Summer 2013 - Home of the Innocents


Summer 2013 - Home of the Innocents
The Tassel is Worth the Hassle
On February 22, four students from the Home of
the Innocent’s Weinberg Academy and Discovery
Classrooms received their high school diplomas
at the school’s first graduation ceremony. One
student was the first person in his family to ever
The school follows a year-round schedule and
completed a 12-week cycle in February. The
graduates were recognized at the Home for a full
day, complete with a commencement attended by
students, their family members and staff.
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Academy on the Home’s campus
The Harry and Jeanette
Weinberg Foundation
University of Louisville Men’s Soccer Coach and
author Ken Lolla was the commencement speaker.
He told the graduates that they can be anything
they want and to believe in their dreams. The coach
also gave each graduate a copy of his book, Finding
Your Gifts. His speech was inspiring to everyone in
attendance, not just our graduates!
The graduates also received a gift and card signed
by all their fellow students and the Home’s
staff. Other students of Weinberg and Discovery
planned and participated in the ceremony,
including setting up, running the sound board,
introducing graduates and giving speeches.
Teresa Landenwich, Head Teacher, shared that
“there’s no better payday for a teacher than to see
the look on a student’s face holding his diploma
saying, ‘I am the first person in my family to
graduate from high school.’”
All of the graduates have plans to continue their
academic careers. Gordon Brown, the Home’s
President and CEO told the graduates, “we are all
your family and we are so proud of you.”
There were few dry eyes in the house as each
graduate moved their tassel to the other side of
their cap. One of our graduates put it best when
she said, “the tassel was worth the hassle!”
Students received their diplomas from Ms. Michele Eckels,
Principal of State Agency Schools
On June 5, Weinberg held their second graduation
ceremony for two students. WDRB’s Fox in the
Morning Host Sterling Riggs was the second
commencement’s speaker, encouraging the
graduates to reach their dreams and inspiring them
to do anything they wanted to do!
Harry and Jeanette
Weinberg Academy
In August 2011, Jefferson County Public Schools
(JCPS) added the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg
Academy to the list of schools opening their doors
to students that fall. Led by nine JCPS staff, the
three-classroom school follows JCPS curriculum
and offers a way for our students to attend school
with extra support they might otherwise be lacking
due to behavioral issues.
Construction of Weinberg Academy was
funded by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg
Foundation, one of the largest private
foundations in the United States. Their
sole purpose is to assist low-income and
vulnerable individuals and families through
nonprofit grants to direct-service providers
and programs.
Grants from the Weinberg Foundation may
be in the form of operating, program, or
capital. Mr. Weinberg’s view, and the mission
of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation,
is a reflection of a famous statement in the
Talmud: “If all the afflictions of the world
were assembled on one side of the scale
and poverty on the other, poverty would
outweigh them all.” The challenge of the
Board and staff of the Weinberg Foundation
is not the idealism of those who believe that
poverty can be eliminated. The Foundation
is guided by the teaching of Rabbi Tarfon
who said, “You are not obligated to finish
the task, neither are you free to neglect it.”
(Pirke Avot 2:20 and 2:21)
Notes from Home
As much as possible, we bring attention to the wonderful donors that help us
keep the Home open. We are so grateful to all the generous members of our
community that enable us to provide a loving, caring home for the children of
our region who are in crisis.
Each year, we are honored to present an award to one member of our community
who has made a huge impact on the lives of the children we care for – the Hero
for the Home award. This year, we honored Brown Allen at the Heroes for the
Home fundraising breakfast.
While on the board of Kosair Charities, Brown Allen
made his first site visit to the Home’s Gray Street
location when the Home requested a capital gift.
Allen was moved by the cramped space and vowed
to help the children have a more comfortable place to
live. In 1998, Mr. Allen discovered a way for the Home
to pay for its new location at the Market Street campus.
Mr. Allen is rolling off the Home’s board this year,
after two three-year terms. He was also an executive
committee member of the Kosair Charities board for Mr. Allen was presented with an award and a cape – as every
hero should have!
29 years, as well a board member for the Shriner’s
Hospital for Children in Lexington.
There’s not enough space on this page or time in the day for the amount of thanks we have for Brown
Allen. He’s a hero to all of us, including many children in the region.
Throughout this issue of Hometown News, I hope you are as inspired as I am by our other heroes – the
kids we serve, from a child with Autism asking his mother for a glass of milk, or one of our own former
residents whose son is a new team member on one of the greatest basketball teams in our country.
Thank you for caring about our kids as much as we do.
Gordon Brown
President and CEO
Thank you to our 2013 Heroes for the Home Sponsors
Home of the Innocents
1100 East Market Street
Louisville, KY 40206
Hometown News
Summer 2013
Published quarterly
2013-2014 Board of Directors
Joni Way
Maureen Brekka
1st Vice Chair
Howard Holloman
2nd Vice Chair
Phil McCauley
Chambers Moore
Ingrid Adams
Yvonne Austin
Dave Brewer
Brad Case
Kirk Carter
Julee Carucci
Ruth Davis
John DeFazio
Bruce Dudley
Linda Engel
Brad Ennis
Scott Hermann
Virginia Frazier
Rita Greer
Derrick Littlejohn
Michael E. Miller
Kathy Pellegrino
Doug Phillips
Margaret Redmon
Dale Skaggs
The Rev. Joan Smith
(representing The
Rt. Rev. Terry White)
Lyle Spalding
Amy Spears
Brian Springfield
Greg Stump
Carl Thomas
Denise Vaught
Director Emeritus:
Lillian Milanof
Editor-In-Chief Gordon Brown, President & CEO
Senior Editor, Designer Meredith Pack,
PR, Marketing & Creative Design Manager
Contributing Staff
Robin Miller, Vice President, Resource Development
Eulalie Fee, Senior Vice President,
Human Resources
Morgan McLaughlin, Development & Special
Initiatives Manager
Steve Williams, Associate Director of
Resource Development
Nicole Breyette, Grant Writer
Beth Muckler, Website & Database Manager
Kelly Collins, Administrative Assistant
Thanks to Publishers Printing for generously
printing this newsletter.
Home of the Innocents provides programs and
services for children and young adults in crisis:
• Medically fragile and terminally ill children who
require 24-hour-a-day skilled nursing care.
• Those who require emergency care due to abuse,
abandonment, neglect, homelessness or who need
foster care.
• Homeless, pregnant or parenting teens and their
family members needing case management,
education, parenting and independent living skills.
• Children with autism and special needs.
• Young adults who are homeless or at risk of
homelessness, are in crisis due to mental health or
abuse and families who are struggling to maintain
their children in their homes to provide stability
and skills for self sufficiency.
We’ve finished building...
but he’s just getting started.
Hunter has been at our Home for nearly three years. Generous donors like you have helped
build our amazing 16-building residential children’s village for kids like him. He came to us on
a ventilator and was unable to lift his head. With lots of care from our compassionate staff and
access to our therapeutic facilities including a 92 degree pool, Hunter is now able to sit up and
stand with help. He can also put on his own socks and do many things no one ever thought he
would be able to achieve – things that most people take for granted with their own little ones.
Recently, he stood up, played toss with a beach ball and blew kisses.
He is making great strides because people like you built him a solid foundation for success.
Thanks to our community, Hunter has the right equipment, therapy and resources to keep
achieving. However, it’s more than just technology and buildings. These children need support
and complex personalized care to keep going.
Hunter isn’t finished yet. We know he’s only just begun. Yet, he needs your continued support
to achieve his next milestone.
In fact, Hunter and the other 3,900 children we serve need your help now more than ever. They
are coming to us with more complicated medical and psychological needs than we’ve ever seen
in the past, but with the right resources, we can offer advanced programming, therapy and hope.
Your financial investment provides that hope. Please make your gift today using the enclosed
envelope or by visiting and help Hunter and our other
kids continue what they’ve started.
Hunter isn’t finished
yet.We know he’s
only just begun.
Have lunch at
our home!
Please join us for an enlightening lunch
hour. We’ll provide lunch and a tour of
our Children’s Village so you can see the
amazing services we provide for our kids.
Lunch and tour are on the following
dates from noon - 1:30 pm.
July 25
August 22
September 26
October 24
To RSVP, call 502.596.1024 or email
[email protected].
Meet Our Board
Joni Way is a native Texan who has
called Louisville home for more than
ten years. After joining the Board of
HOTI in 2009, Joni served as Finance
Chair before becoming Board Chair
in 2012. She is currently employed as
Director of Administrative Services for
the Kentucky Conference of the United
Methodist Church, overseeing finance
and administrative matters.
Success Spans Generations
by Meredith Pack
For Denise Hawkins, living at the Home of the
Innocents was life changing. “I don’t know where
I’d be today if I didn’t have the motivation or a
chance to become independent,” she explains.
She was raised by an abusive stepfather, and
when she was 15, Denise was pregnant with
her first son. She contacted someone at social
services who recommended she move from
Richmond, Kentucky to live at the Home during
her pregnancy and take part in the Pregnant
and Parenting Teen program. Denise made the
decision that she wanted to go to school, succeed
and continue to learn while being a parent, and
moved to the Home for guidance.
While at the Home, Denise continued to go to
school and also took childcare classes that prepared
her for what to expect as a mother and how to go
about daily life raising a child responsibly. “They
gave me a sense of bettering myself to help my son
so that he could grow up having a better life than
I did,” she remembers. “They taught us coping
skills, how to have good communication with your
child, how to discipline properly and how to stay
in control as a parent.”
When her son Dominique was born, she said
they formed an immediate bond. The two moved
back home with her mother, and Denise went
to Job Corps to get her GED and completed a
Certified Nursing Assistant program. She
found a job at a nursing home and her
mother watched Dominique while
she worked.
Denise and Dominique have
shared many joys in their
life together, including
welcoming four other
children into the family.
Their latest celebration
was Dominique
committing to attend
the University of
Kentucky and play
on the basketball
team beginning in
the fall of 2013.
“When he was five,
he said wanted to play
basketball. Every year
we would ask what he
Denise, Dominique and family on Signing Day
wanted to do when he grew up and he would
always say he wanted to be an NBA star. I
made sure he stayed involved and he had a
goal every time he moved up to a new team.
In middle school, his AAU (Amateur Athletic
Union) coach helped him toward becoming
Mr. Basketball. Now he’s reached his next dream
of being on the UK team. I’ve always been there
for him and backed him up.”
Denise credits the Home of the Innocents for her
success. “The staff at the Home is great, they were
a big support and still stay in contact with me,”
she says.
She is looking forward to attending
Dominique’s games with her other
children Nia (15), Keaura (10), Gerius
(7) and Sania (3) to cheer on her
oldest son. She’s come a long
way since her time at the Home
20 years ago, and hopes that
other young women who
live here have the same
success, “If teens only
take one thing from the
program, it’s that you
always want the best for
your children. You’re a
mother now and it’s time
to grow up and be there
for your child.” A slam
dunk if you ask us.
More Milk Please!
by Nicole Breyette
Jamey ready for his Cub Scout meeting
I gave Jamey a choice of milk or water with dinner
and he said, “Milk.” No big deal. But twice
during dinner, he looked at me and said, “More
milk, please.” It was totally awesome—I didn’t
have to prompt him by asking him anything!
Both times I gave him more milk and he
was very happy. This is amazing! I’m tearing
up just thinking about it! Imagine how
crazy it sounds … I’m tearing up because
my 7-year-old son randomly asked for
more milk!
Jamey has received services through the Home’s
Autism Department since 2010. His mother
first reached out to the Home for intervention
when her four year old son began running from
their home into the street and having frequent
inconsolable tantrums; he had not developed
language skills and did not make any sounds.
Jamey’s family was profoundly impacted by the
challenges of keeping him safe and meeting
his needs. The Home of the Innocents Autism
Department helped the family enroll in the
program to begin Applied Behavior Analysis
(ABA) and autism intervention services. After
two years and a lot of hard work, Jamey’s mother
shared the wonderful news that Jamey asked for
more milk. To some parents, this may be an
everyday occurrence. For Jamey, it was a first
and a reason to celebrate – the success of all
their hard work was paying off.
Jamey’s mother, along with other parents,
siblings and friends of individuals with autism
celebrate these small miracles every day.
According to his therapist, Jamey now has a
vocabulary of more than 1,000 words, does
consistently well on all his spelling tests, and is
“a happy kid!” By being aware of the challenges
of autism, as well as the great potential
of children with autism, each of us has
the opportunity to support them on their
journey. The latest statistic tells us that
one in 50 school age children are on the
autism spectrum. Many of the families in
our community are affected by this statistic
and working hard every day to celebrate little
The Autism Department is entering its
tenth year serving children with autism
and other developmental disabilities. Last
year we served more than 100 children
with autism. For more information about
the Home’s autism services, contact
our Referral/Intake Coordinator at
(502) 596-1237, our Director of Autism
Services at (502) 596-1252 or visit our website
Your donations can help us reach even
more children in need of services. Call
502.596.1025 or visit our website at
Thank you to our donors!
Monetary and non-monetary gifts received January 1 - March 31, 2013
(Please frequent the businesses of our sponsors and say thanks for supporting Home of the Innocents! )
We greatly appreciate the generosity of our friends at
UPS who dropped off some Easter goodies for our kids!
Our friends from the Tocqueville and Red Feather
Society Donors helped us spruce up our campus as a
part of Mayor Greg Fischer’s Give A Day of Service.
Reverend Charles Duncan (right) presented an annual
Easter donation from First Virginia Avenue Baptist
Church, Antioch Baptist Church, Beargrass Missionary
Baptist Church, Breathing New Life Ministry Baptist
Church, N Street Baptist Church and Cornerstone
Baptist Church.
As a part of Mayor Greg Fischer’s Give a Day of Service,
The Commonwealth’s Attorney Office donated many
needed items.
32 Leap
502 By Design
American Fuji Seal, Inc.
Ball Homes
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Big Box Entertainment
Bloom’n Deals
Brown Sprinkler Corp.
Cardinal Insulation
Cardinal One Properties, LLC
Cash Express
Dakkota Integrated Systems
Daramic, LLC
Dayton Freight Lines
DG FastChannel
Duke Realty Corporation
Engine Parts Warehouse
Excelsior Video & DJ Service, Inc.
Fawbush Auto Brokers, Inc.
Flexible Packaging Professionals, Inc.
GE Appliances
Global Couriers
Heick Hester Smith Management Solutions
Hookeye Marketing
Hughes Fuel Recovery
Humana Process Team
I. E. D.
ICAP Energy, LLC
Ice House
Jefferson Mall Security
Mark’s Feed Store
Municipal Equipment, Inc.
Nsoro Mastec
Papa John’s USA, Inc.
Pine Valley Estates
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Rudd Equipment Company
Show Cars Inc.
The Standard
The Summit
US Bancorp Community
Development Corp.
Valleycrest Landscape Maintenance
Varitech, Inc.
Vera Bradley Store
Vietnam Kitchen
Von Maur
Walmart Neighborhood Market
Wolverine Worldwide Sperry Top Sider
Yum! Brands
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Allstate Giving Campaign
American Express Charitable Fund
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Bardstown-Nelson County Volunteer
Fire Department
Barr Foundation, Inc.
Beargrass Baptist Church
Bethel Belles of Bethel St. Paul
Bonnycastle Club
Boy Scouts of America, Troop 110
Brown School
Buechel Woman’s Club
Cabinet for Health and Family Services
The Champ Foundation, LLC
Chapel Park Baptist Church Joy Fidelis Class
Chevron Humankind
Christ Church Guild
Christ Church United Methodist
Constellation Energy Group
Employee Fund
Crosby Middle School
Cub Scout Pack #25
Delta Dental of Kentucky
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Alumnae Chapter
duPont Manual High School Key
Club/National Honor Society
Faith Lutheran Church
Fern Creek United Methodist Church
Foundation For A Healthy Kentucky
Gannett Foundation/GannettMatch
GE Foundation Matching Gift Program
GE United Way Campaign
The Gilbert Foundation
Girl Scout Troop #1605
Girl Scout Troop #1357
Henryville High School
Office Staff, The Horton Fruit
Company, Inc.
The Humana Foundation
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Iron Workers Union Local 70
Jefferson County Circuit Court Clerk
Jeffersontown Preschool
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kentucky Association for Health Care
Kentucky Council on Child Abuse, Inc.
Kentucky Housing Corporation
Kentucky International
Convention Center
Louis & Donna Kinnaird’s Toyland
Christmas Fundraiser
L&N Federal Credit Union Employee Giving Fund
Lamplighters Bible Study Group
Landrum Community Charities Fund
Lorraine Lodge #4 I.O.O.F.
Louisville Area Fiber & Textile Artists
Louisville/Jefferson County Metro
Macy’s Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Metro United Way
Middletown Christian Church Seekers Sunday School Class
Mill Creek Elementary
Montessori School of Louisville
Mosaic United Methodist Church
New Hope Services Inc.
Okolona Church of Christ
On Fire Christian Center, Inc.
Order of Ahepa, Chapter 129
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Sacred Heart Academy National
Honor Society
Shively Baptist Church Women
on Mission
St. Andrew’s Protestant Episcopal Church
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton H.O.S.T.
St. James Lutheran Sunday School
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Rita Booster Club
The Steel Foundation
Sulphur Christian Church
The Temple
United Way Of Central &
Northeastern Connecticut
United Way of Central Indiana
United Way Of Greater Philadelphia
and SNJ
Unleashed in Christ
Wells Fargo Foundation - Educational
Matching Gifts Program
Women Of Immanuel
Worthington Fire Department
Mr. Joe Abbott
Mr. Tom L. Abbott
Ms. Kim Abell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Abrams
Ms. Elizabeth A. Achino
Mr. Evan Adams
Mr. William O. Alden, III
Ms. Kathy Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Ramin Alizadeh
Ms. Kathy Allen
Mr. Kenneth Amburgey &
Ms. Rhonda Price
Mr. Todd Anderson
Ms. Dana Andriot
Mrs. Anna G. Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Archer
Ms. Kay Arterburn
Ms. Mary E. Atherton
Ms. Yvonne Austin*
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ayers
Ms. Lola C. Baer
Ms. Christa Ballard
Ms. Alice Baron
Mrs. Mickey Baron*
Mr. Justin Basham
Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bauer, Sr.
Mr. James R. Bault
Ms. Marsha R. Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Begle
Ms. Linda Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bentley
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Bersot, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Beyke
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Beyrodt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bodi
Ms. Denise Bohn
Mr. Ronald Boone
Mr. Gary Borland & Ms. Rita Jo Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Boss
Ms. Thelma Bowman
Ms. Dana Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Boyer
Ms. Renee Braddford
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Branstetter
Ms. Betty A. Brewer
Alphonzo & Shaila Bridgeman
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Bridwell
Ms. Haley Brightwell
Mrs. Stacy Brindley*
Ms. Betty Ann Broecker
Ms. Brittany Browder
Mr. & Mrs. Damien Brown
Mr. Albert L. Brutley, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer Bryant
Mr. Ritchie Bryant
Ms. Shecola Bryant
Dr. Laura Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Buchheit
Mr. Kenneth E. Burba
Ms. Peggy Burgin
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Butler
Mr. Byron Butler & Ms. Patricia
Ms. Sherry Buttan
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cahill
Ms. Karen Cambron
Ms. Marie Capehart
Ms. Ana Carnforth and Family
Ms. Tish Carothers
Ms. Sarah Carpenter
Ms. Julee Carucci*
Ms. Barbara Beard Castleman
Ms. Bella Castro
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cecil
Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Chamberlain
Ms. Chenoah Clark
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clark
Ms. Olivia Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Claxon
Ms. Rochelle Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Clinard
Ms. Rebecca Cline
Mr. Kevin Coatney
Mrs. Estell Cochran
Ms. Elizabeth Cody
Mr. & Mrs. David Coleman
Ms. Ginny Collins
Ms. Kara Collins
Ms. Brandy Colton
Ms. Lori Commella
Ms. Carole Concors
Ms. Patricia Connolly
Mr. Brad Conrad
Ms. Eleanor Cooper
Mr. Jeffrey W. Cooper
Ronald & Kimberly Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Jon K. Cox
Ms. Kelley Cox
Mr. Kenneth B. Crady
Mr. Kenneth Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Crocker
Mrs. Beverly Cronk
Ms. Detra Crossen
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Crush
Mr. John Crusing
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Cunningham, Jr.
Ms. Catherine A. Daley
Mrs. Samara L. Danesi
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Davidson
Mr. Matthew Davis
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Davis
Ms. Christina Decusati
Ms. Ashley DeFerraro
Ms. Elona DeGooyer
Ms. Jean Deignan
Mr. & Mrs. J. Fox DeMoisey
Ms. Mary Ann Dennis
Ms. Karen Dentinger
Ms. Gail Des Launers
Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Despain, III
Ms. Latricia Dickerson
Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Diebold
Ms. Sharon Dietrich
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Dilger
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Dodrill
Mr. & Mrs. William Donley
Mr. Cornelius D. Dosker, III
Rondi Douglas
David & Heather Dowdell
Mrs. Margaret Downey
Mr. Mike Dutko
Mr. & Mrs. Glenial Dutton
Ms. Danielle Eadens
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Eberhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Echols
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Edelen
Ms. Rosalee N. Edington
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Edwards
Ms. Mary Lee Eldridge
Ms. Michelle Ellison
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Emmerich
Linda & Alan Engel*
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Ennis*
Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Epperson, Jr.
Chester & Doris Evans
Ms. Jeanette R. Evans
Mr. Raymond Ewen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Farish
Mr. & Ms. Edward Farley
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Farrar
Ms. Mary Farris
Ms. Beverly Faulkner
Mrs. Jennifer Ferguson
Mr. Derek Ferrell
Ms. Karen Fetchko
Mr. Jay Fields
Ms. Meika Finger-Gray
Ms. Lorna Fischer
Ms. Kennisha Fisher and Friends
Mr. Guy Fissel
Ms. Leslie Fluhr
Mrs. Aline Foreman
Ms. Karen Forest
Mr. & Mrs. Don Fort
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse R. Foster, Jr.
Ms. Mary Ellen Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. French
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. French
Ms. Judy Freundlich-Tiell and Family
Mr. Milton Galanos
Mr. Gene P. Gardner
Ms. Patsy Lee Garrett
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne D. Garvey
Mr. Harold J. Gast, Jr.
Ms. Pamela S. Gentry
Ms. LaTosha Gibson
Ms. Christina Gilles
Mr. Gavin Gleason
Dr. & Mrs. Martyn Goldman
Dr. Jodi Goodin
Ms. Susan L. Goodman
Mrs. Mary Louise Gorman
Mr. Anthony Goss
Ms. Katie Goulart*
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gould
Ms. Robin Grammer
Mr. Maurice J. Grantz, Jr.
Ms. Janet Gray
Mrs. Betty E. Green
Mr. Dexter W. Green, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Greenwell
Dr. Rita G. Greer*
Mrs. Carole L. Greulich
Mr. Anthony Gross
Drs. Anand & Atefeh Gupta
Mr. David Guy
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hacker
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Hackmiller
Wanetta & Joseph Hagan, Jr.
Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Hale
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hamilton
Mrs. Suzanne G. Hammel
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Hammon
Ms. Sheryl Hammond
Ms. Cathy Hancock
Ms. Marilyn Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hardin
Mr. Conrad Harley & Ms. Lexa Gill
Mr. Rick Harned
Mr. Brian Harris
Ms. Margaret Harris
Dr. Norman Harris
Ms. Patricia Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Hart
Ms. Melissa Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Hatfield
Mrs. Katie Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Head
Ms. Artisha Heard
Ms. Carol L. Heil
Ms. Nina Heizer
Ms. Karen D. Helm
Mr. Brian Helton
Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Hendrix
Ms. Missy Hepler
Mr. & Mrs. James Herman
Mr. & Mrs. John Hertel
Ms. Ashley Hetz
Ms. Rebekah Hibbert
Danielle Hickey
Ms. Nikki Hill
Ms. Tiffany Hill
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Hoard
Ms. Denisa Hobbs
Mrs. Peggy Hoben
Ms. Cynthia R. Holahan
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hollingsworth
Dr. & Mrs. Joshua Holmes
Mr. Jhermel Y. Holt*
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hope
Ms. Jane H. Hope
Ms. Gretchen Houchin
Ms. Brittany Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. David Hubbard
Ms. Camille Hudson
Ms. Susan C. Humphress
Ms. Deborah Ice
Ms. Jan Ice
Trust & Estate of O. H. Irvine
Ms. Ayana Z. Israel and Family
Mr. Darrell Jacobs
Mr. Paul Jeanette
Mr. Martin Jensen
Ms. Annie Johnson
Ms. Candice Johnson
Mr. Duane Johnson
Ms. Jameeka Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Johnson
Ms. Rose Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Johnson
Ms. Susan Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Jones
Ms. Nicole Jones
Ms. Sondra Jones
Mr. Steven Jones
Ms. Angela Jordan
Mr. Thomas H. Jordan
Louise Judah Trust Under Will
Ms. Leigh Kayrouz
Ms. Marcia Kearns
Ms. Lyle Keeling
Ms. Donna Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Kennedy
Ms. Cathy King
Mr. Patrick M. King
Ms. Terry King
Mr. & Mrs. Adam R. Kirsch
Joseph & Christine Kirschbaum
Mr. Cecil O. Kirtley
Mr. & Mrs. Kitchen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Kleier
Ms. Carol Kloenne
Ms. Lauri Knabel
Mr. Alan G. Knapper
Mr. Robert M. Koehler
Ms. Justyne Kondos
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Kratzsch
Mr. G. Earl Kraus
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Kraus
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Krebs
Mr. David Kremer
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Kremer
Ms. Kathleen Kronauer
Ms. Emily Krystynak
Dr. Forrest Kuhn
Mrs. Judith K. Kuiper
Mr. & Mrs. David Kuyk
Mr. & Mrs. John Lackner
Mr. Martin J. Lally
Mr. Alex T. Lam
Mr. Matthew C. Lattis
Ms. Madison Lauter
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Lavin
Ms. Harriet Stone Lavin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Law
Mr. & Mrs. John Layer
Ms. Sondra Lea
Mr. & Mrs. V.H. Leach, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Leezer
Ms. Marcia Liggin
Mr. David Lindley
Mr. Gary R. Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Livers
Ms. Sonya Lockhart &
Ms. Jo Ann Lockhart
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Loeser
Ms. Denise Logsdon
Eddie Rae Lomax
Kathleen Long
Mr. Christopher Lonnan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lubbers
Ms. Geraldine Lurie
Ms. Barbara A. Lusco
Ms. Janet G. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Maggard
Dr. & Mrs. John Marchand, Jr.
Ms. Jeanne Markwell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marlow
Mr. & Mrs. Carl V. Marrillia
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Marrillia
Ms. Martha Marsh
Ms. Betty Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Martin
Mrs. Catherine A. Marty
Mr. Michael Mason
Ms. Victoria Mason
Mr. & Mrs. William Mathes
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence L. Matthews
Mr. Jerry Mayes
Ms. Jennifer McAdams
Ms. Dana McAlmont
Ms. Renee McCartan
Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. McChane*
Ms. Carolyn McChristian
Ms. Brittany McCoy
Mr. Ronald McCreary
Ms. Jo McCubbins
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas McGhee
Ms. Christi McGuirk
Mr. Steven G. McIntyre
Ms. Melissa McVicar
Ms. Nancy B. McWhorter
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Meaney
Ms. Melissa Medley
Ms. Anne H. Meyer
Ms. Dottie Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Michael
Mr. Donald L. Middleton
Ms. Agnes Miles
Rabbi Stanley Miles
Mr. Dennis M. Miller
Mr. Rob Miller
Mr. Darrell Milner
Ken & Theresa Moakler
Ms. Mary C. Mohlenkamp
Chambers & Jim Moore*
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Monagle
Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Montes
Joseph Montgomery
Mr. & Ms. Keith Morehead and Family
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morgan
Ms. Beckett Morris
Ms. Donna Mosier
Mr. Brooks A. Mostue
Mr. Josh Mouser
Mrs. Evelyn Mudd
Ms. Teresa Mulhall
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Mullaney
Ms. Debbie Murphy
Ms. Chrystal Murray
Jimmy & Denise Myers
Ms. Stephanie Myers
Ms. Deborah Neichter
Ms. Deborah M. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Nethery
Tony & Kim Nethery
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Newman, III
Drs. Mark & Robyn Newstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Newton
Ms. Daila Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Nichter
Mr. Bruce Nickerson
Mr. & Mrs. George Nightingale, Jr.
Ms. Mary Nordhoff
Mr. Greg Nordloh
Ms. Lynne Nowak
Ms. Jean O’Brien*
Mr. Joseph O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. William P. O’Brien
Ms. Jeramie O’Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Oetken
Mr. Tom O’Grady
Mrs. Lois O’Hara
Ms. Adrienne Ohlmann
Ms. Clayta M. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Oller
Mr. Paul W. Olliges
Mr. Michael W. O’Neal
Ms. Ebonier Orr
Ms. Lynn Ott
Mr. & Mrs. London T. Owen
Ms. Mary Sue Owens
Ms. Dawn Painter
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Palazzo
Mr. Rajesh Patel
Ms. Peg Patton
Ms. Marcia Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert R. Payton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Pearson
Ms. Sylvia Peek
Mr. David Pence
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Penn
Mr. David A. Peppers
Ms. Ziberia Persley*
Mr. Eric Peters & Ms. Kim Thompson
Ms. Deborah M. Petit
Ms. Jen W. Petry
Ms. Joanna Peyton
Mr. David Pierani
Mrs. Jennifer Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Pilipick, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Pittman
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Powell
Ms. Mary Ann Powell
Mr. & Mrs. John Prys
Ms. Penelope Quesada
Mrs. Betty Radford
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart W. Ramick
Mrs. Diane L. Rausch
Ms. Rachel M. Reccius
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Reed
Ms. Cherieta Regalado
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Reilly
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Reutlinger
Mrs. Kay Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Richards
Mr. N.T. Ricker
Mr. Donald Riddle
Dr. & Mrs. Keller Riede
Ms. Betty J. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O. Riley
Ms. Amanda Rivera
Ms. Ann Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Robbins
Ms. Emma Roberts
Ms. Carol S. Robinson
Mr. Darrell Robinson and Family
Mr. Gray Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Roby, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex M. Rodgers
Ms. Sheila Y. Rodriguez
Mr. Richard Roehrig
Mr. Melvin Rone
Mr. Jim Ross
Ms. Mildred Rovis
Ms. Kathleen Rutledge
Ms. Alivia Ryan
Mr. Daniel Ryan
Ms. Marie Rye
Dr. & Mrs. Ahmed Sabie
Ms. Beth Sammet
Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Samuels
Ms. Julia Sapp
Mr. Darin Schaad
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schaffer
Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Scheer
Mr. Bryan Scherer
Ms. Gee Gee Schinke
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Schmidt
Mr. John M. Schmitz
Mr. Brian Schreiner
C.W. Schuermeyer
Ms. Kerstin Schuhmann
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Schultz
Mr. Justin Seaman
Sarit Shah
Robin Shea
Ms. Mary K. Sheehan
Ms. Leigh Sheridan
Ms. Beverly Sherrard
Dr. & Mrs. Robb R. Shrader
Ms. Tiffany Shunnarah
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Simon
Ms. Mary Lee R. Simpson
Ms. Joan Simunic
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Sinkey
Ms. Dana Sinkhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sinnott
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Slaven
Ms. Donna F. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Smith
Missy, Ben, Lauren and Abby Varga donated lots of new
bedding and towels for our kids.
Whayne Supply Company brought us 100 teddy bears
and even more wish list items.
The Deion Branch Foundation presented us with a
$5,000 check after Walk and Wheel at the Kentucky
Derby Festival Marathon!
School Principal Mr. Owens and top fundraisers
Olivia Johnson and William Titlow from Greenwood
Elementary presented a check for the $2,233.80 that
was raised for their Give a Day Read-a-thon.
Our friends from Brown-Forman dropped off stuffed
animals they made for our kids ... as well as some
unstuffed animals for our kids to make!
Wes Auberry (right) and his organization, Beauty for a
Benefit, held a Murder Mystery Dinner to raise funds
to support Home of the Innocents.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church held their annual Silver Tea
on March 17. This annual event has been raising funds
to support the Home for more than 40 years. Pictured
from left to right Bob Gerhart, Judy Pope, Richard
Schnurr, and Beverly Gerhart
Tom O’Brien (center) and his wife (right) collected
donations at the Irish Rover on St. Patrick’s Day with
members of the Lorraine Lodge.
Ms. Lisa G. Smith
Ms. Noella G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith
Vertner D. Smith, Jr. Endowment Fund
Ms. Tonya Smothers
Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Smythe
Mr. Steven L. Snyder
Mrs. Ruth Sobel
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spaulding
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Spears
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Springfield*
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Stablein
Ms. Erika Stapleton
Ms. Danella Starkey
Ms. Donna Staudenheimer
Ms. Elaine D. Steele
Ms. Jane Steerman
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Stephens
Ms. Liz Stephens
Ms. Myisha Stewart
Ms. Lea Ann Stiller
Ms. Stacie Stivers
Mrs. Christina Stopher
Mr. Gene Paul Stotz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Stowers and Family
Ms. Myra Summers
Ms. Keshia Swan
James & Betsy Swartwood
Mr. Eugene E. Swiech, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swoboda
Marty Szymansky
Dr. & Mrs. Allan Tasman
Ms. Janeen M. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Thomas*
Mrs. Ella Thomas
Ms. Laura Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thomas
Ms. Janice Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thompson
Ms. Shelia Thompson
Mr. Eddie Thornsberry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thornton
Ms. Maria Tinnell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Torp
Katherine & Aubrie Tossmann*
Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Townsend
Mrs. Deborah M. Triplett
Mr. & Mrs. Gautam Trivedi
Ms. Beth Truax
Ms. Stephanie Trumbo
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Turok
Mr. Mike Turpen
Dick & Karen Van Aalsburg
Ms. Missy Varga
Denise & Stephen Vaught*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Vice
Mr. & Mrs. Roger T. Vize
Mr. Mark Vogt and Family
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Vogt
Anupama & Nitin Wadhwa
Mrs. Martha S. Wagner
Mr. James D. Wakeman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Waldner
Mrs. Louise R. Wall
Ms. Felicia Ward
Ms. Lisa Ware
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Warmack, Jr.
Mr. Melvin K. Warner
Rev. Suzanne M. Warner
Ms. Parry Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Manning Warren, III
Ms. Amanda Waters
Ms. Miranda Watson
Ms. Priscilla Watson
Mr. Carl Webster
Mr. Ronald A. Weiter
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Wentzel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Werle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Westlake
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Wethington
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Whatley
Mr. Larry Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. James F. White
Mr. Jim White
Mr. Todd Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Widener
Mr. Earl Wieting
Ms. Arnetta Wilbanks
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wilbar
Mr. Austin C. Wilde, III
Ms. Jean Jones Wilkinson
Ms. Ava Williams
Ms. Nancy Williams
Ms. Rochelle Williams
Ms. Cindy Willimon
Ms. Dakota Willimon
Mr. Shannon Willis
Mr. Troy Willis
Ms. Betty Wilson
Sgt. & Mrs. Ernest D. Wilson (Ret.)
Rev. & Mrs. James B. Wilson
Schanda & Tyrone Winburn
Mr. & Mrs. Glenford D. Wingham
Ms. Emily Wood
Ms. Tracy Woods
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Wright
Rep. & Mrs. John Yarmuth
Ms. Kimberly Yates*
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Yeager
Ms. Bridget Zanchi
Mr. Arnold J. Zegart
Ms. Helga Zellman
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Zipperle
Mrs. Michelle Zutterman
*Home staff or board member
Tribute Gifts
January 1 - March 1, 2013
Bolded names were recognized
through a tribute gift by the
donor(s) listed.
Roy & Lynn Meckler’s
Dr. Michael Covitt
Danny Bennett
Drs. Aaron & Jennifer Cramer
Ms. Frieda Berlin
Ms. Harriet Dicter
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Sales
Dr. John M. Ferrell
Ms. Billie Faye Ferrell
Paul Fitzgerald
Ms. Sarah Lynn Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. James Morrissey
Mrs. Margie Baker
Mrs. Anne Shapira
Mrs. Margie Baker
Ms. Harriet Dicter
Mrs. Elaine Glogower
Ms. Bessie Younger
Mr. Donald Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Mr. Julian S. Goldberg and
Ms. Rosalind Weiss
Ms. Elizabeth Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Sales
Mr. & Mrs. George Banta
Mr. Paul Banta & Ms. Kim Walker
John Morgan & Kelly Majiejak
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Donahue
Ms. Jerianne Timmerman &
Mr. Robert A. Metry
Mr. Mark F. Timmerman & Ms.
Kathleen E. McIntosh
Biggins Bridle Bunch Youth Group
Biggins Stables, Inc.
Max & Harrison Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Brown
Mrs. Stefi Chilton
Mrs. Carolyn Siler Browning
Kari & Brian Meyer
Ms. G. Dianne Meyer
Mr. Huston Monarch
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Dunbar
Mr. Raymond L. Mudd
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Coverdell
Mrs. Amy E. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Bordogna
Kay Rockwood
Springdale Presbyterian Church
Tom Worland
Jeremiah Fund
Dr. John F. Yusk
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Jonathan Zeigler
Mr. Guy R. Zeigler
Mrs. Pat Baron
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Mrs. Nancy Strull
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Weddings & Engagements
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Surplus
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Sturgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ala
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Barker
Ms. Sandra K. Brooks
Ms. Adele P. Brown
Marian & Marty Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Denny
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Eberenz
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. W. Woodrow Hahn
Mr. John Hite
Rita Jarboe, Nancy Gatewood
and Jeff & Anita Jarboe
Ms. Patricia Kochert
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Logan, Jr.
Ms. Brenda J. McCubbin
Mrs. Jennifer Meadows
Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Nall
Ms. Glenda R. Norris
Ms. Susan Schiller
Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Shoemaker
Ms. Joan Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Thomas
Mrs. Nancy Tomes
Mrs. Marilyn Trier
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Trimble
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Wagoner
Janice & Charlie Wiseman
S. Spafford Ackerly, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. William M. McKinney
Cecile M. Anderson
Mrs. Ethel Liang
Mr. Maynard Arend
Amy Aureli Family
Cardno ATC
Mr. Roger Conwell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Graves
Ms. Irma Jackson
Mr. Spencer Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kerr
Mrs. Stefanie Metzroth
Ms. Sonja D. Peck
Bud & Sally Young
Tim Young Family
Mr. Nathan Michael Bartley
Community Church of Christ
Mr. John Boland
Mr. & Mrs. James Cesler
Mrs. Dorothy Bottom
Ms. Shirley Bunsey
Ms. Mary Gettelfinger
Mrs. Dorothy Bottom
Guardian Fire Sprinkler
Mr. Glenn Knippenberg
Ms. Rhonda L. Smith
Ms. Suzanne Windorfer
Mrs. Lelia C. Brown
Mrs. Doris S. Claiborne
Mrs. Happy Caro
Ms. Barbara S. Borman
John & Dede Kalbfleisch
Nathan Clark
Ms. Jo D. Campbell
Christopher Cowles
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Cowles
Ms. Mary Rose Crask
Mr. & Mrs. Felix J. Swiderski
Johanna Marie Cundiff
The Bibb Family
Mr. James W. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Susan Speed Davis
Ms. Lucy B. Daost
Mr. Paul Donley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Peterson
Ed Dosek
Mr. Aaron Bortz
Mrs. Barbara R. Dumesnil
Ms. Ellen M. Timmons
Bertha & Helen Fritz
Mrs. Ruth Shartzer
Mr. Robert L. Garrett, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanne Garrett
Max Genshaft
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Mrs. Lynn Goddy
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Pete & Bernice Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Lega
Linda Rose Goodwin
Ms. Carol L. Hensley
Gerry Greenwell
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Rogers
Mr. Howard B. Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Brody
Ms. Cynthia Budig
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Snyder
Virginia Gullette
Ms. Marcia K. Milliner
Mr. Brett Halcomb
Mr. & Mrs. John Reiche
George Hancock
Ms. Cathy Hancock
Dr. Calvin R. Harding, Jr.
Jerry & Imogene Phelps
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Senese
Samual Burris Henney
Ms. Nancy Snyder
Mr. Roger L. Hurley, Sr.
Kelli Collins
Mrs. Alice H. James
Mrs. Edyth James Wheeler
Mrs. Elaine Brill Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Mr. Julian S. Goldberg and Ms.
Rosalind Weiss
Harold & Libby Kampschaefer
Ms. Jennifer L. Goodson
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Kampschaefer
Ms. Sarah D. Kampschaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. Cary M. McKiernan
Ms. Tammy J. Roby
Mrs. Eleanor Kent
Mr. Ali Ardakani
Ms. Kelly R. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Cannon
Mr. Brian L. Caudill
Dr. & Mrs. Delbert Chumley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hagan
Ms. Deborah K. Lancaster
Ms. Margaret C. Orrill
Mr. Robert A. Rankin
Raque Food Systems, LLC
Ms. Pamela Fell
Denny Lally
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Katherine & Christina Lega
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Lega
Kenzie Reese Lega
Mrs. Julia Kessinger
Mr. Edwin Lerner
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian W. Rosenthal
Mr. Marion W. Lewis, III
Mrs. Cecil Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Davis, III
Mr. David B. Lindsey
Ms. Mary R. Mitchell
Mr. Joe Lowenthal
Mr. Julian S. Goldberg &
Ms. Rosalind Weiss
Ana M. Marquez-Greene
Ms. Kristen Glassner
Kinley Grace Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Freiberger
Ms. G. Dianne Meyer
Mrs. Melissa Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Edward P. Horvath
Ms. Mary C. Morgan
Holley Gamble Funeral Home
Mr. Harold Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Jackson C. Mullins Jr.
Mrs. Nellie J. Barnett and Family
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. James Louis Gries
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McHolan
James & Emma Thomas and the Bollen
Ms. Catherine B. Wilbers
Eli Nadel
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Baron
Newtown, CT Shooting Victims
Ms. Jennifer L. Goodson
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Kampschaefer
Ms. Sarah D. Kampschaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. Cary M. McKiernan
Ms. Tammy J. Roby
Mr. Stephen A. Norton
Mr. Dennis Jackson
Mrs. Holly Perkins
Ms. Sue Shugars
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest W. Wood
Mrs. Ruth Nutt
Mr. Lawrence Kries
LillyAnn Rose Elaine Poe
Mr. Anthony Parrish Cragar
Ms. Sue Hilburn
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Parnell
Ms. Jeri Smith
Mr. James E. Quillman
Ms. Susan M. Barber and Family
Mr. Johnny L. Clayton, Jr.
Donna Resch & Associates,
Hilliard Lyons
Ms. Janice M. Jones
Mrs. Phyllis Kelly
Mr. William O. Medley
Ms. Deborah A. Minnich
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace L. Nay
Whittenberg Construction Co.
Mrs. Mabel Redmon
Mr. & Mrs. James Morrissey
Fran Rink
Mr. & Mrs. E. D. Gleason
Mrs. Margaret Ritchey
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Bayens
Ms. Vicki Byers
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Glenn
Ms. Rae Marie Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Hoskins
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Reeves
Mr. & Mrs. Ray K. Smyth
Ms. Lark Warrick O’Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Zirnheld
Mrs. Ann W. Roth
Mr. Julian S. Goldberg &
Ms. Rosalind Weiss
Mrs. Ruth Gumer Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian W. Rosenthal
Frank & Eva Shartzer
Mrs. Ruth Shartzer
Libbye Shelton
Ms. Nancy Snyder
Mr. Jack Smalley
Ms. Linda S. Medley, CFRE
Raymond Snook
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Snook
Mrs. Cindy Starck
Ms. Sara Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Barrett
Ms. Nancy Snyder
Lauren Elizabeth Stokley
Mrs. Nancy S. Blazer
Mr. Charles Thomas
Lorraine Lodge #4 I.O.O.F.
Aubrey R. Vincent
Mr. Larry Vincent
Dr. Frank E. Weber
Ms. Doris Elliott
Kimber, Marla & Lauren Fogelman
Flossie Melton Williams
Ms. Brookie Skipworth
Mr. Robert Campbell Wingate
Mrs. Meredith Brown
Ms. Lil Cross
Mrs. J.E. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Wyndham B. Fletcher, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R.T. Hardeman
Mr. & Mrs. Ellett Lawrence
Ms. Kent Flowers McFarland &
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie McFarland
Julie, Durden, Bob & Bob Pillow, Sr.
Ms. Sue Cross Savage
Thomas Medley Zeillmann
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lampton
Welcoming New Patients
For information/appointment call 502.596.1040
A Service of Home of the Innocents
Whayne Supply Company Celebrates 100 Years
As part of their 100 Year Celebration, Whayne
Supply Company President and CEO Monty Boyd
challenged each company branch to do various
community service projects. Employees from
Building 14 in Louisville, Used Shop, Louisville
Power Rebuild Center and the Oil Lab partnered
together to support the Home of the Innocents
because they wanted to help children and their
families in our community.
Staff are taking part in various fundraising activities
throughout 2013. They’re collecting change in a
program called Change to Make a Change, as well
as making monthly item donations to the Home.
The company has monthly giving themes to keep
participants involved.
April: personal care items
May: summer fun
June: summer clothing and shoes
July: back to school
August: baby shower
September: household items
October: coats
November: games and toys
December: winter clothing and shoes
In April, Whayne Supply Company dropped off personal care items and 100 teddy bears.
So far, the amount of donations collected have
been encouraging. In April, in addition to donating
many personal items, the team brought 100
TeamWhayne Teddy Bears for the children at the
Staff at the Home look forward to seeing their
friends from Whayne Supply each month and
are excited that the kids will benefit from their
donations throughout the year.
A Home Away from Home
by Jim Morrissey
The seven-year-old being pushed in a wheelchair
down the pool incline pathway was apprehensive,
never-ever having been un-chaired. As the warm
(92 degree) water rose, his staff aide gave gentle
assurance, “Fear not. It’s gonna be okay.”
Then, suddenly water was in his lap and he felt
blessed buoyancy lift his arms and legs effortlessly.
He let loose a shout of uninhibited JOY!
That thrilling incident serves as the centerpiece
of the remarkable Home of the Innocents and its
Director, Gordon Brown, an indefatigable staff and
volunteers by the thousand (A special bow to pool
inspirator Mickey Baron).
It is all the thanks Kay and I need to endorse our
investment in this unique charitable adventure.
We found the Home more than 10 years ago
in cramped quarters on Gray Street. We were
searching for a major charity to invest in long-term.
The Home’s mission–then and now–is to succor
youngsters suffering dire need for medical and
personal care. Gordon and then Board President
Carl Thomas defined that need and showed us in
detail how a new Home of the Innocents would
Their creative vision of the future has come to pass,
propelled by two campaigns totaling $30 million.
A sparkling campus was born that anchors the
eastern edge of the terrific downtown Louisville
The Home is not just graceful architectural use
of brick and mortar. Indoor miracles are always
Therapy pool in the Advanced Therapy Center
in the making. Kay and I are most proud of the
Advanced Therapy Center bearing our names.
But this is only a piece of the creative institution
replacing, appropriately, the Bourbon Stockyards.
So many, many people and charitable entities
deserve credit (hooray for Kosair Charities)
for making Home of the Innocents not only a
Kentucky masterpiece, but a national pioneer in
the care and nurturing of America’s most deserving
For more information about the Home’s Therapy
Pool, contact us at 502.596.1141 or email
[email protected].
Our generous benefactors Kay and Jim Morrissey
Grant Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following organizations and companies for grants we’ve received the first quarter of 2013.
Schmid Foundation
Fill Our Hearts
Home of the Innocents relies on the generosity of our community to help us provide for the hundreds of
children we serve on a daily basis. The following are items that the Home needs. All donations are 100% tax
deductible. New and gently used items are preferred. Drop-off hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
and Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. These items can be delivered to the Home’s main entrance at 1100 East Market
Street. For information about other needs, please call 502.596.1025.
You can now purchase items on our wishlist from Amazon and have the items delivered directly to the Home!
Visit our web site for more information.
teen sizes (all male and female)
men’s/boys’ boxers (all sizes)
men’s/boys’ white t-shirts (all sizes)
ladies/girls’ underwear (all sizes)
bras/training bras (all sizes)
boys’ clothing (18 months-size 12)
girls’ clothing (18 months-size 14)
jogging pants (all sizes)
men’s/boys’ gym shorts (all sizes)
swimsuits (all sizes)
school uniforms (all sizes)
socks (all sizes)
slippers (all sizes)
tennis shoes (all sizes)
Personal Care
adult/baby/kids shampoo
body wash/baby wash
African-American hair care products
bar soap (sensitive skin)
hair brush/combs
hair detangler
hair gel
hand soap
cotton balls
hair accessories
body lotion/baby lotion
lip balm
fingernail clippers (adult and
deodorant (men/women/teen)
men’s/women’s disposable razors
shaving cream
electric razors
rubbing alcohol
Band-Aids/First Aid kits
maxi pads
sunscreen (SPF 50+)
toothpaste (adult/children)
toothbrushes (adult/child)
strollers/double strollers
car seats/booster seats
baby beds/toddler beds
baby/toddler bedding sets
crib sheets
Boppy pillows
baby bottles (plastic)
teething toys
diaper bags
infant formula (WIC approved)
sippy cups
receiving blankets
baby powder
baby oil
diaper rash cream
baby diapers (sizes 2, 4, 5 & 6)
pull-ups (all sizes)
pack and plays
baby bath tubs
baby mobiles
cups (plastic)
paper/plastic plates
utensils (plastic/silverware)
pots and pans
bowls (plastic)
dish towels
shower curtains (hookless)
bathroom rug sets
bath towels
toilet paper
wall and window decals
crock pots
storage containers (with lids)
clothes hampers (with lids)
small trash cans (for kitchens
or bathrooms)
Ziploc bags (gallon size)
kitchen/door rugs
cleaning supplies
laundry detergent
dish detergent
twin size sheet sets
twin size blankets
full size sheets
full size blankets
pillows/pillow cases
vacuum cleaners
paper towels
snacks for General Store
plug in air fresheners (plastic)
clip on fans
night lights
furniture (contact Kathy
Masterson for specific needs
batteries (all sizes)
76S 1.5 camera batteries
hearing aid batteries (size 13)
disposable cameras
CD players/boombox
DVD players
DVD movies (rated G, PG,
PG 13)
CDs (clean lyrics)
Nintendo DS/games
Wii Console/games
X-Box Console/games
alarm clocks
School/Office Supplies
copy paper
legal pads
finger paint
permanent markers/Sharpies
index cards
calculators/scientific calculators
glitter glue
calendars/daily planners
board games
talking puzzles/books
pool accessories
cards (Birthday, Holiday,
Get Well)
Summer items
Summer is quickly approaching, and the
kids are out of school for a few months.
That means camps, fun activities, being
outside, going to the pool and more! We
need special items to make this the best
summer ever — check them out below!
charcoal (MatchLight or other
similar brand)
foam swim noodles
swim goggles
bathing suits/swim trunks
beach towels
sunscreen (SPF 50+)
water bottles
disposable cameras
flip flops (ALL SIZES)
art supplies (fake gems, glitter glue,
Sharpie markers, acrylic paint, glue
guns, fake flowers, markers, etc.)
other summer fun games or toys
Non-Profit Org.
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Louisville, KY
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Louisville, KY 40206
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Metro United Way
Save the Dates!
Saturday, October 26
Saturday, September 7
Kosair Charities Pediatric Convalescent Center
Our 76-bed skilled nursing facility provides specialized care for medically fragile and
technology dependent children. We serve children from infancy to age 21 who need
24-hour care as a result of birth defects, birth injuries, chronic or terminal illness,
or accidents. Our pediatric specialists provide residents with the best medical
attention and therapies available, while ensuring that the kids enjoy the fun
and educational activities of childhood. Children are admitted for long-term,
short-term and respite care. For admission information or referrals,
call 502.596.1127.
Daviess Martin
Trim- Carroll
Orange Washington
1– 4 served
21+ more
Pendle- Bracken
Spencer Ander- ford Fayette
Clark ery
Menifee Morgan
Nelson Wash- Mercer mine
cock Breckinridge
Rock- Jackson