Water Gardening - Action Water Gardens


Water Gardening - Action Water Gardens
Your paradise.
Our passion.®
Water Gardening
Your Paradise
Our Passion
Table of Contents
10 16
Pond Filtration
Liner & Underlayment
Hose & Pipe
Water Treatment
Fish Care
Seasonal Care &
Predator Control
92 Installation Tools
96 RainXchange® Systems
Video on
This Catalog
The Pond Guy™ 1982 with Sampson
"The turtle that started it all!"
all began because my parents said I
could bring my pet turtles from New Jersey to our new
home outside Chicago in 1982. They knew I was not too
excited to leave my lakefront home for the cornfields of
Illinois. As a 12 year old nature freak I loved everything
about researching and building my own pond to hold them.
However, that first pond leaked, turned green, and even
my prize turtles migrated away! So began my odyssey with
man-made water features. Undaunted, I began designing
and experimenting with different filters and pump designs
along with construction techniques that replicated what
Mother Nature did naturally. The result was what became
the Aquascape Ecosystem approach to water feature construction. Combining technology with natural design principles
to work with Mother Nature and not against her, you can now create beautiful, low maintenance, water features that
can fit naturally into any landscape setting.
32 years after falling in love with man-made water features, Aquascape is the largest, most passionate, company in the
world supplying professionals and hobbyists alike with water feature products. Today, we have developed so many products and solutions to make water features so much more enjoyable and cost effective. From LED lights (page 48) that
transform any water feature into a nighttime oasis, energy efficient pumps (page 34) with cool remote control capability,
to even products that utilize cutting edge technology like the IonGen™ (page 26) that controls string algae. Whether you
are installing or maintaining a full blown Aquascape Ecosystem Pond (page 11-13) or simply adding a Patio Pond (page
74-75) with some fish and plants you will find it in this catalog and on our website www.aquascapeinc.com along with a
list of Certified Aquascape Contractors and retailers to assist you.
Your Paradise, Our Passion is our mantra. In today's fast paced, electronically dependent world we believe now
more than ever people need a natural diversion. Nothing you can do in your yard will allow you to achieve that more
than a decorative water feature. And, nobody cares more about helping you create that escape place at home
than Aquascape.
Welcome to "the Water Feature Lifestyle." It's addictive!
Greg Wittstock
The Pond Guy™
Living the Water Feature Lifestyle
Living the Water Feature Lifestyle
Today more than ever, time is a coveted possession. At
Aquascape, our passion is helping people transform their yards
and subsequently how they spend their time. When you own a
water feature you transform a house into a home. You create an
escape from the stress of the world right where you live. How
important is that in today’s world?! We have dubbed this trend
“Living The Water Feature Lifestyle.” The Water Feature Lifestyle
is what you experience owning and living with a water feature.
It’s how you interact with it but even more descriptively, it’s how it
interacts with you! When you live with a water garden, a waterfall,
or even a decorative fountainscape you will be seduced outside,
away from the T.V., the computer, the rat-race. People simply
don’t sit in their yards for hours on end watching their flowers
grow. When you’re feeding the fish, watching the birds splash in
your waterfall or simply gazing hypnotically and listening to the
beautiful sounds of a babbling brook, you’re experiencing “The
Water Feature Lifestyle” right where you live ... at home! From this
catalog to our website, www.aquascapeinc.com, to our YouTube
videos (www.youtube.com/Aquascape4), you can learn about and
decide what feature is best for your property, lifestyle, and budget.
Your Paradise, Our Passion®!
Video on
The Lifestyle
Who We Are
Who We Are
The best way for us to answer who we
an escape at home. A place that beckons
the products we produce, because as
are, is to ask who you are? Are you
you outdoors where the stress melts
you will see, we live with them ourselves.
someone who works hard, or worked
away. It’s about creating a feature that
We have many unique products, designs,
hard, for your money? Do you like to
draws your eyes to it that sets a mood, all
and features that we’ve created to expand
relax? Get your hands dirty? Love fish?
while making a statement.
the enjoyment, improve the performance,
Love nature? Love the outdoors? Do
Throughout the pages of this catalog you
or reduce the cost of owning a water
you like to entertain? At Aquascape we
can see who we are by seeing how we
feature. For you, that means “Living
are all about “Living the Water Feature
live with the water features we own. What
the Water Feature Lifestyle” should
Lifestyle,” which encapsulates all those
we aren’t, is like any other manufacturer
be more enjoyable, simpler, and more
things PLUS so much more! Living the
of water feature products in the world. We
economical than ever with Aquascape.
Water Feature Lifestyle is about having
are hobbyists who are passionate about
“Your Paradise, Our Passion.”
Truly a Workplace Utopia
In less than 15 years, Aquascape has morphed from a tiny basement
and garage to a 256,000 square foot state-of-the-art green office
building. Aqualand started as The Pond Guy's™ pie-in-the-sky dream and
is now the pride and joy of employees and customers alike.
Aqualand is truly a workplace utopia
and the embodiment of Aquascape
spirit and culture - building a balance in
Our Home
life that stimulates the mind, challenges
Video on
the body, and nurtures the spirit.
Visit www.aquascapeinc.com to learn more.
The Culture of Building a Balance
Culture is a way of living that is most often associated with artistic and
intellectual pursuits. It can be found in a variety of socio-environments:
family, religion, education, sports teams, business, and more. When used
in business, culture becomes a powerful tool that can set a company
apart from its competitors. Aquascape, Inc. has created an entrepreneurial culture that is creative, fun, healthy, innovative, competitive,
dynamic, and fast-paced. Aquascape is the industry leader in all things
water gardening; from pond kits to seminars, special events to marketing
materials, fish food to books, water treatments to fountains, and more.
Due to the rapid growth of the water garden market, Aquascape
embraces a cultural philosophy of building a balance in life.
Employee Pond Showcase
n 2002, about one year after I
started working at Aquascape, a
Pondless® Waterfall and stream
was installed at my house by about
70 contractors on a Build-a-Pondless®
Waterfall seminar. At
the time, my kids were
6, 4 and 2 years old and
it immediately became
the center point of our
backyard. The kids always
wanted to be near it, the
neighbors loved it and Bob
and I have loved relaxing
by it since the day the
waterfall was turned on.
In the early morning
it’s my “quiet time”
spot. During breakfast, we watch the birds
bathe and the squirrels scamper around
the ground cover. In the daytime, the kids
are never far from it; setting
up army men, action figures,
Barbie dolls, and buckets of
water ... the list goes on and
on. Our neighbor boy would
wander from his house
and sit by the stream
for hours … literally.
Now my children are
15, 13 and 10. The
army guys and the
dinosaurs are a fond
memory of younger
years. As a growing family, we
find ourselves gathering for dinner
near the stream, and we seem
to be in less of a hurry to jump
up from the table to clean up and
move on to what … the TV? Yikes! We’ve
added a new stone patio and a fire pit to
increase the backyard enjoyment. And
he feeling ... Priceless!!!
It's like trying to describe a day of fishing and not
catching a thing but loving it! It’s like … A day at the
beach reading a book and listening to the waves ... Sitting
on a dock at sunset with friends and family ... Hiking up a
mountain stream looking for the headwaters, experiencing
unique vistas around each bend
of the stream ... Kids catching
frogs and asking me about
dragonfly naiads ... The shimmer
and reflection of the evening sun
on my ceiling ... The summer
breeze blowing through my
bedroom window carrying with it
the music of cascading water ...
as we lay down to sleep at the end of
the day, we open the windows of our
master bedroom to let in the soothing
sound of the stream. There’s really not
a time of day that we don’t interact with
and love our stream. I can’t imagine
my backyard or my house without it.
think our pond gets used by my kids more than their
swing set does! The first thing they do when they go
in the backyard is run over to the pond to check on the
fish, find frogs or throw some of the rocks. When it gets hot
outside they love to put their swim trunks on and climb in the
water garden and slide down the
big smooth rock on the waterfall.
My favorite time to enjoy my pond
is when it gets dark outside and
the lights come on. The fish seem
to be more active when the lights
illuminate everything in the water.
Employee Pond Showcase
hat do I like best about my pond? I can’t
choose just one thing but these are some of
my favorite benefits of pond ownership:
• The anticipation of spring after a long
winter, the koi come out of their cave like
the ground hog comes out of his hole.
• The pond constantly feeds my imagination.
As a somewhat creative person, I find that the
pond is like a painting that is never finished
and I can always improve on it.
• The wildlife! The frogs, salamanders,
dragonflies, fish, snails, different
birds (even the occasional visit from
a heron lights up my kids’ eyes).
• The smile on my wife’s face as
she watches our kids explore,
discover, imagine and learn.
• The indescribable feeling of relaxation
I have as the moon rises, the sun sets
and the underwater lights light up the
pond and cast moving shadows against
the house and the different trees.
Video on
Brian's Pond
y water feature is the centerpiece of my
entire outdoor living area. Everything else
is built around it to compliment it because
it is the most enjoyable room at my home during the
warmer months. I just can’t get enough of it. The first
thing that I do when I come home after work is visit my
pond because
there is always
something new
about it. Whether
it is new wildlife,
new plantings
emerging or just
an overall new
energy, it is like
Christmas every
day! When we sit
by our pond to
relax and unwind
and everything
else in life just
couldn't imagine life without a
water feature. As a lifelong pond
and aquarium hobbyist, water
has always been an integral part of
who I am as a person. It all started
with a 10-gallon aquarium in my
bedroom as a child and blossomed
into a lifelong career and passion. The size of my aquarium also grew
from 10 gallons into a 200 gallon
saltwater reef aquarium and our
newest addition, a beautiful self-built
basalt column fountain as the main
focal point when walking into my
home. My wife often comments on
the huge diversity of wildlife that uses
our fountain for bathing or taking a
well deserved drink of water on hot
summer days, I guess she is hooked
as well. I would like to personally
welcome you to the Aquascape family
and the water gardening lifestyle!
Employee Pond Showcase
he morning sun, barely peeking over
the tree tops across the field, has
already cast a beautiful red glow
onto our 11 x 16 pond. Magic (our cat)
scampers out the door, climbs to the top
of our waterfalls for a drink and jumps
across to the flat rock that separates our
waterfall in two. She stretches out to catch
the warm rays of the early morning sun and
to spy on the chirping birds. Rex, our
German shepherd, races around the yard to make sure everything
is as it should be, then prances back to the side of the pond for
his first drink of the day. All of the koi in the pond meander over to
him and try to catch his tongue. It’s impossible not to smile. The
aroma of my coffee mingles with the fresh dew-filled air, and
at this very moment, there is not a better place in the world. neighbours, family and friends until the wee hours of the
morning. Strangers are compelled to stop at the front of our house
when they hear the water. They are overwhelmed by the
whole ambiance. The first comment out of their mouths is
always – you don’t have to go anywhere, you have everything
you need right here …. so true ….
You might think that one would get tired of the same old thing after
seven years. That just doesn’t happen. We dine beside the pond
every evening. We’ve added a gazebo to allow us to sit beside the
pond, no matter what the weather offers. We often play games with
have two water features and each of
them is unique in the way we interact
and enjoy them. The front pond,
waterfall and stream is the entrance way
to my house. It strikes up conversation
and sets the mood for visiting friends or
family. The top waterfall is just outside my
living room window. We roll the window
open and the sound of the cascading
water travels throughout the front rooms
of the house. My kids, especially my
daughter, love to find the frogs that make
the pond’s ecosystem their home.
At night the lighting in and around
the pond brings about a whole new
setting. Underwater lights beneath the
large flagstone
bridge add a
really cool effect
making it appear
the bridge is
hovering above
the water. My wife
and I sometimes
relax on the front
porch after the
kids are in bed …
a nice way to wind
down the day.
The basalt fountain in the back of my
house is outside our family room and
master bedroom. I love going to sleep at
night and waking in the morning to the
splash of water as it bubbles over the
basalt rocks. The basalt fountain receives
compliments from guests because of
its scaled-down size and location in a
perennial bed just off the deck. The
fountain provides a great sound and
backdrop at night with the lights glowing
off the wet stones … especially when
kicking back around the campfire.
Video on
World's Most
Beautiful Ponds
Employee Pond Showcase
his Pondless Waterfall was installed
just in time for my house-warming party
about a year and a half ago. After nine
years working at Aquascape, this is my first
water feature! I enjoy my Pondless® Waterfall
in the winter just as much as I do in the
summer as it’s the focal point of the backyard.
Being in sales, it helps me sell products like
the IonGen™ and LED lights with first hand
experience living the lifestyle. Every tour of my
new home ends with the Pondless® Waterfall!
hat I would like people to know about
water features is you do not have to
have a huge pond to get enjoyment
from water features. This small water feature
on our deck provides not only the soothing
sound of water, but
provides comical
relief as well. It is
incredible to watch the
birds come every day
to take a bath and if
the fountain is turned
off the birds stare
at us with a puzzled
look on their faces.
ur water feature is our serenity. It brings the country into
our city backyard. Many of our guests comment that our
yard reminds them of a cottage setting. For us, the sound
of the waterfalls helps us unwind at the end of a busy day.
One of the aspects we like most is the opportunity to provide our son
and his friends with nature’s playground. He and his friends are often
catching minnows and tadpoles. In doing so, they inadvertently learn
about ecosystems and metamorphous in our
own backyard. They also enjoy feeding the
fish and racing sticks down the stream. They
even explore water pathways by arranging
and re-arranging rocks to change the flow
of the water. They can manipulate the
paths the water takes and observe visually
as well as listen to the differences.
Our final highlight is the wildlife that visits
our pond. In the spring the singing toads
can be heard down our street. We have
also attracted deer, ducks, and frogs.
Aquascape Ecosystem Pond Kits
The Aquascape approach to creating a pond kit is quite different from many other companies'
offerings. The goal with our ecosystem pond kits is to create a complete low-maintenance
system that works with Mother Nature to provide food, shelter, and safety to the wildlife
around it. All components selected work well together and complement the addition of rocks,
gravel, fish and plants.
Aquascape Pondless® Waterfalls
One of our most popular water kits that
features a beautiful disappearing waterfall is
the Pondless® Waterfall kit. Don't worry, we
left the pond portion out on purpose and it
can always be added later. The Aquascape
Pondless® Waterfall system gives all the
beauty, sights and sounds of water without
the pond portion. This style of water feature
is popular with consumers with space
constraints, small children or
municipality restrictions.
Video on
How to Build
a Pondless®
Video on
How to Build
a Pond
An Aquascape Pond Kit packages components together in a convenient, all-in-one kit that takes the
guesswork out of assembling the components separately.
MicroPond® Kit
Small Pond Kit 8' X 11'
Our most popular DIY pond kit takes the guesswork out of
trying to assemble the perfect combination of equipment
and liner.​
The #1 professionally installed pond kit
provides a smaller sized pond at an
entry-level price​.
Kit Incudes:
Kit Incudes:
• MicroSkim® - Removes leaves and debris from the surface of
the pond and provides protection for your pump
• 12' x 15' Liner,
180 sq. ft. Underlayment
• MicroFalls® Filter - Provides complete biological filtration
• MicroFalls® w/Rock Tray and BioBalls™
• AquaSurge® 2000 waterfall pump
• MicroSkim®
• 25 feet of 1½" quality kink-free hose
• AquaSurge® 3000 Pump
• Pond Liner made from quality EPDM 45 mil fish safe
rubber - 20-year guarantee!
• Water Treatment Starter Package
• Geotextile underlayment - Protects liner from sharp objects
• Pump Plumbing Assembly and Installation Kit
• All necessary fittings and silicone sealants
• Complete installation instructions and owner’s manual
MicroPond® Kits come in the following sizes:
4' x 6' MicroPond® Kit
Includes 8' x 10' Liner (Unit Weight: 75 lbs.)
#99763 MSRP $949.98
6' x 8' MicroPond® Kit
Includes 10' x 12' Liner (Unit Weight: 87 lbs.)
#99764 MSRP $999.98
8' x 11' MicroPond® Kit
Includes 12' x 15' Liner (Unit Weight: 107 lbs.)
#99765 MSRP $1,099.98
Video on
MicroPond® Build
• 1½" x 25' Flexible PVC Pipe
with AquaSurge® 3000 Pump
(Unit Weight: 129 lbs.)
#53008 MSRP $1,343.71
Medium Pond Kit 11' X 16'
Large Pond Kit 21' X 26'
The 11' x 16' pond is small enough
to fit into tight spaces yet big enough
to make a design impact in any
landscape setting.
Don’t let larger ponds intimidate you.
Our largest pre-packaged kit ensures you
have all of the right products for the job.
Kit Includes:
• 25' x 30' Liner,
750 sq. ft. Underlayment
Kit Includes:
• 15' x 20' Liner,
300 sq. ft. Underlayment
• Signature Series™ BioFalls® Filter 2500 w/BioBalls™
• Signature Series™ BioFalls® Filter 6000
• Signature Series™ 6.0 Skimmer
• Signature Series™ 8.0 Skimmer
• AquaSurge PRO 2000-4000 OR 3PL Tsurumi Pump​
• AquaSurge® PRO 4000-8000 OR 9PL Tsurumi Pump​
• Water Treatment Starter Package
• Water Treatment Starter Package
• 2" x 25' Flexible PVC Pipe
• 2" x 50' Flexible PVC Pipe
• Pump Check Valve Assembly and Installation Kit
• Pump Check Valve Assembly and Installation Kit
• LED Lighting Package
• LED Lighting Package
–– (2) 3-Watt 12V LED Spotlights​
–– (2) 3-Watt 12V LED Spotlights​
–– 1-Watt 12V LED Waterfall Light
–– 1-Watt 12V LED Waterfall Light
–– 60-Watt Transformer w/photocell
–– 60-Watt Transformer w/photocell
–– 3-Way Splitter and 25' LVL Extension Cable
–– 3-Way Splitter and 25' LVL Extension Cable
Two Pump Model Choices
Two Pump Model Choices
with AquaSurge® PRO 2000-4000 Pump
(Unit Weight: 222 lbs.)
#53009 MSRP $2,382.05​
with AquaSurge® PRO 4000-8000 Pump
(Unit Weight: 481 lbs.)
#53010 MSRP $3,543.46​
with Tsurumi 3PL Pump
(Unit Weight: 234 lbs.)
#53000 MSRP $2,445.03
with Tsurumi 9PL Pump
(Unit Weight: 481 lbs.)
#53002 MSRP $3,750.46​
Medium and Large kits available with
adjustable flow AquaSurge® PRO pumps
with multi-function remote
don't forget
Add-On Stream Liners (Note: When adding a stream,
additional pipe lengths and coupling fitting may be required.)
45 mil EPDM Boxed Liner
10' x 10' (Unit Weight: 29 lbs.)
#29607 MSRP $129.00
10' x 20' (Unit Weight: 58 lbs.)
#29612 MSRP $258.00
10' x 30' (Unit Weight: 87 lbs.)
#29616 MSRP $387.00
Pondless® Waterfall Kits are a great way to be introduced to the
Aquascape Pondless® Waterfall Vault and Waterfall Spillway!
MicroPondless® Waterfall Kit
A Pondless Waterfall is simply a waterfall without the pond.
The perfect DIY solution for small spaces includes enough liner
to create a small 3' long waterfalls​.
Kit Incudes:
• MicroFalls® Filter - This is the starting point of your waterfall
• MicroCentipede™ Module - Provides space for water to be
returned to the pump
• MicroSnorkel™ Vault - Provides access to your pump and
allows you to check the water level in the system
Small Pondless® Waterfall
With Up To 6' Stream
Provide the sight and sound of cascading
water into any landscape setting with our
small entry-level professional Pondless®
Waterfall Kit. Includes enough liner to create a
short 6' waterfalls and stream.
Kit Incudes:
• 10' x 10' Liner, 100 sq. ft. Underlayment
• 10' x 8' Stream Liner
• AquaSurge 2000 waterfall pump
• Pondless® Waterfall Vault
• 25 feet of 1½" quality kink-free hose
• Waterfall Spillway
• 10' x 12' Pond Liner made from quality EPDM 45 mil fish
safe rubber - 20-year guarantee!
• (3) Small AquaBlox​®
• Geotextile Underlayment - Protects liner from sharp objects
• 1.5" x 25' Flexible PVC Pipe
• Complete installation instructions and owner’s manual
• Pump Check Valve Assembly and Installation Kit
*Filter mats and media nets for the MicroFalls® unit are not included with the
MicroPondless® Waterfall kit.
4' x 6' MicroPondless® Waterfall Kit
(Unit Weight: 83 lbs.)
#99769 MSRP $999.98
MicroSnorkel™/ MicroCentipede™ Kit
(Unit Weight: 13 lbs.)
#98931 MSRP $199.98
Video on
MicroPondless® Kit
• AquaSurge® PRO 2000-4000 Pump
with AquaSurge® PRO 2000-4000 Pump
(Unit Weight: 145 lbs.)
#53011 MSRP $1,328.50​
Medium Pondless® Waterfall
With Up To 16' Stream
Large Pondless® Waterfall
With Up To 26' Stream
Have the flexibility to create longer
waterfalls and streams with the
Medium Pondless® Waterfall Kit.
Includes a stream liner long enough for
you to install up to a 16' stream
and waterfall.
Our largest pre-packaged Large
Pondless® Waterfall Kit uses the
Pondless® Vault with the Vault
Extension allowing you to store more
water and create longer stream and
waterfall runs.
Kit Includes:
Kit Includes:
• 10' x 12' Liner, 120 sq. ft. Underlayment
• 12' x 15' Liner, 180 sq. ft. Underlayment
• 10' x 20' Stream Liner
• 10' x 30' Stream Liner
• Pondless Waterfall Vault
• Pondless® Waterfall Vault
• Waterfall Spillway
• Pondless® Waterfall Vault Extension
• (5) Small AquaBlox​®
• Waterfall Spillway
• AquaSurge PRO 2000-4000 OR 3PL Tsurumi Pump​
• (5) Large AquaBlox​®
• 2" x 25' Flexible PVC Pipe
• AquaSurge® PRO 4000-8000
OR 5PL Tsurumi Pump​
• Pump Check Valve Assembly and Installation Kit
• LED Lighting Package
–– (2) 1-Watt 12V LED Waterfall Lights​
–– 60-Watt Transformer w/photocell
–– 3-Way Splitter and 25' LVL Extension Cable
Two Pump Model Choices
with AquaSurge® PRO 2000-4000 Pump
(Unit Weight: 200 lbs.)
#53012 MSRP $1,768.13​
with Tsurumi 3PL Pump
(Unit Weight: 202 lbs.)
#53005 MSRP $1,786.13​
• 2" x 50' Flexible PVC Pipe
• Pump Check Valve Assembly and Installation Kit
• LED Lighting Package
–– (3) 1-Watt 12V LED Waterfall Lights​
–– 60-Watt Transformer w/photocell
–– 3-Way Splitter and 25' LVL Extension Cable
Two Pump Model Choices
with AquaSurge® PRO 4000-8000 Pump
(Unit Weight: 279 lbs.)
#53013 MSRP $2,227.47​
with Tsurumi 5PL Pump
(Unit Weight: 284 lbs.)
#53007 MSRP $2,299.47​
Kits available with adjustable
flow AquaSurge® PRO pumps
with multi-function remote
Pond Filtration
Pond Filtration
UltraKlean Biological Pressure Filter
Guaranteed to clear pond water
The Aquascape UltraKlean™ Biological Pressure Filter with a high output ultraviolet clarifier/sterilizer and an integrated
electronic bulb-saver option, provides pond owners with optimum water conditions and crystal clear pond water. The
unique sponge-free design minimizes maintenance and maximizes efficient​mechanical and biological filtration.
Simple-to-use cleaning feature allows for the unit to be backwashed in less than five minutes
without opening the canister or getting hands dirty.
• Provides optimal filtration for ponds up to 3,500 gallons / 13,000 liters
• Efficiently traps dirt and debris and eliminates green water
• Includes Aquascape UltraKlean™ Bio-Media and T5 high-output
ultraviolet clarifier/sterilizer
• Easily integrated into new or existing ponds
UltraKlean™ 2000 (Unit Weight: 12 lbs.)
#95053 MSRP $349.98
UltraKlean™ 3500 (Unit Weight: 15 lbs.)
#95054 MSRP $429.98
Fittings Included
3 x 1", 1.25", 1.50"
Multi-Hose Adapter
1 x Backwash Cap
3-Year Limited Warranty
UltraKlean™ Product Specification Chart
Average Pond Size Recommendation
Maximum Flow Rate (GPH)
Power Cord Length
Discharge Hose Diameter
2,000 US gallons /
7,600 liters
3,500 US gallons /
13,000 liters
2,700 GPH /
10,200 LPH
5,200 GPH /
19,800 LPH
14 Watts
28 Watts
1", 1.25", 1.50"
1", 1.25", 1.50"
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
UV clarifier/sterilizer on/off indicator light
Electronic ballast ensures optimum wattage and
bulb output
UV clarifier/sterilizer bulb-saver timer feature allows
for bulb on/off customization to save bulb life, or
can be used when adding bacteria
Backwash valve redirects water and stirs up media,
effectively cleaning the UltraKlean™ Bio-Media
Water inlet diffuser evenly distributes debris
maximizing mechanical filtration
UV clarifier/sterilizer eliminates single-celled algae
commonly referred to as green water
UltraKlean™ Bio-Media used for efficient biological/
mechanical filtration
Backwash swirl diffuser efficiently churns the water
to clean the UltraKlean™​ Bio-Media
Cleaning indicator light signals when the filter
requires backwashing
For ponds larger than 3,500 gallons, or ponds
containing large fish loads, we recommend using a
larger unit or multiple units. Multiple UltraKlean™ units
can be easily plumbed in line with one pump using an
Aquascape Two-Way Control Valve (sold separately).
Pond Filtration
Aquascape's family of field-proven, time-tested Skimmer Filters are
the #1 selling skimmers in the water garden market. No gizmos or gadgets
designed by engineers behind a desk, but rather, functional, easy-to-install
and maintain filters designed by actual pond builders. They include
patented features that make installation a snap with components
designed to make maintenance effortless.
U.S. Patent 7,144,501
• Round shape maximizes structural design
• P
atented adjustable faceplates for easy installation
(Signature Series™ 6.0 & 8.0)
20" L x 17.5" W x 17.5" H (Unit Weight: 15.9 lbs.)
#99771 MSRP $279.98
Signature Series™ 6.0
21" L x 22" W x 26.5" H (Unit Weight: 27 lbs.)
#09019 MSRP $499.99
Signature Series 8.0
21" L x 22" W x 26.5" H (Unit Weight: 27 lbs.)
#29349 MSRP $499.99
parts available
Video on
Skimmer Filters
Features found on the Signature Series™ 6.0 & 8.0 Skimmers​
Natural Looking Faux-Rock Lid: Grooves designed into lid provide space for gravel or mulch
Easy Maintenance: We are making it as easy as possible for the pond owner to maintain
their filter with a large-volume, rigid debris basket (Signature Series™ 6.0 & 8.0)
Injection Molded Fittings: Check valve threads into skimmer wall providing a professional
watertight seal along the back of the filter
Corrosion-resistant non-cross-threading hardware stands up to the elements
Patented Adjustable Faceplate: Have you ever messed up your transit measurement when
setting your pond’s water level? Forget about it! Four inches of travel enable you to tweak
out the perfect water level (Signature Series™ 6.0 & 8.0)
Filter mat removes smaller sediment and debris
Rounded shape provides maximum strength
Aquascape Skimmer Specification Chart
Pond Size
Pump Flow Rate
Signature Series™ Skimmer 6.0
Signature Series™ Skimmer 8.0
up to 200 sq. ft.
up to 500 sq. ft.
up to 1,000 sq. ft.
up to 3,000 GPH /
11,360 LPH
up to 4,000 GPH /
15,140 LPH
up to 10,000 GPH* /
37,850 LPH
AquaSurge®, AquaSurge® PRO & Tsurumi
AquaSurge®, AquaSurge® PRO & Tsurumi*
20" L x 17.5" W x 17.5" H
21" L x 22" W x 26.5" H
21" L x 22" W x 26.5" H
Limited Lifetime
Limited Lifetime
Limited Lifetime
Recommended Pumps
Weir Size
Adjustable Height Face Plate
Leaf & Debris Net
Leaf & Debris Rigid Basket
Filter Brush Cartridge
Filter Mat
* Note: The Tsurumi 12PN and AquascapePRO 10000 pumps are too large. Multiple pumps can be used to achieve up to 10,000 gallons per hour.
Pond Filtration
Aquascape professional-grade BioFalls Filters provide the most
filtration and highest water flows in the market. Durable rotationalmolded polyethylene ensures maximum strength and withstands
whatever Mother Nature can dish out. All Aquascape BioFalls®
Filters include a lifetime warranty!
• Circular shape maximizes structural strength
• F
ully-attachable lip with patented non-cross threading
screws make it easy to install
MicroFalls® Filter
17.5" L x 20.5" W x 17" H (Unit Weight: 11 lbs.)
#99774 MSRP $279.98
Signature Series™ Biofalls® Filter 2500 (2" Bulkhead)
24" L x 29.5" W x 20" H (Unit Weight: 23 lbs.)
#09020 MSRP $479.99
Signature Series™ Biofalls® Filter 6000 (2" Bulkhead)
40" L x 45" W x 29.5" H (Unit Weight: 55 lbs.)
#29319 MSRP $759.99
Video on
BioFalls® Filters
Signature Series™ Biofalls® Filter 6000 (3" Bulkhead)
40" L x 45" W x 29.5" H (Unit Weight: 57 lbs.)
#29384 MSRP $799.99
Features found on the Signature Series™ 2500 & 6000 Biofalls® Filter​
parts available
More advanced installers will love the reversible waterfall lip option, which
provides the flexibility of using a natural stone spillway and large accent
boulders along the front of the unit (for 2500 and 6000 model filters)
Removable upper tray can hold rocks, plants, and gravel, helping to
naturalize the BioFalls® Filter into the surrounding landscape
Media net and BioBalls™ (BioBalls™ sold separately)
Corrosion resistant non-cross-threading hardware stands up to the elements
Two Poly-Flo ESA biological Filter Mats provide 50% more surface area than
traditional filter mats
Two bulkhead ports provide plumbing options
Circular shape provides maximum strength and makes it easy to
camouflage into the landscape
Filter support rack ensures evenly distributed waterflow through filter mats
and provides structural strength to the walls of the filter
Aquascape BioFalls® Specification Chart
Signature Series™ BioFalls® 2500
Signature Series™ BioFalls® 6000
Signature Series™ BioFalls® 6000
1,000 gallons / 3,800 liters
2,500 gallons / 9,500 liters
6,000 gallons / 22,700 liters
6,000 gallons / 22,700 liters
up to 3,000 GPH /
11,400 LPH
up to 5,000 GPH / 18,900 LPH
up to 15,000 GPH / 56,800 LPH
up to 15,000 GPH / 56,800 LPH
Spillway Width
Bulkhead Port
Single 2"
Dual 2"
Dual 2"
Dual 3"
1.5" PVC slip &
1.5" kink-free insert
Two 2" PVC slip
Two 2" PVC slip
Two 3" PVC slip
Rock Tray
Filter Mats
Two Included
Two Included
Two Included
Two Included
100 Included*
200 Included*
400 Included*
400 Included*
Media Nets
One Included
Two Included
Three Included
Three Included
17.5" L x 20.5" W x 17" H
24" L x 29.5" W x 20" H
40" L x 45" W x 29.5" H
40" L x 45" W x 29.5" H
Limited Lifetime
Limited Lifetime
Limited Lifetime
Limited Lifetime
Filters Pond up to
Pump Flow Rate
Fittings Included
* Note: BioBalls only included as part of Pond kits. See Kits starting on page 10.​
Pond Filtration
Aquascape UltraKlean™ Filtration Kits take the guesswork out of selecting the correct
pump and filtration combination for any new or existing pond. Available in three sizes
and two configurations, there is an UltraKlean™ filter kit for almost any pond configuration.
Buying a filtration kit is simple and provides the best overall value as components are
selected by Aquascape not only for size of pond, but also matched components that will
work well together as a team.
UltraKlean™ 1500
Filtration Kit
UltraKlean™ 2500
Filtration Kit
UltraKlean™ 3500
Filtration Kit
Pressure Filter and Pump Kit
Pressure Filter and Pump Kit
Pressure Filter and Pump Kit
Includes the following components:
Includes the following components:
Includes the following components:
• UltraKlean 2000 Pressure Filter
with Integrated 14-Watt UV Clarifier/
• UltraKlean 2000 Pressure Filter
with Integrated 14-Watt UV Clarifier/
• UltraKlean™ 3500 Pressure Filter
with Integrated 28-Watt UV Clarifier/
• AquaForce® 1000 Solids Handling
Waterfall Pump
• AquaForce® 2700 Solids Handling
Waterfall Pump
• AquaForce® 5200 Solids Handling
Waterfall Pump
• 25 Feet of 1.5" Quality Kink
Free Pipe
• 25 Feet of 1.5" Quality Kink
Free Pipe
• 25 Feet of 1.5" Quality Kink
Free Pipe
• Stainless Steel Hose Clamps
• Stainless Steel Hose Clamps
• Stainless Steel Hose Clamps
• Provides filtration for ponds up to
1,500 gallons / 5,678 liters
• Provides filtration for ponds up to
2,500 gallons / 9,464 liters
• 2 Way control valve
(Unit Weight: 38 lbs.)
#95058 MSRP $539.98
(Unit Weight: 40 lbs.)
#95059 MSRP $589.98
• Provides filtration for ponds up to
3,500 gallons / 13,249 liters
(Unit Weight: 45 lbs.)
#95060 MSRP $699.98
UltraKlean™ BioBalls™
Aquascape UltraKlean™ BioBalls™ are designed specifically to trap dirt and debris when used in
conjunction with Aquascape UltraKlean™ Pressure Filters. UltraKlean™ BioBalls™ sink and provide
a textured surface ideal for the colonization of beneficial bacteria in submerged applications.
(250 pcs.) .75" diameter
(Unit Weight: 1.5 lbs.)
#95055 MSRP $29.98
Pond Filtration
UltraKlean 1000 Filtration Kit
BioFalls® Filter and Pump Kit
Includes the following components:
• MicroFalls® Waterfall Filter System
• AquaForce® 2700 Solids Handling Waterfall Pump
• 25 Feet of 1.5" Quality Kink Free Pipe
• Stainless Steel Hose Clamps
(Unit Weight: 32 lbs.)
#77014 MSRP $499.98
Aquascape BioBalls™ provide a textured surface area (19 sq. inches per BioBall™) for beneficial bacteria to colonize
and grow. Aquascape BioBalls™ are the ideal filtration media for use in all biological filtration. Each box contains
100 balls and fits perfectly in the Aquascape MicroFalls®.
• Easy to clean and maintain
• Textured surface for optimum bacteria growth
• Can be used for filtration or in de-gassing towers
• Will not break like pegged BioBalls
(100 pcs.) 1.5" diameter
(Unit Weight: 2.8 lbs.)
#98464 MSRP $34.98
 
Filter Media Rolls
Bulk roll provides the ability to cut the filter mat to the shape and size of any pond filter. The 2"
coarse material is the most popular material used in skimmers and biological filters.
1.25" x 10' Coarse 56" wide
(Unit Weight: 8.4 lbs.)
#99321 MSRP $229.98
2" x 10' Coarse 56" wide
(Unit Weight: 11.9 lbs.)
#99323 MSRP $279.98
1" x 10' Dense 56" wide
(Unit Weight: 8.8 lbs.)
#99325 MSRP $189.98
Center channel allows the balls to be
strung together making cleaning easier
Textured surface maximizes
space for beneficial bacteria
populations and water retention
Maximizes dissolved oxygen levels
Paddle wheel design breaks water flow
helping to de-gas and aerate water
Compact size allows for
placement into smaller areas
Pond Filtration
Pondless® Waterfall Vault
U.S. Patent 7,754,072
Not too big and not too small, the expandability of the Pondless® Waterfall
Vault makes this filter perfectly sized to meet the need of any
Pondless® Waterfall or RainXchange® project.
• Simple to install and maintain
• Large interior fits a wide range of pump sizes
up to 12,500 gallons per hour
• Expandable height allows the Pondless®
Waterfall Vault to be used on any size project
• Comes standard for use with the Small
• Optional Pondless® Waterfall Extension can be
used when creating deeper basins using the
Large AquaBlox®
• Made from durable rotationally molded
(Unit Weight: 14 lbs.)
#49000 MSRP $269.99
Pondless® Waterfall Extension
• Slides onto the Pondless® Waterfall Vault
increasing the height for deeper basins using
the Large AquaBlox®
• Required when using larger and/or taller pumps
with 3-inch plumbing to ensure the height of
the vault is tall enough to accommodate​the
large pump
Pondless® Waterfall Vault & Extension Specification Chart
Access Opening Dimensions
Pump Sizes
Vault Extension
23" L x 25.5" H x 17" W
16" L x 9" H x 16" W
16" L x 16" W
up to 12,500 GPH /
47,300 LPH​
Pondless® Waterfall Vault Application
(Unit Weight: 5.4 lbs.)
#49001 MSRP $74.99
Video on
Waterfall Vault
Extra wide opening provides easy access
Excellent water circulation through horizontal and vertical water intakes
Large interior fits a wide range of pump sizes
Designed to integrate
with the AquaBlox®
making excavation and
installation a snap!
Built in water level
inspection port allows lid
to be buried out of sight.
Pond Filtration
Waterfall Spillway
The Waterfall Spillway is a cost-effective solution to help create the starting point of a beautiful waterfall and stream.
• Creates smooth, consistent, leak-free water flow​
• Handles flow rates up to 7,500 GPH / 28,000 LPH
• The durable design makes it easy to disguise by allowing soil, rocks or logs to be placed directly on top of the unit
• Comes complete with a 2-inch PVC slip fitting, 1.5-inch barbed hose fitting and pre-installed bulk head
When to use the Waterfall Spillway - The Waterfall Spillway is a versatile tool that can be used in a wide variety of water feature
applications. You may find that your imagination is the only limitation to what you can create with the Waterfall Spillway.
• The Waterfall Spillway is an ideal solution for starting waterfalls on
Pondless® Waterfall systems, where, due to the absence of fish,
more expensive biological filters aren't necessary.
• The Waterfall Spillway is also an excellent choice for designing
additional waterfalls and streams onto new or existing ponds that
already have a biological filter.
• With the Waterfall Spillway you can build behind hardscape walls to
provide a more formal waterfall design.
• You can use multiple Waterfall Spillways to design larger,
more creative waterfall configurations.
17.5" L x 24" W x 5" H (Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#77000 MSRP $139.99
Waterfall Spillway Specification Chart
Spillway Width
Bulkhead Port
Fittings Included
Video on
Waterfall Spillway
Single 2"
Waterfall Spillway Application
2" PVC slip, 1.5" barbed hose fitting
and pre-installed bulkhead
Flow Rates Handled
7,500 GPH / 28,000 LPH​
Strong design allows boulders, logs, gravel, soil or other
creative landscape material to be set directly on top of
the Waterfall Spillway, helping to camouflage it into the
surrounding landscape
Watertight connection is made using the fitting on the
back of the Waterfall Spillway
Wide 22-inch spillway handles flow rates up to 7,500
gallons per hour
Internal barriers dam the incoming flow of water, providing
a smooth-flowing waterfall
Pond Filtration
Aquascape’s AquaBlox® modular water storage system, also known as the D-Raintank® by Atlantis®, is an efficient way
to maximize your water storage capacity in Pondless® Waterfall reservoirs.
• Over 3 times more water storage capacity than gravel
• Holds approximately 7.4 gallons of water per
cubic foot, as compared to gravel, which holds
approximately 2.2 gallons of water per cubic foot
• Extra water storage capacity means less time
topping off reservoir due to evaporation
• Easier to clean and less prone to clogging than
traditional gravel basins
• The ability to hold more water per cubic foot
allows for smaller reservoirs
• Less labor required to excavate and move gravel
for basin
Load-bearing top
• Uses less liner and geotextile underlayment than
reservoirs constructed with gravel
Small AquaBlox (Unit Weight: 11 lbs.)
#29491 MSRP $42.99
Large AquaBlox® (Unit Weight: 16 lbs.)
#29492 MSRP $52.99
Modular Design
The lightweight design of AquaBlox® makes
installation quicker, safer and less expensive.
takes 1 minute
to assemble!
AquaBlox® are assembled on site, making transporting
and installation extremely efficient
AquaBlox® Specification Chart
AquaBlox® Size
# of Parts / Dimensions
Load Bearing Weight
26.5" L x 16" W x 9.5" H
(4) 8" x 16"; (2) 26.5" x 8"; (2) 26.5" x 16"
17 gallons
5,472 lbs./sq. ft.
26.5" L x 16" W x 17.5" H
(4) 26.5" x 16"; (4) 14.5" x 16"
32 gallons
5,472 lbs./sq. ft.
Pond Filtration
Wetland Filter
U.S. Patent 6,740,232 and 7,114,668
A Field-Tested, Field-Proven System for Filtering Large Bodies of Water
Our patented Snorkel™ Vault and Centipede® Module were specifically designed to tackle any number of the
common issues that plague large scale water features. They are modular in design, allowing builders and
designers the flexibility to expand the system to meet their needs.
• Strips excess nutrients from the water column, reducing
algae and the physical and chemical maintenance that
goes along with removing algae
• Highly effective at removing sediment (suspended solids)
from the pond
• Easily access collected sediment with the Snorkel™ Vault,
reducing the need for costly and invasive dredging
• Easily retrofitted onto existing ponds
• Improves water clarity
• Create a waterfall and stream by designing the wetland
filter system off the perimeter of the pond
• Works on earth bottom and liner membrane ponds
Constructed Wetland Filter System Requirements
Snorkel Vault
Centipede Module Rubber Coupling*
Pond Size
(in sq. ft.)
Filter Size
Number of
Liner, basic
minimum sizes
Flow GPH
8' x 10'
15' x 20'
8' x 15'
15' x 25'
8' x 20'
15' x 30'
8' x 25'
15' x 35'
8' x 50'
15' x 70'
25' x 50'
35' x 70'
50' x 50'
70' x 70'
Flex PVC
Centipede® Module sits at the lowest point in the filter ensuring maximum water distribution,
as well as efficient removal of sediment during maintenance cleaning.
1: The layout of the Snorkel™ Vault and Centipede® Modules for the first shoreline wetland filter
2: The excavated wetland is lined with EPDM rubber liner and the Snorkel™ Vault and Centipede® Modules are set in place
3: The Centipede® Modules are covered with several layers of stones. The larger voids found between these stones allow the incoming
water to flow throughout the wetland and provides ample room for the deposition of sediments
4: A section of the finished wetland
Large Snorkel
Vault and Cap
Snorkel Vault
• 4 ports for Large
• For use when
creating deeper
basins. Also required
when using the
AquascapePRO 10,000 pump
• Module attachment
• For use with large Snorkel™ Vault
• Allows pump to be
dropped in for easy
(Unit Weight: 27 lbs.)
#29064 MSRP $459.99
(Unit Weight: 10 lbs.)
#29068 MSRP $169.99
Large Centipede® Module
• Modular design
• For use with Large Snorkel™ Vault
(Unit Weight: 29 lbs.)
#29065 MSRP $329.99
Pond Filtration
IonGen™ In…Algae Out!
The IonGen™ System G2 Electronic Algae Controller allows you to spend your time relaxing next to your water feature instead
of trying to maintain it! The IonGen™ effectively kills algae without the use of traditional liquid chemicals and is designed
with a microprocessor that sends a signal to its ion producing probe that helps control algae throughout
the entire water feature.
• Drastically reduces pond maintenance
• Helps to control unsightly algae without the use of liquid chemicals
• Simple to install
• Compatible with water containing fish and plants
• Energy efficient (less than $1 per month in electrical costs)
• Treats ponds up to 25,000 gallons
• Probe typically lasts 1-3 seasons depending on the ionization level it is
operated at, volume of water in the pond, and the algae conditions you
are trying to control
• Complete with electronic control panel, outdoor-rated transformer, flow
chamber, probe fittings, copper test kit and owner’s manual
IonGen™ System G2
4.25" L x 1" W x 3.25" H (Control Panel)
6.25" L x 2.75" W x 4.75" H (Flow Chamber)
(Unit Weight: 3.3 lbs.)
#95027 MSRP $379.98
EPA Registration #83739-1
IonGen™ Pond Application
Option 1: Probe can be installed directly into the water feature plumbing
Option 2: Probe can be placed in an area with good water circulation
Video on
How does the Aquascape IonGen™ G2 System Help Control String Algae?
The Aquascape IonGen™ System releases a calculated mixture of copper ions into the path of flowing water. The IonGen™ Control Panel
sends signals that slowly dissolve the replaceable probe. The ions produced by the probe treat the water and reduce string algae, as well as
drastically reduce​maintenance and the need for liquid pond chemicals.
Before IonGen™ G2
After IonGen™ G2
Pond Filtration
Weatherproof Control Panel
Easy-to-read digital display
Indicator notifies you when the probe needs to be replaced
Adjustable ionization level
Durable quick-connect electrical connections - cable to
transformer (12' long) and probe (15' long)
String Algae
Tool-free probe installation
2" threaded inlet and outlet
Angled probe helps deflect debris and
reduce clogging
Fittings Included
durable quick-connect
electrical connections
1", 1.25", 1.5" Universal
Barbed Hosetail Fitting
2" PVC Slip Fitting
IonGen™ Probe
for the
G2 System
IonGen™ Probe
for the
G1.5 System
IonGen™ Probe
for the
G1 System
• For 2nd Generation Flow Chamber
• For 1st Generation PVC tee-style
Flow Chamber and the G2 control
• For 1st Generation PVC tee-style
Flow Chamber and the G1 control
• Includes 5 ft. Quick-Connect cable
• Works with any ionization system
that includes EDAC style connector
• Includes 5 ft. Quick-Connect cable
1.5" L x 1.5" W x 3.25" H
(Unit Weight: .5 lbs.)
#95028 MSRP $119.98
Copper Test Kit
• Measures residual
• 25 tests per kit
(Unit Weight: .2 lbs.)
#96020 MSRP $19.98
(Unit Weight: 1 lb.)
#95075 MSRP $119.98
IonGen™ Probe Holder
• Provides installation of G2 Probe without Flow Chamber
• Can be used in a filter, such as a Skimmer or Pondless®
Waterfall Vault
• Straps onto any pipe from
1 - 4 inches in diameter
• Works great attached to the
AquascapePRO® Check Valve
Test Kit
(Unit Weight: .5 lbs.)
#95077 MSRP $9.98
• Measures
• 60 tests per kit
(Unit Weight: .2 lbs.)
#96019 MSRP $19.98
(Unit Weight: .9 lbs.)
#95074 MSRP $119.98
Pond Filtration
UltraKlear®​ UV Clarifier/Sterilizer
In a pond, algae blooms, or "green water", can be a difficult issue to address safely and effectively. Not
anymore! The Aquascape UltraKlear​® UV Clarifier/Sterilizer uses a technologically-advanced T5 high output
UVC bulb, making it more efficient than traditional UV clarifiers. The Aquascape UltraKlear®​UV Clarifier/
Sterilizer features a swirl sleeve that helps direct the water around the UV bulb, creating more contact time and
increasing UV efficiency up to 50% over traditional UV clarifiers.
• Effectively clears unsightly green (pea soup) water algae blooms
• Simple to use and easy to maintain
• Features a swirl sleeve that optimizes UV efficiency
• High-output UV bulb maximizes performance
• Easy-to-remove bulb and quartz sleeve
• Can be mounted horizontally or vertically
UltraKlear​® 1000 (Unit Weight: 6.5 lbs.)
#95036 MSRP $179.98
UltraKlear®​2500 (Unit Weight: 8 lbs.)
#95037 MSRP $219.98
3-Year Limited Warranty
UltraKlear​® 5000 (Unit Weight: 10 lbs.)
#95038 MSRP $299.98
Fittings Included
2 x 1.5" Locking
Rotational Ball Fitting
3 x 1", 1.25", 1.50"
Multi-Hose Adapter
1 x 1.50" Backwash Cap
Narrow contact chamber increases effectiveness
of UV light
Internal sleeve increases contact time, thus
increasing efficiency
Additional side water flow output allows for easier
High-output (HO) T5 bulb maximizes effectiveness
High-quality quartz sleeve maximizes bulb output
Electronic ballast ensures optimum wattage and
bulb output
On/off indicator light provides quick verification
Mounting brackets make it simple to attach the
unit to a vertical surface
Mechanical safety switch automatically turns off
bulb when the ballast/bulb is removed
For ponds larger than 5,000 gallons or ponds containing large fish loads, we recommend
using a larger unit, or multiple UltraKlear​® UV units. Multiple units can be easily plumbed
in line with an UltraKlear®​UV Adapter Kit or the Aquascape Two-way Control Valve.
UltraKlear®​Product Specification Chart
Average Pond Size Recommendation
Maximum Flow Rate
Power Cord Length
Discharge Hose Diameter
1,000 US gallons / 3,800 liters
2,500 US gallons / 9,500 liters
5,000 US gallons / 19,000 liters
500 GPH / 1,900 LPH
1,000 GPH / 3,800 LPH
1,500 GPH / 5,700 LPH
14 Watts
28 Watts
55 Watts
1", 1.25", 1.50"
1", 1.25", 1.50"
1", 1.25", 1.50"
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
Pond Filtration
Pond Filter Urn
The Aquascape Pond Filter Urn is ideal for smaller ponds, including preformed
ponds or container water gardens. The Aquascape Pond Filter Urn can easily be
incorporated into existing ponds. Ideal for use with Aquascape Ultra™, AquaForce®
or AquaJet™ Water Pumps.
• Great add-on filtration for any size existing pond
• Simple to use and maintain
• Connects to most water pumps
• Ideal for use in smaller ponds or container
water gardens
Pond Filter Urn
(Unit Weight: 16.1 lbs.)
#77006 MSRP $159.98
Pond Filter Urn - Lg
(Unit Weight: 25 lbs.)
#77011 MSRP $299.98
Pond Filter Urn Replacement Kit
(Unit Weight: 5 lbs.)
#77007 MSRP $39.98
Pond Filter Urn Replacement Kit - Lg
(Unit Weight: 8 lbs.)
#77012 MSRP $69.98
The removable filter lid allows easy
access for cleaning
The decorative filter housing can
be easily incorporated into most
any setting
Inlet hose will accommodate most
small filter pumps
Mechanical filtration filters out
large debris
Ceramic filtration rings provide
bacteria with a large surface area
for colonization
Aquascape Pond Filter Urn
Pond Filter Urn
Pond Filter Urn - Lg
Max Flow
Pond Volume
Inlet Fitting
Filter Dimensions
400 GPH
500 gal
20" L x 11" W x 11" H
1,100 GPH
1,500 gal
28" L x 15.5" W x 15.5" H
Insert mechanical
Insert ceramic
filtration rings.
Replace removable
filter lid.
Video on
Filter Urn
Container Water Garden Filter
Ideal for all container water gardens holding up to 50 gallons of water
The Aquascape Container Water Garden Filter is a complete solution for small
to medium-size container water gardens or any containers with
stagnant or non-moving water including birdbaths, or water
containers holding specimen pond plants like lotus or waterlilies.
• Provides ideal filtration when adding goldfish to a container water garden
• Magnetically driven, or "mag drive" motor technology, is simple
and easy to maintain
Adjustable spray bar allows
for surface movement and
adds oxygen to the water
Integrated suction cups
help adhere the Container
Water Garden Filter to the
integrated shelf found in
the Aquascape Patio Pond
Mechanical and biological filter sponge reduces
maintenance and provides
excellent filtration
Protective pump cage
and large mechanical and
biological pre-filter prevents
debris from clogging or
damaging pump
• Extremely energy-efficient
• Durable pre-filter water intake design prevents clogging and
reduces pump maintenance
• Provides years of trouble-free operation
(Unit Weight: .8 lbs.)
#77005 MSRP $24.98
Liner & Underlayment
Liner & Underlayment
EPDM Pond Liner
Aquascape 45 mil fish-safe EPDM pond liner leads the industry in quality and reliability. Backed by an industry leading 20 year guarantee,
Aquascape is the choice of discriminating pond professionals.
• Safe for fish and plants
• Ease of installation with no special tools required
• Superior elongation and lay-flat characteristics
• 45 mil thickness
• Exceptional resistance to solar UV, ozone and oxidation
• 20 year guarantee
5' x 100' Liner
( Unit Weight: 162 lbs.)
#42002 MSRP $645.00
30' x 50' Liner
( Unit Weight: 486 lbs.)
#29202 MSRP $1,935.00
10' x 50' Liner
(Unit Weight: 162 lbs.)
#29188 MSRP $645.00
30' x 100' Liner
(Unit Weight: 972 lbs.)
#29203 MSRP $3,870.00
10' x 100' Liner
( Unit Weight: 324 lbs.)
#29189 MSRP $1,290.00
40' x 50' Liner
( Unit Weight: 678 lbs.)
#29206 MSRP $2,580.00
15' x 50' Liner
(Unit Weight: 243 lbs.)
#29192 MSRP $967.50
40' x 100' Liner
(Unit Weight: 1295 lbs.)
#29207 MSRP $5,160.00
15' x 100' Liner
( Unit Weight: 486 lbs.)
#29193 MSRP $1,935.00
45' x 50' Liner
( Unit Weight: 729 lbs.)
#29208 MSRP $2,902.50
20' x 50' Liner
( Unit Weight: 324 lbs.)
#29196 MSRP $1,290.00
45' x 100' Liner
( Unit Weight: 1,457 lbs.)
#29209 MSRP $5,805.00
20' x 100' Liner
(Unit Weight: 648 lbs.)
#29197 MSRP $2,580.00
50' x 50' Liner
(Unit Weight: 810 lbs.)
#29210 MSRP $3,225.00
25' x 50' Liner
(Unit Weight: 405 lbs.)
#29200 MSRP $1,612.50
50' x 100' Liner
(Unit Weight: 1,619 lbs.)
#29211 MSRP $6,450.00
25' x 100' Liner
( Unit Weight: 810 lbs.)
#29201 MSRP $3,225.00
Boxed EPDM Pond and Stream Liner
Aquascape 45 mil fish safe EPDM Pond Liner boxed for
8' x 10' (Unit Weight: 23 lbs.)
#85009 MSRP $103.20
12' x 15' (Unit Weight: 52 lbs.)
#85001 MSRP $232.20
10' x 10' (Unit Weight: 29 lbs.)
#29607 MSRP $129.00
15' x 15' (Unit Weight: 65 lbs.)
#85002 MSRP $290.25
10' x 12' (Unit Weight: 35 lbs.)
#85000 MSRP $154.80
15' x 20' (Unit Weight: 87 lbs.)
#85003 MSRP $387.00
10' x 20' (Unit Weight: 58 lbs.)
#29612 MSRP $258.00
20' x 25' (Unit Weight: 145 lbs.)
#85004 MSRP $645.00
10' x 30' (Unit Weight: 87 lbs.)
#29616 MSRP $387.00
Boxed Non-Woven Geotextile Underlayment
Aquascape underlayment boxed for convenience. Multiple
sections can be laid out for larger applications.
10' x 15' (Unit Weight: 5.7 lbs.)
#85010 MSRP $49.00
Rock Pad
Also available in rolls!
* Larger roll lengths of 150’ and 200’ available. Call for availability!
EPDM Pond Liner - Mini Roll
The rock pad is an extra thick
3’ x 3’ nonwoven polypropylene
fabric that can be laid down on the
liner before placing those large rocks.
20' x 25' (Unit Weight: 162 lbs.)
#42018 MSRP $645.00
25' x 30' (Unit Weight: 243 lbs.)
#42020 MSRP $967.50
Rock Pad (Unit Weight: 1.1 lbs.)
#25000 MSRP $26.99
20' x 30' (Unit Weight: 195 lbs.)
#42019 MSRP $774.00
30' x 30' (Unit Weight: 292 lbs.)
#42021 MSRP $1,161.00
Rock Pad Roll (15’ x 150’ Roll) (Unit Weight: 260 lbs.)
#25001 MSRP $1,749.99
Liner For Large Projects
Aquascape 40 Mil Polypropylene Liner
Ultra strong liner of choice for large projects.
Minimum size 50 ft. x 100 ft.*
( Unit Weight: .19 lbs./ft.2)
Woven Microgrid Geotextile
A specialty woven geotextile recommended for use on top of the
AquaBlox® when using permeable pavers. This woven geotextile
keeps the base aggregate bed on top of the AquaBlox®, while
allowing water to infiltrate into the water storage basin.
8' x 225' Roll
(Unit Weight: 65 lbs.)
#42016 MSRP $999.99
4' x 4' Woven Microgrid Geotextile
(Unit Weight: 0.5 lbs.)
#42015 MSRP $14.99
Non-Woven Geotextile Underlayment Rolls
This soft polyethyleve fabric helps protect
pond liner from rocks and other sharp
objects. The underlayment spreads easily
and allows gases to escape.
Cut to Size
(Unit Weight: .04 lbs./ft.2 over 900 sq.ft.)
#29227 MSRP $.40 (Per sq.ft.)
15' x 300 ( Unit Weight: 200 lbs.)
#29169 MSRP $899.99
5' x 300' ( Unit Weight: 59 lbs.)
#30300 MSRP $329.99
7.5' x 600' (Unit Weight: 175 lbs.)
#29170 MSRP $899.99
Hose & Pipe
Hose & Pipe
Fish-Safe Pipe and Tubing
Flexible PVC Pipe - The pipe of choice for Pond Professionals. Reinforced PVC pipe resists crushing when buried beneath the ground and
maintains flexibility making it easy to install. Pipe connections secured using standard schedule 40 fittings and glue.
Kink-Free Pipe - Excellent choice for the DIY Hobbyist. Extremely flexible, as well as resistant to crimping or collapsing around tight curves.
Pipe connections secured using traditional barbed fittings and clamps.
Black Vinyl Tubing - Soft, yet durable U.V. resistant vinyl tubing is ideal for plumbing small decorative fountains and spitters. Pipe connections secured using traditional barbed fittings and clamps.
Flexible PVC Piping
Kink-Free Pipe
Black Vinyl Tubing
1" x 50' (Unit Weight: 14.5 lbs.)
#48015 MSRP $69.99
3/4" x 100' (Unit Weight: 14 lbs.)
#94003 MSRP $169.98
3/8" x 100' (Unit Weight: 5 lbs.)
#94008 MSRP $69.98
1 1/2" x 25' (Unit Weight: 12 lbs.)
#29021 MSRP $49.99
1" x 100' (Unit Weight: 17.2 lbs.)
#94004 MSRP $189.98
1/2" x 100' (Unit Weight: 6 lbs.)
#94009 MSRP $79.98
1 1/2" x 50' (Unit Weight: 24 lbs.)
#29022 MSRP $94.99
1 1/4" x 100' (Unit Weight: 24.5 lbs.)
#94005 MSRP $199.98
3/4" x 50' (Unit Weight: 10.9 lbs.)
#94010 MSRP $119.98
2" x 25' (Unit Weight: 16 lbs.)
#29023 MSRP $69.99
1 1/2" x 25' (Unit Weight: 8.4 lbs.)
#94006 MSRP $59.98
1" x 50' (Unit Weight: 13.6 lbs.)
#94011 MSRP $149.98
2" x 50' (Unit Weight: 32 lbs.)
#29024 MSRP $129.99
1 1/2" x 100' (Unit Weight: 34.5 lbs.)
#94007 MSRP $229.98
3" x 50' (Unit Weight: 65 lbs.)
#29025 MSRP $299.99
3" x 100' (Unit Weight: 130 lbs.)
#29026 MSRP $549.99
Pre-Cut Kink-Free Pipe
Aquascape's kink-free pipe cut into 6-foot sections and packaged for convenience.
Great for plumbing basalt and other natural stone fountains.
6' x 1/2" (Unit Weight: 0.85 lbs.)
#88003 MSRP $11.98
6' x 3/4" (Unit Weight: 1 lb.)
#98404 MSRP $12.98
An AquascapePRO® Check Valve Assembly is needed to connect your pump to the pond plumbing.
Aquascape’s dual union check valves have a removable connection underneath the check valve which allows
you to disconnect the pump and plumbing without draining the water in your BioFalls® Filter (not included in
#29500 Plumbing Assembly). See descriptions and chart below to determine which check valve assembly
fits your project.
Refer to our Pricing and Program Guide for more information on the: 2-Way Flow Control Valve,
Check Valve Assembly 2-3 Conversion Kit and the Check Valve 2" Aquasurge® Adapter
AquascapePRO® Check Valves
Item #
Check Valve Assembly (CVA)
For Use in the Following Filter
For Use with
the Following Pump
Plumbing Assembly
AquaSurge® 2000 & 3000
1.4 lbs
CVA Signature Series™ Skimmer &
Pondless® Vault Tsurumi
Signature Series™ Skimmer 6.0 & 8.0
Pondless® Vault & MicroSnorkel™ Vault
Tsurumi 3PL, 5PL, 9PL & 8PN
AquascapePRO 3000, 4500 & 7500
2.3 lbs
CVA Signature Series™ Skimmer &
Pondless® Vault AquaSurge®
Signature Series™ Skimmer 6.0 & 8.0
Pondless® Vault & MicroSnorkel™ Vault
All AquaSurge® Pumps
1.5 lbs
CVA 2" Large Pondless® Waterfall
Pondless® Waterfall Vault w/Extension
Large Snorkel™ Vault
All AquaSurge® Pumps
Tsurumi 3PL, 5PL, 9PL & 8PN
AquascapePRO 3000, 4500 & 7500
4 lbs
CVA 3"
Pondless® Waterfall Vault w/Extension
Large Snorkel™ Vault
Grande Skimmer
Tsurumi 12PN
AquascapePRO 10,000
5.5 lbs
Selecting the Style of Pump for Your Water Feature
Pumps Designed for Skimmer or Pondless® Waterfall Filter Systems
High Efficiency AquaSurge® Pump
• Advantage - Energy efficient, high flow asynchronous pump motor
• Trade-off - Solids and debris capability compared to the solids
handling pump line
Solids Handling Pump
• Advantage - Low maintenance vortex-style impeller allows the
pumps to handle large solids and debris
• Trade-off - Energy efficiency compared to the AquaSurge®
Pumps Designed to be Submerged Directly in the Pond
AquaForce® Pump
• Advantage - Large prefilter cage surrounds the asynchronous pump
motor preventing leaves, algae and other debris from clogging the pump
• Trade-offs - Pump positioned in the lower portion of the pond where it
may be difficult to hide
Ultra™ Pump
• Advantage - Small size and lower cost make this pump a good option for
smaller water features
• Trade-offs - Solids and debris capability compared to the AquaForce®
AquaJet™ Pump
• Advantage - All-in-one pump includes choice of 3 fountain designs, as
well as an adjustable divert valve that provides the option to send water
to a small waterfall, external filter or spitting ornaments
• Trade-offs - Solids and debris capability compared to the AquaForce®
Pumps Designed for use with Decorative Fountains
Ultra™ Pump
• Advantage - Small size and wide range of sizes to choose from
• Trade-offs - None! Perfect pump solution for this type of application
Statuary Pump
• Advantage - Small size and lower cost make this pump a good
option for very small decorative fountains
• Trade-offs - Limited range of flow rates to choose from
Pump images are not displayed to scale. For reference purporses only.
AquaForce® Solids-Handling Waterfall Pump
Submersible, solids-handling waterfall and filter pump (available in flow rates from 1,000 to 5,200 GPH / 3,785 to 19,684 LPH)
AquaForce® asynchronous, solids-handling waterfall and filter pumps combine energy efficient performance, high flow rates and ease
of maintenance making this pump the ideal choice for discriminating pond owners. The AquaForce® protective pre-filter cage allows the
pump to be placed directly into the pond. AquaForce® pumps are able to pump solids up to one quarter of an inch, making it ideal for
use with external pressure filters or Aquascape waterfalls type filter systems.
• Extremely energy-efficient, saving hundreds of dollars
over traditional water pumps
• Asynchronous motor technology provides high torque,
trouble-free performance at higher head heights
• Easy to maintain
• Durable prefilter cage design prevents clogging and
reduces pump maintenance
• Oil-free design prevents pond contamination
• Plumbing adapter fittings included
• Provides years of trouble-free operation
AquaForce® 1000 Solids Handling Pump (Unit Weight: 10.6 lbs.)
#91011 MSRP $199.98
AquaForce® 2700 Solids Handling Pump (Unit Weight: 11.5 lbs.)
#91012 MSRP $249.98
AquaForce® 5200 Solids Handling Pump (Unit Weight: 15.4 lbs.)
#91013 MSRP $399.98
3-Year Limited Warranty
AquaForce Pond Application
AquaForce® Pond Application
The AquaForce® protective pre-filter cage allows
the pump to be placed directly into the pond.
Video on
+ Increase Flow
On/Off Button
in the Center
− Decrease Flow
AquaForce® PRO 4000-8000 Adjustable Flow
Solids Handling Waterfall Pump
• Allows you to customize and fine-tune the flow of waterfalls and
• Ability to adjust the flow makes it easy to select the right pump
for any application
• Pump can be turned on or off with remote
• Each remote and receiver are paired together with a unique
(Unit Weight: 16.5 lbs.)
#91104 MSRP $619.99
Protective pump cage prevents large debris from clogging or damaging pump, thereby reducing maintenance
Large cage openings allow for solids to be easily processed by pump,
allowing debris to be passed and filtered, preventing the pump from
being clogged or damaged
Asynchronous motor technology makes this pump more powerful and
more efficient than traditional "mag-drive," or magnetically driven
pond pumps
The simple and secure threaded disconnect allows for the pump to
be easily removed from the pond for maintenance or winterization
without removing hose clamps or plumbing assembly
The wide, flat shape of the pump cage makes it stable and easy to
place in the pond
Adapters Included
1.50" Rotational
Ball Output
1.25", 1.50", 2"
Multi-Hose Adapter
The Aquascape AquaForce®
doubles as a great winterizing pump
parts available
1", 1.25", 1.50"
Multi-Hose Adapter
AquaForce® and AquaForce® PRO Pump Specs
Maximum Flow Rate (GPH)
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
14" L x 14" W x 6.5" H
14" L x 14" W x 6.5" H
14" L x 14" W x 6.5" H
14" L x 14" W x 6.5" H
Maximum Head Height
Motor Type
Power Cord Length
Pump Discharge Diameter
Dimensions Pump
Dimensions Remote
2.5" L x 1.5" W x .75" H
Dimensions Receiver
5" L x 5" W x 2" H
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
* Wattage range depending on remote control flow setting.
AquaForce® Pump Flow Chart (GPH)
0' (0 psi)
5' (2.16 psi) 10' (4.33 psi) 15' (6.49 psi) 20' (8.66 psi) 25' (10.82 psi) 30' (12.99 psi)
Max Head Ft.
BEST Operating Zone
1070850 0
MAXIMUM Operating Zone
AquaSurge® Skimmer and Pondless® Waterfall Vault Pump
Submersible Waterfall and Filter Pump Made For Use in Skimmer Style Filter Systems
(available in flow rates from 2,000 to 5,000 GPH / 7,570 to 18,927 LPH)
AquaSurge® asynchronous skimmer, waterfall and filter pumps combine energy efficient
performance, high flow rates and ease of maintenance making this pump the ideal choice
for discriminating pond owners. AquaSurge® pumps are ideal for use in Aquascape and
other skimmer and falls filter systems as well as Pondless® Waterfall filter vaults.
• Extremely energy-efficient, saving hundreds of dollars over traditional water pumps
• Asynchronous motor technology provides high torque, trouble-free performance at
higher head heights
• Designed for use in skimmer and falls filter systems
• Oil-free design prevents pond contamination
3-Year Limited Warranty
EcoSystem Pond Application
• Provides years of trouble-free operation
• Made for continuous use
AquaSurge® Pond and Pondless® Waterfall Application
• Will not corrode or rust
• Rubber feet reduce noise and vibration
• Can be used vertically or horizontally
• Plumbing adapter fittings included
AquaSurge Pondless Application
AquaSurge 2000 Pump (Unit Weight: 9.3 lbs.)
#91017 MSRP $329.98
AquaSurge® 3000 Pump (Unit Weight: 9.7 lbs.)
#91018 MSRP $379.98
AquaSurge® 4000 Pump (Unit Weight: 12.1 lbs.)
#91019 MSRP $429.98
AquaSurge® 5000 Pump (Unit Weight: 13.7 lbs.)
#91020 MSRP $479.98
Video on
+ Increase Flow
On/Off Button
in the Center
− Decrease Flow
AquaSurge® PRO Adjustable Flow Pumps
• Allows you to customize and fine-tune the flow of waterfalls and streams
• Ability to adjust the flow makes it easy to select the right pump for any
• Pump can be turned on or off with remote
• Ideal for use in Pondless® Waterfall applicatons, allowing the falls to be
adjusted or turned on and off when desired
• Each remote and receiver are paired together with a unique frequency
AquaSurge® PRO 2000-4000 (Unit Weight: 10.5 lbs.)
#45009 MSRP $499.99
AquaSurge® PRO 4000-8000 (Unit Weight: 13 lbs.)
#45010 MSRP $619.99
Adapters Included
The compact size makes the AquaSurge® the perfect
pump for pond skimmers
Built-in cord strain relief protects the cord from
being damaged
Asynchronous motor technology makes this pump
more powerful and more efficient than traditional
"mag-drive," or magnetically driven pond pumps
The unique ceramic shaft with cooling port prevents
the pump from overheating
The simple and secure threaded disconnect allows
for the pump to be easily removed from the skimmer
for maintenance or winterization without removing
hose clamps or plumbing assemblies
Integrated rubber feet prevent noise and vibration
Included pump stand allows for vertical positioning
1.50" Rotational
Ball Output
1.25", 1.50", 2"
Multi-Hose Adapter
1", 1.25", 1.50"
Multi-Hose Adapter
The rotational ball output allows the pump discharge position to be easily adjusted, making this
pump ideal for all shapes and sizes of ponds
Female Adapter
parts available
AquaSurge® and AquaSurge® PRO Pump Specs
Maximum Flow Rate (GPH)
Maximum Head Height
180 - 215*
500 - 660*
Power Cord Length
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
1.5" MPT
Motor Type
Pump Discharge Diameter
Dimensions Pump
12" L x 5.5" W x 7" H 12" L x 5.5" W x 7" H 14" L x 6" W x 7.5" H 14" L x 6" W x 7.5" H 14" L x 6" W x 7.5" H 14" L x 6" W x 7.5" H
Dimensions Remote
2.5" L x 1.5" W x .75" H
Dimensions Receiver
5" L x 5" W x 2" H
3-Year Limited
* Wattage range depending on remote control flow setting.
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
** Not for use with MicroSkim®.
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
For an in-pond application please use the Aquascape AquaForce® pump
AquaSurge® and AquaSurge® PRO Pump Flow Chart (GPH)
Max Head Ft.
BEST Operating Zone
0' (0 psi)
5' (2.16 psi) 10' (4.33 psi) 15' (6.49 psi) 20' (8.66 psi) 25' (10.82 psi) 30' (12.99 psi)
319627002350 0
MAXIMUM Operating Zone
3-Year Limited
Tsurumi Solids Handling Skimmer and Pondless® Waterfall Vault Pump
Available in flow rates from 3,000 to 10,000 gallons per hour (11,350 to 37,800 liters per hour)
Tsurumi sets the standard when it comes to pumps. They are world-renowned for their quality, dependability
and performance. Tsurumi pumps are ideal for use in Aquascape and other skimmer and falls filter
systems as well as Pondless® Waterfall filter vaults.
Tsurumi PL Series Pumps
PL Series
Tsurumi engineers have designed the Aquascape PL pump line to be
hydraulically "dialed" into the head pressures found in water garden
applications. This helps ensure that the pump is performing in it's
ideal operating range, resulting in less vibration and wear and tear
on the pump, ultimately resulting in longer life. Their horizontal
design provides a perfect fit in Aquascape-style filters.
Tsurumi 3PL Pump (Unit Weight: 17 lbs.)
#29975 MSRP $519.99
Tsurumi 5PL Pump (Unit Weight: 19 lbs.)
#29976 MSRP $699.99
Tsurumi 9PL Pump (Unit Weight: 23 lbs.)
#29977 MSRP $849.99
Tsurumi PN Series Pumps
PN Series
Tsurumi's PN series pumps have had a successful presence in the water
feature maket for more than a decade. The PN series provides a good match
for filters that require a vertical style pump housing. The 8PN model provides
good performance at high head heights and the 12PN provides high flow
water performance on lower head applications.
parts available
Tsurumi 8PN Pump (Unit Weight: 29 lbs.)
#29495 MSRP $799.99
Tsurumi 12PN Pump (Unit Weight: 31.9 lbs.)
#30391 MSRP $999.99
Tsurumi Pump Specs
Maximum Flow Rate (GPH)
Direct Drive
Direct Drive
Direct Drive
Direct Drive
Direct Drive
Power Cord Length
Pump Discharge Diameter
13" L x 6" W x 7" H
9.5" L x 6.5" W x 14" H
11.625" L x 7.75" W x 15" H
2-Year Limited
2-Year Limited
2-Year Limited
Maximum Head Height
Motor Type
12" L x 6" W x 7" H 12" L x 6" W x 7" H
2-Year Limited
2-Year Limited
Tsurumi Pump Flow Chart (GPH)
0' (0 psi)
5' (2.16 psi) 10' (4.33 psi) 15' (6.49 psi) 20' (8.66 psi) 25' (10.82 psi) 30' (12.99 psi) 35' (15.15 psi) 40' (17.32 psi) 45' (19.48 psi) 50' (21.65 psi) 55' (23.81 psi)
Max Head
6900 68006200 54004700 37003000 0
5520 55205400 53404800 42003600 3000 18001200 600
3300 3000 18000
5100 50004100 31501800
10000 10000 7500
BEST Operating Zone
MAXIMUM Operating Zone
DO NOT Operate Zone
AquascapePRO Solids Handling Skimmer and Pondless Waterfall Vault Pump
Available in flow rates from 3,000 to 10,000 gallons per hour (11,350 to 37,800 liters per hour)
AquascapePRO® pumps are ideal for use in Aquascape and other skimmer and falls filters systems
as well as Pondless® Waterfall filter vaults.
Aquascape's horizontal pond pumps, from the AquascapePRO® line, are energy efficient and low
maintenance. Quiet and efficient, these pumps have stainless steel construction, along with rubber
feet to reduce vibration. With high head heights and a wide variety of flow rates to choose from
there is sure to be an AquascapePRO® pump that fits your water gardens requirements.
AquascapePRO® 3000 Pump (Unit Weight: 16 lbs.)
#20002 MSRP $539.99
AquascapePRO® 4500 Pump (Unit Weight: 17 lbs.)
#20003 MSRP $719.99
2-Year Limited Warranty
AquascapePRO® 7500 Pump (Unit Weight: 22 lbs.)
#20004 MSRP $879.99
AquascapePRO® 10,000 Pump (Unit Weight: 39 lbs.)
#20006 MSRP $999.99
AquascapePRO® 10000 Pump
AquascapePRO® 3000 Pump
parts available
AquascapePRO® Pump Specs
Maximum Flow Rate (GPH)
Direct Drive
Direct Drive
Direct Drive
Direct Drive
Power Cord Length
Pump Discharge Diameter
12" L x 6" W x 7" H
13" L x 6.5" W x 7" H
13" L x 6.5" W x 7" H
12.5" L x 9" W x 17" H
2-Year Limited
2-Year Limited
2-Year Limited
2-Year Limited
Maximum Head Height
Motor Type
Dimensions Pump
AquascapePRO® Pump Flow Chart (GPH)
Max Head
0' (0 psi)
5' (2.16 psi) 10' (4.33 psi) 15' (6.49 psi) 20' (8.66 psi) 25' (10.82 psi) 30' (12.99 psi) 35' (15.15 psi) 40' (17.32 psi)
2900 290020001200
4500 45004000 3300270020001000
6700 67006100530049004000320022001100
BEST Operating Zone
MAXIMUM Operating Zone
DO NOT Operate Zone
Ultra Pumps
Submersible fountain, waterfall and filter pump (available in flow rates from 400 to 2,000 GPH / 1,514 to 7,570 LPH)
Ultra™ Pumps are the complete solution for small ponds, fountains and water features. This all-in-one kit includes a three-way diverter
valve and multi-size hose connection making it adaptable to almost any hose or tubing size. Ultra™ Pumps are ideal for supplying water
to run fountains, water features, external filters and spitting ornaments.
• Extremely energy-efficient, saving hundreds of dollars over traditional water pumps
• Magnetically driven or "mag-drive" motor technology is simple and easy to maintain
• Durable prefilter cage design protects pump and reduces pump maintenance
• Oil-free design prevents pond contamination
• Provides years of trouble-free operation
400 GPH Ultra™ Pump (Unit Weight: 2.9 lbs.)
#91005 MSRP $79.98
550 GPH Ultra™ Pump (Unit Weight: 3.3 lbs.)
#91006 MSRP $99.98
800 GPH Ultra™ Pump (Unit Weight: 4.4 lbs.)
#91007 MSRP $119.98
3-Year Limited Warranty
1100 GPH Ultra™ Pump (Unit Weight: 4.6 lbs.)
#91008 MSRP $169.98
1500 GPH Ultra™ Pump (Unit Weight: 8.4 lbs.)
#91009 MSRP $189.98
2000 GPH Ultra™ Pump (Unit Weight: 8.8 lbs.)
#91010 MSRP $219.98
Video on
Ultra™ Pump Fountain Head Kit
Add a new dimension to the Ultra™ Pump with the simple addition of the Ultra™ Pump Fountain Head Kit.
Comes complete with three fountain heads and diverter valve to adjust the fountain height, as well as allows
for the diversion of water to an external filter or waterfall.
Small - for the Ultra™ 400, 550 & 800 Pump (Unit Weight: .7 lbs.)
#91045 MSRP $14.98
Large - for the Ultra™ 1100, 1500 & 2000 Pump (Unit Weight: .7 lbs.)
#91046 MSRP $19.98
Foaming Jet Fountain
Waterbell Fountain
Daisy Fountain
Protective pump input strainer cover and sponge filter
prevents debris from damaging pump, thereby reducing maintenance and prolonging pump life
Included three-way splitter with valve and multi-hose
adapter makes the pump simple to connect almost
all hose sizes
"Mag-drive" motor technology makes this pump
energy efficient and simple to maintain
The wide, flat base and rubber feet make the pump
stable and reduce vibration
Fittings Included
The Aquascape Ultra™ Pump will provide years of trouble-free operation
when properly maintained. If your Ultra™ Pump stops working try cleaning
the protective input strainer and sponge. Another tip is to remove and clean
the impeller and impeller housing with a mild acid-like white vinegar and
toothbrush. This will remove any white scale build-up and allow the pump
to run like new again. Note: replacement impeller kits are available.
1/2" Valve
(Ultra 400, 550, 800)
parts available
3/4" 3-Way Valve
3/4", 1", 1.25"
Multi Hose Adapter
Ultra™ Pump Specs
Maximum Flow Rate (GPH)
Maximum Head Height
Power Cord Length
1/2", 3/4", 1", 1.25"
1/2", 3/4", 1", 1.25"
1/2", 3/4", 1", 1.25"
3/4", 1", 1.25"
3/4", 1", 1.25"
3/4", 1", 1.25"
5.5" L x 4" W x 3.5" H
6" L x 4" W x 4" H
6" L x 4" W x 4" H
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
Motor Type
Discharge Hose Diameter
9" L x 5" W x 6" H 9.5" L x 6" W x 7" H 9.5" L x 6" W x 7" H
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
Ultra™ Pump Flow Chart (GPH)
0' (0 psi)
10' (4.33 psi)
5' (2.16 psi)
Max Head Ft.
BEST Operating Zone
15' (6.49 psi)
20' (8.66 psi)
370300 200 0
11101000 800 600 300
14801350 12001050 825 575 200
19821875 175016001375 1125 800450
AquaJet™ Pumps
Submersible fountain, waterfall and filter pump (available in flow rates from 600 to 2,000 GPH / 2,271 to 7,570 LPH)
AquaJet™ fountain and filter pumps are the complete solution for small to medium-size ponds or ponds up to 4,000 gallons. This all-in-one
kit provides a stunning water fountain with the choice of three included fountain heads. An integrated diverter valve supplies water to a
small waterfall, external filters or spitting ornaments. Extremely energy-efficient, saving hundreds of dollars over traditional water pumps
• Magnetically driven or "mag-drive" motor
technology is easy to maintain
• Durable pre-filter cage design prevents
clogging and reduces pump maintenance
• Oil-free design prevents pond contamination
The adjustable riser stem makes it simple to adjust
the fountain head to different heights (10" to 20")
and/or depths
Adjustable diverter and flow control allows water to
be used for fountainhead, circulation, and additional
equipment like spitters or external filters and waterfalls
The rotational riser stem fitting allows for simple
adjustment or leveling of fountain heads
Protective pump cage prevents debris from clogging
or damaging pump, thereby reducing maintenance
Simple pump cage clips make it easy to open the
protective pump cage to perform pump maintenance
or remove debris
Mag-drive motor technology makes this pump energy
efficient and simple to maintain
Fine cage openings prevents fountain heads from
becoming clogged
• Provides years of trouble-free operation
AquaJet™ 600 Pump (Unit Weight: 5.5 lbs.)
#91014 MSRP $199.98
AquaJet 1300 Pump (Unit Weight: 8.8 lbs.)
#91015 MSRP $229.98
AquaJet™ 2000 Pump (Unit Weight: 9.7 lbs.)
#91016 MSRP $299.98
 
Video on
parts available
3-Year Limited Warranty
AquaJet™ Pump Specs
1,200 US gallons
1,300 US gallons
2,000 US gallons
Maximum Fountain Height (Daisy Fountain)
up to 47"
up to 62"
up to 65"
Motor Type
Power Cord Length
with nozzle fountain heads
with nozzle fountain heads
with nozzle fountain heads
1/2", 3/4"
1/2", 3/4"
1/2", 3/4", 1"
12" L x 12" W x 6" H
12" L x 12" W x 6" H
12" L x 12" W x 6" H
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
Average Pond Size Recommendation
Discharge Hose Diameter
Discharge Hose Diameter on Diverter
Foaming Jet Fountain
Waterbell Fountain
Daisy Fountain
AquaJet™ Pump Flow Chart (GPH)
0' (0 psi)
Max Head Ft.
5' (2.16 psi) 10' (4.33 psi) 15' (6.49 psi) 20' (8.66 psi)
Multi Hose Tail
BEST Operating Zone
13501050625 0
1/2", 3/4", 1" Valve
(AquaJet™ 600)
1", 1.25", 1.50" Valve
(AquaJet™ 1300 & 2000)
Statuary and Fountain Pumps
Submersible fountain, waterfall and filter pump (available in flow rates from 70 to 320 GPH / 265 to 1,211 LPH)
Aquascape Statuary and Fountain Pumps are perfect for running smaller decorative fountains. These high quality, "mag-drive" or
magnetically driven water pumps are ideal for supplying water to run fountains, water features, external filters, spitting ornaments and
indoor or outdoor water fountains. This combination of energy-efficient, mag-drive performance, and flow and ease of maintenance make
this pump the ideal choice for discriminating water feature owners.
• Extremely energy-efficient
• Magnetically driven or mag-drive motor technology is simple and easy to maintain
• Durable pre-filter cage design prevents clogging and reduces pump maintenance
• Oil-free design prevents pond contamination
• Provides years of trouble-free operation
70 GPH Water Pump
(Unit Weight: 1.3 lbs.)
#91023 MSRP $14.98
90 GPH Water Pump
(Unit Weight: 1.7 lbs.)
#91024 MSRP $17.98
180 GPH Water Pump
(Unit Weight: 2 lbs.)
#91025 MSRP $24.98
320 GPH Water Pump
(Unit Weight: 2.6 lbs.)
#91026 MSRP $34.98
"Mag-drive" motor technology makes this pump energy
efficient and simple to maintain
Included valve and/or flow control allows you to create a
customized water flow
The wide, flat base of the pump makes it stable and easy to
place in the pond or fountain
Protective pump input strainer cover prevents debris from
clogging or damaging pump, thereby reducing maintenance
Intake strainer on the bottom of the pump prevents the pump
from running dry or pulling in air in shallow applications
parts available
3-Year Limited Warranty
Aquascape Statuary and Fountain Pumps will provide years of trouble-free operation
when properly maintained. If your Statuary and Fountain Pump stops working, try
cleaning the protective input strainer and sponge. Another tip is to remove and
clean the impeller and impeller housing with a mild acid-like white vinegar and a
toothbrush. This will remove any white scale build-up and allow the pump to run like
new again. Note: Replacement impeller kits are available
Fittings Included
Statuary and Fountain Pump Specs
70 GPH
90 GPH
180 GPH
320 GPH
Maximum Flow Rate (GPH)
70 GPH
90 GPH
180 GPH
320 GPH
1/2", 5/8"
2" L x 1.5" W x 1.25" H
2.5" L x 1.75" W x 2" H
3" L x 2.5" W x 2" H
4" L x 3.25" W x 2.5" H
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
Maximum Head Height
Motor Type
Power Cord Length
Discharge Hose Diameter
2-Outlet and 4-Outlet Pond Aerators
Every process that happens in the pond is dependent on oxygen. This is especially important at night when plants are not converting
sunlight into oxygen. Dissolved oxygen levels are also generally lower in warmer water temperatures. Pond aerators oxygenate your pond,
helping all biological processes and create a more stable environment, resulting in healthier fish and plants. Aeration is also very important during winter months in colder climates, as aeration helps to keep a small hole open in the surface of the pond to aid in degassing.
• Extremely energy-efficient
• Quiet
• Simple to use and maintain
• Durable outer housing prevents damage
• Comes complete with winter resistant air
line, preassembled check valves and
weighted air stones
3-Year Limited Warranty
• Provides years of trouble-free operation
2-Outlet Pond Aerator (Unit Weight: 3.2 lbs.)
#75000 MSRP $59.98
4-Outlet Pond Aerator (Unit Weight: 5.2 lbs.)
#75001 MSRP $109.98
Video on
Pond Aerator
parts available
Pond Air 2Aerator
Application Application
The 2-outlet and 4-outlet aerator pump should be placed in
an indoor location dry and free from airborne dust and debris.
If you notice that your pump is losing air pressure or simply
doesn't work as well as when you purchased it, a simple,
inexpensive renew kit is available. After installing the renew
kit your pond aerator should be as good as new.
Pond Air Winter Application
The strong outer housing protects the pump from becoming easily damaged
The wide, flat base of the pump makes it stable and easy to place
The replaceable diaphragm and assembly cartridge makes this pump simple
and inexpensive to service
A thick rubber gasket separates the two halves of the air pump, reducing
noise and preventing vibration
The integrated rubber feet prevent noise and vibration keeping the pump
stable so there is no movement from its intended position
Pond Aerator PRO
Aquascape professional-grade aeration system is designed to help improve water circulation and increase oxygen throughout the pond.
The Pond Aerator PRO system can also be used during the winter months where the bubbles created at the surface will keep a small
hole open in the ice for oxygenation and the removal of possible harmful gases from the water.
• Comes complete with a weather-proof, outdoor-rated, energy-efficient 45-watt air pump
• High volume 2.1 CFM of air
• For ponds up to 10,000 gallons
• Includes one large 8-inch diameter aeration disc
and 30-feet of 3/8" braided aeration tubing
Pond Aerator PRO 60
7.75" L x 6" W x 6.25" H (Unit Weight: 18 lbs.)
#61000 MSRP $279.99
3-Year Limited Warranty
parts available
Winter Application
Remember to not place the air diffusers on the bottom of
the pond during the winter, which may disrupt the natural
thermocline found in the deeper portions of the pond where
the fish are overwintering. Instead place the air diffusers
about 1 to 1 1/2 ft. below the surface of the water.
Pond Aerators can also be used during the
winter months where the bubbles created at
the surface can help keep a small hole open
in the ice for oxygenation.
Pond Aerator Pump Specs
Maximum Air Flow Rate (Loaded)
Maximum Air Depth (Loaded)
Number of Outlets
Pond Aerator PRO 60
0.28 CFM (8 L/min)
0.49 CFM (14 L/min)
2.1 CFM (60 L/min)
3.70 psi (0.26 kgf/cm2)
3.98 psi (0.28 kgf/cm2)
5.08 psi (0.36 kgf/cm2)
Power Cord Length
Pump Dimensions
5.25" L x 4.75" W x 3.5" H
7.75" L x 7.25" W x 6.25" H
7.75" L x 7.25" W x 4" H
2 x 4" disc
4 x 4" disc
1 x 8" disc
(2) 25 ft. Rolls 3/16" Silicone
(4) 25 ft. Rolls 3/16" Silicone
30 ft. Roll 3/8" Braided Vinyl
Included and Preinstalled
Included and Preinstalled
Included and Preinstalled
Aeration Disc
Length of Airline
Check Valve
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
3-Year Limited
Pond Size
Up to 2,000 gallons
Up to 3,500 gallons
Up to 10,000 gallons
Max Recommended Pond Depth
Aquascape LED Pond and Landscape Lighting, combines style and simplicity. Our newest compo-
nent fixtures feature a die-cast metal housing finished with a three-part brushed architectural bronze coating
providing a durable finish that will hold up in all weather conditions. Aquascape LED pond and landscape
lighting can be used fully submersed, or in traditional landscapes. All new 2014 Aquascape LED lights consist of permanently sealed watertight fixtures and are backed by a limited five-year full replacement warranty.
The advantages of Aquascape LED pond and landscape lighting
• LED lighting can save up to 90% in electrical cost compared to halogen lighting
• All new 2014 lighting includes a limited five-year full replacement warranty
• Warm natural-looking light color blends in easily with traditional halogen lighting
Aquascape LED Pond and Landscape Spotlight Kit 3-Watt
Aquascape Pond and Landscape Light Kit includes everything needed to create a
beautiful nighttime focal point in any water garden or traditional landscape. The small
compact design allows for installation in even the tightest spaces.
Kit includes:
• Three pre-wired 1-watt LED injected molded lighting fixtures
• 6-watt /12 V transformer
• Automatic on/off photo cell with integrated timer
• Limited five-year full replacement warranty
Features and benefits:
• Light output is equivalent to a 10-watt halogen light
• 40,000 hour bulb life
• Features a powerful 1-watt LED diode
• Natural warm color light output 3500K
(Unit Weight: 4 lbs.)
#84030 MSRP $119.98
Video on
Light Kit
Manual 12 Volt transformer with female quick-connect:
The transformer is what provides safe low-voltage power
to the lighting system. Pick the appropriate transformer
based on the total combined wattage of your desired
lighting configuration
12 Volt PhotoCell with Digital Timer repeats programmed
schedule daily / Auto On at dusk / Off at dawn or 4-6-8
hour timer option
Extension Cord allows for simple extension of Aquascape
lighting up to 25 feet
Quick Connect Splitter - 3 and 6-way splitters provide a
simple, waterproof, tool-free connection from transformer
to lighting
Design Your Own Aquascape LED Lighting System
Select the right transformer for your Aquascape Lighting Components
Step 1: Calculate the power consumption by adding the wattage of all the Aquascape lights selected for installation.
Step 2: Take the total wattage and add 10% to compensate for fluctuations in wattage, or just jump up to the next size transformer.
Aquascape transformers will only consume the necessary wattage to power your lighting. Having a transformer with extra voltage will give
you power if additional lighting components are added in the future.
Step 3: Select the appropriate transformer, accessories and lighting components.
Enjoy your new Aquascape lighting!
Video on
LED Lights
Aquascape LED Lights include two different
mounting platforms - an adjustable stand,
and a stake.
durable quick-connect
electrical connections
Aquascape LED Pond
and Landscape Spotlight
Aquascape LED Pond
and Landscape Spotlight
Aquascape LED Pond
and Landscape Spotlight
• Light output is equivalent to a
10-watt halogen light
• Light output is equivalent to a
20-watt halogen light
• Light output is equivalent to a
50-watt halogen light
• 40,000 hour bulb life
• 40,000 hour bulb life
• 40,000 hour bulb life
• Features a powerful 1-watt LED
• Features 3 powerful 1-watt LED
• Features 6 powerful 1-watt LED
• Natural warm color light output
• Natural warm color light output
• Natural warm color light output
• Integrates easily with other quickconnect 12 volt components
• Integrates easily with other quickconnect 12 volt components
• Integrates easily with other quickconnect 12 volt components
• Limited five-year full replacement
• Limited five-year full replacement
• Limited five-year full replacement
*Transformer sold separately
*Transformer sold separately
*Transformer sold separately
(Unit Weight: .9 lbs.)
#84031 MSRP $49.98
(Unit Weight: 1 lb.)
#84033 MSRP $109.98
(Unit Weight: 2 lbs.)
#84034 MSRP $149.98
Fits 1/2" - 3/4"
hose sizes
Aquascape LED Waterfall and Landscape
Accent Light 1-Watt
Aquascape LED Fountain
Accent Light 2.5-Watt
• Light output is equivalent to a 10-watt halogen light
• Light output is equivalent to a 10-watt halogen light
• 40,000 hour bulb life
• 40,000 hour bulb life
• Features a powerful 1-watt LED diode
• Features a powerful 2.5-watt light output LED diode
• Natural warm color light output 3500K
• Natural warm color light output 3500K
• Integrates easily with other quick-connect 12 volt components
• Integrates easily with other quick-connect 12 volt components
• Limited five-year full replacement warranty
• Limited five-year full replacement warranty
*Transformer sold separately
(Unit Weight: 1.1 lbs.)
#84032 MSRP $49.98
LED Fountain Accent Light (Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#84008 MSRP $39.98
LED Fountain Accent Light with Transformer (Unit Weight: 1.9 lbs.)
#84009 MSRP $49.98
12 Volt Photocell with Digital Timer
• Repeats programmed schedule daily
• Auto On at dusk / Off at dawn or 4-6-8 hour timer option
• Built-in memory setting in case of power loss
• Integrates easily with other quick-connect 12 volt components
• 36" cord
• Limited five-year full replacement warranty
(Unit Weight: .4 lbs.)
#84039 MSRP $24.98
60-Watt Transformer With Photocell
Manual Quick-Connect 12 Volt Transformers
Includes 4, 6, 8 hour photo cell interval options.
imple plug-in transformers provide an economical solution for
operating low voltage lighting fixtures. Transformer includes a
single quick-connect cable port for adding a light. Multiple light
fixtures can be added by using the 3-Way Splitter.
(Unit Weight: 5 lbs.)
#99070 MSRP $69.98
150-Watt Transformer With Photocell
Includes 4, 6, 8 hour photo cell intervals options, as well as
manual on/off override.
(Unit Weight: 8 lbs.)
#01002 MSRP $99.99
6-Watt (Unit Weight: .5 lbs.)
#98375 MSRP $24.98
20-Watt (Unit Weight: 1.5 lbs.)
#98485 MSRP $39.98
60-Watt (Unit Weight: 3.1 lbs.)
#98486 MSRP $49.98
Aquascape Quick-Connect 12 Volt Accessories
• Integrates easily with other quick-connect 12 volt components
• No need to cut wires
• Simple waterproof connections
• Waterproof caps protect unused connections
3-Way Splitter
25' LVL Extension Cable
6-Way Splitter
25' LVL Extension Cable
w/5 Quick-Connects at 5' Intervals
Splitters For 12 Volt Lighting
25' Lighting Cables W/Quick-Connects
Provides a simple connection of 3 or 6 light fixtures to a single
transformer. Multiple 3-way and 6-way quick-connect adaptors
can be chained together to attach additional fixtures.
This extension cable allows for simple extension of Aquascape
lighting up to 25 feet. Ideal for use with our manual 12 Volt
transformers and 3-way splitters.
3-Way Splitter 6" cord length (Unit Weight: .2 lbs.)
#98489 MSRP $10.98
6-Way Splitter 36" cord length (Unit Weight: 0.5 lbs.)
#84022 MSRP $17.98
• For use with Aquascape LED lighting system
• No need to cut wires
• Quick-connect system provides water-tight seal
25' LVL Extension Cable w/Quick-Connects (Unit Weight: 1 lb.)
#98998 MSRP $14.98
25' Lighting Cable w/5 Quick-Connects (Unit Weight: 1 lb.)
#84023 MSRP $24.98
durable quick-connect
electrical connections
Water Treatments
Water Treatment
Combining science with simplicity, Aquascape's complete line of Water Treatments makes it simple to
maintain a healthy, well-balanced water garden. Aquascape's pump-top liquid bottles and bubble tabs make
dosing simple and affordable. Put away your calculators and enjoy a clean, clear, healthy pond with the
complete line of Aquascape water treatment products.
Scientifically formulated
• Simple to use dosing system
• Simple to use application rates
AquascapePRO® Water Treatments
• 25% more concentrated than the consumer equivalent product
• Measuring cups make it easy to apply larger doses
• Dosage guide on measuring cup for easy application
See page 62-63 for professional line of water treatments
Water Treatment
Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds provides clean, clear and healthy water conditions and
reduces pond maintenance.
• Contains eight pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria.
• Effective at reducing sludge, uneaten fish food, fish waste,
dead and decaying plant material and excess nutrients
that cause poor water quality and clarity
Video on
Beneficial Bacteria
• Safe for fish, plants, pets and wildlife
Beneficial Bacteria
For Ponds (Liquid)
Beneficial Bacteria
For Ponds (Dry)
Cold Water Beneficial
Bacteria (Liquid)
• Contains 8 strains of bacteria
including Photo Synthetic
• Contains 8 strains of bacteria
including Photo Synthetic
• Reduces ammonia, nitrite and
organic debris
• 750 Million CFU per ounce potency
• 1 Billion CFU per gram potency
• 1.5 billion CFU per ounce
• Contains marigold and vitamin B
• Contains marigold and vitamin B
• Works in very cold water, as cold as
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98886 MSRP $13.98
125 grams/4.4 oz.
(Unit Weight: .3 lbs.)
#98925 MSRP $12.98
500 ml./16.9 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98887 MSRP $19.98
250 grams/8.8 oz.
( Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98948 MSRP $19.98
1 liter/33.8 oz.
( Unit Weight: 2.3 lbs.)
#98888 MSRP $34.98
500 grams/1.1 lb.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98949 MSRP $34.98
1 liter/33.8 oz. Liquid Refill Pouch
(Unit Weight: 2.2 lbs.)
#40002 MSRP $19.98
3.2 kg./7 lb.
(Unit Weight: 7.8 lbs.)
#98950 MSRP $149.98
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98892 MSRP $14.98
500 ml./16.9 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98893 MSRP $24.98
1 liter/33.8 oz.
(Unit Weight: 2.3 lbs.)
#98894 MSRP $39.98
4 liters/1.1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#96021 MSRP $99.98
4 liters/1.1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#98885 MSRP $79.98
Barley Straw Extract
Natural Way to Clarify Pond Water
Barley straw has been used for hundreds of years
to promote clean clear water conditions in ponds
and streams.
Bacteria Bubble Tabs
• Provides clear, clean pond conditions
36 Tabs/4 oz.
(Unit Weight: .3 lbs.)
#98951 MSRP $14.98
72 Tabs/8 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98930 MSRP $24.98
See page 57 for treatment rate chart.
• Starts working instantly
• Concentrated formulation with added enzymes
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98903 MSRP $21.98
500 ml./16.9 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98904 MSRP $34.98
1 liter/33.8 oz.
( Unit Weight: 2.3 lbs.)
#98905 MSRP $49.98
4 liters/1.1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#96012 MSRP $99.98
Water Treatment
Keep Water Clear
Eliminates Phosphates
Algae on Contact
Alkalinity Booster with
Phosphate Binder
SAB™ Stream &
Pond Cleaner
Increases Overall KH/pH and
Breaks Down Debris in Ponds,
Streams, and Waterfalls
• Lab tested and pharmaceutical
• Maintains a balanced ecosystem
• Eliminates algae from waterfalls,
streams, fountains and water
features on contact
• Dissolves completely and easily in
pond water
• Reduces ammonia, nitrite and
Fastest Way to Eliminate Algae
• Reduces pond maintenance
• Phosphate and ammonia free
• Can be used at any water
• Product available in U.S. only
250 grams/8.8 oz.
treats up to 200 square feet
(Unit Weight: 1 lb.)
#29311 MSRP $14.98
125 grams/4.4 oz.
treats up to 1,300 gallons/5,108 liters
(Unit Weight: .3 lbs.)
#98898 MSRP $12.98
500 grams/1.1 lbs.
(Unit Weight: 3 lbs.)
#96027 MSRP $19.98
1.1 kg./38.4 oz.
treats up to 780 square feet
(Unit Weight: 3 lbs.)
#29312 MSRP $34.98
250 grams/8.8 oz.
treats up to 2,700 gallons/10,218 liters
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98899 MSRP $19.98
3.2 kg./7 lbs.
(Unit Weight: 7.8 lbs.)
#96028 MSRP $34.98
3.2 kg./7 lbs.
treats up to 2,275 square feet
(Unit Weight: 7 lbs.)
#29313 MSRP $69.98
500 grams/1.1 lbs.
treats up to 5,600 gallons/21,192 liters
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98900 MSRP $34.98
3.2 kg./7 lbs.
treats up to 33,800 gallons/127,909 liters
(Unit Weight: 7.8 lbs.)
#98896 MSRP $149.98
Video on
Treatment Rate Chart
Quick Start Concentrated
Barley Straw Pellets
One Container Treats
One Dose Treats
250 ml./8.5 oz.
5,000 gal./18,921 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
500 ml./16.9 oz.
10,000 gal./37,842 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
1 liter/33.8 oz.
20,000 gal./75,864 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
• Comes in a resealable mesh bag
4 liters/1 gal.
80,000 gal./302,744 liters
1 pump = 500 gal./1,892 liters
• Contains a blend of bacteria and
125 grams/4.4 oz.
26,000 gal./96,783 liters
1 scoop = 1,000 gal./3,784 liters
250 grams/8.8 oz.
52,000 gal./193,566 liters
1 scoop = 1,000 gal./3,784 liters
500 grams/1.1 lbs.
104,000 gal./393,567 liters
1 scoop = 1,000 gal./3,784 liters
3.2 kg./7 lbs.
664,000 gal./2,112,777 liters
1 scoop = 1,000 gal./3,784 liters
4 kg./9 lbs.
1,170,000 gal./4,422,600 liters
See measuring cup
36 tabs/4 oz.
3,600 gal./13,623 liters
1 tab = up to 100 gal./378 liters
72 tabs/8 oz.
7,200 gal./27,246 liters
1 tab = up to 100 gal./378 liters
2.2 kg./5 lbs.
treats up to 780 square feet
(Unit Weight: 5.7 lbs.)
#96029 MSRP $24.98
Aquascape key water
treatment product
• Concentrated barley straw pellets
Fast-acting, Long-term Natural Way
to Clarify Pond Water
All water treatment products follow the above treatment rates unless otherwise noted.
Water Treatment
Cloudy Water
Rapid Clear
Rapid Clear Fine Filter Pad
Activated Pond Carbon
Quickly Clears Cloudy Pond Water
by Clumping Suspended Debris
Speeds-Up Filtering of Flocculated
Removes Discoloration and Odors
• Safe for fish, plants or animals that
may drink pond water
• Enhances water quality for nighttime
viewing when suspended particles
are more easily seen with underwater lights
• Works within 24 hours
• For best results use in combination
with a Rapid Clear Fine Filter Pad
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98879 MSRP $15.98
• For best results use in combination with Rapid Clear Liquid water
• Includes three 12" x 24" filter pads
(3 pk.) (Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#80001 MSRP $11.98
1 liter/33.8 oz. Refill Pouch
(Unit Weight: 2.2 lbs.)
#40006 MSRP $24.98
Now made with bamboo carbon, a
sustainable natural resource with
exceptional discoloration removal
• Clarifies pond water
• Quickly reduces pond odor
• Removes discolorations
1 container treats up to 800 gallons
(Unit Weight: 2.2 lbs.)
#80000 MSRP $19.98
4 liters/1.1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#96007 MSRP $89.98
Video on
Rapid Clear
Balance (Spring)
Pond Starter Bacteria
Establishes Biological Ecosystem
• Quickly establishes biological ecosystem
• Great for spring start-ups and new ponds
• Safe for fish, plants and animals
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .7 lbs.)
#96013 MSRP $15.98
Aquascape key water
treatment product
See page 59 for treatment rate chart.
500 ml./16.9 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#96014 MSRP $24.98
1 liter/33.8 oz.
( Unit Weight: 2.3 lbs.)
#96015 MSRP $39.98
4 liters/1.1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#96008 MSRP $89.98
Water Treatment
My Fish
Rock, Gravel & Filters
Pond Salt
Sludge & Filter Cleaner
Reduces the Effects of Nitrite Levels
Toxic to Fish
Biological Pond and Filter Cleaner
• Helps restore natural electrolytes
• Contains 5 strains of heterotrophic
• Repairs natural slime coat
• 1.5 billion CFU per ounce potency
• Prevents disease
• Contains marigold and humic acid
1 container contains up to 8 scoops
treats up to 800 gal./3,027 liters
(Unit Weight: 2.5 lbs.)
#99416 MSRP $11.98
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98889 MSRP $13.98
500 ml./16.9 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98890 MSRP $19.98
1 container contains up to 29 scoops
treats up to 2,900 gal./10,974 liters
(Unit Weight: 9.5 lbs.)
#99417 MSRP $32.98
Sludge Cleaner
Bubble Tabs
Pond Bottom and Filter Cleaner
• Bubble Tabs help disperse sludgeeating bacteria quickly
• Safe for fish, plants or animals that
may drink pond water
• Over 500 million CFU bacteria count
per tablet
36 Tabs/4 oz.
(Unit Weight: .3 lbs.)
#98901 MSRP $15.98
1 liter/33.8 oz.
( Unit Weight: 2.3 lbs.)
#98891 MSRP $34.98
1 container contains up to 130 scoops
treats up to 13,000 gal./49,205 liters
(Unit Weight: 40 lbs.)
#40003 MSRP $49.98
72 Tabs/8 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98902 MSRP $24.98
4 liters/1.1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#98883 MSRP $89.98
Treatment Rate Chart
One Container Treats
One Dose Treats
250 ml./8.5 oz.
5,000 gal./18,921 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
500 ml./16.9 oz.
10,000 gal./37,842 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
1 liter/33.8 oz.
20,000 gal./75,864 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
4 liters/1 gal.
80,000 gal./302,744 liters
1 pump = 500 gal./1,892 liters
36 tabs/4 oz.
3,600 gal./13,623 liters
1 tab = up to 100 gal./378 liters
72 tabs/8 oz.
7,200 gal./27,246 liters
1 tab = up to 100 gal./378 liters
All water treatment products follow the above treatment rates unless otherwise noted.
Water Treatment
Pond Detoxifier
Pond Foam Free
Makes Tap Water Safe
for Fish and Plants
No More Algae Growth
Safely Eliminates Foam
Near Waterfalls
• Removes and detoxifies chlorine
• Clears green water
• Neutralizes ammonia
• Can be used on ponds with fish
and plants
• Detoxifies and chelates copper and
heavy metals
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98876 MSRP $14.98
500 ml./16.9 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98877 MSRP $24.98
1 liter/33.8 oz. Refill Pouch
(Unit Weight: 2.2 lbs.)
#40005 MSRP $24.98
4 liters/1.1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#96010 MSRP $89.98
Video on
Pond Detoxifier
• Controls string algae
treats up to 2,500 gallons
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .7 lbs.)
#96022 MSRP $8.98
treats up to 5,000 gallons
500 ml./16.9 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#96023 MSRP $12.98
• Non-toxic, safe for birds, fish,
plants or animals that may drink
pond water
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98909 MSRP $15.98
treats up to 40,000 gallons
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#96026 MSRP $69.99
Natural Pond Tint
Blue Pond Tint
Tints Water a Natural Tea Color
Reformulated EcoShade™ Safely
Colors Pond Water
• Creates a shimmering effect
• One dosage lasts up to 6 weeks
See page 61 for treatment rate chart.
• Helps keep water clean and clear
of foam
treats up to 10,000 gallons
1 liter/33.8 oz.
(Unit Weight: 2.3 lbs.)
#96024 MSRP $19.98
• Contains humic acid and enzymes
to help balance the pond ecosystem
Aquascape key water
treatment product
• Helps maintain the beauty
of your pond
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98884 MSRP $15.98
• Filters sunlight and helps cool water
• Added enzymes help balance the
pond ecosystem
• One dosage lasts up to 6 weeks
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98882 MSRP $16.98
Water Treatment
Fountain Maintenance
Fountain Foam Free
Safely Eliminates Scale and
Debris Build up from Water Features
Safely Eliminates Foam from
Water Features
• Helps maintain the beauty of your
water feature
• Helps maintain the beauty of your
water feature
• Helps maintain perfect water quality
• Helps keep water clean and clear
of foam
• Prevents white scale build-up without damaging feature
Container Water Garden
Maintenance Tabs
• Non-toxic, safe for birds and
• Non-toxic, safe for birds and
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98908 MSRP $15.98
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#40007 MSRP $19.98
Targeted Treatment for Container
Water Gardens
• Contains 8 pure strains of beneficial
• Helps optimize water quality
• Safe for fish, plants or animals that
may drink from container water
36 Tabs/4 oz.
(Unit Weight: .3 lbs.)
#40004 MSRP $14.98
Fountain Scale Free
Safely Removes Calcium and Scale from Water Fountains
• Helps keep water clean and clear of hard water deposits, white
scale and foam
• Adds the fresh clean scent of lavender
• Non-toxic, safe for birds and animals
250 ml./8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98907 MSRP $15.98
Treatment Rate Chart
One Container Treats
One Dose Treats
250 ml./8.5 oz.
5,000 gal./18,921 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
500 ml./16.9 oz.
10,000 gal./37,842 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
1 liter/33.8 oz.
20,000 gal./75,864 liters
1 pump = 100 gal./378 liters
4 liters/1 gal.
80,000 gal./302,744 liters
1 pump = 500 gal./1,892 liters
36 tabs/4 oz.
3,600 gal./13,623 liters
1 tab = up to 100 gal./378 liters
All water treatment products follow the above treatment rates unless otherwise noted.
AquascapePRO® Water Treatment
Beneficial Bacteria
For Ponds (Liquid)
Beneficial Bacteria
For Ponds (Dry)
Provides Clean, Clear and
Healthy Water Conditions
Provides Clean, Clear and
Healthy Water Conditions
• Contains Photo
Synthetic Bacteria
• Contains 8 strains of
• 750 Million CFU per
ounce potency
• Contains Photo
Synthetic Bacteria
• Reduces ammonia,
nitrite and organic
• Contains marigold and
vitamin B
• 1 billion CFU per gram
• 1.5 billion CFU
per ounce
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#30406 MSRP $99.99
treats up to 1,170,000 gallons/
4,422,600 liters
(Unit Weight: 9.3 lbs.)
#30407 MSRP $199.99
Cold Water
Bacteria (Liquid)
Barley Straw
Provides Clean, Clear and
Healthy Water Conditions
Natural Way to Clarify
• Provides clear, clean
pond conditions
• Starts working instantly
• Concentrated
formulation with added
• Works in very cold
water, as cold as
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#98906 MSRP $99.99
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#98895 MSRP $99.99
Keep Water Clear
Eliminates Phosphates
Large Ponds
SAB™ Stream &
Pond Cleaner
Wetland Pond &
Lake Bacteria
Keeps Ponds Clean and Crystal Clear
Reformulated AquaClearer™ Extreme
Wetland Pond & Lake Formula
Beneficial Bacteria Maintenance
• Reduces pond maintenance
• Now contains 100% more phosphate binder
• Reduces ammonia, nitrite and
1 cup treats approx 3,000 gallons/11,353 liters
treats54,000 gallons/204,532 liters
4.082 kg./9 lbs.
(Unit Weight: 9.3 lbs.)
#30409 MSRP $199.99
See page 63 for treatment rate chart.
• Includes 8 pure strains of
beneficial bacteria, including PSB
(Photo Synthetic Bacteria)
• Maintains a balanced ecosystem
• Naturally reduces ammonia, nitrite
and excess nutrients like phosphate
1 cup treats 31,000 gallons/117,180 liters
treats 512,000 gallons/1,937,510 liters
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9.2 lbs.)
#98897 MSRP $159.98
Waterfall & Rock Cleaner
Spot-Treat the Trouble Areas on Water
• Quickly dissolves debris from
waterfalls and rocks
• Reduces pond maintenance
• Goes to work instantly
treats up to 3,650 sq. feet/1,111 sq. meters
4.082 kg./9 lbs.
(Unit Weight: 9.3 lbs.)
#30413 MSRP $79.99
AquascapePRO® Water Treatment
Rock, Gravel & Filters
Pond Detoxifier
Natural Pond Tint
Sludge & Filter Cleaner
Makes Tap Water Safe for Fish
and Plants
Tints Water a Natural Tea Color
Biological Pond and Filter Cleaner
• Contains humic acid and enzymes
• Removes and detoxifies chlorine
• Added enzymes help balance the
pond ecosystem
• Contains 5 strains of heterotrophic
• Neutralizes ammonia
• Detoxifies and chelates copper and
heavy metals
• 1.5 billion CFU per ounce potency
• One dosage lasts up to 6 weeks
• Contains marigold and humic acid
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#30411 MSRP $99.99
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#30410 MSRP $99.99
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#30408 MSRP $99.99
Balance (Spring)
Cloudy Water
Pond Starter Bacteria
Rapid Clear
Pond & Debris Clarifier
Establishes Biological Ecosystem
Clears Discolored or Cloudy Water
Quickly Cleans Unsightly Debris
• Establishes biological ecosystem
• Clumps suspended debris
• Restores water quality
• Great for spring start-up and
new ponds
• Reduces pond maintenance
• Clears most ponds in 24 hours
• Safe for fish, plants and animals
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#40010 MSRP $79.99
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#30412 MSRP $99.99
4 liters/1 gal.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#40011 MSRP $99.99
AquascapePRO® Treatment Rate Chart
Aquascape key water
treatment product
One Container Treats
One Cup Treats
4 liters/1 gal.
100,000 gal./378,541 liters
6,000 gal./23,000 liters
All water treatment products follow the above treatment rates unless otherwise noted.
Fish Care
Fish Care
Aquascape Premium Fish Food Pellets have been scientifically formulated
to provide premium nutrition to all pond fish including goldfish and koi.
• Floating pellet ideal for all pond fish
• Will not break apart and cloud water
• Keeps pond water clean and clear
• Contains high quality protein
• Includes stabilized multivitamin
Premium Staple
Fish Food Pellets
Premium Cold Water
Fish Food Pellets
Premium Color Enhancing
Fish Food Pellets
Aquascape Premium Staple Fish Food
Pellets are formulated for everyday use.
Aquascape Premium Cold Water
Fish Food Pellets can be fed at
temperatures as low as 50°F/10°C
Aquascape Premium Color Enhancing
Fish Food Pellets will promote brilliant
colors on all pond fish.
500 g./1.1 lbs. Medium Pellet
#98867 MSRP $9.98
1 kg./2.2 lbs. Medium Pellet
#98868 MSRP $14.98
500 g./1.1 lbs. Medium Pellet
#98870 MSRP $14.98
500 g./1.1 lbs. Medium Pellet
#98873 MSRP $14.98
1 kg./2.2 lbs. Medium Pellet
#98871 MSRP $21.98
1 kg./2.2 lbs. Medium Pellet
#98874 MSRP $22.98
2 kg./4.4 lbs. Large Pellet
#98872 MSRP $32.98
2 kg./4.4 lbs. Large Pellet
#98875 MSRP $32.98
10 kg./22 lbs. Large Pellet - not pictured
#81003 MSRP $129.98
10 kg./22 lbs. Large Pellet - not pictured
#81005 MSRP $129.98
20 kg./44 lbs. Large Pellet - not pictured
#81004 MSRP $229.98
20 kg./44 lbs. Large Pellet - not pictured
#81006 MSRP $249.98
2 kg./4.4 lbs. Large Pellet
#98869 MSRP $24.98
10 kg./22 lbs. Large Pellet - not pictured
#81007 MSRP $89.98
20 kg./44 lbs. Large Pellet - not pictured
#50003 MSRP $169.98
Aquascape Premium Fish Food Pellets
500 g. Medium Pellet
1.2 lbs.
Ideal for small to medium fish from 1-10 inches, (3-25 cm.)
1 kg. Medium Pellet
2.3 lbs.
Ideal for small to medium fish from 1-10 inches, (3-25 cm.)
2 kg. Large Pellet
4.6 lbs.
Ideal for large fish 8 inches, (20 cm.) and above
10 kg. Large Pellet
22 lbs.
Ideal for large fish 8 inches, (20 cm.) and above
20 kg. Bulk Pellet
44 lbs.
Ideal for large fish 8 inches, (20 cm.) and above
Video on
Fish Food
Pond Thermometer
Monitor pond temperature to aid in adjusting
fish feeding schedule.
See page 91 for more information.
Fish Care
Aquascape Premium Flake Fish Food
Ideal For Small Pond Fish
Aquascape Premium Flake Fish Food has been scientifically
formulated to provide premium nutrition to all pond fish including goldfish and koi. The inclusion of plankton and shrimp
meal help make this food irresistible to all pond fish and can be
easily consumed by smaller fish including babies known as fry.
• Flake food ideal for all pond fish
• Keeps pond water clean and clear
• Includes stabilized multivitamin
• Will not break apart and cloud water
• Contains high quality protein
• Will promote brilliant colors on all pond fish
119 g./4.2 oz. (Unit Weight: .4 lbs.)
#98878 MSRP $14.98
200 g./7.2 oz. (Unit Weight: .7 lbs.)
#81016 MSRP $24.98
450 g./15 oz. (Unit Weight: 1.7 lbs.)
#81017 MSRP $39.98
• Always feed koi from the same place so that fish start to recognize who you are and that you are about to feed them
• Make sure not to make sudden movements when hand feeding, as this may frighten koi
• When hand feeding, slowly place half of the food into the pond to get the fish used to coming to the surface to feed, this will also get the fish used to the smell and taste of their new treat
• Remember, whenever offering a new food, fish need a chance to recognize new shapes and smells as something to eat. Be patient and before you know it your fish will come rushing
towards you to receive their delicious Aquascape Koi Krunchies treat
Koi Krunchies
Made With Natural Citrus Flavors
Aquascape Koi Krunchies are a wonderful addition to your fish's
regular diet. Koi Krunchies are ideal for hand feeding goldfish, koi
and other pond fish. Aquascape Koi Krunchies contain real fruit
flavors and are a great source of vitamin C, which is linked to proper
tissue formation, proper digestion and disease resistance.
• Great for hand feeding all pond fish
• Contains quality natural ingredients
• Great source of vitamin C
400 g. (Unit Weight: 1.1 lbs.)
#81000 MSRP $14.98
Fish Care
Mini Pond Net
This net is best suited for small ponds
or container water gardens.
10" x 7" with 12" Handle (Unit Weight: .2 lbs.)
#98556 MSRP $7.98
Pond Net With Extendable
Handle (Heavy Duty)
Our Best Value Pond Net
This heavy duty pond net is great for
general maintenance as well as the
addition and removal of larger pond
fish. The strength of this quality
net allows for the removal of large
amounts of debris, cutting down on
maintenance time.
36" handle, extends to 69" (Unit Weight: 1.4 lbs.)
#98560 MSRP $29.98
Pond Net With Extendable
Handle (Small)
Pond Skimmer Net With
Extendable Handle (Small)
This small 12" x 7" net is great for tight
spaces or ideal for children to lend a
helping hand.
This small 12" x 7" net is great for
scooping up small debris in tight
32" handle, extends to 63" (Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98558 MSRP $15.98
32" handle, extends to 63" (Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98559 MSRP $15.98
Pond Skimmer Net With
Extendable Handle
(Heavy Duty)
Pro Fish Net With
Extendable Handle
Our Best Value Pond Skimmer Net
This heavy duty skimmer net is great
for general maintenance. The strength
of this quality net allows for the
removal of large amounts of debris,
cutting down on maintenance time.
36" handle, extends to 63" (Unit Weight: 1.4 lbs.)
#98562 MSRP $29.98
This net is specifically designed to
handle and cradle larger pond fish
including koi. The super soft netting
and shallow design prevents fish from
being snagged in the mesh. This style
of net is a must for the pond owner
with larger fish.
22” diameter head, 36” handle, extends to 69”
(Unit Weight: 2.1 lbs.)
#98561 MSRP $34.98
Professional Grade Pond Nets
Collapsible Fish and Skimmer Nets
AquascapePRO® pond nets are designed and built for professional pond maintenance crews. Nets include a heavy-duty,
3-foot handle that collapses for storage, allowing for safe
trasport from one pond to the next.
The Collapsible Fish and Skimmer Nets include quick-latch,
telescoping handles that extend to 35" and compltely fold down
for compact storage.
Two versions to choose from:
• Professional Grade Pond & Fish Net is great for removal of
large fish and a variety of debris
• Collapsible Fish Net - (17"-Black Coarse Mesh) has tanglefree mesh and glides quickly through the water making it an
ideal net for catching and handling fish
• Professional Grade Pond Skimmer Net's fine mesh is ideal
for removing small floating and suspended debris from the
pond water
• Collapsible Skimmer Net - (17"-White Fine Mesh) tanglefree net catches even the smallest debris, making it ideal for
quick and easy removal of leaves and other debris
Two versions to choose from:
Professional Grade Pond & Fish Net (Unit Weight: 2 lbs.)
#50000 MSRP $59.99
Collapsible Fish Net 17" Black Coarse Mesh (Unit Weight: 1.1 lbs.)
#81031 MSRP $29.98
Professional Grade Pond & Debris Skimmer Net (Unit Weight: 2 lbs.)
#50001 MSRP $59.99
Collapsible Skimmer Net 17" White Fine Mesh (Unit Weight: 1.1 lbs.)
#81032 MSRP $29.98
Fish Care
Ulcer & Bacterial
Treatment (Dry)
Parasite & Ich
Treatment (Liquid)
Fungus Treatment
Treatment (Liquid)
Used For the Treatment
of Bacterial Infections,
Fin Rot, Open Sores
and Ulcers
Used For the Treatment
of External Protozoan
Parasites Including,
Freshwater / Saltwater
Ich, Costia and
Used For the Treatment
of Fungus External
Protozoan Parasites
Including, Freshwater /
Saltwater Ich, Costia
and Trichodenella
Used For the Treatment
of External and Internal
Parasites, Flukes,
Flatworms and
It is important to treat
immediately after noticing
the first signs of a parasite
problem on your pond
fish. Common symptoms
include fish quickly
rubbing or flashing against
surfaces within the pond.
White spots that look like
grains of salt or larger
stuck to the surface of the
It is important to treat
immediately after noticing
the first signs of fungus
or a parasite problem on
your pond fish. Common
symptoms include white,
green or grey cottony
looking patches, fish
quickly rubbing or flashing
against surfaces within
the pond. White spots that
look like grains of salt or
larger stuck to the surface
of the fish.
Bacterial infections and
ulcerations are primarily a
secondary infection resulting from external damage
caused by parasites,
physical damage caused
by improper netting or
rough handling. Most
disease problems or issues
may possibly be linked
back to poor water quality
or introduction of sick
or stressed fish. Before
adding any medication
to your pond or holding
system, make sure and
verify all water parameters
and rectify any issues
before treatment.
250 grams/8.8 oz.
(Unit Weight: 0.6 lbs.)
#81038 MSRP $14.98
Common issues that
should be avoided include
water temperature fluctuation, poor water quality
and/or fish stress.
250 ml/8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: 0.6 lbs.)
#81039 MSRP $14.98
Praziquantel is known
to be one of the safest
most effective pond fish
medications available
for treating a vast array
of external and internal
parasites. It will not stress
pond fish, damage filtration systems, or negatively
affect the balance of your
pond. One of the biggest
advantages in large ponds
is that water changes are
not necessary and it only
takes one treatment.
Commmon issues that
should be avoided include
water temperature fluctuation, poor water quality
and/or fish stress.
250 ml/8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: 0.6 lbs.)
#81041 MSRP $24.98
250 ml/8.5 oz.
(Unit Weight: 0.6 lbs.)
#81040 MSRP $14.98
Pond Salt
Medicated Fish Food (Dry)
Reduces the Effects of Nitrite Levels Toxic to Fish
Treats Internal and External Bacterial Infections
• Helps restore natural electrolytes
Feeding Medicated Fish Food is an excellent
way of treating a vast array of internal and
external bacterial infections including fungal
infections. Why treat the water when you
can treat the fish!
• Repairs natural slime coat
• Prevents disease
1 container contains up to 8 scoops
treats up to 800 gal./3,027 liters
(Unit Weight: 2.5 lbs.)
#99416 MSRP $11.98
1 container contains up to 29 scoops
treats up to 2,900 gal./10,974 liters
(Unit Weight: 9.5 lbs.)
#99417 MSRP $32.98
1 container contains up to 130 scoops
treats up to 13,000 gal./49,205 liters
(Unit Weight: 40 lbs.)
#40003 MSRP $49.98
• Treats bacterial infections effectively
• Targeted treatment
• Extremely palatable
• Treats gram-negative and
gram-positive bacteria,
mouth rot and ulcers
500 grams/17.63 oz.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#81042 MSRP $17.98
Fish Care
Fish Symptom
Possible Problems
Erratic movement, flashing or rubbing on rocks and
surfaces throughout the pond
- Parasite Problem
• Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
• Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment
• Aquascape Pond Salt
Growths that look like “cotton balls”
- Fungal Infection
• Aquascape Fungus Treatment
Open wounds or ulcers
- Bacterial Infection
• Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
• Aquascape Medicated Fish Food
Fins appear to be rotting away
- Fin Rot
- Bacterial Infection
• Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
• Aquascape Medicated Fish Food
• Aquascape Pond Salt
Red streaks in the fins
- Bacterial Infection
- Parasite Problem
- Ammonia Poisoning
Small, white spots that look like salt stuck to the body
of the fish
- Ich
- Parasite problem
• Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
• Aquascape Pond Salt
Gasping at the surface of the water
- Oxygen Depletion
• Aerate the pond and agitate the pond surface
• Reduce fish load
Bulging eyes
- Bacterial Infection
• Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
• Aquascape Medicated Fish Food
Scales protruding from a swollen body like a pine cone
- Dropsy
- Bacterial Infection
• Difficult to treat; treat the pond as a preventative measure
• Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Infection Treatment
Difficulty swimming underwater floating at the
surface upright
- Swim Bladder Disease
• If the fish is still feeding, feed fish with canned peas or a
Spirulina-based fish food
Red or swollen gills
- Parasite Problem
• Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
• Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment
• Aquascape Pond Salt
Most fish issues can be avoided by following a few simple, preventative measures:
• Understand Your Water Quality - The majority of issues are caused by poor water
quality. Make sure that the fish population is under control and don’t be afraid to
do partial water changes often and consistently. Make sure when adding water, or
when doing a partial water change, that you treat the water with Pond Detoxifier to
eliminate chlorine/chloramines and chelate heavy metals. Aerating pond water is
also something that can potentially increase water quality dramatically.
• Buy Your Fish From a Responsible Retailer - Never buy sick fish and, if possible,
quarantine fish for a few days before adding them to your pond. Always ask how
long the retailer has had the fish. If they have just received them in, ask the retailer
to hold the fish for a few days to make sure the fish recovers from stress related to
transport and new water chemistry.
• Keep a Close Eye on Your Fish - If any signs of disease are seen, start using Pond
Salt immediately and start feeding with medicated fish food. If things look like they
are getting worse, immediately treat the pond with the appropriate treatment. The
longer you wait to treat the problem, the less chance you have of saving your fish.
Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment
Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment
Aquascape Medicated Fish Food
Aquascape Pond Salt and water change using Aquascape
Pond Detoxifier
• Test Your Water - Test it yourself or have your local retailer test it for any signs of a
problem. It is also important to test the water coming directly from your tap as it is
increasingly common to have issues including ammonia coming directly from your
source water.
• Feed Your Fish a High-Quality Food - Feeding a high-quality food will not affect
water quality and will ensure that your fish are getting all the vitamins and nutrients
they need to maintain proper health. Be sure to feed often and consistently.
Before treating any potential problem with your fish, it is important to make sure
that you are using the correct treatment, dosage or treatment rate to prevent any
Remember, prevention is the best cure. The easiest way to avoid disease problems is
to maintain optimum water conditions. Feeding a quality diet and adding beneficial
bacteria on a regular basis will help maintain a balanced Ecosystem. Disease
problems must be addressed in the early stages to be successful.
Plant Care
Plant Care
Floating Plant Island
Display plants in deeper areas of the pond where there are no plant shelves
Aquascape's Floating Plant Island is ideal for displaying plants in deeper areas of the pond or where there
are no plant shelves. The floating planter keeps the soil intact and lets water in while protecting plants from
fish. Constructed to stay afloat at the surface of the pond, the Aquascape Floating Plant Island provides
stunning options for displaying plants within the pond.
15" L x 11" W x 4" H (Unit Weight: .4 lbs.)
#89006 MSRP $27.98
Fill with pond plant
potting media.
Add pond plant
Place plants in
floating plant island.
Add small stones
for color.
Aquatic Planters
Aquascape Aquatic Planters are ideal for all pond plants. Made from fine, porous material, the
planters allow water in while preventing soil from entering your pond. The flexibility of Aquatic
Planters makes it simple to place plants between rocks and other form-fitting areas.
Aquatic Planters blend into their surrounding and will not break or crack like
traditional plastic planters.
• Can be molded to fit in tight spaces
• Will not break or crack
• Keeps soil from escaping
Aquatic Plant Pot 6" x 6" (2 Pk.)
(Unit Weight: .1 lbs.)
#98501 MSRP $3.98
Pond Plant Potting Media
This all-natural, non-toxic alluvial
planting media is fine-grained and
perfect for supporting the growth of
your aquatic plants. Our premium
potting media contains no peat moss or
compost and is safe for fish.
(Unit Weight: 10 lbs.)
#89002 MSRP $9.98
Aquatic Plant Pot 8" x 6" (2 Pk.)
(Unit Weight: .1 lbs.)
#98502 MSRP $4.98
Aquatic Plant Pot 12" x 8" (2 Pk.)
(Unit Weight: .1 lbs.)
#98500 MSRP $7.98
Aquatic Lily Pot 14" x 7" (2 Pk.)
(Unit Weight: .1 lbs.)
#98929 MSRP $8.98
Pond Plant Fertilizer
Once-A-Year Plant
Fertilizer 13-13-13
Aquascape Pond Plant Fertilizer
feeds all types of aquatic plants
including waterlilies. Unlike other pond
tablets that feed for only two weeks,
Aquascape Pond Plant Fertilizer
provides an initial quick-release of
nutrients that ensures proper growth
and longer lasting blooms for up to
45 days.
Aquascape Once-A-Year Plant
Fertilizer contains a complete timereleased fertilizer that will help
maximize plant growth and increase
flower production all in a single application. Why fertilize every few weeks
when you can do it once a year?
36 Tabs/8 oz. (Unit Weight: .4 lbs.)
#98918 MSRP $14.98
72 Tabs/16 oz. (Unit Weight: .8 lbs.)
#98919 MSRP $24.98
*Not for sale in the state of Florida.
500 grams/1.1 lb. (Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#98916 MSRP $19.98
3.2 kg/7 lb. (Unit Weight: 7.8 lbs.)
#98917 MSRP $109.98
The AquaBasin Mini Fountain Kits come complete with water pump, basin & fountain.
Quadruple Spillway
11" L x 11" W x 16" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 7.5 lbs.)
#98864 MSRP $59.98
Modern Curved
11" L x 6" W x 16" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 4 lbs.)
#98914 MSRP $59.98
Fountain Kit
Fountain Kit
(Approx. Unit Weight: 14.7 lbs.)
#98865 MSRP $139.98
(Approx. Unit Weight: 11.3 lbs.)
#98915 MSRP $139.98
Leaning Vase
11" L x 11" W x 16" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 5.5 lbs.)
#98920 MSRP $59.98
Amphora Vase
11" L x 11" W x 16" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 4.3 lbs.)
#98922 MSRP $59.98
Fountain Kit
Fountain Kit
(Approx. Unit Weight: 12.7 lbs.)
#98921 MSRP $139.98
(Approx. Unit Weight: 11.6 lbs.)
#98923 MSRP $139.98
Swirly Vase Fountain
12.75" L x 12.75" W x 18.5" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 6 lbs.)
#58019 MSRP $59.98
Mini Stacked Slate
Urn Fountain
12.75" L x 12.75" W x 18.5" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 5 lbs.)
#58014 MSRP $59.98
Fountain Kit
Fountain Kit
(Approx. Unit Weight: 13 lbs.)
#58054 MSRP $139.98
(Approx. Unit Weight: 12 lbs.)
#58060 MSRP $139.98
Video on
Mini Fountain
Aquascape Aquatic Patio Ponds make it simple to have a complete water garden in almost any setting. Creating a beautifully planted water bowl or container water garden has never been easier. Aquascape
Aquatic Patio Ponds have all the natural beauty of real rock with the added durability and light weight of
fiberglass. Create a natural paradise in your backyard with Aquascape Aquatic Patio Ponds!
• Light weight and durable
• Never fade or chips
• Ages like real stone
• Can be used indoors or outdoors
• Natural rock veneer
• Integrated plant shelves
Green Slate
Desert Granite
24" (10 gal.) 24" diameter 12" H
(Unit Weight: 10.1 lbs.)
#98853 MSRP $179.98
24" (10 gal.) 24" diameter 12" H
(Unit Weight: 13.6 lbs.)
#98854 MSRP $179.98
32" (20 gal.) 32" diameter 14" H
(Unit Weight: 15 lbs.)
#98856 MSRP $279.98
32" (20 gal.) 32" diameter 14" H
(Unit Weight: 18.9 lbs.)
#98857 MSRP $279.98
40" (30 gal.) 40" diameter 16" H
(Unit Weight: 19.6 lbs.)
#98859 MSRP $389.98
40" (30 gal.) 40" diameter 16" H
(Unit Weight: 23.5 lbs.)
#98860 MSRP $389.98
Gray Slate
Terra Cotta
24" (10 gal.) 24" diameter 12" H
(Unit Weight: 12.6 lbs.)
#98855 MSRP $179.98
32" (20 gal.) 32" diameter 14" H
(Unit Weight: 17.2 lbs.)
#98858 MSRP $279.98
40" (30 gal.) 40" diameter 16" H
(Unit Weight: 21.7 lbs.)
#98861 MSRP $389.98
Rinse pond with
a garden hose.
Position pond and
fill with water.
Place plants on
integrated shelf.
Add small fish for
color and movement.
Video on
Patio Pond
Container Water Garden Filter
Ideal for all container water gardens
holding up to 50 gallons of water.
See page 29 for more information.
Small (15 gal.)
24" L x 24" W x 12" H
(Unit Weight: 14.1 lbs.)
#78049 MSRP $179.98
Medium (27 gal.)
27" L x 27" W x 14.5" H
(Unit Weight: 18.7 lbs.)
#78050 MSRP $279.98
Large (45 gal.)
33" L x 33" W x 16" H
(Unit Weight: 22.5 lbs.)
#78051 MSRP $389.98
Aquatic Patio Ponds
We have created a basic planting guide to help you put the finishing touches on
your patio pond masterpiece.
40" Aquatic
Patio Pond
32" Aquatic
Patio Pond
24" Aquatic
Patio Pond
Step One: Choose your
Aquatic Patio Pond
24" dia. (10 gal.)
32" dia. (20 gal.)
40" dia. (30 gal.)
Step Two: Add your plants
8" Square Marginal
Step Three: Enjoy!
Container Water Garden Accessory Pack
Add a touch of style to your new or existing container water garden with the Aquascape
Container Water Garden Accessory Pack. This convenient accessory pack contains a wide
variety of products needed to create a healthy container water garden.
Includes the following products:
• Deer Scarer Bamboo​Fountain with included water pump,
adds a soothing sound and creates water circulation
• Mini Pond Net, used for netting debris or catching fish
• Pond Detoxifier, makes tap water safe​for fish and plants
• Container Water Garden​Maintenance Tabs, clarifies
water when used for weekly maintenance
• Premium Fish Food Flakes, ideal for all cold water fish
24" sq. (15 gal.)
27" sq. (27 gal.)
33" sq. (45 gal.)​
(Unit Weight: 5 lbs.)
#77015 MSRP $109.98
Incorporate the sight and sound of water into your garden or home. The Aquascape AquaRock Fountain Kit
is available​in two colors and comes​complete with everything needed to install a beautiful water fountain.
• Simple to install and maintain (most installations take less than 1 hr.)
• Integrates easily into existing landscapes
• Comes complete with all necessary components
• Fountain is made from real rock (stone size and quantity may vary)
• Hand crafted and made in the USA​
AquaRock Blue Stone Kit
AquaRock Sandstone Kit
14.5" H x 12" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 45 lbs.)
#97067 MSRP $59.98
14.5" H x 12" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 45 lbs.)
#97068 MSRP $59.98
Kit Components:
1. Five gallon bucket (water basin)
and perforated lid
Turtle Rock
Add a conversation piece and a
bit of fun to your pond or garden!
Each handmade, real stone turtle
is unique!
2. Lid liner skirt
3. Water pump with 6' power cord
4. Water hose
5. Drilled rock stack
8.75" L x 6.75" W x 3-4" H
(Unit Weight: 10 lbs.)
#78192 MSRP $19.98
Dig out soil to
bury bucket.
Place bucket into hole
you have created.
Add gravel or
decorative pebbles.
Fill with water, plug in
pump and ENJOY!
701 PUMP
Please Note: The AquaRock Fountain Kit does not include decorative gravel or pebbles.
Poly-Resin comes complete with water pump
Naughty Dog Spitter
18.5" L x 10" W x 10.5" H (Unit Weight: 5.3 lbs.)
#78012 MSRP $119.98
Crazy Legs Frog Spitter
Lazy Frog on Lily Pad Spitter
12" L x 10" W x 5" H (Unit Weight: 2.6 lbs.)
#78017 MSRP $79.98
37" L x 8" W x 20" H (Unit Weight: 5.5 lbs.)
#78010 MSRP $149.98
Adjustable width allows for use
with different size patio ponds
Deer Scarer
Bamboo Fountain
5" L x 5" W x 15" H (Unit Weight: 2.6 lbs.)
#78013 MSRP $79.98
Pouring Three-Tier
Bamboo Fountain
Adjustable Pouring
Bamboo Fountain
5" L x 5" W x 15" H (Unit Weight: 2.6 lbs.)
#78015 MSRP $79.98
Extends from 18" - 30"
5" L x 5" W x 15" H (Unit Weight: 3.5 lbs.)
#78014 MSRP $79.98
Sold separately
Toucan Spitter
9" L x 18" W x 18" H (Unit Weight: 7.3 lbs.)
#78011 MSRP $149.98
Man In Barrel Spitter
Head - 8.5" L x 11" W x 8" H
Hands - 4.5" L x 5" W x 3" H
*Barrel not included
4" L x 9" W x 5" H (Unit Weight: 3 lbs.)
#78016 MSRP $79.98
Standing Crane Spitter
25" H (Unit Weight: 11 lbs.)
#78008 MSRP $229.98
with Lowered
Head Spitter
32" H (Unit Weight: 11 lbs.)
#78009 MSRP $229.98
Since each piece is handcrafted from natural Stone, some variations in size, color, weight, and texture may
occur. Colors of items shown are in a "wet" state.
Natural Mongolian
Basalt Column
Set of 3 Natural Mongolian
Basalt Columns
(1) - 24" H x 10" dia.
(1) - 30" H x 10" dia.
(1) - 36" H x 10" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 850 lbs.)
#58062 MSRP $999.98
24" H x 10" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 200 lbs.)
#58038 MSRP $319.98
To complete your system:
AquaBasin® Small
400 GPH Ultra™ Pump
#98404 6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
Set of 3 Semi-Polished
Stone Basalt Columns
(1) - 12" H x 7.5" dia.
(1) - 20" H x 7.5" dia.
(1) - 27" H x 10" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 289 lbs.)
#98264 MSRP $799.98
To complete your system:
To complete your system:
#98134AquaBasin® Large
#910102,000 GPH Ultra™ Pump
#98404 6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
#98134AquaBasin® Large
#910102,000 GPH Ultra™ Pump
#98404 6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
Double-Textured Basalt
Cored Water Columns
Set of 3 Keyed
Basalt Columns
30" H x 10" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 335 lbs.)
#98503 MSRP $369.98
To complete your system:
AquaBasin® Large
800 GPH Ultra™ Pump
6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
36" H x 10" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 375 lbs.)
#98969 MSRP $419.98
To complete your system:
#98134AquaBasin® Large
#91007 800 GPH Ultra™ Pump
#98404 6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
Basalt Kit
Kit Includes:
• Natural Mongolian
Basalt Column - 30"
• AquaBasin® Large
• Ultra™ 800 Pump
• 6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
(Approx. Unit Weight: 388 lbs.)
#58065 MSRP $786.34
(1) - 20" H x 9" dia.
(1) - 13" H x 7" dia.
(1) - 8" H x 8" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 276 lbs.)
#98548 MSRP $499.98
(1) - 18" H x 11" dia.
(1) - 12" H x 11" dia.
(1) - 6" H x 10" dia.
(Approx. Unit Weight: 246 lbs.)
#98552 MSRP $499.98
To complete your system:
To complete your system:
#98469AquaBasin® Small
#910102,000 GPH Ultra™ Pump
#98404 6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
#98469AquaBasin® Small
#91005 400 GPH Ultra™ Pump
#98404 6' of 3/4" Kink-Free Pipe
DecoBasin Fountain Kits come complete with water pump, basin & fountain.
Fractured Basalt
Column Fountain
19" diameter x 37" H
(Unit Weight: 11.2 lbs.)
#98866 MSRP $229.98
Large Stacked Slate
16.5" diameter x 24" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 10.6 lbs.)
#98938 MSRP $149.98
Fountain Kit
Fountain Kit
(Approx. Unit Weight: 28.5 lbs.)
#58046 MSRP $399.98
(Approx. Unit Weight: 23 lbs.)
#58015 MSRP $329.98
Round Pebble
16.5" diameter x 24" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 11 lbs.)
#98937 MSRP $149.98
Formal Basalt
Column Set
Small - 17.75" diameter x 18" H
Medium - 13" diameter x 24" H
Large - 9" diameter x 30" H
(Unit Weight: 16.5 lbs.)
#98936 MSRP $249.98
Fountain Kit
Fountain Kit
(Approx. Unit Weight: 22.6 lbs.)
#58063 MSRP $319.98
(Approx. Unit Weight: 25.5 lbs.)
#58058 MSRP $419.98
Giant Mushroom
Small Stacked
Slate Urn
40.5" L x 19.5" W x 16" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 61 lbs.)
#58009 MSRP $479.98
25" diameter x 32" H
(Approx. Unit Weight: 27.2 lbs.)
#98939 MSRP $339.98
Fountain Kit
Fountain Kit
(Approx. Unit Weight: 70 lbs.)
#58059 MSRP $599.98
(Approx. Unit Weight: 39.2 lbs.)
#58064 MSRP $449.98
Video on
DecoBasin Fountains
Aquascape Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) decorative water fountains combine all the
beauty of dyed or colored concrete with the added strength of reinforced glass fibers.
Choose your:
2 Color
1 Design
3 Size
• A. Classic Greek Urn
• A. Powdered Terra Cotta
• Large - 26" H
• B. Textured Ripple Fountain
• B. Crushed Coral
• XLarge - 37" H
• C. Modern Classic Fountain
• C. Gray Slate
also available
as a kit
All fountain kits include water pump,
basin and fountain.
XLg 37" H
Lg 26" H
Gray Slate
Powdered Terra Cotta
Crushed Coral
GFRC Fountains
Color / Size
Item Number
**Fountain Kit
Item Number
Unit Weight
Fountain Fountain Kit
Fountain Fountain Kit
Classic Greek Urn Fountain
Gray Slate
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
29 lbs.
38 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
56 lbs.
65 lbs.
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
27 lbs.
38 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
56 lbs.
65 lbs.
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
27 lbs.
38 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
56 lbs.
65 lbs.
Powdered Terra Cotta
Crushed Coral
Textured Ripple Fountain
Gray Slate
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
29 lbs.
38 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
56 lbs.
65 lbs.
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
29 lbs.
36 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
56 lbs.
60 lbs.
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
29 lbs.
38 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
56 lbs.
65 lbs.
Powdered Terra Cotta
Crushed Coral
Modern Classic Fountain
Gray Slate
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
27 lbs.
36 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
51 lbs.
60 lbs.
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
27 lbs.
36 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
51 lbs.
60 lbs.
- Large
11" L x 11" W x 26" H
27 lbs.
36 lbs.
- XLarge
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
51 lbs.
60 lbs.
Powdered Terra Cotta
Crushed Coral
* Fountain Item # includes fountain and pump.
** Fountain Kit Item # includes fountain, pump and basin.
Aquascape Self Contained Fountains are a beautiful addition to almost any landscape. These standalone fountains are made from durable GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) combining all the beauty of
dye-colored concrete with the added strength of reinforced glass fibers. All Aquascape decorative GFRC
fountains come complete with a prefixed plumbing assembly and water pump.
Baroque Fountain
41" L x 41" W x 40" H (Unit Weight: 171 lbs.)
#78154 MSRP $729.98
Bordeaux Fountain
31" L x 31" W x 49" H (Unit Weight: 219 lbs.)
#78153 MSRP $729.98
Coventry Fountain
44" L x 44" W x 59" H (Unit Weight: 190 lbs.)
#78155 MSRP $849.98
Aquascape Fiberglass Stone Composite has all the natural beauty of real rock with the added durability
and light weight of fiberglass. Aquascape fiberglass stone composite creates the soothing sound of trickling
water making it the focal point of any setting. Create a natural paradise in your back yard.
• Lightweight and durable
• Never fades or chips
• Can be used indoors or outdoors
• Natural rock veneer
• Ages like real stone
Large Stacked Slate Urn
Granite Transition Garden Fountain
Recommended pump size - 2,000 GPH Ultra
Includes Water Pump
S - 16" L x 16" W x 12" H M - 16" L x 16" W x 20" H
25" diameter x 56.5" H (Approx. Unit Weight: 57.6 lbs.)
#98940 MSRP $949.98
L - 16" L x 16" W x 28" H
(Unit Weight: 20.3 lbs.)
(Unit Weight: 23.6 lbs.)
(Unit Weight: 28.9 lbs.)
#78028 MSRP $249.98 #78029 MSRP $299.98 #78030 MSRP $359.98
Aquascape Paver Fountain Kits make it simple to add a splash of water to almost any traditional
paver application including patios, driveways and walkways
• Can easily be installed in new or existing paver applications
• Creates an oxygenated water source for birds and other wildlife
• The sound of bubbling water can be used to mask unpleasant noise pollution
Choose from the pre-designed Mosaic Fountain Stone or create your
own design with the solid granite​Bubbling Fountain Stone
Kit includes:
• Solid granite Bubbling Fountain
Stone or Bubbling Formal Mosaic
Fountain Stones​
• Fountain Accent Light
with 12V Transformer
• Medium AquaBasin®
Water Reservoir
• Ultra™ Water Pump
• All Necessary Plumbing
Bubbling Fountain
Stone Kit
Bubbling Formal Mosaic
Fountain Kit
(Unit Weight: 65 lbs.)
#58069 MSRP $379.98
Dig the hole
and position the
Add the included
pump, plumbing
and lighting.
(Unit Weight: 110 lbs.)
#58070 MSRP $499.98
Fill the AquaBasin
with water.
Install the
fountain stones and
complete with pavers of
your choice.
Incorporate beautiful, low-maintenance formal waterfalls into any design using
Aquascape's Stainless Steel WaterWall Spillway.
Stainless Steel WaterWall Spillway
• Stainless steel construction for strength and corrosion resistance
• Clog-free, open-top design reduces maintenance
• 16" wide spillway and 1" plumbing port handles pumps up to
2,000 gallons per hour
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#58066 MSRP $199.99
WaterWall Spillway Kit
The WaterWall Spillway Kit combines all of the required components
into a convenient kit that saves you time and money.
Kit includes:
• 16" Stainless Steel Waterfall Spillway
• Medium AquaBasin® with Splash Pad
Kit includes
LED Waterfall
Accent Light
• Ultra™ Pump with Plumbing Components
• 1-Watt 12V LED Waterfall Light
• Compact Water Fill Valve
(Unit Weight: 40 lbs.)
#58080 MSRP $549.99
Connect the plumbing.
Position the spillway
in the wall.
Level the unit and
finish the wall.
Fill the basin with water
and plug in the pump.
Designed to take the guesswork out of installing fountain rocks, hand-carved stone, brass fountains, and
bubbling urns. The AquaBasin® is a great way for anyone to quickly and easily install these popular styles​
of water features. Can accommodate all Ultra™ Pumps.
AquaBasin® Features:
• Professional grade, high-density polyethylene, double walled structure gives it superior strength and weight distribution
• Extra large water capacity means less maintenance
• Pump access panels allow access for maintenance
• Pre-drilled hole in the center makes it easy to hook up plumbing
• Designed for maximum strength when backfilling and positioning decorative pieces
AquaBasin® Large
AquaBasin® Medium
AquaBasin® Small
• 75-gallon water storage capacity
• 40-gallon water storage capacity
• 40-gallon water storage capacity
• 18-inch diameter recess allows for
larger pieces to be backfilled in
order to increase stability
• Ideal reservoir for Aquascape's
Paver Fountains and WaterWall
• Maximum weight capacity - 350 lbs.
• Maximum weight capacity 1,200 lbs.
• 8.5" diameter pump access opening
with lid
• Two 9" x 16" pump access panels
• Maximum weight capacity 1,200 lbs.
• Can accommodate Magnetic Driven
Ultra™ Pumps totaling up to
4,000 GPH
45" L x 45" W x 14" H (Unit Weight: 46.5 lbs.)
#98134 MSRP $479.98
• One 9" x 16" pump access panel
• Can accommodate Magnetic Driven
Ultra™ Pumps totaling up to
2,000 GPH
30" L x 30" W x 10" H (Unit Weight: 17 lbs.)
#98469 MSRP $279.98
• Can accommodate pumps up to
2,000 GPH
24" L x 24" W x 16" H (Unit Weight: 20 lbs.)
#76004 MSRP $279.98
the look
Video on
LED Fountain Accent Light Why only appreciate
your water feature during the day? Adding lights
can dramatically change the look of any fountain.
See page 51.
Patio Basin
Allows for a decorative fountain installation above the ground
The Aquascape Decorative Patio Basin allows for the above
ground installation of decorative fountains that normally require
a reservoir that would need to be dug into the ground. The above
ground application allows for DIY placement into decks, patios
or indoors in minutes. The low maintenance decorative deck can
accommodate pebbles or rocks to add a decorative touch and
create a contrasting focal point.
• 18-gallon water storage capacity
• Maximum weight capacity 100 lbs.
Natural Limestone (Unit Weight: 122 lbs.)
#76000 MSRP $349.98
• Can accomodate magnetic driven
Ultra Pumps up to 550 GPH
Burnt Umber (Unit Weight: 122 lbs.)
#78191 MSRP $349.98
Decorative River Pebbles
• Easy to carry 22 lb. bags are ideal for decorative fountain
• Pre-washed and polished
Fountain Shims
• Two colors to choose from - Black River Pebbles and
Mixed River Pebbles
Ideal for leveling resin, concrete or
GFRC water fountains or features.
• Each 22 lb. bag covers approximately 1.5 sq. ft. of surface
• Stone dimensions – 3-5 inch diameter mix
4.5" L x .75" W
Set of 6 (Unit Weight: 1.6 lbs.)
#78159 MSRP $4.98
Black Pebbles 10 kg. – 3"-5" (Unit Weight: 22 lbs.)
#78160 MSRP $19.98
Mixed River Pebbles 10 kg. – 3"-5" (Unit Weight: 22 lbs.)
#78161 MSRP $19.98
AquaBasin® Mini
Aquascape AquaBasin® Mini makes it simple to have a water
feature in almost any setting. Can accommodate pumps up to
350 GPH.
Aquascape DecoBasin comes compete with water reservoir and
splash skirt. Can accommodate pumps up to 1,500 GPH.
AquaBasin® Mini Features:
• Light weight and durable basin
DecoBasin Features:
• Light weight and durable
• Quick and easy to install
• 54" splash skirt prevent leakage or over splash
• Can be used indoors or
• Provides easy pump access
• Basin holds 15 gallons of water
• Maximum weight capacity:
50 lbs.
• Quick and easy installation
• Basin holds 8 gallons of
(Unit Weight: 6.5 lbs.)
#98924 MSRP $39.98
Video on
AquaBasin® Mini
• Large center hole provides easy pump access
• Maximum weight capacity: 50 lbs.
(Unit Weight: 9 lbs.)
#60000 MSRP $79.98
Seasonal Care &
Predator Control
Seasonal Care & Predator Control
Video on
Pond De-Icer
300-Watt Pond De-Icer
Now comes with a 3-year limited warranty
Aquascape stainless steel Pond De-icer is ideal for keeping a small hole
opening in the ice during cold winter months, and ensures proper gas
exchange helping keep fish alive during the winter.
• Prevents winter fish loss
• Keeps a small hole in the ice during winter months
• Helps increase pond oxygen levels
• Stainless steel construction prevents corrosion and cracking
• Low cost to operate
• Built-in LED light indicates when heater is in use
High quality stainless
steel housing
LED light indicates when
the unit is operating
22' Power cord
(Unit Weight: 3 lbs.)
#39000 MSRP $129.98
Pond Aeration
AquaForce® Pumps Great for Winter De-icing
Pond aerators can also be used during the winter months
where the bubbles created at the surface can help keep a small
hole open in the ice for oxygenation.
The fact that the AquaForce® can be submerged directly in the
pond also makes it a great pump to be used as a winter de-icer.
The AquaForce's powerful flow of water positioned just below
the surface of the pond will keep a hole open in the ice and
ensure critical oxygen levels are maintained in the pond during
the cold winter months.
Pond Aerator PRO 60
2 and 4-Outlet Pond Aerators
Pond Air Winter Application
See pages 46 and 47 for more information on the Pond Aerators
See pages 36 and 37 for more information on the AquaForce®
Seasonal Care & Predator Control
Protective Pond Netting
Aquascape Protective Pond Netting keeps predators out while also catching leaves and falling debris before they enter the pond.
The reusable netting is easy to install and resists tearing. Complete with 14 stakes to secure netting in place.
• Keeps falling leaves and debris from entering the pond
• Protects fish by keeping predators out
• Comes complete with stakes to secure netting into place
• Quality woven poly material resists tearing
• Reusable
7' x 10' (Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#98000 MSRP $8.98
14' x 20' (Unit Weight: 1.1 lbs.)
#98001 MSRP $19.98
28' x 30' (Unit Weight: 2.3 lbs.)
#98002 MSRP $49.98
Unroll netting.
Place netting
over pond.
Pull netting tight, and
secure with anchor
stakes (included).
Video on
Actual Size
Seasonal Care & Predator Control
Blue Heron Decoy
Deter herons from coming to your pond by tricking
them into thinking another heron is already there.
• Looks life-like!
• Quick and easy set-up
• Hand-painted with non-fading,
non-glare, all-weather paint
• Surface treated to prevent paint flaking
• Molded from durable, lightweight polymer
29" L x 7.5" W x 43" H
(Unit Weight: 3 lbs.)
#81030 MSRP $44.98
Pond Thermometer
Monitor pond temperature throughout the year to help adjust fish feeding and
water treatment applications during seasonal changes.
(Unit Weight: 0.2 lbs.)
#74000 MSRP $7.98
Floating Alligator Decoy
Add a little fun to your pond while protecting your valuable fish. The natural
body movement will deter herons and other predators from visiting your pond.
• Natural body movements safely deter pond predators
• Three hinged body parts allow gator to float freely and appear lifelike
• Detailed in non-fading, non-glare, all-weather paint
(Unit Weight: 2.7 lbs.)
#93000 MSRP $44.98
Installation Tools
Installation Tools
Aquascape Water Fill Valves automatically add water to features when needed.​
• Reduces time-consuming maintenance versus manually​filling with a hose​
• Helps protect​pump from running dry
• Better for pond ecosystems by adding small amounts of water as needed, eliminating large water
chemistry swings (including chlorine/chloramine levels) that occur during manual top-offs​
1.5" dia.
2.5" dia.
Compact Water Fill Valve
Water Fill Valve 200
Hudson Water Fill Valve
• Up to 1.5 gallons per minute flow
rate at a working pressure of
0-100 PSI
• Up to 3 gallons per minute flow rate
at a working pressure of 0-100 PSI
• Up to 1.5 gallons per minute flow
rate at a working pressure of
8-65 PSI
• Small size allows it to fit into any
skimmer filter, Pondless® Waterfall
Vault or decorative water feature
• Includes fittings to connect to a
standard garden hose, 1/4" polypipe, 1/2" poly-pipe, 1/2" pvc pipe
(pipe sold separately)
• Reliable mechanical arm style
fill valve
• Brass hardware with poly float
• Includes fittings to connect to
1/2" poly-pipe or 1/2" pvc pipe
(pipe sold separately)
(Unit Weight: .7 lbs.)
#29272 MSRP $39.98
• Works great in the Signature Series™
Skimmers and the Pondless®
Waterfall Vault
• Mounting plate allows 4-inch setting
• Includes quick-connect fitting for
1/4" poly pipe
• Can also be used with 1/2" poly or
1/2" pvc by using the Fill Valve
Irrigation Conversion Kit (Item #01008)
(Unit Weight: .3 lbs.)
#88006 MSRP $29.99
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#29469 MSRP $79.99
Aquascape Water Fill Valves Specs
Item #
Flow Rate
Plumbing Size
Working PSI
0 - 100 PSI
7.5" x 1.5" diameter
Compact Water Fill Valve
0 - 1.5 GPM
1/2" PVC, 1/2" Poly,
1/4" Poly or Garden Hose
Water Fill Valve 200
0 - 3 GPM
1/2" Poly or 1/2" PVC
0 - 100 PSI
12" L x 3.25" W x 2.25" H
Hudson Water Fill Valve /slide plate
0 - 1.5 GPM
1/4" Poly
8 - 65 PSI
5" x 2.5" diameter
Water Fill Valve Accessories
Fitting Fill Valve
Spigot 1/4" Quick
Connects 1/4" Poly Pipe to
Garden Spigot.
(Unit Weight: .2 lbs.)
#07000 MSRP $17.99
Garden Hose
Adapter Assembly
Connects 1/2" Poly Pipe to
Garden Spigot.
(Unit Weight: .2 lbs.)
#29517 MSRP $8.99
Fill Valve Irrigation
Conversion Kit
1/2" X 1/4"
Converts the 1/4" Hudson
Water Fill Valve up to 1/2"
Poly Pipe or PVC.
(Unit Weight: .05 lbs.)
#01008 MSRP $7.99
WFV Poly Pipe
1/4" x 100'
( Unit Weight: 1.3 lbs.)
#29350 MSRP $19.99
1/2" x 100'
(Unit Weight: 6.1 lbs.)
#29470 MSRP $39.99
Installation Tools
Economy Foam Gun
We've added an economy model of
our popular professional-grade Foam
Gun. This lower-priced Foam Gun
provides an attractive price point so
that all contractors, no matter how
many features they build, can afford to
add a foam gun to their pond-building
tool kit. To be used with Black Waterfall
Foam cans.
(Unit Weight: 1.1 lb.)
#54003 MSRP $42.99
Professional Foam Gun Kit
Installation Kit
Includes everything needed for Professional Waterfall Foam application in a
durable custom fit toolbox. Professional
Foam Gun applicator allows exact
dispersion of expanding black foam for
sealing waterfalls.
Kit includes:
Kit includes:
• (1) Case
• (3) 24 oz. Cans Black Waterfall Foam
• (1) Professional Grade Foam Gun
• (1) Can Cleaner
Replacement Gun available
• (1) Liner Patch
• (1) Christy's Red Hot Blue Glue
• (1) Tube of Black Silicone Sealant
• (1) 16 oz. Can of Do-it-Yourself
Black Waterfall Foam
Individual kit items may be purchased
See items on these pages for details.
(Unit Weight: 2.2 lbs.)
#22008 MSRP $32.99
(Unit Weight: 13.5 lbs.)
#22013 MSRP $359.99
Foam Gun Cleaner
Black Waterfall Foam
DIY Black Waterfall Foam
A handy cleaner to flush the foam gun
clean if it is not working properly. It will
also remove uncured foam.
24 oz. can of expandable Black
Waterfall Foam. Equivalent to 5 Do-itYourself Black Waterfall Foam cans.
To be used with foam guns (sold
Easy to use for the beginner or do-ityourselfer. Convenient and economical for the quick touch-up on a larger
project. Also sold as part of our
installation kit.
(Unit Weight: 1.1 lbs.)
#22011 MSRP $29.99
(Unit Weight: 2.2 lbs.)
#30096 MSRP $29.99
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#21053 MSRP $19.98
Installation Tools
Black Silicone Sealant
• Used for sealing joints where liner
attaches to biofilter snout and the
skimmer faceplate
• Fish Safe
Christy’s Red Hot
Blue Glue
The original all-weather, wet or dry PVC
EPDM Liner Patch
This 6" self adhesive patch quickly
repairs accidental cuts in liner.
(Unit Weight: .1 lb.)
#22018 MSRP $8.98
(Unit Weight: .4 lbs.)
#29969 MSRP $7.99
4.7 oz. tube (Unit Weight: .4 lbs.)
#22010 MSRP $5.98
10.1 oz. tube (Unit Weight: .6 lbs.)
#29186 MSRP $9.99
EPDM Liner Cover Tape
(one sided)
EPDM Liner Seam Tape
(two sided)
6" x 25' (Unit Weight: 5.8 lbs.)
#22003 MSRP $129.99
3" x 25' (Unit Weight: 1.5 lbs.)
#22017 MSRP $52.99
6" x 100' (Unit Weight: 20 lbs.)
#22005 MSRP $249.99
3" x 100' (Unit Weight: 7.8 lbs.)
#22020 MSRP $129.99
Firestone® QuickPrime
Plus- EPDM Liner Seaming
Tape Primer
QuickPrime Plus is designed to
clean and prime EPDM liner prior to
1 quart/0.95 liters (Unit Weight: 1 lb.)
#54008 MSRP $49.99
Firestone® QuickScrubber Kit
Firestone® QuickSeam Pond Liner Repair Kit
Kit consists of 30 scrub pads and 4 holders designed for the
application of QuickPrime Plus seaming tape primer.
Allows easy repair of up to two holes in EPDM liner.
(Unit Weight: .75 lbs.)
#54009 MSRP $39.99
Kit includes:
• (2) 6" x 6" QuickSeam patches
• (1) Bottle of LVOC Primer (2 oz./57 ml.)
• (1) Scrubber pad
• (1) Patch roller
• (1) Pair disposable gloves
(Unit Weight: .5 lbs.)
#42023 MSRP $34.99
RainXchange Systems
RainXchange® Systems
Rainwater Harvest Systems
Why Rainwater Harvest?
The RainXchange® System is a sustainable solution for water conservation and stormwater management
The RainXchange® System by Aquascape is a revolutionary design that combines a recirculating decorative
water feature with a sub-surface rainwater harvest storage system.
• Clean, Filtered Water Storage - While you enjoy the benefits of a decorative water feature, the RainXchange®
System filters the stored water providing access to clean, clear, usable water.
• The RainXchange® System reveals only a beautiful water feature that integrates easily into existing landscapes.
• Locating and storing water underground maintains the integrity and beauty of your home and landscape.
• Capturing rainwater to operate the water feature creates true self-sustainability, drastically reducing the need
for traditional water sources.
How Can You Use The Rainxchange® System?
Manage stormwater
and decrease flooding
Landscape irrigation
for your lawn and
flower beds
Washing your car,
patio or deck
Topping off water
features, swimming
pools & hot tubs
Toilet and laundry
water supply
RainXchange® Systems
Rainwater Harvest Systems
biological filter
aquatic plants
shown with
Pondless® Waterfall System
Connecting pipe
storage basin
Please note: The numbers represented in this
drawing show the stages of rain water harvest.
Vault &
How The Rainxchange® System Works:
Captures and removes pollutants flushed into the system
during a rain event
Excess rainwater is sent to a storage area that facilitates the
infiltration of water into deeper soils and aquifers
Carries the water, via gravity, to the modular storage basin
(sold separately)
Modular design can be configured to fit a wide variety of
applications and settings. EPDM rubber membrane creates
a water-tight basin
Optimum water utilization within the system and a convenient
access point for yearly maintenance and cleaning
Beneficial bacteria and enzymes reduce organic waste and
pollutants to less toxic substances that can be absorbed
by plants
Providing food and shelter for a great number of birds,
insects and amphibians and the cornerstone for maintaining
Natural water is loaded with micronutrients and compounds
that will make plants flourish
Video on
Rainwater Harvesting
For more information on opportunities with the
RainXchange System or to receive a
CALL 1.877.766.3489 (U.S.) OR 1.866.766.3426 (CAN) OR VISIT www.aquascapeinc.com
rainxchange™ by aquascape
c a p t u r e > f i lt e r > r e u s e
snorkel® Vault anD
CentipeDe® MoDule
Downspout Filter
A successful rainwater harvesting
project relies on properly pre-filtering
the rainwater before it enters the
storage reservoir.
Our patented Snorkel® Vault and
Centipede® Module are modular
allowing the builders and designers
the flexibility to expand the system
to meet their projects requirements.
Vault extension
Features anD BeneFits
▪ snorkel® Vault and centipede® Module positioned
at the bottom of water storage basin providing
maximum water capacity
Half Centipede
Module with endcap
▪ highly-effective at settling-out sediment
(suspended solids) from the water
▪ Decreases maintenance by reducing the
change of clogged pumps and plumbing
▪ the snorkel™ and centipedes™ modular
design allows it to be constructed in a number
of shapes and sizes
▪ Utilize our rainxchange™ calculator to determine
how many Downspout Filters your project will
require. see page 9 for more details.
▪ Handles up to a 1,500 sq. ft. roof and more
than 50 gallons per minute flow rate.
▪ Vault lid provides easy access for reservoir
and pumping system inspection, as well as
access for cleaning
▪ first stage in properly filtering rainwater –
The downspout filter is installed at the base of the
downspout ready to capture and remove a variety of
pollutants that may be flushed into the system during
a rain event. Incoming rainwater is passed through a
series of mechanical filters that remove leaves, twigs,
seeds, and small sediment that accumulate on the
surface of the roof between rain events.
Grated lid and
layer of gravel
removes large
debris, such as
leaves and twigs.
Durable rotationally-molded unit
withstands freeze/
thaw conditions.
small percolation holes at
the bottom of the filter
allow water remaining
after a rain event to slowly
percolate out of downspout
filter preventing stagnant
mosquito-harboring water
accumulating in the filter
between rain events.
Downspout filter in use:
u.s. patent 6,740,232 and 7,114,668
snorkel® Vault & CentipeDe® MoDule
are captured in
a 300 micron,
easy to clean
debris net.
Molded hose-tail
stub fits 3” or
4” corrugated
drain pipe.
Catalog Code
product Description
unit weight
Downspout Filter
10 lbs.
Replacement Debris Net for Downspout Filter
.25 lbs.
traditional rainwater roof filters look like a science experiment off the side of a home.
Aquascape’s Downspout filter is buried out of sight at the base of the downspout.
the snorkel® Vault provides
access for inspection and
maintenance, yet is easily
hidden into the landscape
preserving the appearance
of the project.
product #
product name
unit weight
Snorkel® Vault & Cap
27 lbs.
Half Centipede® Module with Endcap
13 lbs.
Snorkel® Vault Extension*
10 lbs.
* snorkel® Vault extension – extends the height of the snorkel® Vault when creating deeper water storage basins.
required when stacking 2 or 3 layers of AquaBlox® D-raintanks®
12 rainxchange™ system by Aquascape www.rainxchange.com
Call 1.866.877.6637 or Visit www.aquascapeinc.com 13
RainXchange® Systems
Downspout Filter
A successful rainwater harvesting project relies on properly pre-filtering the rainwater before it enters the storage reservoir.
• First Stage in Properly Filtering Rainwater - The Downspout Filter is installed at the base of the downspout ready to capture and
remove a variety of debris that may be flushed into the system during a rain event. Incoming rainwater is passed through a series of
mechanical filters that remove leaves, twigs, seeds, and small sediment that accumulate on the surface of the roof between
rain events.
• Utilize our online RainXchange®
Calculator to determine how many
Downspout Filters your project will
• Add a downspout filter onto a water
feature and use rainwater to top off
the water level.
• Handles up to a 1,500 sq. ft. roof
and more than 50 gallons per minute
flow rate.
(Unit Weight: 10 lbs.)
#30166 MSRP $199.99
Perferated lid and layer of gravel removes large
debris, such as leaves and twigs
Smaller particulates are captured in a
300 micron, easy to clean debris net
Molded hose-tail stub fits 3" or 4" drain pipe
Small percolation holes at the bottom of the filter
allow water remaining after a rain event to slowly
percolate out of Downspout Filter preventing
stagnant mosquito-harboring water from
accumulating in the filter between rain events
Durable rotationally-molded unit withstands
freeze/thaw conditions
Dig hole.
Place downspout in
hole and connect
drain pipe.
Insert debris net
Replace perferated lid
and backfill.
Out of Sight
RainXchange Rain Barrel
The RainXchange® Rain Barrel has a planter lid for flowers and
the water harvested is healthier for your plants.
• Large 75-gallon capacity!
• 5-year warranty
• Requires no electricity
gutter inlet
• Large safety overflow keeps water in the barrel or away from
the house
• Lid can also be used as a planter
• Thick plastic walls are durable and will withstand extreme
• Childproof lockable lid
Available in
Terra Cotta (right) or
Sandstone (above)
• Brass spigot for garden hose connection
• Made in the U.S.A.
Terra Cotta Rain Barrel (Unit Weight: 30 lbs.)
#98766 MSRP $259.98
Sandstone Rain Barrel (Unit Weight: 30 lbs.)
#98767 MSRP $259.98
Video on
Rain Barrel
RainXchange® Systems
RainXchange® Systems
With our easy-to-use, prepackaged RainXchange® System Kits, you have the flexibility to choose the water storage size and decorative style
that suits you! Simply follow the step-by-step selection chart to determine the products required to complete your RainXchange® System.
Choose the RainXchange® System Water Storage Kit
Choose Your Water Feature.
A Decorative Fountain or A Pondless® Waterfall
RainXchange® Water Storage Kits
Decorative Fountains
Each RainXchange® Water Storage Kit Includes: AquaBlox®,
45 mil EPDM rubber liner membrane, and two panels of
non-woven geotextile underlayment (one to surround the
AquaBlox® and one to surround the exterior of the EPDM
rubber liner).
Select from a number of decorative bubbling urns and stone
fountains from Step 3 that sit on top of the RainXchange® Water
Storage System. The water spills over the top of the decorative piece and flows back down into the RainXchange® Water
Storage System where it is re-circulated.
500 Gallon Water Storage Kit
• Basin Size: 6' x 9' x 4'
• 16 - AquaBlox® - Single Stacked
• 15' x 20' Liner and Underlayment
Decorative Fountain
Pump and Vault
• Pondless® Waterfall Vault
• Pondless® Waterfall Vault Extension
(Unit Weight: 393 lbs.)
#30097 MSRP $1,157.25
1,000 Gallon Water Storage Kit
• Basin Size: 6' x 9' x 5'
• Downspout Filter
(additional units may be
purchased separately)
• AquaSurge® PRO 2000-4000 High Efficiency Pump
• Decorative Fountain Component Bag
• 32 - AquaBlox® - Double Stacked
• ¾" x 25' Kink-Free Pipe
• 20' x 25' Liner and Underlayment
• Four Pondless® Waterfall Vault Extensions
• Overflow Kit
(Unit Weight: 690 lbs.)
#30099 MSRP $2,381.99
1,500 Gallon Water Storage Kit
• Basin Size: 8' x 9' x 5'
(Unit Weight: 129 lbs.)
#44000 MSRP $972.83
Pondless® Waterfall
• 48 - AquaBlox® - Double Stacked
This water feature is made up of a waterfall or stream that flows
and then disappears gracefully into the gravel.
• 25' x 25' Liner and Underlayment
• Four Pondless® Waterfall Vault Extensions
(Unit Weight: 978 lbs.)
#30102 MSRP $3,202.88
2,000 Gallon Water Storage Kit
• Basin Size: 9' x 11' x 5'
Pondless® Waterfall
Vault and Pump
• Pondless® Waterfall Vault
• 64 - AquaBlox® - Double Stacked
• 25' x 30' Liner and Underlayment
• Four Pondless® Waterfall Vault Extensions
(Unit Weight: 1,245 lbs.)
#30105 MSRP $4,023.77
2,500 Gallon Water Storage Kit
• Downspout Filter
(additional units may be
purchased separately)
• AquaSurge® PRO
2000-4000 High
Efficiency Pump
• Basin Size: 11' x 12' x 5'
• Pondless® Waterfall Check Valve
• 80 - AquaBlox® - Double Stacked
• Overflow Kit
• 25' x 30' Liner and Underlayment
• 10' x 20' Stream Liner
• Four Pondless Waterfall Vault Extensions
(Unit Weight: 1,510 lbs.)
#30108 MSRP $4,609.54
3,000 Gallon Water Storage Kit
• 2" x 25' Flex PVC
• Installation Kit
• LED Lighting Package
–– Two - 1-Watt 12 Volt LED Waterfall Light
• Basin Size: 9' x 11' x 6'
–– 60-Watt Transformer w/Photocell
• 96 - AquaBlox® - Triple Stacked
–– 3-Way Splitter and 25' LVL Extension Cable
• 25' x 30' Liner and Underlayment
• Six Pondless® Waterfall Vault Extensions
(Unit Weight: 1,670 lbs.)
#30112 MSRP $5,207.90
(Unit Weight: 126 lbs.)
#44001 MSRP $1,596.44
RainXchange® Systems
Water Supply Products
Choose the Decorative Fountain or
Pondless® Waterfall Feature
The RainXchange® System is an ideal partner for a wide range of
irrigation solutions. From basic hand-watering through a garden
hose or using it in combination with a professionally designed irrigation system, the flexibility of the RainXchange® System provides a
sustainable water supply solution that will meet the requirements of
your next project.
Aquascape offers several pump and plumbing options for general
hand-watering and basic irrigation applications. We recommend
consulting with Aquascape's Technical Service Department or a
professional irrigation designer to determine the irrigation options
that are best suited for your project.
Natural Mongolian
Basalt Column
10" diameter x 30” H
(Unit Weight: 335 lbs.)
3 Natural Mongolian
Basalt Columns
1 - 24", 30" & 36" column
(Unit Weight: 850 lbs.)
3 Semi-Polished
Stone Basalt Columns
1 - 12", 20" & 27" column
(Unit Weight: 289 lbs.)
Booster Pumps
A simple pumping solution that provides
access to the water for general handwatering and basic irrigation.
• The Booster Pump is designed to
increase the water pressure for basic
Booster Pump
• Booster Pumps are external,
non-submerged pumps.
Terra Cotta
• The Booster Pump fitting kit includes pipe and a number of
fittings to plumb the system for basic irrigation supply.
Gray Slate
Crushed Coral
Booster Pump 1/4 HP (Unit Weight: 16.3 lbs.)
#30084 MSRP $479.99
Booster Pump
Plumbing Kit
Classic Greek Urn
Fountain - XLg
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
(Unit Weight: 56 lbs.)
Textured Ripple
Fountain - XLg
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
(Unit Weight: 56 lbs.)
Modern Classic
Fountain - XLg
Booster Pump 1/2 HP (Unit Weight: 19.6 lbs.)
#30085 MSRP $549.99
Pondless® Booster Fitting Kit (Unit Weight: 6 lbs.)
#30094 MSRP $69.99
16" L x 16" W x 37" H
(Unit Weight: 51 lbs.)
Decorative Booster Fitting Kit
(Unit Weight: 6 lbs.)
#30170 MSRP $69.99
Rainxchange® Water
Make-Up System
A simple solution for adding
tap-water into the
RainXchange® basin during low
water levels ensuring a continuous supply of water. Can be
attached to an outdoor spigot or professionally plumbed into a water
supply line. This design meets local codes for high hazard connections by utilizing an air-gap to direct municipal make-up water
through the water storage basin. Includes: Water Feed Float Switch
(also sold separately), Irrigation Valve, 24-volt low-voltage transformer
and low-voltage cable.
Plumbing not included.
(Unit Weight: 3.5 lbs.)
#30390 MSRP $99.99
Water Feed Float Switch
Need Help with Your Design?
Utilize the RainXchange® Specification Calculator at
www.rainxchange.com to determine the water storage
requirements for your project
Specially designed doser-style float switch
signals an irrigation valve to open and add
tap water during low water levels in the
RainXchange® storage basin. Located in the
lower portion of the Snorkel™ Vault. Requires
irrigation valve, transformer, and plumbing.
(Unit Weight: 1.2 lbs.)
#30386 MSRP $39.99
Connection, Education, Inspiration...
Our Video Library Has it
Not only can you stay connected to what is going on in the world of
Aquascape and water gardening, you can also keep your customers
connected as well! Share our videos on Facebook or other social
media outlets or even embed them on your own website to help
build the value of water gardening information from your company
to your customers. You will get to know the experts at Aquascape
and their tips, tricks and how-to's on all things water gardening.
Our library of almost 100 videos has everything you need to help
you engage with your customers. Topics include:
• Products
• Ecosystem Ponds
• Pondless® Waterfalls
• Fountainscapes
• Rainwater Harvesting
• Inspiration
• Installation
• Maintenance
And more...
Check it out today by logging onto
and click on the video link.
Or visit our YouTube channel at
Sign-up to get our weekly
video updates at
What is the Aquascape Foundation?
More on
The Foundation
The Aquascape Foundation is a not for profit 501 3C
organization established in 2008. The mission of The Foun-
dation is to create sustainable solutions for the world-wide water
crisis. The purpose of The Foundation is to promote awareness of
water as our most precious resource through environmental, educational and philanthropic efforts. One of the ways that we will accomplish this mission is by utilizing the Aquascape RainXchange®
System as a solution to bring clean drinking water to places where
people currently have no access.
The Aquascape Foundation is utilizing its core technology to end
this needless suffering. With this technology we can capture,
purify and store thousands of gallons of rainwater, making it
accessible and potable. Our technology will not only bring health
and wellness to a community, but with an accessible water
source, children can focus on education and adults can focus on
employment. It’s a smart and sustainable solution to a complex
problem. Water is life!
Get involved today!
Visit our website at www.aquascapefoundation.org to learn more
about our next trip or to make a donation.
Carla Wittst
ock and Ed
Beaulieu in
the village of
Kuve, Ghan
a, West Afric
Please visit www.aquascapefoundation.org today, to learn how you can help!
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Designs, Inc.
901 Aqualand Way • St. Charles, IL 60174
Toll Free: (866) US-PONDS or (866) 877-6637
Customer Service Fax: (877) 329-2340
Technical Support Fax: (877) 329-2348
©2013 Aquascape Inc.
All Worldwide Rights Reserved
Don’t Let
Solution to
String Alga
Cramp Your
The IonGen™ System G2 Electronic Algae Controller allows you to spend
your time relaxing next to your water feature instead of trying to
maintain it!
•Drastically reduces pond maintenance caused by algae
•Helps reduce unsightly string algae
•Simple to install
•Compatible with water containing fish and plants
•Energy-efficient (less than $1.00 per month in electricity)
•Unit Weight: 3.3 lbs.
•Item #95027 MSRP $379.98
See pages 26-27 for more information on the IonGen™ System
Electrical Charge
Copper Ions
Water Flow
Before IonGen™ G2
After IonGen™ G2
Customer Testmonial:
Video on
“It was a weekly chore trying to remove the algae that grew on the rocks in our stream and waterfall.
We installed an IonGen™ System and the algae simply went away and it hasn’t come back since.”
IonGen™ System User
EPA Registration #83739-1