Puss in Boots - Language Resource
Puss in Boots - Language Resource
‘If you will follow my advice, your fortune is made.’ Puss from Puss in Boots Puss in Boots is the story of an extraordinary cat who decides to change the fortune of his poor master armed with just a bag and a new pair of boots. From chasing rabbits to challenging a powerful ogre, this cat’s crafty ways soon earn his master the celebrated title of Marquis of Carabas, the admiration of the King and the attentions of the beautiful Princess. For this hunter, trickster and fast talker, nothing is impossible! Puss in Boots (El gato con botas), an opera for children, was written by Catalan composer Xavier Montsalvatge and based on Charles Perrault’s much loved fairytale. Its light and charming music has been described by critics as ‘a joy to hear’ and is the perfect choice for Victorian Opera’s highly successful Education Program for schools. This specially created one hour show is designed to introduce children and families to the magic of opera. Puss in Boots 29 May – 1 June 2013 Fairfax Studio, Arts Centre Melbourne Puss in Boots is presented in partnership with Arts Centre Melbourne. Visit our interactive Wall online for facts, behind-the-scenes and resources and more! Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Who is involved? The main characters in this story are: Cat – El gato Marquis – El marqués Princess – La princesa Ogre – El orgo King – El rey What am I saying? Write your answer in Spanish. Figure 1: Victorian Opera Puss in Boots © Ross Hall a. He used to be a molinero (miller) b. It is an animal c. He is angry all the time (el ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (el) ___ ___ ___ ___ (el) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Figure 2a – 2e: Aunt Friendly's Picture Book © Joseph Kronheim d. She is the only girl e. He is the father of the princess (la) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (el) ___ ___ ___ Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Ask yes/no questions to your teacher to guess the character. For example: Does he/she have a tail? Is he a boy? Is he/she rich? Is he/she scary? Figure 3 : Victorian Opera Puss in Boots Princess © Ross Hall G R S O R O R Y A S E C N I R P T E U Y O E U R O M Q G R O E T S P R A O A R E T O A R M E P T M R M A Q P O A Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Find the Spanish words in the word search. They can be in any direction – good luck! The name of the story is Puss in Boots, but boots are not the only thing this cat is wearing! Have a look at the King too. a. Una corona b. Un sombrero c. Unas botas d. Una capa e. Una zapatos Figure 4: Aunt Friendly’s Picture Book © Jospeh Kronheim The Princess is looking her best in the next picture, so is the Marquis. La princesa lleva un vestido. El Marqués lleva una chaqueta, unos pantalones y unas botas. f. Una chaqueta g. Una vestido h. Unos pantalones Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Figure 5: The Marquis Of Carabas - His Picture Book © Walter Crane Can you follow the examples and describe the pictures? a. El gato lleva …_________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ b. El ogro lleva …_________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ c. La princesa lleva …_____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ d. El rey lleva …__________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Figure 6 - 9: Aunt Friendly's Picture Book © Joseph Kronheim Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Do you remember the colours? Colour in the pictures following the description. a. Unas botas rojas b. Unas botas azules c. Unas botas verdes d. Unas botas amarillas Can you write the colours of these pieces of clothing? a. Unas botas _________________ b. Un sombero _________________ c. Un vestido __________________ d. Una capa ____________________ e. Una espada _________________ f. Una chaqueta _________________ g. Unos pantalones _______________ Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Let’s play! To move forward around the board you need to answer the following questions. Each correct answer will take you closer to victory. Answers are on the next page! If you get the answer right you can move along the board. 1. What was the inheritance that the young miller got? a. a cat b. a castle c. a palace 2. What did the cat ask for to his new owner? a. drawing pencils b. lots of mice c. a pair of boots, a cape and a hat 3. Where does puss in boots go with his new boots? a. to find a cat girlfriend for himself b. to hunt rabbits for the king. c. to England, where it rains a lot. 4. What is the name that the cat uses to refer to the miller? a. Marqués b. Rey c. Princesa 5. Where is the Marqués when the king finds him? a. in the castle b. in his mill c. in the river 6. How does the Princesa know that the Marqués liked her? a. because he winked at her first time they saw each other. b. because the Gato read a poem to her. c. The Marqués didn’t like the Princesa. 7. Which animals does the Ogro become during his meeting with Gato? a. a rabbit b. a fly c. a lion, a bird and a mouse. Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera If your answer was a, move to 5, otherwise move to 3. If your answer was c move to 10, otherwise move to 6. If your answer was b, move to 14, otherwise move to 9. If your answer was a, move to 18, otherwise move to 13. If your answer is c, move to 23. If your answer is a, move to 16. If your answer is b, move to 22. If your answer is c, move to 31. If your answer is a, move to 27. If your answer is b, move to 29. If your answer is b, move to 25. If your answer is a, move to 19. If your answer is c, move to 24. Print out the full size game at the back of this Resource Pack! Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera With thanks to Isabel Arenales Aylagas. For enquiries about our 2013 Education Program contact: Melissa Harris, Education Manager E: [email protected] P: 03 9012 6652 Engage with us @ facebook.com/vopera Join in the conversation @ twitter.com/victorianopera #victorianopera See our snapshots @instagram/victorianopera View our opera journey @ youtube.com/victorianoperapage Discover our 2013 Education Season @ victorianopera.com.au/education Read our behind-the-scenes blog @ victorianopera.com.au/blog Victorian Opera Education Program is generously supported by the Victorian Opera Education Syndicate. Puss in Boots is presented in partnership with Arts Centre Melbourne. Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera These activities give the students a better understanding of the story of Puss in Boots before they watch it. These activities are designed to allow the students to be familiar with the characters and pieces of clothing. Grammatically they will learn how to combine nouns and adjectives. Summary of the story This story starts when a poor miller dies and leaves his youngest child a cat. The cat promises the young man that he can make him rich in a week. He only needs a pair of boots. The miller spends the last of his savings to buy Puss his boots. The cat manages to win the favour of the king by hunting a couple of rabbits for him and a love poem for the princess. Puss tells the king and his daughter that his master is a nobleman. Then, by lying, he gets some new clothes for his master, and after that, a castle, that he takes from an ogre. Puss makes the king believe that the castle is the Marquis’s castle and marries his daughter with the Marquis of Barabbas. Topic, themes and grammar Characters Introduce the characters of the story by comparing with Puss in Boots, the movie. Remind you students Puss is not the only animal in this story. As an after viewing activity, you can brainstorm what are the other animals and introduced their names in Spanish. Clothes and colours To introduce the clothing topic we use the characters and what they typically wear. We can compare different fairy tales by looking at what their characters wear. The adjectives chosen to describe nouns, in this case colours, must match in both number and gender with the nouns they describe. Adjectives, in the majority of cases, are places immediately after the noun. Definitive and indefinitive article The difference between the definite and indefinite articles is the difference between talking about a specific person or piece of clothing, or any at all. El gato will be always el, while the pieces of clothing he is wearing can be un when is a random boot or las when they are his boots. Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Activity Answers & Tips 1. What am I saying? a. He used to be a molinero (miller) b. It is an animal c. He is angry all the time d. She is in the only girl e. He is the father of the princess a. marqués b. gato c. ogro d. princesa e. rey 2. Word Search & Guessing Game GATO First row first box down REY First row. Second box. Diagonal MARQUÉS Upside down. First row. Third box down OGRO Third row. Fifth box. Diagonal PRINCESA Backwards. Last box in the second row In order to become more familiar with these words students can play Who is it? The teacher thinks of one of the characters. Students must ask questions to guess who the teacher is thinking about. When they know who it is, students must ask ex. ¿Es el gato? (Is it the cat?) The teacher will answer si (yes) or no. Students may have a go when teacher considers appropriate. 3. Describe the pictures a. El gato lleva b. El ogro lleva c. La princesa lleva d. El rey lleva a. El gato lleva un vestido b. El ogro lleva un cinturón y unas botas c. La princesa lleva un vestido d. El rey lleva una corona 4. Colour-in a. Red boots b. Blue boots c. Green boots d. Yellow boots 5. Guess the colours a. Unas botas moradas b. Un sombrero verde c. Un vestido rosa d. Una capa roja e. Una espada amarilla f. Una chaqueta azul g. Unos pantalones verdes y azules Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Activity Answers & Tips 6. What happened? Game 1. What was the inheritance that the young miller got? 2. What did the cat ask for to his new owner? 3. Where does puss in boots go with his new boots? 4. What is the name that the cat uses to refer to the miller? 5. Where is the Marqués when the king finds him? 6. How does the Princesa know that the Marqués liked her? 7. Which animals does the Ogro become during his meeting with Gato? a. Cat c. A pair of boots, a cape and a hat b. To hunt rabbits for the king a. Marqués c. In the river b. Because the Gato had read a poem for her c. A lion, a bird and a mouse Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera 1. Physical, personal and social learning, Discipline-based learning, Interdisciplinary learning Physical, Personal and social learning Discipline-based learning Interdisciplinary Learning Thinking processes ICT Design, creativity & technology Communication Sciences Mathematics Humanities Language (Spanish) English The arts Civics and citizenship Personal learning Interpersonal development Health and physical education ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Foundation level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Activity 1 Foundation level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Activity 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Activity 3 Activity 4 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✪ With teacher’s help Puss in Boots Education Resource - Language © Victorian Opera Activity 5 Activity 6 ✔ ✔ ✔✪ ✔✪ ✔✪ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ WHAT HAPPENED? GAME SALIDA 1 2 3 4 ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN 5 6 7 8 ¡Correcto! ¡Muy bien! 9 ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN PUSS BOOTS 10 ¡Correcto! ¡Muy bien! IN THE MOST FAMOUS FAIRY TALE CAT 20 19 18 ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN ¡Correcto! ¡Muy bien! 17 16 15 ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN 14 13 ¡Correcto! ¡Muy bien! ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN 28 29 12 11 30 31 21 22 23 24 25 ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN ¡Correcto! ¡Muy bien! ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN ¡Correcto! ¡Muy bien! 26 27 ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN ¡Incorrecto! THINK AGAIN LLEGADA ¡Correcto!
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