Strengthening Our Legacies


Strengthening Our Legacies
Strengthening Our Legacies
Annual Report
table of contents
Strengthening Our Legacy of Prayer:
OurPrayer. ..................................................................................Page 10
Strengthening Our Legacy of Faith:
Complimentary Publications.................................................Page 12
Strengthening Our Legacy of Patriotism:
Military Outreach......................................................................Page14
Strengthening Our Legacy of Caring:
The Comfort Kit Program......................................................Page 16
Guideposts Foundation Board of Directors
Elizabeth Peale Allen
Judith E. Blankenbaker
Steve N. Brown
Margaret Peale Everett, Chair
Evelyn A. Freed
Gaylord T. Gunhus
Richard V. Hopple
Roxy Gumlia Klein
Gordon H. Kummer
Robert L. Leatherman
Debbie Macomber
Thomas O. Putnam
John F. Temple
Guideposts Foundation Staff
Heartfelt Thanks to Guideposts Benefactors ....................Page 18
Brian Porter, President
Financials. ...................................................................................Page 38
Kathleen Ryan, Vice President
Lisa M. Greco,
Manager, Direct Mail Fundraising
David Teitler, Treasurer
Janice Hackett, Senior Database Analyst
Sybil E. Light, Philanthropy
Coordinator and Editor
Amy Hosmer, Philanthropy Assistant
Every Gift Makes a Difference...............................................Page 40
Our Founders.............................................................................Page 41
Joan Alkiewicz, Development Associate
Karen L. Bauer, Manager, Monthly Clubs
Joy Huber, Planned Giving
Randall Elliott, Development Director
Michelene Murphy,
Associate Manager, Annual Gifts
Karen L. Ferraro, Development Director
Christine Riebe, Marketing Associate
our mission
The mission of the Guideposts Foundation is to help people
from all walks of life achieve their maximum personal and spiritual
potential. We are committed to communicating positive, faith-filled
principles for people everywhere to use in successful daily living.
A Message from Our Chair
Dear Members of the Guideposts Family,
Margaret Peale Everett
The values of Guideposts reflect the importance of
the legacies we all seek to leave to the next generation of
our loved ones. Time and time again many of you have
told us how you were introduced to Guideposts magazine
by a beloved parent or grandparent, and saw it as such a
precious gift that you have passed it along to your own
children and grandchildren.
Likewise, the act of passing on positive values, traditions, faith and inspiration
has helped build the ministries of Guideposts. As an example of continuing to build
our legacy, I am excited that my niece, Katie Allen Berlandi, has become part of
the Guideposts Foundation team. Many of you have met her in person, over the
telephone or through her written remembrances of her grandparents in the Positive
Impact Newsletter.
My parents passed their values on to us and helped influence our children by
the lessons they taught of love, hard work, strong faith and their own living example.
Guideposts ministries are strengthened as we who have benefited by its ministry of
hope, inspiration and spiritual values pass these values on to the next generation. We
have tried to do that with our children, and each of them believes in and is working
toward carrying on the Guideposts tradition in their lives and work.
From the bottom of our hearts the entire Peale family thanks you, our generous
friends, for actively continuing my parents’ mission to improve people’s lives and
make a difference in the world. I am grateful that with your support the work of
Guideposts Outreach ensures that the legacy of my parents is carried forward,
but more importantly ensures that the deepest needs of people are being met by
our ministry.
Margaret Peale Everett
Chair, Guideposts Foundation
Our Legacies
Dear Caring Friend:
In the words of the Apostle Paul (Philippians
1:3 NLT): “Every time I think of you, I give thanks
to my God.” Thank you for being our partner in
caring and service.
In the following pages we spotlight the many
ways in which Guideposts Foundation is living out
Brian Porter
the faith-based positive philosophy of Dr. Norman
Vincent Peale. Dr. Peale identified “four things for success: work and pray, think
and believe.” In keeping with his advice, we work hard to identify needs and to
meet them through our wide variety of ministries. We pray hard through the
OurPrayer ministry, offering the comfort of personal prayer to every hurting soul
who seeks spiritual support.
We think constantly about how best to grow and focus our programs so that
we can reach the most people and have the most positive impact on their lives.
And above all, we believe: we believe in God’s word, in Christ’s example of service
and love, and in Dr. Peale’s practical and timeless blueprint for a triumphant
Christian life.
We know from our conversations and correspondence with you that this
formula for success is one you embrace, too. You work hard, you pray faithfully,
you think deeply, and you believe strongly. We are so blessed that you share the
fruits of your success with us, helping us to bring the timeless truths of Scripture
and of Dr. Peale’s philosophy to heal today’s wounded world.
Of Giving
We hold you always in our most grateful prayers and as we are there for others
we stand ready to serve you in the year ahead. Thank you and God bless you for
all you do.
rian Porter
President, Guideposts Foundation
Dear Friends:
This past year more than ever we saw that, as Dr. Peale
said, when we “pray big, think big, believe big,” indeed
big things happen. I am so proud to let you know of our
accomplishments that God has helped us achieve with your
generous help.
OurPrayer reached a milestone with over 844,000
prayer submissions for needs from financial issues,
relationships, health concerns and more. And with each
prayer request, prayed for by name and need, we are blessed
Pablo R. Diaz
to have our dedicated volunteers from 64 countries. With
the ever-changing world of the internet, OurPrayer Facebook presence grew
to 30,000 “likes,” and 145,000 prayers were submitted via the Facebook page.
OurPrayer is available where we know people need us.
The Guideposts for Kids Comfort Kit, in its fifth year, touched a record 23,500
sick and injured children who felt comfort from hugging the kit’s “Sparkle the Caring
Star”— a simple but powerful gift of hope for a hurting child.
One of my personal highlights was a visit with Retired Major General Chaplain
G.T. Gunhus to Brooke Medical Center in Texas where our soldiers are being
cared for and ministered to by chaplains as they recover from war injuries. I was
reminded how crucial to their healing are the power of the Word and Dr. Peale’s
timeless messages of hope found throughout our booklets and in Guideposts. Our
publications help soldiers rebuild their inner strength and maintain a positive faithfilled outlook when their lives have been impacted by the harsh realities of war.
Guideposts Complimentary Publications ministry distributed 3.9 million
inspirational products through our partners who serve people in need whatever
their circumstances may be. From VA medical centers, nursing homes, to hospitals
and emergency relief centers, women’s shelters, and so many other outlets that have
people in need of spiritual nourishment, Guideposts is meeting the need.
All these publications, products and services were made available completely free
of charge. We are grateful to God for blessing our efforts as we continue to work to
extend the reach and strengthen the legacy of Guideposts Outreach. It’s because of
you, with your kind heart, deep faith and generous spirit, that we are able to respond
to big needs in a big way.
Thank you for your commitment to do good through your support of
Guideposts Outreach. May you and your loved ones reap God’s abundant blessings.
ev. Dr. Pablo R. Diaz
Vice President, Guideposts Ministries
Our Reach
Strengthening Our Legacy of Prayer:
y phone, by letter, online via
our website as well as through
Facebook, the prayer requests pour
in. They are soul-stirring and often
heartrending; from all over the world,
at all times of the day and night,
people confide their deepest spiritual
needs in trust to OurPrayer. And we
are there for them. Our compassionate
Prayer Department staff, and the network of volunteers whom they have
carefully trained, keep the OurPrayer promise to pray
for every request by name and need.
In addition to our annual Good Friday and
Thanksgiving Days of Prayer, we have also held
special online Days of
Prayer throughout the
year, rallying tremendous
prayer power around such concerns as: Health, Our
Military, Parents, Blessing of the Animals, Caregivers,
and many more. Partner churches and ministry leaders
join us to impact their communities through prayer.
Free online newsletters help thousands keep their
prayer lives strong and fresh; topics include: Bible
Alive!; Daily Scripture & Reflection; Mornings with
Jesus; Power of Prayer; Time for God; Your Weekly
Inspiration; and 30-Day Prayer Programs.
Total Prayer Requests
received and prayed for:
Over 844,000
Total number of volunteers:
Over 3,300
in 64 countries
“Last week I sent in a prayer
request for my husband who has
been unemployed for over two
years. God heard your prayers
and answered them. My husband
received an offer to start work this
week! I am always in awe of His love
for us. Thank you for interceding
on behalf of my family.”
-— A Grateful Wife
Strengthening Our Legacy of Faith:
Complimentary Publications
n anxious wife in a hospital waiting room wanders over to a display of
reading material and sees titles like A Prayer for Every Need, Amazing Promises,
Thought Conditioners. Desperate for something to help her bear the uncertainty
of waiting for the doctor’s report on her husband’s condition, she picks up
Amazing Promises, opens it and reads page after page of uplifting scripture verses
with comforting commentary by Dr. Peale. The booklet powerfully transmits the
message of God’s promises, that we are not alone. By the time the doctor appears
in the doorway, she is calmer and ready for whatever she will hear.
In hospitals, in nursing homes, in shelters and prisons and churches and
rescue missions — anywhere there are people in spiritual need, that’s where
Guideposts Outreach aims to provide life-lifting publications free of charge.
Last year we reached 3.9 million people with our complimentary booklets,
magazines, desk calendars and other publications. When tornadoes ravaged the
South and Midwest last year, Guideposts Outreach responded immediately
offering our comforting and encouraging booklets.
Adding to the portfolio of booklets this year
was Amazing Promises. This booklet, filled with
31 wonderful Biblical promises
chosen by Dr. Peale, is sure to
produce amazing results in the
lives of thousands
served by Guideposts
We have been
working hard to
expand Dr. Peale’s
message of positive
faith to the youth of
today. The Resiliency
Playbook and The Epic
You Playbook: Attitude
is Everything were both
released this year reaching over 22,000 young
minds with positive lessons to overcome the pressures
of adolescence and the challenges of daily life.
“We work with young women who are
facing crisis pregnancies. Many of our
clients are frightened, alone and without
hope. Your ‘hope-filled’ publications
have a positive effect on the women
and their loved ones.”
— Barbara
“I found the booklet, ‘A Prayer for Every
Need,’ in my daughter’s hospital room. I have been reading and re-reading
it. The prayers say just what is in my heart and help me converse
with my Lord.”
— Mary
“The Lord has worked wonders through ‘Thought Conditioners’
and Guideposts. I volunteer in nursing homes and hospitals and
always bring the magazines for the residents/patients. The stories are
very uplifting for
people who have
no visitors. These
booklets make a big
impact on lives.”
— Juanita
Strengthening Our Legacy of Patriotism:
Military Outreach
“Your material gives our soldiers
so much spiritual endurance
and courage when they perform
their military duties.”
rom the beginning, an
important part of the
Guideposts mission has been the
support of those who sacrifice to
preserve America’s freedom, and
their families. Special military
editions of our most popular
booklets and Daily Guideposts
focus the message of faith and
empowerment on the unique
needs of our men and women in
uniform and those close to them.
Christmas cards let our activeduty servicemen and women and
our veterans know that they are
loved and appreciated. Guideposts magazines provide uplifting hope-filled
reading material, and prayer support is always available for military members
and their families.
Throughout his 28 years as an Army Chaplain, Ken Sampson used
Guideposts Outreach booklets like The Power of Positive Thinking and Thought
Conditioners to support his ministry to the diverse group of soldiers he served.
“They hit an inner faith, so I could hand them to anyone of any religion, or
no religion, and spark a spiritual energy they might never have known before,”
he says. Chaplain Sampson wrote the content for our newest booklet, Resiliency.
The aim of our Military
Outreach program is to help
our young defenders and
warriors, and their families,
to stay strong, positive and
confident of God’s constant
love and protection, and
to express gratitude and
offer encouragement to our
— Chaplain Charlie An (CPT)
“With deployments happening so
frequently, our soldiers struggle
to keep themselves battle ready
emotionally and spiritually. It’s
great that we have organizations
like Guideposts to support our
— Chaplain Howard
“I serve as a chaplain in the VA,
and I am so appreciative of the
publications that you send my way.
They continue to brighten the day
of our Veterans who are confined
to our hospital centers.”
— Chaplain Hershberger
Strengthening Our Legacy of Caring:
The Comfort Kit Program
n the six years since the Comfort Kit
Ministry was launched,
this program has delivered
Comfort Kits to more
than 80,000 sick and
hospitalized children in
more than 250 hospitals.
Medical and child life
personnel, hospital
chaplains, volunteer
workers, parents and
caretakers all praise
the bright blue kits for
bringing love, comfort, and
just plain joy to kids in their
time of greatest need.
The gift of a Comfort Kit can calm a
child so that needed tests and treatments
can be administered, and often opens up
a doorway to deeper communication with
a caring adult. Children love the huggable
softness of Sparkle the Caring Star, the
bright yellow “I’m Special” bracelet,
the journal for times of quiet creativity or
reflection, a prayer card suitable for any faith,
and much more. The Comfort Kit brings
smiles and comfort to little ones strained by
fear or pain, and inspire boundless gratitude
on the part of parents and other loving
The demand for Comfort Kits is evergrowing, and Guideposts Outreach is
committed to meeting it in the name of the
One who said: “Anyone who welcomes a little
child like this on my behalf is welcoming me”
(Matthew 18:5 NLT).
“I truly feel these Comfort Kits light up the eyes of the
children preparing for surgery or another invasive procedure.
I gave away a Comfort Kit to
a 3 year old who is to have
surgery for the third time on
his hip. He was so delighted!
Thank you so much
for the outstanding,
God-loving work your
program performs; it truly
makes a difference.”
— Jennifer Sylvester,
“The Comfort Kit — my daughter loved it, and its contents
helped distract her from her pain, it helped pass time.
It brought a smile to her
face when she was scared.”
— Julia’s mom
“One of life’s greatest gifts is
to give happiness and good
cheer to children when they
are suffering and down.”
— Emma’s mom
We would like to extend our deepest thanks
to the following individuals for their extraordinary
generosity. The members of the Guideposts Founders
Society have cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000+
in contributions and funded planned gifts.
Platinum $1,000,000+
The Evelyn Foundation
The Lloyd and Mabel
Johnson Foundation
Peale Foundation
Douglas and Stephanie Pratt
Gold $500,000 - $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mae L. McCorkle
Mrs. Helen F. Michael
John and Faye Smith
Watkins Christian
The generosity of so many
Our deepest thanks go to everyone who has been
moved to support Guideposts Outreach Ministry
programs in whatever way they can.
Silver $100,000 - $499,999
Anonymous (7)
Mrs. Elizabeth Peale Allen
June H. Arakawa
Ms. Cynthia Barratt
Martha H. Beach
Christine G. Benati †
Mrs. Norma Bowles
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Y. K. Cheung
Ms. Christine Coalson
Dale K. Dedrick, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Nancy A. Dill
Mr. † and Mrs. John E.
Harry and Fran Donovan
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Drummond, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Etheridge, Jr.
Mr. Ed Foreman
J. Edward French
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D.
The Hamill Foundation
Thomas and Melba Harken
Conrad N. Hilton
Colgate and Elizabeth
Wilma H. Jordan
F. M. Kirby Foundation,
Carl and Edyth Lindner
Mrs. Hildegarde U. Lund †
Mr. Ian B. and Mrs. Beverly
† Mackenzie
Mr. Jack E. Maxwell
Rev. Ted and Kathy Nace
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson
Mr. Barry O’Reilly
Gary and Ann Palmer
Mr. Raymond and Mrs.
Edith † Phillips
Mrs. Billie K. Pirnie †
Tom and Dusty Putnam
Roger and La Rae Quy
Earl † and Bettie Reque
Frank and Merry Schaff
Mrs. Donna Schneider
Miss Lillian M. Sharpe
Mrs. Johnnie B. Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Stalter
Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Stead
Ms. Evelyn Stumpf
Mrs. Sharon Tedesco
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Vollrath
Ms. Ruth M. Walker
James K. Wilden Fund
at the Community
Mrs. Dalice B. Williams
Kim H. Zinszer
Bronze $25,000 - $99,999
Anonymous (39)
Bob and Eileen Abbott
Ms. Lilita Adamson
Mrs. June H. Alexander
Elise S. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Mrs. Helen M. Anderson
Roger and Paula Ansel
Mr. David G. Baird, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Barbera
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Barron, Jr.
Laura L. Bateman
Bay Area Jewelers
Ms. Grace S. Beale †
Mr. Donald Beall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H.
Benhardt II
Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley
Ms. Marcia L. Berner
Mr. A. W. Berry
Major General (Ret.) and
Mrs. William P. Bland, Jr.
Mr. Arthur H. Boccuti
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Orville Boroughs
Mr. David L. Bosley
Mr. Donald L. Bosshardt
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Marta H. Brooks
Brookshire Grocery
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S.
Louis and Carolyn Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Steve N.
Mr. Tom L. Brown
Ms. Catherine M. Brunson
Mrs. Janet Buchen
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Buerster
Mrs. Helen Bunker
Mrs. Constance Burke
Mrs. Sharen Burton
Mrs. Arnold M.
Mrs. Darlene Buyck
Miss Rosa May S. Caler
Mrs. Sarah A. Caler
Ms. Leslie Cardinal
Mrs. Helen Carlisle
Mrs. Lita A. Carpenter
S. Truett and Jeannette
Won Sung Cheung
Mr. Anthony W. Coffman
Mrs. Ruth E. Collier
Mr. Fred Cone
Mr. John G. Corwin
Mr. Jesse W. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cowart
† Deceased
Mr. Ric Cox
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth
Cozier, Jr.
Valery E. Craane
Mr. and Mrs. David F.
Mr. Marvin Cruzan
Marion L. Cubberley †
Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Daniels, Jr.
Charlie and Lisa Daniels
Ms. Susan R. Dansby
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Roy and Cindy Day
Ms. Nancy Jean Dege
Ms. Barbara DeGiaimo
Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T.
John and Patricia Dilworth
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew
Mrs. Marjorie S. Ducote
Mr. John H. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunkle
Pamela Dupont
Mr. Henry F. Eichholz †
Mr. M. E. Engle
Mr. † and Mrs. Bill G.
Rev. Paul † and Margaret
Peale Everett
Ms. Becky Fleming Tabler
Nansie L. Follen
Miss Betty Jane Ford †
Mr. Greg Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Garrell
Roberta Gates
Larry and Wilma Giebink
George and Sharon Giles
Terry Giles and Kalli
Louise P. Googins
Galen and Debbie
Ms. Trish Graf
Ms. Jo-Anne K. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Brent R.
Joan Granlund
Ms. Mildred Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gregg
Guideposts Educational
Foundation Limited
Mrs. Gerilee Gustason
Mrs. Kate G. Hagenah
Orvid Halane
William M. Hales
Mr. † and Mrs. E.P.
Pamela Hanly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.
Mrs. E. L. Hargrove †
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Ms. Margaret Hazlett
Leopold and Marie
Delores M. Henson
David A. Hermann
Terry L. Hipps
Kyle Holder
Mr. † and Mrs. John P.
Mrs. Naomi M. Hoopes
John B. Horn
Mrs. Hazel Horner
William and Barbara Howell
Dr. John L. Hysom, Jr.
Ms. Jeanette Ibargoyen
Ms. Fae E. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. John R. Johnson †
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Johnson
Mr. Ralph D. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E.
Willie and Penny Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F.
Charles † and Gloria Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Jones
Mrs. Donelda Kalsch
Ms. Helga R. Karker
William H.P. Kaung and
Sinforosa Tan Kaung,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.
Mrs. Treva C. Kintner
Mrs. Roxy Gumlia Klein
Mrs. Jerry Kleppel
Mrs. Rita M. Knoeller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. John F. Kolash
Mr. Paul L. Kott
Mrs. Georgia Koyl
Gerald La Brake
Mrs. Thelma W. Lape
Mr. Mark Larson
Don and Joann Leavenworth
Alice Nichols Lee
Mrs. Pamela S. Lee
Mr. Carl K. Leonard
Mr. Robert C. Lindberg
Donald Lines
Mr. Gary Love
Dr. Roderick Lucas
Alma M. Luna
Ms. Dolores R. Luz
Ms. Grace I. MacDonald
Helen H. Mace †
Harvey Mackay
Mrs. Beverly C. Mackin
Mrs. Jean W. Maggs
Mr. Willie Maier
Ms. Joyce Mangiameli
Mrs. Dorothy Marsh
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Marwil
John and Shirley Mathson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno J.
Mac † and Bette McClelland
Bill and Mae McCorkle
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth
Carl and Juanita McMahon
Mr. Raymon McVay
Mrs. Jennie R. Medlin
Dr. † and Mrs. John Mertus
Dr. Carl D. Miller
Mr. Irvin R. Miller
Ms. Joyce Momarts
Mr. Herbert Moran
Ms. J. Pat Morgan
Louise Mak and Nigel D.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B.
Mr. and Mrs. Cruse Moss
Mr. Blair Mottern
Gwyn Myers, Ph.D.
Raghu Nathan
Caroline K. Nelson
Mrs. F.W. Newell †
Mr. † and Mrs. Curtis
Mrs. Ethel S. Nichols
Ms. Sheryl S. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Dr. Alfred E. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Olson
Mr. Peter Ormond
Mrs. Carol A. Oscar
Ron and Joni Pacie
Dr. and Mrs. James J.
Jody Parker
Ms. Dianne Parkerson
Mr. Vijay Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S.
Dr. John and Lydia Peale
Mrs. Virginia Peck
Mrs. Eleanor W. Pennington
Rev. and Mrs. Steven L.
Paul Vernon Peterson
Donn and Mary Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L.
Mrs. Catherine M. Plehal
Mr. Justin R. Poole
Mr. Robert A. Powell
Lyndle and Barbara Price
Mr. Daniel W. Prideaux
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R.
Carl † and Kathy Puls
Christine Putnam
John M. Quie
Mrs. James H. Ralston
Jerry and Naomi Ramseyer
Ms. Sarah J. Randall
Mrs. Patricia Reaves
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton C.
Redmond, Jr.
Curt and Jeanne Reed
Mr. and Mrs. † Dan K.
Kerry L. Rohland
Roberta Roloff
Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenmiller
Mr. W. K. Rossman
Ms. Mary R. Rozell
Mrs. Lois Rust
Saint Paul Foundation
Ruth Sandall †
Mr. Kenneth W. Sanders
Mr. Stephen Sayegh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Jane H. Schaff
Mr. Robert L. Schaff
Ms. Martha S. Scheeren
Mrs. Margaret Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt
Mr. Randall Schober
Mrs. Ruth Schowalter
Dion and Shelley Schrack
Sea Striker, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Segal
Dr. Stanley Seligman
Carol E. Sheldon
Mrs. Anne Shelton
John and Donna Simko
Ms. Danielle A. Skokan
Mr. Philip Smee
Mrs. Debbie Burton Smith
Mrs. Jane B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W.
Richard J. Socia †
Mr. Marvin Sparks, Jr. †
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Spitzer
Thomas P. Stefaniak
Ms. Katharina R. Stephan
Margaret E. Stewart
Mr. H. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Mrs. Louise Teems
Dr. and Mrs. John
Linda and Charlie Thiel
Anne W. Thompson
Marilyn Sanderson
Mrs. Margaret K. Thornton
Mrs. Maxine L. Thornton
Merril Tlusty
Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Mr. † and Mrs. Charles Tye
Mr. Charles Uckele
Joy and Dick Ulrey
Mr. † and Mrs. Gladwin
O. Unrau
Ms. Erika Verbeck
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. George B.
Mrs. Donna J. Wagner
Mrs. Willard Walker
Dr. Wesley W. Walton
Mr. † and Mrs. Keith D.
Michael E. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M.
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
Ms. Tuleta C. White
Mr. † and Mrs. Arthur
Whited, Jr.
Mr. George E. Whitley †
Mrs. Dorothy Louise
Mr. and Mrs. † Thomas
Timothy D. and Sandra J.
Mr. Richard A. Wingo
Sharalyn E. Wininger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yamini
Mr. John M. Ziegelbein
Clary Zwahlen †
We are pleased to recognize the members of the
Guideposts Legacy Circle, individuals who have included
Guideposts in their estate plans through a future bequest,
a charitable gift annuity, a charitable trust, or other types of
deferred gift arrangements.
Anonymous (31)
Virginia Abbitt †
Mrs. Glyndon Adams
Mr. Joe S. Adams
Ms. Landi Adams
† Deceased
Ms. Sandra Adams
Ms. Lilita Adamson
Philmena B. Adamson †
Mr. Bill † and Mrs. Irene
Mrs. June H. Alexander
Elise S. Allen
Ms. Sharla Alspaugh
Mr. George † and Mrs.
Nellie Ammel
Ms. Dede C. Andersen
Mrs. Helen M. Anderson
Ms. Zuleika H. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Wayne and Gloria Antworth
June H. Arakawa
Mr. Robert C. Archer
Jacqueline Grace Archer
Mr. David Ashabranner
Mr. Gary W. Ashabranner
Mr. Glen D. Ashabranner
Ms. Rebecca Ashabranner
Mr. Richard C. Ashabranner
Miss Helen M. Ashworth
Mr. Frank A. Aten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Betty Foster Bahret
Mrs. Teena H. Baker
Mr. John O. Baldwin
Ms. Kathleen B. Baldwin
Ms. Anna Barnes
Mrs. Cecile C. Barnes
Mrs. Evelyn A. Barnette
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Barron, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Bauer
Martha H. Beach
Ms. Grace S. Beale †
Mr. Donald Beall
Mrs. Charles Becker
Mr. Benjamin Becton
Ms. Betty B. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.
Ms. Sandra A. Bieber
Ruth Binkley
Ms. Barbara R. Blackman
Mr. Bruce C. Blackman
Major General (Ret.) and
Mrs. William P. Bland, Jr.
Ms. Ruth C. Boehmer †
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bolinger
Mr. Karl R. Bolinger
Mr. Jonathan Botkin
Mrs. Julie Botkin- Scoggins
Ruth Bowater
Charles W. Bower
Ms. Maria Elena Beltran
Barbara E. Brett
Carole Brock
Mr. Craig E. Bromke
Marta H. Brooks
Ms. Anne Brown
Ms. Eleanor Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S.
Ms. Jeanne B. Brown
Mr. Keith A. Brown
Mr. Phydith R. Brown
Ms. Sue Bruce
Ms. Carol M. Bruinsma
Mr. John W. Bryant
Mrs. Madeline G. Bubenik
Mrs. Janet Buchen
Mr. Blane Buckingham
Ms. Frances S. Buffaloe
Mr. and Mrs. † Walter
Mrs. Arnold M.
Mr. Gene O. Caldwell
Rosina Capobianco
Mrs. Fay M. Carden
Ms. Leslie Cardinal
Mrs. Helen Carlisle
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Mrs. Lita A. Carpenter
Mrs. May Y. Carrell
Mr. Adam C. Caudill
Mr. Gary Caudill
Ms. Karen A. Caudill
Mr. Kurt Gregory Caudill
Mr. Anthony Cervone
Mr. Norman Chapin
Mr. Karl J. Chase
Miss Boonchuan
Mrs. Fabiola Chisholm
Ms. Doris M. Chivington
Mrs. Winifred J. Church
Ms. Catherine A. Chute
Ms. Elizabeth Chute
Mr. D. S. Clement
Mr. Owen Codington
Mrs. Ruth E. Collier
Ms. Sherri Collins
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Mr. Fred Cone
Ms. Barbara R. Cook
Ms. Louise F. Cool
Ms. Lillian S. Cooper
Evelyn Cossin
Mr. Jesse W. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth
Cozier, Jr.
Ms. Harriet Cremeen
Ms. Thelma Cross
Marion L. Cubberley †
Mrs. Agnes Cummings
Ms. Zarah M. Curry
Mr. Robert D. Dain
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Daniels,
Mrs. Jean Marie Davenport
Mrs. Beulah W. Dean
Dale K. Dedrick, MD
Mrs. Esther Deleon
Ms. Sylvia B. DeMeritt
Mrs. Mary Denton
Rev. Josephine Dickson
Mrs. Nancy A. Dill
Mrs. Eileene R. Dirdak
Mrs. Leila S. Dodd
Harry and Fran Donovan
Mrs. Inez S. Dossett
Mrs. Eunice M. Dreher
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew
Ms. Virginia S. Dryer †
Mr. Jay Dunlap
Ms. Elizabeth G. Dunnagan
Pamela Dupont
Ms. Virginia Ecker
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. Henry F. Eichholz †
Mr. M. E. Engle
Ms. Lois Erickson †
Ms. Cecilia Escallon
Mrs. Kumiko Etoh
Eve Eugenia
Mrs. Elaine E. Ewing
Mrs. Ina J. Farmer
Mr. Jesse C. Farmer
Ms. Beverly Ferguson
Ms. Brenda Ruth Fields
Mr. Matt Fields
Ms. Megan Janel Fields
Mr. Ryan Andrew Fields
Mrs. Glendell M. Fisher
Ms. Jane J. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Dorothy L. Fogt
Miss Betty Jane Ford †
R.W. (Tex) † and Norma
Ms. Florence Frazier †
The Evelyn Foundation
Mr. Lester Frum
Miss Marguerite Fulton
Mr. Edmund Fusco
Ms. Susan J. Futrell
Ms. Erika Lauren FutrellVaughn
Mrs. Caroline Gainer
Mr. Damon Gammons
† Deceased
Roberta Gates
Mr. and Mrs. John Gerhard
Ms. Lisa G. Gerniglia
Mrs. Dorothy M. Gibbs
Larry and Wilma Giebink
Ms. Dorothy L. Gifford
Ms. Barbara Glidden
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D.
Ms. Laurie Jean Gombar
Mrs. Anita A. Gorospe
Robert Gouwens
Mr. Lloyd Grant, Jr.
Ms. Ellen R. Green
Ms. Mildred Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gregg
Ms. Susan Griffin
Mr. Brett R. Grinwis
Mrs. Nancy Guenther
Ms. Jennifer Guest
Peggy Gunther
Mr. John R. Haden
Ms. Donna Hagenah
Mrs. Kate G. Hagenah
Mr. Lawrence Hagenah
Mr. Geoffrey Haines
Ms. Kristen Haines
Mr. Charlton F. Hall Jr.
Helen Hally
Mr. † and Mrs. E.P.
Mr. C. Raymond Hancock
Ms. Sandra Hancock
Ms. Janice Hanna
Thomas and Melba Harken
Mr. Cliff Harper
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert W.
Ms. Phyllis Hatcher
Mrs. Evelyn Hatchett
Mr. Sherman Hawley
Ms. Margaret Hazlett
Leopold and Marie
Ms. Rae N. Heiner
Mrs. Virginia Heinz
Mr. Barry Henderson
Mr. Brett Henderson
Mr. Corey Henderson
Ms. Karen Henderson
Ms. Nancy Henderson
Mrs. Susan Jean
Ms. Norma J. Henkle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Ms. Mardelle Hinners †
Mr. Christopher J. Hoadley
Mrs. Millie J. Hobart
Miss Kirsten M. Wilson
Mr. Matthew Darrow
Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Holliday
Mr. Ryan Allan Holliday
Mrs. Patsy D. Holt
Ms. Marilyn Honsinger
Mrs. Naomi M. Hoopes
John B. Horn
Mrs. Hazel Horner
Ms. Linda Houk
Alvira Hove
Ms. Lindsay Elizabeth Hoyle
Ms. Betty Hull
Ms. Donna Hurley
Mrs. Esther L. Hutchings
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and
Grace Hutchins
Ms. Lynn Hutchins
Mr. Scott Hutchins
Mr. Todd G. Hutchins
Mrs. Suzanne M. Hyatt
Dr. John L. Hysom, Jr.
Ms. Jean Marie Ibarra
Mr. John A. Ireland
Ms. Tiffany C. Israel
Mrs. Elaine Jackson
Ms. Lee Jackson
Ms. Andrea N. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jacobs
Ms. Fae E. Jacobs
Mrs. Doris H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. John R. Johnson †
Miss Ruth Johnson
Willie and Penny Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F.
Mrs. Donelda Kalsch
Mr. Bill Kaminski
Ms. Helga R. Karker
William H.P. Kaung and
Sinforosa Tan Kaung,
Ms. Kathleen T. Kelley
Mr. Michael P. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kelso
Miss Janet Kemme †
Mr. Brian R. Kemp
Ms. Kathy L. Kemp
Mr. Max D. Kemp
Ms. Cecilia Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Ms. Winifred I. Kepner
James † and Mary Kerby
Ms. Marilyn E. Kester
Miss Kimberly Kibbey
Mr. Scott Kibbey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
E. King
Mr. Ed Kinne
Mrs. Treva C. Kintner
Mrs. Nancy J. Kinzer
Mrs. Roxy Gumlia Klein
Ms. Lois Kline
Mrs. Rita M. Knoeller
Mrs. Charlotte P. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Mrs. Georgia Koyl
Ms. Alma Krivonen
Robert and Gisela Kuntz
Ms. Anne Kuryk
Mrs. Jill L. La Pine
Jo Lahey
Mr. Lawrence P. Lake
Ms. Elaine K. Lang
Mr. Albert H. Lank
Ms. Maxine Lanning
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Alice Nichols Lee
Ms. Saundra C. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Leech
Ms. Kathryn Leibinger
Ms. Rebecca Leibinger
Mr. Stephen Leibinger
Mr. Carl K. Leonard
Ms. Nancy J. Lerma
Mr. Ron Lerma
Mr. Eric R. Lightner
Mrs. Dorothy Lind †
Donald Lines
Mr. Richard Livesey
Ms. Wilma H. Logan
Mrs. Jennifer K. Long
Dr. James Lower
Ms. Evelyn Luben
Mrs. Mabel M. Lucas
Ms. Margaret M. Lucas
Lillian Luisi Family Trust
Mrs. Hildegarde U. Lund †
Lutz Family Trust
Ms. Dolores R. Luz
Mr. Ian B. and Mrs. Beverly
† Mackenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M.
Ms. Verona F. Makara
Ms. Kathryn Mann
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Mrs. Marjorie W. Mason
John and Shirley Mathson
Ms. Kiyo Matsumoto †
Mrs. Charlena J. Matthias
Arthur E. Maxwell Estate
Mr. Philip R. Mc Cray
Mrs. Donna L. McCandless
Mr. Dean H. McCarthy
Mae L. McCorkle
Mrs. Geneva C. McCulley
Mr. Robert M. McCulley
Ms. Rebecca J. McCurry
Ms. Ann D. McGraw
Mr. James M. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G.
Carl and Juanita McMahon
Ms. Mary McPherran
Mrs. Jennie R. Medlin
Joseph M. & Margareta
Ms. Ruby F. Meredith
Mrs. Florence Merrill
Mrs. Helen F. Michael
Mr. Paul Michel
Ms. Heather A. Miller
Ms. Janice Miller
Mrs. Pauline Mirabito
Margarete Mitchell
Ms. Nicole Moody
Mrs. Virginia Moomey
Mrs. Dorothy Mooney
Mr. Herbert Moran
Mr. Joseph Morda
Ms. Helen More †
Louise Mak and Nigel D.
Miss Nola Morgan
Ms. Nadine Moroski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Morris
Mr. E. O. Morris
Ms. Verna M. Morris
Mr. Joseph Motowski
Mr. and Mrs. John and Joan
C. Mueller
Mrs. Marlyn Murphy
Mr. † and Mrs. Neil J.
Rev. Ted and Kathy Nace
Wilma Nason
Ms. Rosemary F. Nay
Caroline K. Nelson
Mr. † and Mrs. Curtis
Ms. Martha F. Nichols †
Mr. Daniel Nielson
Ms. Kimberly Jane NorvellHolliday
Ms. Harriet Noteboom
Mrs. Connie Oaksford
Ms. Alice Odom †
Ms. Theresa M. Olmstead
David and Gail Orser
Mrs. Lynette W. Osborne
Ron and Joni Pacie
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Ms. Eunice C. Palaoro
Gary and Ann Palmer
Mr. Robert J. Parchem
Gertrude A. Parramore
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pavlik
Mrs. Virginia Peck
Mrs. Evelyn B. Penney
Mrs. Norma Clark Penning †
Mr. Ronald Perry
Mr. † and Mrs. † Bennie
Mr. Philip M. Peterson
Ms. Charlotte Petty
Alice Phenicie
Mrs. Kate Philbin †
Mr. and Mrs. † Merrill
Mr. Raymond and Mrs.
Edith † Phillips
Ms. Lynn J. Pieksma
Mrs. Billie K. Pirnie †
Mrs. Louise E. Post
Ms. Alice C. Potter
Mrs. Louise E. Price
Reverend Charles Rader
Mrs. Emma Ramseier
Jerry and Naomi Ramseyer
Ms. Edna B. Randolph
Mrs. Jean L. Rausch
Ms. Geraldine Lorraine Ray
Mr. Rick W. Realsen
Mrs. Patricia Reaves
Mr. † and Mrs. Ralph Reed
Mr. Benjamin F. Reid
Mr. Christopher D. Reid
Mrs. Irene Reindl †
Mrs. Karol S. Reiner
Mrs. Beverly A. Reinertson
Earl † and Bettie Reque
Mr. George Reynolds
Ms. Janet Reynolds
Ms. Lori D. Reynolds
Mrs. Virginia Rhoades
Mr. and Mrs. James and
Naomi Rhode
Mrs. Joan E. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Ms. Elma M. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Myrna Robinson
Mrs. Madeline M. Roeseler
Madeline Rolland
Roberta Roloff
Ms. Lana P. Roosa
Mr. Lester A. Roosa
Mr. Paul M. Roosa
Mrs. Harriet Rose
Ms. Margaret A.
Mrs. Irene Ruschak
Mr. Billy D. Sager
Ms. Teresa Sahagun
Ruth Sandall †
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Jann Scalise
Mrs. Alyse C. Scally
Ms. Misty Dawn
Ms. Martha S. Scheeren
Mrs. Margaret Schilling
Mr. John M. Schmidt
Ms. Susan Schnackenberg
Mrs. Donna Schneider
Mrs. Ruth Schowalter
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert
Mr. Roger R. Schulte
Mr. † and Mrs. Kenneth
Schwartz Family Trust
Ms. Jane L. Scott
Mr. Joe L. Scott
Ms. Wendy B. Secrest
Mr. Michael Seefeldt
Miss Lillian M. Sharpe
Dorothy Clay Sheckels
Mrs. Johnnie B. Shoemaker
† Deceased
Ms. Frances M. Simpson
William Horace Sims
Mr. Marvin R. Sine
Ms. Leona M. Skari
Ms. Betty J. Skeens
Ms. Danielle A. Skokan
Mrs. Delores S. Sloan
Mr. Paul R. Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. Ellett M.
John and Faye Smith
Ms. Juanita Smith
Ms. Martha A. Smith
Mrs. Paula V. Small
Mrs. Phyllis J. Smith
Ms. Tiffany N. Smith
Ms. Leta O. Sousa
Ms. Suzann K. Speck
Mr. Walter Speck
Ms. Wendy L. Speck
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Spitzer
Mrs. Josephine H. Spivey
Mrs. Jean St. James
Ms. Evelyn G. Stahnke
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Stalter
Ms. Eugenia L. Staszewski
Ms. Wanda B. Staszewski
Ms. June B. Stauffer
Ms. Elsie M. Steele
Mr. Nick Stemm
Mrs. Gladys C. Stout
Ms. Evelyn Stumpf
Mr. Robert L. Sugden †
Ms. Verda V. Swain
Mr. Douglas W. Swartz
Ms. Jennifer Lynne Swartz
Ms. Frances Taylor
Mrs. Joan B. Taylor
Reva M. Taylor
Mrs. Louise Teems
Ms. Charlene V. Theiss
Ms. Julia E. Thibodeau
Ms. Jeannine Thieme
Ms. Kathryn D. Thomas
Mr. Matt O. Thomas
Ms. Nancy N. Thomas
Mr. Tim W. Thomas
Marilyn Sanderson
Mrs. Margaret K. Thornton
Mrs. Maxine L. Thornton
Mrs. Marian Thurlow
Ms. Margaret M. Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torre
Ms. Alberta L. Tracy
Mr. Charles Troupe †
Mrs. Martha Trowbridge
Ms. Evelyn L. Uhlenberg †
Ms. Lucille Umland-Gaus
Mr. † and Mrs. Gladwin
O. Unrau
Mrs. Joy L. Vanaman
Walter VanLoon
Ms. Andrea Vanzant
Ms. Erika Verbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Gaetano T.
Mrs. Mildred Vogel
Ms. Lillie M. Voigt †
Mr. Gerald Volk
Ms. Pamela Volk
Mrs. Kitty Vollmer
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Vollrath
Mrs. Mary L. Vredenburg
Mr. E.G. Wade, Jr.
Miss Nitza Wagoner
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Ms. Brigitte M. Walker
Miss Barbara Jo Wallace
Dr. Wesley W. Walton
Mr. David M. Wampler
Miss Nannette O. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M.
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
Ms. Rita O. Wellenberg †
Mr. and Mrs. Gene I. Wendt
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Wenger
Mr. Vincent Wessel
Mr. John Wesseling
Ms. Katherine Wesseling
Ms. Margaret Wesseling
Mr. Rindert Wesseling
Ms. Helen E. Wetherton †
Mr. William M. Wetherton,
Ms. Dorothy Wheatley †
Mr. Lorne A. Wheelon †
Mrs. Catherine White
Mrs. Ilse Wicke
Mr. Brandon M. Williams
Mrs. Dalice B. Williams
Mrs. Dorothy Louise
Ms. Mandi R. Williams
Ms. Pauline E. Williman
Mr. Dale Wilson
Ms. Nancy Wilson
Ms. Loyce Louise Winning
Reverend Martha Woelke
Mr. Mark Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wolford
Mrs. Sara L. Yancey
Mr. Ervin N. Yawn
Mrs. Margaret Yerkes
Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Yoder
Ms. Wanda L. Yohnka
Mrs. Nina Young
Mr. Elmer W. Ziegler †
Ms. Marjorie Ziegler
Mrs. Kathryn A. Zirbel
It is our pleasure to honor our annual Guideposts
Benefactors. These generous members have
contributed $100 or more in 2011 to help
support Guideposts Outreach.
Chairman $10,000+
Anonymous (1)
Ms. Cynthia Barratt
Mrs. Fay M. Carden
Mrs. Lita A. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
John and Patricia Dilworth
Harry and Fran Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Etheridge, Jr.
The Evelyn Foundation
Mrs. Anita A. Gorospe
Mrs. Virginia Heinz
Ms. Fae E. Jacobs
The Lloyd and Mabel
Johnson Foundation
Wilma H. Jordan
Mrs. Rita M. Knoeller
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mrs. Marjorie W. Mason
Mr. † and Mrs. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S.
Peale Foundation
Mr. Robert A. Powell
Tom and Dusty Putnam
Mrs. Donna Schneider
Miss Lillian M. Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Stead
Trillium Health Center
Ms. Lucille Umland-Gaus
† Deceased
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. George B.
Watkins Christian
James K. Wilden Fund
at the Community
Ms. Christine Zeisler
Kim H. Zinszer
President $5000-9999.99
Anonymous (6)
Ms. Anita Anderson
Mr. Charles Andringa
Mrs. Teena H. Baker
Louis and Carolyn Brown
Rosina Capobianco
Mr. Marvin Cruzan
Ms. Nancy Jean Dege
Ms. Barbara DeGiaimo
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Drummond, Jr.
Mr. Ed Foreman
Mr. Greg Fox
J. Edward French
Ms. Jo-Anne K. Graham
Ms. Mildred Greene
Ms. Donna Hagenah
Mr. Lawrence Hagenah
S. Gene Hall
David A. Hermann
Colgate and Elizabeth
Mrs. Roxy Gumlia Klein
Ms. Margaret Liu
Mr. Ian B. and Mrs. Beverly
† Mackenzie
Mrs. Beverly C. Mackin
Mrs. Carolyn J. Malion
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth
Ms. Marian S. Merkey
Mrs. Helen F. Michael
Raghu Nathan
Mr. S. James Nelson, Jr.
Jody Parker
Dr. John and Lydia Peale
Mrs. Beth E. Pine
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L.
Lyndle and Barbara Price
Mr. Kenneth W. Sanders
Ms. Laura P. Sanford
Mr. Roger R. Schulte
Dr. Edward P. Smith and
Mary Klein Smith Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Stalter
Ms. Ruth M. Walker
Trustee $2500-$4999.99
Anonymous (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Elise S. Allen
Mrs. Elizabeth Peale Allen
Mrs. Isabelle Bacon †
Mrs. Kandice K. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mr. David L. Bosley
Dr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Steve N.
Valery E. Craane
Mrs. Nancy A. Dill
Mrs. Marjorie S. Ducote
Mrs. Paula K. East-Janicki
Ms. Jill Ethington
Ms. Barbara Glanz
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Ms. Trish Graf
Joan Granlund
Robert and Shirley Harris
Family Foundation
Dr. Thomas R. Hatch
Kyle Holder
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Johnson
Ms. Judith A. Jones Cone
Mr. John F. Kolash
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. Thomas LaGrotta
Alice Nichols Lee
Mrs. Jean W. Maggs
Ms. Catherine A. Eklund
Ms. Etta J. Moore
Mr. Blair Mottern
Mr. Barry O’Reilly
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Orem
Gary and Ann Palmer
Ms. Denise M. Parker
Stanley and Virginia Pillman
Douglas and Stephanie Pratt
John M. Quie
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed
Roberta Roloff
Ms. Mavis E. Self
Mrs. Mary Singstock
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W.
Mrs. Patricia A. Snyder
Mrs. Elaine Stromme
Marilyn Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Mrs. Willard Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. Howard Whiston
Mr. George E. Whitley †
Mr. Richard A. Wingo
Patron $1000-2499.99
Anonymous (14)
Mr. and Mrs. David Adams
Ms. Judy Adams
Mr. and Mrs. G. Alcantar
Ms. Janice D. Allen
Miss Gene M. Ames
Ms. Sandra Angelo
Roger and Paula Ansel
Virgil and Joann Aukes
Mr. Craig Awad
Baptist Foundation of Texas
Martha H. Beach
Mr. Donald Beall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. Richard H. Becker
Mr. † and Mrs. Robert
William and Lelia Berkey
Ms. Marcia L. Berner
Ms. Joyce V. Bertoldo
Mr. James Bitner
Mr. Jeffrey Bjorck
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Black
Dr. Marjorie Blanchard and
Dr. Kenneth Blanchard
Major General (Ret.) and
Mrs. William P. Bland, Jr.
Mr. † and Mrs. Matt Boelter
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Boggan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Mr. Tom L. Brown
Mrs. Janice M. Bruner
Ms. Catherine M. Brunson
Mr. James O. Buchanan
The Burch Family Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Burks
Mr. Stephen H. Byrd
Campus Crusade For Christ
Campus Ministry
Roger and DeAnna Carman
Beverly V. Carter
Ms. Elon Cherry
Ms. Shirley Chesbro
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard
Kenzie J. Clay
Ms. Doris M. Cobb
Cochran Family Foundation
Drew Cowlham
Mr. John S. Cromlish
Ms. Naomi Cross
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert L.
Mrs. Christy Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Miss Elizabeth D. Di
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T.
Daniel and Christine Doyle
Mrs. Joyce M. Dubay
Mr. John H. Duncan
Gary and Olivia Edwards
Ms. Denise Eichler
Mr. † and Mrs. Bill G.
Mrs. Arlene M. Everitts
Mr. Bill Eylens
Mr. Raymond Folkers
Nansie L. Follen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Foster, Jr.
Robert and Joann Frazier
Mr. Ronald J. Freeman
Mrs. Christina Friedgen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bob and Marion Garthwait
Ms. Patricia Gavin
GERA Danbury LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D.
Dr. Earl H. Goldstein
Dr. Lily W. Gonzalez
Mr. Allen E. Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. Brent R.
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Greer
Chaplain and Mrs. Gaylord
T. Gunhus
Mrs. Gloria Haas
John and Mary Ann Hacku
Orvid Halane
William M. Hales
Michelle Hall
Ms. Sparkle E. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. George
Ms. Janice Hanna
Happy Trucking Inc.
Ms. Gisela Harbs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.
Melba Harken Foundation,
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Mark Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. James
Dr. † and Mrs. Don Henson
Kathryn Hicks
Terry L. Hipps
Mrs. Edna Mae Hoey
Ms. Diane L. Hogan
C.D. Holder
Ms. Margaret A. Hopkins
Ms. Linda Houk
Ms. Bonnie Kay House
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.
Howard, Jr.
Garnet Howell
Mr. Shea Hughes
Ms. Jeanette Ibargoyen
John E. and Sue M. Jackson
Charitable Trust
Mr. Jeffrey H. Jeter
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R.
Ms. Brenda L. Johnson
Mr. Galen J. Johnson
Willie and Penny Johnson
Ms. Barbara L. Jurgens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kall
Mr. Paul L. Kott
Mrs. Joyce C. Krauchuk
Ms. Irene D. Kress
Mr. George A. Ksenic
Ms. Patricia Kyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Mr. Jeremy Landrum
Mr. Kevin Lane
Mrs. Thelma W. Lape
Don and Joann Leavenworth
Mrs. Chong A. Lemacks
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D.
Ms. Shelley L. Long
Mr. Donald L. Longnecker
Mr. Kevin Luing
Alma M. Luna
Mr. Stuart S. Madsen
Mrs. Virginia Malmquist
Ms. Joyce Mangiameli
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Marwil
Ms. Celine Mathew
John and Shirley Mathson
Mr. Tony Matos
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Matthies
Ms. Dorothy M.
Mc Gehean
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S.
Mc Lean
Ms. Susan D. McClean
Mr. Mackie McCrea
Mr. Raymon McVay
Rosalie Maimone and Craig
Mrs. Louise H. Meriwether
Ms. Barbara M. Michie
Mr. Irvin R. Miller
Mrs. Zane R. Mizell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Morris
Mr. Warren Munson
Heather Musclow
Gwyn Myers, Ph.D.
Martha M. Nahale
Mrs. Betty L. Nelson
Mrs. F.W. Newell †
Ms. Susan M. Noel
Jeanette Belen Nunez
Ms. Sheryl S. O’Connell
Mr. Peter Ormond
Ms. Pat Orr
Orsini Healthcare
Mr. Ariel Ortiz Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ossege
Mr. Vernon Pack
Dr. and Mrs. James J.
Mr. William Payden
Ms. Peg Perkins †
Mr. Ronald Perry
Mrs. Kris M. Petro
† Deceased
Mr. Peter Petrou
Mrs. James L. Pettus
Dr. and Mrs. James C.
Donn and Mary Pierce
Mrs. Billie K. Pirnie †
Mr. Justin R. Poole
Ms. Dinah M. Potoski
Mr. David Pratt
Ms. Denicia Quintana
Mr. Frank Quintanilla
Jerry and Naomi Ramseyer
Ms. Sarah J. Randall
Curt and Jeanne Reed
Mr. John A. Robbins
Ms. Pamela A. Robinson
Don and June Rodgers
Mr. William E. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Eli N. Rousso
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rush
Greater St. Stephen Church
St. Stephen’s Episcopal
Ms. Sonia Santiago
Mrs. Malinda Sargeant
Mr. Stephen Sayegh
Frank and Merry Schaff
Mr. Gary Schaper
Ms. Martha S. Scheeren
Dr. and Mrs. John E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Mr. Randall Schober
Wanda K. Schrank
Mr. Karl Schultz
Dr. Stanley Seligman
Ms. Leona Shadle
Ms. Margaret M. Shearman
Mr. Richard Shellenbach
Mary Anne Shemwell
Mr. and Mrs. Rusy M.
Mr. Joseph Simon
Mr. Chas A. Simpson
Mrs. Iris V. Sirois
Mr. Clayton Smith
Ms. Doris P. Smith
John and Faye Smith
Mr. Kevin Smith
Ms. Lisa Smith
Mrs. Rebecca J. Smith
Mr. Mike Snyder
Ms. Louise L. Sovocool
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spuller
Dr. Ronald C. Staples
Thomas P. Stefaniak
Ms. Katharina R. Stephan
Margaret E. Stewart
David and Bonnie Stimpson
Gayle S. Storey
Mrs. Willie B. Storr
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Deborah Lynn Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. John
Linda and Charlie Thiel
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomas
Ms. Pauline Thomas
Anne W. Thompson
Priscilla A Thompson
Mr. Gary H. Thorstens
Tithe Corporation
Merril Tlusty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tracy
Tulsa Community
Joe and Cathy Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris
Joy and Dick Ulrey
Mr. Gerald Lee Van Bolt †
Ms. Susan Venutolo
Nila Wagner
Michael E. Watkins
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
David and Katherine Wesley
Mr. Leroy F. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Ms. Pauline E. Williman
Mr. and Mrs. † Thomas
Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.
Greater Worcester
Community Foundation
C. E. Workman
Mr. John M. Ziegelbein
Partner $500 - $999.99
Anonymous (17)
Bob and Eileen Abbott
Mr. John S. Abbott
Mrs. Marjorie C. Achton
Mrs. Karen Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Mary D. Alexander
Dr. Virginia T. Allender
Mrs. Jackie Amerson
Karen Anderson
Arizona Community
Ms. Bonnevieve Armand
Ms. Frances M. Attebery
Mrs. Nelda Austin
Mr. A.W. Averett
Paul C. Babbitt
Dick and Beverley Badick
Ms. Carolea G. Bailey
P. Balavender
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Shirley C. Ballard
Ms. Elizabeth Barbera
Mr. Joseph J. Barone
Ms. Lorraine Barry
Mr. Franco Bartholomew
Ms. Mary Ann Bartley
Dr. Helene Bartz
Mr. Neil Bates
Mrs. Rose M. Baxter
Ms. Susan Jane Bazell
Howard Beaumont †
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beavin
Mr. Frederic Beck
Ms. Elizabeth Becker
Ms. Ellen Belconis
Susan D. Benroth
Donna Benson
Ms. Irma Benson
Mrs. Mary Ann Benson
Calla B. Bente
Jane F. Benton
Maria Berg
Dr. Michael J. Bernard
Lieutenant Colonel and
Mrs. William G. Berry
Ms. Sue A. Bisher
Mr. William H. Black
Nancy Blinkhorn
Mr. Robert T. Bocanegra
Ms. Karen L. Bodkins
Mr. Mark Boerwinkle
Mrs. Marian F. Booth
Mrs. Reba V. Boothe
Betty Bousfield
Ms. Audrey Bowdish
Mr. and Mrs. Al Box
Richard Braley
Ms. Margie Brann
Mrs. Linda Braun
Dori M. Breitbach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brill
Eila Brillinger
Mr. Earl H. Britton
Carole Brock
Ms. Lisa M. Brom
Lucille Brooks
Mr. Larry P. Brown
Mr. Mervin B. Brubacher
Ms. Carol Brumby
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Mrs. Patti A. Buckley
Becky Bull
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Mr. Sid Bunger
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L.
Mrs. Marguerite L. Burns
Mrs. Betsy C. Burtnik
Ms. Eleanor A. Burton
Mrs. Sharen Burton
Mrs. Eugene Butler
Mrs. Robert W. Butler
Lieutenant Colonel Carolyn
S. Cade (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah
Ms. Alta Campbell
Jon Cappa
Sandra Carlos
Ms. Rhonda Carpenter
Mrs. Irene Carr
Mr. Thomas Carr
Lisa C. Carswell
Mr. Robert T. Case
W. A. Cauthorn
Mrs. Kathleen Caver
Mr. Peter Cayea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cham
Ethel Charles
Ms. Kristal Chisler
Ms. Jean Chism
Ms. Marie Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Chow
Christ Church on
Quaker Hill
Church of God In Christ
Patrick A. Cici
Mr. Rodolfo D. Cilento
Ms. Dorothy Clark
Louise Clark
Charles R. Coates
Ms. Sandra J. Cochran
Dr. A. M. Coker, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Cole
Kim Cole
Mrs. Merle Cole
Jennifer Coleman
Chaplain Paul C. Collins
Mrs. Kathy Colton
Mrs. Margaret L. Compton
Dr. Kevin M. Connolly
Mr. Terry Conway
Mr. Counte L. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mrs. Linda Cornett
Mr. Gordon Corrao
Lynn Corwin
Debra Covey
Cowan, Liebowitz &
Latman P.C.
Mr. Howard R. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth
Cozier, Jr.
Crawford Foundation
Mr. Donald P. Croucher
Mr. Jeffrey D. Cunnington
Mr. Mark Cvikota
D & S Food Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Daniels,
Kathleen E. Davis
Ms. Monica Jo Davis
Mr. Neil De Vries
Mr. Bruce Dean
Mr. Peter Deblasio
Ms. Kathleen M. Dee
† Deceased
Marcia and Alan DeFend
Sylvia J. Deitrick
Ms. Arlene Dewitte
Julia Diakakis
Rev. Dr. Pablo and Mrs.
Elba Diaz
Mr. Steve A. Didomenico
Ms. Debbie Diehl-Pence
Mrs. Lou Dunn Diekemper
Ms. Sally Dobbins
Nancy K. Dooley
Mr. Eugene A. Dore
Mrs. Walter S. Dowdle
G. Downing
Mr. James A. Downs
Beverly Draheim
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. D’Souza
Mary T. Dungee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunkle
Ms. Elizabeth G. Dunnagan
Mrs. Addice DuvalleThomas
Ms. Rena Dye
Col. Carol L. Edgington
Ms. Clara F. Edwards
Miss Dorothy E. Egins
Mr. Paul Eklund
Rose Ellison
Mr. Lance Elmer
Mr. Joseph R. Ender
Mr. M. E. Engle
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Espinosa
Mrs. Elizabeth Espinoza
Mrs. Lois N. Evanoff
Mr. Craig Evans
Debbie Everson
Mr. Sam Fairbairn
Shirley Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Dr. Caraciolo Fernandes
Ms. Terry Fierro
Ben K. Fisher
Bonnie Fitting
Sherry Flippo
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Florey
Lola M. Foberg
Mr. Jim Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ford
Mr. Ronald Forrester
James E. Foster, Sr.
Dorothy J. Fowler
Mrs. W. L. Frakes
Ms. Barbara L. R. Frank
Jeanne L. Friend
Rhoda Friesen
Ms. Ruth Frische
Mr. David Fusselman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Arthur Garcia
Ms. Shirley Garland
Darline George
Mrs. Laura Giberson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gifford
Mrs. Mary L. Giles
Ms. Pauline Gittleson
Jan Glaze †
Ms. Debbie Golden
Miss Margaret L. Goodman
Mr. Lloyd Gootee, Sr.
Galen and Debbie
Mr. Daniel Gower
Mr. Richard A. Grillo
Mr. Mark Groves
Sharon Gutierrez
Mr. Gary Hallmark
Nancy C. Hammett
Sam Hancock
Pamela Hanly
Mr. Bobby Hanna
Margaret L. Hanson
Terry L. Hanson
Billie Harkness
Ms. Ophelia Harris
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert W.
Mr. Lamar G. Hartline
Ms. Julie L. Hasler
Helen Hawkins
Mrs. Ralph L. Hawthorne
Mr. Rufus L. Hayden
Gale and Larry Hays
Kenneth and Sue Hearon
Joan Heath
Mrs. Cindy Henneke
Mr. Jackson R. Herring
Geraldine Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Mr. and Mrs. Tillman
Mr. Rick Hinds
Mr. Lew Hines
Mrs. D. M. Hinsch
Scott J. Hodor
Barb Hoffman
Mr. Roderick L. Hohl
Shirley Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.
Holderness, Jr.
Charlotte Holdrege
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Holman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V.
Sophie Hrenyk
Ms. Debbie Hrovat
Dr. Nan-shing Hsu
Mrs. Barbara Hughes
Edward and Beth Hughes
Mr. Roger D. Huitink
Mr. James Hulburd
Angie Humphries
Melanie Hunsaker
Ms. Marcia M. Huppert
Mr. Don Hutchison
Mildred Ireland
Maria Ivusic
Ms. Pamela Jaccoud
Mrs. Thelma Jack
Mrs. Elaine Jackson
Mrs. Stuart Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R.
Antoine and Chantal Janssen
Mrs. M L. Jessup
Mrs. Avis H. Johnson
Mr. Bruce W. Johnson
Wanda Johnson
Joseph Jones
Ms. Sharon Jones
Mrs. John D. Karns
Ms. Sanderina R. Kasper
Mrs. Charlotte Katen
A. V. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Keen
Mrs. Florence L. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly
Laura Kersey
Mr. Daniel W. Killam
Mr. Paul A. Kindley †
Mrs. Phyllis S. King
Betty L. Kinnard
Carin Kirby
Mr. Anthony Kirk
Mr. Donald Kleiven
Mrs. Julie Kloess
LaVerna Knapenberger
Ms. Mary Beth Knapp
Margaret L. Knox
Miss Mary Janet Konow
Mr. Ronn Kopp
Mr. Kenneth P. Kragt
Mrs. Betty Kraus
Mr. Rick Krauss
Mrs. Shirley Kreiss
Peggy Kruest
Mr. Dennis Kucharek
George L Kudrick
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. David G. Kwarciany
Mr. John C. Laffin
Mr. William K. Lancaster
Mr. Samuel K. Lapp
Ms. Sandra Laster
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Laubach
Ms. Miriam Laudenslagen
Laura Lawrence
Jessica J. Leach
Mrs. Eileen C. Leahey
Mr. Joe R. Lee
Mr. Joseph Lee, Sr.
Mr. Edwin W. Lehecka †
Larry Leibold
Kathleen Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liauw
Shar Lilienkamp
Mr. Thomas M. Lillard
Mr. Robert C. Lindberg
Mr. Ernest A. Lindholm
Mr. Richard A. Lippert
Ms. Norma J. Lisenby
Ms. Melanie Little
Mr. Henry Loewen
Judy Lohmeyer
Joan A. Long
June Ludwig
Ms. Cecelia J. Luna
Mayo J. Lynam
Jack Mabray
Ms. Eunice Mac Ritchie
Martin Machala
Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Mr. James S. Mackey
Mr. James V. Mangino
Ms. Kathy Manier
Antoinette J. Marcum
Mr. Leonard Margiotta
Mary Markle
Mrs. Evelyn H. Marsh
Peter Martineau
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Rosana Martinez
Mr. Sergio Marxuach
Mr. † and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Robert Matthies †
Neal Matti
Loraine Mattison
Margaret C. Mc Bride
Kelly Mc Carthy
Ms. Tammy Mc Kinney
Dr. Arthur L. McAuliffe
Mr. Jim McCarver
Mrs. Barbara McElwee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Sally A. McIntosh
Ms. Marilyn W. Mc Intyre
Carol Mc Nulty
Mr. Alan Mehlenbacher
Mr. Merle F. Meixner
Mrs. Pam Mericle
Guinivere Merritt
Dr. † and Mrs. John Mertus
Holly Metzger
Mrs. John Milam
Ms. Debbie Miller
† Deceased
Dr. Gary Miller
Haydock H. Miller, Jr. †
Barbara Millett
Carol Ann Mills
Ms. Joyce Momarts
Mr. Jerry Moore
Mrs. Marion Moore
Wanda Moore
Mrs. William Moore
Mrs. L. E. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Rand
Ms. Linda L. Morley
Mrs. Shelia D. Morris
Mr. William Mosbaugh
Mrs. Linda Muckel
H. Victor and Jewelynn
Mullins Jr.
Patricia Mulready
Helen P. Mundt
Ms. Lois C. Murphy
Dr. Sharon T. Murphy
Ms. Ann S. Murray
Naval Support Activity
Mr. Jerome M. Naylor
Mrs. Brenda Sue Neace
Ms. Kay Neill
Caroline K. Nelson
New Life Community
Ms. Marsha A. Nichols
Mr. Howard Nielsen
Mr. Warren O’Brien
Ms. Sharon Oczkowicz
Judy & Rod Odegaard
Mr. James G. Oldham, Jr.
Donna Olson
Mrs. Llewellyn G. Olson
Mr. John Orgonik
Lois F. Osborn
Samuel Ovid
Ms. Becky J. Padgett
Ms. Carolyn M. Parker
Ms. Robin Parker
Ms. Dianne Parkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Parks
Mrs. Marilyn A. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paulger
Ms. Joelle E. Pehrson
Mr. Ronald Pelkey
Mrs. Phyllis M. Penick
Ms. Robyn C. Peper
Mr. Greg Perkins
Colleen Petrie-Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Piel
Ms. Susan Pincofski
Mrs. Thomas A. Pitcher
Ms. Elizabeth Pitt
Mr. Russell Poirier
Ginny Pool
Mr. George C. Powell, Jr.
Mrs. Kristina Primbs-Wetter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mrs. James Putler
Mr. Gene Putnam
Mr. Paul Radcliffe
Joanne Ralphs †
D. W. Ralston
Mrs. Mark Ramsay
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Randolph
Mrs. Mary Ratcliffe
Mrs. Spencer Rauber
Ms. Geraldine Lorraine Ray
Martha J. Reddout
Mr. Ross R. Reeves
Reformed Church Of
Mr. Ruben J. Reimer
Ms. Melinda Remington
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Rettich
Ms. Kim Reussow
Carole L. Rice
Ms. Ann Richardson
Mr. Randolph E.
Richardson, Sr.
Ms. Shirley Richardson
Mr. Herman E. Rigley
Dorothy A. Riley
Amalia B. Rios
Nan Ritz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephanie
Carol Robertson
Miss Claudia V. Robinson
Mr. Dan R. Robinson II
Michelle Robles
Ms. Deanna Rockefeller
Mr. Charles Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Wylie C.
Miriam E. Rundstrom
Mrs. Lois Rust
Mrs. Kathleen M. Ryan
Jean A. Sabatine
Ms. Joye Sage
Colonel Kenneth L.
Diane Sanders
Mr. Richard N. Savage
Mrs. Vergence Saylor
Mrs. Janet M. Schaal
Kay D. Schloff
Ruth Schmidt
Mrs. Ruth Schowalter
Gloria Scialdone
Janice W. Scriven
Mrs. Ann W. Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Hazel Severin
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shawl
Lorene Shelow
Mrs. J. Shepard
Mrs. J. Shipes
Mrs. Else M. Shirk
Mr. Ron Shore
Helen Short
Signal 10 Group
Ms. Teresa Silvers
Mr. Keith Simmons
Maude Simmons
Mrs. Wilma J. Simmons
Ms. Margaret C. Sinclair
Ms. Barbara Sloan
Virginia Smirle
Ms. Annie J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ellett M.
Ms. Esther Smith
Ms. Georgia A. Smith
Ms. Grace M. Smith
Mrs. Linda R. Smith
Ms. Martha A. Smith
Mr. Randall Smith
Rhett and Sherry Smith
Mrs. Roby E. Smith
Andy and Diana Snyder
Mrs. Jean R. Snyder
Marilyn Sonn
Ms. Zelda O. Sowho
Dr. and Mrs. W.B. Speer
Mrs. Debbie Spry
Dayis L. Sroder
Ms. Nancy S. Stamp
Mr. Robert Steiger
Mr. John E. Stenger
Mr. Edward C. Stephens
Dr. Mark K. Stevens
Susan Stilson
Dean Stockwell
Mr. Robert E. Stokey
Ted and Sherryl Strand
Ms. Jane Streek
Mrs. Elizabeth Sturgis
R. Sullivan
Tina Swesey
Cathy Szparka
Mrs. Margaret R. Taber
Mr. John E. Talkington
Linda M. Tangen
Ms. Arlene M. Tarbet
Mrs. Louise Teems
The Crader Family
Mrs. Eileen K. Thomas
Susan B. Thomas
Ms. Bernice Thompson
Ms. Deborah A. Thompson
Ms. Erna Thompson
Mr. Floyd M. Thompson
George W. Thrasher
Mr. Kenneth W. Threlkeld
Ms. Lillian Tiemeyer
Mrs. Martha Tillery
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Troyer
Mrs. Paula L. Tschopp
Mrs. Carolyn A. Tugwell
Terry Turben
Mr. Jeffrey Tutewohl
Mr. Gary Twiss
Ms. Kathryn A. Tyson
Commander U.S. Fleet
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Upchurch
Marsha Van Doren
Ms. Joanne E. Van Natta
Linda Van-Cheri †
Elizabeth Vanderhoek
Ms. Cynthia Veliquette
E. A. Venton, D.D.S.
Art and Darlene Ver Steeg
Ms. Mildred L. Verbeck
Mrs. Jane Verdi
Gloria Vergara
Jared Vincent
VA Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Volk
Mrs. Eva G. Von
Ms. Alese J. Wagner
Mr. Mark Wagner
Mrs. Margaret Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Walrod
Mr. Jim B. Waterfield
Mr. F. W. Wattenbarger
Mr. Robert W. Weeks, Jr.
Tracey Welch
Mr. Don G. Wellons
Ms. Sandra Westaby
Mr. Michael C. Westcott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Eileen Whelan
Whelan Real Estate
Ms. Pat White
Ms. Willene K. Whiting
Jane L. Wick
Ms. Beverly Wickum
Thomas F. Wietchy
Ms. Barbara Wilcox †
Mr. Jim Wilhelm
Ruth Williams
Mr. Doug Williamson
Mr. John H. Wilson
Mr. Jack Wingard
Mrs. Betty L. Woelflin
Ms. Marilyn J. Wong
Mr. Ronald Wong
Ms. Patricia Wood
Mrs. Ruth Woodbury
Wendy L. Woodworth
Mr. John Yadush
Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Yoder
Mr. Ola Yoder
Johanna Zepp
“Guideposts and the Foundation have been
nurturing me for years—they are what keeps my
spirit going, my faith alive and energized, and make
it possible for me to give my gifts to the world. I
support Guideposts because it supports me.”
“Giving to Guideposts is one of the most
worthwhile donations you can make,”
Nancy advises, “You can’t put a price on prayer.”
“I give to organizations that help others out
when people are down on their luck… so I give
to Guideposts because they lift people up in
prayer when they need it, giving them hope.”
— David
Supporter $100 - $499.99
11,395 Benefactors
For FY 2012
For FY 2012
July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
Planned Giving .......................... $1,889,693 ........ 18%
Complimentary Publications...... $3,975,441 . ..................38%
Major Gifts................................... $1,145,720 .........11%
OurPrayer...................................... $1,425,392 . ..................14%
Annual Giving................................ $907,736 .......... 9%
Comfort Kits & Youth Ministries....... $524,001 . ....................5%
Direct Mail Fundraising.............. $4,268,414 ........40%
Military Outreach............................ $986,348 . ..................10%
Investment Gain (Loss)................. $(39,625)........... 0%
Fundraising.................................... $2,144,101 . ..................21%
Club Fundraising & PLUS............ $2,321,742 .........22%
Management & General............ $1,247,364 . ..................12%
INCOME....................................... $10,493,680 ...... 100%
TOTAL Expenses......................... $10,302,648 ................ 100%
Management & General
Planned Giving
Major Gifts
Direct Mail
Investment Gain (Loss)
Military Outreach
Planned Giving
Major Gifts
Annual Giving
Direct Mail Fundraising
Club Fundraising & PLUS
Comfort Kits
& Youth
Complimentary Publications
Comfort Kits & Youth Ministries
Military Outreach
Management & General
Every Gift Makes A Difference
Thanks to your generosity, the Guideposts
Foundation is able to meet the needs of
people who are longing for God’s presence
and promises. There are many ways to
give your support and make a difference!
Here’s how…
Our Founders
Help Now
Your help supports Guideposts Outreach Ministries
with gifts made by cash, check, and credit cards
and gifts of appreciated securities such as stock
or mutual funds. Special needs and opportunities
arise and many donors choose to invest via a major
gift to underwrite these types of projects, giving outright or pledging over a number of
years. Call us at 800-728-5653 or visit
Thank You!
Help in the Future
A Bequest through your Will: This is the simplest way to make a gift; you only have
to add the following specific language to your Will naming Guideposts Foundation as a
beneficiary: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________ (a certain sum, a percentage of
the estate, or the remainder of the estate) to Guideposts Foundation, Suite 2AB, 39
Old Ridgebury Rd., Danbury, CT 06810. (A specific program may be designated.)
Charitable Gift Annuities: A Guideposts Charitable Gift Annuity is an excellent
way to make a gift now, gain tax benefits, and receive payments for life. Guideposts
pays a competitive rates and has an outstanding reputation of payment. Upon the death
of the named annuitant(s) the remainder is distributed to the ministry programs of
Guideposts Outreach.
Charitable Trusts: The Guideposts Foundation will serve as trustee of such trusts
if they have an initial principal amount of a minimum of $100,000 for charitable
remainder trusts, or $250,000 for charitable lead trusts.
Life Insurance: This is an ideal way to make a gift that will be larger than what you
paid for it. You only need to make Guideposts Foundation the owner and beneficiary of
the policy and pay any remaining premiums.
Retirement Plans: Retirement plans may create a large income tax problem for
children or other heirs. Since charities do not pay income tax, leaving this sum to
Guideposts Foundation may offer a tax savings to your estate. All you need to do is to
name Guideposts Foundation as a beneficiary of some, or all, of your retirement plan.
Gifts of Securities: Appreciated securities are an excellent way to give to Guideposts
Outreach Ministries. Through a precise process, you may transfer shares to Guideposts.
This may allow you to bypass capital gains tax and increase your charitable deduction.
It is important to follow the process exactly, so please contact us, and your financial
professional, for further information.
Guideposts was founded in 1945 by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and his
wife, Ruth Stafford Peale. Dr. Peale was one of the foremost motivational
speakers and ministers of the 20th Century. He wrote 46 books, including the
inspirational bestseller, The Power of Positive Thinking, first published in 1952.
More than 20 million copies of this acclaimed book have been sold. Mrs. Peale
led the ministries at the Peale Center for Christian Living, now merged with
Guideposts, and served as Chairman of the Board of Guideposts.
Exemplifying the Peale philosophy that Positive Thinking is faith in God and
belief in oneself, Guideposts moves forward in its mission of helping people
from all walks of life achieve their maximum personal and spiritual potential.
A true legacy lives on in the words of Dr. Peale:
“Do the best you can, trust the Lord, serve Him,
walk with God, love people, do your duty, be
honorable and upright, live right, think right, and
you will live at peace with yourself.”
39 Old Ridgebury Road,
Suite 2AB,
Danbury, CT 06810