Accounting For Today`s World
Accounting For Today`s World
RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables ACCOUNTING FOR TODAY’S WORLD ™ Business accounting remote solution ( BARS) © 2012 Resource Revision Sàrl 37 slides in total ™ Business accounting remote software ( BARS) RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables DISCLAIMER This presentation contains information for general purposes and does not establish a professional services relationship. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in providing information in this presentation, no responsibility or liability is accepted by Resource Revision Sàrl, for any omissions or actions by any person relying upon information in this presentation. You should always take professional advice before making business or personal financial decisions. This presentation does not aim to be exhaustive nor should it be construed as constituting legal or professional advice © 2012 Resource Revision Sàrl 37 slides in total ™ Business accounting remote software ( BARS) RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables THE FACE OF TODAY’S ACCOUNTING RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables Resource Révision Sàrl was founded in 1998 by Claire Medlyn-Yates FCA. Resource Révision Sàrl recognised in 2010 the opportunity to provide solid, pertinent advice and hands on support to companies and individuals facing operational and financial hurdles, situations demanding action, objectivity and results. Companies need professionals to assist them in ongoing operations without the excessive cost of hiring a full time bookkeeper or administrative assistant. Day to day issues arise, some being time sensitive and should be dealt with expeditiously. remote bookkeeping provides companies with service that is always available, either on site or internationally through the internet with levels of email and personal support. Professional affiliations, professionals, confidentiality, customer service and accessibility are essential. Clients are extremely important and the Client - Firm team relationship enables clients to reach and surpass their goals through Business Accounting Remote solution (secure) BARS ( secure Business Accounting Remote System) is Luxembourg adapted and compliant. RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables OBJECTIVES RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables 1. To deliver affordable financial and management accounting Data through the use of Secure Business Accounting Remote Solution. 2. (Secure) Business Accounting Remote Solution is the easiest and most effective way to connect clients, their advisors and service providers to their business data to maximise technology, efficiency and professional expertise. RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables THE MIND MAP TO BUSINESS ACCOUNTING REMOTE SOLUTION Stay behind or Move forward RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables BARS AND BUSINESS BENEFIT RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables FOCUS APPROACH RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables Focus through Core business 1. Reduction in expense 2. 3. 4. 5. Transfer of burden of responsibility Concentration on important business activities Avoid capital expenditure Removal of the recruitment and maintenance of dedicated staff RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables Focus through Improvement in Productivity levels 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Management saved time and resources can be channeled to explore new revenue areas Management can accelerate other projects and focus on clients Up to date financials at any time you want them by simply accessing secure web site Being knowledgable about transactions and invoice approvals Productivity improvements Management can reallocate their resources to other projects and priorities The client gets maximum productivity from the Secure Remote Accounting providers facilities and resources. RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables Focus through Maximum utility for minimum price. 1. Accounting firms are equipped with quality infrastructure, innovative technology and professional expertise to handle custom projects in their branch of specialisation 2. Clients are saved from making costly investment yet benefit from professional expertise and talent at a affordable and sensible price. RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables Focus through Increased Capability 1. Strong management reporting and Financial control 2. Direct controlled access by foreign Partners in separate countries for reporting and input 3. Increased substance issue benefit as control and books are in Luxembourg 4. Ideal industry practices,technology and skill sets 5. Individuals and organisations become accessible to value added workflow systems 6. Ideal utilisation of relevant modern technology 7. Ability to re‐engineer processes 8. Modern models of management and innovative models of delivery RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables MODULES & SOFTWARE (Secure BARS is bespoke to your business) RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables The central core is a Microsoft SQL database. The first ring represents the modules and the second ring reports and activities The two rings are not fixed but turn around the core RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables OPERATION, USER & SET UP RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables SECURITY RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables SCHEMATIC TYPICAL SYSTEM RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables IMPLEMENTATION /TRAINING RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables Pricing Policy RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables The pricing is on the following basis: Set up per user one time fee Price per user annual (excl VAT) RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables EXTRA TYPES OF SYSTEM USER EXAMPLES RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables SUMMARY RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables Secure Remote Accounting keeps you in Real Time touch with your business as an entrepreneur on a Global basis RESOURCEREVISION S.A.R.L. CharteredAccountants– CabinetdeRévisionAgréé– CabinetdesExpertsComptables