VFW Post 10216 Adjutant
VFW Post 10216 Adjutant
_VFW POST 10216 POST MEETING MINUTES AND NEWSLETTER 13 January 2014 VFW Post 10216 “VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES, POST 10216, SONGTAN, KOREA” COLONEL LEWIS L. MILLETT - HILL 180 MEMORIAL POST 10216 BEST POST IN PACIFIC AREAS 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 AND 2012-2013 These are the minutes from Post 10216 January meeting held on Monday, 13 January 2014. 18 members were present; there was a base exercise going on this week and so many of our military VFW members could not attend our Post meeting. The view as you enter the home of VFW Post 10216 Opening of the Meeting: The meeting opened at 1830 by Commander Ernest Lee. Opening Prayer: Chaplain Billy Quintero led us in our opening prayer. 1 Distinguished Guests and Past Post 10216 Commanders: The Commander recognized our distinguished guests: Department of Pacific Commander, Past District 3 Commander, Past Post 10216 Commander Shawn Watson District III Chaplain, Past District III Commander and Past Post Commander (3 times) Billy Quintero Department of Pacific Surgeon, Past District 3 Commander and Past post 10216 Commander Patrick “Doc” Higgins Past Post Commander and District 3 Adjutant Keith Michael Past Post Commander Ron Tichota Congressional Charter: Members recited Section 230102 of the Congressional Charter Incorporating the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. “The purpose of this Corporation shall be fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable, and educational: to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members; to assist worthy comrades; to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead; and to assist their widows and orphans; to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America, and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and to preserve and defend the United States from all her enemies." Role Call of Officers: Post Commander/Ernie Lee: Present Sr. V. Commander/Dan Delaney: Present Jr. V. Commander/Jerry Prowant: Excused Quartermaster/Shawn Watson: Present Surgeon/Dean Yoder: Present Chaplain/Billy Quintero: Present Advocate/Larry Lyons: Excused Adjutant/Keith Michael: Present Service Officer/Pat Higgins: Present Trustee 1 Yr/Rob Madison: Excused (deployed Afghanistan) Trustee 2 Yr/Warren Maxson: Excused Trustee 3 Yr/Dennis Huggler: Present HRC Chairman/ Takeshi “Oki” Okazaki: Present Canteen Manager/James Bosch: Present Officer-of-the-Day/James Bosch: Present Guard/Dennis Huggler: Present Membership Chairman/Dan Delaney: Present Community Activities Chairman/James Bosch: Present Youth Activities/Patrick Higgins: Present Boy Scout Council Representative/Tim Kinmon: Excused Voice of Democracy/Patrick “Doc” Higgins: Present 2 Public Relations/James Bosch: Present POW/MIA/Tom Bergam: Present Hill 180 Committee Chairman/Tom Bergam: Present Loyalty Day Parade Chairman/Keith Michael: Present MAP Chairman/Larry Lyons: Excused Buddy Poppy Chairman/Takeshi Okazaki “Oki”: Present Americanism/Keith Michael: Present “First Responders” Special Projects/Rob Madison: Excused VFW Motorcycle Riders Chairman: H. “Mao” VanHazel: Absent Awards Committee/Keith Michael: Present Safety/ Travis Gunter: Present Historian/Ed Jankowski: Present Women-in-the-Military Chairman/Kari-Jean Hall: Excused Reading of New Members: QM Watson read new members; Doc Higgins made a motion to accept into the VFW, subject to review of the investigating committee; approved. New Member Membership Recruiter Franklin Viray Annual Vu Nguyen Annual Holly Holko Annual Joper Collado Annual Jesse Bachman Annual Martin Simon Annual Timothy Hollo Annual Troy Tucker Annual Dawn Heydt Installment Jeff Heydt Installment Scott Keith Installment Kevin Daniels Installment Shane Cordes Installment Gary Nelson Installment James Bosch James Bosch James Bosch James Bosch James Bosch James Bosch James Bosch James Bosch James Bosch Kari-Jean Hall James Bosch Alan Hammerstrom James Bosch James Bosch VFW Induction Ceremony: No new members for induction during this meeting. 3 Post Meeting Minutes: Minutes for the December 2013 Post Meeting were disseminated via e-mail earlier by Adjutant Michael. Keith made a motion to accept the minutes subject to correction; 2nd by QM Watson; approved. They have been posted to our Post website at www.vfw10216.com . Quartermaster Report/Shawn Watson: Qm Watson had two audits for approval: The Quarterly Audit ending 31 December 2013 and the Monthly Audit for December 2013; Shawn first made a motion to accept the Quarterly Audit; it had been audited; 2nd by Doc Higgins; approved. The QM next presented the December 2013 Audit and made a motion to accept; it had been audited; 2nd by Doc Higgins; approved. Audits are shown below: Bills: None. Comrade In Distress: The following members and family will be included in our VFW thoughts and prayers: 1. Daughter of Jerod Clutter, who is recovering from surgery. 2. Post 10216 Life Member Jeffrey Butler recently passed away; prayers for him and family. 3. Larry Lyons wife continues her recovery from surgery. 4 Reading of incoming communications: 1. We received a letter of appreciation from John Gilbert, the Chairman of the Clark Veteran’s Cemetery in Angeles City, Philippines. Our Post and its members are strong supporters of the Clark Cemetery through their “Grave Digger” Program. 2. Ken Swierzewski has submitted a memorandum announcing his candidacy for the Department of Pacific Junior Vice Commander for 2014-2015. Ken is Post 12109 Waegwan Post Commander and District 3 Quartermaster. Ken’s other credentials include the current Department Adjutant, National Member of the NMS Committee, Century Recruiter and Past Grand of Pacific for the Cooties. His full memo is shown below. Ken is hoping to garner the vote of the Korea VFW Posts to win this election. Our Post will consider nominees prior to going to the June Convention and cast our ballot there. The Post received a Certificate of Appreciation from Osan’s Exchange for our participation in their Halloween event. Special thanks to Dean Yoder for his props and volunteers Billy Quintero and Dennis Huggler. 5 Report of Service Officer/Doc Higgins: Nothing to report. REPORT OF COMMITTEES: Membership/Senior Vice Commander Dan Delaney: SVC Delaney reported that the Post was continuing our great recruiting efforts and currently stood at 91.66%. Here are the District 3 statistics: Pacific Areas District 3 as of Monday, January 13, 2014 State 55 55 Post 8180 9985 55 55 10033 10215 Dst Life New Reinst Cont Total 3 621 7 7 22 657 3 188 213 28 28 457 3 3 461 136 13 4 7 2 17 6 498 148 Prior Year 666 359 564 199 N/R Prior Percent Div RS City State LM Annual Retention 98.65% 2 SEOUL, KOREA 6 40 87.50% 127.30% 2 TONGDUCHON-UP, 5 181 34.25% KOREA 88.30% 2 TAEGU, KOREA 5 109 31.19% 74.37% 4 S UIJONGBU, KOREA 0 64 15.63% 55 10216 3 839 143 16 57 1055 1151 91.66% 1 SONGTAN-SI, KOREA 55 10223 3 55 District Total 12109 3 CAMP HUMPHREYS, KORE WAEGWAN 207 13 17 0 2469 393 3 1 64 9 232 16 34 155 3081 274 84.67% 3 106 3319 32.08% 92.82% 7 28 340 26.76% PI 1 70 20.00% 0 45 89 21.35% Junior Vice Commander Report on Community Service Reports (CSR) by Jery Prowant: In Jerry’s absence, the Commander presented the CSR Report for December: 35 Projects, Miles 1128, Volunteers 25, Hours 143, Gifts $1,918.92. Please send all of your Post-support activities to Jerry at e-mail [email protected]. Jerry Prowant Note: Community Service is a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions by the VFW or as a representative of the VFW. Hours: Only volunteer service hours benefiting the community are to be reported. Volunteer hours committed to projects and activities only benefiting the Post and its affiliated units listed above cannot be reported. 6 Advocate Report/Larry Lyons: Nothing to report. Surgeon Report/Dean “Dino” Yoder: Dino presented his Surgeon’s report by passing out a health notice, shown below: Buddy Poppy Report/ Takeshi Okazaki “Oki”: Nothing to report. Public Relations Officer & Community Affairs/James Bosch: Jimmy announced the upcoming VFW events. Date 3 Feb 2014 7 Feb 2014 Event Superbowl Breakfast at Canteen Hill 180 Ceremony Time Location 0800 to end Post Canteen 1400 Osan AB, Hill 180 Remarks Free breakfast and Bloody Mary’s Shawn Watson MOC Check out the NEW OSAN VFW CANTEEN Facebook Page. Just click the link below to see all the improvements being done to Post 10216 and join the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/569811843087730/ 7 Americanism Chairman/Keith Michael: The 51st Fighter Wing Commander desires to visit our Post sometime within the next few months. Keith Michael Hill 180 Ceremony Chairman/Tom Bergam: The Hill 180 planning is well underway. Ceremony set for Friday, 7 February 2014 beginning at 1400. Post 10216 co-hosts this event annually with the US 8th Army Battlefield Coordination Detachment. This year Department of Pacific Commander Shawn Watson will be the master-of-ceremonies. Guest speaker will be a ROK general officer from the Combined Forces Command. Military Assistance Program (MAP) and Adopt-A-Unit/Larry Lyons: Larry advised that we held three MAP events in December (K-16, 303rd IS, 6th IS); MAP reports and receipts were submitted to MAP HQ and these cases have been closed. Larry Lyons Certified National Recruiter Larry Lyons: Commander Lee received a Letter of Achievement from the VFW Commander-in-Chief William Thein that recognizes the recruiting achievements of Post 10216 members Jimmy Bosch and Jerry Prowant. 8 Youth Activities, Voice of Democracy (VOD) Patriot Pen & Teachers Award Chairman/Patrick Higgins: Commander Lee attended the Osan High School ceremony to award the winner of District 3’s Teacher of the Year Award, Dr. Ronnie Holley. The Commander is shown with Dr. Holley and the Osan HS Principal (in green). Above is the certificate presented by Post 10216. “First Responder” Special Programs (EMT/Law Enforcement/Fire Fighter): Nothing to report. Boy Scouts Charter Representative/ Tim Kinmon: It was reported that the Scouts had a great year in 2013 and that 80% of the Scouts rose in rank. The big Pinewood Derby will be held on 25 January from 1000-1500 at the Osan Middle School. Come and join the fun! POW/MIA by Tom Bergam: Nothing to report. House Rules Committee Chairman/Takeshi Okazaki “Oki”: Chairman Oki reported that an HRC Meeting was held on 6 January, 2014, to conduct the business of the Canteen. Here are some highlights: 9 1. The painting of the Canteen is almost complete, thanks to Jimmy Bosch and his gang of volunteers. See our Canteen website for all the activity! 2. The Woman in the Military Dedication Wall was completed and Chairman Kari-Jean Hall is coordinating to have a dignitary at a dedication ceremony in March as part of the US National Woman’s History Month. 3. Special thanks to Bob Frace for coordinating the US Army wall and the POW/MIA table in the Canteen. 4. Canteen Manager Bosch is trying to raise two dart teams and two pool teams for the upcoming season. 5. The HRC decided that its highest priority for new projects was the replacement of the carpet in the stairwell. This is especially important if we are to host a VIP ceremony. Jimmy will seek estimates. See “New Business” for the vote on the carpet. 6. VFW member Jay Jenkins has donated some new speakers for the Canteen and has volunteered to set up the sound system. Canteen Report/James Bosch: Jimmy presented the Monthly Canteen Report for December. The Canteen had sales of merchandise of 4,477,200 KW and bingo/pull tab revenue of 656,000 for total income of 5,133,200. Total disbursements included 2,490,700 for new merchandise and 2,503,100 KW for overhead expenses for a total of 4,993,800 KW. Earnings/profit for December was 139,400 KW and $53.00 and 57,000 KW which were turned over to the Post Quartermaster. Super Bowl Breakfast at our Canteen: Join us in watching the Super Bowl on February 3rd at our Post Canteen. We’ll be serving a free breakfast and Bloody Marys will be available! Get there about 0800 for breakfast and we’re open until it ends! Canteen Improvements: Here’s some of the great work and improvements at our Canteen: 10 Canteen improvements include newly painted walls and new lighting in the stairway. Safety Chairman by Travis Gunter: Travis presented an excellent Safety Report on winter driving and “black ice”. January 2014 VFW Post 10216 Safety Report Safety Officer: Travis Gunter Topic: Driving in Snowy and Icy Conditions Black ice is one of the leading causes of injuries and property damage during the winter months. What is black ice? Black ice is a very thin layer of frozen water without many air bubbles. It’s the lack of air bubbles that makes the layer of ice transparent and creates the illusion of a wet road rather than an icy road. During the 2012-2013 winter seasons: 3 PMV-related fatalities Tips to help out when driving in icy road conditions: If you lose control of a vehicle, take feet off petals and hold firmly on the steering wheel. 11 If you go off the road, don’t try to go back on the road. Steer straight into the ditch and come to a complete stop first. Don’t use Cruise Control during wet or icy road conditions. Vehicle traction control systems don’t recognize the loss of traction on black ice or when you hydroplane and will result in a loss of control upon exiting the black ice or standing water. Have an emergency kit that includes a shovel and tire chains. History by Ed Jankowski: Ed “Jan” Jankowski Ed advised members that if they have pictures or articles that you desire to be added to the Post History, then please forward to him at [email protected]. VFW Motorcycle Riders by Chairman VanHazel: Nothing to report; too cold to ride! H. “Mao” VanHazel Women In The Military Chairman/Kari-Jean Hall: Commander Lee hoped that everyone saw and appreciated our new “Tribute to Women in the Military “display in our stairwell. Special thanks to Kari-Jean Hall as our Chairman. Kari-Jean is now working to identify high ranking and prominent “women in the military” to be guest speakers at a special dedication ceremony. She is being helped by Bob Frace to try to get the USN Admiral at USFK to be our speaker. More to follow…….. 12 Remembering of our National Home/Chaplain Quintero: Chaplain Quintero offered remembrance and prayer for our National Home in accordance with VFW tradition and ceremony. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: New Carpet: The highest priority project from the HRC Committee was the replacement of the carpet in the stairwell. The current carpet is in terrible shape and we need to replace prior to the February VIP event. Post SVC Delaney and Canteen Manager Bosch had several Korean contractors come in for estimate and to look at samples. The best and the one recommended by our Landlord Mr. Lee, was the contractor selected. His estimate was for 580,000 KW. Jimmy made a motion to purchase the carpet; 2nd by Doc Higgins; approved. The carpet will be a charcoal grey and Jimmy will proceed with installation. New Lighting: The second highest priority project was new lighting for the stairway, for the section leading to the Pacific Hotel and enhancement of the stairwell lighting. Cost estimates were approximately 750,000 KW. Jimmy Bosch made a motion to procure, second by Dean Yoder. During the “discussion” phase, it was pointed out that the HRC should limit itself to one major project at a time and the approval of too many costly projects was imprudent. It was also pointed out that the Canteen income for December was minimal and we would desire more income for funding of this new project. Jimmy removed the motion for consideration at this time and Commander Lee “tabled” for future discussion. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: Canteen Manager Bosch had the American Flag, certificate and shrapnel from Afghanistan, mounted in a display (shown here). It will be proudly displayed at our Post Home. These Afghanistan War mementos were donated to our Post by Dave Nelson. Military Order of the Cootie (MOC)/Seamy Alan Laughter: The Pup Tent 8 Cootie Scratch will be held on 18 January. 13 For those who had questions about the Cooties, the Military Order of the Cootie or MOC is considered the “Honored Degree of the VFW”. Membership is open to members in good standing in the VFW who have displayed their willingness to work for the parent organization. If you are active in supporting the Post, you may be approached to join this prestigious organization. Post Awards: Post 10216 Members go “Legacy Life” Membership Department Commander Shawn Watson presents new “Legacy Life” VFW Membership to Keith Michael (Bronze) and Cory Musgrave (Gold)! Department has asked that each Post try to sign up one new Legacy Life member during the year and Post 10216 exceeded requirements with “four new Legacy members”! CLOSING CEREMONIES: Chaplain Quintero gave the closing prayer. //signed record copy maintained by Adjutant// Keith Michael Post Adjutant 14
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