Summer 2009 - University of Saint Mary


Summer 2009 - University of Saint Mary
Summer 2009
Univ ersity
Sa i n t M a ry
A Saint Mary First
Inside: 2009 Honor Roll of Donors
from the president
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Excellence. Excellence is one of the University of Saint Mary’s core values. The foundation for embracing excellence is our
faith in our Creator God. Our gracious God has given us all that we have. Our abilities, talents, and skills are all gifts. We did
nothing to earn them. They are God’s gift to us. As I tell our students, in return, we owe God our best effort. Mediocrity is an
insult to the Creator God. Our response demands not only our best efforts, but also that our talents and skills are used with
integrity for the greater good of humanity.
Saint Mary views excellence as an essential gospel-centered response to all that God has given. Excellence touches not only
that which can be measured – grades, graduation rates, retention, job placement, and endowment earnings – but also those that
do not easily succumb to data crunching, those that mark our lives and our choices over time: integrity, compassion for others,
and a sense of justice for all.
We have much to celebrate in the line of measurable accomplishments such as a new residence hall, a new degree program
in partnership with the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, as well as the start of our first doctorate program,
a doctorate in physical therapy. The RN-BSN program will expand from online delivery to a new “on ground” program in
Overland Park starting this fall. Once again despite the struggles of this economy, Saint Mary is looking forward to welcoming
one of its largest freshman classes ever.
New graduate Kate Schebaum has become the first Saint Mary student to receive a Fulbright scholarship and is now
enjoying an exciting learning opportunity in Korea. Jodie Berve, a Master of Arts in Adaptive Special Education graduate, was
awarded the Kansas Horizon Award for first year teaching excellence. Art Professor Susan Nelson received this year’s Sullivan
Award for Teaching Excellence. Business Instructor Carlton Philpot was recognized by the cities of Leavenworth and Kansas
City for his work to establish the Buffalo Soldiers monument.
Three outstanding alumni, Michelle Piranio, C’81, Dianna Porter, C’64, and Betty (Kennan) Sosna, C’48, received special
recognition at Alumni Reunion Weekend. And USM Board of Trustee Bill Trenkle was honored as one of only 24 preeminent
Kansas lawyers who have been listed in “Best Lawyers of America” since the list's inception.
As we celebrate these and other moments of excellence, we recall that if they are to have lasting meaning they must be
rooted in the more fundamental call to excellence, the call to excellence in humanity, being the best human being one can be
in response to God’s graciousness. Perhaps that is why the most coveted awards given to graduating seniors are the “Students
Appreciating Students Award” and the Mother Mary Ancilla Award for Service. While we strive to grow and excel in all ways
measurable, we at Saint Mary remain committed to our most fundamental call to excellence as the prophet Micah expressed it:
act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God.
The pursuit of excellence continues to shape our institution and you, our graduates, continue to make us proud each and
every day. We challenge you to be an inspiration to others and pass on the Saint Mary legacy.
Peace and blessings to you,
Diane Steele, SCL, Ph.D., C’83
The University of Saint Mary educates students of diverse backgrounds to realize their God-given potential and prepares
them for value-centered lives and careers that contribute to the well being of our global society.
We value: community, respect, justice, and excellence.
Administrative Council
Sr. Diane Steele, SCL, Ph.D., C’83
Bryan Le Beau, Ph.D.
Vice President and Dean
for Academic Affairs
Dale L. Culver
Vice President for Finance and
Administrative Services
Laura Davis
Vice President of Marketing and
Jill Hackett, Ed.D.
Vice President of Extended Sites
Pam McNally
Vice President of Development
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Corporation Members
Sr. Joan Sue Miller, SCL, C’59
Community Director
Sr. Linda Roth, SCL, C’70
Sr. Nancy Bauman, SCL, C’70
Sr. Marianna Bauder, SCL, C’70
Sr. Maureen Hall, SCL, C’70
Board of Trustees
*Charles Berkel
*Mary Alice Bramming, C’65
Joseph Contrucci, C'94
Andres Dominguez, C’82
Sr. Katherine Franchett, SCL, C’61
John A. Gordon
Thomas Gregory
Sr. Maureen Hall, SCL, C’70 (Vice Chair)
Sr. Margaret Ellen “Peg” Johnson, C’71
Greg Kaaz
Ken Karr (Chair)
Susanna Laundy
Dr. Richard Lopes
Charles McCann
Irma Napoli
Michelle Piranio, C’81 (Sec./Treas.)
Sr. Linda Roth, SCL, C’70
Joseph Snyder
Sr. Diane Steele, SCL, C’83 (President)
Michele Stauffer
William Trenkle
Sr. Charlotte White, SCL, C’63
Mark Wilkinson
*Trustee Emeritus
Printed on recycled paper.
4 | USM Students to Jamaica
7 | A Saint Mary First
10 | SpireFest 2009
4 12 | 2009 Commencement
13 | 2009 Honor Roll of Donors
26 | Class Notes & Memoriam
28 | Reunion Weekend
For Your Reference
Class Codes
A - Academy
C - College
U - University
M - Master’s Degree
The Aspire is published for the friends and alumni of the University of Saint Mary in
the spring, summer, fall, and winter, including the Honor Roll of Donors, by the office
of Marketing, 4100 South 4th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048, (913) 758-6165. Please
send all alumni news items, such as a marriage, birth, death, new job, promotion,
award, additional degree, etc., to the attention of: Stephanie Shupe at 4100 South
4th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048, (913) 758-6126 or [email protected]. Please
remember to include your class year, address, and phone number.
Summer 2009 | 1
Honoring our Heritage…
Empowering our Students
Today’s best students invigorate the academic and social
climate on campus. They become leaders and encourage
excellence in the classroom. Those types of students are the
hallmark of the University of Saint Mary.
Saint Mary was founded by the Sisters of Charity of
Leavenworth with the goal of providing access to affordable,
quality education. Through the past almost 150 years,
Saint Mary continues to provide an affordable education to
talented students.
Every institution is concerned with balancing
the burdens of financial aid with the competition for
exceptional students. Saint Mary’s ability to recruit and
retain the brightest students possible is directly linked to
our ability to offer scholarships. Through your assistance
we can empower our students to become some of the best
and brightest in their field of work.
To do this, we need your help!
Beginning Sept. 28, 2009, USM students will begin
calling asking for you support.
Please consider a gift to the university and honor
Saint Mary’s long-standing heritage while empowering the
future of a Saint Mary student.
Our students look forward to talking with you!
Leaving a Legacy...
Margaret Ann Burke, C'47
In the spring of 2008, a very loving friend and alum
passed away. Margaret Ann Burke, or Marnie as she
was known to most, died at Midland Hospice House in
Topeka, Kan. Marnie, a member of the class of 1947,
included the University of Saint Mary in her estate plan
as a way to continue giving to an institution that meant so
much to her.
During her childhood and teen years, Marnie was
educated by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, so it
was a natural next step for her to continue her college
education at Saint Mary. She left her recently-widowed
mom to begin classes
at Saint Mary in 1943.
Marnie loved her time at
Saint Mary and studied
home economics. When
she graduated in 1947,
she began work at the
Gas Service Company
in Kansas City. Marnie
returned to Topeka to
care for her mother and
opened a dress shop with
a good friend.
With a strong
devotion to her Catholic faith, Marnie was a member of
the Most Pure Heart of Mary parish and the Daughters of
Isabella Little Flower Circle. She gave generously of herself
and was honored at Saint Francis Hospital in Topeka
where she logged more than 10,000 volunteer hours.
Marnie lived a Saint Mary life—using her education
to succeed in business, giving back to her community
with many volunteer hours, and honoring her belief in the
Catholic faith. Marnie will be missed by many friends,
but her legacy will live on at the University of Saint
Mary. Through her generous gift, the university is able to
continue its work – educating students to become good
citizens, business leaders and community workers.
Please consider including the University of Saint Mary in
your estate plan. Call Molly Sirridge at (913) 758-6302 for
more information.
Summer 2009 | 3
Service Trip to the Slums
of Jamaica Melts the
Hearts of USM Students
During the waning months of her college career, Katie
Murray notes she’s spent many a day toying with the idea of
the Peace Corps or other avenues to serve the world’s least
fortunate. After a mid-March trip with four classmates to
Jamaica, the University of Saint Mary senior solidified those
plans in a hurry.
“I applied to the Peace Corps the week I got back,” said
Katie, of Eugene, Ore. Her four Saint Mary compatriots—
Leavenworth’s Michaela Forge, Kaitlin Peterson, of Hays,
Kan., Mary Ann Snyder, of Lee’s Summit, Mo., and
Gian Malloy, of Topeka, Kan.—are all leaning in similar
directions. Each young woman described the trip as a lifechanging experience.
It’s understandable if a springtime trip to Jamaica
doesn’t immediately conjure up thoughts of public service
and social justice. But what the students recently completed
was no mere Spring Break pleasure trip.
The students traveled with one purpose: to study
poverty. “This was a week not on the beaches of Jamaica,
but in the slums of Kingston,” said Dr. George Steger,
director of USM’s Starr Global Studies Institute.
The USM group was the first winners of the GSI Award
for Scholarship and Service. Their trip was funded by the
university, the GSI, and through the gifts of longtime Saint
Mary backers like USM alum Sharon Albers, C’65, and her
husband, Tony. The five scholars were selected on the basis
of their academic excellence and histories of service.
The students, Steger, and the Albers left March 15 for
Kingston, where they spent much of the next week working
and studying under the auspices of international relief
agency Food For The Poor.
From the minute they set down in the Caribbean, the
trip didn’t let up.
This wasn’t Sharon’s first service trip to Jamaica. And she knew what was in store for these students.
“The gratitude of the people you
help, it’s not quite effusive,” she said,
“but with the smiles you get and the
USM alum Sharon Albers served as a mentor for the students
during the study poverty trip.
feeling that they’re grateful for everything you’ve done is a
blessing. There’s a tremendous sense of gratitude.”
For the next four days, the students were on a
whirlwind tour of both sadness and hope. They visited the
social services oases that make inner-city Kingston a more
livable place for its underprivileged.
A drop-in Center for the homeless and mentally ill. A
boarding school for troubled girls. A Salvation Army soup
kitchen where lines formed hours before the doors opened.
A home for children suffering from hydrocephalus, or
water on the brain.
“That was the hardest for us to deal with,” said Forge.
The trip left each student with the desire to help again.
“A day doesn’t go by that we don’t think about those
people that we saw and visited with down there,” said
GSI’s Steger put a finer point on it. “I won’t say it was
a fun trip, because it was not fun, but it was meaningful.”
Sharon agreed.
“The gift of being able to serve someone is as much a
gift as receiving the service,” she said.
The USM team, from left: Gian Malloy,
Tony Albers, Michaela Forge, Mary Ann
Snyder, Katie Murray, and Sharon
Albers. Kneeling: Dr. George Steger
and Kaitlin Peterson.
USM and GSI plan on making the student service trip an annual event. Contact
Dr. Bryan Le Beau at (913) 758-6115 for information on sponsoring a student.
USM Nursing
Honored for
Saving Child
Quick-thinking USM nursing student Blair Tarnawski
of Easton, Kan., was honored for her heroism in July for
saving the life of a 2-year-old girl who had slipped under
the water at Leavenworth’s Wollman Aquatic Center where
Blair is a lifeguard.
For her part, Blair and her lifeguarding team was
recognized by the city of Leavenworth at a city council
meeting, and by 2-year-old Alena Swartz’s grateful family.
“She kept saying she was just doing her job,” said
Alena’s mom, Jennifer Swartz. “That may be true, but your
job saved our little girl’s life.”
A swimmer discovered Alena blue and unresponsive
hovering near the bottom of the pool June 26. The pool was
packed with hundreds of swimmers that day, and Alena’s
parents, who were watching their other children, lost sight
of the toddler.
Blair, 19, swooped in and delivered timely, skilled CPR
like she had learned when she was younger.
“I couldn’t see or hear anybody else,” Blair said. “I was
just zoned in, I guess. And I was perfectly calm.”
An ambulance whisked Alena away to the hospital. She
was kept overnight for observation, but has fully recovered.
“One of the ER doctors who saw us right afterwards
said had Blair not administered CPR in the manner she did
it, she wouldn’t have survived,” Jennifer Swartz said.
Blair is a USM sophomore who hopes to be a nurse
practitioner some day. “I’ve wanted to be a nurse since I was
8-years-old,” she said. “Most of my grandmas are nurses, so
it’s in the family.”
As fate would have it, this is the case of a Saint Mary
granddaughter saving a Saint Mary granddaughter. Twoyear-old Alena Swartz is the granddaughter of Karen
Dessert, U’03. Blair’s grandmother, Ruth Tarnawski,
is a nurse who attended Saint Mary. And, her greatgrandmother was Gertrude Ferguson, C’33.
Blair Tarnawski's cool-headedness June 26 saved a little girl's life
at Leavenworth's Wollman Aquatic Center.
Photo by: Ben McCall, Kansas City Nursing News
Leavenworth Mayor Shay Baker honored Blair and the
swimmer who discovered Alena unconscious.
Jennifer Swartz said that only days after the incident, her
daughter Alena was eager to start swimming again.
Summer 2009 | 5
The Changing Face of Campus - Berkel Hall Now Open
USM’s new apartment-style residence hall is completed
and ready for its first student residents. The new dorm
has been such a hit, that some students who moved off of
campus are returning to take advantage of Berkel Hall’s
top-flight accoutrements.
The new dorm has been named in honor of Antoinette
Berkel, beloved departed wife of USM Trustee Emeritus
Charles Berkel. The university will officially christen the
newest addition to the Leavenworth campus with a blessing
and ribbon cutting at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17.
The $4.7 million dorm can house 100 Saint Mary
students in apartment-style suites that feature a host of
amenities – private bathrooms, cable access, high-speed
internet, and individually controlled heating and cooling.
“I’m happy to say it was completed on schedule and on
budget,” said Mark Giesman, USM’s facilities director.
Dr. Lisa Beckenbaugh, USM’s dean of students, led
numerous student and staff tours of the facility during
its construction, and reported that student feedback is
overwhelmingly positive.
“We’re all excited to have it open,” she said.
During a recent tour, Spire Football players Daryl
Krueger and Robbie Smith said they were both looking
forward to moving into their new digs come fall.
“I like these suites a lot,” Robbie said. “They’re roomy
and you can create more of a feeling of community in them
… And since we have cable, we can catch the news in the
morning in our own rooms.”
Daryl echoed Smith’s sentiments.
“It feels like we have an actual living room in here,” he
said. “We can have friends over and feel less cramped.”
“In a word, it’s nicer, it’s newer, and there are better
amenities,” said student Adrienne Pauly.
Coming up in the Fall Aspire...
Tour the new residence hall at USM and hear from its
first student residents, as well as the alums who were the first
student residents at Maria Hall when it opened in 1964.
USM Pre-Med Student Selected for Scholars in Rural
Christine is one of 10 students picked for this year’s
Health Program
program. As part of her studies, she’ll now undergo 200
A Saint Mary classroom star may have guaranteed
herself a seat in medical school through her academic
performance and extracurricular excellence.
Junior biology major Christine Weber has been
tapped for KU Medical School’s Scholars in Rural Health
Program, designed for Kansas students who want to go to
medical school and then return to practice in rural Kansas.
Christine was chosen for her honor on the basis of her
academic strength.
According to Dr. Caroline Mackintosh, head of USM’s
biology program, participants in the KU offering have
to be competitive students with a lengthy list of science
classes under their belt.
“Those who know Christine know that she is active
in campus ministry and is president of our science and
math club,” Dr. Mackintosh said. “She’s demonstrated
compassion and leadership—the qualities that professional
schools seek.”
6 | Aspire
hours of mentoring with a rural doctor and complete a
paper. If she completes the program and hits minimum
GPA and MCAT targets, she’s assured admission into KU
Med in 2011.
“I am very excited about this opportunity,” Christine
said. “It is going to help me gain knowledge and experience
with rural medicine as well as to help me continue my path
to becoming a pediatrician. I am very grateful to everyone
who has helped me to get to this point.”
Kate Schebaum is USM's
First Student to Become
Fulbright Scholar
During her undergraduate career at the University of
Saint Mary, Kate Schebaum majored in history. This year, as
graduation approached, Kate made a little history of her own.
In the spring, Kate became the first Saint Mary student to
win a prestigious and coveted Fulbright Scholarship for U.S.
Students. As part of the program, Kate will spend a year in
South Korea.
The Fulbright honor is a landmark for the university, an
unforgettable moment for Kate (who’s never been out of the
country), and, her supporters say, a testament to the unyielding
work ethic of one of USM’s brightest.
“It’s kind of a big step going halfway across the world,”
Kate said. “I can’t really say that I’m nervous, because I’m not.
I’m just excited and ready for the challenge.”
Kate—who graduated with her secondary education
certification on top of her BA in history—plans to use the
year-long fellowship to do what she always knew she wanted to
do after college: teach. But instead of looking for teaching gigs
in the Leavenworth area or back home in Jefferson City, Mo.,
she’ll ply her trade halfway around the world.
Dr. George Steger,
recently retired from his
post directing USM’s
Lawrence D. Starr Global
Studies Institute, helped
shepherd Kate through
the application steps.
“She gritted her teeth
and went through the
whole process, which is
not simple,” Dr. Steger
said. “I’m thrilled but not
surprised she got it. She is
accomplished as a scholar
and a service-oriented,
unselfish person. She
was a spark-plug for the
university as well as the
student body.”
Kate said Dr. Steger actively encouraged her to pursue the
Fulbright, an assertion he readily admits. Dr. Steger said he
wanted a Saint Marian to win the award, and has had his eye
on several possible candidates.
“She looked to me like a poster girl for America,” he said.
“She’s just so personable. She’ll be a great ambassador. Not
just for this school, but for America.”
Kate and her supporters picked South Korea out of the
variety of options because they thought she’d be a good fit for
the program there and thought she’d have the best chance of
landing a spot in Seoul.
For her part, Kate credits Dr. Steger and Sister Diane
Steele with helping her land the award.
“It was a pretty thorough and intense process,” she said.
“I can’t say enough about them. They’ve been among my
biggest supporters.”
Kate also thanked her family who, despite their fears over
having a child travel abroad, have been proud and supportive.
Kate left for Korea in early July, reporting to work in
Seoul two days later. A six-week orientation immediately
proceeded arrival. And, by mid-August, Kate was teaching
English in a South Korean school.
Kate’s not assisting a teacher. She’s handling her own
classroom. Before she left, Kate said she knew the work would
be challenging, but she was eager to hit the ground running.
She had no foreknowledge of the Korean language, but knew
she’d learn with the help of computer programs and the
intensive language training Fulbright scholars receive.
Kate plans on blogging updates about her trip on the GSI
Summer 2009 | 7
USM Board Member
Honored for Best
Lawyers in America
Business Professor
Recognized for
Commitment to
USM Board of
Trustees member Bill
Trenkle is no stranger
to the esteemed Best
Lawyers in America
listing. He’s made
the register in each of
the list’s 25 years of
This spring, Best
Lawyers honored Trenkle
for that feat – one
accomplished by only two dozen Kansas lawyers – at the
group’s 25th anniversary event in Atlanta.
“The interesting thing about being in it for that length
of time is that selection is based upon an evaluation by your
peers,” Trenkle said. “I think that’s a compliment…
“There are a lot of good lawyers who don’t make it in,”
he said. “But it’s an honor to be included. You’re finding
more and more lawyers in the law firms are using it as a
credential. They’re proud to have their names in it.”
During his legal career, Trenkle has also shown a
dedication to the Catholic Church and Catholic education
as a whole. Before moving to Overland Park with his wife
Marlene, C’62, Trenkle spent 30 plus years in the Diocese
of Dodge City, where he did extensive volunteer work and
served as diocesan attorney.
In fact, Trenkle couldn’t make the Best Lawyers award
ceremony. The event conflicted with a diocesan attorney
organization meeting in Charlotte.
“I’m a strong believer in Catholic education,” Trenkle
said. “I went through 12 years of Catholic education in
Manhattan. Both of our children did… My wife went to
Saint Mary. My first 12 years of education by the sisters – in
my case it was the sisters of St. Joseph Carondolet – is a big
part of my success.”
When word got out
that the Greater Kansas
City/Leavenworth Area
Chapter of the National
9th & 10th Cavalry
Association – the Buffalo
Soldiers – were honoring
USM business instructor
Carlton Philpot, the line
of high-profile people who
wanted to put in a kind
word for Philpot formed fast.
Former President Bill Clinton wrote a congratulatory
missive. So did former Secretary of State Colin Powell, as
well as Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver and Senator
Claire McCaskill. The Los Angeles Chapter of the Buffalo
Soldiers sent on their grateful sentiments, echoed by the 555th
Parachute Infantry Association, the “Triple Nickels.”
The cities of Leavenworth and Kansas City, Mo., added
mayoral proclamations to the accolades, and Leavenworth
even declared June 20 as “Cmdr. Carlton Philpot Day.”
And the awards didn’t stop there. In late July, the
leadership at Fort Leavenworth added their own honor
presenting Philpot with the Department of the Army’s
Outstanding Civilian Service Award.
All of the accolades were part of much-deserved “thank
you” to Philpot – a three-day celebration put together by the
GKCLAC in mid June that included a banquet at the Park
Place Hotel in Kansas City, Mo. The appreciation was for,
among other things, Philpot’s tireless efforts to bring the
Buffalo Soldiers Monument to Fort Leavenworth in 1992.
Or, as President Clinton put it in his letter to Philpot:
“We may not be able to expect future generations to
understand fully what the Buffalo Soldiers saw…But we can
make sure that our children know enough to appreciate all
they did. We owe a debt of gratitude to Commander Philpot
for helping to lead the way in that endeavor.”
For his part, Philpot was humbled by the experience.
“If I had to say something, it was nice that the Buffalo
Soldiers thought enough of me to do that,” he said. “It
was truly a testament to their love, more so than to my
contributions to anything. I can never do enough to repay
them or all of the veterans who went before me.”
Philpot also recently took on the new post of veterans’
services coordinator at USM, providing service and resources
to veterans and active duty military students.
8 | Aspire
A Career Leap Lands Top
Teaching Award for Saint
Mary Alum
Jodie Berve was wellsituated in the corporate
world, but couldn’t shake the
feeling that she was missing
out on the more important
things in life.
“I have two boys at home,
and I was working an awful
lot of hours,” said Jodie, of
Louisburg, Kan. “They were
getting to be teenagers. I was missing them growing up.
So Jodie, C’84; M’08, decided to trade in the
boardroom for the classroom, eventually landing as a special
ed and communications arts teacher at Louisburg High.
Earlier this year, that leap paid off, as Jodie was one of 32
teachers in the state honored with a Kansas Horizon Award.
The award recognizes first-year teachers who have
performed their duties in both an outstanding and
4 | Aspire
distinguished manner.
“It was really exciting, because I worked so hard to
transition to teaching,” Jodie said. “The experience has
been awesome.”
Jodie – who graduated USM with a bachelor’s in
English and, later, a master’s in special education – credits
her fellow co-workers and her two stints at Saint Mary with
helping her to achieve her goal. She had originally intended
to build off her undergraduate degree and become an
English teacher, but found special ed was a better fit.
“I was always told that I would make a good teacher,”
Jodie said. “We’ve all had great teachers, like Sister Marie
Brinkman, who inspire us throughout our lives. All the
great teachers I’ve had and that I work with inspire me.”
Sister Marie, for her part, said she wasn't at all
surprised by Jodie’s successes.
“She was one of the most resourceful and energetic
students and Taper staff members that I had,” she said.
“Once Jodie latched on to either an idea or a project or a
problem, she wouldn’t let it go.”
Though Jodie is now well-situated in teaching, she said
she's not yet finished with learning, and is going after a
second master’s degree.
Summer 2009 | 9
Groovin' for a Great Cause
University of Saint Mary alumni, friends, and benefactors enjoyed a
groovy evening of dinner, dancing, and bidding at SpireFest 2009. The
event, held at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo.,
raised $109,500 for student scholarships – $32,000 of which was raised
through Fund-A-Scholar. The evening was emceed by Kathy Quinn of Fox
4 News and the Nigro Brothers kicked the evening into high gear when
they auctioned off an array of items.
USM would like to thank the sponsors, donors, and underwriters who
provided much-needed funding for the event (see a complete listing in the
Honor Roll of Donors). SpireFest would not have been possible without
the hard work and dedication of the many volunteers and committee
members. A big thanks to you all!
Mark your calendars for SpireFest 2010, to be held Saturday, May 1,
2010, at McGilley Field House on the USM campus.
We look forward to seeing you there. Please contact the Development
Office at (913) 758-6137 or via email to [email protected] if you would
like more information about the event.
Sally Dorsten C'67 with Joseph Dorsten.
Front row (left to right): Jenna Schwinn U'11, Lindee Peterson
U'09, Adrianne Pauly U'11, Michaela Forge U'10, Shauna
Putnam U'10, Nicole Hilkemeyer U'11, Jessica Gridley U'12.
Back row (left to right): Noah Wooten U'11, Bobby Schattle
U'11, Greg Kaplan U'10, Jay Arthur U'08, Frankie Walburn U'12.
Kathy Quinn, a reporter for Fox 4
News in Kansas City served as the
emcee for the evening.
From left: Lynn Lang, Elizabeth
Garza-Lang, Les Hemphill,
Christy Hasch.
10 | Aspire
From left: Steve Kaaz, Sanford Bushman, Alice Bushman,
Joetta Kaaz.
From left: Sister Marianna Bauder C'70,
Charlie Berkel, Sister Maureen Hall C'70.
From left: Rami Contrucci C'96, Joe Contrucci C'94, Reggie
Sauls, Marnie Sauls.
From left: Mark Wilkinson, Michelle Piranio
C'81, Gene Cole, Pat Cole.
Patty Porter and Eric Porter.
Sister Diane Steele thanks Charlie Berkel for
his live auction purchase.
Sister Irene Skeehan C'52 and Joe Contrucci
C'94 groove on the dance floor.
Frank Carroll bids during the live auction.
Marianne Eldridge C'95,
and John Eldridge.
2009| |11
Celebrating the Newest
Class of Saint Marians
Two hundred eighty-six graduates of the Class of 2009
officially became Saint Mary alumni on Saturday, May
9. One hundred thirty-six received bachelor’s degrees and
150 received their master’s degrees. Some came from as far
away as Ecuador and Gambia. It was the largest graduation
crowd to date at McGilley Field House.
As is tradition at Saint Mary, the winner of this
year’s Mother Ancilla Award for Service, mathematics
major Carolyn Elvers of Elkhorn, Neb., delivered the
commencement invocation. Carolyn spent many of her
college breaks traveling to Denver, Kentucky, and New
Orleans to work with the poor. She volunteered with
Big Brothers Big Sisters and participated in the Student
Government Association and USM Mission Council.
“Carolyn is an intellectual with a heart for service
and is truly a credit to Saint Mary,” said Academic Vice
President Dr. Bryan Le Beau.
Among the commencement student speakers was Jo
Ann Palmer, who received her bachelor’s degree in applied
psychology. Jo Ann studied nights and weekends while
working fulltime as a business analyst for Sprint. She told
the audience, “I’ve often seen a billboard by the highway
that says the University of Saint Mary is the answer to
your prayers. Well my prayers have been answered. All I
did was take the first step.”
Associate Professor Susan Nelson, director of USM’s
art program, was recognized as the 2009 winner of the
Sullivan Award for Teaching Excellence. “The quality and
variety of student art shows has greatly improved under
her leadership,” said Dr. Le Beau. “Her students produce
excellent work.”
USM President Sister Diane Steele closed the
ceremony with a blessing and a reminder to graduating
students to keep their families in mind as they celebrated
their individual successes.
“You have not gotten to this point alone,” she said.
New graduate Geoff Petersen of Butte,
Mont., is headed to dental school.
The traditional Saint Mary commencement recessional sees
the USM administative council lead the recent graduates
from McGilley Field House.
Assistant Professor Susan Nelson received
the Sullivan Award for Teaching Excellence.
6 | |Aspire
Summer 2009 | 7
from the president
Dear Alumni and Friends,
As we prepare for a new school year with students about to move into our first new residence hall in 45 years,
we are reminded that what our students have today in the way of amenities, academic programs, and financial
opportunity for a quality, Catholic education is due to the generosity of alumni and friends who have given back to
the University of Saint Mary.
Your support of the Saint Mary educational mission is an inspiration and enables us to continue the original
mission of our pioneer Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth– to serve the educational needs of the area community. As
we expand our health sciences programs, we are still looking to serve the needs of our neighbors.
Thanks to your investment in the University of Saint Mary, we are able to honor our heritage while empowering
our students to realize their God-given potential in their careers and in life. Peace and blessings to you.
Diane Steele, SCL, Ph.D., C’83
President, University of Saint Mary
Honor Roll of Donors
We offer tremendous gratitude to the many benefactors and friends of the University of Saint Mary
who make our work each year possible. Thank you!
Mother Xavier Society - $250.000+
Saint Mary’s Society - $2,500+
Margaret Burke C’47 *
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Sharon C’71 & Merrill Armstrong
Mary Catherine Bosanatz C’44
Breidenthal-Snyder Foundation
Willard B. Snyder
Kitty G. A’50, C’67 & Len Bronec
CHAN Healthcare Auditors
Anita Chestnut
Dale & Mary Culver
Terrance & Peggy Dunn
First National Bank of Leavenworth
Michelle T. Friend-Coon C’94
Dr. John & Linda Gonino
Dr. Paul & Doris Hund
Kaaz-Lexeco Management, Inc.
Steve & Vicky C’88 Kaaz
Gregg & Connie Kaaz
Kathryn E. Klug C’84
Irma Napoli
Kristie M. C’92 & John D. C’92 Ossello
Carolyn A. C’ 84 & David Parmer
Dan & Kim Steele
Marlene C’62 & William Trenkle
Dr. Judith K. Vogelsang C’74
Elaine (Pat Solomon) C’57 &
Hubert B. Willman
Charles Berkel
Goppert Foundation
Lewis & Elva Humphreys Trust
Bank of America
Heritage Society - $25,000+
Richard H. Dierks *
Thomas & Mary Jo Gregory
Sr. Dorothy Harvat C’47
St. Francis Health Center
Founder’s Society - $10,000+
Rev. Daniel Colibraro
James Dhooghe *
Robert E. & Sharon Doran, III
DST Systems, Inc.
Frank Farnsworth
John A. & Marilyn Gordon
E. R. “Spike” Meyer *
MidAmerican Bank & Trust, n.a.
Richard W. & Bernadette Miller
Sally and Ramon Murguia
Michelle Marie Piranio C’81
SCL Health System, Inc.
R. Michael & Mary Shanahan
William T. Kemper Foundation
Trustee’s Society - $7,500+
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
Joseph L. C’94 & Rami C’96 Contrucci
Frances (Kelly) C’46 & Robert Mannix
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Spire Society - $5,000+
Sharon C’65 & Tony Albers
Mary Alice Bramming C’65
Brotherhood Bank and Trust Company
ExxonMobil Education Foundation
The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers
J.E. Dunn Construction
Kansas Independent College Association
Kansas Independent College Fund
Joanne C’70 & Kenneth Karr
Kenneth C. Hill Foundation
Mary Louise C’44 & Charles Knoblauch
Mary Margaret C’45 & Robert Malley
Joseph Snyder & Marilyn C’72 Page
Charlene Wenzl C’52
President’s Circle - $1,000+
Lisa Bowers C’84
Dr. Terrance M. Brungardt
Capital Electric Construction Co.
Don Choice
Citizens National Bank
Class of 1949
Judy C’59 & Michael Collins
Decision Insight, Inc.
Cathy Allin
James & Joyce DeCoursey
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Robert & Karen Donaldson
Sally C’67 & Joseph Dorsten
Dysart Taylor Lay Cotter & McMonigle
Bain Ferrara
Loral & Kirk Frohme
Geiger Ready-Mix
Bill & Cindy Geiger
Minette C’38 & Robert Goldsmith
Great Western Mfg. Co.
Daniel & Marietta Heinen
Therese Horvat
Martha M. Hubbard C’85
Kansas City Board of Public Utilities
Nancy J. C’65 & Louis A. Klemp
Dr. William Krusemark
M. Susanna Laundy C’78
Patricia A. Lester C’58
Mary Levenson C’70
Dr. Richard & Linda Lopes
Louis F. Drees & Co., C.P.A.
Mary Elizabeth Martin Trust
John & Pam McNally
Karl H. C’73 & Shirley Meisel
Rita & Bob Mika
Barbara & Eugene Mika
Dr. Donn Murphy
Mutual Savings Association
Marina O’Sullivan C’75
James & Patte Paquette
Patricia A. Pixley C’47
Providence Medical Center &
Saint John Hospital
Teresa A. Redlingshafer & Geof Gehring
Nina & Mike Rowe
Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation
Anne Marie Simms C’69
Sprint Foundation
Michele Stauffer
Helen Steele
Sr. Diane Steele C’83
Straub Construction Company
Ernest J. Jr. & Marti Straub
Ernest J. III & Susan Straub
Jeanne C’70 & Daniel Strope
UMB Bank, N.A.
Anthony Unrein
Dr. Alice M. Vargas C’76
Sherry A. Wells
Mary Ann Westhoff C’56
Jacquelyn Witte C’70
Sr. Susan Wood C’71
Front Circle - $500+
Mary Anne Altman C’52
David & Nancy Alzheimer
Andrews McMeel Universal Foundation
Armed Forces Bank, N.A.
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange
Harry J. Briscoe
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation
C.N.C. Machine Products, Inc.
Jeff Scheurich
Carlson Kort, L.C.
Paul & Diana Ceccucci
Country Club Bank
Karen Denavit C’83
Marianne Eldridge C’95
Lawrence & Frances Engel
Julie A. Fallon C’70
Esperanza Freund
Jane Frey C’44
Lorraine Gordon C’69 &
Thompson Nelson
Virginia M Gravatt C’56
Dr. Mary Alice Grellner C’48
Sharon A. Growney-Seals C’83
Mary Jo Guinan C’62
Evelyn L. Harris C’48
Mary Anne Henke C’49
Joan Hess C’59
Roberta Ann Horning C’60
Rebecca & Daniel Huber C’74
Lowell Irby
Derrick R. Jackson U’04
Theresa M. Jaksetic C’72
Cliff & Karen Johnson
Lauren Kaaz
Cindy M. Kane C’84
Archbishop James P. Keleher
Eloise Elizabeth C’49 & Tom Kipp
Paula Kresser
Lawrence Orthopaedic Surgery
Bryan & Chris Le Beau
Marguerite C. C’63 & Thomas Lowrey
Michael C’00 & Hannah Lu
Shannon Macioroski C’60
Christine M. C’69 & Jim Mansour
Matthew & Janet Matson
Jean C’70 & John Matzeder
Shirley McGeary C’57
Mark & Kathy McGilley
Bea Marie Mejia-Mayer C’80 &
Stephen C. Mayer
Mid-Continential Restoration
Ed & Becky Mullins
Don & Susan Murphy
Rosemary Nichols
Kathy M. Odenwald C’80
Tracy O’Rourke
Rosemary W. Peterson C’66
Eugene Quinn
Kay Sellers*
Barbara Sindo C’63
Molly C’75 & Terry Sirridge
Larry & Renee Stafford
Kathleen Anne Stark C’56, M’65
State Farm Companies Foundation
Sue C’89 & John Suwalsky
Thomas McGee Insurance
Larry & Linda Kaminsky
Tire Town, Inc.
Dalvin Tobin
Kathleen & Pasquale Tulipana
Judith L. Turgeon
Betty A. Tyrrell C’45
Dr. Sandra & Dallas Van Hoose
Joan I. Vidmar C’64
Ellen Viens C’59
Toni K. Walters C’58
Mark & Sharon Wilkinson
Timothy & Michelle Wilson
Tower Club - $100+
3M Foundation
5B/Budget Container Sales
Deborah C’82 & Steven Aitken
Marilyn J. Akins C’62
Al Pick-Up & Delivery
Alderman Tool & Die, Inc.
Edward Allan
Randy Allan
Josh Allen
Patricia L. Amberg C’63
Sylvia Hill Anchia C’79
Jo Ann C’62 & Ralph Anderson
Diane M. Anderson C’71
John Annino
Robert Anstine
Marjorie Armstrong C’69
Agnes Elizabeth Arnold C’58
Candace Ann Arrington C’70
Ramona Arroyo C’79
Associates in Family Health Care
William Ault
Richard Aylward
Noreen C. Azzarelli C’58
Sr. Bonnie Ann Bachle C’62
Letty Lynch Baker C’62
Dr. Alison Banikowski C’75
Donna Barahman
Charlotte C’93 & Scott C’94 Barbee
Catherine Barmann C’65
Howard & Sandy Basch
Nancy Baum
Lee Bazile
Barbara A. Beatty C’63
Helen Marie Beausoleil C’69
Lisa Beckenbaugh
Eileen (Cox) Begle C’84
Nancy Beha C’54
Mary (Brady) Bennett C’66
William Berg
Clea LaRue Bernhardt C’51
Mary Margaret Bianco C’48
Patricia Biasotti C’49
Alleta M. & Donald E. Biggs
Gerri & Don Binggeli
Ivan Birrer C’67
Steve Blair
Patricia Blankinship C’49
Judith C’58 & David Bledsoe
Mary Kaye Blickenderfer C’60
Blue Valley North Booster Club, Inc.
Jackie Boarman U’04
Patrick Bode U’07
Thomas Boeding
Larry Boeschen
Michael Bohannon
Ron Bonesteel
Eileen Mary Boos C’56
Sue C’79 & Michael Bower
Elizabeth C’83 & Thomas Bowes
Sr. Marie Brinkman C’48
Helen L. Bristow C’42
John Bristow C’87
John & Donna Brookhart
Thomas Brooks
Betty Broughton
Jeanne Marie Broussard C’56
Blaine Brown
Tina C’80 & Greg Brunkow
Clarita Bryant C’66
David & Glendyn Buckley
Tresa C’85 & Larry Buessing
Francie C’78 & Douglas Bunch
Charlene Burnett
Robert & Barbara Burns
Michael Burns
Theresa L. Mauton C’79
James C’97 & Margaret Byrne
Nancy C’71 & Jeremiah Byrne
Rebecca Cahill
Mary Louise Cain C’47
Carol C. Calabro C’72
Marita Campbell C’00
Maggie Cannon C’79
Virginia Carosone C’56
Frank E. Carroll, III
Ann M. Carroll C’50
Casey’s General Stores, Inc.
Patricia Cass C’65
Mary Eileen Chenovick C’64
Orsoline Chiappetta A’32, C’36
Chuck Southard Insurance Agency
Fran C’71 & Thad Chupalio
Class of 1959
Barbara Ann Cleary Ph.D. C’61
Patrick J. & Virginia Clune
Cochrane Compressor Employees
Patricia A. Cole
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Rosemary Combs A’43, C’44
Kathy C’74 & David Compton
Margaret A’50 & Richard J. Cook
Marilyn G. Costigan C’60
June M. Cotter C’41
Terry & Mary Coulman
Richard & Mary Ruth Coulter
Dolores Cox A’49
Anne Crisp C’69
Barbara Crouse C’74
Ken & Peggy Culver
Robert & Rosemary Cunningham
Cushing Memorial Hospital /
St. Luke’s Health System
Dianne Custer C’71
Marianne C’79 & Phil Daniel
Melissa Daniels U’06
Anna Mae Danner C’64
Darren K. Dickson, D.D.S.
Mary Kay Davis C’68
Dorothy M. Davis C’47
Patricia Davis C’47
Davis Funeral Chapel
Joan C’56 & Eldon Deardorf
Mike & Inez Demuth
William Dermann
Mary Krueger Detten C’57
Thomas Devine
Ronald Diederich
Catherine Disch
Anne E. Doerr C’75
Thomas & Patricia Doherty
Dolsberry Appliance & Mattress Direct
Andres Dominguez C’82 &
Amy Heithoff-Dominguez
Dominion Foundation
Sr. Ellen Dore
Mary Irene Dorr C’78
Dow Corning Corporation
Joan Dowdall C’52 *
Jeannie Downs C’70
Jerry Jackson & Associates Foot Clinic
Robert D. & Jeannette Drury
Kathleen C’90 & Bill Ducey
Eugene Duffin
Betty Ann Duffy A’44
Gladys Duncan A’39, C’43
Marilyn Arend Duncan C’70
Tracy Edelmann
Paula C’83 & Ronald Ellis
Rachel Elvin C’93
Gerald Emmert
Gail A. Erickson C’85
Stan Evans
Janet C’61 & William Exberger
Margaret Faciszewski C’58
Katherine & Ross Fapp
Frances Feasel C’50
Leo Fecht C’61
Margaret Mary Feely C’69
Dolores A. Fehrs A’45, C’49
Mary Joan Felts C’54
Laura C’51 & Lucian Ferguson
Jane Feuerborn C’59
Clifford & Carol Fischer
Michelle Flagg
Kathleen C’82 & Edward Fogarty
Albert Folkner C’53
Phyllis C’69 & Jerry Forchee
Cindy & Chuck Ford
Jean Frainey C’56
Sr. Katherine Franchett C’61
Sylvia C’93 & Edward Francis
Amy Christine Freeman C’84
Mary Evelyn Frelow C’66
Tammy Fulmer C’91
G & W Properties, Inc.
Michelle Y. Garcia C’94
Sandra C’94 & Mario Garcia
Shirley Garrah C’58
Marie (Duffin) Garrison A’38
Elizabeth Garza-Lang
Patricia Hogan Gilbertson C’75
Dorothy Gillan C’58
Goddard-White Auto Parts
Mary Jane Goebel C’70
Mary Helen Goode C’70
Diane & John Gorman
Jace Kent Grabouski U’04
Pauline C’81 & Clyde Graeber
Ruth M. Graefing C’45
Kathleen L. Graham C’52
Rosemary J. Gray C’67
Molly Greene Haywood C’68
Angela Gregory C’00
Gloria Lescault Grenier C’75
Grey Wolf Ranch
Betty Gridley
Carlene Grieshaber C’49
Michael Grosko
Dan & Lee Gruss
Mary Jane Haake A’37, C’41
Dr. Jill M. Hackett
Melvin & Joann Hagan
Mary Lee Hagen C’54
Christine Hamm C’93
Phylis A. Hancock C’81
June C’75 & Gregory Hanna
Glenda Harrison
Stephen Hashman
Marihelen Hatcher C’77
Jean Marie Hayes A’40, C’44
Loretto Hayes C’64
Nancy Hayes C’65
Lesia Hegeman
Mary L. Heine
Lori Heintzelman C’85
Joanne Heise C’59
Dr. Les Hemphill & Christy Hasch
Patricia Ann Hennessey C’46
Henry Leavenworth Chapter A USA
Bernard & Stephanie Hentzen
Betty Jean C’60 & Dennis Herrick
Mary Herring
Sandy Hick
Charles & Astrid Hicks
Shelly C’93, M’96 & Allen Hiegert
Patricia Higgins C’56
Bart J. C’98 & Laura Lou Hill C’98
Kathy Hillen C’68
Carla M. Hoagland C’63
Ann C. Hogan C’75
Jean C’73 & Jim Holman
Bernadette Horvat
Sylvia Hovey C’62
Mary C’67 & Robert Huber
Owen Hull
Leslie & Jeannie Hunnel
Ann C’71 & Gerard Huot
Danny & Deborah Hupp
Marietta E. Huppert C’84
Mary Helen Hurley C’76
Ellen C’70 & Keith Hustings
IBM Corp. Matching Grants Program
Dr. Kathryn M. Iliff C’43
Carole Ingroum
Dr. Margo Jackisch C’59
Gerald & Mae Jacobs
Shawn Jacobs
Marjorie Jacobsen
Charlene Ann Jacops C’58, C’60
Patricia J. Jeffrey C’69
Virginia S. Jennings C’48
Beverly Johansen C’61
Brandon & Sarah Johnson
Sr. Peg Johnson C’71
Marguerite C’73 & Allen Johnson
Mary Josepha Johnston C’48
Anne C’83 & Christopher Jones
Joyce M. Jordan C’73
Bernard & Barbara Judd
Janet Juergens C’53
Doris Jean Juhl C’49
Jody Kaaz
Joetta Kaaz
Mary Kallman C’79, M’97
Michael Kamerer
Kansas City Fire and Security
Sally & John Keating
Elaine M. Keil C’68
Kimberly Kelley C’75
Cindy C’77 & Mike Kelsay
Mary Ellen C’60 & Henry Kenaga
Mary Murnane Kenney C’66
Kathleen Ann Kerr C’70
Kersten Concrete Construction Co, LLC
Nancy C. King C’65
Sharon C’81 & Bill Kirby
Joyce C’99 & Howard Kirk
Patricia A. (Meyer) Kirlin C’58
Fernand Klein C’49
Thelma Eckelkamp Kline C’54
Sue Knott C’82
Carole A. Kobets C’77
Joan Koenig-Martz A’49, C’51
Libby Kolaz C’76
Barbara Kolman
Katie Komer
Pat A. Komer C’65
Kathleen Konda
Stephen & Ellen Kort
Eileen Kottenstette C’75
Joy Kozak C’53
Kramer & Associates CPA’s, LLC
Mary Elizabeth Krick C’69
Rosa Abbott Krissek C’44
Lorraine T. Kroetch C’62
Rita Kross C’71
Mary Krull
Izumi Kurihara C’65
Susan C’67 & Hap Laeder
Jason C. C’97 & Daynen J. C’98 Lalicker
Cynthia Lamas-Oldenburg C’82
Judy Boes Landwehr C’67
Julie C’70 & Edward Lang
Mary Jane Gillespie Lang C’40
Lansing Lumber Company
Colleen R. LaPorte C’50
Lario Oil and Gas Company
Rita Krueger Larkin, C’62
Mary E. Larson C’82
Linton P. Lavergne C’01
Margaret Le Roy C’48
Leavenworth Regional Catholic
School System
Richard & Marjory Leech
Margaret Lenahan C’49
Therese Lenahan C’72
Suzanne Lenahan C’64
Betty Ann Leonard C’50
Anne C’78 & Don Leuty
Ramona Levy-Strauss C’80
Jane Ellen Liebert C’97
Leslie Ann Lines C’68
Blanche A’44, C’48 &
Raymond J. Lippman
Linda Loeffler C’74
Angeline Loftus
Ronald L. & Barbara Logan
Lily Loh C’63
Jean Lonergan C’59
Dr. Jeanette M. Lozenski C’88
Natalie R. Luby C’70
Betty J. Ludwig C’74
Terry Rieke Lyskowski C’74
Mary Mackin C’56
Elizabeth Mary Madeo C’02
Theresa Maher C’80
Ashley Mallon U’09
Gerald & Terri Mancuso
Gerry Mannix
Alice M. Marcum C’67
Carol Marinovich C’72 &
Ernest L. Johnson
Virginia Marshall A’49
Gary Marshall
Charmaine C’70 & John Martin
John Martin
Carlos Martinez
Norma C’54 & Mike Masterson
Jean R. Maupin A’42
MB Piland Advertising & Marketing, LLC
MBJ Enterprises, Inc.
Julie Ann McBride C’88
McCaffree-Short Title & Escrow Company
Ellen Kearns McCarthy C’51
Marian L. McCarthy C’47
Mary Lynn McCarthy C’73
Ann McCarthy C’75
Mary Ann McCarvel Thies C’61 &
John Theis
Linda C’69 & Tim McCauley
Melanie McClure
Mary Lee McClure C’62
Barbara McCool C’65
Geraldine M. McDonnell C’46
Dolores (Toni) McEnroe C’49
Rosalee McEntyre C’59
Kay McGonigle C’51
Lee and Judy McGuire
Darlene McMahan
Janice C’41 & Robert McMahon
Kevin McMullen
Michael P. C’98 & Mollie E. C’99 McNally
Donna Jean McVeigh C’76
Karen Rae Mead C’70
Dr. Teresa Mehring C’74
Doris C’59 & Raymond Meier
Barbara Meitner A’34, C’38
Nancy M. C’75 & Ken Mellard
Joan Marie Mendenhall C’65
Mark & Sharon Meyer
Jan Meyer C’73
Julia Meyer C’72
Elaine Michaels C’47
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Jo C’76 & Mitchell Mihailovich
Margaret Ellen Milano C’63
Patricia Milan-Shores C’72
Robert E. & Carol Miller
Sylvia Johnson Miller C’69
Howard C. Miller C’78
Joan S. Miller
Anne Kathleen Miller C’64
JoeAnne Miller
Joan F. Mills C’52
Christine Peschka Milyard C’68
Mary Jeanne Minhondo C’59
Marjorie Minnis
Mary Ann Mitchell C’70
Jeannine A. Mock C’51
Colleen W. Mockler C’59
Rose Mary C’57 & Bernard Mohr
Jeanne Mondrus
Cathy Moore C’61
Ella L. Moore A’50
Nancy Moran C’68
Laura B. Morehead C’73
Christian Morgan
Mary C. Morin C’64
Geneviere Morris C’60
Virginia Muehlbach C’62
Alice J. Mumford C’67
Patricia C’49 & Dr. Mansour Naime
Ann C’56 & Willam Nance
Bonnie & Myrl Nardinger
Vicki C’94 & Frank Nash
Jo Ann Nelson C’61
Jolene & Joseph Nesselhuf
Sr. Susan Newland C’68
Cathy Newton C’70
Dr. Rosalie Nichols C’71
Mary Alice Nicholson C’61
Dr. Eucharia Enderline Nnadi C’77
Carole & John Noble
Carlotta C’70 & John Noonan
Gloria Nussman C’92
Kay O’Connell C’65
Thomas & Lorrie O’Donovan
Laurel Ann Olson
Dolores Gloria Olson A’43, C’46
John Orndorff
Janet Elizabeth Osborne C’73
Patricia Ann Osimo C’82
Jill Otto U’04
Sharon & Dayton Owens
Anne Packer C’82
Sally Papreck C’69
Jeanette Marie Peck C’62
Mary Kaye Townsend Pedziwater C’64
Dolores Marie Pennington C’47
Nick Perica
Katherine Schawang Perkins C’79
Amanda C’80 & Gregg Peterson
Holly S. Pettingill C’03
Betsy Phelan A’34, C’38
Agnes A. Phelps C’60
Margaret Piacentine C’46
Joanne C’62 & Steven Pojman
Poor Richard’s Printing
Irene R. Porter
Anne T. Potter C’71
Misty Elizabeth Heinen C’02, M’05 & Jacob Prater
Dan Pratt
Margaret Presley C’44
Procter & Gamble Matching Gift
Paul C’95 & Kathleen C’91 Ptasnik
Marsha Ann Puleo C’70
Linda C’96 & Jayme Quinley
Margery C’73 & James Louis C’73 Rabdau
Cheryl A. Rader C’91
Septimia B. Rapking C’45
Mary Ann Rastorfer C’61
Mary T. Rau C’49 *
Raytheon Company
Molly Reardon C’79
Nancy C’70 & Thomas Reddig
M. Virginia Reese A’47
Patricia A. Regan C’74
Brad Reid
John Reifschneider
Charla Reilly C’67
Ed Reilly Jr.
Randall Relford
Beth C’70 & Steven Reust
Cynthia C’76 & Tim Rhatican
Mary Ellen Rice C’71
John Richardson
Jeff Richter
Nicholas & Natalie Riegg
Sr. Susan Rieke C’66
Kathy Roberts
Palmeda Fay Robinson C’73
Michael Robinson C’96
Judy Lawrence Rogers C’70
Cheri Rogers C’86
Tom Rohrer
Mary & John Rosencutter
Martha C’52 & Charles Roult
Mary Rueb C’62
Robert C’95 & Marian Russell
Jo Ann Ruybal C’83
Mary C’85 & Harold C’80 Ryan
Judy (Ensch) C’66 & Jerry Saale
Mary Sadler
Steven Sadler
Saint Mary Alumni Council of
Greater Kansas City
Virginia Sander C’68
Ann Sanders C’67
Laura R. Sandoval-Adams C’81
Phyllis Germaine Sandy C’60
Helen Santos C’55
Katie Savage C’70
Ellen Scalet C’53
Nita Schattle
Annette Marie Schlaf C’76
La Rae Schneider C’63
Sue Anne Schoenfelder C’68
James Schriock
Valerie Schroer C’77
Ann Schumacher
William Schwanz
Scott & Associates
Sean Scott
Sr. Barbara Sellers C’61
Joann Serafin C’70
Sr. Eileen Sheehy C’62
James Sheley
Judy Shields C’64
Stephanie & Darren Shupe
Clara Faye Siefken C’64
Sr. Mary Siefken C’57
Philip & Judy Sieve
Dolores Sillimon C’70
Mary E. Siman C’52
Cecil Simmons C’82
Gary Simmons
Nikki Ray Sisson C’69
Mary Ann Slattery C’65
Shirley Slusher C’58
Sally C. Smart C’76
Sr. Mary Lex Smith C’71
Ursula I. C’54, M’58 & William E. Smith
Marilyn Smith C’56
Sara E. Sochran C’63
Joyce Ann Solomon C’56
Betty Sosna C’48
Marjorie Spaedy C’62
Marianna Spain C’58
David Spehar C’77
Margaret St. Germain C’78
Noel Ann Stanton C’65
Helen C’57 & Robert Stark
Sr. Mary Kathleen Stefani C’51
Cindy J. Stergar C’78
Steven J. Byers Consulting
Gary Stone
Marguerite B. Strange
Myra Ligeko Straub C’61
Ann Strecker C’65
Debra Stroud-Vider & Billy Vider
Fr. Michael C. Stubbs
Elizabeth Clama Studer C’51
Rosalie A. Stull C’60
Marigene C’45 & John Suellentrop
Ann Sullivan C’71
Darlene Summerour C’73
Lisa & Craig Sumner
Sharon D. Takacs C’58
Joan Takada C’55
Freda Talley
Paula Terry C’84
The Kansas State Bank
Dolores Marie Free Theis A’51
Edmund & Alice Theis
Press Theriot
Janice B. Thomas C’81
Anita Todd C’89
Lisa Tostevin
Anna Totta C’59
Patricia Ann Townsend C’66
Turf Design, Inc.
Adam J. Breidenthal
Heather (Stipp) Turner C’96
Gary Twitchel
Kathleen Twitchel
Betty Fisher Ulricksen C’48
Union Security Insurance Company
Carl Unrein
The Upchurch Family
Marian & Lyle Van Vleet
Aimee Vaught A’44
Mary Vermillion C’86
Cecilia Vernaci C’75
Theresa Vitt C’84
Timothy A. U’04, M’08 &
Jean Marie U’04, M’08 Volk
Edward Volz
W. Dean Walton, D.D.S.
Mary Carolyn Walker-Baptiste C’67
Margaret Walter
Sr. Lucy Walter C’67
Carol A. Wambeke C’81
Louise Warakomski A’40
Frances Ward C’35
Clare Ward-Jenkins C’81 & Alvin Jenkins
Beverly Warzecha C’59
Virginia B. Wasson A’40, C’44
Pat C’69 & Doug Waters
Debra C’76 & James E. Watson
Rita C’56 & Lamar Weaver
Oliven Weisel
Brenden Wells
Mary Elizabeth E. Wempe C’48
Judith Werp
Sr. Mary Barbara Wieseler C’67
Annabel J. Willcott A’46, C’50
Teri Kay Willett C’75
Elaine Williams
Marcia Williams C’67
Carolyn L. Willingham C’58
Lola C’54 & Charles Wilmes
Rosemary C’51 & John J. Wilson
Nancy Wilson C’50
Mary Sue Winneke C’65
Margarite Mary Wolter C’53
Sr. Kathleen Wood C’70
Edna Wood C’48
Georgia Wright C’88
Elizabeth Wunder C’61
Sarah Jane Brown Wyrick C’68
Linda Zablatnik C’54
Mary Inez Ziller C’61
Carolyn C’63 & Jon Zimmerman
Jane Zwanzig Owens & Dewey Owens
Saint Mary Legacy Society
(bold were established in the past year)
Adele & David Anderson
Mary Archer
Nancy Beal
Barbara Bemis
Charles Berkel
Stephen Blair
Mary Blume
Bernice Bodde
Mary Bosanatz
Ruth Boyd
Jerry G. Bradley
Larry & Joan Brake
Mary Alice Bramming
Catherine Ormsby Bratton
Harry Briscoe
Clara Lemm Brogan
Kitty G. & Len Bronec
Margaret Ann Burke *
Eileen Burke-Sullivan
Mary Bushbaum
Susan Butchart
Theresa Walter Butel
Grace Wilson Buzaljko
Frank Carroll III
Mary Quastler Chenovick
Orsoline Chiappetta
Carolyn Conrath
Sara Ann Conver
Helen Sheehan Corcoran
Richard & Mary Ruth Coulter
Deanna Stetzner Cowley
Mercedes & John Craughwell
Joan Dobel
Margaret Donohue
Susan Emerson
Frances Escareno
Margaret Fay
Jim & Paula Finn
LaVon Fugit *
Sharon Garbs
Gwendolyn Gilboy
Robert & Minette Goldsmith
Gloria Grenier
Kathleen Allgaier Gribble
Marilyn Sterling Hail
Joan Wohlrab Hall
Sandra Hick
Rebecca Hill
Ann C. Hogan
Mary Kay Hoppe
Rebecca Huber
Paul Jenkins
Jeanne Juliet
Kathryn E. Klug
Mary Louise Welling Knoblauch
Sue Stalker Knott
Sylvia Markowitz Koepke
Ann Yonker Kresse
Rosa Krissek
Patricia Lester
Margaret Lozenski
Dorothy Lynch
Robert & Mary Margaret Malley
Kay Manning
Frances Kelly Mannix
Jean Burke Maupin
Karen McIver Wilson
Barbara Meitner
Nancy Himmelberg Mellard
Darlene Erskine Merrifield
Lucille Meyer
Rita & Bob Mika
Mary Miller
Norma Mitchell
Jeannine Mock
Virginia Moore
Agnes Mulligan
Helen J. Murphy
Jayne Nash
Mary Louise Nentwig
Cathy & Grundy Newton
C.H. & Rosemary Nichols
Rosalie Nichols
Marina O’Sullivan
Carolyn Boettcher Parmer
James & Bernadine Pretz
Muriel Rada
Kathleen Burns Radford
Mary Rau *
Clara Jo Reed
Patricia Regan
Mary Riordan
Michelle Ricci-Rodriguez
Raymond & Carolyn Roettger
Charles & Martha Miller Roult
Josephine Rutka
Katie Savage
Annette Schlaf
John & Dolores Rodesney Seerey
Mary Siman
Romaine Simon
Pat Long Stein
John & Marigene Suellentrop
W. L. “Tom” & Marie Tompkins
Virginia Burke Wasson
Doug & Patricia Waters
Josephine Hanrahan Welsh
Charlene Brose Wenzl
Mary Ann Westhoff
Rebecca Williams
Melissa Mitchell-Wilson
Sarah Brown Wyrick
Jon & Carolyn Zimmerman
[Established as of June 30, 2009]
Matching Gift Companies
3M Foundation
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Program
AT&T Foundation
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Dominion Foundation
Dow Corning Corporation
ExxonMobil Education Foundation
IBM Corp. Matching Grants Program
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Procter & Gamble Matching Gift
Sprint Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Endowed Name Scholarships
(bold were established in the past year)
Platinum - ($100,000 or more)
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Jubilee Scholarship
Lawrence D. Starr Scholarship
Joseph Jon Delaney Scholarship
Jean Gerweck Scholarship
Goppert Scholarship
Sr. Mary Janet McGilley Scholarship
Alvara Ramm Scholarship
Gilbert & Geraldine Schultz Scholarship
Elpha Meyer Carney Memorial Scholarship
Hearst Scholarship
Owen and Genevieve Degan Horner
Agnes, Harriet and Alfred Kramer
Diamond Level - ($75,000 - $99,000)
Frances Kelly Mannix Endowed Scholarship
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Scholarship
Gold Level - ($50,000 - $74,999)
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Scholarship
Leo Brinkman Scholarship
Genevieve Francis Hug Fox Scholarship
Sterling-Hail Scholarship
Lewis and Marguerite Humphreys
Philip T. Lawlor Scholarship
Loretta Schad McGovern Memorial
Jerry and Mary Sheehan Memorial
Silver Level - ($25,000 - $49,999)
Marjorie Markey Blair Memorial
Bowman Family Scholarship
Sr. Mary Julie Casey Scholarship
Mary Agnes DeCoursey Scholarship
Mathew Howard Doran Scholarship
Regina Anne and Matthew Flynn
Nona B. and Charles A. Frankenhoff
Marjorie Besel Greenamyre Scholarship
Sr. Dorothy Harvat Scholarship
Eileen Horner Memorial Scholarship
Helen and Austin Johnson Memorial
Jane Claudia Keegan Scholarship
Kushan/Stempski International
Memorial Scholarship
Audrey and Clarence Malone Scholarship
Florence and Edward Maronick Scholarship
Sr. Mary Janet McGilley Scholarship
Sheila McGovern Scholarship
Rose Marie McWilliams Scholarship
Katherine “Katie” Mika Voice Scholarship
Mary Alice Passman Murphy Scholarship
Celia Saunders Murphy Scholarship
Thomas J. and Mary V. O’Donnell
John Frances and Lillian O’Shaughnessy
Mary L. Robbins Scholarship
Arthur Schouten Scholarship
Dr. Agnes Sirridge History Scholarship
Sr. Rose Tomlin Scholarship
Union Pacific Scholarship
Ralph & Jeanette Van Goethem Family
Endowed Scholarship
John and Sylvesta Welling Scholarship
Wyman/Ashen Scholarship
Bronze Level - ($10,000 - $24,999)
Emil Babinger Scholarship
Olive Ann Beech Scholarship
Ruth Biggerstaff Scholarship
Bray Murphy Scholarship
Kitty Goeters Bronec Scholarship
Terrance Brungardt Scholarship
Margaret Ann Burke Scholarship
Muriel M. Burzle Scholarship
Class of 1952 Scholarship
Class of 1958 Scholarship
Edward Carroll Scholarship
Kathryn Colwell-Calvin Scholarship
Sr. Mary Carlo Colibraro Scholarship
Carlo & Felicia Colibraro Scholarship
Rev. Daniel Colibraro Scholarship
Rev. Pietro Philip Colibraro Scholarship
Leo B. and Miriam Conner Scholarship
Marcella Reilly Cooke Scholarship
Heather Coulter Scholarship
Edith and Harry Darby Foundation
William B. DeCoursey Scholarship
DeLaSalle Christian Brothers Scholarship
Mother Mary Peter Dwyre Scholarship
Lee Farnsworth Scholarship
Barbara Feth Scholarship
Fink Family Scholarship
Sr. Mary Paul Fitzgerald Scholarship
Margaret Freese Scholarship
Marie A. Gaiser Scholarship
Virginia Sheahan Gateley Scholarship
Emilie Gordon Scholarship
Greenamyre Family Scholarship
David and Michael Greenamyre Scholarship
Richard Besel Greenamyre Scholarship
V.B. Greenamyre Scholarship
Carol Thorson Hartegan Scholarship
Eleanor M. Higgins & Mary Catherine
Higgins Schloeder Scholarship
Marlene and Ronald Hoch Scholarship
James and Isabelle Hollow Scholarship
Mary Ann Julich Scholarship
Guinta-Kalhorn Scholarship
John M. and Ruth Driscoll Kehoe
Most Reverend James Patrick Keleher Scholarship
George L. and Frances R. Kelly Scholarship
Agnes Finn Kocour Scholarship
Marie Laurvick Scholarship
Lear-Siegler Scholarship
Fr. Stephen Lee Scholarship
Don and Marie “Mini” Maahs Scholarship
Edward and Shirley Maronick Scholarship
Maryhelen Masterson Scholarship
Henry J. and Marilyn Miller Meiners
Katherine “Katie” Mika History Scholarship
Mary Tierney Miller Scholarship
Ray Miller Memorial Scholarship
Bernadette and Richard Miller Scholarship
Agnes E. Mulligan Scholarship
Patricia Connor Naime Scholarship
Sr. Marie Owen Scholarship
Ernestine M. Sheehan Pinkham Scholarship
Max and Lillian Pollner Scholarship
Danette Stefani Quinn Scholarship
Rosemary Westhues Rieke Scholarship
Martha Miller Roult Scholarship
Harley and Rena Fogarty Russell
The Ryan Scholarship
Mary Goetz Ryan Memorial Scholarship
Cora Spence Scholarship
Mary Jo Springe Scholarship
Oliver Steele Scholarship
Rose Inza Kim Surh Scholarship
Doris Turgeon Scholarship
Bette Lee Warta Scholarship
H. Schafly-Weimer and Elizabeth Weimer
Bishop Scholarship
Constance Welling Jones Scholarship
J. and Mary Morrell Winter #1 Scholarship
J. and Mary Morrell Winter #2 Scholarship
Ralph & Joan Young Scholarship
[Established as of June 30, 2009]
In-Kind Donors
95.7 The Vibe
Affirmative Action
Air University Press
Sharon C’65 & Tony Albers
AMC Entertainment
Jean Ameduri C’69
American Heartland Theatre
American Jazz Museum
American Labor Conference
Ani-Pals Pet Resort
Candace Ann Arrington C’70
Association of Catholic Colleges &
Noreen Azzarelli C’58
Carrie Barbarich C’01
Chuc Barnes
Beverly Olson Buller
Turf Design, Inc.
Sr. Marie Brinkman C’48
Kitty G. A’50, C’67 & Len Bronec
Sharon Brubaker C’70
Terry Brungardt & Karen Baker C’87
Buffalo Soldier Historical Committee
Calkins Creek Publishing
Center of Concern
Caraway Printing
The Celtic Ranch
Class of 1958
Comedy City
Joe C’94 & Rami C’96 Contrucci
Coterie Theatre
Country Spa and Gardens
Crown Center
Dale & Mary Culver
Cutie Petutie Baby Boutique
Dallas Cowboys
Dave & Buster’s of Kansas City
Laura Davis
Rich Delaney
Delta Epsilon Sigma
Karen C’03 & Rolly Dessert
Carol Dill
Molly Dopheide
Sally C’67 & Joseph Dorsten
Jeannie Downs C’70
Mike Egan
Jean Emerson
Emporia State University
ExxonMobil Corporation
Julie A. Fallon C’70
Family Tree Nursery
Joyce Rauth Fears C’68
Federal Library Committee,
Library of Congress
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Sr. Madonna Fink C’54
Elizabeth Garza-Lang
Gates Bar-B-Que
Global Studies Institute
Mary Helen Goode C’70
John A. & Marilyn Gordon
Grand Country Music Hall
Gina Grigaitis C’73
Dr. Jill M. Hackett
Mary Ann Halley C’70
Sr. Maureen Hall C’70
Rosemary Hamm-Field C’70
Mike and Sandy Happ
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum
Carol Thorson Hartegan C’67
Henry Doorly Zoo
High Noon Saloon & Brewery
Highwood Properties
Hilton Garden Inn in Kansas City Kansas
Lance Hinson
Margaret Hladik C’70
Michael Holton C’91
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, Techny, IL
Houston Catholic Worker House
Sr. Mary Laura Huddleston A’49, C’61
Janice Hughes C’70
Ellen C’70 & Keith Hustings
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
International Labor Office
International Monetary Fund
Cheryl & Russell Jacobson
Jaegerz Paintball & Laser Tag
Jaspers Ristoranté
Jayhawk Plastics
Johns Hopkins University
School of Nursing
Jose Pepper’s/Cactus Grill
Linda Masternak Justice
Kansas City Ballet
Kansas City Chiefs
Kansas City Explorers
Kansas City Irish Fest
Kansas City Renaissance Festival
Kansas City Repertory Theatre
Kansas City Steak Company
Kansas City Symphony
Kansas City T-Bones Baseball Club
Kansas City Veterinary Care, LC
Kansas City Zoo
Kansas Committee for the Humanities
Kansas Cosmosphere & Space Center
Kansas Department of Health and
Kansas Media One
Kansas State Historical Society
Kansas State Poetry Society
Kappa Gamma Pi
Rosemary Kautzky C’70
Sr. Darlyne Kern A’45
Eloise Elizabeth C’49 & Tom Kipp
Pat A. Komer C’65
Cathy Kraus C’70
Dr. William Krusemark
Sr. Barbara Kushan C’63
Julie C’70 & Edward Lang
Bryan & Chris Le Beau
Leavenworth Public Library
Legends in Concert, Branson, Mo
James Michael Lenahan
Sr. Mary Pat Lenahan C’70
Mary Levenson C’70
Sr. Regina Mary Link C’56
James Lipovac
Lockheed Martin
Ron Logan
Penelope Lonergan C’70
Richard Lopes
Mary Lorton C’70
Greg Loveless
Lumina Foundation
Lyric Opera of Kansas City
Charmaine Martin C’70
Sr. Mary Lenore Martin C’47
Jean C’70 & John Matzeder
Melanie McClure
McGilley Memorial Chapels
John & Pam McNally
Lou McNamara C’54
Karen Rae Mead C’70
Media, Inc.
Bea Marie Mejia-Mayer C’80 &
Stephen Mayer
Memphis Zoo
Sr. Sue Miller C’64
Missouri Botanical Garden
Moe’s Southwest Grill - Shawnee
Lynne Morales C’70
Mud Island River Park
Bill Murray
Museum Hill Bed & Breakfast
National Agricultural Center and
Hall of Fame
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Guild of Piano Teachers
National Institutes of Health
National Speakers Association
Heartland Chapter
National Sports Clinics
Susan Nelson
Cathy Newton C’70
Noland Salon
Carlotta Noonan C’70
Omaha Children’s Museum
Sr. Mary E. O’Rourke C’47
Panera Bread
Pine & Bamboo Garden
Pinnacle Gymnastics
Powell Gardens
Shirley C’70 & James Provance
Providence Medical Center and
Saint John Hospital
PRP Wine International, Inc.
Marsha Ann Puleo C’70
Quality Hill Playhouse
Mary T. Rau C’49 *
Nancy Reddig C’70
Beth Reust C’70
ReVerse Restaurant
Sr. Susan Rieke C’66
Judy Lawrence Rogers C’70
Sr. Linda Suzanne Roth C’70
Ryan Lawn & Tree
Saint Mary Alumni Council of
Greater Kansas City
Sambol Meat Company
Sheila Schmeits C’70
Rosie Schmidt C’70
Governor Kathleen Sebelius
Sr. Barbara Sellers C’61
Senator Pat Roberts
Shawnee Golf & Country Club
Shepherd of the Hills
Stephanie & Darren Shupe
Side Pockets - Bonner Springs
Silver Dollar City
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Motherhouse Library
Smithsonian Institution
Joe Snyder & Marilyn C’72 Page
Southmoreland on the Plaza
Mary Jo Springe
Stanford & Son’s Comedy Club
Sr. Diane Steele C’83
George Steger
Strauss Peyton Portraits
Jeanne C’70 & Daniel Strope
Stroud’s North Restaurant
Struttin’ Gates Bar-B-Q
The Hilton Garden Inn in KCKS
The John Wornall House Museum
The Kelly Gallery Portrait Designs
The Legends at Village West
The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Theatre of the Imagination
Therese O’Rourke Mannix family
Tivoli Cinemas
Marlene C’62 & William Trenkle
Ernst* & Mary Ulmer
Unicorn Theatre
United Nations
University Media
University of Kansas
USM - Art Department
Susan Nelson
Alex Robinson C’97
USM - Department of Theology and
Susan Connelly
Sr. Rosalie Curtin
Brian Hughes
Robert Schimoler
Sr. Kathleen Wood C’70
USM - Development Department
Pam McNally
Stephanie Shupe
Molly Sirridge C’75
Cheryl Jacobson
Carole Gonzalez
USM - Education Department
Sr. Frances Juiliano C’64
Sr. Mary Pat Lenahan C’70
Patti Carnahan
Gretchen Wilbur
Nancy Murphy
Eva Williams
Jackie Douthitt
USM - Nursing Department
Glenna Mahoney
Kathleen Ducey C’90
Michelle Johnson
Rebecca Cahill
Anita Alexander
Brenda Austin
Delia Davis
Melanie McClure
USM - Science & Math Club
Jemima Ingle
Colter Doherty
Richard Greenly
Cassie Lund
Diana Mera
Alex Nowasell
Christine Weber
USM - Spirit Shop
USM - Student Life Department
Lisa Beckenbaugh
Terry Delavan
Julene Jennings
Deb Shaddy
V’s Italiano Ristoranté
Sr. Noreen Walter C’70
Karen Ward
Western Robidoux Inc.
Mary Ann Westhoff C’56
Sr. Mary Rita Winter A’47, C’80
Jacquelyn Witte C’70
Ryan Wohletz U’05
Sr. Kathleen Wood C’70
Katie Yang
Zest Restaurant
Special Thanks to our 2009
SpireFest Sponsors:
Martha Hubbard C’85
Kaaz-Lexeco Management, Inc.
Providence Medical Center &
Saint John Hospital
Mid-Continental Restoration
Joseph Snyder & Marilyn C’72 Page
Mark & Sharon Wilkinson
Sharon C’65 & Tony Albers
Dr. Jill M. Hackett
Kansas City Fire and Security
Western Robidoux
Caraway Printing
SpireFest Committee
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Inc.
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Dr. Judy Vogelsang C’74
DST Systems, Inc.
Berkel & Company
CHAN Healthcare Auditors
Mary Alice Bramming C’65
Joseph C’94 & Rami C’96 Contrucci
Robert E. & Sharon Doran
Heinen Custom Operation, Inc.
Marsha Puleo C’70
Michael Holton C’91
Eloise Kipp C’49
Tom Kipp
Lou McNamara C’54
Cheryl Jacobson
Stephanie Shupe
USM Staff & Volunteers
Jay Arthur U’08
Noreen Azzarelli C’58
Dee Bahr C’79
Tina Brunkow C’80
Sr. Anne Callahan C’59
Pat Clark
Clint Colbert
Barbara Crouse C’74
Laura Davis
Kris Ebert
Carole Gonzalez
Rusty Hall C’49
Cheryl Jacobson
Sr. Peg Johnson C’71
Connie Keller C’47
Tom Kipp
Eloise Elizabeth Kipp C’49
Rita Kowalewski
Patricia A. Lester C’58
Penny Lonergan C’70
Sr. Dominique Long C’47
Jeanette Lozenski C’88
Carol Marinovich C’72
Andy Mathes
Shirley McGeary C’57
Pam McNally
Michael P. McNally C’98
Lou McNamara C’54
Devri Merello C’75
Grundy Newton
Cathy Newton C’70
Marina O’Sullivan C’75
Carl Perry
Agnes A. Phelps C’60
Linda Pride C’81
Marsha Puleo C’70
Sue Reed
Shirley Rockwell
Joel Sanderson
Valerie Schroer C’77
Sean Scott U’08
Sr. Barbara Sellers C’61
Fr. George Seuferling
Darren Shupe
Stephanie Shupe
Molly Sirridge C’75
Sr. Gloria Solomon
John Shultz
Theresa Vitt C’84
Mary Ann Westhoff C’56
Carolyn Willingham C’58
Student Volunteers
John Annino U’12
Theresa Baumstark U’10
Betsy DeDonder U’11
Michaela Forge U’10
Jessica Gridley U’12
Nicole Hilkemeyer U’11
Stephanie Horrak U’09
Theresa Kempf U’11
Adrianne Pauly U’11
Lindee Peterson U’09
Geoff Peterson U’09
Kaitlyn Peterson U’10
Shauna Putnam U’10
Daniel Robles U’10
Amanda Rhodes U’10
Bobby Schattle U’11
Kate Schebaum U’09
Jenna Schwinn U’11
Ryan Sutton U’08, M’10
Carvelle Taylor U’09
Frankie Walburn U’12
Noah Wooten U’11
University of Saint Mary has made every effort to ensure the completeness
and accuracy of the Honor Roll of Donors. Despite our best efforts, errors
may have occurred. If you wish to contact us about this report, please do so
by email, mail, or phone.
University of Saint Mary
Development Department
4100 South 4th Street
Leavenworth, KS 66048
(913) 758-6126
[email protected]
The list of donor names are strictly for the purpose of acknowledgement by
the University of Saint Mary. Any other use is prohibited.
Stay Connected to USM Alumni Facebook
The University of Saint Mary is diving into the world
of social networking, adding new avenues to improve
communication between the university and its alumni,
backers, and current and future students.
USM’s social media push is in response to students’
increasing appetite for and reliance on online networking
applications and includes a healthy Facebook presence, a
Twitter page, and a dedicated YouTube channel.
The university’s growing presence on Facebook
currently includes dedicated pages for USM, the university’s
evening and graduate programs and students, and USM
alumni. School staffers have also started a Facebook group
for the student life office and groups for current classes.
Many of the offerings already have dozens of members.
The pages are designed with specific audiences in
mind, and allow users to pose their questions to Saint
Mary staff. For alumni, Facebook represents a key
opportunity to stay connected both with the university, as
well as their friends and classmates.
The university’s Twitter site serves as a frequentlyupdated newswire, keeping followers informed of events
and developments on campus both major and minor.
Go to to follow
USM on Twitter. To become a fan of the university on
Facebook, visit and click on the Facebook
link or go to and search for the
University of Saint Mary.
Mark Your Calendars - “Lincoln and His Faith”
President's Day, Monday, Feb. 15, 2010
With Keynote by
Eminent Lincoln Scholar and Author Ronald White
White has lectured at the White House and was chosen to
speak on Lincoln’s religious beliefs to a Congressional audience as
part of last February’s Lincoln Bicentennial Celebration.
White is the author of eight books, including “The Eloquent
President: A Portrait of Lincoln Through His Words” and the bestselling“A. Lincoln: A Biography.” He is a Fellow at the Huntington
Library in San Marino, Calif., Professor of American Religious
History Emeritus at San Francisco Theological Seminary, and a
Visiting Professor of History at UCLA.
7 p.m. in Xavier Theatre
Call (913) 758-6165 for more information.
class notes
Marge Wortham, C’42, Aurora, Colo.,
and her husband celebrated their 60th
wedding anniversary in May 2009.
Sammie Brosnahan Criswell, A’43,
Kansas City, Mo., is celebrating the birth
of her first great grandchild, Esme.
Anita Skinner, A’47, C’51, Novato,
Calif., celebrated her 58th wedding
The youngest son of Mary Lou
Mingledorff, C’53, Athens, Ga., was
recently elected without competition
to Judge of the Superior Court in the
Piedmont Circuit of northeast Georgia.
Virginia Barton Gravatt, C’56, and
her husband recently moved to Gardiner,
N.Y., to be closer to two of their eight
grandchildren. The couple celebrates their
50th wedding anniversary this summer.
They also have two great-granchildren.
Barbara (Rathman)
Cleary, C'61, of
Centerville, Ohio, is
celebrating the
publication of her
fourth book, Claire
Anne and the
Talking Hat.
Kathleen Kenney, C’67, and husband
Dave Depp, Doswell, Va., walked a
500-mile traditional pilgrimage route to
Santiago, Spain, in October 2008.
Mary A. Huslig, C’69, Arlington, Tex.,
is the liaison for marketing and outreach
at the University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center Library in Dallas.
Patricia A. Waters, C’69, Leavenworth,
Kan., welcomed her first grandson.
Matthew Garnett Waters was born
Nov. 6, 2007.
Janice Hughes, C’70, Hawthorne, Fla.,
has four grandchildren who are the light
of her and her husband’s lives.
Marie S. Casta, C’71, Kansas City, Mo.,
is involved with WW II veterans to build
a monument in Saipan Commonwealth
of the Northern Marianas.
26 | Aspire
Joann Beegles, C’74, Durango, Colo.,
celebrated the wedding of her daughter
Tammy on July 3, 2009.
Emily Roling Dierking, C’75, Overland
Park, Kan., is just beginning her 27th
year of teaching in the Shawnee Mission
School District as a special ed teacher.
Emily has also finished her master’s
plus 60 hours.
Roberta Chasney Abaday, C’76,
M’07, was appointed to the new Guam
Commission on Educator Certification.
Mercedes Pierrend, C’79, Overland
Park, Kan., is married to Tim Kilian.
Barbara (Matt) Baeuchle, C’80,
Leavenworth, Kan., completed her
master’s degree in counseling and art
therapy in December 2008 from
Avila University.
Taraneh Mirzadegan, C’82, San Diego,
Calif., is married with two boys living
in sunny San Diego. Taraneh earned her
Ph.D. in computational chemistry and
is currently working as a research fellow
heading up the computational chemistry
group at Johnson & Johnson.
Lezlie Valenzuela Allman, C’84,
Kansas City, Mo., is proud of her three
children – Leah, 24, a Peace Corps
volunteer in Burkina Faso working
in public health; Tess, 21, attending
graduate school for a degree in
communication disorders; Asher, 17, an
honor student at Staley High and a recent
Eagle Scout.
Kathleen Kenton, C’84, Basehor,
Kan., and her husband, Ron, have two
Mary K. Cummins, C’86, Shawnee,
Kan., earned her MBA from USM
May 9, 2009.
Marilyn V. Lappin, C’86, Prairie
Village, Kan., ran the Boston Marathon
on April 20, 2009.
Lori S. Heintzelman, C’85, successfully
defended her doctoral dissertation in
linguistics at the University of ColoradoBoulder in May 2009.
Teresa M. (Rivera) Salazar, C’86,
M’08, Kansas City, Kan., was promoted
to admissions manager with Children’s
Mercy Hospitals and Clinics. She earned
her MBA from USM in May 2008.
Ann Gabel, C’89, Lawrence, Kan.,
is currently director of education and
learning services at Lawrence Memorial
Hospital. Ann, MSN, RN, BC, recently
earned certification as a Certified
Performance and Learning Professional
from the American Society of Training
and Development.
Debbie Willcott Beall, C’90, Lansing,
Kan., teaches 5th grade at Lansing
Elementary and has been married to her
husband, Marshall, for 19 years. The
couple has two sons: Curtis, 18, and
Brian, 17.
Kathleen Fulton, C’92, Lisbon,
Conn., has a Masters of Social Work
from the University of Connecticut
and is currently working on her LCSW.
She’s been employed by the state of
Connecticut for the past 16 years as a
social worker.
Christine (Baker) Bolz, C’95, Meriden,
Kan., would like to announce the birth of
her daughter, Emma Ashlyn, born
July 30, 2008.
Erin (Fethers)
Kearns, C’95, and
her husband Mark, of
Wake Forest, N.C.,
had a son, Peter
Francis John, on Aug.
28, 2008. He joins
older siblings Joseph, 6, and Katie, 4.
Davita Wesley
Vaughn, C’98,
Kansas City, Kan.,
performed the lead role
of Mattie Michael in
the musical “Women
of Brewster Place” at
the Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Mo.,
in December and January, 2009. She also
welcomed her first grandchild, Marvin
Cawthon III on Jan. 31, 2009.
class notes
Tara Cira, C’99, Hazelwood, Mo., is a
10-year veteran of the St. Louis County
Police Department and is married to
Matt Edsall, a police officer for the city
of Hazelwood. They have a 1-year-old
daughter, Victoria Aspen.
Carrie (Kant) Barbarich, C’01,
Basehor, Kan., owns her own baby
selling hair bows, headbands, crocheted
infant hats, boutique baby clothes,
gifts, and more.
Heidi Monique Mougey, C’99, Linden,
N.C., is the practice manager at Harbin
and Associates.
Sarah (McCabe) Hawbaker, C’02, has
two daughters – Brynn, 4, and Morgan, 1
– with her husband, Riley, and is the
sports information director at Bethany
College in Lindsborg, Kan.
Sharlis “Tweety” Pratt, C’99, Rock
Island, Ill., received her master’s degree
in counseling in 2007 from Webster
University in St. Louis, and is now a
clinical therapist working for Transitions
Mental Health.
Gregory Burns, C’00,
and his wife Annie, of
Newark, Del., would
like to announce the
birth of their daughter
Andie Kate on July 17,
2008. Greg will
complete his oral and maxillofacial
surgery residence in June, 2010.
Misty (Heinen) Prater, C’02, of Ames,
Iowa, was married Feb. 14, 2009 to
Jacob Prater.
Josh Woods, U’03, lives in Lawrence,
Kan., with his wife, Dee, and daughter,
Taylor. He works in Kansas City, Mo., for
the U.S. General Services Administration.
in memoriam
Emma Jane (Duffin) Hoins, A’40, Leavenworth, Kan.,
June 25, 2009.
Dr. Frank Brogno, husband of Helen Dolan Brogno, A’40,
of Carmel, Calif., died June 25, 2007.
Bill Powell, husband of Charlotte Powell, C’43, of
Leavenworth, Kan., passed away last May.
Mary Theresa Rau, C'49, Lawrence, Kan., June 7, 2009.
Ryan Nash and
Stephanie (Balock)
Nash, U’05, would like
to announce the birth
of their son, Hunter, on
Feb. 25, 2009. Hunter’s
paternal grandmother
is Vicki Nash, C’94.
Noel Myhand, C’07,
and Danny Blank,
C’10, Leavenworth,
Kan., were married
June 14, 2009, at the
Angel at Rose Hall Bed
and Breakfast in Eureka
Springs, Ark.
Josh Nikes, U’07, and Brandy Wagner,
U’08, welcomed daughter Isabelle
Nicole Nikes. Isabelle is also the greatgranddaughter of Charlotte Powell,
Jennifer Werner,
U’07, Federal Way,
Wash., is married
to Daniel Molina.
Jennifer currently
attends the school
psychology program at
Seattle University.
Jennifer HayesCulbertson, U’08,
married Tyler Hayes
Sept. 20, 2008, at
the Easton United
Methodist Church in
Easton, Kan.
Deanna (Roberts) Jaggers, C’59, Zephyrhills, Fla.,
Dec. 16, 2008
Betty Mulroy, C’65, Overland Park, Kan., July 5, 2009.
Josefina Kissel, C’64, Chesapeake, Va., July 8, 2009. Josefina
and husband Ron celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary
before she passed away.
Katherine Manning, parent of Betty Anne Milroy, C'65 &
Mary Lorton, C’70.
Sister Rita Glynn, SCL, C’50, Mount St. Joseph, Ohio,
June 13, 2009.
Dolores Joppa of Arkansas, mother of Carolyn (Joppa) Conrath,
C’73, July, 2008.
William Thomas Weisher, the husband of Irene Weishar,
C’56, Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 22, 2009.
Chave De La Torre Ugarte, C’79, Lima, Peru, Nov. 8, 2008.
Deanna (Roberts) Jaggers, C’59, Zephyrhills, Fla.,
Dec. 16, 2008.
Lawrence “Larry” Larkin, husband of Rita Krueger Larkin,
C’62, died June 12, 2009, in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rose Stechmann, mother of Father Michael Stechmann, C’76,
June, 2009.
Irene (Groh) England, sister of Sister Mary Georgette Groh,
SCL, Washington Township, Ohio, Feb. 28, 2009.
Phillip Simanowitz, former security guard at Saint Mary,
Leavenworth, Kan., April 26, 2009.
Summer 2009 | 27
Remembering Your Inspiration at
Reunion Weekend
Reunion is always an amazing weekend filled with
stories, laughter, and friendship. More than 160 alumni
returned to campus for the 2009 alumni reunion June 5-7.
Many attendees kicked the weekend off with a barbeque
dinner and spent most of Saturday touring the new dorm,
checking out the nursing department, taking a peek at the
De Paul library’s special collection, clapping to the music of
Sisters Peg Johnson, Gloria Solomon, Anne Callahan, and
Dominique Long, and sharing Saint Mary stories during the
story-telling session with Sr. Barbara Sellers.
After a packed day, the evening wrapped up with the
awards and banquet dinner. University President Sister
Diane Steele, C’83, presented the annual alumni awards.
Michelle Piranio, C’81, received the Sister Mary Janet
McGilley Service Award, which recognizes an alum who has
helped advance the University by giving freely of their time
and talent to Saint Mary. Over the past three years, Michelle
has given back to the university by serving on USM’s board
of trustees. And her sense of service extends beyond the
university, as illustrated by the help she has given to the
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, the Sisters of St. Joseph,
and all of the many health care institutions with which she
has been associated.
Michelle emulates Sister Mary Janet in all that she does
for the university and other institutions. With her ample
donations of time, energy, talent – and wit – Michelle has
continued the giving spirit that Sister Mary Janet displayed
years ago.
Dianna Porter, C’64, was selected as the recipient of the
Sister Mary Mark Orr Pioneer Spirit Award which honors an
alum who has achieved great success in her/his professional
career. After graduating with a sociology degree, Dianna
served with Extension Volunteers for two years, starting up
a CCD diocesan office in Cheyenne, Wyo. She also was a
social worker with Catholic Charities throughout Montana
and with a Family Service Center in Butte.
Beginning in 1979, she served 14 years as the director of
education for the Section of Mental Health and Aging in the
psychiatry department at the University of Texas Medical
28 | Aspire
School at Houston. In that post, Dianna guided the
development and implementation of training programs for
med students and faculty dealing with the issues of mental
health and the elderly.
During that time, she also served as managing editor
of Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, a national
professional publication. Dianna is also co-editor of a
gerontology and geriatrics textbook and the author of
numerous reports for the Alliance of Retired Americans.
During the 90s, Dianna took a post with the United
States Agency for International Development, serving as
an in-country advisor to the government of Macedonia.
Among her accomplishments, she helped develop a
mandatory private pension system there, and her letters
to friends and family were compiled into a book. She is
currently doing creative writing while serving on the boards
of the Montana Public Employees Pension System and the
National Older Women’s League.
Betty (Kennan) Sosna, C’48, won the Saint Vincent
De Paul Award which recognizes an alum who exemplifies
the mission of the university through their contributions to
society. Betty spent 30 years working in business office jobs
at Colgate Palmolive in Kansas City, Kan. And even while
working long, full-time hours, she was a regular volunteer
at her parish, St. Agnes in Mission. After her retirement,
she moved to Holy Trinity parish in Lenexa, and her wholehearted volunteerism came with her.
Beyond attending daily mass, Betty assists a group that
cleans the church every Friday morning. She serves meals
at Holy Trinity’s monthly food kitchen day at Wilhelmina
Gill Multi Service Center in Kansas City, Kan. She helps
with all Holy Trinity funeral dinners, takes communion
regularly to two local nursing homes and serves as a
Eucharistic minister at Mass. She also aids with mailings
and other miscellaneous jobs at the church’s office.
The weekend came to an end on Sunday after Mass
and lunch. While everyone gave hugs and said their
goodbyes, it won’t be the last of good times and memories.
Plans were already being made to get together in the future.
Betty (Kennan) Sosna was this year's
recipient of the Saint Vincent De Paul
Award, recognizing an alum who
exemplifies the mission of the university.
Dianna Porter won the Sister Mary Mark
Orr Pioneer Spirit Award, recognizing her
successes in her professional career.
Summer 2009 | 29
4100 South 4th Street
Leavenworth, KS 66048
Dated Material
Please Do Not Delay
Alumni Tailgate Party
Join fellow alumni for food, fun, and football on Homecoming Weekend!
The event is open to all alumni and their family. We look forward to
seeing you as we cheer on the Spires!
Oct. 10, 2009 • Parking lot near football field
Alumni parking area will open at 11 a.m. • Free tailgate BBQ begins at noon