CenterStone - manhattan


CenterStone - manhattan
Release Notes
Version | 4.31 SP1
Date | December 2014
Manhattan Software Inc.
World Leading Real Estate, Asset
& Facilities Management Software
The information contained herein is the property of Manhattan Software, a Trimble company and may not be copied,
used or disclosed in whole or in part except with the prior written permission of Manhattan Software.
Table of Contents
CenterStone 4.31 SP1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
New Features......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Improved Reports User Interface ..............................................................................................................................2
Space Assignment Survey ..........................................................................................................................................2
General Enhancements .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Import Process Failed Records File............................................................................................................................3
Receive Report in Email .........................................................................................................................................4
Save Report to a Location .....................................................................................................................................4
New Multi-Select Control For Custom Searches .......................................................................................................5
Search for Null Values ...............................................................................................................................................8
MAC Non-HR Moves ..................................................................................................................................................9
Floor Polyline Audit Tracking ...................................................................................................................................10
New HR Fields for Space Console and Custom Search ............................................................................................12
Print Selected Areas on a Floor Plan .......................................................................................................................12
New Building Fields for Custom Searches ...............................................................................................................13
Site UDAs in Custom Searches ................................................................................................................................13
Building UDAs in Custom Searches..........................................................................................................................14
Floor UDAs in Custom Searches ..............................................................................................................................16
Changes ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Page Breaks Between Columns PDF Issue ...............................................................................................................17
Headers Included in Report Exports to Excel ..........................................................................................................17
Data Export Option for Head Count ........................................................................................................................17
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
Table of Contents
Figure 1: Report Explorer ...............................................................................................................................................2
Figure 2: Import Options ...............................................................................................................................................3
Figure 3: Import in Background .....................................................................................................................................4
Figure 4: Import Now with Error Report........................................................................................................................4
Figure 5: Custom Search Criteria changes .....................................................................................................................5
Figure 6: Custom Search Criteria changes .....................................................................................................................5
Figure 7: Using Multi-select ...........................................................................................................................................6
Figure 8: Multi-select dialog box – main application .....................................................................................................7
Figure 9: Multi-select dialog box – MAC ........................................................................................................................7
Figure 10: HR Required ..................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 11: Floor Console ..............................................................................................................................................10
Figure 12: Legend Properties Dialog Box .....................................................................................................................11
Figure 13: Polyline Tracking Information .....................................................................................................................11
Figure 14: Polyline Tracking Search Filters ..................................................................................................................11
Figure 15: Search Results .............................................................................................................................................12
Figure 16: Polyline Tracking Report .............................................................................................................................12
Figure 17: Print Floor Plan Drawing .............................................................................................................................13
Figure 18: Site UDAs in Custom Searches ....................................................................................................................14
Figure 19: Building UDAs in Custom Searches .............................................................................................................15
Figure 20: Floor UDAs in Custom Searches ..................................................................................................................16
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Manhattan Software Inc. is pleased to introduce additional new functionality and product
enhancements for users with the release of CenterStone 4.31 SP1.
This Release Notes document includes:
New Features
General Enhancements
NOTE: Beginning with the CenterStone 4.31 release, users must have Java 1.6 or higher.
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Improved Reports User Interface
The Report Explorer user interface has been streamlined and improved to simplify the overall reporting
NOTE: Please refer to the “CenterStone Reports User Guide” for more information.
Figure 1: Report Explorer screen
NOTE: Nested reports have been removed from the report explorer and you will no longer be
able to run previously created nested reports. As an alternative, you can utilize User
Defined Classifications (UDCs) instead of nested reports to get data from multiple report
Space Assignment Survey
A new Space Survey tool has been created to allow organizations to request input from various
department leaders/managers regarding the status of office space under their control. This information
is typically manually collected in the form of emails or a spreadsheet and often requires double entry of
the same data from one source to another. The Space Survey tool automates the process of prompting
users for feedback regarding the status of spaces under their ownership.
NOTE: Please refer to the “CenterStone Space Survey User Guide” for more information.
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Import Process Failed Records File
You can now determine if an import results text file of failed records will be emailed to you or saved to a
specified location if an import fails. The text file lists all the import columns plus an additional column
with the import error message. Only those records that failed the import are included in the text file.
For example, assume you import a file with the following information:
Smith Manager
Technical Manager
The second record would fail the import and the import results text file with the following information
would be generated:
Technical Manager
Update failed: First name is required
On the Import HumanResources screen, click the Options button.
Navigation: HR tab  Record menu  Import  Browse and select file to import  OK
Figure 2: Import Options
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Receive Report in Email
You will need to run imports in the background so that the text file of results can be sent via email as an
attachment. Select Import in Background and specify the email address and specify the email address
to which the text file will be sent. The file is sent as an attachment to the email and the file name will be
the Import Type name with the date and time appended (e.g.,
Figure 3: Import in Background
Save Report to a Location
Select Import Now with Error Report, enter a location to which to save the text file with the failed
records. The filename will be defaulted to contain the Import Type name as well as appending the date
and time. If there are any failed records after the import completes, the failed records will be written to
the indicated location with the file name entered by the user. If there are no failed records in the
import, t file will still be generated but will be blank.
Figure 4: Import Now with Error Report
NOTE: The admin setting import_save_error_txt must be turned on for the text file to be
created for failed imports. If this admin setting is not on, the Location field above will
be grayed out. Please contact Client Services to turn this setting on. The same
functionality applies when executing offline imports via the EC1XML tool kit (assuming
the admin setting is on).
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
New Multi-Select Control For Custom Searches
You can now select multiple values within one search filter. Existing custom searches will not be
affected by this change and work as they do today. You will need to either edit your existing searches or
create new searches to use the multi-select functionality. Custom Search filters will now support the
following control types:
Drop Down
Free Flow Text
NOTE: Multi-select will only available for fields that currently support drop-downs. Multi-select
will not be available for fields that only support Free Flow Text.
Figure 5: Custom Search Criteria changes
Figure 6: Custom Search Criteria changes
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Once a custom search has been created with the multi-select control type, you can press the multiselect button on the search screen.
Figure 7: Using Multi-select
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
The Multi-select dialog box displays to allow you select multiple values.
Figure 8: Multi-select dialog box – main application
Figure 9: Multi-select dialog box – MAC
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Search for Null Values
You now have the ability to search for NULL (i.e., blank) values on all filter fields within a Custom Search.
This applies to all operators ("equals", "not equal to", "begins with", "ends with", "contains") and all
data types (alphanumeric, dates, numeric). This allows you to verify errors and omissions when
importing or manually entering updates to the database without having to export to Excel or Access to
find the NULL values. To search for a NULL value, simply enter [NULL] (including the brackets) in the
desired filter field.
NOTE: When searching on numeric fields (integer or decimal), values of 0 or 0.0 are considered
null and included in a [NULL] search.
Integer Field:
Equals 0
Will display all null and 0 values
Equals [NULL]
Will display all null and 0 values
Decimal Field:
Equals 0.0
Will display all null and 0.0 values
Equals [NULL]
Will display all null and 0.0 values
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
MAC Non-HR Moves
You can now designate a move request as a non-HR move type.
Figure 10: HR Required
By default all Move Request/Order Item Types will be checked as “HR Required”. You now have the
ability to override this selection and to not require an HR if desired. The system will automatically detect
when the Move Request/Order Item Type selected does not require an HR. In that scenario, you will
have the ability to click on the search icon next to the From Location and manually select an existing
location. Optionally, you have the ability to manually enter a From Location.
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Floor Polyline Audit Tracking
You can now view audit information regarding when polyline changes were last made to a Floor and
who made those changes. This information displays in an easy-to- read audit stamp format on the Floor
Console and in the drawing legend.
Figure 11: Floor Console
To view polyline audit tracking in the legend, you must select the Polygon Last Mod Date and Polygon
Last Mod User checkboxes of the Legend Properties dialog box.
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Figure 12: Legend Properties Dialog Box
The Polyline Tracking information will then appear in the legend of the floor plan.
Figure 13: Polyline Tracking Information
Additionally, the Polyline Last User Modified By and Polyline Last Modified Date fields have been added
to the Filter and Result fields within the Floor Custom Search Console.
Figure 14: Polyline Tracking Search Filters
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Figure 15: Search Results
And lastly, the Polyline Last User Modified By and Polyline Last Modified Date fields have been added to
Figure 16: Polyline Tracking Report
New HR Fields for Space Console and Custom Search
You can now add the following HR fields for the space console or custom search:
Employee Number
Employee Type
Employee Last Name
Employee First Name
Employee Middle Name
Print Selected Areas on a Floor Plan
You can now select a single Space, Zone, or Measured Area on a floor plan and print that polygon. The
polygon will be centered on the printed page. In addition, you can select multiple Spaces, Zones, or
Measured Areas and print those selected areas. The selected polygons each print on a separate sheet of
paper, centered on the page.
Simply select the desired areas on the floor plan (the polygons will have a red border), and then select
Selected Area(s) and Fit Selected Sheet on the Print dialog box.
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Figure 17: Print Floor Plan Drawing
NOTE: This new functionality is also available when the Destination is set to Print to PDF File,
however it is not available when Print to Image File is selected.
New Building Fields for Custom Searches
The following Buildings fields are available to use for Floor, Space, Zone, Measured Area, Move, Business
Unit, and Human Resource custom searches.
Field Name
Filter Field Type
Result Field Type
Building Code
Free Flow Text
Building Type
Free Flow Text,
Drop Down and
Complex Name
Free Flow Text
Building Manager
Free Flow Text
Building Owner
Free Flow Text
Site UDAs in Custom Searches
Site UDAs are available in the Building, Floor, Space, Measured Area and Zone custom searches. To help
distinguish the Site UDAs from other UDAs in the search, all Site UDAs will be prefixed with “UDA-Site-“.
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Figure 18: Site UDAs in Custom Searches
Building UDAs in Custom Searches
Building UDAs are available in the Floor, Space, Measured Area and Zone custom searches. To help
distinguish the Building UDAs from other UDAs in the search, all Building UDAs will be prefixed with
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Figure 19: Building UDAs in Custom Searches
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Floor UDAs in Custom Searches
Floor UDAs are available in the Space, Measured Area and Zone custom searches. To help distinguish
the Floor UDAs from other UDAs in the search, all Floor UDAs will be prefixed with “UDA-Floor-“.
Figure 20: Floor UDAs in Custom Searches
© Manhattan Software, Inc.
4.31 SP1Release Notes
Page Breaks Between Columns PDF Issue
For the output formats Excel, CSV, and DHTML, page breaks between columns have been removed since
they do not really make sense in those output formats. When PDF is the selected output, the suggested
solution is to use the Excel format option and do your PDF printing from within Excel. Alternatively,
there is a feature in PDF files that mitigates the problem. When you have the PDF file open after
generating the report, you can use the Overlap feature in Adobe Reader. Select File -> Print -> Poster ->
Overlap. For example, using an overlap of one inch which will show the entire column content on a
printed page.
NOTE: There is no similarity in the UDA names/Labels between CenterStone and Manhattan
Space. The naming convention in the CenterStone system is to spell out names like
Building, Floor, and Site. The naming convention in Manhattan Space uses
abbreviations/acronyms (such as BLD for Building, FLR for Floor, and SIT for site). This is
due to the 22-character column limitations in the Manhattan Space Oracle database.
Headers Included in Report Exports to Excel
When exporting reports to Excel, the column headers are now included.
Data Export Option for Head Count
The Data Export option is now available in reports when the Actual Head Count or Planned Head Count
columns are selected in conjunction with the Select Summary Columns option.
© Manhattan Software, Inc.