Circuit Component SLAC for AXE 10
Circuit Component SLAC for AXE 10
ERICSSON REVIEW l" 1983 Test System LPA 103 02 Development of Line Circuits for AXE 10 Line Circuit Component SLAC for AXE 10 Line Circuit Component SLIC for AXE 10 Office Communication System DIAVOX2836 Ericsson Power Systems, a New Division within RIFA ERICOM DIRECT Sealed Lead-acid Batteries for Small Telecommunication Plants Computer-controlled System for Road Traffic Control Ericsson's First Automatic Telephone Exchange 100 Years ERICSSON REVIEW Number 4 1983 Volume 60 Responsible publisher Gosta Editor Gosta Lindberg Neovius Editorial staff Martti Viitaniemi Address S-126 25 S t o c k h o l m , Sweden S u b s c r i p t i o n one year $ 12 Published in S w e d i s h , English, French and Spanish w i t h four issues per year Copyright Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Contents 174 Test System LPA 103 02 181 Development of Line Circuits for AXE 10 186 Line Circuit Component SLAC for AXE 10 192 Line Circuit Component 201 Office Communication System DIAVOX2836 207 Ericsson Power Systems, a New Division within RIFA 214 ERICOM DIRECT 222 Sealed Lead-acid Batteries for Small Telecommunication Plants 226 Computer-controlled System for Road Traffic Control 233 Ericsson's First Automatic Telephone Exchange 100 Years SLIC for AXE 10 Cover 1983 was the International Communications Year, and in connection with this Ericsson arranged an exhibition of the 100-year old automatic telephone exchange, which in a period setting was connected to a manual exchange and a number of telephone sets. The function of the automatic exchange and other equipment was demonstrated in a short play Test System LPA103 02 Carl-Olof Gillgren Ericsson has developed a test system, LPA 10302, for factory testing of printed board assemblies. It forms part of a system family which also includes a system for testing PABX equipment at system level. All test systems in the family are equipped with the same type of control system, which is not only advantageous for the users but also facilitates the development of new test systems and new common support systems. Test system LPA 10302 has been designed for functional testing of a wide range of printed board assemblies with the best possible overall economy. The system permits both advanced analog measurements and high-speed testing of complex digital functions. UDC621 3 049:621 317 With the increased use of microprocessors and other complex LSI/VLSI circuits the number of functions provided by a single printed board assembly can now be very large. At the same time dynamic components with high clock frequencies are becoming increasingly common. LPA 103 02 has been designed to provide functional testing of a wide range of printed board assemblies in one and the same test system with the best possible overall economy. The system permits both advanced analog measurements and high-speed testing of complex digital functions. Fig. 2 shows a block diagram of the system. Fig.1 Test system LPA 103 02 The test station and the operator's terminal have been designed to give the operator a comfortable working position CARL-OLOF GILLGREN Division for Public Telecommunications Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson The main aim has been to develop a system that is easy and simple to use. The main features of the system are: - short setting-up time for different test objects - easy connection of the test objects - short testing times - efficient fault-tracing aids - good ergonomic features - possibilities of integration with the production process. Efforts have also been made to limit the amount of work required for the design and administration of test programs in spite of the fact that the test objects are becoming increasingly complex. This requires - good integration with different design data bases - powerful simulation aids - a machine-independent high-level language for the test programs. Control system The control system is built up around a computer whose operating system works in real time, fig. 3. All communica- Fig. 2 Block diagram of test system L P A 1 0 3 0 2 POS SEL DMG PWR DIO PSC Position finder Selector Dynamic measurement and generator Test object power Direct communication with the test object Power supply and control tion with the function blocks in the test station takes place via the internationally standardized instrument bus, GPIB', fig. 4. In addition to the computer the control system hardware includes mass storage units, an operatorterminal and a control unit. Basically the control system functions as an "administrative" computer, which handles the large amounts of data for each type of test object. The control system contains general software for entering, translating and verifying test programs that are associated with specific objects, and for carrying out the commands from the operator during testing and fault tracing. Fig. 3 The control system is common for a whole family of test systems Basing a whole family of test systems on the same control system means that the users' need of training and spares is reduced. This also facilitates the development of new test systems and new common support systems. The first test system in the LPA103 family was LPA103 01. It is used for the final testing of fully equipped cabinets for PABXMD110 and has been used in the Swedish production since the spring of 1982. The Veto language Veto is both a programming language and a specification language. A program written in Veto is not tied to any Fig. 4 The instrument bus GPIB is an internationally standardized interface (IEC-625/IEEE-488), intended primarily for the control of measuring instruments particular automatic test system. It contains all information about how the testing is to be carried out, for example which tests are to be made, the test connections and permitted measurement values in each test, and the stipulated actions in the case of measurement values that fall outside the limits. This makes the Veto programs universal, i.e. they can be used in test systems having different structures and characteristics without any modifications being required The Veto language has unique and very powerful instructions for digital real time testing, and as regards analog functions it is similar to the standard language ATLAS2. The Veto syntax has been inspired by PASCAL, which makes it easier to design well-structured programs. Digital measurement and generating functions All testing of digital units is done by applying digital signal patterns to the input of the test object, after which the resultantsignal patternson theoutputsofthe test object are sensed and compared with the expected values. If new signal patterns are input at a rate that is similar to what the test object will experience in normal operation, and in addition the strobing of the resultant signal patterns takes place at times that correspond to Fig. 5 Test system L P A 1 0 3 0 1 is used for the final testing of fully equipped cabinets for PABXMD110 the requirements of the environment as regards response times, the testing is said to be in real time. Block DMG (Dynamic Measurement and Generator) in LPA 103 02 is designed for advanced real time testing, and can transmit and receive new signal patterns at intervals of d o w n to 100 ns. DMG can be equipped with up to 400 two-way digital channels. Both time intervals and signal levels can be program controlled with high resolution and flexibility. The DMG block has been constructed using ECL circuits in order to meet the requirements for speed. The drivers in the digital channels consist of custom hybrid circuits. Fig. 6 The drivers in the digital channels are constructed using custom hybrid circuits from the Swedish semiconductor manufacturer R I F A A B Fig. 7 Basic diagram for one of the 400 digital channels Ref 1/0 Z X Analog reference levels (six per channel) Digital data High-Impedance drivers slate Cancellation of the comparator error flag Digital levels The digital channels contain drivers and comparators. The voltage levels (high and low level respectively) of the drivers can be set individually for each channel t o t h e desired voltage w i t h i n t h e range 12V to + 1 2 V . The drivers can give an output current of up to ± 2 0 mA. It is also possible to program a current load within the interval - 1 0 m A to +10mA. The voltage levels of the comparators can also be set individually within the range - 1 2 V to + 1 2 V . The input impedance is 1 0 0 k o h m s . Digital data Digital data are given in the test program with the aid of the Veto instructions PUT and GET. The test program designer uses the PUT c o m m a n d to specify which data are to be fed in to the inputs of the test object. Each of the digital channels can give high level (1) or low level (0), or take up a high-impedance state (Z), fig. 7. The GET c o m m a n d is used to define the expected data from the outputs of the test object as high level (1), low level (0) or " d o n ' t care" (X). The TEST instruction is used to compare the expected and the obtained data. In static tests, the PUT, GET and TEST c o m m a n d s are repeated for each new signal pattern, as shown in the program example in fig.8. 177 PUT 01 ATINP1, INP2 GET 1 AT NANDOUT TEST PUT10ATINP1.INP2 GET 1 AT NANDOUT TEST PUT 11 ATINP1, INP2 GET 0 AT NANDOUT TEST Fig. 8 Veto instructions for static testing of a simple NAND gate Time control The instructions PUT and GET define the signal patterns in the digital test. With real time testing it is also necessary to specify detailed time patterns. In the Veto language the digital real time testing of a test object is described in three stages. First the block PROTOCOL specifies the times at which data are to be changed for each input and strobed from each output respectively. The digital signal patterns are then defined in the block PREPARE REAL TIME. Each real time test sequence is initiated by the Veto instruction RUN, which specifies the protocol in question and the relevant signal pattern definition, as shown in the program example in fig. 9. Fig. 9 An example of Veto instructions for real time testing PROTOCOL ALPHA FUNCTION ATE-CLOCK PERIOD = 2 US TIME 200 NS TO 1200NSPUT POS-PULSE AT ENABLEPIN END FUNCTION CYCLE WRITECYCLE CYCLETIME = 2 US TIME 0 NS TO 1500 NS PUT DATA AT RS0, RS1,RW, CS TIME 0 NS TO 1500 NS PUT DATA AT DAT TIME 0 NS TO 2000 NS PUT DATA AT RESETPIN TIME 1900 NS GET DATA AT PA END CYCLE END PROTOCOL PREPARE REAL TIME TEST1 USING ALPHA WRITECYCLE PUT 0 AT RESETPIN WRITECYCLE PUT 1 AT RESETPIN PUT 0001 AT RS0, RS1, RW, CS PUTH:AAATDAT GETH:AAATPA END PREPARE RUN TEST1 MAX-TIME 100 MS DMG in LPA10302 enables the test program designer to define different time patterns with a high degree of flexibility. The digital real time testing is divided into test cycles. Up to 16 different cycle types can be defined simultaneously, and also mixed optionally in one and the same stream of test cycles. Each type of cycle has its own definitions of sensing times and a cycle length of between 100 ns and 40 ns. Block DMG contains eight program controlled pulse generators, whose sixteen pulse edges can be used unrestrictedly for pulse control of drivers and comparators. The pulse edge times can be programmed with a resolution of 1 ns. Each digital channel has 4 kbit memories for digital data. The clocking out of the memory content towards the test object can be synchronized with the test station clock or the test object clock. In the latter case the clock frequency can lie in the interval 25kHz - 50 MHz. The microprogrammed control unit can carry out jumps, run in loops and carry out subroutine calls, and it can also wait for an external condition. Selector functions and instruments The function of the selector is to connect the instruments included in the system to the desired test points on the test object. The instruments can be actual measuring instruments, passive load units or active generators. A very wide range of instruments can be connected in via the standardized instrument bus GPIB and controlled from the test programs. In the basic version, for testing digital printed board assemblies, the test station is equipped with a digital multimeter and a time meter. A wide range of selector equipment can be used, and both single-wire and twowire selectors can be used, fig. 10. The single-wire selector can be equipped with four selector channels per digital test channel in DMG, or it can be equipped with up to 128 selector channels, which are then connected via a cross-connection interface. The two-wire selector is used mainly for analog measurements which are not referred to common signal earth. It can be equipped with up to 128 selector channels, which are connected via the crossconnection interface. Both the singlewire and the two-wire selector can connect in up to four instruments simultaneously, each with the aid of an instrument selector with eight instrument connections. A test station intended mainly for digital testing is normally equipped with a single-wire selector, with one selector channel per digital test channel in DMG. This reduces to a minimum the need for different cross-connection interfaces. Fault tracing aids The test station is equipped with two test probes for fault tracing, each of which can be used for either digital or analog measurements. Together with the software of the control system the test probes constitute an advanced aid for locating faults in both digital and analog printed board assemblies. Test probes For analog tests the test probes can be used to input signals or for making measurements. Thus all instruments that are connected to the instrument selector can be connected to optional points in the test object. Fig. 10 The selector functions of the test station provide facilities for connecting in different types of instruments for measurements and signal generation SEL CSEL-A CSEL-B, CSEL-C ISEL-A, ISEL-B DMG Selector block Two-wire selector Single-wire selectors Instrument selectors Dynamic measurement and generator Digitally the test probes are used for advanced real time fault tracing on digital circuits. Each probe contains a glitch detector, w h i c h detects any change from high or low level to an indeterminate value. The length and position in time of the sensing interval can be programmed in steps of 1 ns. The test probe detector has a 4 kbit buffer memory and can distinguish the f o l l o w i n g node states: - High or low level - Neither high nor low level - Positive or negative edge - Positive or negative pulse - Positive or negative deviation to an indeterminate value - Ditto before or after a pulse edge - Ditto before, during or after a pulse. Position finder for quicker fault tracing The t w o test probes can be supplemented by a position finder, w h i c h with the aid of step motors positions the probes at the given coordinates on the test object in less than a second. The coordinates are fetched from the pattern design database, and an otherwise time-consuming part of the fault tracing routine is thus made quick and accurate. Software for automatic fault location When the test system detects a discrepancy between the expected and the detected data the operator is informed that the printed board assembly in question is faulty. However, before the fault can be repaired it must be located to a faulty component or c o n n e c t i o n . The software for automatic fault location makes it possible to trace a fault automatically to a certain node on the printed board assembly. The method is based on information c o n c e r n i n g the expected data in each node, and how the nodes affect each other via driving logic circuits. Assume that the data obtained from one of the c o n n e c t i o n pins on the test object deviate from the expected data. The operator is then instructed to position the test probe on each of the inputs to the circuit that drives the pin in question. When an input with the wrong data is found, the operator is instructed to place the probe on each of the inputs to the circuit that drives the faulty input. The fault is thus traced backwards from effect to cause, and the process will lead to a node w h i c h gives faulty data in spite of the fact that all driving inputs have the correct data. The faulty node has then been located. When the position finder is used all movements of the test probes are entirely automatic, w h i c h saves a considerable a m o u n t of time. Designing test programs Simulation aids A simulation system designated VDS (Veto Design System), fig. 11, has been developed as an aid in designing test data for test system LPA103 02. VDS is intended primarily for objects that require real time testing. The system is installed in a powerful main frame computer and can be used as an aid both for verifying designs and for designing test programs. One main feature of VDS is that delay times are analyzed statistically and the probabilities of different sequences of events are calculated from the mean values and standard deviations for the delay times of the various elements in the circuit. 1Q83 179 VDS reads the circuit diagram information for the test object from the database for pattern design. Information regarding the components is fetched from a model library. The functions of complex components are described in the highlevel language Modelette. The test program designer specifies the desired input signals using Veto. The simulation in VDS results in Veto instructions, which define input signals and expected output signals from a fault-free test object, and also the data that are required for automatic fault location. The information can be transferred directly to an LPA10302 for further processing and verification. One advantage of simulation is that it is possible to measure the degree of fault coverage and the fault resolution of the test program. Manual test program design The Veto program and the fault locating information from VDS can be used directly in LPA103 02 since the same program language is used. Hence, after the simulation the test program designer can concentrate on the analog part of Fig. 11 The simulation system VDS consists of a number of interworking modules the test program and any supplementing of the digital part that might be necessary. The program is then compiled and verified by testing an actual printed board assembly of the type in question. Connecting up the test object The test objects are usually printed board assemblies with components and connectors. They are connected up to the various functions of the test station via a test fixture and a cross-connection interface All printed board assemblies having the same type of connectors and the same mechanical dimensions can be tested in one and the same fixture, fig. 12. The fixture for printed board assemblies of type ROF is used for both R0F13 and R0F16, and it has motorized opening and closing for easier handling. The cross-connection interface normally has direct connections between the fixture and the test system, but special connections can be made when necessary. The cross-connection interface can also be used to connect in matching boards between the object and the test system. The test station is equipped with a special interface unit for communicating with test objects having standardized signalling interfaces, such as CCITTV.24. Power supply The test station can be equipped with up to six power supply units, with programmable voltage and current limiting, for the supply of power to the test objects. A special selector for choosing the supply pins gives greater flexibility. In a test station equipped with 400 digital channels the DMG magazine alone uses almost 4kW. New technology has to a certain extent been used to solve the problems of voltage distribution and heat dissipation. Fan-cooled parallel power units feed 200mm 2 copper bars, which are screwed direct to a rear plate of sandwich type. The connectors are of a special type, in which the pins that are used for power distribution are pressed into the aluminium rear plate. 180 Fig. 12 The test station can easily be equipped with test fixtures for widely disparate uses The test station is air cooled by two tangential fans with a total capacity of 2500 m3/h. The fans are mounted directly above the DMG magazine. In addition the temperature is monitored in several places in the rack, and if abnormal values are detected an alarm is sent to the control system, which in the case of large deviations automatically cuts off the current to the test station. Maintenance and calibration The test system contains a number of maintenance programs, which check that all parts of the system function correctly and that all measurement and generator functions are correctly calibrated. Some maintenance programs are run daily, others weekly, yet others monthly etc. The serviceman uses a maintenance menu to initiate, for example, weekly maintenance, after which all weekly maintenance programs are run automatically. The serviceman is informed about any faults that are found, and the unit likely to contain the fault is indicated. Summary The main characteristics of test system LPA103 02 are - sophisticated functions for real time testing of digital printed board assemblies - flexible measuring and connection facilities for analog printed board assemblies - little need for separate auxiliary equipment for each type of test object - short setting-up times - efficient fault tracing aids. References 1. IEEE Standard. Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation. IEEE Std 488-1978. 2. IEEE Standard. ATLAS Test Language. IEEE Std 416-1981. 1983 Development of Line Circuits for AXE 10 Gunnar Bjurel, Andre Dudnik and Royne Hjortendal The line circuit is that part of a telephone exchange system where the subscriber lines are connected in. Since the design of the circuit to a great extent affects the characteristics of a digital exchange system, such as the space requirement, cost, power loss and transmission quality, extensive development work has been undertaken in order to obtain a new generation of components for the line circuit in AXE 10. The authors describe the work and the functions and characteristics of the line circuit. In the two subsequent articles in this issue of Ericsson Review the two special components, SLIC and SLAC, which have been developed for the line circuit are described in detail. SLIC is a bipolar LSI component which contains the high-voltage parts of the line circuit, whereas SLAC is a digital VLSI component in MOS technique. UDC 621.3.049 621.395.3 Fig. 1 A functional comparison between an analog and a digital subscriber stage Blue Red LIC-A LIC-A/D LIC-D SS TS AJC/BJC PCD JTC GSS ITC/OTC ETC Analog functions Digital functions Analog line circuit Analog/digital line circuit Digital line circuit Analog subscriber stage Time switch in the digital subscriber stage Junctor circuits for A and B-subscriber functions Analog/digital converter for 32 channels Link to the group selector Digital group selector Incoming and outgoing analog trunk circuits Terminal equipment for PCM line systems The introduction of the digital subscriber stage12 in AXE 10 was the second stage in a digitalization process, which started with the introduction of the digital group selector, fig. 1. The possibility of remote siting of the subscriber stage means that the advantages of digital transmission, namely higher transmission quality and lower cost, can also be utilized in the primary network. Since the digital subscriber stage consists almost exclusively of electronic equipment the possibilities offered by VLSI technique as regard space, power and cost reductions can be exploited fully. However, this requires extensive component development work. This applies particularly in the case of the line circuit components, since they contain a large number of complex functions, which, because the selector stage is digital, must be individual for each subscriber line. The third stage in the digitalization process is shown in fig. 1 below. Here the digital subscriber stage has been supplemented by digital line circuits for connecting digital subscriber lines. Development work is in progress on the first generation of components and circuits, for connecting digital subscriber lines to the digital subscriber stage in AXE 10. The digital subscriber stage The digial subscriber stage in AXE 10 is built up in modules of 128 lines. Sixteen such modules together form a fully built out stage of 2048 lines. The subscriber stage can either be connected direct to the group selector or it can be connected remotely via digital line systems. Subscribers connected to a remote subscriber stage have access to the same functions and services as the other subscribers and the operating company can make use of the same maintenance functions for remotely and centrally connected subscribers. 1 GUNNAR BJUREL ANDRE DUDNIK ROYNE HJORTENDAL ELLEMTEL Utvecklings AB Each line switch module, LSM, fig.2, contains 128 lines circuits, time switch, DTMF receivers, connections for a line system or link to the group selector and test equipment which permits testing of subscriber lines and line circuits. In addition each line module contains a regional processor. The different units in the line module are connected together via three bus systems for speech, control and testing. The line circuits are assembled in groups of 4-8 (depending on the type of line circuit) on a line circuit board and are controlled by a common microprocessor. Line circuit functions Line circuit functions Current feeding Polarity inversion Call detection Detection of dial pulses Ringing Answer detection Ring tripping Line and line circuit testing Overvoltage protection Changeover between two-wire and four-wire (hybrid) Analog/digital conversion Since the selector network in the subscriber stage is digital all analog functions must be performed in the line circuits, individually for each subscriber line. This applies for the subscriber line orientated high voltage functions as well as the analog/digital conversion and other low voltage functions in accordance with the summary of the line circuit functions given in the table. Two generations of line circuits The cost of the line circuit forms a considerable part of the total cost of the AXE 10 system, and hence continual development work must be carried out in order that new developments in the fields of basic technology and components can be utilized at once. However, in order not to have to introduce new types of line circuit boards too often the product development has taken place in a number of stages, each based on a generation of line circuit components. Fig. 2 A line switch module, LSM, for 128 subscriber lines Blue Red LIC LTC/LCT KRC ETB JTC TS TSB EMRP EMRPB Analog functions Digital functions Line circuit Line and line circuit tester DTMF receiver Exchange terminal for a PCM link to the group selector in a remote subscriber stage Local link to the group selector when the subscriber stage is placed in the exchange Time switch Time switch bus with 512 time slots Regional processor Regional processor bus The first generation of line circuit components was made possible by the fact that the complete conversion between analog and digital representation of the speech signal could be performed economically per subscriber with the aid of VLSI components that were already available on the market. LSI technique has also been used in the second generation for certain of the high voltage parts of the line circuit functions. Furthermore a special VLSI circuit has been developed for the analog/digital conversion. This circuit includes a facility for control ling a number of transmission parameters by means of stored programs. This version of the line circuit is smaller and requires less power than the earlier version, and several other characteristics have also been improved. One of the prerequisites for a third generation of line circuits is that LSI technique can be used for all high voltage functions, and the need for electromechanical relays can thus be eliminated. First generation of line circuits On the first generation of line circuit boards, fig. 3, which has been in production since 1981, the analog/digital conversion is carried out using a commercially available single-channel codec and a filter of the switched capacitor type. The codec is connected to the system speech bus via a special circuit in bipolar technique. The line circuit twowire/four-wire transition takes place in a miniaturized transformer hybrid, which is made up of two transformers in order to obtain optimum transmission characteristics in relation to the mechanical size of the hybrid. The power feeding of the subscriber line is arranged in the conventional way through the primary windings of the transformer hybrid via thick film resistors. The ringing signal, polarity inversion and line test functions are each connected in by means of a miniature relay. The line equipment is protected against overvoltages, caused by for example lightning, by including a newly developed, highly efficient overvoltage 1983 183 Fig. 4 The first generation of line circuit boards, for four lines per board protection of the diode thyristor type. Considerable effort has also been made to separate transient currents from other earth currents on the line circuit board, thus greatly increasing the ability of the line circuit to withstand overvoltages. Cradle and dial signals and ringing answer are detected by a standard type comparator circuit with an associated resistance network in thick film technique. The line circuit board, fig. 4, is equipped with four line circuits controlled by a common microprocessor, which also performs a certain amount of digital signal processing. The dimensions of the line circuit board are 222x178x17 mm. Fig. 3 A simplified circuit diagram for the first generation of line circuit boards MDF LIB LIC POVP SOVP TEST HYB BAL POL DET RING LF CLR FILT A/D DP I/O Main distribution frame Line circuit board Line circuit components for a subscriber line Primary overvoltage protection Secondary overvoltage protection Relay for connection to a test bus Hybrid transformer Balance network Relay for polarity inversion Detector function Relay for connecting In ringing voltage Power feeding resistance Control of relays PCM filter and level adjustment PCM codec Microprocessor Interfaces towards the system buses The second generation of line circuits The second generation of line circuits use a number of specially developed components and are more compact, require less power and are in the long run cheaper than the first generation of circuits. They are also more efficient than the first generation, and the standard printed board design meets the requirements of most markets. Components The line circuit functions are carried out by two components, SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface Circuit) and SLAC (Subscriber Line Audio processing Circuit). SLIC, which replaces, among other things, the transformer hybrid of the first generation, contains functions for powerfeeding, receiving dial pulses and for detecting calls and answers. The polarity inversion, which in the first generation was carried out by a relay, is now integrated in SLIC, which also contains drive circuits for the two remaining relays for ringing and testing. SLAC contains the analog/digital conversion and filtering, as well as functions for stored program control of levels, the two-wire impedance and the hybrid balance. The control signals required for SLIC are also generated in SLAC. An analog and a digital loop can be set up in SLAC for test purposes. The main part of the SLAC functions are carried out using digital signal processing, which means that the analog parts are quite simple. The characteristics of the circuit are therefore very stable and easy to verify, and the possibilities of close packing of digital functions offered by the VLSI technique can be exploited to the full. Function Generation 1 Ringing Relay Test connection Relay Power feeding Resistances Polarity inversion Relay Call detection Comparator and film network Ring tripping Call detection circuit Two-four-wire Transformers conversion Decadic impulsing,Auxiliary e.g. towards equipment a PABX Two-wire Discrete impedance components Balance impedance A/D conversion Integrated single-channel PCM filter Switched capacitor Level adjustment Discrete voltage dividers Thyristor circuit Overvoltage protection Generation 2 Relay Relay Chopper LSI LSI LSI and film network LSI LSI Stored program control Integrated with the filter Digital Stored program control Thyristor circuit Table 1 C o m p a r i s o n of the m e t h o d s for realizing different f u n c t i o n s in the t w o g e n e r a t i o n s of line circuits. LSI indicates that the f u n c t i o n is integrated w i t h the p o w e r f e e d i n g Fig. 5 A simplified circuit program for the second generation of line circuit boards MDF LIB LIC POVP TEST RING SOVP SLIC LF CLR DET SLAC A/D DSP CLS TSS DP I/O Fig. 6 The second generation of line circuit boards, for eight line circuits per printed board assembly Main distribution frame Line circuit board Line circuit components for one subscriber line Primary overvoltage protection Relay for connection to the test bus Relay tor connecting In ringing voltage Secondary overvoltage protection Line circuit component Power feeding function Control of relays Detector function Component for analog/digital conversion and for other speech signal processing Analog/digital conversion Digital signal processing Control of SLIC functions Time slot selection Microprocessor Interface circuits towards the system bus In addition to SLIC and SLAC the line circuit board, fig. 5, contains a test relay and a ringing connection relay per line. It is also equipped with an overvoltage protection of the thyristor type, to protect SLIC against any overvoltages on the subscriber line. As in the first generation each board contains a microprocessor and a special component for matching to the system buses. Printed circuit board Since SLIC and SLAC require less space and have considerably less power loss than the first generation of circuits, it has been possible to place eight line circuits with the associated control and interface components, on one printed circuit board, fig. 6. A special hybrid component, CLIC (Complete Line Interface Circuit) containing SLIC and SLAC in chip carrier packages, and a number of external components have been developed for this printed board assembly. The differences between the two generations are shown in table 1. Characteristics Compared with the first generation, the second generation of line circuits have a number of advantages as regards functions and performance. With eight line circuits on one printed board the amount of space required for the line circuit part of a line switch module, LSM, is halved. This, combined with a similar development of the control parts of LSM, means that the space requirement has been drastically reduced. With SLIC all known power feeding methods, such as resistive or constant feeding, can be arranged by programming and using simple external components. The power feeding is carried out with the aid of a chopper, and hence the power loss in the circuit is considerably less than in the case of a line circuit with conventional resistive feeding, fig.7, in spite of the fact that SLIC imitates the resistive power feeding with good accuracy. Another characteristic of SLIC which helps to reduce the power consumption, for example in the case of a short circuit on the subscriber line, is that SLIC can be put in a mode with extremely low feeding current towards the line. SLIC can also handle special signalling codes, such as decadic impulsing or single-wire calling towards PABXs, without any peripheral equipment being required. SLAC, with its stored program controlled amplification of thespeech level,enables the level requirements of most markets to be satisfied with a single type of printed board assembly. The two-wire impedance is also stored program controlled, and all known impedances can be achieved with good accuracy, which in its turn means improved sidetone attenuation. Fig. 8 shows the return loss towards a complex impedance. The balance impedance is controllable in the same way as the two-wire impedance, which makes for a considerable improvement 185 Fig. 7 Comparson of the power loss as a function of the line resistance in a conventional line circuit and in a line circuit with simulated resistive power feeding with a feeding resistance of 2x200 ohms and a feeding voltage of 50 V Conventional resistive power feeding Simulated resistive power feeding of the loop attenuation in the hybrid towards subscriber lines. As in the first generation the subscriber line and line circuits are tested with a special test circuit, w h i c h is connected in with the test relay. The test circuit can be used for making measurements on the subscriber line and for testing all functions of the line circuit, including the A/D conversion. Future development The introduction of the second generation of line circuits for AXE 10 has meant a considerable improvement in functions and characteristics. With the introduction of a third generation, in a few years' time, the trend of LSI technique towards the use of higher voltages will be exploited in order to replace, in an economical way, the relay functions that still remain on the line circuit board. The further development of low voltage digital VLSI technique towards a greater degree of integration will also be exploited in order to move other central functions out to the line circuits. Fig. 8 The return loss towards a complex impedance of 900 ohms in parallel with 30 nF References: 1. Nilsson, B.-A. and Sorme, K.: AXE - A Review. Ericsson Rev. 57(1980):4, pp. 138-148. 2. Persson, K. and Sundstrom, S.: Digital local exchanges AXE 10. Ericsson Rev. 58(1981 ):3, pp. 102-110. 3. Norevik, B.: Remote AXE 10 Subscriber Switch in a Container. Ericsson Rev. 59 (1982):4, pp. 174-177. 4. Rydin, A. and Sundvall, J.: Line Circuit Component SLIC for AXE 10. Ericsson Rev. 60 (1983):4, pp. 192-200. 5. Ericsson, G. and Svensson, T.: Line Circuit Component SLAC for AXE 10. Ericsson Rev. 60 (1983):4, pp. 186191. Circuit Component SLAC for AXE 10 Gunnar Eriksson and Tommy Svensson The development of line circuits for AXE 10 has already been described in this issue of Ericsson Review. In this article one of the components in the line circuit is described, namely SLAC (Subscriber Line Audio processing Circuit), whose functions are more extensive than what is normally expected from codec and filters. SLAC is manufactured in MOS technology using VLSI. The signal processing in the circuit is digital and stored program controlled. The circuit has many programmable features. UDC 621.3.049.774.2 Fig. 1 Block diagram of the subscriber line audio processing circuit, SLAC PFX PFR ADC DAC DF1, DF2 IF1, IF2 CFX, CFR GCX, GCR MFX MFR CMP EXP DOS DIS LSW INS BNS SCL CNTR Analog prefilter Analog post-filter Analog/digital converter Digital/analog converter Decimation filters, in which the sampling frequency is reduced Interpolation filters, in which the sampling frequency is increased Filters for correcting the attenuation-frequency characteristics Gain regulation units Band pass filter 0.3-3.4 kHz Low pass filter, 3.4 kHz Compressor Expander Output stage for PCM Input stage for PCM Loop connection circuit Impedance filter Balance filter Register for control signals to SLIC Control unit A prerequisite for completely digital switching networks in a telephone exchange is that analog/digital conversion of the telephone signals is carried out separately for each line. The line circuit printed board assemblies, which in addition to such traditional functions as power feeding, ringing, sensing of the hook condition etc. also handle analog/ digital conversion, therefore constitute important building elements in a digital telephone exchange. Previous generations of line circuit boards have contained single-channel codec and filters for the analog/digital conversion. The signal processing has then been mainly analog. The line circuit component SLAC (Subscriber Line Audio processing Circuit) contains more functions than are normally found in the codec and filters. Efficient utilization of digital signal processing has reduced the number of analog functions required, and their performance data are not critical. Digital signal processing has the following advantages: - The circuit performance is determined by the design of the signal processing circuitry, and not by uncontrollable internal noise sources or component variations. - The performance can be reproduced in one component after another. - The performance is not affected by temperature variations or ageing. - It is relatively simple to incorporate functions in the circuit which will simplify other parts of the line circuit board. - The above-mentioned functions can be made programmable, which means increased flexibility and the possibility of improved performance by the line circuit as a whole. - Most of the testing of the component can be done using digital methods, which means a significantly lower testing cost. - Future cost development is considerably more favourable for circuits with digital technology than for analog circuits. On the line circuit board SLAC is connected to the line via SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface Circuit). The SLIC functions can either be realized in an IC3 or by means of discrete components. The design of SLAC guarantees that the transmission requirements of CCITT Recommendation G.712 are met with good margins. 1983 187 GUNNAR ERIKSSON TOMMY SVENSSON ELLEMTEL Utvecklings AB Digital filtering An analog filter operates on continuous signals, usually represented by voltages and currents. The filtering effect is obtained by means of phase-shifting electrical components. A digital filter, on the other hand, operates on sequences of numbers, samples, which arrive at a constant frequency, the sample frequency fs The filtering effect is achieved by means of delays and arithmetic operations. Fig. A shows one type of a simple digital filter. The signal passes a chain of delay elements, each giving a delay T = 1/fs The output signals from each delay element is multiplied by a coefficient (a 0 -a 2 ) and the results are added. Each output signal sample is thus affected by the latest input signal sample and also by some earlier input signal samples. Like an analog filter, a digital filter can be characterized by its impulse response, i.e. the output signal that is obtained when the input signal consists of a single sample with an amplitude equal to unity. In the filter shown in fig. A the impulse response will be as shown in fig. B. This type of digital filter is called an FIR filter (Finite Impulse Response) since the duration of the impulse response is finite (= the number of delays). A slightly more complicated filter is shown in fig.C. In this example the output signal is not only influenced by previous input signal samples but also by previous output signals. The impulse response for such a filter is, at least theoretically, infinitely long and the filter type is called IIR (Infinite Impulse Response). With an MR filter the same filter effect can be obtained as with an FIR filter but with fewer delays. -^-Time Since the IIR filter contains feedback it can become unstable if the coefficients b, and b2 are given unsuitable values. An FIR filter, however, is always stable. The reference articles'' 5 give a more detailed description of digital filters. Design Functionally SLAC can be divided into a number of blocks, fig. 1 The send path comprises the blocks between the analog input and the PCM output, and the receive path comprises the blocks between the PCM input and the analog output. There are also blocks connected between the t w o paths. A couple of blocks with control f u n c t i o n s are shown at the bottom of the diagram. One of the main features of SLAC is the s i m p l i c i t y o f i t s a n a l o g part. The prefilter PFX required for the sampling process has therefore been designed as a singlepole RC filter. In order to ensure that the variation of the RC constant shall not affect the transmission properties of the circuit in the speech band to any great extent, the filter cut off frequency is set to 115kHz, i.e. far outside the speech band. The analog/digital conversion takes place in the ADC at a sampling frequency of 512kHz. At this frequency the attenuation of PFX is sufficient to avoid aliasing distortion. After ADC all signal processing in the send path is digital. However, the sampling rate of 512 kHz is far too high for the desired filter f u n c t i o n . The sampling rate is therefore reduced, first to 32 kHz by DF1 and then to 16 kHz by DF2. These digital filters, w h i c h are of the FIR type (see the fact panel to the left), have been designed so that the sampling rate reduction does not cause any d i s t u r b i n g aliasing of out-of-band signals into the speech band. Minor corrections of the transmission characteristic can be made by CFX. GCX adjusts the level of the send path output signal to a suitable value. The demand for high signal attenuation for frequencies outside the speech band is met by the band pass filter MFX. This filter is of the IIR type. Up to this point all digital signal processing in the send path uses linear code. CMP therefore compresses the digital signal samples to PCM in a c c o r d a n c e with the A-law or |.i-law before they leave SLAC via DOS. The receive path contains blocks similar to those in the send path. However, the 188 Fig. 2 Unit for digital filter calculations signal processing takes place in the opposite order After expanding to linear code the signal is filtered in MFR. The level correction is carried out in GCR, and CFR handles minor corrections of the transmission characteristics. Up to this point the signal processing is carried out at a sampling rate of 16kHz. However, the sampling rate must be increased in order to obtain low complexity in the analog output stage. This is done in the interpolating filters IF1 and IF2. The digital/analog converter can therefore produce analog samples at a rate of 256 kHz. With this high rate the output filter PFR becomes extremely simple. LSW is used to set up loop connections for testing. It gives an analog and a digital loop, which are independent of each other. The analog and the digital parts of SLAC can therefore be tested separately. INS is used to adjust the input impedance of SLIC, and BNS provides balancing for the two-wire/four-wire conversion. Programmable functions The characteristics of a digital filter are determined by its coefficients. If these are stored in a RAM, the filter characteristics can be changed by writing in new coefficient values. This feature of digital filters has been exploited in SLAC so that several filter functions are programmable. The parameters of the programmable filters are controlled by CNTR, which com- Fig. 3 Block diagram of an interpolating analog/digital converter municates with a microprocessor that is common to all lines on the line circuit board. Thus the parameters of the programmable filters, and also certain other functions, can be controlled separately for each SLAC via this processor. The following filters can be programmed: INS A four-coefficient FIR filter, with which the input impedance for SLIC is set BNS An eight-coefficient FIR filter, which is used as a balance network for the twowire/four-wire conversion CFX, CFR Four-coefficient filters, with which the transmission characteristics can be corrected individually for the send and receive paths. These filters can, for example, be used to correct undesirable attenuation-frequency characteristics in components outside SLAC GCX, GCR The gain in the send and receive paths can be set individually over a dynamic range of 12dB in steps of less than 0.1 dB. The other programmable functions include: - Switching between active state and idle state with reduced power consumption. - Analog and digital test loop. - A-law or u.-law. - Choice of PCM clock rate: 2.048 MHz or 4.096 MHz. - Choice of one of 32 (2.048 MHz) or one of 64 (4.096 MHz) time slots, independently for the send and receive directions. - Choice of one of two PCM ports for each of the send and receive directions. - SLIC control: Functions associated with SLIC require a technology that can withstand high voltages. Such technology is usually not suitable for logic functions. Five SLAC outputs have therefore been allocated for the control of SLIC functions. Control information from the microprocessor is decoded in CNTR and presented to SCL as control information for SLIC, and the digital functions in SLIC can therefore be kept at a minimum. Fig. 5 The left-hand part of the figure shows the whole output signal spectrum of the analog/digital converter. The right-hand side shows the low-frequency part of the spectrum in greater detail. The input signal has an amplitude of -2dBmO and a frequency of 1.5 kHz Digital filters A digital filter requires delay elements and units that carry out additions and multiplications. Delays in SLAC are obtained by storing signal data in a RAM and reading them out at suitable times. Multiplicationsare carried out by means of additions and shift operations. The filter coefficients are designated so that the number of additions is kept low. The additions are carried out in an arithmetic logic unit, ALU. Since SLAC has a clock frequency of 2048 kHz an ALU can carry out 256 operations per 8 kHz sample. These operations are utilized by the various filter blocks in fig.1 using time multiplexing. However, two ALUs are required in order to be able to handle all filter functions. Of the corresponding two filter units one is used for the send direction and BNS, and the other for the receive direction and INS. Fig. 2 shows the principle for the logic implementation of a filter unit. A microprogram stored in a ROM controls the process. The filter coefficients are obtained e i t h e r f r o m RAM or ROM depending on whether they belong to a programmable filter or not. ALU exchanges data with a RAM, which is addressed by the microprogram. This program also determines which type of operation ALU is to carry out. The A/D converter in SLAC has been developed from an idea by J.C. Candy and B. Wooley of Bell Laboratories 1 , which they have called an interpolating A/D converter. In the interpolating A/D converter, fig. 3, the analog input signal X(t) is compared with a coarsely quantized signal Q A (t), w h i c h is generated by a D/A converter. The digital input signal to the D/A converter, Q D (nT), also constitutes the digital output signal from the A/D converter. The A/D converter quantizing levels have a logarithmic characteristic, w h i c h means that the relative quantizing error is practically independent of the signal level. Once in each sample interval the signal QA(t) is changed to an adjacent quantizing level, f i g . 4 . The error signal e(t) = X(t) - QA(t) is integrated. Q D and its analog counterpart Q A are increased or reduced one step in each sampling period depending on the sign of the integrated error. This feedback means that the output signal will follow the input signal in such a w a y that the low-frequency part of the output signal accurately reproduces the lowfrequency part of the input signal. In order to be able to exploit the advantages of digital signal processing, the A/ D converter must meet more stringent requirements than an ordinary codec filter circuit. It must w o r k with a high sampling rate so that the analog prefilter PFX can be made simple, and it must have a large dynamic range since the gain control is performed by the digital part of the circuit, GCX. The spectrum of the quantizing error will therefore contain very low energy levels at low frequencies, but higher levels at high frequencies, fig. 5. This highfrequency noise will be suppressed by the digital filters that follow the A/D c o n verter. D e s p i t e t h e c o a r s e q u a n t i z i n g the signal resolution in the speech band is adequate, due to the high sampling rate and the integration of the error, w h i c h give an interpolation between the q u a n tizing levels. However, the design is simplified by the fact that it is only in the speech band that the A/D converter has to reproduce signals with a high degree of accuracy. All signals outside the speech band are A digital adaptation m e t h o d has been developed in order to meet the very stringent demands as regards dynamics. The adaptation means that the size of the step varies w i t h the signal level 2 . A/D converter, ADC Fig. 4 Input and output signal from the analog/digital converter suppressed by the digital filters that follow the A/D converter. Fig. 6 The method for determining the input impedance to SUC with the aid of the INS filter INS filter The digital filter INS, w h i c h couples signals from the analog input back to the analog output, can be used to change the input impedance of the line circuit towards the two-wire side, fig. 6. All line circuit boards can therefore be manufactured with the same terminating resistance RA, and the INS filter can then be used to change the input impedance to the value reguired for a certain application. The generated impedance can be complex. This m e t h o d can be used regardless of whether the c o u p l i n g towards the two-wire side is an electronic SLIC 3 or a transformer. Fig. 10 Equivalent diagram for the balance impedance Fig. 8 The desired impedance and the actual value generated with the aid of the INS filter, and the return loss as a function of the frequency Fig. 9 Echo suppression with the aid of the BNS filter The best result is obtained when the delay in the feedback loop over INS is as short as possible. The sampling rate in INS has therefore been set to 32 kHz. The transfer f u n c t i o n for the INS filter, w h i c h is of the FIR type, is H The coefficient values Z 0 - Z 3 are input to the circuit in serial form via the block CNTR. The obtained input impedance Zm can be considered as a parallel connection of the original impedance RA with four part impedances, w h i c h are dependent on the coefficient values Z 0 - Z 3 , fig.7 These part impedances are complicated and cannot be represented by simple RLC c o m p o n e n t s . Fig. 8 shows an example where RA is 600 ohms and the nominal two-wire impedance is 900 o h m s in parallel with 30nF. Receiver coefficients, RAM Receiver control logic Receiver, RAM Receiver, ALU Transmitter, RAM Transmitter, ALU DAC Fig. 12 The SLAC chip, 5.7x7.0 mm Transmitter coefficients, RAM CNTR, control logic Transmitter control logic ADC BNS filter When a signal is transmitted from the PCM side towards the subscriber a part of the signal will return via the send path as an undesirable echo. If the echo path can be imitated in the BNS filter, but with the opposite polarity, the echo will be suppressed. The BNS filter is of the FIR type with eight coefficients and operates at a sampling rate of 16 kHz. Like the INS filter the BNS can be regarded as a balance impedance consisting of Z in and eight part impedances, each of w h i c h is proportional to one BNS coefficient, fig. 10. Fig. 11 The desired and actual balance impedance and the balance return loss Fig. 11 shows an example of how the balance impedance of 536 ohms//100 nf + 330ohms can be achieved. SLAC in LSI A version of SLAC in LSI technology has been developed by Advanced Micro Devices Inc., using a 4u. NMOS process. Fig. 12 shows a photograph of the silicon chip. As can be seen from the figure, the analog parts of the circuit c o n stitute only a small part of the total surface area, less than 1 0 % . Since a digital circuit can fairly easily be modified for new processes using thinner line widths, the prospects for future reduction of the chip area are g o o d . References 1. Candy, J.C., Ninke, W.H. and Wooley, B.A.: A per Channel AID Converter having 15 segment n-255 Companding. IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. Com-24, pp. 33-42, January 1976. 2. Eriksson, G.:An InterpolateA/D Converter with Adaptive Quantizing Levels. IEEE 1980 National Telecommunications Conference, pp. 3. Rydin, A. and Sundvall, J.: Line Circuit Component SLIC for AXE 10. Ericsson Rev. 60 (1983):4, pp. 192-200. 4. Shapiro, L.: The Design of Digital Filters. Electronic Engineering, July 1978, pp. 51 - 5 6 , Aug. 1978, pp. 35-39 and Sept. 1978, pp. 45-52. 5. Oppenheim, A.V. and Shafer, R.W.: Digital Signal Processing. PrenticeHall Inc., 1975. ine Circuit Component SLIC for AXE 10 Arne Rydin and Jackie Sundvall The development of the line circuit for AXE 10 has already been described in this issue of Ericsson Review. In this article one of the components in the line circuit, SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface Circuit), is described. It handles the analog line circuit functions, such as power feeding and signal separation, which have traditionally been carried out by resistors and transformers. The component is an analog VLSI circuit in bipolar high-voltage, junction isolated technique. In addition to the analog parts SLIC contains a digital interface for communication with the other component in the line circuit, SLAC. monolithic circuits for high voltages. For three years RIFA has also been manufacturing a line circuit for the Ericsson PABX MD110. Exploiting the experience thus gained it proved to be possible to integrate most of the high-voltage line circuit f u n c t i o n s in a circuit that meets the requirements for public exchanges. The developed circuit, SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface Circuit), constitutes the interface between the subscriber line and the digital line circuit functions, SLAC 1 . Functional description UDC 621 3.049.774 3 Fig. 1 Block diagram of SLIC REL DET AMP DC. DC TRDC LO SEP Ringing and test relay Detector Output amplifier DC'DC converter Transversal DC regulation Longitudinal regulation Line sensing amplifier, separation and conversion from balanced to unbalanced a.c. and d.c. voltages Relay driver Decoder for state and detector choices etc. In a modern telephone exchange the line circuit is responsible for a large part of the total cost. Great efforts have therefore been made to develop integrated circuits for this function and hence reduce the cost. The number of circuits required w o u l d be large, and most semiconductor companies have shown interest. The greatest success has been obtained in the development of the low-voltage codec and filter circuits, whereas the interface between the analog subscriber line and these circuits has proved more difficult to integrate. The main difficulty has been how to handle the voltages and currents that occur on the line while meeting the stringent accuracy requirements. RIFA has for several years been w o r k i n g on processes for manufacturing bipolar The parts of the overall line circuit function that were considered suitable for integration in a monolithic circuit were: - current feeding - transmission - signalling, detection of line states and relay driving. Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of SLIC. Current feeding Current feeding in SLIC is carried out with the aid of an electronic regulating system, w h i c h senses the line voltage and feeds out the corresponding line current, as described in the fact panel on current feeding on page 194. In this way the f u n c t i o n of a conventional, resistively fed system can be imitated, but constant current feeding can also be obtained. The desired feeding resistance and the current can easily be arranged by suitable choice of external resistances. However, unlike a conventional system the current feeding is indepen- 1963 «W/J ARNE RYDIN JACKIE SUNDVALL RIFA AB dent of the actual voltage of the exchange battery, and the line current is therefore not affected by battery voltage variations. Nevertheless, with a long line and low battery voltage the line voltage could be the same as the actual battery voltage, leaving nothing for the speech signal. The circuit is therefore equipped with a voltage guard, which reduces the line current, and hence the line voltage, to such a level that there is always voltage available for the speech signal. In a conventional current feeding system, where the line is fed from the exchange battery via some form of physical resistors, a part of the voltage drop will be across these resistors, with a resultant loss of power, fig. 2. In an elec- Fig. 2 C u r r e n t f e e d i n g of a c o n v e n t i o n a l s y s t e m over 2 x 2 5 0 o h m s w i t h a t e l e p h o n e set resistance of 300 o h m s Voltages across feeding resistors Fig. 3 Current f e e d i n g u s i n g SLIC, w i t h a t e l e p h o n e set r e s i s t a n c e of 300 o h m s Voltages over the output amplifier Voltage over the chopper regulator 193 tronic line circuit the corresponding power loss would normally occur in the output amplifier of the circuit. This amplifier would then have to be dimensioned for the 3 - 4 W that can be obtained if the line is short. Hitherto this problem has usually been avoided by using external power transistors, or by assimilating a part of the power in external resistors. One disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of obtaining sufficiently good performance without making unreasonably high demands on the accuracy of the components used. The amount of heat produced also meansthatthe high packing density that would otherwise be possible with miniaturized components could not be achieved. Fig. B Conventional current feeding Current feeding The current feeding of the line circuit is illustrated by the functional diagram in fig. A, where the signal paths associated with current feeding are shown in red. In a conventional system the line current is, using the designations of fig. B, Fig. A shows that the line voltage gives rise to a proportional current Uab/2R, at the current output of amplifier A. A fixed current lr0, is subtracted from the proportional current, and these two currents over the resistance give rise to a voltage U = (|U,.b|:2R, - l,e,)R;, The amplification of the buffer amplifier can be switched between +1 and - 1 with the aid of an external signal, and its output voltage gives rise to a current in to the current amplifier. After amplification with the current amplification factor K, the resultant line current is Consequently the terminal amplifiers in SLIC are not fed direct from the exchange battery, but via a chopper regulator in the circuit, which with a high degree of efficiency converts the battery voltage to exactly the voltage that exists across the line plus the voltage required by the amplifiers. The circuit has unbalanced current feeding so as to avoid the need for double choppers, i.e. thea-wire is kept at a constant d.c. voltage whereas the b-wire is dependent on the length of the line, fig. 3. However, from the point of view of transmission the circuit is balanced. Transmission SLIC transmits analog speech signals between the subscriber line and SLAC. On the line side the signal is balanced and superposed on the d.c. feeding for the line. Towards SLAC the signal is unbalanced, referred to earth and free from d.c. voltages. There are two signal paths between SLAC and SLIC, one for the receive and one for the send direction. The desired impedance towards the line can be sim- ulated by means of feedback coupling on the SLAC side of the signal paths via an impedance network. This network, in its turn, can be modified in SLAC. Thus the two-wire output impedance can be controlled by means of software. The requirements for suppression of unbalance signals on the subscriber line side are extremely stringent, both as regards sending and receiving. Active balancing of the line midpoint is therefore carried out using a special regulating loop. The loop balances the signal transmitted from SLIC and reducesthe longitudinal impedance to such a value that induced longitudinal spurious currents can only give rise to low voltages, which are further lowered by the common mode suppression in the sensing amplifier. Hybridizing, i.e. separating the two-way speech signal over the subscriber line into two speech directions, takes place in SLAC. The hybrid balance is set by means of software. The fact panel on transmission describes the basic transmission principle for SLIC. The feeding resistance can thus be varied by means of resistor R3, which is mounted externally. The longitudinal balance is provided by a separate feedback loop, green in fig. A. The loop senses the line midpoint and compares it with a longitudinal reference. The longitudinal feedback also gives the circuit low impedance with respect to longitudinal interference signals. This is described in more detail in the panel "Transmission' . Fig. A Functional diagram of the current feeding Longitudinal reference 1983 195 Fig. D The transversal Thevenin equivalent of the transmission circuit Transmission Fig.C shows the basic transmission principle for SLIC. The voltage across the line terminals U0 and U„ is assumed to have a transversal component U, and a longitudinal component U, such that Ua = U, + U,/2 U„ = U, - U,/2 A circuit analysis gives the transversal Thevenin equivalent as shown in fig. D and the longitudinal impedance Fig. D can now be supplemented with the longitudinal impedance, which gives the overall Thevenin equivalent shown in fig. E. Choosing, for example, K, = 1 000 Z, = 600kohms Z2 = 300kohms G, = 0,05ohm-' gives the equivalent diagram the component dimensions shown in fig, F. Signalling, detection and relay driving The various line states are monitored in SLIC by detectors for calling, ring tripping and earth button closure. The loop detector, which consists of a current sensor and a comparator, detects high or low-resistance loop, i.e. off-hook or on-hook, and dialling. The changeover level of the detector can be adjusted by an external resistor. Differential amplifier Fig. C Functional diagram of the transmission circuit in SLIC Off-hook during ringing is sensed by the detector for ring tripping. This detector consists of a comparator and an external resistor network, and detects the change in the d.c. level at B-answer. The third detector monitors ground key closure (R-signal). It senses the longitudinal current that occurs when one of the wires in the telephone set is closed to earth. This detector also makes it possible to use SLIC in PABX applications, which often utilize this form of signalling. The three detectors can be connected to a common data output. SLIC is controlled by a six-bit data bus. and two data bits are used to select the appropriate detector and activate the data output. One bit determines whether the loop or earth button detector is to be connected to the data output at that moment. The detector for ring tripping is always given priority during ringing. The other data bit activates the data output. The otherfour data bits are used to control SLIC with respect to different line states, for example for signalling towards the line. In the ringing state a relay driver in SLIC is activated and operates the ringing relay. 196 SLIC also contains a number of additional signalling functions. Fig. 4 A n NPN t r a n s i s t o r in SLIC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Substrate Subcollector First isolation Epitaxial layer Low-resistance plug Second isolation Low doped base Highly doped base Emitter Guard Fig. 5 D e s i g n i n g the l a y o u t ot SLIC u s i n g a c o m p u t e r i z e d d r a w i n g s y s t e m . The different m a s k layers of the p h o t o l i t h o g r a p h i c p r o c e s s are represented by different c o l o u r s on the d i s p l a y unit screen Polarity reversal is a type of signalling which is used mainly towards PABXs and coin box sets, but in certain markets it is also used towards ordinary subscriber lines. The polarity reversal function is integrated in the SLIC, and hence there is no need for any external relay for this function. All transmission characteristics are the same in the normal state and the reversed state. The polarity reversal is controlled from SLAC. The way in which the current reversion has been implemented also makes it possible to handle induced longitudinal noise currents on the line which exceed the line current, without the transmission characteristics being affected. Single-wire interruption is used for signalling towards older PABXs. This means that SLIC feeds only over the bwire and the a-wire circuit is open (im- pedance >50kohms). The b-wire is grounded when a call is made from the PABX. This is detected by the loop detector in SLIC and a changeover is made to the normal call state. Two-wire interruption means a break on both the a and b-wires, i.e. no current feeding of the line. This state can be used for signalling towards certain PABXs, and also for line blocking and decadic dialling or for blocking SLIC, for example during a line fault. When waiting for a call from the subscriber SLIC is put in the idle state. In this state the detectors in the circuit are activated but the current feeding requirements are reduced. The internal supply currents in SLIC can therefore be reduced and hence also the power consumption. SLIC also contains a circuit for driving a test relay, which is controlled by one of the data bits from SLAC. Manufacturing process The demands made on the manufacturing process in order to obtain the component characteristics required for SLIC are severe and partly contradictory: - The system requirements for high current, low noise and an accurate, internally generated reference voltage mean that bipolar technique is the only possible method. - On the subscriber line side the normal working voltage range goes up to approximately 50V, and the residual voltage after the secondary overvoltage protectors is momentarily approximately 120V. The circuit therefore requires a very high (for monolithic circuits) ability to withstand high voltages. This requirement is met in the manufacture by using a low doped and relatively thick epitaxial layer. The thick layer means that the isolation diffusion round each component would be space-demanding if it was carried out from above in the conventional way, since the diffusion is radial. The isolation is instead built up in two stages from both sides of the epitaxial layer, fig.4. - High voltage means a risk of channels forming between components, i.e. that parasitic MOS transistors occur 1QR3 197 in the network. Such channels are prevented by means of guard rings of highly doped material round the component peripheries. - The normal line current plus any superposed noise current can give a working current of up to 100 mA, and during overvoltages an instantaneous current of one ampere on the line outputs. The transistors concerned must therefore be able to withstand high currents and have a low saturation voltage. The high resistivity epitaxial layer forms the collectors of the NPN transistors. However, the real collector, the subcollector, is situated under the layer. The epitaxial layer must therefore be shunted by a low resistivity material, a plug. - Despite the high working voltage and the large number of amplifiers in SLIC its own power consumption must be low. This means that the transistors in the amplifiers must be able to work with very low currents (microampere) but still have good current gain properties. Ordinary high-voltage circuits do not have this ability. For this reason the base area of the NPN transistors in SLIC is manufactured in two stages using a special method which ensures very good gain at low currents. - Both low and high resistivity resistors are required, all having good performance and high relative accuracy. The low resistivity resistors are manufactured in the ordinary base diffusion stage, whereas the others require an extra process stage with ion implanting of low doped channels. Fig. 6 Measurements on the wafer. Each circuit is tested before the wafer is divided into chips. The picture shows how microprobes are used to make contact with an individual circuit. The measurements are carried out using an automatic measuring system - The circuit must have very low noise. This means extreme purity and even quality in the manufacturing process. - The circuit must function without any connection pins being used for connecting external compensation capacitors, among other things for encapsulation reasons. This meant that integrated capacitors requiring very little space had to be produced. Fig.4 shows a cross-section of a NPN transistor. Ten masking stages are used in the bipolarSLIC process. Heavily conducting n+ subcollector areas are diffused on to the p-silicon substrate. In addition p+ areas are deposited, which form the first isolation. A relatively thick high resistivity (low doped) epitaxial Nlayer is then built up, followed by diffusions and ion implantations made from the top in the usual manner. Hence the characteristic features of the SLIC processes can be summarized as follows: - The isolation is diffused from both sides of the epitaxial layer. - Contact is made with the subcollector by means of a plug. - The base area is made in two stages. - The components are surrounded by guards. Design The development of SLIC not only necessitated a new manufacturing process but has also made great demands on the design method itself. The first stage was to develop a function principle which made it possible to obtain the desired performance without making unreasonable demands on the components used. The advantages of the monolithic technique, such as the good relative accuracy (matching) of the components, had to be exploited without making excessive demands as regards the absolute accuracy. Computer simulation was used extensively to evaluate different principles and their requirements as regards component accuracy before the actual circuit design work started. Particular attention was paid to the problem of achieving good suppression of longitudinal disturbances in spite of the fact that the d.c. feeding of the circuit was unbalanced. 198 It became clear already at an early stage that it had to be possible to divide up this extremely complex circuit into a number of definable blocks, w h i c h could be designed independently. Since the layout work was also to be based on this separation into blocks it was essential that the number of connections between the blocks was kept to a m i n i m u m . A plan was prepared for the positioning of the various blocks on the silicon chip. Consideration was then paid to the electrical and thermal properties of the circuit. Sensitive functions were placed away from the chopper regulator. Low-voltage amplifiers were placed on isotherms in order to avoid thermal feedback from heat-dissipating components. The separation into blocks is s h o w n in the photograph of the completed silicon chip, fig.7. The chopper regulator, w h i c h works at 256kHz, constitutes a potential source of interference. Balanced c o u p l i n g has therefore been used to the greatest pos- Fig. 7 This photograph of the silicon chip for SLIC shows the separation into functional blocks sible extent in order to avoid disturbances. This fact, together with a very carefully designed layout, has made it possible to keep undesirable transmitted signals at a very low level. Low power c o n s u m p t i o n in the circuit was an extremely desirable feature with regard to packing density and heat dissipation. Great effort was therefore devoted to reducing the power. Most functional units and amplifiers in SLIC work with currents in the order of microamperes, and wherever possible they are fed from the + 5 V and - 5 V feeding voltages instead of the exchange battery voltage. The main part of the signal processing therefore takes place at low-voltage level, and signals for sensing line states and for c o n t r o l l i n g the output amplifiers must therefore be transmitted between different d.c. potentials, which vary according to the line length. This problem has been solved in a comparatively sim- 199 pie way without having to use resistors with high resistance values, by letting the signals consist of currents instead of voltages. Resistors would have been voltage-dependent and would also have required a large area on the chip. The demands for very good balance and high accuracy meant that the design and layout of the circuit had to be made with careful attention paid to matching and uniformity of critical components, in spite of the fact that monilithic basic components with good properties were available. Another example of how the stringent demands were satisfied is the way in which exact resistance ratios were obtained. The resistances were built up of uniform, similarly orientated parts in order to achieve maximum precision in a manner that is not dependent on the process. The desired resistance ratios were then obtained by means of series or parallel connection. Particular attention was paid to the voltage dependency Fig. 8 SLIC in a CERDIP package of the integrated semiconductor resistors, which were placed on islands whose potential would follow the resistor potential. Since most component characteristics are extremely temperature dependent it has been necessary to position and orientate matched components with respect to both static and dynamic temperature distribution over the silicon chip. As the individual blocks were completed they were built up as breadboards, i.e. in discrete form, but with components from the monolithic process. These blocks were then connected together to form a complete SLIC for verification of the design. Performance The quality of the subscriber line networks and the functional demands made on the line circuit are different in different countries. The line circuit must therefore be sufficiently flexible so that it can meet the requirements of different markets. SLIC has been designed accordingly, and adaptations are made partly by means of external components and partly by using variants of the wiring pattern, i.e. one of the last masks in the manufacturing process. One mask option gives resistive feeding and another gives constant current feeding. The actual values, i.e. 2x250 ohms or 2x400ohms and 20mA or 32 mA, are set by means of external resistors for each mask. The circuit also contains a thermal protection which cuts off the current feeding if a short circuit and too high line current are detected. The threshold level for the loop detector is chosen by means of an external resistor. Other factors that vary according to the market are line impedance, balance impedance and level regulation. These parameters are programmable partly by means of external resistors and partly via SLAC. Stringent demands are also made on the transmission characteristics of a SLIC. The analog signal is terminated in the 200 Fig. 9 SLIC encapsulated for hybrid mounting as a part of CLIC (Complete Line Interface Circuit) line circuit, and in an otherwise wholly digital network it is only in and outside this interface that noise can arise and be added. The demands made on SLIC and SLAC are derived from the system requirements for a digital local exchange. These requirements are to a great extent determined by international recommendations, for example by CCITT. The requirements apply for a circuit between two subscribers, through an exchange, and therefore refer to two SLIC and two SLAC. Some of the transmission characteristics of SLIC, which are necessary if the system is to meet the recommendations referred to above, are described below. The level accuracy must be better than ±0.1 dB in order to meet the system requirement for stability. The frequency dependency or attenuation distortion and the level dependency must lie within ±0.1 dB. The sensitivity to longitudinal signals, i.e. the balance characteristics of the cir- cuit, must be better than 60dB. This requirement is based on the fact that in unbalanced conditions the longitudinal interference can generate transversal signals. Since such signals can give rise to transmission currents in the speech band or to radio interference the suppression requirements are extremely stringent. One aim when introducing digital exchanges is, of course, that the noise characteristics are not impaired. This means a maximum noise level of - 7 5 d B m , psophometrically weighted The power consumption is another important parameter. The chopper regulator limits the maximum power dissipation in the circuit to about 1.5W. In the idle state the circuit develops a maximum of 100mW. The circuit can be packaged in a 28-pin CERDIP, fig. 8, or a so-called chip carrier for mounting on a thick film substrate together with SLAC. in a complete line interface circuit, CLIC. fig.9. References 1. Eriksson, G. and Svensson, T.: Line Circuit Component SLAC for AXE 10. Ericsson Rev. 60 (1983):4, pp. 1 8 6 191. ana Office Communication System DIAVOX 2836 Lars Nordstrom DIAVOX2836 is an office communication system for up to 28 trunk lines and 36 extensions. The large number of trunk lines makes the system very suitable for companies with a considerable amount of external traffic. The system can be programmed for alternative operational modes. The author describes the types of telephone sets that can be connected to the system, the functions provided by these sets and the function, electrical design and mechanical construction of the system. LARS NORDSTROM Ericsson Information Systems AB phone attendance service for groups and departments connected to large PABXs. The special sets in the system are individually connected to a central unit, to which all trunk lines are also connected. UDC 621.395.2 DIAVOX2836 is an electronic, stored program controlled office communication system, fig. 1, which has been developed as a larger variant of DIAVOX 824. The latter system has previously been described in Ericsson Review1. DIAVOX 2836 can be programmed foralternative operating modes, to serve as - an ordinary PABX with an operator - a key-system without operator - an executive-secretary system - a multi-line system. It is also possible to divide the system into groups with different operational modes. In the key-system and multi-line system modes the incoming calls can either be taken to all sets or distributed cyclically to the first free telephone. The system is convenient and easy to operate, and it is particularly suitable for small offices, banks, travel agencies and airlines, and also for providing tele- Fig. 1 Office communication system DIAVOX 2836 arranged for sveral simultaneous operational modes Fig. 2 The central processing unit in DIAVOX 2836 Telephone sets The special telephone sets are connected to the central unit via six wires. Two of the wires are used for speech transmission, two for signalling in one direction and two for signalling in the other direction. The sets are equipped with several function buttons, and a button and lamp (LED) for each line for connection and indication purposes, fig.3. There are two main types of telephones, ALPHA and BETA - The ALPHA sets have a button and lamp for each trunk line and indicate the states of all lines, and they allow the user free choice of any such line. An extension equipped with an ALPHA set can therefore function as an answering position for any of the trunk lines. 202 Fig. 3 Block diagram of a telephone set - The BETA sets are equipped with buttons and lamps for two call facilities. One button is used to answer calls from a call queue or transferred calls, depending on the operational mode chosen for the extension. The other button is used to reach a private line, or alternatively a g r o u p of c o m m o n lines. Several variants of the two main types are available and can be used in any combination in both the DIAVOX824 and DIAVOX2836 systems. The only limitation is the requirement that the ALPHA sets must have at least as many line buttons as there are trunk lines in the system. Fig. 4 Telephone set ALPHA 28 Courier ALPHA28Courier has individual buttons and lamps for all 28 trunk lines in DIAVOX2836. It is available with or without loudspeaker, f i g . 4 . ALPHA 12Courier has individual buttons and lamps for 12 trunk lines. It is used in DIAVOX824and in DIAVOX2836 systems that are not fully built out. The set is available with or without loudspeaker, fig. 5. Fig. 5 Telephone set ALPHA 12 Courier ALPHA8 has individual buttons and lamps for eight trunk lines, fig.6. It is mainly used in DIAVOX824 and can be equipped with a loudspeaking attachment. All telephone variants for normal speaking via handsets can be equipped with auxiliary headsets. Telephone set functions All telephone variants contain buttons for the f o l l o w i n g f u n c t i o n s : Line selection (L) These buttons are used both to initiate o u t g o i n g calls and to answer incoming calls. The lamp associated with each line indicates the state of any call on the line: i n c o m i n g calls by rapid flashing, parked calls by slow flashing and calls in progress by steady light. Pushbutton set (F, G, H, Por=,1-9,*,0 and #) 1 - 9 and 0 are used for dialling external numbers. The number is sent to the central processing unit, and can then be transmitted to the PABX or public exchange by means of decadic or DTMF signalling. The three buttons F, G and H are used as prefixes for internal calls. Button P is used for internal priority calls. On the Courier sets b u t t o n P is placed in the first vertical row. Button = is used as a prefix for abbreviated numbers. Only the Courier sets are equipped with this b u t t o n . BETA Courier has two buttons and lamps for the connection of calls. It is used in both DIAVOX824 and 2836, and is available with or w i t h o u t loudspeaker fig. 7. Diversion (D) Button D is used to divert incoming calls on a private line to a predetermined extension. BETA, w h i c h is equipped with two buttons and lamps for connecting of calls, is used both in DIAVOX824 and 2836, fig. 8. It can be provided with a l o u d speaking attachment. Transfer (T) Button T is used to transfer external calls to other extensions. The transfer is preceded by an internal call, during w h i c h the external call is automatically parked. The transfer can take place ei- 203 ther when the internal call has been completed or before an answer is received. Conference (C) If, during an external call, an internal inquiry call Is made and button C is depressed, the three parties are connected together to a three-party conference. Register recall (R) Button R is used to recall the register in the PABX to which the system is connected. Parking (Free designation, only Courier) The parking button is used for manual parking of external calls. Disconnection (Free designation, only Courier) The disconnection button is used for manual disconnection of calls as an alternative to other methods when the loudspeaking or headset function is used. Fig. 8 Telephone set BETA Fig. 7 Telephone set BETA Courier ON/OFF These two buttons are only provided on sets with a loudspeaker and are used to switch the loudspeaking function on and off. In the ON position incoming internal calls are connected through after one ringing signal. Secrecy (S, only in Courier) Button S is used to switch off the microphone in telephones equipped with a loudspeaker. Operation When designing DIAVOX824 and 2836 great importance was attached to the speed and ease of operation of the systems. Efficient traffic handling is particularly important in the applications for which the systems are intended, such as booking and order reception. Incoming external calls are indicated with double ringing signals and rapid flashing of the lamp. Calls are answered by lifting the handset and pressing the trunk line button. If a loudspeaking telephone is used which is set to the ON position it is only necessary to depress the line button. A call is terminated by replacing the handset, or in the case of a loudspeaking telephone by depressing the OFF or disconnection button. An established external call can be parked in different ways. Depressing an L button, i.e. selecting a new trunk line, or button T (the parking button in Courier sets) automatically parks the external Summary of f u n c t i o n s Functions that inccrease the flexibility of the system The system can be programmed to operate as - a PABX - an executive-secretary system - a queue system - a key-system - a system with parallel call distribution or with a combination of up to four of these modes in the same central processing unit. The system can also be programmed for connection to different types of PABXs and telephone exchanges using - decadic dialling - DTMF signalling - optional pause between digits - register calling signal. The following types of group allocations and classifications increase the versatility of the system: - allocation of extensions to groups - allocation of trunk lines to groups - classification of certain lines as private - classification of certain lines as barred to outgoing traffic - classification of extensions for different types of external call discrimination based on the numbers dialled. It is also possible to - select the internal and external ringing signal pause - easily change the internal extension numbers. All functions listed above can easily be reprogrammed by the customer via an ALPHA set. The functions of the system can be changed during non-working hours by means of a wallmounted box containing a key switch which gives the functions -- night blocking - night service. Optional extras include - extension status display - long-line units. Functions that make the system more convenient and easier to handle for the user The following functions increase the speed of the traffic handling: - abbreviated dialling - group hunting - serial internal calls - direct speech connection to loudspeaking sets - no waiting for dialling tone for internal calls - priority calls. The convenience and usefulness of the system are increased by - automatic or manual parking - automatic or manual diversion - indication that a call is waiting - indication of the state of trunk lines - changeover between external calls - choice between incoming external and internal calls - external inquiry - internal inquiry - three-party conference - transfer before or after answer - transfer of parked calls - variable ringing signal (volume and tone frequency) - disconnection of the ringing signal. call, which is indicated by slow flashing of the lamp. Return to the parked call is made by depressing the associated L button. An outgoing external call is initiated by depressing the button for a free line. The extension then receives dialling tone from the public exchange or PABX and can dial the desired number. Abbreviated dialling of external numbers can be programmed and will then be common for the whole system. A twodigit code (50-79) is used to select one of a maximum of 30 external numbers. Thisfacility isavailabletoall extensions. An incoming internal call is indicated by single-cadence ringing signals and is answered by lifting the handset. If a loudspeaking telephone is used and is set to ON, one ringing signal will be heard and the call will then immediately be connected through. Intercom systems contain the same function. An internal call isinitiated by depressing one of the three internal prefix buttons F, G or H, followed by a digit * or #. This procedure gives 36 call possibilities. The caller hears the ringing control tone if the called extension is free, and the busy tone if it is engaged. In the latter case the caller can depress button P, which gives a muted ringing signal at the other extension in spite of the fact that the handset is lifted. The called person then has to decide whether to continue the call in progress or finish it and accept the priority call by depressing his own P button. Inquiries during established external calls can be made both externally and internally within the system. An external inquiry is made by depressing button L for a free line, which automatically results in the established external call being parked. When the tone is received the new number is dialled in the usual way. Changeover between the two calls is made by depressing the relevant L button, which causes the other call to be parked. In order to make an internal inquiry during an external call it is only necessary to dial the desired internal number. The external call is then automatically parked, and a return to this call is made by depressing the L button. If button C is depressed instead, a threeparty conference is set up between the external set and the two internal extensions. The internal inquiry can also be terminated by a transfer of the external call by means of button T. System structure Fig. 9 shows the system structure. The extensions are connected to the central processing unit in the system by means of three wire pairs in a star-shaped network. The maximum distance between an extension and the central unit is 2 km. The 28 trunk lines are also connected to the central unit. They can come from a public exchange or a PABX or both. The programming, which is very simple and is often carried out by the customer, is done from any ALPHA set in the system. An optional number of trunk lines can be designated private lines. An extension can be allocated one or two such lines and then usually handles both the incoming and outgoing traffic. When button D is depressed all incoming calls on a private line are diverted to a predetermined attendance position. This function can also be programmed so that the diversion is automatically made after 20 seconds. All other trunk lines are designated common lines. All trunk lines can be allocated to one or several of four trunk line groups, and one or more common lines can be barred to outgoing traffic and hence be reserved for incoming traffic. Each extension can also be allocated to one or more of four groups for outgoing traffic, and to the same or different groups for incoming traffic. As regards outgoing traffic the extensions are also allocated to one of four classes in what is called Trunk Call Discrimination, TCD: - Class A has no discrimination. - Class B is limited in accordance with a table prepared by the customer, in which certain numbers or number series are barred to outgoing traffic. Exceptions can be made from barred number series. For example, if all numbers starting with 0 are barred it is possible to except certain parts, e.g. by opening numbers that start with 07 or 075. 205 Fig. 9 DIAVOX2836, system structure. Central processing unit, star-shaped three-pair network towards the extensions and connections to the local exchange and/or PABX. The maximum length of the extension lines is 2km with 0.5 mm wire. ALPHA and BETA telephones can be connected in arbitrary combinations - Class C is similar to class B but often with stricter limitations. It is possible to change classes A and B to class C by means of a key switch, in order to prevent unauthorized long-distance calls outside working hours, so called night blocking. - Class D is barred to all outgoing traffic with the exception of the abbreviated numbers programmed for the system. These cannot be barred in any way and are always available to all extensions in the system. Electrical design DIAVOX2836 is a stored program controlled system, fig. 10. The central processing unit contains signalling circuits, switching network, line circuits, local junction circuits and a control system. The various blocks are controlled, via a bus system, from the control unit, which consists of an eight-bit microprocessor with a 16 kbyte program store, a 2 kbyte data store, clock circuits and a counter which generates timing signals. It also contains a customer program store of 1 k 4-bit words of the EAROM (Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory) type, which makes it possible to program each system individually. Different customer data for extensions and trunk lines, data common to each individual system, tables for abbreviated dialling and digit analysis for trunk call discrimination are all entered in the EAROM area from an ALPHA telephone EAROM retains the stored data even in the case of a power failure. Fig. 10 Block diagram of DIAVOX 2836 The bus system, which is controlled by the CPU, is used to transmit address, data and control signals and also interrupt signals for direct memory access (DMA). The address bus can address 64 positions with 16-bit addresses. The data bus is two-way with a width of 8 bits. The control bus transmits signals to specify the direction of information on the data bus and for DMA. The bus frequency is 1 MHz. The system is fed with - 4 8 V which is converted to +5V for feeding the electronics, - 8 V for reed switches and + 12 V for relays. Internal links and electronic circuits for speech transmission use - 4 8 V. Each of the voltages is taken to the same connector pin in all printed board positions in the magazine. This is done to prevent a printed board assembly being destroyed if it happens to be inserted in the wrong position. The total power consumption is 120-220W depending on the size and structure of the system. Mechanical construction The mechanical construction practice BYB 901 was chosen for the central processing unit, fig.2. All components are mounted on single or double-sided printed wiring boards. The printed board assemblies are plugged into a double magazine and all connections between the boards are made with wrapped wiring between connectors mounted at the rear of the magazine. An equipped magazine with its case constitutes a complete central processing unit. It can be mounted on a wall or placed on a bench or shelf. The case, which has air inlets at the bottom and outlets at the top, is designed so that no extra cooling is necessary under normal operating conditions. The outermost printed board assemblies in the magazine contain screw terminals for connecting extensions and trunk lines. The switching network boards, SWN, which are of the reed type, each contain 8x8 cross points and are electronically controlled and supervised. This printed Fig. 11 The modular structure of the system Technical data Capacity Extensions Trunk lines Local junction circuits (ELC) (BTC) (LJC) 8 2,4,6,8,10,12 12,16,20, 12 2,4,6,8,10 24,28,32, 16 2,4,6.8 36 20 2,4,6 24 2,4 28 2 Dimensions, mm Central unit Telephone sets: ALFA8, BETA ALFA 12 Courier ALFA 28 Courier BETA Courier Height 549 Width 647 Depth 290 95 95 95 95 203 310 360 280 173 242 242 242 Transmission The handset can be equipped with a transmission circuit modified for, for example, different power supply methods. board assembly was veloped for AXE 10. Overvoltage protection Between the speech branches and between each branch and earth - ^ 250 V continuously without any destruction except the individual equipment connected to the line - 30 voltage pulses having an amplitude of < 1000 V, a rise time of 10 V'ms and an interval of at least 10 seconds without any destruction. Power supply The central unit is fed with external 48 V d.c. voltage for - power feeding over the speech wires during internal calls - power feeding over the signalling wires for light emitting diodes, tone ringers and signalling circuits in the telephones - d.c. voltage conversion to secondary voltages in the central processing unit. Nominal voltage Tolerances Overall power requirement DC'DC converter Nominal voltages Tolerances Maximum noise voltage originally de- The extension line circuit boards, ELC, each contain digital signal receiver and transmitter circuits with indicator buffer memories for four extensions. The boards also power the electronics (except the speech transmission) in the extensions via an electronic short-circuit protection. The bothway trunk circuit boards, BTC, each hold circuits for four trunk lines. These circuits detect ringing signals from the superior system. They also transmit loop signals and digit information in the form of pulses or DTMF signalling. During an external call the trunk line is galvanically connected to the switch. The speech circuit in the extension is thereby powered direct from the exchange or PABX. The local j u n c t i o n circuit boards, LJC, each hold two internal links. During an internal call the speech circuit in the extension is powered from LJC, The internal link also reduces the speech level so that it is similar to that of a normal external call. The link also contains circuits for sending the busy tone and ringing control tone d u r i n g internal calls. The size of the system will determine how many of each of these four types of printed board assemblies are included, fig. 11. The central unit also contains twelve other printed board assemblies of different types. 48 V - 42 to - 56 V 120-220W + 5.1 V + 12V ± 4% ±5% 50 mV r.m.s. Power requirement 30 W 50 mV r.m.s. 23 W Environmental requirements Temperature + 5CC to + 40CC Relative humidity 20% to 80% -8V ±2,5% 50 mV r.m.s. 8W References 1. Jismalm, G. and Magnusson, S.: Office Communication System DIAVOX824. Ericsson Rev. 56 (1979):3, pp. 124129. Ericsson Power Systems, a New Division within RIFA Ake Ljungblom Ericsson Power Systems is a newly formed division within RIFA. The Ericsson Group has thereby concentrated its resources for development and marketing of power supply equipment into one division. AKE LJUNGBLOM Ericsson Power Systems RIFA AB The a hor outlines the changes in the Group that have led to the forming of the new division, describes the development trends for power supply of telecommunication equipment and gives a summary of the division's products. Power electronics Power supply equipment for telecommunication is one of the oldest products within the Ericsson Group. At the same time as Lars Magnus Ericsson started to manufacture telephone sets in 1878 he also started to manufacture batteries for supplying the power for the telephone circuits'. UDC 621.311 002 6 621.395:621.311 Fig. 1 Electronic telephone exchanges are fed with d.c. voltage, usually 48 V, from a central power plant. The d.c. voltage is converted to electronic voltages in rack power units Up to 1970 most of the power supply equipment developed within the parent company was intended for telephone exchanges 2 . This work therefore formed a natural part of the exchange activities. In 1970 the sections w o r k i n g with design and marketing of power supply equipment were separated from the telephone exchange division and were formed into a separate department for developing centralized power equipment. Gradually all activities within the parent company c o n c e r n i n g both centralized and dedicated power equipment were assembled in this department. The introduction of electronics has resulted in different requirements and new system designs for the power supply of t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n equipment. Forexample, local converters have been introduced 3 5 for feeding a rack, a magazine or in certain cases a single printed board assembly, fig. 1. The development in the c o m p o n e n t field has made possible increasingly sophisticated designs in respect of both systems and equipment 6 ~ 8 . By using increasingly higher frequencies it has been possible to reduce the volume of the converters and to increase their efficiency considerably. Power electronics with this new design are being used not only for telecommunication equipment but for all electronic equipment that requires power feeding. Ericsson Power Systems Acquisition of companies and Ericsson's extended and new activities outside the field of public t e l e c o m m u n i c a - Central power Distribution Dedicated power in the exchange be developed and marketed to a greater extent. The resultant increasing production volumes of the division's products will improve Ericsson's competitiveness, not only in the field of power supply equipment itself but also as regards all Ericsson products that contain such equipment. Concentration of resources Fig. 2 The premises of Ericsson Power Systems in the southern suburbs of Stockholm, Sweden tions have meant a greater demand for power supply equipment within the Group. In connection with the recent organizing of Ericsson into business areas it was considered that a concentration of the power activities would create the best conditions for rational management of this important field. A neutral position in the Group has also been considered advantageous in order to be able to meet the Groups combined needs for different types of power supply equipment. Furthermore, in the efforts to find markets for Ericsson's power supply products outside the Group the combining of the power supply and components activities to form one business area seemed natural. Recently a number of power supply products have been developed in collaboration with RIFA. Since RIFA s sales organization can be used for marketing power supply products it was considered logical to transfer the power supply department of the parent company to RIFA AB as a new division. The transfer took place on October 1st, 1983, and the division is called Ericsson Power Systems. Aims of the division The aims of the division are to provide power supply equipment on a commercial basis for the other Ericsson business areas and to deliver power plant to customers jointly with other business areas. Power supply equipment intended for applications outside the Group, in the telecommunication, data transmission and associated fields, is also to In 1977 the power supply department moved to new premises on the outskirts of Stockholm (Sweden), figs.2-3. A well-equipped laboratory was set up9, which has facilitated the development of advanced systems and equipment for power feeding all types of telecommunication equipment, and also the investigation and evaluation of power components. An extension will be completed early in 1984. It will include a new laboratory for further development of Ericsson's cooling systems, intended mainly for telephone exchanges. Oneof these cooling systems will be used to cool the new extension building. These premises have made it possible to gather the whole division in one and the same place. A nearby site also contains a complete ERICSSON SUNWIND test plant, a power supply system which uses the sun and wind to generate power. The modern and well-equipped premises offer the best possible conditions for stimulating and productive work. The very considerable experience assembled here also provides a good basis for the activities. A number of specialist functions are essential for the development of power supply units and systems, several of them being unique in this field. The division encompasses the whole power supply field, from component to system level, and collectively the staff has gained vast experience in the most important parts of these activities. A few examples are given below. Component techniques Good component knowledge is essential in view of the rapid development of semiconductors, magnetic materials and batteries for power supply equipment. Comprehensive equipment is available to the seven engineers who are at present working on component techniques. 963 nH. 4 The requirements of power supply in the world 209 market The total market Non-captive market Expansive market In 1979 the w o r l d market for power supply equipment, not i n c l u d i n g batteries and standby p o w e r e q u i p m e n t , was estimated to be worth approximately 3.5billion (109) US$. This was expected to increase to 8 b i l l i o n US$ by 1985. Judged by the situation in the US, the non-captive market in 1979 was between 25 and 3 0 % , and this was expected to increase to 3 5 - 4 0 % by 1985. Hence between 1979 and 1985 the noncaptive market should grow from approximately 1 to approximately 3 b i l l i o n US$, c o r r e s p o n d i n g to an annual increase of about 2 0 % at current dollar prices, f i g . 4 . The majority of the equipment in demand consists of b u i l t - i n power units. In this category d.c./d.c. converters accounted for approximately 1 0 % in 1979 and this is expected to increase to between 13 and 1 5 % by 1985; the rest are a.c./d.c. converters. Power supply is required for equipment for t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n , data processing, process control and instruments. The growth rate varies for different product fields. Word processing equipment is expected to grow by 3 2 % per year and main frame computers by only 4%. The division consists of two departments, one for primary power and one for electronic power. The latter department is responsible for built-in power supply units, power modules and elec- Basic technology With a large number of experienced designers it has been possible to carry out successful basic development, w h i c h has resulted in a number of interesting designs. The main aims are to develop simple, optimal designs with high efficiency, adapted to modern manufacturing methods, in order to reduce costs and increase reliability. System technology In cases where the electronic equipment is so extensive that the power has to be supplied from a system of several units it is important that the optimizing of the power supply takes place at the system level. The division has the necessary expertise for such work. Fig. 3 One of the system test rooms on the premises of Ericsson Power Systems. The panels to the left are used for a.c. distribution. High direct currents are distributed via bars in the upper part of the picture. A small selection of the power supply equipment developed and manufactured by Ericsson can be seen in the background Product summary Fig. 5 ERICSSON ENERGYMASTER is a system for remote control and supervision of all power equipment in the telecommunication plants of a country or district tricity meters. The energy plant department includes product sections and f u n c t i o n sections for stocks and delivery planning, c o m p o n e n t and microprocessor technology, and also a section for installation methods, d o c u m e n tation and training. Extensive training of customer personnel is carried out both at customers' premises around the world and at the division's training establishment in S t o c k h o l m , Sweden. Several of the division's products have already been described in Ericsson Review. A summary of the products is given below, divided into eight product fields. Primary power plant Telephone power plant Telephone power plant includes - large rectifiers - d.c./d.c. booster converters - inverters - distribution racks - distribution material - rack and emergency lighting - batteries. Several power supply systems have been developed for large exchanges as well as small remote subscriber stages 10 14. The latest addition is a microprocessor-controlled supervision system, ERICSSON ENERGYMASTER, for remote control and supervision of all primary power e q u i p m e n t in telecommunication plants 1 5 16, fig.5. Cooling equipment Approximately 9 0 % of the energy fed into a telephone exchange via the power supply is dissipated in the exchange building as heat losses. The modern, compact exchange equipment requires efficient removal of this heat. A waterbased cooling system 1 7 has been developed for this purpose, f i g . 6. By storing cold water in tanks it is also possible to cool an exchange during a mains failure. The c o o l i n g plant must be equipped with a c o o l i n g reserve in order to reach a degree of reliability comparable with the reliability of the telecommunication equipment. 1 8 Similarly the power plant has an energy reserve in the form of storage batteries. Cooling systems are available to suit both large exchanges and smaller units placed in buildings or containers. 383 211 er availability. A construction practice has been developed which makes possible adaptation to Ericsson's standard BYB construction practice, European printed board standards and 19" standards. An electronic fuse in hybrid technology is being developed in collaboration with the Swedish Telecommunications Administration. Such a fuse will give an absolute selective protection for different electronic equipments connected to the fuse in parallel. The shortcircuit current is limited to a value just above the rated current. The fuse can initiate an alarm and permits remote control. The latter facility is important if certain loads require priority, for example in an emergency. Fig. 7 ERICSSON SUNWIND powering a mobile radio station in the Hardanger mountains, Norway Fig. 6 Ericsson cooling equipment delivered to Denmark. From the left: water tank, pump units with valves and electronic control, compressor and evaporator Private market products This category comprises small rectifiers, inverters, distribution equipment and batteries19. Systems have been developed that provide no-break direct current, primarily for PBXs12 and for UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) systems. UPS systems are used in computer and terminal systems, a field which will expand rapidly as users become increasingly dependent on their data bases, and therefore require great- Primary power systems Standby power units have long formed part of telecommunication plants supplied by Ericsson20. Diesel engines and generators have been tested in order to find reliable equipment which is primarily suitable for feeding thyristor rectifiers. The control equipment has been developed by Ericsson. Different methods have also been developed for generating primary power, for use on sites without access to electricity or where the supplies are unreliable. The low power requirements of modern telecommunication equipment make it possible to utilize solar and wind power in an economical way. A system, ERICSSON SUNWIND 2122 , has been developed, which uses the sun and wind, either individually or in combination. The system always includes a battery and often also a minidiesel with generator. The system can be used for applications having an average power requirement of up to approximately 500 W. The division undertakes turn-key installations, including buried plastic containers or small buildings for the batteries, diesel power plant, electronic control and the equipment to be fed. The first deliveries of SUNWIND were made to the lighthouse Blenheim belonging to the National Swedish Administration of Shipping and Navigation, and to the Norwegian Telecommunications Administration's mobile radio station in the Hardanger mountains, fig. 7. They were put into operation during August-September 1983. Plant with solar panels, with or without minidiesels, have been supplied since 1981. By December 1983 some thirty such systems were in operation. Fig. 9 A comparison between two d.c./d.c. converters for 48 V in and +5V, 20 W out. To the left a modern flyback unit having more than 80 % efficiency, and to the right a half bridge with an efficiency of 69% or less Fig. 8 A tone and ringing set BKL701 for mounting on a wall. The set is assembled in a single aluminium profile, which holds up to four printed board assemblies of Ericsson's ROF type or Europa boards Fig. 10 A miniaturized power module for mounting on a printed circuit board. Input +24 V, output ±12V, 25 W with 80 % efficiency Ringing and tone signalling eguipment Ringing and tone signalling equipment has long been supplied together with centralized power supply equipment23. During recent years the development of the equipment has been supplemented by an analysis of the whole system for ringing and tone signalling24. New principles have been applied which have led to a considerable improvement in the reliability of the system, as well as reduced costs. On the basis of these principles a new tone and ringing set, BKL701, has been developed, fig.8. BKL701 suits all types and makes of public telephone exchanges, and is primarily intended to replace electromechanical tone and ringing sets. The low capital and operating costs of the set mean that a replacement pays off very quickly. The division can also offer optimized system designs for signal distribution and computerized measuring methods for system analysis. Electronic power Built-in power units Rack power units for telephone exchanges and PBXs account for the greatest part of the demand for d.c./d.c. converters. There is a rapidly increasing market for built-in power units (OEM power supplies) in different types of computer terminals, modems, radio equipment etc. The type of conversion usually required is from a.c. to d.c. Most power units are custom-designed, adapted to the equipment in which they are to be incorporated. Circuits and components may have been standardized but the combinations of different requirements as regards voltage, power, tolerances, environment and life, together with necessary mechanical adaptations, make the variation possibilities almost unlimited. Power units developed recently require comparatively few components and have high efficiency, fig. 9. The division has the re- 213 sources to p r o d u c e custom-designed power units very quickly. A prototype can be delivered within a m o n t h . Power modules A first product line of miniaturized d.c./d.c. converters operating at a frequency of 300 kHz has been developed, fig. 10. It comprises eight types in the power range 2 5 - 4 0 W . These power modules consist of hybrid circuits in thick-film technology, designed for fully automatic manufacture. The main advantages of the power modules are small dimensions and low weight. They readily provide unit designers with a complete, noise-free and reliable power supply. Fig. 11 Ericsson's electronic three-phase electricity meter for tariffs with different rates for different parts of the day or year Electricity meters A fully electronic three-phase electricity meter has been developed for tariffs with time-dependent rates, fig. 11. At the beginning of 1984 a number of meters will be delivered to a few large commercial power suppliers for field testing. Unlike conventional meters with a rotating disc, the new meter contains a unique current and voltage transducer, w h i c h in several respects gives greater accuracy. The electricity meter contains a microprocessor for storing information and switching between the different rates. For charging purposes the meter is read by c o n n e c t i n g a portable terminal equipment w h i c h is afterwards connected to a computer for calculation of charges and invoicing. References 1. Jacobaeus, C. et a!.: Evolution of the Technology. LM Ericsson 100 years. Vol. Ill, 1976, pp. 223-237. 2. Ljungblom, A.: LM Ericsson Power Supply Systems for Telecommunication Equipments. Ericsson Rev. 45 (1968):4, pp. 142-162. 3. Boije af Gennas, C : Optimization of Power Supply Equipment for Modern Telecommunications Systems. Ericsson Rev. 53(1976):3, pp. 142-151. 4. Viklund, B. and Assow, B.: Power Supply Units in the M5 Construction Practice. Ericsson Rev. 56 (1979):2, pp. 80-83. 5. Boije af Gennas, C. and Webrell, I.: Power Units and Power Distribution in the BYB Construction Practice. Ericsson Rev. 58 (1981 ):1. pp. 2 - 8 , 6. Orevik, A.: DC Distribution for Power Supply of Telecommunication Equipments. Ericsson Rev. 49(1972):1, pp. 14-28. 7. Orevik, A.: Power Supplies for Electronic Telephone Exchanges. Ericsson Rev. 51 (1974):4, pp. 120-127. 8. Wolpert, T. and Bjork, D.: Power Supply System with Booster ConvertersViewpoints after 10 Years in Operation. Ericsson Rev. 52 (1975):1, pp. 14-23. 9. Pavelsen, O.: LM Ericsson's Power Supply Laboratory. Ericsson Rev. 56 (1979):4, pp. 164-169. 10. Michelsen, S. et a\.:A New Generation of Power Supply Equipment. Type BZD112. Ericsson Rev. 55 (1978):2, pp. 46-57. 11. Hansson, A.: Uninterruptible AC Power Supply System. Type BZV102. Ericsson Rev. 56 (1979):1, pp. 34-39. 12. Hansson, L. and Strickert, A.: Power Supply System for Small Telecommunication Plants. Ericsson Rev. 56 (1979):2, pp. 57-63. 13. Hansson, L. and Santi, R.: A Rectifier for Large Plants. Ericsson Rev. 58 (1981):2, pp. 81-87. 14. Rundkvist, K. et al.: Power Supply Equipment for Large Telecommunication Plants. Ericsson Rev. 5S(1981):3, pp. 111-119. 15. Ericsson, M. etal.: Computer Controlled Power Supply Equipment for Telecommunication Plants. Ericsson Rev. 60(1983):2, pp. 94-101. 16. Boije af Gennas, C : Microprocessor Control System for Large Power Plants. Proceedings Intelec 83. 17. Almquist, R.: A Cooling System for Electronic Telephone Exchanges. Ericsson Rev. 58 (1981):4, pp. 188195. 18. Wolpert, T.: The Reliability of Power and Cooling Systems. Proceedings Intelec 82, pp. 181-186. 19. Andersson, H. and Bergvik, S.: Sealed Lead Batteries for Small Telecommunication Plants. Ericsson Rev. 60 (1983):4, pp 222-225. 20. Norstrom, L.-E.: Diesel Generating Set for Telecommunication Equipments. Ericsson Rev. 48 (1971 ):4, pp. 153160. 21. Akerlund, J.: ERICSSON SUNWIND. Ericsson Rev. 59 (1982):1, pp. 40-47. 22. Eriksson, M. and Ottosson, J.: Optimizing the Power from a Wind Turbine. Ericsson Rev. 60 (1983):3, pp. 159-163. 23. Vago, F. and Persson, L: New Generation of Ringing and Tone Signalling Equipments, BKL600. Ericsson Rev. 55 (1978):4, pp. 130-139. 24. Vago, F. and Ahl, P.: Analysis of Operation Conditions in Ringing and Tone Systems. Proceedings Intelec 82, pp. 170-175 25. Lind, H.: Miniaturized Power Modules. Ericsson Rev. 60 (1983):1, pp. 42-44. ERICOM DIRECT Lennart Skoog and Curt Sundmalm Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB has developed a combined intercom and information system, ERICOM DIRECT, for applications ranging from tens of extensions to several thousands. The development was preceded by a market survey in order to determine what functions, in addition to the pure telephone functions, were desirable in a new system. The most important of these new functions is the transmission of encoded and recorded messages to or from extensions that are temporarily unattended. The authors describe the results of the market survey, present the functions available in ERICOM DIRECT and finally describe the structure and operation of the system. UDC 621.395 2 The needs of the market for separate systems for internal voice communication, as a complement to other telephone systems, are demonstrated by the fact that Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB has so far delivered approximately one million intercom lines. Modern technology makes it possible to equip intercom systems with new and rational facilities for information transmission. ERICOM DIRECT is such a combined intercom and information system. The development of ERICOM DIRECT was preceded by a market survey in order to determine what functions users of intercom systems require in addition to the basic telephone functions. The survey showed that: - The intercom set must be small and have both a loudspeaking and a non- Fig. 1 The ERICOM DIRECT intercom set has a threeposition volume control. The set is loudspeaking when placed on the table, but when lifted to the ear it operates like a handset loudspeking function, like the earlier model ERICOM. - The set must contain a signalling facility, for requesting the other party to switch over to the non-loudspeaking mode for a confidential call. - The control devices must be well arranged and easy to handle. Onlya limited number of keys should be provided. • The sets must have a volume control for adjusting the sound level to the environment. - It must be possible to divert calls, so that calls to a temporarily unattended extension can be answered at another extension. The system must include facilities for encoded or recorded messages, so that a person who leaves his room can inform callers where he is and when he expects to return. - It must be possible to send a simple coded message to a person who does not answer a call. It is also desirable that the caller should be able to record a message if the call is not answered. Telephone operators and secretaries would then not have to make out and deliver telephone call notes. The caller should be informed of the person answering the call. It must be possible to call selected extensions without having to dial the whole number. 215 LENNART SKOOG CURT SUNDMALM Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB - Some of the people interviewed desired real "calling by name", i.e. it should only be necessary to say the name in order to get the call connected. Manufacturing requirements The marketing staff of Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB wanted a strictly modular system, with few and always the same building blocks regardless of the size of the system. Two-wire connection between the extensions and the exchange was desired, instead of the fourwire connection usually required in intercom systems, in order to reduce the installation costs and to make it possible to use existing private networks. Tie lines between ERICOM DIRECT exchanges and older types of Ericsson intercom systems were also demanded. The new system should offer programmable reallocation of extension numbers. It should also be possible to connect analogue telephone sets to the digital system. A requirements specification was gradually built up that became ERICOM DIRECT. Performance Loudspeaking/non-loudspeaking with volume control The ERICOM DIRECT intercom set, fig. 1, can be used for either loudspeak- Fig. 2 The keyset with 10 digit keys also has a an A-key for, for example, accepting a call, and a B-key for disconnecting it. The keyset is also used for programming. In addition to the character display and a light-emitting diode, the top panel contains an information switch and a three-step volume control Fig. 3 Each ERICOM DIRECT is also an information terminal which gives messages in the form of displayed characters or recorded messages ing calls or for non-loudspeaking calls when held like a handset. Before a call is made a tone signal can be sent in order to request the other party to lift the set for a confidential conversation The set has a three-position volume control. Information switch The information switch, fig. 2, has three positions. In the first position, privacy, the extension is blocked against incoming calls and a call is accepted by depressing an acknowledgement key With the switch in a second position the voice of a calling person is immediately heard in the loudspeaker. There is no need to press any key and the call can be answered at a distance from the set. In a third position, information transmission, the programmed information is sent out. Programming Calls can be directed to another extension by means of the information switch. Display information can be programmed with the aid of the keyset, fig.3, and given to anybody who calls. The type of information that can be given is: - the time of return during the same day - the day and month of return - where the user is, in accordance with optional company codes. Fig. 4 There are two types of messages. Either the character display shows a request to call a person, or a recorded message is heard from the loudspeaker A user can also record a personal message, which is repeated to anyone who calls, fig. 4. corded names, PRINA will automatically call the extension that corresponds to the name. When a call is not answered, the caller can leave a display message including his extension number and requesting a return call. Alternatively the caller can record a spoken message. In both cases the light emitting diode on the called set flashes, and the character display shows 02. The message is obtained by dialling the displayed number 02. Standard facilities The standard facilities offered by the system are: - loudspeaker paging to all extensions - calls to groups of extensions - camp on busy - enquiry call - call transfer - group hunting with the call being set up to the first free extension in a group. In the idle position the character display shows the extension's own number. When a call comes in, the display shows the caller's number. When a call is made from the set, the display shows the dialled digits, fig. 5. Two methods of calling without using extension numbers Each user can have ten personally programmed abbreviated numbers, which are called by depressing a name-marked key and the key A. Fig. 5 The character display shows the following types of information: - Message waiting (02) - Who is calling - Who is answering - When the called person will return - Where the called person is - The number of the extension when idle ERICOM DIRECT can be provided with additional equipment for personal voice recognition (PRINA) with voice-operated calling by name, fig.6. Each user can program some twenty name calls just by repeating each name a few times. When thereafter the user depresses a start key and pronounces one of the re- Optional facilities The optional facilities offered by the system are - paging by radio to pocket receivers - conference calls - communication with mobile radio systems - music distribution - tie lines between ERICOM DIRECT exchanges - tie lines to Ericsson's previous intercom systems and PAXs - recorded messages. Technical description ERICOM DIRECT is a system for rapid and efficient internal communication, and is able to provide information even when the person sought is absent. The system has a modular structure, and with one type of shelf and only a few types of printed circuit board assemblies (PCBs), it can satisfy the needs of a small office requiring only a dozen extensions, as well as an organization needing several thousands of extensions. The system consists of a central unit to which different intercom sets are connected over a two-wire star shaped network. ERICOM DIRECT uses pulse code modulation between the extensions and the exchange. Intercom sets The ERICOM DIRECT intercom set comprises a keyset, character display, light emitting diode, volume switch and information switch. The set is normally loudspeaking, but automatically changes over to the non-loudspeaking mode when it is lifted. 217 lines emphasizes the need for restricting the software. Fig. 6 Each extension has ten personally programmed abbreviated call numbers. When making a call one of the name marked keys and the A-key are pressed. With the PRINA equipment for voice-operated dialling, a call is initiated by just saying the name of the desired person The loudspeaking function can be disconnected by the clipping of a diode in the set, so that it operates as a digital telephone for non-loudspeaking calls only. Several other types of intercom sets are available. It is also possible to connect ordinary analogue telephone sets System structure The main aim of the system development work has been to create a modern, modular, flexible and progressive system, which is easy to install and put into service, while still retaining the possibility of programming and adapting the system to meet the individual requirements of the customers. Fig. 7 A shelf for 14 PCBs Today the use of sophisticated technology with processors, memories etc. is natural, but the demand for economy for systems containing only some tens of It was soon clear that the central unit in a digitalized PCM system, where the favourable cost trend for semiconductor components is exploited, could be made considerably cheaper than the equivalent unit in a partly analogue system From a financial point of view it was important that the PCBs were designed as complete functional units and that they could be placed in a shelf for mounting on a wall or in a rack. The chosen printed board size, 344x178mm (TVF115), holds either a complete central processor (EXCP), or four speech connection circuits including voice switching (CCDX), or equipment for connecting ten digital lines (LIDI). These three types of PCBs are sufficient for a functional system. Auxiliary PCBs are available for - four analogue telephone sets (LIAI) - three junction lines to other exchanges via private lines (ADIO) - two junction lines to other exchanges via leased lines (TLDT) - four 4-second voice memories (VMEM). There are two shelf sizes, one for up to seven PCBs (max. 50 lines, weight 11 kg), and one for a maximum of fourteen PCBs (max. 120 lines, weight 13 kg including the PCBs). Three shelves can be connected together via a 34-.pole band cable to form an exchange with 42 PCB modules for approximately 300 lines. Each such basic exchange can be equipped with a CPU PCB (EXCP) and optionally 1-4 speech connection PCBs (CCDX). The other modules in the shelf can be equipped with line PCBs (LIDI), fig.8, in optional order, together with auxiliary PCBs. A homogeneous exchange system for up to 4800 lines can be obtained by connecting together several basic exchanges. The connection is made with an optical fibre cable, which is run in a loop between the exchanges, fig. 9. In the event of a break in the loop, each basic exchange will operate autonomously. An exchange that develops a fault will be by-passed by means of an elctro-optic switch. Fig. 9 Optical link for 16Mbit/s between basic exchanges OCL HWLO Optical transmission unit Interlace between the exchange and OCL Voice switching In a loudspeaking circuit the speech direction must be controlled by a voice switching unit, with speech amplification and speech attenuation in the respective speech directions. If this method is to work properly, it is necessary to filter out environmental noise from the sound channel before the sound is fed into the control equipment. Fig. 8 A PCB for 10 digital lines, LIDI Since all speech information is digital, digital filters are used and changes in amplification are obtained by addressing memories with the actual amplitude and the desired amplification. The amplitude value required for each such combination can then be read out from the memories. The voice switching equipment forms part of the CCDX PCB. The voice transmitter and receiver cannot be connected together since speech always undergoes amplification changes in loudspeaking systems, and different time slots have to be chosen for different parts of the transmission. ductor for each individual bit. This makes it possible to keep the bit rate on the PCM bus as low as 1 Mbit/s. The line interface PCBs have an internal bus network of their own between the line equipment and the regional processor, and between the line equipment and the connection to the PCM bus Central time channels and time slots The central time division comprises 32 channels, each with two time slots. The time slots of the different channels are not tied to each other or to any function or unit, but are used as and when required, for example for a speech connection. Two time slots are necessary for each loudspeaking intercom set, one for information to the set and one for information from it. Four time slots are thus required for a complete loudspeaking connection between two sets, fig.11. A non-loudspeaking call with both sets lifted needs only two time slots, one for each speech direction. One of the central time slots is designed as a carrier of a tone signal and another for, for example, music. Fig. 10 The PCB can be placed in an optional position in the shelf where there is access to the necessary buses. Only EXCP and HWLO require all buses Bus system for the PCBNs The central processor board (EXCP) is built up around the processor 6809, which via the MP bus communicates with, for example, the optical fibre equipment (HWLO), fig. 10. Communication with other boards takes place via the control bus from the communication processor 68120. All the other PCBs contain a regional processor 6801 of their own. In addition each voice switching equipment contains a processor, and thus each CCDX contains an additional four processors. OCL HWLO EXCP CCDX LIDI LIAI ADIO The transmission of speech requires a high bit rate, and it was therefore considered most suitable to design the PCM bus as a special parallel bus with a con- Each such complete transmission, including pauses, takes place 16000times per second, which gives a time frame of 62.5 LIS and a frequency range up to a TLDT VMEM Optical transmission unit Interface between the exchange and OCL Central processing unit PCB for tour speech connection circuits Line PCB for ten digital extensions Line PCB for four analogue extensions Universal PCB for analogue and digital transmlsson to and from the exchange PCB for tie line traffic Voice memory PCB Signalling over the intercom wires The connection to each extension consists of one twisted pair, over which the current feeding also takes place. The digital transmisssion is carried out by means of burst signalling, i.e. the digital signals to and from the extension are sent in groups, bursts, at different times and separated by pauses, fig. 12. 1983 219 Fig. 11 A loudspeaking system requires voice switching that determines the amplification in the two speech directions. Four central time slots (1A, 1B, 2A and 2B) are used for a loudspeaking circuit. The central system has 32 channels and 64 time slots maximum of 8000Hz. The process is started from the exchange side by the line unit sending two synchronization bits, which are followed by PCM speech samples and two data bits. With the aid of the synchronization bits, the intercom set sorts out the PCM samples and the data bits and acknowledges by sending similar information, i.e. synchronization bits, PCM samples and data bits, back to the exchange equipment. The two data bits consist of one bit for actual data (X), corresponding to a 16 kbit/s information flow, and an end of frame bit (E), which is a one in every thirty-second burst and a zero in the other thirty-one bursts. In this way a multi-frame is obtained which contains 32 bits and is repeated every other millisecond, fig. 12. These 32 bits can carry a large amount of information. The information from the keyset is allocated six bits in the multiframe, which with binary representation permits 64 digit combinations. A keyset with twelve keys, each with one make contact, has been designed which generates such active information. Standard keysets can be coupled in cascade to give 24,36,48 etc. functions. Individual keys can also be added. Fig. 12 Information to and from the extension is transmitted in the form of bursts having a duration of ten time slots. The bursts in the two directions are separated by pauses. The total time frame for a burst in each direction is 32 time slots and corresponds to 62.5 \>s. The data bits (X,E) are collected from 32 such bursts. The collection is completed when bit E (End of frame) is a one. The multi-frame thus formed is 2000 us The principle used for sensing the keyset also, when no active key is depressed, allows the transmission of information concerning states of a longer- lasting passive type, such as cradleswitch states, privacy mode and indication of origin. The indication of origin provides information as to which type of intercom set is connected. This means that different types of sets can be mixed as desired, and each type can be treated individually. A large number of the 32 bits in the multiframe are unused and available for future functions. The whole transmission circuit An extension which is not connected up for a call is either connected to a time slot for music or to a silent channel. In both cases burst signalling takes place continuously between the set and the line unit. A call attempt is therefore indicated immediately, and the associated regional processor (RP) calls the central processor (CPU). RP also calls CPU as soon as there is a change in the line information. When necessary, CPU allocates a time slot on the PCM bus to the line in question, selects a voice switching unit and informs the unit which time slot applies. In a similar way CPU allocates the time slots on the PCM bus that are needed for a complete connection. Information about the allocated time slot is sent to RP, which thereafter tells the line equipment in question which time slot is to be used for sending information to or fetching information from the PCM bus. Since CPU sends out resetting and stepping information, the time slots for the respective line can be determined and burst transmission starts in the allocated time slot. The whole system is thereby synchronized, fig.13. Each RP controls all lines on its own PCB. The synchronization bits are not included in the transmission of information to and from the PCM bus, and hence the bus only carries data and speech bits. Speech encoding Memories storing speech information are often designed for storing words of eight bits. There are thus reasons for restricting the information on the PCM bus to just eight bits. Since the data part comprises two bits, there are six bits left for speech. Hence the PCM bus consists of two wires for data and six wires for speech, a total of eight wires. 220 The encoding principle commonly used in telephony is based on the A-law. This law uses eight bits, of which three are used to specify the larger amplitude range (segment) within which an amplitude lies, and the accuracy (step) with which the amplitude is given in the segment. Of the other bits one is used to specify polarity and four to indicate which of the 16 steps within the segment applies. The two lowest segments cover amplitude ranges of equal size The other segments differ in size by a factor of two. The A-law is designed so that a certain amplitude value can only be given in one segment and one step, fig. 14. Fig. 13 For the whole transmission circuit, zero instant is given by the central processor, EXCP, which sends a common resetting pulse (T 0 E ) to the channels. Zero instant for the line circuit in the exchange, DEC, is given by the allocated channel (T O L ); for the line circuit in the intercom set, DIC, it is given by the time when synchronization pulses are obtained (T o a ) EXCP DEC DIC TOE T0L T0A Central processor L i n e c i r c u i t in t h e e x c h a n g e , w h i c h is a l l o c a t e d c h a n n e l 14, T h e l i n e c i r c u i t c o u n t e r is r e s e t at t h e t i m e of c h a n n e l 14 L i n e c i r c u i t in t h e i n t e r c o m set, w h o s e c o u n t e r is reset by t h e s y n c h r o n i z a t i o n p u l s e t r a n s i t i o n Central resetting R e s e t t i n g of t h e line R e s e t t i n g of t h e i n t e r c o m set In the code converter developed by Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB, the number of steps in each segment is doubled, so that in each segment the amplitude values for all lower segments can also be given, but with a lower degree of accuracy. This means that, if regard is paid to the mean value of the speech amplitude, a large number of successive encodings can be given without the segment having to be changed. The segment can be retained during a comparatively long time (tens of ms) and only six bits have to be transmitted. When the segment has to be changed a message is sent from the transmitter to the receiver, which works synchronously. A code converter of the new type uses a simple six-bit linear encoder plus a variable amplifier/attenuator. Thus the information regarding segments and steps obtained on the receiving side is identical with the corresponding levels obtained according to the Alaw. Special circuits The new code allows simple circuit designs and Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB has designed a special CMOS circuit (DIC) for the intercom set. The circuit contains all the functions required for the set except the microphone amplifier and the output stage. The special circuit (40 pin) contains code converter, oscillator, synchronization, biphase control functions for controlling the light emitting diode and the character display, transmitter, receiver and line matching. Furthermore, Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB has designed a character display module, which is connected directly to the intercom set (DIC) via three wires. The module (DIM) has five 7segment characters and can display digits, certain letters and a minus sign. The company has also designed a special circuit in NMOS. This circuit (DEC) is connected to the exchange side of the extension line and contains all the functions necessary for all the digital connections between the set and the rest of the system. DEC communicates with the PCM bus via bus drive circuits, and with the regional processor on the line board via an internal bus. DEC is connected to the PCM bus in a time slot which is determined by EXCP via the regional processor, and hence no selector as such is required, the connection being made by means of time division. DEC is transparent to transmission of speech and data to and from the PCM bus. In the case of transmission of data to EXCP, the information is sifted by the regional processor so that only permanent changes necessitate calling in the central processor. Each DEC contains functions for handling two lines; towards the line the cir- Fig. 14 With speech encoding for code conversion in accordance with the A-law the speech amplitude is fitted Into a table arranged in segments, with each segment divided into steps. The segments, 000, 001, ,.., are arranged sequentially as specified in the A-law. Amplitude A in the figure falls in segment 011, which is divided into sixteen steps. Amplitude A is therefore defined as step 8 in segment 011. With the code converter developed by Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB the segments are placed side by side and each segment consists of 32 steps. Amplitude A can therefore be defined in a number of segments, and the specified segment can be retained during several coding processes. The applicable segment is thus changed relatively seldom and hence the number of transmitted bits can be reduced to six, as against the eight bits required for the A-law cuit automatically chooses between two different sensitivity levels. The maximum line length is 800m. Start-up and programming of the system All exchanges are delivered with standard programming. Local alterations and modifications are made by means of strapping. When the power is switched on, EXCP automatically starts the exchange by reading off all strappings, mapping the physical positions of the PCBs and registering the types of auxiliary PCBs inserted. All connected extensions are automatically allocated numbers in a consecutive number series, and the character display on each intercom set shows the allocated number. The system can thus be put into operation immediately, and will then work in accordance with the PCBs and the strappings that have been made in order to modify the factory programming. If the customer desires, special programming can now be carried out: for example free number allocation, allocation for group hunting etc. All essential programs and data are stored in memories whose contents are preserved if a power failure should occur. Number transfers or number changes can be programmed from one of the extensions using an ERICOM DIRECT with a character display. In larger systems the programming can be simplified with the aid of a portable computer with a special program, supplied by Ericsson Security and Tele Systems AB. Summary ERICOM DIRECT is a technically advanced system which uses new technology and processors. The system is unconventional insofar as it requires practically no programming for small or medium-sized systems. Moreover, very large systems can be built up from exactly the same equipment as small ones, but using more extensive programming. Sealed Lead-acid Batteries for Small Telecommunication Plants Hans Andersson and Sven Bergvik Ericsson has developed a battery unit with sealed lead-acid batteries for 24 and 48 V. It is designed for mounting in a 19" rack and can therefore be placed in the same rack as the other power or telecommunication equipment. Individual voltage regulators ensure that each cell in the battery has the same voltage. This gives high reliability and maximum battery life. The authors discuss the advantages of sealed batteries as regards maintenance and application, specify the types of batteries available in the market and describe the design and characteristics of the newly developed battery unit. UDC621 355 621 395:621.311 Battery maintenance is expensive. It consists of regular checking of voltage and density, topping up with water, cleaning, greasing etc. If the site is remote the travelling costs will be high. Sealed (gas-tight), maintenance-free batteries would reduce the maintenance costs considerably. The saving justifies the use of such batteries in spite of the fact that the purchase price is higher than for conventional batteries. Another application for sealed batteries is in plant where the battery and telecommunication equipment are mounted in the same rack and placed in an office. Batteries that give off gases are not acceptable for such applications. Different types of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries Fig. 1 Expected life (MTTF) for battery cells with trickle charging and without temperature compensation of the charging voltage Fig. 2 Individual voltage regulators for each battery cell Maintenance-free lead-acid batteries with totally sealed cells can be divided into three main types: - Gel batteries, whose cells contain conventional upright plates with calcium alloy lead in the grids. The electrolyte is gelatinized, with considerable surplus quantity. A safety valve opens at a pressure of 0.5-1 kp. The batteries are usually supplied in blocks of 6V or 12V. The block containers consist of an ABS plastic which allows the diffusion of gas. This type of battery is also made with tubular positive plates for capacities of up to 1350Ah. - Batteries with round cells, in which the generated gases are recombined into water. The plates are wound spirals and contain pure lead in the grids The amount of electrolyte is small and is absorbed in the plates and separators. A safety valve opens at a pressure of approximately 4kp. The batteries are supplied as single cells or as blocks. The cell container consists of polypropylene, which prevents gas diffusion. A metal sheath surrounds the container. - Batteries with rectangular cells, in which the generated gases are recombined into water. The plates contain calcium alloy lead in the grids. The amount of electrolyte is small and is absorbed in the plates and separators. A safety valve opens at a pressure of 0.5-1 kp. The batteries are usually supplied as blocks of 6V or 12V, but single cells are also available. The cell containers are normally made of ABS plastics. Characteristics of battery cells If all cells in a battery were identical they would all get exactly the same voltage by the trickle charging. However, there are differences between individual cells, caused by manufacturing tolerances, ageing etc. Certain cells can be kept fully charged by a fairly low current, whereas others require a considerably higher current. This shows up as a voltage discrepancy between the cells. The voltage of a battery cell falls if the cell does not receive sufficient current. If the voltage becomes too low the plates become sulphated and the cell loses its capacity. This phenomenon is particularly marked in maintenance-free batteries with low self-discharge. 223 HANS ANDERSSON SVEN BERGVIK Ericsson Power Systems RIFA AB Nominal voltage, V Final voltage, V Number of cells Operating time Load, W 100 200 300 500 1 000 2 000 4 000 Methods for equalizing the cell voltages in a battery 48 43 23 h min 48 43 24 h min 24 21,5 12 h min 10 4 30 2 45 1 30 30 10 11 5 30 3 20 1 45 38 13 3 5 30 2 30 1 38 13 3 Table 1 Expected operating time as a function of the load Fig. 3 Battery unit for 48 V, 25 Ah Regular charging at raised voltage is usually recommended for equalizing voltage differences between cells in a battery. However, battery manufacturers do not recommend periodic equalizing charging for maintenancefree batteries. For these a relatively high floating voltage is recommended instead, varying between 2.30 and 2.38V per cell when the number of cells in the battery is 12 or more. The current will then be so high that even the worst cells receive sufficient current for full charging. In the case of batteries with 24 cells or more the manufacturers suggest a division into groups of 6 or 12 cells, which are charged independently12. Disadvantages of high cell voltage High cell voltage has the following disadvantages: - The overall voltage is high. For example, with 23 cells and 2.38V per cell the total voltage is 54.7 V, which is too high for many applications. 2.25 V per cell would give 51.8 V, which is an ideal voltage for most applications. - The power consumption is high. With 54.7Vtheconsumption is 18% higher than with 51.8 V. - The difference between the working and discharge voltages is large and hence the number of cells in the battery has to be limited. This means that the cells cannot be discharged sufficiently to ensure full utilization of their capacity. - The battery life is greatly reduced. With 2.40V per cell its life is only half the life of a cell at 2.25V, see fig. 1. (This applies to, for example, cylindrical cells from Gates Energy Products2.) Regulator for individual control of the voltage of each cell in a battery A radical solution to the problem of uneven cell voltages and high working voltage is to have a regulator for controlling the voltage of each individual cell in a battery. Ericsson has developed such a regulator, and its function is illustrated in fig.2. The regulator is placed directly over the cell and has no outgoing connections. Its function is thus entirely independent of the number of cells in the battery. The regulator works as follows: Normally a current of approximately 150 mA passes through a shunt consisting of a resistor and a transistor. For a cell that requires more current than a normal cell the current through the shunt decreases correspondingly. Foracell that requires less current than a normal cell the current through the shunt increases. Each cell thus takes exactly the amount of current it requires to stay fully charged. Extensive tests have shown that 2.25 V is ideal and gives the maximum cell life. At 2.25 V a fully charged cell of 25 Ah requires approximately 10 mA, and since the shunt accepts current variations up to 150 mA between the cells it is clear that the system tolerates cells that are radically different. The transistor in the shunt circuit is controlled by an individual control circuit, which senses the voltage across the eel I. The power consumption in the shunt circuit is small compared with the power saved as a result of the reduction in voltage obtained when a regulator is used. Fig. 4 Printed board assembly with voltage regulators and alarm circuits Battery unit 24 V, 48 V, 25 Ah The battery unit contains battery cells and cell voltage equalizers with cell connections and undervoltage guards. It is mounted in a rack in direct connection with the units being supplied with power. Installation is merely a question of connecting the plus and minus cables from a rectifier and cabling for any outgoing alarms. Battery The battery cells are manufactured by Gates Energy Products and have spirally wound plates. They work on the principle of recombining oxygen and hydrogen into water. The cells are gas-tight with a safety valve. The self-discharge is low. The nominal capacity is 25Ah. The cells have very low internal resistance, permitting a relatively high drain capacity even with a high discharge current. Fig. 5 Cell voltages measured on batteries with 23 cells for 25 Ah which have been in service for a considerable period. The uniformity of the cell voltages is a feature of the system Highest cell voltage Average voltage Lowest cell voltage Structure The structure of the battery unit is shown in fig. 3. The unit is available for 24V (12 cells) and 48V (23 or 24 cells). The dimensions of a 48V unit suitable for mounting in a 19" rack are length 420 mm width 220 mm height 380 mm weight 47 kg. A printed board assembly placed above the cells, fig. 4, contains all voltage regulators (one per cell), cell connections and alarm circuits. In this way loose wiring is avoided. Fuse and alarm The battery unit includes an automatic fuse and two undervoltage guards, which in a 48V system work as follows: - Guard no. 1 gives an alarm at 43 V and lights an LED lamp. Aterminal is available for an outgoing alarm. - Guard no. 2 disconnects the battery by means of the automatic fuse at 38 V. The fuse is reset manually. The alarm lights an LED lamp. A terminal is available for an outgoing alarm. Voltage levels, charging times During operation the voltage should be 2.25 V per cell, which gives the following overall voltages: with 12 cells 12x2,25 V = 27,0 V with 23 cells 23x2,25 V = 51,8 V with 24 cells 24x2,25 V = 54,0 V Raised voltage should not be used. With 2.25V full charge is reached within 24 hours. 8 0 - 9 0 % charging is reached in one or a few hours depending on the available rectifier capacity. Storage The battery unit can be stored for 6-12 months at 20-30° C without any damage to the cells. The internal consumption of the regulators is only about 250|iA, which means a loss of capacity of approximately 2Ah per year. This is negligible compared with the self-discharge of the cell. Service, tests The battery unit with its sealed cells requires no maintenance. However, in plants of vital importance it may be necessary to check that the battery retains its capacity. The most reliable method would be to carry out discharge tests, but such tests are expensive and can interfere with the operation. A good idea of the condition of the cells can be obtained from the cell voltages. The battery unit is equipped with an easily accessible jack for reading off all cell voltages. The unit is thus prepared for output to a measurement processor. Fig. 6 The cell voltage as a function of time, with a discharge current of 12.5 A for a battery of 23 cells, of 25 Ah capacity If all cell voltages lie in the range 2.242.26 V the cells can be considered as new. If a cell shows a voltage as low as 2.20-2.21 V this means that it draws abnormally high current (10-15 times the usual value). Tests have proved that 225 Fig. 7 The cell voltage as a function of time when charging a battery with 23 cells of 25 Ah with the current limited to 5 A such a cell still has full capacity, but the cell should be changed on the first suitable occasion, since there is a risk of further deterioration. When a new cell is inserted in a battery unit it does not necessarily have to be fully charged. The cell will be charged after a time in the battery unit. Figs. 5, 6 and 7 show curves for a battery unit obtained using a measurement processor. Fig. 8 The battery unit mounted in a rack with rectifiers Applications Voltage equalization gives the battery unit remarkably high operational reliability. The battery can w o r k at temperatures d o w n to - 4 0 ° C , and can w i t h stand occasional temperatures up to 4 0 - 4 5 ° C w i t h o u t noticeable shortening of its life. The battery life is estimated to be 8 - 1 0 years at 2 0 - 2 5 ° C , and approximately 4 years at 35°C continuously. Two or more battery units can be connected in parallel. The installation is easy, the unit being m o u n t e d in the same rack as the electronic equipment, fig.8. The battery cells are classified by IATA (International Air Transportation Association) as " d r y " , w h i c h means that they can be sent by air w i t h o u t restriction. These characteristics give the battery unit a wide field of application, and it is particularly suitable for small rural exchanges, repeaters on long-distance cables, radio relay link, PBXs, military applications etc. Operating time The operating times of different units, with different loads, are s h o w n in tablei. References 1. Accumulatorenfabrik Sonnenschein GmbH, Prospekt Nr. 7023, p. 10. 2. Harrison, M. R., Gates Energy Products, Denver, Colorado, USA: Considerations in the Application of Sealed, Recombining Recharge Leadacid Batteries to Remote Installations and UPS Systems on Telecommunications Networks. International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Oct. 3, 4, 5, 6, 1982, Washington DC. USA, pp. 424-428. Computer-controlled System for Road Traffic Control Knud J. Larsen and Hans Jorn Nielsen Dansk Signal Industri AS is the member of the Ericsson Group responsible for developing road traffic control equipment. In this article a co-ordinated traffic control system is described, with emphasis on the centre that carries out the control and supervision of the traffic signals throughout a town or city. The main characteristic of Ericsson's co-ordinated traffic control system is the extensive use of computers, and the authors describe the possibilities and advantages of this technology. UDC 625 746 5:681 3 The intensive use of the road network in and around large towns and cities results in demands for traffic control systems to handle traffic efficiently. The requirements for such a traffic control system are stringent, both as regards the actual traffic control and the possibilities of efficient maintenance of the system. Ericssons co-ordinated traffic control system is divided into three levels, each with its own tasks as regards safety, control and supervision, fig. 1. At the local level the control is carried out by a local controller, usually controlling a single intersection. At the middle or area level master controllers coordinate up to 32 local controllers, and at the top level a centre can supervise and control a large number of controllers, covering a whole town. This centre can coordinate the traffic at the intersections in a larger or smaller area depending on the amount of traffic or the time of day. The basic philosophy behind the division of the traffic control system into levels is that functions that ensure the safety of individual road users are placed as close as possible to the signal device, i.e. at the local level. Functions for optimizing the traffic handling, on the other hand, can be placed at any level, depending on the size of the area to be optimized. The main advantage of such a structure is that the safety of the traffic handling is retained, even if parts of the system are out of operation. Furthermore, the use of processors at all levels means that even if a fault occurs at a superior level the largest possible part of the system will operate optimally on its own. At certain times of the day it is also best to optimize the traffic at the local level. On the other hand, superior levels, particularly the centre at the top level, afford the best facilities for efficient maintenance. For example, faults can be reported efficiently and modifications of the system functions can be carried out from the centre. Fig. 1 Ericsson's co-ordinated traffic control system with three control levels. The levels are: 1. Control of individual intersections, using local controllers 2. Control of small areas by master controllers 3. Control and supervision of a whole town or city from a centre 1983 227 KNUD J. LARSEN HANSJORN NIELSEN Dansk Signal Industri A/'S Hvidovre, Denmark Fig. 2 The detector sites in a typical intersection are shown in blue. The geometrical layout of each detector site determines which vehicles will be detected, and whether it is the passage or presence of the vehicle that is detected Local control The purpose of the local controllers at the individual intersections is to ensure that the traffic is managed with complete safety, and that the road users have the shortest possible waiting time at the intersection. Among other things, the local controller can adjust green periods according to the number of vehicles in the different directions For this purpose a number of electronic vehicle detectors are embedded in the road surface. Fig.2 shows a typical intersection. It is obvious that the traffic handling depends on the detectors (which can be placed up to 200 m from the controller) functioning correctly, and hence the controller automatically monitors their operation. The signal lights are also monitored, and thisfunction can also be used as a safety measure, so that green light can only be given when the red light is actually on in the conflicting directions. The system contains several other supervision functions, and if a serious fault is detected the signals are set to the state that is the safest possible for the road users, and an alarm is sent to the superior level. Local controller JCF 150, fig.3, includes a microprocessor, which contains all control logic. This enables the control- Fig. 3 Local controller type JCF 150. The microprocessor is of type Intel 8080A, with a 44 kbytes EPROM and an 8 kbytes RAM ler to meet the many and varied demands made on each individual unit, both during installation and any subsequent modification. Moreover, adaptation to the requirements of other countries can easily be implemented. Coordination within an area In order to obtain efficient traffic handling throughout a large area it is necessary to coordinate the changeover times in a number of local controllers. This creates green waves. This function is carried out by master controllers, each of which can coordinate up to 32 local controllers. The master controller can select different timing plans, i.e. plans for signal changeover times in each local controller, and thereby adapt to the traffic flow pattern. The choice of timing plan can be made on the basis of actual traffic density (based on detector readings) or time (time of day plus day of the week). The master controller is connected to the local controllers via transmission lines over which synchronization signals are sent to the local controllers and information is received regarding the status of the controllers and each individual signal. Fig. 5 Operator's position in a centre with a graphic colour display unit and a printer. The display unit shows traffic density measurements at different points in the controlled area The master controller, JCC 150, fig. 4, is bmit up around a microprocessor which contains all the available timing plans and the logic necessary for choosing timing plans for the area. This gives the master controller flexibility to adapt to different requirements, just as the local controller JCF150. Control centre The top level in Ericsson's co-ordinated traffic control system consists of a control and supervision centre. There are several versions of this centre, series JCC16X, and the choice is dependent on the traffic regulation algorithms to be used. The centre, which is computerbased, communicates with a number of master and local controllers, so that the whole system can be controlled and supervised from one centre. The three main tasks in a large traffic control system are to: - optimize traffic handling - maintain the equipment - establish new controllers. The main advantage of a superior control and supervision centre is that the execution and supervision of the above tasks can be carried out centrally, since the centre collects all the information in the system and presents it in a clear and comprehensible way. It must be noted that even if the system contains only one central computer the presentation of information can take place simultaneously in many places, for example Fig. 4 Master controller type JCC 150. The microprocessor is of type Intel 8080A, with a 3 kbytes EPROM and a 17 kbytes RAM Fig. 6 A display which continuously shows the situation in an area. The name of the area and the selected area timing plan are shown at the top, together with the current timing plan step. The picture shows a plan of the area, and for each intersecion the status of the local controller and the indication being given by the most important signals are also shown. The input commands are shown at the bottom of the display 1983 Fig. 7 A display picture which continuously shows the situation at an intersection. The display is divided up in the same way as in fig. 6. The state of each individual signal is shown, and also whether the detectors are occupied or not for the service staff, police, traffic engineers etc., since video display units, either monochrome or colour, are used for the presentation, fig. 5. The following functions are performed by the centre: - System supervision - Presentation of information - System control - Data recording - System modifications. System supervision The supervision entails automatic collection of information concerning the status of all units and devices in the system, and selecting information that indicates changes in status, or particularly important information, for example fault Fig. 8 A display picture which shows the current situation in a small area in which the signals are coordinated in a green wave. The picture is divided up in the same way as in fig. 6. On the lefthand side a stylized picture of the road is shown, the distances between the intersections being proportional to the real distances. The display then shows, level with each intersection, what the most important signals have indicated during the last 120 seconds. Signals in the direction of the green wave are shown in green, and signals in the opposite direction in violet. The speed of the green wave is easily read off as the gradient of a line that passes through the front edge of each green line reports or messages concerning the traffic in the parts of the road network with the highest load. Presentation of information The collected information is presented to the operators in an easily understood manner. Video display units are used, with the picture layouts designed so that the information concerning the state of the system is clear, for example by using flashing to indicate particularly important information, such as status changes. All texts are in clear language as decided by the customer, and therefore use the expressions and designations which the customer uses daily. The customer can also choose the formulation of commands, which makes the system very adaptable to the user's needs. 230 Fig. 9 The transmission system divided into three levels. Data for all controllers in a certain area are transmitted between the master controller or concentrator and the centre. Up to 50 master controllers or concentrators can be connected to a centre. Concentrators are used where no microprocessor-based master controllers are installed, or where no coordination is required. Up to 8 local controllers can be connected to each of the four transmission lines to a master controller or concentrator. Microprocessor-based controllers, such as JCF150, can be mixed with older controllers connected via JCA151 The picture layout and operating functions are the same irrespective of whether m o n o c h r o m e or colour display units are used. Graphic display units can show exact plans of the road network and individual intersections, figs. 6 and 7. Colour is used to emphasize traffic signals, with the current signal states shown in the actual colours. Detectors and traffic measurements are also emphasized by colour displays. Fig. 8 shows an important use of graphics and colour with the signal indications in a number of intersections s h o w n graphically. This makes it possible to plan and control green waves, since distances and times can easily be read off from the display. times in the controllers in the group. The timing plan to be used is selected on the basis of a c o m b i n a t i o n of traffic flow measurements made at various strategic places in an area. Timetables can also be selected with respect to the time of day and day of the week, or for a particular type of day, such as a holiday that falls on a weekday. It is also possible to use a display unit to select a timing plan. The c o o r d i n a t i o n of different groups is arranged with the aid of a special function-linking-whereby the choice of a t i m i n g plan for a group can affect the choice in othergroups.sothat overall the system continuously adapts to the traffic. The decision criteria described here can be supplemented by custom-made algorithms. System control It is particularly important, especially when optimizing the traffic handling, that modifications of the controllers in the network can immediately be initiated from the display unit. This is usually only possible in microprocessor-based controllers. In older controllers the control from the centre is limited to changing the operating mode, for example setting all signals operated by a controller to amber flashing. Centres of type JCC162 include traffic regulation algorithms. The connected local controllers can be grouped arbitrarily, and for each group timing plans are prepared that coordinate the signal changeover Data recording One important task of the traffic control system is to record information for later use, for example for statistics or for analyzing a specific situation. The centre is equipped with a disc store for storing such i n f o r m a t i o n , and a magnetic tape station can also be included for longterm storage of large quantities of data. The stored information can be recalled for statistical purposes and for presentation f u n c t i o n s , w h i c h can show signal changes and detector information as if they were taking place at that moment. The speed of such presentation can vary between frame freezing and four times the original speed. Centre Master controller Concentrator Local controller Older local controller 1983 231 User functions Network manager Protocol administration Line driver Physical link Fig. 10 The different communication levels in the transmission system. The advantage is that the upper levels, particularly the user functions, need not be changed even if the lower levels have to be modified, for example, to adapt to another transmission protocol used in a part of a network, or another type of physical signalling System modifications Any traffic control system will have to be modified continually, and it is necessary to ensure that such modifications are made in the most efficient way. The central computer is used for this purpose. A complete set of data, which describes each individual unit and device, is stored in the computer, and it is thus possible to follow up every physical change in the system with a modification of the data. In the microprocessorcontrolled units the updated information must be input in the processor, and this is done by sending it over the transmission line. The new controller is then in operation. System configurations The various units in Ericsson's co-ordinated traffic control system have been described above, but the main nerve of the system is the transmission system that connects these units together, fig. 9. The transmission system, which is designed on the basis of experience gained regarding datatransmission networks, is built up in several levels, each with its own function in the communication process, fig. 10. The great advantage of such a structure is that the lower levels can easily be modified individually for special physical conditions, such as connection to a direct cable or to a leased line via a modem. This structure also makes it possible for a whole network section to communicate by an entirely different transmission protocol since the lower levels can be exchanged for others having the necessary special functions without the operation of the network being affected. The method of transmission used in the network means that the data are divided into packets with added redundancy for fault detection purposes. This method is in accordance with CCITT Recommendation X.25. When a fault is detected in a received packet a request for retransmission is sent to the transmitter, therefore the probability of faults not being detected by the transmission system is very small. Ericssons new microprocessor-based controllers can of course be connected to the transmission system direct. Older controllers (electronic or with relays) must be connected via a special transmission adapter, JCA151, fig. 11, which can be adapted to each individual controller. The transmission adapter is also controlled by a microprocessor (Intel 8085) and is therefore extremely flexible. System installations The first centre, type JCC161, will be installed in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1984. The computer is a Digital PDP-11/44, equipped with three graphic colour display units for the operators. Two of the display units will be installed in a separate alarm centre, situated 8 km from the main centre. Fig. 11 Transmission adapter JCA151. This unit can be plugged into a local controller. It has 32 relay inputs and 32 relay outputs, which are connected to the controller via a cable. The small printed board assembly mounted on the large board contains devices for adaptation to the physical transmission line, and it can be changed if another line has to be used, for example a leased telephone line. The microprocessor is an Intel 8085, with an 8 kbytes EPROM and a 2.25 kbytes RAM. The same printed board assembly is used for concentrators, but it is then mounted in a shelf The centre will be equipped with a disc store with large capacity (122 Mbyte), and a magnetic tape station for recording purposes. Printers will also be included for printout of changes in the operational status of the controllers, fault reports and other recorded data. In the first stage the centre will be connected to approximately 200 controllers, fig. 12, but it can be extended to approximately 600 controllers. Since most controllers are of older types, Fig. 12 Map of central Stockholm showing the individual controllers. The colours indicate the three stages ot connection to the centre: Pilot system First stage Second stage Other controllers transmission adapters of type JCA151 will be used to connect them into the transmission network. An existing network of direct cables from the centre to the master controllers and on to the local controllers will be used for the transmission. Summary The use of computers in traffic control systems has greatly simplified the operation of such systems. This in its turn leads to improved traffic flow and reduces fuel consumption and road building costs. Ericsson's co-ordinated traffic control system comprises: - Local controllers JCF150 and JCF151 - Master controllers JCC 150 - Centre, series JCC 16X - Transmission adapters JCA151 - Detectors JCD191 - Signalling equipment. All functions in the system are performed by computers and microprocessors. The system is therefore extremely flexible and can be adapted to suit the requirements of different countries. 1983 Ericsson's First Automatic Telephone Exchange 100 Years Gosta Thames It is now 100 years since Lars Magnus Ericsson and Henrik Tore Cedergren obtained a patent for an automatic telephone exchange. The author, who recently retired from Ericsson, is now researching the technical history of the company, and after studies in museums and archives he has compiled a description of the hundred year old telephone exchange. UDC 621.395.34 In 1883 Lars Magnus Ericsson and Henrik Tore Cedergren were granted a patent for an automatic telephone exchange, fig. 1, and an automatic digit pulse transmitter. Comments in contemporary literature were very complimentary about the exchange: "... dieser ausserst sinnreiche Apparat "1 "... contains many points of great ingenuity ..." 2 "... une des inventions les plus ingenieuses parmi celles ..." 3 "... they are the best of their kind ..."" Fig. 1 Ericsson's first automatic exchange, for ten lines GOSTA THAMES Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Stockholm As far as is known the EricssonCedergren exchange was the first commercially available automatic telephone exchange in the world. It was widely distributed, and probably more than 300 units were manufactured. The main features of the exchanges were - possibilities for both internal and external calls - complete secrecy during calling as well as conversation - busy indication - remote control by the operators at the central exchange - one main line and up to ten local lines - identical telephone instruments, handled in the same manner, for both direct and automatic lines. In 1880 the Stockholm Bell Telephone Company (Stockholms Bell Telefon-Aktiebolag) was formed. H. T. Cedergren decided to form a competing telephone company, which was named Stockholms Allmanna Telefon A.-B. (SAT). Fig. 2 Automatic digit pulse transmitter intended tor exchanges of version 2 Naturally enough Cedergren did not expect the Bell Group to supply him with telephone equipment, and instead the 29-year old engineer tried to convince Lars Magnus Ericsson that they could compete with the powerful International Bell Telephone Co. If Cedergren and SAT were to succeed, telephone tariffs would have to be set much lower than those of the Bell Company. One way was to let several subscribers share a common line. The first automatic exchanges Fig. 3 Automatic exchange, version 2, for five lines Three different automatic exchanges were displayed at the Exposition Internationale d'Electricite in Paris in 1881. Maybe they gave Cedergren some ideas. In any case Ericsson worked on an automatic exchange in 18826, and on February 10th, 1883, Cedergren and Ericsson applied for a patent, which was granted during the same year". The exchange had the disadvantage that the subscribers connected to it could not talk to each other, only to the subscribers at the central exchange. An extra, common conductor was also required which connected the telephones to the automatic exchange. These problems were quickly solved, however, and already in July Cedergren-Ericsson were able to submit a new application, which resulted in a new patent. Subscribers connected to the new exchange were now also able to speak to each other, and the common conductor was no longer required, fig.3. 712 The improved exchange was ready to be shown at the Vienna Exhibition, which opened in August, 1883s. A.L. Paul acquired the English rights, and as early as November the English magazine The Telegraphic Journal reported that "Mr. A.L. Paul, of The W.T. Henley's Telegraph Works Company, Limited, has a set of apparatus at work in the office of the company, at 8, Draper's Gardens, and can give every information on the subject." 2 Before long (in 1884) further imporvements had been made, and it is this third version that achieved such wide distribution fig.4. 3 9 1 0 1 3 In addition there was a two-party line relay which was sometimes called an exchange. However, this relay will not be covered in this article. A misunderstanding The article mentioned above states that Paul is the owner of the patent for this country.2 In Paris the English article was considered so interesting that within a fortnight it was reported in La Lumiere Electrique under the headline "Telephone multiplex de M. A.L. Paul"'7 and later Elektrotech. Zeitschrift mentioned the exchange "patented by A.L. Paul... in England" 18 . It was clearly these references that misled Dr. Rothen of the Swiss Telegraph Administration when he described the latest version of the exchange as follows: "One finds, in Mr Ericsson's and Mr Cedergren's equipment, all the details that are in A.L. Paul's equipment, plus additional ones, which makes the former one of the most brilliant inventions ..." 3 . That the "Paul exchange" was in reality an Ericssonexchange is confirmed by J.E. Kingsbury, among others. He describes "... a system the English rights of which had been acquired by Mr. A.L. Paul. This, according to my recollection, was the production of Ericsson of Stockholm "19 The range of application of the exchanges In May 1886 SAT reported that the company had more than 150 exchanges in operation in the Stockholm area, a number which later rose to approximately 17514. Switzerland had 45 exchanges15, and the exchange was also in use in Norway16. The exchanges were certainly in service in other countries as well, and the number produced was most likely in excess of 300. 1983 235 Fig. 5 50-line switchboard without multiple jacks. The first SAT telephone exchange, 1883-1887 Fig. 4 Automatic exchanges, version 3, for five, seven and ten lines As has already been mentioned, the main reason for designing the exchanges was to reduce line costs. However, as the number of subscribers increased and the telephone network grew, new problems arose, such as: - limited capacity of the central exchanges - crosstalk - concentration of overhead lines at the central exchanges. Increasing the capacity of the central exchanges Each switchboard usually had 50 lines. Since the multiple principle had not yet been developed, the connection to a subscriber in another switchboard in the exchange was made through a link. To put through a call, an operator had to shout to a colleague and announce the number of the link and that of the subscriber being called. In order that the distance between operators should not be too great, the switchboards were arranged in a square and the number of boards was limited to 16-20 114 , fig. 5. Despite this the noise level was very high. Asthenumberof subscribers increased, the telephone companies were forced to build more exchanges. Connecting subscribers via automatic exchanges was a feasible alternative. For example, the capacity of an 800-line central exchange was increased by 200 if 50 five-line automatic exchanges were connected as satellites. Fig. 6 Winter view of the largest telephone tower in Stockholm. It was taken into service in 1887 Crosstalk over "long-distance" lines The network technology applied in the early days of telephony was a carry over from telegraphy. The subscriber line consisted of a single conductor, with earth as the return circuit. The pairing and twisting of lines were unknown concepts. When networks were extended the problem of crosstalk arose. All telephone companies had the same experience, and in its annual report for 1883 the Swiss Telegraph Administration says: "Since it has not yet been possible to use two or several telephone wires that run close to each other over long distances because speech is transmitted from one wire to another, only one telephone wire can be run between two communities" 15 . The lines did not have to be very long before crosstalk occurred, as the following extract shows: "If two single telephone lines are mounted on common poles over a distance of barely a couple of kilometres ... Even if the lines are run on opposite sides of a broad highway and continue farenough-10 kilometres or more-similar induction is noted" 20 . Before the two-wire system (metallic circuit) was introduced, subscribers in remote communities could only obtain a "non-party-line" connection to a central exchange through a line to a satellite exchange served by an operator. When there were only a few subscribers, operating costs were very high, and night service was out of the question. With an automatic exchange both problems disappeared, at least in the Stockholm area, where the central exchanges provided 24-hour service from the middle of 1884. The first automatic exchanges developed by Bell System were the result of the same problem of service and cost of telephone exchanges in small communities21. Reducing the number of lines The first multiple exchange produced by Ericsson was taken into service in the middle of 1884. It was so successful that SAT started engineering a large exchange for Stockholm in the same year. This exchange was fully operative in July 1887 and was at the time the largest in the world, with 4000 connected lines and an ultimate capacity of 7000. Larger telephone exchanges have been built since then, but never a larger tower for telephone wires, fig. 6". In time, developments in the cable field made the telephone tower superfluous. Until this ,1983 237 occurred, however, it was a good thing that the number of wires could be reduced with the help of automatic exchanges. Setting up calls The same telephone instrument was used irrespective of whether the subscriber was connected to the central exchange via a direct line or an automatic exchange. Nor was there any difference in the way calls were handled, or in the telephone numbers. A call to the central exchange was made by means of the signal generator in the telephone instrument, which also caused the bell on the own telephone to ring. The bell did not ring if the automatic exchange was engaged. When the operator had connected up the desired number she announced: "Ready!" The subscriber then had to ring again. This was done to reduce the work of the telephone operators, since there were no powered signal generators in those days. The subscriber had to give a strong second signal. There was no point in giving an extra signal in order to attract the attention of the called party, because the third signal always serve as the disconnect signal, which meant the end of the call. Fig. 7 These telephone sets from the early 1880s were used with the automatic exchanges In the central exchange number register ten numbers were reserved for each automatic exchange, and a corresponding jack in the switchboard was marked with a multiple of ten. For example, when connecting up a call to subscriber 2387, who was connected to an automatic exchange, the operator connected up to the jack marked 2380 and used a digit transmitter to send out seven impulses before she announced: "Ready!" When the disconnect signal was received from an automatic line the cords were disconnected in the ordinary way, but the operator also had to press a button to restore the selector to the zero position, unless the central exchange was equipped with a resetting device, fig. 15, that did this automatically. Contemporary exchange designs In his report for 1882 the chief engineer of the Swedish Telegraph Administration wrote as follows: "The problem of replacing the personnel required in a central exchange by means of a self- functioning switching instrument was solved theoretically as early as 1880"6. He is referring to the two Connelly brothers and McTighe, who patented the first automatic telephone exchange in 1879, closely followed by Westinghouse Jr. Fourother Americansand two Belgians, Bartelous and Leduc, applied for patents before Ericsson and Cedergren did. After them, many others sought new ways to solve the problem of automatic connection. "... many of the fundamental ideas came from inventors who were without technical training or practical telephone experience, and whose mechanical arrangements for embodying their ideas were apt to be impracticable or unworkable" 22 . With the manufacturing technology then available, the difficulties of achieving adequate precision were probably substantial. Here Lars Magnus Ericsson, as a manufacturer, had a great advantage because of his wide experience in precision mechanics, combined with brilliant design skills. The automatic exchange is included in the first three editions of the Ericsson catalogue (1886-1892), but does not appear in the fourth (1897) edition. As has already been mentioned, most of the exchanges were in operation in the SAT network. When this was converted to the two-wire system (in 1895) the exchanges could no longer be used and were removed. In other places the exchanges are said to have been in operation well into the 20th century23. A corresponding automatic exchange for two-wire networks was patented by Ericsson, but not until 189924. It was only used to a limited extent, which confirms the view that the automatic exchanges were used primarily to solve the crosstalk problem. The design of the automatic exchange As has already been mentioned the exchange was modified successively. Version 1, fig. 1, did not contain line relays, and hence the subscribers connected to the exchange could not talk to each other. The design of the selector permitted the connection of 15 lines, but only 10-line exchanges are still in exis- Fig. 8 Overvoltage protection tence. Exchanges with 15 as well as 25 lines were mentioned, but cannot be verified in contemporary documentation. Version 2, fig. 3, had individual line relays but the circuit diagram was such that each internal call combination required a selector position of its own. With n lines the required number of sem +1 Thus the lector positions was n 15 selector positions only permitted the connection of five lines. Fig. 9 Selector for seven lines Version 3, fig. 4 also had individual line relays, but the design had been improved so that internal calls no longer required special selector positions. In the home position of the selector all subscriber lines were connected together via individual connectors. For mechanical reasons this limited the number of lines to ten Variants with five and seven lines were also made. The components common to all versions were - a selector - a line relay (galvanometer) for the main line. Fig. 10 Galvanometer relay with the oscillation brake to the right and the correction magnet at the bottom All equipment was enclosed in a hardware cabinet with a glass door. The lines to the central exchange, subscribers and earth were connected at the top of the cabinet. Some exchanges were equipped with a lightning protector, fig.8. The semicircular upper part was then covered with a metal strip connected to the earth screw. All line screws had springs which exerted pressure on the earth strip. A ribbed tape provided the insulation between the strip and the line screws. Selector The selector was a step-by-step mechanism, fig. 9. It had two electromagnets, one with a driving latch and one with a locking latch, both operating against a ratchet wheel. When the selector was stepped, tension was created in a return spring, so that the selector returned to its original position when the locking magnet was energized. This made for a highly reliable selector, since it always started from the some position. The principle was later used in the selector systems in railway telephony. Galvanometer relay The galvanometer relay consisted of a coil, at the middle of which was a magnet system capable of a to-and-fro movement, fig. 10. The latter had three parallel magnetic bars, one inside the coil and the other two along the outer sides of the coil. Another magnet was fastened parallel to and below the magnet system. By turning this magnet the effect of the external magnetic field on the magnet system could be compensated. The relay functioned as a three-position polarized relay, which returned to the central position when the coil was not energized. In each of the outer positions a contact was made. The contacts were designed so that they were made during the greater part of the turning movement of the magnet system. A brush attached to the upper bar magnet braked the movement of the magnet system when it returned to the central position. The brush passed through a device similar to a metal comb, thereby preventing the magnet system from swinging back and forth. The relay was always connected in series with the line. This meant that, in addition to the positive and negative control pulses, the speech current and ringing signal also passed through the relay. The effect of the relay on the speech and ringing signals was negligible, however, since the relay resistance was very low, 35 S.U. (One Siemens unit, 1 S.U. corresponds to—-rrohms). Fur1 .UD Fig. 11 Line relays with balancing weights in the version 2 automatic exchange thermore the relay did not react to the low-frequency alternating current of the ringing signal. 1983 i-ig. i * Double key pulse generator Line relays As has already been mentioned, version 1 of the automatic exchange did not contain line relays.11 Fig. 13 Impulse spring with twin contacts in the automatic digit pulse transmitter, from 1883 In version 2, a line relay was connected in series with each line, fig. 11. The relay was included to prevent the bells of other telephones connected to the exchange from ringing when a call was made to the central exchange. The line of the calling set was short-circuited via the relay contacts so as not to attenuate the ringing signal. The relay armature was equipped with an adjustable counterweight in order to prevent it acting as a buzzer with an automatic interrupter. The relays had to be adjusted individually to the connected line. The line relays in version 3 were also connected in series with the line, and their purpose was the same as in version 2. The operation was quite different, however. When the caller's line relay operated it was held mechanically, which meant that the line bypassed its own relay, and in all other relays the connections to the telephone sets were broken. The resetting relay released all line relays when the selector was reset after a call had been completed.10 Fig. 14 Ericsson's first rotary dial, from 1895 Fig. 15 Resetting device with the cover removed Pulse generators The simplest pulse generator used was the so-called double key, a telegraph instrument with two keys, one for positive pulses and the other for negative, fig. 12. When the positive key was depressed the negative pole of the battery was connected to earth. Depressing the negative key gave earthing of the positive pole.10 It may be noted that Strowger also used telegraph keys in his first exchange. An automatic digit transmitter, fig. 2, was included in the first patent.11 It had many features in common with the telephone dial of today: rotary pulse cam, speed regulator, release block and a spiral spring as the drive mechanism. Apart from the fact that it had no contact for short-circuiting the speech circuit this digit pulse transmitter could be used in present-day automatic exchanges. The high remanence of the relay iron then available meant that the release times were longer than was desirable. This problem was solved by short-cir- 239 cuiting the selector stepping magnet after each application in order to remove the stored energy quickly, or, as it was expressed in the patent, "with a view to discharging the secondary current". This was achieved by equipping the digit pulse transmitter with two pulse wheels, one of which gave pulses with a ratio of 40/60. This ratio is still used by Ericsson. The cams on the second pulse wheel were displaced in relation to the first wheel and provided very short pulses of opposite polarity. The above-mentioned telegraph key works in accordance with the same principle. The pulse springs of the digit pulse transmitter had twin contacts, fig. 13. This appears to be the first time twin contacts were used in telephony. In this case the contacts were made of pure platinum, but other contacts consisted of a silver alloy with 10% copper, an alloy which is still used today. Each digit (1-10) had a pawl that could be raised. A number was dialled by raising the pawl for the desired digit and depressing a button at the lower edge of the box. This released the pointer arm, the sending of pulses started and continued until the arm stopped at the raised pawl. Before a new digit was selected the arm was turned back to the starting position and the pawl was turned down. The knob on the top of the box was used to reset the exchanges after a call. A version with 15 positions, 1,2,3,4,5,1-2, 1-3 etc. was produced for version 2 of the exchange. A rotary dial was produced in 1895. Except that only the digits from 1 to 5 could be dialled it had all the functions of present-day dials. It was also equipped with a locking device which held the dial in the set position. The lock was released electrically. The method of operation was probably as follows: When a caller requested a number, the operator dialled the number and the dial was locked. When the operator then plugged in the B-line the lock was released and the pulses were transmitted automatically. It is not known how common this dial was. Only one dial appears to have been preserved. Resetting device When the operator received a disconnect signal she had to remove the two Fig. 16 A contemporary diagram of an automatic exchange, version 31 plugs. If the line went to an automatic exchange she also had to send a negative pulse, so that the exchange selector and relays could be reset. Exchanges with many automatic satellite exchanges were equipped with a resetting device. Probably its purpose was to facilitate the work of the operators by making the disconnection procedure the same irrespective of whether a direct or an automatic line was used. It has not been possible to find a connection diagram, so the exact function of the resetting device cannot be determined. Each automatic exchange was connected to an individual contact bank in the resetting device, and a maximum of 100 exchanges could be connected, fig. 15. The contact arm, which was connected to negative potential, rotated continuously over the contact banks and a negative pulse was thus sent to each bank. Contemporary relay technology was sufficiently advanced to control the pulses so that they were only sent out on lines with disconnect indications, and only one pulse was sent. Fig. 17 A Leclanch6 unit Three resetting devices have been preserved, together with Lars Magnus Ericsson's assembly drawing, in his own hand. They were probably produced around 1884-1885. With a base of pearwood and its mechanical parts made of ornamented brass, this device was typical of the pains Ericsson personally took in designing his products to make them attractive-long before industrial design became an accepted concept. Power supply The automatic exchanges received their current from batteries situated at the central exchange, fig. 17. The battery consisted of 35-60 Lechlanche units, which together gave 50-90V. The voltage used was determined by the line resistance10. The automatic exchanges drew current only when calls were being connected or disconnected. Each telephone set had its own microphone battery, as was the case with all carbon microphone instruments at the time. References 1. Maier, J. och Preece, W. H.: Das Telephon und dessert praktische Verwendung. Stuttgart 1889. pp. 186, 215, 219, 231-232 303-307. 2. The Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review. Vol. XIII (1883), pp. 382-384. 3. Rothen, T.: Etude sur la tel£phonie. Plusieurs stations sur un seul HI. Journal Telegraphique Vol.XI (1887), pp. 193-195. 4. Bennet, A. R.: The Telephone Systems of the Continent of Europe. Longmans, Green and Co., London 1895; Reprint by Arno Press, New York 1974, pp. 294, 354,358 and 382. 5. Chapuis, R. J.: 700 Years of Telephone Switching (1878-1978). Part 1, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford 1982. pp. 58. 6. Wennman, M.: Till Kongl. Telegrafstyrelsen afgifven berattelse ofver framstegen inom telegraftekniken under ar 1882. (Report to the Royal Swedish Telegraph Administration on progress made in telegraphic technology in 1882.) Stockholm, March 31, 1883, pp. 16-19. 7. Ofveringenidrens till Kongl. Telegrafstyrelsen afgifna berattelse diver framstegen inom telegraftekniken under aV 1883. (Chief Engineer's Report to the Royal Swedish Telegraph Administration on progress made in telegraphic technology in 1883.) Stockholm, March 26, 1884, pp. 2329. 8. Ibid., appendix Nystrom, C.A.: Berattelse om internationella Elektricitetsutstallningen i Wien Sir 1883. (Report on the International Electrical Exhibition in Vienna, 1883.) Stockholm. October 31, 1883, pp. 15. 9. Ibid., 1884, Stockholm. March 25,1885, pp. 20-22. 10. Ibid., 1887, appendix: Automatisk Telefonvexel. (Automatic Telephone Exchange.) Stockholm 1887, pp. 1-9. 11. Swedish patent no. 208/1883. Application dated February 10, 1883. Issued June 23, 1883. English patents No. 2025 and 5008, A.D. 1883. French patent No. 154.885. German patent D.R.P. 27703. 12. Swedish patent no. 398/1883. Application dated July 13, 1883. Issued November 2, 1883. 13. Nystrom, C. A. och Wennmann.: Description d'un "distributeur automatique", invente par MM. L. M. Ericsson, mecanicien, et H. Cedergren. ingenieur civil. Journal Telegraphique Vol.X (1886), pp. 145-147. 14. Johansson. H.: Telefonaktiebolaget LM. Ericsson. Vol. I. From 1876 to 1918. LM Ericsson, Stockholm. 1953, pp. 48-51, 60, 64-65. 15. Hundert Jahre elektrisches Nachrichtenwesen in der Schweiz 1852-1952. Vol. II, Generaldirektion PTT, Bern 1959, pp. 182184, 711. 16. Lenaes: Privattelefonen i Norge. (Private telephony in Norway.) 1966, p. 17. 17. La Lumiere Electrique, Vol. X (1883), pp. 444-445. 18. Elektrotech. Zeitschrift (April 1884). pp. 183-184. 19. Kingsbury, J. E.: The Telephone and Telephone Exchanges - Their Invention and Development. Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, 1915, p. 400. 20. Uppfinningamas Bok. (The Book of Inventions.) Vol. Ill, Stockholm 1896, p. 581. 21. Fagen, M.D.: A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System. Vol. I. BTL, Murry Hill, N. J., 1975, p. 546. 22. Hill, R. B.: Early work on dial telephone systems. Bell Laboratories Record 31 (1953), pp. 22-29. 23. Ericsson, E.A.: LM Ericsson 100 years.Vol. III. LM Ericsson, Stockholm, 1976, p. 77. 24. Swedish patent no. 10662. Application dated January 16, 1899. ERICSSON ISSN 0014-0171 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 10284 Liungforetagen. Orebro 1