information - First Baptist Church of Springfield, VA


information - First Baptist Church of Springfield, VA
First Baptist Church of Springfield
“Another Season, Another Harvest”
Ministry and Outreach Initiatives
“Another Season, Another Harvest”
In this brochure:
Student Ministry
“Next Generations”
Ministry and Outreach
Children’s Ministry
Building Improvements
Youth Minister for
FBC, Chalmette, LA
“Then he said to his
disciples, ‘The
harvest is plentiful
but the workers are
few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest,
therefore, to send
out workers into his
harvest field.’”
Matthew 9:37-38
Eight years ago the
church engaged in a
very successful campaign to eliminate the
church’s mortgage indebtedness. “Our Gathering the Harvest . . .
For Such a Time as
This” campaign enabled
us to use more resources
for ministry rather than
building payments. Resources in the budget
for our women’s ministry, our men’s ministry,
and a full-time pastor
for the Hispanic Fellowship are a direct result of this campaign.
were also made available for our student,
children’s, discipleship,
technical arts (sound
and media), and communications ministries
and for community missions.
As a church, we are now
giving our attention to
“Another Season, Another Harvest.” It is
“another season” in the
life of our church. The
changing and changed
demographics in our
community and the
membership of our
church and the relocations of longstanding
members have accentuated the need for us to
look toward God’s future for our church.
The “fields” are still full
of people who are ready
for “another harvest”
as we seek to be faithful
to our mission to share
the Good News of Jesus
The church has recently
adopted a plan of initiatives which will focus
especially on our ministry and outreach to
younger families and
individuals, youth, and
children. These initiatives are:
The renovation of the
Youth Room to create a Student Ministry Center
resources for ministry
and outreach designed
to reach the “next
generations” of young
adults and young
The employment of a
part-time children’s
ministry leader
Several building improvements designed
to enhance the welcome areas in the
strengthen the capability to use media in
the sanctuary
A partnership with
First Baptist Church,
Chalmette, Louisiana,
Page 2
“Another Season, Another Harvest” Ministry and Outreach Initiatives
“Another Season, Another Harvest”
(continued from page 1)
to provide a stipend
for a youth minister
for their church for
three years
We have voted as a
$375,000 in undesignated church reserves
for these initiatives and
to engage in the
“Another Season, Another Harvest” cam-
paign to seek to provide
the additional $425,000
needed to fund fully
these initiatives.
This brochure will give
you some additional
information about these
ministry and outreach
these initiatives and
your participation in
“Another Season, Another Harvest” as we
look ahead and move
forward today and into
the future with confidence in God, who has
promised, “For I know
the plans I have for
you . . . plans to prosper
you and not to harm
you, plans to give you
future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Student Ministry Center Renovation
Student Ministry
Resources Needed:
($502,774 total cost
less $78,716
currently available
in designated funds)
For some time, there
has been the intention
to renovate the Youth
Room. The “Another
Season, Another Harvest” plan allocates
some resources to do so.
The student ministry
team developed this
space with five main
goals in mind that are
found in the Scriptures:
discipleship, worship,
ministry, evangelism,
and fellowship. These
goals are also explained
in the popular book The
Purposes Driven Church.
Let us take a closer look
at each one.
(continued on page 3)
The plan for the Student Ministry Center Renovation.
First Baptist Church of Springfield
Page 3
Student Ministry Center Renovations
(continued from page 2)
Currently there are only
two classrooms in the
Youth Room. Some of
the students meet in
different areas of the
building and even on
different floors for Sunday School. The new
design creates five classrooms, plus one area in
the larger room. This
will make a total of six
classes, which will allow
the students to all remain in the same area.
These rooms will also be
used for small groups on
Sunday night.
Another concern was
retaining an area to
have the Wednesday
night youth service.
The renovation design
creates a larger stage
that will provide room
for dramas, a worship
band, and other service
related activities.
A larger stage will give
an opportunity for the
students in the Drama
team, the praise band
team, and others to use
their talents for God.
The current stage now
holds a drum set and
there is little room for
anything else. Also, the
plan includes a new welcome area for the students to welcome guests
and get some information from them.
The room is designed so
that students will want
to come and hang out
and bring their friends.
When they come, they
will hear the gospel and
will be given an opportunity to respond.
Fellowship is very important to students. So
the design includes areas that will help students to cultivate relationships. One of these
area is a café. Students
love Starbucks. The
concept is great and
teens love to go to Starbucks together. They
like the tables, and the
comfortable environment where they can
talk while drinking a $5
cup of coffee. The new
Student Ministry Center will have a café built
into it. Students can
fellowship, drink some
exotic-named coffee
and eat pizza before
and after our services.
The room will also have
a place for games. Most
teens have games and
game tables in their
basements, and many
are not used. They become folding tables for
laundry! Why? Because
teens don’t like to play
alone. If their friends
are not there, then it is
not as fun. The new
Youth Room design
provides areas that are
created to connect students with students.
This will provide opportunities for friendships,
which, in turn, will
cause students to want
to come back.
This facility says to our
students and the friends
that they invite, “You
are important to us—
We care about you!”
With that said, the goal
is NOT to entertain stu(continued on page 4)
Youth at Centrifuge, 2004.
For more pictures
and information
about the renovation
plans please visit
our website:
and come to the
Youth Room Open
House on June 8.
Page 4
“Another Season, Another Harvest” Ministry and Outreach Initiatives
Student Ministry Center Renovations
dents. The goal is to
attract them and to capture their attention long
enough to share with
them the Good News of
Jesus Christ. Then they
will have a place where
they can worship, grow,
fellowship, and feel
comfortable inviting
their friends to.
In addition, this facility
will also benefit a new
college ministry at First
Baptist Church of
groups within the
church will also be able
to use the room.
“Next Generations” Ministry and Outreach
Resources Needed:
Worship during the 50th
Anniversary celebration,
The “Another Season,
Another Harvest” plan
sets aside some resources for the development of a ministry and
outreach to the “next
generations” of young
adults and young families. This ministry and
outreach would have a
target age of 40 and
We envision the calling
of a person to “plant” a
new work within our
congregation designed
to reach the “next generations.” This person
would be conversant
with the culture of the
“next generations,” but
grounded in Biblical
truth with a Biblical
worldview. He would
be of peer age, with
theological depth and
“planting” a new work
and reaching the “next
There are several different approaches this
ministry could take.
The possibilities include
working within the current worship and discipleship structures of the
church; creating new
structures, such alternative worship times
and a small group approach to discipleship;
or following the model
of a multisite ministry,
which is currently being
employed successfully
in many churches and
communities, by which
one church functions in
more than one location.
A study/work group
formed by the Church
Council, with complementary support from
the Deacon Council, is
beginning to study
these approaches, with
the intention of presenting information to the
months. At that time,
the church will be able
to discuss thoroughly
the shape of this ministry and outreach to the
“next generations” and
then to adopt recommendations for implementation of the approach we have determined is the best for us
“Another Season, Another Harvest” plan
will provide the necessary financial resources
for this ministry and
outreach when we are
ready to proceed with
the “planting” of this
new work.
(continued on page 5)
First Baptist Church of Springfield
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“Next Generations” Ministry and Outreach
(continued from page 4)
Our goal for the provision of resources for this
ministry and outreach
is $250,000. This estimate has been determined on the basis of an
observation of a church
planting and church
growth consultant that
a new church plant
would need at least
$100,000 per year for
two years for the initial
start of the work.
These resources provide
for the person who
would lead the new
work, promotion and
programming, and a
meeting place for worship if the multisite
model was pursued. It
is possible that a small
amount of additional
resources may be available from denominational bodies. Also, as
new people become a
part of the life of a
church, additional financial resources may
become available.
Employment of a Part-time Children’s Ministry Leader
George Barna, the
evangelical researcher,
has come to the conclusion, based on his research, that “ministry
to children is the single
most strategic ministry
in God’s kingdom.” He
“A series of
studies we conducted
regarding the age at
which people accept
Christ as their Savior
highlights the importance of having people
invite Jesus into their
heart as their Savior
when they are young.
We discovered the
probability of someone
embracing Jesus as his
or her Savior was 32
percent for those between the ages of 5 and
12; 4 percent for those
in the 13- to 18-age
range; and 6 percent for
people 19 or older.”
Barna’s research has
also revealed that a person’s lifelong behaviors
and views are generally
developed when they
are young. He maintains,
“The research reinforces
one simple but profound truth over and
over again: If you want
to have a lasting influence upon the world,
you must invest in people’s lives; and if you
want to maximize that
investment, then you
must invest in those
people when they are
young” (from Transforming Children into
Why Children Should Be
Your Church’s #1 Priority).
In addition to this reality about the significance of reaching and
shaping the lives of
Christ, a strong children’s ministry is also a
way of reaching families
and involving them in
the life of the church.
Further, a strong children’s ministry contrib(continued on page 6)
VBS, 2005.
Ministry Leader
Resources Needed:
(Based on $300 per
week for 52 weeks
for 3 years)
Page 6
“Another Season, Another Harvest” Ministry and Outreach Initiatives
Employment of a Part-time Children’s Ministry Leader
(continued from page 5)
GA “Mom and Me” Camp,
utes to a strong student
ministry as the children
grow and mature and
become middle school
and high school students.
A few years ago we had
discussions about the
importance of children’s
ministry for our church
and about the possibility of employing someone to lead our children’s ministry. We did
not pursue that possibility at that time. The
“Another Season, Another Harvest” plan,
however, includes resources for employing a
ministry leader. This
commitment would be
initially for three years,
with resources of $300 a
week for the three
years. At the end of the
three-year period, the
nature and strength of
our children’s ministry
would be evaluated. A
decision would then be
made about providing
Building Improvements
Resources Needed:
The Building Improvement Ministry Initiative encompasses three
areas of building and
ministry improvements.
These areas include the
Gary Street Foyer/
Welcome Center, the
new Welcome Center
located in the space between the second floor
back door and the DaySchool Hallway, the
stairwells on either side
of the Student Ministry
Center, and improved
video capabilities for
the Sanctuary.
The welcome centers
will receive additional/
improved lighting, some
wall treatments to in-
clude some “slat-board”
areas for ministry communication, and some
banner and window
treatments, where appropriate. These centers
will have additional areas for greeting guests/
visitors and information
The stairwells will receive improved lighting
and some paint and
wall treatments, where
appropriate. This will
enhance the beauty as
well as the safety of
these stairwells that
lead from the first floor
to the second floor areas
of Preschool and Student ministries.
The improvements to
the video capabilities
for the Sanctuary will
include new, larger,
electric video screens,
new video projectors,
associated cabling for
the projectors, and connections to computers
and video players, as
well as a large flat
screen for the rear of
the Sanctuary to serve
as a monitor for the
choir and pulpit area.
These improvements
will enable us to provide greater video capabilities for use of the
Sanctuary space.
The resources requested
(continued on page 7)
First Baptist Church of Springfield
Page 7
Building Improvements
(continued from page 6)
for this initiative will
provide the minimum
of improvements. We
anticipate church members helping to install
and complete these projects. The financial re-
sources necessary for
Partnership with First Baptist Church, Chalmette,
Louisiana, to Provide a Youth Minister for Their Church
Through the construction work of several of
our members with the
“Builders for Christ,”
we learned of the tremendous needs of First
Baptist Church of Chalmette, Louisiana, in the
region devastated by
Hurricane Katrina in
2005. Our church has
supported the rebuilding of their church facility through a direct gift
from our church’s financial resources and
also through contributions of Sunday School
classes and individuals.
Pastor John Jeffries
and the members of the
church hope to be able
to occupy the first floor
and sanctuary of the
new facility in August
of this year.
With the completion of
First Baptist Church of
Chalmette will be able
to give its full attention
to rebuilding the ministries of the church. One
of the crucial ministries
is their outreach to
youth in the community of Chalmette.
There is the opportunity for First Baptist
Church of Chalmette to
call a seminary student
to give leadership to the
church’s youth ministry
through an internship
program coordinated by
New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary.
The “Another Season,
Another Harvest” plan
enables us to provide
financial assistance for
this ministry position
for three years. The
seminary student will
receive a stipend of
$300 per week for the
three years that the student is in seminary
training. In this partnership, our Minister to
Students, Jay Rawls,
will serve in a mentoring capacity for this
youth minister, and
there will be potentially
the opportunity for interaction between our
youth and the youth of
Chalmette through mission projects.
Jesus said, “But you
will receive power when
the Holy Spirit comes
on you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the
ends of the earth” (Acts
1:8). Chalmette is a
part of our “Judea and
Samaria.” This partnership to provide a
youth minister for First
(continued on page 8)
Youth Minister
for FBC,
Chalmette, LA
Resources Needed:
(Based on $300 per
week for 52 weeks
for 3 years)
50th Anniversary Luncheon,
Youth Minister for FBC, Chalmette, LA
(continued from page 7)
Baptist Church of
Chalmette is an opportunity for us to be
involved in God’s
Kingdom work in
“Judea and Samaria”
as we fulfill our commission to be His witnesses.
“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!
They are ripe for harvest.”
John 4:35b
First Baptist Church of Springfield
Initiatives and Projected Resource Needs
Student Ministry Center
($502,774 total cost less $78,716 currently available in designated funds)
7300 Gary Street
Springfield, VA 22150
Phone: 703.451.1500
Fax: 703.451.3410
E-mail: [email protected]
“Next Generations” Ministry and
Children’s Minister (Part-time) for
FBC, Springfield
Visit us on the web:
(Initial commitment of $300 per week for three
Building Improvements
Youth Minister for FBC, Chalmette,
($300 per week for three years)
Amount from Undesignated Church
Amount Needed in Commitments
over Three Years