Samsung SGH-E600 service manual
Samsung SGH-E600 service manual
GSM TELEPHONE SGH-E600/E608 SERVICE GSM TELEPHONE Manual CONTENTS 1. Specification 2. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 3. Exploded Views and Parts List 4. Electrical Parts List 5. Block Diagrams 6. PCB Diagrams 1. SGH-E600/E608 Specification 1. GSM General Specification GSM900 Phas e 1 EGSM 900 Phas e 2 DCS1800 Phas e 1 PCS1900 Fr eq. Band[MHz] Uplink/ Downli nk 890~915 935~960 880~915 925~960 1710~1785 1805~1880 1850~1910 1930~1990 ARFCN r ange 1~124 0~124 & 975~1023 512~885 512~810 Tx/ Rx s paci ng 45MHz 45MHz 95MHz 80MHz Mod. Bit rate/ Bit Period 270.833kbps 3.692us 270.833kbps 3.692us 270.833kbps 3.692us 270.833kbps 3.692us Ti me Slot Peri od/Fr ame Per iod 576.9us 4.615ms 576.9us 4.615ms 576.9us 4.615ms 576.9us 4.615ms Modulati on 0 . 3 GM S K 0.3GMSK 0 . 3 GM S K 0.3GMSK MS Power 33dBm~13dBm 33dBm~5dBm 30dBm~0dBm 30dBm~0dBm Power Cl a ss 5pcl ~ 15pcl 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl Sensit ivit y - 102dBm -102dBm - 100dBm - 100dBm TDMA Mux 8 8 8 8 Cell Radius 35Km 35Km 2Km - 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Specification 2. GSM TX power class TX Power control level GSM900 TX Power DCS1800 control level TX Power control level PCS1900 5 33±2 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 6 31±2 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 7 29±2 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 8 27±2 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 9 25±2 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 10 23±2 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 11 21±2 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 12 19±2 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 13 17±2 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 14 15±2 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 15 13±2 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 16 11±3 dBm 11 8±4dBm 11 8±4dBm 17 9±3dBm 12 6±4 dBm 12 6±4 dBm 18 7±3 dBm 13 4±4 dBm 13 4±4 dBm 19 5±3 dBm 14 2±5 dBm 14 2±5 dBm 15 0±5 dBm 15 0±5 dBm 1-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2. SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 1.Baseband 1. Power ON 'Power On' does not work Check the current consumtion more than 100mA NO Downloader again YES Check the Vbat(battery+ O) Voltage more than 3.3V NO Charge the Battery YES Check the pin 11 of U100 is more than 2.8V NO Check U100 and C108 YES U100 pin 39 = 2.8V NO Check U100 and C112 YES U100 pin 9 = 1.8V NO Check C107 YES Check the clock signal at pin6 of OSC800 Freq=13MHz Vrms°√300mV Vpp is around 900mVpp NO Check the clock generation circuit (OSC800) YES 'Power On' does not work END 2-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 2. Initial Initial Failure Check the signal at the pin 19 of U100 is "High" when the phone is boot on NO Check U100 YES NO Check the pin 22 of U100 is "High" Check the U700 YES NO Check the pin 4 of OSC800 is around 2.8V Check the soldered status of OSC800, L800, U100 YES Check and resolder LCD connector CN200 if there is solder bridhe between the pins YES END 3. Sim Part Phone can't access SIM card Check the pin 1 of CN100. Voltage = 3V NO Check the circuit related to U100 YES Check the SIM connector's (CN100) connector's to SIM card NO resolder or change CN100 YES Check the circuit around CN100 input circuitry NO Check the related circuit of CN100 YES Check the circuit around U600 output and voltage supply circuitry NO Check the related circuit of U600 and U100 YES END 2-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization KEY_ROW(0) KEY_COL(2) RTCALARM PWR_KEEP C106 100NF 2 3 R100 390K VRTC Q101 1 R102 330K XOENA EN_VPAC UP_SCLK UP_CS UP_SDI PWR_ON JIG_ON TA_VEXT C103 2.2UF VBA T SIMRST SIMCLK SIMDATA C104 33PF EN_3 EN_4[0] EN_4[1] EN_5 EN_5 A EN_5 B 57 GND 58 GND 59 GND 60 GNDD 55 RING_PWM 22 23 24 25 26 27 46 PWR_SW1N 47 PWR_SW2 13 RTC_ALMN 21 PWR_KEEP 20 PSW1_BUF 14 INTRQ 15 SDI 16 SDO 17 SCLK 18 CSN 1 VEXT 43 BTEMP 3 VACC 2 VBAT 44 ADC_AUX1 45 ADC_AUX2 56 ADC_TRIG 54 UP_RST 53 UP_CLK 52 UP_IO 50 K SIM_CL U100 49 5 51 4 48 VSIM VIB_DRV C105 33PF 29 CREF 78 LED1_DRV C102 100NF 28 GNDQ 30 VREF LED2_DRV 6 6 5 5 4 4 G G G G 10 9 8 7 6 42 34 33 37 VDD12 VLDO_1 RESETN VLDO_2 VRTC VLDO_3 10 9 19 11 12 39 VDD34 38 VLDO_4 36 VL4S_A 35 VL4S_B VDD5 VLDO_5 32 VL5S_A 31 VL5S_B VLDO_6 VDD67 41 VLDO_7 40 C101 33PF BACKLIGHT C100 100NF C114 1UF VBA T C115 100NF VBAT VREF C108 1UF VCCD PSC_RST C107 1UF VCC_1.8A C112 2.2UF VRF C113 1UF VPAC C109 1UF VCCA C110 1UF VCC B C111 100PF R101 1.2K VRTC POS CN100 SIM_IO RING_DR V SIM_RST 61 GND 62 GND 63 GND 64 GND GNDD1 65 GND 66 GND 67 GND 68 GND 1 NEG 2 11 2 2 33 M1 SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 2-3 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 4. Charging Part Abnormal charging part NO Check the pin 17,18 of CN300 VEXT is > 4V Check U100 YES NO Check the pin 2 of Q103 is "LOW" Check the U600 YES NO Check the pin 3 of Q100 is "LOW" Check the Q100 YES NO Check the pin 5 of U101 is "3.2~4.2V" Check the U101 YES Check if ICHRG is 1V (during charging) and around 180mV(full charging) NO Resolder or change R104 YES END Q100 PSC_RS T 6 5 2 1 4 VBAT U101 1 ISENSE 2 GND 3 VCC TA_VEXT 3 6 DRIVE VSENS E 5 PROG 4 C116 10UF 10V C117 10UF 10V Q103 1 CHG_ON 6 2 5 3 R104 R105 47K,1% TA_VEXT R106 3K 4 2-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 0 ICHRG SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 5. Microphone Part Microphone does not work Check the assembled status of microphone. NO Reassemblage microphone YES Check the reference voltage on mic path C412 =2.5V NO resolder or change C406,R406,R408,R410,R412) YES NO Check U700 Is microphone ok? YES END 2-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization AUXOUT AUXIN MICOUT R421 75K C421 680PF C410 10PF R40 8 75K C422 180PF R420 C411 10PF R434 330K R428 91K VCCA 4.7K 10 C420 1UF VCCA R415 C406 1UF VCCA R412 680 C417 33UF 6.3V R406 8.2K 1 Q400 R417 4.7K R410 4.7K R407 2 3 R429 200K VCCD C412 10UF 10V C409 10PF 0 0 R411 EAR_SWITC H AOUTBN AOUTBP C408 33PF C418 68PF C416 68PF R42 7 NC R422 0 MAIN1 ICEBERG-FPC B R431 0 R425 NC R423 0 C415 6.3V R419 0 C419 10PF 33UF R432 0 R426 0 R424 0 R414 470 R416 R433 0 JACK_I N 12 R413 12 C423 10PF ZD40 2 C426 27PF ZD404 C424 180PF ZD401 TH2 VCCA 100K R418 MICIN TH3 C425 10PF ZD403 P EAR_MIC_ EAR_SPK_N JACK_IN EAR_MIC_N P EAR_SPK_ 2 6 5 4 1 3 CN40 0 SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 2-6 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 6. Speaker Part Speaker does not work Check the connection status spk to CN200 NO Resolder and check the board to board connector YES Check the pin8 of U400 = 'High' NO Check U700 YES Check U700, R200, R201 NO Change or resolder U700, R200, R201 YES Is speaker ok? NO Change Speaker YES END VCCD U1104 100NF U400 1 V+ AOUTAN SPK1N R401 12 2 NO1 NO2 10 12 COM2 9 3 COM1 IN2 8 NC2 7 4 IN1 YMU_SPK1N R400 5 NC1 GND 6 G G GG 11 12 13 14 2-7 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization AOUTAP SPK1P AUDIO_OUT_SE L YMU_SPK1 P SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 7. Back Light Backlight does not work Check the soldered status of EL pad YES NO Backlight "ON" mode in the meue Select backlight "ON" mode YES NO Check the PIN 30 of CN200 = 2.8V Check the U600 YES Check the connection from CN200 to LCD Module NO Replace FPCB CONNECTOR YES NO LCD backlight on? Change LCD Module YES END 215 R216 R217 218 R219 R220 221 R222 223 180R 180 180 180R 180 180 180R 180 180R LED212 LED211 LED210 LED209 R214 180 LED208 LED207 LED206 R213 180 LED205 LED204 LED203 R212 180 LED202 LED201 VBAT BACKLIGHT 2-8 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 8.Alert Tone Abnormal Alert tone Alert tone On by pushing the key *#0289# Check the PIN 17, 26 of CN200 Is there alert wave? NO Check the circuit related to U401,R200,R201 YES Check the connection from CN200 to LCD Module NO Change Speaker YES NO Alert is ok? Change LCD Module YES YMU_VIB_EN YMU_SPK1P YMU_SPK1N D(7) D(5) D(6) D(4) D(3) D(2) END 27 D0 YMU_EN A(0) 29 30 D7 D6 D5 EQ 3 U401 /CS EQ 2 A0 EQ 1 HPOUTR 4 5 6 VSS VDD PLLC NC /RST /IRQ 3 7 8 R402 13 100K R403 33K U1107 270PF 12 C402 4.7UF 6.3V C404 22NF 11 R404 33K R405 56K U1109 4.7NF 9 R409 C407 100NF 1NF 100NF VCCD C414 C413 YMU_LED YMU_IRQ RST 2 3.3K 1 14 HPOUT-L/MONO 10 LED CLKI 32 IOVDD CLK13M_YMU 15 /WR 31 /RD CP_OEN SPVDD VBAT VREF CP_WEN 28 SPVSS D(0) 16 SPOUT 1 D1 SPOUT 2 26 MTR D(1) D4 D2 D3 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 2-9 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization U1106 100NF SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 2.RF 1. GSM Receiver CONTINUOS RX ON RF INPUT : 62CH Cell power : -50dBm NORMAL CONDITION catch the channel? NO CHECK R1007,L1000,C1000,contact YES F1000 CHECK pin15 ≥ -65dBm? NO CN1000 resolder or change YES F1000 CHECK pin1,2 ≥ -65dBm? NO F1000 resolder or change YES U901 CHECK pin20,21 ≥ -65dBm? NO C1002,C1003,L1001 resolder or change YES U901 CHECK pin9,32 : 2.8V NO U100 PIN 39, C112 resolder or change YES U901 CHECK pin8: 13MHz NO R800, C902 resolder NO OSC800 CHECK pin 4 : 2.8V pin 3 : 13MHz V p-p : 950mV YES NO OSC800 change U901 CHECK pin 1,2,3,,27: V p-p100mV NO U901 resolder or change YES NO GSM Receiver is ok? GSM RX path component resolder or change END 2-10 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 2. DCS Receiver CONTINUOS RX ON RF INPUT : 698CH Cell power : -50dBm NORMAL CONDITION catch the channel? NO CHECK R1007,,L1000,c1000,contact? YES F1000 CHECK pin15 ≥ -65dBm? NO CN1000 resolder or change YES F1000 CHECK pin3,4 ≥ -65dBm? NO F1000 resolder or change NO C1004,C1005,L1002 resolder or change YES U901 CHECK pin18,19 ≥ -65dBm? YES U901 CHECK pin9,32 : 2.8V NO U100 PIN 39, C112 resolder or change YES U901 CHECK pin8: 13MHz NO R800, C902 resolder NO OSC800 CHECK pin 4 : 2.8V pin 3 : 13MHz V p-p : 950mV YES NO OSC800 change U901 CHECK pin 1,2,3,,27: V p-p100mV NO U901 resolder or change YES d Receiver is ok? NO GSM RX path component resolder or change END 2-11 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 3. PCS Receiver CONTINUOS RX ON RF INPUT : 698CH Cell power : -50dBm NORMAL CONDITION catch the channel? NO CHECK R1007,L1000,C1000,contact? YES F1000 CHECK pin15 ≥ -65dBm? NO CN1000 resolder or change NO F1000 resolder or change YES F1000 CHECK pin6 ≥ -65dBm? YES F1001 CHECK pin4,6 ≥ -65dBm? NO F1001 resolder or change YES U901 CHECK pin16,17 ≥ -65dBm? NO C1006,C1007,L1003 resolder or change YES U901 CHECK pin8: 13MHz NO NO R800, C902 resolder OSC800 CHECK pin 4 : 2.8V pin 3 : 13MHz V p-p : 950mV YES NO OSC800 change U901 CHECK pin 1,2,3,,27: V p-p100mV NO U901 resolder or change YES NO d Receiver is ok? GSM RX path component resolder or change END 2-12 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 4. GSM Transmitter NO F1000 pin 15 about 2~3dBm? NO F1000 pin 13 : 2.8V CONTINUS TX ON U700,U701 check & change CONDITION MS TX level 19 YES YES CN1000, C1001,R1007 check & change NO CH : 62 U1001 pin11 pin 3~4dBm? RBW : 100KHz VBW : 100KHz YES SPAN : 10MHz REF LEV. : 10dBm F1000 check & change U1000 pin 4 : 3.7 V? NO ATT. : 20dB BATTERY, U100 check & change YES U1000 pin 2 : 1.2 V NO YES U1000 pin3:3V NO U700 check & change YES U1000pin 6: NO 1.2 V? YES U1000 pin 7 : -5dBm? NO YES U1000 change & resolder U901 NO pin9,32 2.8V? YES U100 pin39,C112 change or resolder NO U901 pin4,5,6,7 1.7V YES U700 change U1000 check & change NO U901 pin 8 13MHz Vp-p :950mV NO OSC800 pin 3 :13MHz? Vp-p : 950mV YES NO OSC800 change or resolder YES U901change or resolder OSC800 pin 4 : 3V ? YES U901 change or resolder 2-13 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization NO U100 pin39,c112 change or resolder SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 5. DCS Transmitter NO F1000 pin 15 about 2~3 dBm? NO F1000 pin 11 : 2.8 V? U700,U702 check & change CONTINUS TX ON CONDITION MS TX level 12 YES YES CN1000, R1007,C1001 check & change CH : 698 RBW : 100KHz U1000 pin 17 3~4dBm? NO VBW : 100KHz SPAN : 10MHz YES REF LEV. : 10dBm F1000 check & change NO U1000 pin 4 : 3.7 V? ATT. : 20dB BATTERY, U100 check & change YES NO U1000 pin 5 : 3 V? YES NO U1000 pin2,3:3V? U700 check & change YES NO U1000 pin 6 : 1.2 V? YES U1000 pin 1 about : -5dBm? NO YES U1000 change & resolder U901 pin9,32 2.8V? NO YES U100 pin39,C112 change or resolder NO U901 pin4,5,6,7 1.7V YES U700 change U1000 check & change NO U901 pin 8 13MHz Vp-p :950mV NO OSC800 pin 3 :13MHz? Vp-p : 950mV YES NO OSC800 change or resolder YES U901change or resolder OSC800 pin 4 : 3V ? YES U901 change or resolder 2-14 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization NO U100 pin39,c112 change or resolder SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams 6. PCS Transmitter F1000 pin 15 about 2~3 dBm? NO F1000 pin 5 : 2.8 V? NO U700,U703 check & change CONTINUS TX ON CONDITION MS TX level 12 YES YES CN1000, C1001,R1007 check & change NO CH : 698 RBW : 100KHz U1001 pin 11 pin 3~4dBm? VBW : 100KHz SPAN : 10MHz YES REF LEV. : 10dBm F1000 check & change U1000 pin 4 : 3.7 V? NO ATT. : 20dB BATTERY, U100 check & change YES NO U1000 pin 5 : 3 V? YES U1000 pin 2, 3 : 3 V? NO U700 check & change YES NO U1000 pin 6 : 1.2 V? YES NO U1000 pin 1 about : -5dBm? YES U1000 change & resolder U901 pin9,32 2.8V? NO YES U100 pin39,C112 change or resolder NO U901 pin4,5,6,7 1.7V YES U700 change U1000 check & change NO U901 pin 8 13MHz Vp-p :950mV NO OSC800 pin 3 :13MHz? Vp-p : 950mV YES U901change or resolder NO OSC800 change or resolder YES OSC800 pin 4 : 3V ? NO U100 pin39,c112 change or resolder YES U901 change or resolder 2-15 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams VRF L800 R800 100 R802 2.7K CLK13M_RF C800 10NF R801 100K C801 10NF 3 OUT 4 VCC OSC80 0 CLK13M_TR 56 BUFFOUT BUFFI N GND VCONT 2 1 AFC C802 1NF C804 220PF R803 C803 560 1NF CLK13M_MC CLK13M_YMU C805 10NF (Picture 1) VRF C900 47PF C901 33PF GSM_PAM_IN RXQP DPCS_PAM_I N RXQN 2 3 RFOD RFOG DIAG1 XEN RFIDP 4 TXIP RFIPN GND 21 20 19 18 SERDAT SERLE DCS_LNA_IN_P PCS_LNA_IN_P 15 VRF SERCLK DCS_LNA_IN_N PCS_LNA_IN_N 9 10 11 12 13 14 SDO GSM_LNA_IN_P 16 100PF C903 22NF GSM_LNA_IN_N 17 SDI SCLK _SEN _PDN RFIPP SI_EN C902 DIAG2 U901 RXIN 8 TXQN RXQP RFIDN 5 TXIN 6 TXQP 7 TXQN TXQP CLK13M_RF RXIP SDO TXIN RFIGP XIN TXIP RFIGN RXQN VDD RXIN 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 GND GND NC NC XOUT 35 36 37 38 1 GND GND VDD GND GND GND 34 33 32 31 30 29 RXIP (Picturw 2) 2-16 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization GSM_PAM_IN L TX_BAND_SE DPCS_PAM_IN This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization R1004 120 R1003 R1001 150 R1000 47 R TXPOWE 39 C1010 10NF R1005 120 R10062 R1002 150 C1008 100UF 6.3V 560PF C1015 K C1009 3.3UF 6.3V VBAT C1013 270PF VPAC C1016 1NF 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 14 8 9 N EGSMI VRAMP VREG VBATT TXENA BAND VCC2 20 L1004 33nH U1000 EGSMOUT DCS/PCSOUT DCS/PCSIN C1011 33PF TX_EN VCC GND VCC2 11 17 C1014 NC L1007 C1012 18PF 10nH L1005 NC R1008 0 L1006 15nH GSM_TX_E N DCS_TX_E N PCS_RX_EN 13 11 5 10 12 7 G 14 G GG 16 VC1 VC2 VC3 DCS/PCSTX EGSMTX 19 20 G EGSMRX EGSMRX DCSRX DCSRX PCSRX F1000 ANT 15 C1001 47PF 1 2 3 4 6 3 2 F1001 OUT1 4 1 OUT2 6 G1 G2 G3 5 13 IN 24 OUT IN GND GND CN1000 L1000 NC C1005 C1007 1.2PF 1.2PF 1PF C1006 1PF 0.75PF C1003 C1004 0.75PF 4.7PF C1002 R1007 ANT ANT100 0 L100 3 6.2nH L1002 7.5nH L1001 27nH C1000 4.7nH 3 2 1 PCS_LNA_IN_P PCS_LNA_IN_N DCS_LNA_IN_P DCS_LNA_IN_N GSM_LNA_IN_P GSM_LNA_IN_N SGH-E600/E608 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams (Picture 3) 2-17 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3. SGH-E600/E608 Exploded View and its Part list 1. Cellular phone Exploded View 1 2 13 12 3 14 15 4 16 5 9 17 6 20 18 22 19 21 10 23 7 11 8 24 25 27 26 3-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Exploded view and its Part list 2. Cellular phone Parts list Location Description NO. SEC CODE SEC CODE (SGH-E600) (SGH-E608) 1 MEC CAMERA RING ASS'Y GH75-03822A 2 PMO DUAL WINDOW GH72-10580A 3 MEC F/UPPER GH75-03801A 4 LCD GH07-00471A 5 MICRO SPEAKER 3001-001481 6 MOTOR GH31-00075A 7 MEC F/LOWER GH75-03817A 8 MEC MAIN WINDOW GH75-03820A 9 UNIT CAMERA GH59-01175A 10 SCREW 6001-001479 11 LABEL SCREW HOLE COVER GH68-02948A 12 MEC FRONT COVER GH75-03800A 13 MEC CAMERA KEY ASS'Y GH75-03825A 14 MEC VOL KEY ASS'Y GH75-03824A 15 MEC KEYPAD ASS'Y GH75-03821A GH75-03821B 16 MAIN PBA GH92-01608A GH92-01714A 17 UNIT METAL DOME GH59-01145A 18 UNIT VOL KEY GH59-01147A 19 ANTENNA GH42-00365A 20 MICROPHONE ASS'Y GH30-00075A 21 IF COVER GH72-10589A 22 EAR JACK COVER GH72-10587A 23 MEC REAR COVER GH75-03823A 24 R/F COVER GH72-11998A 25 SCREW 6001-001478 26 REAR SCREW CAP GH72-11991A 27 BATTERY Remark GH72-10580B GH75-04277A GH43-01138A GH43-01238A 700MAH GH43-01139A GH43-01239A 900MAH 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Exploded view and its Part list 3. Test Jig (GH80-00865A) 3-1. RF Test Cable 3-2. Test Cable (GH39-00090A) 3-3. Serial Cable (GH39-00127A) 3-4. Power Supply Cable 3-5. DATA CABLE (GH39-00159A) 3-6. TA (GH44-00482A)-E600 (GH44-00483A)-E608 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-E600/E608 MAIN Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC GH71-00734A ANT1000 2203-005061 C1112 2203-000438 C421 2203-005061 C100 2404-001268 C1113 2203-002443 C422 2703-002267 C1000 2203-000940 C1114 2203-000278 C423 2203-000995 C1001 2203-001598 C112 2203-005503 C424 2203-002677 C1002 2203-005171 C113 2203-000278 C425 2203-002677 C1003 2203-005171 C114 2203-000679 C426 2203-005288 C1004 2203-005061 C115 2203-005496 C600 2203-005288 C1005 2404-001268 C116 2203-005496 C601 2203-005234 C1006 2404-001268 C117 2203-000254 C602 2203-005234 C1007 2203-000995 C118 2203-000254 C603 2404-001134 C1008 2404-001268 C119 2203-000254 C604 2404-001087 C1009 2203-005509 C200 2203-000254 C605 2203-000812 C101 2203-005482 C201 2203-000254 C606 2203-000254 C1010 2203-000359 C202 2203-005061 C607 2203-000812 C1011 2203-000359 C203 2203-001405 C608 2203-000425 C1012 2203-001652 C204 2203-000679 C609 2203-000654 C1013 2404-001086 C205 2203-000254 C610 2203-002525 C1015 2203-005061 C300 2203-005482 C611 2203-000438 C1016 2203-005061 C400 2203-000995 C612 2203-005061 C102 2203-005061 C401 2203-000233 C613 2203-001598 C103 2404-001086 C402 2203-000628 C614 2203-000812 C104 2203-005061 C403 2203-005480 C615 2203-000812 C105 2203-001405 C404 2203-000628 C616 2203-005061 C106 2203-000254 C405 2203-000628 C700 2203-005171 C107 2203-006093 C406 2203-002443 C701 2203-005171 C108 2203-005061 C407 2203-000233 C702 2203-005171 C109 2203-000812 C408 2203-005496 C703 2203-005171 C110 2203-000278 C409 2203-005450 C704 2203-005061 C1101 2203-000278 C410 2203-005065 C705 2203-005061 C1102 2203-000278 C411 2203-005061 C706 2203-000233 C1103 2404-001268 C412 2203-000233 C707 2203-005061 C1105 2203-000438 C413 2203-000254 C708 2404-001268 C1106 2203-005061 C414 2203-000254 C709 2203-000254 C1107 2404-001100 C415 2203-000254 C710 2203-000940 C1108 2404-001100 C417 2203-000254 C711 2203-000233 C111 2203-000278 C419 2203-000254 C712 2404-001268 C1111 2203-006093 C420 2203-000254 C713 4-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC 2203-005052 C714 0601-001790 LED206 2007-000148 R1104 2203-000233 C715 0601-001790 LED207 2007-007021 R1105 2203-000254 C800 0601-001790 LED208 2007-000171 R1107 2203-000254 C801 0601-001790 LED209 2007-000171 R200 2203-000438 C802 0601-001790 LED210 2007-000171 R201 2203-000438 C803 0601-001790 LED211 2007-002970 R202 2203-000585 C804 0601-001790 LED212 2007-002970 R203 2203-000254 C805 4302-001130 M1 2007-000174 R204 2203-000995 C900 2801-003747 OSC600 2007-000174 R205 2203-000812 C901 0502-001201 Q100 2007-000174 R206 2203-000233 C902 0504-001113 Q101 2007-000174 R207 2203-006137 C903 0504-001113 Q102 2007-000174 R208 3404-001152 CAM 0506-001052 Q103 2007-000174 R209 3705-001226 CN1000 0504-000168 Q400 2007-000174 R210 3711-005159 CN200 0504-000167 Q701 2007-000174 R211 3722-001880 CN400 0504-000167 Q702 2007-001307 R212 2909-001191 F1000 0504-000167 Q703 2007-001307 R213 2904-001410 F1001 2007-000167 R100 2007-001307 R214 2901-001260 F200 2007-001295 R1000 2007-001307 R215 2901-001260 F201 2007-001306 R1001 2007-001307 R216 2901-001260 F202 2007-001306 R1002 2007-001307 R217 2901-001260 F203 2007-000174 R1003 2007-001307 R218 2901-001260 F204 2007-001305 R1004 2007-001307 R219 2901-001260 F205 2007-001305 R1005 2007-001307 R220 2901-001260 F206 2007-000137 R1006 2007-001307 R221 2703-001907 L1001 2203-005395 R1007 2007-001307 R222 2703-002165 L1002 2007-000171 R1008 2007-001307 R223 2703-001543 L1004 2007-001319 R101 2007-000174 R224 2703-001180 L1006 2007-000758 R102 2007-000174 R225 2703-001943 L1007 2007-000148 R103 2007-000157 R300 3301-001105 L800 2007-000171 R104 2007-000157 R301 0604-001261 LED200 2007-007139 R105 2007-000157 R302 0601-001790 LED201 2007-001323 R106 2007-000140 R303 0601-001790 LED202 2007-000157 R1100 2007-000140 R304 0601-001790 LED203 2007-000171 R1101 2007-000140 R305 0601-001790 LED204 2007-000143 R1102 2007-000140 R306 0601-001790 LED205 2007-000143 R1103 2007-000140 R307 4-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E600/E608 Electrical Parts List SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC SEC Code Design LOC 2007-000140 R308 2007-000157 R500 1209-001219 U602 2007-000140 R309 2007-000171 R501 1204-001984 U700 2007-000140 R310 2007-000157 R600 0504-001042 U701 2007-000148 R311 2007-000157 R601 0504-001042 U702 2007-000148 R312 2007-000170 R602 0504-001042 U703 2007-003001 R400 2007-000157 R603 1405-001018 V201 2007-003001 R401 2007-000162 R604 1405-001018 V202 2007-000162 R402 2007-000162 R605 1405-001082 ZD201 2007-000775 R403 2007-007142 R606 1405-001082 ZD202 2007-000775 R404 2007-007573 R607 1405-001082 ZD203 2007-000159 R405 2007-007573 R609 1405-001082 ZD204 2007-000147 R406 2007-001305 R700 1405-001082 ZD205 2007-000172 R407 2007-000932 R701 1405-001082 ZD206 2007-007021 R408 2007-001305 R702 1405-001082 ZD207 2007-001325 R409 2007-007200 R703 1405-001082 ZD208 2007-000143 R410 2007-007200 R704 1405-001082 ZD209 2007-000171 R411 2007-000138 R800 1405-001082 ZD210 2007-001119 R412 2007-000162 R801 1405-001082 ZD211 2007-003001 R413 2007-000142 R802 1405-001082 ZD300 2007-000932 R414 2007-002797 R803 1405-001082 ZD301 2007-000172 R415 1203-002902 U100 1405-001082 ZD302 2007-003001 R416 1203-002127 U101 1405-001082 ZD303 2007-000143 R417 1203-001720 U102 1405-001082 ZD304 2007-000162 R418 1203-002113 U1101 1405-001082 ZD305 2007-001284 R419 1203-002099 U1102 1405-001082 ZD306 2007-000144 R420 2804-001492 U1103 1405-001082 ZD307 2007-000162 R421 2203-005061 U1104 1405-001082 ZD308 2007-000171 R422 2203-005061 U1105 1405-001082 ZD309 2007-000171 R423 2203-005061 U1106 1405-001082 ZD310 2007-000171 R424 2203-000654 U1107 1405-001082 ZD311 2007-000171 R426 2203-000940 U1108 1405-001082 ZD312 2007-001244 R428 2203-000885 U1109 1405-001082 ZD313 2007-000165 R429 0801-002294 U300 1405-001018 ZD314 2007-000171 R431 1204-002138 U401 1405-001082 ZD401 2007-000171 R432 1109-001281 U500 1405-001082 ZD402 2007-000171 R433 GH09-00023A U600 1405-001082 ZD403 2007-000758 R434 1009-001010 U601 1405-001082 ZD404 4-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 5. SGH-E600/E608 Block Diagrams CSP1093 GSM:925MHz~960MHz L Antenna I ADC PGA TRIDENT DCS:1805MHz~1880MHz PGA N DAC CHANNEL FILTER RF FILTER PGA A Q ADC PGA DAC PCS:1930MHz~1990MHz DSP16000 100KHz 1 / 2 SI4205 FEM SERIAL DATA BASE INTERFACE BAND GSM:890MHz~915MHz DET I ARM7TDMI PAM Q TX VCO DCS:1710MHz~1785MHz TCVCXO PCS:1850MHz~1910MHz 13MHz RF IF PLL PLL CLK AFC TXPOWER UI 5-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization AUDIO SGH-E600/E608 Block Diagrams POWER X-TAL (DC/DC, CHARGER) 13MHz IRDA TRIDENT ACC DSP16000 DB(15:0) PPI INT1 (Programmable IRQx Peripheral I/O) PAx RSTB GPIO TXIN RWN AB(8:0) RS232 TXIP CSP1093 IO ARM7TDMI IO TXQP <RF DRIVER> RWN TX I/Q TXQN AB(8:0) RX I/Q RXIP RF SOLUTION DB(15:0) TXP RXIN - RFIC INT1 SERCK RXQP - PAM IRQx SERLE RXQN PAx SERDA SERCK RSTB OCTL SERLE SERDA SMART SIM I/O RXOVL CARD TXP OCTL X-TAL 32.768 KHz DSPJTAG RTC EMI ARM JTAG DAICK DAIRN JTAG/ICE JTAG/ICE LCD DAIDO KEYBOARD DAIDI DAI AUDIO PART AUDIO MCP Memory Part 256M FLASH 64M SRAM CAMERA CAMERA ASIC LCD MOTOR B'D to B'D Connector 5-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 6. SGH-E600/E608 PCB Diagrams U1104 R401 R415 R400 6-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization C402 R431C401C405 CN300 C103 ZD301ZD302 ZD307ZD303 R303 ZD300 TH2 R411 R501 C409 R423 R412 R410 C403 R500 R600 R306 ZD309 MAIN1 G1 U1106 C417 C404R404R402 R405R403U1107 ZD304 R307 ZD310 R422C601 R311 C705 G2 M1 Q103 R308 C412 U300 R427R602 U602 R704C712R703C713C416C700 C709C706C711C708C714C411 C710C418 R414C419 C415 U700 U901 CAM ZD311ZD312 U1105 C602C406C414 R312C410C413 C300R408R406 C703C421R409 C704R421C407 C701R420R417 C422C420U1109 R310 ZD306 R105 R309 R305 R300 Q101 ZD308R103 ZD305 R407 R425 R304 R302R301 C408 U600 C114 ZD313 Q102 U1108 C400 C100 C615 R609 R607 R606 C600 C606 R601 R603 R604 ZD314 R101 R202 R203 CN100 C1113C204 U500 C1101C1112 C603 U401 U1103 C1107R1105 C608 C605 C604 C607 C613 C610 C609 LED200 C205 C112 C109 C113 C1114 U100 C614 C106 R102 R100 C616 U1101 U400 R801C801 C1104 C1111 C107 C115 C101 C104 C105 C102 C111 C1108 OSC600 U1100 R803 R800 L800 C803 C902 C800R802 C805 OSC800 C804 C802 R1106 C1109 R1107 C715C707C901C900C903 U703 U1102 C1102 C1100 R1100 C1110 C110 U702 U701 C1003 C1002 L1001 L1002 L1003 C1006 F1001 C1004 C702 G3 C1005 C1007 U1000 R1004 R1001R1000R1002C1013C1011C1016R1006C1015 C1009 C1008 R1005 C1010R1003 F1000 C1001 CN1000 L1000R1007C1000 ANT1000 R1104R1101C1103C1105 L1004 CN400 C1012 L1007 C108 C1106 G4 L1005 L1006 R1008 TH3 CN200 C1014 R1102R1103C203C200 R201C201V202 V201 1. Main PCB Top Diagram SGH-E600/E608 PCB Diagrams 2. Main PCB Bottom Diagram F206F202F204F203 LED210 R221 ZD208 LEFT LED209 R209 ZD403 I UP R428 R429 F201F200F205 R413 R433 R424 R605 C612 C611 ZD401 R418 R207 Q701 R701 Q703 Q702 R217 LED206 ZD204 TP702 TP701 TP703 TP700 3 6 9 ZD210 ZD203 ZD201 ZD211 R224 ZD202 TP11TP7 TP2TP10 PWR LED211 R206 LED202 R213 R225 R216LED205 R205 R211 R219LED208 LED204 R215 R222 RIGHT U601 C424 DOWN 2 5 R700 SHARP SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice C423 CLEAR ZD209 8 0 This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization ZD402 ZD206 ZD207 6-2 R702 R416 R432 R426 C426 C425 R208 TP5 TP3 R212 ZD404 R210 TP9 TP1 R223 R218 R214 LED203 LED207 TP4 LED212 TP8TP6 LED201 R220 SEND 1 4 7 * R106R104 STO R419 R204 ZD205R608 U101 R434 C116 C202C118 R200 C117 Q400 Q100 U102 MENU C119 U250 ELECTRONICS ⓒ Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. MAY. 2004 Printed in Korea. This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law. Code No.: GH68-04565A BASIC.
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