Donohue, James Rosemere Rd 20206 210 31100 231800 03 1962 03 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 150.00 2322 0 15.-1-2.2 30 Noel, Richard C. Rosemere Rd 20206 215 34100 297700 04 1993 03 2 0 4 1 5 1 0 3 0 2990 1.05 15.-1-2.4 31 Plemenik, Kimberly L Rd Rosemere 20206 210 35500 394600 05 2005 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 2874 2.00 15.-1-2.14 32 Ippoliti, Dennis P. Jr. Rd Rosemere 20206 210 39400 316800 05 1996 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 4 0 2614 4.60 15.-1-2.15 33 Antal, Lori Ann Rosemere Rd 20206 210 37600 395600 05 2002 03 2 1 2 0 5 1 0 4 0 2605 3.40 15.-1-2.13 34 Lancaster, Aaron B. Rd Rosemere 20206 210 38200 260000 05 2003 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 4 0 2249 3.80 15.-1-20 Hindea, Mark Roslyn Dr 20206 311 6300 6300 85.00 200.00 0 9.19-3-56 1 Jenkins, Kathryn A. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32600 170000 06 1987 03 2 1 2 1 2 1 163.00 3 125.00 1524 0 9.19-3-57 2 Virgilio, Alexander Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 218000 05 1987 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1931 0 9.19-3-53 3 Siudy, William J. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 33000 175000 03 1960 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 112.00 3 200.00 1650 0 9.19-3-15.2 4 Golden, Marilyn J. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 117000 01 1986 03 4 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 150.00 1092 0 Page 388 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.19-3-52 5 Anello, Joan Roslyn 9.19-3-58 6 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 32500 156400 03 1964 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 199.40 1422 0 Green, Kevin A. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 230000 05 1999 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1824 0 9.19-3-51 7 Farone, Nicholas Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32500 206000 03 1965 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1974 0 9.19-3-16 8 Burda, Robert J. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 231800 03 1958 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2327 0 9.19-3-50 9 Malloch, Dennis R & Kelly S Dr Roslyn 20206 210 32500 156100 03 1956 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 199.40 1400 0 9.19-3-17 10 Smith, Raymond E. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 207500 03 1958 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1897 0 9.19-3-49 11 Monaco, Amy L. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32500 188700 03 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 199.40 1674 0 9.19-3-18 12 Harris, David J. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 194800 03 1958 01 2 1 2 1 5 1 100.00 3 150.00 1937 0 9.19-3-48 13 Baish, Louis J. Jr Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32100 201000 03 1957 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 101.53 3 200.00 1892 0 9.19-3-24 14 Hartpence, Geoffrey L. Dr Roslyn 20206 210 31600 184300 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1833 0 9.19-3-47 15 Bond, Steven A. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31900 189400 03 1966 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 200.00 1674 0 9.19-3-25 16 La Bounty, Robert H. Dr Roslyn 20206 210 31100 181900 03 1958 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1781 0 9.19-3-46 17 Rapp, Robert B. III Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32600 167700 03 1956 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 202.25 1597 0 9.19-3-26 18 Cook, Andrew B. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 183000 03 1957 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1872 0 9.19-3-45 19 Mohr, Gregory A. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32600 179900 01 1965 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 205.10 1690 0 9.19-3-44 21 Malachowski, Beverly L. Dr Roslyn 20206 210 32700 186400 03 1967 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 207.95 1674 0 9.19-3-31 22 Koran, Kenneth W. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31100 173200 01 1964 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 1552 0 9.19-3-43 23 Montgomery, Fred Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32800 240000 03 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 210.80 2305 0 Page 389 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 9.19-3-32 24 Walz, Dan W. Roslyn Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Dr 20206 210 31100 206900 03 1973 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 150.00 2008 0 9.19-3-42 25 Pahl JH Family Irr Trust, Dr Roslyn 20206 210 32800 165700 01 1968 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 213.65 1422 0 9.19-3-35 26 Beaulac, Jeremy D. Dr Roslyn 20206 210 31800 215300 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 139.00 3 125.00 2117 0 9.19-3-41 27 Marchesiello, Irrevocable Trus, Lorraine 20206 + Dominick 32900 Dr 210 238400 Roslyn 03 1966 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 216.50 2462 0 9.19-3-36 28 Renzi, Michael & Mary Ann Dr Roslyn 20206 210 32100 187200 03 1974 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 196.13 1674 0 9.19-3-40 29 Pennie, James E. Roslyn Dr 20206 210 32800 167300 03 1966 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 216.50 1592 0 9.19-3-37 30 Hay, William M. Jr Roslyn Dr 20206 210 31400 218400 03 1972 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 158.16 2465 0.37 9.19-3-39 31 Ritz, Arthur + Katherine Dr Roslyn 20206 210 32800 257400 03 1966 01 2 0 2 2 5 1 100.00 4 212.72 2615 0 9.19-3-38 33 Rowland, Paul J & Patricia W Dr Roslyn 20206 210 32400 219100 03 1966 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 102.98 3 208.53 2119 0 15.-1-2.5 35 Valade, Kevin D & Darlene M Dr Roslyn 20206 210 38500 412000 05 1994 03 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 4 0 3102 4.00 29.11-4-37 1 Sherman, Francine Ruby Blvd 20201 210 20200 130400 13 1960 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 125.00 1212 0 29.11-4-36 3 Powers, Donald G. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 160200 08 1955 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1916 0 29.11-4-41 4 Cooper, Jeffrey Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 106600 04 1952 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 125.00 872 0 29.11-4-35 5 De Carlo, Jeffrey & Angelina Blvd Ruby 20201 210 15200 135800 04 1948 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1306 0 29.11-4-42 6 Briscoe, Tracy Ann Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 156600 04 1952 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1496 0 29.11-4-34 7 De Lorenzo, Eric J. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 22400 146400 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 125.00 1371 0 29.11-4-43.1 8 Tufts, Wayne N. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 22200 151700 04 1952 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 80.00 3 145.00 1500 0 29.11-4-33 9 Guisti, George Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 136400 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1356 0 Page 390 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.11-4-44 10 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Bacon, Leonard R. Jr Blvd Ruby 20201 210 12600 124000 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 125.00 1082 0 29.11-4-32 11 Conroy, Flaherty Eileen R. Blvd Ruby 20201 210 15200 138000 04 1952 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1308 0 29.11-4-45 12 Baumane, Ann H. (LE) Blvd Ruby 20201 210 15200 136300 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 125.00 1298 0 29.11-4-31 13 Hilton, Michael J. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 106600 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 125.00 872 0 29.11-4-46 14 Mannix, Lori Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 137700 04 1951 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1314 0 29.11-4-30 15 Aldershoff, Garrett J. Blvd Ruby 20201 210 15200 136900 04 1953 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1356 0 29.11-4-47 16 Ketchen, Michael D. Blvd Ruby 20201 210 15200 145000 04 1952 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1502 0 29.11-4-29 17 Deyette, Sandra A. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 135500 04 1953 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 29.11-4-48 18 Noreen, Shary R. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 133400 04 1952 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 29.11-4-28 19 Casale, Mark V. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 134000 04 1954 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 29.11-4-49 20 Marsche, Shane Ruby Blvd 20201 210 13900 106600 04 1941 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 55.00 3 125.00 880 0 29.11-4-27 21 Chase, Thomas W. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15400 143500 04 1954 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 29.11-4-50 22 Gaynor, Ann R. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 13900 132000 04 1941 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 55.00 3 125.00 1290 0 29.11-4-26 23 Vrabel, Robert Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 145900 04 1950 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 60.00 3 125.00 1400 0 29.11-4-25 25 Falso, Roland H. Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 146900 04 1955 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1588 0 29.11-4-24 27 Monzo, Karen Ruby Blvd 20201 210 15200 132400 04 1954 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 60.00 3 125.00 1288 0 8.1-1-6 Macey, Brandon S. Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 3000 3000 25.00 600.00 0 Perretta, Anne M. (LE) Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 6000 6000 60.00 650.00 0 Page 391 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 8.3-1-5 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.3-1-4.2 21.4-1-24 8.-1-22 14.3-4-1 29.74-1-4.1 29.74-1-1 4.4-2-9 4.-2-23.2 8.1-1-40 14.-2-21.2 21.2-1-2 21.1-2-14.2 8.-1-8 14.-2-19 21.-1-26.11 21.-1-30 8.-1-19.1 14.-4-7.11 Town - Glenville 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Perretta, Anne M. (LE) Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 6000 6000 60.00 650.00 0 Romano, Peter D. Sr Rd Sacandaga 40201 311 30800 30800 95.00 220.00 0 County of Schenectady, Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 1000 1000 100.00 100.00 0 Kerwin, Bernice Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 29900 29900 100.00 250.00 0 Delmonaco, Maria Sacandaga Rd 40100 330 10000 10000 116.00 82.00 0 Presti, Giovanni & Eva Rd Sacandaga 40100 330 52400 52400 243.00 133.60 0 Kunze, Stephen Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 31800 31800 150.00 270.00 0 Palombo, Thomas M. Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 7100 7100 0 0 0.06 Kazmierczak, Mark S. Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 19200 19200 120.00 0 1.00 Kapechuk, Walter M. Rd Sacandaga 40200 314 15000 15000 144.00 300.00 1.00 Miecznikowski, Robert Rd Sacandaga 40200 314 32000 32000 198.45 0 1.00 Hasko, Louis Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 19000 19000 0 0 5.00 Minch, Ronald & Jeannie Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 38000 38000 200.00 0 5.00 Holm, Eric C. Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 26000 26000 152.00 0 5.00 SPSA Associates LLC, Rd Sacandaga 40200 322 135000 135000 0 0 56.00 Hill, Daniel Sacandaga Rd 40200 321 88300 88300 0 0 68.00 Purdy, William J. Sr Sacandaga Rd 40200 322 131800 131800 1215.00 0 95.00 Lawrence, James Sacandaga Rd 40200 322 100400 100400 230.00 0 96.00 Page 392 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Residential Parcel Array Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 4.4-1-22 Palmier, Peter G. Sacandaga 4.4-1-21 8.-1-14.1 5.-1-16.1 4.4-1-19.112 4.4-2-7 8.1-1-22 29.-1-3.12 4.-2-15 4.4-1-23 8.3-1-3 21.-1-24.1 4.4-2-6 8.-2-37 8.-1-5.31 14.-2-32.2 21.-1-31 4.4-1-16.2 Town - Glenville 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd 40200 311 13400 13400 0 0 2.06 Palmier, Peter G. Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 13400 13400 0 0 2.07 Paniccia, Louis D. Sacandaga Rd 40200 322 47100 47100 0 0 45.17 Marotta, George Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 35300 35300 349.28 0 3.21 Palmier, Peter G. Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 13400 13400 0 0 2.22 Dubois, Marilyn Sacandaga Rd 40200 322 21600 21600 0 0 12.30 Dereski, Life Estate, Peter + Sharon 40200 Rd 314 Sacandaga 34100 34100 100.00 0 2.40 Scotia-Glenville Softball , League,50100 ASA, Inc. Rd 311 Sacandaga 13400 13400 0 0 2.43 Marsh, Curtis W. Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 11500 11500 0 0 1.50 Palmier, Peter G. Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 13400 13400 0 0 2.50 Smith, Randy A & Jennifer M Rd Sacandaga 40200 314 16500 16500 0 0 1.60 Village Of Scotia, Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 34400 34400 0 0 2.60 Dubois, Marilyn Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 37400 37400 0 0 4.60 Colucciello, Raymnd Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 37400 37400 397.45 0 4.63 Spezza, Fred Sacandaga Rd 40200 322 94300 94300 0 0 72.68 Giovannone, Claudio Rd Sacandaga 40200 322 33250 33250 0 0 38.76 Hill, Albert K. Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 38800 38800 0 0 5.78 Monroe, Colleen Sacandaga Rd 40200 311 16500 16500 310.00 0 1.80 Page 393 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Residential Parcel Array Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.-2-27 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Lighthouse Baptist Church, Rd Sacandaga 40200 322 28700 28700 0 0 18.80 Kuczek, Bernard E. Sr. Rd Sacandaga 40200 322 51800 51800 532.60 0 18.80 Knowland, Charles A. Rd Sacandaga 40200 322 80800 80800 556.00 0 47.80 Niagara Mohawk Power corp, Rd Sacandaga 40200 380 9000 9000 0 0 2.83 Friello, Richard A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 14500 14500 399.00 0 4.93 Fonda, Thomas Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 14500 14500 399.00 0 3.94 Romano, Peter D. Sr Rd Sacandaga 40200 322 24600 24600 0 0 12.94 38.35-2-28 2 Northeast Homes of Scotia, Inc, 10206 Rd 411 Sacandaga 77200 243000 08 1900 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1219 0.46 38.35-2-28 2 Northeast Homes of Scotia, Inc, 10206 Rd 411 Sacandaga 77200 243000 08 1900 03 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 1100 0.46 38.35-1-29.1 9 Hayner, Nicole L Sacandaga Rd 10206 210 11200 85400 08 1888 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 43.00 3 92.00 1093 0 38.35-1-28 11 Roberts, Jeremy S. Sacandaga Rd 10206 210 10200 106100 08 1888 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 37.00 2 92.00 1410 0 38.35-1-27 13 Lambert, Matthew Sacandaga Rd 10206 210 9500 79500 08 1925 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 37.00 3 82.00 1194 0 38.35-1-26 15 Cooper, Curtis A. Sacandaga Rd 10206 210 12500 104600 08 1919 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 37.00 3 102.00 1274 0 38.35-2-24 16 Eaton, Amber & Douglas Rd Sacandaga 10206 210 16100 102700 08 1803 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 100.00 1091 0 38.35-1-25 17 Crewell, William Sacandaga Rd 10206 210 12100 118300 08 1912 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1424 0 38.35-2-25 18 Leggiero, Stephen J Rd Sacandaga 10206 220 16100 120700 08 1908 03 3 0 2 0 5 2 50.00 3 100.00 2051 0 38.35-2-2 20 Rousselle, Parris Sacandaga Rd 10206 220 16300 77300 12 1965 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 150.00 1080 0 38.35-1-24 21 Rios, Kim S. Sacandaga Rd 10206 210 16100 95800 13 1903 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 100.00 840 0 14.-2-28 14.-4-7.12 14.1-2-33.112 14.1-2-33.111 21.4-1-16.2 Page 394 of 628 Ext Wall Heat Type Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class 8.-2-5.1 Bld Style Year Built CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.35-1-23 23 Warner Revocable Trust, Jan Rd Sacandaga 38.35-1-22 25 Valenti, Denise M. Sacandaga Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10206 220 9200 88000 08 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 2 25.00 3 100.00 1376 0 Rd 10206 210 14700 99000 08 1905 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 100.00 1264 0 38.35-1-21 27 Hichman, Pamela J. Rd Sacandaga 10206 210 12800 83200 13 1896 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 35.00 3 100.00 830 0 38.27-3-61 28 Tinkham, Raymond W Rd Sacandaga 10204 230 16100 114800 08 1930 04 3 0 3 0 5 3 40.00 3 140.42 1968 0 38.35-1-20 29 Warner Revocable Trust, Jan Rd Sacandaga 10206 220 9200 92000 08 1916 03 2 0 2 0 2 2 25.00 3 100.00 1200 0 38.27-3-60 30 AJ Musco Realty LLC, Rd Sacandaga 10204 220 16100 118900 08 1906 01 3 0 2 0 6 2 35.00 3 140.42 2288 0 38.35-1-19 31 Warner Revocable Trust, Jan Rd Sacandaga 10206 220 9200 93300 08 1930 03 4 0 2 0 3 2 25.00 3 100.00 1604 0 38.27-3-59 32 Nanper, LLC, Sacandaga Rd 10204 220 16100 207200 08 1903 03 3 0 2 0 4 2 37.50 3 140.42 2412 0 38.27-3-58.1 34 Doles, David M. Sacandaga Rd 10204 210 12400 129000 08 1905 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 26.00 2 130.00 1680 0 38.35-1-49.1 35 Warner Revocable Trust, Jan Rd Sacandaga 10206 220 10500 96900 08 1918 03 2 0 2 0 4 2 32.00 3 89.40 1728 0 38.35-1-48 37 Purdy, William Jr Sacandaga Rd 10206 220 16100 96500 08 1915 04 2 0 2 0 4 2 50.00 3 100.00 1628 0 38.35-1-47 41 Garvey, Philip R. Sacandaga Rd 10206 210 16300 120300 08 1910 01 2 1 1 0 3 1 78.00 3 100.00 1840 0 38.27-2-33.1 45 Brown, Nicole H & James C Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16100 99900 08 1910 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 73.00 3 73.00 1344 0 38.27-2-32.11 49 Salisbury, Kimilee L. Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16300 92800 08 1903 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 68.00 3 108.00 1412 0 38.27-1-54 51 Prirox Properties, LLC, Rd Sacandaga 10204 220 16200 107300 08 1903 03 2 0 2 0 2 2 50.00 3 120.00 1268 0 38.27-3-39.11 52 St Andrews Episcopal Church, Rd Sacandaga 10204 620 60100 767100 05 1930 02 3 1 1 1 4 1 195.00 3 160.00 2432 0 38.27-1-53 53 Fraioli, Salvatore Sacandaga Rd 10204 215 16300 131700 08 1900 03 2 1 2 1 5 2 50.00 4 150.00 1756 0 38.27-1-52 55 Gleason, Tina L. Sacandaga Rd 10204 210 16300 142600 08 1900 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1928 0 Page 395 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-1-51 57 Klock, Robert C. Sacandaga Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 10204 210 16300 122300 08 1910 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1164 0 38.27-1-50 59 Schmidt, Zebulon J. Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16300 149700 08 1905 02 2 0 1 1 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 1760 0 38.27-3-37.1 60 Greene, Charles & Sacandaga 10204 210 16200 153000 08 1905 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 62.00 3 100.00 2050 0 38.27-1-49.1 61 Breckenridge, Jesse + Emily Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16200 155800 08 1910 02 3 0 2 2 3 1 45.00 3 150.00 1686 0 38.27-3-38 64 Orcutt, Timothy J Sacandaga Rd 10204 210 16200 113900 08 1900 02 2 1 1 1 2 1 66.00 3 100.00 1052 0 38.27-3-1.1 68 Verdi, Thomas C Jr & Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16200 137000 08 1900 01 2 1 1 1 4 1 64.00 4 100.00 1488 0 38.27-1-26.1 101 Wilson, Jason D & Melissa E Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16200 126500 08 1910 01 2 1 1 0 4 1 45.00 3 150.00 1144 0 38.27-1-25 103 Woodcock, Michele L Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16300 109000 08 1925 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 150.00 954 0 29.83-2-32 104 Marocco, Theresa Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 18200 112600 08 1935 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 68.00 3 100.00 1066 0 38.27-1-24 105 Zuchero, Judith Sacandaga Rd 10204 210 16300 88350 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 150.00 862 0 29.83-2-33 106 Thompson, Leroy C. Rd Sacandaga 10201 210 18200 115800 08 1907 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 66.00 3 100.00 1620 0 38.27-1-23 107 Green, Karen L. Sacandaga Rd 10204 210 16300 94400 13 1925 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 990 0 29.83-2-1.1 108 Mease, Donna Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 18200 128400 08 1853 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 3 100.00 1170 0 38.27-1-22 109 Proestos, Barbara Sacandaga Rd 10204 210 16300 101400 13 1908 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 150.00 1464 0 29.83-1-24.1 110 Shangraw, Alyssa Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 16100 136100 08 1933 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 39.99 3 100.00 1400 0 38.27-1-21 111 Salisbury, Edwin B. Sacandaga Rd 10204 210 16300 105000 08 1930 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 50.00 4 150.00 1260 0 29.83-1-23 114 Benner, Phillip E & Kimberly Rd Sacandaga 10201 210 18100 162100 08 1932 06 3 1 1 1 4 1 55.00 4 100.00 1785 0 38.27-1-20 115 Miller, Robert A & Jill M Rd Sacandaga 10204 210 16300 105400 08 1921 01 3 1 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 110.00 852 0 Page 396 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 38.27-1-19 117 Mc Carthy, Patrick B & Virginia Rd Sacandaga 38.27-1-18.1 119 Kellman, Jake Sacandaga 29.83-1-12 121 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 10204 210 13300 105100 08 1900 03 2 1 1 0 2 1 33.00 3 110.00 1333 0 10204 210 16300 106100 13 1925 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 74.50 3 100.00 1458 0 Warfield, Steven R & Amiee S Rd Sacandaga 10201 210 18700 162500 08 1926 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 66.00 3 145.70 2284 0 29.83-1-11 125 Corlew, Paul F. Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 13600 113600 08 1940 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1120 0 29.83-1-10 127 Garnett, James Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 13600 111000 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 100.00 1144 0 29.83-1-9.1 129 Santelli, Scott L & Sheri Rd Sacandaga 10201 210 18300 133100 08 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 77.50 3 108.00 1284 0 29.82-3-23 133 Grandy, Shawn Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 17100 82100 13 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 33.00 3 95.60 905 0 29.82-3-22 135 Greppo, Eric Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 18200 120500 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 66.00 3 100.00 1641 0 29.82-3-21 139 Bird, Brittany + Thomas Rd Sacandaga 10201 210 13600 117800 13 1900 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 33.00 4 100.00 1334 0 29.82-3-20.1 141 Coletti, David V. Sacandaga Rd 10201 280 25300 143400 13 1950 01 4 0 1 0 1 1 75.00 3 100.00 576 0 29.82-3-20.1 141 Coletti, David V. Sacandaga Rd 10201 280 25300 143400 13 1929 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 100.00 1390 0 29.82-2-12.1 143 Corcoran, John P. Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 17700 85600 04 1943 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 45.00 2 95.00 1008 0 29.82-2-11.1 145 Gullott, Lois Sacandaga Rd 10201 220 18300 111200 13 1927 04 2 0 2 0 3 2 67.00 3 116.00 1320 0 29.82-2-10.1 147 Van Alstyne, Garry+Debra Rd Sacandaga 10201 210 18900 125000 05 1937 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 130.00 3 122.00 1944 0 29.83-1-8 152 Sykes, Bart Louis Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 18600 115100 13 1930 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 220.00 1371 0 29.75-2-38 170 Hollenbeck, Mark E Sacandaga Rd 10201 210 18900 83000 04 1949 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 107.10 2 154.00 734 0 29.15-4-3 207 Dorazio (LE), Carmel (LE) Rd Sacandaga 20201 210 24200 125700 13 1928 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 110.00 3 185.00 1218 0 29.15-4-2.11 211 Dorazio, Charlotte Sacandaga 50100 400 169400 448900 08 1920 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1672 6.96 Rd Page 397 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 29.15-4-1 213 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Mercoglan, Sean M. Rd Sacandaga 20201 210 11300 89600 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 40.00 3 140.00 864 0 29.15-1-1.1 410 Pooler, Leon Sacandaga Rd 20201 485 55600 250000 04 1945 02 3 0 2 0 4 2 233.50 3 148.50 1503 0 29.-2-18.1 423 Buhrmaster Co Inc, J H. Rd Sacandaga 20201 210 25300 105000 08 1910 06 2 1 1 0 4 1 150.00 3 184.00 1838 0 29.11-4-75 424 Enides, Shawn F Sacandaga Rd 20201 210 25500 144200 08 1900 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 103.00 3 148.05 1602 0 29.11-3-7 428 Baumgarten, John C. Rd Sacandaga 20201 210 26800 68000 08 1920 04 3 0 1 0 2 1 240.00 3 279.00 1120 0 29.11-3-8 430 Gallup, David W. Sacandaga Rd 20201 210 23300 155100 08 1925 03 3 1 1 0 2 1 112.00 3 140.00 1701 0 29.11-2-10 431 Daniels, David L. Sacandaga Rd 20201 210 20200 113400 08 1903 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 200.00 1046 0 29.11-2-9 435 De Felippo, Keith A & Lisa M Rd Sacandaga 20201 210 24600 155000 08 1916 04 2 1 1 0 3 1 102.60 3 200.00 1680 0 29.11-2-8 439 Steffek, Holli Sacandaga Rd 20201 210 25000 142500 08 1900 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 148.00 3 152.20 1356 0 29.11-2-7.1 441 De Luke, Mark A. Sacandaga Rd 20201 210 22800 155300 02 1973 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 104.00 3 141.00 1846 0 29.11-2-6.21 443 De Luke, Keith H. Sacandaga Rd 20201 210 27200 159000 08 1888 07 2 1 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 2742 1.83 21.-1-23.1 497 Thompson, Robert A. Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 15800 15800 175.00 199.00 0 21.-1-26.12 501 Beukendaal Fire Department, T/O40200 Glenville Rd 322 Sacandaga 22000 22000 0 0 0.84 21.-1-28.12 505 SPSA Associates,LLC, Rd Sacandaga 40200 322 22000 22000 0 0 0.57 21.-1-29.1 511 Wilcock, Donald E & Michele J Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 40400 204000 04 1940 01 2 1 1 0 5 1 0 3 0 1864 7.40 21.4-1-11 522 Duheme, Stephen Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34600 159500 04 1941 02 3 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 0 1428 2.70 21.4-1-12 526 Hedden, Clifford H. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33500 83300 08 1870 01 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1056 2.00 21.4-1-13 528 Hedden, Clifford&Agnes (LE) Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32000 119200 13 1928 04 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1446 1.00 Page 398 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.4-1-14 530 Carboni, Paul S. Sacandaga 21.3-2-17 533 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 30900 160600 08 1920 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 60.00 4 325.00 1554 0 Bulla, Richard E. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 30300 137400 01 1950 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.02 3 202.21 1280 0 21.3-2-16 535 Hamm, Rebecca Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 30200 127700 04 1945 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 190.00 1140 0 21.3-2-15.1 537 DiCocco, Gary Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 33800 325000 05 1950 02 3 0 3 2 4 1 0 4 0 2928 2.23 21.4-1-15.12 538 Corker, Melvin & Kim M Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 34100 195700 05 1870 03 3 0 2 1 5 1 0 3 0 3276 2.40 21.3-2-14.11 539 Rosemarino, Joseph Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31300 171200 04 1945 01 2 1 1 2 3 1 145.00 3 200.00 2103 0 21.3-2-13.1 541 Hill, Daniel & Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31800 169200 05 1953 07 3 1 1 2 4 1 201.00 3 200.00 1672 0 21.4-1-16.1 542 Bittner, Peter G. Sacandaga Rd 40201 220 40400 170800 08 1800 03 3 0 2 0 6 2 0 3 0 2860 7.41 21.3-2-12 543 Frese, Matthew J. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31500 150000 04 1945 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 120.00 3 274.00 1873 0 21.3-2-11 545 Margas, Pamela S. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 33100 230400 01 2006 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 215.00 3 350.00 1713 0 21.4-1-17 550 Herring, Eileen V. (LE) Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 32400 135800 08 1928 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 210.00 3 258.40 1308 0 21.3-2-10 551 Cavoli, Claude I. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 38100 225000 08 1910 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2112 5.10 21.3-2-6 553 Di Marco, Anna Sacandaga Rd 40201 220 37400 144400 08 1900 03 2 1 3 0 7 2 0 3 0 2663 4.60 21.4-1-18 554 Konopinski, Ryan J. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31700 140500 01 1974 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 140.00 3 258.00 1144 0 21.3-2-9 555 Pratico, Gary Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 34100 232200 05 1994 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2104 2.43 21.4-1-19 556 Keatley, Christopher Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 32000 119200 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 118.00 3 377.10 870 0 21.3-2-8 557 Perkins, James L & Sara A. Rd Sacandaga 40201 220 32800 138700 08 1945 03 2 0 3 1 5 2 0 3 0 2976 1.50 21.3-2-7 559 Peck - Family Trust, Robert J/Veronica 40201G Rd 210 Sacandaga 32000 95200 13 1915 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 936 1.00 Page 399 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.4-1-20 560 Snell, Cindy Y. Sacandaga Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40201 210 32900 143400 01 1950 02 2 0 2 1 2 1 190.60 3 369.00 1100 0 21.3-2-5 561 Bourdeau, Daniel R. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 34400 146200 04 1946 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 0 3 0 1624 2.60 21.4-1-21 562 Ciampolillo, Thomas Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31400 161100 01 1945 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 95.00 3 334.50 1848 0 21.3-2-4.1 563 Manning, Harold G. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 33100 153700 04 1934 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 0 1828 1.70 21.4-1-23.1 564 Marchand, Daniel Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 33200 125000 04 1949 02 2 0 2 2 5 1 194.00 3 400.00 2842 0 21.3-2-3 565 Blake, Ronnie A. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 30200 182200 04 1955 02 3 0 2 0 3 1 75.00 3 250.00 1518 0 21.4-1-25.1 572 Romano, Peter Sacandaga Rd 40201 215 43700 279600 08 1936 01 3 1 2 1 5 2 2.50 3 0 3739 10.72 21.4-1-25.2 574 Sidlauskas, Brian + Kristel Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 30800 208900 01 1989 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 210.00 1459 0 21.3-1-10 575 Paull, James E. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 29500 110000 13 1927 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.10 3 214.00 1496 0 21.4-1-26 576 Murphy, Christopher G. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31900 109000 09 1933 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 100.07 3 417.94 720 0 21.3-1-9 577 Breunig, Stanley Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 29400 72000 13 1920 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 2 200.00 676 0 21.4-1-27 578 Cargill, John D & Lisa Jr Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31400 95000 13 1930 03 4 0 1 0 2 1 75.05 3 414.24 748 0 21.3-1-8 579 Deere, Alfred & Nancy Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 30500 101300 04 1940 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 250.00 768 0 21.4-1-28 580 Montague, William P. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31900 133400 04 1931 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 407.00 1247 0 21.3-1-7 581 Trinci, Deborah Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 29000 91000 04 1932 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 60.00 3 250.00 1112 0 21.4-1-29 582 Jacobson, Norman A. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31900 143500 04 1939 03 2 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 407.76 1412 0 21.3-1-6 583 Haverly, Hollis R. Jr Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 29100 111500 04 1933 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 60.00 3 250.00 816 0 21.4-1-30 584 Chapadeau, Donald L. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31900 120500 100.07 404.07 0 Page 400 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.3-1-5 585 Snider, Scott Sacandaga Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40201 210 30900 130000 08 1930 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 80.00 3 285.00 1156 0 21.3-1-4 587 Pirigyi, Douglas & Nancy Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 32000 127300 01 1910 03 4 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1615 1.00 21.4-1-32 588 Schepis, Joseph A Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31400 156600 01 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 300.00 1316 0 21.3-1-3 589 Kruman, Deborah L. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31900 122800 13 1938 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 439.00 1232 0 21.4-1-33 590 McCarroll, Marylou T. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31700 154600 04 1923 03 3 0 2 1 3 1 125.00 3 300.00 1677 0 21.3-1-2.1 591 Hill, Virginia (LE) Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 33500 179800 01 1964 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1496 2.00 21.4-1-34 592 Lange, Robert (LE) Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31400 184500 04 1948 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 300.00 1885 0 21.3-1-2.2 593 Brooks, John E. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 32000 188000 01 2005 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 139.16 4 313.00 1296 1.00 21.4-1-35 594 Bonaparte, James R & Kelly M Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31600 161200 04 1989 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 114.00 3 300.00 1471 0 21.3-1-1 595 Buskey, Richard M. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 32800 185000 14 1940 02 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2180 1.50 21.4-1-36 596 Botticello, Gary S. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 32700 146000 04 1932 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 138.00 3 454.09 1618 0 21.1-2-27 597 Egnaczyk, Allen Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 36100 185000 01 1996 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1595 3.71 21.4-1-37 598 Morris, Life Estate, Anna L. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 32100 121700 08 1935 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.07 3 457.81 1260 0 21.4-1-38 600 Kulkus, Ann C. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 34700 158700 05 1925 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 4 0 1712 2.80 21.1-2-26 601 Golden, Scott M. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 37400 169200 08 1800 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 1868 4.57 21.4-1-39 604 Webster, Glenn R. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 33600 145000 04 1931 03 2 1 1 2 3 1 180.47 3 499.03 1618 0 21.1-2-25.1 605 Scalice, Jack Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 38400 202500 01 1996 03 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 3 0 1688 5.37 21.2-1-27.1 606 Young, Carmen R. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 38000 172000 01 1977 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1040 4.60 Page 401 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.2-1-26.1 608 Paul F. Hooker, Living Trust, Rd Sacandaga 21.1-2-24 609 Polsinelle, Albert Sacandaga 21.2-1-25 610 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 40201 210 31300 135700 13 1932 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 66.38 3 424.30 1296 0 Rd 40201 210 35000 198700 04 1972 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 1400 3.00 Lantier, Karen L. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 32000 145200 08 1934 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1568 1.00 21.1-2-23 611 Kruk, Richard M. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 32200 165000 04 1941 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 118.00 3 400.00 1566 1.10 21.2-1-24 612 Iuliano, Agnese (LE) Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31900 130300 13 1935 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 406.00 1046 0 21.2-1-23 614 Le Gere, John C & Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 32300 185000 04 1946 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1826 1.20 21.1-2-22 615 Willcox, Elaine C. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 33500 163600 01 1973 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1316 2.00 21.2-1-22 616 Metcalf, Terry Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 32100 155000 08 1900 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1868 1.05 21.1-2-21.1 617 Scott, Allan L. Sacandaga Rd 40201 240 58200 168000 08 1866 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 1580 24.50 21.2-1-34 620 Presti, Giovanni Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 35200 446500 05 2003 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 363.00 4 0 3534 3.15 21.1-2-20 625 Morone, Joseph H. Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31700 189800 01 1974 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 370.00 1774 0 21.1-2-19 627 Harkness, Brian Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31700 167000 02 1973 03 2 1 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 370.00 2068 0 21.1-2-18 629 Adams, Loretta Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31700 132700 04 1940 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 370.00 1365 0 21.1-2-17 631 Kahrs, Scott + Lisa Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31700 156700 04 1961 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 370.00 1428 0 21.1-2-16 635 Ahl, Ellery M. Jr Sacandaga Rd 40201 210 31400 137500 01 1949 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 303.00 1319 0 21.1-2-15 639 Le Beau, Warren C. Rd Sacandaga 40201 210 31600 188600 08 1941 03 3 0 3 0 5 1 150.00 3 236.00 2584 0 21.1-2-14.1 647 Catrambone, Michael Rd Sacandaga 40200 240 74500 262200 06 1977 01 4 0 2 1 3 1 190.00 3 0 1898 41.50 21.1-2-13.1 649 Yankowski, Barbara A. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 38700 185100 01 1968 03 4 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 0 1384 5.70 Page 402 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.2-1-10 650 Parent, Loretta Sacandaga 21.1-2-12 651 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 34400 143100 01 1950 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 260.00 3 0 1340 2.60 Empie, Peter Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31600 165100 04 1933 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 350.00 2395 0 21.2-1-9 652 Schiavone, Remo Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31300 147200 04 1942 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 130.00 3 225.00 1417 0 21.1-2-11 653 Phillips, James L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31900 202000 08 1934 03 3 1 1 1 5 1 118.00 3 350.00 2521 0 21.2-1-8 654 Perina, Carol A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31900 129100 01 1951 03 3 0 2 0 2 1 140.00 3 290.00 1148 0 21.1-2-10.1 655 Robarge, Wayne Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 67400 220200 08 1850 03 3 0 2 1 4 2 319.00 3 0 3024 34.40 21.2-1-7 656 Minucci, Victoria E. Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 58500 221000 01 1983 03 2 0 3 0 3 1 89.98 3 800.00 1846 25.50 21.2-1-6 658 Rockwell, Raymond E. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32800 204200 04 1945 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 0 2340 1.50 21.1-2-9 659 Davenport, Thomas A. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32500 119400 04 1946 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 0 960 1.30 21.2-1-5 660 Lilac, David & Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33400 233200 05 1930 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 0 2949 1.90 21.1-2-8 661 Ciarmiello, Lori Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32300 161700 01 1957 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 100.00 3 0 1344 1.20 21.2-1-4 662 Koza, Kim Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 8670 8670 100.00 220.00 0 21.1-2-7 663 Sledziewski, Christine Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 33500 165300 04 1947 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 175.00 3 0 1442 2.00 21.1-2-6 665 Fagan, Stefania B & Howard Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32200 158900 01 1971 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 0 1480 1.10 21.2-1-3 666 Quail, Brian & Rebecca A Rd Sacandaga 40200 240 74700 292500 04 1976 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 160.83 3 0 1782 41.70 21.1-2-5 667 Mac Pherson, Daniel Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32900 139400 01 1968 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 150.00 3 0 1240 1.60 21.1-2-1 669 Elwell, Mark R. Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 57900 192000 11 1973 01 4 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 1286 24.90 21.2-1-1 670 DiBlasio, Daniel P. & Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31400 189100 03 1985 03 2 1 1 0 3 1 101.23 3 300.00 1766 0 Page 403 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 21.1-2-4 671 Grey, Daniel M. Sacandaga 14.-4-1.2 672 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 33100 135100 08 1900 01 1 0 2 0 4 1 164.49 2 0 1728 1.70 Scaccia, Michael A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 20300 243900 05 2009 02 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 4 0 2804 6.89 21.1-2-3 673 Gross, Ricky Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31700 175100 05 1957 03 2 0 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 405.00 1614 0 14.-4-1.1 674 Scaccia, Michael A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 42200 119800 08 1890 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 1062 2.01 21.1-2-2 675 Framarin, Kelly M. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32000 216600 04 1960 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 81.40 3 600.00 2044 1.00 14.-4-2 676 Blanchard, David L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32800 193200 05 1973 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 130.00 3 500.00 2210 1.50 14.3-4-16.1 677 Woods, Adam P. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33600 118000 01 1958 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 125.00 3 0 960 2.10 14.3-4-16.2 677A Carden, Donald C. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33000 117900 13 1951 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 728.00 1008 1.66 14.-4-3.1 678 Wroblewski, Marshall Rd Sacandaga 40200 312 53700 68700 150.00 0 19.32 3 0 1335 1.20 14.3-4-15 679 Clark, Thomas P. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32300 117100 08 1920 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 72.00 14.3-4-20.1 680 Malone, Matthew J. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33300 165000 04 1950 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 200.00 2 407.64 1320 1.62 14.3-4-14 683 Madigan, Brandon + Sarah Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 33400 180000 05 1941 02 3 1 1 0 3 1 95.00 3 0 2076 1.90 14.3-4-21 684 Keller, Warren H. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32200 119800 13 1932 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 125.00 3 0 820 1.10 14.-4-4 686 Weiser, Bradford L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31600 81300 04 1940 02 2 1 1 1 4 1 175.00 3 200.00 1606 0 14.3-4-13 687 Angers, Benjamin & Marilyn Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 36800 220900 08 1935 02 3 0 1 1 2 1 276.00 3 0 2340 4.20 14.-4-5 688 Kimball , Harris J & Lucille L Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31400 170500 04 1947 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 150.00 3 200.00 1536 0 14.3-4-12 689 D'Amato, Alyssa Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 28400 122000 13 1930 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 50.00 3 250.00 1470 0 14.3-4-11 691 Divinetz, John A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31400 187000 13 1920 03 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.00 3 613.51 1734 0 Page 404 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.-4-6 692 Mabee, Timothy A. Sacandaga 14.3-4-10 693 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 31800 150600 04 1955 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 200.00 3 200.00 1120 0 Divinetz, John A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31400 83000 01 1958 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 50.00 3 607.70 696 0 14.-2-33 695 Watson, Chester A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 76200 226000 08 1928 03 2 0 3 1 4 1 150.00 3 0 2964 43.20 14.3-4-9.1 697 Williams, Robert Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31600 135000 04 1946 03 3 1 1 0 4 1 75.00 3 450.00 1176 0 14.3-4-8 699 Archibald, Jeffrey R. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 29500 159700 08 1932 03 3 0 2 0 3 1 65.00 3 250.00 1764 0 14.-4-8 700 Tamul, Lawrence J. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33600 220000 05 1820 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 250.00 3 360.00 2648 2.09 14.3-4-7 701 Shabazz, Hassan A. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 29100 183100 04 1949 03 2 0 3 0 4 1 60.00 3 250.00 1860 0 14.3-4-6 703 Lindsay, Robert & Regina Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31100 216700 05 1969 03 2 0 3 0 4 1 100.00 3 250.00 2776 0 14.3-4-5 705 Cooper, Bradford C. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 28400 115800 13 1928 03 3 0 1 1 2 1 50.00 3 250.00 1022 0 14.3-4-4 707 Hempstead, Mark Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32800 132200 08 1929 01 3 0 2 1 4 1 155.00 3 0 2349 1.50 14.3-4-2.1 711 Maranville, Mark Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31200 145000 04 1948 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 251.00 1315 0 14.-2-31 713 Giovannone, Claudio Rd Sacandaga 40200 312 48000 78000 107.50 3450.00 25.01 14.-2-30 715 Kerwin-Cooper, Karen A. Rd Sacandaga 40200 240 50600 89600 08 1828 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 147.00 3 0 1816 17.60 14.-3-42.12 716 Guzman, Ruben D. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32200 140600 08 1878 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 195.00 3 250.00 1354 0 14.-2-29 717 Newton, Charles D. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 39800 208900 01 1959 07 3 1 1 1 3 1 203.60 3 1523.00 1892 6.80 14.-3-42.11 718 Bush, Carrie Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34800 195000 06 1989 03 4 0 2 1 4 1 0 4 0 1756 2.88 14.-3-43 720 Walwrath Living Trust, The Ronald/Judy 40200 E. Rd 210 Sacandaga 33100 180000 04 1974 03 4 0 2 1 3 1 150.00 3 0 1872 1.70 14.3-3-20 721 Curcio, Charlene I. Sacandaga 38500 278900 05 1938 03 3 1 2 1 4 1 675.00 3 375.00 3264 5.50 40200 210 Page 405 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.-3-44.2 722 Bellamy, Brian K. Sacandaga Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 36300 354200 05 1999 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 30.00 4 0 2430 3.88 14.-3-44.1 726 Barkyoumb, Mark S. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 33600 158600 13 1932 03 3 0 1 0 5 1 170.00 3 0 1440 2.06 14.-3-45 730 Conde, Katherine Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 79800 162400 13 1930 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 350.00 3 0 1188 46.80 14.3-1-19 733 Chotkowski, John Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31900 200000 05 1875 03 3 0 1 1 4 1 205.00 3 181.00 2564 0.96 14.3-1-20 737 Chotkowski, Mary Lou Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31100 83000 04 1949 04 2 0 1 1 3 1 125.00 3 185.00 890 0 14.3-1-21 739 Davis, David P. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 30100 122000 01 1957 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 185.80 1290 0 14.-3-2.1 740 Woloszyn, Tadeusz J. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 39800 179600 08 1918 07 2 0 1 0 2 1 548.43 3 0 1620 6.77 14.3-1-22 741 Cimmino, Ernesto G Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 30100 155900 01 1958 04 2 1 1 1 4 1 100.00 3 186.61 1747 0 14.3-1-23 743 Weed, Pamela L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 30800 155200 01 1959 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 147.80 3 186.60 1414 0.48 14.-2-27.1 757 Fogg, Norbert D. Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 83100 117000 04 1940 03 2 0 1 1 2 1 100.00 3 0 1356 50.20 14.-2-25 759 Robinson, Lorie J. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31100 108500 13 1940 04 3 0 1 1 3 1 50.24 2 458.22 1123 0 14.-3-53 760 Signore, Anthony Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 49400 340300 05 1988 03 2 1 2 2 3 1 300.00 4 0 2755 11.89 14.-2-24 761 Porto (La Mori), Margaret A. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 38000 191600 06 1970 01 3 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 0 1494 5.00 14.-2-23.1 763 Mareno, Michael Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 48300 173900 01 1968 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 110.00 3 0 1260 15.34 14.-3-52 766 Micare, Jason Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 43400 267600 04 1992 01 2 1 2 1 4 1 200.00 3 0 1955 6.43 14.-2-21.11 767 Kapechuk, Walter M. Rd Sacandaga 40200 240 49000 174700 01 1968 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 145.00 3 505.00 1260 15.95 14.-3-51 768 Schabinger, Joanne Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 43800 163600 04 1999 03 2 0 1 1 1 1 200.09 4 0 1393 6.82 14.-2-20 769 Dwyer, Edward F. Sacandaga 40200 210 41000 199100 08 1935 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 180.00 3 0 1792 8.00 Page 406 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 14.-3-50 770 Bosy, Robert P. Sacandaga 14.-3-49 772 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 43400 377900 05 1995 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 200.34 4 0 2802 6.49 Bievenue, David A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 40600 188500 04 1991 01 4 0 1 0 1 1 200.00 3 0 1599 7.62 14.-2-18 773 Smith, Brian K. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 38000 201300 08 1939 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 0 1833 5.00 14.1-2-35.1 777 Camelo, Ronaldo S Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34400 207200 02 1995 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 300.00 3 0 2552 2.63 14.1-2-34 781 Liwulanga, Edward Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33400 168000 13 1950 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 209.00 3 400.00 1872 1.90 14.2-1-6 784 Davis, Douglas F. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34600 168200 08 1938 01 3 0 1 0 3 1 178.00 3 360.00 1624 2.70 14.1-2-33.2 785 Di Blasio, Alfonso Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32200 230900 08 1800 01 2 1 1 1 3 1 115.00 3 500.00 2278 1.10 14.2-1-5 788 Ferretti, David L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32600 144400 04 1956 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 90.00 3 425.00 1292 1.40 14.2-1-4 790 Colgan, Michael Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31700 152500 04 1953 03 3 0 2 0 4 1 100.00 3 370.00 1272 0 14.2-1-3 792 Renko, David M. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31700 162500 04 1953 02 2 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 370.00 1468 0 14.2-1-2 794 Rockstroh, Gordan B. III Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31500 91100 04 1940 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 85.00 2 374.80 673 0 14.1-2-32.21 795 Fonda, Thomas V. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31800 192200 01 1960 02 2 0 2 1 4 1 200.00 3 200.00 1508 0 14.2-1-1 796 Carroll, Heather Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31700 112000 08 1878 04 2 1 1 1 3 1 117.60 2 322.30 1423 0 8.-2-17 796 Smith, Jeffrey W. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32800 195400 04 1998 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 144.00 3 98.00 1344 1.50 8.4-1-30 798 Holloway, Randal & Sheila Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31500 157300 04 1940 01 3 0 2 1 5 1 99.00 3 334.00 1884 0 14.1-1-8 799 Budka, Joseph Sacandaga 40200 433 83700 200500 08 1950 05 4 0 1 0 2 1 313.00 2 302.00 943 16.91 8.4-1-29 800 Zielaskowski, Christopher Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31600 174000 04 1950 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 110.00 3 347.00 1882 0 14.1-1-17 801 Renko, Lois J. Sacandaga 40200 210 32600 144000 08 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 204.00 3 0 1542 1.40 Rd Page 407 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.4-1-28 802 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Gamache, Diane M. (LE) Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 29600 95500 04 1958 06 2 1 1 0 3 1 50.00 3 325.41 1200 0 8.4-1-26 804 Brantley, Matterw Lee Sr Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32300 182200 06 1957 03 2 0 2 0 4 1 165.00 3 0 2282 1.20 8.4-1-27 804A Frederick, Lisa N Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33500 146400 01 1935 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 1162 2.00 8.4-1-25 806 Hulseapple, Scott M. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31300 105000 04 1951 06 2 1 1 1 3 1 76.00 3 379.50 1640 0 14.1-1-19.1 807 Korowajczyk, Joseph J. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 33400 154900 08 1923 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 202.00 3 413.00 1364 1.83 8.4-1-24 808 Duell, Wendy E. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32300 113500 08 1927 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 129.00 3 0 920 1.20 14.1-1-20 809 Gallop, Jennifer Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32200 119000 04 1948 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 113.00 3 413.00 1461 1.10 8.-2-16 810 Bryan, Richard M. Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 66900 183000 08 1929 03 2 0 2 0 5 1 100.00 3 0 2243 33.90 14.1-1-21 811 O'Neil, Michael Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32200 86000 08 1948 04 2 0 1 0 2 1 112.00 3 413.00 988 0 8.4-1-23 812 Butler, Brian M. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32500 144100 01 1973 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 102.00 3 0 1056 1.30 14.1-1-22 813 Gamache, Dawn M Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32200 178950 04 1947 02 2 0 3 1 3 1 112.00 3 423.00 2354 1.10 8.4-1-22 814 Fallon, Matthew Sacandaga Rd 40200 215 31900 154300 01 1970 03 4 0 2 0 3 2 100.00 3 0 1188 1.26 14.1-1-23 815 Ciembroniewicz, Chester C. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 31600 155000 08 1939 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 82.00 3 423.70 1181 0 8.4-1-21 816 Reetz, Justin A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31900 138400 04 1940 03 2 0 1 1 1 1 100.00 3 417.50 1296 0 8.4-1-20 818 Brennan, Brian Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32300 32300 05 2014 03 2 0 2 1 2 1 140.00 4 0 1556 4.99 8.4-1-19 820 Savoie, Jon E. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33400 103300 01 2007 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 200.00 3 0 864 1.90 8.4-1-18 822 Fogg, Harold III Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32500 222600 05 1999 03 3 1 2 0 4 1 125.00 3 413.00 1976 1.30 14.-2-17 823 Socha, Grant Sacandaga Rd 40200 312 83400 94300 463.00 0 50.80 Page 408 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.4-1-17 824 Robar, Donald Sacandaga Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 40200 210 32300 223200 04 1967 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 125.00 3 418.60 1999 0 8.3-2-8 825 Armstrong, Christopher J/Susan 40200 Rd 210 Sacandaga 32200 193700 05 2016 03 2 1 2 1 3 1 150.00 3 428.81 2240 1.10 8.3-2-7 827 Stasiak, Maria Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32500 148000 08 1878 01 3 0 2 0 4 1 155.10 3 0 1848 1.30 8.4-1-16 828 Clark, Aaron J & Carlee Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 34100 174900 01 1949 02 2 0 2 1 3 1 250.00 3 427.60 1404 2.40 8.4-1-15.1 830 Da Massa, Theresa M Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 33900 146300 04 1942 03 3 1 1 0 3 1 232.00 3 0 1358 2.31 8.4-1-13 834 Genco, Susan L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32600 140200 01 1942 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 144.00 3 430.10 1664 0 14.-2-16.2 835 Joseph, Clovel Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 46000 237000 11 1994 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 392.93 3 0 2212 13.08 8.3-2-6 837 White, Charles W. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31200 116300 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 85.00 3 300.00 1272 0 8.4-1-5 838 Frank, John A. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34700 123100 08 1946 03 3 0 1 0 2 1 252.00 3 472.00 954 2.80 8.3-2-5 839 Bradley, Robert Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32200 135900 01 1952 03 2 1 1 1 3 1 146.00 3 0 1350 1.10 8.3-2-4 841 Amedore, Thomas J & Maria Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 38400 158400 01 1954 02 3 2 1 2 3 1 316.80 3 0 1560 5.40 8.4-1-3 842 Weller, Kristine Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32300 150800 04 1938 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 125.00 3 0 1560 1.20 8.4-1-2 844 Burroughs, Michael S Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32000 152900 04 1948 03 3 0 1 0 4 1 150.00 3 0 1536 1.43 8.4-1-1 846 Cunningham, Gary Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 35900 131900 04 1938 01 3 1 1 0 2 1 150.00 3 0 1202 3.60 8.-2-7 848 Seaburg, Wayde Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 41500 147800 01 1954 01 3 0 1 1 3 1 300.00 3 0 1288 8.50 8.3-2-3 851 Reinhart, Judith Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32000 120000 04 1953 03 3 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 428.00 936 1.00 8.3-2-2 855 Capovani, Mara L & Rachel T Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 34400 248300 01 2011 2 0 2 0 3 1 265.00 4 0 2071 2.60 8.3-2-1 857 Palmer, Shannon Sacandaga 40200 210 32000 121800 04 1939 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 100.00 3 425.00 1525 1.00 Rd Page 409 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.-2-4.111 862 Cooper, Donald & Caryl (LE) Rd Sacandaga 8.-2-3 864 Miller, Donald C. Sacandaga 8.-2-4.112 866 Town - Glenville Nbhd Prop Class Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type 40200 240 33575 158475 04 1953 03 3 0 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 1560 2.05 Rd 40200 210 31700 192100 04 1950 02 3 0 1 0 4 1 100.00 3 372.00 2016 0 Cooper, Kent J. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 42400 42400 01 2015 03 2 1 2 0 3 1 500.00 3 0 2756 9.37 8.-1-19.2 881 Jones, Donna L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 38000 96300 08 1800 01 2 0 2 0 3 2 200.00 2 0 2043 5.00 8.-2-39 882 Colucciello, Richard Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 39100 347500 05 2002 03 2 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2936 6.08 8.3-1-9 887 Chotkowski, John Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 35000 205000 08 1770 01 3 1 2 1 4 1 0 3 0 2576 3.00 8.-2-2.4 894 Heaton, Brian P. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 40100 283900 05 2003 03 2 2 1 0 3 1 300.00 3 0 2556 7.14 8.3-1-8 895 La Boissiere, Michael E. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 38300 187400 04 1953 01 3 1 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 1704 5.30 8.3-1-7 897 Radez, Joseph Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32700 192200 04 1949 04 2 0 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 1878 1.49 8.-2-2.122 898 Steele, Roberta F Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 38200 237600 08 1800 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 492.82 3 0 2594 5.24 8.3-1-6 899 Vecchio, Carmela Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32700 183000 01 1947 01 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 2000 1.49 8.3-1-4.1 903 Perretta, Anne M. (LE) Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32900 135000 01 1950 02 3 0 1 1 4 1 60.00 2 650.00 1152 1.64 8.3-1-2.1 907 Smith, Randy A & Jennifer M Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32600 137300 04 1960 02 3 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 920 1.43 8.1-1-26 908 Margaret A Taylor Trust, Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 36400 172600 04 1943 03 2 0 3 0 2 1 0 3 0 1688 3.90 8.3-1-1 909 Zarzycki, David R. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 28000 180000 04 1947 02 3 1 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 350.00 1862 0 8.1-1-25 912 Phillips, Laurie L. Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 44000 145500 13 1928 03 2 0 1 0 3 1 400.00 3 0 1388 11.00 8.-1-18 913 Fairchild, William Sacandaga Rd 40200 240 109400 232000 08 1916 01 2 0 2 1 4 1 52.00 3 0 2300 102.80 8.1-1-27 915 Casper, Joan C. LE Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34600 146300 04 1935 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 0 1488 2.70 Page 410 of 628 Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.1-1-28 917 Hall, Jason E. Sacandaga 8.1-1-24 918 Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Half Baths Baths NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet CRW/V4/L001 Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 34600 159700 05 1925 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 0 2108 2.70 Hills, Amy J. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 38400 115600 13 1903 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 200.00 3 0 1314 5.40 8.1-1-29 919 Clock, A. William Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 38600 206912 04 1950 03 2 0 2 1 4 1 200.00 3 1350.00 1944 5.60 8.1-1-23 922 Gortva, Susan B. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34200 72000 04 1928 01 2 0 1 1 3 1 200.00 2 0 1112 4.90 8.1-1-30 923 Coppola, Mariangela Rd Sacandaga 40200 314 42400 42400 217.00 0 9.40 3 1330.00 1288 9.50 8.1-1-31.1 925 Paull, Rodney A. Sacandaga 40200 210 42500 160000 08 1929 04 2 1 1 1 2 1 100.00 8.1-1-21 926 Dereski, Life Estate, Peter + Sharon 40200 Rd 210 Sacandaga 34100 167200 04 1928 03 2 0 2 1 3 1 100.00 3 0 1637 2.40 8.1-1-20 928 Austin, Keith M. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 39700 159100 04 1940 03 2 1 1 1 4 1 186.00 3 0 1734 6.65 8.1-1-31.2 929 Di Carlo, Antonio Sacandaga Rd 40200 314 33200 33200 200.00 400.00 1.80 3 0 1580 5.60 Rd 8.1-1-19 930 Di Pietro, Dominick J. III Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 38600 164200 04 1939 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 150.00 8.1-1-32 931 Margas, Kevin W. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31400 150900 01 1955 02 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 315.00 1120 0 8.1-1-18 932 Gray, Christopher & Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 35500 166200 04 1948 01 3 0 1 1 4 1 140.00 3 0 1684 3.30 8.1-1-33 933 Paull, Richard Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 35300 131000 08 1927 03 2 0 2 0 2 1 100.00 3 0 1200 3.20 8.1-1-17.1 934 Zeglen, Robert Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 35500 160400 04 1933 03 3 1 1 1 4 1 125.00 3 0 1554 3.35 8.1-1-16.1 936 Jeanette, Jeffrey Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 36200 148500 04 1933 03 3 1 2 1 3 1 175.00 3 0 1428 3.77 8.1-1-34 937 Barney, David M. Sacandaga Rd 40200 220 38900 212400 08 1935 03 4 0 3 0 5 2 200.00 3 0 2358 5.90 8.1-1-35 939 Erno, Craig Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 35200 81800 08 1928 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 0 912 3.10 8.1-1-15 940 Potter, Aaron J. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 34400 133300 04 1947 01 3 0 1 1 2 1 200.00 3 0 1512 2.60 Page 411 of 628 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.1-1-36 941 Reetz, William Sacandaga 8.1-1-14 942 Winslow, Timothy Sacandaga Town - Glenville Residential Parcel Array 2016 Tentative Roll Asmt Land Asmt Total Bld Style Year Built Ext Wall Heat Type Rd 40200 210 35300 99800 01 1954 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 1300.00 872 3.20 Rd 40200 210 32900 170100 01 1957 03 3 0 2 1 4 1 150.00 3 0 1230 1.60 8.1-1-37 943 Richardson, Katherine Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 39100 99500 01 1946 03 2 0 1 1 1 1 200.00 3 0 640 6.10 8.1-1-12.1 946 Schlaeg, John Sacandaga 40200 210 41400 139300 01 1972 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 200.00 3 0 1232 8.39 8.1-1-38 947 Falco, Spencer L & Robin L Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 38400 182500 08 1932 01 2 0 2 1 2 1 201.00 3 0 1248 5.40 8.1-1-11 948 Spicher, Jonathan Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33600 110600 13 1928 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 150.00 3 600.00 1196 0 8.1-1-10 950 Turner, Maryanne C Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 33500 99200 13 1857 01 2 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 0 988 2.00 8.1-1-39.1 951 Sigond, Vincent G. Sacandaga 40200 210 40200 187500 05 1921 03 4 0 2 0 4 1 300.00 3 0 1396 7.23 8.1-1-9 952 Herba Consulting &, Contracting,LLC 40200 Rd 210 Sacandaga 33700 240000 01 2012 03 2 0 2 0 3 1 150.00 3 600.00 1614 2.10 8.-1-17.1 953 Lockwood, Christopher J. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 34300 121000 08 1878 03 2 0 1 0 2 1 100.00 3 0 1260 2.50 8.1-1-8 954 Austro, Thomas J & Gail Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32100 165600 04 1967 02 2 1 1 0 5 1 75.00 3 600.00 1690 0 8.-1-16.12 955 Forshey, Bryan Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 38900 487000 05 2005 03 3 2 2 0 4 1 340.00 4 0 5108 5.90 8.1-1-7 956 Macey, Brandon S. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 31400 93200 13 1935 01 2 0 1 0 4 1 50.00 3 600.00 1324 0 8.1-1-5 960 Clifford, Edward T & Linda M Rd Sacandaga 40200 311 33700 33700 150.00 600.00 2.10 8.1-1-4 962 Dwyer, John Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 33700 181400 01 2002 01 2 0 2 0 3 1 150.00 3 580.00 1825 2.10 8.-1-16.11 963 LaViolette, Mark E. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 38600 195000 08 1800 03 3 1 1 1 3 1 241.00 3 0 2368 5.60 8.1-1-3 964 Frith, Joseph J. Sacandaga Rd 40200 210 32000 97600 13 1951 01 3 0 1 0 2 1 75.00 3 600.00 936 1.00 8.1-1-2.1 966 Gimbrone, Christopher J. Rd Sacandaga 40200 210 32500 132000 01 1975 03 2 0 1 1 3 1 100.00 3 580.00 1152 1.35 Rd Page 412 of 628 NbrFrplc NbrKitch NbrBeds Front Feet Bld Cond Depth SFLA Acres Nbhd Prop Class Rd Half Baths Baths CRW/V4/L001 Date/Time - 4/28/2016 15:12:03 NYS - Real Property System County - Schenectady Printkey Address Owner Name 8.-1-21.11
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