November Events - Unit 356 Home Page
November Events - Unit 356 Home Page
BRIDGE NEWS FOR SOUTHERN ARIZONA November2013 November Events November 1st. Unit Wide Championship Local Clubs November 3rd. Unit GNT Adobe UNIT 356 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Barry Abrahams VICE PRESIDENT: Adair Karlin TREASURER: Carolyn Reynolds SECRETARY: Lee Toomey TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN: Steve Reynolds TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR: Bill Schelstrate November 14 - 17 Tucson Fall Sectional Holiday Inn - Palo Verde PARTNERSHIPS: Rudy Martinez November 24th. Unit Game Las Candelas CLUB MANAGER: Joan Merrill November 28 - December 8 Phoenix NABC Sheraton and Hyatt Regency I/N PARTNERSHIP: Terry Coe CADDY MASTER: Lee Toomey EDUCATION: Adair Karlin MEMBERSHIP: Carolyn Reynolds I/N REPRESENTATIVE: Terry Coe CONDUCT AND ETHICS: Judson Jones HOSPITALITY: Joan Merrill PUBLICITY: Adair Karlin Welcome New Members DISTRICT 17 REP: Darwin Afdahl Sharon K Rundle —————————————————————-Webmaster and Kibitzer: Ann Hinge District 17 Official Website: Unit 356 Official website September Master Point Winners Adobe Bridge Club Master Point Winners Under 1000 Sarah Baumann 6.59; Patti Starr 5.88; Judson Jones 5.40; Lanie Constable 5.26; Ray Bright 4.95; Master Point Winners Over 1000 Richard Plumer 19.21; Greg West 17.28; George Good 14.94; Martin Schiff Jr 14.13; Percy Brown 11.54; Green Valley Duplicate Bridge Club Top Ten Master Point Winners Franz Schatz 9.55; Ken Grafton 8.81; David Sachs 8.21; Sue Sachs 8.21; Marty Allen 7.61; Jon Stromquist 7.57; Bob Baptist 6.90; Ted Walden 6.89; Russ Stowers 5.55; Lorraine Vonk 5.47. Las Candelas Bridge Club Master Point Winners Under 500 Terry Coe 4.06; Meg Hovell 2.95; Lee Erdman 2.84; Connie Putz 2.78; Joyce Fey 2.43. Master Point Winners Open Dave Douglass 14.57; Dave Chakmakian 8.82; Aaron Carnes 8.70; Marty Chakmakian 7.42; Lanie Constable 6.87; Saguaro Duplicate Bridge Club Master Point Winners Yvette Gormley 4.66; Ron Payne 4.03; Ted Fones 4.03 ; Nora Tkacz 3.74; Joanne Franson 3.28; Myra DeByle 2.99; Shelton Howland 2.94; John Arnold 2.46; Ken Grafton 2.20 & Carol Alberta 2.05 Adobe By Len Hall and Ann Hinge 65% games Lanie Constable - Ann Kuperberg 72.09; Lawrence De Lucia - Constance Whitehead 71.06; Catherine Collinson - B Robert Simrak 69.17; Henry Buch - Richard Plumer 68.98; Melvin Norvelle - Joan Merrill 68.98; John Schocke - Jim Cosmas 68.53; Nadine Schacht - Donna Moser 67.80; Martin Schiff Jr - Kenneth Badertscher 66.92; Greg West - William Howard 66.44; Margaret Curvin - Duncan MacDonell 66.44; Eleanor Horton - N Stewart 66.35; Martin Schiff Jr - Kenneth Badertscher 65.97; Marian Wilson - Jared Boulds 65.51; Helene Miron - Michael Miron 65.51; Lawrence Dev De Lucia - Richard Plumer 65.51; Rosemarie Holmes - Ellie Eigen 65.28; Martin Schiff Jr - Kenneth Badertscher 65.21; Sydney Kaye - Nicolai Minenko 65.17; 2 The Instructional Game will resume on Mondays, 9:00 to 11:30, starting November 4. This is open to those with less than 300 masterpoints. All tables play the same hand at the same time, and then a quick discussion is held. Lessons at the Adobe will continue into the Fall. Bob Simrak will teach Slam Bidding on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:00 starting at November 5. Dev De Lucia will continue Intermediate Supervised Bidding and Play on Wednesdays, from 9:30 to 11:30. Dev will start a 10 session Beginning Bridge class on Thursday, October 3, 9:00 to 11:00. The cost is $60, and a book is available for $15, if necessary. The Adobe is looking for a Certified Director to help direct games occasionally. Talk to Leonard Hall or e-mail the club if interested. Las Candelas By Sunand Bal 65% Games Dave Douglass - Marie Heald 71.96; Dave Douglass - Steve Maltzman 70.00; Ken Badertscher - Catherine Collinson 69.23; Dave Douglass - Shakti Routh 67.95; Marge Koenig - Joe Morella 67.86; Walter Mann - Lanie Constable 67.05; Bettina Thompson - Al Moya 66.52; Dave Douglass - Donna Depesa 66.51; Avice Bosse - Meg Hovell 66.19; Jo Ann Aiken - Terry Coe 65.95; Ginny Rutledge - Marian Rogge 65.71; Joy Rieckers - Aaron Carnes 65.22; Karen Swanberg - Cam Mette 65.06; Jared Boulds - Al Peters 65.06. Saguaro By Doris Kuzmak 65% Games Ted Fones - Joanne Franson 66.17; Ron Payne - Nora Tkacz 65.18. Check the Web for upcoming events Green Valley By Allen Bowman 65% Games David - Sue Sachs 73.84; Ken Grafton - Mick Miller 70.53; Bob Baptist - Ken Grafton 70.37; Dave - Mary Armstrong 69.94; Bob - Mary Baptist 68.71; Bill Hackbarth - Linda Miller 67.13; Al Bowman - Franz Schatz 66.72; Myra DeByle - Joanne Franson 66.44; David - Sue Sachs 65.97; Marty Allen - Jon Stromquist 65.77; Ken Grafton - Russ Stowers 65.51; Al Bowman - Ken Grafton 65.28. 3 ELECTED TO UNIT 356 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS JARED BOULDS I am running for the unit board so that I can have an opportunity to serve and support the game that has quickly become such a large part of my life. I believe I have a lot to offer the unit in terms of hard work and a fresh perspective. DAN FAULKNER I moved to Tucson about 1 year ago to accept an endowed chair at UA. I am a bridge enthusiast and I have enjoyed the Tucson Bridge community. I would be happy to serve on the unit board to help promote bridge activities in the unit. I feel that it is extremely important to the future of the game that we promote bridge at every opportunity. JUDSON JONES I am running for the Unit 356 Board because I love the game of Bridge and want to be continue to be involved in the decisions that affect our unit. I am a retired school administrator, have served two years on the Board, currently serve as the President of my home owner’s association and am part of the personnel committee for my church. JOAN MERRILL I have been privileged and enjoyed serving on the Unit Board for the last 4 years. I have served as Hospitality and Membership Chairman and Club Manager. This has entailed being in charge of the food and clean-up for unit games, publishing the phone book and setting up Unit games. I would be honored to continue in this capacity. JANE PENDLEY Bridge didn't enter my life until 2 years after I retired. It has given me immense pleasure. Thus, I would like to give back by working on the board. If elected, I will listen to members' questions, concerns and suggestions and will take them to the board. There were five candidates for five open positions on the Board. At the October 20 Annual Meeting of the membership, the members present agreed to elect the candidates to the Board by “acclamation”. 4 Tucson’s Non-Life Master Sectional Come play with your peers in one of the biggest NLM Sectionals offered by the ACBL. Held at the Hotel Tucson October 25—27, Tucson’s NLM Sectional will be your best yet. A full calendar of stratified pairs and knockouts is planned for Friday and Saturday, with stratified two session Swiss on Sunday. A buffet lunch is included with the Sunday Swiss. Because the tournament is open only to newer players, the stratifications are very narrow, and you will be competing with others of equal ability and experience. Sharpen your skills, learn from our great guest lecturers—Barb Rosenthall and Mike Smith-- and enjoy free coffee and tea, chocolates and camaraderie. Ann Hinge, who directs the very popular Saturday morning NLM at Adobe, is the Director in Charge. A very senior friendly schedule of games at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm will enable a full day of bridge. And especially valuable for the locals--no night driving. Don’t forget to bring a big bag to carry all your silver home! FRIDAY OCTOBER 25 12:30PM BARBARA ROSENTHAL BARB’S IDIOM’S SATURDAY OCTOBER 26 12:30PM MIKE SMITH TAKEOUT DOUBLES & RESPONSES Recent Rank Advances Recent Rank Advances New Junior Masters: Sara J Boyd Ronnie Conour Harriet Diss Margaret C Schreifels Cloice E Schwyn Mari-Jo Woolfe New NABC Masters: Carol L Erbeck Mary E Hudson Karla L Ramsey New Club Masters: Hedy M Miller New Silver Life Masters: Jon R Stromquist New Life Masters: Faith K Alster New Sectional Masters: Janet M Hornung Trey Smyth 5 Over 70% Games David - Sue Sachs 73.84; Lanie Constable - Ann Kuperberg 72.09; Dave Douglass - Marie Heald 71.96; Lawrence De Lucia - Constance Whitehead 71.06; Ken Grafton - Mick Miller 70.53; Bob Baptist - Ken Grafton 70.37; Dave Douglass - Steve Maltzman 70.00; BRIDGE BITES #30 COUNT SIGNALS Brian Gunnell Count Dracula may have been a scary fellow, but Count Signals can be the defenders’ best friend, as illustrated in this week’s deal. You are West, see if you can beat 5♠ doubled. None Vulnerable ♠ 65 ♥ ♦ K98762 ♣ KQT96 ♠Q ♥ AKT43 ♦ AJ54 ♣ A53 Dummy West South 3♠ Pass Pass Pass West Dbl Pass Dbl North 4♠ 5♠ Pass East 5♥ Pass Pass East Declarer You lead a high Heart, ruffed in Dummy. Then a Club is played to Declarer’s Jack. Do you win this trick? And how do propose to set the contract? You could grab your ♣A and lead your trump. That will stop a second Heart ruff in Dummy. The danger is that, after drawing trumps, if Declarer has a second Club, she will be able to run the Clubs, pitching away all her red suit losers. Does that mean you should duck the first Club trick? Not necessarily, that could also be fatal. Declarer’s Jack might be singleton in which case, if you duck, Declarer ruffs another Heart in Dummy, returns to hand with a Club ruff, and draws trumps. Her shape is likely to be 7=3=2=1, and she can now build her 11th trick by leading a Diamond towards Dummy. So, the success of the defense depends upon West guessing whether Declarer started with one or two Clubs. What’s your guess? No guessing is required for those defenders who give count signals when Declarer leads a suit. If E-W are using this valuable tool then, on the first round of Clubs, East plays low to show an odd number (of Clubs), and high to show an even number. On the actual deal, East plays the Two, so West knows that Declarer’s ♣J cannot be singleton and that he can safely duck that trick. After winning the ♣J, Declarer ruffs another Heart in Dummy, but can score no more than 10 tricks, via seven Spades in hand, two Heart ruffs in Dummy and one Club. 6 ♠ 65 ♥ ♦ K98762 ♣ KQT96 ♠Q ♥ AKT43 ♦ AJ54 ♣ A53 Dummy West East Declarer ♠ 874 ♥ QJ962 ♦ QT ♣ 842 If East started with ♣8742, he would play the Eight on the first round of Clubs (high to show an even number), from which West deduces that the ♣J is singleton (Jxx is possible but less likely) and that the ♣A must be grabbed and a trump returned. ♠ AKJT932 ♥ 875 ♦3 ♣ J7 2013 October —December NLM Calendar October 25-27. NLM Sectional at the Hotel Tucson, 475 N. Granada Ave, Tucson AZ 85701. A tournament just for NLM players up to 500 points. Stratified pair, Swiss and Knockout games! Lectures! Silver points! Last year 414 people played—this is one of the biggest NLM tournaments in the USA. Flyers available online and at your local clubs. November 14-17—Tucson Fall Sectional. New 299er section will be introduced. Holiday Inn, 4550 S. Palo Verde Road, Tucson, AZ 85714. November 24—Unit Game at Las Candelas. NLM section planned. Lunch included. Thanksgiving theme! Game at 1:00. December 22—Member Appreciation Games. Morning and afternoon sessions. NLM section. Hotel Tucson, 475 N. Granada Ave, Tucson AZ 85701 All unit games are only $5.00. TUCSON FALL SECTIONAL LECTURE SCHEDULE THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 1230 PM BILL HACKBARTH HAMILTON: INTERFERENCE OVER ONE NO TRUMP SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 1230 PM TED WALDEN PUTTING YOU ON TRACK: A POTPOURRI QUIZ FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15 1230 PM KEN Grafton WHEN OPPONENTS INTEREFERE WITH YOUR WEAK 2 BID 7 October 25—27, 2013 — Hotel Tucson For Non-Life Master players under 500 Master Points 9:0 S pact tratified 0AM Kno ckou NLM Pa tI ir 12:3 I—(Rou s 0PM nds 1& Su Bridge Com M 9:00A M Pairs 1&2) L s fied N I—(Round i t a r t S t ockou 0PM ct Kn 3 a Comp 12: ecture ced eL Bridg e announ b ct to PM Subje irs :30 1 Pa d NLM(Rounds 3 e i f i t Stra kout I— c t Kno c a p m & 4) Co Com pact bjec t to b Lecture e 1:30 announc Str P e ati d M Kno fied NLM ckou t II— Pairs (Rou nds 3& 2) 4) All games awarded Silver 9:00 AM & TBA Stratified Swiss Teams (Two Sessions) A=200-500 (NLM) B=100-200; C=50-100 D=20-50; E=5-20; F=0-5 as needed (Victory Points) Complimentary Buffet Between Sessions for 2 session players A= 200-500 (NLM), B=100-200 & C=50-100 D=20-50, E=5-20, F=0-5 as needed We offer Free Coffee and Tea, Yummy Candy, Lecture, Pre-dealt hands with Hand Records and a buffet lunch for those who play the double Swiss Team session on Sunday. We hope to see all of you at our great NLM tournament. 475 N. Granada Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 622-3000 $11.00 for dues paying ACBL members per session and $13.00 for all others. Sunday Swiss Teams (double session) $88.00 a team including lunch. Join the ACBL at the tournament and we will pay half your first years dues!! Room rates are $69 for a studio suite and $79 for a two room suite. Breakfast and Happy Hour included. Please make room reservations prior to October 15 to insure availability and the rates. Use “NLM Bridge” when reserving your rooms. Tournament Chairman: Steve Reynolds (520) 488-7730 or [email protected] Director in Charge: Ann Hinge Partnerships: Rudy Martinez 925-382-9454 or [email protected] I/N Rep: Terry Coe [email protected] See for more information Sanction Number: 1310065 8 November 14—17, 2013 Holiday Inn—Palo Verde Thursday—November 14, 2013 9:00 AM ………………….………….......Stratified Pairs (Single Session) Stratified 299’er Pairs (Single Session) and Knockout I (Round 1 ) 1:30 PM………………...……………….....Stratified Pairs (Single Session) Stratified 299’er Pairs (Single Session) and Knockout I (Round 2) & Single Session Swiss Team Friday—November 15, 2013 9:00 AM ……...………......................................... Stratified Pairs (Single Session) Stratified 299’er Pairs (Single Session) and Knockout I (Round 3) & Single Session Swiss Team 1:30 PM ……...………......................................... Stratified Pairs (Single Session) Stratified 299’er Pairs (Single Session) and Knockout II (Round 1) Saturday—November 16, 2013 We offer Free Coffee , Tea, pastries, muffins, bagels, smoked salmon, free yummy candy, lectures Free Buffet Lunch on Sunday and Pre-dealt hands with hand records. 9:00AM…………..……...…….…...………....Stratified Pairs (Single Session) Stratified 299’er Pairs (Single Session) & Knockout II( Round 2) & Single Session Swiss Team 1:30 PM…………………….….………….…Stratified Pairs (Single Session) Stratified 299’er Pairs (Single Session) & Knockout II ( Round 3) & Single Session Swiss Team Sunday—November 17, 2013 9:00 AM & 1:30 PM..................Strati-flighted Swiss Teams (Two Sessions) Stratified 299’er Swiss Teams (Two Sessions) All Two Session Players Receive a Complimentary Buffet Lunch Fees: $12.00 per person, per session for dues paying ACBL Members and $13.00 for all others 4550 S. Palo Verde Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85714 (520) 746-1161 or (800) 465– 4329 Rooms $89.00 double or single. Rooms include Continental Breakfast and Wi-Fi. Blocked rooms reserved until October 30 2013. Phone reservations, use booking code “ABC” to get the preferred rates. Visit our website at This is a non -smoking event. Sanction #1311043 Tournament Chair: Steve Reynolds (520) 488-7730 or [email protected] Director-in-Charge: Eric Bell Partnerships: Rudy Martinez (925) 382-9454 I/N Rep: Terry Coe [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Stratified Events: A=1500+; B=500-1500; C=0-500: 299’er Pairs: D=100-299; E=20-100; F=0-20 Knockouts: Bracketed by average master point holdings of all team members - Top bracket may be handicapped Strati-flighted Swiss Teams: (All scored at Victory points) A=3000+; Ax=0-3000; B=1000-1500; C=500-1000; D= 0-500 299’er Swiss Teams: (All scored at Victory points) E=100-299; F=0-100 Single session entries will be accommodated 9 WEEKLY CLUB SCHEDULES Club Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Adobe Bridge Club (Leonard Hall Club Manager) [email protected] 3727 E Blacklidge - 795-2441 1:00pm Open 9.00 am 299’er 12:30pm Open & NLM 12:30pm Open 12:30pm Open & NLM 12:30pm Open 9:00am NLM 1:00pm Open 1:00pm Inv Canoa 1:00pm Inv Canoa Green Valley Duplicate Bridge Club Games Open to Members and Guests Only (Al Bowman—Club Manager) [email protected] 12:30pm Open & 1 1:00pm Inv Canoa High Desert Hands (Mary Ahearn, Club Manager) [email protected] 1270 Treasure Road, Pearce - 603-4359 Las Candelas Bridge Club (Sunny Bal, Club Manager) [email protected] 401 E. Limberlost - 696-9101 1:00pm 12:30pm Open 9:30-11:30am Bid and Play 12:30pm Open & NLM Mountain View Duplicate Bridge Club (Jo Ann Aiken, Club Manager) [email protected] 38759 Mountain View Blvd, Saddlebrooke - 818-1727 12:30pm Open & NLM 6:30p Open 12:30pm Open 1:00pm 12:30am Open & NLM 1:00pm Queen of Hearts Bridge Club 744-4212 (James Richhart, Manager)—[email protected] On Dove Mountain Rd, 2.3 Mi North off Tangerine Rd 9:00am Seasonal Saguaro Duplicate Bridge Club (Doris Kuzmak, Director/Manager) [email protected] 625-4027 or 237-1959—600 S La Canada, Green Valley, Parish Hall at St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church 12:30pm Open Thunder Mountain Bridge Club Diana Smith, Mgr 803-9564 or 432-3883 608 E Fry Boulevard, Sierra Vista 12:30pm Tucson Charity Bridge (Ruth Houkom, Club Manager) 5360 E Pima Street, Tucson [email protected] OR 5pm NLM (Ventana) 12:30pm 6:30pm 12:30pm 12:30pm NLM (Streams) 10 SPECIAL EVENTS SCHEDULE — November2013 Sunday Monday November 3 November 4 UNIT GNT AD AD CC November 10 November 11 LC ST CC Tuesday November 5 November 12 Wednesday November 18 Tucson Fall Sectional AD SFG November 24 November 25 Unit Game LC AD CG November 19 Saturday November 1 November 5 AD, LC, MVBC, GV UWC S CG November 7 November 8 November 9 LC CC (both games) AD CG AD CC AD CG (both games) November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16 Tucson Fall Sectional Tucson Fall Sectional Tucson Fall Sectional November 21 November 22 November 23 AD CG AD CC (both games) S AMB November 30 November 20 AD CC November 26 Friday November 6 AD Char & B November 17 Thursday November 27 November 28 November 29 AD CG Thanksgiving Day LC, TM B MVBC CC Abbreviations: AD– Adobe, LC – Las Candelas, MV – Mountain View, S –Saguaro, TM – Thunder Mountain, GV - Green Valley, HDH High Desert Hands, B -Birthdays, BAM—Board-a-Match, CAC – Club Appreciation Championship, CC – Club Championship, CG—Charity Game, MAG—Member Appreciation Game, NLM – Non Life Master, IN – Intermediate /Novice, SFG—Special Fund Game, SR—Sectionally Rated, ST— Swiss Teams, UWC—Unit Wide Championship, AMB--Membership Game, GNT - GNT Qualifier, NAP - North American Pair Qualifier, * See write-up under club 11