Published at Pense, Saskatchewan Volume 4A Issue 8 March 2015 GOING HOME AGAIN - Beth Andrews It has been said that “you can never go home again” and I really do get the underlying meaning behind that phrase but I don’t entirely agree with it and this weekend I decided to defy the logic and I did just that. My hometown was having a “ladies night” fundraiser and a long time friend and old school chum decided we would take advantage of the opportunity to “go home again” and see some of the old gang. We both admitted to a little uncertainty in this adventure and wondered who we might see and how the town had changed since the last time we had been there. For me it had been two years. Since my parents are now both gone and no siblings living in the area, the reasons for going there usually have to be something special, such as this was. Our first sighting as we turned into town was Brad Johner and three of his sons! Not a bad Upcoming Events If you have a date you would like posted here, please let us know! Apr 29 May 4 May 8 May 23 May 29 Kindgarten Registration Craft n Chat Dance Recital Jun 20 Pense Days School Clean Up & Bottle Drive Pense Arts Gala thing to lay your eyes on first thing! No, they have never lived there — they were the entertainment for the evening and they did a very good job of it. While we didn’t meet some of the ones we expected to see, we did have a chance to visit with many and some we hadn’t seen since leaving school (which is a looooong time for both of us!). I have always found this to be a great adventure. It is so much fun to meet someone who used to be a bully, a nerd teaser, or one who held a “better than you” attitude and see what has happened in the intervening years. I, being one of the nerds at the time I lived there, always delight in having one who made fun of me then come charging up and throw their arms around me with great flourish now. I always used to wonder why I had to be put in the path of these kinds of people but I’ve since learned that they were put in MY path to teach me something, most especially what I shouldn’t do! Anytime you get the chance, go home again, whether it be in your mind or the real deal. You will learn a lot from it. I especially like something I saw on the internet recently which holds a lot of meaning: “Do you remember the time we couldn’t wait to grow up? Hmmm, What the Hell were we thinking?!” How true it is! Page 2 PENSE PROGRESS pense progress Submission deadline is the 15th of each month (no publication in July and August). Please submit your articles, advertisement requests or Notice of Upcoming Event(s) to the Town Office or email to [email protected] Editor: Beth Andrews Assistants: Joyce Crittenden Gail Stelter Subscriptions & Advertising payments to: Pense Progress c/o Town Office P.O. Box 125 Pense, SK S0G 3W0 Late submissions may not be included. Back Issues Of Pense Progress Available From the Town of Pense website: www.pense.ca Advertising rates for Classified Ads: Up to 12 words $ 2.50 Up to 24 words $ 3.50 Up to 36 words $ 5.00 1 Year Subscription 10 issues (Sept—June) $8.00 for copy picked up at Town Office $20.00 for mailed copy (via Canada Post) or No charge for emailed copy The Rec Board receives funding from: Advertising rates for Business Ads: SIZE Business Card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 1 ISSUE 1 YEAR (Same Ad each month) $ 5.00 $ 25.00 $ 8.00 $ 50.00 $12.00 $100.00 1 Year (Changes monthly) $ 35.00 $ 65.00 $120.00 Note: We now offer the opportunity to change your ad monthly or insert specials or upcoming offers. Please check with us for details. Page 3 PENSE PROGRESS Travel Submitted by Bonnie Fenrick Think back to your childhood… What was one summer activity that stands out? The drive-in movie, of course! We decided this was the year to take our kids to the drive-in. There aren’t many of them around anymore, but Wolseley still has one and this summer to celebrate their 60 th anniversary they put on the movie Grease (one of my favourites!). We made the trek to Wolseley on a beautiful August evening. We arrived in good time – which was great because they have a great little playground for the kids to burn off some energy before they have to sit for a couple of hours. They even still had the old style speakers that you hang from your window (or you could tune in your radio – we wanted the complete experience so we used the old style speaker). The popcorn and drinks purchased from the concession were delicious (not that I’ve ever tasted bad movie popcorn)! Due to technical difficulties, the movie did not start right on time (but we did get a chance to see some of the family that owns the drive-in’s family pictures since the movie was being run through their personal laptop – times have changed for sure!) but once it got rolling, it was great! Both kids were asleep by the end of the movie – but that is to be expected since it was close to midnight. I would highly recommend making the trip to Wolseley to the Twilight Drive-in this summer to relive a summer time classic past time! Hmm, you can’t beat taking in an old time movie — and documenting it with a modern day “SELFIE” !!! Love it! Do you remember? Jaws Old Yeller Dirty Dancing Grease Pink Panther ET Lilies of the Field In The Heat of the Night The 5 movie Clint Eastwood all-nighter Page 4 PENSE PROGRESS Town of Pense Submitted by Administration Building Permits Now that spring has arrived, people are thinking about building and renovations. If you are thinking of doing either, please check with the Town Office to determine whether or not you require a permit. Backyard Fires Spring is here and now everyone is enjoying being out in their yards when they can. The Town is asking everyone to be respectful to their neighbours and please refrain from burning rubbish, garden refuse and any material that generates black smoke or an offensive odour. Please contain your fires in a firepit that is a safe distance away from any buildings or trees. 2015 Business & Pet Licenses Due 2015 Business & Pet Licenses are now due. All businesses require a Town of Pense business license, the cost is $10.00. A pet license is $5.00 for a fixed pet and $10.00 for non-fixed. Animals caught running at large without a license tag are subject to a $250.00 fine to the owner. Please pick up after your pets We are still getting complaints from residents who are observing people out walking their dogs and not picking up after them. Please pick up after your pets. It is extremely unsightly and a health hazard not only for other animals but for kids that are out playing. The fine for failure to remove defecation is $250.00 for the first offence, the fine for animal running at large is $250.00 for the first offence. Next Council Meeting The next regular meeting of the Town Council will be held on May 13th at 7 pm. The Town of Pense Council would like to remind the community that all meetings are open to the public. If you would like to be a delegate at a Council meeting please contact the Town office 24 hours prior to the meeting to be added to the agenda. Pense Town Office Box 125 243 Brunswick Street Pense, SK S0G 3W0 Phone: 345-2332 Fax: 345-2340 [email protected] www.pense.ca Office Hours M, Tu, Th, Fri : 9:00am 4:00pm Wed : 1pm to 6pm Closed for lunch 11:45am to 12:45 pm. Closed on statutory holidays. For after hours or weekend emergencies such as water breaks, please call 501-0396 Mayor: Michele LeBlanc [email protected] Councillors: Ed Hoffmann Dayna Dziurzynski Kim Nuttall Sheldon Sept Administrator: Jennifer Lendvay [email protected] Page 5 PENSE PROGRESS Pense All Saints Anglican Church The Pense All Saints church would like to invite you to join us for worship. We are a family focussed congregation and a children’s program will be held during every service. An opportunity to visit over coffee & refreshments will be available after each service All denominations are welcome! 2015 Worship Services: 1st and 3rd Sundays each month 11:15 a.m. May 3 May 17 May 31—5th Sunday TBA June 7 Church News: We have had a good winter! Maintenance crew is still working on church improvements. We held a Bingo on Apr 17th and plans are in the works for some spring projects. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Susan @ 345-2177 or [email protected] Page 6 PENSE PROGRESS So you’re both ready to say « YES, I DO » then contact : Francine Proulx-Kenzle Marriage Commissioner (registered in Saskatchewan) 306-533-3965 [email protected] FOR A ONE-OF-A-KIND CIVIL MARRIAGE CEREMONY Rob Sandstra Owner Exterior & Interior Renovations Residential & Commercial Construction Consulting and Project Management Fully Licensed, Bonded and Insured (French and/or English) GRAND COULEE UNITED CHURCH Service Time and Sunday School: Sundays, 11:00 a.m. Norwex Cleaning without chemicals PO BOX 116 121 Manitoba Street Pense, SK S0G 3W0 Diane Klemp Educational Consultant [email protected] (306) 345-2241 www.discoverytoyslink.com/dianeklemp Jennifer Tanner Independent Norwex Consultant 306-546-5686 [email protected] www.jennifertanner.norwex.biz Page 7 PENSE PROGRESS Pense Baseball for youth! Exciting news for Pense Minor Sports! We have the possibility of a new program! Craig Young has expressed interest in starting a baseball program in Pense. We would like to see what interest we have in ages of 3-16! If there is enough interest we will offer t-ball for 3-5 and depending on the interest for the older ages he would be interested in coaching the older leagues as well. Craig has years of experience of the sport and wants to teach the fundamentals of the game. He has been in contact with a Moose Jaw league that we could play same practice games with them. This would be the start of learning the game, skills and building a team. Our first night will be Wed, April 29th , 6:00pm. This night will determine the interest level. Please meet at the Pense ball diamond. He will also need extra adult helpers. Please contact Craig at 306-550-6477 Or email at [email protected] for more info. Please fill in and return to your teachers: My son or daughter would be interested in joining a Pense baseball team and will be at the ball diamond on April 29th at 6:00 to receive more information on the program. Name._____________________ Age-_____________________ Page 8 PENSE PROGRESS Community Calendars and Phone Lists Pense Danstastics Dance Recital May 8th Pense Town Hall 7:00 p.m. Everyone welcome Donation jar at the door Come out and support your local dancers! The students from Pense School went door to door on Thursday & Friday (April 16th and 17th) to collect payment for this year’s Community Calendar. If you somehow got missed, please contact Bonnie Fenrick at 306-345-2310 or [email protected] to co-ordinate. All paid calendars will be delivered to your home/ business in June. Make sure to support all local businesses that support our calendar! Updated laminated phone lists are available at the Town Office for purchase. Lists are $5 each. This is a handy tool that contains local babysitters, residential and business phone numbers and it’s a great fundraiser for our community. Dance will resume again in the Fall Contact Tamara Wolfe for further info 306-345-2848 Cherry Lane Greenhouse and Gifts Colleen McGillivray Grand Coulee, Sk - #1 Highway - West of Regina 1.5 km north on Grand Coulee Access Road (306) 584-5400 or (306) 535-9365 [email protected] www.cherrylanelandscaping.com I now have office hours in Regina as well. Call me for details! PENSE PROGRESS Page 9 THE PIZZA FARM LEARNING ABOUT AGRICULTURE AND FOOD PRODUCTION FROM THE GROUND UP! WHAT The Pizza Farm is a hands-on agricultural learning experience for local students. It is a large circular plot of land partitioned into smaller plots shaped like pizza wedges. Each of the farm’s wedges produce ingredients that can be used in making pizza. This will include wheat for crust, canola for oil, tomatoes, peppers, garlic and herbs for sauce, a pig for pepperoni and ham, and a dairy cow for cheese. WHY The Pizza Farm is designed to increase agricultural awareness within the community and among youth. It will be an interpretive and educational tool for teaching school children about where food comes from and the important role that modern agriculture and technology play in food production. WHO The Pense School staff and students and Tamara Wolfe will be creating the Pense Pizza Farm to educate the children on food production and the agricultural industry. WHEN This spring, students at Pense School will be busy starting seedlings. Following the initial planting at school, The Pizza Farm site tour will take place on Friday, June 5. During this visit, the children will be involved in planting and seeding part of the pizza farm. Following the initial planting, Agrium will be coming to Pense School with their mobile learning centre, Seed Survivor on June 15, 2015. The second tour day will take place on September 18, 2015 after the students return for the new school year. They will have the opportunity to return to the Pizza Farm to see how the plants have grown and matured over the summer. The second tour will also showcase live dairy and pork animals and students will have an opportunity to harvest their crops. Students will also have the opportunity to grind some wheat into flour and check out some farm equipment. The afternoon portion of the tours will take the students back to their classroom where they will be able to make their very own pizza from the ingredients they harvested from the pizza farm. Children will be treated to a complimentary pizza lunch on each of the tour dates. The remaining produce will be used in the cooking program in Grade 7/8 Practical and Applied Arts. WHERE The Pizza Farm will be located north of town, in the Dugdale field west of Thomson’s Farm. The Dugdale family has generously donated this land for our use. A big thank you to the Dugdale family for their contribution. HOW TO GET INVOLVED We need your help! We will need assistance with the planting day, watering, weeding, and the harvest/pizza making day. If you are interested in becoming involved with the Pizza Farm project, please contact Tamara Wolfe at 306-345-2848 or the Pense School at 306-345-2311. Any in-kind donations of supplies, or money to assist with the project would be greatly appreciated. An example of the Pizza Farm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbsiTdii2ko&feature=em-upload_owner Page 10 PENSE PROGRESS Pense School 2015-2016 Kindergarten Registration Information Kindergarten parent information evening will take place on Wednesday, April 29 at 7:00 p.m. at the school. Parents of all children who will be 5 years old by December 31, 2015 are asked to attend. This evening is for parents only. Registration packages are available at the school or the town office. Forms must be completed and handed in to the school or Mrs. Muma at the April 29 meeting. Please note: we require a photo copy of your child’s Saskatchewan Health card or birth certificate. We could do this for you on that evening. If you have any questions or know of a student who would be ready for school in the fall, please contact the school at 306-345-2311. With the New Year almost here it is time to do some organizing in our cupboards! For a limited time only the Modular Mates are on sale, the perfect time to stock up on the necessities for the perfectly organized pantry. Tupperware I am a new consultant for Tupperware & currently looking for new customers! Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with! Kristen Kobialko PO Box 127 Pense, SK. S0G 3W0 Ph: 306-540-3009 Page 11 PENSE PROGRESS Pense judo and gym Wanting to join the Gym this new year? Book a tour or ask Gen Holmberg for more information! Contact Gen @ 306-345-2540. Bottle Drive & School Grounds Cleanup We will be having our annual bottle drive, school cleanup and BBQ on Saturday May 23. The bottle drive and school yard cleanup will begin at 10 am. We will be cleaning out the gardens in front of the school and planting shrubs. There will be a free community BBQ for all the helpers and their children at noon. The money raised from the bottle drive will fund school and student projects. Start saving those bottles! If you will not be home on May 23, but have bottles to be picked up in advance, please call the school at 345-2311 to arrange pick up or feel free to drop off bottles at school the week before. Please call the school if you are able to attend and help with the day’s activities. Thank you! Page 12 PENSE PROGRESS Lions Press April 2015 School Bottle Drive/School Grounds Clean Up – New Date This Year! We need you on Saturday, May 23, 2015! We will be having our annual bottle drive that day and we need as many community members as possible. The money raised from the bottle drive will fund school and student projects. Start saving those bottles! If you will not be home on May 23, but have bottles to be picked up in advance, please call the school to arrange pick up or feel free to drop off bottles at school the week before. We will also clean up the school ground and plant new shrubs in the front of the school. Regional Science Fair The grade 7/8 students participated in a class science fair on Wednesday, March 18. The students had the opportunity to be judged and to present their projects to the entire student body. Congratulations to the top projects: Paige and Maria (Adrenaline Rush) and Cameron (Personality Test: Right vs. Left Hand Dominance). These winning students have advanced to the Regional Science Fair in Lumsden on March 31. Good luck! Agriculture in the Classroom The grade 3/4 Pense School students had the privilege of listening to Terry Bedard, a visitor through Agriculture in the Classroom. In addition, all students received their own copy of the book and they also had the opportunity to learn about Saskatchewan crops and the agriculture industry. To the many volunteers who help with the canteen every week and make it a success – the student helpers, Mrs. Grainger, Mrs. Thomson and helpers from the community. Mr. Lemon for the farm fresh eggs which our students decorated for Easter. Pense students are very lucky to be provided with the opportunity to learn to curl. A skill that they can use well into their adult life. Many thanks to the Pense Rink Board, Martin, Brian and Bonnie for helping provide our students with the knowledge and the facility. Thank you to Mrs. Brown for teaching our little knitters again this year. The students have been knitting little hats that will be delivered to the Regina General Hospital next month. This has been another project of the Pay It Forward Club. (Continued on page 13) PENSE PROGRESS Page 13 Battle of the Books Update The winner of Round 2 of the Battle of the Books was What to Do When You’re Sent to Your Room by Ann Stott. In Round 3, the students read books based on the theme “Discovery”! The four books in the Round 3 battle included Scowl, Lucky, The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend, and Marlene, Marlene, Queen of Mean. The winner of Round 3 was Scowl! We are currently reading books for Round 4, which include Hamster Monster, The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade, Gaston, and Piggy Bunny. The theme of these books is “Finding Your Place”. Voting for Round 4 will be completed by April 2 nd. May the best book win! Mrs. Bohay Teacher Librarian Pense Community Calendar and Photo Contest The Grade 7/8 students will be in the community on Thursday April 16 and Friday April 17 selling community calendars and collecting information. As well, students from Pense School have been asked to submit photos for the calendar main page. So for the month of April students can email their landscape photos of Pense to [email protected] and the best photos will be sent on to the committee for final judging. Art Club The Art Club has made 5 framed collage pictures of some of the world's endangered animals. The students used old dictionary pages to draw and color their pictures on. They are currently hanging in the staffroom; so if you are in the school please stop in and take a look. Because Earth Day is April 22 we will use only recycled materials in our art all of April. Pense Arts Gala On May 29, put on your best and come to Pense School gym for the 2nd Annual Pense Arts Gala! Celebrate the artists and performers at our school and support our fundraising goal of building a school in Haiti. Treat yourself to performances by the school bands, choir, cheer and more. View and bid on works of art by the artists of Pense School. Enjoy refreshments and visit with your friends and neighbors. The event begins at 7:00pm and all are welcome! Watch for more information coming soon! Pay It Forward Club The Pay it Forward Club has been receiving emails from all over. Below is an email from students in Picacho, Panama and how they are “paying it forward”. Hello Pense School Pay It Forward Club, I volunteer and co-teach an English class in the small village of Picacho, Panama. Our students were the recipients of a gift (lanyards) from The Horizon Credit Union in Grenfell, Sask. and included with the gift was your Pay It Forward challenge. Our students took up your challenge and have written about it below. I have attached a photograph taken yesterday of the students, sporting their lanyards. Dear Pay it Forward Club: We are students of English in Picacho, Panama. Our little village is in the mountains near Coronado. On Saturday, March 14th, 2015, we had a Family Day Fundraiser to help our neighbours in need. We sold traditional Panamanian food like sancocho soup, fried chicken, sausage, chicken kebabs, tamales, potatoe salad, empanadas and hojaldas. We also sold plants, ceramic yard ornaments, fruit, herb bouquets, soda, clothes, candy, toothbrushes and toothpaste, cookies and cake. In addition, we played soccer and had a cake raffle to raise money. We have “paid it forward” and we will continue. Sincerely, Picacho English Class Page 14 PENSE PROGRESS Pense Massage Like my new Facebook page! Search Pense Massage Angie Prokopetz, RMT Registered Massage Therapist Therapeutic and Relaxation Hot Jade Stone Massage 301 Brunswick St ~ Pense, SK 306-345-2229 [email protected] Yahoo! Spring is here and winter was kind to us! Book a massage to rid the body of its winter blues and binge watching muscle aches (formerly known as couch sores). Get your body ready for garden season, fishing season, camping season or farming season…. Whatever season spring is to you! New clients will receive $20 off first massage! My name is Angie Prokopetz. I have been a registered Massage therapist for over 13 years. I studied massage therapy New hours: in Calgary, Alberta. Monday, I have worked in a variety of environments, including both physio and spas. For the past 8 years, I have worked from my home. My massage style is adaptable! Deep, relaxation or therapeutic, I will adapt to your needs. Adults with chronic back pain, due to computer work or Wednesday and Friday 9am-3pm Massage rates 60 minute- $60 45 minute- $50 30 minute- $40 driving, seniors, children and pregnant women all benefit greatly from massage! Book today and see if massage can be a benefit to your health! Full body Hot Stone 75 minutes- $80 Page 15 PENSE PROGRESS Have a community event you'd like made public? You can have your event information displayed on the Lion's community events sign in front of the post office. Please contact the Town Office to have your message displayed. PHONE: 345-2460 FAX: 345-2461 Do you have a neighbor who has just moved in next door or across the street? Be sure to let us know so that we can present them with a complimentary issue of the Pense Progress and welcome them to the neighborhood! DGS Dirt “We Dig It . . . “ *Top Soil *Fill Dirt **Gravel Doug & George Szeles **Driveway Gravel Pense, SK PH: 527-8039 email: [email protected] TOPS Weigh In Thursday 7:15-7:30 pm Meeting 7:30-8 pm Town Hall basement $5 a month and annual fee of$ 32. Page 16 PENSE PROGRESS Pense Recreation Board Inc. Community programs and the volunteers who make it work! Pense is a thriving community with numerous groups, organizations and programs that rival most urban centers. The list of opportunities that Pense has to offer continues to grow year after year – and so does the need for the volunteers who help make it all happen. If you are wondering how to get involved or if you have a new idea contact a member of the Rec Board – we can find a spot for you or help you with getting a new program started. Volunteering does not take a lot of time, as long as we have enough people to help pitch in! The groups responsible for our numerous programs and events are: Pense Curling Club- Bonnie Fenrick @ 345-2310 or [email protected] Pense Dance Club- Tamara Wolfe @ 345-2848 or [email protected] Pense Fire Department– Sheldon Sept @ [email protected] Pense First Responders- Jason Prokopetz 345-2229 or [email protected] Pense Fitness Club/Judo- Ray Martin @ 345-2497 or [email protected] Pense Flyers Men's Hockey Team– Curtis Lax ([email protected]) Pense Minor Hockey- Dayna Dzurzynski @ 345-2334 or [email protected] Pense Minor Sports (t-ball and soccer)- Tanya Lyons-Belt @ 345-2165 or [email protected] Pense Moms and Tots- Genieve Holmberg @ 345-2540 or [email protected] Pense Playschool– Mandy Dugdale @ (306) 345-2155 or [email protected] Pense Progress- Beth Andrews @ 345-2302 or [email protected] Pense Rebels Ladies Softball- Stephanie Klemp @ 345-2219 or [email protected] Pense Recreation Board- Angie Prokopetz @ 345-2229 or [email protected] Pense Rink Board – Justin Dickie @306-533-0650 or [email protected] Pense School Community Council- Denise Harry- @ 345-2465 or [email protected] Pense Skate Club- Diane Klemp @ 345-2241 or [email protected] Pense TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) Lunette Swystun -@ 345-2443 Pense Town Council- Jennifer Lendvay @ 345-2332 or [email protected] The Pense Rec Board held a registration night in September. If you did not register at that time, contact the above group for more information and to complete registration.
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