English A Compilation Of NewsTicker Articles And Exercises


English A Compilation Of NewsTicker Articles And Exercises
A compilation of NewsTicker
articles and exercises
October, 2014
CAPPUCCINO CHIPS................................................................................................. 2
FOAM WAR..................................................................................................................4
HE WAS RIGHT!.......................................................................................................... 6
BURIED WITH HER MOBILE...................................................................................... 8
WANTED: MAN WITH METAL DETECTOR.............................................................. 10
REAL JUNK FOOD.................................................................................................... 12
NEW FEATURE FILM................................................................................................ 14
ANKLE INJURY..........................................................................................................16
AUSTRALIA'S FASTEST KID.................................................................................... 18
PROUD DESIGNERS................................................................................................ 20
AUSTRALIA DEFEATED............................................................................................22
THE PERFECT AGE.................................................................................................. 24
GOTTA LOVE THE JUMPING SPIDER..................................................................... 26
TALKING WHITE........................................................................................................28
DON'T STOP BELIEVING..........................................................................................30
FLUORO FRIDAY...................................................................................................... 32
AGAINST THE ODDS................................................................................................ 34
LIFE STORY.............................................................................................................. 36
ITUNES FREE DOWNLOAD..................................................................................... 38
MEDICAL INSTAGRAM............................................................................................. 40
FIRST TIME IN AUSTRALIA...................................................................................... 42
HER WORLD IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT................................................................... 44
CLEAN UP INDIA.......................................................................................................46
SOLVING THE WORLD'S FOOD CRISIS..................................................................48
GENDER INEQUALITY..............................................................................................50
Published from 2014-10-27 to 2014-11-02
No way!
America has voted; over one million Americans, to be exact. And the winner is … Kettle
Cooked Wasabi Ginger.
Frito-Lay potato chips runs a contest each year to find an exciting new flavour.
Meneko McBeth is the US prize-winner who came up with the idea for Wasabi Ginger
chips. She will receive either one million dollars or a percentage of the sales for the
year, whichever is larger.
The four finalist Frito-Lay flavours included: Bacon Mac and Cheese, Cappuccino,
Mango Salsa, and the winning flavour.
Cappuccino chips? Are they serious?
The Frito-Lay competition is held in 15 countries.
The winning flavours in other countries included: “Pizza” in Saudi Arabia, “Shrimp” in
Egypt, “Sunday Roast” in New Zealand and “Aline's Caesar Salad” in Australia.
No way!
1a Which animal inspired one of the winning flavours?
1b What is the author of the text challenged by?
1c In your own words, what prize will Meneko collect?
1d What is the object of the competition?
2a Transform the following words into adjectives: flavour, receive, prize-winner,
America, year.
Write a sentence using each of these adjectives.
2b What is the simple future tense of the following: "has voted", "came up with",
"included" and "is held".
3a Check out the crazy flavours of potato chips at the following website.
3b Choose a flavour from the above selection for each of the following categories:
"most crazy", "most mouth-watering, " and "the grossest".
3c Come up with your own crazy flavour.
3d Share your answers to 3b and 3c with your classmates.
4a If you could choose a flavour for one of the products you consume, what would it
be? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-27 to 2014-11-02
An excuse to have fun
Each year students at St Andrews University get to pelt each other with foam. On
October 20 the campus courtyard fills with teenagers in weird costumes armed with
tins of shaving foam. As they open fire, the courtyard turns into a sea of white.
The foaming frenzy is part of a 600-year old tradition, which takes place at the end of
Raisin Week. It was once the custom for new students to give a pound of raisins to
senior students to thank them for welcoming them. But nobody really knows why they
cover each other in foam.
“I don't know much of the history behind it, but it's a good day, ” says 17-year old Jack.
“It's just an excuse to have fun, really. ”
An excuse to have fun
1a Describe the annual event that took place recently in Scotland, in your own words.
1b Which tradition no longer takes place?
1c What is a teenage student's understanding of the reason for the event?
1d Why were dried grapes given as presents?
2a Write synonyms for the following: "turns into", "takes place".
2b Write a definition, in your own words, for "open fire". In which context is this idiom
usually used? Write a sentence to demonstrate the use of the word in another context.
2c Can these two words have another meaning? If so, what is it?
Write a sentence to illustrate the second meaning of the two words.
3a Find out three facts about St Andrews University to share with your classmates.
4a What fun annual traditions do you have at your school? Can you think of an activity
you would like to introduce? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26
Can I keep the magic marker?
Rob Anderson wanted to help a homeless US veteran, Alan McKracken, who lives on
the streets of Las Vegas.
Alan stood holding a sign, which read: “Homeless trying to get by/Anything helps/God
bless. ”
Rob approached Alan, took his sign, and began to tear it into pieces. “Does this help? ”
he asked.
Soft-hearted Alan didn’t get angry, he just said: “Can I keep the magic marker to make
another sign? ”
When the sign had been torn again and again into small pieces, Alan became
suspicious and asked Rob: “Are you one of those street magicians? Are you gonna to
turn the sign into a wad of money? ”
He was right! Rob unfolded the sign and money fell all over the pavement.
“It’s all yours, ” Rob said, before introducing himself and walking away.
Can I keep the magic marker?
1a Why did the magician want to interact with the US veteran?
1b What did Alan want Rob to give back to him?
1c Did Rob tell the homeless man that he was a magician? Quote from the text to
support your answer.
1d How did Rob begin his magic trick?
2a What is a US veteran?
2b What is meant by "trying to get by"?
2b Describe a soft-hearted person.
What is the opposite to a soft-hearted person?
2c Write a few lines about a soft-hearted person you know and how they behave
towards the people or animals in their life.
3a Watch the second video at the web address below.
www. today. com/news/man-rips-homeless-vets-sign-really-shocking-him-2D80207590
Does this story inspire you in anyway? Talk to one of your classmates about what
happens in the film.
4a "Approximately one in five homeless adults around the US is a veteran. " Why do
you think US veterans end up living on the streets? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26
Can you imagine?
Lesley Emerson died tragically in 2011. When she was laid to rest, Lesley's family
placed her mobile phone in the coffin because she had always loved to send text
messages to her children and grandchildren.
It was comforting for the family to send her a text message occasionally. Even though
they knew they would never get a reply, it helped them to deal with their loss.
Last week, Sherie Emerson sent her beloved gran a text. Can you imagine how she
felt when she got a response? “I’m watching over you, you’ll get through this, you’ll be
all right. ”
Sherie’s Uncle Graham called the number. He spoke to a man who had been using the
number for a couple of weeks.
The Emersons are furious with the phone company for selling their gran's number!
Can you imagine?
1a What did one of Lesley Emerson's grandchildren do recently?
1b Why was Sherie's gran buried with a mobile telephone?
1c How did Lesley's family react to her number being used by someone else?
1d Why did the family continue to use Lesley's number?
2a What is meant by "laid to rest"?
2b What does an adverb do? Can you find any adverbs in this text? Can you come up
with synonyms for these adverbs?
2b Find two more places in the text where an adverb could be added. Rewrite the
sentences to include the adverbs.
2c Swap your work with another pair to see which adverbs they chose to use.
3a Watch the following news report.
www. youtube. com/watch? v=cTZR4sUtkNQ
What else did you learn about this incident by watching the video?
4a Do you think the man who sent the response was cruel? Discuss
4b What would you have done if you had received a message that was meant for
someone who was deceased Discuss
Published from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19
In search of a penny
A treasure hunter has left his mark on sporting grounds in the UK. The gold digger dug
100 holes at two council-maintained football pitches. The damage was so extensive
that the council was forced to close the grounds.
The mystery man with a metal detector is wanted on suspicion of causing criminal
damage to council property.
John Betts, match secretary of the Rugby District Sunday League, couldn’t believe it.
"I've been involved with the league for 30 odd years and we've had to deal with dog
mess and rabbit holes, but never human beings digging up our pitches. It's sad that
someone has ruined people's enjoyment of football … in the hope of finding a penny. "
Officials are asking members of the public to come forward with any information that
might lead them to the culprit.
In search of a penny
1a What course of action was the council forced to take?
1b Was the rugby official surprised over the news of this happening? Quote from the
text to support your answer.
1c According to John Betts, what was the gold digger's quest?
1d What is the treasure hunter likely to be charged for?
2a Read through the text as a class. At the end of each paragraph write down any new
words or idioms on the whiteboard.
Before discussing the meanings of the words on the whiteboard, try to come up with a
definition for each of them from the context in which they appear in the text.
2b Can you find synonyms for each of these words?
2c Imagine your rugby team's game was cancelled due to this incident.
Using some of the words from the whiteboard, write a 'tweet'about how this affected
your day.
2d Display your tweet on the classroom walls.
3a Search the net for a sensational discovery made with a metal detector.
3b Describe what you have found for your classmates.
4a What do you think the man who destroyed the sporting grounds should be made to
do to make up for his crime? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19
Past its sell-by date
A cafe in Bristol, England, is serving rubbish to their customers. No, they really are!
The cafe is a non-profit business that wants to raise awareness of how much food is
being wasted in Britain. So, a team of volunteers go out every night searching through
the skips. They are looking for food that is past its sell-by date that can be turned into a
"We take food that would otherwise go to waste, " said Sam Joseph from the The Real
Junk Food Project (TRJFP). "We get the food out [of the skips] and into a refrigerator
straight away. I am really conscious of food safety and food hygiene. "
Customers at Skipchen are asked to “pay-as-you-feel”.
How much would you pay for real junk food?
Past its sell-by date
1a What is the reason Skipchen exists?
1b Who gathers the supplies for the "real junk food" cafe in England?
1c At what time of day is the food collected?
1d What happens to the food immediately after it has been salvaged?
2a Work in pairs. Print out the text. Cut the text into sentences and lay them face
down. Select an equal number of sentences each.
Circle key words in each sentence. Prompt your partner with the key words to see how
much of the text he/she can remember.
2b If you were to upload a photo to Instagram that represented this story, what would
you take a picture of? Write a caption for your imaginary photo.
2c Read your caption for another pair while they try to guess what was in your photo. If
they can’t guess, describe it to them!
3a Watch the following video.
www. youtube. com/watch? v=y9TgNKWU7gM&feature=youtube_gdata
What issues are raised by the interview?
<< For further discussion you may want to view for following interviews.
www. theguardian. com/society/2014/oct/08/bristol-restaurant-skipchen-ingredientsbinned-supermarkets
4a What do you think is the main obstacle for The Real Junk Food Project? Discuss
4b What do you think supermarkets can do to try to make sure food gets purchased
before the use-by-date? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12
Tetris has been a popular video game for 30 years. It was created by Alexey Pajitnov in
1984, and is now played over a billion times each year.
Threshold Entertainment has announced that the game will soon be made into a
feature film.
The game involves slotting together multi-coloured blocks of different shapes and
sizes. It's a little hard to imagine how this concept could be turned into a meaningful
story. Threshold Entertainment, however, has turned a video game into a film once
before, with Mortal Combat.
"What everyone doesn't know yet is this epic sci-fi story that we're going to tell. That's
what's really exciting. "
No doubt once they start writing the script, all the pieces will fall into place. : )
1a What does the game of Tetris entail?
1b What has Threshold Entertainment recently disclosed?
1c Over what time frame has Tetris been in existence?
1d What happened previously that gives us reason to believe that it is possible to make
a film out of Tetris?
2a Work in pairs. Imagine you can see into the future. Rewrite three of the sentences
from this text to explain what will happen in the year 2014!
2b Swap your sentences with another pair for feedback.
2c Give your sentences to the teacher who will write some of them on the whiteboard
for further discussion.
3a Watch the first 2. 5 minutes of the following YouTube clip. What inspired Alexey to
create Tetris? Did his invention create an income for him? Explain.
www. youtube. com/watch? v=I1i24mnjeoE
3b Can you find a Tetris trailer online? Is this an actual trailer? How do you know? Can
you come up with your own ideas for a film based on this game?
3c Share your findings and ideas with your classmates.
4a Can you think of a video game you would like to see turned into a film? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12
Pomsky problems!
NFL Player, Joe Fauria, was unable to play last week due to an ankle injury. The
Detroit Lions tight end was sidelined Sunday, Sept. 28, when his team played the New
York Jets.
“Pomsky problems, ” Joe said. He was referring to the accident that lead to the injury.
Joe is the proud owner of a three-month-old Pomeranian/Husky mix, called Lil'Rufio.
Well, puppies don’t always do what they're supposed to, do they?
"He was about to pee and I was like, come here you little … nugget, " he told reporters.
As Joe chased Lil'Rufio down the stairs, he tripped. The awkward landing resulted in a
sprained ankle.
The adorable story went viral. Joe joked about the incident on Twitter: “Now I'm only
concentrating on getting back on the field ASAP! Please no death threats to Lil'Rufio,
he's just a pup! ”
Pomsky problems!
1a What position does Joe play?
1b Where was Joe when he sustained his foot injury?
1c Did Lil’ Rufio cause Joe to trip? Quote from the text to support your answer.
1d Is Lil’ Rufio’s life in danger? Quote from the text to support your answer.
2a Read through the text in pairs. Are there any words you don’t know the meaning of?
Try coming up with a definition for the word/s before looking up the actual meaning.
2b Write down the first letter of each sentence. Write a poem about this story. The first
word of each line of your poem will begin with the five letters you have written down.
2c Read your poem for the class.
3a Look at the story and the photos at the following website.
www. usmagazine. com/celebrity-news/news/nfl-player-joe-fauria-injured-after-chasingpuppy-lil-rufio-pictures-2014110
Come up with one of your own captions for one of the photos!
4b Does it surprise you that some people were suspicious about whether or not this
story was real? Discuss
Published from 2014-09-29 to 2014-10-05
Box jumps
Sixteen-year old Jake Hale from Tasmania is known for his long jump performances;
but not any more!
Last week at a track and field even in Hobart, Jake lined up for the 100 metres sprint.
No one seemed to expect him to win, let alone smash a record. Jake’s time of 10. 44
took. 02 seconds off the national under-18 record. “We didn’t think he was that quick, ”
said Junior High performance manager Sara Mulkearns.
The record had been held for 23 years.
Jake had hoped to earn a place on the team for the 2015 World Youth Championships
as a long jumper. But after this effort, he has already started to dream of a 100 metres
gold medal at the Olympics!
Jake says his recent increase in speed is because he introduced box jumps into his
Box jumps
1a Were people surprised when Jake won the 100 metres race? Support your answer
by quoting from the text.
1b In what way did this event change Jake’s future plans?
1c If Jake’s dreams come true, what might we witness in 2016 or 2020?
1d When was the last under-18 100 metres record set in Australia?
2a Imagine you are Jake. Write a Facebook status update about your incredible day at
the track!
2b Stick your status updates around the classroom for your friends to comment on!
3a At the following website you can view the race and listen to a short interview with
www. news. com. au/sport/more-sports/jack-hale-16-clocks-1044-in-the-100m-sprint-tobreak-the-national-under18-record/story-fndukor0-1227070686623
3b Where is Hobart? Find it on a map. What can you find out about this part of
3e Share your findings with your class mates.
4a What is it that makes Jake’s record so news worthy? Discuss
4b Who is the runner in the photograph that accompanies this article?
Published from 2014-09-29 to 2014-10-05
Miss Universe
Australia’s Tegan Martin will compete in the Miss Universe pageant in December.
Each year, the Australian public get to vote for a uniquely Australian costume that the
contestant will wear as she represents the country.
Last week the four finalist designer costumes were announced.
The proud designers revealed the sources of inspiration for their creations. Freda
Diak’s creation was inspired by the late Steve Irwin, Australia’s iconic crocodile hunter.
The costume created by Christopher Ditas featured corrugated iron and Australia's
native flowers. Victoria’s up and coming designer, Caitlin Holstock, got permission from
the Wurundgeri tribe to showcase an indigenous inspired sunset. And the Sydney
Opera House gave Lorelee Prentice the inspiration for her design.
The winning costume will be seen by over one billion people worldwide.
Miss Universe
1a Who will decide on the costume that is to be worn by Tegan?
1b Which Australian landmark became a source of inspiration for one of the costumes?
1c What did the design of the costume need to characterise?
1d When will Tegan be wearing the designer outfit?
2a Can you find 2 words in the text that can be both a noun and a verb.
Write a sentence to illustrate the use of these words in the grammatical category that is
not used in this text.
2b Which grammatical category does the word “uniquely” belong to?
2c Write a statement about something that characterises the country in which you live.
Make sure you use the word "uniquely"!
(It doesn’t have to be a statement of fact. Your statement can be about something you
wish was characteristic of your country: ) )
3a Go to the following website to view the finalist designer costumes.
www. news. com. au/entertainment/celebrity-style/from-steve-irwin-to-corrugated-ironthe-miss-universe-australia-national-costumes-have-been-revealed/story-fn9076o91227066342391
3b Which one would you vote for, and why? Write your choice, and the reasons for it,
on a piece of paper. Give the paper to the teacher.
3c The teacher will read out some of the reasons. The class will guess which costume
is being referred to.
Published from 2014-10-27 to 2014-11-02
Australia was beaten by their arch rivals, New Zealand, at the Suncorp Stadium in
Brisbane last week.
The best team in the world showed why they own the illustrious title. With just nine
minutes of play to go, the All Blacks scored a try, and in the final three seconds, they
converted it to claim the victory.
Faith Maddon, a proud Kiwi, who lives in Oz, was watching the match on television.
“Just as I was about to congratulate the Wallabies on a well deserved win …We won
… Let’s be generous in triumph. I always admire the loser, when New Zealand wins, ”
her Facebook post read.
Faith's not-so-generous Kiwi buddy retorted: “For the second time in the Rugby
Championship the Wallabies went to sleep during the last 5 minutes. They simply lack
the stamina to play a full 80min against the 2 best sides in the World. ”
1a Why was it fitting that the All Blacks won?
1b Which team does Faith's friend barrack for?
1c Answering, using your own words, why would Faith have been happy to
congratulate the Wallabies?
1d What is the name given to a person belonging to the country represented by
Australia's opponent?
2a Read through the text in pairs. Write down any words that you don't know the
meanings of. If possible, try to come up with a definition for each of these words from
the context in which they appear in the text, before looking up their meanings.
2b Can you find synonyms for the following words: illustrious, admire, arch rival,
retorted, stamina?
2c Using these words, write a short text about a trip to your favourite supermarket.
2d Read your text for the class.
3a Continue in pairs.
Choose one of the following assignments each:
Find out what is means to score a try.
Find out what it means to convert a try.
Explain your findings to your partner.
3b What are the nicknames of the other teams that make up the top-ten Rugby teams
in the world, and which countries do they represent?
4a Have you seen the All Blacks perform a Haka? If not, you can watch it at the
following link:
www. youtube. com/watch? v=4Gbj_ig09WQ
What do you think is the purpose of this exercise? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26
Mars, here I come!
Alyssa Carsson plans to be on board the 2033 mission to the red planet. The singleminded young lady has been in training to become an astronaut for the past nine
Despite the fact that Alyssa is just thirteen years of age, NASA takes her dreams very
seriously. “She is the perfect age to one day become an astronaut, ” says Paul
Foreman, a spokesman for NASA.
Bert Carsson, Alyssa's father, says he has absolutely no doubt in his mind that his
determined daughter will one day don a spacesuit and fulfil her dreams. He is
convinced that her passion to become an astronaut will drive her there.
Alyssa is prepared to travel to Mars and never return to planet earth. This is a harsh
reality for a father to come to terms with but Bert's greatest delight is to support his
daughter in fulfilling her dreams.
Mars, here I come!
1a What is one of the challenges for Alyssa's father in dealing with his daughter's
chosen career path?
1b Apart from Bert, who else thinks Alyssa is likely to fulfil her dreams?
1c How much of the thirteen-year old's life has been devoted to her quest so far?
1d What address might Alyssa have in 21 or so years?
2a In small groups, read through the text looking up the meanings of any new words.
2b What is it that makes this story newsworthy? Discuss
2c Think of someone you and your classmates know, who is driven and ambitious, like
Use this story as a guideline to tell that person's story. (You can also write about a
television personality or a sporting hero if you prefer)
Instead of writing the person’s name, write “Citizen X”.
2c Read your story for the class to see if they can guess who you have written about!
3a Continuing in small groups, watch the following video:
www. bbc. com/news/magazine-29516432
Each of you will write a quiz question to ask the others in your group.
3b Why haven't humans visited the red planet yet? Find out what the main obstacles
are and present them for your classmates.
4a Can you imagine living on another planet and never returning to earth? What would
you miss most about life on planet earth? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19
Great gift idea
Do you hate spiders? All spiders? What about a spider that eats one of the most
annoying insects on the planet?
New research has revealed that the Malaysian jumping spider, Paracyrba wanlessi,
feeds exclusively on mosquitoes.
Well, that's a nice thought isn't it? Just think, no more ruined summer evenings or
being woken up to that awful buzzing sound!
Scientists researching the spider discovered that the jumping spiders are hardwired to
catch and eat mosquitoes, and they're really good at it! The Paracyrba wanlessi
mosquitoes were fed other types of food from the time that they first hatched. But when
they got their first opportunity to catch a mosquito, they knew exactly what to do. They
sneak up on the flying bloodsuckers like a cat.
Isn't nature wonderful?
What a great gift idea for your friend who has everything!
Great gift idea
1a What have arachnid enthusiasts recently found out?
1b What does the writer suggest this recent discovery might put a stop to?
1c In which way did those studying the spider put to the test the notion that jumping
spiders are hardwired for mosquito consumption?
1d Does the jumping spider struggle to catch its preferred prey? Quote from the text to
support your answer.
2a What examples of contractions are used in the text? Replace the contracted words
with the full form of the words.
2b Make a list of other commonly used contractions. Write out the full form of these
2c Write a sentence to illustrate the correct use of each of the following words: it’s, its,
they’re, their, there, who's whose.
2d Swap your answers with a friend and give each other feedback.
3a Can you find other facts and information about what spiders are good for?
3b Share your findings with your classmates!
4a What does "tongue in cheek" mean? Can you find an example of this in the text?
Published from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12
Only for Caucasians?
Nefertiti Menoe was made fun of when she moved to Long Island NY, from Kenya, at
the age of twelve. She was ridiculed for the way she spoke. Nefertiti's classmates told
her she spoke funny.
"I thought, 'How do I speak funny? Is this not English? 'In middle school, I started
hearing from my black and minority friends, 'You sound white. ’”
She soon learned that the practice of using slang and bad grammar was considered a
part of a black or minority person’s culture and identity. If you spoke English properly
you were in some way betraying your race!
This really annoyed Nefertiti, so she posted her views on line and even made a video,
not to be provocative, but to make people stop and think before they accuse someone
of "speaking white, " as if speaking English correctly is only appropriate if you belong to
the Caucasian race!
Only for Caucasians?
1a What did Nefertiti do in reaction to the flack she received about the way she spoke?
1b According to Nefertiti's peers, what is considered the acceptable way to speak?
1c At which point of transition in the young African’s life did she find out that she was
not like her peers?
1d What does the writer seem to think is an absurd notion?
2a Work in pairs. What is meant by "made fun of"?
What is meant by "speak/spoke funny"?
2b Have you ever been made fun of? How did it make you feel? What did you do about
it, or what did you wish you had done about it?
2c Based on your own experiences and feelings, write a short story about a fictitious
character who was made fun of and how he/she defended himself/herself.
2d If you feel comfortable, read your story for the class.
3a Watch the video Nefertiti made.
www. youtube. com/watch? v=YLDwdntFoW4
Do you agree with everything she said? Do you think she succeeded in being non
provocative and in making people think?
Share you reactions with your classmates.
3b Go to the following website. Read what is written under "Usage".
www. oxforddictionaries. com/definition/english/Caucasian
Write a definition for the term Caucasian in your own words.
4a Does the use of slang and bad grammar define people in the country in which you
live? Discuss
Published from 2014-09-29 to 2014-10-05
Pleasure trip turned into a nightmare
Zack Romanak and his son Noah, from Hawaii, along with a tourist from California,
Brad Warren, set out on a fishing trip.
Their pleasure trip turned into a nightmare.
During the night a ferocious storm broke out. An enormous wave capsized the fragile
boat. The force of the wave shattered Brad's leg in three places and broke his hip,
dragging in him beneath the water.
The three managed to climb onto the upturned boat hoping to endure the storm until
morning. But the waves were relentless and they were cast repeatedly from their perch
into the raging sea.
After four long hours of struggling to stay above water, the exhausted fishermen began
to give up hope.
Then Noah heard something in the distance. It was the sound of a party. “Listen”, he
shouted. Brad recognised the music. It was the eighties hit song “Don’t Stop Believing”.
That was all they needed to muster the strength and courage to fight the waves and
swim to the shore.
Pleasure trip turned into a nightmare
1a Where can we assume the pleasure trip took place? Quote from the text to support
your answer.
1b How long did the men intend to stay with the capsized boat?
1c Was it hearing the music that gave the exhausted fishermen the strength to swim to
the shore? Quote from the text to support your answer.
1d Who would have had the most difficult time swimming to shore, and why?
2a In pairs, read through the text. What do you think is the main theme of the story?
2b Imagine you are Brad. Write a letter to the author of the song "Don't Stop Believing"
and tell him about your experience and the impact his song had on you in this situation.
2c Give your letter to another pair for feedback.
2d After making any necessary changes, give your letter to the teacher who will write
paragraphs from some of them on the whiteboard for further discussion.
3a Watch the news report about this incident.
com/2014/09/18/dont-stop-believing-boat-capsizeshawaii_n_5846898. html? utm_hp_ref=good-news
3b Apart from the song, what else influenced Brad's decision to swim to the shore?
4a Does a shooting (or falling) star have any special meaning in the culture in which
you live? Discuss
4b Has there been a song that has encouraged you in a significant way? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-27 to 2014-11-02
Hard not to smile
Grant Trebilco suffered for years with the ups and downs of living with a bipolar
condition, but he never talked about it. He was embarrassed, and didn’t want his
friends to think of him as a sad person.
But Grant ultimately discovered that “surfing, being out in the ocean, and talking about
it” was how he would learn to cope with an otherwise alienating condition. “It’s …
[what] keeps me balanced. ” he said.
A little over a year ago, Grant started Fluoro Friday at Bondi beach, where fellow
sufferers of depression and other mental health issues get connected and experience
the power of community. They turn up at the beach dressed in fluorescent colours with
yoga mats and surfboards in tow, and together, share their love of the ocean.
The first week, Grant entered the water alone, but when Fluoro Friday turned one, 100
vibrantly attired surfing enthusiasts lined up along the shoreline for a group photo.
“The whole reason we dress up in fluoro is because mental health is an invisible illness
… It gets people asking those important questions and it’s pretty hard not to smile
when you see all your mates dressed in fluoro. ”
Hard not to smile
1a In your own words, what was the reason Grant began Fluoro Fridays?
1b What accompaniments do the surf-loving gang take with them to the seaside?
1c Did Fluoro Fridays have small beginnings? Support your yes or no answer, but
instead of quoting directly from the text, use your own words.
1d In what way was Grant a silent sufferer prior to Fluoro Fridays?
2a Read through the text as a class to practice pronunciation.
At the end of each paragraph, write down any new or difficult words on the whiteboard
for further discussion.
2b Break up into small groups. Discuss an event or an activity that brings people
together and helps them get connected and share the love of a common interest. Give
your event or activity a name.
2c Using the new and difficult words on the whiteboard, write a short blurb advertising
your activity.
2d Share your promotional blurb with your classmates.
3a Watch the film clip at the following website:
www. bbc. com/news/magazine-29650548
What would you say were the pivotal moments in Grant's life, and what brought him to
where he's at today in terms of his ability to cope with the mental health condition he is
afflicted with?
3b Share your responses to this story within your group.
4a Why do you think it is easier to talk about a physical illness than a mental illness?
4b Can you think of a effective way to raise awareness of think mental health issues?
Published from 2014-10-27 to 2014-11-02
From devil's child to principle ballerina
The story of principle ballerina, Michaela De Prince, a brave and incredibly gracious
survivor of her horrific past, has yet again graced the pages of magazines and
newspapers around the world.
Last month, Michaela’s book, Take Flight: From War Orphan to Star Ballerina, was
released to rave reviews.
Labelled the devil's child in the orphanage in which she lived, Michaela was the victim
of unimaginable horror, abuse and abandonment.
Miraculously adopted by an angel from America, the three-year old, with the dream of
one day becoming a ballerina tucked away in her heart, was rescued, in every possible
Life in America was a fairytale compared to her life in war-torn Sierra Leone.
Nevertheless, Michaela faced new challenges of racism and bullying, and continued to
be haunted by hideous memories of the tortured life she had left behind.
Her supportive adoptive mother helped her in every possible way, including writing
down all that Michaela had experienced in Africa.
The resultant collaboration, co-authored by Michaela and her mother, is sure to inspire
us all to dare to dream.
From devil's child to principle ballerina
1a What was Michaela known as when she was a small child?
1b What brought an end to Michaela's African nightmare?
1c What kind of problems was Michaela forced to endure in her new home?
1d In what way did the angelic rescuer contribute to Michaela's recent achievement?
2a Working in pairs, print out two copies of the text. Read through the text separately,
circling key words in each paragraph.
Test your partner by reading the key words you have each selected to see if he/she
can remember what was communicated in the rest of the paragraph.
2b Try to come up with synonyms for the key words.
Using the key words and their synonyms, write a poem about Michaela's story.
3a Watch the film clip about this incredible story at the following link:
Choose either a sentence or a few words from this video that represent what this story
means to you.
3b Share your choice of words/sentence for the class and explain what impacted you
most about the film.
Published from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26
Many of them never told before
Life Story is a 6-part series that will commence on BBC One this week with the highest
quality images ever seen in a wildlife documentary.
David Attenborough will tell the gripping stories of a vast array of the earth's creatures,
many of which cling tenuously to life as they journey through vulnerable phases in their
development. In Greenland, for example, a newly hatched barnacle goose chick must
undertake a life-threatening, 400-foot leap down a sheer cliff before it has learned to
The series attempts to tell the whole story from the time an animal is born to the time
that it succeeds in producing offspring. Many of the animal stories told by Life Story
have never been told before. For instance, it has recently been discovered that a tiny
puffer fish is responsible for previously unexplained decorative circles on the ocean
floor in Japan; all for the purpose of attracting a partner.
Life Story is the culmination of four years of work, over 100 field trips, and the efforts
and expertise of around 1000 people.
Many of them never told before
1a What is one of the claims made by the promoters of the television series?
1b Who will the show's commentator be?
1c What stages of life will be covered by Life Story?
1d Is there an example of exclusive information detailed in the text? Quote from the
text to support your answer.
2a Read through the text in pairs. If there are any words you don't know the meanings
of, try to guess what they mean before looking them up.
2b Write the first two paragraphs as if Life Story was an old television programme that
had been aired several years ago.
2c Write the words on the whiteboard that you were forced to change in order to fulfil
the criteria in the above exercise.
2d Discuss the different verb tenses used in the text.
3a Watch the following YouTube film with the sound turned off:
www. youtube. com/watch? v=YlHHTmIkd
Take notes as you watch. Write down words that describe the animals and their
behaviour, then write your own commentary for the film clip. (You can also listen to
David Attenborough’s commentary to get ideas, but make sure you use your own
words as much as possible, and include as many of the new words you have learned)
3b Read your commentary for your classmates.
4a David Attenborough recently criticised the BBC for not providing enough variety for
television audiences. Is there a wide variety of television programmes available in the
country in which you live? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-20 to 2014-10-26
Not welcome by everyone
U2’s latest album went on sale last Monday, but there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of
people who don’t already have it.
Last month, 500 million iTunes customers in 119 countries woke up to find Songs of
Innocence in their music libraries, waiting to be downloaded free of charge; a great find
for U2 fans, while others labelled it as unsolicited junk mail!
Facebook organised a forum for people to give the rock stars feedback about their
publicity stunt. “Can you please never release an album on iTunes that automatically
downloads to peoples playlists ever again? It's really rude, ” was one of the complaints
aimed at the band.
Bono showed a modicum of remorse, admitting that this time they may have gone a bit
too far. “A drop of megalomania, a touch of generosity, a dash of self-promotion and
deep fear that these songs that we poured our life into over the last few years mightn't
be heard. ”
Not welcome by everyone
1a Was the lead singer of U2 apologetic over the automatic download? Quote from the
text to support your answer.
1b Which group of people were most likely very happy about U2's touch of generosity?
1c Where did the band's latest album appear and how did it get there?
1d Is there likely to be a rush to buy U2's latest CD? Quote from the text to support
your answer.
2a Have you checked your iTunes music library recently? So, what's the verdict? Are
you angry with the find, or are you a fan?
After working through the text and looking up the meanings of any new words, write the
band a letter telling them what you think of their publicity stunt.
Try to use as much of the language from this text as you can, including synonyms of
the words you didn't know the meanings of.
2b Give your letter to a friend and give each other feedback.
2c After making any changes or corrections you deem necessary, give your letter to
the teacher who will write paragraphs from some of them on the whiteboard for further
3a Watch the video of the Facebook forum:
www. newstalk. com/Bono-says-sorry-for-iTunes-album-giveaway
3b Were the band members evasive? Explain
3c What attempts at humour were made during the forum? Explain one of their jokes to
a classmate.
4a There has been an enormous amount of criticism levelled at the band over this
publicity stunt? Do you think it will damage their future success? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19
Risks with confidentiality
An app for use in the medical industry will soon be available in Europe. Figure 1 is a
kind of medical Instagram for the purpose of sharing pictorial documentation of
different types of medical conditions.
The app is free, and can be downloaded by anyone, but only verified healthcare
professionals will be able to upload photos or make comments about them.
Facial features of the patient are automatically blotted out by the app in order to
obscure the person's identity.
“I think it's potentially really useful to share photos with medical students and other
doctors, ” said British GP, Dr Ellie Cannon. “Obviously the potential pitfall is the
confidentiality. Of course, they are anonymised but even uploading from a certain
doctor may go some way to identify a patient. ”
Founder of Figure 1, Dr. Josh Landy said: “some conditions are so rare that they can't
be posted. ” For example, Landy explained: “One user wanted to post something, but
there are only seven cases of it in the US and they had all been reportable because
they are rare, so the patient could have been identified. ”
Risks with confidentiality
1a What is considered to be one of the main issues with Figure 1?
1b How does the app conceal the identity of the subject in the uploaded photographs?
1c What is the main aim of the app?
1d In which case would it not be appropriate to use the app?
2a Working in pairs, read through the text looking up the meaning of any new words.
2b Write a letter to your doctor telling him/her about this app.
2c Swap letters with a classmate and give each other feedback.
3a Describe an app that you make us of. Explain how it works. Are there any problems
you have encountered in using the app? If you could make changes to the way the app
functions, what would they be? What is it that you particularly like about the way the
app functions? Try to incorporate some of the words (especially any new words) from
this Newsticker in your app appraisal.
3b Read your appraisal for the class.
4a Do you think Figure 1 will result in making medical diagnoses more accurate?
Published from 2014-10-13 to 2014-10-19
On the whales'terms
A business venture that has been years in the making, has been spearheaded by Dan
Hart, who wanted to bring nature enthusiasts face to face with the largest mammal on
planet earth. “I went swimming with humpbacks in Tonga a few years ago, ” Hart said.
“It was such a breathtaking and mind-blowing experience … So I thought, why not start
it here? ”
For the first time in Australia, earlier this year, Sunreef gave people the opportunity to
jump into whale-inhabited waters off the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, and get up
close and personal with these gentle giants of the deep.
When the humpbacks are sighted, the boat anchors at a safe distance, careful not to
get too close and encroach on their habitat or put their lives in danger. It’s then up to
the whales whether they seek out contact with the swimmers.
“It's being done on the whales'terms, not the operators, ” says Sheila Pyke, a university
lecturer in environmental science. Sheila hopes “many will speak out against whaling”
after such a ‘wow’ experience.
On the whales'terms
1a In what way does Sunreef operate on the whales’ terms?
1b What prompted Dan to introduce swimming with whales to the Australian public?
1c What is hoped will be the outcome of this venture?
1d How long have people been swimming with the whales in Australia?
2a As you watch the two clips below, take notes about the way in which different
people reacted to the opportunity to swim with the whales.
Write either a blog about this experience, as if you were one of those on board
Sunreef, or write a blurb to promote tourism on the Sunshine Coast.
www. sunreef. com. au/whale-swimming/
www. youtube. com/watch? v=Y-5RTRLk9jU
2b Read your blog or blurb for the class.
3a What interesting facts can you find out about whaling?
Write a short report. Include information about the following:
- where whaling first began
- why whales are hunted
- why whaling is so controversial
- your own views on whaling
- any other facts you think would be of interest to your classmates
3b Share your report with your classmates.
4a Do you think whale's will one day become extinct? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12
Like certain animals and insects
Concetta Antico is an artist whose perception of colour is somewhat unique. She is a
tetrachromat. And if you are asking yourself, “What’s a tetrachromat? ”, you're not
alone. Not even Concetta herself knew what the term meant until one of her customers
studying her work suggested she contact some researchers of tetrachromacy.
A tetrachromat is able to see colours that are totally invisible to the rest of us, and
Concetta's artwork reveals how remarkably different her world looks.
A pebble pathway, for example, appears to most of us as a conglomeration of different
shades of grey, but to Concetta, “The little stones jump out … with oranges, yellows,
greens, blues and pinks, ” she says. “I’m kind of shocked when I realise what other
people aren’t seeing. ”
It was only twenty years ago, in fact, that scientists from two English Universities first
proposed that it might be possible for humans to exhibit tetrachromacy. Prior to this,
the phenomenon was thought to exist only in certain animals and insects.
“What if we tetrachromats can show the way to colour for people who are less
fortunate than us? ” Concetta says. “I want everyone to realise how beautiful the world
is. ”
Like certain animals and insects
1a What is Concetta surprised over?
1b How is the way Concetta sees colour described?
1c How recent is the notion that homo sapiens are able to see like some insects and
1d In what way does Concetta plan to use her uniqueness?
2a Work in small groups.
What is meant by "in the dark" and "kind of"?
2a Concetta said she went to the park with her class. When she was there she talked
to them about all the different colours she saw. Her class couldn't see the colours she
could see but were too polite to disagree with her and challenge her about her
Write a short play about this scene. (The students in your play don't have to be as
polite as Concetta's: ) )
2b Act out your play for the class!
3a What is colour blindness? Which sex is most prone to developing colour blindness?
Which sex is most prone to tetrachromacy? In which animals has tetrachromacy been
identified? What is this skill used for?
What else can you find out about tetrachromacy?
4a Are there differences in the way you and your friends view colours? Discuss
Published from 2014-10-06 to 2014-10-12
1 billion + toilets on the way!
India’s PrimeMinister, Narendra Modi, launched an ambitious campaign to clean up
India for the birthday of independence leader, Mahatma Gandhi.
The initiative encourages the entire country to take part in cleaning up what has sadly,
become known as one of the dirtiest countries in the world. Schools have been invited
to take a "cleanliness pledge" and devote a minimum of 100 hours each year to the big
cleanup, taking before and after photos as proof of their allegiance to the campaign.
This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as cleaning India is concerned, however. In a
country where only half of the population of 2 billion have access to a toilet, to say that
cleanliness is a big problem in India is a colossal understatement.
Nevertheless, a defiant Mr Modi has promised to supply every school in the country
with toilets, as well as each and every home, within the next five years.
The determined head of state vowed: "We will have a country where there is not even
a speck of dirt in our villages, cities, streets, areas, schools, temples and hospitals by
2019. "
1 billion + toilets on the way!
1a What is India’s greatest sanitary issue caused by?
1b What has the leader of the country pledged to do about the situation mentioned
1c What are educational institutions encouraged to do to take part in this newly
launched campaign?
1d Is the Prime Minister of India expecting a transformation in the foreseeable future?
Quote from the text to support your answer.
2a Mahatma Gandhi is purported to have been rather finicky about hygiene and
Imagine you are one of Mahatma Gandhi's great-great-great grandchildren. Write a
letter to the Prime Minister of India to tell him what you think of his campaign and what
he has pledged to do for India.
2b Give your letter to the teacher who will write paragraphs from some of them on the
whiteboard for further discussion and correction if needed.
3a What is Mahatma Gandhi famous for? Find out a little more about his life by
referring to the following website for information
com/examviral/real-life/29-things-you-may-not-know-aboutmahatma-gandhi-289963. html
Write three quiz questions to ask your classmates.
Give your classmates three answers to choose from, only one of which will of course
be the correct one!
4a Does this article make you aware of all you take for granted? Discuss
Published from 2014-09-29 to 2014-10-05
From bacteria to the Galapagos Islands
Three Irish teenagers win top prize at the Google Science Fair.
Sixteen-year olds Ciara Judge, Emer Hickey and Sophie Healy-Thow, beat 17 other
finalists to clinch the coveted accolade with their project "Combating the global food
crisis: Diazotroph Bacteria As a Cereal Crop Growth Promoter. "
The competition began with over 5, 000 submissions spanning ninety different
The girls discovered that a certain type of bacteria, rhizobia, which actually lives inside
nodules on the roots of legumes, can accelerate the germination process of seeds by
up to fifty percent.
“We like microbiology. We like gardening. And we want to aid the food crisis. ”
Their experiments revealed that infusing seeds with rhizobia bacteria not only reduced
the germination time, but the yield of the ensuing crop was a staggering 70 percent
higher than for the same crop without the rhizobia bacteria.
It is believed that the commercial applications of their discovery are absolutely
Their efforts will take them to the Galapagos Islands on an all-expenses Google-paid
field study and also grant them a €30, 000 scholarship.
From bacteria to the Galapagos Islands
1a How many projects were in the running for the coveted prize?
1b What was the main aim of the girls'project?
1c Who stands to benefit from the girls'findings?
1d In what way were the teenagers rewarded for their scientific discovery?
2a Read through the text as a class. At the end of each paragraph write down any new
or difficult words on the whiteboard for further discussion.
Before discussing the definitions of the new words, try to come up with a definition for
each of them from the context in which they appear in the text.
2c Which grammatical category do each of the words belong to?
2d Can you come up with synonyms for each of them?
2e Using the list of words, write a short text to announce the winner of a competition at
your school. (It doesn't have to be an actual competition; you can make one up if you
like! )
Explain the competition and how many entrants the prize winner was competing
3a Watch the film clip at the website below.
ie/business/technology/news/irish-teenagers-bag-top-prize-atgoogle-science-fair-2014-30607710. html
Stop and start if necessary as you try to understand what the girls are saying.
Did you find out any new information?
3b Discuss your findings with the class.
(<< You can read more about their project at the following website:
www. businessinsider. com/google-science-fair-winners-crop-bacteria-2014-9 >>)
4a What is significant about the Galapagos Islands? Discuss
Published from 2014-09-29 to 2014-10-05
Harry Potter star addresses UN
Harry Potter star, Emma Watson, was made United Nations Women Goodwill
Ambassador, earlier this summer.
Last week Emma addressed the United Nations Council as she launched the
HeForShe campaign, aimed at mobilising men and boys to take part in making gender
inequality a thing of the past.
Emma’s eloquent speech encouraged men to see how gender equality is definitely not
confined to the female gender.
"I've seen young men suffering from illness, unable to ask for help for fear it will make
them less of a man … I've seen men fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what
constitutes male success. Men don't have the benefits of equality either. We don't often
talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes, but I can see that they are. "
U. N. head Ban Ki-moon, was counted as the "number one" man to sign up for the
HeForShe campaign. Emma hopes that she will succeed in motivating one billion male
advocates to get on board the initiative in the next twelve months.
Harry Potter star addresses UN
1a What is the main goal of the HeForShe campaign?
1b Who is Emma's speech directed at?
1c Prior to her recent appointment, what was Emma known for?
1d How was the campaign kick started?
2a In small groups, read through the text looking up the meanings of any new words.
2b Discuss the meaning of the term "gender stereotype".
What are some of the traditional gender stereotypes that exist in the culture in which
you live?
2c Write a rap song expressing your ideas about this subject (include as much of the
language used in the text as possible. )
2d Perform your rap song for the class, if you dare! : ) The rest of the class can help
you to tap out the rhythm by clicking their fingers.
Alternatively, you can post your lyrics on the classroom wall.
3a Listen to Emma’s speech.
www. people. com/article/emma-watson-united-nations-feminism-heforshe
(Listen for up to 7 minutes if possible, otherwise, 5. 40)
What other issues does Emma raise in her talk?
3b What else can you find out about the HeForShe campaign?
3c Share your findings with the rest of the class.
4a Can you think of practical ways in which men and boys can support this initiative?