November 2013 - The Town of Pense
November 2013 - The Town of Pense
Published at Pense, Saskatchewan Volume 3A Issue 3 November 2013 Remembering Holds a New Meaning Submitted by Beth Andrews R emembrance Day has always held a lot of meaning for many of us who are members of the Legion and the community at large but this year it took on a “closer to home” feeling as some of our Legion members took part in a portion of the Wounded Warriors Weekend which was held in Saskatchewan. The Wounded Warrior Weekend initiated by musician, Blake Emmons, was begun in 2012. It’s intent is to provide those military personnel whose service resulted in physical wounds or those more silent ones like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with a time to fish, golf, socialize and enjoy entertainment and fellowship and allow them to get their minds off of what has happened to them and what may lie ahead. The weekend is sponsored by a local Legion and supported by other members of the community. This year the host community was Nipawin. Upcoming Events If you have a date you would like posted here, please let us know! Nov 27 Nov 29 Dec 7 Dec 11 Dec 15 Dec 17 Town Council Mtng Movie Night—Smurfs 2 Christmas crafts Town Council Mtng Band Concert—Lumsden Pense School Christmas Concert But the activity really started in Regina, where the Wounded Warriors landed at the airport. There were representatives from Australia, Britain and the U.S. in addition to our Canadian members. They were met by an honour guard made up of Legion members, active duty members, reservists and pipers. They were escorted to the RCMP Heritage Centre where they were provided with a luncheon (which several of our Pense Legion members helped out with). Following a time of getting to meet one another, the cavalcade set off for Nipawin by bus. They were met in many towns along the way by people bearing signs, flags and cheering them along. In his report, Blake recounts how there were bikers bearing flags, people sitting on their tailgates in farmyard driveways. Everywhere they passed there were people wanting to be able to say “thank you”. The event was a four days filled with recreation, and fellowship along with musical entertainment. Through the support of many of Blake’s musical connections, the Warriors were entertained by the likes of Gord Bamford, The Good Brothers and even Bob McGrath whom many of the veterans confessed helped “raise” them on Sesame Street. I would like to take a quote from Blake’s accounting of the weekend: “The unique thing about the therapy is that it was good for all of us, (Continued on page 3) Page 2 PENSE PROGRESS pense progress Submission deadline is the 15th of each month (no publication in July and August). Please submit your articles, advertisement requests or Notice of Upcoming Event(s) to the Town Office or email to [email protected] Editor: Beth Andrews Assistants: Joyce Crittenden Gail Stelter Subscriptions & Advertising payments to: Pense Progress c/o Town Office P.O. Box 125 Pense, SK S0G 3W0 Late submissions may not be included. Back Issues Of Pense Progress Available From the Town of Pense website: Advertising rates for Classified Ads: Up to 12 words $ 2.50 Up to 24 words $ 3.50 Up to 36 words $ 5.00 1 Year Subscription 10 issues (Sept—June) $8.00 for copy picked up at Town Office $20.00 for mailed copy (via Canada Post) or No charge for emailed copy The Rec Board receives funding from: Advertising rates for Business Ads: SIZE Business Card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 1 ISSUE 1 YEAR (Same Ad each month) $ 5.00 $ 25.00 $ 8.00 $ 50.00 $12.00 $100.00 1 Year (Changes monthly) $ 35.00 $ 65.00 $120.00 Note: We now offer the opportunity to change your ad monthly or insert specials or upcoming offers. Please check with us for details. Page 3 PENSE PROGRESS not just the Wounded Warriors but also our volunteers, our town and I dare say, our province ….I humbly request that you who are reading this accept the fact that you were all a part, as a citizen of Saskatchewan, in making a difference in the lives of so many who have stood in harm’s way on our behalf.” I know from listening to our local Legion members who were able to be there to help out in Regina that even that small amount of time spent with the veterans had a huge impact on them and made them so much more aware of the fact that veterans are still dying and being injured and they need to be remembered and honoured. The veterans were so appreciative of everything that was being done for them and couldn’t believe the “fuss” that was being made over them. (It also didn’t go unnoticed on Remembrance Day when our guest speaker stood side by side with Comrade Rev. Jack Oglesby that the same struggles are still ongoing and we so appreciate the sacrifice that both the old have made and the young continue to have to make to keep us safe.) The 4 day event at Nipawin, of course, did not come cheaply and there has been a special pro- gram set up by the Nipawin Legion to fund raise to cover costs. The Pense Legion has decided to send the proceeds from the sale of the wristbands this year to help Nipawin to recover their costs. We thank you for your donations. Sales were brisk and the wristbands are still available from the Town Office. In addition, if you so wish to make an individual contribution, contact Comrade Joy McLean and she will gladly provide you with the information in order to get the funds to the Nipawin Legion. This year, as never before, I have become more aware of the need to remember and honour those of the younger generation who are continuing to fight so that all mankind may have peace and freedom. Whenever you have an opportunity to thank a veteran, no matter of what age, be sure to do so. The Wounded Warrior Weekend will be held in Slave Lake, Alberta, next year. Family Movie Night The Despicable Me 2 family movie night was a success. Thank you to all who attended. On Friday November 29th we will be showing Smurfs 2. Doors open at 6:30 and movie starts at 7:00. Cost will be $2 per person or $5 per family. There will be popcorn and drinks for sale. Grade 4 students and under must be accompanied by an adult (18 years of age or older). We understand that movies can be long for the little ones so please feel free to bring younger children out into the hallway for a break if need be so as not to disturb the movie for others. Thanks and we will see you there! Page 4 PENSE PROGRESS Town of Pense Submitted by Administration Tax Notices & Utility Bills Just a reminder that all tax notices and utility bills are due by December 31 st 2013 to avoid a 15% penalty. Snow Removal Now that winter has arrived please ensure that all vehicles have been removed from the boulevards so that personnel are able to remove snow effectively. A reminder to residents that you are not allowed to dump your excess snow in the boulevards. New Bylaws Council has been busy revising bylaws, this month we are highlighting part of the Animal Control Bylaw. BYLAW 18/2013 ANIMAL CONTROL BYLAW Running at large means when any animal is beyond the boundaries of the land occupied by the owner, possessor, or harbourer or keeper of the said animal, or beyond the boundaries of any lands where it may be with the permission of the owner or occupant of the said land and is not under control by being: In direct or continuous charge of a person competent to control it or, On a leash not to exceed two meters in length; or Securely confined within an enclosure; or Securely fastened so that it cannot roam at will. Any person who owns or has the care and control of an animal found running at large within the Town of Pense is in violation of this bylaw. The license for animals shall be from the first day of January to the thirty first day of December of the same year. Every owner of a dog or cat within the Town shall cause each such animal to be registered with and obtain a license for it from the Town Office. No person with the Town of Pense shall harbor or keep more than three dogs or cats in any one household. If a dog or cat defecates on any public or private property other than the owner’s, the owner of the dog/cat shall cause such defecation to be removed immediately. An owner or occupant of private property shall not allow animal feces to accumulate on the property so as to create a health hazard. Next Council Meeting The next regular meetings of the Town Council will be held November 27 and December 11 at 7pm. The Town of Pense Council would like to remind the community that all meetings are open to the public. If you would like to be a delegate at a Council meeting please contact the Town office 24 hours prior to the meeting to be added to the agenda. Page 5 PENSE PROGRESS Mayor: Michele LeBlanc [email protected] Pense Town Office Box 125 243 Brunswick Street Pense, SK S0G 3W0 Phone: 345-2332 Fax: 345-2340 [email protected] Office Hours M, Tu, Th, Fri : 9:00am 4:00pm Wed : 1pm to 6pm Closed for lunch 11:45am to 12:45 pm. Closed on statutory holidays. For after hours or weekend emergencies such as water breaks or dogs running at large, please call 501-0396 Councillors: Ed Hoffmann Randy Lundy Dayna Dziurzynski Kim Nuttall Administrator: Jennifer Lendvay [email protected] Foreman: Patrick Smith [email protected] Steve J. Raine Advisor Member, Advocis Avord Tower 2002 Victoria Av Suite 1200 Regina, Sk S4P 0R7 Tel: 306-757-8631 ext 2209 Fax: 306-359-7447 Cell: 306-520-3361 [email protected] Rob Sandstra Owner Exterior & Interior Renovations Residential & Commercial Construction Consulting and Project Management Fully Licensed, Bonded and Insured Life Insurance RRSPs/RRIFs/RESPs* Long term care insurance Critical Illness insurance Personal health insurance Mutual funds* Annuities Tax-Free Saving Accounts *Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Investment Services (Canada) Inc. The Pense School Cookbooks are now available Contact the School to Get a Copy—$10 Great Stocking Stuffers! Page 6 PENSE PROGRESS Healthy Bits …Sharing my health interests with you! Submitted by Angie Prokopetz, RMT Let’s talk about stress! Christmas is getting closer and our stress levels may begin to rise. Schedules get busier, expectations higher, wallets get tighter and we are stressed out. I have always been amazed by the human body’s way to cope with stress and more than a little concerned with the long term effects. Our nervous system has 2 gears, sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and a parasympathetic nervous system (a relaxed response). Once upon a time, when life was simple, the cave man’s biggest worry was a saber tooth tiger! When the cave man encountered the saber tooth tiger his body went into fight or flight mode. At the sight of the tiger, his brain started sending messages to his body so he could run faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, think faster, and jump higher than he could only seconds earlier. His heart was pumping harder so more blood was sent to the muscles in his arms and legs to make him stronger and faster and his eyes dilated so he could see better. The functions that his body didn’t need to survive the saber tooth tiger attack will be shut down. Digestion stopped and his immune system was temporarily turned off. His body had responded to the high stress of the situation and he survived. The threat was gone so his body now needed to rest so it could transition back into a relaxed state where his body systems could return to normal function. Now we think about the stresses that we are living in. Many people are in fight or flight mode every day. Jam packed schedules, traffic on Regina streets, bad customer service or an awful boss and your body is triggering the fight or flight response on a regular basis. This makes the heart work harder, the immune system weaker and the digestive system slow down. It is suggested that this is a big player in the increase of heart disease, high blood pressure, immune system disorders, migraine headaches, insomnia and digestive disorders. So what to do…. First step is to understand what is happening to us. Awareness is key. Second step is to find ways to have less flight or fight responses. Third step is finding ways to trigger the relaxation response like yoga, exercise, massage, meditation and social support. I think that if the caveman had to deal with a saber tooth tiger attack, every day, multiple times in the day he would probably try to find ways to eliminate the stress… Thought of the day… what saber tooth tiger attack in your modern day can you eliminate? Page 7 PENSE PROGRESS So you’re both ready to say « YES, I DO » then contact : Francine Proulx-Kenzle Marriage Commissioner (registered in Saskatchewan) 306-533-3965 [email protected] FOR A ONE-OF-A-KIND CIVIL MARRIAGE CEREMONY (French and/or English) Cherry Lane Greenhouse and Gifts Colleen McGillivray Grand Coulee, Sk - #1 Highway - West of Regina 1.5 km north on Grand Coulee Access Road (306) 584-5400 or (306) 535-9365 [email protected] Open for the Christmas season! Check the website for details. Page 8 PENSE PROGRESS It IS Easy to be Green submitted by Bonnie Fenrick Here’s what is on my mind that’s green… The ‘Riders!!! But on an environmentally green note: Our fowl supper this year was as green as ever! Some committee members in the past have tried to talk me into using disposable plate. As much as I agree that it would be easier – it is more expensive and I can’t help but smile as I watch our community band together with dish-pan hands for hours getting all those plates washed! Not only did we use “real” plates (for which I have had many compliments on how nice it is to eat a home made meal from a “real” plate!) but we are also careful to recycle as much as possible. Each cranberry can, coleslaw bottle, pickle jar and coffee tin was carefully washed out and taken to recycle bins on Monday following the fowl supper. We only had to haul out 4 bags of garbage following the fowl supper – I can only imagine how many bags would now be in a landfill if we’d used disposable plates or thrown out the recyclables. Here’s where I’d like to give another big shout out to all who go along with my green ways – well most of the time… I did hear the odd “quick, throw this in the garbage while she’s not looking!” I love you all! Editor’s Note: I overheard a comment or two at the Legion Luncheon about the need for a commercial dishwasher for the hall. Not counting the expense, where would we get to know new people in town or hear about all the news if it wasn’t while we’re up to our elbows in dishes at the hall!! School Community Council (SCC) Dear Pense Community, So many towns, so little time! I was so busy last year I needed to send my elf. She did such a great job, but I sure could use a helper this year at the Pense School on December 17th!!! If you, or someone you know, would like to wear the big red suit this year for Pense School’s Christmas Concert, please contact the school 345- 2311. The kids of Pense would love a visit! Love Santa Thank You The Pense Branch #341 of the Royal Canadian Legion would like to say a big “Thank You” to all of the people who attended and participated in our “Remembrance Day Service”. We truly appreciate your support. Special “Thanks” to Rev. Comrade Jack Oglesby, Rev. Mary Beth Nicks Barbour and the Choir. Our Service wouldn’t be the same without you. Page 9 PENSE PROGRESS GRAND COULEE UNITED CHURCH Service Time and Sunday School: Sundays, 11:00 a.m. Do you like to give gift cards for Christmas? Grand Coulee United Church is holding its annual “Shop and Support” fundraiser. Please see the attached list of participating retailers. If you are interested in purchasing any, please contact Bonnie Fenrick at 345-2310 or [email protected] before November 30th. LOBLAWS & GAS VALUE RATE Extra Foods 25/50/100/250 Foodland 25/50 Freshco. 25/50 Independent 25/50/100/250 Longo’s Supermarkets 50/100/250 Maxi 25/50/100/250 No Frills 25/50/100/250 Price Chopper 25/50 Real Canadian Wholesale 25/50/100/250 Safeway 25/50/100 Shoppers Drug Mart 5/10/25/50/100 Starbucks 5/10/2025 Supervalu 25/50/100/250 Walmart 25/50/100 Canadian Tire 10/25/50/100 Petro-Canada 25/50/100 Food Basics 25/50/100 Fortinos 25/50/100/250 Giant Tiger 25/100 Loblaws 25/50/100/250 M&M Meat Shops 25 Metro 25/50/100 Pharma Plus 25/100 Provigo 25/50/100/250 Rexall 25/100 Save Easy 25/50/100/250 Sobeys 25/50 Superstore 25/50/100/250 Valu-Mart 25/50/100/250 Zehrs 25/50/100/250 Esso 25/50/100 Ultramar 25/50/100 The Rec board will be hosting a Christmas craft for children aged 2 and up at the hall basement On Saturday December 7 @ 10-11:30 am. Cost $5. For more info call Rhonda 993-1010. PHONE: 345-2460 FAX: 345-2461 Page 10 PENSE PROGRESS THE PENSE CURLING CLUB WANTS YOU!!! Curling News… The season is now if full swing. We love fans so come on out and watch any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings at 7:15pm to watch! Upcoming events in the world of the Pense Curling Club: REGIFT SPIEL JANUARY 11TH , 2014 CASH SPIEL: JANUARY 25TH , 2014 LADIES’ SPIEL: MARCH 8TH , 2014 WIND UP SPIEL: MARCH 22ND , 2014 Junior curling for grades 3 and up will be starting on Monday, January 6th The Pense Curling Club ice is also available for rent for family or corporate events. Contact Bonnie for more information (contact info below). For information on any of these events, please contact Bonnie Fenrick at 306-345-2310 or [email protected] Hockey in our Home Town! Be sure to come out and support the team! The next home game for the Pense Silver Foxes will be on Tuesday, December 3rd at 8:00pm. Come on out and cheer on our local team! Page 11 PENSE PROGRESS Lions’ Press Nov 2013 FCC Drive Away Hunger Thank you for all the donations to our FCC Food Drive Challenge. This year we collected 569 pounds of food or 6.1 pounds per student. That is an increase of 119 pounds from last year. Congrats to the kindergarten homeroom for winning the school challenge. They collected 7.1 pounds of food per student! School Fundraisers Pense School is selling water bottles and backpacks this year. They are $8 each or purchase both for $15. They are school colors and have the logos on the front. These make great gifts! All fundraising monies raised by Pense School are used to help fund extras for the school. This year we are purchasing drama lights, back drops and extra equipment for recess. This will also assist with presenter and field trip costs. If you have any questions or would like to purchase an item, please contact the school. We thank you for your support! Thank you to everyone who submitted recipes for the cook book. We appreciate your help and support of this new project. The cookbook has been sent to the printers and will be ready beginning of December. We are selling the cookbooks for $10 each. If you would like to order your cookbooks please call the school at 345-2311. They are great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers for everyone on your list! Education Week Presenters We would like to thank all the presenters who came to our school during Education Week. The theme this year was Supporting and Celebrating Success. The presenters spoke to the students about their personal success and how they achieved their goals. Laurie Alexander, a policewoman from Pense, spoke about her journey. Ray Martin spoke about his judo success. Mrs. Tina (Continued on page 12) Page 12 PENSE PROGRESS Chernoff spoke about how she became a synchronized swimming coach and our own staff member, Nancy Wirtz, spoke about becoming a successful artist and displayed her artistic designs for our students. The students also wrote about their personal successes which were displayed in the gym. Acts of Kindness Mrs. Silzer would like to thank the grade 1 & 2 class for the kindness and generosity they showed during the Thanksgiving season. They baked 5 pies and delivered them to members of the Pense community. At first there was talk from the students that they should keep the pies and eat them themselves, but after delivering them they stated how good it made them feel to see others happy and that they liked giving more than receiving. A wonderful lesson for all to learn! Great job grade 1/2 class! Band News Thank you to the families who participated in the grocery card fundraiser. Our annual Christmas Concert is on Sunday, December 15 at 7:00pm at Lumsden High School. See you there! There is a full band rehearsal on December 13th in Lumsden. Remembrance Day Pense School would like to welcome speaker, Mr. Robert Victor Cade, from The Memory Project Speaker Bureau. He will be joining us on Friday November 1st at 10:45. There will also be a short Remembrance Day program on Thursday November 7th at 10:45 am in the gym. Everyone is welcome to attend both events. On November 11th the Pense Legion Remembrance Day service will be held at 10:40 at the Town Hall. The Royal Canadian Legion is very important to us at Pense School. We invite each child to bring a donation for the Poppy Campaign; poppies are available in the library. Our school is again participating in the Legion’s poster, poem and essay contest. All entries must be received by November 4th. You can visit the website at . Christmas Concert Our concert will be held on Tuesday December 17th at 7:00 pm in the school gym. The school choir will be performing a number of songs and all the students will perform 2 short plays. DRESS FOR THE WEATHER With the onset of fall and colder, wet or snowy weather, it's important that students are prepared for changes in weather that often occur throughout the day. Please ensure your child wears a suitable jacket, gloves and hat to school. Recesses are spent outside and they need to stay warm. Cold and Flu Season We would like to remind parents to please keep sick children at home to keep viruses from spreading throughout the school. Page 13 PENSE PROGRESS The Pied Piper Passes Through Pense Submitted by Bonnie Fenrick My family and I were honoured to host Jamie McDonald, Fundraising Adventurer in our home for lunch and his afternoon break on Saturday, November 16th as he was making his way from Grand Coulee to Belle Plaine. This is an amazing man doing amazing things. He is currently running across Canada unassisted to raise money for his home hospital in Gloucester, England as well as Children’s Hospitals across Canada. Here’s a bit of background on Jamie taken from his website In 2012, he cycled 14,000 miles from Bangkok to his hometown Gloucester, passing through dozens of countries. Along the way he was shot at, arrested and slept rough. Just two days after he finished the journey back from Bangkok; he made the decision to attempt the world static cycling record, which stood at 224 hours and 24 minutes. It was a challenge he’d conceived whilst cycling from Bangkok. He finally stepped off the exercise bike set up within a marquee in Gloucester after pedalling for a world record breaking 265 hours – more than eleven days! Throughout both challenges, Jamie raised tens of thousands of pounds for the Pied Piper appeal. As a child, Jamie was in and out of Gloucester Royal hospital for nine years with a rare spinal condition known as syringomyelia, as well as a very weak immune system, and the Pied Piper’s help was invaluable. He also spent a great deal of time at Great Ormond Street. On March 9th 2013, Jamie began his attempt to run Canada coast to coast, more than 5,000 miles unassisted, jointly raising money in aid of UK charities Great Ormond Street Children’s Charity and the Pied Piper Appeal and children’s hospitals throughout Canada. He’ll become the first person in history to run it alone if he completes it, facing snow storms, -30°C temperatures, hundreds of miles without food and water and grizzly bears, all whilst carrying a 30kg backpack – the weight of an average 9 year old boy! He’ll be updating his Twitter and Facebook profiles throughout, as well as recording videos he’ll upload as he did throughout his cycle home from Bangkok. He’s hoping to raise £60,000 for his two UK-based charities and $40,000 for children’s hospitals in Canada. With their £30,000 share, presuming he reaches his target, Great Ormond Street Children’s Charity will be able to fund a member of the play hospital team for an entire year. Jamie began his run at St John’s, Labrador and aims to complete his journey in Vancouver, through mountain ranges, national parks and dangerous terrain. (Continued on page 14) Page 14 PENSE PROGRESS (Continued from page 13) If you or anyone you know can help out in any way from here (Pense, SK) to the west coast, visit his website and see how... Even if you can't help with a meal or a warm bed, please donate to the Children's Hospitals (you can do this through his website as well) Here is a picture of Jamie (on left) and Chad running from Pense to Belle Plaine… Yes, that’s a jackknifed semi in the ditch on the left… TOPS Weigh In Thursday 7:15-7:30 pm Meeting 7:30-8 pm Town Hall basement $5 a month and annual fee of$ 32. Page 15 PENSE PROGRESS Have a community event you'd like made public? You can have your event information displayed on the Lion's community events sign in front of the post office. Please contact the Town Office to have your message displayed. Do you have a neighbor who has just moved in next door or across the street? Be sure to let us know so that we can present them with a complimentary issue of the Pense Progress and welcome them to the neighborhood! DGS Dirt “We Dig It . . . “ *Top Soil Doug & George Szeles PH: 527-8039 email: [email protected] *Fill Dirt Pense, SK Page 16 PENSE PROGRESS Pense Fundraising Committee Thanks to all who helped out at the Fowl Supper. We had a great group working hard at cutting pies, serving food, cooking food, clearing tables, setting up, cleaning up – and so much more! The hard work paid off! We served 341 people and made a profit of $2360 and the Rec. Bd. Made $150 for their contribution to setup. Any dishes left after the fowl supper are in the kitchen at the hall under the serving counter. The hall is open on Monday evenings for dance. All leftovers that were not sold after the supper were donated to Street Culture Kids (c/o Harv & Bev Maertens) and Souls Harbour (c/o Bonnie Fenrick). Our next project will be the community calendar in the early spring of 2014. Projects over the past 5 years: Donation to Jerreth Behr Donation to Tom Lax New gas stove at Pense Legion Donation to walking path New fridge at Pense Legion New tables at hall (upstairs & downstairs) Donation for new lungs for First Responders Donation to Fireworks for Canada Day Donation towards AED for Pense Rink Quilt frame for centennial quilt If you have any questions or comments regarding the Pense Fundraising committee, please contact Bonnie Fenrick at 306-345-2310 or [email protected] Get fit for Charity! On Monday December 9th I will be hosting a night of Fitness for Charity. All money collected that evening will be going to the Leader Post Christmas Cheer Fund (Four Regina shelters for abused women and their children receive the proceeds from the Christmas Cheer Fund - Wish Safe House, Regina Transition House, Isabel Johnson Shelter and Sofia House.) I will also be collecting any old runners (adult and child) for donation to these local shelters. So bring along a friend or attend one of the other classes offered that night to help support this great charity. Drop in rate is $7. There will also be a child/parent yoga class from 6:30 – 7:00 on this day as well. The new session for fitness classes has begun and there is still room to join. If you are interested in joining and would like more information on the classes being offered please call Becky at 345-2255 or email me at [email protected]. PENSE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT I would like to thank everyone who attended the PVFD open house. It was an excellent turn out with lots of interest. Congratulations to Sheldon Sept as our new Fire chief and to Tyler McDonald as Deputy chief . The next meeting is Mon Nov 18 @ 7:30 pm. Ken Lovell Retiring Deputy Chief Page 17 PENSE PROGRESS A big thanks to all those who donated food when Brownies 27 went door to door collecting on October 19th. From Kaitlyn Peachy, Madison Prokopetz, Kolbi Fenrick and Kendra Stratulat. PO BOX 116 121 Manitoba Street Pense, SK S0G 3W0 Diane Klemp Educational Consultant [email protected] (306) 345-2241 Page 18 PENSE PROGRESS Pense Massage Angie Prokopetz, RMT Registered Massage Therapist Therapeutic and Relaxation Hot Jade Stone Masage 301 Brunswick St ~ Pense, SK 306-345-2229 [email protected] Consider giving the gift of MASSAGE this year to your loved ones. Christmas Special: Buy 4 get 1 free! Hi! My name is Angie Prokopetz. I have been a registered Massage therapist for New hours: over 12 years. I studied massage therapy Monday, in Calgary, Alberta. I have worked in a Wednesday and Friday variety of environments including both physio and spas. For the past 7 years I 9am-3pm have worked from my home. My massage style is adaptable! Deep, relaxation or therapeutic, I will adapt to your needs. Adults with chronic back pain, due to computer work or driving, seniors, children and pregnant women all benefit greatly from massage! Book today and see if massage can be a benefit to your health! Massage rates 1 hour- $60 ¾ hour- $50 ½ hour- $40 Full body Hot Stone 75 minutes- $80 PENSE PROGRESS Page 19 Page 20 PENSE PROGRESS Pense Recreation Board Inc. Community programs and the volunteers who make it work! Pense is a thriving community with numerous groups, organizations and programs that rival most urban centers. The list of opportunities that Pense has to offer continues to grow year after year – and so does the need for the volunteers who help make it all happen. If you are wondering how to get involved or if you have a new idea contact a member of the Rec Board – we can find a spot for you or help you with getting a new program started. Volunteering does not take a lot of time, as long as we have enough people to help pitch in! The groups responsible for our numerous programs and events are: Pense Curling Club- Bonnie Fenrick @ 345-2310 or [email protected] Pense Dance Club- Tamara Wolfe @ 345-2848 or [email protected] Pense Fire Department- Ken Lovell @ [email protected] Pense First Responders- Jason Prokopetz 345-2229 or [email protected] Pense Fitness Club/Judo- Ray Martin @ 345-2497 or [email protected] Pense Flyers Men's Hockey Team- Andrew Bedford @345-2233 or [email protected] Pense Minor Hockey- Dayna Dzurzynski @ 345-2334 or [email protected] Pense Minor Sports (t-ball and soccer)- Tanya Lyons-Belt @ 345-2165 or [email protected] Pense Moms and Tots- Genieve Holmberg @ 345-2540 or [email protected] Pense Playschool– Mandy Dugdale @ (306) 345-2155 or [email protected] Pense Progress- Beth Andrews @ 345-2302 or [email protected] Pense Rebels Ladies Softball- Stephanie Klemp @ 345-2219 or [email protected] Pense Recreation Board- Angie Prokopetz @ 345-2229 or [email protected] Pense Rink Board – Chad Fenrick @ 345-2310 or [email protected] Pense School Community Council- Denise Harry- @ 345-2465 or [email protected] Pense Skate Club- Diane Klemp @ 345-2241 or [email protected] Pense TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) Lunette Swystun -@ 345-2443 Pense Town Council- Jennifer Lendvey @ 345-2332 or [email protected]; The Pense Rec Board held a registration night in September. If you did not register at that time, contact the above group for more information and to complete registration.
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