
Resident and Founder
William F. Womble
celebrates his 99th birthday
with David Piner (CEO) and
Vicki Hunt (Past Board Chair).
The Challenges and
Opportunities at Arbor Acres
I first met Bill Womble in 1977. I was working at the Moravian Home, now
Salemtowne, and provided a tour for Bill and a small number of lively others.
They were fact-finding for the new enterprise they were undertaking that
would locate a new United Methodist retirement community on property
donated for that purpose by the Children’s Home. I was twenty-five years old.
Bill was a towering figure then. He remains so today.
To speak of time’s ever-flowing stream borders on cliché. My mind resorts
to it as I contemplate the blink of time since Arbor Acres’ founding to its
reaching in 2015 the milestone of its 35th year of service to residents. In the
intervening period, Arbor Acres has roared from project to project, negotiated
boulders of change, traveled over dips and falls, always in service to the
one and only constant that has sustained it over the white water of time. All
involved have kept their eyes focused firmly on our irrevocable mission of
service to seniors.
This year in which we marked both the 35th anniversary of the opening of
Arbor Acres and the 40th anniversary of the corporate founding for which
Bill and others labored so heartily in 1975 contained the customary blend
of challenges and opportunities. Board member Dek Driscoll, resident Bill
Ball, and a dedicated Capital Campaign Committee, pressed forward with
solicitation of gifts to support the renovation of facilities that serve Arbor
Acres’ frailest residents. Because of the generosity of many, the Campaign
exceeded the goal by almost $1million. The renovation of Fitzgerald, named
for Ernest Fitzgerald, a beloved founder of Arbor Acres, launched in March
2015. The project continues and by November 2016 will deliver to residents
frail of body and mind a home rich with beauty, stimulating to the senses and
soothing to the soul.
Like all the years before it, 2015 brought challenges of delivering excellent
services at a cost affordable to as many people as possible. We conducted
surveys of residents and staff through which we learned specific ways we can
David Piner
make Arbor Acres an even better place to live and
work. The information generated enabled Arbor
Acres to take steps to improve efficiency while
preserving the delicate balance between cost and
quality. The attention paid this year in particular
to making Arbor Acres better in ways both large
and small represents an enormous investment of
time on the part of residents, staff, and the Board
of Directors. We look for dividends from this
investment throughout 2016 and beyond.
In 1985, when I first joined the staff of Arbor
Acres, Bill Womble was 69 years old and I was 32. In 2015, Bill turned 99.
I am now 63. Ours has been a long and complex journey, often a pushand-pull across crevasses of differing opinions and styles. But through
the decades we have been bound by the certainty that Arbor Acres exists
for a noble purpose worthy of our labor and demanding of the best we
have to offer. I don’t believe for a second either of us has yet fallen short
in our dedication of our highest selves to advance this great mission. As
Bill glides gracefully through his 100th year, as Arbor Acres progresses
through its 36th or 41st depending on your method of reckoning it, I am
journeying through my 32nd and final year of service to this extraordinary
Look, now, at the two of us on the cover of this report. We are warmed
by the presence of Vicki Hunt, who served as Chair of the Board in 2015.
We both look happy, do we not? It’s because, like Mary in scripture, we
both chose “the good part” - the dedication of our lives to the Holy and
the compassionate. In life, there is no greater fulfillment than that.
With best wishes and LOVE,
A Masterful Centenarian
Arbor Acres might not be here today except
for the foresight and passion of William F. “Bill”
Womble. If you ask him, with characteristic
understatement, he will tell you that he “thought
a retirement community in Winston-Salem was
a good idea and several others (namely Ralph
Stockton, Bishop Ernest Fitzgerald and the Board
of the then Methodist Children’s Home) agreed.”
Bill also knew time was of the essence. He had
recently learned folks in the Asheville area were
in the process of obtaining approval for a “home”
in that area. He knew if plans were not presented
simultaneously to the Western North Carolina
Conference, it might be years before another
would be approved in the Conference. Bill wrote
and presented the successful resolution that led
to the creation of the founding Board of Directors
of the Triad United Methodist Home (now Arbor
Acres). And the rest is history.
Bill already had earned a reputation for getting
things done. Over the years he served on the
Board of Directors of such organizations as The
Children’s Home, High Point University (he is now
in his 66th year of service on that Board) and
Senior Services. He was a member of the North
Carolina House of Representatives from 19531958. For many years he provided legal services
as Attorney for the City of Winston-Salem. Along
with other community leaders, in 1952 he got
behind and advanced the notion that physically
disabled children needed quality education.
Through his efforts and that of such distinguished
citizens as Emil Shaffner and Courtland Davis
(who presently resides at Arbor Acres), The
Children’s Center for the Physically Disabled
sprang into being.
At the forefront of Bill’s decision to push for a Methodist retirement community in Winston-Salem lay concern for servants of the
United Methodist Church, both lay and clergy,
who lived modestly and who wanted to remain
close to the communities in which they had
spent their lives. Today, Arbor Acres is home to
420 residents - many of them United Methodist
- but also including large numbers with varied
denominational and religious backgrounds. “And we all live well together.” Bill states.
Bill and Jane, his wife of 68+ years, never
intended to make Arbor Acres their home. In
1997, however, a house came available that
suited their needs. They lived together there
for fourteen years until Jane’s death in 2010.
Subsequently, Bill married Allan Hollan, the
widow of his closest friend Bill Hollan, and
together they now share the Arbor Acres
residence that the Hollans built in 1998. As
close friends over many decades, Bill and Allan
Womble share a bond deepened by long history,
rich memories, and lasting appreciation of their
long prior marriages to beloved others.
In October of this year Bill will celebrate his
100th birthday. If you stop by Arbor Acres you
might catch him checking his mail, delighting
in an ice cream cone, or enjoying a wonderful
meal with Allan. He still drives, recalls the past
in meticulous detail, dresses snappily, and
converses with wit and charm.
We treasure Bill for his genius, we honor him
for his generative mind and pioneering work
that brought Arbor Acres into being, we cherish
him for his compassion for people in need, and
we celebrate his contribution to countless lives
through the ongoing work of Arbor Acres.
Bill Womble with his wife, Allan
ceremony in 1978.
Pictured left to right:
W. F. Womble, Sr.,
Wayne Corpening, Jule
Spach (founding CEO)
and Cecil Marcellus
(on the far right).
At the heart of Arbor Acres’ mission lies a commitment
to serve those living here with care, kindness, and love.
Ensuring the continuation of a place where each resident
has the opportunity for an enhanced quality of life rests
upon the support of many people. The Heritage Society,
created by the Board of Directors almost two decades ago,
represents 130 individuals and families who have made a
commitment to Arbor Acres in one of three ways:
Mrs. Sylvia Alderson
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Alexander
Mr. Ross O. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Baker, Jr.*
Dr. Frederick A. Blount
Mrs. Kirby Brown
Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess
Mr. Jon M. Burkhart
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon
Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cavenaugh, Jr.
Mrs. Sara P. Chambers
Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr.*
Mrs. Sophia S. Cody
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cramer
Mr. George W. Crone, Jr.
Mrs. Catherine J. Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett
Mrs. Mary Emler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming
Mrs. Louise B. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring
Mrs. Izoria S. Gordon
Mrs. Emma Graham
Mrs. Miriam S. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Haxton
Mrs. M. Betty Haywood
Mr. Nixon Hennessee
Mrs. Margaret V. Hill
Mrs. Alice Hinman
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindsay Holcomb, Jr.*
Mrs. Jean L. Hole
Ms. Gwen Toburen Horn
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
~ Through their estate plans. Gifts (purposefully of $15,000 or more) can be made through wills, charitable trusts,
annuities or life insurance.
~ Through the creation of a Named Fund ($15,000 or more) within the Financial Assistance Endowment Fund.
~ Through lifetime giving of $100,000 or more.
Mrs. Jacqueline Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hunter
Mrs. Ann C. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones
Mrs. Martha J. Keiger
Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger
Mrs. Martha Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott
Mrs. Gail A. Lake
Mrs. Emily F. Lambeth*
Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith
Miss Nancy Lide
Mr. Joseph P. Logan*
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr.
Mrs. Sara S. Long
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin
Mr. John M. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. David L. McCullough*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Merritt*
Mr. Thomas A. Miskimen
Dr. William G. Montgomery*
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Moore, Jr.
Mr. Gordon D. Muir
Mrs. Margaret Nicholson
Mr. Ellis Pardue
Ms. Denni H. Peebles
Mr. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr.
Mr. W. David Piner
Mrs. Margaret Pittard
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reavis
Mr. Michael Robinson and Ms. Wynn Tanner
Dr. and Mrs.William M. Satterwhite, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sayers
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Schafer*
Ms. Camille S. Smith*
Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach
Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. W. David Stedman*
Mr. Christopher G. Stockton
Mr. Richard Stockton
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas B. Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stubbins*
Mrs. Margaret P. Taylor
Mrs. Norma S. Turnham
Ms. Mary S. Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.
Ms. Frances Vazquez
Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Ware*
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Wegwart
Mrs. Doris P. Whitt*
Mr. Fillmore E. Williams
Mrs. Lucy Willingham
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble
Mr. and Mrs. Vann York
Mr. Samuel J. Zachary
*Indicates new members as of January 1, 2015
We remember with great fondness
members who have died this past year:
Betty Holmes (d. June 3, 2015)
Elizabeth C. Lewis (d. June 26, 2015)
E. Norwood Robinson (d. July 18, 2015)
Suzanne M. Danilowicz (d. Sept. 22, 2015)
Aleta G. Ellison (d. December 12, 2015)
As of December 31, 2015, the Assistance Endowment Fund, within which there
are eighty-eight named funds, totaled $13,219,173. The total raised in 2015 was
$429,652. The Fund is overseen by the Finance Committee of the Arbor Acres
Board of Directors to assure a balance between growth and income, and to
generate a steady stream of revenue for financial assistance needs. In 2015,
$566,705 was withdrawn to help residents who have acute financial needs.
We appreciate our donors for their philanthropic spirit and compassion for Arbor Acres’ residents.
The Eben Alexander, Jr. Fund
The R. Worth and Atha Johnson Allen Fund
The W. Guy & Pauline C. Angell Fund
The Arbor Acres Resident Council Fund
The Clyde G. and Sue F. Barber Fund
The C. Marvin and Pauline K. Boggs Fund
The Ruth Peters Braun Fund
The Dorothy F. Buddine Fund
The Richard W. Bunn Fund
The Gertrude Gilliam Cahoon Fund
The Ruth C. and Jack H. Campbell, Sr. Fund
The Sam N. and Pauline H. Carter Fund
The James A. Cavenaugh, Jr. Fund
The Jack Allan Cheek, Sr. Fund
The Reverend George B. Clemmer Fund
The Nancy A. and J. Scott Cramer Fund
The Dorothy A. and George W. Crone, Jr. Fund
The Felix Gray and Lena R. Crutchfield Fund
The Robert H. Cundiff Fund
The George W. and Mary H. Dalton Fund
The Matthew, Andrew, Hedy Danilowicz Fund
The Glenn W. and Catherine J. Dobbs Fund
The Lucy Gray Smither and Harvey Drake Fund
The Charles H. and Carolyn G. Duckett Fund
The R. Harold and Aleta Griffin Ellison Fund
The Paul W. and Mary M. Emler Fund
The William H. Entwistle, Jr. Fund
The Robert J. and Marjorie H. Froeber Fund
The Bishop W. Kenneth and Martha O. Goodson Fund
The I. Bryce and Izoria S. Gordon Fund
The William D. and Emma B. Graham Fund
The Wanda W. Hackbarth Fund
The Charles W. and Jean L. Hole Fund
The Glenn H. Hollingsworth Fund
The James E., Jr. and Betty J. Holmes Fund
The Ruby P. Johnston Fund
The Glenn Adkins Jones Fund
The Elizabeth Bynum Kapp Fund
The Truman T. and Hilda C. Kiger Fund
The Ruth I. and Emil Kohut Fund
The Hattie B. Lakey Fund
The Julian and Elizabeth G. Lake Fund
The Frederic H. Lassiter Fund
The Mary Lois H. Leith Fund
The David W. and Elizabeth C. Lewis Fund
The Ralph E. and Lois L. Logan Fund
The Gwen Lentz (Mrs. Clyde A.) Long Fund
The Harold R. and Helen S. Longfellow Fund
The Peggy B. and John M. McCoy Memorial Fund
The Margaret Ione McIntyre Fund
The William H. and Georgia M. Millett Fund
The Mary, Burt and Tom Miskimen Fund
The J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund
The William G. and Mary E. Montgomery Fund*
The Walter M. Moore, Jr. Fund
The Gwen S. Morris Fund
The Robert S. Northington, Sr. Fund
The Dorothy B. Peacock Fund
The L. Gordon and June D. Pfefferkorn Fund
The William E. & Flossie B. Phibbs Fund
The W. David Piner Fund
The Ruth M. and Clifton E. Pleasants Fund
The Richard B. and Nancy B. Port Fund
The Shirley Marie Rogers Fund
The Harry D. Sasher Fund
The Phoebe Barnhardt and
William Madison Satterwhite, Jr. Fund
The Herbert C. and Virginia J. Schafer Fund*
The William S., Jr. and Dorothy C. Smith Fund
The Harry R. and Verna L. Sorensen Fund
The Aldonia W. Spivey Fund
The Jean Aleen Steelman Fund*
The Norman V., Jr. and Frances K. Stockton Fund
The Peggy W. & Ralph M. Stockton, Jr. Fund
The Thomas B. and Jean S. Stockton Fund
The Elizabeth M. and Robert L. Strickland Fund
The W. Mills and Margaret P. Taylor Fund
The George E. and Phyllis M. Stubbins Fund*
The Ella Joyner Brame and Lawrence R. Toburen Fund
The Charles Byrd Wade, Jr. and Margaret P. Wade Fund
The Louise Yarbrough Wagoner Fund
The Reverend and Mrs. R. Gilmer Wagoner Fund
The Evelyn S. Watlington Fund
The Janie Davenport Weaver Fund
The Elizabeth Welch Fund
The William G. White, Jr. Fund
The Doris P. and James O. Whitt Fund*
The William F. and Jane G. Womble Fund
The W. Vann & Ann York Fund
*Newly established funds during 2015
What Unites Us is a Spirit
of Generosity, and a Need
to Give Something Back
Arbor Acres cares about community – both on campus and in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. The residents, staff and Board of
Directors believe outreach is critical to good living. It serves our mission well. It makes our lives complete.
In 2015, items donated to Goodwill Industries were valued at $7,100.
Among the donations were household items, books, clothing, shoes and
small appliances. Arbor Acres also sent used furniture, kitchen cabinets,
kitchen shelving, doors and windows to Habitat for Humanity. Large
quantities of books were sent to the Shepherd Center for resale.
Arbor Acres supports other
community non-profit organizations in
a variety of ways. In 2015, the following
organizations either held meetings in or
otherwise benefited from use of Arbor
Acres facilities: Forsyth Technical
Community College, Winston-Salem
Rescue Mission, Mount Tabor United
Methodist Church, Kiwanis Club,
Torch Club, Home Moravian Church,
Piedmont Craftsman, Audubon Society,
Crisis Control and Senior Services.
In 2015, resident council approved
fundraisers generated a total of
$149,875 for the benefit of
charitable causes in the local
Arbor Acres remains actively
involved in a wide variety of
charitable initiatives both on
campus and within the greater
community. This is a meaningful
part of Arbor Acres’ mission. We
help ourselves by helping others.
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
Generous Giving to Arbor Acres
Arbor Acres is grateful to the following donors for their generosity.
This list includes all gifts made between
January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015.
Please note this Annual Report reflects gifts made in 2015.
We have attempted to be as accurate as possible in compiling these lists.
If you find an error or omission, please contact Wendy Cason at 336.748.4636.
DONOR LIST (Years of Giving Indicated in Parenthesis) *Indicates Deceased
Ms. Anita L. Abernathy (1)
Mrs. Kathy Acton and Mr. Gerald E. Smith (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Acton, Jr. (5)
Ms. Julie Adams (1)
Ms. Sandra P. Adams (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Harley P. Affeldt (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Agee (1)
Mrs. Kate N. Ahlport (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Akins (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Albright (4)
Mrs. Betty W. Alexander (12)
Mrs. Cathie Alexander (1)
Mrs. Jean B. Alexander (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Welborn Alexander (1)
Anonymous (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Allen (1)
Mr. Roy B. Allen (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen (22)
Ms. Winnie Allred (13)
Mrs. Gail Anderson (1)
Mrs. Gayle Anderson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Anderson (1)
Mrs. Peggy Andrews (6)
Ms. Shelia J. Andrews (1)
Mr. Stephen H. Andrews (2)
Mr. Rufus G. Angel (2)
Ms. Scharlot Angel (12)
Anonymous (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Arcuri (2)
Mr. Donald L. Argabright (29)
Mrs. Susan T. Arnold (5)
Ms. Douglas E. Austell (2)
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Austin (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Austin (5)
Mr. C. A. Bailey, Jr. (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Z. Bailiff (27)
Mrs. Marilyn Baird (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Baity (29)
Mrs. Jean D. Baker (10)
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker (7)
Mr. Kemp A. and Dr. Marilynn Baker (7)
Mrs. Marcia T. Baker (8)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge, Jr. (10)
Mrs. Jennifer Baldwin (1)
Ms. Sue Baldwin (5)
Mr. William L. and Mrs. Pamela H. Ball III (5)
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ball, Jr. (10)
Mr. Charles R. Bame (3)
Mrs. Merry S. Barber (3)
Ms. Kathy R. Barker (1)
Ms. Kaye H. Barker (1)
Ms. Cindi Barnes (13)
Ms. Ellen R. Barnett (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Mickel H. Barnette (20)
Rev. and Mrs. Roland T. Barnhardt (20)
Ms. Ruth W. Barnhardt (1)
Ms. Sarah B. Barnhardt (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Jr. (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barnwell (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Barreau (3)
Mrs. Mildred Barrett (1)
Mrs. Suzanne S. Barrows (19)
Mr. Gary Bartholomew (2)
Mr. Daniel Bartko (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Bartlett (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bassett (1)
Mr. William M. Batchelor (17)
Mr. Frederick Bauer (7)
Ms. Carol A. Baynes (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Bazemore, Jr. (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bean (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason (19)
Mrs. Mary M. Beavers (29)
Ms. Karen Bedford (1)
Ms. Jeanette C. Bell (18)
Mrs. Kathy Bender (2)
Mr. Bert L. Bennett (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett (1)
Ms. Karen B. Bennett (26)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Bennett (6)
Dr. F. Edward Bentley (20)
Mrs. Edna Carol Bernasek (2)
Mr. James C. Berrier (25)
Mr. Joe H. Berrier (21)
Ms. Elizabeth A. Best* (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betz (1)
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Biby (27)
Mrs. Carolyn Black (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Black (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Blackmer (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M. Blackwell III (3)
Ms. Cynthia E. Blair (7)
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Blanco (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Blanco (5)
Ms. Vanessa Bland (1)
Mrs. Lucille Blankenship (6)
Dr. Marsha Bledsoe (6)
Mr. Robert L. Blevins (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bloom (2)
Dr. Frederick A. Blount (20)
Mrs. Katrina S. Bodford (9)
Ms. Lucy M. Bolden (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bolden (7)
Mrs. Mary O. Booe (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke (30)
Mrs. Katherine H. Boone* (11)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Borst (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Bostic, Jr. (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn Bowen (6)
Rev. Lori Anne Bowen (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bowen (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Paschal Boyd (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Boyles (10)
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brady (29)
Ms. Wilba P. Brady (29)
Mr. and Mrs. Tim D. Bralley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Branton (29)
Ms. Sharon D. Brengel (1)
Ms. Margaret Brennan (2)
Mrs. Ann Brenner (1)
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brewer (16)
Mr. Robert P. Brewer (6)
Ms. Lisa D. Bright (1)
Ms. Gayle Brookbank (8)
Mrs. Jean Brooks (1)
Mrs. Charlotte C. Broughton (3)
Rev. Andrew Brown, Jr. (1)
Ms. Betty Brown (1)
Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Elizabeth H.* Brown (4)
Mrs. Kirby Brown (11)
Rev. and Mrs. Rodney C. Brown (28)
Ms. Beverly Broyles (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Bryant (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Buchanan (10)
Ms. Theresa B. Bullin (4)
Mrs. Jane L. Bumgardner (4)
Mrs. Evelyn F. Bumgarner (26)
Mrs. Miriam Bumgarner (28)
Mr. Keith Bunch (2)
Mr. James A. Bunn (12)
Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess (33)
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Burke (11)
Mr. Marvin J. Burke (19)
Ms. Patricia V. Burke (12)
Mr. Jon M. Burkhart (9)
Mr. John K. Burnett (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burnette (11)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress (7)
Mrs. Jo Ann Burton (6)
Mrs. Mary O. Butler (10)
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
Ms. Lisa Bynum (2)
Mrs. Mary Lois Bynum(6)
Dr. Albert G. Byrum III (4)
Mrs. Helen Caines (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Calvert (1)
Mr. David B. Campbell (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Campbell (14)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Campbell (2)
Dr. Thomas B. and Mrs. Nancy S. Cannon (28)
Mrs. Alice Canterbury (3)
Mrs. Agnes M. Canzona (15)
Ms. Alma Carlton (3)
Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. (22)
Mr. Thomas G. Carpenter and
Mrs. Margaret B. Hayden (1)
Mrs. Beth Carroll (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Carter (1)
Mr. Conrad N. Carter (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Carter (19)
Mrs. Marilyn S. Carter (1)
Ms. Nancy S. Carter (11)
Mr. Thomas N. Carter (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Carter (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Carter (1)
Ms. Susan N. Carter-Hope (8)
Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Cartner (13)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Casey (16)
Mrs. Wendy D. Cason (7)
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Cassels (11)
Ms. Gwenne Causey (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cavallo, Jr. (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cave (9)
Jane and Bob Caviness (17)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kendall Chalk (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers (11)
Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. (12)
Mr. George W. Chandler, Jr. (16)
Mrs. Margaret H. Chapman (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Chapple, Jr. (31)
Mr. and Ms. Richard Chartrand (3)
Mr. Rodney Cheek (3)
Dr. Ruth M. Chiga (25)
Mrs. Becky Choplin (4)
Mr. James A. Chrismon (3)
Mrs. Katherine E. Chubb (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Clapp (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Butch R. Clark (9)
Mrs. Doris M. Clark (1)
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Clark (1)
Mrs. Patricia F. Clark (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark (1)
Mr. William G.* and Mrs. Dixie Clark (24)
Ms. Jane Click (28)
Ms. Carolyn R. Clifton (9)
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Clingman III (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Coan (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cobb (3)
Mr. W. Howard* and Mrs. Barbara Coble (16)
Mrs. Valerie L. Cobler (11)
Mrs. Catherine F. Cochran (2)
Mrs. Martha J. Cochran (23)
Mr. Russell P. and Mrs. Janet S. Cockman (7)
Mrs. Sophia S. Cody (20)
Mrs. Don S. Coeyman (27)
Mrs. Judy Coggins (1)
Mrs. Beverly Coker (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Cole (9)
Mrs. Sarah Hill Colhoun (3)
Ms. Ruffin Collett (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Renny A. Collins (27)
Mrs. Ruth B. Collins (29)
Mr. Jeffrey S. Coltrane, Jr. (11)
Mrs. Deborah C. Conrad (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conrad (2)
Ms. Bonnie S. Cook (19)
Mr. and Mrs. K. Carter Cook (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cook, Jr. (5)
Mrs. Carol Cooper (1)
Mrs. Jean B. Cooper (3)
Dr. Michael R. Cooper (1)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Miller S. Council (22)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan (31)
Mr. Maxwell Cox (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan L. Cox (14)
Mr. and Ms. Donald C. Craft (1)
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cramer (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Craver (28)
Mrs. Ginny Craver (29)
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Craver (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Creasy (25)
Mrs. Linda R. Crews (1)
Mrs. Lynn Cribb (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Crichlow, Jr. (17)
Mr. George W. Crone, Jr. (25)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Cross (5)
Mr. and Mrs. O. Roane Cross, Jr. (4)
Mrs. Kay M. Crouse (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Crumpler (2)
Mr. James M. Culberson, Jr. (29)
Mrs. Judith Culley (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Culp (2)
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dan Culp (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Culp (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Meriwether L. Cuningham (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curlee (16)
Mr. Samuel S. Dalton (13)
Mrs. Debbie Daniels (2)
Mrs. Sadie R. Daniels (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Darr (1)
Ms. Darlene C. Davenport (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Daves (7)
Dr. Courtland H. Davis (10)
Ms. Courtney Davis (1)
Rev. and Mrs. John E. Davis, Jr. (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Davis (11)
Mrs. Madeline Davis (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Davis (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dean (4)
Ms. Linda B. Deardorff (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Deaton (15)
Mrs. Rebecca M. Deaton (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Delmas (1)
Mr. and Mrs. A. Horace Deudney (3)
Ms. Barbara Deupree and
Ms. Nancy Collins (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Dew (19)
Mr. Jimmy Dezarn (1)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Dickinson (1)
Mr. Douglas* and Mrs. Rosena Dillard (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dillard (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Dillon (24)
Patsy Dixson (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dobbs (5)
Rev. and Mrs. Lewis H. Dodson (9)
Ms. Rachel E. Dodson (12)
Mrs. Judy P. Doggett (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dossinger (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas (2)
Mr. James W. and Mrs. Marian M. Douglas (4)
Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Dowling (14)
Mr. Gordon B. Doyle III (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Drake (4)
Mrs. Melissa Drake (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Driskell (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Duffer (21)
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dull (25)
Mrs. JoAnn Dunn (1)
Mr. Steven W. Dunn and
Mr. Bowman W. Bowers (8)
Mrs. Terry S. Dunn (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Robby J. Dunnagan (3)
Ms. Sandra Dunning and
Mr. James Stubblefield (1)
Mr. Eugene O. Eagle, Jr. (1)
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Earle (4)
Ms. Debra A. Easter (20)
Mrs. Susan Eaton (5)
Mr. Robert Eberhart (2)
Mrs. Betty S. Eddinger (13)
Ms. Denise Edwards (21)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards (18)
Mrs. Ann J. Egleston (1)
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Amy M. Egleston (9)
Mr. and Mrs. James Einstein (3)
Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller (11)
Mrs. Suzan D. Elster (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Emken, Jr. (1)
Mrs. Mary Emler (24)
Ms. Marian English (3)
Mrs. Carolyn C. Enslen (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Eppert (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Esleeck (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eudy (1)
Ms. Jane S. Everhart (19)
Mr. David Fairall (3)
Mrs. Patricia Faires (9)
Dr. and Mrs. John Faris (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Farmer (3)
Ms. Shirley G. Farmer (1)
Ms. Ann G. Faust (22)
Mrs. Elizabeth Felts (11)
Ms. Margaret H. Felts (9)
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Ferree (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferris (4)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Finkbine (1)
Ms. Ruth B. Finley (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Fisher (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Fisher (3)
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fleetwood (25)
Claudia and Gary Fleming (30)
Mrs. Louise B. Flowers (28)
Ms. Ann A. Flynt (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Ford (1)
Mrs. Sally O. Ford (1)
Mrs. Sara O. Ford (2)
Mrs. Betty S. Foster (19)
Mr. William D. Foster (2)
Ms. Martha P. Foures (1)
Mr. and Mrs. John Fragakis (7)
Ms. Vicki G. Fragakis (3)
Ms. Donna C. Fraley (1)
Mr. Wayne Franklin (1)
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman (13)
Mr. Paul Fuller (1)
Off Your Rocker? Better Believe It!
With the addition of Lisa O’Donnell
as Director of Recreational Arts,
Arbor Acres took the concept of
“time away from home” to a brand
new level. And we don’t mean the
addition of more trips across town
for ice cream… we mean time spent
in New York City, Myrtle Beach, and
Soon after she joined Arbor Acres,
Lisa began organizing an October
New York City theater tour for
residents. Fifteen residents jumped
at the opportunity to see three plays:
the historic Hamilton, the iconic An
American in Paris and the hilarious
Something Rotten. Between shows,
the group visited the 911 Memorial
and the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
where they enjoyed Sunday brunch in
the Museum Member’s Club.
The residents dined also at The
French Culinary Institute, delighting in
a five-course meal prepared for them
by professional colleagues of Arbor
Acres’ Chef Daniel Smith. Along the
way the residents visited The Whitney
Museum in its architecturally stunning
and recently opened new quarters.
Of the trip Lisa says, “I would say on
a scale of one to ten, it was a twenty.
All the residents needed to do was
show up and everything else was
done for them.”
Lisa’s professional life includes ten
years at Bermuda Village as Fitness
and Activity Director, and most
recently, nine years at Salemtowne
as Activity Director for Health Care
and Assisted Living. She received her
Bachelor’s Degree from UNC-G.
With boundless energy and a
passion for helping residents to
stay active and on their feet, Lisa is
ready action. Her driving purpose,
and that of her skilled and talented
Department, is to
see that others
are also.
Lisa O’Donnell,
Director of
Recreational Arts
The Dog Park Opens
at Arbor Acres
Dogs commonly are regarded as man’s (and
woman’s!) best friend. Arbor Acres couldn’t agree
more. We brag about the “pet friendly” community
and readily advertise the 80+ acres of green space
where residents and their leashed partners can
roam and explore on a daily basis.
In 2015, at the request of resident dog owners,
Arbor Acres opened a dog park, the Arbor Acres
Barkway. The May 15th opening celebration
drew residents, staff, and dogs alike, all coming
together and shedding their leashes for a joyous
romp across the lawn. Refreshments, including
specially made doggie treats baked in the Arbor
Acres kitchen, were served. The dog treats were
so enticing that a few of the human companions
couldn’t resist taking a taste. Word is they were
better than the people treats.
David Piner shared a few dedicatory words, after
which Bert Sanders, one of Arbor Acres’ chaplains,
conducted a blessing of the animals. The dogs
seemed to consider the latter unnecessary as they
never doubted they were blessed. They sniffed,
licked, and frolicked while their companion humans
laughed and took pictures. Then all went home
with bellies full and hearts overflowing.
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 10 }
Ms. Nella P. Fulton (5)
Reverend and
Mrs. Donald K. Funderburk (23)
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Fyock (26)
Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Gaddy, Jr. (26)
Mr. David N. Gallaher (1)
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gallaher (7)
Mr. John K. Gallaher (12)
Mrs. Sally Galyean (1)
Mrs. Dorothy B. Gantt (2)
Mrs. Mary Garrity (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Gatto (2)
Mr. James E. Gay (5)
Mrs. Virginia W. Gay (4)
Ms. Susan Y. Gaylor (1)
Ms. Elizabeth Gee (12)
Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring (11)
Mr. Francis J. Geiser, Jr. (24)
Ms. Kathryn George (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Gerding (4)
Mrs. Patricia Geyer (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller, Jr. (1)
Dr. Robert Gibson (4)
Ms. Margot S. Gilbert (1)
Ms. Elizabeth P. Glenn (7)
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gooding (24)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Goodman (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson (8)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kenneth Goodson, Jr. (29)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goodson III (8)
Mrs. Izoria S. Gordon (7)
Mrs. Marie P. Gordon (3)
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Gottlieb (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gottlieb (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Gowens (8)
Ms. Ashton Graham (4)
Della Graham (3)
Mrs. Emma Graham (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Graham, Jr. (2)
The Honorable and Mrs. William Graham (3)
Mrs. Mary C. Grant (6)
Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant III (20)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Grantham (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gray, Jr. (2)
Mrs. Robert C. Gray (1)
Ms. Sheila M. Green (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Greene (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett E. Greene, Sr. (23)
Mrs. Joyce H. Greenwood (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gribble (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Grice (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest M. Grimes (2)
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Grousbeck (4)
Mr. Trent Grubb (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Guidetti (1)
Mrs. Patricia Gunlock (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gunnell (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Layton H. Gunter, Jr. (5)
Mrs. Eleanor S. Gurney (19)
Mrs. Kathy L. Gwyn (7)
Mrs. Martha Gwyn (22)
Mrs. Miriam Haines (11)
Mrs. Carolyn Hale (3)
Olivet R. and Eva J. Hale (13)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Hall (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Halverson (3)
Mrs. Rachel Hamilton (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Wade G. Hampton III (11)
Mrs. Ruth Hanas (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby C. Hancock (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Hancock (1)
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hancock, Jr. (6)
Mr. James Hancock (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hancock (1)
Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. (27)
Mrs. Jane Hanes (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hanley (4)
Mrs. Julia P. Hardy (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Harless (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Harlow (2)
Ms. Vieva M. Harlow (1)
Mrs. Miriam S. Harmon (23)
Mrs. Arnita B. Harrell (1)
Mrs. Brinkley Harrell (1)
Ms. Carolyn Harrell (1)
Ms. Virginia A. Harrell (1)
Ms. Betty Harrill (5)
Ms. Nancy C. Harrill (12)
Mr. David R. Harris (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Harris (2)
Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyd Harvey (3)
Mrs. Mary Ann N. Haselden (1)
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hathcock (27)
Mr. Charles H. and Mrs. Susan R. Hauser (12)
Ms. Cynthia Y. Hauser (14)
Mr. Bobby Hawkins (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Haxton (7)
Mrs. JoAnn F. Hayes (2)
Ms. Lida Hayes-Calvert (1)
Mrs. M. Betty Haywood (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Hearn (9)
Ms. Brooke L. Hedrick (1)
Mr. Bill Heffner (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heilig (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hein III (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson B. Helms, Jr. (7)
Ms. Pam Helms (1)
Dr. and Mrs. James Helsabeck (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hendricks (19)
Mr. Mike Hendrix (9)
Ms. Dorothy R. Henley (7)
Ms. Lenora Henley (9)
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Henley (29)
Mr. Nixon Hennessee (20)
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dean Henrichs (13)
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Herman (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Herring (14)
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Katherine W. Hicks (5)
Mrs. Frances C. High (1)
Mrs. Martha Bond Hilburn (12)
Mr. E. Franklin Hill (4)
Mrs. Gaynelle M. Hill (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hill (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Julian T. Hill (3)
Mrs. Margaret V. Hill (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill (10)
Ms. Marylyn M. Hilton (11)
Mrs. Susan Himes (1)
Mr. T. Gray Hinkle (3)
Mrs. Alice Hinman (27)
Mr. Frank Hinman II (10)
Mrs. A. Milburn H. Hinshaw (5)
Ms. Barbara G. Hinson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hise (1)
Mrs. Janet Hobbs (6)
Mr. and Ms. Michael Hobby (2)
Mr. Edward Hogan, Jr. (3)
Miss Gaynelle Hogan (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Hamer (1)
Mrs. Ernestine F. Hoke (19)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindsay Holcomb, Jr. (33)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald W. Holcomb (13)
Mr. Dale Holder (4)
Mrs. Jean Hole (27)
Ms. Mitzi L. Hole (9)
Mr. William E. Hollan, Jr. (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Holliday, Jr. (18)
Mrs. Betty Holmes* (33)
Mr. Dalton B. Holmes (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. Holmes (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Holthouser (8)
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Honeycutt (1)
Mrs. Susan Carter-Hope (8)
Mrs. Cynthia Hopkins (1)
Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins (4)
Ms. Tricia Horne (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Horsley (4)
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hough (3)
Mr. Bailey E. Howard, Jr. (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Howard (16)
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Howard (15)
Mr. Fred Howard (9)
Mrs. Margie R. Howard (24)
Ms. Vickie L. Howard (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell (6)
Mr. and Mrs. James Howell (2)
Mr. Ronald E. Hoy (17)
Ms. Ruth Hoyle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hubbard (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Huber (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Hucks (25)
Mr. James G. Hudson, Jr. (12)
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hughes (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Humphreys (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hundley (3)
Ms. Sallie Hundley (2)
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hunt (1)
Rev. Clark W. Hunt (29)
Dr. Thomas H. and Mrs. Victoria P. Hunt (31)
Ms. Carol G. Hunter (1)
Mrs. Jean Hunter (28)
Mr. John and Mrs. Patricia Hunter (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Ora A. Hurst (13)
Mrs. Sandy Hyder (1)
Ms. Almeta Idol (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Ingram III (20)
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Iseman, Jr. (22)
Mrs. Martha H. Isenberg (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Jackson (3)
Mrs. Roselyn Jackson (8)
Ms. Cheryl Jacobs (3)
Mrs. Eleanor S. Jamison (14)
Mr. Gustav C. Jamison (12)
Mr. James R. Jarrell (9)
Mrs. Betty W. Johnson (6)
Mrs. Carol A. Johnson (23)
Mr. Don Johnson and Mr. Don Wofford (3)
Mrs. Lucy Johnson (3)
Mrs. Molly W. Johnson (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Johnson (6)
Mrs. Ann C. Johnston (26)
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnston III (13)
Ms. Doris W. Jones (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones (10)
Mr. Howard C. Jones (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jones III (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jones (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan II (29)
Mrs. Lorraine Jordan (2)
Rev. and Mrs. N. Fred Jordan, Jr. (12)
Mrs. Joy J. Joss (7)
Miss Carlene Judy (9)
Mrs. Toni Kallam (1)
Mr. Paul Kayhart and Ms. Elizabeth Lide (2)
Ms. Linda Kearsley (1)
Mrs. Margaret Keely (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keely (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Keiger (6)
Mrs. Edith Keiger (1)
Mrs. Martha J. Keiger (26)
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith (11)
Ms. Katrina W. Kelley (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kelly, Jr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope A. Kelly (1)
Ms. Vicki L. Kendrick (13)
Mrs. Jewell C. Key (6)
Ms. Har Simran Kaur Khalsa (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger (19)
Mrs. Joyce T. Kilby (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Kimball (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kimball, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Kimble (1)
Mrs. Billie C. Kimel (21)
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Kinard (4)
Ann and Bob King (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve King (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kinken, Jr. (31)
Mr. M. C. Kinlaw, Jr. (7)
Mrs. Arlene B. Kirby (33)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey Kirby (4)
Mrs. Martha Kirby (8)
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kittrell (1)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knox (27)
Mr. and Mrs. Karl O. Koebberling (12)
Ms. Joan Kramer (21)
Ms. Sally Lacy (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Ladd (22)
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lake (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lakey (23)
Mrs. Donna M. Lambert (1)
Mrs. Ruby B. Lambert (3)
{ 11 }
Ms. Sarah Lambert* (2)
Mrs. Emily F. Lambeth (8)
Mr. George Lambeth (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambeth (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Lancaster (15)
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley* (9)
Mrs. Jane Lassiter (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Lawrence (3)
Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr. (15)
Ms. Mary N. Lea (9)
Mrs. Jane A. Lee (5)
Mrs. Margaret R. Lee (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Lee, Jr. (10)
Mrs. Lily Lees (4)
Dr. and Mrs. Wade H. Lefler (2)
Mrs. Mary Lois H. Leith (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Leonard (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lerner (1)
Mrs. Garnette H. LeRoy (6)
Mrs. Dorothy B. Lesniak (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Levin (7)
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis* (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Lewis (14)
Mrs. J. Meredith Lindel (4)
Mr. John A. Lindsay III (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lindsay (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Lineberry (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Linville (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Listokin (4)
Mr. and Mrs. George Little, Jr.(5)
Ms. Ella R. Lively (1)
Mrs. Mary G. Lockhart (14)
Mr. Joseph P. Logan (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest V. Logemann (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Lominac (30)
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr. (29)
Joe and Diana Long (1)
Mr. Matt* and Mrs. Emmie Lou J. Long (32)
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ray Long (6)
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 12 }
Mrs. Judy Long (5)
Mrs. Sara S. Long (13)
Mrs. Phoebe Anne Looney (1)
Ms. Joyce Love (2)
Mrs. Mary Alice Love (28)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lovett (2)
Mrs. Patricia W. Lowrance (2)
Mr. Ernest Lunsford (1)
Mrs. Janice Lutz-Vanhoy (11)
Mrs. Carol C. Lyerly (7)
Ms. Carol M. Mabe (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Macey (19)
Mrs. Susan MacIntosh (1)
Mrs. Judy MacMillan (13)
Mrs. Muriel M. Madden (3)
Mrs. Margaret J. Maher (3)
Mrs. Jo Ann Main (5)
Mrs. Janice Mallett (2)
Rev. and Mrs. Clay Manning (30)
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Manning III (1)
Mrs. Sally M. Manning (1)
Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Manthey (10)
Mrs. Peggy N. Maple (1)
Miss Angela D. Marion (13)
Mrs. Antionette G. Marley (23)
Ms. Nancy S. Marshall* (13)
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin (22)
Mr. John M. Martin (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Martin (21)
Mr. Richard Martin (3)
Rev. Sandra W. Martin (11)
Mr. Richard Marvin (9)
Mr. David Masich (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Massey, Jr. (1)
Ms. Winona S. Masten (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Masters (4)
Mrs. Adilee Matherly (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Arzie J. Matthews (4)
Mrs. Deborah B. Matthews (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Maulet (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mauzy III (11)
Mrs. Lillian Maxwell (4)
Dr. C. Douglas Maynard (15)
Ms. Sarah A. McAlister (13)
Mrs. Elizabeth A. McBride (22)
Mrs. Sheila M. McCain (3)
Mrs. Sig McCain (5)
Mrs. Elsie J. McCall (8)
Ms. Leslie C. McCall (5)
Dr. William McCall (7)
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. McCaskill (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. McClain (16)
Miss Kelly McClain (1)
Mr. James T. McCombs (16)
Dr. and Mrs. David L. McCullough (4)
Mr. and Mrs. David G. McDonald (25)
Mrs. Carolyn McDonough (1)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter McDowell (30)
Mr. and Mrs. Tony D. McDowell (18)
Ms. Velvet S. McGregor (1)
Mr. and Ms. J. William McGuinn, Jr. (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. McJunkin (12)
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon (6)
Mr. Felton McLaughlin (1)
Mrs. Eloise McLean (8)
Mrs. Margaret W. McLeod (16)
Mrs. Sally McLeod (5)
Mrs. Aarin McMurray (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. McNair (7)
Mrs. Martha McNair (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. McNames (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McPherson (7)
Mr. and Mrs. L. Pat McPherson (10)
Mrs. Martha McPherson (6)
Ms. Patricia Mead (3)
Ms. Lynn F. Meadows (1)
Dr. Robert L. Means (10)
Miss Charlotte R. Mecum (2)
Mrs. Polly Medlin (1)
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Medlin III (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Mendlovitz (2)
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Meredith (24)
Mrs. Kaye B. Merritt (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Merritt (12)
Ms. Roberta F. Michal (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Milholen III (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Miller (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Craig H. Miller (28)
Mrs. Doris Anne Miller (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Milner III (11)
Mr. Thomas A. Miskimen (13)
Mrs. Caroline Mitchell (2)
Mr. R. Berkley Mitchell (1)
Ms. Joyce Mohler (2)
Mrs. Bridget Molten (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Moncrief (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Montgomery (1)
Dr. William G. Montgomery (16)
Mrs. Tricia Moody (2)
Mrs. Juliette R. Moore (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Moore (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Moore, Jr. (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Morgan (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris (3)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Morris (4)
Mr. Donald R. Morton, Sr. (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Moser (6)
Rev. and Mrs. Aaron W. Moss (24)
Mrs. Elisabeth Motsinger (1)
Mrs. Anna Mowery (5)
Mr. Gordon D. Muir (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mullen (2)
Mr. Wes Murph (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murphy (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Murphy (1)
Rev. and Mrs. Jerry D. Murray (7)
Ms. Susan Myers (1)
Mrs. Virginia Nanzetta (19)
Mrs. Beth M. Neill (1)
Dr. Anne Nelson (3)
Mrs. Kathryn A. Nelson (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Newby (1)
Rev. J. Keith Newell (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman (13)
Mrs. Phyllis Newsome (7)
Mr. and Mrs. George Newton (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nichols (10)
Mrs. Margaret Nicholson (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Nifong (30)
Mrs. Jane Niven (2)
Ms. Diane Norman (13)
Mr. Julian O. Northcraft and
Rev. Suzanne Northcraft (19)
Mr. and Mrs. K. Patrick Ober (7)
Mrs. Mary Ann Odell (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odom (19)
Ms. Lisa M. O’Donnell (1)
Mr. Thomas L. and Mrs. Anita H. Ogburn, Jr. (22)
Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. (32)
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Orr (2)
Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne (13)
Rev. and Mrs. William H. Osborne, Jr. (15)
Ms. Linda J. Owings (24)
Mr. Kermit Paddack (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pandres (11)
Mr. Ellis Pardue (6)
Rev. and Mrs. B. J. Parker (18)
Mrs. Carolyn Parker (4)
Ms. Emily Parks (10)
Anonymous (6)
Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Parleir (8)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parsley (2)
Mr. James G. Paschal (2)
Mr. John Paterson, Jr. (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Patterson (2)
Rev. and Mrs. Ardis D. Payne (24)
Mr. Joseph Stanfield and Ms. Nancy Payne (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Payne (13)
Ms. Denni H. Peebles (3)
Ms. Lois M. Peele (1)
Mrs. Debra S. Pegg (19)
Mr. Douglas W. Peninger (1)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodwell Penry (1)
Mrs. Vivian R. Penry (30)
Armand Perez (1)
Mr. Clifford Perkins (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perkins (5)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkinson, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (29)
Mr. Thomas Perry and Mrs. Carolyn Dahl (8)
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pershing (29)
Mrs. Helen Peterson* (19)
Ms. Shirley A. Pfaff (1)
Mr. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr. (26)
Ms. Susan Pfefferkorn (4)
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pfefferkorn (13)
Mrs. Jane D. Phillips (1)
Mr. R. P. Phillips, Jr. (1)
Ms. Jackie Pierson (1)
Mrs. Laura F. Piner (3)
Mr. W. David Piner (21)
Mrs. Margaret Pittard (26)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (16)
Mrs. Jeannette Plummer (5)
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Pollard (16)
Rev. Dr. Phillip and Mrs. Ann Z. Poole (3)
Mrs. Arlette L. Porter (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Porter (3)
Ms. Nancy B. Powell (18)
Mrs. Lucy P. Power (3)
Mrs. Marion Pranikoff (3)
Mrs. Laura T. Pratt (1)
Mr. Fred D. Priddy (3)
Dr. Walter S. and Dr. Deborah Pritchard (12)
Mr. Alan G. Propst (1)
Mrs. Sallie Millis H. Pryor (4)
Ms. Mary B. Pullen (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pulliam (2)
Mrs. Ann Purcell (5)
Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Lisa P. Purcell (9)
Mrs. Joy Quesenberry (6)
Mrs. Anne D. Rankin (29)
Mrs. Mary Ann Ratcliff (28)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Rayburn (1)
Ms. Peggy S. Reavis (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reavis (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Reeder (1)
Ms. Sarah Remy (1)
Mrs. Wanda T. Remy (3)
Mrs. Patsy R. Reynolds (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III (1)
Mrs. Anne Richards (8)
Mrs. Betsy Richardson (2)
Mrs. Betty Richardson (4)
Mr. Scott Richardson (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie U. Ricketts, Jr. (28)
Ms. Mary E. Riddle (6)
Rev. and Mrs. David Riffe (5)
Mrs. Janet Rigsbee (3)
Mr. Byron L. Roberts (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Roberts (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts (1)
Dr. George P. Robinson (31)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Robinson (2)
Mr. Michael Robinson and Ms. Wynn Tanner (29)
Dr. and Mrs. J. William Rogers (4)
Mrs. Tammy Rogers-Markle (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rohde (5)
Ms. Rita Rohde (4)
Ms. Helen Romeo (1)
Mrs. Nancy G. Rorie (1)
Ms. Lynn Ross (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roth (13)
Dr. Mary Roufail (5)
Rev. and Mrs. Ellis L. Rouse, Jr. (12)
Mrs. Gary Rousseau (1)
Mr. and Mrs. James Rousseau II (1)
Judge and Mrs. Julius A. Rousseau, Jr. (35)
Ms. Bettie S. Rowe (15)
Mr. and Mrs. John Royster (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rudisill (15)
Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin (9)
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin (7)
Mrs. Betty Runnion (10)
Mr. Jeffrey Rush (3)
Ms. Martha E. Russell (20)
Dr. Marcia and Dr. Wilson Russell (1)
Mrs. Nanette G. Rutsch (3)
Ms. Mary L. Sage (2)
Mrs. Barbara Salt (4)
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Saltzgiver (4)
Mrs. Sylvia Sanchez (5)
Mrs. Margaret Sandresky (11)
Mrs. Sarah Sands (18)
Mrs. Louise E. Sapp (28)
Ms. Janet Sarbaugh (2)
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Satterwhite, Jr. (25)
Dr. and Mrs. William Satterwhite (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Saunders (23)
Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sawyer (6)
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sayers (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Schafer (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scherl (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler (11)
Ms. Evelyn H. Schmid (1)
Mrs. C. L. Schoolfield (20)
Dr. David Schreiner (2)
Jerrold C. and Susan S. Schwartz (11)
Ms. Patricia Scott (1)
Mrs. Frances S. Scruby (1)
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Scurry (26)
Mr. Scott Seaford (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Dane E. Sebastian (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sells (2)
Sharps & Flats (10)
Ms. Debra T. Shearer (12)
Mrs. Ann H. Shearon (6)
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sheffield (1)
Mr. Harold T. Shehan (26)
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carroll Shepherd III (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Brad C. Shinaman (25)
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nick Shoaf (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shoffner (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Showalter (1)
Sandra and Wayne Shugart (6)
Mrs. Barbara Shull (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sibley (3)
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Simpson (4)
Dr. Martha K. Simpson (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Mike R. Simpson (1)
Mrs. Hilda Sink (1)
Mrs. Lourdes S. Sinkovitz (1)
{ 13 }
What a Year
to Celebrate!
It is hard to believe 2015 is
behind us. We continue to be
blessed by a wise, active Board
of Directors, tremendous support
from energetic and accomplished
residents, donors who care deeply,
and staff members who perform
The Essential Promise Campaign
to renovate Fitzgerald and its
component parts, Strickland
Place which serves residents
who require skilled nursing and
Arborview, where residents with
dementia receive specialized care
generated amazing results - as of
March 1, 2016 - $3,837,266 and
still counting. The project will be
finished on schedule, no later than
November 2016, and within budget,
bringing new life and hope to the
residents who call it “home”.
The Annual Fund, which includes
the annual Mother’s Day Offering,
hit a new record high - $384,204.
These funds bring peace, dignity
and care for the residents who lack
financial resources. This is the
essence of Arbor Acres’ mission.
Arbor Acres continued to
offer residents enjoyable, firstrate, intellectually stimulating
programming. The 2015 Live
and Learn calendar included Dr.
Russell De Young from NASA
Langley Research Center, Dale
Pollock from UNCSA, Jon Sawyer,
Exec. Director for the Pulitzer
Center on Crisis Reporting, Dr.
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 14 }
Denni Peebles
Director of
Philantropic Arts
Miles Silman, Founder of the WFU
Center for Energy, Environment,
and Sustainability, and Paul Brown,
formerly with NPR Morning Edition.
This year promises to bring many
new challenges. Arbor Acres must
maintain and enhance its already
top-tier services and amenities.
We must work throughout the
continuum of care to make certain
all residents are experiencing lives
that feel full and purposeful. The
Resource Development Committee
is exploring new avenues of
generating support for the greater
numbers of residents who will need
financial help over the coming
years. This connects us to the
charitable heart of Arbor Acres.
I continue to be inspired daily.
Thank you for sharing my passion
for Arbor Acres and for supporting
its mission generously.
Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Sizemore (10)
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Skeen (1)
Mrs. Carol M. Slagle (6)
Mrs. Courtney Slawter (20)
Mrs. Phyllis Slawter (6)
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sloan (1)
Ms. Elizabeth Sloan (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Smith, Jr. (1)
Mr. Bobby G. Smith (3)
Ms. Camille S. Smith (4)
Mrs. Connie Smith (1)
Ms. E. Sue Smith (9)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Smith (12)
Mrs. Helen T. Smith (8)
Ms. Lynda W. Smith (8)
Mrs. Melba Smith (5)
Mrs. Molly R. Smith (5)
Mr. Robert Smith* (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith (3)
Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal (33)
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smithdeal (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Smitherman (17)
Mrs. Gordon R. Smoak (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Sommer (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp (24)
Ms. Margaret R. Sosnik (3)
Mrs. Rachel Southard (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach (13)
Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach (34)
Mr. Richard C. Spangler III (3)
Mrs. Goldie Sparger (23)
Mr. and Mrs. Randall W. Sparger, Jr. (28)
Mr. R. Arthur Spaugh, Jr. (14)
Mrs. Judy Speas (2)
Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer (32)
Mrs. Nancy N. Spencer (4)
Mr. Elmer Springer (2)
Mrs. Molly P. Squire (4)
Mrs. Margaret H. Stamey (4)
Mrs. Jennie Stancil (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Stanley (1)
Mr. Marvin L. Starbuck, Jr. (1)
Rev. and Mrs. T. P. Starnes (9)
Mr. and Mrs. W. David Stedman (15)
Mrs. Sara H. Stephens (1)
Mrs. Barbara Sterchi (1)
Ms. Emily J. Stevens (1)
Ms. Vivian Stewart (1)
Mrs. Leigh Ann Still (2)
Ms. Virginia Stines (3)
Rev. and Mrs. Frank A. Stith III (13)
Ms. Preston Stockton (25)
Mr. Richard Stockton (35)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stockton, Jr. (6)
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas B. Stockton (21)
Ms. Wendy Stockton (8)
Dr. Hunter G. Strader (22)
Mrs. Cindy Strickland (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickland (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Strickler (1)
Anonymous (2)
Dr. Thomas E. Stump (2)
Mrs. Lorene M. Sturgill (14)
Mrs. Jacqueline Suggs (4)
Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Summey (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Summey (2)
Mrs. Stella E. Surratt
Mrs. Katharine Suttles (7)
Mrs. Judith H. Swain (10)
Mrs. Helen Osteen Swann (11)
Mr. Brian Swanson (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swofford (25)
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Tabor, Jr. (18)
Mr. Wade and Reverend Lisa Tanico (5)
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Tanner (4)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor (26)
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor (15)
Mrs. Julie S. Taylor (6)
Mrs. Margaret P. Taylor (4)
Ms. Peggy R. Taylor (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Taylor (23)
Ms. Carole G. Telly (1)
Mrs. Evelyn Terry (1)
Mrs. JoAnn B. Testo-Curlee (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomas (1)
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Thomas III (6)
Mrs. Nellena B. Thomas (7)
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thomas (1)
Mrs. Alma Thompson (6)
Ms. Betsy J. Thompson (18)
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander P. Thorpe (1)
Mr. Jerry W. Tolbert (1)
Mr. Bill Toole (1)
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole (14)
Mrs. Camille Townsend (3)
Ms. Barbara Trent (9)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trulove (31)
Mrs. Burnet C. Tucker (2)
Mrs. Karen Tucker (4)
Mrs. Martha R. Tucker (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turnage (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Turnage, Jr. (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Turner (10)
Mrs. Norma S. Turnham (21)
Mrs. Nancy T. Tutterow (28)
Mr. Terry W. Tuttle (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Twine (6)
Ms. Stephanie Tyson and
Ms. Vivian V. Joiner (2)
Ms. Mary Underwood (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Underwood (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Uphoff (1)
Mrs. Susan T. Uphoff (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Valaoras (3)
Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke (8)
Mrs. Marge Van Meter (1)
Mrs. Eleanor J. Vance (19)
Mrs. Margaret A. VandeRiet (4)
Mrs. Barbara VanMeter (1)
Ms. Patricia A. Vaughn (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr. (32)
Mr. Roger L. Vaughn (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Veach, Sr. (5)
Mrs. Cindy W. Venable (1)
Anonymous (12)
Mr. Felipe Villalon (2)
Mrs. Joan Vines (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vinson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Vogler (1)
Anonymous (18)
Mr. C.S. Wagoner, Jr. (17)
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Wagoner (1)
Mrs. Nita P. Wagoner (29)
Ms. Allison Walker (1)
Mrs. Martha M. Walker (27)
Mr. William W. Walker (13)
Mrs. Stephanie Wall (1)
Mrs. Susan B. Wall (4)
Mrs. Wanell W. Wall (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wanders (16)
Mr. Blaine S. Ward (10)
Ms. Elizabeth G. Ward (5)
Mrs. June D. Ward* (33)
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ward (7)
Dr. William Ware and
Mrs. Kay Johnson-Ware (3)
Ms. Anne Warhover (2)
Mrs. Leslie Warhover* (20)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Watford (1)
Mrs. Madeline Watkins (3)
Mrs. Theressa C. Watkins (1)
Dr. and Mrs. John Watson (2)
Mrs. Julie Watson (3)
Rev. and Mrs. Doug Watts (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Watts (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Waugh, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver (7)
Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Weaver (3)
Mrs. Susanne S. Weber (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Wegwart (15)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Weir (1)
Ms. Louise B. Welborn (27)
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Wells (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wentz, Jr. (13)
Mrs. Annie Westmoreland (2)
Mrs. Mary Lu Whaling (24)
Mr. Kenneth T. Wheeler, Jr. (23)
Mrs. Rebecca S. Wheeler (1)
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Whitaker, Jr. (6)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. White, Jr. (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop White (2)
Mr. Girard C. White (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman G. White (1)
Mrs. Marianne T. White (1)
Mrs. Mary Blake White (2)
Mrs. Nellie Whitener (4)
Mrs. Beth Whitsett (3)
Mrs. Doris E. Whitt (9)
Mrs. Margaret Whittle (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wierman (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiles (3)
Mr. Jim Wilhelm (7)
Mrs. Ernestine B. Wilkes (24)
Mr. Michael Wilkins (5)
Ms. Jeanne L. Willard (1)
Ms. Betty H. Williams (1)
Mrs. Emmy K. Williams (3)
Mr. Fillmore E. Williams (26)
Mrs. Jane M. Williams (6)
Mrs. Jean Williams* (4)
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Williams (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Williams, Jr. (3)
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Williard (21)
Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Willingham (10)
Mr. John Willingham (1)
Mrs. Lucy Willingham (7)
Ms. Ann Willis (1)
Norton and Carol Willis (2)
Mrs. Barbara O. Wilson (16)
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson (19)
Mrs. Frances A. Wilson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wilson (28)
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Wilson (19)
Mrs. Jewel M. Wilson (26)
Mrs. Madeline Wilson (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Wilson (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. Wilson (1)
Ms. Shirley L. Windham (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Winn, Jr. (22)
Mrs. Doris Wise* (7)
Rev. Lisa L. Wishon (19)
Mrs. Norma C. Witherspoon (12)
Mrs. Barbara F. Wolfe (6)
Mr. and Mr. Donald W. Wolford (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Womble (3)
Mrs. Martha Womble (31)
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr. (10)
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Sr. (36)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wood (1)
Ms. Gaye Nell B. Woodall (1)
Mrs. Marion Woods (6)
Ms. Sheri A. Woodyard (1)
Rev. and Mrs. Dana B. Wooten (7)
Ms. Glenda S. Wooten (10)
Mrs. May Henry Worrell (24)
Mrs. Helen H. Wright (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wylly II (9)
Mrs. Ellen S. Yarborough (17)
Ms. Juanita M. Yarborough (23)
Mr. James E. Yarbrough (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Yarnell (20)
Mrs. Jean Yates (13)
Mrs. Mary Preston Yates (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Yelverton (23)
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Yokeley (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Vann York (23)
Mrs. Ann Young (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin I. Zachary (19)
Mr. Samuel J. Zachary (29)
Mr. and Mrs. Jere P. Zollicoffer (2)
{ 15 }
Tributes in Memory and
Honor of Loved Ones
We are grateful to those who have honored
or remembered the following individuals
through their generous gifts to Arbor Acres.
Mrs. Katherine K. Acton
Mr. William Acton
Mrs. Lydia Affeldt
Mrs. Virgene Alban
Mrs. Emily H. Allen
Mrs. Mary Allen
Mrs. Grace E. Almond
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Anderson
Mrs. Grace W. Andrews
Mrs. Darlene Argabright
Mrs. Anne C. Arnsdorff
Mrs. Margaret S. Austell
Ms. Sarah Y. Austin
Mr. Garry Avram
Mrs. Ella S. Bailey
Ms. Bettie R. Baise
Mrs. Virgie Baker
Mr. Clyde G. Barber, Jr.
Mrs. Sue F. Barber
Mrs. Sarah E. Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Sr.
Mr. Ronald Barrows
Mrs. Evelyn O. Bartelt
Miss Vivian A. Bates
Mrs. Polly Mae P. Batten
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 16 }
Mrs. Virginia Bauknight
Mrs. Vesta M. Baynes
Mr. Edward Beason
Mrs. Mary G. Beeson
Mrs. Marilyn Benoff
Mrs. Edith B. Bentley
Mr. Odell D. Beroth
Mr. Albert F. Berrier
Mrs. Mary F. Berrier
Mrs. Vallie T. Berrier
Ms. Elizabeth A. Best
Mrs. Ellen Bethel
Miss Lois Bisom
Mr. Raphael Black
Mrs. Susanne Blanco
Mrs. Nellie B. Blevins
Mrs. Charlotte Blount
Mrs. Florence Boesel
Mrs. Molly J. Booe
Mrs. Katherine H. Boone
Mrs. Lucy L. Bovet
Mrs. Blanche H. Bowen
Mrs. Stella S. Bowers
Mrs. Mildred Brady
Mrs. Susanna Brady
Mrs. Betty C. Brantley
Mrs. Miriam P. Brenner
Mrs. Isabella S. Bright
Mrs. Elona K. Briner
Mrs. Nell T. Brock
Mrs. Elsie Brookbank
Arlene M. Brown
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Brown
Rev. Robert P. Bunch
Mrs. Eleanor D. Burger
Mrs. Nell B. Burke
Mrs. Helen Burrier
Martha Ann Glenn Butler
Mr. Richard T. Bynum
Mrs. Lena Calvert
Mr. Jack H. Campbell
Mrs. Ruth C. Campbell
Mrs. Martha Carlisle
Mrs. Martha B. Carlisle
Mrs. Dorothy M. Carpenter
Mrs. Gil Carpenter
Miss Barbara Carroll
Mrs. Charlotte Carter
Mrs. Cora B. Carter
Ms. Ella Sue Carter
Mrs. Ruby P. Carter
Mrs. Esther O. Casstevens
Mrs. Mabel C. Cates
Mrs. Miriam Caviness
Mrs. Nancy Caviness
Mrs. Dorothy E. Chambers
Mr. William H. Chambers, Jr.
Marleta and Leonard Cheek
Ms. Nilla Dudley Childs
Mrs. Dorothy H. Chilton
Mr. David Clark IV
Mr. William G. Clark
Mrs. Alice S. Clements
Mrs. Sallie Morgan K. Clements
Mrs. Mae K. Click
Dr. Robert Clinard
Mrs. Nancy H. Cockman
Mr. Don Coley
Mr. Sterling R. Collett III
Mrs. Florence F. Collins
Mr. Joseph M. Coltrane
Mrs. Madeline B. Combs
Mrs. Annabelle C. Connor
Mrs. Caroline B. Cottingham
Mrs. Belle Cox
Mr. C. C. Cox
Mrs. Annie H. Cragan
Mrs. Mildred Craven
Mr. Foil Craver
Mrs. Hesta K. Crawford
Mrs. Edith S. Cumby
Mrs. Mary H. Dalton
Mrs. Suzanne M. Danilowicz
Mrs. Mary Darden
Mrs. Carrie C. Davis
Mrs. Helen D. Davis
Mrs. Marilyn Davis
Mr. Roy Davis
Mrs. Orie Dodson
Mrs. Mattie E. Drye
Mrs. Delois Dull
Mr. Charles Dunn
Mrs. Ella L. Dunn
Mrs. Zelma H. Dunnagan
Mrs. Flora B. Dutton
Mr. Fred Eads
Mrs. Levia Eads
Mrs. Nancy East
Mrs. Jane Edwards
Mrs. Aleta G. Ellison
Mrs. Bessie W. Ellison
Mr. Ken Eppert
Mrs. Virginia Eppert
Mrs. Pearl R. Fair
Mrs. Sallie Fairall
Mrs. Ellen Faircloth
Mrs. Mary M. Fanning
Mrs. Linda Marie Ferris
Mr. George A. Fidler
Lena W. Flinchum
Betty Lynn Boone Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Freeman
Mrs. Norma Freeman
Mrs. Phyllis Frye
Mrs. Cleo Fulcher
Mr. Edward Fuller
Mr. James A. Fyock
Mrs. Frances Gainor
Mrs. Christine Gallaher
Mrs. Eileen Ganss
Mrs. Nancy Garrison
Mr. Felix O. Gee
Mrs. Mildred M. Gee
Mrs. Joan E. Geiser
Mr. Lester Geyer
Mrs. Lydia Gibson
Mrs. Geraldine Gilbert
Mr. Russell L. Gilbert
Mrs. M. Elizabeth Glenn
Mrs. Mary R. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Glover
Mrs. Ruth D. Goins
Mr. Thomas M. Goodrum
Mrs. Alice Goodson
Mrs. Martha Goodson
Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn A. Gordon
Mrs. Gladys Graf
Mrs. Kent H. Graham
Mrs. Mabel F. Graham
Mr. William D. Graham
Mrs. Naomi Carson Green
Mrs. Helen H. Greene
Mr. Thomas J. Greenwood
Mr. Franklyn and Virginia Griffith
Mrs. Catherine J. Grubb
Mrs. Sarah F. Gulledge
Mr. Clarence Guth
Mr. Ralph Haines
The Reverend George S. Hale
Mrs. Helene Halverson
Mr. John W. Halverson
Mrs. Anne Hammersla
Mrs. Cora Hamrick
Mrs. Margaret Hamrick
Mrs. Helen C. Hanes
Mrs. Carrie A. Harker
Mr. Perry Harmon
Mrs. Isabel Harrell
Mrs. Marjorie Harrigan
Mrs. Grace R. Harrill
Mrs. Ella R. Harris
Mrs. Louise G. Harris
Mrs. W. T. Hatcher
Mrs. Margaret L. Hawkins
Rev. W. Frank Heffner
Mrs. Freda G. Hein
Mr. Thomas H. Helms
Mrs. Lucille D. Henley
Mrs. Betty S. Hennessee
Mrs. Virginia S. Hicks
Mr. Edwin M. Hill
Mrs. Jessie Tilton Hill
Mrs. Carmen Hogan
Mrs. Lottie M. Hollan
Mr. William E. Hollan, Sr.
Ms. Christine Hollingsworth
Mrs. Caroline Holloway
Mrs. Betty Holmes
Mrs. Doris Holshouser
Mrs. Willa B. Holthouser
Mrs. Alva Howard
Mrs. Annie W. Howard
Mr. Aubrey L. Howell
Mrs. Florene Hoy
Mrs. Lucy G. Hubbard
Mr. Garnette Beasley Hughes
Mrs. Elaine M. Hunt
Mrs. Elsie H. Hunt
Mrs. Lillie P. Hutchens
Mrs. Doris M. Hutchesan
Mr. Weldon Idol
Ms. Polly Ann H. Ingram
Mrs. Myrna C. Ivey
Mrs. Sandy Jackson
Mr. Edgar L. Jamison
Mrs. Dot Jammer
Mrs. Evelyn Johnson
Mrs. Bessie A. Johnston
Mrs. Mabel F. Jones
Mrs. Mary Jones
Mrs. Nancy C. Jones
Mr. Archie Jordan
Mrs. Katherine W. Jordan
Rev. Dr. Carl Judy
Mrs. Margaret Judy
Mrs. Margaret Keith
Mrs. Sally P. Kelly
Mrs. Jo Ann Key
Ms. Lula Kilby
Mrs. Ruby E. Kilby
Mrs. Mary W. Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kimball
Mrs. Georgia C. King
Mrs. Gloria B. King
Mrs. Gloria Y. King
Mrs. Jackie Kinlaw
Mrs. Dorothy Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kirby
The Reverend Marsden Kitley
Ruth and Sybil Knott
Ms. Kaye F. Krueger
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Ladd
Mrs. Jane Laign
Mrs. Ina Lambeth
Mr. Paul Lawson
Mr. Richard Lees
Mrs. Leigh Anne Leonard
Mrs. Grace C. LeRoy
Mrs. Hazel C. Levin
Mrs. Alice Lewis
Mr. David Lewis
Mrs. Doris M. Lewis
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lewis
Mrs. Pearl Fair Lewis
Mr. John A. Lindsay, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Lindsay
Dr. Eugene B. Linton
Mrs. Jessie Listokin
Mrs. Alma B. Lochte
Mrs. Lois L. Logan
Mrs. Gwyn L. Long
Mr. Matt R. Long, Jr.
Mrs. Lucille C. Lord
Mrs. Estella M. Lowe
Mrs. Carrie Mabe
Mrs. Lorene P. Mabe
Mrs. Madaline MacElveen
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Macey
Mrs. Mary A. Mann
Mr. Bob Marshall
Mrs. Eva Marshall
Ms. Lily M. Marshall
Ms. Nancy S. Marshall
Mrs. Alline B. Martin
Mrs. Ardella Y. Martin
Mrs. Lois Ardella Martin
Mrs. Marion Martin
Mrs. Maxine Mathis
Rex Mathis
Mrs. Betty Mauzy
Madeline Naas Maxwell
Mrs. Mary C. Maxwell
Mr. Robert Maxwell
Mrs. Mary M. McCallum
Mrs. Lucy S. McClain
Mrs. Josephine O. McCombs
Mrs. Pearl McCormick
Mrs. Margaret B. McGinley
Mrs. Ruth McJunkin
Mrs. Joan S. McKinney
Mrs. Elizabeth G. McLeon
Mrs. June T. Medlin
Mrs. Lauretta J. Mess
Mrs. Wilma S. Michael
Helene Michel
Mrs. Ennis S. Mickey
Mr. Robert L. Miller
W. O. and Maud Miller
Mrs. Meriel Mitchell
Mr. Nicholas W. Mitchell, Jr.
Mrs. Mary E. Montgomery
Mrs. Della Moore
Mrs. Rosalyn N. Morton
Mrs. Beryl G. Moser
Mrs. Flora Moxley
Mrs. Elaine L. Muir
Mrs. Charlotte Myers
Mrs. June Myers
Mrs. Ella Betty Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Lucious Noble
Mrs. Esther Northcraft
Mrs. Elene S. O’Brien
Mrs. Polly M. Oettinger
Mrs. Katharine Ogburn
Ms. Mildred A. Orrell
Mrs. Martha Osteen
Mrs. Anna Owings
Mr. Jim Owings
Mrs. Marilee Pardue
Ms. Virginia R. Parker
Mrs. Julia M. Parsons
Mrs. Mary Pastore
Mrs. Mabel V. Paterson
Mrs. Annetta Payne
Mrs. Hazel C. Payne
Jo and Carl Payne
Mrs. Dorothy B. Peacock
M. W. Peebles, Jr.
J. Fain Peebles
Mrs. Lucy F. Peebles
Mr. Clifford W. Perry
Mrs. Lucille W. Perry
{ 17 }
Mrs. Miriam B. Sams
Mrs. Pearl S. Sams
Mrs. R. W. Sands
Mrs. Sue Sarbaugh
Mrs. Ida C. Sawyer
Mrs. Martha D. Sayers
Hadley Stuart Scott
Mrs. Charlotte Shaffer
Mrs. Bettye B. Shehan
Mr. William G. Shelton
Mr. David G. Shepherd
Mrs. Minnie C. Sheppard
Mrs. Ruth Neese Shields
Mrs. Lillian S. Shoffner
Mrs. Alice V. Shomper
Mrs. E. Sue Shore
Mr. Richard E. Shore
Mrs. Virginia P. Shutt
Ms. Helen B. Simpson
Mrs. Roxie L. Sink
Mrs. Dorothy Slater
Mr. Robert L. Slater
Mrs. Grace Sluden
Mrs. Carrie B. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Smith
Mrs. Frances Smith
Mr. Frank L. Smith
Mrs. Lettie S. Smith
Ms. Mattie Howard Smith
Mrs. Pluma B. Smith
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Unetta Smith
Mrs. Ernestine Sneeden
Mr. Alan Southard
Mrs. Ella K. Southard
Mrs. Evelyn T. Spach
Mrs. Margaret A. Sparger
Mrs. Mary G. Spaugh
Mr. Rufus A. Spaugh
Mrs. Nell Penn Spencer
Mrs. Pauline D. Perry
Mrs. Eloise H. N. Pfaff
Mrs. Eleanor Pfefferkorn
Mrs. June Pfefferkorn
Mrs. Louise A. Philpott
Mrs. Elizabeth Plaisted
Mrs. Ruth Pleasants
Mrs. Nancy Port
Mr. Richard B. Port
Mrs. Marie Priddy
Mrs. Estelle D. Pruett
Mr. Franklin C. Reeves
Mrs. J. C. Reins
Obed and Mary Reitzel
Dr. Charles N. Remy
Mrs. Mattie F. Renfro
Mrs. Beulah Rich
Dr. Frederick Richards
Mr. George Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley B. Ridge
Mrs. Pansy Riffe
Mr. Courtney S. Roane
Mrs. Helen Francis B. Roane
Mr. E. Norwood Robinson
Mrs. Pauline G. Robinson
Anna Horling Rodig
Mrs. Mabel Rohath
Mr. Bill Rohde
Dr. Walter Roufail
Thad and Pauline Royal
Dr. and Mrs. C. Excelle Rozelle
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rudisill
Mrs. Rosalina B. Ruiz
Mr. Charles E. Rush, Sr.
The Reverend Tom Rutledge, Jr.
Ms. Lillian H. Sain
Mr. Jack Salt
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 18 }
Mrs. Thelma Spencer
Mrs. Margaret Sprinkle
Mrs. Evelyn Staley
J. Milas and Martha Johnston Stanley
Mrs. Martha Johnston Stanley
Mrs. Virginia Starbuck
Miss Jean Steelman
Mrs. Frances K. Stockton
Mrs. Monie Stockton
Norman V. Stockton
Mr. Robert G. Stockton, Sr.
Mrs. Bunky Stockton
Mrs. Virginia Stoelzel
Mr. William Stoelzel
Mrs. Eston S. Stokes, Sr.
Mrs. Ruth S. Stokes
Ms. Patsy Stone
Mrs. Annie H. Stovall
Mrs. Helen H. Strader
Mrs. Lula B. Summey
Mrs. Julia E. Surratt
Mrs. Nancy Surratt
Mrs. Bess Swann
Mrs. Helen Swofford
Mrs. Margaret Talley
Mrs. Etta Tanico
Mrs. Mary B. Thomas
Mrs. Katie W. Thomasson
Mrs. Bethany Thompson
Mrs. Edith W. Thompson
Mrs. Juanita D. Tomlinson
Mrs. JoAnna Tudor
Mrs. Donzella Tyson
Mrs. Vivian C. Underwood
Mrs. Eleanor F. Vardell
Mrs. Hortensia Villalon
Mrs. Beatrice Vogler
Naylor and Stella Vogler
Mrs. Emily VonCannon
Mrs. Joan W. Wadkinson
Mrs. Christine Wagoner
Mrs. Louise Y. Wagoner
Mrs. Collye Mae D. Walker
Mrs. Bernice K. Waller
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Waller
Mr. Terry L. Walser
Mrs. Anna Maria K. Wanders
Mrs. June D. Ward
Mrs. Mamie Ward
Mrs. Nora M. Ward
Mrs. Phyllis Y. Ward
Mr. Robert E. Warhover
Mrs. Carolyn G. Warlick
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Watts
Mrs. Martha Webster
Mrs. Beulah Weeks
Ruth P. Whaling
Mrs. Carolyn Whitler
Mrs. Patricia O. Williams
Anna M. Williard
Mr. Francis F. Willingham
Mrs. Betty G. Wilson
Mr. Eugene G. Wilson
Mrs. Lucy P. Wilson
Mrs. Doris Wise
Mrs. Jo Woestendiek
Mr. Henry L. Wolfe, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia G. Woltz
Mr. Bunyan Snipes Womble
Mrs. Edith Willingham Womble
Mrs. Jane G. Womble
Mrs. Inez Wooten
Mrs. Cassandra Penn Wright
Mrs. Florence Yarnell
Dr. Douglas M. Young
Mrs. Marian P. Youngkin
Mrs. Ophelia Zachary
Mrs. Gladys G. Zipter
Thank You for Supporting
Our Wonderful Organization
On behalf of the Board of
Directors, I am excited to thank each
and every one listed in this report
for your generous support for Arbor
Acres. In supporting this wonderful
organization you are contributing
to the well being of our greatest
assets, our residents. Every action
taken by your Board is driven by a
clear and strong focus on insuring
the absolute best for those we serve
and those who serve them. That has
always been our commitment, and it
will not waver going forward.
Foundation Giving
T. W. Dixson Foundation
Brown F. Finch Foundation
Grousbeck Family Foundation
James G. Hanes Memorial Fund/Foundation
John Wesley and Anna Hodgin Hanes Foundation
Mariam and Robert Hayes Charitable Trust
The J. Richard and Sybel F. Hayworth Foundation
The Pfefferkorn Foundation, Inc.
Richard J. Reynolds, III and Marie M. Reynolds Foundation
Strickland Family Foundation
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.
A great example of this pledge
is the Fitzgerald project we are
confident will be a blessing to
our residents in Strickland Place
and Arborview as well as to their
families. We know such large
renovation projects, while necessary
and worthwhile, are also disruptive;
we appreciate the patience so many
have shown as we move toward this
project’s completion.
Planning for additional projects
and innovative programming is
well underway. We look forward
to announcing these exciting new
plans in the coming months. Please
know that the Board is keenly aware
of the many responsibilities we have
to maintain and improve our facilities
and programming to support the
needs of our residents, and to insure
that we are positioned to meet the
needs of future residents. In meeting
Dale E. “Dek” Driscoll
Chair, Board of Directors
these responsibilities, we are
acutely attentive to maintaining and
strengthening Arbor Acres’ strong
financial position.
The coming year will bring us
the opportunity to celebrate David
Piner’s time with us at Arbor Acres,
a commitment that will span 32
years, and to take on the challenge
of identifying his successor. Work
has begun to insure that this
critical transition is accomplished
in a manner that honors our past
and sets a high standard for the
future. We look forward to providing
updates as this process unfolds.
I am excited about Arbor Acres
as we move forward and encourage
everyone to join me in thanking our
residents, our staff, our volunteers,
our supporters, and the broader
community for helping make this
such a special place – thank you!
{ 19 }
“One cannot think
well, love well, and
sleep well, if one
has not dined well.”
-Virginia Woolf
And so it is at Arbor Acres.
Rick Dobrowski, Director of Dining
Arts, arrived at Arbor Acres with
a vision. “I want our restaurant(s)
to be the best in town.” Clearly the
competition of other restaurants in the
community did not bother him. He put
his skill and experience to each plate
and, voila – the fun began.
Residents experienced many
changes in 2015 beginning with
the planting of an herb garden and
followed by the “farm to table” concept
through the use of local suppliers for
fresh vegetables, poultry, and grains.
The small renovation of the servery
in Lakeside, the precursor to a larger
redo to come, provided additional
space for freshly grilled items as well
as other aesthetic enhancements.
The addition in 2015 of Daniel Smith
as Chef provided icing on the cake.
Daniel and Rick (both graduates of
renowned culinary institutions) agree
on a common goal and philosophy.
“Meal time is the center of life at
Arbor Aces, and each meal should
be exciting for the residents.” Daniel
states. “We want to provide joy in
every bite and pleasure in the dining
Dining at Arbor Acres takes place
in multiple venues across campus.
Lakeside Dining offers a range of
menu selections plus the simultaneous
opportunity for residents to serve
themselves in the renovated servery.
Restaurant style table service is the
norm in the elegant Asbury Place
dining room. The Arbor Room, Arbor
Acres’ fine dining facility, offers
upscale meals with frequent specials,
all served with grace and care.
Dining venues in Strickland Place
and Arborview are presently under
renovation, but will be fully operational
by mid-year 2016. In addition,
Strickland Place will have its own café
for casual gathering with friends and
family over a nibble and perhaps a
glass of wine.
In 2015, 394,000 meals were served,
far more than anticipated, and a strong
attestation to Rick’s and Daniel’s
organizational and culinary skills.
Additionally, on-campus catering,
guest meals and special events
generated $170,000 to the Arbor Acres
bottom line. One may dine well on
cabbage like that.
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 20 }
Mr. and Mrs. Archie G. Allen, Jr.
Mrs. Peggy Andrews
Arbor Acres Staff
Ms. Sarah Y. Austin*
Mrs. Harvey Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Baity
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ball
Mrs. Pamela H. Ball
Mr. Gary Bartholomew
Mrs. Margaret B. Bayer
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Bazemore, Jr.
Mrs. Jean Beam
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason
Mrs. Ginger Bennett
Mrs. Carol Bernasek
Mrs. Mary E. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Blanco
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bloom
Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bowen
The Reverend Lori Anne Bowen
Mrs. Mary Bowman
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Branton
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Brown
Mrs. Kirby Brown
Mrs. Virginia Browne
Mrs. Miriam Bumgarner
Mrs. Nancy Bunch
Mrs. Gordon H. Burgess
Mr. Jon M. Burkhart
Mrs. Mary Lois Bynum
Ms. Cindy Caines
Mrs. Helen Caines
Ms. Karen Caines
Ms. Elizabeth S. Callari
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon
Mrs. Wendy D. Cason
Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr.
Kathryn Chrismon
Mrs. Helen B. Christie
Mrs. Doris Clark
Mrs. Amanda H. Cleary
Ms. Carolyn R. Clifton
Mrs. Judy Clodfelter
Ms. Mary Ruth Cockerham
Mr. Russell P. and Mrs. Janet S. Cockman
Anza Cole
Mrs. Madeline B. Combs*
Ms. Lil Corns
Ms. Florence P. Corpening
Mrs. Ginny Craver
Ms. Rhodena Cromer
Mrs. Ellen Crowther
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Daves
Dr. John F. Davis
Ms. Jackie Dewitt
Mr. Rick Dobrowski
The Reverend and Mrs. Lewis H. Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Donadio
Mrs. Betty D. Doub
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett
Mr. Steven W. Dunn and
Mr. Bowman W. Bowers
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Earle
Dr. and Mrs. James Earnhardt
Ms. Norma J. Easter
Mrs. Patricia Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egleston
The Reverend Don Ellis
Mrs. Aleta G. Ellison*
Mrs. Betty Frazier
Ms. Peggy Gaddy
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gallaher
Mrs. Rebecca Gallimore
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Gatto
Mrs. Doris C. Gehring
Ms. Jami Gerard
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Gerding
Mrs. Linda Glenn
Dr. Richard Glenn
Mrs. Elizabeth Goins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Goodwin
Mrs. Doris Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Goslen
The Honorable and Mrs. William Graham
Mrs. Emma Graham
Dr. and Mrs. Willis J. Grant, III
Mrs. Joyce H. Greenwood
Rev. Kelley Groce
Mrs. Pamela W. Harris
Mrs. Dolly Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Haxton
Mrs. M. Betty Haywood
Mrs. Mae R. Heffner*
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Henley
Mrs. Alice Hinman
Mrs. A. Milburn H. Hinshaw
Mrs. Jean Hole
Mrs. Betty Holmes*
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holthouser
Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins
Mrs. Lettie Howard
Mrs. Marguerite M. Howe-Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hoxton III
Mr. Ronald E. Hoy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hubbard
The Reverend Lory Beth T. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hundley
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hunt
The Reverend Clark W. Hunt
Mrs. Jacqueline Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt
Mrs. Patricia Hunter
Mrs. Eleanor S. Jamison
Ms. Hannah Jessup
Mrs. Molly W. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. William Johnson-Ware
Ms. Doris W. Jones
Mrs. Mary L. Jones
Mrs. Dyeann B. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan, II
Mrs. Margaret Keely
Mrs. Edith Keiger
Mrs. Martha J. Keiger
Linda and Ed Kelly
Mrs. Martha Kirby
Mrs. Jennie M. Knott
Mrs. Emily F. Lambeth
Ms. Janet Langham
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lasley*
Mrs. Ruth Lindsay*
Lloyd Livadaras
Mrs. Lucille Long
Mrs. Sara S. Long
Mr. James F. Lowder
The Reverend and Mrs. Clay Manning
Mrs. Rachel M. Marion
Mr. Doug Maynard
Mrs. Elsie J. McCall
Mr. and Ms. J. William McGuinn, Jr.
Mrs. Martha McNair
Mrs. Martha McPherson
Sarah Medlin
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Medlin, III
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Mendlovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Merritt
Metropolitan UMC Mothers
Mrs. James Miles
Mrs. Doris Anne Miller
Mrs. Bridget Molten
Dr. William G. Montgomery
Ms. Patricia Moody
Mrs. Juanita Morris*
Mr. Joel Mottsinger
Mrs. Anna Mowery
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mundy
Ms. Courtney Myers
Ms. Dolores Myers
Ms. Jillein Myers
Rev. Jean Nall
Mrs. Kathryn A. Nelson
Mrs. Margaret Nicholson
Ms. Lisa M. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ogburn, Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen L. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pardee
Pastors and Staff of Mt. Tabor UMC
Ann Patterson
Mrs. Jane G. Pearce
Ms. Denni H. Peebles
S. Lavern Petersheim
Mrs. Jane D. Phillips
Mr. W. David Piner
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Pollard
Mrs. Sallie Millis H. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pulliam
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Reeder
Mrs. Wanda T. Remy
Mrs. Peggy R. Rhodes
Mrs. Betty Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rider
Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers
Mrs. Doris Rogers
Mrs. Gary Rousseau
Mr. and Mrs. James Rousseau II
Judge and Mrs. Julius A. Rousseau, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. James Ruffin
Mrs. Betty Runnion
Mrs. Barbara Salt
Mrs. Ada B. Sanders
Mrs. Sarah Sands
Mrs. Betsy I. Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Sayers
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sayers
Mrs. Martha Schreiner
Mr. Gustav Schumann
Jerrold C. and Susan S. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott
Ms. Janette Scott
Mrs. Susan Smart
Mrs. Pluma B. Smith*
Mrs. Sylvia S. Smith
Mrs. Wanona Smith
Mrs. Lucia Smithdeal
Dr. and Mrs. Jule C. Spach
Mr. Richard C. Spangler III
Mr. J.B. Sparger
Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer
Dr. and Mrs. William Spencer
St. Paul UMC Mothers
Mrs. Lucy Stith
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas B. Stockton
Mr. Richard Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strayhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickland
The Reverend and Mrs. Raymond Summey
Mr. and Mrs. Houston Symmes
Mr. Wade and Reverend Lisa Tanico
Maggie and Bob Taylor
Mrs. Margaret P. Taylor
Mrs. Nancy Thacker
Ms. Sandra Thomas
Ms. Betsy W. Thompson
Mrs. Norma S. Turnham
Mr. Terry W. Tuttle
Mrs. Betty W. Van Glabeke
Mrs. Eleanor J. Vance
Mr. Perry VanDyke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.
Mrs. Hortensia Villalon*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vinson
Mr. Steven M. Virgil
Ms. C. Anne Wallen
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Al Ward
Mrs. Leslie Warhover*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Watson III
Mrs. Dale Watts
The Reverend and Mrs. Doug Watts
Mary Weaver
Ms. Helen J. Wettach
Mrs. Doris E. Whitt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiles
Mrs. Jane M. Williams
Mrs. Lucy Willingham
Mrs. and Mr. Brenda Wilson
Mrs. Doris Wise*
Mrs. Allan H. Womble
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Workman
Mrs. Thorne G. Worley
Mary B. Yates
Mr. Samuel J. Zachary
*Indicates Deceased
{ 21 }
2015 Financial Highlights Review
Other .54%
Other Contributions 1.16%
Realized Gain/Loss
on Investments 4.61%
Investment Income 2.20%
Contribution Financial
Assistance 3.96%
2015 was a challenging year
financially. Still Arbor Acres generated
$283,000 increase in net assets which
now total $45,354,961 (36.5% of the
total balance sheet). The Financial
Assistance Endowment Fund decreased
slightly due to unrealized losses on
investments. It now totals $13,719,172.
Arbor Acres also maintained the
municipal bond rating of BBB+ through
Fitch Ratings, a reflection of continued
financial strength.
The big story for 2015 was the
renovation of Strickland Place, our
skilled nursing facility. The project
required a reduction of the number of
rooms available for occupancy and
a concurrent reduction in revenue.
Turnover in other portions of Arbor Acres
also resulted in higher than normal
vacancy rates. The good news is that
by year-end occupancy had stabilized
campus-wide at a healthy 94.1%.
Excellent control of expenses during
this year in which revenue fell below
expectations enabled Arbor Acres to
achieve by year-end an operating gain
of $1,096,000, a significant improvement
over 2014 operating results.
Total revenue exceeded budget by
a comfortable $2,146,000 which was
attributable to the following: entrance
fee revenue which exceeded budget by
$694,475, and unusually high realized
gains on investments. Additionally,
capital campaign receipts for the year
ARBO R A C R E S 2 0 1 5 A NN U A L R EP O RT
{ 22 }
Capital Campaign 2.93%
totaled $918,019. This
Ken Boyles
increased the total
Chief Financial
amount given or pledged
to The Essential Promise
Campaign by year-end to
a remarkable $3,799,846.
Entrance Fees Earned 15.60%
Total cash operating expenses
excluding depreciation and amortization
Resident Fees 69.65%
were $214,379 under budget. Financial assistance dollars spent to
cover residency costs of thirty-three
financially needy residents totaled
$1,358,026. This represents 5.1% of
total resident revenue.
Arbor Acres’ outstanding debt
as of December 31, 2015 totaled
$46,202,854. This includes borrowing to
cover $3,447,854 of construction costs
Insurance 0.96%
for the Strickland Place renovation.
Food Services 5.13%
Of the total debt, 73% carries a fixed
interest rate. The average interest rate
Maint/Utilities 11.99%
costs on all Arbor Acres’ debt equaled
3.1% as of December 31.
Realized investment earnings were
$1,111,296 over budget, the result
of liquidation of certain investments
that occurred when the Finance
Labor 39.47%
Benefits 11.05%
Committee secured professional
investment management for all of Arbor
Acres invested assets. Unfortunately,
Audit & Legal .33%
unrealized losses in 2015 more than
offset these gains leading to a net total
Interest Expense 5.05%
loss on investments of $128,500, or a
negative 0.4% return on investments
Other 6.60%
for the year.
Depreciation 19.43%
Contributing Churches in 2015
Ardmore United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Baltimore United Methodist Church of East Bend
Bethel United Methodist Church of Mocksville
Bethel United Methodist Church of Oak Ridge
Bethel United Methodist Church of Trinity
Bethel United Methodist Church of Wadesboro
Bethlehem United Methodist Church of Advance
Bethlehem United Methodist Church of Waxhaw
Canaan United Methodist Women
Centenary United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem/Circle #11
Centenary United Methodist Church of Greensboro
Centenary United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Center United Methodist Church of Greensboro
Central United Methodist Church of Denton
Central United Methodist Church of Mount Airy
Charlotte United Methodist Church of Asheboro
Christ United Methodist Church of High Point
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
Ebenezer United Methodist Senior Citizens
Eden United Methodist Church of Madison
Elbaville United Methodist Men
Fairview United Methodist Church
Faith United Methodist Church of Rural Hall
First United Methodist Church of Pilot Mountain
First United Methodist Church of Randleman
Glenwood United Methodist Crusade of Greensboro
Harmony Grove United Methodist Church of Lewisville
Hatcher’s Chapel United Methodist Church of Pilot Mountain
Hickory Grove United Methodist Church
Hodgin Memorial United Methodist Church
Jamestown United Methodist Church
Leaksville United Methodist Church
Lees Chapel United Methodist Church of Greensboro
Liberty Grove Methodist Church
Main Street United Methodist Men of Kernersville
Midway United Methodist Church of Lexington
Morris Chapel-Wesley Circle
Mount Carmel Stokesdale United Methodist Church
Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church
Mt. Zion United Methodist Senior Members
Oak Ridge United Methodist Church of Oak Ridge
Pilot View United Methodist Church of Pilot Mountain
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church of Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Union United Methodist Church of Liberty
Prospect United Methodist Church
Rehobeth United Methodist Church of Greensboro
Rehobeth United Methodist Women of Greensboro
Rockwell United Methodist Church, Inc.
Ruffin United Methodist Church
Salem United Methodist Church of Mount Airy
Sedge Garden United Methodist Church / The Walker Class
Shady Grove United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
Sharon United Methodist Church of Lewisville
St. John’s United Methodist Church
St. Timothy’s United Methodist Church
Sunrise United Methodist Church of Lewisville
Tabernacle United Methodist Women of Greensboro
Temple Emanuel
Trinity United Methodist Church of Thomasville
Trinity United Methodist Church - Womens Joint Circles
Trinity United Methodist Women Circle 2 of King
Tyro United Methodist Church of Lexington
Wesley Heights United Methodist Church of Lexington
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church of High Point
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church of Winston-Salem
White Rock United Methodist Church of Roaring River
Yadkin Valley District of the United Methodist Church
Vendor Gifts
Vendors and Organizations gave a total of $39,713 in 2015.
Arbor Acres appreciates this generous support.
Ann’s Accounting Tax Professionals, Inc.
Arbor Acres Employee Yard Sale
BB&T Corporation
Chapter BZ PEO Sisterhood
First Tennessee Bank
Frank L. Blum Construction Company
Global Payments Legal Department
Goslen Printing
Immedia Print
Lambert Architecture & Interiors, PA
Landmark Builders of the Triad, Inc.
Lee Lodge #209
Changes at Arborview
In 2015, Arborview, the area
in Fitzgerald that provides
comprehensive support for
residents with dementia,
experienced a renaissance. Under
the direction of Hannah Jessup,
fragmented methods of service
delivery faded. Visit Arborview
now and you will find a team of
professionals who, collectively,
learn and are guided in service
delivery by the residents personal
preferences. Within the field of
continuing care, this approach is
known as Resident-Centered Life.
Regardless of what you call it, the
residents feel held by loving arms.
Garden areas outside
Arborview received a thorough
pruning coupled with the addition
of features designed to engage
the residents. The fountain
that once graced the front of
Fitzgerald found a temporary
home in the Arborview Garden,
where it remains awaiting its
post-renovation return to its
point of origin. In the meantime,
residents have enjoyed the
magical splashing sound of
cascading water. A putting
green was installed thanks to a
generous donation from Sam and
Mary Ceile Ogburn. A wheelchair
bicycle, a gift of Bob and Ann
King, brought new energy
and opportunity to the lives of
residents. Lastly, a red mailbox
appeared and instantly became a
focal point for residents who still
watch for the daily mail.
The original eighteen rooms of
Arborview, built in 1987, will soon
receive the same transformation
already underway in Strickland
Place. Additionally, a new bathing
center will be created so that
residents of Arborview, like all
other residents in Arbor Acres’
licensed care facilities, can enjoy
greater comfort while bathing. The
new Arborview SPA (Soothing
Pleasures Alternative) will offer
natural light, comforting beauty,
therapeutic aromas, and soothing
music …aaaah!
Mercedes-Benz of Winston-Salem
Pfaff ’s, Inc.
Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc.
S&L Painting & Decorating, Inc.
The Budd Group
The Evergreen Garden Club
The Sorosis Club of Winston-Salem
W. M. Wrege Building Co., Inc.
West End Construction
Wild Flower Garden Club
Winston-Salem Golden K Kiwanis Club
{ 23 }
Board of Directors
Chair: Dale E. Driscoll
Chair Elect: Susan S. Schwartz
Vice Chair: Marian M. Douglas
Secretary: Nancy S. Cannon
Treasurer: Paul M. Wiles
Immediate Past Chair: Victoria P. Hunt
1240 Arb o r R o a d
W i nston -S a l e m , N C 2 71 0 4 -11 97
Tel epho n e 3 3 6 .7 2 4 .7 9 2 1
Tol l Fre e 8 6 6 . 6 5 8 . 2 7 2 4
www. arboracres .org
Pamela H. Ball
David B. Blanco
Arthur L. Bloom
Dr. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr.
Florence P. Corpening
Nicholas A. Daves
Dr. Charles H. Duckett
Amy M. Egleston
James A. Gallaher
Scott J. Gerding
Cynthia S. Graham
Susan R. Hauser
Rev. Lory Beth T. Huffman
Kay B. Johnson-Ware
J. William McGuinn, Jr.
Rev. Dr. William T. Medlin III
Kathryn A. Nelson
Anita H. Ogburn
Steven L. Reeder
James A. Rousseau II
James M. Ruffin
Dr. William F. Sayers
Richard C. Spangler
Mary Preston Yates
Bishop: Larry M. Goodpaster
District Superintendent: Jeffrey S. Patterson
President: W. David Piner