Samsung SCH-A310 service manual
Samsung SCH-A310 service manual
PORTABLE CELLULAR TELEPHONE SCH-A310 SERVICE PORTABLE CELLULAR TELEPHONE Manual CONTENTS 1. General Introduction 2. Specification 3. Installation 4. NAM Programming 5. Product Support Tools 6. Circuit Description 7. Test Procedure 8. Trouble Shooting 9. Exploded Views and Parts List 10. Block Diagram 11. Electrical Parts List 12. PCB Diagrams 13. Circuit Diagrams ELECTRONICS ©Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. August. 2002 Pinted in Korea. Code No.: GH68-03090A BASIC. 1. General Introduction The SCH-A310 DBDM(Dual Band Dual Mode) phone functions as both analog phone working in AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) mode and digital phone working in PCS (Personal Communication Service) and GPS modes. The following standards and minimum performance standards shall be met or exceeded by each subscriber unit. Air Interface The Subscriber Unit shall be Dual mode and Dual band in compliance with ANSI J-STD-008 and TIA/EIA IS95A(Analog). ANSI J-STD-008 : Personal Station-Base Station Compatibility Requirements for 1.8 to 2.0 GHz CDMA PCS. ANSI J-STD-018 : Recommended Minimum Performance Requirements for 1.8 to 2.0 GHz CDMA Personal Stations. CDG Ref. Document #27 : High Rate Speech Service Option for Wideband Spread Spectrum System. TIA/EIA IS-96A : Speech Service Option 1 Standard for Dual mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems. TIA/EIA IS-125 : Recommended Minimum Performance standards for Digital Cellular Wideband Spread Spectrum Speech Service Option1. TIA/EIA IS-126-A : Mobile Station Loop back Service Option standard. TIA/EIA IS-95B : Mobile Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-Mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems;for the analog air interface. TIA/EIA IS-98C : Recommended Minimum Performance Standard for Dual-Mode Wideband Spread PCS Cellular Systems. Both Analog and CDMA sections apply. TIA/EIA IS-801-1 : Position Determination Service standards for Dual Mode Spread Spectrum System. CDMA Receiver/Transmitter Specifications and Requirements The Subscriber Unit shall comply with ANSI J-STD-008 and meet or exceed TIA/EIA IS-98C. The Subscriber Unit shall comply with Personal Station Class II. Analog Receiver/Transmitter Specifications and Requirements The Subscriber Unit shall comply with TIA/EIA IS-95B and meet or exceed TIA/EIA IS-95. The Subscriber Unit shall comply with Mobile Station Power Class III (600 mW). SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1-1 2. Specification 2-1 General Item US PCS CDMA AMPS GPS Tx Freq. range 1851.25~1908.75MHz 824.70~848.31MHz 824.04~848.97MHz - Rx Freq. range 1931.25~1988.75MHz 869.70~893.31MHz 869.04~893.97MHz 1574~1576MHz 1.23MHz 1.23MHz 30KHz 50KHz 30KHz 30KHz - 1200 20FA 832 - 80MHz 45MHz 45MHz - 1M25F9W 1M25F9W 40K0F8W, 40K0F1D - 50Ω 50Ω 50Ω - Tx Intermediate Frequency 263.6MHz 228.6MHz 228.6MHz - Rx Intermediate Frequency 183.6MHz 183.6MHz 183.6MHz - Tx Local Frequency 1st(FTX+263.6MHz) 2nd(527.2MHz) 1st(FTX+228.6MHz) 2nd(457.2MHz) 1st(FTX+228.6MHz) 2nd(457.2MHz) - Rx Local Frequency 1st(FRX+183.6MHz) 2nd(367.2MHz) 1st(FRX+183.6MHz) 2nd(367.2MHz) 1st(FRX+183.6MHz) 2nd(367.2MHz) - 19.2MHz 19.68MHz 19.68MHz - ± 2.5ppm - Channel Bandwidth Channel Spacing Number of Channel Duplex Separation Type of Emission In/Output Impdance TCXO Frequency Freq. Stabillity Operating Temperature Supply Voltage Size and Weight (FRX - 80 MHz) ± 150 Hz (FRX - 45 MHz) ± 300Hz o o -30 C ~ +60 C o o -30 C ~ +60 C o o -30 C ~ +60 C 3.80V STD : 113 * 47 * 22mm, 900mAh SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-1 - Specification 2-2 1.9GHz CDMA(US PCS) GENERAL Frequency Range . Transmitter . Receiver : 1851.25 ~ 1908.75MHz : 1931.25 ~ 1988.75MHz Channel Bandwidth : 1.23MHz Channel Spacing : 50kHz Number of Channels : 1200 Duplex Seperation : 80 MHz Type of Emission : 1M25F9W Input/Output Impedance : 50 ohms Intermediate Freequency . Transmitter . Receiver : 263.6MHz : 183.6MHz Local Frequency . Transmitter . Receiver : 1st(FTX +263.6MHz), 2nd(527.2MHz) : 1st(FRX +183.6MHz), 2nd(367.2MHz) TCXO Frequency : 19.2MHz Frequency Stability : (FRX-80MHz) +/- 150Hz Operation Temperature : -30deg ±60deg Supply Voltage : +3.8V SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-2 Specification TRANSMITTER Waveform Quality : 0.944 or more Open Loop Power Control Range . -25dBm . -65dBm . -104dBm : -60.5dBm ~ -41.5dBm : -20.5dBm ~ +1.5dBm : +15.0dBm ~ +25.5dBm Minimum Tx Power Control : below -50dBm Closed Loop Power Control Range : +/-24dB Maximum RF Output Power : 25.5dBm Occupied Bandwidth : 1.23MHz Conducted Spurious Emission @1.25 MHz : -42dBc/30kHz RECEIVER Rx Sensitivity and Dynamic Range Conducted Spurious Emission . 1930~1990 MHz . 1850~1910 MHz . All Other Frequencies : -104dBm, FER=0.5% or less : -25dBm, FER=0.5% or less : <-81dBm : <-61dBm : <-47dBm Single Tone Desensitization . Rx power level = -101dBm . Tone power level = -30dBm . Tone offset from carrier = +/-1.25 MHz : lower than 1 % Intermodulation Spurious Response Attenuation . Rx power = -101dBm . Tone 1 power = -43dBm . Tone 1 power = -43dBm . Tone 1 offset from carrier = +/-1.25 MHz . Tone 2 offset from carrier = +/-2.05 MHz : lower than 1 % SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-3 Specification 2-3 800MHz CDMA GENERAL Frequency Range . Transmitter . Receiver : 824.70 ~ 848.31MHz : 869.70 ~ 893.31MHz Channel Bandwidth : 1.23MHz Channel Spacing : 30kHz Number of Channels : 20FA Duplex Seperation : 45 MHz Type of Emission : 1M25F9W Input/Output Impedance : 50 ohms Intermediate Freequency . Transmitter . Receiver : 228.6MHz : 183.6MHz Local Frequency . Transmitter . Receiver : 1st(FTX +228.6MHz), 2nd(457.2MHz) : 1st(FRX +183.6MHz), 2nd(367.2MHz) TCXO Frequency : 19.2MHz Frequency Stability : (FRX-45MHz) +/- 300Hz Operation Temperature : -30deg ~ 60deg Supply Voltage : +3.8V TRANSMITTER Waveform Quality : 0.944 or more Open Loop Power Control Range . -25dBm . -65dBm . -104dBm : -57.5dBm ~ -38.5dBm : -17.5dBm ~ +1.5dBm : +18.0dBm ~ +30dBm SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-4 Specification Minimum Tx Power Control : below -50dBm Closed Loop Power Control Range : +/-24dB Maximum RF Output Power : 26dBm Occupied Bandwidth : 1.23MHz Conducted Spurious Emission @900 KHz @1.25 MHz : -42dBc/30kHz : -54dBc/30kHz RECEIVER Rx Sensitivity and Dynamic Range : -104dBm, FER=0.5% or less : -25dBm, FER=0.5% or less Conducted Spurious Emission . 869~894 MHz . 824~849 MHz : <-81dBm : <-61dBm All Other Frequencies : <-47dBm Single Tone Desensitization . Rx power level = -101dBm . Tone power level = -30dBm . Tone offset from carrier = +/-900KHz : lower than 1 % Intermodulation Spurious Response Attenuation . Tone 1 offset from carrier = +/-900KHz . Tone 2 offset from carrier = +/-1.700MHz : lower than 1 % - Test 1, 2 Rx power = -101dBm Tone 1 power = -43dBm Tone 2 power = -43dBm - Test 3, 4 Rx power = -90dBm Tone 1 power = -32dBm Tone 2 power = -32dBm - Test 5, 6 Rx power = -79dBm Tone 1 power = -21dBm Tone 2 power = -21dBm SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-5 Specification 2-4 800MHz AMPS GENERAL Frequency Range . Transmitter . Receiver : 824.04°≠848.97 MHz : 869.04°≠893.97 MHz Channel Spacing : 30kHz Number of Channels : 832 Duplex Spacing : 45MHz Frequency Stability : +/-2.5ppm(-30deg°≠ 60deg, -22°£F °≠140°£F) Modulation/Demodulation . Voice . Data : FM : PM Operating Temperature : -30deg°≠ 60deg, -22°£F °≠ 140°£F Supply Voltate : 3.8V TRANSMITTER RF output power : 27dBm Carrier ON/OFF conditions . "ON" Condition . "OFF" Condition : within +/-3dB of specification output(in 2 ms) : below -60dBm(in 2ms) Compresssor . Compression Rate . Attack Time . Recovery Time . Reference Input Preamphasis :2:1 : 3ms : 13.5ms : input power level for producing a nominal +/-2.9kHz : peak frequency deviation of transmitted carrier : 6dB/OCT within 0.3 °≠ 3 kHz SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-6 Specification Maximum Frequency Deviation . F3 of G3 . Supervisory Audio Tone . Signaling Tone . Wideband Data : +/-12 kHz : +/-2 kHz(+/-10%) : +/-8 kHz(+/-10%) : +/-8 kHz(+/-10%) Post Deviation Limiter Filter . 3.0 ~ 5.9 kHz . 5.9 ~ 6.1 kHz . 6.1 ~ 15 kHz . Over 15 kHz : above 40 LOG(F/3000)dB : above 35dB : above 40 LOG(F/3000)dB : above 28 dB Spectrum Noise Suppression . For all modulation fo +20 kHz °≠ fo + 45 kHz : above 26dB . For modulation by voice and SAT fo + 45 kHz : above 63dB+10LOG(PY)dB . For modulation by WBD(without SAT) and ST(with SAT) fo + 45 kHz ~ fo + 60 kHz : above 45 dB fo + 60 kHz ~ fo + 90 kHz : above 65 dB fo + 90 kHz ~ 2 fo : above 63 dB + 10 LOG(PY) dB ( where fo = carrier frequency PY=mean output power in watts ) Harmonic and conducted Spurious Emissions : below 43 + 10 LOG(PY) dB RECEIVER De-emphasis : -6dB/OCT within 0.3 ~ 3 kHz Expandor . Expandor Rate . Attack time . Recovery Time . Reference input :1:2 : within 3 ms : within 13.5 ms : output power level to a 1000Hz tone from a carrier within +/-2.9 kHz peak frequency deviation Sensitivity : 12 dB SINAD/-116dBm Intermodulation Spurious Response Attenuation : above 65dB RSSI Range : above 60dB Protection Against Spurious Response Interference : above 60dB SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-7 Specification In Band Conducted Spurious Emission . Transmit Band . Receive Band Out of Band Conducted Spurious Emissions . Radiated Spurious Emission Frequency Range 25 ~ 70MHz 70 ~ 130MHz 130 ~ 174 MHz 174 ~ 260 MHz 260 ~ 470 MHz 470 ~ 1G MHz : below -60 dBm : below -80 dBm : below -47dBm : Maximum Allowable EIRP : -45dBm : -41dBm : -41 ~ -32dBm : -32 dBm : -32 ~ -26 dBm : -21 dBm 2-5 1500MHz GPS GENERAL Frequency Range : 1574~1576 MHz SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-8 Specification 2-6 PCS Debug Display Information To select debug display mode : Press [MENU] + [0] + [0], and press [0] + [4] + [0] + [7] + [9] + [3], and press [1]. 1 Sxxxxx : SID (System Identification) toggle Nxxxxx : NID (Network Identification) toggle IN IDLE MODE 1 4 7 2 3 Sxxxxx SIx x T - xx Dxxx - xx Pxxx CHxxxx xx xx 12 6 8 3 Handset Status : 0 - NO SVC 1 - Synchronization 2 - Paging (Idle) 3 - Reg. Access state 4 - Traffic Initialization 5 - Waiting for order 6 - Waiting for answer 7 - Conversation state 8 - Exit 5 IN CONVERSATION MODE 9 10 2 SIx : Slot cycle index (lowest between the system and the phone will be used) 1. SI0 : Slot Index 0 2. SI1 : Slot Index 1 3. SI2 : Slot Index 2 11 4 T-xx : Tx adjust, Value ranges from -63~+63dB TVx RVx xx x T - xx Dxxx - xx Pxxx CHxxxx xx xx 3 5 Dxxx : Sector power in dBm 6 -xx : ec/lo 7 Pxxx : PN offset 12 8 CHxxxx : Channel number 9 TV : Tx vocoder rate (8 is full rate, 1 is 1/8th rate) 10 RV : Rx vocoder rate (8 is full rate, 1 is 1/8th rate) 11 xx : Walsh code used in traffic channel 12 System acquisition state SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-9 Specification 2-7 AMPS Debug Display Information To select debug display mode : Press [MENU] + [0] + [0], and press [0] + [4] + [0] + [7] + [9] + [3], and press [1]. 1 SIDxxxxx : AMPS Home System ID 1 2 3 7 4 SIDxxxxx x x PWRx RSSIxxx SATx CHxxxx xx xx 2 PWRx : Power Level 0 ~ 7 3 SATx : Supervisory Audio Tone code (0 ~ 2) 5 4 x (Using Frequency Band) : A Band or B Band 5 RSSIxxx : RSSI value 6 CHxxx : Channel number 8 6 7 Handset Status : 1 - Initialization state 2 - Idle state 3 - System Access state 4 - Voice channel state 8 System acquisition state SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 2-10 3. Installation 3-1 Installing the Battery To attach the battery to your phone: To remove the battery from your phone: 1. Gently place the battery into the provided slots on the underside of the phone. 1. Turn the phone off (by pressing and holding [PWR] until the closing animation begins). 2. Slide the top end of the battery up (The top end of the battery displays the word Samsung in raised letters.) until you hear it click into place. 2. On the back side of the phone, hold the button down and push the battery toward the bottom edge of the phone. The battery will then lift or fall away from the phone. 3-2 Using the travel adaptor 1. With the battery in position in the phone, attach the cord from the travel adaptor by plugging it into the adaptor outlet at the bottom of the phone. 2. Connect the adaptor to a standard 110/220 free volt AC wall outlet. The battery will begin charging immediately, and the LED (located at the top of your phone) will light and remain red while the battery icon animates, the icon will remain animated, even if the phone is turned off during charging. 3. The LED indicates the status of the battery being charged. •Red indicates that the battery is charging. •Green indicates that the battery is fully charged. •Yellow indicates (1) the battery is not seated correctly in the phone, (2) the adaptor is not plugged in correctly, or (3) the battery is inoperable. Please check the adaptor and/or battery. 4. You can make a phone call when the phone is plugged into the travel adaptor. The adaptor will continue to charge the battery even when you are making the call. Specifications using DTC (Desk Top Charger) Battery Type Standard Battery (Li-ion, 900mAh) Charging Time SEC Code 2:30 hours GH43-00545A SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3-1 Installation 3-3 For Mobile Mount 3-3-1 Cradle 1. Choose a location where it is easy to reach and does not interfere with the driver’s safe operation of the car. 4. Place the cradle onto the remaining half of the clamshell and assemble them by using the screws. 2. Separate the two halves of the clamshell by removing the two large slotted screws. See the figure 3-2. 5. Reassemble the two halves of the clamshell together. Adjust the mounting angle and tighten the two slotted screws. 3. Drill holes and mount the lower half of the clamshell by using the screws. SCH-A310 MAIN PHONE CRADLE CLAM SHELL MOUNT UPPER HANDS FREE BOX FIXED SCREW CLAM SHELL MOUNT LOWER CAR 32 32 Figure 3-2 Cradle Installation SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3-2 Installation 3-3-2 Hands-Free Box 3-3-4 Hands-Free Microphone 1. Drill holes in a proper location for the handsfree box, attach the mounting bracket by using the screws. See the figure 3-3. 1. 2. Install the hands-free box into the bracket. It is recommended to install the microphone where it is 30-45 cm (12-18”) away from the driver. Choose the location where is least susceptible to interference caused by external noise sources, ie, adjacent windows, car audio speakers, etc. Normal place is the sun visor. 2. Once the microphone has been correctly positioned, connect the microphone wire to the MIC jack on the hands-free box. 3-3-3 Speaker 1. Install the speaker into the appropriate position. MOUNTING BRACKET CAR 40 55 Figure 3-3 Hands-Free Box Installation SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3-3 Installation 3-3-5 Cables 1. Connect the cradle and the hands-free box with the data cable. 2. Connect the red wire to the battery (+) terminal, black wire to the vehicle chassis, brown wire to the Car Audio Mute port and orange wire to the ignition port in the key box of vehicle or battery (+) terminal. 3. Connect the other end of the power cable to the PWR jack of the hands-free box. Notes: •It is recommended to connect the power cable directly to the battery to avoid power noise. •Make sure the connection between the battery (-) terminal and vehicle chassis is made correctly. •Make sure the fuse having a proper capacity is used on the power cable. •Make sure the cables do not pass over any sharp metal edge that may damage it. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 3-4 4. NAM Programming 4-1 NAM programming Programming of all NAM parameters, e.g. Service Security Code, MCC, MNC, MIN#, CDMA Channel#, vocoder rate, MOB_TERM, SID, SID/NID pairs, Slot Cycle Index, etc. 1) Press “Menu 6, ∗” Enter SPC Code “000000” Use Right navigation key to select items to program. 2) You can select MORE (Menu) when “Basic NAM 1 programming is complete.” displays. Select if you want to program more detailed items than shown in basic NAM programming. Press OK to save or Right navigation key to proceed to next item. -> MORE programming not a required for NAM programming. 3) To toggle between settings, e.g. Home SID/NID pairs or selecting between Yes/No, use the Up/Down navigation key: A. For changing Home SID/NID pairs, select from SID/NID pair numbers 01 to 20 by pressing Up navigation key Press [edit] by pressing Menu key to change setting Press OK key to save setting. B. For changing Forn SID or NID Registration, Home Sys. Registration, etc. press Up/Down navigation key to select between Yes or No. Press OK key to save setting. 4) Press End Key to save & exit NAM programming. 4-2 Field Debug Screen and Test Calls 1) Press “Menu 0, ∗” Enter “000000” ; 1 ; Debug Screen 2 : Test Calls: Markov New 8K, Markov New 13K, Loop Back 8K, Loopback 13K, TDSO Call Simple, TDSO Full 2) Repeat above 1) to exit Debug screen 4-3 A-Key programming via Keypad 1) Press “Menu 6, ∗” Enter SPC Code “000000” Menu (Soft key) - then you will see “Press[AKEY] to continue AKEY: “ Menu ([AKEY] ) Enter the 20-digit AKEY. Press “OK” Key to save value. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4-1 NAM Programming 4-4 Channel Preset mode 1) Press “4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0” in idle mode 001 021 and then: for PRL based system selection enter 00000 and save(OK key). for AMPS ; 10000 for System A, 10001 for System B for 800MHz CDMA ; 2XXXX (XXXX is CDMA channel number) for 1.9GHz CDMA ; 3XXXX (XXXX is PCS Channel number) 2) Press OK or “∗ Shift” key to save mode/channel value. 3) When “Saved” displays briefly, press 002 to exit test mode programming 4-5 MRU Table Review and Reset You can review upto 12 system and channel information from the MRU Table, or reset the entire MRU table as follows: 1) Press “4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0” in idle mode 001 031 (MRU2 TABLE), then: “MRU00: yzxxxx” where “y” is Mode definition(1; Analog, 2:Digital), “z” is Band Class (0; 800MHz, 1; 1.9GHz), and “xxxx” is Channel number, or A or B band for AMPS. “MRU00” to “MRU11”, total of 12 MRU entries available. Ex) for CDMA 800MHz Channel 384 in 4th MRU entry order: “MRU03: 200384” will display. Ex) for PCS 1.9GHz Channel 150 in 7th MRU entry order: “MRU06: 210150” will display. Ex) for AMPS A-band in1st MRU entry order: “MRU00: 100000” will display. for AMPS B-band in 2nd entry order: “MRU01: 100001” will display. 2) To toggle up and down the MRU entry numbers from 00 to 11, press Up or Down navigation key. 3) To reset entire MRU table (00 to 11), enter “000000” at “MRU00:” setting, then press OK or “∗ Shift” key. 4) When “Saved” displays briefly, press 002 to exit test mode programming SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4-2 NAM Programming 4-6 Using DM Data (over-the-air messaging) 1) Press “Menu, 0, ∗” in idle mode Enter SPC Code “000000” Press “5” Port Map. 2) Select “U1:DM&DL, U2:NULL” for Samsung DM, or “U1:QC_DM, U2:NULL” for Qualcomm DM. 3) If “U1:QC_DM, U2:NULL” is selected, the Qualcomm DM COM port must be set to COM1 and Baud rate to 38400. (Note) U1: UART 1, U2: UART 2 DM& DL : DM and Download Mode ( Please set this mode when you take a logging.) DS & HF : Handsfree Mode QC_DM : Qualcomm DM Mode 4-7 Making Markov Test Calls 1) Originate a desired phone number in normal idle mode to create an outgoing call list. 2) Press “Menu 0, ∗” Enter SPC Code “000000” Press “2” 3) Make a Markov Call by selecting “Markov New 13k”. 4) The MS will originate the Markov call using the first entry in the outgoing call list. 5) If the outgoing call list is empty(no outgoing call made), the MS will originate to a default number of '1234567'. 4-8 Fax & Data Calls: 1) Press “Menu 8, 7” in idle mode 2) Toggle among “Data/Fax Off”, “Fax for Next Call”, “Fax until Powered Off”, “Modem for Next Call”, “Modem until Powered Off” using Navigation Up/Down Key. 3) If “Fax/Data Off” is selected, phone will display “No incoming data/fax calls can be received”. 4) If “Fax for Next Call” is selected, phone will display “Waiting for fax call (no voice) for 10min”. 5) If “Fax until Powered Off” is selected, phone will display “No incomming voice calls can be received”. 6) If “Modem for Next Call” is selected, phone will display “Waiting for data call (no voice) for 10min”. 7) If “Modem until Powered Off” is selected, phone will display “No incomming voice calls can be received”. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4-3 NAM Programming 8) Text notification of “∗Data Only∗” or “∗Fax Only∗“ will be displayed. 9) Outgoing Fax/Data Calls: Using a computing device application software, originate calls in any state in idle mode. (For details, refer to the Draft User Manual enclosed) 4-9 8K/13K Mobile Originated SMS 1) Set Vocoder Rate(8K EVRC, 13K) via NAM Programming Enter [Menu], 9, ∗, “000000”, “4: Voice SO “ Then Choose desired vocoder rate from “Default”, “EVRC Call”, and “13k Call”. Press OK key to save setting, then press END key to exit. 2) In idle mode, press “OK” Key to select from “1: New Messages”, “2: Voice”, “3: Text Inbox”, or “4: Text Outbox”. 3) Select “1: New Messages” for Mobile Originated SMS messaging. 4) Press Destination mobile number or e-mail address thru the keypad then press OK key. 5) Enter text message at “2:Message” then press OK key to store. Press Menu key to select from ABC, Number, T-9 Word, or Symbol mode. 6) Enter Call back number at “3:Call Back” then press OK key to store. 7) At “4: Options”, scroll using Up/Down navigation key, and select from options using Left/Right navigation key for the “Priority” level, “Validity” Period, “Send Later” option, “Delivery Ack” On or Off, or “Save Message” option. 8) At “5: Action”, press SEND key to transmit message, OK key to save message to Filed folder (not implemented yet), “C” key to cancel MO messaging, or END key to quit. 9) If Save Message is set to “Auto Save”, the sent message is stored in the Txt Outbox. 4-10 Voice Privacy 1) In idle mode, press “Menu, 0” Enter “WXYZ” (where WXYZ is the last 4 digits of the MIN number) Press “8” (Voice Privacy) Select from “standard” or “enhanced” using the Up/Down navigation key down then press OK key to save value. 2) In conversation mode, press “Menu, 8” Select from “standard” or “enhanced” using the Up/Down navigation key down then press OK key to save value. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4-4 NAM Programming 4-11 Browser IP Address & Port, Linger Timer Setting 1) IP Address - Press “Menu, 3, 0” Enter “WXYZ” (where WXYZ is the last 4 digits of the MIN#) - Press “1: Gateway”, then select “1: Address” for IP Address setting change. Select from Address 1, 2, or 3, then scroll between IP “A”, “B”, or “C” using navigation key. - Press OK key to access IP “A”, “B”, or “C”, enter new IP setting, then press OK key to store. 2) Port - Press “Menu, 3, 0” Enter “WXYZ” (where WXYZ is the last 4 digits of the MIN#) - Press “1: Gateway”, then select “2: Port” for port number setting change. Select from Port 1, 2, or 3 for IP Address 1, 2, or 3, then select from Port A, Port B, or Port C. - Press OK key to access Port A, B, or C, enter new Port number, then press OK key to store. 3) Linger Timer - Press “Menu, 3, 0” Enter “WXYZ” (where WXYZ is the last 4 digits of the MIN#) - Press “2: LingerTime”, then press [OK/Message] once. - Enter the Default Linger Timer value ranging from 0 to 180 seconds, then press [OK/Message] to save setting. 4-12 Auto Answer 1) Press “Menu, 8, 2” for Auto Answer. 2) Toggle using the navigation keys between, Off, after 1 ring, after 3 rings, and after 5 rings. 3)Press [OK/Message] to save setting. The mobile will automatically answer the incoming call after the preset number of ring tones. (Useful feature for automatic equipment testing) SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 4-5 5. Product Support Tools 5-1 General IMPORTANT INFORMATION Purpose The Product Support Tool (PST) offers you the ability to interface with the SAMSUNG DBDM telephone using a PC. With this tool you can program the phones network system requirements and functionality, swap phone data, and download software upgrades. This document supports UniPST version x.xx. NOTE: This software must be executed in the Windows95/98 mode. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Make sure you have the following equipment setup: 1. Minimum PC configuration: 586 CPU, 16MB RAM, Windows95/98, 5MB of disk space free for software upgrade. 2. PST Software with appropriate cable (DM Cable for SAMSUNG DBDM phone). 3. Serial Port (16550 Serial Interface Card). 4. Power Supply (3.8 V) or Battery. INSTALLATION Software 1.Insert the PST floppy disk into drive (A:\). 2.Create an appropriate directory on the C:\ drive for PST software, Execute Setup.exe file, The installation program creates folder and task bar on the windows95/98 start bar. SAMSUNG DBDM Phone The serial port should be configured to COM1 or COM2. Use the following procedure to connect the phone, cable, and PC . Plug the female end of the DM Cable into the 16550 card. Pull the black rubber connector away from the socket at the base of the phone. Plug the special connector on the cable into the socket at the base of the phone. PC Phone DB Cable (Parts No.:GH39-30525A) SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5-1 Product Support Tools 5-2. PST (Product Support Tool) 5-2-1 Getting Started MAIN MENU SCREEN 1. At the Windows95/98, Double Click “UniPst.exe”. 2. The Main Menu Screen will be displayed. The Main Menu Screen shows the basic tasks that are available. CAUTION: DO NOT attempt to program phone with a low battery. PST SETUP UniPst supports SAMSUNG DBDM portable telephone. You can select serial port COM1 or COM2. 5-2-2 Operation Procedure Service Programming The Service Programming screens enable you to set and change the service activation parameters of the phones. These items can be changed individually or as a group via the “Edit Items” Property Sheet of the PST. There are several pages on the Service Programming Property Sheet (See below Figure). Read Data from File Click “open” icon to select the name of a file whose extension is “mmc”. The values will be read from the named file, and will initialize the parameter values seen on the Service programming screen Read Data from Phone Click Read from the Phone icon to upload the current programmable parameters of the phone. The values are read from the phone, so the phone must have the power ON and be properly connected to the PST. NOTE: To actually view the data you need to go to the Edit Items screens. Edit Items Click this icon to edit Number Assignment Module (NAM) items or UI items. There are two types of screens: 1. Parameters associated with a particular Number Assignment Module (NAM) 2. UI items settings Phone Book Click this icon to edit Phone Book. While you edit cell, you can use <Enter> and < UP , DOWN,LEFT,LIGHT Arrow> and <SPACE> key. If you want to edit phone number or name , you must move rectangle box to cell where you want to edit , Write it down . if <UP and DOWN Arrow> key is pressed, the cursor moves to next cell or previous cell. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5-2 Product Support Tools Save Data to File Click this icon to save the current parameters to a file. Once you enter a filename, Click <OK> button to write all current parameters to that file. This way the same information can be downloaded into multiple phones. Write to Phone Click this icon to write the selected parameter values to the phone. Writing the selected values to the phone may take up to a minute. If there are dependencies in a field you can make all the changes in the proper fields and download the information all together. If you intend to use this “Write to Phone” feature, it is recommended that you do a “Read Data from Phone” first, and then make the changes, so that nothing gets inadvertently overwritten. NOTE: DO NOT TOUCH THE PHONE WHILE WRITING IS IN PROGRESS. Software Download and Upgrade Screen To begin a software upgrade or download, perform the following steps: 1. From the main menu screen choose DOWNLOAD MODE? Click open icon to choose a BIN file of the new software to be loaded. Choose the appropriate BIN file, then Click <Open> (see below figure). 2. Click Download? to begin downloading the file. You will notice various messages and a progress bar that informs the user what percentage of the downloading has already occurred. 3. Click Mode Select box, then Select SERVICE MODE?to return to the Service Mode Screen. NOTE: DO NOT POWER OFF WHILE THE PHONE IS BEING DOWNLOADED! SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5-3 6. Circuit Description 6-1 Logic Section 6-1-1 Power Supply To power on the phone, Pressing the PWR key with the battery installed will short the V_BAT and ON_SW signal. The V_DC, which is connected with V_BAT, will be turned on simultaneously, The V_PD and V_IF LDOs outputs of Regulator(U201, U322) are turned on assuming V_BAT is greater than 2.85V. Pressing the PWR key( END/ )of the keypad for a few seconds, The V_BAT voltage is applied to the ON_SW, the ON_SW signal will transition high when the PWR_HOLD signal is high. -Charging Method : Constant Voltage/Current -Charging Current : Max 550mA -Charging Time : Standard (550mAh) 1.5 ~ 2 Hrs Extended (900mAh) 3 ~ 3.5 Hrs -Charging Mode : 1. Charging - RED Lamp 2. Completion -GREEN Lamp -Charging Battery Regulation Voltage 1. Min 4.158V, Typical 4.2V, Max 4.242V (at TA : 0°C to +85°C) 2. Min 4.137V, Typical 4.2V, Max 4.263V (at TA : -40°C to +85°C) -Over Battery Protection Voltage : Typical 5.2V Universal Serial Bus Interface(U250) The low state ONO\signal will be detected by the MSM, when PWR_HOLD signal is high, to set the PWR_HOLD signal low and power off the phone. Once the PWR_HOLD signal is low all the LDOs output of the Regulator(U201, U322)will be powered off after typically 60ms delay and all the logic of the PMIC will be reset to the shutdown condition. The V_PD output voltage of Regulator(U201) is connected with V_MEM(used in memory), V_LCD(used in LCD), V_MSMD(used in the digital parts of MSM). SCH-A310 supports a Universal Serial Bus(USB) interface, by the MSM 5100, to provide an efficient interconnection between the mobile phone and a Personal Computer(PC). The MSM 5100's USB interface is designed to comply with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 1.1. The USB interface of SCH-A310 and can be used to transfer over-the-air data, or voice PCM samples between the mobile phone and the USB host. An external USB transceiver(U250) and 48MHz crystal oscillator(OSC110) are required to implement the USB interface. 6-1-2 Inner Charging Circuit Part The most important function of the charger shall be done in the LTC1734(U240). When the phone attached a battery is connected with travel charging adapter, the inner charging circuit of the LTC1734(U240) will charge by the constant fast charge current. When battery reaches regulation voltage of 4.2V (default charging voltage for Li+mode), the charge current drops quickly to 0mA by the programmed data of the LTC1734 controlled from the MSM. -Input voltage range : 4.75~8V -Charging Temperature :0°C~40°C SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-1 Circuit Description 6-1-3 Logic Part EEPROM(U190) The logic part consists of MSM, FROM, SRAM, EEPROM, LCD and other input and output peripherals. A 256KBIT EEPROM(U190) is used to store ESN, NAM information, telephone directory, SMS messages and other important information of the phone. MOBILE SYSTEM MODEM(U100:MSM5100) KEYPAD The MSM5100 is designed to the IS-2000 standard and enables up to a doubling of overall IS-95A/B voice capacity and new, higher-data rate services. The MSM5100 can support 153.6 kilobits per second(kbps), providing manufacturers worldwide ability to develop consumer products that provide voice, high-speed data and video over wireless networks. The MSM5100 chipset and system software can support the phase1 1°øMC of the 3G CDMA Multi Carrier IS-2000 standard, Release 0. The MSM5100 device is available in the same 208pin FBGA production package allowing significant reuse of existing MSM3100 chipset designs. The MSM5100 integrates functions that support a trimode CDMA/FM subscriber unit. Subsystems within the MSM5100 device include a CDMA processor, a Digital FM(DFM) processor, a QDSP for voice compression, an ARM7TDMI microprocessor. Also integrated in the MSM5100 device are analog functions such as an audio voice codec, PLL, transmit DACS, ADCS, memories, USB controller, peripheral interfaces, and an enhanced clock. It is one of the most important components of the CDMA cellular phone. The interface circuitry consists of reset circuit, address bus (A0-A21), data bus(D0-D15), and memory controls. The TCXO clock of 19.68Mhz is used as the clock of SCH-A310 model. A key pad is used for the user interface function. For key recognition, key matrix is operated by using signals SCAN0-5 and KEY0-3 of the MSM. LCD MODULE The LCD module is a 128 X 128 dots graphic LCD with one line of ICONS. Watch LCD is a 96 X 32 dots graphic LCD. The LCD contains a controller which will display the information by 8-bit data from the MSM. An external backlight circuitry is used for easy operation in the dark. FLASH ROM AND STATIC RAM (U120) One 32MBIT Flash ROMs and 8MBIT Flash ROM(U120) is used to store the cellular phone's executable program and necessary data files and a temporary data space to store the internal flag informations, call processing data, timer data, and other temporary data. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-2 Circuit Description 6-1-4 RF Interface Part 6-1-5 Audio Part CDMA, FM DATA INTERFACE Internal CODEC in the MSM contains software controlled amplifier for both the receiving and transmitting sections. Also, the vocoding schemes used will be 13kbps QCELP or 8K EVRC. Both QCELP and EVRC vocoding are performed by the MSM. •I_OUT, I_OUT_N, Q_OUT, Q_OUT_N: TX analog signal used during both CDMA and FM mode. •C_RX_IDATA0-3 and C_RX_QDATA0-3: RX data bus used during CDMA mode. •FM_RX_IDATA and FM_RX_QDATA: RX data bus used during FM mode. DIGITAL FM BLOCK CLOCK TCXO_CLK: Reference clock used for generation of CHIPX8. OSC141 : 32.768KHz sleep crystal. Clock used during SLEEP. The digital FM processor is included in the Mobile Station Modem(MSM) and brief descriptions of each block are as follows : FM TRANSMIT PROCESSOR ADC INTERFACE Pre-Emphasis Circuit Eight HK ADC are internally placed in the MSM. These ADCs are used to read battery voltage, battery typeand temperature. This part features +6dB/oct to reduce signal loss and noise in Tx path. Compressor RF INTERFACE TX: TX_AGC_ADJ port is used to control the TX power level and PA_ON signal is used to control the power amplifier. RX: RX_AGC_ADJ port is used to control the RX gain and TRK_LO_ADJ is used to compensate the TCXO module. The compressor features 2:1 level compressor to reduce signal loss and noise in Tx path. The zero crossing level of the compressor is ±2.9 kHz/dev, attack time is 3mS, and release time is 13.5mS. Limiter The limiter performs to cut ±0.53 Vp-p or higher audio signal level so that the FM frequency deviation is not over ±12 kHz/dev. The function is used to avoid confusion over phone line. LPF is used to reduce a specific high frequency of limited signal. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-3 Circuit Description FM RECEIVE AUDIO PATH 6-1-6 TX WBD, ST, and SAT De-Emphasis Circuit The WBD and ST are generated by the MSM but the SAT is transponded by the MSM. The modulation level of TX WBD and ST is ±8kHz/dev, and SAT is ±2kHz/dev. This part features -6dB/oct filter to reduce signal loss and noise in Rx path. Expandor The expandor features 1:2 level increaser to reduce signal loss and noise in Rx path. The zero crossing level of the compressor is ±2.9 kHz/dev, attack time is 3 mS, and release time is 13.5 mS. 6-1-7 ALERT TONE GERNERATION A buzzer is a component which converts signals to audio alert tones. The internal buzzer generator in the MSM will generate PWM signal which will drive transistors(Q251) to generate the tones. The volume of the alert tone is controlled by the width of PWM and the different periods. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-4 Circuit Description 6-2 PCS Section 6-2-1 Receiver PHASE LOCKED LOOP (U340) LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER & DOWN CONVERTER (U300) Input reference frequency is generated at VCTCXO (U380) and the divided signal is generated at VCO. The PLL compares the two signals and generates the desired signal with a pre-programmed counter which controls voltage. U300 includes LNA and Down Converter and supports Quad_mode CDMA & AMPS,GPS,PCS. The low noise amplifier featuring 1.8dB Noise Figure and 18dB gain amplifies a weak signal received from the base station to obtain the optimum signal level. The Gps RF signal is downconverted from 1575.42 MHZ to the common receive IF of 183.6 MHz .Its LO is generates by a dual-band VCO and PLL circuit whose other narrowband tunning range supports both PCS and Cellialr operation. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR (U390) It provides 19.68Hz reference frequency to PLL (U340), RFT3100(U400), and IFR3300(U300). A correct frequency tuning is made by the voltage control. RF BAND PASS FILTER (F300,F302,F305) The RF BPF accepts only a specific frequency (869.04~893.97MHz,1930~1990MHz,1575.42MHz)) from the signal received from the mobile station. 6-2-2 Transmitter RFT3100 (U400) IF SAW BAND PASS FILTER FOR CDMA,FM (F304,F301) IF SAW BPF is used for CDMA system having 1.23 MHz wide band and ±630kHz band width. The filter also eliminates the image product generated at the mixer.F301 is IF saw band psaa filter for FM VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR(U382) A dual-band VCO generates 1391.82MHz LO and PLL circuit whose other narrowband tunning range supports both PCS and Cellialr operation. The RFT3100 contains Up converter, Automatic gain control amplifier(AGC),and Driver Amplifier. RFT3100 accepts analog data signal, so there is no need for additional Modulation Circuit. Up Converter and Driver Amplifier's gain are controlled through the Serial Bus Interface(SBI). RF BAND PASS FILTER (F441) RF BPF accepts only a specific frequency (1850~1910MHz)from the signal received from the RFT3100. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-5 Circuit Description POWER AMP MODULE (U441) Power amp module amplifies RF signal and send it to base station through the antenna. ISOLATOR (U441) Isolator is used to reduce a reflected signal to protect the power amp module from being demaged. DUPLEXER (F440) Duplexer controls to transmit through the antenna only the signals within acceptable TX frequency range (1880±30MHz) and to receive through the antenna only the signals within acceptable RX frequency range (1960±30MHz). It also matches LNA input in receiving part and Power Amplifier output in transmitter part with the antenna. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-6 Circuit Description 6-3 CDMA Section 6-3-1 Receiver VOLTAGE CONTROLED OSCILATOR(U382) LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER & DOWN CONVERTER (U300) A dual-band VCO generates 1391.82MHz LO and PLL circuit whose other narrowband tunning range supports both PCS and Cellialr operation. U300 includes LNA and Down Converter and supports Tri_mode CDMA & AMPS LNA/DOWN Converter. The low noise amplifier featuring 1.4dB Noise Figure and 15.7dB gain amplifies a weak signal received from the base station to obtain the optimum signal level. First local signal is applied to this down converter. The down converter transfers the signal amplified at the LNA into 183.6 MHz IF signal. 183.6MHz IF signal is made by subtracting 881.5±12.5MHz RF signal from 1065.1±12.5MHz first local signal. IF AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROLLER(AGC) AMP 183.6MHz IF signal is applied to IF AGC amplifier(in IFR3000), AGC output level is applied to next stage in IFR3000.. The AGC amp keeps the signal at a constant level by controlling the gain. Dynamic range is 90 dB, and its control voltage varies from 0.2V to 2.5V. PHASE LOCKED LOOP(PLL) (U340) Input reference frequency is generated at VCTCXO (U380) and the divided signal is generated at VCO. The PLL compares the two signals and generates the desired signal with a pre-programmed counter which controls voltage. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR (U390) It provides 19.68Hz reference frequency to PLL (U340), RFT3100(U400), and IFR3300(U300). A correct frequency tuning is made by the voltage control. 6-3-2 Transmitter RF BAND PASS FILTER (F300) The RF BPF passes only a specific frequency (881.49±12.5 MHz) from the mobile station. The width is 25 MHz. IF SAW BAND PASS FILTER (F304) If SAW BPF is used for CDMA system having 1.23MHz wide band. The filter also climinates the image product generated at the mixer. RFT3100 (U400) The RFT3100 contains Up converter, Automatic gain control amplifier(AGC),and Driver Amplifier. RFT3100 accepts analog data signal, so there is no need for additional Modulation Circuit. Up Converter and Driver Amplifier's gain are controlled through the Serial Bus Interface(SBI). RF BANDPASS FILTER(F300) The Bandpass Filter(BPF) accepts only a specific frequency(836±12.5MHz) to send it to next RF stage. The band width is 25MHz. POWER AMP MODULE (U444) Power amp module amplifies RF signal and send it to base station through the antenna. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-7 Circuit Description ISOLATOR (F445) Isolator is used to reduce a reflected signal to protect the power amp module from being damaged. DUPLEXER(F446) Duplexer allows Rx frequency range(881.49± 12.5 MHz) and Tx frequency range(836.03± 12.5 MHz) from the antenna to pass through LNA. It also matches LNA input in receiving part and Power Amplifier output in transmitter part with the antenna. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-8 Circuit Description 6-4 AMPS Section 6-4-1 Receiver PHASE LOCKED LOOP(PLL) (U340) LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER & DOWN CONVERTER (U300) Input reference frequency is generated at VCTCXO (U380) and the divided signal is generated at VCO. The PLL compares the two signals and generates the desired signal with a pre-programmed counter which controls voltage. U300 includes LNA and Down Converter and supports Tri_mode CDMA & AMPS LNA/DOWN Converter. The low noise amplifier featuring 1.4dB Noise Figure and 15.7dB gain amplifies a weak signal received from the base station to obtain the optimum signal level. First local signal is applied to this down converter. The down converter transfers the signal amplified at the LNA into 183.6 MHz IF signal. 183.6MHz IF signal is made by subtracting 881.5±12.5MHz RF signal from 1065.1±12.5MHz first local signal. IF AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROLLER(AGC) AMP 183.6MHz IF signal is applied to IF AGC amplifier(in IFR3000), AGC output level is applied to next stage in IFR3000. The AGC amp keeps the signal at a constant level by controlling the gain. Dynamic range is 90 dB, and its control voltage varies from 0.2V to 2.5V. RF BAND PASS FILTER (F300) The RF BPF passes only a specific frequency (881.49±12.5 MHz) from the mobile station. The width is 25 MHz. IF SAW BAND PASS FILTER (F301) If SAW BPF is used for AMPS system having 30KHz narrow band. The filter also climinates the image product generated at the mixer. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR (U390) It provides 19.68Hz reference frequency to PLL (U340), RFT3100(U400), and IFR3300(U300). A correct frequency tuning is made by the voltage control. 6-4-2 Transmitter VOLTAGE CONTROLLED TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR(U390) It provides 19.2MHz reference frequency to PLL(U370), RFT3100(U400), and IFR3000(U340). A correct frequency tunning is made by the voltage control. DUPLEXER Duplexer(F446) allows Rx frequency range(881.49± 12.5 MHz) and Tx frequency range(836.49± 12.5 MHz) from the antenna to pass through LNA. It also matches LNA input in receiving part and Power Amplifier output in transmitter part with the antenna. VOLTAGE CONTROLED OSCILATOR(U382) A dual-band VCO generates 1391.82MHz LO and PLL circuit whose other narrowband tunning range supports both PCS and Cellialr operation. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-9 Circuit Description 6-5 Test Command Table To change the phone from normal mode to test mode, you should enter the following keys : Press [4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0] Command No. (OP, AB, RB) Command SW Name Description 001 (1F,0,0) T_SUSPEND_I Enter to test menu 002 (3F,0,0) T_RESTART_I Escape from test menu 003 (FD,0,0) T_SAVE_VAL_I Save values in e2prom only in auto test 004 (1D,0,1) T_GET_MODE_I Get mode CDMA/FM AUTO TEST 005 (1C,2,0) T_SET_MODE_I Set mode CDMA/FM AUTO TEST 006 (1E,0,0) T_WRITE_NV_I Write the EEPROM item 007 (81,0,0) T_CARRIERON_I Turn on the carrier 008 (82,0,0) T_CARRIEROFF_I Turn on the carrier 009 (83,4,0) T_LOADSYN_I Load the synthesizer for locking 010 (84,1,0) T_PWRLEVEL_I Change RF power level 011 (85,0,0) T_RXMUTE_I Mute rx audio 012 (86,0,0) T_RXUNMUTE_I Unmute rx audio 013 (87,0,0) T_TXMUTE_I Mute tx audio 014 (88,0,0) T_TXUNMUTE_I Unmute tx audio 016 (8F,0,0) T_STON_I Turn on ST 017 (90,0,0) T_STOFF_I Turn off ST 018 (92,2,0) T_LCD_CONTRAST_I LCD contrast ADJ 019 (9B,2,0) T_FM_AGC_MIN_ADJ_I ADJ FM AGC MIN 020 (9E,3,0) T_LNA_GAIN_WR_I Write LNA gain for IMD test 021 (94,5,0) T_TEST_SYS_I Set TEST_SYS 022 (91,96,96) T_SNDNAM_I Send NAM Information 023 (95,32,32) T_SNDVERSION_I Send Software Version 024 (9F,7,8) T_SNDESN_I Send ESN 025 (99,0,0) T_BACKLIGHT_ON_I Backlight on 026 (1A,0,0) T_BACKLIGHT_OFF_I Backlight off SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-10 Circuit Description Command No. (OP, AB, RB) Command SW Name Description 027 (96,0,0) T_LAMP_ON_I LAMP on 028 (97,0,0) T_LAMP_OFF_I LAMP off 029 (9A,0,0) T_REBUILD_I Rebuilding EEPROM 031 (B7,6,0) T_MRU2_TABLE_I MRU reset 032 (A0,1,0) T_SATON_I Turn on SAT 033 (A1,0,0) T_SATOFF_I Turn off SAT 034 (A2,0,0) T_CDATA_I Continuously send TX Control data 035 (A3,3,0) T_VOLUME_UP_I Electric Volume Up 036 (A4,3,0) T_VOLUME_DOWN_I Electric Volume Down 037 (A5,0,0) T_CLR_LIFETIME_I Clear Life Time 042 (AA,1,0) T_DTMFON_I Turn on DTMF 043 (AB,0,0) T_DTMFOFF_I Turn off DTMF 044 (B0,0,0) T_COMPANDORON_I Turn on compandor 046 (B2,0,0) T_FM_VCLINE_I Enetr FM voice state 048 (B4,0,0) T_VIBRATOR_ON_I Activate a vibrator 049 (B5,0,0) T_VIBRATOR_OFF_I Inactivate a vibrator 050 (B6,0,4) T_BATT_TYPE_I Battery Type 051 (B7,3,0) T_FM_TEMPCOMP_I FM Temp Compansation 052 (B8,3,0) T_CDMA_TEMPCOMP_I CDMA Temp Compansation 053 (B9,3,0) T_PCS_TEMPCOMP_I PCS Temp Compansation 054 (98,2,0) T_CARRIER_I Carrier selection 055 (AC,1,0) T_SET_EXT_AUDIO_I External Audio Path On/Off 056 (AD,0,0) T_LOOPBACK_I Vocoders encoder and decoder interrupt 059 (BE,0,0) T_ALLPATH_I Tune on the all audio path 060 (BF,4,0) T_FM_CHAN_FLAT_I Fm channel flatness 063 (C2,5,0) T_TX_LIMITER_I AMPS Tx Limiter Gain Control 064 (C3,5,0) T_FM_SAT_LEVEL_I AMPS Tx SAT Level Control 065 (C4,2,0) T_FM_FREQ_SGAIN_I AMPS Tx Master Gain Control SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-11 Circuit Description Command No. (OP, AB, RB) Command SW Name Description 066 (C5,2,0) T_FM_ST_GAIN_I AMPS Tx ST Gain Control 067 (C6,3,6) T_READ_BATT_I Saved Low battery value read 068 (C8,0,3) T_VBATT1_I Set the low battey position in the standby 069 (C9,0,3) T_VBATT2_I Set the low battey position in the talking 070 (CA,3,0) T_WRITE_BATT_I Write a BATT 071 (D1,3,0) T_CDMA_TXADJ_I Sets tx_agc_adj for cdma mode 072 (D2,3,0) T_FM_TXADJ_I Sets tx_agc_adj for fm mode 073 (89,0,0) T_CLEAR_ALL_I Clear All Statuses 074 (D4,0,2) T_FM_AGC_MIN_AUTO_I FM AGC MIN ADJ in AUTO 075 (D5,0,3 ) T_READ_RSSI_I Read a RSSI 076 (D6,0,3) T_PCS_RSSI_I Adj RXRAS in PCS 077 (D7,0,3) T_THERM_READ_I Read a Thermister 078 (D8,0,3) T_RXRAS_AUTO_I Read a Thermister 079 (EE,0,0) T_BACKUP_CAL_DATA_I Backup Calculated Data 080 (EF,0,0) T_RESTORE_CAL_DATA_I Restore Calculated Data 081 (E3,0,0) T_VOC_PCMLPON_I Turn on to play a PCM LOOP BACK 082 (E4,0,0) T_VOC_PCMLPOFF_I Turn off to play a PCM LOOP BACK 083 (E5,5,0) T_CDMA_PWR_LIMIT_I CDMA Tx pwr limit 084 (E6,5,0) T_PCS_PWR_LIMIT_I PCS Tx pwr limit 088 (EA,3,0) T_TRK_ADJ_I TRK LOCAL ADJUST 089 (EB,3,0) T_CDTRK_ADJ_I FM loop back 090 (F0,4,0) T_PCS_TXRAS_ADJ_I PCS TX RAS adj = TXRAS offset arry 091 (F1,5,0) T_PCS_RXRAS_ADJ_I PCS RX RAS adj = RXRAS offset arry 092 (F2,4,0) T_TXRAS_ADJ_I TX RAS adj = TXRAS offset arry 093 (F3,5,0) T_RXRAS_ADJ_I TX RAS adj = TXRAS offset arry 094 (F4,5,0) T_LNARAS_ADJ_I LNA RAS adj= LNARAS offset arry 095 (F5,4,0) T_PCS_CH_FLATNESS_I Adjust PCS Channel Flatness 096 (F6,4,0) T_CH_FLATNESS_I Tx Pwr : 23dBm SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-12 Circuit Description Command No. (OP, AB, RB) Command SW Name Description 097 (F7,4,0) T_FM_TX_PWR_I Setting the volume for Power Level 2 - 7 098 (FB,1,0) T_PCM_FORMAT_I Format Pulse Code Modulation 099 (FC,3,0) T_SND_VOC_CAL_I Control Sound 100 (20,0,0) T_SIO_TO_DM_I Write NV_SIO_I 1) The AB (Input Argument Byte Number) values of these commands are used only in the manual test. In automatic test mode, the AB is regarded as 0. 2) You can assign the value for these commands. If the AB value is assigned without argument, the test is achieved with the value stored in EEPROM. 3) After you get a desired test value by performing these commands, if you want to save the value into EEPROM, use T-SAVE-VAL-I command to store the test value into the corresponding position. *OP: Operation Command Number AB: Input Argument Byte Number RB: Return Byte Number *SAT 32, 33 are not operating in MSM2 CHIP test *46 command is required in Rx, and Tx path test at AMPS mode. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 6-13 7. Test Procedure 7-1 List of Equipment • DC Power Supply • Test Jig • Test Cable • CDMA Mobile Station Test Set HP8285, HP8960, CMD-80, etc • Spectrum Analyzer(include CDMA Test Mode) HP8596E 7-2 Configuration of Test Spectrum Analyzer RF In HP8252 RF In/Out Audio Audio Out In Directional Coupler To A-Out Test Jig To A-In DC Power Supply (+3.93V) • CAUTION : The test jig and data cable has a voltage drop of 0.18V at FM Max power output, you'd better set the DC power supply to 3.93V for normal test condition. (Nominal voltage of battery is 3.75V at cellular phone) SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-1 Test Procedure 7-3 Test Procedure 7-3-1 Change the test mode A. To change the phone's state from Normal Mode to Test Mode, You should enter the following keys. : Press [ menu 6 # ] B. The command "021" is mode and channel change. "10000" or "10001" : AMPS's Sytem A or Sytem B "2 0 3 8 4" Channel number Mode:CDMA "3 0 6 0 0" Channel number Mode:PCS and Push "OK" key to save. C. The command "0 0 1" is Suspend. D. To finish the Test Mode, You should enter the command "0 0 2". I. "1 0 2" : RF Power level control, 2(0~7) means power level . J. To finish the Test Mode, you should enter the command "0 0 2". • For AMPS Audio Test => To enable AMPS External Audio, you should enter the command "0 5 5" and then press the OK key CDMA A. Enter to Test Mode [ 4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0 ] B. The command "21" is mode and channel change "2 0 3 8 4" Channel number Mode:CDMA Push the Navigation key to save. C. "0 0 1" : Suspend. D. "0 9 0 3 8 4 #" : Set to '0384' channel. 7-3-2 Channel selection and Tx power output level control E. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. AMPS(FM) F. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum to 1.23MHz band width. A. Enter to Test Mode [ 4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0 ] G. "0 0 9 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ " : Adjust RF power level. "∗ ∗ ∗" means AGC level and AGC level range is from 000 to 511. B. The command "21" is mode and channel change "10000" or "10001" : AMPS's Sytem A or Sytem B and Push "OK" key to save. H. To finish the Test Mode, You should enter the command "0 0 2". C. To finish the Test Mode, You should enter the command "0 0 2". D. Enter to test mode [ 4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0 ] E. "0 0 1" : Suspend. F. "0 4 6" : Vocoder initial to Analog mode. G. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set to '0363' channel. H. "0 0 9 7 ∗ ∗ ∗ " : Output RF power level is set as power level 2 "∗ ∗ ∗" means AGC level and AGC level range is from 0 to 255. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-2 Test Procedure PCS A. Enter to Test Mode [ 4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0 ] B. The command "21" is mode and channel change "3 0 6 0 0" Channel number Mode:CDMA Push the Navigation key to save. C. "0 0 1" : Suspend. D. "0 0 9 0 6 0 0 #" : Set to '0384' channel. E. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. F. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum to 1.23MHz band width. G. "0 0 9 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ " : Adjust RF power level. "∗ ∗ ∗" means AGC level and AGC level range is from 000 to 511. H. To finish the Test Mode, You should enter the command "0 0 2". SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-3 Test Procedure 7-4 AMPS(FM) TEST ITEMS 1. PREPARATION PROCEDURE Set test equipments up. "4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0" : Enter the Test Mode "0 0 1" : Suspend "0 0 4" : Current Mode Check Confirm that the phone is in the "AMPS Mode". ( If not AMPS Mode, Use Test Command "21", "10000" or "10001" and Enter "0 0 2" to restart) "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode If a wrong key would be selected, press "#", and then enter new command. To exit the Test Mode at any time, just press "0 0 2". "0 5 5" : To enable AMPS External Audio, You should enter the command "0 5 5" and then press the OK key 2. RF POWER "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set channel to 363. "1 0 2" : RF Power level selection, "2" means one of the power levels (0~7). Measurement of the Power Output Levels Level RF Power 0~2 + 27 dBm +0.22/-3 dB 3 + 24 dBm +2/-4 dB 4 + 20 dBm +2/-4 dB 5 + 16 dBm +2/-4 dB 6 + 12 dBm +2/-4 dB 7 + 8 dBm +2/-4 dB Note 1 : In case of using the antenna cable, compensation for the cable loss should be added (about 1.4dB for AMPS/CDMA). Note 2 : To prevent phones from being damaged, they must be measured only by calibrated test equipments. Warning ! Adjustments without calibrated equipments can cause phones to be heated excessively and would void the warranty. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-4 Test Procedure TEST ITEMS 3. TX FREQUENCY PROCEDURE "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set channel to 363. Measure the TX frequency : 835.89 MHz±2.5ppm. 4. VOICE DEVIATION "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set channel to 363. "0 1 4" : TX Audio unmute. Set the audio generator output to 1kHz, 1.0Vrms. Measure the Tx voice deviation by using the HPF of 20Hz and the LPF of 99kHz (spec : less than ±12kHz). 5. ST DEVIATION "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set channel to 363. "0 1 6" : ST on. Measure the Tx ST deviation by using the HPF of 50Hz (spec : 8kHz±10%). "0 1 7" : ST off. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-5 Test Procedure TEST ITEMS 6. SAT DEVIATION PROCEDURE "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set channel to 363. "0 3 2" : SAT on. Set the equipment as following. RF frequency : 880.89MHz Input RF level : -80dBm Modulation frequency : 6kHz Frequency deviation : 2kHz Measure the Tx SAT deviation by using the HPF of 50Hz and the LPF of 6kHz (spec : 2kHz±10%). "0 3 3" : SAT off. "0 0 1" : Suspend. 7. WBD DEVIATION "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set channel to 363. "0 3 4" : WBD on. Measure the WBD deviation by using the HPF of 50Hz and the LPF of 20kHz (spec : 8kHz±10%). 8. RX AUDIO "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 4 6" : Initialize Vocoder in Analog mode. "0 0 9 0 3 6 3 #" : Set channel to 363. "0 1 2" : RX Audio unmute. Set the equipment as following. RF frequency : 880.89MHz Input RF level : -80dBm Modulation frequency : 1kHz Frequency deviation : ±8kHz Measure audio AC level. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-6 Test Procedure 7-5 CDMA TEST ITEMS 1. PREPARATION PROCEDURE Set test equipments up. "4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0 " : Enter the Test Mode "0 0 1" : Suspend "0 0 4" : Current Mode Check Confirm that the phone is in the "CDMA Mode". (If not CDMA Mode, Use Test Command "21""2XXXX" and press the OK key and enter "0 2" to restart) If you select a wrong key, press "#", then enter new command. To exit the Test Mode at any time, just press [0 2]. "0 0 1" : Suspend. 2. FREQUENCY ACCURACY "0 0 9 0 3 8 4 #" : Set channel to 384. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum. "0 7 1 3 6 0 #" : Set AGC level. Measure the TX frequency : 835.89MHz±300Hz. "0 0 1" : Suspend. 3. OCCUPIED CDMA BANDWIDTH "0 0 9 0 3 8 4 #" : Set channel to 384. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum. "0 7 1 X X X #" : Enter AGC Code(XXX) to adjust RF Output Power. Measure the bandwidth (spec: 1.23MHz). SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-7 Test Procedure TEST ITEMS 4. LIMITATIONS ON EMISSIONS PROCEDURE "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 0 9 0 3 8 4 #" : Set channel to 384. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum. "0 7 1 X X X #" : Enter AGC Code(XXX) to adjust RF Output Power. Measure the spurious at FC±900kHz, FC±1.98MHz, 2FC, 3FC, 1/2FC. spec: FC±900kHz below 42dBc/30kHz FC±1.98MHz below 54dBc/30kHz Outside Receive Band 43+10log (PY) PY: Mean Output Power in watts Set the service option 9. 5. GATED POWER & Set the data rate Eighth (1200bps). TIME Registering: HHP -> HP8924C. Call : HP8924C -> HHP. Measure the Gated Power & Time. spec : Gated Power - at least 20dB Gated Time - Rising Time : below 6µs Falling Time : below 6µs Burst Time : below 1.25ms SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-8 Test Procedure 7-6 PCS TEST ITEMS 1. PREPARATION PROCEDURE Set test equipments up. "4 7 ∗ 6 8 # 1 3 5 8 0 " : Enter the Test Mode "0 0 1" : Suspend "0 0 4" : Current Mode Check Confirm that the phone is in the "PCS Mode". (If not PCS Mode, Use Test Command "21""3XXXX" and Push the Navigation Key to "OK", and enter "0 2" to restart) If you select a wrong key, press "#", then enter new command. To exit the Test Mode at any time, just press [0 2]. "0 0 1" : Suspend. 2. FREQUENCY ACCURACY "0 0 9 0 6 0 0 #" : Set channel to 600. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum. "0 7 1 3 6 0 #" : Set AGC level. Measure the TX frequency : 1880.00MHz±300Hz. "0 1" : Suspend. 3. OCCUPIED CDMA BANDWIDTH "0 9 0 6 0 0 #" : Set channel to 600. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum. "7 1 X X X #" : Enter AGC Code(XXX) to adjust RF Output Power. Measure the bandwidth (spec: 1.23MHz). SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-9 Test Procedure TEST ITEMS 4. LIMITATIONS ON EMISSIONS PROCEDURE "0 0 1" : Suspend. "0 0 9 0 6 0 0 #" : Set channel to 600. "0 0 7" : Carrier On. "0 3 4" : Spread spectrum. "0 7 1 X X X #" : Enter AGC Code(XXX) to adjust RF Output Power. Measure the spurious at FC±1.25MHz spec: FC±1.25MHz below 42dBc/30kHz Set the service option 9. 5. GATED POWER & Set the data rate Eighth (1200bps). TIME Registering: HHP -> HP8924C. Call : HP8924C -> HHP. Measure the Gated Power & Time. spec : Gated Power - at least 20dB Gated Time - Rising Time : below 6µs Falling Time : below 6µs Burst Time : below 1.247ms Note 1 : In case of using the antenna cable, compensation for the cable loss should be added (about 2.3dB for PCS). SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 7-10 8. Trouble Shooting 8-1 Logic Section 8-1-1 No Power Press PWR button U201 Pin1>=3.3V? NO Check Battery and its neighboring circuits YES NO U201 Pin5=2.8V? Check U201, U203 and its neighboring circuits . YES U200 pin 4=2.8V? NO Check U100, U120 and its neighboring circuits. YES END SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-1 Trouble Shooting 8-1-2 Abnormal initial operation (Normal +2.8V voltage source) Press PWR Key TCXO CLK applied to U182 pin2 NO Check VCTCXO Output. YES TCXO CLK signal outputted from U182 pin4? NO Check U182and its neighboring circuits. Replace if required. YES RAM_CS signal outputted from U100 pin P14,N4? NO Check MSM board U100 YES CHIP X8 CLK signal outputted from U100pin A14? NO Check MSM board U100 YES LED on? NO Check the LED and its neighboring circuits. Replace if required. NO Check the LCD pins and its neighboring circuits. Replace if required. YES Normal initial display on LCD? YES END SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-2 Trouble Shooting 8-1-3 Abnormal Backlight Operation Press any button on the phone 'L' level outputted from U500 pin 15? NO Check U500. Replace if required. YES 'L' level from R558,R559 NO Check R588,R559. Replace if required. YES END SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-3 Trouble Shooting 8-1-4 Abnormal Key Data Input Check initial status. Scanning signals outputted from U100 scan 0~5 Keysense 0~3 NO Check MSM board U100 YES Normal Key data input? NO Replace the Keyboard. YES END SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-4 Trouble Shooting 8-1-5 Abnormal Key tone Abnormal keytone CLK waveform outputted U705 pin L16,M17 YES NO Check U705. NO CLK waveform applied from U710 pin 2,6 Replace U710 YES CLK waveform applied to R729,R742 NO Check R729,R742 YES NO Normal key tone? Replace the Keypad . YES END SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-5 Trouble Shooting 8-1-6 Abnormal Alert Tone Abnormal Alert tone Signal waveform outputted from U7 05 pin L16,M17? NO Check U705. YES NO Signal waveform applied to U708 pin 8,5? Check U708 YES Signal waveform applied to R729,R742? NO Check R729,R742 YES Is the speaker connection correct? NO Connect the Speaker correctly. YES Check the speaker and replace if required. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-6 Trouble Shooting 8-2 Receiver Section 8-2-1 AMPS mode Start AMPS mode. Check AMPS 12dB SINAD OK? YES NO NO Check Duplexer Check LNA & LNA power in/output (Gain:+15 dB ) OK? YES Check MIXER in/output OK? YES NO Check 1st local & mixer power OK? (Gain(AMPS):+7d B) (Local:0d Bm) Bm ) YES Check IF NO Filter in/output OK? (Loss:6d B) YES RSSI OK? NO Check VCO output. (VCO output:-6dB m) Check IF Filter soldering YES NO Check 2nd local OK? NO RF RX AMPS OK. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-7 Check 2nd Local & IFR3300. Trouble Shooting 8-2-2 PCS mode Start PCS mode Normal PCS SVC &ROAM OK? NO Check PCS Rx path. YES Setup PCS call. OK? NO Check Transmitter. YES Measure PCS FER. NO Normal PCS RF? SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-8 Trouble Shooting 8-3 Transmitter Section Ablormal Transmitter section. NO NO NO Check RFT3100 NO PCS:PCSA_OUT(0~600CH) PCSB_OUT(601~1175CH) AMPS:CELLA_OUT RF OUT Level PCS:+9dBm OK? AMPS:+8dBm YES Check PCS:PA(U313) AMPS:PA(U317) Output Level OK? YES Check PLL OK? PCS:+26dBm AMPS:+28dBm SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-9 Check RFT3100 pin 19(C340) RF_LO Level (AMPS:-10dBm, PCS:-10dBm) Trouble Shooting 8-4 GPS mode 8-4-1 Low Sensitivity Enter GPS Test Mode Check RF Cable connetion NO Test Again. NO Check V. on pin4 of Osc112V<=0.3V YES Check LO Freq=1391.82MHz? NO Check MSM GPIO port. YES YES Check LO Level P>=-5dBm NO Check V. on pin3 of OSC112 V=2.7V NO Check Power Circuit. YES YES Check GPS RF path END NO Check V. on pin3 of OSC112 0<V 2.7 NO Check PLL. Check respective part, neighbor matchig circuit or replace the part, if required. SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 8-10 9. Exploded View and Parts List 9-1 SCH-A310SS/XAR Main 1 2 7 2-1 2-2 7-1 8 9 10 3 4 10-1 10-2 5 5-1 12 11 13 17 14 16 19 15 18 19 20 21 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 9-1 6 Exploded View and Parts List 9-2 SPH-A310SS/XAR Parts List Location No. Description SEC CODE Remark 1 FOLDER UPPER TOP GH72-03806A SA 2 FOLDER UPPER GH75-01708A SA 2-1 WINDOW DUMMY GH71-00872A SNA 2-2 WINDOW DUAL LCD GH72-04681A SA 3 LCD GH07-00155A SA 4 SPEAKER 3001-001308 SA 5 FOLDER LOWER GH75-01709A SA SPONGE GH74-02199A SNA 6 WINDOW LCD GH72-03815A SA 7 FRONT COVER GH75-01711A SA KEY DUMMY GH71-00686A SNA 8 MIC GH59-00240B SA 9 KEYPAD GH75-01712A SA 10 MAIN PBA GH92-01281A SA 10-1 DOME SHEET GH59-00413A SA 10-2 VOL KEY GH59-00414A SA 11 CONNECTOR COVER GH73-01367A SA 12 SCREW 6001-001285 SA 13 REAR BRACKET GH75-02225A SA 14 MOTOR 3101-001301 SA 15 REAR COVER GH75-01713A SA 16 KNOB-VOLUME GH75-01714A SA 17 SHIELD STRIP GH71-00004A SA 18 STRIP FINGER GH71-00084A SA 19 MOBILE CAP GH73-01017A SA 20 SCREW 6001-001155 SA 21 BATTERY GH43-00546A SA 5-1 7-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 9-2 Exploded View and Parts List 9-3 Travel Adapter A B C D E 9-4 Travel Adapter Parts List TYPE SEC CODE REMARK A GH44-00171A CHINA B GH44-00171A TAIWAN C GH44-00171A EUROPE D GH44-00171A UNITED KINGDOM E GH44-00171A AUSTALIA SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 9-3 Exploded View and Parts List 9-5 Cigarette Lighter Adaptor 9-6 Cigarette Lighter Adapter Parts List DESCRIPTION SEC CODE REMARK Cigarette Lighter Adapter code GH44-00171A CHINA SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 9-4 Exploded View and Parts List 9-7 Test Jig TEST JIG GH80-10508A TEST JIG CABLE GH80-10508A RF JIG CABLE GH80-10508A SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 9-5 Exploded View and Parts List 9-8 The connection of Test Jig DC POWER SUPPLY 8922 or 8960 WIRELESS COMMVNCATIONS TEST SET RF JIG CABLE TE ST JIG 232 CABLE TEST JIG CABLE 9-7 Data Kit DATA KIT GH80-10508A SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 9-6 Ringer Stereo DAC SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 10-1 Digital Test Bus R-UIM MMC External Mode Selection Second Speaker Keypad Peropheral Circuits Microprocessor Bus Address Data Test/Debug System PC Connectivity Bluetooth Baseband Processor SBI DFM Processor Tx DACs CDMA Processor GPS processor RF INTERFACE PLL ANSI/IEEE 1149.1A-1993 JTAG INTERFACE R-UIM Controller MMC Controller MODE select Interface Integrated CODEC Vocoder EVRC 13k MP3 MIDI ODSP2000 Enhanced General Purpose Interface ARM7TDMI UART2 UART1 USB Voltage Regulator HK ADCs MSM5100 19.68 MHz VCTXO SBI Control Clock Generator I/Q CDMA ADCs I/QFM ADCs 19.68 MHz SBI Contro l Quad Modulation TxIF VCO TCXO I/Q GPS Filters I/Q CDMA Filters I/Q FM Filters IFR3300 Discrete IF Filter RFT3100 AGC TX PLL Dual PLL UHF/IF Quad demod ulation FM saw filter Cdma saw filter Gps LC filter pcs Cell Cell RX saw Pcs RX saw GPS RX saw Saw pcs Saw cell CELL LNA PCS LNA GPS LNA RFR3300 CX77133 RM912 D U P L E X E R C E L L D U P L E X E R P C S D I P L E X E R 10. Block Diagram 11. Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC 0 DESCRIPTIONS SCH-A310SA/XAR 1 6001-001155 PH(PI2.5),+,M1.4,L3.5,ZPC(BLK) 1 GH42-00206A NSB155-A2S0800-SS149,SCH-A310,824~849MHZ,-,50OHM,-,90MM,-,VERTICAL,3:1 1 GH43-00545A BST1019SEB/STD,SCHA310,LI-ION,900MAH,1CELL, 4.2V,-,3.6V,0TO+45C,-,8.3X33.9X48MM,- 1 GH44-00184G TAD037JBE,SGH-R225,100~240V,50~60HZ,5.1V,0.73A,-,-,AC/DC,0TO+50C,-,- 1 GH68-02483A SCH-T300,VINYL,0.2,18,10,-,TRP,-,-,- 1 GH68-02555A SCH-A310,POLYESTER,T0.05,27.8,44.8,USA,SIL,-,-,- 1 GH68-02966A SCH-A310,-,VINYL,T0.025,22X13,-,TRP,-,-,- 1 GH68-11057A SCH-1900,ART,100X155,T0.1,WHT 1 GH68-30937A SCH-1011,POLYESTER,61X71,T0.1, 1 GH73-01017A SCH-A310,CR RUBBER,-,PI5.9,5.2,SIL,-,-,-,- 1 GH73-01367A SCH-A310,RUBBER,14.3X3.4X5.4,-,-,SIL,-,-,-,- 1 GH74-02600B SPH-X7000,VINYL,T0.1,-,-,-,-,ELECTROSTATIC 1 GH74-02807A SCH-A310,VINYL,43.5X52XT0.2,TRP,-,-,-,- 1 GH75-00223V SGH-R210,-,-,-,D/SIL,-,-,- 1 GH75-01714A SCH-A310,USA,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH72-03832A SCH-A310,ABS,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH73-01016A SCH-A310,CR RUBBER,T2.6,2.5,24,BLK,-,-,-,- 1 GH92-01281A SCH-A310,SAMSUNG,USA,MAIN PBA,-,-,-,-,- 2 0404-000161 D440 1SS315,5V,30mA,USC,TP 2 0404-000161 D480 1SS315,5V,30mA,USC,TP 2 0405-001035 D360 1SV279,15V,3nA,USC,TP 2 0405-001035 D361 1SV279,15V,3nA,USC,TP 2 0405-001074 D404 1SV305,10V,3nA,ESC,TP 2 0405-001074 D405 1SV305,10V,3nA,ESC,TP 2 0406-001084 D250 SMF05,6/-/-V,200W,- 2 0406-001084 U503 SMF05,6/-/-V,200W,- 2 0406-001084 ZD190 SMF05,6/-/-V,200W,- 2 0407-001002 D300 DAN222,80V,300mA,CA2-3,EM3,TP 2 0407-001007 U200 UMN1,80V,25mA,CA4-2,UM5,TR 2 0407-001038 U251 USBUF01W6,-,-,-,SOT-323-6L,- 2 0409-001016 D420 BAR63-02W,50V,100mA,SCD-80,TP 2 0501-000162 Q480 2SA1576,PNP,200MW,SOT-323,TP,180-390 2 0501-000225 Q213 2SC4617,NPN,200mW,EM3,TP,120-5 2 0501-002202 Q209 MMBT2222AWT1,NPN,150mW,SOT-323 2 0502-001201 Q220 ZXT13P20DE6,PNP,1100MW,SOT-23-6,TP,300-900 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-1 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 0504-000168 Q202 RN1104,NPN,100MW,47K/47K,SSM,TP 2 0504-000168 Q203 RN1104,NPN,100MW,47K/47K,SSM,TP 2 0504-000168 Q211 RN1104,NPN,100MW,47K/47K,SSM,TP 2 0504-000168 Q440 RN1104,NPN,100MW,47K/47K,SSM,TP 2 0504-000172 Q204 RN2104,PNP,100MW,47K/47K,SSM,TP 2 0504-000172 Q206 RN2104,PNP,100MW,47K/47K,SSM,TP 2 0505-001165 Q201 SI3443DV,P,-20V,+-3.5mA,65mohm 2 0506-001004 Q301 UMC5N,NPN/PNP,2,50V,-,-100mA,3 2 0506-001004 Q302 UMC5N,NPN/PNP,2,50V,-,-100mA,3 2 0506-001004 Q410 UMC5N,NPN/PNP,2,50V,-,-100mA,3 2 0506-001004 Q420 UMC5N,NPN/PNP,2,50V,-,-100mA,3 2 0601-001094 LED211 CHIP,Y-GRN,0.8x1.1mm,570nm 2 0601-001226 LED210 CHIP,RED,1.2x0.8mm,660nm 2 0601-001547 D210 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D211 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D212 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D213 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D214 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D215 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D216 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D217 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D218 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D219 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D221 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0601-001547 D222 CHIP,BLUE,1.1X0.8MM,468NM 2 0801-000796 U482 7S32,OR GATE,SOT-353,5P,51MIL,SINGLE,TP,PLASTIC, -,-,0.26V,-40TO+85C,200MW,4.2V,2 2 0801-002345 U182 7S04,INVERTER,SOT-353,5P,49MIL,SINGLE,TP,PLASTIC, -,-,0.26V,-40TO+85C,200MW,4.2V, 2 1001-001145 U445 MAX4599EXT,-,SC70,6P,49MIL,SINGLE,5.5V, -40to+85C,PLASTIC,245mW,60ohm,25ns,30ns,0 2 1001-001151 U440 SW-437,-,SOT-363,6P,49MIL,SINGLE,8.5V, -40to+85C,PLASTIC,20nS,-,20nS,-,-,TP,- 2 1001-001194 U431 GN04022NOL,GAAS,SOT-363,6P,49MIL,-,8V,-30TO+90C,PLASTIC,-,-,-,-,9UA,TP,- 2 1009-001010 U290 A3212ELH-SAMSUNG,SC-59A,3P,82MIL, TP,BICMOS,PLASTIC,3.5V,2MA,-40TO+85C,-,-,-,340K 2 1103-001184 U190 24C256,32Kx8Bit,dBGA,8P,92MIL,-,2.7V,-,PLASTIC,-40to+85C,0.5uA,CMOS,TR SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-2 Electrical Parts List Level 2 SEC CODE 1109-001210 Design LOC U120 DESCRIPTIONS 42587,32MX8MBIT,FBGA,-,-,85NS,3V,10%, PLASTIC,-25TO+85CC,12UA,CMOS,BK 2 1201-001348 U446 821,SOT23-5,5P,63MIL,SINGLE,-, 2 1201-001348 U481 821,SOT23-5,5P,63MIL,SINGLE,-, 2 1201-001491 U444 912,LCC,7P,226MIL,SINGLE,28dB,PLASTIC,4.2V,-,-30to+85C,-,-,-,-,- 2 1201-001725 U230 4890,MSOP,8P,118MIL,-,66dB,PLASTIC,5.5V,1W,-40to+85C,-,-,-,-,-,TP 2 1201-001783 U441 -,LCC,6P,-,SINGLE,24.5DB,LAMINATE,6V,-,-30TO+85C,-,-,-,-,- 2 1202-001036 U220 75W56,SSOP,8P,90MIL,DUAL,+-7V,CMOS,PLASTIC,7V, 200MW,-40TO+85C,7V,7V,1PA,1PA,60NS 2 1203-001285 U204 5205,SOT-23,5P,150MIL,PLASTIC, 2 1203-001285 U480 5205,SOT-23,5P,150MIL,PLASTIC, 2 1203-001511 U202 809,SOT-23,3P,-,PLASTIC,0.3/6. 2 1203-002127 U240 1734,SOT-23,6P,150MIL,PLASTIC,4.7/5.3V,-,0to+70C,1A,-,TP 2 1203-002555 U203 R1160N,SOT-23-5,5P,-,PLASTIC,2.5V,250MW,-45TO+85C,200MA,-,TP 2 1203-002556 U201 R1160N,SOT-23-5,5P,-,PLASTIC,2.8V,250MA,-45TO+85C,200MA,-,TP 2 1203-002557 U322 R1160N,SOT-23-5,5P,-,PLASTIC,3V,250MW,-45TO+85C,200MA,-,TP 2 1204-001682 U400 RFT3100,BCC,32P,196MIL,PLASTIC,3.3V,-,-30TO+85C,TP,- 2 1205-002053 U300 RFR3300,BCCP,32P,-,PLASTIC,3.6V,-,-30TO+85C,TP,- 2 1205-002054 U360 IFR3300,BCC,48P,-,PLASTIC,3.6V,-,-30TO+85C,TP,- 2 1205-002099 U100 MSM5100-208FBGA,FBGA,208P,15X15MM,PLASTIC,3V,-,-40TO+85C,TP,- 2 1205-002130 U250 ISP1105W,HBCC16,16P,3X3MM,PLASTIC,5.5V,-,-40TO+85C,TP,- 2 1209-001341 U340 LMX2354SLBX,CSP,24P,-,PLASTIC,5.5V,-,-40to+85C,TP 2 1404-001152 TH100 10KOHM,5%,3380K,1MW/C,TP 2 2007-000138 R107 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R148 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R150 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R225 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R312 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R314 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R329 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R409 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000138 R421 100ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000139 R307 220ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R124 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R125 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R131 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R134 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-3 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2007-000140 R135 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R138 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R145 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R146 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R147 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R207 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R303 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R305 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R401 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R405 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000140 R417 1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000141 R149 2.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000141 R154 2.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000141 R224 2.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000141 R245 2.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000142 R217 2.7Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000143 R117 4.7Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000143 R213 4.7Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000143 R214 4.7Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000143 R325 4.7Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000144 R127 5.1Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000146 R333 6.8Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000146 R427 6.8Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000147 R102 8.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R128 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R129 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R130 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R139 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R141 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R159 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R208 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R218 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R321 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R323 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R327 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R330 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R334 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-4 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2007-000148 R410 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R419 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000148 R426 10Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000149 R326 12Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000152 R406 20Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000153 R143 22Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000153 R144 22Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000156 R156 30Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000157 R202 47Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000157 R232 47Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000157 R317 47Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000157 R420 47Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R151 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R201 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R209 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R211 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R220 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R223 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R236 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R243 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000162 R402 100Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000164 R412 150Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000164 R423 150Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000165 R227 200Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000168 R219 470Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000169 R140 510Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000172 R237 10ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000172 R238 10ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000172 R239 10ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000172 R240 10ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000172 R241 10ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000172 R242 10ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000173 R322 22ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000775 R158 33Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000775 R204 33Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-000982 R157 5.6Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001156 R411 750ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-5 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2007-001156 R413 750ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001292 R222 33ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001298 R301 51ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001298 R407 51ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001305 R221 120ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001313 R428 330ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R103 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R105 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R108 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R109 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R111 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R113 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R114 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R115 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R116 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R118 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R121 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001319 R231 1.2Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001323 R418 3Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001333 R106 18Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001339 R137 180Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-001339 R142 180Kohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-002796 R101 510ohm,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-002965 R328 15OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-003001 R246 12OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-003001 R247 12OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-003013 R308 2.4KOHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-003013 R309 2.4KOHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007014 R415 51KOHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007021 R235 75KOHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007021 R422 75KOHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007107 R119 100Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007107 R425 100Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007142 R229 10Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007307 R416 150ohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007309 R404 12Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007310 R319 8.2Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-6 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2007-007312 R228 20Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007312 R230 20Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007312 R233 20Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007312 R234 20Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007315 R318 3.9Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007529 R110 91Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007588 R408 1.8Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007589 R424 68Kohm,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007766 R414 2KOHM,1%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R104 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R112 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R120 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R122 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R123 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R132 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R133 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R152 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R153 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R155 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R160 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R161 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R162 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R205 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R212 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R215 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R216 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R244 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R302 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R304 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R306 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R310 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R313 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R316 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R324 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2007-007771 R403 0OHM,5%,1/16W,DA,TP,1005 2 2203-000138 C386 1.5nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000138 C393 1.5nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-7 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-000138 C395 1.5nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000233 C105 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C152 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C226 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C304 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C318 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C325 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C330 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C338 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C339 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C342 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C343 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C344 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C345 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C365 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C381 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C388 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C399 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C400 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C401 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C406 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C407 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C412 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C413 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C419 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C424 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C438 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C442 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C443 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C446 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C449 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C461 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C467 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C468 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C473 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C474 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 C475 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-8 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-000233 C476 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000233 L327 0.1nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000254 C104 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C107 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C127 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C131 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C133 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C136 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C138 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C140 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C143 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C145 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C147 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C149 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C154 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C157 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C168 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C175 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C176 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C235 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C301 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C305 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C306 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C310 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C312 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C314 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C316 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C323 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C324 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C331 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C334 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C350 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C356 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C383 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C394 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C402 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C403 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-9 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-000254 C409 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C411 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C414 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C448 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C452 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C453 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C466 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000254 C477 10nF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000278 C371 0.01nF,0.5pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000278 C372 0.01nF,0.5pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000359 C125 0.15nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000386 C360 0.015nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000386 C389 0.015nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000438 C234 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C239 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C244 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C272 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C273 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C274 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C275 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C276 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C277 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C278 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C279 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C280 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C281 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C307 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C311 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C313 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C315 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C317 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C319 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C320 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C322 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C328 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C329 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C332 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-10 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-000438 C340 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C341 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C346 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C349 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C355 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C357 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C358 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C366 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C368 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C396 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C397 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C417 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C418 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C430 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C435 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C459 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 C471 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000438 L328 1nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000489 C230 2.2nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000489 C232 2.2nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000550 C464 0.02nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000550 C469 0.02nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000628 C384 0.022nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000628 C391 0.022nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C101 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C102 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C108 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C109 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C110 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C111 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C112 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C113 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C114 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C115 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C116 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C118 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C119 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-11 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-000679 C120 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C122 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C123 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 C170 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000679 R311 0.027nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000696 C369 0.002nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000696 C454 0.002nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000696 C463 0.002nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000714 U501 3.3nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000714 U502 3.3nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000812 C142 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C205 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C206 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C207 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C212 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C216 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C217 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C222 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C236 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C240 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C242 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000812 C243 0.033nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000854 C121 0.039nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000854 C241 0.039nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000854 C421 0.039nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000854 C429 0.039nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000870 C351 0.003nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000870 C478 0.003nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000885 C128 4.7nF,10%,25V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000885 C333 4.7nF,10%,25V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000885 C398 4.7nF,10%,25V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000885 C433 4.7nF,10%,25V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000885 C434 4.7nF,10%,25V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000885 C444 4.7nF,10%,25V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000940 C225 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000940 C385 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000940 C415 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-12 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-000940 C416 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000940 C425 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000940 C428 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000940 C441 470pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-000995 C223 0.047nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000995 C337 0.047nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000995 C347 0.047nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000995 C439 0.047nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-000995 C465 0.047nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001017 C422 0.004nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001017 C450 0.004nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001033 C153 5.6nF,10%,25V,X7R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-001072 C451 0.056nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001103 C457 6.8nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608,- 2 2203-001153 C374 0.068nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001153 C377 0.068nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001153 C455 0.068nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001201 C440 0.007nF,0.5pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001239 C348 0.082nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001239 C354 0.082nF,5%,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001259 C458 0.008nF,0.5pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001385 C370 0.0015nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001385 C460 0.0015nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-001389 C162 12nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608,1.6mm 2 2203-001389 C163 12nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608,1.6mm 2 2203-001405 C158 22nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-001405 C169 22nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-001405 C171 22nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-001405 C172 22nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-001405 C364 22nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-001405 C387 22nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-001432 C470 47nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-001598 C431 2200nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,2012 2 2203-002668 C303 0.0005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-002668 C427 0.0005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-002668 C437 0.0005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005050 C352 0.0018nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-13 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-005052 C362 0.0033nF,0.25pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C124 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C129 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C130 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C132 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C134 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C135 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C137 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C139 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C141 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C144 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C146 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C148 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C150 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C155 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C156 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C159 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C160 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C161 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C164 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C165 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C166 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C174 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C177 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C201 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C204 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C208 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C224 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C227 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C231 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C233 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C237 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C308 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C376 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C378 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C380 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C390 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-14 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2203-005061 C405 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C408 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C456 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 C472 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005061 U500 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1005 2 2203-005065 C167 1000nF,+80-20%,10V,Y5V,TP,1608 2 2203-005065 C213 1000nF,+80-20%,10V,Y5V,TP,1608 2 2203-005065 C228 1000nF,+80-20%,10V,Y5V,TP,1608 2 2203-005065 C229 1000nF,+80-20%,10V,Y5V,TP,1608 2 2203-005065 C436 1000nF,+80-20%,10V,Y5V,TP,1608 2 2203-005065 C445 1000nF,+80-20%,10V,Y5V,TP,1608 2 2203-005171 C219 1uF,10%,16V,X7R,TP,2012,- 2 2203-005393 C106 0.005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005393 C126 0.005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005393 C321 0.005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005393 C326 0.005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005393 C367 0.005nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005482 C210 100nF,10%,10V,X5R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-005482 C220 100nF,10%,10V,X5R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-005483 C103 68nF,10%,10V,X5R,TP,1005,- 2 2203-005552 C302 0.0022nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2203-005552 C335 0.0022nF,0.1pF,50V,NP0,TP,1005 2 2404-001020 C218 10uF,20%,10V,GP,TP,3216,3.2 2 2404-001100 C151 33uF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,3719,- 2 2404-001100 C173 33uF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,3719,- 2 2404-001100 C202 33uF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,3719,- 2 2404-001100 C309 33uF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,3719,- 2 2404-001100 C375 33uF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,3719,- 2 2404-001105 C203 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2404-001105 C209 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2404-001105 C214 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2404-001105 C215 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2404-001105 C379 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2404-001105 C382 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2404-001105 C404 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2404-001105 C410 10UF,20%,6.3V,GP,TP,2012 2 2703-001180 L420 15nH,5%,1x0.5x0.5mm SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-15 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2703-001180 L421 15nH,5%,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001409 L409 12nH,10%,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001409 L414 12nH,10%,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001514 L331 68nH,5%,1.8x1.12x1.02mm 2 2703-001514 L332 68nH,5%,1.8x1.12x1.02mm 2 2703-001729 L314 1.8nH,0.3nH,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001729 L323 1.8nH,0.3nH,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001729 L407 1.8nH,0.3nH,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001729 L412 1.8nH,0.3nH,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001731 L334 22nH,5%,1.8x1.12x1.02mm 2 2703-001733 L303 8.2nH,5%,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001734 L317 6.8nH,5%,1x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001747 C361 4.7nH,0.3nH,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001747 L419 4.7nH,0.3nH,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001748 L311 5.6nH,0.3nH,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001750 L411 2.2NH,0.3NH,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-001751 C363 3.9nH,0.3nH,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001751 L422 3.9nH,0.3nH,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001752 L322 39nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001752 L324 39nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001786 L305 10NH,5%,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-001786 L325 10NH,5%,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-001790 C359 3.3NH,0.3NH,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-001791 L315 15NH,5%,1.8X1.12X1.02MM 2 2703-001791 L316 15NH,5%,1.8X1.12X1.02MM 2 2703-001868 L312 82NH,5%,1005 2 2703-001868 L313 82NH,5%,1005 2 2703-001868 L329 82NH,5%,1005 2 2703-001938 L310 56nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001938 L320 56nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-001943 L416 10nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-002155 L302 47nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-002155 L307 47nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-002155 L308 47nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-002155 L426 47nH,5%,1.0x0.5x0.5mm 2 2703-002207 L326 3.3NH,0.3NH,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-002267 L406 4.7NH,0.3NH,1.0X0.5X0.5MM SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-16 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 2703-002267 L408 4.7NH,0.3NH,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-002267 L413 4.7NH,0.3NH,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-002267 L415 4.7NH,0.3NH,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-002291 L425 18NH,°æ2%,1.6X1.0X0.9MM 2 2703-002320 L321 100NH,5%,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2703-002320 L330 100NH,5%,1.0X0.5X0.5MM 2 2801-003856 OSC100 0.032768MHZ,20PPM,28-ACP,7PF,65KOHM,TP 2 2802-001182 OSC110 48MHZ,0.1%,BK,2.5X2X1MM 2 2806-001289 U382 1390.5/2139.MHZ,-,50OHM,TP,2.8V,1MA 2 2809-001248 U380 19.68MHz,-,10Kohm//10pF,TP,2.8V,2mA 2 2903-001277 F303 -,1.575GHZ,-,0.8DB,0.2DB,TP 2 2904-001021 F302 1.96GHz,60MHz,+-30MHz/2dB,-,+-30MHz/3.5dB,0-1850MHz/20dB 2 2904-001304 F441 1.865GHZ,-,-,TP,1770MHZ/25DB,1930-1960MHZ/35DB 2 2904-001319 F444 836.5MHZ,-,1.6DB,TP,3.5DB,- 2 2904-001346 F300 881.5MHZ,-,1.1DB,TP,2.7DB,- 2 2904-001356 F301 183.6MHZ,0.013MHZ,1.0DB,TP,4.5DB,- 2 2904-001381 F304 183.6MHZ,1.25MHZ,0.4DB,TP,-,- 2 2904-001384 F305 1.57542GHZ,-,0.1DB,TP,2.4DB,- 2 2909-001157 F446 836.5MHZ,881.5MHZ,3.0/2.1DB,TP,-,- 2 2909-001170 F440 1.96GHZ,1.88GHZ,2.2/1.8DB,TP,-,- 2 3301-001105 L306 AB,1.6x0.8x0.8mm,-,- 2 3301-001105 L402 AB,1.6x0.8x0.8mm,-,- 2 3301-001120 L410 AB,30ohm,2x1.25x0.85mm,3000mA,TP,FERRITE,0.015ohm 2 3301-001120 L418 AB,30ohm,2x1.25x0.85mm,3000mA,TP,FERRITE,0.015ohm 2 3301-001341 L424 AB,120OHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,150MA,TP,M,0.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L101 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L201 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L301 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L304 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L333 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L335 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L336 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L337 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L401 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L403 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 L404 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM 2 3301-001342 R291 AB,1.5KOHM,1X0.5X0.5MM,100MA,TP,M,1.4OHM SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-17 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 3705-001255 CN450 -,JACK,-,-,- 2 3710-001105 CN204 2P,1R,1.27mm,SMD-S,AU 2 3710-001599 CN200 18P,1R,0.5mm,SMD-A,AUF 2 3711-004980 CN102 NO,26P,2R,0.5MM,SMD-S,AU,NTR 2 3722-001456 EARJ1 2P,2.6PI,AUF,BLK,- 2 4709-001202 F445 824~849 MHz,12dB,0.65dB,1.5 2 4709-001257 F442 824-894MHZ,1850-1990MHZ,0.55DB,10DB,-40TO+85C,50OHM 2 4709-001283 U430 1850-1910MHZ,14DB,0.6DB,1.5 2 GH41-00262A 2 GH61-00019A 2 GH96-01175A SCH-A310,XAR,BRAZ,KEY PAD ALL ASSEMBLE,-,-,- 3 GH59-00413A SCH-A310,SCH-A310METAL DOME ,-,METAL DOME,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH59-00414A SCH-A310,KBSCHA310,-,VOLUME KEY ASS'Y,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 1 GH97-02302A SCH-A310,VERIZON,USA,SIL,-,-,- 2 3001-001308 0.05W,32OHM,116DB,- 2 6001-001577 CH,TORX,M1.7,L2.5,NI PLT,SWRCH18A,FP,P0.35 2 GH07-00155A UG-12D72-FLHTX-A,SCH-A310,-,37.4X55.21X4.6MM, SCH-A310,FR-4,8L,-,1.0T,110X158MM,-,3,-,L405 SGH-N105,BE-CU,-,-,-,-,-,-,GLD,-,- 4GRY/BLK,-,0.225X0.225MM,-20TO+60C, 2 GH59-00240B SGH-R210,OBG-15S42-C1033 R210,-,MIC ASS'Y, SGH-R210/R220/R208,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH59-00415A SCH-A310,SM16G02BMA,-,SPEAKER,FPCB ,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH59-00416A SCH-A310,KBSCHA310C,-,CONNCTOR,FPC,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH72-03806A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH72-03815A SCH-A310,ACRYL,TRP,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH73-01350A SCH-A310,CR RUBBER,28X3XT1.0,-,-,BLK,-,-,-,- 2 GH73-01351A SCH-A310,CR RUBBER,6.5X2XT1.4,-,-,BLK,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02788A SCH-A310,PORON,20X7XT2.0,BLK,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02790A SCH-A310,PORON,8X5XT3.0,BLK,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02791A SCH-A310,RUBBER SPONGE,10X6XT2.0,BLK,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02804A SCH-A310,PORON,PI11XT2.0,BLK,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02806A SCH-A310,VINYL,46X73XT0.2,TRP,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02807A SCH-A310,VINYL,43.5X52XT0.2,TRP,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02807B SCH-A310,3M4187C,43.5X52XT0.1,TRP,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-02926A SCH-A310,VINYL TAPE,21X7XT0.05,WHT,-,-,-,- 2 GH74-03265A SCH-A310,CU TAPE,15X4XT0.1,GLD,-,-,-,- 2 GH75-01708A SCH-A310,USA,-,-,SIL,-,-,- 3 GH71-00822A -,SCH-A310,MG,-,47X73X8,-,-,-,-,SIL,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-18 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 3 GH71-00872A -,SCH-A310,ZN,-,33,23,T1.4,-,-,SIL,- 3 GH72-04681A SCH-A310,ACRYL,TRP,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02197A SCH-A310,TESA,T0.1,TRP,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02198A SCH-A310,PORON SRS,T0.5,BLK,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02600A SPH-X7000,VINYL,T0.1,-,-,-,-,3M4187 3 GH74-02927A SCH-A310,VINYL TAPE,20X4XT0.05,WHT,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-03257A SCH-A310,PET,3X3XT0.05,BLK,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-03339A SCH-A310,VINYL TAPE ,5X7XT0.05,WHT,-,-,-,- 2 GH75-01709A SCH-A310,USA,-,-,SIL,-,-,- 3 GH70-00039A SCH-A2000,NDFEB,-,-,-,-,PI3.0X2.0,-,- 3 GH71-00683A -,SCH-A310,SUS304,-,4.4,20,T0.4,-,-,SIL,- 3 GH71-00684A -,SCH-A310,SUS304,-,4.4,20,T0.4,-,-,SIL,- 3 GH71-00824A -,SCH-A310,NI,-,18X2X1,-,-,-,-,CR PLATE,- 3 GH72-03808A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-03809A SCH-A310,ABS,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,CR PLT 3 GH74-02199A SCH-A310,PORON SRS,T0.7,BLK,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02200A SCH-A310,TESA,T0.1,TRP,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02607A SCH-A310,TESA,17X1.2XT0.4,TRP,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02801A SCH-A310,PORON,4X2XT2.0,BLK,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02847A SCH-A310,TESA,7X9XT0.15,TRP,-,-,-,- 3 GH75-00764A SCH-8500,-,ASS`Y,-,BLK,-,- 4 GH70-00073A SCH-8500,SUS,-,PI4.9X10,-,-,-,-,- 4 GH71-00316A SCH-8500,ZNDC,-,NI PLT,- 4 GH72-00291A SCH-A100,POM,BLK,-,- 4 GH72-01863A SCH-8500,-,POM,BLK,-,-,- 2 GH75-01711A SCH-A310,USA,-,-,SIL,-,-,- 3 GH71-00620A -,SPH-X4700,ZN,R3X6,-,-,-,-,-,SIL,- 3 GH71-00686A -,SCH-A310,SUS304,41X29XT1.2,-,-,-,-,-,SIL,- 3 GH72-03816A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-03817A SCH-A310,ACRYL,TRP,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-03818A SCH-A310,POM,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH73-01013A SCH-A310,CR RUBBER,T8.7,4,1.5,BLK,-,-,-,- 3 GH73-01368A SCH-A310,RUBBER,8.6X10.7X9.8,-,-,SIL,-,-,-,- 2 GH75-01712A SCH-A310,USA,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-03826A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-03827A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-03828A SCH-A310,ABS,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-19 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 3 GH72-03829A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH73-01014A SCH-A310,SI RUBBER,T0.6,42,65.8,TRP,-,-,-,- 1 GH97-02303A SCH-A310,VERIZON,USA,SIL,-,-,- 2 3101-001301 15000RPM,-,3V,90MA 2 6001-001285 PH,+,M1.4,L3,ZPC(BLK),SWRCH18A,FP 2 GH71-00004A SCH-800B,C5210-1/2H,T0.1,- 2 GH71-00084A SPH-A1000,C5210P-H,T0.1,AU 2 GH74-02802A SCH-A310,PORON,6X3XT4.2,GLD,-,-,-,- 2 GH75-01713A SCH-A310,USA,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH61-00020A SPH-A330,SUS304WP,-,-,PI3.1X4.5,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH68-00973B SCH-A300,VINYL,T0.12,10,4,-,TRP,-,-,- 3 GH71-00823A -,SCH-A310,ZN,-,5.4X7.2X3.2,-,-,-,-,GLD PLATE,- 3 GH72-04415A SCH-A310,PC,L/GRY,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-04416A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH72-05356A SCH-A310,ELASTOMER,GRY,10X6.2XT9.0,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH73-01352A SCH-A310,CR RUBBER,14.1X14.1XT1.0,-,-,BLK,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-02929A SCH-A310,3M 1350,5X5XT0.1,BLK,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-03256A SCH-A310,PET,5X3XT0.05,BLK,-,-,-,- 2 GH75-02225A SCH-A310,-,-,-,SIL,-,-,- 3 GH72-04672A SCH-A310,PC,SIL,-,-,-,-,-,- 3 GH74-03092A SCH-A310,PORON SRS,5X3XT0.05,BLK,-,-,-,- 1 GH99-02735A SCH-A310,XAR,U.S.A,MANUAL,-,- 2 GH68-01897A SCH-T300,SAMSUNG,ENG,STA,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH68-02616A SCH-A310,VERIZON,ENGLSIH,USA,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH68-02618A SCH-A310,VERIZON,ENGLISH/SPANISH,USA,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH68-02619A SCH-A310,VERIZON,ENGLISH,USA,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH68-02620A SCH-A310,VERIZON,ENGLISH,USA,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH68-02778A SCH-A310,VERIZON,ENGLISH,USA,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- 2 GH68-03005A SCH-A310,VERIZON,ENGLISH,USA,-,-,-,-,QRC CARD 2 GH68-03023A SCH-A310,VERIZON,ENGLISH,USA,-,-,-,-,CARD 2 GH69-30518A PP,T0.06,125*280,SCH-1011 1 GH99-02739A SCH-A310,VERIZON,USA,-,-,- 2 GH68-02967A SCH-A310,-,ART PAPER,-,PI20,-,BLU,-,-,- 2 GH68-03029A SCH-A310,-,ART PAPER,-,35X13.5,-,YEL,-,-,- 2 GH69-00910A SPH-N200,VINYL,T0.06,130,80,-,- 2 GH69-00941A SPH-N200,LDPE,T0.06,206,100,-,- 2 GH69-01055A SCH-A310,IVORY(#300),-,-,-,-,135X79X192,- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-20 Electrical Parts List Level SEC CODE Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 2 GH69-01056A SCH-A310,PS,132X134XT0.5,-,-,-,-,WHT,- 2 GH69-11279A CHINA,SGH-600,SW-3,530X510X187 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 11-21 12. PCB Diagram GND3 Q213 MIC200 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 12-1 GND D213 TMODE U499 LWR_N D217 R236 R240 VPU VPO VREG SUSPND U250 R216 C220 VMI _OE STAR R212 C210 R214 GND2 7 C177 C174 U251 C217 4 C212 D211 R237 D212 R238 C278 C274 R217 R219 C206 C205 C207 1 D250 SCAN0 K_SEN1 C477 TALK SCAN1 D219 C273 C272 MENU LEFT R161 R112 C114 R115 R116 R104 C216 GND4 R162 ZD190 L101 R230 R121 R118 R114 R113 R111 R108 R105 R103 R160 C238 R233 R234 0 8 VMO 5 VPI 2 DATA D218 D222 C244 DOWN CLK C228 I U230 C229 UP R156 R159 R218 C169 R149 C221 R153 C171 C279 R220 R155 Q204Q206 R221 R222 C215 U503 R228 R246 R247 C241 R245 C167 D210 C277 R239 R420 R427 R426 C239 C281 Q209 C280 SHARP C276 RWR 9 D214 C275 R242 6 3 C224 R291 R223 C223 C214 C173 U204 U290 D221 R241 LED211 OK LED210 D215 D216 RIGHT GND99 12-1 Main PCB Top Diagram L405 C455 R411 R407 R401 C473 L401 L416 C446 L403 Q410 C404 C454 C470 C468 L426 R416 R413 C427 L407 D480 L408 C422 C442 C435 U441 U430 U431 C452 C453 R402 F441 R425 R423 C413 L424 U481 C451 D420 C450 C418 C425 L404 C475 C428 C405 C474 C415 C406 C443 R404 C417 L425 C416 R409 R419 R410 Q302 C461 D405 D404 U201 C203 U500 C412 U480 C152 C204 R133 R132 U200 TRST_N Q211 R201 C201 R202 R207 Q203 LB_N U203 R206 C234 R150 RAM_CS1_N RD_N ROM_CS1_N TH100 L306 R302 C390 L337 C402 C378 U382 L335 C398 R329 C388 C391 R314 U340 U380 C170 R148 U182 C166 CN102 TDO TDI TMS TCK LWRN V_BAT CN200 L318 C350 C356 L317 L324 L321 C353 C345 L319 C374 C385 C313 C312 U495 L332 F305 F301 DP_RX_DATA OSC110 DP_TX_DATA L301 RESET C142 C136 C137 R142 C155 C158 C164 R140 C161 C172 R137 C237 R154 C231 C160 C150 C149 R126 C337 R311 C310 R127 U360 C106 R232 R229 C141 C140 R428 HP_PWR F302 C321 L309 C322 R308 C368 D300 L312 C341 C340 L313 C306 R303 R309 C333 R313 C334 C307 C311 R310 C371 C367 C372 L331 C366 L329 L327 C357 F300 R306 C330 R307 C336 L311 C331 L302 C305 L303 C301 C131 C145 C103 C104 C154 C132 C146 R106 R107 R134 C309 C377 U100 C219 U190 R138 R136 R227 C360 C343 L328 C344 C363 C325 C315 C347 C339 C338 C373 C370 C351 C326 L330 R320 R315 R305 F303 C424 L412 C437 C423 C420 C419 F440 R129 C157 C472 R417 R325 C176 R328 R215 C208 R110 R119 C105 Q301 U446 R135 C148 C147 C376 R324 C153 C410 C457 U482 C202 Q202 R209 R406 C441 U445 C409 R415 U322 R203 Q201 R205 U202 C411 U400 C469 C464 R412 C465 C151C375 C211 R213 R211 R204 L402 C456 C459 C444 C430 U440 L423 C445 C421 C429 R424 Q480 C476 U444 C462 C463 F445 C432 L413 C478 F444 C448 C449 C458 C407 C408 R422 R421 C467 R408 L418 R418 L419 C447 C466 D440 R414 C433 CN204 Q420 L422 F442 CN450 C439 L417 F446 C426 C243 L410 C438 Q440 C381 R334 R158 C175 R157 R323 C387 R327 R326 C434 C436 C431 U501 L409 L406 L415 L414 C440 C471 U502 R405 C414 L421 L420 C460 R208 U240 C236 EARJ1 C156 R144 R143 C226 R224 C225 R225 C235 R226 C233 C232 D361 D360 R321 Q220 L201 C403 R332 C395 C392 R330 C397 C393 R333 C394 R331 C383 C384 C324 L323 R318 L325 L315 U300 L334 C379 C382 C389 R403 C399 C400 C401 C396 C386 C380 R151 C168 L336 L333 R322 R102 R123 R122 R152 C143 C144 C134 C346 C355 C349 C352 L320 C218 L411 C126 C348 C354 F304 L316 R304 R301 C304 C329 C328 C222 U120 U220 C101 C102 C135 C209 R243 C240 R235 R244 C242 R101 R312 C342 C364 R317 C314 C308 L304 R128 C129 C130 R130 C159 R139 R141 C165 R131 R117 R125 C107 C127 R124 C128 OSC100 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 12-2 R210 R146 R145 R147 C139 C138 C133 C120 C119 C115 C113 C112 C111 C110 C109 C108 C230 R231 C123 C227 C122 R120 C121 C118 C125 C117 C116 R109 C124 C316 R319 C323 C303 L310 C302 L305 R316 L322 L326 L314 C362 C332 C358 C335 C369 C365 C361 C318 L308 C359 C317 L307 C319 C320 C327 C162 C163 C213 PCB Diagrams 12-2 Main PCB Bottom Diagram 13. Circuit Diagrams 13-1 Logic Circuit Diagram 1 1 2 3 4 RESET 6 AUDIO : 146 ~ 161 R101 510 C101 27PF SYNTH_LOCK V_PD RF INTFACE : 162~182 S3.6 SLEEP_N A CN102 C128 4.7NF R124 1K C126 5PF R125 1K C127 10NF TMODE R126 NC TMODE DP_TX_DATA DP_RX_DATA TCXO_CLK R134 1K TX_AGC_ADJ R135 1K C153 5.6NF C154 10NF V_MSMA PA_ON_PCS PA_ON_CELL C155 100NF C157 10NF PA_IREF Q_OUT_N Q_OUT I_OUT_N I_OUT CLOSE TO D5 C158 22NF C159 100NF C162 R140 R142 180K C160 100NF C161 100NF R139 10K H1 J4 J3 H4 D9 K4 M15 E14 M4 P8 D5 D10 F4 F15 L14 B1 A1 B2 G2 F1 G3 F2 E1 F3 E2 A5 B4 C3 C6 D4 B17 D17 D16 C15 E17 (GPIO21) GPIO21|DP_TX_DATA2 (GPIO20) GPIO20|DP_RX_DATA2 (GPIO19) GPIO19|RFR_N2 (GPIO18) GPIO18|CTS_N2 AUX1N AUX0P AUX0N 12NF R141 10K D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 ROM_CS1_N GPIO_INT38|ROM_CS2_N RAM_CS1_N GPIO_INT37|RAM_CS2_N GPIO_INT39|GPCS1 GPIO_INT40|LCD_CSN GPIO_INT41|LCD_EN RD_N LWR_N HWR_N GND11 GND10 GND9 R12 U10 R11 T10 U9 P10 R10 T9 U8 R9 T8 U7 R8 T7 U6 P7 N16 N15 U12 R13 T12 U11 T11 P11 R7 T6 U5 R6 T5 T4 R5 U4 T3 R4 U3 U2 T2 D(0) D(1) D(2) D(3) D(4) D(5) D(6) D(7) D(8) D(9) D(10) D(11) D(12) D(13) D(14) D(15) USB_VPO USB_VMO USB_OE_N USB_VPI USB_VMI USB_DATA SPK_RX+ SPK_RX- GND A(0:20) N14 M14 C132 100NF C133 10NF D9 A(0) A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) A(6) A(7) A(8) A(9) A(10) A(11) A(12) A(13) A(14) A(15) A(16) A(17) A(18) A(19) A(20) C134 100NF K4 P14 N4 P6 P12 P13 R14 P16 P15 L15 P9 L4 C136 10NF M15 MIC- R153 0 C138 10NF E14 C144 100NF C145 10NF D5 C146 100NF C147 10NF D10 C148 100NF C149 10NF F15 C140 10NF C141 100NF 3 4 C173 33UF 6.3V H_TX_AUDIO R155 0 R156 30K C174 100NF H_RX_AUDIO CMX_SPK- C177 100NF C176 10NF R158 33K R157 5.6K C175 10NF HP_PWR DP_RX_DATA DP_TX_DATA C118 C121 R160 R161 39PF 0 0 R162 C125 150PF 27PF 0 C116 C117 C124 100NF NC C122 C123 27PF MEMORY C R143 R144 22K 22K R150 100 A(1:20) J5 J6 VCCF VCCS CIOF CIOS CE2S RY/_BY _WE SA H9 K6 D6 E5 C6 G8 LWR_N A0 A1 A2 GND D(0:15) VCC 8 WP 7 R136 NC SCL 6 SDA 5 D(0) D(1) D(2) D(3) D(4) D(5) D(6) D(7) D(8) D(9) D(10) D(11) D(12) D(13) D(14) D(15) SCL SDA AT24C256-10UI-2.7-T.R V_TCXO C166 100NF 5 VCC NC 1 F10 G1 G10 L1 L5 L6 L10 M1 M10 C168 10NF R148 100 T CXO_IN R151 100K C170 27PF J3 G4 K4 H5 H6 K7 G7 J8 K3 H4 J4 K5 J7 H7 K8 H8 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15/A-1 G3 VSS1 J9 VSS2 U182 TC7S04FU(TE85L) TCXO_CLK NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC U120 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 G2 F2 E2 D2 F3 E3 D3 C3 C7 E7 F7 C8 D8 E8 F8 D9 G9 F4 E4 D7 E6 A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) A(6) A(7) A(8) A(9) A(10) A(11) A(12) A(13) A(14) A(15) A(16) A(17) A(18) A(19) A(20) ROM_CS1_N RAM_CS1_N RD_N A(21) LB_N _CEF _CE1S _OE _LB H2 J2 H3 C4 _UB D4 C5 _WP/ACC D5 _RESET NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC ROM_CS1_N RAM_CS1_N RD_N LB_N A(0) _ROM_WP RESOUT_N 3 4 SCREW HOLE A1 A10 B1 B5 B6 B10 C1 E9 F1 F9 EXCDMA SAMSUNG Drawn by KHS R&D CHK Size TITLE D DOC CTRL CHK Date Changed 2002.07.23 5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 13-1 D DS42587 Engineer EXCDMA 2 0,5% MF_Rev02 MFG CTRL CHK Changed by 1 C151 33UF 6.3V V_MEM CMX_SPK+ R159 10K 0 ACZ1005M-152-T C156 100NF LWR_N J-TAG THERM_DET V_MEM R133 C150 100NF 4 OUT GND 3 TRST_N TDO TDI TMS TCK LWRN V_BAT U495 HP_PWR DP_RX_DATA DP_TX_DATA V_PD 0 R138 1K TRST_N TDO TDI TMS TCK LWR_N V_BAT V_LCD P8 U190 KEYSENSE0 KEYSENSE1 KEYSENSE2 KEYSENSE3 ON_SW_SENSE CHG_ON LCD_GREEN_N GREEN_LED_N LCD_ORANGE_N RED_LED_N AB_SEL PLL_DATA PLL_CLK PLL_EN TH100 NTH5G1M33B103J04TH 5 L101 0,5% M4 L14 V_PD 2 V_THM EAR_MIC+ EAR_SPK+ 27PF C120 27PF C139 100NF SDA SCL PCS_BAND C172 22NF LCD_GREEN_N LCD_ORANGE_N REF : 120 1 R152 0 R154 2.2K 27PF C115 C114 C119 27PF C113 27PF 27PF C112 27PF 27PF C111 C137 100NF V_MEM C143 10NF LB_N EAR_DET SCAN0 MOTOR_EN SCAN1 C171 22NF 4 V_MSMA A(21) GPS ROM_CS1_N REED_SW RAM_CS1_N TA_DET LCD_CS2_N LCD_CS1_N SCAN4 RD_N LWR_N R15 P4 C135 100NF C152 100PF SCAN5 _ROM_WP TCXO_EN SCAN3 BACKLIGHT_EN SCAN2 FM_N SOFT_CON MIC+ 3 V_IF V_MSMD R132 RX_ON PS_HOLD C169 22NF 0 REF : 100 ~ 110 V_MSMD IN 2 R149 2.2K 1.2K R120 B V_PD GPS_N C167 1UF 1.2K 0 R115 J-TAG C131 10NF 1K 1K 1K R145 R146 R147 1 R109 R112 V_LCD SPK_RX+ A(1) LCD_CS2_N RESETIN_N LCD_CS1_N BACKLIGHT_EN SPK_RX- 1 2 3 4 5 6 V_MSMD C164 100NF C165 100NF AXK6F26335J 0 D(0:15) 510K C163 D 12NF LWR_N GPIO_INT15|A21 GPIO_INT31|A22 U13 T13 T16 T15 U16 T14 C2 A3 E4 D3 C1 B3 A2 B8 A4 L3 K2 J1 K3 J2 K1 L2 M3 L1 M2 N3 M1 N2 P3 N1 R3 P2 P1 R1 R2 T1 U1 H2 G1 D1 D2 E3 R137 180K VDD_C1 VDD_C2 VDD_C3 VDD_P1 VDD_P2 VDD_P3 VDD_A1 VDD_A2 VDD_A3 VDD_A4 VDD_A5 SBDT SBCK SBST HKADC6 HKADC5 HKADC4 HKADC3 HKADC2 HKADC1 HKADC0 TDO TDI TMS TRST_N TCK TMODE DP_TX_DATA DP_RX_DATA CTS_N RFR_N A17 U15 U14 T17 R17 N17 P17 M16 R16 U17 J14 J15 L17 K16 NO : 100 -- 199 R104 U499 1 2 3 4 5 6 GND3 GND4 GND5 GND6 GND7 GND8 C142 33PF MSM5100-208FBGA G4 NC PA_R0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 R127 5.1K SUSPND AMP_ON LCD_BLUE_N SEND_END U100 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ZD190 SMF05.TB C5 D11 K15 F14 H3 D8 R131 1K PDM2 PDM1 SYNTH_LOCK SLEEP_N IDLE_N TRK_LO_ADJ LNA_GAIN LNA_RANGE0 LNA_RANGE1 RX_AGC_ADJ Q_OFFSET I_OFFSET C_RX_QDATA0 C_RX_QDATA1 C_RX_QDATA2 C_RX_QDATA3 FM_RX_QDATA FM_RX_IDATA C_RX_IDATA2 C_RX_IDATA3 FM_RX_STB CX8_FM_CLK PA_R0 PA_R1 TX_AGC_ADJ PA_ON2 PA_ON DAC_IREF Q_OUT_N Q_OUT I_OUT_N I_OUT GND_RET CCOMP MICFBN MICINP MICOUTN MICOUTP MICINN MICFBP EAR10P EAR10N MICBIAS MIC1P MIC1N MIC2P MIC2N EAR20 AUXIP C14 RINGER D12 GND1 P5 GND2 C130 100NF B9 C8 C10 A8 B7 B11 B12 C7 C9 A11 B10 A10 D13 C13 B13 A13 B14 B15 C17 C16 A15 A14 A9 D7 A12 C11 D6 C4 A6 B5 B6 A7 F16 E15 G14 H17 J17 H16 G16 G15 L16 M17 G17 J16 K17 H14 H15 K14 AUX_PCM_CLK|RFR_N2ANDSTEREO_CLK| AUX_PCM_SYNC|CTS_N2ANDL_R_N| AUX_PCM_DIN|DP_RX_DATA2| AUX_PCM_DOUT|DP_TX_DATA2ANDSTEREO_DOUT| R130 10K I_OFFSET RX_QDATA0 RX_QDATA1 RX_QDATA2 RX_QDATA3 FM_RX_QDATA FM_RX_IDATA RX_IDATA2 RX_IDATA3 FM_RX_STB CX8_FM_CLK MMC_CLK A16 BT_CLK|GPIO_INT45_RESERVED B16 GP_MN C12 R129 10K,5% C129 100NF GPIO_INT47|USB_VPO|BT_SBST| GPIO_INT46|USB_VMO|BT_SBCK| GPIO_INT45|USB_OE_N|BT_SBDT| GPIO_INT44|USB_VPI| GPIO_INT43|USB_VMI| GPIO_INT42|USB_DATA| GPIO_INT36 GPIO_INT35 GPIO_INT34 GPIO_INT33 GPIO_INT32 GPIO_INT30|WDOG_STBANDMMC_CMD| GPIO_INT29 GPIO_INT28 GPIO_INT27 GPIO_INT26|MMC_DATA| GPIO_INT25 GPIO_INT24 GPIO_INT23 GPIO_INT22 GPIO_INT17 GPIO_INT16 GPIO_INT14 GPIO_INT13|FM_RF_SLEEP_N| GPIO_INT12|LB_N GPIO_INT11|GP2_CS_N| GPIO_INT10 GPIO_INT9 GPIO_INT8 GPIO_INT7 GPIO_INT6 GPIO_INT5 GPIO_INT4 GPIO_INT3 GPIO_INT2 GPIO_INT1|BT_DATA| GPIO_INT0|BT_RX_TX_CTL| KEYSENSE4_N KEYSENSE3_N KEYSENSE2_N KEYSENSE1_N KEYSENSE0_N B TCXO XTAL48_IN XTAL48_OUT SLEEP_XTAL_IN SLEEP_XTAL_OUT RESIN_N RESOUT_N WDOG_EN MODE1 MODE0 R128 10K Q_OFFSET D15 F17 E16 D14 V_PD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 1.2K TDO TDI TMS TRST_N TCK WDOG_EN RX_AGC_ADJ R121 C109 SPK+ SPKLWR_N LCD_BLUE_N C110 R119 100K,1% C105 100PF 27PF 0 0 R123 LNA_RANGE0 LNA_RANGE1 R122 V_MSMD OSC110 CSTCW48MOX11047-RO V_MSMA R428 330 C107 10NF R110 91K,1% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.2K 1.2K 1.2K 1.2K 1.2K 1.2K 1.2K 1.2K 27PF C106 5PF LNA_GAIN SBDT SBCK SBST H_DET I_CON TH_CON THERM_DET R103 R105 R108 R111 R113 R114 R116 R118 C108 S3.6 OSC100 MC-146(32.768KHz,20ppm) R117 4.7K D(7) D(6) D(5) D(4) D(3) D(2) D(1) D(0) 27PF C102 27PF R106 18K C103 68NF V_MSMD R107 100 C104 10NF D(0:15) R102 8.2K 27PF IDLE_N TRK_LO_ADJ E 8 MSM : 130 ~ 145 RESETIN_N C 7 REF RESOUT_N A 5 Time 09:00:00 am 6 QA CHK REV 02 7 Drawing Number Sheet1 8 E Circuit Diagrams 13-2 LOGIC Circuit Diagram 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 I KEYPAD REF : 270 ~ 280 V_BAT V_PD C208 100NF R209 100K TCXO_EN C213 1UF 2 4 3 C215 10UF 2 _OE RCV 3 VP VPI USB_VPI VMI SUSPND 4 VM 5 SUSPND SUSPND 20 13 VMO 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 0 # RIGHT DOWN UP OK USB_VMO VPO C277 SCAN5 SCAN4 SCAN3 SCAN2 SCAN1 SCAN0 C272 C102K,1NF,50V B USB_VPO 6 7 8 U251 USBUF01W6 R216 C216 33PF 1 DXIN 6 DXOUT 2 GND VBUS5 0 C217 33PF USB_D+ 3 DYIN DYOUT4 C278 C102K,1NF,50V C279 C102K,1NF,50V C280 C102K,1NF,50V C281 C102K,1NF,50V 1NF 1NF 1NF 1NF USB_D- V_IF C220 100NF Q204 DTA144EE/TR 1 I_CON 1 Q206 DTA144EE/TR 2 2 RED_LED_N R219 470K REF : 260 MIC+ 3 3 IF CONNECTOR MIC200 MIC GREEN_LED_N C221 NC 3 1 R220 100K 3 D+ 10 D- 9 V_BAT Q213 2SC4617 2 2 KEYSENSE3 KEYSENSE2 KEYSENSE1 KEYSENSE0 VREG VREG 12 FSE0 VO 11 R217 2.7K CHG_ON C212 33PF 16 15 14 VPU 1 DATA USB_DATA MOTOR_EN C218 10UF R218 10K C _OE USB_OE_N GND 2 REF_BYP 4 EN 3 C214 10UF 6.3V 1 C207 33PF VPU 18 17 USB_VMI LTC1734ES6-4.2#TR C219 1UF 16V D250 SMF05.TB V_USB U250 ISP1105W CN204-2 24-8005-002-000-867 Q220 ZXT13P20DE6 1 2 5 6 DC_VOLT 1 C210 100NF 19 3 VCC PROG 4 3 SOFT_CON S3.6 U204 MIC5205-3.0BM5/TR 5 OUT IN 1 1 1 ISENSE 6 DRIVE 2 GND VSENSE 5 R214 4.7K R215 0 CN204-1 24-8005-002-000-867 U240 4 ON_SW_SENSE Q203 DTC144EE/TR C211 NC Q211 DTC144EE/TR 5 R212 0 VCC 2 2 C209 10UF 6.3V R210 NC 3 1 V_IF SOFT R213 4.7K TA_DET C206 33PF C477 10NF 2 MODE 3 1 C205 33PF VCC SPEED R211 100K B V_MSMA GND R208 10K LEFT TALK SCAN1 U203 R1160N251B 5 1 VDD OUT 2 GND 3 CE ECO 4 R206 NC 1K V_PD K_SEN1 KEYSENSE1 SCAN1 TCXO_EN R207 CLK C204 100NF R203 NC R205 0 MENU SCAN0 SCAN0 C273 2 R204 33K C203 10UF 6.3V ECO4 ON_SW RESETIN_N C102K,1NF,50V R202 47K 5 DC_VOLT GND 3 CE A RESET 2 GND 1 GND 4 HP_PWR Q202 DTC144EE/TR 1 VCC GND 2 3 2 C202 33UF 6.3V 3 3 5 C102K,1NF,50V 1 ON_SW PS_HOLD VDD OUT C274 1 V_BAT PWR/END KEYSENSE2 C102K,1NF,50V 1 2 5 6 SCAN0 U202 MAX809REUR-T V_PD U201 R1160N281B C275 S3.6 C276 Q201 SI3443DV-T1 C102K,1NF,50V U200 UMN1 4 GND A 3 C102K,1NF,50V R201 100K C201 100NF DC_VOLT V_BAT C DC_VOLT R222 33 R221 120 LED210 SML-310LT-T86 MIC- LED211 V_IF ACZ1005M-152-T V_MSMA 1 VCC OUT 2 GND 3 VTA IS 5.0V+-0.2 USB_D+ REED_SW USB_DDP_RX_DATA DP_TX_DATA C223 47PF C224 100NF S3.6 C222 33PF R223 100K U290 A3212ELH-SAMSUNG R291 R225 100 V_PD R226 NC C229 1UF 8 3 C230 2.2NF R227 200K AMP_ON 1 EAR_DET U220-1 4 TC75W56FK-TE12L D C231 100NF R231 1.2K 2 1 2 R230 20K,1% CMX_SPK+ C237 100NF R233 20K,1% _SHDN BYPA 3 +IN 4 -IN VO2 8 GND 7 SPK+ VDD 6 5 VO1 CMX_SPK- 5 D210 D211 D212 D213 D214 D215 D216 D217 D218 D219 D222 D221 S3.6 SPK- 6 U220-2 TC75W56FK-TE12L 1NF C244 R235 75K R236 100K C238 NC R237 10 R238 10 R239 10 R240 10 R241 10 EAR_MIC+ 2 R242 10 SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS SLS-NNBL102TS U503 5 SMF05.TB R232 47K C235 10NF C236 33PF 4 3 1 C232 2.2NF C233 100NF D 2 C239 1NF R243 100K R244 0 4 5 EARJ1 EPJ1-5-A-D1 L201 R229 ACZ1005M-152-T 10K,1% TH_CON R234 20K,1% 7 SEND_END H_TX_AUDIO H_RX_AUDIO U230 LM4890MM R228 20K,1% R224 2.2K C226 100PF HP_PWR C228 1UF V_TCXO C227 100NF C225 470PF CN200 1004-0018-305 1 BTT+ 2 USB+ 3 RESERVED0 4 USB5 DP_RX_DATA1 6 DP_TX_DATA1 7 RESERVED1 8 GND 9 RESERVED2 10 RESERVED3 11GND 12 RESERVED4 13HP_PWR 14 BTT+ 15 TX_AUDIO 16RX_AUDIO 17 TA+ 18 TA+ 19GND 20 21 22V_BAT GND GND 25 26 C234 1NF BACKLIGHT_EN R245 2.2K 1 3 Q209 MMBT2222AWT1 2 3 EAR_SPK+ 1 C242 33PF C243 33PF Engineer C240 33PF C241 39PF R246 12 R247 12 EXCDMA SAMSUNG Drawn by KHS R&D CHK Size TITLE E D MF_Rev02 DOC CTRL CHK MFG CTRL CHK Date Changed Changed by 1 2 3 4 Time 2002.07.23 EXCDMA 5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 13-2 9:14:49 am 6 QA CHK REV 7 Drawing Number Sheet2 8 E Circuit Diagrams 13-3 RF Circuit Diagram 1 2 1 4 3 6 5 L301 ACZ1005M-152-T V_RFR R301 51 L302 47nH F300 B7704 C301 10NF L303 8.2nH IN 1 C304 100PF C305 10NF V_PD V_IF L306 BLM11A102SPT 3 GND2 2 L304 ACZ1005M-152-T L305 10nH 4 L308 47nH L307 47nH F301 HFF-MCF-129 C319 1NF C320 1NF 1 C324 10NF C326 5PF L310 56nH 4 IDLE_N IDLEB VCC 5 VCC 32 9 PCS_BAND FM_N C338 100PF SEL1 8 SEL2 C339 100PF 2 R314 100 VGC 25 DIV2B C347 47PF LO_IN 26 CELL_RX L317 6.8nH C350 10NF L318 NC PCS_RX 2 GPS_RX OUT L324 39nH L325 10nH L328 1NF C360 15PF GLNA_OUT 28 PLNA_IN 29 PLNA_BIAS 31 RLNA 19 RMIX C363 3.9nH R318 3.9K,1% C351 3PF 3 L326 3.3nH 1 IN C362 3.3PF FM_RX_CLK SLEEP_N RXQD2 CX8_FM_CLK R312 100 RXQD0 RX_QDATA3 40 RX_QDATA2 RX_QDATA1 42 RX_QDATA0 RXID3 45 46 RXID2 FM_RX_IDATA_RXID1 47 RX_SLOT/ GND 3 GND 5 RX_IDATA3 RX_IDATA2 FM_RX_IDATA FM_RX_QDATA GND 16 R317 47K GND 8 GND 13 C364 22NF GND 18 32 31 SBDT C367 5PF GND 19 NC GND 23 SBI_EN 30 SBST SBCK GNDD 34 SBST GND SBDT GND 49 52 GND GND 53 C368 1NF GND C371 10PF C 43 54 L332 68nH C372 10PF C374 68PF R321 10K RX_IFVCO_VT 5 R322 22 D360 1SV279-TPH3 V_IF L333 ACZ1005M-152-T L334 22nH UMC5NTL L336 ACZ1005M-152-T TCXO_EN C378 100NF C380 100NF L335 ACZ1005M-152-T D361 1SV279-TPH3 C379 10UF R323 10K C377 68PF V_IF C381 100PF C382 10UF 6.3V 4.7K 20 CPOIN 18 17 4 C396 1NF PLL_EN FINIF GND 16 GND 15 LE IF_EN 13 CLOCK PLL_CLK 12 11 C399 100PF C402 10NF C400 100PF OSCIN 9 RX_RFVCO_OUT R332 NC C397 1NF C393 1.5NF C394 10NF 1 VCTL C395 1.5NF G GG G 246 8 C392 NC C388 100PF 3 VCC 4 FINRF 5 6 _FINRF 7 GND 8 OSCX _FININ 14 DATA PLL_DATA R330 10K OUT 5 Q301 1 SW 7 C391 22PF GPS_N Engineer EXCDMA C398 4.7NF R333 6.8K C401 100PF RX_ON R329 100 LO_IN FAST_LOCK1 10 UMC5NTL RX_RFVCO_OUT R331 NC FAST_LOCK0 5 4 2 U382 UCVA1XD08A VCCRF 1 2 VPRF CPORF 3 D FM_N R328 15 24 OUT0 21 VPIF C387 22NF RX_IFVCO_OUT 3 R325 V_THM FAST_LOCK1 FAST_LOCK0 23 OUT1 U340 LMX2354SLBX 22 C386 1.5NF RF_EN C390 100NF C384 22PF 3 R327 10K 19 GND C389 15PF C383 10NF R326 12K FOLD 1 B RX_IFVCO_OUT 39 RXQD1 41 V_PD C366 1NF C369 2PF L331 68nH R310 0 C342 100PF FM_RX_QDATA_RXID0 48 C361 4.7nH 4 L330 100nH R320 NC RXQD3 C373 NC L337 ACZ1005M-152-T OUT VCC C355 1NF L320 56nH RXVCO_OUT 25 1 29 SBCK L329 82nH TCXOVN 37 CHIPX8 38 33 C385 470PF VCON GND C352 1.8PF L327 100PF C359 3.3nH GND2 2 36 36 TCXO 28 I_OFFSET I_OFFSET OUT 4 IN G GGGG G 1 2 3 6 7 8 C334 10NF 35 VDDD VDDM 44 2 FM_RX_STB 22 RXVCO_T2 21 RXVCO_T1 27 Q_OFFSET Q_OFFSET OUT 5 15 VDDA 14 20 VDDA VDDA 24 C357 1NF OUT 3 GND1 C349 1NF V_RFR F305 7708 C358 1NF R313 0 17 FM_N RX_IFVCO_VT TRK_LO_ADJ L319 NC C353 NC VDDA R311 27PF F304 DGLE32M01 9 VDDA GPS_FM_IF Q302 V_TCXO 2 C337 47PF TCXO_IN CX8_FM_CLK V_IF C375 33UF 6.3V 2 1 2 VDDA GPS_FM_IF/ 11 CDMA_IF 12 CDMA_IF/ FM_RX_STB R316 0 R324 0 U380 VC-TCXO-208C L313 82nH C341 1NF 6 VDDNTROL C333 4.7NF 3 V_RFR 4 TCXO_EN 1 R309 2.4K C340 1NF V_PD 5 GND 3 CE ECO 4 D D300 DAN222TL C346 1NF C354 82PF 22 L322 39nH 9 26 R334 10K 2 C376 100NF L316 15nH R315 NC V_IF VDD OUT L312 82nH GPS_N 10 IN C370 1.5PF 1 C335 2.2PF C348 82PF C365 100PF U322 R308 2.4K PCS_BAND 1 3 4 6 L315 15nH C345 100PF 12 7 C328 1NF V_RFR R319 8.2K,1% R1160N301B C332 1NF 5 L314 1.8NH C S3.6 2 3 4 6 7 8 TX_LO 23 GND 33 34 GND GND 35 GND OUT G GGG C336 NC GMIX_IN 17 11 GPS_IFP GPS_IFM 10 30 GLNA_IN 1 IN GND GND 4 3 CDMA_IFM 27 CLNA_BIAS C356 10NF F303 DFM2R1575MDA CLNA_IN L321 100nH L323 1.8NH IN PLNA_OUT 24 16 PMIX_IN CDMA_IFP 13 7 LO_IN C314 10NF 4 VDDA L309 NC C329 1NF F302 FAR-F6CE-1G9600-L2XB C331 10NF 6 3 C308 100NF U360 IFR3300 C330 100PF 2 CMIX_IN 18 15 FM_IFP FM_IFM 14 VGC 1 C344 100PF LO_OUT CLNA_OUT LNA_RANGE0 LNA_RANGE1 C343 100PF VDD_MSM L311 5.6nH OUT 5 IN V_RFR VCCIF B VCC C307 1NF C306 10NF R303 1K RX_AGC_ADJ C322 1NF 10 R307 220 20 SLEEPB C321 5PF G1 G2G3G4G5 G6 C327 NC R305 1K R306 0 U300 RFR3300 21 C313 1NF A C318 100PF R304 0 SLEEP_N C312 10NF C311 1NF C316 10NF C317 1NF C325 100PF C310 10NF C309 33UF V_RFR R302 0 C323 10NF V_IF C302 2.2PF OUT GND1 C303 0.5PF C315 1NF A 8 7 SAMSUNG Drawn by R&D CHK Size TITLE E D C403 10NF DOC CTRL CHK MF_Rev02 TCXO_IN MFG CTRL CHK Changed by Date Changed 1 2 3 Time 2002.07.23 EXCDMA 5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 13-3 QA CHK REV Drawing Number Sheet3 9:41:21 am 6 7 8 E Circuit Diagrams 13-4 RF Circuit Diagram 2 3 2 4 5 L401 ACZ1005M-152-T U480 L402 BLM11A102SPT TXIF_CELLULAR_228.6MHz R401 U501 U502 1K 3.3NF 3.3NF MIC5205-3.0BM5/TR 5 OUT IN 1 GND 2 REF_BYP 4 EN 3 L403 ACZ1005M-152-T C407 100PF C404 10UF 6.3V C408 100NF C406 100PF C405 100NF L404 ACZ1005M-152-T VTX_TANK C413 C414 100PF 10NF U500 100NF C412 100PF 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617 1 TX V_TX C416 470PF C417 1NF C418 1NF U430 CE0401G88DCB000 U440 SW-437 I_OUT F441 855833 L406 4.7nH PA_IREF 1 I_OUT_N 2 TX_QB 3 TX_I 4 TX_IB 25 TCXO 17 PA_ON 21 AB_SEL 8 VCONTROL 24 SBCK 22 SBST 23 SBDT 0 TCXO_IN PA_CP AB_SEL TX_AGC SBCK SBST SBDT 6 IF_BPF1 7 IF_BPF2 G G G G C440 7PF IREF VDDA1 VDDA3 VDDA4 VDDA5 VDDA6 CELLB_OUT 31 4 6 RFIN RFOUT 1 V2 4 VCC1 GND C426 NC L414 12nH C430 1NF C431 2.2UF C434 4.7NF 25V C436 1UF Q410 UMC5NTL VTX_RF L416 10nH PA_ON_CELL 100PF U400 C446 100PF C449 100PF R406 20K C451 56PF 4 C444 4.7NF 25V IN OUT GND1 VTX_TANK 2 RFIN 3 GND2 2 1 L423 NC 4 C463 2PF C462 NC 6 7 8 9 101112 1SS315(TPH3) R414 2K,1% H_DET 51K 2 PA_ON_CELL PA_ON_PCS E U481 LMV821M7 5 1 PA_CP C473 100PF C475 100PF CELL_RX R416 150,1% 6 D C470 47NF R422 75K Q480 2SA1576FRT106 1 R421 100 2 Engineer EXCDMA 3 R424 68K,1% C474 100PF SAMSUNG Drawn by 2 R423 150K SBDT RX 5 V_TX 3 TX_AGC SBST 4 5 V_IF V_TX 4 B VCC Y 2 A GND 3 ANT R427 6.8K R426 10K R420 47K 1 C454 2PF FM_N V_TX V_TX SBCK R&D CHK Size TITLE V_REF R425 100K,1% D DOC CTRL CHK C476 100PF MF_Rev02 MFG CTRL CHK Changed by 2 3 4 Time Date Changed EXCDMA 1 C V_TX C468 100PF D480 1SS315(TPH3) V_TX C472 100NF 5 NO 3 TX_AGC_ADJ IN LMV821M7 2nd_Local_PCS : 527.2MHz 2nd_Local_CELLULAR : 457.2MHz U482 TC7S32FU GPS_N C453 10NF 1 NC 4 U446 COM 1 GND 5 C471 1NF R419 10K GPS R413 750 L426 47nH R418 3K MAX4599EXT-T 3 4 V+ TX_AGC U445 2 D405 1SV305 C469 20PF C438 100PF 1312109 7 6 4 3 2 1 F446 EFSD836MC2S3 R411 750 R415 D 6 8 11 TX 6 IN OUT 1 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 2 3 4 5 7 D440 R412 150K R417 1K G 5 C466 10NF 1SV305 L425 18nH L419 4.7nH F445 CE053R836DCB-TA2 L422 3.9nH C465 47PF D404 C467 100PF C439 C452 10NF 4 RFOUT 5 4 L413 4.7nH C447 NC C456 100NF G LABEL VREF G VCC1 G G G VCC2 G C461 100PF R410 10K 3 C459 1NF G G L417 NC 5 RM912 F444 H836BF 3 47PF C442 100PF 3 C455 68PF U444 1 C464 20PF 6 GND PS 1 C457 6.8NF R409 100 L424 ACZ1005M-121-T PS GND 5 U431 GN04022NOL 1 6 OUT1 VCTL1 2 5 GND IN 3 4 OUT2 VCTL2 L418 BLM21P300SPT C458 8PF C460 1.5PF 1 S3.6 L421 15nH GND 2 PA_ON_PCS 2 C445 1UF C448 10NF 4 PS 2 R407 51 R408 1.8K,1% F442 DX21TFAP01 3 4 C441 470PF C 2 B C478 3PF C432 NC 3 R404 12K,1% 1 C437 0.5PF 14 C443 G A L412 Q420 1 UMC5NTL 5 3 L411 2.2nH L415 4.7nH SYNTH_LOCK CN450 KMS-158 3 2 C424 100PF C433 4.7NF TX_LO L420 15nH C427 0.5PF 2 1 1.8NH V_REF LOCK_DET 26 27 PD_ISET PD_OUT 28 19 1 C423 NC S3.6 C435 1NF 16 L405 - C420 NC L410 BLM21P300SPT 2 11 GPS_RX C419 100PF 6 3 1 AB_SEL PCS_RX 2 L407 1.8NH 5 DTC144EE/TR 10 18 2 L408 4.7nH VTX_RF RFT3100-32BCCPF-MT D420 BAR63-02W-E6327 C422 4PF V1 6 5 RFC C429 39PF 8 5 9 U441 CX77133 GND 3 4 VREF VCC2 7 Q440 PCSA_OUT 13 12 PCSB_OUT CELLA_OUT 15 3334 35 36 30 R405 1K 2 L409 12nH VDDA2 TXVCO_T2 R403 32 29 VDDD B VDDM 20 RF_LO C428 470PF 1 TX_Q C450 4PF 1 RF1 2 GND 3 RF2 3 IN2 OUT2 5 G1 G2 G3 G4 TXVCO_T1 C425 470PF C421 39PF OUT1 7 IN1 R402 100K RX ANT 3 G G G G G G G G G G C415 470PF A F440 QPMD-0422-TR1 IDLE_N Q_OUT_N C C409 10NF C411 10NF C410 10UF 6.3V Q_OUT VTX_RF 8 S3.6 V_TX TXIF_PCS_263.6MHz 7 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 V_PD A 6 1 IN OUT 6 2 5 GND1 GND2 3 4 GND3 GND4 1 2002.06.08 5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 13-4 10:26:47 am 6 QA CHK REV 02 7 Drawing Number Sheet4 8 E
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■ Transmission (Tx) frequency band: 826 MHz ~ 846 MHz
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■ Channel separation: 1.23 MHz