Arizona Cattle Growers` Association - UAiR
Arizona Cattle Growers` Association - UAiR
WHILE IN PRESCOTT, ENJOY OUR BEAUTIFUL SCENIC ATTRACTIONS, here in the land of beauty, romance and rich in tradition of the cattle people! 1 Visit the Old Governor's Mansion, West Prescott. See the early day relics of Arizona's stalwart men and women. This marvelous work was accomplished by Miss Sharlot M. Hall, Arizona's beloved historian and poet. 2 Adjoining the Old Capitol is the new Sherlot M. Hall Museum, housing many of Miss Hall's own personal collections. 3 Visit the world famous Smoki Public Muséum, with priceless artifacts of pre-historic Yavapai and Prescott cultures, from cities as old as the Pyramids of Egypt. 4 Remember at the Arizona Pioneer Home, you will want to visit with pioneer men and women, many of whom were early day cattle folks. You will find a warm welcome from the guests and the management. 5 Plan to visit Whipple, U. S. Veterans Hospital No. 50, one of the largest government hospitals in America. The new building program is just underway. 6 You will be welcome at the office of the Yavapai County Immigration Commissioner, ground floor of the courthouse, where marvelous displays of the resources of Yavapai county are shown. Get acquainted with Yavapai. Telephone 180 for information, special auto trips, etc. THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRESCOTT Take this opportunity to extend greetings to the officers and members of the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association and extend every sincere wish for a successful convention. May your stay in our city be enjoyable. WILLIAM H. TIMERHOFF, Mayor. ROY YOUNG, DAVE SHIVERS, Al IEST: PARK H. MILLER, Clerk. MAURICE TRIBBY, FLOYD WILLIAMS, Councilmen. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF YAVAPAI COUNTY Extend best wishes to the officers and members of the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association. Yavapai—the home of many pioneer ranch families—greets each and every visitor to the 34th Annual Convention of one of the oldest organizations in the State of Arizona. May your visit be a pleasant one and may your meeting result in many splendid accomplishments for mutual benefit. CLARENCE C. JACKSON, Chairman WILLIAM BYERS, Al 1 EST:ROBERT E. MOORE, KENNETH AITKEN, Clerk. Members. THE STATE CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION The first herd of range cattle brought into Arizona landed in Prescott July 6, 1864. They were brought from Iowa by John T. Osburn. Most of these cattle went for Indian stew. Other herds came later, largely from California. The first livestock organization was started at Prescott in March 1883 and the present Arizona association was started about 1900. An official report dated January 1914 includes on the Executive Committee such well known local names as: Grant Carter, Kirkland, Tom E. Campbell, Prescott, C. H. Hooker, Mayer, M. A. Perkins, Puntenney, Arthur Heath, Camp Verde and M. B. Hazeltine, Prescott. Other counties were equally well represented. The first regular convention was held in Tucson in the winter of 1904. Patronize the Advertisers. Their loyal support makes this program booklet possible. Sam A. Beecroft, Mgr. PRESCOTT SHOP 115 S. McCormick St.—Prescott, Ariz. BLOUNT & SCOTT ROBINSON'S CIGAR STORE Machinists—Welders NEWSPAPERS-PERIODICALS-MAGAZINES AUTO RECONDITIONERS TOBACCO-CIGARETTES-CANDY Prescott, Ariz. 217 N. Cortez St. Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Prescott, Arizona--February 1st and 2nd, 1938 Convention Headquarters—St. Michael Hotel. (All Meetings Conducted in Banquet Room.) MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY, 31, 1938 VISITING LADIES—Complimentary tickets for motion pictures, "WELLS FARGO" at Elks Theatre and "EBB TIDE" at Studio Theatre—Tickets may be secured by calling at the Convention Registration Desk. MONDAY EVENING, 7:00 o'clock, January 31st—Executive Committee Meeting, St. Michael Hotel. TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY. 1st. 9:30—Call by the President, A. C. Webb. Invocation—Rev. Charles Franklin Parker. Address of Welcome—E. C. Locklear. Response—Harry J. Saxon, Willcox, Arizona. Address—Hon. R. C. Stanford, Governor of Arizona. President's Annual Address—A. C. Webb, Globe, Arizona. Address—Dr. Alfred Atkinson, President, University of Arizona. "The Changing Backgrounds of Agriculture." Announcement of Committees. THE GREEN FROG CAFE PETERSON - BROOKE - STEINER DINE AND DANCE PRESCOTT, ARIZONA Prescott's Smartest Rendevous PRESCOTT LUMBER CO. CLAUDE A. HARMON AUDIT CO. I HAYES, MGR. BASHFORD BLOCK, PRESCOTT West Willis St. Prescott, Ariz. ADAMS HOTEL, PHOENIX BLJNCH'LL. COME. TO 000ER A1.1H SECRETARy \iv% LL CALL 'TH' BRANDS. , CATTLE GROWERS IN SESSION, YAVAPAI COUNTY, ARIZONA. THE HOME OF CURLEY, COOKIE, ICE AND WES. TOM S. IGLEHART, JR., AGENT HEAD LUMBER CO. GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION PRESCOTT ARIZONA Prescott, Arizona J. C. PENNEY CO., INC THE ARIZONA POWER CORPORATION Where Prescott Shops and SavesPRESCOTT, ARIZONA Electricity is Your Cheapest Servant —Use It! YAVAPAI CATTLE ASSOCIATION The first Livestock Association in Yavapai County was organized March 10th, 1883. Copies of its printed constitution and by-laws are on file. The first president was Jno. G. Campbell and the first secretary Ed W. Wells. The chief object of this association was protection against rustlers. Reorganization occurred from time to time, and former Governor Tom Campbell was at one time secretary of the association. The last reorganization occurred in the winter of 1931, when Cort Carter was elected president and Henry Warbasse, secretary. Presidents since that time have been C. C. Jackson, B. J. Stewart and Carl Rees. THE THE BANK OF ARIZONA OWL DRUG & CANDY CO. JEROM E-PRESCOTT--CLARKDALE WILLIAMS FLAGSTAFF Member Federal Deposit Insu.vance Corporation THE REXALL STORE VISIT OUR BUFFET AND BAR LESTER RUFFNER M. F. KUHNE 303 S. CORTEZ PRESCOTT PHONE PLUMBING AND HEATING EXPERTS • - 6 1 - TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY Ist. 1:30—Community Singing. Led by M. B. Hazeltine. Address—Hon. Paul Keefe, President Arizona State Senate. "Copper Mining in Arizona." Address—Nat M. Dysart, President Arizona Farm Bureau Federation. "Cattle and Farmers." Address—George . Wilbur, President Arizona Wool Growers' Association. "Sheepmen's Problems." Address—J. C. Jamieson, Member State Committee. "The 1938 Range Program." Meetings of Committees: Resolutions. Lands and Legislative. Other Committee meetings to be announced. 7:00—Cattlemen's Annual Banquet, followed by Dance. St. Michael Hotel. YAVAPAI COUNTY SAVINGS THE VALLEY NATIONAL BANK BANK The Oldest Savings Bank in the State PRESCOTT, ARIZONA MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. ALLEN'S MARKETS A. C. HILL, MGR. SEE THE NEW Friendly Home Markets ELECTROLUX KEROSENE REF IGERATOR MERLE M. ALLEN, PRESIDENT 131 N. Cortez St. Prescott, Ariz. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd. 9:30 o'clock A. M. Address—Hubbard Russell, Los Angeles, President American Nat'l L. S. Assn. "What the American National Livestock Association Hopes to Accomplish during the present year." Address—T. J. Imler; Phoenix. Member State Game Commission "Wild Game on Arizona Ranges," accompanied by moving pictures. Address—W. Smith Pickrell, Phoenix. Secretary-Treasurer Arizona Livestock Production Credit Association. "Dependable Livestock Financing." Address—E. S. Turville, County Agricultural Agent, Yavapai County. "The Theory of Controlled Production." Address—E. L. Jameson, Kingman, Arizona. Member Advisory Committee, Grazing District No. 3. "The Advisability of a Grazing District." Address—Calvin Blaine, Traffic Council, Phoenix, Arizona. "Saving Money for the Individual Cow Man." SHELL OIL COMPANY. McLOUGHLIN COAL CO. SEASIDE FUEL OIL COAL---WOOD N. Cortez St. PHONE 278 Prescott, Ariz. BURRIS FURNITURE CO. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS (Furniture for Convention Stage Platform Courtesy of Burris Furniture Co.) 216 W. Gurley St. HEAD HOTEL North Cortez Street Prescott, Ariz. Prescott, Ariz. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd. 1:30 o'clock P. M. Election of County Directors. Unfinished business. Report of Committees. Election of officers. Selecting next place of meeting. Adjournment. Patronize the Advertisers. Their loyal support makes this program booklet possible. BUNGALOW BUFFET BEER.-WINES.-LIQUOR MATTHIAS & LYNCH JEWELERS--OPTICIANS St. Michael Hotel Building EMIL FEDERIGHI, PROP. nnnn0 120 N. Cortez St. Prescott, Ariz. WHILE IN PRESCOTT, ENJOY OUR BEAUTIFUL SCENIC ATTRACTIONS, here in the land of beauty, romance and rich in tradition of the cattle people! 7 Thumb Butte, "the Sentinel of Prescott, Jewel of Arizona's Mountains," landmark of the early day cattle people. 8 Granite Dells, a drive through this remarkable granite formation, will leave you refreshed from convention duties. 9 Motor via the Loop trip, through the Prescott Natianal Forest, to Groom Creek, Senator Mountain, and the Hassayampa Basin thence to U. S. 89 and Prescott. 10 Enjoy our Natural Air Cooled Sunshine with its health-giving pine-laden breezes. 11 See the world famous Bucky O'Neill Monument, erected in honor of the First U. S. Volunteer Cavalry and in memory of Captain William O'Neill and his comrades who died while serving their country in the war with Spain. 12 Prescott, Arizona, was the home of Ottmar Mergenthaler, the inventor of the famous Mergenthaler Linotype, and oldtimers well remember his work on this famous machine, in early days on Whiskey Row. 12 America's Oldest and Arizona's best Cowboy Contest had its origin in Prescott. See the first medal ever awarded for the cowboy contest. 1938 dates, July 1, 2, 3 and 4th. MEMORANDA: PRESCOTT .n4113* COURIER FEBRUARY 9, 10, 11, 1942 PRESCOTT, ARIZONA "t4 lo 9044— THIS PROGRAM Is Dedicated to MRS. J. M. KEITH, Secretary of the ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS ASSOCIATION PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS We sincerely thank every business concern for their loyal support. Page Tu‘o 1.. n. .. , , MMONM2MIREMIMINEMInn1 •n• OFFICERS OF THE ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS' ASSOCIATION LOUIS P. HORRELL President NORMAN FAIN Second Vice-President THOMAS E. HEADY First Vice-President Page Three ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS' ASSOCIATION • OFFICERS LOUIS P. HORRELL. Globe President THOMAS E. HEADY. Patagonia First Vice-President NORMAN FAIN. Prescott Second Vice-President DR. R. N. LOONEY, Prescott Treasurer CHARLES E. BLAINE. Phoenix Traffic Manager MRS. J. M. KEITH. Phoenix Secretar.y • BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. M. SPENCE BOSS CHILSON Apache Coconino JOHN P. CULL Cochise CARRELL WILTBANKS Gila WARNER IVIATTICE W. E. McLAUGHLIN Greenlee Graham T M. CARTWRIGHT Maricopa C. D. McCAULEY Navajo Page Four JUDD BISHOP Mohave JOE KING Pima J. C. JAMIESON Pinal DAVID C. JEFFCOTT Santa Cruz FRANK A. GYBERG Yavapai M. N. FORMAN Yuma WELCOME CATTLEMEN! Come to Headquarters for your Drug and Vaccine needs We feature BLACICLEGOL ( FULL 5 C. DOSE) the vaccine which produces practical lifetime immunity in suckling calves with ONE SHOT! 0 ENSMINGER'S PHARMACY "It Costs No More" VETERINARY SUPPLIES PRESCRIPTIONS PHONE 188 Head Hotel Block Prescott, Arizona Page Arizona's 1941 CHAMPION PINNACLE 33d 410 Champion Arizona bred bull-1941 Arizona State Fair 0 A Yavapai Product BRED BY John A. Thompson PRESCOTT, ARIZONA Page Six YAVAPAI CATTLEMEN • Inspect some TOP QUALITY ARIZONA HEREFORDS at the 1942 TUCSON LIVESTOCK SHOW FEBRUARY 15 to 22 • Promising HERD BULL PROSPECTS and several lots of TOP RANGE BULLS AT AUCTION FEBRUARY 17, 1 P. M. • "Improve the quality of your cattle and increase your profits." Use Good Bulls ARIZONA HEREFORD ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Bixby. S. L Globe Willcox Brookerson, J. H Burnett Bros Webb Cowan. R. C. McNeal Elgin Clarke. N. E. Cowden, E. R. Phoenix Title & Trust Bldg Cullen. R. D. Phoenix Ellsworth, E. S. Safford Haskell & Hathaway Tucson Heady & Ashburn Patagonia Holland, W E. Paul Spur Horrell. Louie Globe Jeffcott. D. C. Patagonia Kimble. F. C. Douglas Klene. L. W Elgin Larimore. R. C Sonoit a Long Meadow Ranch Prescott McKinney. Ivan Clifton Paul. Alfred, Jr. Paul Spur Palmer. N. N. Willcox Phillips, C. L. Tucson Roath, W. C. Elgin Scott, E. L. Phoenix 309 Security Bldg Sloven Buford McNeal Speiden. J. G. F Benson Stevens. E. C. Tucson Thompson. John A. Prescott Thurber. H. B. Sonoita University of Arizona Tucson J. Harrison and Son Nogales Page Seven VVE KNOW THAT, TRUE TO TRADITION, THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY OF ARIZONA IN ALL - OF ITS PHASES WILL - SET UP AN ENVIABLE RECORD DURING THE PRESENT NATIONAL EMERGENCY.. * TOVRENS Page Eight YAVAPAI CATTLE GROWERS An organization of range producers to assist buyers in locating stocker and feeder cattle P. 0. Box 388 PRESCOTT, ARIZONA DIRECTORS OFFICERS FRANK GYBERG President EARL EVANS 1st Vice-President JOHN THOMPSON 2nd Vice-President R. E. PERKINS Secretary BRUCE BROCKETT CORT CARTER J. O. EDDY NORMAN FAIN A. L. FAVOUR JESSE GODDARD GILES GOSWICK ROY HAYES EARL HOPPER C. C. JACKSON C. E. KOONTZ R. E. MONROE VIOLA McNEIL W. L. MELLON. JR. ROSS PERNER R. E. PERKINS CARL REES BEN STEWART MERT STEVVART LON STRINGFIELD A. L. FAVOUR Treasurer JACK STANLEY C. A. WHITE HANK WINGFIELD IRVIN WALKER J. L. WALL Page Nine YAVAPAI COUNTY OFFICIALS Extend a Hearty Welcome to the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association • RICHARD LAMSON DAVE BILES Judge of Superior Court Assessor SAM HEAD GORDON CLARK County Attorney Justice of the Peace KITTY C. AITKEN CLARENCE JACKSON Clerk of the Court Chairmain Board of Supervisors WILLIS BUTLER HARRY MARSHALL Sheriff Treasurer GRACE CHAPMAN JOE ARCHAMBEAU Supt. of Schools Recorder Page Ten CONGRESS MINING CORPORATION DEUCE OF DIAMONDS RANCH CONGRESS, ARIZONA Page Eleven Greetings to THE ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS ASSOCIATION COMPLIMENTS OF MAYES & HEAP REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE The Hassayampa Gift Shop ROSS-FAVOUR BLDG. PHONE II Ha3sayampa Hotel Bldg. The Harmon Audit Company ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Compliments of CLAY SMITH FINE GIFTS—JEWELRY Bashford Building PRESCOTT, ARIZONA Security Building PHOENIX, ARIZONA Page Twelve 220 North Central Ave. PHOENIX, ARIZONA Greetings to ARIZONA CATTLEMEN WE CATER PARTICULARLY TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CATTLE BUSINESS We manufacture and deal in MILL FEEDS STEAM ROLLED BARLEY COTTONSEED MEAL CAKE AND FLAKE HAY AND SALT MOLASSES FEEDS MILK POWDER CALF MEALS REMEDIES PRIME ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLS SEED AND FUEL STOVE AND DIESEL OIL VISIT OUR GLENDALE STORE AND INSPECT OUR FACILITIES TO SERVE YOU 0 Southwest Flour and Feed Co. Page Thirteen WELCOME Guarantee Title & Trust Co. INSURANCE BONDS CERTIFICATES OF TITLE ABSTRACTS Bank of Arizona Building f ANKL1N VACCINES AND SUPPLIES FRANKLIN Products Protect the Stockmen's Profit Keep Blackleg out of your herd. It's easily and inexpensively done by immunizing with a dependable vaccine. FRANKLIN concentrated culture Blackleg Bacterin has an 18-year record of uniformly powerful potency. Each small 1 cc dose contains the killed culture of more than 10 cc of whole culture Bacterin. 10c a dose. less for quantities. SEND FOR FREE 80 PAGE FRANKLIN CATALOG. - Franklin Products for sale by THE EAGLE DRUG STORE PRESCOTT. ARIZONA Page Fourteen A Cowboy's lope When the last bit of range is fenced up and gone And progress has had her say; When the last ol' moss horn is put on the cars And the honyok at last gets his way, When the last ol' broomtail is drove in from the hills. And the last long circle is rode, When the last guard is stood with shivers and chills, When the last herd's ready to load. When the last gun is toted on the hip of a hand And the last cowboy yell is yelled; When the last outlawed horse in all the land Is cornered, 'nd beat, 'nd corralled. When the last chuck wagon is under the shed And the last cowpunch draws his pay; I'll be ready, 0 Lord, and if I ain't dead Please take me anyway. BRUCE BROCKETT Rimrock, Arizona. Page Fifteen Marinello Beauty Salon MABEL ELLIS Across from Hassarampa 107 East Gurley Phone 314 St. Michael Buffet WINES—LIQUORS—MIXED DRINKS LARRY PETER PHONE 292 Prescott. Arizona Compliments of Hotel Monte Vista FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Archer's Home Town Service G. A. ARCHER, PROP. GROCERIES—GAS—OIL Live and Let Live—Our Motto Prescott. Arizona Phone 828-J Norma Ree Beauty Shop PHONE 42 Prescott. Arizona 118 No. Montezuma Peterson, Brooke & Steiner "Office Aids for All Trades" PRESCOTT, ARIZONA BATE STUDIO • PHOTOGRAPHY • CAMERA SUPPLIES WELCOME CATTLEMEN The Men's Shop 110 West Gurley PRESCOTT, ARIZONA Page Sixteen OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OUTDOOR MEN • We carry complete stocks in the following lines: "WINCHESTER" "PENDLETON" Arms-Ammunition Shirts—Pants—Jackets JUSTIN BOOTS STETSON HATS GABERDINE SHIRTS Tony Lama BOOTS LEVI STRAUSS OVERALLS FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA TO MEMBERS OF THE CATTLEMENS' CONVENTION— May we hope for you a pleasant and profitable convention; that you will enjoy meeting again your old friends and have the pleasure of making many new ones. HEAD LUMBER CO. Page Seventeen 3Sth Aillai Cow lltioll Pwz,am FEBRUARY 9th—MONDAY Registration opens at noon. Hassayampa Hotel, Headquarters. 7:00 P. M. Annual membership meeting. Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Officers and all members attending. Superior Court Room, Yavapai County Court House. FEBRUARY 10th—TUESDAY Morning Session All Scheduled meetings of the convention will be held in the Elks Theatre directly across the street from the Hotel Hassayampa. Location of committee meetings will be announced. 9:30 A. M. Call for the 38th annual convention of Arizona Cattlemen. Louie P. Horrell, Globe, Arizona, President, Arizona Cattle Growers' Association. Music played by the Prescott Senior High School Band. Closing with our National Anthem. Salute to Flag. Invocation. Rev. Marshall Travers. Address of welcome: Hon. E. A. McCabe, Mayor of City of Prescott. A. L. Favour, Yavapai Cattle Growers. Response: A. C. Webb, Past President, Arizona Cattle Growers Association, Globe, Arizona. Address by the Governor of the State of Arizona. Hon. Sidney P. Osborn. Page Eighteen President's Annual Address: Louie P. Horrell, Globe, Arizona. Address: Frank S. Boice, President of the American National Livestock Association, Sonoita, Arizona. Address: Jack Thompson, President of Jr. Yavapai Cattle Growers, Prescott, Arizona. Announcement of committees by the President, Louie P. Horrell. Adjournment. 12:30 P. M. Women's Luncheon, Congregational Church basement. Afternoon Session 1:30 P. M. Reconvene. Instrumental Trio and Jean Reeves. Jimmy Hart, Dixie Lee Geimer, Addresses: William B. Wright, President, Nevada Stock Growers Association. Deeth, Nevada. Tom Clayton, President New Mexico Cattle Growers Association, Separ, New Mexico. Loren C. Bamert, President California Cattlemen's Association, Clements, California. Carl Holmes, Chairman, Arizona Industrial Commission, Phoenix, Arizona. Hon. James Babbitt, Member of the Arizona State Senate and President of the Arizona State Game Protective Association, Flagstaff, Arizona. Moving Picture, "There's Gold in Meat", Presented by American Meat Institute, Aled P. Davies, Chicago, Illinois, showing. Adjournment. Page Nineteen 7:30 P. M. Annual Banquet. Auditorium, Junior High School Bruce Brockett, Rimrock, Arizona, Toastmaster. Hon. Bruce Barton, Phoenix, Arizona, Speaker. FEBRUARY 11th—WEDNESDAY Morning Session 9:30 A. M. Invocation: Rev. Charles Franklin Parker. Senior High School Chorus. Addresses: Dr. Alfred Atkinson, President, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. W. F. Mixon, Jr., Secretary of the Production Credit Corporation, Berkeley, California. Mrs. Ralph Cowan, President, "Cowbelles, McNeal, Arizona. F. E. Mollin, Secretary, American National Livestock Association. Adjournment. 12:15 P. M. Jr. Yavapai Cattle Growers Buffet luncheon for visiting Junior Cattle Growers, Hotel Hassayampa. Afternoon Session 1:30 P. M. Trumpet Solo—Frances Thompson. Vocal Solo Mary Sykes. Committee meetings. Unfinished business. Report of Committees: Resolutions. Norman Fain, Chairman. Nominations. Wayne Thornberg, Chairman. Selection of 1943 Convention City. Adjournment. 8:30 P. M. Annual Cowboy Ball, Junior High School Auditorium. (Informal). Page Twenty - WELCOME TO PRESCOTT DICK W. MARTIN REAL ESTATE BROKER CATTLE RANCHES Large and Small Room 8—Union Block Phone 10 Page Twenty-one WEBB MOTORS, Inc. FORD — MERCURY — LINCOLN GOODYEAR TIRES 301 West Gurley Street PRESCOTT EAGLE DRUG STORE es Obe tter-Gi. - GU Tliiiin ac cin tedeor or a na supPles . CORTEZ AT GURLEY PRESCOTT, ARIZONA MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED LAWRENCE Style Shop PRESCOTT Page Twenty-two Arizona Cattlemen Are Helping To Fight This War Behind the lines where men are risking life to defend home and country, other men are toiling to supply an endless flow of food needed to feed our fighting forces. Beef from the great Arizona cattle industry is an important part of this vital food supply. Cattlemen who work as they've never worked before are doing their share in America's war effort. Their contribution is needed just as urgently as the contributions of the soldiers who fight, and the workers who forge the guns, ships and planes. As always, Arizona's livestock industry will find a staunch and helpful ally in the Valley National Bank. /9 lisiendhy e0.14.4414.4•1" Ø c.s 14 1 isirna Page Tuent) -three Welcome Cattlemen Vyne Bros. Electric Co., Inc. Best Wishes Northern Arizona's to the Oldest and Largest ARIZONA Electrical D ea ler CATTLE GROWERS ASSOCIATION • Prescott PHONE 400 LADIES . . Remember the Spring Opening February 19th. Ready-to-Wear and Millinery Welcome Compliments . . . ALL CATTLEMEN BRUNO'S TAVERN of Andy Baldwin Dave Dickinson The place to have your fun CATTLE RANCH SALES Phone 15 3 Page Twenty-Pour Miller Valley Cottonwood SELIGMAN GAR AGE • EXPERT MECHANICS STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Private Bath Stearn Heat COURT DE LUXE ON U. S. 66—SELIGMAN. ARIZONA ROBERT JONES, MGR. Elevation 5260 Strictly Modern GREETINGS CATTLEMEN GEORGIA'S LIQUOR STORE 140 NORTH CORTEZ PHONE 540 Page Tawnty-five GREETINGS FROM PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION TO THE ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS ASSOCIATION PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION UNITED VERDE BRANCH JEROME Page Tuent. -sir CLARKDALE Arilad JOHN THOMPSON, WILLIAMSON VALLEY Ingenuity BRUCE BROCKETT, RIMROCK Page Twenty-seven Vic Watson, President M. B. Hazeltine. Vice President C. S. White. Secretary-Treasurer Ira Hart Asst. Secy-Treas. Arizona Stockmens Loan Company OWNED AND OPERATED BY ARIZONA STOCKMEN DEPENDABLE LIVESTOCK CREDIT AT LOW INTEREST RATES FOR ARIZONA STOCKMEN Bank of Arizona Building FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA GRF.FTINGS, CATTLEMEN Yavapai County Savings Bank Oldest Savings Bank in Arizona K. H. HARMAN D. V. HARMAN 1?P Wholesale Retail .Afil "'', K. H. Harman RANCH SUPPLIES—PRODUCE Stock Salt. Flour. Feed and Seeds Specialize in Range Grass Seeding PHONE No. 77W Page Twerzt).-eight 3 Miles East of Flagstaff Central Commercial Co. SELIGMAN, ARIZONA • WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE COWBOYS AND RANCHERS ALL CAR SERVICE SHELL SERVICE CHEVROLET CARS Connor Chevrolet Co. CLEAN, SANITARY RESTROOM ON HIGHWAY 66 SELIGMAN, ARIZONA THE BEST EQUIPPED SHOP IN NORTHERN ARIZONA ROBERT GARAGE COMPLETE SERVICE TEXACO SELIGMAN. ARIZONA Page Twenty-nine E 11). E 6 g > 0 --g 0 -. (1) u) a) (1) a) w co 0., - 0 1-r) X - C a) o e — a I•-• 0 ' .,.. x 73, x 0 cn c..) -0 ._Q a) . ,,,B' - - B no 75, ,,, bc r... • -, ,4 = Ei -,,-; " . : . 0 '4 ,,E, Tc,,. =• a. :.; z -- - 1;' — • 2 . 2 a - !f , .-, • c'.5 L. u -. 7,' •-, a) 0 - 0 --'e-X 0 t m ..00 c. 2 c. • .w— 0-;;a) cs-tzt,.>, — 4 s.. m TE; I- -.0 •Fi • •^' 0 z w x 01-, 74.; _ —.,. > ' 0,. .- o Q,. r., (.2 -°. ,_, Pla EI,,- F.1 4 P°° ziP '-' `6 ) ., t 0 ,w t> P4 ,..„; 41 P4 te, o ,_.i -c '.-. &., -; i —: -F,„ "Es 2 0 " z i 1' -4 çl 4 1 --; 2'; .- '(:) j - (17)) x 0 "8 2u a,) tS a) b. ' (-1 , :-,7, C.I. - cr) o E — 1 2 e. Q, O - , Page Thirty-one CATTLE ORGANIZATIONS IN YAVAPAI COUNTY The cattlemen of Yavapai County were the first group of cattlemen to organize in the State of Arizona. This first organization began in Prescott. Arizona, on March 10th, 1883. According to the constitution of this group. the object of the association was "to advance the interest of livestock growers and dealers of livestock of all kinds, and for the protection of same against frauds and swindles and to prevent the stealing and driving away of horned cattle, sheep. and other stock from rightful owners thereof, and to enforce the stock laws of the Territory of Arizona." Little can be found concerning the activities of this first organization, except that we know John G. Campbell was the first President. W. W. Hutchinson, Vice-President, Oscar Lincoln, Treasurer, and Ed Wells, Secretary. This organization was known in Arizona as the Yavapai Stock Growers Association. Realizing that the livestock industry was one of the most important industries in Arizona and Yavapai County, and visualizing the importance and efficiency of working out problems through an organinztion, the Yavapai cattlemen formed the Yavapai Growers Association on October 28th, 1913. According to the records filed in the Supervisor's office of the Prescott National Forest for the year 1914, the first officers of the Yavapai Cattle Growers Association were C. H. Hooker, of Mayer, President, George Carter, Williamson Valley. Vice-President, M. B. Hazeltine, Prescott, Treasurer. and T. E. Campbell, Prescott, Secretary. This organization continued until 1920. at which time it was reported to be dead. The cattlemen of Yavapai County had learned the value of getting together and talking over their problems and several organizations were formed; however. none were long lived and were soon given up. In 1930, when business in general was in a deplorable state, the cattle industry was no exception. Prices were low and buyers with money were scarce. E. S. Turville came to Prescott about this time to fill the office of County Agricultural Agent, and it was through his efforts that the cattlemen of Page Thirty-two Yavapai County were organized in the manner in which they now exist. The first meeting was held January 31st, 1931. This meeting was merely an informal luncheon get-togther. The friendly talk at this meeting resulted in such success that the cattlemen determined to form a cattlemen's luncheon club. After a year of these friendly luncheon meetings the Yavapai cattlemen decided to organize the Yavapai Cattle Growers Association. The Yavapai Cattle Growers Association continued with great success. and in 1940 by a vote of the membership, it was determined to incorporate the association. Incorporation was completed under the statutes of the State of Arizona, and the organization became the Yavapai Cattle Growers. JUNIOR YAVAPAI CATTLE GROWERS - JUNE, 1941 During the latter part of 1939, the Junior Yavapai Cattle Growers Association was organized. This organization at first was a mere incidental group to the Yavapai Cattle Growers. However, under the auspices and direction of the Womens' department of the Yavapai Cattle Growers, and through the main effort of Mrs. Clifford Koontz, and with the able assistance and guiding Page Thirty-three hand of E. S. Turville. this group of Junion Yavapai Cattle Growers soon took on a personality and independence of their own. The first officers of the Junior Yavapai Cattle Growers were Carl Koontz, President. Marion Perkins, Vice-President, Betty Lo Aiken, Secretary and Treasurer, and Carl Rees. Jr., Adviser. Eighteen juniors were present at the first meeting. The present officers of the Junior Yavapai Cattle Growers are Jack Thompson. President. Ralph Stringfield, Vice-President, Loraine Wilson. Secretary and Treasurer. and Carl Rees, Jr., Adviser. Page Thirty-four WELCOME COWBOYS AND GALS PALACE BAR and CAFE SMITH and WEBER Props. PHONE 5 South Montezuma St. Prescott, Arizona We invite you to inspect our stocks of LUMBER FENCING SASH BLDRS. HARDWARE DOORS PAINTS and OIL GLASS PAINT BRUSHES ROOFING SCREEN WIRE PLASTER BRICK CEMENT LIME pRESCI3TT JUMBO! CO0 126 WEST WILLIS STREET R. A. ROWAN & CO. Est. 1904 REAL ESTATE BROKERS • Arizona's Leading Ranch Brokers Specialists in the selling of stock ranches. We are fully qualified to represent you in any type of Real Estate Investments in the Southwest. Should you wish to sell or buy list your property with us. References Furnished STERLING HEBBARD, Mgr. 300 Security Building Phoenix - Arizona Telephone 3-0087 California Office. 300 Rowan Building. Los Angeles Page Thirty-51,z' Allen's Flower Shop PHONE 263-R 544 South Montezuma Greetings Cattlemen Blanche's Beauty Shoppe PHONE 325 226 West Gurley Welcome Cattlemen Where Prescott Shops and Saves! J. C. PENNEY CO. Welcomr Cattlemen TIVOLI CLUB (TONY MAHCHELLO 1 North Cortez Street Welcome Cattlemen Peter's Liquor Store PHONE 39 PRESCOTT. ARIZONA 40 Years OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE RANCH AND RANGE SUPPLIES WINGFIELD COMMERCIAL CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Camp Verde Arizona Page Thirt ,N(ren A.M13121,ANCE SERVICE ',ESTE R I UFFNE :303 S. CORTEZ PRESCOTT PHON V LESTER RUFFNER, JR. LESTER RUFFNER. SR. Congratulations to the ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS A.SSOCIATION on THEIR 38th ANNUAL CONVENTION Bukove Motor Company PRESCOTT. ARIZONA Amos Kindt Service Station "The Handiest Station in Town" GASOLINE and OILS PRESCOTT. ARIZONA PHONE 501 "Richfield of Prescott" G. W. McCURDY. AGENT PHONE 14 Page Thirtr-eight GREETINGS ARIZONA CATTLE GROWERS • FROM The store that sells direct to the consumer at WHOLESALE PRICES • We sell DIRECT from our WHOLESALE Building to YOU. Cm Load. One Can, One Dozen, a Case or a All extra handling, hauling, delivery, fancy fixtures, charge accounts, are eliminated. YOU SERVE YOURSELF and SAVE the extras. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE The Store with LOWEST PRICES in ARIZONA 0 MILLERS DOLLAR SAVER STORE At Wholesale Building CLARKDALE, ARIZONA Page Thirt, ine QUARTER CIRCLE V BAR SUMMER CAMPS FOR BOYS 15 Boys, ages 10 to 15 years FOR GIRLS 8 Girls, ages 10 to 15 years On a 30,000-acre cattle ranch in Central Arizona, altitude 4,000 feet. Unlimited riding and cattle activities. Two lakes fishing, boating, swimming. Pack trips two long camp trips to Grand Canyon and White Mountains. June 1 to September 1-2 months, $250.00. Extra weeks $25.00 each. Charles H. Orme Minna Vrang Orme Charles Orme, Jr. MAYER, ARIZONA ARIZONA STAR CATTLE CUBES FOR BALANCED FEEDING Arizona Star Cattle Cubes, in addition to being readily available and in a form which can be fed in any type of trough or on the ground, have four very important advantages over a protien-rich single ingredient. They are: First, the ration is balanced. Second, the source of protein is varied, leading to a more efficient utilization of the entire ration. Third, fundamental minerals are and phosphorous but the included_ not onl minor minerals as well. Fourth, they have a high Vitamin A content. Arizona Star Cattle Cubes, including ground grains, molasses. manamar, alfalfa meal and cottonseed meal deserves a trial in your cattle feeding operations. y Arizona Star HORSE FEED Packed with the m m era's and vitamins that keep your horse in tiptop condition, vigor and spirit, Arizona Star Horse Feed is a scientifically balanced ration that offers a complete, well-rounded diet at an economical cost. Ask for Arizona Star Horse Feed. Arizona Flour Mills PHOENIX— TUCSON— SAFFORD— MESA— GLENDALE— TEMPE— CASA GRANDE Page For t) INSURED SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS The safety of each account at First Federal is Federally Insured up to $5,000.00, and funds placed here on or before the TENTH day of any month begirt earning as of the FIRST day of that month. First Federal charges NO entrance, membership or withdrawal fees. Your account is always worth 100 cents on the dollar. 31/2% Per Annum Our Current Rate On Savings and Investments 31/2% Per Annum Our Current PHOENIX Rate On Savinw and I nyestmen& FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF • Officers and Directors JOSEPH G. RICE, President and Director C. AUSTIN NELSON, Vice. Pres. & Sec. K. E. POTTER, Vice Pres. & Treas. GEORGE F. LEONARD, Assistant Sec. EARL L. CHASE, Loan Inspector ROBERT H. ARMSTRONG DR. LACEY A. EASTBURN FRANCIS W. POOL CONNOR H. TUCKER GREETINGS FROM THE CATTLEMEN'S HEADQUARTERS IN ARIZONA— Hotel Adams You're always welcome at the Adams, center of life in Phoenix. Heart of the business, amusement and shopping area. Sensible rates. Dining and dancing every evening in Hotel Adams' beautiful new Corinthian Room. Two popular dance bands. "MEET ME AT THE ADAMS IN PHOENIX" BF.ST WISHES FROM THE BANK OF ARIZONA The Oldest Bank in Arizona Growers of the finest beef cattle come to Porter's for the finest saddles Good saddles are essential tu stockmen and Arizona stockmen are fortunate in being able to get them in Phoenix, direct from the manufacturers of the world's finest saddle—saddles made to stand the strain , FIRST AT ADAM: Write for free saddle catalog No. 32 Arizona Cattle Growers' Association * Forty-First Annual Convention PHOENIX, ARIZONA January 5th -6th 19145 . *** tf Pn 9 7 9 1 HEADQUARTERS ADAMS HOTEL 17117J-6— aurJcla y, Jan. 4 7:00 P.M. Membership Meeting, Manor Room on Mezzanine Floor, Adams Hotel E. L. Jameson, Kingman, Presiding. 9rida y, Jan. 5 Round-Up Room, Adams Hotel 9:30 A.M.Call for Forty-First Annual Convention of the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association', Norman Fain President. Invocation—Dean Edwin S Lane, Trinity Cathedral, Phoenix. Address of Welcome— W. C. Quebedeaux, President, Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. Response: Bruce Brockett, Rimrock, Arizona Address: Hon. Sidney P. Osborn, Governor of Arizona. President's Address Norman Fain, Prescott, Arizona. Address: A. D. Brownfield, Deming, New Mexico. President, American National Livestock Association. Committee Appointments by the President. Discussion: "Diseases of Livestock" (all members participating) Led by Fred J. Fritz, Clifton, Arizona. First Vice Pres., Ariz. Cattle Growers Assn. Answers: Dr. Vego Mikkelson, State Veterinarian. At noon—sandwiches, coffee and pie will be available in convention hall. This arrangement has been made to accommodate our members and to relieve the already over-worked cafes and dining rooms in the city. 3rida y, Ian. 5 (Afternoon Session) 1:30 P.M. Address—"After the War" Dr. Alfred Atkinson, Tucson, Arizona, Pres. University of Arizona. Discussion: "Game and Predatory Animals" (all members participating) . Led by H. V Watson, Flagstaff, Arizona. Answers by Fred Merkle, State Game Warden, and E. V. Mercer, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Discussion: "Our Association — How Can It Help Members?" Led by President Norman Fain, with all members participating. * * * ENTERTAINMENT 9rida y, /an. 5 6:30 P.M. Round Up Room, Adams Hotel. Annual Cattlemen's Banquet. Presiding Officer - President Norman Fain. Toastmaster: Charles U Pickerell, Director, Agricultural Extension Service. Program: Songs by Bud Brown. "The Sea of Grass", by Mrs. Althea Smith Mattingly, Tucson, Associate Professor of Speech, University of Arizona. Dancing: Tonto Bill's Orchestra. Saturday, /an. 6 Round-Up Room, Adams Hotel 9:30 P.M. Discussion: "State Lands" (all members participating) Led by Carlos Ronstadt, Tucson, Second Vice President and Chairman Public Lands Committee. Answers by O. C. Williams, State Land Commissioner Discussion: "Taylor Grazing Districts" (all members participating) Led by Warren Peterson, Arlington, Chairman, Taylor Grazing Lands Committee. Answers by C. E. Dierking, Regional Grazier U. S. Grazing Service. Discussion : "Section 15 Leased Lands" (all members participating). Discussion: "Grazing on the National Forests." (all Forest permittees participating) Led by Henry G. Boice, Tucson, Chairman National Forest Advisory Board. Discussion: General subjects. Reports by Committees: Resolutions Nominations Unfinished Business. *** Junior Cattle- Growers of Arizona Fourth Annual Meeting January 5-6, 1945 Get-Together Meeting On Mezzanine Floor, Adams Hotel At 3 P. M. January 5th Luncheon for Juniors at Noon Saturday, January 6th * * * * * * * * * * * * Many members of the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association are in uniform, fighting for our country and its ideals. Almost without exception, every member has a son or daughter, brother, husband or father on the far flung battle fronts of the world. These battle fronts represent the altar of human freedom, and our members have sent their loved ones—the flower of our State and Nation—a living sacrifice that all peoples of the world may some day know what freedom means. Some of our members have paid the supreme sacrifice since last we met. For you we can only pray that God in His mercy will give you strength and peace, and bring peace and strength to those other fathers and mothers among us who, before we meet again, may be called upon to give what is dearer than life itself. May we whose loved ones have been spared be humbly gratetful for the loving care that has'surrounded them and do everything in our power at all times and under all circumstances to bring an early victory of right over might. Toward that glad day, your Association pledges the best efforts that we know how to give. President Norman Fain, Prescott Fred J. Fritz, Clifton 1st Vice President Carlos Ronstadt, Tucson 2nd Vice President Treasurer Ralph Cowan, McNeal Traffic Attorneys Chas. E. and Calvin Blaine, Phoenix Mrs. J. M. Keith, Phoenix Secretary Assistant Secretary Miss Catherine Cundiff, Phoenix DIRECTORS W. M. Spence, Springerville Apache County Jesse Williams, San Simon Cochise County John G. Babbitt, Flagstaff Coconino County Don Anderson, Globe Gila County Warner Mattice, Pima Graham County Ivan McKinney, Clifton Greenlee County Manford Cartwright, Phoenir Maricopa County Brice Covington, Kingman Mohave County Torn Reed, Holbrook Navajo County J. A. McLeod, Jr., Tucson Pima County A V. Mercer, Sombrerro Butte Pinal County W. H. Hathaway, Nogales Santa Cruz County Ross Perner, Seligman Yavapai County M. N. Forman, Yuma Yuma County * * * * * * * * * * * *