OPNET Modeler Development of laboratory exercises based on


OPNET Modeler Development of laboratory exercises based on
Master thesis MEE 03:24
OPNET Modeler
Development of laboratory exercises based
on OPNET Modeler
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
This thesis is presented as a part of the Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering with emphasis
on Telecommunications and Signal Processing.
Blekinge Institute of Technology
June 2003
Master of Science Programme in Electrical Engineering
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Department of Telecommunications and Signal Processing – I.T.S
Supervisor: Prof: Arne Nilsson and Docent: Adrian Popescu – I.T.S
Examiner: Prof: Arne Nilsson and Docent: Adrian Popescu – I.T.S
Master thesis MEE 03:24
The primary purpose of this thesis is to develop laboratory exercises for use with several
courses at the Blekinge Institute of Technology and to offer an insight in how real
networks and protocols behave. All laboratories are developed in OPNET Modeler 9.0
simulation environment which is a network simulator that offers the tools for model
design, simulation, data mining and analysis.
The software package is licensed by OPNET technologies Inc [1].
The instructional material consists of a set of laboratory exercises, namely: Introduction
to OPNET Modeler 9.0 environment, M/M/1, Aloha, CSMA, CSMA-CD, Slow Start,
Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, Fast Recovery and OSPF, Queuing policies
, Selfsimilar.
Keywords: OPNET Modeler, Lab, M/M/1, Aloha, CSMA, CSMA-CD, Slow Start,
Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, Fast Recovery, OSPF, Areas, Balanced traffic
flow, Ethernet, FIFO, Preemptive priority queuing, Non preemptive queuing, WFQ,
Tommy Svensson, [email protected]
Alex Popescu, [email protected]
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Table of contents
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................................2
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................6
General ........................................................................................................................................................6
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................6
Laboratory 1 ....................................................................................................................................................7
Introduction to Opnet ......................................................................................................................................7
Objective .....................................................................................................................................................7
Overview .....................................................................................................................................................7
Preparations .................................................................................................................................................8
Project Editor...........................................................................................................................................9
The Process Model Editor .....................................................................................................................11
The Link Model Editor ..........................................................................................................................12
The Path Editor......................................................................................................................................13
The Packet Format Editor......................................................................................................................14
The Probe Editor....................................................................................................................................15
The Simulation Sequence Editor ...........................................................................................................16
The Analysis Tool .................................................................................................................................17
The Project Editor Workspace...............................................................................................................18
Begin the laboratory ..................................................................................................................................20
Laboratory 2 ..................................................................................................................................................41
M/M/1 Queue simulation ..............................................................................................................................41
Objective ...................................................................................................................................................41
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................41
Creation of the node model ...................................................................................................................43
Laboratory 3 ..................................................................................................................................................62
Ethernet simulation........................................................................................................................................62
Objective ...................................................................................................................................................62
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................62
Designing the Aloha Transmitter Process Model ......................................................................................63
Creating the Aloha Transmitter Node Model ............................................................................................70
Creating the Generic Receiver Node Process Model.................................................................................73
Creating the Generic Receiver Node Model..............................................................................................77
Creating a new link model.........................................................................................................................79
Creating the network model ......................................................................................................................80
Executing the Aloha Simulation................................................................................................................83
Creating the CSMA transmitter process model .........................................................................................87
Creating the CSMA transmitter node model .............................................................................................89
Redefining the network model ..................................................................................................................91
Configuring CSMA Simulations ...............................................................................................................92
Analyzing the CSMA results.....................................................................................................................93
Viewing Both Results on the Same Graph ................................................................................................94
Ethernet network model.............................................................................................................................97
Laboratory 4 ................................................................................................................................................104
TCP simulation............................................................................................................................................104
Objective .................................................................................................................................................104
Overview .................................................................................................................................................104
Slow start and congestion avoidance ...................................................................................................104
Slow start and congestion avoidance simulation .................................................................................106
Create the network...............................................................................................................................107
Create the Paris subnet ........................................................................................................................110
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Alex Popescu
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Create the Stockholm subnet ...............................................................................................................112
Create the IP Cloud..............................................................................................................................114
Choose Statistics..................................................................................................................................115
Slow start and Congestion avoidance simulation ................................................................................117
View the results ...................................................................................................................................117
Fast retransmit .....................................................................................................................................118
Fast recovery .......................................................................................................................................118
Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery simulation....................................................................................119
Create the Tahoe scenario....................................................................................................................119
Create the Reno scenario .....................................................................................................................119
Simulate the scenarios .........................................................................................................................120
View results .........................................................................................................................................120
Laboratory 5 ................................................................................................................................................123
OSPF simulation..........................................................................................................................................123
Objective .................................................................................................................................................123
Overview .................................................................................................................................................123
Create the network...............................................................................................................................124
Configure router interfaces ..................................................................................................................126
Assign addresses to the router interfaces.............................................................................................128
Configure routing cost .........................................................................................................................129
Configure the traffic demands .............................................................................................................132
Configure Simulation ..........................................................................................................................132
Duplicate the scenario .........................................................................................................................132
Run the simulation...............................................................................................................................134
View the results ...................................................................................................................................135
Laboratory 6 ................................................................................................................................................139
Queuing policies..........................................................................................................................................139
Objective .................................................................................................................................................139
Overview .................................................................................................................................................139
Copy files ............................................................................................................................................140
FIFO queuing.......................................................................................................................................141
Create the FIFO network .....................................................................................................................142
Duplicate scenario ...............................................................................................................................145
Collect statistics...................................................................................................................................146
Run the simulation...............................................................................................................................147
View the results ...................................................................................................................................148
Priority queuing ...................................................................................................................................152
Create the Non-preemptive priority network, infinite buffer...............................................................152
Create the Preemptive priority network, infinite buffer.......................................................................156
Run the infinite buffer simulation........................................................................................................157
View the infinite buffer simulation results ..........................................................................................158
Create the Preemptive priority network, Finite buffer.........................................................................163
Create the Preemptive priority network, Finite buffer.........................................................................163
Run the finite buffer simulation...........................................................................................................164
View the finite buffer simulation results .............................................................................................164
Weighted Fair Queuing .......................................................................................................................169
Create the Weighted Fair Queuing – infinite buffer network ..............................................................169
Run the Weighted Fair Queuing – infinite buffer simulation ..............................................................173
View the Weighted Fair Queuing – infinite buffer results...................................................................173
Create the Weighted Fair Queuing – finite buffer network .................................................................175
Run the Weighted Fair Queuing – finite buffer simulation .................................................................176
View the Weighted Fair Queuing – finite buffer results......................................................................176
Laboratory 7 ................................................................................................................................................178
Self-Similar .................................................................................................................................................178
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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Objective .................................................................................................................................................178
Overview .................................................................................................................................................178
Create the self similar network model .................................................................................................180
Run the simulation...............................................................................................................................190
View the results ...................................................................................................................................191
Conclusions throughput.......................................................................................................................195
Conclusions delay................................................................................................................................195
Concluding Remarks ...................................................................................................................................196
Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................................................196
References ...................................................................................................................................................198
Appendix 1 ..................................................................................................................................................199
Appendix 2 ..................................................................................................................................................221
Appendix 3 ..................................................................................................................................................244
Appendix 4 ..................................................................................................................................................255
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Today the field of computer networks all over the world has entered an exponential
growth phase. These demands have made the necessity of capable network engineers
extremely covet. It is therefore crucial for universities to offer networking courses that
are both educational and up to date. Due to different obstacles it is unpractical for a
university to be able to offer several types of networks to its students. An invaluable tool
in this case consists of the network simulator OPNET Modeler that offers the tools for
model design, simulation, data mining and analysis for, considering the alternatives, a
reasonable cost. OPNET Modeler can simulate a wide variety of different networks
which are link to each other. The students can therefore just by sitting at their
workstations exercise various options available to network nodes and visually see the
impact of their actions. Data message flows, packet losses, control/routing message
flows, link failures, bit errors; etc can be seen by the students at visible speed. This is the
most cost effective solution for universities to demonstrate the behavior of different
networks and protocols.
This thesis will implement five laboratory exercises using the OPNET Modeler
simulation environment, namely:
Lab1 Introduction (Introduction to OPNET environment)
Lab2 M/M/1 (Construct an M/M/1 queue model)
Lab3 Ethernet (Aloha, CSMA, CSMA-CD)
Lab4 TCP (SlowStart, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, Fast
Lab5 OSPF (Areas, Balanced traffic flow)
Finally after concluding these laboratory exercises the student’s comprehension of
protocols, networks and routing implementation and interaction will be expanded. This
plays a fundamental roll in understanding how Internet works.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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Laboratory 1
Introduction to Opnet
This laboratory is about basics of using Optimized Network Engineering Tools (OPNET).
The OPNET is a very powerful network simulator. Main purposes are to optimize cost,
performance and availability.
The goal of this laboratory is to learn the basics of how to use Modeler interface, as well
as some basic modeling theory. The following tasks are considered:
• Build and analyze models.
• Configure the object palette with the needed models.
• Set up application and profile configurations.
• Model a LAN as a single node.
• Specify background utilization that changes over a time on a link.
• Simulate multiple scenarios simultaneously.
• Apply filter to graphs of results and analyze the results.
Before starting working on the Exercise part of this laboratory, one has to read the
Preparations part.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
To build a network model the workflow centers on the Project Editor. This is used to
create network models, collect statistics directly from each network object or from the
network as a hole, execute a simulation and view results. See Fig.1.
Figure 1 - Workflow
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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Project Editor
The main staging area for creating a network simulation is the Project Editor. This is used
to create a network model using models from the standard library, collect statistics about
the network, run the simulation and view the results. Using specialized editors accessible
from the Project Editor via File Æ New one can create node and process models, build
packet formats and create filters and parameters.
Figure 2 - A network model built in the Project Editor
Depending on the type of network being modeled, a network model may consist of
subnetworks and nodes connected by point-to-point, bus, or radio links. Subnetworks,
nodes, and links can be placed within subnetworks, which can then be treated as single
objects in the network model. This is useful for separating the network diagram into
manageable pieces and provides a quick way of duplicating groups of nodes and links.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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The Node Editor
The Node Editor is used to create models of nodes. The node models are then used to
create node instances within networks in the Project Editor. Internally, OPNET node
models have a modular structure. You define a node by connecting various modules with
packet streams and statistic wires. The connections between modules allow packets and
status information to be exchanged between modules. Each module placed in a node
serves a specific purpose, such as generating packets, queuing packets, processing
packets, or transmitting and receiving packets.
Figure 3 - Node Editor
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Alex Popescu
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The Process Model Editor
To create process models which control the underlying functionality of the node models
created in the Node Editor one can use the Process Editor. Process models are represented
by finite state machines (FSMs) and are created with icons that represent states and lines
that represent transitions between states. Operations performed in each state or for a
transition are described in embedded C or C++ code blocks.
Figure 4 - Process Model Editor
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The Link Model Editor
This editor enables for the possibility to create new types of link objects. Each new type
of link can have different attribute interfaces and representation. Specific comments and
keywords for easy recognition are also possible.
Figure 5 - Link Model Editor
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The Path Editor
The Path Editor is used to create new path objects that define a traffic route. Any protocol
model that uses logical connections or virtual circuits such as MPLS, ATM, Frame Relay,
etc can use paths to route traffic.
Figure 6 - Path Editor
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Alex Popescu
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The Packet Format Editor
By making use of this editor it is possible to define the internal structure of a packet as a
set of fields. A packet format contains one or more fields, represented in the editor as
colored rectangular boxes. The size of the box is proportional to the number of bits
specified as the field’s size.
Figure 7 - Packet Format Editor
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The Probe Editor
This editor is used to specify the statistics to be collected. By using different probes there
are several different types of statistics that can be collected, including global statistics,
link statistics, node statistics, attribute statistics, and several types of animation statistics.
It is mentioned that similar possibilities for collecting statistics are also available under
the Project Editor. These are however not as powerful as the Probe Editor.
Figure 8 - Probe Editor
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Alex Popescu
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The Simulation Sequence Editor
In the Simulation Sequence Editor additional simulation constrains can be specified.
Simulation sequences are represented by simulation icons, which contain a set of
attributes that control the simulation’s run-time characteristics.
Figure 9 - Simulation Sequence Editor
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Alex Popescu
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The Analysis Tool
The Analysis Tool has several useful additional features like for instance one can create
scalar graphics for parametric studies, define templates for statistical data, create analysis
configurations to save and view later, etc.
Figure 10 - Analysis Tool
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Alex Popescu
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The Project Editor Workspace
There are several areas in the Project Editor window (a.k.a. workspace) that are important
for building an executing a model. See Figure 11 as an example.
Figure 11 - Project Editor Workspace
The Menu bar
Each editor has its own menu bar. The menu bar shown below appears in the project
Figure 12 - Menu Bar
Several of the more commonly used menu bar can also be activated through buttons.
Each editor has its own set of buttons. The buttons shown below appear in the Project
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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Figure 13 – Project Editor Buttons
1. Open object palette
2. Check link consistency
3. Fail selected objects
4. Recover selected object
5. Return to parent subnet
6. Zoom in
7. Zoom out
8. Configure discrete event simulation
9. View simulation results
10. View web-based reports
11. Hide or show all graphs
The message area
The message area is located at the bottom of the Modeler window. It provides
information about the status of the tool.
Figure 14 - Message area
Occasionally, the messages Modeler generates may be larger than the message area. You
next to the message area to open the message buffer, where
can left-click on the icon
the entire message displays.
Tool tips
If you place your cursor over a button or a menu selection, a help balloon soon appears.
Figure 15 - Tool tips
Online Documentation. Select Help => Online Documentation
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Alex Popescu
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Begin the laboratory
The goal of the laboration is to model a WAN composed by several LANs.
The task is is to model BTH’s WAN. As known BTH stretches over three locations in
Blekinge. These three locations are: Karlskrona, Ronneby and Karlshamn.
Another task is to determine how the background traffic is affecting FTP traffic on the
network. To do this the FTP performance on the network will be modeled, first without
background traffic and then with background traffic.
Because there is no interest in modeling the details of each LAN you will use available
LAN models to model the individual LANs as single nodes.
The first step in setting up the WAN is to specify the overall context for the network with
the Startup Wizard.
1) Begin by starting up Modeler and create a new project. Select File -> New and click
2) Name the new project <initials>_LAN_Mod and the scenario no_back_util, then
click OK. Write down your project name here:_____________________
3) To create an empty scenario for the Initial Topology click next when prompted by
the Startup Wizard.
4) Next you can specify a map to use as a background for your network. Click Choose
From Maps for Network Scale and click Next.
5) Choose Europe from the list and click Next.
6) Now select Lan_Mod_Model_List to be included in your network by clicking on the
Include cell and changing the value from No to Yes. Click Next.
7) Finally review your settings and click OK to finish the Startup Wizard.
The workspace now shows the specified map and object palette.
8) Zoom in Sweden from the Europe map (Zoom in until you are satisfied).
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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To work with Modeler’s full set of node and link models would be overwhelming, so the
object palette can be configured to show only a specific subset, or model list. Further you
can use the standard model list, adapt them for your own needs, or make your own list.
For this lab we created LAN_Mod_Model_List. Now you will adapt that model list by
adding the LAN node model to it.
9) To open the Configure Palette dialog box click the Configure Palette button in the
object palette.
Figure 16 - Configure Palette dialog
The Configure Palette dialog box lets you change the object palette and then save it
10) Click the Node Models button in the Configure Palette dialog box.
Select Included Entries dialog box appears.
11) Find 10BaseT_LAN in the list and change its status from not included to included.
Figure 17 - Select technologies dialog
12) Click OK.
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Figure 18 - Object Palette
The 10BaseT_LAN icon appears in the object palette.
13) Click OK to close the Configuration Palette dialog box, then click OK again to save
the model list as <initials>_LAN_Mod_Model_List-no_back_util.
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Alex Popescu
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You will now configure the Application Configuration Object and the Profile
Configuration Object. Before you begin constructing the network it’s a good idea to
predefine the profiles and applications that will be used by the LAN.
14) To configure the Application Configuration Object, open the object palette in the
case it is not already open and drag an Application Config object to the project
15) Right click and select Edit Attributes from the pop up menu.
15) Click on the question mark next to the name attribute to see a description of the
attribute. When done close the attribute description dialog box.
Figure 19 - Application Configuration Attributes
16) Set the name attribute to Application Configuration.
17) Now change the Application Definitions attribute to Default by clicking in the
attribute’s Value column and selecting Default from the pop-up list.
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Alex Popescu
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Figure 20 - Application Configuration Attributes
Selecting Default configures the application definition object to have the eight standard
applications which are: Database Access, Email, File Transfer, File Print, Telnet Session,
Video conferencing, Voice over IP Call and Web Browsing.
18) Close the Attributes dialog box by clicking OK.
Now you will configure the Profile Configuration Object.
19) Drag a Profile Configuration object from the object palette to project workspace.
20) Right-click on the object and select Edit Attributes.
Figure 21 - Profile Configuration Attributes
21) Set the name attribute to Profile Configuration as shown in the box above.
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Alex Popescu
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22) Change now the Profile Configuration attribute by clicking in its value column
and selecting Edit from the drop down menu.
The Profile Configuration Table box appears.
Figure 22 - Profile Configuration Table
Define a new profile and add it to the table.
23) First change the number of rows to 1.
24) Name the new profile LAN Client.
25) Click in the profile’s Start Time (seconds) cell to open the Start Time Specification
dialog box.
26) Select constant from the Distribution Name pull-down menu.
Figure 23 - LAN Client Start Time Attributes
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Alex Popescu
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27) Set Mean Outcome to 100, the click OK.
Since you will be modeling FTP performance, that application should be included in the
28) Click in the LAN Client’s Applications column and choose Edit from the pop-up
29) Change the number of rows to 1.
30) Set the name to File Transfer (Heavy) by clicking in the cell and selecting the
application from the pop-up menu.
By selecting Default as the value for the Application Definition attribute in this object,
you enable this list of applications. The list includes 16 entries, a heavy and a light
version for each of the eight standard applications.”
31) Set the Start Time Offset to Uniform (0,300).
32) The completed dialog box should look like this. Verify and then click OK to close the
Applications Table dialog box.
Figure 24 – Heavy File Transfer Application table
33) Click OK to close the Profile Configuration Table, then click OK once again to
close the Attributes dialog box.
You are now ready to begin the construction of the WAN. In this scenario the network
contains 2 identical subnets in Karlskrona and Karlshamn. You can create the first subnet
in Karlskrona , with its nodes inside it, and then copy the subnet to Karlshamn. You will
also copy it to Ronneby and modify it further.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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Hint: A subnet is a single network object that contains other network objects (links,
nodes and other subnets). Subnetworks allow you to simplify the display of a complex
network through abstraction.
Subnets are useful when organizing your network model. Subnets can be nested within
subnets to an unlimited degree.
34) Open the object palette.
35) Place a subnet over Karlskrona, Right-click to turn off node creation.
36) Right-click on the subnet and select set name. Change the name to Karlskrona.
The extent of the subnet needs to be modified. The subnet extent is the geographic area
covered by the subnet, which may be much larger than the actual area you wish to model.
37) Right-click on the Karlskrona subnet and select Advanced Edit Attributes.
38) Change the x span and y span attributes to 0,25.
The unit of measure of these attributes is determined by the unit of measure of the toplevel area, degrees in this case.
39) Click OK.
In order to see what’s inside subnets just double-click on that subnet icon and the
Modeler will change the view.
By default a subnet’s grid properties is based on its parent subnet. You can change them
to fit your network.
40) Double-click on the Karlskrona Subnet.
41) Select View => Set View Properties…
42) Set units to Meters.
43) Set resolution to 10 pixels/m.
45) Uncheck the Visible checkbox for Satellite orbits.
46) Verify that Drawing is set to Dashed.
47) Set division to 10.
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Figure 25 - View Properties
48) Click the Close button.
The network in BTH does not require modeling the precise nature of each node in each
subnet, so you can represent the subnets with a LAN model.
49) Place a 10BaseT_LAN in the workspace.
50) Right-click on the 10BaseT_LAN and choose the Edit Attribute menu item.
You can change the attributes so that it represents a network with a certain number of
workstations and a particular traffic profile.
51) Change the LAN model’s name attribute to Office_LAN.
52) Choose Edit… for the Application: Supported Profiles attribute.
53) Change the number of rows to 1.
54) Change the Profile Name to LAN Client, then click OK.
This LAN will now use the LAN Client profile you created earlier. This profile includes
the File Transfer (Heavy) application. The LAN will send traffic that models heavy FTP
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
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55) Change the Number of Workstations attribute to 10, then click OK.
56) Close the Edit Attributes dialog box.
You have now modeled a 10 workstation LAN inside the Karlskrona subnet. Further
because this LAN model is composed of workstations and links only, it must be
connected to a router. The router can then be connected to other routers in the network.
57) To create an router drag a BN_BLN_4s_e4_f_sl8_tr4 node from the object palette to
the workstation near the Office_LAN node.
58) After naming the new node router connect it to the Office_LAN nodes with a
10BaseT link. Right click to turn off link creation.
The Karlskrona subnet is now configured. Because the subnets in Karlshamn and
Ronneby are identical, you can copy the Karlskrona subnet and place it appropriately.
59) To copy the subnet you must first return to the parent subnet, this is done either by
clicking on the Go to Parent Subnetwork button
or right click on the workspace
to bring up the workspace pop-up menu, then choose Go to Parent subnetwork from the
60) After returning to the parent subnet, select the subnet and copy it, this is done either
by clicking Edit=>Copy or by pressing <Control>+c.
61) Now paste the subnet to Karlshamn and Ronneby by selecting Edit=>Paste or by
pressing <Control>+v and then click on the Karlshamn and Ronneby region. When done
the new subnets appears.
62) You will now have to rename the subnets. To do so right-click on each of the two
subnets and choose set name.
63) Next you should connect the Karlshamn and the Karlskrona subnets to Ronneby.
To do so select the LAN_Mod_PPP_DS0 link in the object palette.
64) Draw a LAN_Mod_PPP_DS0 link from Karlskrona to Ronneby.
Next a Select Nodes dialog box appears asking which nodes in each subnet are to be
endpoints of the link.
65) For node a, choose the Karlskrona.router node.
66) For node b, choose the Ronneby.router node.
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67) Click OK to establish the link
Figure 26 - Select Nodes dialog
68) Repeat this process, drawing link from Karlshamn to Ronneby as well. Specify the
city’s router as the links endpoints.
69) When done right-click to turn of link creation.
The network should resemble the one shown in the picture below.
Figure 27 - Network overview
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To complete the network, the main office in Ronneby needs to have a switch and a server
added to it.
70) To configure the network in Ronneby double-click on the Ronneby subnet to enter its
subnet view.
71) Place one <Bay Network Accelar1050> switch and one ethernet_server node in the
72) Rename the <Bay Network Accelar1050> node to switch.
This is done by right-clicking on each icon and select Set name from the menu.
73) Rename the ethernet_server to FTP.
74) Connect the router and the server to the switch with 10BaseT links. Right-click to
turn off link creation, and close the object palette.
The Server needs to be configured to support the FTP Application.
75) Open the Attributes dialog box for the FTP server.
76) Choose Edit… for the Application: Supported Services
77) Change number of rows to 1.
78) Select File Transfer (Heavy) from the Name column pop-up menu.
Figure 28 - Application Supported Services
79) Click OK to close the Supported Services dialog box, and then click OK to close the
FTP Attributes dialog box.
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Figure 29 - Ronneby subnet
80) Return to the parent subnet view.
81) Save the project. File => Save.
You have now created a model to act as a baseline for the performance of the network.
Background traffic will now be added to the links connecting the cities. The results from
the two scenarios will be compared.
We begin with duplicating a scenario to be able to compare the results later.
82) Select Scenarios => Duplicate Scenario…
83) Name the scenario back_util and click OK.
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Figure 30 - Scenarios menu
84) Select the link between Karlskrona-Ronneby. Right-click on the link and choose
Similar Links from the pop-up menu.
85) Display the Edit Attributes dialog box for the link between Karlskrona-Ronneby.
86) Click in the Value cell for the Background Utilization attribute and select Edit...
from the pop-up menu.
87) Click on the Rows value and change it to 3. Press Return.
Network studies show that traffic rises gradually over the course of the day as
employees/students arrive.
88) Complete the dialog box as shown. Then Click OK.
Figure 31 - Background Utilization dialog
The last step in setting background utilization is to apply the changes made to the
Karlskrona-Ronneby link to all the selected links.
89) Check the Apply Changes to Selected objects check box in the Karlskorna-Ronneby
Attributes dialog box.
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Figure 32 - Link Attributes
90) Click OK to close the dialog box.
Note that 2 objects changed appears in the message area.
91) Save the project. File => Save.
Now you have configured two scenarios, one without background utilization and one
with background utilization. You are ready to collect data and analyze it.
The relevant statistics for this network are:
• Utilization statistics for the links.
• Global FTP download time for the network.
You will now collect statistics in the back_util scenario.
92) Right-click in the workspace to display the workspace pop-up menu, and select
Choose Individual Statistics.
93) Select the Global Statistics => Ftp => Download Response Time (sec) statistic.
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Figure 33 - Results dialog
94) Select the Link Statistics => point-to-point => untilization --> Statistic.
Figure 34 - Results dialog
95) Click OK to close the dialog box.
In order to compare the statistics in the back_util scenario to the no_back_util scenario,
the same statistics must be collected in the no_back_util scenario.
Change scenario and collect statistics.
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96) Select Scenarios => Switch To Scenario, then choose no_back_util.
Figure 35 - Scenarios menu
97) Collect the same statistics that you did in the back_util scenario:
• Global Statistics => Ftp => Download Response Time (sec)
• Link Statistics => point-to-point => untilization -->
98) Close the Choose Results dialog box.
99) Save the project.
The statistics are now ready to be collected by running the simulations. Instead of running
each simulation separately, you can batch them together to run consecutively.
100) Select Scenarios => Manage Scenarios…
101) Click on the Results value for the no_back_util and back_util scenarios and
change the value to <collect>.
102) Set the Sim Duration value for each scenario to 30 and the Time Units to minutes.
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Figure 36 - Manage Scenarious
103) Click OK.
Modeler will now run simulations for both scenarios. A simulation Sequence dialog box
shows the simulation progress. Shut down the dialog box when the simulations are done.
Hint: You are now ready to view the results of the two scenarios. To view the results
from two or more different scenarios against each other, you can use the Compare
Results feature. With this topic you can also apply different built-in filters to the graphs.”
104) Continue by comparing the results, to do so display the workspace pop-up menu and
choose Compare Results.
105) In the Compare Results dialog box, select Object Statistics => Choose From
Maps Network => Karlshamn <-> Ronneby[0] => point to point => utilization ->.
106) Further you will also have to change the filter from menu from As Is to
time_average. This must be done because utilization varies over the course of a
simulation and it is therefore helpful to look at time average for this statistic.
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Figure 37 - Compare Results dialog
107) Click Show to display the graph. The graph should resemble the one below, though
it will not match exactly.
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Figure 38 - Utilization graph
You may want to look at the utilization of other links to determine the maximum
utilization of any link.
Let’s look at Global FTP response time.
108) Click the Unselect button in the Compare Results dialog box.
109) Check the Global Statistics => FTP => Download Response Time statistic in the
Compare Statistics dialog box.
110) Verify that the filter menu shows time_average, then click Show.
The graph should resemble the one below, though it will not match exactly.
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Figure 39 - Download Response Time graph
The laboration is now completed.
Before you leave please remove your saved project from the computer.
By default it is located on: C:\Documents and Settings\[your login name]\op_models
Remove all your saved files.
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Laboratory 2
M/M/1 Queue simulation
This laboratory is important for understanding OPNET system and user interface. The lab
contains a step-by-step example that shows how to use OPNET to construct an M/M/1
queue design and analysis.
The task is to construct an M/M/1 queue model and observe the performance of the
queuing system as the packet arrival rates, packet sizes, and service capacities change.
Two classes of statistics will be measured, Queue Delay and Queue Size. A graph of the
confidence interval will also be produced.
This laboratory also introduces the use of:
Node Model
Probe Model
Simulation Tool
Analysis Tool
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An M/M/1 queue consists of a First-in First-Out (FIFO) buffer (queue) with packet
arriving randomly according to a Poisson arrival process, and a processor, that retrieves
packets from the buffer at a specified service rate. Three main parameters affects the
performance of an M/M/1 queue, namely:
• Packet arrival rate, λ
• Packet size, 1/µ
• Service capacity, C
Figure 40 - M/M/1 overview
OPNET models are hierarchical. At the lowest level, the behavior of an algorithm or a
protocol is encoded by a state/transition diagram, called state machine, with embedded
code based on C-type language constructs. At the middle level, discrete functions such as
buffering, processing, transmitting and receiving data packets are performed by separate
objects. Some of these objects rely on underlying process models. In OPNET, these
objects are called modules and they are created, modified and edited in the Node Editor.
Modules are connected to form a higher-level node model. At the highest level, node
objects are deployed and connected by links to form a network model. The network
model defines the purpose of the simulation.
The lower-level objects for M/M/1 queue are provided by OPNET, but they need to be
combined to form a node model.
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Creation of the node model
The M/M/1 queue consists of several objects in the Node Editor, namely 2 processors and
a queue. One processor is used for (source) packet generation. The second processor is
used for the sink module. The source module generates packets and the sink module
disposes the packets generated by the source. The queuing system is composed by an
infinite buffer and a server.
The source module generates packets at an exponential rate.
1) Start OPNET.
2) Open a new project and a new scenario. Name the new project
<initials>_mm1net and the scenario MM1.
3) Click Quit in the wizard.
4) Select File => New… , then select Node Model from the pull-down list and click
The Node Editor appears.
5) Click on the Create Processor button.
6) Place a processor module in the workspace. Right-click to end the operation.
7) Right-click on the processor and select Edit attributes.
8) Change the name attribute to Source.
9) Change the process model attribute to simple_source.
Some new generator attributes appears in the attribute list.
10) Left-click in the Value Column of the Packet Interarrival Time attribute to open
the Packet Interarrival Time Specification dialog box.
11) From the Distribution Name pop-up menu select Exponential, as in a Poisson
12) Set the Mean Outcome to 1.0 and click OK. This sets the mean interarrival time,
λ, of a packet to 1 second.
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13) Change the Packet Size attribute so that Distribution Name is exponential and
Mean Outcome is 1024. Click OK.
Figure 41 - Processor Model Attributes
14) Click OK to close the Attributes dialog box.
In your design you will somehow have to represent the infinite buffer and the server, this
will be done by the queue module.
15) To create the queue model click first on the Create Queue Module button and
place then a module in the workspace to the right of the generator.
16) When done right click to end the operation.
17) Further right-click on the queue module and select Edit Attributes to bring up its
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Figure 42 – Queue Process Model Attributes
18) Change the name attribute to queue.
19) Change the process model attribute to acb_fifo
The acb_fifo process is an OPNET-supplied process model that provides service in the
packets arriving in the queue according to FIFO discipline. Note that when a process
model is assigned to a module, the process model attributes appear in the module’s
attribute menu. The acb_fifo process model has an attribute called service_rate. When
you select the acb_fifo process model, the service_rate attribute appears in the queue
module’s attribute menu with the default value 9600 bits per second. The name of the
model acb_fifo reflects its major characteristics:
Active, acts as its own server
Concentrates multiple incoming packet
streams into its single internal queuing
Service time is a function of the number of
bits in the packet
First in first out service ordering discipline
20) Right click on service rate in the attribute column.
21) Select Promote attribute to higher level. The value for this will be set later in
the Simulation Set dialog box.
22) Click OK to close the dialog box.
Further a sink module should be used although it is not a part of the M/M/1 queue
system. The reason for using a sink is for proper memory management, packets should be
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destroyed when no longer needed. The OPNET-supplied sink process module destroys
the packet sent to it.
23) To create the sink module, activate the Create Processor Module button and then
place a processor module to the right of the queue model on the workspace.
24) Open the attribute box for the processor module by right clicking the icon.
25) Change the name attribute to sink. Notice that the default value for the process
model attribute is sink.
26) Close the dialog box.
Figure 43 - Processor Model Attributes
To transfer packets between the generator module, the queue module and the sink
module, it will be necessary to connect them together. This is done by packet streams that
provide a path for the transfer of packets between modules. They serve as one-way paths
and are depicted by solid arrowed lines.
27) Activate the Create Packet Stream button.
28) Connect the source module with the queue module by clicking the source icon,
then clicking the queue icon. Remember that the first module you click becomes
the source, and the second one the destination.
29) Connect the queue module and the sink module. Remember to end the Create
Packet Stream operation by right-clicking anywhere in the window.
30) Select Interface => Node Interfaces.
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Figure 44 - Node Types dialog
31) In the Node Types table, click in the Supported cell for the fixed node type. This
toggles the value to yes. Make sure mobile and satellite nodes are not supported.
32) Click OK to close the Node Interfaces dialog box.
The M/M/1 node model definition is complete. You are now ready to create the network
model, but first you should save your work.
33) To save select File => Save. Name the node <initials>_mm1, then click OK and
close the Node Editor.
The first step in creating the network model is to create a new model list. You can
customize the palette to display only the models needed.
34) Click on Open Object Palette button.
35) Click on the Configure Palette button in the object palette.
36) Click on the Model List radio button.
37) Click on the Clear button.
38) Click on the Node Models button.
A list on available node models appears.
39) Scroll in the table until you find the <initials>_mm1 node model. Change the
status from not included to included.
40) Click OK to close the table.
41) Click the Save button. Enter the name <initials>_mm1_palette.
42) Click OK.
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The node model you created is now included in the object palette.
Now you can create the network model.
43) Click and drag the <initials>_mm1 node model to the workspace. Right-click to
end the operation.
44) Change the name. Right-click and select Set Name.
45) Enter the name m1 and choose OK.
Figure 45 - M/M/1 Node Model
46) Save your model. File => Save.
We will use the Probe Editor to set the statistics to collect during simulation. This could
also be done by the Choose Result option in the object pop-up menu. The Probe Editor is
a more powerful collection tool.
The Probe Editor will be used to collect queue delay and queue size statistics.
47) Select File => New… ,then select Probe Model and click OK.
You must specify the network model from which the Probe Model should collect
48) Select Objects => Set Network Model.
49) Choose the <initials>_mm1net-mm1 network model.
We will now set the probes. Specifying appropriate probes causes the statistics to be
recorded at simulation time.
50) Click the Create Node Statistics Probe button
and a probe appears below.
Figure 46 – Probe Attributes
We will use the automatic selection method to type in the attributes for the probe.
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51) Right-click on the probe and select Choose Probed Object from the pop-up
52) Expand the m1 node.
53) Select the queue module and click OK.
Figure 47 - Probe Objects
top.m1.queue appears in the Object column.
Figure 48 - Probe Object
54) Right click on the probe and select Edit Attributes from the pop-up menu.
55) Set the name to Queue Delay.
56) Set the submodule attribute to Subqueue[0].
57) Left-click in the Value column of the statistics row.
The Available Statistics dialog box shows the statistics, the group it belongs to and a
58) Select queue.queuing delay from the list and click OK.
The group attributes changes to queue and the statistics attribute changes to queuing
delay in the Edit Attributes dialog box.
59) Set scalar data to enable.
60) Set scalar type to sample mean.
61) Set scalar start to 14400. This is done to eliminate the unwanted initial
62) Set scalar stop to 18000. This equals one hour.
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63) Set capture mode to all values.
64) Click OK to close the probe’s Attribute dialog box.
65) Click the Create Node Statistics Probe button
and a probe appears below.
66) You will now have to set new values to the attributes of the probe, to do so right
click on the new probe and select Edit Attributes.
The values should be set as follows:
• name = Queue Size
• subnet = top
• node = mm1
• module = queue
• submodule = subqueue [0]
• group = queue
• statistic = queue size (packets)
• scalar data = enabled
• scalar start = 14400
• scalar stop = 18000
• capture mode = all values
67) When done close the probe’s Attribute dialog box by clicking OK. The changes
will then appear in the Probe Editor.
Figure 49 - Probe Model
68) Click on the create attribute button
69) Right click and select choose attributed object in the pop-up menu.
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70) Select top => mm1 =>queue then click OK.
71) Right click on the attribute probe and select edit attributes.
72) Set attribute to service_rate.
The probes are now set up correctly and will collect the desired statistics.
73) Save the probe file. File => Save. Name it <initials>_mm1probe.
74) Close the Probe Editor.
It’s time to begin the simulation. We will use the Simulation Sequence Editor instead of
running the simulation form the Project Editor.
75) To open the Simulation Sequence Editor choose Simulation => Configure
Discrete Event Simulation (Advanced).
76) Now place the simulation set icon in the workspace and change its values by
selecting Edit Attributes.
77) The simulation Duration should be set to 7 hours and the Seed to 321.
78) Change the value per statistic to 10000.
The seed is an initial value for the random generator. You can choose your own arbitrary
79) Now select the Advanced tab and then set the probe file to <your
80) Set Scalar File to <initials>_mm1scalar.
81) Select the Object Attributes tab.
82) Click the Add button.
An Add Attributes dialog box appears.
83) Mark Add in the column next to m1.queue.service_rate.
84) Click OK to close the dialog box.
85) Select the m1.queue.service_rate attribute in the Simulation Set dialog box and
click the values button.
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An Attribute: m1.queue.service_rate dialog box appears.
86) Set the value to 1050.
87) Set the Limit to 1200.
88) Set Step to 50.
Figure 50 - Simulation Attributes
89) Click OK to close the Attribute: m1.queue.service_rate dialog box.
Notice that the number of runs has changed to 4.
Figure 51 - Simulation dialog
90) Click OK to close the Simulation Set dialog box.
91) Click on the scenario to mark it.
92) Select Edit => Copy in the menu.
93) Select Edit => Paste.
94) Place the new scenario to the right of its parent.
95) Right click on the new scenario and select Edit Attributes.
96) Change the Seed number to a different value, when done click OK to close the
dialog box.
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97) Create eight more scenarios by repeating steps 91 to 96.
Notice: It’s very important that each scenario has different Seed numbers.
98) When finished creating all the scenarios begin the simulation by clicking on the
Execute Simulation Sequence button. Wait until the simulation is completed.
In this last portion of lab you will learn how to view your results. The tool used for this
task is the Analysis Tool.
99) Select File => New from the Project Editor.
100) From the pull-down menu in the dialog box change the file type to Analysis
Configuration, then click OK. The Analysis Tool opens in a new window.
During the simulation the packets always experience some delay. This delay is named the
mean queuing delay and is the first statistic that we are going to take a closer look at.
101) To view the mean queuing delay left-click on the create a graph of a statistic
102) When done the View Results dialog box opens. Expand now the following
hierarchy: File Statistics => <your initials>_mm1net-mm1 => Object Statistics
=> mm1 => queue => subqueue [0] => queue.
103) Select the queuing delay statistic.
104) From the list of filters select average.
105) Finally to show the graph click on the Show button.
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Figure 52 - View results dialog
Compare your graph with the one below, and se if it matches.
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Figure 53 - Queue Delay graph
The large deviations early in the simulation depends on the sensitivity of averages to the
relatively small number of samples collected, as you can see the average stabilizes
towards the end of the simulation.
The results need to be validated.
Calculate the following:
Mean arrival rate, λ =
meanint erarrivaltime
Mean service requirement,
Service capacity, C =
Mean service rate, µC =
Mean Delay, W =
µC − λ
Does the analytic value agree with the simulated result?
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Another statistic of interest is the time-averaged queue size.
106) In the View results dialog box, remove the check next to the queuing delay.
107) Place a check next to the queue size (packets) statistic.
108) Select time-average from the pull-down list.
109) Click Show.
Figure 54 - View Results dialog
Figure 55 - Queue Size graph
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From this graph we can draw the conclusion that the system is stable. It reaches steady
state after about 2 hours.
Validate the result.
Calculate the following:
Ratio of Load to Capacity ρ =
Average Queue Size
1− ρ
Does the analytic value agree with the simulated results?
We will produce a queue size versus time averaged queue size graph.
110) Set focus on the time averaged queue size window.
111) Right-click on the graph and choose Add statistics.
112) Place a check next to File Statistics => <initials>_mm1net-mm1 => Object
Statistics => m1 => queue => subqueue [0] => queue => queue size (packets).
113) Left-click on the Add box.
114) Save the analysis configuration as <initials>_mm1net-mm1.
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Figure 56 - Queue Size, ”As Is” and “Average” overlapped graph
It’s important to know the confidence intervals of the simulation results. We will now
graph the confidence interval.
115) Load the Scalar file. File => Load output scalar file…
116) Select <initials>_mm1scalar.
117) Click the Create graph of two scalars button.
118) Select top.queue.service_rate on the Horizontal roll-down menu.
119) Select top.queue.subqueue[0].queue.queue size (packets).mean on the
Vertical roll-down menu.
120) Right click on the graph and select Edit Graph Properties.
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121) Check the Show Confidence Interval check box.
Figure 57 - Graph Plot properties
122) Click OK to close the dialog.
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The graph should resemble the one below.
Figure 58 - Queue Size Confidence Intervall graph
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In order to get better confidence intervals you need to run more scenarios. The graph
below shows the confidence interval of 40 scenarios. The service rate is between 1024
and 1300 with step size 10.
Figure 59 - Queue Size Confidence Interval graph
You have finished the lab.
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Alex Popescu
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Laboratory 3
Ethernet simulation
Networks can be generally divided into two broad categories, which are based on using
point-to-point connections and on using broadcast channels. In the broadcast channel
case, there could be competition for the use of the channel between two or more stations.
In the common literature, broadcast channels are referred to as multi-access channels, or
random-access channels. The problem of media access is therefore the most important
one for this case.
Multiple access protocols are implemented primarily in Local Area Networks (LANs).
Today’s personal computers and workstations are connected by Local Area Networks
(LANs), which use a multi-access channel as the basis of their communication.
An example of a popular LAN is the Ethernet which uses a random-access scheme for
media access. The random-access technique was first used by the ALOHA protocol
developed at the University of Hawaii in the 1970s. Another popular random-access
protocol is the Carrier Sensing Multiple Access (CSMA) scheme which was developed
by XEROX Parc. Further the Ethernet, which is using the Carrier Sensing Multiple
Access with Collision Detection (CSMA-CD) scheme, was developed by Dr. Robert M.
Metcalfe in 1978. [4]
In this laboratory we will study Multiple Access Protocols. We will look at the ALOHA,
CSMA and Ethernet (CSMA-CD) protocols. The ALOHA is the simplest Multiple
Access Protocol and implements therefore only the most basic functionality, which is to
send packets. ALOHA has no built mechanism to check if the channel is free before it
continues transmitting packets, neither the possibility to detect any collisions on the
channel. These flaws limit the use of the bus.
By adding carrier sense capability to the Aloha random access protocol the performance
is improved. The carrier sense capability is employed in the CSMA (Carrier Sense
Multiple Access) protocol. The process waits until the channel is free before transmitting
a packet. Because of finite signal propagation times, it is possible for a node to be
transmitting before it detects an existing transmission signal. This results in some
collisions. [4]
Finally the Ethernet protocol implements the capability of both transmitting and
monitoring a connected bus link at the same time. It has fullduplex capability. By
monitoring the bus link it can determine whether a collision condition exists. If that is the
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case a retransmission sequence will commence. This operational mode is commonly
referred to as Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (or CSMA/CD).
The objectives of our study are:
To take a look at the performance, which’s main objective is the throughput.
To study various parameters that characterizes the multi-access protocols.
To assess via simulation the performance of ALOHA, CSMA and CSMA-CD
protocols and to study the throughput of each of them.
OPNET uses the Finite State Machine (FSM) to implement the behavior of a module.
FSMs determine a module’s behavior when an event occurs, detailing the actions taken
in response to every possible event.
A process model is a Finite State Machine (FSM). It represents a module’s logic and
behavior. An FSM consists of any number of states that a module may be in and the
necessary criteria for changing states.
A state is the condition of a module. For example the module may be waiting for a link to
A transition is a change of state in response of an event.
Designing the Aloha Transmitter Process Model
The Aloha transmitter process must only receive packets from the generator and send
them further onto the transmitter. This process model has only two states, idle and
The idle state is an unforced state. That means it returns control to the simulation kernel
after executing its executives. The simulation begins in the idle state where it waits for
packets to arrive. In this model the FSM (Finite State Machine) begins in an unforced
state. Because of that the process needs to be activated with a begin simulation interrupt.
When the simulation starts the FSM will execute the idle state and will then be ready to
transition with the first arriving packet.
The tx_pkt state is a forced state. That means it does not return control to the simulation
kernel, but instead immediately executes the exit executives and transitions to another
state. The only interrupt expected is the packet arrival interrupt (the arrival of generated
packets). It is therefore safe to omit the unforced state a default transition. When a packet
interrupt is delivered the FSM should perform executives to acquire and transmit the
packet in the tx_pkt state, then transition back to the idle state.
1) Start Opnet.
2) Select File Î New… then Process model.
3) Click on the Create State button
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and place two states in the workspace.
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The first state created is automatically the initial state and indicated by a heavy black
arrow pointed towards it (figure 60). Any state can be changed to initial state by right
clicking on the state and choose Make Initial state in the pop-up menu.
Figure 60 - A initial state
4) Right click on the initial state and choose Edit attributes.
5) Change the name to idle.
6) Make sure the status is unforced.
Figure 61 - State Attributes
7) Click OK to accept the changes.
8) Right click on the other state and choose Edit attributes.
9) Change the name to tx_pkt and the status to forced.
It is now time to specify the code for the process model starting with the header block.
In the header block one usually specify macros to replace more complicated expressions
in transition conditions and executives. The use of macros saves place but the key
advantage is that it simplifies the task of interpreting an FSM diagram. The header block
may also contain #include statements, struct and typedef definitions, extern and global
variable declarations, function declarations and C-style comments.
10) Click on the Header Block button.
11) Type in the definitions shown below.
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/* Input stream from generator module */
#define IN_STRM 0
/* Output stream to bus transmitter module */
#define OUT_STRM 0
/* Conditional macros */
#define PKT_ARVL (op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_STRM)
/* Global variable */
extern int subm_pkts;
12) Close the header block editor to save the definitions.
IN_STRM and OUT_STRM will be used later to specify which stream to get packets
from and to which to send the packets to. In this process model only stream number 0
will be used. It is possible to select any stream number between 0-8. To achieve the
desired functionality these stream indices must be consistent with those defined in the
node model later.
PKT_ARVL is used to determine when a packet interrupt occurred by comparing the
value returned by the Simulation Kernel Procedure op_intrpt_type() with the OPNET
constant of OPC_INTRPT_STRM. If the comparison evaluates to true, this indicates
that the interrupt is due to a packet arriving on an input stream. In this model there is no
need to determine which input stream received the packet. A packet in only expected on
input stream 0.
The global variable subm_pkts will be used to keep track of the number of submitted
13) Create two transitions, one from idle state to tx_pkt state and the second one from
tx_pkt state to idle state. Use the create transition button.
14) Right click on the idle Æ tx_pkt transition and select edit attributes.
15) Change the condition attribute to PKT_ARVL.
The finished configuration should look like in figure 62.
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Figure 62 - Process Model
The condition PKT_ARVL is the macro that just has been defined in the header block.
The next step is to create state executives needed in the FSM. OPNET allows one to
attach code to each part of an FSM. This code is called Proto-C. There are three primary
places to use Proto-C, namely:
• Enter Executives: Code executed when the module moves into a state.
• Exit Executives: Code executed when the module leaves a state.
• Transition Executives: Code executed in response to a given event.
Although the enter executives and exit executives of forced states are executed without
interruption, standard practice is to place all forced state executives in the enter
executives block.
To bring up the enter executives editor one double clicks on the upper half of the state.
Double clicking on the lower half of the state will bring up the exit executives editor.
(figure 63)
Figure 63 - executives editor click zones
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Next step is to define the actions for the idle state.
16) Double-click on the top of the idle state to open the enter executives block
17) Enter the code shown below.
/* Get the maximum packet count, */
/* set at simulation run-time. */
op_ima_sim_attr_get (OPC_IMA_INTEGER,"max packet \
count", &max_packet_count);
18) Save your changes to close the text edit pad.
op_ima_sim_attr_get (attr_type, attr_name, value_pointer) function takes three
attr_type argument specifies the type of the attribute-of-interest. The acceptable values
of this argument are OPC_IMA_INTEGER, OPC_IMA_DOUBLE,
attr_name argument specifies the name of the attribute-of-interest. This value must
specify an attribute defined in the simulation environment, or a prompt will be issued for
the attribute’s value.
value_pointer argument specifies a pointer to a variable to be filled with the specified
attribute’s value. It can accept a pointer to an integer, a double, or a character string. In
the last case, the array of characters must be large enough to contain the attribute’s value.
The data type of the argument pointer must match the data type of the specified attribute,
or an error will occur.
The max_packet_count variable is not yet defined. The variable will hold the maximum
number of packets to be processed in the simulation before it terminates. Variables can be
declared in two places. Variables declared in the temporary variables block do not
retain their values between invocations of the FSM. Variables declared in the state
variables block retain their values from invocation to invocation. The
max_packet_count variable value should be retained between invocations and therefore
declared in the state variable block.
19) Click the state variable block button.
20) Add the max_packet_count variable. The default type, int, is acceptable. When
you are finished click OK to close the dialog box.
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Figure 64 - State variable block
This value is set later in the simulation attributes. To be able to set the value at simulation
run-time it needs to be defined.
21) Select Interface Æ Simulation Attributes and enter an attribute into the dialog
box table.
Figure 65 - Simulation Attributes dialog box
22) To save your changes click on the OK button.
Specify the actions for the tx_pkt state.
23) Double-click on the upper half of the tx_pkt state to open the enter executives
24) Enter the code shown below.
/* A packet has arrived for transmission. Acquire */
/* the packet from the input stream, send the packet*/
/* and update the global submitted packet counter.*/
out_pkt = op_pk_get (IN_STRM);
op_pk_send (out_pkt, OUT_STRM);
/*Compare the total number of packets submitted with*/
/*the maximum set for this simulation run.If equal*/
/* end the simulation run. */
if (subm_pkts == max_packet_count)
op_sim_end ("Simulation ended when max packet count \
reached.", "", "", "");
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23) Save your changes to close the text edit pad.
op_pk_get(instream_index) function returns a pointer to the packet taken from the input
stream, instream_index. If the specified input stream does not contain any packets, the
value OPC_NIL will be returned by this KP. This situation can be avoided by first calling
op_strm_empty() to determine if a stream contains any packets.
op_pk_send(packet_pointer, outstream_index ) function takes two arguments.
packet_pointer argument specifies a pointer to the packet-of-interest.
outstream_index argument specifies the index of an output packet stream.
op_sim_end (line0, line1, line2, line3) function takes four arguments. These arguments
are message lines. This function terminates the simulation.
subm_pkts variable is declared in the header block. It is increased every time a packet is
The out_pkt variable is a packet pointer. This variable has not been declared yet. Since
the process model acquires packets from the generator stream and immediately transmits
them, it is not necessary to retain the packet pointer between process invocations. This
variable will be declared in the temporary variable block.
Enter the temporary variable block and state variables.
25) Click the temporary variable block button.
26) Enter the following declarations.
/* Outgoing packet */
Packet* out_pkt;
27) Save your changes to close the text edit pad.
The out_pkt entry in the temporary variable block creates a temporary packet pointer.
This is used to extract packets from one stream and insert them into another. The packet
pointers existence is only temporary. Since the packet is sent directly there is no need for
the pointer to be retained between process invocations.
The model is now complete, except for the model interface attribute.
To control the attributes visible at the node level, edit the Process Interfaces. You can
set initial attribute values or hide attributes.
28) Select Interface Æ Process Interfaces.
29) Change the Initial Value for the begsim intrpt attribute to enabled.
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30) Verify that the Initial Value for each of the following attributes is set to disabled.
endsim intrpt
failure intrpts
intrpt interval
recovery intrpts
super priority
31) Verify that the Initial value of the priority attribute is 0.
32) Change the status attribute to hidden for all attributes
Figure 66 - Process Interfaces attributes
33) Click OK to close the dialog box.
All process models must be compiled before they can be used in a simulation. Compiling
a model makes its object code available to a processor module’s process model attribute.
34) Compile the model by clicking on the compile process model action
35) Save the model as <initials>_aloha_tx.
36) Close the Process Model Editor when the compilation of the process model has
Creating the Aloha Transmitter Node Model
37) Select File Æ New then Node Model from the pull down menu. To accept click
38) Using the create processor action button
create two processor modules.
39) Create one bus transmitter by using the bus transmitter action button
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40) Connect the modules with packet streams using the packet stream action button.
Figure 67 - Node model overview
41) Right click on the first processor module and select Edit attribites.
42) Set the name to gen and process model to simple_source.
The value for the generator’s interarrival time needs to be promoted to make it possible to
assign different values at simulation time.
43) Click on Packet Interarrival Time in the left column to highlight the Attribute
name, then right-click and select Promote Attribute to Higher Level from the
pop-up menu.
44) Click OK.
Figure 68 - Generator process attributes
45) Right click on the second processor module and select Edit attributes
46) Set the name to tx_proc and process model to <initials>_aloha_tx.
47) Click OK.
48) Change the bus transmitter’s name to bus_tx.
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Figure 69 - Alhoa transmitter node model
Double check the module connectivity to make sure all objects in the model has been
connected in the correct order.
49) Right click on the tx_proc module and choose Show Connectivity from the
Object pop-up menu. The objects should be connected as shown in figure 70.
Figure 70 – Connectivity
The node interfaces needs to be defined.
50) Select Interfaces Î Node interfaces.
51) In the Node Types table, change the Supported value to no for the mobile and
satellite types.
52) Change the Status of all the attributes to hidden, except for the one with
promoted status, gen.Packet Interarrival Time.
53) Click OK to save the changes.
54) Save the node model as <initials>_cct_tx.
Aloha node model is completed.
55) Close the editor.
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Creating the Generic Receiver Node Process Model
The generic receiver node process model is responsible for handling received packets for
statistics gathering purposes. The goal is to count packets and record statistics. It can be
used to monitor network performance whether the packets are transmitted in accordance
with the Aloha or the CSMA channel access methods.
To process received packets for statistics collection, the cct_rx process needs one
unforced state where it waits to receive collision-free packets. Collisions are detected
later in the link model.
The process records the channel throughput and channel traffic values for analysis at the
end of the simulation. It also handles the statistics gathering variables, which should be
initiated at the simulation start.
56) Select File Î New… then choose process model.
57) Click on the Create State button
and place two states in the workspace.
58) Right click on the initial state and choose Edit attributes.
59) Change the name to init and the status to forced. Click OK.
60) Right click on the second state and choose Edit attributes.
61) Change the name to idle and leave the status as unforced. Click OK.
62) Draw the transitions as shown below.
Figure 71 - Transitions overview
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Enter the code for the header block.
63) Click the header block action button.
64) Type in the definitions shown below.
/* Input stream from bus receiver */
#define IN_STRM 0
/* Conditional macros */
#define PKT_RCVD (op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_STRM)
#define END_SIM (op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_ENDSIM)
/* Global variable */
int subm_pkts = 0;
65) Save the header block definitions.
IN_STRM is the input stream definition.
The macro PKT_RCVD is used to detect received packets.
The END_SIM macro determines if the interrupt received by the process is associated
with an end-of simulation interrupt delivered by the Simulation Kernel.
The global variable subm_pkts is established so that all transmitting nodes can
contribute their individual transmission attempts to this accumulator. Declaring a variable
in a process model header block causes it to behave as a global variable within the
executable simulation.
Define the following state variable:
66) Click the state variable action button.
67) Set the name to rcvd_pkts.
68) Set the type to int.
69) Click OK.
The rcvd_pkts variable is used to keep track of the number of valid received packets. It
needs to be initiated at simulation start.
70) Double-click on the top of the init state to open the enter executives block, and
enter the following code:
/* Initialize accumulator */
rcvd_pkts = 0;
71) Save the changes to close the dialog.
Two functions are needed. One that receives packets and one to write statistics to a scalar
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72) Open the function block and enter the following code.
/* This function gets the received packet, destroys it, */
/* and then logs the incremented received packet total. */
void proc_pkt ()
Packet* in_pkt;
/* Get packet from bus receiver input stream */
in_pkt = op_pk_get (IN_STRM);
/* Destroy the received packet */
op_pk_destroy (in_pkt);
/* Increment the count of received packets */
/* This function writes the end-of-simulation channel */
/* traffic and channel throughput statistics to a */
/* scalar file */
void record_stats ()
/* Record final statistics */
op_stat_scalar_write ("Channel Traffic G",
(double) subm_pkts / op_sim_time ());
op_stat_scalar_write ("Channel Throughput S",
(double) rcvd_pkts / op_sim_time ());
The proc_pkt() function acquires each received packet as it arrives, destroys it, and
increments the count of received packets.
The record_stats() function is called when the simulation terminates.
The op_stat_scalar_write function sends the channel throughput and traffic data to a
scalar file that is specified in the simulation attributes.
The macro definitions and the functions have been defined. There is now a good idea to
change the transition conditions.
73) For the first transition between the states, change the condition attribute to
PKT_RCVD and the executive attribute to proc_pkt().
74) For the second transition between the states, change the condition attribute to
END_SIM and the executive attribute to record_stats().
75) For the first transition from idle back to itself, change the condition attribute to
PKT_RCVD and the executive attribute to proc_pkt().
76) For the second transition from idle back to itself, change the condition attribute to
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77) For the third transition from idle back to itself, change the condition attribute to
END_SIM and the executive attribute to record_stats().
Define the process interfaces.
78) Select Interfaces Î Process Interfaces
79) Change the Initial value of the endsim intrpt attribute to enabled.
80) Change the status of all the attributes to hidden.
Figure 72 - Generic Receiver process interfaces attributes
81) Click OK.
82) Click on the Compile Process Model action button.
83) Supply the filename <initials>_cct_rx and click OK.
84) Close the process model editor.
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Creating the Generic Receiver Node Model
The next step is to create a generic receiver node model.
85) Begin by selecting File Î New then Node Model from the pull down menu.
Click OK to accept.
86) Click on the create processor action button and place one processor in the
87) Create also a bus receiver module in the workspace to the right of the processor
by clicking on its action button
88) Connect the two modules from the bus receiver to the processor by using a packet
89) Change the name of the processor to rx_proc and the name of the bus receiver to
The finished configuration should look like the picture below:
Figure 73 - Generic reciever model overview
90) Open the processors attribute dialog box and set the process model attribute to
<initials>_cct_rx. Close the dialog box when finished.
The interface attributes remains to be set before the node model is completed.
91) Select Interfaces Î Node Interfaces.
92) The supported value should be changed to no for the mobile and satellite types
in the Node types table.
Figure 74 - Supported node types
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93) Further, in the Attributes table change the status to hidden for all the attributes.
Figure 75 - Node interfaces attibutes
94) Close the node model editor after saving the node model as <initials>_cct_rx.
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Creating a new link model
The behavior of a bus link is defined by its Transceiver Pipeline stages. The pipeline is a
series of C or C++ procedures which can be modified to customize the link model.
This bus link model will use the default pipeline stages. Default pipeline stages are
denoted by the dbu_ prefix. The table below lists pipeline stages by function.
Bus Transceiver Pipeline Model Stages
Computes the transmission delay associated with the transmission of a
packet over a bus link (transmission delay is the time required to transmit
the packet at the bit rate defined in the relevant bus transmitter module).
Determines the connectivity between any two stations on the bus.
Calculates the propagation delay between a given transmitter and a
Determines whether a packet has collided on the bus.
Calculates the number of bit errors in a packet.
Rejects packets exceeding the error correction threshold as well as any
collided packets.
95) Select File Î New… then choose Link model. Click OK.
This link model supports only the bus and bus tap types.
96) In the Link Types table, change the Supported value to no for the ptsimp and
ptdup types.
Figure 76 - Supported Link Types
97) Save the file as <initials>_cct_link and close the Link Model Editor.
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Creating the network model
The network model will be built so that it can be used when analyzing both the Aloha and
CSMA protocols. This will be done by defining the nodes so that they reference the
generic node models, and later changing the referenced process models at the node level.
The analytical Aloha model assumes that packets are always introduced into the network
at exponentially distributed interarrival times. This network model will contain a finite
number of nodes. To closely follow the analytical model’s assumptions, a relatively large
number of transmitter nodes must exist on the bus.
The network model will be constructed within a subnet so that a small scale coordinate
system can be used.
98) Select File Î New… then choose Project and click OK.
99) Name the project <initials>_cct_network and the scenario aloha, then click
100) In the Startup Wizard, use the following settings:
Dialog Box Name
Initial Topology
Choose Network Scale
Specify Size
Select Technologies
Default value: Create Empty Scenario
Office (“Use Metric Units” enabled)
700 m x 700 m
Check values, then click OK
In order to easily build your network, one needs a custom palette that contains the
necessary objects for your network.
101) Open the Object palette if it’s not already opened.
102) Click on the Configure Palette… button.
103) Click on the Clear button in the Configure Palette dialog.
104) Click on the Node Models button and add <initials>_cct_tx and
<initials>_cct_rx from the list of available node models.
105) Click OK.
106) Click on the Link Models button and add <initials>_cct_link from the list of
available link models.
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107) Click OK.
108) Click on the Save button in the Configure Palette dialog and save the palette as
109) Click OK to close the Configure Palette dialog box.
The next step is to create bus network. Instead of creating the entire bus network by hand,
you can use rapid configuration to build it quickly.
110) Select Topology Î Rapid Configuration.
111) Choose Bus and click OK.
In the Model area.
112) Select <initials>_cct_tx in the Node model pull-down list.
113) Select <initials>_cct_link in the Link model pull-down list.
114) Enter the value 20 in the Number field.
115) Select <initials>_cct_link in the Tap model pull-down list.
In the Placement area.
116) Select Horizontal radio button.
117) Check the Top of bus and Bottom of bus check boxes.
118) Enter X: 100 and Y: 200 for Head of bus.
119) Enter the value 500 for the Bus Size.
120) Enter the value 100 for Tap Size.
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Figure 77 - Rapid Configuration dialog
All the transmitter nodes have been created. The network needs a receiver node.
121) Click and drag the receiver node <initials>_cct_rx from the palette into the left
side of the tool area.
in the palette and draw a tap
122) Click on the <initials>_cct_link tap link
from the bus to the receiver node. Drawing a tap from the node to the bus may
produce different results.
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The completed bus model should resemble the one below.
Figure 78 - Bus model overview
124) Save the project as <initials>_cct_network.
Executing the Aloha Simulation
The goal is to observe how the performance of the protocol varies as a function of
channel traffic. The interarrival time input parameter will be varied in a series of
simulations to produce different levels of traffic so that one can observe different levels
of throughput.
123) Select Simulation Î Configure Discrete Event Simulation (Advanced)
124) Right-click and choose Edit attributes…
125) Change the values in the common tab: Duration to 20000 sec and seed to an
arbitrary integer.
126) Click on the Global Attributes tab and set max packet count value to 1000.
127) Click on the Object Attributes tab and click on the Add… button.
128) Add Office Network. *.gen.Packet Interarrival Time and click OK.
129) Click the on the Values… button.
130) Click in the value column and choose exponential (mean) in the pop-up list.
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131) Set the value 1000 by replacing mean with the value. (see figure 79)
Figure 79 - Setting exponential value
132) Repeate the last 2 steps to enter the following values: 200, 150, 100, 80, 50, 35,
30, 25, 20, 18,15
Figure 80 - Interarrival time values
133) Click OK.
134) Click on the Advanced tab.
135) Set Network to <initials>_cct_network-aloha.
136) Set Probe file to NONE.
137) Set Scalar file to <initials>_cct_a.
138) Click OK.
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If the output scalar file <initials>_cct_a does not exist when the simulation sequence
begins, it will be created so that scalar results may be recorded. If the file already exists,
the simulation executables will append their scalar results to this file. To avoid
viewing obsolete results which may already exist in a similarly named file, the output
scalar file <initials>_cct_a must be deleted if it exists.
139) Select File Î Model Files Î Delete Model Files....
A list of delete able file types appears.
140) Select the Output Scalars item.
A list of available scalar files appears.
141) If the list contains the output scalar file <initials>_cct_a, select the entry to
delete the file.
142) Close the open dialog boxes.
The simulation is now ready for execution.
143) Click on the Execute Simulation Sequence action button.
144) Click OK to confirm execution.
145) When the simulations are complete, close the Simulation Sequence dialog box
and the Simulation Sequence editor.
Aloha channel performance can be measured according to the number of successfully
received packets as a function of the number of packets submitted. In this network,
channel throughput is a typical measurement of network performance.
The results of each simulation are stored as two scalar values in the output scalar file.
That allows us to view the network’s performance as a function of an input parameter
rather than a function of time. The channel throughput as a function of the channel traffic
across all simulations can be viewed in the Analysis Configuration Editor.
146) Select File Î New… and then choose Analysis Configuration. Click OK.
147) Select File Î Load Output Scalar File.
148) Select <initials>_cct_a.
149) Click on the Create graph of two scalars file action button.
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150) Select Channel Traffic G from the Horizontal pull-down menu.
151) Select Channel Throughput S from the Vertical pull-down menu.
152) Click OK.
Figure 81- Create graph of two scalars dialog
The graph should resemble the one below.
Figure 82 - Aloha channel throughput as a function of Channel traffic
The Aloha bus simulation is now completed.
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Creating the CSMA transmitter process model
By adding carrier sense capability to the Aloha random access protocol the performance
is improved. The process waits until the channel is free before transmitting a packet.
Because of finite signal propagation times, there is a risk for a node to transmit before it
detects an existing transmission signal. This results in some collisions. The carrier sense
capability is employed in the CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) protocol.
153) Select File Î Open then Process Model from the pull down menu in the
Project Editor.
154) Select the <initials>_aloha_tx model then click OK.
Modifications have to be made for adjusting the process model to CSMA.
155) Click on the Header Block button.
156) Add the following lines to the end of the existing code.
/* Input statistic indices */
#define CH_BUSY_STAT 0
/* Conditional macros */
#define FREE (op_stat_local_read (CH_BUSY_STAT) == 0.0)
#define PKTS_QUEUED (!op_strm_empty (IN_STRM))
#define CH_GOES_FREE (op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_STAT)
The Macro FREE makes the process verify that the channel is free before transmitting.
The Macro PKTS_QUEUED checks if the queue is empty.
The Macro CH_GOES_FREE keeps track of when the channel becomes empty and
ready for a new transmission.
157) Select File Î Save to save and exit the Header Block.
158) Now create a new state in the Process Model and name it wt_free.
159) Create a transition from wt_free to tx_pkt, and change the condition to
160) Create a transition from the wt_free state back to itself and set the condition to
161) Create a transition from the idle state to wt_free and change the condition to
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162) Add a transition from the idle state back to itself with a condition of default.
163) Change the condition on the transition from idle state to the tx_pkt state to
164) Change the unconditional transition from tx_pkt to idle to conditional by
setting the condition attribute to default.
165) Create a transition from tx_pkt back to itself, and set the condition to
166) Finally, create a transition from tx_pkt to wt_free and set the condition to
The finished configuration should look like in the picture below.
Figure 83 - CSMA process model overview
167) Select File Î Save As and rename the model <initials>_csma_tx.
168) Compile the model then close the Process Editor.
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Creating the CSMA transmitter node model
The Aloha transmitter node model will now be enhanced so that it supports CSMA. A
bus receiver module and a sink processor will be added to the existing Aloha model. The
bus receiver module delivers a falling edge statistic interrupt to the processor module
when the receiver busy statistic changes from “busy” to “free”. The sink processor
accepts and destroys the packets received by the receiver module.
The enhancements also include an inactive statistic wire which will both inform the
process (contained in the tx_proc module) of the busy status of the channel as well as
provide interrupts to the process when the channel condition changes.
169) Select File Î Open… and choose Node Model in the roll-down list.
170) Select the <initials>_cct_tx model in the list and click OK.
171) Click on the create processor action button.
172) Place a processor on the workspace above the existing model.
173) Click on the create bus receiver action button.
174) Place a bus receiver next to the new processor.
175) Change the name of the new processor module to sink and the name of the
bus receiver to bus_rx.
176) Click on the create packet stream button
177) Make a connection form the bus_rx receiver to the sink processor.
Figure 84 -New modules in the CSMA node model
178) Click on the create static wire action button.
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179) Connect bus_rx module with tx_proc module.
180) Right click on the static wire and choose Edit Attributes…
181) Set the falling edge trigger attribute to enabled and rising edge trigger
attribute to disabled. Click OK.
Figure 85 - Static wire attributes
182) Right click on the tx_proc module and choose Edit attributes...
183) Change the process model attribute to <initials>_csma_tx. Click OK.
The processor now uses the CSMA process model created previously.
184) Select File Î Save As... and rename the model <initials>_cct_csma_tx.
185) Close the Node Editor.
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Redefining the network model
The appropriate models needed to support CSMA are now created. The existing network
model needs to be modified to use the new models.
Instead of creating an entirely new model, one can duplicate the existing scenario
(including the network model) and make the appropriate changes.
186) Select Scenarios Î Duplicate Scenario… in the project editor.
187) Name the new scenario CSMA.
The only change to the network model is to use the new CSMA transmitter node model.
It needs to be added to the object palette.
188) Open the Object palette if it’s not already opened and click on the configure
palette action button.
189) Click on the Node models action button.
190) Include <initials>_cct_csma_tx node model and click OK.
191) Click on the save button and save the palette with the default name.
All transmitter nodes in the network model need to be changed to use the new transmitter
192) Right-click on one of the transmitter nodes and choose Select Similar Nodes
from the Object pop-up menu.
All 20 transmitter nodes are selected.
193) Right-click on any of the selected nodes and choose Edit Attributes from the
pop-up menu.
194) Change the model attribute to <initials>_cct_csma_tx.
195) Check Apply Changes to Selected Objects check box in the bottom left, then
click OK.
The nodes are now modified to use the new node model.
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Configuring CSMA Simulations
Configure a series of simulations for the CSMA model.
196) Save the project. File Î Save.
197) Select Simulation Î Configure Discrete Event Simulation (Advanced).
198) Right-click on the simulation set and select Edit Attributes from the pop-up
199) Change the seed to any arbitrary integer.
200) Click on the Advanced tab.
201) Change the Scalar file to <initials>_cct_c.
202) Set Probe file to NONE.
203) Click OK.
204) Save the simulation sequence, File Î Save.
205) Delete any existing output scalar files with the name <initials>_cct_c.
206) Execute the simulation.
207) Close the simulation sequence editor when the simulation is finished.
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Analyzing the CSMA results
The simulation is now complete and the results can be viewed.
208) Open the Analysis Configuration Editor, File Î New… then Analysis
Configuration. Click OK.
209) Choose File Î Load Output Scalar File.
210) Select <initials>_cct_c from the list of available files.
211) Click on the Create a graph of two scalars action button.
212) Select Channel Traffic G from the Horizontal pull-down menu.
213) Select Channel Throughput S from the Vertical pull-down menu.
Your graph should resemble the one below:
Figure 86 - CSMA channel throughput as a function of Channel traffic
The goal is to compare the Aloha and CSMA protocols. The easiest way to do so is to
display both traces on the same graph.
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Viewing Both Results on the Same Graph
To view both results on a single graph panel, we need to first create a scalar graph for the
Aloha results and then create a vector graph that displays both results.
Create a scalar graph for the Aloha results.
214) Select File Î Load Output Scalar File.
215) Select <initials>_cct_a from the menu.
216) Click on the Create a graph of two scalars action button.
217) Select Channel Traffic G from the Horizontal pull-down menu.
218) Select Channel Throughput S from the Vertical pull-down menu.
219) Click OK.
Create a vector graph that displays both results.
220) Select Panels Î Create Vector Panel.
221) Open the Displayed Statistics menu, and select both displayed statistics.
222) Change the display mode to Statistics Overlaid.
Figure 87 - Create Vector Panel dialog
223) Click Show.
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The graph should resemble the one below.
Figure 88 - Aloha and CSMA traffic overlaid
224) Right-click on the multiple vector graph and select Edit Graph Properties.
Notice the pop-up menu of active traces in the top section of the dialog box.
Click and hold this menu to see the list of active traces. Both are named Channel
Throughput S. Which is the CSMA trace and which the Aloha trace?
Figure 89 - Active traces pop-up menu
In this pop-up menu, traces are listed in the order in which they were added to the multitrace graph. The first trace listed in the pop-up menu is the CSMA trace.
Change the labels for the CSMA trace.
225) Change the Custom Title to CSMA Channel Throughput.
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226) Click on the Apply button.
Change the labels for the Aloha trace.
227) Select the second active trace in the pop-up menu.
228) Change the Custom Title to Aloha Channel Throughput.
229) Click OK.
Figure 90 - Aloha and CSMA renamed traces overlaid
The CSMA protocol is shown to be superior to the Aloha protocol at all channel traffic
230) Close the graphs and the Analysis Configuration Editor.
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Ethernet network model
The Ethernet protocol implements the capability of both transmitting and monitoring a
connected bus link at the same time. It has fullduplex capability. By monitoring the bus
link it can determined whether a collision occurs. This operational mode is commonly
referred to as Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD). This
is accurately modeled by an OPNET-supplied example model.
The Ethernet model is to complex too be modeled in this lab. Instead we will use the
OPNET-supplied example model.
Our Ethernet network consists of a multi-tap bus network populated by eight nodes. The
nodes employ the node model ethcoax_station_adv.
The ethcoax_station_adv node model is significantly more complex than the Aloha or
CSMA node models. It has four processor modules, a queue module which performs the
bulk of the channel access processing, and a pair of bus receiver and transmitter modules.
(Figure 91)
Figure 91 - Ethcoax_station_adv node model
The bus_tx and bus_rx modules serve as the bus link interface. These modules are set to
transmit and receive at a data rate of 10 Mbits/second by default.
Figure 92 - bus_tx attributes
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The sink processor represents higher layers and simply accepts
incoming packets that have been processed through the mac (medium access control)
The defer processor independently monitors the link’s condition and maintains a
deference flag that the mac process reads over a statistic wire to decide whether
transmission is allowed.
The bursty_gen module represents higher layer users who submit data for transmission.
It uses an ON-OFF pattern for traffic generation.
The mac process handles both incoming and outgoing packets. Incoming packets are
decapsulated from their Ethernet frames and delivered to a higher level process. Outgoing
packets are encapsulated within Ethernet frames and when the deference flag goes low, a
frame is sent to the transmitter. This process also monitors for collisions, and if one
occurs, the transmission is appropriately terminated and rescheduled for a later attempt.
231) Open a new project. File Î New… and choose project.
232) Name the project <initials>_ethernet and the scenario bus.
233) Create an empty scenario. Click next.
234) Choose Office. Click next.
235) Choose X span 100 and Y span 100. Click next.
236) Include ethcoax. Click next.
237) Review the settings then click OK.
Proceed by constructing the network.
238) Use the rapid configuration tool. Topology Î Rapid configuration.
239) Choose bus. Click OK.
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240) Make the following configuration:
Node model: ethcoax_station
Link model: eth_coax
Tap model: eth_tap
Number: 8
Placement: Horizontal, Top of bus and Bottom of bus.
Head of bus: X=10 and Y=50
Bus: 80
Tap: 20
Figure 93 - Rapid Configuration dialog
241) Click OK.
242) Right click on one node and choose select similar nodes from the pop-up menu.
243) Right click on a node and select edit attributes.
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244) Make the following configuration:
Traffic Generation Parameters
Start Time: constant (5.0)
ON State Time: Exponential (100)
OFF State Time: Exponential (0)
Packet Generation Arguments
Interarrival time: Exponential (0.01333)
Packet Size: Constant (1250)
Segmentation size: No segmentation
Stop time: Never
Figure 94 - Node attributes
245) Check the Apply Changes to Selected Objects check box. (figure 95)
Figure 95 Apply Changes to Selected Objects check box
246) Save the project with the default name. File Î Save.
The network model is completed. To gather the statistics of interest a probe model is
247) Select File Î New… and choose probe model from the menu. Click OK.
The statistic of interest is the bus utilization.
248) Add a link statistic probe. Click on the add link statistic probe action button.
249) Choose network model to probe. Select Object Î Set Network Model.
250) Click on <initials>_ethernet-bus in the list.
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251) Right click on the link probe and select choose probed link.
252) Expand the tree and then select top.Office Network.bus 0. Click OK.
Figure 96 - Link object tree
253) Right click on the link probe and choose edit attributes.
254) Set the name attribute to Bus Utilization.
255) Set the statistic attribute to bus.utilization.
256) Save the probe as <initials>_ethernet-probe.
The probe model is now completed. Proceed by executing the simulation.
257) In the project window, select Simulation Î Configure Discrete Event
Simulation (Advanced).
258) Right click on the scenario and select edit attributes.
259) In the common tab set:
Duration: 60 seconds
Seed: Any arbitrary integer.
260) In the advanced tab set:
Network: <initials>_ethernet-bus
Probe file: <initials>_ethernet-probe
Vector file: <initials>_ethernet-vector
261) Click on the Run action button to execute the simulation.
262) Close the simulation sequence window when the simulation is completed.
263) Open the Analysis Configuration tool. File Î New… and then Analysis
264) Click on the create graph of a statistic action button.
265) Expand File statistic.<initials>_ethernet-vector.object statistics.Office
Network.bus_0 [0].bus.
266) Check the utilization statistic.
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267) Choose Average from the menu and click Show.
Figure 97 - View results dialog
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The graph should resemble the one below.
As you can see, the throughput after 30 seconds of simulation stabilizes near
5.5 Mbps/sec. This demonstrates the superiority of the carrier-sensing, collisiondetection, and backoff strategies used by Ethernet over the less sophisticated methods
used by the pure Aloha and CSMA protocols.
The lab is now completed.
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Laboratory 4
TCP simulation
The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the functioning of TCP, and particularly the four
algorithms used for congestion control: slow start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit
and fast recovery. The lab provides a number of scenarios to simulate and compare these
In this lab we will study TCP’s four intertwined congestion control algorithms, namely:
slow start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit and fast recovery.
The objectives are:
• To study the behavior and implementation of slow start and congestion avoidance
• To study modifications to the congestion avoidance algorithm, namely fast
retransmit and fast recovery.
Slow start and congestion avoidance
Previous versions of TCP start a connection with the sender injecting multiple segments
into the network, up to the windows size advertised by the receiver. This is ok when the
hosts are placed on the same LAN. But if there are routers and slower links between the
sender and the receiver different problems can arise. Some intermediate router must
queue the packets and it is possible for the router to run out of space in the queue. The
algorithm to avoid this is called slow start.
Beginning transmission into a network with unknown conditions requires TCP to slowly
probe the network to determine the available capacity, in order to avoid congesting the
network with an inappropriate large burst of data.
Slow start adds another window to the sender’s TCP: the congestion window, called
cwnd. When a new connection is established with a host on another network, the
congestion window is initialized to one segment (typically 536 bytes or 512 bytes). The
sender starts by transmitting one segment and waiting for its ACK. When that ACK is
received, the congestion window is increased from one to two, and two segments can be
sent. When each of those two segments is acknowledged, the congestion window is
increased to four. This provides an exponential growth, although it is not exactly
exponential because the receiver may delay its ACK’s, typically sending one ACK every
two segments that it receives. The sender can transmit up to the minimum of the
congestion window and the advertised window. The congestion window is flow control
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imposed by the sender, while the advertised window is flow control imposed by the
At some point the capacity of the internet can be reached and an intermediate router will
start discarding packets. This tells the sender that its congestion window has gotten too
Congestion avoidance is a way to deal with lost packets. Congestion can occur when data
arrives on a big pipe (a fast LAN) and outputs on a smaller pipe (a slower WAN).
Congestion can also occur when multiple input streams arrive at a router whose output
capacity is less than the sum of the inputs. There are two indications of packet loss at a
sender: a timeout occurring and the receipt of duplicate ACK’s. However, the overall
assumption of the algorithm is that packet loss caused by damage is very small (much
less than 1%), therefore the loss of a packet signals congestion somewhere in the network
between the source and destination.
Although congestion avoidance and slow start are independent algorithms with different
objectives, in practice they are implemented together. When congestion occurs TCP must
slow down its transmission rate of packets into the network, and then invokes slow start
to get things going again. [3]
The combined congestion avoidance and slow start algorithms require that two variables
are maintained for each connection:
A congestion window (cwnd).
A slow start threshold size (ssthresh).
The combined algorithm operates as follows:
a) Initialization for a given connection sets cwnd to one segment and sstresh to 65535
The initial value of cwnd must be less than or equal to 2*SMSS bytes and must not be
more than 2 segments. SMSS, Sender Maximum Segment Size, is the size of the largest
segment that the sender can transmit.
The initial value of cwnd may be arbitrarily high (some implementations use the size of
the advertised window), but it may be reduced in response to congestion.
b) The TCP output routine never sends more than the minimum of cwnd and receiver’s
advertised window.
c) When congestion occurs one-half of the current window size is saved in ssthresh.
Additionally, if the congestion is indicated by a timeout, cwnd is set to one segment.
Congestion is indicated by a timeout or the reception of duplicate ACK’s.
d) When new data is acknowledged by the other end, increase cwnd. The way in which
cwnd is increased depends on whether TCP is performing slow start or congestion
avoidance. If cwnd is less than or equal to ssthresh, TCP is in slow start, otherwise TCP
is performing congestion avoidance. Slow start continues until TCP is halfway to where it
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was when congestion occurred, and then congestion avoidance takes over. This is done
due to the recorded half of the window size that caused the problem.
As mentioned earlier slow start increases congestion window (cwnd) exponentially.
Congestion avoidance on the other hand dictates that congestion window (cwnd) be
incremented by segsize * segsize / cwnd each time an ACK is received, where segsize is
the segment size and cwnd is maintained in bytes. This results in a linear growth of
cwnd, compared to slow start’s exponential growth. The increase in cwnd should be at
most one segment each round-trip time (regardless how many ACK’s are received in
that RTT) whereas slow start increments cwnd by the number of ACK’s received in a
round-trip time. [2]
Slow start and congestion avoidance simulation
This network setup utilizes TCP as its End-to-End transmission protocol. One server is
placed in Paris and one client is placed in Stockholm. The Congestion window size will
be analyzed with different mechanism. This network is assumed to be perfect with no
packet loss.
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Create the network
1) Start OPNET and create a new project. File Î New… and choose project
in the pop-up window.
2) Name the project <initials>_TCP and the scenario NoDrop. Click OK.
3) Select Create Empty Scenario and click next.
4) Select Choose From Maps and click next.
5) Choose Europe from the maps and click next.
6) Do not include any technologies and click next.
7) Review the values and click OK.
8) Open the Object palette if it’s not already open and make sure that the
opened palette is internet_toolbox.
Figure 98 - Internet toolbox selected in the object palette
9) Add an Application Config object to the workspace and rename it to
10) Right click on the Applications node and choose Edit Attributes.
11) Click in the value column on the Application Definitions row. Choose
Figure 99 - Applications attributes
12) Set the Rows attribute value to 1.
13) Set the Application name to FTP_Application. Click OK.
14) Go to Application definitions Î Row 0 Î Description Î FTP and
choose Edit…
15) Set the following values:
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Command Mix (Get/Total)
Inter-Request Time (seconds)
File Size (bytes)
Symbolic Server Name
Type of service
RSVP Parameters
Back-End Custom Application
constant (3600)
constant (9000000)
FTP Server
Best Effort (0)
Not Used
16) Click OK.
17) Click OK to close Application Attributes.
18) Add a Profile Config object to the workspace and rename it to Profiles.
19) Right click on the Profile node and choose Edit attributes…
20) Click in the value column on the Profile Configuration row. Choose
Figure 100 - Profiles attribute
21) Set the Rows attribute to 1.
22) Set Profile Name to FTP_Profile.
23) Set Operation Mode to Serial (Ordered).
24) Set Start Time to constant (100) and Duration to End of Simulation.
25) Set Repeatability to Once at Start Time.
26) Click in the Applications column and choose Edit…
27) Set the Rows attribute to 1.
28) Set Name to FTP_Application.
29) Set Start Time Offset to constant (5) and Duration to End of Profile.
30) Set Repeatability to Once at Start Time.
31) Click OK to close the Applications Table.
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32) Click OK to close the Profile Configuration Table.
The Profiles Attributes should look like the picture below:
Figure 101 - Profiles Attributes
33) Click OK to close the Profiles Attributes dialog.
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Create the Paris subnet
34) Place a subnet in Paris.
35) Set the name to Paris.
36) Double click on the Paris subnet node.
37) Place an ethernet_server in the workspace. Rename it to Server_Paris.
38) Place an ethernet4_slip8_gtwy router in the workspace next to the server.
39) Rename it to Router_Paris.
40) Connect the server and the router with a 100BaseT cable.
41) Right click on Server_Paris and choose Edit Attibutes…
42) Go to the Application: Supported Services attribute and choose Edit…
Figure 102 - Server Paris attributes
43) Set the Rows attribute to 1.
44) Choose the name FTP_Application and click OK.
45) Edit the Server Address attribute and set value to Server_Paris.
46) Expand TCP Parameters.
47) Disable both Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery.
48) Click OK.
49) Save the project. File Î Save.
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Figure 103 - Paris Subnet nodes
50) Click the Go to next higher level action button.
The Paris subnet is now configured.
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Create the Stockholm subnet
51) Place a subnet in Stockholm.
52) Set the name to Sthlm.
53) Double click on the Sthlm subnet node.
54) Place an ethernet_wkstn in the workspace. Rename it to Client_Sthlm.
55) Place an ethernet4_slip8_gtwy router in the workspace next to the client.
56) Rename it to Router_Sthlm.
57) Connect the client and the router with a 100BaseT cable.
58) Right click on the Client_Sthlm node and choose Edit Attributes…
59) Go to the Application: Supported Profiles and choose Edit…
Figure 104 - Edit Application: Supported Profiles
60) Set the Rows attribute to 1.
61) Change the Profile Name attribute to FTP_Profile.
62) Click OK.
63) Set the Client Address attribute value to Client_Sthlm.
64) Go to the Application: Destination Preferences and choose Edit…
65) Set the Rows attribute to 1.
66) Set the Symbolic Name attribute to FTP Server.
67) Click in the Actual name column.
68) Set the Name attribute to Server_Paris. Click OK to close Actual name
table dialog.
69) Click OK to close Application: Destination Preferences dialog.
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70) Click OK to close Client_Sthlm Attributes dialog.
71) Save the project. File Î Save.
The Stockholm subnet is now configured.
Figure 105 - Subnet Sthlm nodes
72) Click the Go to next higher level action button.
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Create the IP Cloud
73) Place an ip32_cloud on the workspace between Stockholm and Paris.
74) Set the name to Europa_Internet.
75) Connect the Paris subnet to the Europa_Internet IP Cloud with a
PPP_DS3 cable.
76) Select Paris.Router_Paris in the pop-up menu.
77) Connect the Sthlm subnet to the Europa_Internet IP Cloud with a
PPP_DS3 cable.
78) Select Sthlm.Router_Sthlm in the pop-up menu.
The IP Cloud is now configured.
Figure 106 - Network overview
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Choose Statistics
79) Enter the Paris Subnet.
80) Right click on Server_Paris and select Choose Indivitual Statistics from
the pop-up menu.
81) Expand Node Statistics Î TCP Connection and select Congestion
Windows Size (bytes)
Figure 107 – Choose Results dialogue
82) Right click on the Congestion Window Size (bytes) and select Change
Collection mode.
83) Check the Advanced checkbox in the pop-up dialog.
84) Change Capture mode to all values.
85) Click OK to close the dialog.
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86) Click OK to close the Choose results dialog.
87) Save the project. File Î Save.
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Slow start and Congestion avoidance simulation
88) Select Simulation Î Configure Discrete Event Simulation in the menu.
89) Set Duration to 10 minutes.
90) Click Run.
91) Click Close when the simulation has finished.
View the results
92) Right click on the workspace and choose View Results.
93) Expand Object statistics Î Choose From Maps Network ÎParis Î
Server Paris ÎTCP Connection and select Congestion Window Size.
94) Click Show.
The graph should resemble the one below.
Figure 108 - Slow start and Congestion Avoidance
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Fast retransmit
Fast retransmit is a modification to the congestion avoidance algorithm.
The TCP sender should use fast retransmit algorithm to detect and repair loss, based on
incoming duplicate ACK’s. The fast retransmit algorithm uses the arrival of 3 duplicate
ACKs (4 identical ACK’s without the arrival of any other intervening packets) as an
indication that a segment has been lost. After receiving 3 duplicate ACK’s, TCP
performs a retransmission of what appears to be the missing segment, without waiting for
the retransmission timer to expire. The fast retransmit algorithm first appeared in the
4.3BSD Tahoe release.
Fast recovery
Congestion avoidance without slow start is performed after fast retransmit sends what
appears to be the missing segment. It is an improvement that allows high throughput
under moderate congestion, especially for large windows.
In this case the reason for not performing slow start is that the receipt of duplicate
ACK’s tells TCP that more than just one packet has been lost. Since the receiver can
only generate the duplicate ACK when another segment is received, that segment has left
the network and is in the receiver’s buffer. In other words there is still data flowing
between the two ends, and TCP does not want to reduce the flow abruptly by going into
slow start. The fast recovery algorithm appeared in the 4.3BSD Reno release.
The fast retransmit and fast recovery algorithms are usually implemented together as
a) When the third duplicate ACK is received, set ssthresh to no more than one-half the
current congestion window, cwnd, but no less than two segments. Retransmit the missing
segment, and then set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3 times the segment size. This increases the
congestion window by the number of segments that have left the network and which the
other end has cached.
b) Each time another duplicate ACK arrives, increment cwnd by the segment size. This
inflates the congestion window for the additional segment that has left the network.
c) Transmit a segment (packet) if allowed by the new value of cwnd and the receiver’s
advertised window.
d) When the next ACK arrives that acknowledges new data, set cwnd to ssthresh. This
ACK should be the acknowledgment of the retransmission from step a, one round-trip
time after the retransmission. Additionally, this ACK should acknowledge all the
intermediate segments sent between the lost packet and the receipt of the first duplicate
ACK. This step is congestion avoidance, since TCP is down to one-half the rate it was at
when the packet was lost.
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Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery simulation
Two additional scenarios will be created to study the behavior of fast retransmit and
fast recovery algorithms. The network just created was assumed to be perfect with no
packet loss. In the following scenarios packet loss will be introduced.
Create the Tahoe scenario
95) Select Scenarios Î Duplicate Scenario.
96) Name the scenario Tahoe.
97) Right click on the IP Cloud, Europa Internet, and choose Edit Attributes.
98) Set the Packet Discard Ratio attribute to 0.5%.
Figure 109 - Europa internet attributes
99) Click OK.
100) Enter the Paris subnet.
101) Right click on Server_Paris and choose Edit Attributes…
102) Expand TCP Parameters.
103) Change the Fast Retransmit attribute to Enabled.
Figure 110 - Server Paris TCP attributes
104) Click OK.
105) Save the project. File Î Save.
Create the Reno scenario
106) Select Scenarios Î Duplicate Scenario.
107) Name the scenario Reno.
108) Right click on the Server_Paris and choose Edit Attributes…
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109) Expand TCP Parameters.
110) Change the Fast Recovery attribute to Reno.
Figure 111 - Server Paris TCP attributes
111) Click OK.
112) Save the project. File Î Save.
Simulate the scenarios
113) Select Scenarios Î Manage scenarios.
114) Change the Results attribute to collect or recollect.
Figure 112 - Manage Scenarios dialog
115) Click OK.
116) Click Close when the simulations has finished.
View results
117) Right click on the workspace and choose Compare Results.
118) Expand Object statistics Î Choose From Maps Network Î Paris Î
Server Paris Î TCP Connection.
119) Check Congestion Window size (bytes).
120) Select Statistics Stacked in the bottom left roll-down menu.
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Figure 113 - Compare results dialog
121) Click Show.
The graph should resemble the one below.
Figure 114 - Resluts Graphs
The first graph illustrates the NoDrop scenario which has no packet loss.
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The second graph illustrates the Tahoe scenario which has 0.5% packet loss. When
congestion is indicated by a timeout, cwnd is set to one segment. In other words, slow
start is performed.
The third graph illustrates the Reno scenario which also has 0.5% packet loss. The
congestion window size does not drop to zero as in the Tahoe graph. Fast recovery is
performed instead of slow start.
The lab is completed.
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Laboratory 5
OSPF simulation
The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the behavior of OSPF routing protocol.
In this lab we will study the OSPF routing protocol. The objective is to construct a
network and configure it with all the necessary parameters for OSPF routing. Using this
network we will analyze the behavior of the OSPF routing protocol.
The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) used
for routing in Internet Protocol (IP) networks. As a link state routing protocol, OSPF is
more robust against network topology changes than distance vector protocols such as
RIP, IGRP, and EIGRP. OSPF can be used to build large scale networks consisting of
hundreds or thousands of routers.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) uses the Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the shortest
path to a destination. The algorithm calculates the shortest path to each destination based
on the cumulative cost required to reach that destination. The cumulative cost is a
function of the cost of the various interfaces needed to be traversed in order to reach that
The cost (or the metric) of an interface in OSPF is an indication of the overhead required
to send packets across that interface. The cost of an interface is calculated based on the
bandwidth -- it is inversely proportional to the bandwidth of that specific interface (i.e., a
higher bandwidth indicates a lower cost). For example, the cost of a T1 interface is much
higher than the cost of a 100Mbit Ethernet interface because there is more overhead (e.g.,
time delays) involved in crossing a T1 interface.[5]
Characteristic features of OSPF
• Link State Based
• Runs directly over IP
• Interior or border gateway protocol
• Multiple paths to each destination. Î Load balancing.
• Link-attribute based costing. Î Costing is statically assigned.
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Create the network
1. Start OPNET and create a new project. File Î New… and choose
2. Name the project <initials>_OSPF and the scenario NoAreas. Click OK.
3. Select Create empty scenario and click next.
4. Select Office and click next.
5. Set X Span to 200 and Y Span to 200. Click next.
6. Do not include any technologies and click next.
7. Review the values and click OK.
8. Open the Object palette and change the palette to routers.
Figure 115 – Object palette dialog
9. Click OK.
10. Place ten slip8_gtwy’s in the workspace as in figure 117.
11. Change the object palette to internet_toolbox.
Figure 116 - Object palette
12. Connect all the routers using PPP_DS3 link as in figure 117.
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13. Rename all the routers as in figure 117. Right click on each router and
select Set Name from the pop up menu.
Figure 117 - Network overview
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Configure router interfaces
We need to designate the interfaces of all routers that use the OSPF protocol. By default,
RIP is used on every router interface.
There are three ways to configure router interfaces to use a particular set of routing
When to Use
Protocols Î IP Î
Routing Î Configure
Routing Protocols… menu
• Any number of interfaces
can be configured at the
same time
• Overwrites the
IP Routing Parameters Î
Interface Information Î
Routing Parameters
• Multiple routing protocols
can be specified.
In most cases.
IP Routing Parameters Î
Interface Information Î
Routing Protocols
Only one interface can be
configured at a time.
When one wants to add a
protocol to those already
designated on a particular
IP Dynamic Routing
Protocol simulation
• Does not modify router
• Overrides the routing
protocols configured on the
router interfaces for the
duration of the simulation
• One routing protocol used
on all interfaces
• When this attribute is set
to “Default,” the protocols
specified on the router
interfaces are used.
You have configured the
routing protocols in your
network but want to see the
effects of running a single
protocol throughout the
The easiest way to designate routing protocols is the Configure Routing Protocols
operation from the Protocols Î IP Î Routing menu. This operation has the same effect
as manually setting the interface routing protocol attributes, but with the added advantage
of being able to configure multiple interfaces at the same time. The previous setting on
the interface is overwritten each time this operation is used.
1. Open the Protocols Î IP Î Routing Î Configure Routing Protocols…
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2. Check the OSPF check box. Figure 118.
3. Select the All interfaces radio button. Figure 118.
Figure 118 - Configure routing protocols dialog
4. Save the project.
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A Routing Domain Legend appears in the bottom left corner on the workspace. All links
should have a green O attached to it. This indicates that OSPF routing protocol is used
over that link. Figure 119.
Figure 119 - Routing Domain Legend and Link indication
Assign addresses to the router interfaces.
The Protocols Î IP Î Addressing Î Auto-Assign IP Addresses operation assigns a
unique IP address to the connected IP interfaces whose IP address is currently set to autoassigned. This operation does not change the value of manually set IP addresses.
1. Use the Protocols Î IP Î Addressing Î Auto-Assign IP Addresses.
The message Assignes 40 IP addresses appear in the status bar. Figure 120.
Figure 120 - Status bar
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Configure routing cost
Cost is specified on a per interface basis and is used as the basis for the shortest path
route calculation.
There are two ways of setting this Cost attribute for each interface.
A. Per-interface: The interface information table is located by right clicking on a
router and selecting the Edit attributes option. Figure 121. One can manually
specify the cost of an interface by editing the value with the desired cost setting.
For example, the default value of Auto Calculate can be over-written by any
positive integer cost value: When set to Auto Calculate, the formula used to
calculate the cost is based on the interface speed and another configurable
Re ference _ Bandwith
attribute called Reference Bandwidth: Interface _ cos t =
Interface _ Bandwith
Note: The default value for Reference Bandwidth is 1000 Mbps; therefore, it will
cost 1,000,000,000/100,000,000 = 10 to traverse a 100Mbps Ethernet interface
and it will cost 1,000,000,000/1,544,000 = 647 to cross a T1 serial line interface.
The default for Interface Bandwidth is computed dynamically using the data rate
of the connected interface. It can be over-written by using the Bandwidth setting
in the Protocols Î IP Î Routing Î Configure Interface Metric Information
Figure 121 - Router attributes
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B. Globally for all interfaces: If wanted to change the interface cost across all
interfaces, then, rather than individually setting them on each interface, one can
use the model-wide cost configuration option using the following menu option:
Protocols Î OSPF Î Configure Interface Cost. This operation will allow for
choosing one of the following two cost configuration options:
B1) The Reference Bandwidth will be set for all routers. All interfaces will be
set with a cost value of Auto Calculate.
B2) All interfaces will be set with the specified cost value. The
interface/bandwidth settings will be ignored.
Figure 122 - OSPF Interface Cost Configuration dialog
In this lab we use different bandwidths on the links to set different costs.
1. Select the links between:
Router A Ù Router B
Router B Ù Router D
Router D Ù Router C
Router C Ù Router A
Router B Ù Router C
by shift clicking on them.
2. Open the Configure Interface Metric Information dialog. ProtocolsÎ IP Î
Routing Î Configure Interface Metric Information.
3. Set the Bandwidth value to 5000 kbps.
4. Select Interfaces across selected links radio button. Click OK.
5. Select the links between:
Router B Ù Router E
Router E Ù Router G
Router I Ù Router F
Router F Ù Router D
Router E Ù Router F
by shift clicking on them.
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6. Open the Configure Interface Metric Information dialog. ProtocolsÎ IP Î
Routing Î Configure Interface Metric Information.
7. Set the Bandwidth value to 20000 kbps.
8. Select Interfaces across selected links radio button. Click OK.
9. Select the links between:
Router G Ù Router H
Router H Ù Router J
Router J Ù Router I
Router I Ù Router G
Router G Ù Router J
by shift clicking on them.
10. Open the Configure Interface Metric Information dialog. ProtocolsÎ IP Î
Routing Î Configure Interface Metric Information.
11. Set the Bandwidth value to 10000 kbps.
12. Select Interfaces across selected links radio button. Click OK.
13. Save the project.
The cost configuration looks as in figure 123:
Figure 123 - Cost overview
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Configure the traffic demands
1. Select both Router B and Router D by shift clicking on them.
2. Open the Create traffic demands menu. Protocols Î IP Î Demands Î
Create Traffic Demands…
3. Select From Router B radio button.
4. Click Create.
5. Select both Router C and Router J by shift clicking on them.
6. Open the Create traffic demands menu. Protocols Î IP Î Demands Î
Create Traffic Demands…
7. Select From Router C radio button.
8. Click Create.
The paths of the traffic demands are now visible. To hide them select View Î Demand
Objects Î Hide All.
Configure Simulation
Open the Configure Discrete Event Simulation dialog.
Set duration to 10 minutes.
Click OK.
Save the project.
Duplicate the scenario
In the scenario just created all routers belong to the same level of hierarchy, i.e., one
area. No load balancing where enforced for any routers. Two new scenarios will be
created to implement areas and load balancing.
Areas scenario
The major addition in OSPF configuration, relative to other protocols, is that the OSPF
routing domain can be divided into smaller segments called areas. This reduces memory
and computational load on the routers. Each area is numbered and there must always be
an area zero, which is the backbone. All other areas attach to the backbone either
directly or via virtual links. An area should contain no more than about 50-100 routers
for optimum performance. A router that connects to more than one area is called an Area
Border Router (ABR).
1. Duplicate the scenario. ScenariosÎ Duplicate scenario…
2. Name the scenario Areas.
Partition the network into areas. This is a physical partitioning in the sense that an
interface can belong to only one area. The distinct interfaces of the same router may still
belong to separate areas.
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3. Select the links between:
Router A Ù Router B
Router B Ù Router D
Router D Ù Router C
Router C Ù Router A
Router B Ù Router C
by shift clicking on them.
4. Open the OSPF Area Configuration dialog. Protocols Î OSPF Î Configure
5. Set the value 1 to Area Identifier.
6. Click OK.
7. Select the links between:
Router B Ù Router E
Router E Ù Router G
Router I Ù Router F
Router F Ù Router D
Router E Ù Router F
by shift clicking on them.
8. Open the OSPF Area Configuration dialog. Protocols Î OSPF Î Configure
9. Set the value 0 to Area Identifier.
10. Click OK.
11. Select the links between:
Router G Ù Router H
Router H Ù Router J
Router J Ù Router I
Router I Ù Router G
Router G Ù Router J
by shift clicking on them.
12. Open the OSPF Area Configuration dialog. Protocols Î OSPF Î Configure
13. Set the value 2 to Area Identifier.
14. Click OK.
15. Visualize the areas. Protocols Î OSPF Î Visualize Areas…
16. Click OK in the pop-up dialog.
17. Save the project.
The areas are visualized in different colors.
Balanced Scenario
Load balancing is a concept that allows a router to take advantage of multiple best paths
(routes) to a given destination. If two routes to the same destination have the same cost,
the traffic will be distributed half to each.
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1. Go back to the NoAreas scenario. Scenarios Î Switch To Scenario Î
2. Duplicate the scenario. ScenariosÎ Duplicate scenario…
3. Name the scenario Balanced.
4. Select both Router C and Router J by shit clicking on them.
5. Open the Configure Load Balancing Option dialog. Protocols Î IP Î
Routing Î Configure Load Balancing Option.
6. Select Packet based in the roll-down menu.
7. Select the Selected Routers radio button.
8. Click OK.
9. Save the project.
Figure 124 - Configure Load Balancing Option dialog
Run the simulation
1. Open the Manage Scenarios dialog. Scenarios Î Manage Scenarios…
2. Click in the Results column on the NoAreas row and click the collect button.
3. Set the scenarios Area and Balanced to collect results. Repeat the previous step.
Figure 125 - Manage Results dialog
4. Click OK to run the simulation.
5. Click Close when the simulation has finished.
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View the results
NoAreas scenario
1. Switch to the NoAreas scenario. Scenarios Î Switch to Scenario Î NoAreas.
2. Open the Route Report for IP Traffic Flows dialog. Protocols Î IP Î
Demands Î Display Routes for Configured Demands…
3. Expand Sources Î Router B Î Router D.
4. Select Router B Æ Router D.
5. Change the Display attribute to Yes. Figure 126.
Figure 126 - Route Report for IP Traffic Flows dialog
The traffic flow should look like figure 127.
Figure 127 – NoAres scenario. Router B Æ Router D traffic flow
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Change the Display attribute for Router B Æ Router D to No.
Expand Sources Î Router C Î Router J.
Select Router C Æ Router J.
Change the Display attribute to Yes. Figure 128.
Figure 128 - - Route Report for IP Traffic Flows dialog
The traffic flow should look like figure 129.
Figure 129 – NoAres scenario. Router C Æ Router J traffic flow
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Areas scenario
1. Switch to the Areas scenario. Scenarios Î Switch to Scenario Î Areas.
2. Open the Route Report for IP Traffic Flows dialog. Protocols Î IP Î
Demands Î Display Routes for Configured Demands…
3. Expand Sources Î Router B Î Router D.
4. Select Router B Æ Router D.
5. Change the Display attribute to Yes.
The traffic flow should look like figure 130.
Figure 130 - Ares scenario. Router B Æ Router D traffic flow
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Balanced scenario
1. Switch to the Balanced scenario. Scenarios Î Switch to Scenario Î Balanced.
2. Open the Route Report for IP Traffic Flows dialog. Protocols Î IP Î Demands
Î Display Routes for Configured Demands…
3. Expand Sources Î Router C Î Router J.
4. Select Router C Æ Router J.
5. Change the Display attribute to Yes.
The traffic flow should look like figure 131.
Figure 131 - Balanced scenario. Router C Æ Router J traffic flow
The lab is completed.
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Alex Popescu
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Laboratory 6
Queuing policies
The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the behavior of different queuing disciplines.
In this lab we will look at one aspect of the DS (Differentiated Services) architecture
which is queue management and traffic shaping. The simulation package OPNET has
been used in this study. Based on the DS value, packets may be put in separate queues,
and various forwarding policies can be used to favor high priority packets in different
ways. The policies that are studied here are: FIFO (First In First Out), PQ (Priority
Queuing), WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing).
Originally, the Internet was designed for data processing applications where delays were
relatively unimportant. In most cases a best effort delivery service was adequate, and in
case of loss or corruption of data, the TCP protocol would take care of the necessary
retransmission and recovery. Nowadays these requirements have been changed due to the
growth of multimedia application which are bandwidth hungry and require megabits per
second rather than the kilobits per second required for traditional data processing
applications. Today’s application are more or less sensitive for the delays experienced
when transmitting over Internet. It is therefore important to keep track of the delay and
delay variation or jitter and insure that they don’t grow to big. There is thus a need to
support a variety of traffic with different quality of service (QoS). The central issue is
how to share available resources in times of congestion. For doing this, diverse
mechanisms are needed to differentiate between different types of traffic (priority).
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Copy files
1. Copy the model files from the CD-ROM and place them on the hard drive.
2. Edit the Opnet environment file, env_db9.0. On Windows XP it is located in
C:\Documents and Settings\<profile>\op_admin
3. Add the path where the files are placed to mod_dirs.
Figure 132 - Opnet enviroment file
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FIFO queuing
First-in-first-out (FIFO) is the simplest type of queuing. The incoming packets are placed
in a single queue and are served in the order as they where received. This queuing policy
requires very little computation and its behavior is very predicable, i.e. packet delay is a
direct function of the queue size.
There are many undesirable properties related to this queuing policy, due to the simplistic
It is impossible to offer different services for different packet classes since all
packets are inserted into the same queue.
If an incoming flow suddenly becomes bursty, then it is possible for the entire
buffer space to be filled by this single flow and other flows will not be serviced
until the buffer is emptied.
Figure 133 - FIFO queue
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Create the FIFO network
1. Start OPNET and create a new project. File Î New… and choose Project.
2. Name the project <initials>_queue_ disciplines and the scenario Fifo. Click OK.
3. Click Quit.
Open the Object palette.
Click the Configure palette… button.
Clear the palette. Click the Clear button.
Choose which node models to include. Click the Node models button.
Include ta_fifo node model. Click OK.
Figure 134 - Include node models dialog
9. Click SAVE in the Configure Palette dialog. Use the default filename.
10. Click OK to close the Configure Palette dialog.
11. Click and drag ta_fifo node model from the Object palette to the workspace.
12. Right click on node model in the workspace and choose set name. Set the name
to fifo_infinite_buffer.
13. Double click on the fifo node model.
The node model that appears should resemble the one in figure 135.
The model has three packet sources which generates packets to the fifo_queue. The
packets in the queue are served by fifo (First In First Out) queue discipline and sent to the
sink, where they are destroyed.
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Figure 135 - Fifo queue node model overview
14. Right click on source_1 and choose Edit attributes…
15. Verify the values with figure 136.
16. Click OK to close the attribute dialog.
Figure 136 - Source_1 attributes
17. Repeat the same procedure with source_2 and source_3.
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18. Right click on fifo_queue and choose Edit attributes…
19. Right click on subqueue attribute and choose Promote to higher level.
20. Click OK to close the attribute dialog.
Figure 137 - fifo_queue attributes
21. Close the node model window. Save the changes.
22. Right click on the fifo node and choose Edit attributes…
23. Expand fifo_queue.subqueue Î row 0.
24. Set both bit capacity and pk capacity to infinity.
Figure 138 - fifo node subqueue attributes (infinite buffer)
25. Click OK.
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Duplicate scenario
26. Duplicate the scenario. Choose scenarios Î duplicate Scenario… (Figure 139)
or use shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + D.
Figure 139 - Duplicate scenario menu item
27. Enter the name fifo_finite_buffer.
28. Right click on the fifo node and choose Edit attributes…
29. Expand fifo_queue.subqueue Î row 0.
30. Set bit capacity to infinity and pk capacity to 20.
Figure 140 - Fifo node subqueue attributes (finite buffer)
31. Click OK.
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Collect statistics
32. Right click on the fifo node.
33. Select Choose individual statistics.
34. Expand Module statistics Î fifo_queue Î queue.
35. Check overflow, queue size and queue delay statistics.
Figure 141 - Choose individual statistic dialog
36. Right click on the overflow statistic and choose Change collection mode.
Figure 142 - Change Collection mode
37. Check the Advanced checkbox.
38. Change Collection mode to all values.
Figure 143 - Statistics capture mode
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39. Click OK.
40. Repeat the same procedure for Queue size (packet) and Queue delay statistics.
41. Click OK to close the dialog.
42. Switch to scenario fifo_infinite_buffer. Scenarios Î Switch to scenario Î
43. Choose the same statistics and capture mode as in fifo_finite_buffer scenario.
Run the simulation
44. From the main menu, select Scenarios Î Manage scenarios.
45. Choose collect or recollect in the results column.
46. Set Sim duration to 1 hour.
Figure 144 - Manage scenarios dialog
47. Click OK and wait for the simulation to finish.
48. Close the simulation sequence dialog.
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View the results
49. Right click in the workspace and choose Compare results.
50. Expand Object statistics Î fifo Î fifo_queue Î queue.
51. Check queue size (packets).
52. Choose statistics stacked in the pull down menu. Figure 145.
53. Click Show.
Figure 145 - Compare results dialog
54. Repeat the same procedure for queue delay statistics.
55. Check overflow statistic.
56. Choose differentiator in the middle pull down menu. Figure 146.
57. Choose select scenarios in the right pull down menu. Figure 146.
58. Click Show.
59. Uncheck fifo_infinite_buffer and check fifo_finite_buffer and click OK.
Figure 146 - Compare results dialog
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The results should resemble the graphs below.
Figure 147 - Fifo Queue size (packet) for infinite and finite buffers
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Figure 148 - Fifo queue delay for infinite and finite buffers
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Figure 149 - Packet overflows for finite buffer
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Priority queuing
A simple way of offering different services to different classes of packets is Priority
Queuing. Its operation involves classifying each incoming packet into different priorities
and placing them into separate queues accordingly. The packets that have the highest
priority are transmitted on the output port before the packets with lower priority. Even
though this queuing policy is a good way of providing differentiated service, it also has
some shortcomings, like large continuous flow of high priority traffic into the queue,
equals excessive delay, and perhaps even service starvation for lower priority packets.
Further, in our case we make use of both a non-preemptive priority network and a
preemptive priority network. The difference between a so-called non-preemptive priority
queuing discipline and a preemptive priority queuing discipline is that the transmission of
a packet in a non-preemptive queuing discipline is not interrupted once it has begun.
Figure 150 - Priority queuing
Create the Non-preemptive priority network, infinite buffer
Open a new project. File Î New…
Name the project <initials>_priority_queue and the scenario non_preemptive.
Click OK.
Click Quit button to close the wizard.
Open the Object palette.
Click the Configure palette… button.
Clear the palette. Click the Clear button.
Choose which node models to include. Click the Node models button.
Include jsd_prio and jsd_prmpt_res node model and click OK. Figure 151.
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Figure 151 - Include node models dialog
10. Click Save and use the default filename.
11. Click OK to close the dialog.
12. Click and drag jsd_prio node model from the Object palette to the workspace.
13. Change the name on the node to nonpreemptive. Right click Î set name.
14. Double click on the node.
15. Right click on source_1 and choose Edit attributes…
16. Set:
ia_time to 1
instruction_range to 9600
priority_range to 0
17. Click OK.
18. Right click on source_2 and choose Edit attributes…
19. Set:
ia_time to 1
instruction_range to 9600
priority_range to 1
20. Click OK.
21. Right click on source_3 and choose Edit attributes…
22. Set:
ia_time to 1
instruction_range to 9600
priority_range to 2
23. Click OK.
24. Right click on nonpreemptive_priority_queue and choose Edit attributes…
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25. Set:
Processing_rate to 30000
Subqueue Æ rows to 3
Subqueue Æ row 0 Æ bit capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 0 Æ pk capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 1 Æ bit capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 1 Æ pk capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 2 Æ bit capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 2 Æ pk capacity to infinity
26. Click OK.
27. Close the node model and save the changes.
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28. Right click on the node and
select Choose Individual
29. Check the statistics as in
figure 152.
30. Change Statistic collection
mode to All values. Right
click on the statistic and
choose Change collection
31. Click OK to close the
Choose Result dialog.
Figure 152 - Choose individual statistics for nonpreemtive priority
queue model
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Create the Preemptive priority network, infinite buffer
32. Duplicate the scenario and name it preemptive. Scenarios Î Duplicate scenario.
33. Select the node on the workspace and delete it.
34. Click and drag jsd_prmpt_res node model from the Object palette to the
35. Change the name on the node to preemptive. Right click Î set name.
36. Double click on the node.
37. Right click on source_1 and choose Edit attributes…
38. Set:
ia_time to 1
instruction_range to 9600
priority_range to 0
39. Click OK.
40. Right click on source_2 and choose Edit attributes…
41. Set:
ia_time to 1
instruction_range to 9600
priority_range to 1
42. Click OK.
43. Right click on source_3 and choose Edit attributes…
44. Set:
ia_time to 1
instruction_range to 9600
priority_range to 2
45. Click OK.
46. Right click on preemptive_priority_queue and choose Edit attributes…
47. Set:
Processing_rate to 30000
Subqueue Æ rows to 3
Subqueue Æ row 0 Æ bit capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 0 Æ pk capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 1 Æ bit capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 1 Æ pk capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 2 Æ bit capacity to infinity
Subqueue Æ row 2 Æ pk capacity to infinity
48. Click OK.
49. Close the node model and save the changes.
50. Right click and select Choose individual statistics.
51. Choose the same statistics as in nonpreemptive scenario. Don’t forget to change
statistic collection mode to all values.
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Run the infinite buffer simulation
52. Choose Scenarios Î Manage scenarios… from the main menu.
53. Change the value in results column to collect.
54. Change Sim Duration to 1 hour.
55. Click OK and wait for the simulation to finish.
56. Close the simulation dialog.
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View the infinite buffer simulation results
57. Open Analysis Configuration tool. File Î New… Î Analysis Configuration.
Figure 153.
Figure 153 - Open a new Analysis configuration tool window
58. Click Create a graph of a statistic button.
59. Expand File statistics Î <initials>_priority_queue-non_preemptive Î
Object Statistics Î nonpreemptive Î nonpreemptive_priority_queue.
Figure 154.
Figure 154 - Choose File Statistics in Analysis Configuration tool
60. Choose the statistics as in Figure 155.
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Figure 155 – Chosen statistics for nonpreemptive priority queue
61. Choose Statistics Overlaid and time_average in the pull down menus at the
Figure 156 - Graph layout setting
62. Click Show.
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The Graph should resemble Figure 157.
Figure 157 -Queue sizes for Nonpreemptive priority queues
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63. Expand File statistics Î <initials>_priority_queue-preemptive Î Object
Statistics Î preemptive Î preemptive_priority_queue. Figure 158.
Figure 158 - Choose File Statistics in Analysis Configuration tool
64. Choose the statistics as in Figure 159.
Figure 159 - Chosen statistics for preemptive priority queue
65. Choose Statistics Overlaid and time_average in the pull down menus at the
Figure 160 - Graph layout setting
66. Click Show.
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The Graph should resemble Figure 161.
Figure 161 - Queue sizes for preemptive priority queues
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Create the Preemptive priority network, Finite buffer
67. Enter the preemptive node. Double click on the node.
68. Right click on the preemptive_priority_queue and choose Edit attributes…
69. Change the subqueues packet capacity to 3. Figure 162.
Figure 162 - Finite buffer queue, packet capacity setting
70. Click OK.
71. Close the node model and save the changes.
72. Right click on the preemptive node and select Choose Individual Statistics.
73. Expand Module Statistics Î preemptive_priority_queue.subqueue[0] Î
74. Check overflows statistic.
75. Right click on the overflows statistics and choose Change Collection Mode.
76. Set Capture mode to All values.
77. Repeat the same procedure on subqueue[1] and subqueue[2].
Create the Preemptive priority network, Finite buffer
78. Change the scenario to non_preemptive. Scenarios Î Switch To Scenario Î
79. Enter the nonpreemptive node. Double click on the node.
80. Right click on the nonpreemptive_priority_queue and choose Edit attributes…
81. Change the subqueues packet capacity to 3.
82. Click OK.
83. Close the node model and save the changes.
84. Right click on the preemptive node and select Choose Individual Statistics.
85. Expand Module Statistics Î nonpreemptive_priority_queue.subqueue[0] Î
86. Check overflows statistic.
87. Right click on the overflows statistics and choose Change Collection Mode.
88. Set Capture mode to All values.
89. Repeat the same procedure on subqueue[1] and subqueue[2].
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Run the finite buffer simulation
90. Choose Scenarios Î Manage scenarios… from the main menu.
91. Change the value in results column to collect.
92. Change Sim Duration to 1 hour.
93. Click OK and wait for the simulation to finish.
94. Close the simulation dialog
View the finite buffer simulation results
95. Open Analysis Configuration tool. File Î New… Î Analysis Configuration.
Figure 163
Figure 163 - Open a new Analysis configuration tool window
96. Click Create a graph of a statistic button.
97. Expand File statistics Î <initials>_priority_queue-non_preemptive Î
Object Statistics Î nonpreemptive Î nonpreemptive_priority_queue.
Figure 64.
Figure 164 - Choose File Statistics in Analysis Configuration tool
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98. Choose the statistics as in Figure 165.
Figure 165 - Selected statistics for nonpreemptive priority queue
99. Choose Statistics Overlaid and differentiator in the pull down menus at the
Figure 166 - Graph layout setting
100. Click Show.
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The graphs should resemble Figure 167.
Figure 167 - Packet loss rate for nonpreemptive priority queue
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101. Expand File statistics Î <initials>_priority_queue-preemptive Î Object
Statistics Î preemptive Î preemptive_priority_queue. Figure 168.
Figure 168 - Choose File Statistics in Analysis Configuration tool
102. Choose the statistics as in Figure 169.
Figure 169 - Selected statistics for preemptive priority queue
103. Choose Statistics Overlaid and differentiator in the pull down menus at the
Figure 170 - Graph layout setting
104. Click Show.
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The graph should resemble Figure 171.
Figure 171 - Packet loss rate for preemptive priority queue
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Weighted Fair Queuing
Processor Sharing (PS) is a class of queueing mechanism with the purpose of allowing
fair access for each incoming flow and to prevent a bursty flow from consuming all of the
output bandwidth. PS contains a queue for each distinct flow and packets from each flow
are inserted into its respective queue. The system then services each queue one packet at
a time in a round–robin fashion.
Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) is a variation of Processor Sharing (PS) in that it supports
flows with different bandwidth requirements. It does this by assigning each queue with
different weights that corresponds to the proportion of the allocated output bandwidth. In
WFQ, each incoming packet is time stamped with a finish time in addition to being
placed into its corresponding flow queue. Unlike Processor Sharing, selection of which
packet to be serviced is now based on this time stamp on each packet. Further packets are
serviced by examining their finish times. The ones with earlier finish times are
transmitted before the ones with later finish times. It is possible for a later packet to have
a finish time stamp that is smaller than an earlier packet.
Figure 172 - WFQ scheduling
Create the Weighted Fair Queuing – infinite buffer network
1. Start OPNET and create a new project. File Î New… and choose Project.
2. Name the project <initials>_WFQ_discipline and the scenario infinite. Click
3. Click Quit.
Open the Object palette.
Click the Configure palette… button.
Clear the palette. Click the Clear button.
Choose which node models to include. Click the Node models button.
Include ta_wfq_node_model. Figure 173.
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Figure 173 - Include WFQ node model
9. Click OK.
10. Click Save and use the default filename.
11. Click OK.
12. Click on ta_wfq_node_model in the object palette and drag it into the workspace.
13. Right click on the node and choose Set name.
14. Set the name wfq and click OK.
15. Enter the wfq node. Double click on it.
16. Right click on source_1 and choose Edit Attributes…
ia_time to 1
17. Set
instruction_range to 1
priority_range to 0
18. Click OK.
19. Right click on source_2 and choose Edit Attributes…
ia_time to 1
20. Set
instruction_range to 1
priority_range to 1
21. Click OK.
22. Right click on source_3 and choose Edit Attributes…
ia_time to 1
23. Set
instruction_range to 9600
priority_range to 2
24. Click OK.
25. Right click on wfq_queue and choose Edit Attributes…
processing_rate to 30000
26. Set
queue_weight0 to 50
queue_weight1 to 30
queue_weight2 to 20
27. Set the rows attribute value to 3
28. Set
Row 0 Î Bit capacity to infinity.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Row 0 Î Pk capacity to infinity.
Row 1 Î Bit capacity to infinity.
Row 1 Î Pk capacity to infinity.
Row 2 Î Bit capacity to infinity.
Row 2 Î Pk capacity to infinity.
Figure 174 - wfq processor settings
29. Close the node model and save the changes.
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30. Right click the wfq node and select
Choose Individual Statistics.
31. Choose the statistics as in Figure 175.
32. Right click subqueue[0] Î queue Î
queue size (packets) and choose
Change collection mode.
33. Change Capture mode to all values.
34. Click OK to close capture mode
35. Click OK to close Choose Results
Figure 175 - wfq statistics settings
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Run the Weighted Fair Queuing – infinite buffer simulation
36. Open Configure simulation dialog. Click the Run simulation button.
duration to 1 day
37. Set
Seed to any arbitrary integer (i.e. 5416)
38. Click Run and wait for the simulation to finish.
View the Weighted Fair Queuing – infinite buffer results.
39. Right click on the workspace and choose View Results.
40. Expand Object statistics Î wfq Î wfq_queue.
41. Choose the statistics as in Figure 176.
42. Set Statistics overlaid and time_average in the pull down menus at the bottom.
Figure 176.
Figure 176 - WFQ graph results setting
43. Click Show.
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The Graph should resemble Figure 177.
Figure 177 – WFQ queue length, infinite buffer
Tommy Svensson
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Create the Weighted Fair Queuing – finite buffer network
44. Close the View result dialog.
45. Enter the wfq node. Double click on it.
46. Right click on wfq_queue and choose Edit Attributes…
47. Change
subqueue Î row 0 Î pk capacity (pks) to 3
subqueue Î row 1 Î pk capacity (pks) to 3
subqueue Î row 2 Î pk capacity (pks) to 3
(figure 178)
Figure 178 - wfq finite queue settings
48. Click OK.
49. Close the node model and save the changes.
50. Right click the wfq node and select Choose Individual Statistics.
51. Include Module statistics Î wfq_queue Î wfq_queue.subqueue[0] Î
overflows and change the colletion mode to all values.
52. Include Module statistics Î wfq_queue Î wfq_queue.subqueue[1] Î
overflows and change the colletion mode to all values.
53. Include Module statistics Î wfq_queue Î wfq_queue.subqueue[2] Î
overflows and change the colletion mode to all values.
54. Click OK.
Tommy Svensson
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Run the Weighted Fair Queuing – finite buffer simulation
55. Open Configure simulation dialog. Click the Run simulation button.
duration to 1 day
56. Set
Seed to any arbitrary integer (i.e. 2569)
57. Click Run and wait for the simulation to finish.
View the Weighted Fair Queuing – finite buffer results.
58. Right click on the workspace and choose View Results.
59. Expand Object statistics Î wfq Î wfq_queue.
60. Choose the statistics as in Figure 179.
61. Set Statistics overlaid and differentiator in the pull down menus at the bottom.
Figure 179.
Figure 179 - WFQ packet loss graph results setting
62. Click Show.
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The Graph should resemble Figure 180.
Figure 180 – Packet loss for WFQ finite buffer
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Laboratory 7
The purpose of this lab is to understand self-similarity on physical grounds in a realistic
network environment. This understanding is important when developing efficient and
integrated network frameworks within which end-to-end QoS guarantees are fully
Self-similar traffic has been shown to exist in networks and it seems to be a ubiquitous
phenomenon that is independent of technology, protocol and environment.
In this laboratory moment we will study and compare the performance of an Ethernet
segment run with heavy-tail traffic and with exponential traffic. The performance
parameters considered here are link utilization and e2e delay. The laboratory moments
are as follows:
• Creation of the network model
• Running the simulation with different ON-OFF models
• Plotting and comparing the results
Tommy Svensson
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A self-similar phenomenon represents a process displaying structural similarities across a
wide range of scales of a specific dimension. In other words, the reference structure is
repeating itself over a wide range of scales and the (main) statistics of the process do not
change. However, these properties do not hold indefinitely for real phenomena and at
some point, this structure breaks down. Self-similarity can therefore be associated with
“fractals” which are objects with unchanged appearances over different scales.
A stochastic process is called fractal when a number of relevant statistics exhibit scaling
with related scaling exponents. Since scaling leads mathematically to power-law
relationships in the scaled quantities the conclusion is therefore that the traffic shows
fractal properties when several estimated statistics exhibit power-law behaviour over a
wide range of time scales [8].
A continuous-time stochastic process X(t) is considered to be statistical self-similar with
parameter H(0.5 ≤ H ≤ 1.0) if, for any real positive “a”, the process a-Hx(at) has the same
statistical properties as x(t). This relationship may be expressed by the following three
E[x(t)] = E[x(at)] / aH
Var[x(t)] = Var[x(at)] / a2H
Rx(t,s) = Rx(at,as) /a2H
The parameter H is known as the Hurst parameter, or the self-similarity meter, and it is a
key measure of self-similarity. More precisely H is a measure of the persistence of a
statistical phenomenon and it is the measure of the length of the long-range dependence
of a stochastic process. A value of H=0.5 indicates the absence of long-range
dependence. The closer H is to 1 the greater the degree of persistence or long-range
Tommy Svensson
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Create the self similar network model
1. Start OPNET and create a new project. File Î New… and choose Project.
2. Name the project <initials>_selfsimilar and the scenario
self_similar_vs_exponential. Click OK.
3. Choose Create Empty Scenario. Click Next.
4. Choose Office. Click Next.
5. Set: Size to Meters
X Span to 100
Y Span to 100
Click Next.
6. Include RPG. Click Next.
Figure 181 - Include technologies dialog
7. Review the chosen values. Click OK.
8. Open the Object palette if it’s not already open.
9. Place two Ethernet_rpg_station nodes in the workspace. Figure 182.
Figure 182 - ethernet_rpg_station icon
10. Name the first node model PowOn-PowOff source and the second one PowOnPowOff receiver. Right click and choose Set Name.
11. Change the Object palette to ethernet_advanced. Figure 183.
Figure 183 - Choused Object palette
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12. Place two ethernet_stn_advanced nodes in the workspace. Figure 184.
Figure 184 - ethernet_stn_advanced icon
13. Name the first node model Exponential source and the second one
Exponential_receiver. Right click and choose Set Name.
14. Place two ethernet16_hub_adv in the workspace.
Figure 185 - ethernet16_hub_adv icon
15. Name the first hub PowON-PowOFF Hub and the second hub Exponential
Hub. Right click and choose Set Name.
16. Use 10BaseT_int link model to the following connections.
PowOn-PowOff_source ÍÎ PowON-PowOFF Hub
PowON-PowOFF Hub ÍÎ PowOn-PowOff receiver
Exponential source ÍÎ Exponential Hub
Exponential Hub ÍÎ Exponential_receiver
Figure 186 - 10BaseT_int icon
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The network model should resemble figure 187.
Figure 187 – Network model overview
17. Right click on PowOn-PowOff source and choose Edit Attributes...
18. Set the attributes as in Figure 188.
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Figure 188 - PowOn-PowOff Source node attributes
19. Click OK to close the attributes dialog.
20. Select the PowOn-PowOff network and press <CTRL>+C
21. Paste two copies on the workspace. Press <CTRL>+V to place a copy next to the
22. Rename the nodes.
PowOn-PowOff source_0 to ExpOn-PowOff source
PowOn-PowOff Hub_0 to ExpOn-PowOff Hub
PowOn-PowOff Receiver_1 to ExpOn-PowOff Receiver
PowOn-PowOff source_1 to PowOn-ExpOff source
PowOn-PowOff Hub_1 to PowOn-ExpOff Hub
PowOn-PowOff Receiver_1 to PowOn-ExpOff Receiver
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23. Right click on ExpOn-PowOff source and choose Edit Attributes...
24. Set the attributes as in Figure 189.
Figure 189 - ExpOn-PowOff source node attributes
25. Click OK to close the dialog.
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26. Right click on PowOn-ExpOff source and choose Edit Attributes...
27. Set the attributes as in Figure 190.
Figure 190 - PowOn-ExpOff source node attributes
28. Click OK to close the dialog.
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29. Right click on PowOn-ExpOff source and choose Edit Attributes...
30. Set the attributes as in Figure 191.
Figure 191 - ExpOn-PowOff receiver node attributes
31. Click OK to close the dialog.
32. Right click on PowOn-ExpOff source and choose Edit Attributes...
33. Set the attributes as in Figure 192.
Figure 192 - PowOn-ExpOff receiver node attributes
34. Click OK to close the dialog.
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35. Right click on PowOn-PowOff source and choose Edit Attributes...
36. Set the attributes as in Figure 193.
Figure 193 - PowOn-PowOff receiver node attributes
37. Click OK to close the dialog.
38. Right click on Exponential source and choose Edit attributes…
39. Set the attributes as in Figure 194.
Figure 194 - Exponential source node attributes
40. Click OK to close the dialog.
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41. Right click on Exponential receiver and choose Edit attributes…
42. Set the attributes as in Figure 195.
Figure 195 - Exponential reveiver node attributes
43. Click OK to close the dialog.
The final network should resemble figure 196.
Figure 196 - Network overview
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44. Right click on the workspace and choose Select Individual Statistics.
45. Expand Node statistics Î Ethernet.
46. Choose Delay (sec) and Utilization statistics.
Figure 197 - Choused statistics
47. Click OK.
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Run the simulation
63. Open Configure simulation dialog. Click the Run simulation button.
64. In the Common tab, Set
duration to 100 seconds
Seed to any arbitrary integer (i.e. 5416)
65. In the Global Attributes tab, Set
Eth Hub Optimization to Enabled
RPG Flow Info File to Not Used
RPG Start Time to 0
66. In the Environment Files, Set
Optimize_simulation status to included
67. Click Run and wait for the simulation to finish.
68. Close the simulation dialog.
Tommy Svensson
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View the results
48. Right click on the workspace and choose View results.
49. Choose the delay statistics as in figure 198.
Figure 198 - Choose delay statistics
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The results should resemble figure 199.
Figure 199 - Delay results
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50. Choose the throughput statistics as in figure 200.
Figure 200 – Choose throughput statistic
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The results should resemble figure 201.
Figure 201 - Throughput graph
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Conclusions throughput
Fluctuations are much higher at traffic with heavytail than at traffic with exponential
Average throughput is more variable at ExpOn-PowOff. It is seen that OFF is heavytail.
PowON-ExpOff and PowON-PowOff
The difference is not so big (regarding average variations) between PowON-ExpOff and
Conclusions delay
It is clear that we have PowOff, long periods with very small delays
It is clear that it is exponential only, small variations.
PowON-ExpOff and PowON-PowOff
Somehow similar.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Concluding Remarks
This thesis consists of five laboratory exercises that cover a range of important topics in
networking and telecommunications. The students are provided an opportunity to
experience the behavior of different networks and protocols but also a chance to learn the
basic procedures of network simulation by using the OPNET Modeler simulation
This is today the most cost effective solution for universities to demonstrate the behavior
of different networks and protocols.
We would like to take this opportunity and thank the Department of
Telecommunications and Signal Processing at the Blekinge Institute of Technology.
We would also especially like to thank Prof: Arne Nilsson and Docent: Adrian Popescu
for giving us the opportunity to work with such interesting and challenging topics.
Finally we would like to give special thanks to the Ph.D. students: Doro Constantinescu,
Dragos Ilie, David Erman and Lennart Isaksson for their help and support.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
ACK - Acknowledge
ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode
CSMA - Carrier Sensing Multiple Access
CSMA-CD - Carrier Sensing Multiple Access with Collision Detection
cwnd - congestion window
EIGRP – Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
E-mail – Electronic mail
FIFO – First in First Out
FSM - Finite State Machines
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
IGP – Interior Gateway Protocol
IGRP – Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
IP – Internet Protocol
LAN – Local Area Network
M/M/1 – Markov/Markov/1 queue
MAC - Medium Access Control
MPLS – Multiprotocol Label Switching
OPNET - Optimized Network Engineering Tools
OSPF – Open Shortest Path First
RIP – Routing Internet Protocol
RTT – Round Trip Time
Segsize – Segment Size
SMSS - Sender Maximum Segment Size
ssthresh - slow start threshold
TCP – Transmission control protocol
WAN – Wide Area Network
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
URL: http://www.opnet.com/products/modeler/home.html (2003-05-31)
URL: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2001.txt?number=2001 (2003-05-31)
URL: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2581.txt?number=2581 (2003-05-31)
Modeling and Simulating Communication Networks
Irene Katzela
Published: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1999
ISBN: 0-13-915737-9
Advanced IP Routing In Cisco Networks
Terry Slattery and Bill Burton
Published: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000
ISBN: 0-07-212591-8
OPNET Online Documentation
IP Model Description
Köteori och tillförlitlighetsteori
Ulf Körner
Published: Ulf Körner and Studentlitteratur 1992, 1997
ISBN: 91-44-00480-X
Traffic Self-Similarity technical report
Adrian Popescu
BTH 2000
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Appendix 1
/* Process model C form file: jsd_prio.pr.c */
/* This variable carries the header into the object file */
static const char jsd_prio_pr_c [] = "MIL_3_Tfile_Hdr_ 90A 30A modeler 7
3F55FAD2 3F55FAD2 1 its-2503-5 exjobb 0 0 none none 0 0 none 0 0 0 0 0 0
#include <string.h>
/* OPNET system definitions */
#include <opnet.h>
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
/* Header Block */
#include <stdlib.h>
/* atoi(), atof() */
typedef struct {
} JsdT_Job_Desc;
#define ARRIVAL
op_q_empty ()
op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_STRM
op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_SELF
get_instructions () function */
/* Success codes for
#include "jsd_win_avg.ex.h"
jsd_prio_get_instructions ();
jsd_prio_error ();
/* End of Header Block */
#if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN)
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FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = __LINE__ _block_origin;
BINIT FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = 0; _block_origin =
#endif /* #if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN) */
/* State variable definitions */
typedef struct
/* Internal state tracking for FSM */
/* State Variables */
} jsd_prio_state;
#define pr_state_ptr
#define server_busy
#define table_exists
#define num_lines
#define processing_rate
#define last_update_time
#define total_busy_time
#define work_left_last
#define total_work
#define total_delay
#define num_pks_serviced
#define win_size
#define Util_Stat_Hndl
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#define Work_Left_Stat_Hndl
#define own_id
#define svc_complete
#define Job_Desc_Table
#define busy_signal_shandle
#define inst_delay_shandle
#define inst_wk_left_shandle
#define normalized_delay_shandle
#define mean_util_shandle
#define avg_thruput_shandle
#define mean_delay_shandle
/* This macro definition will define a local variable called
/* "op_sv_ptr" in each function containing a FIN statement. */
/* This variable points to the state variable data structure,
/* and can be used from a C debugger to display their values.
jsd_prio_state *op_sv_ptr = pr_state_ptr;
/* Function Block */
enum { _block_origin = __LINE__ };
jsd_prio_get_instructions (pkptr, pk_inst_ptr)
job_type, i;
/** This function takes as input a pointer to a packet, and
/** a double corresponding to the number of instructions in the
/** packet. If the instructions field in the packet is not set,
/** function determines the number of instructions by getting the
/** type of the job from the job_type field of the packet, and
/** looking up the number of instructions for that type of job in
/** the Job_Desc_Table, which has been read in from an external
file **/
/** in the init state.
FIN (jsd_prio_get_instructions (pkptr, pk_inst_ptr));
Tommy Svensson
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/* Get the number of instructions directly
/* from the named field in the packet.
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "instructions", pk_inst_ptr) ==
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get instructions field from
jsd_prio_error (msg)
/** Print an error message and exit the simulation. **/
FIN (jsd_prio_error (msg));
op_sim_end ("Error in JSD priority process (jsd_prio):",
/* End of Function Block */
/* Undefine optional tracing in FIN/FOUT/FRET */
/* The FSM has its own tracing code and the other */
/* functions should not have any tracing.
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
void jsd_prio (void);
Compcode jsd_prio_init (void **);
void jsd_prio_diag (void);
void jsd_prio_terminate (void);
void jsd_prio_svar (void *, const char *, char **);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
/* Process model interrupt handling procedure */
jsd_prio (void)
Tommy Svensson
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int _block_origin = 0;
FIN (jsd_prio ());
if (1)
err_str [256];
FSM_ENTER (jsd_prio)
/** state (init) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED_NOLABEL (0, "init", "jsd_prio
[init enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [init enter
execs]", state0_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered only once,
at the beginning of the simulation.
/** Their purpose is to initialize the process
model. The attributes of this particular **/
/** module are determined and state variables
are initialized. If a job_type_filename
Tommy Svensson
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job description table.
/** was set, the file is read and parsed into a
/* Initially the server is idle. */
server_busy = 0;
/* Get queue module's own object id. */
own_id = op_id_self ();
/* Get assigned value of server processing rate.
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id,
"processing_rate", &processing_rate) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get processing
rate from attribute.");
windowed stats. */
/* Get assigned value of the window size for
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id, "win_size",
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get window size
from attribute.");
statistics. */
stats. */
/* Initialize some state variables dealing with
last_update_time = op_sim_time ();
total_busy_time = 0.0;
work_left_last = op_sim_time ();
total_work = 0.0;
/* Initialize the structures for the windowed
Util_Stat_Hndl = jsd_win_avg_create ("Jsd
Windowed Utilization", win_size, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
Work_Left_Stat_Hndl = jsd_win_avg_create ("Jsd
Windowed Work Left (sec)", win_size, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
/* Set the table exists flag. */
table_exists = 1;
/* Register Statistics. */
busy_signal_shandle = op_stat_reg ("Jsd Busy
inst_delay_shandle = op_stat_reg ("Jsd
Instantaneous Delay (sec)", OPC_STAT_INDEX_NONE, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
inst_wk_left_shandle = op_stat_reg ("Jsd
Instantaneous Work Left (sec)", OPC_STAT_INDEX_NONE, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
normalized_delay_shandle = op_stat_reg ("Jsd
mean_util_shandle = op_stat_reg ("Jsd Total Busy
avg_thruput_shandle = op_stat_reg ("Jsd Total
mean_delay_shandle = op_stat_reg ("Jsd Mean
Tommy Svensson
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FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [init enter
execs]", state0_enter_exec)
/** state (init) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (0, "init", "jsd_prio [init exit
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [init exit
execs]", state0_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [init exit
execs]", state0_exit_exec)
/** state (init) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
"", "init", "idle")
/** state (idle) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_UNFORCED (1, state1_enter_exec,
"idle", "jsd_prio [idle enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [idle enter
execs]", state1_enter_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [idle enter
execs]", state1_enter_exec)
exit execs]")
/** blocking after enter executives of unforced state.
FSM_EXIT (3,jsd_prio)
/** state (idle) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_UNFORCED (1, "idle", "jsd_prio [idle
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [idle exit
execs]", state1_exit_exec)
/** These executives are encountered whenever
there is a stream interrupt (arrival), or a
/** self interrupt (service completion). In
either case, we want to record some statistics. **/
/** If the server is busy at this point, we will
want to record a 1.0 for each statistic from
/** the last update time until the current
update time. If the server is free, we will want
/** to record a 0.0. Thus we will use the value
of server_busy as the value to record.
Tommy Svensson
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/* Update the busy signal. */
op_stat_write_t (busy_signal_shandle,
server_busy, last_update_time);
/* Update the windowed utilization statistic. */
jsd_win_avg_update (Util_Stat_Hndl, (double)
/* Prevent rounding off errors, if any. */
if (work_left_last < 0)
work_left_last = 0;
/* Update the statistic for the instantaneous
total amount of unfinished work in the queue. */
op_stat_write_t (inst_wk_left_shandle,
work_left_last, last_update_time);
/* Update the statistic for the windowed
unfinished work in the queue. */
jsd_win_avg_update (Work_Left_Stat_Hndl,
work_left_last -= (server_busy * (op_sim_time ()
- last_update_time));
/* Add to the total_busy_time for use by the
mean_utilization stat. */
total_busy_time += (server_busy * (op_sim_time
() - last_update_time));
/* Update the statistic. */
op_stat_write (mean_util_shandle,
total_busy_time/ op_sim_time ());
event. */
/* Set the last_update_time for use by the next
last_update_time = op_sim_time ();
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [idle exit
execs]", state1_exit_exec)
/** state (idle) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 4, state4_enter_exec, ;,
"SVC_COMPLETION", "", "idle", "svc_comp")
Tommy Svensson
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Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 2, state2_enter_exec, ;,
"ARRIVAL", "", "idle", "arrival")
/** state (arrival) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (2, state2_enter_exec,
"arrival", "jsd_prio [arrival enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [arrival enter
execs]", state2_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
packet arrives on an input
/** stream. The incoming packet is enqueued in
priority order in a subqueue.
/** If there is a packet already in service, it
will not be preempted. **/
/* Acquire the arriving packet.
/* Multiple arriving streams are supported.
input stream.");
incoming packet. **/
we can
pkptr = op_pk_get (op_intrpt_strm());
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get packet from
/** Determine the remaining service time of the
/* If the svc_time field of the packet is set,
/* read the remaining service time directly from
if (op_pk_nfd_is_set (pkptr, "svc_time"))
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time",
&pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
remaining service time from packet.");
/* Set a success flag to be used later. */
svc_time_determined = 1;
instructions */
the packet. */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
/* Otherwise we need to determine the number of
/* in the packet. */
/* Determine the number of instructions in
Master thesis MEE 03:24
(pkptr, &pk_instructions);
success_code = jsd_prio_get_instructions
/* If the number of instructions was
/* compute the service time of the packet.
successfully determined,
if (success_code == GET_INST_SUCCESS)
pk_svc_time = pk_instructions /
previously set,
/* Since the svc_time field was not
/* set it now for later statistical
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr,
"svc_time", pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to set
service time in packet.");
/* Set a success flag to be used
later. */
svc_time_determined = 1;
/* It was not possible to get the
number of instructions from the packet. */
svc_time_determined = 0;
determine mumber of instructions.");
deallocate the packet. */
the packet and continuing.");
sprintf (err_str, "Error: Unable to
/* Print error messages and
op_sim_message (err_str, "Dropping
op_pk_destroy (pkptr);
/* Set flag to ensure that
transition to svc_start does not occur. */
insert_ok = 0;
successfully. */
the packet. */
/* Check whether the svc_time was determined
if (svc_time_determined == 1)
/* Write the remaining service time into
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr,
"svc_time_remain", pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to set
remaining service time in packet.");
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
time, to keep track of
/* Set the svc_start field to the current
/* when the packet first entered the
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "svc_start",
op_sim_time ()) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to set
service start time in packet.");
type is double! */
Get the packets priority, return
pk_prio=op_pk_priority_get (pkptr);
/* Attempt to enqueue the packet in
priority order in subqueue pk_prio. Typecasting pk_prio to int!! */
if (op_subq_pk_insert ((int)pk_prio,
/* The insertion failed (due to a
full queue). Determine the
/* packet with the lowest priority
and remove it from the queue. */
low_pkptr = op_subq_pk_remove
((int)pk_prio, OPC_QPOS_TAIL);
if (low_pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
lowest priority packet from subqueue.");
/* Determine the remaining service
if (op_pk_nfd_get (low_pkptr,
"svc_time_remain", &low_pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
remaining service time from packet.");
time of the low priority packet.
the work left in the queue.
lowest priority. */
/* Subtract this amount of time from
work_left_last -= low_pk_svc_time;
/* Deallocate the packet with the
op_pk_destroy (low_pkptr);
/* Attempt to re-enqueue the new
packet in priority order in subqueue pk_prio. */
if (op_subq_pk_insert ((int)pk_prio,
/* The insertion failed again.
Deallocate the new packet. */
op_pk_destroy (pkptr);
insertion fail. This flag is used to
this state.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
/* Set flag indicating
/* determine transition out of
Master thesis MEE 03:24
inserted packet to
for statistical use.
statistical use.
/* the work left in the queue,
work_left_last += pk_svc_time;
/* Insertion was successful */
insert_ok = 1;
/* Add the service time of the
/* the work left in the queue, for
/* Insertion was successful */
insert_ok = 1;
/* Add the service time of the
inserted packet to
insert_ok = 0;
work_left_last += pk_svc_time;
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [arrival
enter execs]", state2_enter_exec)
/** state (arrival) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (2, "arrival", "jsd_prio
[arrival exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [arrival exit
execs]", state2_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [arrival exit
execs]", state2_exit_exec)
/** state (arrival) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [arrival trans
conditions]", state2_trans_conds)
FSM_INIT_COND (!server_busy && insert_ok)
FSM_TEST_LOGIC ("arrival")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [arrival trans
conditions]", state2_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 3, state3_enter_exec, ;,
"!server_busy && insert_ok", "", "arrival", "svc_start")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 1, state1_enter_exec, ;,
"default", "", "arrival", "idle")
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** state (svc_start) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (3, state3_enter_exec,
"svc_start", "jsd_prio [svc_start enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [svc_start
enter execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** When entering these executives, there will
be a packet at the
/** head of subqueue 0 that requires service.
This state begins **/
/** service for the packet and schedules an
interrupt for the
/** time of completion of service.
for (i=2; i>=0; i--)
if (!op_subq_empty(i))
subqueue sub_q_no.
/* Get a handle on the packet at the head of
/* This does not remove the packet.
pkptr = op_subq_pk_access (sub_q_no,
at head of subqueue.");
packet. */
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to access packet
/* Extract the remaining service time of the
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time_remain",
&pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get remaining
service time from packet.");
/* Schedule an interrupt for this process at the
/* The packet id is used as the interrupt code,
so that the packet can be
/* identified in the queue at the time of its
service completion interrupt. */
svc_complete = op_intrpt_schedule_self
(op_sim_time () + pk_svc_time, op_pk_id (pkptr));
if (op_ev_valid (svc_complete) == OPC_FALSE)
time where service ends.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to schedule self
interrupt for service completion.");
/* Make the server busy. */
server_busy = 1;
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [svc_start
enter execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** state (svc_start) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (3, "svc_start", "jsd_prio
[svc_start exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [svc_start
exit execs]", state3_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [svc_start
exit execs]", state3_exit_exec)
/** state (svc_start) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
"", "svc_start", "idle")
/** state (svc_comp) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (4, state4_enter_exec,
"svc_comp", "jsd_prio [svc_comp enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [svc_comp
enter execs]", state4_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
packet completes **/
/** service. They record some statistics,
convert the packet
/** into an acknowledgement packet, and send it
back to the
/** address specified by the the orig_id and
orig_port fields **/
/** of the packet.
completing service.
the service */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
/* Determine the id of the packet just
/* This is passed as the code associated with
/* completion interrupt.
pkid = op_intrpt_code ();
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Locate the packet and determine which
subqueue it is located in and queue position.
for (sub_q_no=0;sub_q_no<3;sub_q_no++)
/* Determine the number of packets
currently in the queue. */
dval = op_subq_stat (sub_q_no,
if (dval == OPC_DBL_INVALID)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
number of packets in subqueue.");
num_pkts = (int) dval;
/* Determine if this packet is located in
this subqueue. And if so,the queue position of this packet */
/* and obtain a pointer to it.
for (position = 0; position < num_pkts;
pkptr = op_subq_pk_access (sub_q_no,
if (pkptr != OPC_NIL && op_pk_id
(pkptr) == pkid)
if (success_code==1)
in fact obtained. */
/* Check to make sure that a packet pointer was
if (position == num_pkts)
op_sim_message ("Error: could not find
packet in queue at svc_comp state.", "");
/* Extract the packet just finishing
pkptr = op_subq_pk_remove (sub_q_no,
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
packet from subqueue.");
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
entered the processor
/* Determine when this packet first
/* and how long it has been in the
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_start",
&svc_start) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
service start time from packet.");
time_in_processor = op_sim_time () svc_start;
this packet and how
/* Determine the original service time of
/* much processing delay it has
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time",
&original_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
original service time from packet.");
experienced in the queue.
processing_delay = time_in_processor -
/* Prevent any rounding off errors. */
if (processing_delay < 0)
processing_delay = 0.0;
/* Write the processing delay statistic.
op_stat_write (inst_delay_shandle,
/* Write the normalized delay statistic.
if (original_svc_time > 0.0)
(normalized_delay_shandle, time_in_processor / original_svc_time);
processing delay and the
the average delay statistic.
/* Add to the counters for the total
/* number of packets serviced for use by
total_delay += processing_delay;
/* Write the mean delay statistic.*/
op_stat_write (mean_delay_shandle,
total_delay / num_pks_serviced);
completed by the queue
/* Add to the counter of total work
/* for use by the average throughput
total_work += original_svc_time;
/* Update the statistic. */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
total_work / op_sim_time ());
op_stat_write (avg_thruput_shandle,
/* Convert the job packet to a job
completion ack. */
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "ack", 1) ==
acknowledgement flag in packet.");
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to set
/* Extract the originator's object id and
/* and deliver the ack packet to the
originator. */
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "orig_id",
&orig_id) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE ||
op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "orig_port",
&orig_port) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prio_error ("Unable to get
originator's ID or port from packet.");
op_pk_deliver (pkptr, orig_id, orig_port);
/* Make the server idle again. */
server_busy = 0;
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [svc_comp
enter execs]", state4_enter_exec)
/** state (svc_comp) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (4, "svc_comp", "jsd_prio
[svc_comp exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [svc_comp exit
execs]", state4_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [svc_comp
exit execs]", state4_exit_exec)
/** state (svc_comp) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prio [svc_comp trans
conditions]", state4_trans_conds)
FSM_TEST_LOGIC ("svc_comp")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prio [svc_comp trans
conditions]", state4_trans_conds)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 3, state3_enter_exec, ;,
"!QUEUE_EMPTY", "", "svc_comp", "svc_start")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 1, state1_enter_exec, ;,
"default", "", "svc_comp", "idle")
FSM_EXIT (0,jsd_prio)
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Register (const char * , int ,
VosT_Void_Null_Proc, VosT_Address *);
extern VosT_Address Vos_Catmem_Alloc (VosT_Address, size_t);
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (VosT_Address);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
jsd_prio_init (void ** gen_state_pptr)
int _block_origin = 0;
static VosT_Address
obtype = OPC_NIL;
FIN (jsd_prio_init (gen_state_pptr))
if (obtype == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize memory management */
if (Vos_Catmem_Register ("proc state vars (jsd_prio)",
sizeof (jsd_prio_state), Vos_Vnop, &obtype) ==
*gen_state_pptr = Vos_Catmem_Alloc (obtype, 1);
if (*gen_state_pptr == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize FSM handling */
((jsd_prio_state *)(*gen_state_pptr))->current_block = 0;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
jsd_prio_diag (void)
/* No Diagnostic Block */
jsd_prio_terminate (void)
int _block_origin = __LINE__;
FIN (jsd_prio_terminate (void))
Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (pr_state_ptr);
/* Undefine shortcuts to state variables to avoid */
/* syntax error in direct access to fields of */
/* local variable prs_ptr in jsd_prio_svar function. */
#undef server_busy
#undef table_exists
#undef num_lines
#undef processing_rate
#undef last_update_time
#undef total_busy_time
#undef work_left_last
#undef total_work
#undef total_delay
#undef num_pks_serviced
#undef win_size
#undef Util_Stat_Hndl
#undef Work_Left_Stat_Hndl
#undef own_id
#undef svc_complete
#undef Job_Desc_Table
#undef busy_signal_shandle
#undef inst_delay_shandle
#undef inst_wk_left_shandle
#undef normalized_delay_shandle
#undef mean_util_shandle
#undef avg_thruput_shandle
#undef mean_delay_shandle
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
jsd_prio_svar (void * gen_ptr, const char * var_name, char ** var_p_ptr)
FIN (jsd_prio_svar (gen_ptr, var_name, var_p_ptr))
if (var_name == OPC_NIL)
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
prs_ptr = (jsd_prio_state *)gen_ptr;
if (strcmp ("server_busy" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->server_busy);
if (strcmp ("table_exists" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->table_exists);
if (strcmp ("num_lines" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->num_lines);
if (strcmp ("processing_rate" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->processing_rate);
if (strcmp ("last_update_time" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->last_update_time);
if (strcmp ("total_busy_time" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->total_busy_time);
if (strcmp ("work_left_last" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->work_left_last);
if (strcmp ("total_work" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->total_work);
if (strcmp ("total_delay" , var_name) == 0)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->total_delay);
(strcmp ("num_pks_serviced" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->num_pks_serviced);
(strcmp ("win_size" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->win_size);
(strcmp ("Util_Stat_Hndl" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->Util_Stat_Hndl);
(strcmp ("Work_Left_Stat_Hndl" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->Work_Left_Stat_Hndl);
(strcmp ("own_id" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->own_id);
(strcmp ("svc_complete" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->svc_complete);
(strcmp ("Job_Desc_Table" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->Job_Desc_Table);
(strcmp ("busy_signal_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->busy_signal_shandle);
(strcmp ("inst_delay_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->inst_delay_shandle);
(strcmp ("inst_wk_left_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->inst_wk_left_shandle);
(strcmp ("normalized_delay_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->normalized_delay_shandle);
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
if (strcmp ("mean_util_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->mean_util_shandle);
if (strcmp ("avg_thruput_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->avg_thruput_shandle);
if (strcmp ("mean_delay_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->mean_delay_shandle);
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Appendix 2
/* Process model C form file: jsd_prmpt_res.pr.c */
/* This variable carries the header into the object file */
static const char jsd_prmpt_res_pr_c [] = "MIL_3_Tfile_Hdr_ 90A 30A
modeler 7 3EF9869E 3EF9869E 1 its-2503-5 exjobb 0 0 none none 0 0 none 0
0 0 0 0 0
#include <string.h>
/* OPNET system definitions */
#include <opnet.h>
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
/* Header Block */
#include <stdlib.h>
/* atof(), atoi() */
typedef struct {
} JsdT_Job_Desc;
#define ARRIVAL
op_q_empty ()
op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_STRM
op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_SELF
get_instructions () function */
/* Success codes for
#include "jsd_win_avg.ex.h"
static int jsd_prmpt_res_get_instructions (Packet * pkptr, double *
static void jsd_prmpt_res_error (const char * msg);
/* End of Header Block */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
#if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN)
FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = __LINE__ _block_origin;
BINIT FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = 0; _block_origin =
#endif /* #if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN) */
/* State variable definitions */
typedef struct
/* Internal state tracking for FSM */
/* State Variables */
} jsd_prmpt_res_state;
#define pr_state_ptr
#define server_busy
#define table_exists
#define num_lines
#define processing_rate
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
#define current_priority
#define last_update_time
#define total_busy_time
#define work_left_last
#define total_work
#define total_delay
#define num_pks_serviced
#define win_size
#define Util_Stat_Hndl
#define Work_Left_Stat_Hndl
#define own_id
#define svc_complete
#define Job_Desc_Table
#define job_type_table_id
#define busy_signal_shandle
#define inst_delay_shandle
#define inst_wk_left_shandle
#define normalized_delay_shandle
#define mean_util_shandle
#define avg_thruput_shandle
#define mean_delay_shandle
#define current_subq
/* This macro definition will define a local variable called
/* "op_sv_ptr" in each function containing a FIN statement. */
/* This variable points to the state variable data structure,
/* and can be used from a C debugger to display their values.
jsd_prmpt_res_state *op_sv_ptr = pr_state_ptr;
/* Function Block */
enum { _block_origin = __LINE__ };
static int
jsd_prmpt_res_get_instructions (Packet * pkptr, double * pk_inst_ptr)
job_type, i;
/** This function takes as input a pointer to a packet, and
/** a double corresponding to the number of instructions in the
/** packet. If the instructions field in the packet is not set,
/** function determines the number of instructions by getting the
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** type of the job from the job_type field of the packet, and
/** looking up the number of instructions for that type of job in
/** the Job_Desc_Table, which has been read in from an external
/** in the init state.
FIN (jsd_prmpt_res_get_instructions (pkptr, pk_inst_ptr))
/* Get the number of instructions directly
/* from the named field in the packet.
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "instructions", pk_inst_ptr) ==
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get instructions field from
static void
jsd_prmpt_res_error (const char * msg)
/** Print an error message and exit the simulation. **/
FIN (jsd_prmpt_res_error (msg));
op_sim_end ("Error in JSD preempt and resume process
/* End of Function Block */
/* Undefine optional tracing in FIN/FOUT/FRET */
/* The FSM has its own tracing code and the other */
/* functions should not have any tracing.
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
void jsd_prmpt_res (void);
Compcode jsd_prmpt_res_init (void **);
void jsd_prmpt_res_diag (void);
void jsd_prmpt_res_terminate (void);
void jsd_prmpt_res_svar (void *, const char *, char **);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Process model interrupt handling procedure */
jsd_prmpt_res (void)
int _block_origin = 0;
FIN (jsd_prmpt_res ());
if (1)
job_type_filename [64];
err_str [256];
FSM_ENTER (jsd_prmpt_res)
/** state (init) enter executives **/
"jsd_prmpt_res [init enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [init
enter execs]", state0_enter_exec)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** These executives are encountered only once,
at the beginning of the simulation.
/** Their purpose is to initialize the process
model. The attributes of this particular **/
/** module are determined and state variables
are initialized. If a job_type_filename
/** was set, the file is read and parsed into a
job description table.
/* Initially the server is idle. */
server_busy = 0;
/* Initially the current priority is 0. */
current_priority = 0.0;
/* Initially the current subqueue is 0. */
current_subq = 0;
/* Get queue module's own object id. */
own_id = op_id_self ();
/* Get assigned value of server processing rate.
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id,
"processing_rate", &processing_rate) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get
processing rate from attribute.");
windowed stats. */
/* Get assigned value of the window size for
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id, "win_size",
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get window
size from attribute.");
statistics. */
stats. */
/* Initialize some state variables dealing with
last_update_time = op_sim_time ();
total_busy_time = 0.0;
work_left_last = 0.0;
total_work = 0.0;
/* Initialize the structures for the windowed
Util_Stat_Hndl = jsd_win_avg_create
("Jsd.Windowed Utilization", win_size, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
Work_Left_Stat_Hndl = jsd_win_avg_create
("Jsd.Windowed Work Left (sec)", win_size, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
/* Register Statistics. */
= op_stat_reg
= op_stat_reg
("Jsd.Instantaneous Delay (sec)", OPC_STAT_INDEX_NONE, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
= op_stat_reg
("Jsd.Instantaneous Work Left (sec)", OPC_STAT_INDEX_NONE,
normalized_delay_shandle = op_stat_reg
("Jsd.Normalized Delay", OPC_STAT_INDEX_NONE, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
= op_stat_reg
= op_stat_reg
= op_stat_reg
("Jsd.Mean Delay (sec)", OPC_STAT_INDEX_NONE, OPC_STAT_LOCAL);
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [init
enter execs]", state0_enter_exec)
exit execs]")
/** state (init) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (0, "init", "jsd_prmpt_res [init
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [init
exit execs]", state0_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [init
exit execs]", state0_exit_exec)
/** state (init) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
"", "init", "idle")
/** state (idle) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_UNFORCED (1, state1_enter_exec,
"idle", "jsd_prmpt_res [idle enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [idle
enter execs]", state1_enter_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [idle
enter execs]", state1_enter_exec)
/** blocking after enter executives of unforced state.
FSM_EXIT (3,jsd_prmpt_res)
/** state (idle) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_UNFORCED (1, "idle", "jsd_prmpt_res
[idle exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [idle
exit execs]", state1_exit_exec)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** These executives are encountered whenever
there is a stream interrupt (arrival), or a
/** self interrupt (service completion). In
either case, we want to record some statistics. **/
/** If the server is busy at this point, we will
want to record a 1.0 for each statistic from
/** the last update time until the current
update time. If the server is free, we will want
/** to record a 0.0. Thus we will use the value
of server_busy as the value to record.
/* Update the busy signal. */
op_stat_write_t (busy_signal_shandle,
server_busy, last_update_time);
/* Update the windowed utilization statistic. */
jsd_win_avg_update (Util_Stat_Hndl, (double)
/* Update the statistic for the instantaneous
total amount of unfinished work in the queue. */
op_stat_write_t (inst_wk_left_shandle,
work_left_last, last_update_time);
/* Update the statistic for the windowed
unfinished work in the queue. */
jsd_win_avg_update (Work_Left_Stat_Hndl,
work_left_last -= (server_busy * (op_sim_time ()
- last_update_time));
/* Prevent rounding off errors. */
if (work_left_last < 0.0)
work_left_last = 0.0;
/* Add to the total_busy_time for use by the
mean_utilization stat. */
total_busy_time += (server_busy * (op_sim_time
() - last_update_time));
/* Update the statistic. */
op_stat_write (mean_util_shandle,
total_busy_time/ op_sim_time ());
event. */
/* Set the last_update_time for use by the next
last_update_time = op_sim_time ();
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [idle
exit execs]", state1_exit_exec)
/** state (idle) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 4, state4_enter_exec, ;,
"SVC_COMPLETION", "", "idle", "svc_comp")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 2, state2_enter_exec, ;,
"ARRIVAL", "", "idle", "arrival")
/** state (arrival) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (2, state2_enter_exec,
"arrival", "jsd_prmpt_res [arrival enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [arrival
enter execs]", state2_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
packet arrives on an input stream.
/** The incoming packet is enqueued in priority
order in subqueue 0. If the
/** priority of the incoming packet is higher
than that of a packet being served, **/
/** the packet being served is preempted by the
incoming packet.
/* Acquire the arriving packet.
/* Multiple arriving streams are supported.
from input stream.");
incoming packet. **/
we can
pkptr = op_pk_get (op_intrpt_strm());
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get packet
/** Determine the remaining service time of the
/* If the svc_time field of the packet is set,
/* read the remaining service time directly from
if (op_pk_nfd_is_set (pkptr, "svc_time"))
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time",
&pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get
remaining service time from packet.");
/* Set a success flag to be used later. */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
svc_time_determined = 1;
/* Otherwise we need to determine the number of
instructions */
/* in the packet. */
/* Determine the number of instructions in
the packet. */
success_code =
jsd_prmpt_res_get_instructions (pkptr, &pk_instructions);
successfully determined,
previously set,
/* If the number of instructions was
/* compute the service time of the packet.
if (success_code == GET_INST_SUCCESS)
pk_svc_time = pk_instructions /
/* Since the svc_time field was not
/* set it now for later statistical
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr,
"svc_time", pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable
to get service time from packet.");
/* Set a success flag to be used
later. */
svc_time_determined = 1;
/* It was not possible to get the
number of instructions from the packet. */
svc_time_determined = 0;
job_type field was not set.");
deallocate the packet. */
the packet and continuing.");
sprintf (err_str, "Error: the
/* Print error messages and
op_sim_message (err_str, "Dropping
op_pk_destroy (pkptr);
/* Set flag to ensure that
transition to svc_start does not occur. */
insert_ok = 0;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
successfully. */
the packet. */
/* Check whether the svc_time was determined
if (svc_time_determined == 1)
/* Write the remaining service time into
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr,
"svc_time_remain", pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to set
remaining service time in packet.");
time, to keep track of
/* Set the svc_start field to the current
/* when the packet first entered the
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "svc_start",
op_sim_time ()) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to set
service start time in packet.");
/* Check if the server is busy. If not,
the packet will be enqueued. */
if (server_busy)
/* If the server is busy, preemption
may be necessary. */
incoming packet is higher than
currently being served.
packet in service is necessary.
currently in service.
/* Check if the priority of the
/* the priority of the packet
if (op_pk_priority_get (pkptr) >
(current_subq , OPC_QPOS_HEAD);
/* If so, preemption of the
/* Get a pointer to the packet
head_pkptr = op_subq_pk_access
if (head_pkptr == OPC_NIL)
("Unable to get packet from head of subqueue.");
processing time the packet required */
/* Determine how much
/* before it entered the
if (op_pk_nfd_get (head_pkptr,
"svc_time_remain", &old_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
("Unable to get remaining service time from packet.");
/* Determine how much time has
been spent processing this packet so far. */
time_processed = op_sim_time
() - op_pk_stamp_time_get (head_pkptr);
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Change the service time
remaining in the packet being removed from the server. */
if (op_pk_nfd_set (head_pkptr,
"svc_time_remain", old_svc_time - time_processed) ==
("Unable to set remaining service time in packet.");
/* Cancel the interrupt which
indicates the end of this job. */
(svc_complete) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
if (op_intrpt_cancel
("Unable to cancel job completion interrupt.");
/* Make the server not busy.
type is double! */
server_busy = 0;
Get the packets priority, return
pk_prio=op_pk_priority_get (pkptr);
/* Attempt to enqueue the packet in
priority order in subqueue pk_prio. */
/* This code will be executed whether or
not preemption was necessary. */
if (op_subq_pk_insert ((int)pk_prio,
/* The insertion failed (due to a
full queue). Determine the
/* packet with the lowest priority
and remove it from the queue. */
low_pkptr = op_subq_pk_remove
((int)pk_prio, OPC_QPOS_TAIL);
if (low_pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable
to get lowest priority packet from subqueue.");
/* Determine the remaining service
if (op_pk_nfd_get (low_pkptr,
"svc_time_remain", &low_pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable
to get remaining service time from packet.");
time of the low priority packet.
the work left in the queue.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
/* Subtract this amount of time from
work_left_last -= low_pk_svc_time;
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Deallocate the packet with the
lowest priority. */
op_pk_destroy (low_pkptr);
/* Attempt to re-enqueue the new
packet in priority order in subqueue 0. */
if (op_subq_pk_insert ((int)pk_prio,
/* The insertion failed again.
Deallocate the new packet. */
op_pk_destroy (pkptr);
insertion fail.
This flag is used to
this state.
inserted packet to
for statistical use.
statistical use.
/* the work left in the queue,
work_left_last += pk_svc_time;
/* Insertion was successful */
insert_ok = 1;
/* Add the service time of the
/* the work left in the queue, for
/* Insertion was successful */
insert_ok = 1;
/* Add the service time of the
inserted packet to
/* Set flag indicating
/* determine transition out of
insert_ok = 0;
work_left_last += pk_svc_time;
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [arrival
enter execs]", state2_enter_exec)
/** state (arrival) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (2, "arrival", "jsd_prmpt_res
[arrival exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [arrival
exit execs]", state2_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [arrival
exit execs]", state2_exit_exec)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** state (arrival) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [arrival trans
conditions]", state2_trans_conds)
FSM_INIT_COND (!server_busy && insert_ok)
FSM_TEST_LOGIC ("arrival")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [arrival trans
conditions]", state2_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 3, state3_enter_exec, ;,
"!server_busy && insert_ok", "", "arrival", "svc_start")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 1, state1_enter_exec, ;,
"default", "", "arrival", "idle")
/** state (svc_start) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (3, state3_enter_exec,
"svc_start", "jsd_prmpt_res [svc_start enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res
[svc_start enter execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** When entering these executives, there will
be a packet at the
/** head of subqueue 0 that requires service.
This state begins **/
/** service for the packet and schedules an
interrupt for the
/** time of completion of service.
for (i=2; i>=0; i--)
if (!op_subq_empty(i))
subqueue 0. */
/* Get a handle on the packet at the head of
/* This does not remove the packet.
pkptr = op_subq_pk_access (sub_q_no,
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to access
packet at head of subqueue.");
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Set the current priority to the priority of
the packet beginning service. */
current_priority = op_pk_priority_get (pkptr);
/* Set the current subqueue to the subqueue of
the packet beginning service. */
current_subq = sub_q_no;
packet. */
/* Extract the remaining service time of the
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time_remain",
&pk_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get
remaining service time from packet.");
/* Schedule an interrupt for this process at the
time where service ends. */
svc_complete = op_intrpt_schedule_self
(op_sim_time () + pk_svc_time, 0);
if (op_ev_valid (svc_complete) == OPC_FALSE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to schedule
self interrupt for service completion.");
started. */
/* Stamp packet so that we know when processing
op_pk_stamp (pkptr);
/* Make the server busy. */
server_busy = 1;
[svc_start enter execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** state (svc_start) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (3, "svc_start", "jsd_prmpt_res
[svc_start exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res
[svc_start exit execs]", state3_exit_exec)
[svc_start exit execs]", state3_exit_exec)
/** state (svc_start) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
"", "svc_start", "idle")
/** state (svc_comp) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (4, state4_enter_exec,
"svc_comp", "jsd_prmpt_res [svc_comp enter execs]")
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [svc_comp
enter execs]", state4_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
packet completes **/
/** service. They record some statistics,
convert the packet
/** into an acknowledgement packet, and send it
back to the
/** address specified by the the orig_id and
orig_port fields **/
/** of the packet.
/* Extract the packet at the head of the queue.
/* This is the packet just finishing service.
pkptr = op_subq_pk_remove (current_subq,
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get packet
from head of subqueue.");
/* Determine when this packet first entered the
/* and how long it has been in the processor.
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_start",
&svc_start) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get
service start time from packet.");
time_in_processor = op_sim_time () - svc_start;
packet and how
the queue.
/* Determine the original service time of this
/* much processing delay it has experienced in
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time",
&original_svc_time) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get
original service time from packet.");
processing_delay = time_in_processor original_svc_time;
/* Prevent rounding off error. */
if (processing_delay < 0.0)
processing_delay = 0.0;
/* Write the processing delay statistic. */
op_stat_write (inst_delay_shandle,
/* Write the normalized delay statistic. */
op_stat_write (normalized_delay_shandle,
(time_in_processor / original_svc_time));
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Add to the counters for the total processing
/* number of packets serviced for use by the
average delay statistic.
total_delay += processing_delay;
delay and the
the queue
op_sim_time ());
ack. */
/* Update the statistic.*/
op_stat_write (mean_delay_shandle, total_delay /
/* Add to the counter of total work completed by
/* for use by the average throughput statistic.
total_work += original_svc_time;
/* Update the statistic. */
op_stat_write (avg_thruput_shandle, total_work /
/* Convert the job packet to a job completion
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "ack", 1) ==
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to set
acknowledgement flag in packet.");
/* Extract the originator's object id and port,
/* and deliver the ack packet to the originator.
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "orig_id", &orig_id)
op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "orig_port",
&orig_port) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_prmpt_res_error ("Unable to get
originator's object ID or port from packet.");
op_pk_deliver (pkptr, orig_id, orig_port);
/* Set the current priority to 0, since nothing
/* is being serviced at this moment.
current_priority = 0.0;
/* Make the server idle again. */
server_busy = 0;
[svc_comp enter execs]", state4_enter_exec)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** state (svc_comp) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (4, "svc_comp", "jsd_prmpt_res
[svc_comp exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [svc_comp
exit execs]", state4_exit_exec)
[svc_comp exit execs]", state4_exit_exec)
/** state (svc_comp) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("jsd_prmpt_res [svc_comp trans
conditions]", state4_trans_conds)
FSM_TEST_LOGIC ("svc_comp")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("jsd_prmpt_res [svc_comp
trans conditions]", state4_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 3, state3_enter_exec, ;,
"!QUEUE_EMPTY", "", "svc_comp", "svc_start")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 1, state1_enter_exec, ;,
"default", "", "svc_comp", "idle")
FSM_EXIT (0,jsd_prmpt_res)
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Register (const char * , int ,
VosT_Void_Null_Proc, VosT_Address *);
extern VosT_Address Vos_Catmem_Alloc (VosT_Address, size_t);
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (VosT_Address);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
jsd_prmpt_res_init (void ** gen_state_pptr)
int _block_origin = 0;
static VosT_Address
obtype = OPC_NIL;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FIN (jsd_prmpt_res_init (gen_state_pptr))
if (obtype == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize memory management */
if (Vos_Catmem_Register ("proc state vars (jsd_prmpt_res)",
sizeof (jsd_prmpt_res_state), Vos_Vnop, &obtype) ==
*gen_state_pptr = Vos_Catmem_Alloc (obtype, 1);
if (*gen_state_pptr == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize FSM handling */
((jsd_prmpt_res_state *)(*gen_state_pptr))->current_block =
jsd_prmpt_res_diag (void)
/* No Diagnostic Block */
jsd_prmpt_res_terminate (void)
int _block_origin = __LINE__;
FIN (jsd_prmpt_res_terminate (void))
Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (pr_state_ptr);
/* Undefine shortcuts to state variables to avoid */
/* syntax error in direct access to fields of */
/* local variable prs_ptr in jsd_prmpt_res_svar function. */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
jsd_prmpt_res_svar (void * gen_ptr, const char * var_name, char **
FIN (jsd_prmpt_res_svar (gen_ptr, var_name, var_p_ptr))
if (var_name == OPC_NIL)
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
prs_ptr = (jsd_prmpt_res_state *)gen_ptr;
if (strcmp ("server_busy" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->server_busy);
if (strcmp ("table_exists" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->table_exists);
if (strcmp ("num_lines" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->num_lines);
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
(strcmp ("processing_rate" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->processing_rate);
(strcmp ("current_priority" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->current_priority);
(strcmp ("last_update_time" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->last_update_time);
(strcmp ("total_busy_time" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->total_busy_time);
(strcmp ("work_left_last" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->work_left_last);
(strcmp ("total_work" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->total_work);
(strcmp ("total_delay" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->total_delay);
(strcmp ("num_pks_serviced" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->num_pks_serviced);
(strcmp ("win_size" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->win_size);
(strcmp ("Util_Stat_Hndl" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->Util_Stat_Hndl);
(strcmp ("Work_Left_Stat_Hndl" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->Work_Left_Stat_Hndl);
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
if (strcmp ("own_id" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->own_id);
if (strcmp ("svc_complete" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->svc_complete);
if (strcmp ("Job_Desc_Table" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->Job_Desc_Table);
if (strcmp ("job_type_table_id" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->job_type_table_id);
if (strcmp ("busy_signal_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->busy_signal_shandle);
if (strcmp ("inst_delay_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->inst_delay_shandle);
if (strcmp ("inst_wk_left_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->inst_wk_left_shandle);
if (strcmp ("normalized_delay_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->normalized_delay_shandle);
if (strcmp ("mean_util_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->mean_util_shandle);
if (strcmp ("avg_thruput_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->avg_thruput_shandle);
if (strcmp ("mean_delay_shandle" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->mean_delay_shandle);
if (strcmp ("current_subq" , var_name) == 0)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->current_subq);
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Appendix 3
/* Process model C form file: ta_gen.pr.c */
/* This variable carries the header into the object file */
static const char ta_gen_pr_c [] = "MIL_3_Tfile_Hdr_ 90A 30A modeler 7
3EF84C02 3EF84C02 1 its-2503-5 exjobb 0 0 none none 0 0 none 0 0 0 0 0 0
#include <string.h>
/* OPNET system definitions */
#include <opnet.h>
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
/* Header Block */
/* Symbolic constants to determine
/* which type of packets this */
/* Packet stream definitions */
creation */
/* The intrpt code for packet
/* Transition macros */
#define CREATE
(op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_SELF && \
op_intrpt_code () == JSDC_CREATE_INTRPT)
#define ARRIVAL
(op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_STRM && \
op_intrpt_strm () == JSDC_RCV_IN_STRM)
jsd_gen_request_creation ();
jsd_gen_error ();
/* End of Header Block */
#if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = __LINE__ _block_origin;
BINIT FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = 0; _block_origin =
#endif /* #if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN) */
/* State variable definitions */
typedef struct
/* Internal state tracking for FSM */
/* State Variables */
Distribution *
} ta_gen_state;
#define pr_state_ptr
#define own_id
#define active
#define instruction_range
#define priority_range
#define next_dist
#define ia_time
/* This macro definition will define a local variable called
/* "op_sv_ptr" in each function containing a FIN statement. */
/* This variable points to the state variable data structure,
/* and can be used from a C debugger to display their values.
ta_gen_state *op_sv_ptr = pr_state_ptr;
/* Function Block */
enum { _block_origin = __LINE__ };
jsd_gen_request_creation ()
/** This function computes the time until the next packet creation
/** from an exponential distribution based on the value of
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** the ia_time attribute. The function schedules an interrupt
/** at the time of the next creation.
FIN (jsd_gen_request_creation ());
/* Only schedule interrupts if this generator is currently active.
if (active)
/* Determine the next packet creation time. */
next_creation_time = op_dist_outcome (next_dist);
if (next_creation_time == OPC_DBL_INVALID)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to get next packet creation
time from distribution.");
/* Schedule an interrupt for that time. */
evh = op_intrpt_schedule_self (op_sim_time () +
next_creation_time, JSDC_CREATE_INTRPT);
if (op_ev_valid (evh) == OPC_FALSE)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to schedule self interrupt for
next packet creation.");
jsd_gen_error (msg)
/** Print an error message and exit the simulation. **/
FIN (jsd_gen_error (msg));
op_sim_end ("Error in JSD traffic generation process (jsd_gen):",
/* End of Function Block */
/* Undefine optional tracing in FIN/FOUT/FRET */
/* The FSM has its own tracing code and the other */
/* functions should not have any tracing.
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
void ta_gen (void);
Compcode ta_gen_init (void **);
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
void ta_gen_diag (void);
void ta_gen_terminate (void);
void ta_gen_svar (void *, const char *, char **);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
/* Process model interrupt handling procedure */
ta_gen (void)
int _block_origin
FIN (ta_gen ());
if (1)
= 0;
FSM_ENTER (ta_gen)
/** state (init) enter executives **/
[init enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [init enter
execs]", state0_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered only once,
at the beginning of the simulation. **/
/** simulation. Their purpose is to initialize
the process model. The attributes **/
/** of this particular generator are determined
and distributions are loaded.
/* Get generator module's own object id. */
own_id = op_id_self ();
interarrival times. */
/* Get the assigned value for the average packet
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id, "ia_time",
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to get mean packet
interarrival time from attribute.");
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Determine whether this particular generator
This attribute is useful
/* for being able to "delete" generators without
having to modify the node model.
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id, "active",
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to get activity
flag from attribute.");
is active.
/* Determine the upper bound of the number of
instructions of packets generated. */
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id,
"instruction_range", &instruction_range) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to get number of
instructions range from attribute.");
/* Determine the upper bound of the range of
priorities of packets generated.
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id,
"priority_range", &priority_range) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to get priority
range from attribute.");
interarrival times.
ia_time, 0.0);
arrival distribution.");
/* Load the distribution function for the packet
next_dist = op_dist_load ("exponential",
if (next_dist == OPC_NIL)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to load packet
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [init enter
execs]", state0_enter_exec)
/** state (init) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (0, "init", "ta_gen [init exit
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [init exit
execs]", state0_exit_exec)
/* When exiting this state, schedule the next
interrupt for
/* a packet creation by calling
jsd_gen_request_creation ();
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [init exit
execs]", state0_exit_exec)
/** state (init) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
"", "init", "idle")
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** state (idle) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_UNFORCED (1, state1_enter_exec,
"idle", "ta_gen [idle enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [idle enter
execs]", state1_enter_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [idle enter
execs]", state1_enter_exec)
/** blocking after enter executives of unforced state.
FSM_EXIT (3,ta_gen)
/** state (idle) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_UNFORCED (1, "idle", "ta_gen [idle exit
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [idle exit
execs]", state1_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [idle exit
execs]", state1_exit_exec)
/** state (idle) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 2, state2_enter_exec, ;,
"CREATE", "", "idle", "xmt")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 3, state3_enter_exec, ;,
"ARRIVAL", "", "idle", "rcv")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (2, 1, state1_enter_exec, ;,
"default", "", "idle", "idle")
/** state (xmt) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (2, state2_enter_exec, "xmt",
"ta_gen [xmt enter execs]")
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [xmt enter
execs]", state2_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
self-interrupt ocurrs, **/
/** indicating that it is time to create and
send a new packet.
/* Create a packet with the jsd format, and
retain the packet pointer. */
pkptr = op_pk_create_fmt ("jsd_pk");
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to create
packet will be delivered
/* Set the orig_id and orig_port so that the
/* back to this generator when it has been
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "orig_id", own_id) ==
op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "orig_port",
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to set ID or port
in newly created packet.");
field, but
/* The jsd packet format also contains an ack
/* it will be left unset, since the packet was
/* created and the field default is unset.
/* indicate that this packet is a request and
not an ack. */
from distribution.");
/** Set the appropriate field of the packet
/* instructions = op_dist_uniform
instructions = instruction_range;
if (instructions == OPC_DBL_INVALID)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to get instructions
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "instructions",
instructions) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to set instructions
in packet.");
packet. */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
/* Determine and set the priority of this
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* priority = op_dist_uniform (priority_range);
from distribution.");
priority = priority_range;
if (priority == OPC_DBL_INVALID)
jsd_gen_error ("Unable to get priority
op_pk_priority_set (pkptr, priority);
/* Send the packet over the XMT_OUT stream. */
op_pk_send (pkptr, JSDC_XMT_OUT_STRM);
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [xmt enter
execs]", state2_enter_exec)
/** state (xmt) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (2, "xmt", "ta_gen [xmt exit
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [xmt exit
execs]", state2_exit_exec)
/* When exiting this state, schedule the next
interrupt for
/* a packet creation by calling
jsd_gen_request_creation ();
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [xmt exit
execs]", state2_exit_exec)
"", "xmt", "idle")
/** state (xmt) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
/** state (rcv) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (3, state3_enter_exec, "rcv",
"ta_gen [rcv enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [rcv enter
execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
packet is received on the
/** RCV_IN_STRM. The packet is destroyed to
free its memory requirements.
/* Acquire the incoming packet. */
pkptr = op_pk_get (JSDC_RCV_IN_STRM);
/* Deallocate the packet. */
if (pkptr != OPC_NIL)
op_pk_destroy (pkptr);
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [rcv enter
execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** state (rcv) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (3, "rcv", "ta_gen [rcv exit
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_gen [rcv exit
execs]", state3_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_gen [rcv exit
execs]", state3_exit_exec)
"", "rcv", "idle")
/** state (rcv) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
FSM_EXIT (0,ta_gen)
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Register (const char * , int ,
VosT_Void_Null_Proc, VosT_Address *);
extern VosT_Address Vos_Catmem_Alloc (VosT_Address, size_t);
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (VosT_Address);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
ta_gen_init (void ** gen_state_pptr)
int _block_origin = 0;
static VosT_Address
obtype = OPC_NIL;
FIN (ta_gen_init (gen_state_pptr))
if (obtype == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize memory management */
if (Vos_Catmem_Register ("proc state vars (ta_gen)",
sizeof (ta_gen_state), Vos_Vnop, &obtype) ==
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
*gen_state_pptr = Vos_Catmem_Alloc (obtype, 1);
if (*gen_state_pptr == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize FSM handling */
((ta_gen_state *)(*gen_state_pptr))->current_block = 0;
ta_gen_diag (void)
/* No Diagnostic Block */
ta_gen_terminate (void)
int _block_origin = __LINE__;
FIN (ta_gen_terminate (void))
Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (pr_state_ptr);
/* Undefine shortcuts to state variables to avoid */
/* syntax error in direct access to fields of */
/* local variable prs_ptr in ta_gen_svar function. */
#undef own_id
#undef active
#undef instruction_range
#undef priority_range
#undef next_dist
#undef ia_time
ta_gen_svar (void * gen_ptr, const char * var_name, char ** var_p_ptr)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FIN (ta_gen_svar (gen_ptr, var_name, var_p_ptr))
if (var_name == OPC_NIL)
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
prs_ptr = (ta_gen_state *)gen_ptr;
if (strcmp ("own_id" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->own_id);
if (strcmp ("active" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->active);
if (strcmp ("instruction_range" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->instruction_range);
if (strcmp ("priority_range" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->priority_range);
if (strcmp ("next_dist" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->next_dist);
if (strcmp ("ia_time" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->ia_time);
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
Appendix 4
/* Process model C form file: ta_wfq.pr.c */
/* This variable carries the header into the object file */
static const char ta_wfq_pr_c [] = "MIL_3_Tfile_Hdr_ 90A 30A modeler 7
3EFDA029 3EFDA029 1 its-2503-5 exjobb 0 0 none none 0 0 none 0 0 0 0 0 0
#include <string.h>
/* OPNET system definitions */
#include <opnet.h>
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
/* Header Block */
#include <stdlib.h>
/* atof(), atoi() */
op_q_empty ()
/* Packet arrival macro */
#define PK_ARRIVAL
op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_STRM
/* Service completion macro */
#define SVC_COMPLETION op_intrpt_type () == OPC_INTRPT_SELF
#define SUBQ_EMPTY
double VT (void);
void ta_wfq_error (char * msg);
double retmaximum (double val1,double val2);
double SoQ_calc(int sq);
double get_VFT (int sq);
/* End of Header Block */
#if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = __LINE__ _block_origin;
BINIT FIN_LOCAL_FIELD(last_line_passed) = 0; _block_origin =
#endif /* #if !defined (VOSD_NO_FIN) */
/* State variable definitions */
typedef struct
/* Internal state tracking for FSM */
/* State Variables */
} ta_wfq_state;
#define pr_state_ptr
#define processing_rate
#define own_id
#define weight
#define active_queues
#define server_busy
/* This macro definition will define a local variable called
/* "op_sv_ptr" in each function containing a FIN statement. */
/* This variable points to the state variable data structure,
/* and can be used from a C debugger to display their values.
ta_wfq_state *op_sv_ptr = pr_state_ptr;
/* Function Block */
enum { _block_origin = __LINE__ };
double VT (void)
int no_active_q;
int i;
double virtual_time;
/** This function returns the virtual time **/
/* Determine number of active queues */
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
no_active_q += active_queues[i];
Tommy Svensson
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Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Calculate virtual time*/
virtual_time = 1/retmaximum(1.0 , no_active_q);
return virtual_time;
double retmaximum (double val1,double val2)
/** This function takes two values as arguments and returns the
/** biggest value **/
if (val1 < val2)
return val2;
return val1;
double SoQ_calc(int sq)
double tot_weight;
double SoQ_value;
int i;
/** This function returns share of queue **/
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
if (active_queues[i]== SUBQ_ACTIVE )
if (tot_weight==0.0)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to determine SoQ");
SoQ_value = weight[sq]/tot_weight;
return SoQ_value;
double get_VFT (int sq)
double dval;
double prev_pk_vft;
Packet* pkptr;
/* Determine how many jobs there are in the queue. */
dval = op_subq_stat (sq, OPC_QSTAT_PKSIZE);
if (dval == OPC_DBL_INVALID)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get number of packets in
if ( (int)dval == SUBQ_EMPTY)
return 0.0;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Get a handle to the tail packet */
pkptr = op_subq_pk_access (sq,OPC_QPOS_TAIL);
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to access packet in subqueue.");
/* Determine VFT */
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time_remain", &prev_pk_vft)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get remaining service time
from packet.");
return prev_pk_vft;
ta_wfq_error (msg)
/** Print an error message and exit the simulation. **/
FIN (ta_wfq_error (msg));
op_sim_end ("Error in WFQ process (ta_wfq):",
/* End of Function Block */
/* Undefine optional tracing in FIN/FOUT/FRET */
/* The FSM has its own tracing code and the other */
/* functions should not have any tracing.
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
void ta_wfq (void);
Compcode ta_wfq_init (void **);
void ta_wfq_diag (void);
void ta_wfq_terminate (void);
void ta_wfq_svar (void *, const char *, char **);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} /* end of 'extern "C"' */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Process model interrupt handling procedure */
ta_wfq (void)
int _block_origin = 0;
FIN (ta_wfq ());
if (1)
FSM_ENTER (ta_wfq)
/** state (init) enter executives **/
[init enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [init enter
execs]", state0_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered only once,
at the beginning of the simulation.
/** Their purpose is to initialize the process
model. The attributes of this particular **/
/** module are determined and state variables
are initialized.
/* Get queue module's own object id. */
own_id = op_id_self ();
/* Get assigned value of server processing rate.
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id,
"processing_rate", &processing_rate) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get processing
rate from attribute.");
weight. */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
/* Get assigned value of the queue0-queue2
Master thesis MEE 03:24
if (op_ima_obj_attr_get (own_id,
"queue_weight0", &weight[i] ) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get queue
weight from attribute.");
/* Set subqueues to inactive */
/* Set server as free */
server_busy= SERVER_FREE;
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [init enter
execs]", state0_enter_exec)
/** state (init) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (0, "init", "ta_wfq [init exit
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [init exit
execs]", state0_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [init exit
execs]", state0_exit_exec)
/** state (init) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
"", "init", "idle")
/** state (idle) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_UNFORCED (1, state1_enter_exec,
"idle", "ta_wfq [idle enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [idle enter
execs]", state1_enter_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [idle enter
execs]", state1_enter_exec)
/** blocking after enter executives of unforced state.
FSM_EXIT (3,ta_wfq)
/** state (idle) exit executives **/
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_STATE_EXIT_UNFORCED (1, "idle", "ta_wfq [idle exit
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [idle exit
execs]", state1_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [idle exit
execs]", state1_exit_exec)
/** state (idle) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [idle trans
conditions]", state1_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 3, state3_enter_exec, ;,
"SVC_COMPLETION", "", "idle", "svc_comp")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 2, state2_enter_exec, ;,
"PK_ARRIVAL", "", "idle", "enqueue")
/** state (enqueue) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (2, state2_enter_exec,
"enqueue", "ta_wfq [enqueue enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [enqueue enter
execs]", state2_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
packet arrives on an input stream.
input stream.");
/* Acquire the arriving packet. */
/* Multiple arriving streams are supported. */
pkptr = op_pk_get (op_intrpt_strm());
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get packet from
Determine this packet's priority
pk_prio=op_pk_priority_get (pkptr);
/* Set subQueue as active */
active_queues[(int)pk_prio] = SUBQ_ACTIVE;
/* Determine VFT for packet in queue tail */
VFT = get_VFT( (int)pk_prio );
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Calculate Vitrual Start Time */
VST = retmaximum ( VFT , VT() );
/* Get the number of instructions directly
/* from the named field in the packet.
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "instructions",
&instructions) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get instructions
field from packet.");
/* Calculate Service time för this packet */
SVC_TIME = instructions/processing_rate;
/* Calculate Share of Queue */
SoQ = SoQ_calc((int)pk_prio);
/* Calculate Virtual Finish Time*/
/* Attach the VFT to the packet */
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "svc_time_remain",
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to set VFT field in
subqueue pk_prio. */
/* Attach the service time to the packet */
if (op_pk_nfd_set (pkptr, "svc_time", SVC_TIME)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to set VFT field in
/* Attempt to enqueue the packet at the tail of
if (op_subq_pk_insert ((int)pk_prio, pkptr,
/* The insertion failed (due to a full
queue). Deallocate the packet. */
op_pk_destroy (pkptr);
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [enqueue enter
execs]", state2_enter_exec)
exit execs]")
/** state (enqueue) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (2, "enqueue", "ta_wfq [enqueue
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [enqueue exit
execs]", state2_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [enqueue exit
execs]", state2_exit_exec)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/** state (enqueue) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [enqueue trans
conditions]", state2_trans_conds)
FSM_INIT_COND (!server_busy)
FSM_TEST_LOGIC ("enqueue")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [enqueue trans
conditions]", state2_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 4, state4_enter_exec, ;,
"!server_busy", "", "enqueue", "scheduler")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 1, state1_enter_exec, ;,
"default", "", "enqueue", "idle")
/** state (svc_comp) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (3, state3_enter_exec,
"svc_comp", "ta_wfq [svc_comp enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [svc_comp enter
execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** These executives are encountered when a
packet completes **/
/** service.
completing service. */
the service */
/* Determine the subqueue of the packet just
/* This is passed as the code associated with
/* completion interrupt.
subq_no = op_intrpt_code ();
/* Extract the packet which is the current job.
/* This is the packet just finishing service.
pkptr = op_subq_pk_remove (subq_no,
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to extract packet to
service from subqueue.");
packet. */
/* Packet has been serviced. Deallocate the
op_pk_destroy (pkptr);
/* Determine if subqueue is empty */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
packets in subqueue.");
system */
dval = op_subq_stat (subq_no, OPC_QSTAT_PKSIZE);
if (dval == OPC_DBL_INVALID)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get number of
if (dval==0.0)
/* Determine if there still are packets i the
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [svc_comp enter
execs]", state3_enter_exec)
/** state (svc_comp) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (3, "svc_comp", "ta_wfq
[svc_comp exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [svc_comp exit
execs]", state3_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [svc_comp exit
execs]", state3_exit_exec)
/** state (svc_comp) transition processing **/
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [svc_comp trans
conditions]", state3_trans_conds)
FSM_TEST_LOGIC ("svc_comp")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [svc_comp trans
conditions]", state3_trans_conds)
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (0, 4, state4_enter_exec, ;,
"!QUEUE_EMPTY", "", "svc_comp", "scheduler")
FSM_CASE_TRANSIT (1, 1, state1_enter_exec, ;,
"default", "", "svc_comp", "idle")
/** state (scheduler) enter executives **/
FSM_STATE_ENTER_FORCED (4, state4_enter_exec,
"scheduler", "ta_wfq [scheduler enter execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [scheduler enter
execs]", state4_enter_exec)
/** These executives schedules the packet with
smallest VFQ for transmisstion.
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
/* Determine subq with smallest VFT */
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
if (active_queues[i]==SUBQ_ACTIVE)
/* Get a handle to the HoL packet */
pkptr = op_subq_pk_access
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to
access packet in subqueue.");
/* Determine VFT */
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr,
"svc_time_remain", &VFT) == OPC_COMPCODE_FAILURE)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get
VFT from packet.");
if (min_VFT==0.0)
else if (min_VFT>VFT)
from packet.");
SVC_TIME, subq_no);
/* Access packet with smallest VFT */
pkptr = op_subq_pk_access
if (pkptr == OPC_NIL)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to access packet in
/* Determine the packet's service time */
if (op_pk_nfd_get (pkptr, "svc_time", &SVC_TIME)
ta_wfq_error ("Unable to get service time
/* Schedule the packet for service */
op_intrpt_schedule_self (op_sim_time () +
/* Set server as busy */
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [scheduler
enter execs]", state4_enter_exec)
/** state (scheduler) exit executives **/
FSM_STATE_EXIT_FORCED (4, "scheduler", "ta_wfq
[scheduler exit execs]")
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_IN ("ta_wfq [scheduler exit
execs]", state4_exit_exec)
FSM_PROFILE_SECTION_OUT ("ta_wfq [scheduler exit
execs]", state4_exit_exec)
/** state (scheduler) transition processing **/
FSM_TRANSIT_FORCE (1, state1_enter_exec, ;, "default",
"", "scheduler", "idle")
FSM_EXIT (0,ta_wfq)
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Register (const char * , int ,
VosT_Void_Null_Proc, VosT_Address *);
extern VosT_Address Vos_Catmem_Alloc (VosT_Address, size_t);
extern VosT_Fun_Status Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (VosT_Address);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
ta_wfq_init (void ** gen_state_pptr)
int _block_origin = 0;
static VosT_Address
obtype = OPC_NIL;
FIN (ta_wfq_init (gen_state_pptr))
if (obtype == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize memory management */
if (Vos_Catmem_Register ("proc state vars (ta_wfq)",
sizeof (ta_wfq_state), Vos_Vnop, &obtype) ==
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
*gen_state_pptr = Vos_Catmem_Alloc (obtype, 1);
if (*gen_state_pptr == OPC_NIL)
/* Initialize FSM handling */
((ta_wfq_state *)(*gen_state_pptr))->current_block = 0;
ta_wfq_diag (void)
/* No Diagnostic Block */
ta_wfq_terminate (void)
int _block_origin = __LINE__;
FIN (ta_wfq_terminate (void))
Vos_Catmem_Dealloc (pr_state_ptr);
/* Undefine shortcuts to state variables to avoid */
/* syntax error in direct access to fields of */
/* local variable prs_ptr in ta_wfq_svar function. */
#undef processing_rate
#undef own_id
#undef weight
#undef active_queues
#undef server_busy
ta_wfq_svar (void * gen_ptr, const char * var_name, char ** var_p_ptr)
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu
Master thesis MEE 03:24
FIN (ta_wfq_svar (gen_ptr, var_name, var_p_ptr))
if (var_name == OPC_NIL)
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
prs_ptr = (ta_wfq_state *)gen_ptr;
if (strcmp ("processing_rate" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->processing_rate);
if (strcmp ("own_id" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->own_id);
if (strcmp ("weight" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (prs_ptr->weight);
if (strcmp ("active_queues" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (prs_ptr->active_queues);
if (strcmp ("server_busy" , var_name) == 0)
*var_p_ptr = (char *) (&prs_ptr->server_busy);
*var_p_ptr = (char *)OPC_NIL;
Tommy Svensson
Alex Popescu