H I - T E C H N O L O G Y A N D T E L E M A T I C S
H I - T E C H N O L O G Y A N D T E L E M A T I C S
H I - T E C H N O L O G Y A N D T E L E M A T I C S I N N O V A T I O N F O R E F F I C I E N C Y, S A F E T Y A N D C O M F O R T IVECO a nd Ma gneti Ma relli have developed IVECONNECT, the exclusive system based on Windows Auto ® platfor m for easy, integr ated control of infotainment, telephony, navigation, dr iver aids and fleet management ser vices. IVECONNECT provides sever al functionalities in a single system, that make the on-board wor king safe , efficient and comfor table . IVECONNECT is a complete Infotainment system, providing access to two sets of functions with its touch-screen interface built into the dashboard: • DRIVER suppor t • Efficiency enhancement for FLEET MANAGERS 2 7 ” touch - screen high resolution built into the dashboard Dual tuner radio with CD player also for MP3 3 video sockets (two exter nal camer as + one AUX socket to connect consumer devices) Multimedia files ma na gement (music and images) from SD, AUX, USB compatible with iPod ® and iPhone ® Navig ator with “tr uck navigation” function and Tr affic Message Channel (TMC) Steering-wheel-mounted controls and Bluetooth ® connection for hands-free telephony and audio streaming Connection to the telematic system, provided by Magneti Marelli, for QUALCOMM ® services DRIVING STYLE EVALUATION (DSE)* and DRIVER ATTENTION SUPPORT (DAS) Access to ser vice ASSISTANCE NON-STOP IVECO (*) T h e D SE f u n c tio n is available o n ly o n Tr ac to r s 5 T E L E P H O N E / H A N D S F R E E 3+21( The Hands Free Telephone function, thanks to Bluetooth ® , t e c h n o l o g y, e n a b l e s t h e p h o n e b o o k d o w n l o a d t o m a k e i t visible directly on the screen and the loud voice phone calls and sms reading from mobile phones and smar tphones. Up to 5 tele phones can be connected. Moreover, it is possible to wr ite messages by a special keyboard on the touch-screen and manage the calls from the phone book vocally or by the steer ing-wheel controls. 3+21( 0(',$ 1$9,*$7,21 6(59,&(6 6(59,&(6 $33/,&$7,216 '5,9,1*67</( V I D E O S Y S T E M 6(59,&(6 0(',$ 1$9,*$7,21 6(59,&(6 P L A Y E R A N D I M A G E V I E W E R '5,9,1*67</( IVECONNECT can visualize on the 7” screen the images coming from the camer as that can be fitted on the vehicle (such as a rear view camer a). It is also possible to connect a cons umer device such as a DVD Player by the AUX socket or to visualize images loaded on USB or SD card. $33/,&$7,216 6(77,1*6 6(77,1*6 $/$50 &$/(1'$5 &$/&8/$725 $/$50 &$/(1'$5 &$/&8/$725 &$0(5$ 3,&785(6 +(/3 &$0(5$ 3,&785(6 +(/3 N A V I G A T I O N M E D I A The Media function includes the dual tuner r adio, with FM/AM frequencies, selectable directly from the screen, and the CD player also in MP3 for mat. It enables to play music in multimedia for mat (MP3, wma, wav) from the USB pen dr ive , SD or MP3 player connected via USB cable or to AUX socket, as well as audio streaming thanks to Bluetooth ® connection. 3+21( 0(',$ 1$9,*$7,21 6(59,&(6 6(59,&(6 $33/,&$7,216 6 '5,9,1*67</( 6(77,1*6 3+21( 0(',$ 1$9,*$7,21 6(59,&(6 6(59,&(6 $33/,&$7,216 The satellite navigator IVECONNECT is able to host the navigation software Nav N Go iGO Pr imo Tr uck, specific for commercial vehicles with Europea n ma ps loaded on SD card, which can always be updated, easily accessible directly from the high-resolution 7” touch-screen. Moreover it is possible to set up an address and to find POI (Points of interest) always updated. On the navigation map you can find in real time the tr affic events got from the TMC (Tr affic Message Channel), as well as the route , time to ar r ival, and distances. The SD card is available via the IVECO networ k. '5,9,1*67</( 6(77,1*6 7 D R I V I N G 1$9,*$7,21 $33/,&$7,216 '5,9,1*67</( 6(77,1*6 S T Y L E E V A L U A T I O N The DRIVING STYLE EVALUATION (DSE), which is like having a dr iving instr uctor per manently on board, plays a decisive role in reducing fuel consumption by acting on the human factor. A f u e l - e f f i c i e n t d ri v i n g s t y l e d e l i v e r s re a l f u e l s a v i n g s o f b e t w e e n 5 % a n d 1 2 % . To improve the dr iver’s perfor mance , IVECONNECT processes the data acquired from the engine , vehicle and GPS using an advanced algor ithm (developed by IVECO) and provides two types of feed-back in real time: • driving style evaluation displayed with clear, intuitive on-screen graphics (up to 8 driving behaviors evaluated in one second) • suggestions for reducing fuel consumption (also displayed on the vehicle’s instrument cluster). At the end of ever y mission the repor t can be ver ified directly from the DSE menu (Summar y), with a 0-5 evaluation scale, and the previous missions can be accessed. Driving style is evaluated without taking in consider ation the vehicle configur ation and does not penalize commercial speed. D R I V E R A T T E N T I O N S U P P O R T The safety system to protect the dr iver against the r isks associated with tirednes s and sudden sleepiness: IVECONNECT a nalyses the steering wheel movements and in case of drowsiness it war ns the dr iver with an acoustic and visual signal. 3+21( 6(59,&(6 0(',$ 1$9,*$7,21 S E R V I C E S '5,9,1*67</( The same touch-screen interface also ser ves as the on-board terminal for Fleet Management ser vices: IVECONNECT FLEET and IVECO ASSISTANCE NON-STOP. 6(59,&(6 $33/,&$7,216 6(77,1*6 IVECO ASSISTANCE NON-STOP You don’t need a specific contr act to benefit from this ser vice , just the IVECONNECT interface on board: by clicking on the IVECO Ser vices’ touch-screen icon, the driver can request assistance from the IVECO CUSTOMER CENTER, which receives the vehicle’s GPS location and a diagnosis of the reason for the stoppage directly from the system. Time Dr iving/Break Time for the dr iver s Connection to the Telematic system for Ser vices 3+21( 0(',$ 6(59,&(6 6(59,&(6 10 1$9,*$7,21 '5,9,1*67</( IVECONNECT FLEET (in collabor ation with QUALCOMM ® ) The inter action between dr iver, vehicle and oper ations centre ena bles fleet ma na gers to monitor all vehicles and to r un real-time checks on dr iving hour s, fuel consumption, GPS location and estimated tr avelling times. It also allows automated management of legal requirements relating to the downloading, handling and stor age of tachogr aph and dr iver card data. IVECO FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICES are handled by IVECO in par tner ship with QUALCOMM ® , a wor ld leader in the field. You can take advantage of them by signing up for a specific contract that gives you access to the FleetVisor™ por tal for repor t analysis. The IVECONNECT system, thanks to the DRIVING STYLE EVALUATION function, enables the fleet manager to evaluate the driving performance of each driver with a per sonalized repor t: by analysing data by driver or by mission, you can develop incentive schemes and targeted economical driving cour ses. $33/,&$7,216 Vehicles Localisation with advanced functions (tr ack and tr ace/geofencing) 6(77,1*6 A utomatic Download of the tachog ra ph data Personalized re port (by mission, by vehicle , by dr iver) DRIVING ATTENTION SUPPORT (DAS) re porting Orders a nd deliveries DRIVING STYLE EVALUATION (DSE) Re porting 11 PU BLIC AT IO N A1 2 6 8 1 2 W W W. I V E C O. C O M IVEC O S . p.A. - VI A P U GLI A, 3 5 - 1 0 1 5 6 T U R I N - I TALY