Vista News - Sierra Vista United Methodist Church
Vista News - Sierra Vista United Methodist Church
Vista News COMMITTED TO CHRIST Growing in Faith, Ministers to Each Other, Disciples in Our World Church Phone: 325-944-4041 Preschool: 325-949-2075 Kid’s Day Out: 325-949-0219 Web site: Email: [email protected] Sierra Vista United Methodist Church 4522 College Hills Blvd San Angelo, TX 76904-6922 Semimonthly Publication June 21, 2016 Vacation Bible School Update At VBS, “the wave of God’s amazing love” was everywhere at Sierra Vista this year! From June 6 through 9, our church campus was overflowing with excitement, fellowship, and Bible stories! Here are some basic stats about VBS, 2016: 200 participating children 46 youth volunteers 68 adult volunteers $1,052.62 raised by the kids in the Penny Push for the Children’s Bed Project of San Angelo. No where was God more apparent during VBS than in the hands, actions, and hearts of the over 100 members of the youth and adult servant teams. They offered their energy, sacrificed time from their own busy schedules, and gave these children experiences that will have life-long impact. What a remarkable witness each of them is! Thank you, also, to the entire congregation of Sierra Vista for supporting this important and vital ministry to the children of this community! “Change my phone number!” See inside... Age Level News p. 8 & 9 Calendar p. 6 & 7 Gifts p. 3 Fact & Figures p. 10 Lectionary p. 7 Pastor’s Column p. 2 Prayer Concerns p. 2 Sierra Vista Info. p. 3, 4 & 5 Thanks p. 3 “Roy, you’ve just retired from the sound board.” What are you going to do now? SVUMC Loves Roy Moon— and Pot Luck Dinners Roy Moon, Sierra Vista’s resident technology wizard, is distancing himself from the sound booth. He and Cathye are soon to become grandparents and need to be foot loose and fancy free to enjoy their family. While Roy will continue to work on special projects, he will no longer be manning the sound booth every Saturday and Sunday. To celebrate his selfless service and his many contributions to the life of Sierra Vista, there will be a pot luck dinner on Saturday, July 16th in the Life Center. It will begin at the conclusion of the Saturday night service which is at about 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. Bring your favorite dish. There will be no videos, slide shows or music, so Roy can actually sit down! Page 2 SIERRA VISTA NEWS OF INTEREST June 21, 2016 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. ~ Psalm 19:1-2 I got up early this morning to take, Gracie, my Rottweiler-mix, for a walk. Today I decided not to put my ear buds in to listen to music or scripture, but to just be present to God and to my surroundings as we walked. Amazing what I noticed. Birds everywhere, chirping in all different dialects and sounds; dogs barking; trees of all shapes and sizes; vibrant colored flowers. The sky was a tapestry of white clouds against a brightening blue sky. At one point, I rounded a corner and saw a peak of the sun breaking through the clouds on the horizon and my heart leapt in my chest. Yes, the sight was beautiful, but more than that I was so acutely aware of the beauty, the majesty, the mercy and the steadfastness of God. I was reminded in that moment of Jesus’ resurrection and the hope that resurrection offers us every day. A hope that dares to continue to “rise and shine” every day and to remind us that God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) . A hope that was there before I was ever born, and a hope that will remain long after I am gone. A hope grounded in the truth that “the worst thing is never the last thing” (Frederick Buechner). A hope not grounded in a fatalism that says, “we just put up with the brokenness in the world until we get to heaven someday”, but rather a hope which empowers us to do something about the brokenness around us. This is a hope that informs us how we are to respond to the brokenness we see all around us. How we respond to the mass murder in Orlando; to the plight of children in our world: immigrant children in detention centers, children being sold into the sex trade, children abandoned, neglected or abused, children going hungry, children who cannot read, and children going to bed at night without a bed. How we respond to our enemies and to our friends; to the hurting, grieving, and lonely in our midst. And the list goes on. My heart leapt in my chest at into a dark and broken world and did something about it. Resurrection is happening every moment of every day. The question for us is, how will we continue to let this reality spur us on to be agents of hope and change in the world, to speak light into the dark places, to be sources of comfort and peace, and to be voices and advocates for the voiceless and vulnerable? I am so grateful to be part of a community of faith who is willing to ask these questions and act courageously to seek solutions. May the sunrise each morning remind you of the steadfast love and mercy of God and of the resurrection hope of our faith. In the love of Christ, Tamara the sight of the sun rising, because it reminded me that Jesus entered PRAYER CONCERNS Recent concerns: Patricia Barrett Ginger Bright Carol Elliott Jason Geron Joe Hardaway Leroy Jones Jean Miller Ana-Kate Partridge Donna Rogers Diane Warnick Loretta Wheeler Jake Birkes Terry Clutter Tissie Elliott Brees Guevara Violet Hardaway Joe McClure Mary Beth Moore Dale Potter Sara Springer Lloyd Waters Leonard Williams McKenna Bowie April Davidson Matthew Estrada Bray Guevara Barbara Jackson Taryn McCrea Jerry Parker Karen Richards Lana Tinney Austin Weeds Our Nation Hospitalized: Hadlee Holik Condolences: Condolences: Family & friends of Roger Goertz on his death on June 17, 2016. Family & friends of Doris Jones on her death on June 14, 2016. Andy & Dick Richey & family on the death of their son-in-law David Farmer on June 13, 2016, Mary Kirby Keeney & family on the death of her son Reg Kirby. Donna Kay Stiles & family on the death of her husband Bill on June 15, 2016. June 21, 2016 SIERRA VISTA NEWS OF INTEREST Dear Friends, The Board and Staff want to thank you for your donation of $257. Your generosity enables us to provide temporary care for children of abuse and neglect. We deeply appreciate your support. Sammye Ruppeck, Ex. Director A special thank you to the wonderful, cheerful, helpful group of Fantabulous Folders on May 24th which include: JoAnn Livingston Mary Waites Lynette Ott Sarah Post Judy Knepshield Lynn Barlow Patty Towler Bert Brewer Himself Martha McMeans Casper Evonne Teague Page 3 Gifts were given: In Memory of: Anetta Lupton, by Libby & Joe Mims to Youth Missions Clyde Allen, by Libby & Joe Mims to Permanent Endowment June Hicks, by Libby & Joe Mims to Permanent Endowment by LuAnn & David Lupton to Youth Missions Lenore Longnecker, by Velda & George Samuels to UMYF Senior Scholarship by Mary Martha SS Class to Bus Fund by LuAnn & David Lupton to Youth Missions Annette Hopkins, by Gloria Robertson WE NEED YOU, CAN YOU HELP? COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR Coffee with the Pastor”, with Pastor Stan Whites, will be Sunday, July 17th, at 9:45 a.m in the Fellowship Hall. All first time and ongoing visitors are welcome. No RSVP is required. You’ll find a comfortable small group and a place to get acquainted and ask questions. Unknown Addressed We’ve lost touch with the following Sierra Vista members: Rebecca “Becca” Barton Wendy E. Cox Samuel “Sam” Griffin Daulong Brittnae Allyson Davidson Jeff Torgersen Please contact the Church Office, (325) 944-4041, if you have current information. Thank You. We’ll canvass the Alta Loma neighborhood, hanging 400 door hangers with KIDS EAT FREE information, in an effort to let all families with children know they can have healthy lunches before school resumes. Please join us! Sunday, June 26 - 6:00 p.m. Gospel Ministries for Children One block south of Alta Loma, large metal building We’ll walk in teams of 2. It should take about an hour if we have several volunteers. What a fun way to get exercise & spread God’s Love. Please call Pam Holubec 944-0483 or 656-2048 or email at [email protected] if you can help. Hope is a forward looking reality. Let your hope spring eternal through a gift to the church’s Permanent Endowment Fund. Please find your name tag and wear it to church! If you don’t have one, you may call the office to order one. Page 4 SIERRA VISTA NEWS OF INTEREST KIDS EAT FREE 2016 Families will be gathering at the door of Gospel Ministries before we know it, so it’s time to plan to feed them. Please pray about ways you can help this summer. More information forthcoming, but, we KNOW we’ll need: *volunteers to prepare meals on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday team * volunteers to serve on those days, cleaning up and putting away at the end of the meal * someone to solicit education/entertainment geared toward kids * funds to cover the cost of the healthy meals we’ll serve WE NEED YOU! To volunteer, call, text or email Pam Holubec at: [email protected] 325-944-0483 or 325 -656-2048 “Operation Can Do!” This summer please bring in canned items for Project Dignidad for the months of June & July. Sierra Vista - we CAN do it! Project Dignidad is also accepting fresh items from your gardens. Your garden overflow can bless others. If you have fresh items you can take them to Project Dignidad at 313 W. Ave. N between 9am-1pm, Monday through Friday. Thank you! Ink Cartridges & Box Tops We are still taking empty ink cartridges (only the small ones as they do not accept the large ones). We are also taking Box Tops for Education. Please place these donations in the drawer labeled Alta Loma in the Narthex. Thank you. Sermon Link Saturday & Sunday’s sermons are now available on the Sierra Vista website at June 21, 2016 J.O.Y.ful News! 1st Tuesday, July 5, 2016 9:00 am - Fun Fest in the Life Center Fellowship, Devotional, Games, Covered Dish Lunch. 2nd Tuesday, July 12, 2016 & July 17th at 8:30 &11 a.m. Circuit Singers July is Gospel month at Sierra Vista. We’ll use the Cokesbury hymnal in worship and special music will be a selection from the golden days of hymn singing. We’ll meet in the choir room Tuesday, July 12 at 10 a.m. (our regular time) to enjoy an old-time hymn singing and rehearse for the Sunday service, led by Mr. Mark Clark. The music will be easy and, as always, the objective will be to have fun and make a joyful noise. Of course we will then have lunch at one of San Angelo’s fine restaurants. On Sunday, July 17 our Circuit Singers will lead hymn singing, and we’ll sing for both the 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. We do some of our favorite old hymns, so pleeeeeease join us by 8:10 a.m. in the choir room. You will be able to leave during the “Birthday Box,” so you won’t have to stay for both services. Don’t forget to wear your Circuit Singers shirts. 3rd Tuesday, July 19, 2016 10:00 a.m. - SAM’s - Historic Bus Tour of San Angelo with Suzanne Campbell Suzanne will provide a guided tour of our historic city from the comfort of our new bus, which is equipped with an excellent public address system. Lunch will follow at one of San Angelo’s fine restaurants. The deadline for articles in the Vista News is at 5 p.m. on the following: July 7 July 21 Newsletters are mailed the following Tuesdays. June 21, 2016 Page 5 SIERRA VISTA NEWS OF INTEREST Don’t Miss Out on a Good Time! Mark Sunday, August 14th, noon, on your calendar to feast and fellowship with ASU RAM football players and coaches. You’ll be glad you did! Reservations will be taken soon. Alta Loma News Alta Loma Angels Meeting The next Alta Loma Angels Meeting will be sometime in August. For more info contact LuAnn Lupton at [email protected] or 325-3748403. Bed Project “NEWCOMERS” Mini-Handbell & Rhythm Camp! Ringing and playing hand bells and instruments is exciting, challenging and fun! What a way to spend a couple of hours and increase your brain power! Come join us and see!!! WHEN: August 10 & 11 TIME: 10:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (Pizza at NOON!!) WHERE: Choir & Bell Rooms FOR: Children grades 2-5 (who haven’t played hand bells) Enter through the Nursery door Entrance Contact: Linda Sylva by June 30 at 325/2342588 or [email protected] Sierra Vista UMC Infertility Resource/Prayer Group Have you or someone close to you experienced infertility? Local support resources for those struggling with infertility are limited in San Angelo. We are in the process of trying to develop a list of couples who have been on that journey – whether it resulted in pregnancy, adoption or deciding to remain childfree – to provide couples currently experiencing infertility with either someone to talk to who has been there or someone just to pray for them. If you would like to be available as a resource for couples struggling with infertility within our church or if you would like to pray for these couples, please contact the church office. There have been 575 beds provided for the children of San Angelo! Thanks to everyone!!! Rust Street ministries is helping with this project. You can help by delivery, preparing bags for the families and donations. Contact Shirley @ 325-6569740. The Sierra Vista UMC VBS Children’s Penny Push collected $1,062.52 for the Bed Project. God is certainly at work! Thank you to everyone! Kids Eat Free 2016 When? July 5-August 12 - 11:30 set up through 1:30 clean up Where? Gospel Ministries to Children, 1410 Garfield, 1 block south of Alta Loma Will you join us? Serve on a cooking team &/or set up & serve & clean up on a day of your choosing or bring a craft to do with kids (15-20 minutes, very small groups) Day captains: Mon – Joyce Sprott – 949-4595 Tues – LuAnn Lupton – 944-2420 Shirley Oliphant – 949-7683 Gwen Woodward – 944-8018 Wed – Jamie Barker – 942-1202 Thu – Cindy Love – 617-2395 Beccye Reese – 212-6263 Fri – Laura Moore – 947-7954 Bill Ott – 949-6374 Pam Holubec – 944-0483 or 656-2048 ATTENDANCE 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Total Sunday School MAY 22 62 216 209 487 320 MAY 29 77 192 168 437 241 JUN 5 56 261 255 572 329 JUN 12 46 147 181 374 170 Page 6 SIERRA VISTA NEWS OF INTEREST June 21, 2016 July 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 9:30AM Mission Possible 3 4 5 6 9:00AM Fun Fest 5:30PM Emmaus Board 6:30PM Emmaus 9:00AM1:30PM CDC & KDO Summer Camp 5:00PM Vista News deadline 10:00AM Care & Share 11 12 13 15 9:00AM1:30PM CDC & KDO Summer Camp 9:45AM Circuit Singers 10-ish AM Vista News Folding 9:00AM1:30PM CDC & KDO Summer Camp 18 19 20 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 10 17 10:00AM SAM’s 11:00AM Pastor Blaster 6:30PM Trustees’ 9:45AM Coffee with the Pastors 24 9:45AM Harvest Festival Committee Mtg. 31 9:45AM Church -wide Pot Luck Brunch 25 26 10-ish Vista News Folding & lunch 7 14 8 9:30AM Mission Possible 21 22 10:00AM Care & Share 5:00PM Vista News deadline 27 28 29 9:30AM Mission Possible 9 16 6:30PM Moon “SemiRetirement Party 23 8:30-3:00 Preschool Leader Training 30 2:00PM Sprott 90th Birthday Party June 21, 2016 SIERRA VISTA NEWS OF INTEREST Page 7 Sierra Vista United Methodist Church CALENDAR OF STANDING EVENTS July, 2016 SUNDAYS *8:30 a.m. *9:45 a.m. *11:00 a.m. TBA LIFE Groups Worship Sunday School Worship Youth Fellowship Mondays 7:00 p.m. Roger & Linda Ellison LC MONDAYS 8:00 a.m. Quilters 2:00 p.m. Mah Jongg 6:00 p.m. Ukelele Ladies N-1 N-1 S-4 TUESDAYS 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Meeting WEDNESDAYS 10:00 a.m. Chair Yoga 11:15 a.m. Intercessory Prayer 6:00 p.m. UMYF Study LC 105 FH LC 106 Pr. Room LC 102 THURSDAYS 9:30 a.m. Reunion Group 6:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball FRIDAYS 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. S-1 LC Quilters Chair Pilates SATURDAYS 4:30 p.m. Saturday Bible Study *5:30 p.m. Worship N-1 LC 106 S-1 Chapel Hall Lectionary Scripture Readings June 26 July 3 July 10 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-62 2 Kings 5:1-4 Psalm 30 Galatians 6:7-16 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Amos 7:7-17 Psalm 82 Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. Bobbie Jo Griffith Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. Women’s Group Thursdays 6:30 p.m. Joe & Mary McClure 6:30 p.m. Bob & Beccye Reece 656-5037 808-620-0496 949-6805 944-7733 651-7882 *Indicates child care is regularly provided; any group may have child care on request with 5 business days advance notice. Regular Meetings: Emmaus Board 1st Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. Emmaus Gathering 1st Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Chrysalis Board 3rd Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. Board of Trustees 3rd Tuesdays of odd months at 6:30 p.m. Finance Committee 4th Tuesdays of odd months at 6:30 p.m. Page 8 June 21, 2016 AGE LEVEL NEWS For additional information on any children’s activity, please call the Church Office or email Kelly at [email protected] org Summer Mission Work for Older Elementary Children This summer, Sierra Vista UMC will be hosting a training day for early education teachers who are certified daycare workers by the State of Texas. The training day will be on Saturday, July 23, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There is a $20 registration fee that includes all materials, as well as lunch. Walk-ins will also be welcome at an increased registration rate. Pastor Blaster Tuesday, July 19 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Once again, kids at Sierra Vista are doing service projects this summer at various locations throughout the Concho Valley. “Mission: Possible” is geared toward all kids who will be entering the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades in fall, 2016. We will plan on two Fridays a month from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Our next mission together will be Friday, July 1. Kids should wear their MP t-shirt and walking shoes; they should also bring a sack lunch. Parents can drop-off and pick-up in the front Sierra Vista parking lot. Other Mission: Possible dates include July 15 and 29, as well as August 12. More information is also coming about a special end-of-summer celebration planned for this group. Care and Share Younger elementary kids at Sierra Vista will get a chance to do mission work this summer! On Friday, June 24, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., children going into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades are invited to spend the morning helping to make sandwiches for the Wesley Soup Kitchen. This “Care and Share” morning will include snacks and some fun, play time. Fridays, July 8 and 22, will be other “Care and Share” opportunities. Parents are encouraged to enjoy these simple volunteer opportunities with their children and should look for email updates with more specific information. Preschool Teacher Training Day Enjoy fellowship time, water fun, and summer sunshine with other Sierra Vista kids, Tamara, and Stan. Kids should bring their water guns and swim suits. The Church will provide a pizza lunch and the water! Children’s Summer Camp July 31-August 4 “Keeping God’s Earth” Children entering 3rd through 6th grades in fall, 2016, are invited to attend camp to experience God’s love and grace through outdoor activities, crafts, scripture activities, music, guided play, and fellowship. For the second year, Sierra Vista UMC will host this camp, and it will be held at Camp Butman near Merkel; campers will much enjoy their wonderful facilities! Cost per child is $250. Registration forms are now available in the Church Office. Mar. June 31, 21, 2009 2016 Page 9 AGE LEVEL NEWS Summer UMYF Summer UMYF has begun and will begin meeting from 5-7 pm unless stated otherwise on your weekly postcard. Each week we will have a different activity, so the times will vary some weeks… SO PLEASE CHECK YOUR CARD! Soda Can Pulls Remember to continue saving your soda can pull tops. 24 pounds of pulls will help a family of 4 spend a night in the Ronald McDonald House. Thank you for all your support! Summer Sunday School Car Wash Tokens Are Here! All youth 6th through 12th will meet in Life Center Room 102. We have car wash tokens for sale. They are $10 each. $5 of the $10 goes directly to our Youth Fund. Stripes will make your car shine and our Youth fund grow. Come by the Church Office or see Tina or Ann on Sunday. Senior Scholarships Sierra Vista will be giving 4 - $500 dollar scholarships to graduating seniors this year. This money is not in our budget, it comes from you! If you are looking for a place to donate some money, we hope you will consider donating to this fund. You can make it in honor or memory of a loved one and it will be a great way to support four deserving seniors from this church. Youth Mission Trips - 2016 Stained Glass & Scenic Note Cards We have packages of note cards of the stained glass windows of Sierra Vista. They are $8.00 for a package of 12 cards. We are also offering some scenic note cards with different scriptures for $15.00 for a package of 24. And lastly, we beautifully packaged San Angelo Water note cards for $10 for a package of 12. The Mission Trips for 2016 are set. Junior High has just returned from Quest Ranch in Canyon Lake. The Senior High trip will be going to Dallas, Texas to do Social Justice work. (More to come on this) from July 3rd - July 9th. We’ll be working with several outreaches in the Dallas area and directly with the homeless. I’m so excited about these opportunities and look forward to being the hands and feet of Christ, as well as serving beside the Youth of Sierra Vista. Sierra Vista T-shirts We are selling Sierra Vista TShirts. They are $10 each. You can call the church office or come see me on Sunday mornings. The shirts are purple or blue (The purple one have Sierra Vista United Methodist Youth printed on them and the blue ones have Sierra Vista United Methodist Church). Jr. High Mission work at Quest Ranch CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor Stan Whites Associate Pastor Tamara Strehli Director of Family Ministries & Wedding Coordinator Kelly Duke Director of Music Ministries Kevin Lambert Director of Youth Ministries Tina Glass Director of Adult Ministries Gary Booth Director of Discipleship Ministries Nancy Knight Accompanists Shirlene Klein Linda Sylva Financial Director Donna Tallas Administrative Assistant Ann Dodgen Administrative Aide Troi Middleton Nursery Ministries & KDO Program Coordinator Andrea Wagner Preschool Director Tracy Herrington Youth Program Assistant Will Felts Technology Roy Moon Office Assistant Bruce McLaren Custodians Jaime De Los Santos, Lulu Ortega & Alma Moreno Sierra Vista United Methodist Church 4522 College Hills Blvd. San Angelo, TX 76904-6922 NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT # 28 SAN ANGELO, TX RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Page 10 FINANCIAL SUPPORT 2016 Budget Anticipated Monthly Income/Expense $1,304,812.00 $ 108,735.00 Anticipated JAN-MAY 2016 $ 558,825.00 Budget Income JAN-MAR 2016 Budget Income APR 2016 Budget Income MAY 2016 INCOME JAN-MAY 2016 $ $ $ $ 352,408.97 103,428.50 130,870.26 586,707.73 Budget Expense JAN-MAR 2016 Budget Expense APR 2016 Budget Expense MAY 2016 EXPENSE JAN-MAY 2016 Net MAY 31, 2016 pre-audit $ $ $ $ $ 314,083.10 100,861.53 101,411.48 516,356.11 70,351.62 Restricted Gifts JAN 3-JUN 12, 2016 Alta Loma Outreach $ Bethel UMC $ Bus $ CDC Scholarship (Preschool/K/KDO) $ Celebration Box $ Children’s Bed Project $ Children’s Bed Project VBS Penny push $ Children’s Fund Raisers $ Children’s Special $ Costa Rica-Thomas $ Digital Sign $ GRACE Market $ Harvest Festival $ 1,135.00 3,005.00 1,615.00 45.36 1,708.65 13,829.03 1,065.52 3,350.50 1,107.41 1,630.00 10,000.00 4.00 230.00 Honduras Mission Kenya (Kate Cantu) Kids Eat Free Outreach Leadership Training Institute Library - books Library - music Mary Lee Art Fund Men’s Bible Conversation Methodist Children’s Home, Waco Mid-Week Ministries:KICK Mission Trips: Youth Music (including Bells) Organ Fund Permanent Endowment Project Dignidad: Easter Hams Project Dignidad (food value) Security System Senior Adult Ministries Special Sierra Vista Men Youth Mission Trips Youth: Senior Scholarship Youth Special $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15,740.00 345.00 3,757.00 1,500.00 561.00 75.00 35.00 517.00 48.99 911.00 1,362.00 1,212.00 2,615.00 545.00 1,568.00 1,208.00 3,561.00 648.00 130.00 8,437.00 590.00 1,868.73 Altar Rail Account (Pastors’ Discretionary Fund): Beginning Balance JAN 1, 2016 Received JAN-MAY 2016 Spent JAN-MAY 2016 Balance MAY 16, 2016 $ $ $ $ 1,057.69 1,303.60 1,520.84 840.45