GLOBAL AMBOO SUMMIT - Global Bamboo Summit
GLOBAL AMBOO SUMMIT - Global Bamboo Summit
O V EL O P M E NT BLE D E -G LO BA L GLOBAL AMBOO SUMMIT O BA TI O RA N B PE O SU IN A A T S O MB O R Government of Madhya Pradesh C F Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare 8 - 10 APRIL 2016 BRILLIANT CONVENTION CENTER, INDORE (MP) w w w. g l o b a l b a m b o o s u m m i t . o r g ORGANISED BY: Madhya Pradesh State Bamboo Mission (MPSBM) Indian Federation of Green Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Energy (IFGE) CO-ORGANISED BY: ASSOCIATE PARTNER National Bamboo Mission North East Centre for Technology Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India Application and Reach SUPPORTED BY MP STATE BAMBOO MISSION (MPSBM) MP STATE BAMBOO MISSION (MPSBM) MP State Bamboo Mission has been registered as society in July 20132013 under M PM Societies Registration Act, Act, MP State Bamboo Mission has been registered as society in July under P Societies Registration 1973. The The society shallshall function as the coordinating organization for implementation of the 1973. society function as apex the apex coordinating organization for implementation of activities the activities of the Bamboo Mission in Madhya Pradesh and and or any otherother project givengiven to the for its of National the National Bamboo Mission in Madhya Pradesh or any project to society the society for its implementation. Objective is toisdevelop a new line line of bamboo products by bamboo artisans for national implementation. Objective to develop a new of bamboo products by bamboo artisans for national and and international marketing (market), also also to promote and and facilitate traditional and and nontraditional bamboo international marketing (market), to promote facilitate traditional nontraditional bamboo based artisans by developing theirtheir skills,skills, increasing the supply of quality bamboo and availability of advanced based artisans by developing increasing the supply of quality bamboo and availability of advanced toolstools and and equipments. equipments. INDIAN FEDERATION OF GREEN ENERGY INDIAN FEDERATION OF GREEN ENERGY (IFGE) (IFGE) IFGEIFGE is a partnership of committed groups of visionaries, stakeholders fromfrom diverse industries, business and and is a partnership of committed groups of visionaries, stakeholders diverse industries, business services having similar and and complementary vision for creating a sustainable energy ecosystem and and mitigate services having similar complementary vision for creating a sustainable energy ecosystem mitigate challenges and and concerns. challenges concerns. P IFGEIFGE is anisumbrella organisation which represents the interests of the renewal energy sector in itsin its an umbrella organisation which represents the interests of national the national renewal energy sector totality – bio–energy, solar,solar, wind,wind, hydal, tidal,tidal, geothermal. totality bio energy, hydal, geothermal. F IFGEIFGE works withwith a Vision to drive and and deliver an integrated approach for establishing a sustainable energy works a Vision to drive deliver an integrated approach for establishing a sustainable energy ecosystem working withwith all stakeholders across sectors, states and and nations. ecosystem working all stakeholders across sectors, states nations. F F F F F F F t, es ts al o d Y d e ts gy ''BAMBOO ''BAMBOOFOR FOR SUSTAINABLE SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT'' DEVELOPMENT'' BAM BA GLOBAL COOPERATION GLOBAL COOPERATION OBJECTIVES GBS OBJECTIVES GBS 1 and and exchange opinions about the challenges facedfaced by by 1Discuss Discuss exchange opinions about the challenges growers, artisans, entrepreneurs and and machinery manufacturers. growers, artisans, entrepreneurs machinery manufacturers. 2 waysways to deal withwith the procurement of bamboo, its cultivation 2Discuss Discuss to deal the procurement of bamboo, its cultivation and and policy issues. policy issues. 3 information about the recent international trends withwith regard 3Provide Provide information about the recent international trends regard to bamboo products, its industrial usage, designs and and consumers to bamboo products, its industrial usage, designs consumers preferences preferences MP VERSA VER F F ToT for wood withwith bamboo ToTsubstituting for substituting wood bamboo Bamboo Bambo commercia comm occupies occupia in terms o in term tropics an tropics documente docum manufactu manuf handicraft, handic for for enterp en environme enviro pollution, polluti mature bam mature or 1 or ton1 of to being a C-4 being atmospher atmos are about are ab7 world. For world. role role in the in particularly particu giantgiant arboa (Tropics), (Tropicm intermedia interm F F Promoting R&DR&D for appropriate technology Promoting for appropriate technology BAMB BAM 4 cooperation amongst key technology developers, designers, 4Facilitate Facilitate cooperation amongst key technology developers, designers, entrepreneurs and and banking institutions. entrepreneurs banking institutions. 5 the importance of bamboo in economic and and social 5To discuss To discuss the importance of bamboo in economic social development of backward and and unserved districts, where bamboo is in is in development of backward unserved districts, where bamboo abundance. abundance. 6 the enterprise development. 6To promote To promote the enterprise development. 7 on improving the efficiency of bamboo artisans and and 7To deliberate To deliberate on improving the efficiency of bamboo artisans manufacturers. manufacturers. PROPOSED TOPICS PROPOSED TOPICS F F Make in India withwith Bamboo Make in India Bamboo F F Mainstreaming Bamboo in Government Programmes Mainstreaming Bamboo in Government Programmes F F Streamlining policy and and legallegal frame workwork Streamlining policy frame F F Reversing import of Bamboo Products Reversing import of Bamboo Products F F Convergence of Governance and and Policies Convergence of Governance Policies F F Bamboo as the agent for poverty alleviation and and climate change Bamboo as change the change agent for poverty alleviation climate change IndiaIndia is wei second lar second of hectare of hec plantations planta Bamboo is Bambo almost all almost Bamboo fo Bambo BAMBOO INFO 50% of bamboo produced in India grows in Northeastern region and West Bengal CRAFTS HOUSING MEDICINE FOOD ENERGY IN amongst others MP 432.000.000 Working Days/yr 13.7% of total Indian forest area is bamboo WITH 136 species of bamboo in India Potential growth 4463 Crore/yr to Indian bamboo industry 2040 Crore/yr PROVIDES VERSATILE BAMBOO Bamboo is of vital importance from ecological, commercial and socio-economic points of view. Bamboo occupies an unparalleled position in plant kingdom in terms of its distribution, diversity and uses in the tropics and subtropics. Bamboo has more than 1500 documented uses and is widely used as paper and rayon manufacture, construction, architecture, engineering, handicraft, food and medicine. Beside above uses for enterprise development, the bamboo has vital environmental value in reducing air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and to ameliorate climate. A mature bamboo is reported to arrest up to 1.5 kg of dust or 1 ton of dust/ha of bamboo plantation. The bamboo being a C-4 plant absorbs more carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere and gives out oxygen at faster rate. There are about 75 genera and 1250 species of bamboo in the world. For centuries, bamboos have played an important role in the daily life of people in many tropical countries, particularly in Asia. Bamboos are a unique group of giant arborescent grasses with the habit of sympodial (Tropics), monopodial (Sub Tropic and Temperate) and intermediate type. BAMBOO IN INDIAN CONTEXT India is well endowed with resources of bamboo, the second largest in the world. Bamboo grows in millions of hectares of forest land in homesteads and private plantations. There are around 130 species in India. Bamboo is a group of fast growing woody plant growing almost all over in India, except the Kashmir Valley. Bamboo forest constitutes about 13% of the total forest Profit People Planet Sustainability by PPP: People, Planet, Profit: Bamboo as a sustainable material has potential for creating Social, Ecological and Economical value. area of the country. About 50% of bamboo produced in India grows in northeastern region and West Bengal. The world trade in bamboo is currently estimated at 14 billions dollars every year by the National Mission on Bamboo Applications (NMBA). As per official estimates, the Indian bamboo industries has a size of Rs. 2040 crore/ years at present, while the domestic market potential is 4463 crore. Indian bamboo sector generates about 432 millions workdays annually. Bamboo is a multipurpose agro-forestry crops, has been an integral part of the Indian culture. Apart from its fully trapped potential as a timber and handicraft material, the bamboo is acknowledged to have great potential as a non-conventional energy source as per the report of Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC). Of the total 136 known species of bamboo in India, there are four species viz., Dendrocalamus strictus, Bambusa arundinacea, Gigantochloa rostrata and Schizostachyum pergracile found naturally in Madhya Pradesh. CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES The bamboo resources in the country are shrinking day by day due to various reasons. Although, there is great demand for bamboo, its production is far below its potential. It is an important source of livelihood for rural people especially the Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Castes and other poor traditional workers. It is often referred to “poor man’s timber”. The techniques of bamboo cultivation have already been developed. There is a need of capacity building programs among traditional communities from cultivation to enterprise development. This will ensure viable supply of raw materials to artisans, user communities and enterprise development. The commercial use made possible through recent innovations in bamboo processing have created significant market opportunities in areas such as flooring, laminated furniture, panels, corrugated sheets and woven bamboo products. These opportunities are encountered with certain challenges also for the artisans and craftsmen who are entirely dependent on bamboo as their raw material and entrepreneurs as well. The issues like appropriate variety of bamboo, its availability, up gradation of skills and technology in manufacturing niche products, marketing etc. If we address these issues properly its true potential in generating employment opportunities for the unemployed youth and harnessing its business potential will be realized. PAR Delega This inc Artisan Govern Private Exhibiti 9 Sq M Exhibiti (For co WHY GLOBAL BAMBOO SUMMIT? In order to address these issues MPSBM & IFGE has planned to organize a Global Bamboo Summit with themes as “Bamboo for Sustainable Development - Global Cooperation” from 8 - 10 April, 2016 at Indore, MP. The summit will provide an excellent opportunity to learn from Global Practices and will also help in Business Development by way of networking. here is lihood s. It is loped. erprise erprise ificant woven ho are priate ducts, unities t with ndore, help in PARTICIPATION CHARGES Delegate Fee: This includes participation in conference, conference kit and lunches & dinners as per programme. Artisans/NGOs/Voluntary Organisations: Rs 2,500 Government and Public Sector Officials: Rs 5,000 Private Sector Rs 7,500 Exhibition Stall (only for artisans): 9 Sq Mts Constructed stall with furniture: Exhibition/Sponsorship Opportunities: (For companies & Government Departments) Rs 20,000 On Request SUPPORTED BY Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry of Environment & Forest Ministry of Rural Development Ministry of Textiles Ministry of Urban Development Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Ministry of Tribal Affairs For further details, please contact :- Madhya Pradesh State Bamboo Mission (MPSBM) Khel Parisar, 74 Bungalows, Bhopal (MP) - 462003, Ph: +91 755 2555520, E-mail: [email protected], Web: Indian Federation of Green Energy (IFGE) 603, Rohit House, 3 Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi - 110001, Ph: +91 11 23319385/86, E-mail: [email protected], Web: Madhya