Winter 2016


Winter 2016
Winter 2016
Full Circle 2015
The Friends
of Matheny
Disney World Trip,
New iPads Among
This Year’s Gifts
Friends volunteers gathered to fluff out wreaths and get them ready for distribution to residents’
rooms. From left, Karen Thompson, Nancy Hojnacki, Kathy Sisto, Helen Fallone, and Linda Horton.
A group of Matheny residents will visit Disney World sometime this year . . . Students in
The Matheny School will communicate with the help of new iPads, SMART Boards and
SMART Tables . . . A new Snoezelen sound system will enable Matheny’s therapists to
provide our children and adults with gentle stimulation of their primary senses.
These are just some of the gifts provided this year to the students and patients at
Matheny by The Friends of Matheny, a group of volunteers that has raised more
than $3 million dollars since it was first organized in 1983. Each year, the group
allocates funds for specific items submitted by Matheny staff members via a “wish
list”. Wish list items are not covered by Matheny’s operating budget but are critical
in enhancing the quality of life for the children and adults served by Matheny. This
year’s gifts totaled nearly $80,000.
In addition, The Friends made sure that Matheny residents – especially those without
nearby families – had everything they needed to enjoy the recent holiday season.
The Friends placed holiday wreaths on the door of every residential room, provided
new wooden frames to students and patients sending photos back home for the
holidays, and wrapped all the presents given to Matheny residents on Christmas
Day. The Junior Friends of Matheny, a group of local high school volunteers,
wrapped the frames and also helped out with many of the holiday festivities.
Miles for Matheny
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Liberty Park
Peapack, NJ
Board of Trustees
Edana Desatnick
Bruce Fisher
Vice Chair
William A. Krais, Esq.
Kendell R. Sprott, MD, JD
Members at Large
Kenneth Alter
Thomas Belding
Gary E. Eddey, MD
Brian Foley
Liz Geraghty
Peter M. Holloway
Linda Horton
Daniel F. McLaughlin
Maddalena Minardi
August Pellegrini, Jr., DDS
Gerald Sydell, DDS
David Szott
Anthony Thomas
Lawrence Thornton
Trustees Emeritus
Sally Chubb
Gretchen W. Johnson
Gordon A. Millspaugh, Jr.
Sandra Stark
She’s the
Happiest Person
in the Room
When Rishika Shetty enters her preschool
classroom, “She comes in with a smile.”
“That wasn’t always the case,” says her teacher Dawn
Williams, who remembers when “Rishu” first visited The
Matheny School with her parents in 2014. Her mother and
father warned the staff that she was startled by any type of
noise and would scream at even small sounds. Now, says
Rishu’s mother Sunitha, “She is much better. Because of
the other students, she’s gotten used to many sounds.”
Rishu was born perfectly normal in India on October 1,
2011. But, 11 days after her birth, she began having minor
seizures every day. Her parents learned that a brain
hemorrhage had not only caused the seizures but also
would result in developmental delays and respiratory
problems. A year later, the family relocated to Bedminster,
NJ, when Rishu’s father, Prashanth, transferred to a new
position with the international technology company, Sapient
Corporation. Rishu received in-home supportive services
through the Somerset County Early Intervention System, but,
at three years of age, it was time to select a school. “When
we visited Matheny,” says Sunitha, “we knew this was the
right place for her. We liked everything about Matheny.”
Rishu in her classroom with preschool teacher, Dawn Williams, left,
and Donna Kelly, director of occupational therapy.
Rishu enrolled in The Matheny School in October 2014.
In a little more than a year, says Prashanth, “She’s become more
alert, and she likes interacting with people.” Adds Sunitha, “She’s
very social! She looks forward to being in school where there is
so much stimulation and many different kinds of activities.” At
Matheny, occupational and physical therapy are incorporated into
the classroom activities, and her parents have seen the results.
“Her core is stronger,” Sunitha says. “She has better posture
and balance.” But not all of Rishu’s progress takes place in the
classroom. Says physical therapist Julie Budd, “During a recent
home visit, her mother was shown some techniques to improve
the movement in Rishu’s legs. Within a week, there was a
noticeable difference in her range of motion.”
“Choosing the right school was so important,” says Prashanth.
“It makes us feel better knowing she is well taken care of.”
Rishu with baby brother, Rachith, and parents, Prashanth and
Sunitha Shetty.
Full Circle 2015: Perspectives
Celebrating Fine Art Created by Artists with Disabilities
“I am so very proud of the work being
done here. No arts program is more
unique than Matheny’s.”
With those words, Nicholas Paleologos, executive director
of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and honorary
chair of Full Circle 2015: Perspectives, welcomed
those who had come to see a stage presentation of dance,
drama and creative writing at the annual celebration of
Matheny’s Arts Access Program, held November 7 in the
Robert Schonhorn Arts Center.
The stage presentation, produced by dance facilitator
Heather Williams, was accompanied by a visual arts
exhibition, curated by Haeree Park, Arts Access project and
event coordinator. It featured the work of more than 50 Arts
Access artists. Arts Access is a unique fine arts program
enabling individuals with disabilities to fully express
themselves in the creative arts.
Eileen Murray, director of the Arts Access Program,
emphasized that, “Every artist expresses a unique
viewpoint. Art,” she added, “can change our perspective,
or give us a new one.” Edana Desatnick, co-chair of
Matheny’s Board of Trustees and parent of a Matheny
resident, thanked everyone in attendance for their support
of Matheny and the Arts Access Program.
Dani Urso-King performs “Zip A Dee Doo Dah”, a dance she also
choreographed. At right is professional dancer Patty Romano.
Top: “Abstract”, a metal print by James Lane.
Bottom: Nicholas Paleologos and Arts Access artist Natalia Manning.
Gold Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Food/Beverage Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Man S. Yu
John and Maureen Dreher
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Durr
Eagle Electrical Contracting Service
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldrosen
Melissa Heller
Stephanie A. Young
Cafe Azzurro, Peapack
cocoLuxe Fine Pastries, Peapack
Gladstone Tavern, Gladstone
3 West, Basking Ridge
Urban Table, Basking Ridge
Village Office Supply, Somerset
Top: Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation’s Donna Valente and her
husband, Michael, looking at “Inkfish”, a pigment print by Cheryl Chapin.
Middle: Untitled pigment print by Lauren Nelson.
Below: Performance of “The Nutcracker”, choreographed by Cindy
Shanks, 3rd from right.
Top: Untitled acrylic by Ellen Kane.
Bottom: Alan and Linda Martin with their son, Arts Access artist
Michael Martin.
Matheny Matters | Winter 2015
Helping Students
‘Interact with the World’
Internship at Camp for Children with
Disabilities Shaped Teacher’s Career Path
To complete her coursework in 2004 for a
bachelor’s degree in psychology at Centenary
College in Hackettstown, NJ, Stacy Lafargue did
an internship at Camp Merry Heart which is run
by Easter Seals New Jersey to provide a wide
variety of recreation and activities to people of
all ages and all types of disabilities and special
or answering questions on an assessment,” Lafargue facilitates the
students’ interaction with the world and tries to make it just a little easier
for them to exist in it each day. She recalls one time when the class
was preparing for a camping trip. “How do you explain camping
to someone who’s never been camping?” she asks. “One of the
teaching assistants took out a paper plate, folded it, and demonstrated
what a tent was. That’s an example,” she says, “of how the elementary
team is open to anyone who has an idea.”
The experience was an eye-opener. “I loved it,”
Lafargue says, “and decided I wanted to work
with special needs students.” She began as
a teaching assistant at The Matheny School in
the spring of 2005, took an alternate route to an
education degree at New Jersey City University
in 2008, and became certified as a teacher of
students with disabilities at Centenary in 2010.
The Washington Township, NJ, resident
is currently leader of the elementary
team at The Matheny School.
“It’s rewarding to witness the pride
of non-verbal students when they
answer questions.”
The best parts of her job, Lafargue says, “are
the interactions with students. It’s unbelievably
rewarding to witness the pride of non-verbal
students when they answer questions, write a
story, or share ideas with peers.” Last year, the
school staff elected Lafargue “Educator of
the Year”.
Teaching, she believes, is not just about
getting the final result, but about the process
it takes to get there. “Whether it’s choosing
which color marker they want to use on
their worksheet, picking their favorite snack,
Lafargue uses large moving visuals to help student Katherine Gaudio understand the
lesson in a life skills class.
Classroom Goal:
‘Life Outside Their Wheelchairs’
Physical Therapy Assistant a Finalist in
‘Paraprofessional of the Year’ Competition
When Donna Hoehn is working
as a physical therapy assistant in
a Matheny School classroom, her
goal is to get as many students as
possible “to experience life outside
their wheelchairs.”
Sitting in a wheelchair all day, Hoehn
points out, is a little like “sitting in
your car all day. Though you can
move from one place to another,
your position in relation to others
never changes—you are still in your
car.” Hoehn has been working at
Matheny for more than 16 years. “My
grandfather and his family were from
Peapack,” she says, “so growing up, I
often came to this area to visit.”
Last year, Hoehn was nominated
by her Matheny School peers as
their “Paraprofessional of the
Year”. She was one of four finalists
in the statewide competition in that
category held by ASAH, a not-forprofit organization that serves the
private special education community
in New Jersey.
Three years after she joined
Matheny, Hoehn unexpectedly lost
her husband. Shortly after that, a
young boy who had been a victim
of shaken baby syndrome was
admitted to Matheny, and he stole
Hoehn’s heart. She eventually
applied to become his foster
parent and later legally adopted
him. Her son, George, now 17,
attends the Midland School in
North Branch, NJ, and, in Hoehn’s
Donna Hoehn works with student Megan Blaxill on sitting balance, trunk strengthening, and stretching –
all while Megan is out of her wheelchair.
need to accomplish what they
need and want to do.”
words, “is flourishing. He uses an
electronic communication device for
verbalization; he plays many sports;
and he has worked at many different
job locations and types of career
“I work with an exceptional
staff. They are innovative,
considerate, helpful and
truly caring . . .”
“His patience when trying to learn or
master a new skill always reminds me
how important it is to give each of the
students the time and support they
Hoehn was honored to be
recognized by her peers for the
ASAH award. “I work with an
exceptional staff,” she says. “They
are innovative, considerate, helpful,
and truly caring about the students
and patients. One of the aspects
of Matheny that is very special,”
she says, “is a system that enables
students with significant disabilities
to learn in the classroom while, at
the same time, continuing to work
on physical activities to improve
their function.”
Matheny Matters | Winter 2015
Teaming Up with the ‘Most
Amazing People Imaginable’
Torn ACL Sparked Interest
in Physical Therapy
If Glenn Stackhouse hadn’t torn his
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) while
playing for his Air Force squadron
football team in 1988, chances are he
wouldn’t be a physical therapist today.
“While rehabbing from surgery,”
he recalls, “I became interested in
what I was learning about my knee.
Shortly after that, our squadron was
volunteering for the Special Olympics,
and we were asked to sign up to help.
It was there I met a 32-year-old Navy
veteran who was a physical therapy
student at Southwest Texas State
Fast forward to 1992 when Stackhouse,
working as a physical therapy aide
at Dover General Hospital, applied
for physical therapy school at Kean
University. His first job after graduation
was at the Mercer Medical Center
in Trenton, but, in 2000, he joined
Matheny as a physical therapist in
the community services program.
He provided PT services to adults in
the community with developmental
disabilities and worked for 10 years
bringing PT services to the Mendham
Township School District. “I provided
in-class support and worked to
develop adaptive physical education
strategies for district students with
special needs.” While Stackhouse
was working in the Mendham Schools,
one of the classes was planning a
field trip to Waterloo Village and was
concerned that a student who was in a
Stackhouse with Matheny student Kim Alarcon, who uses a specialized Rifton gait trainer to help her
maintain balance and safety while improving her walking skills.
wheelchair wouldn’t be able to make
the trip because of the rough terrain.
Stackhouse contacted Matheny’s
rehab technology department and
came up with a wheelchair with high
density wheels that could be used both
as a power chair and manually. The
Mendham Resource Center teacher
was trained on how to use it, and the
student was able to make the trip.
As part of Matheny’s community
services program, Stackhouse also
worked at the Morris and Sussex
County Arcs, providing staff training for
safety, back care basics, and adaptive
equipment while also working as a
physical therapist. In May 2005, the
Morris County Arc presented him with
its Healthcare Provider of the Year
award. He also spent nine years as
a Matheny physical therapist in the
New Jersey Early Intervention
Program, “working with the families
of children under the age of three
with developmental delays.”
Since 2008, Stackhouse has worked
full-time in The Matheny School, and
last year his colleagues voted him
“Related Services Provider of the
Year.” “Each day,” he says, “I am
privileged to team up with the most
committed, creative, and amazing
people imaginable. Everyone works
together for the benefit of the families
and individuals we serve.”
Annual Halloween
Parade Exceeds
Katherine Gaudio
Halloween is a holiday highly anticipated by Matheny
students and patients, and every year seems to outdo the
previous one. This year was no exception, as the creativity
was off the charts. It’s also a day in which many families visit
to dress up themselves or just push their sons, daughters,
and siblings in the afternoon parade, which was preceded
in the morning by a trip to a haunted house, created by
Matheny staff members.
Throughout the year, Matheny’s recreation therapy department
provides a variety of recreation opportunities and resources to
not only entertain students and patients, but to improve their
physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well-being.
Natalie Tomastyk
Preschool student Joshua Rincon with teacher Laura Sackerman
and nurse Joseph Larena.
Jim and Ruby Yedloutschnig and their daughter, Alicia.
Matheny Matters | Winter 2015
Ought to be
Alone on
Holiday Express
Kicks Off the Season
at Matheny
Bernards High School student Courtney Smith volunteered as an elf.
“There’s no place like Matheny. We’re dedicated to all of you
in this room.” That was the welcome from Tim McLoone,
founder and leader of Holiday Express, the all-volunteer
band that helped kick off the holiday season with a November
22nd concert at Matheny.
The Robert Schonhorn Arts Center rocked to sounds of
Holiday Express favorites such as “All I Want for Christmas is
You”, “Nobody Ought to be Alone on Christmas”, and “Run
Run Rudolph.’ The Matheny Choir joined the Holiday Express
band for two songs, “Jingle Bells” and “Let it Snow”, and
reappeared with Holiday Express on December 10 at its
annual benefit concert held at the New Jersey Performing
Arts Center in Newark.
Tim McLoone and Matheny resident Rasheedah Mahali.
Student Daniel Gaudreau and his mother, Regina.
Holiday Express trumpeter Tony Perruso was a lively participant during
“The 12 Days of Christmas”.
CARS Group has
been Visiting
Matheny for More
than 40 Years
Chuck Matheny tells Santa Claus what he wants for Christmas.
In 1974, auto racing photographer Ace Lane, Jr. and three
other car racing enthusiasts founded the Committee of Auto
Racing Supporters (CARS). For the past 41 years, the CARS
organization has not just been dedicated to car racing; its
members have gone out of their way to bring joy to the
children and adults at Matheny during the holiday season.
Tasha Santiago O’Keefe celebrates with Santa and Dan Lasso of Hillsborough, NJ.
Every year, CARS volunteers throw a Christmas
party for residents of Matheny and its group homes, bringing
presents for those who do not have strong family connections
during the holidays. The most recent CARS Christmas Party
was held on Saturday, December 19, and the dining room
at Matheny was filled with the Christmas spirit as the CARS
members, from all over New Jersey and neighboring states,
brought gifts and holiday cheer to Matheny’s students and
Amanda Kochell receives gifts from Matt and Kristin Riley of Randolph, NJ.
Santa Claus (Tom Brophy) is also from Randolph.
Raven Bennett thanks the Caramella family and Stephanie Johns (far right),
all of Sayreville, NJ.
Matheny Matters | Winter 2015
2015 Honor Roll of Donors
We are honored to recognize individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations for
their generosity during Fiscal Year 2014. Your compassion and commitment to our mission
truly makes a meaningful difference in the lives of the children and adults we serve.
Thank You!
The donor list below represent gifts received between July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015.
[25,000 +]
• Delta Dental of New Jersey Foundation
• Friends of Matheny
• Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mannon
• New Jersey State Council
on the Arts
• Poses Family Foundation
[$10,000 - $24,999]
• Mr. Paul Frascella
• Jockey Hollow Foundation
• Johnson & Johnson
Somerset County Companies
Healthcare Fund
• Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
• Parkhill Memorial Trust
• The Tyler Foundation
• Valerie Anne Briehl Foundation
[$2,500 - $9,999]
• Ms. Mary Ellen Anderson
• BCB Community Bank
• Brady Foundation
• Marie H. Briehl Foundation
• Mrs. Lois Brounell
• Church & Dwight Employee Giving Fund, Inc.
• Credit Suisse Employee
Giving Program
• Day Pitney LLP
• Delta Dental of New Jersey, Inc.
• The Frank Foundation
• Mr. Michael Frascella
• Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Barbara Golub
• Investors Foundation Inc.
Mr. Peter R. Kellogg
• Mrs. Jacqueline Kelman Bisbee
• Mariner Wealth Advisors,
LLC - Madison
• Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McLaughlin
• Ms. Ann S. Miller
• Partlow Insurance Agency, Inc.
• Mr. and Mrs. Steven Patchett
• Patrick’s Pals Foundation
• Peapack-Gladstone Bank
• Porzio Bromberg & Newman P.C.
• Provident Bank Foundation
• Mr. and Mrs. David Szott
• The Tustin Group
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh, Jr.
[$1,000 - $2,499]
• 3E Love LLC
• Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ambroziak
• Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bachelor
• Bank of America Merrill Lynch
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes
• Mr. and Mrs. Steven Caniano
• Ms. Kathleen Colbert
• Mr. Thomas Coughlin
• Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cozewith
• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and
Edana Desatnick
• Mr. Marino Dobrich
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donahue
• Mr. and Mrs. John and
Maureen Dreher
• Eagle Electrical Contracting Services
• Erika Record LLC
• Fenton J. Solomon Trust
• Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and
Beth Fisher
• Dr. Patricia Flatley and
Mr. Daniel Flatley
• Mr. and Mrs. Keith Garletts
• Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching
Gift Program
• Dr. and Mrs. Richard M.
• Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and
Julie Gordon
• Mr. and Mrs. James and
Amy Haber
• Mrs. Debra Heller
• Knights of Columbus #11386
• Knights of Columbus #11409
• Knights of Columbus #5959
• Mr. and Mrs. William Krais
• Mr. and Mrs. Justin Lash
•Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Lewis
•New Jersey Charity Racing Days
•New Jersey Theatre Alliance
•Mr. Joseph Noonburg
•Mr. Jerry B. Partlow
•Mr. and Mrs. Joe and
Brenda Patnick
•Mr. Dale L. Ponikvar
•Ms. Doreen L. Rhodes
•Mr. Robert Stein
•Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thornton
•Mr. and Mrs. Alan and
Linda Turovlin
•VALIC Financial Advisors, Inc
•Verve Restaurant
•Wakefern Food Corporation
•Weldon Materials, Inc.
•Dr. and Mrs. Ronald
J. Yedloutschnig
[$500 - $999]
•Mr. and Mrs. Salustiano Amato
•Dr. and Mrs. James Aragona
•Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
•Dr. Peter Batts and
Ms. Karyn Person
•Dr. and Mrs. David Belanger
•Mr. Thomas Belding
•Bernards High School
•Dr. Bruno Bosacchi
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard and
Nancy Brail
•Mr. David Y. Burman
•Dr. and Mrs. John Calicchio
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cochran
•Mr. Paul Damurjian
•Degnan Family Foundation
•Dr. Gary E. Eddey
•Fairclough Propane
•Mr. and Mrs. John Fallone
•First Presbyterian Church
of Bernardsville
•Mr. Norberto Garcia
•Mr. and Mrs. John Garrity
•Mr. and Mrs. David Gordon
•Dr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Holloway
•Ikaria, Inc.
•Jacob Irving Foundation
•Ms. Marlisa R. Johnson
•Ms. Jennifer Jonach
•Ms. Kathy Kirk
•Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Elizabeth Kriegman
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kuhrt
•Dr. and Mrs. Phillip S. LaBove
•Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lavine
•Mr. Matthew McDermott
•Mrs. Wendy T. McNeil
•Mrs. Diane V. Miceli
•Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Monte
•Mr. Bill Peters
•Mr. Douglas Pridgen
•Mr. and Mrs. Steven Proctor
•Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Rice
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Riguardi
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan
•Mr. and Mrs. William Sandy
•Spinella Contracting, Inc.
•Dr. Kendell Sprott and
Dr. Donna Twisdale
•Mr. and Mrs. Gary Squires
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sudler
•Mr. and Mrs. John Taurozzi
•Total Lubricants USA, Inc.
•Mr. Derek Trulson and
Ms. Jennifer Gardner
•Ms. Cathleen Wild
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zangari, Jr.
[$100 - $499]
•Mr. and Mrs. Malay and
Geeta Acharya
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adelsohn
•Albert Christmann Inc.
•Mr. and Mrs. Alex Altomare
•Dr. Jason Anagnostis
•Mr. Robert Angevine
•Mr. and Mrs. Ira and Paula Antin
•Mr. and Mrs. Mark and
Lynn Arian
•Atra Janitorial Supply Co., Inc.
•Mr. Jonathan Bachelor
•Mr. and Mrs. James Baettcher
•Mr. and Mrs. Gene Balas
•Mr. and Ms. Steve Ball
•Ms. Suzanne Barkoff
•Mr. Mitchell Barnett
•Mrs. Veronica Barnfield
•Mrs. Janet Barth
•Ms. Amanda Beatty
•Ms. Cynthia Bergelt
•Mr. Michael Berman
•Mr. and Mrs. John Bezuyen
•Ms. Katherine B. Bezuyen
•Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bezuyen
•Mr. David Bialoglow
•Bielan, Miklos, &
Makrogiannis PC
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bitar
•Mrs. Janet Blair
•Mr. and Mrs. John Blake
•Mr. and Mrs. Marc Blumenthal
•Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Bogdan
•Mr. Steven Bonacci
•Mr. John Bourke
•Mr. George G. Bracken, Jr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bramson
•Bridgewater Restaurant LLC
•Ms. Jane Brody
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Broos
•Mr. and Mrs. James Brown
•Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brunner
•Mr. Lee Brush and
Mrs. Lynda Brush
•Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burd
•Mr. Wayne Cabot
•Mr. and Mrs. William Caniano
•Cardiac O.R. Nurses
•Mrs. Dorothy Carter
•Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick Casey
•Ms. Hope Cassano
•Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ceaser
•Ms. Suzanne Cekoric
•Dr. and Mrs. Dehan Chen
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Maureen Chesson
•Mrs. Catherine Church
•Mr. Thomas Clancy
•Dr. and Mrs. Adrien and
Mary Ellen Coblentz
•Cocoluxe Fine Pastries
•Comcast Spotlight
•Ms. Melissa Connolly
•Mr. and Mrs. Gary Conover
•Mr. David Conrad
•Ms. Helen Contino
•Mr. and Mrs. Anna and
Costas Continos
•Ms. Nancy Cook
•Mrs. Doreen Cooper
•Mr. Joseph Corcoran
•Mr. John Corigliano, Jr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cornely
•Dr. Anthony Costa
•Mrs. Jessica Costa
•Mr. Joseph Cuomo
•Mr. Tom Curnin
•Dr. and Mrs. Kostas and
Maria Daskalakis
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dathe
•Mr. James E. Davy, III
•Mr. and Mrs. Dan DeChellis
•Mr. James M. DeCoster
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dee
•Delbarton School
•Mr. and Mrs. John DeMatteis
•Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Desatnick
•Mr. and Mrs. Donald Desatnick
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diegnan
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dill
•Mr. and Mrs. Mark DiStefano
•Dr. Robert Donald and
Mrs. Jennifer Crohn
•Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Dowd
•Mr. Philip Dreher
•Mr. Frank J. Druetzler
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duffany
•Mrs. Janet Dunkle
•Mr. and Mrs. Guy D’Urso
•Mrs. Patricia Dyer
•Mr. Robert Dyer
•Mr. and Mrs. Duane Edelheiser
•Dr. Robert W. Edwards
•Mrs. Eleanor E. Fahey
•Ms. Cheri Fenton
•Mr. Sandy Feuer
•Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Ficzko, Jr.
•Dr. Scott Fine
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Finn
•Mr. William P. Fisher
•Mr. Harry J. Fletcher
•Mr. and Mrs. Victor Flynn
•Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Foley
•Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, III
•Mr. Tom Freeman
•Dr. and Mrs. Greg Friedel
•Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Fritz
•Mr. and Mrs. Marcello Frustaci
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Gagliardi
•Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gallipoli
•Ms. Grace Galvin
•Mr. and Mrs. Gary and
Toni Gambetta
•Ms. Maureen Gebhardt
•Mr. Emmet Gemme
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Elizabeth Geraghty
•Mr. John Gilfillan
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giordmaine
•Ms. Katie E. Giusti
•Mr. Robert Giusti
•Mr. and Ms. Robert J. Glaser
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glickman
•Mr. Scott Glickman
•Mr. and Mrs. Kathy and Alan Gold
•Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Goldberg
•Mr. Charles Hafner and
Ms. Rina Goldberg
•Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goldman
•Mr. Marc T. Goldstein
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldstein
•Mr. Stephen M. Gordon
•Mr. Doug Grama
•Mr. and Mrs. Janice and
Ron Grichor
•Grounds For Sculpture
•Ms. Jiawei Gu
•Dr. and Mrs. Louis Gubitosa
•Mr. Michael Guttman
•Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Sue Haake
•Ms. Susan B. Hammell
•Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hannon
•Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and
Katie Harter
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harter
•Hartranft R.V. Services
•Mr. Cliff Heisler and
Ms. Doris Burman
•Ms. Jennifer Heller and
Mr. Louis Lappen
•Ms. Melissa Heller
•Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Henderson
•Ms. Ellen Herman
•Mr. Brent W. Herrig
•Mr. John Hinton
•Mrs. Guliet Hirsch and
•Mr. Thomas Witt
•Mrs. Brenda Hoagland
•Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Hoecker
•Mrs. Betty Ann Hoffman
•Mr. Mark Hoffman
•Ms. Tara Hogan
•Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hojnacki
•Hope Church House of Prayer
& Evangelism
•Dr. and Mrs. Harry Horn
•Mr. and Mrs. James Horowitz
•Mr. and Mrs. William Horton
•Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Huck
•Ms. Myrl Jean Hughes
•The ILA Foundation
•Mr. and Mrs. John Jarka
•Ms. Jessica Jonach
•Joseph J. Brogan Agency
•Mr. and Mrs. Alex and
Rebecca Josephson
•Mr. and Mrs. Sandy and
Linda Josephson
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaminski
•Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kane
•Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and
Morgan Kane
•Mr. and Mrs. Scott and
Diana Kantor
•Dr. and Mrs. Scott J. Kantro
•Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Keller
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kibalo
•Mr. Bradley King and
Mrs. Kelly Rice
•Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Kinscherf
•Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kinsey
•Mr. Jack Kirby
•Mr. and Mrs. George Knudsen
•Ms. Lauretta F. Koenig
•Mr. John D. Konkle, II
•Mr. Chris Kraus
•Mr. Brent Kuhls
•Mrs. Cynthia LaBar
•Mr. and Mrs. William Laderach
•Mrs. Myra Landau
•Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Lesley Larson
•Mr. and Mrs. Martin and
Jeanne Lavelle
•Ms. Robin Laverty
•Mr. Marc Lavine
•Ms. Alesia Lee Lazorisak
•Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas and
Jane Lemma
•Ms. Dena Lenard
•Dr. and Mrs. Serhiy and Iryna Levkov
•Ms. Donna Lewis
•Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis
•Mr. and Mrs. Harry and
Marie Lewis
•Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lopes
and Family
•Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lowry
•Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ludwig
•Mr. and Mrs. Warren Luther
•Mr. Edward Maffey
•Ms. Patricia Majcher
•Mr. Bob Mareiniss
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marinaro
•Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marney
•Dr. Leon Martel
•Mr. and Mrs. Alan Martin
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mas
•Mr. Charles H. Matheny
•Mr. and Mrs. Louis Matlack
•Mr. and Mrs. JP and Jeanne May
•Mr. Thomas J. McAdam
•Ms. Tricia McCarthy
•Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCollum
•Dr. Mary Jo McGuire
•Mr. Erika McNeil
•Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNeill
•Ms. Arlene Mendozza
•Mr. and Mrs. Barry Merer
•Ms. Nancy Metz
•Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Michaels
•Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Miles, Sr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Sara Miller
•Ms. Maddalena M. Minardi
•Mr. and Mrs. James Moore
•Mr. and Mrs. Ted and
Lee Ann Moore
•Mr. and Mrs. John and
Mary Morris
•Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Linda Morris
•Ms. Mia Morse
•Mrs. Tiffany Mortellito
•Mr. David Mos
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulcahy
•Ms. Elizabeth Muldoon
•Mr. and Ms. Kevin Murphy
•Ms. Debbie Nagpal
•Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Nathan
•Mr. John Nerger
•Mrs. Peggy A. Newton
•Mr. Douglas R. Neye
•Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and
Annette Norman
•Mr. and Mrs. Joel Oberman
•Mr. and Mrs. Daren and
Mary O’Connor
•Dr. John and Mrs. Debbie O’Connor
•Mr. Dennis O’Connor
•Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Offermann
•Mr. Michael O’Keefe
•Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Nancy Okun
•Dr. and Mrs. James M. Oleske
•Ms. Betty Osman
•Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Oster
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Otten
•Mr. and Mrs. Phil Palazzolo
•Mr. Phil Palmer
•Ms. Kristina Pantelides
•Parascandola, Cooper
& Reidinger Family
•Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parmer
•Payton Elevator Company, Inc.
•Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pedas
•Dr. and Mrs. August Pellegrini
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael and
Gillian Peri
•Mrs. Margaret Persico
•Mr. and Mrs. Judy and Ken Peskin
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peters
•Mr. and Mrs. Kraig Peterson
•Mrs. Cory Pine
•Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Poleyeff
•Ms. Jill E. Porter
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pucilowski
•Mr. Thomas Pugh, III
•Mr. and Mrs. Larry and
Eileen Radican
•Mrs. Louise Rapkin
•Reed Family Foundation
•Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and
Kristi Reimer
•Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rhodes
•Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ring, Jr.
•Ms. Sarina Rivera
•Dr. and Mrs. Ken Robey
•Dr. Susan Roeloffs and
Mr. Fred Stine
•Ms. Kirsten Roth
•Mr. Steven Rotter
•Dr. and Mrs. Alan Rushton
•Mr. Michal Ryduchowski
•Dr. R. Gregory Sachs
•Saiber LLC
•Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Sardo
•Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sarokhan
•Ms. Carole Saunders
•Mr. James Scancarella
•Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schaenen
•Mrs. Catherine M. Schanz
•Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schapiro
•Ms. Virginia Schiavelli
•Mr. Jonathan Schifrin
•Mr. Mark Schiller
•Mr. and Mrs. Don Schnoor
•Mr. Henry B. Schram
•Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schuman
•Mr. Adam Schwab
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwenn
•Ms. Barbara Winter and Mr.
•Lawrence Segan
•Ms. Andrea Shadel
•Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shampain
•Mr. Jeffrey Siegel
•Mr. Edward Sigo
•Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Silvey
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simone
•Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Simoni
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul Siniawer
•Ms. Lori Skibinski
•Mr. Rusty Smid
•Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith
•Somerville High School
•Mr. and Mrs. Ken and
Marilyn Kuntz Spencer
•Mr. Donald Stambaugh
•Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steel, Jr.
•Ms. Angela Stetz
•Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Stevinson
•Ms. Lisa Kiell and
Mr. James Stone
•Mr. and Mrs. William Strauss
•Gary and Zane Stuggins
•Mr. Hakeem Suardini
•Sullivan & Graber
•Mr. Frank J. Sweeney, Jr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sweeney
•Mr. David Swezey
•Ms. Cheryl L. Swiatkowski
•Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Sydell
•Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Sykes
•Mr. and Mrs. Eddie and Kay Szott
•Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Tendler
•The Merrill G. & Emita E.
Hastings Foundation
•Mr. Greg Thibault
•Thomas and Elizabeth Uhlman Family Fund
•Mr. Harland Thompson
•Mr. and Mrs. Norman and
Karen Thompson
•Ms. Mary Ellen Thompson
•Mr. and Mrs. William B. Thompson
•Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and
Maryanne Tortorello
•Mr. Peter Trethaway
•Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Tschopp
•Mr. William Tynan, III
•U.S. Security Associates, Inc.
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ulrich
•Mrs. Marion Usdan
•Mr. Jeffrey Vanderoef
•Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Venuti
•Mr. Tom Visotsky
•Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vuskalns
•Ms. Mary J. Waeschle
•Mr. Michael Walsh and
Ms. Alicia Walsh
•Mrs. Nikki Warner
•Ms. Cynthia Wasserberger
•Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weeks, Jr.
•Mr. James Wenk
•Ms. Linda Westenberger
•Mrs. Ekta Whitmore
•Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Tara Wiebe
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Williams
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williamson
•Mr. and Mrs. Barclay J. Wilson, Jr.
•Ms. Rachel Wilson
•Mr. Andrew Witten
•Mr. Casey Wood
•Ms. Frances G. Woolley
•Ms. Enid Young Bey
•Ms. Stephanie Young
•Mr. Scott Zahn
•Dr. and Mrs. Mark Zimmerman
•Mr. Daniel Zimmon
[Up to $99]
•Rev. Lauren Ackland and
Mr. George Hayman
•Mr. and Mrs. Zafar Alam
•Mr. and Mrs. George Alatzas
•Mrs. Geri Albin Pagano
•Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander
•Mr. Martin Alintuck
•Ms. Marcia Allen
•Mrs. Alisa Alt
•Ms. Arlene Altounian
•Ms. Elizabeth Andolino
•Mrs. Annette Anello
•Mr. Steven Antelis
•Ms. Emily Arble and Dustin Stark
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Argenio, Jr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Graham
•Mr. and Mrs. Victor Armaniaco
•Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bacchetta
•Mr. and Mrs. Chris Balasic
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barfuss
Matheny Matters | Winter 2015
•Mr. Jorien Barnes
•Mr. Simcha Barnett
•Ms. Viera Baron
•Mr. Gordon Barr
•Mr. and Mrs. Armen Basmajian
•Ms. Peggy Baurkot
•Mr. and Mrs. Larry Befeler
•Mr. Lee Befeler
•Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H.
Belchik, Jr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Amy Bell
•Mrs. Susan Bennett
•Ms. Janice Kriegman and
Mr. Michael Berger
•Ms. Allison Bernstein
•Ms. Mariela Berrio
•Mr. Kenneth Bertha
•Mr. Dennis Bertron
•Mrs. Barbara Best
•Mrs. Denise Bettinger
•Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Bickell
•Mr. and Mrs. Kazimierz Bilas
•Ms. Carolyn B. Black
•Mr. Chris Black
•Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blackman
•Mr. and Mrs. Elliot and Rita Blau
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert and
Susan Blauth
•Mr. and Mrs. S. Robert Blitstein
•Ms. Natalie Bloom
•Mr. Steven Blotner
•Ms. Ilene Blum
•Mr. Max Bobinski
•Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bonk
•Ms. Jaime Bossany
•Mr. and Mrs. James Boughton
•Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bourdeau
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brach
•Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy and
Anne Braidish
•Mr. Douglas Bramson
•Mr. Richard Brauchle
•Mrs. Lynette Braunhardt
•Mr. Mark Breaugh
•Ms. Jeanne C. Brelle
•Ms. Geraldine Brewer
•Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brief
•Mr. Chris Brooten
•Ms. Darcey Brooten
•Mr. David L. Brooten
•Mr. and Mrs. Rick and
Donna Brooten
•Mr. Kyle Brooten
•Mr. Christopher Brown
•Ms. Florence Brown
•Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Bruen
•Mr. and Mrs. Jason
Katya Buccieri
•Mr. and Mrs. Eric and
Pureza Budd
•Mr. and Mrs. Emil Buin
•Mr. Edward Bumiller
•Mr. and Mrs. George Burgstahler
•Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burns
•Mr. and Mrs. William Burns
•Dr. and Mrs. Alan Burton
•Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calero
•Mr. and Mrs. David and
Tina Calhoun
•Ms. Gina Calleo
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Camisa
•Ms. Jaclyn Canino
•Mr. Anthony Carbone
•Ms. Yolanda Cardona
•Mr. Greg Carson
•Mr. Benjamin Casper
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cataldo
•Ms. patricia A. cats
•Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cella
•Dr. and Mrs. Alan Chanin
•Mr. Gary Chapman
•Mr. Gary Chase
•Mr. and Mrs. David Chasin
•Mr. Sriram Chintamaneni
•Mrs. Deborah Cholish
•Mrs. Elke Chrapko
•Mr. Vito Christiano
•Dr. John Kronis and
Ms. Tracy Cicatelli
•Mr. Louis Cirangle
•Mr. Frank Cleary
•Ms. Millie Cleary
•Ms. Lisa Clifford
•Mr. Randall Cogar
•Mr. Barry Cohen
•Ms. Hillary Cole
•Ms. Patricia Conlin
•Ms. Marjorie Constantino
•Mrs. Mary Cooley
•Mrs. Mary M. Corrado
•Ms. Bela Costa
•Dr. and Mrs. Paul and
Debbie Costello
•Ms. Suzanne Countryman
•Mr. Daniel Cozewith
•Mrs. Edna Crann
•Ms. Janet Crisafi
•Mrs. Dina Culmone
•Mrs. Ardys Culp
•Ms. Tammy Culp
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
and Maryanne Czarnecki
•Mrs. Claire J. Dale
•Mr. Gourav Dalmiya
•Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Del Monaco
•Ms. Lisa D’Elia
•Ms. Christine Delmore
•Mr. Andrew DeLuise
•Mrs. Lisa DeMik
•Mrs. Donnis DeMouthe
•Mr. John Deremer
•Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Derwid
•Mr. and Mrs. Donald Detgen
•Mr. Mark Feldman and
Ms. Dina Diamond
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiBias
•Mrs. Laura Diess
•Ms. Mona E. Digaetano
•Mr. Derrick Dilts
•Mr. and Mrs. David Ditty
•Mrs. Tara Donahue
•Mr. Jimmie Donaldson
•Ms. Elizabeth Petersen and
Mr. William Dondiego
•Mrs. Sharon Donovan
•Ms. Cheryl Doyle
•Ms. Erika Dreifus
•Ms. Suzanne Duane
•Ms. Melissa Dubay
•Mr. Alexander Dufek-Varieur
•Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Duffe
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duffy
•Mr. and Mrs. James Duguid
•Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thompson
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunlop
•Ms. Susan Dyer
•Ms. Arshala Eaton
•Mr. Todd Eisenbud
•Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elson
•Ms. Ann Endahl
•Mr. and Mrs. Matt and
Nancy Erikson
•Ms. Linda M. Esposito
•Ms. Maria Estevez
•Mrs. Kathleen Evangelista
•Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Everitt
•Mr. John Ewen
•Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ewer
•Mr. Michael Ezzi
•Mr. and Mrs. Morton Faller
•Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrington
•Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Feenstra
•Mr. and Mrs. John Feneck
•Ms. Virginia Fenton
•Mrs.and Mr. Corinne and
Leon Fern
•Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Fernand
•Ms. Rosalie Ferrera
•Mr. John G. Fesken
•Mr. and Mrs. Greg and
Nancy Fetter
•Mr. and Mrs. Les and
Hope Fields
•Mr. and Mrs. John Fischel
•Ms. Lois Fisher
•Mr. Andrew Flatley
•Mr. and Mrs. William Flatt
•Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fleury
•Mrs. Juliette Fogarty
•Mr. Paul Formichelli
•Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Forte
•Ms. Ann Skudlark and
Mr. Michael Fox
•Mr. and Mrs. Roger Franco
•Ms. Dorothy Frank
•Mr. and Mrs. P. Wayne Frey
•Dr. and Mrs. Walter Friedel
•Mr. and Mrs. Allan Frost
•Mrs. Jill Fuerst
•Mr. Christopher Gaffney
•Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gaffney
•Mr. Alexander Gajewski
•Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Galbraith
•Mrs. Carol Galgano
•Ms. Sylvia R. Gambony
•Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ganzer
•Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Ganzer
•Mr. Tom Gardner
•Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Garganigo
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrity
•Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gauch
•Mr. and Mrs. George and
Patti Gebert
•Mr. David Generoso
•Mr. and Mr. Joseph Genitempo
•Ms. Arlene Getto
•Ms. Laura Gever
•Mr. John B. Gibb
•Mr. and Mrs. Ted and
MaryEllen Gibbon
•Mr. James Gibson
•Ms. Courtney Gilmer
•Ms. Gail Ginsburg
•Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and
Gail Gladstein
•Mr. and Mrs. Don Godfrey
•Mrs. Janet Goldman
•Mr. Leonard Goldrosen
•Neil and Melissa Goldrosen
•Mr. and Mrs. David Goldsmith
•Mr. David Goldstein
•Mrs. Grace M. Goldstein
•Mr. and Mrs. Seth Goldstrom
•Ms. Celeste Gonzalez
•Mr. and Mrs. Darren Goodwin
•Mrs. Carol Graham
•Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gravel
•Ms. Carole Gray
•Mr. and Mrs. Chris Greeney
•Mr. and Mrs. David and
Jordana Gresen
•Mr. and Mrs. Doug and
Missy Griffie
•Ms. Debra Gubernat
•Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guhl
•Mr. and Mrs. John Gumersell, Jr.
•Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gunzelman, III
•Mr. Kenneth Gustavsen
•Mr. and Mrs. John Gutch
•Dr. Stuart Gutman
•Mrs. Susan Haemmerle
•Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hafner
•Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee Hahn
•Mrs. Margaret Hamilton
•Mr. Simon Hamparian
•Ms. Linda Handelman
•Mrs. Laura Harper
•Mr. and Mrs. Dale and
Andrea Harpine
•Ms. Eizabeth Harpine
•Mr. and Ms. Charles J. Harriman
•Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hart
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hathaway
•Mr. and Mrs. John Hawryluk
•Ms. Abby Hayden
•Mr. William Hearne
•Mrs. Michelle Heins
•Mr. and Mrs. Tim and
Wendy Hess
•Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hill
•Reverend John Hillier
•Mr. and Mrs. Ed and
Syd Hilzenrath
•Mr. Juan Hincapie
•Ms. Margaret A. Hinchcliffe
•Mrs. Joan Hoffman
•Ms. Kiersten Hoffman
•Mr. Lloyd Hoffman
•Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman
•Hogan Financial Advisors, Inc.
•Mr. Andrew C. Holden
•Mr. Jeremy Hollander
•Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Honigfeld
•Mr. Franklin Hope
•Ms. Meghan Horn
•Mr. Darryl Houchins
•Mr. Bob Howland
•Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hulten
•Mr. and Mrs. Bob and
Debra Hummer
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt
•Mrs. Ruby P. Hwang
•Mr. and Mrs. William Hylicke
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Iannone
•Ms. Lenore Imhof
•Ms. Melissa Impett
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Inskeep
•Mrs. Margaret L. Irwin
•Mr. J. Calvin Jackson
•Ms. Joyce Jacobson
•James Collins Founder
•Mr. Yeong-Long Jan
•Mr. Dante Jannicelli
•Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and
Gina Jaye
•Mrs. Kristen Jennings
•Mr. Ernest C. Johnson
•Mr. and Mrs. James H. Johnson
•Ms. Barbara Jones
•Ms. Carmela Jones
•Mr. Ken Jones
•Mr. Patrick Joyce
•Dr. Joseph Juliano
•Mr. George Kahle
•Ms. Tricia Kane
•Mr. Oliver Katcher
•Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Katzenberger
•Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kedersha
•Mr. and Mrs. Mary and
Bill Kenney
•Mr. Thomas A. Kenny
•Ms. Holly Khoury
•Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiely
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kitchell
•Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Kleinman
•Mr. Andrew Knox
•Mr. Henry C. Kochan, Jr.
•Ms. Ruth A. Koenig
•Mrs. Barbra Kogan
•Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kometani
•Ms. Sheila Kravchick
•Leonard W. Kriegman
•Mr. Rudy Krishnan
•Mr. Velu Krishnan
•Mr. and Mrs. Mark Krook
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krueger, Sr.
•Mr. Walter Ku
•Mrs. Mary Dee Kuhn
•Ms. Sherry Kuo
•Mr. Robert Paski and
Ms. Kathleen Kurek
•Dr. and Mrs. Steven Kussin
•Dr. Ilona S. LaChina
•Ms. Terry Landrigan
•Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang
•Mr. and Mrs. Preston Larson
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leahy
•Ms. Michele Lee
•Mr. Joon Yeon Cho and
Mrs. Soo Jung Lee
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Mollissa Lemay
•Mr. and Mrs. Ron and
Dottie Lemp
•Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lengyel
•Mr. and Mrs. Barbara and
Victor Levadi
•Mrs. Erin Levine
•Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Levinston
•Mr. Anthony Liberti
•Mr. and Mrs. Joe and
Susyn Lichtenberg
•Mrs. Sue Liedel
•Ms. Susan Lippman
•Ms. Gail Lippolis
•Mr. and Mrs. David Lo
•Mr. and Mrs. Julio and
Saudhi Lopez
•Ms. Sally Lopez
•Mr. Tom Lopez
•Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lowrie
•Ms. Annie Lucianin
•Ms. Gina Lujan
•Mr. and Mrs. Kathryn Lunga
•Ms. Elaine R. Lyon
•Mrs. Susan Mabry
•Ms. Joyce MacKay
•Mr. Clifford Maddox
•Mrs. Joy Magtoto
•Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maguire
•Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mahn
•Mr. George H. Malgeri
•Ms. Denise Mannese
•Mr. Vito Marcogliese
•Ms. Kimberly Marsh
•Mrs. Mary Mason
•Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Mastrodomenico
•Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mauriello
•Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mauriello
•Mr. John McCahill
•Miss Kelsey McConnell
•Mr. Jason McDermott
•Ms. Jessica McDermott
•Ms. Peggy McFarland
•Mr. and Mrs. Devin and
Bethany McHenry
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin
•Mr. Michael McWilliams
•Dr. Karen Meiselas
•Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meola
•Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Metzler
•Mr. and Mrs. Raffaele Migliore
•Mr. and Mrs. James and
Simone Miller
•Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Millspaugh, Jr.
•Mr. Alan Millward
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mixson
•Mrs. Barbara Mocarski
•Mr. and Mrs. Mario and
Patricia Mocarski
•Ms. Shoba Mohamed
•Mrs. Ariadne Monfalcone
•Mrs. Allyssa Moody
•Mrs. and Mr. Augusta Moore
•Mr. and Mrs. George Moran, III
•Mrs. Sarah Morelli-Stutz
•Ms. Olha Leska and
Mr. Clive Morgan
•Mr. Josh Moritz
•Ms. Sandra Morrow
•Mr. Frederick C. Mueller
•Ms. Christina Muench
•Mr. Thomas Mullen
•Mr. and Mrs. James Munley
•Mr. and Mrs. William T. Murphy
•Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray
•Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Mustillo
•Mr. and Mrs. John and
Dana Naberezny
•Mr. and Mrs. Leonid Natenzon
•Ms. Nana Negishi
•Mr. Rick Nelson
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neuman
•Ms. Afekwo Nnachi-Tikhonov
•Mr. Gavin Oag
•Mr. Alejandro Obelink
•Ms. Eileen O’Connell
•Mrs. Betty O’Connor
•Mr. Christopher J. Oelz
•Dr. and Mrs. William Levi Old, III
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Stephanie Oros
•Mr. Oscar Ortiz
•Miss Mary B. Oswald
•Ms. Barbara Pacifico
•Mr. and Mrs. Josh Palestine
•Ms. Anna Panchekha
•Ms. Cathy Pane
•Dr. Lisa Paradis
•Mr. and Mrs. Sam and
Katie Parolise
•Mr. Richard Parra
•Mr. and Mrs. Paulo Patrocinio
•Ms. Sarah Pauch
•Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peller
•Mrs. Susan Pensack
•Ms. Jill Perlman
•Mr. and Mrs. Howard Petersen
•Mr. and Mrs. John Petriano
•Ms. Katee Petro
•Mr. Henry Pfeiffer
•Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Phillips
•Ms. Paulann Pierson
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pinto
•Mr. and Mrs. John Plumbo
•Mrs. Vanessa Pollock
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Potts
•Premier Skirting Products, Inc.
•Ms. Cathy Prestwidge-Johnson
•Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Price
•Ms. Celia Quatse
•Dr. and Mrs. Seth and
Linda Queler
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul and
Barbara Quinn
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Radice
•Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Raia
•Mr. Aneesh Ramaswamy
•Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rambaldi
•Mr. Michael Ramsingh
•Mrs. Frances Ratsimor
•Mr. James Rayball
•Mr. and Mrs. and
Mrs. Michael Razzi
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rehus
•Mr. Bill Richards, Jr.
•Mrs. Cynthia M. Rimpo
•Ms. Marie Rita
•Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Roberts
•Ms. Bernadette Robinson
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rodgers
•Mr. and Mrs. Roy and
Beth Rodier
•Dr. Carla Rodrigues
•Mrs. Sonia Romeo
•Mrs. Diane Rooney
•Ms. Wendy Rosen
•Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rowbotham
•Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Russo
•Mr. John Russup
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rutte
•Mr. Tony Sacramone
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Salami, Sr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Denise and
Ken Sarte
•Mrs. Carol Savoy
•Dr. Erica Saypol
•Ms. Donna Scarfo
•Ms. Irene Schaefer
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schicho
•Ms. Ida Mae Schmidt
•Mr. John Schmittberger
•Mr. and Mrs. James Schoonover
•Ms. Alice L. Schroeder
•Mr. Lewis Schwarz
•Mrs. Karlee Sealove
•Mrs. Karen Seeland
•Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Seeland
•Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Seelinger
•Mrs. Joanne Sekellla
•Mrs. Peggy Sexton
•Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sferra
•Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shapiro
•Ms. Lisa Shauger
•Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Shepard
•Mr. Prashanth Shetty and
Mrs. Sunitha
•Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shulman
•Drs. Lynn and Donald Siebert
•Mr. and Mrs. David Siegel
•Mrs. Judith Sifuentes
•Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sigrist
•Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Simko
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simms, Jr.
•Mr. and Mrs. David Simon
•Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sinkevitch
•Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Smith
•Mr. Robert S. Smith
•Mrs. Sharon Smith
•Ms. Susan Smith
•Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Sobel
•Dr. Ira Sonet
•Mrs. Grace Soucie
•Ms. Maria Sperone
•Mr. Gordon Spivak
•Mr. and Mrs. Bertram and
Trudy Spritz
•Ms. Annette Steinhardt
•Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sterbenz
•Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stevens
•Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stock
•Mr. and Mrs. F. Fox Stoddard
•Ms. Beth Susman
•Mr. Wesley Suydam
•Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swanson
•Mr. and Mrs. Neil and
Dolores Swartz
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweeney
•Ms. Jaimi Tarasoff
•Ms. Carol Terhune
•Mr. and Mrs. Donald Terreri
•Mr. Adam Thinger
•Drew and Allison Thomas
•Mr. Wes Thomas
•Ms. Joan M. Thuebel
•Mrs. Barbara Tiger
•Mrs. Tracey Tiger
•Mr. and Mrs. Michael Timko
•Ms. Marjorie Tiner
•Mrs. Sharon Tompkins
•Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Toporoff
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toporoff
•Mr. John Torrao
•Mr. and Mrs. John Tort, Jr.
•Mrs. Stephanie Trapp
•Mr. Ronald Traub
•Mr. Chris Trethewey
•Ms. Jaime Trigas
•Ms. Jean Truitt
•Mrs. Dara Tupler
•Mr. Glenn Turell
•Mr. Peter Turski
•Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Ujobagy
•Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Unger
•Mr. Peter Van Iderstine
•Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vanderhoof
•Mr. David Vanhorn
•Ms. Dorothy Varrone
•Mr. Walter Veloso
•Ms. Bunny Verbit
•Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wagner
•Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wagner
•Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walker
•Ms. Pauline Walters
•Mr. Charles D. Warner, Jr.
•Mr. Ian Warren
•Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber
•Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Weber
•Mr. Marc Weiss
•Dr. and Mrs. Elia Weixelbaum
•Ms. Christine Welsch
•Mrs. Harriet R. Wendell
•Ms. Barbara Wheatley
•Mrs. Phyllis A. White
•Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wiehe
•Dr. Ilene Wilets
•Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilkinson
•Mrs. Lois Williams
•Ms. Nancy Winder
•Mrs. Bernice Winters
•Mrs. Beth Wolfmayer
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wolfson
•Mr. Alfred Wolin
•Mr. Marc Wolin
•Ms. Christine Wood
•Mr. Kyle Wright and
Mrs. Dana Wright
•Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright
•Mr. Robert Wysocki
•Mr. and Mrs. John Yedloutschnig
•Mr. and Mrs. Antal Zeleszko, Jr.
•Mr. Vincent Zuza
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor listing.
Should the information presented here conflict with your records,
please call the Development Office at (908) 234-0011 ext. 315
We invite you to join our 1946 Society, by including Matheny in your estate planning. Such gifts might include
a bequest in your will or a beneficiary designation of your retirement assets or life insurance policy. Legacy
gifts provide critical future support of Matheny, ensuring the fulfillment of our mission well into the future.
For more information about these giving options, please visit
If you have included Matheny in your estate plans, please let us know. We would like to
thank you for your generosity and include you in our 1946 Society.
Matheny Matters | Winter 2015
65 Highland Avenue | PO Box 339
Peapack, NJ 07977
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Friendly Hoops
Delbarton Basketball Players Adapt Their Game
There were three-point attempts from several rows back in
the auditorium, layups and jump shots on the stage, and a
helping hand for Matheny students and patients, who were
playing adapted basketball games. It was all part of the
annual visit to Matheny by members of the Delbarton
School varsity basketball team.
Participation in sports is very important to Matheny’s students
and patients, who compete in Special Olympics, play a variety
of adapted sports, and often attend high school, college,
Dan Cimaglia helps Matheny student Ryan O’Connor shoot a basket.
and professional games as part of Matheny’s recreation
therapy program. The Delbarton visit is greatly anticipated
every year, stoking competitive fires and resulting in a lot of
fun and camaraderie. Delbarton is an independent college
preparatory school in Morristown for boys, grades 7-12.
Davis Bell, left, gives Matheny student Shane Szott some tips while teammate
Kevin Schroeder looks on.
Matheny Matters | Winter 2015