maple trails apartments owatonna, minnesota
maple trails apartments owatonna, minnesota
2 55 0 Universit y Avenu e We s t, S u i te 330 N | SStt.Pau Pa l, M i n n e s ota 55114 OUR M IS S ION HOUSING WITH CARE The mission of Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) is to provide accessible, affordable, assisted, supportive and independent living opportunities for persons with physical disabilities and brain injuries as well as seniors. This mission is accomplished through the development and cost-effective management of accessible, affordable housing, assisted/supportive/independent living and rehabilitation services. ACKNOWLE DGE ME NTS FUNDING AND SUPPORT Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for their funding and/or support: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA); The City of Owatonna Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Mardag Foundation. Committed to the success of equal housing opportunities throughout the nation ASI Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI): Sponsor, Developer and Management Agent MAPLE TRAILS APARTMENTS O W A T O N N A , M I N N E S O TA Accessi b l e, A ff ord ab l e, Ind ep en den t Livin g Apartments for Seniors age 62 & Better 165 24th Place Nor th West O watonna, M innesota 55060 HOUSING WITH CARE MAPLE TRAILS APARTMENTS S O W AT O N N A , M I N N E S O TA Accessi b l e, Affo r dabl e I nd epend e n t Liv in g A p a r t m e n t s for S e n iors 6 2 & B e t t e r AFFORDA BL E ¬ Qualifying households pay 30% of adjusted BASIC QUALIFIC ATIONS ¬ One household member must be at least 62 years of age ¬ Applicants are screened for credit, rental and ¬ Rent is subsidized by the U.S. Dept. of Housing criminal history and Urban Development (HUD) ¬ Income limits apply. No minimum income ¬ Rent includes: Heat, water, trash and show removal requirements gross monthly income for rent APARTMENT AMENITIES ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 25 one bedroom apartments Wheelchair accessible apartments available Spacious kitchens and large bathrooms Carpeted bedroom and living room Generous closet & storage space Individually controlled heating and air conditioning BUILDING F EATURES & AMENITIES ¬ Controlled access entry system ¬ Large open entry & lobby ¬ Acccessible, ground level living ¬ Tub room & laundry facilities ¬ Outdoor patio with gas grill and paved walking trail ¬ Community room with kitchen facilities CONV E N I E NT N E I G H B O R H OOD LOC ATION ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Grocer y stores, shopping & restaurants B ank ing S er v ices Ho s pital s, m edic al & pro fes s io n a l c l i n i c s C hu rc hes For m ore i n for m at i on or to re que s t a h ous i n g ap p l i cat i on , p l e as e call ¬ to l l -f ree 1 -80 0-4 66 -77 22 ¬ tt y /tdd 1-8 00 -62 7-3 52 9 Apply online w w w. acces s ibl es pace.o rg 165 24th Place Nor th West O wato nna, M i nnes ot a 5 5 0 6 0 Acce s s i b l e S p ace, I n c. (A S I ) 2550 Universit y Avenue West, Suite 330 Nor th S aint Pau l, M innes o ta 55 11 4
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Brochure - Accessible Space, Inc.
¬ Qualifying households pay 30% of adjusted
gross monthly income for rent