NEW FOR 2012
NEW FOR 2012
HTLLEBERG NEW FOR2012 3 season tents Crafted t0thesameexacting standards Hilleberg tentsarerenownedfor, ournew3 season models areengineered explessly t0offer3 season quality users thesame andvalue that0urallseason users have been enjoyingfor nearly 40years.lhese arenotsimply'lummer yetlightI mmpoles tents": theyusethestout found inmany 0fourall .]000 season m0dels and0urnew, verylightKerlon 0uter tentfabric, which boasts a substantial l0 kg/22 lbtear strength. Speciflcally, these tents arebuiltt0 ropewiththeunpredictable,often tempestuous climate 0fnorthern peri0d Scandinavia's sn0wJree m0nths-a where theweather canchangefrom warm sunshine t0alarminglyc0ld, windyandrainyinaninstant. periods T0thisend,allthreenewtentshave beensubjected t0 extended ofquite highwinds andstormy conditions, which theyhandled extremely well. OANJAN2&3_TUNNELTTNT l4odelled onourploven Nallo allseason design, theAnjan istheidealchoite forwamerweather tripswhere lightweightand priorities. simplicity are Around 25%liShterthan theNallo models, theAnjan stilloffe15 excellent stability andplenty ofmom fortheoccupants andtheirgear. _ DOMETTNT O ROGEN Thetwodoor/two vestbuleRogen is nspi.ed byour populaf Allak allseason model. lt isrough ly35%lightef thantheAllük andoffeßtremendous venting. Mesh shelters Iie lvlesh Ridge andl"1esh 80xl0 & 20offersimple, spaci0us, lightweight bugprotecti0n forwarmweather trips. Altaiinnertent& floor Newmodular components increase theakeady remarkable versatility 0ftheAltai. fte twocanbeattarhed t0the Altaiintandem orindividually. Nammatj/Nammatj GT, Allak& Soulo Mesh Inner Tents 0pti0nal l4esh Inner Tents, used 0ntheirown,areexcellent warm-weather shelter s0lutions, andtheycanbefastened place intotheircomplementary models in 0fthestandard inner tents. ANJAN 3 SEASON TUNNTT]ENT TIGHTESTWEIGHT+STRENGTH Light,airy,andremarkablystrong, theAnjan thequintessential 3 tunnel tent. season OURNEW ANIAN is the ideäl choicefor mobilejourn€ysin sny terräin dlring the snow freemonthsof the year.Basedon our prcven,all *mon Nallo,the Anjannodelshave ell the süength necessaryfor 3 seasonusein conditions, yet exposed and/orabovetteeline theyaeigh roughly 2oololesstlan their Nallo counterparb.Anjan modelssharethe sane g mnpolesfoundinmanyof our dependable allseason models includingthe Nsllo- but they alsoincorporat€our Kerlonroooouter tent fab.ic. The nesest nember of our Ker lon fabric fadily, Kerlon looo is sisnificantly lighterthanihe othe!Ke.lons,anditbo.sts an implessivero kg/rr lb tear sbelgth, equalto or greater than many socalled4 seasontent fabricson the malket. The Anjan isby no m€ansa nere "summer tent." It is engineeredspeciffcällyto handl€ the anareathat is largelyabove spring,summerandautumnconditions ofnortherDscandinavia, tree line and is notoriousfof ffckleweather - weather changefrom warb and sunny to cold,aindy, andrainyin an instanLTheAnjant outertent stetchesnearlyto the Sround, leaeingenoughspaceto p.omote constantair flowwhile still providing protection Fon driving rain or useasonable snow squalls,and its bathtub floor is coGtructed to bddge the ga?.And th€ outertent cänbeadjustedto put it closer becälseofthe cleverpolesleeveconfigüration, to the ground on the weather side.The outer tent is alsoconstructedsoboth the front and the backendscanbe rolled away in fide weather to providemdimum venting. The iu€r tent is a .onbinätion ofour imer tent fabric, an air lermeable, breäthabl€,andhighly water fepelent fabric, and larse arcasofmesh.TH6 helpsstav€otrcondeßätion in damptimes while allowing a laMe vohme of air flow ;n all weathers. .ods 6resüRedO 'Anjo " k a lakeinrcnhn sw.?.t. lnj.n 2 Aü.n 3 r.4rg/3bsr oz l.7tgl3lbs12 u 1.5tg/3lhs3 a 1.9kg/4lbs 3 ou r00-30.m/40 3l.5in 1050t42 n l r 3 0 5 , lr 2 6 0 . m r r r 2 0 rI x l 0 2 . 1 i i uv+Pgs Plgs t|rrr d6:d p.sse:EFk dtr I x 3 2 3 , 1 x 2m3 5 lrl?9.r,lr112.2in lzv Pq5 nea' ietr mdftMioß. ßrd h! Fhsdrr.tue Md,r ßü6rr isbdddr?idFdsgh naysryembr Designed withs.mer wealher usage inmind,lheAnjanoftuß a myftdofwntingoptiont. Photoi Daniel wilhslmston- ROGEN DOMITTNT 3 SEASON TIGHTESTWIIGHT+STRENGTH @re-l A super0 around tentfor3 season use inanykindofweather. BASED ON TIIE STABLE and .oomy desigo Dsignedforfa.morethaDiEtfai.weathe.use,theRogenisuptotruelseä of ourAlak, the newRogenisanerceptional conditions, which,i! additiontoffn€wearher, can- andoftendoes- in.llde highwinds.nd tentforanytdpinanylseäsonweathercon- heary rain. To edco!ragemo.e air flow in all weathe., the oute! tenr stopsshorr ofgoing all the dition.g mm polesandournewKedonrooo way to ground,butthe exfuahighbathtubfloorprovidesp.ot€ctionfo. the lemainilg space. out€rtentfabric- whichhäsasubstantial ro The inseniols polesystememploystlvo long, ftossing polesfof the basicshapeand a shorter, kg/22lb tea. strength- providestabilityaod stabil;z;nglolein the root Beh{eenthis andthe long polesleeleson the.losing poles,the stre.gth foruse in expo$d conditiom,andthe Rogenis botl v€ry eäsyto p;tch ard leharkably stabie.The inner tent is made{iah a highly domecoßtr!dion m.kesit agreatchoic€ for breathable,air permeable, wate!.epellentfabric,while the all-meshidner tent toughpikhingsituations. Ithaspl€nty of rm6 ad the outertent dooNcanbe openedeaceptiodalywide,fo. superbventing.Fo. oversized for two plus their gea., its two doos and two ev€nnore ai. now, the vestibul€scanhecompletelyrclled to the side. vestibulesaddto its veßatilig endcomfort, andyettheRogenweighsabout35%lesstban the allseasonAllak. \-. Colo.s:cle€nortud O 'Rdza-khothdlnl'ml pir.tintondllonl,indofs rnenoeen ß id..l h. d.rlenging out5tindinSEntil ion.Photo: tl4nusBroSnn. f,olan PrSt 12V+egs ![y[|khqbddEsüMdiFLnm'@g'l'|iEwü|mfo} 6F.lpesrdbüb@'dAI!Fg!lpll?Fhfr'nn'rl p414 antrmrff dbeüd'Eddft hdiidßi6N(mMih'd ^ Btu ba6 rd ismd b6h qE'y!turrhnrMßtu' "rH € q id!ü4 d Gfi rd pd. kw6@tkMlpo tnstz!.L MESHSHELTERS Spacious, lightweight andversatile bug protection f0rwarmweather adventures. fOR THOSEWHO pfefer summer .Edping with a Tar!, andfor üel*eß in trcpi.alandsub-llo!ical areaE, a hajor issueisälwa)s thebugs.Ou newMeshBor dd MeshRidge shelteß prdide the solution. Th€ Mesh Ridgeis a sup€lb mitrimalist's summer tarp .amping solution. Designedto be pairedwiah ou. Tärp 10, it is lemärkably lightweight, otreß pleng offloo sp{€ fot one or tlvo occupantsplus geär,andhes fuI sicing height Also coütscted to fft perfecdy with our Tarp 10,the Mesh Box ro affords a bit more comfort with litde extE äddedweight.It, too wil easilya.commodatetoo one or two peopleplus Aear,but its a taler sitting height and verticslwals provideno.e usable6pace.ThepalätialMesh Box20hasa generous,firll standingheight andnatch€s up with our Tar! 20. Itwill comfortably sleep4 to 5 leople o. provide a gathering areafor quite a few more. Both Mesh Boxeshave tull mesh ceilings, alowing for sky viewing when thev are usedwithout a Tärc. ü. nidi. I.rh Borl0 ll.5ü 80r20 300g/l lbl? or H.iihl 1.5tg/3lbs5 oz r25.m/49in r35.m/53 ii a5o/35in a n1a3rf n mtr8 n' 4 m'/43fi' d ichr Whdftlnrtnis,nnhu6bh,dh Both the MeEhRidseandthe MeshBoxesarefloo.les, änd otrbot}!,tlte lowe. partofthe walls Eresilicon-coatedfäb.ic,bothto protedthe meshfton.stchingor tearingonthe 8rcund,dd to provideagood"saL'on uneventdrair Both9pes ere easilysuspendedfrom rings, andpairing theDwitl ou! Tarp6is straightfoMard. th iidpe han tuyh'y ALTAI INNERTENT FRoMWINTER CAMPING to deserttours - or evenasa po.täble dive staAinAareain Arctic waters - the Altai has proven to be s highly adaptablelhelte. solution. With the new, optional floorlessinner tent and sepalatefloor, ahe Altäi offeroevenmoF veßatilig. Setu! the Altai aloneas ä 8!o!p shelter dlring the day, thetr t!ädform it quickly andedilyinto atrue, doublewEll tentforsleeliDgcomfort. The iüer is easyto atrr, and offeß bug pmtection n the summerandbetterhumiditrcgulation in alsesec. It canbeattachedinto the Altäi on its own, or itcgnbe pai.ed with the separatefloor, whi.h like the floo. itr out Atlas, is madein two pieces.It.änbe conffguredto havean"airle," or to coveronlv half. or to coeerthe entire srea.