Prunus serotina removal by sheep in the Kennemerduinen dune
Prunus serotina removal by sheep in the Kennemerduinen dune
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU Amsterdam MSc Environment and Resource Management Prunus serotina removal by sheep in the Kennemerduinen dune reserve: biodiversity effects and cost-effectiveness Richa Nanne│2121581 External supervisor: Ir. H. Kivit - Senior advisor nature and recreation - PWN Supervisor: Prof. Dr. J.E. Vermaat – Earth Sciences and Economics at the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences - VU Amsterdam Date: 06-08-2012 Research Project: 468017 18 ects 2 Foreword This project was completed during a three month research placement at PWN regional office Zuid, in Overveen. This project constitutes the final research thesis component of the Environment and Resource Management (ERM) masters programme at the VU-Amsterdam. This report is intended to offer more insight in the costeffectiveness of sheep grazing management and its influence on biodiversity and P.serotina eradication. This report can be seen as an intention for further research. The information provided is of interest for organisations that manage natural areas dealing with alien invasive species or who are interested in sheep grazing management as a biological management method. Hubert Kivit is biologist and working at the department Nature and Recreation at PWN Water Company NorthHolland. Annually, PWN provides 105 milliard l. drinking water to private households, companies and institutions in North-Holland. PWN develops purification techniques that are adopted on a world wide scale, PWN also manages the coastal dune area between Bergen and Zandvoort ( This report has been composed in cooperation with the advice and guidance of Dr. Jan Vermaat and Hubert Kivit. Jan Vermaat is researcher at IVM Institute for Environmental Studies and professor in Earth Sciences and Economics at the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences. IVM is established in 1971 and is the oldest academic environmental research institute in the Netherlands. The mission of IVM is to contribute to sustainable development and care for the environment through scientific research and education ( 3 Abstract Prunus serotina (Black cherry) is introduced successful in Western Europe as an ornamental shrub. Since the 1980’s it is considered a threat to native species and biodiversity. Sheep grazing management is practiced in National Park Zuid- Kennemerland (NPZK) in order to eradicate the species. In this study the effect of sheep grazing management on P. serotina is measured comparing differences in viability, growth and seedling establishment between grazed areas and areas excluded from sheep grazing management. Field measurement took place along transects situated in densely covered areas. The different parameters measured are ‘viability of stems’, ‘type of use’, ‘ringed’, ‘number of leaves’, percentage of use’, diameter’, ‘height’, weight’, ‘coverage percentage’ and ‘number of stems’. The effects of sheep grazing management are divided in long- and short term effects. The long term effects cover the influence of sheep on P. serotina from 2008 to 2012. The short term effects embrace the influence of sheep on P. serotina within one week of grazing. The effect of P. serotina on biodiversity is assessed from vegetation relevés using the Tansley abundance score. The cost-effectiveness of the sheep grazing management was estimated using scientific literature and information provided by PWN. Sheep were found to be effective browsers of P. serotina influencing viability towards the desired effect, namely eradication. This conclusion comes forward both in the short term- and long term analysis. All parameters used to measure viability were influenced and all parts of the plant are consumed by sheep. In the short term especially, the number of leaves are affected. The influence of sheep grazing management on the bark was not noticeable in the short term. As a response to grazing activities, P. serotina was found to grow faster in height. However the diameter and weight did not increase after introduction. Sheep also reduce the coverage of P. serotina in the short and long term because of leaf removal. Trampling might also affect this parameter. Even in the short term the herd diminished the cover of P. serotina. This reduction does not imply that the number of individual trees decreases. Reduction in cover occurs mainly as a result of the reduction of branches and leaves. The number of stems per tree did not change in the short term. The effect of sheep grazing management on growth and seedling establishment was limited. Intensive grazing did not influence biodiversity within NPZK generally whereas there are differences between the reference areas mutually and the grazed sites mutually. Sheep grazing management does have a negative influence on indicator species since they decreased in cover and number. The costs of sheep grazing management are constant over time and independent of coverage percentage of P. serotina. In the long term sheep grazing management becomes expensive in comparison with other methods as the costs of the other eradication methods diminish through time. For eradication, long term investment is needed which makes this type of management relatively expensive, especially when P. serotina is present with a low coverage percentage. 4 Table of contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................................6 P. serotina in National Park South-Kennemerland ............................................................................................................................6 Research question ..............................................................................................................................................................................7 Chapter outline ..................................................................................................................................................................................7 Background ......................................................................................................................................................................................8 The introduction of P. serotina .........................................................................................................................................................8 Invasiveness characteristics of P. serotina ........................................................................................................................................9 Sheep grazing management and P. serotina .....................................................................................................................................9 Possible positive and negative effects of grazing on P. serotina .....................................................................................................10 The influence of grazing by large herbivores on biodiversity .........................................................................................................11 Hypotheses .....................................................................................................................................................................................12 Methodology ..................................................................................................................................................................................13 Study area ......................................................................................................................................................................................13 Data collection ................................................................................................................................................................................13 Data collection on biodiversity .......................................................................................................................................................13 Data collection on P. serotina .........................................................................................................................................................14 Statistical analyses ..........................................................................................................................................................................16 Results ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17 Long term influence of sheep grazing management on P. serotina ................................................................................................17 4.1.1 Viability ........................................................................................................................................................................17 4.1.2 Population characteristics ..............................................................................................................................................20 4.1.3 Coverage percentage of P. serotina ...............................................................................................................................22 Short term influence of sheep grazing management on P. serotina ................................................................................................24 4.2.1 Short term influences of sheep grazing management ....................................................................................................24 The influence of sheep grazing management on biodiversity .........................................................................................................26 Costs of P. serotina eradication ......................................................................................................................................................30 4.4.1 General costs of sheep grazing management .................................................................................................................30 4.4.2 Costs of sheep grazing management on P. serotina eradication ....................................................................................31 4.4.3 Costs of manual excavation ...........................................................................................................................................32 4.4.4 Costs of chemical eradication ........................................................................................................................................34 4.4.5 Costs of mechanical excavation ....................................................................................................................................34 4.4.6 Costs of excavation using horses ...................................................................................................................................35 Discussion ......................................................................................................................................................................................36 The influence of sheep grazing management on P. serotina ..........................................................................................................36 Biodiversity ....................................................................................................................................................................................39 Cost effectiveness ...........................................................................................................................................................................40 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................................................................42 References .....................................................................................................................................................................................43 Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Appendix IV Appendix V Appendix VI Appendix VII Appendix VIII Appendix IX RD Coordinates transects ..............................................................................................................................................45 Parameters and motivation ............................................................................................................................................46 Costs of sheep grazing management PWN ....................................................................................................................47 Costs of sheep grazing management ..............................................................................................................................48 Costs of P. serotina eradication .....................................................................................................................................49 Overview statistics biodiversity ....................................................................................................................................50 Overview plant species inventoried ...............................................................................................................................52 Overview statistics P. serotina .....................................................................................................................................54 Statistical background short term analysis......................................................................................................................64 5 1 Introduction 1.1 Prunus serotina in National Park South-Kennemerland Invasive alien species are nonindigenous species that are spreading uncontrollably causing damage to their new environment. They have the ability to establish themselves in new habitats, master indigenous species and dominate their new environment. Local genes, ecosystems and biodiversity are threatened this way while they are crucial to sustain the ecosystem services they provide. In the Netherlands, the invasive alien species Prunus serotina (Black cherry) is especially a threat to local biodiversity (Aptroot et al, 2006) P. serotina also became an invasive alien species in National Park South-Kennemerland (NPZK) from the 1990s onwards, following the crash of the rabbit population. In 2008 P. serotina was driven back manually (contractor KIPP) by sawing and the use of the chemical herbicide Glyphosate, focussing on the removal of older seed carrying trees. Young trees were removed on smaller scale by volunteers and foresters. Main goals of removal of P. serotina are prevention of seed dispersal and reduction of the current population. Since the 1st of September 2008 a herd of 100 sheep was deployed, owned by PWN Water Company of North-Holland (PWN). The aim of this herd was to detract the attention of visitors from manual removal of P. serotina because that brings a lot of visual damage to the treated area. During the first weeks of grazing it turned out that sheep also graze on P. serotina which has lead to a management strategy adjustment. Manual repression was replaced for sheep grazing management at sites with extremely high densities of young plants. To combat P. serotina at these sites effectively, sheep need to graze this species multiple times hence a circulation scheme is used. In 2011 the herd had grown to 250 sheep grazing on P. serotina three times per year. A temporary fence is used to keep the sheep in place in dense P. serotina vegetated areas for one to two weeks per area. From April-September 6 areas with a total surface of 30 ha are managed this way. During this period P.serotina has leaves which are browsed by the sheep. Expectations are that the quantity of P. serotina will not diminish without the presence of sheep. Other herbivores within NPZK are roe deer, fallow deer, konik ponies, shetland ponies and scottish highlanders (Anonymus, 2009). Secondary goals of PWN using sheep grazing management are reduction of shrubs on playgrounds and management of relations with other organisations (Bloemendaal municipality) by lending the herd. Furthermore, in 2012 mowing subsidy will end and sheep can partially replace the function of mowing activities. The grazing regime of the herd is managed as follows: the herd grazes on P. serotina from April until September. P. serotina contains hydrocyanic acid from which sheep can die. To complement the diet of the sheep, the herd moves to other grazing areas four times per week. During the winter the herd is used for reduction of other shrubs and sheep grazing management is complemented with manual control, especially so on play grounds and dense vegetated habitats. Larger trees that aren’t grazed effectively enough by sheep are removed to prevent them maturing and dispersing seeds. This management strategy needs to be continued until dispersed seeds lose their viability, this takes 3-4 years. Seeds will always enter NPZK being eaten and dispersed by birds (§2.2). Until 2012 mowing of P. serotina by the contractor and volunteers continues. After this period PWN is responsible for the development of P. serotina within NPZK (Anonymus, 2009). Given the importance of P. serotina eradication, studying the influence of sheep grazing management on biodiversity and on growth, mortality and reproduction of this species seems opportune. The amount of research done on the cost-effectiveness compared to other management methods with the same purpose is scarce or not available at all. This also accounts for the effectiveness and the effects of sheep grazing management on biodiversity and P. serotina (Anonymus, 2009). 6 1.2 Research questions The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of sheep grazing management on P. serotina and on biodiversity. Furthermore, a comparison of the cost-effectiveness of sheep grazing management with other management methods is made. Therefore, the research questions are formulated as follows: 1: What influence does sheep grazing management have on local densely vegetated P. serotina in National park Zuid- Kennemerland in the short- and long term? 2: What influence does sheep grazing management have on biodiversity in National Park Zuid- Kennemerland? 3: How cost-effective is sheep grazing management in comparison with other management methods used for combating P. serotina? To answer these questions a literature study, using scientific literature and literature provided by PWN has been carried out. To complement the literature study, data about the influence sheep grazing management has on biodiversity and P. serotina is gathered in the field and analysed statistically. 1.3 Chapter outline This thesis is divided into the following chapters: chapter two provides background information about the invasive characteristics of P. serotina and the motives behind introduction of this species in Europe. This chapter also discusses the impact grazing by large herbivores might have on P.serotina growth, spread and seedling reestablishment. A conceptual framework is included that represent possible effects and uncertainties of this management strategy. Also, the impact of sheep grazing management on biodiversity is briefly discussed. Chapter three describes the methods used in this report with respect to the field work done, the statistical analysis and the literature study. An overview is provided of the research area, the locations of the transects and sheep grazed areas, reference areas and transects. Chapter four represents the results of the statistical analysis concerning biodiversity and P. serotina eradication and the literature study concerning the cost-effectiveness. Chapter five discusses the results of this study. Chapter six summarises the main findings of this research and includes possible recommendations for the future. 7 2 Background 2.1 The introduction of P. serotina Due to the expansion of trade and the increase in human mobility, dispersion of invasive alien species increased dramatically during the last 200 years. The impact of these species become increasingly visible over the whole world. Researchers try to identify species specific traits that account for successful invasion and try to link these characteristics to environmental attributes. But the characteristics of these successful species often appear to be idiosyncratic and vary under different circumstances. Research is done on the spreading range and ecological characteristics of P. serotina within areas where this species is planted intentionally. However, research on the population dynamics of P. serotina within areas where it has appeared unintentionally is scarce (Vanhellemont et al, 2009). Alien invasive woody plant species altering native plant communities cause conservation problems all over the world within both forest and non-forest habitat types (Vanhellemont et al, 2009). P. serotina is native to North America and was introduced as an ornamental shrub in Europe in the 17th century. During the 19th century the use of P. serotina converted from an ornamental purpose to timber production (even on nutrient poor soils like dunes) and soil amelioration purposes (Godefroid et al, 2003). Afforestation practises with alien species occurs with cultural, political, economic and even ecological motives (Richardson, 1998). P. serotina was used as a forest tree because this species enriches the soil it grows on due to fast decomposition of the leaves. P. serotina was also used for fire prevention and was often combined with the Scottish pine (Pinus sylvestris) used for timber production. Intensive planting of this species continued until the 1950s of the last century. During the 1980s suppression of P. serotina started to take place due to its recognition as a threat to ecosystems and biodiversity and after introduction of subsidies. Furthermore, people believed that complete eradication was possible. But the opposite effect occurred, management methods like uprooting or cutting stimulated establishment of this species (Uiterweerd, 2008). From that time period, P. serotina was also named “wood pest” (Godefroid et al, 2003). During the last centuries P. serotina invaded forests, woody habitat types, and poor soils which often contained rare and vulnerable native species with a less competitive character (Deckers et al, 2005). Invasion of P. serotina does not occur in North America due to repressive function of the fungi Pythium spp. Pythium spp. causes ‘damping-off disease’ which causes growth reduction or mortality of infected trees. This fungi is not present in European soils. Suggested is that the release of P. serotina from its native soil pathogens causes unrestrained spreading in Europe (Reinhart et al, 2005). At present, P. serotina is spreading through most of Europe, from France to Italy and from the North of France to Poland, Hungary and Rumania. As P. serotina is a gapdependent species, the major control of dispersion within Europe exists of restricted light availability during sprouting (Godefroid et al, 2003). At the moment, P. serotina has not yet reached its potential range within Europe. Seed dispersal is believed to be a limiting factor (Vanhellemont et al, 2009). 8 2.2 Invasiveness characteristics of P. serotina Due to the presence of invasive alien species basic ecological processes (e.g. hydrological processes), chemical processes and disturbance dynamics can be influenced. This can lead to undesirable effects on local communities and populations due to an increase of homogeneous vegetation and a decrease of species richness (Deckers et al, 2005). P. serotina is a semi-shade tolerant tree species with a high fruit production rate, even when growing in forest undergrowth. Fruit production varies between years and is related to the growing area and tree size. The higher the tree in open landscapes, the higher the rate of seed production. There is no correlation between the height of trees and seed production of trees growing in forest undergrowth. Most of the fruit falls within a distance of 5 m from the tree (Vanhellemont et al, 2009) but in general P. serotina is known as a bird dispersed tree with opportunistic characteristics. When seeds (eaten by birds) fall and germinate in the soil its starts colonising and spreading. P. serotina is also a great competitor for nutrients, water and light (Godefroid et al, 2003). It is considered an aggressive alien invasive species because its presence complicates forest management significantly. This species also suppresses the development of deciduous forests and herbs (Vanhellemont et al, 2009). Adaptability is a typical trait of these invasive species. P. serotina grows rapidly because of its resistance to frost, drought, diseases, its fast seed production and growth rate, avian seed dispersal, its tolerance towards a wide variety of climatic conditions, low soil requirements, long life span and high germinative power (Deckers et al, 2005). Individual plants can actively resprout during all live stages. To be more specific, three traits has been reported by Godefroid (2003) explaining the invasion success of P. serotina: (1) the first characteristic is called the ‘Oskar syndrome’, i.e. the ability to pre-empt space of closed canopy forests undergrowth by its long living seed bank. Seeds are able to remain in the soil for up to four years. These seeds entered the forest through dispersion by birds and/or mammals, (2) ‘the sit and wait strategy’ i.e. once a canopy gap occurs, seedlings start growing rapidly to capture resources such as nutrients, water and light. Young sprouts fill in the gaps and outcompete other native species, (3) ‘the Alice behaviour’ i.e. the ability to perpetuate on a local scale. At first, growth of other species slows down due to diminished nutrients, water and light availability. Secondly, stumps and roots sprout during their whole lifetime. To survive periods of threat or scarcity, P. serotina stores nutrients in its roots making regrowth of sprouts possible. Resprouting even occurs after the tree has been felled. The invasion success depends on different spatial factors. An area needs to contain suitable characteristics in which these species is able to establish and survive. Natural enemies might suppress establishment and/or spreading but are mostly not present in the new habitat (Deckers et al, 2005). Intensive, costly and time consuming eradication strategies exist but success rates are variable. Further insight into the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of eradication strategies is needed for development of an effective, sustainable and cost-effective management method. 2.3 Sheep grazing management and P. serotina NPZK is grazed by both cattle (konik ponies, shetland ponies and scottish highlanders) and wild herbivores (rabbits, roe deer and fallow deer). Even though the diet of these herbivores partially overlaps, the influence on P. serotina is limited. To combat it ecologically the decision was made to intensify grazing on this species specifically through the introduction of sheep. Grazing of two or more species of livestock separately or together within the same area is also known as multi-species grazing. The main characteristic of this strategy is that consumption of one specific plant species (e.g. P. serotina) can be managed due to dietary overlap. A related benefit of multi-species grazing, which is relatively more important with presence of cattle, is the consumption of toxic plants. Both sheep and goat are known to graze on plant species containing toxic substances. Although goats are known as browsers, sheep can be very efficient browsers as well. Especially when availability of other plant species than P. serotina is limited. According to Animut and Goetsch (2008) especially the green, living parts of shrubs and grasses are preferred against dead and woody material (Animut and Goetsch, 2008). Beside the introduction of cattle in NPZK, wild animals also forage on P. serotina. The roe deer is known to forage on the leaves and twigs, hares feed on young twigs and rabbits on the bark during wintertime when other food is scarce. In the case of P. serotina only withered leaves are poisonous for cattle whereas fresh, young leaves do not cause harm (Uiterweerd, 2008). 9 2.4 Possible positive and negative effects of grazing on P. serotina Grazing in general could have positive and negative effects on P. serotina and biodiversity. Desired effects are a decrease or even disappearance of P. serotina, a more open canopy and an increase in species richness (increase of biodiversity). Possible effects of sheep on P. serotina and biodiversity are shown in a conceptual framework (figure 1) based on the framework of Uiterweerd (2008). Browsing of trees leads directly to a decrease in biomass with possible positive effects through tree mortality. Due to an increase in light availability as a result of less dense vegetation biodiversity may increase. But light availability also improves circumstances to grow and for seedling reestablishment. Trampling can destroy vegetation and creates new open spaces for regeneration. This effect also enhances new growing opportunities for native plant species. Treading could also lead to direct physical damage to seeds and seedlings and reduce the amount of plants including P. serotina to mature. This effect can be both positive and negative for biodiversity within a grazed area (Uiterweerd, 2008). The influence of trampling by sheep is probably less significant than trampling of cows or horses because of their lower weight and smaller hooves. Soil compaction as a result of trampling by sheep reaches depths of about 2-4 cm while soil compaction by cattle is 10-15 cm (Elbersen et al, 2003). Cattle might eat the seeds which die due to mastication. Surviving seeds disperse and dung seems to be a suitable regeneration site (Uiterweerd, 2008) for both P. serotina and other species. The amount of seasonal fruits and berries in the diet of sheep is limited which limits seed dispersion as well (Animut and Goetsch, 2008). If these positive effects of grazing outweigh the negative effects is part of this study. Besides the introduced cattle in NPZK, wild animals also forage on P. serotina (Uiterweerd, 2008). Figure 1: Conceptual framework including possible effects of sheep grazing management on P. serotina and biodiversity. The light coloured arrows indicate the relation between sheep grazing management, P. serotina and biodiversity which are not taken into account in this research. The pluses indicate positive effects of grazing on P. serotina and biodiversity, the minuses indicate negative effects of grazing on P. serotina and biodiversity. Positive and negative effects refer to effects on P. serotina or other plant species in general, these effects do not refer to management goals. The symbols represented in red are part of the hypotheses of (Uiterweerd, 2008). 10 Research of Vanhellemont (2009) compared the development of P. serotina between Ossenbos forest and Liedekerke forest. Both forests are located in the Belgium and grow on poor sandy soils. In the first forest the density of ungulates (red deer, roe deer and wild boar) was relatively high and in the latter forest ungulates were absent. Results show that P. serotina successfully invaded the Ossenbos forest while it dispersed much slower in Liedekerke forest. For colonization patterns of the native species Q. rubra the results were contrasting. Q. rubra showed unsuccessful regeneration in the Ossenbos forest and regenerated successfully in Liedekerke forest. A concluding hypotheses of this study suggest that high herbivore pressure favours colonization of P. serotina above those of native shrub and tree species. Other research (Kuiters and Slim, 2002) more or less confirms this hypothesis. Their research shows low regeneration densities of native species due to seed consumption while consumed seeds of P. serotina are defecated unharmed. The study of Vanhellemont (2009) also shows that P. serotina is able to flourish under high ungulate density when other sources of food are present. The authors of this study argue that grazing management to control P. serotina might have the opposite effect because large herbivores might facilitate invasion of this species. Although the results of previous studies are rather negative, there is one significant aspect that needs to be taken into account. Grazing intensity of sheep within NPZK varies highly during the year. Each grazing area is grazed intensively two or three times a year for a short period. This method is also known as peak-grazing management (in Dutch: piek-, stoot-, of drukbegrazing). The general aim of this method is to create suitable growing places for desired plant species to increase biodiversity (Elbersen, 2003). The aim of this method in NPZK is to exhaust P. serotina (sprouts/young plants) until it diminishes and ultimately disappears. 2.5 The influence of grazing by large herbivores on biodiversity Invasive alien species are known as the second major threat to biodiversity on a world wide scale. The primary threat is habitat fragmentation (Vanhellemont et al, 2009). Introduction of large herbivores in conservation areas is widely used as a management tool to enhance and preserve biodiversity. Although research on this topic in general is available, there is still high uncertainty about the effects of large herbivores. Sheep directly affect species richness by biomass removal and by creation of open spaces (Kohyani et al, 2008; Aptroot et al, 2006). Light intensity increases due to a more open canopy which creates opportunities for the establishment of less dominant species. Dung increases nutrient availability within limited space while the amount of available nutrients on grazed places decreases. Alternatively, grazing might have negative effects on species richness where the regrowth of plants is limited as a result of limited soil resources (Kohyani et al, 2008; Kooijman and Smit, 2001). Other reported negative effects range from devastation to continuing impoverishment (Aptroot et al, 2006). The influence of grazing on biodiversity also depends on the spatial scale. At a smaller scale corresponding to individual plants and surrounding plants, grazing seems to have a positive effect independent of soil conditions. Local colonisation increases as a result of the creation of gaps by trampling and increased light availability. Also, local extinction of dominating species takes place resulting in growing opportunities for less combative species. However, a decline in biodiversity is expected on a larger scale as a result of selective grazing in which grazing tolerant species flourish. On the other hand, dominant species might be suppressed by grazing, resulting in an increase of less dominant plant species. Due to suppression of dominant species, especially grasses, there should be an increase of species (mainly herbs) with low cover within the grazed areas compared to areas excluded from grazing. This hypothesis is tested in paragraph 4.2. Also, the local presence of rare species increases when dominant plant species are suppressed through the introduction of large herbivores (Kohyani et al, 2008). Cattle grazing in complex dune areas might influence biodiversity positively because it seems to stall succession from pioneer- towards shrub vegetation which was retained by rabbits until the 70s and 80s. When spatial variation of vegetation is high, large herbivores may graze in the areas with low densities characterized by vulnerable plant species (Aptroot et al, 2006). In coastal dune areas encroachment of dominants grasses, partially resulting from atmospheric nitrogen deposition and the collapse of the rabbit population and through eutrophication, has a negative influence. As most grasses are intolerant to grazing, the introduction of large herbivores positively effects species richness (Smit et al, 2000). This effect is confirmed by a study of Van Wingerden (2001) showing stagnation in grass growth in a dune area at Vlieland. Using cattle to manage grass dominated areas lead to a 11 reduction of standing crop, an open vegetation structure and favours growth of smaller (pioneer) species. Also mosses and lichens which disappeared from grass encroached vegetation may return (Kooijman and Van der Meulen, 1996; Kohyani et al, 2008). Even local biodiversity that is already high might increase due to the introduction of large herbivores (Van Wingerden et al, 2001). Research on the effects of larger ungulates on forest rejuvenation on sandy soils shows that they prefer deciduous tree species above conifers which start dominating. Their influence on succession is minor due to the preference for dominated species. Especially deciduous trees growing in small open spaces in the forest were grazed intensively resulting in primary rejuvenation of coniferous trees (Kuiters and Slim, 2000). Increased light availability due to a more open canopy results in an increase in biodiversity and even reestablishment of disappeared lichen species (Kooijman and Smit, 2001). Reestablishment of lichens also occurs in open dune areas as a result of extensive grazing (Van Wingerden et al, 2001). In coastal areas shrub growth is curtailed and development of forest is expected to decelerate. The end succession stage will consist of a partially open dune area (Van Wingerden et al, 2001). 2.6 Hypotheses Thus, taking this all into consideration, for the present study the hypotheses are stated as follows: short term, directed and intensive sheep grazing will not; (1) reduce the leaf canopy of P. serotina, when it reduces growth and enhances mortality, (2) increase space available for vegetation, which will not affect P. serotina samplings and older plants that grow in or above the canopy of the accompanying vegetation. But grazing should increase seedling reestablishment opportunities for P. serotina. (3) Grazing should increase seedling reestablishment of all other plant species that germinate into open soil. (4) Preferential grazing may alter abundance of the accompanying vegetation. 12 3 Methodology 3.1 Study area This research was carried out in National Park South-Kennemerland (NPZK), partially managed by PWN Water Company of North-Holland. NPZK is situated in the coastal dune area north of Zandvoort and south of IJmuiden in North-Holland (figure 2). NPZK exists of ca. 3.800 ha. containing different habitat types including (wet) dune valleys, dune forests and dune grasslands which are valued for their rare plant- and animal species and biodiversity. NPZK is protected by the EU Habitat- Directive and proposed as Natura 2000 site. The main goals of NPZK are sea defence, the maintenance and development of nature, landscape and cultural history, communication, (scientific) research, recreation and education ( P. serotina is currently considered a threat to biodiversity in some parts of NPZK (Deckers et al, 2005). As mentioned in paragraph 1.1, NPZK contains wild populations of roe deer, fallow deer and rabbits. Domesticated cattle grazing in NPZK are scottish highlanders, konik- and shetland ponies. N Figure 2: Overview of NPZK 3.2 Data collection Data concerning the cost-effectiveness analysis were collected by carrying out a literature study, using scientific literature only. Area specific information was provided by PWN. The cost-effectiveness of sheep grazing management was estimated in € per ha. per year. This outcome was compared with other management strategies aspiring the same objective also expressed in € per ha. per year. The study examines two environmental impacts of sheep grazing management. The influence of sheep grazing management on biodiversity and P. serotina was researched using scientific data from literature and data collected in the field. Field data concerning this research project was collected from April until May 2012, but the research will continue for PWN until September 2012. 3.3 Data collection on biodiversity For data collection on biodiversity the inventory method Tansley was applied. The advantage of using Tansley is that it is a quick and suitable method for estimating the abundance per plant species (Van Katwijk and ter Braak, 2008). A disadvantage is its subjectivity because the number of individuals of a species were estimated. Besides, Tansley is a relatively rough method. Minimalization of differences between grazed area and reference areas was 13 achieved by restricting the tansley relevé to the habitat type ‘dune grassland’. In the present study a more specific Tansley method is applied (table 1) (Inberg et. al., 2008). Tansley will be used in 6 areas grazed by sheep as well as in the 5 reference areas (figure 3). These areas are more or less comparable to the grazed areas taking into account hydrological and geomorphological circumstances and habitat type. The former management strategies (to eradicate P. serotina before grazing took place) were comparable to the grazed- and non grazed sites before sheep grazing started. The grazing intensiveness by other herbivores is the same. Furthermore, the grazed areas and its references were inventoried within the same week. By applying this method, differences in species appearance due to time influences were restricted. The tansley relevés were restricted to the habitat type ‘dune grassland’ to increase the reliability of comparison between grazed and non grazed areas. The size of the inventoried parts within the grazing areas was not defined specifically but covers approximately 1 ha. per area. In the past, the grazed sites probably contained a higher coverage percentage of P. serotina and higher individual plants (up to 1m). These characteristics were used as a criterion for the introduction of sheep grazing management. This implies that the initial state of the research areas were not exactly the same. Both the research areas and reference areas are grazed by scottish highlanders, rabbits, konik- and shetland ponies with the same intensity throughout most of the year. Highlanders and ponies were excluded from the fenced areas for 2-4 weeks when the sheep were grazing within these areas. The tansley relevés were set out shortly before sheep grazing begins in one specific area. The collected field data of the grazed- and non-grazed areas were compared to study the influence of sheep grazing management on biodiversity in the long term. Table 1: Inventory method Tansley, applied to research the influence of sheep grazing management on P. serotina (Inberg et. al., 2008). Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Sporadic Rare Scarce Local numerous Numerous, distributed regularly Local very numerous Very numerous, distributed regularly Species co-dominates Species dominates 3.4 Data collection on P. serotina Explanation The area contains a few individuals (1-3) The area contains a small number of individuals (4-10) The area contains some groups of individuals, no more than 10-20 20-100 individuals 20-100 individuals 100 individuals 100 individuals Together with other species 50% cover For the inventory of P. serotina, six transects were set out in the areas grazed by sheep and five in the reference areas excluded from sheep grazing management. P. serotina was measured by applying the Line Intercept method. This method consist of counting and measuring each individual P. serotina which hits a line (Coulloudon, 1999). Shortly before and shortly after sheep grazing, the abundance and dimensions of P. serotina along the transect were measured. The gained data were used to measure the long- and short term effects of sheep grazing management. Sheep grazing started in 2008, to investigate the long term accumulated affect of former grazing sessions, each transect was measured before grazing started. To investigate the long term affect of sheep grazing management on P. serotina, the data obtained from the transects within the grazing areas were compared to the data obtained from transects in the reference areas. To research the short term affects, the grazed transects were measured shortly before and after grazing. Between these measurements, the transects were grazed intensively for one week. Using this strategy, the influence of sheep on P. serotina within one week (short term) was investigated. Data obtained within the grazing area and its reference area was gathered within the same time period/week to limit changes through time (e.g. plant growth and death). By applying this method, the development of P. serotina with and without sheep grazing management was researched. During field work one of the reference transects (reference 2 of ‘Manege’) was included in the adjacent grazing area. This transect was measured (to investigate the long term influence of sheep grazing management) before the first period of grazing took place this year. It is not valid to use this reference in the future since it is already influenced by sheep. The reference is replaced by another for measurements after this study. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the data obtained along this reference is less reliable than the data obtained along the other four references. 14 10 different parameters were measured per individual tree. For a comprehensive overview of these parameters and their motivation, see appendix II. Shrub mortality was used as an indicator of viability, divided in living, dying and dead trees. The viability was measured to investigate if the amount of dying, dead and living trees differs between the grazed and non grazed sites. This parameter included some subjectivity because viability could be determined only by looking at the exterior of the tree. Each individual tree was measured 2 times during this research. Therefore it was not possible to cut or break the stem to see whether it was alive. This parameter was tested in the field by breaking some branches of trees growing near the transect. When a tree was dead it was easy to break and the inside of the stem was coloured brown. Trees were marked as dying when some parts of it were dead. To complement this indicator other parameters were measured; i) type of use, ii) percentage of use and iii) number of leaves. The type of use indicates which part of the plant was affected by sheep grazing divided in ‘branch-, leaves-, and bark eaten’. During field work, the type of use was determined by looking at which part was affected mostly by grazing. If the bark of one tree was more affected than the branches, the type of use was divined as ‘bark eaten’. The percentage per individual tree used or influenced by grazing included some subjectivity. When was partially eaten it was difficult to estimate how much of the tree (leaves and branches) was gone. This subjectivity was minimized by noting the visible damage of the plant (e.g. what percentage of the branches, leaves and bark was affected). When the branches were noticed to be affected, some of the leaves might have been eaten. This subjectivity results in a higher percentage of branches eaten than leaves eaten. The percentage of use might be higher than described in this thesis. The type of use has been measured to research the influence of sheep on P. serotina in the long and short term and if this type of grazing is effective for eradication. The parameter ‘percentage of use’ is also part of viability, P. serotina probably needs to be grazed with a certain intensiveness before grazing becomes effective. The parameter ‘number of leaves’ has been estimated by selecting one branch, counting the amount of leaves on that branch, then count the number of branches and multiply this with the number of leaves. The parameter ‘height’ was not applied as a parameter for viability because the 0-situation is not comparable since the grazed sites are selected on the height and coverage percentage of P. serotina. Plant dimensions were investigated measuring i) diameter of the stem, ii) height of each tree and iii) weight of 12 plants along each transect. To quantify the effectiveness of sheep grazing management i) the number of sprouts resprouting off one stump and ii) the percentage of cover was measured. The cover was defined by considering a surface of 2m2 along each site of the transect line. Of this surface the cover of P. serotina was estimated. Each transect contained 12-13 estimations, the average of these estimations was noted as the cover of P. serotina along a transect. The plants weighed were selected on their height varying between 15-20 cm. The plant dimensions might be influenced by former management since the grazed sites where selected on the coverage of P. serotina. The most dense areas became grazed areas. Trees higher than one meter were removed manually or mechanically, this accounts for the grazed areas and the control areas. Each transect was 25 m long and was marked with two poles. The beginning of the transect was identified with a green pole, the end was marked with a blank pole. The RD (Rijksdriehoek) coordinates of each transect (appendix I) were measured with GPS (Global Position System) with 5 m accuracy, represented in figure 3. The transects of the grazing areas 5 and 6 have the same reference due to scarce presence of P. serotina in the surrounding area. These areas have comparable characteristics in terms of habitat type (both grazed- and non grazed transect exist of dune grassland), geomorphological and hydrological circumstances. The reference transects where also selected on their relatively high abundance of P. serotina. The abundance of P. serotina within the grazed areas was comparable to P. serotina within the non grazed areas. The parameters used to investigate the effectiveness of sheep grazing management on P. serotina are the same for each transect. 15 5 6 5+6 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Zevenbosjes Manege Eiland Noord Eiland Zuid Noorderweg west Noorderweg oost 1 1 Figure 3: The black numbers represent the order hence the areas are grazed throughout the year, starting with the most southern grazing area. The white numbered areas represent references for the grazing areas concerning biodiversity inventories. Grazing area 5 and 6 have one reference area and one reference transect. 3.5 Statistical analyses For primary data storage and processing Microsoft Excel 2007 was applied and for further analysis SPSS statistics 20 for Windows. The Chi-Square test was used to determine whether nominal variables were dependent on each other. This method was applied in combination with crosstabs to compare viability, growth and reestablishment between sheep grazed areas and their references. To investigate the direct influence of sheep grazing management in the short term, the Chi-Square test and the Paired T-Test were applied. The Paired TTest tests whether the averages of two related groups (two measurements within the same area) differ (Huizingh, 2006) and is applicable if a comparison contains measurements of different variables over time. Table 2 gives an overview of the measured parameters, the statistical method used and its applicability. Table 2: overview of the different parameters, the corresponding subjects and the statistical methods used Subject Timing Parameters Method used Biodiversity Comparison of biodiversity between Inventory shortly before Cover of species Chi-Square grazed and non-grazed areas in the long term grazing starts Prunus serotina Difference in viability between grazed and non-grazed Inventory shortly before Viability of stems, Chi-Square areas in the long term grazing starts Type of use, Ringed, Number of leaves, % of use Difference in growth between grazed and non-grazed Inventory shortly before Diameter, Height, Weight Chi-Square areas in the long term grazing starts Difference in seedling reestablishment between grazed Inventory shortly before Coverage % Chi-Square and non-grazed areas in the long term grazing starts Number of stems Difference in plant damage of grazed areas in the short Inventory shortly before and Type of use, Ringed, Chi-Square term (shortly before and after grazing) after grazing Number of leaves, Paired T-test % of use, % of cover 16 4 Results 4.1 Long term influence of sheep grazing management on P. serotina The parameters are measured prior to grazing to investigate the long term affect of sheep grazing management. During each week, starting at the 1st of April, one grazed area and its reference was measured. The first area (Zevenbosjes) was measured during the first week of Aril, the second area was measured during the second week of April etc. Differentiation is made between the grazed areas to get an impression of the impact of sheep grazing management in these areas specifically. The outcomes can be seen as guidelines for future management of P. serotina. For further insight in the statistical background, see appendix VIII. 4.1.1 Viability Viability of P. serotina is analysed using the parameters ‘viability of stems’, ‘type of use’, ‘ringed’, ‘number of leaves’ and ‘percentage of use’. The first parameter ‘viability of stems’ measures if individual P.serotina seedlings and shrubs are alive, dying or dead. Results are represented in figure 4. Grazed transects contain 172 living individual seedlings and shrubs, 113 dying individuals and 39 dead individuals (53%, 34%, 12% respectively). Transects excluded from grazing contain 401 living, 38 dying and 1 dead individual (91%, 9%, 0,2% respectively). This difference proves to be significant (P < 0,05). The viability of P. serotina is also significant between the different transects in the grazed areas (P = < 0,05) (figure 5). The transects ‘Zevenbosjes’, ‘Manege’ and ‘Eiland Noord’ contain high percentages of living plants (93%, 60% and 74% respectively). Most of them are young plants between 6-30 cm of height (§4.3.2). The transects ‘Eiland Zuid’, ‘Noorderweg Oost’ and ‘Noorderweg West’ contain a high number of dying (66%, 40% and 5%) and dead plants (17%, 27% and 21%). Using regression analysis, this variable is also compared with the variables ‘ringed’, ‘type of use’ and ‘number of leaves’ to test whether these parameters influence viability. Regression analysis shows that all of these have a significant influence on viability (P = < 0,05 in all cases). Figure 4: difference in number of P.serotina individuals and their viability concerning the grazed areas (left) and the non grazed areas (right) Figure 5: difference in number of P.serotina individuals and their viability along each grazed transect The type of use between the grazed- and reference areas differs significantly (P = < 0,05) (fig. 6). In the grazing areas 14% of the trees are not used and 86% of is affected by sheep. Of the grazed trees, 12% is debarked, 84% are ‘branch eaten’ and 4% are ‘leaf eaten’. In the areas excluded from grazing these numbers account for 41% of the trees are not affected by sheep and 59% shows grazing marks (of other herbivores). Of the grazed trees 0,5% are debarked, 97% are branch eaten and 3% are leaf eaten. The type of use also differs significantly between de grazed transects (P = < 0,05) (figure 7). At ‘Zevenbosjes’, 21% of the trees measured is not affected by sheep grazing. Of the trees grazed, 6% is debarked and 94% is branch eaten, there are no leaves eaten. Along the 17 transect of ‘Manege’ 23% of the trees does not show signs of grazing. Among the trees grazed, 2% is debarked, 92% is branch eaten and 6% is leaf eaten. Within the grazed areas ‘Éiland Noord’ 21% if the plants is not grazed. Of the grazed trees 10% is debarked, 89% are branch eaten and 1% are leaf eaten. Along the transect of ‘Éiland Zuid’ 29% of the trees are not grazed by sheep, 9% of the affected trees are debarked, 84% are branch eaten and 7% are browsed on their leaves. At ‘Noorderweg Oost’, 52% of the trees are not affected, among the grazed trees 6% is debarked, 90% are eaten by their branches and 4% are affected on their leaves. At ‘Noorderweg West’ 10% of the trees are not grazed. Of the grazed trees 13% are debarked, 87% are branch eaten and there are no trees browsed on their leaves. Figure 6: difference in number of P.serotina individuals and their type of use concerning the grazed areas (left) and the non grazed areas (right) Figure 7: difference in number of P.serotina individuals and their type of use along each grazed transect The parameter ‘ringed’ is measured because this way of browsing could have a more direct effect on the viability of a plant than the other parameters used to measure viability. Along the grazed transects, 7% of the trees measured are ringed while 0,5% are ringed along the references (figure 8). The difference in ringing between the grazed transects and its references is significant (P = < 0,05). This parameter also differs significantly between the grazed transects mutually (P = < 0,05) (figure 9). There are no plants ringed along the transects of ‘Zevenbosjes’ and ‘Manege’ whereas the others contain a relative low number of plants ringed (10% at ‘Eiland Noord’, 22% at ‘Eiland Zuid’, 5% at ‘Noorderweg Oost’ and 10% at ‘Noorderweg West’). These bar charts confirm the impression that sheep browse on the bark of P.serotina effectively. Furthermore, comparison of this variable with the variable ‘viability’ shows that ringed plants are often dying or dead (P = < 0,05). Figure 8: difference in number of P.serotina individuals ringed between the grazed areas (left) and the non grazed areas (right) Figure 9: difference in number of P.serotina individuals ringed between the grazed transects 18 ‘Browsing on leaves’ is a parameter that did not appear in the previous analysis although it is part of the parameter ‘type of use’. The parameter ‘number of leaves’ gives more insight into the effect of sheep grazing management on viability. It is difficult to see whether the leaves are eaten or not because they (or a part of the leaf) are not present anymore. As described in §3.4, leaves eaten might be part of the parameter ‘branch eaten’. The grazing effect of sheep on the leaves can be measured by comparing the grazed areas with their references, this accounts for all parameters measured. The number of leaves is measured by counting (or estimating) the leaves present at the vertical slope of the transect. The difference in number of leaves appears to be significant (P = < 0,05) between the grazed transect and the references (figure 10). Between April- June, the trees at the grazed sites contain 2 leaves on average. Along the references, the trees contained 7 leaves on average. The trees along the references contain 3,5 times as much leaves as the trees along the grazed transects. Along the grazed transects, 49% of the individual trees where bare. The number of leaves of one individual tree ranged from 0-14 while this was 0-90 for the references. There are more trees with a high number of leaves along the references compared to the grazed transects. Also, the number of trees with a small number of leaves is higher in de grazed transects. Generally this means that sheep browse on the leaves effectively. The difference in browsing on leaves also varies significantly between the grazed transects (P = < 0,05) (figure 11). Trees growing at ‘Noorderweg Oost’ have a relatively high number of leaves (ranging from 1-14 leaves per tree) in comparison with the other transects (ranging from 1-10 leaves per tree). The trees along this transect and ‘Eiland Noord’ account for half (51%) of the total amount counted. The field work started in the first week of April, at that time there were no leaves present so that it was not possible to measure this parameter for ‘Zevenbosjes’. This transect is not included in the bar chart. Figure 10: difference in number leaves between P.serotina individuals between the grazed areas (left) and the non grazed areas (right) Figure 11: difference in number of leaves between P.serotina individuals between the grazed transects The parameter ‘percentage of use’ defines how much of the tree has been damaged by sheep (including all parts of the tree growing above the ground). Also in this case, it is difficult to estimate this parameter when branches or leaves are eaten and gone which makes comparison with the references necessary (figure 12). Along the grazed transects 51% of the individual trees are affected by sheep for 0-5%, 47% are affected for 5-25%, 2% are affected for 25-75% and 0,3% are affected for 75-100%. Along the references 74% of the trees are affected for 0-5% and 26% for 5-25%. This difference is significant (P = < 0,05) showing that sheep grazing management influences the percentage of use towards the expectations. Namely, browsing of P.serotina within the grazed area. This parameter also varies significantly between the grazed sites (P = < 0,05) (figure 13). Most (84% and 76%) of the plants of ‘Noorderweg Oost’ and ‘Noorderweg West’ are grazed for 1-5% while most (62%, 77% and 68%) of the plants growing in the areas ‘Manege’, ‘Eiland Noord’ and ‘Eiland Zuid’ are browsed more intensively (5-25% usage). This parameter is also compared to the parameters ‘type of use’, ‘ringed’ and ‘number of leaves’ to get an impression of their mutual influence. The former two parameters do influence the 19 percentage of use significantly (P = < 0,05). The number of leaves does not influence the percentage of use (P = > 0,05). Figure 12: difference in percentage of use of P.serotina individuals between the grazed areas (left) and the non grazed areas (right) Figure 13: difference in percentage of use of P.serotina individuals between the grazed transects 4.1.2 Population characteristics Figure 14 shows the difference in diameter of all individual plants measured along the grazed- and non grazed sites. Although this figure suggest that the non grazed areas contained higher numbers of seedlings with a small stem diameter in comparison with the grazed sites, this difference was not significant (P = > 0,05). This also account for the median diameter which is 0,3 cm for both the grazed- and reference transects. However, the diameter does differ (P = < 0,05) between the grazed transects mutually (figure 15). All transects contain a high number of individual seedlings with a small diameter ranging from 0,1-0,5 cm. The areas ‘Zevenbosjes’, Eiland Noord’, and ‘Noorderweg Oost’ contain plants with a larger diameter varying between 1-3 cm. The overall conclusion is that sheep grazing management does not influence the diameter of P. serotina growing on a large scale within NPZK. Figure 14: difference in diameter of P. serotina individuals within the grazed (left) and non grazed areas (right) Figure 15: difference in diameter of P. serotina individuals between grazed areas The measured plants along the grazed transects are significantly higher than the ones growing along the non grazed transects (P = < 0,05) (figure 16). The plants growing along the grazed transects have a median height of 22 cm and the trees along the reference transects have a median height of 19 cm. At the grazed sites 88% of the individual trees have a height between 1-50 cm and 12% has a height between 50-161 cm. In the reference areas 95% of the trees has a height between 1-50 cm and 5% varies between 50-161 cm. There is also a significant 20 difference in height between the grazed transects mutually (P = < 0,05) (figure 17). At ‘Zevenbosjes’, 81% of the trees have a height between 1-50 cm, 17% between 51-100 cm and 2% between 101 and 120 cm. At ‘Manege’ 96% have a height between 1-50 cm, 4% between 51-100 cm. At ‘Eiland Noord’ 57% have a height between 150 cm, 31% between 51-100 cm and 7% between 101-120 cm. At ‘Eiland Zuid’ 95% have a height between 1-50 cm and 5% between 51-100 cm. At ‘Noorderweg Oost’ and ‘Noorderweg West’ all plants measured have a height between 1-50 cm. Figure 16: difference in height of P. serotina individuals between the grazed and non grazed areas Figure 17: difference in height P. serotina individuals between the grazed areas mutual There was no significant difference in weight (of trees between 15-20 cm of height) between the grazed areas and the areas excluded from sheep grazing management (P = > 0,05) (figure 18). Nevertheless, there is a significant difference in weight between the grazed transects mutually (P = < 0,05) (figure 19). Relatively heavy trees are weighed at the site of ‘Manege’ (weighing up to 39 gr.) in comparison with the trees weighed at ‘Zevenbosjes’ and ‘Eiland Noord’ (weighing up to 2 gr.). The weight of the plants growing in the other grazing areas varies between 0,3-6 gr. Figure 18: difference in weight of P. serotina individuals between the grazed and non grazed areas Figure 19: difference in weight of P. serotina individuals between the grazed areas The correlation of height versus diameter showed an increasing trend (figure 20). The highest regression coefficient is found for the areas grazed by sheep and the lowest for the areas excluded from sheep grazing management (respectively 54 for the grazed areas and 40 for the non grazed areas). These results imply that grazed P.serotina grows faster than P.serotina excluded from sheep grazing management. This can be seen as 21 confirmation for the results of the parameter ‘height’ (figure 16). The relationship between height and diameter is significant (P= < 0,05). This means that the diameter depends on the height of a plant and that sheep do not significantly affect this parameter. The correlation of weight versus diameter results in a slightly increasing trend (figure 21) with the highest regression coefficient for grazed areas implying that P.serotina individuals of the sampled height growing in sheep grazed areas weigh slightly more than individuals growing in reference areas but this effect proves to be insignificant. 120,0 180,0 Grazed Non grazed 160,0 100,0 140,0 120,0 Tree height (cm) Tree height (cm) 80,0 60,0 40,0 100,0 80,0 60,0 40,0 20,0 20,0 y = 22,787ln(x) + 55,045 R² = 0,5122 0,0 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 y = 17,506ln(x) + 47,256 R² = 0,5085 0,0 3,5 0,0 1,0 Stem diameter (cm) 2,0 3,0 4,0 Stem diameter (cm) Figure 20: Correlation of individual P. serotina height versus diameter subject to grazed areas and non grazed areas. 180,0 120,0 Grazed Non grazed 160,0 100,0 Tree height (cm) Tree height (cm) 140,0 80,0 60,0 40,0 120,0 100,0 80,0 60,0 40,0 20,0 y = -0,0197x2 + 0,8504x + 22,85 R² = 0,0077 0,0 0 10 20 30 40 y = 0,226x + 21,616 R² = 0,0032 20,0 0,0 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Weight (gr) Weight (gr) Figure 21: Correlation of individual P. serotina height versus weight subject to grazed areas and non grazed areas. 4.1.3 Coverage percentage of P. serotina The coverage percentage along the grazed transects is 5% on average. The coverage percentage along the transects excluded from sheep grazing management is significantly higher with 9% on average (P = < 0,05) (table 3). Overall, P. serotina cover of grazed- and reference transects differs mutual. This parameter varies between 2% (Eiland Zuid) and 10% (Zevenbosjes) (P = < 0,05). Table 3: the cover per grazed- and non grazed transect Transect Cover Reference 10% Reference Zevenbosjes Zevenbosjes 7% Reference Manege Manege 4% Reference Eiland Noord Eiland Noord 2% Reference Eiland Zuid Eiland Zuid 3% Reference Noorderweg Oost and West Noorderweg Oost 5% Noorderweg West 5% Average Cover 8% 12% 8% 5% 10% 9% 22 The number of stems per individual tree is also used as a variable for growth (figure 22). The number of trees with one stem is equal among the grazed sites and its references mutual. Although the figure shows a higher number of trees with one stem in the areas excluded from sheep grazing management than in the grazed areas, there is no marked difference (P = > 0,05). 400 One stem 350 Multiple stems Number of individuals 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Grazed Non grazed Transect Figure 22: difference of number of stems of plants between the grazed- (left) and non grazed areas (right) Both grazed- and reference areas contain equal percentages of trees with multiple stems (raging from 2 to >6 stems) (figure 23). Within the grazed areas 39% of the trees with multiple stems have 2 stems, 31% has 3 stems, 10% have 4 stems, 6% have 5 stems, 7% have 6 stems and 7% of the trees have more than 6 stems (up to 17 stems counted). Within the areas excluded from sheep grazing 49% of the trees with multiple stems have 2 stems, 20% has 3 stems, 10% have 4 stems, 4% have 5 stems, 7% have 6 stems and 10% of the trees have more than 6 stems. The difference in the number of stems per tree is not significant (P = > 0,05). 40 2 stems Number of individuals 35 3 stems 4 stems 30 5 stems 25 6 stems 20 > 6 stems 15 10 5 0 Grazed Non grazed Transect Figure 23: difference in number of stems of plants between the grazed- (left) and non grazed areas (right) 23 4.2 Short term influence of sheep grazing management on P. serotina The parameters are tested on their significance, differentiating between two grazing moments with one week time intervals. For further insight in the statistical background, see appendix IX. 4.2.1 Short term influences of sheep grazing management The variables ‘ringed’, ‘height’ and ‘percentage of use’, did not change significantly within one week of intensive grazing in the researched areas (P = > 0,05), (appendix IX). A significant difference did occur between the number of leaves per tree before (2 leaves per tree) and after grazing (1 leaf per tree), (P = < 0,05) (figure 24). Before grazing started, the number of trees without leaves was relatively high already but increased after sheep grazing took place. The number of trees without leaves became twice as high after one week of grazing. The number of trees with high numbers of leaves was higher before grazing started. The statistical analysis showed that the number of trees with 0-3 leaves increased after grazing while the number of trees with four leaves and more decreased. This outcome shows that sheep are excellent browsers. The diameter is part of this analysis to see whether plant growth accelerates or decelerates in the short term. The difference in diameter is just significant (P = 0,044) (figure 25). The number of trunks with a small diameter (up to 0,3 cm) increased after one week of grazing, this is probably the result of growth of seedlings during the spring. Sheep grazing management does decrease the number of leaves per trees. Also, the percentage of cover (figure 26) does significantly diminish after sheep grazing (P = < 0,05). Especially high coverage percentages have decreased and the number of transects with mediocre coverage percentages (of 5%) increased. There is a marked difference noticed in the type of use in the short term (P = < 0,05) (figure 27). The number of trees that are not affected by grazing decreased with 59%. The number of trees whose bark or branches were affected did barely change while the number of trees that were browsed for their leaves quadrupled. The difference in viability is also significant in the short term (P = < 0,05) (figure 28). The number of living trees decreased by 11%, dying trees increased by 67% and dead trees increased by 21% after one week of grazing. The Principal component analysis is used to test which of the measured parameters are correlated to each other. In the short term, correlated parameters are ‘viability of stems’ with ‘number of leaves’ and ‘diameter’ with ‘height’. Principal component analysis shows that when the diameter grows 1 mm, height increases with 6 cm. Figure 24: difference of number of leaves per individual tree before and after grazing Figure 25: difference in diameter per individual tree before and after grazing 24 Figure 26: difference in percentage of cover before and after grazing Figure 27: difference in type of use of individual trees before and after grazing Figure 28: difference in viability of the trees measured before 25 4.3 The influence of sheep grazing management on biodiversity To get an impression of the structural differences, the number of species between the grazed areas and the references are represented in figure 29. The grazed areas ‘Noorderweg Oost and West’ are combined because they have the same reference. These areas contained 54 and 53 species respectively. Three of the five grazed areas do contain slightly more species (up to seven) than their references while two grazed sites contain slightly less species (less than seven). Furthermore, this figure shows an increasing trend in numbers of species from the first areas inventoried to the last areas. These differences in total number of species does not prove to be significant since P = > 0,05. 60 Grazed Reference Number of species 50 40 30 20 10 0 Zevenbosjes Manege Eiland Noord Eiland Zuid Noorderweg Transect Name Figure 29: number of species in each Tansley relevé represented in pairs; grazed and non grazed areas. To get an impression of the difference in cover of P. serotina between the grazed- and non grazed areas, see table 4. This table shows that the cover at ‘Eiland North’ differs from its reference. In the grazed area, P. serotina is distributed regularly (20-100 individuals). Within the reference, this species is locally present in high numbers (>100 individuals). There are no differences found in cover between the other areas inventoried. Table 4: Cover of P. serotina within the research areas Area Zevenbosjes Manege Eiland Noord Eiland Zuid Noorderweg Oost and West Cover of P. serotina Local very numerous Species co-dominates Very numerous, distributed regularly Local very numerous Local very numerous Cover of P. serotina Reference Zevenbosjes Reference Manege Reference Eiland Noord Reference Eiland Zuid Reference Noorderweg Oost and West Local very numerous Species co-dominates Local very numerous Local very numerous Local very numerous In total, 121 different species were observed in the grazed areas and its references (see appendix VII) (with an average of 47 species in the grazed areas and 45 species in the non grazed areas). For all calculations the ChiSquare (x2) test was applied. There is a significant (P = < 0,05) difference between the variables ‘cover’ and ‘area’. This means that the cover of the plant species inventoried differs per area (grazed and excluded from grazing) (figure 30). In comparison to the other areas, the grazed area ‘Zevenbosjes’ scores high on species (13 species respectively) with sporadic appearance (1-3 individuals inventoried) including mosses and pioneer species. This areas also has a relatively high number of species with ‘rare’-, ‘scarce’-, and ‘very numerous, 26 distributed regularly’ appearance. ‘Zevenbosjes’ has a low number of species distributed under the other scales of Tansley. All other areas score low on species with sporadic appearance. The non grazed ‘Reference Zevenbosjes’ has a lot of species with scarce appearance (10-20 species) and a low number of species that are locally numerous or dominating. The grazed area ‘Manege’ scores high (16 individuals) on species with scarce appearance (10-20 species), this also applies to its reference (13 species). ‘Manege’ has a low number of species with sporadic-, locally very numerous-, and dominating appearance which also applies to its reference. ‘Eiland Noord’ contains a high number of species with rare- and scarce appearance (12 and 16 species respectively) and a low number with sporadic- and dominating cover, this also applies to its reference. The grazed area ‘Eiland Zuid’ has a relatively high number that are distributed locally or regularly (10 species locally and 11 species regularly) and a low number that have a sporadic-, rare-, or dominating coverage. This also applies to its reference. The coverage of species with a locally numerous or regularly numerous appearance is also high within the grazing areas ‘Noorderweg Oost’ (18 and 11 species) and ‘Noorderweg West’ (13 and 13 species). The reference areas of ‘Noorderweg’ are characterized by species that are distributed regularly throughout the area. Figure 30: species number in each cover class for each Tansley relevé; grazed areas on the left, non grazed areas (referred to as ‘reference’) on the right. This result is also noticed when clustering the grazed areas and the references and comparing these variables with cover (figure 31). The grazed areas contain 18 plant species with a sporadic cover while the reference areas represent only four with a sporadic cover. There is no difference concerning ‘rare species’ and ‘species dominating’ (24 rare- and 3 dominating species in the grazed- and non grazed areas respectively). There is a slight difference between ‘scarce’ and ‘local numerous’ species (49 and 43, 38 and 36). The differences between the grazed sites and the references concerning the variables ‘numerous, distributed regularly’ (36 and 43), ‘local very numerous’ (51 and 28), ‘very numerous, distributed regularly’ (48 and 39) and ‘species co-dominates’ (14 and 7)) are larger although the results do not prove large enough to be significant (P = 0,073). 27 Figure 31: species number in each cover class including the grazed areas (left) and the non grazed areas (right) To gain more information about the effects of sheep grazing management on biodiversity the plant species inventoried are clustered into a ‘moss’, ‘herb’, ‘shrub’, ‘tree’ and ‘grass’ layer. A comparison is made between the grazed and non grazed areas (figure 32). This comparison also does not prove to be significant (P = > 0,05) which means that sheep grazing management does not influence biodiversity within the different layers of the research areas. 80 Moss 70 Grass Herbs 60 Number of species Shrubs Trees 50 40 30 20 10 0 Grazed Non grazed Area Figure 32: species number in each layer representing the grazed areas (left) and the non grazed areas (right) The inventories took place in the week before the sheep started grazing, the reference areas were inventoried the same day to exclude environmental changes through time. There is no data gathered to investigate influences of sheep grazing management in the short term. The effect of sheep grazing management could differ per plant species. For more insight in the statistical background see appendix VI. Appendix VII provides an overview of the plant species inventoried between Aril and May 2012. 28 PWN provided a list with plant species that represent the quality of dune grasslands. The higher the number and abundance of these species, the better the state of the dune grassland. In total there are 121 plant species inventoried containing 15 indicator species (12%). To investigate the affect of sheep grazing management on these species, an overview of these species and their abundance is provided (table 5). In total, 17 indicator species are inventoried. The cover of ‘Noorderweg’ represents the average cover of the grazed sites ‘Noorderweg Oost and West’, to make comparison with their references possible. Both the grazed sites and the references contain 15 indicator species. The average cover of the indicator species within the grazed sites is lower (3 = 10-20 individuals) than in the references (4 = 20-100 individuals). There is no difference in the abundance of indicator species between ‘Zevenbosjes’ and its reference, but the cover is clearly higher in the reference. The grazed area ‘Manege’ contain more indicator species than its references but the cover of these species is higher in the reference area than at the grazed site. ‘Eiland Noord’ and ‘Eiland Zuid’ contain only 2-3 indicator species while their references contain 5-6. Also the cover of these species is clearly higher within the references. ‘Noorderweg’ contains 8 indicator species, its reference has 7 but with a higher average cover. In total, the references contain a higher number of indicator species (27) than the grazed sites (25). 2 1 1 6 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 Ref. Noorderweg Oost and West Noorderweg Oost and West Ref. Eiland Zuid 5 Eiland Zuid Ref. Noord 2 Eiland Eiland Noord Ref. Manege Manege Area Sonchus arvensis Viola curtisii Lithospermum officinale Thymus pulegioides Viola canina Leontodon saxatilis Sanguisorba minor Ajuga reptans Vicia lathyroides Viola odorata Arabis hirsuta subsp. hirsuta Viola hirta Myosotis ramosissima Verbascum densiflorum Scrophularia vernalis Polygonatum odoratum Anisantha tectorum Ref. Zevenbosjes Zevenbosjes Table 5: overview of indicator species and its cover per grazing area and its reference Scientific name 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 7 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 5 5 2 5 7 5 6 7 7 6 5 1 4 3 3 2 5 7 Dutch name Akkermelkdistel s.l. Duinviooltje Glad parelzaad Grote tijm Hondsviooltje Kleine leeuwentand Kleine pimpernel Kruipend zenegroen Lathyruswikke Maarts viooltje Ruige scheefkelk Ruig viooltje Ruw vergeet-mij-nietje Stalkaars Voorjaarshelmkruid Welriekende salomonszegel Zwenkdravik 29 4.4 Costs of P. serotina eradication Spread of P. serotina within Dutch and European nature reserves is considered as an increasing problem that nature conservation organisations are dealing with (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). There is no default eradication method practiced. The different methods used have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of efficiency, damage to the direct environment, effectiveness and costs. For organisations dealing with the management of natural areas it is of interest to gain insight into the costs of the various methods practiced. The management methods ‘ringing’ and ‘thinning’ of trees are disregarded because they proved to be ineffective to eradicate or control spreading. This also holds for biological eradication using a native pathogenic fungus Biochon. Use of Biochon proved to be moderately effective under very specific circumstances. In practice Biochon seemed difficult to use and disappeared from the market. Introduction of Pythium spp. is not an option due to possible undesired side effects (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). The use of shadow providing trees is not explained in this research because this method for eradication of unwanted species is not applicable to P. serotina eradication (Elbersen, 2003). 4.4.1 General costs of sheep grazing management At PWN, the fixed costs of sheep grazing management are estimated on a basis of reviews of internal meetings and a cost/benefit overview of 2011 (table 6). The shepherd receives travel expenses of €0,17 per km with a maximum of 80 km. The shepherd also receives a monetary compensation of €22,50 per hour. The expenses for the shepherd are the largest part of the costs made, amounting for €22.478,76 in 2011 (63% of the total costs). During the winter the herd is kept permanently on one place which results in lower costs. During this period expenses consist of controlling the herd on health and basic needs. Supervision of the herd takes approximately three hours on a daily basis annually. During the summer the herd grazes three times per week under supervision of a paid shepherd because it is more reliable than using volunteers only. Furthermore, the herd needs to graze under supervision five times a week for five hours to be eligible for a subsidy of €8,500. The herd is also active within the borders of Bloemendaal municipality which accounts for an income generation of €10,800. In 2011, the costs for food including grass silage and chunk accounted for €7.276,64 (20%). Cost concerning health care are relatively high: €3.459,32 (10%). The costs made for food and healthcare vary due to their dependence on the weather and resilience of the herd. Though, these costs do return annually and are considered fixed in this report. Other incurred costs are shearing of sheep twice a year accounting for €2 per sheep (2%). Volunteers are also part of sheep grazing management, they place fences and function as shepherd for four days per week. They receive travel compensation of €0,17 per km (4%). Table 4 provides a overview of the general annual cost made by PWN. For an overview of all cost and revenues made by PWN in 2011, see appendix III. Notice that the costs of sheep grazing management are not specifically made for combating P. serotina. Table 6: fixed general cost and revenues made by PWN on sheep grazing management in 2011. Unit Travel reimbursement shepherd Salary shepherd Volunteers Food Health Contributions/charges Shearing of sheep Dutch Breeders Association 2011 Charge Animal Health Fund 2011 Charge 2010 Total costs Subsidy Bloemendaal municipality Revenue Net Total costs Total grazed ha Net Costs per ha. per year: Costs/€ 2.568,16 19.910,60 1.501,5 7.276,64 3.459,32 265,10 586 50,00 181,60 33,50 35.823,42 8.500 10.800 19.300 16.532,42 30 551,08 30 A study by Schouteden (2009) provides a financial overview of five Belgian companies keeping sheep for landscape grazing management. For PWN and these Belgian companies shepherd salary is the most important component of the total costs followed by costs for food and health. In general the cost of keeping sheep exceeds income, in Belgium this loss is compensated by a subsidy provided by the government. This subsidy accounted for 65% of the total income in 2009 (Schouteden, 2009). For PWN the net costs made in 2011 per sheep account for €65,07 assuming a herd of 250 sheep. According to the study by Schouteden (2009) the total costs per sheep accounts for €85,93 including wage costs (39%), costs on food (26%) and costs according to animal health (4%) and excluding variable costs (vet, buildings and materials). For PWN food costs are minimized because the sheep feed primarily on dune vegetation. Extra food is provided when natural resources are scarce due to snowfall, these costs can be considered variable. A study by Elbersen (2003) confirms that most of the fixed costs (in the case of foundations and an average herd of 230 sheep) consist of wage costs (58% of the total costs), food (13%), buildings (8%) and depreciations (1%) (figure 33). Speaking of private companies with an average herd of 370 sheep, fixed costs consist of food (29%), buildings (6%) and depreciations (15%). Other costs including variable costs account for 20% (foundations) and 49% (private companies). The total annual costs for private companies are €74.051 which account for €175,06 per ha. per year managing 423 ha on average. For PWN the total costs per ha. per year are €551. Making a comparison between the costs made by PWN and private companies is not realistic in this case. PWN has high labour costs and a relative small grazing area of 30 ha. where sheep are used to graze on P.serotina primarily. For Elbersen (2003) it was not possible to make an overview including the total costs made by foundations, private companies and nature organisations due to a lack of data availability. This report provides such an overview, see appendix IV (Elbersen, 2003). Others Elbersen 2003, the Netherlands, private companies Depreciations Buildings Source Shearing Elbersen 2003, the Netherlands, foundations Charges Health Food Schouteden 2009, Belgium Wages PWN 2011 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Percentage of total costs ⤍ 80 Figure 33: overview of general costs (€/per ha/per year) made on sheep grazing management (Elbersen, 2003; Schouteden, 2009; PWN). 4.4.2 Costs of sheep grazing management on P. serotina eradication Previous text focuses on the costs made on sheep grazing management in general. The next part concentrates on the costs made by PWN specifically applied for P.serotina eradication. Costs of sheep grazing management with other purposes are not taken into consideration in this section, this makes comparison with other management methods aspiring to the same purpose possible. Costs on P.serotina eradication using sheep are the costs made from April-September. During this time period the sheep are used to combat P.serotina exclusively. The main fixed costs are made on travel expenses €1.428 (€13,60 per day*3 times per week*35 weeks), labour €11.812,50 (€112,50 per day* 3 times per week*35 weeks) and health care €2.328,39, they account for 77%, 6% and 14% of the total costs respectively (figure 34). The total costs for the shepherd is €13.240,50 during the summer. The 31 other costs (with exclusion of grass silage and chunk) are divided by 52 weeks times 35 weeks (the time period sheep consume P.serotina). The fixed net costs of P.serotina eradication using sheep accounted for €144,68 per ha. in 2011 (table 7; figure 35). Table 7: fixed cost and revenues made by PWN on P.serotina eradication with sheep grazing management in 2011. 1% 2% Shepherd 14% Volunteers 6% Health Charges 77% Shearing Figure 34: costs of P. serotina abatement with sheep, made by PWN in 2011 Unit Travel reimbursement shepherd Salary shepherd Volunteers Health Contributions/charges Shearing of sheep Costs/€ 1.428 11.812,50 1.010,63 2.328,39 178,43 394,42 Dutch Breeders Association 2011 Charge Animal Health Fund 2011 Charge 2010 33,65 122,23 22,55 Fixed costs Subsidy Bloemendaal municipality Total revenue Net result Total grazed ha Costs per ha. per year: 17.330,89 5.721,15 7.269,23 12.990,38 -4.340,51 30 144,68 According to a manual for sheep farming (Handboek Schapenhouderij) developed by Wageningen UR, the annual costs of a herd of 250 sheep kept for management of natural areas is €204 per day per ha. (€25.50 per hour including wages, travel reimbursement and overhead). The costs for keeping the herd fenced is €127.50 per day including 5 hours of work. Then the total cost for sheep grazing management to combat P.serotina (taking the management scheme of PWN into account) would be (€25.5 * 5 hours of work per day * 3 days per week * 35 weeks per year) €13.387,50 per ha. per year. The herd is fenced two days per week which costs (€25.5 * 3 hours of work per day * 2 days per week * 35 weeks per year) €5.355 per ha. per year. The total costs of sheep grazing management to combat P.serotina would be €18.742,50 per ha. per year (Handboek Schapenhouderij, 2002). 500 Costs (€/ha) 450 Sheep grazing management Regrowth 2nd year 400 Regrowth 1st year 350 Initial removal 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0-5% 5-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% Cover Figure 35: the cost per treatment per ha/per year of sheep grazing management to eradicate P. serotina 4.4.3 Costs of manual excavation Scientific study by Oosterbaan (2003) provides an estimation of costs of the most effective methods practiced for eradication of unwanted tree species, including P. serotina. These costs include primary and secondary (aftercare) eradication costs. In case of P. serotina, the seed viability is prolonged so that sprouts will germinate years after the first treatment. Follow-up management is needed to suppress these seedlings. This estimation is based 32 on ‘Normenboek Staatsbosbeheer’ 2001-2002, including a deduction of 20% overheads and an hourly net wage of €26,33 (Staatsbosbeheer, 2001). Revenues are disregarded although they can be considered important in choosing a management strategy (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). Manual excavation exists of pulling the trees out of the ground, this is only possible when trees are younger than two years because at this point the root system is not fully developed yet. This method is only effective when repeated on a regular basis. Important is that the roots are excavated completely during removal to prevent further regrowth (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). Annual cost of manual excavation depends on the cover and the height of the tree. When individual seedling lower than one meter are growing dispersed within a certain area (cover 0-5%), eradication costs €39 per ha. per year (figure 36). Individual seedling with low cover can be excavated by hand. Because low numbers are present, after- care is considered unnecessary. When considering groups of P. serotina with a cover of 5-25%, the cost of primary eradication is €130 per ha. per year. In this case follow-up treatment is needed which costs €39 per ha. per year. At this density, seedlings probably re-establish themselves from the roots left, covering 0-5% of the surface (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). The costs of eradication increases when cover increases. With a cover of 25-50% the costs of the first treatment are €442 per ha. per year including 17 hours of work. After care is needed for two years accounting for €39 per ha. per year. When assuming a cover of 50-75% the costs per ha. per year are €1.170 including 45 hours of work. The total costs including after-care are €1.248 per ha. per year (Staatsbosbeheer, 2001). In case of a cover of 75-100% the cost of eradication are €1.820 per ha. in the first year, €130 per ha. in the second year and €39 per ha. in the third year accounting for €1.989 per ha. in total. The first year after the seedlings are removed, they will re-establish with a cover of 5-25%. The second year after removal seedlings will re-establish with a cover of 0-5%, so after-care is needed for several years (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). As mentioned in section 2.5, the disadvantages of manual excavation is local soil disturbance creating suitable places to grow for which after-care is needed (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). Manual excavation of seedlings higher than one meter is included in this paragraph even though they probably can’t be eradicated using sheep grazing management exclusively. This management strategy can be practiced to complement sheep grazing management. Seedling (>1m) eradication with a cover of 0-5% costs €52 per ha. per year including two hours of work. When the cover is 5-25% the costs are €195 per ha per year including aftercare and 6 hours of work. When seedling cover 25-50% the total costs are €689 per ha. per year including 25 hours of work. When P. serotina covers 50-75% the costs are €1.638 per ha per year including 60 hours of work. When the cover accounts for 75-100% the costs are €2.418 per ha. per year including costs on wages (90 hours of work) and after-care (Staatsbosbeheer, 2001). 2500 Manual excavation Regrowth 2nd year Regrowth 1st year 2000 Costs (€/ha) Initial removal 1500 1000 500 0 0-5% 5-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% Cover Figure 36: the cost per treatment per ha/per year of manual excavation to eradicate P. serotina 33 4.4.4 Costs of chemical eradication In the past, different chemical substances (e.g. hydrochloric acid and ammonium sulphate) where used to eradicate P. serotina. Use of these substances stopped due to health issues and glyphosate have been entered the market. Glyphosate is sprayed or lubricated on sawn off stems (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). Eradication of dispersed individuals lower than one meter using chemical substances (glyphosate/Roundup) costs €30 per ha. (figure 37). Seedlings can be sprayed with glyphosate in which after-care is not needed when performed properly. For this calculation one working hour and 0.1 l of glyphosate is used. Because NPZK is used for the extraction of drinking water, use of glyphosate is avoided as much as possible but was used in the past (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). Eradication of dispersed individuals higher than one meter costs €169 per ha. per year including 3 hours of work and the use of 0.1 l of glyphosate (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). When P. serotina has a coverage percentage of 5-25% and is lower than 1m, the use of glyphosate costs €170 per ha. during the first year of treatment and €30 per ha. in the second year of after-care. For this calculation six working hour and 0.4 l of glyphosate are included (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). When the seedlings are higher than one meter, use of glyphosate costs €287 per ha. per year including 5 hours of work and the use of 0.4 l glyphosate (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). The costs of P. serotina higher than one meter with a cover of 25-50% and 50-75% without mechanical excavation are €464 per ha. per year and €698 per ha. per year including 8-12 working hours and 0.9-1.5 l of glyphosate (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). When it is lower than one meter and covers 75-100%, the first treatment costs €522 per ha., €170 per ha. during the second year and €33 per ha. during the third year of aftercare, accounting for €725 in total, including 18 hours of work and 4 l of glyphosate. During treatment some of the seedlings will be missed and survive. The second year P. serotina covers approximately 5-25% and the third year of after-care consist of treatment of individual trees (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). In case of seedlings higher than one meter treatment costs €862 per ha per year. including 15 hours of work and the use of 2 l glyphosate per ha (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). 800 Chemical eradication Regrowth 2nd year 700 Regrowth 1st year Costs (€/ha) 600 Initial removal 500 400 300 200 100 0 0-5% 5-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% Cover Figure 37: the cost per treatment per ha/per year of chemical eradication of P. serotina 4.4.5 Costs of mechanical excavation Mechanical excavation is applied on shrubs of one meter and higher. Shrubs are pulled out of the ground using machines. Sheep grazing management is probably not effective enough to combat shrubs of this size. Nevertheless, this method is discussed in this section because it might be applied before grazing with (large) herbivores starts. PWN used mechanical removal of P. serotina as preparation before the implementation of sheep grazing management. This management technique is included in this report because it is often combined with the implementation of herbivores or chemical eradication. Mechanical removal of dispersed individual shrubs costs €168 per ha. in the first year and €39 per ha. during the second year of treatment accounting for €207 per ha. in total (figure 38). After-care consist of manual excavation of seedlings. When shrubs cover 5-25% of the total area mechanical excavation costs €431 per ha. during the 34 first year of treatment and €39 per ha. during the second year of after-care which is €470 per ha. in total. After excavation of shrubs there is a high chance of reestablishment for which after-care is needed consisting of manual excavation (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). When the cover is 25-50% the total costs are €976 per ha. per year including wages and after-care (Staatsbosbeheer, 2001). Mechanical excavation costs €1.514 per ha. per year with a cover of 50-75% including wages and after-care (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). With a cover of 75-100% the area needs to be treated for three continuous years. The first year of treatment costs €1.684 per ha., the second year €130 per ha. and the last year costs €39 per ha, €1.853 per ha. in total (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). Disadvantages of mechanical removal are (re)growth of sprouts, this method is only suitable to control P. serotina, but not for effective eradication (Straatsma and Jansen, 2005). After- care consists of manual excavation of seedlings (Oosterbaan et al, 2003). 2000 Costs (€/ha) 1800 Mechanical eradication Regrowth 2nd year 1600 Regrowth 1st year 1400 Initial removal 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0-5% 5-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% Cover Figure 38: the cost per treatment per ha/per year of mechanical eradication to combat P. serotina 4.4.6 Costs of excavation using horses Another way to combat P. serotina is to eradicate individual trees using horses. Excavation with horses is known to be an effective method in general but it is also a timeconsuming method which makes it relatively expensive. In this case information concerning after-care is not available but is assumed to be €39 (the annual cost for manual excavation) for the following 2 years. Excavation using horses is practised when trees have a height of 0.5-3 meters and a circumference of 5 cm. When P. serotina covers 0-5% the costs are €162 per ha. per year including 5 hours of work. With 5-25% of cover the costs are €390 per ha. per year for 12 hours of work. If P. serotina covers 25-50 the annual costs are €813 per ha. for 25 hours of work. The annual costs per ha. per year according to a cover of 50-75% and 75-100% are €1.300 and €1.625 (figure 39). These costs include 40 and 50 hours of work (Staatsbosbeheer, 2001). For a complete overview of the costs of the different management strategies described, see appendix V. 1800 1600 Excavation with horses Regrowth 2nd year Regrowth 1st year Costs (€/ha) 1400 Initial removal 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0-5% 5-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% Cover Figure 39: the cost per treatment per ha/per year of excavation with horses to eradicate P. serotina 35 5 Discussion 5.1 The influence of sheep grazing management on P. serotina The individual trees at the grazed sites are affected/damaged for 0-25% while ¾ of the trees growing in the control areas are affected for 0-5%. These results show that sheep browse on P. serotina. The difference in grazing intensiveness does have influence on the viability of P. serotina. The plants growing within the non grazed areas are barely suffering from extensive grazing and are viable for 90%. Within the grazed sites almost halve of the plants are dying or dead as a result of browsed leaves, branches and bark. The introduction of periodic intensive grazing by sheep does influence P. serotina viability in the desired direction which proves sheep to be effective browsers although the effect differs per grazing area. Half of the grazed areas contain more living than dying and dead plants. Within the other areas most of the plants are suffering from grazing but are not yet dead. This difference in grazing effectiveness might be influenced by the availability of other food sources and the amount of P. serotina growing in the grazing areas. Assuming that the diet of sheep primary exists of grasses and partially of P. serotina, it might be possible that this species is avoided when there is alternative food available. If this impression is valid, grazing of P. serotina can be intensified by reducing other food sources. This can be accomplished by diminishing the time the herd is grazing outside the grazing area, but then the subsidy will be discontinued. Keeping the herd in one grazing area for a longer period might also be an effective method to intensify browsing on the bark and branches. This strategy does not conflict with the current subsidy. It is important that intensified grazing is not introduced during the late summer and autumn when weathered leaves of P. serotina contain toxic substances. The branches are most affected by browsing, followed by the browsing of the leaves and bark. This outcome holds for the grazed- and non grazed areas and might be influenced by the time of the year the inventories started. The first inventories took place at the beginning of April, at that period the trees measured did not had leaves hence sheep grazed primary on the branches and bark. The amount of leaves eaten increases later in spring and summer. At the control sites almost half of the plants measured did not show any signs of grazing. Sheep appear to ring the trees and during field work it was visible that all of the trees ringed were dying or dead. This implies that this type of browsing does affect the viability of P. serotina significantly. But less than 10% of the trees within the grazing areas are affected this way. In the non grazed areas the number of individually ringed trees is close to zero. At the moment sheep do not graze on P. serotina during the winter and early spring when the trees are still bare while the bark and branches are grazed more intensively at these times. Since browsing on the bark is an effective way to decrease the viability of P. serotina, implementation of sheep grazing management when trees are bare might complement current management. Furthermore, bare trees do not contain toxic substances hence the herd might be fenced in more specific and densely P. serotina vegetated areas to intensify grazing pressure. Sheep do browse on the leaves effectively. Almost half of the trees measured along the grazed transects are bare or contain only a few leaves. This decrease of leaves results in a decrease of cover of P. serotina within the grazing areas. This results reject the 1st hypothesis: ‘the leaf canopy of P. serotina will not be reduced through sheep grazing management’. Sheep reduce the cover of P. serotina through grazing (primary) and trampling (secondary), based on field observations. Especially seedlings seem to be vulnerable for grazing because their leaves are young and their stems do not yet consist of woody material which makes them attractive to eat. When seedlings are grazed, they are often eaten as a whole instead of partially as older, woody plants. This diminishes seedlings chance of survival. During fieldwork I noticed that some older, woody plants were broken, probably as a result of trampling. These trees were not situated along the transects and not part of the data gathered. But trampling does occur on a small scale with minor affect. Despite that the grazed sites were selected on the basis of their high cover in comparison with other areas, the cover diminished significantly and is even lower than at the control sites. These findings reject the 2nd hypothesis partially: ‘sheep grazing management does not increase openness of the vegetation, which will not affect P. serotina samplings and older plants that grow in or above the canopy of the accompanying vegetation. But grazing should increase seedling reestablishment opportunities for P. serotina.. Seedling reestablishment might be increased during grazing due to more open spaces in the soil. But 36 grazing itself does outweigh this affect since seedlings are grazed intensively. Sheep do not influence the number of stems per individual tree although scientific literature (§2.2) describes resprouting as a survival mechanism of P. serotina. This is probably the effect of extensive grazing throughout NPZK. Extensive grazing might be intensive enough to stimulate resprouting and influences the outcome towards a non significant difference. Sheep grazing management was applied in 2008 and since then, the cover of P. serotina has decreased with 4% assuming a comparable cover of the grazed areas and their references (note that in 2008, the cover was higher within the grazing areas than in the areas excluded from grazing). These findings show that the cover decreases with 1% annually. If the cover was , for instance, twice as high at the grazed sites than at their references in 2008, the cover has decreased with 3%. With these short estimations it becomes clear that sheep grazing management does have the desired effect on the cover of P. serotina but it takes years to eradicate this species and long term investment is needed. Another point is that the grazed areas still contain seedlings and resprouting stumps and the references are dense P. serotina vegetated areas hence eradication seems impossible with the current grazing intensity/herd. Also, the trees growing at the references are relatively high (>140 cm). Reduction of P. serotina towards a cover between 1-5% should be feasible. An adjusted and combined management strategy like grazing and manual excavation is recommended to combat P. serotina increasingly effectively. Within the references P. serotina spread is increasing. It might be useful to make a systematic inventory of dense P. serotina vegetated areas every few years and adjust the management strategy when needed. Currently, P. serotina vegetated areas are partially managed effectively. To combat this species, all dense covered areas need to be managed this way. The growth of P. serotina is beside grazing influenced by other variables, including environmental factors such as: eutrophication; nutrient availability; light availability and soil disturbance. These factors are not included in this research. Assumed is that these variables promote spread of P. serotina within NPZK since numbers are increasing without management. Further research might give more insight into the influence of environmental characteristics in combination with sheep grazing management on the development of P. serotina. Growth, viability and reproduction are also influenced by trampling and grazing activities of other herbivores. Other large herbivores are temporarily excluded from the areas where the sheep are fenced. This management method makes comparison with the control sites possible. According to scientific literature (§2.2), increase of weight (through nutrient storage in the root system) would be a logical reaction of P. serotina to sheep grazing management. This effect is visible especially in the grazing areas. At these sites the part of the root that is growing just above the ground, is clearly thicker than the rest of the stem. But this effect could not be confirmed through measuring the diameter and weight of the stems. Further research might give more insight into the affect of sheep grazing management on nutrient storage in the roots. This might give more insight into when P. serotina gets exhausted and how high grazing pressure should be to be effective. The diameter and weight of P. serotina are not influenced by sheep grazing management. The height does increase after the introduction of sheep which is probably a strategy to survive environmental pressure. A fast growth rate is one of the characteristics of P. serotina and ensures survival through outcompeting other plant species. This trait is increasing visible under a grazing regime. On average, the plants that are affected by sheep are 3 cm higher than the plants excluded from sheep grazing management. It might be possible that intensive grazing accelerates growth hence plants increase their change on survival. Grazing must be intensive enough to prevent recovery of P. serotina. For investigating how intensive grazing should be to prevent recovery, further research is necessary. The outcomes of the long term analysis are included in the conceptual framework (figure 40). The growth of P. serotina is influenced by sheep grazing management positively and negatively since the height increases and the weight and diameter does not change. The viability is negatively influenced since grazing on leaves, branches and bark does increase the numbers of dead and dying P. serotina individuals. Regrowth is positively and negatively influenced because the total cover of P. serotina decreases but the number of resprouting stems are not influenced by grazing. 37 Figure 40: overview of the conceptual framework including the results of this research. The lighter green arrows are not included in this research. For the short term analysis a comparison is made between the grazed areas before, and after the implementation of grazing. The outcomes of the short term analysis shows that the cover, the number of leaves and the viability of P. serotina decreased as a result of the introduction of sheep. These findings are in line with the results of the long term analysis. The decrease in viability especially, is important to manage P. serotina spread within NPZK. Young trees that have a limited number of leaves are suffering when most of their leaves are eaten. They seem to be less viable than older trees because they do not yet consist of woody material (as explained earlier in this chapter). Browsing activity is a prominent result of this research, both appearing in the short term- as well as in the long term analysis. Especially browsing on the bark influences viability. In the long term sheep browsing is restricted on the bark. This browsing is not noticeable in the short term. Browsing on the bark is probably increasingly noticeable when other sources of food are scarce during the early spring and winter (as described in §5.1). During the time the short term inventories took place, sheep preferred grazing on young leaves. The leaves are favourite during spring, and browsed intensively. The percentage of trees eaten had increased during one week of grazing. Browsing on the leaves is correlated to the reduction of the cover of P. serotina as a result of a decrease of leaf canopy. This outcome is related to the amount of leaves of all trees since the number of stems does not significantly decrease in the short term. In the long term the number of stems diminish resulting in a larger decrease in cover. The short term reduction of cover is of temporary nature (because leaves grow back) but becomes visible in the long term resulting in a decrease in cover of 4% since 2008. This implies that, although the cover diminishes in the long term, there is no significant decrease of P. serotina individuals in the short term. The amount of P. serotina individuals and the cover of this species depends on the viability of the trees and the time period sheep grazing management is applied. The results show that short term grazing is not affective to eradicate P. serotina. To reach the desired effect, long term management is necessary. 38 The stem diameter slightly increases within one week of intensive grazing. This increase is minimal and might be influenced by the time of the year (sprouts starts growing during spring). It might be possible that this result changes after the data set is added to data gathered during the second round of grazing. The diameter increase must be received with some precaution. The height and weight do not change after one week of grazing. 5.2 Biodiversity Half of the grazed sites do contain more species than their control sites, the other half contain less species than their references. The differences in number of species between the grazing areas and their references are minor. These findings show that sheep grazing management does not influence the number of species. The difference in cover of P. serotina is also negligible when comparing the grazed sites and their references. This is a remarkable outcome since the results of the former paragraphs of this chapter show that sheep grazing management does reduce cover of P. serotina. This contradictory outcome is probably a result of the selection criteria of the grazing areas in the initial situation, namely a high cover of P. serotina. Currently, after four years of intensive grazing, the cover of P. serotina is comparable within the grazed- and non grazed areas. These findings could indicate that, on the one hand P. serotina cover is reduced at the grazed sites since grazing started. Or, on the other hand, the cover in the control areas increased toward the same level as the initial cover of P. serotina at the grazed sites. The former impression seems to be self-evident since the other results of this theses show that sheep grazing management does reduce the cover. There is a significant difference in cover between all areas researched with the most remarkable difference of species with sporadic appearance. Three of the five reference areas do not contain species with sporadic appearance. All grazed areas do contain species with sporadic appearance which is probably a result of an increase of light availability, less dense vegetation and creation of more open spaces. The type of species with sporadic appearance differs per area varying from mosses to pioneer species to species growing on eutrophicated soil. The effect of sheep grazing management on different vegetative layers (mosses, grasses, herbs, shrubs and trees) is insignificant. These findings show that sheep grazing management does not have a significant influence on biodiversity in NPZK during the past four years of grazing. Follow-up research may give more insight in the long term affects of sheep grazing management on biodiversity. It might be possible that development or decrease of biodiversity takes more than four years of management before it becomes measurable. It is important that changes are noticed in time, especially when biodiversity is negatively influenced and adjustment of this method is needed. This management strategy does influence the cover and attendance of indicator species. On average, the cover of indicator species is lower at the grazed sited than at the references. This also holds for the total number of species although this difference is minor. These species are probably sensitive for (both) trampling and/or grazing activities. Some of these species might be attractive for sheep and are grazed intensively. Further research to indicate which indicator species are sensitive to trampling, are grazed intensively by sheep and are sensitive to grazing might provide further insight in this topic. This can be carried out through inventory the indicator species shortly before and after grazing to investigate short term affects. Since these species are characteristic for the coastal dune habitat and are valued for their appearance, protection or an adjusted management strategy might be necessary when they are suffering from grazing. Intensive grazing is applied since four years, it might be possible that the disappearance of indicator species takes longer than four years. But since these species seem to be influenced negatively already, it might be possible that they are the first ones disappearing. Hypothesis 3 and 4: ‘Grazing should increase seedling reestablishment of all other plant species that germinate into open soil’ and ‘preferential grazing may alter abundance of the accompanying vegetation’ are rejected since there is no difference in number of species and cover between the grazed- and non grazed areas. And above all, the cover of indicator species decreased at the grazed sites. 39 As described in chapter 3 the inventory method Tansley is applied which is a relatively rough method including some subjectivity. By applying another more exact inventory method, like a series of vegetation recordings using permanent quadrants (PQ’s) the objectivity of this would be increased. 5.3 Cost-effectiveness Information concerning the cost-effectiveness of sheep grazing management is restricted, especially when speaking of availability of scientific literature. Most of the information (including scientific sources) is based on data derived from nature management organisations (Staatsbosbeheer and PWN). Costs are also obtained from interviews (Elbersen et al, 2003) and insight in business statistics to make comparison possible. Furthermore, scientific information about the costs-effectiveness of sheep grazing management to combat P. serotina specifically is not available. Nevertheless, since sheep grazing was introduced as a management strategy to combat (spread of) P. serotina, insight in monetary data becomes increasingly important. This report complements previous research concerning this topic due to insight in financial overviews of sheep grazing management in NPZK provided by PWN. In the long term, costs of sheep grazing management are relatively high compared to other methods. Although the benefits of sheep grazing management are excluded from this research, it is an important aspect to be considered. The monetary benefits prove to be relatively low (appendix III), but sheep grazing management also comprises aesthetic- and educational values. Whereas mechanical and chemical excavation might cause environmental harm, use of sheep minimizes damage. A herd of sheep, with or without shepherd, is a sight valued by visitors of NPZK. Besides, the herd is used as an educational tool to make visitors more aware of the impact sheep have on the environment (this report will be converted in a poster used to inform visitors of NPZK). Furthermore, PWN combines nature conservation with the extraction of drinking water. The use of chemicals to eradicate P. serotina is not very appropriate in terms of environmental protection and safety of drinking water. By applying biological eradication techniques, PWN protects its environmental friendly image. These benefits are not included in the calculations made for this thesis due to time restrictions. Further research on the aesthetic-, educational- and image supporting monetary value of sheep grazing management is recommended and gives insight into the benefits of this method. Furthermore, the revenues from the provided subsidy are also not taken into consideration. When including the subsidy in the calculations, the costs of sheep grazing management would be lower. Sheep grazing management becomes more expensive in the long term because the costs are constant over the years it takes place, while costs of other management methods diminish (figure 41) . 160 Costs (€) 1st year 140 2nd year 120 3rd year 100 80 60 40 20 0 Sheep grazing management Manual excavation Chemical treatment Management method Figure 41: average costs of sheep grazing management, manual excavation and chemical treatment including two years of after-care 40 The cost-effectiveness of grazing depends on the time period applied. To combat P.serotina effectively, long term management is needed (to suppress reestablishment of young sprouts and seedlings) continuing relatively high costs (chapter 4). Especially hiring a shepherd is accompanied by high costs, other costs are made on food and health care. Costs of manual excavation and chemical treatment depend on the coverage percentage of P. serotina and the time period applied. The cover does not influence the costs of sheep grazing management in itself. The higher the coverage percentage of P. serotina, the lower the cost of sheep grazing management are comparable to the other management methods. The coverage percentage might influence the management method chosen and/or practiced. The coverage percentage of P. serotina within NPZK varies between 0-25%, making eradication using sheep relatively expensive in comparison with the other methods (table 7). The costs of sheep grazing management compared to the costs of manual excavation concerning a coverage percentage of 05% and 5-25% are 61-91% higher. The costs of sheep grazing compared to chemical treatment is 54-93% higher. This means that sheep grazing management is relatively expensive considering a coverage percentage of P. serotina between 0-25%. For an overview of the costs of sheep grazing of trees > 1m, see appendix V. The costs represented in table 8 are the costs of total eradication of invasive trees/shrubs. The question is whether this is possible. Since sheep grazing management is practised, the cover of P. serotina, as described in §5.1, reduced with 1-3% annually at a cost of €145 per ha. Assuming that total eradication of P. serotina is not realistic and after-care is needed, the total costs of manual excavation and chemical treatment after three year of management are significantly higher (represented in red in table 8). A realistic goal, when considering the invasive characteristics of P. serotina, is suppression towards a cover of 0-5%. The yearly costs (per ha) of sheep grazing management will always be higher than the costs of manual excavation and chemical treatment. But this method does reach the desired goal in the long term and is inherent to aesthetic, educational and image protecting values. Table 8: Comparison of the annual costs of P. serotina eradication of different management strategies in euro’s per ha. discussed in chapter 4 (Staatsbosbeheer, 2001; Oosterbaan et al, 2003; Straatsma and Jansen, 2005; PWN). Only three years of treatment of trees <1 m are included in this table to make comparison with other management methods possible. The purple number represent the costs assuming that total excavation is possible within three years of time. The red number represent the costs assuming that total excavation is impossible and aftercare is needed annually. Appearance <1m Management strategy Costs treatment 1st year (€) Costs after-care 2nd year (€) Costs after-care 3rd year (€) Unspecified Sheep grazing management Manual excavation Manual excavation Chemical treatment Chemical treatment 145 145 145 Costs after 3 years of treatment (€) 435 39 39 39 39/127 130 39 39 169/208 30 30 30 30/90 170 30 30 200/230 <1m Coverage 0-5% <1m Coverage 5-25% <1m Coverage 0-5% <1m Coverage 5-25% 41 6 Conclusions The aim of this study was to research the effectiveness and impact of sheep grazing management on P. serotina and biodiversity. Besides, a comparison of the cost-effectiveness of sheep grazing management with other management methods is made. Therefore, this thesis addressed the following research questions: 1: What influence does sheep grazing management have on locally dense vegetated P. serotina in National park Zuid- Kennemerland in the short- and long term? 2: What influence does sheep grazing management have on biodiversity in National Park Zuid- Kennemerland? 3: How cost-effective is sheep grazing management in comparison with other management methods used for combating P. serotina? 1) Research on the short term effect of sheep grazing management is done to investigate how sheep graze on P. serotina, which parts of the trees are favourite and if reduction of this species is already visible. The short term analysis showed that the leaves are temporarily removed resulting in a decrease of viability, leaf canopy and cover. Sheep browse on the leaves and branches intensively, leading to increased numbers of dead and dying plants. Especially young leaves are browsed during the spring. Grazing activities on the stem are not noticed in the short term. Young resprouting stems are barely grazed and do not diminish. The number of individual trees does not diminish during short term grazing activities and the reduction of cover is of temporary nature but becomes visible as the years progress resulting in a decrease in cover. These finding show that sheep graze on P. serotina in the short term although the effects are limited and of temporary nature. Research on the long term effect of sheep grazing management is done to investigate if this method does reduce P. serotina growth, cover and viability in locally dense vegetated areas. The long term analysis shows that sheep browse on the branches and leaves of P. serotina resulting in reduction of cover. Browsing activities on the bark are limited. The grazing regime applied results in increased numbers of dying and dead plants. Half of the plants within the grazing areas are suffering or already dead. Although these finding are promising, total eradication does not seem to be possible since NPZK does contain numerous dense P. serotina vegetated locations, that are not grazed intensively. Especially the references contain dense P. serotina covered parts. Besides, the results vary between the grazed sites and P. serotina has several affective survival mechanisms hindering total eradication. One of these traits that became visible under the current grazing regime is an increase of height (while the diameter and weight stay the same). Although total eradication is probably not possible, sheep grazing management is an effective method to diminish the viability and cover within NPZK. 2) Since sheep grazing management started, there is no measurable difference in biodiversity based on the fact that the number of species and their cover does not differ between the grazing areas and their references. However, the cover and attendance of indicator species within NPZK is negatively influenced through this management strategy. 3) Sheep grazing management is relatively expensive in comparison with other methods because after-care is needed for several years. Costs of other methods diminish during the years after-care is needed. The costs of keeping a herd are high because a shepherd is needed, the herd needs extra food during the winter and healthcare expenses. Furthermore, the costs of other management methods applied depend on the percentage of cover of P.serotina while the herd grazes with the same intensiveness independent of the cover. Because after-care and long term management are essential to eradicate P.serotina effectively, intensive grazing needs to be applied every year. Grazing might even be intensified since NPZK contains several densely P.serotina vegetated areas that need management and are not grazed at the moment. 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Verheyen, 2009 b. “Prunus serotina unleashed: invader dominance after 70 years of forest development”, Biological Invasions 12: 1-12. 44 Appendix I RD Coordinates transects This table represents the RD coordinates of the researched transects measured with GPS Area RD Coordinates begin transect RD Coordinates end transect 101029/491043 101050/491039 Zevenbosjes 100890/491232 100912/491238 Reference Zevenbosjes 100544/492211 100557/492228 Manege 100552/492076 100584/292051 Reference Manege 100995/492903 100977/492911 Eiland Noord 101416/493023 101394/493020 Reference Eiland Noord 101047/492830 101026/492811 Eiland Zuid 101277/493033 101255/493018 Reference Eiland Zuid 101199/493929 101178/493915 Noorderweg West 101238/493899 101219/493914 Noorderweg East 101694/493767 101682/493791 Reference Noorderweg W/E 45 Appendix II Parameters and motivation An overview of the parameters used during inventory of P.serotina and its motivation Parameter Number of stems Description parameter Number of sprouts of one plant/tree Viability of stems 1= Life: stem is fully alive 2= Dying: stem is dying, not dead yet 3= Dead: Stem is fully dead Diameter in cm of stem of one of the sprouts of one tree at 50% height of the tree Maximum height of one tree in cm Diameter Height Type of use Ringed Number of leaves Weight of plant Percentage of use % of cover 0= No use 1= Debarked 2= Branch eaten 3= Leaf eaten 4= Bud eaten 5= Other 1= Yes 2= No The number of leaves of one plant at the point where the plant intersects with the transect line. Weight of complete individual plants (with a height between 15-20 cm) along the transect at one meter of distance from the rope each two meters How much of the tree has been affected by sheep. 1= 0-5% 2= 5-25% 3= 25-50% 4= 50-75% 5= 75-100% Estimates the coverage percentage of P.serotina along a transect. Motivation/usefulness parameter Represents how many resprouting sprouts one stem has. If one plants has two or more stems, one will be measured. This stem is marked (with tape) in the field to prevent confusion during following inventories1. This parameter is measured to investigate the effectiveness of sheep grazing1 management on regeneration of P. serotina. Measures the influence sheep1 grazing has on the viability of P.serotina. The more stems are dying/dead after sheep grazing, the more effective this management method is. Measures if sheep grazing management influences the thickness of stems1. Measures if sheep grazing management influences the height of stems1. If it does, management of P.serotina might be adjusted to combat larger plants. Measures which part(s) of the plant is eaten the most/least. This information may give some valuable information about the grazing behaviour of sheep1. These parameter also influences viability of P. serotina. If plants are ringed all around the stem, it will die. Then sheep grazing is very effective to combat P.serotina. This parameter has a relationship with viability1. This is measured because to investigate its relationship with viability1. Sheep are known to browse young leaves specifically. If the foot of the stem and the root are thicker than the rest of the tree, the tree is storing reserves. This might be an effect of grazing management1. Defines grazing behaviour1. A correlation can be made with viability of stems to see how much P.serotina needs to be affected before it dies. This parameter is used to see whether the effectiveness of sheep grazing1 management influences the reproduction of P.serotina. 1 Might also be influenced by grazing of cattle, rabbits and deer. 46 Appendix III Costs of sheep grazing management PWN Costs of sheep grazing management, made by PWN in 2011 Company/person Type of cost Contributions etc. Productship V&V Dienst Regelingen Total contributions/Charges Travel costs Total travel costs Remaining costs Keizer-de Hoef Rendac P. Nijsen Spaanderman Stad & Lande Dierenkliniek G. Kouprie Nijssen Fourages H. Ebelaar NFDH K bd Bijl Totaal remaining costs Remaining Beljaars Schapenpraktijk De Groot Veno Mulder Media Groep Totaal Overige Kosten Totaal remaining costs 2011 Revenues Total revenues 2011 Net costs 2011 30 ha Total costs per ha Cost/revenue/€ Dutch Breeders Association 2011 Charge Animal Health Fund 2011 Charge 2010 50,00 181,60 33,50 G. Kouprie Y. Duijn Reeuwijk Bronsdijk 2010 Vrolijk 2.568,16 327,60 253,20 475,20 445,50 Total costs/revenue/€ 265,10 4.069,66 Rupromin Medicines Dispose of carcasses Grass silage Chunk Control/section/medicines Work 2011 Grass silage Shearing of sheep Inspection fees sheep Breeding 845,00 276,71 1.500,00 1.394,24 2.650,32 19.910,60 4.382,40 586,00 90,00 120,00 31.755,27 Software package Work Rietvlak Rack Signage 1.507,50 1.052,38 453,50 355,00 3.368,38 39.458,41 Bloemendaal municipality Province NH, subsidy 2011 Sale sheepskin 10.800,00 8.500,00 29,41 19.329,41 20.129,00 670,97 47 Appendix IV Costs of sheep grazing management Costs of sheep grazing management of PWN, private companies and foundations. Type of cost PWN Private companies Foundations Dutch Breeders Association 2011 Charge Animal Health Fund 2011 Charge 2010 Depreciations Travel costs Rupromin Medicines Land costs Buildings Dispose of carcasses Food Control/section/medicines Labour costs Shearing of sheep Inspection fees sheep Breeding Software package Work Rietvlak Rack Signage Other costs Loan entrepreneur Total costs Revenue Bloemendaal municipality Subsidy Sale sheepskin Accretion and sale Ewe premium Other income Total revenues 50,00 181,60 33,50 Net result 4.707 459 706 2.058 177 4.950 9.470 7.593 21.210 43.376 14.900 21.000 74.051 12.433 9.177 38.816 19.329,41 18.353 7.877 8.021 43.338 10.011 5.133 12.411 66.372 -20.129 -30.713 -2.616 4.069,66 845,00 276,71 7.276,64 2.650,32 19.910,60 586,00 90,00 120,00 1.507,50 1.052,38 453,50 355,00 39.458,41 10.800,00 8.500,00 29,41 68.988 48 Appendix V Costs of P. serotina eradication Comparison of the annual costs of p. serotina eradication of different management strategies in euro’s per ha. discussed in chapter 4 . The costs of trees > 1m are also included (Staatsbosbeheer, 2001; Oosterbaan et al, 2003; Straatsma and Jansen, 2005; PWN). Appearance <1m Management strategy Costs treatment 1st year (€) Costs after-care 2nd year (€) Costs after-care 3rd year (€) Unspecified Sheep grazing management Manual excavation 145 145 145 Manual excavation 130 39 Manual excavation 442 39 39 520 Manual excavation 1.170 39 39 1.248 Manual excavation 1.820 130 39 1.989 <1m Coverage 0-5% <1m Coverage 5-25% <1m Coverage 25-50% <1m Coverage 50-75% <1m Coverage 75-100% <1m Coverage 0-5% <1m Coverage 5-25% <1m Coverage 25-50% <1m Coverage 50-75% <1m Coverage 75-100% >1m >1m Coverage 0-5% >1m Coverage 5-25% >1m Coverage 25-50% >1m Coverage 50-75% >1m Coverage 75-100% >1m Coverage 0-5% >1m Coverage 5-25% >1m Coverage 25-50% >1m Coverage 50-75% >1m Coverage 75-100% >1m Coverage 0-5% >1m Coverage 5-25% >1m Coverage 25-50% >1m Coverage 50-75% >1m Coverage 75-100% >1m Coverage 0-5% >1m Coverage 5-25% >1m Coverage 25-50% >1m Coverage 50-75% >1m Coverage 75-100% 39 Costs after 3 years of treatment (€) 435 39 169 Chemical treatment 30 Chemical treatment 170 30 30 200 Chemical treatment 346 30 376 Chemical treatment 434 30 30 494 Chemical treatment 522 170 33 725 Manual excavation 52 Manual excavation 156 39 Manual excavation 650 39 Manual excavation 1.560 39 39 1.638 Manual excavation 2.340 39 39 2.418 Chemical treatment 169 169 Chemical treatment 287 287 Chemical treatment 464 464 Chemical treatment 698 698 Chemical treatment 862 Mechanical removal 168 39 Mechanical removal 431 39 Mechanical removal 898 39 39 976 Mechanical removal 1.436 39 39 1.514 Mechanical removal 1.684 130 39 1.853 Horse excavation 162 39 Horse excavation 390 39 39 468 Horse excavation 813 39 39 891 Horse excavation 1.300 39 39 1.378 Horse excavation 1.625 39 39 1.703 52 195 689 862 207 470 201 49 Appendix VI Overview statistics biodiversity Crosstabs Area * Cover Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent Area * Layer 1331 100,0% 0 0,0% 1331 100,0% Area * Cover 508 38,2% 823 61,8% 1331 100,0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square 275,749a 80 ,000 Likelihood Ratio 258,032 80 ,000 13,281 1 ,000 Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 508 a. 41 cells (41,4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,41. Grazed * Layer Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent Grazed * Layer 1331 100,0% 0 0,0% 1331 100,0% Grazed * Cover 508 38,2% 823 61,8% 1331 100,0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square a ,000 3 1,000 Likelihood Ratio ,000 3 1,000 Linear-by-Linear Association ,000 1 1,000 N of Valid Cases 1331 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 45,00. 50 Grazed * Cover Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square 14,357a 8 ,073 Likelihood Ratio 15,057 8 ,058 Linear-by-Linear Association ,034 1 ,854 N of Valid Cases 508 a. 2 cells (11,1%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2,68. Crosstabs Area * Layer Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Area * Layer Missing Percent 1331 N Total Percent 100,0% 0 N 0,0% Percent 1331 100,0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square ,000a 30 1,000 Likelihood Ratio ,000 30 1,000 Linear-by-Linear Association ,000 1 1,000 N of Valid Cases 1331 a. 0 cells (0,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9,00. 51 Appendix VII Overview plant species inventoried SHORTNAME FIRST_NATI Ribres rubrum Cerastium arvense Sonchus arvensis Convolvulus arvensis Prunus serotina Gladomia spp Betula ssp Senecio inaequidens Fragaria vesca Scirpus sylvaticus Senecio sylvaticus Plantago major herba Pinus nigra v. maritim Rubus caesius Carlina vulgaris Hippophae rhamnoides Seneci jacoba s. dunen Taraxacum erythrospermum Erodiu cicuta s. dunen Calamagrostis epigejos Rosa pimpinellifolia Viola curtisii Stellaria pallida Crataegus monogyna Rosa rubiginosa Eurhynchium spp Festuca filiformis Anthriscus sylvestris Lophocolea heterophyll Geum urbanum Galium verum Holcus lanatus Lotus corniculatus Veronica chamaedrys Acer pseudoplatanus Cerast fontan s. vulga Anchusa officinalis Lotus cornic v. cornic Luzula campestris Sambucus nigra Arenaria serpyllifolia Hypochaeris radicata Brachytheciu rutabulum Achillea millefolium Dicranum scoparium Mnium hornum Lithospermu officinale Galium mollugo Drepanocladu polygamus Populus x canescens Salix cinerea Syntri rurali v. areni Urtica dioica Thymus pulegioides Pinus sylvestris Polytrichum spp Bryonia dioica Euphorbia esula Ammophila arenaria Glechoma hederacea Rosa canina Viola canina Saxifraga tridactylite Silene conica Galium aparine Urtica urens Leontodon saxatilis Sanguisorba minor Cardamine hirsuta Senecio viscosus Bryum species Aalbes Akkerhoornbloem Akkermelkdistel s.l. Akkerwinde Amerikaanse vogelkers Bekertjesmos Berk Bezemkruiskruid Bosaardbei Bosbies Boskruiskruid Brede weegbree Corsikaanse den Dauwbraam Driedistel Duindoorn Duinkruiskruid Duinpaardenbloem Duinreigersbek Duinriet Duinroosje Duinviooltje Duinvogelmuur Eenstijlige meidoorn Egelantier Laddermos Fijn schapengras Fluitekruid Gedrongen kantmos Geel nagelkruid Geel walstro Gestreepte witbol Gewone en Rechte rolklaver Gewone ereprijs Gewone esdoorn Gewone hoornbloem Gewone ossentong Gewone rolklaver Gewone veldbies Gewone vlier Gewone zandmuur Gewoon biggenkruid Gewoon dikkopmos Gewoon duizendblad Gewoon gaffeltandmos Gewoon sterrenmos Glad parelzaad Glad walstro Goudsikkelmos Grauwe abeel Grauwe en Rossige wilg Groot duinsterretje Grote brandnetel Grote tijm Grove den Haarmos Heggerank Heksenmelk Helm Hondsdraf Hondsroos Hondsviooltje Kandelaartje Kegelsilene Kleefkruid Kleine brandnetel Kleine leeuwentand Kleine pimpernel Kleine veldkers Kleverig kruiskruid Knikmos (G) Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 2 7 6 1 2 6 2 2 8 8 7 3 6 Area 8 Area 9 Area 10 5 6 5 6 3 6 2 4 6 6 4 6 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 1 5 2 7 7 3 7 7 7 4 7 7 4 8 7 7 7 6 8 4 7 7 6 8 4 6 7 7 4 6 3 3 7 7 7 7 3 7 9 5 5 3 9 9 8 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 4 5 9 6 7 7 8 8 5 8 7 4 3 2 2 4 1 2 8 3 5 3 2 2 3 6 3 8 5 7 5 4 6 2 5 5 8 5 2 3 5 7 7 7 7 6 7 3 6 6 7 5 8 4 7 7 7 7 7 6 4 6 7 6 3 7 5 4 6 5 8 3 8 5 5 8 4 6 7 7 6 6 3 3 2 2 5 6 7 6 8 1 7 7 5 5 4 3 3 3 5 7 2 4 2 2 7 2 5 4 5 3 3 9 4 6 3 3 6 3 6 4 1 4 4 6 2 4 4 4 6 6 3 1 1 6 6 1 6 7 4 6 6 2 1 8 3 1 1 6 6 2 3 3 3 6 3 2 2 7 2 3 6 5 1 1 1 6 6 4 4 2 4 4 3 7 6 4 2 5 6 5 5 7 5 7 5 7 6 6 7 7 2 52 Area 11 Galinsoga quadriradiata Ajuga reptans Ranunculus repens Salix repens Vicia lathyroides Alliaria petiolata Viola odorata Veronica officinalis Dryopteris filix-mas Sedum acre Taraxacum species Lamium purpureum Pastinaca sativa Daucus carota Cladina Geranium robertianum Arabis hirsuta subsp. hirsuta Viola hirta Myosotis ramosissima Rumex acetosella Echium vulgare Plantago lanceolata Cirsium vulgare Verbascum densiflorum Poa annua Taxus baccata Teucrium scorodonia Veronica arvensis Cynoglossum officinale Rumex acetosa Viola species Linaria vulgaris Prunus padus Ste me + S. pa + S. ne Erophila verna Scrophularia vernalis Polygonatum odoratum Lonicera periclymenum Euonymus europaeus Ligustrum vulgare Trifolium repens Geranium molle Cerastium semidecandru Tarax. sect. Erythr. Carex arenaria Quercus robur Populus nigra Verbascum nigrum Anisantha tectorum Knopkruid Kruipend zenegroen Kruipende boterbloem Kruipwilg Lathyruswikke Look-zonder-look Maarts viooltje Mannetjesereprijs Mannetjesvaren Muurpeper Paardenbloem (G) Paarse dovenetel s.s. Pastinaak Peen Rendiermos Robertskruid Ruige scheefkelk Ruig viooltje Ruw vergeet-mij-nietje Schapenzuring Slangenkruid Smalle weegbree Speerdistel Stalkaars Straatgras Taxus Valse salie Veldereprijs Veldhondstong Veldzuring Viooltje (G) Vlasbekje Vogelkers Vogelmuur Vroegeling Voorjaarshelmkruid Welriekende salomonszegel Wilde kamperfoelie Wilde kardinaalsmuts Wilde liguster Witte klaver Zachte ooievaarsbek Zandhoornbloem Zandpaardenbloemen Zandzegge Zomereik Zwarte populier Zwarte toorts Zwenkdravik 3 4 2 4 5 3 2 3 3 3 5 4 5 4 5 7 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 6 5 6 4 1 5 6 6 5 3 3 5 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 5 3 5 5 4 3 5 5 7 6 7 6 6 4 4 3 2 2 2 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 6 5 6 7 7 5 5 5 4 7 7 6 6 7 5 7 5 5 3 7 7 6 7 2 5 3 2 3 6 3 4 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 6 4 5 4 3 5 9 3 3 5 3 4 8 3 3 4 3 3 3 7 3 1 4 3 4 4 6 7 7 6 5 3 5 4 7 6 6 5 6 7 4 6 4 7 3 7 5 3 5 4 2 53 Appendix VIII Overview statistics P. serotina Crosstabs Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent Transect * Viability of stems 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * Type of use 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * Ringed 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * No. of leaves 657 85,9% 108 14,1% 765 100,0% Transect * % Used 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * Viability of stems Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) a 2 ,000 Likelihood Ratio 161,503 2 ,000 Linear-by-Linear Association 146,768 1 ,000 Pearson Chi-Square 150,734 N of Valid Cases 764 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 16,96. Transect * Type of use Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases a 3 ,000 114,516 3 ,000 46,008 1 ,000 102,056 764 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8,06. 54 Transect * Ringed Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- sided) sided) sided) a 1 ,000 Continuity Correction 23,968 1 ,000 Likelihood Ratio 28,583 1 ,000 Pearson Chi-Square 26,025 b Fisher's Exact Test ,000 Linear-by-Linear Association 25,991 N of Valid Cases 1 ,000 ,000 764 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10,60. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Transect * No. of leaves Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square a 34 ,000 164,987 34 ,000 61,950 1 ,000 141,651 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 657 a. 47 cells (67,1%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,40. Transect * % Used Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) a 3 ,000 Likelihood Ratio 51,025 3 ,000 Linear-by-Linear Association 47,758 1 ,000 Pearson Chi-Square N of Valid Cases 48,871 764 a. 4 cells (50,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,42. 55 Crosstabs Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent Transect * Diameter 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * Height 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * Weight of plant 134 17,5% 631 82,5% 765 100,0% Transect * Diameter Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square a 18 ,065 31,042 18 ,028 8,263 1 ,004 27,782 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 764 a. 23 cells (60,5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,42. Transect * Height Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases a 12 ,010 28,754 12 ,004 3,998 1 ,046 26,222 764 a. 10 cells (38,5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,42. 56 Transect * Weight of plant Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) a 26 ,224 38,539 26 ,054 Linear-by-Linear Association ,555 1 ,456 N of Valid Cases 134 Pearson Chi-Square 31,117 Likelihood Ratio a. 47 cells (87,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,46. Crosstabs Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent Transect * % Cover 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * No. of stems 764 99,9% 1 0,1% 765 100,0% Transect * % Cover Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) a 7 ,000 Likelihood Ratio 663,464 7 ,000 Linear-by-Linear Association 263,011 1 ,000 Pearson Chi-Square N of Valid Cases 493,482 764 a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17,39. 57 Transect * No. of stems Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio a 9 ,053 19,587 9 ,021 4,291 1 ,038 16,752 Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 764 a. 11 cells (55,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,42. Univariate Analysis of Variance Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Weight of plant Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares a 11 206,252 13,947 ,000 Intercept 425,799 1 425,799 28,794 ,000 Diameter 69,992 1 69,992 4,733 ,032 Transect 7,695 1 7,695 ,520 ,472 1891,122 5 378,224 25,577 ,000 193,668 4 48,417 3,274 ,014 Error 1804,109 122 14,788 Total 6526,520 134 Corrected Total 4072,881 133 Corrected Model Transectcode Transect * Transectcode 2268,772 a. R Squared = ,557 (Adjusted R Squared = ,517) UNIANOVA Height BY Transect Transectcode WITH Diameter /METHOD=SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT=INCLUDE /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN=Diameter Transect Transectcode Transect*Transectcode. 58 Univariate Analysis of Variane Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Height Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares a 11 140,697 67,464 ,000 Intercept 1219,948 1 1219,948 584,960 ,000 Diameter 1235,970 1 1235,970 592,643 ,000 56,498 5 11,300 5,418 ,000 182,103 4 45,526 21,829 ,000 Error 1568,313 752 2,086 Total 11903,000 764 3115,983 763 Corrected Model 1547,670 Transectcode Transect * Transectcode Corrected Total a. R Squared = ,497 (Adjusted R Squared = ,489) Crosstabs Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Code grazed transects * Viability of stems Code grazed transects * Type of use Code grazed transects * Ringed Code grazed transects * No. of leaves Code grazed transects * % Used Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% 266 34,8% 498 65,2% 764 100,0% 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% 59 Code grazed transects * Viability of stems Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square a 10 ,000 118,287 10 ,000 67,001 1 ,000 104,103 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 324 a. 1 cells (5,6%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4,94. Code grazed transects * Type of use Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square a 15 ,000 75,110 15 ,000 ,221 1 ,638 77,384 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 324 a. 8 cells (33,3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1,39. Code grazed transects * Ringed Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases a 5 ,000 25,984 5 ,000 5,336 1 ,021 23,160 324 a. 5 cells (41,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2,91. 60 Code grazed transects * No. of leaves Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) a 52 ,013 88,861 52 ,001 Linear-by-Linear Association ,231 1 ,631 N of Valid Cases 266 Pearson Chi-Square 77,459 Likelihood Ratio a. 58 cells (82,9%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,15. Code grazed transects * % Used Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association a 15 ,000 101,961 15 ,000 21,923 1 ,000 103,883 N of Valid Cases 324 a. 12 cells (50,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,13. Crosstabs Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Code grazed transects * Diameter Code grazed transects * Height Code grazed transects * Weight of plant Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% 72 9,4% 692 90,6% 764 100,0% 61 Code grazed transects * Diameter Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square 94,978 a 70 ,025 Likelihood Ratio 100,292 70 ,010 11,704 1 ,001 Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 324 a. 65 cells (72,2%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,13. Code grazed transects * Height Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square a 55 ,000 133,967 55 ,000 15,203 1 ,000 126,702 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 324 a. 51 cells (70,8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,38. Code grazed transects * Weight of plant Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases a 80 ,003 105,713 80 ,029 3,540 1 ,060 119,886 72 a. 102 cells (100,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,17. 62 Crosstabs Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Code grazed transects * % Cover Code grazed transects * No. of stems Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% 324 42,4% 440 57,6% 764 100,0% Code grazed transects * % Cover Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) Pearson Chi-Square a 25 ,000 1145,370 25 ,000 185,874 1 ,000 1620,000 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 324 a. 0 cells (0,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5,19. Code grazed transects * No. of stems Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2sided) a 40 ,018 61,138 40 ,017 Linear-by-Linear Association ,142 1 ,706 N of Valid Cases 324 Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio 61,045 a. 44 cells (81,5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is,13. 63 Appendix IX Statistical background short term analysis Crosstabs Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Before or after grazing * Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% 656 91.9% 58 8.1% 714 100.0% 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% Before or after grazing * Height 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% 714 100.0% 0 .0% 714 100.0% Number of stems Before or after grazing * or after grazing * grazing * grazing * Ringed Before Viability of stems Before or after Number of leaves Before or after Diameter Before or after grazing * Type of use Before or after grazing * grazing * Percentage of use Before or after Percentage of cover Before or after grazing * Percentage of cover Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value df sided) Pearson Chi-Square 2.746E2 5 .000 Likelihood Ratio 338.505 5 .000 28.877 1 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 714 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 18.61. 64 Symmetric Measures Asymp. Std. Errora Value Interval by Interval Pearson's R Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. -.201 .035 -5.482 .000c .007 .042 .175 .861c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. Before or after grazing * Percentage of use Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value df sided) a 3 .063 Likelihood Ratio 7.657 3 .054 Linear-by-Linear Association 5.617 1 .018 Pearson Chi-Square 7.280 N of Valid Cases 714 a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .45. Symmetric Measures Asymp. Std. Errora Value Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.089 .037 -2.378 .018c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.089 .037 -2.385 .017c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. 65 Before or after grazing * Type of use Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value df sided) a 4 .000 Likelihood Ratio 27.962 4 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 20.595 1 .000 Pearson Chi-Square 25.857 N of Valid Cases 714 a. 2 cells (20.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .91. Symmetric Measures Asymp. Std. Errora Value Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Interval by Interval Pearson's R .170 .035 4.602 .000c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .170 .036 4.597 .000c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. Before or after grazing * Height Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases df sided) a 12 .441 12.902 12 .376 2.357 1 .125 12.062 714 a. 9 cells (34.6%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .91. 66 Symmetric Measures Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Value Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.057 .038 -1.537 .125c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.051 .037 -1.368 .172c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. Before or after grazing * Diameter Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square df a 17 .044 32.682 17 .012 5.971 1 .015 28.082 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases sided) 714 a. 20 cells (55.6%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .45. Symmetric Measures Value Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.092 .036 -2.452 .014c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.131 .037 -3.516 .000c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. 67 Before or after grazing * Number of leaves Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value df sided) a 13 .000 Likelihood Ratio 57.228 13 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 33.113 1 .000 Pearson Chi-Square 53.607 N of Valid Cases 656 a. 13 cells (46.4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .41. Symmetric Measures Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Value Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.225 .038 -5.901 .000c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.196 .039 -5.106 .000c N of Valid Cases 656 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. Before or after grazing * Viability of stems Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases df sided) a 3 .001 16.466 3 .001 7.902 1 .005 16.017 714 a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .45. 68 Symmetric Measures Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Value Interval by Interval Pearson's R .105 .034 2.825 .005c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .117 .037 3.143 .002c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. Before or after grazing * Ringed Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided) .134a 1 .715 Continuity Correctionb .047 1 .829 Likelihood Ratio .133 1 .715 Pearson Chi-Square Fisher's Exact Test .765 Linear-by-Linear Association .134 N of Valid Cases 714 1 .413 .715 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 21.78. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Symmetric Measures Value Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Interval by Interval Pearson's R .014 .038 .365 .715c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .014 .038 .365 .715c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. 69 Before or after grazing * Number of stems Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square df sided) a 9 .268 12.382 9 .193 2.103 1 .147 11.110 Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 714 a. 10 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .45. Symmetric Measures Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig. Value Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.054 .036 -1.451 .147c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.046 .038 -1.219 .223c N of Valid Cases 714 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation. Component Matrixa,b Component 1 2 Number of stems 0,469637 0,102864 Viability of stems 0,262783 -0,75486 Number of leaves -0,32432 0,73372 Diameter 0,828641 0,261014 Height 0,832632 0,094538 Percentage of use 0,548436 0,346129 Percentage of cover -0,23577 0,410636 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 2 components extracted. b. Only cases for which Grazed non grazed = Grazed are used in the analysis phase. 70 71